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No. 1862789
Read the fucking rules!
Congratulations to N2F who's reproductive system is still functioning; we all hope she will continue recovery and this will be a positive reinforcement for her to continue on the right path.
But more importantly,
congratulations to us for making it through hellweek.
Fi caused controversy. Is a crepe a pancake?
Some more unrelated food for thought:
Can carrots be purge markers? (What's a purge marker). Does eating straight butter and oil make purging easier?
Does the milkybarkid know what tongs are?
Was Marie was discharged?
Does Ganer have a washing machine?
Has Beth's milk really dried up?
Niamh is "dead" … then changed to explain she just came off her old account. She's under the guise of Niamh McPartlin now. Vandetta was banned. EdTwt seem convinced Niamhs Snapchat and Twitter were hacked to post the bodychecks because that seems more plausible than Niamh being pro-ana. Not heard from her in a while…tinfoil: she's comfy on her air mattress and the tube isn't irritating her throat too much but she's miserable that she can't show it off this time round.
Enara is NOT a spoilt, entitled adult baby. Copious amounts of electronics is standard, duh. She requires 1.5 supplement drinks per hour for her sooper siris severe and enduring "anorexia"as evidenced in her medical history… the next foreign object she should swallow is a cow magnet is basically designed to prevent disease in bovine when swallowing non-food items.
Zara looks well, on her super humble and poverty line holiday.
Abby however, does not. Challenging a really scary 50kcal ice lolly and walking around like a tanned skeleton. She, similar to Amy Fisher, is also besties with a child. Somehow excused by being family friends.
(LL)Laura doesn't have BPD anymore. In fact, she never has! It's just PTSD. Most of us really thought she was doing well out there in the real world but the institution is calling her back. Like the bad man she hears
is he green by any chance? . The popular tinfoil is that she's going for Schizophrenia now as BPD has lost it's appeal, with the spiders…the spiders! She feels the spiders! So they got her started on Quite Pine, an antipsychotic. For some reason, they did not start with this, which is handed out like candy in the UK.
quetiapine/seroquel Han pops up and blesses us with a fresh crying pic.
Becca has been x, y, z long without her tube but it looks as though Lyn might be making a reappearance with a special gift in the shape of a hose for her physical condition as if she's not got stuff in reserve at the moment. She HATES this ward. She still suffers with agonising brutal excruciating bone pain and attends cheerleading every weekend via a 4 hour round trip on public transport that smells like Bio.
B.O? Jen is back, fruitarian and preaching her ways. Totally cured.
Lol cow Kate- sorry, Low Cal Kate looks average as ever with a saggy arse, still spouting shit to convince everyone she's underweight.
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No. 1862808
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No. 1862964
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i find this girl quite milky and wondered if anyone here would too, she complains about all of the help she gets, every doctor she sees etc and calls them incompetent, brags about wearing kids clothes, thinly vieled attempts to flex her weight loss and just general obnoxious cow behaviour, @recoveryformedicine
No. 1862965
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No. 1862966
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No. 1862967
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No. 1863246
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Not sure if this was already posted but nikol is just trolling at this point
No. 1863263
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No. 1863265
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No. 1863382
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What do you think she means by this?
She has no money. Never worked a day in her life. Is she really moving to an apartment by herself?
Or she could mean like a supported living place.
Maybe her parents were like, “if you discharge yourself, you can’t live with us”?
No. 1863416
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No. 1863536
>>1862964Also nurse and doctor are wildly different career pathways like sure both healthcare but
How old is this person? Provide more milk anon given their private
No. 1863566
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No. 1863568
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she looks like 60 years old
No. 1863578
>>1862964I’m glad I’m not the only one to find her milky and annoying. Making out she’s on deaths door then saying her bmi is on the bottom end of healthy. She apparently got refused any nhs treatment at her first assessment and told to lose weight and then come back. Kicked up a fuss and got offered day patient which she’s now crying over and complaining about saying she ‘has’ to do it else she’ll end up in hospital and her work won’t let her work unless she completes it. None of it adds up. There’s so much for dramatic effect. She always has a smirk on her face when she’s complaining/crying in her stories, oh and of course she’s trying the munchie route too-wanting a POTs diagnosis and complaining about heart problems.
100% cow material. I’ll get some screenshots when I have time and come back, but seeing her brought up made me have to reply straight away
No. 1863579
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Got to make the 24 hour heart monitor visable for everyone
No. 1863580
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No. 1863582
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No. 1863583
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That’s all for now. A lot of the milk is on her stories that obviously deletes after 24 hours. Couldn’t find the post where she was initially refused nhs treatment and ‘told’ to lose weight
No. 1863604
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No. 1863625
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>>1863604What is it with these cows and posting crying selfies and videos? Uncanny resemblance to Chewbacca
No. 1863636
>>1863625This cheered me up this morning
nonnie, thank you kek!
No. 1863655
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No. 1863658
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The denial is unbelievable.
No. 1863715
>>1863416I find Paris annoying too but she definitely
is within a sectionable weight threshold by NHS standards.
No. 1863766
>>1863750>>1863742Yeah exactly. There's a more stringent criteria for hospitalizing people against their will, as there should be to override people's rights like that. But if she wants to go, she'd be accepted.
Also, I thought she was an adult? Did I get that totally wrong? So her mom would have nothing to do with it either way.
No. 1863881
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Look who’s sold their story to the daily fail for more attention
No. 1863882
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Tomorrow still hasn’t come for her. Needs to take her own advice
No. 1863902
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>>1863897>>1863898idk it doesn’t look that bad in all of her posts esp older ones but definitely she’s picked a lot…maybe an SH thing or poor healing from malnutrition kek also ritalin TRASHED my skin so if shes on it too (for her ‘ADHD’) maybe contributes
No. 1863912
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>>1863779Larping POTS again kek. Also probs ate an extra carrot and thinks heart and blood pressure issues will be magically fixed. tbf idk why all these munchies want a POTS diagnosis so bad???? there’s no cure and you don’t end up with any fancy nose hose accessory…ur just told to eat more salt and try not to faint kek
No. 1863923
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>>1863782She says ‘lowest adult weight ever’ like it’s a fucking achievement. May as well put her LW in her bio like a true anachan on edtwt except a BMI of 18 isn’t really worth advertising (not stated just guessing based off looks). For a future doctor she seems pretty retarded but maybe she’s just brain-dead from malnutrition at this point as all her posts are quite repetitive imho.
No. 1863928
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No. 1863939
>>1863923>don’t think I’m ‘severely underweight’ (cry emoji)Neither does her nurse, or she wouldn’t be waiting three weeks for day patient and starting on a substantial meal plan (pHaSe 2).
I like this one, keep it coming nonna!
No. 1863947
>>1863742>>1863750Yes I do know a lot about uk sectioning!
They have to get consent agreement from your next of kin now to say they ‘ agree’ to it. I don’t think Paris’s mum would agree .
No. 1863962
>>1863912Unless you're in America then they whack a port to your heart in your chest so you can get all your hydration needs via IV for no reason and get sepsis whenever you want!
But I digress, her heart won't "flipping behave" because she's starving herself. I guess she's going to have to deny reality if she wants to pretend to be a doctor kek
No. 1863964
>>1863715>>1863766The bmi criteria for sectioning to ip now are really really low even paris wouldn’t guarantee a bed. And most places only offer things if you are prepared to commit to full weight restoration , which paris wouldn’t do.
Has paris ever been sectioned? She might regret asking for it or an ip bed.
No. 1864013
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Recovery challenges!?!? Literally it’s a body check and black coffee with rice vegetables, and diet pancakes! Like she has so many Ted talks about recovery and gets money from people to “recover” but she’s not recovering one bit. It’s ok if she wants to be miserable and stuck in her Ed just don’t preach and give advice what you don’t do yourself. the nerve
No. 1864033
>>1864012It’s easier to get a bed if you are sectioned. There are so few ED beds that saying you want to go doesn’t get you anywhere. Reality most patients in EDUs are under section, either before they go in or once they get there and try to leave. Slightly different for day program patients. And if you are that low a BMI and your bloods messy you most likely end up on a medical ward.
The nhs just doesn’t have the money.
No. 1864045
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Kate is definitely burning jewish people let’s be real
No. 1864057
>>1864036>>1864052Jesus, can you all please stop blog posting? Just to interject some facts into the conversation while not talking about myself, aaccording to> The decision is usually made (other than in an emergency) by two doctors and an Approved Mental Health Professional (AMHP).> Your nearest relative has a number of powers, including stopping you being placed on a section 3 and applying for your discharge from detention.Under certain circumstances, the powers of your nearest relative can be overridden.
So: they ask the family if they agree because they have to jump through more hoops if they don't. They can overrule the family's objection
No. 1864075
>>1863882Tells others to go through all levels of care and seek proper help yet
recovers on Tiktok and begs for money to have bodybuilders coach her on nutrition. Hypocrisy much?
No. 1864084
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I just stumbled across this morbidly obese woman who seems to spend all her time talking about her super serious anorexia or complaining that all doctors/therapists are fatphobic. Why are there so many of these people?
No. 1864086
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No. 1864087
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>>1864086clearly struggling with her life long restrictive eating disorder
No. 1864088
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>>1864087proof that she's claiming to have anorexia (she's going on a diatribe about why it's anorexia and not atypical anorexia)
No. 1864091
>>1864089got a link
No. 1864118
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How tf does one swallow a sock?!?!
No. 1864138
>>1864118I am absolutely pissing myself. '
TW' ?! In this moment, I love her. Now I am picturing her as a huge lumbering machine. (That's what usually swallows MY socks).
No. 1864171
File: 1689341321240.png (5.95 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_0192.png)

New cow? natashaaa_xxx Has started recovery and now goes into lots of details about her ed. Must be craving that validation
No. 1864193
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Frances is galloping around the country, in denial at a BMI of approx 10
No. 1864224
>>1864118hahahaha oh my god this is actually so funny. just the giant
TW and "yesterday i swallowed a sock"
oh laura…
No. 1864227
>>1864224How did she expect people to react? Like ‘oH nOooO so
triggering she swallowed a sock whatever will I do now guess I’ll kms i’m so
triggered’ bffr
No. 1864301
>>1864086>>1864084>>1864088>>1864087Some people just deserve to be miserable. Case in point,
>>1864089 No. 1864357
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still following so can continue to post milk if anyone is interested
No. 1864418
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No. 1864441
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fucking good. she belongs in prison
No. 1864471
>>1864088I mean obviously an overweight person can develop anorexia but if they really are anorexic they'll go on to lose a lot of weight eventually lol these bitches go on a diet for a week then claim to be anorexic. It's okay to have other eating disorders, you're just as ~*
No. 1864574
>>1864357Who is this?
I wish people would leave in the username or at least name the cow because last I checked I'm not a fucking mind reader.
No. 1864581
File: 1689379860751.jpg (849.06 KB, 1080x1915, Scooby-Doo get a clue.jpg)

Imagine raising a family, devoting your life to giving your children a better life than you had, becoming a grandmother and finally passing at a ripe old age, and this is how you're memorialized:
Swatting at a balloon for your granddaughter's skinny fetish content while you die in a hospital bed.
No. 1864589
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>>1864581My heart hurts for this poor woman. She looks so sad and tired having to entertain her granddaughter. May she finally rest in peace
No. 1864745
>>1863673Are you retarded? You can clearly see that the first picture is the before. It's a huge difference.
And also, I think it's just her face shape. Sad that she thinks eating only fruit is healthy long-term. She looks like a nice girl to be honest.
No. 1864801
>>1864760Oh nonna, my sides my sides.
literally snorted.
No. 1864805
>>1864626What do you consider recent? If we're counting everything since her old threads were locked for whiteknighting 5 fuckin years ago, that's pretty much the whole cow.
The milk hadn't even come out yet but now it extends beyond anachanning so I'd be interested in a fresh thread and willing to write up a summary, but to do it right would be a laborious undertaking and its past my bedtime so I'm just gonna tease it in thread requests let me know here
>>>/pt/916776 No. 1864856
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No. 1864956
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She can’t make it more obvious that she’s gunning for acute
No. 1864999
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>>1864013this was her on february 20th (with her beloved pancakes). if she's gained more than a few pounds since then, i'll eat dirt
No. 1865261
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No. 1865271
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lock this bitch up
No. 1865272
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No. 1865275
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No. 1865286
>>1865271I feel sorry for her in some ways, because her behaviour has burned bridges to the point where she can't access MH help in the community or even inpatient because of her violence. She's probably right in that she could only access help in prison if she carries on the way she is - BUT she's only got herself to blame. She could do remote therapy, online stuff, get a new GP and not get fired as a patient by being
abusive to them…
No. 1865296
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No. 1865297
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No. 1865322
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Who allowed Marie to discharge?
No. 1865342
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No. 1865358
>>1865344My insurance gave me five months straight in residential and I was nowhere near Marie status. (waaah blogging)
It’s definitely not an insurance issue.
Marie apparently moved out, but where?
(waaah blogging) No. 1865375
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>>1865346You'd think the way out would be agreeing to voluntary treatment, but if those mental health care laws are so good why would they agree to palliative care instead? She seems like the type to say if she's chosen end of life care (major sick points, so
valid) but she's talking about wanting a happy life with friends (she has friends?) and family and even a job and maybe minimal weight gain but not too much because she's not ready to recover. Which seems obvious when she gained near nothing over a month and follows sick fucks like picrel. Whatever's going on there's fuckery afoot.
No. 1865380
>>1865375I think you misunderstood what I meant about laws about mental health care coverage. Insurance companies in Minnesota will pay for a lot of care because of the laws in the state. The insurance company has no say in whether or not someone gets committed, kek, that's a totally different system.
My guess is that Marie's parents got a lawyer to fight the doctors who were trying to commit her. This would fit with a lot of what she was saying about initially being involuntarily hospitalized and tube fed and then somehow getting out of it. My guess is that they may have argued that further intensive treatment was futile because she's already had so much. Palliative care does not necessarily imply end of life; that's a common misconception. It just means that the focus is on trying to relieve symptoms in a way that is acceptable to the patient rather than actively treating the disease.
Marie doesn't really say enough for any of us to know exactly what's going on, but this is roughly what makes sense to me given that many far less sick people end up on commitments in Minnesota.
No. 1865409
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Mel/Amber/mosaic whoever they are larping today her ‘4 year old’ alter ego (with her wife?? Wtf) happily eating candy. But they can’t eat anything and desperately need a pej. She pretended for be a 4 year old with a wife for hours on a live too. Kek
No. 1865412
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No. 1865418
>>1865380No I got that, I didnt think insurance made those decisions, I think people are forced to base healthcare decisions on what they can afford, but I meant why would they decide against pursuing a 90-day hold and give up on her, so I appreciate you clarifying the difference between palliative and eol care ty nonna.
i'm just surprised at the number of minnesotafags kek Lawyers for muh freedoms makes sense, leaving home three days after saying you want a stable, happy life there raises questions
No. 1865422
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I guess Laura’s “baby” (dween) dropped her?
No. 1865427
>>1865418ayrt, kek, sorry for minnesota-fagging. It's an interesting state for ED-related healthcare because it's where the attorney general sued (in 2001, after the death of Anna Westin) Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota for denying coverage and sparked a shift in eating disorder treatment coverage. That lawsuit led to a hell of a lot more eating disorder treatment coverage and is probably why it's so easy to get court orders for eating disorder treatment compared to other states.
Marie is such an unreliable source, kek, I can't tell if she's just bullshitting or is actually delusional enough to think that she can have a happy life at a bmi of 10. Hopefully she says a little more about her new living situation so we can figure out what the fuck. I'm mildly curious if she's actually going to an assisted living facility.
No. 1865452
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for real! and that was not the only time she's been in trouble for setting fires, she has literally posted videos of herself doing it before multiple times!! and she is just free to do whatever the fuck, she lives in some kind of house that's obviously being paid for her, she has support workers. she had a video the other day when she was bored so went to bug the cops at the police station cuz ehe thinks they fuckin like her dumb ass, and she recorded the worker just sitting there smiling and said, "this is my support worker." like what!? wtf australia you are off the hook with these cows
No. 1865549
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No. 1865653
>>1865648KEK this made me laugh so much more than it should’ve
No. 1865815
>>1865257Shot in the dark, but maybe in her mid to late 20s? 27 if I had to make a concrete guess.
>>1865297>injecting Seroquel and water into your bloodBullshit.
>>1865736>>1865752>>1865772>>1865808Don't egg her on.
No. 1865858
>>1865700>no one caresWhy didn't you shut the fuck up and scroll past it then? Anons discussing the circumstances of an established cow is more on-topic than you bitching like you think this is your personal page.
>>1865843Thank god the lawsperg ran its course to make space for bovine encephalopathy like this, right?
No. 1865966
>>1865963Is that her actual name?
Also how is she even LLL's partner? Laura seems only concerned with herself, never mentions her partner really and she's been locked up so long while this other girl has a normal life? Why and how WOULD you stay with someone who eats socks to make sure they stay locked up and deliberately make themselves huge and zombified just because they want attention? How can there be any sort of relationship at all? Well she says 'best friend' so seems like she doesn't even know what a romantic relationship is.
No. 1865992
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So faint, so fragile 1/2
No. 1865994
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>>1865992Relapse baiting isn’t even subtle
No. 1866003
File: 1689549465384.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.7 MB, 1179x2156, IMG_0595.jpeg)

wonder how the people who donated for the wig feel, a week later and Emily who didnt have money goes on vacation
No. 1866129
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Marie is going to die
No. 1866256
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All of the anons who were worried about her practicing healthcare can calm down, she's clearly never going to actually earn a degree and be able to practice.
No. 1866258
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I hadn't really looked at this cow before she got posted here, but I think it's the weird delusions of grandeur that are the funniest to me. Yeah, the person in charge of nursing was reeeeeally intimidated by you and needed your validation.
No. 1866279
>>1865858Because it was the only thing farmers like you were discussing for a good minute.
And still no one cares. Move on.
No. 1866303
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As if any of us believe that she's really going to spend an hour walking per day.
No. 1866304
File: 1689567426450.png (406.55 KB, 431x652, Screen Shot 2023-07-16 at 11.1…)

Enara's extremely horrible mom strikes again by … batch cooking and freezing meals for her. (Enara conveniently forgot that she never eats, I guess?)
No. 1866316
>>1866303ABSOLUTELY NO ONE will be walking in that heat, so this seems a bit of a nitpick, but I do think she's only posting it so she can later say she decided not to walk because her POTS is so sooper serious. As if anyone wouldn't struggle in that.
>also TIL that there's a street in Abu Dhabi named for the Indonesian president>>1866304>Cricut 3, approx $490 USI fucking knew she had a Cricut when she put those stupid personalized stickers on her electronic water bottle. I can't really find fault with labeling frozen meals but this is a very girl-who-has-everything way of doing it kek
No. 1866441
>>1866414Nta but the anon writing a new Eugenia thread, I'm working on it but I have 7 years of brainrot to trudge through alone on a volunteer basis so until that comes together, r/eugeniacooneyy with 2 Y's may be more helpful for explaining her scandals from the
victims perspectives. I know cows think this farm is a hate site, don't bring them that fucking energy. Cheers
No. 1866503
File: 1689596140738.jpg (322.94 KB, 1316x1533, Collage_2023-07-17_08_17_06~2.…)

No. 1866542
File: 1689598854325.png (10.86 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_9151.png)

This looks drier that the gobi desert
No. 1866803
File: 1689616188895.png (89.78 KB, 596x786, sTaYsAfE.png)

>>1866770the reason she seeks validation there is because she gets it in spades
No. 1866908
File: 1689623670449.png (1.88 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230717-155601.png)

No. 1866952
File: 1689626907067.png (517.57 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230717-164918.png)

or maybe cuz you're there twice a day every day wearing the same exact clothes so they think you're homeless and live in the parking lot?
No. 1866955
File: 1689627123689.png (1.54 MB, 853x1548, Screenshots_2023-07-17-16-53-4…)

No. 1866986
>>1866955Hope she didn't forget to breathe.
But honestly, if you have something to say, just say it or don't post and bait people into waiting for you to say what's up.
No. 1866996
>>1866146Something very disturbing about her. Don’t think she’s ever even said what is apparently actually so incredibly
wrong with her stomach either. Didn’t she post a YouTube of her eating? Kek
No. 1867055
File: 1689638428388.png (564.14 KB, 470x647, Screen Shot 2023-07-17 at 7.02…)

>>1866987her extremely normal behavior, pic rel
No. 1867077
>>1867055 every "vacation" post consists of contorted angles to flaunt her body. She needs to grow up & own up to her B
shit. Hands down she is fup level as EC when it comes to body pics/vids
No. 1867135
File: 1689647575330.jpeg (625.21 KB, 2048x2048, C52E2F93-36E9-4CA4-80A9-36771E…)

Why is it not painfully obvious to all of her followers that she’s flexing her bicep to intentionally look so emaciated. You can see in the second screenshot that her arm doesn’t look at all like that when it’s not flexed
No. 1867145
File: 1689648836315.jpeg (314.9 KB, 828x988, IMG_9307.jpeg)

Nothing against this person but Edtwt is full of brainrot.
No. 1867160
File: 1689651263346.jpeg (397.33 KB, 1170x1950, D86033AA-F6FD-4E1D-A04A-3CCA25…)

Stef comes from MONEY. This is her debut from 2013. She is now 27. Her personal @/stefaniamennella has a lot of old dance pictures. She had great technique and seems like she went downhill during college
No. 1867162
>>1867160What’s a debut? Is that like a cotillion thing?
Damn she’s loaded.
No. 1867166
File: 1689651634669.jpeg (1.11 MB, 828x1490, IMG_9308.jpeg)

Why was she on the Drew Barrymore show?
No. 1867169
File: 1689651815940.png (77.53 KB, 264x233, Screen Shot 2023-07-17 at 10.4…)

Apparently her sister had a destination wedding in Italy.
No. 1867183
>>1866969Yeah she's right here
>>1867140 you can ask her yourself
No. 1867190
File: 1689654508258.png (70 KB, 787x645, cope.png)

>>1867155nta but bpd-chans give themselves a bad rep by acting like this, it's not our fault for calling a spade a spade
No. 1867198
File: 1689655004219.png (448.58 KB, 424x687, Screen Shot 2023-07-17 at 11.3…)

Just to annoy her, here's Stef paying someone to style her hair and do her make-up before a Taylor Swift concert. Seems like a dumb use of money when you're unemployed. Oh wait… I'm sure Mommy and Daddy paid for it.
No. 1867200
File: 1689655093851.png (250.66 KB, 423x696, Screen Shot 2023-07-17 at 11.4…)

>>1867198Why are her parents paying for her to live alone in NYC? What a waste.
No. 1867228
File: 1689659213526.png (400.94 KB, 471x671, Screen Shot 2023-07-18 at 12.4…)

Stef clearly talking about lolcow
No. 1867233
File: 1689660676230.png (120.82 KB, 428x470, Screen Shot 2023-07-18 at 1.13…)

>>1867232oh no, a crisis appears! how will our dainty ana eat now?
No. 1867234
File: 1689660855237.png (76.03 KB, 623x170, Screen Shot 2023-07-18 at 1.15…)

>>1867192Looking for more Stef accounts led me to her finsta. Very curious what's on there.
No. 1867273
>>1867197I didn't say I don't have empathy for them, just that she clearly exhibits a lot of symptoms so that anon calling her BPD seems pretty accurate. Why are you even here if you're so upset about proper mental illness representation?
>>1867203What are you even going on about? I didn't call her an asshole or a mass shooter or a bad person I just agreed with the anon who said she would fit into a BPD-chan thread because of her antics. Learn how to read
No. 1867315
>>1867273It’s you that can’t read tbh if you don’t understand the purpose of my analogies. You weren’t, you posted a screenshot of bpd symptoms and implied that those symptoms make someone an asshole worthy of bpd blanket statements. I’m here because it’s interesting to see assholes get called out, and interesting to see other people’s perspectives on something I may not have noticed as being harmful or
problematic. All of this can be done without blanket derogatory statements about a mental illness. The thread itself isn’t about EDs it’s about people who are pro ana, an actual asshole behaviour.
>>1867284No actually I was saying it about the person who said there should be a bpd thread.
No. 1867316
File: 1689680607877.png (1.34 MB, 853x1545, Screenshots_2023-07-18-07-44-5…)

No. 1867332
>>1867315>You posted a screenshot of bpd symptoms and implied that those symptoms make someone an asshole worthy of bpd blanket statements.That's not what I said at all I don't even know what you're arguing at this point I think you just want to be mad about something.
>No actually I was saying it about the person who said there should be a bpd thread.Yeah no shit, the convo was initially about lostallsanityx not Laura so I was telling the anon that because she had mentioned Laura in the reply chain about lostallsanityx.
No. 1867346
File: 1689685894678.png (2.16 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230718-091314.png)

No. 1867428
File: 1689697482370.png (914.25 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20230718-172237~2.p…)

Laura's lives are so boring just her breathing noisily and typing every so often
No. 1867444
File: 1689700572525.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1213x1862, IMG_9165.jpeg)

She’s trying everything she can to get high intensity support but at the mention of, ‘forensic patients’ she’s shitting it… oh wait, she can’t, she’s probs constipated af from the sock
No. 1867445
>>1867135This is just regular proana scumbag behavior, there isn't anything special about this specific one. I smell vendetta or selfpost.
>>1867200>>1867198Some of it may be an inheritance is my guess. More likely, a silver stipend from mom and dad.
>>1867242Speaking of, any milk on Porgie?
No. 1867504
File: 1689707785229.jpeg (464.76 KB, 828x1432, IMG_9309.jpeg)

Marie attempting recovery at bmi 11.5
No. 1867576
File: 1689718504144.jpeg (647.88 KB, 828x1459, 3451294C-FE1E-4BDE-B2E0-718CD4…)

It doesn’t even matter at this point Laura, you’re just an institutionalised soul sucking monster and no diagnosis will change that. Ptsd is when you swallow a sock.
No. 1867594
File: 1689720994437.png (384.99 KB, 475x528, Screen Shot 2023-07-18 at 5.58…)

wake up babe, new Ham cellulite just dropped
No. 1867629
>>1867472An aversion to food and a desire to be skinny is anorexia/fear foods.
>>1867594Preaching bopo but sucking in in the second pic is peak HAES.
No. 1867659
File: 1689728715466.jpg (360.43 KB, 1058x1611, Collage_2023-07-18_21_06_22~2.…)

No. 1867721
>>1867632Ok anon, good for you. But it's quite normal that your stomach expands a little bit after food so it can digest. If you eat a big portion, of course you will bloat.
And ofc you won't bloat if you just eat smaller portions. When I'm invited to some family events where there is alot of food, I see almost everyone with a bigger belly afterwards.
No. 1867734
File: 1689755516527.png (406.42 KB, 451x656, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 3.33…)

Really enjoying the irony of Stef, who is a chronic NEET, making a tiktok about not having the energy to go out after a full day at work
No. 1867755
>>1867728I can't see mention of an obituary, and there's no tribute pictures as far as i can see on facebook. She might be in treatment possibly? Will carry on looking though to see if i can find anything definitive.
>>1867740No, it's not Cece. They go by claudia.rehn on instagram, they had a health scare a year ago due to anorexia.
No. 1867757
File: 1689762390486.png (883.42 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230719-062722.png)

lmfao wtf is the point of posting this!? she's really fuckin braindead i swear
No. 1867779
File: 1689766299046.jpg (870.57 KB, 1080x1855, Screenshot_20230719_233320_Ins…)

She actually looks really good. Pleased for her.
No. 1867862
File: 1689783697595.jpg (684.56 KB, 1080x2107, Screenshot_20230719_165347_Ins…)

>>1867840Howling nona
>>1867779She looks unrecognisable in the current picture but I can't help but add the
humble brag that she looks dead just a few pics prior
No. 1868006
File: 1689801132546.jpeg (633.55 KB, 1217x2639, IMG_7523.jpeg)

>>1867981She’s fine; complaining/bragging about losing weight while in hospital and posting skelly checks.
No. 1868097
File: 1689809595247.jpg (654.06 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230720_090119_Ins…)

Either Enara doesn't realise you can say no to plane food, or shes eaten 5 meals on the flight so far.
No. 1868151
File: 1689817884823.png (1.51 MB, 939x757, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 8.52…)

>>1868148posing in bikinis to show off her weight loss, eating disorder treatment center reviewer, unsuccessful influencer
No. 1868160
File: 1689818268690.png (635.09 KB, 1101x480, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 8.59…)

>>1868153I'm still skeptical that she has an actual job given that she ignores every comment on her Instagram asking what she does for work. You'd think she'd say something vague like "office work" or "advocacy" or whatever.
No. 1868180
File: 1689819863616.png (246.09 KB, 924x473, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 9.25…)

In confirmed jobless news, the twins are on holiday again. I'm really curious why they suddenly started traveling so much
No. 1868189
>>1867721Ham looks very fat is what they're trying to say. That isn't super normal. Then again, Ham eats like a twelve year old boy in a million sports, so maybe it is normal for her.
>>1868097I think they think she needs it, poor emaciated baby.
No. 1868215
File: 1689826584276.png (393.05 KB, 427x650, Screen Shot 2023-07-19 at 10.0…)

>>1868214they probably don't get travel insurance, a lot of people travel without it
No. 1868279
File: 1689846710913.jpeg (1.34 MB, 828x1384, IMG_0283.jpeg)

EC posting some fresh fetish content just a few days after her grandma dies. Can’t believe that her own fucking mother is filming this shit.
No. 1868350
>>1868269The only reason im bloated is becuase I'm waterloading for my next appointment lololol
Don't want to be inpatient do we
(no1curr) No. 1868357
>>1868334I really don't know how she is allowed on all the social media platforms and never even censored with the 'are you sure you want to see this' thing. For everyone else the censorship is getting so heavy handed and I'm pretty sure it's AI and not humans that do it. The AI that censors is just programmed to leave EC's socials alone?! Also how can that AI tell the difference between, say, a photo showing a surgical procedure or a photo of a bleeding knee from someone falling off a bike, and a self harm picture? But it seems that somehow it can!
>>1868335I think they've always been wealthy, with the two giant houses and everything.
No. 1868359
>>1868279Jesus Christ that is a jumpscare. It baffles me how they just pretend to be oblivious to the fact we all know this is fetish material for whoever is gross enough to pay.
>>1868357I have a tinfoil theory that they are like Lillee Jean and Laur, except a little more intelligent. I bet her mum is eternally online fighting all the bans she gets as well as coordinating all the fetish requests.
It’s the only logical reason that makes sense to me because I could not enable my child to live like that.
No. 1868362
>>1868335I guess so, which makes her mother's behaviour even more disgusting as there is no need to exploit your daughter for money. And I know, we are at lolcow and most nonnas here are "mothers are good, fathers are bad", but I've seen the damage a bad mother can do and her mother seems to be not the loving kind (and her father seems to be absent). Sure, EC is an adult, but how grown up is she really if her mother controlled everything about her life and she never could break free.
>>1868357it's mostly still not AI, as far as I know, there are people (at least for Facebook) employed in countries with low costs that have to watch all the stuff that gets reported. I know that many people that aren't famous posting healed scars would get blurred or shadowbanned on Instagram, while Tumblr, for example, would delete your blog as soon as you are reported for encouraging self-harm or pro-ana. The best way for social media would be 3 strikes and then a ban and not 3 strikes for showing healed stuff that is in the past and only shows that you can survive a mental illness. No one needs to see EC online, seemingly doing well even though she is close to death and no one needs to see fresh self-harm wounds or people binging and purging. That not the "real face" of mental illness, that's
triggering bullshit and people deep into it will search for those content. Guess money and like nonna
>>1868359 wrote, persistence to go against a ban is why EC is still on all those platforms.
No. 1868448
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No. 1868479
File: 1689891136270.jpeg (840.82 KB, 828x1467, IMG_9322.jpeg)

Smoothiebowlmia with the shooped arm
No. 1868527
File: 1689899510466.png (736.04 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_9703.png)

No. 1868540
File: 1689902200690.jpg (944.06 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230721_104731_Ins…)

>>1868525Here's the screenshot, seeing as this is an imageboard anon.
She just had to throw in a skelly bc photo, just to 'show off her outfit'
No. 1868598
File: 1689913164737.jpeg (86.19 KB, 828x260, IMG_9324.jpeg)

Nikol unhinged as ever
No. 1868786
File: 1689951914770.png (1.13 MB, 853x1364, Screenshots_2023-07-21-11-07-1…)

No. 1868790
File: 1689952154582.png (460.66 KB, 431x671, Screen Shot 2023-07-21 at 10.1…)

Enara went snack shopping
No. 1868800
>>1868790Love how she tries to pass it off as 'just buying things we don't have in Aus' when half those things can be bought quite easily in Aus, maybe just in a different brand.
Like peach iced tea in a can.. Why would that make it any more speshul than regular peach iced tea? The kettle chips both look like flavours that are standard across a bunch of brands here.
The only thing that would be difficult to find would be the Starbucks thing, but again, a bunch of different brands do the same sugar syrup flavouring, it's not some crazy unique thing she just HAS to buy over there.
All that will be gone (eaten) by tomorrow and she'll be crying about what to have for dinner again because she's so anorexic KEK
No. 1868858
File: 1689963742457.png (7.96 MB, 1170x2532, 15AFB684-3955-4F6F-8DB7-CCC20A…)

Don’t know how to post videos but stef posted a TikTok directly addressing lolcow and how she’s been doxxed by people sharing her school, her financial status etc practically whinging on and on about nothing only to say at the end “this is not okay” kek
No. 1868861
File: 1689963820128.jpeg (324.07 KB, 1170x1909, 8C3C013D-4EB9-4196-AD58-D5350D…)

Also got a cow crossover with momsfav kek
No. 1868874
File: 1689965017248.png (1.2 MB, 853x1613, Screenshots_2023-07-21-14-44-5…)

cow crossover
No. 1868901
File: 1689968582212.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1170x1798, IMG_2389.jpeg)

>>1868858The background music kek
No. 1868924
File: 1689971557988.png (1.45 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230721-163412.png)

yoooooooooo lmfao i wish i coulda seen that shit hahahaha omg damn
No. 1869005
File: 1689979578215.jpeg (490.83 KB, 1170x2337, 612D91C0-C1BF-4A41-837E-632A3C…)

Rachel was on live today and said she is going to get into weight lifting and that she relapsed. Recovery queen.
No. 1869070
File: 1689986162037.jpeg (166.15 KB, 1125x578, IMG_9744.jpeg)

No. 1869103
>>1869092>you certainly goaded and told me specifically 'take more pills' etc.>Not necessarily YOU but some people.You're still addressing each of us as the group, just because one anon said something doesn't mean we all agree with it. And the anon could have been a moid, and anyway just because one loser online tells you to do something doesn't mean you have to do it. But if you are going to listen to what some of us say then at least listen to this: stop lurking accounts that piss you off, stop going on sites that upset you, eat enough food, drink enough water, take your meds, go to bed on time, write a list of goals you would like to achieve and breakdown the steps you need to do to achieve them, clean your room, do what you can to avoid self harm, if you can't don't beat yourself up about it, look into options you have for free or cheap counselling, if nothing is available then perhaps try calling a hotline or a chat room for when you're really going through it, think about what you could do for work, even part time or working from home, get out of your house everyday and try to socialize with people a little, get exercise (I think you do that already so you already have that step down.) I promise you if you do even 15% of that you'd feel better, I've lurked you for a while and I'm not saying these things are easy, but they will get easier over time, you don't have to accept that your miserable and everything is fucked and then just do nothing to fix it. Try and you will get something out of your hard work.
No. 1869110
>>1869108yeah, I feel bad because anon's advice here
>>1869103 is actually good advice and seems really well-intentioned, but colours is determined to do absolutely nothing constructive and is already actively rejecting the group therapy she was offered
No. 1869149
File: 1689995393021.png (52.88 KB, 609x606, 54684388.PNG)

>>1868897People have the right to say whatever they want to, including things as heinous as hoping someone dies. That said, posters regularly wish death on cows.
No. 1869163
File: 1689997004283.jpg (950.27 KB, 1440x1800,…)

her smile always makes me angry no matter how many times i see her fugly ass face on my screen
No. 1869197
File: 1690002985419.png (316.89 KB, 433x623, Screen Shot 2023-07-21 at 11.1…)

Amazing how Enara can just stop as soon as it's required for something she wants. Maybe they should always tell her that she has to stop to get x or y thing.
No. 1869237
File: 1690008287767.png (567.01 KB, 533x879, mealplan.png)

>>1869005So this video from the 13th was a lie? How long does she claim to have been in this relapse?
No. 1869265
File: 1690014864898.png (1.11 MB, 853x1639, Screenshots_2023-07-22-04-20-1…)

No. 1869266
>>1869265man, her brain is really fried.
>2 days on phone with CEO of apple, got to know her really wellGlad to hear that sex change is working out for Tim Cook
No. 1869272
>>1869237So all the money she begged and swindled out of gullible strangers was a waste? The quack nutritionist and bodybuilding coach didn't magically cure her? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you. Can everyone ask for their donations back on that basis and collectively demand she goes to proper treatment/IP or else get the fuck off her
toxic tiktok.
No. 1869294
File: 1690028998945.png (Spoiler Image,8.26 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_4325.png)

Niamh’s looking really alive, healthy and well
No. 1869302
File: 1690031104669.jpeg (Spoiler Image,130.12 KB, 828x1433, 580B60FC-9367-4FA3-AADC-509AC6…)

how does she thinks that this looks realistic kek
No. 1869312
File: 1690035124508.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1219x1998, IMG_9184.jpeg)

Is she shitting out the sock???
No. 1869443
File: 1690062865464.jpeg (107.17 KB, 828x186, IMG_9329.jpeg)

No. 1869477
>>1869475I don't have group therapy. But someone wrote something. I replied. Done.
Moving on. WTf was LLL being so brave about today?
No. 1869498
>>1869481It IS therapy - it's just not therapy you want. It makes you "worse" because it's forcing you to confront things that aren't comfortable for you (aka that
trigger your narcissism), which is, in fact, therapeutic! Your problem is that you only want treatment for your BPD behaviors, when it's your NPD that needs treatment the most. Then again, narcissists are well-known for their lack of insight, so I'm sure you'll brush this off as somebody who has no idea what they're talking about so you can keep living in your little fantasy world, where you're the sickest possible person and the only human in existence who deserves Cluster B treatment.
No. 1869532
>>1869463Well then you're not being fully honest with yourself, and that's okay, everyone has blind spots when it comes to their own behavior and motivations. I'm sure you truly want a normal life, to be happy and healthy and not self harm and have a good relationship with the people around you. But there's something blocking you from achieving that and that's where you need to be writing things out, think about the incident where you wanted to harm yourself on camera in front of your group therapy, write out what you would've gained from that, what you would've lost, and what your motivation was to do that. I'm not judging you, I'm just trying to give you some advice because I can see you are clearly very deeply hurt. I can think of some motivation for the group therapy self harm incident, maybe you wanted to show people how hurt you are, find a way to convey that pain because you felt unheard or dismissed? Maybe you wanted people to care about you and worry for you to know that you matter? Maybe you just wanted to upset the people in the group out of anger, maybe some part of you is upset with them for something? And again I'm not judging you whatever your motivations were, just finding out what drives you to do the things you do could really help you get perspective on things. One more thing that could help, when you see something that sparks an intense reaction within you, like seeing cows get the things you wish you could have too, it helps to just tell yourself a neutral comment on it so the negativity isn't the only reaction your brain is giving you. You don't even have to believe it, but it will help after a while. For example when you see Enara or Laura getting doted on and you think, 'why do they get those things and I don't,' you could say to yourself something like "the system isn't perfect, and sometimes people who need help don't receive it, that doesn't mean I am undeserving or unworthy." Just providing a neutral argument mixed in with the negativity your brain is throwing at you could really help, it's small but it's a start. This may seem useless but this is all advice given to me by a psychologist with over 30 years of practice, so it's worth something. And it did help me.
No. 1869536
>>1869534if you really must, she has her own containment thread
>>1759128 but I genuinely think it's just feeding into her obsession with getting attention from any possible source and she won't really read any of it
No. 1869538
>>1869532im not going to bother reading you mini-blog.
I just wanted to point out to the "nO~rEdDiT~sPaCiNg" anons who crack it at me when I "reddit space" (aka thoughtful formatting), that this is a prime example of why it works…
who the fuck prefers reading that wall-of-text over a nicely formatted post that is easier to skim over on what is primarily an image board?
No. 1869552
File: 1690080589492.jpeg (621.16 KB, 828x1320, IMG_9331.jpeg)

I can tell.
No. 1869565
File: 1690084566130.png (1.02 MB, 1426x895, jhgvfdsdfgcvhbjnkm.png)

Rachel is still pining after some of that Eugenia clout, she's been commenting on her shit for months and never gets any engagement from EC. It's so obvious she's just trying to leech followers, she has such a massive ego if she really thinks she could somehow help EC. She's just as bad as her, she's been in fake recovery for so long and condescends her followers while showing off her spoopiness online, what could she possible say to EC that would help her. What a joke
No. 1869581
File: 1690086440625.png (879.76 KB, 557x688, Screen Shot 2023-07-22 at 11.2…)

let's all take a break from this to appreciate stef taking a 100% normal, not trying to show off her weight loss selfie
No. 1869631
File: 1690097437010.png (565.65 KB, 430x620, Screen Shot 2023-07-23 at 2.32…)

>>1869582Stef used this as an excuse to post her greatest bodychecking hits.
No. 1869637
>>1862808Late to this but this must be the Italy trip Niamh mentioned on her edtwt that she was “scared she’d die before going on”… but the edtwt was
totally not hers guys, believe her
No. 1869856
File: 1690147073671.jpeg (467.95 KB, 828x1405, IMG_9339.jpeg)

Marie in her healing era
No. 1869862
File: 1690147304729.jpeg (567.45 KB, 828x1372, 1950F919-0A6C-4627-8602-23CFAB…)

Laura’s posting heaps of photos of the girl who recently cut her out, very awkward and strange
No. 1869988
File: 1690176372670.jpg (3.66 MB, 4096x4096, GridArt_20230724_145424468.jpg)

>>1869956Nta but "Objectively pretty" be like…
She looks like literal gremlin unless she filtered beyond recognition. This is like the opposite of people arguing that Margot Robbie is a 6.
No. 1870033
File: 1690191091935.jpg (324.1 KB, 1135x1054, Collage_2023-07-24_05_32_54~2.…)

No. 1870076
File: 1690198449721.png (26.64 KB, 688x189, Screenshot (21580).png)

Cow crossover
No. 1870080
>>1869938She used to have a lot of make up and filters and really perfectly styled hair for selfies (like most people tbf, you want to look good if you're deliberately taking a picture of yourself usually). She always looked a little odd with the wide eyed, slightly open mouth expression. A bit vacant even then before all the meds and malingering. Going for a Delicate Little Fae Pixie look and I'd say she often kind of achieved that. She was quirky looking but I wouldn't say ugly or unattractive (and this is coming from someone who really hates her). Now however I think she often makes herself look like homeless, 50 year old schizophrenic as much as possible on purpose. The short hair was a bad idea made worse by the fact she is now somewhere she can't have everything she needs to style it and make it look ok. The weight gain obviously completely changed her looks and I don't think there is any going back from here. Maybe I'm wrong. I just don't understand why she didn't use the freedom of supported living (and ALL the money that was spent on her and all the help she was given) to go out walking, running, using a gym and getting back to the dancing that was apparently her life and she's posting constant pictures of, even more so now. Girl you had that completely within reach again in supported living! You said you were going back to the dance studio, getting new dance clothes that fit you. No you don't look the same as those old dance pictures and honestly you probably never will now you'be thrown it all away for some reason, but you could have certainly been dancing again by now and doing other exercise to lose weight healthily if you wished. Supported living had the freedom for you to go out and exercise and to get your own food so you could choose to eat healthily and sensibly, instead of being given whatever they had in hospital with no choice. I'll never understand how attention has somehow trumped all other desires now and she'd rather be locked up, lying in a bed getting pumped full of more fattening drugs like an animal in those terrible factory farms, instead of having relative freedom, dancing again 'showing all the other sides of herself' as she said her new account was for, away from mental illness. Just…….Why? Oh and where is the sock?
No. 1870095
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Enara is apparently almost out of money and 100% fine to eat McDonalds despite "not being able to eat meals"
No. 1870135
File: 1690211242016.jpg (869.56 KB, 1440x1800,…)

em says she's going to uni in September
No. 1870141
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beautiful Laura
No. 1870188
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Never change Abby
No. 1870205
File: 1690222710528.png (2.33 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230724-141829.png)

a full panic over bread instead of toast, good lord
No. 1870210
File: 1690222907283.png (2.16 MB, 853x1550, Screenshots_2023-07-24-14-15-3…)

well somebody needs to.
No. 1870264
File: 1690229540647.png (698.41 KB, 853x1546, Screenshots_2023-07-24-16-12-5…)

girl bye your anorexic days are long gone
No. 1870268
File: 1690229923966.jpeg (217.59 KB, 828x497, IMG_9346.jpeg)

In my noodle can wheelchair era
No. 1870272
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Marie’s supportive followers
No. 1870320
File: 1690235824366.png (1.79 MB, 750x1334, 9EB9B214-ACB6-4C9D-9F4B-17F446…)

Medfag but why Enara is on imigrin injections is beyond me. I can understand them not giving her tablets if swallowing was a legitimate issue (which we know is not) but they make nasal imigrin, which also works in case of nausea and vomiting. Also you’re meant to take it at first sign of migraine, and of course she’s waited all day
No. 1870350
File: 1690241084137.png (192.01 KB, 480x360, IMG_1432.png)

>>1870141This is all I see when she posts these photos
No. 1870379
>>1870320It's probably twofold. She may have been prescribed injections when previously on tablets when not able to take them due to her stomach needing a break after a battery-ectomy, but then never bothered to change the prescription back to tablets or a spray because injections are so much more extreme/munchie than either other option.
She can't have that bad a migraine yet either if she's posting on social media. Maybe this is just the beginnings of one and she's playing it up because again, munchie.
No. 1870457
>>1870129regurgitating is when the undigested food just comes straight back up out of the oesophagus (if you swallow something and then burp you might accidentally regurgitate a bit back into your mouth) vs vomiting where the stomach forcefully ejects it
no idea whether she actually means regurgitating or whether she thinks it's just a ~fancy~ term for puking
No. 1870467
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>>1870357It seems you’re purposely choosing bad photos. Didn’t say she was flawless, but she was far from ugly and by many accounts, yes she does check most Eurocentric beauty boxes: blue eyes, plump lips, straight white teeth, average sized nose, soft and proportionate facial features. You lot are fucked.
No. 1870479
File: 1690257301394.png (174.91 KB, 420x519, Screen Shot 2023-07-24 at 10.5…)

Let's all make up and enjoy the fact that enara spent $35usd on a bluetooth adaptor so she could use her airpods with the IFE even though she brought a tablet, an ipod, and I think her switch? it's more useful than a lot of her spending but also a part of her dumb pattern of compulsive spending on things she won't use frequently
No. 1870509
File: 1690263608977.png (1012.53 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230725-014028.png)

i have lost all respect for these trashy people. fucking nauseating.
No. 1870530
>>1870509I thought these fund raisers were for actual causes, the hair one was bad enough but this is taking the actual piss & people have actually donated…
I don’t have a job to pay for some cunts holiday.
No. 1870575
File: 1690284261398.jpg (233.72 KB, 1440x1429, Collage_2023-07-25_07_21_24~2.…)

i feel like australia deserves to just sink into the ocean at this point, it's like anything goes over there wtf
No. 1870653
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No. 1870660
File: 1690304028556.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1179x2001, IMG_0740.jpeg)

Good Lord
No. 1870679
File: 1690306494583.png (284.78 KB, 853x1318, Screenshots_2023-07-25-13-35-1…)

ahaha that's exactly what it is to you cows though
No. 1870714
>>1870653In all honesty I'm glad she's keeping up her flexibility even if her physical fitness has gone to shit. It's something at least.
>>1870660I take it back. Tie her to the bed please.
No. 1870844
>>1870509So there’s a group of them going. Probably priory girls. That’s going to go down well, a cocktail of eating disorders, personality disorders, alcohol, food and parties.
If she has to fundraiser to get there, how the hell is she going to afford anything in Ibiza? The main clubs and events you’re looking at 20€+ for a double vodka mixer. Bottles of water in the clubs are about 10€. Yikes
No. 1870861
File: 1690337439028.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1170x2036, IMG_2518.jpeg)

Stefania says fuck the haters
No. 1870885
>>1870736I'm not sure fetishises is the right term, I don't think people get off on it kek.. But I agree about the underdog culture. Like the other anon said, it's kind of built in to our history being a nation founded as a penal colony full of convicts.
It's either that or just a general gfy your not my problem type attitude. Hospitals don't want to deal with the trouble makers and police don't want the mental cases so they just get handballed around until something really fucked happens.
No. 1870944
File: 1690358424788.jpg (10.43 KB, 180x204, OG Gremlin.jpg)

>>1870938Lip curling beaut
No. 1870955
File: 1690361143696.jpeg (699.09 KB, 828x1420, 3AC08267-6394-43F0-B41C-5F2D17…)

The other day she posted that she’ll be on section in hospital for at least another 6 months like this
No. 1870956
>>1870940She only ever resricted for the attention imo, now she's found other more foolproof ways to get it, starving herself is off the table. And we know it's not exactly standard for long term patients to gain this kind of weight if her stories about nurses commenting on her weight gain are to be believed.
I just can't believe how much of her life she's wasted with this pathetic charade.
No. 1871084
File: 1690386610317.jpg (297.55 KB, 1038x1521, Collage_2023-07-26_11_50_57~2.…)

>>1871079tf do you care? you know you LOVE being "famous" for being a degenerate piece of shit scum of the earth
No. 1871152
>>1871133Also:"Daylia Brown will be released into supported housing after the justices found “no further incarceration (was) justified”."
Meanwhile, she's been causing public disturbances for.. how long now? since she got out. Great job, justices.
No. 1871171
File: 1690399379774.jpg (84.82 KB, 1211x894, fuckinghell.JPG)

Fucking hell, but then again i think it'd be better for society if she was with weirdos screaming at steak houses rather than causing problems for retail staff and important services.
No. 1871172
>>1871152When I tell you this chick has been WRITTEN ABOUT I found this part really interesting: "In Dr Carroll [psychiatrist]’s view, Ms Brown had reasonable prospects for rehabilitation, but these were contingent on a ‘long-term, intensive, tailormade, bespoke rehabilitation plan both in custody and subsequently in the community’. He opined that imprisonment would be counterproductive for Ms Brown’s rehabilitation and risk mitigation, and that her personality disorder would cause her to suffer more than the average prisoner."
I wonder what happened to this 'intensive' and 'tailormade' rehab plan idea
No. 1871253
File: 1690409952286.png (495.48 KB, 424x684, Screen Shot 2023-07-26 at 5.21…)

This is extremely on brand as Enara's first stop after getting back
No. 1871254
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Chii/Kara finally admitting that she relapsed
No. 1871442
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Didn't see anyone post this yet. Though I saw someone ask about Abby's tiktok
No. 1871503
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No. 1871522
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No. 1871525
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seems like they found enough dumb people to pay for lauren
No. 1871547
File: 1690471684730.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1125x1668, IMG_7646.jpeg)

>>1870660If Ham ever figured out leg lifting technology every one of her posed/skinny vs natural would have a ~natural with her leg to the sky and her gut pushed as far out as possible holding a bagel covered in icing and bacon bits. We’re blessed she needs both feet planted to the ground for her larp. Pic cause we haven’t seen real ana recovery in a minute
No. 1871662
>>1871614Wait what? Becca had a toob? Lyn the dietitian removed it at 12:12?
First I’ve heard about this.
No. 1871664
File: 1690486220402.jpeg (146.23 KB, 1125x684, IMG_9842.jpeg)

She doesn’t know what to do. Maybe try eating doll?
No. 1871667
File: 1690486304974.jpeg (Spoiler Image,271.62 KB, 1125x1557, IMG_9841.jpeg)

had to get the bone in shot
No. 1871745
>>1871667She must think she’s some ana celeb with all the interactions but in reality they’re just following her to
trigger themselves kek
No. 1871755
File: 1690496059262.jpg (203.83 KB, 1080x1181, Screenshot_20230727_231604.jpg)

>>1871099I remember her. She made her acc private so we might never know
But she's an ED nurse now so hopefully she recovered before doing that
No. 1871765
>>1871547I wish she would move on from this pathetic fake ED larp. Her face is pretty enough, she can be a normal twenty+something and idk I forgot what else she likes to do, but she can do those things. It's seriously weird how she clings to an ED she never had when she could be a reasonably attractive woman doing anything else.
Not to harp on her attractiveness, I know it sounds sketchy but she clearly has some hangups in that area and she's fine the way she is. She's not thin (never was) but also not massive, with a pretty face. That goes a long way for women and men, esp in the UK.
No. 1871828
>>1871815Girl, you're retarded, it's a one off comment about me finding it weird, how does that make me high up on myself? Sorry I don't understand anachan culture kek
>>1871819Yes I know 4, 2 very closely and they follow other alcoholics they know from group. Not random alcoholics they've found online, I just find it weird that some of the cows seem to not know each other at all irl and just follow each other because they're anachans.
No. 1871877
>>1871748It's not free, it's paid for by taxes. Free at the point of service. Except for prescriptions which have a set charge.
I would expect private clinics to be more liberal with phone use, the NHS should in theory be stricter because you don't get unlimited stays before the local health board starts refusing your referrals for IP treatment due to lack of progress, and I'm sure loads of these girls look at thinspo 5 hours a day.
No. 1871882
>>1871767UKfag here to chime in - I don't recall unlimited food. There was a kitchen in one particular unit where patients could keep their own snack cupboards but you'd still need to buy them/have someone bring them for you and then have staff unlock the cupboards. There was also a canteen in the hospital in general, but again you'd need both money and the privilege of going out of the unit. There defeinitely wasn't like, snacks on tap unless you're counting fruit and cups of tea (cos UK).
Mind you I do remember one young woman absolutely blowing up over a few months. She was obviously on one of those antipsychotics known for it, Risperidone was popular at that place, but even so it was just a mindblowing amount of gaining for someone who wasn't eating 24/7. Later one of the staff realised she'd been going into the kitchen and taking the calorie-dense nutritional drinks for the patients with EDs, and having 3-4 of those a day like fuckin juice boxes.
No. 1871887
>>1871878It doesn't mean they'll get as many stays as needed to recover though, especially in adult services. The downside to the NHS is they have to make financially sound decisions and ones that suggest the best outcomes. That means standardised treatment plans even if it's not the
best treatment for the individual in many cases, weight limits for elective surgeries (boo fatphobic kek), and you'll be expected to put the work in w/ ED and mental health services or get discharged.
No. 1871894
File: 1690511664561.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1956, Screenshot_20230727-223356~2.p…)

hahahaha ngl i enjoy Abby's craziness, but bitch please!!!!! you can make dancing tiktoks inpatient but other people joking about it being a vacation disgusts you? fuck off
No. 1871903
File: 1690513077771.png (6.29 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_2626.png)

Lmfaooo did you see this shmegeh skin walker literaly to the point they’re holding the same phone case as the photos to be the photo and it don’t even fit their phone
No. 1871904
File: 1690513106046.jpeg (293.81 KB, 1157x1656, IMG_2625.jpeg)

No. 1871956
>>1871645She posted a couple of weeks ago saying that as a result of her skin problems she started trying cutting out various foods to se eif that helped and instantly
triggered Ed thoughts + a relapse of some sort.
No. 1871961
>>1871791Nta but you just described why it's weird
>so they can read more eating disorder shit, keep tabs on each other, and implicitly competeAnd then sperged about how it's not weird
No. 1871962
>>1871903Stop self posting
We can’t even see your fucking username
No. 1872003
>>1871805i agree it’s odd too i don’t know why the other anon got so
triggered over this lol
No. 1872013
File: 1690534584414.png (438.09 KB, 425x692, Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 3.57…)

Enara complaining about self-inflicted shit, as usual. (She fucked up a tooth by eating candy in the UAE and obviously scheduled her hand surgery and the trip, so knew they would be that close together)
No. 1872076
File: 1690548266943.png (1.61 MB, 853x1645, Screenshots_2023-07-28-08-42-1…)

when em was on live the other day bitching about her gofundme being posted about on here, she said she was making a new smaller close friends list, and they would be the only ones getting pictures of Ibiza lol what happened em? negative attention is better than no attention i guess. these cunts are truly shameless.
No. 1872136
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quick make another gofundme, lauren needs weed money
No. 1872137
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No idea what this is about, but looks like things might get interesting soon with whitney 1/2
No. 1872140
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No. 1872177
File: 1690564370432.jpg (520.94 KB, 1080x1901, IMG_20230728_181206.jpg)

Well nonnas, it looks like she can officially become a graduated cow. Hats off to her. This time last year, I was fully convinced she was gonna be shuffling off this mortal coil within a matter of months. Must be my soft old heart, but I do love a cow success story.
No. 1872185
>>1872183Kek. That'll never happen,
nonnie. That's entirely who she is deep down inside!
No. 1872202
File: 1690567124406.jpeg (231.6 KB, 828x1577, 034C4C5F-8F82-4608-94CA-591F5B…)

Anyone here remember kimperi? She’s still lying about being an ana chan snd is trying to hint at having a mysterious illness aka “I could have cancer”
No. 1872250
File: 1690573523637.png (561.37 KB, 430x714, Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 2.47…)

Chii admitting that she's never stopped calorie counting. She honestly does seem to be acting a lot more mature/self-reflective about everything this time around, which makes me feel hopeful that she's outgrown her bullshit.
No. 1872258
File: 1690574796069.jpg (68.49 KB, 608x487, 12345.JPG)

>>1872208, I had a closer look and as predicted I couldn't find anything real, but other people telling the same story as I did. This is one of the things I found and I can't look back at her tumblr as I don't have an account.
No. 1872282
File: 1690579529607.jpeg (401.76 KB, 828x866, IMG_9373.jpeg)

This is what bmi 21 looks like when you’re five foot two, you guys.
No. 1872298
File: 1690581414466.jpeg (668.06 KB, 745x1364, IMG_0947.jpeg)

>>1872177though on her next story she still looks very underweight. not saying she hadn’t made progress but i’m still waiting for her to pass bmi 15 (and let everyone know)
No. 1872300
>>1872076Imagine being lauren, she’s the least successful identical triplet. Instead of remedying this by getting her life on track, she’s ebegging for plane tickets bc mommy and daddy refuse to put up with her shit. If anything, Em’s about to need a gofundme for skin cancer with the way she’s going. I’ve never seen someone’s skin look
that bad.>>1872240group activity! gotta have something to do while you’re waiting for golden hour to have a photoshoot.
No. 1872303
>>1871974There are more reasons than depression or psychosis to be in a psych ward.
But if y'all want to sit there and get fat then go for it.
No. 1872318
File: 1690584141636.png (822.98 KB, 1080x1890, Screenshot_20230729-004000.png)

Possible new cow?
Smallish account but open,constantly in hospital posting about super severe Anorexia while also posting loads of unhealthy food,and like our fave other cows, dance videos
No. 1872370
>>1872318please share more
nonnie, i love the fatorexica nervosa breed of cow
No. 1872379
File: 1690594005981.jpeg (129.41 KB, 640x971, 53C97286-DB93-4A8C-9414-01B80F…)

Some dancing pics?
No. 1872381
File: 1690594132073.jpeg (126.33 KB, 640x968, E68A13B1-16A0-4B0F-8BB3-17A09A…)

This is apparently anorexia. There is also text explaining that someone can be obese and also anorexic.
No. 1872382
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No. 1872384
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No. 1872394
File: 1690594810761.png (348.13 KB, 385x403, Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 8.42…)

>>1872381wow, she gained a lot of weight in like a year
No. 1872431
File: 1690599110081.png (379.81 KB, 467x469, Screen Shot 2023-07-28 at 9.53…)

Do you think Ham takes a new set of pictures every few days or that she just did one big photoshoot in a bunch of different underwear? They're all literally the same except the underwear kek
No. 1872502
>>1872495>Y’all are chronically online damn>Uses Twatters Y'allMirrors are wonderful things
No. 1872522
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No. 1872525
File: 1690617091270.jpeg (317.97 KB, 1170x2075, 9F58C45E-3382-46E0-80CC-DBE3ED…)

anyone remember jen peach? the cow who despite having terrible anorexia became a “fitness coach” and got into weightlifting, then got hospitalized and ran away and got caught and sent back to the hospital? she’s out now and she’s become a schizo freelee frugivore
No. 1872541
>>1872064Becca's posts remind me of that game where you have to repeat the things the people before you said and then add on your own.
We already know what her posts will contain, before she gets to the point of the post.
No. 1872544
>>1872525Jesus I just saw a "what I eat in a day" of her. A WHOLE watermelon in the morning? A ton of peaches & berrys, 8 Mangos? The fructose will destroy her in the long run.
I can't believe people actually think this madness is healthy. Literally zero braincells left. And she calls herself an eating disorder therapist. She's not a therapist, she didn't study anything. That's a slap in someones face who actually recovered from an ed and finished studying psychology to become a therapist for these kind of things. What a delusional bum.
No. 1872553
>>1872384>I can't stop absorping moistureSponge girl!
FR though, I think she's saying she has lymphoedema and her legs do look like it.
No. 1872582
File: 1690631686896.png (932.01 KB, 853x1748, Screenshots_2023-07-29-07-53-2…)

what miracle drugs she's on that makes her confident enough to post this shit
No. 1872603
File: 1690635543921.png (822.32 KB, 1064x2106, Screenshot_20230729-085954~2.p…)

lol eugghhh i seriously can't look away no matter how bad it gets
No. 1872625
File: 1690638400034.jpeg (63.7 KB, 526x480, IMG_0934.jpeg)

>>1872258This is apparently Kimiperi‘s before&after
No. 1872628
File: 1690639007128.png (1.14 MB, 1048x920, hgtfrdtfyghukl.png)

Stefania posted a tiktok yesterday about LC and us talking about her the other day. I'd post the video but it's almost 7 minutes and I don't think that would load very well. I honestly feel bad because she mentions a comment where someone says they hope she dies because she's a burden on the healthcare system, I don't remember seeing that comment but there has been a lot of wishing death and harm on the cows lately and it's getting a bit much. She's not even that bad, she doesn't really post anything harmful. And I'm pretty sure all of her ED treatment is through private care not public so it's not really like she's taking that space away from anyone because only wealthier people could afford it anyway, and it's all outpatient therapy. It's not like she's non fatally ODing on paracetamol daily or swallowing objects for a surgeon to remove every other week.
So yeah I know this is against the rules but I wanted to say Stefania I'm sorry the comments here hurt you and I'm sorry that some anon took things so far as to wish death on you, it's not right what that anon said and it isn't true. You seem like a very sweet person with a very positive outlook on life and recovery, wherever you are in that process of recovery I wish you luck and if the comments here start bothering you again you should private your accounts. There's no need for an anonymous thread to fuck with your mental health.
No. 1872629
File: 1690639433956.png (846.63 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230729-100146.png)

No. 1872650
File: 1690642616946.webm (18.23 MB, 576x1024, um um um.webm)
>>1872628Drive by archiving. Here’s the full video in somewhat questionable quality so it’s able to be archived locally.
You sound sweet, Nona. I hope you have a lovely day. No. 1872716
File: 1690654032545.jpg (Spoiler Image,615.11 KB, 933x1632, coverthyself.jpg)

>>1872654>DO NOT OPEN IF YOU DONT WANT TO SEE EC'S NIPPLEApparently this is what happened on stream. She may not have actually noticed this happening, but this woman knows good and damn well how to expose her body and what angles to use. She's been doing this for years and knows exactly how to milk the internet for attention. Her panty flashes mustn't be doing it anymore, or her brain is legit rotten to the point she's oblivious. Either way, she needs to be taken off the internet ASAP.
Deleted as my dumbass forgot to spoiler the pic.
No. 1872768
>>1872628Kek no one has ever wished death on her. She lives in the US. We do not have any public treatment options here for her to take advantage of. Props to her for finally admitting she doesn’t have precious ARFID but that lack of accountability for the content she posts negates everything. She uses her ED as an accessory to gain followers and then plays
victim when people call her out for it. She’s not a BPD nightmare, but she’s extremely entitled and manipulative
No. 1872794
File: 1690662435131.png (2.2 MB, 1080x1947, Screenshot_20230729-162101~2.p…)

damn i want to see what she has to say about EDs…..kinda retarded to act like she's worried about triggering people when she posts her self harm shit with no problem
No. 1872833
>>1872716What the
fuck is that… anyway
Is anyone making the next thread, if not, is there anything special we should include in #100?
No. 1872857
>>1872636You just blame every nasty comment on one person, who in fact has never wished death on anyone and literally doesn't care about these particular cows. If they're even cows.
Here's the Reddit spacing. So 2 girls are drunk on vacation? Who cares? That's what a lot of people do on vacation. Does it matter if they act trashy?! People everywhere are doing the same thing. Again; who cares? They're not using healthcare resources or bed blocking or malingering. They're having a VACATION. Yea they took people's money but the people gave it to them freely. (Didn't take my money so I don't care).
Seriously; being drunk and messing about by a pool is NOT a reason anyone 'deserves' to be trafficked, assaulted, attacked, anything! It's horrific someone would write that. And horrific to blame someone and assume that's how they think! Nobody 'deserves' any of those things. Or death wishes.
And Stefania? Literally don't know who she is. But she doesn't seem to be malingering or being a drain or doing anything to make someone angry to be honest so I don't know why anyone would say those things. But yea; stop just always blaming the same person for basically everything. Because you're wrong.
No. 1872873
>>1872866More like wish she would stop using all the resources with malingering and would get discharged with no more admissions and BS. She's had enough, way more than her share, clearly not getting better and manipulating to constantly get more because she enjoys it.
I just wish her to be seen for what she's doing, cut off and discharged so she stops wasting resources when others have nothing. She'd probably get better even!
Same for Han but she's not doing it so much now. Or not posting about it.
No. 1872905
File: 1690675220791.jpeg (162.33 KB, 749x1026, C28A2066-7EF3-4C35-9FF8-BBE4D3…)

There has been a lot of post and then delete lately. And now she’s trying out a new line in preaching about recovery (which she clearly doesn’t want since she orchestrated her way back into here).
No. 1872908
File: 1690675364866.jpeg (119.54 KB, 750x1033, E4EF1C37-7B99-4218-BC0E-EBD1C4…)

Even the recently posted dance vids are gone. (But they live on).
No. 1872912
File: 1690675793611.jpeg (186.4 KB, 747x1096, 3396B528-7439-4A0C-B80B-07B07B…)

There’s no way that she wants ‘recovery.’ That would mean getting out of hospital. She didn’t even want partial recovery and partial freedom : she’s sabotaged that every single time to get back into being locked up. This ‘recovery’ preaching is so hypocritical I would bet any money she removes it by tomorrow and posts that’s she’s back on 2:1 with another messed up face picture.
No. 1872917
>>1872857I don't think people would have cared as much if she hadn't had the GoFundMe. Sure, people didn't have to donate to it, but the fact that she had the audacity to do it in the first place is definitely the kind of behavior I'd expect from a cow.
The deleted comment about trafficking was definitely really shitty, though, not to mention breaking board rules. It'd be nice if people could NOT wish awful things on the cows.
No. 1872919
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Lolita aged 60
No. 1872931
>>1872794not laura claiming to be
triggered by ED things and proudly spamming her accounts with full body pictures of how she looks now
No. 1872964
File: 1690683957858.jpg (Spoiler Image,78.24 KB, 675x602, ugottakeepemdesiccated .jpg)

>>1872820I dunno, it is entirely possible she just simply spaced out, and did something stupid as a result. Again. Except she had a proven track record of flashing her naked tits at the camera as evidenced by pic related. She was eyefucking herself the entire time in that particular stream and KNEW she exposed too much. This time though, the more I think about it, she truly may have been oblivious due to the fact she's so used to being exposed. The last time this shit happened she SWORE she'd wear bras or pasties, always, during her lives. Well we see that didn't last long and now she's suffering the consequences. Really if she had just put on a neon colored bandeau all this would have been avoided. A soft trainer, you name it. As she said she would do after the Just Dance fiasco. Woman simply doesn't give a shit and it shows.
>>1872750It's really not the flash, it's the repeated acts after her audience has implored her to make changes and stop it. That's where the outrage is. She has minors regularly following and watching her shit yet STILL refuses to ensure her content is age appropriate. Absolutely mental.
No. 1872984
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i can't stand this cunt
No. 1873007
>>1872984>Different circumstancesI half understand this, it's a new and fairly exciting trip, someone else did all the scheduling, all Enara had to do was show up when scheduled and sit in her room eating and watching movies the rest of the time. But I also want to know how the fuck she gets insured to travel with such a history of spontaneous self harm. I'm guessing by some miracle she's always been in Australia when the urge took her.
>I hardly ate? First of all, Spanish latte is made with condensed milk so it's hugely calorie dense. whatever, that's nitpicking and if she only had that and fruit she'd have come back having lost weight even it was just a week. However we all saw her junk food hauls. I bet she binged every night but because she didn't have lunch she thinks she can still say she's got an ED.
No. 1873016
>>1872984She must have forgotten all the Arabic bread she said she ate every morning and the haul of chocolate and chips she showed on her stories. Maybe she doesn't count things that she 'regurgitates' kek
Highly doubt shes a purger though, that's why she tries to ruin her digestive system by swallowing batteries so that she literally can't eat, because otherwise she just binges.
No. 1873024
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i love this gross little goblina kek. i’m glad she’s happy and well
No. 1873044
>>1873024i'm really glad she seems to be happy and well too. still feel like a missed a whole chunk of something with her though. like she was living at home (with parents?) and then suddenly she had a job and a boyfriend and new roof over her head.
did she get real help or was it a no choice thing?
No. 1873101
File: 1690720925751.jpeg (161.58 KB, 1403x962, IMG_2025.jpeg)

This video came up on YT this morning. Anyone else remember her? Lauren Beth - dad committed suicide and abusive mother. She just kind of vanished off YT and SM in general. Curious to know what happened to her or if she went into treatment or recovered.
No. 1873115
File: 1690725177572.png (1.62 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230730-095125.png)

they are literally laughing their asses off on live cuz em just said, "i came here with 800 euros and i have 150 left. i spent 650 euros in 2 days HAHAHA THAT'S ICONIC HAHAHAHAHA THAT'S HILARIOUS HAHAHA"
No. 1873174
>>1872833New threads seem to just be a general summary and links to people's social media.
Anyone around who can make a good photo edit for #100? We went from 1100 to 1167 pretty fast
No. 1873281
File: 1690743367453.jpg (314.21 KB, 1125x617, Lauren_R.jpg)

>>1873101I didn't watch the video, quickly skimmed through without sound and couldn't see modern stuff as footage. Her real name is Lauren Rokusek. She's got items uploaded to poshmark and is active. Her FB was updated publicly 2020. Someone commented that she had a tiktok, and she is active as of 1 day ago so safe to say she is alive & well.
No. 1873330
File: 1690748507305.jpg (15.85 KB, 821x52, YoutubeComment.JPG)

>>1873281Sorry to samefag, but i missed out the YouTube reply. It sounds like she's still actively bulimic but is doing better.
No. 1873421
>>1873036Nta with the blocks of text but I made one longer post and someone is telling everyone to 'start Reddit spacing' so….Asked…Delivered. But yea imagine that meeting.
>>1873096 How is that when other people post it's fine but anything that you THINK comes from a certain person is always 'shitting up the thread'? I genuinely do not understand. And more than half the time you blame a post on someone and it wasn't even them.
>>1873239 Please explain exactly how this is 'shitting up the thread.' Which multiple cows? Again people are assuming things which are untrue.
No. 1873440
>>1873421ITT, colours acting like she isnt colours, yet continues to post the same vendettas/arguments/"im not colours" all while using the same identifiable grammar, writing style and repeated use of the word "yea".
>>1872857 for proof)
No. 1873450
File: 1690760263414.png (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 853x1549, Screenshots_2023-07-30-19-03-2…)

how fucking hard is it to not light yourself on fire
No. 1873474
File: 1690765305384.png (554.64 KB, 467x574, Screen Shot 2023-07-30 at 8.03…)

stef: why do people say my posts are irresponsible??
> poses in stupid way to show off her weight loss, posts one million bikini pictures
No. 1873520
>>1873474stef: i'm not pro ana
also stef: poses so that we can see every tendon and bone in her chest and arms
No. 1873523
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>>1873520another recent Stef post
No. 1873525
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>>1873523extremely normal picture
No. 1873650
File: 1690805815260.jpeg (835.6 KB, 2208x1242, IMG_9228.jpeg)

Kek… just a lil tooby selfie, to remind herself of the good old days. Can’t remember when it was removed or who by though? Can anybody jog my memory, please
No. 1873731
File: 1690817299715.png (686.46 KB, 853x1403, Screenshots_2023-07-31-11-25-1…)

this skank has absolutely massive binges every single day, but when she does her calendars/trackers/fasting timers/ etc. she always claims to be fasting cuz she purges everything. that's not how it works wtf…if you're b/p-ing, you're not fasting. absolute braindead moron
No. 1873733
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No. 1873742
File: 1690818768597.png (791.07 KB, 853x1412, Screenshots_2023-07-31-11-54-4…)