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No. 1343332[Reply]

I know this cow has been documented before in the FTM thread but I found out a couple of edgy streamers are documenting her, and I feel like she is milky enough for her own thread.

Gaasuba is a 30 year old communist furry who is currently living in Memphis. She lives with the “Kittens Family”, which includes a dude literally named Jail, an MtF named Mariah who is not even trying, and one other person named Nell who isn’t milky so nobody cares.

>”non-binary” (read: girl with a goatee)

>has a huge hoarding problem; was evicted because the hoard caused damage to her apartment, as well as for spray painting Homestuck/commie shit on the wall
>granted the place was still shit but their constant drug use and hoarding made it irreparably worse
>refuses to get a job because she’s “disabled” but in reality it’s because she thinks that work is beneath her and would rather be a “house spouse”
>spends all her time high on either weed or hydros and making videos with absolutely retarded takes such as “adoption is cultural genocide”, “dogs are rude because we have no free time because of work”, “we shouldn’t allow the ‘brainwashed’ elderly to live”, and “landlords are an anarchist mafia”
>believes that people go around deliberately hurting animals and then film themselves rescuing them for YouTube money
>claims her dad tried to run her over with his car when in reality she and Jail were physically preventing him from leaving by clinging to the hood and door
>also threatened him with a bo staff
>got kicked out of a friend’s place that she and her uwu kweer found family were staying in because Mariah stole and pawned three multitool knives from them
>her OnlyFans is straight up nightmare fuel - infected-looking pussy and asshole, breast pump kink even though she’s never been pregnant, communal Bad Dragon dildos, racebait porn
>makes the aforementioned disgusting porn in the houses of people she is house sitting for
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No. 1858675

No. 1858678


scammed a dude with this account

https://www.furaffinity.net/user/vanyabear(this is an imageboard)

No. 1858703

What about the zoophile shit? This is an imageboard, retard

No. 1858866

Is this supposed to be a gotcha? We all know degenerates tend to flock together. Milk is milk.

No. 1858973

uh oh looks like the kittens are here

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No. 1857715[Reply]

Hey just posting a beware, panda royalty on vr chat and tiktok, even Instagram and discord, yep they have had a few other names like Marcy panda lover, and like a few accounts dedicated to making beware posts, well she's doing alot of questionable stuff. Firstly she fakes being mute and mental disorders online, like bpd, she does this to excuse her behavior and when it comes to VR chat to get gossip on people to shit talk and betray them later. She also blackmails people and socially isolates them. She degrades other girls and takes advantage of those with mental disabilities, because it financially benefits her. She continues to be friends with known abusers because they haven't harmed her, all while pretending she doesn't support how they harm even her friends. She openly talks about not believing her friends about thier rape and sexual assault stories, even tho they all involve the same person, and tries to have those people block people she's fallen out with because she doesn't need them finding out that she shit talks all her friends behind thier backs. She also is extremely controlling in her relationships and expects everyone to cater to her, she also dates multiple people at one time and won't admit it but the timelines don't add up. Basically she's abusive and actively uses faking mental disorders to worm her way into groups to shit talk and eventually play both sides, she was going on and on about how someone was faking did on vr chat, and to the person pretended she believed them. Don't trust her, I hope this blows up because she's been burning bridges through friend groups and communities so often. She purposely targets alt and mentally ill communities, and I wish I knew what she's done to the hundreds of ex friends and partners she's had since highschool alone. I used to think her always having people around her meant she was good, but too many people have dropped her and she's ran through so many communities for it to be everyone else to blame always.(Board rule 6)
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No. 1857819

Shit thread, post your personal beef in the personal cows thread.

No. 1857821

lmfao "beware" in the title
go back newfag

No. 1857823

You must be above the age of 18 to post here kek.

No. 1857824

>I hope this blows up

No. 1857826

>compaining about someone faking did
oh no! say it isn't so!

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No. 1840484[Reply]

This is a series of threads about fakebois and trans-identified females (TIFs).

"Fakebois" are girls who pretend to be boys, either by becoming trannies or larping biological males through the screen (classic move). Fakebois usually style and present themselves as androgynous or feminine-looking boys, or wearing girls' clothing and make-up while insisting on being addressed with he/him (or occasionally they/them) pronouns and take great offense at being gendered as female.

These threads are also now a catch-all for any minor TIF cows without threads of their own. Even "serious" troons, (like Kalvin Garrah and Ellen Page) are fair game, as are horrific troon surgeries and pregnancies. Just remember to spoiler that shit.

**TIFs, no one cares if you think you're ~more legit~ than the cows posted here.** Additionally, occasional discussion of fujoshis is fine, but don't sperg and infight about it.

Notable FtM-related subreddits:

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No. 1856959

>>1856744 maybe a mild form of holoprosencephaly messes up with her brain after all (though I don't really see the single tooth, maybe the angle)

No. 1856962

c'mon you can't deny that lot of tifs are fatties and homier looking girls. the misogyny part comes from the fact that ugly and fat women are treated worse than ugle and fat men, denying girls troon out from ugliness doesn't help at all instead of that how about you focus on the fact that ugly and fat women shouldn't be treated like shit

No. 1856982

TIFs always speak with a level of femininity I cannot even image achieving

No. 1856983

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A gnc woman existing:

No. 1856994

New thread:

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No. 1485870[Reply]


im a lurker so bare with me idk if this guy even needs his own thread

he makes sfm or some shit, he talks to middle aged women and steals money from them as well as preys on tiktok teenagers if you look at his videos you can see which ones are him "hexxing" some random girls, look at the community posts too it's endless

i have no clue how to summarize this guy someone has to help me(Shit thread)

No. 1856139

> 1485870
Hi, I know this post is old but I'm trying to figure out if we can do something about Abyssarian, like you I discovered that guy some years ago but I never tried anything, but recently he popped up in my recommendations, and so I remembered him. Can we contact eachother in some way please?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

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No. 1052379[Reply]

General thread for all milk related to Dahvie Vanity and his small deluded fan base. Since the downfall of Blood on the Dance Floor, Dahvie has ended up right back where he started in Orlando, FL (although there are conflicting reports that he has moved to Denver). He's often seen online peddling merch, DMing underage e-girls, photoshopping himself to look like he's not approaching 40, and getting wigs dyed while on his head for the HaTeRs.

Do not post about Jayy, Garrett, Sally, or Madalyn; Jeffree Star, Jessi Slaughter/Damien Leonhardt and Tesah Jordin have their own threads. Posting about Fallon Maressa is fine since she is not milky enough for her own thread. Attempting to contact victims or former associates for the purposes of milk is cowtipping; do not do this.

Social media as of 05/10/20:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/dahvie.torres.71
IG: https://instagram.com/darkartsofficial
Scam website: https://thedarkartsofficial.com(more info needed)
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No. 1854837

he was arrested on stage for SA a child? when was the trial or were the charges dropped? He would be in jail as we speak if convicted. I remember seeing a documentary about this pedophile piece of years ago(this isn't tiktok, you can write "sexual assault")

No. 1854865

There is a drag cow thread >>1257470

No. 1854933

he was Dahli, in Season 2.

No. 1855449

I thought Garrett was kicked out bc he told everyone Dahvie was a pedo and then Dahvie said it was bc he was a druggie thief to cover it up

No. 1855590

they were dropped
yes, he told everyone dahvie was a freak, then dahvie said he ran up the credit cards and shit for drugs. there is a statement he made after dahvie kicked him out of the band somewhere on the internet
https://dahvie.tumblr.com/garrett covers some of it

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No. 1842861[Reply]

Previous Thread: >>>/snow/1833931

Shayna Leigh Clifford; 25 year old failing prostitute, porn sick degenerate, drug addict and alcoholic who spends her days posting free pictures of her hemorrhoid filled anus on twitter while begging for rent. Rejects her parents help to get an education and normal job. Hurts animals on purpose and panders to pedos by filming porn dressed as a child. Recently moved to Seattle after wasting years on an ex too ashamed to admit they were dating her and is currently looking her new Fupa 2.0.


REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1-day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in/edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage when there’s no milk. Spoiler any NSFW images. No blog posting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. Nobody wants to hear about your degeneracy. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whores thread. Shut the fuck up about her necrotit and take it to the Shaynatorium.

Summary of last thread:
>>1834569 does lots of IG lives lately, doing her makeup or whatever she calls that
>>1835078 is flying to vegas in a few days to see the sTD guy she shot that barbie porn with and seeing Robert Plant
>>1835133 throws a fit that someone is "copying her" but she's so NIce and Positive and Happy all the time, u guise.
>>1836228 Her new website is something to look at, that's for sure. The layout is awful.
>>1836984 gets absolutely blasted in her cam show - some nonnies are worried.
>>1837150Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1854540

I feel like I’m having a stroke trying to comprehend what this even means

No. 1854568

Translation: She already is a trans woman mentally because she sexualizes women and womanhood. This was shown when she told radfem minors to take a dick up the ass

No. 1854574

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No. 1854596

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So fucking ugly

No. 1854598

>comparing herself to jennette mccurdy, a child star sexualised and abused her entire life who developed a severe eating disorder to appear childlike longer
oh go fuck yourself shay

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No. 387658[Reply]

Over-The-Top Spoonies/Munchausen By Internet Attention Whores General #10
Previous Thread: >>>/snow/379077

Discuss people who feign or exaggerate chronic illnesses and medical crises for attention and asspats online. Previous topic focused primarily on Instagram accounts, but posts from blogs and other social media sites are admissible.

Most recent active IG cows:
Eli, aka folie_a_you
kelly.ronahan; me_and_the_mr (has her own thread >>359452 ).

The Munchie Queen of all time is Robyn Brown, who has her own threads (original: >>197138 ). Sadly she is now incognito.
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No. 1854297

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Robyn has a new Instagram, and, apparently, a new sucker/nigel. Doesn't look like her partner is active on there. I feel bad for her kid because he's obviously going to have NO privacy growing up.

Your child is their own person, not an endless series of photo ops, girl. Get some help.

No. 1854306

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No. 1854357

OH MY GOD one of my all time fave cows is back, thank you nona.

No. 1854522

all these years and she STILL makes that weird ass face kekkkk, oh robyn. I bet she’ll be an absolute nightmare parent when her kid goes to school

No. 1861997

Good lord she's chunked up!

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No. 1810463[Reply]

This thread concerns creators, artists, voice actors and others who work or are connected to the modern Western American animation and comics industry, filled with cows, hacks, groomers, woketards and self inserters who all know each other and/or have dated.

previous thread: >>1725558

Previous thread highlights:
>Noelle's feature groundbreaking gender woo woo fujo film is set to be released somewhere around 2023 >>1725604
>Writer and producer for Duck Tales 2017 displaying creepy pedo behavior >>1725990
>VivziePop focusing more on gay shipping then actual story and character development >>1734832
>Hazbin hotel character sheets and scripts also got leaked >>1737650, >>1741280
>Mindy Karling's Velma performs poorly >>1738589
>Inside Job cancelled >>1741262
>Long Gone Gulch has been dropped by an unnamed animation studio. >>1742518
>To no one's surprise, coomer gemlin Justin Roiland turns out to be a sex pest and abuser >>1743064, >>1746225, >>1747951, >>1763842, >>1757348Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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No. 1856565

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I never watched Martin mystery as a kid because I thought it was too scary.
Brb I’ll watch it for the hot guy with monsters and weird stuff.

And yeah only the weird kids aka horny boys who see women as wank material only see what they wanna see. Albeit yeah the writers could’ve been disgusting fetish writers themselves with the questionable choices of clothing and what’s going on sometimes.
But it’s complete bullshit guys trying to ruin a girly cartoon by calling it “fetish fuel”. If men get kidnapped multiple times, tied and has a cloth on his mouth “normal” action/spy genre. If it happens to a woman “omg it’s my fetish, that’s hot” ridiculous.
Stop trying to ruin girls cartoon it’s not for you weirdos never was. Maybe those few “fetishes” was like 10% of the shows. Episodes like “Forward to the past” “beauty is skin deep” or “another evil boyfriend” and 90% of the show had no fetish. Males are just being disgusting males.

And I blame basement dwelling guys like saberfart who think like this.

No. 1871895

are you new, loona has been a drawing of a fursuit from the start

No. 1881279

She comes from Madagascar and is a pretty successful comic artist as of now. Good for her.

No. 1891652

Fionna has the same VA as bee and the same personality. I'm just gonna pretend this is a 3rd season we will never get

No. 1894251

I got them mixed up too. Didn’t Bee end?

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No. 1837624[Reply]

Thread for discussing Red Scare, Cumtown/TAFS, Dime Square, the remains of the "dirtbag left", and the entire "post-left" and Silicon Valley "rationalist/postrat" sphere and their orbiters/backers, including but not limited to Mencius Moldbug, Peter Thiel, and the so-called "dissident right" (Bronze Age Pervert, The Perfume Nationalist, and other faggots). WARNING: this scene is crawling with Nazis, pedophiles, child porn advocates, sex pests, rapists, troons, and other degenerates.

Too lazy for the recap, someone else do it

Previous Threads:
Thread #1: >>>/snow/949693
Thread #2: >>>/snow/1002060
Thread #3: >>>/snow/1020452
Thread #4: >>>/snow/1030945
Thread #5: >>>/snow/1031222
Thread #6: >>>/snow/1045687
Thread #7: >>>/snow/1061969
Thread #8: >>>/snow/1079281
Thread #9: >>>/snow/1097567
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No. 1853706

Don't forget how most of the gamergaters who didn't go full open nazi became what's now the dirtbag left. Incel to tranny/commie/commie tranny pipeline. Shoe0nhead, and viperwave are two solid examples. Chapo also basically started off by a bunch of underemployed moids shitting on the same journalists who criticized the games media/gamergate. Half the dirtbags' problem with the far right seems to be that they think that people like Richard Spencer are cringe, as that's always the first thing they go for. Unfortunately the people criticizing them for this are either internet Trotskyists or alt-center freaks who also think that not sucking Biden's dick is basically fascism. Remember that picture of Brace Belden and Dasha hanging SS flags up?
NTAYRT but the Religious Right/Moral Majority is a super well known thing. They're all dead or dying and being replaced by the jewspergs though.

No. 1853710

its 2023 you dont need to lie anymore retard

No. 1853711

hopefully these threads finally die with this one's closure. shitting on red scare, their orbiters, and chapo is fun, but the selfposting, vendettaposting, and racial sperging are somehow even worse than they were at the start

No. 1853716

racial spergs should be banned immediately but otherwise you sound like a fag lol. new thread on the way.

No. 1853718

ok, do you think that ironybros and scarethots posting each other here isn't retarded? anna k sperging out because some anon twitter account called her a hag is funny but the randos posting themselves and eachother is just gay

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No. 504458[Reply]

19 year old Glaswegian NEET with a collection of body mods including (among many others) a split tongue, reshaped ears, stretched labret, retired stretched philtrum that looks like an anus, failed facial scarification and crappy hand tattoos.

Other fun facts:
- Wears hilariously bad makeup
- Obnoxious vegan
- Fucks any tattooed unemployed guy that will let her call him daddy, is surprised when they inevitably turn out to be dickheads.
- Has recently started tying to make money through a NSFW Tumblr. The content mainly consists of her shoving things in her butt.
- Does this under her real name because she's obviously not planning on ever getting a real job.

IG: https://www.instagram.com/skyepurdon
FB: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007068665131
NSFW Tumblr: https://restingcxntface.tumblr.com
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No. 990115

I think you should delete the video where you can hear the child speaking. Its's pretty digusting. I'd hate to have paid for that and get those sounds in the background.

No. 993109

I see she got some tattoos from andy stewart. He's all over twitter after being exposed for trading tatts for sexual favours. Now we know how she can afford so many(necro)

No. 1160127

What’s she up to these days, since she’s gone dark online

No. 1852845

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randomly remembered her so here's an update

seems to have gotten even more tattoos, shaved her head, and now does nails

her facebook is still active and picrel is her new insta (private)

No. 1852849

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>>1852845(wrong thread / necro)

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