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File: 1648020883618.jpg (73.37 KB, 500x700, 769ac71d3f26365806f46a4600a34f…)

No. 191532[Reply]

A thread to discuss tropes. Those you love, those you hate, think are overused, reverse tropes etc
97 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 405057

File: 1721931185008.png (180.41 KB, 1169x501, x324xSe.png)

No. 405065

File: 1721932022416.jpg (111.5 KB, 711x1000, 81ar9adaylL._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

Reminded me of pic related kek.

No. 405190

File: 1722001187907.png (2.01 MB, 1280x1848, Slayers.full.3184593.png)


No. 405191

Oh man, this is one anime I wiped from my memory. Thanks a lot, nona lol.

No. 405204

Omg, someone else who has watched this. Seth was done dirrrrttty.

File: 1643693108727.jpg (87.49 KB, 474x662, downloadfile-3.jpg)

No. 182915[Reply]

A thread requested on /g/. Rate or roast these 2D men. Question or praise anon's tastes. You may also post waifus. Don't take things too seriously okay.
710 posts and 300 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 390335

Crazy seeing my chart from two years ago kek

No. 390450

File: 1717848031720.png (448.4 KB, 479x682, sinverguenza.png)

Based TMGS husbando, I need to get to finishing one of those games. (which one do you recommend I start with?) Your husbando looks really sweet, like the type that'd take care of you and prepare you nice meals.

No. 390712

File: 1717898614327.jpg (1.7 MB, 1200x1323, 116262530_p0.jpg)

Morimura isn't my favorite in GS1 but I still support you anon, at least he has a full route unlike my favorite. I've been meaning to play GS3 but I feel like no boy is going to make me as giddy as Wakaouji did.

No. 405174

File: 1721996320361.png (306.69 KB, 500x378, dalegribble.png)

Yes, I am a tinfoiler too

No. 405187

Holy shit seeing this picture gave me PTSD. I hate this little faggot so much. M-Muh plants, m-m-muh shy. I hate how he stutters and acts like a little bitch. He bombs you so much on Kei's route because he's a whiny little faggot who can't accept being an inferior beta male.

File: 1697702282222.png (453.38 KB, 512x512, 8-VFNaVKk3pzP0nDw.png)

No. 328296[Reply]

Post the worst outcomes of AI image-generating fuckery!
253 posts and 171 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 385966

Ocean-san, take me by the hand, lead me to the land that you understand

No. 386177

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No. 405184

File: 1721999031623.png (1.19 MB, 1024x1024, handsome_man_crawling_out_of_a…)

No. 405192

You can't do that?

No. 405194

I'm not sure nonnie, I'm not a cryptid.

File: 1526426979712.gif (141.56 KB, 900x787, funny-cartoons-jim-benton-154_…)

No. 9288[Reply]

Post any kind of comics, they only need to be short
1010 posts and 714 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 402969

File: 1721307841521.png (1.3 MB, 1170x1542, CX2Oe9M.png)

No. 403048

Have you ever even watched south park?

No. 403399

File: 1721396715936.png (517.97 KB, 959x704, hdlfTZg.png)

No. 405179

File: 1721998172903.png (478.52 KB, 640x940, s7LwTnM.png)

No. 405188

South Park is actually funny, for one

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No. 191651[Reply]

Post webms, youtube links etc. of random videos that don't fit in any other threads.

Previous thread: >>>/m/17333 (RIP)
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No. 404212

File: 1721654923078.mp4 (16.87 MB, 854x640, fKzU8Bk.mp4)

No. 404227

File: 1721659539824.mp4 (12.47 MB, KSI reacts to song.mp4)

No. 405169

No. 405176

File: 1721997756174.mp4 (2.08 MB, 854x650, hKpxMRm.mp4)

No. 405185

YWNBAA(you will never be a anon)

No. 268621[Reply]

previous thread >>>/m/75016
191 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 389298

No. 390885

No. 390934

No. 391516

been cycling to this, and only this for years.

No. 405175

File: 1524020414176.jpg (32.93 KB, 567x436, DPfqsusUIAAqaYf.jpg)

No. 63529[Reply]

Post 'em.
459 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403664

>Didn't I do it for you?
>Why don’t I do it for you?
>Why won't you do it for me
>When all I do is for you?
art pop

No. 403665

And I'll finish with a bittersweet one.
>Even as a child I know
>That I'll never have friends like these again

No. 403676

Making me cry every time since 2008

No. 405172

No. 405173

File: 1661273444383.jpg (160.73 KB, 462x600, 176-3_0.jpg)

No. 232951[Reply]

ITT: post pictures of traditional/cultural/religious dress as well as folk songs from various cultures around the world

>please state culture in post

>no racebaiting
>no nitpicking
>look at the pretty clothes and appreciate the fun music

Thread pic is Chuvash attire
513 posts and 409 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 403833

File: 1721503538608.png (181.59 KB, 900x507, 2-Jerseys-in-ChristmasJumpers.…)

and to finish it off Jerseys wearing Jerseys

No. 405040

No. 405063

File: 1721931946499.png (424.01 KB, 900x578, IPCbLXt.png)

No. 405064

File: 1721931967587.png (1.05 MB, 1200x722, yaAaH1O.png)

No. 405171

File: 1720975743120.png (790.61 KB, 736x935, 7b23e4712d93d30c50b73b5bc28ec4…)

No. 401457[Reply]

For the Nasuverse, including but not limited to: Fate/stay night, Fate Grand Order, anime, manga, spin-offs, whatever.
Talk about your favorite Servants, post art, and say what you hope to see from the franchise in the future.
Some critical discussion of the game is okay but please don't start endless infights. No1curr.
158 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 404946

File: 1721878033207.jpg (556.18 KB, 2048x1366, 20240724_160511.jpg)

Arjuna will drive me away from my sadness

No. 405034

File: 1721926124746.jpg (40.98 KB, 564x489, flexjuna.jpg)

No. 405051

File: 1721930406662.jpeg (628.9 KB, 1649x2048, 564C0245-09CA-40CE-BADA-1C02EA…)

No. 405170

File: 1721995250143.jpg (376.33 KB, 1125x2000, 20240725_115149.jpg)

Any anons have favorite fanfics or doujins? Yume or fujoshi is okay. I can only read English but I guess pretty art is okay too.
Thanks to jannies for keeping the thread clean.

No. 405183

File: 1721998925542.jpg (Spoiler Image,292.07 KB, 2048x1464, 20240726_085249.jpg)


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No. 285833[Reply]


The thread for all things related to the Sims! Talk about news, updates, your current save, prominent community members, favorite/least favorite games, etc. !
Here are some questions to start off the thread:
>favorite Sims game?
>least favorite Sims game?
>what kind of player are you? (legacies, challenges, builder, cas mode, etc. ?)
>favorite neighborhood?
>least favorite neighborhood?
>favorite townie?
>least favorite townie?
>what is one thing you have done in the game that you are proud of? maybe it's making it to 30 generations, or building a really good lot, finishing up a collection, etc.
361 posts and 87 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 400940

Was anyone even truly excited for this? It looked like a soulless Second Life/Imvu copy

No. 403453

I was. I hoped that even if the graphics were shit, that the underlying simulation would have more depth to it than TS4 and would maybe play more like TS3 given that it was developed by Rod Humble.

I still think the game had promise but it was clear, especially now that it's been cancelled, that there was serious mismanagement issues at Paradox. The game was in development for three years and the development team was just 24 people.

No. 405168

I just installed ts4 again after not playing for about 6 years. I want to use cc but there is so much and a lot of it is behind a paywall. I have 15 gbs each for ts2 and ts3 that I downloaded within a decade. I dread spending a lot of time looking for new mods and cc. Is there a good way to download a lot of cc at once? In 2 and 3 you could download sims or houses and have the cc included.

No. 405182

I remember coomer mods back when sims 2 was the newest game. I remember seeing penis accessory for male sims, pose boxes that could put the sims in sex positions, dildo objects etc. One common hack I had myself too was teen pregnancy, with it teens could woohoo and get pregnant, but it also made it possible for adult sims to romance teens. Kinda creepy now that I think of it later.

No. 405196

That stuff seems almost tame when you consider the amount of anatomically impossible animations and animations involving animals.

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