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No. 297793
Previous threads
>>>/m/194814>>>/m/263786What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!
Current news
>Ninomae Inanis had her birthday stream>Everyone but Apricot and IronMouse decided to leave VshojoEN corp>Pikamee is in VshojoJP now>Baelz accidentally leaked her discord and one of the ID/EN hololive servers that had a few 2022 conversations and threads about AmongUs collab and the details about their collab payment.>At least 3 official Hololive discord accounts got leaked>Nijisanji's Asahina Akane graduates 3 days after her new outfit reveal>Ex-NijisanjiEN member Zaion revealed that NijisanjiEN livers get only 1 to 2% from their merch and they don't offer any salary, paying their talents in 'exposure', other than donation cuts>4 Nijisanji ID livers graduatedPlease, let me know if there are any more news to share!
I was debating between Tenma, Selen, and Marine as our OP pics, just to in the end choose Suisei. She is one of the best tryhard women in the Japanese vtuber scene, and I hope you are ok with that! We can create polls for the next OPs if you would like.
No. 297842
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No. 297844
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>>297810Thank you nonna, sorry, I didn't notice the existence of a different thread, but I wanted to dump some info into the OP and let girls shine instead of e-splenda daddies like Vox. No offense to nonnies who enjoy his content, i just prefer different malechubas.
Interesting how despite some anons enjoying the drama aspect of tubing, nobody talked about the Discord server leak of EN/ID, there wasn't too much information, but it still left me curious, as the info about payment for AmongUs collab stream got leaked, and some of the general dynamic too. Not counting the discord accounts too.
No. 298081
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this shit ain’t even funny lmfao he looks like he is cosplaying as him. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery i guess.
No. 298139
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No. 298157
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Ike is doing an ASMR off collab with Vox… on one hand, I don't want Ike to go down the coomer route, on the other I am a shameless fujoshi and if they essentially make us a BL drama CD audio live, I will thank the Lord for this meal.
No. 298178
>>298171I am talking about the picture of shoto his new model, his old model had bigger eyebags (dark circles idk how its called under his eyes).
>>298174Yeah i disliked his second model too, its to bad he doesnt care about the demon slayer theme anymore.
No. 298607
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Any songs you’ve been wanting your oshi to cover? I’m still waiting for that official Plastic Love cover from Sonny and I really want Maria to cover Ageage Again by MitchieM. I want some more classic vocaloid song covers in general cause I’m a huge vocafag, but of course, in asking that, the 700th cover of King will be uploaded instead.
No. 298622
>>298607I don't have a specific vtuber in mind for this, but I wish one of the dumb horny ones would do a cover of a pink guy song. It's absolutely brand suicide and no company would want to associate with pink guy, but the cover just existing would be hilarious.
Other than that, I wish there were more covers of heavier metal stuff. While I don't like Froot, I do like her cover of Sunkiller and I'm patiently waiting for more vtubers to follow suit with that genre.
No. 298829
Is this a place where filthy nijiniggers lick their wounds?
>>298607>>298513Nobody cares thai trannies.
(male) No. 298834
>>298622Vtubers doing metal stuff is great every single time it happens. I really want more 3D performances of metal songs. But you’re right, heavier metal stuff would be a nice breath of fresh air. As for a pink guy song…. I know there’s one person who covered one of his songs but that was before he became a vtuber. Anyone who has the balls to cover his songs in a corpo would get an instant subscribe from me, though.
>>298829Oh, a lost /vt/sperg. Shoo shoo
No. 298978
Why is that scrote sperging so hard?
>>298970It’s so weirdly nasally…. Of course it’s some type of character voice but how do you make the conscious decision to make that your staple trait as a vtuber and launch brigades to bully anyone who has a slightly similar voice in your mind…
>>298838Yeah it probably is metal, but I’m not so sure of its quality. Hakka’s debut had me excited for metal originals but his two songs have sucked ass so far. Hoping Ike can pass my expectations of half good. If not, there’s always Futakuchi Mana who has pretty great Metal stuff under her belt.
If you guys know about any other metalhead vtubers, please tell me.
No. 298981
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Akirose making me think of board-tan here
No. 298984
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>>298981I actually really like the merch, despite not watching Aki. Would get picrel if i could.
No. 298988
>>298981Aki is a
terf confirmed.
No. 299127
>>298981If she wears anything cow print I'll sub.
>>298984Also, this is really cute. I'm used to mugs or hoodies/t-shirts, but never this. How useful.
No. 299304
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>>299302What the fuck…
>>299298Yeah his voice sounds extremely screechy sometimes and the way he over enunciates words leaves a lot to be desired. The composition, mixing, and everything else that went into the song is genuinely impressive, though.
No. 299316
>>299304Oh, noo a woman in vt.
I am not her, I just can’t hear the troonism. I heard women with way more manish voices.
No. 299372
>>299245I thought I was the only one that thought his voice ruins the songs cause no one will say it in comments kek I love him cause he's chill and does his own thing which seems like a rarity in niji lately but I find his voice annoying. It's not too bad while he's talking because I can delude myself into thinking it's just his normal voice but while singing it sticks out too much. His Chronos cover in particular would sound so good if he could somehow "improve" his tone and didn't have to sound like he's putting on a cute voice while holding notes.
I'm also wondering if this really is his real voice but I feel like keeping up an unnaturally high voice for so long would be too hard on his throat tbh Regardless I'm glad he's doing what he likes and improving what he can. I hope he can inspire some others in his company that promoted themselves as singers but are doing no singing whatsoever kek
No. 299375
>>299304>2 trannies on one screencap/wvt/ is really full of nothing but self-posting trannies for at least a year now.
I despise vtubing market sometimes because i see vtubers be extremely desperate for any glimpse of clout. Literally saw a woman have a stream where she ate a condom after getting 10 followers and spent all stream writing people's usernames on a menstruation pad. Why?
No. 299422
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I love Altare
No. 299433
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>>299422Axel is retarded (in a cute way)
No. 299464
>>299373Why does it matter so much if others believe he’s bi to himself ? His fans all believe him so I don’t see the issue.
Also his emphasis on saying he likes feminine boys instead of feminine men was low key weird.
Also why tf would you use your porn preferences to prove you like men ?!?! God just say a male celebrity caused your bi awakening or something.
No. 299532
>>299489how do you know they broke up lol
>>299490I preferred her streaming without a model tbh, but I guess she gotta get that gender euphoria from somewhere
No. 299545
>>299532>>299542Also confirming that I saw the tweets around the time Alban debuted. He broke up with her pretty much immediately from what I could tell, and she was vaguing about how they had planned their lives together, how they had committed themselves to each other, only for him to drop her over a job opportunity.
Not sure if that was just her being especially upset about it in the moment since another nonna said they parted on good terms.
No. 299557
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>>299519damn. i feel bad for her.
No. 299629
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Why does he consistently joke about his mom finding his horny shit.
Like didn’t he just make the same tweet about his mom finding his cow lingerie a couple weeks ago.
This poor women seeing her son’s degenerate shit, he can’t even go on a trip without bringing a fleshlight.
No. 299687
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I'm not sure how many like the idol side of Hololive, but for the ones that do and don't want to download entire gigabytes of video from Nya (or are just curious about it) here are the entire 2 days of the last HoloFest in high resolution separated by performances: favorite one was the HoloX main theme ( all those purple colours were so pretty. The penlights add so much fun to the experience… I wish I could experience one of these one day, but travelling to Japan is so expensive…
No. 300035
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Sage for rambling but now that I learned about Alban's, Luca's, Mysta's coomer behaviour I can't stop seeing it in every niji male. Vox and Fulgur are both only women pandering streamers, Vox for the yumes and Fulgur for the fujos (more of an "I'm like you" fudanshi than creating his own ships) but I kept getting recommended Vox clips of him talking about porn and his degenerate sex taste. He says he likes "facefuck" as if that isn't just using a woman as a fleshlight. Then he slaps the listener in his asmr streams like that's ever normal. It's not even a sexual act like spanking the ass. Then Fulgur comes in and before he even lets his viewers hear his voice he joins different female streamers with loli voices fake crying like babies. If even his faggot ass is chasing after pedo bait, I'm starting to not trust any male streamer ever. Aster is already a coomer, now I'm waiting for Doppio to fuck up. If Doppio who only ever made content for women's enjoyment also does something degenerate I'll lose all hope. I want to change oshis after Selen turned menhera and was eyeing Aia apart from the moids I now gave up on but she's kinda boring. I don't know who to give a chance to because even Enna panders to shizos sometimes. I wish moids disappeared from the scene so we could be just women enjoying each other's content.
No. 300077
>>300035Hey nonna, I kinda feel the same way as you do. I am a Niji fan, but the state of the company lately has made me completely disillusioned. Still, there are some members I still try to catch every now and then.
For JP, I still really like Kanae. He's very down to earth, chill, focuses on his games, and isn't weird with his chat or other members.
For EN, Ike Eveland is still the only guy I really care about. He DEFINITELY has some questionable shit going behind the scenes, but at the very least he doesn't put it out there. Though I've heard Sonny is also quite nice to watch.
For the girls, I will always support Selen Tatsuki even if she becomes menhera. She is too much like us for me not too. But I have also enjoyed content by Nina Kosaka (she has really grown the past half year), Maria Marionette (very relaxing and doesn't pander to fanservice at all) and I still like Pomu Rainpuff even if she is the quintessential idol member.
Honestly though, I've been watching way more of Tempus2 than anything else. Bettel is just TOO GOOD and too entertaining a showman. Him and Magni's collabs are great.
If none of this works for you, maybe it's time to consider following indies and smaller streamers?
No. 300104
>>300086a grifter and a leech, also tries very hard to sound black. honestly he just pisses me off a his collabs with enna too ,i hate enna aswell ever since her
le epic win on the channers and her being a nepo baby whos openly a pedo
No. 300112
>>300066>>300077I liked Shu and Ike at first but Shu streams so little I forgot he existed kek and with Ike, I like his cozy vibe but I feel like he doesn't add much to the games he's playing. It doesn't feel much different than watching anyone else play, he's really good at some games which makes him a great watch for games I don't want to play myself though.
>>300080To be honest I agree with you, the freedom seems nice but it comes at the price of not being supported by the staff for anything. I wonder if the gamer wave is later than their usual schedule because some decided to dip out.
One of the rumored guys liked and rted Zaion's tweet and the other corpo girl that dissed the 2% thing>>300082I'll give him a chance, I didn't keep watching him because of his awkwardness for streaming at first. It's nice that he's chill about games because I despise men who throw tantrums at games so much lol
>>300086Kyo is not a coomer and shows bafflement at how shameless others are about their degeneracy. He was funny at first but his humor became repetitive to me. It mostly comes from him reacting "pause- pause- oh my gaa" to funny things rather than making the jokes himself.
>>300104I got the impression that he was raised in a mostly black neighbourhood for some reason? I remember him alluding to something like this but I can't remember exactly what he said. I never heard of Enna being a nepo baby though nona, can you elaborate?
No. 300158
>>300037I watch Niji JP males a lot and as far as their content goes, no, they don't act like degenerates at all. Even with things like ASMR and fanservice, they don't take things too far. This also means a lot of 'pandering' they might do (whether it's yume or fujo) isn't as forced as EN pandering can get.
>>300066>Kuzuha called Himawari a slampig onceDo you have a clip of this? I don't feel like he'd use strong language like that, he always talks about being scared of getting flamed/cancelled. Also while on this topic, I'd say in general Kuzuha is one of the least coomer males, he always avoids any sexual topics and usually ignores dirty jokes too.
No. 300181
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I don't watch much vtubers these days, but Magni makes my heart soft. He just seems like a nice and genuine dude. Iirc, he's dating a woman irl but he's bisexual so his pandering doesn't feel too forced. Honestly I hope his irl romantic relationship is happy and fulfilling.
No. 300187
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What do you think of Pomu Rainpuff?
No. 300191
>>300077I still don't get why so many women like Kanae. He straight up
victim blamed a woman who said she's sick of being used for sex and said it's because of the way she dresses. And he just gives off weird vibes because of his playboy image tbh.
No. 300237
>>300191No offense but this feels like the kind of post I'd see on /vt/, everything about it is wrong.
>He straight up victim blamed a woman who said she's sick of being used for sex and said it's because of the way she dresses.When? The one time people tried to 'cancel' him it was because people kept trauma dumping in SCs and when someone brought up being molested he said he can't give advice as he hasn't experienced anything like that.
He doesn't push a playboy image at all either, if anything it's the opposite. He tends to be respectful and considerate whenever he collabs with women, while he keeps the occasional dirty jokes and acting flirty to solo streams and his interactions with guys.
No. 300256
Thoughts on Kenji ? I think he’s one of the few vtubers who’s actually funny and doesn’t use middle school humor. However in some of his reaction videos his incessant need to make fun of the way some women look is annoying.
But I could be overreacting. No. 300265
>>300035This so much. I just want male vtubers catering to women, but almost all of them turn out to be absolute degenerates. I've been more into female vtubers lately for this reason. I lean more towards males, but the more they pander to yumes, the more of a sex pest they are irl.
I wish there was someone like Vox that knew being a coomer irl is actually a huge turn off, but I guess that will never happen considering Hex is following into his footsteps and succeding financially
No. 300307
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>>300300Samefag but this is the video I saw which is more extreme and explains my frustration with Kanae The translation here is a bit off as he says easy instead of whatever censored word is shown here but the fact that he said to wear less revealing clothing to a woman concerned with being used for sex remains.
No. 300310
>>300307Ah, I always avoid this clipper (they mistranslate things a lot, their most viewed clip is mistranslated as well), so I never saw this translation before, that's pretty bad. He never calls the viewer easy/a slut and he uses more polite language overall, though the comment about wearing less revealing clothes is still off putting. This video definitely gives a way worse impression though, I have seen the other clip before and I didn't take it as him shaming the girl at all.
Sorry if my initial post came off as rude, I see people post misinfo or mistranslations a lot when it comes to JPs and I do tend to get annoyed by it.
No. 300349
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Plugging my oshi Amiya Aranha here as there always seem to be anons looking for female vtubers tolerable for female audiences.
She's a noncoomer (really sweet and wholesome) variety streamer who focuses mostly on music, retro games, and art in multiple mediums. I mostly watch her for the art and retro games! One of the earliest memorable streams for me is watching her create her own neocities site on stream, along with her picoCAD stream… I always feel like she's trying new and creative stuff and it's fun watching her apply herself to learn new skills.
Sorry for sperging a bit, I just really love her.
No. 300351
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>>300349Another as I just find her so adorable…
That being said, if any other nonnas know of relatively wholesome female vtubers who have unique content or do retro game streams, please let me know!
No. 300354
>>300158You say this and yet Akina (genuine shotacon) and Kenmochi (genuine lolicon) are a couple of the most prominent Niji JP males…?
And just off the top of my head, I've heard a bunch of them talk about their preferences in porn on stream: Kanae, YashiKizu, Chaika, Rikiichi, Maimoto, Genzuki, Kaida, Lauren, etc.
I'm not trying to bash you but lets be real and face the fact that if you're watching a male, you're watching a male regardless of what branch they're from.
No. 300445
>>300391NP! I hope you have a good time!
(Taking the chance to plug one of my favorite covers by her, too)
No. 300483
>>300354You're not wrong, however I don't expect them to never bring up anything sexual at all (even if it would be nice if they didn't), just to not be complete degenerates about it and keep it to appropriate places, such as solo streams.
I say this as someone who stopped watching NijiEN men because most of them act like complete coomers and even have a lot of their humor focus on it, so far NijiJPs have been far more bearable in my opinion.
No. 300694
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samefag but I've decided to share my list of metal/hardcore vtubers because I love them :)
keep in mind, most of them are vsingers so most likely there isn't a ton of clippable content. has uploaded some covers to spotify, her voice is amazing :) puts up with no coomer business. she needs to stop fighting with people on Twitter all the time, but she's my oshi so I find it endearing. isn't necessarily a metal vsinger but she does collab with mana a lot.!!! I love Mari a lot and her voice is so powerful artist I found thru ennas Twitter. her mixing is p awful but she's a talented artist and singer. necessarily a metal vsinger either, but her voice is very powerful and her growls are amazing. coomerbaity for me but she is really good at guitar 2view! his screams are really good. idk what else, i searched for some more metal vtubers for this post. does a ton of instrumentals for some metal vtubers
I've done way too much research for this stupid post so I hope you like it nonnas!
(:)) No. 300736
>>300516It comes from the fact that a lot of vtubers, especially males, grew up chronically online and have the "internet humor" that really only makes sense if you know every single meme in existence since 2009 (and find them funny)
>>300694Thanks for the list nonna. I already knew Maria since she's niji and I love her singing. Also have been watching her streams sometimes, they're nice.
>there isn't a ton of clippable contentI feel like this is a good sign at this point. Whoever I started to watch after seeing their clips turned out to have streams that have hours of unbearable unfunny content and two seconds of funny content. Now I'd just rather watch someone be chill than try to be funny every moment.
also don't use smilies next time /vt/nonna. You'll get banned for it here No. 300849
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Well nonna, have you watched Furuya Mari?
No. 300859
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So, how does a male vtuber pander to female fans without acting like a coomer exactly?
Why is it acceptable when (JP) female vtubers act horny on stream?
No. 300860
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No. 300869
>>300859I mean, I don’t like constant horniness from female vtubers either. It gets annoying when a streamer of either sex can’t go one second without sperging about their fetishes or moaning into the mic or making raunchy jokes. For me, it shows that they don’t really have much of a personality out of their sexuality and can’t come up with funny quips that aren’t “HAHA I WANT FUCK”. It’s very easy to pander to a female audience without being overly raunchy, and that’s by doing BFE, being unabashedly cute no matter how uncomfortable male viewers get (yknow, cute anime boys doing cute things), talking to your viewers about female-oriented topics (I like when guys sperg about shoujo and otome), doing fanservice, etc. It’s possible to do those things without being raunchy, and if a guy can’t figure out how to do those things without doing so, that’s a skill issue.
No. 300877
>>300869>For me, it shows that they don’t really have much of a personality out of their sexuality and can’t come up with funny quips that aren’t “HAHA I WANT FUCK”.Seriously, it shows a lack of skill and effort when your entire persona is centered around sexual pandering. The majority of the human populations experiences sexual compulsion, there's no unique quality to this kind of content at all aside from your avatar and voice maybe ticking off the boxes of somebody's type. I honestly this this is why so many coomerbrained vtubers who don't bring anything else to the table are so mentally ill. It's just not healthy for your self-perception or sustainable.
>>300873Yeah, I don't like it when Marine is coomery, either, but I've still watched a fair bit of her because she still shows a level of maturity befitting her age and brings other things to the table. And she's aware of what she's doing since being a burikko is part of her persona. When she talks about oldass memes and projects she's worked on prior to the Hololive era, I see a lot of passion and effort towards otaku culture that's just endearing.
I think a comparable opposite in the JPsphere for me would be, like… Gundou Mirei. There's very little substance there. She's not very nice to others, looking at all of the falling-outs she's had. And she's been proven to be a chronic liar when it comes to her more unique traits.
The same would apply for men if I didn't consider them an inferior sex that I refuse to watch regardless of content.
No. 300892
>>300884It really is sad. I can only think of a few who I really enjoy. That are still remaining.
I knkw that the person behind him was a troon, but I wish we'd get more people geared towards utilizing the medium for its narrative potential the way Mayuzumi Kai did. Another existing vtuber who I also like for taking good advantage of the medium is the small indie Picky channel, but I find her sort of unwatchable despite having good content and high-effort solo branding because her audience is filled with troony coomers.
No. 300927
>>300869Exactly why I'm excited for
Kooji VA to be in the new wave. I hope en men don't poison him too and he can keep doing bfe without adding coomer shit into it. Viewers asking sexual question also makes them think that's what the audience wants so I hope all the vox and hex viewers stay in their lane.
>>300915When did she say that?
No. 301021
>>301015That’s a lot more tolerable than shoving sex jokes and raunchiness into your viewers’ faces all the time, or at least it is for me.
I feel like this thread will have 50000 results of the word coomer by the time we hit post limit again.
No. 301043
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>>300849>Doesn't interact with her Tsunderia mutuals>Plays on easy mode for 19 streamsThe past is one thing but being a lacking streamer is another
No. 301116
>>300927I really don't want to search through every clip she has talking about doujins but it was something along the lines of
>every doujin has me being dominant or enjoying it, I want to see a doujin where I get taken advantage of and used!She also happily chatted with Matsuri about loli doujins
No. 301376
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Another day another vtuber being a degenerate, the character she’s talking about is most likely 17.
No. 301392
>>301390There are so many other
valid reasons to shit on Bao that don’t hang this low, like her shit singing and her constant drama baiting in situations she has no relevance in.
No. 301394
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>>301392I think donated money being stolen is
VALID enough reason for milk go back to twitter retard
No. 301396
>>301394I didn’t say that wasn’t
valid milk. I said that the twitter post about the Spider-Man character wasn’t. Can you read? What the fuck does my post have to do with Twitter? Jesas.
No. 301411
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>>301377nah if you actually read through a lot other vtubers like saruei, onigiri, hannah, vienna, and others spoke up about being scammed by the same guy. can't find the tweet and clip again, but there was another indie who said she was strung along for months only to receive just 30 draft frames of animation which was generic magical girl transformation and was ghosted
No. 301478
>>301376I don't know, sounds based as fuck to me, though if I were her I'd be less explicit about it, so the scrote audience can't get any weird ideas.
>>301477Nta but there was moralfagging over the character (possibly) being 17. What other reason could you have to do that other than you think any woman who thirsts over a fictional character who might be a few months below 18 must be a pedophile? If you don't think that then why bring it up?
No. 301522
>>301516Can’t find her vod for it, but god damn.
>3:27:00 Is she genuinely mentally ill? That’s so awkward.
No. 301777
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Thoughts on new Maglord?
No. 302570
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>>302087LMAO, fanartists are fully committed to profiting off of chuubas, even it they're well off enough to not need the extra cash.
It's a shame that Ina isn't allowed to block people. The whole subculture would implode on itself overnight if she could.
No. 302898
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Noctyx second outfits. Apparently the concept was kpop idols at an airport. Random ass theme but they could just make them wear casual outfits lol I don't even know how Alban's outfit fits the theme with the apron. It looks good without the apron though. Uki's outfit is better only while seeing his top half and I can understand why Fulgur was bitching about his outfit in the members stream. I thought it was okay at first but the more I look at it the uglier it gets. The pink is just too weird. Sonny fits the theme but his old hair is better, the outfit is okay. Alban didn't show his full body I think so he has someone's edit of the different versions lol
No. 302983
Unnamed release an orisong, it's pretty good.
I'm glad she's doing fine after niji No. 303041
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This is genuinely such a strange response, male anime fans have zero respect for women, they’ll even sexualize their own mothers.
No. 303042
>>302983ah.. releasing the song right after Yugo was “erased” from Noctyx’s new key visual
I like the song tho
No. 303067
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Out of all the crazy shit that Gundou has said and done in the past, it's completely wild that this was the straw that broke the camels back. What the fuck is up with Enikara these days?
No. 303101
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>>303095Thought it was retarded in March when the news broke out, still think it’s retarded now, can’t really figure out why Japanese baseball fans were mad other than an important match happened for Japan that they won and then Gundou made this tweet.. all that machine translation is telling me is that they took the tweet literally and thought she was mad about Japan winning or something and wanted them to get knocked out. I don’t know…. Japanese netizens are incomprensible. I think it was baseball fans mixed in with the schizos from suki-kirai that made this such a big deal, and then Niji wanting to save face with their baseball sponsorships instead of keeping her around. Maybe any of you that know the runes can decipher this article on the situation No. 303384
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>>303341Who knows really. Judging from what I've seen of their interactions these past few months they seem pretty close, I think Bettel had even made a joke referencing her during his debut stream. Do we know if Froot is still living in the UK? I would've assumed that in the case that they're still dating they'd at least be in a long-distance relationship but according to picrel Bettel doesn't plan on traveling there anytime soon, if ever again.
No. 303435
>>303397I don't mind Bettel being in a relationship but I do mind it being with Froot.
>>303384I am hoping the discord interview is relatively old and that this chatlog is new so that hopefully means they've broken up.
No. 303443
>>303349Who cares. Scrotes want to date some jirai cheater chan then they already accept the terms and conditions. All of these moids would cheat if they had the opportunity and I bet my house a bunch of them already have history of cheating. The only thing holding these moids back was the fact that they were all unfuckably ugly most of their lives.
>>303434Bayzed. /vt/ pickme’s act like bitter mothers-in-law, get cucked.
No. 303451
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>>303439I've heard about it being lies but when I look it up in eng and in jp I can't find any clear sources or expose pieces, though it might just be that it happened so long ago it got eaten by the algorithm and everything is about her graduation right now. I did find this on 4chan though. Also found a jp clip of her being rude towards cheap superchatters and the comments were talking about how they found her
toxic and distasteful.
No. 303481
>>303434t. Froot
>>303443t. Froot samefagging
(hi cow) No. 303485
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>>303443Get better bait retard
No. 303744
File: 1687360141900.png (4 KB, 328x150, gamer.png)

Gamer wave incoming. The rumored members were
>Kooji VA
>Issei Kai
>some league dude I forgot the name of
First three aren't even gamers so it's just a regular wave if it's true
No. 303745
>>303726i mean the only vtuber who openly has said she visits vt boards is pippa? i dont think many vtubers would like to mention they visit the
le twansphobic site. i would like to know your name but thats against the rules.. but im hoping for your success nonna!
No. 303758
>>303745If it's here, I've seen a few people posted here in the vent thread about it.. Unless it's all the same person.
As for /vt/, it's safe to say a lot of EN vtubers, big or small visit /vt/. A lot of them it's by accidental screenshots of their search history or most visited website.
No. 303762
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>>303744If they turn out looking like this, they’ve already gotten leaked months ago on 4chan.
No. 303863
>>303814>>303854LuxeVtuberI brought it up bc a friend of mine got taken advantage by him and she highly suspects that he got into niji after he graduated two months after having a 2.0 debut along with his vtuber mama having a lot of network connections with ppl that had worked with niji like hodusae. It really sucks to see the moid get better opportunities while my friend suffered.
some minor milk
>was a normie ffxiv streamer turned into a byf experience shoto-wannabe (even copying the demon hunter theme)>is implied to be in love with his vtuber momma (who's already in a relationship with someone else) >has an army of handmaidens to the point of commissioning art himself with them. >mutuals with a lot of big name vtubers like shoto, Merryweather, jae, etc.>openly talked shit about his fans in a past stream with his vtuber momma>allowed a few number of his vtuber friends to dominate the conversation within his server>a lot of his original supporters left thanks to the handmaidens turning it into a thirstbait cesspool>there was definitely some social hierarchy bs going on with the handmaidens that they can be cows themselves. His lore writer was in a callout document No. 303879
>>303866True, but some fans also need to stop drinking the vtuber koolaid. If someone only needs to do one bare minimum stream a week, and gets showered with thousands of superchat donos, why are they gonna do more than the bare minimum?
I wonder if a lot of top vtubers are basement dwellers who don't have much need for money anyways, if they aren't into things like traveling the world or luxury clothes.
No. 303884
>>303762 like the top right backed out or was fired earlier on.
>Vezalius Bandage>Vantacrow BringerThe names suck… as always. "Yu Q. Wilson" is relatively normal though.
(this is an imageboard. post caps) No. 303888
File: 1687394056365.png (6.24 KB, 645x169, js5ryhxder6kyr4.PNG)

nonas i cant. he's already trying to farm the parasocials with that toilet paper emoji too. im dying.
No. 303893
>>303744Post from May 25th on /vt/:
If people are leaking aruvn from the gamer wave. Let me leak the other 3. Issei Kai, Kooji and Anklespankin. Out of the 4, only ankle is a gamer but only for league, the others are like shoto lite. It will be heroes themed with medic, expert and tyrant as the other three that goes along with legend. Say thanks to the gamer wave for not keeping their mouth shut and telling people. Debut will be around June 25th. from June 14th on /vt/:
new wave next week, will be hosted by mysta and rosemi. It will be 3 members and they will be the gamer wave but none of them are really gamers and are variety streamers. Originally there was supposed to be a league streamer but he and two other people got fired and that was why the wave got delayed. The designs are guy with bandages, guy with yellow hair and guy with face scars. They will be the hero counter wave to Japan's heroes wave. It's too bad that they recruited new members that end up leaking stuff more than any other wave. a post saying that there were apparently leaks regarding the wave back in March on Nyfco. What an actual fucking disaster if any of this is true.
No. 303895
>>303893>Originally there was supposed to be a league streamer but he and two other people got firedSo was these originally supposed be a wave of four or of six? Whatever the case, thank god the number was lowered.
Enikara really needs to start focusing on quality rather to quantity. Though… that's not to say that quantity doesn't always equal quality, but the days of debuting lots of livers at once like SEEDs or the OG generations just doesn't work anymore. The environment of vtubing back in 2018-2019 is far from the one we have now. If anything, it would be nice if Enikara debuted groups the way they did with Ex-Gamers. Just slowly debuting two to three livers at a time to create a larger group would be nice.
No. 303933
>>303863I can't tell if you started it (because /vt/fags hang around here) or others have reason to notice a 10ccv vtuber going missing too but everyone seems to agree that Vantacrow is
Luxe. Just spelled his name for the first time cause I was busy checking out the French guys lol
No. 303963
>>303863if he is in the new wave, just proves that niji are terrible at vetting their vtubers. hope your friend gets justice
>>303910i don't know his past life, so if he stopped the bf asmr thing immediately after he got a girlfriend, then i'd give him the benefit of the doubt. otherwise, im giving him the side-eye him just like i do with others who enable the girlfriend or boyfriend experience
No. 303968
>>303963They've been dating since at least 2021 if I remember correctly. He's been doing it since 2017, so either he started while dating or he's just kept it going when they started dating.
He was 17 in 2017 though, so I don't know if dating since then is that possible Though his streams weren't bfe, just his asmrs which were usually yandere characters rather than himself if that changes anything
No. 304013
File: 1687435027269.png (2.25 MB, 4158x9796, 1687428613572426.png)

>>303893This image is being posted on /vt/ too about the leaks. Most of the image is just garbage from antis, but the first and last post are the most important. Also lmao at vtuber designs being so generic and ugly nowadays that computers think they're all AI generated.
No. 304054
>>303863At this point niji seems to hire only 2 types of people: those that are already vtubers no matter how low their ccv is, or people they scouted that have no idea what even a vtuber is.
Holo has its own issues but at least they seem to be decent at vetting their talents.
No. 304073
>>304054To be fair though, it’s nice to have some streaming experience beforehand. Might as well be nijinepotism since it’s pretty clear that the new and possibly future livers are gonna be handpicked from the elira clique and associates. It makes me feel sad for the other aspiring livers that genuinely love what they do.
>>303933I’m curious to know who the other anon that has figured out it was him. All the info that I’ve provided was from my friend’s firsthand experience with him. I just want to vent how I’m tired of moids that creep on other female vtubers get only get a slap on their wrist while the others silently suffers. I wonder if any nonnies have similar experiences with moid vtubers that gets away with crossing boundaries with their fans?
No. 304164
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>>304157Thought it was some schizo trying to throw heat onto Aruvn at first, but found this on Vox’s nyfco page, a post from all the way back in March. I don’t know who the fuck else would go by Alv and why the hell he would use something so similar sounding to his professional name to leak shit, but hey, it does line up with his abrupt return in April. He seems like an actual retard.
No. 304336
>>303726I just started recently
nonnie! Maybe one day I'll catch you out in the field
No. 304545
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>>303888Oh it's even worse. How did it get more cringe
No. 304547
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>>304545i hate myself so i scrolled through. awkward if he does have a gf.
No. 304567
>>303863I really hope this nonna comes back and can confirm whether or not this is him
I like him so far, though
No. 304582
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So, what's your opinion on the new Niji wave?
No. 304659
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How do people feel about ShyLily seeing as we've talked about Bao? Personally I think she's really clever, plays her character well to pander to moids but is still wholesome and knows that moids deserve to be extorted big time. She's prominent enough that Veibae who has mild cow or at least snowflake energy, is really jealous of her and accuses her of copying her.
No. 304677
>>304545"Have you ever tried bandage"
your English reps, Vezalius…
No. 304678
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>>304659Shylily yeah no. Her whole personality is
look at me boobs No. 304733
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Idk if this is an unpopular opinion, but I actually like Amelia. She snaps at men and talks about fish tanks.
No. 304843
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Nina Kosaka from NijiEN is graduating …….my roguelike sis…………………….I will miss her for her character development and constantly improving content output even though she thinks she was falling behind the rest of EN.
No. 304872
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So I just came across this jpg, and I know Nyanners, Froot and Hime are 100% correct, can anyone confirm the other 3? Preferably with link/proof?
No. 304887
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>>304843I am genuinely upset by this, Nina was one of the few girls in NijiEN who I felt was genuine. She didn't do that stupid anime-loli voice, she played some really cool games, wasn't obsessed with sex constantly. Even if she had a yab arc she really improved and progressed as a person. I hope I'll be able to find her if she reincarnates, I'd love to support her as an independent streamer.
>>304873Leaker has mentioned it's going to be Shu who is the next to graduate. And if it is, that is going to look very bad on the company…
No. 304900
nyfco is down again just like back during yugo graduation…. sadge
>>304898i wouldn’t be surprised if it’s aruvn again lol. apparently he was the one to leak the 2% thing too. i also think mysta is a goner too he’s been acting hella passive aggressive towards his fans and anycolor
No. 305002
>>304887>ShuI've been thinking that he's too lazy but if he ends up reincarnating and doing stuff like karaoke, covers, etc then it'll be proof enough to me that NijiEN has some internal shit going on that makes the livers not want to do anything. It's hard not to compare the opportunities they get to the ones in the neighbour company get.
>>304896>her coworkers seemed to not like her that much eitherThere was this clip of Fulgur telling Nina to shut up and being pretty hostile towards her and everyone was praising Fulgur about it and thought it meant every liver hates her and only Fulgur speaks up. I took it as Fulgur being his usual self who is extremely influenced by 4chan and nyfco cause he reads it all day. We won't exactly know what went on but she has a positive impression on her coworkers now at least. The nyfcofags also turned their opinion on her around last I checked.
No. 305021
>>305002I just remember watching a stream where everyone was going around talking about what they liked about the Nijisanji members and I remember when they got to Nina, Millie struggled to find much to say and just said she's supportive
outside of streams (she emphasised the outside part). I never got the hate for Nina but at that moment I did feel like her co-workers didn't like her as much as I thought? But the other stuff people took as proof of her co-workers disliking her is pretty stupid
No. 305032
>>304896>>305026tbh I think they used to not get along in the beginning but it changed over time: if you saw the stream Nina did after she announced the graduation, the other Ethyria girls actually said this. They said that they had a rough start together but they felt like because they overcame their differences they felt stronger as a group, Millie and Reimu were full on sobbing talking about their best memories together as a group.
Early on, there was a thing where the other Ethyria girls would have private calls together that excluded Nina, presumably because the other three all knew each other beforehand and also probably just didn't get along as well with Nina yet. But then months later Millie said that the first time she met Nina irl at a con she was nervous things wouldn't go well, but then Nina ended up being extremely mature and kind towards her and they got along the best irl out of all of the others there.
Just purely my opinion as a fan, but I think early on Nina may have been overly eager or even aggressive with the others, either out of ego or trying to prove herself, but then over time self reflected and became more humble. She has openly talked about how getting hate made her want to do better and become stronger, I think the "bitch catalogue" was probably a shock to her and made her want to change because I feel like for nearly the past year she has been very mellow and I haven't seen any new public issues with her. Honestly I respect her for it and am sad to see her go and wish her the best.
No. 305297
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Any of you knew that Vesper is having a whole entire new model revealed along with a new mama? How do you guys think it’s gonna turn out?
No. 305315
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>>305297>>305309I feel bad for his mama too. The company should have gone for an experienced vtuber designer, or given feedback (and more money) to guide the artist to make it fit for a vtuber. I don't think the idea for his design is ugly at all, it even fits his personality, it's just that the artstyle is too out there.
>>305308Probably a permanent change. Magni also got a 1.5 which fixed his face a little but the design outside of his face was almost the same. Vesper's artist changed and it's referred to as 2.0 so it must be a rework of his original design instead of just a new outfit. I don't see why he would go back to his old face after getting a "fixed" one. As for the reason, everyone hated his face and the artist's art style wasn't fit for the type of vtubers we see. Their wave got subpar funding for their models while the next wave was funded better, seeing the first one succeeding. I don't see Altare and Axel getting new faces though, as the other two were always more shit on for their weird models.
No. 305384
>>305315>I feel bad for his mama toonah his mama is kind of psycho, she went full retard when someone ctrl+s'd her art and lowkey blamed magni for no reason. like wtf did you expect posting shit on the internet?? She also barely acknowledges Magni, way before the 1.5 update.
>>305332i think the old design is moe but as long as magni is happy i'll deal with whatever. tbh i only listen to the voices
No. 305386
>>305384>nah his mama is kind of psycho, she went full retard when someone ctrl+s'd her art and lowkey blamed magni for no reason.wanna elaborate here
nonnie? seems like a dumb reason to get mad about
No. 305391
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>>305384>She also barely acknowledges Magni, way before the 1.5 updateMagni dissed his model on his pl. I somewhat remember his mama then apologizing on tumblr without addressing the exact issue but I couldn't find it on her tumblr now.
No. 305452
>>305433You do you,
nonnie. The only things that are unforgivable for me in vtubers is sexualized loli characters, or vtubers who put down other women, like Lumi.
No. 305475
>>305433I like her a lot too nonna. Being sexual in the VTuber scene is kind of a given so it doesn’t bother me that much. I like that she doesn’t hesitate to call out her moid fans to take a fucking shower kek
I feel that she’s one of the few vtubers that’s genuinely nice and goes out of her way to make her fans happy.
No. 305478
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>Not one single Dwarf Fortress stream during her whole entire streaming career
I hope she plays it if she starts streaming on her old account again…
No. 305488
>>305475>one of the few vtubers that’s genuinely niceEvery time I see stuff like this, it gives shill vibe. How do you know she's "genuinely" and not like other girls? Every vtuber has that same saccharine facade, what makes yours "one of the few"?
>goes out of her way to make her fans happyThat's not a good thing, that almost always means that their fans are parasocial weirdos
No. 305500
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>>305494Nona I think he will actually graduate.
>streams every blue moon when all he has to do is turn on a nerdy game and instantly get more ccv than his golden children genmates combined >singing was his whole shtick when he debuted, did 2 karaokes and no covers, meanwhile in his pl he was doing karaokes and covers, collabing for covers and had a good standing in the vtuber-utaite network>fans tell him to get singing lessons to improve so he remembers that he's supposed to be singing, he doesn't get the hint or ignores it>threw a mini fit (sad tweet and 2 months of disappearance) over not being able to perform live, has never put effort into performing properly on his own streams so he's just looking for a reason to "get mad" at the company and ghost his fans>had tried to get into holostars first anyway so he knew he couldn't thrive off as an idol in niji from the start, can't say if he would have the same slump if he was in holo thoughIt's sad to see the last standing pillar of non-pandering nijis go. He literally never pandered to anything, so much so that his fans had to work only with him being a nerd. He could be the unironic chad of niji but something dried his soul up. The audience he tamed will be lost forever.
No. 305575
>>305469On the occasions I've watched Mori, she seems pretty funny and mature. I like how she has a deep voice and doesn't force the uwu vtube voice. She is kind of cringe, but I think it's her charm.
I don't really know what she did to
trigger 4chan so bad. Maybe being a woman who doesn't act 13. I feel like they've moved on from her now that there's actual milk in the vtube scene.
No. 305583
>>305577Unfollowed the vtuber artist that put this on my twitter tl so fast. It's not even funny. What type of content is this supposed to be?
>>305578That sounds discouraging but wouldn't be enough reason to give up trying to sing at all if he wasn't bothered by other stuff, maybe just depression. Nijisanji is a company that collects indies and gives them nothing more than the Niji name on the EN side, so no wonder he doesn't feel supported. Maybe we'll see him in Holostars EN3 kek though I don't know what idol activities Tempus are doing
No. 305722
>>305613Curious who this is in regards to?
Maybe someone more eloquent than me can explain, but I feel like most of us can appreciate a woman who expresses her sexual side. However, that's different than a woman who is putting on a show for men. I feel like it's just one of those things where if you know, you know.
It's hard to provide examples, but it'd be really, really hard for me to enjoy watching an uwutuber. "G-Gaiz! My voice is totally this high pitched irl! I got made fun of for it… uwu… everyone always mistakes me for a kid…"
No. 305746
>>305722I haven't really watched much Shylily, so I wasn't referring to any particular vtuber, but I believe you!
But like I said, my own personal beef is more with uwutubers than titty tubers. At least sexualize vaguely adult looking women rather than children. Ofc, neither is ideal.
Women who can talk frankly about sex but not be pander-y about it are cool.
No. 305789
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No. 305811
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>>305787samefag, giving my opinion now kek I think it looks good but he doesn't deserve such a nice model. Now he has better art than the ok looking 2 of his gen and it bothers me. Now I want better art for Altare even though it didn't bother me before. His pl looked so pretty, I didn't expect to wish he could keep it a year into their debuts
No. 305891
>>305742Yeah no, no fucking way you look at clips and think “oh yes this is 100% this vtuber ALL the time.”
You’d say the same on Marine? Because yeah, then I’d say you don’t understand the difference between a woman comfortable talking about sex and being sexy themselves to pandering to scrotes. There’s a reason /vt/ hates Shylily with all their beings.
No. 305955
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>>305891Cope. Your oshi has no personality that’s why all her clips are lewd. If reality was otherwise, it would be reflected in fan content.
No. 306064
File: 1688240577779.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.03 KB, 610x710, 56OvCss.jpg)

>>306061>she badCope she's very pretty
Repost cause I forgot to spoiler
No. 306097
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>>297793is holotools working for anybody?
No. 306140
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what the fuck is apartheid clyde doing with twitter, the only reason i use this shitty app is so i can keep track of vtubers and to get my fanart seen. whats the fucking point if i cant even get to do that
No. 306437
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I forgot to do this yesterday but now that we're one week in here's my opinion on the new wave:
Yu Q
>cute and chill
>streamed for 8 fucking hours but it was actually enjoyable
>people were worried he's going to be boring but he seems confident in his streaming ability and it works
>may need to tell chat off in the future but that's something every niji needs to face kek
>knowing he has a long term gf makes me happy like he's been approved by a friend.
>he was a good housewife in minecraft
>needs to speak french more. it's hot
>his voice is just nice to listen to. whether he'll make asmrs or not… while i want him to continue i don't want the chinese femcels to latch onto him and eat him alive when he makes a move they don't like
>is the youngest. cute
>rose to my oshi spot (until he too reveals that he's secretly into rape porn or something as all niji men do)
>autism 100
>he talked about some pickup lines he thought of as his first tweet. any of them would be better than what made the cut
>honestly too autistic to judge harshly and i don't think it comes from being esl
>zatsus have cute moments
>has a good singing voice, he better keep making covers
>i like his accent and idk why people act like they can't understand it
>too autistic for me to watch him regularly. maybe he's doin a sweet boy act he'll drop later on? why that first tweet then though
>his lore was funny but he hasn't kept up to that rep. the dad joke thing he's going for doesn't work because he has such a normie moid voice
>he sounds like he would narrate a true crime youtube video (insult)
>won't watch him. he was kinda cute when he didn't know anything in minecraft but that's just my ovaries begging me to have a soft spot for children rn
They have great synergy overall. Yu Q needs to stop acting Vanta is his big brother he needs to latch onto though. They all feel like they won't have a problem interacting with the rest of the branch. Niji only accepting experienced streamers was a good move after all
No. 306727
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Apparently this Phase Connect said “stupid fucking nogger” in this clip . People are saying it’s supposed to be her slurring the word “degree”. Can’t her channel get banned for even uttering the word? Low Quality image cause I don’t care for her.
No. 306762
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>pic related
That is you, everyone posting in this thread.
No. 306923
>>306897When it comes to getting more female viewers, I think it helps to network with other female vtubers who streams content that most women are into if that helps. The female vtubers I tend to network with have interests related to egl/decora/etc.
>>306922Heavily agreed with
nonnie, these types of moids will affect the experience of your stream. Not sure if you want to enforce a “3 strikes” rule unless they’re really gross about then yeah ban their asses.
No. 306967
>>306951>>306922>>306923I have contacted my mods about it and we're going to start being stricter. I am really small so any loss of views is a hit, but man am I tired of micromanaging grown ass men.
>>306924I'm worried that if I say too much I could potentially be found out. To be really broad; they made a lot of really sexual comments that made me very uncomfortable even if the comments weren't towards me specifically.
No. 307067
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Even with Magni's touchh-up, I still can't believe that he's the design we got from the creator of an absolute sex character like Caster of Limbo.
Even design aside, the art itself is just not up to par with Hasendow's known skill level?
No. 307069
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>>307067I'm still convinced that Hasendow and Vesper's OG mama got nerfed by some design/time restriction on Cover's part because they both got models way below the standard of quality their artists were known for.
Picrel was the group designed and illustrated by Vesper's debut mama, Komiya Kunihara, for Paradox Live.
At the end of the day, I guess I am glad that pako finally got to be a Holostars papa like he should have been from the beginning.
Nothing against his female designs (Maou Nobunaga was absolute sex for those nonnas also into women), but he's generally more heavily known for and personally obsessed with his male characters. I'm not one of the haters of Sana's design, but it was, again, just so far below what he can bring to the table as an artist.
No. 307078
>>307069…These are seriously the same artist? I knew this project from the start and if you told me the artist would draw Vesper's og art one day I would have never believed you. So either they made the artists do the work in one day or they paid them almost nothing… No way a proper commission from this artist would result in that model
>>307067On this one I can see the resemblance to Magni 1.0 tbh, checked out the character's wiki pictures and he has similar eye distance and body proportions.
No. 307132
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>>307130She felt she was falling behind the other EN’s in content output and talent (even though she put out some of my favorite content in all of Niji EN)
No. 307144
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>>307078Yep, here's more of Komiya Kuniharu's work to show her range. I'm actually surprised that they went with a whole new artist for Vesper's 2.0, as between his old mama and Pako, KK is the one you'd think of for the design we got. Maybe an issue of her not having time and Pako already being a big Hololive fan and thus being eager to contribute?
No. 307162
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I wonder if anyone else saw HololiveEN first concert? I'd say it was nice for their first-ever IRL concert overseas. I especially loved Baelz, IRyS and Kronii's dances.I had no clue Kronii was doing ballet! And despite not being a big fan of Mumei, i got impressed by hearing her sing in a deep voice. It's still nothing much compared to the JP concerts (god, especially HololiveJPs latest gen concert, it was so good!!)
Also, people seem to tinfoil that Gura might graduate because she keeps collabing instead of doing solostreams. But the problem here is that she is still 'the face' of the holoEN in japan, and i think it's just her being sick of her huge, weird fanbase. She can at least avoid the chat during the collabs, but even when they are group she just seems to not talk much. It's still weird, and people wonder what happened from the time when she was with Mori IRL in the US and Mori decided to throw a party, ever since Gura almost stopped streaming and 'got sick', they don't seem to communicate much either.
>>307144Vesper's artist disappeared from the internet for at least a year now.
>Maybe an issue of her not having time and Pako already being a big Hololive fan and thus being eager to contribute?I think so.
i think of all holostars, i think magni deserves his 'meh' design, because he is an ass off-screen and his roommate blew up only because he leeched off vtuber trend.>>307160I would say it's fine, as long as my s/o wouldn't do gfe/bfe or parasocial tactics.
No. 307240
>>307160depends on the streamer. I made my byf his pngtuber but he streams as a hobby so we still get to hang out and spend time together.
I'd personally watch out for the vtubers that flirt with other vtubers as a job. I know that shit would drive me crazy to the point where I'd start thinking he's cheating. Getting into a relationship with someone who does bf/gf experience content sounds like a recipe for disaster and not to mention that they're the type that changes partners like underwear.
sage for blogposting
No. 307404
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Sometimes I wish Magni was straight
No. 307479
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dacapo is getting dragged on tiktok after shitty low effort “concert” wherebe lipsyncs to that one tiktok eboy japanese song
No. 307482
>>307479Here's what I found:
>CAF2023>it's a "performance" shown on screen on the stage where cosplayers etc also had a mini concert/panels>there's a fee to enter the event so people didn't specifically pay for him>it's a mixed backtrack of his vocals, not live singing>probably prerecorded video too but I didn't find videos of the beginning or end or him interacting with the audience>people screamed when he lifted his bangs kekYeah embarrassing
No. 307504
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>>306762Consider this, retard.
No. 307561
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>>307411He said that he is "bi" as Lando, and said that he isn't straight as Magni.
>>307423I just don't want to see him acting like this
>>305577 No. 307679
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No. 307733
sus that it's the two who just got new models, but it could also have nothing to do with that. RIP Pako and I hope they didn't do anything too stupid…
No. 307754
>>307747I don’t know why they let one of their employees masturbate and cum on a membership stream on YouTube of all places. If you’re going to allow your “talents” to do that sort of content, let them go on chaturbate or some shit.
No. 307785
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>>307750no, she's just a normal woman
No. 307943
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>>307938That sounds incredible. I hope you have fun with your tiny Ike, quildren.
No. 307951
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>>300256I like him, his humor and his model that fits with his voice and personality though I agree he can be sometimes annoying by making fun of some women in his reaction videos. You know how moids are but at least he's being honest. He's still pretty funny and entertaining ngl and probably the first vtuber I've seen to casually have his face revealed.
No. 307967
>>307951He is everything that is wrong with the western Vtubing community. He constantly inserts himself into drama he has no part in, he’s constantly making himself the
victim in situations (recently making up a whole situation where a whole fanbase of people were calling him racial slurs because one black person called him the n word people use in songs….), and putting down his peers and people he has worked with just to make himself seem like he’s “one of the good vtubers” to normies. All for attention. I wonder why he doesn’t just ditch the vtuber model and do facecam streams if he always uses his real life appearance to victimize himself and makes it such a core part of his personality.
No. 308286
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Come on… this is amateurish…
No. 308292
>>308286>two workaholic responsible talents getting the date wrong, never once in their emails and schedules either noticevs
>niji staff fucked up as usual and it's on the talents to act like it's their fault and ask the fans for forgivenessOne of these happened many times before
No. 308348
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>>308286they were both late because they were busy having gay sex and lost track of time.
No. 308648
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Favorite designs? I don’t like the person at all, but Millie’s design is extremely cute to me.
No. 308657
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>>308648dont watch much of millie, but her designs are my favorite out of all the nijiEN. i really like the costume with the white and black dress. and i know indies aren't really discussed here, but chrchie's is also a design i like. i also found miyu's design from honeywork's new vtuber thing cute too.
No. 308661
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>>308648Honestly, Suisei is truly my favorite visually of the idol-type vtubers. It makes me doubly happy knowing that it's one she designed herself.
Picrel is my favorite female vtuber design, though. Korone's look is simple and effective and I love her for it. It really feels of a different era than what we get nowadays where every vtuber is overdesigned to hell and back to stand out.
I guess I just like it simple but recognizable in general since Yashikizu is my favorite male vtuber design, kek.
No. 308667
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>>308661>YashikizuMales can seethe, but this is the epitome of the male form, the absolute peak.
No. 308672
>>308297Vox has been late to his streams multiple times, once was even absent to a TF2 collab and never announced it prior to the stream, only tweeted hours later after the collab ended. Ike has been known to be late for or absent from meetings. Even if, by chance, they weren't individually notified even before rehearsals, wouldn't they have received group notifications?
Shu and Luca both showed up on time, the other guest livers were also at Pomu's bday stream, they would've made a mention of it in conversations wouldn't they? Face it both Vox and Ike fucked up, the company, shoddy as they may be, has nothing to do with it.
>>308299Their breaks would still be announced. Ike didn't announce his, and even showed up in Ren's chat for his Jazz On The Clock premiere. Vox still continued to stream and pretended nothing happened.
No. 308673
>>308667Idk who this is but your dedication to him makes me smile. Never change, random
No. 308674
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>>308667Based fellow Yashikizu design appreciator (I'd say I like his personality too since he's funny and responsible but the rare occassions of scrotish perversion turn me off). The fact that he's so "normal" but his artist is a gay porn artist makes it even funnier.
Marginally related, but I unironically find Chaika so fucking funny. His personality-model matchup is great, I think he utilizes his freak model really well for bits.
While I'm the topic of older male vtubers though, the only nijimale I actually respect is Kagami Hayato. Dude is always so clean and funny and takes bullying with grace.
No. 308685
>>308683Glad you enjoyed! Chaika and Yashiro can be moidish, but I don't mind it as much since they don't have delusional gachikois who insist that their beautiful man can do nothing wrong lol
Kagami is genuinely mature and sweet (not that Yashiro isn't also mature, it's just in a more jaded way). He's a popular guest when the other livers want to pull one over on somebody because he always plays along well and is really nice about it even when they're being mean. His 3D debut is still a big moment in Niji history to this day for its technological feats as well as him using the entirety of the record-breaking supas he received to pull off an incredibly expensive 3D stream to give back to his fans.
Anyways, vidrel is my favorite of the three of them together.
No. 308686
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>>308648Sasaki Saku is my favorite female Niji Liver and I find her design so cute! I love it when she acts deranged and rude, she's like a feral cat you brought in off the streets that still hates your ass despite beating the shit out of you when you're late with mealtimes and then enthusiastically gobbling up the food.
Her only con is that she simps Vox, but that's only because it wasn't anywhere near as funny as her other simping eras. Back when she publicly snubbed Belmond in her post-graduation MV, and then rabidly crushed on him in a love rivalry with Ange Katarina, and then switched to being overly and shyly conscious of Ange after noticing her reliable charm… That was the best! All the wild play she pulls out is so fun.
The only corpo vtuber to graduate and then return from the dead… Live forever, cruel panda!
No. 308689
>>308686Blessed description
nonnie, you should be a writer lmao.
No. 308695
>>308685Thanks for the description and recommendations,
nonny. Maybe its Chaika's unappealing model and Yashiro's simple model that contributes to their lack of gachikois, but I definitely find their designs charming. The clip you attached was a fun watch too, it shows off their personalities well! I'll have to check out Kagami's 3d debut, I like what I've seen of him so far.
No. 308698
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Yashikizu will always be classic for me… I got into vtubers through some randomly linked video of him getting bullied in minecraft, and then fell fully down the rabbit hole watching Dokuzuhonsha clips. His swagless office drone demeanor and cutting commentary will never stop being a hilarious combination.
He deserves so much more amongst the EN fanbase than being known as the Vox Yashiro guy, that one-trick pony has nothing on a man whose past life was outed because there are just so few people able to rhythm game on his level.
I'm also the Sasaki Saku anon and I bring this up only because I think that Gacha Lever Daipan is quality content that everybody interested in NijiJP should watch the archives of.
No. 308705
>>308703Thanks for the rec, I haven't watched it! Their dynamic is golden, though!
>>308704Sorry if it didn't come across, but I wasn't taking it that seriously. Part of what's fun about her is that most of what she does is a play act.
No. 308714
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>>308648I am a simp, so this man's new design really hit it home for me. I love how cozy it is.
No. 308895
>>308893I think you've got some kind of chip on your shoulder as an EN fan because you're arguing with something that wasn't present in the original post. It's pretty natural to wish for your favorite to be appreciated by a larger audience, the same way people take pride in some of their EN favorites being popular even with JP audiences.
In any case, Gacha Lever Daipan has been over for over a year now and a lot of the archive is translated, standing as a fun way to learn about various JP livers. It's just something to do if you have an interest in that. You're not being attacked for being an EN-only fan so don't be so self-conscious.
(Or are you taking offense to the statements about Vox? Because NGL being a Kindred is actually cringe, sorry.)
No. 308931
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>>308926Here, I’ll sage one just for you, nonna.
No. 308963
>>308898Why are you making out hating on Vox to be some kind of anti-woman thing? Besides, people are as entitled to their dislike of him as you are to your hatred of Japanese humor, it's called an opinion.
This meltdown over one person making a jab at Vox and other people discussing JP vtubers they like (in the thread FOR discussing vtubers) is bizarre.
No. 308977
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>>308970Lui is so cute! I love the whole vibe she has going on.
I was thrown off by Botan's original design due to how much she looked like Siege from Arknights, but it's grown on me along with her over the years.
No. 309005
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>>308884>>308884I miss when vtubers were only a niche thing in the west… I miss when reaching 100k took forever, and was seen as a magnificent feat. When a woman collaborating with a man wouldn't cause so much controversy (especially for Hololive).
The fact that the culture has been overtaken by people who care about nothing but numbers, company wars, drama, and pandering just sucks so much.
It sounds really stupid to be reminiscing about what is essentially just people role-playing behind a screen, but it really hurts to see a culture you love so much change and and revamp it self solely for the lowest common denominator.
I know it isn't all like that… I mean, I still watch the JP vtubing sphere of course, regardless of the type of fans that are now attracted to it. I just wish the EN sphere wasn't so much like…
that. I feel like it attracts the worst of the worst.
No. 309020
>>308963>>308968>>308971We dislike for Vox for being into rape here, we don't call women "cringe" because they're into the same content moids are never made fun of for being into. I know you /vt/ and nyfco refugees can't understand the concept of forming an opinion different than the mass
>sageYou don't have to but damned if you retards keep bumping this thread with your shitty /vt/ tier replies. You can't even lurk long enough to see how slow /m/ is before copy pasting moid opinions from /vt/
(infighting) No. 309029
>>309020People might be disagreeing with you because your opinion that women should allowed to be coombrained enough to enable a shitty moid without any critical thinking just because moids are subhuman coomers to begin with sucks. Do you go around whiteknighting for rancefag too?
>>309024>>309005I get what you nonnas mean, I still watch my favorites but it feels like the magic of it dispelled after a certain point. Happens with anything, though… The flavor just changes once something gets saturated enough that it can trend-chase and aim for blanket appeal.
Who do you keep up with nowadays? I still like pockets of HolostarsJP if I'm being honest as my favorites (the yurustars) still haven't broken out in popularity– they're all still sub 200k so it feels cozy.
I haven't really kept up with NijiJP as the train of old guard livers leaving over the past year or so has made me sad.
No. 309039
>>309020>not liking Vox means you’re a spineless sheepVox was the first EN guy I’ve ever really watched. I liked the cooking stream he did with Mysta along with a Vampire ASMR he did, but I figured out after I started catching him in his solo streams and other collabs that he was in that he could be annoying and rude as fuck, constantly talking over and telling people to shut up so he could ramble about an incoherent thought for the next 20 minutes or say a stupid joke. His intense fits of gamer rage also aren’t for me. He’s one of the most popular male vtubers in the world, I’m sure you’ll be able to cope with some people on here just not liking him.
>>309024>where it felt like they were anime characters…God, this part in particular makes me realize what I really miss about vtubing. To be honest, I just used to be a huge Kizuna fan and nothing else for a good couple years, but I loved how it was just like watching anime characters do silly shit and play video games. Now everything is drama this, drama that, numbers, super chat revenue, who’s the most popular and most successful, having a meltdown over a man or woman being near someone of the opposite sex. The fan culture reminds me so much of how kpop fans fight on twitter, but instead of teens fighting about which group sold better, it’s incels fighting about how their favorite vtuber got 10k more views than another. It’s tiring and makes me wonder if these people even like the hobby to begin with.
No. 309114
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>>309110Yeah, I can see that. I guess the massive influx of people coming into the hobby when HoloMyth debuted really disillusioned them on what the rest of the vtubing landscape is like. Like, applying idol rules to a random female indie and getting angry that she has a boyfriend (found out through doxx most of the time) or has male friends openly is fucking bizarre. That’s some woman that probably has a 9-5 and does vtubing as a hobby, not your virtual idol. And even if they are one or in Hololive, they don’t have to follow these rules if they don’t want to. But moids always have to their way in everything and will have a fit and call them whores if they can’t, that’s always how it is in fanbases dominated by them. Picrel since both got branded as whores for simply collabing with their coworkers once they were allowed to.
No. 309151
>>309114Girls really do get it the worst. If it's the female vtuber with parasocial fans who breaks their expectations, she gets attacked. If a male vtuber with parasocial fans breaks expectations, the female vtubers who interact with him get attacked. Not saying that male vtubers don't have their own issues, but when it comes to the issue of interacting with the other gender, the female side of it always gets the worst treatment because they're seen as temptuous whores or whatever.
I haven't really followed NijiEN since the Noctyx debut era, but doesn't everybody there interact with each other anyways? What were moids even expecting…
That one early incident where Finana and Pomu had an off-collab where Uki unexpectedly showed up to bring them a charger or whatever and moids flew into a rage is still so ridiculous to me. Moids were bashing him since debut for being gay and a troon, which he is, so what was even the issue? Dude likes men.
No. 309183
>>309171So true on the content structure… It seems like you're expected to have singing ability or at least work towards it nowadays. That's such a timesink just to fit into an expected baseline mold when the appeal should be that everybody brings variety to the table. And for some reason not working hard enough on steady output of covers/improving singing has become seen as a
valid neg towards vtubers who have plenty of other merits?
Inb4 "stop defending Shu" this isn't about Shu, Shu styled himself as a vsinger so he actually does deserve the criticism for lack of musical output.
No. 309590
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>>309568Leos is so funny. I got into him through his collabs with Sasaki, and he's such an entertaining guy.
No. 309673
>>309620i would love to see more female indie vtubers here, but it's to find ones that dont do the gf/bf experience
>>309631they're twitch streamers rather than youtube streamers, but i recommend cynosurae and i know i already mentioned her in this thread, but chrchie too. both just chill and sing, but cyno is more gaming focused. i dont really watch her, but you can check out girl_dm since she has a similar design/color scheme to omocat.
No. 309879
>>309631>>309673Amiya Aranha! She does a lot of retro game (including educational streams on older games and platforms) and craft/art streams (not so much illustration unless its for her little props, more for experimenting with things like site building or low poly 3D modelling, etc.) She's also a great vocalist.
Very non-coomery. Formerly of Tsunderia last gen but she's independent now that they've gone out of business. I really like the homemade feeling her streams have going on.
No. 309936
>>309631Rin Penrose might be what you're looking for: she's a "prince type" and an avowed
femcel apparently.
No. 310063
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Mikeneko revealed her new model today.
No. 310162
>>310146I cant help but wonder if hes okay. Hes been dealing with depression for a long time. I hope he becomes happier in his new job, whether thats being an indie or an offline job (I think he needs to go offline tbh)
>>310161I dont follow, what about vesper? Theyre not in the same company
No. 310172
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>>310146Irc he was the one who got cancelled on his roommate for abusing his gf.
Wasn't he also the coomer that keeps jerking off to femboys, or was that another one?
Anyway, picrel is the proof that he won't be getting any fanmails
No. 310173
>>310172The one who got cancelled for abusing his gf was Ike, that’s basic information, kek. for the fan mail stuff, it seems like that was an issue for ID since even Nina has talked about reading her fan mail in one of her streams before she went away.
No. 310177
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>>310146heh. this tweet makes sense now. I’m guessing he will go indie
No. 310326
>>310146I know that they were good friends so it's not like it needed contextualizing, but this does put Nina telling Musta before anybody else that she was graduating into perspective.
Hope this helps the dude get mentally well… Can't say I liked him but it's been evident since forever that he's super unhappy here.
No. 310451
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>>310304I saw the two fox girls together and thought of the Misaki sisters. They're pretty ESL but they're in Canada right now, so maybe they've gotten better.
No. 310724
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>>297793I have a massive crush on Saruei. I'm straight but she makes me feel things.
No. 310865
>>310724Don’t worry nonna, I love both Saruei and Shylily and no one on lorcow dot farm will ever shame me out of it. You should love her too if you’re into her.
Saruei is the kind of woman I would fall for despite knowing full well she’s not actually into women and will most probably ruin my life and self esteem. Shylily is more like the cool friend I would hang out with but would avoid going out with if I know males are joining.
The cool thing about streamers is that there is no actual connection and you won’t ever see them in real life, watching streams of a nlog is totally fine unless it’s the type of nlog that puts down other women. So far neither of them showed disrespect for other female creators, viewers or women in general.
No. 310895
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>>310865>whorelily and selfposter >watching a nlog is fine?>i am totally a gurl guyz!fuck off troon
(baiting) No. 310905
>>310898You think this
>>305577 is the man that deserves a good gf?
No. 310995
>>310895Yes every lolcow user you disagree with is a troon. Yes, women can’t be friends or enjoy watching a nlog because reasons ???
Jesus, the psychosis.
No. 311028
>>310741I have no doubt it's Ally and Sally, the typing style is exactly the same. These
>>310451 vtubers are definitely Ally and Sally as well. They're not ESL at all, just speaking with that baby vtuber voice and using Japanese mannerisms, but the voices match up. They've been affiliated with Mangagamer before.
No. 311047
>>310451I love these girls, and if Yagoo actually got them into hololive, i will be extremely happy. One of the best vtubers out there. Shame their manager didn't give a crap about the project so he quickly nuked it, right when they reached a milestone.
>>310724>>310865I used to know her before she became a vtuber. She is the worst person you'd ever want to be around, the fakest bitch ever too. I feel bad for you. Still, convinced that one of you is that rando from vt who keeps trying to shill her.
No. 311091
>>311047>I used to know her before she became a vtuber. She is the worst person you'd ever want to be around, the fakest bitch ever too. I feel bad for you. Do you have some milk? Did you know her irl or just by her previous streaming persona?
Of course she's fake, Anon, she's a streamer. All streamers are fake, the "sincere" ones are a dime a dozen and for sure they are not in the biggest content creator part of twitch of all places.
No. 311144
>>311102Okay, NOW this is what I call interesting milk, for how bland it is.
This is lolcow, it shouldn’t be a problem if you post her other aliases and minor stuff, I think.
No. 311171
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From Selen's iketog page. Dubious but interesting nonetheless.
No. 311180
>>311028Omg, it all makes sense now
>Canadian>Twins>Stupid baby talk they've used back then>Knows JPN.Jesus Christ, aren't they past 30? Not that I care about vtuber's age but the whole schtick feels weird.
No. 311192
>>311060Open 3 tabs on your browser.
One tab for lex, one for connor, and one for lando.
Open eyes and read. EZ
If you can't see it, not my problem
No. 311205
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No. 311231
>>311194I know that for some of the JP livers, it definitely is more worth it for them to stay with the company because of how much they make on the sponsorships they get through being with Nijisanji. This only applies to a few livers, but for example, with Yashikizu, he makes a ton off of sponsorships despite not getting many superchats. This, hand in hand with the fact that sponsorships are more orevalent for the JP side, might explain a small part of why they've got some long-haulers with the company there.
But there's also the fact that we've seen an unexpected number of longtime successful NijiJP members leaving in recent years, so one has to wonder how much better a deal JP actually gets.
No. 311232
>>311171Why do i feel like mysta wrote this it feels like something he would write. Or maybe I’m being stupid. Anyway, 85/15 is ridiculous and should be considered something like a slave labor. Shit like this should be regulated. I know vtubing isn’t mainstream enough for that but that ratio feels illegal as fuck.
>>311102she always gave me millenial woman vibes she does not feel like a zoomer at all, uses old internet lingo all the time. i would not be surprised if she was in her 30s
>>311205another graduation? damn english vtubing is in shambles
No. 311257
>>311065Thank you!
>>311059Thanks for letting me know, searches were only giving me the xsoleil page but I was able to find his page on the site.
No. 311292
>>267251May i ask how did you know him? As Lex you mean?
If you watch him now, do you think the conntent is trueto him> ?
No. 311392
>>311383Tbh I feel like it's dipping pretty low to allow you and your twin sister to be sexualized in order to attract incest-obsessed coombrains. Every normal set of twins I know irl hates that shit.
Also they're apparently white Canadians but are faking having an ESL Japanese accent. Bruh…
No. 311470
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>>311426I wasn't specifically referring to sexualization in that video, I just meant their fake ESL accents.
Here's an old blog post from their lolcow thread. I find it absolutely bizarre, pandery, and inappropriate to talk about playing H games with your sister at age 13. Nothing good can come from mentioning that to scrotes online. Tbf, this was many years ago, so maybe they've changed for the better, but it gives me the ick.
Are you fans of theirs?
No. 311517
>>311501Agreed, blogposting, but I think a lot of us who were chronically online/in the anime sphere when we were kids accepted the lolicon thing, or even leaned into it. But I think they're 30-ish now?
Oof. I'm gonna laugh if people realize they're adult white women, not kawaii ESL japanese teens.
No. 311576
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Thoughts on Filian? She seems way too high energy like she's snorting Adderall or something.
No. 311732
>>311642I can see this. Idk anything about her PL persona, but she seems chill, nerdy, and a bit of a girly-girl. However, 4chan got all hyped up over LE GOTH MOMMY crazy dom menhera unhinged energy her art gives off. Of course, these expectations always lead to inevitable disappointment.
Funnily enough, I didn't see much hype over Bijou on 4chan, because her design just looks pretty cute and normal. However, people ended up being pleasantly surprised by her fun debut stream.
Verdict is still out for both of them for me.
I feel like I'm going to be actively repulsed by the twins, but simultaneously enjoy the feast of cringe they'll bring.
No. 311760
>>311633she could drop it later, probably just wanted to make her debut memorable. i have hope if
>>311642 is true.
No. 311887
>>311873Weird to me too. Wuite a few smaller corpos debut their vtubers with higher fidelity rigging than Niji livers get, while Hololive rigging can be inconsistent in a generation on debut. Even by the time of their 3.0s, Niji livers can still be oddly stiff?
A little ironic considering how good their 3D models can be.
>>311878I've never thought of it that way, but from that POV I can certainly see the appeal of Niji rigging!
No. 311960
>>311907I thought it was pretty clear that their “age didn’t matter” in the sense that their real human age would be equivalent to 20 years old regardless. Not that they’re an immortal 9,000 lolis kind of “age doesn’t matter”
Like maybe a coomer fan would take it that way, but not someone with eyes and a brain where they put 20(00) for a reason
No. 312012
>>312000Admittedly, I haven't sat down and watched a full Kobo stream, but she does seem cute and not too pander-y to me. Some clips of her goofy shenanigans do make me smile. She's good at the role she plays!
I unironically want a cute goofy daughter someday. That shouldn't sound sexual but this is what anime coomers have done.
No. 312089
>>312052I believe she's a college student. She just plays her character very well.
Cover stopped hiring underage streamers a while ago as it created significant burden on both Haachama and Shion in the long run.
No. 312222
>>312108Natsumi Moe, an OG ENtuber who started in 2018. If you include her PL, she's been at it since 2017. There's some content on her channel that I'd give the side eye to, but she also did a lot of interesting stuff. Will be interesting to see what she brings to the table after joining an agency like Hololive, at the very least.
I've seen some surprise expressed at her being the "leader" of Advent, and her lengthy experience explains the position.
No. 312225
>>312153Honestly, I don't have an issue with the FWMC characters themselves since it'd be hypocritical of me to judge that as a Korone fan. But the LARPing as ESLs is legitimately cringe and I just can't get past it.
I think you're on the nose about how Kiara presented at the outset. She had a lot against her compared to her peers on debut and the effect it had on her mentality was tangible. It was a long time before she came to terms with her comparative lack of popularity compared to her genmates.
>>312108Bijou was a small indie named Waabyuu streaming from twitch.
Nerissa is the voice actress/singer Caitlin Myers.
No. 312423
>>311761She's talking about books in zatsu right now and it's the weirdest thing… The selection of books she's talking about makes me think that maybe she actually has read a lot (or has gone down a Wiki rabbit hole of lit) but beyond Sherlock Holmes, II don't believe she really "read" or understood them?
Is she just banking on her chat being illiterate enough to not know what any of these books are actually about?
No. 312523
>>312423This is what I mean by hololive needing to design an avatar based on the streamers personality, instead of vice versa.
Sad fact is that Shiori is probably neither a dom goth girl, nor a literary nerd.
Now she can either A. Pretend to be a literary goth dummy mommy, and everyone will see through the charades or
B. Just be herself, which seems to be a shy quiet girl, and then scrotes will go "zomg nooo goth mommy doko"
No. 312710
>>312628So much mental gymnastics in the comments because no one wants to admit their dream esl waifus are white women.
"They're japanese!"
"No they're canadian actually"
"…They're half japanese"
"No They're white"
"…they probably studied abroad in Japan their whole lives!"
No. 312713
>>312646Seems like they're not coming back. It's been a very long break right after their 1.5/2.0's and it killed all the hype, their fans were speculating they were asking for more than cover is willing to give in their contract negotiations which would explain why there was no time given for when they would come back and they got suspended at the same time. If it's true and they're not back yet, they must not have reached an agreement. Shinri's pl tweet also alludes that the streamers are not really happy with StarsEN management. I wonder if the sussed two will have graduation streams at all.
>>312624They do say their first "human" language is English and Japanese comes after it so I don't know how the retards in the comments insist they're ESL Japanese waifus lol
No. 312716
>>312712Adult white women with broken english doesn't fuel the fantasy quite as much as happa teens who grew up in Japan but are doing their best to adapt to english, I guess.
>>312713I guess their long-winded answer properly confused the scrotes, all according to keikaku. "We're english natives" is embarrassing and doesn't explain their pseudo nippon loli accent. "We're DOGGOS" fuels the scrote fantasy and they can avoid admitting they're english natives who choose to have broken english.
No. 313850
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How the fuck is pippa still a vtuber I checked out her last stream out of curiosity and it's just her coping for pedos and saying lolicon in on the same level as saying games causing violence and her sucking her 4channers dicks saying not all men
No. 313883
>>313871The pearl Davis comparison is on point even in the stream I mentioned (
she was reacting to that vice pedophilic industry of japan) she says that you can't say that child rape manga makes someone a pedophile and it doesn't target anyone (how brain dead do you have to be?) then the social worker comes in and she says maybe it is. She's such a coward. I'm betting that her own audience is going to be her downfall it was so disgusting them spaming based mangaka in the chat. Her model is cute but I hate it's attached to such a disgusting person. She thinks she's the next metokur. She's milky as hell im suprised there's no thread about her
No. 313984
>>313850From what I've heard about her, she seems like a highly troubled individual. I almost feel bad for her, but I can't put up with the 4chan pandering. Just develop a personality outside of being edgy and a backbone, sister.
>>313953Lolcow is for women. Go back to 4chan.
>>313967Wtf is Niji doing to their talents? They're having a mass exodus. They seem like they have plenty of talented individuals and energetic fanbases, but they squander everything. Kind of sad to see, honestly.
No. 314416
>>300035I listened to Mori recently talk about onsens, food and places to travel in Japan and it was really just a pleasant stream. I think she's not really the first person most female viewers would think to watch which is why nobody recommends her. She seems kind of confident after all her influx of hate which I like about her. She also just has incredibly good work ethic and is always making something, so it's kind of fun to watch her achieve her music and big goals.
She's not very good at collabs and never has been, so avoid them, but she's fine one on one with her audience. You can tell she enjoys engaging with deadbeats and I considered it very positive.
No. 314423
>>314420I'm glad I'm not the only fembeat. I guess I just don't see a lot of them here or on /vt/? It's probably just moids overshadowing the female audience, as it is with most female vtubers.
>moids to the wallExactly. Vtubing is so female centric and it would be great if we could take it from them. I actually think of most of the female vtubers as being pretty tame and good entertainers while male vtubers actually cause a lot of their own drama and are super sexual. The best vtubers are still mostly women.
No. 314516
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>>314434I'm a little confused about whether you want someone who accepts yumes or someone that doesn't play into it at all so you don't get your hopes crushed but I'll recommend some anyway. If you want someone that occasionally does yume pandering, I heard Flayon and Hakka from Holo do it. I don't watch anyone full time but I sometimes watch Flayon and he's one of the few mature men in vtubing I've seen, his advice is sound, his casual chatting is comfy and I like his voice. He plays retarded loli dating games though, I don't watch those. I watch Hakka less but he's fun. I said I heard he likes yumes but I've yet to come across much yume material in his streams? He has more of a friend appeal to me. Both of them and Shinri as another anon suggested at least feel like they're not gonna have a breakdown on stream about how much they hate the viewerbase they cultivated and that's more than I can say for some Niji men kek
>BettelHe was really funny at first but to me his pathetic man act got unfunny fast. It's not off putting though you can stick around for him. If you care about their past lives
there was some talk about his gf up in this thread>UkiHe's gay but chill so if you want to get away from bfe, he might work.
>FulgurHe's been doing some more fanservice lately but don't really expect that from him. You're right, he's the type to not care much if someone leaves. He's pretty strict on people not making jokes or commenting stuff that comes across as "parasocial". He is very comfy though and he interacts with chat a lot, so you might feel like he cares in the way he takes your comments seriously rather than caring whether you stay or leave.
>HexHe does a lot of pandering to yumes, actually that's about his whole content. If you want a rebound after Vox, he will work perfectly. But I think you need to experience different kinds of streamers tbh. He goes very hard on keeping his "parasocial" bond strong. He also reads comments a lot and his main content is interacting with chatters. I don't know about his collab behaviour though. I think he collabs with Meloco and I've seen people say they're baiting for shipping but I haven't seen any of that myself and I kinda find it hard to believe he'd do that when his audience is so obsessed with yumeing. I have to say he panders so hard I found it hard to watch him for more than 10 minutes. I couldn't even put it as bg noise because he's kind of… intense.
>DoppioYou didn't ask about him but if you're looking to separate yourself from the yume illusion all together he's your man. He's so… unique. He has a certain vision for how he wants his streams to be and he acts according to it at all times except for his vps which I heard are pretty bfe. He almost never does bfe on stream though. He has a "yandere" asmr that I didn't watch but apparently it's an unserious one? I've seen him slip a few things that could be interpreted as "how he would be as a bf" moments but tbh between him and Shu I don't know who would take the crown for having so little intentional fanservice that their big brain moments are the sexiest thing about them. Oh right, if Shu streams he's never doing bfe either. If you care about PL
Doppio was an anime character bf audio maker with nsfw ones too but I think he didn't act out bfe in his streams even then This might mean his vps are good yume content though since he writes his own scripts.
Some others could be Sonny, who does a little pandering, Luca who also does a little but he's kinda retarded. I heard Alban is chasing after some girl in JP rn so he's a no-go. I find Altare from Holo boring but he's chill, I think he doesn't do any bfe though.
Also about Vox, Reimu drama feels like it happened at least a year ago lol but he let Reimu get shit by his fans and that ruined his image in the eyes of people who don't watch him, which I think he values a lot more now that he's trying to get connections. I heard he's taking back his yume content and he talked about how he really did it for the fans (aka for the money) which must be why you're looking for someone new. If you don't need it to be streamer you can search for bf asmrs by others, maybe not knowing the personality behind the voice will help you get over the heartbreak of learning all moids are the same? If any anon that read this far wants to correct me on any of this, please do so because most of it is things I heard, I don't watch all of them.
I tried to find good Hex art but I couldn't lol No. 314718
>>314656A lot of vtubers worked with him though, why would it be only them taking a break and how do their songs affect their regular streaming?
>>314716Moids are so funny about their incel interests until they get scary
No. 314742
>>314716Here is the timestamp of Kiara "breaking" the kayfabe of Fuwamoco by asking normal human being questions like sharing clothes.
Kiara eventually realizes and goes, "Ah, so it's like you're cartoon characters who have the same outfit 10 times" and Fuwamoco responds somewhat nervously/halfheartedly.
Love to see it kek.
No. 314750
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>>314656TCBNmusic, right? He doxxed the fuck out of Futakuchi Mana (her address, her job, her real life relatives, etc.) and tried to pose it as le 4chan hackerz doing it when it was posted in the exact time as when he mentioned it privately to another person in discord DMs. He was also leaking vtuber projects he was working on to people he didn’t even know for that long (like start a new DM session with him and you’d know that Selen was working on a music project in 5 messages sort of thing) so I wouldn’t doubt he would even spout actual doxx information at some point as well. There’s some twitter threads to it, Mana’s are private cause she’s having a bunch of moids call her a sperg for being a commie and I’m not on desktop to screenshot all the posts from her thread. was another thread but it looks like that person deleted theirs too, Jesus Christ. TCBNmusic nuked all his accounts after Mana’s post started gaining traction though.
No. 314752
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>>314750These threads too (picrel is from Mana’s thread) just wish the people who made the damning callout posts weren’t so menhera about being “harassed” for being involved with the guy and wanting to get rid of all association to their “abuser”. Stuff that can get him sued is now in internet archive hell.
No. 314763
>>314718I wouldn't know either, but the timing matched up to be a possible factor if the producer somehow got ahold of some personal info he could end up being unpredictable with. It's possible whoever else worked with him are pretty sure he doesn't have any sensitive info on them so they don't care, or they're hoping this problem all goes away on it's own or with the company handling it and don't want to reveal any fear.
Other than that, contract disputes still seem like the most likely speculation to explain why two are absent at the same time
No. 314765
>>314001>ah yes, dating a woman that would show her own viewers that she never takes out the trash to a point where the liquid leaks out of it all over the floor, and she still doesnt know what to do is actually dating anybody>>311091>>311102I don't use imageboards often, the things said by anons are true; she is already in her 30s.
I wanted to write my years of experience with her in personal lc thread before she became a vtuber. I didn't care enough. I if i have to put it short (i dont want to waste too much time thinking about her and afraid of getting doxxed), it would be
>screams and throws fits at any breathing thing on a vc over nothing;a hysterical woman>absolute normie no matter how much you would want to convince her shes not;if it wasnt covid and her bf breaking up with her over her behavior (and him always having to clean and cook after her), she would have kept fucking on tinder and partying around>would brag about fucking her dealer for free weed occasionally, even turned into fwbs with him>will only care about you if you benefit her which is obvious. She threw out years of her infights and drama with a lot of vtubers and artists to use them for clout (they still hate her bts despite all that)>would play the victim only if it benefits her; any situation should be about her; if any of her friends is having it rough, she will turn it around about herself;>no personality whatsoever outside pandering to men with sex, will copy anybody she is jealous of>so bored out of her life that she would want to steal your mental illness because she wants to feel quirky, example wanting to become nonbinary when one of her friends turned into a tranny>will throw you under the bus just to avoid actually apologising and admitting her wrongs>geniunely hates women and always have been, would talk shit about any woman joining her community and try "testing them" to make them leave the server (keep in mind, it was before she turned into a vtuber and started only chatting to her paypigs)I could list up more, i want to make sure that I am not getting doxxed by her obsessive simps. She always starts threatening to commit suicide to her own top-pigs whenever something doesn't go her way.
No. 314779
>>314765KEK this is fucking funny as shit to read. Sorry
nonnie you had to go through that but without screencaps this is just speculation (but not surprising) if possible maybe you could provide the artist getting fucked over?
No. 314819
>>314779Yeah, honestly, I don't give a shit if her wks would believe me or not (not meaning you, but she has built a huge fanbase of saviorfags who will lick her feet if they could), people can always figure out how to find her past stuff. She also used to try gaining relevance and clout on twitter by defending lolisho stuff and going 'me me me' mode. I know 4chan once found her 2nd account where she whiteknighted her vtuber persona and infighting with other people (since she had to delete all that once she became a vtuber), you can find it a few years back in vsj+ threads. I am just happy she is out of my life.
>>314742Unironically, this stream showed how much Shiori doesn't give a shit about hololive outside the money. It's strange to me they chose her simply for her numbers+being one of the OG vtubers. You can always find her 'onii-chan rape me uwu' vocaroos she would send to /jp/ to try getting numbers, but in the end nobody would stay with her in the long run - she is boring as shit.
No. 314866
>>314819B-but muh goth dommy mommy model1!11!
>>314855I need the milk, sister.
No. 314923
>>314716Their answers make sense to a degree re: sharing clothes because despite being identical twins, Ally is actually a good bit taller than Sally. Not denying what you're pitting down, just an interesting note.
FWMC's kayfabe s difficult to watch during collabs. I feel like it interferes with them properly integrating with the group in this generation collabs. Once collabs outside of their gen open up, though, I'd be interested to see how it feels in interaction with some of the more gimmicky JP members. I think it might mesh better there.
Kayfabe just seems difficult to pull off without being awkward in EN vtubing. The only character I think this really works for is Doppio Dropscythe… But I think it's because 85% of it is his actual personality, so people are more willing to play along or accept it since it's legitimately how he is.
No. 314935
>>314930Kiara herself. It's incredible how she gets away with live on air. She was whining in I think one of her notorious superchat zatsudans, around last year when that happened. This was in the earlier days of Counsel, too.
I'm sorry I'm not going to go through hours of her zatsu's to find the timestamp and spoonfeed you, but you should just listen to how much information she gives in those zatsu's if you're curious about anything in Hololive. She is like the leaky faucet of Hololive and always has been. Super passive aggressive, perceives a lot of normal things as slights against her.
No. 315090
>>315055>>315071Tbh, I wasn't trying to target either gender. I'm just passionate about a fairly niche topic (at least in vtubing) and started making some videos about it.
But my model is slightly revealing (think Houshou Marine's original model) and sometimes I make flirty jokes. That's just how I like to be. But I'm glad if women feel comfortable on my channel.
No. 315453
>>314926>>315015on the coworker level, simple observation reveals that kiara is not going to be a good for nerissa, because kiara demands everything to center on herself. it's never really about the good of the group, or EN itself. it's only about how she benefits. this puts nerissa on the level of only useful. this is not healthy on kiara's part, because to demand recognition from a coworker makes for a
toxic work environment. it's hard to accept that she's "finally" getting recognition when people have been recognizing kiara since debut with subscribers past a million, superchats, membership, and even the recent formation of the bird idol unit within hololive. if recognition means having someone who loudly speaks their infatuation with kiara nonstop, then we have nerissa. however, their recent collab stream shows that kiara only cares for kiara's own interests, until their interests align, but even then it's only that nerissa's interests aligns with hers, not that nerissa's interests are appreciated because they are nerissa's.
on the otherhand, nerissa's obsession with kiara is already putting things in place for nerissa to get burned out by kiara, so she will shoulder a large part of the problem, if things get to the point of being a problem.
i could be totally wrong, and that would actually be great. but i see in kiara a consistent pattern of selfishness, and i believe we all have met that one coworker who exhibits such an attitude.
No. 315456
>>315453I hate saying this because it makes me feel like "that bitch" or something, but the rapid escalation and publicity of this relationship makes me feel anxious because I've seen the exact same script go poorly multiple times between female vtubers. I had been impressed by Kiara's growth over the years, but the way things have been with Nerissa feel almost disappointing. I get Nerissa falling into this as a long time fan finally getting to work with her oshi (not that I don't think a more sensible person would go about this differently) but my expectation was definitely for Kiara to handle this more maturely. The way things are now feels like she's still in so much need of validation, which was what originally made me dislike her, as much as I felt bad for her. I get why she's happy, and conceptually I think that this is cute, but it has a bad vibe.
Nowhere near as bad, but reminds me of Matsuri's fiascos with Luna and Sara.
No. 315462
>>315456I think by default, vtubing at its core is a double-edged sword because it requires one to be present for faceless fans, while behind an avatar. Kiara's definition of validation requires an established person to be the one to give her the validation she seeks. In a certain sense, this is actually insulting to her fan base, because all the validation they provide falls short because they are not real persons to her. There is a sadness to that, and it throws into question any and all gratitude she expresses to her fans. After the stream ends, with no validation being received from the thousands of fans who loyally watch her, what does three years of being in Hololive amount to?
With Nerissa, Kiara can now attach a real personality, face, voice, and body to a source of validation. I think that's why your concern about the escalating nature of their relationship doesn't sit well with you and many others. With this new source of validation, the only route to take is to strip mine all the validation that is possible to extract.
This is where I think Nerissa is already screwing up. While stating last week that she's being careful by vocal resting as much as possible between streams, she then undercuts the effort with all-nighter Discord VC with Kiara. I would like to think that Nerissa has a good head on her shoulders and is just exhibiting giddy feelings because of being in Hololive. Hopefully, she recognizes that she doesn't have an infinite amount of validation to give, and that if the relationship starts to go hardcore in a unilateral direction, that she'll draw a hard line at some point.
Oh god…Matsuri…..please don't let things get to that point.
No. 315670
>>315557Demon Dice > Mori
She feels too J-Poppy with Hololive stuff IMMO
No. 316033
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This trash is the reason why I cannot stand NijisanjiEN.
>graduation video
jesus christ. Not even gonna bump the thread with this.
No. 316037
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>>316033That’s not his graduation video KEK. That’s his last “ASMR” stream which is a series of making fun of asmrs and essentially “loud = funny” content. Did you get this from the 4chan catalogue cause it seems like you didn’t even look at the title of the video fucking kek.
No. 316243
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>>316241They also had that pathetic energy to them when they first debut but somehow Bettel's is funny and I can tell he's not an incapable manchild while Mysta's pathtetic shtick just feels like a pitiful reality he's trying to use humor to cover up.
No. 317183
>>317136af fuck
>>317065I think they did that because Pippa called their software spyware on stream. If this wasn’t it, they either blocked Pippa because she’s an insufferable bitch or because the creator of Opera is one of those terminally online SJW type of people, so he probably knows she’s an edgelord and blocked her for that reason. Corpo vtubers blocking Pippa is pretty funny, I know Selen has her blocked or at least muted and she got so upset about it even though Pippa was shit talking her at her debut.
No. 317224
>>317222Damn… I knew it was likely, but I didn't want to believe it was true. They were definitely my favorite from Holostars EN. I really wanna know what happened…
>>317183Blocking Pippa right off the bat should be the industry standard.
No. 317238
>>317222Why does this happen when I finally like one Vtuber (Vesper)
Hope he continues his indie activites at least…
No. 317241
>>317222There's already many theories abound, but the main one seems to be contract dispute, and they both went into negotiations together.
I think both of them are fun to watch, but I kinda think they wanted too much? At the end of the day, hololive is an employer and you can do a ton of things, but certain lines you need to stay within. But I feel like both of them always wanted to cross that border.
No. 317245
>>317222OP here, tbh I expected this announcement as soon as I saw the professor's birthday karaoke. He seems so much happier as an irl streamer and seeing the orc in the post-birthday raid was when I made my peace with their hiatus. They're doing fine, and they will be fine without Cover.
However, still kind of a dick move to start a hiatus right after they both got redesigns imho so I'm a lil bit salty about that lol
No. 317247
>>317246The real
victim of this whole mess is Pako. The man just wants to be a vtuber parent.
No. 317256
>>317247I agree.
I think Magni never deserved to be in Holostars in the first place, he is just an ironic weeb who was trying to get clout off vtuber trend as an irl streamer. I heard he is dating some e-thot vtuber, don't know how much of that is true.
No. 317257
>>317222>in accordance with their wishes, wehave accepted their decision to graduate
How come Hololive EN has the idol shit from JP but Holostars EN doesn't have the brotherhood shit from JP? I'm happy that the coomer and the manchild are leaving though. Unironically the second wave has the Stars feel and people who actually want to be a part of Stars
God don't take this as me manifesting Shinri's departure after tweeting about not being given chances please I do feel bad for Axel and Altare because they're just two people in their "wave" though they're 6 as a gen. Hope the jester doesn't get led astray by the coomer retard
No. 317270
>>317222Yeah I'm not gonna feel bad that this guy
>>305577>>305391won't be around anymore. Poor Pako though.
No. 317289
>>317222Good riddance. They wanted everything handed on a silver platter and didn't care about how that could impact the rest of Tempus, Vanguard included. Vesper especially is a menhera asshole and Magni is just some trash-taste-tier ironic weeb that saw this as nothing but an opportunity to cash in more money but wasn't willing to deal with the limitations of working for a company.
Poor Pako and fuck Vesper for doing this after just debuting his new model.
No. 317436
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No. 317560
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>>317374Professor Lando raided a vtuber artist who was also celebrating their birthday on the same day and Vesper's PL was spotted subbing to the channel. There's a screenshot on nyfco but I'm too lazy to find
No. 317704
>>314926>>314935I remember the offcollab drama, they didn't leave her out on purpose, it went like
>HoloEN girls have a discord server with very few channels>several girls start talking about an impromptu irl get together in main chat>people who responded move to DMs>messages about get together in chat gets buried>Kiara misses the convo because of time zones and not reading all the messages>finds out about irl collab after its already happening>gets sad she wasn't invited not knowing it was basically an open invite, thinking they just didn't ask herI do think Kiara likes to be the center of attention and is pretty menhera but tbh I would also be sad in this situation if I thought my friends purposefully left me out of something.
lolcow not letting me embed but here's the explanation from Mumei's perspective No. 317791
>>317786on twitch
> don't know if Magni is streaming
No. 317792
>>317786Twitch, on Randon's channel I believe.
>>317784AYRT same, I'm dying to know if they acknowledge the situation or if they're really going to just stream like nothing happened, but not enough to watch myself, lol. Need a hero nonna to do the honors for us
No. 317797
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>>317783Man. This only strengthens my thought on their duo grad being a "if you go, I'll go" type of agreement between the two.
No. 317870
>>317740I don't know about that anymore . Tenmas fun to watch but she's been collabing with some coommoids as of late..
zone and onigiri she has started to make some awful coomer jokes aswell..its kind of sad to see this since I expected her to be quite anti coom with how angry she was when people asked for feet pictures…phase connect is kind of a congregation of the worst vtubers ever..
No. 317908
>>317864As if Holostars didn't debut it's first generation with Aruran… Dude himself had to make the shift to a regular ikemen because he wanted it while Cover was the one that thought an ossan would be a good idea (and they were right).
>>317870RIP guess there's nothing at PC now.
No. 317993
>>317870I want to like Phase Connect, but it kind of feels like a lot of the talents end up going in that direction.
I was briefly subbed to Uruka when she was new-ish. I liked how she had violin streams, and played silly childhood games, like Poptropica or whatever. She kind of just seemed like an approachable and down to earth girl.
I stopped watching her for a while, then I went back a few months later to see she had a livestream of her filling up a water bottle with spit… Wtf? I saw a clip of it in my youtube and gagged.
It sucks that vtubers are probably more rewarded for this degenerate behavior than just being normal. I've seen people call her boring, but I kinda like that she just seemed like a normal college girl. Wish they didn't all get sucked into this vortex.
No. 317998
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The day1 of Hololive summer concert got delayed, so they refunded everyones day1 tickets and now you can watch it for free with others on their YT channel! I'd say based, but I am not gonna watch it because of the bikini possible fanservices, so i will cherrypick my oshis songs. I loved the EN solo concert, my only issue was that out of all holos, kronii had the obvious "fanservice " angels, which sucked, as if the cameraman was being creep towards her.
No. 318117
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Welp, he has graduated now. I watched the very end of it. He streamed for 12 hours. I don't think he's coming back as a vtuber any time soon based on his final stream, but maybe someday in the future.
No. 318467
>>318448Guessing you read my post too quickly,
nonnie. I'm saying it's possible she's a Japanese or mixed woman in a European country. She could speak good Japanese and still have a European accent.
If that's so and she's hiding it, I can't blame her. Unfortunately, if she's a Japanese office worker in some European country, some insane fan might try to identify her. She may have a LinkedIn or something, who knows (I'm not familiar with what her irl job is.)
No. 318487
>>318486Is it possible she's a second generation Japanese woman born and raised in another country? Can any anon who watched her before confirm whether she's even claimed she's a native born Japanese?
Tbh, I'm not quite ready to get out my pitchfork and go "SHES A WHITE WOMAN FAKING AN ACCENT" unless she seems to make contradicting claims.
I can promise there's more options other than "pure blooded Japanese woman who's never set foot outside of glorious nippon" and "white western femoid who learned imperfect weaboo Japanese because she's a fucker and a liar"
No. 318495
>>318487I think it's something close to this personally, as she's said that both of her parents are translators and that she had to move around quite a bit growing up.
FTR, she's very adamant about not disclosing her location but as far as we know, she does seem to imply that she lives in Japan. If we hold what she says to be true, it's most likely that her accent in both English and Japanese comes from living a country with some other native language.
French and Slavic influence in her accent are what I see most frequently theorized.
If she's genuinely not Japanese and has been faking it this whole time, it'd be really funny to me, not going to lie. She didn't really use being Japanese as an excuse for cringe weebism the way some other racefakers I've seen have, so I'm not that peeved about it.
No. 318513
>>318509its more likely she's a hafu she has mentioned being bullied for how she looks and has said she thinks her father is a piece of shit(
twitch streams) and said he taught her Spanish when she was little. she soon edited it that out info in the streams but I'm sure there's a archive somewhere also this isn't the first time she been a vtuber (
she has done it before)
No. 318578
>>318511Yes I know, but this still doesn't explain why she begins streaming with English that sounds slightly Japanese despite her skills being like someone who learned the language later through non native means. It's not hard to believe that a woman online streaming as an anime girl would rather come off as Japanese ESL than European ESL.
>>318513Once again though, this doesn't specifically point to her being Japanese. Not saying that she's a skin walker, I don't really know what her deal is, but if she has conveniently avoided saying she's part Japanese and does not speak as someone who grew up speaking the language, you sort of have to go through hoops to justify a non-zero chance of her having some Japanese heritage. I don't think she has to reveal who she is or where she's from. Anyway, I know it's kind of pointless to argue the heritage of some random girl online, so I'll leave it at that.
No. 318594
>>318578Ntayrt but I agree, I don't wanna derail the thread anymore until there's concrete evidence. Tenma seems alright from the little I've seen, and i dont feel the need to get out pitchforks right now.
Not to mention, we have Fuwamoco, who are known white women in their mid 30s who are skinwalking as Japanese ESL children. I hate it. There's clips of them in their past life speaking much more fluent, deeper English. (Assuming that's not allowed here so I won't post.)
No. 318607
>>318597>>318479Honestly I kind of dig the cheesy, straight-up pop once in a while. I like this kind of thing as workout music. I wonder if Kiara is going for a mainstream normie vibe, considering there's nothing anime about the cover.
But damn, I wish Kiara would turn down the chicken voice. She seems like a sweet girl who stays in her own lane, but I can see why the voice is a bit of a turn-off.
No. 318695
>>318594They are hafus and i dont understand how can people hate them when they are the only decent members of the gen, other than Bijou. They work extremely hard and actually put on a character, throwing the holoJP experience into the EN. They even VAd their guardian dog during one of the streams and i found that extremely cute. Yet then again, ive been watching them since Go Go Nippon streams, and i am impressed how they can switch their roles easily. I love watching fuwamoco mornings after work, and their karaoke streams are surprisingly better than Nerissa ones (her voice only fits the slower songs). The only genmate I cannot stand is Shiori, because she is putting the manipulative "woe is me" act to gather the extremely parasocial crowd around her. She was so boring in her PL, and still is, that when she hard-pandered to /jp/ 4chan they quickly dumped her afterwards.
You can always find her Natsumi Moe rape vocaroos on warosu.
No. 318822
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Ally and Sally themselves have said they're 100% caucasian, Ally said they're half Swedish. It's kinda funny how many people can't wrap their heads around the dogs being white though, goes to show that their larp is genuinely successful on idiots. Weebs with yellow fever in shambles that their precious waifus are simply just white weebs like them.
No. 318834
>>318822Thanks for finding that screenshot
nonnie, I haven't actually seen that confirmation of their ethnicity kek.
I think we can almost all agree that at the very least, they seem hardworking and devoted to the hololive culture. However, I think most of us femanons could do with about 100% less twincest encouragement and fake ESL accents.
And what world do people live in where having 1 or even 2 parents of color means you can't speak fluent English as a born and raised westerner? That itself is almost racist kek.
No. 318962
>>318958Nonnie, it's more than 1 yosuga no sora mention, it's a constant theme in their streams. The Ally Sally wiki page says, "They're both in love with the same man, it might be you." I can bring up several more examples if you want, but I think deep down, you know it.
Also a lot of this thread has discussions of uncomfortable and pandery behavior from both male and female vtubers. Scroll up a little. Feel free to bring up your own problems with Nerissa if she's such an issue.
No. 319252
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i miss the times when we would shittalk scrote vtubers in this thread. who are all these girls yall talking about. return to tradition. remember who you are.
No. 319263
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>built a viewer base of femcels>pandered to chinese sugar mommies who are notorious for ruining the lives of the people they're a fan of on a whim>everyone warned him and many of his coworkers were harassed by his fans, he never told them off properly>said "ok ill dial down the bfe">didn't>now he realised people only ever know him as the guy that masturbates on stream and not the mediocre british director>wants to open doors to become a director with his nijisanji fame>realised he didn't work on anything worthwhile for his real dreams while in nijisanji and whatever skills he got from the film school rusted away>tried to turn his asmr streams into plot heavy ones>failed miserably, showed he has no real storytelling or script writing skills>has a breakdown because he wants the reputation of a movie director but the money of a porn star>finally tells his audience that they need a life outside of his streams (i swear i saw the clip but i can't find it now, he says he realised how many people's lives revolved around him and it scared him or something)>normal fans agree and echo it online>chinese fans get angry thinking he's breaking up with his viewers, they "graduate" publicly and condemn him for ruining their safe place>vox ends up pandering the same way in his streams even after saying he'll dial it down once again>is now constantly talking about a million projects he has going on behind the scenes to hype them up>even the mentally sound audience is sick of hearing it >now he and his normal viewers are on a limbo about what he'll do with his content I wouldn't wish a chinese fanbase on anyone but I'm glad he's facing the consequences of making easy money with no ambitions publicly. He played with fire and didn't care when it hurt his coworkers. May a retard like this never come to Niji again. Apparently Hex is the same but I've never seen him nut on stream
No. 319288
>>319252This thread is the same as /vt/. Anons bitching and moaning about somebody instead of looking at actual
valid milk. I honestly was hoping the thread would be more about supporting other women instead of whining and sucking a random neckbeards cock.
>>319263Isn't he gonna graduate anyway? The drama with him cheating on his gf was hilarious. Watching Vox is like reading Wattpads shitty fanfics.
No. 319298
>>319293>Is he touching himself?I don't know. He moans and makes it sound like he has an orgasm but we can't see what he's doing.
>What is he doing that needs moaning and orgasming?Sex asmr. On youtube. None of his streams got taken down so far afaik.
>Was he a movie director?He's a film bro. He studied something related to it, basically with the goal of becoming a director. He dropped out in his very last semester when he joined Nijisanji and found out how much money he can make with sex streams.
>How would you know?He said it on stream.
>Did he do anything that showcases his directing talents?Not really. He had a video on youtube in his past life account that now got privated because retards kept liking it. It was a little student project though. I didn't watch it enough to tell if it's a short film or what.
No reputation, no projects, no diploma. This is the reality of director Akuma…
No. 319299
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By the way, Selen had an outfit reveal and dropped a game to celebrate! It's a mini game, pretty short, but it's really cute. You play as her and Pomu, since their outfits and the outfits' lore connect.
>'s always bringing her fans fun projects and she's so hard working. I love her, the fact that she put this much effort and money into an outfit reveal amazes me. She deserves her stop as one of the pillars of Niji EN. I hope her graduation rumors were all just rrats. She actually has a bunch of projects going on so it won't be soon even if it's true but I still hope she's not planning on it any time soon. She raises Niji EN's reputation singlehandedly.
Vox has something to do here too.
He kept talking about a special project he was doing with Selen. Was it this? Where nearly every niji EN member had the same amount of presence and no input whatsoever? He's the king of hyping up his own mediocracy. He even let her use a model that's not his mascot when no other liver had a wrong mascot in the game. He made the model makers work more, making an eye with wings instead of the simple Onigiri mascot model that represent his fans. What's with this man? He always acts like he's such a hardworker too, when all he does is moan into the mic with shitty plots to get to sex. He doesn't even commission any of the art he uses in his thumbnails or as "outfits", which are all the reason he seems even slightly suited for the jobs he acts out to fuck and hit women. No. 319329
>>319324I was having a stroke while writing that, yes
>>319328 is right I mean that the mid plots he "writes" for his asmrs are jobs like pilot, tattoo artist, prison guard etc. Fans make him a "body" art that he puts over his model and they're all always extremely well done detailed art that he would normally have to commission for a high price.
No. 319339
>>319299Congrats to Selen! I love that she's always so hardworking and loves her fans
>>319252I don't care for scrotes, but this is a /vt/ thread, anything goes, including talking about the other talents and girls. I do wish more casual stuff was talked about, like latest music release and streams
No. 319340
>>319263Very organized and petty. I like it. Please never stop posting
No. 319609
>>319505I think their designs are cute, and the song is much better than Advent's release song. Makes sense if they're idols.
I like the blonde in the beret, cuz I'm weak for berets. I can see the short haired one having a lot of female fans. And I'm worried the red headed one looks a bit too close to Miko in hairstyle.
No. 319621
>>319339Anything does not
go. Thread can get locked if there’s too much dramafagging lest we have a repetition of /w/. Never forget.
No. 319632
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I like a balance of some minor drama (that isn't just straight-up tinfoiling) and talking about our favorite streamers.
In other news, the new Holo group members are all 20+. I'll take it over the normal 'teehee eternally 16' thing.
No. 319871
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after a short period of faking depression and trauma on his alt, blu (the guy previously known as mysta) is back at his coomer shit making his simps buy him sex toys and 4chan merch
No. 319891
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This is the worst thing I've ever seen… I'm also skeptical this is some 4D chess move to attract groomers. Just quit debuting minors.
(For anyone who doesn't wanna read this excessively long letter: a small vtuber corpo is debuting a minor and asked people to not make lewds of her.)
No. 319899
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>>319891The minor in question posted this on her twitter. The replies are about what you'd expect.
I can't really get upset with a minor and blame her for the behavior of male fans. But all of this pomp and circumstance about her age is just going to get people riled up in the worst way possible.
She's gotta be at least what, 15 or 16 (I HOPE)? Just say, "We're happy to debut you in 2 years." It's not worth it.
No. 319904
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>>319891The application form on the company site says you have to be 18+ to apply. So if that's the case why are they debuting a minor?
No. 319908
>>319904…please dont tell this is going to the retarded loli trope of
im akustually 1500yrs old…also male vtuber fans can go die in a ditch
No. 319910
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>>319908AYRT, no I think she's legitimately underage.
This is their reply to a tweet asking if it's legal to have underage talents. I think if it was just lolishit they wouldn't be worried about stuff like parental consent and whatnot.
No. 319959
>>319893i’m the real shayna
>>319914he was just menhera and couldn’t keep up with being a corpo vtuber. I think he will switch to a full time fleshtuber based on his tweets
No. 320218
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I feel bad for her that it got so bad that she had to tweet about it in English. Coomer moid vtuber fans are the reason why I'm ashamed to admit I like vtubers IRL…
No. 320327
>>320218I've seen plenty of lewds and I think 18+ art of hers and I'm not even trying. I just follow a lot of Japanese artists on Twitter and she actually has more than others, despite her request.
I just think any woman involved in vtubing is just an idiot for getting involved into that medium and expecting their almost solidly scrote audiences to behave. The Japanese side is full of otaku who just consume hentai on the regular. The Western side is full of porn addicted r9k incels.
No. 320352
>>320326They feel like they'll be more friend experience for women than gfe. I love their designs too, I hope they don't turn out to be just gen7.
>>320327Stop the
victim blaming. Scrotes act like this with everything, rule34 is a thing. It's not the girls' fault that the incel portion of their audience is so loud, especially for women who work hard in their passions like Suisei.
No. 320372
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Ao (blue hair) debut in 2hr!
>>320327Why do you excuse it? Lmao.
Suisei has always been strict and open about never wishing to see any NSFW content with her. Her seafans and actual watchers know about it, but western coomers and clout chasers don't give two shits that she had to write this message. She never lewdpandered to anyone and always told people that sexualizing her is gross. Of course, she is a successful woman in a successful company, so men will always be retarded about it, but thats still no excuse on not even bothering to check if a person is okay with it.
No. 320376
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>>320372I'm so excited about finally having an idol group for women, fingers crossed they're more chill and don't pander to men right away! I love artists so I know I'll like Ao as long as she doesn't show a completely different personality from her twitter.
No. 320406
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Thoughts on their debuts? They were all fun to me, I laughed along even though I understand little Japanese. I can't elaborate on the jokes but from what I get:
>held a press conference to apologize for stealing women's hearts, said she'll do it again
>named her female fans princesses and male fans hyottoko (google it)
>her humor translates well to EN
>trolled her fans on her debut
>probably funny when you understand Japanese
>ran some tied to bomb gag, asked her fans to be her company's employees at some point
No. 320515
calm but promising debut. think nonnnies who wanted a princely female vtuber will like her. it's not outright, but from her favorite games and anime, looks like she might even be a fujoshi?
definitely think she will be popular with the EN side. i like her singing voices, surprisingly mature and different from the nasal sound japanese singers like. but her liking kpop makes me uncertain about her. it's a personal thing.
don't know yet. gives off the vibe she was already a vtuber before this debut i guess?
No. 320524
>>320352>>320354>>320372I just don't sympathize with anyone that joins the moid pandering idol culture company that punishes women for talking about their dating lives. She participates in that incel culture and goes for a full male audience, then is shocked when she doesn't get respect from some of the most retarded males on the planet. She doesn't have a female audience outside a small minority and she doesn't pander to them, so I don't really have any sympathy on her. She also sadly would've gotten less fanart if she didn't bring attention to how she hates it. It's like how lawyers will tell their e-celeb clients not to bring up drama or how they've been doxxed because it often invokes more of that behavior.
Anyway, participate actively in scrote culture, get scrote culture. It's not that hard to understand.
No. 320527
>>320524Lol stfu I know you’re a coomer masquerading a cynic. Suisei is one of the most mainstream vtubers, she has plenty of female fans. It’s basically fandom meme that hoshiyomi never gets fansa. She doesn’t
participate in incel culture by working a job and having boundaries. Fuck off back to whence you’re from, your retardation sticks out too much.
No. 320532
>>320524Suisei is pretty popular with women and joined before Hololive even became moid pandering. Weird how you criticise her supposed lack of female audience for not pandering to women, but she doesn't pander to men either.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this is just some rando from 4chan
No. 320590
>>320572This. For Suisei I am sure she doesn't like it in general, but there are Holos like Matsuri or Nerissa who don't mind nsfw fanart and yet they ask people to use an alternate tag. The girls who like it will lurk the alternate tag as well, those who don't will have it out of sight out of mind, so it's good practice. No one wants to open a general fanart tag and be blasted with shitty MMD animations of the character sucking cock or AI rendered holes, it's gross even for the girls who like that shit, you're not always going to be in the mood to see it.
Of course pornsick moids and cloutchasers are not going to listen because main tags get more reach and not everybody knows the nsfw ones. It's unfortunate and it happens in every fandom. I remember a popular Korean artist being chewed up by Japanese fans for posting Kiki in her underwear in the official Ghibli tag, so they do it even with children franchises.
No. 320595
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Juu debut is live!>>320547I am OP and i will always stand up for Suisei. She is dedicated, doesnt put up with anyones shit and has always hated coomers. I love her songs, her smart persona, chaos and Miko dynamic.
No. 320696
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I don't like Gura's new outfit. Not only is it clear who it's pandering to, with the background and childish hairclips, but it's also just super boring and uninspired.
No. 320755
>>320740AYRT, you hit the nail on the head. I also love that she's committed to the mask.
She seems very EOP-deterrent and with the lack of pandering elements, I hope her fanbase stays decent.
No. 321248
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Why. Just, why.
No. 321656
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No. 321874
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>>321656This is exactly my line of thought with this change. Too bad he can't be the small model with a deep voice anymore like some anime Plankton.
No. 321960
>>321924Are you the same person who seethed about Vesper's model change? In any case, both he and Kyo are upgrades… Especially Kyo, just look at the responses ITT. Dude got more conventionally attractive to women.
I'd kinda get it if you were this pissed about Flayon doing what Kyo is doing, but Kyo's model literally never suited him and ran pretty oppositional to any aaleged appeal he'd have with women.
No. 322290
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Vox is removing the porn ASMRs
No. 322299
>>322290Interesting cuz there are plenty of risque stuff on youtube that doesn’t get deleted. Maybe it’s demonetization but he doesn’t wanna make it sound like it’s all about money. This makes him look like more of an unwilling
victim and a convenient excuse to
>move away from sexual content permanently which is the true intention here.
No. 322351
>>322290He's going to lose the remaining chinese fans like this. Dude's so dumb, I don't even like his content but for a while he really had a working recipe($$$) but decided to not continue to surf the wave because muh-parasocial-bad.
Everyone knew Vtubers were in a bubble moment, the fall and youtube flagging lewd content was inevitable and yet he really fucked it up huh.
No. 322360
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I'm out of the loop with vtuber shit in general and honestly hardly care about it, but is there any milk on fallenshadow? I have never seen a more annoying pickme faggot in my life. Vidrel and you know it's a seething fatty whose mad she can't score any dick, hence why her appealing to neckbeard lolicons is her only chance at ever scoring any male attention
No. 322378
>>322351Getting out of this sounds like a good idea, but starting it in the first place was what was stupid. It's one thing if he was the only one affected by his choice in content, but his female peers were getting harrassed over this delusional possessive female coomer shit. So yeah, parasocial WAS bad in this case. Are you dumb?
Make no mistake, though. I'm not praising him. I think male chubas like he and Hex were a mistake that should never have happened in the first place.
No. 322410
>>322290Hololive membs have a choice between having an outfit or funds for a new song / project between each milestone unless there is a small chance of some anniv outfit. I am sure holostars work that way too.
>>322190>>322395She is known on twitch and also is close friends with HoloEN Fauna. How new? She butthurted the hell out of herself when Fauna joined Hololive, going schizo over it (while, in fact, literally being a schizophernic girl). Eventually it all died out and calmed down, Fauna reassured her, even wished her a happy birthday last year on her stream. But with that being said
>>322360Tldr about her
>what i said above>with the drama above she started streaming because 4chan started grooming her (literally) into being a streamer, when before that she would do nothing but yt asmr content for herself>she is a different type of "god why", not a terrible coomer like shylily and co, but plays into the "i am your little sister act" a lot>depends on her mods and community, which are -surprise surprise- disgusting men preying on her, which is why you have thatAt the end of the day, its her choice to keep staying relevant by throwing worlds most clickbaity and cancel-worthy bs, but i still find her fanbase more disgusting than her. They are like a bunch of pedos who depend on her.
No. 322446
>>322378I just think that once you go parasocial for the money you should fully commit to it. I know he was retarded and did not understand the implication of his actions but still I can see how fans would see his wish washy attitude as a betrayal as sorts as he was the one that acted like a whore first.
In that sense I really think Hex is more of a professional in his debauchery and exploitation, at least he knows what his fans are looking for while Vox deludes himself into believe his fans actually like him as a person and not as fetish fodder.
If you want to go lewd and parasocial you better stick up to it, it's a character not you.
No. 322452
>>322449Exactly, it's so clear how he had no competent manager to guide his "career" and expectations.
What a fucking waste.
No. 322633
>>322360She's not fat, she's probably an ana-chan. According to her she's been tortured by her family since she was a little kid, has miriad of health issues on top of mental ones. She calls herself a "daughterwife" and her whole brand is insulting everyone because 2edgy4u.
No. 322652
>>321230>>321233Just say you hate mans.
>>317797Thats if thats real is a HUGE BS and just making me anngrier.
Cus they just dissepired and "f*ck the fans!" And they ruind stuff for the rest of the boys in EN AND JP.
Just selfish
No. 322693
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>>322662nta but idk why you're so insistent that she's fat
No. 322813
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>>322798The weird gambling game at the beginning gave me whiplash. It reminds me of one of the many complaints about Nijisanji Merch.
>Nijisanji EN makes "merch" of plain tshirts with the talents' key visuals. Not even new art, 36 dollars + shipping>Nijisanji drops yearly reports, says Nijisanji EN fans are not buying merch and claims EN was a bridge between Japanese audience and JP livers instead of acknowledging that the western audience is fed up with the management, not the talents>fans bring attention to the problems with merch>The merch is low quality>No one's paying shipping that's more than multiple items combined to get a plastic stand with the default image of the liver>Gacha for shitty merch doesn't interest western audience, the only reason it works for Japanese audience other than low shipping cost is that a lot of them use having rooms full of merch as a way to escape their awfully depressing work lives so they're willing to spend their money on gacha to get any merch item. Western audience prefers knowing what they'll get when they pay awful fees for shipping themselves and they have better, actually useful things to spend their money on, most don't have the cultist mindset of "I need to dedicate my entire life to this streamer!">Any western weeb with the income to get shrine rooms of merch will be interested in collecting high quality items from animes that drop multiple merch lines instead of low quality vtuber merch that drops twice a year >Western audience now knows that the talents get so little of the money (1%) so they have no incentive to "support" the merch lines, other than if the merch was high quality>The fans now know how shitty the management for the EN talents is, fed up with how little effort is put into the branch's activities compared to JP, Selen's own efforts to be active as a branch is turned down even when the management doesn't need to lift their fingers for her plans to be made into reality>Fans point out Lazulight's first year tshirts which were designed by the talents themselves so the fans felt a connection and the merch sale was successful >Nijisanji still doesn't have a manufacturer or warehouse in US and/or Europe despite shipping cost being the most obvious reason for the difference between EN and JP fans' attitude towards buying merch>Nijisanji headquarters in shambles realising making an EN branch requires actually putting in effort to reach an international audience's demands and they won't bend over backwards to buy their low quality merch when they can see Anycolor put no effort whatsoever to appeal to the west in the western branch Kind of random but I need to point this out
>The management cares so little for the EN branch that they put a Japanese woman that can't speak English into the branch. Meloco made a livestream of viewing EN clips and she doesn't understand a single joke if she understand the words correctly at all>She and Kotoka stream in Japanese more than English>They get priority over actual English speakers for events supposedly including the EN branch because the management doesn't want to spend money on flying over the international talents they're trying to seem like they care about>Now fans are convinced they only let those two into the EN branch through nepotism because they didn't want to put in the effort to go through the academy required for the JP branch No. 322973
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I want a little Elira figure but I don’t know if I like the way these look
No. 323153
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This is me ranting for the sake of ranting but god I just can’t stand merryweather/merrydawg(his vtuber persona).
Everything about his vtuber persona feels so manufactured and unispired in a lazy attempt to appeal to as many people as possible. Every clip I see of his streams it feels like he’s trying to copy every possible male moid vtuber all at once. Not to mention him leeching off every interaction he has with a popular vtuber. I remember at one point he was getting his artists to illustrate random Twitter conversations he had with popular vtubers and posting them and it felt so pathetic.
He really needs to stick to behind the scenes shit because every time I see him barking or acting like some “uwu soft puppy daddy boy” I can’t forget the fact that this guy is the same guy who gets people to draw fucking Google chrome as a big titty anime chick.
No. 323160
>>323153This dude tries to make every single vtuber graduation about himself and soft-doxxes them to his entire audience when they make a post on their RM accounts. He did that with Masae when she still had her face and name on her account and they never even interacted before that point. It’s very odd.
He doesn’t even really know basic info about streamers he leaches from most of the time either, and even got so embarrassed he apologized once after clogging an Australian vtuber’s (with a thick accent) chat with messages nonstop before being like “YOU’RE AUSTRALIAN???” after he said something about being there. He’s such an attention whore but he’s popular so people have to be cordial with him.
No. 323309
>>323160I had no clue about the doxxing stuff but can’t say I’m surprised, this dude is just so damn self centered.
His streams with popular vtubers are so hard to watch because they always feel so awkward. I remember his streams with vox being extremely hard to watch because they barely knew each other yet it felt like Merry desperately wanted people to start shipping his persona with vox it was so cringe.
I absolutely hate his self pitying nice guy act too, I remember one stream with a popular vtuber he was whining about how “famous” the other guy was and how he was nothing compared to him. I can’t stand this bitch.
No. 323337
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I've been so nostalgic for them lately.
No. 323543
>>323505if the porn of their avatar has their fans as a self-insert, or has other vtubers in it, then i think it's weird. if the bf is dismissing
valid concerns and makes you out to be crazy over it instead of trying to understand where you're coming from even a little bit then that's also a bit weird.
No. 323573
>>323505>pornI wouldn't like that at all. While some people do draw nsfw art because they just like the avatar, encouraging this to your audience who's there for your personality feels like lowkey sex work.
>bf/gf asmrNot exactly sex work but I still wouldn't want it. Especially if he's rting porn of his avatar, then you know how he wants his audience to think of him. I think bf/gf asmr would only be okay if the creator gives away no part of his real personality and that's his only content. Then you could expect the viewers to not form weird parasocial relationships and to just listen to his content thinking of an imaginary person.
No. 323596
>>323505I guess I'd wanna know whether this started before or after the beginning of your relationship.
If this has been their kind of content long before you even met, it sucks but I think it's a little unfair to expect them to change it now.
If you've been dating for some time and they just now decided to indulge in this kind of content, then yeah I think you could set some barriers. Decide what is or isn't okay for your relationship, or if there's a compromise (maybe you're okay with role-playing ASMRs like vampire boyfriend or yandere bf but not them saying the same things to the chat they say to you.)
You're deffo not crazy or unreasonable or anything though. Don't gaslight yourself nonita.
No. 323701
>>323699I'm sure
nonnie meant otome games kek but it's really a shame that so many comfy themed female vtubers start off non coomerish but fall into it when they see moidbucks
No. 323873
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New VShojo member and you’re sleeping.
No. 323949
>>323880Yeah, he changed it a couple weeks after graduating. He'd been hinting for a long while on his alt that he already had something in the works for post-graduation, so him having been in talks with VShojo for quite a while isn't a stretch of the imagination.
Looking at recent graduations, I feel that Magni and Mysta were the most suited to joining Vshojo as male streamers. Magni is already accounted for (as are many of the other less probably recent grads), and Mysta is the most likely by process of elimination.
Who knows though, maybe it's all a coincidence and they'll shock us by actually doing something with one of the audition candidates from forever ago that went nowhere. But mosts signs point to Mysta.
Debuting a single male streamer instead of a generation seems like kind of a strange move IMO, but I guess VShojo's chuubas do operate in a borderline indie manner when it comes to collabs and they did start off their whole JP branch with a single streamer as well.
No. 324179
>>324140Gonna be honest. He was my least favorite of his mama's vtubers visually, and his first alt iin particular fell way behind the others IMO. Shu looks ridiculous from the waste down, but what we see 90% of the time is only the part I like, anyways. And Oga is just perfect IMO.
I guess it's because of her style, I just feel like it works best on designs that are a bit less human looking.
Although my opinion on Mysta's design may also just be tainted by how annoying I find the dude himself, kek.
No. 324180
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Design leaked.
No. 324219
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>>324180Why is he literally Izuru but dirty…?
No. 324221
>>324180>>324219Izuru's voice and personality fits this type of bratty pretty boy design but it's gonna be a hard miss if emozuru is actually Mysta. Why is it wasted on a man that's going to have a breakdown about the people who pay his bills every stream instead of someone who actually wants to work and has an attractive personality and voice to fit the character… At least the dirt fits him.
No. 324223
>>324180Ngl I love the design. It does feel Shoto adjacent though.
>>324222He's actually having a new house built for him, he said it during his graduation stream iirc. He did say he was spending like 1k a month on gacha tho, no idea if he knows anything about saving or if he let the spending catch up to him.
No. 324284
>>324180On one hand, I expected way worse, but I also think it's a fairly boring design.
I do wonder what Mysta fans are thinking about this. Personally only watched him a few times, but if my oshi left in such a way, complaining along the way, saying he essentially is burned out, and proceeded to return in LESS then a full month? I'd be pissed.
No. 324298
>>324284The fact that there’s apparently few benefits to joining vshojo anyways makes me wonder why he’d join at all.
I’ve heard v shojo does very little for their talents yet still takes some of their income. And that you might as well go indie.
No. 324302
>>324284>gets a full high quality character - design, art and rigging done less than a month from his graduation>also must have been working on all the other stream overlay, emotes etc stuff for a while His ass was working on his Vshojo debut while complaining about his fans as Mysta. He was really farming all those donos and views acting like he'll be gone long enough to be missed while knowing he'll continue streaming the exact same way in a month. He's been thinking of just changing his company for months, not streaming or his fans. I felt bad for him at first because we know his depressive episodes from the discord leak and I can relate to being burnt out, but seeing this turn of events I've lost all the sympathy I felt for him.
But also I'll watch his breakdown realising the problem wasn't Niji or his fans who will follow him into his new persona but himself. I can't even imagine what he would do if he had Vox's fans.
No. 324337
>>324332The issue with nijiEN is that they just seem to have a lower standard when it comes to their talents. They seem to care more about how popular the talent was in their past life rather than the quality of their stuff. I mean Kyo didn’t even seam to be a streamer as far as I can tell. (Although I do think he’s one of the better nijisanji males.)
Even when talents of quality do get a chance there it won’t be long until they conform to the same old nijisanji bull crap. That bull crap being pandering to a gross audience filled with coomers.
I haven’t watched much of holostars, but I have seen a few clips and they just seem to actually care more about their content. ? Or maybe they just don’t pander as much to coomers. I’ve been thinking of watching Flayon.
No. 324346
>>324337Yeah, they don't pander as much to coomers. Flayon is the closest you'll get to it in Tempus.
Even with some of the Holostar JP members openly talking about their fetishes (I still dislike Roberu and Astel for being so openly into oneeshota and kemoshota respectively), their content isn't as coomery as a lot of NijiEN. And even dudes like Astel have actual talent, dude has to have one of the most well rounded skillsets of any male vtuber between his ranked PVP and singing.
No. 324381
>>324369It gets to the point where you wonder if they are even really joking anymore, or if they are covering up their sick perversions by pretending it’s all a joke.
I’ll never buy the “it’s all pretend” thing moids use to defend their loli and shota obsession. Especially considering how it’s pretty common for people who brag about being into that stuff to end up being sicko’s in real life.
No. 324391
>>324381They're not joking at all, it's just that subculturally people are so used to compartmentalizing enjoying that shit on a fictional basis versus wanting to do that shit to actual kids that everybody else just plays along instead of finding it seriously concerning. There's no doubt that ny of these guys mentioned in the last few posts are actually reading hentai involving actual children, Astel and Roberu are open about it. Everybody just decides it has nothing to do with actual children eventually getting molested.
FTR, Ui-mama's current loli schtick started with Kenmochi as well. She did her first loli stream after losing a bet to him.
No. 324417
>>324180he’s not letting go of the fox ears huh
>>324182fucking kek
No. 324418
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Looks like most of the girls from AkioAir's new gen dipped out after the whole underage fiasco. The company is covering it up with some bullshit illness reason kek No. 324429
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>>324418Their most popular talent, Athena, has also left. She removed all mention of the company from her Twitter bio, and also tweeted a graduation notice (that was quickly deleted). Picrel.
A couple of the girls intended for the new generation have already returned to/announced a return to streaming under their old personas.
No. 324430
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>>324429I posted too soon, kek. She just tweeted her official departure notice– looks like the previous one was deleted in favor of a more scathing goodbye to the company.
Good on her for leaving. I'm glad she has the power to, since she has an actual stable day job as a nurse. Hope this doesn't follow her.