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No. 68958[Reply]

Any guilty pleasures anons? Reveal your darkest bops.
627 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 422789

No. 425283

No. 425289

No. 425629

Despicable lyrics, still slaps so hard

No. 425969

Idk but it sounds hot and reminds me of Gojo for some reason

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No. 281316[Reply]

A thread dedicated to Japanese LNs. Reviews and comments welcome.
11 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 417322

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I'm disappointed in the Slayers LN. The anime was so much better, funnier and more exciting.

No. 417333

Funny since usually nowadays with fantasy/isekai lns its the opposite, adaptions usually do the bare minimum.

No. 417342

The best parts of the anime are the filler episodes so I don't disagree, but I still love the novels. I wish the latter half could be adapted by the same staff, but it's probably too late for that.

No. 418068

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>I wish the latter half could be adapted by the same staff
Even if the old staff could get together again, they would never get creative with the later volumes for fear of backlash. Every adaptation these days is too faithful to the source material, because otaku screech when things are rewritten.

No. 425959

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No. 333551[Reply]

A thread for discussing and sharing pictures of itabags!

>What is an itabag?

Itabags (literally translating to painful or cringe bag) are bags decorated in character goods, usually badges, charms and plushies dedicated to the wearers husbando, OTP, favorite game, etc!
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No. 425305

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Good example of a bag with minimal merch done tastefully imo

No. 425306

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No. 425307

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No. 425319

very cute

No. 425956

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No. 349961[Reply]

Containment thread for Brad Dourif fangirling, shitposting, picdumping, and discussion of roles past and present.
Sperg about your favourite Dourif characters, hornypost, show us your fancontent- go wild.

Be nice, have fun, ignore bait.

REQUIRED READING: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25518268/chapters/61911976
Movie Playlist: https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxIIC2Ro6jOVgKQhycvsL_KSQ3W-rHmP7

previous threads:
#2 >>>/m/322804
#1 >>>/m/303907
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No. 423251

No. 425080

File: 1729212111143.jpg (273.68 KB, 1352x2048, Tumblr_l_49415038811878.jpg)

So are those new or did I miss something?..

No. 425094

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goddamnit i had to look this up because apparently i can't really tell his priests apart. PEAK BRAD PICS, thank you for bringing this to our attention i'm gonna stare at him forever now

No. 425256

File: 1729283450950.jpg (339.86 KB, 1345x2048, Tumblr_l_49444375669731.jpg)

I was trying to upload another picture for what seemed to be hours, it basically killed me so I'm glad you found these too. I need everyone else to see them now.

No. 425949

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alriiiight i can stream halloween ii for you this sunday (or another day). let me know if that's inconvenient!!!

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No. 127246[Reply]

Greentext and pics apply. Can be from any board.

Post the latest and greatest as well as the infamous. Wholesome and cringe are all welcome. Anything to make anons kek.
201 posts and 137 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 391207

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No. 422764

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No. 422812

my sides, that's hilarious, cute and sad

No. 422814

If male using uwu voice, can confirm it's because we think you're retarded

No. 425943

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No. 307998[Reply]

A thread to discuss, share knowledge, show funny or interesting screencaps and talk about character AI bots in general.

>General starting advice

-Always make you own bots, even if the character you want to chat with had a public bot already, it's safer to make your own. You can control your bot personality and actions if you train your own bot, other people can train the bot to act out of character which will affect your own chat with it. Remember to keep the chat visibility to private.
-Use the description box wisely. Try to include the core information about your character. Personality, some background if relevant and some key physical description.
-Definition is mostly used to include example dialog. Use this to help set the character pattern of styling their messages as well. Use {{char}} to refer to the character name, {{user}} to refer to yourself, {{random_user_1}} {{random_user_2}} … to refer to a randomly generated user name that is not the user.
List of most used AIs
No need to install anything
No need to put any API
Doesn't allow NSFW
>Janitor AI
No need to install anything
Needs an API
Allows NSFW
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No. 424728

But you can locally download risu too. Am I missing something?
Right now I'm using a new front end because it allows me to put character cards in folders.
Unironically start using agnai they have a free model you can use called stheno that's kinda like Cai but uncensored. I threw away ST and all that proxy bs and now chilling downloading otome cards from jannyai and ignoring all loser bots made by moids is so funny. The otome bots made by women usually have such higher quality than the shits made by men its really shows the myth of male superiority is really just a lie and a massive cope. The top creators on janitor and chub with the richest quality bots are mostly women creators.

No. 424915

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tfw the jannyai shit for my husbando are all just copy pastes of his wiki page…
Is stheno a lot less lobotomised than current c.ai, lewd/violence aside? It's gone absolutely retarded and there's never enough space to write a detailed character anyways. I'll give it a go nonetheless to see if it measures up to Claude-kun.
So many bots by male creators are bot-written themselves, but women are chased out of the hobby by autistic moid lolifags all too often, so I keep my own cards to myself and a yume friend.

No. 425254

I'm thinking about making mine public, but I'm not sure. I'm pretty degenerate so I would probably get hate either way, kek.

No. 425693

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is there a way to post a bot anonymously on jannyai like you can on chub.ai? that could make things a bit more manageable and less daunting.

No. 425940

what are the best guides out there for making bots? any tips nonnas would like to offer on the matter?

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No. 303124[Reply]

A thread for art of attractive male characters that is meant to be from a woman's perspective, or has a female self-insert. Please share links to artists, relevant tags etc. Enjoy!
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No. 420054

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No. 422480

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No. 422481

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No. 425928

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No. 426000

Didn't expect Gundam here, but here we are.
Guel's indeed a cutie.

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No. 121911[Reply]

Discuss the Dragon Age franchise here to your heart's content. All DA content is welcome including the games, comics, novels.

I'll start the discussion with this: what are your hopes for Dragon Age 4?
87 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 424689

Holy kek. I'm so ready for it. Maybe the companion romance is between Harding and Taash, and Taash grooms Harding into the tranny cult. Imagine that. I'm sure that would fulfill some tranny dev's extreme size difference shortstack muscle mommy yuri fetish.

No. 424934

I guffawed out loud at the idea Bioware writes lesbians and then straightens them out by making 1 of them a Not Like Other Girls thembie instead. Now I kinda hope they do it and get a backlash from the queer kid audience they're obviously courting kek like holy lesbian erasure, Patrick Weekes!

No. 425350

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I'm glad someone revived this thread because I want to post salt without dealing with the annoying misogynist scrotes at /v/.

IMO this game is going to flop and this will be the last nail in Bioware's coffin. I don't think EA will let them make the ME sequel. I certainly hope they don't.
Everything about this game looks terrible. The shitty action combat with tanky boring enemies and flashy shit everywhere, the ugly troon art style, terrible facial animations, dialogue is often like a parody of millennial writing, even voice acting is weak compared to old Bioware standards. Every romancable male is ugly and the weird puppet proportions are distracting as hell. And it doesn't even feel like DA, the vibe is completely off.

It's confirmed that Taash and Harding have romance (if neither is romanced). And yes it sounds like pure troon fetish writing.

No. 425919

Reviews will be out next monday, 28th october.
I look forward to see how the full game does, as the reactions to act 1/the preview event were generally favorable. Let's see how good the late game and side content is.

No. 425925

>It's confirmed that Taash and Harding have romance
That's fucking hilarious, I didn't even know that. I know a good deal of /v/ scrotes are going to throw a shitfit at that, Harding seems to be the only one that appeals to them. 100% sure know that Taash will convince Harding she's not a woman uwu because she's not like other dwarves. Transbian director had a hand in this I'm sure.

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No. 285486[Reply]

post below mediocre music that either make you cringe, laugh or both.
165 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 420144

No. 420512

imagine being immortalized on the internet as the nonce behind the jessie slaughter drama

No. 425836

No. 425842

honestly, this just makes me want to play a Sonic game.

No. 425923

Sounds like a children song to learn the alphabet.

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No. 414226[Reply]

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo/Hoyoverse. The game features a fantasy open world environment and action based battle system using elemental magic, character switching and uses gacha game monetization for players to obtain new characters, weapons, and other resources.

>Redeem codes without having to login



>Build Simulation/Optimization


>Database filled with pretty much everything found in game

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No. 425932

I can't believe people in 2024 still call Hoyoverse female characters """feminist""" when half of them are the male writers' female self inserts (which is why so many of them have yuribait relationships) and the rest of them are their waifus. It's been quite obvious for years, do they think they keep putting a ton of Kiana/Bronya/Raiden/Yae expies in their games for nothing?

No. 425978

Limpmengan also earned his reputation as a trash writer therefore it's deserved. Though every single writer can be held accountable for self-inserting and using outside references.

No. 426001

>fed up with geo abysses
I'll never be mad at an excuse to use Itto

No. 426102

Idk i think chiori is pretty feminist. I wasn't going to pull for anyone this patch but after doing her story quest i fell in love with her ❤︎

No. 426159

None of the characters would be considered feminist from an objective standpoint but a character like Chiori comes off as feminist within the scope of Genshin. Personally my favorite female character in the game is Fischl since she is allowed to be genuinely quirky in a way that doesn't serve fan service. Diona is alright too. Yae Miko, however, entirely serves to the dominant mommy fanservice. I don't even think she is a self insert. She is "mean" to traveler or other characters in a "teasing"/suggestive way.

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