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No. 163104[Reply]

Post your wholesome sonic here.
(Sidenote: it's okay to post sonic on /ot/ just don't avatarfag please).
199 posts and 117 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 466639

This is just tinfoil, but I got the feeling Sonic Prime was originally supposed to be a game.

No. 466647

File: 1741136037638.jpg (290.56 KB, 1338x752, 343534.jpg)

could you explain your theory further? I feel like it probably never was going to be a game only because of the disaster that was Sonic Boom.

No. 466654

Nta but watching sonic boom is… an experience… I guess. It's weird, it feels like something that you could post on reels for everyone to watch, all of the episodes are so short that when I tried to watch it, I felt like my attention span was dissipating.

No. 466655

File: 1741137416853.png (1.18 MB, 957x753, 24334534.png)

I was talking about the boom games. The boom shows are weird but not as bad as prime. I love Sticks. She feels like if Alex Jones had to make a family friendly Sonic OC

No. 467170

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No. 199307[Reply]

Post cow pictures here. Real cows, cow illustrations, characters dressed as cows, lolcow related pictures, etc
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No. 461464

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No. 465268

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No. 465366

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No. 467154

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No. 467156

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No. 193441[Reply]

I don't think we ever had one, so here it is!

Discuss the farming sim here, talk about your farm, your (shitty) spouses, mods, game completion, conspiracies, anything Stardew related here
257 posts and 67 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 466290

I love Haley! but I love Abi more kek Elliot is really sweet tho but I gotta admit I always got really close with Shane. I just hate that his "husband area" is full of litter. That´s what´s holding me back marrying him.

No. 466293

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lol i put statues in his area to block the dirtiness, what the hell is wrong with him

No. 467149

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Linus is pissing me off. I used to like him because he is obviously supposed to be likable but I hate a few things about him.
>please dont destroy my tent
Why would you assume that
>I wish the villager would accept me
You decided to be an outcast but you want to be accepted? The villager do actually tolerate him plus Gus gives him food.You can´t be choosing the hobo life but demand to be a part of society.
>washes his dirty ass in the mountain lake
Bitch at least get some soap or shower in the swimming hall? Yea I know it´s not available immediately.
>whiney ass bitch

No. 467194

my thoughts exactly. he wants the whole world to cater to his grimey ass. he simultaneously searches through the trash and says he's OK living the way he lives. he's taking the wole village hostage because if anyone calls him out on his parasitic ways they'll be considered cruel.

No. 467326

I love you nonna you get me

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No. 165118[Reply]

Recommend some stuff for people who are tired of coomer shit being everywhere. You can recommend anything, from music, to tv shows, anime, movies, books, etc. Disclaimer: this doesn't mean media that can't handle adult themes or that it has to be 100% children-only. Just media that doesn't feel gross or icky. Your milleage may vary. If you recommend something try to explain why you liked it.
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No. 466890

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Certain parts of it are very 2012 and ymmv on Greta Gerwig as an actress but I love Frances Ha so much. It's a hopeful and really well-shot film about a young dancer trying to find her place in the world, it tackles elements of sex and romance but nothing is sexualised at all. At its core is the bond between Frances and her best friend Sophie. It used to be on Netflix, not sure if it still is

No. 466973

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Kono Oto Tomare is a really good story about a bunch of teens in their school koto club. Every protagonist has its own story and can dwelve into certain sensitive issues like abandonment, parents being shitty, and so on, but overall the premise is really good, the characters are really interesting and the artstyle super oretty.

No. 467132

>The female characters that do appear all have unique personalities and are treated with respect
That's another thing I liked, personally. Aside from a handful of lechers and assholes in the male cast, the main characters are respectful towards women.
But on the other hand, when I read that post I mostly thought about the Alliance side. It's supposed to be more progressive, both socially and economically, yet there isn't much difference in the roles women have, although the fact that they're allowed in the military and that they can be influential political leaders at least makes it better than the Empire in that regard. And even though it was due to their husbands' power/influence, Frederica and Hildegard did end up becoming leaders themselves.
Even though it takes place in the future, that doesn't mean the author gave the idea of new/more progressive socioeconomic or political systems much thought. For the most part, he just used his own knowledge of history to create a war setting based on that. And this setting seems to align with a "cyclical" theory of history, whether intentionally or not, so it makes sense in context that women in the Empire would be treated the same as they were in the periods that the Empire was based on.
That's not to say that I wouldn't have liked more relevance and more female characters.

No. 467138

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>It's supposed to be more progressive, both socially and economically, yet there isn't much difference in the roles women have
The author has no excuses other than his veiled homolust. The novel was being released at the same time as Gundam Zeta was airing and that show had plenty of female characters and many of them in combat roles.

No. 467142

Yeah, you're right.
Wasn't Tomino interested in left-wing politics around that time? I'm not aware of Yoshiki Tanaka's political leanings. Otherwise, the reason could've been that, maybe, the female characters in Gundam were waifubait. I mean, it was a show for teenage boys, so it'd make sense. Regardless, I don't like comparing the two, because they're very different approaches to the space opera genre.

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No. 17472[Reply]

Dump what you got
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No. 467048

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No. 467053

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No. 467137

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No. 467151

it's beautiful nonni, thank you

No. 467152

>scrote trying to harass a girl with his robot sex doll wife to show how "happy" he is

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No. 401722[Reply]

Discuss manga here.

Previous threads:
#1 >>>/m/186701
#2 >>>/m/289577
572 posts and 196 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 467103

No. 467109

that isn't bara, it's a bunch of melting sticks of butter with the faces of middle schoolers

No. 467118

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Is Tokyo Tarareba Girls Returns worth buying if I liked the original series?

No. 467128

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>no fanservice
to be fair immediately after he was introduced this guy was drenched and exposed. anyway, i wanted to give an overview of Ichi too: i like it, the character interactions are wonderful and the magick system is fun, if chaotic. my main issue is that while it's clearly very well planned out with ok world building it's feeling very much like a fast-paced sideshow with barely any tension or stakes. hoping this might be because the mangaka wanted to establish it as soon as possible to avoid being axed.

No. 467136

>So you mean no beautiful bishie male lead? I'm confused. Do you want an average-looking ML?
No, sorry I should have been more specific. I like shoujo romance manga but specifically hate the trope of the ML being a popular rude guy who is seen as out of the FL's league. It's really aggravating. It's ok if they're popular, just not rude about it. Like a celebrity falling for a fan is good or a kind and princely popular guy.
Namaiki Zakari and Cipher were excellent suggestions thank you.

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No. 432121[Reply]

Post one page (spreads acceptable) of a manga you enjoy to entice others to read it. Good or crazy art is a great way to convince someone! Or maybe you just want to show off awesome art. Please post one page.

Related threads:
Post manga panels you like here
General Manga Thread #3:
Yaoi and BL General:
Anime screenshots:
Mecha thread
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No. 467087

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No. 467129

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No. 467130

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No. 467133

This looks hilarious.

No. 467135

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Yeah, a shame that nobody seems to care about the manga (78 readers on MAL).

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No. 301925[Reply]

For the girls who are monster lovers.

Please post/discuss your fav monster bfs/gfs! It can be from any tv show/movie/book/video game, etc. Or even OCs!
No human males allowed.

Previous thread: >>212213
833 posts and 455 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 463225

He's an oc by ediebitty. His name is Marrow.

No. 463231

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No. 463300

My God Darth Maul is so fuckin sexy my God- canonically hes only 22 (the actor was genuinely only 24) and when I learned that it just made him even better
I've come back to this video a million times the cinematographer lighting person costumer and cameraman all deserve awards for this scene holy shit

No. 465292

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No. 467126

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When ORAS introduced Mega Gallade my heart fluttered seeing how handsome and princely he looks.

He's a plane dragon though I think he should be fine here.

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No. 191778[Reply]

Because /m/ is kill

Prev >>>/m/106870
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No. 465101

it's a parody account

No. 465473

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No. 466750

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No. 467122

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No. 467123

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No. 441672[Reply]

General Video Game discussion, aside from games that have their own threads.
What are you currently playing, what you are looking forward to, favorite games, favorite consoles, gamer set discussion, reviews, praises, complaints, questions, etc.

Other game related threads
Pokémon >>>/m/433494
Animal Crossing >>>/m/194143
Elder Scrolls / Skyrim General >>>/m/225157
Fromsoft >>>/m/405991
Genshin Impact >>>/m/414226
Nikki Games >>>/m/260895
Otome Gaming >>>/m/192885
Kirby >>>/m/237062
Splatoon >>>/m/247501
Stardew Valley >>>/m/193441
Touken Ranbu >>>/m/191809
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488 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 466641

denuvo was removed from ff16. i am going in blind with little to no expectations kek

No. 466898

Anyone playing gw2 and has played asura storylines
How is statics vs synergetics? Both fun and well written?

No. 467081

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Has anyone here played Volcano Princess? Is it a good non-sexualised alternative to the Princess Maker games?

No. 467119

Finished the game last night and I am emotionally constipated
I don't mind what happened to Erika too much, she didn't had too much time left anyways and it was cute she was accompanied by everyone's Digimon so she isn't fully alone.
But what was the nail in the coffin was the scene after that. Her not existing in the new-ish world is ok, but no one (minus the MC) remembering her? Not even the usual "I think I have forgotten something important"? It's like the P3 ending but done bad, and getting a "Yeah everyone's life is happier without you" felt super disrespectful to her considering all what happened.
I usually enjoy bittersweet endings, but this one left a very bad taste on my mouth. Couldn't they made her brother at least remember her and be thankful for her sacrifice?

No. 467121

i remember it mostly being clean, though that might be because i played it like a Victorian nun and avoided darker routes. the one odd thing i noticed is that as a child you can get admirer notes and more is considered a good thing even though it's kind of creepy. i also liked Long Live the Queen a lot.

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