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No. 2076406
>Do NOT post Sinnabunny/itssinnabunny/ Dana Hare here, she has her own thread: >>>/snow/2073891From wikipedia:
>Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, romantic relationships with more than one partner at the same time, with the informed consent of all partners involved. People who identify as polyamorous may believe in open relationships with a conscious management of jealousy and reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are prerequisite for deep, committed, long-term, loving relationships.It's basically cheating plus self-righteousness.
So how does that work out?
At best, the relationship is never as strong as it used to be. Not everyone is so lucky.>Man Who Featured in 5 Person Polyamorous Relationship Charged With Child Abuse>Infant suffered broken leg, arm and skull fractures during vicious attackMostly, they make a lot of noise online and irl.
Why is it lolcow-worthy? see it as part LGB-related sexuality, part MLM recruitment scheme. They are extremely proud of their poor decisions and want attention for it.
Bonus lols: any selfie posted on r/polyamory
Points of Interest:
Heavily popular in the trans community with many crossovers.
Ridiculous buzzwords, Polycule relationship diagrams that look like STI tracing
Extremely convoluted drama
Common themes to look out for:
>getting pass on cheating already in-progress or "has one lined up">takes stable, long-standing relationship that could have been for life and nukes it, then wants it back the way things were before after some kind of poly mishap>one party wants to relive youth only to find dating pool has dried up, then wants back into secure relationship>long-suffering partner reluctantly agree, then meets someone, closes relationship sans original cheater>Children being brought into dumpster-fire relationships. Drama regarding paternity.>acting like their promiscuity is on par with lesbianism, demanding praise and special consideration for it in work and in personal relationships>the advice is a big a dumpster fire as the original post>they hate being called swingers for some reason>everyone has STIsSources of drama: are also plenty of sources besides the above subreddits and plenty off-reddit. It's everywhere.
Previous thread:
>>>/snow/2026090 No. 2076479
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Meanwhile in the poly community, saying “I’m clean” is discriminatory to STI riddled sexpests, kek.
No. 2076720
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>how do i make my little kid keep inappropriate secrets and lie to their grandparents?
and polyfaggots insist their families are totally normal and their kids are brought up just fine
No. 2077870
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Nonnas I’m laughing my ass off kek. A poly retard stitched this video of this tiktoker who was asking why poly people always have “that” look and then she stitched herself and she was the walking stereotype kekk.
No. 2077871
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>>2077870The comments are sending me
No. 2079889
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No. 2079896
>>2079889>I need help to see this rationally and for what it is>How can I put this experience in a healthy light>It's been a lot of funHow can you hate yourself this much. These people are insane and need the looney bin, nothing about this is normal.
I just hope they don't have kids, if you want to be a miserable sex pest then go on, it's fun to laugh at your self inflicted despair but when those creeps post about having children I feel sick. People should have a license to have kids, because to put your whole family dynamic at risk due to your sex obsession is another level of deranged.
No. 2079930
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cant stitch the replies to this bc im on mobile but every single one is gently chiding the op for ~not realizing special things dont become less special if more people experience them~ and welcoming her (op doesn't reveal the genders involved, but her post history leads me to believe shes a woman dating a man) to the ~grieving process of mononormativity~. If you have to override your base instincts for months to "accept" polyamory and "unlearn" mononormativity, what's the point? the way these people describe it, its not even worth it kek.
No. 2084184
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“You’re envious I fucked other ugly people like me” kek
No. 2084222
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Pretty sure they've been posted either here or on MTF before, but Dana's friend's marriage to this hulking Habsburg jaw troon is the stuff of nightmares. I was too late to screenshot it, but Dana reposted one of their stories groping eachother in lingerie with the troons moobs fully visible through the sheer material and it was so disturbing. The polycule seems to consist of one other unfortunate woman afaik.
No. 2084250
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Added to OP's pic. Please understand the filename is more about them asking for infinite gibs for unnecessary shit than people who are actually suffering through poverty.
No. 2085997
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No. 2086730
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>>2084222Found it, the way he's literally hulking over her
No. 2088864
Thread tax.
Spot the Dana.>>2085997Retards that say shit like this need to open a damn history book. They think they’re so revolutionary for actually proposing the most regressive and harmful martial practice in history (besides child marriage of course, but let’s be real—polygamy and child brides usually go hand-in-hand). The US literally outlawed polygamy to protect women and children after Mormons tried to create a Mormon theocracy in Utah so that their cult leader could have sexual access to as many young girls as he wanted from among his followers.
>t. descendent of Mormon polygamists No. 2089178
>>2088864Historically polygamy protected women who didn’t have other options, Mormon polygamy is not the same as polygamy from thousands of years ago. Thousands of years ago if a woman was unmarried, she likely became poor or a prostitute.
Not agreeing with polygamy at all. Marriage is between two people only, but there is more to the history than what Mormons did.
No. 2093247
Tana Moknee made a video defending polyfags, which is also referencing a tiktok (
>>2088864 ) kek
No. 2102568
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No. 2102624
>>2089178>Historically polygamy protected women who didn’t have other optionsI know this is a month old, but this is a retarded take. Polygamy was not about protecting women. It was about
hoarding women. Warlords would capture women when they raided other communities and keep them as sex slaves to breed and show their status. Genetic testing from the Bronze Age shows many modern humans are descended from a small group of men who reproduced with many women they violently captured. For most of history, most men did not reproduce. Women were therefore a highly prized resource out of reach for the common man. I’m not Christian, but unironically the best contribution to society Christianity has made was enforcing monogamy. Women in monogamous relationships are better treated because they’re not a disposable member of some harem forcibly kidnapped from a rival tribe.
No. 2102636
>>2102624Most men not reproducing isn't a problem, that's how it should be. The problem is that technology and agriculture made it so it's the wrong minority of men (old, ugly resource hoarders) reproducing.
>>2102629Mormons weren't "accepting", they were amassing an easy following like all cults do. First you start with the undesirables, then you pursue prestige and enforce standards when you have the numbers.
No. 2102648
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>>2102629…Who told you this? A current member of the LDS church? Kek. Mormonism has always been deeply racist and a borderline white supremacist cult. In the Book of Mormon, anyone with dark skin has been marked as a sinner through the curses of Ham and Cain. This was used by Joseph Smith, the “inclusive” Mormon founder to justify the enslavement of black people because they are inherently lesser due to their curse of darkness. Mormonism will surely seem open to an outsider, but that’s because they want to convert as many people as possible. But don’t be fooled, conformity is everything in the LDS community. It’s still common practice for Mormon missionaries near Native reservations to coerce Native parents to give up their kids as part of the ongoing cultural genocide of native Americans. I’m this anon btw
>>2102636>Most men not reproducing isn't a problem, that's how it should be. I wouldn’t disagree if single young men weren’t statistically the most violent demographic of all humans. A polygamous system incentivizes gang rapes, bride kidnappings, and prostitution for the males that can’t find a wife. I think we need to admit to ourselves the barbaric nature of moids. That will never change.
No. 2102654
>>2102624Semi-true. Humans were more monogamous before the bottleneck you discuss, and this has to do with the recent advent of agriculture and a few scrotes successfully adopting the “hoard land” meta.
The monogamy culture enforced afterwards (under Christianity, as you say, which isn’t entirely accurate since the same happened elsewhere where Christianity wasn’t present) wasn’t to the benefit of women at all. Proliferation of a “serf” class, creating human capital, became the meta of nations. Capitalism is on the tail-end of feudalism. Women became breeders, repopulators of a large, expendable labor force. A pyramid scheme of human bodies. Technology is replacing this system currently, as the most powerful nations have the best technology, not the most bodies to throw into the grinder.
Feudalism isn’t your friend just because you weren’t forced to be a sister-wife in Chad’s harem. You just become a wife slave to a more unremarkable master, and have less company during your service. Pussy communism isn’t kind to women, don’t fool yourself.