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/w/ - vloggers, lolita, cosplay

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No. 341334

What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.
This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!

Current/Upcoming streams: https://holodex.net/
Chat logs: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/

Previous threads

Notable Vtuber Cows:
>niwwu a.k.a @niwwuunekoberi
>An EN vtuber obsessed with pandering to lolicons and telling everyone that she, a 24 year old looks like a child
twitter: https://x.com/niwwunekoberri
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/niwwu


>EN vtuber who complains about muh "hot tub streamers" having privelage on twitch while also ban baiting multiple times to prove a point
>slowly starting to do irl thirst traps
twitter: https://x.com/MegalodonVT
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/megalodonvt
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/megalodonvt/

>Ike Eveland

>Male Nijisanji vtuber, had a collab with hatsune miku
>Has a history of texting minors and his ex alleged that he would pay for fans to ply to his place then cheat
>was accused of sexual abuse in now deleted reddit post, screenshots are in the old thread
twitter: https://x.com/ike_eveland
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4yNIKGvy-YUrwYupVdLDXA

No. 341362

i don't understand these loli pandering retards, moids aren't attracted to characters like kanna because she's short they're attracted to her because she's meant to be a child. most anime characters are short but there's a reason loli as an archetype exists.(derailing)

No. 341367

It's also insane for a grown woman, no matter how petite she may be, to try to say she's built exactly like an animated toddler. Pandering to pedo moids has to be one of the worst forms of pick-meism.

No. 341379

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She's not even that small either. Assuming she's American she's 5'2 which is only 2 inches under the average height.

No. 341390

I don't hate female lolicons or loli avatars as much as other nonnas here do (I like Gura, Biboo) but goddamn those moid-pandering pick mes are the worst. So nasty.

No. 341412

File: 1735189111519.png (66.06 KB, 763x606, niwwu.png)

Niwwu came out and admitted to having an eating disorder, then when her simps were thirsting over her body checks where she fully admits to the ED and being extensively underweight, she has to tell them that she's recovering…but don't worry! Even healthy she's still a kawiwi literal irl loli kindergartener especially next to other american haggus UwU
You get what you fucking deserve. Starve more to keep your pedo moid fanbase, they'll leave you in a year when you're no longer fresh and are "Christmas cake" old kek

No. 341423

>moid-pandering pick mes are the worst
>I like gura and biboo
Are you implying both of those vtubers arent also moid pandering? Especially gura who leans into the cunnywhich means child vagina shit? The amount of copium lolishits like you huff is astounding

No. 341424

>even at a normal healthy weight, I still appear thinner than most people
kek what an NLOG. Of course the little lolituber is still smol and special, guys. Enjoy being "picked" by your bottom of the barrel moid viewers.

No. 341425

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Reminder that this is what the uguu real loli looks like, even with editing she clearly has an adult woman's face, I'm sure it's especially looking rough if she's been anachan for a while

All to appease the lowest tier of men imagineable. Hope faking a loli voice and being a hardcore nlog is worth it when not even the other loli VTubers like her and see right through her kek(spamming in multiple threads)

No. 341471

meanwhile she appears to be a completely normal weight for her height? She might be on the lower range for 5'2", but she's hardly "severely underweight uwu" in any way.

gura constantly reposts obvious lolicon fanart too. They're just as disgusting as the pedos they cater to.

No. 341474

am I bone rattling if I say she looks like a completely average weight…? Maybe she’s super skinny to american standards. Everyone is so fat in burger land that normal weight people do the eating disorder larp or act like they’re the skinniest alive.

No. 341498

not at all she's trying to justify her model. these girls need a thicker skin. if you're going to pander, just do it and shut the hell up.

No. 341522

She has broken immersion for her lolicon moids now that they know she is a grown up 3d woman and not a 2 dimensional child with neon hair. It's over.

No. 341566

You say that but she's got many of them still thirsting for her. As long as she starves herself and maintains the loli trope and body they will be there. If she doesn't, they will leave. That's why she's trying to "recover" to sympathy bait after getting called a pedo panderer for calling herself the body of an eight year old but has to reassure her moids that she still would be the smallest most loliest loli next to others. While posting her next body check in children's training bras and underwear. It's sick.(sage your shit)

No. 341583

>She has broken immersion for her lolicon moids
Nah vtuber fans have disgustingly low standards lol. She could be a fat pig and they'd still worship her because she's willing to act like a toddler behind the avatar

No. 341584

Makes her look like a total pathetic retard bragging about how she looks “naturally childlike” then finally admits she obsesses 24/7 over trying to keep herself smaller, and tries to save it with the ridiculous claim that she still looks unusually small with the exact dimensions of other normal adult women. Kek. It’s such a weird form of cope that clearly comes from her being dissatisfied with her mediocre face and big nose, when in reality she’d do better just accepting her mature, defined facial structure and giving up this whole starving little orphan act complete with begging for escraps.

No. 341745

I can't take most Vtubers seriously tbh. Espicially the women. Most talk like retarded toddlers and I can't stand it. Which I get it, they're doing a character, it isn't their voice. It's just the blatant pedo pandering. As for the guys, most are sex pests behind their avatars. I just don't trust most.(this sort of commentary belongs in the /m/ thread)

No. 341815

File: 1735830143885.jpg (159.52 KB, 583x1420, dwvVTdO.jpg)

Megalodon spent months whining about hot tub/irl streamers just to slowly launch her onlyfans kek

No. 341822

Tbh hot tub streamers are different. They pretend what they are doing isn't softcore porn. With fansly it's obvious.

No. 342478

File: 1736709931323.png (4.28 MB, 1536x2048, silverfail1.png)

So I only just recently got around to seeing these now that they've shipped out and are in fans' hands but my god, these figures are sooo bad and look NOTHING like the promo pictures? Thank fuck I did not bother to blow $200+ on this absolute low quality paint job nightmare.

>not nearly as much pink fade in the hair as the promo pictures show

>the pink that is there practically looks white
>the branches are a much darker brown color
>the dress is black instead of purple like the promo image shows
>splotchy paint on the dress panels themselves
>very derpy face that looks totally off from the promo pic (next picrel)
They did come with all the little petal pals but whoever took this picture removed them.

I almost thought the promo image was pretty enough to buy despite SV being an awful person nope, I was right to avoid and save my wallet.

No. 342480

File: 1736710041160.png (831.5 KB, 1000x600, silverfail2.png)

Spot the differences, I'll start.
They don't even have the same eyes or the same mouth.

No. 342693

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Anyone here familiar with kiki pyon-pyon ? I found out about her recently (really wish I didn't) and it led me down a depressing rabbithole…
>got her start online by frequenting r9k while underage and would send men her nudes then report them for cp
>at some point she got into vtubing while still underage (only becoming an adult sometime around 2022)
>made her avatar a flatchested loli rabbit girl who "looks smol just like me uwu" and panders really hard to her 4chan audience by playing the "adorable autist who's simultaneously wholesome yet degenerate" persona
>posts lewd art of her avatar for her cunnyposting audience to enjoy
>also likes to play up being sick and frail so she has an excuse to not stream and milk them for sympathy cash
>also has had a number of private conversations leak, including one where she admitted to being SEXUALLY ATTRACTED TO CHILDREN
Vid attached is from a stream she did where she completed a porn category tier list and heavily discussed her kinks in depth - like lolicon, scat, urination, etc.

No. 342694

File: 1736928903490.webm (1.34 MB, 960x540, 6074770-f9dbbdb949a2bf987dddd7…)

And here's a video of her that leaked (I don't know how long ago). You can see she looks like about her age (not like some uwu loli jailbait like she claims) and looks relatively healthy. I'll happily post some more of her if there's interest.

No. 342695

makes me laugh that both her and pippa are balding/have gigantic mtf foreheads. Its like a pickme curse.

No. 342696

File: 1736929135020.png (403.21 KB, 691x502, uwu aren't I so flatchested..P…)

Really quick, just wanted to throw this pic in here where she's trying really hard to make herself look flatchested for her pedo audience lol

No. 342707

I though the one on the right was bootleg, kek. Even prize figures nowadays have nicer hair molds.

No. 342709

I'm looking at timestamps. This was in pre-order with an artstation 3D model for almost 2 years before it was released in 2023. The more vibrant one is a 3D model, not a physical model. This is 2 years old milk.

No. 342710

>considering buying a big titty coomer fig of any kind
>considered this despite the vtuber themselves being trash
Even the nonnas in this thread are a great example of the average vtuber enjoyer

No. 342735

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No. 342745

That's such a reach.

No. 342746

>Now you are just being jealous.
lol the stereotypical cope.
Look at the video leak and tell me that again, retards.

No. 342784

lol my thoughts exactly.

No. 342789

It is so weird to see adults infantilize themselves like this.

No. 342795

am i wrong or did she start posting a lot more shit like this after she went viral with that tweet? kek she's so starved for attention it's embarrassing

No. 342797

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I think so

No. 342818

How is this about her tits? Even the shirt says Merry Christmas. At least make this make sense before tinfoiling.

No. 342819

>made her avatar a flatchested loli rabbit girl who "looks smol just like me uwu"
This is the image she likes to present to her pedo audience and that's why I'm pointing it out. It's gross.

No. 342821

I'm simply replying to someone who replied to me. It's cognitive dissonance to not see how this ties directly into her loli schtick which is lolcow tier behavior.

No. 342832

I don't even think she is self aware of how pathetic this comes across to others. If she wasn't trying so hard to appeal sexually to pedophile males, I would almost feel sorry for her.

No. 342841

im an irl of hers im extremely familiar with her unfortunately

No. 342842

Cringe company you keep. Bring milk or GTFO

No. 342844

Spill the deets!

No. 342881

No one cares unless your ppsting milk. Otherwise you could be making shit up.

No. 342945

least projecting fatass cow user. Is your BMI over or under 35?(unsaged wking)

No. 342952

The thread pic is why I cover my chicken legs at all times wtf.(no1currs)

No. 342991

>backpack of consent
what the fuck is wrong with these pedophiles.

No. 343064

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Another grown woman with anachan tendacies doing the baby voice vtuber grift:
>Known vtuber cow
>her entire schtick is putting on a baby voice and pandering edgy /pol/ lolicons
>had her twitch account banned on her bday for lolicon pandering
>has an alt account where she posts irl thirstraps and of course she's a kuromi anachan
her fanbase is just full of scrotes clip farming all the pedo comments they make its so gross

No. 343066

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went on a hiatus in 2024 then came back to pander to lolicons again and make rape jokes on stream

No. 343067

No. 343068

there is no new milk unless i should post old stuff, idk how much anyone cares tho.

shes just a mentally unwell bpd loser who wishes she was groomed and uses men for attention. she says shes better, a "recovered neet", but i still see her posting on 4chan for meetups lmao. shes been thoroughly milked dry and is kind of boring now.

No. 343070

OT but does anyone know where the dress is from/ the name?

No. 343071

I've seen it on AliExpress before kek.

No. 343104

The photos of the actual figure are from a couple months ago. The figure has been around for longer but men (read: coomer consoomers) don't usually upload pictures of their vile mancaves. For the better, really.

No. 343110

there's an entire website where scrotes upload their coom statues. my figure collection.

No. 343132

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Of course the lolivtubers came out of the woodworks to defend fallenshadows

No. 343133

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>her fans can't be misogynists she's a woman
Shondo makes rape jokes on stream kek

No. 343134

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Zoey is trying so hard to defend her what an orbiter

No. 343135

Samefagging to add the kind of content shondo has on her streams.

No. 343136

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Samefagging again cause they're still going. Lolicons have such a big persecution complex, they're not victims.

No. 343140

You are a pedophile.(report and ignore)

No. 343146

Can I ask what the difference is between someone from Japan having a loli-esque vtuber vs someone who isn't from Japan? Japan's culture is for women to talk like this and most of their vtubers are loli-esque. Why does speaking in a higher voice in a different language trigger nonnas so much when it's exactly how the women in Japan fake it for their vtubers as well? Same with voice acting, shouldn't people get hate for voice acting younger characters in general too for this same issue if men are going to be gross no matter what? I'm just having trouble how what someone like Zoey is doing compared to someone like Ironmouse and Gara. They do the exact same things.

No. 343328

They're not getting hate for just voice acting its the loli model that comes with it. Lets not be disingenous and call it "loliesque". Half of shondo's clips is just her fans making pedo jokes so its not like her and zoey don't know what they're doing. The only difference is the english ones also have to pander /pol/ users on top of it which makes them bigger cows. Ironmouse doesn't do that, but why is ironmouse even given as an example her model isn't a loli.

No. 343331

The fact that some woman out there is fucking up her vocal cords by trying to sound childish os retarded already but knowing that there's retarded moids unironically into this shit is just a huge blackpill.
She sounds like she has allergies and learned how to talk by listening to the rugrats 24/7.

No. 343355

You really don't have to stress your vocal chords much to keep this same cadence for a few hours. Especially if you've done this for months on end.

No. 343470

>but why is ironmouse even given as an example her model isn't a loli
NAYRT, if you believe the writing on the wall, the woman behind Ironmouse is significantly older than the questionable age ("6669 years old" aka 1000 year-old dragon loli/"hebe" vibes) her avatar is supposed to be. She is 40+ years old and has a teenage daughter. She also panders to ddlg fetish shit whenever she talks about her diapers because of CVID. She is just kinda gross overall and people are very blind to what all she's masking because they would rather believe she is an innocent 28 year-old woman and not middle-aged mom being weird as hell with whatever lop-sided situationship is going on with Connor. I seriously don't know why she still has such a massive fanbase aside from the Puerto Rican audience. Her voice is very obnoxious and sounds like a muppet but she intentionally uses that to pander as a younger character. I think that's what that anon was getting at. It may not be as egregious as Shondo or Gura or Riro (rest in piss), but it's in the same category of pandering to pedos and closeted pedos/hebephiles.

No. 343474

I think anons forget that even though her character has boobs, she purposely started out pandering to moids using the loli thing and with the voice. She's intentionally putting it on the same way Paris Hilton puts on her voice. Anyone who's done VA work can detect this right away.

No. 344385

File: 1739689727897.jpg (95.98 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg)

>makes a free game
>it's actually malware

Nnnnnice, another good reason to hate this bitch lmao(post proof)

No. 344386

Actually, in retrospect, I'm realizing this is a good thing and the scrotes that would actually put this trash on their PC deserve to have it fuck up their Steam.

No. 344565

Might be the most comically evil vtuber I've ever seen

No. 344634

File: 1740082161132.png (781.34 KB, 720x1070, bittycats response.png)

No. 344635

(repeatedly posting videos with no context)

No. 344720

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Are men even interested in candles

No. 344723

Plenty of women like vtubers

No. 344725

Samefag *lotion

No. 344727

Men use tons of lotion, anon

No. 344728

No. 344730

Would they really be rubbing their weiners down with scented lotion though?

No. 344739

hopefully some retard catches an UTI from it

No. 344747

Where does it say its for men?

No. 344755

>cetearyl alcohol
>cetyl alcohol
>isopropyl myristate
People with skin that gets easily clogged won't have a fun time with this one

No. 344756

loli vtubers though anon??? Besides the mega pickme weebs who want to be lolis, I have yet to see the average female vtuber stan be into the full turbo loli tubers.

No. 344763

Moids think that the lotion smells like the genitals or sweat of the anime girl they want to fuck.

No. 344765

File: 1740340260911.jpg (1.88 MB, 3600x2700, irl loli niwwu and others.jpg)

>(repeatedly posting videos with no context)
okay fine I'm only writing this for myself because the kiwi farms thread has become really complicated to keep up with, Might get some things wrong
>bittycat generic loli vtuber and lewd audio maker
>had a discord server which was nuked. Sperged about it on ATF a lolicon booru/forum with registered sex offenders on it and claimed it was because she promoted the movie "sound of freedom"
>said she was homeless for awhile and had to do loli audio for money, moved in with a pedo so she "wouldn't starve to death."
>main drama was bitty's Twitter account getting terminated. another loli vtuber kashimu made a post about this calling it unfair
>Kashimu before posting about bitty had argued with youtuber harmful opinions,which made him look into bitty >>344565

>harmful opinions finds old audios that bittycat had made where she pretended to masturbate to child porn not in his video but she had a bunch of other lewd audios, there is one where she pretends to be a underage Muslim girl being raped by a russian guy. In this same audio the Muslim girls 5 year old sister is raped too. And another where she encourages the viewer to "stroke" to loli art based on real cp. Which tinfoil but could be a reference to dontabi

>harmful opinions also found that bitty hosted a server where open pedophiles talked about how badly they want to rape kids. They also mentioned other servers where cp was being posted
>after this video bittycat made a response basically saying that yeah she did do all that but it's cool because it totally stops pedos from offending and it's legal anyways.
>other lolifag vtubers come to her defense, mainly kiss alice who was later revealed for being a weirdo who thought she (he?) was dating gawr gura
>niwwu who says people harassing bitty should be ashamed because bitty didn't do anything
>bandytsune who bragged about masturbating to her audio, before back tracking and saying she felt like an idiot for defending her
>ruru a close friend of bittys defends her on twt before having a meltdown where they admit that some other loli vtuber with 30k followers is a pedophile who is sharing csam. Afterwards nukes their account, bitty ""leaves"" the internet alongside them since she got doxxed
>the "pedo vtuber" is revealed to be Kashimu, though they weren't the one posting cp. They just knew of a different loli vtuber (bambihaze) who apparently had been sharing a video of a six year old boy being raped by a 40 year old woman on a group chat.
>Kashimu instead of reporting this, chose to gossip about it with bitty on discord.
>bambihaze denies doing anything and doesn't understand why she's being involved. and not really important but rev says desu follows this one.
>someone else on Twitter claims that bitty had realistic ai cp on her computer, bitty admits she did have ai loli art but it was ripped from pixiv
>a bunch of other shit involving discord and pomf.tv, where cp sharing seems to be a problem
And it still hasn't ended. Bitty is still online despite making dramatic post saying she'd leave the internet. Vtuber kero the wolf style leaks when?

No. 344786

i think she's confused because lube in japan is also called lotion. this looks like those fetish scented lube bottles.

No. 344790

>>344765 Anime was a mistake.
Genuinely hate how the vtuber community openly supports loli/shota content and calls any person uncomfortable with glorified child porn a "tourist."

No. 344804

when people ask why i hate lolicons more than shotacons ill just show them this post

No. 344818

Shondo is probably the worst for me. I get her reels on instagram all the time and I don't understand how people can listen to a fake baby voice and think it's anything but weird and annoying. What's sad is that there are SO MANY lolicons– do we seriously have this many pedophiles in the world?
That being said, I feel like Gura is the most "normal" vtuber unless I'm mistaken.

No. 344828

She does sound like Phil and lily from rugrats. I knew it reminded me of something.

No. 344865

gura is literally the ground zero loli vtuber. she supports sexual art of her character who is a flat chested, skinny and 140cm tall.

No. 344978

>Not-so-active 3viewer VTuber agency made by one person pretending to be different people and sock poppet accounts
>The leader of the group Amiaryllis Bloo, announces graduation due to declining health
>The same day, her "cousin" announces on Discord that Bloo has passed away from a fatal heart attack
>Oh no, the dead girl took the passwords with her, now we can't access it, shutting down the whole agency
>Her "cousin" casually talks about her death in the server like it’s no big deal
>Writes exactly like Bloo, sounds exactly like Bloo
>Meanwhile, Bloo launches a “new” VTuber agency with new personas, Celestiverse Production
>Goes semi-viral
>Now almost at 20k subs
>"Actually guys, I'm alive, it was all a misunderstanding… well… I DID die, but I told the doctors to keep it a secret and not contact my family"
>Actual brain damaged vtuber fans believe the entire story "OMG I'M SO HAPPY YOU MADE IT ALIVE"

Has now made 3 agencies, 10 different personas, and counting

No. 344979

File: 1740861168762.png (Spoiler Image,317.78 KB, 555x728, Pasted_image_20250301091337.pn…)

Bittycat is claiming that someone tried to kill her lmao

No. 344984

She's so trashy and gross, posting a photo like that.

No. 344995

the way she says "calling me a pedo without proof" and not "falsely calling me a pedo" is very telling kek also, obese, pedo panderer, and hideous, girl pick a struggle

No. 344999

imagine turning your obvious cat scratch into some unbelievable "some guy tried to stab me with a steak knife" story. Getting stabbed with a butter knife wouldn't even look like this let alone a steak knife. kek

No. 345000

this is the kind of milk i live for, amazing

No. 345008

File: 1740926494753.jpg (364.13 KB, 1080x1730, sure.jpg)

Definitely not staged! Only positive replies as well

No. 345025

you gas lit me, bailed on our plans for new fags, made ME feel like the anxious piece of shit ruining the friendship. you lied about being a lesbian, your arts regressed, your whole "career" lingers on one simp.'s money. you're a disgusting gender special that roleplays as a gay teen with your straight boyfriend. he's barely legal while you're closer to 30. I have no fucking clue what happened to you but you are the shitty friend. People were right to fucking leave you and im leaving next. fuck off, and stay the hell away from other lesbians. hope all your shit blows up in flames and others realize what a shitty person you became.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 345050

No idea who this reply is about but take your meds, nonna

No. 345051

File: 1741007855459.jpg (575.24 KB, 1067x2822, gY2UMnE.jpg)

Vtubers will see a group of women threatening to get killed by a scrote and think "how can I make this about me". Why would she make this about people thinking she's ugly?
The implication that vtubing is done to prevent this when normie women with no online following literally get assaulted and killed for telling men no is so tonedeaf. If anything this scrote saying he'll kill them on camera and trying to do it is proof of how widespread femicide is that video evidence isn't even a deterrent.(sage your shit)

No. 345065

I mean vtubers hiding behind avatars because they're ugly is semi true

No. 345090

File: 1741087514763.jpg (201.35 KB, 1006x889, Screenshot_20211106-230349748_…)

>>345065(sage your shit)

No. 345097

File: 1741122564856.png (136.48 KB, 610x481, 1741121888618.png)

>the horrors of csa
>main character is a generic uguu loli
I fucking hate this troon so much, same person who admitted to jerking off to bitty's audios

No. 345137

She might have been safe even from a gunshot with all the fat protecting her organs lol.

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