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File: 1724864279922.gif (5.56 MB, 540x360, MNCE_o - 1700194558250987797.g…)

No. 414226[Reply]

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game developed and published by miHoYo/Hoyoverse. The game features a fantasy open world environment and action based battle system using elemental magic, character switching and uses gacha game monetization for players to obtain new characters, weapons, and other resources.

>Redeem codes without having to login



>Build Simulation/Optimization


>Database filled with pretty much everything found in game

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No. 425932

I can't believe people in 2024 still call Hoyoverse female characters """feminist""" when half of them are the male writers' female self inserts (which is why so many of them have yuribait relationships) and the rest of them are their waifus. It's been quite obvious for years, do they think they keep putting a ton of Kiana/Bronya/Raiden/Yae expies in their games for nothing?

No. 425978

Limpmengan also earned his reputation as a trash writer therefore it's deserved. Though every single writer can be held accountable for self-inserting and using outside references.

No. 426001

>fed up with geo abysses
I'll never be mad at an excuse to use Itto

No. 426102

Idk i think chiori is pretty feminist. I wasn't going to pull for anyone this patch but after doing her story quest i fell in love with her ❤︎

No. 426159

None of the characters would be considered feminist from an objective standpoint but a character like Chiori comes off as feminist within the scope of Genshin. Personally my favorite female character in the game is Fischl since she is allowed to be genuinely quirky in a way that doesn't serve fan service. Diona is alright too. Yae Miko, however, entirely serves to the dominant mommy fanservice. I don't even think she is a self insert. She is "mean" to traveler or other characters in a "teasing"/suggestive way.

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No. 242685[Reply]

Describe the type of character you like and what you want in a relationship, and anons will suggest a 2D partner for you!

>2D only!
>Female characters welcome
>Try to be thoughtful and sincere

I'll go first! I like rough and tumble rowdy guys who are always in trouble and can't keep their mouths shut. I want him to take me on adventures and rescue me from the danger he got us both into. Tsundere is a plus.
304 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 424824

>Mid to high IQ

No. 424896

Give me someone who looks like a hot anime Rasputin, think Devil Summoner not FGO. In terms of personality I don't really like genki types or himbos (yes this is a serious request).

No. 424909

Hey… she's smart in her own way. We call these types "special".

No. 425902

He might lean a bit too much towards "cold and calculating" for your taste, but maybe Himuro Reiichi?
Someone in the otome thread said he seems like a strict Japanese dad and asked what the appeal was. Of course if you don't try to capture him, you'll never know. Well, he seems cold at first, but the more he falls in love, the cuter and more awkward he gets.
One of the comments describes him perfectly:
>ドS系のキャラかと思ったらただのDTで最高… (I thought he was a super sadistic kind of character, but he's just a virgin, and it's the best…)

Haven't played Pokémon SV, but I think Geeta might fit that description.

No. 426104

>Himuro Reiichi
NTA, but honestly based. i thought his personality was cute. he does seem strict but when you play his routes it's really nice to see his soft side come through. that's a good recc, imo

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No. 237126[Reply]

Post pics of skeletons
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No. 420912

File: 1728107843515.jpeg (761.74 KB, 1059x1769, IMG_3464.jpeg)

No. 420939

File: 1728117952918.png (72.52 KB, 418x417, SA2SkeletonDog.png)

No. 422869

File: 1728614967086.gif (85.35 KB, 130x150, aaa.gif)

No. 423576

File: 1728779106250.png (864.96 KB, 740x612, qPcjPl6.png)

No. 425901

File: 1729507080965.jpg (43.9 KB, 564x845, 1630722402788.jpg)

File: 1723927355529.jpg (38.37 KB, 540x524, gta6ms5zu40b1.jpg)

No. 410975[Reply]

Share crappy memes, whether coomer, boomer, nonsensical, cringe, offensive or just unfunny
276 posts and 93 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 425778

>your 12 year old has gut parasites, Marie.

No. 425809

dont know if im being schizo but the way the "trad" daughter is drawn in this creeps me out

No. 425827

File: 1729482393033.jpeg (94.55 KB, 1170x497, 53wq39n9g5qd1.jpeg)

These guys are usually just straight up pedos so it's a little creepy

No. 425831

oh i remember seeing this one everywhere in the 00s

No. 425900

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File: 1667333937218.jpeg (110.62 KB, 600x470, ED657600-38B9-4F5C-9111-E2013B…)

No. 252152[Reply]

anything goes, as long as it’s cute
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No. 420084

File: 1727881349617.jpeg (506.26 KB, 1968x2048, 97CB11E9-733B-475F-AAB1-6CBA86…)

No. 423387

File: 1728755109855.png (777.1 KB, 984x2048, XAMz8D1.png)

No. 425226

File: 1729270014143.jpg (1.12 MB, 2000x1750, bafkreierdp6igb2z6xotdg3sq6pug…)

sooo adorable

No. 425897

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No. 425898

Oh my god, that is adorable

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No. 421143[Reply]

Post the worst of the worst character designs you can find. From the uncannily realistic to terrible reboots to oversexualized. It doesn't matter if it's from movies, TV, video games, comics, just has to be awful.

Previous threads
178 posts and 33 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 425886

I hate the design but I also hate how the artist can’t draw her muzzle/snout consistently because she can’t look scary or unappealing so it just turns into a normal anime nose at certain angles

No. 425891

This design smells of cowardice

No. 425895

>just slapping on pretty anime eyes, hair, and boobs.
kek, it's so fucking lazy

This doesn't happen in the original manga, kek. Elias is very monstruous. Moids are so afraid of drawing unfuckable female characters. Not sure if the artist is male or not, but their gallery sure makes them look male.

No. 425921


No. 426040

File: 1729547772664.jpg (734.22 KB, 1170x645, uncle tommy.jpg)

>”Come on in and give your UNCLE TOMMY a bear hug!”
KEK WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? This has to be on purpose with the blaxploitation caricature design.

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No. 189550[Reply]

Post anything you want about the vast animal kingdom, pics, interesting creatures, facts, info, etc.

Prev >>>/m/98490
990 posts and 767 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 425167

File: 1729249286580.mp4 (2.85 MB, 576x1024, 1729249245686.mp4)

No. 425251

No. 425681

File: 1729440340569.mp4 (2.18 MB, 828x720, 1729440268863.mp4)

No. 425800


No. 425854

File: 1655271759268.jpeg (85.73 KB, 700x543, 4C25EF4C-5537-4AE5-A49C-6C67AC…)

No. 214453[Reply]

Drop funny images here that don't fit other /m/ threads. GIFs are permissible if they make you laugh, but no videos please.

If yours belongs in one of these, post it there instead:
Dumb bitch memes >>195463
Manhating memes >>186908
LC-specific memes >>204843
Tumblr/Twitter posts >>191778
1183 posts and 880 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 421762

Based af

No. 421779

File: 1728358166779.gif (882.74 KB, 498x374, booo.gif)

No. 421780

Correct, Japs are shit at romance.

No. 421782

I get Komi shitting the bed after going full retard comedy, shoving in that stupid meandering love triangle, and the art basically melting into moe goo, but what went wrong with Kimi no Todoke?

No. 425851

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No. 383598[Reply]

A thread for anons to request drawings and trade art. You can leave your request below! Quality and quantity may vary. Everyone is welcomed to participate, remember this thread is just for fun.
Rate my art thread: >>>/m/373122
478 posts and 135 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 425850

Nta but kek

No. 425859

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No. 425860

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next one

No. 425861

File: 1729495231109.png (443.02 KB, 640x480, remove_image_metadata_09dd8c26…)

another one

No. 425862

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last one, I hope these suffice
got the backgrounds from https://07th-expansion.fandom.com/wiki/Hinamizawa/Backgrounds

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No. 351019[Reply]

What are you reading, anons?

Previous threads

543 posts and 142 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 425658

i want book recs with a female protag who hates her male partner, maybe cheats on him or abuses or kills him. but the main focus should lie on her inner thoughts, ruminating on how much she hates him and why. no booktok/goodreads/normie meme recs like the ones posted in these >>425465 sorts of charts please.

No. 425659

Well unironically one of the books on that list, Anna Karenina, has some of what you're looking for. But there are multiple POVs in the book.

No. 425660

ayrt already read it and it's not the type of story i'm looking for. it needs to be single pov too.

No. 425750

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I feel I need to discuss this novel. Maybe another nonny has read it and sees the same things. Maybe I'm crazy. Dunno.
Ok, in general I love Jane Austen. For her time, she was a witty bitch. But I think this one eehhhhh it makes me pause.
On to Mansfield Park. I had last read it many years ago and while I found Fanny insepid and meak, I just categorized it as not one of my favorites. Then I just reread it and.. well fuck me. I think Edmund groomed her. It talks of how she went there at age 10 (he was 16) and that "he formed her taste and character". And as I reread on, yes. He would carrot feed her attention and make her dependant on him emotionally. From the age of 10-18 while she was literally stuck in that awful house where she had 2 awful aunts and 2 female cousins that used/ignored her. And tbh if the fact that Mary Crawford (An absolute fucking QUEEN btw) told him she wouldn't marry him if he chose to be a clergyman. He wouldn't have gone back to his old emotional side chick Fanny. Not that I find Fanny any better as I aged. I still find her insepid and meak, but also a little of a pick me.

No. 425845

If internet archive doesn't work, try searching it on libgen, it may be there as well. Good luck nonna

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