File: 1638767174946.jpg (276.07 KB, 846x1357, 123.jpg)

No. 1386142
lolcow’s very own bulimic, anorexic, schizophrenic, bpd, self harming precious cow.
>resident EDtwt and SHtwt,>neet with very rich parents>schizophrenic but refuses to take her medication, doesn’t think she should be forced to because why are people trying to stop her being who she is? >Believes she’s truly a unicorn, trying to starve herself to her unicorn weight of 75lb, wears a unicorn horn (this discovery was made after she stopped taking her meds.. go figure)>notorious self harmer, visible cuts all over her body, often fresh >has eaten garbage, cat food, hand sanitiser and has binged on hydrogen peroxide>has claimed to purge 11 times a day>currently taking on a suddenly endless fast, hasn’t eaten in months but gained weight after her parents put mass gainer in her diet coke>typews ljke dhe’s hadsving a srtokeRECENT MILK- THE UNICORN WAR
>became lolcow’s messiah!>called out @leechlifts/ambrose, another cow >>1381763, for his fatphobia >>1378387>chaos ensued>farmers decide they are the only ones allowed to insult and mock lucinda and decide to take down ambrose, finding out she was a troon all along >1379381>ambrose outed herself on twitter, loyal simps claimed lucinda had forced this and harassed her, telling her to kill herself etc >>1379951>our unicorn tried her unicorn magic to stay strong but alas! one comment too many, she succumbed to evil and allegedly attempted suicide >>1381028>luckily, she survived and was ready to fight back >farmers, in defence of our precious cow, dug through ambrose’s past and found a shitton of incriminating evidence, a farmerEDtwt hybrid took this info to twitter>edTWT found out ambrose is actually a shitty person and the tables turned, some were defending lucinda but all were shitting on ambrose >justice prevailed and both lucinda and the farmers rejoiced, making beautiful artwork to celebrate the occasion >>1382591>which she reposts and twitterfags seethe lol >provides low calorie recipes for the seething anas >photoshoot break >>1383169>defends her friends throughout, actually giving reasonable arguments etc, >>1384892>accused of grooming and other criminal acts towards kids because she posts naked body checks on her account >>1384958>posts the definition of “grooming”>receives massive amounts of hate from overweight twitter uses>might be beginning to milk the situation..>some farmers seem confused on whether or not we actually like and worship lucinda or if its a joke, i don’t think anyone is sure anymore>typed normally >>1384430>mostly spends her time arguing with people accusing her, posting selfies and not eating PREVIOUS THREADS
Ambrose/Leechlifts, the troon who started it all
>>>/snow/1381763@Idoldecay, luci's ex friend, potentially self inserted into the situation but may be getting her own thread
Youtube: No. 1386145
File: 1638767298530.png (1.52 MB, 1200x1202, Screenshot 2021-12-06 at 05.08…)

she's eating again
No. 1386153
File: 1638768262659.jpg (15.2 KB, 570x84, 1626796590500.jpg)

No. 1386169
File: 1638769942693.png (49.47 KB, 656x343, oswaldslunch_scale_-_Twitter_S…)

>>1386168You are correct.
No. 1386171
File: 1638770120996.jpg (129.83 KB, 736x1075, encased fart.jpg)

lucinda has so many iconic fart tweets, never forget
No. 1386334
>>1386171I will never use this legendary protip but
>you can also then smell yhr toilet paper with your encased fart for research??? Lmao what the fuck is she researching, unicorn chemistry? Does she publish her results because I would read that
I love Lucinda. She's like Timothy Dexter. I could see her publishing a modern, unicorn-themed A Pickle For The Knowing Ones. Truly a precious cow
No. 1386341
File: 1638798074191.jpg (Spoiler Image,464.69 KB, 1080x1608, Screenshot_20211206-093811.jpg)

She posted a new before and after bodycheck lmao you know she did it to fuck with her lurking h8ers. She mentioned before that they're jealous of her so she knows it.
No. 1386365
>>1386351Loving our saggy freak makes the chubby twitterfags mad though, and thats funny. Go back
>>1386359One whole candy cane is 50 calories and takes a while to eat, but she could sharpen the long end into a point, snap off the curved end and stick it on her forehead. Voila! Candy cane unicorn horn.
No. 1386406
File: 1638806095559.jpg (595.63 KB, 1080x1362, Screenshot_20211206-115107.jpg)

The thing is this is obviously meant for edtwt so it's about failing fasts and binging, but she wanted to make it vague enough that it could be applied to any kind of struggle. Like, she's nice. Genuinely a very nice person. Insane these fat ugly cunts wanna come at her so bad.
No. 1386557
File: 1638817883312.jpg (40.83 KB, 500x550, ShitlerStache.jpg)

>>1386532Lucinda after conducting important research
No. 1386615
>>1386613It's clearly Moogle pissed still about her outing the cult shit.
Moogle, drop it. Stop giving her attention. Stop inserting her into the threads. You're just as bad. You're only encouraging her. There's no defending any sort of cult activity.
No. 1386644
>>1386634Why would she be dropping so many screenshots against Moogle in all of Lucinda's threads if she didn't have a years' long vendetta against her? Why was she so quick to turn on her specifically if they didn't used to be close and she wanted to fuck with her? It's called common sense lol who do you think has been inserting Moogle into Lucinda's threads then quick to try and join in a witch hunt against her when shit with Lucinda went down? Why would she hate her if they didn't have a history?
Use your fucking brains.
No. 1386654
File: 1638825456804.jpg (1.01 MB, 3455x3464, 20211206_161430.jpg)

>>1386644Lucrecia, please. Unicow doesn't need your defense in the threads, youre making yourself look like a salty vendettachan with these paragraphs inserting yourself and Natalie. Stop.
No. 1386672
>>1386668she said it herself waaaay back in old tweets. he's also in his 70s. which is impressive as fuck.
>>1386654relax, natalie. the timestamp is way off.
No. 1386674
>>1386627The best the island has is Capestrano mental hospital in the capital. have an ED wing but I haven't heard of anyone staying in for ed-related reasons. I think last time she was inpatient it was because of schizo/sh reasons and at another shittier hospital, hence why she had such a rough time.
Also, Lucinda's family is not RICH, but definitely upper middle class. She has private insurance. The common folk here live in far more humble homes and live paycheck to paycheck.
No. 1386675
>>1386654I had to check because of my autism, the lolcow post is (in my timezone)
04/12/21 (Sat) 22:16:39
Moogle's twitter post is
05/12/21 (Sun) 18:26
The pictures are the same resolution, so the twitter one isn't a different original.
This doesn't prove that Moogle is the author of that post, but it does prove that she got that picture from lolcow (just like half of edtwt is lurking here). I guess someone could check her posting habits and compare it to anon's screenshot timing to guess whether it's her screencap, but I'm too lazy for that.
No. 1386676
>lucinda is literally perfect.Reads like Moogle, we love lucinda and I wouldn't have given it a second glance normally because nonas love gushing over her, but it is an odd coincidence
No. 1386681
>>1386676Also the fact that they keep narrowing in on the fact that Natalie leaked screenshots of Moogle trying to recruit her into a literal anti vaxx cult that doesn't believe in medication.
I'm legitimately worried for Lucinda with her relationship with Moogle. I don't doubt for a second that Lucinda stopped taking her meds and doesn't believe she has schizophrenia because Moogle is feeding her cult nonsense. Said it in another post but there's no defending a cult like that and it's highly suspicious that someone would, especially in that manner.
No. 1386690
File: 1638827177705.jpg (457.46 KB, 1080x1826, Screenshot_20211206-164201_Twi…)

Moogle privated
No. 1386692
File: 1638827290794.jpg (434.14 KB, 1080x1748, IMG_20211206_224748.jpg)

>>1386690Not on my device, but here's the explanation
No. 1386695
File: 1638827506212.png (85.44 KB, 648x719, mooglemagick_natalie_-_Twitter…)

>>1386685She absolutely does.
No. 1386699
>>1386696If anything it shows Moogle cares too much. Nobody on twitter is talking about this shit still except for Moogle and Lucinda. There was no need for Moogle to even confirm she's a lurker here which, if anything, raises even more suspicious.
Moogle if you still lurking, let this shit die. Stop giving attention whores attention. You don't need to defend yourself over everything. Go on with your life.
No. 1386703
File: 1638828375423.png (46.92 KB, 675x349, 58374589324.png)

Moogle… let it die. There's no proof of herself sending herself anything. You're only outing yourself as a lurker who still cares too much. This'll only keep going if you keep it going.
No. 1386705
>>1386687>clusterfuckNatalie has been in both Ambrose
and Lucinda's threads posting obsessively, and we know now that Moogle and Natalie's falling out coincide's with the obsessive posting of Moogle in Lucinda's threads, because Moogle became Lucinda's bestie.
No. 1386716
File: 1638828810661.jpg (143.63 KB, 831x768, a2539348740_10.jpg)

>>1386714Ignore attention whores.
Don't respond to attention whores.
Focus on healing unicorn.
No. 1386717
>>1386714Isn't an energy vampire someone who is so
toxic they drain everyone around them. She truly IS a vampire and we need to focus on the unicorn light to stop feeding her.
No. 1386721
>>1386714I'd give a penny for mods to reveal the vendetta samefags, this is getting too derailed between the camps
>natalie wants the attention, don't post herVs
>natalie posts on lolcow and shows how she's irritated by people posting her because she keeps saying it's bad prana and ruining her mood No. 1386824
File: 1638836440273.jpg (136.08 KB, 1000x839, two-nudes-in-a-forest.jpg)

>>1386815You want to call them "nudes" because she's not wearing clothes go ahead but the implication that being nude is inherently erotic is a retarded accusation. "Body positivity" really is only for fatties, isn't it? Take your vendetta back to twitter, lardass
Picrel, just because someone is nude doesn't make it fap material fucking prude
No. 1386826
File: 1638836690164.jpg (Spoiler Image,729.89 KB, 1458x2592, FDDdKS1WEAQurj7.jpg)

>>1386824Are you comparing that to this?
No. 1386835
File: 1638837572354.png (Spoiler Image,248.43 KB, 401x508, 255.png)

>>1386826All you need to do is go on a random dedicated thinspo twitter acc and within two minutes of scrolling you'll see way worse (pic related). Trying to call this grooming is retarded when accs like these post way worse and don't ever have to justify themselves or have 18+ in their bio.
No. 1386901
File: 1638844411206.png (45.24 KB, 885x281, 13993202.png)

I didn't know she had a boyfriend
No. 1386947
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No. 1386953
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No. 1386958
File: 1638850882776.jpg (231.93 KB, 1436x1080, Commonwealth-2020.jpg)

>>1386826>>1386940Looks like she's showing a detail you can't see from the front. Why don't you explain how what you think makes her content lewd instead of demanding farmers prove a negative?
>>1386898The US may be a first world country but our healthcare system is inaccessibly overpriced compared to other first world countries. If Puerto Rico is worse off than the mainland they're probably closer to third world than first.
No. 1386975
>>1386953Living in a bigass house losing weight effortlessly being spoiled rotten and not doing shit.
Thrive, queen, thrive.
No. 1387022
>>1386953>dress myselfSo they dress her in these outfits?
>>1386826She takes off her clothes for ~unclothed~ selfies, then they come in and redress her?
She claims she can't walk or stand, so where's the wheelchair and why have a wheelchair when she doesn't leave the house?
I wish I didn't believe she was trolling her with this persona and could get out of her what anons who think she's legit retarded do.
No. 1387130
>>1387022As much as I like Lucinda, she's sadly a malingering liar. Anyone with a healthy brain can see she's playing it up for attention in her YouTube video, kind of like those fake tourettes TikTokers. Her story has never added up. If you were a brother helping your mentally disabled schizophrenic sister to create a public profile on social media, wouldn't you monitor her accounts and have her passwords for her own safety? If she can't dress herself, then who is dressing her up in skimpy costumes? Her spelling errors are grossly exaggerated on purpose, even if you try to recreate them yourself by punching your phone/keyboard, you can tell she manually adds extra characters that are far away from the original letters, which actually takes more effort than just typing normally. She claims she can barely walk and needs a wheelchair, but she can go to Walmart, pharmacy, go igrocery shopping, go outside and walk around her house around just fine? She is definitely deeply mentally ill and schizo, but it's also really easy to get comfortable and cozy in that role when your parents do everything for you and treat you like a unicorn princess because you're sooper sick. Why would you want to get better? It's an attention thing, and it's something that needs to be maintained regularly by staying sick as a dog and showing people how sick you are so people keep giving you attention.
No. 1387144
>>1387130I think the problem is we just don't know all the details. She could've easily thrown a tantrum about wanting her privacy. Or she just gives them a glance at her page of Pinteresr quotes once in a while and that's enough. She's a dying retard, the last thing they expect is the great unicorn war. All she has is her phone. If she cries and screams for privacy she can easily get it.
As for walking in public, she said she doesn't own a wheelchair, but it's possible she could have one of those walkers. Or even a borrowed wheelchair. Hell, maybe she rides the shopping cart.
There's a lot we just don't
know about Lucinda. It's as easy to call her a liar as it is to explain away everything that doesn't seem to add up.
No. 1387147
>>1387022>>1387130she said she just sits in her comfy chair and doesn't leave the house or do anything.
it's phrased weird though, she lists all these things they do and then says "dress myself", it's probably just bad grammar.. i think i just want to believe her.
she's not death level ana but she has lot a lot of weight in a very unhealthy way, i doubt she's actually fasted this whole time BUT she's defintely done some of it hence the loss so she probably feels quite weak at the moment. i dont doubt she feels exhausted and i dont doubt she's super dependent on her parents but some of it is a bit extreme.
kek, imagine if this turned into a eugenia cooney/ venus angelic-esque situation where her family were all masterminding this. sooper tinfoil.
No. 1387153
>>1387130>who is dressing her up in skimpy costumes?She said her parents do her shopping and internet, but would they really send off for a thong with a plastic bat on it?
>>1387144I doubt she's dying or a retard. Schizophrenia doesn't cause retardation. If she developed schizophrenia at uni (which would be late onset) she wouldn't suddenly go all retarded. Intelligent schizophrenics stay intelligent, they just have strange ideas sometimes.
Her parents might be really great and she really is getting help for her eating disorder. She takes things too far and that makes her story unbelievable.
No. 1387175
>>1387153Her parents are boomers, maybe they just thought it was a bikini.
>Schizophrenia doesn't cause retardationIn the papers where she doxxed herself it listed her IQ level at mental retardation.
She developed schizophrenia in 2016. She would've been 19. Lucinda already
is getting help according to her, she goes to doctors constantly.
And for the record, Lucinda always said her parents helped clothe and bathe her and manage her legal records before her unicorn fast. She's retarded. Legally. We don't know if "helping her shower" means standing by the toilet watching the seethrough curtain making sure she doesn't drink shampoo since she has a tendency to drink chemicals. We don't know if helping her dress herself means picking out her clothes or making sure she doesn't put them on backwards or helping them with the buttons. I think the problem is we just keep imagining something dramatic.
No. 1387179
>>1387177I thought she was a munchie in the first thread but by now she just doesn't fit the bill. She doesn't talk about mental illness and certainly not being retarded, she seems to present herself as smart. What's the point? The
only time I
ever saw her talk about her critical state was when that anachan implied someone under 500 calories could need a wheelchair, and Lucinda went and listed all her negative health conditions like it set her off. Genuinely.
No. 1387191
>>1387185There's a real innocence in that. That's what I admired most about the whole fight. In all these fights all Lucinda does is tell the truth. You don't have to be a genius to do that, but you do have to be very cunning and smart to be manipulative the way narcs
and munchies are. I just don't think Lucinda is capable of that and she certainly hasn't shown it.
No. 1387202
File: 1638889700758.jpg (311.85 KB, 1080x999, Screenshot_20211207-110358.jpg)

I'm hollering the idea that she listens to eurodance on her death bed is fantastic. What a queen.
No. 1387219
>>1386946I've been here longer than 98% of this thread and I don't care about the mental gymnastics, someone who isn't clothed is nude. Now answer the question what the super innocent purpose of her posting the pictures on social media is supposed to be.
>>1386958>>1387109Because I responded to the original anon who claimed she's too innocent to do any wrong. Do you just read one post without seeing what it responds to?
>>1387203It's the newfags who buy her act without any questions, everyone who has been here long enough knows retarded munchie antics when they see them.
No. 1387222
File: 1638891337001.jpg (109.84 KB, 720x892, FF_hjz4XMAA0-va.jpeg.jpg)

someone made a fanedit of her lmfaooooo no wonder they're so fucking jealous and hate her. who the fuck else gets fanart on edtwt? it's cute as hell too i love it.
No. 1387229
File: 1638892187171.jpg (365.26 KB, 1080x1272, Screenshot_20211207-114353.jpg)

Almost thought I imagined it but I remember reading this, she mentioned being "recently" diagnosed with an illness affecting her cognitive ability, likely schizophrenia. Again, doesn't mention it. She never, ever mentions her schizophrenia. So she was diagnosed as schizophrenic October 2016. Around the same time, she wrote a weirdly poetic suoer religious fic where one of the 1D guys was a demon. This aligns with her religious delusions and hallucinations she talked about on her private schizo Blogspot.
No. 1387331
>>1387219I think the failure of communication here is that you're saying 'nude' as in simply 'unclothed,' but 'a nude' has different implications, i.e. a picture you post or send to someone with the intention of being titillating. It may seem like a nitpick but those are very different things in modern parlance.
Anyway, body checks are not generally posted to be sexy.
No. 1387486
File: 1638909005613.jpg (555.41 KB, 1080x1266, Screenshot_20211207-162834.jpg)

Everyone shut UP. An important update.
Our precious unicorn queen is bald.
No. 1387586
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No. 1387587
File: 1638914412654.jpg (788.5 KB, 1458x2592, 20211207_185425.jpg)

No. 1387593
File: 1638914620217.jpg (56.74 KB, 720x444, 20211207_185628.jpg)

No. 1387594
>>1387593That's… worrying.
She needs to have someone in her life that's not family that DOESN'T have an ED and encourages her behavior.
No. 1387654
File: 1638921361691.jpg (25.52 KB, 598x242, 562526.jpg)

No. 1387666
File: 1638922206154.jpg (80.97 KB, 540x540, 1609588391662.jpg)

>>1387654>>1387593her new bf is chris chan from prison
No. 1387689
File: 1638924597529.jpeg (431.43 KB, 1125x1340, DD1F4302-3B00-4005-B57A-184BCA…)

God bless.
No. 1387702
>>1387586Not even close to balding, but it's on brand for a delusional anachan to stay delusional. She has quite a lot of hair left with just a few patches missing. Not a criticism in case any anons think I'm nitpicking her. It's a good thing she hasn't lost as much hair as she thinks.
>>1387690Probably by design. Making your food disgusting is an anachan method of keeping your intake as low as possible.
No. 1387747
>>1387711seriously, have y’all never had a Coke Float or (for the anas) a Diet Coke + Halo Top?
refine ur palates and stay strong, unicorn queen
No. 1387759
File: 1638929356787.png (692.32 KB, 1370x750, Screenshot 2021-12-08 at 02.07…)

>>1387711>>1387747i mean.. whatever floats your boats, anons
No. 1387768
File: 1638930429673.jpg (858.57 KB, 1080x1545, Screenshot_20211207-212538_Ins…)

Found this on IG
No. 1387769
File: 1638930469769.jpg (372.51 KB, 1080x1609, Screenshot_20211207-212646_Ins…)

In the comment section about Lucinda
No. 1387790
File: 1638932183595.jpg (1.7 MB, 2560x1920, 21-12-07-22-54-40-363_deco.jpg)

>>1387702she's bald as hell compared to what she had before
No. 1387793
>>1387768>>1387782so shitty to make a video on this so soon after it happened, all of her videos are pure "im the weal anowexic, wook at my owd thinspo!!!!" but this is low even for her, especially when she clearly knows the person involved is so vulnerble.
she's either gonna namedrop everyone involved which will bring hundreds (maybe even thousands) more eyes to lucinda's page OR she'll be deliberately cryptic and mysterious about it so obviously everyone in the comments will namedrop and… queue streisand effect.
No. 1388058
File: 1638975311601.jpg (146.27 KB, 1080x489, Screenshot_20211208-105203.jpg)

confirmed she has jaundice, she must be editing them out
No. 1388210
No. 1388232
File: 1638992141894.png (318.09 KB, 1522x1164, Screenshot 2021-12-08 at 19.34…)

>>1388186comment section is 99% negative, no mention of lucinda or ambrose from what i can see in the comments but i'll have a watch of the video now. god i hate her, wish me luck!
No. 1388238
>>1388186Thank you anon for posting the video. Just finished watching it and Dorian never mentions Lucinda or Ambrose or anybody else for that matter. It was just a long ass directionless rant about how Edtwt is so much more
toxic than early 2000 pro ana websites (kek sure Dorian).
No. 1388334
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No. 1388336
File: 1639001870918.jpg (56.13 KB, 383x680, FGGLzoYXEAMYLIo.jpg)

No. 1388338
File: 1639001906586.jpg (63.71 KB, 383x680, FGGLzoWXsAY057V.jpg)

No. 1388347
>>1387486Why are her pupils always so big? that's a fairly well lit room, they shouldn't be so un-dilated. Is it medication? I know some SSRIs can do that, same with benzos, or is it correlated psychosomatically to her illness?
Or is that just how unicorns eyes are?
No. 1388352
>>1387666Stranger things have happened
Also based trips, checked
No. 1388365
File: 1639004239658.jpg (49.99 KB, 736x736, 7a8f1112c552cb35ccec0738240bcb…)

>>1388347Well, it took longer than usual but you wandered back in Alzheimer anon. It's the editing. She has said many times (and we have told you many times) that she uses editing (the burn tool specifically) to enlarge her pupils and make those lines around her eyes. We will meet again in a few days when you wander back in and ask again
No. 1388406
File: 1639008556267.jpg (280.1 KB, 1080x822, Screenshot_20211208-194731.jpg)

Possible boyfriend she tweeted at? I've never seen her qrt someone like this especially with so much affection.
No. 1388481
File: 1639016176998.jpg (94.81 KB, 720x579, 20211208_231226.jpg)

No. 1388510
File: 1639017675496.jpg (Spoiler Image,378.49 KB, 1080x1724, Screenshot_20211208-203941__01…)

Her bf is a confirmed Troon edgelord who recently got sent to the loony bin for slashing their wrists. Claims they are homeless and does sex work for rent money. Definitely not a good influence on Lucinda's recovery efforts, that's for sure. Also, they may be possibly lurking since they went off private as soon as they were mentioned in this thread.
No. 1388516
File: 1639017860139.jpg (Spoiler Image,462.16 KB, 1536x2048, 20211208_203316.jpg)

diary entry mentioning Lucinda.
No. 1388517
File: 1639018421139.png (Spoiler Image,170.72 KB, 451x300, 8dc6fc9f9d73cdc58d9ec371d20233…)

guess we got another edgy larper
No. 1388525
File: 1639018961104.jpeg (371.24 KB, 717x831, 03A9B9D3-296F-48A2-A1A7-6A995D…)

She’s a prostitute too
No. 1388528
File: 1639019144321.jpeg (71.4 KB, 750x185, 43839461-1442-445C-B295-1BDBBF…)

that’s definitely her
No. 1388530
File: 1639019244166.png (34.26 KB, 480x158, ce66efca48863f46987d83e2c1d743…)

No. 1388534
File: 1639019615017.jpeg (114.7 KB, 750x1128, 8EBEFE49-5564-4661-BCF5-1D951E…)

I thought she hates fatphobes but she’s dating one?
No. 1388550
>>1388538Judging by this diary entry
>>1388516 the exact opposite is happening.
No. 1388560
File: 1639020927065.jpeg (138.24 KB, 750x1046, C1EEA08C-AFD4-4720-99D8-068FC7…)

>starts a crusade against someone for being fatphobic
>dates an admitted fatphobe
No. 1388573
File: 1639021384905.png (14.29 KB, 275x118, 1639021130932.png)

No. 1388575
File: 1639021621683.jpg (108.28 KB, 1065x571, Screenshot_20211208-214611__01…)

>>1388560Will Lucinda cancel her barely legal fatphobic demon bf?
No. 1388589
>>1388575shit is looking awfully familiar to ambrose. cant find the pic but swear ambrose said sitting next to fat people
triggered them
No. 1388594
File: 1639022317383.png (348.51 KB, 1033x631, 78cc8bbc7446291ebc93319d702d51…)

>starts drama with a fatphobic tranny
>dates a fatphobic tranny
No. 1388602
File: 1639022620253.jpg (41.96 KB, 720x267, 20211209_010151.jpg)

No. 1388606
File: 1639022654776.jpg (33.2 KB, 713x254, 20211209_010137.jpg)

No. 1388608
File: 1639022690367.jpg (Spoiler Image,160.67 KB, 720x1008, 20211209_010107.jpg)

No. 1388628
File: 1639023608980.jpg (Spoiler Image,86.05 KB, 720x528, 20211209_011813.jpg)

No. 1388629
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No. 1388632
File: 1639023725420.png (84.2 KB, 462x437, 9a08f51a8dd1b8cf62158c259e3fae…)

No. 1388635
File: 1639023876808.jpg (400.2 KB, 1536x2048, 20211209_011511.jpg)

so masculine, it's a man, of course
No. 1388640
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No. 1388643
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>twink suicidal demon
No. 1388649
>>1388638Not our precious cow..
>>1388644She said she's bmi 20 but she tweets like she's seconds away from death kek
No. 1388654
File: 1639024365329.jpg (371.37 KB, 1536x2048, 20211209_013113.jpg)

No. 1388656
File: 1639024491328.jpeg (498.19 KB, 750x2826, D549D35E-E21C-4761-8444-288EA5…)

Her likes are also full of fatspo and other “fatphobic” shit
No. 1388665
File: 1639024776602.png (20.26 KB, 790x138, oswaldslunch_-_Google_Chrome_2…)

… Uhuh.
No. 1388667
>>1388538that's one hell of a cope.
>>1388572She could be lying. She writes and acts much younger than an 18-year-old should, though maybe twitter rotted her brain like it did Lucinda's
No. 1388672
>>1388665"Supportive of me eating"
what happened to starving to death to enter the next world or some shit?
No. 1388673
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No. 1388680
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No. 1388683
File: 1639025466143.jpeg (352.66 KB, 750x694, 1B6BE15E-036A-413C-8FB1-3E9064…)

>>1388665What a cope. This bitch literally just recently liked a post looking for fatphobic mutuals lol
No. 1388694
File: 1639025837042.jpg (52.35 KB, 720x443, 20211209_015539.jpg)

No. 1388710
>>1388698Sounds like cope, anon.
Luci has been proven to be an unreliable narrator multiple times in this thread.
No. 1388744
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No. 1388797
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No. 1388805
File: 1639030462976.jpg (157.95 KB, 1080x393, Screenshot_20211209-021341.jpg)

>>1388797She deleted that tweet along with all the others mentioning the troon and just posted this
No. 1388926
File: 1639053961080.jpg (183.04 KB, 720x1004, 20211209_094421.jpg)

No. 1388929
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No. 1388930
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No. 1388955
File: 1639058305043.png (30.39 KB, 617x209, Screen Shot 2021-12-09 at 13.5…)

Samefag but seems like Lucinda blocked Malice? Honestly I think it's for the better
No. 1388970
>>1388951Personally I believe she's retarded, but even if she wasn't an ex bestie of Ambrose is gonna be manipulative as shit. Now imagine that she is mentally disabled and the troon pursued her to the point where she admitted she woŕried about being predatory herself. Like? The bitch is garbage and lied to Lucinda for sure. She was practically dating an Ambrose larper, except this one was a wolf in sheep's clothing for our unicorn.
Evidently. They broke up because she found out about all her fucked up bullshit.
No. 1388990
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No. 1389086
File: 1639076461900.jpg (78.49 KB, 1080x371, Screenshot_20211209-145940.jpg)

Absolutely incredible wisdom from our unicorn queen.
No. 1389118
File: 1639079737910.jpeg (258.45 KB, 750x582, A51A4BC3-F5BD-484D-8E9D-0C53ED…)

>>1388929This girl just learned how to roll a joint. No way she jumped straight to meth shes larping 100% she works at fucking smoothie king
No. 1389134
File: 1639081163358.jpg (379.49 KB, 1080x1163, Screenshot_20211209-161841.jpg)

More cute shit from our queen
No. 1389135
File: 1639081244948.jpg (394.71 KB, 1080x992, Screenshot_20211209-161954.jpg)

But of course some raging insanity as well!
No. 1389179
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No. 1389180
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No. 1389185
File: 1639085341085.jpeg (326.4 KB, 750x1929, BD8B437A-CA62-44E5-B2B4-965B37…)

She also has a fat friend she likes to make fun of. Her old Twitter that got suspended was @bitchboycals. She used to post a lot of fatspo making fun of random fat chicks on tiktok. Still does on current Twitter
No. 1389210
File: 1639087140384.jpg (324.33 KB, 1080x1191, IMG_20211209_225824.jpg)

Oh boy, she's so gonna get called out by Ambrose's fans for her "bf"
No. 1389362
>>1388654Lmaooo those can't be bigger than 10 inches, imagine even on T not being able to get decent biceps
No. 1389604
>>1389582Weren't Nicole's fans all fug clown fatties who claimed to have recovered from an ed? Not uwu nymphets? They seemed to pride on being greasy and unkempt, not delicate nymphets.
Lucinda has psychosis. I don't think she got her 75lb thing from 2012 Tumblr nymphets saying they're angels who only feed on flowers and milk honey. None of them have ever said "I need to eat this until I'm 85lbs then I can be a
real angel" the larp aas that they were already thin.
No. 1389654
File: 1639143660583.jpg (418.98 KB, 1080x1836, Screenshot_20211210-093826.jpg)

Lucinda posted her Amazon wishlist as a form of "secret Santa" where people would send her their list, and her list is just….. stuffed animals and a fairy book.
No. 1389655
File: 1639143781648.jpg (31.47 KB, 500x362, Screenshot_20211210-094211.jpg)

>>1389654Also I noticed it's named to "D"? Is that one of her parents' initials?
No. 1389745
>>1389185God what a fucking shitty friend. Could you imagine going to hang out only to figure out your “friend” has been taking pictures of your food and posting it to their deranged ed twitter to make fun of your portions and brag about how good their self control is because they don’t eat like their loser fatty friend.
She’s not even skinny. What a fucking joke.
No. 1389847
File: 1639160984872.jpg (45.54 KB, 598x536, shmelinda.jpg)

sucking it in oh-so-very hard.
No. 1389947
File: 1639169831096.jpg (94.11 KB, 1984x1116, How-to-Get-Lid-of-loose-skin-a…)

>>1389847She's right, she's never gonna look bony the way she wants. There's a clearly emaciated body under all that loose skin, and there's nothing our poor girl can do about it. She's very visibly
No. 1390116
>>1389654>precious cow hamperIf I weren't broke as fuck I would unironically buy it for her kek.
>>1389922She has a lot of loose skin that's masking all the boniness. I'd say she's much bonier and sharper than it appears, especially seeing how her underwear is kind of lifted up that much from her hip bones. She's probably in the 90s range.
No. 1390283
>>1390059I don't like Lucinda, and anon's photo makes no sense with those photos Lucinda posted. There's no loose skin in them and she looks like a skeleteon. There are older photos where there's a ton of lose skin on her thighs, that's where that image would be applicable. But if you don't think
>>1389847 looks skeleton tier, that sounds like ana-chan brainrot.
No. 1390347
>>1390283Its not bone rattling to point out she doesn't look skelly in these pics. It's strange that you can't see her ribs at that size. Even though she's underweight she might never look skelly because of that loose skin. Further, a toned muscular BMI 20's still gonna look slimmer than a skinnyfat 20 but Lucinda doesn't seem to exercise much beyond purging. I hope she doesn't kill herself trying to sculpt an unachievable body, since her stats (if true) put her around a BMI of 15 and she probably has pounds of excess skin.
>>1389847Not really sure what's going on in the pic on the left other than that she's rotated a pic of her laying on her back, but it looks more angular because of the sheet she's laying on. Of course she's sucking in on the right but the only real difference between 99 and 100 is psychological.
No. 1390384
File: 1639230747537.jpg (448.79 KB, 1152x2048, E4GywjmXwAcgyZW.jpeg.jpg)

>>1390347Her excess skin is pretty heavy. It spreads out when she's standing but then it makes her look a higher weight than she really is. Lying on her back
all the extra skin sinks right down and you can see her body for what it really is. Her hip bones are sharp as fuck. Yet you can't see her ribs. She says she weighs 99lbs and I believe her. It's so unfortunate she may never see it. Life can be so cruel.
No. 1390392
File: 1639232514455.jpg (371.47 KB, 1080x1350, PhotoCollage_1639233203045.jpg)

Lucinda talking about the break up
No. 1390888
>>1390387Maybe she can take that excess skin back home and build a little drum with a folgers can.
That way she can do something that is not self-harm, for a change.
No. 1390893
File: 1639292924198.jpg (67.21 KB, 598x538, Screenshot_2021-12-12 .jpg)

The unicorn fast goes on.
Or does it?
But who will ask about logic here.
No. 1390963
>>1390945According to her curiouscat answers she's still aiming at 75 lbs for her transformation miracle.
But larping, lying and gaslighting might be involved here as well.
No. 1391032
File: 1639317321240.jpg (332.18 KB, 1080x892, Screenshot_20211212-095134.jpg)

Our queen's origin story that conveniently does not mention her no longer taking her antipsychotics around the same time she decided to be a unicorn.
No. 1391039
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No. 1391067
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No. 1391069
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No. 1391100
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No. 1391350
File: 1639349117027.jpg (426.86 KB, 1080x1142, Screenshot_20211212-184318.jpg)

Yep, still a schizophrenic off her meds.
No. 1391770
>>1390967There were 32 (thirty-two) answers in the last 24 hours alone..!
She's manic as a mofo, still pretending to run on milk and hot air. No energy, needing a wheelchair but twittering around the clock, dammit.
What is wrong here, fellow anons.
No. 1391780
>>1391350Gliyter, sparkels, dance, love, confisecne, paositivity, advice, help, pink, sweet tooth! I also have visions of lights, singing in the moutnains, lights flashign, shadiws moving, rooms filling with bright white lught, and finding my facenunrecognizabme. Voices conversatiins, thoughts put into my hewr that were not there. Many many more thigngw. ALL things I believe that make me of a magical being where I am able to cinnect with the different dimensiins lije a "glitch" in realities. This is what I beoieve my metamorphosis, where my worlds will finally connect and my unicorn identity eill finally connect eith wll thedimensions I srr and will be a fully wise, aware unicorn wjth powers. ABD THANKNYOUIU OF CALLIBG ME CUTE!!!Well fuck me hard with a fire iron.
I'm outta this.
No. 1391873
>>1391858Happy cowtipping,
No. 1391890
>>1391854That's a nope. If she would be on a
real hard fast, her sorry little brain would likely fizzle and fail due to an unhealthy lack of glucose.
She's as happy as a pig in the mud, sucking in all the cheering of her edtwt cronies.
No. 1391918
File: 1639411958058.jpg (113.46 KB, 1080x574, Screenshot_20211213-121148.jpg)

How did you all miss this absolute fucking gem.
No. 1392004
File: 1639418235491.jpg (334.44 KB, 1152x2048, FGgLLyDX0AIVF9a.jpeg.jpg)

Looks like she doesn't give a fuck about the ~exposing children to porn~ allegations Ambrose's cronies tried to pin on her. Ride on, queen.
In all seriousness, nothing sexual about this picture at all on top of censoring. And if you don't wanna see NSFW content Twitter automatically filters it out for you.
No. 1392028
>>1391918L.oony bin
B.anana republic
you're welcome
No. 1392030
File: 1639419530717.png (182.09 KB, 470x292, 3da64c538c506e931964f87e2a4737…)

Wonder if she shaved or the lack of nutrients caught up
No. 1392062
File: 1639423043864.jpg (272.42 KB, 1080x833, Screenshot_20211213-151128.jpg)

Whatever the story, she's definitely not bluffing about starving herself.
No. 1392111
>>1388643another one under the influence of the yaoi virus I see.
btw, how old is Lucinda? idk why, but I have this idea that she's in her 40s but she isn't right?
No. 1392212
>>1392062in the 2nd photo the camera is further away.
i wouldn't trust her at all.
No. 1392375
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>>1392211reminds me more of vegetarian hot dogs
No. 1392386
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No. 1392447
>>1392444 fizlurenfrkm = 'failure from'
isncsusing = 'is causing'
No. 1392478
>>1392456Her alleged "liver failure" will stand in for "some small poisoning that will buff out in no time".
She really knows how to turn the knobs. And her fans love it.
No. 1392484
>>1392473>>1392478Do you think she faked this picture?
>>1388334 It looks real to me but she does like to shoop her eyes.
No. 1392511
>>1392484>>1392487Of course, she's still a manipulative little goblin. Can't type one straight word but is able to draw complex (but ugly) graphite drawings.
It's a game for her & probably her only link to the outside world. Plus, she's got all day for this stuff.
There is no real month-long fast with no water going on. She won't drop to 75 lbs.
Her family does care for her and will get her to a doctor.
No. 1392575
>>1392511>There is no real month-long fast with no water going on. She won't drop to 75 lbs.>Her family does care for her and will get her to a doctor.This is hysterical. She stopped fasting a week ago. Her family treats her like a princess. And she says she's constantly going to the doctor.
What crevice of edtwt did you crawl out vendetta-chan?
Triggered by her recent weight loss? I hope our precious hot dog legged queen does make it to 75lbs just to piss you off.
No. 1392673
>>1392532>>1392576How is she wrong though, Lucinda is obviously exaggerating. I wish you would finally learn that not everyone who critizises a cow is a deranged ana-chan who thinks her condition is something to be jealous of.
>>1392641Yeah, this thread had also plenty of mysterious samefagging. I don't care for the newest excuse, you can literally see she shooped it.
No. 1392677
File: 1639495270157.jpg (53.81 KB, 598x597, 2021-12-14 lucinda.jpg)

I guess she still knows what she's doing.
And since she remembers her terrible IP stint from a few months ago, she'll likely know her limits by now.
Meanwhile, her belly looks like some 30yo leather car seat.
No. 1392681
>>1392576She could be thinner than Ash and she would still be a chronic liar whose self-presentation wouldn't be taken at face value by anybody with an even slightly functional bullshit radar.
>>1392673This thread is truly bizarre. Anybody who points out the problems and inconsistencies in Lucinda's posts immediately gets swarmed by the LIDF. Hopefully farmhands find out who it is and do a post reveal at some point.
No. 1392697
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>>1392511someones bitter that unicow is an amazing artist
No. 1392746
File: 1639500617726.png (188.91 KB, 1080x595, wtff.png)

No. 1392770
>>1392765There's no exaggeration,
She's officially a retard, according to her dox.
No. 1392779
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No. 1392804
File: 1639505277787.jpg (262.22 KB, 1152x2048, FGlhQLvXsAY4glf.jpeg.jpg)

New unedited pics. Jaundice seems to be present.
No. 1392818
>>1392697>can't type legibly because of a neurological condition>can draw smooth contours with charcoalIs this unicorn magic? I wouldn't call it
hyperrealistic but it's not bad.
No. 1392845
>>1392829Get yourself a glass of pearlescent diet coke,
nonnie, you're hangry. I like Lucinda and I like that she's putting her time into something creative instead of self-destructive and insane, but her skill is not on the level of hyperrealism yet. Realism sure, hyperrealism no.
No. 1392884
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>>1392804ed people always look so proud of their self-destruction. It's crazy how sick the mind can get. To actually feel happy and proud that you caused yourself organ failure.
No. 1392926
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Toxic hepatitis doesn't necessarily result in liver failure. It's no surprise she'd confuse liver injury with liver failure but she's likely to recover, maybe with some cirrhosis. I hope she heals quickly. I've never seen a unicorn with yellow eyes and it's breaking my immersion
No. 1392997
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No. 1393036
File: 1639530649040.jpeg (628.18 KB, 842x1280, dourly.jpeg)

>>1392977You're no fun, Nona. Don't you believe in magic? The story of a unicorn could never have such a cliche ending. How horribly boring. Frankly, I think your prediction is crap. She may be unbelievable, but she's not unimaginative, and you shouldn't have to think a narrative is entirely truthful to enjoy reading it. Fiction is popular for a reason, but your writing isn't true to the source material. Do better
No. 1393330
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No. 1393331
>>1393327why don't you just fuck off, vampire sperg
this is not a thread about your natalie fetish
No. 1393413
>>1393333>>1393381Damn I wonder why it's never occurred to a mentally ill person to just ✧・゚:
✧・゚: get better
You guys should go into psychology, I think you could really shake up the field with these revolutionary solutions.
No. 1393419
>>1393406She talks a lot about herself, actually.
But one should not believe everything.
No. 1393452
>>1393386No way. She's not able to hold a real job, take care for herself, found a family or care for another person or even a pet.
With her level of disablity she will have to live a life of being dependent 24/7.
So why not cut her some slack, then. Maybe being a sped on Twitter is the only joy she's got left in her shitty life.
I watched her plushie video on YT and that removed all the doubts.
No. 1393471
File: 1639585981362.jpg (49.2 KB, 588x612, tinfoil.jpg)

>>1393330"My parents are evil for trying to keep me alive and get me treatment for my mental illness!"
No. 1393483
>>1393330>why does my family treat me like a mentally ill child, I'm literally a real life unicornIt's a mystery to us all, Lucinda.
>>1393415>Learn to read retad.Kek
No. 1393497
>>1393327You do sound autistic.
I've followed them both for a while, Natalie was saying she was a doll for a long time because of Identity V and shit. You're giving Natalie what she wants by bringing her up in an unrelated thread.
No. 1393507
>>1393487Whatever she really 'is', I wouldn't change my life with hers.
And yes, she deserves pity. She can only hope that her family is able to support her for long enough.
No. 1393725
File: 1639608376849.jpg (549.67 KB, 1152x2048, FGqzNSnXwAkhv3O.jpeg.jpg)

Not sure if it's the hat making her head look big but she looks rather emaciated and ill in these.
No. 1393792
File: 1639612699587.png (52.8 KB, 884x215, ef5e8fa7537b79178b1f55fcc31d3e…)

No. 1393794
>>1393707Add her self-harming and we've got an inpatient case and/or permanent supervision patient.
IMHO it's pretty sure she puts some serious strain on her family but not with real malicious intentions. But who wants to feed and tend the wounds of a grown-up daughter forever?
No. 1393796
>>1393795Rule Number One:
EVER take medical advice from a retard
No. 1394231
>>1394121Nice theory,
nonnie. But she's still got some (relatively) wealthy parents, so that's not gonna happen anytime soon.
Btw she'll scare the shit out of her customers once they get to see her cuts. She'll be living on her life in her little gated plushie world of Twitter and cc heaven.
No. 1394275
File: 1639656978189.jpg (Spoiler Image,703.62 KB, 1458x2592, 20211216_090724.jpg)

No. 1394353
File: 1639667092188.jpg (107.06 KB, 1878x1313, 1631931939688.jpg)

>>1394275This that mandela catalogue shit?
No. 1394377
>>1394275Too retarded for work or to take a shower.
Not too retarded for photoshopping her face and removing her ugly nipples.
No. 1394421
>>1394275I see someone got
triggered by
>>1393728 's comment.
No. 1394518
File: 1639676769827.jpg (42.71 KB, 598x310, whack.jpg)

This one's for the "integration" folks out there.
No. 1394565
>>1394531According to some black-white spotted herbivores with farmer masks and blue birds on their shoulder, being spoopy and looking sick is the pinnacle of goals that everyone is jealous of.
>>1394535Yeah, I'm sure the ugly burn filters, large edited pupils, painted eye lines on the face, dirt on the nose, bone-rattling proana poses and bodychecks, shaved hair, keysmashing, shaved off eyebrows and more are just products of Lucinda's hands slipping.
No. 1394605
>>1394595she's being
kept alive by her familia
No. 1394739
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No. 1394742
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No. 1394745
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No. 1394746
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No. 1394937
File: 1639708805531.png (201.52 KB, 482x498, e0ef6995a7e7f91a417abb4981fc7c…)

No. 1395178
>>1394938That much might be true.
But they haven't got much of a fucking choice.
Her precious snowflake would starve herself to death or would die of related conditions in a hurry.
No. 1395271
>>1394742Buy a Push up bra Lucinda. It'll give you some shape up there, just some advice.
Looking way better than usual here~ and she looks like a healthy weight also
No. 1395279
>>1395271that might be true, but you do realize that she has a ton of excess skin flapping around? beyond that she doesn't give a shit.
if there was one kind of person in the world she wouldn't need it would be a style advisor.
No. 1395309
>>1395279She would rather need
- a real tard wrangler
- a harsh nutitionist
- someone who takes her twitter away.
And also
- a professional therapist
just for her long suffering fam.
No. 1395723
>>1395678Don’t worry
nonnie, she’ll probably be the type of anorexic to live for hundreds of years. Like Ashley Isaacs. Except instead of surviving off of hatred and spite, Lucinda is surviving off the magic of being a unicorn.
No. 1396004
File: 1639816505040.jpg (38.92 KB, 598x341, dark_blood.jpg)

purgeen again with blood & guts coming out
No. 1396212
File: 1639847258329.png (84.66 KB, 598x222, Screenshot_2021-12-18 lucinda(…)

Yes, sometimes we do all need a little bit of yhornwrapping, don't we.
No. 1396214
File: 1639847506412.png (31.14 KB, 592x70, Screenshot_2021-12-18 .png)

No. 1396298
>>1396226then why putting content in this thread, if we can watch her twitter any time we like?
just stfu
No. 1396306
>>1396303Nah, seriously. All we want to see is a nice little obituary in Spanish, with her fattie photo.
Just admit it.
No. 1396332
>>1396325A hobby, that's what you say.
Like stalking a self-harming, nutcase Latina with a Twitter account, 24/7?
No. 1396346
>>1396332>a-logs>morally postures Girl, just go. Take your meds and eat something,
No. 1396359
File: 1639857299873.png (277.65 KB, 498x480, 1627356207894_2.png)

No. 1396671
File: 1639879492944.png (194.23 KB, 470x325, 41e64cbfffdd73ef887a9005104bb8…)

Her positivity is always so refreshing
No. 1396931
>>1396671"Food, friends and life".
The food she doesn't want to accept.
The "friends" that she seeks on edtwt.
The life she cannot have outside her home.
It's the things she lacks the most. There's no way to enjoy those, for her.
No. 1396959
Officially retarded for life
Cuts all over the body
Dependent on others
No. 1396991
>>1396964that tumblr wasn't hers. and her blogspot was full of psychotic delusions and ramblings because she's schizophrenic you moron. are we holding schizophrenics
problematic for that now? you're obviously bitter from all the positivity and are here to "remind" us all of how wicked she is with shit that isn't even accurate. fuck off, bitterling.
No. 1397046
>>1396991It matched up quite well, so where does that certainty in your statement come from? But I guess that narrative is easy to follow if you just blame every flaw on mental illness, though I didn't know schizophrenia teaches you how to draw cut up bodies.
And I'm sorry, but this isn't a hugbox where every voice of doubt/logic is "negative and
problematic uwu". If you're bothered by gossip on a gossip website, there a plenty of other places for you to go.
No. 1397206
>>1396964so what? She's litterally mentally ill. Yall want this "sanitized" version of mental illness and it's all good and ~romantic~ until shit gets real. So fucking stupid.
Let her be herself and stop trying to see the world through this pathetic
problematic black/white approach.
No. 1397209
>>1396991It's obviously some fat anon with a hateboner.
I feel like you anon.
No. 1397419
>>1397182I just started a bunch of facts and then my opinion, sorry that you don't like it. Why should go to twitter to gossip about cows and not lolcow?
Mental illness is not an excuse for every flaw or questionable action, especially not when it's as weirdly cherry picked as Lucinda displays it. By that logic we should close snow, pt and w because being all cows are some degree of mentally ill.
>>1397388I knew actual schizophrenics both irl and online and none of them magically learned to draw corpses or were able to write perfectly understandable blogposts when in a bad state, but okay. So when, according to you, is she responsible for anything she does?
I'm asking out of genuine interest, because when criticism is forbidden because muh mental illness, what do you expect the thread to be?
No. 1397479
File: 1639964759547.png (262.26 KB, 469x420, 419a50e2c1e35297f4c082756538a4…)

No. 1397642
>>1397479>>1397540>>1397528cute?? nope. horror makeup. pimples, cutting scars all over the place. definitely not cute.
just retarded.
No. 1397646
File: 1639989071906.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.33 KB, 598x592, edtwt.jpg)

new 99-lbs™-photoshoot, with enthusiastic responses. i need eyebleach and to touch some grass now.
No. 1397735
File: 1640006839629.jpg (37.46 KB, 629x385, uwu_kyuut.jpg)

>>1397646And the comments are … unbelievable.
No. 1397775
>>1397767That might or might not be true.
But I don't think the myriad of cuts are photoshopped or just makeup. So there is a physical factor involved, definitely. Also, the psych doctor's evaluation seems to be legit.
No. 1397777
>>1397776let's just be glad we don't have to
smell that woman
No. 1397785
File: 1640016401844.jpg (174.56 KB, 800x670, Tom_Lea_-_2000_Yard_Stare.jpg)

No. 1397901
File: 1640032384529.jpeg (152.53 KB, 828x404, A4BFF1A2-0638-4429-98A2-43716F…)

love the positivity but oh lord this is just…obviously her schizophrenia leaking out more
No. 1397916
File: 1640034463430.jpeg (339.77 KB, 1152x2048, FHEpuRsWYAIbF6U.jpeg)

>>1397646Same day, lol. She has nice teeth.
No. 1397946
File: 1640036650914.jpg (313.96 KB, 1080x974, Screenshot_20211220-174201.jpg)

She's on a bit of a psychotic roll.
No. 1398343
>>1398194There will be some intervention, soon.
I guess everyone involved knows that.
No. 1398741
File: 1640115401303.png (55.35 KB, 598x341, purge .png)

Purging black sludge. Might be blood, or not..?
No. 1399014
>>1399013Sitting in a comfy chair all day, freezing.
Still able to put up a catfight on the interwebs.
No. 1399015
File: 1640139043291.png (34.36 KB, 468x133, bafeb798cb3b45a325c381c0eefe16…)

No. 1399027
File: 1640139367568.png (35.81 KB, 488x238, 77ace8539b2e2e1adfc2023be7aa1e…)

did the cowtippers get bored?
No. 1399035
File: 1640139782036.png (55.9 KB, 632x471, 3e7652934070d2db92884efa2e39ab…)

>>139902978.8f°, no way she is freezing
No. 1399174
File: 1640159515911.jpg (42.29 KB, 598x415, bananaland.jpg)

>>1399035Well, she says so. So it must be true™.
No. 1399176
>>1399070There is a difference between a 'hill' and a 'mountain'.
And in an area with gardens and pools in the backyard, why not having central heating and airconditioners?
It's all about her baby play.
No. 1399271
>>1399015purging dark acid slime, lying on a comfy chair.
still able to screech and bite.
way to go!
No. 1399332
>>1399016Yes, she seems to have it open 24/7
Lucinda please post your pets for a change.
No. 1399397
File: 1640194323009.jpg (227.71 KB, 1080x945, Screenshot_20211222-133053.jpg)

>>1399016one look at her replies and you can see her friend tweeted about it and lucinda replied. if you're curious do some digging it's not hard. No. 1399642
>>1399448>>1399634Nta, but I didn't get that vibe. Tbh it was a lot more like an entire twotter community told her to kill herself and then in a weird turn of events Lolcow, which was something she viewed negatively, ended up saving her ass by posting Ambrose milk. Idk about you
nonnie but if the people I had previously seen as stalkers suddenly gave me a massive helping hand I'd be pretty happy about it too, and of course she was going to play along with the edits and such-
she and us had a common enemy No. 1399692
File: 1640218156862.jpg (456.65 KB, 750x750, washyourass.jpg)

I couldn't resist, it's shit but eh.
No. 1399702
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No. 1399720
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No. 1399814
File: 1640231168891.jpg (69.51 KB, 827x676, IMG_20211222_234926.jpg)

>>1399702This was the picture attached to the bottom tweet. I guess she's saying her ideal partner at this point is just a human "comfy chair". Which is pointless since according to her she'll be dead in a few months.
No. 1399823
File: 1640232350544.jpg (45.85 KB, 540x387, 1487298829811.jpg)

>>1399814She did a bingo meme where she admits she gets off from being sick and fragile. It's all an aesthetic fetish/sickgirl thing that ties in with sh and anorexia. Certain unstable girls get fixated and obsessed with the "gorecore" look and want to be as sick and hurt as possible so a strong ~Daddy~ will take care of them. She's retweeted that skelly schoolgirl being shaken by some dude too. It's all about being ~fragile~.
No. 1399866
>>1399823You're just being overly cynical. She's schIzo, her starvation is about her delusions of gaining magical powers not being fragile. Nothing about her personality is gorecore unless you think self harm automatically puts her in an aesthetic category.
Seriously do y'all foĺlow this bitch at all lol. She's not some Sanrio traumacore account crying about bpd she's a retarded uber positive unicorn schizo posting crocodile memes and Christmas countdowns.
No. 1399899
File: 1640247141841.jpg (138.33 KB, 1080x1350, 164198189_114939917339195_4233…)

>>1399833>>1399866nayrt but she's into exactly everything other traumacore/kawaii sickgirl/menhera blogs are, likes to present herself that way and doesn't make a secret of it either, don't be dense.
No. 1399955
>>1399899she's also schizophrenic. a lot of what you see of her genuine mental illness is unfair to say is catering to any niche internet aesthstic. quit trying to bring back the "soren 2.0" debate.
yeah chicken run, 0 mention of trauma, extreme positivity, self harm recovery, and pinterest mom self help quotes. much traumacore, very sickgirl.
obviously she stumbled upon the picture and found it moving/
triggering and expressed that. why else would she comment on it if it was a daily thought in her head?
No. 1400084
>>1400033>>1400030nta but someone disagreeing with you doesn't automatically make them the cow. guess that's a convenient way to dismiss the logic in what they're saying though.
at this point I want an IP reveal just so you'll move on.
No. 1400088
>>1400076lucinda's also never talked about
trauma which is the whole point of traumacore. she's extremely positive all about uplifting people. she isn't masochistic, she talks about wanting a loving relationship. anon is straight up talking out of their ass saying she fits the aesthetic to a t. what i got from the tweet was her saying she related to the figure, emaciated and wounded. and being held in someone's arms made her think this was the only way she could have a relationship anymore because she has nothing else to give.
she's also can't make up her mind. one minute she's gonna live forever. the next she's dying and just wants to be held by someone. and them the next she's talking about being excited for 2022. i don't know if that's her schizophrenia but it makes me sad either way. i don't know how you people have time to make a joke out of her suffering by going "a-ha! i knew you were trauma/gorecore!" just because you see her talking about wanting to die.
No. 1400089
File: 1640271570997.jpg (252.42 KB, 1080x1140, IMG_20211223_155901.jpg)

>>1400075>I must've missed Lucinda's leg warmers and sweaters and My Melody plushiesI can't tell if you're being ironic. Have you ever taken a look at her twitter, where she posts exactly that, between posts of bloody animu girls? Or instagram, where she literally tags her posts as various aesthetics, including sanrio aesthetic.
>>1400084There is no logic, just senseless whiteknighting. Everyone who takes a look at her social media knows she doesn't repost your average traumacore stuff because she's
triggered by it.
No. 1400094
>>1400043>deathbeddon't be so overdramatic,
nonny>>1400084logic??? have you even read the threads?? there is more than enough evidence to suggest that lucinda/debora is, at the very least, exaggerating her mental issues, and we know she lurks the threads (and have evidence from one of the earlier ones that she is probably selfposting). it's not that hard to believe that part of the influx of wks dumb enough to believe the larp are probably debbie herself.
No. 1400097
>>1400093>show me this specific image in that poseWhat do you get out of densely and angrily whiteknighting every smallest criticism of her? Why are you this angry about it to the point you start throwing ad hominems?
Literally just look at her insta or twitter.
No. 1400104
>>1400089I'm genuinely confused here. How can you say she's into traumacore and then in the same paragraph say she doesn't share it because she finds it
triggering? I'm not trying to argue here, it's a sincere question.
No. 1400105
>>1400094There's at least one white knight who aggressively ban evades, judging by previous bans in earlier threads.
Also like the other anon unwillingly admitted, between her selfposting there must be some guillable twitterfags who came here without much knowledge of how far cows can go.
No. 1400115
>>1400098you must either be a newfag, a complete retard, or [insert hi cow here] if you think its
valid to go through so much mental gymnastics to defend this munchie and explain why, against ALL evidence, she absolutely
could not be selfposting in this thread
No. 1400154
>>1400117that's nice. one look at her twitter and it's obvious she's not into traumacore nor does she fit into it based on any of her tweets or personality. you're amazing.
>likes sanrio>kawaii imagerywild. the rest you just checked out applies to the one (1) image you dug up and the last tweet she posted about wanting to die because she's so pathetic. lord did you backbend your way through this one. it's not whiteknighting, it's just….stupid. that you come in here insisting she's been a traumacore account all along and we're all great blins fools and you must guide us through the light. fuck off.
No. 1400167
File: 1640277049403.jpg (Spoiler Image,254.75 KB, 1080x1382, IMG_20211223_172736.jpg)

>>1400154Why are you so damn mad?
First of, I'm not even the OG anon who braught it up, I just agree with her. And no, it does not just apply to one image, as you would see if you'd bother to scroll. And she didn't just once tweet about the things mentioned either. Do you want me to spam the thread with screencaps just so you can say "t-that doesn't count!" on each one? Seriously, what do you get out of this?
No. 1400168
File: 1640277297004.jpg (283.42 KB, 1080x1941, 20211223_113303.jpg)

>>1400154Ntayrt, but she pretty obviously likes that aesthetic. Not sure why your bending backwards to say she doesn't
No. 1400175
>>1400170>she tweets about liking self harm and misses itSo you agree with that checkpoint and that it doesn't just apply to one tweet?
>liked tweet says self harm is so pretty>it's not aesthetic!Sorry, like the other anon I can't compete with these gymnastics and don't have enough time to waste to spam this thread with screencaps so you can make up new excuses for each one.
No. 1400417
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No. 1400418
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No. 1400419
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No. 1400420
File: 1640301294076.jpeg (513.67 KB, 1152x2048, FHUkOQOX0A0HVPB.jpeg)

No. 1400737
>>1400634Yeah right. So that one """anon""" always making excuses for Lucinda's ~super real and
valid mental illness~ is someone who hates her guts? Seems legit!
>>1400662Thank you anon. Yeah,""they"" always do that, deflecting any criticisms or interrogations with baseless accusations.
When the troon bf was brought up and anons started to have some doubts, the Ambrose thread was suddenly bumped with useless pics.
How convenient!
Sorry WK-anon, you're not as smart as you think you are, and certainly not the first retard self-posting here (Kelly Rohanan being a perfect exemple or Erin Painter, Victoria Shingles, Raven and her little "library friends") and probably not the last.
Newfags can be fooled easily but those of us who are here for a long time are able to see through that shit.
Hopefully, the new farmhands will investigate that thread a little bit and treat us with some good milk after the holidays.
No. 1400789
>>1400737So now Lucinda isn't even mentally ill at all? Encroydible.
Instead of trying with all your might to dictate the tone and direction of the thread, why don't you just fuck off to a thread you actually like instead of shitting this one up with pointless infighting until
everyone agrees with
you. Which - newsflash - won't happen. Because in this particular thread people happen to like the cow. And no matter how much that interferes with your hateboner, insulting everyone and contradicting yourself("this thread is full of her friends and edtwtfags but it's only Lucinda wk'ing!!!") won't make everyone do what you want.
It's Christmas Eve. Do something better lol.
No. 1400837
>>1400809Disagreeing with your stupid theories doesn't make someone a whiteknight. Lucinda is very clearly not a traumacore account like you kept hamfisting. According to you now she isn't even mentally ill, which is even more fucking stupid. Am I a whiteknight for disagreeing with that too? Or better yet, am I Lucinda herself?
Lucinda is a cow but she's not a bad person. We gossip in a neutral way that isn't malicious because half of us are her followers or her friends. If you don't like the tone of the thread or the fact we won't entertain your overly cocky hamfisting of
your theories, then kindly leave the thread. Obviously you fucking hate it here.
(>we) No. 1400875
>>1400837>half of us are her followers or her friends B-b-but, I thought that farmers thinking that were big tinfoiler meanies? Oh no!
Go back to Twitter if you want to lick her ass so much or have the decency to read the rules.
No. 1400887
>>1400828Responding to criticsm with retarded infighting and spamming jealous, fat, vendetta, tilfoil etc and dropping the conversation when you're out of arguments or insults isn't "correcting misinformation".
>>1400837>Instead of trying with all your might to dictate the tone and direction of the thread,>we do x>we say y>we think z>if you disagree/don't kiss her ass, leaveNo we don't. This is an anonymous imageboard and not twitter, where you can police opinions. You're also talking to several people, wk-chan.
No. 1400979
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No. 1400980
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No. 1401046
>>1400980First time she’s looked genuinely cute, probably bc she’s all covered up
Bc we know she reads here, I hope your Christmas is nice luci!
No. 1401062
Minimize the fucking thread. If it is that much of a problem, minimize the fucking thread.
Yours sincerely, nonniette
No. 1401139
>>1401123AYRT. Complete horseshit. I never claimed she had a "tamed version", I said she's exaggerating/faking it. What even is a "tamed version" anyway? "Pretty psychotic"? You can't even bother to use these terms properly in the context of a schizophrenic patient. It's clear to me that
you yourself have never interacted with an actual schizophrenic in real life, because then you would know that the symptoms are not constant. And you would also know that it doesn't make one acquire a "typing style".
>>1401120>>1401126And like clockwork. All "three" of you pull out the same excuses in rapid fire succession—barely a minute between each post, meanwhile accusing the haydurz of being 2-3 people.
No. 1401294
File: 1640393176611.jpg (15.67 KB, 474x266,…)

>>1401139OH NOO GOD FORBID THREE PEOPLE TYPE AROUND THE SAME TIME guess everyone in this thread is the same two people arguing with each other with that logic lol
No. 1401330
>>1401292>>1401294>>1401189>twitty>pissy>lolAYRT. I'll take the ban for infighting or whatever, but you autists can't even bother to integrate, then sperg out when anons rightly assume that this thread has been compromised by Lucinda and her calves from edtwt. You never even change your style—it's always the same posts, same comments, same deflections. Give it up, Lucinda. You're not ~~UwU skEllY PixYTeri~~ or whatever you twitards are trying to accomplish. This thread has no milk beyond infighting, and the reality is that nobody gives a fuck about your lowly 5,000 followers and greasy selfies. Anons were sympathetic enough when the twitards turned against you even though Ambrose was in the wrong, but don't forget that even if you're ""not a bad person"", we're here to laugh at you, not be your personal cheerleaders. You're still a major attention whore, and you need to get over yourself.
No. 1401333
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No. 1401359
>>1401139>>1401330Anon one of them is openly admitting that she's a twitter friend of lucinda and the other is using the same recycled phrases over and over again like you said (begging you to leave, "hateboners", spamming tinfoil images everytime someone calls out the obvious etc). Don't waste your time further, ignore them when you recognize them and keep posting no matter how much they bitch about wanting a precious hugbox. Because Lucinda's munchie antics are milky tbh.
It's one thing to like the cow or find her funny or pretty, but another to get hyper-defensive and feeling the need to defend her honor every single time someone dares to utter a non-positive notion.
No. 1401447
>>1401333vErY uNiCoRn
sO mUcH rEcOvErY
No. 1401646
File: 1640478949565.png (584.48 KB, 600x673, Screenshot 2021-12-26 on Twitt…)

Just take a closer look at her presents.
A set of gifts made for someone who's twenty years younger than her current (bodily) age. Still sooo proud about it.
Stupid little fuck.
No. 1401662
>>1401646She's retarded why are you surprised or upset she acts infantile?
let the unicow be happy ffs, no need to be a grinch
No. 1401689
File: 1640482624424.jpeg (530.46 KB, 1609x2048, FHeBHRuXIAMj9r-.jpeg)

>>1401683On the other hand, it looks like they also bought her a bakery set and chocolate. Really weird. Why her mom specifically though?
No. 1401852
File: 1640513078144.png (35.8 KB, 598x158, purgin.png)

Purging herself to death, feeling jolly about it AND still getting a lot of likes for that.
Welcome to edtwt..!
No. 1401856
>>1401646Don't be mean to our Unicorn you miserable a-logging little shit.
Anyway, she looks really happy here even though she got gifted mostly stuff for kids.
>>1401683I'm honestly concerned for her home life. They seem to be ignoring her mental illness and just letting her kill herself.
No. 1401968
File: 1640538214076.jpg (Spoiler Image,53.63 KB, 598x542, corpse.jpg)

>>1401952They should pouch her mobile phone, then. That's no appropriate toy for a child.
No. 1402060
File: 1640547647941.png (37.74 KB, 473x198, 5f155773cf5b498c7f26e245f78d4c…)

>>1401968Something is seriously wrong with these people. And how has nobody pointed out yet how crusty and gapping that belly button is?
No. 1402061
File: 1640547774116.png (61.28 KB, 755x203, 520a39317d9edc2260ea09606e330b…)

The fact her parents don't watch her consistently, lock the door or allow her to sprint to the bathroom like this is ridiculous. Its either they are babying Lucinda or neglecting getting her proper treatment, their is no in between at this point.
No. 1402216
>>1402165Yesterday she tweeted that she just puked, 3 hours after she went for a road trip with her fam, which must've been around 6pm in her timezone.
>>1402170That's also my guess. According to her, her family helps her at every little thing down to hygiene in the past few threads, so that doesn't make sense if they don't think she's body impaired. And usually these kind if dynamics are either full on controlling and helicoptering or overwhelmingly neglecting. They don't just look away and stop watching everytime it's convenient for the kid in question.
It really is a mystery.
No. 1402224
>>1402216bulimics will do
anything to get a b/p session going. and lucinda can't hold food down in any capacity. maybe they tried to get some christmas food in her, or maybe she just forced her way into a binge and they just. let her. maybe she threatened to kill herself. who knows. she could be very manipulative.
No. 1402258
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No. 1402259
File: 1640567720529.jpg (Spoiler Image,299.98 KB, 1080x1282, Screenshot_20211226-211157.jpg)

>>1402258Came minutes after this tweet. Seems it
triggered her.
No. 1402462
File: 1640603584617.png (32.45 KB, 598x120, Screenshot 2021-12-27 Twitter.…)

Well, who wants to spend real $$$ on real doctors when you can have uNiCoRn mAgIc?
No. 1402519
File: 1640614013345.jpg (Spoiler Image,364.75 KB, 1152x2048, IMG_20211227_101250.jpg)

More nude bodychecks.
No. 1402520
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No. 1402603
File: 1640624329440.jpg (156.7 KB, 1080x425, Screenshot_20211227-125444.jpg)

for those of you who don't know, "beans" are the layer of fat beneath the skin. so she wants to cut her skin until she reaches fat all over her body, on top of weighing 75lbs. fucking idiot won't have any fat to cut into. she needs to be institutionalized. this is genuinely just sad.
No. 1402731
File: 1640633951652.png (353.36 KB, 585x439, lucinda_edtwt_(@oswaldslunch)_…)

I get she was really upset over the ordeal but she really needs to drop the whole Ambrose thing since she's gone, at least from edtwt now. Maybe it's nitpicky but I feel like it's better for her health to leave it in the past and stop trying to revive it.
No. 1403510
File: 1640720694464.png (149.85 KB, 745x537, 9b2a819da384a4e9b56399ebeba45b…)

Uh Huh.
No. 1403629
File: 1640732065107.png (238.5 KB, 586x543, can vampires catch covid.png)

Is this karma continuing it's course to bring down everyone who opposes the unicorn queen?
No. 1403703
File: 1640739279248.png (547.48 KB, 587x647, lmao.png)

She can keep the delusion up, all while the unicorn is bundled up surrounded by love.
No. 1403704
File: 1640739288303.png (163.01 KB, 268x620, ImageLR_Merge.png)

>confidently wrongConfidently wrong? I'm absolutely correct seeing as it came straight from the unicorns mouth. Have yet to see anything about "double vision" when her tell answers are mostly about it being due to autism, schizo or poor motor function.
As for the fanfiction it's in a previous thread, perhaps you should read back far enough.
No. 1403718
File: 1640740155202.png (Spoiler Image,271.21 KB, 469x521, 809553644c9da2cf03bbf28cce721f…)

Someone needs to put this poor bitch out of her misery. One minute shes all cutesy next shes posting weird gore shit like this
No. 1403729
>>1403726I kinda wish they'd make up and be friends again. Natalie, while in a not so great way, seemed to show care for Lucinda and just wanted her to properly take her meds which is no different than the general consensus farmers here have. They only really broke apart because Natalie posted the DMs from Mooglemagick trying to get her into a cult. Though I don't see it happening with how Lucinda continuously stated she doesn't see Natalie as a real vampire because she's a "bully"
It is really a shame.
No. 1403831
File: 1640751253483.png (348.93 KB, 428x1156, ImageLR_Merge.png)

>due to autism, schizo or motor functionsomeones retarded and truly autistic themselves, because didn't even indicate just autism. Said "OR" as in a possibility even lucinda themselves said they get mistaken for it, so kindly go fuck yourself for your lack of brain cells twitterfag.
No. 1404077
File: 1640776748553.png (30.83 KB, 598x122, Screenshot 2021-12-29…)

Momma still cares.
Good for her.
No. 1404109
>>1403831your initial comment (which is the one I disagreed with) says
>this one claims its due to autismthe words are right there, so settle your ass down. sorry that getting called out on giving incorrect info
triggers you so hard. Lucinda comparing some schizophrenia symptoms to autism doesn't mean her typing issues are caused by autism, which she clearly states she doesn't have.
No. 1404193
>>1403803>ignores that she's given several different answers for the same question>>1403651Kek even you can't keep up with her lies anymore. She claimed the double vision when she got the eyepatch a few months ago but is generally claiming it's due to schizophrenia which makes no sense.
>>1404077I though she takes her meds herself, which allowed her to skip them, as she tweeted a while ago?
No. 1404292
>>1404109 Infighting is so hot
>>1404193Agreed, why is nobody pointing out what actually matters that lucinda is giving multiple different answers to the same question for all we know she could've said autism, cancer or unique magic spurs
No. 1404299
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No. 1404303
File: 1640801788696.png (74.08 KB, 764x237, 44ceebb6bdf3c2db950bd4326a62d2…)

Imagine the moment you got a diagnosis retardation spread even further throughout your brain immediately causing bad typing but talented artistic skills?
No. 1404315
File: 1640802876657.png (236.94 KB, 569x486, image (1).png)

throwback to when deborah was really losing her shit
No. 1404318
File: 1640803019906.jpg (11.72 KB, 275x134, 1630607347821.jpg)

oink oink sicky piggy
No. 1404615
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No. 1404632
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>>1404630Pretty sure it's a cowtipper trying to revive drama now that Ambrose is out of the picture. Natalie got a similar anon.
No. 1404663
>>1404662I really don't think she cares that much. I think she just doesn't like Lucinda attacking her delusional identity.
The cult shit is pretty weird tho tbh
No. 1404679
>>1404615as far as i know you need to read to read a book called the black veils, study books, and be involved with the "vampire community" in order to actually be a vampire. none of which natalie does. so amidst her crytyping and nonsense lucinda was never actually wrong about natalie not being a "real" vampire, in the sense of the vampires that are considered "legit". natalie just comes up with her own wiki page by sending herself cc's of questions no one cares about regarding her ~vampire identity~ lmao.
at least there's no rules to being a unicorn. and lucinda is psychotic, she isn't putting up an internet act like natalie is. that already makes lucinda right.
No. 1404689
>>1404670Where is the proof for any of this? Stop trying to create drama between them. Neither of them care anymore, Natalie doesn't even seem to give a shit and apparently they both apologized. Go post about Natalie being a manipulative whore in the edtwt cringe thread. They were mutuals, not even friends.
>>1404679Natalie does read those books, mooglemagick showed them to her. The only reason Lucinda said she isn't a vampire is for attacking mooglemagick. But it doesn't even matter considering Lucinda apologized for it.
No. 1404701
>>1404689girl natalie isn't a vampire period. people have been saying her larp is retarded and obviously fake for years. she's literally saying she's feeding off the energy of her boyfriend's covid. if lucinda wanted to call her out for it she'd only be the first to do it publicly, because i promise you it's been a topic of conversation for a
long time.
No. 1404718
>>1404615>>1404632Plot twist: They're both selfposting and sending asks to themselves.
But since this is Lucinda's thread, the other one should fuck off and learn that no one cares about twitter randoms like her and people are here for the cow.
No. 1404763
>>1404713lucinda never apologized, read her answer. because anyone with a brain can see there's nothing to apologize for. miss "i'm an energy vampire feeding off my boyfriend's covid" isn't a vampire in terms of these larpers, especially when it comes to vampires who are all a bunch of 90s goths who wrote "laws" you need to follow. not much fun for the draculaura enthusiasts.
not that our queen is a larper. she's definitely an immortal unicorn who sees fairies and connects to other realms. seethe, humans.
No. 1404765
>>1404763>i'm an energy vampire feeding off my boyfriend's covidyou realize that's just her coping with the fact she got covid, right?
Either way, talk of her should really move on to the EDtwt cringe thread
>>1403875Continuing on trying to force her here just comes off like cow tipping and, like said before, trying to make a feud between the two when there is none and neither, at least publicly, give a shit
No. 1404768
>>1404632Brainwashing as in the subliminals that edtwt is so crazy about. This reminds of "It's bad when lucinda posts half naked body checks but not when I do it"
The passive aggressive emoji holy shit she's seething that all her "Natalie was lucindas only true friend they were so cute together and perfect if it weren't for her meddling friend they would've taken over edtwt!!" Didn't work.
I'm surprised she's so open about how BPD she is and controlling and can't stand other people being friends without her etc it seems stupid to openly state how manipulative and insufferable you are.
No. 1404784
>>1404615>>1404632I love how Lucinda is so chill about the fact Natalie said she should be institutionalized for calling out Ambrose but Natalie obviously hates her for the fact she said she wasn't a vampire. Always so graceful our queen.
If we're to believe she's the one who's been posting screenshots nobody's ever given a shit about re: Moogle in Lucinda's threads, it makes sense she's also this bitter about the cult nonsense. She makes it sound like she was lured into a deserted farm when it was just some bitch on Youtube. BPD-chan fuckery. What a cunt.
No. 1404786
>>1404784>I love how Lucinda is so chill about the fact Natalie said she should be institutionalizedWhat?
I'm on Lucinda's side but she, reasonably, but still, got very upset, and Natalie only told her to take her anti-psychotics, which she really should, instead Lucinda encourages others to go off their meds too.
No. 1404790
>>1404786>Natalie only told her to take her anti-psychoticsBecause she was calling out Ambrose and you, along with Ambrose, were gaslighting her calling her psychotic to dismiss all her points against Ambrose.
Anyway why do you make it so obvious it's you posting. This is getting embarrassing.
No. 1404807
>>1404791I can't wrap my head around why she would answer
>>1404632 like this if she was actively trying to revive her friendship with luci, it was before lucinda had answered a similar question so its not in retaliation to that either it seems. I think anons are blowing their relationship out of proportion, just two mentally ill anas passing in the dramascape that is edtwt.
No. 1404910
>>1404862schizophrenia, mental retardation, fasting for 4 months ruining her guts, purging blood, continuing to refuse food, a long list of medical problems due to purging and not eating….
you sound like an autist.
No. 1405041
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No. 1405048
>>1405046And if she is, you're just going to keep giving her attention, that she wants?
Ignore her ffs. Move on, go back to discussing Lucinda, who the thread is about. If you really have to keep giving her attention take it to the other thread.
No. 1405055
File: 1640889177983.png (87.24 KB, 598x176, Screenshot 2021-12-30 .png)

Purging poisons is good for you, kids!
No. 1405062
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No. 1405063
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No. 1405069
>>1405058"Eeeeehhh" are you out of your fucking mind talking shit like that..?
What's so difficult about it, numbnut..?
No. 1405076
>>1404285I’ve forced my dog to take pills, I just stick it in a spoonful of peanut butter and let my dog lick the peanut butter off my spoon. I wonder if they could do something similar with Lucinda. Or just stick it in her mouth and hold her mouth closed and rub her nose.
Serious though, if they were putting calorie boosting stuff in her Diet Coke, I wonder why they didn’t do something with her antipsychotic like that. I would have picked secretly giving her meds over secretly giving her calories.
>>1404315On second thought, maybe the meds were making her worse if that’s what she’s like on 13 pills.
>>1405044Because wk ana-chan anons know that’s the only argument against these anons’ points.
>>1404786 had to tiptoe around criticizing Lucinda and still got accused of being Natalie.
No. 1405086
>>1405069pretty sure it's the same person as
>>1404985Same type of obnoxious WK speak
No. 1405089
>>1405084stop this stupid WK'ing
she has been showcasing her fast and b/p for months now
No. 1405135
>>1405093It's all part of her faked uwu style.
You're welcome.
No. 1405312
>>1405181This is not a vendetta, stupid-chan.
We are watching a glorious trainwreck.
No. 1405318
File: 1640910689735.jpg (843 KB, 2304x4096, 20211230_183308.jpg)

Is she taking naked body checks in her parents room? Lmao
No. 1405508
>>1405491Lucinda already knows about the Ambrose accounts, she posted about it.
This is going to sound like WK'ing Natalie, or get me accused of being her myself, but people really should stop bringing her up considering that's why she may be selfposting in the first place. She doesn't care about anything besides getting attention.
Keep in mind Moogle is an outed farmer too. Who knows who's behind the posts but either way, there's no point in continuing to drop her name as
>>1405496 said, she "feeds" off attention and she's getting a hell of a lot of it.
No. 1405527
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No. 1405528
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No. 1405559
She has Histrionic Personality Disorder and says that part of her vampirism is feeding off energy that's given to her by direct attention/mentions of her.
No. 1405760
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No. 1405799
>>1405760I declare this the incontinence sago now, how long before she becomes a pamper-chu
Imagine having to sleep with your schizo 24 year old daughter because she has bladder control issues cause from years of torturing herself… I hope she pees on them
No. 1405821
>>1405815I'd say it's lobotomy time, best solution.
Just let her vegetate in the "cmofy chiar"
No. 1405962
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No. 1406036
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every day I pray that all farmers spontaneously develop the ability to understand Russian language because if you think Ambrose is the final boss of "pretends to be male won't admit she's a tranny has retarded beliefs and is old af while surrounding herself with zoomers" cows, I can assure you that she will never top pic related
No. 1406211
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No. 1406220
>>1406116>>1406211>>1405995i'm starting to think this is just one vendettafag posting
mainly because of the warped pictures and the fact they never sage
No. 1406259
>>1406251Oh right. I guess I was too blinded by her rotting teeth in
>>1397916 and her ability to shoop her face down to millimeters with bad eyesight to remember the story properly.
No. 1406399
>>1406360>can't hold peelikely kidney failure. just little unicorn things.
>low heart ratestarvation
>losing eyesightshe wears glasses, the not eating can't be maķing her vision worse, we don't know how bad it was before
>rotting teeth purgingself explanatory
>hole in esophagusnot sure about this one, but it could be from scratching her throat trying to purge, or a tear from something sharp she tried to purge
>can no longer hold food downpurge daily long enough, it'll happen. she's also a hands-free purger, which means she can purge from flexing her stomach alone. her body must've adapted to it.
No. 1406406
>>1406399█▄▀ █▀▀ █▄▀
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No. 1406482
>>1406401>natalie natalie natalie natalie Okay, Moogle. Keep sperging because your cult got outed.
The past threads have been outing Lucinda as not actually being as nice as she seems and being a munchie.
No. 1406504
File: 1641076877635.png (33.44 KB, 762x254, oswaldslunch_-_Google_Chrome_2…)

>>1406497She still encourages people to not take their medication.
No. 1406518
>>1406504you call that encouraging? first of all it's not "people", it's one person. second, the anon said they weren't going to take them on their own. all lucinda said is how much better aka psychotic she became without them. she talked about herself. it's obvious you're trying to sensantionalize shit and make her sound
problematic. at least be honest.
No. 1406537
>>1406399inability to hold pee can have the same reasons as low heart rate. Starvation wastes muscles and its not like she is moving or doing anything to prevent that.
Hands free purging is the same as regular throwing up when you are sick, no special skill required. It takes just about 1-2 days of purging to immediately feel sick after eating anything or simply drinking water
No. 1406551
>>1406504the fuck does lucinda telling people to not take their meds have to do with natalie
it's so repetitive watching people hi cow-ing each other with the ''hi natalie!!'' or ''hi moogle!!'' we know that she posts in the thread but that doesn't mean we have to derail every 2 days about natalie and the whole cult shindig
milky or not, theyre not lucinda so who gives a shit
No. 1406555
>>1406552i know she feeds off attention and all but it feels like either she or someone else is constantly bringing her up in both the ambrose threads and here to derail or start infights
if people wanna sperg about natalie or moogle or whoever, they should go do it in the shit edtwt cringe thread that was started a couple days ago, not here. we all just wanna watch the autist-schizo-unicow
No. 1406588
>>1406123 >>1406199
Thanks, anything for the unicow
No. 1406593
File: 1641084617377.jpg (185.68 KB, 1080x531, Screenshot_20220101-204839.jpg)

Unicorn fast seems to be back. At least she won't shit herself in her comfy chair.
No. 1406598
>>1406518she is EXTREMELY
problematic especially if you dive deep into her older threads where she spoke of wanting to kill her parents and desire to look like a holocaust
victim. ONTOP of promoting eating disorders with her purging tips and yes getting other schizos to not take their meds by romanticizing herself without them. they are being honest so how about you quit sucking her deflated tits.
No. 1406610
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No. 1406678
>>1406598>>1406599>>1406600You're trying to call her symptoms of schizophrenia
problematic lmfao? Do you keep your brain in your ass or are is your hateboner that hard?
No. 1406817
>>1406610That's kinda impossible. She lives with her parents in a rather posh, gated community. No cheap apartments there, just mansions.
She'll be a leech for her family.
No. 1406819
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No. 1406930
>>1406819You're so retarded that it's incredible. This post only proves my point that Lucinda is either faking it or the docs don't know shit. In what world are any of Lucinda's conditions """severe"""? She's not even a severe anorexic/bulimic, she's clearly not severely retarded (no matter how much she tries to pretend and severe retards don't use the internet), and she
clearly does not have severe schizophrenia.
sage for medsperg
No. 1406942
File: 1641137326662.jpg (333.04 KB, 1528x2065, pt2022_01_02_16_26_47.jpg)

>>1406788>not everyone who points out inconsistencies is "the same wk" from every single thread. Kek, yeah right ""anon""
No. 1406971
>>1406950That person will already know - It's one against everyone else.
No matter how often you fake it…
No. 1406980
>>1406942Make your conspiracy even bigger and pick out everyone who uses "hateboner" and "vendettafag" in the last 4 threads. Add "kek" to make it really spicy. Take the tinfoil hat off. It's easy to paint a picture when you crop what you want other people to see. You're clearly obsessed with making out Lucinda to be a horrible person and get
triggered by anyone saying facts that go against that.
No. 1406999
>>1406980If you're not that "anon", why are you so angry?
You keep using the same phrasing over and over (fattychan, you're jaleous, Nathalie!, vendettafag, hatebober, uwu tinfoil hat off + a little bit of a-loging here and there + insider infos about the Munchie cow) so it's not that hard to see that you're samefagging and shitting up every thread.
>>1406950I really hope a future post reveal is the reason why farmhands didn't permaban them yet.
No. 1407001
>>1406980Yes. You are not
that smart at all.
No. 1407022
>>1407000IIRC, severe anorexia is a BMI below 15
>>1406994>>1406986Another day in the life of an attention seeking uwu menhera/traumacore BPD-chan.
No. 1407054
File: 1641148293775.jpg (433.49 KB, 1080x1651, Screenshot_20220102-142114.jpg)

lucinda has a girlfriend
No. 1407095
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>>1407054Phew she sure knows how to pick em.
No. 1407106
File: 1641152102636.jpg (67.68 KB, 739x899, IMG_20220102_153951.jpg)

>>1407097She's way better looking in selfies than in candids.
No. 1407280
>>1406678Dumbass I asked what she had left to purge, that's not calling anything
problematic. Tag the right people next time.
No. 1407290
File: 1641167062486.png (60.82 KB, 474x310, ImageLR_Merge.png)

The yin and yang couple of edtwt
No. 1407418
>>1406930>>1406932Actually in the first Lucinda thread we came to the conclusion that whoever wrote it doesn’t have a full grasp of the english language. It seems that it may be required to write medical documents in english? Maybe? Because Puerto Rico is kind of semi-owned by the United States? I don’t know much about Puerto Rico, but I also don’t know why Lucinda, who is known to at least previously been a 1D bdsm fanfic author, would pretend to not speak english well on her supposedly faked medical documents.
The comic sans gives more to this theory— many places that are… run down? Rural? Unknowing that comic sans meme font? Use comic sans on official documents. Like the signs for some stores in poorer areas.
No. 1407427
>>1407418I don't think we ever came to a conclusion, but what you said was one of the explanations given and the conversation was just dropped because you can't really prove one theory or the other; but like the other anon said, cows have gone a lot farther to "prove" their illnesses and some have literally munched themselves to death. But like you said, if it's a poor region, then it's no surprise that they probably just slapped the schizophrenia/mentally retarded label on Lucinda because they don't know any better and her behavior (self-harm, EDs) is definitely not typical for the average adult in PR compared to mainland US/other developed nations (well, not that it's
typical in these places but it's not uncommon/unheard of like it would be in poorer/non-white communities)
No. 1407444
>>1406399 >>1406537not to blog but in bodystuff- in 2001 kek "a friend" had zero calories for 3+ weeks and "their" vision went funny, happened another time too, doesn't seem unreasonable, she has mentioned this sx repeatedly.
also handsfree seems to be something about individual anatomy & breaking a flap, not a matter of frequency of puking much less puking for a day…per that "friend" & decade of anachans talking amongst themselves. know I'll be yelled at but just providing accurate info abt bodies w EDs.
No. 1407674
>>1407669shes not worth the effort
No. 1407829
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Did she forget to cover up her tit?
No. 1407873
>>1407798That's quite
No. 1408053
File: 1641254158216.png (14.84 KB, 762x187, oswaldslunch_-_screenshot_2022…)

Bringing up Ambrose and Natalie again.
>>1408021Anon no offence but have you seen severe anorexic women in general? Especially when laying down, some people just have a small womb… area. Though considering she shops her images a lot, who knows.
No. 1408054
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>>1407829the fact that she's groping herself in her parents bed like this is so gross
No. 1408109
>>1408021>>1407851Organs atrophy, guys. Just like muscle does when the body consumes it for energy. Organs do the same thing.
Not to mention, she’s laying flat on her back with her stomach sucked in and her ribs angled upwards. Of course her stomach looks more concave at this angle.
As for her ‘womb’, you’re looking at the top of her hip bones. The uterus sits in the lower part of the pelvis, behind the bladder. Doesn’t matter how skinny she is, you wouldn’t see it anyway in this pic because she’s got her pants pulled up to cover it.
No. 1408165
>>1408053>>1408109Truth be told other than Lucinda and Eugina can't say I've seen many anorexic women, the ones I've seen in real life usually bitch about wanting to remove their uterus for the ultimate flat affect.
That makes sense though thanks for explaining anons
No. 1408170
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mind of an innocent child my ass
No. 1408480
>>1408252>>1408423they already admitted there ignorance so no use carrying it on dumbass.
considering how many idiots exist in the world believing starving causes unreversible brain damage and abuse laxatives no many how many times its proven to be ineffective, doesn't seem surprising anachan sickos would complain about there uterus.
No. 1408482
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No. 1408919
File: 1641345656002.png (36.75 KB, 881x169, d796cbfa236a19d7914ac2be8af801…)

Hope our unicow recovers someday so she can enjoy going to Chili with her family again, this shit is simply yet oddly wholesome.
No. 1408924
>>1408921Damn when you put it like that..
I viewed it more as positive relationship with family meant positivity with food so she recovers from her ed she gets those relationships back in a good light.
But you do got a point it always ends up being about food.
No. 1408937
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>>1408919So many good restaurants in PR, and she picks Chili's of all places…
No. 1409137
File: 1641375020772.png (36.09 KB, 890x178, oswaldslunch.png)

Candy-coated suicide. So eNtHuSiAsTiC!
No. 1411384
File: 1641599935523.jpg (95.38 KB, 1241x1135, FIemECvXwAQkNFl.jpg)

not my screenshots but I laughed. 1/3
No. 1411388
File: 1641600024075.jpg (80.74 KB, 1242x908, FIemEC0XsAARhqh.jpg)

Of course she most likely did not know they're 14, but it's still weird.
No. 1411413
>>1411387If you were forced to fuck one, would you choose fat lucinda? or amnesia the dark descent lucinda?
i'mma have to go with fat on this one, even tho she looks downy tier, hbu nonnies?>>1411387
(scrote) No. 1411640
File: 1641618193730.png (195.6 KB, 502x615, Screenshot_1.png)

>>1411388They're going straight to calling her a pedo for this
No. 1411649
File: 1641618973595.jpg (551.35 KB, 1080x1484, Screenshot_20220108-011424.jpg)

Not sure our unicow is coping.
No. 1411655
>>1411640Can we get a translation for this? I can't read zoom runes.
God twitter is such a cesspit. I thought this was supposed to be the same space crying "free the nipple" while calling a suicidally mentally ill woman a fucking pedophile over a nip slip
No. 1411691
>>1411682It's all cancel culture. You can see Lucinda defending herself making a perfectly
valid argument and they'll act like they never read it at all, and keep pushing that she ~sent pictures of her naked body to a child~, literally the most manipulative sensationalizing you could do. It's pretty obvious they've hated her since before and get off on ganging up on her with the sjw high horse.
No. 1411766
>>1411682We all know that she's batshit insane.
That should be reason enough.
No. 1411844
>>1411721Concerning the edtwt community:
I'm convinced that one fine day they might pay their bills, one by one.
No. 1411870
Nothing but self-hating fat girls who can't stop stuffing their faces to lose the weight, so they take it out on the one deranged schizo who started at a higher weight, lost more weight than them, and keeps it off by just not eating(so she says). Lucinda never tweets about struggling with fasts or losing control because she's bulimic too, so she actually does get to eat all the food they wish they could and still lose weight. She defeated edtwt's most beloved proana figure, she's a unicorn kinnie which makes her extra special from the cat girls, she's cute, she's deranged, she's a world class cutter - Lucinda does it all. Hell, she can't even get her own thread on lolcow to treat her the way these zoomers who fuck with her on Twitter do.
I think that might just be what was too much for them. That the big bad gossip forum of ultimate call-outs and receipts simply likes to watch Lucinda graze the fields in her madness and guess how long before she dies. Hardly the evil pedophile witch hunt our Twitter kiddies want her cemented as. I bet they're here now, angrily refreshing the big bad terf hate site just begging for us to say they were right.
No. 1412015
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No. 1412041
File: 1641667801469.jpeg (Spoiler Image,794.49 KB, 1458x2592, FIl86QIX0AAvbQD.jpeg)

Showing off her herd of fucking scars again.
No. 1412053
>>1412015not only does she have nothing to apologize for but hours after she does they're still saying in the qrt's that she NEEDS to hold herself accountable and repent and apologize to the edtwt innocent babies
triggered by censored bodies and one (1) nipple. totally not about ganging up for a vendetta gangbang against the most interesting anachan in their community who started off the fattest and ended up the thinnest. if you put all these girls in a room you'd just end up with all the ugly boring fat girls with no friends from their class.
well. hope they feel better i guess.