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No. 2076670

‘Anastazia Alexandria Athena Lenno’ or ‘Lexity Kat’ is a chronically online bipolar MtF internet personality who primarily posts on Instagram and Tiktok.
His initial popular content was rehashed wikipedia articles of various facts, advice, and positivity, always beginning by saying ‘Hey Sweetpea‘.
Doing so garnered him an audience of 250k~ in a short amount of time. His fans consist(ed) of fetishizers, other TIMs, and most disturbingly swathes of handmaidens. His rise can be attributed to being a conventionally attractive male who uses overtly manipulative language and words of affirmation to cultivate a following. He is severely mentally unstable and evidently a dangerous person who cannot control their anger, which he is now taking out on the clueless handmaidens simping for him.

What we know
>Possibly from West Virginia >>>/snow/2076334
>Lived with OCD mother up until recently, was kicked out for leaving her house in disarray, bringing sexual partners home and physically intimidating her.
>Is now ‘homeless’ out of a van and travels states meeting followers/couch hopping.
>Began a gofundme in December that reached 30k, the money is nowhere to be seen and he is still ‘homeless’.
>Around time of gofundme he continues to skyrocket in popularity for lazy content, namely spreading some misinformation.
>Showcases his moid-y hyperfixation with whips/flails (BDSM shit) that he makes himself, in some videos using them to self harm. >>>/snow/2076299
>Asks his male audience in a two part post to not protect women https://www.instagram.com/p/DDbWn_eOnBC/
>Upon becoming ‘homeless’ there is a noticeable decline in his mental state, his videos becoming more personal and more frequent. Starts to showcase more outright narcissistic behaviours that leave even fans disturbed https://www.instagram.com/p/DDyuVaQOHQx/
>Has a short lived van refurbing business with another TIM named ‘Rona’, ultimately ends because Rona says one thing pro trump.
>Is legally listed in documents as non binary. And despite being a hulking man, identifies as omnigender https://www.instagram.com/p/DD7TwULOIe8/
>Dumps his car on the side of the road for some reason, ungratefully leaving it running and telling his audience to go and get it, too lazy to wait for someone to make a deal.
>January 3rd marks the date of his current crashout, begging any female to comfort him and do as he wills. >>>/snow/2076280
>On the same day, he is seen in the house of a follower named Marcela and says ‘she gave him a hug.’
>He continues posting from her house until the 7th of January, which is when he starts posting about the end of their relationship, basically just shit talking her.
>She posts a video explaining her side of the story, seeming shaken and hurt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvZKO5LwGcQ [DL][Archived Copy]
>His fans begin to turn against him as he shows his true colours, becoming increasingly narcissistic and making wild statements, such as he wishes to start a cult or that he is the ‘trans Malcolm X’ >>>/snow/2076286 >>>/snow/2076276
>Women come out of the woodwork accusing him of SA >>>/snow/2076506 >>>/snow/2076507


Reddit Snark

I would have done a deeper dive but I figured we’d need to start archiving before we can really piece the puzzle together. Sorry if this was formatted weird or not the best, this is my first time doing this!

No. 2076671

File: 1736672662260.mp4 (13.1 MB, 720x1280, lexitymom.mp4)

Here he is talking about how he got kicked out of his mothers house, I can see exactly why she called the police on him. I feel terrible for her.
I hate how he says I love you at the end, he is so egregiously manipulative.

No. 2076673

File: 1736672827262.mp4 (14.52 MB, 576x1024, lexityreddress.mp4)

He comes across as so egotistical. This fugly red dress really got to his head.
Also as OP, I realise those ig links will probably be dead when he decides to nuke it, so I'll post all the videos here.

No. 2076674

File: 1736673025512.mp4 (7.37 MB, 720x1280, lexityheyhandsome1.mp4)

The mentioned video of him asking his male audience not to protect women. Yes, it isn't explicitly what he's saying, but hearing this shit from a man comes across as so insincere and backhanded. Of course he mentions violence, like the aggressive autistic man that he is.

No. 2076675

File: 1736673269341.mp4 (8.9 MB, 720x1280, lexityheyhandsome2.mp4)

Pt. 2, yes we're capable but we aren't all physically capable of overpowering a rape ape like you, quit denying biology and stop speaking on womens issues. It reads as him denying the innate danger REAL women face from the very moment they're born.

No. 2076676

File: 1736673328808.mp4 (2.67 MB, 576x1024, lexityid.mp4)

No. 2076678

Thats some insane manipulation disguised as being "intellectual", thats the worse kind of controlling moid. Kinda reminds me of Onision with the constant gaslighting and trying to justify being horrible by acting like they have the moral higher ground

No. 2076679

File: 1736673571253.mp4 (5.94 MB, 720x1280, lexityuglylipstick.mp4)

Expressing his want, no actually, his NEED for a willing female victim, otherwise he will keep getting angry.
So scary to watch.

No. 2076680

File: 1736673687137.mp4 (2.57 MB, 720x1280, livestream247.mp4)

I'll finish off with this. A very exciting post for us! Imagine the amount of gold that will come from this freak streaming himself literally 24/7. Godspeed to any of the poor women who come in his path.

No. 2076682

>my mom came into my room
>it “really really triggered me” so i got angry and screamed at her
> that’s a fair response because she invaded my space
Come on bruv, you’re a grown man invading HER space. I’m glad she kicked you out and hope she keeps that boundary up because you’re scary. I feel so bad for her carrying you for 9 months, birthing and raising you just for you turn out like every other violent moid but with a skirt on.

No. 2076683

Thanks, OP! Needs to be milked dry.

No. 2076684

so glad there’s a thread now thanks OP. there’s a snark sub for him now (r/lexity) that has some good archives, but they started banning any talk of his misogyny being because he is a man really fast rip.

No. 2076686

Save what you can!

No. 2076688

Oh I totally missed that! Thank you so much I’m gonna go have a look now.
He really makes my skin crawl, how he gained a fanbase being so obviously repulsive is beyond me. His downfall is the highlight of my 2025 so far kek.

No. 2076690

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Linking for easy access
Apparently he also called Marcela an attention whore and was mad people believed a ‘cis woman’

No. 2076692

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i think before his mother kicked him out, him and his ex were both living with his mother. he stole some random dog kek?

No. 2076693

kek of course he had to be creepy on his first encounter with her

No. 2076695

for clarification, the chick he groped who had a boyfriend is marcy, and his recent ex who came out with abuse allegations is marcella (who he only knew and dated for 5 days.). coincidentally very similar names, but not the same person. here’s marcella’s second video.

No. 2076698

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When white troons leave their hair long they always end up looking like southern white trash deadbeat dads with an addiction. I can hear the banjos from these pics alone.

No. 2076699

he’s constantly fucked up too. he was taking gabapentin, drinking, and badly trying to hide his weed pen on IG live the other night.

No. 2076700

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No. 2076702

The way he grabs an AXE and stares the camera down at 0.56 is chilling. If I was Marcy - who he had just been screaming about and calling a cunt - I would be incredibly scared for my safety right now. I sincerely hope both Marcy and Marcella are well away from this violent man.

No. 2076703

>take me to court for breast groping
he knows she can't do that, what kind of evidence could she bring? he also knows rape victims rarely win their cases for this reason.

No. 2076704

Repeatedly shouting “take me to court” was part of his intimidation: He knows he’s protected by the law because he’s a man.

No. 2076705

File: 1736677930619.mp4 (17.16 MB, 592x1280, lexity_saying_dont_believe_vic…)

>no, don't believe victims
>no, i don't, i don't believe victims actually
>i do not believe victims
>what did i even do
every single one of his mannerisms is so aggressively male. he acts like a little boy who isn't getting his way, down to stimming with toys and then hitting them or the environment around him as he works himself up. the way he screams 'i asked! i asked first!' as if that means absolutely anything. he is living in absolute delusion and i cannot wait until he 41 percents

No. 2076706

Holy BPDemon. He looks like a faggot version of Dennis.

No. 2076707

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I find it sad how Marcella diminished her feelings and apologized when she wasn't in the wrong at all in her first video. The fact that she still complimented this tranny while he's bashing her and going psycho really shows the differences between moids and women.

No. 2076708

>marcy is trying to leech off my fame
>i’m a very powerful, influential person
kek what a delusional narcissist. he’s a niche instagram reels microceleb at best and i guarantee no one knows who he is. marcy said in her vid she met him irl and before he was popular too, so the whole time she was she using him for clout? normal women don’t hang out with their friends and then decide to accuse them of assault online without a fucking reason.

No. 2076709

Oh my god this guy has been showing up on my Instagram reels constantly, despite his content having nothing to do with my usual interests. I got one of his whip videos which is not at all what I usually like or save.

No. 2076710

whats the point of chimping out on live like this when you could just log off and take a break jfc

No. 2076712

File: 1736678647371.mp4 (9.66 MB, 590x1280, lexity_saying_she_hates_cis_wo…)

>Cis women haven't appropriately thought about their place in womanhood
my eyes are twitching, i can't do this much longer

No. 2076713

>I hate cis women like a misogynistic man does
There, saved him his breath kek. Their place in womanhood? Excuse me? I can't stand listening to this tranny, so I'm glad other nonnies sum up his behavior and quote him.

No. 2076715

losing hope for handmaidens that they can watch shit like this and still keep docking themselves into these creepy men's assholes

No. 2076732

He definitely has bangs to try to look more feminine, because without them he would look even more like your average metal / crusty moid with long hair.

No. 2076736

"MoOoooOommmm, get out of my rooOoOoOonmmm , you're breaking into my room in your own home this is highly illegal wahhh!!! It's more than fair for me to be mad, you brooooke innnnn!!!" This particular vid is just funny, but the guys other behavior– he is going to hurt or kill someone and not feel bad about it for a second, just make another cloying yet hair raisingly creepy video explaining why it was totally justified. I've never in all my years on this site felt so truly sickened by a personality as with this fuck. It will be extremely satisfying to watch him spiral.

No. 2076737

Absolutely tragic case of BPD face kek

No. 2076738

With rage/entitlement like this, and living out in public, this guy's going to end up in jail real quick. Its going to be hilarious, knowing how vast the gulf is between how tough he thinks he is and how brutally he'll be raped by the other men.

No. 2076744

she should do asmr

No. 2076746

they'll play this in court. psycho

No. 2076754

And yet they still won't peak kek

No. 2076756

Common denominator is "I got angry" while failing to mention what that looks like which is clearly bad enough to have his mom call the cops. Love troon logic

No. 2076758

Classic white male freakout, absolutely glorious. How any of his followers can still defend this speaks volumes on their cognitive abilities

No. 2076760

Kekkkkk I love the comments switching between hatewatchers and nervous handmaidens watching him have a white male moment.

No. 2076763

jfc his voice dropped down to Buffalo Bill level around 1:20

No. 2076776

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It’s 9:46 in the morning where I’m at and I guess he’s doing a little home improvement. It’s 50/50. on one side, his fans are turning on him and rightfully going “wtf” and on the other, they are sweeping his allegations under the rug and even going so far to claim Marcy as a liar.

No. 2076780

How did this homeless-looking, violent, rapist, BPDtard ever get a female fanbase? What do they see in him? Is there an end to women's savior complex?

No. 2076785

Are they women? In the videos a lot of the comments that are positive and have people as pfp are other trannies i.e males.

No. 2076787

I looked through his comments too. He has a few TIMs following him, but it's mostly women.

No. 2076788

at the end of the day this is just a tranny that got what they wanted. made himself less "scary looking" by putting on a girly outfit. you think any of these girls wouldve let a full on male presenting man into their houses? probably not.
i feel like beyond the autogynophilia, this is what trannies are after. women have the "privilege" of being helped and sympathized with more often, of being considered innocuous, because as a gender we dont have the crime and rape statistics making everyone afraid of us.
textbook definition of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

No. 2076789

i'm pretty sure he's not just homeless-looking but full on homeless. i think he lives in his van.

No. 2076791

How these women (including tifs that very likely follow this man) continue to coddle him and say "she/her" as he sits there wild-eyed, grabbing at random sharp objects, while screaming about how much he hates women, especially ones that come about their abuse and sexual assaults, is insane. It's not even connecting with them that he is screaming like this over real women that he just had fucked up and dangerous irl interactions with. He could decide to drive to one of their houses, kill them live and they'd still be mindlessly typing "valid!!". Makes me fucking queasy how hard these women worship these dangerous degenerates like this. i don't doubt he has a lot of mtfs following for the incel hate sprees, but the coddling in that chat felt very faghag and tif-like. I hope he's the type to kill just himself, but I feel like he'd try to take a few women with him. Genuinely hope those women are safe and far away from him.

No. 2076798

That's depressing. A lot of the handmaidens are so stupid that they suck him off without actively thinking about his manipulative word salad that he puked out in front of them. He's just a poor "brave woman!" to them.

No. 2076809

I think lots of them are trying to pacify him. The comments like "so true, you don't owe anyone anything, why don't you take some deep breaths and take a break" seem like a classic case of telling a rabid scrote what he wants to hear so he doesn't go full chimpanzee. They just don't understand that it's not going to work on the mentally ill.

No. 2076811

This type only peaks when bad things happen to them personally.

No. 2076820

Which gender is more likely to be victim of violent crime?
Females report that they make up a larger share of violent crime victims: 51% of all violent victimizations in 2022 compared to 41% of all victimizations in 1993, the start of the data series. (This figure is drawn from the National Crime Victimization Survey; it excludes homicides and includes simple assaults.)Jul 9, 2024

Copy pasta from google. Stupid inbred troon cant even do simple research. Now we know he is just a liar who throws whatever words he wants at his viewers. Oh wait, we knew that.

No. 2076833

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You love to see it

No. 2076834

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How the fuck did this disgusting moid get over 30k in donations for absolutely nothing?? Talk about tranny privilege, people dying of cancer dont get this much money on their gofundme

No. 2076835

Troons get bombarded with free money and special privileges just by crying that people give them funny looks for wearing a schoolgirl skirt and bondage collar in public as adult men, and by threatening suicide if no one gives them money for boob implants. This raging narcissist layabout being flooded with praise and cash is no surprise honestly.

No. 2076837

Joined his stream for less than a minute and he is destroying his van again to ‘refurb’ it. Mindlessly drivelling at his handmaidens telling him to wear gloves to protect from fiberglass, that they’re infantilising him. He has built his audience to coddle him, and then is made at those same retards when they express any level of concern. He was sprinkling in manic mentions of his ‘abusive mother’ and how her showing concern for him was one of her abuse tactics?

No. 2076839

Chasers groom him with money.

No. 2076841

Troons are to handmaidens as trump is to magatards. A troon could shoot a woman at times square and he would not lose handmaiden support.

No. 2076847

Thank you for this thread. This man is so extremly unsettling. His whole appearance just screams violence and this thread is more of a community service to women than anything.
Also, the staye of that floor when he shows off his Buffalo Bill dress. They are always so fucking nasty.

No. 2076851

i completely agree nona. i cant watch these clips in their entirety because he is so damn scary, it's almost not entertaining.

No. 2076863

You're right, I guess I spend so much time here with like-minded nonnas I forget how prevalent and encouraged ignoring your instincts, especially in relation to males, is for some women. It's jarring and disheartening to see them continue to support this shit. Watching him should be making them consider how safe they'd feel having this unstable freak acting like this alone with them irl. Their empathy is exclusively for males and I need to remember that.
I could understand this perspective too and I'm sure he feels justified in hurting any/every woman he can get his hands on, but I wish they'd wake the fuck up and stop engaging with him at all. Positively or negatively, he's dangerous and all this attention clearly makes him feel invincible.

No. 2076867

Wow, this is one of the more disturbing horrorcows posted here recently. He’s like if Onision and Sinnabunny had a crack baby together and Shayna raised it. New levels of unhinged & delulu.

No. 2076873

File: 1736708594058.mp4 (15.2 MB, 828x1792, ciswomenrant.mp4)

his giggle at the end is so telling. i don’t know my place as a woman or in the world at all and i am being suffocated by femininity according to him.

No. 2076875

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>she would pause every 10 seconds to stare sexily at her own face in the camera
you’re so close to getting it!

No. 2076882

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I hope we can get some screen recordings of this or further irl interactions. I cannot believe he goes out in public dressed like that and flirts with random people, going as far as to touch them.

No. 2076884

He really is just another Onision.

No. 2076885

>I love the deep explanation like pop off please
These handmaidens are absolutely retarded, I have no words. "Yasss queen, keep mansplaining to us as you stare at us with your sanpaku eyes!" The fuck? Like we need to be told about "our place" by a mentally ill moid.

No. 2076889

Hmmmmm yes, the symptoms of being a mentally disturbed man are so unique and artsy kek(sage your shit)

No. 2076892

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This is probably the last person you should be taking advice from.(sage your non milk)

No. 2076919

his stupid hat is killing me

No. 2076922

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No. 2076926

Randy Stair is that you???(sage your shit)

No. 2076928

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He dresses like the neighborhood watch sticker.

No. 2076943

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He randomly mods handmaidens depending on how long they’ve been sat in his live feeding his delusions. This was his mod today.

No. 2076945

What does that mean…

No. 2076948

I believe she is talking about his boynunu.

No. 2076953

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he started beatboxing mid-crash out (from reddit)

No. 2076955

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Him saying the n word

No. 2076956

File: 1736721765892.mp4 (9.2 MB, 592x1280, cultleader.mp4)

A lot of his rants are him going in circles on the same topics.
Kek at all the fibreglass flying around his van. His smug fucking smile when replying 'yeah' to being called a cult leader, and then calling someone transphobic for saying 'he's too pretty to be acting like this'.
>My anger is feminine
Then why are you acting exactly how you did when you lost in COD as a 12 year old boy? I'll keep summarising any of the clips I post, because I know if I can't sit through it twice, why would I subject some poor nonna to seeing it even once.

No. 2076958

File: 1736722050790.png (Spoiler Image,490.8 KB, 582x499, lexitynude.png)

NSFL deformed TIM body. Why does he not try at all to look feminine? He is serial killer death staring/eye fucking the camera, he must realise how he looks.

No. 2076968

Red flag after red flag, people excuse obviously manipulative language if they find someone attractive. Pathetic behavior actually

No. 2076970

Laughing my ass off, I'm sorry but the fact that this maniac is being platformed (and followed by SZA desperate thirsty ass allegedly) is hysterical. Women can be so stupid im sorry.

No. 2076996

The way he scurries to the camera and hops down like a rabid chimpanzee on LSD is killing me. He sounds like the typical white trash moid projecting his anger on randos. /snow/ is going through a good revival recently, a bunch of new threads with great cows, I hope it keeps up.

No. 2076998

The wildly darting eyes, the screaming, the sexual misbehavior accusations, the restraining order from mom… like please

No. 2077000

>Kek at all the fibreglass flying around his van
Fingers crossed acute lung disease takes him if the 41% doesn’t

No. 2077002

I know it's early but this has threadpic potential kek

No. 2077007

Is the sound at 0:15 the sound of him hitting his own head?? It seems like he's tweaking out in all these videos, it reminds me of someone getting really angry while they're on cocaine or crack.
>Especially because I'm pretty I can act anyway I fucking want, okay?
The misogyny is astounding.

No. 2077013

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Compiling all of the accusations of shit he said on live because there’s no video evidence and way too much.
>The mods are all young 18-20 year old women that he doesn’t check the age of
>One of the girls he was giving ‘advice’ to was 17, prior to which the comments were telling him she seemed way too young for an hour because he was talking about explicit topics
>Admitted to supposedly not understanding consent in the past and ‘made some mistakes’
>Admits to being a violent alcoholic, verbatim saying things like “I am a dangerous person”
>Blames not caring about consent on his equally as angry father
>Admitted to having a criminal history, most likely under his real name before name change
>A minor asked if he knew of Rupauls Drag Race, to which he crashed out and accused said minor of transphobia
>Says he flirts with anyone in defence of making odd comments to another minor female
>Bans anyone who expresses concern of his lack of safety precautions while destroying his van, calling them abusers

No. 2077014

>holding an axe
This is all too funny I'm sorry. Shordy made a WHIP

No. 2077028

>His rise can be attributed to being a conventionally attractive male
>conventionally attractive
…Hello?? I've waited ages for one of the thousands of insane MTF cows to get his own thread, and now that one finally did you pickmes can't even refrain from calling him hot in the thread summary? Unreal. He literally looks like a crackhead too. Next time keep it in your pants, tranny chaser.

No. 2077030

OP here and I don’t find him attractive personally but it seemed like even some nonnas here found him hot, and I couldn’t comprehend the amount of handmaidens he had. I was trying to make sense of why anyone followed him in the first place kek

No. 2077036

it’s true tho, like if he was an ugly fat balding chode, no one would GAF about him. he’s skinny, white, and has nice hair, perfectly palatable for dumbass handmaidens

No. 2077037

he’s the trans malcom x guys

No. 2077042

AYRT, alright, that's fair. I still think it's insane many nonnas called him attractive, I remember the days when having those huge septum piercings alone made you a hideous freak.
Dylan Mulvaney is literally a hideously uncanny anachan straight out of a horror movie and his army of handmaidens was still bigger than this tranny's. Please stop pretending it's about anything other than them being troons.

No. 2077052

File: 1736735311797.mp4 (5.09 MB, 268x482, fghjk.mp4)

Turns out he's always been delusional (aside of being a tranny), just stumbled upon this video. The level of narcissim is through the roof.

No. 2077058

File: 1736736307054.mp4 (18.84 MB, 828x1792, wtfareutalkingabout.mp4)

Of course his autistic ass raps in a british accent.
>"I'm not representing all trans people, however they do believe I represent them because I'm very intelligent"
>damn malcolm x got a good flow, ever thought about starting your own rap label?
>"They say I got the tism but I ???? rizzem??

No. 2077061

he’s on live right now, waving around a turned-on electric saw in his dark ass van with no protective gear. this is genuinely so strange and creepy, it looks like a serial killer video.

No. 2077062

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No. 2077067

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holy shit nonna, this jumpscared me from the homepage. fucking kek at this freak looking like something out of a horror movie though. old gregg looking ass.

No. 2077068

hahahaha sorry nonna! he reminds me of something but i'm not sure what, definitely giving horse-like bhaal features

No. 2077069

he’s moving to streaming on twitch because instagram keeps trolling the shit out of him and calling out his abuse: https://www.twitch.tv/anyathena

No. 2077070

He reminds me of that video

No. 2077073

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Oh my god the handmaidens are driving me mad. What does that even fucking mean? That trannies are untouchable?

No. 2077077

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Well he's not a transfem, he's omnigender, dear handmaiden.
>"King"surname is fine because i'm omnigender

No. 2077078

Unironically yes. They literally believe that trannies are helpless innocent babies who must be protected at all costs, and if a tranny has done anything bad it's because of his twama

No. 2077079

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No. 2077081

File: 1736738733424.mp4 (7.67 MB, 590x1280, rapidsave.com_her_saying_she_d…)

He's said this multiple times now, the implication I've gathered is that he tried to molest someone and got scolded.

No. 2077084

High school and middle schools are not the same implications too, high school is much more grave than middle school especially because, there's like… 7 years that separate the youngest middle schooler and the oldest highschooler. He corrected himself by saying "high school", that's not young at all, if you don't understand consent by that age it is WORRISOME.

No. 2077085

File: 1736739125450.mp4 (8.02 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@anya_lies_173673906…)

here’s him talking about his mother’s restraining order against him. sorry for the annoying edits calling him a “she,” whole vid is from tiktok.

No. 2077089

"milky" is right.
Also, maybe it's just my own experience, but I find it common for mentally unwell women to choose "peach"/"peachy"/"peaches" or some variation thereof to be their alias. Or at least it's common with two personal cows of mine.

No. 2077090

File: 1736740035206.mp4 (3.11 MB, 1280x720, suicidebait.mp4)

insane manipulation and suicide baiting

No. 2077091

File: 1736740195791.mp4 (1.92 MB, 1280x720, punchemintheface.mp4)

>I'd punch em' in the face

No. 2077093

so delicate and feminine!
thanks for the clips anon. his twitch chat is actually insane. i can’t believe its full of so many handmaidens. his mods are deleting anyone who mentions the words reddit or discord bc his turned on him, but its really pathetic how many women are just fine with him and babying him like this.

No. 2077095

typical violent tranny. possible nitpick, man do i hate this retard's stutter.

No. 2077098

File: 1736740829071.png (3.85 KB, 314x46, twitchaxe.png)

He's wandering around in the woods with an axe giggling and singing about it, throwing it at random trees.
+ He just said he's from Oregon and been there most of his life, so he could've just been visiting WV.

No. 2077099

he trully speedran his influencer ark to crash out, he kept bragging about his follower number now there are at best only 100 people that are willing to support him

No. 2077102

this man is going to kill someone in the woods with an axe one day i fear

No. 2077103

File: 1736741135344.jpg (133.13 KB, 404x432, Old_Gregg.jpg)

Why he look like old greg though.

No. 2077104

File: 1736741199429.jpg (8.54 KB, 299x81, Capture d’écran 2025-01-13 050…)

They're trying to outgroom each others

No. 2077107

Old Gregg nona you're killing me.
Heres the google drive the subreddit has made if anyone is interested.

No. 2077108

It's like he's trying to mimic if Michael Jackson lived to livestream a meltdown also his lips look upsidedown.

No. 2077109

his moderators are banning accounts and removing comments asking about his sexual assaults

No. 2077110

I didnt record it but at some point he was showing his belly and trully getting of from the positive feedbacks

No. 2077115

File: 1736743899260.png (298.85 KB, 480x572, klaus.png)

To me, he looks like an anorexic Klaus Kinski. He has a certain psychotic schizo phenotype.
He said "like" 11 times in 36 seconds. He's definitely tweaking on some shit.

No. 2077119

he asked a high schooler to meet up with him on live just now. they talked about meeting up then he got uncomfortable and kicked her off. (vid from r/lexity, they’re doing a good job at saving stuff over there.) the girl on his live said she’s 18 but she looks like 16-17 imo. god it’s so unnerving how very young girls are supporting him

i think he’s tweaking on adderall. he was flashing some big pill bottles on live like yesterday and saying he’s prescribed adderall for adhd, as well as lithium and gabapentin (presumably for other things.) when the sa allegations dropped he was streaming for 48 hours straight without sleeping and this all screams adderall binge.

No. 2077123

Where are the parents of that tweaking handmaiden?

No. 2077126

File: 1736744876358.mp4 (2.77 MB, 1280x720, talkingaboutdrugs.mp4)

he's made a couple vague but very obvious comments about his 'ptsd' meds implying that he's high as a kite.

No. 2077131

File: 1736745138931.mp4 (13.98 MB, 1280x720, monetisation&fibreglass.mp4)

>"It'll be easier to monetise things over here"
>"If you're not using your prime on anyone else, why not use it on me?"
>"I played with fibreglass with my bare hands, did you know that?"
>"Genuinely one of the things I loved the most about my hands was they were sooo sawft."
>"I played with fibreglass because I'm stubborn and the fans weren't loving me in the way I want them to!"

some topkek in here

No. 2077138

Who's the nonna trying to get him to write a disstrack topkek

No. 2077140

File: 1736746220502.jpg (5.58 KB, 310x63, write a disstrack.jpg)

No. 2077142

KEK i hope he writes one

No. 2077143

KEK, he literally said 'maybe' when that person first suggested it, then flipped to absolutely not once the chat advised against it

No. 2077145

File: 1736746432781.png (71.29 KB, 403x632, retards.png)

adding on some handmaiden faggotry

No. 2077147

Been searching for this dude's personal blogs or other usernames but coming up empty handed. He seems like the exact person who writes 10k+ word narc rants about that woman at the grocery store who misgendered him.

No. 2077150

>>2077145 i'm tryna not get banned while pushing his buttons(cowtipping)

No. 2077153

He's an omnitheist atheist topkek

No. 2077154

giggling reading the chat rn

No. 2077155

File: 1736746813300.mp4 (6.2 MB, 1280x720, eye of horus face tattoo.mp4)

He wants to get an eye of horus face tattoo but is worried he'll be called a cultural appropriator. I really really really hope he does it

No. 2077156

File: 1736746843856.png (10.83 KB, 392x62, ifellforit.png)

kek nona i fucking fell for it, you fooled me, this is so so so so soooo funnynynyyyyy(encouraging cowtipping)

No. 2077157

I really hope he does ruin his face so he'll lose the only thing that got him handmaidens to begin with, and that he gets bashed for cultural appropriation

No. 2077159

File: 1736747193091.mp4 (1.51 MB, 1280x720, HELP.mp4)

It's too mcuh

No. 2077160


No. 2077161

HOLY SHIT KEK. he’s almost too easy. the milk is flowing

No. 2077162

When one of the handmaiden asked for another BLEGH kek

No. 2077164

nonnas what the fuuuck kek. He's got to be on some kind of drugs beside alcohol. I'm so glad 2025 has finally brought us some new cows.

No. 2077168

Time to trojan horse him… i bet he'd click on random links and download something. I wonder what stuff he's got in his files. Or is that cowtipping?(that's cowtipping)

No. 2077169

File: 1736747895176.mp4 (2.2 MB, 1134x638, mommy in a little space (2).mp…)

>I'm still a mommy in my little space
>I'm writing a book
2025 has blessed us so early on, right now he's reading Sherlock Holmes?

No. 2077171

File: 1736748924328.jpg (7.11 KB, 299x78, Capture d’écran 2025-01-13 071…)


No. 2077172

he just said “i work really hard to be pretty. all 4 years in high school i’d chew an entire pack of gum every single day to get a stronger jawline.” incel looksmaxxing yo troon pipeline confirmed?

No. 2077173

>”i’m trying not to look autistic”

No. 2077174

File: 1736749155102.mp4 (11.86 MB, 1280x720, y'all wanna see me jiggle + lo…)

>Y'all wanna see me jiggle
If he was a twans wombyn why did he mew as a 14 year old boy? That's not going to accomplish femininity at all? Kek at him reading 'boymodding' as 'bodymodding'.

No. 2077176

he says he's omnigender

No. 2077177

He keeps flip-flopping and consistently refers to himself as a woman and a trans woman.

No. 2077180

he says that he "does not understand what you mean about dysphoria" does he have 0 consistent opinions?

No. 2077183

File: 1736750354290.mp4 (1.65 MB, 1280x720, nya.mp4)

he changed clothes! this is like something out of a horror movie the lag and all

No. 2077186

nonnie… this is a masterpiece

No. 2077188

File: 1736751110813.mp4 (3.08 MB, 1280x720, in defence of chris chan.mp4)

currently ranting about how he's being a lolcow rn and mansplaining lolcows + kiwifarms. he misgendered chrischan too!
>chrischan didn't do anything bad

No. 2077189

does he know about this thread/know that he’s a cow already? also interesting he thinks what chris did to his mother is like fine cause he was bullied (???) and he’s got the chris chan parallel with his own mother having a restraining order…

No. 2077190

afaik he's unaware of lc, but he was tipped abt kiwifarms. i don't even know if they're posting about him right now but probably

No. 2077191

File: 1736752016865.mp4 (1.27 MB, 380x678, gross (1).mp4)

the gulping sounds(random screenshots/clips of a stream are not milk sage your shit)

No. 2077192

Anyone posting screenshots of them cowtipping or bragging about cowtipping will be permanently banned. Follow the rules or fuck off.

No. 2077203

>chrischan didn't do anything bad
And he wonders why his mother wants a restraining order. Poor woman.

No. 2077205

nonna who posted the other screen recording please repost it this shit is too funny

No. 2077209

File: 1736755880430.png (280.07 KB, 348x751, sailor.png)

The absence of the cat is thankfully explained.
This guy has claimed two animals are his in the last month despite never legally owning either then whined they were taken unjustifiably from him. I'm glad they keep getting taken away, it's definitely a sign.

No. 2077210

File: 1736759464198.mp4 (19.4 MB, 576x1024, ssstik.io_@anyathena_173675894…)

>This guy has claimed two animals are his in the last month despite never legally owning either
i think its three animals, actually. there was sailor the cat, and apollo the dog, who he claimed he really owned but his ex gave away (apollo might have been his ex's dog first,) mentioned here >>2076671
he also wanted a different dog that was his neighbor's but the landlord said no, when he was still living in his mom's house (found on tiktok, nov. 11th 2024.) does he have a pathological habit of attempting to steal animals? i'd be willing to bet that sailor the cat belonged to the other troon rona, bc the pics are from when he was crashing with him, and he just tried to take sailor when he left rona's place.

No. 2077211

Definitely Ronas cat
>The person I was going to go into business with still has her.

No. 2077212

File: 1736760596907.mp4 (252.96 KB, 1280x720, i'm being a lolcow (edited).mp…)

Some more condensed info from the reddit
>He was talking about getting fur from animals and roadkill to line the inside of his van
>Former friend of Lexity says he has done 'illegal and unethical things'
>Highschool girl joined his live to sing, was greeted by him asking to meet her, kicking her and then shit talking her
>The twitch chat was allegedly talking with him about 'prank/terrorshit' to inflict on all of his detractors such as
>Spraying people with cat piss
>Throwing termites at someones house

No. 2077214

>He was talking about getting fur from animals and roadkill to line the inside of his van
Bet he will get rabies at some point if he decides to skin them himself.

No. 2077222

File: 1736765010187.mp4 (3.11 MB, 1280x720, 4FB99A46-D709-41ED-BD2A-D04903…)

him threatening to burn down his van that his audience gave him $30k to buy…

No. 2077226

>"You bought me that by just paying attention and loving me, and I love that. Love that"
Does this faggot hear himself. No, matter of fact, do the fucking handmaidens hear him? This is going to turn into some unironic cult that leaves each and every single one of the people offering support posting about him on the sub.

No. 2077227

Not even rabies, fleas and ticks will be bad enough kek

No. 2077229

>you'd be mad at me, but you couldn't stop me, and that would be so satisfying
This guy could open a homeware store with all the doormats he's amassed in his audience.

No. 2077234

File: 1736767244477.jpg (22.31 KB, 225x225, 1564429515689.jpeg.jpg)

What an absolutely abhorrent and horrid human being. At least he's leaving a strong paper trail so that his future is nothing but fast food or grocery store retail.

The only thing a cis woman failed to do was abort his ass. >>2076712

No. 2077238

Does anyone know how old this guy is?

No. 2077243

his birth date is 4/14/1999 >>2076676

No. 2077275

On his live yesterday he practically admitted to the sexual assault and said “I have sex consensually now”. People quoted him and he ended the live immediately. It’s pretty funny how on any stream he’ll either A: kick you or B: end it if you bring up any of the shit he’s trying to sweep under the van. I seriously hope when this is all said and done someone compiles all these great moments in one video.(sage your shit)

No. 2077305

>his future is nothing but fast food or grocery store retail
Incredibly optimistic of you to think he’d be employable in either of these jobs nonna, given that they require bathing occasionally and not chimping out every 5 seconds. His “future” is grifting and abusing his handmaidens until they get sick of him and he either goes 41% or ends up in prison for axe murder.

No. 2077335

File: 1736786370527.jpeg (34.47 KB, 600x338, 4332E823-1668-4F55-A4A2-25C104…)

>>2077062(sage your shit)

No. 2077354

Talking at yourself like this isn't normal at all lol why is this normalized. All of these problems would go away by turning the phone off and submitting a job application.

No. 2077356

>we need to protect transfemmes with our whole bodies rn
…huh????? Be serious

No. 2077376

File: 1736789930165.mp4 (8.95 MB, 852x480, Untitled video - Made with Cli…)

sorry, i took it down because i thought maybe i recorded the same part

No. 2077380

File: 1736790244620.jpeg (392.44 KB, 828x1163, IMG_7504.jpeg)

thank you so much

the subreddit has made itself private to avoid twansphobia or something, still good to see how peaking this is

No. 2077393

>i Srsly feel transphobic because I'm saying this but I know a real fucking woman would own up to her actions & change….
aw yes, with discomfort comes change

No. 2077400

Is this handmaid peaking? Praying for her rn, take the plunge sis.

No. 2077413

Complete and total manic episode. The crash is going to be intense with this one.

No. 2077443

File: 1736794699175.mp4 (3.65 MB, 1280x720, tongue touching.mp4)

smartschoolboy9 behaviour

No. 2077464

>most women are incredibly toxically feminine
kek… sorry that you will never be able to relate to us??? existing as women and therefore experiencing the world as women doesn’t make us toxic. you can’t blame “ciswomen” for the fact that your dad’s Y gamete won the coochie olympics that day you ghoul

No. 2077478

shit's crazy and exposes their ways of thinking - I'm going to support trans people unless they're narc misogynists, then they can't really be trans because trans people never do anything wrong

No. 2077487

it’s clear what he thought he meant but what he’s hating is not the fact that women are judgemental and actively exclude TIMs from womanhood it’s the fact that he can’t into womanhood because the road forked the moment he was conceived

No. 2077520

File: 1736808711641.mp4 (10.71 MB, 592x1280, C6F0D6C7-7F21-4B33-AF51-D48C04…)

him denying the SA allegations

No. 2077521

File: 1736808742657.mp4 (1.12 MB, 270x478, D363ED50-D773-4309-9090-E7C5CA…)

him admitting to grabbing marcy’s breasts even though he said it was just a hug in his denial video

No. 2077522

File: 1736808934081.mp4 (443.63 KB, 500x360, if you leave me i will kill my…)

He puts me in mind of this

No. 2077527

Beautiful to see this realisation happen in real time.

No. 2077531

File: 1736809560497.mp4 (5.3 MB, 592x1280, 59610381-EC93-41A5-9479-796ECE…)

bringing up the dog situation again and bringing up an ex who he “had a very sexually unhealthy relationship with but it’s ok because they did just as much to me”

No. 2077532

Absolutely dying at the difference between the handmaidens' comments and his seething masculine rambles.

No. 2077534

File: 1736809897375.mp4 (4.48 MB, 592x1280, 7DD5EE40-F867-41FB-92AF-1AF649…)

now he’s on live admitting to violating his ex’s consent under the guise of bdsm

No. 2077542

There’s several clips of him literally saying shit like this to the chat. He cycles through emotions like every 20 minutes, in that cycle he cries to the chat telling them ‘I was on the brink’ ‘You guys are saving my life’ ‘If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be here’.
The next emotion he has in the cycle is getting mad at them all kek

No. 2077543

File: 1736810499131.mp4 (5.32 MB, 1280x720, give me engagement.mp4)

Begging them to engage w/ and boost his denial video regarding Marcy. He starts crying.

No. 2077544

File: 1736810519826.mp4 (6.57 MB, 592x1280, EA0D23AB-2007-452D-A8AC-77C2BA…)

he’s crying about losing 3k instagram followers and worried his “career” of ebegging will be ruined.

btw i’m wondering does anyone know his deadname ?

No. 2077548

Thank god he’s finally losing followers, because for the first few days he was gaining them somehow.
He brings up his follower and viewer count constantly and will start getting angry if there was a drop in viewership on twitch. He’s now deleted the response to Marcy on ig, probably attributing his loss of followers to that.
I don’t think anyone has his real name yet but it’s something people are interested in even on the sub bcs of his criminal history.

No. 2077553

File: 1736811838670.mp4 (8.56 MB, 592x1280, CD071387-F6E1-4A28-A630-7346A0…)

his little smirk after he says “my exes not liking me is their fault” jfc he’s so creepy

No. 2077557

the friendly fire against other trannies came out of nowhere? he is on a crusade against everyone lol

No. 2077560

File: 1736812252708.png (16.16 KB, 427x71, 1000031331.png)

Kekkkk, they sure are!

No. 2077561

He's probably seen his subreddit kek

No. 2077569

Has it considered: that was not a date???

No. 2077585

He’ll be live streaming his whole life even his sex life and relationships. Y’know it’s for the kids.

No. 2077587

Do they do meth they seem like they’re on it

No. 2077598

File: 1736815607510.mp4 (3.08 MB, 1280x720, honestly i am pretty.mp4)

>let's see if i can make myself ugly
the hair stuck to his camera after is taking me out

No. 2077609

he got himself an airbnb tonight and is going to stream himself naked on bluesky

No. 2077618

File: 1736817655154.mp4 (1.22 MB, 1280x720, 10 cents to see naked.mp4)

changing his patreon to 10 cents so everyone can see him naked cheap!

No. 2077632

File: 1736818208113.mp4 (1.24 MB, 1280x720, minors.mp4)

this just gets worse by the second. he's talking about his 18+ stream he plans to do tonight saying he doesn't see any problem with minors being involved or exposed to it.

No. 2077638

Speedrunning his Onision Onlyfans arc

No. 2077647

File: 1736819243735.mp4 (886.91 KB, 360x640, C3E4240E-8B0D-4F5F-8AE4-CF782F…)

it’s totally fine to have minors see him naked apparently

No. 2077650

File: 1736819323968.mp4 (3.88 MB, 544x480, 765CA7DC-2ECE-4C93-935F-A0766E…)

threatening suicide again

No. 2077660

No. 2077666

File: 1736821298126.mp4 (8.93 MB, 592x1280, CC291C1C-2FF2-4F40-B994-B2F8A1…)

abusive behavior doesn’t make me abusive

No. 2077668

File: 1736821463979.png (339.78 KB, 820x597, lexityfriend.png)


No. 2077669

File: 1736821902314.jpeg (176.19 KB, 750x784, IMG_1162.jpeg)

holy shit. poor mother, i feel so bad for that lady.

No. 2077671

>in my house
Disgusting. His mother owned and paid for that home, and he acted like his father. Piece of shit.

No. 2077675

the funniest tiktoks of this person raging got deleted but it was 3 different videos of them screaming about how some "stole" their dogs(sage your shit)

No. 2077680

How are they trans at all

No. 2077681

File: 1736824779179.mp4 (1.01 MB, 1280x720, lets hav a sweepover.mp4)

i hate when he does this retarded voice

No. 2077682

Reminder to abort any and all male fetuses.

No. 2077683

I know it's been said, but he's actually terrifying. Straight up horrorcow. It's like my body immediately tenses up when I click on one of his videos, expecting him to unleash his usual tard rage. It's definitely the agp serial killer eyes, even when he's calm and doing this retarded baby larp I can feel the bippie rapeape rage barely contained and trying to escape.

No. 2077687

someone on the sub pointed out he has been in this airbnb for almost two hours without showering. remember he is covered in fibreglass and wearing the same fluffy pinkshit outfit thats coated in it as well. he's rolling around this airbnb (someones house, not a hotel) contaminating everything with fibre glass.

No. 2077690

File: 1736826334932.mp4 (2.31 MB, 1280x720, airbnbcat.mp4)

He found a cat at his airbnb and let it inside, it's a property so it is the owners cat. He is going to steal the fucking cat

No. 2077691

I really hope that cat manages to run away from him.

No. 2077697

File: 1736827570462.jpeg (295.81 KB, 1164x2332, IMG_1177.jpeg)

the chat is fucking insane

No. 2077698

the fucking cat is probably breathing fiberglass in too

No. 2077700

File: 1736827762802.png (220.38 KB, 320x722, chrome_uwUaqAULNv.png)

the mods telling him to just take it and that it's (free!!)

No. 2077701

Every time I see his chat my brain blacks out. It makes me hate handmaidens more and more.

No. 2077704

part of me feels like they’re egging him on because they love the dramatics

No. 2077706

well at least one of those mods has got to be a troll or i really give up on society kek. atp i highly doubt it tho, they're defending him tooth and nail even posting in the sub

No. 2077708

File: 1736828646888.jpeg (799.79 KB, 1170x1723, IMG_4029.jpeg)

Probably meaningless, anyone care to fact check me anyways? Looks like this is the airbnb he is staying at. Reviews mention a friendly cat as well.

No. 2077710

that's definitely the one, i checked the images for that slanted roof/window and it's the same.
they told him earlier he couldn't check in until 6pm and he started crying and calling the airbnb shit as if thats not common practice.

No. 2077711

he’s showering on live rn

No. 2077712

File: 1736829246311.mp4 (2.71 MB, 404x720, 20250114_ExquisitePlayfulCardK…)

he didn't end up doing it because he couldn't figure out a platform to stream it on+monetise it. although he sure seemed eager to.

No. 2077713

File: 1736829355152.png (55.51 KB, 789x515, vampiyahs.png)

>needles in bathroom
oh so he's an actual junkie

No. 2077721

it breaks my heart that his mom is still paying for his shit. he’s totally burning the 30k he was given on drugs. imagine raising a moidlet and then he turns on you just like your abusive husband. poor woman.

No. 2077723

File: 1736829918056.jpg (81.11 KB, 976x549, 1114543381.jpg)

>he's dangerous
>he's always been abusive
>he could explode at any moment
>he's been abusing his mother for years and destroyed her house
>the internet eggs people on to do the "worst things"
>this is the worst thing that could have happened to him
…is anyone else feeling optimistic about this, based on his history?it sounds like he's going in the right direction for once in his life.

No. 2077725

File: 1736830138359.png (303.7 KB, 900x900, wlpk_liegend_jpg.png)

Apparently the "Needles" are "thermoconductor" ??? But also those needles are also piercing needles, that injecting needles are the same as piercing needles (absolute lies)

No. 2077726

that’s definitely a delusional cope and/or lie he told to his mother. who the fuck has thermoconductor needles on the bathroom floor?

No. 2077727

File: 1736830433242.mp4 (2.16 MB, 1280x720, 04888A31-2DC0-45B8-A85C-F399A2…)

yeah so now he only got kicked out bc of the needles? i thought it was because he screamed at her like he fucking said?

No. 2077729

They don't even look similar, and piercing needles do not look like drug seringes. Somehow the needles are both piercing needles and thermoconductor needles?

No. 2077733

File: 1736831033217.mp4 (2.83 MB, 1280x720, 5C36C6F2-7C95-40CF-A0D4-A92C07…)

he’s definitely on meth

No. 2077734

yes people are spreading 'rumors' about you solely because you're trans, no other possible reason

No. 2077735

File: 1736831242553.mp4 (1.54 MB, 404x720, paternal lexy.mp4)

the origin of his famuzz catch phrase sweetpea. he slips constantly and refers to himself as a dude kek

No. 2077736

File: 1736831405575.mp4 (3.12 MB, 1280x720, explanation.mp4)

his full version of events

No. 2077739

if he’s on estrogen, why wouldn’t he lie about the drug needles being to inject his horse piss hrt? the fact he made up not one but two nonsensical stories with diff types of needles instead of the way more obvious excuse is so retarded.

No. 2077741

File: 1736831915226.jpg (44.29 KB, 307x308, KJBJO.jpg)

He's gotta be taking something to have caused a bad case of gynecomastia. But yes, he made up something anyways, thermoconductor use a seringe but not needles, and piercing needles are way too big to be injection needles.

No. 2077742

File: 1736831989667.mp4 (812.89 KB, 1280x720, stop it now.mp4)

why is he walking like he's nearing his deathbed

No. 2077743

kek, you're so right, he literaly walks like a monster/caveman

No. 2077746

File: 1736833126249.mp4 (998.8 KB, 750x542, EF079CD9-C2DC-4E05-9EAC-F21483…)

>punching trees is something i should calm down about
>flogging myself i dont think theres a problem with
>there were a lot of healthcare professionals who totally understand and support me doing that!!

No. 2077747

File: 1736833211042.jpg (83.9 KB, 532x639, IMG_1189.JPG)

this person (another TIM, "Claire") says he assaulted him too

No. 2077749

Is this Claire? I thought that was a real woman, the one who posted that he's a con artist

No. 2077751

The one who posted the con artist story is Chloe (chloe.rene.hayes on Instagram) and she's a real woman. I'm not sure who Claire is unless you mixed up the name dear nona

No. 2077755

File: 1736833553803.jpeg (201.23 KB, 640x1163, IMG_1193.jpeg)

Chloe is a real woman who said he’s a con artist, bc she met up with him from instagram and he asked her for money and she posted this the next day. “Claire” is the other TIM who saw him scream at his mom and stopped being his friend after that

No. 2077756

oh i'm retarded. why are all the names so similar??? also it's so nasty reading about TIMs fucking eachother

No. 2077758

I may get banned bc I have no proof (now I know to screen record when he starts to sperg out on stream) but it had to be a meltdown from 2/3 nights ago and he started telling going off on the chat saying "do you want me to kill myself? It's because I'm a trans woman and you guys are being sooooo meaaaaannn" out of absolutely nowhere. This video is a little bit more tame so I'm upset I don't have proof of this

No. 2077760

this one i think >>2077650

No. 2077762

Yes! This is it! Thank you for spoon-feeding there's so many videos to go through

No. 2077773

This is so disturbing. He walks like a crippled old man suffering from severe arthritis. Is this how he walks all the time?

No. 2077775

I think he has fairly bad posture already but in that clip is hunching more to hide his shenis because of muh dysphoria

No. 2077779

The floruide stare/pout at the end is terrifying

No. 2077780

Defo slamming tina

No. 2077801

File: 1736885189595.png (54.59 KB, 650x248, chrome_LrGPgrq490.png)

Posts from his mothers facebook confirming his real name to be Harley Foster. Censoring his mothers name although it can be easily found. Scrolling through her fb made me tear up a bit, she seems so lovely.

No. 2077802

File: 1736885351914.png (Spoiler Image,1.25 MB, 1251x844, chrome_pz8C1ycdNd.png)

His personal facebook page that has only 7 friends consisting of family members and irls. What possesses someone to post themselves naked on their personal facebook?

No. 2077810

File: 1736885986590.png (723.01 KB, 1184x870, chrome_FseP6CMTQu.png)

He has a TIF relative (maybe cousin) that goes by Keyboard kek.
She literally had cancer and only made half of what his stupid GFM made. I'm willing to bet he got the idea to troon out from her.

No. 2077818

>She literally had cancer and only made half of what his stupid GFM made.
Old lady cancer doesn't give old pervs boners the way trooning a healthy young (competing) male does. "Keyboard" could probably earn even more money from sadistic rich men if he looked promising and hopeful, instead of halfway in the gutter already.

No. 2077833

File: 1736889386010.gif (835.99 KB, 640x432, click-nosferatu.gif)


No. 2077847

YES. He is a walking stereotype of a 2025 snowflake with a copy of dennis' personality inside him. Very entertaining.

No. 2077856

File: 1736892230430.mp4 (861.36 KB, 404x720, injecting.mp4)

Admitting to injecting

No. 2077863

What kills me is that he either talks with a super deep bass voice or a squeaky high alto falsetto voice. It never just sounds like a normal voice, it's like he's always doing some kind of inflection to manipulate the viewer. It's beyond bizarre.

No. 2077866

ANON YOURE INCREDIBLE. i’m glad we have a real name for this fag. did harley like choose lennon as a legal surname for john lennon bc he thinks he’s that famous and important too? also kek at “anastazia” you aren’t a russian doll sir

No. 2077868

a redditor said it’s his moms dads surname, but it very well could be his fathers surname which would be so disrespectful to his mom

No. 2077869

File: 1736894990890.mp4 (17.14 MB, 786x1920, dog crashout.mp4)

Screaming at his neighbours Gio, Casey and Coco who he attempted to steal the dog off and threatening to steal their other dog

No. 2077882

So proud of his mother for kicking him out and getting a restraining order. Imagine escaping an abusive marriage only to have the moidlet you birthed, raised & sacrificed everything for turn into a troon version of his father. Is it too late for a postpartum abortion?

No. 2077890

File: 1736897813177.png (635.32 KB, 418x657, chrome_uNL2kfBMfp.png)

this fucking retard has no idea what he's doing and blowing the 30k he was given. he's not even measuring or drawing lines to know the parameters and screwing random wood on the wall to cover gaps

No. 2077894

how the fuck did he have a “van reno” business if he’s this shit at destroying his own van

No. 2077897

File: 1736898533153.mp4 (3.1 MB, 404x720, twitchclip.mp4)

why does he do this with his mouth

No. 2077898

File: 1736898543931.jpg (49.97 KB, 640x638, 627854db5ba345231e1546977eea00…)

kekkkkkk the stomping

No. 2077917

File: 1736901154659.mp4 (9.65 MB, 786x1920, tattooing arms.mp4)

Most attention faggy shit ever

No. 2077925

File: 1736901806940.mp4 (19.69 MB, 694x1080, E415A445-C71D-443A-8BE4-0C7E2F…)

>car dealership threatened to call the cops on him when he bought his van
>he screamed at them for making him wait for his payment to go through before they just let him drive off with the car
>they “sir”ed him!!1

No. 2077928

>I chimped out and screamed at them like a mentally ill man, and they ADDRESSED me as a mentally ill man! How could they do this?!

No. 2077933

File: 1736902515914.mp4 (928.74 KB, 720x1280, dumping car1.mp4)

the videos of him dumping his car and aggressively telling his fans to come get it

No. 2077934

File: 1736902587134.mp4 (1.7 MB, 720x1280, dumping car2.mp4)

so lazy and ungrateful, why not sell the car? oh that's right you have 30k you got for absolutely nothing

No. 2077936

>I ripped these tights myself
Fuck me, we've got an ARTIST on our hands.

No. 2077938

File: 1736903395171.png (155.2 KB, 456x564, disturbing.png)

why is he getting rid of it? is there a body in the trunk?

No. 2077940

This post is insane. Completely unrelated to Lexity sexually assaulting other women, but consenting to something and then deciding a year and a half later that you regret it or whatever is not sexual assault at all and bandwagoners are disgusting

No. 2077941

Genuinely kek, of course that's a mans understanding of sexual assault and consent. I wish he wouldn't go for women and stayed with the other freaks.

No. 2077943

Stimulant abuse. Also I'm seeing signs of facial features that coincide with longterm Adderall usage in childhood ijs

No. 2077944

I'm appalled no one noticed that post.

No. 2077948

File: 1736904615349.png (439.82 KB, 749x905, chrome_39NheXIO88.png)

if he's struggling enough to need a gfm, why would he buy the van from a dealership?? it would have been like 10-20k whereas if he got it secondhand it would have been dirt cheap comparatively. see picrel
>i didn't frame it as desperate
>i framed it as people helping me make content
that's not what gofundme is used for you insufferable fag

he could've hired a mexican or something at home depot to do this and would have gotten a significantly better job and be supporting someone who actually needs the money

No. 2077950

I wish he wasn’t so violent & abusive, or he’d be one of my new favorite cows. The way he stomps around tweaking and yelling at everything would be hilarious in a cringe way if he wasn’t such a bad person. He literally can’t do anything, including petting a dog or buying a car, without chimping out and getting another restraining order. If he wasn’t a white male in America he’d be under the jail by now.

No. 2077952

File: 1736904906184.mp4 (1.8 MB, 404x720, my bare fucking hands.mp4)

the annoying autistic band kid in your middle school

No. 2077953

File: 1736905082953.mp4 (1.32 MB, 404x720, 20250115_ObliviousBlazingMocha…)

You can tell he actually thinks he's hot shit while doing this, like your weird uncle who tries to impress you with hackey sack or some shit

No. 2077959

>i'm a kantent creat0r
>i'm a weawwy big deaw!
I hope someone reciprocates his hostile and violent antics

No. 2077960

File: 1736908414894.mp4 (19.78 MB, 406x720, A33D9F61-A8DC-4119-8488-B20613…)

he considered doxxing his neighbor because they took back the dog HE stole from them

No. 2077961

i’m retarded wait i think mean doxxing his ex? bc they “stole the dog and don’t have the dog anymore” so ig his ex gave it back to the neighbor? didn’t he say his landlord said no to this dog in a different vid wtf kek.

No. 2077963

Ew did the dog piss in his car at the beginning of the video? Why didn't he let it out to use the washroom? I bet he just kept the dog in his car against it's will

No. 2077964

Can't lie, he's attractive.

Why troon out and throw it all just to become some she/they/axe wound lilith creepy troonscum?(sage your shit)

No. 2077968

put a sock in it thirsty chan

No. 2077972

Damn that deep voice at 1:26 kek(sage your shit)

No. 2077974

are you fucking okay??? do you need a doctor???

No. 2077976

He edited his shoulders in that pic they look extremely small compared to his head.(sage your shit)

No. 2077977

>"fag_tboy" at 1:25
Ofc tifs love him(sage your shit)

No. 2077983

Their name is Harley?

No. 2077984

File: 1736912252641.png (829.2 KB, 708x544, chrome_pL6XuZNPTB.png)

both of his siblings are actually very attractive, but his bro hit the wall recently. you can tell how insufferable he was as a teenager from this picture alone

No. 2077988

yep his name is harley.
can any US nonnas run him through a background check? i've got a friend who has access to criminal records through their job that's also going to run him for us

No. 2077989

Honestly I don’t see how they’re really a trans woman are they at line the early stages of this transition or are they just saying this for attention(integrate)

No. 2077991

first of all go back, secondly yes he's 'omnigender' and says he identifies with both being a man and a woman, and that his male identity is being 'affirmed' by destroying his van. he refers to himself as a trans woman but in practice doesn't even self identify as one

No. 2077995

Not her but is he on hrt?(sage your shit)

No. 2077997

Eww nonna! There are plenty of attractive people out there who aren’t unwashed screaming hobo horrorcows. You remind me of the anons who simp for Shayna, no couth or taste.

No. 2077998

he has hormones but doesn't take them regularly from what i've seen/heard. can you please start saging

No. 2078004

File: 1736915056195.mp4 (13.61 MB, 1280x720, 20250115_WonderfulGleamingFlyR…)

here he is eating one of the drugs he abuses, flexing how he's already had two and then chewing another two on stream.

No. 2078005

Shayna is actually hot though.(bait)

No. 2078018

Care to elaborate on that? I'm just curious.

No. 2078025

File: 1736918447139.mp4 (4.93 MB, 1280x720, agp.mp4)

>ohh autogynephilia
>i did that before i transitioned too
>it only happened when i thought i looked… yeah

No. 2078036

The state of the kitchen seems to be proving that the story about his mother kicking him for destroying everything is the truth.

No. 2078038

>You don't even get anything for giving me money.
>It is the least exploitative "monitarly" [sic] relationship possible.
KEK. Is he just always high as fuck?

No. 2078046

kek what the fuck how did none of them pick up on that. straight up saying he won’t give them anything (van will explode because he uses a propane heater without cracking any doors or windows) and that there is literally no point to giving him money at all.

No. 2078047

File: 1736930684670.png (551.68 KB, 516x617, beautiful smile xx.png)

No. 2078062

there’s a point in this chimp out where he LITERALLY starts foaming at the mouth. i thought that only happened in cartoons.

No. 2078063

He sounds like Onision so much

No. 2078066

all within 30 seconds

No. 2078070

9:24 he starts to foam
9:44 terrifying how quickly he can turn the anger off, almost as if it's just an intimidation and manipulation tactic!

No. 2078074

>compares him and other trannies to slaves
Trannies just can't help it, can they? They always resort to that

No. 2078075

A bit of a tinfoil but it's not far-fetched.
Rewatching Marcy's video the whole dommy mommy thing stood out to me again. He is so adamant on using that exact phrasing and talks about it a lot, even irl which is so gross.
Given how his siblings actually seem accomplished and well adjusted it's pretty apparent through his family members facebooks that he is not an important piece to their family. I think he holds some weird, sexual resentment against his mother and/or sister.

No. 2078080

>TIF with mommy issues
Wow, I have never heard of this phenomenon before kek

No. 2078104

>I think he holds some weird, sexual resentment against his mother and/or sister.
Yup, this is every pervert's origin story

No. 2078112

File: 1736950615655.mp4 (2.01 MB, 360x640, 24CBCC2E-CD3E-4F57-A797-0968C4…)

weird victim blaming gibberish about marcy

No. 2078115

needs to be put down

No. 2078140

Hopefully soon, if he sustains this level of rage and speed usage, his heart will simply explode, and in an instant the world will have become a safer, more gentle place.

No. 2078148

HOW can he have so much support in those comments when he acts like this?? Why would anybody think a hulking rage ape is a profound thinker? Ive never heard anyone swing so self righteous nonsense around to justify being awful and not in control of his emotions. I know he tries blaming it on BPD but ive never seen somebody be more of a poster boy for unstable NPD

No. 2078151

he’s borderline illiterate too. you think that would be a glaring red flag that, hey! this fag literally knows nothing and thinks memorising wikipedia articles makes him look smart! but they just feed into it.
my favourite moments are when he calls himself intelligent or powerful kek. he’s not even worthy of being called a pseud because i doubt he’d know what that means.

No. 2078165

oh honestly I thought the kid on the right was his sister making a silly face. Is that him? This makes me a little sad actually like everyone would have been a lot better off if he had actually just been born a girl. better managed and less violent bpd at best

No. 2078176

File: 1736965526482.jpg (98.27 KB, 1280x720, 1000000391.jpg)

Longterm stimulant abuse works similarly to meth but it's not as noticed because it obviously doesn't cause the same amount of damage. A lot of kids (majority boys with severe behavioral issues) who were handed stimulants like candy as kids have very similar giant, deepset bug eyes that go crazy and a similar facial structure because stimulants and amphetamines cause the same kind of facial wasting. There's always such a skeletor vibe and humongous bug eyes like Graves disease.

No. 2078178

>angry at a world that treats people like me like outsiders
You are an outsider because you're fucking crazy and hurt, leech, and terrorize anyone who comes in contact with you. You are a serial abuser and user. You sound like you want to kill people. That's "your people".

No. 2078205

how is it murder when the trannies are killing themselves? i never got this argument. none of those people have told you to kill yourself sir, you wanting to die because someone snickering at you in a skirt is a you problem. how is it "genocide" when the murderers are the trannies themselves pulling the trigger?the blind acceptance of the textbook manipulation tactic of threatening suicide will never cease to baffle me.

No. 2078217

My guy literally can't even get the Malcom X quote correct kek why do white trannies insist on using black people to push their agenda when it has never worked. The man is leaping out with every spit dribble that comes out of his rotten mouth.

No. 2078235

nta but thank you for this information. its given me a lot to think about, and this might be a major factor in his current mental state. seems kids who grow up on adderall jist end up with more problems wow wtf

No. 2078278

had an ex who was prescribed Adderall as a child and he's similarly as ragey and bug eyed but I think the eyes are a genetic issue kek

No. 2078285

how on gods green earth would you ever mistake an adderall ridden 16 year old boy with a woman?
his sister is the oldest of the siblings and has children (she’s very hot).
sure, maybe it would be better for his poor mother if he was born a woman, but for everyone else it would have been better if he was aborted.

No. 2078292

File: 1736982137766.jpeg (612.24 KB, 828x1341, IMG_1486.jpeg)

“My mom is such a horrible awful piece of shit!!!” (Literally the sweetest lady you’ll ever meet)

No. 2078303

File: 1736983982089.mp4 (7.23 MB, 1280x720, rabies.mp4)

someone who has actually been assaulted would never say this shit, he keeps distancing himself from the language and making it even more obvious that he's evil.
someone on reddit pointed out his freudian slip, referring to marcy as a SA victim. vidrel is his rabies freakout clipped kek

No. 2078306

What is going on with them they need to sign off of the internet. Why is no one that’s close to them getting them help?

No. 2078307

File: 1736985229673.mp4 (1.21 MB, 1280x720, damn bitch yall live like this…)

the absolute state of his van. he refuses to sweep the sawdust out because 'it's too much work, i've been working all day'. i swear this is the slowest i've seen anyone do a project like this. if it were me i'd have gotten it done asap so i have a comfortable place to sleep but he doesn't care even if he's sleeping on a literal carpet of sawdust and fibreglass.

his family has and is helping him but had their final straw when he fucking destroyed his moms house and threatened her physically. there's only so much people can do with someone this deranged.

No. 2078318

The bed is just a table.

No. 2078319

File: 1736986990616.mp4 (744.86 KB, 1280x720, yummers.mp4)

nitpicky but he eats so gross. this isn't even the worst clip, every single time he eats anything he shoves the entire thing in his gullet and it bulges his cheeks because he's like trying to fit as much food into his mouth at once as possible. he sperged after burping the other day bcs its sooo unfemmm, but eats like an alcoholic cartoon dad, sound effects and all.

No. 2078332

File: 1736989650087.png (741.38 KB, 1080x2121, 1000009223.png)

Another account of SA 1/2

No. 2078333

File: 1736989704112.png (633.56 KB, 1080x2015, 1000009224.png)


No. 2078334

this and marcellas are the most credible to me. fuck this guy and anyone supporting him.

No. 2078337

Did you post and delete the one above mine? I was going to post that persons account of things as well. It's all credible to me imo

No. 2078338

Holy shit nonnie, I know this girl. I met her in a dispensary and she tried to befriend me, she is BATSHIT insane. I was friends with her for 3 days before I blocked her because she was an absolute bpdemon from the get go. This is the exact type of person I would expect to gravitate towards this insane moid.

No. 2078339

File: 1736990387475.gif (21.83 KB, 220x258, esplosion.gif)

kek nona, i hope so

No. 2078342

File: 1736990486576.png (96.93 KB, 752x831, molestation allegation.png)

assumed it was the same one kek since it was just posted. this one is so fucked up and i feel awful for this person regardless of how reckless it was to let harley into their home.
he is a serial predator and it's just a matter of time until a PIV rape accusation drops, hopefully that will be enough for the handmaidens to wake the fuck up since they clearly dont give a flying fuck about sexual assault.

No. 2078343

All good nona, I would've gotten the ban for repost anyway.

Technically in >>2078333 she withdrew her consent which is PIV rape. However handmaidens arent going to run with that narrative anyway. Even if lexity kidnapped raped and dumped a girl on the side of the road I don't think his cult will withdraw their approval of him.

No. 2078348

>so all the pedo allegations on her are literally just because she's trans, and i don't like her but that shit ain't okay.
jesus even someone recounting their sexual assault still has to go "B-BUT DON'T MAKE TRANSPHOBIC ASSUMPTIONS OK!" this is so bleak, how has this rabid narc not peaked everyone that's interacted with him

No. 2078349

File: 1736991030282.png (849.23 KB, 800x600, charlie.png)

Hadn't read the whole post yet, and yeah you're entirely right kek. Picrel is how I imagine them rationalising his behaviour.

No. 2078350

File: 1736991249374.png (9.96 KB, 729x143, Diapers.png)

Kek which one of you

No. 2078351

idk but that mouth movement is a very spectrumy thing. other anon said stimulant abuse or childhood adderall rx. but severe adhd and autism have a lot in common, so i'm not sure if this is an adderall thing or just a common (low functioning?) adhd thing. all sort of chicken and egg for me. there's theories that there are common adhd facial features (with or without drugs) simply because it is a developmental disability that impacts physical development. regardless, i can imagine he was the kind of kid that didn't actually need stimulants because his behavior issues were not as simple as adhd and it just made him cracked out

No. 2078353

Is that redditor not a guy? I was thinking it was anal rape.

No. 2078357

Nta but that was a different person u/vampiyah the same one from tumblr I think. No idea of if this person is a woman or man though, I’d assume it’s a woman based off of the typing and lexitys previous victims.

No. 2078358

I know the other one was a male. This one read as male to me, but yeah it could be a woman I guess. But the desire for casual sex and initial acceptance of the romantic and sexual acts read as gay. He's raping everybody out here.

No. 2078359

>how on gods green earth would you ever mistake an adderall ridden 16 year old boy with a woman?
I didn't, I mistook him for a girl around 12 or 14, assuming the sister might be the youngest or middle child. ofc no woman looks like that but teen girls can be awkward looking during puberty and in some cases almost get mistaken for boys during those rough years. it's no big deal, but it's fairly common.

No. 2078362

Actually I think you’re right, probably a TIM.
>but mid way through it started to really hurt
Reads as anal rape.

No. 2078385

are these diff people or the same?

No. 2078387

Two different accounts.
>>2078342 Seems like a woman or another TIM because they implied they have breasts.
>Her hands would raise up, I'd drag them back down.

No. 2078394

>the eyes are a genetic issue
Every Caucasian boy I grew up with who was given Adderall from a young age have eerily similar faces despite not being related, theres only 3 but they all have these huge sanpaku eyes and gaunt cheeks from it wasting their soft tissues.

No. 2078397

The weird neurotic hyperactivity can easily be explained by stimulant abuse, as well as the aggressive crashouts. The theory about it changing them from an early age physically is because amphetamines quite literally change the structure of your face and eats away at soft tissues over time. I think the theory about the youth Adderall usage being the causation of similar facial features is more plausible than it being genetic to the disorders because amphetamines are scientifically known to change the face/that's why "faces of meth" are so similar.

No. 2078412

this is also very nitpicky but the way his cheek piercing bulges out when he has his mouth full of food is so god damn disgusting holy shit.
i guarantee you those piercings all smell like cheese bc he rarely ever cleans himself let alone the pieces of metal stuck inside of him. just thinking abt his bacteria-ridden holes makes me want to gag

No. 2078429

File: 1737005551400.png (5.68 KB, 321x74, chrome_xyOs4kaRg7.png)

They might meet up with the person with cats from yesterday later.
Other commenters are asking for a meetup this weekend kek, please let this happen (without anyone being raped of course)

No. 2078432

File: 1737007160208.png (22.38 KB, 538x630, lexity bingo.png)

Please someone honestly tell me if this is too autistic. But, do any of you have suggestions?

No. 2078433

lol all seem plausible

No. 2078447

My suggestions
- visible paraphernalia
- picks up a weapon mid crash out
- threatens suicide

No. 2078452

File: 1737019300571.mp4 (13.95 MB, 1280x590, C1C5B60F-2CA7-4F93-B558-A866CE…)

he met up with that person from stream
>she declined to come into his van
>she drove out of her way to see him, brought him food and a portable charger
>he only says thank you once
>maybe says ”i got cucked” after?

No. 2078456

2:36 He mumbles something like ‘I really got cucked’.

I’ve a couple things to add-
>Allegedly said ‘there’s no curtains but we have the (bed) covers’ prior to meeting
>Asks for a second hug when she needs to leave, after which she says ‘i feel awkward’
>’She’s really cute. Cam, if you’re watching this, you’re really cute’ after she left
>Ate the food she bought him exclaiming how good it was, never once thanking her.
>She joins the chat and asks twice if the portable charger is working, gets ignored both times.

Doesn’t look like she ever engaged with him sexually but because all of his meetups are under the guise of getting a hug, it’s apparent he intends to sexualise any woman that comes into his life.

No. 2078457

File: 1737020519179.png (220.86 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1344.png)

>>2078456 screenshot from reddit from his ban discord. he definitely wanted to fuck that girl. it’s like he asks for a hug and then it spirals into something completely worse. no encounters are unsexual for him.

No. 2078460

samefagging kek meant fan not ban *

No. 2078463

Her kindness is wasted on a sex pest abuser. Also, more women need to listen to their instincts and think of their safety above all others. I can not imagine any nona going out of her way to give food to some psychopathic raging BPDemon streamer who is well-known for being abusive. Handmaidens are a danger to themselves. "I feel awkward" Yeah? No shit, do you realize the situation you put yourself in by going out to this scrote?

No. 2078469

someone that knows the two irl said shes known for being crazy and that this is not surprising. at the very least it’s good that she set boundaries instantly.

No. 2078472

File: 1737027095629.mp4 (6.98 MB, 360x640, 33050A72-7DE6-48B8-AE5C-738077…)

>sex is a human right that i NEED and my partner is signing up to fulfill my sexual needs and it’s evil to not have as much sex with me as i want whenever i want it
he’s such a rapey fucking creep

No. 2078484

Defo have something about him slipping up and showing himself doing hard drugs on camera

No. 2078485

>"Thats what they signed up for"
Saying that about your partner is so disgusting, "signed up for" like what do you think a relationship is?? Its about mutual love and respect not mentally signing up to cater to your every want

No. 2078491

It's crazy how in the second clip Harley implies that the reason why gay people can't be happy in a straight relationship is only because they can't get their rocks off and not because they don't feel a romantic attraction towards the opposite sex. Moid brains can only think about sex and can never grasp the concept of getting anything more out of a relationship. It's fucking revolting

No. 2078494

Nail in the coffin

No. 2078497

A long winded way to say “husbands can’t rape their wives”.
Crazy how these aren’t even clips from his live, they are things he recorded beforehand, looked at and then posted on his bigass platform without a second thought. He knew people wouldn’t push back because he’s a tranny. There are so many and were all posted wayy before he got ‘cancelled’.
I know that he is your typical troon but like holy shit this guy is abhorrent and doesn’t even try to hide it.

No. 2078501

Also gay people repress their sexualities all the time and always have, he is literally wrong. There are plenty cases of homosexual people never actually acting on their sexuality with a partner of the same sex. In his brain everyone is just fucking constantly.
I’d prefer if he had just said gay men instead of lumping lesbian women in with a bunch of monkeys (men) that can’t live without getting their dick wet.

No. 2078503

Of course a rapey sex addict would view sex as a need. He's definitely not beating the SA allegations kek

No. 2078513

>Nonnas claim he's "so handsome" and a "waste of a pretty face"
>Literally so hideous and scary even his rape apologist cock guzzling handmaidens treat him as a mere charity case and feel too sexually repulsed to hug him twice while dropping off his homeless meal

No. 2078532

He's just straight up creepy as shit. He has the most insane school shooter vibes and I would bet money on the prediction that he will chimp out in a major and violent way sooner or later

No. 2078553

He seems to mainly be attracted to women and TIMs as victims, but who knows. He's demented enough that I wouldn't put anything past him, I don't even trust dogs or cats around him.

No. 2078555

- narc therapyspeak about "anger is valid"
- destroys a random wall
- calls himself "dommy mommy"
- terrible Hot Topic fashion
- random demonic screaming, growling & foaming at the mouth(integrate)

No. 2078562

He clearly thinks any female who shows him kindness or attention wants to fuck him. He specifically tailors his internet persona ("hey sweetpea" and other terms of endearment, crying about how he's such a lonely sad twans woman mistreated by the world who just needs a hug) to lure in naive libfem/handmaiden types who want to help someone who appears vulnerable and in need. And he uses this fake vulnerability to sexually abuse them. Many such cases, just your regular moid shenanigans but make it woke.

No. 2078567

this was like watching the blair witch project
she sounds pretty young to me and absolutely unsure of herself

No. 2078573

File: 1737049604902.jpeg (484.65 KB, 828x1146, IMG_7547.jpeg)

Harley has been reported to the police and apparently they are very aware of him and seem like they will take action. I honestly don’t even care if this strips us of a cow, him being in prison or facing any legal repercussion is the best outcome.

No. 2078583

harley is a unisex name. honestly when i think of the name harley i think of harley davidson motorcycles which is about as male as you can get lol

No. 2078614

File: 1737054840267.jpeg (125.8 KB, 750x421, IMG_1363.jpeg)

No. 2078618

File: 1737055049717.jpeg (187.16 KB, 750x752, IMG_1365.jpeg)

the girl who drove to meet him, who he said “i really got cucked” when she wouldn’t fuck him in his fiberglass and sawdust filled van, is driving back out to meet him again, with her cat.

No. 2078621

File: 1737055349610.mp4 (12.29 MB, 590x1280, ED60CAF3-E1D8-4C9F-8A2A-8B4FB1…)

he wants his followers to get his initials tattooed on them. reposting bc typo

No. 2078628

Somebody on Reddit said this handmaiden is mentally ill and I believe it. Volunteering to get assaulted in a homeless crackhead’s van and get your cat stolen is peak retard behavior.

No. 2078631

File: 1737056502652.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1179x2402, IMG_6506.jpeg)

Harley might be pretending to be a Nazi in his own discord lmfao, the voice in the video sounds like his tone of voice doing a shitty German accent.

No. 2078633

File: 1737056651573.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1179x2090, IMG_6507.jpeg)

Other than the Nazi chimp out, apparently the police were contacted about Harley’s behavior.

No. 2078635

They are so weird. Attractive but so unhinged. I hope they get some help.(autism)

No. 2078637

go back to harley’s twitch chat you thirsty retard

No. 2078640

post the video

No. 2078641

>"attractive but weird"
Who even gives a fuck about His attractiveness when he's a violent raging misogynist. I hope he joins the 41%

No. 2078648

Go back, newfag. That's a grown ass man you're calling "they" kek

No. 2078651

People who call this rage ape attractive (I think some of you guys have a Buffalo Bill from silence of the lambs fetish), imagine him in 5-10 years after his lifestyle of hard drugs, alcohol, hormone injections and pure rage mixed with twink death really sets in

No. 2078656

Video of the strange noises that is most likely coming out of Harley’s mouth. >>2078640

No. 2078659

video is down, just upload it directly here

No. 2078683

>I honestly don’t even care if this strips us of a cow, him being in prison or facing any legal repercussion is the best outcome.
I'm betting he's going to 41% by cop. RIP Harley, your thread was short lived but you were one of the most batshit cows I've seen in a long time.

No. 2078726

Kek I’m not sure when this was it might be a post that’s still up on his ig but he said
>I left a concert and a bunch of teenagers started playing goodbye horses at me! THIS IS TWANS GENOCIDE!

No. 2078728

File: 1737076178053.mp4 (1.66 MB, 576x1024, Snapinst.app_video_AQM0J23EQuN…)

found it KEK

No. 2078729

File: 1737076328504.mp4 (4.9 MB, 576x1024, Snapinst.app_video_AQPQlF35wUp…)

and part 2
>harley knows he looks like the serial killer from silence of the lambs

No. 2078733

lol tysm. imagining him all tweaked out and dancing awkwardly to goodbye horses while a bunch of kids laugh at him

No. 2078741

File: 1737078532084.mp4 (10.66 MB, 480x854, rapidsave.com_tw_lexity_giving…)

More videos of him scratching himself with ink.
Is this not just self harm? Why is shit like this allowed to stay up on instagram/shittok.
I'm triggered at that fingernail.

No. 2078748

on live he just said the sxdcxm girl he’s meeting up with is 18, but “18 isn’t a weird age to be friends with no?” and “i just want friends”

No. 2078750

it might be a different girl, sxdcxm is definitely young but i don't think 18.

>"see, this person in the chat is 19. what even is the cutoff date to be friends with someone?"

>"i wouldn't be friends with someone who's 17"
>"i would be friends with someone who's under 18 if it was my friends kid or something"
gonna record this and post it, the fucking idiot turned off clipping but turned on VODs.

No. 2078767

Glicerin and fucking ashes??? my sides. That's not even remotely close to actual ink, may this rapist faggot contract the gnarliest infection possible. And it's most definitely not allowed on TikTok/ig, stuff way less graphic than tiny needles going into someone's skin have been taken down. Honestly this man's whole existence is a violation of community guidelines.

No. 2078775

Apologies for the discord sounds, embarassing.

>the autonomy is kinda what matters but i guess there's some brain development at that age

>it doesn't seem fair kinda because i've been 18 and had crushes on older people

The only reason he started making any sense is because there was one reasonable person in the chat telling him not to do it. He would acknowledge how strange it is in one sentence, and then the next sentence start finding ways to justify it.
If you're a grown fucking man who has never considered the implications of meeting with an 18 year old girl before up until this point (which he says) in your life, you are nasty and most likely crossed those boundaries in the past.

No. 2078778

That word is overused but holy shit, he's agressively narcissistic. Imagine seething on a nuclear level, every single day, because your ego got bruised for a fraction of a second. It's not just a loose screw, half of the machinery is gone. It's like watching a feral dog about to be put down.
>"oh my god you're so different i can't handle that"
He's a failed narcissist, too. Crazy moids like him overcompensate with achievements, never allowing themselves to be easily mocked, grandiosity etc. But he's trying his best to look/act freaky and distasteful, as if he was begging for rejection. I'd be surprised if he died without killing anyone or himself

No. 2078779

Why do they say I love you and sweet pea so much?

No. 2078780

He's said himself that it's pavlovian (spelt wrong) language he uses to intentionally disarm people, then was like lol jkk!

No. 2078781

File: 1737087940850.mp4 (3.83 MB, 1280x720, 790EDB3F-5A4B-457F-98AB-0F4375…)

Harley rages over people bringing up taco bell in the chat (in the context of trying to get him to thank sxdcxm, who bought him taco bell and drove out to bring it to him yesterday, when he asked for it kek.) goes on this rant about taco bell being shit bc he’s allergic to thanking her for her time and effort?
>the fact that you’re talking so much about taco bell makes me want to talk trash about taco bell

No. 2078782

and the little addition of 'diet food' kek who are you to be giving any kind of health advice? read on the sub that there's a longer rant of him talking about dieting and shit so he's encouraging eating disorders to a bunch of teenage girls

No. 2078784

He's such a typical moid
>Thinks he's owed sex
>Has clealry no issues with jailbait
>Appearance obsessed, thinks looking good matters above all
>Reckless behavior, yells, anger issues
>Thins he's smarter than everyone else especially "cis" women
>Hate women and believe they "don't need to be protected"
>Contrarian, confrontational
>Relies on women's charity/labor and feels entitled to it
>Sexual predator
And i'd like to add, the fact that he now owns a van is hilarious because it's the ultimate serial-killer transportation method.

No. 2078786

ive been on lolcow for years now and never saw a thread blow up this fast within days
Hand maidens are going ballistic, victims go up and the narrative will always be awwww pooor twams womeeeen.

No. 2078788

He's been aggressively debating his handmaidens that hate "AI art" because of course like a typical intellectual wannabe edgy moid (i bet he used to be a chronically online gamer considering he knows computer parts so well), he thinks that defending laptops is the ultimate new trangressive take to have. "Why are you discriminating against carbon-based thoughts? What makes YOU think that computers can't think? We are definitely biological computers."
It's trully reducing the object characteristics and functions to a bare bones minimum in order to make a parallel that sounds "logical". But it's really just the equivalent of a metaphor or a parallelism. Reminds me of the meme about ">Humans invent books: wow the mind is like a book
>humans invent computer: wow the mind is like a computer"
And it's a take i've only seen stupid men having. Women understand intuitively the complexity of such statement.

No. 2078789

File: 1737090320678.png (64.2 KB, 496x538, lexbingo.png)

Prediction bingo

No. 2078791

>And it's a take i've only seen stupid men having
That "AI soul" bullshit is really popular with nerdy troons for whatever reason. They'd rather argue about the reality of computer feelz than the female sex

No. 2078792

KEKEKEK they’re all alarmingly likely

No. 2078794

>uses DARVO against his victims
>injects on stream
>gets arrested and makes police brutality/sa allegations
>says hard r on stream
>eating disorder
>gofundme for hair transplant (bangs cant hide the receding hairline forever, Harley)

No. 2078796

Shoot, you just missed me finishing it up. These are all very likely as well kek

No. 2078800

You're right nonna, i think it's some form of projection, if men can become women, then ai's can become conscious, it's kinda the same kind of surface level logic.

No. 2078809

He will age like Steve Buscemi

No. 2078811

File: 1737097768522.png (58.12 KB, 800x564, reddit.png)

This directly lead to the handmaiden challenging him to wake up a little bit, they're all so close.

No. 2078827

Maybe this is a long shot nonna's, but I would also place bets on "health complications from huffing copious amounts of fiberglass and sawdust in a van for hours on end."
like hmm. im not exactly educated on this topic but by the end of van saga trans malcolm x's lungs would have to have an obscene amount of wood and literal resin in them.

No. 2078830

Bingononna here and damnit, I knew I was forgetting something.
>by the end of van saga trans malcolm x
made me fucking lol, can we start calling him malcolm lex? I saw someone say that in the comments once which also made me kek

No. 2078833

"We are all just humans in a rotating ball" tier thinking, i hate wannabe intellectual scrotes

No. 2078843

KEK I love it but
>Adopts an animal that dies
You mean steal.

No. 2078873

Is anyone else in the discord? Not harleys retarded one but the normal subreddit one.
There’s some interesting info in there

No. 2078878

Then post it.

No. 2078881

Obviously bitch, I’m wondering if anyone else has already been in there and has more(infighting)

No. 2078897

Yea this. he clearly hates women it’s really obvious.

No. 2078975

messy spaghetti kid physiotype

No. 2078980

Fuck even is that, edibles? I can't think of anything else chewable like that, unless man's chewing up adderall for faster absorbtion, which wouldn't totally shock me and seems far far more likely than him being on hundreds of mg of thc

No. 2078998

>misgenders chris chan
so you admit trannies arent women?

No. 2079018

new marcella video
>harley screamed at her so loud her ears were ringing
>he called her a whore
>made the motion of spitting in her direction

No. 2079019

Sorry nona for the delete battle kek, we kept fucking up the timing.

I do like seeing that some of the women (a lot of tifs) have come together to hate this autist, although it’s not really hard to do with how much he opens his gaping maw. Ironically the subreddit is super mature all things considered and a lot of the people seem to be crypto by using she/her pronouns. He really has the potential to peak so many people.

No. 2079032

File: 1737153574300.mp4 (19.17 MB, highlights1 17 Jan.mp4)

Compilation of some highlights I just witnessed, I plan on making another one.
Warning for earrape.
>0:00 retarded fucking hand movement
>0:10 'Trying to help is trying to control me'
>0:36 wrong tools condescending tard
>0:57 'I do have a finite amount of money. Give me 300 dollars to get the right equipment.'
>1:55 'I do know what safety is' proceeds to mansplain tools he doesn't understand
>3:00 Discusses growing an assortment of psychedelics, please let him trip on stream
>3:34 Autistic moidy ass movements
>3:40 'I don't know if yote(peyote) is legal. Shouldn't do it because of my 'job''
>3:59 'My dopamine brain seeks fights sometimes'
>4:00 25 year old man doesn't know how taxes work, calls what he's doing self employment
>4:46 Oh, why is that I wonder?
>5:00 starts playing untuned shitty guitar for about 10-20 minutes, with a million and one excuses on why he sucks.

He started lecturing them on how to tune a guitar bcs they said 'teach us mommy!!!'
Let me know if this format is annoying or if it helps you sort through watching him without losing your marbles, please! He says so much outrageous shit that it's hard to keep up with.

No. 2079034

I love when men call women whores for NOT wanting to sleep with them??
Also when being told to stop yelling at her he went "oh can you understand me if i talk to you like this?" in a mocking baby voice, dear god thats so condesending, especially because he is able to switch from rage screaming to baby talk in like a split second, fucking psycho

No. 2079047

File: 1737157232616.mp4 (18.76 MB, 480x854, holy fuck.mp4)

I feel fucking sick after watching this, be advised it's very ugly and hard to watch nonas.

No. 2079056

>the pudding
>the proof
This is genuinely so horrorcow. If anyone has experienced abuse from a male partner they could be triggered by this, the language and mannerisms and splitting from hate to love is all there, if the “target audience” is people that are horny for abuse and manipulation why make public content? He is out of his actual mind with delusions of grandeur. Malcolm LeX? No, Harley Manson.

No. 2079070

harley we need to have a talk about this “sweet pea” thing. i feel personally harassed, like you are touching my brain with your slime. also i am not sweet. I am a hateful terf. so please refer to me as such. Thank you

No. 2079086

It’s definitely the adderall or a drug similar, looks like a pill bottle. He said recently he was addicted to opiates as well.

Precisely, I’m a pretty firm believer that trigger warnings are usually retarded but in this case it’s almost necessary. This shit is still up on his profile, mind you.

I feel soso bad for her. While she was stupid for letting him into her house, she’s taken accountability and I can see why a disillusioned 28 year old woman would probably feel like she could maybee handle the situation with an immature, younger, ‘trans’ moid. Imagining being in that position is horrific, and if it’s anything like >>2079047 which I’m sure is actually exactly what happened, I would have thought I was about to be murdered. I’m gonna continue supporting her channel. The bravery it took to come out against a troon especially with his platform is nothing short of amazing, tbh. If he wasn’t so obtuse about streaming everything she would have been dismissed as a ‘trans misogynistic’ terf.

No. 2079096

>So people were sexualizing my rage
What is he even talking about? Did he get some pity "step on me mommy" comments from his audience trying to deescalate one of his usual tard rage meltdowns?

No. 2079115

File: 1737171476911.jpeg (82.81 KB, 684x209, IMG_7594.jpeg)

Deep fried screenshot but all harley said was
>Marxism. Good but incomplete.
and these idiots say “Thank you about marxism!” What does that mean.
Also, now he’s calling himself a hellenistic atheist who doesn’t believe in souls or gods or goddesses, except Athena because she’s so literally him. Saw that he told a pharmacy his legal name is Athena Lennon at some point on stream, they wouldn’t have accepted that if it isn’t his legally listed name. He may have already gotten bored with his enbie BC and changed it again. Thinking he is the god of wisdom is a topkek. I’d put a hit on him if I could

No. 2079120

How are none of his followers able to see how manipulative his wording is? The way he's trying to spin the narrative is glaringly obvious to anyone that's ever dealt with a narc

No. 2079123

Some of them haven’t seen those behaviours before but that’s only really the younger ones. What’s super concerning is there are a few mods/fans that are in their 30s and have children, some of the braindead simp-y comments you’re seeing come from parents.

No. 2079124

These gotta be bots at this point.

No. 2079130

File: 1737184615831.mp4 (4.02 MB, 296x640, 0EDE2CF8-80B9-4B63-AC6F-191232…)

>asks his chat how easy it would be to get someone to come into his van and sleep in there
>”they might want to come in here, but then they’d want to leave after…”

No. 2079131

File: 1737184724367.mp4 (2.86 MB, 720x726, D95AB11C-A7E4-40FA-AA2E-F4F5F1…)

yelling at chat for saying his victims didn’t do anything wrong

No. 2079137

File: 1737186073832.jpg (284.1 KB, 2205x1028, 1000003068.jpg)

Mmmhmm mhmm, tell me more.

No. 2079138

File: 1737188347543.jpg (100.93 KB, 731x744, Screenshot_20250116_151852_Chr…)

who tf is sexualizing a tard raging moid foaming at the mouth?

No. 2079139

File: 1737188672314.jpg (180.48 KB, 1080x916, Screenshot_20250116_152036_Chr…)

imagine making your 3 year old child listen to a deranged tranny spergout. what is wrong with these people

No. 2079144

inb4 he starts calling stealing peoples money findom

No. 2079148

File: 1737194223861.jpeg (262.84 KB, 828x1131, IMG_7600.jpeg)

Huh, how curious that the most authoritative moderator in hiding evidence is a 37 year old chaser. This makes it so much worse. He has a kid.

No. 2079152

File: 1737195362115.png (248.13 KB, 705x1021, rona.png)

The TIM 'Rona' (with the cat Sailor) has appeared in Marcella's comment section

No. 2079156

i didn’t get what that part even meant. tinfoil but what i’m thinking is he doesn’t vote by choice but praised trump/elon’s technocracy because he’s one of those TIMs who likes the idea of AI transhumanism. either way it’s pretty funny harley screamed at him for not voting democrat. he literally can’t help himself from chimping out and cursing out people he’s only known for a matter of days.

No. 2079157

everything seems legit but assuming he means sovereign citizen, what a moron.
its annoying that some of these people have a story to tell but are just as retarded so won’t be taken seriously.

No. 2079164

atyrt, sovereign citizens are one of the most insufferable groups of people ever, i’d love to see a picture of a tim one. (is he black? if not why would harley use that language specifically. hes probably a racist in general but it seems targeted)
i’d propose a different theory with the ai stuff though, see >>2078788
harley has said he’s all for it. i bet rona challenged him on it and thats what set him off. he’s so sensitive like a child.

it’s fucking crazy to think the first post of him was some innocuous badly cropped screenshot, only a week ago, it feels like it’s been much longer. and now we’ve learned he’s out raping screaming and attacking people borderline daily. blique. i don’t think i’ve ever seen this process so fast and so egregious ever before.

No. 2079240

this is cringe beyond anything i could imagine

No. 2079251

Insane people are a gift for us to watch

No. 2079296

Everything about this is giving hardcore meth abuse.

Edit - what does he mean by “sexualizing my rage”? Are there really people getting off to a stinky homeless tranny screaming and tweaking in his van? Why??

No. 2079302

the cognitive dissonance is astonishing. he's so fucking insistant on being a woman and then proceeds to film a hundred and one videos of him chimping out in a way only a man could. someone euthanise this cunt

No. 2079329

File: 1737245080571.mp4 (1.77 MB, 480x854, rapidsave.com_most_recent_tikt…)

Correction, could be a TIF.
More updates,
>Fled to the coast and talking of leaving Oregon (fleeing from the police)
>Changed instagram handle to 'anyathena' to further distance from the situation and to promote his twitch more
>Posts on tiktok and instagram completely ignoring the situation, baby voicing to come over to twitch, comments are all off
Putting aside just how calculated he's being, he's a bit of a retard for this. If his fans on ig haven't seen any of this they're in for a really rude awakening coming over to his twitch kek

No. 2079354

File: 1737248460225.mp4 (2.34 MB, 592x1280, C6CB386D-768E-4F5C-8391-1FC52D…)

His card got declined for 18 dollars at a gas station. Where did the 30k go kek?

No. 2079365

File: 1737251056820.mp4 (18.79 MB, 576x1024, apollo and casey.mp4)

From the discord, the ex with the dog, Casey, clarifying the dog situation and being verbally abused in november of last year. (This dog is Apollo, pretty sure)
They're pretty looksmatched. Same clothes, just hobo-core I guess kek

>Harley moves into Caseys trailer home

>The dog would roam around because they were living in a literal trailer park
>Both ask the owner/s if theres a possibility of being able to care for the dog, don't really get a yes or no
>Owner calls Casey to say that they're rehoming the dog through a shelter because there is another neighbour that didn't like the dog
>Casey informs Harley that the dog isn't his and never was, but he can continue living with her
>He wakes her up at 4am screaming at her telling they 'need to be homeless for this dog'
>Casey tells him to leave because he's intimidating her

No. 2079372

Harley is going to do anything in his power to give strength to his negative actions. He's a fucking man. If people see his fucked up actions as "empowering trans woman energy" or "sexy mommy dommy energy" he's going to play into that narrative without skipping a beat. Narcissists lean into everything they can get and flip the narrative so they're not abusive. Keep up nona
>It's giving
Integrate or fuck off this isn't reddit.

No. 2079381

File: 1737255464957.png (144.96 KB, 417x748, eyeroll.png)

>Btw I'm trans feminine…
Yeah, we can tell, no one cares.
I can't help but feel like he added that in there because harley called Marcella a terf, feels snarky.

No. 2079387

if anyone needs a place to start this summarises the initial allegations, although biased/missing facts and giving him too much credence.
this was posted 4 days ago and doesn't seem like many people noticed it.
she makes some good points and actually has a lot of clips and context i haven't seen yet

No. 2079390

That's my whole point, the fact that he's a tweaking rapist with serial killer eyes having tard meltdowns on live every 5 minutes makes him unattractive. It's really not that hard to grasp.

No. 2079403

>if the “target audience” is people that are horny for abuse and manipulation why make public content?
To get fresh meat, obviously. Moids like him want sexual access to many women at once (on top of attention)
>Are there really people getting off to a stinky homeless tranny screaming and tweaking in his van? Why??

No. 2079404

File: 1737262583403.jpeg (555.85 KB, 828x1095, IMG_7614.jpeg)

my fucking sides.
even through all of this some of the victims still manage to be fucking retarded. She’s doing exactly what harley did. watch the reddit give her like $1000
>i made a gofundme so i can receive funds to help assist me in getting some more help for myself, some self care (like a deep tissue massage, some reiki healing, funds so i can go to the beach), to help feed me and help so my bills don't pile up while i figure out what i need for myself.
>Like a deep tissue massage, some reiki healing
KEKK SHUT the fuck up, you know damn well you’re taking advantage of peoples sympathy for you. If you’re this desperate fucking ask your family

No. 2079405

I get the feeling every single person orbiting this horrorcow is a cow themselves

No. 2079406

File: 1737263722264.png (40.45 KB, 778x357, another one.png)

You've actually got to be joking. This one I can actually support a bit more because they did directly lose money, but oh my god how insufferable can you get?

Anyone who fell for his shit is cowy and a self identified 'queer'. Doesn't invalidate what they went through but doesn't mean they aren't annoying. Marcella seems really lovely and softspoken though, I hope she doesn't do the same thing.

No. 2079408

File: 1737264319414.jpeg (471.53 KB, 750x1113, IMG_1482.jpeg)

>>2079406 Own_Macaron3325 is marcella’s reddit profile. i feel like marcella’s is more justified because she actually lost money but marcy’s is such a retarded grift attempt holy shit kek. i don’t think they realize that they’re making harley look better by trying to cash in so quick (if he got 30k they might as well try to scam the same dumbass audience that’s migrated to reddit ig)

No. 2079409

Oh kek I completely forgot that was her profile. Yeah, I take it back that she specifically is insufferable because she actually deserves to be compensated.
Marcy is a fucking cow and also talks like a narc lowkey watching her vid.
Unfortunately you're right that they're actually pretty smart to be doing this, people are so gullible.
(I'm fighting with one of the reddit mods KEK and they're being intentionally obtuse and misreading everything I'm saying, telling me to go fuck myself and just generally acting like a child. The community at a large seems way more mature than all the reddit mods, but, the reason why is in their title)

No. 2079410

File: 1737264865052.jpeg (374.8 KB, 1500x1334, IMG_1486.jpeg)

i think the reddit mods are trannies with sticks up their asses bc they used to be parasocially attached to that hideous tim. sad, seems like they stifle a lot of good discussion in the subreddit. so many people could have peaked there kek. i agree marcy gives off cow ish vibes. even her appearance compared to marcella just screams attention seeking qUeEr.
picrel is marcella’s evidence of harley scamming her.

No. 2079414

Christ the tranny grift is un fucking real. These people don't honestly get more than 20 bucks right? Theres no way I work two jobs when I can be whoring my emotions out online right?

No. 2079419

File: 1737267873929.mp4 (19.55 MB, 842x1080, 59C7F761-5627-4AB3-8529-0FA4D2…)

harley let a random dog lick up beer he spilled on the ground and is now arguing that dogs can consent to drinking alcohol and it’s completely healthy for them. he’s truly a brilliant thinker. before this he was saying “dogs fucking love beer, they fucking love it.”

No. 2079421

this wasnt on my bingo card

No. 2079431

>tee hee the dog consents
He probably defends bestiality.

No. 2079432

talking about the dog’s enjoyment, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t understand, and how it doesn’t need to talk to consent… i feel like he would use the same argument to defend his right to fuck dogs

No. 2079434

He's such a retard, he has 200k followers, at any time he could've just deleted the proofs of his abusive and unhinged behavior and just go back to farming instagram. But he's too stupid to even consider that. Don't get me wrong i'm happy he's too retarded to even consider it an option.

No. 2079439

where's the boyfriend she talked at lenght about?

No. 2079440

File: 1737276605139.png (279.76 KB, 828x1053, edited ebegging.png)

holy kek she edited the retarded shit out, if that isn’t proof idk what is. a lot of the normies in there probably think its retarded too but wont say it.
i’m considering donating to marcellas out of spite. if marcys gfm gets more money i’d be pissed

No. 2079442

i wish i capped it but didn’t think to; she edited her GFM page as well, and it initially said she needed some support moving out of her ex’s place. seems like marcy broke up with her boyfriend shortly after she made her video about lexity (video gave me the vibe they had pre existing relationship problems that she was venting to harley about?)

No. 2079456

it’s almost the same exact sentiment pedos use to excuse pedophilia, too.
he’s made comments almost like this about teenagers but always stopped himself short of outright saying what he said about the dog. it’s one of only topics he’s semi careful with which leads me to believe he could rape a minor or animal, not that I didn’t believe that already though just gives further evidence for that claim

No. 2079469

A sovereign citizen? The terror group, lololol.
These are the most deranged (and hilarious) people to exist and I'm not even a bit surprised Harley been interacting with that kind of fringe group. Plz god, work in my favour and let Harley sail his land ship to a sovereign surgeon to do his dick chop!

No. 2079476

File: 1737287574545.jpg (753.62 KB, 828x1530, marcy grifting.jpg)

I want to a-log so bad ffs.
>i’m having a hard time sustaining feeding myself and my bills
so is everybody
>i am safe and okay
so you don’t need money
>a dark place i’m trying to get out of
harley assaulting you didn’t put you in that place OMG just say you want to get out of your current situation with money like literally everyone else and shut the fuck up

No. 2079479

>because she actually deserves to be compensated.
Why does she deserve to be compensated? She’s the one who chose to spend $200 on makeup(!) for some rando off the internet when she barely makes enough to support herself. Take it up with the troon, it’s no one else’s responsibility to subsidize her bad choices. That said, I’m not really mad at her or Marcy for grifting, since this crowd seems especially gullible. If they gave $30k to that crazy troon I’m not surprised his orbiters are trying their luck too.

No. 2079485

>my ex-husband’s house
she was married???

No. 2079486

That’s a very good point and I know that you’re completely right, but if anyone in this shitshow deserves a gfm it’s Marcella in my opinion. The fact she raised the alarms about this first, being a woman is good and I’d love to see her get money and have the flow of funds redirected to the victim who exposed all of his shit. These people want to pay for nothing, they may as well pay her.
Doesn’t make it any less grifty and hilarious but admittedly I also find her very cute…i’m simping a little bit okay. i’m going to send her money

No. 2079488

marcella wasn’t even the first to ask for money, and is also asking for only $200 which is what i spend on food in a month. it doesn’t seem like that much to ask for. it prob was a big financial hit if she’s a wagie who thought she was getting paid back. i also kinda like her, she seems pretty and sweet, and the most normal one in this whole scene (at least by appearance; she’s a bit out of place with the crazy qUeErs.) i do not get the same good vibes from miss 900 dollars for REIKI HEALING AND MASSAGES.

No. 2079495

Thanks for validating me nona kek. Yeah the asking amount disparity stuck out to me too, Marcella seems to be subtly jabbing at Marcy with the amount and her overall post as well,
>it feels weird to ask for money
>i actually really really hate it
which is warranted. I also noticed that Marcella made her gfm within like minutes after Marcys was up, so I wonder if they conspired(?) beforehand or if Marcella saw it and got pretty fucking angry, which I would do, and think is probably the case with how things are worded + the editing.

Marcy had no rhyme or reason for needing money and it wasn’t related to the situation at all. She would have never been put in the position she’s in to gain financially right now if it wasn’t for Marcella coming out first.
Marcy strikes me as the type of person who doesn’t actually really mind this behaviour, idk, the way she talked about it seemed insincere.
I don’t doubt it happened at all but I don’t think she came out for the right reasons.
It’s just plain rude she posted it first if Marcella herself hadn’t even asked for money yet at all. If they were conspiring they probably wouldn’t have posted it in that order.
I don’t think she ever really mentioned harley owing her money before this, but correct me if that’s wrong.

Marcy framed it so stupidly and ungratefully I don’t know how anyone seriously could have read that and been like hmmm, yeah, this person deserves my money, but then again it is the same audience that gave Harley 30 fucking grand.
Last I checked she got 90 dollars within about an hour. And Marcella has 130 as of now. not that i’m keeping tabs or anything….

No. 2079630

Couldn’t clip this all because it was a flood of information from the discord, but will find hard evidence asap,
>there was apparently already an active warrant out for Harleys arrest prior to this whole situation, which makes a lot of sense
>now two confirmed reports filed against him in two states including Oregon
>evading arrest which was absolutely planned before this, kek bingo! and fleeing south to either nevada or california
>his p.o. box is in nevada for some reason?
>when he dumped the car his old license plate was also in it and the car was already listed as stolen so he himself stole the car somehow initially
>planning to meet up with two young adults, maybe cammy with the cats again, but basically said on stream he might not because he’s worried he’ll capture himself abusing them on camera
>with the rate and viciousness he is coming into peoples houses while being homeless and abusing them, he was also doing it to avoid paying for hotels or leaving a papertrail
>this is also why he didn’t just get an apartment probably
Please bare with me gathering evidence, he literally livestreams 24/7 and constantly says outrageous shit, it’s very hard to filter through things especially when the sub isnt clipping everything like this.
I can’t guarantee it will all be soon!

No. 2079650

was the car he dumped his mom’s car? no wonder he wanted to get rid of it asap. his retarded followers gave him 30k to build a serial killer van to drive around evading law enforcement and assaulting handmaidens cross country!
> he literally livestreams 24/7 and constantly says outrageous shit, it’s very hard to filter through things especially when the sub isnt clipping everything like this.
thanks for your time anon! the sub fell off so hard (they used to comb around for evidence and the new mods who are trannies started banning everybody) and now it’s this tranny friendly safe space circlejerk. i feel like we’re missing a LOT of potential milk with harley because he’s got to be doing some stupid shit on live for the hours he’s streaming, but who wants to spend hours a day waiting for him to do something interesting? he only gets like 20/40 viewers per stream and they all like him so he knows he can do whatever he wants.

No. 2079654

File: 1737336013782.png (195.51 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_0426.png)

K I have zero clue what I am doing on this site. I don’t know how any of this formatting or kek or nonna stuff works…I found you all bc I found Harley/lexity/whatever you want to call it several weeks ago and couldn’t look away. Something rubbed me the wrong way. Then last week happened and lo and behold, my gut was spot on. so I went digging. Some of this may be repetitive. Sorry if that’s the case. I have no one IRL to share this with bc no one knows who this loser is. But I need to share this w someone!

His name is Harley Foster. Youngest of 3 sibs. His mom and dad are separated from what I can tell. His mom is a math professor and seems like a sweet, normal lady. He claims his dad was abusive but I have found zero info about that or a divorce or anything. The “worst” thing about his siblings is his brother was a heavy raver and did a bunch of hard drugs and eloped w his wife VERY QUICKLY after traveling around to rave festivals with her. None of the family were invited. Which is sad IMO, esp if Harley stuff was going on simultaneously.

I think a lot of you are spot on. I believe this kid thinks he’s trans but really just hates himself inside and out. I think he got attention for his “transition” and it pissed his family off enough, which probably delighted him, and so he just ran and went with “I’m trans now”.

Anyways. I found his old fb profiles (Harley forester - he changed his last time even as a preteen - clearly hates his fam and the association), pre transition/anya and he absolutely has a warrant out for his arrest in Josephine county, Oregon. Working on getting my husband to see if he can find out more about the warrant. Dying to see what it’s for…

No. 2079655

File: 1737336279152.png (1.75 MB, 2008x2048, YAY.png)

i have no idea yet, the mods have a lot of information they're being intentionally cagey about. i think it is partially because they don't want to clue him in on what they know, but they definitely have the tranny mods saying 'maybe don't post that info publicly!! twans womyn will be harmed!'.
i do know that the car was never in his name.
they have been talking of posting the info publicly though, i think they've finally had enough. wouldn't be surprised if they dropped it themselves sometime soon.

>thanks for your time anon

no worries, i'm getting admittedly a bit too close to this because it's fucking triggering and i hate him and the 'right pronouns' shit that still goes on.
a handful of the hardcore libfems have posted that he literally just presents as a man and acts like a man and haven't been shut-down too much, so that gives me some solace. also with the new tranny jannies you're absolutely right. a tim one was admitting to shit stirring with anyone giving any kind of criticism bcs 'we're the mods! stfu!' like god forbid you have any form of critical opinion.
>i feel like we’re missing a LOT of potential milk with harley because he’s got to be doing some stupid shit on live for the hours he’s streaming
is also completely correct to say. i have been following along and have made notes of a lot of the things and timestamps but because theres so much it all seems kind of redundant at this point unless he's act-

holy shit YES. we did it nonnies. nvm forget all of my sperging i'm smiling from ear to ear right now. >>2079654 btw, nonna is just a cute way to say anon!

No. 2079669

>his retarded followers gave him 30k to build a serial killer van to drive around evading law enforcement and assaulting handmaidens cross country
Holy shit, this would be funny if he wasn't going around abusing women. Is there any reason why he hasn't been arrested yet, especially if he's still in Oregon? Is it because he's homeless? He's livestreaming his every move, surely it wouldn't be that hard to find him.

No. 2079670

File: 1737337879371.mp4 (19.11 MB, 750x1334, 7AD6DD1A-2601-4941-B11F-06AFB0…)

speak of the devil! Harley is back to IG reels and shitting on his own mother

No. 2079672

He’s gone. He’s heading down to Nevada. His PO Box is down there. He has it listed in his profile.(sage your shit)

No. 2079674

aww he's thinking of us! how much he deeply resents women is so horrorcow it hurts.

i didn't get a chance to reply to your post so i'll do it now. thanks for looking around to see if anyone else agreed with you, you're welcome here! all of your points about his reasoning seem entirely possible. literally anything is at this point!
>Working on getting my husband to see if he can find out more about the warrant
i also have someone working on it for me but they're being very slow kek.
also, if you aren't posting direct information/photos/videos or evidence it's encouraged to put 'sage' in the email field. you will most likely recieve a temp ban if you don't

No. 2079716

File: 1737343161380.png (216.12 KB, 1080x794, 1a587947-72b4-4148-8635-0a07e8…)

picrel is a meme that seems applicable, but it’d be better if it said omnithiest atheist hellenist greco-roman pagan, though.

No. 2079736

File: 1737346688587.png (53.98 KB, 340x627, ao3 reading.png)

currently doing a dramatic reading of his 18 year old twitch mods animeshit fanfic that she wrote at 14
he definitely needs to die as soon as possible

No. 2079737

File: 1737347026571.jpeg (183.36 KB, 750x869, IMG_1565.jpeg)

TOPKEK it’s a bakudeku suicide AU?

No. 2079755

If she wrote this at 14 in 2022, she's still a minor now. Seems right on brand for him and his fan base.

Welcome newfriend, there's a rules tab up top you should read before posting to avoid temp bans. Appreciate the milk you've brought though, hope you enjoy your stay at the farms.

Honestly reads like a script from one of those crime drama shows where you'd be like "this is dumb, that'd never happen" yet here we are.

No. 2079761

14 in january 2022 makes her either 2007 or 2008 born. she’s either 16 or 17 depending if she’s had her birthday this year or not. she’s lying about being 18 obviously kek

No. 2079762

Still weird but that could make her just recently 18. Discord confirmed she has 18 on her personal ig bio.
14 year olds in 2022 being almost 18 now doesn’t make any sense in my brain though kek.
>welcome newfriend
did anyone notice she may have accidentally deleted a post or had it deleted by someone else? (i’ve accidentally clicked on a post before and that anon just so happened to have the same password as me) another unrel milk post was inexplicably deleted as well around the same time which stuck out as odd
>reads like a script
a lot of what he’s doing would be and are used in shitty comedy movies because its all so stereotypically funny and unbelievable. i can’t wait for the inevitable arrest, i really hope it happens on camera.

No. 2079767

File: 1737361597496.mp4 (185.49 KB, 370x438, 91936C57-65BF-4ECE-93F3-CB401D…)

>another unrel milk post was inexplicably deleted
Not sure if you meant this or someone else’s (if mine, I deleted bcs I thought the video wasnt playing properly, or the site is just retarded) but I’ll repost it anyway kek

>Harley's van got a flat tire somewhere otw to Vegas (where his PO box is and where he was considering going gambling)

>he doesnt know how to change a tire and is currently stuck in the middle of the desert
>chat encourages him to find abandoned houses/buildings, and break in, for shelter tonight
>"I'm sitting in the desert, hoping I don't get arrested or anything"
>he’s still there as of now

No. 2079768

i saw two deleted at the same time and started getting tinfoily kek my bad. thanks for reposting

No. 2079769

Oh my god, please let this retard have a gambling arc kek

No. 2079797

oh lol im just retarded with math i literally was drawing the conclusion that if she was born in a certain month she could have been 18 now kek.
yes shes definitely lying and i never doubted it just an utter retard sometimes

No. 2079798

ayrt i’m also retarded with math because i said possibly 16, but the fic was posted jan 20th 2022. that’s literally three years ago to the day kek. she didn’t age 2 years in 3 years and also didn’t age 4 years in 3 years so yeah she’d be 17, maybe close to 18? nona kek we keep squaring up to each other in the post delete-off

No. 2079801

File: 1737371327500.png (35.79 KB, 758x431, poppy z brite.png)

yep, it's not far off but anyone at that age is just as vulnerable, can't wait for it to be brought up to him on stream kek.

>horror erotica that romanticizes the worst of taboos. like the illegal ones

they're talking about cannibalism, incest and rape. people keeping insisting it was ao3 and making 'you're so mature for your age' comments was also alarming to me, he seems to be developing a little community of groomers around him. i'm very glad she fucked up and said her age there we're going like 50/50 right now

No. 2079837

>everyone can look at his mother and say wow what a sweet, normal looking person!
ywnbaw harley.

No. 2079964

Maybe he's a low priority criminal?

No. 2079998

nta but at this rate even if he is it won’t be long before he could literally kill someone on stream kek

No. 2080001

Yes I will surely pathologize this sound, sagelike advice and obscenities to my inner psyche because it is clearly being shared by a mentally sound person choking on asbestos and fiberglass in a van in the woods that was paid for by impressionable teens and grannies

No. 2080003

The way he occasionally gets stuck repeating words mid sentence ("like-like-like-like/I should-I should-I should"/etc.) is exactly what I've heard people doing when they're high on something or have mushy brains from frequent drug use

No. 2080013

File: 1737421533920.mp4 (5.5 MB, 480x854, rapidsave.com_go_to_the_pet_st…)

you're right. this was posted on the sub and no one is even commenting how high he is on coke/uppers here except one person, and they got purposely ignored/downvoted for pointing out the obvious?
same person said that this could be filmed during this encounter >>2078342 because harley has a history of recording tiktoks while literally in these people houses shit talking them

>you could go to a pet store and get fish medicine and take it

>its the same stuff that humans have!
>dont do it, but if you do here is how exactly to do it
hes definitely done this KEK

No. 2080053

>"high risk lifestyle"
Is this creature really using fish medication from the petstore to cure his chlamydia? massive kek

No. 2080056

File: 1737433227813.jpeg (Spoiler Image,514.04 KB, 1368x2231, IMG_1621.jpeg)

harley updated his linktree with a new wishlist!

No. 2080058

File: 1737433578399.jpeg (368.02 KB, 549x1186, IMG_1623.jpeg)

also including
>4000 dollar grizzly bear and 3000 dollar beaver pelts
>expensive cameras and music equipment

No. 2080061

Katya Zamo if he were born in 2001

No. 2080064

kek nona you're so right

No. 2080069

Katya even had the eyebrow split piercing in high school

No. 2080082

File: 1737437774326.png (Spoiler Image,466.75 KB, 491x764, untucked.png)

>I asked if he tucks or if he finds it oppressive and he said he doesnt at all
from a friend kek, he usually has no underwear on during streams so his dick is literally swinging around everywhere constantly, it makes me gag

No. 2080087

kekkkkkkkk its so small, he absolutely has a complex about it and thought wait! i can larp as a woman and no one will care about my micro penis

No. 2080092

You know how pp works right?

No. 2080101

File: 1737444203586.png (284.29 KB, 564x631, wishlist chat.png)

his mods tried to gaslight everyone abt the wishlist thing kek, the sub is blowing up over it, its making a lot of even the fans realise. picrel is what went down in the chat. nebula is either severely young or severely retarded
>so my money is buying you animal cum?

lol ikr i hate how the imprint looks, heres a link to the vod if you wanna check it out, i'll clip it and post it if it goes down.
in this video he shows off all of his agp lingerie (theyre all filled with male leghair and pubes) and clothes, it's kekworthy how they're all XL because he's a man and can't fit into womens clothes. also, he dresses like an old lady, definitely a mom thing.
>"sometimes i tuck, but right now, i'm just hanging out"
>"it's really expensive to be doing this whole travelling thing"
>"i mean, i bought a van, and a really expensive van"
>"i hide behind my labels"
>"my narcissism is just confidence"
>"afab nonbinary girls are just androgynous"
RIGHT AGAIN! and you try to rape them!
>shows off his collection of childrens books?

No. 2080103

this AIDS ridden faggot posted his nudes on facebook for everyone, including and especially his family to see and even when it’s hard it’s microscopic. no wonder he trooned out, it was that or kill himself, fortunately his larp flopped so i don’t think we’re too far behind the latter now, no matter how many hand maidens dick ride him

No. 2080127

File: 1737451723554.png (71.09 KB, 573x300, chrome_RFQKTotGCF.png)

samefagging to say that i've found almost every single mods ig, they're all women, kms. also nebula has to be an adult because shes gifted like 30 subs and i believe bought the tripod on the wishlist + has donated multiple times

No. 2080165

You sure this is a woman and not also a TIM?

No. 2080179

not completely, tbh, thats my bad. if it is a TIM i wouldn’t be surprised at all. i assume enbies are female though, and they called themself a feminist.
if i do find any confirmation i’ll post it!

No. 2080222

File: 1737474805546.jpg (152.44 KB, 917x614, Screenshot_20250121_125144_Ins…)

Nonna, he literally has the tranny flag in his name… But even if he didn't, I clocked him from the pfp and describing himself as an "anarchist" alone. You gotta work on your tranny clocking skills.

No. 2080288

File: 1737484279005.png (79.94 KB, 828x284, troon.png)

no you’re right. i try to be careful with accidentally calling women TIMs though unless i have hard evidence, so i gave him the benefit of the doubt that he was just an unfortunate looking woman kek, with the context being that every single other mod is very obviously a woman. his bluesky is retarded

No. 2080302

Who are the other mods? I'm more inclined to assume they're TIMs, especially cause moderating is such a typical loser chronically online TIM position.

No. 2080329

Can't help but notice he does the 'like like like like like' behaviours when he's feeling like he's on the backfoot, has been corrected or otherwise, and feels the need to present as vulnerable

No. 2080429

File: 1737504517079.jpg (99.16 KB, 828x1125, quit lying.jpg)

first of all he is destroying his fucking van right now, much worse than it's ever been. chopping wood with his axe like a retard, i'm clipping. he's saying even more weird ass things

we were both wrong again kek, she posted her id in the reddit, the retards forgot to cross her name out though. she is actually 18, she was the one who fucked up the math though, so topkek at
>quit lying
harley is basically behaving giddy about this information, it's gross as fuck to look at, i'll post the current interaction in chat after this post also, was the crypto mod maybe potato? she's a real woman, i confirmed, and a lesbian i think so i wouldn't be surprised

No. 2080434

File: 1737506121121.jpg (234.24 KB, 1280x1339, 5C949F2D-CDA8-4AB2-8577-2CCB02…)

>destroying his fucking van
>chopping wood with his axe like a retard
>lexi had punched holes in the walls
>PIV rape
>wishlist consists of animal pelts, sex offender & autism toys
I don't know you guys maybe these are just gender non-conforming behaviors typical to every male serial killer and rapist

No. 2080439

post micropenis

No. 2080449

File: 1737510775238.png (384.78 KB, 983x633, degenerates.png)

just talking about dragon dildos on a twitch stream with a bunch of 18 year olds, very typical behaviour for harley and nebula! it's obviously getting pervy in their mod gc too.
>"Now that axolotl isn't a minor, they're gonna go crazy! I support it!"
and more weird shit while the chat was talking, obviously.
>my first toy ever-
let me stop you right there, 18 year old.
>can you chase me around with it athena
the axe KEK
>why are they so concerned anyways
was in reference to him losing his shit over the wishlist being criticised, in next vid.

>Harley's van got a flat tire somewhere otw to Vegas
small correction, it was literally just stuck in the sand kek, he was too much of a retard to do anything about it for a day or two, including doing anything on his van. he is closer to vegas now but saying he won't go on the strip because
>people are coming after me, they're trying to dox me, i'd be overwhelmed
>i might actually get arrested
>my criminal record was entirely expunged anyways
>i did a lot of bad shit in my teen years but never got caught for it lol!
so you're scared of being arrested ♥ and you say as much yourself
a lot of them seem to know nothing about an active warrant, btw.

No. 2080477

Everything about these unhinged wish lists screams meth abuse

No. 2080479

That’s just drug induced brain melt nonna

No. 2080480

File: 1737520393331.jpeg (293.35 KB, 750x1008, IMG_1726.jpeg)

oh no

No. 2080481

So just a couple of troons grooming teenage girls on discord. Definitely not beating the child predator allegations huh

No. 2080482

I wouldn't put it past him to video himself while high but he's chewing on gum in this one. So it seems like it's not the usual stimulant grinding.

>"Typical action of a narc mother, I should know"
just because your mom doesn't want to feed into your delusions, nebula, it doesn't mean that she's a narcissist.

No. 2080492

>it was just stuck in the sand
his chat was trying to tell him how to change a tire, while he seethed, so i was confused KEK. too bad he is scared and won’t go to the strip! someone should suggest online gambling to him instead, so he can still have fun.
convenient that harley/the mods now get to claim everyone lied maliciously because the kid said they were 14 3 years ago. it’s crazy to assume they were a minor from that i guess. wonder if it was an intentional setup cooked up in the mod gc to make harley haters look like liars. that or this mod is legitimately mentally retarded and cannot do the math to know how old they were on the date that was at the top of the wattpad page. is just barely 18 any better than 17 though?
aww maybe nebula has a restraining order from mom too! (isn’t he the 37 year old mod with the child?)

No. 2080497

File: 1737523821968.png (554.35 KB, 785x641, chrome_AkeFySP2SH.png)

yeah it could be mdma or something but hes definitely high, thats what a coked out person looks like

sorry this took me so long.
this was a list of current mods, some may have been demoted for being too insensitive to harleys feefees.
>spliffs 19, female
>ridley, 37, tif, mother to a 12 year old son
>nebula, 25, troon pedo
>cellysupreme, normie as fuck female, 18+
>axolotl, 18 year old girl whos not good at math
>brynnie, 18+, female, has a gfm that nebula also donated to, it is the only contribution
>chantelle, also a very normie looking of age female
>briarbee, unsure but probably female
>moonbeampixie, (no ig yet)
the fan who wants to meet tomorrow and gib hugs, they have asked before in the past as well and said they are 20, chatters asked if they were going on a date, 'that's so cute!' moonlight responds 'what do u wanna cook wink'
>emerhgerde, hardcore defender no ig i assume its a tim
>pinkraven, no clue
>teeth, no clue
there are some more that have been added but this is the main circle as of now afaik

No. 2080511

It's always very telling what people like this explain to be a universal experience. They're so self-centered they can't even for a second question if their point of view is the "norm" or not. Of course it is, he's the center of the earth. His view on relationships is honestly sickening.

Kinda funny how the same statements can be heard from the mouths of illiterate wife-beating rednecks with mega hats

No. 2080522

File: 1737532631625.mp4 (14.48 MB, 576x1024, Snaptik.app_746237694454636881…)

>this, is not feminine, at all.
4tran4 pickmes are seething too kekkk

No. 2080525

File: 1737533081300.png (23.11 KB, 504x392, chrome_hB7O5l02It.png)

samefag, huh, wonder what this troon meant by this! i have no idea!

No. 2080527

what the fuck are they doing, why waste your life modding this dangerous-dude.

No. 2080528

ayrt, i have no fucking clue. especially the mother, what the fuck?? the only one that makes sense there is the tim

No. 2080531

File: 1737534621779.jpeg (253.77 KB, 750x1519, IMG_1744.jpeg)

weird that they they find the time to do all this they’re practically on 24 hour shifts every day. there are always multiple mods on at night, who watch the chat while harley livestreams himself sleeping. maybe some of the 18 year olds are still in high school, but aren’t the normie adults working? does anyone remember which mod said she’s homeless and a stoner btw?
this is the 37 year old tif mother lmao. i won’t post pictures of her kid here, but she has many of them up. unfortunately the child appears to be trooned out and a tif as well. the mother is polyamorous.

No. 2080532

File: 1737534699404.jpeg (832.14 KB, 750x1066, IMG_1746.jpeg)

does transphobia against abusive males also make you physically ill?

No. 2080543

>you're making us look bad, I'm just saying
>make mistakes that are gonna get recorded that you're not gonna like
kek no wonder they hate lolcow and the other farms; it's all about the documentation and archiving that gets to them, where everybody can see the rabid little misogynists that they are.

No. 2080550

ya thats gotta be why the redditards are so bad at making any sub comprehensible

No. 2080732

I despise how when he's pissed at chat/everybody he puts the put like down/on the ground to be literally physically above and towering over you

No. 2080734

*the phone

No. 2080743

Also evidence of her being an alkie herself whilst putting that on Harley publicly, quietly shuffling her own issues aside. Lol.

No. 2080869

File: 1737592157852.png (330.48 KB, 1286x497, hatenebula.png)

harley is sending nebula to do his dirty work for him and baiting like a complete fucking retard in the sub
>he's donated to brynnie
>he's donated to marcy?
also, just saw lc mentioned there,
heads up and ty wife

No. 2080903

oh my god this might be the future of dana & TH, so horrible

No. 2080943

Wrong thread. Go back to reddit.

No. 2080958

alright, this is a long one, but if anyone wants to see harley in his full narc state this is basically all of the stuff he says every single day.
there is a very funny spergout where he first finds out about trumps EO, and tells the person they're wrong and that nothing happened.

the first 5 minutes are a van tour! pretty awesome. he mansplains all the power tools that he literally doesn't know how to use and almost cuts his fingers, limbs, and dick off multiple times.
>"diy bottom surgery!"
the video itself is timestamped for you for easy scrubbing, but ill include some highlights here;
>07:34 talking about animal hides and killing and eating bears and that he deserves the money and he is a future pagan so needs fur
>08:27 completely blows up unwarranted on a fan, start of trump sperg and literally doesn’t know what he’s even talking about its so funny please watch “they dont even consider me a person!” no we think u r a man
>16:58 my haters will cannibalise themselves
>18:36 “my dog” “i dont like when people like it when im angry but i like it”
>21:00 “i take hormones because i like the way the hormones make me look”
>23:10 “my anger is hecking valid, my masculine rage is heckin valid
>26:29 “no, i don’t have ANY charges in oregon, i dont have any chargers anywhere actually because i changed my birth certificate”
>28:07 “no i dont have any hepatitis actually”
i don't think anyone but >>2080103 has even implied that harley, way to tell on yourself
>31:38 you don’t need more money, you need to start taking your hormones consistently or stop completely so your muscles dont keep atrophying and making you look even more like a geriatric old man
>32:15 “im so sad uwu when you find me hot when im abusing you”
>32:40 “the drama is that i’m an angry person and trans and a lesbian”
>I have seen people litterly(sic) call her unladylike. Because she was angry. They dont only think it. They tell her to her face ♥

after this he just hates on women for the latter half of the video, enjoy nonas! its very kekworthy

No. 2080963

Don’t have time to watch this whole thing but thanks for the edit and I kek’d seeing him hacking away trying to work with power tools on his lap

No. 2080966

File: 1737608568615.png (59.53 KB, 828x217, reminds me of something else.p…)

samefag, i highlighted the hand vein comment because an hour later a completely harmless teenager complimented the same thing, he chimped out on her and called her a transphobic bitch, saying it ‘triggers’ him and ‘denies his identity’ if i find the clip ill post it.
he also does this every single day at anyone and everyone, about anything, no matter how benign or retarded or literally evil

no worries kek, i need it all to be here incase no one else keeps up with his streams like i do, he’s fucking psycopathic. the axe killed me so much, why is he sticking his tongue out like a toddler kekek

No. 2081107

File: 1737651010786.mp4 (3.97 MB, 888x1920, PropanePervert.mp4)

He is not just totally and completely awful inside and out, he is totally incompetent too! What a moron!

>”my heater broke… i woke up cold and then i turned on my heater and my heater broke and leaked a bunch of propane…when I woke up I also threw the heater out the door because it was leaking propane everywhere.”

Now the whole van floor is covered in propane bc he knocked over his brand new propane heater in his sleep. You can’t make this shit up!

No. 2081130

File: 1737655619590.png (180.97 KB, 594x657, binglo1.png)

TOP-FUCKING-KEK. i can’t believe I predicted that.
i feel like we can kinda safely tick these boxes off. i’m pretty sure he has broken one of the phones and has 3 now. also he will maybe/probably(?) have to go back to his original birth certificate! imagine the chimp out he’s gonna have
where is this video btw

No. 2081134

Kekkk, you know it's bad when even other troons are telling him he needs to calm tf down with his scrotal rage

No. 2081154

I don't believe the age thing for a minute, I think he did the maths, and decided to be 18, knowing people would reverse engineer it, because being 18 or possibly even younger makes him seem less of a threat.

No. 2081164

Not once have I ever seen him with a tape measure

No. 2081173

File: 1737662821233.jpg (1.33 MB, 1290x2796, AAAHHH GENOCIDE.jpg)

the reddit mods are seething and theres a tim who takes all of the hate very personally, i wonder why?
they've bunkered the sub due to: muh twans geneaciidee even though the entire community seems against it and an actual minor has just come out with being contacted through dms by harley, to the paralegal working with the sub.

No. 2081185

File: 1737663763462.png (66.71 KB, 884x331, kek.png)

not the brightest bunch(sage your shit)

No. 2081190

Thats the TIM in question, seems like even the mods were fighting for it to stay up in the discord.
Has he ever considered, that maybe, just maybe, people who hate TIMS and rapists and pedophiles, might want to come read a sub about it?

No. 2081192

Its common sense in which the mods obviously lack(sage your shit)

No. 2081238

I know jack about power tools,but surely putting the piece of wood you're about to use a buzzsaw on shouldn't be on your lap… right?

No. 2081254

Technically he did get a dumb tattoo when he scribbled on himself with the tattoo gun kek

No. 2081255

i'm holding out for the eye of horus

No. 2081285

he will be meeting moonbeam pixie tonight on stream…

No. 2081310

File: 1737681374195.jpeg (200.64 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_0446.jpeg)

Hey Harley - your deadname is showing…

No. 2081312

harley davidson is a motorcycle manufacturer you retard

No. 2081316

wow you might even be a real mod someday(infighting)

No. 2081318

No shit. It was a joke. Retard.(infighting)

No. 2081346

the tranny jannies are so retarded tbh, this is just all wanna make kfers make a thread more. they don’t realise that those are the ones coming in and being gc and racist, its just moids or self hating women. i cannot wait to see them all have a downfall kek(take it to /meta/)

No. 2081389

idk if this was ever clarified here either, but the original asking amount was actually fucking 15k

No. 2081494

Lmao, I love that even his fellow troons are sick of his shit and telling him to stfu. Hard to blame “cis” people for everything wrong in your life when your own “community” recognizes you’re the problem.

No. 2081639

File: 1737756697062.png (308.93 KB, 828x895, retarted.png)

>an incel forum known as lolcow
subreddit mods, farmhands, not you, stop taking it so personally.

it seems like the discord was able to convince pixie not to meet with harley and she revealed that she would be uncomfortable because she is 6-7 years younger than he is, making her 18-20(?) >>2081285
ss after this confirming he has talked with minors

No. 2081641

Fucking bullshit that 4chan gets to be 'infamous hackers' and we're an 'incel forum'

No. 2081645

File: 1737757405964.png (562.71 KB, 673x910, AHHHH.png)

if any of you nonas ever thought harley was remotely attractive, i hope this makes you cringe.
>confirmed his transition started only a little over a year ago, starting in 2023-2024, so he was above the age of 23-24 while dating this 17 year old

No. 2081653

File: 1737758049297.jpg (451.07 KB, 1080x1328, erm.JPG)

this is the same incident as >>2078333
the trannys are seething about the ‘misgendering’

No. 2081655

I checked this mod’s Reddit history and it seems like she’s an actual woman and not a tranny, shockingly. Of course a handmaiden would disparage lcf as an “incel forum.” Meanwhile the actual nazis and/or incels (usually both kek) are on 4chan.

No. 2081659

so hes always looked like he'd take advantage of damaged young girls, dont know why anyone would find him attractive kekkk

No. 2081661

File: 1737760292919.jpg (73.16 KB, 735x884, 73e630e6649eaf361abede26cc1f9c…)

He's legitimately such an ugly bug-eyed faggot the saying
>You people would fuck a fence if it was white
fits perfectly here. He's not attractive, he's just blonde and blue eyed. His lips literally make him look like that monster that got forced into the scream extractor.

No. 2081664

He's legitimately so ugly, it's like you can SEE his mental illness on his face. His lips in particular are disgusting.

No. 2081665

File: 1737760650203.png (231.13 KB, 828x1245, kill harley now.png)

pixie is recently 20 by the sounds of it. the meetup also seems like it’s still on the table.
of course nebula is trying to help make this happen, he wants to see a woman get raped on camera so bad!
>i am ‘anya’s social media manager
nebula clarified on the sub, so this TIM has been supporting and enabling harley this entire time and seems to confirm theories of follower botting and boosted engagement
>he has driven to arizona from nevada to meet with pixie specifically

No. 2081677

File: 1737762673090.mp4 (9.51 MB, 720x1280, help me!!!!.mp4)

>From his Instagram
fugly troon expecting to get what he wants when he wants it

No. 2081682

>it’s not helpful to tell me to get help

No. 2081684

bawwwwwwww why won’t women offer their bodies to me by the dozens and let me abuse them without repercussions!! your “community” gave you 30k you dogshit moron, and one of the women you abused drove out to you in the middle of the night because you were crying like a bitch and “needed a hug”. the jokes really do write themselves, we all know a creepy moid that guilt trips women into having physical contact with them, “can i get a hug, where’s my hug?” despite taking money from people and receiving asspats, you STILL want other people to do everything for you and coddle you when you have a crash out which is every fucking day like the typical narc sex pest self hating tranny you are. even your mother wants nothing to do with you because in true male fashion you couldn’t stop putting holes in walls, screaming and threatening to kill her. i can’t imagine the pain and shame she feels that you came out of her body and subsequently ruined her life. times almost up harley.

No. 2081690

> i cant figure out how to help myself you need to help me!!!!!
Is he a fucking infant?? Hes already gotten so much help from his "community" and then goes on to spit in their face on both stream and Instagram (especially the afab women) .. talk about wanting a community harley!!

No. 2081714

File: 1737771040914.jpeg (76.54 KB, 720x743, IMG_7829.jpeg)

under his comments today kek, does he realise everything he ever says EVER can be easily disproved? a rhetorical question obviously, but god is he so fucking dumb
>probably a lack of community or smth

No. 2081725

a lack of community huh? couldn't have possibly been free will… hes talking as if not having a community forces you drink or smoke kek

No. 2081732

new sub without tranny jannys! they had enough kek

No. 2081777

File: 1737803107917.gif (487.26 KB, 500x500, HARLEY.gif)

this is amazing thank you

No. 2081835

this is amazing wtf next thread pic please

No. 2081836

who made this?

No. 2081846

how beautiful is it? i'm in love

No. 2081848

File: 1737817402826.mp4 (6.25 MB, 720x1280, selfinsert.mp4)

New Harley video where he seemingly grabs his bulge while staring into the camera lens, talking bout how the viewer
>cannot do anything irredeemable in my [his] eyes
>is amazing, beautiful and can be forgiven for your mistakes
>"I forgive you"
>there is nothing you can ever do to take away from your beauty, you can be forgiven no matter what.
Definitely not referring to himself and any allegations kek

No. 2081849

Kekking at how box-shaped he is

No. 2081900

The fedora…

No. 2081926

Needs to be next threadpic

No. 2081940

File: 1737835479498.jpg (20.47 KB, 415x388, .jpg)

This stupid manipulative moid is so obvious with his tactics it almost makes him look retarded.(sage your shit)

No. 2081970

as much as I hate to admit, I can see how he so smoothly fast-talks his userbase since theyre young and naive. But to me, he has that weird homeless messiah predator complex ive seen many homeless people pull on people to gain their trust.

No. 2081998

>you have to help me
Actually, no. They don't. The women you encounter in life weren't put here to cater to your every whim, buy you food, crowdfund your shelter, become your personal punching bag. People don't want to help you because you're a grifting narc that hurts anyone you come in contact with!

No. 2082001

the infighting is insane, the sub-mods btfo'd the evidence sub, because r/lexity has been shittalking the day-1 users behind their backs and the victims, you cannot make this shit up. two tranny mods, u/throwit or u/troonit is a 33 year old weiiirdooo! the other one is environment something, they apparently planned on making their own gfms post marcys and marcellas.

No. 2082015

File: 1737849084825.mp4 (2.4 MB, 1280x720, lolcow definition2.mp4)

this was from same day of >>2077188
>lolcows are almost always like neurodivergent people
>it's never just a normal guy

No. 2082016

File: 1737849291137.mp4 (1.36 MB, 1280x720, marcy diss track.mp4)

okay i'm posting old milk bcs there's so much kek
>do a diss track on marcy?

No. 2082025

File: 1737849997758.png (1.06 MB, 1456x1236, rfhwlk.png)

just thought that i should post the completed lexity drawing here. the moveset had me cackling kek

No. 2082027

as op i fucking love you! all of you are so amazing and talented tysm

No. 2082028

art nonna ilysm. this is a masterpiece. i’m laughing my ass off at the fucking whip. you nailed his hulking male body and caveman expression and everything.

No. 2082034

ayrt, just wanted to clarify that i wasn't the one who drew this masterpiece (i'm nowhere near talented enough lol), all praise should go towards the original artist whoever they may be. hopefully she's lurking this thread and will see your compliments bc she totally deserves them!

No. 2082079

okay now its discord vs. sub equally retarded.
someone was trying to invite the paralegal and the paralegal doxxed her full info to prove she was real, and the discord told them to stfu and banned them KEK.
lexity and associated cows goes deep!

No. 2082128

File: 1737883825074.mp4 (5.3 MB, 592x1280, 90ABCCCC-6594-4FB5-B865-95DF80…)

harley met with pixie(?) 19, not 20. i think she might be trolling him.
i hope she's safe. i hope she isn't being molested, she seems quite funny too.
he hasn't streamed in 3 hours since this clip. godspeed pixie, we're praying for you.
>"what is wrong with your door?"
>"you smell like wood, sweat and dogs"
>"what's going on in here?"
>"you're streaming right now? with no shoes on?"
>"it smells like wood…"
>"you're so prettyy,…"
>"how many medications can i take from here? hmm what's he taking todayy?" picks up a pill bottle
>"mmm another one, i wonder what's this one. i'm not gonna say it out loud but i will keep this in mind!" shakes the pill bottle
>"no, you wont! no you won't" snatches it off her
>she picks up another pill bottle "are these tictacs?"
>"he's not ready for me to get in the car. his seat is filthy."
>"mostly everything is filthy"
>"he's not even wearing shoes"
>"it smells like wood in here.."
>"it takes a lot of wood"
>"can i sit here? can you wipe it one more time can you get the crumbs out? i'm not interested in sitting on that"
>"i was not expecting to spend time or else i would have cleaned it up for you, k?" angry face
stream ends…

No. 2082131

File: 1737885479453.png (392.28 KB, 1093x538, chrome_t5rAQHYmTA.png)

reddit drama!
potatos was a mod for the sub. during the tranny civil war of r/lexity she was exiled for being apart of the revolution, r/anyathena, combatting the dictator tranny jannies, u/troonit and u/cool_environment.
her and the other tif mod came out with screenshots of all the retarded shit going on in the mod chats, including u/troonit doxxing 18 year old girls who he banned and criticising their appearance with environment.
potatos (alleged ukrainian terf) sperged at the troons in russian, and told them to rope.
environment, is cuban! and is now saying that this was a lynching threat, despite it quite clearly maybe being transphobic.
>u/expert_expert is u/troonit's alt, he's pretending to be a new mod and that he quit because of the transphobia KEKKKKKEKEKEK

No. 2082132

File: 1737886016652.png (133.92 KB, 801x858, chrome_izURiiY9Gs.png)

u/troonit has commandeered r/anyathena and he's so incompetent at making anything that this is what it looks like rn! he really thinks no one knows it's him kek

No. 2082176

File: 1737897527694.jpeg (115.18 KB, 750x330, IMG_2002.jpeg)

correction, there were two separate incidents and the minor (violet) was 16 and harley was 20 when they started dating. violet is not the one who posted on reddit

No. 2082180

KEKKKKK I fucking lost it at propane attack(sage your shit)

No. 2082325

File: 1737922885556.jpeg (97.38 KB, 750x249, IMG_2011.jpeg)

harley is at the house of the girl from last night

No. 2082352

It’s interesting how he’s unable to defend himself or speak back to anyone when there’s a man around.

He’s 100% being trolled and bullied by these people and he’s just sitting there taking it, it’s hilarious to watch honestly.

He keeps muting himself too because they keep making slick comments about him.

He can only scream and yell at women it seems. His “mental illness” and blow ups suddenly disappear when a man is around.

No. 2082379

Seems like any old annoying young drugfiend, easy to tell that's the primary reason for being there. Sounds like quite a stash. I'm loving how Harley's doing the cutesy act to lovebomb and secure her but you can tell he's getting visibly annoyed with her already, kek.

No. 2082380

Is it a party or something? Looking forward to milky clips.

No. 2082383

File: 1737935703288.png (294.13 KB, 828x1442, orange county.png)

ayrt and i got the same vibe too, i think she and her friend are using him for his drugs and money and are picking at him subtly whilst doing so. the house these 19-20 year olds is living in looks very nice, big and clean, so i assume they’re upper-middle class junkie edgelords taking advantage of harleys retardation

it’s just a young woman and man currently with harley awkwardly tagging along. he seems like he might be there for a few days and they’re taking him around Orange County, they were meant to be lying and saying he was in LV still, for some reason, even though everyone knows he isn’t.
i’m recording the vods right now incase he dfe’s, but he also said;
>’i love the vods it’ll be a video diary to look back at, at the end of the year’

No. 2082428

They are definitely not fans and I think are planning to get the police involved by the looks of things. There are two men, Sky and Austin with her. I think this might end well.
Towards the end, Hayley(pixie) begs one of the guys to stay when she is going to be left alone with harley, she clearly wanted two men in the house with her to protect her and this was planned beforehand.
Sky tells harley, “Austin wants you out of the house while he has a shower” they kick him out and he has a bit of a bitchfit about it, sulks in his van for the next few hours. They are definitely not fans and I think are planning to get the police involved by the looks of things

>picking skin off his hands

>expresses interest in a new id and license plate, boy i wonder why!?
>"id need an address and i dont wanna be bothered dealing with that"
>shitty rapping out of nowhere
sky is presenting as a tim with a littlepip mlp shirt on and a gross ass collar, but i wonder if he's trolling? it seems a bit much and they all seem to be fucking with harley
>"im very happy to get human time without it ending very badly for me, well at least it hasnt yet" you might be the common denominator, harley
grooming/anti victim-blaming/abuse infomercial starts playing, he is visibly fucking uncomfortable this is so creepy i started getting the chills.
good on pixie for putting it on (you can see her sitting on the couch watching it nervously) it’s so satisfying seeing him squirm, he’s trying to tell himself she didn’t do it on purpose
>the person named austin enters and dismissively greets harley
>“trans women are being heard right now” - sky
he looks back at hayley(pixie) after the video finishes and acknowledges it very strangely
>mansplains washing and brushing your hair
>“they look at those electrons and they say that’s not bussin” harley says
this makes it very clear to me that he is aware these people are younger than him and is pulling a how do you do fellow kids
>plays their guitar poorly, when in the past he blamed his mediocrity on his ‘broken’ guitar
>nebula says he has streamed in the past for a while
he uses such condescending childlike language towards hayley it makes my skin crawl
>“im fine saying where im at but people freak out and say ‘don’t say where you are!’” - harley
>puts on a bdsm hat that says mommy on it
>says the only reason he shouldnt dox himself is because he has a following
doesnt acknowledge that he would also be doxxing these people who let him in their (probably) parents house
the way he eats is so fucking foul i can’t get over it, he does the same when he smokes his vape hes such an aggressive ape about everything.
most agps wouldnt even be this confident in looking so damn manly online, he does not give a single fuck about anything
>pixie gives several super aggressive looks at harleys phone, she is planning on fucking him over hard i’m sur
>"theres nothing i cant do there’s just things i haven’t done yet" he has said this multiple times now, near everyday
>they bully his hygiene and the clothes that are covered in sawdust, saying he needs to go to a laundromat asap
thank god for these people if they're actually going to end harleys reign of terror or cause some repercussions

No. 2082452

File: 1737943827497.mp4 (13.49 MB, 1280x720, van fucked x2.mp4)

kek we were right, she was going through a relapse and harley says
>‘i had to deal with someones relapse’

he’s on the road again, also his vans battery died, kek. he needed to get it fixed, but only an hour later after saying he was leaving to camp somewhere, he says that the van has another problem and is stuck, yet again.

No. 2082487

*hayley is not pixie

No. 2082639

File: 1738005823652.mp4 (2.9 MB, 720x1280, Snapinst.app_video_AQP2ZQr2AFq…)

van tour dropped! it looks disgustingly messy and are those wood shavings on the floor?

No. 2082650

Holy kek that is horror movie worthy

No. 2082667

Does he only own the one temu dress? He's wearing the exact same one in all the videos posted

No. 2082713

>you lovely little thing
The way his voice wavers on that last line makes it all the more spooky. Handmaidens are insane to come out to meet this creature in his free candy van.

No. 2082738

File: 1738020661739.mp4 (18.74 MB, 1280x720, B0C7ADF3-3B8C-4F4C-9596-AEC7AB…)

this is the moment hayley starts playing the grooming video, directly after harley was saying some weird shit
>”i’m happy too, to get human time without it ending very badly for me, at least, so far it hasn’t, i don’t think it will”
2 seconds later, the grooming video begins and he VISIBLY jumps and seems angry, very much the behaviour of an innocent person!

No. 2082782

he's also got whatever the fuck this is
he seems to pressure them in the original vod to let him come back to shower, after sulking in the van.

this is him being completely fucking incompetent in every regard. i've never seen someone moisturise so disgustingly.
sky offers harley to blowdry his hair and i swear to god i have never seen anyone be this atrocious, he is such a bumbling fucking idiot, the absolute audacity of him to be mansplaining to other people how to manage their hair and skincare is off the charts!

>"you gotta hit a laundromat someday" -sky

>”could you do my laundry for me instead?” - hayley
>”no” - harley
it gets super passive aggressive after this.
he mutes, lip reading, it looks like he says something along the lines of
>"if you want me to go that’s fine"
if anyone else wants to take the time to analyse it, it seems like he is asking them if they are fine with him being there aggressively, because in >>2082428 when austin implies he wants harley out of the house, you can hear austin pulling sky away and it sounds like he’s saying ‘no, you don’t get it, she(hayley) wants him(harley) out of the house’
>bully his chicken scratch tattoos
>"i have two phones, like i’m a criminal or something"
they ask a question, he mutes, replies to hayley ‘actually yes’
>”this ones for the money, this ones for the hoes”
sky seems done with harley at this point, she says
>"if you put the two together, that would be prostitution"
harley gets triggered by this and ends the stream, i assume to call her out. he leaves for the last time after this, to go camping, when he begins to stream again he says that they kicked him out, again, twice, and that they 'weren't trustworthy'

No. 2082798

>harley tries to film a tiktok for a very long time trying to explain how he abuses/grooms/love-bombs/excuses all of his behaviour purely because of bpd.
>”hey sweet pea i have borderline personality disorder”
>but then says bipolar interchangeably @ 6:16, correcting himself KEKEKEKKEK
he definitely has bipolar and is taking advantage of saying BPD to seem more feminine and cutesy
>”don’t talk to people with bpd if you can’t handle it”
>”have some sympathy for me”
>”love-bombing is part of what i do”
>”i’m sorry if i hurt you, i’m sorry if i scared you, i have bpd.” 7:30
>he starts tweaking??? pretending to play the guitar and opening his mouth like he’s possessed? 11:20
>”hi you guys im stuck in the desert, can you- i am stuck in the desert i am stuck in the desert”
>he left the keys at their house? and says of course i did?
>”i need to meet someone who doesn’t have a cell phone, no social media, so they don’t know anything, and never find out” 16:40
>”i’m feeling socially starved”
>”i don’t have friends, and i can’t really make friends, because like, yeah”
>”they didn’t ask me to leave, i just didn’t feel necessarily comfortable there, because i have trust issues because of everything that happened to me, so i left, i just left.” 18:13
KEK oh?
>”they whole thing of people being violent and jumping me, that’s why i’m aggressive”

take a shot everytime he says ‘sweetpea’

No. 2082841

i swear he has lip filler

No. 2083032

Look at the size of his hands keeeekkkkk It seriously looks edited

No. 2083048

File: 1738108565484.jpg (130.58 KB, 636x982, 1000008207.jpg)

Yasss Joey Ramone

No. 2083050

He looks nothing like Joey. Maybe Johnny?

No. 2083058

File: 1738109642906.mp4 (18.97 MB, 1280x720, i'm better than all of you.mp4)

crashes out on his loving chat because he's more 'famous' and 'successful' than them
>you (chat) have probably only met 1000-2000 people
>i’ve met a lot more than that. an incomprehensible amount more than that
>people want me to sweep them off their feet, because i’m a successful figure
>atp it feels like i can only date people with more social clout than me
>where’s my fucking safety?
>offline i have met more people than all of you (chat) combined

No. 2083069

>i’ve met a lot more than that. an incomprehensible amount more than that
>people want me to sweep them off their feet, because i’m a successful figure
KEK he has to be delusional and make up all these thousands and millions of people that he knows in order to cope. Remember, this is the guy who said he has no friends. ”I don’t have friends, and I can’t really make friends, because like, yeah.” So you're so successful and know all these people yet don't even have a single friend to help you as you're on the run in your shitmobile? Not one of those people are there for you? Hilarious.

No. 2083086

File: 1738112577249.mp4 (4.48 MB, 1280x720, laundry.mp4)

finally does his laundry and seems like he got high as a fucking kite to stomach being seen in public

No. 2083105

File: 1738114650822.mp4 (8.12 MB, 1280x720, no more fast food (2).mp4)

>"no more fast food ever"
>"taco bell is deeply transphobic to me"
>someone brings up taco bell after harleys rant on taco bell moments prior
>"why are you giving fast food promotion by even mentioning it?"
anddd banned!

No. 2083106

Looks utterly miserable until people start populating chat and then laucnhing into freestyles and other mad shit - despite claiming he's appreciative of the human company, he doesn't appreciate it nearly as much as that of his doting cult.

No. 2083108

Was just thinking how perfect the timing was here, really admire the planning

No. 2083122

File: 1738116987703.mp4 (1.13 MB, 888x1920, PoorPlanning.mp4)

You asked for $15k in a GFM, were given double that by your delulu troonie brigade, bought a $23k van, and you’re now complaining about being homeless? Unable to cook? Do laundry? You literally asked for this… your followers generously gave you this massive gift you fucking asswipe. Perhaps do something productive with it.

Maybe you shouldn’t be so concerned with weed carts, bear skin rugs, chastity belts, and dildos. Maybe you should learn to be a functioning human being and budget and PLAN.

No. 2083128

Yes! And berating one of his commenters for asking him his fave sushi when he had just mentioned he was maybe getting sushi later? He cannot make up his mind.

No. 2083129

File: 1738118143156.mp4 (7.78 MB, 1280x720, howdy yall.mp4)

after >>2083105 and complaining about money, i shit you not he signs off with
>great, i'm not getting food now because you guys made me mad
>brb, going to the dispo

vidrel is a doozy.
40 minutes onwards he starts sperging about wanting to abuse people and be accepted for it.
he starts crying at some point. (50 minute mark until the end is crashout)
hour mark he rages about weed because his chatters are talking with him about it? bans a day one fan KEK
>there aren’t two athenas, oh wait there are, because i’m one of them, i’m a goddess!
i implore you all to watch the final 26 seconds of this video

No. 2083135

File: 1738118857983.png (22.97 KB, 328x264, chrome_5p9hhoKkaQ.png)

samefag, talking about piss is now a bannable offence.
>no more of that, seriously
chatter in picrel made an innocuous joke about @pisspals handle and then apologised. B&
>"(pisspal) you need to change your name or you need to get gone"

No. 2083137

i've kind of been annoyed seeing this thread being bumped constantly but i finally gave in and watched the this one. is this a horrorcow?(spoonfeed request)

No. 2083144

File: 1738121262099.mp4 (7.51 MB, 888x1920, ScreenRecording_01-28-2025 13.…)

TYSM friend i am sorry i am still learning.

Kek enjoy.. Harley freaked out on one of his followers today for calling him GIRL. He demands to know how they found his twitch. like it isnt blasted all over your SM profiles/youre not promoting it.

>I dont think theres anyone with the name Anastasia who doesn't use she/her pronouns

>names don't indicate gender. Nothing indicates gender right?!
k… so make up your mind.
>babbles like an idiot for bit before blocking them.

All the while playing with his drill like a complete fucking psychopath.

No. 2083153

File: 1738123371693.mp4 (18.51 MB, 1280x720, except people who are 18.mp4)

here he blows up at chantelle from >>2080497 for asking if he's okay KEK…
>people always tell me 'wait for the right thing'
>but no one actually fucking tries
>unless they're fucking 18
A chatter says
>Hey Anyathena I know this is super off topic but maybe changing the topic will be nice lol what other vape tricks can you do? Cause that ghost one you do is smooth as hell
to which harley simply replies no and goes for the sexc b& button
anytime nona! thank u for ur contributions
i think nebula has been on his ass abt being more careful on stream, thats where all this schizo behaviour is coming from. i've also noticed harley visibly trying to not get trigg0rd when nebula says something he doesn't like

No. 2083166

How do influencers do this it’s so cringe

No. 2083170

Calling him an influencer feels like a stretch, no?

No. 2083205

> No one wants to sweep me off my feet, wah!
Picks up the phone to make a TikTok video
> Not everyone can be swept off their feet if we are all expecting it; make an effort
Does he not hear himself?

No. 2083211

File: 1738145333348.mp4 (2.6 MB, 1280x720, jewish comparison.mp4)

>it really does feel like being trans is like being jewish in 1940s germany

No. 2083260

Wheres the tranny Auschwitzs then? Holy fuck troons are such fucking narcs.

No. 2083280

If you remove all the sexual deviancy, harassment and gaslighting to gain sexual access to women who don't want to be around them (which is approx. 99% of their day) - then it seems like a bunch of crazy people who all hates these dress-wearers for absolutely no reason. Every normie knows at least two of the main reasons that Jews were persecuted: religion and "usury" since they were prohibited from participating in the Christian/secular economy. Jewish people don't have to pretend their religion has nothing to do with their persecution because they're not ashamed of it. Troons will pretend their rapey sexuality has nothing to do with the reason everyone hates them or that they loudly proclaim being denied sexual access to women is the same as being gassed at Auschwitz. I can't think of any other group that does more to incite hatred toward themselves, creates more enemies out of thin air or lacks self awareness to this degree. Even neo-nazis know why people hate them, troons still pretend people give a fuck what they're wearing or how badly they put on makeup

No. 2083523

File: 1738202718946.png (996.12 KB, 754x535, chrome_xxrYi8OncD.png)

he's so dainty and helpless!
>van is stuck in the mud, third time
>"i'm going back to oregon, maybe today, to refill my scripts"
>"once my scripts are filled, i'll go to the east coast"
1. i am excited for him to get his pills
2. how tf r u going to get ur shitmobile to the east coast

No. 2083669

>People always tell me wait for the right thing, but no one actually fucking tries, unless they're fucking 18
>Implying the only people he gets approached by are young girls so it's justified if he ends up if he ends up with young girls since that's his pool to pick from
He keeps brushing by this fine line of what I'd imagine to be his handmaidens' hefty benefit of doubt and full on creeper status. He keeps bringing up shit like this, >>2082798 at 2:10, just like admitting to lovebombing in a full freudian slip.
>Lovebombing is part what I do
>Realizes how fucking self incriminating that is
>ah, becuz it is tho!! becus it is tho. likelikelikelikelikelike-
>I can't feel more than one emotion at once, but not really. Because that's how bpd works.
Oh ok, glad you cleared that up. Why is he so fucking retarded? What is the benefit of these behind the scenes type livestreams? It's making his manipulations and patterns more obvious. I don't think a viewer would see this and be more charmed, because this is destroying the charm by showing how premeditated and rehearsed it is. I used to think he was Machiavellian from the way he speaks. It's obvious he wants to control his image, what people think of him, and what they think they hear when they hear him, yet he does shit like this. Just shows how much of a brute he is. He's going to implode because this shtick is not generating his ideal harem and band of sycophants fast enough. This fag needs to stop droning on about how lonely he is. What kind of outcome can you expect when you rage out even at your own mother?

No. 2083698

kek at those hulking tranny arms

No. 2083895

Sage for blogpost but when I was an oblivious handmaiden, I thought exactly that. I genuinely thought that anti-trans people were just hateful and backwards and disliked troons for "daring to be themselves", kek. I slowly started seeing articles about TIMs abusing women and children, and recognizing creepy, entitled sexual behavior from them online and once I started noticing the pattern I couldn't unsee it.(blogging)

No. 2083978

His male privilege shows hard. Especially when it comes to his "im gonna travel to the east coast alone." Sure women do that, but way less. And the ones who do always have to arm themselves to feel truly safe being fully alone. But him? He doesnt even mention being worried about his safety.doesnt have to worry. Hes a hulking man and nobody is going to rape him, sadly…

No. 2084018

File: 1738318751362.gif (3.7 MB, 800x450, 2025-01-3121-11-38-ezgif.com-o…)

harley is now in malibu. he's also been going live on instagram again, which has less moderation than twitch so will lead to more crashouts

No. 2084092

I still can't believe he wasted 30k on a shitty car, he could have used that money for a years worth of rent and groceries if he had just gotten a bachelor's apartment in some little town had he bought a greyhound ticket to get to. This man could have had a whole year of trying to get his life together and finding a part time or full time job with a safe roof over his head but instead he wasted it and is trying to buy dildos

No. 2084141

File: 1738354072368.jpeg (61.74 KB, 451x731, IMG_0515.jpeg)

Nonnies - we may be on the brink of another episode. He was just live berating one of his followers and yelling about no one helping him ever, kek. Interesting this outburst is occurring shortly after he picked up his meds!


No. 2084146

the horrible pink fiberglass covered jumpsuit has made a reappearance too, just in time for this thread’s second adderall binge induced crashout! oh harley please never slow down

No. 2084206

File: 1738366107205.mp4 (15.18 MB, 1280x720, FUCK YOU.mp4)

holy fucking shit he is insane he is scary just to watch
>stimming with his pill bottles

No. 2084210

File: 1738366720697.mp4 (2.3 MB, 1280x720, I DONT BELIEVE IN EVIL.mp4)

>i don't believe in evil
>i think everyone has good intentions all of the time
>including like, murderers and stuff

No. 2084215

Wow really creepy

No. 2084225

These words would only ever be spoken by an actual evil person. Good he tries SO hard to sound profound and deep its so pathetic

No. 2084265

I think he should 41%. Trust me I have good intentions.

No. 2084283

File: 1738378864877.mp4 (1.95 MB, 720x1280, AQPFfdJDBbqg658B1WTp88Ylgs-3gz…)

>i dont mind people staring at me, so long as they look like they wanna eat me
>i know i look delicious but you could atleast appreciate it instead of looking so hostile
also, post-crashout on every single one of his audience members,
>i think i'll stop streaming
then blew up at a chatter who he alluded to having a relationship with off-stream, implying it was a romantic one. she popped in chat saying he could always call her if he wanted, to which he replied
>no, i won't. we had a private relationship that you brought into the public sphere
>i don't like you, this is your fault
stream goes dark. i doubt he'll be gone for long but god only knows what he's doing right now. if i had to place my bet, he's going to find some roadkill to eat raw

No. 2084295

File: 1738382051236.png (112.53 KB, 795x849, chrome_EEh0TPrDiL.png)

TOPKEK his chat has formed a coup!

>We can confidently say that she has preyed on the disability payments of her own followers

>We have been in contact with a Twitch Executive and Support Team to gather evidence for the deletion and demonetisation of her Twitch account.
>Within days Anya/Lexity/Athena will be issued a formal warning
>We have been personally advised that her account will likely be removed within days. A permanent ban is also on the table

No. 2084314

His piercings look like there's a worm living in his nose or he has a nasty infected booger leaking out

No. 2084348

File: 1738404928731.gif (13.73 KB, 220x204, cymbals-monkey-brain.gif)

>testy Anya

Holy hell, they're so close to getting it and go full terf. Let it out girls, I know you wanna call the bridge troll a "he" like God intended.
Almost there

No. 2084540

if you think about it, the tranny flag is almost like their vers. of the stars

No. 2084590

File: 1738465634886.png (26.87 KB, 809x390, chrome_VBcwhHzLwn.png)

>what is lexitys deadname
lexitys real name is harley it takes one google search retards

No. 2084615

KEK he brought up his little dick complex and whether it’s “big” or small, some of these comments are getting to you huh harley? it absolutely is small and could never please a woman, that’s partially why you’re a raging rape ape aside from just being a disgusting scrote. what a fucking deranged human being

No. 2085022

File: 1738566816871.mp4 (6.87 MB, 1280x720, baby talking brynnie.mp4)

iirc brynnie is the disabled girl, no?
here he is outright just hitting on her and basically claiming that all of his fans are 'interested' in him, and he loooves it so much!

No. 2085023

File: 1738566851243.mp4 (3.49 MB, 1280x720, poopie water.mp4)


No. 2085039

File: 1738572681841.png (41.15 KB, 641x395, chrome_fLXzCgTVWQ.png)

his new biggest paypig is @deconyxx/sarah. she is in her 30s, works in behavioral finance and has a child around the age of 3-5. she has donated 10-30 subs and constantly venmoes harley money.
harley will go on about how he has no money, no sink, cant cook and is sooo poor right after deconyxx sends him money. he cycles through
>you really dont have to support me guys, everyone thinks im taking advantage of you
>but, it doesn't seem like i am taking advantage of you, you love sending me money!
>you guys keep me alive.. if it weren't for you…

No. 2085058

>very tall
>apple shape
Kek you know this man looks like a long-limbed Kirby.

No. 2085062

File: 1738582001612.png (635.91 KB, 672x826, Screenshot 2025-02-03 at 5.25.…)

really scary glitch

No. 2085063

KEKK it took me a moment to see and now i’m pissing myself

No. 2085068

Most guy behavior ever

No. 2085071

File: 1738585137785.mp4 (1.66 MB, 1280x720, put it on your lower back.mp4)

>you're lazy on the couch with cramps? oh i'm so sorry, i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry
>get a hot water bottle and put it on your lower back
>i'd do it for ya' but - you're kinda far away teehee

No. 2085180

I am not good at archiving at all, but this person is streaming every day, verbally abusing people and crashing out. It is sickening to watch, but someone has to keep tabs on this person. Last week I was banned in chat for breaking an imaginary rule that he assumes everyone knows, so I am only able to see the chat replay once streams end. I am 5 minutes into his finished stream from this morning (‘good morning’ 02/03) so far he admitted to having a “cold sore” in his nose (ok so you have herpes?) and screamed at one of his most loyal of WK’s so loud the audio glitched. Clenching his hands together and smacking them, almost like to jumpscare the viewer. The crashout is about police and how much he hates them. His tweaker ass is obsessed with them; I keep getting an error when I try to attach a video to this post, but he was hand-signing “1-3-1-2” repeatedly on Saturday (02/01) like a retard.

No. 2085218

KEKKK wtf holy shit, i’ll clip it for you nona don’t worry.
>It is sickening to watch
ikr? i tune into most of his streams afterwards and it’s just lunacy. after you get over the earrape and terrifying-ness he’s actually very hilarious because of how fucking stupid he is. i find myself watching his streams like a reality show kek

No. 2085224

File: 1738615764450.mp4 (777.87 KB, 462x640, FurryWalls.mp4)

its giving ~*serial killer vibez*~

No. 2085251

File: 1738623472178.mp4 (18.24 MB, 1280x720, acab1.mp4)

harley went on an acab sperg! because brynnie >>2085022 (the disabled girl he takes money off and grooms) said that
>cops are kinda nice at pride parades
harley loses his fucking mind:
>”no we DONT like the police!”
>“when i’m mentally ill they tackle me bc i want to go smoke a cigarette”
did you try to evade arrest after you threatened to kill your mother, or you just wanted to be stepping outside for a smoke, you absolute retard?
>”they punish people for not following rules! and that’s the only thing they’ve ever done!” that’s the point of law enforcement
>crashes out and starts raging /screaming, twitching, eating his hair
maybe he wouldn’t have so much trouble with the police if he didn’t abuse women and steal cars?

No. 2085252

File: 1738623647675.mp4 (19.86 MB, 1280x720, acab2.mp4)

part 2, eating himself and his hair

No. 2085262

The fact that this moid had the audacity to give his viewers haircare advice only to whip out these greasy little rat tails with 3 hairs in each braid. God grant me the confidence of a 4/10 scrote.

No. 2085274

After this clip, he said if one of his pets died he would skin them and keep their pelt, but it would be “more of a keepsake than about staying warm,” if you want to find and clip that.
The only part of it that’s amusing is his feigned intelligence and how far beyond everyone else he imagines himself to be, he is literally incapable of explaining a full thought, then it quickly becomes horrific when he gets distracted playing with hatchets and fingering yogurt and eating it with his bare hands and eyefucking himself in his camera (literal nightmare fuel and disgusting because there’s no way for him to wash his hands in the van)

No. 2085293

marcella is live w some faggy youtuber rn talking more in depth of the situation
>harley called her a whore while screaming at her
>she begged harley to stop, to which he responded in a mocking childlike, condescending tone "ohh is this voice better? poor baby!"
>was wearing huge heels and stomped everywhere fucking up her room
>her roommate (male) didn't do anything??? he would have heard it all?
>harley said "i'm not drinking right now, for you"
>marcella replied "i think you should stop drinking for you" which lead to him losing his shit at her and terrifying her

No. 2085322

File: 1738638400290.mp4 (14.41 MB, 1280x720, EWWWW.mp4)

okay so he eats with his fingers, doesn't have a sink or any running water, and licks it off his fingers like a caveman. this is SO NASTYYY and why is he putting it in the yoghurt

No. 2085362

>some faggy youtuber
It's a TIF kek

No. 2085382

wait actually??? i thought it was a catty gay kek

No. 2085465

he's always watching….

No. 2085603

File: 1738720806392.mp4 (18.3 MB, 1280x720, janky counter.mp4)

TOPKEK, so he's built a shitty counter and hasn't sanded any of the wood down. he's so proud of his shitty flimsy job and apparently his sink will have a piece of wood sitting in it constantly that doesn't even fit.
>the clothes pile where the sink should be
>the overall jankiness
>splinters everywhere
>hearing him scratching his skin asmr
>jumpscare at end troon body

No. 2085649

My god his workmanship is ass. This looks like a toddler made trying to replicate something they saw an adult build. What a joke.

No. 2085707

File: 1738764893117.mp4 (16.28 MB, 1280x720, lumberjack.mp4)

in every vod lately he has dribble all over his chin. he's tweaking tf out here so i assume he has the adderall in the morning, he literally cannot close his mouth he's such a drooling monkey tard

>pretends to hack at the camera for several minutes

>"i really like axes they make me happy"
>"i like axe"
>starts chopping his counter
>peels wood/splinters off of the counter and starts playing with it
>continues hacking at the counter and smiling like a lunatic
>"cause i wanna wear skimpy clothing all the time-" GETS A SPLINTER KEK
>hes just playing with all the offcuts of wood and constantly giving himself splinters
>harley can't help himself and starts hacking at the counter/walls again

No. 2085710

File: 1738765366595.mp4 (2.89 MB, 1280x720, i hate my parents actually.mp4)

this was his first stream on in a day as he took a break yesterday, and it took only 27 minutes for him to lose his fucking marbles at the chat for nothing
>cellysupreme mentions she is debating going to her deceased fathers memorial
>she has a good relationship with him
>harley is dismissive but otherwise not combative to her
>he mentions he lost his 'penjamin' and says he's upset
>another chatter encourages celly to go to the memorial, harley loses it
>"okay fine, y'all are gonna trigger me, i fucking hate my parents, i hate people who say you need to love them because they're in any way related to you"
>"don't worry about regretting things (to celly being unsure of going to her dads memorial because she would be too sad?)
evil cunt got pissed about his weed and took it out on these poor retards, one of whom just told him something very important to her. fuck you harley you fucking scum of the earth rat looking fuckhead, i cant wait until you're rotting

No. 2085950

he definitely gives adderall head vibes, like a high dose he conned his doctor to write for him. my concern with his lifestyle choice is that if his doctor refuses to write another prescription for it, what if the cravings are so bad (which we will see) he transitions to meth. happens more often than you think with adderall abusers.

No. 2085985

kek you were right, from a vod today he said
>i might stop taking my adhd meds because they’re too hard to get refilled
>i still really want them though

No. 2086159

File: 1738872785613.png (132.08 KB, 498x277, IMG_6925.png)

His twitch was deactivated today mid-stream, on a short instagram live he claimed his account got banned for “copyright infringement.”

No. 2086170

File: 1738876265394.mp4 (6.35 MB, 720x1280, AQNkmHte8YmQg3QaxLtDaNegeVAjTI…)

New reel of him whipping himself while claiming that if Instagram takes down the video, they're bigoted because he's spiritually expressing himself (and definitely not jerking off) kekk

No. 2086174

File: 1738876646028.jpeg (421.35 KB, 1170x1623, IMG_6926.jpeg)

No. 2086184

Softest self-flaggelation whip ever, it barely makes any noise. His arms are gonna get tired before his skin even turns red.

No. 2086189

Man wasn't even trying. If he was serious about this, he'd join Shia Muslims or something.

No. 2086207

File: 1738881531920.png (763.27 KB, 828x1453, harley btfo.png)

it was le ‘gang of 3’ or 4 now apparently. i hope the redditards actually try to screen record his tt and ig lives

No. 2086256

File: 1738891003902.mp4 (14.52 MB, 1280x720, warm vs cold.mp4)

this is his last biggest crashout that was from yesterday, probably what finally put the nail in the coffin. he just basically tells them all to kill themselves for saying he should stop getting fast food and maybe invest in groceries or a stovetop. about 3-4 days ago, he himself was saying that he will completely stop getting any fast food. the next day and since, that's all he's eaten. at one point he realises he can turn this into an eating disorder thing, which he does at full steam!

>People can stop being fucking idiots

>Go fucking die
>Fucking cunts
>Give me money to buy a fucking stove, or shut the fuck up, these are your only two options
>If you tell me to buy actual food you're just a judgemental fucking bastard and go fuck yourself frankly
>Everyone is trying to piss me off actually, because people just fucking betray me for barely any reason! I don't get it at all!
>So like basically… I'm really fucking mad, I'm really fucking mad, I'm really really really fucking mad
>Just because someone is mad at you, doesn't mean that you're suddenly the victim.

No. 2086275

Why he playing double dutch with that shit

No. 2086277

>But, what is given can be taken away.
kek how is it that the reddit snark subs are so cowish themselves. They really think gossip is justice

No. 2086492

He just came up on my instagram and I had to sprint here to see if anyone knew him, he's seriously fucking creepy

No. 2086527

File: 1738969790843.mp4 (2.46 MB, 1280x720, 2025-02-08 09-58-05.mp4)

evil cunt is live on tiktok and starts acting like a retard everytime people start calling him out
also in vidrel, wtf is up with his voice at the start? idk if it was just a syncing issue or if he just had a CRAAZY tone change

No. 2086529

Did he have that self-made "whip" before and I missed it or did artnonny predict he would make one

No. 2086541

Very confused as to why this retard is so insistant on buying a gaz stove when there are affordable electrical heating plaques, pretty sure i bought mine for 20 dollars which is equivalent to one ordered meal. Especially considering he is in a van, with a propane heater, it's as if he's trully trying to blow himself up.

No. 2086582

yes he did it’s one of his weird hyperfixations, theres a lot of scary videos of him whipping shit

No. 2086613

I normally put his videos on 2x speed so I can stomach his ranting but jesus christ this barking is terrifying.
This. His unwillingness to do a quick walmart search shows his true laziness and spoiled background. Even if people got him the money for a stove, he'd probably spend it on more useless shit.

No. 2086633

is he using a voice changer whats going on(sage your shit)

No. 2086635

File: 1738996782793.png (106.98 KB, 530x529, chrome_lpVIO4FfqI.png)


No. 2086637

kekk what a bitch

No. 2086910

This is so cringe. Idk what’s more embarrassing, being a crackhead cow who lives in a murder van or being a disgruntled orbiter of a crackhead cow who lives in a murder van.

No. 2086930

File: 1739067329435.png (85.11 KB, 411x908, chrome_WYLA6H6jhv.png)

he's infiltrated the sub!

No. 2086934

File: 1739067768917.mp4 (10.14 MB, 720x1280, AQMHzJl8eYdRuclAXIg5j77Zxur-0i…)

>i dont have that much sympathy for people who fear and hate men

No. 2086952

Kek did you upvote your own comments, Ok-Mulberry-7956?

No. 2086953

File: 1739071477194.png (135.95 KB, 804x835, chrome_GaknGgayWP.png)


No. 2086961

>So I'm going to treat you like shit because you're neither a man nor you a woman. Right?
Wrong! He gets treated like shit because he's violent and insane. Definitely a man.

Sorry you hate yourself enough to actually go on Reddit but not all of us do, post the screenshot with context next time if you don't want to look like you're selfposting.

No. 2086990

Holy fuck it almost feels like parody. You are treated like shit because you are a PREDATOR.

No. 2086991

>you don't get to hate and fear an entire class of people
Yes I do. Whenever men stop raping women and children and creating wars and hurting others for no reason, maybe I'll consider not hating them. Be pretty weird to tell me I'm not allowed to do that because you personally feel offended by it. If you aren't a predator, why would you care?

No. 2087010

File: 1739094903536.mp4 (9.23 MB, 720x1280, AQPdbpGp7tMUigRCscgn6cOk267asT…)

> if you're a man i love you and im rooting for you
> youre strong and amazing
> youre so powerful
> im not scared of you
> you can yell at me as much as you want
> "i for one think mens unalivement statistics are alarming. i love you all"
thank you harley you saved those men from the evil feminists ♥ not really milky but it feels like these kinds of videos ere just pure male projection especially when he gives his face in the screen a 1000-rape-stare

No. 2087011

File: 1739095045714.mp4 (5.05 MB, 720x1280, AQPtVzV7w9oT_Uj1cVXFVpRXG0c7Q3…)

This faggot is, as he puts it "rage fluteboxing in his fedora". Trans joy is beautiful and real.

No. 2087183

Who is asking for this

No. 2087229

>pov: you're passing by a port-a-potty at a renaissance faire

No. 2087256

File: 1739159386524.mp4 (17.97 MB, 576x1024, AQMCNP_mDBvzN2b4SX11TrAxTRMqty…)

>you dumb little fucking slut

No. 2087258

Perhaps some of the worst tone quality and breath control I've ever heard, male mediocrity strikes again

No. 2087259

This is the shit he wants women to tell him, kek.

No. 2087324

So mant problems online could be solved if the right people were punched in the face one time.

No. 2087345

>>POV the brown acid is wearing off and you realize you’re not actually at the jethro Tull concert…

No. 2087389

Male stomach, male arms, male hands, male shoulders, male head to body ratio. Ugly moid.

No. 2087411

funny way of saying women have been intimidated by him his entire life, i wonder why? couldn’t be that you’re a violent misogynist who’d kill his own mother and abuses every single woman who gives him the benefit of the doubt. we all know he’s just a predator but this is a really funny way of outing yourself to handmaidens.

No. 2087528

No. 2087643

File: 1739279010178.png (269.98 KB, 720x1600, utfh5rxf4die1.png)

comments on a tiktok of him saying
>hispanic, trans and homeless people are first in line!
at least he tried to shoe-horn hispanic in there. the capitalisation of 'ALL women' weirds me out

No. 2088026

File: 1739343720878.jpeg (373.42 KB, 1080x1761, racist harley.jpeg)

No. 2088028

File: 1739344002727.mp4 (5.6 MB, 720x1280, AQN50jeQYp41EKR2oMjGMiLB7KfsIw…)

>hey sweetpea, so i'm omnigender. i don't even necessarily care if parts of me are feminine
>but my rage, is feminine
>being trans is a choice between fear, suicidality, and giving up, yeah? thats the choice
thanks for spelling it out for us harley but we were already aware

No. 2088168

>can you get a passport? if I could, I would leave [the united states]
why can’t he get a passport? is he on the no-fly list or some shit, kek? perhaps he is retarded, since getting a passport is only like a hundred dollars at the local post office you’d think he would be willing to get off his ass and make that effort if he thought he was truly in danger of being genocided. (also the trans genocide bc they’re trapped in drumpf’s america shit pisses me off unreasonably bc surely in that case somewhere would offer you refuge status?)

No. 2088174

samefagging but i googled it KEKKKKK he literally fucking can’t get a passport:
>If you are a current U.S. passport holder or are in the process of applying for one, having pending criminal charges or previous criminal convictions can cause your passport application to be denied or your current passport to be revoked.
no no harley. your transfemme stereotypical raping and car theft seems to have backfired on you. you ARE trapped in trans genocide america, and your cruel lack of a passport will DEFINITELY mean the proud boys are going to come knocking on your van windows at night sometime during your next meth binge. i’m so sorry for doubting your sexualized rage.
well, i wouldn’t put it past him to try to flee the country to avoid his charges. trying to sneak the van over the mexican border arc when

No. 2088176

File: 1739392656337.mp4 (9.34 MB, 720x1280, AQMUb-hmH_oXr5CTw2hQnRWODM760-…)

'inheretence'(sic) harleys new song on his new 'rage' instagram @anastazia.alexandria

No. 2088180

>i won’t be my sister
ywnbaw. jealousy of (and weird resentment of) real female relative confirmed
>i will never be my father
then why do you abuse your mother acting just like him?

No. 2088191

File: 1739393607828.mp4 (10.41 MB, 720x1280, AQMqz2yD6ATudDc-QRdJdhtFtQEtGO…)

heres a screamo cover of 'inheretence'
>'Inheritance' it's a metaphorically inheritance btw, generational trauma and what not

No. 2088194

Calling it now this man is going to murder a woman, receive nationwide support from the public and will either not serve jail time, or will go to a women's prison.

No. 2088195

Why do all scrotes with daddy issues turn out like this?

No. 2088219

File: 1739398269236.mp4 (19.84 MB, 404x720, 7F435C0A-3E70-4DCC-B433-835735…)

he’s all fired up on instagram live right now! i joined for literally 3 minutes to check on him and in that time nearly everything he says is outrageous, audience is skeptical:
>compares trannies to black people and illegal immigrant, says trannies have it worse
>stumbles over “do you know any black people” question, says he doesn’t know any people irl, outing himself as knowing no black people
>compares the usa right now to 1938 germany
>thinks hitler invading poland is where the usa is at with invading canada imminently
>he’s incredibly fucking scared
also, there was this creepy glitch (bad wifi in the van i assume) where his mouth wasn’t syncing up with his words.
looks like he really fell off on instagram. he only had 50 viewers and his chat was dead, despite presumably saying a lot more crazy shit. prob lost a lot of real followers and botted replacements

No. 2088248

File: 1739402221152.png (82.74 KB, 345x122, chrome_5sNZ5chbsm.png)

>nineteen thirties eight germany x2

No. 2088266

This is awful, it's not even music
How did it get worse kek

No. 2088298

no screen caps since it's not milk but I jumped into the stream and the amount of pickmes fawning over him, calling him ethereal and stunning while he sat there with his greasy stringy hair, silently chewing on his dry ass lips was so depressing.

No. 2088604

File: 1739498730711.mp4 (17.58 MB, 720x1280, rapidsave.com_new_video-yuk84g…)

>you are accusing a trans person of being mentally ill with little to no evidence
oh okay

No. 2088605

File: 1739498760855.webp (56.66 KB, 1080x1588, this-reply-caught-my-attention…)

what does this reply even mean? i hate you harley

No. 2088725

Woah, imagine my absolute shock after 10 seconds in that this another badly disguised, manipulative psa that isn't about improving your behavior toward others but is actually about justifying lexitys own actions and fucked up creepy shit

No. 2088735

File: 1739519536414.mp4 (6.55 MB, 720x1280, rapidsave.com_theory_about_her…)

I hate this deformed faggot so MUCH
>"If you're a cis white woman you need to understand how deeply terrifyingly privileged you are"
>compares feminism and women standing up for themselves to the KKK and lynchings
He makes my skin itch with rage
>"The fear of sexual exploitation of cis white women is a massive tool used to further the oppression of pretty much every other minority group in America"
>"It is currently being used to further the exploitation and oppression of TRANS people in America"
>"Cis white women, you are deeply privileged, and terrifying to every minority group"
Putting aside that it's obvious he just wants to brainwash his viewers into hating Marcy and Marcella, why can't he admit that he is also a white man? Even if he said trans woman maybe he could have some kind of shield from criticism but he just makes his intentions and hatred of women specifically, so glaringly obvious, he has no defense to fall back on other than 'white' and 'cis'. I need to see him having his skull caved in

No. 2088736

girl i dont even know this cow but you need to stop looking at his posts if he makes you this mad

No. 2088737

File: 1739521042841.mp4 (17.63 MB, 720x1280, video (1).mp4)

Here is one of his first cameos he made, i'm assuming it's addressed to another twans girl. He also calls this person 'Mommy' at the start. In the second half he sings an original song about BLM and racism in America!

How would anyone not be bothered by this freak? If you don't know the cow and don't plan on lurking, don't post

No. 2088754

I'm similarly as ragey about him too nona kek. I won't be happy until he's actually homeless and has to rage at people on the street for money

No. 2088760

Same nona, I won’t rest until he’s having tomatoes pelted at him wherever he goes

No. 2088765

File: 1739531330549.png (780 KB, 1170x1856, lexity.png)

his handmaidens minds are actually incomprehensible to me

No. 2088779

>that video
If white women need to acknowledge their "terrifying privilege", which he basically admits is rooted in white men's tendencies to kill and form groups like the KKK over the "allusion to their victimhood", he needs to acknowledge his own, even more direct privilege as a white man. Even if we say he's a "former man" or something, he literally wants to be the "terrifying white cis woman" anyway, so where the fuck is this going? Like, does he think he's exempt from the paradigm he's describing just because he hates his mother and likes to wear skirts? This isn't even mentioning how many troons are "former white supremacists" and still racist anyway. No matter how long you grow your hair and how many piercings you get in your face to try and be the alt girl, you are your father's son and we know you use the n-word kek

No. 2088799

Genuinely nona! It’s not like he even tries to hide his prejudices either, to me he comes across as blatantly having the same type of ignorant views that some retarded hick would have. If he didn’t remind everyone he was trans every 3 minutes and dress like a faggot, most people would assume he’s just another racist ignorant white moid, which he is… but these retards cannot see the transparent glass that is his tranny label. If there is some kind of troon hitler in the future even the disagreers & desisters would insist you don’t misgender him

No. 2089028

>the slaying eyeliner
This misused fagbonics

No. 2089403

File: 1739669050029.mp4 (10.71 MB, 864x1920, rapidsave.com_full_clip_of_her…)

from reddit, here harley mansplains rape and consent after looking up the definition on wiki to get pity points by saying
>'brats' are abusive
as in the BDSM thing that is typically female, yes. the screen recorder scrolls through the comments section at the end and there are some kekworthy retarded responses from harley

No. 2089407

File: 1739669657972.png (1.66 MB, 3780x1890, hayley1.png)

>she(harley) was crying about something that she said she couldn’t talk about? An incident with someone she was hanging out with? Something about wrestling and someone taking a picture without her consent that made her feel weird?
the reason behind this >>2089403 'abusive brats' post was because he is now turning on hayley and sky(the people who let him stay in their house). he began accusing HAYLEY of wrestling him and threatening to stab him?
>She wanted me to call her BOTH mommy and daddy
so were they going to make this a polycule thing?

No. 2089408

File: 1739670002814.png (1.02 MB, 1174x728, hayley 2.png)

off-camera he was verbally abusing her too. picrel is her 'wrestling' him and 'threatening to stab him'

>She's been constantly telling me that she loves me and "I'm everything she's ever wanted" after the January meeting.

>ANYTIME I've ever had a disagreement with Anastazia she will completely disregard any point I may have and dismiss me by telling me "YOURE BRATTING. STOP BRATTING." Even though I've told her multiple times I'm NOT a submissive!!!!!
>She wanted me to make a video and lie saying I'm the one who sexually harassed her, she also wanted me to discredit other victims accounts in this video. She wanted me as a mouthpiece in her internet drama to make her look absolved and I REFUSE.
>She then proceeds to scream at me "How dare you even joke about that? YOU are such a SMALL FUCKING WEAK PERSON. YOU ARE SO FUCKING SMALL. What it I said to you your face is disgusting and your jaw is too BIG?!" I paused…said "WHY would you say that to me?!" She said "I needed to make you feel as HURT as you made me feel with the van joke"
what the actual fuck
>she also said "I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT TO" to which I said "OH AND I CANT?!"She said "YOU CAN BUT YOU WONT." She then proceeded to tell me to "run away with her" in her van to start a porn career with her. As if that's the "anything" I can do with my life

No. 2089409

I can't believe she ran through that relationship in like 3 weeks. Hilarious

No. 2089412

'she' being hayley right? if so yes kek, it's definitely expected but considering she played that PSA thing and already didn't seem like a fan she's such a moron for keeping that fag in her life. i bet her tim boyfriend was defending harley tooth and nail

No. 2089444

You live in your van and don't have a job please fill out some job applications. Who asked. People are scared to go in your van

No. 2089464

File: 1739680872777.png (21.98 KB, 407x121, adult human female.png)

picrel from timestamp at 1:20, he says it again later at 1:27. I love when men default to basic rationality because their nutjob ideology is only upheld by retard logic. what did Charli XCX do to you man

No. 2090475

File: 1739921509345.mp4 (6.79 MB, 720x1280, Snapinst.app_video_AQN2TeJWo_-…)

Harley found a new sucker to leech off of

And since they are letting him use their address im praying for a squatters rights arc kek

No. 2090481

>im doing them A SERVICE Im making them feel NEEDED
Oh my fucking God

No. 2090532

Typical moid behavior.Someone does him a favor yet he manages to make it all about how HE the selfless waif is helping them

No. 2090538

File: 1739935894443.jpeg (298.5 KB, 750x1055, IMG_2498.jpeg)

No. 2090589

Right? Coming from the mother fucker who seems to never care if hes needed or not. Has NO drive to help people, not even in instances where it could benefit him! News flash you useless hulking retard, no one needs you. Not even your mom. Rightfully so.

No. 2091218

File: 1740089058308.png (322.03 KB, 603x875, abrupt.png)

Since Haylee* has been posting about this on reddit she's also been explaining a lot of what went down off-camera, and it's pretty much exactly what you'd expect(more to come). He went off the rails at her the exact same way we've seen him go at the chat and used all of his typical talking points
> After her shower, she sits down in the living room with us and I notice she has 2 phones! So I made a joke about it using the Mike Sherm lyrics to his song "Baby" It goes "I got 2 phones, 1 for the money and another for the HOES" I thought she liked the joke because she laughed and agreed saying "and sometimes the phones are switched and this one is for money this one is for hoes" I continue to joke albeit poorly saying "haha and if they were the same phone it would be called prostitution" ATP her face changes and I can tell she's pissed she says "NO it's not." And ends the stream. She starts crying saying she is going to leave and that she can never trust me or anyone ever on her live streams again and Twitch means the world to her how could i put her twitch account in jeopardy? I apologize profusely, telling her I was just joking, it would never happen again and that I didn't even know the stream was recording my voice at the time.
>She says "YOURE NOT FUCKING SORRY." I apologize AGAIN. She says "YOUR APOLOGY MEANS NOTHING TO ME I CAN TELL YOURE NOT FUCKING SORRY." I ask her if my partner and I can hug her goodbye and she says "SKY CAN, BUT NOT YOU HAYLEE. IM VERY UPSET WITH YOU RIGHT NOW. NO HUGS FOR YOU." She then stays in my parking lot for around 3 hours then leaves.

No. 2091231

Haylee actually made a video on the situation where she further alleges sexual assault and elaborates even further, very foul!
>"She told me it would take her two weeks to get to me but she showed up in two days"
>"It made me very nervous, I'm a recovering alcoholic. By the time she got there I was already very drunk, and she was getting impatient with me"
>"I was already blacked out entirely by the time we were hanging out"
>The 'fighting' incident took place when Haylee was blacked out drunk, she didn't remember any of it
>"I wake up on the couch and Anastazia has her head on my lap, she's sniffing my crotch, her head is on my lap and her hand is on my crotch moving around a little bit"
>"While she was doing this she was lovebombing me, saying she loved me, I'm everything she's ever wanted. She told me the last time we talked that she wanted me to personally tattoo my first name on the back of her calf"
>"The last thing I remembered was her getting here and showing her the stuff on my makeup desk"
>"I get up to smoke some weed and she gets behind me and she's caressing my back"
>He says "You have such soft smooth skin, you're giving me such mixed signals baby, what are we going to do?"
>Haylee responds "I don't know, I have a girlfriend"
>Haylee dodges a kiss from Harley, apparently she had already kissed him while blackout (which she didn't remember)
>"I made a stupid joke saying I stole her van and then she began insulting me to my face" >>2089408
>"She was going to be sleeping on a futon we had made up for her but I told her she has to sleep on the couch because she really upset me and hurt my feelings"
>"She said I 'sexually harassed' her on the phone call, how am I the one sexually harassing you when you're flashing your tits and dick on a video call" EW
>"Anastazia says that while I was blackout drunk, she sucked on my boobs and I don't remember this happening at all, kissing, making out, and she sucked on my boobs. She said that I did that to her. When I found that out I started crying"
>"She began blackmailing me that we wouldn't be friends anymore unless I made a video disparaging the victims and myself, saying that I was the one who sexually harassed her"
>"While I was drunk Anastazia began hugging my girlfriend(the tim sky) and groping her/grabbing her ass without consent as well"
>"When I was crying after she insulted me to my face and told me my face is disgusting and that my jaw is too big, crying and shaking, I ended up saying that I really want to hug my mother and my father. When I said that she wrapped her arms around me and said 'Yeah, I'm mommy and daddy'"
>"She also asked my partner and I if we could have a threesome"
>"I found out what happened to me by pretending to be into it with her in dms, that's how I got the information out of her"
>"If I ever disagreed with her she would scream at me 'Stop bratting', and I would reply that I'm not submissive, to which she responded 'That's not true, you need a mommy like me, I'm mommy and daddy.' twice.
I think all of us knew it was like this off camera but it's even worse than I thought. He really is the slimiest scumbag of all fucking time, also ew at the plethora of dildos including animal dicks on her nightstand. Come on Haylee, you're too pretty for this!

No. 2091292

These women never learn.

No. 2091379

Say it together now, "pickmes never prosper" amen.

No. 2091518

At this point I don’t even feel sorry for handmaidens who fall for this hideous rape ape and his sob stories. They’ve been warned over & over. His pattern is exactly the same: move into some woman’s house and start leeching off her and trashing the place, escalating sexual harassment, screaming and verbal abuse until she has to kick him out for her own safety. He’s even done this to his own mother, yet these dumb girls think they’re special and it won’t happen to them. Oh well. Play stupid games.

No. 2091795

you’re retarded for thinking they ever did(sage your shit)

No. 2091852

how does he say that and not second guess himself for a second? LOL
this is like a masterclass on how narcissist work. like if you've ever been confused how someone managed to treat you like crap without feeling bad about it for one second, this is exactly the kind of mental gymnastics responsible for it

No. 2092695

File: 1740415688265.jpeg (160.61 KB, 828x785, IMG_2059.jpeg)

No. 2093475

File: 1740613322403.png (24.01 KB, 806x277, chrome_3ugUdnKxdI.png)

the house he was/is at is the mod deconyxx who is a grown woman with children. he is in her house, around her children

No. 2093480

File: 1740613649339.png (590.52 KB, 452x907, chrome_70DT0acTEi.png)

deconyxx also made a whiteknight sub where she and the other handmaidens can simp to their hearts content. also, sarah kicked him out of her house at one point during the week as they have been fighting, but let him come back in

No. 2093856

Did anyone see the video of him recently tweaking out about that dog again? It was on his IG but when I came back he deleted it. Insta was acting dumb for me so I couldn't save it atm

No. 2094572

File: 1740883768430.mp4 (6.36 MB, 480x730, rapidsave.com_are_we_being_pun…)

is it this one? from what i can tell he's been going on and on about the dog thing for a few days now and it was just revealed that sarah also has dogs at her house

No. 2094630

A) Smells like the same logic nonces use to try to claim children can consent to sex.
B) He’s absolutely planning to abscond with one or multiple of her dogs: “The dogs consented to getting in my van when I fled her house in the middle of the night because she refused to fuck me and that is very triggering for me so I had to escape her abuse and clearly the dogs found her abusive too which is why they came with me. Also we shared some beers on the drive.”

No. 2094666

does he have brain damage

No. 2094689

File: 1740923449177.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.22 KB, 279x208, BackgroundDils .jpg)

The background of this video is a choice.

No. 2094697


Supersage for no milk. I was lurking the thread for the first time early this morning and pressed play on several of these videos to observe the creature silently since it was 5am and everyone in my house was asleep.

Fast-forward, lock phone, get up, do chores, make breakfast, sit down and unlock phone to resume lurking and i turned up volume this time to hear the next video which is all the way at the bottom of the thread… And all the videos were still playing, yelling, all the different manic vocal tones, all at once somehow. It scared me so bad the hair on my arms stood up. Troon chant I think has cursed me now pray for me nonas(blogging)

No. 2096304

File: 1741312485836.mp4 (16.03 MB, 720x1266, rapidsave.com_talking_about_pe…)

>"People are threatening to call CPS on my girlfriend because I'm literally just a trans woman near a child"
>“Claiming anything other than transphobia is gonna be dumb”
>"I found a lawyer but theres no point in doing anything because it's an online mob"

No. 2096305

him loading a gun off camera isn't helping his case. mentally ill fuck

No. 2096306

File: 1741313141473.mp4 (14.83 MB, 720x1280, rapidsave.com_wow-7tr5nptbljme…)

>"I've managed to find myself in a polyamorous relationship with someone who doesn't expect anything of me, and even enjoys the idea of me seeing other people but doesn't want to see other people themselves so I get to have all the freedom I want! I don't even have to deal with jealousy!"
>"They love buying me things like all these stuffed animals"
He goes on to do a haul of all of the toys his 'sugar mama' Sarah got for him that she should have been giving to her child.

On an unrelated note, someone in the discord servers got in contact with >>2081653 and was told that harley actually used to be worse, heres some of the messages
>son to a math pfd holding mother, and an engineering father
>Purchasing research chemicals from labs in east Europe to document its effects on his own sense of consciousness.
>threatening to rip his own teeth out because of how angry we made him
>offering to let me join him and his (16y/o)gf for a threeway

No. 2096310

Hobosexuals are fascinating

No. 2096317

>a child
Jesus Christ, he even acknowledged his girlfriend is a child. I hate this vile troon.

No. 2096328

How do you know that that's what he's doing?

No. 2096346

That's the sound of a soda can opening you weirdo.

No. 2096355

His girlfriend isn’t a child she just has one, Sarah(Deconyxx) is in her 30s

No. 2101104

File: 1742502562446.jpeg (546.02 KB, 1170x1431, IMG_3408.jpeg)

somebody call animal control

No. 2101115

>I made a mess in the kitchen and the living room without cleaning then had sex under her roof with a stranger and yelled at her when she came into my room (in her house I live rent free in)
OK so this guy is a teenager

No. 2102815

File: 1742984069990.jpeg (Spoiler Image,999.3 KB, 1106x1444, IMG_7817.jpeg)

This faggot pierced his face without washing his damn hands, he’s a hecking twanswamen who can do anything! I can’t wait for the infection arc.

No. 2102853

>I just recently stole a dog actually

No. 2102961

Sepsis would be the best karma arc ever.

No. 2103079

Bestiality arc SOON.

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