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No. 1634333

Since no one knows how to make a thread here you go.

MyahAlanna a 24 year old Homebody moved back from LA and is currently living with her mother playing video games all day.

Some old milk:
> everyone from her LA trip has dropped her
> Moved out of LA moved back in with her mom
> Is not that active on YouTube anymore but she’s active on tiktok
> still can’t keep her friends
> still does not have a job
> still has an auto immune disorder however drinks a lot of alcoholic and says she doesn’t have a problem.

New milk;
> created the xo discord server filled with her minions
> actually has a lot of half siblings some want nothing to do with her and found older threads.
> one of her half siblings dropped her no longer in contact with each other
> was bffs then dated a girl named kaitlynn and then dropped her and they are no longer mutuals
> her and Meghan no longer friends
> a lot of past friends are no longer in her life
> still goes on second life and call of duty spurt out a lot of nonsense and gets mad when she’s recorded when she retaliating against obvious trolls who want a kick out of her
> on her kpop arc loves kpop, active on Twitter again mostly posting kpop
> supposedly has signed a record deal (who knows what will come of that)
> released team but that is about it
> a bit anti vaxxed against the COVID vaccine but are we surprised?

Instagram: myahalanna
Tiktok: MyahAlanna

Link to previous thread: >>>/snow/1629438

No. 1634337

In terms of new milk it’s not much but people have requested another thread. She has been pretty under the radar
Most of you vendetta post anyways which is against the rules so bring something to the table with evidence no one cares about your personal experience with her without any photos to back it up.

No. 1634338

> a 24 year old Homebody
> living with her mother playing video games all day
> still can’t keep her friends
> still does not have a job
Wow, she's literally me (help)

No. 1634344

>Living with mom,plays video games all day
some people are just so lucky.

No. 1634346

fuck i know right. with i could be a NEET but unfortunately i have to be an adult and live in the real world

No. 1634564

Ngl kinda want a neet hate thread. Spoiled bitches.

No. 1635305

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No. 1635413

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Okay but Jamie cut her off too… Elena left as well… now she’s got her minion kiss ass “annoying” friends on discord, but not irl idk what’s more sad

No. 1635504

if you’re going to constantly bitch about what ppl post about her and be passive aggressive (“Since no one knows how to make a thread here you go.”)…then you didn’t have to make a new thread nobody was begging lol.

No. 1635785

I think I said this in the last thread, but good for her. She doesn’t need myah fucking up any chance she has at a successful music career. Jamie seems very hardworking, the complete opposite of myah. All myah does it drag people down with her

No. 1635860

>homebody who lives with her mom, can't keep a job or friends, anti-vaxx
literally me wtf

No. 1635868

all of you ppl who don’t know myah…you might want to figure out who she is first before “relating” to her.

No. 1635884

i’m not wishing anything good for anyone who was or is close to myah, bc they always condone her behavior. like why did it take you so long to realize she was a shit person…?

No. 1635930

i can't believe how someone with so much opportunities and relatively good looks can still fuck up their life so hard. the only thing she's changed over the years is her hair and those atrocious nose jobs. her step dad is so loaded, her mom so supportive and she could do anything if she put her mind to it, yet she plays a shitty game and hangs out with social rejects all day everyday.. such a cow on so many levels

No. 1636240

To be fair, people tend to wear rose colored lenses when it comes to family. And unless her sisters were looking for gossip about Myah, they wouldn’t have come across lolcow which gives more than enough proof of her behavior and patterns. It never seemed like Jamie condoned her behavior though. She definitely stood up to her, you can see that in the livestream they all did together. I don’t know how to link, but you can find the stream in the last thread

No. 1637153

condoning someone’s behavior is seeing them do grimy things and still sticking beside them…that’s what everybody who was or is close to myah did/does. her half sibilings, friends, or partners don’t need to look on lolcow to see the bad things myah does…they witness it by being around her.

No. 1637158

myah is the one holding herself back, she likes to blame other ppl, but it’s always been her. bc she’s actually talented and her music isn’t bad, but she just sucks as a human lol.

No. 1638574

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No. 1638575

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No. 1638577

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No. 1638578

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No. 1638580

Just enjoy the milk faggot. Why else are you here?

No. 1638589

No. 1638594

agree with u on this one. people who are neets and not disabled can kiss my ass. anyone who chooses to stay at home living off their parents at 30 but is perfectly capable of actually going out into the world is pure definition of spoiled bitches.

No. 1638708

Seethe harder wagie(infighting)

No. 1638839

I was making the obvious joke you clown.

No. 1638985

Enjoy dying alone on dirty piss stained sheets in a state run nursing home, parasite.(infighting)

No. 1639006

Ty anon for this blessed bounty

What was the lead up to this? Someone told her how to act?

No. 1639512

Ahh okay I wasn't sure, thought you were one of these newfags that don't seem to know who she is lol

No. 1639722

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Honestly I'm not fully sure but it appears some people in the discord were upset with things Myah says and she became fed up with it.

It's funny because if anyone says anything anti-LGBT her minions spaz out. It's definitely not a free for all in there

No. 1639844

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Any guesses for when Cam is the next to go? Lol

No. 1640118

As someone that’s been in the server since it’s beginning: she has NEVER posted public messages like this in chat. Singling out a name like she did in a POSITIVE light- she’s clearly desperate. This is so odd to me, almost off-putting. I hope she isn’t the next to go because I don’t want to see what would happen if she is.

No. 1640183

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No. 1640262

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No. 1640264

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Looks like she still makes up people in her head like when she was 16. She also repeatedly tweets about daydreaming especially in regards to meeting this person she has created in her mind. I remember when she made a whole video about how she had these "abilities" and that she hasn't met anyone else who can create people in their heads lol

No. 1640289

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Elena? Lol

No. 1640294

she is putting cam on a pedestal to make everyone else feel like shit. I don’t think cam will budge though, she clearly has no self esteem.. myah mocks fatties like cam and she still sticks around lol

Also why should her server members “fear” them. What does she even mean by that?

No. 1640296

Considering cam likes hrh i don't think there's much myah could do to hurt her feelings, she'll probably last. Maybe when myah gets some hotter friends and stops interacting with her

No. 1640373

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Jamie pt1

No. 1640374

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Jamie pt2

No. 1640379

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Jamie pt3

So, Jamie has OCD but Myah also says she has OCD, which is a mental illness. I have no recording of it but I remember a live stream she did with her mom where she said they took her to the doctor because she was seeing dead bodies on the playground as a kid. She even got her mom to verify that this happened. I know she is referring to being called a narcissistic abuser, but let's be real she definitely is one. I also remember a stream in L.A. where people were saying she was a narc and she spazzed out on the stream for it. She is at least an energy vampire, if that's a real thing.

No. 1640636

I called her a narc to her face and the switch that I saw happen… it was truly a vile emotional response. she might as well of got on the ground and threw a temper tantrum like a child.(cowtipping)

No. 1641506

she’s never ONCE looked at herself and considered that maybe she’s the issue, it’s been years of the same shit yet it’s always everyone else who’s retarded & doesn’t treat her correctly. i don’t think i’ve ever seen her genuinely regret or sincerely apologize for any of her actions because she has too much pride. she’s said that her number one fear is appearing/being out of touch which is funny since everyone who scrolls through her socials can immediately tell she’s a narc who’s completely out of touch with reality

No. 1641794

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she can't be seriously complaining ab slurs rn

No. 1647429

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No. 1647434

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2/2 I know she’s openly admitted to editing her pics, but how are we supposed to believe she looks anything like the first pic when there are videos/pictures of her looking like this? Lol

also kind of embarrassing how much she’s using tiktok now when just a year ago she was speaking against the platform and looking down on anyone who used it. And now she’s hopping on trends and twerking for views just like the e-girls she was shitting on. Where’s the self respect?

No. 1651208

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I can’t listen to it rn but she’s live on YouTube

No. 1651254

Did anyone catch this? I also noticed she deleted her video with her sister in the past couple days.

No. 1651290

i only caught 17 mins of it but here

No. 1651333

Ofc the record label dropped her. She has no work ethic and has 0 desire to behave herself, what label would want that mess. She's really going to be 30 living in her moms house

No. 1651642

can someone give a brief of the Livestream? couldn't watch it + no longer available

No. 1651692

her new label dropped her? the one she’s been bragging about on twitter? cant say we didn’t see that coming

No. 1651725

Is this someones personal vendetta whos that nobody and what is the real milk

No. 1651727

Just say you don’t know who the fuck she is and don’t read the thread

No. 1651890

It was a lot of nothing. She seemed to be referring to a specific girl from her past, someone she loved once, but didn’t give a name. It seems like this girl was harassing her b/c she talking about having cause to call the cops. She spent 5k on a layer to look at the deal only for the record label to not sign her. Then she just said “I don’t want the smoke” 100 times and asked people from her past to leave her alone

No. 1652046

She is apparently getting interviewed by a “big” tv station about her sperm donor, does anyone know more? I thought the other siblings would sue if she did that

No. 1656089

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Looks like old habits die hard??

No. 1656097

Ew she got her ugly nose pierced

No. 1656220

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this is the strangest development.. wondering how long this will last and what they'll get up to, I guess myah has just forgotten those texts of ava calling her a narc and intersex lolll

No. 1656223

Ava literally called out Myah so much for being racist only to return to being friends with her….lol

No. 1656278

This is quite shocking I don’t like myah but she had every right to dislike Ava since ava got this thread even more attention by leaking it everywhere and slept with her boyfriend at the time… didn’t Ava call myah a narc and manipulator?? This is a crazy arc are we going to see party girl myah again??

No. 1656295

ran here to posts it, glad anon was already on it lol

And you guys are right, Ava drug her name through the dirt (myah deserves it idc). At this point, Myah has to be doing it for clout. Because why would you willingly hang out with someone who told hundreds of people you don’t shower, have terrible mouth and body odor, and apparently don’t have a good body for fucking. If you guys don’t remember from previous threads, myahs ex (who Ava eventually slept with) told Ava that Myah has a weird body and is bad at sex LOLLLL

Myah is so embarrassing, is she not embarrassed?

No. 1657021

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No. 1657514

they honestly deserve eachother…they’re basically the same type of person. when i was a supporter of myah, i used to think they didn’t go together but now i realize they do.

No. 1657516

interesting…idk why a big tv station would want to interview a bunch of sperm donor kids. it’s not like it some strange phenomenon lol.

No. 1657518

ok, so did her label drop her or did they just not sign her at all…bc that’s two different things (and i’m seeing both in this thread).

No. 1657521

this can’t be the same person that verbally abuses ppl online everyday and once threatened to punch someone when they were uploading her instagram lives on youtube. myah is actually such a scaredy cat when ppl give the same energy back.

No. 1657523

she’s always so nasty when she falls out with someone, that you know this is what she thought of the person while they were on good terms.

No. 1657536

she still follows all the sisters she’s close with…idk why she deleted all her sperm donor videos.

No. 1657782

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This was the post in question. Seems like she’s only close to Nikki. Jamie dropped her and Kelly doesn’t acknowledge her anymore.

No. 1657912

she’s definitely still on good terms with the other one bc if she wasn’t their posts together would’ve been deleted (and she wouldn’t follow her).

No. 1657916

god she was foaming at the mouth to announce she was interviewed lol. Its probably the most exciting thing she has going for her since the label deal didn’t go through. and she was never signed >>1657518 she was tweeting about a big meeting coming up that would determine things a while ago. They probably found her internet history

Any guesses for who did the interview?

No. 1657929

maybe she was joking bc i can’t think of a “major tv broadcasting company” who’d want to do a basic sperm donor story. if it is true it’s probably some small local news stations.

No. 1657939

this can’t be coming from the person who’s put out multiple songs where she basically talks about being schizophrenic.

No. 1658292

anyone remember that one female friend of hers that joined the US marines?

No. 1660693

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kait and jaz are friends again now

No. 1660696

lmao is that fucking stray kids?

No. 1660757

i mean i don’t think that every friend she made (that’s also connected to myah), was cut out of her life. like the fallout was really between her and myah, and i wouldn’t be surprised if ppl from the discord were talking to her, shortly after.

No. 1661187

iirc about a week ago she posted a text string with her and said she was excited about them reconnecting or something like that, i didn’t save the story unfortunately

No. 1661308

I’m more surprised about Myah & Ava linking tbh. Former friends of Myah reuniting after being expelled from her life is becoming a pattern. I’m sure she isn’t happy(sage)

No. 1661383

oh, yeah that was an interesting development…but the more i learn about myah, the more i realize how alike they are.

No. 1661651

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shes the biggest catfish

No. 1661697

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No. 1661700

What’s with her and kaitlyn. Kaitlyn seems to be literally morphing into Myah and mush unfollowed her and removed her from almost everything. I’m just nosey Idgaf about either of them lmao

No. 1661843

Kaitlyn doesn’t talk about it, she acts like it never happened. We know Myah badmouths anyone from her past but I don’t know about her specifically. I wish she still had twitter, I’m sure there’d be stuff there

No. 1661985

tbh she looks way better now than she did when she was dating myah. I feel like the stress of dating myah made her uglier? lol. I don’t know how to put it into words but just look at pictures of kait before she started dating myah and when she was dating myah. she looked like a shell of a person

No. 1661991

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1/2 Obviously people are tanner in the summer but she just looks so..empty

No. 1661995

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2/2 effects of dating a narcissist that tries morphing every pretty girl into an xoxo doll

No. 1662224

Does anyone know what happened to megan? I haven't heard anything

No. 1662286

Yea I was just wondering the drastic change, I was in Myah’s disc server which was so horrible to be in. At least in my experience. My interactions with myah were so random I popped in vc and she was so drunk with kaitlyn myah dropped a bomb and basically said something among the lines of a girl being involved with a person committing su!cide and was happy about it that they were deceased. I was just trying to chill and idk wtf I was expecting LMAO. Shit was just so random. Since I left I fr didn’t even know Kaitlyn and myah were even dating, just cause I didn’t even know myah was into girls. But I was looking thru my instagram feed and I just see Kaitlyn looking spot on as Myah. Her room is all covered in pink paint, hello kitty shit, the way she poses for pics and dresses. So fuckin similar to how Myah looks. Kinda as if, she’s morphing herself into Myah to just keep seeing her. Some weird shit tbh

No. 1662480

check out her last thread…it’s all there.

No. 1662485

go look at her social medias, her and myah fell out, so she created her own discord server as well.

No. 1662491

can you elaborate on that vc story, can’t say i’m surprised myah would say something like that, but i am interested.

No. 1662591

All I can remember is bits, and i don’t think she was dating Kaitlyn yet, she was dating some dude in the server, I could be wrong tho. I was always trying to be friends with Myah or any of the xoxo girls, I was fangirling at the time since I USED to be a fan of Myah during her green hair days. And so I would pop into vc here and there, to which myah kinda just recognized my name from general chat and she was so wasted with Kaitlyn. They were just so loud and talking about all kinds of drama, and somehow Myah just brought it up to me that there was this girl they were interacting with in another server I was not in but they were, who was so happy about basically being the enabler and high encourager, for the minor who was attempting to actually do it and she did. Which is disgusting first of all for anyone to be like that and let shit happen. And I was just so confused and shocked that I didn’t know what to say but then they decided to keep arguing with someone in the other server that they eventually switched server vc to deal whatever drama and I was just left alone and left vc myself to my friends.

No. 1662713

she freaks out every time someone asks about meg on her lives so I think whatever happened is still a sore subject. she made it seem like Meg picked her cheating boyfriend over her

No. 1664176

Aka Myah freaking out when people don’t prioritize her over their boyfriend of a year (who did not cheat btw—-)

No. 1664315


Did she live in Little Tokyo while in LA? She seems familiar…

No. 1664381

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Kait is literally myahs clone now. I feel sorry for Myah cause what in the fuck. Kait is friends with jaz now and literally poses and LIKES everything myah does.

No. 1664417

you’re in the wrong thread if you “feel bad” for myah. also, myah doesn’t own pink and sanrio, she didn’t even have this aesthetic until a few years ago (when it started becoming more mainstream).

No. 1664420

are you megan…how do you know her boyfriend didn’t cheat?

No. 1664478

I just know. I was there in vc when Myah and Kait got on after Myah yelled at Meg like she killed a person. It was all very dramatic when Meg needed her best friend- not a rude and angry person who’s never felt love

No. 1664492

what do you mean you “just know”…unless you’re megan or myah, you wouldn’t know for sure if her boyfriend was a cheater or not.

No. 1664495

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she was definitely on ed tumblr, at one point…

No. 1664502

unless, one of those ppl disclosed this information to you, then you’re just making an assumption.

No. 1664513

and how do you know this? myah has never seemed to have an ed before, she just hates fat ppl and thinks shes better for being small

No. 1664546

i love how you didn’t answer me, but went straight to my other post. but, anyways, myah has been on tumblr forever and her language/actions is very akin to ed tumblr. maybe you’re not familiar with the platform but it would be very easy for a young myah, to stumble upon fatphobic, ed rhetoric.

No. 1664572

Type the word “sage” in the email text newbie. Also you better have evidence to back this up. >>1664513
Also this is the same myah that refuses to eat foods due to her medical auto immune disorder and would flex that but would constantly drink alcohol. But then later on snap she’s eating fucking cheese from her cheap as lunchables boxes. A mid 20 year old grown woman eating lunchables for a meal that isn’t weird to you? As a meal??!?

No. 1664664

I think she romanticizes being skinny and smol. It’s safe to assume she was around a low weight for most of her life (her weight seems to depend on her level sickness in that when she has a flare up or whatever she doesn’t eat and loses a lot of weight). So maybe she just has food aversions and is also afraid to gain weight? You anons have been speculating she has an ED for years, better reasons why with photo proof would be cool

>>1664381 kait is nothing like myah, PLEASE lol. people who are into kpop have similar styles because they are inspired by the same aesthetic.

No. 1664811

I was in VC that night too so im not sure why you're lying but yes she was in fact cheated on

No. 1664869

first of all, if you have something to say respond to the person(s) you’re talking to. second of all, i said ed tumblr, just bc she hasn’t admitted to and/or been diagnosed with an ed, doesn’t mean she doesn’t exude certain vibes. also, eds come in different shapes, sizes, behaviors, etc, just bc she doesn’t look like Eugenia Cooney, doesn’t mean anything.

No. 1665060

Oh relax, you knew I was talking to you right? or any other anon who thinks myah has an ed. I’m not being argumentative and I didn’t assume any of those things. but this is an image board. Just back up what you’re saying if you can.

I can see her engaging in more “fatphobic” corners of the internet def

No. 1665170

that’s not the point there’s a reason that threads on here work like that, to keep order and make it easier to follow different conversations. you would be down someone’s throat about not saging, so you should participate, in the correct way as well.

i also, did post a picture from her tiktok, and many ppl over the years have posted things that show her troubling views on body image, weight, eating, etc. you need to be asking that other person (who claimed megan’s boyfriend didn’t cheat on her) for “photo proof”. i also, never said that she definitely has been diagnosed with an ed, again i said “ed tumblr”. i swear ppl on this site lack reading comprehension skills.

No. 1665539

please stfu, no one needs to 'answer to you' were all having a general discussion about myah acting anachan.

anyways she seems more like shes fatphobe/skinny superiority. her showing off her body on tiktok isnt 'bodychecking' if thats what were trying to say here. maybe she has an ed, maybe she doesnt who really cares, shes never said anything abt it so speculating isnt milk

No. 1665580

Again I never assumed any of those things or bitched at someone for not saging… why are you acting like you have a stick up your ass? We have a mutual distaste for myah, can’t we play nice over that at least? lol

I really wasn’t being argumentative. I think the possibility of her having an ED and being on corners of the internet that glorify EDs can be a good discussion. All you did was post a screenshot of her calling herself skinny. “Skinny” was a buzzword on Twitter for a while and it’s a compliment for gay people. I don’t think her recognizing that she is skinny is reason enough. Again fatphobic for sure

No. 1673700

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looks like posting all those tiktoks begging for a gf pulled through?

No. 1673934

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No. 1674151

>I'm a lesbian now guys see!
>I really hope it makes me relevant again…

No. 1676171

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a bit strange

No. 1676356

is it myah in here trying to make this page about Kait? we don’t care and seems like it’s dead in here….there’s been a lot of other tea that ur not even catching up on lol

No. 1677143

myah has said a while ago that megan was addicted to drugs, like hardcore shit, and that her boyfriend was responsible for being a bad influence and Myah called him abusive. Myah then made megan choose between her and her boyfriend, which is why they're not friends anymore.

No. 1678222

i really doubt it, it’s myah we’re talking about lol and she also accused her other ex bestie of doing meth so who really knows

No. 1678534

yeah she uses words very loosely. Like I'm pretty sure she counts watching porn as cheating, I think i remember she said a bf cheated and it was just him watching porn. She also looks down on drugs a lot. By her standards she's addicted to alcohol

No. 1678728

myah loves to exaggerate. even if megan did drugs i’m sure it’s just weed or maybe even cigarettes (megan openly vapes)

No. 1678729

didn’t myah say that scott was in jail for murder when in reality he just beat someone up?

No. 1678732

Yes it is. This chick is like 99% of the kids on tiktok and half the users here. Being a lazy online addicted loser is pretty much every millenial and gen z person nowadays. What exactly is the milk?

No. 1678961

>no friends
>no job
>no prospects in life
me too OP so what

No. 1683553

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"unwanted" is such a weird way to describe it since she's constantly body checking on tiktok captioning it "she's skinty" or talking ab how petite she is.. she's gotta be doing this for a self indulgent pity party lol

No. 1685885

This is a weird randy observation, but I accidentally stumbled across the fact that Myah changed her last name from Scavo to Lunde. Any reason for that?

No. 1686639

it's supposed to be in honor of her dead uncle.

No. 1687501

Getting drunk several days in a row. What a surprise. And she wonders why her health is deteriorating and she’s aging at a rapid rate.

No. 1687595

why would she do this to herself after an apparently major surgery? she is reeking havoc on her body. I genuinely believe she is an alcoholic and has severe withdrawal symptoms when she doesn’t drink. She is probably to ashamed to admit it. She’d need the medical necessities of a rehabilitation facility if she wants to quit alcohol. Alcoholics can die from withdrawal on their own. This is one of the ONLY things I pity myah for.

Her chat.xo besties are are too busy walking on the eggshells of their idol to intervene. Fake fans

No. 1687724

any thoughts on the new song? imo it wasn’t terrible but it just reminded me of generic forever21 background music.

No. 1687794

it’s giving disney channel, her older self would be mortified she’s turned into a cringe shell of herself, dating people she would have bullied or called slurs, it’s not mentioned enough that her skin problem was because she had bed bugs biting her from her dogshit headboard.

No. 1687922

Lol I just listened and I know exactlyyy what you mean by Disney channel. Also I thought that her skin breakouts were caused by an autoimmune disease. Am I wrong?

The production quality is pretty bad. Don’t @ me anons but myah used to make pretty good music.. idk what happened. She seems so uninspired these days.

You guys think this song is about kaitlyn?

No. 1688244

About the alcohol thing, she has no job so her mother is probably buying the alcohol for her. Really damn sad that she is enabling her own daughter’s habit. Getting plastered five days out of the week is not good or normal and anyone with a rational mind would be alarmed to see their loved one going down such a destructive path. It’s like no one around her cares enough to tell her that she’s 24 years old and to get her shit together.

No. 1688389

Meg’s boyfriend did cheat, i was one of the girls (I’m assuming there were multiple) he was messing with. I don’t know if she took drugs, but i can say he takes (or was taking) ecstasy a LOT when i knew him. Not posting this to defend myah, cuz from when i found this thread she seems not great (to say the least). Also not saying this to embarrass meg cuz idk her, and i stopped when i found out about her. Just saying this to say he really is a piece of shit

No. 1688475

well, she has a new girlfriend so, i don't think she would be making songs about kaitlyn.

No. 1688479

i don't pity her for her apparent alcoholism because she's really judgmental about ppl doing drugs (even just smoking weed). she will whine about being around ppl who smoke (bc of her health problems), but will then go drink vodka until she's violently ill.

No. 1688481

i always knew there was a high chance that meg's boyfriend did cheat, but the way myah handled it was really shitty. like this girl is supposed to be your best friend (the one who stayed when no one else did) and you abandoned and expose her.

No. 1688483

actually, she had issues with her skin bc of this disease she has/had (i'm not sure anymore lol).

No. 1688488

myah puts on this intellectual front, but she's actually very ignorant, and i mostly put this on her mother. anybody who drinks like myah does (even though it makes her sick), is an alcoholic. and her mom definitely knows that but doesn't help her, bc she's obsessed and afraid of her. myah's own mother, literally calls her "mommie," it's so bizzare.

No. 1688493

myah actually used to put more effort into her music but then got fucked over a bunch of times, by ppl in the industry (like a lot of artists). that made her lose some passion and also, she's afraid of being famous (she's admitted this) because then ppl will hold her accountable for being awful. and then she's not signed and doesn't have a manager anymore, so she has to find ppl to produce her music herself.

No. 1688511

looks like she fell out with that sister she had on her youtube channel (doesn't follow her on instagram anymore).

No. 1688917

it’s 50/50 way back when we became friends she used to talk about the bites she would get but at the time didn’t have money to fumigate her $2000 headboard and had to move her ferret out of her room for a few days after from the chemicals, the immune disease only causes her nausea which she makes worse with vodka because her body can’t keep up with it, long story short the skin rashes were from bed bugs the illness is the auto immune disease

No. 1688942

so, are you saying she lied about having rashes on her cheeks (and other places) due to her disease (bc that what she said, i didn't make that up).

No. 1689151

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she took down a lot of the pics she had with Kelly too. Only left two up. She didn’t untag her in those pics so at least she’s improving somewhat lol. Why is everyone in her circle so expendable to her? I wonder what happened

This is her new gf. How long until they breakup because she didn’t respond to a text from myah within 20 mins :’((:’()

No. 1689399

i keep thinking she must be super sad about falling out with most of her new siblings…but she doesn't show it, i think she's too used to kicking ppl in and out of her life. even her mom basically told her, in the beginning, to expect not getting along with them (her siblings). like her mom definitely knows she's a horror to be around.

No. 1689404

is this supposed to be a harry potter costume…she might as well just wear underwear lol.

No. 1689425

where is that cameron girl? are they not friends anymore, has she been shunned from the xo cult lol.

No. 1689546

But she had these rashes before she even moved to Maryland and before she ever had that headboard…..

No. 1689611

Her ass is so gross. It looks stinky

No. 1689792

They are indeed still friends seems like Cameron tries too hard to fit it and it’s so sad agonizing to watch with her “racist” comments. You can tell she does everything Myah does and likes and it’s so excruciating to watch🫥

No. 1689793

dates 2 girls and calls herself lesbian when she used to date men HEAVILY which means… she’s bi that girl is super dumb for labeling herself something she isn’t.(do not use emojis/emoticons)

No. 1689813

the flat rashes are from poor hygiene, not changing her bed sheets often or showering her immune disease flares up, the lumped rashes were the bed bugs if that makes sense ? none of the rashes are PURELY from the disease itself but the disease not being able to fight off the bacteria on her skin.

No. 1689818

i’m supprised at cameron staying, me and myah stopped being friends because she called someone i was close to the hard t n word and i couldn’t let it slide, off camera she’s slipped and said slurs many times especially agaisnt black people. But then again her excuse was always ‘my people don’t care when i say these things’ and said xoxotila was black. she’s not she’s white italian but this was before she knew cameron. god knows how many times she’s used cameron as an excuse

No. 1689820

not to mention the orginal XOXO’s no longer speak to myah, (tila, solarized, gigi, karli ect)

No. 1689886

oh wow, has this been mentioned in any of the threads before? I don’t remember reading about that or what happened. It would explain why she started chat.xo

>>1689399 right! She kept talking about how it’s been her dream to have a real family and be an older sister (a role that could have changed her for the better tbh) but then she just kicks them to the curb? Relationships take work but it doesn’t seem like myah understands that.if someone “fails” her even just once she writes them out of their lives. I wonder what happened with Kelly. I think myah said that Kelly uses slurs too so it couldn’t have been over that

>>1688488 It’s a shame we can’t discuss family members because myahs mom… ooooweeee lots to unpack there. But yeah she’s a big enabler

No. 1690062

oh well, yes, that does make more sense…other ppl have said that myah has poor hygiene in the past.

No. 1690070

when she started chat.xo she was still friends with those girls, well at least ik she was friends with karli.

No. 1690075

yeah, myah's mom is mostly to blame for the craziness that myah is today lol.

No. 1690092

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No fucking shit? Those “2000” followers were probably all simps who found her cause of her ass pics and followed for soft core porn. Her dating a woman ruins their fantasies of getting with her.

And of course she left the likes up on that picture with her gf. She loves to act like she doesn’t care about engagement but she is clearly embarrassed by how few likes all the posts before got. Also why was she so quick to reveal this gf? I feel like it took her a while to announce her and kait were dating

No. 1690118

also, taking into account, the type of political opinions that myah posts (conservative ones), of course, some of her followers may be homophobic. and, idk really how long they've been dating but it doesn't seem like she's known her for long. she doesn't seem to have learned to keep certain shit private, seeming all her relationships end in flames.

No. 1690121

all her male friends are disappointed too, seeing as they definitely want to fuck lol.

No. 1690139

@ that one black guy who is always at chatxo events even though myah says the n word and prob calls him just that behind closed doors lolol. These people have no self esteem

No. 1690203

myah definitely knows they're in love with her and she's soaking it up bc she's full of herself.

No. 1690360

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why does she despise people who smoke yet she gets blackout drunk almost every single day? once she was ranting about people who smoke weed on insta live and got asked why she’s against smoking even though she drinks 24/7. she was speechless before responding “i’m against both, drinking and smoking are both awful for you” then why constantly attack smokers as if you aren’t addicted to alcohol? there has to be a reason she’s so incessant on letting everyone know she hates potheads

No. 1690377

her first serious bf and others close to her were drug addicts (or maybe just users), so she's against it. also, she says being around smokers does something to her health. and, she always needs to be above others, in whatever way.

No. 1690852

i actually think her new song is a huge step up from what she usually releases

might be a nitpick but i just dont know why she insists on using 'bitch' to refer to the girls she talks abt in her songs, 'girl' would sound a lot more professional imo. not a big deal but she does this in almost every song

No. 1691048

this song is actually a step down from, her recent music…have you listened to her last song compared to "inLuv". also, it's a pop song with hip-hop influence, i don't really think she's going for professionalism lol.

No. 1691173

oh man, I think it’s a huge step down. I think Team is the best single she has released since Princeton. What do you like about this song? I will say I’ve never heard a lesbian refer to women as “females”, “bitches” and “hoes” as much as she does.

Let’s all take this moment to acknowledge the deeply intellectual lyricism that brought us hallmark moments like “fuck like a gemini, fuck like a gemini.. go stupid hmm”

No. 1691207

She’s not a lesbian

No. 1691267

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I didn’t think so but I’m not inside her head or her vagina so idk. And honestly unless she’s queer baiting I don’t really care lol

She posted a tiktok of the halloween trip and towards the end she slaps multiple “friends”. Could be a drinking game, but I don’t see any video of her being slapped… once again, these people have no self esteem and are way to happy to be placeholders

Also kinda funny how she said she’s glad no one ruined her halloween meetup when she was the one who ruined the halloween meetup in 2020 with Ava and aancy.

No. 1691270

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No. 1691280

myah's just a bi woman that got tired of men.

No. 1691283

controlled chaos compared to her singles now..is just such a step-down. but all her singles before this one were better.

No. 1691291

any chance she gets to degrade or embarrass a friend, she takes bc it boosts her self-esteem.

No. 1691448

ayrt - i dont think the song is good by any means i was just thinking in comparison to idol & platonic, i prefer this

No. 1691634

I listened to foreign the other day. It was one of my favorite songs. But even her good music leaves a sour taste in my mouth now. It’s hard to listen to her without thinking of the long list of offensive shit she’s done. Maybe it’s a good thing her recent music has been trash. One less bad artist to support

Chat.xo might have been a major key narcissist move lol. Got abandonment issues? No problem. Make a group chat filled with people from your fan base who will never leave you because they are so obsessed with you. They will never see through her bullshit because all they see is their perfect idol.

I can’t believe she got that wasted after a major surgery?? I didn’t think it was that bad anons. Do you guys think she lied about the surgery? Who the fuck gets plastered for 3 days after a medical procedure like.. it had to be a lie. Or maybe she got her tonsils removed and she hyped it up for pity points from her beloved xo’s

No. 1691719

IG was glitching on Monday, people were getting messages that their accounts were suspended for no reason, she didn't lose any followers bc of her content. she just wants to make it seem like people actually care about her and what she does (they don't).

No. 1691876

yeah, i was thinking the surgery couldn't have been as "major" as she made it seem. even if she didn't get drunk (which i doubt), why wouldn't you be home in bed after something like that.

No. 1691877

yeah, "foreign" actually isn't a bad song, but i can't really listen to any of her music that i used to enjoy as a former supporter of myah. like i used to blast "cash" and "circus freak" in 7th grade but she ruined it by being an insufferable human being lol.

No. 1691881

she even calls chat.xo a cult and refers to herself as a cult leader, she definitely knows the power she has over those people.

No. 1692420

i have a feeling she's trying to appeal to the tiktok youth that uses parts of songs to dance to that's why it says bitch
she's so pathetic. always been

No. 1692707

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speaking of, didn’t mommie dearest and her manager tell her she’s supposed to be using tiktok to promote her music? she hasn’t posted about the new song once but she’s posting cringy shit like this

No. 1692836

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I feel like she’s devolving into someone she hates, aboriginal and simple.

No. 1692842

nona i think you meant unoriginal kek

No. 1692964

i've seen her new girlfriend and i honestly don't think she can "pull way hotter bitches" lol.

No. 1692970

but she still thinks she's so original that ppl are always copying her…when in reality she has one of the most mainstream styles for young women rn (sanrio, pink shit).

No. 1692975

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she's such a middle schooler. playing cod as a child rotted her brain significantly.

No. 1692977

this video isn't up anymore, i wonder what happened?

No. 1693258

what the fuck is she even saying

No. 1693420

tiktok probably took it down for violence lol. tiktok ai picks up that stuff pretty quick, no one even has to report it. That or someone in the video was recently exiled from chat.xo. But it’s most likely tiktok

Basically “I’m not hot, but I’m not like other girls cause I can get smarter”
Remember when she would describe herself as an intellectual? Haaaaaaaaaa

No. 1696809

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No. 1696811

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Why do they let her talk to them like this? She acts like she’s their moral superior. “Follow my lead”… where is she leading them? She’s a washed up, alcoholic egirl with no real job or responsibilities who lives in her stepdads attic. When has she ever exemplified someone to aspire to be?
“u females” my gosh

No. 1696860

that's the thing there are ppl who aspire to be like her (referring to her friends, as well), despite who she is.

No. 1696861

these ppl literally let her indoctrinate them into her school of thought lol.

No. 1696867

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this recent tiktok just further affirms that the only reason she claims to be a lesbian now is bc she didn't like the men she dated. there was a point where she was so obsessed with men that it was the only thing she could talk about. even before that she would say she was not straight and has dated women, but would never do it again. she just switched sides to see if she has more luck with women than before, but so far her recent relationships are just as successful as the past ones.

No. 1697280

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No. 1697281

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No. 1697337

she may be worse than karen bc she's an airhead who thinks she's aristotle.

No. 1697391

she’s so boring and predictable. nothing she says makes any sense, it’s all one big word salad.

No. 1697984

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they really pretended to give a fuck about each other and “family” long enough to wear matching outfits and run around the mall making tiktoks

No. 1698093

i actually do think they cared about each other (or at least kelly and jaimie cared about myah), but like always myah's close relationships get destroyed.

No. 1698784

you know what, that’s fair. but i think a lot of the things myah does are for appearance. they were always color coordinating in photo ops. Ultimately it’s a shame things ended however they did. I think having sisters (especially being the eldest) would have been good for myah.

No. 1698785

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No. 1698803

yeah, she's been trying to form the perfect clique for a while now, but she can't hold onto friends for too long.

No. 1704399

Myah is hanging out with Ava again?? So embarrassing. Not to mention her all of a sudden becoming a lesbian? Probably to suffice to her cult following in her group chat. I used to like the old her but now she just gives me second hand embarrassment and treats her followers like shit and uses her gang to attack people.

No. 1706290

oh mufgucking god i used to play imvu with her when i was like 13 and she and her boyfriend who was like 23 wld tell all her fangirls to lose weight and develop anorexia and shed go live and spout slurs and call girls ugly/fat.
she said she was studying to be a psychologist but bullied chilrden daily and has yet to actually go down that path kek!

No. 1706307

Okay so you’re 15/16 now? You need to be 18 to post here. Fuck off and then integrate, you’re giving no new information.

No. 1706345

on a recent tiktok she said how she hated being petite because people pervert it… myah didn’t your tumblr get removed for that EXACT reason? sexualised petite females and infantilism of grown women to look like pedo bait? used to only date 6’7 men to feel smaller to fix daddy issues. Hypocritical till her dying days she says whatever she can to try and get supported when she doesn’t believe the things she says while making out she’s woke. nitpick because we all know what she’s like but it’s so crazy to me she’d even try it.

this was all over a comment that had nothing to do with the subject mentioned

No. 1706348

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screenshot of the comment mentioned

No. 1706509

stop being insufferable.

No. 1706512

she still reblogs and posts the same type of stuff on her tumblr now (last time i looked). she just had to tone it down and apologize, so her blog doesn't get deleted again. but, yeah, she does give off very much "i smol" vibes through her actions, mannerisms, and words. which, it's fine to want to be cutesy, but don't be hypocritical about it. she would also talk down on men who would message her and leave comments (flirting with her) on instagram and tumblr. when she would post suggestive stuff on instagram and reblog p*rn screencaps and gifs on tumblr. it fits in with her whole, "i hate men, i'm a lesbian and feminist" vibe though lol.

No. 1706519

Right let’s encourage the child to post period not sage and post shit that’s common knowledge with no caps

No. 1706528

"it's not what you say but how you say it," and the way you said it was very insufferable.

No. 1706912


wish I had a tiktok so I could comment this. she’s projecting and being such a fucking hypocrite. she had images of children next to pornographic and suggestive images on her tumblr. there is nothing inherently sexual about saying someone has a little boys body. I mean maybe it’s rude but isn’t it the equivalent of saying someone doesn’t have any curves? idk anons weigh in

No. 1706916

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sorry to break it to you myah but you found the lesbian equivalent of a fuckboi on tiktok and slid into her dms. maybe try therapy to address your trust issues instead of expecting perfection and unfaltering loyalty

No. 1706930

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I would never wish this for anyone, but her gf looks like a player. There has to be a reason why myah cropped her username from this and why her gf went private shortly after myah went public with their relationship. Couldn’t have any other girlies sliding into her dms

No. 1707002

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well, her girlfriend comments on her tiktoks sometimes, so her username isn't a secret.

No. 1707010

literally like why was she desperate for a relationship when she has serious trust issues? i remember when she was making posts on tiktok, practically begging for a girlfriend. and her new girlfriend has a post about having anger issues, like i thought you didn't mess with unstable ppl, myah? it seems like she goes for these ppl (that are so obviously not right in general) and then complains about mentally ill ppl and how her relationships don't work out, so she has trust issues.

No. 1707012

myah's right about that part though, there are ppl out there that get off on grown ppl with "childish" bodies (i mean i think that what she was basically trying to say).

No. 1707015

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this tiktok her new girlfriend posted applies to myah lol.

No. 1707053

but myah is that person to get off on it.. read previous lolcows of her.

No. 1707084

ik i made this other post (>>1706512) about that. i'm just saying she wasn't completely wrong.

No. 1707182

does anyone know how old she is? she looks kind of young

No. 1707285

she’s been deleting comments on her tiktok, when i last looked people mentioned her old tumblr now it’s all gone

No. 1707289

Why is her new kinda gf cute? I'm jealous

No. 1707534

Dont be. That will crash and burn eventually, you’ll get your chance lol

Of course she is. She’s as gross as her tumblr was and even more embarrassing

No. 1707681

ppl mentioned her old tumblr on recent tiktoks? bc, i've never seen ppl mentioning her old tumblr anywhere except here.

No. 1707684

no, but i wouldn't be surprised if she's younger than myah, that's what she goes for in friendships and relationships.

No. 1709421

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sorry if it’s off topic but I think it’s nice that jaz and kaitlyn are friends again despite myah trying to ruin their relationship. hope they both realized how shitty she treated them

No. 1709994

jaz looks like she’s thriving more than ever, that’s usually what happens when u cut the toxic people out of your life

No. 1710401

if I remember correctly, jaz is much younger than myah (not sure about kait) so it really bothered me when myah “exiled” her from chat.xo and told everyone not to speak to her anymore. Like… what if those were her only friends?? Jaz insta is private but kait posts screenshots of them facetiming sometimes and they both look great. Especially kait when you compare how she looks now to how she looked when she was dating myah. I hope they never return to the toxicity of chat.xo and they continue to heal

When you start to think about all the people myah has cut off and screwed over, it’s pretty sad. She seems to use abusive relationship tactics. I don’t want to jump to conclusions but why would she tell a bunch of people not to talk to someone anymore just because they are no longer friends with her?? Thats abusive as fuck right?

No. 1711008

in my opinion, they’re almost as fucked up (if not exactly) as myah…i mean, you can’t be close friends or date someone like myah, if you aren’t very similar to her. it’s just that myah turned on them, so now they only have themselves to turn to (and act like how they did in chat.xo).

No. 1711266

Yeah I see what you mean. “Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”. I’ve always thought that the people around myah were just star-struck. Not necessarily clout chasing, but just in awe of her notoriety and talent. It’s almost like they believe that by clinging onto her, they themselves become important. Most if not all of her friends were/are fans. And no offense to the main chat.xo ppl, but their own individual lives seem very uninteresting. Being friends with Myah Alanna is the most they have going for them. Getting plastered with her is probably the highlight of their year. Imagine spending two holidays in a row with her… do they have nothing better to do??

And it’s always at her place. How come she is never visiting these friends of hers? Why do they have to spend all their time and money to see her

No. 1711272

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No. 1711284

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she went back to being scene kind of…

No. 1711288

i don’t necessarily see anything wrong with spending multiple holidays with friends, some ppl aren’t close with their family (or maybe their family doesn’t celebrate certain holidays). your friends can be your chosen family. also, sometimes she would go and visit her friends, and she would stay with them for days. when she was friends with meg, she would visit north carolina and stay over (she went there for her 23rd birthday i think).

No. 1711733

wasnt she only there because the lease at her LA apartment ended? Like Meg stopped in LA to pick up myah then they went back to NC. Even still, when was the last time she visited any of the xos?

and you’re right! friends can be family. but if all their family time is devoted to myah or if chat.xo is their only family… is that a good thing? We’ve seen how easily people are kicked out and myah tells the rest of the chat not to speak to them. They would essentially be abandoned. Yes, people can choose their own family. But this family they’ve chosen is toxic

No. 1711753

i agree, it’s not smart to only be close to the ppl in chat.xo, bc you can be dropped from that friend group in a moments notice. and, yeah, her friends from chat.xo, are the ones who come to her. but, she is their cult leader, they’ll gather wherever she tells them to lol.

No. 1711767

Why does have Asian looking eyes here

It looks terrible on her(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1711846

File: 1669582586736.jpeg (357.01 KB, 1125x949, 0E95DFA9-3215-48BB-82BE-956AD0…)

An example of their level of obsession with myah. This girl also likes and comments on almost every single post

No. 1712043

it’s the way she does her eyeliner, also i think she’s squinting, as well.

No. 1712047

it’s really so weird, bc she’s been a supporter for a long time, but she’s not even friends with myah. like she’s apart of the discord and everything, but she never really interacts with myah (unless it’s through instagram comments, or comments in general on myah’s posts).

No. 1713128

File: 1669686246588.png (8.54 MB, 1170x2532, B7B3B3AD-45E8-4140-BC76-B942EF…)

No. 1713207

is this the photo she’s crying about being leaked?? it’s not even that bad my gosh

No. 1713212

this is definitely someone from lolcow lol.

No. 1713213

when was this “leaked” and was she recently talking about it…bc this looks like a photo she would post on her instagram story.

No. 1713246

The first time it was leaked was not that long after it was taken. At the time she didn't know who had taken/leaked it. It just kind of died. Years later, but maybe two years ago now, I forget exactly (she told the story on a livestream I think), she figured out from a friend that it was ant who had taken/leaked it in the first place. The live used to be on yt but it looks like the person who posted them all is gone (the recording of her saying nigger is also gone RIP)

No. 1713260

File: 1669696590453.jpeg (496.25 KB, 828x1469, DCE7190C-6DE5-408E-A230-C1B0D0…)

myah and her sister have the same vibe lol.

No. 1713265

File: 1669696809634.jpeg (782.57 KB, 828x1449, E777326E-48B2-4669-9D1C-712091…)

the same guy she slapped in the face as a “game”.

No. 1715195

around the 4:30 mark, this girl needs to stop going on omegle drunk lmaoo

No. 1715321

omg, i thought you just linked a random youtube video, but i went to the time stamp and there myah was lol. she doesn’t look too good without makeup on a webcam and she was acting embarrassing. she’s always so desperate to have human connection, even if it means acting like an ass on omegle. like go talk to your “adoring” mother and “best” friends in your server, bc this just reeks of desperation and loneliness.

No. 1715534

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lol good find anon! I was wondering if anyone got clips of her on omegle

No. 1715545

File: 1669868178919.jpeg (86.7 KB, 1125x558, 43E5ADAB-C249-4E80-8997-6771A7…)

she romanticizes her life but in reality she’s a miserable, alcoholic attic-dweller. Chat.xo will never be enough because she needs constant attention to feel validated and important.

No. 1715547

there was apparently a video of her where she was cussing out a streamer (with a sizable audience) in a drunken rage. i never found it, but if you go to her older music related videos, you’ll see his supporters dragging her in the comments lol.

No. 1715552

File: 1669868885751.jpeg (565.97 KB, 828x1292, 6131974A-6125-41FE-8939-C38118…)

this has been said about every group of friends she’s gone through over the years…

No. 1715555

I commented on Myahs TikTok about her complaining about being petite, calling her out for her posting that video yet her tumble she has children posted right next to porno graphic images. She’s disgusting and projecting this weird behavior trying to cover up and delete anyone mentioning it in her comments. Fuck the people that support that weird pedophilic romanticizing shit.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1716375

it’s pretty fucked up. I’m glad the mods keep her threads up. It’s visual proof of her internet history and its tied to her name. She can delete comments all she wants on her own accounts, but she can’t do that here. Anyone who googles her name can find the truth

No. 1716683

this is an old photo from when they were friends. literally taken in megan's apartment. it's from over a year ago. you are obviously a bit slow

No. 1716688

she just travelled to rhode island over the weekend to see them

No. 1716689

if you're going to post in here don't be lazy. at least get the facts right.

No. 1716710

what are you talking about…chill out.

No. 1717782

File: 1670109817189.png (7.92 MB, 1170x2532, 130C8BE9-A59D-4061-BDE6-FE9CDD…)

I thought she was 24? Strange…

No. 1717794

she’s is 24, maybe it was just a typo…but i have noticed since that person called her out for rolling up her shirts on tik tok, she’s been doing it more (idk if that’s true or i’m just noticing it more lol).

No. 1717884

Myah has never had good fashion sense but atleast she’s somewhat aware of that.
It’s sad to see this down fall of hers. And her mother is a huge enabler. Who even just idles by buying alcohol for their unemployed daughter and just praises their daughter for being a NEET. We should really get a NEET thread because myah has just been doing nothing except go on discord and post a cringe tiktok she really doesn’t add milk anymore.
She’s 24 getting drunk on Omegle and discord has no job, dropped out of community college.
Her poor decisions are going to catch up to her because she’s getting closer to 30

No. 1717886

To add it’s only been 2 years and she’s aged like milk. She looks older than 24 and just doesn’t look good at all she looks nutritionally malnourished could be her auto immune disorder but I don’t think that’s the main reason her lifestyle just isn’t healthy at all.

No. 1717924

Why do her hands look so big kek?

No. 1717985

i think it’s bc she’s petite and (almost concerningly) skinny.

No. 1717986

myah actually thinks she’s a fashionista lol…like she sets trends and ppl follow (in her delusional mind).

No. 1717990

i think she’s starting to look older bc of her auto immune disease and all around unhealthy lifestyle (getting so drunk that’s she pukes multiple times and eating like toddler). i think she would have aged better if she wasn’t a crazed alcoholic.

No. 1717991

i honestly wonder what myah’s life will look like at 30…will she still be living with her mom, barely putting effort into her music career, and being a lunatic online…?

No. 1718547

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No. 1718581

at least that aspect of their relationships is reciprocated. I think I’d speak for mostly everyone here when I say there’s nothing wrong with making friends over the internet. but the chat.xo power dynamic will always be imbalanced because most of myahs discord friends had already developed parasocial relationships with her. they are fans and they idolize her. a lot of them even support her monetarily on patreon. In addition to all that, we’ve had many ex-members of that discord talk about how toxic it is.

>>1717990 I will never understand why she drinks so much if she has an autoimmune disease.research has proven that the toxins in alcohol aggravate symptoms. Maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal if she was an occasional, social drinker but she is an alcoholic. she harms her already frail, suffering body with alcohol all the time. >>1717884 yes her fucking mom. wish we could discuss family. her discord clan are enablers too. all they do at their meets ups is get drunk. have any of them ever even tried to intervene on behalf of myahs health?Chat.Xo is as bad for myah as it is for its members.

>>1717986 the outfit in the last tik tok she posted… like wtf? lololol

No. 1718585

her body is weirdly shaped in general. That’s why she pushes her shoulders back in a lot of her photos/videos. one of her exes said something about her body in a previous thread kek

No. 1718784

the only reason she likes Kanye is bc he’s mentally ill…she started being a “fan” when he was posting all that stuff about kim and pete, she thought (like many other women on social media) that his crazed love for kim was admirable and desirable.

No. 1728387

Funny how people keep leaving her server

No. 1728909

what’s going on over there?

No. 1728998

ppl stop being friends with her or supporting her and leave the server everyday…what’s the special reason now…?

No. 1730010

maybe they see her hypocrisy because the server all ganged up on this girl taylor for being racist, ableist, etc but honestly myah is worse in all of these aspects plus she’s fatphobic, classist. a lot of them are still deluded and praise myah for going off on her

No. 1730032

go back

No. 1730110

i’m just calling it what it is when they resort to calling this taylor girl fat when weight had nothing to do with it, sorry u had to find out this way

No. 1730336

is there screenshots or something of this incident…like where did you find this information?

No. 1730347

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i give it a couple more months until they fall out with myah…1/2

No. 1730352

shes a lesbian?

No. 1730355

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No. 1730356

she likes to call herself a lesbian…but she’s bi.

No. 1730360

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two ppl that deserve each other lol.

No. 1736827

I’m letting everyone know now, all
Of the half siblings dropped her besides one because they are the same narcissistic manipulative negative person. No one in the “family” she claims she has, wants her or wants to be near her. She tries to take over people who have a weak mindset. She’s fucking sick and none of the half siblings want nothing to do with that pedophile ugly fucking bitch and if anyone supports her you are a pedo too. I said what i said. She’s fucking psycho and plays off how she’s the ✨nicest✨ person ever but she’s the biggest psychological liar.(emoji)

No. 1737047

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No. 1738310

what exactly did she do? these are kind of just general statements you know?

No. 1740460

I know because I may or may not be a half sibling. Can’t say too much because I got reported

No. 1741649

File: 1673411380204.jpeg (259.85 KB, 1170x1204, A1043565-406C-4219-A768-381FB5…)

She is so far gone…

No. 1741650

She's right, though. A broken clock is right twice a day.

No. 1741668

File: 1673414316088.png (212.87 KB, 1080x1043, Screenshot_20230110-211713~2.p…)

She had a real shit fit against some genderspecial on Twitter stemming from a rant about polyamory. Hate it when she's right though

No. 1741875

Hate to say it but very based

No. 1742209

File: 1673479507796.jpeg (469.23 KB, 1125x998, DE4F1B7C-5F35-4BCA-9820-F7B974…)

idk anon, how is this based? she called them a woman

Also hilarious she attacks ppl based on their weight but one of her beloved xo’s is a fatty. I just know she looks at cam with disgust sometimes lol

No. 1742217

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she even liked the tweet as if she isn’t a “fucking lard creature” in question. her fan girls need self esteem and awareness so badly

No. 1748232

Looks like myah and the gf broke up lmao

All the pics together are gone

No. 1748241

Saw that one coming.

No. 1748983

the photos are still there for me.

No. 1748995

They’re back up… I think her gf cheated on her according to her twitter(this is an imageboard. post screencaps)

No. 1749040


No. 1749116

File: 1674250913361.png (728.25 KB, 1080x1594, Screenshot_20230120-134019~2.p…)

She has just been retweeting soppy sad stuff and tweeted something about everyone always lies to her. What I'm wondering is why did she delete and remake her twitter

No. 1749301

lolol I love how we all called this. still shitty to happen to someone but

Sometimes Twitter bans accounts that have been suspended too many times. That could have been it

No. 1749716

File: 1674336944649.jpeg (691.27 KB, 1125x1913, 636B565F-4E6D-41E2-8364-59CD60…)

she just found out the “love of her life” was fooling around on her but sure myah. fake it till you make it

No. 1750657


very happy with myself unlike all of you miserable fucks whose lives are clearly way boring than mine or my friends! < 3(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1750664


how how y’all finna fat shame me but as soon as someone does it to a stupid rando on twt y’all defend them??? pick and choose, y’all are weird i suggest a job maybe!(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1750777

why are you fat shaming people when one of your close friends is fat? it’s weird. also it’s clear what is said here affects you, stop engaging

No. 1750940

you are fr stupid if you think she would come on this ghetto ass site LMAO we all know who y’all r in here go get hobbies, jobs, a life maybe!!(you must be 18 to post here)

No. 1750976

As someone just passing by and who will now read your threads based on your unhinged replies, I can assure you that you don't know who we all are. Thanks for the new material!

No. 1751025

oh shit my bad, cam is that you? sorry your bestie thinks you’re a fucking lard ass. A little sad that you felt the need to defend yourself. Don’t worry, most of us feel bad for you

No. 1751339

bro tell me why i get on here to see if they broke up yet and cam is posting LOL myah literally shames people who look like you cam ur weird

No. 1751372

it’s so delusional (cam please don’t take offense). I don’t see how she (or anyone) can watch myah make fun of physical traits that she has and think she doesn’t have the same disgust towards them. You are fat cam, there is no shame in us pointing that out. Myah actually shames and bullies fat people and she has for years. Doing it to random strangers doesn’t make it better. If she can say that about strangers on the internet… I imagine she has thought the same about you. A fat person she watched and interacted with in real life.

The cheating we saw coming, one of the XO minions coming to the thread to defend their self-obsessed overlord.. never imagined ahahaha

No. 1751442

I'm just passing by as I'm making my way to the troon thread but stop bumping with your underage twitter sperging, how embarrassing for you.

No. 1751456

File: 1674576686721.png (33.22 KB, 751x288, hulk-smash.png)

>if y'all were loved

is the reason why this thread bothers you so deeply because you're so well loved at home, cam? is that why you came back more than once to express how mad this thread makes you? maybe if you put this much energy into developing a healthier lifestyle for yourself you and your weight would have never been mentioned here.

No. 1751578

Not cam putting down living in mom’s basement meanwhile Myah lives in her mom’s attic… and she hates fat ppl… girls can you rewrite your narratives unless they just apply to everyone else but your best friends? It’s becoming confusing.(sage your shit)

No. 1751618

this is actually pretty sad. The only reason her weight was even brought up is because myah constantly bullies people who look just like cam but for some reason her minions think they are so special and different. Cam wouldn’t be so bothered if a small part of her didn’t agree. Myah looks down on you, sorry we’re the ones to tell you

No. 1751822

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Why are her cuticles in such horrible condition

No. 1751825

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No. 1751840

Oooh big spook. I've literally made videos on her retard I'm not scared

No. 1751909

No. 1751938

hey andrea! you’ve made 2 videos from 2-3 years ago, you’ve been married since, does your husband know you bully a girl younger than u “anonymously” online?:)

No. 1752244

omg fuck off. no one cares lol. cyber bullying isn’t real, just stop engaging

>>1751822 she’s been doing acrylics for years so it might just be damage. but she could bite her nails from anxiety too. her nails looked really fucked in that one video she did with her mom

No. 1763361

Myah ur mad(sage your shit)

No. 1764928

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No. 1764929

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No. 1765119

she’s so obsessive and possessive. does anyone know if that is a symptom of OCD or is she just a fucking weirdo?

It’s pretty normal to borrow clothes from your partner (i.e a hoodie) and like the smell of it but to preserve it…? It’s not like they’re in a LDR and see each other once a year. I also hate the way she included the hello kitty cup detail both times like stfu you infantalizing weirdo. You’re in your late twenties

No. 1765123

she's just a fucking weirdo.
>you're in your late twenties
nona she's 24

No. 1765310

she’s turning 25 this June. Regardless, no 24 year old should have a majority of their Twitter dedicated to how obsessed they are with their significant other or how dependent they are on them. It’s like she’s stuck in a high school mindset. She lacks a mature view of relationships.

Kinda makes me agree with the anon who said she went back to dating women because she couldn’t find a man who would put up with her strange levels of affection and clinginess. Lesbians are stereotyped for being clingy and rushing into relationships. Surprised they haven’t uhauled yet. Did ally definitely cheat on her?

No. 1767465

>she's turning 25 this June
so she's 24
you're weird

No. 1769536

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No. 1769644

Anyone spending time in a forum like this is fucking weird. What is your point(lost faggot)

No. 1769916

Go back

No. 1770079

Was there ever any concrete proof that she cheated? Or screenshots of myahs Twitter breakdown after their first break up? Sorry if it was already discussed anons. It’s crazy that she gave Megan so much shit for getting back with her boyfriend that allegedly cheated when she did the same thing?? She’s such a hypocrite

No. 1771981

no…everything surrounding myah has been so boring lol. it was actually a little interesting when cameron came in here, but it hasn’t been truly interesting since like 2019-2020. y’all run ppl who know myah off this forum, but they’re the ones who make this more intriguing. posting a picture from her instagram and saying she looks horrible or posting a vague tweet, isn’t cutting it anymore lol.

No. 1774007

Exactly why you avoid cow tipping. Every new fag with a revenge boner for this chick ruined this thread. Shit hasn't been interesting in years just a bunch of girls calling each other fat and ugly

No. 1774407

Maybe it’s time to do something productive with your life instead idk like…. Getting a job, paying rent ..(also lost)

No. 1774967

hello, myah…actually, this might be one of her minions, she has a reputation of sending or “influencing” others to do her bidding lol.

No. 1774991

Probably cam, she literally acts like myahs dog(learn to sage)

No. 1775499

maybe you should do something with your life like go to the gym CAM, you fat, gluttonous creature

No. 1775989

Hi Andrea how is your husband doing? If he is still your husband.

No. 1776134

File: 1677286942399.jpeg (109.02 KB, 828x208, 474B4CDA-98A5-4964-9259-91CC47…)

I haven’t seen anyone post this vid so I watched it so ya’ll don’t have to. Here’s the summary

- says she doesn’t like to be asked questions - makes a Q&A vid
- confirmed that her song Team was about someone who she knew at the time (we all know it was kait)
- she has a compassion for people and their insecurities
- lost her voice a lot this year because she “put herself out there” (not because of the constant drinking)
- is angry that ppl bring her green hair days when it truly was her best era
- says she was the “blueprint” since the green hair days
- while living in LA. she was going through harassment and bullying by ppl she loved (ava etc)
- the ppl that were mean to her have since came back and apologised
- confessed that she gets drunk and goes on omegle (apparently there’s multiple complications on yt she’s in)
- she is sad that kanye hates jews but she loves him
- says dyke
- feels like she would be the Edward (from twilight) in the relationship
- used to identify as asexual
- is demisexual now
- acoustic album in works
- only talks to one of her half siblings
- again talks about how much money she spent on music videos that she ended up not releasing
- wants ppl to forgive her bcs she would forgive them for them
- “the reason why you even know about these (friendship) falling outs is because these motherfuckers don’t shut the fuck up” (when in many instances she was the only one to talk shit first)

No. 1776159

No we do not “all know it was about kait”
If you paid attention at all during the time they were together you would know they both publicly said team was about someone else

No. 1776198

In the time it took you to write this novel you could have done literally anything else I’m embarrassed for you

No. 1776240

No. 1776244


Are you dumb? This is an update thread that’s an update.

You’re definitely one of her minions who likes this thread to defend her you sort of type like she would on Twitter.

I haven’t posted in this thread awhile myah doesn’t produce anymore milk. She has a weird taste in fashion and makeup and hair definitely not a blue print for something generic and she has no job. She’s a NEET besides going to school for vocal training she literally doesn’t have any other skills to fall back on. It’s weird seeing people with these vendetta’s move on Myah has nothing going on in her life. She stays in her mom’s attic and sips alcohol all night while playing those stupid social games or call of duty she literally is giving nothing.

Also to the minions of myah what is there to look up too?? Shes got no actual job how store she even get money?? Is she on unemployment or disability why praise this woman who literally does nothing not even the bare minimum.

No. 1776484

How long did this one take you? Another 15 min? I feel bad for your mom who probably has to wipe your ass while you spew dog shit on the internet all day over people you’re jealous of(infighting retard)

No. 1776497

Lol you are 100% cam or one of her minions keep bumping this thread go off

No. 1776505

You bottom feeders are so obsessed with cam it’s funny

No. 1776533

myah’s minion.

No. 1776535

well, whoever you are we know you would suck the toe jam out of myah’s toes, if she asked lol.

No. 1776558

Yeah keep trying to guess to distract yourselves from how pathetic and lonely you are

No. 1776578

we’re “pathetic and lonely” but you worship a has been niche internet personality.

No. 1776686

LOOOLLL worship?? Your mindset is awesome. The only people with any kind of obsession with myah are you psychos. so keep projecting.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1776758

sure…(don't feed the troll)

No. 1776866

her false idea that she was the blueprint for green hair always fascinated me. so many girls were dying their hair green, blue, pink and what not around this time and using sequins as makeup accessories. she was never edgy or the blueprint for anything lol. what is she talking about

No. 1777223

Myah wrote a song about a girl who never even came out as lesbian… (i.e. Team)… anyone that was in the server during that time knows it wasn’t Kait- this person was pressured into romantically liking Myah and everyone witnessed it happen. How can you reject her after a little bit of flirting when everyone is watching? I wonder if Ally is in the server… does she experience the same thing?

No. 1777465

who is ally?

No. 1777855


you are on crack for real.(sage your shit)

No. 1778019

wow, that’s super weird. I can definitely see myah being over bearing with her feelings. It’s like she suffocates people with herself (presence, constant need for validation, obsessive communication). Her Twitter is showcases just how obsessive she is. Nothing milk worthy for screenshots though. How was the person pressured?

I always thought it was weird that myah never officially announced kait as her girlfriend. Maybe she was afraid of backlash but she seems content parading ally around >>1777465 myahs current gf

No. 1778023

oh, yeah, i forgot her name…but i think she didn’t parade kait around as much bc myah was kait’s first girlfriend. like before kait was involved with myah, she identified as straight. myah used to hint at that on social media, i remember something she posted on snapchat, in particular.

No. 1778167

Did anyone not notice in her newest video she mentions that on paper she has more similarities to males? (and captioned it that she’s vague because she’s uncomfy to talk about it?) this kinda confirms when Ava posted on here months ago saying she is intersex and has a “bad body for sex” I didnt know what that meant then but it makes sense now

No. 1778462

i never finished that video…do you have a timestamp?

No. 1778615

around 8:40

No. 1778768

Oh shit thanks, I don’t remember that ever being discussed. I assumed kait was dating women before myah. But you’re saying that kait wasn’t the one myah pressured into liking her, right? Didn’t kait do a lil promo video for the song?

>>1778167 can’t believe myah crawled right back up Ava’s ass after all that lol. She is so desperate for ANYONE to give her attention and validation. But why on earth would she rekindle a friendship with someone who ridiculed her body, vindictively slept with her ex then bragged about it online, and called her a smelly intersex. Like come on

No. 1778929

myah has said before that team isn’t about kait.

No. 1778972

i think she meant more personality wise…and if that’s not what she meant, and she is intersex, then her current radical feminist, “i hate men,” stage makes more sense. like she’s overcompensating bc of how she was born.

No. 1781807

one of her mods in her discord was apparently outed as a pedo

No. 1781809

Show don't tell.

No. 1781842

tbh when you see female internet personalities they usually have some weird male followers…but what happened? who was the mod and do you have screenshots or something?

No. 1790829

maddie is based(newfag necro)

No. 1791908


No. 1800526

One of my buddy account got ban after her so call friend mess up her account. According to all the friends on discord. My friends account was alive when she could not lock in

No. 1800527

She decided to touch people account with armpitshow, Sarah Mercury, jaypac, semaonges,
Lastly, everyone message my friend on fb to ask her whether she online because her avi keep appearing at the fundraising event(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1801113

she is so boring now omg. nothing to snark on and nothing to commend her for either.

No. 1801365

i honestly think it’s just that ppl don’t really care about her anymore…bc she had a new talking video, that came out on youtube, and nobody posted about it until like weeks after it came out.

No. 1807856

jesus christ her twitter is insanely obsessive it’s borderline scary. i’d include a screenshot but there wouldn’t be enough space. 100 posts a day talking about how she can’t live without her gf.

No. 1811898

It's funny how her speaking voice is suddenly very low now that she's lesbihonest

No. 1811943

She's always had a low voice, and it's more likely that it's from her inflamed vocal chords like she spoke about

No. 1812188

Is there any anon that already watched this and is bored enough to give a recap? lol

No. 1813517

Woah her voice is super low. She said she got it from throwing up and coughing every day. It makes sense why she’s so skinny now.
With that condition my guess is she’s on disability or something since she said she’s tired of sitting on her ass all day cuz how else is she making money and sustaining her lifestyle of drinking and going out??

No. 1813742

Is it just me or does she kind of look like millie bobbie brown(learn2sage)

No. 1816231

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why do so many of her followers lie to boost her ego? like am a tripping or weren’t there artists with the same music style and aesthetic as her? Also almost every one fucking dyes their hair

Didn’t she shun help from the industry as well? she (or her parents tbh) payed thousands of dollars for recording sessions and music videos only for her to cancel multiple releases because the people who helped her “didn’t get her vision”. she moved all the way to LA to pursue her dreams but instead she stayed inside, got drunk and played dress up, COD and second life almost every single day. she blames that on covid which is partly reasonable but there were a lot of independent artists who tapped into their creativity to release some amazing music and visuals during covid. she’s lazy and needs to stop pointing the finger at everyone else

No. 1816329

Typical gaslighting/retconning, I wouldn't be surprised if a Myah sockpuppet wrote it.

No. 1816933

the delusion is astounding. she’s never gonna take accountability when her audience is a bunch of yes men that will coddle her into believing that she isn’t to blame for her level of success

No. 1832606

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the crossover of a century…myah’s back in her “clout chaser” era lol.

No. 1833112

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I was nosey but look how this tuned out went from the "deans list" to dating some butch and dropped out uni rip asf

No. 1838181

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she looks nice in this pic and genuinely happy. I wish she’d fucking ditch Facetune, she doesn’t need it and it makes her look like a different person in every pic

No. 1839153

she's part of the illuminati(sage your autism)

No. 1846847

Did anyone see in her most recent video they talk about yelling at Taylor for drinking diet coke… when Myah quite literally is drinking her way to a cirrhotic liver by 30? And then she goes on and on about holding her minions accountable lmao.

No. 1846872


Is is the 25th birthday one?

She’s a bit more active on YouTube now. But idk if I can call her milky as she used to be

No. 1847733

yeah that's the one. She's definitely learned her lesson regarding not posting everything but I think her personality is still milky… I mean she's an unemployed, uneducated 25yo who's ruined her one shot in life and yet she walks around like she's in any position to give life advice

No. 1860952

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I don’t understand why Myah buys so much shein garbage, her outfit looks like it’s made of plastic trash bags

No. 1881216

Did she delete her TikTok?(sage your necro)

No. 1886726

which friend did she lose to homophobia ? her recent youtube video(spoonfeeding request; unsaged)

No. 1886730

How are we supposed to know

No. 1886825

it’s about sophia(learn to sage: lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1886890

who is Sophia and why are we supposed to care enough for her to make an hour long video about discord drama? So weird

No. 1886930

honestly because she wants attention i guess??
its literally just friendship drama and she is being petty about it(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1886961

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wait like this sophia? From her LA trip all those years ago?

No. 1887043

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no it’s this sophia, she’s strictly from discord and was a mod on myahs server>>1886961

No. 1887153

and here I was thinking myah was maturing and coming around smh. I’m sure Sophia is somewhere getting off on the attention. But seriously why would her YouTube audience care about this? She acts like her discord server is such a big deal

No. 1887289

Based sophia

I give it a couple years before myah goes back to bouncing on dick anyways. I don't get how she can claim to be gay with the lengths she would go to for men, esp considering she wasn't closeted about being bi

No. 1887442

Yeah it's so weird on poserish of her and her friends to suddenly claim "gay" with such assuredness.. like first of all you guys are bi, get over it. And the way they keep screeching about "VIOLENT HOMOPHOBIA" kek just LOG OFF DISCORD and WALK AWAY they literally have never experienced VIOLENCE from someone typing to them that they don't want to be friends anymore, grow the fuck up.

She always talks about how she doesn't want the drama in her life and she doesn't want people knowing her dirty laundry, but it looks like Sophia leaving took a massive hit to her ego because she and her gang of mouth breathers made an hour long feature film reeing about their hurt feelings. Talk about arrested development. Bonus points for myah of all people outing herself as a tranny bootlicker, your mind on too much internet.

No. 1887716

I laughed when she called it a hate crime. Afaik calling off a friendship isn't a crime lmao. She's always been a pussy but it's gotten even worse as of late.

No. 1887834

It's definitely the people she's associating with, terminally online libtards who are younger than her. The only one on her digital short bus who's any old than her is a "lesbian" married to a tim Troon. She hangs out with people younger than her because of her guru complex but it in turn has stunted her mental growth moreso

No. 1888696

I remember when Myah was popular she literally had a Trump sticker in her room for the 2016 election. She was larping as an alt republican Trumpie. I’m sure if her younger self saw her now, she would kick the bucket.

No. 1889648

Saged bc although this is old milk, I feel the need to post this in light of her video. I would find it extremely hypocritical that she has suddenly reached this turning point in her moral views, but it’s actually pretty consistent with her character. I knew her for years and was what I consider somewhat close to her, spending most of my early 20’s in her online social circle (not that it means anything as she referred to me as her “best friend” when it was convenient just as she does so many others). Eventually, I cut her off but not before I realized I had compromised my own moral values and self expectations just to be in her presence… gross. She is someone who is always more than willing to feel wronged and justifies her feigned pain by bringing in her loyal followers to back her up. It doesn’t matter if she is the target of the offensive comments, it’s always about her and she is always the one going through it the worst. Her self importance is always under the guise of empathy- it is never not. She does this, yet commits equally heinous acts of racism, homophobia- virtually any form of “ism” or “phobia” you can imagine. Exhibit a, “I cant stand all these ‘f-slurs’ (in reference to gay men and trans women often younger than her) on the internet,” this was said by Myah in the most sincere and hateful voice I had heard her muster at the time. This comment was followed by, “I can say that I am one!” Her obnoxious laugh bellowed out afterwards- and we (the xo’s) awkwardly laughed along with her. It was said behind their back. They believed her to be a friend but what friend would say that? Exhibit b, “You look like you date blacks.” This was said by Myah in her fun little discord server that could pass as a fucked up deluded nightly AA meeting to her girlfriend at the time. The tension was palpable as not one, but two of her black friends were staring blankly into their screens in disbelief. We all blew it off and moved on after a second of awkward silence. That was my turning point. The point in bringing these comments up is to say- she has always done what she is accusing this religious nut of doing. She talks shit about her friends at all times. She betrays trust on a consistent basis without a second thought- but oh- someone did it to her and now she is in so much pain. No, I don’t think myself a saint- I feel disgusting for ever being involved in such a toxic and hateful group. I was like a lobotomized sheep ready to follow this overgrown child in anything she said, silently disagreeing but never standing up for anything I felt was right. I fostered this monster. When no one else would drink with her, I would. When she thought everyone was out to get her- that consequences for things she said or did were unfair, I agreed. When she told me about past trauma, I excused her behavior even though I knew that is never an excuse to hurt people. I helped her form this mentality that she deserves friends who will not put her in her place. If she had no influence, I wouldn’t care to share this or even think about it, but when her video showed on my recommended, the first thing I thought was “I thought I blocked her,” and the second thing I thought was, “bullshit.” If you’re a follower of hers and you’re reading this, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you here? Probably for the same reasons I was. You know she’s fucked up. Just get a life and leave. You’ll be ok, if not better for it.

No. 1889708

Anyone who has half a brain and has been aware of her social media presence for any duration of time can plainly see her true colors in her vernacular alone, and it's so odd that in recent years she's cultivated such a following of braindead libtards which is the exact thing she despises. They're all to starstruck and weak-willed to disagree on any point and face the wrath. They all inevitably slip up eventually. Also it's funny how much she hates fat people yet has so many big friends, she just doesn't care at all about how it could hurt them.

No. 1889914

Know the person the video is made about. None of this should have been made public. Myah wants her Amberlynn moment

No. 1892202

Give yourself some grace. She intentionally created a friend group out of fans and people who were already in a parasocial relationship with her. Whether you know it or not (it sounds like you might), you were too timid to correct her because you idolized her. That’s what she wants. She wants an echo chamber of obsessed yes-men and people who worship her and put her on a pedestal.. not friends. Who makes monthly patrons their “friends”? Let it go and give yourself a pat on the back for making it out and blocking her. Don’t look back and don’t check up on her which includes this page. She still has a hold on you if you do. Post your grievances, milk and then go

Speaking of, whatever happened to Cam?

No. 1898363

How do y’all feel abt the new video about addiction. It’s a little ironic(post milk, tard)

No. 1898376

I ain't watching that boring shit but I'm sure she completely disregards her rampant addiction to alcohol while spewing shit about others with substance abuse probelms.

No. 1898380

>Whatever happened to Cam?

Nothing? She's still an active mod in the discord server.

No. 1898587

are you gigi?(are you retarded?)

No. 1899985

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No. 1899990

Another one bites the dust?

No. 1900421

She removed the pictures and videos with Ally on her socials, must be over

No. 1900745

did she not literally post an anniversary post like 12 hrs prior to the breakup?? cant say im surprised

No. 1900784

those pics and vids are back so I guess it’s not over??

any guesses on what even happened anons? The lesbian larping is tiring but she did seem really happy in this relationship. Although social media always paints a different picture.

No. 1900818

Wouldn't be surprised if her gf got tired of Myah after a year. Yeah she seemed/seems happy but she's someone who latches onto anyone who gives her attention and that seems tiring and suffocating in the long run to me. Just look at all her past "besties". I think Myah is still super into the idea of having "her person" and probably wants someone to "complete" her, despite the video she made about hopeless romantics. She just has zero self-awareness when it comes to herself. Weird that the pictures are up again so I guess we'll see.

No. 1902350

She probably expected a ring and got sad when it didn't happen
She has that one vid where she talks again with her gf about wanting to be married by 25 and the clocks running out on that

No. 1906748

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24 yrs old and commenting this weird cringey shit while thinking your intellectually superior to others is crazy

No. 1912161

in her stream last night she said that she wants to live in a van, and that this type of boho lifestyle is in her blood because her mother’s ancestors are gypsies

No. 1912186

is she going through an identity crisis??? wtf

No. 1912461

No, she just went camping for a weekend and it inspired her to want to live in a communal setting in the wilderness

No. 1923815

Did she delete her tiktok or did it get banned lmao(learn to sage/don't necro)

No. 1926929

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She’s actually so insufferable

No. 1929311

does anyone have any xo discord tea? ik it got deleted and she’s made vids abt it but i cbf watching and just want to know the actual drama as i was in it for a bit lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1931249

no, you retard. stop being a nosy pos and get a job instead of obsessing over someone you dont even know. now that myah made a new server all of you nosy fucks who want to try and get in everyones business and try and pick myah apart wont be able to join anymore and get your "tea". fucking pathetic. a bunch of fat neck beards obsessing over someone who would never acknowledge ur existence. get fucked <3(whiteknighting)

No. 1933327

Mildly interesting that in her last vid she mentioned not having a father when in her sperg homophobia video she talks about her "dad" and was living in his apt for a while before she got this new place. Wonder if she got kicked out and that's why she's pissed

No. 1935473

She always goes back and forth on whether her dad is in her life or not. I was surprised when she was living in his apartment again because it seemed they didn't have a relationship for a while.

No. 1937774

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kek one of Myah's troon soldiers coming to defend her fat ass on here again. She doesn't care about you. To go after and dog pile on people who make the most minuscule criticisms of Myah's shitty, contradictory and borderline psychotic behavior over the years is just as corny and pathetic as her. And you really thought you did something with the "get fucked <3"

No. 1938424


No. 1939247

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who does she think she’s fooling with this Facetune? lolol

It’s also interesting to see her bodily identify as a lesbian when she’s been a notorious boy chaser for years. I’m curious when when the switch from being bi happened. Sorry if it’s been discussed

No. 1940612

I think she's trying to revamp herself as "classy" and being a slut for face-tatted drug addicts and frat boys isn't really conducive with that image. So if she makes up a narrative that she was never actually into them it kind of wipes her clean. She's always talking about how guilty she feels for the way she acted/that it was "out of character" for her… it's just coping

No. 1943227

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this taylor girl would skinwalk myah if she could

No. 1943305

who the fuck is taylor

No. 1943369

she’s one of her best friends from discord. she’s in her tumblr breakdown video and birthday vlog. in the birthday vlog she drunkenly laments how upset she is that people have been mean to myah over the years (potentially reads this page). myah seems to have forgotten to disclose to them that much of the heat that she’s received over the years has been from her own shitty behavior.

No. 1943461

just here to add my two cents as this is old milk but care to add anyway but myah has repeatedly said very transphobic things to me in the past being a fan to friend to frenemy with her over 4 years when we did associate with each other. She has also called me the n word after repeating one of her shitty bfs at the time and has also made several racist comments alongside her "og xo" members and often referred to calling me a monkey because of me being black and outed as nonbinary/genderfluid they would often also attack me for my gender identity lol so I find it funny now she is trying to "rebrand" herself as a full on lesbian and paint an accepting picture and "losing people to homophobia" when she actually was super homophobic and transphobic when slandering and attacking certain peoples lol x(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1943560

that part of the video was so pathetic. And I’m pretty sure Taylor is the one who comes here to defend her. She came out as gay shortly after that birthday weekend. I don’t know if she actually is but I’m sure it’s just another way for her to relate to myah. She copies everything about her. From her posing, style, hair cuts and dyes, to her aesthetic (which I understand is pretty general). She’s also a patreon. Imagine paying to be friends with someone. Myahs close friends are a bunch of parasocial dependents

I’m sorry that happened to you. But what did you expect? She’s always been openly offensive. Did you think you’d be different? Genuine question

No. 1943628

Honestly, no when I was friends w her during the time I didn't know much or anything about her prior to my initial experience with her so yeah I wish I had tbh I wouldn't have even tried being her friend

No. 1943630

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The fact that Myah has a Patreon makes me think her xo chat just buys her shitty content. Meanwhile Myah makes fun of her greasy army of femme orbiter skinwalkers, such as Taylor, to her real life friends.

No. 1943631

also new video being uploaded reacting to her videos and calling out the bs bc someone needs to do it and shes gotten me doxx'd twice so idc who sees it atp

No. 1943649


You’re that anon that went spergy and made some videos on her.
I don’t like Myah but this shit is old we’ve been known about her.
She’s trying to make a comeback but she literally offers no milk besides larping as a lesbian.
This shit is just so old.
She’s a generic former e girl who’s just like everyone else and getting older. I can tell her newest videos her voice is fuckeddddd.
This shit is old news sperg elsewhere I remember you typing in all caps lol I bet that you were furious and emotional typing all that.

No. 1943655

Yeah idc :3 I can do what I like and yeah ofc I was pissed?? I was literally doxx'd twice and was already going through personal things outside of SL and everything. If I wanna voice my opinions in a cleaner and more comfortable setting for myself I have the right to do so you dont have any room to tell me what to do and what not :3(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1943656

also I know she's making a come back and ive been working on my youtube and other things anyways so why not larp on her parade if shes going to constantly make slick remarks about me bc she thinks I wont say or do anything ab it? I have fun with it and I like being entertaining for my viewers and I assure you they aren't disappointed you dense or sum? lol its ok when myah wants to make a bag dogging her "victims" but when I speak up (as a former friend not victim) it's a problem? lol yikes :3 I just like story telling too! :D

No. 1943962

lol yall are lame asf in here why u complain ab old milk but still here checking the blog every week? lol I hardly come here unless im SUPER bored and have nothing else better to do :3 I hope yall do the same bc… its really not that deep LOL she's gonna just keep being the shitty person she is what "new milk" is there to have other than her trying to revamp and pretend she's not shitty? Yall are dumb asf in this blog you sit here and all hate on the same person but then also are rude to people like me who simply just wanna join in the convo :3 yall are weird lol whoever you are specifically… xD
wtf does that dumbass shit even mean lol "user has been put out to pasture??" wow.. good one thanks for the fancy red text?? lol(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1943964

No I think they are ACTUALLY her friends which makes it so much worse. Who makes friends with people who have a parasocial relationship with you and pay monthly to see extra content. She can’t keep a consistent friendship with anyone who isn’t an obsessed friend. I wonder if they can decide to stop being patterns. Like this taylor girl what happens to her if she unsubscribes? does she lose mod privileges

No. 1948546

Let it go jesus.. imagine going to the psych word over a jersey goomba on second life and milking it for over 2 years. Also she's still with her gf

No. 1948966


No. 1949455

The people that orbit myah are something else, but she welcomes those types. She keeps around a literally autistic backwoods hill billy in her server as a punching bag for her friends

No. 1952445

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Is that you in the video? I don’t like Myah but honestly you’re just as wack and a lot fatter. The mini tantrum because you got flagged for not integrating, revealing identifying information, and using those retarted emoticons, which are against the site rules if you even bothered to read it. Myah is a voracious cow who will continue to be an edgelord that will forever try to replicate her peak while managing a failing music career. She’s completely socially unaware and shitty and she deserves to be called out. But getting angry and keyboard smashing or typing in all caps and demand that anons watch your video because they need to “be on your side” is behavior that is just as bad as Myah’s, it’s cringe and not cute.

No. 1957987

You’re so unbelievably cringe mate. Grow up

No. 1962636

myah is now friends with jamie le rose again
she’s distant from nicki but doesn’t speak to narcanibal anymore.
and had deleted her tiktok account(this is an imageboard, sage if no proof)

No. 1962938

taylor is not friends with myah anymore it seems. she used to idolize her so much and myah was following her on insta even but now it doesn’t show up and myah removed her birthday posts/video from insta and youtube where taylor was in it too. anybody know why?

No. 1963510

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Myah is still following Taylor but it seems like Myah has knocked her down the ladder, and honestly good. Jesus christ she genuinely would skinwalk her.

No. 1963903

I was wondering if she got booted from the discord or something. I’m not sure why myah kept her around so long as she hates people that copy her lolol. I know the kawaii/pink aesthetic is pretty common but Taylor copied her tumblr style, her hair, her fashion, her poses. She even got a dark haired girlfriend just like myah and copied their poses lolol. It’s so weird. But I guess that’s what happens when you have a parasocial relationship with your idol

Narccanibal (can’t remember this sisters name) ghosted the internet after they’re falling out. I still wonder what happened. I’m surprised to see Jamie back tbh, it looked like she had stronger morals

No. 1964241

Myah and her sperm donor siblings seem to be reconnecting more to be interviewed for articles or podcasts like this pushing for laws to regulate sperm banks or something. It's so weird to see her try and behave around regular people

No. 1964354

of course she has alcohol in hand. can she do anything sober?

No. 1964413

There’s no way she’s drinking is that alcohol? I can tell this was recorded awhile ago but if that’s alcohol she has a huge issue!!!

No. 1964597

let’s give her the benefit of doubt. maybe it’s water. but you can see everyone else has water bottles so why would she be drinking from a glass? I wouldn’t be surprised if it was vodka. She’s definitely an alcoholic but I thought I remembered her saying her girlfriend ally got her to cut back on drinking (because of her health and ally quit vaping for myah). So it would be really disappointing if she was drinking heavily again

No. 1964602

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She commented on the video calling herself drunk, confirming it is alcohol

No. 1983407

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Edit: looking like they finally ended their friendship, Taylor and her no longer follow each other. It's astonishing how bad Myah is at keeping friends, and when she does it's obsessive fans.

No. 1983415

She couldn't keep up the front that catered to Myah. Myah is now openly demeaning to all of her former mods in chat and most of them just take it. She's only friendly with the trannies in her server that try to skinwalk Blaire White.

No. 1983574

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I was wondering what this was about. Sucks but she knew who Myah was and was still brown nosing. Sad that these nerds really thought Myah was their friend and not just sources of attention and money on patreon. But it’s only a matter of time before her relationships with her siblings fall out (for the third time) and she’s begging for her parasocial fans to be her friends again

No. 1983580

>"i have never and will never-"
>was fully aware of myah being a lifelong hateful cunt before deciding to suck up to her

idk it seems like you must have had an understanding about it until she turned it on to you. My bet is that Myah's new open distaste for Christianity since her last public freindship fallout is what ultimately pushed Taylor away

No. 1983841

Are you talking about the homophobia video? What I don’t understand is that Taylor was also part of that video where myah pretty much shits on the religion. So it can’t be from that right?

No. 1983895

She was able to take Myah's shit about Christianity at the time given the context of being one of the main people burned by Sophia. But overtime Myah has continued to shit on religion, although she has been somewhat larping as a jew lately when convenient(sage your shit)

No. 1983952

Omg no one cares lol
Also have you seen her insta lately girl is giving SHEIN

No. 1984280

Myah was actively reblogging from seraphure on Tumblr, even when that first unfollow screenshot appeared on here 2 months ago. Now it looks like she went through and deleted every post she reblogged from her. Erasing ex friends out of her life

No. 1984291

the fact that she goes that far to erase people from her life is interesting. how would even care about old reblogs? it’s not like Taylor owns the pics. Myah really hasn’t changed a bit. Still think Taylor was foolish to believe she’d be treated any different though

No. 2002536


Wow is she realizing how bad she was?? One of her comments is asking about her use of slurs because she was so vague about it

No. 2008118

i'm happy for myah. the discord was a huge mistake. she's not a good person but some of ya'll treated her like a circus freak to feel better about yourselves (pedos, trannys, closeted homophobes lmao) myah hasn't been a cow in years but the revenge posting & necromancing by fans turned friends stays funny

No. 2018252

Is her new song supposed to be about this girl? lolol

No. 2018908

Jeepers, now that you mention it, it really sounds like it could be.

No. 2018919

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No. 2018933


100% has to be about her, myahs never really been subtle when it comes to writing lyrics and this is too on the nose. wonder if her old friend/orbiter will say something and stand up for herself or just let sleeping dogs lie.

No. 2018940

Off topic her new song and music video is pretty good. I like it lol

No. 2019064

The song is good, production definitely needs work though. It’s hard to hear what she’s saying most of the song. The mixing is weird. But the music video was very well done

she won’t stick up for herself, but this is definitely embarrassing lol. Did she dye her hair red to avoid the allegations? If so, it’s not working. but is myah really in the position to invalidate someone’s sexuality when she was boy obsessed just a few years ago

No. 2019067

New song is ok, chorus is catchy but the rest is just noise. Somewhat disappointed, I was expecting more :( I don’t understand the Proverb 14:30 reference, I thought she didn’t care about religion? But it’s nice to see that she’s back to making music, she’s still an excellent singer despite her vocal chord issues. Also very brave of her to get a piercing on her chest under her tattoo, I can’t look at it without imagining every single thing in the entire world getting stuck in it and it subsequently getting ripped out.
what’s up with the long nails by the way? Isn’t that a no-no for lesbians?

No. 2019260

Her and Kelsey are friends again, she said she was at the making of the music video and was kicked by the horse

No. 2019303

I thought she said the vocal surgery didn't work and she couldn't sing still. I guess she is able to sing enough now to record a song, but maybe can't do it very often. I noticed a lot of auto tune on it, although she always used auto tune, but it seems stronger in this song.

Proverbs 14:30 A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.

I guess she is saying that Taylor was full of envy?

No. 2019308

I don't know shit about this cow, but I despise the retarded way her name is spelled. I read it as rhyming with "nya" rather than "Maya." Also who decided that naming your white American daughter after a native tribe was a normal thing to do? It's like naming your kid Aztec.(nitpicking)

No. 2019317

her name isnt "may-a" its "MY-a" its spelt exactly how its said. maya is a completely different name. retarded nitpick

No. 2019425

Taylor is also christian iirc, and myah has been on an anti christian tirade since her other friend burned her. Probably shade at both of them.

No. 2019645

Even if it was Maya, thats also a normal name that has nothing to do with the mayans

No. 2019797

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this seems like a very desperate attempt to show that she’s not copying myah

No. 2019852

Okay, it's undeniable that she skinwalked myah down to her bedroom decor, but did Taylor and Tessa get together before Myah and her gf? My tinfoil is that it caused jealousy

No. 2019923

No Myah started dating Ally before Taylor came out as lesbian

No. 2020138

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what’s even weirder is that she ended up dating someone who kinda has ally’s style. too bad myah impulsively deletes her posts all the time because there was a lot more proof of Taylor copying her. Myah cut her hair and dyed it pink, Taylor cuts her hair and dyes it pink. Myah went blonde, Taylor did as well. Myah starts a discord server, so does Taylor. Myah posts pictures of her drinking and video chatting on discord, so does Taylor. It’s actually scary. But I mean that’s what you get for making an obsessed fan your close friend I guess??

No. 2020221

If anything this proves she’s been copying myah ever since she was in the server around 2022, quite the backfire

No. 2020222

Taylor has had colored hair, even blonde hair/pink hair and bangs, since as far back as 2018 which you can see if you just scroll to the bottom of her Instagram. Her aesthetic has stayed consistent too. She's a normal, albeit naive girl. What Myah is very publicly doing to her is just vindictive, for seemingly no reason.

No. 2020301

Artists can make music about their experiences and Taylor was very obsessed anybody could see it, cool she had a faintly similar aesthetic before but she upgraded to skinwalker at some point

No. 2020487

Are these songs from ages ago? I thought she couldn’t sing? Could be about Kate… iirc Myah was the first girl she dated and Myah wasn’t sure about her lesbianism

No. 2020535

someone here has got to have a vendetta against this taylor girl. using drinking alcohol with friends, making a discord server, and dating a masc lesbian with tattoos as 'proof' of her skinwalking is…reaching to say the least.

while i can see similarities between taylor and myah in regards to style its evident that taylor has had a consistent aesthetic, proven through the life of her ig feed (as said before). not sure why this is being overlooked-probably to feed into someones targetted agenda.

No. 2020540

I don't think it's that simple. Taylor and Myah became friends because of their common interests and aesthetics in Myah's own space (her Discord community) under Myah's influence as she is, in fact, an influencer. She had no problem exploiting Taylor's sexuality fresh out the closet to add to her narrative that she and her friends were being hate-crimed for being gay, only to now backtrack and imply Taylor is not gay ("she swears that now she likes girls") and says so because she "wants to wear her skin".

Even if Taylor received a push from Myah and her community and friends, she should be happy that her (ex-)friend is happy. Writing a song that is very evidently about her and causing a rift between Taylor and their friends is a malicious move, and I fail to understand why. Myah did not invent the cutesy pink aesthetic, she does not own the rights to the pink femme and edgy masc lesbian dynamic, and she is certainly in no place to question the validity of her own (ex-)friends sexuality when her history with men speaks for itself.

No. 2020547

This is a new song. She can sing, but her vocal ability has dropped, and she sticks to a much lower register now.

My tinfoil is that she's exaggerating the extent of her vocal injury (saying she can never sing again) as an excuse to walk away from her already failing career, just like she used her skin problems to drop out of college, while continuing to drink and party.

No. 2020662

The only people keeping this thread alive are Myah's former and current "friends," it's very possible they have problems with taylor.

Well put, but I would like to add that Taylor was a stan before becoming an xo. Too bad Myah removed her birthday vlog which featured Taylor and Tessa, because Taylor's behavior in that video was very telling. Iirc she wouldn't stop talking and love bombing Myah throughout the video because she was so drunk. It was uncomfortable to watch even before this all came out

No. 2020698

I agree, she put all her eggs in Myah's basket, hence my claim that she was naive to think it would not end badly.

Myah has a tendency to lean on her supporters to be her friends but despises it when they are inevitably influenced by her if she views them as a threat. Take a look at Cam and Elena. She's fine with them "copying" her and has acknowledged it several times because she knows they're beneath her in terms of social status. Taylor's different because she's a skinny, pretty white girl. She wants loyalty from people who are similiar to her, but not too similiar, and they can't form their own circles, they have to be a part of hers and stay compliant. She has said that nobody can tell her how to run her show and if you don't like it you can leave, only to feel slighted when they break off from said community.

The picture painted by her song, that Taylor wants to "break her bones and rip her limbs apart" is completely incongruous with reality. It's also ludicrous that she thought she would blow up on TikTok with a song about somebody pretending to be a lesbian to copy her.

No. 2021329

It is the truth, she's got to make sure she's the most attractive one in her circle, if anyone threatens her in that way, they're cut out eventually. Elena is a hilarious example anon

No. 2021560

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interesting…megan didn’t follow her back (yet)

No. 2023059

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Then why are you whining left and right about your vocal chord issues? This girl does not know how to self-reflect

No. 2024085

Confirmed meaning of Cannibal

No. 2024090

She talks like a complete schizo, cringe

No. 2024438

does pcos make your boobs shrink? she has become so flat chested that there is no way in hell she isnt stuffing her bra with padding, the cannibal video looks like a femboy cosplay

No. 2024620

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looks like myah ran Taylor off the internet

I don’t know why she felt the need to make this video. It’s very obvious what (and who) the song is about.

No. 2025154

Literally just to pour salt on the wound and shame her she doesn’t need another reason lol

No. 2025523

this girl really said that she recorded three music videos and didn’t release them because she doesn’t like looking at herself and hates vanity. bitch you didn’t upload them because they were trash and you know it.
hiring the first video company you see on google and then complaining that they didn’t see you vision. maybe they didn’t know what you wanted because you get drunk on every set and can’t make one coherent sentence. yet again throwing her parents money in the bin.
she needs to get a real job. she’ll be lucky if someone even hires her with all this digital footprint and no work experience on her CV. she couldn’t get a retail job even if she wanted it. but she’s too good for it anyway.
and she needs to stop singing in her lower register. i know that maybe that’s all that’s left after the voice surgery, but her head voice and high notes is where it’s at.
myah pisses me off because she’s actually vocally talented, just so full of herself and lazy. she’s losing subs daily. people love boring white girls so if she kept uploading yt vids at least once a week and took her singing career seriously i genuinely think she’d be able to live in LA on her own and pop off, have a record deal and go on tour. just look at nessa barrett.
but apparently she doesn’t want to be famous (that’s what she said herself multiple times)
she wants to upload covers on tik tok, spend thousands of dollars on music videos that will get 10k views and accuse her friends of copying her. she’s back on second life as well.
also i can’t believe that kelsey is friends with her again, didn’t she write a whole paragraph on here?

No. 2026680

myah is the type of person that expects everybody to change and adapt according to her needs and wishes but refuses to do the same for anybody else. maybe that’s why all those people who were her friends eventually left her. she’s also too stupid to realize that people ‘copying’ her are not actually copying her on purpose, they just also happen to buy trash from shein which is the only thing that she wears nowadays. i actually rewatched some of her videos to maybe see if i was wrong about her and i missed something but nope. i need three hands to count the amount of vodka bottles in her photos/videos. wouldn’t surprise me if it turned out she drives after having drinks

No. 2035620

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Taylor responded to somebody namedropping her in Myah's comment section. By the sound of it, she's been reading this thread.

No. 2035915

This must have been deleted, I'm sure it had Myah fuming.(sage your shit)

No. 2036064

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all this bitch does is sit on her ass all day and post throwback photos. myah get a job!

No. 2037141

It's not deleted its on her video explaining the meaning behind the song

No. 2037722

do y’all think this national tv sibling thing is a last ditch effort to get more people to listen to her music since her music videos barely get 15k views that she spends stupid amounts of money on? Her health will not be able to keep up, she might never be able to put out more music because her voice will be fucked forever

No. 2038610

I also think that it’s the only interesting thing left in her life, so she’ll milk it even after everyone’s tired of it.
she was probably the one to suggest going on national tv to talk about their weird sperm donor case, hoping that they’d talk about her being a singer.
no one cares lol.

Myah, as a person, is just not interesting anymore. that’s why she had to blow the whole Taylor cannibal thing out of proportion.
Taylor probably just wanted to be validated by Myah so bad, so she went all out to show off her love for the aesthetics they share, thinking it will bring them closer, but instead she was framed as a stalker.

She is so ugly and rotten from within. that’s why she can’t sing anymore…and because of the alcoholism

No. 2038789

Seeing 26 year old Myah is very sad when you look back at her younger, teenage self. She had more than her fair share of bad traits which these threads have documented very well, but they were things she could've grown out of or learned from, at least she was actively doing things. Going to school, seeing her friends, working, making music, creating content on things that mattered to her (even if they weren't all that meaningful or profound). Nowadays I just see an angry, resentful woman spending her parents money. Once the novelty of her relationship with her girlfriend wears off and she's gotten all she could out of it (constant validation of her sexuality), it will fall apart and she will be miserable again. It's no wonder most of her stories are throwbacks to old, better times.

She's spoken about marriage and children being the next step in her life, but it's not at all feasible. Can anyone seriously imagine Myah raising a child? And if not, then what? She has no career, no hobbies outside of her vanity projects that she can expand on, and a massive digital footprint that will follow her forever. I can't picture Myah as a functioning adult. The more you look, the worse it gets.

No. 2039131

myah is most likely infertile, with her pcos and no periods unless she takes whatever medication and even then she gets horrendously ill, and her bad health in general ruins any chances she has of getting pregnant

No. 2039218

She doesn't want to get pregnant, her and her gf have spoken before about wanting to go through a donor (privately, not through the industry)

No. 2039234

She means a sperm donor, it's not like the two lesbos can make a kid together. She wants Ally to carry the child, and Ally didn't sound like she wanted to do that

No. 2039252

Even her sperm donor awareness project makes her sound tone deaf the moment she mentioned this plan with Ally. She went on and on about how it messed her up knowing that her father wasn’t her real father and that she’s part of this sperm pod, but then Myah is willing to turn around and do the same thing to her future child. My guess is because Jamie was raised by lesbian parents, Myah is confident that she’ll do fine. So while Ally is busting her ass, Myah gets to be the SAHM she’s always wanted to be.

No. 2039253

Yeah, exactly. It was towards the end of their anniversary video. How exactly does Myah expect Ally to be the breadwinner of the house, provide for her, cook for her (because she's adamant on refusing to cook) AND carry their child…?

No. 2039288

Get out while you can Ally, you got her a ring with diamonds and shit and she got a cheap necklace with your nickname on it from shein and you’re not even the one that gets to wear it! you are her property, not her lover. ever noticed how she always calls Ally “her gf” and not by her name? because to her, Ally is not her own person, just Myahs gf to show off to others

No. 2042773

why does myah spend so much time in her room at her moms place if she has her own home with Ally?

No. 2042815

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myah spends all her (parents) money on alcohol, shitty clothes and tattoos and she still can’t get a toner to get rid of her yellow roots. all those sisters and not one can tell her she looks like shit.
also what is this renaissance faire lol. she could’ve at least got some nice dress that actually represents renaissance. her outfit is giving tavern

No. 2042824

Most people who go to that Ren Faire dress up in general “fantasy”/ maiden costumes so it’s not worth the nitpick.

No. 2042841

Have you SEEN any of those "sisters??" She doesn't surround herself with anyone I'd be taking advice about appearances from.

No. 2042860

Idk how to post a video but she uploaded a video of herself singing on IG the other day and jeez, her voice isn't bad but it really isn't even close to what it used to be. No wonder she's so miserable… she lost the one true talent she had. What a shame.(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 2042983

remember that the tv sibling thing is still coming up. i think that we might see a whole new side of myah quite literally because she will not be the one controlling the cameras, as everything she posts is always edited by her one way or another and she’s always posing to try to make herself look curvier. i wonder when it airs and what network it is

No. 2043404

Is it going to be dr. phil?

No. 2043487

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the one with the bottle?

No. 2043519

Yes, that one.

No. 2044714

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No. 2044720

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why are you drinking so much when you have all these health issues? have you apologized to taylor yet? why does your hair look so bad all the time? what made you and ally break up than one time?

No. 2046963

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No. 2047047

Whyd she do this to herself. And those mechanical pencil doodle tattoos

No. 2047126

Her lesbian tattoo looks like a penis. How ironic.

No. 2047173

looks like an advertisement for prostitution

No. 2047253

myah has always said ”only take criticism from people who have your best interest in mind” which we all know is her way of saying she’s not listening to anybody that she doesn’t deem to be on her level which is just terrible because she herself is too dumb to realize that if she’d listened to others, she’d have so much success than she does now, and she is also too stupid to realize that she isn’t as high value as she thinks. she thinks she’s the best of the best, cannot be replaced and that everybody wishes to be like her when in reality she’s an underdeveloped 26 year old that looks like a partied out boy on the side of the road because she isn’t taking care of herself properly, which by itself would make anybody look like trash but she’s looking especially like someone from skid row because on top of all that, her health is failing and she’s drinking herself into an early grave. now that she somehow thinks that all this music is somehow going to make her relevant she is convinced that she somehow can do it on her own which she absolutely cannot because she is relying on her own ideas and “work”. it could maybe work out if someone was there to bring her back to earth with some very much needed critique but as mentioned she is completely unable to take criticism and refuses to admit that she’s not the hot shit she think she is, or maybe she is just too dumb to realize but either way, none of her music videos are going to earn her the fame she wants but doesn’t deserve. the only unique thing about those music videos is the lyrics of the songs and the bad dancing she does. man, jamie looked more like the main character in the cannibal music video and her face was fucking covered! no wonder her music videos are doing so much better because they actually stand out compared to myahs that are just her feeling herself in shit clothes from shein looking like a rotting potato. i mean even friday by rebecca black is better than the crap she puts out. and you know she’s a lost cause because she’s passed 25 when the human brain finishes developing. there is no saving for myah anymore, her voice is gone, her friends are gone, her health is gone, sooner or later the money will be gone and then what?

No. 2047282

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honestly surprised that her first tattoo wasn’t a hello kitty or something

No. 2047303

Her gf looks like Leafy if he tried to transition

No. 2047321

These look like they were done in some guys kitchen

No. 2047504

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myah you look more like a titan than you’ll ever look like historia.

i think that the reason she got together with ally in the first place is because she wanted someone to roleplay ymir so she could compare pictures of them to pictures of historia and ymir. i feel so bad for ally who is most likely gaslighted day and night in order to play along with myahs fantasy and it’s so cringe i could puke. even having her go down on one knee in the mud at that ren festival like an idiot… when is she going to realize that you can’t base a relationship on a fictional couple?

No. 2047633

My thoughts exactly.. she does this with everybody. She doesn't love THEM or care about THEM, just the idea of them together and whatever validation she gets from it.

No. 2047672

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she felt pressured to get her hair done and now she looks like a trans Draco Malfoy

No. 2047697

literally all she needs to do is go back to her roots when it comes to music & music videos. she was so much easier to take seriously when she dedicated to full cohesive albums with proper photoshoots and an aesthetic that was interesting to look at. everything was already going downhill in her career but it fully went to shit the second she changed her artist name and messed with her previous work. she also acts as if she’s incredibly particular with her art & the things she releases yet there’s been multiple times where i’ve asked her about the changes she made in her discography & she never has a clue what i’m referring to- like when i mentioned how the mixing on cash is completely different than it used to be and she didn’t even realize she rereleased its demo instead of the original. she’s also contradicted herself dozens of times when it comes to her music. i remember when she first took down expedition and for the record, she snapped on people for asking about it on a livestream and told everyone she removed them for personal reasons & that she never liked the songs anyway. then years later she’s on a livestream again saying her old label forced her to delete them and that she doesn’t have the rights to those songs anymore. she’s never taken her career as seriously as she lets on but back in 2016-2018 she at least cared about the art she put out. after she went to LA she truly stopped giving a shit about all of it, if she had just capitalized on what she originally built she could’ve been successful. her old image was obviously messy as hell but her aesthetic & especially music was a trillion times better than whatever she’s trying to do today

No. 2047727

Absolutely, and I don't get it. She had a very good voice and seemed to be dedicated to the craft, up until she got some Internet fame and refused to do covers, claiming she didn't like them, and stopped putting effort into her music career. And now, years later, she laments losing her "gift" as she calls it, even though she spent years neglecting it…

I believe the true reason she put so much effort into cannibal- getting the song out, promoting it, doing the music video- is not because of any supposed love for music, but because it was a giant, public "fuck you" to Taylor. Every TikTok she posted (which were plenty, in contrast to her other posts, if you take a look at her account), every story, every preview and snippet, the video she put out regarding it are her revenge. And you can tell she loves it. Very cruel.

No. 2047791

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yes yes yes
I also believe it’s because her half sister Jamie sings and posts music videos as well.
Myah is 100% panicking and quickly uploading songs and videos and make it seem like a “sister thing” and “yea we BOTH sing”
when in reality she’s bitter that when it comes to music Jamie has better ideas, sets, costumes and makeup, and most importantly a better voice.
Jamie also gets to perform live a lot (pride events, lady gaga impersonations etc). Myah is too lazy to try and book a show, and if she did, she would wobble on stage smelling of vodka.
I remember when she uploaded circus freak mv, that shit had 200k in a day or two - canibal has 14k now. What the fuck made her stop uploding music during her most popular days? Oh right men, alcohol and second life. She spent most of her trust fund money on second life and it shows, like If you’re buying from Shein at least get some cute outfits that make sense

No. 2047965

myah will never be able to admit that she’s fucked up her life and completely wasted her talent and uniqueness(or lack there of) because she has too much pride. every time there has been a falling out between her and somebody else she always stays the same and it’s always the other people who cause the problem, she even has multiple posts on her instagram stories on “normalize leaving people in their reality” or some bullshit, saying how “she likes her exclusivity” not realizing that her circle is getting smaller and smaller because she is isolating herself and only letting those she can manipulate to be close with her. she even openly says how she knows she won’t be friends with people after a while because she has had so many falling outs and she is so fucking stupid that she thinks this is a valid point for her to stand on when it’s just a sugarcoated way of saying that she couldn’t control them in the way she wants and they didn’t stroke her ego like she craved. her criteria for friendship is so unrealistic and wack that every time someone doesn’t meet her standards, she cuts them off, further isolating. got critique? cut off. disagree with her? cut off(she even made a video about it!) wanting something else? cut off. doing anything she deems lame? cut off. not pampering her like a baby? cut off. does she have enough money to live off of for the rest of her life? she says she comes from money but if she did then why would she be asking people to donate to her patreon? my suspicion is that while she has money, she does not have as much as she says she has. sooner or later that money will be gone and because she refuses to become a decent human being, nobody will be willing to help her out financially and she will realize that her life is completely fucked, but as mentioned, she is far too proud to ever admit it.

No. 2048019

Fucking kek

No. 2048113

myah has a trust fund?

No. 2048851

This confused me, too. Is it from her dad? Because I thought he cut her off completely at this point.

No. 2049598

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literally proving every rumor about herself in one tweet lol, got nothing going on other than video games and alcohol….. this is so embarrassing

No. 2051031

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a, that breath is so bad even ally can’t hide it. b, that caption raises so many red flags

No. 2051975

looks like jamie got fed up, posted a song about someone “being an egotistical bitch” and they’re no longer following each other on the gram. very smart of her, myah will drag everybody down as she sinks closer to rock bottom. jamie still has potential and should focus entirely on that. wonder what myah did this time?

No. 2052084

Myah and Nikki also unfollowed each other and their photos are gone too

No. 2052120

She also reinvited wheeler into the server after he has harassed and stalked most of the active female xo userbase. She really dgaf about the feelings or safety of her "friends" and would rather have someone more retarded than her around for everyone to make fun of.

No. 2052125

i can’t imagine what ally has to deal with. She needs to get out of that relationship asap for her wellbeing

No. 2052135

when is she going to release all those music videos she said she needed money for? she said she had 3 or 4 new songs coming out and that she will be making music videos for all of them, so where are they?

No. 2052432

She's probably rationing them out with some months between each, not a bad idea considering she has to take a break from singing for her voice to recover. One drop every few months may help with keeping some of her relevance

No. 2055270

I think they fell out because of the election. myah is a known trumpie.
I remember they did a livestream on yt like a year ago and myah and jamie argued about abortions. jamie said she’s pro choice and myah said that this topic is difficult but if you don’t want kids, wear condoms or tell your man to get a vasectomy so you don’t have to get pregnant and get an abortion
they unfollowed each other shortly after. wouldn’t be surprised if they same thing happened again

No. 2055849

seems like the sisters are having a great time now that they ditched myah, you can see jamie posting stories of them hanging out, using old photos where myah is not in the pic to praise another sister, jaclyn. they even got tattooed together. it’s actually so funny watching myah try to cope with the fact that nobody wants to be her friend or even sibling, always saying that the other person did something(like taylor “copying” her) that somehow justifies her entitlement. and of course she is too stupid to realize that by behaving this way, nobody will like her except people without dignity and there will not be anybody left to listen when she releases new songs, which better be soon if she wants to keep people interested. time is ticking

No. 2057754

she's lost quite a few friends due to the trump shit. that girl kat from her homophobia video ended up leaving her little cult and people were talking about it in the server.(sage your shit)

No. 2057778

I'm surprised it took this long. Kat is in a "lesbian" marriage with a tranny. Myah has been openly gender critical with the exception of her self hating Blaire White clone tranny friends. Kat seethed many times about not fitting in with the xo's due to this.

No. 2057783

she was always critical of Cam's racism and overall gross behavior, and she is Myah's lapdog after all. i wouldn't be surprised if Myah never really actually liked her after all.(sage your shit)

No. 2057858

Myah streamed last night and finally revealed some things about her father, or as she says, "the man who raised her". He apparently is dating her cousin, who is her mothers niece. Iirc this niece is around Myah's age, and although Myah has never met her, she has been told that she looks like Myah. She said he is a sex pest, disgusting man who goes after young girls and she hopes she is taken out of the will because she doesn't want to inherit his debt. Lol. Oh also her mom left him because he cheated on her frequently when Myah was a teenager, which Myah witnessed but for some reason at the time it didn't bother her (weird af).

There may have been more milk from the stream but I couldn't be bothered to take notes, so that was the main thing she revealed. Oh also she was getting drunk on vodka, which she claims she never drinks anymore.

No. 2057896

where did she stream that?(sage your shit)

No. 2057962

If her dad is like that no wonder she ended up a mess, enabler mom and creepy pervert dad

No. 2058044

I can only imagine how many people are shell shocked from being part of myahs xo bullshit. if you are reading this after having ditched her, you have done the right thing. nothing good ever comes from being associated with her and if you ever feel like you need to vent about it to heal, we will all be there for you. we hate her too x

No. 2058062

most freeing thing I have ever done was leave the xo sphere

No. 2058122

On YouTube but she always deletes them right when she finishes streaming.

No. 2060359

Why is she so skinny now? she used to look so much healthier and the short hair doesn't even suite her. Is this a part of her new lesbian persona

No. 2060479

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new music, i think ally makes a guest appearance in this video based on the sneak peeks myah has released, but with a sock over her face like the one jamie wore in the cannibal music video

No. 2060496

i think she likes it that way, she has a very rectangular body and the skinnier she is the more it looks like she has an hourglass body. if you look closely at her pictures her poses are very unnatural but she does it anyway to make her chest and ass look bigger

No. 2060861

I think the drinking mixed with the fact she is really skinny now makes her look so dead like sickly, for someone with a immunity disorder/disease she refuses to get help for being a alcoholic and crys about how her health is declining its kinda sad tbh

No. 2061437

omg the new video is a mess lolololol, admits to playing games almost everyday, skipped school to play games, “has more hours than most” and gets up and runs around pretending to hold a gun

No. 2062835

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The fact shes even using a trump shot glass and also drinking shows she hasn't grown as a person

No. 2062843

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recent from her sis on insta, possibly about Myah?

No. 2063766

Oh 100% about myah. Myah needs rehab or intensive therapy. She’s an alcoholic who enjoys keeping people down with her. I wonder why Jamie didn’t just cut ties with her for good the first time

No. 2064222

when seeing her gf in recent photos you can sense her suffering through the pictures. hollow eyes, forced smile, looking exhausted and lifeless. it’s almost like watching someone deteriorate into addiction

No. 2066861

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whoops I forgot I was watching the stream for a bit and the stuff she said during the gameplay was ridiculous. for example “you stole it you jew”
and if someone was to call her out for it she’d say “well I can say it, my family is jewish”
which is interesting because back in the day ppl used to make fun of her getting a nose job, saying stuff like “she had to get rid of her jewish nose” and she’d reply with “I’m not even jewish by blood” pick a side myah
anyway hopefully the imgur link works, it’s just another proof/example of her alcoholism
she’s so lame laughing at her own jokes. even her internet friends don’t gaf about her

No. 2066866

That's hilarious. Her adopted mother's family (adoptive, not biological) is Ashkenazi Jewish. Absolutely nothing to do with Myah, or her mother. She only pulls out the Jewish card to whip out a new kind of victimhood because being a supposed "lesbian" isn't enough for her.

No. 2066882

Considering she got her nose job and said all that like over a decade ago, I'd say she's picked her side by this point. She's been larping as an AmeriJew for a while now. Inb4 celebratory Hanukkah posting

No. 2067703

This could have been good but the lyrics are kinda dumb, Like she's a questionable writer.

No. 2067733

Jeez, this is her worst song yet. Those dances she's doing and the ones in cannibal make me think she's trying to go viral on TikTok where she's doing the larger part of her "marketing" for her music.

No. 2067754

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oh no…. the rolls

No. 2067808

anon, youre spending way too much time looking and believing at filtered pics because those "rolls" are completely normal for a woman her size.

No. 2067817

i’m saying oh no because they could’ve been avoided, myah is a rectangle. she wore something that’s far too tight around the waist which makes her love handles appear bigger, which is normal but unfortunate as it could have been avoided

No. 2067921

Nitpick much, Yk she really isn't that rectangular but how can you avoid literal anatomy

No. 2067960

this had the potential to be really good but yeah the lyrics ???

“she spits venom after I claw my neck and chest” ???
“bi girls got mood swings but she’s hot I like her a lot”

No. 2067965

all i am saying is that the outfit is sitting too tight on her and that it could’ve been avoided if she loosened the belts, now that the video is filmed, edited and posted it’s unfortunate bc she doesn’t have love handles normally and it would’ve been so easy to fix, i’m just calling it as i see it

No. 2067968

her new music video makes circus freak look like a literal masterpiece, i don’t understand how she lacks the self awareness to see how bad her recent “art” is. why is she singing so harshly and enunciating her words like that? if her old voice is never coming back then the least she can do is learn how to sing delicate melodies that sound pleasing to the ears. not to mention the atrocious dancing and facial expressions. what makes it even more frustrating is the fact that she COULD sound good, she COULD make decent songs & projects yet she always makes extremely odd decisions that completely kill the energy & enjoyability whatsoever

No. 2068612

apparently fucked over by the music industry yet again, what’s up with that

No. 2068744

Where did she say this?

No. 2069569

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wtf is she doing with her life? what is this supposed to do? is this what she wanted? is she ok living like this? is this what she spends her free time doing?

No. 2070012

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Is she saying her relationship with Alli is toxic…? Wtf lol, that's not very in tune with what she's portrayed so far. I wonder how Alli feels about the fact that all the songs Myah has written about other people were lyrically decent but the best she could do for "the love of her life" is "She's hot, I like her a lot". Ouch.

No. 2070014

Notice how she posted the lyrics for cannibal immediately after release but not for this one. Embarassing.

No. 2070118

So does that mean Ali is not a lesbian, or is Myah finally referring to herself correctly as a bisexual?

No. 2070576

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Her yet again being aggressive to any new fan interactions, and then wonder why chat.xo is full of a bunch of bullies and myah stalkers.

No. 2074587

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Okay a bit of nitpicking but I always wondered how she paid for stuff since moving out of her mom’s house. Like there’s no way her mom pays her rent + gives her pocket money?
BUT Myah just said herself that Ali provides for her. That’s sad.
I obviously don’t think that Myah is a leech and is with her for the financial support, but she’s defo comfortable with sitiing at home all day while everyone dances around her.
They live together as well so at least the apartment utilities are all on Ali

No. 2074653

it’s not an apartment, it’s alyssas mothers basement.(sage your shit)

No. 2074676

Hilarious if true

No. 2074764

Did aly drop out of college? I thought she was studying cybersecurity.

No. 2074772

When she streamed she did mention her and Ally live in Allys parents house. So yeah, it's not their own apartment.

No. 2074818

alyssa already graduated, not cybersecurity though. She probably moved Myah into the basement because she’s constantly pressing the idea of buying a house and Alyssa needs time to escape so she can avoid being trapped forever.(namefagging/not saging/not posting proof)

No. 2074883

Iirc Ally studied law

No. 2074949

I thought this too, then remembered Myah claims she studied at culinary school and that's why she's a great cook.

No. 2078970

new video is a mess(post the video and sage)

No. 2080021

The fact she shows off her blatant body issues and also have a almost hour video talking about amber

No. 2080022

also her hair is so greasy and think I think she needs to let the bleach blonde era go. She's legit fighting for volume its so sad

No. 2080025

What is myahs obsession with historia? It's really weird tbh(sage your shit/spoonfeed request)

No. 2080141

Hilarious that she refers to Amberlynn Reid as a lolcow knowing fully well she's one herself

No. 2080196

>>2080025 historia is pretty, blonde, a lesbian, a literal princess and loved by everybody

myah thinks they have that in common

No. 2081182

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Dude wth are these recent outfits, Her sense of fashion gets worse every year and on top of that she's still an alcoholic? Ew.

No. 2081191

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Flash back to when Myah looked human and not like a dying alcoholic.

No. 2081301

you mean flashback to when she was a teenager? Tf is this weird vendetta shit

No. 2081328

Polyester princess look

No. 2081399

lol, so true. She used to boast about only wearing real designer threads and now she shamelessly parades around in SHEIN garbage. How the mighty have fallen. I wonder what she'll pull off when her funds completely dry out.

No. 2081501

I think they were referring to when she actually took decent photos and didn't wear shein garbage

No. 2081986

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No. 2082087

well it lasted longer than i expected it to lol

No. 2082114

Oh wow! The fact she just uploaded a video with her too that's kinda funny, welp now lets see how fast she removes ally form her post

No. 2082117

Damn I feel kinda bad for her, she must be devastated.. they seemed happy together

No. 2082120

So her siblings cut her off, her relationship flopped, her music is a bust and all her friends are dropping her. What now lol? Is she gonna go back to living at her mommy's house drinking all day

No. 2082134

I hope Taylor and Tess are laughing in her face

No. 2082502

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looks like she’s in need of work now that her wallet up and left her

No. 2082506

LMFAO! Imagine…

No. 2082509

Do you guys think Ally broke up with her for being a NEET, or that Myah broke up with her because she's turning 27 this year and wasn't getting proposed to?

No. 2082672

I feel like the sibs dropped her around election time. I wonder if there was some tension there. Obvs ally isn't liberal really but maybe all the trump foolishness was too much for her.

I 100% believe shes gonna go back to men since she's gonna need a provider at this rate

No. 2082764

A DESK JOB? hahaha she wishes. It’s already hard enough for a regular hard working person to get a nice and warm office job without connections or experience. No wonder she’s such a narcissist when her friends constantly put her on a pedestal

No. 2082814

It'd be so funny if she did considering her new chest tattoo

No. 2082816

It’s so much deeper than an election, myah has always supported Trump and had those differences with those around her, that’s all I will say for now(integrate)

No. 2082836

I think Ally cheated on her

No. 2082838

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from a week ago

No. 2083083

good thing she makes her music video costars wear masks because she would have had to delete the last two

I’m just confused about why these ppl keep running back to her. this isn’t the first time her an ally broke up. and her sister came running back to her too. but if you have milk learn to integrate and spill it!

No. 2083097

aged like milk

No. 2083168

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off topic but wtf is up with her hair? its been this fried chopped mess for years now

No. 2083169

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That’s the thing. No one will ever understand because nobody walked in their shoes except for them. I’d love for both of them to tell everyone their stories, help prevent others from her wrath, but coming forward and speaking about somebody like Myah, while showing your true identity, is a risk of safety. The most I think there is to say on this is she is a narcissist and narcissistic relationships do consist of the victim running back because that’s exactly what the narcissist conditions them to do. A relationship of any kind with a narcissist is one of the most powerfully toxic relationship dynamics a person can go through. Its borderline deadly. It’s not as simple as just walking away, especially if you were as close to her as a sister or a romantic partner. There’s been so much proof to back that Myah is indeed a narcissist and abusive, low key I wonder sometimes if this forum fuels her fire. She needs zero attention to kill her massive ego really…but anyway, let’s just hope that Jamie and Alli gained the strength they needed to defeat her and never look back, as well as anyone else that was ever involved with her. Given how time goes on and her abilities to manipulate, her façade, and her overall strength, etc. is depleting, I’m confident they’re never going back. I’m also confident that a lot of people won’t be falling for her crap as much as they did in the past. She’s just not as “powerful” as she used to be. You can see that just by looking at her pictures. She’s lifeless…

Also, Jamie has reposted a lot of stuff about narcissistic abuse on threads so I’m thinking I’m pretty spot on here.

No. 2083172

I don’t know how to use this site I get reported everytime I speak the actual truth in here and I don’t know what learn to integrate means(open your dictionary)

No. 2083174

help im employed what does intergrate my milk mean

No. 2083181

put "sage" in the email field

No. 2083184

Does anyone remember when Kelsey dropped her after years of friendship? I remember Kels posting stuff about narcissists on her IG story. she even uploaded a video on yt about dealing with narcissists right after. And I’m sure she came on here and talked about it as well, but that can’t be 100% confirmed
But now they are friends again? Is myah actually that powerful? I wonder what Myah said to Kelsey for her to believe that she changed

No. 2083263

The way to defeat a narcissist is to expose them from all angles, if all her former partners and friends just told the truth and supported eachother myah would have no chance

No. 2083265

Elena needs to get his ass in here and spill cuz he cut myah off last week too

No. 2083309

But that’s unfortunately unrealistic. That would require a bulk of her victims to have to put in the work to fully heal themselves after what they went through to be able to have the strength to stand up against her as a unit. Healing is really hard. Narcissists can literally change the makeup of your brain from trauma. I don’t think a lot of you understand that in this forum. If a bulk of people are going to stand up against her one day, it’s not gonna be for a while. I’m sure a lot of the people that have been involved with her also have deeper issues too that you have to consider, she just helped in making them worse. And just one person would need a ton of strength to be able to do it by themselves. Her wrath is…a lot. It’s just not worth subjecting yourself too after you’ve gotten out. Honestly, I really don’t think there’s much to worry about, she looks pretty defeated to me anyway. Everything about her life is sad. Like I said before,, she’s lifeless. Imagine what it’s like to live a lifeless life? To be in her shoes sounds like a nightmare. Sure she has a few stragglers still boosting her ego and she’s trying to put out some mediocre art for praise, but let’s be real here, what does she really have? These people around her don’t actually like her, they fear her, she has no actual passion for anything, she has no skills to get a normal job, she has no income, except her mom giving her money, her looks are withering away, her health has withered away, she’s so insecure and angry all the time…shall I go on?? Evil people destroy their own lives. Yes I wish that we could fully prevent her from hurting anybody else while she destroys her own life, but even if people came forward, there’s still gonna be people that won’t even listen. As I’m sure you know, you can throw straight up facts in someone’s face and they’re still gonna do what they want. I think everyone should stop paying her any attention. She’s not worth it… i’m sure she looks at this site as “I’m so desired, people literally hate on me cause they can’t be me” type shit.(sage your shit)

No. 2083326

what are her socials? was she the one she made the abortion video on

No. 2083425

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Hm… guess she’s decided she needs to get her shit together. Doubt she’ll get very far with her studies as her work ethic is practically nonexistent.

No. 2083448

we welcome all victims of myah to step forward and tell their story, good thing you can be anonymous here lmfao what is she going to do?? cry about lolcow on the xoluv discord? expose her as much as you want

No. 2083464

If that’s all you think she’ll do, you obviously don’t truly know her at all. Be thankful.(sage your shit)

No. 2083484

hmmm… well said anon. I admittedly want her “victims” to run here and tell all because it’d be entertaining to read. but at the end of the day they are the ones living in the aftermath of a narcissist. but I still think it’s negligent to play nice and allow her to continue getting away with this shit. for example we all know cannibal was about Taylor. even some of myahs viewers pointed it out. as far as I’m aware Taylor did nothing to defend herself.. why? why did Taylor allow myah to publicly humiliate her in front of thousands of people then comment about how myah still had a positive impact on her? And I know you’d say it’s a symptom of the abuse but maybe it’s deeper than that.

why would ANYONE want to closely befriend or associate with her when there’s documented history of the type of person she is. they must all be shitty people too. we just don’t know it

No. 2083491

if her ex friends outed her for all the bullshit she’s put them through Im so sure she would be quick to out them for whatever nefarious acts they were doing along side her duhhh. Birds of a feather flock together Im sure she
has just as much shit on them as they do her

No. 2083693

not to mention all the hard drives she’s got full of blackmail. this was confirmed by a lot of her ex friends, plus her ex bf scott

No. 2083731

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she is so pathetic. i'm one of the ex friends of her's and you are all correct, she will ruin our lives if we come forward. that's why none of us did. we're not bad people, SHE is.

No. 2083768

How would she ruin your lives? Has she done it before?

No. 2083814

For me personally, she has nothing that she could use against me because I truly never did anything around her or wrong in my life that I’m afraid to share. I’m a good fucking person and that is why she prayed on me in the first place. I don’t feel like coming forward and telling my story fully because I’m still recovering mentally and physically from the abuse I endured from her while being in a relationship with her, and even after I got out. She legit tries to terrorize you even when you’re not presently in her life anymore. Can’t be surprised though considering she has no life and nothing better to do. Her only source of energy comes from hurting others. It’s just not worth fueling her fire more while I’m still in recovery. But maybe one day I’ll out her for the monster she is, although she low-key does it herself. It doesn’t take a rock scientist to see that she’s a horrible person and getting worse and worse at hiding it…. and also, to anybody that maybe isn’t proud of the things they did or the person they were while involved with her, don’t judge yourself too hard! I watched how she changed people, changed me. She wants you to feel like you’re the bad person, she pushed you to be somebody that you weren’t for yes control over you, but also so she can point fingers that you’re the bad guy when you confront her on her abuse. Just accept that you wrong to allow her to make you small, and move forward bigger than you ever were! Her people are her whipping posts and when you refuse a whipping, you’re done for.(namefaggging)

No. 2084293

Exactly. Most of these people have more to lose than she does. They all need jobs - she is a perpetual leech/"influencer" plus there's footage of her saying nigger out there. They can't really do much worse to her reputation than shes already done on her own

No. 2084744

but that’s just it. these people knowingly defended and befriended myah after yearsss of her documented bigotry, entitlement and narcissism. they aren’t coming forward because they are cowards and myah prob has footage of them saying nigger too

No. 2085108

i thought of something recently, myah has always kept going on and on about how people who she isnt friends with anymore are still talking about her, and that she pretty much expects them not to be friends after a year or some shit. with these music videos, she asked jamie, ally and some other girls she was friends with to star in these videos but every single one of them wore masks, as far as i know none of them have been properly credited for it, none of them are getting any sort of compensation and she has ditched every single one of them without having to worry about taking down her music videos because they all wore masks and cannot be traced because she didnt credit them. she quite literally used them and then threw them away once they didnt please her anymore, my suspicion is that she knew this would happen and that is the reason they all wear masks. im convinced she is a narc because this is the textbook definition of people being the narcissistic supply that a narc uses for their benefit

No. 2085135

I kinda thought she was using "versions" as a way to cop-out of her relationship & claim it was toxic (as she describes it in the song) and claim she was being abused or manipulated or "not being around people with good intentions" as she always does when she needs to retcon her very well-documented history and point the finger at somebody else lol. Especially considering for two years it was all "she's the love of my life", then suddenly it's toxic, and they break up? Suspicious.

No. 2085217

What caused the first breakup

No. 2085261

Wouldn’t it be weird for ally to agree to be a part of it? Participating is like her co-signing that she’s toxic as fuck. Also myah is 100% drunk in that video. lts like she has to drink to be confident enough to do things. Why has no one gotten her help for her alcoholism?

a few anons think she cheated. No hard proof though

No. 2085311

It is a mystery to me why people are still dumb enough to even be interested in her in the year of our lord 2025. 2018 with shitty lilpeep soundclout aesthetics and green hair? Maybe, she fit in that dumb niche. But NOW? From what i see, she stopped with the music aside from random video per year. she streams playing games, posts her basic girl selfies, and… that's all. Why there's a need for some fan discord? There's absolutely nothing interesting about this girl, no personality whatsoever, yet she's still somehow gaining super dedicated (and seemingly naive) new fans she befriends just to mock them and stalk? gather blackmail info?
It's just crazy, i remember her but she feels like one of those forgotten cows that fell to the bottom of catalog

No. 2085369

I think u misunderstood me, I'm saying that was MYAH'S agenda. I wouldn't bet on Ally being a part of it lol… Although it is weird that she took part in it when Myah clearly stated over and over that the song is about a toxic relationship.

No. 2085522

You're right she does appear to be drunk in that music video. Yikes.

No. 2086002

Can only hope one day she heals(sage your shit)

No. 2086005

I kept waiting for something interesting to happen but it never did. I hope you have safe search turned on because you legitimately type and sound like someone who's never used the internet before. The posts you're replying to don't even reference what you're saying. Thanks for bumping the most boring thread on lc, newfag

No. 2086160

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she looks somewhat better but why does she legit refuse to get better, like not even Ally leaving her made her realize she needs to get offline and go to therapy or better yet put the cup down. Myah is genuinely spiraling so hard I wonder if she even knows this thread exist. She might as well dye her hair green again considering the fact she's barely matured since then.

No. 2086195

roots look patchy as hell ngl

No. 2086205

Does anyone else think the brown would look so much better?

No. 2087582

Is that Jaz in her newest post? I thought they weren't friends anymore? Also she has such a weirdobsession with AOT but legit hasn't watched any other anime.

No. 2087816

no, that is not jaz

i always thought it was odd that she loves the anime aesthetic but has vocalized that people who watch it are losers and its a bad influence. meanwhile alot of the anime content on her tumblr is relatively sexual. I dont particularly care about the nature if her posts, moreso the hypocrisy.

No. 2088608

Myah has always been the biggest hypocrite. She always drags someone else for doing what she deems "cringe" or "weird" but does the exact things she calls out.

No. 2088626

You know what else is odd? The fact that her only friends she has left are POC who lack diversity and self worth, and people she'd legit call ugly and fat in a heart beat if they weren't friends.

No. 2090199

why does myah keep trying to get amberlynns attention? mentions her in several tweets and posts

No. 2090226

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One of Myah’s sisters that dropped her commented on Ally’s ig post. Not that interesting but it’s pretty telling.

No. 2090249

How are you seeing Ally's posts without following her? her account is private(sage your shit)

No. 2090256

I forgot to sage this my bad sorry everyone(non-contribution)

No. 2090283

She cheated on myah with her sister? Thats pretty foul

No. 2090285

How on Earth did you come to that conclusion

No. 2090296

>as long as youre there im there

No. 2090304

So Ally responding with something nice to her own sister equals… incest? What are you even saying

No. 2090306

I checked and she is priv now but her account was public yesterday.

No. 2090340

The reading comprehension itt is severely lacking

No. 2091686

the incest allegation is weird. I dont think thats the case at all. i am wondering what happened though, someone got to know. Myah supposedly loved ally so much but 2 weeks after the break up was already talking about finding another ‘ho’. she could benefit from staying single for awhile.

No. 2092328

its really funny how she deleted all pictures of ally from her instagram but kept the pictures with the ally necklace .. idk if she is too stupid to realize or if she thinks she looks too good to delete them which is a level of narcissism ive never seen before

No. 2092437

so u expect her to delete every photo shes taken over the last 2 years? thats unrealistic lol

No. 2093623

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She's looking for a GF on TikTok again lol

No. 2093656

she’s looking for the same type of gf that amberlynn reid is looking for .. one that will do everything for them but that they won’t have to do anything for in return bc “i want a ho that actually likes me so insanely that even wen i suck she wants me bad” myah you do realize that partners are not slaves right?

No. 2093703


the way y’all are so fucking obsessed u have to invade a priv server …. actual mental illness seek help or get a job(unsaged whiteknight)

No. 2093704

What’s actual mental illness is you not knowing how to fucking sage

No. 2093794

says the one reading this forum . . you obviously must be obsessed too

No. 2093927

On Myah's newest Snapchat story/highlight if you look through it she has a video of her with her friend saying "So do you have a good job, do you make money, are you a cheater….?" which basically confirms that Ally cheated on her. That's kind of fucked up, shame on her.

No. 2093947

This is an image board, where are the screenshots?

And either way how does Myah asking/being asked if she’s a cheater equate to a confirmation ally cheated?

No. 2096008

her ribs are so flared omg she needs to fix her posture and stop pretending to have an ass

No. 2096573

Myah just getting off live after once again bragging about being a trump supporter to her brain dead audience

No. 2096717

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the cope is unreal

No. 2096718

File: 1741442837016.jpeg (285.3 KB, 1105x1497, IMG_5163.jpeg)

…..and keeps going

No. 2096720

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…..and going

No. 2096722

File: 1741443231782.jpeg (471.4 KB, 1066x1665, IMG_5170.jpeg)

…..and going!!

No. 2097390

I agree it's a privilege but girl at this point she's only living with her mom because she has no where else to be and probably broke as hell, on top of that myah has no desire to get a actual career it's sad

No. 2097391

She barely makes content so where does she even get money from?

No. 2097413

Right and didn’t she make a vid stating that Maryland stunted her socially and that she want meant to be an online loser?

She’s back out of desperation and it’s sad she can’t sustain herself. But she is lucky in a sense to have an enabler mom cause otherwise she’d be couch surfing

No. 2097454

I also wonder this… I really don't know what to expect of her anymore, she's in a constant cycle of half-assing things she claims to hate while clearly loving the attention from doing them (making content, being an influencer), scrapping them when they don't work out, and repeat. It looks like she's moving from YT to TikTok so she's still trying to have an internet career.

I don't think she understands that people don't go viral the way they used to like she did with her Tana video. A couple million views on something doesn't have the same impact as back then. She really needs to get a clue if she's serious about this.

No. 2097553

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Was sperging out hard on live last night. Said she would answer anyones questions and say everything because she “doesn't give a fuck”. Tldr: went live because ally responded to myah’s sisters when they messaged her when ally promised not to talk to people that hate her, said ally and her sisters comment on each others posts and constantly post about her, they have shirts made with something myah said on them, her dad got with one of her sisters, kept saying that shes scared for her life and that if something happens to her “we know who did it” and said that she’ll upload the live so that she can take down anyone that uploads any of it (instantly privated the live)
And of course add many “retarded faggots” and “fuck all of you bitches”. Basically seemed to be terrified of shitty things she did getting exposed by ally kek

No. 2097730

Are we not going to acknowledge that its extremely weird after a breakup to be so friendly with your exes siblings to try to hurt them?

No. 2097751

Ever just consider they were in eachothers lives all that time and all made connections with the girlfriend because they were around eachother everyday for years ? She even stated in the live her ex and one of the sisters knew eachother before they even met myah. What kind of self absorption does it to take to think it has everything to do with her? I can’t with people and their lack of critical thinking. They had a connection before her that had nothing to do with her… this isn’t Myah land. And can’t we all realize the people who aren’t in Myah’s life are all trauma bonded together? Do you guys seriously think she’s not doing anything to these people to make them relate and bound together and want to talk? Like Jesus. Wake up.(whiteknighting retard)

No. 2097906

there is a trend of people who fall out with myah that rekindle friendships afterwards, i think that speaks volumes on what myah does to people and their relationships with one another.

Ally also doesnt owe myah anything, she is allowed to make friends. Its not like those same sisters are in contact with myah anymore anyway.

Lets moreso focus on the fact myah is so scared of people rekindling friendships after falling out with her. If you are a good person and have nothing to hide then the fear wouldnt be there. Like the last comment said, these girls are probably now trauma bonded and can confide in one another…and thats what happens when you treat people poorly.

No. 2097936

She also went on to say she knows they are “conspiring against her” because they post about her “everyday”….. I follow all of the sisters, I haven’t seen a single post regarding her??? They all seem happy and moved on, I’m sure they make jokes about it or maybe petty remarks that we as viewers don’t catch but they are young girls that went through a falling out… it’s not obsessive evil behavior to poke fun with your friends about someone that hurt you. Shes comparing the situation to the past ones where people leaked chats or addresses or numbers, these girls are simply not doing that. She needs to get over herself and just accept she doesn’t have control over them anymore and that’s the real reason she’s so pissed(sage your shit)

No. 2097951

its bold of her to expect these girls to not confide in one another when myah herself cannot keep peoples names out of her mouth either. She will poke fun at people from the past, talk shit or shade them, especially to her own friends/discord but even the idea of people from her past talking sends her into a spiral. If youre okay with sharing other peoples business then you best be okay with them doing the same to you.

The girls rekindling doesnt necessarily mean theres nafarious intentions, maybe they just need to heal with people who have gone through the same things. The fact that is the assumption myah has seems like projection.

No. 2098193

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time to sell what designer items she has left

No. 2098253

just imagine the irony if she started e-begging

No. 2098257

Lol, how long do you guys think before her mom stops letting her live off of her & be a NEET? Isn't she supposed to go back to college this year? Looking forward to that disaster

No. 2098263

She said on the recent stream that she is going to become a sound technician so that she can still do stuff with music now thar she can barely sing

No. 2098268

That would actually be a really good idea if not for the fact that she's got a huge ego. I can't see her working with anyone on THEIR stuff and THEIR vision, no way she has the patience for that lmfao

No. 2098504

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No. 2098647

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online classes for music production? she officially lost her mind

No. 2098677

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Why is it that everyone who interacts with myah ends up with blonde hair a pinky/weirdo aesthetic, i know Jamie has had a lot of aestehyics but this just screams MYAH

No. 2098679

jamie has always liked pink and being blonde was not invented by myah smh(sage your shit)

No. 2098683

Jamie has never not liked pink ? She has had every hair color in the last year, she wore a blonde wig on stage for years and now it’s her real color. Feeding into that idea that ppl copy her doesn’t help her delusional ego that that happens(sage your shit)

No. 2098685

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You’re dumb, this is from 2019. Pink and blonde is her brand and she does it better lol. Probably a big reason why Myah doesn’t like her anymore(not milk, sage)

No. 2098702

girls being blonde and liking pink isnt new nor a myah trademark. I really dont understand this mentality when these girls have had the same/similar aesthetics for years meanwhile myah has drastically changed aesthetics several times.

No. 2099080

If we are being honest about aesthetics why cant myah see that the whole pinky/anime girl thing doesn't suit her at all. Like her hair is so damaged and then it's practically see through. Someone bully her back into brown she looks greasy

No. 2099081

She's been trying to re invent herself as this super clean girl natural lesbian (her weird historia fetish) I doubt she'll go back.

No. 2099144

Lol has anyone noticed how she moved away from her Ymir obsession to Hange obsession right around when she and Ally broke up? Disturbing

No. 2099246

her twerking on main looks like an attempt to make people slide into her dms. the trend of twerking has died down too so there really is no other reason, and shes not that good at it

No. 2102229

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I thought myah said she no longer plays SL? On top of that why is she constantly posting old pictures of herself it's like she knows her looks and popularity are going to shit

No. 2102232

She made a comeback and posts about it on her secondary Instagram account (@xoxomyah), she makes skins and clothes and whatnot. Pretty pathetic. She'll never stop going on there.

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