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No. 213555[Reply]

A thread for everything doll related.
Stuff like Sylvanian Families/Calico critters and Nendoroid dolls are also welcomed. If you can put on clothes and pose them, they're dolls.
>Doll photography
>New dolls
>Vintage dolls
>Custom dolls
>Links to buy dolls, resources or clothings
>Tutorials for customizing, sewing, creating dioramas or doll houses, etc
>Youtube videos
>Favorite dolls, growing up or now

4chan's /toy/ mega link with tons of sewing patterns: https://mega.nz/folder/iFd3wapa#B70grHUe4xsTkLU_s8Ag_Q
815 posts and 504 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 464814

I love rement but theyre blind boxes, so it's always a gamble. I just saw a Miffy themed kitchen one I want but I might end up buying the whole set since I need furniture pieces and never get lucky. Ugh.

I've never used aliexpress before but if it's still ok to use as an American then I may look into this

No. 465556

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No. 467660

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No. 468100

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No. 468112

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I love Dal and Byul. Pullip as a brand seems to have fallen by the wayside recently though…

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No. 432121[Reply]

Post one page (spreads acceptable) of a manga you enjoy to entice others to read it. Good or crazy art is a great way to convince someone! Or maybe you just want to show off awesome art. Please post one page.

Related threads:
Post manga panels you like here
General Manga Thread #3:
Yaoi and BL General:
Anime screenshots:
Mecha thread
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 467129

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No. 467130

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No. 467133

This looks hilarious.

No. 467135

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Yeah, a shame that nobody seems to care about the manga (78 readers on MAL).

No. 468110

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No. 346212[Reply]

What are you watching? What do you recommend watching?
Discuss your favorite (or not) series ITT!

previous: >>>/m/187844
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No. 467243

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Trailer for the cancelled Powerpuff Girls CW show has been leaked https://limewire.com/d/68f3410c-be68-4166-b413-eae5b7adf45b#cYSy1GQ4_WD5WVw9hqulcQIzQC2Y_GgqMFYyrCBOYjI

Didn't catch every detail but there's no way I'm watching this a second time
>Mojo Jojo is a human father and son duo named Mojo and Jojo (holy fuck the kid's acting is atrociously bad)
>Mojo hates the girls while young Jojo has a crush on Blossom
>PPG get sick of their jobs; Blossom is stressed, Bubbles becomes an alcoholic, and Buttercup is rebellious (she doesn't want to wear the dress because it's ugly and gender normative)
>They quit after accidentally killing Mojo, complete with cartoony splat sound effect
>Jojo wants revenge on the PPG
>Blossom ran away
>Buttercup grows up to be a firefighter (still a hero in a different way)
>Bubbles grows up to sell cheap merch on the street out the trunk of her car and tries to make money off her former fame
>Buttercup: "the cartoon totally whitewashed us"
>Professor Utonium wants the girls to team up again but they're against it at first
>Jojo is plotting an evil mind control plan (with an evil little girl assistant?) which involves Utonium being mind controlled and the townspeople going crazy thrashing up the city
>one of the girls punches mind-controlled Utonium, successfully thwarting Jojo's plan together while wearing matching pink jackets (new uniform?)
>afterwards Blossom and Jojo have an interaction where they're flustered around each other

No. 467247

>buttercup is black
>Prof Utonium is black
>mojojojo not a monkey
Go woke, go broke. Glad it's been cancelled. Looked like actual shit. No one asked for this

No. 468088

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i can't believe the episode that finally redeemed season 2 is going to get the lowest score????

No. 468107

Making Mojo Jojo not a monkey is like making Spongebob not a sponge. Wtf being a monkey is part of his backstory and everything.

No. 468167

They're either showing their own racism by assuming a monkey character is a metaphor for black people, or trying to avoid controversy and backlash from wokies who do think like that.

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No. 129780[Reply]

I feel like there isn't enough hate on tropes, so please do it here
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No. 468031

It really does take the mysticism out of the setting, it overexplains

No. 468041

I hate it when it's explained in a "well ackshually" tone. Like how a Redditor who spergs out whenever religion is even casually mentioned would write it kek.

No. 468079

Yes, adding on to this because I fucking hate it when, in a fictional universe, people who belive in spirituality or religion are immediately disregarded by the other (usually main/supposed to he sympathetic) characters, even if there's no proof that their beliefs are actively harmful. It's one thing if Billy worships Lord Evilton, God of Evil and Killing Puppies, but you can tell when an author's Reddit tier atheism is starting to seep through. (It's, of course, their setting to characterize. Maybe all religion is evil, deep down, but usually Grandma and Grandpa and little Suzie down the street don't know that.)

No. 468080

In my opinion you can always tell when an author has legitimate insight and criticisms of a subject and when they're basically just a politisperg kek

No. 468152

For me that's the only time I don't mind children in media lol

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No. 192563[Reply]

A thread to discuss anime figures/merch!

Post new releases and announcements, your current preorders, collection/display inspo, ita bags, things you want to see released, what you're on the hunt for, etc!
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No. 468052

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Lil Peach Riot:Western Riot Series Figures. Forgot to post them though they're also limited.

No. 468053

last one looks so much like elsie

No. 468069

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All I want are cutesy animal figures/dolls. I would love it if there were actually parico dolls or if the tono figurines weren’t canceled, but I'll try out making some

No. 468070

aruurara makes figures now? had no idea. I feel like he could have done something cuter though, i dont like the color scheme.

No. 468075

I haven't check on the artists so I'm not sure if he has done mkre, but one of the main selling points of that line is that they contacted various established furry artists and each one designed a figure.

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No. 201327[Reply]

A dump thread to post all kinds of media related to jfashion. It could be illustrations, magazine spreads, photoshoots, random videos, etc. Have fun!
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No. 462047

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No. 462049

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No. 462054

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No. 462221

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1970 is peak imo. the sukeban look was so based

No. 468073

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No. 163104[Reply]

Post your wholesome sonic here.
(Sidenote: it's okay to post sonic on /ot/ just don't avatarfag please).
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No. 466654

Nta but watching sonic boom is… an experience… I guess. It's weird, it feels like something that you could post on reels for everyone to watch, all of the episodes are so short that when I tried to watch it, I felt like my attention span was dissipating.

No. 466655

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I was talking about the boom games. The boom shows are weird but not as bad as prime. I love Sticks. She feels like if Alex Jones had to make a family friendly Sonic OC

No. 467170

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No. 467632

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No. 468068

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No. 185471[Reply]

Want to Jojo post but don't want to clog up any threads? Here's the thread for you!
>JoJo's Bizarre Adventure tells the story of the Joestar family, a family whose various members discover they are destined to take down supernatural foes using powers that they possess.

Any and all discussion about JJBA goes here! Make sure you hide any spoilers by putting '##' before and after the spoiler (without the apostrophes)
302 posts and 145 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 467795

They're right about JoJo though. It does have some cool subtext, themes and symbolism. And characters' personalities, storylines, and designs can sometimes be based on the songs/artists they're based on which is kind of a fun easter egg thing, you don't 100% need to know it to enjoy or understand the story, but it does enhance it. JoJo doesn't claim to be some genius masterpiece that's there to change society or something, because it doesn't need to, and it still achieves it better than Eva ever did. You can still enjoy JoJo without reading too deep into it, but I don't think the same can be said about Eva since it's whole thing is attempting to be deep, and if the depth doesn't appeal to you, you can't really enjoy it for the mecha stuff for example or the characters (because they're are trash and insufferable), and you'll be told you just don't get it and are watching it wrong or something. It did this to itself though by trying to be on the nose with its philosophy shit. JoJo just exists and doesn't try to appeal to everyone and knows its niche. It's basically pretentious Eva vs. down to earth JoJo. I'd take the latter any time. The characters' struggles and development was also more enjoyable and relatable and better in JoJo parts 6-part 8. They put into words certain feelings and experiences and it feels very cathartic to see it finally said/done, and kinda unexpected when you don't take JoJo seriously. Can't say I felt the same about Eva when I watched it.

No. 467978

In my opinion evangelion didn't claim that either, it was made by some depressed guy who just thought christian symbolism looked cool. Someone can just as well say you need to read Jung's philosophy and study kabbalah in order to understand characters and symbolism in evangelion and it would be just as silly. Many people claim they found the ending of the end of evangelion cathartic too. I don't see any difference between evangelion fans telling you you don't get it and jojo fans telling someone they don't get it, it's both dumb. I believe that works of art speak to people unconsciously, and it either speaks to you or it doesn't. You can't change that. If someone has an opinion that diavolo is a shit villain it's dumb to say that they only dislike him because they didn't understand the symbolism and didn't listen the playlist required to understand a fictional character, because the work should speak for itself
On a personal note I found part 6 to be lacking and I didn't find anything in it relatable, and also I don't need the characters and their action to be relatable in order for me to appreciate them. Relatability is like one of the least important factors on my list. Shit part.

No. 467982

Damn… 'Confusion' will be his epitaph…

No. 467985

I bet this faggot only started to listen to King Crimson because of Jojo, well I listened to it at 13 without even knowing about Jojo's existence and I think this guy is a retard

No. 468065

Fair enough. I don't think relatability is important either, just wanted to say it adds an extra layer of appreciation for part 6 to me. Although I think Eva had tons of wasted potential, waa rushed and went nowhere, so the people acting like it's deep are probably overcompensating.

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No. 186848[Reply]

Let's discuss mobile games. Post recommendations, salt, anything.
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No. 468021

>My dream mobage is an female focused, female rooster game. Just make it not rythm game plz. But that is too much to ask for it seems.
Uma Musume plz come soon…
Are you me wtf…
I'm sad that a lot of the characters seem more moefied in the actual game, though. I got into Uma Musume through Cinderella Gray and the girls are portrayed like actual beasts there. Disappointing to then look them up in the game and find out that most of my favorites are either watered down or manga exclusive.

No. 468055

are there any cute korean mobile games with voice acting?

No. 468063

Mystic Messenger

No. 468084

It's still more moe than Cinderella Gray overall but the more recent uma story campaigns in the game have leaned way harder into the spokon/drama elements since they realized it was so popular. Initially they clearly weren't sure how much to emphasize the competitive and historical accuracy aspects so a lot of the earliest released uma (which includes Oguri) have more simple, watered down stories. It's a shame since those are the ones that the global server will see first, though it seems they're at least starting with a larger roster than JP did.

No. 468087

thanks but I already played MM. maybe I can play it again tho

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No. 294550[Reply]

Post images here that accurately depict your reaction to things that have incited a reaction.
1118 posts and 999 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 467228

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No. 468035

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No. 468036

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No. 468037

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No. 468049

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