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No. 197320[Reply]

Remake of the other thread, here >>>/m/182650 (Copy + paste into search bar to find it)

Dump cute art of 2d women here. It can be classical art, fanart, shipping art, whatever. You may post art of your waifus just keep sperging to other threads. No coomer shit.
524 posts and 479 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 400899

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No. 400900

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No. 404453

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No. 404454

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No. 404927

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No. 247993[Reply]

>Homestuck is an Internet fiction series created by American author and artist Andrew Hussie in the first half of the 2010s. Its plot centers on a group of teens who unwittingly bring about the end of the world by installing the beta version of an upcoming computer game, Sburb.

A thread to discuss Homestuck, Hiveswap, and other MSPA stories. Try to limit discussion of the drama surrounding HS^2. It's bad, everyone knows it's bad, let's focus on the good stuff instead. Or the less bad stuff. It is Homestuck after all.
Starter questions:
>Favorite characters? flashes? songs?
>Fanfic recs/fanventure recs
>Opinions on the vriskcourse?

Homestuck^2 /snow/ thread: >>>/snow/981279
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No. 404354

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Kek, Funk is a personal cow of mine. Everything he writes centers on troonism, including his project Homestuck AU, a full rewrite of Homestuck starring June. Despite his troon obsession, he's a gender-conforming man with no interest in transition. He flirts with trooning out but never gets further than putting she in his bio and painting his nails before "detransitioning." A lot of troons in the fandom hate Funk for refusing to commit to being a troon himself and for admitting that June has no evidence in the original comic.

No. 404355

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Here's another sample of his writing. His Twitter is filled with pesterlogs like these.

No. 404363

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Got any milk?

Holy shit, why doesn't he just write OCs? Oh nevermind, I already have the answer: his ideas suck too much on their own, so he just leeches off of the Homestuck fanbase. Honestly, when I first came across his Twitter page, I figured he was a low-effort troon, and I was fully expecting to hear an awkward moid attempt at ladyvoice when I viewed one of his videos.

I wonder if writing that gender nonsense comic about Roxy was his way of getting back in troons' good graces. The TiFs ate up that slop, but the TiMs probably don't care for that sort of thing because they prefer TiM Roxy. Interesting how TiMs and TiFs are both trying to self-insert as Roxy.

No. 404398

>john egbert: but yeah we should abolish money as soon as possible
KEK the fuck am i reading

No. 404920

>Favorite characters?
>Opinions on the vriskcourse?

I can answer all three in one go lol. I like homestuck for its storytelling rather than any individual character (which I think all start off as interesting and full of potential but inevitably end up being boring) but if i had to choose it's Vriska and Tavros, I like how it's a comically toxic love/hate relationship with a hint of villainess/reluctant henchman dynamic, they're perfect foils to each other AND they're written to be bad on purpose which I find funny as fuck (at least until Hussie lost all self awareness). Too bad most Vriska-only and Tavros-only stans are completely insane, so I always kept as far away as possible from the fandom kek.
I also really like early Rose and her teenage angst. I used to like Terezi and her thing going on with Vriska, but then Hussie started taking her way too seriously which made me hate her, oops.

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No. 384737[Reply]

You can post cat picture, gif or illustration here to celebrate this amazing animal!

previous thread >>>/m/287823
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No. 404855

Surely they realised that this was a huge fail if they wanted to make the suffragettes look evil kek

No. 404859

wait, was this an anti-suffragette photo?

No. 404896

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I love these creatures

No. 404919

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Rusty cat!

No. 404924

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Reminds me of the black-footed cat

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No. 205070[Reply]

in honor of meido day, let's get this going again
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No. 404904

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No. 404905

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No. 404906

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No. 404907

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No. 404908

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No. 193738[Reply]

Link to archived J-Music thread active at the time of the /m/assacre: >>>/m/14863

This will serve as a temporary (?) J-Music thread since weird things seem to be happening in the JRocker realm.

>Yoshiki broke up with his longtime Russian sugar baby Natasha/Natalya in December 2019 & ran back to Japan "until further notice" using the pandemic as an excuse, but flew back to LA quietly less than 3 months later like nothing happened

>…right as Russia invaded Ukraine?
>he also has yet another ~international superband~ project, "Yoshiki SUPERSTAR Project X, only this one is supposed to be a boy band. I guess some people just don't learn.
>Yoshiki also unfollowed Marilyn Manson on all his socials, despite their friendship going back decades and involving hide
>Kisaki is a literal pedophile. Literally. See archived thread link for more info bc I'm just not comfortable linking it myself
>Gackt suspended all activity indefinitely due to health isssues, moved back to Japan & is still an aging cringelord
>Miyavi (and Yoshiki) may be trolling Instagram to scam fans out of money and ideas, needs more investigation but apparently back in 2020 an anon was sent a DM by a Miyavi fake on IG who she claims was the real deal, & that he stole a bunch of ideas from her like Miyavi sake, Miyavi hair wax and that he styled his Imaginary tour backup dancer to look and dress like her
>A theory is that Miyavi and Yoshiki have been making fake private accounts since the onset of the pandemic to contact fans for ideas and to scam money from them. One Yoshiki fan lost over $100,000USD and then killed herself because she was convinced she was talking to the real Yoshiki, and she even received details about his Baccarat deal before the real Yoshiki ever announced it on his official channels. This apparently happened the day before Yoshiki posted the first story to his IG about "not having private accounts'.
>There's an IG account dedicated to keeping track of the Yoshiki fakes, @for_yoshiki_attention run by a Russian Yoshiki fan trying to get to the bottom of this (slow updates lately bc of the obvious)
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 394704

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Mia is looking like a monster now, his face makes him look like he's about to troon out (or turn into an alien) but is body is clearly on steroids. Unspoiler at your own risk.

Your guess sounds very plausible, sad if true. I always feel pity when I see them book the tiniest venues abroad, how must that feel if you're used to 1000s of fans… Do you know if they sold well in Japan at least?

Did anybody ever really doubt this? What kind of illness could there be that happens so quickly that he didn't have the time to tell anybody, but he also knew he would die the day before so he still sent a goodbye message and then it immediately killed him when he was barely middle aged…
Sounds like it was a public memorial? Did I miss it or was there none for Acchan and Heath afterall?

Did anybody go to see Kamijo? I didn't and kind of regret it now.

No. 394710

Jesus Christ what an awful photo. His face and foot look completely deformed.

No. 394711

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In the other one he posted his head looks even tinier. His body dysmorphia is insane, I wonder how he pays for all the treatments now that he rarely seems to work anymore.

No. 398324

He looks like Gackt but with even more plastic surgery.

No. 404889

so the nipple removal thing was a lie apparently (he posted recent pics with his nipples visible)

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No. 351019[Reply]

What are you reading, anons?

Previous threads

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No. 404007

Anna Karenina

No. 404129

Technically for something to qualify as romance they have to end up together in the end. Just look for books under "tragic love story" or something

No. 404136


1/2 a happy ending if you count Levin

No. 404887

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what are some good unrequited love books recs? no YA books please.

No. 404893

>I don't think I've ever read a book with a "plain" male protagonist
John Green does does that in his books, they are, however, utter shite and not worth reading. And he typically pairs it with a hot manic pixie girl for him to thirst over.

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No. 17258[Reply]

Thought this would be nice to have since podcasts are huge right now. Every Tom, Dick and Harry now thinks the world can't be deprived of their opinions and starts a podcast.

>Podcasts you like
>Podcasts you hate
>Podcast/Host drama
>Crazy Podcast Fandoms

There is a thread that already exists for one of the biggest podcast cows, Mike Boudet, but it's pretty dead.

Another totally dead thread that seems to be only for recommending podcasts.
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No. 404170

She comes across as quite arrogant. It's weird because I don't get the same impression from Hannah at all. Maybe if she saw this thread she'd attribute any less than positive feelings towards her as nonnies not liking that she's GNC, it's a shame because she can be pretty funny at times but the I Am Very Cool anecdotes are so grating and repetitive

No. 404179

>nonnies not liking that she's GNC
well if it matters I listened to a random newish episode blind and got the impression she was irritating and I have absolutely no idea what they look like, so it's not anything about her looks for me, it's just what she's saying. Unless you're not talking about appearances but about her opinions being GNC, in which case I'd have to listen to more to get a grasp on what GNC is for her but I didn't want to kek

No. 404208

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I cannot beliieeeveee nobody has reccommended Normal Gossip yet?? People send in low-stakes gossip stories from their lives, the host reads them out to a guest. That's it.
They pick the guests really well for the story, the guest usually has some insider knowledge about the context of the story (gay sports leagues, hermit crab care, Disney world). The host's voice sounds like sparkling crystal. You get a good drama story but nobody gets hurt or killed. There's 3 seasons of it.
After I listened to it I had to go back to audiobooks because no podcast scratched the itch for me lol.

No. 404878

I'm obsessed with this show too wtf? Can you recommend me som audiobooks with the same vibe?

No. 405079

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this sounds very similar to Gossip Mongers, a British podcast with the same premise but without guests (just reading listeners gossip). Not sure of the exact details or if the podcast is even still going, but the two male hosts ousted the female host, Poppy Hilstead. I stopped listening after that.

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No. 324512[Reply]

>what is transwashing
Transwashing is when a character is forcefully made into trans, even if they're just gnc, homosexual, or crossdressing. When a character dresses or behaves in a way outside of the gender stereotype associated with their biological sex, oftentimes fandoms (and, even the creators themselves to appear "woke") start perceiving them as trans. And, sometimes, even if those characters don't have "any sign of being trans", some people's head-canons becomes too out of control and fall into the gender ideology. This unfortunately happens to real people too.

Post those characters, discuss why they're transwashed, and vent if you want to. Please don't infight and ignore any shitty bait.

Previous thread:
569 posts and 167 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404733

>vaguely alt/punk aesthetic
>insufferable bpd-chan
of fucking course timmies skinwalk her

No. 404749

hate that a reboot is coming out and so new fans and old fans will discuss over ranma being genderfluid (but im sure theres few that will headcanon him as transfem) and akane being bisexual or even tif with her being kinda tomboyish.

No. 404838

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No. 404841

back when I used to watch YMS he watched a fan made life is strange movie and they had a straight up troon playing her kek.

No. 404891

They should have just made Johnny a normal woman smh

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No. 40244[Reply]

Not to be confused with anti anime.
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No. 374292

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No. 374315

I don't dislike Falin, I even think she's cute, but she's so flat and overhyped. If we swap her for some important magical object,the impact would be the same. She is fridged too much and all her characterisation in the flashback felt as if it was screaming at my face to love her because she's perfect.
I sincerely hoped Falin cannot be resurrected at the end, or the one who come back isn't really her. It would make the consequences more heavy and everything happened so far more impactful (as being teased). I feel like the main party has been too lucky, with all the shit they stir, Laios soloing the dragons, and the "can eat desires" bullshit asspull.

No. 374801

>Marcille/Falin shippers have such confirmation bias it's unbelievable
TBF there were like couple of moments with them together in the second half in manga, stuff that hasn't been adapted yet. A lot of shippers are anime-only so this is really stupid, yes. They just like the idea of wholesome lesbian representation or w/e when it hardly matters and they've genuinely been portrayed as friends at best until much later.
Up until Red Dragon arc the entire story had episodic/comedic format, so I understand the confusion when you actually get to it yourself. I think it's a really good story, it's just the case of an insufferable smug fanbase around it who don't actually understand anything and hopped on it because of the "hype".

Back when we just reached Red Dragon arc in the manga, it really felt that way, I guess it's like the end of Disc 1, where the party beat the fakeout final boss and seemingly achieved the good ending until the real deal appeared and everything crumbled. I don't think happy ending is a bad thing though.

No. 404707

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Couldn't be bothered to find a group pic of Norland's goons but they have the same thing going on with male vs female characters

No. 404824

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PS&G was a big deal at the time it came out and I was a teenager when I saw it. Unfortunately the reboot will not work because the dub writers will censor themselves. I think people watching the series too late is like watching FLCL where at the time it came out everyone was hype and it inspired a lot of media like Scott pilgrim but watching the series 20 years later I just didn’t get it

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No. 389898[Reply]

Post DA spaghetti, waifu/husbando autism, weird people, etc

prev: >>>/m/283181
198 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404639

this reminds me of nemu

No. 404787

Anyone gets massive autism vibes from the guy talked about in vidrel?

No. 404788

This should be a banner.

No. 404791

Dying, this would be such a good meme in /ot/ and /m/ kek

No. 404815

You gave me an idea for my husbando shrine meme section……

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