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No. 1716408
Nicole Ann Bell (better known as Nicole Dollanganger) is a 31 year old musician/artist from Toronto, Canada, mostly known for her music about true crime, domestic violence, school shooters, DDLG, and other nonsense that Tumblr loves. Despite claiming to be a musician, Nicole has not released an album in 4 years, and a large portion of that one was recycled music from old EPs.
Expired Milk
> posted gore and CP on her Tumblr> Grimes set up a record label for her, nothing really came of it> constantly delays albums> shelved Hillbilly Noir to release an album of recycled songs> notoriously unreliable, cancels shows> blatantly steals concepts/aesthetics from books/moviesCurrent Milk
> releases "new" song, it's actually one she posted in 2018> desperately trying to be relevant now Ethel Cain stole her aesthetic> is 30+ still making music for teenage anorexics on Tumblr> got new wig or something idkSocial Media
Insta: inspired a legion of orbiter-cows (thread here
>>841145), and also is vaguely linked to those "doelette/nymphette/coquette/traumacore" Tumblr dairy farms (>>1616017), so post about those in their own threads please.
Old Threads
>>>/snow/694958First time making a thread please let me know if I did anything wrong!
No. 1738854
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nicole released her album today, to absolutely no noise. it hasn’t gotten any reviews or press coverage and her announcement tweet only got 100 likes. i think she really thought this would be her big comeback but instead her few remaining fans just got bored of her years of doing nothing and moved on kek. all of the songs basically have the same theme “uwu abused drug addicted trailer park babydoll with a terrible boyfriend”. picrel is some of her dumb lyrics she was proud enough to tweet
No. 1740102
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no way…
No. 1763986
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>>1763979Shoe-faced faggot
No. 1793929
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>>1793816eh, probably seething but not enough to try to fight him. If it was 2016, she'd try to cling to him and pretend to be besties (but they've already done that before), then hoping to get a chance to turn around and stab him in the back/ghost him like all of the calves she left behind on the way.
Feels like she gave up a little. she has an album out, but doesn't promote it, no videos, no physical release i think? and she didn't even promote it on her tumblr, her main fandom source lol. and then, all of the sudden… a random festival slot in Netherlands
No. 1805662
>>1804871troon armor is astonishing. cain can take every hackneyed hillbilly americana cliche in the book and make some "ugh so sad so sexy" concept album about a "troubled girl" (falls for dangerous men! molested by daddy! who's a southern preacher!) that gets pimped out, murdered, necro'd and eaten by the sad sexy dangerous boyfriend (the "freezer bride" still loves him in the afterlife, ofc) and not a single critic stops to question even the slightest bit of this depraved coomer fantasy because changing your ig profile pronouns means instant access to your preferred gender's "lived experience"
like imagine the response if ed sheeran wrote and performed this
No. 1841332
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Any thoughts on her new photos on IG? No hate but isn’t she a bit… mature for posing like this?
No. 1841422
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She's been playing some shows. Genuinely surprised to see she dressed in something else for once, rather than her infamous black potato sack tour dress
No. 1841426
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Also upcoming show in NYC.
>Sky Ferreira
>Nicole Dollanganger
>Elita (Yungelita/Emma Harvey)
I see it's a real festival of tumblr used-to-be washouts & DD/LG idiots, only Melanie Martinez is needed and the squad is complete.
No. 1841802
>>1841488anon Mitski is a musical equivalent of a butterface, except disguised as ~deep~. Perfect mix for coquettes, self proclaimed femcels, Phoebe Bridgers fans and zoomer indie NLOG girls thinking they have ~exquisite music taste~
Btw i see Patience (Torturegardens) is still around creeping and uwu praising Nicole in her comment section, too bad Nicole dropped her ages ago just like anyone else
No. 1844584
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This is her Roadburn Fest photo - such a stark difference between the bbydoll selfies she’s been posting. She looks haggard and tired, not like a sweet bbydoll the way she presents herself in her own edited photos. Do people really believe she’s not nearing her mid 30s rn? Those eyes kek
No. 1844609
Just out of curiosity, what do you anons think Nicole should do with her style? I mean we all agree she looks like shit & still does exct same shit she did years ago, but i don't even know WHAT kind of style she should switch to instead
>>1844584She looks oddly flabby and clapped here, like some alt reality ugly, fat Chelsea Wolfe. I know she's norml weight and she's only 30yo but she looks weirdly bulky in this pic. But still better than this shit
>>1841332 can't believe this 30yo woman is STILL doing that DDLG Melanie Martinez uwu lolita toddler tumblr shit (and yes i know Nicole was before Melanie… but this pic gives off that "adult in toddler clothes" cringe type of shit she used to have).
Nicole is too late, should've come back before Ethel Cain wore her skin and made it mainstream lol
No. 1844787
>>1844609She can just age up her aesthetic and improve it in terms of quality and variety of influence, that would already be a big improvement. The problem is she insists on wearing the cheapest looking shit and lazily rehashing the exact same stuff over and over again with no "update". Normally, when you have a personal aesthetic that you wish to keep, you "feed" it over time, it becomes richer and more complex and remains interesting over time because of that, but she's lazy about it and thus becomes boring.
She isn't conventionally attractive enough to go for the martinelightblue look unfortunately, but she can definitely pull a sort of 70s ghost look. She has to drop the short puffy silhouettes and all that's explicitly childish but she could keep the pale ethereal aesthetic and even the vintage lingerie bits if she chooses them right.
The first step should be updating her make-up and hair skills because they are still teenager tier and it makes her look like an AGP in
>>1844584. The white plastic claws are ridiculous.
No. 1845218
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>>1844609Speaking of, here’s her with Ethel Cain. I can’t tell what year this was taken. All I know is Ethel’s music is godawful (I’ve TRIED to like it, since I’m into that aesthetic) and he really can’t think he looks good or passes as a girl in any way shape or form. That is a full blow man and always will be
No. 1845918
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>>1844609And/or 1920's-esque housewife with a bone to pick. Both with neat, shorter, natural nails and some type of silver shoe.
No. 1845919
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Fuck I dropped my sage
>>1844609The Beales of Grey Gardens or
>>1845918 No. 1846040
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>>1845918I know what you mean nona, but after seeing Gwen's hair i thought: well she already tried this one, but she sucked kek. All in vain, you know Nicole loves plastic wigs and alibaba nylon dresses way too much
No. 1851436
>>1844787>>1844736these are the answer - something vintage. i don't even care if it's a glam, wannabe glam, old housewife, or trailer trash lingerie look. she's so lazy she didn't even think to thrift an old wedding dress which is only appropriate for her new album. she's tall and can pull it off.
>>1844609she is flabby. she doesn't work out, does drugs, and sits online too much. i'd hate to talk about her weight since she used to be anorexic so i'm not sure if this could
trigger her but there's no denying that she's not a thin woman and she's tall (so naturally bigger bone structure).
No. 1947553
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cows crossover
No. 1947875
>>1947553Jfc, it sounds so stalkery, even though you can sense he's trying his damn hardest to sound tame & lowkey.
She's 100% seething, i'm just shocked she's doing
nothing about it. It's been a year since the album release and she played what? 3 nobody gigs nowhere? and didn't even post any music video. Is she too afraid of cancelling (or life post-cancelled)? Is she working full-time somewhere, somehow. Ngl i'm disappointed, i wanted to see her compete with the skinwalker troon just for the milk
No. 1951651
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Not any new milk, but Nicole adopted a new pug and posted these pics. Not 100% certain ofc, but these pink walls make me think she's probably still living at her parents house.
No. 1958553
>>1958418>>1958421They don't date anymore, but just checked & it seems that he worked with her on her new album.
and just wow, it's been a year since she released that album, hasn't it. She didn't promote it at all. not even a music video…
No. 1958925
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These lyrics almost made me barf. I don't get how she doesn't realize that there are young girls (very few though, veeery few) that look up to her and she's basically teaching them that domestic violence is cute. She is so disgusting.(learn to sage)
No. 1958939
>>1958925She had a lot of more DDLG/violence glorifying songs, Cute aggression being one i think. it's just a minor tip of the iceberg tbh
>>1958857I think she could safely ride that crusty old ~ghost sadbbydoll with religious trauma in wild west falling apart cardboard evngelical church/pink cardboard victorian villa shit~ (graciously leaving out the fact her new album is just the same old concept - a ghost bitches about tragic love in a trashed Poconos room kek), if only she crawled out of her cave and stooped low enough to ride Ethel Cain's coattail. I mean, we all know Bacon is riding HER coattails (and walking in her skin), but if she used her old tumblr skills (using & dropping people for her benefit/fame), she'd prob have some success, i mean coquettes like her. I mean on one hand it's maybe good that she faded into obscurity nearly Emilie autumn style & can't spread her influence on dumb teens anymore, but on the other i'd love some fresh Nicole milk. Even if that was just endless nitpicking her potato sack dresses and party city wigs kek.
The only reason i can think of why she's hiding is 1) she's scared of this threads content & pedo blogging past to bite her in the ass or 2) she got fat
No. 1958953
>>1958925 btw)
Oh yeah I forgot abt that. But I'm pretty sure she was just sampling some of the stuff from the crystals, most of it was her own, uh creation lol
No. 1958956
>>1958939Other ddlg themed songs I found:
Sweet Girl
Smitten With You
True Love Café
Blue Moon Motel
There are probably more but this is all I could find
No. 1958983
>>1958925Holy shit these lyrics are embarrassing, an an insult to the song she lifted the
he hit me and it felt like a kiss line from.
The sentiment is
problematic but it at least makes sense from the 60s, this is just embarrassing. me catgirl meow! Make my botty red!
I think she probably outgrew it and ddlg is out of fashion now (seems like the girlies are all radfem-lites now, radicalised by men being loudly terrible online and irlevery day) so she has no real audience anymore and probably can't figure out how to rebrand
No. 1963354
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Umm…. these are actually lyrics that she had no problem releasing despite discussing pedophilia, and possibly grooming and incest, in an ambiguous, even positive way…. has she no shame? No decency?(bumping with ancient milk)
No. 1972141
I know this bitch has fallen into obscurity and this thread is dead but I'm still going to add my two cents.
This bitch needs to shave her head again and start singing about horror shit again. The long black hair ages her and her shaved head would once again set her apart from everyone else. No DDLG themes, no cheesy ghost girl with a bad boy lover themes, just straight up horror is what she should be singing about. The
abusive guy themes worked in Natural Born Losers only because this make believe man was shoving blood in her mouth and holding her hostage while putting her head under water. She forgot how to deliver the fantasy of real life horror that people have gone through.
Also, I never noticed it until recently but her vocals since Heart Shaped Bed sound atrocious. They sound so different from her first three albums and Natural Born Losers was her best era. It was the last time her vocals sounded nice. Her niche is childish high pitched singing while singing about darker themes and oddities. She lost her way with Heart Shaped Bed's boring ass sound. She could be making her shtick work still but she forgot how to write lyrics and fantasize now that Tumblr is mostly dead. After all, it's been documented here multiple times that most of her song lyrics are from Tumblr posts that were popular circa 2012 and movies or other songs.
>>1958939>Emilie autumn styleKek anon
No. 1972310
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sage for stale milk but i often wonder if nicole secretly seethes that matt joined forces with the troon that usurped her throne, gained farther-reaching recognition with an album about pretty much the exact same themes she’d been singing about for a decade, and whom simultaneously skinwalks and fangirls over her obsessively.
No. 1975765
>>1975764Idk why I even said that like honestly wallmart gives them the option the the chamber
(No parole to juvinile offenders)
>>1972310kek i do often wonder how she really feels about that. obviously we'll never know but i'd be malding in her shoes
she was doing this for a long time and he became so dedicated to the skinwalk and made it further in terms of reaching a wider audience. i had no idea even matt was hanging out with that retarded troon
the fact that he knew her prior to the whole larp is just deranged, ethel is pathetic. i'd be absolutely creeped out if i was her but also rightfully pissed off. men get away with anything, amazing how he still has fans after those nasty tumblr posts he made at the end of last year. i actually feel bad for nicole in this situation, i don't blame her for not doing much nowadays
>>1972141>Also, I never noticed it until recently but her vocals since Heart Shaped Bed sound atrocious. They sound so different from her first three albums and Natural Born Losers was her best era. It was the last time her vocals sounded nice.i agree. she peaked at natural born losers. i enjoyed half the songs on heart shaped bed but that's simply because a couple songs were just refined versions of existing demos that i already liked (and i prefer the demos still, kek)
…but married in mount eerie was a snooze-fest. i think i only enjoyed two songs out of the whole thing. you're completely right about the vocals.
No. 1975866
>>1972141Idk, Nicole has never had a nice voice, nice lyrics or anything at all really. Her voice is dead & unemotive in every song of hers, so i don't see much of a difference.
>themes worked in Natural Born Losers only because this make believe man was shoving blood in her mouth and holding her hostage Kek anon, make believe who? it will never work when you know she's a rich kid growing in rich family boring ass suburbs of Stoufville and she's ever experienced is sitting among her mother's dolls, making up ridiculous stories and pretending she's a weirdo. Her glorification of this
abusive, white trash incest life is about as impressive and believable as Ethel Cain's songs about the experience of being a trafficked woman~. after all, maybe it's better to have random ghosts at the hotel story than that, I'm not sure it would be better if she still faked this shit in her 30's
I know some of you anons were her fans in Tumblr years and we're all just missing the milk, but sometimes i think you all just got massively tricked into believing her uwu anachan sick child in cult party kei clothes era or Natural Born Losers album was something more than it ever was lol. also I thought about it the other day and maybe the reason she doesn't come back properly is just simple: she's outgrown it all but writes about this ghost boy shit out of habit, bc she cannot do anything else.
No. 1984700
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I just found this on her Instagram… there was no explanation whatsoever, anyone have any ideas?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1985023
>>1984858Fucking kek. Here, you all wanted your "Nicole in her prime" writing about cutesy horrors, you got it. Bored with ghost in motels? Grab a song glamourizing tragic real life events, cause it sure is so romantic to be ripped apart by a bear together.
Yes i know she didn't write such song (yet) but i couldn't resist. even thought it's just a photo, it's something up her alley. You just know if that audio was available online, she would've sampled it or posted repeatedly on her blog a few years ago. Maybe she hasn't changed much after all.
No. 1987336
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Thought you guys were being dramatic about these threads being the reason why she’s not bigger but I was going through the ethel cain subreddit and apparently some of his stans are actually insane enough to justify listening to him but not nicole based on some 2012 tumblr shit massive kek
No. 1987352
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>>1987336bet you they all went silent when he was lashing out on tumblr talking about "breedable 12 year old girls"
they can fawn over the troon skinwalker but can't handle shit she did over 10 years ago when he's saying shit like this present day. she's the whole reason why he's anything at all
No. 1987404
>>1987399I'd love a thread on that shovel-faced faggot but I'm assuming he has very little internet presence now that he baleeted his tumblr bc of the meanie radfems. However, he has a strong following of retarded fangirls that could also be included.
If anyone wants to make an Ethel Cain and Retarded Fans thread, I recommend keeping tabs on tumblr user horrorlesbians who is a fauxbian who aspires to be a renowned filmmaker and move out of her parents house but she refuses to pick up a camera and film anything and she also refuses to move out of her parents house because she wants to own a house and not rent an apartment (she literally works a service desk at some tourist resort). Also she's an annoying "nonbinary lesbian" and reeeees if you call her a girl.
Horrorlesbians has met Ethel multiple times backstage and has a creepy obsession with that faggot. I'm assuming she wants to skinwalk him.
No. 1987575
>>1987399Because you'd give him what he wants, in a way. He'd never shut up about it if he got his own thread, he's been lurking lolcow for his name forever. he yelled about lolcow for a good while, even more than 4+ years ago. Like this anon
>>1987516 says + he's laying low now. unless someone uncovers his next secret tumblr or something
No. 1987975
>>1987679No. I mean, he's been talked about shortly on Nicole calves/nymphets threads i'm sure. But what i meant specifically, someone posted about him in Soundclout thread doing collabs with Pouya or Nick or some other rapey rapper, and he (Bacon) posted some indirect shit about it, but i don't care to search for it. that's the extent of it. He just loves to google his own name.
>>1987688I wouldn't mind a thread but if anybody cares to create some, please let it be an experienced farmer who CAN write informed thread descriptions. not shit like this one.
No. 1993684
>>1987336Kek reminds me of the opposite spectrum where Nicole stans on Reddit are posting about how they feel uncomfortable with her child porn posting in her early years and other stans will come and defend her saying she never posted "real" cp when that's not true.
If you look at archives of her older blogs (which have been previously posted in these threads) and click on her mutuals blogs, you can see these people were posting REAL cp images and they at the very least showed up on her dashboard and she was comfortable viewing them everytime she logged on. I don't think she's a pedophile, I believe she was just being an edgy 20 year old but her fans need to be comfortable with the fact that she was in fact involved with real pornography of children.
It also makes me laugh when her fans defend her over the simulated child porn she reblogged as if that's somehow acceptable and ok. It still appeals to only pedophiles. Completely disgusting and harmful all round.
No. 2002405
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For those of you saying "Nicole should go back to writing uwu horror story songs", that's literally what Runnin' Free is. A song about some girl getting kidnapped by her ~evil boyfriend~ and his ~big, stwong motorcycle gang uwu~ aand getting tortured and raped and her bf being happy that she's scared and is going to die and she has teddybears uwu etc etc. Literally sounds like something off Natural born Losers kek.