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No. 290134[Reply]

>Discuss yuri and GL here
>Discussion of F/F ships outside of strictly GL series is allowed.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but please specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).

This is my first time making a thread because the old GL thread is dead, hope I did okay.

What’s your favorite GL?
284 posts and 117 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404735

Does anyone here know a name of a manga where a girl goes on a vacation or a business trip and falls in love with a woman there. They spend some time together, but the first woman has to return back home. Years later she returns and tries to find her. I read it the beginning a year or two ago, but dropped the manga for whatever reasons. Do any of you know what it was? Thanks in advance.

No. 404757

theyre not real who cares

No. 404814

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No. 404894

You asked why more people don't ship it and it's because most people find incest gross even when it's made up.

No. 404941

Transbian-tier taste

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No. 129780[Reply]

I feel like there isn't enough hate on tropes, so please do it here
486 posts and 85 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404807

Honestly the whole trope never made sense to me. It's either an excuse to absolve all the horrible things the love interest did to the mc or take any differences in opinion and outlook as "enemies" material. They're aren't even at each other's throats, it's petty insults you could come up with as a five year old.

No. 404816

A lot of those "favorite tropes" posts that float around basically just look like this to me, and it makes me seethe every time.

No. 404820

This at least made sense in the lore of the movie, where a toons' success and attractiveness is indicated by how funny they are. The humans don't understand this, so they readily accept the lie that Jessica cheated on Roger and that Roger killed the other man. The movie also touches on the idea that people view Jessica negatively purely because of her appearance.

Obviously it's still a movie made by scrotes, so it panders to the male gaze and such. But at least the characters looking and acting the way they do serves the plot and isn't purely moid artists being moids.

It's because female bodies are viewed as inherently sexual whereas male bodies aren't, it's frustrating. This goes way, way back, basically as long as cartoons have been a thing. Although I kind of have to give Walt Disney a little bit of credit, because both Mickey and Minnie wore only bottoms with no shirt, and neither Donald nor Daisy wear pants.

No. 404823

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Also speaking of cartoons, it annoys me when rabbits are drawn with paw pads. Rabbits don't have paw pads, they have thick fur on the soles of their feet.

No. 404982

Hate when every animal is depicted as either being a cat or dog behaviour-wise. It's not so bad when the animal character in question is something a dragon (like Toothless, who is pretty much a big weird cat), but it annoys me when real animals are 'simplified' in this way when playing around with their actual behaviours/mannerisms would be more fun/interesting and possibly even more memorable. A horse acting like a dog is cheap comedy/writing, for example.

imo 'enemies to lovers' can't work as a plot for a standalone story, it needs to be a relationship arc that takes place over a longer series (and also works better if it's enemies to friends to lovers). I say this because trying to both establish an enemy dynamic in the same book you're going to shift it into a generic romance means that it's going to be pretty toothless and lacking in the background of interactions that makes the change away from enemies more interesting– this trope works better in the realm of fanfic because, even if you don't set up the enemy part of the relationship in the fic itself, it already exists in the canon. You can't rely on that when you're publishing original work, and yet these stories are still written as though they have that backing and investment present in the reader (as if listing the trope is enough).

(the fanfic use of this trope also works better because it's using characters who weren't designed to be romance leads first and foremost, but like supervillains/heroes and shit, so they're more well-rounded and have engaged in activities other than mooning over or shagging each other)

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No. 365047[Reply]

post any image you want here
except AI, that belongs in the containment threads
previous thread: >>>/m/298361
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No. 404675

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No. 404676

Immediately caught my eye on homepage. Would eat it all up 10/10

No. 404677

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No. 404721

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No. 404781

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No. 288308[Reply]

post pics of attractive or even average to cute looking couples whether in real life or art
1093 posts and 720 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404183

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No. 404777

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No. 404778

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No. 404780

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No. 404784

this thread is for cute couples not a couple of crackheads

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No. 294550[Reply]

Post images here that accurately depict your reaction to things that have incited a reaction.
685 posts and 624 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 398545

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No. 398551

He's seeing his precious Ryuunosuke get fucked by another man.

No. 402418

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No. 403291

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No. 404772

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No. 367812[Reply]

Since it's been a popular topic on /m/ lately and other gacha games have their own generals, let's give it its own too!

>favorite boys and SSRs
>favorite hscenes
>favorite ships
>favorite fanart/fanartists
>lore, events, the fandom, and hopes for upcoming content
>flex your SSRs and builds
>swap codes
And anything else nucanu related!

Discussion of other EROLABS BL gacha games such as the upcoming Noctilucent: Before Dawn is also welcome. But please keep normal BL and BL game discussion in the dedicated fujo general.
/fujo/- Yaoi and BL general: >>361298
Mobage general: >>186848
Fujo imageboard: https://fujochan.org/
165 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404020

ugh yes, was just thinking about this, no aster dick on cgs, not sure if they even reference him being hard. He does look younger but so does garu, and aster even had an aged up scene, such a waste there tbh… i hope we get more aster and morvay cards

No. 404199

seriously, why do they keep depriving us of aster cock, i'd think it'd be some risk of being flagged as cp that's preventing them, but then the ssr too?

No. 404736

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Aster cock receipts

No. 404737

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No. 404738

I think i tagged the wrong posts in my reply but im not fixing sorry @ astercock

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No. 349961[Reply]

Containment thread for Brad Dourif fangirling, shitposting, picdumping, and discussion of roles past and present.
Sperg about your favourite Dourif characters, hornypost, show us your fancontent- go wild.

Be nice, have fun, ignore bait.

REQUIRED READING: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25518268/chapters/61911976
Movie Playlist: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxIIC2Ro6jOVgKQhycvsL_KSQ3W-rHmP7

previous threads:
#2 >>>/m/322804
#1 >>>/m/303907
924 posts and 856 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404727

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No. 404728

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lamenting every day that I became a Dourifag too late and can't go through the fansites myself since they're all dead.

No. 405067

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Well done anon, you are a completist. Did you manage to give him any hope?
Victorian anons enjoying the little flashes of arm and leg, attack of the vapors incoming.
>too late
Never give up hope anon, there's always a chance of a comeback. We didn't think we were here, until we were.
Anyway, say your prayers, make your confessions, watch the movies and keep the fire alive.

No. 405145

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Praying the Dourb gives us something good

No. 405146

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No. 390407[Reply]

Post cool bugs, bug-related memes, bugs you saw, ask for help with identifying species etc.

>inb4 kill it with fire

Make your own insect hate thread. We love bugs here.
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No. 404718

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I love lying down at the park and watching dozens of them tear through the sky

No. 404720

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Have seen one of these big babies multiple times by my front door. I keep waiting for it to come back!

No. 404901

Oh my god those are so cute!

No. 404937

I often share food with yellowjackets if they approach me for it. I also have bald faced hornets in my garden and they're friendly.

Never directly handled a bald faced hornet, but handle yellowjackets often. They seem chill. Can handle honeybees also.

No. 404938

Not to sound schizo, but I swear bugs can sense that you're not a bug killer.

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No. 214453[Reply]

Drop funny images here that don't fit other /m/ threads. GIFs are permissible if they make you laugh, but no videos please.

If yours belongs in one of these, post it there instead:
Dumb bitch memes >>195463
Manhating memes >>186908
LC-specific memes >>204843
Tumblr/Twitter posts >>191778
1068 posts and 796 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404396

>cat ears and knee socks as weeb actual girl things rather than tranny things
take me back

No. 404701

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No. 404714

Also known as "Addy's favorite LARP"

No. 404731

Need to go back to this Era. I miss deviantart so much.

Can anons stop trying to bring up this nobody cow in non cow threads that mention old anime/weebs?

No. 404943

I don't like being called out like this

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No. 187564[Reply]

Want to diss some ships? Have any particular tropes you dislike? Annoyed by how the fandom treats certain pairings? Feel free to rant about anything NOTP related here.
982 posts and 235 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403804

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I'd suggest these two from Skip and Loafer since bullying is not involved.

Yeah they're braindead about them and probably enjoy toxic abusive relationships like a dom sub thing. Would also include BakuDeku in the same category as well.

No. 403826

I like this concept… A mixture of negative feelings, a repressed crush and lust is good. But it has to be a little more complex than snotty girl bullying the other with no hints of attraction. Two of the ships in picrel are from literal kiddie media so i assume they're shallow 'teehee dommy gf' wank material for TiMs.

No. 404689

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I don’t usually moralfag but if you like this shit I think there is something fundamentally wrong with you

No. 404695

I like this ship and you are absolutely correct, there is something fundamentally wrong with me kek. But tbh I like it more because I find Silco hot and want to insert myself as Jinx, not because of the implied familial dynamic. So there’s that.

No. 404697

Ok psyop victim

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