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File: 1742940287137.png (7.21 MB, 2518x2518, Bianca evolution.png)

No. 2102687

Bianca Blakney, known online as Pinuppixie, is a 27 year-old influencer and Marilyn Monroe clone from Vancouver Island, Canada. She became popular on Tiktok during the pandemic for her vintage fashion content, buying and refurbishing vintage items and doing vintage renovations. After getting divorced in 2023 she started spiraling badly, becoming addicted to plastic surgery and tattooing almost her entire body in a short amount of time.

Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@pinuppixie?lang=en
Xitter full of porn
Snark sub

Bianca grew up in foster care after being put in the system by her mother at age 12. She fell pregnant at 17 with another teenager and had a daughter whom she lost custody of, and only sees twice a month. At 18 she married a man 25 years older than her and became a SAHM for his two teenage kids, doing a lot of tradwife and "stepmom" tiktoks with them. She got divorced in 2023.

In the last 3 years she has extensively documented her multiple plastic surgeries, including:
>two nosejobs (septoplasty and rhinoplasty)
>two boobjobs that look comically fake
>two mommy makeovers/tummy-tucks
>an upper blepharoplasty
>a labiaplasty
>fat transplant to her hips
>lip fillers
>facial fillers
>dissolved lip fillers
>more lip fillers
>ass implants which gave her sepsis, almost killing her

Tattoo saga:
>after divorcing her husband and moving out, started dating a tattoo artist named Cody
>Soon got her first tattoo, a huge vintage inspired piece on her belly to cover up her stretch marks and tummy tuck scar (unfinished)
>had another tummy tuck which cut the tattoo in half
>had an ownership dispute over brand name "pinuppixie" which her ex-husband had trademarked for a makeup line she didn't launch
>briefly rebranded as "cyberpunkpixie" and changed her entire style overnight
>got her second tattoo done by another artist, a red mechanical arm sleeve that lights up under black light (also unfinished)
>then started a full robot bodysuit with tattoo artist Paul Marino after her boyfriend said it would be iconic in the tattoo community
>in the span of a few months got her other arm, her chest, her leg and her neck tattooed up to her jaw
>had a crashout over her neck tattoo looking uneven (it does) and making her jaw look fat
>eventually went back to a vintage style and the name "pinuppixie"
>started removing the tattoo on her belly and on her arm
>had many crashouts (ongoing as of 2025) over the fact that she's still vintage despite the tattoos
>not even one year later starts covering her neck tattoos with foundation or high-neck tops
>after getting sepsis from her ass implants in late 2024 Paul Marino refused to continue working on her until it had been a year since she was healed
>Not even 5 months later she appears on tiktok with a fresh cover up tatoo on her red mechanical arm
>Doesn't say who the artist is on social media prompting Paul Marino's wife to go on Bianca's snark sub and say the tattoo wasn't done by Paul and that what she did was extremely disrespectful to her husband and his reputation

Historic milk:
>After her and tattoo artist broke up, had a massive crashout on social media calling him abusive
>At the same time had a falling out with her "manager", Kolbie, who ran her OF
>both of them start posting on her snark sub
>Cody does an AMA after their breakup
>reveals that Bianca would hit her dogs with brooms and scream at them until they'd piss themselves in fear
>Bianca's dog Mochi attacked his dog and instead of training Mochi she tried to make him get rid of his dog
>Mochi then passes away, according to Bianca from eating a blunt off the ground while on a walk
>Cody reveals that Mochi actually died from eating moldy food left in her daughter's room, causing Bianca to scream at her daughter
>When they started dating she told him that she only did solo stuff for her OF, but started doing porn with other OF thots
>not wanting her to sleep with other people he offered to be in the videos instead, for which she paid him 2000$ per video
>When they broke up he asked her to take down the videos she made with him, upon which she told him he had to pay her back the 2k per video she paid him
>her own aunt Mel who housed her after she was kicked out from the foster system as a teenager did an AMA on her snark page
>revealed that Bianca is diagnosed bipolar who doesn't take her meds and was removed from her home by CPS for being a danger to her siblings
>She had a brother with brain cancer and Bianca whom she accused of rape
>Bianca's mother allegedly put locks on the doors and the family would lock itself in when Bianca was around
>aunt sent her away after she mocked her autistic son and called him a goblin
>Both Mel and Cody confirm that she has serious body dysmorphia

>after Cody Bianca got another boyfriend into motorcycles and martial arts

>bought two motorcycles and starting doing motorcycle content, joined a kickboxing class
>new guy is too ashamed to show his face in her content, wearing a mask or a helmet if he has to be in it
>he also lives with her and she banks him fully
>In October 2024 she gets ass implants from a shady surgeon
>this after being rejected for a skinny BBL by multiple doctors because of her EDS
>11 days after surgery she does an OF video where her boyfriend rails her from behind and cums on her ass
>Implant then becomes infected and gives her sepsis, spends a week in the hospital
>Implant is taken out leaving her with only one buttcheeck
>still plans on going back to the same surgeon to put the implant back in

No. 2102688

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No. 2102689

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Photos he took of her house, showing trash everywhere and a hole she punched through the wall

No. 2102691

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Her tattoos

No. 2102692

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The neck tattoo which is completely uneven

No. 2102693

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The red mechanical arm tattoo that she's already covering up

No. 2102695

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The single leg (only one was done before she got sepsis)

No. 2102697

The tattoos always looked like shit but seeing them up close and actually looking at the quality of the work is insane. Looks like straight up dog shit. She can’t even get an alright cover up and laser will hardly touch it when she inevitably regrets them if not already. A great example of don’t get tattoos on a whim and research the artists work.

No. 2102698

File: 1742941564231.jpeg (297.6 KB, 1206x2622, 301gaa7rz9yd1.jpeg)

the ass implants, shortly lived

No. 2102700

This is genuinely so sad. She used to be pretty, now she looks terrifying.

No. 2102701

File: 1742941749187.jpg (104.31 KB, 1071x1104, sure-bianca-v0-y18ktoes4a3e1.j…)

Here she claims that her infection wasn't from getting fucked on camera just one week after surgery but that it was the surgeon's tools who caused her infection

No. 2102702

File: 1742941918564.mp4 (14.34 MB, 720x1102, rapidsave.com_biancas_crooked_…)

Her shady as fuck surgeon posted this video on the same day, definitely not shading her (his guidelines were to not have sex for at least 4 weeks after surgery)

No. 2102708

One of her many, many videos coping about still being vintage despite her hideous tattoos

No. 2102709

No. 2102712

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Comments from her bodysuit tattoo artist's wife on Bianca's snark sub (after snarkers cowtipped to him about her new tats)

No. 2102715

File: 1742944352294.png (4.53 MB, 5400x5953, Mel_1 (1).png)

Her aunt Mel was a frequent poster of her sub before deleting her account after a disagreement with her snarkers two weeks ago, here is her deleted AMA about Bianca's childhood (1/3)

No. 2102716

File: 1742944454349.png (3.83 MB, 5400x5422, Mel_2 (1).png)

No. 2102720

File: 1742944773336.png (2.87 MB, 5400x5305, Mel_3 (1).png)

No. 2102746

Going from a looking like a naturally pretty 27 year old to a 45 year old bc of overdone plastic surgery is tragic.

No. 2102749

Thank you whoever made the thread, was waiting for one. Didn't realize the milk was this extensive kek
The boob job is probably the worst. She can say she's going for the "bimbo doll" look and it's intentional all she wants, but no reputable surgeon would let their work be advertised looking like that. I've seen TIMs with more realistic-looking implants.
Also maybe I'm too optimistic for thinking otherwise, but I still can't help being kinda disappointed she does OF. No idea when she started, but I don't remember hearing about her doing it when I was still following her for the vintage content.

No. 2102770

her lipo is gruesome too. the scars are very much visible and they cut into the tattoos she had there so it’s even more noticeable. i guess that’s why she wears high waisted clothes to cover it more often than not. i didn’t realize til this post was made that she does full on porn for her of though - i assumed she just sold nudes

No. 2102784

Finally a thread on her! She kept coming up on my tiktok and I blocked her because she always gave off very weird vibes, I had no idea how much else there is

No. 2102803

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It truly looks gruesome. They cut off half of the skin on her belly like she was an ex-fatty with miles of extra skin when she was already quite thin before. The chest part of her robot bodysuit also makes her look like she has an extra set of tits, a bizzare choice for sure.

No. 2102805

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The before, in red the area she cut

No. 2102817

Is her belly button gone?

No. 2102858

They pulled so hard the flowers are completely stretched and deformed

No. 2102863

what kind of quacks is she booking for this. in what world was this necessary (before any ana-chans come at me: her body was fine before, you are just disordered!)

No. 2102886

This is what terminal social media induced body dysmorphia looks like.

No. 2102891

Did she nuke her twitter? It shows tweets from 2021.

Sad case. Clearly very mentally ill from being dumped by her mom at 12. Turned to sex to feel worthy. Just a trainwreck from then.
She used to be very pretty.

No. 2102907

I thought her family dumped her because she was very unstable and violent against other family members. Am I wrong?

No. 2102916

I don't fully buy what the aunt says. I'm sure a lot of it is correct and bianca is crazy but something mightve actually been going on with her little brothers/it sounds like the whole family is crazy including mom and aunt and etc, especially since she said it runs in the family. coming to reddit to "expose" your niece who you knew when she was a little kid, and presenting the most demonized view of her instead of seeing it all as sad and unfortunate like normal adults would, makes her look very weird herself.

No. 2102917

this being said, the only way what she was saying makes sense is if bianca was molesting one of her siblings or something. that could be the case with the "criminal activity i wont talk about", because lying about them molesting her doesnt cut it

No. 2102921

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OP, realised she actually has two twitters, this is the up to date one:
NFSW warning as that's where she posts her nudes

No. 2102984

The Aunt was defending herself and the other 2 people (Bianca's ex bf of over a year and her former manager). Bianca claimed they were all telling lies and started trashing her family and her mom and aunt and the aunt was trying to set the record straight since she was tired of hearing the lies. Bianca had videos from years ago about how helpful her aunt was getting her "off the streets" (despite just staying with friends and never actually on the streets) and then one day flipped it and claimed her family was all terrible and trying to get pity points for being all alone with no family. Then tried to use her ancestry as clout when she decided on a whim she wants to be a vet (despite an extensive history of abusing animals) and claiming she can be a vet since her great, great uncle (that she never met) was a physicist who helped with the Manhattan Project.

No. 2102989

I used to see this chick on TikTok before she truly lost it. I always thought something was off plus she looks terrible now kek

No. 2103061

Not to defend Bianca because she is obviously a cow, but her aunt and ex boyfriend along with all the randoms on that snark page sound like the biggest cows themselves. The nitpicking is insane and a lot of them sound like weird fans

No. 2103062

They took her bellybutton from her too 🤣

No. 2103069

File: 1743074583435.jpg (69.49 KB, 1080x1081, she-has-started-working-on-her…)

Pic of her new coverup. I can't help thinking it looks AI-generated. All of this because she couldn't wait a year to go back to Paul.

No. 2103130

the ex boyfriend honestly reminded me of heather steele's husband. the "perfect angelic bf devoted to crazy demon gf until its too much" act, its too blatant for him to be as faultless as he claims, theyre probably both a mess

No. 2103143

The only problem with her having a thread on lolcow is that she can now anonymously defend herself (she tried to do it on burner reddit accounts on her snark page but it was super obvious it was Bianca.)

Seriously, what a waste. She was stunning before she crashed out. I thought she could have been a pinup model (without having to resort to porn). Always thought her relationship with her stepson was weird.

No. 2103162

>she tried to do it on burner reddit accounts on her snark page but it was super obvious it was Bianca
in which posts? Do you have screenshots? Do post them. Her ex confirmed she's obsessed with her own snark page but to be honest her snarkers are pretty crazy and they cowtip all the time. They even have a discord to hate on her. Really weird shit. What could she want to defend herself from that's posted here? It's all facts.

No. 2103163

File: 1743106209393.png (2.94 MB, 2482x1490, image (18).png)

These are pictures Bianca took of his phone/tablet before they broke up to prove he was abusive, in a long deleted tiktok. You can see and judge for yourself.

No. 2103164

For context Mel was his ex-gf and allegedly Bianca forbade him from contacting her when she delevoped cancer.

No. 2103171

I'm sorry, she posted this to prove he was abusive? He's claiming she looks through his phone, so she proves him wrong by… looking through his iPad? And posting it publicly, with the other person's number uncensored? What the fuck. She's crazy crazy if she thinks this makes her look like anything but a controlling bitch.

No. 2103176

Yessssss thank you OP! This thread was much needed. Bianca is an absolute fucking mess!

No. 2103177

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This side by side she posted the other week was jarring to say the least. Putting aside the life ruining tattoos, just her face in general looks so puffy and aged now compared to older video. All that filler is giving this Renée Zellweger squint, whereas in the old video even when she’s making silly faces she still has life in her eyes and her eyes don't become slits. There’s no way she saw this and thought she looks better now.

No. 2103178

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Here's her entire unhinged rant, where she rails against her ex as well as her manager Kolbie. File is too big for LC so here:
https://www.reddit.com/r/pinuppixiesnark/comments/1e7s3dw/re_her_most_recent_post/(this is an imageboard)

No. 2103182

File: 1743112948543.jpg (204.06 KB, 1200x929, 50d2ed1c5aeea8ca.jpg)

Absolutely tragic, she doesn't even look like the same person. The size of her implants is just disproportionate, it makes her look fat when she's actually pretty thin. She had such a classical elegant beauty but now looks like she could be her own mom.

No. 2103243

who gets biomech in 2025? literally the worst tattoo style of all time. even worse than white people tribal.

No. 2103358

File: 1743169420989.png (3.45 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_2211.png)

and here we have bianca showing off the 5 bikes she bought during a manic pick-me phase where she was trying to impress lanky white biker dudes a couple months ago. both men she bought these to impress have since left her and now she claims she’s given the others to family to ride cause she lacks any friends or social life nowadays. except no one, even family, chooses to go ride with her cause she insists on driving them half naked with her tits out and films tiktoks while riding.

No. 2103377

File: 1743171812194.jpeg (164.59 KB, 840x2289, pot-called-the-kettle-black-v0…)

Looking botched as fuck

No. 2103400

She looks really beautiful here. Idk what she did to her face but it looks so much longer now??? Like she really messed with the symmetry of her features and now just looks uncanny and long when she had quite delicate small features and face.

Also the vintage style and biomech tats feel really at odds with one another visually. Maybe if it was steampunk style mechanics it might work. It would be cringe but it might work better.

No. 2103459

Watch out, she's not like other girls!

No. 2103483

How does she make so much money to afford this shit? OF cant be paying that much.

No. 2103495

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