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No. 1695895

>What is Breadtube and the leftist sphere?
A new leftist movement aiming to address, fight, and destroy the growing presence of fascism in the USA. AKA, breadtube is keyboard warriors making response videos to anti-SJW’s and the leftist sphere is a place that preaches diversity while all their biggest players are White, TIMs or upper class minroties

>General summary of their beliefs

- They are not liberals. Liberals believe first and foremost on changing the system from the inside while Leftists want to destroy it.
-They have slap fights over the intricacies of their political beliefs every other wednesday. The only thing uniting them is a vague dislike of capitalism.

>Breadtube: The big players only. Other online personalities exist, but these are the ones pulling the shots.

Famous 'Breadtubers' include Contrapoints, Philosophy Tube, Hbomberguy, Xiran Jay Zhao and Shaun.

>recap from the previous thread

>Vaush being his usual misogynist self >>1372915
>Hontra severely misunderstands the russian and chinese revolutions >>1373800
>to the surprise of nobody Vaush turns out to be a rich kid >>1394444
>Lindsay Ellis quit YouTube >>1403035 >>1403168
>Philosophytroon got FFS >>1425011
>Shawn made a nearly 2 hour long video about how harry potter was neo-liberal fascist literature
>Mina Le is doing Magazine shoots now >>1588039
>Jenny Nicholson defends troons >>1587043
>xiran jay zhao's self insert fic is being made into a film >>1655560
>Sarah Z is engaged now >>1681984

No. 1695913

Xiran's most hypocritical act is still taking money from relatives back in China while claiming to hate the govt and saying she does not stand with them. Why still using the dirty money then? That should be revealed and known to her stupid simps and followers. All while pretending to be the Token AsianTM and just posturing for attention and clout. Jackass.

No. 1695917

not a fan of her but when did she ever claim she was against her family, she casually mentioned that her granddad was a member of the CCP like it wasn't a big deal

No. 1696051

Kek the Darling in the FranXX movie nobody asked for, but woke

No. 1696161

gross we don't need more pedobait

No. 1696254

>be son of Hollywood execs
>surrounded by hotness and popularity your entire life
>you are a revolting ginger manosphere

Man, the amount of resentment Vaush must have probably rivals that of Elliott Rodger.

No. 1697183

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we can't say what his parents were like, but they sure as hell didn't deserve to have a child like vaush

No. 1697194

all these breadtubers come from privileged background tbh. They have no reason to be as gross, useless and degenerate as they are but they always are. Should be a study on it. Haasan looks like a handsome stick of meatloaf, and a degn weirdo. It's almost as if all the white guys get bored with their lives and want to fuck it up or make themselves victims.

No. 1697197

Lindsay Ellis is the only breadtuber I can think off that came from a working class background(but she disavowed her entire family for being republicans)

No. 1697211

Wow, those are his parents? They look so well-groomed and normie in comparison, wonder where he went wrong.

No. 1697217

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I mean you can definitely see that vaush does share a similar features to his parents, but he's what happens when you don't leave the basement for years, play vidya 24/7, cooming non-stop, not exercising and just behave like a living degenerate parasite
picrel is his when he was in his 40's and vaush right now(not even 30)

No. 1697243

Don't they have a daughter too? Hopefully she's more well-adjusted, though compared to Vaush mostly anyone would be

No. 1697251

It’s possible they did nothing wrong. Being a boymom/dad is a crapshoot due to moid dysfunction. I feel like lots of stable normie American families have a token unwashed autistic basement-dwelling son, and no one is sure if he’ll become a terminally online streamer or just shoot up a local school. You’re either getting Vaush or Elliot Rogers.

No. 1697260

this is a thing that seems more common if your online but IRL its rare, vast majority of people would disown someone like Vaush if he was their son, my dad kicked out my brother when he living us cause it was considered shameful for a man to live with his family, he was like 21

No. 1697304

I completely disagree, this is more common irl than you think because of boymom mentality. Also in some cultures children tend to stay in the house until they get married which could mean they live with their parents forever.

No. 1697496

do you have a source to back up that, I swear your using the logic of tronns, like many big families will have that one loser relative everyone knows about but your making it sound it like every other family has a NEET child living them

No. 1697758

Failsons are extremely common across Asia. There are more Asians than there are other people, so yeah most families have these types.

No. 1698715

>prioritize sons over daughters to the point of selectively aborting or killing the latter in infancy because of muh legacy
>end up with failson parasite

No. 1699026

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he thinks he's smarter then other people because he has a bachelor's in sociology and uses that as some kind of inherent merit regardless what the subject he's debating is, he's not even like independently learning about actual political works, but literally thinks that his one single bachelor's in sociology is what gives him more authority, It's really weird that someone would brag about having a bachelor's because to most people it's the basic bitch degree, anyone who isn't a complete retard can earn a bachelor´s.

Anyway, the guy is just a weirdo. Even setting the implied pedo shit aside, he alleges to be a Marxist who does the stereotyping spiel about how hoarding wealth for minimal effort is bad, while he himself keeps raking in patreon money for not really doing anything. He's very extractive himself, so it's just really weird to see him spout this communist revolution nonsense, considering he's exactly the type of person who would suffer after a communist revolution. What do people like that think they would be doing under a communist government? Because what they do now, would at best be seen as an irrelevance not worth compensation, and at worst so dangerous it would earn them political imprisonment.
Anyone who has watched this guy in a debate knows he can't argue for shit if the opponent isn't a total retard, like he got fucking owned by Stefan Molyneux of all people


No. 1699037

i can confirm the communists would send him to mine uranium

No. 1699060

Every time Vaush is mentioned, this video comes to mind and my rage is quelled by my laughter…then quickly replaced with disgust. He's a degenerate in every sense of the word.

No. 1699085

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The resemblance is uncanny

No. 1699153

What's with commies and horses? Cenk Uygur famously wants to "pleasure a horse".

No. 1699154

Cenk is a woke neoliberal, why would you ever think he’s a communist?

No. 1699203

It's the male autism.

No. 1699579

Hasan went to German brothels to watch trafficked girls have sex with animals.

No. 1699613

source ?

No. 1699620

No. 1699678

Your "source" comes from an unhinged bible-thumping mommy blogger and doesn't mention what you are claiming whatsoever. Cool story though.

No. 1699978

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>Jenny Nicholson attends theme park
holy shit, how did you call that?

No. 1700004

nta, and not sure what podcast episode it was but he has spoken about using prostitutes in germany on the ethan klein leftovers podcast, I remember feeling sick after hearing how he said it, sorry no direct quote but its out there

No. 1700007

samefag, not sure about the animal thing but the girls were almost certainly trafficked if its germany

No. 1700040

I dunno anon, his uncle Cenk is pretty open about wanting to pleasure horses.

No. 1700043

>The notorious incel is woke and neoliberal
>Commies in charge of knowing what words mean

No. 1700182

She was also in Efteling and other european themeparks earlier this year

No. 1700230

Next I predict Jenny will be in a themed costume next video

No. 1701610

if only jenny didn't support future statistics maybe she would be a better youtuber.

No. 1701786

i was watching jennys lasted video and heard an unmistakable male troon falsetto in one of her clips where she was in a hotel room kek. im assuming it's her brother?

No. 1701813

It doesn't intrude into her videos so I'm fine with it. Her twitter though can fuck off. Twitter is like getting an upclose look at all your favorite content creators in unflattering angles.

No. 1701968

Pretty sure it's contra

No. 1702343

Her brother was in the video tho if I’m not wrong.

No. 1702489

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>tfw the next video she does is about the holocaust
oh no…

No. 1702518

>Woke neoliberal
He’s an OG Obamafag, yes he’s a woke neoliberal, if nothing else he isn’t a communist you absolute retard, Cenk is literally an open anti-communist

No. 1702584

I'm sure the Anne Frank costume will be lovely

No. 1702775

Hbomberguy made an video supposedly about the Roblox 'Oof!' sound effect, but in actual fact it's just a way for him to dunk on this (admittedly pretty funny) dude who makes outrageous claims about himself for being a fake and a fraud for about an hour.

It is immediately undercut by the fact that Hbomberguy is pro-trans, though. Because, by his logic, who's to say this Tommy Tallarico guy DIDN'T single-handedly create the 'Oof!' sound? Who's to say he WASN'T the first American to work on a Sonic game? Who's to say he DIDN'T appear on MTV Cribs? I mean, he SAID he did those things, he IDENTIFIED as having done those things, words and facts apparently don't matter anymore, it's not like it's hurting anyone, right Harris?

No. 1702777

Tommy Tallarico is much more likeable than Hbomberguy and I like his tacky Spiderman house.

No. 1702808

He's falling over himself to deboooonk all his lies and misinformation, but if Tommy Tallarico announced tomorrow he was actually Tonya Tallarico this soyboy would instantly believe him without question.(lrn2sage)

No. 1702824

The devs from roblox covered for a child sex offender so i hope they get sued to death

No. 1702845

This video is like 3 hours long btw.

No. 1702923

>3hrs long
I still have no idea why breatubers have to stretch at most, a 15-20 minute video saying the most basic shit: "This guy is a liar a bloo bloo"

The sheer fucking autism on display.

No. 1702959

Enagement/alogrithm reasons.
But I think that it ended up that way because people are putting these sorts of videos on as background noise while they do something else. In that case, a long runtime is a draw because you don't want to be stopping the thing that you're actually doing to pick a new background video every 10 minutes. That the content is padded to hell also doesn't matter, the videos don't need to be engaging in the same way a movie would be, in fact it's better if they're mindless and make simple repetitive points as to not be too distracting from your real task, and so if you weren't paying attention for a while you can still follow the jist of the video.

No. 1703041

and i enjoyed every minute of it. i love long video essays, i'd take a 3 hour video over a 10 minute cash grab with a 2 minute ad read any day.

No. 1703081

same, she may be a TRA, but i have a parasocial relationship with her. she for the most part doesn't talk too much so i can forget her opinions for the sake of her good content

No. 1703113

This video had nothing to do with trans people, what are you on about?

No. 1703316

Jenny's kinda warranted though. It was supposed to be a 30 minute vlog with brief history but due to legal troubles and the absolute state the park was in, it got bloated.

No. 1703394

still feel most breadtube vidoes could be cut in half, if they didn't focus on the pointless theatrics and insert unrelated tangents about their biased view of history

No. 1703559

Fraud? Excuse you, the proper term is 'trans success'.

No. 1704284

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I shouldn't he surprised coming from Vaush but like tf??? "Breeders" wow

No. 1704413

None of this will ever hold any weight coming from a fat polyamorous ginger neckbeard manosphere. Not even the most retarded right wing tradthots can top this level of cringe.

No. 1704462

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Accidentally posted this in the old thread. Contra liked this tweet. Thoughts?

No. 1704465

imagine being such a creep that other troons are afraid of you

No. 1704509

Reminder that Vaush would rather fuck a hideous moid LARPing as a woman over an actual woman
Reminder that his sexual degeneracy is the actual core of his political beliefs

Reminder that this fat faggot and his retarded fans center troons in their universe

No. 1704523

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Hbomberguy is clearly transitioning into a boiled egg.

Also how the fuck was this worth his biannual re-emergence? The more people hand over patreon bucks for these people to sit around stoned for months on end, the worse their work becomes.

No. 1704526

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Lmao, Reddit leftoids shitting on the obese pedophilic manchild Vaush for, among other things, “transphobia”
Why would Reddit anarcho-troons lie this way? Vaush is one of the notable troon lovers of reddit, more willing to fuck a dude with tits than his actual mommy mcbangmaid gf who takes care of all his needs, his stream constantly panders to and defends troons, why are these fags trying to eat their own?

Better yet, why are troons becoming like a blackhole the anticapitalist left puts at the center of their universe despite troons being living embodiments of neoliberal hyperindividualism?

No. 1704547

i remember he used to be cute, damn what happened. Men really headbutt into the wall dont they.

No. 1704561

lol no it's her sister aka tim brother

No. 1704696

holy fuck lmao he was never a looker but this is insane. Insufferable or fat and ugly, pick a struggle, man. This is too much.

No. 1704820

omg nooooooooo

No. 1704825

The video topic was just dunking on this guys embarrassing online history, nothing troon related as such. I did however think about the whole "the right to be forgotten"-thing troons want to manifest in order to scrub archiving tools and sites like the waybackmachine. But without internet archives, this video couldn't have been made - and you'd have to assume that guy in the video is truthful about his past.

No. 1705052

i know people joke about the "COVID-20" but it's been kind of horrifying to see how many people have ballooned.

No. 1705292

>Reminder that Vaush would rather fuck a hideous moid LARPing as a woman over an actual woman
I believe it but did he ever say this

No. 1705333

i actually liked the video (at the very least it was interesting enough to put on in the bg) but yeah wow i would've preferred it if he wasn't in frame with his unfortunate egg looking head and disgusting lab coat all the time. women on yt get hate comments and death threars for daring not to be 100% conventionally attractive but these moids are allowed to just walk around looking like they've escaped their tard wrangler on the day trip to the petting zoo

No. 1705340

did it need to be 3hrs long though ?

No. 1706886

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potentially old or not as milky as I think it is, but I stumbled upon these comments of Sarah Z under this youtuber named Ella Grant.

For those who don't know, here's a little ella grant recap:
>Troon wannabe tradthot who likes to make conservative "anti-sjw" content
>friends with the likes of robby white (blaire), Kalvin Garrah and "Miss London"
>Made a "women can't take criticism" gamergate video
>assumes a "vintage" aesthetic as an appeal to traditional values, and genuinely talks about how he's "not like other trannies"
>attended the women's march and mocked women there for fighting for reproductive healthcare.

Sarah Z has been following him for awhile, and even makes positive comments under videos that are blatantly anti-leftist. Here's a snip of some of her comments that I could find. The Sarah's comments are mild but in the videos themselves, Grant will literally be casually making fun of "SJWs" aka the very people Sarah surrounds herself with. Both Sarah Z and Grant were mutuals on twitter but Sarah's twitter is gone now so there's no proof for now.

This grant person hasn't been active for awhile and made a "im sowwy i changed my political ways" goodbye video last year, but Sarah's comments range from 1-4 years, which isn't that long ago to claim that she had some kind of anti-sjw phase or something.

No. 1706889

sorry for the shit pic. here's an embed of grant's channel, sarah commented under this video.

No. 1706951

Implying he has anything to choose from (assuming unpaid basis) except hideous larping men. He's even more revolting than Peter Coffin, and that's saying something.

Mid leftoid pickmes will sometimes pretend to simp for him but none of them would actually fuck him.

No. 1706997

>why are troons becoming like a blackhole the anticapitalist left puts at the center of their universe despite troons being living embodiments of neoliberal hyperindividualism?
That's the multibillion dollar question. Is it a case of any movement being too trans friendly being naturally innundated and taken over? Or something deliberate? Either way, the MLs were right; it's a big bourgeois circus to distract from anything important.

No. 1707107

>Embodiment of neoliberal hyperindividualism

loved the way you put this nonna. The essentialization of our BODIES to be sculpted into what we "think" we should be is the most late stage dystopian future outcome i can possibly think of. In fact, being anti-surgery and self mutilation fits in perfectly with their own arguments of "gender and sex are constructs." If gender and sex are constructs, then why would you physically connect those concepts by altering your perfectly healthy body?? isn't that what the so-called binary does?

if being a girl doesn't mean having tits and a vagina than why are you desperately trying to tie them together??

No. 1707239

Sarah Z has truly become the queen of the trannyloving pickmes. Shes surpassed even her mentor lindsay ellis in enthusiastic shenis sucking. Always happy and eager to throw women under the bus for a few gross headpats from troons. This comes as no suprise. Sarah Z is the type of uber-misogynistic man worshipper that it doesnt even matter what politics the tranny in question has, he WILL be coddled and validated no matter what

No. 1707343

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rare based take coming from big joel

No. 1707389

Reposting from the MTF thread
>Phallosophy Troon tries to get hormones from the NHS that he could easily get from a private healthcare service.
>He gets frustrated because they have no resources and the waiting lists are too long in the middle of Covid.
>Acts like a massive douchebag to NHS workers.
>Calls his minions and throws a massive tantrum he calls a protest.
>Demands that trans people be given everything for free immediately, no questions asked, or they will literally drop dead on the spot.
>Says dysphoria is fake (absolutely) and normal people also have it.
>Terrible acting, fake tears, over the top narcissism, horrible falsetto voice.

No. 1707399

I can't ever watcha a single one of his vidoes, his voice is just too fucking grating

No. 1707423

That conclusion just from winning a fucking soccer match kek. Took you more than 30 years to achieve what Cameroon did in the 90s, but let's see where that win will take you.

No. 1707585

someone explain how the hell a below mediocre sci-fi fantasy work like Iron widow is getting a cinematic adaption by the same people who did the hunger games, and like only the first book was released

No. 1707587

The author has rich parents with connects.

No. 1707632

I am aware of that, but they are rich chinese in Canada, even if your rich no studio would ever risk an actual big budget film on one mediocre book

No. 1707738

>no studio would ever risk an actual big budget film on one mediocre book
I have bad news about The Hunger Games, Divergent, Twilight, etc etc etc.

No. 1707871


There's something to be said for how much trans stuff is like a beard for closet conservatives. You can get away with so much shit because people assume if you buy into the fringe of the fringe you must be unimpeachable on all the mundane stuff.

Like you got willy wonka taking shots at socialized medicine because it actually managed to prioritize people with real problems over a deluded aristocrat and somehow this is supposed to be progressive.

No. 1708685

Hunger Games and Twilight were a phenomenon. It would be stupid of a studio to not jump on it. Divergent was grabbed because they wanted to absorb as many YA dystopian IPs as possible.

No one is jumping out of the streets, making fan art, or any kind of anything over Iron Widow

No. 1708884

But was there a phenomenon before the books got adapted? I remember the only reason I heard of those books were because of the movies

No. 1709537

>names books that had record breaking sales and popularity way before the movie adaptations
plz think nonna. a bad book can be popular. but i doubt hers will be either of those lol

No. 1709582

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isn’t she that one that said china and japan were totally lgbt friendly for diddling kids before those pesky prude colonizers came along? i can’t imagine what amazing takes and spins on history she put in her book

No. 1709663

i swear to god she had her own thread but i can't find it now.

No. 1709924

Isn't this that chick who made long sperg videos about how shit Mulan was?

No. 1710090

tbf everyone agree that 2020 version of Mulan was shit, she just pointed out its historical and cultural inaccuracies

No. 1710105

It was for me. People talked about those books all over the BBS forums I went to

No. 1711030

She has that painfully autistic cadence to her voice.

No. 1711159

Looked up a video of her talking and holy shit you were not exaggerating.

No. 1711203

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I think she overcompensates(probably was made fun off for her having an accent when was young) but yeah she does also seem autistic

No. 1711330

I didn't say it was good, I hate that they bastardised it. I said she sperged about it because the video was legit 40 minutes.

No. 1711451

Wow she's ugly. She kinda looks like that LFJ troon.

No. 1711455

I didn't want to say it but yeah, her voice and face is why I think she went non binary. You know ugly motherfuckers love to do that.
Though she's unmistakably a woman and doesn't even attempt to dress androgynous or colorful (as the non binaries like to do).

No. 1711463

i keep getting this on my youtube homepage despite never engaging with him ugh.
he's right that the nhs healthcare system is broken but thats not bc it isn't bending itself over to cater to trannies.
this is a man who could easily afford private healthcare, there's plenty of people with genuine life threatening health problems that aren't so lucky and rely on the nhs… but ofc people only care bc hes talking about his tranny problems

No. 1711510

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>Though she's unmistakably a woman and doesn't even attempt to dress androgynous or colorful (as the non binaries like to do).
what do you, she's on the entire spectrum

No. 1711515

Ah yes, the four genders: woman, woman, woman, and short-haired woman.

No. 1711577

I really don't think he looks that bad? I'm probably biased because I like his videos, but it was pretty clear he was balding and just fully committed to it

No. 1711859

I think she was in the previous breadtube thread OP. I remember someone in /pt/ suggestion thread making a booktube/authortube/general writing book drama thread a while back. I hope it gets made because a lot of those people in that community are milky as fuck

No. 1712219

Oh the video is even worse than that, anyone who sits through the marathon of narc cringe and second rate acting is rewarded with being told that the solution isn't to merely improve funding and resourcing so people don't have to wait so long (which would benefit everyone) but to let trans people skip diagnosis and just order in the treatments they want. He admits that trans people lie to get what they want, especially about gender dysphoria and that's the doctors' fault, so just hand over the hormones and slice 'em up on demand, on taxpayer money.

That's sandwiched in after a long time of unnecessary detail on how many emails he sent to his doctor, and a humblebrag at the end about his play, so lots of the comments are by people getting only halfway and assuming their bourgeois fave is arguing for better funding and resourcing, talking about their legitimate health problems, not realising that Oliver has no interest in fixing that for him. He makes the claim that cis people can just access whatever treatments they want on demand, as if we all don't wait forever for diagnoses and referrals.

With the influence he's building up he is poised to do real damage to the NHS if people support him without paying attention to what he is actually about.

No. 1712258

I think Divergent got lucky amongst the three, but I remember Twilight and Hunger Games being beasts in popularity even before the movies. So many fanart and fanfction, discourse about the actors when they were cast, etc. I have only seen high schooler spergs (Oh my god guys this is an awesum book with polyam and a nonbinary Chinese author so cool) and some bad reviews about Iron Widow. Nothing that isn't some virtue signalling bs, nothing that is actually passionate. There is no fandom, this is just a very weird move by the studio.

No. 1712487

Get out of here Harris

No. 1712675

Wasn't her book by her own admission a rewriting of Darling in the Franxx but with woke themes? There was actually some attempt at cancelling her on Tumblr a couple months ago, apparently of some fic she wrote long ago(can't seem to find it) and because she used the very common trope in Chinese pop culture of Mongols as violent barbarians, which is imo hilarious for someone who lectures white people about their usage of racist cultural tropes.

No. 1712711

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one thing that you all might not seem to grasp is the fact that all these series mentioned were written and released before YA twitter and booktok were a thing, while Iron WIdow might be medicore at best, Xiran's large social media presence allowed her book to chart high on bestselling lists(she actually wrote a twitter thread about how her twitter presence is what drove the success of her novel)

this is a long essay detailed about this phenomena, where not just the fans but the authors themselves seek to pull the others down in the hope that they or their favorite author rises, just posting what I feel are some of the most essential parts

>First, the YA publishing industry made its target audience—its readers, its bloggers, its BookTubers and Bookstagrammers—part of its professional network. Although genres like romance had long-standing industry associations such as the Romance Writers of America to highlight and promote the genre, and speculative fiction had strong websites and fan awards that fans could rely on for industry news, YA had no such thing. In lieu of trade organizations and long-established magazines, publicists began to use Twitter to reach out to YA’s target audience directly—to everyone from experienced bloggers with established readerships to brand-new sites with only a few posts and regular readers. In doing so, they invited readers into industry conversations as equals, despite how little these readers actually knew about the inner workings of publishing.

>Second, the YA publishing industry decided that Twitter was an essential platform for YA writers. Put simply, YA authors needed to be active on Twitter. Publicists did not have the budget to market most YA books on a huge scale, so instead, they marketed access to YA authors: Meet your favorite YA authors at a convention! Meet them at a book festival! But most importantly, follow them on Twitter, where you can read everything about their new book and everything they’ve ever thought and buy buy buy buy buy.

>The term “parasocial relationship” gets thrown around a lot lately.

>These days, as social media has become so prevalent, the definition of parasocial relationships has expanded—and so do the number of figures it applies to. As Sadhbh O'Sullivan writes:
>“The potential to form parasocial relationships is in the DNA of sites like Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. You become a ‘follower’ or a ‘subscriber’ of someone who then shares their thoughts and talks apparently directly to you as an individual ("hey guys!"). You can even reply, with the possibility of your reply being reciprocated (though it likely won’t be). You are given access to people like never before and the number of personalities you can look up to and engage with is endless. In fact, everyone who uses social media is somewhat encouraged to behave as a public figure. Unless you limit your followers, you present yourself and speak to an invisible audience, who you won’t always know or engage with directly.”

>The Misshelved logo, a green bookcase in the shape of an M with yellow and green books on it, as well as a dragon and a plant.Because social media inherently supports the development of parasocial relationships, it’s not surprising that Twitter users often find themselves navigating them. Within the publishing industry, the “performer” with whom the average reader interacts is usually an author, editor or literary agent.

>Unlike in the 1950s, when parasocial relationships were first defined, the average audience member now has regular access to the performers—and unlike in the early days of the internet, their interactions do not take place in closed forums. Twitter is not a small community with well-established social rules, whether explicitly stated or implicitly understood. It “has morphed into not only one of the largest social media platforms, but an outlet for bots, cyber abuse [and] breaking news” to which anybody and everybody has access—and where everything feels personal.
>This leads to frequent context collapse, Context collapse is what happens when the scale of interaction shifts to “the infinite audience possible online as opposed to the limited groups a person normally interacts with face to face. In a limited group, a person is constantly adjusting their tone and presentation of self to fit into the social context. In a situation of context collapse, this becomes impossible.”
>Individual users cannot be responsible for predicting how every single person will react to, interpret and interact with their social media posts. They cannot telepathically know what is unfolding at all times. They can only do their best, within the limits of human capability. But because of the scale of social media, and because of context collapse, tweets often reach people who do not understand their social presentation—no matter how well-intentioned.
>This isn’t to say that involving readers in professional industry conversations doesn’t lead to positive outcomes and social good, nor is it to say that Twitter hasn’t been the catalyst to some of publishing’s most revolutionary moves. We Need Diverse Books, for instance, began on Twitter in 2014 as a push for more inclusive representation in children’s and YA literature. Since then, it has become a grassroots movement and a nonprofit organization that funds grants for marginalized writers, publishing internships and literary awards.
>But Twitter’s algorithm does not reward the good—at least, not anymore. It does not boost nuance. Twitter taps into our natural reward-based learning process by elevating topics that receive the most retweets and responses … and the algorithm values posts that generate that response the fastest. As Matthew Shaer put it, “Joy moves faster than sadness or disgust, but nothing is speedier than rage.”

>What does bookish rage look like?

>Culturally, we hold books in a separate, almost sacred space, apart from other forms of mass media. We believe that reading is good for us: It builds empathy, helps us overcome “compassion fatigue” and positively rewires the brain. Beyond that, people elevate books, viewing them as something to honor, something to value. The bookselling industry believes this so intensely that it undervalues its workers. Librarians suffer the same fate. Bloggers and Bookstagrammers and BookTubers are treated like they’re doing something noble in their attempts to highlight the works of literature they feel most passionate about—or, at least, that’s how it feels.
>Parasocial relationships combined with the above ideology mean that every interaction on Twitter can feel personal, to the extent that any discomfort or disagreement feels like an attack on the recipient.
>Now add in the permanent-record status of the internet. Once you say something online—no matter what it is—it exists forever. Even if you have made a mistake and apologized for it. Even if your opinion has changed. Even if you have learned better.
>The end result of all this is that YA publishing professionals must enact performances of perfection online: They must be constantly accessible (as demanded by the needs of their own marketing), while responding to everything that is happening all of the time (as demanded by their audience).
>At first, the algorithm and community interaction feels good. Users rally around stories and get excited for new ideas. Books that editors and authors worked hard on sometimes get buzzed about in a way that feels immediately validating—hey, maybe this is why marketing expects them to be on Twitter! Public performances of allyship receive warm responses.
>But it’s not teenagers, the target demographic of young adult literature, that authors and editors hear from on Twitter. There are very few teens involved in these conversations. It is adults. It is booksellers trying to keep up with their favorite authors, and librarians coming up with storytime ideas, and adult readers who understand the boundaries of social media and just want to make sure they don’t miss a new release from their favorite writers.
>They're also hearing from the reader who plucks single lines out of context and declares that they're offensive, then demands that the author agree that they're offensive, then further demands that they be changed in future printings, even if the point of the line in context is that a character is saying something the reader is supposed to disagree with. They’re hearing from the person who reviews 50 books a year on Goodreads and has some strong opinions on how most bisexual representation is problematic if the couple isn’t in a sapphic or gay relationship. From the blogger whose website is only a few months old and who, despite being a person of color themselves, dimisses authors of color because they write for white people, not “authentically.”
>This scrutiny and demand for perfection is infinitely higher for marginalized authors, who are often the target of the most critical segments of their own reader communities. Black authors must be perfect representations of Blackness despite the wide range of Black experiences. Queer authors must be out of the closet, in a neatly labeled box, for their queer representation to even be considered acceptable.
>There is no greater example of this than the story of the #ownvoices hashtag, which was originally created by author Corinne Duyvis to allow readers to know whether a writer from a marginalized background was writing something that reflected their own experiences. The term had to be officially abandoned by We Need Diverse Books five years after its creation because of how intensely the notion of perfect representation had been weaponized—both by readers who didn’t consider representations authentic enough to earn the label, and by readers who dismissed as problematic any representation that wasn’t explicitly labeled ownvoices by its author.
>Relying on Twitter to shape a culture like YA publishing inevitably leads to a moment where the most vulnerable participants in that industry will break. Either they become part of the rage machine, or the rage machine turns on them.

>So what happens to publishing professionals when readers are invited to shape their industry as if they know everything happening behind the scenes? What happens when access to editors or authors is marketed alongside the books they work on? What happens when access to these people occurs on a platform that rewards rage?

>They break.
>Within the YA community online, what unfolds is intensified by the nature of the virtual space that community carved out for itself, a space where parasocial relationships are treated with respect, where adult readers are invited into professional spaces, and where authors and other industry professionals must interact with those readers as mandated by the expectations of the age category.
>There is the minor impact, which affects what books we see: Since Twitter is the water cooler of the publishing industry, the adults who converse there affect what gets published just as much as actual sales figures do. The illusion of buzz sinks into the minds of editors and marketers, which is part of why YA books are now so heavily marketed to adults, because adults are the ones creating the buzz. Adults are who editors see tweet about the books they most want to read or see published. The zeitgeist of YA is shaped not by the teenagers it is intended for, but the adults who claim it for themselves.
>Then there is the major impact, which heavily affects the minds of those working in YA publishing. Because non-professional adult readers have been invited into the space, within the YA conversation, all opinions hold equal weight. All criticism is valid. All accusations are held to be factual. No matter what they are.
>Author Kacen Callender wrote a brilliant examination of the dehumanization of authors on social media as part of their decision to step back from the more public elements of their role. I recommend reading the whole piece. In it, they observe that “there’s an idea that authors and novelists have power and platforms, but there’s a key narrative being overlooked in the relationship between novelist and reader: authors depend on readers to buy our books for our livelihoods. There’s immediately a power dynamic placed between author and reader where we depend on pleasing the reader, many times to the point of our dehumanization.”
>This power dynamic isn’t inherent to the digital space. It depends on the popularity of the author, and the readers they interact with, and the communities through which they interact.
>Within the space of the YA community, however, it is almost certainly present.
>Momentary scandals that other segments of publishing would dismiss—if they even registered on their radars at all!—are taken seriously by YA professionals. There are a thousand varying examples of this. The two most popular, however, seem to be the “out-of-context quotation” and the “guilt by association.”
>In the first example, a line from a book is posted out of context and shared as a flattened reflection of a book’s worth or an author’s personal beliefs. The community expects that the line must be owned and apologized for, behaviors that validate the initial criticism of the book. Authors who don’t do this are accused of not caring or of not being involved in the conversation—even when, if read within context, the same line would firmly put the author on the same side as the readership in terms of what they believe is good.
>In the second example, somebody is criticized for problematic representation in their book. The conversation around it may start as fair and earnest, but it expands quickly, swallowing up everybody who has ever interacted with that author or that book. Other authors must have known and secretly approved of the representation, goes the logic in this example, and other editors who followed the offending author on Twitter must have seen the flaws in their work. Soon, demands for the associated figures to cut ties with the original author immediately and apologize themselves explode. If they don’t, the figures risk being cancelled themselves.

No. 1713078

Is this true? Cause Darling in the Franxx was one of the most overrated anime ever. Its literally the anime that made me give up on following any new series.

No. 1713089

Her mouth is so fucking gross, especially when she wears the red lipstick but even without. God damn.

No. 1713235


I'm not familiar with the new genre of fandoms so this was very insightful and bleak, thanks nonna. Still I find it funny she has no fanart at all. Nearly all of the drawings I see are commissions from her. Is there any type of media that doesn't have a doomed industry?

No. 1717017

File: 1670035131557.png (150.16 KB, 395x365, Screenshot 2022-12-02 16.30.08…)

>How to Make Your Dream Dress Without Stress
>give up your project like 60% of the way there because a bunch of poos-in-da-loos whine and scream about colonialism
The entire peacock dress thing ignited my rage and there is no where I can bitch about it

No. 1717069

literally who ?

No. 1717154

wait she quit making the peacock dress with all the beads? By that logic all historical fashion YT'ers would have to quit.

No. 1717463

I don't follow the historical costume community on YouTube so this is my first time hearing about the peacock dress drama and now I'm in a rabbithole. I can see both side of the issue but a lot of historic clothing from colonial countries has it's roots in colonialism and a lot of modern clothes is made by slave labour (and you could argue that that's an after effect of colonialism) so singling out that dress seems kinda… eh? Tbh this is a fascinating discussion even if it's old milk

No. 1717468

same anon but I just saw that the woman who criticized the recreation of the peacock dress has a saved playlist dedicated to Marie Antoinette recreations. How is Marie Antoinette and the French Royal families not a symbol of colonialism when the peacock dress is? Sorry for sperging about old milk but this hypocrisy slightly annoyed me

No. 1717586

File: 1670094317228.png (37.14 KB, 533x457, igotbingo.PNG)

The criticism on this project is insane. Picrel is the first link to come up when I searched her name and the dress. Outsourcing the embroidery is tonedeaf and cringe, but this kind of response is, well….
same, nonnie, same. Lost track of costube for a few years and apparently missed out on some major milk. I used to be in local historical costuming groups a decade ago and the community was chill and supportive, especially compared to now.

No. 1717619

Same anon, found a much better criticism and discussion on a reddit thread of all places. This case is such a train fire.

No. 1717868

im also just jumping into all of this and im so confused. So some Costubers went to haiti and did voluntourism shit? That's maybe one of the only valid complaints I can think of i guess. But aren't pretty much all historic fashion pieces originally made from materials gathered through colonialism?
I'm way more curious to know which agency/NPO they "volunteered" at, most of it is a scam to make tourists feel good about themselves.

No. 1718288

She meant the autism spectrum

No. 1718711

Not defending some of the craziness of all this, but we can admit a rich British woman using underpaid Indian women/children to hand bead an insane recreation of a dress that was originally made, with Indian slave labor, to celebrate British rule of India is a bit tone death. Especially when the dress is being made for charity. Generally when people make the Marie Antoinette dresses and shit they do it themselves and don't collect donations to do it. Like you can line a "problematic" dress but when people say they're using "original practices" they don't really mean this.
Plus the community is super against fast fashion because of the labor issues and harp about it constantly.

No. 1720046

Got recommended this out of nowhere and this one video is a condensation of everything wrong breadtube, its a nearly one hour vidoe essay about how chicken little(a mediocre children's film from the 2000's) is neoliberal and "breeder" propaganda, its filled with hyperbole and creating meaning out of throwaway random scenes
the review of the movie doesn't even start till 10 minutes have passed, after he's done explaining his incredibly skewed view of neoliberalism

No. 1721791

File: 1670467028786.png (193.95 KB, 636x360, CHICKEN LITTLE ALPHA.png)

Wow, this is a dogshit video. I actually tend to enjoy insipid media analysis along these lines, so long as there's some basis for what's being said, but man, this guy is super dishonest and/or fucking retarded.

The movie shows again and again and again how unfairly society treats these two characters, and this YouTuber interprets all that as the the movie saying that's how things should be. What an unbelievably retarded take.

I seriously am unsure if he actually thinks this or if he was just shitting out a video so he could get ad revenue. In some parts, he almost starts talking about the subject as if he does realize that the society in Chicken Little is being satirized, but he never explicitly states this. However, in the intro, conclusion, and title, he condemns the movie itself as having bad messaging. This video would've been tolerable if he used all the same examples but his thesis was instead "How Chicken Little Exposes The Failings of Our Neoliberal Society." In fact, I'm starting to think that something like that is what he originally had in mind, but he lazily reworked the video so that it would make better clickbait. (Maybe this is me being too generous, though, and he's actually just retarded.)

Some especially obvious satire that he seems to have missed or deliberately misinterpreted:

>gym coach divides students into two teams, "popular" and "unpopular," for a dodgeball game.

>"this is an example of how social conditioning is reinforced at a societal level. […] it's psychologically driven to teach these children that unwanted social traits are to be punished or eradicated.
Note: He never specifies that he's just commenting on the society in the movie. It's not clear from the quote, but in context, it is supposed to be supporting the idea that the movie is neoliberal propaganda.

>the town doesn't see the aliens because they all get distracted by a penny on the ground.

>"How much more obvious could the capitalist themes of this film get? Everyone in this town is so brainwashed that a goddamned penny on the ground is more important than a flying saucer!"
How much more obvious could it be that the movie is portraying the townspeople as stupid? This is not aspirational. Again, if this vid were about the satire of Chicken Little, this would be a fine example. But somehow, this is supposed to be neoliberal propaganda..?

>Ugly duck girl tells Chicken Little that he doesn't need his father's or society's validation, but nonetheless seems to wish that

>"[Beauty standard dogma] is not an isolated part of the film. It is integral to the plot. […] I just want you to know how messed up it is that this is included in the film at all!"
The point is that beauty standards are bad. At first, the Ugly Duck isn't valued because she isn't beautiful, and the movie makes it clear that she deserves more.

>chicken little and his duck gf save the day. a movie gets made where chicken little is a gigachad, the ugly duckling looks like jessica rabbit, and unmentioned fat autist pig friend is a superjock linebacker.

>"Everyone gets excited and claps as the movie version of Chicken Little saves the day. […] Chicken Little is finally celebrated and accepted for everything he did. What's the only lesson you could possibly learn from having watched this movie? 'Your life is only worth something if it is valuable to society as a whole.' Fuck this movie." [end video]
This reflects that even though society has accepted Chicken Little + friends, it still hasn't addressed any of the problems that led to them being ostracized in the first place. It's obviously trying to say that the Chicken Little society is bad. my fucking god.

It's a dogshit movie, but this criticism would be much more poignant if it was honestly engaged with. The movie's real message is that it's bad to ostracize people that are ugly, but at the same time, it constantly makes jokes at the expense of the ugly/fat/tiny(disabled-coded? lmao) people that they say should be accepted. There's also a tomboyish mean girl character that gets brain-damaged into being nice and likeable but also very feminine. Chicken Little's dad is written to be a fuckup, but is so much of one that he's completely unlikable. And it's probably because the movie does still have serious messaging failings that he decided to condemn the movie as a whole, but the movie absolutely does not endorse most the shit that he says it does.

Also, some more quotes that I found notable:

>"In a society that is collectively made up of conscious individuals, gender roles are as inherent as they are in nature. There's no alpha or omega, men are not inherently dominant and women are not inherently subservient."

I… what? This is textbook gender essentialism. If he didn't go on a random, obligatory girlcock-slurping tangent, he'd get torn apart for saying this. He goes on to explain that we don't need gender roles because we can use our conscious brains to ignore our biological disposition towards gendered behavior, revealing that he really doesn't understand the basics of feminist theory.

>"The acorn incident [where Chicken Little falsely claimed the sky was falling] was commercialized to condition the populace to discriminate against him."

No? There is never any intention ascribed to the movie having been made.

Huge sperg but jesus christ this video was awful. And I didn't touch anything besides the basic-bitch media analysis parts of it.

No. 1721799

I think this is a joke video kek. Not that funny, but still.

No. 1721855

File: 1670472634024.png (63.51 KB, 1237x536, nope.png)

It's not a joke. He makes a few jokes about how he's overanalyzing the movie, but it's just him using meta-irony to preemptively shield himself from potential criticism.

Here's some comments from people who don't think it's a joke that were also liked by the video creator.

No. 1722080

I found this https://gurugossiper.com/viewforum.php?f=885&sid=b5644a857c22b98a6eef0a738e67e3fd
and was glad I wasn't the only one having second thoughts about some 'famous' (??) costubers, the discussion over there is kinda repetitive but it's a nice place overall

No. 1722322

that's why its the perfect condensation of breadtube as a whole

No. 1726338

No discussion on the james somerton/nebula drama going on?

No. 1726626

Care to elaborate?

No. 1727058

Nah, it's fun when ppl are alreayd talking abt it.
But tl;dr, mid breadtuber wannabe james somerton after throwing shade at nebula for not replying to his emails, got confirmation he had basically been shadow banned for being annoying during a podcast with nebula ceo and lindsay ellis.
He then twitted, petty as hell, that he would start calling them out for not having exclusively queer content creators and also not featuring many poc's (he's white and gay fyi). Basically everyone on nebula is some shade of the lgbt rainbow, so said creators called him out on it, and his fanbase and another youtuber's started sending death threats to the other creator.
It's died down since then tho. Same old same old.

No. 1728480

so another case of liberal infighting

No. 1730751

Fat balding man who made a career our of over analyzing movies and called JK Rowling a fascist, claims that anyone whose against children seeing drag shows or kids being exposed to extreme sexual content is simply an extreme christian reactionary bigot
is the hill their willing to die on

No. 1733394

This is the worst breadtube video I have yet seen, to call it misinformation would be an understatement
The title of the video is "The Gay Body Image Crisis" by James Somerton, now seemingly its a video essay about gay people's body image issues, but in actuality its just bizarre venting against fit guys through ahistorical revisionism. Long post incoming. 1/2

So the main narrative presented throughout the essay is that physical fitness, exercise and bodybuilding were invented by the Nazis, based on antique statues and then bought to the US by gay soldiers, where it shaped first the gay sub culture and later became the mainstream image among the heteros. There are a few obvious problems with these statements.
Modern fitness training in the US started about a hundred years before the Nazis, In addition, the bronze era of bodybuilding, began with Sandow before the turn of the century: predating the WW2 and the Nazis, So Americans, gay or straight, hardly needed inspiration from the SS in regard to body image and exercise.
He also makes a claim that the BMI formula was specifically invited by white supremacist and used by Nazis to find an ideal solider bodytype, so again the BMI predates the Nazis and while the tables were developed after WW2, and they were based on mortality studies. The normal weight category was the one with the lowestmortality rate, not the one closest to a SS-Supersoldier

No. 1733395

The most absurd claim he makes is that he states Ernst Röhm(early member of the Nazi Party and leader of the SA the the early Nazi Party's militia) was killed because he was fat and hence didn't fit the image of the ideal man, while the party politics surrounding the so called Röhm coup are not even mentioned. Somerton leaves out the fact that one of Röhms greatest rivals, one who talked Hitler into killing him, was Hermann Göring – a man even just as fat as Röhm. Seriously, of course this was about power, not body image.

at the end of the video Somerton, based on this misleading historical narrative, try's to shame people for being into fit people because that's what "Hitler thought was perfect."
like the bodies in the clips he uses are not that uncommon in young men, that's the bodytype of most fit healthy young men that can be found in any race,
The whole bodypositivity, HEAS and fat acceptance movement was always ripe with body-shaming and open scorne of thinner people, that is nothing new. But the politicization of a certain body type, its identification with a political ideology, is. Do leftist need to gain fat in order to not cause offense in leftist spaces now?
like guess who also heavily idealized the muscular body in their propaganda,: The Soviets, as it indeed was associated with workers.

No. 1733416

Men using progressive language to try and increase their coom chances is extremley funny.

No. 1733435

>attractive people are nazis!!
Men's gymnastic-level coping at work again.

No. 1733441

How does this moid pull off sounding progressively whinier in each video he puts out? It would be impressive if it weren't so pathetic.
Also bless your US history autism, nonna. Your post was insightful and a delight to read, I'm excited to learn more about Sandow and the US's early foray into bodybuilding now!

No. 1733503

I wish I had the programming capabilities to spam his videos with this post

No. 1733522

>Invented by Nazis
He knows the Olympics originated in ancient Greece right?

No. 1733711

the length some men will go to justify being fatasses lol

No. 1733770

A lot of gay men are fat acceptance activists. People always ask, "Where are all the men in fat acceptance?" Here they are, these fat, usually effeminate, gay men who think that they are what "real" gay men look like. And of course, they are the only fat men who the libfems who rule the community will accept into their movement.

No. 1733834

why tf do these people make their videos so goddamn long, like you have no points that take up that much time ffs

No. 1733854

are you even a breadtuber if your video isn't at least 40 minutes of self-indulgence?

No. 1735206

Serious question: do breadtubers have any real power/influence outside of YT? I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem like they do…

No. 1735224

File: 1672546321700.jpg (25.78 KB, 640x640, e6cdee7a7103ba15bb741ed04d0ab0…)

>at the end of the video Somerton, based on this misleading historical narrative, try's to shame people for being into fit people because that's what "Hitler thought was perfect."
its even worse then that, he references his own body there and not the preferred bodies of potential partners and says "Why do you want me to look like the type of person, that Hitler thought was perfect." he's literally saying that if you tell him to lose weight, you are literally promoting fascism

No. 1735274

I'm assuming they're referring to straight men, which is hilarious since it's already acceptable for a straight man to be a lard filled manosphere. Of course gay men, like straight women, partake in HAES because it's actually not okay for them to be obese.

No. 1735366

But at least they can play victim about their obesity and be called "inspiring" for doing so.

No. 1735409

where the hell do you get off complaining about "body fascism" or whatever when gay men probably contain the highest amount of chubby chasers of any sexuality. unreal.

No. 1735443

I can only think of Contrapoints, Hbomberguy and Xiran. MAYBE Shaun so many people keep spamming his JKR videos.

Vaush and Hasan seem to have a cult following but also get mocked more than anything

No. 1735445

I watched the first five minutes and couldn't get through it, I'm not a fan of this guys video editing style. My gay friend saw the video and said that this guy is just full of it and just upset that he can't get the muscular guy of his dreams because he's fat and I feel like he's more than likely right even though I didn't watch the full video.

It's not different than the fat activist women who complain and moan about how the world is "fatphobic" but yet these women typically don't seek out and date men who are obese.

No. 1735449

Yeah they're more than likely talking straight men for sure and it's like, why would they? Straight fat men don't tend to rag on and on about their weight or if they do, they keep it to themselves. And I find the activists funny because if fat really is attractive like a lot of these people claim, how they a lot of them seldomly date equally fat (or bigger) men?

No. 1735469

don't forget philosophy tube

No. 1739986

Lady Emily who was SarahZ’s co writer has been getting big for some time. Curious as to what drama they’ll end up in.

No. 1740009

Is that the tranny?

No. 1740076

No. 1740091

Its funny because he thinks his Youtube channel completely lost views and was fucked by the algorithm as a scheme by Big Youtube to censor progressive content, like, maybe your fans stopped watching because you went from talking about movies to talking about society to just talking about troon shit and all with a stuck up, conceited attitude?

No. 1740097

I clicked on this video because i thought the video topic could be interesting. Maybe the danger hair and the length of the video should have been the red flags to me, but i dived in and made it about 20 minutes before i felt like i was in agony. He literally hits every beat you would expect for breadtube. He clearly seems to have no points and just wanted to talk about house hunting shows because of nostalgia. I do think there is something that could be said about how privileged the people on those shows tend to be and the fantasy the shows present to us, but he keeps babbling on about white privilege blah blah blah without making any real points. This video could easily be 10 minutes had it been made by somebody who wasn't up their own arse and wanted to actually teach people something. Oh and bonus points for him talking about wishing to be on a polyamous commune, as if stinky coomers could be arsed to put their incomes together to buy some fucking land and build their crusty fuck dungeon despite theoretically having the funds to do so when you think about it.

No. 1740107

honestly I expected the same thing based on the thumbnail alone

No. 1740123

This sounds exactly like another overlong breadtube vid by a different moid. They just follow the same formula now but offer no useful or interesting insight, until the patreon/ad reads get bloated enough to switch to a biannual upload schedule. None of them are even entertaining anymore.

No. 1740153

Kidology really did a great video about this, the fact breadtubers are intellectually lazy and are unwilling to ever try to appeal to the masses

No. 1740328

I can't believe a channel with that many subscribers actually talked about the problem with shutting down the arguments against gender identity politics. Kudos to her, such a shame some people are ironically shutting her arguments by calling her transphobic, even tho she took the most neutral approach possible and otherwise has progressive views in the rest of her videos.

No. 1740901

I was just to post about this, I was honestly surprised she was willing to talk about troons and how the mainstream obsession with caping for them and now ignoring wider issues

No. 1741275

Note the majority of people just leaving comments calling her "not a real leftist" "transphobes" and "right wing op" are men

No. 1744554

another popular Hour long video about how Harry Potter and JKR promote fascism and eugenics
I swear it seems every breadtuber now needs to come out with an hour long video about how JKR is bad. Who cares that much about what she thinks? She wrote one book that it all figures in, which she was rightly criticized for, but it has nothing to do with Harry Potter which is what she is actually known for. And then somehow this triggered deep dives to search for hidden problematic messages in HP, which I'm extremely skeptical of due to the fact no one noticed or cared beforehand, about how the books are allegedly antisemitic and racist and imperialist and whatever. And adults complaining about the lack of deep philosophical questions in books intended for children. Honestly at this point the anti-HP are just as bad as the people interpreting everything through the lens of HP. No normal person should consider JKR of such vital importance to real life.

No. 1744557

Don't care going to buy 4 copies of the game and leave amazing reviews. It's the smugness of these retards that nother me, they really fucking think they are going to stop Harry Potter or JK? Nope.

No. 1744805

File: 1673728306235.jpg (42.21 KB, 390x229, large.jpg)

Most children's books are fascist. Pat the Bunny promotes the agenda that only whites deserve touch. Why is Judy White? What are their pronouns? Did the bunny consent? In this 6 hours video essay we will explore the latent Nazi propaganda found in classic children's literature.

No. 1745109

Day 954 of waiting for any male "transphobe" to get the same level of backlash and boycott as Aunty Jo.

No. 1745270

This is great. I didn't agree with everything but if more of this happens maybe this could be a turning point? Or am I too optimistic?

No. 1745535

Still not on par with this Troon's 10 Hour overanalysis(and I mean overanalysis) on why every aspect of Harry Potter promotes fascism,
sexism, misogyny, racism, homophobia, british imperialism, queer erasure
Its legitimately mental illness

No. 1745540

I swear these troons are a special kind of narcs where they're obsessed with hearing themselves talk and why they can make 10 hr+ long videos just talking to a camera.

No. 1745566

YouTuber Quinn Curio did a video on Harry Potter about Rowling’s supposed failures while writing the Slytherin house. Not sure if anyone’s seen it, I like her other essays a lot personally.

No. 1745568

Holy shit, it's literally 10 hours. This should be illegal.

No. 1745569

On the topic of Breadtube creators, I finally got sick of Big Joel. Something about that guy rubs me the wrong way. He’s like the leftist male version of a pick me girl. I don’t think he’s like a sex pest or anything but the guy comes off like a massive weasel. Also not a fan of Shaun, Jen was pretty cool though and it’s a shame she left.

No. 1745572

Im surprised there hasn’t been an anti-breadtube type of youtube circle.

No. 1745584

He made a video trying to moralise 10+ men abandoning an entire classroom full of women to the hands of a mass murderer when they could’ve just tackled him down. He legit said “the worst thing about a man killing brilliant young women because he hates women is that men might have their feelings hurt.”
He will face the wall after a revolution that’s for sure

No. 1745768

No he didn't. He made his usual pretentious liberal arts overanalysis that took a twitter thread way too seriously as per usual, and his take was almost as bad as the tweets, but it was the twitter thread moralising about the Ecole Polytechnique shooting while misrepresenting what actually happened and he never "legit said" that.
>He will face the wall after a revolution that’s for sure
Go back.

No. 1745844

The only male breadtube creators I liked were guys like Micheal Brooks Edwards before he died, Three Arrows, and Kraut. The latter two largely focus on history and geopolitics and the former was decent on policy stuff and connecting with people on a personable level. The rest are either Big Joel or Shaun types who get high on huffing their own farts or weirdos like Vaush.

No. 1745845

I feel like there is a sort of misogyny that underscores the current TRA movement. It feels like a bunch of white trans women who used to be men realized they could hijack social justice and use it as a vehicle to place themselves at the top of the pyramid. I certainly don’t want to see any actual trans people get hurt but it’s so obnoxious watching trans issues practically suck all the oxygen out of the room. All this effort dedicated to like less than 0.01% of the world population.

No. 1745860

lrn2integrate, newfag

No. 1745884

He's a pretentious, amoral, faggot so I'm not surprised.

No. 1745900

It's because you're right, it's just mens rights 2.0, they have managed to shutdown and harass female only services and spaces making them unsafe for women because it's a way for women to escape the harassment of men and work on making women independent from men, which isn't what incels want, so they transition to force their way among women. It's why 4chans lgbt board is majority transgender posters, the incels transition. Though, as others have said, please learn to integrate if you plan to post here.

No. 1746021

As in Kraut and Tea? Is he breadtube now?

No. 1746058

No this guy, a very boring gemran youtuber(who I use as background noise), who uploads like once every 2 months and his video's are along the lines of 3 hour lectures about the lasting influences of Spanish colonialism in Mexico and how those influences set it apart from English colonial rule

No. 1746090

Jack Saint was also good before he had his weird mental breakdown, became nb and now appears to have grown to hate women like the rest of his ilk. His troon wife definitely influenced him as well in that regard and now they often team up to dish out the worst takes imaginable

No. 1746094

I've always wondered why such a detailed focus on that. Did he do his thesis on Spain and Mexico?

No. 1746109

is he married to a TIM or TIF/nb ?

No. 1746113

File: 1673884273003.jpg (223.79 KB, 1024x948, 1571669703353.jpg)

There's an Orwell passage that's too perfect not to share regarding breadtube

>The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting.

>To this you have got to add the ugly fact that most middle-class Socialists, while theoretically pining for a class-less society, cling like glue to their miserable fragments of social prestige. I remember my sensations of horror on first attending an I.L.P. branch meeting in London. (It might have been rather different in the North, where the bourgeoisie are less thickly scattered.) Are these mingy little beasts, I thought, the champions of the working class? For every person there, male and female, bore the worst stigmata of sniffish middle-class superiority. If a real working man, a miner dirty from the pit, for instance, had suddenly walked into their midst, they would have been embarrassed, angry, and disgusted; some, I should think, would have fled holding their noses.

No. 1746354

That's the same guy. https://youtube.fandom.com/wiki/Kraut
Used to stream with Sargon and those types, but had drama. Interesting if he's been pipelined to breadtube. The more extreme the conversion, the more suss they are to me.

No. 1747965

he isn't full breadtube though, he still seems to have some foot in reality, such as his debate with vaush regarding integrating Muslims with in Europe and pointing out the theological problems with Islam

No. 1748117

I watched the video for a couple hours in the background whilst I was playing video games and the majority of what he complained about were things the plot actively acknowledges are morally wrong or bad, like how Harry Potter was abused as a child by the Dursleys and how Hagrid is an incompetent teacher (which the movies admittedly gloss over a bit but it's brought up relentlessly in the books).

Harry Potter certainly has actual flaws, but this video is pretty much saying you can't depict any negativity in media ever lest you influence someone. It's very pearl-clutchy, which is ironically what they always accuse us of.

I actually like this video. I think it's worth saying that Slytherin continuing to exist without any meaningful change after Voldemort's death probably isn't ideal. It's like how people still supported Hitler after he died - people's opinions don't just magically change overnight. I know it's just a kids/YA novel but it's just food for thought.

Yup. I don't mind some of his videos and he has a decent take every so often but I find him so insufferable, especially on his Little Joel channel where he freaks the fuck out over every little thing.

Also Jen did a majority of Shaun's writing and research. That's why Shaun makes a video once every 6 months to a year now.

No. 1748136

>Also Jen did a majority of Shaun's writing and research. That's why Shaun makes a video once every 6 months to a year now.
Ah, is that why he also got more and more boring the longer after she left?
I'd love it if we found out Jen was a secret terf who left to get away from the tranny simping

No. 1748739

>still using a narrative that was discredited 30 years ago by historians in the US
Most Mexican historians both north and south of the border agree it wasn't Spanish colonialism that doomed Mexico but that the retarded insurgents essentially destroyed the world's greatest silver economy. This made Mexico have a shit economy until Porfirio Diaz and by that point, it was too late. This fucktard is clearly using Wikipedia when he should read something by Tutino, Van Young, Jaime Rodríguez, Fowler, or Breña.

No. 1748761

actually he only covers Mexican history to the 18th century in that particular video, he discuses 19th and 20th century history in two separate videos, in those he mentions the various parties involved which fucked up Mexico instead of blaming it one person of nebulous force
he puts his sources in the bottom

No. 1748779

I watch his videos regularly and he does make mistakes or hides key details (he likes to bring Haiti's oppression often but never talks of their genocides of whites and dominicans) but ya know, no history channel will ever be perfect. His autism for "history never repeats itself" is so bizarre though

No. 1748784

>history never repeats itself
What is that fag talking about history consistently repeats itself especially because we never learn from it?

No. 1749041

File: 1674241577609.png (542.83 KB, 1596x706, 01.png)

It's not really that difficult to be intellectually and morally superior then Vaush

No. 1749043

File: 1674241690169.webm (611.82 KB, 480x270, V1.webm)

No. 1749044

File: 1674241809704.webm (5.84 MB, 1920x1080, V2.webm)

No. 1749045

File: 1674241900947.webm (7.18 MB, 640x360, V3.webm)

No. 1749046

File: 1674241989718.webm (4.05 MB, 640x296, Vaushite.webm)

last but certainly not least

No. 1749368

I sincerely hope this dude gets outed as a groomer and pedophile one day, leading him to get deplatformed or even arrested. Sick of seeing this autistic pig being the face of leftism.

No. 1749401

This argument is so weird to me. It's the "no ethical consumption under capitalism" one. But I almost guarantee he's reprimanding people for buying the new Harry Potter game whilst he apparently believes this.

It's not comparable, because if you purchase CP you are directly dealing with someone who is responsible for hosting and distributing that material. If you buy parts for a computer or clothes that were made in a sweatshop, there are tons of middle men who are not complicit in, have no control over or may not even be aware of the abuse of children via slave labour, who just need a job because, you know, we live in a capitalist society and someone has to fulfill those roles. People should buy ethically sourced products when possible though, but that's just not a realistic ask for everything.

No. 1749491

and of course two ugly black moids, 1 black troon and one token enby pick-me, call her a race traitor a TERF and a Fascist

No. 1749530

I kinda like this chick, if only bc her videos make so many moids seethe

No. 1749534

the enby or kidolgy

No. 1749643

>It's not comparable, because if you purchase CP you are directly dealing with someone who is responsible for hosting and distributing that material. If you buy parts for a computer or clothes that were made in a sweatshop, there are tons of middle men who are not complicit in, have no control over or may not even be aware of the abuse of children via slave labour, who just need a job because, you know, we live in a capitalist society and someone has to fulfill those roles. People should buy ethically sourced products when possible though, but that's just not a realistic ask for everything.
Well said. I wish I could have said this to my ex moid friend who was defending this retard. His fans actually think what he said is reasonable.

No. 1749825

I definitely can be hard on her for her content on incel shit, but i am glad she called these people out.

I absolutely detest the moid in the thumbnail. 90% of his videos is just pity parties for black moids and it's so fucking annoying and pathetic.

No. 1749849

Wait this chick counts as a breadtuber? I knew she was left leaning but I haven't seen any Vaush/Big Joel tier takes (I could be wrong I don't watch her content).

No. 1749854

Holy fuck this is actually good. I didn’t finish the video but I didn’t expect to get hooked on. She comes off as empathetic and actually knowledgeable instead of just regurgitating twitter/tiktok/tumblr takes

No. 1749919

I don't understand why they have such an issue with appealing to the majority! its basic politics

No. 1749969

I think she’s a secret TERF deep down, I’m glad she’s taking a public open minded stance to radfem women though so other women might be more willing to consider our opinions

No. 1749982

At 16:00:
>gender critical feminism or gender realism, like that's… so many people have already taken that apart, that we're kind of to the point where that's not an ideology that we debate with…
>it's either just fascism or it's right next to fascism. If you just look at who the people who espouse this ideology associate with it gives you clues about what the ideology actually is
Translation: the brains trust has already looked down through their telescopes from their ivory towers, already checked it all out and based on who agrees with certain ideas, they can vouch for the fact it's all just fascism and it's wrong. There's no other reason for why fascists would use this as a wedge issue, there's no need to explain it to normies, no perspectives worth consideration on their own terms. The debate is over because the intelligentsia say so and we should just let the vanguard take over and drive.

>If you can't get with pronouns in 2023, that's transphobic. Like we won that one… we won that one, right?
>Right, and like the insinuation that like that's something we have to go back and fight for every time is like kind of the annoying or like frustrating thing is. I feel like a lot of this type of moderate talk is like you need to meet people where they're at and I'm like I think we're, the standard of where we're at has gone to a point where I can't fight you with on pronouns anymore.
So fucking out of touch. This is exactly what kidology's video was about. If people don't understand then the standard is not there, because the standard is normative, not prescribed from on high.

>…at this point we've gone to all the other tools, if we gotta use social shame to do it, let's talk about that

… what other tools? It's been social shame from the beginning. That's why they can't answer simple questions.

No. 1749999

File: 1674365391816.jpeg (26.96 KB, 739x415, 1293843927272934.jpeg)

>gender critical feminism or gender realism, like that's… so many people have already taken that apart, that we're kind of to the point where that's not an ideology that we debate with…
Reality is fascism and I'm safe in my safe space

No. 1750002

I always enjoyed Thought Slime, he seems to have gone a bit enby though

No. 1750134

Thought Slime trooned out and wants to be called Mildred now. Presumably because he wants to LARP as the horror movie obsessed goth gf in winged eyeliner that he never got to have, due to being a buck-toothed softboy blob of a man.

No. 1750146

This idea that gender critical women by-and-large are in bed with conservatives or people even further right than that is just ludicrous. The gender critical movement is incredibly diverse, more so than any socio-political movement I've ever seen. Magdalen Berns was a socialist for fucks sake.

There's constant arguments on Ovarit/Twitter/etc places where radfems gather whether or not it's beneficial to give these Conservative types an inch because they actually have systemic power and they ultimately agree with us on the trans issue, although for almost entirely different reasons. I personally disagree with doing so because it should be women talking about these issues, women being platformed, etc, and I think JK Rowling has realistically done far more work for our cause of peaking women in specific than someone like Matt Walsh who is just hijacking our ideas and misunderstanding them (because he still fundamentally believes in gender roles).

No. 1750274

File: 1674414190040.jpg (220.31 KB, 926x538, 1674347901558433.jpg)

No. 1750293

is that anthony fagtano aka keffals/troon lover?

No. 1750312

No. 1750315

god i hate fantano. didnt he get divorced last year lmao

No. 1750319

i hate both of these snotty little simps so much. their fanbases think they're so countercultural and that they have such smart things to say and both of them have absolute garbage opinions. zero challenge to any status quo. puka shell necklace faggots.

No. 1750325

So much women hate in one photo. I hate these two guys, they absolutely loathe women while pretending to be progressive.

No. 1750326

Men use progressivism ultimately to uphold male benefiting ideas, which is why they try and cope that being GC at all is right wing, because it highlights men aren't progressive, but only care about using progressivism to pander to male desires. Men pretended to be progressive to get womens attention and women not being about every dumbass idea men try and pretend is progressive makes them panic and chimpout over the fact that this pretending to be progressive strategy might not always work.

No. 1750332

File: 1674420432859.jpg (48.45 KB, 640x637, FmrV7itX0AcjGig.jpg)

>their fanbases think they're so countercultural and that they have such smart things to say and both of them have absolute garbage opinions
>zero challenge to any status quo. puka shell necklace faggots.
basically picrel

No. 1750358

Me too anon, me too. Hating moist critical and fantano are both my guilty pleasures.

No. 1750432

At this point I preserve conservative men. They look way better too

No. 1750462

I don't think she is a breadtuber at all, she was only posted because she makes them seethe by being centralist and calling them out. I am sure a lot of them would be deeply triggered by the transracialism stuff too even though all of it is based on her lived experience. Honestly, everything about her completely goes against breadtube.

No. 1750512

I definitely misinterpreted. And agreed, breadtubers, particularly the males are always the first to shit on the lived experiences of black women. Idk if this has been posted but that retarded argument between Noah and Patience is a prime example. It's a bit long, but the gist is
>White saviour moid tries to speak on behalf of minorities while disingenuously shutting down member of said minority

No. 1750519

You’re a fucking idiot then, conservative men are pure cancer

No. 1750562

Nta but to play devil's advocate, conservative men are terrible but at least they're honest about it and they'll tell you exactly what they think of us. Breadtube/leftist types will cloak their misogyny in 5 layers of irony or hide it behind other beliefs such as trans ideology, and that somehow makes it okay to their audiences.

That being said we should just start holding all men accountable for being misogynistic regardless of their political leanings. It's just that as women, we often don't have the political or social power to do so.

No. 1750587

no offense anon but these days gc women don't hold much if any power on their own. You will need an ally to get anything done, either on the left or the right.

No. 1750802

Except conservative men say a lot of shit they don't actually believe in, let alone live by, and are grifters like the rest.

No. 1750803

File: 1674502226317.jpg (770.39 KB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_20230124-062835_You…)

Which one of you skinny legends posted the tweet that made Big Joel big mad enough to make a vid about it on his 2nd channel? My sides.

No. 1750818

No. 1750823

leftist men are rapist porn addicted johns

all men are terrible across the spectrum

No. 1750827

he’s so fucking pathetic

No. 1750838

File: 1674506539253.jpeg (156.5 KB, 512x512, C66358CF-EAE2-4168-BD1D-DFBB04…)

Every time i see this man, he looks more like picrel

No. 1750857

Yeah. I don't get it. A couple years ago he was ugly but like… Normal ugly, if that makes sense Now he looks like a sewer rat. I was about to say that men get used to not having to take care of their appearance and then that eventually catches up to them when they hit their 30s, then I realised, nevermind, apparently Joel is only 27. Holy shit.

His hairline is super receding too. If it was me I'd just shave it off at this point.

No. 1750962

>They look way better to
I sincerely hope your taking the piss

No. 1751000

And? I never claimed leftist men were any better, but I’m also not the one caping for conservative men and claiming they “look way better” (fucking kek, yeah right)

No. 1751003

Clearly politically indifferent men are the only acceptable choice until we can create a sustainable lesbian utopia kek

No. 1751052

Apolitical men suck too, sorry nonna. Let’s stop pretending any group of moids is less misogynistic, it’s all cope.

No. 1751743

File: 1674611996323.png (64.23 KB, 648x477, bsnsnmn.png)

The absolute state of pick-me's

No. 1753469

If you need more proof that Vaush is likely a pedophile/degenerate

No. 1753642

He's so mad.

No. 1753739

The book IRON WIDOW by Xiran Jay Zhao is going to be adapted into a film by Picturestart!!


No. 1754914

Philosophy Troon's new play looks so fucking hilarious, so many trannies.

No. 1754982

I notice he gets to kiss the one cis woman in the cast. I wonder how he knew which one that was? Hmm…

No. 1755099

As soon as I watched this I was like… Wait, this is just Shakespeare, right? It's just a Henry IV, but meta and filled with troons?

No. 1755439

File: 1674972737525.png (60.19 KB, 636x625, joke.png)

Yes, here is an excerpt from the script.

No. 1755448

No. 1755499

They're always hypocritical narcissists. Lesbians need to unlearn their transphobic preferences but transbians are allowed to not date other transbians who are "totally not different at all to cis lesbians" because dysphoria can be triggering. Somehow we are suppose to pretend this is not about letting their dicks have what they want.
Is he actually retarded and has no understanding of language at all? Other languages also have honorific pronouns and their usage is nothing compared to gendies asserting what pronouns people have to use to validate their delusions but of course he has to make everything about himself. The absolute narcissism in expecting people to laugh or else they're wrong when the "joke" just exposes that he's a dumbass troon who doesn't know what he's talking about.

No. 1755659

There's no observable difference between cis women and trans women, yet for thousands of years men somehow magically and conveniently just KNEW which half of the population to deny the vote to, deny education to, force into marriage, force to have their children…

No. 1756612

File: 1675099981376.jpeg (52 KB, 1080x435, play it straight.jpeg)

>It's just a Henry IV, but meta and filled with troons?

No. 1757018

Imagine trading in all the other parts of your personality so that just one thing about you becomes the only thing, everything about you is just that one thing and everything you do is about that thing and you constantly find ways to relate everything around you back to yourself and that one thing. And it's not something unique about you either, it's a trend you jumped on after dating someone else in it. Even the autist in me thinks that sounds like a super boring narcissistic hell.

No. 1760261

That fat faggot James Somerton that thinks being fit is akin to Nazism just drop a new banger. It's about his outrage of underage weeb fangirls outing faggots on Netflix shows.

No. 1760551

No. 1762266

this is beyond parody at this point, how is this video even real? who the fuck make an hour long video on why Paw Patrol is copaganda

No. 1762569

indoctrination starts young

No. 1765702

I’m happy to see newfags it means more women are waking up

No. 1765705

Don’t forget the horse comments.

No. 1768842

Why is Big Joel so cringe?

No. 1773662

File: 1677031516835.webm (1.33 MB, 576x1024, choobing_harder_than_ever.webm)

Unironic "I'd fuck me."

No. 1773687

File: 1677033038294.webm (376.85 KB, 192x341, output8.webm)

And for shits and giggles, I made a compressed version that's a mere 376 kb. Hopefully lolcow's dying servers would only take 20 seconds to load this.

No. 1773730

He's balding

No. 1773734

also when did his chin become so sharp??

No. 1773762

Holy fuck I stopped following the PT thread a few months back…. has his narcissism increased tenfold in that time or was he always this awful?

Also imagine going back in time and showing college-aged PT that clip kek

No. 1773860

you should sage. I don’t really think he’s that cringe, especially compared to others.

No. 1774026

File: 1677051324009.jpg (999.13 KB, 1587x2094, tube recap.jpg)

He's been really brazen with the AGP shit, but otherwise, he just does and says things that are extremely narcissistic in a very mundane way, like always.
Boring "milk":

>Alice (the white hijabi larper dude that he does the KJB podcast with) seems to be getting fed up with Philosophytube. Even he can't stand this guy.

>PhilosophyTube tried to badger some person who holds the intellectual rights to some book into allowing him to make a movie of the it. Was shut down hard.

>His play was bad, but he got his online audience to vote for him for all the community choice awards anyways. Somehow felt validated when he won.

>His great-great-grandfather or something was a literal colonizer.

No. 1774045

reminds me of this

No. 1774048

cp bump

No. 1774350

I posted that 7 days ago and you only just call it out now? No, I personally think Big Joel sperging out because people think his hair is gross is super cringe, way cringer than some other stuff that gets posted here unsaged.

No. 1775269

Man gets called a trans man, makes a 16-minute video about it, somehow brings up black women and Frankenstein.

No. 1775273

Men are legitimately terrible at discerning sex. All the conservatives jumping on the anti-trans train frequently humiliate themselves this exact way.

No. 1775384

wait where is the new post-leftcows thread

No. 1775437

I don’t think anyone made one, I would but I don’t know how

No. 1775789

Was recommended this lately. Thought I was clicking on a lighthearted vid about how wacky transvestigators sound. I wish. Comment section was full of trans people bragging about how strangers can't tell which direction they're transitioning in… congrats?

No. 1775856

NTA but stop WK-ing.Big Joel was featured in a meme about how leftist men are ugly and he couldnt resist making a refutal video about why the meme is problematic. Thats peak cringe behaviour.

No. 1785174

File: 1678308866724.png (1.35 MB, 1413x1080, Screenshot_20230308-124627.png)

I'm sad that Princess Weekes (formerly Melina Pendulum) looks so bad these days, she went poly and has been progressively gaining weight and making herself look worse with 'wacky themed makeup.' In her last couple videos her boobs are hanging out and you can clearly see her bra holding on for dear life when she wiggles. Her
background/room is also a cluttered mess. I keep thinking what's next for her Twitter identity/lifestyle bingo card?

No. 1785208

she was honestly so pretty, also its depressing she got stuck in a polycuck relationship, how ugly and fat are the others she's with

No. 1785212

File: 1678312227475.png (348.85 KB, 482x456, AnAbsoluteUnit.PNG)

how does he look more masc than before all his surgeries? i nigh pissed myself when i saw this

No. 1785262

Late but it's true. Never met a self identified make feminist/hard leftist who's attractive. Vaush brings down the average by himself exponentially. obviously same goes for rightwing provocators like Ben Shapiro

No. 1785296

Such a confused unga bunga. His nose is botched.

No. 1785298

File: 1678322276514.jpg (65.98 KB, 799x798, pweekes-bigsmile.jpg)

No idea who is in her polycule, but she looked like this during 2020

No. 1785306

holy jeffree star phenotype

No. 1785310

the natural and inevitable outcome of polyamory.

No. 1785329

>i'm so hot i'd fuck myself
holy shit the agp

No. 1785581

File: 1678381048918.png (131.6 KB, 648x527, 56 gb2.png)

and of course the fat bastard would shit talk Alice Walker of all people for supporting JK Rowling and claiming she was never a real feminist

No. 1785590

Does anyone remember when Xiran Jay Zhao used JK Rowling's name to blame the death of a "long friend she forgot about it until it was very late"? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

No. 1785614

holy shit how does he look even more masculine than before he trooned out? that's hilarious. his narcissism is out of control though.

No. 1785780

I can't place my finger on it..but I lowkey think he dislikes black women as a whole deep down. Just hiding it behind the false intellectualism

No. 1785800

is his wife black?

No. 1785875

Kek looks like she is! Talking out of my ass lol(sage your shit)

No. 1786047

I haven't seen her, do you have a screenshot? guys like him typically do not marry black women so I'm surprised

No. 1786049

she doesn't look much different. just gained some weight. she still has a pretty face, not the end of the world

No. 1786120

I assume all left leaning people do, considering the sick way they like to bring up black women for all their tranny arguements

No. 1787532

She said she gained weight cus of mental health meds, i dont think it's fair to shit on her for that.

No. 1789901

File: 1679009836750.png (75.01 KB, 660x642, pt.png)

this is so funny because I just know he is only taking this stance because there is evidence of him saying he has never experienced gender dysphoria before in one of his pre-trans videos. and because he always has the most retarded take on everything.

No. 1790036

I remember that video too. He claimed he autoandrophillia too lmao. That’s why when he trooned out I was taken by surprise because he was so insistent on how much he loved being a man. I hope his retard fans put two and two together and realized he trooned for money and power and because he molested hontra

No. 1790402

The video itself is new, I think it's ok to post it?

No. 1792617

Contra appeared on the witch trials of JK Rowling. I don’t want to listen to the whole things, does anyone have highlights of their conversation? Contra was complaining about how awful and cruel the interview process supposedly was.

No. 1793835

I listened but tbh the last episode where he spoke to the host was kind of boring. Main things he spoke about were
>his own experience of being cancelled and attacked by TRAs (his own community)
>how this makes him sympathetic to JKR being the subject of a witch hunt but also wants to join in the attacks against her
>said he has been a huge HP fan since he was a kid
>broke down in tears at one point because he "still cares what she thinks"
>said he hoped JKR would come to her senses and see how she is hurting trans people

he didn't have anything interesting to offer up, and I say that as someone who has enjoyed his past videos (up til they became 2 hour long narcissistic ramblings). I feel like he has really dumbed himself down in recent years, and i'm not sure if that's because he feels that's what being a woman means or if he's just checked out mentally.

the other trans person she interviewed was so much more interesting and insightful, with a very balanced view on things too.

No. 1793838

File: 1679591758328.jpeg (46.68 KB, 680x474, Fr2TFuWWYAElMHR.jpeg)

Anyone else see that Ana Kasparian is getting called a transphobe for this tweet?

Cenk is defending her and getting cancelled for it too kek

No. 1793840

How has Hasan responded?

No. 1793845

can't find a response from him so far. he doesn't want to step on the landmine

No. 1793857

of course he would, I genuinely hate him more then other "online leftists" cause he has not fucking ideals, if circumstances had been different he'd be on the same side as the Tate crowd

No. 1793859

It was a horrible interview on his part, I think that's why he's been trying to do damage control online.

The bad "arguments" he made + the out of nowhere semi-crying made me realize Contra is in the middle stages of Jordan Petersonization. It's crazy seeing it happen.

No. 1793862

>middle stages of Jordan Petersonization
i think you could be onto something there nonnie

No. 1793868

samefag but just seen #TheYoungTERFs is trending lol. twitter search isn't working for me for some reason so i can't look, but I take it people are losing their minds. already a few replies are saying she is repeating far-right talking points.

No. 1793871

It's funny how the TIF is a lot more compassionate and understanding towards JKR while providing a more nuanced and balanced takes than Hontra who's supposed to be a public speaker. All Hontra can do is present flimsy arguments on why trans people should get everything they want even if it means trampling another vulnerable group (real women) as if that's what defines a "human right". Also the way he just broke down kek give me a fucking break. It's typical male hysterics at crying that they can't have everything in life led by black and white thinking of having grown up male. He can't even address the TIM rapists in prisons and bathrooms problem without coating it behind academic speak like "stochastic terrorism" even though it's evidently not just random cases of probability but a trend that's been happening.

No. 1793942

The episode made me realize that Hontra is way dumber than I thought. Without air-tight scripts and meticulously calculated editing, he can't defend his ideas or come up with reasonable arguments when faced with even the slightest pushback. He couldn't cite anything JK Rowling said that was transphobic or harmful but he was simply mind-reading and projecting onto her statements rather than critically thinking about what she actually said. And of course, he relied on emotionally manipulative tactics. It was fucking pathetic. When a 17-year-old gives a more thoughtful and compassionate interview, you're in deep shit.

No. 1794761

He also said something of the effect of "if only cis wimmin can understand what it's like to have your healthcare threatened like twans people are experiencing!!!" Like really? At the same time that abortion laws were overturned in the states? Fuck this guy seriously.
All he really did in that interview was deflect, deflect, deflect. Also the way he just rudely interrupted Megan lmao. You can tell he was silently seething at her throughout that entire interview and giving her a bitch attitude when Megan was nothing but polite and non-confrontational.

No. 1794835

I hope the backlash from this peaks her, but I’m not holding my breath. I’ve already seen people predicting her leaving the left entirely or accusing her of being conservative socially because she said crime is getting out of hand in major cities (she’s right about that btw). Amazing how you can be vocally progressive for years, but piss off trannies one time and you’re out of the club.

No. 1794859

>people predicting her leaving the left entirely
the hysterics over this are ridiculous. it's like they're saying any challenging thought or critique is a slipper slope to fascism. the irony.
>piss off trannies one time and you’re out of the club
this will keep happening more and more. progressive women who go along with the trans narrative and support everything they say begin to feel comfortable in their position as an ally and feel like they can start to challenge the small niggles within it (like objecting to being called a person with a uterus) as they wrongly assume that is a perfectly reasonable stance and that most people, including trans, would agree.
even the handmaidens attacking Ana right now will find one of their own assumptions goes against the rules and will be outcast themselves.

No. 1794981

She’s about to get the J.K. Rowling treatment.

No. 1795122

File: 1679785751548.webm (1.12 MB, 480x270, ana.webm)

clip of her saying that people who have a problem with gendertard language are just culture war morons. not sure if she is just dumb and not paying attention to what she is saying or has actually changed her views on this. i'm thinking the first.

No. 1795313

I guess it's not really a surprise when this is the same dude who had that disaster of a debate with Blaire. He's always been fucking dumb.

I wonder if it's because the narrative of what she's describing (gender=/=sex) has actually changed in recent years. Now, trannies are claiming that sex is actually a spectrum, not binary, something that's only "observed" etc and therefore not actually real which is what TERFs have been warning about. I like to think a lot of women including her are peaking.

No. 1795375

>thinks he is a woman because he acts dumb and twirls his hair
this is what i've noticed. and especially when he is speaking with women (or Blaire who he perceives as a woman) he really dumbs himself down, speaking in a way he thinks is more emotional, cos that's how women think and communicate right? not logically, just emotionally. make sure to cry and giggle as much as possible.
this is so true. he always appears unprepared to have his thoughts challenged, even when the person he is speaking to is going easy.

No. 1795822

File: 1679877032388.webm (1.68 MB, 1280x720, tucker.webm)

No. 1799891

Vasuh and his fans are genuinely morons

No. 1799895

File: 1680293892470.webm (2.4 MB, 640x360, aqua.webm)

No. 1799924

What's the audio source? I don't recognize this voice
I have never watched his stupid Harry potter video but how on earth did this idiot who cannot understand this very basic analogy manage to construct a single argument worth listening to? Is he even capable of reading a children's series and getting the subtext or larger themes? His video is long too so he had to have attempted to make lots of arguments (though it's telling I only know of the stupid goblin nonsense) but with the inability to follow basic logic I seriously doubt any of them could have been anything groundbreaking or new if logical at all. I expect that video is just an amalgamation of points he's seen elsewhere badly overexplained because he's incapable of understanding new concepts or creating new arguments on the fly from what I've seen.

No. 1799930

Samefag but kept watching to see how he'd respond and this scrote doesn't seem to understand science VS colloquial and just how often in science we have observed something, labeled it, then set out to understand it. We knew bees could fly before we understood it, water was the wet shit that quenched thirst before a post modern moid could make the claim we didn't know water anymore

No. 1800443

the cope when you're so attached to defending troons that you can't simply admit water is h2o. the mental acrobatics involved not only around sex and gender but other scientific things that might expose why none of this makes sense.

No. 1800445

nta but it's a cum town bit (nick mullen's voice)

No. 1800704

Anitfa fatfuck is not getting enough lazy money from Patreon. Press S to spit on grave.

No. 1800706

pathetic man. btw you can embed youtube videos nonnie

No. 1803310

File: 1680795323695.jpeg (231.88 KB, 1170x2039, 9F5DAAFB-5F63-496B-A0B4-85E4E1…)

On one hand it’s awful that authors aren’t treated with respect and struggle to make a living through their careers even if they manage to sell loads
On the other hand, she’s not a starving artist and it’s disgusting seeing her pretend like she is.

No. 1803325

File: 1680797013081.png (496.39 KB, 1086x508, 73b.png)

it's interesting she seems to have given up on focusing on Chinese history

No. 1804218


I felt the same through most of it. The one interesting part was the projection on where this would all go in the future, because I predict the main lifeline this ideology has is its potential to provide men a lot of easy sexual partners.

It's just the underlying thing there is it all comes from the fact that even left wing men aren't accepting the underlying premise of gender ideology. "Trans women are women" really just means, don't call me gay for fucking him or masturbating to this. Y'know it's just the trap discussion taken to the general public. The whole reason they go for it is knowing that gay men are relatively easy. So for a generation that has lower social skills on average than ever and can't really manage older dating norms, it's a gift.

If you're a TRA, though, there's an obvious problem which we already see in places like Thailand. You don't really want to empower someone you want easy sex from, you don't want to give them options. That's where the real hurdle is if you get past the conservatives. Things aren't just going to normalize the way contra speculates.

No. 1804220

Good, because she barely knew anything about chinese history and said shit like China was a LGBT paradise before whites went there. She's a rich chinese girl living in a mansion bought by her parents in Canada, she has very little connection with chinese culture (besides the dramas she loves) and you can tell by her videos.

No. 1804838

File: 1680893756593.jpg (327.19 KB, 1179x1645, From the Vaush Subreddit.jpg)

Average Breadtube watcher.

No. 1804883

I find that the few "POC" breadtubeers often try to portray themselves as the ultimate authority of their own heritage, even though they are culturally the same as any white liberal.
like F.D Signifier's review of Black Panther, its so fucking clear that the has no reference for the political state in 1992 or how much crime there was. Black Politicians didn't wanna "get rid of the bad blacks" or whatever to appease Whites. They wanted to stop the rampant wave of crime that had plagued the country for the past 3 years. There were bad side effects of the crime bill, but characterizing it as a racist piece of legislation is wrong, lazy, and disrespects what should be a carefully analyzed issue that effected the black community.

No. 1805051

I think a lot of black (and white) leftists can’t appreciate that a lot of regular black people are quite conservative/religious and hold pro-police “tough on crime” viewpoints - especially if they live in high crime areas. You can’t view people as a monolith, and most people aren’t going to feel sympathy toward criminals who are terrorizing their neighborhoods.

No. 1805063

Same with Mexicans, it would cause them an aneurysm if they found out that there are Mexicans who genuinely want America to declare cartels terrorists and have them invade Mexico.

No. 1805410

lmao amazing.
incredible that this person thinks they respect workers. they're so far removed and disconnected from normal human behaviour and reality, yet think they have something to say about the working class. depressing but not surprising insight into today's "socialism" discourse

No. 1805416

exactly. it's all well and good to theorise why such and such is good or bad but in the end it won't be an issue for you if you don't have to live the reality of it. eg. if buses full of young immigrant men got dropped off into your neighbourhood suddenly overnight and violence, crime, rape went up, you might change to more conservative views on immigration policies. it's not black and white - good or bad. it's unfair that those who deal with the consequences are the ones who bear judgement for not being politically correct (implying they simply aren't educated enough on the issue).
>You can’t view people as a monolith
this, basically

No. 1805420

samefagging to quote the communist manifesto, just for giggles
"The Socialistic bourgeois want all the advantages of modern social conditions without the struggles and dangers necessarily resulting therefrom. They desire the existing state of society, minus its revolutionary and disintegrating elements. They wish for a bourgeoisie without a proletariat."

No. 1805850

File: 1681055701355.png (150.4 KB, 776x216, tyt.png)

the young turks think a young woman getting attacked, mobbed, harassed and threatened is 'karma' for standing up for herself and other women.
they purposely chose a thumbnail that shows her with trump (dodging a kiss from him actually) to make her seem like an ebil wHiTe LaDy

No. 1805862

"Leftists" are always salivating to see women get harmed. There's no difference between redditbro pussypass denied shit and the average leftist rejoicing over women getting their heads cracked open by males in sports or being publicly humiliated after they dare to object

No. 1805866

thankfully all the comments are calling them out for being gross, including a lot of leftists.

No. 1805874


the funny thing is it's not even inconsistent with marxism. lumpenproles(criminals specifically) are not the same as proles. lumpens often survive by victimizing the larger proletariat. lots of socialist countries end up cracking down heavily on crime or even promoting the elimination of different types of lumpens as a revolutionary goal. the black and latino workers wanting the criminals gone was actually them trying to pursue their class interest.

it's just the US left is so warped you can't have realistic discussion about anything. since they are all nonprofit based instead of labor based the US left will actually fight against the workers to help the lumpens.

it's also the source of the weird dichotomy they have with the democratic party that usually gets blamed on "idpol". when it's like "no dummies, your class analysis is shit because it was completely cooked up in academic enclaves."

No. 1805882

an episode of the REDFEM podcast I watched delved into the concept of the professional managerial class. This group is described as people who don't control much capital themselves, but instead, have an elevated professional status that depends directly on it. The podcast mentioned financial quants, lower and mid-level corporate managers, and academic admin staff as examples. Academic administrators are especially notable since the educational systems they work in often rely on large private endowments, and students frequently shoulder significant debt burdens that can be life-altering if not addressed.

No. 1805890

ntayrt but what episode is that? I didn't know about this podcast but it sounds good and I wanna start with the episode you mentioned

No. 1805916

redfem is a socialist radical feminist podcast(and they are actually radfems and one of the hosts is a lesbian and the other Bi), the specific episode is "Episode 9: A review of Virtue Hoarders's by Catherine Liu"

No. 1805974

>said shit like China was a LGBT paradise before whites went there.
I feel like she kickstarted something since I've been seeing a lot of videos on tiktok made by Chinese people (Chinese-Americans?) talking about how China was LGBTQ+ friendly before the Brits.
>I find that the few "POC" breadtubeers often try to portray themselves as the ultimate authority of their own heritage,
It annoys me so much when they try to present their countries as progressive in the past when it definitely wasn't. China is a weird one, so they were so respective of queer people but women had to bind their feet and stfu? How does that add up?
Many skew their own history to pander to westerners or dunk on them (sometimes both), it's so embarrassing. Unrelated but, for all the "India accepts queerness!" videos I've seen the comment section is a warzone with a lot of Indians refuting going "uh no the hijra are basically thugs" which does not match the image these people are trying to present.

No. 1805996

File: 1681073388881.jpg (57.46 KB, 850x400, Edward-said-71-74-05.jpg)

>I feel like she kickstarted something since I've been seeing a lot of videos on tiktok made by Chinese people (Chinese-Americans?) talking about how China was LGBTQ+ friendly before the Brits.
She didn't start this, This issue can be traced back to the views of Edward Said, who branded Western feminists as "imperialistic" for advocating for basic human rights for women in the Middle East.
He resembled the average breadtuber in him being basically a white liberal who positioned himself as an ultimate authority on Middle Eastern issues, even more so than European academics who conducted extensive research and Middle Eastern individuals who spoke from their experiences and perspectives. He also followed the breadtube tactic of labeling anyone who called out his factual inaccuracies as a racist.

Mind you Said's "Orientalism" is the #12 most-assigned book in college curricula.

No. 1806210

a lot of ancient societies accepted male homosexuality while being extremely patriarchal. ancient greece and rome being the most obvious examples. china is not really unique in that sense

No. 1806214

>accepted male homosexuality
you mean adult male nobles raping little boys?

No. 1806233

See this can easily explained with the fact that literally every single one of these breadtubers doesn't care about women, despises women, think female oppression isn't real, thinks women are all a bunch of transphobique shrieking karen bitches and therefor deserve oppression etc etc. It all comes down to hating women. That's why they ignore the foot binding

No. 1806245

Literally yes.

No. 1806501

File: 1681159502623.png (17.48 KB, 600x407, ana k tweet.png)

kek Ana is going back in. good for her.

No. 1806505

File: 1681159886308.png (47.4 KB, 597x687, ana k twitter likes.png)

samefag. i think she is peaking.

No. 1806530

>Idk what the source is or how to get rid of it
Is this person saying that they want to "get rid of" their distaste towards the blue collar behaviors or that the blue collar behaviors are what need to be gotten rid of? Because if it's the latter then that's really fucking bold

No. 1806532

>He really dumbed himself down
The estrogen combined with his ego is doing that to him. Males taking an excess of estrogen develop cognitive issues because the central nervous system isn't receiving enough testosterone to function properly.

No. 1806537

>He really dumbed himself down
The estrogen combined with his ego is doing that to him. Males taking an excess of estrogen develop cognitive issues because the central nervous system isn't receiving enough testosterone to function properly.

No. 1807853

>"I'm still a starving artist while I buy a quite expensive document from France because it has the sign of Robespierre, guys! Did I mention I'm a starving artist?"

Granted, she earned the money and can do whatever she wants, but pretending she is while buying expensive stuff is a big slap to other artists.

She's becoming in a big Franceboo thanks by Robespierre character thing.

No. 1808932

>Maybe not breadtube related yet relative to this thread:

Has anyone watched this chick’s videos before? Blair or ‘illuminaughtti’s content was mostly centered on mlm schemes and shady corporations but over time, her videos shifted to extreme left-shilling along with lazy (according to detractors, she’s always been lazy with) research. She panders hard to troons and the LBGTQXYZ agenda while believing that leftism is the trve kvlt path to follow in vidrel. Centrists and the apolitical are scum! Her fan base aren’t any better, opposing comments are a dime and a dozen because they are mostly deleted or attacked. A tiny tidbit: Blair is also a landwhale who rarely shows her face unless it’s photoshopped.

She’s also part of a think tank called the ‘leftist mafia’ made up of neckbeards and uggos linked below where they flex how progressive they are or whining about the ebil anti-woke like she’s doing it now.


No. 1808962

i see no issue with this video. how is she milky?

No. 1808963

nta but it's mostly cause a massive hypocrite and grifter, who used to be part of a pro-gamer gate right-wing comedy group and actively tries to scrub all references to her past .

No. 1808964

I had no idea, do you know the name of the comedy group she used to be in?

No. 1808968

samefag, this video is horrible and obnoxious. better not be shilling yourself

No. 1809000

I liked some of her old mlm videos but the annoying high-minded liberal takes kind of put me off. She'll be talking about something interesting and then bring up LGBT out of nowhere. Why do youtubers do that…

No. 1809009

this feels like a vendetta… there's no milk here

No. 1809014

Apparently she used to do scat-porn, haven’t and don’t want to confirm this as of yet.

No. 1809700

I struggle to understand why some of these individuals who exaggerate every aspect of their identity to feelings of oppression. For instance, there's this Iranian British breadtuber and who despite living and breathing academic elitism(he had videos on Focault, Said and obscure Gender Theorists), also holds onto being nominally Muslim and argues how Islam can be feminist and progressive and how it was colonialism which distorted his faith

No. 1809857

Another vid by the same person, his entire argument is based on the research of an Iranian American gender studies professor who has lived most of her life in the United States. However, she presents herself as an expert on Iranian civilization. According to her research, some men in Iran used to wear makeup and some women wore fake mustaches. This suggests that Iran may have been a progressive society, challenging traditional gender roles. Furthermore, her research suggests that homosexual relationships were also common during this time period(not mentioning which type, but I'm sure we all know) but then following the arrival of Europeans and exposure to Western culture, some Iranians sought to modernize their country, which unfortunately resulted in the "tragic" end of the practice of allowing men to engage in sexual relationships with prepubescent boys.

No. 1809861

File: 1681666611143.jpeg (296.71 KB, 2000x1333, sNn06Fv.jpeg)

I come from a neighboring country to Iran, where some minor ethnic groups have men who wear eyeliner and keep long hair, without it being considered feminine or queer. This was also the case in Iran in the past, and it was simply a cultural practice. Unfortunately, some people fail to understand this cultural diversity and make misguided assumptions and fact is the cultures in my country and Iran back then were extremely patriarchal and had an open culture of pederasty

No. 1809987

proof or gtfo
definitely a vendetta with all these ridiculous baseless claims

No. 1810509

>I come from a neighboring country to Iran

No. 1810763

Afghanistan, right? I wish more non-taliban afghan men wore kohl, it looks so pretty

No. 1810770

NTA but she has quite a following and is shilled a lot on places like /r/antiMLM by people who like channels like AtrocityGuide and are willing to lower their standards to the ocean floor. I've always found her videos to be frustratingly lazy, though. She offers no insight, her writing sucks, and her research is dogshit. At best, she can kind of curate the more interesting topics out of the pool of shit that's always talked about on Reddit or whatever.
I have no idea where these other accusations are coming from, but I haven't cared enough to look into her at all. I'm curious to hear more if nona has any proof or caps.

No. 1810775

Contra has another 2 hour video out moaning about JK Rowling

No. 1810789

I dunno why he keeps groveling to his shitty audience that has canceled him several times. I think he thinks if he bitches and moans a ton about Rowling he’ll be on their good side again especially with the fumble he made on that podcast where he basically showed his ass.
He was in love with Theryn the tranny who’s now leader of mras but I doubt trannies or handmaidens will cancel him over that.

No. 1810794

Contra gives me "will get canceled for grooming a teenager" vibes

No. 1810805

File: 1681798598412.png (206.79 KB, 911x620, 4970.png)

not even 3 minutes in and he makes a joke about about murdering children. also not defending Anita Bryant but it's suspicious he doesn't mention the prominent of NAMBLA and pederast activists in early gay rights movements, which even lesbians and radical feminists took issue with.

No. 1810819

So he really hates himself for crying over JK Rowling on Megan Phelps-Roper's podcast uh …(sage your shit)

No. 1810827

He has been cancelled? How? I though trannies are literlay the hollies o

No. 1810830

He has been canceled? What can possibly a troon do so his audience consisting of handmaidens and other trannies cancels him?

No. 1810835

He had Buck Angel a famous TIM and transmedicalist voice John Water for like 30 seconds in one of his 2 + hours long videos.

No. 1810836

TIF not TIM my bad.

No. 1810847

He has some serious balls to call gender critical feminists handmaidens (1:48:22) for right wing men

No. 1810853

Fucking kek. Scrotes really are seething about the meanie feminazis who say no to mens sexual harassment. Hontra has never changed. Trancel can die mad.

No. 1810870

Men in the middle east wear eyeliner/kohl and had long hair and pretty much only stopped because of Westernisation. It's basically a joke in North Africa that gulf men like having long hair
"near Iran" is not a very helpful description.
That's one way to misunderstand what Edward Said was saying but I don't really think there's any point in elaborating based on how you described him.

No. 1810905

Contrapoints looks so sick in this. I hope he gets some help. Addiction is an atrocious and painful way to live and die.
Also just… lmao this floundering to divert attention away from an awful performance in a softball podcast interview is so dumb.

No. 1810983

For some reason this appeared on my recommended(sidenote this troon has to be the unfunniest breadtube content creator which is quite a feat)
I don't know what he's on about? Mrbeast is between a rock and a hard place, it will likely impact him one way or another and SunnyV2 just pointed that out.
MrBeast can't be as apolitical anymore. His family friendliness comes under criticism as not all parents want their children to be sexually influence. Chris's loli tweets and loli artist tweets coming to light isn't helping his situation.

No. 1811006


The part about 26 minutes in is fucked up. It basically goes through the fact JKR was abused in a mocking tone, dismisses the people the people threatening to kill her and yelling misogynistic abuse as not "genuine trans dissent" and basically tries to use the fact the podcast presented this sympathetically(what outlet that isn't right wing presents domestic abuse survivors unsympathetically?) to discredit it.

Contra tries to walk some of it back later, but jesus what the fuck is this?

No. 1811015

When he says the podcast host only left the westboro baptist church because outside people being nice to her and they were only nice to her because she's "hot", the male thinking patterns are so obvious

No. 1811071

does he really say that, what part?

No. 1811085

I haven't listened to it all but I hate the fact he can talk about her experiences with domestic abuse, misogyny, rape threats etc. and then dismiss all of it to make out like her entire stance is built on hatred for trans people. it can't be that she genuinely cares about women's issues and has been personally effected by the very things she is fighting against right now… it's so disingenuous. but then again, it's not surprising since that's his playbook these days.

No. 1811100


The more I go through it the more bizarre it is because at the same time he's doing the fake crying "How could you do this to me when I admired you so much!" Like he's just trying to yank every possible emotional lever at the same time like a fucking sociopath. It's just so fake and I'm kicking myself for not recognizing it earlier. Who the hell actually admires someone and does a little sarcastic smirk describing them getting beat and sexually assaulted?

No. 1811236

unrelated but nonny you seem based

No. 1811414

>That's one way to misunderstand what Edward Said was saying but I don't really think there's any point in elaborating based on how you described him.
The man unironically believed the Invasion of Iraq was about solely about racism, that's how stupid he was.

No. 1811417

source: dude trust me

No. 1811482

I've noticed this trend with female youtubers in general. It'd a bit exhausting. Sometimes I just wanna hear about an interesting fact or story, but after a few videos, every female youtuber who isn't an "aesthetic artist" pushes more and more libfem politics in their videos. is it a savior complex? Do women feel more pressure to perform as a "good ally" online? I wonder.

No. 1811820

No. 1812505

File: 1682049739068.jpg (245.46 KB, 604x2294, illuminaughtylegaleagle1.jpg)

Bringing up iilluminaughtii again because she just accused LegalEagle's team of ripping off her incredibly generic editing style. Sure, their editor did directly contact her about how she did effects, but absolutely nothing.


And HBomberGuy pointed out that she word-for-word copied a bit from a documentary on the anti-vax movement.

She's definitely a bit milk, egotistical, and autistic as hell, but I'm not sure if there's much else to her. There's been some previous discussions of her here >>/pt/840205 but nothing substantial came of it.

pic: accusing legaleagle's editor of plagiarism

No. 1812511

File: 1682050419385.jpg (62.82 KB, 607x484, hbomberguy tweet.jpg)

No. 1812513

It's not about who did it first, it's about who did it better (not that she has any claim to this "style" anyway). Her videos suck compared to Devin's because she lacks his charisma and just parrots bullshit she reads or watches elsewhere. She's just some rando college dropout repeating the usual Reddit libfem talking points (with an ugly rantsona to boot.) Devin has formal qualifications and and actual authority on the topics he discusses. Even in the absence of muh editing tricks, his videos would still be a million times more informative and watchable than her's.

No. 1812514

Doublepost, but your icon is visible btw.

No. 1812517

File: 1682051356936.jpg (18.6 KB, 500x400, kermit choke.jpg)

Jesus Christ, I hate men so fucking much. Hontra shat the bed after Roper asked him some extremely softball questions, so now he's trying to say that her reasons for disavowing her family aren't good enough. Fucking douchebag, she made the incredibly brave choice to do the right thing even knowing that it meant losing her community/family forever, and this scamming druggie fuckhead is saying she did it for men who called her hot. Oh my god, I can only resist the urge to a-log for so long.

No. 1812520

File: 1682051431769.jpg (332.51 KB, 627x2654, illuminaughtlegaleagle2.jpg)

Thanks. Reposting.

No. 1812521

>I hope he gets some help
That makes one of us kek.

No. 1812596

Truly, it's the most scrotebrained shit he's spewing. Not shocking from the trancel.

No. 1812737

We're white hons on dope
Mom and Dad live in Kensington
41 myself
When I get enough rope

No. 1812876

His face looks so botched. I don't know what is it with plastic surgery that makes them speak like they're slurring their words. His opioid addiction probably doesn't help with trying to be coherent.

No. 1813084

Great, well-made video about Sophie From Mars (Eric Sophia McAllister, formerly Curio on Youtube).

If you don't know who Sophie is, he's a Breadtuber from the UK who came out as nonbinary about 3 years ago, and is a relatively prominent figure in online trans shit, making videos with ThoughtSlime and PhilosophyTube (who he is IRL friends with).

TL;DW: He's an massive coomer who has a piss and a transformation fetish, is planning to get a "futa surgery," tells lies frequently, has been intimidating "terfs" at protests, has a fascination with and owns many knives, propagates trans genocide conspiracy theories, and thinks terfs are fascists and fascists should be killed.

Unfortunately, he has since deleted his Mastodon account (no doubt re-made) and excluded the URL for this and his other socials from the waybackmachine. (Reminder to use archive.ph instead. It's slow and shitty but it'll have to do.)

I did find this weird callout post from 2021 by a FtM who claims that their MtF "wife" is Sophie's sibling.
They say that Sophie:
>gaslit and threatened his sibling with a knife
>either wasn't transitioning or was doing DIY transition, despite having been very vocally against DIY in the past
>greatly exaggerates the difficulty of getting a gender ID change
>was "arrogant, aggressive, violent, and manipulative" and never showed any signs of being trans as a child
>would cruelly enforce gender norms on his sibling
>smokes weed constantly
>isn't dysphoric
>expects to be showered with gifts, applause, and money for being trans
>doesn't contribute anything to the world, just "pontificates and snipes people on twitter"

No. 1813153

Too many lip fillers and/or a botched rhinoplasty fucking up his ability to breathe. And after all that, he's still stuck with a long, horse-like middle face.

His voice is extremely grating to me, I have no idea how people can listen to that shit nonstop for hours. It's an unholy combination of obnoxious faggy troon voice, thesaurus abuse, drugged-out slurring, and "like," every third word. On the rare occasions I skim his videos for milk, I mute the audio, turn on captions, and set the speed to 1.5. It's intolerable otherwise.

No. 1813327

Not surprised when Nick acted so rude to Megan during the podcast interview, interrupting her when Megan wanted to express her gratitude towards him. This man is teeming with misogyny at any woman who doesn't immediately bow down to trannies.

No. 1813462

He also admitted to getting nerve damage from FFS that affected his lower lip, which caused him to drool in some of his videos.

No. 1813736

File: 1682259910462.jpg (99.07 KB, 554x955, Screenshot 2023-04-23 at 10-22…)

>Xiran: There are no white people in the book because they're not needed. Is satire, btw. Did I mention it is satire?

>A random commenter: why would color matter anyway it's all about character development for me in books

>Xiran: That's microaggression!

No. 1814283

i'm only half way through watching this but it's brilliant. thanks for sharing. he is one of the worst of the breadtubers for me (I find him sooo similar to Phallosophy Tube so it doesn't surprise me they are irl friends) and i'm thoroughly enjoying someone rationally, and without low-blows, document the misdeeds of this creepy, grifting narc.
I'm shocked (yet not surprised) by just how much money this guy makes off people by playing the victim card. a straight white middle class man who is a classic entitled bully, using "communism" and "socialism" and "environmentalism" to show what a good person he is. supposedly he is meant to be writing things that change the world and uses this as justification for why he needs so much money. meanwhile he is clearly a greedy soulless money-grabber and doesn't give a shit about the environment or social issues that don't directly benefit him. only his own fetish and drug habit.

No. 1814285

samefag but I kekked at the bit where he claims he was the victim of having an up-skirt video shared on social media by a journalist, and then it showed it was literally the wind blowing his dress and it just exposed his long bike shorts underneath. AND THEN you go onto his twitter profile and his pfp is literally a lewd upskirt shot of himself. seriously unhinged.

No. 1814426

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This is the most "breadtube" take I've ever heard. This man's understanding of the world is just theory and video games. He seems so out of touch with reality that he genuinely believes playing video games can easily translate into becoming a farmer or laborer because he thinks it would be fun. This isn't just a childish or idealistic fantasy; but reveals a profound disconnection from the practical demands of the real-world.

No. 1814582

If doing so would lead to him getting psychological help, detransitioning, and staying off the internet forever? Sure. If he’s going to stay a mentally ill degenerate trancel YouTuber his whole life then a speedy accidental overdose is probably a better end than he’d give himself otherwise.

No. 1814604

the amount of "literally"s is unbearable. and just his tone and expressions in general. these coddled little theatre kids in their hyper-consoomer dens, thinking they know shit about the real world is hilarious

No. 1815089

The way I see her talking about her own book has discouraged me so much from checking it out.

No. 1815137

So this is full video. I've listened to this twice and I still don't understand what he's trying to say. Comparing the difficulty of actual manual labor to clicking a couple times in Stardew Valley and Power Wash Simulator is just absurd. Anyone who has actually had a job that involved physical labor or even been forced by their parents to do labor intensive work understands the difficulty of real-life work.
Also specifically regarding his argument regarding for emulators(I'm not that tech literate but I'm thirdworld fag that's used emulators to play games since I was 5) does he not know If the specialized factories making these parts shut down, it wouldn't just affect the consoles- it would also affect emulators since they rely on computers with similar parts. Emulators run on computers that face similar supply issues. The chips that power these consoles, as well as other electronics like phones, cars and home appliances, are made in a long, complex supply chain that needs a strong profit incentive to keep going

No. 1815192


he's trying to explain the marxist concept of workers becoming alienated from their labor and how you it leads to the false assumption that alienated labor is the only possible form of labor. it's just jumbled, confusing, and full of videogame metaphors because breadtube's knowledge of both marx and work is really shitty.

No. 1815309

neat! so someone just needs to put out an Assisted Living Simulator so that guys like this can discover their life's calling of diapering Alzheimers patients for a living out of the kindness of their heart.
this man is so sheltered, just put a bullet in him in minecraft or whatever they say on yt to not get demonetized(alogging)

No. 1815589

Did you read Orientalism? Because I condemn Islam as a feminist but to discredit that theory based on vibes is bullshit. The Dragon Mistress/Submissive Geisha dichotomy, the way Western Europe treats Eastern Europe and the Balkans, etc, is all tied to Orientalism.

The invasion of Iraq was unjustified and to this day even the people involved in Iraq's invasion admit it was a mistake.(baiting and derailing)

No. 1816658

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More obvious contra skinwalking from Oliver here.

No. 1816664

still too much face here. send him back to the doctors to remove more bone please.

No. 1817751

Hard to feel bad for Hontra when he's such an enormous twat, though. Hope these two tear each other apart someday.

No. 1818071

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It's so bizzare to see an author shlling their own book this heavily on TikTok. Almost every other post on their account is a fandom TikTok centered around her book, which she seems to created herself. It would have been different if they were just sharing the posts of others

No. 1818093

I knew this dumb bitch sucked but I wasn't ready for that cringe. physically painful to watch.

No. 1818113

her face, makeup, and mannerisms are really annoying to look at.

No. 1818144

isn't it set in medieval china? why would there be any white people? why is she imagining people are offended by this when no one expected a white person or cared that they were absent.

No. 1818155

I just find her very unattractive and annoying seeming. I think she went heavy with the non binary shit because of her looks. I hate speaking on a woman like this but she seems like one of those people who makes crazy face and dresses odd because they don't think they are attractive. Kinda like how as Jill got bigger her look got more clowny, not thinking they are attractive but being obsessed with themselves causes these women to go down the ultra woke "I'm not a woman! Look I dress different and make silly faces!"
She's not even ugly just very unattractive.

No. 1818156

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There were ethnic groups in China during various historical periods, such as the Tocharians, the Tajiks, and the Sogdians, who were not of East-Asian appearance by modern standards. In fact, one of the characters in her book was based on An Lushan, who was of Sogdian origin and depicted as having a visibly caucasian in appearance

No. 1818159

i see, interesting! still, i don't think anyone would pick up a fantasy novel set in ancient china and expect there to be a caucasian person. it's not exactly revolutionary representation for her to leave them out, which seems to be what she's implying. regardless, reading reviews of the book is hilarious. they're either actual reviews going into detail about the writing, worldbuilding, plot, etc. (which are overwhelmingly negative) or five star reviews that just talk about how epic it is there's polyamory kek.

No. 1818200

There are literal mummies in the Tarim Basin that are blond and blue-eyed and the Chinese government was desperate to pretend these mummies were Han Chinese. China literally has borders with Russia. China was a very important part of the Silk Road, which went through several countries. I get wanting to focus on ethnically Chinese characters, but why pretend all of medieval China was Han?

No. 1818344

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Is like she's ignoring that no one complained with Mulan movie that didn't have a white or black character. Even in the failure of live action, people complained more about the lack of Mushu and the captain than… "representation"?

Picrel, isn't she Chinese-Canadian? Why would take offense of people asking for a question in another language?

No. 1818422

Isn't she from a really well off family too? Whenever her videos pop up on my feed, she seems to portray herself as a poor starving minority artist that managed to be so good she broke out and became famous.

No. 1818600

And that her mother wanted her to have a "real job" like the common Asian parent trope, but there she is with a Kaiba cosplay and a Blue-eyed dragon rug. Is like she wants to portrait like you mention to earn more "poor minority" points.

No. 1819164

She's a Fuerdai(Chinese trustfund kids who raised abroad)
>Fuerdai, which is a Chinese term for the children of the nouveau riche in China , often choose to study in Western schools because of the perceived higher quality of education and better job opportunities available in the West. Wealthy Chinese parents are willing to pay top dollar for their children to attend prestigious universities in the United States, Europe, and parts of Canada. Additionally, universities tend to view such students favorably because they pay higher tuition fees.

No. 1819432

Dunno if this counts, but I thought this was funny.

TL;DW - Trans woman made videos discussing Disney from an LGBTQ+ perspective, but the YouTube money dried up, so no more videos.

Some of her video titles:
>Queercoding In Disney Villain Songs
>Proud Boys and Disney's Aladdin
>Muppet Trans Panic
>Elsa The Lesbian
>Disney's Gay Song Formula
>Why Be Transgender?
>The Homophobic Disney Conspiracy Theory

No. 1819438

go back

No. 1819477

good, less trash on youtube

No. 1819778

>ackshual chinese, my culture!
unless she wins an oscar or olympic medal they will see her as american kek

No. 1819918

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The Description of this video
>No such thing as a 100% safe career under c*pitalism so might as well go for what you want
This genuinely pissed me off. Her family is filthy rich and lives in a mansion, plus she's politically well-connected. yet she thinks it's okay to just spout nonsense to her clueless followers, and it could actually mess up people's lives.

No. 1819941

Good. One less women hating man the better.

No. 1819952

I think she meant to type "no such thing as an unsafe career when you've got daddy's money as your eternal safety net" and her hand slipped.

No. 1820044

Kek, I desperately want to know what he says in the "Proud Boys and Disney's Aladdin" and "Muppet Trans Panic" videos but I'm not giving views or clicks to a fucking tranny

No. 1820081

They would treat her like NA treat white people with their "1/8 percent of Cherokee".

If she's sooooo anti-capitlism, she would donate these novels like she did with her other book not only for schools, but that means no expensive shit to spend money into, right?

No. 1820149

Just use Yout

No. 1821156

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Seeing Hassan getting pranked and flabbergasted by the Bill Clinton kid made my night

No. 1821189

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So does everu breadtuber come from wealthy a backgroundd, Like Vasuh's, whose dad works in Hollywood special effects; Xiran, whose family is wealthy and has ties to the Chinese Communist Party; Hasan, whose uncles are owners of a major American media company; PhilosophyTroon, whose family are of old English money; and Hontra, whose parents were university professors. Unironically, someone like Sargon may have more in common with the working class than all these people

No. 1821269

and not just their backgrounds but how much they're making now. the biggest breadtubers are in the 1% (>$500k at least) now kek.
eat the rich! except if they're breadtubers uwu

No. 1821290

Why does Hasan walk like that?

No. 1821303

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>Vaush earns $500,000/year before taxes from his online content creation career which includes YouTube and Twitch streaming. However, this figure may vary depending on his actual earnings for the year. According to certain estimates, Vaush's YouTube channel makes between $61 and $1.4K per day. Vaush's net worth, as of May 2023, is estimated to be around $745,000.

That's more then what my parents have made in a decade.

No. 1821484

File: 1683332799301.webm (3.11 MB, 640x360, contra gutsy.webm)

this is really old now but i just discovered it and haven't seen it discussed here yet. Hontra was in Hilary Clinton's apple TV series 'Gutsy' kek. he appeared in two episodes I think and Hilary and her daughter even go to his house (vidrel).
So JK Rowling is the devil but Killary is chill? he is so shallow it's gross.

No. 1821523

the way he absolutely towers over the two of them kek

No. 1821531


You know what a "champaigne socialist" is?(sage your shit)

No. 1821581

Yeah, and in ten years, those faggots will be making less than your parents, because that's how internet fame works. And unlike your parents, they won't have insurance or a 401k because they're retards who spend everything they make right away. Most of Hontra's income probably goes up his nose.

No. 1821707

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No. 1823066

because a bunch of arrogant faggots with too much time on their hands and little to no actual life experience from being sheltered so much are exactly the type of people who will let their brains get irrevocably corrupted by theoretical concepts originally intended as thought experiments only

No. 1826303

>Unironically, someone like Sargon may have more in common with the working class than all these people
Yes and no, his ideas (and the ideas of all the right-wing YouTube darlings) are not new or unique and they do not originate with the working class. Ideas like "men need to be the strong and silent type, never show any weakness, respect the people putting food on their table, understand employment is a voluntary business transaction between two equal parties, asking what Jesus would do, etc" are 'coincidentally' ideals that are extremely beneficial for the wealthy class. What makes more sense for them? Having employees that think complaining about capitalism and exploitation makes a man an effeminate snowflake, or employees who understand class struggle?

That being said, Sargon will have the illusion that he has more in common with the working class, but only because these ideas have already been propagated within the working class for centuries at this point. It's not like working class people are dumb, easily fooled and couldn't understand genuine pro-worker ideals, but they do get all this social pressure of being called a fag for caring about their own rights rather than the rights of their boss. Kids from wealthy backgrounds aren't subject to that kind of peer pressure, on the contrary, reading books and forming alternative political opinions is heralded as proof of their obvious intelligence and superiority to the other kids.

No. 1826319

you forget to sage, but I didn't mean to imply that Sargon is necessarily pro-working class, Rather, my point was that due to his likely middle-class upbringing, he is more aware to the struggles experienced by the majority of people, something that many wealthy YouTube celebrities cannot comprehend or have never even considered.

No. 1826432

Dunno about you but being children of professors is more middle class than it is upper class.

No. 1827216

Latest video from F.D signifier. It was actually decent.

Also Kidology was laughing and finding it funny Destiny donated 10k to Atlanta police.

No. 1827271

I still hate him, honestly POC breadtubers have an insane ego cause they basically have power in all conversations with white leftists.
>Also Kidology was laughing and finding it funny Destiny donated 10k to Atlanta police.
I'm not American, I don't give a shit.(racebaiting)

No. 1827281

>honestly POC breadtubers have an insane ego cause they basically have power in all conversations with white leftists.
what? this honestly seems like racebait

No. 1827298

anybody who gives money to the police, the most overfunded part of the public sector, is a chump

No. 1827342

>that seems a bit racist
New? Welcome to white breadtube

No. 1827531

Destiny still proving that he's just a maladjusted moid who always does his edgy routine to get attention, but it constantly backfires and make him look like a cretin.

All of his stances are superficial and spite based, just like all of his posturing on sexual violence/harassement online, only to go hang out with StatutoryRapist22 for clout.

It's insane people still give this guy credibility, he's just a less successful Keemstar drama-baiting idiot.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1827705


Sometimes I wonder if it's even possible for working class people to crack into this. contra was able to spend years making content that nobody watched while networking with other rich kids to make the channel work. It seems like if a normal person tried that you 9/10 times would have something like cosmowright where he burned through all his savings and had to go get a job.

No. 1828470

Lindsay Ellis Is Back on Nebula(a paid video essay subscription service)

No. 1828568

I still can't believe she enabled the "callout culture" woke mob and now she's so terrified of them she won't release her vids without a paywall kek

No. 1828622

Am I being mandela'd here or wasn't she always releasing content behind a paywall?

No. 1828714

she was for a long time in that guy with glasses, came back to youtube, had and STILL has a patreon with 9,000+ subs, and now seems to be making exclusive content for nebula. if she did content with them before it was likely the scraps but maybe that's why you're remembering it that way

No. 1828770

I sometimes like her videos, but not enough to pay for them, and especially not enough to throw money at what appears to be a retarded Breadtube-and-orbiters-only streaming service.

No. 1828832

In her latest patreon update she threw shades to creators guilt tripping ppl into giving money to their patreons and also said something about other ppl saying she doesnt have employees anymore.
The first jab im pretty sure is directed at james somerton (who i think also gets shade in the actual guy fieri video abt gays thinking marriage is just to impress the straights, which is one of his main arguments), but i have no idea abt the other thing. Anyone more in the know than me regarding these gossips?

Personally i like LE, she's such a messy bitch

No. 1828971

how'd you watch her vidoe?

No. 1828987

Here is a debate/conversation between F.D Signifier and Kidology, his video >>1749491 on her basically got her fired from her Job(he only half apologized for it but says she actually got fired cause she was a black female and she should really be blaming the system instead of him)
he kept on bringing up her being “Trans Antagonistic” and was being respectful towards him and had the chat be respectful towards him.

No. 1829023

Honestly I'm just over video essays. So many of them are exercises in turning a two-page written essay into an hour of content that they've ruined any interest I have in listening to even content creators that I know are usually good. I'd much rather read something that makes the same point.

No. 1829070

I remember reading recently but much further than this week that she was releasing paywalled content.

No. 1829223

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What has Oliver done to his face? Buccal fat removal?

No. 1829225

File: 1684359422977.jpeg (73.89 KB, 1208x755, A307788A-4ADE-4452-A652-2B3C20…)

He definitely had a chin shave at least. And kek, these images were next to each other on google image search. He’s got the dead-eyed fish mouth contra stare down.

No. 1829230

Is it just me or he looks more masculine on the right?

No. 1829233

nta but these are two different men kek, the left is philosophytube (Ollie) & the right is contrapoints (Nyk). Ollie has been skinwalking Nyk for years.

No. 1829289

Besides what the other nonnie said, Contra has more of a chance of passing than Philosophytube. I mean neither really do, but Contra knows all the angles and stylings to trick people more easily than Philosophytube.

No. 1829393

Also nta but holy shit all this time I thought they were the same person. There’s two of them? Ick

No. 1829400

male narcissism is on a whole nother level

No. 1829402

They're both so botched and ugly. At least Ollie is not skinwalking and terrorizing some other woman

No. 1829493

who is Hontra skinwalking?

No. 1829597

They've shaved off so much face, but he's still unmistakeably briddish. amazing

No. 1830276

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Moving this from the Youtube Thread >>1830183

No. 1830277

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No. 1830380

File: 1684508470476.png (123.85 KB, 1078x516, Copy-of-Book-Cover_Featured-10…)

sage for no milk but I looked up one of the authors she listed and she looks exactly like what I expected her to look like.

No. 1830389

>If a woman tries to understand her perpetrator as being a a complex moral being…
A lot of words just to make it sound like "I can fix him"

No. 1830461

"carceral feminism" lmfao
Men in jail for crimes they committed is wammens' fault. Just close your eyes and think of the Revolution™, girls!

No. 1830537

File: 1684525709011.jpg (657.1 KB, 2880x2880, Lol.jpg)

>Xiran Unironically, confessing that your awfil self-insert book is inspired by Darling at the Fraxx!
Why would anyone willingly admit that their novel is just bad fanfiction with a new coat of paint?

No. 1830545

She's such a dumbass pick-me who obviously hasn't recovered from her Jordan Peterson stan days

No. 1830607

i already know watching this entire video is gonna make me burst a blood vessel. immigrant women don't report domestic abuse because the police can deport them and their families. somehow this is feminists fault. i am very smort

No. 1830660

Nothing is 100% original and everyone takes inspiration from other types of media but bragging about it is not a good look. Besides a japanese studio is not going to care that someone across the globe ripped off their anime. The sad reality is that the most caring they will do is joke about how a chinese person copied them because japanese people makes jokes like that all the time

No. 1830717

Lot of these diaspora forget that there is no such thing as "Asian solidarity" in the actual continent.

No. 1830765

God they both have such huge foreheads and long mid-faces. The jaw/chin surgery has that affect, I think; they try to give themselves a feminine jawline, but they're stuck the male-sized upper half of their face, so all the smaller jaw accomplishes is making everything else look bigger by comparison. It's a great example of why cosmetic surgery is retarded and pointless, especially if it's for trooning.

No. 1830771

I liked a few of her videos before but watching more, I realized she's such a pickme bitch.

No. 1830772

My first thought is JK Rowling kek. You can tell Hontra is trying so hard to be this cool wine aunt mom

No. 1831159

someone coming from a poor family and who has to work to put food on the table doesn't have the time to put into making shitty youtube videos for long enough to gain a following. so yes, most successful youtubers are people who can leech off their mommy and daddy while they make it big on youtube

No. 1833453

Sage for no milk because this an okay video and I got no real beef with him outside him being the typical embarrassing lefty moid tranny lover but how is it possible to get progressive uglier and uglier with every video? He must be going out of his way at this point to look this obscenely hideous and unkempt

No. 1834298

I keep hearing people say that Vaush will troon out, but I don't see that happening. It's not because I don't think he isn't a porn addicted misogynist commer, but because he seems too lazy to even put in the effort. I believe that the mere task of shaving his beard would be too much for him. On the other hand, HasanAbi, despite his image as a masculine figure in the breadtube community, might be more insecure about his image and could be the type of person who would troon out and he seems really invested in the trans twitter spaces

No. 1834321

Are Vaush and Hasan straight?

No. 1834330

Hes invested in them because he's a chaser. He won't troon out because that would actually decrease his numbers of tranny sex partners since the only people actually fucking this vile oxygen thief are self hating tifs who delude themselves into thinking he wants them in a gay way and either prison gay agps or hsts with severe self worth issues

No. 1834334

I think it's become his gimmick to look as neurotic as possible. He's a Tim Burton character at this point.

No. 1834335

yuck he looks like he crawled out of a sewer. I'm actually kinda disgusted the standards for males are already on the floor and he couldn't be bothered to try and style his hair or anything

No. 1834348


I don't think Hasan actually believes in gender ideology at all. He's not fully crpto GC, but during the Cyberpunk 2077 controversy he kept having to stop himself from just saying trans doesn't actually make any sense. He kept starting the arguments everyone goes through when you peak, but knew not to finish them on stream. He also hangs out a lot with truanon who are actual 110% crpyto GC.

No. 1834368

Hasan claims to be, Vaush is in a polycue where he's fucked troons and fembiys

No. 1834378

Haasan was the one who did that cringe video saying he was more attracted to transwomen then "cis" women, then was like, "I have to unlearn my dislike for penis because it's transphobic" or some shit. I truly think that he's all talk. Someone claims he mainly is seen messing with actual women who are attractive, never troons.
I just think he's the average pandering idiot. Vaush is an super coomer, so he probably genuinely loves troon. I find it funny how men into troons do all this mouth service for them, to show support, to make sure they are "protected" but the men into actual woman who do this only do it to get close enough to be an creep or good boy points with women.
I assume it's because they know they can get sex easier from their fellow man (troons), and their male brain will always try to manipulate women just enough to get sex/attetnion/good boy points, hoping it'd get them sex.
With troons they can just be woke, pretend to care, or not! Doesn't matter, troons will fuck/suck them on the low anyway because they are gay scotes and men respect men even troons more then they respect anything born female.

No. 1834419

is there any evidence that trueanon is crypto gc, they never cover it and the sphere they hang around with is full of chasers

No. 1834423

No. 1835056


Liz used to repost GC writers before part of their fanbase got upset and she stopped. They also keep doing this thing where they will literally go through the GC criticism of the left gender ideologues word for word while making sure to never say TRA specifically. I don't want them to actually get canceled by TRAs or whatever, but just listening to GC left podcast and seeing how much crosses over with slight rephrasing makes it really obvious they are listening too.

No. 1835685

Hasan is someone without a coherent ideology or worldview. If circumstances were different, he could easily be a commentator on the Daily Wife. For now, he caters to his audience by saying and doing what he knows will appeal to them. I'm also skeptical of his supposed attraction to Troons. However, Vaush is a genuine, which makes his porn addiction and messed up worldview even scarier, as he actually believes in this shit.

No. 1835693

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No. 1835708

He is going to troon out, will he? Hope he gets the stinkditch so his pathetic genes dont pass.

No. 1835726

Lmbo he’s a menopausal ftm without the beard, what was he attempting, a kpop look?

No. 1835731

File: 1685221419406.webm (10.47 MB, 640x360, Vaush Yaniv.webm)

Oh my God, he unironically defended Jessica Yaniv - the troon who went to women's spas and demanded to be waxed, or he would sue them for discrimination

No. 1835735

Who’s the Karen now WHEW

No. 1835786

He is leftist how exactly? His newer videos (the polandball ones) are all pure neolib drivel.

No. 1835788

>she's becoming a big Franceboo
Based, perhaps the beginning of a redemption arc

No. 1835793

We have to remember that Fifty Shades of Gray was just shitty twilight fanfic. Now a generation of women think that's what a normal BDSM relationship is like.

No. 1835857

He looks gay

No. 1835909

He fucks men and troons in his polycue

No. 1836045

Is this really? He's so fucking ugly.

No. 1836197

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Also he's a pedo defender.

No. 1836200

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No. 1836418

He's an outright pedo. Since there's "no ethical consumption under late capitalism" there's apparently no moral issue in consuming actual child porn as long as you didn't pay for it.

No. 1836440


i feel like it should be pointed out that no theory of socialism actually says this. marx, lenin, mao, whatever nobody actually claims socialism removes the power imbalance between adults and children. he's literally just making up shit to obscure that he's a pedo and he gets away with it because his audience doesn't read enough to know better.

No. 1836616

Are we actually surprised and acting like the vast majority of men don't want to fuck 15 year olds? Can we just be real here for a second? You will probably not find a single man who wouldn't fuck a 16-17 year old if given the opportunity. That's just a fact. Vaush isn't a freakish anomaly. He's the average male. I'd say 100% of men's preference is 17-16, 90% would also fuck a 15 year old and 80% would go down to 14 too. Yes even your boyfriend. If you don't believe me just look at how men are speaking and joking about being attracted to teenage girls. Look into the comments sections of literally any video featuring a teenage girl. Look at which prostitutes are trafficked for the highest price. The proof is all around you. Vaush just feels empowered to be honest because he knows none of his male admirers would cancel him

No. 1836795

Sometimes I wish these faggots would get the Uncle Joe they deserve.

No. 1841384

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The online left will never be able to succesfully pander to actual workers, look at this keyboard freak
>"this image has done untold damage to all left wing discourse cause it doesn't account for praxis and obesity"
shut the fuck up.

No. 1841492

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Someone from the IWW(once one of the largest workers parties in America), unironically commissioned picrel, posted it on their official social media, and defended it against those who expressed disgust. They even went so far as to label any detractors as "reactionaries". It like they internalized the conservative label of 'degenerates' and embraced it, ignoring the fact that most people would find the artwork gross and perverted.
So yeah the western left is in a sad pathetic state RN.

No. 1841639

>the IWW (once one of the largest workers parties in America)
Ten years of relevance in the pre-WWI era, followed by a hundred years of LARPers wearing their organizational shell as a skinsuit. A sad fate.

No. 1843226

Broey Deschanel got a CBC gig
because she's a uoft student, they like using feminist language and being performative but deep down they are abuser apologists.
she is right about the context (migrant fear deportation, bw fear of betraying community) but her solution is wrong victims shouldn't bear the burden of making the decisions to report, it should be the state/community. That being said toronto police officers are slow when it comes to DV/sexual assualt cases.

No. 1843230

>he kept on bringing up her being “Trans Antagonistic” and was being respectful towards him and had the chat be respectful towards him.
So that's why she peaked and made a video defending JK Rowling from oxfam. It's crazy how he made her lose her job. She's not just black she's an immigrant too (south african) last time I checked she lives in the UK. Hope her visa is fine because she made an entire video about having a racist adoptive family.

No. 1843447

The prioritization of "Diversity and Inclusion" has ruined unionization. The only thing coming between workers and actual progress are organizers not getting to the actual root of the issue: leaving the state out of workers' business. Let businesses that don't pay up fail, stop tattletaling to the state for a business not compensating well or being inclusive or diverse and just let them go bankrupt. Workers from other businesses in the same or similar careers need to communicate with each other, work for a business that does compensate well and when they don't, let them fail. The only reason employers hate when we discuss our pay is because they know they'll fail. Stop telling the state to slap your current employer's wrist and hope things get better.

No. 1843519

This video and the comment section are a complete denial of reality. Unlike the troon I can admit I'm not an expert, but I have completed a year-long physiotherapy course and did gymnastics when I was younger, which makes me qualified than a philosophy major who overanalyzes everything. So the idea that humans are not sexually dimorphic is completely unscientific, we can identify people's age range and ethnic origins with their skeletons. At 12:58 in the video, the troons brings up a random study about transmen being able to beat regular men in sports, although I don't know the exact variables, the fact that no transman has ever won against regular man in any competition shows how unlikely this is. His argument that transwomen win more, only because they were raised as men and more experience then women, falls flat when considering the existence of female athletes in Eastern Belt countries who were trained from childhood to compete in Olympic sports, yet their records are regularly broken by teenage boys. I seriously question how many left-leaning people who hold these opinions, have ever actually competed in any physical activity in their lives, let alone competitive sports. This whole debate is completely pretentious and ridiculous.

No. 1843537

It's nonsense. Check out fairplayforwomen for "cis" and trans sports stats. Sharron Davies is great too, very succinct. She's a GB athlete who was cheated out of an Olympic Gold during the East German doping scandal.

No. 1843764

like the entire argument that many trans women were socialized as boys or young men to pursue physical fitness and sports is already a fine argument towards separating sports by birth sex. the entire reason sports were separated by sex or gender was these social reasons that could put women at a disadvantage that destroys any real or fair competition. not that women are incapable of being stronger than men per say, but that women are habitually discouraged from the same life long conditioning and training. of course the elevated testosterone and it's performance enhancing affects in a majority of cis men is part of that decision but not the only aspect.

i'm so tired of these twitter fuckwads denying the role of male socialization in trans womens lives but then acknowledging it when it suits them.

I have some friends that are trans women, so "moids" or TIMs as you would say. they unprompted talk about male socialization being real, an aspect of their amab privilege compared to cis girls, and something they are trying to unlearn. same with internalized misogyny. she will immediately center the conversation on the ways this world robs cis women and girls because she actually has feminist beliefs. I know that all may sound like left woke bs to some of you. but I find it really self accountable and good. a lot of trans women in real life are reasonable and are not obsessed with putting down cis women and do not view cis women are their oppressors inherently.

There really are some misogynistic monsters on twitter who are trans that i am so so sick of seeing bullying the vulnerable and engaging in incel shit

but having irl a friend or two who's a trans women and actually firmly believes she has male privileges is eye opening.

i feel like if youre a trans women or amab but are very open about having male privileges in many aspects and aren't pushing the idea that her gender identity somehow overrides the benefits she enjoys from a patriarchy that favors the male sex, i personally do see that as a sister

No. 1843777

>all of that drivel about how some trannies are the good ones
Go. Back.

No. 1843871

Every time you call a TIM friend "she", he gains sexual satisfaction. If he claims to be HSTS, he is in his pseudo-bisexual phase and fantasises about men doing to him what he wants to do to you. He is exploiting your "be kind" attitude so you drop your defences. There are no good ones, only good liars. Open your eyes.

No. 1843957

Anon, men thinking they can become women IS unreasonable behavior…

No. 1843992

one day you’ll learn there’s no such thing as a “good” tranny. he’s doing the thing all male “feminists” do to make you trust them. also
>per say

No. 1844074

Nonnie, i feel like you've cultivated a group of exceptionals in your eyes, yet on other parts of the internet they're no different than the average troon. The femboy thread infamous Cafebeef is literally one of these types of troons who goes out of his way to say he has male privilege, yet he's agreeing with everything the delusional Katy Montgomerie tweets in a heartbeat. Please, do some deep searching of these troons you have befriended, they likely have terrible OpSec.

No. 1844146

Acknowledging male privilege is the bare minimum for both sexes. I would never call a guy “sister”, let alone a guy who is cosplaying the “oppressed class”, yet openly admits to enjoying the benefits that he gets as an oppressor and perpetuator of the stereotypes that harm said oppressed group. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS, NONNA. Yes, they might be nice to you and be “oh, so feminist” and “sisters”, but they’ll drop you in a blink of an eye once you start disagreeing with their agenda (and it just depends on time rather than what the disagreement is about). I don’t wanna sound tinfoil, but trooning out is the peak fetishist behaviour, when you’re convinced that all the “prosecution” (literally pointing out their deranged beliefs) is worth “feeling like a girl” (and they’ll never explain what tf it means because there’s no such thing)

No. 1844162

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>I seriously question how many left-leaning people who hold these opinions, have ever actually competed in any physical activity in their lives, let alone competitive sports. This whole debate is completely pretentious and ridiculous.
That former seems to be the case tbh.

No. 1845286

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I've watched a couple of Big Joel's media analysis videos, and it strikes me that he misjudges what something is trying to do, and then criticises it for failing to do it well, or in other words fails to understand why the things he analyses were made.

For example, in his Dream Motel video, he frames the series as The Twilight Zone but with a prosaic Christian twist- "what if you could meet the adult version of the fetus you were thinking of aborting?", "what if you could go back to a time where you sinned and do the Christian thing instead?"- and then criticises individual episodes for how they fail to explore their premises when framed in this way. But the show is actually much closer to a Christian take on Dhar Mann, with Dhar Mann replaced by Jesse Chris (the most understated name for a Jesus stand-in since Lost's Christian Shepherd), who gives the episode's main character a second chance once they've INSTANTLY REGRETS IT.

For example, there's an episode where a woman is frustrated with being stuck looking after her mentally disabled brother and gets the chance to visit a timeline where he was never born. It turns out that in the world where she wasn't constantly stuck at home caring for him she partied too much and ruined her life because this is a conservative Christian tv show. Joel criticises this episode for trivialising what he frames as its central conflict, the ethical question of whether is would be okay to erase someone from existence for the sake of your own freedom, by making the world without her brother so bleak that she wouldn't want to choose it anyway. But what the story actually is, is Girl Wishes DISABLED Brother Was Never Born, INSTANTLY REGRETS IT! That the outcome of the wrong choice is comically oversimplified isn't a failure or an oddity, as he frames it, it's the entire point.

pic unrelated

No. 1845579

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More tiktok than youtube adjacent but Rayne Fisher-Quann/@Internetprincess/@Raynecorp is a journalist, tiktoker and microceleb who writes pseudo intellectual articles for i-D, dazed etc.
>rose to fame by being the face of canada's largest student protest against sex education reforms.
>recently got exposed by @officialindygojones for hijacking her movement and completely removing the indigenous aspect, the movement originally included the reforms that erased education on stuff like residential schools.
>She commented under tiktok which was basically damage control, denying she made herself the face of the movement and denying her grifting.

No. 1845585

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rayne's response comment 1/3

No. 1845589

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No. 1845593

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No. 1845600

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indygo herself is indigenous and while i do think there maybe some jealousy. i also think she's rightfully angry at rayne for turning it into a gig for her sex education activism grift. It's very obvious she used activism to launch her career in fashion mags. If you look at most of rayne's articles/videos the content is very shallow and relies on using academic language. She's a tiktok version of olisunvia

No. 1845663

why is Daria in the banner for a "lobotomy-chic" Instagram aesthetic next to some dipshit reeeee-

No. 1845668

I hate every aspect about this.

No. 1845669

God I’m so sick of people overanalysing every single thing women do right down to their expressions in random photos. The second woman isn’t even pouting ffs that’s just her lips. And Chloe Cherry has a shit ton of filler so obviously she cant help her lips from pouting in that state. This is on the same scrotey neurosis tier as ‘smile sweetheart!’ Or ‘resting bitch face’. People are so fucking stupid. Let women take pictures without having their every move and micro expression analyzed and written up as a psychiatric analysis.

No. 1845671

Right. It’s a fucking cartoon too. Kys Rayne.

No. 1845672

At this point AI could write better articles than these pseudhoes.

No. 1845673

it's actually insane and pathetic that "this pose is trending on the internet" is a topic worthy of an entire article in 2023
and on top of that, you're right that this fucking retard is too stupid to even make a coherent point. I don't think fiona apple circa the 90s and a fucking cartoon whose face is drawn on are following the fucking instagram pose trend. the internet is making us all terminally fucking stupid

No. 1845701

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Thw comments on her tiktoks are getting swamped and she's playing victim now

No. 1845702

It's crazy how she coopted the entire thing and completely erased the activism against the curriculum whitewashing/erasing indigenous genocide because it was to threatening for their audience but still find time to talk about pronouns. In the caption for this video of a speech she posted on her channel she calls herself the head organiser and doesn't mention indygo

No. 1845767

Awaiting her reactionary, right wing tradwife arc lol.

No. 1845859

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I know this is irrational but I really hare hearing her speak about the French Revolution. She can be rich and a communist or socialist but it’s so weird how her audience has no idea that she’s from a very rich family and she never talks about China in a critical way but obsesses over discussing how problematic the West is.

No. 1845869

this bitch is so cringe. filthy rich nepobaby wearing guillotine earrings, kek

No. 1845872

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This is such BS, While it is true that many European royals throughout history were kinda crap, it's worth noting that after the 1800s, efforts were made to train them as competent leaders by sending them to military or nursing schools and they receive education and training in various fields, this does not automatically make them effective leaders though. But on the other hand, the extreme extravagant lifestyles of Chinese royals surprised visiting Europeans, so It's beyond hypocritical of her to glorify Chinese royals in her videos, considering that they too were even more indulgent and ineffective leaders.

No. 1845921

She gets her "accurate" information from dramas and sees everything through her twitterfag lenses. I will never be able to take seriously someone who says shit like ancient China was super progressive because men could have many (young male) partners. She's full of shit.

No. 1845922

>constantly shitting on the west while conveniently ignoring their own glaring flaws

That’s just China’s bread and butter(sage your shit)

No. 1845976

This. Chinese royals make European royals look like angels by comparison.

No. 1845977

>rich Chinese nepo baby
>on tiktok 24/7
>constantly bashing the west and western history while burying her head in the sand about China
She’s 100% on the CCP payroll.

No. 1846021

> She gets her "accurate" information from dramas

No. 1846055

That’s very misguided, she’s somewhat of a centralist and has her own opinions and mostly ripped apart Oxfam

No. 1846419

nta but she's very open for adoration for Cdramas and posts about them semi-regularity

No. 1846456

I feel that for most breadtubers/twitter leftist, it's become a matter of almost religious reverence to never agree with any opinion held by those on the 'wrong side' - whether they're "TERFs", "conservatives", or middle ground people deemed right-wing. or else risk being torn down by their own followers. This fear seems to extend to the topic of troons in sports, This mentality extends to issues such as the over-representation of certain ethnic groups in crime statistics. Instead of even acknowledging these issues, they choose to deny their existence or just outright lie.

No. 1846514

cmon you can dogwhistle better than that channie, you know what you're saying isn't even true. sure none of the self absorbed white show ponies like PT or contra talk about crime stats (because why the fuck would they, they think they can just avoid talking about/to black ppl at all, let alone racial statistics) but out of all the annoying white tubers at LEAST vaush and shaun have. it's shit /pol/ bait these days. the tubers that aren't constantly shoving foundation up their amholes and have read at least one study involving a graph already talked about race and crime statistics (if they haven't already ripped off a legit academic study on them.)

No. 1846534

NTA, but I don't think you watched the video. That's not what he's saying. You can do better than reading the title and typing long rants.

No. 1846538

File: 1686760193368.jpg (20.17 KB, 1140x700, nebula-1.jpg)

Can someone please explain what the fuck Nebula is? like some channels I like are posting exclusive their but a lot of breadtubers also seem to be migrating, so what's the deal

No. 1846560

It's a video platform that allows more control and more profit to creators than youtube because it's subscription only. It's also run by the woke. Like they dropped this one youtuber because she said, six years ago, that it's not ok for a transwoman to punch an old lady in the face.

No. 1846567

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>Like they dropped this one youtuber because she said, six years ago, that it's not ok for a transwoman to punch an old lady in the face.
That was Jill Bearup, the insane thing is that she deleted that post just a month after making it because she didn't want to cause controversy. However, it still ended up ruining her future YouTube career: now, no one will collaborate with her, won't give her a shout-out, and companies that consider themselves progressive won't platform her because of one post that again she deleted and for also using mumsnet(which they treat like its some far-right forum)
picrel are the first results when I search her name on twitter.

No. 1846656

breadtube onlyfans

No. 1846970

I love how breadtube completely ignores how wasteful and exploitative disney is and go for multiple trips there

No. 1846973

It irritated me to no end when she was begging for money for her kitten being sick while posting pics from a huge house. Then didn't she adopt another kitten? So irresponsible if she couldn't afford to look after the first one.

No. 1846997

these kinds of people can afford to take care of their pets, they just don’t see animals as worthy of spending their money on. they expect everyone else to foot the bill for them, people kinder than they are. that’s why these people shouldn’t have pets.

No. 1847000

Yep breadtubers all seem to embody this horrible synthesis of a Disney adult and a pretentious philosophy/film studies drop out. It's pretty telling that none of them seem to create any quality art or media themselves and instead focus on criticizing everything else. Not saying that there's no place for criticism or that critics can't also be talented, but you'd think we'd have some more examples of good work from people who are so keen to point out the flaws in others' work. Guess there is some truth in the saying that those who can't do, teach.

No. 1847547

I'm more of a liberal than anything else, so I'm not tossing this out there as an insult: Breadtube is a collection of lazy liberals who use "leftist" vocabulary to the detriment of leftist politics. They've totally neutered and subverted powerful ideas, words, and concepts by using them as a means of soothing their various flavors of privilege-induced guilt. Their fans feel similarly guilty and helpless, so they eat it up. You couldn't have executed a better anti-left psyop if you tried!
They can't even fake being responsible consoomers, or make the tiniest sacrifices for the good of others (beyond restricting their vocabulary and policing others'). How often do they talk about regularly volunteering? Attending city council meetings? Reducing your waste and water usage? Stealing hubcaps off your boss's car? Doing no-buys? Going straight edge? Learning how to sew/cook/garden? Consumer protections? They just sit around and cape so fuckin hard for their favorite movies, video games, and porn genres but sprinkle some surface level critique on top so their teenage fanbases feel like they're listening to serious critical analysis.
When they do talk about actual social issues, they end up saying egregious shit like >>1843519 and >>1835731 and >>1830277 because their developing brains have been stewing in (literally) unreal, online internet politics.
None of these people do fucking anything other than pretend to be good people online. They don't even fucking vote without bitching about it.

No. 1848058

Disney is peak consumerism, you'd think such budding intellectuals would be able to see the irony

No. 1848512

>How often do they talk about regularly volunteering? Attending city council meetings? Reducing your waste and water usage? Stealing hubcaps off your boss's car? Doing no-buys? Going straight edge? Learning how to sew/cook/garden? Consumer protections?
This is so true nonna. Leftists talk big game about "radical" change and spout pseudo intellectual academic bullshit but they never talk about local involvements or do anything to get involved in local politics. They are so terminally online.

No. 1848613

The western left is a talking pretentious head with no body. Imperialism allows for great material gain without the dogged exploitation of a domestic working class. This means that both the leverage of the working class (physical control over things critical to the economy) and the working class' radicalism against the status quo are greatly diminished. This means the intelligentsia have no real movement to interact with, so instead they navel-gaze as hard as humanly possible as a coping mechanism. This turns them into incomprehensible babbling heads who can only spew bonkers theories that have nothing to do with reality. Some of them even turn against the working class and blame them for imperialism (see: J. Sakai)

No. 1848640

>Dunno about you but being children of professors is more middle class than it is upper class.
Nick studied piano at Berklee College of Music. Regular people usually don't let their children study things like that as the job market is too insecure. Nick then studied philosophy at Georgetown where his father just so happens to be a professor. Nick might technically be middle class but he had an incredible amount of privilege.

No. 1848641

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bonus, Nick looking wasted at a piano

No. 1848662

jenny made a whole video acknowledging the reasons people hate disney and then is still just fine with it?

No. 1849340

Jenny really isn't breadtube, she's associated with them but her content isn't in the same ballpark.

No. 1849428

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So Vaush's mod team is beefing with a vietnamese breadtuber. Can't find how this started but then again Vaush hates any woman with a fully developed frontal lobe

No. 1849429

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No. 1849434

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This 'conflict' actually predates Vaush and Luna. Western leftists(most famously from the Frankfurt school), looked at the nationalism and strongman rule of communist states and declared it 'not real' communism or socialism because it didn't conform to their academic values. Soviet writers used to talk about how they were frequently challenged by these 'intellectuals' on their trips abroad, and were more hassled by them than by right-wingers. The Frankfurt School played an influential role in the development of western left wing thought and after the fall of the Soviet Union it became the dominant thought in the west.

No. 1849607

leftist communities irl do and they act on it. constantly. couldn't really keep up the pace and maintain my own health so i stopped getting involved in local or university leftist community efforts but they were extremely effective people with great goals. real connection to their communities not just working with upper middle class yuppies. tho most running these groups were upper middle class older white yuppies but frankly those are usually the ones with the time energy and resources to dedicate. it's the same with right wing charity and volunteer groups usually it's white upper middle class run and it's most active members can be pretentious snobs at the end of the day, but that does outreach that connects with the rest of the community. i just fundamentally agree with the leftist groups morals and methods in ways that made so much sense to me, while volunteer work i did in conservative circles growing up often felt performative and band-aid. tho i've known leftist volunteer projects can be very guilty of the same.

the idea they're all super online people is because the only leftist people you know are online so of course they're a bunch of performative unhelpful losers. that's all internet politics

No. 1849625

Hassan went to a brothel in Germany. He talked about it on podcasts and posted a Twitter post. Shortly after he left Europe, the brothel he mentioned was raided by German police for sex trafficking.

The stuff about animals is a mystery to me, but I wouldn’t put it past them. Linda Lovelace’s abusive ex forced her to fuck a fog at gunpoint.

No. 1849626

The second I hear the asthmatic fake lady voice or the frog FTM voice I click off. What grotesques.

No. 1849628

He used to be moderately cute before he hit the wall like a drunk Asian bitch in the F1 race. He apparently thought rape was super funny and considered trooning out at some point. It’s hilarious how all his bros went and trooned out on him. Haven’t watched his videos in forever because I refuse to support men that would lock me in a cage with a male felon. Can’t wait until Harry rapes someone or gets found grooming an underaged fan into giving him “progress pics”.

No. 1849832

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lol, at the hidden replies.

No. 1850118

The Movie James Franco Doesn't Want You To See - Lola Sebastian

Not quite inner circle yet but definitely on the breadtube fringes and heavily inspired by Lindsay Ellis.

This has to be one of the worst "video essays" I've seen in a long time. The first video she did on a James Franco vanity project was pretty good and broke down why it didn't work. She mentioned wanting to see a film that wasn't available to see anywhere and alludes to it in the clickbait title of this one. Someone sent her a copy but then she barely mentions it.

Instead, the video is filled with every passing thought she has, most of them barely relevant to the subject. She uses a clip from Ferris Bueller's Day Off so she goes on a tangent about the DVD she bought and then someone's Amazon review. She makes a joke about someone making a fanvid about two characters but then cuts to a fake fanvid she made that goes on way too long. Soooo quirky!

Worst of all is that she was contacted by several people that had been exploited by James Franco with more revelations and it feels like she didn't really care to follow most of it up. Imagine calling her and leaving a message about being sexually exploited by Franco and it's just used as a 5 min section while the rest of the time goes to her rambling about wanting to buy glasses or whatever random thought entered her head.

This could so easily have been a much better video and it's so frustrating to watch. The more I watch of breadtube, the more I realise how incompetent they are and that they only get the praise they do because their audience is about 15 and every competent person for comparison is not on youtube.

No. 1850130

I believe that most YouTube essayists view themselves as the main attraction rather than their content. To an extent, this is true, viewers don't care and don't remember what Hontras has actually says in his videos, but they remember his theatrics and cutaway segments. The same is true for Hbomberguy, as about a quarter of his videos consist of sketches. And it seems that this trend is only getting worse. As their content runs dry, these creators have to rely more on tangents from their personal lives to maintain viewer interest.

No. 1850182

Forgot to mention the worst part. It's OVER TWO HOURS LONG.

No. 1850186


There are excellent essayists out there with good points and insights. The big difference is if they show up on screen or if they're just a voice. People on screen tend to be narcissists

No. 1850196

Very true. Redlettermedia started the long movie analysis trend with the Mr Plinkett videos (voice only) which spawned the video essay trend. They've been active for over 15 years but almost nothing is known about their personal lives as they're either playing a character or stay on topic.

No. 1850409

These people spend hours (and waste hours of people's lives) waxing philosophical over shit that doesn't matter. One of her videos is called "The Absurd Horror of Marge Simpson", and it's over 50 minutes long. That should tell you everything you need to know.

No. 1850412

Samefag. I also found this video. I'm not going to watch it, but I thought the title was funny.

No. 1850430

This is the kind of video you make if you have absolutely zero real problems.

No. 1850433

This post reeks of Reddit, Jesus Christ…

No. 1850457

this isn't a belief it's a fact. This is why most of their videos are wishy washy and basically say nothing. Can we talk about how canadian liberals love profiting off the trauma of others to make themselves look good? it's like a habitual practice in their activism scenes. the natural end of making "being nicer/more moral" than the usa your entire national identity.

No. 1850458

I hope she peaks eventually.

No. 1850468

>One of her videos is called "The Absurd Horror of Marge Simpson", and it's over 50 minutes long.
This is a point that has been raised on Tumblr and Reddit since the early 2010s: Marge Simpson's character is in a strange position due to historical anachronism and the sliding timeline of the show. The Simpsons was conceived in the late 1980s as an inverse of the nuclear American family sitcoms that were popular at that time. Over the years, writers have added to her story, such as having her attend college in the 1990s, but due to the status quo of the show, she always ends up back with Homer in a lower-middle-class household. Furthermore, Marge's voice actress is struggling doing the voice, resulting in her character receiving less and less screen time. so yeah, the observation that Marge's character is in a bizarre position is technically true, but this is an observation that anyone can make in less than 10 minutes(like vidrel), not 50

No. 1850489

kek this bitch. I believe she wants to be part of the true Breadtube clique really badly but at the same time she thinks she's intellectually superior to them so she doesn't make any true effort, she believes she'll magically make it big because she's ~quirky and queer~ enough. Her takes are awful even for Breadtube standards.

No. 1850503

She says in the video “I know professors watch my videos”. Like come on.

The first James Franco video was only good because she’d done a dissertation on the book he adapted and so was able to clearly summarise the plot and characters. The second one flops when she attempts to do analysis without a professor guiding her.

No. 1850864

Exactly. She's not wrong, but she's acting like it's some kind of profound truth that's worth nearly an hour of people's time to learn about.

I would also comment on her expression of smug self-importance, but that's common among breadtubers. lol

No. 1850975

The guys name is "lily" and the entire video and comment section is just trannies wanting "accurate" groomer troon content in the Simpsons. And, of course, he complained about the episode where Marge's sister almost got tricked into marriage with a man.. KEK

He's also done the same with bob's burgers.

No. 1852007

Of course he did because it was a moment even in animation where a woman told a man "no" and these cocks in frocks can't cope with that

No. 1852997

Serious question: were there actually people who were traumatized by playing Wii Fit? This guy seems to think so.

No. 1853002

I always associated Wii fit with old people.

No. 1853018

File: 1687718377991.jpeg (61.35 KB, 828x638, IMG_3212.jpeg)

Bro has no business plastering that ugly mug on thumbnails while looking like the monster Inc monster.
He traumatized me by making me see him.

No. 1853086

breadtubers are more likely to be traumatized by the floating head from brain age telling them they have the mental acuity of a 90 year old

No. 1853205

kek, i know this guy, his cadence is annoying as fuck, but that's normal for breadtube. does he think this game was made with fatass glue eaters like him in mind or something? i can't imagine making a whole video about such a stupid subject, but again, normal breadtube.

No. 1853516

I remember that he made a video about Vine “revitalizing minstrelity”.

No. 1853762

now that this creature that crawled from the back dumpster of a liposuction clinic has told us a black man making silly vines is actually modern minstrel, we as a society have enough power to finally defeat racism forever. thanks breadtube! activism truly is amazing

No. 1853827

So, I looked up an old Disney film I watched as a kid on Youtube, and this breadtube video was one of the first results. It's 23 minutes long and is just insisting that the central character(along with her rival) of the 2002 Disney film Cadet Kelly are gay, and that the film is clearly intended to be a gay allegory. No matter how many times I hear this or see the "proof" she gives, I just don't see it. The characters are just ribbing each other, and their shared love is a one-dimensional good-looking guy that's been a thing in kids' movies since forever. Then, with the subtlety of a mallet, she just shifts the video about 'don't ask, don't tell' and the US trying to "heterosexualize" gayness. She then shifts to the evil west promoting heterosexuality and monogamous marriage and then shifts the video on homo-nationalism and how gay people promote imperialism by not acting like massive degenerates or not having Drag at pride. Its like she created her own meaning and just speaks about it with absolute certainty.

No. 1853845

He made one on Blaire White talking about performative activism.

No. 1853874

I know I'm late but I finally watched this and there's so many false equivalencies he makes that can easily be turned on him and made with the trans movement lol… the fact that he skips over bringing up lesbian feminists that have concerns with the trans movement and how it effects women and lesbians is very telling tbh… just saying "lesbians hate jkr". The fact that I know so many lesbians that have felt coerced or been harmed by this movement and that's just glossed over to say that "actually it's the men closest to women that harm women" true but what if those men are trans which is sometimes the case lol. Like the amount of women that peak literally because of TIMs close to them in some way.

Comparing jkr to Anita Bryant is honestly such an insane comparison

sorry just needed to get that off my chest… Also I guess he's now dating a "cis lesbian" and lol

No. 1853877

samefag but him wearing a lavender menace shirt is making me mald

No. 1853907

Oh, man, it's been years since I saw Cadet Kelly. I was watching for Kim Possible, though, not Lizze McGuire. And I think I low key shipped Kim with the black girl supporting character.

>No matter how many times I hear this or see the "proof" she gives, I just don't see it. The characters are just ribbing each other, and their shared love is a one-dimensional good-looking guy that's been a thing in kids' movies since forever.

That's how shipping works. Love interests don't matter, especially bland, boring ones. And if two characters are in an antagonistic relationship, especially if they end up as friends, that just fuels shipping fires. You never heard of enemy to lovers trope? And the rest of that video sounds crazy, so I'm just going to not watch it.

>then shifts the video on homo-nationalism and how gay people promote imperialism by not acting like massive degenerates or not having Drag at pride.

this reminds me though of how in the nineties, when gays were fighting for gay marriage, there was a fringe minority of gay people who were like 'marriage is boring straight people shit. Real gays should stick it to the man and not get married cause marriage makes people conform to long term monogamy when they should be out being deviants and perverts. And, really, gay people should be focused on climate change and universal health care not lame ass marriage'. They called the gay people fight for marriage 'gay assimilationists'.

No. 1854026

File: 1687847495107.png (194.08 KB, 1319x1236, e27a0e6c8e5ad2852611788ff58c5a…)

didn't see this posted anywhere and I forgot if he had his own thread but lol?

No. 1854036

What the fuck, why is he being shilled so hard?

No. 1854054

The show is rumored to be cancelled.

No. 1854075

could someone write a rundown of the big breadtube lolcows? i know vaush, destiny and hasan but idk what the difference between them is, who's the most misogynistic (its hard to tell) or the most left left. sorry im really retarded

No. 1854076

hard to say, I'd say Vaush is obviously the most misogynistic and porn sick, Hasan is more insecure about his image but can more easily fake the "male feminist who cares" image and I don't know much about anything Destiny.

No. 1854096

File: 1687861692925.jpeg (63.71 KB, 804x785, IMG_2250.jpeg)

101% clockable

No. 1854108

>He apparently thought rape was super funny and considered trooning out at some point
sorry to ask to be spoonfed but deets on the latter bit plz, hbomb has always seemed like a stereotypical troon in the making to me

No. 1854152

Destiny is against tims in womens sports which makes him the most tolarable out of them for me

No. 1854156

HBomb is friends with/worked with a doctor who fantasizes about obese women having heart attacks.

No. 1854220

I watched one other recent videos, and it was utterly bizarre. Just like her other video, she was insistent of her claim as 100% fact, that vampires are a modern European invention. Her "thesis" was that vampires were created as a cultural countermeasure against the loss of Christianity. She went on what I can only describe as a rant disguised as an academic lecture. Now, I actually studied folklore and mythology, and I know that the specific word 'vampire' goes back to the 18th century. However, similar monsters can be found throughout Europe(pale, undead creatures who drink or eat humans.) The earliest written accounts date back to at least the 12th century, and unlike her arguments, these monsters were usually defeated or warded off with the power of Christianity. Not to mention, she states that literacy was becoming common in the Balkans, which wasn't true until the 20th century (barring for the nobility). She presents her own dumb take as fact, which to me, is simply retarded.

No. 1854246

All she needed to do is read fekin wikipedia, lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vampire

No. 1854251

In 2014, when Vine was still popular, King Bach explained why he performed the entertainment he did in a New Yorker issue (https://archive.ph/QLGif):
>“That’s because, when I tried out the ideas going around Hollywood—that Asians play the smart people, white people play the rich ones, blacks are the thugs—those Vines got the most likes. So it’s not Hollywood being racist—it’s Hollywood understanding what people want to see.”

No. 1854313

>sees Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter character
>what does this have to do with Star Wars
>opens image

No. 1854470

>So it’s not Hollywood being racist—it’s Hollywood understanding what people want to see.”
No. Hollywood is racist. If you are not racist, you don't make racist content, even if it makes you more money.

No. 1854758

Most people are racist

No. 1854832

What is this random pic they used, he doesn't look like that at all.

No. 1855149

File: 1688003623396.webm (9.23 MB, 320x568, J1B9nYvWHhvkIlRs.webm)

Destiny has overall better politics and seems to have one foot in reality as >>1854152 stated, but just like Vaush and Hasan, if he encounters a woman with the wrong politics then he becomes the equivalent of the "Leftist men be saying the most violent misogynist shit you can ever imagine"

No. 1855344

That picture isn’t from Star Wars, right? I’d expect Disneys makeup department to put in more effort.

No. 1855364

File: 1688046486014.jpeg (123.02 KB, 1280x720, 6CB35F6F-4160-423E-A8B8-1D5431…)

have you seen the new ursula?

No. 1855435


the most misogynistic is destiny, but he's been around on there for so long that people have forgotten his domestic violence stuff. i think vaush got in trouble for sexual harassment and hasan was visiting a brothel that got busted for sex trafficking. the most lefty of them is hasan. maybe the only actual lefty among them is hasan.

No. 1855443

Has Destiny ever claimed to be a leftist? I thought he's always called himself a liberal/neolib

No. 1856246

wait destiny has been accused of DV? not surprised just haven't heard of it before.

No. 1856269

File: 1688174572317.webm (7.63 MB, 320x568, EnHcstbVYNfHMbxP.webm)

His twitter handle is literally the "TheOmniLiberal" and he recently went on a podcast where he said he was proud of being a liberal because they are the cultural Hegemone in the west and he's right, as much as I dislike him at least he's honest about what he and most other breadtubers are.

No. 1856539

File: 1688224819428.png (133.55 KB, 1025x227, ghoulish dipshit.png)

We need to figure out how to harness the raw retardation generated during online abortion debates as form of alternative energy or something.

I tried looking it up… Destiny's been generating loads of hot takes for so long that it's hard to pin down a lot of his opinions/controversies/etc as someone who never watched him.
That anon may be referring to any of these?
https://www.sportskeeda.com/esports/that-s-crazy-sh-t-destiny-calls-neekolul-convicted-felon-shares-abuse-story (video: https://youtu.be/BGdCZepOkdM)
https://youtu.be/kvweSEnvAwg (you get the jist in the first few minutes, you don't have to watch the whole thing lol)
Picrel is another video I found that may be relevant, but I couldn't stomach clicking it.

No. 1856558

File: 1688227091076.webm (357.69 KB, 606x270, Kc4PVVwcjGHlyDjC.webm)

He has the same position on child porn as Vasuh(and a growing number of leftists sadly)

No. 1856595

didn't destiny get banned from twitch because he said trannies shouldn't be sports kek

pretty sure he's hated by both the far left and right, he's in some sort of weird central left i think

No. 1856605

The thing is 99% of his politics aren't different from other breadtubers and streamers, its just that he's honest that he's just a liberal and part of the mainstream left, I remember a clip I saw of him of Density where he's arguing with some other streamer and he states that in real communism they'd all be sent to labor camps and their lifestyle only exists cause of liberalism.

No. 1856617

i ended up watching hours of destiny streams, (im retarded) he's definitely left-wing, with a rational stance on trans issues imo

No. 1856623

do u have any info on the domestic abuse stuff? i agree hasan is likely the most lefty

No. 1856819

ngl i like watching him fight redpillers like fresh&fit, pearl, etc. on their shows. He's been the only one so far challenge or neuter them on their dumbfuck delusions
but fuck i hate the manosphere redpilled losers

No. 1862945

Kek, Xiran trying to spin her obvious French revolutionary aesthetic obsession as somehow "woke", also I'm surprised miss expert on Asia isn't aware there are tons of Chinese and Indian films that involve asian men hooking up with white wonmn and or beating large white men.

No. 1862981

Of course she would find the riots in France as "people against the government good" if she doesn't live there. Sageblog but I'm glad she never did that with the situation back then with my country, it would have been quite offensive.

No. 1863040

They’re all just a bunch of terminally online faggots.

No. 1863057

She always makes the most idiotic expressions and wears her """traditional""" dresses bought on AliExpress like shit. Doesn't help that she spouts bullshit all the time.

No. 1863657

She gives off so much spicy straight vibes, I don't believe one second she's actually attracted to women.

No. 1863702

Wow, it’s almost like most leftists are pedophiles.

No. 1863895

come on now, that's just moids in general. all the priests, coaches and politicians caught diddling kids were mostly right-wing.

No. 1863916

Her book features a "polygamy love" of two men and mc, and mc doesn't seem interested in other women lovely, so yes.

No. 1864110

I think you mean men in general

No. 1864501

Destiny isn't even a leftist. Nice try

No. 1865131

File: 1689460654327.jpeg (50.56 KB, 768x461, BoobMeme-by-Xiao.jpeg)

She basically has the most cliché heterosexual fantasy in her books, where she is pined over by a pretty boy with a dark side and a well-toned physique, as well as a large bad-boy type who is often misjudged as violent but is actually just "misunderstood". picrel is a commission she had of her characters.

No. 1865231

File: 1689470710028.jpg (170.36 KB, 1392x1136, 1689469899827.jpg)

Is like picrel from polygamy meme

No. 1865550

>45+ minutes of Hasan whining about Ana Kasparian a spoiled white woman who is serving the RW.
maybe he might actually troon out?

No. 1865590

And be killed by his Turkish family? I don't think although it'll be funny also tinfoil but I think he's only playing being a trans ally his mother is a ultra Conservative so I think he's only doing it for the sake of le trans ally money

No. 1865603

Why tf do 'white adjacent' moids like this guy call women who are basically their equivalents "white women" in such a derisive way? I mean I know the answer, it's because if you say white first you can be a misogynist, but it seems so transparent.

No. 1865828

Can someone give a summary of this video? Hearing this scrote's voice triggers a fight or flight response from me kek.

No. 1867031

jesus, the state of the discourse is abysmal when a woman saying "please dont call me birthing person" is immediately canceled and called a right wing bigot.

No. 1869118

Sometimes I wonder if Kidology lurks on lolcow because of how on point her opinions.
Also I will always find it funny that the women like justpearlythings who preach for other women do stop focusing on their kids, get married and be completely submissive to their husband. Tend to financially independent career women.

No. 1869187

>Man who is pro rape hates women who say no to men.

No. 1869295

Omfg, this makes me cringe so bad

No. 1869298

File: 1690030023014.jpg (62.54 KB, 768x432, d1d86451d7.jpg)

It's actually inspired by a fan-service character from a shonen anime, because despite her supposed feminism, she's still a basic weeb and coomsuer at the end of the day.

No. 1869509

Since she talks about how lonely she feels there might be a possibility that she’s that terminally online.
Honestly while I might not agree with her on many of her points, the videos I watched are interesting
She’s basically what Contra pretends to be. Kidology is capable of being sympathetic to people she might not agree with

No. 1870874

If you want weird sexual fantasies, you are better off with libertarianism. Extreme capitalism to coerce poor people into your weird fetishes

No. 1870875

But Bach was making old school racism cool, harassing white people into saying the n-words and popularized a bunch of racist stereotypes. I hate negros like him(racebaiting)

No. 1870877

And you think this is a good thing to defend?

No. 1871489

This was recommended to me for some reason(44 minute long video on an anti-trans march), so I was only about half way done and I couldn't continue, cause I was so furious, around 8:10 mark he goes into a tangent about how "Muslim grooming gangs" are a right wing invention and in a round about way blames feminists for being stupid to listen to them and then rants about Islamophobia being normalized using a clip from an interview of right-wing extremism, even though it was an Indian woman talking about how Pakistani men and their communities are doing this to girls in poor communities(hell they do this even in Pakistan, to non-Muslim Pakistani girls) and that's pretty much the whole video "feminists are Idiots for caring about troon and issues for women" and constantly repeats about "hetorsexual white supremacist capitalist system" over and over, never realizing that troons only exist because of liberal capitalism, If someone has more tolerance than me to finish this crap video, please do so because I can't.

No. 1871495

Men think women caring about anything that doesn't benefit scrotes is bougie because scrotes have no concept of anything beyond cooming and dying and the maximizing of this opportunity. Tranny shit is dumb (and ironically is caused by this coom centric mindset scrotes are born with), but women have actual issues and are treated poorly for being female.
>hetorsexual white supremacist capitalist system
Troons are the white hetero male capitalist system. Buy a fake reality coomers and become big pharmas forever patient and coom yourself to death.

No. 1871504

samefag, as a leftist/communist, shouldn't he care that its mostly poor white girls and girls from other ethnic minority communities (Sikhs, Nigerians, Hindus) who re particularly targeted for grooming, mainly because fewer people care about them.

No. 1871509

Yep. Women aren't fully realized people to this flavor of man, making our issues superfluous and fake. They're with us on abortion though- child support is expensive!

Yeah, but the men raping these girls are also marginalized. Therefore, these girls are meanie right wingers for fighting back. Please refer to >>1830277 to unlearn your carceral feminism!!!

No. 1871730

>Vaush addresses the pedophilia "allegations" made against him.
Of course, I haven't watched the full video because it's an hour long, and I cannot stand Vaush;ss voice. I skim through various parts of it. His entire argument is that child labor is widespread around the world(whether its kids in Africa mining minerals for modern tech or kids in Indonesia sewing clothes). He believes that if you buy a computer or fast fashion, you are indirectly supporting a system that exploits children and any society that allows them is morally just as bad as allowing child-porn, his main concern is that these cases of child labor aren't considered as severe as child sex rings, which he feels people tend to hyper-focus on. Around the 21:00, he explains a "joke" about the prevalence of lolicon in hentai sites, pointing out that many people simply unknowingly get off to it without realizing that it involves underage characters. At the 30:00, he expresses his belief that the justice system's severe punishments for pedophiles and people talking about castrating and murdering pedophiles, will lead to them to hide even more and discourage seeking help for their "condition"

No. 1871732

>you buy computers made with child labour
>therefore me jerking it to child porn is ok

No. 1871736

Reminds me a lot of the retards who say that eating meat is worse than beastiality.

No. 1871761

It’s frustrating just how unable he is to ever admit to being wrong. Since it’s vaush, there’s no doubt in my mind that he gets off to some gross pedo shit. If it were anyone else, I could maybe give the benefit of the doubt and see how they’re pointing out the hypocrisy of people condemning cp, but not other forms of exploitation. But even then…cp is clearly sooo much worse. Most people don’t think about the kind of work that goes behind a lot of their consumer goods. There is no world in where you’re watching cp and not aware that a child is being abused. This is one of the dumbest arguments he’s ever made. Why can’t he just admit that he was trying to point out hypocrisy and failed miserably by using a poor example in really bad taste??

No. 1871915

I'm just going to keep believing he is a nonce because all he did was change the subject.

No. 1872014

Read some of the comments and his audience are even more brain damaged than I thought. There's no helping them they're actually huffing this vaccuous fart of an explanation when his behaviour is evidence to the contrary. Idk why I'm surprised from an audience of the guy who sexually harasses and threatens women with sexual violence when she doesn't reciprocate his disgusting advances. Pretty sure his audience harassed her mercilessly for Vaush's honour.

No. 1873666

The “poly is queer” is doing a lot of legwork.

No. 1873940

Kidology is based even if I don’t agree with her. I felt awful that she couldn’t continue her studies
She’s basically everything contra wants to be. Even though I swore off breadtube and culture war videos but I always return to her videos she offers interesting perspectives .
Also whatever the fuck the npc thing she was talking about is horrifying. I’m extremely online but I’m thankful I didn’t come across it.

No. 1874171

File: 1690887365034.jpg (361.76 KB, 1179x1645, FsH03xoXsAAaTTt.jpg)

Average breadtuber reacting to the working class.

No. 1874778

When is he going to address the zoophilia allegations of him talking about how horse cock is the best? That one is bound to be a feature-length movie.

No. 1874828

lol he’s not wrong though. From a feminist perspective blue collar men are hugely sexist and just say all the misogynist things white collar men think about, since they have nothing to lose. Funny to hear coming from a middle class “socialist” anyway

No. 1874872

It's funny that this person can't meaningfully interact with anyone who doesn't encase their beliefs in a layer of middle class gentility or theory, though. As if white collar men are any better because they don't speak their minds in plain language.

No. 1875049

this is always how you can tell a wannabe socialist for internet woke points from a real one, how they react to the blue collar working class. their line of work is pretty stressful therefore they may have a more politically incorrect sense of humor and beyond, but beyond aesthetics theyre not too different from white collars.

No. 1875082

Only read the summary not the pedo's video but I'm guessing he totally disregards these sorts of posts he's made: >>1749041 , >>1836197
The way I see it he has yet to address the big issue that he seems to think "adult" and "child" are classes that will one day be equal under socialism/communism/( >>1849434 )* and thinks he'll be free to rape them then. He seems to be under the impression (or doing the usual pedo cope/lie) that if we treated kids "equally and with respect" they'd be capable of consenting with an adult and that there's nothing else differentiating children from adults other than artificial constructs. To what age I wonder…
* what book is this? I want to read it. I'm so grateful to everyone who has given us knowledge in this thread

No. 1875485

I've posted this before, but I genuinely believe that history focused breadtubers can do far more damage than other breadtubers. While the latter may simply share their twitter opinions on society or assign pretentious meanings to random media, historical breadtubers actively construct false narratives about history and present them as facts and many imperishable young people take them as facts
Like this video about a 'historic bisexual gender-fluid/trans sex-worker' in England that the evil historians tried to hide. It was a man who was pimped out as a young boy and dressed in female clothing while men had sex with him. He also allegedly used to service some women as well (she took it as fact). When he was arrested for engaging sodomy and prostitution, he referred to himself with female pronouns (because that's probably what his pimp and the johns referred to him as). When he got released, no one knows what happened to him. It's beyond messed up for her to take someone who was a victim of sexual slavery and make them a symbol for current troon identity. I guess all the boys in Afghanistan who get raped are also trans-women then by her logic.

No. 1875499

Costubers are awful about this. SnappyDragon starts videos on women’s history by saying she “doesn’t know” that they all identified as women. What is the point? She’s not even bringing up alleged trans history, just regular women. They all have a pretty high audience of TIFs and even some TIMs though so they love it.

No. 1875502

File: 1691077890352.jpg (11.56 KB, 192x192, 155573.jpg)

you are absolutely spot-on anon, they are creating "precedents" to make the gender craze seem like a historically reoccuring phenomenon. they also like to modify figures that people used to unite under to turn them into tools to tear down society and pit people against eachother.
this kind of ideology presented ad history also associates this kind of left with higher education and culture, so now redditors with a small peepee and class envy think they have to turn to leftism to feel intelligent. flattering neckbeards' intellectual capacity unfortunately works really well.

No. 1875670

Is the dog real(sage your shit)

No. 1875680

It's a baby chihuaha from a breeders website. I suspect the anon there took it from my profile because it has the dimensions of the pb not the original picture. It really creeped me out to see this here, kek.

No. 1875688

it's me, most of my pics are from here. idk your profile, google images might have led me elsewhere bc the pic is tiny and i might have searched for a better size but i'm pretty sure i saw the chihuahua here. if it's any indication i saved it late may of this year ? i'm curious now

No. 1875690

File: 1691099564262.jpg (22.39 KB, 220x280, 8143961364_2a74b6926d_n.jpg)

I definitely didn't post it here, maybe it somehow made the rounds, but it has the exact same size all profile pictures are showed in. No harm done though, it's a cute dog after all it just jumpscared me. (I made my profile in april, so may is definitely possible)

No. 1875693

i did seemingly visit multiple dog breeder instagrams on this evening after looking at dog grooming videos !!! i can't locate where i got the picture from though which is better for everyone. he's incredibly adorable though

No. 1875863

>imperishable young people
Sorry anon, you make a good point but that cracked me up.

No. 1875918

Sorry but trying to talk with blue collar men is basically like talking to a sexist monkey, they can barely form a proper sentence kek, OP is not wrong.

No. 1876017

I'm glad I don't work where I have to meet them daily anymore but someone has to take my trash and fix my sink tbh

No. 1876702

Agreed. Blue collar men are the lowest life forms besides homeless men.

No. 1876987

Tiny does the classic liberal move of accusing every symptomatic reaction to liberalism (fascism, communism, populism) as being too ideological and yet thinks the hegemonic prefab liberalism is completely neutral. I don’t think he realizes that believing that is ideologically sus to begin with.

No. 1877143

File: 1691334500269.png (740.3 KB, 1265x656, grossdelete.png)

(sage your shit)

No. 1877150

File: 1691335703457.jpg (104.98 KB, 1169x1120, fourthwavewomen-15dajuh.jpg)

No. 1877156

Jesus Christ even contra had the decency not to show off his fridge body in skimpy shit like this.
I hate this man. He can’t even be original in his obvious grift and his fans are drooling imbeciles that yasslight him every step of the way. He won’t ever know the truth of how nasty and cringe he’s being.

No. 1877160

this can include thinking blue collar men are more sexist than white collar men men. from my experience, blue collars are more honest about being douches, whereas the creepiest men ive ever encountered were the nerdy white collar types who work in IT. but at the end of the day though, my experience is kind of moot. their sexist ideals, and their gendered ideas about works, home, are the same. its just expressed differently.

No. 1877225

Why do you think they’re so stupid? At least they’re honest unlike white collar men how more insidious predators that pretend to be progressive but are just also nasty misogynists. Males be maleing unfortunately.

No. 1877384

Random but I'm playing the new baldur's gate and while looking through imdb noticed he plays a part. Please I don't want my games ruined by his cracked out voice

No. 1877385

That's literally the point of the meme nona?

No. 1877460

Wait are you fucking serious??? I was just about to get this game..goddamnit why do trannies always ruin everything

No. 1877468

I haven't even met his character yet. I assume he's a very minor bg character. It's a really fun game though don't let it stop you from actually playing and enjoying. I just don't know how he got a voice acting role when his voice is atrocious kek

No. 1877652

good job girlies we are very impressed your worldview is in alignment with a sheltered reddit socialist

Contrapoints wore lingerie for a whole video. It's really dorky to attempt a thirst trap on politics youtube at any rate.

No. 1878149

So, I watched this. The first section (until about 9:30) is not really outrageous. Timon and his humor are very Jewish-coded. Then afterwards, it just becomes this disjointed claim that the first two Lion King films promote white supremacy and Fascism. This is because the concept of lions being the 'king of beasts' and being at the top of the food chain is white supremacist rhetoric, as some white supremacists in the 19th century also said the same thing. She pulls random academic papers as some grand proof. Then it becomes Lion King promotes liberalism (which also promotes white supremacy) because the status quo of the circle of life is returned in each film. At around 37:00, she actually acknowledges that reading into a piece of media like that can be reductive. But then she brings up another academic essay on how queer and marginalized readings are very important as crucial commentary.
Also, at 14:10, there was a weird rant about how the circle of life isn't "scientifically accurate" and is far more complicated than the way the Lion King presents it.

No. 1878161

samefag, she also sprinkles in that she's "jewish and queer" a couple times as well, cause of course she does.

No. 1878184

I was subscribed to that channel and the second half of this dumbass video was enough to make me never watch her again. These Lindsay Ellis skinwalkers and their pretentious pseudointellectual video essays about low brow children’s entertainment are a plague.

No. 1878187

his name is Jerry Peet and he's written fanfiction about my little ponies being raped

No. 1878193

This isn't him, "Lily" Orchard is American(and claims to be indigenous as well)

No. 1878285

why is it always women that makes these videos overanalizing baby's movies? at least moid's like saberspark make entertainment that's meant to be viewed as white noise to kill the neurons for a lil while. Who the fuck actually sits and watches these pretentious hour long analysis about movies with fucking fart jokes in them? who even cares? i am so fucking tired of these retards always mixing politics with the most retarded shit, all i want is female saberspark/rebeltaxi without the coombrainery.

No. 1878394

torrent it

No. 1879078

Are you tripping, I get recommended dumb essays like this from moids every day

No. 1881799

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Cow crossover

No. 1881903

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I was recently reading this book called "The Double", it's this old Dostovesky novel. In it there's this really mediocre nobody that's sort of lonely, and then one day he meets this exact copy of himself that dresses like him, looks like him, and is really his exact doppelganger. But the weird thing is, in this world, nobody thinks this is strange! It gets bought up and people are like "oh yeah, I guess you two look exactly the same, he's like your doppelganger." And over the course of the novel, the doppelganger pretends to be the the main character's friend and starts doing the same job. But then there's a switch and the main character has his life taken over by his doppelganger. The doppelganger has better success at work, starts plagiarizing the main characters work and taking credit for it, he slowly becomes more liked than the main character. And over the course of the novel, the main character can't handle it, and his mental health deteriorates. It ends with him being taken off to the psyche ward.

The whole thing is written like a horror novel. And it must be creepy in a way, just having a doppelganger mimicking you in every way but just being more well liked, more successful. Him just slowly taking your place in the world while you're pushed to the side and just forgotten….

Anyway, I wonder how Contrapoints is doing these days.(sage your nonmilk)

No. 1881905

Yeah I actually feel bad for Contra, especially if the sexual abuse rumor is true.

No. 1881909

Isn't it interesting how there's no real "trans" icons of the past? They're all sodomized boys for old rich male perverts, like in greek or japanese history, or understood as terrible tragedies and mistakes at the time like eunuchs and castrati. It's almost like you can see history repeats itself and potentially stop it, but they see everything through a modern filter and think our times are above such mistakes. You would think someone who studies history could understand that there's patterns. These youtubers buy into the "progressive" narrative and we've "progressed" as humans beyond that.

No. 1882038

i don't, he gets to actually experience what troons are doing to women

No. 1882083

some of them were also gross agp freaks

No. 1882099

Hontra would probably have the same level of fame if he didn't release a video every four months. Say what you want about Ollie, but he seems to have a consistent upload schedule

No. 1882103

Contra's a lazy drug addict. Oliver is a desperate attention whore. He's been desperate for attention and fame since he was in college, and Contra's troonery showed him the way. Contra is just content to live off his pay pigs, get high and date desperate women.

No. 1882143

Why look at history when you've already decided you'll be on the right side of it in the future

No. 1882324

Saging cause I don't have caps, anyone seen apparently Ollie has been cast in the new season of House of the Dragon? His ugly mug gets to take roles from actual women meanwhile every woman that's been cast gets ripped apart for not being "hot enough"

No. 1882419

If his acting career actually takes off just because he trooned out… I wonder if it'll eat at him that the only reason he ever got cast in anything is because he's a troon

No. 1883106

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>Alysanne was tall and thin, with thick black curly hair, but also long legs and strong arms. Although not noted for her beauty or softness, Alysanne was regarded as a fierce, fearless woman, with a bawdy tongue. She was said to smell of woodsmoke
>Black Aly was an excellent hunter, horse-breaker, and archer.[5] She is rumored to have been fond of Lady Sabitha Frey

No. 1883113

Between the awful ending, blatant misogyny, and tranny stunt casting, I'm so, so glad I never got invested in this trash franchise. It should be good for a laugh, though. Ollie's acting is going to be fucking atrocious, and he won't be able to hide his hideous honbod with strategic angles or lighting.

No. 1883137

They really did see "tall, strong, capable, not all that pretty, and attracted to women" and cast a man for the role for "no particular reason."

No. 1883160

I can't get over how male he looks even under heavy make-up and photoshop/filters. Just look at those mancave proportions.

No. 1883199

Unless I can't read, the tweet says he was cast as Sabitha Frey not Alysanne.

sharp-featured, sharp-tongued harridan of House Vypren, who would sooner ride than dance, wore mail instead of silk, and was fond of killing men and kissing women.
—writings of Mushroom

Sounds like a part Olly would have glommed on to. Wonder how much begging he had to do to get it.

No. 1883229

No, you're right. No idea why >>1883106 gave the summary for the gf character instead. Of course a TIM would pick a character like this, though. These AGP creeps just can't leave lesbians alone. But I doubt the moid writers did the concept good enough justice to be protective over the role to begin with. Maybe he'll read a critique of this all being male fantasies and mald over it kek.

No. 1883250

Which perverted tv executives dick did he have to suck for this. In no universe would a female actress who's as untalented as him get mainstream roles. I'm sick of this narcissistic histrionic tranny

No. 1883822

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same goes for most historical "transman" identities, its always families without sons have a daughter who 'becomes' a man, which usually requires them to wear masculine clothes and cut their hair short and everyone more or less agrees, but it's super rare and it's not a great existence either, because these women live their lives celibate, doing back breaking labor to provide for their sister's marriages and then supporting their parents until they die.

No. 1883992

i am dissapointed for assuming that execs and anyone in the acting world saw his transition for what it was: an attempt to get more roles. i assumed he wouldnt get the attention he so desired because his transition was THAT obviously a cope for his failed male acting career. it's such a shame that people actually take him seriously now and giving him everything he wants

No. 1884009

i blame dasha for podcasters and video essayist getting cast by hbo

No. 1884174

every time I see the binchtopia girls they're a step closer to handmaidenry. I feel like the earlier days of their podcast was a lot more radical, but they've sanitised themselves.

No. 1885816

adding also the women dressing as men to get work that they couldn't have access because "education is only for men, women have to be housewives". Now is "this woman become in a doctor to be a transman!"

No. 1889635

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Not really surprising.

No. 1889658

Vaush looks like if someone made a gijinka of mansplaining and it came to life.

No. 1889703

No. 1889706

I feel the same way! when they sided with their gay male friend and his “no such thing as male gaze in film” take it was so over

No. 1889779

the guy literally just came out and said “I mean right-wing politicians too” so Vaush is really late to that party

No. 1889781

Its literally became he me mentioned Epstein's Island and had one line making fun of fat people, that's enough to be labelled a Fascist these days.

No. 1889861

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>Iron Widow in Japanese

I would think she would have contacted her glorious China to release the Chinese version before than Japan.

No. 1889863

nah, all the fash (except for Nick Fuentes who hates farms because that’s where they grow his bitter enemies, vegetables) were glomming on to the dude and claiming him as one of them
then dude was all “fuck off I meant you too”

No. 1890145

I still never hear anyone talk about this book. It's honestly scary how it abruptly started getting all of the things extremely popular YA novels got around the early 2010s, despite the fact it doesn't have even a fraction of the hype or cultural impact that any of those books had. If you've never read The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, or Twilight, you still probably absorbed some information about the books or their fandoms through osmosis, but that's not the case with The Iron Widow. Most of the people who know anything about the book seem to know of it only because they're familiar with Xiran (for better or for worse), rather than because they actually read it. There are obviously people who have read the book, but even casual reviews written on reddit feel like they're written put of some weird sense of obligation, rather than genuine enthusiasm. No one who doesn't know Xiran or hasn't read the book knows anything about The Iron Widow, and that's extremely unusual for a book getting official translations and a movie. It all feels very astroturfed, and it has me wondering just how loaded her family is.

No. 1890319

If you check for reviews on reddit the majority seems to think it's badly written YA, with a undercurrent of some going "She's such a bad-ass female character!! I love her!!" which is both hilarious and concerning based on what I read about how every other female character is treated by her.
One comment I think put it the best: it's like a male power fantasy written with a woman instead of a man.

No. 1890548

Again, I haven't read it either, but most of the reviews I've read claim that despite Xiran's self-insert claiming to fight for women, pretty much all of the female characters, with the exception of Xiran, are one-note, bitchy, and underdeveloped. also the misogyny in the world is really confusing cause most women are literal peasants in Chinese Confucian patriarchy and also excited fangirls with social media swooning over the male pilots.

No. 1890684

My favorite response to the critiques of why Zetain is somehow the perfect feminist girlboss despite living in such a misogynistic world, is that well OTHER women also were total feminist girlbosses without influence!! Apparently even saying that she's too over the top for someone that had 0 feminist influences isn't allowed.

No. 1891889

How is Xiran a Breadtuber when she hates the Chinese Communist Government?(sage your shit)

No. 1891919

I'm convinced most haven't actually read the book and they just go off by vibes and Xiran's videos on tiktok hyping it up.
Some of the reviews puzzle me, it seems like they never watched or interacted with Chinese media. Hyping up the book because it has Asian representation and Chinese elements?? Just go engage with Chinese media

No. 1891920

most Breadtubers hate the Chinese Government for being "Anti LGBT"

No. 1891924

I have read it and that's totally right: She wants to revenge her sister but treat other women as trash or feel no remorse when other women get killed. You would expect more empathy in that sense, but the MC has none. "oh they were killed by the man I killed? Well, c'est la vie".

I have seen better women as MC in Chinese media than in the book, considering how misogynist is China in general. Is like Xiran tried harder to make misogynist like China, but failed at it.

No. 1891925

Interesting, were there any other points in the book that stood out to you?

No. 1891930

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Haven't finished it, but one design that stood with why is a fox for the "wood" theme when is a dragon? Granted, it might be told in the sequel, but an imperial dragon has 5 toes while a common dragon has 4, it would be possible to add another dragon.

Then again that's me being a weaboo and probably forgetting one detail or two, but take it with a grain of salt.

No. 1891940

Sarah Z makes a new video about "queerbaiting celebrities" that does not mention celebrities who have actually lied about being gay (besides Tatu) or backtracked on it, like Nicki Minaj, Jessie J, or Lady Gaga, all former bis. I'm not surprised since Sarah Z is a gender-conforming feminine woman dating a man calling himself non-binary. She seems to think there's no reason anyone would ever lie about being gay. Only point I really agree with is people should be allowed to dress in gender non-conforming ways whether they're straight or gay.

No. 1891952

Hary does, but Taylor Swift is unmistakably straight and I'm convinced the entire 'gaylor conspiracy' is just a result of some girls feeling guilty for enjoying a 'cis straight white woman's' music, so they create a mass delusion to feel better about themselves and justify it.

No. 1891956

I don’t even like Taylor’s music but I’ve seen the photos and gossip and I’d bet money she and Karlie Kloss did fuck / date without calling it that tho

No. 1891964

The only good thing she's ever done is piss off Andrew Hussie.

No. 1891978

I'm sorry but comment feels very troonish

No. 1891984

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Of course I knew this was coming but it still hit me like a truck, you are a spicy straight white woman getting married to a straight white dude. you are straight and you always will be.
also she goes a casually mentions how talking about "spirit animals" is cultural appropriation sometime later in the video, which is just even more retarded.

No. 1891996

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And, of course, she had to try to spin consooming slash fics as this queer creative act.

No. 1892007

Whoa, how does someone with such an annoying voice have a youtube channel let alone a popular one?

No. 1892055

Jesus, she really is just dollar-store Lindsay, the way she berates other women for being "fake" bisexuals when she's married to a milquetoast soyman and has never touched a pussy besides her own. Seems like the fakest kweers are the ones most eager to question the identities of others, projecting their own insecurities.

So sick of straight women thinking that they're honorary gays just because they read a lot of fanfic. I partly blame all the retards who cry about ~fetishizing gay men~ because all it did was encourage them to pretend they weren't straight women to dodge the accusations. Let women be cringe, ffs. I'd take yaoi paddles over all the gender nonsense any day.

No. 1892089

Holy shit, her speaking cadence has somehow gotten even more irritating since the last 2.5 hour long video of hers I watched. Her point about people dressing in "queer" ways is pretty fucked because she only opens it up to people who are 'learning who they are' and not just people who may enjoy feminine or masculine fashion, and do know who they are.

No. 1892129

Justpearlythings' leftist sister

No. 1892160

I always felt bad for hating this chick and not knowing why so thanks for putting a finger on it nonas. spicy straights are legit the most braindead retards and somehow super proud of themselves at the same time

No. 1892341

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Skimming through parts of Xiran's book, I honestly find it to be mediocre fan-fiction at best. I know English isn't her first language, so I'm not going to give her some credit, but she probably had an editor or something.

No. 1892356

Xiran moved to Canada in first grade, back to China after two years, back to Canada after another two years, and has been living in Canada ever since then. I doubt technically being ESL is why she's a shitty writer, it's more likely that her writing is bad because it's bland and unoriginal, like most fanfic writing is.

No. 1892361

May I remind everyone this is literally darling in the franxx fanfiction and xiran is incapable of a singular creative thought.

No. 1892386

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samefag, is it just me, or is the love interest basically described as a white guy?

No. 1892400

>"So…killed your whole family, huh?"
>Goes from Dreamworks eyebrowing to having a quivering lip in eight lines
Wow Wu Zetian is such a good character, Xiran really knows how to write! This page is such a tonal travesty kek.

No. 1892404

This fact never gets less embarrassing. DiTF is literal garbage, and there are some convincing arguments out there about how it was literally just trad propaganda with more pedophilia. I will never forgive Trigger for making an anime that involved an arc where a girl who just learned about sex and pregnancy becomes so obsessed with it that she almost rapes a boy, and ended with blatant natalist propaganda.

No. 1892414

she's obsessed with using commas where she shouldn't. I wouldn't say that this is that poorly written though - if this is 'mediocre fanfiction' to you, I need a link to the better fanfics you've read stat. the biggest issue with it is that the constant exposition is really dull - she both overexplains and underexplains, which isn't ideal for a prologue

I didn't know this was ditf fanfic - I thought it was pacific rim fanfic!

kek, it really is eight lines but it feels even shorter - it's more like three with how quickly your eyes pass over it. also the weird 'and again. and again. and again' is so offputting too

>natalist propaganda
I think you ought to spend more time offline

No. 1892417

This is so badly written, I feel like I'm reading someone's checklist.

No. 1892456

So, according to this prologue, they've been at war with these aliens for at least multiple centuries, right? And I know from reviews that it's mentioned almost all concubines will die after a single battle (except our super special girlboss of course). While I don't know how many of these pilots there are, and how many battles a week are being done, I feel like we can say at the very least that considering the women die but not the man, there should be an absolutely massive gender imbalance right? The type we already see in real life countries that only happened within the span of a few decades? And that we already know is so bad that the goverments will try their best to restore the balance? Yet somehow this society is só misogynistic that I guess everyone is okay with this because fuck women, even though at some point you'd expect the young men in that society to wreak absolute havoc because there's nobody there for them to marry.
Of course (parts) might be explained in the book, but I can't be the only one who thinks that's an incredibly bad set up.

No. 1892465

Nonny the series literally has a 15-year-old girl read a pamphlet about pregnancy, immediately go baby-crazy, get pregnant, and have a kid at age 16 at the latest. This is framed as a good thing. It ends with most of the main cast having between 2-4 kids each by age 25, the one implied lesbian being magically turned disabled and bedridden, and the one implied infertile couple dying. The only couple that can have kids that doesn't is depicted as still being more immature than their peers and acting as babysitters. This was made during the era where Shinzo Abe was openly promoting natalism to fight Japan's declining birth rate. It's really not that absurd to think of DiTF promoting trad values like hetero marriage and having a lot of kids.

No. 1892466

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This is so heterosexual its not eve funny(again there's nothing wrong with that, I just wish she didn't do the queer LARP and was more honest with her intentions)

No. 1892523

>I think you ought to spend more time offline
Nta but if that wasn't shit trad natalist propaganda (something Japan is known to do through anime and other media by now) then why are there giant sex mechas that can only be piloted by a male/female pair where the female stays submissive (and this is a big point in the series, because the female lead isn't submissive and is later revealed to be infertile she's treated like a freak)? The lesbian/intersex characters are either treated as useless (because they can't pilot the sex mecha, lesbian sex doesn't work!!) or villains who get sick and die faster, the one girl who gets pregnant by being paired up with a boy who was strongly implied to have feelings for the male lead is treated as the peak of femininity (and having a baby while underage is framed as a very good thing) and marriage is a prominent theme while the characters are kids. Everyone who watched it got the feeling this shit was propaganda because it's just so specific and on the nose.

No. 1892524

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You warned us about what this was, but my curiosity got the better of me.

No. 1892527

I forgot about the "02 isn't submissive, and that's bad" plot. For anyone who doesn't know: The one girl who isn't submissive (though she's still bent over like a dog with a boy sitting behind her, just like the other girls) is framed as being dangerous, destructive, and unreasonable. The mechs serve as a metaphor for romantic/sexual relationships, and every time she pilots, it turns into a rampaging monster and kills the boy she's piloting with. This stops when she starts being more submissive to the male lead character.

No. 1892693

>Yet somehow this society is só misogynistic that I guess everyone is okay with this because fuck women, even though at some point you'd expect the young men in that society to wreak absolute havoc because there's nobody there for them to marry.

I mean, China has a big natalist issue due the rule of "no more than one child and fuck your family if you have a daughter" for more than 50 years? so in some zones of China some families have kidnapped single ladies from other countries to even marry their son with dead women (I kid you not).

So if she wanted to show how misogynist China is while being a misogynist herself, she did it.

I mean, she even said that male concubines were quite desired and quite pro-lgbt like a good thing, when we know these male concubines were younger kids and women were used only for pregnancy, home stuff and nothing else.

No. 1892705

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Apparently Chinese people hate it too.

No. 1892800

I mean that was kind of my point; it's been around half a century of those policies and they're seeing just how badly it's fucking everything up already. There's a reason that getting an ultrasound to check if you're getting a boy or a girl is illegal. And that got implemented like 30 years ago, meaning they realized it was fucking shit up really fast. So you'd think that after CENTURIES of young women dying en masse, the societal dismay would be absolutely massive.

Wish they put together that document. I'd love to see more in depth criticisms.

No. 1892803

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"I skimmed through the book again. Xiran mentions that there are 327 chrysalises in the army, which means there are 327 pilots in active service. Each pilot has more than one concubine for obvious reasons, resulting in several concubines per pilot. With 325 multiplied by 7, we get 2,289 active concubines. Additionally, since they die and need to be replaced, so about 10,000 concubines would be used in one year and this system has been uninterrupted for hundreds of years, regardless of how misogynistic the society is portrayed it just wouldn't work, the population would never be able to recover and function.

No. 1892909

No? Certain Chinese people have more pronounced features than others,

No. 1892993

I know it's because she's comparing the misogynistic way female pilots in her written universe are treated as disposable tools for male use to the way concubines were treated in reality, but I can't help but feel sick every time I see the term in use in her writing. Maybe it's because I don't get the impression she likes or cares about other women, as a result of how misogynistic her writing of them is, or maybe it's because she's pro-"polyamory" and pro-prostitution, which makes any possible critique of the Imperial Chinese harem system feel hypocritical. I don't know.

No. 1893035

I really, REALLY want to think she wrote it to show how women are important to the world and is unfair how they were treated in ol' China, but with her MC being as misogynist as NLOG, I doubt it.

No. 1893056

Samefag, I realized upon rereading this that I somehow dropped any direct mention of what term bothered me while trying to articulate myself. The term I mention being bothered by her use of is "concubine." Most of you could probably gather that by context, though.

No. 1893308

Terrible writing, but yeah she is likely just describing a non Han Chinese ethnicity. Hundreds of them on the mainland, from Manchu to Tibetan to Mongolian to Uyghur. Some of these demographics have more pronounced noses and features, especially when you reach the western kazakh/russo border.

No. 1894202


Saw some YouTube short clickbait on how she wanted to "reverse" the "white savior" story so I mean, it could go either way.

No. 1894687

She even joked she would do anything to avoid to cast white actors in the "movie". Good luck on that.

No. 1894867

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A child gives a breadtuber permanent eye damage and she proceeds to rant about how this will fuck up her job

No. 1894875

I dunno how this is supposed to be unreasonable in any way, lasers are dangerous to your eyes and kids shouldn't be playing with them.
>She, her
Listen to two seconds of his voice.

No. 1894881

Didn't watch any of their videos but they look annoying

No. 1894890

tbh I don't get how lasers are legal and common and given to kids for 2 bucks when they can harm a pilot's vision from ground level. How did this happen

No. 1894970

it's a man, what are you not getting here

No. 1895428

Why the hell won't he just go to urgent care instead of crying on Twitter? Fuckssake. The kid should've kicked him in the dick instead.

No. 1895936

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>Coomer moid who cares about "trans-kids" is also obsessed with "femboy" porn
Vaush is never beating the paedophile allegations.

No. 1895993

literally, he's like "what do?!?" he's acting exactly like the parents hes trying to berate for not knowing what to do when he confronted them, trying to act like he's the bigger person. he should be going to urgent care, but no better to make an 11 post rant about it for the twitter crowd instead, or maybe even a better way to use twitter.. "hey my eyesight's been fucked up by a laser, what should i do?" keep it simple.

No. 1896153

>Why the hell won't he just go to urgent care instead of crying on Twitter?
Because if urgent care somehow fixes it and the spot goes away he can't sue.

No. 1896202

>muh White saviour
She’s Chinese so does she purposely avoid watching Chinese movies to develop that mentality?

No. 1896204

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Jump scare

No. 1896213

That's a troon anon. Why do they always have this annoying way of typing. I don't know how to describe it but it's like the most terminally online twitter users have this particular way of typing where they're describing things in the least straightforward way. Like my god, cut to the point already.

>calling an 8 year old a piece of shit

Totally normal behavior.

Yeah, I'd be pissed too because laser eye damage is no joke, but I am losing sympathy for him with how sanctimonious he's being. He's Swedish too so it's not like it's going to hurt him by going to the doctor

No. 1896261

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this makeup is giving doris from shrek vibes

No. 1896343

tbh i'd have a similar reaction to him if a dumbass kid blinded me with a laser pointer. that being said, he needs some calm down time and could probably solve this issue without resorting to police by just talking with the kid's family. also if he was an actual woman people would be calling him a karen for this rant kek

tbh there's nothing urgent care can do for him besides maaaaybe giving steroids (but those are only given if the injury is so bad the eye swells and reddens). this sort of injury sucks in that it will just take time to go away, kind of like healing a broken bone. all he needs to do is wait and his vision will go back to normal in a few weeks, which again sucks and i get why he's mad/scared but he needs to act like a fucking adult

No. 1896366

File: 1694402155895.png (Spoiler Image,7.01 MB, 2474x7706, philosophy troon.png)

I never really knew much about olly and was curious to see his transformation over the years so I made this nonsense as a sort of timeline and started adding notes. He's 30 and his face basically hadn't changed pre-surgery at all so I'm expecting the need for revisions as his face comes back. It's already looking manly despite him clearly getting a ton of work done. Spoiler for big pic and ugly moidface.
Before the contra skinwalking in video, his videos were just of his face talking and his peak seemed to be his face against an off-white background with his name inserted on screen beside him for a bit. Absolutely zero creativity in his bones, now the closest he gets to justifying his visual medium is his low-rent contra skinwalking where he has to pose so rigid to try and hide his body (but fails) he might as well be a voiceover over a pinup pose.
Also I'm betting he's another pedotroon seeing as his beauty video actually used loltia as a source (didn't watch to confirm though, his face and voice annoy me)

No. 1896369

File: 1694402440589.jpg (20.89 KB, 300x400, 7dTRZjT.jpg)

he looks like a woll smoth version of justin trudeau

No. 1896386

File: 1694406696585.png (589.64 KB, 890x575, smoth justin (an attempt).png)

I'm dogshit at photoshop but I had to try. You're not even wrong, he just has less of a jawline so I had to try and remove it too

No. 1896548

It might be those cheap laser pointers on amazon which are nortorious for being really dangerous.

No. 1896549

>the most terminally online twitter users have this particular way of typing where they're describing things in the least straightforward way.
horse piss brain damage + trying to imitate a misogynist caricature of a "silly girl"

No. 1896895

He used to send hardcore porn to radfems so its hard to feel sorry for him

No. 1898029

all that surgery to look like a run-of-the-mill drag queen

No. 1898069

I'm not sure about "hardcore." The only receipt I've seen is that he sent tickle fetish porn to at least one feminist he disliked on Twitter before he transed. It's still gross, male-typical behavior though.

No. 1899260

JUST "sending radfems tickle porn" kek? Tickle fetish is one step away from rape porn and the men into it know it. It's a fetish all about holding someone down and doing something uncomfortable to them while they beg you to stop. The men into tickle shit are always also into violent shit too, but you can easily pretend tickling is just a weird harmless paraphilia like feet.

No. 1899871

File: 1694977986593.png (509.32 KB, 602x816, Screenshot.png)

This is one of the worst arguments for veganism I have ever seen.

No. 1899877

Sorry that we're not all familiar with the intricacies of and connections between various paraphilias.

No. 1899881

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>meat eaters who love animals everyday when they choose what to eat(bait)

No. 1899906

Ironically, I've seen furries use this same line to argue in favor of bestiality. I wonder if he follows horsefucker YMS.

No. 1899908

Please god no one else reply to this, thread derails to fight over the logic of veganism vs the morality or meat consumption are truly retarded and pointless. This is a Mongolian basket weaving forum, it's not structured for actual debate or discussions of ethics or philosophy.

No. 1899916

people who say things like this are almost invariably into bestiality or other paraphilias. they're not reasonable, they've shaped their value system around justifying their sexual fetishes and complaining about "normal" people.

No. 1899931

the fear in your post kek

No. 1899970

Or maybe you could have said "oh damn I didn't know that side of it, my bad" instead of acting like a retard.

No. 1900380

Sorry if I came across aggressive nonnie, I wasn't trying to kek. I'm just saying it's a fetish that's only a few steps away from rape, I wouldn't trust any moid who's into it

No. 1900420

It's alright. I was probably too jumpy. There's been an uptick in crazy things on the farms, so sometimes it's hard to tell who's looking to pick a fight and who's not.

No. 1900776

Then refute it?

No. 1902923

File: 1695485555990.jpeg (887.74 KB, 2308x1468, IMG_1469.jpeg)

Kidology throwing shade.

No. 1903421

what happened?

No. 1904037

File: 1695656000414.jpg (214.05 KB, 1241x1844, Screenshot.jpg)

He's just a massive contrarian who likes pissing off people.

No. 1904044

Average male approach to politics.

No. 1908245

Cannot wait to see a "Robespierre" book from her with mechas, black jack and hookers.

No. 1912939

File: 1697189889784.jpg (87.02 KB, 1164x592, Screenshot.jpg)

What is wrong with Hasan? he's treating this war like some stupid sports game, women and children are dying and he can't take it seriously for a second!

No. 1912967

This cannot be real..hasan is such a griffter this is not a woaw world event I can make money off real people are dying because both of their government sucks (both are to blame)but still innocent people are dying.. this feels so disgusting to see..I'm so tired of this conflict.

No. 1912970

Link me his socials I'll make sure he won't be able to stream or upload anymore.

No. 1912971

I believe it's just a joke photoshop thing made by Destiny. but previous nona's comments still stand.

No. 1913465

It's photoshoped you retard
don't bother that's cow tipping

No. 1913578

Posted this another thread but fits better here, I always find the topic of which creator/piece of media is deemed 'problematic/bad' to be so random and arbitrary at times. a few days ago I watched a breadtue video about how Tim Burton is bad actually, because his films are racist (due to the lack of representation of black people) and hypocritical (because he's an outcast but doesn't include queer characters who are bigger outcasts of society), anti-Semitic (because the Penguin from Batman Returns had a big nose) and his criticism about society just aren't deep enough and don't addresses real issues(like the Nuclear Family and Christianity). It seemed like grasping at straws. The idea that Tim Burton's films are shallow and lack substance is not new, it has been a criticism since the 90s. The problem is trying to frame this as a justification for judging him as a person. You could equally find flaws in David Lynch's films (tumblr types love him) or John Waters(his films are filled offensive stereotypes). Again It seems so arbitrary

No. 1918043

I hate how all of these breadtube vids have to add in random end of Evangelion references just because Hbomberguy did it, it's a great movie but it has LITERALLY nothing to do with Tim Burton and a large chunk of this video is just her assuming that he's an incel because he…writes dull protagonists and can't write women? As if that isn't one of the most common things hollywood directors do and is in no way exclusive to Tim Burton.
Hard agree about the Corpse Bride take though, it's pretty much impossible to find a reverse beauty and the beast story (closest is like, Shrek but that BARELY counts) which basically furthers the 'no uggos' rule for girls.

No. 1919820

So I occasionally watch Cheyenne Lin videos. I think she has some good insights on culture and media, but she is not good at discussing actual politics. and Vidrel has to be her worst (perhaps the worst breadtube video on feminism and politics I have ever seen). The topic is "why women turn to the alt-right", but she does not at all addresses that topic, She only uses the cases of Republican American women. Now, you can hate the Republican Party all you want, but they are not alt-right. They are The Right, the baseline standard, Anyway's, like most leftist YouTubers, she uses a paper or a book by some late 20th-century pretentious academic as the grand proof. In this case, it's Andrea Dworkin's book, 'Right-Wing Women.' Now, I'm not some rabid anti-Dworkinfan, and I do think she had some interesting points, but she was wrong on a lot of issues because of her fundamental approach. Radical feminism is Marxian at its core. It takes that Marxist theory of everything to do with class exploitation and applies it to sex. Now, that Marxist historical view turned out to be wrong in most cases because it fundamentally views that no one actually believes in anything. Everyone just thinks of their class status and nothing else. And if someone disagrees with that, well, they are somehow being tricked or actually lying. But enough on that. Regarding her video, I'll summarize the main points as best I can.

>She constantly uses the term "het cis white women" throughout the video, asserting that these are the only right-wing women in the world. In her perspective, there are no religious Muslims or Hispanics in her world.

>She believes that the only reason these women are "right-wing" is because they are afraid to confront their own privilege and actually desire the power that the right-wing ideology gives them over other women.
>She then claims that liberal women who are against transgender ideology are secretly right-wing, and if they don't support trans-women, they will eventually disregard all other women.

Really what can I even say, It's wild that someone like this relies solely on Twitter takes for their political understanding of the world, without any connection to actual reality. And it's depressing to know that there are tens of thousands of people who unquestioningly believe this shit.

No. 1919869

>She constantly uses the term "het cis white women" throughout the video, asserting that these are the only right-wing women in the world. In her perspective, there are no religious Muslims or Hispanics in her world.
>She believes that the only reason these women are "right-wing" is because they are afraid to confront their own privilege and actually desire the power that the right-wing ideology gives them over other women.
>She then claims that liberal women who are against transgender ideology are secretly right-wing, and if they don't support trans-women, they will eventually disregard all other women.
Interesting because none of these points are present in dworkins right-wing women at all kek

No. 1919873

I should have mentioned, she uses sections of the book to confirm her claims.

No. 1924713

Looking at all these people who for some reasons manage to get ahead in life:
Mina Lee getting on magazine covers

Xiran living a mansion and soon getting adaptation on her book

FG Signified, Vaush, Hbomberguy, Jenny Nicklson etc getting money from their fans so they are living wealthy and don't need to work anymore,

Just make me more depressed and question why even bother trying(blogpost, redditspaced, unsaged)

No. 1925396

File: 1699416431748.gif (868.12 KB, 200x179, 1466537602839.gif)

>Xiran living a mansion and soon getting adaptation on her book

Like if she earns the enough to pay even for a house with her straight fantasy book, the movie looks like it will fail.

No. 1925769

they just have rich parents

No. 1925866

File: 1699504128606.jpeg (138.31 KB, 1178x1998, F-dmDFeXoAA_CNB.jpeg)

Today on "Xiran please focus in your book and stay away of Palestine-Israel situation":

No. 1926170

Finally, the perspective of a someone who is neither Palestinian nor Israeli, has never lived anywhere ravaged by war, and spends most of the day pretending to be an activist on social media! We were sorely lacking in the brilliant insights such a person would have to offer, like "condemning terrorists from one side means you support terrorists from the other side".

No. 1926354

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Olisunvia boyfriend reveal

No. 1926358

File: 1699596265496.jpg (252.03 KB, 1818x826, t5HUty7.jpg)

Mina Le has been grifting in fashion circles for a while and finally struck gold on breadtube. She had an interview a couple of years back before she started dressing like flapper. It's always the polisci majors kek, this the new grift since writing for the atlantic is too hard

No. 1926362

I'm honestly surprised he's not a 5'7 fat white guy with a beard.

No. 1926363

There's more for them to be mad at a single John Waters film than Burton's entire career, yet no one seems to go hard on him. Maybe's its cause Waters films just naturally filter out the too soft among them or maybe its because he's an actual queer person who's been hanging out with trans people when it was dangerous and were actual outcasts.

No. 1926368

she's from toronto not california nonnie

No. 1926408

>actual queer person
Go back.

No. 1926469

What, John Waters isn't gay?

No. 1926555

He is gay, and he's probably one of