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No. 1817676
Coquette aesthetic or "Doelet/Dollette" is the neo Nyphette fashion trend between young women on social media. It's exactly like nymphette, only that it's apparently "less pedophilic" just because they said so (read: hypocrisy) even though the way they fantasize about Dolores Haze and obsess over being petite is exactly the same. They also dress the same and gave the same makeup, even posting the same crap Tumblr did 10 years ago.
They claim to be morally better than nymphettes, but in fact they’re just the same. They still glorify Lolita, still are into DD/LG, still romanticize abuse of women. After they realized they can’t pretend to be morally pure and better than nymphetes anymore, they now call themselves „
toxic girls”, „girls who are actually the problem” and „female manipulators”, even though the only people they’re capable of manipulating are their parents.
Coquettes spend entire days on „girlblogging” (reposting same 10 pictures of Lizzy Grant taken from pinterest), making idiotic whisper memes, posting fawn pictures, posting thinspo and calling themselves „waifs”, even though most of them weight 60kgs, and tagging everything with „Alana champion lily rose depp lana del rey”, even when it has nothing to do with those chicks.
Cows & stuff discussed in previous thread:
>Dasha- polish/russian-larper, aryan waifu, abuses Photoshop, wants to be tradwife and shames women for taking sexy pics whilst shoving her tits in the center of every selfie herself.>Ethel Cain - trans Nicole Dollanganger sdbbydoll larper, uses the current coquette wave to make „career”. Writes awful Nicole/nymphet themed texts with addition of misogyny. Photographs himself in white dresses, face obscurred, which appeals to tumblr idiots, or does trailer park shoots. Makes music that’s awful, styled as very bad ripoff of Lana Del Rey.>Alida Simone - DDLG obsessed pedopanderer since her tumblr days, obsessed with calling herself „childlike”. Quit school and all opportunities to live with old scrotes, racist, friends with nazi chicks, attacks other girls but always victimizes herself bc uwu they bully me bc i’m so pretty~ Now forever depending on old scrotes mercy and prostitution, but still desperately trying to romanticize her dire situation and view everything through Lana Del Rey angle. Old receipts/past milk: >>1732754, >>1732755, >>1732757,>>1732761, >>1732762, >>1732764, >>1732766, >>1732770, >>1732771, >>1732773, >>1732775, >>1732776, >>1732779>, priviledged coquette & trad larper from Afghanistan, but actually living in westernized, non-traditional family. Sperges about being „adolescent looking”, boasts people confuse her for 17 year old (as if it’s something unusual when you’re in your 20’s). Now married to old scrote and pregnant. makes perhaps most ridiculous coquette tiktoks>Stolenbesos/Coldstonedreamery – another LA rich party girl suddenly turned top trending photographer. Known for taking shitty Terry Richardson tier coquette pandering pics and hanging around semi famous people. Turns out she’s known because she fucks Cobrasnake >>1730747, >>1730750 Calls her pics ”Dissociative pout aesthetic” and „lobotomy chic” >>1729438, >>1729756, >>1729759 >Ethel Cain’s (real name Macon Horner) old youtube and pinterest accounts >>1618927, >>1618954>Ethel Cain confesses to being a wincest shipper >>1622989>Dasha claims she’s half polish, except her polish sounds like shit >>1623344, >>1623414 polish anons have serious doubts, but who knows>Patrick Bateman, our lady of coquettes >>1626546, >>1626559, >>1626608>Helena (angel-hel)’s Ginger tier nonsense >>1621932, >>1622052, >>1623416, >>1627446, >>1627456, >>1735848>Helena cries out about Mina’s video about coquettes on her ~girlblogger~ account (which she promptly nukes shortly after to pretend she ~doesn’t care about this tacky coquette shit~) >>1627586, >>1631262, >>1627607, >>1631320>Helena’s baby’s first cocaine posts >>1730648, >>1730656>i’ll just call this Dasha bullshit >>1623556, >>1626417>Alida Simone DOESN’T get engaged >>1624943,>>1623880>Ethel Cain hangs out with Lana’s zoophile boyfriend >>1629064>Dasha plans to start Onlyfans >>1633831>Helena discovers she was posted on lolcow and can’t stop obsessing over that ever since >>1642780>Ethel Cain seethes about lolcow too, shame that what ~triggered~ him was just some unrelated random laughing >>1649457> turns out to be pregnant and married to some old scrote >>1666331>Ethel Cain comes to runway in pyjamas >>1667556>Helena still fondly reminisces about her 2 minutes on lolcow, except nobody mentioned her again in months >>1668883, >>1668893>Ethel threatens to send a trad army against drake >>1694081>Dasha finds the thread >>1706943, >>1706944>Coquettes found CC. Miners, accept our condolences >>1715773>…because we deal with the same shit >>1741817, >>1742763>Helena tries to be cOoL and rAndOm on the internet and posts herself doing coke >>1730774 but the real star of this video is some fatty walking around the room and looking like this limp-wristed tumblrfag >>1730781, >>1730849, >>1730786>Helena gets unhealthily excited over being posted on lolcow again, shame that she didn’t enjoy a comment about her limp daddy buddy >>1777726>Alida’s sloppy sheincore shoot with her „bestie” >>1732615, >>1732617, >>1750235, >>1749201, >>1749200>anon’s investigation over Alida Simone’s „job”: she’s whoring out in LA, involved in one of those casino traffiking circles >>1732625, >>1739726>Alida’s crystal astral „daddy” who „cares” for her so much she resorts to prostitution >>1740635, >>1740692>this oldman hand pic tells everything >>1736370>some embarassing coquette selfposts >>1776550, >>1776970>Alida admits everything anons were speculating about, wants to leave evil LA. But not because she was used and abused by traffiking prostitution casino ring! No, she’s done with LA because her shein bestie robbed her. >>1779241, >>1777897, >>1777898 Also no, she won’t do anything to get out of this situation, she’ll go along glorifying this cute Lana life in „the underworld”, except she’ll just talk about Jesus. >>1779828>More on Alida getting robbed by Kamilla >>1781536, >>1781544, >>1781545, >>1781549, >>1781554, >>1781566>Alida without Photoshop >>1787010, >>1787536>Alida’s elaborate post about her shitty scrote who, as you could expect, invites chicks over when she’s not around >>1798225>…but you can still find a way to romanticize it, right? Just slap on Lana lyrics! >>1798915>no comment >>1780745, >>1780746>Ethel Cain does angry spergout because people don’t buy his shit >>1812183, >>1812184 Bonus
>Photoshop nightmares >>1764666,>>1765346, >>1664198, >>1675590, >>1675594, >>1750560, >>1750561, >>1751349, >>1751532, >>1751665, >>1804436, >>1804440, >>1660504>coquette nonsense >>1682916, >>1650723, >>1618057, >>1618058, >>1618059, >>1619348, >>1634405, >>1677051, >>1702534, >>1702541, >>1702548, >>1722568, >top coquette retardation >>1801630, >>1801631, >>1801633, >>1804117, >>1804125, >>1741817, >>1682761, >>1647743, >>1653382, >>1668896, >>1702524, >>1730866, >>1758250, >>1758263> coquette fashion that just rips and comes apart before you even wash it >>1673414, >>1673416, >>
Coquette aesthetic thread #1:
>>>/snow/1410169Coquette aesthetic thread #2:
>>>/snow/1616017 No. 1818466
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No. 1818578
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Dasha back at it again. It's weird for someone who goes out of their way to push a very sexualised image of themself going as far as she does with the way she edits but still insist they look underage
No. 1818613
>>1818578"You didn't see me irl"
topkek. Dasha, no fucking 16 year old looks that botched from surgeries/fillers etc.
No. 1818687
>>1818578That twitter rabbithole is so cringe. A bunch of incels (probably fat Indian guys) using AI generated Chads and Alain Delon pfps, promoting eating disorders and posting 4chan takes.
Lmao, the Y chromosome should certify as a disability at this point.
No. 1818978
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>>1818971They think they are gonna get some goddess treatment when they breed with those spiritual pedo scrotes they find while it's probably gonna look like the picrel. They need to stop romanticizing this stuff so much and be realistic cause when @alidasimone went off priv I saw so much trad shit in her likes and even Andrew Tate.
No. 1819781
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The "sensitive young woman" thing we discussed last thread's counterpart is "sensitive young man". If you look it up either as a hashtag or the words themselves, it's immediately obvious the types of accounts pushing it. Same grift from the Indian guy behind Milady/Rohit guy and his fellow rejects, lots of failmales using that to describe themselves and slowly edge themselves into this scene.
No. 1819786
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>>1819781One of them stealing some muscular white man's photo and presenting himself as a pro-ana male. Once again, coping browncels and trannies attempting to groom underage girls (especially targeting white ones for their shit). At least two people in the "coquette"/"edtwt" scene clocked him. Sorry for the weirdly-spaced collage, I didn't feel like posting a bunch of screenshots one by one.
No. 1820398
>>1820203>>1819953>they think white women are loose due to pornThere's porn categories for every kind of women these days. Porn is not the only reason this stereotype exists, let's be real. Most third world countries didn't go through a Sexual Revolution like the US and western Europe did. Hook-up culture is almost non-existent in most Third World countries and even developed countries like Japan or Singapore.
>The moids don't think so either, that's why they chase white women and marry in their own culture. I guess you haven't seen 90 Day Fiance. It isn't rare for Arab and African men to try to marry white women so they can come to the west. I personally know a middle aged white American woman who was trying to get her younger Bengali boyfriend to come to the USA.
No. 1820419
>>1819801>>1819953not complicated at all, Internet is relatively cheap in south Asian+High amount of English speakers+Sexually frustrated virgins in their 20's who will have to wait for their 30's to get married and who exposed themselves to porn everyday
>>1820398Bengali really, lmao those guys are like 5 feet tall
No. 1820478
>>1820462a lot of times they have another family in their country of origin that is hidden, wife, kids. they get that lucrative job in the west then bail.
one way to tell is if they refuse to let you meet their parents/family, you are being used.
No. 1820677
>>1820462How's it any different from western men getting mail order brides from other countries? It's just people using each other. Many marriages and relationship are to some degree transactional.
>>1820419 Why do you single out South Asian men? Hook-up culture is normalized in the west and you still got white boys addicted to porn.
No. 1821049
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Someone is catfishing as Dasha to scam people lmao
>>1820677Ayrt I don't think it's any different and didn't state anything in defense of white/ generally western men. The topic at hand was eastern moids so I spoke specifically on them. If you want a specific answer on western moids, then yes it is slightly different in the sense that they're usually complete incels using their position to exploit women from poor countries into what are often highly
abusive relationships. They stereotype eastern women as "good" because these men think traditional women are just women who don't bite back as opposed to the nightmare ugly whore western women who can do things like call the police or act on concern for our safety when dealing with
abusive men. I didn't think I had to list out the nuances of my opinion on east vs west moid but if you're asking retarded questions then, in short, they're horrible in every direction
No. 1822233
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>>1821897>>1822165she might have switched to claiming solely polish now, but she definitely used to claim to be russian, as in born in russia. she said she was from novosibirsk oblast. and she would pretend to speak russian with google translate, only to be called out by russian anons for the botched grammar, like
>>1442207 No. 1823141
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Wish I could tag Alida Simone kek
No. 1823820
>>1823125>>1823755Of course, you're both correct. there are some examples like you mentioned. It's much smaller amount than UK coquettes and larpers tho - it didn't grow out into a local trend (yet). But like you said, if there's anything it's under different category more so than coquette. Like polish proana circles were notably hardcore and unhinged on Tumblr circa 2011/2012, not sure about now. On the other hand, tradlarp isn't popular in my country from what i see. Also what about other countries? You don't see coquettes boasting about coming from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania etc etc. These larpers are very specific about their allowed list of slavic countries to use kek
One more thing i noticed, coquette isn't seen in the wild, really. You don't see coquettes running around in the wild, dressed in coquette shit. I know, the coquette style is a "broad" subject bc it could be anything sometimes even just some lacy white nightslip, but still. I feel like it's a style they wear once in a while not everyday… or not at all. It's an "aesthetic" that doesn't really exist. Like, it's all just happening online, on their pinterests.
No. 1824646
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because a relationship with an old man fixes everything
No. 1825008
>>1823851It is obvious why you never see them in the wild.
They are fatter and older than they shoop themselves, and everyone, including them, knows it. They don't look like their pictures.
These girls are ashamed of themselves not being those skinny blonde slav princess ballerinas they idolise. It is not sustainable to look like that every day. Even the "russian barbie" girl uses a TON of photoshop and looks like absolute shit in candids. Can you imagine all that filler and botox in motion?
They LARP online because it's the only way they can hide that they're extremely average women who just won't get picked unless they're into the submissive trad wife shit. And even if the guys for whom they tear each other apart meet them IRL, they'd probably realise they've been catfished.
Also slight blog. I am russian. From Siberia, actually. I have ever seen anyone genuinely russian act that way or even LARP that shit. I'd say most common categories of young women I meet here are your typical "instathots", koreaboos and militant feminists.
No. 1825132
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Big words for a pedo whore
No. 1825225
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does anyone have that pic of her next to a swastika drawn in the sand? i remember it from her PULL thread
No. 1825285
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>>1825262samefag, here's a sort of ~i'm sorry magic & light~ bullshit statement, if i find more i'll post.
No. 1825379
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>>1825225>The aryan brotherhood in South Carolina and parts of Florida we're obsessed with me, would stalk me and wanted to use me as a sacrifice. I had a Native American boyfiend and they wanted to kill me because I was with himWhy does this have the same energy as the "gay jewish nazi cult" scam from 2020 lmao
No. 1825631
>>1825225Wait she really said jealous lmfao girl you're not getting rid of your (old moid) cock breath ever I'm not jealous of that esp
>>1825343Yeah same as
>>1825285 like I understand it but she's fake as hell and pedo. She's literally liking sex trafficker tweets and pedo tweets all the time
>>1824646Lord I understand what she said in that thread deeply(without the whoring yourself yourself to a moid) part and what she means maybe without the examples she gave of how a woman life should like bc I see it a lil differently
No. 1825785
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she’s a victim of white supremacist groups but happily compares herself to some bullshit aryan alien race star seed shit lol
No. 1825805
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>>1825262samefagging i cant find her old PULL thread screenshots from when she was drawing swastikas in the sand and admitted her bf was a nazi but she still has this post up from that period of time lol why would a teenage girl love ww2 movies? the friend she made the nazi jokes with and was an actual nazi sympathizer is also tagged here.
No. 1826308
>>1825785She's also obsessed with wanting to come across as a natural blonde - that blue eyed, blonde haired, super fair skinned look she's consistently going for. Can't have even the slightest bit of her natural brown hair showing in her roots. She's such a vain cunt. Talk about insufferable.
Also, it's pretty messed up that she wants to have babies with an old crinkled up grandpa who already has revealed pedo tendencies. Like really? You wanna have kids with a man who pursued you after seeing you on the sidewalk as a teen, while he was middle aged? Least, that's the story she gave - that he saw her on the side of the road first, (I think she was on her bike or something) and said how much he had to meet her. Then they somehow bumped into each other at a restaurant or bar whatever. Just imagine if that was your dad, ogling after a 17 year old. Or going after your friends. I'd kick him in the gonads. (She claims she was 18, but it was before her 18th that he saw her on the side of the road) And she fails to see this even now? When will she ever see it for how it is? This man was a predator. He also was the one who fed her psychedelics when she was still a teen. This was risky as hell. He's not out here looking after her like she claims. Drugs that potentially are why she comes across as tho she has a screw loose and she was way too young at the time to be exposed to drugs like that from someone who should know better. It did something to her, as it happens to some people, not all. He never looked out for her during that whole saga in LA, where was he then??? Not to mention, he was doing all of this while she had no guidance in the form of a parent. He instead, took advantage of her. I could go on. And this is the issue that I have - she hasn't woken up about any of this at almost 23 years of age. She still is projecting, she behaves like she doesn't have any intelligence or grounding at all. And it's fucking ridiculous. Those two together make me want to barf and I pray they never breed. Talk about cringe. I literally can't look at her shit without getting riled up.
(sage your shit) No. 1826314
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>>1823820The majority of "-core" aesthetics that have emerged among Zoomers exist mainly as a social media identity rather than genuine subcultures that exist in real life, reflecting a shift away from the more cohesive subcultures that died around the late 2000s.
No. 1826468
>>1819801>why is it always Indian men Because the coquette aesthetic appeals to them a lot. Indian men worship white women probably more than any other race of men, even they will openly admit this. Indians white worship a lot due to the historic caste system hierarchy. And the coquette aesthetic is right up their alley because they love bleach blonde hair, blue eyes, either underage looking girls or glamorous with lots of makeup, gold jewelry etc.
I’ve noticed all ethnic men fetishise white women but they tend to prefer different types. East Asian men like those simple, natural, whitebread, slavic looking girls with dirty blonde hair like Ella Freya. Indian men like waifish teen girls with peroxide hair or glamorous aryan looking women like Elsa Hosk and Rosie Huntington Whitely. Black men like baddie types. Etc. Of course I am generalising but after lurking male spheres online these are undeniable trends and most of them will even tell you this themselves.
No. 1826548
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>>1826468>>1826540Interesting perspective, In my country, women from lighter-skinned ethnic groups are frequently targeted and abducted. There exists a "marriage trade: for Pashtun and Kashmiri wives, as they are considered a more desirable, lighter-skinned ethnic group, and Pakistani (and Indian Muslim) men often have a strong desire for them.
>>1826540This is also a factor, men in India, Africa and the Middle East grew up with western porn and American sex-comedy films, they really do think white women are extreme nymphos because they grew up seeing white women in American porn online and are told by their culture their own women are meant to be extremely chaste. Then when they get turned down they get super offended that a supposedly no standards white woman would still reject them rather than realizing actually in reality white women don't fuck anyone who asks.
This is a big part of what contributed to Rotherham and other child sex trafficking groups in the UK. Men from Pakistan grew up being told white women are all easy nympho sluts, so they didn't see it as a big deal to force literal 13 year olds into rape and prostitution.
No. 1826882
>>1826540It’s both white worship and general misogyny against women. White women are seen as easier and more sexually accessible than Indian and Muslim women, but at the same time brown men definitely do idolize white features and think they are more beautiful than their own race.
>>1826642This is true and white men do it just as much to Asian women, latinas, Indian women etc. what’s disturbing is many racist scrotes have fantasies about raping and enslaving other races women as a way to spite the races that they deem as inferior. I’ve even seen racist white scrotes say they want to fuck black men in the ass and trannify brown men not out of sexual attraction but simply out of hatred. The Y chromosome is a genuine birth defect.
No. 1826887
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Just saw this and remembered why I hate men lol. They’re all race obsessed pedophiles.
No. 1826969
>>1826887She has the eye fat procedure mentioned in
>>1826535. It's so sad that the Asian version of BBLing the shit out of yourself is doing whatever his is + shaving your skull to be more round
No. 1827093
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>>1826969Apparently this is her before and after.
No. 1827608
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and everybody clapped lol
No. 1827641
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>>1827178It’s not someone else editing it nona, she got plastic surgery and edited the pic to look more childlike herself.
Japanese women have taken it to the next level recently. They purposely try to make themselves look like almost unrecognisable creepy fetuses. I was actually shocked looking some models I used to follow in the 2010s and seeing how they present themselves on their SNS.
Pic rel is the same woman in an unedited video vs her instagram pictures.
No. 1827643
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And this is a gyaru I used to follow, 2012 vs 2022.
No. 1827645
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>>1827643Another one, 2012 YouTube video vs from her 2022 instagram.
No. 1827730
>>1827608What a self-inflated, ego-tripping fag.
>>1826510Wonder what she'd do if her real life dad started dating a 17 year old, if she'd see that differently then.
No. 1827761
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Nonnas how long has been Alida with that Onion moid already? i'm looking up her old PULL thread cause i'm bored and finding some long forgotten stuff. Isn't this the same scrote as
>>1787019 just not as fat? If so 1) she started dating him at 17 2) he posted a lot of weird ~nazi sympathizing but ofc not really teehee~ shit
No. 1827764
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>>1827761It's like 4th person close to her (1 being ex bf and 3 dumb ig friends i think) having same Hitler related "humor" like Alida…
Included other screens from pull, last one is aa drawing of "his ex girlfriends", a horse with a vagina, but i decided to cut and spare you from this retardation.
No. 1827766
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she was also apparently trying to meet up with XXXtentacion. Already after all the allegations on him came out, ofc.
No. 1828859
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No. 1828861
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No. 1828862
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No. 1828988
>>1828859Time to chop off some cock n balls.
>>1828861You can be abused, even at 90 years of age.
Problem is, most men are stupid when it comes to reading the signals. They're not gonna be able to tell the difference if you're uncomfortable or not. If you're grinding on his D and then suddenly don't want the D, but don't flat out say no, he's not going to tell the difference (if he's the typical). In saying this tho, he's still in the wrong if he can't see that you're not into it at all, even without saying no. He needs to be castrated if he's much older and should have enough life experience to know better too. But it doesn't matter about age. Like I said, you can be manipulated and abused at any age. Also, she's a target for these types of pricks. She had no proper parenting or guidance whatsoever before this shit could ever take place.
I wish Alida would stop hanging out with clowns. I get they are the types that aren't considered boring and all, but omfg. School-shooter types, pedos, rapists, bimbos who skinwalk her every move. She's got to stop. Go hang out with more intelligent people already. They might not be "unique" in her eyes, but at least they'll be sane. Seriously. She's surrounded by a circus. It's too much. Wish she'd tone it down. I mean, we all took one look at that SuperKamilla's Insta and immediately were thinking, nope. She can't read people at all. Like a moth to a flame to all the headcases out there.
No. 1829000
>>1828988She is in a circus and she's the Ringmaster..
>>1828859Is she talking about Onion?
No. 1829111
>>1828861This is my observation; I could be wrong. To Simone, being desirable = beauty + it makes her the centre of their universe if she's noticed like that. (Feeling attractive, sexy, alive and special.) It draws out the feminine against the masculine. What she doesn't get is that guys don't see it the same way, generally speaking. When they desire you, they want to fuck you. That's it. They don't want to rescue the damsel, or worship the ground you walk on. They see that behavior as easy street. Whereas she wants the fairy tale; the hero come-save-me thing (I think that's obvious by a lot of things that she says). So when that goes too far, well, this kind of thing happens. I see it all the time. It doesn't make it right. But she leads them on in the most blatant ways, intentional or not; all in the quest to be wanted. It's a dangerous game. I hope she realises this now and puts up some boundaries. I'm not blaming her for any of it, it's sick and turns something innocent into something vile. These guys are monsters. But the coquette thing draws in those types of monsters.
No. 1829332
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would the memes and post style that bella hadid posts be “coquette”? i feel like a lot of models are into this ethel cain coquette shit. a lot of coquette i’ve seen is just girls that are into audrey hepburn or lana del rey and like pink but on twitter it seems to be a retarded pro ana white supremacy thing. the ethel cain brand coquette seems to be super popular with celebrities now. that shitty adidas brand “praying” that sells weird child sized coquette shirts is very popular with this brand of celeb.
No. 1830210
File: 1684485196408.png (54.77 KB, 279x491, xxxtentacion1.png)

>>1827766>>1827789Old milk but forgot to post these in relation to these screens. Here's her whiteknighting XXXTentacion, who cares that he abused his gf (and apparently killed a few people as it turned out lately) when he "repented and made up for his sins with his music"! he "contributed" to the world so its all erased!1
It's been a while ago, but i really doubt she'd react differently today. For Alida, abuse is only abuse when said abuse happened to her.
No. 1830218
>>183021316, how was she even allowed to meet up with him? Where were her parents? Oh that's right, her mother was off busy doing heroine and allowing heroine addicts to live in their house and her Dad clearly didn't give a shit. Her Dad was friends later on with her old grandpa boyfriend and didn't see anything wrong with it. I get that her mother died due to alcoholism, and I shouldn't speak ill of the dead, but there's no denying she was a shit parent and they play a huge part in all of this.
No excuse in the end because Alida never grew enough braincells to see what was wrong with all of it either, as time went on. Unless, she literally has low IQ and has trouble comprehending and learning.
Anyone remember when she carried around blood viles and drank blood?? Her parents let her do whatever she wanted. Old farts would flirt with her and she would flirt back, in front of her mum, whilst being a minor. Drama, after drama, after drama, to this day. Then, she romanticizes it all. Either she is genuinely intellectually impaired, or she gets something out of it. Because when you're scared of or traumatised from something, you run away from it - not toward it. She tries to find a matching song lyric from Lana to line up with everything that she does.
>>1829332There are so many sub-genres that fall under the umbrella of coquette and they're all trash. Roleplaying pedophilia and incest. Thinking it's cute.
No. 1830274
File: 1684495748696.jpg (37.04 KB, 500x680, Bike-Fall.jpg)

>>1830267THEM: psychopaths, druggos, pedos, abusers, clowns n jokers.
ALIDA: "I want them to be my best friends."
cries Why am I always the
adds lana lyric that matches current crisis into Insta postREPEAT CYCLE OVER AND OVER.
No. 1830352
>>1830267iirc this psycho was her guitar teacher/short time bf and was something like 36.
Don't know how true it is but she also claimed she went with a 30-something yo stranger to a motel to take white trash pics when she was 15 or 16. (the one of her in pink dress sitting among plastic guns and money, holding a gun and honestly giving creepy vibes bc she looked obviously underage. i'm sure its somewhere on PULL). Her parents were redneck trash who never cared, but she's truly a living empitome of this
>>1830274 No. 1830360
>>1830218 Her handmaiden friends also enabled this relationship. Crazy
>>1830212She "defended" him as early as the past 2 years again tho
No. 1830379
>>1825008another russian nona here reporting with blogshit
>I have ever seen anyone genuinely russian act that way or even LARP that shit.from what i've seen, they're mostly on niche telegram channels lusting after femboys and calling themselves "femcel radfems" (while complaining about their exes and reposting trannies like ethel cain). also obsessed with western coquette crap (my year of rest and relaxation, "iconic femcel" movies like black swan and perfect blue, etc). but yes, no one irl acts like this and i live in a major city.
No. 1830443
File: 1684516557988.jpg (32.25 KB, 800x800, Funny-Squeeze-Popping-Eyes-Out…)

>>1827093God those surgically implanted eye pouches make me want to barf every time i see them, looks like one of those toys you squeeze and their eyes pop out
No. 1830464
File: 1684517820251.png (5.77 KB, 495x116, HL.png)

>>1830457Okay, sorry about the double posting, but it turns out this is an actual thing and they have already latched onto that character. lmaooo
No. 1830939
File: 1684587265222.jpeg (66.48 KB, 1170x757, 28D83E9E-17F1-4905-8299-8F01CC…)

which old man “gifted” her a porche because it wasn’t Orion(don’t use emojis )
No. 1830961
>>1830939Why would you pray for a car, when you don't even have your driver's licence?
Jesus isn't Santa fucking Claus.
No. 1830968
>>1830939Meanwhile some guy is dying of cancer, praying to Christ for help. But Jesus Christ is busy giving some American bimbo her Porsche.
And the person who gifted her the Porsche is sitting there like, wtf fair go. I gave it to you, not Jesus.
It's so funny cos she wants people to be jealous of her but she only makes herself look stupid and vain / materialistic yet again.
No. 1830970
File: 1684590958747.jpg (105.92 KB, 1001x949, LMFAO.jpg)

>>1830939She should buy one of these and put it on her new car.
No. 1830973
File: 1684591400018.jpeg (208 KB, 1170x1975, 35FBFCD8-3929-427B-BC01-8060AC…)

this is so funny lmao alida is delusional as hell i know the royalty are trash don’t get me wrong but there’s no denying she sounds like a schizo in so many of her tweets
No. 1831039
File: 1684600557162.png (352.58 KB, 564x998, Jebus.png)

>>1830939When you're Coquette and Jesus gives you some new wheels.
No. 1831137
File: 1684611718246.jpeg (343.7 KB, 1170x1974, 32C3421E-A458-431C-984B-D0855C…)

did she move in with a sugar daddy or some shit
No. 1831166
>>1831137Taking bets on how long it takes for her to have a falling out with whoever she's currently hanging out with and whoever gave her the Porsche. She can't hold a friend for longer than a few months, unless they don't live near her and she only sees them for visits. Wonder what the next theatrics are going to be.
Also, every time she starts off a new saga, she uses that Lana song "Now my life is sweet like cinnamon
Like a fucking dream I'm living in."
No. 1831170
File: 1684615595739.jpg (15.05 KB, 460x295, they are soulmates kek.jpg)

>>1831137she's still with baldy
relationship mustn't be that great tho or she'd be with him, in the very least in the same state
No. 1831204
>>1831170Tf shes so disgusting and piglike and probably gonna pull out a
victim card somewhere in the future to avoid taking responsibility and other women are gonna defend her just as they defend her and her relationship now or see her as a
victim desperately
No. 1831408
File: 1684659352714.jpg (147.54 KB, 1080x1293, Screenshot_2023-05-21-10-55-04…)

This bitch must be mentally retarded or deranged there's no other way
No. 1831432
File: 1684666761972.jpeg (252.97 KB, 1170x1965, IMG_5799.jpeg)

No. 1831433
File: 1684666824764.jpeg (246.96 KB, 1170x2002, IMG_5800.jpeg)

Schizophrenic posting
No. 1831458
File: 1684673634812.jpeg (228.33 KB, 1170x2033, A50383FD-6A12-42A5-A31B-35CA4F…)

No. 1831545
File: 1684679388890.png (46.3 KB, 156x219, 001640.png)

>>1831458Btw the lana song / lyrics she put to that story were 'You can be the boss, daddy
You can be the boss
Bad to the bone, sick as a dog
You know that I like, like you a lot
Don’t let it stop
He had a cigarette with his number on it
He gave it over to me, “Do you want it?”
And what is up with her hair lately? It looks like plastic horse hair or like she had a two layer haircut. Her extensions are yellow and a diff colour to her mullet up top.
No. 1831810
File: 1684706852689.jpg (64.09 KB, 720x678, 20230521_232801.jpg)

Dasha admitted her lips are fake
No. 1832068
>>1832004Treating women like a meat/toys that can be bought lol
>>1831697She's narrating her life with ldr songs. That's from where she gets those ideas idk if she's autistic or deranged
>>1831494At some point she's gonna have to develop some self preservation cause moids don't plan on not being shit ever. She has no awareness of age gap relationships involving a teen girl being actually bad
No. 1832069
>>1831810It's so easy to tell if someone lips are fake or not by just looking at their side profile. You can see it here
>>1831545 in the upper lip
No. 1832187
>>1831408Dasha replied to it an called him handsome. Please.
>>1830973Wait shes talked about pedos again whilst being a pedo lover herself? This girl is psycho, its quite entertaining I hope she gets exposed in the future for who she really is
No. 1832211
Preachy monologue incoming, but I just have to say it…
It's kind of ironic how lolcow is the only place that has any common sense at all when it comes to Alida, and can see through all the bullshit. Meanwhile, everyone else encourages her behaviour in a fake manner. Just like this Dasha example
>>1832187 ((As if she truly believes he is handsome… Dasha and Alida are just following each other because of this thread and it makes them feel better in a pack. Nothing about it is genuine. Nothing about Alida is genuine - she attracts what she puts out.))
One day she'll end up dead or in a far worse position than she has ever been in before, and most of her friends, family or followers clapped her all the way along in that direction. Don't they realise that she's come close to death before, doing this?? More than once, might I add. They all encouraged her the whole time. Even with the sex trafficking incidence that people here saw through right from the start.
And she herself, arrogantly swipes any negative feedback away. She will even do it all the more, just out of spite.
I don't know why she has never opened up her own boutique (it would have gotten so popular and succeeded, she could have turned it into a franchise if she put her mind to it). And I don't mean an Instagram shop, I mean one in the physical. She could have saved enough to have all she needed by now, to do something like that. Or study art, or fashion, or whatever her interests are. That's how she could have "expressed her true self". But no, she goes right out of her way to avoid anything 'normal'. Because that is being a sheep and she's a u n i c o r n.
She is rotting on the inside and the cracks are really starting to show now. She says that she "loves to play with fire", when no, she cannot handle it when it burns. She, in that moment, wants to suicide. And when her youth fades, and men no longer want to gift her anything or pick her up out of those moments, when she becomes invisible, she's going to break.
>>1831408If this was a real job, her boss wouldn't have his arm around her like that…. he'd be up for sexual harassment if that were in the workplace.
>>1831564You could be onto something there..
No. 1832288
>>1832274So much truth in this. She only gets with old decaying ballbags so that she feels the superior in looks. & when something goes wrong she can play the "but i'm just a little girl & you're so much older than me" card. The older the guy she can get, the younger that she will feel. She would feel insecure & threatened if she got with some hot guy around her age. She'd feel that too if there was a much younger prettier girl than her in the same room. It's that & their $$$$$
>>1831433What is her mission exactly because I've never seen her do anything ever that didn't benefit herself.
No. 1832753
File: 1684833321355.webm (342.27 KB, 348x480, why are older women always so …)
this girl posted herself on r9k yesterday she claims she likes CP and spends all day on discord talking to pedos…how do we save her from this path?
No. 1832831
>>1832753 >>1832810
gtfo you stupid ballbag.
No. 1832842
>>1832820kek they're all either literally ugly or mid and filtered to hell, it says a lot about
our pickme society
No. 1833303
File: 1684901490366.jpg (142.45 KB, 1080x1521, Screenshot_2023-05-24-06-07-32…)

This whole bitch(alida) needs to be thrown away look at her likes on Twitter
No. 1833647
>i refuse to believe that you've spent any significant amount of time on imageboardsThat's because I don't, but oooh you got me there…
Least I'm not out there roleplaying incest sex with my Dad at 23. Puke.
No. 1833667
>>1833303That would be perfect for Alida because she wouldn't even need to try to switch her brain off in that situation, she doesn't even have one to begin with. Her whole existence has been around men, her camera, mirrors and I bet she doesn't even know basic math.
To get jealous you need something to be jealous of. Lots of beautiful girls from social media aren't on forums that are a far cry above Alida. It's not about looks. Alida isn't even physically perfect. That's why she works so hard at it and can only get with redneck boomer coomers. People here hate on her cos she's a cunt and has inflated herself out so far that she truly believes she's God's fave and a literal angel.
I mean get a grip already. Nobody anywhere else calls her out on it, so might as well be here. Is she entertaining? Sure. I'll give her that. She's a fukin clown. Arrogant as all hell too cos most people would've deleted their social media by now or toned it down instead of rubbing it all up in people's grill. But she's a narc, so she just gets worse with it all.
Listen, I don't want her to suicide, don't want her to end up dead in some alley. But she doesn't listen to anyone who tries to help her and does the opposite like the arrogant prick that she is. So fuck it. She reaps what she sows.
No. 1834109
File: 1684987996874.jpeg (108.76 KB, 1170x1192, D50DA0EC-D745-4624-8018-A17B22…)

No. 1834117
File: 1684989137490.jpeg (208.38 KB, 1108x1398, F0CBAE7D-A531-42D7-A35D-2F0E86…)

samefagging but it’s getting annoying watching alida lie and contradict herself so much. she lies almost constantly and makes 0 sense. she’s pressed about conspiracy theories but always liking Andrew Tate’s post despite his ~alleged~ involvement in human trafficking.
No. 1834119
File: 1684989289724.jpeg (121.54 KB, 1170x1095, F3280FA4-DDC1-4399-9401-6C837E…)

she’s never been a nazi or racist but again, in her likes is something completely contradictory to that.
No. 1834255
>>1834216I've seen this too. Somebody on twitter this morn said "Lana is so underrated……"
>>1834119Alida's a two-face. She has this image she wants to be projected and seen as, but then there's who she really is. It shows when she falls out with people all the time, if they spend enough time with her. It's why she bounces from place to place and burns bridges with anybody she's with for a set amount of time. She's leaving a trail of people who can't stand her, behind her, everywhere that she goes. Proof in itself.
No. 1834271
>>1834250There's some quote from the bible, beware those who claim they are the 'angel of light', as even satan himself will parade as such and those who follow him.
Have people noticed too that Alida is editing or using filters to make her skin appear whiter in recent pics as well?
No. 1834326
>>1833303Imagine being this pathetic and dull. Most guys would prefer a more spirited girl with an actual personality and independence about her. If a guy had to do everything for his girl because she's that inept and slow, he'd get the ick and want to escape her so fast.
Give him something to work for, or he'll tire of you real quick. Make it exciting at least. Nobody wants to date a mindless automated golem.
No. 1835107
File: 1685126871070.png (12.01 KB, 468x798, capture1.png)

>>1835031like this? all it took was 2 words n they got
they all came running out of the woodworks lmfao
bunch of tards n clowns
alida sets them all off. i'm just waiting for them to all charge in here one day to give us a bashing cuz it's coming..
No. 1835409
File: 1685163552891.jpg (113.7 KB, 1080x801, Screenshot_2023-05-27-06-58-14…)

>>1835278It's that bitch who's dating an old disgusting moid. HELL. Those whores are filthy
No. 1837543
File: 1685468672740.jpeg (209.58 KB, 1170x2013, 704A86A3-A2FB-45A9-8166-5504BA…)

are her and Onion in an ~open~ relationship or something
No. 1838260
File: 1685541219504.jpg (306.48 KB, 1080x2397, Zombodroid_31052023035237.jpg)

>>1835409Spotted her under this tweet… the last tweet is a rt I found on her acc, do alida only becomes friends with other pedo lovers?
No. 1838451
File: 1685560991011.jpeg (116.77 KB, 828x926, 910D88C4-307B-48D3-882F-FECDEE…)

>>1835409Harvey Weinstein dupe
No. 1838647
File: 1685577699072.jpeg (118.81 KB, 826x1630, IMG_0360.jpeg)

I now just noticed that app depop added a “coquette” tag and this is the first thing I see. I am convinced this is clearly a children’s top as well, gross.
No. 1838688
File: 1685580987295.jpeg (345.43 KB, 4561x1128, FB75AF8A-F7CE-462B-A797-7DD5EC…)

It’s hilarious how uggo, masc and sloppy cockettes are irl, but desperately try to project this hyperfeminine pixie nymph uwu image for themselves.
Ch111oe genuinely looks MTF, has a manlier jaw than Bruce Willis and is literally built like a brick. Alida’s nasolabial folds are devouring her alive and she is also a member of the doughy tranny body club. Nina looks like middle aged taco vendor. Dasha looks like a British Asda mum with £30 lip fillers. They’re all such a mess. Top kek my sides.(unsaged nitpick)
No. 1838726
File: 1685585141221.png (599.48 KB, 898x1078, 2023051611258.png)

>>1838688Ch111oe edits compared to he real face makes me kek
No. 1838766
File: 1685588072429.jpeg (441.69 KB, 2023x2949, 4FA26EDB-3900-4538-A6B3-BCAC75…)

Bitch how can you live with yourself lmao
No. 1843343
>>1843312anon they're all self-proclaimed femcels alternately saying they're celibate because of how much they hate men ~zOMg lUlZ misandry rAwR! nd 5 mins later whining about not being able to get a man (possibly Patrick Bateman or Edward Cullen, for younger zoomers). Most of them are underage to 24 yo, fat and very noncoquette like in appearance. They can't even wear their beloved, most desired coquette clothes from their pinterest boards, much less running actively getting men left and right and "ruining poor mens lives" or whatever.
Unless you mean Alida, but it's not a story of evil bitch Alida stealing grandpa's rent, it's old scrotes ruining her life. Or rather, Alida constantly repeating this
>>1830274 and ruining her life herself.
No. 1844046
File: 1686400203676.jpg (76.18 KB, 843x1200, OTFvsbD7vn3GLpvN7rvnZb3rUYUkJ4…)

>>1751349>>1751349more unshooped ch111oe. how can someone have such an unfortunate waistline??
No. 1844331
File: 1686438038378.jpeg (370.5 KB, 1525x1930, 0A1AD04D-175A-450D-A1A4-807EA5…)

Dash aged 20 years overnight
No. 1844405
>>1844046It’s strange to see someone with absolutely no hips or waist to hip ratio.
That coupled with her bogged face and Quaqmire chin makes her look like a tranny.
I’m starting to think coquettes fetishize femininity in the same way troons do because they don’t feel feminine looking irl.
No. 1844531
File: 1686460657463.png (166 KB, 532x825, jesus is cruising.png)

>>1830970LMFAOOOOO now this is gold. Alida put Jesus in her new wheels.
Don't wanna be an ass for no good reason, but can't help myself - she is dressing like such a granny lately with her pearls and florals. I know it's a trend rn with a lot of brands and it's not as though it looks bad but it's a huge turn around from a couple months back. Alida has this habit of going 0-100 in a heartbeat and then back down again 100-0, all in the blink of an eye. Talk about whiplash.
But I think this is why she's so entertaining. She's all over the shot, does the weirdest things and puts on a show. Funniest shit to me. Actually this whole thread is a comedy show.
No. 1844623
>>1844617She'll prob do that now. Put in some Jesus disciples too and line em all up on her dash.
Wonder what / when her next larp is gonna be after this one.
No. 1844843
File: 1686522257149.jpeg (240.99 KB, 1170x1872, IMG_6251.jpeg)

No. 1845082
>>1844843Alida: " women are the most precious thing on earth "
Also Alida:
consistently throws shade at women over 35 That stupid book that she reads and bases her life on, called The Sophie Code, reminds me of a cult. To me Alida's just gotten more and more creepier over time.
No. 1845085
>>1844843Kek is this cottagecore? grandmacore? anotherzoomerbullshitcore? Or is it meant to be her take on "how christians dress"? Bitch christians wear normal clothes, some of them just wear their prettier dresses to church just cause it's an occasion to dress up nice. unless she's larping a certain area ultra catholic circles with hardcore-covered dress codes etc. It feels like she chose that dress deliberately to fit her new "aesthetic" rather than her everyday wear
>Take me to the bankYay findom/sugaring in the name of Christ!~ Holy consummerism!
Idk good for her if she found Jesus and all, but her way of "cultivating" is one of the weirdest & milkiest things. The betabux in the name of Jesus… Parkavenuepinup chick should rebrand as well kek
No. 1845086
>>1845085She says she's not Christian but is a "follower of Christ". So she basically just took Jesus out of the religions and prays to him for more more more money and free goodies. Like he's fkn Santa.
Dear Jesus, gimme gimme. Amen.
No. 1845097
You know what. I'm starting to believe that Alida might be a hoarder. She never stops collecting stuff and putting it all out on display. If she even buys a new pen, gotta set out it so people can see it and create a video of it to put in the gram. Everyones gotsta see the new pen. If she manages to stay in the one place for a substantial amount of time, she'll accumulate so much shit n clutter. In her last kitchen, she couldn't put anything in the cupboards. It all had to sit out. So there was Jesus everywhere, & pink shite. Pots, pans, clothes swinging around on the rafters, put em in the cupboards already.
I think she mighta mentioned God. But that was back when she was talking about God & Jesus being inside of us. Then that morphed into something else, and Jesus isn't in us anymore. Even Mary got a mention and was in her kitchen too with the rest of the shite iirc. But atm, it's all J$sus. It's her current version of manifesting
She gets all these ideas in her head from folks on the internet and blends n warps it, to come up with her own mashed up version. Then her hardcore followers, do the same and start trying to talk like her and look like her. Suddenly they're all into J$sus and the divine feminine and whatever horseshit she comes up with.
No. 1845126
>>1845097Nvm, I forgot. She does mention God. She said she's 'God's fave' not that long back. So he is still in the picture. He's just not a highlight. Or maybe she sees them as the same thing, who tf knows. The holy trinity Jesus God n Santa
Her followers that are jumping onto the current bandwagon with her. You see em in her comments and they've completely done a full 180 with things they say. Like when she was in LA massaging dudes for cash, they'd be in her comments hyping her up, cheering her on, hooray sex work, get that bag gurl, divine fem powa, but then you see the same people in her current comments talking about morals and Jesus. Like a hivemind.
No. 1845164
>>1845097ayrt, i deleted accidentally. That makes sense, I think it would be pretty weird if she praised Jesus but didn't believe in God etc
It's pretty funny to think she still has psychos following in her footsteps. i imagine they're different psychos that those from 2018 though, probably a bunch of 15 year olds.
>get that bag gurlIt's the same now but now she wants that bag from christian scrotes
No. 1845285
>>1844843It's almost as though she feels the need to constantly put a costume on. She can't just relax and be herself without some kind of aesthetic. Maybe she feels she'll turn invisible if doesn't have an elaborate theme surrounding her. It just always feels like an act. Or maybe she isn't this way outside of the internet. Hard to know when I haven't actually met her. She also seems to be heavily influenced by people around her. When she was hanging out with the racists and hard right-wingers, she was influenced by them. When she was living with Rion, she was influenced by him and became spiritual and hippie-like in beliefs. When she had that friend who loved fairies and renaissance festivals ~ she too was into fairies and medieval things. When she went to LA, she became like many girls there ~ fame hungry, money lusty and trampy. When she was living with her friend who has the toddler, she wanted to be a mother. Now, she's into this. She also gets heavily influenced by the internet and trends.
But in the end, she's only human and she can't sustain all of these acts 24/7. She's constantly morphing into something new, claiming that she's discarded her old self or healed or put the pieces back together. When she hasn't at all, because she's always doing this and there is never an end to it.
Unless she is just naturally a theatrical person and should be on stage or screen to expel all of that energy. She's always seeking an audience.
No. 1845829
>>1845721She is currently hanging around with investors, finance and Stock people, and is subsequently talking about banks/investing etc. I think these people may be connected to the friend and her much older wealthy husband that she was staying with after the LA drama. Hence, the change in personality and warping into someone else again.
I don't know if these new people are good influences on her or not though. I am guessing they are much, much older than her. So that could also count for her suddenly being so old fashioned in looks and beliefs. Super gross if any of them are trying to get with her.
No. 1846164
File: 1686700243179.png (741.08 KB, 1080x1823, Screenshot_20230612-145901.png)

I saw this as a suggested account on insta and about died. I know it's ironic but it reminded me of the toilet roll photo
No. 1846356
File: 1686729294617.png (518.8 KB, 594x612, coquette cheese.png)

>>1846164And so began the coquette cheese touch frenzy.
No. 1847473
>>1846407Mother issues would explain why a lot of them hate older women.
Alida for example jumps to the conclusion that all her haters are older women. All of these coquettes believe that anyone who criticizes them, has to be an older woman; the old hag nemesis.
They also talk about older women being in competition with them for the older men and losing; in that real spiteful way that they do.
No. 1851098
File: 1687426319981.jpeg (159.65 KB, 1051x1763, D4BF8615-E9F2-4EE4-A1A7-FA0F45…)

Chloe still shooping her ass and nose like the childcatcher’s
No. 1851099
File: 1687426470769.jpeg (24.09 KB, 367x470, D13011C7-054F-4C26-B25F-021C68…)

These overly scooped out noses, I can’t.
>hashtag coquette
>hashtag daintynose
>hashtag fairyprofile
No. 1851968
File: 1687561228781.webm (4.26 MB, 560x832, wtfff.webm)
>>1851952Alida vs Superkamilla
No. 1851978
>>1851952lmfao this is priceless. it's got it all
try-hard white chick trying to rap. check
voice editing software. check
put-on creepy voice in attempt to sound like a baby. check
cringe lines like being daddys white tiger. check
this is the equivalent of that artwork that rion made her that time
this is coming from a chick who said she doesn't listen to Adele bc "she doesn't sound like an angel and i only listen to angels". alida gets really weird about music that isn't lana
im just imagining all her fans downloading alidas future music saying how beaut it is and how talented she is
it would b different if she was making this for fun. but you just know she's got it in her head that she's going to sell an album or two and get famous eventually from a singing career. imagine being this arrogant and full of yourself
No. 1852238
>>1851968Is the second one trying to sing like Yolandi Visser? I'm surprised Yolandi doesn't come up more with coquettes since she's also a pedopandering anorexic
>>1852085We don't know tbh. She was claiming to be half polish at one point, and then nonnies were pointing out that she spoke Russian about as well as Erlita Harkov speaks Ukrainian (so Google translate basically). She's more than likely Eastern Euro saying she's Russian for some weird reason
No. 1852717
>>1852238I think she’s half Brit and half Polish living part time in Poland and part time in the UK. I recognised some of the houses and countryside pics she posts and it’s definitely British countryside, but other times it seems she is in Poland (not unusual for Polish diaspora to go back and forth between both countries and we have a lot of Poles here too)
She’s definitely not Russian at all, Russian and Polish is a really rare combo, my best friend is Russian and I asked her to read some of the stuff Dasha typed in Cyrillic and she just laughed and said it was nonsense Google translate words.
No. 1852908
File: 1687706196937.jpeg (155.54 KB, 1170x1169, 42D3A808-A76F-4951-89FF-5DB5B8…)

i literally could hardly get through reading this what is she talking about
No. 1852909
File: 1687706259086.jpeg (215.11 KB, 1170x1539, C96070BC-B3E6-40D9-8398-28C29C…)

same fagging but this is just sooo funny all of these tweets together what is going on in her mind
No. 1853010
>>1852717>but other times it seems she is in Poland Polish anon here, could you maybe post some photos of her that makes you think she was in Poland? just curious. I remember her posting pics of the inside of one of polish baroque churches, but these were probably taken from google.
>Russian and Polish is a really rare comboPoles generally dislike Russians, even if they learn this language/have Russian friends etc there's always, even if its the slightest bit, of overall lingering sense of distrust/dislike for them because of the history reasons. So imo it's rare for Polish to be oh so proud of being half-Russian, or larp online as Russians. But ofc different people, different cases. Idk if she's half Polish (maybe someone in the family) but prob not aa native speaker, and definitely not Russian
No. 1853141
>>1852982Her dad was a white South African. In other words, probably Dutch.
>>1852908She needs to lay off the psychedelics along with all that weed she smokes. She's so against other drugs, yet she continues to take those, even though it's dangerous if you're prone to psychosis. She'll end up like a zombie, like those she sees on the streets in the US if she's not careful. Because this shit will only get worse as she ages.
If you keep peering into the void, it will start looking back at you. She'll become completely untethered one day from all reality.
She thinks it's cute trying to come across as imaginative and dreamy all the time. But it's downright off-putting. Everything about her is one big facade.
So she either is going into some kind of psychosis and needs to lay off the drugs (being that she's got mental issues already) Or she is putting on an act and making these things up (isn't actually seeing anything at all, but is pretending to) to come across as cute, whimsical, unusual or Alice-in-Wonderlandy. Which wouldn't surprise me at all, being that everything about her is an act. I honestly can't tell which it is.
Or a third option – I guess there really are aliens in her back yard that fuse with metal when she shines her torch on them…. yea…. nah…. give me the footage.
No. 1853158
File: 1687737244460.jpeg (340.25 KB, 1284x2103, IMG_7213.jpeg)

>>1852909Here’s her latest tangent before she potentially deletes it. She preaches about love and light and the universe but is getting so outwardly hateful
No. 1853186
File: 1687740113311.jpg (9.97 KB, 524x86, 20230626-085534.jpg)

Honestly, this is a REALLY low shitty heartless thing to say, especially coming from someone so privileged.
War conscription, yay!
No. 1853243
File: 1687746889601.jpg (18.72 KB, 1126x129, lItTlE wHItE gIrL.jpg)

>>1853158Alida newsflash: you're not a little girl anymore. You're a grown woman. Get over it already.
You're also not even little. You can't play that card anymore.
Also, love that she bought herself a blue checkmark on twitter.
No. 1853469
File: 1687782685096.jpg (138.63 KB, 1080x1358, 20230626_142946.jpg)

LDR is a perfect example of how being a super pickme coquette doesn't give you more than what other women get, her bf is hanging out with some pornstar pigs lmao every male they date fucks them over but they still keep chanting like a schizophrenics: "I'm a dream girl perfect coquette maneater men love me and never forget me cause I was an angel in their lives" meanwhile those men forget they exist as soon as they stop sucking their dicks. Is it all worth it?
No. 1853486
File: 1687784717580.jpg (36.03 KB, 1080x535, Screenshot_20230626-140604_Chr…)

i don't trust girls who have an onlyfans while claiming to be trad and christian
No. 1853518
File: 1687788780110.jpg (945.79 KB, 2584x1788, fk1fkf.jpg)

>>1853186I unironically agree with this take, men were meant to ejaculate and then die in battle when they are young, not grow old and make art or philosophy or have politics.
No. 1853684
>>1853577For me I would be creeped out if somebody was mimicking me; jealousy or otherwise. In saying this though, if we are referring to Brooklyn, I don't think she is
problematic in any way and I don't get a creepy vibe from her. She is also definitely talented. There are others who do copy Alida in an obsessive manner and it's clear there is something darker there. But I don't think these are her friends as such. I get that people follow her aesthetic (especially when she was younger), but there sure is a vibe that is off with some of them.
No. 1854233
>>1854212Weak bait
God this thread is depressing
No. 1854293
File: 1687885386267.jpeg (243.58 KB, 1138x1706, DED128CC-303B-484D-AB4F-0B7C0F…)

Lana looks so awful these days. The fate of every cockette minus the money or fame, becoming a fat bogged middle aged narc.
No. 1854317
File: 1687886599360.jpg (145.06 KB, 1080x1367, Screenshot_2023-06-27-19-24-37…)

The way she's blatantly lying?
No. 1854445
>>1854212yea yea alright pipe down. not my fault you're top notch entertainment. you put yourself in the spotlight ring center of the bigtop circus. this comes wit tha territory. you could set all your socials to private n only add your mates n fam but you want a stadium filled audience. not all of those folk in the crowd are gonna applaud u. this is the downside to wanting too much attention and showing off like you're on a reality tv show
wasn't gonna clap back at this but can’t help myself
No. 1854489
I don't think Alida thinks she actually is pretty. Otherwise why would she spend so much effort and time telling others that she's pretty and why would she work so hard, every single day to cover herself up? Fake eyelashes, fake hair, make-up constantly, filters over her photos, is overly pedantic about every part of her body. When she argues with others, it always comes down to looks.
Most girls love makeup, yes, and we love to do our hair, etc. But she uses these things instead not as tools, but as a crutch. From her waking hour, she works hard at her appearance. That's some deep insecurity right there.
No. 1854594
>>1854567So Alida is living on a farm, because of this 'Farmer's Daughter' 'Trad' coquette trend.
I'm out of the loop here, but isn't the farmer's daughter coquette trend fairly recent?
No. 1854614
>>1854454Alida really didn't do herself any favours by posting that.
Oof for all the curvy older women who may actually like her.
>>1854212>but first you need to stop hating on other womenProceeds to hate on other older women in the entire world; that of which don't have anything to do with this place.
The divine feminine isn't for them I guess.
She seriously dug her own grave even further here.
No. 1854625
File: 1687916497486.jpeg (78.69 KB, 661x1008, 2.jpeg)

1. filtering the shit out of your photo
2. printing out said photo
3. pinning it up on your own wall
No. 1854744
File: 1687941733931.png (52.87 KB, 513x1113, 1832255.png)

Somethings going down on Alida's tiktok. She's really starting to grate on a whole lotta people with her preachy shit takes lately.
No. 1855312
God, women like alida are so insufferable I only know one or few women who are almost like her who are also into that schizo masochist divine feminine thing and are full of shit just like her behind the mask they put on it's mind blowing how contradictory it all looks they just talk and talk about female submission and reek of female pornsickess to the point that it becomes nauseating like look since brain is maturing and I'm becoming an adult I realize how burdening and harmful all of it was and still is since it's most if the content we find online as women since our early teens just submission and submission and being a blowjob giving pig(her fucking playboy page is about it plss what a sado maso pig) and women are jealous and jealous of me bragging about this weird hierarchy and how other women are lower than them because they aren't pretty young masochistic or men dont pick them,
men and men and men and men and men and men the main fucking topic, men are god men are god, coquette Lana del rey daddy shit over and over again all over social media. I never knew I'm gonna say shit like this but I'm praying for her downfall what a distressing bitch
(Here's some punctuation for your unhinged blog: ,,,....!!??) No. 1855564
File: 1688071167733.jpeg (209.61 KB, 1242x1804, FCEB71CE-8760-4469-A2DA-37690C…)

Dasha (if that is her real name) is really looking rougher by the day
Guess pickmes age like milk
No. 1856092
File: 1688155872291.jpeg (87.25 KB, 1170x798, IMG_8870.jpeg)

me when i'm delusional and lie like a rug
No. 1856465
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No. 1856466
File: 1688215630536.jpeg (149.58 KB, 1170x1040, IMG_4801.jpeg)

No. 1857481
File: 1688394666509.jpg (178.1 KB, 1080x1462, Screenshot_20230703-153018_Chr…)

right wing twitter's bike at it again
No. 1857482
File: 1688394690457.jpg (509.82 KB, 1080x1748, Screenshot_20230703-153057_Chr…)

>>1857481what she was replying to
No. 1858448
>>1858443That's exactly what I was about to say. I have no clue who this person is? The only thing I can find is this
>>1854567and it doesn't even say who that is or where it's from?? So weird.
No. 1858452
>>1858443I’m not giving the URL because no one gives a fuck and this moid clearly wants attention but
>>1854567 was created 8 days ago and has been generally antagonizing tumblr at large by reblogging popular posts with GC, pro-life, anti-feminist comments. Maximum amount of effort to outrage-farm by spending 18 hours a day on tumblr for the past 8 days. Much trad.
No. 1858509
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No. 1858516
File: 1688548675491.jpg (572.54 KB, 1080x3904, his-most-precious-angel.jpg)

Pretty sure the anon is her
No. 1858524
guys watch out here comes her fiancé!!
>>1858516>username his-most-precious-angelLooks like the calls are coming from inside the house on this one.
why are rw larper women like this? It's so obvious that she's doing this so she can cry to rw scrotes about how ebil feminists are trying to dunk on her for being an uwu trad kek this is incredibly embarrassing classic BPD behaviour trying to get scrotes to coddle her
No. 1858884
File: 1688592138321.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1242x1407, 98F054F1-85CE-45E5-92E5-43A7AB…)

>>1856092She was gifted a Porsche apparently (lies)
>>1835321Mexicans are way more attractive. Whitetrash through and through
No. 1859187
File: 1688642158365.png (816.23 KB, 1080x4250, coquette1.png)

No. 1859188
File: 1688642205010.jpg (155.58 KB, 1080x1141, coquette2.jpg)

No. 1859189
File: 1688642236678.jpg (110.63 KB, 1080x682, coquette3.jpg)

No. 1859860
File: 1688761716858.jpeg (369.86 KB, 1051x1002, EF0A68B1-9E6E-4E8B-9171-68F0A2…)

>>1859188It’s a man just looking for attention, many such cases.
No. 1859885
File: 1688767219637.jpeg (194.07 KB, 1080x2400, 7V7B9iJ.jpeg)

Why is she so obsessed with becoming the next Alida Simone?
No. 1859942
File: 1688774924849.jpeg (422.76 KB, 1125x1751, IMG_7447.jpeg)

>>1859860found in “her” likes, so much for being christlike and pure
No. 1859945
File: 1688775319428.jpeg (985.38 KB, 1125x2037, IMG_7449.jpeg)

saged for part 2
>>1859942 No. 1859979
File: 1688778616953.png (329.88 KB, 1080x1051, niyd8wz.png)

No. 1859981
File: 1688778886720.jpg (246.76 KB, 1080x2026, verychristian.jpg)

This is 100% something a christian girl uwu would like, sure. I don't know if that's a larping moid or really a brainrotten woman suffering from terminal moid-pleasing disease.
No. 1859983
File: 1688778993056.png (98.68 KB, 1080x500, DPUBKJD.png)

Ok last post. He said he's calling the cops kek
No. 1860067
>>1854397Her early music is a product of its time. No one was doing that bimbo new americana trailer trash lolita thing at the time, at least within the realm of popular music.
Her music has matured a lot since then and her music now is a billion times better than the born to die stuff.
There’s no reason to hate on her for having the most insufferable and embarrassing fanbases ever. That’s completely out of her control.
No. 1860818
>>1860771Coquettes are so easily detectable on this site aren't they, all you need to do is tell Lana Del Rey is cringe and wait.
>>1860067>There’s no reason to hate on her for having the most insufferable and embarrassing fanbases everAll the mentality of coquettes was adopted from LDR's cherry trailer trash daddy bullshit, so if you mock them, you mock Lana Del Rey. It's not "stupid coquettes" that "ruined" Lana Del Rey, she always sucked. For the very same reasons as coquettes do.
No. 1861955
File: 1689041470903.jpeg (83.41 KB, 1080x601, M4vRklm.jpeg)

No. 1873085
File: 1690716648334.png (1.53 MB, 888x1376, coquette paul dano.png)

Kek saw this on coquette tumblr and came here to post cause it gives same vibes as coquette Mads Mikkelsen smoking a cigarette. sorry danofags, guess coquettes have claimed him as well
No. 1876728
File: 1691265288812.jpeg (845.31 KB, 750x1056, IMG_1135.jpeg)

>>1826887I know I am replying 2 months late but I was sifting through the following of a moid I used to know when I noticed he followed this woman that looks like the type of shit that would appeal to 4chan men with her disturbingly weird facial expressions. She willingly decided to recreate her own photo of herself as a child.
Sage because she doesn’t really fit the thread’s description of dressing coquettish (and I don’t know how milky she is) but she still fits for the pedopandery faces she makes.
No. 1876736
File: 1691266181011.png (1.29 MB, 1011x1012, 280E39B5-F3F7-4F26-A9B0-A54618…)

>>1876728Obvious selfpost is obvious. You look like a monkey and pulling weird faces won’t hide your jutting ape mouth and maxillary excess.
(hi cow; bizarre bait) No. 1882521
File: 1692161060299.jpeg (205.94 KB, 1125x1118, IMG_2547.jpeg)

Sage as this is old, stale milk (it’s from 5 months ago) but I need to sperg. I’m so over these dumb broads using Lolita aesthetics and imagery related to exploitation of young girls and sexualizing it while pretending it’s sooo intelectually provocative. This cunt obviously named her mid attempt at hyperpop after one of the most horrific cases of trafficking in this decade (but she’s a Red Scare-adjacent meme page owner so crawling on the floor and pretending to be 14 for a moid is normal for her ig). And these women are closer to 30 than 12, neither Humbert Humbert or Epstein would like to fuck you so stop embarassing yourself.
No. 1884587
File: 1692486331774.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x2045, IMG_7590.jpeg)

No. 1885535
>>1870554>assuming any attractive woman would sleep with a marriage man and mock his wifeDelulu. She probably was jealous of the wife.
>>1884587I dislike this type of burnt blonde hair so much and I'll never understand why all coquettes go for this look.
No. 1885592
>>1885535>I dislike this type of burnt blonde hair so muchSame! I never understood it either.
She could have her own natural hair, all the way down her back, full and healthy, without the need for extensions. But she wants to have blonde hair. As she gets older, her hair is going to revolt even moreso and it will start breaking off even more and falling out. It is her life and her hair, so she can do whatever she wants with it. But in my opinion, she's killing her hair and her natural hair would be far more beautiful. She doesn't need to be blonde to be special.
No. 1885647
I'm so annoyed at myself for not screenshotting Alida trying to get noticed by Elon Musk on Twitter. Now she deleted it. But she was asking him for money lmfao
NoToiCe ME ElOn IM SpEcIaL
>>1885642What's the point in blonde hair when it's all fried, yellow and crusty.
Color is not what makes hair beautiful. Its health, shine and thickness etc.
Funny you mentioned Linday Lohan because I was thinking of Nicole Kidman who did the same thing.
Alida will never be able to have the long hair of her dreams, without extensions, unless she ditches all that nasty bleach.
No. 1885711
File: 1692629313858.png (11.52 KB, 589x90, tard1.png)

This would never happen because she wouldn't be able to control the camera angles and filters.
Also, is everybody excited for her new track? /s
Bets are on that she changes her voice in an attempt to sound like a loli on it.
No. 1885739
File: 1692633463369.png (92.68 KB, 588x370, tard2.png)

Guys she doesn't infantilize herself.
Side note: she was taking shots at people with tattoos the other day but deleted that too.
No. 1885745
File: 1692634073468.png (568.25 KB, 506x816, tard3.png)

Another side note: She was also being snide at women who do OnlyFans and the like, yet her Playboy account is still up and running? Why wouldn't she shut that down? Guess it's different when she does it…
No. 1885812
File: 1692641160889.jpg (218.3 KB, 635x636, capture-20230822-034548.jpg)

>>1885795If she didn't show photos of herself as a child, I would have literally thought she was trans. She also has really masculine shoulders.
She's a giganta with big hands and a boxy build, so when she attempts to dress like a "baby girl", it's so bizarre.
No. 1885961
>>1885858She’s insecure in her femininity because she’s built like a bag of sand and has the brain of an angry facebook boomer redneck. The whole uwu baby nymphet thing is compensation for how rough she looks and how unfeminine she really is.
Coquettes are similar to trannies in how they fetishize femininity + fragility to a parodial degree, both sides do it because they feel like they have to prove something to everyone who’s looking at them.
No. 1886280
File: 1692709529496.jpg (114.98 KB, 736x724, 69483c9e3910a9f1b6bf567634ce87…)

Stinks of coquettes vendettaposting in here today. Anyway, I keep seeing shit like this pop up in the film faggot side Pinterest. I'm kind of impressed by how they've managed to build a whole sense of self around consuming media but still manage to not be nearly as interesting as any of the characters in these films
No. 1886284
File: 1692709918704.jpg (68.74 KB, 736x736, 595562e653bf955f11722e9601d00d…)

>uwu men like the guy from Taxi Driver
It really does come off as so tryhard. The funny thing is that girls like this have been thriving on Kiwifarms for years, I have no idea why coguettey femcel types don't aim for kiwiscrotes instead of dysgenic /pol/cels
No. 1886440
>>1886357My tinfoil: The older coquettes were probably same bland but probably popular in school, well adapted chicks/trendchasers who did the whole "indie hipster glasses-i-dont-even-need & starbucks as my sole identity" thing in 2011, then the same girls dressed in Nirvana smiley face/alien print shirts and grid tennis skirts from American Apparel/F21/Dollskill in 2014. IF they were old enough AND skinny. If they're socially adapted, they move on and abandoned tumblr long ago, if they never moved on they probably found coquettes through EDtwt or something.
Now, the younger coquettes obviously were too young to remember this (some of them were literally 7 year olds in 2013) so they glamorize that whole tumblr past. A lot of them are fat but larp as anachans. Either way, none of them were true outcasts imo, just bland, boring girls without personalities who just look up to others and can just copy-paste whatever they think is "cool" and daydreaming about becoming these cool people is all they have. They must be widely insecure and dysfunctional in some way. There are outsiders/ weird/bullied people who usually grow up some personality, are creative, inventive, original in certain ways and they don't follow trends to be accepted. And then there is this BPD/BPDwannabe flavour of outcasts without a shred of personality who just scroll through pinterest boards wishing to be someone else, to get that desired like from select few skinnier tumblrinas with bigger following.
No. 1886768
>>1886470>14 to 16The creepiest thing in this all is the difference of attitudes of 14-15 year olds and say, 17-20+ croquettes in all this. "Older" coquettes like to pretend it's hugely ironic, self deprecating, consciously sarcastic "we know we're carbon copy girlbloggers we're all the same here, we know we cringe but still" (whilst also 100% believing in this shit, thirsting for validation and praying to become coquette ideal). They're dumb af but it only makes you laugh, not feeling pity.
Meanwhile, majority of these blogs made by 12-15 yo girls are seriously depressing. I found one written in by someone from my country, and seeing mixing all those coquette female manipulator terms into my native language was aeven more of a trippy and weird experience tbh. These girls 100% believe in this shit. The tone difference is incredible. They're naive, insecure girls who wonder how to starve themselves without parents watching, dreaming about being female manipulator, bimbo, whatever the fuck it's life aspiration to them. Obviously, it's nothing new - same shit happened to teens in 2012 proana tumblr days, so its just next spin of same circle. It's just this difference that's jarring. I can see coquette becoming something that even younger teens strive to be. I couldn't see it in 2019/2020 when it was a bit more niche, but i can now.
You know what's the difference between this and nymphets, Lolita larpers and teacher crush fads? They all burned out pretty quickly. all these people quickly grew out of their nymphet phases. Whereas with coquette, i feel it's only streching out and it never ends. They're same idiots stuck in the same shit, watching same movies over and over and posting same whisper memes. this will be 2025 and coquettes will be still "thriving" (kek)
No. 1886807
>>1886777It's a virtual fashion only. Only present in these girl's heads, and on their pinterest boards. I don't go anywhere near TikTok, but i'm sure there are zoomers flailing around in meticulously styled Shein coquette outfits, so they are the ones actually owning some coquette bullshit irl. Country wise, coquettes like to think that Slavic countries are overfilled to the brim with ~etheral blonde bimbo fairies running around in russian hats and rolling around in snow next to their forest fairy lake wooden cabin full of AK47~. Slavfag here and nobody walks around like that, nobody knows what is "coquette" either. French people are laughing hard at their "dreamy french ballerina" delusions as well. So my bet is America. And only America.
Maybe britbongs. seen some German coquettes as well
No. 1886817
File: 1692788984683.jpg (25.24 KB, 588x115, 202913.jpg)

No. 1888379
File: 1693006769235.jpeg (1.1 MB, 1125x1683, IMG_8302.jpeg)

tbh it’s hilarious how alida is antivax but also fine with getting injected with criminal amounts of lip filler
No. 1888606
File: 1693045555703.jpg (64.92 KB, 240x370, 01.jpg)

>>1888379I have noticed that too. Her lips are…. different and botched. It seems really obvious now that she has lied this whole time about not getting them done. I have seen comments on Instagram of people who went to school with her and even they say her lips never looked like that back in school. They have changed a few times now. Why lie though? I can't help but feel there is something different about her face overall too and I can't work out what it is exactly.
She lies so much about a lot of things.
No. 1888640
>>1888379>>1888606Her eyes look soulless and dead inside.
So she's living back with her "Daddy" now and must have had a falling out like predicted with the last people she was with.
No. 1888649
File: 1693052997206.jpg (29.5 KB, 461x177, 222914.jpg)

midlife crisis man
onions meant to be around 43 but he's always trying to play off that he's still 18 or something
No. 1888655
File: 1693054186681.webm (1.12 MB, 656x860, ew.webm)
This is a clip from an old video (soon after they first dated) and IT GROSSES ME OUT SO MUCH. The way he's ogling at her, his creepy voice. She was 17 when he first saw her and wanted her.
No. 1889097
File: 1693131683048.png (1.38 MB, 806x1364, coquette fantasies.png)

Why oh why is tumblr throwing this shit at me
Dying at all the idiots in the reblogs going #so true #mother has spoken #yes that's so deep
No. 1889235
File: 1693166007646.webm (797.58 KB, 504x572, 01.webm)
She was asking how much we weigh, when she looks like she has a big beer gut. Her friend really did her dirty putting this one up.
No. 1889813
>>1889688This! Whyyy is she back with him again, after that big rant that she posted.
>>1889705Looks like she's already having problems with concealer creasing into lines beneath her eyes. That's not usually an issue until over 40 or around that age. Which is funny considering she made fun of older women with their wrinkles and all.
>>1889627This made me laugh so hard. She's going with Brooklyn I believe.
I wonder if she ever gets jealous of Brooklyn. She has natural long blonde hair that Alida desires so bad, is talented and prettier. Not that it all comes down to looks, but I do wonder if she ever feels threatened by her. She is also growing in popularity. She has the potential to steal the limelight from Alida.
No. 1889934
>>1889813Brooklyn definitely outshines Alida. She's not going to like that for long.
>>1889627She's going to be showing off so hard when she sees Lana. She always goes on about how Lana went to her first the last time she saw her, because she's the ~prettiest, cutest~ and how this pissed off all the other girls around her. If Lana ever gives more attention to Brooklyn (esp with her music career), and if Alida's not front and center anymore, she's going to get so jealous.
No. 1889939
>>1889934Not to mention she's already copying Brooklyn, claiming that she's going to be releasing music as well. Doing that whole cringy thing where she copies whoever she is hanging with again. I'm guessing Brooklyn has had a musical background, Alida hasn't. Suddenly claiming she's going to be a singer too, jumping into someone else's career and dream is so weird. Brooklyn will let her, because she adores her and seems to have always looked up to her. But over time, if Alida starts taking over or turns on her, I don't know how much she'll put up with. Plus it's risky for Brooklyn to do this at this stage of her career. Alida has a lot of followers, yes, but she's also got a lot of people who can see through her controversial bullshit. With Brooklyn being this close to Alida, it will either gain her popularity or turn people off of her. Releasing music with her, is a risky move imo. But we'll see. It's juicy tea for us all the same.
No. 1890365
File: 1693349021484.jpeg (282.75 KB, 1125x2000, 7597E003-756B-46A0-8FF8-21DC56…)

someone is lurking kek
No. 1890515
File: 1693360618407.jpeg (313.71 KB, 900x900, 3AEEDC00-68C0-4AB9-BF64-35C6FD…)

>>1889813It’s funny how Alida always accuses other women of being old & wrinkly when she looks so haggard for her age. I know 45 year olds who look fresher and more wholesome than her. It must be projection, since it’s glaringly obvious her genetics and lifestyle aren’t going to age well. And continuing the Lolita LARP into your 20s is extra retarded and pointless since you’ve already aged out of preference for the pedo moids you pander to. She’s looking less baby doll and more Baby Jane lately.
No. 1890530
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Get over it you spoilt puss.
You have your shit open for all the world to see. You've also got a huge lineup of people you did dirty or treated like damn trash over the years. Don't pull the innocent card, pretending you're sweeter than you actually are. You're a narcissist and a manipulator.
Elon's got his own thread, if it makes you feel any better. Maybe if you run crying to him again he'll notice you this time.
No. 1890537
>>1890530This made me actually laugh out loud. This is so…sad. Trying to pull a “I’m so sad and sensitive” when it’s clear she’s anything but. Clearly the comments about her wrinkly Shayna eye bags and weird filler face and strangely fat stomach are getting to her but instead of reeeeing like she prob is in her little sad child bedroom she’s trying to really milk it for poor whiffle bullied pretty girl
victim points this is hilarious to me. Girl I know you don’t want to but grow up kek
No. 1892416
She is repelled by pants the same way vampires are repelled by garlic.
To find a coquette, all you have to do is hold up a pair of pants and watch them all recoil.
>>1892382That's true too, maybe they would look weird on her.
No. 1894368
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every thing she says is so cringeworthy why does she come on lolcow so much
No. 1894429
>>1894368What goes around, comes around. She's getting fat shamed and getting wrinkles early, because of all the fat shaming and age shaming she's done throughout the years. She can dish it out, but can't take it.
There's a whole lotta copium going on, on her twitter atm. Gotta keep up the facade that she's like an innocent 5 year old (that baby talk "don't be mean, treat me really nicey’s" what the actual fuck what a retard). Anybody who can't see what she's doing by now has got to have the iq of a thermos.
No. 1894556
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>>1894368Jfc just calm down and stop talking about it, if you're so unbothered. I get it, she's uncomfortable with these comments but posting shit like this only makes it look like she's thinking about this and seething 24/7.
Looked up what's going on with other cows mentioned in past threads just to have a break from seeing Alida and…
1. Wtf why is Ethel Cain everywhere. WHY was he pretty much adopted by Florence Welch
2. Helena is in the hospital, bc of implied suicide attempt(?) Posted 2 videos from the hospital and it weirdly seems like she did this just to show off her bandaids.
No. 1894564
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3. Where the fuck did Ch111loe come from? She just appeared out of thin air with horrible shoop fail Russian bimbo pics and now she's posing for shitty LA brands like Igirl etc. She lately did some awful photoshoot with Moni Hayworth, same bullsht photographer who shot Arrow De Wilde and Maggie Dunlap's fake snuff videos, and fucking kek what is that. Is this what is called "photography" now, blurry shit depicting botched/photoshop fail bimbo with random family. Much shocking, so transgressive
No. 1894567
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4. Also can't undestand why is this chick getting such traction in LA artfag circles, is she a nepo baby? Her subpar photos are popular among coquettes, and now she shoots popular models/celebs/LA nobodies who think they're somebodies etc. She just takes pics of random girls or herself with pumpkin spice lattes and pink nightslips, that's all.
No. 1896091
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sage for sperging, but i think she's talking about the essence system. if that were the case, she's beyond delusional. she is 5'7". small floral prints look too busy on her and highlight her broad shoulders and ribcage.
if she's not talking about the ingenue essence, then she's still retarded because she's about to turn 23 and is in no way innocent or nearly as naive as she's trying to present with this born-again celibate christian larp in reality, she's pretty calculated and has convinced herself that she's a master manipulator.
No. 1896335
>>1894567>I think my photography is hyperfeminine. When I think of my photos, I think of softness, ribbons, girls’ hair, the colour blue, night-time, low contrast, hard flash and girls just laying on the floor.I don't know how this photographer is any different or groundbreaking to others I've seen before in this genre? The pretty innocent looking girl in a dirty unsettling scene. Making you feel like she's either with a psycho or she is the psycho.
That old photo of Alida with the gun and money in the dirty old hotel room, is kinda like that.
No. 1896371
>>1886280>>1886284REALLY late on this, but your posts have got me over thinking/analysing the past few days. Coquette in general feels like a sub-genre of horror to me. So, you have the seemingly innocent angelic faced young girl with her pale pink dresses, bows, flowers and lace (swans, does, angelic imagery abound) rebelling to be with old predatory men. Throwing caution to the wind. Contrasting all of the beauty/purity with gore, unhinged personality types, unsettling dirty settings, weaponry, sexual abuse etc. Like being in silent hill or liminal space, with the fixation on the angelic waif girl/doll within that setting. The lost girl in bows however, might be the monster you need to be wary of and not the one who needs protection at all.
You get this from photos like what Maya produces
>>1894567 and the imagery that they (coquettes) are all drawn to and post on their social media. Their movie selections, or men preferences (any older psycho male figure). It's
toxic because they want to play out this whole thing irl and romanticise all of it.
I think this is why Alida gained popularity years ago, because she had that angelic innocent face, but it was contrasted with eerie and sometimes dangerous events or places. It was like a horror movie playing out irl. She doesn't do that anymore, but she's still horror-y and uncanny as she pretends to be a girl under 10 and she's still really unhinged in many ways. She also has the whole innocent exterior, yet contrasting interior.
I went back To Alida, because I was thinking to myself, is she even coquette anymore? And I realise that yes, yes she is. She can also be sooo creepy at times.
Sorry for my big fat essay.
No. 1897955
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>>1894567← This is the vibe some of her photos give. But yea, nothing groundbreaking. But it's why her pics are popular among coquettes.
No. 1898511
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such a waste of her youth
No. 1898568
>>1898511Imagine dating an old creep just to fit into Lana's songs and aesthetic. He's that type of loser who ends up going after his teenage daughter's friends. He makes her look so bad, so why is she bragging about him all the time.
Imagine their sex, even when she was a teenager. She would be pretending she's a child, while he is getting off on that. This dirty old man while she's stuck in her delusional world. Omg I want to puke. I can't look at them. It's like, anxiety inducing.
No. 1898585
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>>1898511bros having a midlife crisis
he's always trying to play off that he's still in his 20s
they both have mega aging issues
No. 1898628
>>1898511this is really pathetic…5 years? didnt they break up for a while when she was having sex and seducing men for money in los angeles casinos as orion was bringing her own little girl followers to his house to fuck?! what a messy relationship between two pedophiles. orion is 40+ at this point its fucking sick. i thought alida was intelligent and knew her worth LOL nope shes just a delusional narc dumb as a bag of rocks. maybe shes just going to let him cheat on her so long as she doesnt have to work a real job. well, until a younger prettier girl he finds on instagram takes her spot and she gets kicked out. he probably reassures her its not going to happen but these men play by the same rules. alida should know that and run, but she loves to be the
victim of some fairytale gone wrong.
No. 1898673
>>1896335>Making you feel like she's either with a psycho or she is the psycho. Idk if he's a psycho, but Maya is fucking Cobrasnake. He's one of those Terry Richardson tier moids photographing "hipster indie dollskill party" type stuff in 2014 and sexualizing everything. Idk if there's any dirt on Cobrasnake and don't care to search but he gives these scrotey "aging fuckboy photographer" vibes. idk anyone else has this impression? can't explain why but he just does
>>1898628I had an impression Orion either introduced her to that casino sex dungeon "work", or was all fine & even encouraging her doing it, all the while bringing other chicks around, then he dumped her while still fucking some other chicks (which
triggered all the crying in my car to Lana song posts). Then she moved out? And now what? I've lost count of their breakups
No. 1898709
>>1898511She's 22 right now… 5 years ago she was 17. They probably waited until she turned 18 to make their relationship public (if I remember correctly, her birthday is in October). That disgusting pig is a pedophile. We know she's not as innocent as she presents, obviously, but a man who dates a 17 year old girl is a creep and a pedophile, who deserves to go to jail. I wouldn't be surprised if no woman his age would want to be with that ugly, probably childish bald guy, I don't even think Alida was really attracted to him, she just wanted to live her ~Lana del Rey moment~ and let herself be manipulated, just because he's older and thought it would be “cool” to date a creepy old man. My God, every time I see him I get so disgusted like… He knows what he's doing messing with a vulnerable teenage girl. I hope for the worst for that relationship, and that Alida opens her eyes and dumps that ugly parasite. He'll probably end up cheating with someone younger as soon as Alida turns 25, or even sooner. When she's older she'll realize she wasted her youth with the most mediocre guy ever.
I wonder if Alida would date a 17 year old when she's in her mid 30s. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't, that's when you realize how weird and gross it is. I also wonder if she thinks about these things, or if she's so brainwashed by that rat and Lana's songs that she thinks it's okay.
No. 1898716
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>>1898511onion must get off on being a cuck
No. 1898776
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Because it's right up there with racism and sexism. Nina is one of those opinionated stupid people, who believes she's more intelligent than she actually is. All she does is drink all the time and hang out with her decrepit 55+ year old geriatric "boyfriend" who looks as though he's going to have a stroke any day now. She's literally just an alcoholic stay-at-home freak who sits on social media all day with the most brain-dead takes on pretty much everything. What a pathetic life honestly.
No. 1898780
>>1898776Ummm hello…???
>since racism/sexism has been eradicatedIs she living under a rock??
No. 1898792
>>1898747Same I get the ICK if any old man even looks at me. Or any lusty guy. Seriously, don't touch me you old fool or I'll put your dick into a vice.
Also, they all get drained of any personality or talents when they base their whole existence around these boring old men. Like limp gollums, programmed to be nothing more.
And it's all time limited. When they age, these men will have their eyes on other younger girls all over again.
Unless like in Nina's case, if the man is mega old, they will probably die, before that happens. Then she'll just take all his money and move on.
No. 1898798
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>>1898709her math isn't adding up
No. 1898828
>>1898817Exactly. He only got with her because she was so young. She should take some time and let that sink in, because if that's not one big red flag then I don't know what is. That is one HUMONGO flaw in his character. It's not love, because if she met him and was the same age as him. He wouldn't have given her the time of day. And if he's out there noticing young teenagers on their bikes on the side of the road, you just know he's going to be noticing OTHER teenage girls on the side of the road.
>>1898716Five years of such a 'beautiful relationship', and yet she was fawning over other men for a year of it.
No. 1899483
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Crazy that she thinks she deserves to be in a movie because some teens repost her old photos on pinterest. She seems to have no skills, no education, and spends her time posting delusional takes on twitter. Bleak
No. 1899610
>>1899483She's the type who would only want to be in a movie for the fame, not the acting craft itself.
She would end up in those really shitty low tier movies, because nobody would cast her for anything good. She would get eaten alive in that world, and wouldn't be able to handle ANY criticism at all.
But then again, maybe she would go far as she's got the whole narcissism thing you need to survive in Hollywood. She also would be the type to suck a lot of dicks to get to the top. Anything for fame and fortune.
No. 1899761
>>1899483If she really wanted to be an actress, she should have invested in it since she was a teenager, when she was in her prime. She should have finished high school, taken acting classes in college and maybe she would have been able to achieve something by now. But she spent all her youth behind old men, who contributed nothing in her life, romanticizing her life as if it was a Lana song when her life really sucks. Now she's getting old and desperate because she's realizing she has nothing to her name, only some teens on pinterest reposting her old pictures. Her life is so sad. Sadly, she is already old for Hollywood and at that age it will be hard for her to get cast in good movies, or in the roles she would like to have (she probably wants to act as a uwu little girl like Natalie Portman in Leon the professional). As they said before, there are so many prettier younger girls with real talent and passion that will be cast before her. She thinks that because she is "pretty" she can have it all, how sad. She’s not even that pretty and popular anymore
7 years ago she was told she looked like Angelina Jolie and now she thinks she can be an actress too lmao. The difference is that Angelina is actually talented, had connections in the industry since she was born and started acting at 16. Same with Natalie Portman and all the starlets that the coquettes idolize
(sage) No. 1899812
A problem with Alida is that she's so used to saying "I want this" and getting it. Whenever she falls, there's always people there spoiling her too, so she never learns how to truly survive by herself. It's at the point now where she is so entitled. "I want to be a movie star, give it to me, I would be the best" attitude. Or "I want to be a singer now and change the entire industry with my songs, give it to me now". Never working hard toward anything. Even now, she's not working, and yet she has all this money to afford dresses from Selkie. Because she wants them. What Alida wants, Alida gets. But all of this has turned her into such a horrible ungrateful human being who just gluttons for more more more.
There are people out there, going to acting school, honing their craft, holding 2 jobs at the same time but still struggling financially, for years trying to make it. And here comes Alida who thinks she can get into a movie without any experience or work toward it at all.
She also squeezes herself into one aesthetic only (she could never bring herself to play any role outside the pretty one in a movie) , and manipulates all of her videos and photos. I could imagine her sitting there telling them to use special effects on her, or editing out any wrinkles or making her eyes bluer, etc. She's so stupid and spoiled. But a part of me wants her to try, because that would be so much tea for us. I always want her to do these things, even release a song, so we can milk the moo.
No. 1900320
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vicious cunt of the day award goes to..
damn, these nasty bitches really have it in for older women
No. 1900332
>>1900328Alida has said before on a Live, that by the time she is 40, science and tech will have ways to stop ageing completely. She honestly believes she isn't going to age or face any issues at 40.
Toxic levels of vanity! Her face will be so botched with surgeries by then, thinking she's giving herself eternal youth, grasping onto anything to try and stop ageing.
She thinks she's the princess in a fairytale, but these types of traits come from the evil witch. Oh the quest for eternal youth.
She is so "mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"
No. 1900364
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>>1900341Nice racebaiting. You blind bitches think anyone with pale skin and cat eyeliner is asian.
Her handle was "leader of albanian mafia" before but idek if she is, lots of people online love larping as eastern european and joke a lot about albania for some reason.
No. 1900382
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No. 1900392
>>1900382He literally looks ill to me, like he's got 5-10 years left in him max. He's like that in every video/photo. My Great Grandpa looks healthier than he does.
Also, puke.
I can see why her and Alida are friends, they're both so vain and arrogant and STUPID.
No. 1900450
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>>1900320>>1900382Salma Hayek is over 50 and looks better and more desirable than her. She looks like a tranny with really bad surgery, also idk her age but she looks 30+. She thinks old men want her because she is "prettier" than an older woman? Lmao someone get her out of that bubble, they only want you because you are easy and accessible. She probably just wants attention and the only ones giving it to her are ugly ass men
No. 1900504
>>1900385Exactly this. Don't go bragging about getting with an older man who obviously has nothing going for him.
It'd be a bit more understandable to brag if the older dude looks like a male model and has money that he spends on you and not you spending money on him but these guys are just….. Usually overweight , thin hair , terrible facial hair , not much money , etc. I honestly wouldn't care about younger woman using or just being with these men but I can't stand them when they promote pedophilia or infantilize themselves and or others.
No. 1900623
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So do any other anons think that Alida looks down syndrome and fucking ugly? Her face is puffy with these beady, far apart eyes and a fat nose. Is it plastic surgery??? She looks special needs…No clue how much longer she can attempt to get men to pay for her lifestyle when shes fattening up and getting ugly FAST! Guess we can see her at the local Mcdonalds in a few years back to selling her body for money shooting up heroin and glorifying it? She needs a wake up call. Wonder what her father thinks of her lifestyle? Or her brother and Madison?!
No. 1900731
>>1900623She just looks like a pig, you know what they say… Your looks reflect your mentality and that is what she is mentally. She won't care about aging, she would sexualize herself, suck dick, dehumanize other women and claim superiority over them cause men pick her even if she looked like extremely old, saggy and fat. She would just get hair extensions, do her nails and slap some make up on cause she's this type of a woman that only cares about performing femininity but dgaf about taking care of her health or appearance in any other way you know like those fat thot women that get those fake nails and lashes as if it fixes anything. Nothing will ever stop her because mentally she's born a piglike patriarchal cunt her pedophilic bf is a perfect match for her, he looks like a boar. Imagine kneeling in front of that pig looking pedophile. She likes Andrew Tate, the biggest
abusive misogynistic rapist and one of the other male she used to praise was Russell Brand who just got exposed for being a rapist but she 100000% doesn't care.
No. 1900756
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Fashion designers are just officially fully leaning into balletcore pink pilates creep coquette bullshit huh
No. 1900762
>>1900756(that top lolol) Yea I noticed that too, it's growing, seeping into everything noooo. I'm seeing coquette balletcore cottagecore etc, more and more in the fashion world.
Most of the people into balletcore, don't even do ballet.
No. 1900843
>>1900762Anyone else feels like… these trends have no end. I mean these specific trends. I thought Y2K throwback etc will come and pass quick, like all throwback do but look. Y2K/00's/bling resurgence, as well as coquette & balletcore are "hot new trends" in media in 2019 or 2020 and it's 2023 and it's still "hot new trends" now. Over and over. Every month medias announce "Y2K is over! Ballerinacore is the next best thing!" …except they're screaaming about this for 3-4 whole years or longer. Time is standing still if it comes to these trends, fashion world is really stuck in time
I don't care for runway but even look at this coquette Blumarine brand, they're recycling same fraying pink jeans & pink miniskirts every year
>>1900799They do swoon for Euphoria series though
No. 1900856
>>1900843Omg YES! These styles are sticking. Just when you think it's over, they come back again. What makes it worse, is it's all gaining even more traction and popularity. Which is why it won't stop.
It feels as though fashion has no innovation anymore. It's always copying off of other designers or what is trending on social media. It's so annoying. I see the same dress or skirt repeated in various ways, a million times over.
I hate too that every time I see a bow in hair, I automatically think coquette. They took bows and ribbons and claimed them, so now I can't see anything else but coquette.
No. 1901150
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posted after retweeting some shit romanticizing being a suburban housewife
No. 1901787
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Nonnies, i present you a coquette nightmare
The way these idiots made me resent ribbons, cream/pink slips and stuff. These ribbons are almost ominous
No. 1901830
>>1901787Lmao!!! That looks so stupid.
They look like spiders coming down on webs with long legs.
I hate that I can't ever wear a ribbon in my hair anymore; don't want to be mistaken as being coquette.
No. 1901863
>>1901787OMEGAKEK looks tacky and gaudy.
coquettes really are creepy fucks.
which is ironic b/c they always think they're angelic. but this type of shit is just demented. the bows on the walls remind me of the ribbon toilet roll holder plastered on the wall with sticky tape.
>>1901830just wear a black ribbon with skulls or something on it. or navy blue ribbon. any colours they consider masc. they might have claimed the bow but only in what they consider to be 'delicate' 'fem' colours like pink and white.
No. 1901886
>>1901873True that.
>>1901830 Wear a ribbon that is thicker not super thin, non-pastel colors and doesn't have those pieces of lace hanging down. Honestly nobody knows of this shit irl and won't take you for a coquette especially if you wear normal clothes not for example Miu Miu bag with cream slip & ballet shoes ONLY kek. That being said, I have 2 nice pink ribbon hairpins but i'm simply tired of seeing them online/in shops/runways etc. Even plain chain stores like H&M have them. Visually overfed for now lol
No. 1902677
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jazmineflowerfairy got married and alida's delusions are running wild
No. 1903008
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she misspelled "men"
No. 1903062
>>1903008She has people who perpetually give her things and she is spoiled in that aspect. Like for example, her friend susieq who is with that really rich old man. They gave her a lot when she was living with/near them. She probably has money in stocks, all given to her from that group she was with before moving back in with Rion. Also she definitely manipulated men to get what she wanted in LA and who knows where else.
I don't think she is that beautiful, but lots of people do, and they bend over backwards for her all the time. What she wants, she gets. So she thinks this privilege is her 'manipulating the matrix'. This is just life. Those who are considered good looking, get access to more. Again, I don't think she is that good looking at all, not ugly, but not the most beautiful in the universe like some believe and definitely not as good looking as in some of her photos/videos that she has heavily filtered. Take away all of her crutches - fake eyelashes, nails, hair, makeup, lips etc and she is just average.
It's also always the shittiest people who do rise to the top in the end, that's why Hollywood and all of the elites in the world are mostly awful human beings. She has that shitty human personality type for sure. She's also greedy/materialistic, and will continue to buy and consume things for as long as she has money coming in. Her narcissism is telling her that it's all because she's above everything and can get whatever she wants by controlling it. In reality, it's just because of other people giving her things because she's considered beautiful or she has manipulated them.
No. 1903083
>>1903008>GoD iM sO pReTtYwho looks at this shit and presses like.
word to the wise, when u r pretty, u don't have to proclaim it to everyone or shove it in peoples faces. it speaks for itself.
No. 1903098
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No. 1903266
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How sick you have to be to be okay with liking this kind of images, they can cause a serious trauma but the pornsick croquette bitches don't care.
>>1903008Nobody besides other pickmes with no self respect are jealous of that, you have been taking old man dumps into your mouth since you were a teen and live in extreme masochism and mental illness. What a role model with useless, valueless material things
No. 1903379
>>1903272Plastic surgery for sure. Her nasty streak will also come out more and more as she ages. She will be like a botched out Karen. Or Shayna 2.0
Her hair will be fully fried off, and she will resort to wigs and toppers, still trying hard to be a blonde no matter what. She will rely even more on her crutches to stave off the dreaded ageing.
I pray that she NEVER has kids, because if she does, especially if she has a daughter, that child will be raised by a narcissist mother and we all know how that turns out. Not to mention the pedophilic traits in both her and rion. If it's not rion (cos he left her for someone younger), she'll cling to some older guy, just to feel younger.
She'll suddenly be in the background and more invisible as time goes by. This is her future, from the foundations she has already laid for herself. She has no skills, except preening and fixating on her physical form and men.
No. 1903441
>>1903379Does anyone remember her long, curly-haired brunette friend? She had a disability of some sort…wide nose, big eyes, but she was beautiful, artistic, played an instrument, certainly not materialistic or vapid. She seemed like the kind of girl Alida would try to compete with, so I wonder if she pushed this girl out of her life due to jealousy? I’m kind of grateful I don’t remember her name because I don’t think she should be brought into this thread but hopefully some anons know who it is or at the very least the picture I’m trying to paint here. This was a few years ago, not sure if they met in person either.
Anyway it reminds me of how Alida tries to paint this picture of a spiritual, divine and enlightened being yet she’s disgustingly narcissistic, materialistic, pedophilic, etc. One who is oh so holy or genuinely into spirituality would not only care about her Selkie dresses, hair extensions and support pedophilia. In my opinion it is everything which is the opposite of gratitude and divinity??? She literally just cares about money and looks, and unfortunately I don’t see her getting a wake up call even when orion inevitably cheats on her again with one of her followers (he’s probably fucking one now while shes been away) and she loses those same followers who grow up. She is a grown woman and I don’t know how her friend brooklyn still hangs out with her when she is trying to start up her music career? Bad look for her image to be hanging out with a racist pedophile but when brooklyn goes big shell have to cut off Alida.
Her face already looks so botched and haggard so I don’t know why she keeps playing into the little girl shit?! She needs to get help soon. A job, a degree? Guess she likes to be used and abused and sell her body for money instead. Viva la Alida.
No. 1903468
>>1903441Exactly, when you are that spiritual, the mortal body is not the sole focus of one's journey. As they usually believe that you need to rise above the 'ego' and physical appearance/ anchorage to this 'realm'. And yet, it's all she is concerned about. She tries to defend this behaviour by claiming that she is manifesting/ manipulating her mortal form 'divinely'. Which is such bullshit. She twists her spirituality into whatever fits. Believing that she can control what most cannot even comprehend. These are narcissist traits for sure.
She's wholly concerned with appearances and materialistic things.
Brooklyn is one of those who seemed transfixed on Alida at a young age. She copied her often (although I do like Brooklyn, I think she's quite sweet, but there is no denying that she held an infatuation with Alida). Alida will definitely take advantage of this. She will use her to gain a foothold or as a beautiful accessory (as narcs do), but as soon as she feels threatened by her (outshining her), there will be drama from Alida's end.
Alida was definitely cruel to many ex friends. If she deemed them unworthy she just left them in the dirt, or if she got jealous she would turn on them. The worst part though, is when she plays
victim afterward. She's ALWAYS the
No. 1903477
>>1903441I remember a woman who bought her multiple Love and Lemon dresses. She asked to meet her in LA. Alida was happy to take the love and lemon dresses but ignored her when she was asking to meet up.
Alida met up with random other people tho from online. She treated her like trash in the end and took advantage of her.
No. 1903514
Alida is a classic example of "don't judge a book by its cover". Too many people can't see past her innocent mask.
>>1903477She will say that she made her a bumblebee gift, but she still ignored her every time she asked to hang out and didn't want to be seen with her. All of the friends she has now, she met online, so yeah she was never scared of meeting random people from the internet.
If she didn't want anything to do with her, she shouldn't have taken the expensive dresses. Just using her.
No. 1903997
>>1903266Ugh I was about to post this, fucking nasty
Pedo bloated pillow face bitch, this is so sick. She’s so ugly inside and out. Don’t worry Alida, im sure Ryan will cheat on you again with girls that look like this! Her grandiose narcissism is really popping off lately with how much she’s talking about how amazing and perfect she is, I wonder what happened to make her feel low that she’s trying to convince herself she loves herself
No. 1904356
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Picrel from her latest Live. She had such an attitude on it. Thought she'd be more excited to be seeing Lana. Reminded me of the bitchy popular girl in school.
No. 1904609
>>1904594Yea I have noticed her smoking a few times now.. soo edgy. She gave it to Brooklyn who smoked it too. Not sure if they just do it occasionally, but that will mess with Brooklyn's singing voice if she starts to do it all the time. That gravelly smoker's voice. Also nobody seems to care about getting cancer, who cares about that right? Aesthetic before health. Alida has defended smoking countless times.
But did Brooklyn just do it to fit in with Alida? Her lips look like they have had injections too. I like Brooklyn, but if she is just another Alida bot, I will like her less and less as time goes by. I used to always watch her on youtube when I was younger, and I loved how she was before she changed and was influenced by Alida. I wonder how many other people feel the same.
Alida's live felt like she was trying to give lolcow the finger.
>you see I am 10 x more beautiful I will tower over you No. 1904648
File: 1695753794050.png (190.17 KB, 309x250, 01.png)

people were coming up to get photos with them, wonder if Alida was thinking 'are they from lolcow' the whole time kek
No. 1905340
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i'm speechless at how rough she looks
No. 1905383
File: 1695849532138.jpg (71.03 KB, 500x667, Sn4sEYh.jpg)

>>1905340>>1905344It's giving off-brand toy you find at the flea market.
No. 1905392
File: 1695850138923.jpeg (98.85 KB, 517x639, 322CE7E5-000E-4DF6-B635-1197B2…)

>>1905340>>1904648It’s serving Widow Twankey realness.
No. 1905397
>>1905382I agree, she looks too aged to be dressing this way now. It just doesn't work. Her lips too, are so bumpy lumpy.
I swear if she was her natural hair colour, or a soft brunette, she would look sooo much better. I can't work out what is making her look so haggard these days.
She looks pretty from a distance, but up close it's just a big old mess.
No. 1905427
>>1905412My theory is that it was from school when the popular girls were all blonde (her story). Then she turned her hair blonde and suddenly got sooo much more attention. She thinks it's her trademark appeal. Also she has this thing about believing blonde is ultra feminine (lots of coquettes think this way) and angelic, pure etc. She also would know it's one of the rarer natural colours to have. She tried to be a redhead once for this reason too, to be that one rare beauty that stands out in a crowd (in her mind), but Rion didn't like it so she went back to blonde cos that's what he's into as well. A lot of men always say how much they love redheads and natural reds only make up 1% of the population, so she wanted to be that too, if it wasn't for Rion.
She doesn't realise that hair colour doesn't define how beautiful you are and that her hair would be prettier if it was healthy and not 85% fake.
No. 1905451
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>>1905427KEK when did she try red hair that sounds hilarious. She really does look absolutely worn out and plastic like an off brand doll, her hair is so goddamn fried. She has no idea how to make herself actually look striking. Her features are weird to me like an American baby doll from the 80s-90s vibe but then if that doll became a heavy smoker and lived rough kek
No. 1905502
File: 1695863392046.jpg (208.68 KB, 548x908, 0_0.jpg)

>>1905485Legit it is always girls like her. I swear if people didn't know that she wasn't a natural blonde, she would definitely be saying that she is natural and lying, just like her lips.
No. 1905504
File: 1695863728005.jpg (20.56 KB, 553x56, 234231.jpg)

this is old but gold
No. 1905505
File: 1695863807676.jpeg (859.3 KB, 1170x1458, IMG_2875.jpeg)

brooklyn definitely outshines her. alida's peach hair washes her out.
No. 1905517
>>1905502Kek it’s that straight from a bottle copper that never, ever looks natural. True shades of the ginger spectrum are very hard to imitate with dye, and the accompanying skin tone and shade spectrum goes with each tone (like non-white redheads for example). A good colorist has to do it to make it look close to natural. God thank you for digging this up for me it’s exactly what I pictured. It’s Nana-red, Aka the color some tacky old ladies dye their hair.
>>1905505I can’t believe how haggard she looks. The other girl would look way better if she wasn’t doing this horrible style, but she absolutely looks fresher and more naturally beautiful than the melted plastic babydoll she’s next to kek. I wonder if natural green eyes make Alida seethe, like the kind that are really one in a million that some people have.
No. 1905535
>>1905517Yeah it definitely didn't look natural. Sometimes it would look a really fake bright orange but she would claim that it only looked that way on camera and that it looked better irl and like a "natural ginger". I think that Live from back then is still up, but I'm not certain. I know that she went through a lot of her older Lives and deleted them.
Rion also once told her that he hated how he couldn't run his fingers through her hair, with all the extensions and crap in it (she told everyone this in another live too). So that's why she went short hair at one stage as well. But as soon as she left him and went to LA she immediately got back into the extensions again. So will be interesting to see how long she keeps them in, being back with Rion now.
I seriously know waaay too much about her, but it's because I used to actually like her. I'd follow along with her Lives and was susceptible to her popularity at the time. Over time I saw who she really was though and how she treated others. She was a mean girl in disguise. Funny part tho, is I was watching Brooklyn on Youtube as well and used to like her too, looong before she was friends with Alida. Now she seems to be changing too. So yea, tmi. For me it's just so weird to see them together and getting the mean girls vibe.
No. 1905581
File: 1695872710548.jpg (194.21 KB, 395x908, liar.jpg)

Old milk but it was never about the lips. It was about the lying. Lying to people who even looked up to her, her followers, folks who like her. To this day she lies to them. If you sit there long enough you'll catch her out on numerous lies, all the damn time. Brooklyn just entered a toxic friendship, so guess we'll see how that all pans out. Alida's already using her for this parade she's doing right now.
No. 1905751
File: 1695910416362.jpeg (226.73 KB, 1170x768, IMG_2903.jpeg)

i.e. "i thought i'd od by 16 because i was hanging around meth-head neo-nazis and drawing swastikas on the beach, so now i refuse to actually work on myself or have my sugar daddies pay for me to go to therapy. i'm just like this because i'm stunted!!!!" i can't fucking stand her chronic inability to take accountability
No. 1906361
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I found this pic of her on a lash techs insta page in Florida
No. 1906683
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I couldn't help but post her. She's the perfect next thread pic.
No. 1906740
>>1906361Someone call emergency services for Alida's hair RIP
>>1906683Awww too cute, little moo. I have been wondering what the next thread pic will be too, cos that has to be soon.
No. 1906781
File: 1696057097226.jpeg (270.94 KB, 803x1709, CE55FA40-88FD-4EFA-B4A6-4CBEE5…)

She does not know how to dress her shape at all, this dress makes her look way way way bigger than she is
No. 1906787
File: 1696057607079.jpeg (357.94 KB, 1284x752, 4FC3BEEE-7674-4C4A-974F-7D5E30…)

Dear alida, since only thing u exist for and care about is trying to look “hot” for men
No. 1906812
>>1906781To be entirely fair, when you look this unfortunate, there's not much flattering clothing out there. In the video upthread her waist looks bigger than her chest. She should just stop LARPing as a tiny smol baby and go the "muh self expression" route like every other hyperfeminine chubby girl. In a way she reminds me of larasuzanne from the Lolita fashion thread
>>1905505these hair colors are an eyesore on anyone whose makeup is less than perfect, and this make-up is far below perfect. Serving Momokun vibes
No. 1906836
>>1906781It's all too much. Less is more.
Selkie dresses are very overwhelming and loud. They don't need anything more added to them. If not done properly they can look gaudy and way too puffy. Especially when combined with big fake hair, nails, thick makeup, accessories, etc.. It ends up being too elaborate and a bit of a mess. But that's just my tastes, some people love that. It works for theatre and stage but irl, noooo. She looks as though she is ready for a pantomime.
Alida would love it though, because it would get people staring and giving her attention. Attention is not always good however.
>>1906787Yeah I hate to say it, but this is true. Most men prefer more natural to this. I mean, who cares what men think and want, but for Alida who does care, she probably hasn't cottoned onto this yet.
No. 1906876
File: 1696079093532.jpeg (1.08 MB, 2999x4000, 6D91E424-6D98-4A5C-AD46-214960…)

even one of her orbiters is getting tired of her shit kek
No. 1906998
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>>1906876I wonder why…Alida should check his instagram DMs. Oh wait lol, he deletes the proof of cheating.
No. 1907169
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Notice how Brooklyn hasn't posted anything of Alida on her social media? Apart from a couple of stories. Whereas Alida keeps posting them both to make a point.
>>1907007yes! She is soo much like Shayna.
She is even biting back about everything we have said regarding her hair, clothes etc. She's so arrogant.
Her hair is RUINED, and she wants to show other girls how to do the same? Yeah I totally want to learn how to fry my hair so that it's spikey crunchy and short on the top and then cover it up with fake extensions.
I remember when her eyelashes were falling out during the pandemic and she did a tutorial on how to get eyelashes like hers. They were literally FALLING OUT
No. 1907170
>>1907169follow along with alida's tutorials on how to be a budget clown
who needs lessons on hygiene? it will just be her showing off her high end shower wash or some shit like that. her videos are always only excuses to show off her latest purchases. not to mention she filters the shit out of her videos and uses ring lights etc, never once going outside in the sun to show natural lighting with no fancy tricks to make herself look better. so whats the point even? when people can't even see how the colours look or how well the products work. she doesn't do this to help others, she does it to show the fuck off and also to take a jab at her 'haters'. what a fucking bitch
remember when she bought new diamonte dildos and made a vid on it LMFAO. when she buys stuff she has to show it off just like a grandiose narc.
No. 1907174
>>1903070she either never had one to begin with or she sold it to buy herself more shit.
all this time her doggo needed surgery on her paw and yet she just spent any money she had, on herself. luna needed surgery long ago, even when she was earning "a thousand a night" in La and all i saw her doing was filling up her apartment with more and more crap.
her doggos paw got so bad she was running on three legs, and she still would pose in videos with her, making her run back and forth in the woods for her latest insta post. you could see luna running on three legs.
hopefully she got her help now, if she hasn't and has instead bought selkie dresses and the like, well…that shows what kind of a person she actually is
No. 1907187
>>1907182Pretty much. There's videos of it on Youtube. Just look up Live City Poker LA. There's a video where the guy is telling her, that whatever he makes is also hers. After she buttered him up. But that's only the half of it. She would lead men on to get extra tips that went beyond her work. There was drama.
This is the life she leads, she's always given things. When she cries
victim, she'll get given even more.
>>1907174She drags that poor dog around like an accessory piece too. Plane travel for dogs is not good for them, in regards to health. There's scientific evidence that shows it increases the risk of cancer in canines by an incredible amount. She's always putting Luna on plane trips. Multiple times a year.
Now I guess she's going to post up photos of her and Luna to counteract this statement.
No. 1907193
>>1907169Why is she saying "on a budget", when the makeup she uses is Chanel, Dior and other high end brands and the clothes she has are Selkie, Love & Lemons, Lacemadeofficial, Honey Birdette and the like. She pays to get her nails and lashes done.
The only "budget" part of her whole routine is her hair that she does at home and it shows.
No. 1907198
File: 1696137916746.jpg (80.39 KB, 828x1792, 0Elr0Zu.jpg)

A coquette e-celeb who went an unhinged rant on twitter then deleted her account and privated her Instagram. Why do they think talking like a porn addicted scrote is cute and quirky? I blame the redstart pod. Not my screenshot
No. 1907200
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>>1907199Samefagging I'm more shocked she has a legit modeling career
No. 1907217
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>>1907200Modeling agencies post-2020:
>I'm part black>WOWWWW WOW WOWEWOW WOW WOW YOURE HIRED(racebait) No. 1907274
>>1907199Jfc what a pickme. Anyways happy to see new coquette examples, Alida is #1 cow itt but i'm kind of bored with her. Yes she looks bad and old, but what's new. New spergy coquettes propositions please.
>>1907200>Booking: NoAgency NYCBingo. Here's the answer to the question. No Agency is known for signing majorly "non modellesque" people and pushing them into fashion. And by that i mean people way to short (think 160-165 cm tall) and fat, well at least fat by runway standards. It's the same agency that signed Joanna Kuchta and Sabrina Fuentes of the Pretty Sick band, and if you google them you can see there's nothing "model" like about them.
No. 1907279
File: 1696160298074.png (2.43 MB, 1414x924, annabolina.png)

>Anna Bolina SS24Runway
This Anna Bolina person puzzles me. She looks like a botched drag queen mix of Shmegeh and Arrow De Wilde, wtf. Especially with that MySpace/bling/bimbo stylings, eyeshadow and ana poses. Don't get how she has all these runway shows when she has 0 traction. Lives in a horrible flat that looks like janitor room or back store magazine, has 16k followers on IG but only gets like 146 likes and 0, sometimes 2 comments, yet has all these collections and runway shows. Rich parents, otherwise don't get how she affords this. Wonder who the fuck buys all these clothes.
No. 1907321
File: 1696171681141.png (381.83 KB, 668x787, jia.png)

>>1907199Apparently, her white boyfriend is a pedophile who fetishizes Asian girls and is into raceplay.
No. 1907323
>>1907279Looks like she was a club kid with a trust fund who made her upcycling into a brand.
>slytherin tattooThis probably says everything we need to know, she's a sheltered dork with artificial style lol
No. 1907325
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>>1907321 name's Reilly Patton, he works for Crawford Models in NYC. When all this came out, he just privated his account and then returned like nothing happened.
No. 1907336
File: 1696173755518.jpg (231.51 KB, 947x2048, F7UoOpBawAEtcvp.jpg)

She had a meltdown in her stories after locking her IG.
No. 1907439
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>>1907325>hehehehehe Jesus he’s so cringe
No. 1907440
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>>1907439White moids try not to be disgusting racist rapey pedos challenge.
No. 1907449
File: 1696192565406.jpg (109.96 KB, 1080x935, WiSksZ2.jpg)

>>1907442>>1907321They definitely do some ddlg shit too. She also privated her tiktok
No. 1907453
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Her and her bf in 2021. Imagine knowing your bf is a predator and not instantly dumping him.
No. 1907458
>>1907456These type of women are always the first to play
victim but they will literally be fine kissing a man who has hurt multiple other women
No. 1907460
>>1907447In general I’ve noticed that white scrotes who exclusively go for non-white women tend to be extremely fetishy and gross. They can’t just have a normal healthy relationship with a non white woman it’s always got to be some disgusting open polyamory thing, ddlg or bdsm themed relationship, plus they’re usually
abusive and or cheaters too.
No. 1907755
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>>1907633She deactivated her accounted after rage sperging and her creepy boyfriend going viral. She will probably come crawling back though
>>1907274Of course they also signed Dasha. Everyone in their agency looks like they belong in this thread
No. 1908563
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>>1908483We're all so jealous of the traditional nymph delicate aryan princess
No. 1909852
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Is this Alida ex friend? It sounds like her
No. 1910563
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No. 1910934
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>>1910563Giving deformed 90s babydoll yet again like picrel but less cute. Also kek those r not from those ages, she acts like we haven’t seen actual pics of her younger. She does look slightly better w dark hair I have to say tho. Her butthole eyebags have not aged well compared to these pics, girl needs to hydrate and get a good eye cream ASAP.
No. 1912352
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>>1912281Alida and her friend look very similar in terms of facial structure, just different colors.
No. 1913030
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Nothing valuable to contribute here but i'm sick of seeing these dumbass fawn edits on tumblr all the time
No. 1913031
File: 1697206870007.png (856.15 KB, 733x958, coquette fawn.png)

all I can think of when seeing one more
>>1913030 is something like this:
No. 1913050
>>1913030It's like a fucking cult. The same things, over and over. Even the Dior is so overdone. If you're gonna wear perfume or makeup, it's got to be Dior. Deers, Lana, Bows, the same movies over and over. Do these people even know how to think for themselves and have their own identity, without following along with what is said to be coquette???
Post a pic of a bunny 'this is me', pic of a deer 'me (real)'. Stop it you annoying obnoxious boring fuks. You're not cute. You're an adult. An insufferable unoriginal one at that. It's already over done and old fashioned cos it's been around for years now, and hasn't advanced in any way. Same shit, different day.
Also what is with all those stupid cunts who post these things, using Alida's underage photos as their main pic. Seriously, wtf. These are grown women too. Alida encourages them, bc of course she does, as it is giving her attention.
No. 1913121
>>1913050 these morons were posting, watching, reading and making edits of the same fucking shit for 4 years. imagine the amount of same "I;m little Bambi and here's my balletcore clutter" collages they've produced so far!
>>1913050That awkward moment when you call any women that's over 30/25+ a "hag" but you strive to wear clothes worn by elder women.
but 80yo grandmas actually have the guts to wear those stale old sour cream colored mothball clothes. Coquettes never buy and never walk outside in any of those things.
No. 1913138
>>1913030The funny part is, they're not even anything like gentle baby deers or pretty little bunnies. They are the grossest most
toxic, vile, drama-filled, selfish people alive.
No. 1913382
File: 1697266945681.png (1.19 MB, 828x726, evu.png)

Jfc, not Ellen Von Unwerth jumping on coquette train.
Yes, she's always been severly overrated photographer whose "artistry" relies on high contrast and filtering tf out of her lingerie pics, but still wtf. Ellen, you're too old to play this tumblr bullshit (and she got the colors wrong, this should be pastel vomit instead of red kek)
No. 1913459
>>1913382The amount of photographers and models I see now, doing the whole overdone Marie Antoinette / coquette thing, is insane.
No. 1914200
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No. 1914239
File: 1697428420065.jpeg (250.87 KB, 1284x1263, IMG_9424.jpeg)

>>1914200can't stop laughing about him browsing the imageboards when he was never even given his own thread… just thinking about how much that troon had to scroll to even find something that mentioned him
No. 1914311
>>1914200samefag, can't get over him calling women "beasts". the only "beast" here (and no amount of projecting towards real women will change that) is the HRT chemical hybrid
beast that you and males like you are. cope harder wonky long faced freak.
No. 1914323
File: 1697446335938.jpeg (202.87 KB, 827x1208, IMG_2162.jpeg)

>>1914200Seething much. He speaks like a male incel and leaches of women experiences, this is some Sam Levinson type of loser energy. Men that say breedable are porn degenerates because who says shit like that about 12 Years old?
This was what he was responding to which is unhinged and a lot of projecting. People are only getting uncomfortable by the word retarded being used. Really shows since this male is autistic he gets a pass for the paedophilic and misogynist word vomit.
No. 1914467
>>1914200>you have coarse hair on your pussy>you are a BEAST>a nasty little SLUGYeah, absolutely not sounding like obsessed creep/pedo/incel. Thanks for your input, ""girl""
>>1914239This idiot's been lurking for such a long time though, he was mentioned VERY briefly in Sounclout thread like 2/3 years ago in relation to supporting either Pouya or some other rapey rapper and iirc he threw some sort of tantrum even back then lmao. Absolutely pathetic, he's barely mentioned on coquette threads these days, he's that boring.
>>1914247objection, new wave coquette tumblrinas actually do love to say retard and they overuse it, because they feel it makes them oh so edgy and anti to these anachronistic tumblr sjw days of old kek. But he still has enough of more sjw/non-coquette fans for people to get upset with this i guess.
No. 1914675
>>1914239>i wouldn't touch you broads with a 10 foot pole lmao that is SUCH a male moment. only moids think "i wouldn't fuck you" is an insult.
tuck your limp dick back in and go wash your hair, no woman actualky wants your greasy inbred faggy ass.
No. 1914768
>>1914764>her Kek nonna pls
>>1914766Exactly, he’s doing what they all do, styling himself like the girls he wants to prey upon/coom to. He grew up jerking it to Lana and Nicole and this is the result. His non troon pics look like Bill Skarsgård playing a school shooter
No. 1915206
File: 1697565324020.png (318.41 KB, 870x2052, 1212.png)

Got this on my dashboard and kek, guess Ethel Cain loves to scroll tumblr for mentions and then getting butthurt and messaging random radfems who criticized him. But of course.
The uproar on Tumblr rn tho. I guess coward disabled comments on this original post (nd deleted), kek. From what i see in reblog tags though, a hell lot of people (even unfamiliar to him) are disgusted. Apparently there's uproar over this on Twitter as well but i haven't checked
The funniest thing for me is that he's ~apparently~ raging at nymphets & coquettes not lolcow, and his "fans" are calling coquettes transphobic now, when the reality is 99% of his fans ARE coquettes, and Ethel made 100% of his "career" on cosplaying Nicole/Ginger Bronson era nymphets.
No. 1915234
File: 1697568880687.png (94.43 KB, 818x802, part1.png)

Anons, have you seen an update to this drama? All deleted now of course, but top fucking kek at the way he's justifying himself now No. 1915240
File: 1697569396224.png (200.33 KB, 808x1402, part4.png)

>>1915237too much kekworthy stuff to comment on but just in regards to whole thread's topic
>did i used to eat that little coquette shtick up for a minute or two in the early days of my career? sure. i was 19-20. god forbid i be young and grow out of harmful mindsetskek but did you though
No. 1915244
File: 1697569808756.jpg (658.63 KB, 824x897, just girly things.jpg)

>>1915240what do you mean? come on, nona! look at these coquette vibes!
No. 1915335
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>>1915333pic not uploading for some reason, server problem?
No. 1915635
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>>1915236He went on to say he doesn't look himself up on tumblr to find these posts, the algorithm just happens to show him ethel content because he has ethel posts. Obviously that's a glaring lie when he malds about lolcow a few times over. No matter what though he should remember no tranny is going be a waif or a beauty at 40, let alone any approximation of a woman. No grown man is going to want you and there'll be no women left to skinwalk.
No. 1915790
File: 1697683228037.jpg (1.76 MB, 1079x4813, Screenshot_20231018_223900_Tum…)

Ethel Cain has confirmed that his birth name is Macon Horner
No. 1915944
>>1915790Lolcow knew about his name since 1st coquette thread. Someone posted his old ass Pinterest and Youtube account from his teen years (which he promptly deleted after lurking). I don't know how people found that shit though, somebody clearly knew where to look.
Damn looks greasy and zit covered. Also congrats on, what already? Day 6 of seething on tumblr? kek
No. 1916655
>>1915635Pete was a
terf icon who maintained that he was a man his entire life and that no amount of surgery would ever change that, don’t lump him in with these losers.
No. 1917544
>>1917521What the fuck? I'm not associated with that hideous groomer freak. And I'm not into that stupid coquette shit anymore. That dumb bitch lovesickbrat and her stupid cunt friends destroyed it with their
toxic woke ideology
No. 1917725
>>1915790How in the fuck did Ethel get so popular? His music is boring, he's ugly, and he just dresses like a less interesting Nicole clone from a decade ago. Nicole (imo) dressed better and has way better music, yet she seems to be forgotten, and some tranny freak steals her look (inb4 Kat Bjelland/Katie Jane Garside mention, shaddup future anon) and blows tf up, is it seriously just because he's a troon?
>>1917557This thread is way different from the original coquette thread. How'd they get more depraved in such a short period of time? Getting slightly nostalgic and remembering the derail posts in the og Nicole calves threads, good times.
No. 1917800
>>1917725>inb4 Kat Bjelland/Katie Jane Garside mention, shaddup future anonkek i love both of these artists but i find it funny you come out with the whole shut up thing because that's unnecessary. these two have nothing to do with that style imo, neither Kat nor KGJ dressed in gunne sax dresses or rolled around southern white trash "ctholic themed" places. If anything Nicole ripped Lana Del Rey, cult party kei, kinderwhore and stuff but that's not the point. Nicole ripped people a plenty but somehow built a style thats immediately associated with her, well in certain circles at least. (dolls, abandoned bathtubs, worms, true crime, crying over Columbine boys uwuu, white trash, picnic at the haging rock all condensed and emulated by sadbbygirls.) Meanwhile Bacon built nothing. He just did copy of a copy, and you can't say he "built his look off of" anything, he just copy pasted certain person & that person is Nicole. It's especially evident in his early photos (and whole White Silas project). He even has Nicole's lyrics tattoed which is double cringe.
>is it seriously just because he's a troon?Yes. There's plenty of girls doing the same thing Ethel Cain does (which is doing the same thing Nicole Dollanganger did). Most of them similarly homely and boring as Bacon. Neither of them gets anywhere, not even prettier ones. Hell, even Nicole never got anywhere.
No. 1920087
File: 1698393483014.jpg (763.82 KB, 1536x2048, AA8gM2.jpg)

Her eyes are so googly in this. Look at where her pupil is in one of her eyes lmao
No. 1920640
>>1915790Idk who this is but if I saw him on the street I would assume he's some metalhead guy. Why do men who want to be women always have this thin type of hair only found on men? Like, even their hair looks specifically male.
No. 1920669
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I downloaded a screen recorder just so I could share this gem with you all
No. 1920705
File: 1698490611636.jpeg (300.88 KB, 1283x2606, 23F46275-89B9-4D6A-8E37-7223AC…)

Barf at alidas man, beer gut and all.. fucking disgusting pedo ass man
No. 1920743
File: 1698500590016.jpg (46.46 KB, 301x460, lololll.jpg)

>>1920669lmaoooo he's like that dirty old uncle dancing at a wedding. he looks like such a greasy sleazy old pimp with his buttoned down shirt like that. whattt I'm howling, this is so golden.
No. 1920832
>>1920669I'm so jealous that I don't have a bf like him…….not
How does she not get the ick?
No. 1920935
>>1920743He literally IS a dirty old pedo pimp anon. He groomed her as a teenager and she’s been doing all types of sex work and selling herself online while in a relationship with this supposed “good man” who takes care of her. Let’s just call a spade a spade. What’s wild is that he’s not even trying to hide how disgusting he is, she just can’t see it. I’d be entirely unsurprised if he’s been drugging her bc 1) just look at him and 2) she occasionally seems to have moments of clarity and acknowledge how
abusive he is before descending back into schizo posting gibberish and looking exhausted & strung out. She’s a cow and a shitty unpleasant person but he’s something far far worse.
No. 1921116
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ch111oe claiming her ~oh so natural~ boobs are real.. what does she mean by this?
No. 1921134
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>>1921130>naturally brown nipplesThe fact you actually wrote this
No. 1921230
>>1921207twinkle tits
>>1920669he looks like soy with that earring
No. 1921304
>>1921207>>1921230You guys still won't beat our ~goff queen Emilie autumn, the mighty Glittertits
>>1920743Nonas shhh, or else alida storms back to this thread to throw tantrums and tell us oh how much hag seething jealous we all are over her beautiful Ron
No. 1923089
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No. 1923955
>>1923946Because they have issues when it comes to looks and ageing. This is my theory. They think getting ugly men will make them look prettier in comparison and older men will make them appear younger. Also, they believe old ugly guys will cherish them and praise the ground they walk on. But they don't.
I guess some do it for the money, but in Alida's case I'm pretty sure Ron isn't that well off financially.
Also, there is the whole Lana aesthetic thing.
No. 1923987
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Oh my. The pillow face.. her nasolabial folds should not look like that nor be that emphasized. She uno reversed herself by starting fillers at like 15 and actually caused more aging
No. 1924067
File: 1699141059501.jpg (Spoiler Image,4.17 MB, 4096x4096, 103618121.jpg)

Where are all the angry zoomers calling her out for sexualising a children's character? Why does it only apply to Chinese cartoons kek? Also her boyfriend looks genuinely frightening in that wig, troon phase when?
No. 1924082
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>>1924067Also I got distracted but kek at the fedora and leather armbands
No. 1924172
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>>1924067I actually think that red hair really looks good with her features and skin tone. I'm not suggesting that she go this shade of red and wear a party city wig everywhere but she should definitely think about dying her hair cherry red and wearing more black and red.
No. 1924246
>>1924067Did she actually go out dressed like that? With her ass out? Is that a thing in America, to just walk around with your underwear showing? Not to sound like a prude, but she was the one being preachy and holier than tho about onlyfans and dressing this way. Guess that has changed since being back with her creep who wants her to look sexual all the time.
Why does he always do that stupid girly pout in photos too. He looks sooo feminine.
No. 1924295
>>1924067she's prob over-saturated him with her ~divine feminine~ that he's now a soy looking girlyman
>>1923987i think that's just face fat, bcos she's gained weight but i could be wrong. either way she's a pillow face and sure doesn't look how she used to
No. 1924375
File: 1699213010993.jpeg (391.03 KB, 1284x1784, E0F8AFFC-5769-49CB-9E33-B25C4A…)

I thought you said Hollywood was for demons and soul less evil people, alida? Love how she changes her whole personality once she’s with him or any man at that, she has no identity except pedo Lana trash girl
No. 1924389
>>1924375She literally has no personality of her own. It changes depending on who she is with or what is a buzzing trend on the internet. That's why she's always contradicting herself.
Service dog? For what?? 'I want my dog to be with me everywhere as my accessory piece so I'm going to pretend I'm disabled or in need of assistance in some way, and slap a Service Dog sign on my dog.'
No. 1924481
>>1924375because of course alida has her dog with her on the plane, while everyone else has to have theirs in a cage below.
people forever bending over backwards for her. imagine manipulating a system made for those with a disability.
i mean i'm happy for Luna that she doesn't get stuck in a cage below, but where is the fairness? alida is just forever getting her own way. she's constantly so spoiled it's insane.
No. 1925070
File: 1699358079872.jpeg (469.55 KB, 1283x1656, 8D6837C4-4A3E-4BBE-B2C2-42E3D2…)

100% reads here still lol the caption
No. 1925079
File: 1699361329067.jpg (242.53 KB, 530x812, 40.jpg)

She's trying to make out that Ron proposed lmao. As if.
>>1925070She definitely reads here. Many of her posts are done in response to things said. Which only makes things worse. Maybe she likes the attention, even if it is negative. Because she sure does inflame it further and tries so hard to retaliate in a smug manner. She gets even narkier when she's with Brooklyn.
No. 1925089
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>>1925082In her videos she has a powerful voice, but if you see her live, it's like a mouse at the microphone. She needs to work on her stage presence.
It's funny because she's leeching off of Alida, while Alida is leeching off of her.
It's so freaking creepy how much Brooklyn does copy Alida tho. This type of thing is always happening. See picrel for small example. She's always recreating Alida's photos from the past, she bought her secondhand clothes and posed the same way in pics. Mimics the same expressions. People say it's flattery, but nope, this is creepy single white female behaviour. But the weird thing about it is, she doesn't need to do this. She is talented in her own right, and she needs to be herself, not a replica of someone. Alida fans love her, because they love Alida.
No. 1925096
I wanted to say too, that if Betsy was Brooklyn, Alida would have met up with her and gone out of her way to take flights to see her. Just as she is now. But she wasn't good enough to even catch up with her once, as much as she asked to meet. But she still took hundreds of dollars worth of dresses from her. Bad karma.
I'm repeating myself but Alida is a literal bitch, a mean horrible person and it's a shame that people can't see her shallow interior. She has discarded people, used people and her friendship with Brooklyn is a siphoning one. I wonder what happened to Betsy, as I don't see her commenting anymore.
Alida selects who her friendship circle is, depending on looks, status, finance, fame, connections.
No. 1925118
File: 1699369706780.jpg (87.64 KB, 454x500, 1.jpg)

The back of her hair looks disgusting and that gross part at the nape. This must feel like glued cheap paintbrush bristles.
No. 1925177
>>1924067who's he tryna be? aquaman? posiedon? triton?
if triton, that means he's ariel's dad….
No. 1925218
>>1925185>>1925103she literally does look special needs with her service dog LMFAO
she looks like a damn clown. floral arm whatevers, striped leggins, moon boots, glitter tie, coquette bag, what the actual fuck
guys i think she was lying about her porsche its suddenly nowhere to be found
No. 1925417
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why does she look so different in photos? and why was she using webcam sites?!
No. 1925418
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here she was streaming on webcam websites for money?
No. 1925421
File: 1699419855316.jpeg (3.97 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8531.jpeg)

is this alida leading the buddhist india trip orion went on? i guess he pays for it all but not sure why an enlightened guy would feel okay being a pedophile. explains the drugs i guess.
No. 1925422
File: 1699419918780.jpeg (1.22 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_8532.jpeg)
No. 1925751
What is that shit tier quality webcam stuff with no context? Looks photoshopped in
>>1925089alida loves befriending her skinwalkers i see. God forbid Brooklyn gets more famous (and publically considered prettier than alida), that will be the end of this grand friendship…
No. 1925798
>>1925751You'd think it would be a natural instinct to get creeped out by skinwalkers, but Alida is so stupid to notice it seems. Mimicry to the degree that some of her friends do and have done in the past, would be enough to make a normal person run in the opposite direction.
It's so bizarre.
They followed her online and in their own way, obsessed over her, wanted to be her, then befriended her. All of her friends she met online.
I get that circles of friends can have many things in common, sometimes even like the same fashion. But these girls are literally just trying to be Alida. Jazmine was the same. It's all so… unstable. The weirdness level is so freaking high with Alida and the people around her, that I can't stop watching the whole saga.
No. 1926013
>>1925832Contagious within the body. I don't think if you stand next to a granny you will catch the olds.
But that would be hilarious if they are ageing faster, due to catching it from the old men they are constantly in close contact with. Wouldn't that be ironic!
No. 1926015
>>1926014YES! This! I don't get it, because she lashes out at people she believes are copying her. She even lashed out recently at Kirsten, saying she was copying her and wanting to be her (I couldn't see it, not as blatantly obvious as Brooklyn). But then there are these select few that are way worse with the mimicry, that she allows. She seems to go so far as to relish in the fact that they copy her.
Let's face it, she only allows Brooklyn to do it, because if Brooklyn gets famous one day, she can go along for the ride too. She knows Brooklyn has the potential and the connections, to go places. That narcissistic thing, where their only friends are those they can either control, use or that make them look better.
I haven't seen a single friend of hers who isn't a show pony. Attention seekers to the absolute extreme.
No. 1926066
>>1926013Definitely not by standing or even cohabitating, mostly. But sexual contact on the other hand is literally fucking game over. For many reasons, microbiome transfer being the most basic one. If you can reliably give an animal dementia by inoculating it with senile microbiota, it's probably true for every single other state of senescence.
Microchimerism from old retard sperm probably doesn't help either.
No. 1926101
>>1926066That's so interesting.
What they hate/fear the most, will be what they end up as. How hysterically ironic!
No. 1926197
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>>1926101There's a lot more nightmare fuel if you consider that crotch pustules are immunoprivileged. Even if the moid in question isn't sick, his nuts probably have a nice time capsule of everything his busted Y-chromo immune system ever encountered. The longer he's been alive, the more goodies he has.
Now that I think of it, there's no way this isn't involved in how these chicks age. Every single young woman who sleeps with old men seems to get a progeroid phenotype. Pic related, coffin robber Courtney Stodden at 17.
No. 1926458
>>1925079He's not marrying her, he's a pedoid. Men who would date a 18yo at that age aren't attracted to grown women as much. Unless to breed her since she's retarded enough to do it
>>1926066Microchimerism is real
No. 1926822
>>1925096Betsy realized how horrible she was and I feel like
maybe commented publicly on this if I remember correctly. I do know for a fact she one day realized and no longer supported Simone’s soul sucker ass
No. 1927006
File: 1699732787880.gif (2.28 MB, 150x271, lol.gif)

This is old but I hadn't seen it before and now I'm dying of a severe case of cringe
No. 1927019
File: 1699734241080.jpeg (543.68 KB, 828x943, IMG_1092.jpeg)

Just watched this documentary and realized how many of their talking points about mysticism, energies, twin flames, god, and soulmates all pair up with Alida and how she tries to appeal and lure in her followers and skin walkers, I wouldn’t be surprised if she tried to go this route one day when she realizes her looks are failing from all that filler and she won’t be able to play out her Lana deal rey fantasies anymore. She puts on this facade of spirituality and healing and energies and angels to attract and anyone that she’s the true her she spread the most egregious of lies about in order to damage control from her “brand”. I remember one time a few years ago she tried to come up with her own religion as well before she got with Ron, it was around the time she was seeing that weird older man who was “teaching” her guitar lessons.
No. 1927255
File: 1699771300260.gif (4.04 MB, 150x280, wtf.gif)

Lolcow be like…
whenever Alida posts something stupid which is always
No. 1927273
>>1927006Yeah she can’t dance, and the way he’s looking her up and down like an object, I bet she loves that. That’s all she is to him for now, until she ages up of course! Some young groomed bait to show off. She does wanna play
victim. Talking bout how her first bf who kidnapped her groomed her.. everyone you’ve dated was a pedo what you mean. Bet she’s going crazy that she’s no longer jail bait, her kink isn’t real anymore
No. 1927280
File: 1699780464997.jpg (177.78 KB, 599x555, 190042.jpg)

>>1927270I actually think she was jealous too. Kristen is STUNNING, a trillion times prettier and 110k on Inst. From what I could gather, she was trying to help when Alida was having a schizo moment (see picrel). Offering her work, a chance to get away. She gave her a CHOICE, an offer, and Alida accepted.
When called out about her defamatory remarks, Alida changed the words "sex trafficking" to "soul trafficking". She was all happy to keep taking the money tho and buying things nonstop like a materialistic harpy-bird. But when she started falling out with people, she instead blamed them and condemned it all. It all fell to shit. She no longer could buy all of the things she wanted; her constant flow of money completely cut off.
What she was declaring over multiple live vids in retaliation, was really damning. But if true, these people would have been arrested. To this day nobody has been arrested…sooo…
When she was doing sex work, she was blaming everything and everyone else around her for it. Saying things like she was a "MK Ultra sex kitten
victim". She can never take responsibility for wrong choices in her life.
>>1926197Now I'm thinking of how she used to drink the blood of her exes…
No. 1927284
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>>1926166It's a clown party.
No. 1927285
>>1927284fatty and skinny going for a night out on the town.
two attention starved fuks.
some people just love getting stared out wherever they go. i couldn't think of anything worse.
main character syndrome
No. 1927297
>>1927284>>1927284I am confused about the tights.
And the arm fabric.
And the moon boots.
And the glitter bowtie she's been wearing.
No. 1927475
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No. 1927494
>>1927477She doesn't seem to be able to walk in those boots too. She moves really slowly when she is wearing them, as though she feels unsafe and is about to trip over.
>>1927469She would never quit the coquette thing. She thinks she is the queen of the entire genre. Like she owns it all.
>>1927478She's forever showing her ass to everyone, like who asked to see it? Esp when she's not advertising for onlyfans or anything, she just does it so people look at it. So weird.
So I was thinking about this time, when on her playboy thing, she stated that she has an oral fetish. (I can't see what is on her playboy acc, this was just in her open description.) Then Ron was doing this thing in her everyday videos, where he would shove his fingers randomly in her mouth. (that vid where they were on the beach and it felt out of nowhere and inappropriate). It seemed as though he was getting off on her having a playboy acc and others watching her. It was actually really eerie and it showed that he likes her doing things to arouse others.
He liked her doing sex work in LA. Gross
You just know he is dirty and disgusting.
No. 1927540
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No. 1927662
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She is ready to leave Ron again for fame and money, that didn't last long!
No. 1927883
>>1927795She has lived her life doing whatever it takes to avoid work. Meaning she constantly is relying on handouts because she's that entitled. She wants to have her own freedom, home and money. She's too stupid to realise that she could have studied hard and gotten herself a career by now. Never needing to rely on anybody for anything she wants. But she's always trying to find the easy way out, then complains when she doesn't have any money.
When you have big dreams, you have to work hard to achieve them. Work hard and grind for those goals and use that as your motivation. She's just so lazy and pampered.
No. 1928423
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this reminded me of poor Luna. it should be illegal to have a husky in Florida, I don't know how or why it is a service animal when the dog is suffering in the heat. it’s literally abuse and cruelty
No. 1928429
>>1927662>>1927681Kek that lasted less than half a week
watch her run back to Ronald next week tho
>>1927475Kek, but she literally MS Paint cut out the rest
>turns out she’s known because she fucks Cobrasnakewhy so shy, Maya?
No. 1928446
>>1928423I agree. This is so messed up.
Also the whole higher cancer risk for canines that go on multiple plane trips. When you raise awareness of this to her (just to let her know in case she doesn't know already, as a precaution) she does it even more and purposely rubs it in your face.
No. 1928500
File: 1699999346505.jpg (492.78 KB, 591x1754, moronic.jpg)

of course alida likes this. this is the ultimate braindead shallow life she envisions to live. talk about yawnfest
if two people want to live like this together, that's fine and all. whatever floats your boat. but even alida would hate this. she'd have to dictate her whole life to one guy and there is no way she'd be able to show her ass on the internet anymore to strangers. no more attention from anyone else. she would have to live her whole life in service of one man. and when that one man tires of her bc she's ageing up and not a pretty accessory anymore, then what happens? she lived her life for someone else, never developing any hobbies, skills, independence. no love for life. jsus how depressing. not only that, she wouldn't even be able to decorate her own home how she wanted it to look. it would have to meet his expectations, just one small example. no room for self expression. would have to dress how he wanted. you're owned in that situation. etc etc we all know how it goes and she would fucking hate that.
No. 1928507
File: 1699999977764.jpg (69.55 KB, 1200x900, FiwjJKwWYAQEM4C.jpg)

>>1928500>always smilingKeep smilin' for those diamonds girl! Keep being
>playful and funnyand don't forget to tell him
>every day how strong he is!>write him little notes about how perfect he is!>Happiness, vibes!Always!
Then if you are ultra lucky you get the promotion!
To be his wife!
No. 1928544
File: 1700003978891.jpg (83.2 KB, 1024x990, F-1lWHSbAAApm0D.jpg)

>>1928500picrel is what alida wants (only higher numbers on her side). there's no way she'd want a life where her man is the one with all the attention and control. she wants to be number 1 and all about her, not him. not this one way street where she serves him fully
No. 1928590
>>1928500You can't be a human in this situation. There's no room for health issues that could arise any time, natural aging, natural emotions. Money can only keep you looking young for so long, and money cannot really help you if you develop a chronic disease that they don't have cures for yet. Money won't help you if you have a hormonal influx and a bad case of PMS. You just have to "keep on smiling" through it. And what if you have a baby, who has health issues that appear out of nowhere? Does he just toss them all out when they are no longer pretty and perfect?
That's not even love. Imagine being so limp and pathetic. Where is the fire in a relationship like this? Gross.
There are so many angles to this, why is she even liking shit like this? She is so STUPID. She literally frustrates me with her air-head-ness all the time. This is why she keeps falling and flailing in life.
Get some physicist friends and absorb their energy or something. Since she mirrors who she is with, maybe she would grow some braincells then.
No. 1928605
File: 1700007953605.jpg (83.52 KB, 317x259, pillow.jpg)

saw this and i couldn't help but think of alida kek
No. 1929270
>>1929251Kek anon, i'm preparing a new coquette thread summary and 90% of it already is alida antics. Without her coquette thread is dead. I propose to leave her, but to give her number 1 badge of coquette threads & detailed OP summary at the top of the page.
I need to know what to do with alida before i post new thread after we hit 1200 posts.
No. 1929808
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just had to post this beautiful piece of advice and guidance here, a nice way to end this thread courtesy of alidas likes
No. 1929881
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old ronald mcdonald had better get his act together before she runs off to hollywood hills with brooklyn
No. 1929912
>>1929881I wouldn't want to have sex with him either.. imagine how gross you would feel after having sex with these dirty old men. Deep down inside, she must know why he went after her in the first place. Surely, she must. I don't want her to marry him either. That would be an absolute mistake, a majorly wrong turn in her life if she ever did that.
>>1929895Something definitely snaps when she does this. She actually can have moments of clarity, but then out of nowhere, she turns into a total space cadet.
No. 1930000
File: 1700237844766.png (38.61 KB, 792x366, 111x.png)

One time i found Kayla/Ginger Bronson's blog and read through every ~thug gangsta street poverty lyfe~ bullshit she ever posted from that comfy couch in her rich psychologist mom's therapy room in that expensive house, and aspired to make up my own so random!1! crazy stories that totally happened
No. 1930757
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We wuz vampire vi-kangz
No. 1931193
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she updated her bio to include onions name after people speculated her leaving him lol
No. 1932169
File: 1700678454904.jpeg (289.34 KB, 828x1272, IMG_3748.jpeg)

from last week but a little collection of alida absolutely nuts on twitter. extra kek for her using ‘you’re’ where i’m pretty sure she meant ‘your’ and successfully calling her followers losers
No. 1932462
>>1932169Women who have sex are losers?
The replies on this are pretty slow IQ too ~ all coming in to defend Alida, as they are always prone to do. She's not saying this only in regard to one-night-stand situations (out of safety concern or protection); but for those who also live with their significant other. If any of those in her comments have a boyfriend, they are having sex with, she's calling them all losers too. All of this is soooo hypocritical coming from her, of all people. She will completely do a 180 soon on this anyway, and praise sex with her festy pedoid.
Also, she was one of those airheads who thought the world was going to end on the 16th. That's why she posted "say your prayers" and that she was going to LA for the "apocalypse". She was taking jabs at lolcow using the song with the line "where do bad folk go when they die, they don't go to heaven where the angels fly, go to a lake of fire and fry." Denoting her and Brooklyn are angels and we are all 'bad' or 'demonic'. To her, when the world was going to end, her and Brooklyn would end up in their true angelic forms while we would all burn.
This is what she does, she's so passive aggressive it's insane. I think she is getting more and more stupid, the older she gets.
No. 1932479
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eww I bet she stinks of old man
No. 1932484
>>1932479these girls are such an anomaly. they act holier than thou, copying each other and latching onto anything that might make them seem unique or more appealing to pedophile old men. there is a reason they get defensive and glorify these relationships. most girls who have been groomed or fallen
victim to these creeps hold the same sentiment: dating older men in this fashion is not fucking normal, especially if they sought you out as an underaged girl. the idea of an age gap or love is out of the question when both parties glorify the ddlg little girl shit. i just dont get it, these girls are nearing their mid 20s and preach an angelic aura yet live the most shallow, materialistic existence. i dont get how they havent grown out of it and i dont know why they put down stable, self aware girls. are they stuck victimizing themselves? unwilling to seek help? sorry to blogpost but i cant even justify watching these girls out of curiosity anymore its vile that these same girls want to birth the children of men who would likely do something to their daughter. better yet, would they feel ok having a daughter that was hit on and groomed by older men? i guess they just like that whole thing but its very scary and sick. i would not trust these girls near children.
No. 1933645
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Kek at Alida’s sack and the Sopranos reference
No. 1933660
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>>1933645Samefag but why is Alida’s bridesmaid dress so grandma’s-nightgowncore? All the bridesmaid dresses are nightgown-esque and ill-fitting, but at least no one else went for a completely shapeless thrift store find like she did.
No. 1933676
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>>1933645does she know that the sopranos characters dress like this kek
No. 1933826
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>>1933660When people talk like this, it sounds so fake & pretentious. Like writing a novel for display. Just another form of peacocking.
That's why Alida never posted any photos of herself from the wedding on her main, because she looks like this. Also, her recent photoshoot, she looks so bad. I can't get over how rapidly she is ageing.
No. 1933928
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in the shitter?
No. 1933946
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>>1933928A moid is behind that account so it makes sense.
No. 1933974
>>1913030Is there any clear distinction between
femcels and these people? I've frequently seen self proclaimed
femcels associating themselves with these pieces of media.
No. 1933989
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OP here, got new thread summary almost done but just dropping by to say i'll properly post a new thread tomorrow when i get more time. i think you've got a couple posts left to go though until 1200+ i think it should be enough for tonight hopefully
No. 1933990
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anyways apparently Bacon deactivated? Or did he just move/change his account handle
No. 1933991
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sage for nitpick but holy shit, what's with this acne
No. 1934034
>>1933982How about women who want to be in a relationship but can't? I suppose some of the coquette girls do end up with age rotten moids, if anything like that happens to a
femcel she is excepted from the title no?
(sage your shit) No. 1934057
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>>1933991Give him short hair and he automatically looks like every tweaker trailer park moid in cargo shorts standing outside 7-11.
No. 1934060
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Was Alida’s plus-one to Jazmine’s wedding some rando? Or is that one of Jazmine’s brothers?
No. 1934062
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>>1934060Samefag to say her smile is so forced here and I love that she’s out of focus.
No. 1934091
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>>1934062I don't understand what is happening here? lmao
(retarded nitpicking) No. 1934107
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>>1934091the angle/position she was standing means that the whole audience would've got a good view of her flabby pit the whole ceremony kek
(retarded nitpicking) No. 1934288
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How many times is she going to say she's starting a new life? I swear she says this multiple times a year.
> new me new me new me
No. 1934298
>>1934288what outlook? her desire to be famous and rich? well im glad she will be less materialistic and keep to herself more! or the outlook that doesnt allow sex where she is a born again christian wishing to be married? she already claims to be spiritual and loving and positive so i dont know what she means by this i guess she is admitting shes not a good person lol.
its always hard to not check in on simone because so many of us were mutuals with her when younger and fell for the kindness roleplay she put on. but now i feel kind of sad for her that she is getting the life she deserves…fat, botched plastic surgery, ugly man who wont marry her, no education or job or any history of one, just going to have to rely on her dad and rion to give her handouts so she can make some scam business again. and she has a sour inside. let this be a lesson to younger girls. you cant profit off of your looks or catering to pedophiles forever.
No. 1934401
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Alida really does not know how to dress herself or pose flatteringly. Twisting to the side ever so slightly does nothing to hide her linebacker shoulders. And the puff sleeves just accentuate them.
No. 1934403
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Alida: “Don’t talk shit about my looks you fat old hags!”
Also Alida: Would post on r/realrateme unironically at this point with the way she likes dissecting every other woman alive for their looks
No. 1934404
>>1934401I beg of all bogpilled fillerinas to stop doing undereye filler. No young person's cheek begins where the lower eyelid ends. It makes your eyes looks smaller and changes their shape, typically making the upper eyelid look taller and more rounded. The result is close set piggy butthole eyes like this girl has at best, and senile looking eyes at worst, like this:
>>1928605What you're actually missing is upper eyelid volume, temples and malar prominence, not a sagging homogenized cheek-eyeball mass.