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No. 1827149
Dubai is a popular city in the United Arab Emirates infamous for being built on slave labor and most recently, for rich Arab men paying to poop on Instagram escorts faces.
> Self-hating Pakistani bimbo sisters popular for getting surgeries to look like Kim K and Kylie Jenner> Have been exposed for larping as Turkish and Arab> Went on a racist rant against Pakistanis/South Asians, saying they f*ck donkeys and have no money> Pretend to be religious Muslims but post half-naked pics, have an OnlyFans where they make foot fetish content together and made fun of Palestinians sufferingLinks: No. 1827153
>>1827149Are the Dubai toilet stories legit?
I was talking to a guy from Kuwait for some time and he told me ppl are into scat because they have a lot of anal sex due to women having to stay virgins for marriage.
No. 1827158
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There's this gay guy Quirez who's suspected of pimping out women in London and Dubai. Apparently Arab men are also screwing this dude. I have no idea what he does for a living but he's always flashing tacky designer shit.
No. 1827171
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>>1827153Orgies with hookers and beauty queens are real. The toilet stuff is questionable and probably exaggerated, but then, presumably anything goes at billionaire sex parties, there are normal pornstars willing to get shit on for 100 bucks and a bag of coke, so it wouldn’t surprise me if there are models willing to get shit on for 10, or 20K.
There was a guy who used to message instathots while larping as an Arab prince and then post the receipts on instagram. He would ask them stuff like if they were willing to fuck horses/dogs/camels, lick mens assholes, get pissed or shit on, sleep with minors etc etc, saying they would be given 10-50K. And he would ask them to send a video of themselves confirming they would agree to everything he said. And he would then post the videos and expose them. He managed to get a concerning amount of them to agree to it.
No. 1827174
>>1827171Also I remember some Filipina/Indian maids exposing the state of these hotel and mansion rooms after the events and getting paid extra to clean up all the piss, shit and cum.
Arabs are very sexually repressed and most of these moids ideas of sex come from western pornography with white women. So it’s expected that they see them as easy prostitutes and think the extreme stuff in porn is how westerners have sex.
No. 1827188
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>>1827171the blog tag the sponsor had lists of that, took submissions too No. 1827203
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>>1827158Reminds me of Madam Alex, famous pimp from Los Angeles in the 70s-80s but surely til her death in 1995, she would send her "girls" or dig into her connections with people to get specific "girls" requested to go spend time with rich Arabs. By the 80s the majority of her clients were from the middle east, predominantly arab No. 1827229
>>1827190>You have no idea how muslims live, do you? They drink alcohol, eat pork, have sex lolHoly shit, do you have zero reading comprehension? I'm saying it's a stupid excuse to say they have anal sex because they "have to stay virgins for marriage" like it's for a religious reason when anal sex still goes against Islam.
And yeah I'm aware non-practicing Muslims exist, you missed the point entirely.
No. 1827231
>>1827225Nah there are young Christians who have anal sex before marriage because they think it doesn't count as "losing their virginity", and I've heard of Muslims couples doing it for the same reason but that's less of a meme. I'm an ex-Muslim but I never really talked about it in details with anyone so sorry if it's vague, it's not like I know statistics or anything. I'd say it probably depends on where you live and how strict your community is going to be, I don't live in a Muslim country and recently it became illegal for gynecologists to check if a woman is a virgin and to write and sign a virginity certificate so I wouldn't be surprised if less women here decided to get surgery for their hymen.
>>1827190Don't compare young European Muslim women who wants to have a normal social and sex life to disgusting men who want to piss and shit on white women because it's their fetish in the Middle East where getting alcohol and pork is very difficult. They're nearly polar opposite situations.
No. 1827238
>>1827231Yeah I disagree. This anal is only a meme men use against hijabi women to mock them, they accuse them of having this sort of reputation even though they don't because they're misogynistic and love humiliating women.
But I agree that drinking or eating pork isn't comparable to actually partaking in very risky and disturbing behavior unlike what anon said but anons will act like since some muslim women drink from time to time, they must partake in these activities as well(although it's a known fact only white female prostitutes are used for these fetishes) and that the same white female prostitutes often brag about the money they make even though they've definitely been assaulted or taken advantage of.
No. 1827267
>>1827188This takes me back, this was when I first realised these Instagram "models" with dubious income who would always be travelling the world were escorts. Same for many female celebs, shit's crazy
>>1827243Absolutely a meme, considering most women hate anal there's no way they are doing it instead of piv en masse, just a way to mock other women. Also anything a moid says about women must be taken with many buckets of salt.
>>1827174>So it’s expected that they see them as easy prostitutes and think the extreme stuff in porn is how westerners have sex.Mfw the western white men actually do try and recreate porn too.
No. 1827331
>>1827153I can't speak for all Muslim cultures but a family member of mine caught Paki moids doing that shit in public toilets in my country. I was told it wasn't considered gay in a similar way to the ancient Greeks but don't quote me on it I don't have an in depth understanding of male degeneracy.
>>1827225>Actual muslim, no one does anal.Men are disgusting all around the world. There's plenty of sick moids in the Middle East that take advantage of young boys in that way, let alone the average porn sick moids. Lara Logan was sexually assaulted by a mob of Muslim scrotes and I can assure you they didn't deem one part of her "off limits" during the attack.
No. 1827425
>>1827331I'm saying muslim women don't do it, retard. Stop accusing muslim women of doing degeneracy when the example you're giving is literal rape committed by brown men into an unconsenting white woman, your example doesn't do anything to peove how muslim women willingly do anal which I'm arguing against.
>>1827276How do you know? Did you do anal yourself? I doubt either muslim or christian girls do it, it's just a way for men to try and trick women into anal.
No. 1827477
>>1827276If you want to insist so badly yeah maybe like 0.01% of Muslim straight couples have done anal. If a Muslim woman really wants to have pre-marital sex that badly she would just do it vaginally like a normal person. I know there's been a lot of cases of Muslim women getting abortions in places like the UK because they've had sex before marriage so obviously I'm not saying by no means that Muslims never break the rules, it's just not this whole "anal to stay a virgin" story like you guys insist is so common when it isn't.
>>1827331>Paki moids doing that shit in public toilets in my countrySurprise surprise, there are homosexual men from every country. It's definitely still gay. But afaik it's worse to be seen as the bottom because you're in the position of being "the woman". I've seen creepy white guys go to Thailand to have sex with ladyboys who insist they're still "straight" because they're not the ones taking it up the booty.
No. 1827489
>>1827425You specifically said
>Actual muslim, no one does analI'm not arguing with you, just adding that Muslim moids definitely partaking in it's so not "no one". Penis havers suck in general I wouldn't be surprised if they pressure Muslim women into it, but I doubt Muslim women willingly do it as a weird pseudo purity thing (although I don't think many Christans do either).
>>1827477Funnily enough I have too, idk why degenerates can't get a room? The family member was in a position of authority so they most likely gave some bullshit excuse about it being cultural to try and lessen the repercussions. I'm not gonna sit here and defend white moids because xy is a universal cancer, they all act like chimps.
No. 1827490
>>1827188Tagthesponsor is more invested in slut shaming dime a dozen Instathots that no one has heard of instead of exposing the nasty rich Arab men paying for these golden shower parties. I've just seen a lot of jealous girls and sexist guys use this scandal as an excuse to accuse every influencer who goes to Dubai of being a prostitute.
I'm not defending the hoes willing to get shat on for a Dior bag, but pls have that same energy for finding out who the male clients are. They deserve to have their reputation ruined just as much if not more. I heard some of them are princes..
No. 1827492
Sage this thread for racism ffs
(newfag) No. 1827503
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No. 1827544
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>>1827477Please stop being retarded on purpose anon, we are not talking about Islamic couples or what Muslim men with their Muslim wives, we are talking about what they do with their ‘concubines’.
Islam permits men to take women as sexual slaves during holy war and times of jihad, which can technically be interpreted as applying to any time they are dealing with kafirs/non Muslims.
These rich Arabs view these instathots as sexual slave kafirs and so what they can do to/with them goes far beyond any rules for halal sex with your Muslim wife.
No. 1827551
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Not really to do with Dubai, but Andrew Tate told a pretty funny and disgusting story about how he got invited to a pool party in France and it was actually a cuck orgy where he had been invited to be a ‘bull’. He describes a black man being invited to the party and running around fucking everyones wives while the European husbands all masturbated.
There were also rooms upstairs in the mansion where men watched their wives and gfs being fucked while masturbated or getting gangbanged.
This is literally just middle class to decently wealthy people things in Europe, so god knows how depraved things get at billionaire parties. also ties in with a story my Algerian neighbour told me once, about how when he was homeless in France and a white guy tried to recruit him to be a bull for him and his wife. I didn’t really believe it at the time, but apparently this is quite common in France where they prefer North African and black men to be the bulls for the couples.
No. 1827569
Holy shit this thread got dark soo quick.
>>1827557 Do you live in Germany?
>>1827544 Another retard with zero reading comprehension, we were specifically talking about Muslim WOMEN/GIRLS and Muslim male/female couples. You're derailing into a whole other thing. Just end this argument already.
>>1827551 Why is it disproportionately white men who are into being cucked?
>>1827543You need to stop looking at gruesome degenerate things. It's not good for you mentally.
Also >They were both dressed in Islamic clothes and hats
That's just how many people dress over there, it doesn't mean anything. I had Pakistani coworker who was super openly gay.
No. 1827572
>>1827570Doesn't answer my question. Pornographers make content that's in high demand, I'm asking
why white people are into that in the first place.
No. 1827575
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>These rich Arabs view these instathots as sexual slave kafirs and so what they can do to/with them goes far beyond any rules for halal sex with your Muslim wife.Anal, scat, piss fetishes is all haram in Islam regardless of who you do it to, kafir or not. Please quit making shit up.
No. 1827592
>>1827503This is sadly very common. Russian, Ukrainian, Thai, Indonesian and African women are commonly lured with fake nanny/maid jobs and sold into prostitution in Dubai. You can see them lined up outside every shitty Dubai nightclub waiting for customers, looking miserable. They’ll get their passports stolen and beaten by pimps if they try to escape. And it’s not just rich Arabs buying them; Western expat moids do too, and brag about how cheaply they can get a woman compared to their own countries. This is way worse (and more widespread) than the infamous “IG influencers getting pooped on” stereotype, because these women are true
victims who wanted a better life for their families and ended up trapped in hell. But they’re poor and “tag the sponsor” moids on the internet can’t use their stories to mock/slut shame women, so they get zero attention unless one of their country’s embassies gets involved.
No. 1827598
>>1827543Why tf are you hanging out on 4chan watching gay rape videos? Please get a life. Also
>Islamic clothes and hatsWhat does this even mean? Kek
No. 1827627
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>>1827598Wasnt, just a random shock webm that I clicked on and was disgusted by. They were wearing Pakistani Muslim style long white kameez and taqiyah caps.
No. 1827632
>>1827627Also just looked up the thread archive where people were talking about it and it was confirmed the video and people in it are Pakistani in origin. There was another one linked in the thread that was a porn video of a guy having sex with an old man, that was also uploaded from a Pakistani account and the men are speaking in Urdu.
I’m sorry but anyone trying to say ‘MUSLIMS DONT DO THESE THINGS ITS HARAM’ are coping. Religion does not curb human degeneracy and never has.
No. 1827696
>>1827572But is anyone actually into it? When the most searched porn terms images get posted around the most popular searches are nearly always "teen" or "lesbian". I don't think I've ever met a genuine cuck IRL or on the internet. The whole cuck/bull shit seems to be very small minority and the rest of it is memes.
>>1827632There's the whole culture of bacha bazi in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Regardless of religion, men will always be degenerates that put making their dick feel good before anything else.
No. 1827756
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Dubai specifically is notorious for prostitution via "influencer" types and trafficked slaves from poor countries. The pimps often have women recruit other women and girls with a promise of more money for their families. Sometimes they are never heard from again. In those cases I assume they were brought over to be killed by some billionaire and his gaggle of Degen buddies.
I sometimes wonder just how many influencers take up these offers but somehow keep it discreet enough to not be obvious>>1827572like most "fetishes" it develops after exposure. that's why people (typically male) with porn addictions start watching progressively weirder or outrageous or violent content, eventually the normal stuff doesn't titillate them. what starts as a discord gif spammed of a man getting cucked turned into videos turns into seeking out those videos turns into wanting to live out a video.
>>1827632on the topic of discord gif spammed, videos of pakistani men having sex with each other was a common trend i daw getting posted in many different servers years ago. why and how that happened across the board i do not know, but it is definitely not uncommon, and certainty not less common than corpses of females being raped in the same place.
No. 1827911
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No. 1882713
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Tana Mongeau being Tana Mongeau after fucking up her entire tour and making her fans wait hours outside of general admission and being black out drunk on stage
No. 1882715
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The shoop lately is unbearable
No. 1882774
>>1828457Yeah I’ve heard a lot about the fetishization of ‘beurettes’ aka Arabic women in France in porn. Even the term ‘beurette’ has sexual and porn connotations in itself. Here in the UK there is a little bit of fetishism towards Muslim girls simply because scrotes will always be into ‘forbidden fruit’ type scenarios, but I wouldn’t say it’s very open or common, and I have many Pakistani Muslim girls as friends. They haven’t really had to deal with much sexual harassment here. Unfortunately there’s some other Muslim pickme types that think fucking white men is some kind of rebellious act against their family and religion but really they just end up getting used and abused by white scrotes too.
French scrotes on the other hand are very forward and vile about their weird racist fetishes. A lot of girls get seriously sexually harassed and assaulted in France, outskirts of Paris are especially dangerous. I’ve heard of girls being snatched off the street and bundled into cars, gangraped and stuff. Seems the white, black and Muslim scrotes in France are all pretty terrible. I remember watching a video about two French lesbian girls who had moved to Montreal, and they were saying how wonderful Montreal is compared to Paris and how many times they’d been harassed and sexually assaulted in Paris but in Montreal everyone just leaves them alone.
No. 1882837
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Reading through this thread has been quite an experience, as for why there seem to be so many Pakistani's represented in the Industry, I have my own theories, but its likely a combination of factors that are more prevalent in Pakistan
>Porn addiction - Thanks to relatively cheat internet accesses
>A culture that has sadly a prevalence of sexual abuse
>Mass Poverty - That's a given
>English - Similar things happens in the Philippines, due to our history we have poor people here that can communicate with rich bastards abroad
>we have a disturbing black market of child-rape porn that gets made here and sold abroad
>An inferiority complex against Arabs - now all the things I listed above can be found in other nations, but nothing can surpass the wilful inferiority complex against Arabs that is found in Pakistan
This is just my opinion though, so take it with a grain of salt
No. 1883443
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>>1883362So idk where to start.
> started on the UK Xfactor> had a “glow up”> started an escort business apparently> started a webcam business apparently > regularly in Dubai, regularly pretending she’s single on only fans.> her boyfriend is actually this dodgy Yorkshire bloke in pic No. 1883743
>>1882774>A lot of girls get seriously sexually harassed and assaulted in France, outskirts of Paris are especially dangerous.French men don't live there anymore lmao
White french moids are moids but they're not nearly as bad as arabs, you clearly have no clue about what you're talking about
Whenever you get sexually harassed in the streets in France it's either an arab or sometimes a black dude, but it's less frequent
You've clearly have no idea how terrible muslim scrotes are, the average one is on part with the /pol/tard white moid