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No. 1683795
A 'trad' in this context is a woman with pronounced "traditionalist" values especially around gender which usually shows up as "anti-feminist" attitudes emphasizing how women should be subservient to men and essentially embrace being "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen." We all know what a 'thot' is and most of these girls in fact show up on social media with photos not-at-all subtly focusing on their looks. Our "tradthots" mostly try to have the best of both worlds, consciously or not. While claiming traditional values they embrace modernity and many of the gains of feminism in their pursuit of grift and clout.
Most have pickme tendencies and are addicted to the dopamine hits off male attention in social media despite the fact that some are (supposedly happily) married and claim to believe that a woman should reserve her sexuality for her husband. They tend to be from well-off backgrounds and have lived very sheltered lives of privelege although many come off as possibly having some trauma problems. Their attention to the female role and the female body often comes off as performative and even fetishistic, to appeal to their audience of MGTOW red pilled incels, neckbeards, and wignats.
Many of our tradthots are quite preoccupied with the outer trapings of religion, usually identifying with reactionary trends within Roman Catholicism or sometimes Eastern Orthodoxy. Some are quite fond of parading around in conservative dress or a chapel veil, but almost invariably this comes off as weirld sexualized too. Meanwhile all the religious talk on social media falls flat and seems performative. Reached for comment, Jesus Christ had this to say: "they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen … they have their reward." (Matthew 6:5)
A few examples are:
Lauren Southern
>Former costhot>Failed journalist, pissed off both the left and right.>Got famous for her anti-feminist MRA content>Was in multiple anti slutwalk videos>Promoted traditional values and white nationalism>Dated an ethnic man>4chan nazis found out and got big mad>Made multiple shitty documentaries where she misrepresents facts and pushes the far right narrative.>Recently married, husband is allegedly Asian, she hides his identity>Whitewashes her poor baby, insists he has green eyes and a ginger gene>Released a pro-cop documentary Barrett
>She's gained over 10k subs in the last month or so alone >Decided to become traditional after doing some marriage group with her husband and allegedly realizing that she was apparently the one creating all the problems in her marriage>Claims she was a "porn addicted feminist" before marriage>It seems like she was already doing a variety of other trendy types of videos before but her channel was small, now she almost exclusively posts advice content>Makes advice/reaction videos from the perspective of a married woman talking to single women where she criticizes women for things like leaving their husbands for cheating on them, and is always making comments that are obviously meant for a male audience >Gets hilariously visibly mad whenever talking about other women even if the women in question are just some women she made up to be mad at or some low hanging cosmo writer fruit Riley
>Ex yoga teacher and libfem hippie.>Supports rapist Roosh V>Used to have pink hair and a nose ring and spent her 20s traveling and dating abusive bums.>Born again Christian housewife>Had a baby at 31 married to some Slovakian meat head.>Writes for Evie magazine aka Tradthot daily Britton
>Ana chan pick me who wrote an MRA children's book.>Did some shitty acting gigs.>Is engaged to some old fat, frumpy bum with greasy hair.>Posts about cooking like it makes her special.>Tweets daily about how oppressed scrotes are.
>PhD but preaches traditional values>Spergs about how amazing eastern European men are>Eats raw ground meat with shit bacteria mixed in>Wants to live in a hut in Sibera>got called out for being a Gold Digger >>1340549Twitter: Midwest:
>Married an ugly abusive cop>Youtube channel where she teaches her tradthot ways>Follows rapist Roosh V gospel>Said women are genetically predisposed to cleaning>Weird posts about her own pregnancy>Caught following WN accounts on instagram>Tries to emulate WN promo material aesthetic>Knocked up again >>1322420 No. 1683827
Why do secular and christian antifeminist women have so much trust to assume men are good and naturally benevolent, chivalrous, providing whiteknights?
They really think men are more inclined to be good than women, what is the basis for this “men are wonderful” belief, given all the cheating, red pill, incel, voluntary transgenderism of males, raping, abuse stats overall.
Fallen nature is fallen, and a fallen man can lord over and make bad decisions, it’s gonna be uglier and more impactful than sinful women could ever. When men are bad, they are HORRID. What is thadthots’ endgoal in giving men the benefit of doubt or thinking they can coax men to be good, as if Men don’t take advantage and make other selfish choices just ‘cause they can.
Is tradwomen’s strategy to think forcing men to have a nuclear family and taking back the whole workforce going to “suddenly make men monogamous, good and responsible” will work, as if men cannot cheat with another housewife or friend’s teen daughter, walk out on family if he’s tired of the wife, arrange new marriages with younger girls? How does tradwifery strategy of “trapping men back into the plantation by giving up all voting and jobs” make men suddenly ‘care and protective of’ uneducated, vulnerable women and girls with no money or resources, when men have their pick and take advantage of them instead? Many manospherians have mentioned they would make society filled with harems and sex slaves if they could, so its not like they want to marry women deep down. Is giving men the benefit of the doubt working yet?
No. 1683924
>>16838271. they're retarded
2. muh men im related and emotionally attached to, are they really that bad? no, it must be that the specific abused wammins deserved it because muh just world fallacy
3. they're retarded
No. 1684010
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>Seems to be anti-feminist and rightwing tankie mainly because she's an Islam/Middle Eastern supremacist, strongly religious beyond the point of nationalism
>Over 30, seething about the fact she didn't get picked to be a wife already/un-married. Feels that if society turned to tradcon she would get picked
>Supports and adopts all the opinions of Russia, China, Iran.
>Anything which contradicts her tankie narrative she labels a "western coup" or "bad actors sent by US"
>Gotten plastic surgery to the point her eyes look glassy with filler
>Posted anti-feminist takes before and how muslim men and religion rules are much better than west
>When Andrew Tate drama broke out she simped for him and took his side
>Naturally masochistic, seems to enjoy being insulted and suffering from men, loves bad men
>Also thinks women should be masochistic and beauty themselves up/not trans & keep their tits only for being used and sexually consumed by men
>Worst thing, when the Iran protest drama broke out she defended the treatment of the female protestors, denied protests authenticity calling it western-funded destablizing riots, made hot takes about how she was happy those "bad women" were done away with & crueler things about how she doesn't mind those punishments. Masochistic.
No. 1684029
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>>1684010sameera khan is a well known troll in leftist/pakistan online discourse, she just enjoys being the contrarian, not saying she doesn't believe in all of the shit she spouts but to an extent she just says stuff that she knows will make people mad, I know about her from the drama she caused in Pakistani twitter, she used to be hardcore PTI(a centrist liberal Islamic party) supporter, when the PTI lost power in a military backed coup and their supporters turned against the military, she changed her allegiance to the PPP(pakistan people's party) which is the largest "left wing" mainstream party in Pakistan
so yeah, she has no real allegiance or set ideology, she just vaguely follows whoever is against "the liberals"
No. 1684180
the person in the OP pic is a straight-up ghoul. either politics have seeped so deep into her household it's now a "character" her son is interested in, or she made him dress up that way instead of letting him be a paw patrol or whatever children like.
Rebecca Barrett gives a vibe of airhead, mediocre middle school mean girl. it's like being a tradthot gave her a way to feel superior and judge and preach, so she ran with it. some of those women who make a fuss about staying home are grifters but not her, i sense some malevolent energy from her i'd only felt from older religious women.
>>1684041i listened to it, it's actually not a bad video at all. depressed moids are a plague and if telling them to stop being a bitch and take responsibility makes them better and useful, i'll take it.
No. 1684227
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>>1684203>>1684180i went snooping on her instagram and she used to be a caricature of the most basic girlboss.
No. 1684236
>>1683890No, it's women who've been abused, or know how likely it is they'll be abused at some point, like
>>1683905 and Dworkin
>>1649417 have said. Women who know and/or date good men don't end up posting self-hating trad brainrot online
No. 1684246
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>>1684228her top-shelf, chromosomely nigel makes use of his eloquence to explain how he changed who she was, and how she used to be not wife material but "mad annoying", and she agrees, and lets out a forced laugh. not fond of calling women pick-mes but that was really painful. beyond indelicate to publicly disparage your wife, beyond embarassing to submit to this dude. this was an occasion to praise her for her growth and whatever but he chose to belittle her.
she's really stunted, jumping from an #entrepreneur online identity into diligent trad wife in the snap of a finger. idk whether she really hated working and did it only for her public image and online clout, or accidentally got pregnant with a random dude and tried to make it intentional, but this seems like she'd vanish into nothingness were her phone taken from her hand
No. 1684757
>>1684246painful is the right word, how he talks about reworking her brain is just gross, reminds me of some
abusive moids I have encountered not so much exactly what he says but in her response which is very unsettling
No. 1685882
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Mask off moment with one of the moids right-wing women support. Implying all-men political teams are better and that the west was wrong for letting women in even a little.
Does this mean right-wing males, when they take back all or a large amount of power and stances, would gladly get rid of their fellow rw female counterparts, like Majorie Taylor Greene, Candace Owens and Kari Lake?? If they could?
No. 1685922
What I also don’t get about tradthots and antifeminist women is how they want to get married just for the sake of getting married, and keeping a man just for the sake of “keeping up appearances” and “showing off at least some guy worships me enough to be attached”, while the whole town knows her nigel has had 3 affairs outside their marriage, flirting with the barfly on weekends and giving pedo looks to the teenage girls when walking past the high school everyday.
Why, what do these antifem women think is their reward is: for putting up with a guy they aren’t crazy in love with but just for convenience and to say “at least I’m married unlike floosies”, laughing at female doctors, techies, lawyers, aka any woman who has a job and earns their own income, writing venomous essays about “unsubmissive” women and women who just want to be single, being jealous and having one-sided feuds with teen girls and younger women her husband oogles, and having empty nest after her children leave and can’t stand her from Overbearing Mother Syndrome(these type of women make the worst mother-in-laws)?
Is that kind of lifestyle even a reward? What’s the use of flaunting your marriage cert and how good it is on the surface when underneath you know it’s not as good as how you make it out to be? Serious, how are they achieving anything by just tearing down other women while being held down and limited by their man themselves?
No. 1686552
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>Kara Mosher, has podcasts discussing conspiracies
>Claims to be a believer in Christ, but knocks christian republican figures and calls them 'controlled opposition'.
>Talks about how the elites sexually abuse and groom children, epstein island, trump being part of the new world agenda, Elon musk using ai for ungodly means, yet still say 'women have to stay silent and listen to men' and 'feminists are bad' and 'its in the bible'. Because men always have women's best interests at heart all the time and are trustable apparently…
>Literal flat-earther, believes its also in the bible where descriptions of the earth means its flat.
True Christian or fake testimony grifter?
No. 1686673
>>1684029She definitely has no real identity and just shit posts and trolls for any attention. Maybe she wants to get picked by a useless scrote even though she’s over 30 and the ones she trolls for hates that. Maybe not. It’s just fucked up that she has chooses the worst takes that would fuck as many women over as possible. On Iran specifically since so many girls have been killed. Wonder if Sam will go rad fem as she gets older and still not picked.
>>1685882Ring wing women think if they shit on women enough, they’ll get a scrap of power. Too bad their men don’t give a fuck about them. In the us there was a story of a pro life woman needing an emergency abortion so she wrote to her fellow pro life senator for help. And he told her to go to an anti abortion clinic so basically to just die. Ring wing women will be shocked to be reminded that they are women first. And men hate women
>>1686552Grifter 100%. More people are less religious than ever so they need to recruit more people that’s why I think many of them are trying to absorb other groups like flat earthers and conspiracy theorists to be Christian
No. 1686839
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Megha got married.
No. 1686908
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Even after 1 marriage and a baby, this "lady" still wants orbiters and simp armies of terminally single failmales drooling at her feet.
She even threw some of her fellow right wing pickmes under the bus before, she is the most jealous of them all.
Honestly, Lauren Chen just seems like one of those SuperStraight evily Psychotic Antifeminist Woman, with a big agenda to use her pickmeism and suck up to red pill males in hope to destroy most other women and their rights while elevating herself only and trying to make herself "an exception to join the boys club" so that she will be spared and exempted from the female rules that those men want to dictate.
Seems to be a common archetype in the antifeminist women sphere, the other one being Closeted Predatory Lesbian who is all mra talk because she "identifies with" straight men and thinks rape and getting sex with females out of shady means should be considered "ok". But its obvious Lauren is the former. Closeted antifems have that horrible leer in their eyes and easy to tell they are closeted if studied for a minute.
The irony of Chen "subtly" discouraging women not to get jobs and make babies young so "men will be pleased" while building her own brand and shilling herself and her work also shows how she doesn't practice what she preach and just wants to keep other women down while she gets her own brand and money. Why do pickme Phyllis Schaflys do this, insult other girls who want a career and say it makes them hit the wall and have no family, while being a lawyer(Phyllis)/doing a job of their own themselves?! Who are they trying to fool? How come their male orbiters do not call them out on "building their brand/self-promoting their work" while ree-ing against normie women that do?
At least some of Lauren's simp army has turned on her now, they talked about how she was possibly a 'transgender androgyne'.
And notice how her "not all men are sex offenders" and "respect what men say" just evaporate when she talks about transwomen? They're males and she's not including them in her orbiter army, but if Chen believes "men are human too", then interesting how she is so against letting them in the female bathrooms, sharing spaces and says TW are doing male privilege by trying to force validation? Suddenly she acknowledges terf talking points? Double standards, or trying to cover extra hard for her identity like Blaire White.
No. 1686934
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Milo spilling legit milk or lying?
No. 1687077
>>1685916This guy doesn't think anyone other than landowning men should be able to vote. He's a dyed in the wool misogynist.
>>1686552Christianity, like all other male-created religions, exists solely to create a cultural context in which men are given sexual access to women and girls no matter how worthless they are. This is why its central tenet is that women must be submissive to men, no matter their behavior–yeah, they'll say men
should be kind and virtuous and all that, but it's not a hard command like female submissiveness is. Read testimonies from people who grew up in hardcore Christian communities: women who get raped and abused are told they're the problem for not being submissive enough. Husband is gambling their money away? Be more submissive. He's driving their family to ruin? Submit to him more, it's his right. They absolutely have beliefs as crazy as this woman's, I don't think she's necessarily a grifter.
No. 1687197
>>1686908>being a woman driverexplain why women have lower car insurance rates, cum gargler
>>1687067my mom is a product of an asian male and caucasoid-ish female, can confirm she's batshit insane and has a racial inferiority complex she projected on me my entire childhood kek
No. 1687412
>>1687067It doesn't seem like just internalized racism, though lauren chen seems like the sort who might snap and identify as 'transracial white girl' on the inside and get all the plastic surgeries if she could. There is also an element of jealousy and psycho hatred of other women just for being women, and having to share the male attention, aka ~competition~ to her.
Even if you said she was relatively pretty, she still thinks its "not enough" against the other girls and just wants to hoard all the beauty or destroy other girls for that, not just be a 5/10 hapa becky(what she was before her jaw shaves and cheek filler injections/reductions/injections again). If Lauren would have it her way, she would be the only woman on earth, to put it mildly. Some SuperStraight women can go off the track in their pursuit for orbiters.
No. 1687504
>>1687475Because these beckies think they can somehow elevate their status and leech off of male power by repeating the manosphere talking points back enough, to seem more intelligent and 'safe' to rw men apparently.
What they never acknowledge is, when the red pill men take back the whole narrative, their tradthot strategy will go from being 'the exception' to 'commonplace' again. These antifeminist women will no longer be seen as 'virtuous feminine stand outs' but treated like AWALT with their sex class.
Why they dumbly think that their simp armies will remember them and can opt out of their sex class to go seat at the boys' table via sucking up "im a good fee-male who likes to submit and loves crass men" is just absurd though. The female rules still apply to them, kowtowing just reinforces it.
No. 1687608
>building her own brand and shilling herself and her work also shows how she doesn't practice what she preach and just wants to keep other women down while she gets her own brand and money. Why do pickme Phyllis Schaflys do this, insult other girls who want a career and say it makes them hit the wall and have no family, while being a lawyer(Phyllis)/doing a job of their own themselves?!
This is a mix of good old-fashioned jealousy & Not Like Other Girls coming into play here. In tradthot's mind, if she could make other girls plain old homemakers with no other skills to show for it, while she becomes the it girl who has a family AND a non-wife related jobset, then she can crow over and 1UP her status amongst other women. That's the most irritating thing about tradthots and antifems: they always want to be above, not among women, and use very sneaky, catty tactics to do that. But they cannot identify or opt out of the female class even if they copied everything misogynist men said.
And yes, they have always been like this. Trying to use the women's rights opportunities to get a career, have a brand and air their stupid little opinions loudly while talking about the tradcon points to virtue signal to men and seem like a 'good girl' and 'pls look at me as a person and more than just an object since i agree with your redpills!'. Chameleons.
No. 1687617
>>1687608They're also typically extremely mediocre at those "careers" they choose. It's no wonder that they'd like to abolish all girlbosses entirely just to be the top dog by comparison.
Seriously, look at every single one. A pickme is never even a halfway decent cadre in her field, let alone some captain of industry. If it's a scientist, it's always someone who has like 3 publications at age 45 and writes clickbait now. If it's a lawyer, it's always a "meh" one who does YouTube suddenly. If it's a professor, it's always some adjunct with a thesis in theoretical basket weaving who got recently fired anyway. If it's a journalist, it's someone who hasn't had a good story in years, trying to grift on male grievances to make a "comeback". But they always flex their "credentials" thinking no one will actually evaluate them.
It's always some tragic failure to launch and/or mediocrity, without exception.
No. 1687759
>>1686908There is such a sincere, genuine hatred and envy of other women radiating off of Lauren's tweets and videos. It's very telling women in these redpill/right-winger/trad circles never have any female friends.
>>1687522>>1687608Not to armchair but I think a lot of hardcore anti-feminist misogynistic women have npd. The constant need for validation, the lying, the lack of empathy, the low self-esteem, the jealousy, it all adds up. They are opportunistic leeches first and foremost, though. They wallow in the opportunities feminism has given them, expect to be pacified and supported by feminists whenever their male following attacks them, secure their own income off of their social media/journalism careers…All while simultaneously insulting, harassing and bad mouthing the same movement and its activists, viciously attacking random women for existing, and shitting on their own sex class - But they think
they are exempt from this because they are one of "the good ones".
No. 1687760
>>1687581So tradthots think by submitting and grovelling and saying "men r de best", they can coax men to see them as a whole person and like them? Root causes of misogyny and male supremacy:
1. Males have this "rape-maxx reapmaxx" as many women as possible mindset, get a harem, only settle down when 50 - 60, with a young virgin from 4 decades his junior. "The main purpose of Man is to spread his seed" is code for "maxxrape maxxreap as many women as possible for beauty variety and pussy".
2. Believing men are better than women, that men are just made and born more superior in all shit they do, that men have more worth and value "potential" than women, biologically and naturally. Aka "might is right".
3. Not believing that women are people too, but just "eye-candy decorations and window dressing which are quiet, passive, docile, with little functions and abilities to ever be as built as that of a man". In order for men to treat their partners this way, they must first dehumanize her in his mind to feel ok treating her this way.
Yes even the "Good Men" have these same 3 base desires, most guys are male supremacists deep down, ofc some tradthots are ok with it, but with male supremacy mindset in place, men will never see them as a person or take them seriously, no matter how sweet they are.
No. 1687945
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This is a small account but they occasionally interact with bigger tradwife accounts like @petitenicoco and @chaoticitgirl
Meet @Tradbarbie
>posts like a teenager but is allegedly in her late 20s/early 30s
>childless, unmarried
>e-dating an Australian neo-nazi foot fetishist
>bakes swastika themed food because she’s so edgy but she’s totally not a Nazi guys!!
>scratched his initials into her skin
>her edgelord bf is clearly a weirdo misogynist into bdsm and feet
>allegedly will be flying out to meet him soon
No. 1687955
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More milk on Lauren, she might be pregnant with another man's child
No. 1687957
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No. 1687977
>>1687945>scratches his initials on her skinMental illness. She sounds like another failure to launch story. Instead of volunteering somewhere she hooks herself with a foot and bdsm fetishist.
>>1687957>no one is stopping women from receiving medical help for miscarriagesYes they are you fucking retard, lauren
When you criminalize abortion, every miscarriage can be investigated as a crime. When every hospital in the area denies service because of their “religious” rights to deny abortion care even though the fetus is already dead, then yes women die unnecessarily. They already have. It’s already starting to effect pro life women when their pregnancy goes wrong and they just go shockedpikachu. Isn’t Lauren Canadian? Can’t she just shut the fuck on this?
No. 1688076
>>1686908>Closeted Predatory LesbianThis is a thing in trad circles?
Where? I only ever see super straight women as trad antifeminists.
>>1684246Some "laid back" "chill" scrote calling his girlfriend "mad annoying". Probably because she fit his manic pixie dream girl ideal and Oh Wait, Actually, that's not good enough for him anymore. What an ungrateful prick. Ugly scrotes manipulating pickmes into being their thankless girlfriends, how sad.
No. 1688266
>>1687608I'm convinced several tradthots actively seek out feminine-looking men or self-hating gay men trying to live as straight, hence why they can get away with a lot more crap, podcasting, shilling, vlogging their home lives, and selling dumb merch more than they could - if they truly picked one of the incel orbiters from their 'army'. Or a true tradmasc man.
What they worry about is if their man might accidentally find 'you are a trans catgirl on the inside uwu' things those groomers like to send guys and then troon out.
No. 1688510
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>>1687945They always choose the ugliest, frumpiest most ill-fitting polyester monstrosities in the most outrageous colors, why can't a single one of them dress like the 50s propaganda they post all the time?
No. 1688796
>>1688765right and she can't even use the "I'm critiquing FEMINISM not WOMEN!!1!" cop out they always use. This boomer-tier predictable joke is so desperate and makes her look bad as a "political commentator" especially because she'd never make a joke at men's expenses.
It's always weird when these women try to laugh and meme with "the boys", especially because their male fans ONLY find them funny when they shit on other women. Shoe0nHead did it all the time and it ended great for her. Now she gets sent images of empty egg cartons every time she tries to giggle with them. Lauren has two years left until she's next. Better get those coins before you fall into irrelevancy.
No. 1689052
>>1687957This is literally what killed Savita Halappanavar in Ireland and has almost killed multiple women in the US since RvW was overturned. A fetus can still have a heartbeat even when it's actively being miscarried, forcing the doctors to wait until the heartbeat stops before removing it. This can take hours-to-days, and by that time the woman has likely already septic. Doctors even have to consult lawyers before aborting ectopic pregnancies now, which are never viable. That's what happens when you let low IQ religious nuts write laws on a medical procedure they have no actual knowledge of.
I know you shouldn't wish death or suffering on others, but if anyone should be affected by monstrosities like this, it's Lauren and other RW anti-choice women. Reap what you sow.
No. 1689714
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>>1686839she doesn't miss an opportunity to shit on other women but she did look good.
also, she changed her name to meghan LILLYWHITE ??? i'd die if this were the actual name of her husband.
i actually like megha, she's on another planet
No. 1689791
>>1688765I never understood them tbh
Everytime Ive seen a car/motorcycle accident it’s usually moids who are split in half inside at the wheel of the vehicle because of their reckless and impulsive driving. Especially moids who have racing car autism, they cause a lot of accidents and fatalities. Not to mention property damage.
No. 1690049
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>>1690036I read that article. What I believe that she is saying is that "if we talk to a people group with a lot of hate for us we can get them to give up their hate once they get to know us". She cites Daryl Davis, a black musician who has successfully gotten many white supremacists to give up their ideologies once he has gotten to talk to them about their opposing beliefs. No. 1690103
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>>1690071Bethany is a housewife but writes for a bunch of conservatives media outlets. Her husband does as well.
No. 1690283
>>1689714>women enter into relationships with men that don’t like them>this is bad>women stop dating and left the idea of it/marriage/having kids>this is also badShe’ll never not find something to complain about
>>1690267They never look masculine or fatherly either. You can always tell that it’s the supposed submissive wife that’s actually the leader calling the shots at home
No. 1691049
>>1690283It's because truly strong (the giga rare "alpha", if you will) men don't need women to be submissive. They're not as easily threatened. Performative, customary female submission and piety is a feature of patriarchal civilizations that grant betas and omegas guaranteed wives. You play the deference game to have them think they're not actual pond scum, it's part of the social contract. Naturally, only worthless men would have reasons to be easily threatened and thus require reassurance through female submission, but letting worthlessness reproduce is the whole point of such societies.
Think of it, what man is worried about being "emasculated"? A weak one. What man is worried about being cucked? One that obviously doesn't measure up to other men.
No. 1691893
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No. 1691910
>>1689714this will rile up her fans, but I still think megha is catfishing some married, high school classmate's pictures. the snarky, anti-women rants never match up to the perfectly normal pictures she uses. her manifestopost writing style matches up perfectly with the old "redpill" blogs that would use a picture of an attractive woman to "set the mood" for their how-to-get-laid writeups.
>>1691049100%. every last one of the moids in this sphere are deeply concerned with emasculation, to an existential degree. meanwhile unthreatened "alpha" men joke about those things. but they usually cheat.
No. 1692587
>>1690283>>1691049It's because men always want to see women have less rights and privilege than them. If there were 100 laws for rights written down, men would make sure that 90 of them would only apply to men and women have a measly 10. And that's moids feeling generous. But notice how many men complain everytime and say its unfair when a condition or right exclusively written for men only gets allocated to women too? They're mad and have male jealousy, because they don't get to feel smug anymore and watch women have less than them, so no more superior feels.
That is why men want women to have less things than them everytime, because its the only way for males to "feel more special and exclusive and superior" than women. Without it, males will have to face how imperfect and unspecial they are, only with brute strength and coomer mindset. So they have to cheat like that
No. 1692652
>>1692327I hate children and the patronizing idiots who suggest that women getting praise for being burdened with the care of a disabled child is a reward of some kind (because women just want to be appreciated for being little more than household slaves! that's what makes it all worthwhile instead of, y'know it being a way to cope with what they're made to feel is inevitable.) and not a reminder of how women's shitty subordinate role in society is still something they're pressured into.
these debates always seem to devolve into insensitive, offensive
clusterfucks on here, though. I hope you all realize how critical you being this dumb is to maintaining board toxicity. whenever
toxic online spaces are forcibly disbanded or disallowed you see a sharp decline in that bullshit in general. spaces like this that allow & encourage otherwise socially unacceptable behavior have a potent role in that toxicity becoming more common.
No. 1692659
>>1692652are you ok spergchan? you're on lolcow stop whining about insensitive
toxic online spaces kek
No. 1692665
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>>1692652She has had a history of saying shit like this.
No. 1692806
>>1692587The male subconsciously understands that he adds nothing to a woman's life. Therefore in order to be an appealing option for women, he needs to take something away from them first and then "give it back" in exchange for something. Money and other resources is the most basic example (most laws like inheritance going to sons by default or women not being allowed to work are the logical consequence). Even animal males "hoard wealth" to later blackmail females with it. Contrary to popular belief, male mammals don't really "provide", they monopolize and then offer females a protection racket/conditional drip feed of what they took away from them in the first place. I'm surprised leftoid theorists generally have nothing to say about this.
When a woman isn't even rich, but has a baseline comfortable existence, the male already experiences a genetic/mortality panic. On a pretty much cellular level he can feel another hypothetical cum peddling opportunity lost, hence the seemingly petty and unprompted chimpouts. There is a solid biological foundation behind these feelings. Every law ever written is designed to "correct" this "biological inequality" the male perceives on a visceral level. Of course the result of equal opportunity breeding is beta incels left holding their fathers' bags, but moids generally don't think far about their offspring and their future - what matters is just getting to spread their genes.
No. 1692812
>>1692652That's just an extension of postindustrial male "children are YOUR reward not mine aktually" mystification. Sell his interests as aktually yours, that's how you meme women into advancing your genetics when you can't easily beat and rape them anymore + abortion exists.
You may have noticed the monumental shift in narrative from "children and childbirth are your burden and penance, and you need to get married to eat" to corporatey/consoomey/wellness shit like "children and childbirth and marriage are your Experiences© and Rewards™ and Fulfillment®" one. The only thing that's changed is that now you can avoid them, whereas in the past they would happen to you by force anyway. Obviously in order for that message to be consistent, disabled children need to be made into a special Experience™ package as well.
No. 1693025
>>1692652Yeah, and pregnancy and raising children are actually what ages women the most. Hate to say it but pregnancy is not all sunshine and roses, it does stress the body, along with all the drastic hormonal and other changes, ofc the woman will react to a good portion of it by aging.
Similarly with the post-pregnancy timeline and having to raise the kid. Children are much more complex than a career and pets, the mothers do have to put in a lot more effort and sacrifice just to make sure every little need of the child is met and to solve their every little problem. Especially if she is married to a man who will not help with parenting because he believes small children should need mothers and he gets to reap the benefits and take credit when they are older only.
Motherhood makes women age so fast and drastically too, hence a lot of tradmums worry and literally get their man cheating on them/having side chicks/abandoning the family to chase after an 18 yr old girl who just had a ONS with him.
Even in poor teen moms, you can see the aging effects of pregnancy and motherhood. Immediately after giving birth, the teen starts looking stress-raddled in the face alr. After a few years, instead of looking like a bright 19 yr old the teen mom looks more like those middle-aged 35+ wine-dependent tradmoms, complete with the eyebags, jaw sagging from the upside down smile, and wrinkles, because early childcare is not easy as moids bs about.
These shitty men trying to neg women to have children young and tradmoms/boymoms never tell the less glamourous side of it, and they just say it for fakery while promoting the Plate Spinning/Andrew Tate pump and dump before 25, so they will be creating single mothers anyway. They are just trying to lie and trick women into giving them some male-pandering attention first as placeholders before looking to upgrade and kickstart their playboy nonsense. Don't trust manosphere men, they are not good men.
No. 1693040
>>1693025> After a few years, instead of looking like a bright 19 yr old the teen mom looks more like those middle-aged 35+ wine-dependent tradmoms, complete with the eyebags, jaw sagging from the upside down smile, and wrinkles, because early childcare is not easy as moids bs about.trads always lie about this fact. even worse when they hire au pairs (often young european women) so they can continue working their fake media job and tweeting moid propaganda all day.
if they dont post any pregnancy bumps despite constant oversharing of the "joys of motherhood," they're likely paying a surrogate for that too.
No. 1693042
>>1692806Men will think that women have too much power even if they’re in chains. Because moids are all consciously or subconsciously aware that women have more value than men reproductively. it’s a fundamental unfairness that they cannot get over. You’ll see them make up conspiracies, religions, and superstitious beliefs about how we are evil/manipulators/threatening even when they’ve built a system where they have near absolute power over our lives.
It’s just male reproductive neuroticism. They have an insatiable urge do everything they can to control women in order to increase their chances of breeding, because they are ultimately fighting against their own genetic irrelevancy. It’s an endless uphill battle since they cannot fundamentally change the function of sexual reproduction. And like you said, males display this behavior across many species in the animal kingdom.
No. 1693087
>>1693025 said, getting pregnant and having to be a mom does age women even moreso than having only a job and singlehood. Keep debunking male supremacist lies and rip the red pill scrote community for what non-tradcon cheating stud wannabes they truly are.
No. 1693099
>>1693089I'm right
>>1693082 I'm 100% right. Men have a mental breakdown as we can see by the sperging samfegaging troon seething at women pointing out what a shit deal being a tradmom is. Men are retarded and think using our words for their own ideals will meme us into doing what they want because muh logic gender isn't actually at all logical kek. Like calling women trannies will convince women to have sex with incel failsons chimping because they can't coom peddle to real women kek.
No. 1693107
>>1693099You’re right. Men see women as objects and lump them into categories of useful and useless. Since they’re just coom peddlers themselves useful is synonymous with fuckable. All women who are in the unfuckable category are conflated in the mind of the scrote. Insults and accusations of tranny, fat, ugly, old, etc. get thrown out indiscriminately since in his small monkey brain it all means the same thing to him; useless.
I see men unironically believe radfems are trannies while falling for anime pfp RPs as if they are real women. I used to not understand why they could be so dumb and not recognize patterns or piece together logical chains, but now I know that their categorization of useful/useless woman overrides and ability for them to assess reality.
No. 1693260
>>1693042>Men will think that women have too much power even if they’re in chainsEmpirically true. You can look 1000 years back and find written accounts of moids screeching about how women are now dressing like whores and how it's necessary to retvrn. A good reminder for tradthots that it will never be enough.
>>1693130>Muh pass my neuroses and subhuman genes onto my moidlet because I can "try again" through himEvery Father's day, an incel should thank his fat malding dad for thinking this way. This right here is the reason your life turned out the way it did.
No. 1693271
>>1693107You know what's gonna blow your mind further? This is how infants think. The male fully retains classic solipsistic infant mentality into adulthood, except it also becomes fucking weird and sexualized after puberty. Except now he screeches for mommy milkers AND for a pussy to nut in, and it has to happen NOW or he will hold his breath and punch a wall! This is especially pronounced in mentally disabled moids, particularly low functioning autists.
Everyone and everything exists to meet the infant's needs - especially mommy. Women are extensions of mommy, they are Need Meeters. If Need Meeters do not meet needs or dare to leave the room, they might as well not exist - or die. Other moids are perceived as other infants/siblings (competition for mommy's resources). No matter how many layers of abstraction are laid on top of this, this is the underlying mentality of a moid. Women generally do not preserve this thinking because they will at some point be taking care of others, but no such pressure exists on males. This could also be because males are not designed to live very long, so any personality development past 30-ish isn't really written into the program (the moid should be long dead in some chimp war by then).
Fun fact: every time you say something bad about boymoms or sneer at having a son, this is the part of a moid's psyche that gets
triggered. No wonder these discussions always invite guaranteed malding replies.
No. 1693382
>>1693271Goddamn do these trad men go insane when they hear about misandry and birthing rights together in the same conversation. They automatically assume it means that evil feminists will start mass aborting male fetuses because we are just so irrationally spiteful and cruel towards males. Nevermind that sex selective abortions have almost always been aimed at female fetuses (and for reasons males contrived in the first place- needing a son to preserve a concept like a legacy or enforce a patriarchal system that wouldn’t exist without male extortion rackets in the first place)
Whenever men screech about feminists aborting male fetuses it’s the most blatant example of their entitled, paranoid mindset. They do it so much that it only ever reflects on the male psyche, never on any of these supposed villainous feminazis constantly vacuuming innocent fetuses out of their bodies as soon as a penis is spotted on the ultrasound monitor.
No. 1693720
>>1693130Note how at no point it's mentioned what's in it for you. It's all me, me, me, me, muh another chance at youth through muh son, me, me, me. Also note how even a
subhuman 4chan incel genuinely thinks he has anything worthwhile to teach a child. A moid could be literally fucking deformed and still think he deserves a "legacy" of deformed sons, because that's what they're all programmed to do - try without a shred of humility or self doubt. This is why male driven sexual selection is dysgenic by default.
>>1693404You should from a health and hygiene perspective - they're more dangerous and costly to gestate. Also most conceptions are male and are naturally aborted anyway due to a high rate of deformitY, so you'll just be equalizing things. The best way would be to never even conceive a male in the first place to avoid microchimerism, however.
No. 1693722
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Rachel you think that child labor is just a “green thing” and that children aren’t also forced to mine fossil fuels and dangerous metals?
No. 1693793
>>1693404>>1693382>>1693720Human society has always had an "excess males" problem by design. Moid-centric power structures - including the male protection extortion racket - require these excess "males as bulletbags" to not only compete with other leaders for resources, but also suppress dissent domestically when said leaders are fucking up.
Low-intelligence males voluntarily serve as the bulletbags for their useless leaders, time and time again throughout history. The boymoms then receive a closed casket in return for their sacrifice.
Nevermind the fact that moid leaders - which the tradmoids ITT delusionally see themselves as - pushing hypermasculinity and keeping these structures in place
never go off to war themselves. How the rest of moids dont see through this astounds me. Not a single one of these beta males on twitter do anything other than RP.
Meanwhile in controlled environments such as nightclub studies, excess males create instability for everyone: the excess, empirically, increases aggression in the males themselves and creates extreme discomfort in women. When societies like China had implement one-child policies, it resulted in the excess males traveling to Africa to find partners. And failing that, they died alone to no benefit to either society.
No. 1694299
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>>1694298dropped my image like an idiot
No. 1694326
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>>1687945>>1694299…lmao is her bf not just calling her fat
No. 1694379
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>>1694326She uploaded these massively large photos of her ugly frumpy outfits. Judging by top middle and the shooped in waist + stretched out elbow of bottom middle he ain't lying.
No. 1694697
>>1694632Trads in general are absolutely terrible at the roles they believe are innate to their sex.
>tradwives are hyperaggressive, spiteful, utterly obsessed with male attention for sexual and monetary gain on top of being abysmal at cooking, cleaning, and other homemaking pursuits. Often don't like children either, and only have them as fucktrophies to parade around for their own ego or so the tradmoids paying their bills shut up, only to leave the actual childcare to nannies/au pairs so they can blow time on instagram, twitter, or whatever MLM/"course" they're shilling. Usually sleep around, but pretend not to.>tradmoids are un(der)employed failsons who either subject their family to abject poverty by preventing their wife from working, only get by with her financially contributing(on top of doing all the housework/childcare), or remain completely financially dependent upon women be it their wife, girlfriend, mother, or sister. Mind-melted by pornography to the point where they physically cannot stop themselves from screeching about 10" black dicks or football team gangbangs upon seeing any even semi-normal woman, despite portraying themselves as stoic overmen in total control of their emotions. Spend their time jerking off to loli hentai and blaming the Jews after their gooning high wears off instead of tilling the fields. No. 1694935
File: 1667693477800.jpeg (354.27 KB, 404x1014, E8885921-E520-4D8C-B9D1-535708…)

>>1687945>>1694299>>1694379holy fuck what a cow. that femalefashionadvice-tier tranny style and posing. those shoes. those hideous fake nails. and the unhinged behaviour on top. this is too good.
>>1694697kek, well put nonna
No. 1695013 don’t have the reddit app so I can’t screenshot since it’s marked as mature but found this sub for aspiring “trad” wives. But I’ve just seen “women” posting calling men their masters and crossposting with bdsm subreddits user posts on it a lot and reminded me a lot of Mary (gimpgirl555)
No. 1695024
>>1694320I've noticed this too, although i've seen this with plenty of white women who aren't obvious trad thots, but probably could make the transition in the future. It's always the looks they attack of other women every single time whilst looking plain as hell and having lip filler. Maybe sometimes they will take swipes at non-white men for supposedly dming them and being coomerish towards them, but it's so obvious they will take any male attention that comes their way and they enjoy their little soy knights getting into race wars on their behalf.
>>1694299>>1694379Wow, look at all that cheap polyester, she really got us to shut up. Why can't tradthots ever seem to figure out how to source nice vintage gunne sax or laura ashley pieces, or better yet, sew their own shit? Her outfits reek of amazon. I'm literally sitting here waiting for them to make me jealous.
No. 1695027
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>>1695013The first sub looks like a blatant fetish sub. One post i have spotted on there seems to have stolen some poor girls photo too. I also checked out the user you posted, she seems like a treat. Keanu Reeves is her husbando, she is a gamer girl and lurks around manosphere spaces. picrel made me chuckle. Her attempts at pandering to men flop so oftenly because so many men on reddit, for misogynistic as they are, have many lib fem beliefs.
No. 1695852
>>1695349Yeah, she's one of those historic/vintage costume cows who think corsets are akshually super beneficial to our health and empowering and it's akshually
men who invented the "propaganda" of corset = bad KEK. This is what happens to your brain when you attempt to reconcile your libfeminess with your interest in Victorian fashion and stuff like that. Fried. Things like hoop skirts and tightly laced corsets were literally
designed to restrict women's movement but they're so deep in the libfem "choice" mindset that any critical thinking is thrown out the window. Wear a corset if you like but stop trying to force this gigacope of "empowerment" onto everyone else.
I wish they'd strop trying to woke-ify some of the most misogynistic eras in history. These women are one step away from defending Chinese foot binding for fuck's sake. Sorry for sperg but this gets on my nerves.
No. 1695948
>>1695030Not only are trads in general shit at whatever they preach like
>>1694697 mentioned, they also love to make a show of saying they respect "traditional femininity" and that stereotypically female interests are noble and trad and good, actually, so women should stick to them - but their revealed preferences (when not straight-up their literal words five minutes later) show they have zero actual appreciation for those things and absolutely do view them as less than. Actually caring about historical fashion requires having some basic respect for something strongly associated with women, which they simply cannot have.
I actually think the frumpiness is intentional, because it's meant to signal adherence to their values. It's exactly what these outfits are doing: showing she cares enough to wear those types of clothes, even if they're unflattering as shit (or rather,
especially because they're unflattering as shit - covering up in a "traditionally feminine" way is more important than looking good) but that her reason for wearing them begins and ends with pleasing the moids and she does not have an actual active interest in fashion of her own.
>>1695852>>1695396>>1695349Wait, what?
>tightly laced corsets>one step away from defending Chinese foot bindingIsn't her whole "corset good" shtick based on tight lacing not being the norm for corset-wearing, and corsets being ergonomically good? As far as I know that's pretty solid
and matches my experience wearing structured shapewear - much better posture. No. 1696061
>>1696040I also had that impression of her at first but I don't think she's a tradcath. But libfems are drifting so far into conservatism they may as well be the same thing at this point.
>>1695948Not sure about the terminology to be honest. The type of corsets she whiteknights are not the ones that improve posture, though, and it's odd how these people pretend that men don't exist when talking about corsets because no one recommends
them to compress their abdominal area for improved posture. She even mocks actresses for disliking corsets. It's weird.
No. 1697227
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Sage since it's not actual milk per se, but can all Republican women be considered tradthots by extension? I see nothing like takes like picrel from RW moids, and the women who follow them just lap it up and affirm that they think women are too emotional to vote rationally(expect for them, tee hee!). It's especially jarring since white women are (unfortunately)not much more liberal than white men–that domestic violence-committing, radically anti-abortion(no exceptions for life of the mother) nutjob Hershel Walker got 73% of the white male vote and 70% of the white female vote. White women barely even respect themselves and that's still too much for these moids. How does any woman see something like this and not reconsider throwing her hat in with them?
No. 1697361
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Is anyone familiar with this account? She tags most of her videos with “#traditional” and “#traditionallifestyle” and then gets mad when people call her a tradwife.
No. 1697476
>>1697227Jesse Kelly is such a desperate insecure scrote that he’ll tweet anything for attention like this. He does nothing in politics like that MTG woman. but rw women have no self preservation or esteem to continue supporting moids like Jesse or that retard Hershel
>>1697361>radfem>feminineenergy>divinefeminineIs she one of those new age crystal girls? I’ve been seeing more of these new “rest in your femininity” divine energy gurus appear more lately
No. 1697602
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>>1697227all his posts concerning women are either "woman bad" or "woman sex" kek, the only two modes scrotes know.
No. 1698062
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I think Aly Drummond/@realfemsapien was discussed briefly in the last tradthot thread but she’s had a multi-day meltdown while fighting with the rest of trafthot twitter that needs to be discussed
>is 20 something married to a gross 50 year old divorcee
>panders to white supremacist trads while being Puerto Rican
>promotes redpill/manosphere talking points, like advocating for men getting mail order brides, men should be allowed to cheat and 20 year olds should date men in their 40s+
>makes tiktoks bragging about how she’s picked and other women are ugly and jealous
>is currently pregnant with her 50 year old moids child
recent milk
>made an inflammatory tweet about pregnant women gaining weight because she’s just sooo thin and frail and can’t imagine gaining weight because she loves her geriatric husband
>tradwives respond with criticism, worst person you know just made a horrible point, etc
>Aly gets mad, says she’s quitting Christian twitter, says they’re all white and jealous
>comes back less than a day later but removes “Christian” from her bio
>is still mad
No. 1698063
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>>1698062The original tweet
No. 1698067
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>>1698063cameo appearance by a totally not still trad pandering Brittany Venti
No. 1698091
>>1697763Issue is retard troons label every women as a
terf/radfem because it essentially just means feminazi and is meant to mean 'evil women' so they call all women it, from actual feminists to outright tradfags, as long as they are both women. Tradfags accept it because it is synonymous with not thinking a man is a women because he says so and upsets troons, without the other essential part of being feminist.
No. 1698112
>>1698062Didn't she miscarry a while back? It's to be expected if it was fathered by a 50 y.o. man, but surely she would've learned by now not to sully herself with decrepit sperm?
Honestly, hopefully this one shows itself out too. I can't imagine a fate worse than having a turbo pickme self-hating mother and a father who'd get mistaken for your grandfather. Clasping my hands in prayer for fetus yeetus.
No. 1698118
>>1698069Why is she harping on about a husband's sexual desires when there's a baby to take care of? News to tradtards, but taking care of a baby is 1)the priority for both parents and 2)absolutely nukes libido. A woman should be concerned with letting herself heal and caring for her child alongside her partner, not touching his dick.
>>1698115Not very meek and feminine of her! Her geriatric husband might pop a viagra or two and menace the local community college if she's not careful.
No. 1698174
File: 1668216203545.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1242x1874, 79878C21-9965-4282-BC83-B89BF3…)

She brags about her own weight loss a lot, so I imagine she lives in fear of what her postpartum body might look like
No. 1698802
>>1698069This shit throwing tantrum is why these tradthots cannot ever survive actual trad spaces. Women would rely on other women for support through hard shit like pregnancy but self hating attention seeking thots like aly crave males to agree with her only.
>husband is 50s with new baby comingHe’ll be dead soon and she’ll be left as a single mother with a baby that’ll need special care most likely because geriatric sperm is worthless
No. 1698958
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>>1684010>>1684029I don't think she qualifies as the usual tradthot, her "politics"(and I use the word loosely) are just pure anti-americanism, any one who is against America and its allies are "based and chad" for her, regardless if they are Jihadists, White Nationalists or Communists, there are tons of people in the third world who think like this, they hate america so much that they would literally cheer for anyone who opposes them
No. 1699514
If anyone wants to listen to 15 minutes of pickme bullshit this is a good video. One of the chicks on Muslim daddy Tate’s (piss be upon him) payroll.
7:05 No. 1699516
>>1698062Hope she enjoys raising those schizo shitflinger goblins
>The researchers found Autism Spectrum Disorder prevalence was 66% higher in children born to fathers aged older than 50 and 28% higher in children born to fathers in their 40s, compared with those born to fathers in their 20s.
>ASD rates also rose with widening gaps between the two parents' ages.
>ASD rates were highest when the father was over 35 and his partner was 10 or more years younger.Older men produce schizophrenic offspring.
>One study estimated that about a quarter (26.6%) of cases of schizophrenia could be attributed to paternal age. No. 1699519
File: 1668416315706.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1242x1800, B9798FFC-EF4C-495F-AAC7-A0A6B5…) Becky talking about how to keep a man is so cringe, especially considering how she mentioned in the introduction segment that she has only been with her current bf for 10 months.
If pickmeism actually works, why wouldnt she be married and ‘locked down’ by a good moid who loves her already? Oh right, because good men who will actually love and cherish you don’t want a human laundromat and dishwasher for a life partner. The type of men who DO want that type of women, don’t actually love or respect their human dishwashers or washing machines, especially not enough to devote themselves faithfully to one.
Pickmes never get picked, they can never lock down a good man.
No. 1699541
>>1699519When does she have the time to make 7 figures if she's making breakfast at 6am (from scratch! very important, no frozen jimmy johns in this house no sir)
i wonder if any of this makes her happy, or if anything makes a person like this truly happy.
No. 1699627
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>>1687955there's currently big drama happening in the streamer destiny's community over him serially fucking every woman he streams with. ex-orbiter lavlune posted on patreon that he tried to leave his wife for another woman whose identity is being concealed due to the pushback she'd receive. running theory is the woman is lauren southern.
timeline seems to match up with ethan ralph's tweet - destiny and lauren made videos together regularly until late july/early august, which is when destiny apparently left his wife. lauren then disappeared from his stream altogether.
post from destiny's subreddit on the wife drama in august: has said the rift was caused by a ‘normie' woman, but has also repeatedly contradicted that by mentioning (in his most recent video on mrgirl drama) ex-orbiters were messaging this woman and claiming if her identity were revealed, she’d receive extreme vitriol from her community.
during this period, he had a religious crisis and began questioning his belief in god. matches lauren's ideology. there's a screenshot of lav discussing this somewhere - will post if i find it. relevant comment about halfway down about that screenshot and destiny’s interest in religion: lauren not appearing on stream: speculation at this point, but i imagine if the woman is actually lauren it will come out eventually. has she posted a full body view of herself recently? she would probably be showing around now. wonder if she aborted her illegitimate spawn
No. 1699767
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>>1699627Destiny was last on stream with Lauren less than a week ago. It’s not her.
No. 1699872
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>>1699514>x shitty male behavior is fine, it’s been happening since forever, so it’s natural and normal! I swear to god soon enough these pickmes are all gonna be defending legit male pedophilia because apparently that’s ‘normal’ and ‘natural’ for men too (some tradthots already are pedophilia apologists).
Hell, XYs killing people and raping has been ‘natural’ and ‘normal’ for hundreds of thousands of years too, let’s just push the boat out, indulge moidmonkeys and normalize all disgusting male behaviors regardless of societal consequences!!!
No. 1699884
>>1699627Destiny is such a scumbag. He
screams sex-positive liberal sexpest from evey pore and I don't know why women don't respect themselves more. I'm not intimately acquainted with the current drama but my general understanding is he was sexting with some pickme and
still doing it while calling her his creepy stalker etc. Mr Girl who was calling him out is a whole other thing, he's a scumbag and probably a nonce too, but still less creepy and unctuous than destiny.
I'll tell you I'd rather bed a straight-up misogynist than an undercover one who gives lip service to feminism and sex positivitiy to fuck women.
I don't believe the hype Lauren was involved with him, they are friends but she can do hugely better and seems to have a better head on her shoulders than some of his female orbiters.
No. 1699892
>>1699519i feel like she must be in an
abusive relationship with some insecure douchebag that can't handle a girlboss gf. why else would a successful woman feel the need to compensate for her independence by acting like such a desperate pickme? i don't understand women who drink the mgtow coolaid and think they need to be submissive tradwives when they already got things going for them.
No. 1699938
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>>1696061It wasn't as actively peddled to men, but men absolutely wore corsets, the small waist was considered attractive in males too. I saw her "mocking" not the actresses but the people responsible for costuming, because they made the actresses wear corsets directly against their skin, which is not how actual corsets were worn. Idk
nonnie sounds like you're reading people bitching about her without actually watching her stuff. Not WKing, it just doesn't match up with what I've seen her actually say
>>1697227It can't possibly be because dems cater more to women's interests, no, the wimmenz are just brainswashed! Moids stop projecting tjheir inability to think rationality onto women challenge (impossible)
No. 1701243
>>1700472better options include dating women, not dating at all, or being really selective about which men you date
or mixing and matching these choices throughout your life
No. 1701433
>>1700827(forgot to sage)
> why would you rather fuck someone openly hating you than someone at least pretending to respect you? I'm the anon who made the original comment (not the oe that said those are the only 2 options, I don't agree with that, I actually found a moid who is neither) but what I mean is that in the case of a creep like Destiny or your average college professor who sleeps with his students you add another layer of lying and manipulative headgames to the mix on top of the misogyny. Plus the sex is probably going to be better with the regular ass scumbag. But yes, nonnies, don't fuck either.
No. 1702685
>>1702589Groypers? The group of extremely online, unwashed, mom-dependent 15-25 y.o. unemployed neo-Nazis who spend their time jerking off to loli hentai and pestering mainstream GOP operatives for not being bigoted enough? Tell me you're joking.
If not, you're either a moid or someone with an extreme lack of discernment. If the former, kill yourself. If the latter, get some taste before your lack of it gets you killed.
No. 1702822
>>1699541My two cents after observing tradthots in the internet for a while, but i noticed how these women never seem to be truly happy or having fun about anything. The tone in their voices seems simply sad, and they give serious "dead inside" vibes even if they keep posting photos about how social they are and how fun they have with their trad friends and shit like that… It just doesn't seem genuine, specially when you compare them to women who don't hardcorely adhere to any political ideology and just mind their business.
Like, just watch a video of some tradthot YouTuber and then compare it to some smaller YouTuber that has a channel about hobbies or something mundane like that. The vibe is completely different. Something about these women always seemed off and I'm realizing it's probably they are deeply miserable with their lives in general, like these women keep hanging out with men who will spit random misogynistic shit to their faces and then play it off as a joke, and then these women in their heads play it off as "harmless banter"/he's just joking teehee and they probably think this shit is normal because they most likely don't have any contact with socialized or mildly polite men who are at least aware enough not to say nasty crap to a woman's face. The funniest part is that since most of them are usually jobless and most likely terminal online, they most likely don't have casual interaction with normie men so they probably aren't aware of how dysfunctional the men and the people they hang out with actually are.
All this shit for not wanting to finish your studies work… Fucking tragic honestly. It does sound like a miserable existence for anyone.
No. 1702828
>>1699519Samefag, but i wanna add i dont really believe this becky is making 7 figures lmao, its probably either a bluff or she's luckied out from some shit like a crypto scam or whoring herself out, meaning it's likely temporally.
When you really have the skills to make 7 figures you are not making breakfast from scratch at 6 am for some loser you only dated for 10 months, mostly because you don't have the time to. If anything you hire someone to make breakfast for the both of you. These women think so highly of themselves for doing the bare minimum and basically being useless slobs, its hysterical how out of touch with reality these narcs are. The looks on the faces of the rest of the girls on the set are saying everything, even the scrote sounds like there is disbelief in his voice kek.
No. 1704506
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>Posts the link to her ig account under her tweets
>Makes up statements about wanting to be a SAHM and housewife as young as possible, but still studies and goes to college. Another Phyllis Schafly in the making, trying to preach to other women to not get jobs but self-promoting & build her brand on the downlow with her male simps paying for it?
>Says she is super pure and innocent, never partied or hooked up with men before. Then talks about "the next man i date…" tweets
>Named Trump and DeSantis her daddies
No. 1705215
>>1704925She’s a little too late now anyway. Moids are catching on to tradthots like her since she’s literally using all the same buzzwords as every other tradthot in existence.
>I’m too pure for sex uwu >ugh I hate school>in college anyway>hate partying and shaking my ass I will be a quiet submissive sahm so date me pls>here’s my igShe’s not even creative or memorable. Also kek did she really waste 8$ on a blue check
>>1704977We saw a full body from behind with her wedding pics
No. 1705248
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>>1705215this is the one i have, is that not her then? not american so idk sorry - just saved this when i saw it posted on kf
No. 1705853
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I honestly think she wrote this because she's a retard who cannot function in a normal, 40-hour-week job and is trying to cope by thinking other women are as useless and stupid as she is.
No. 1705900
>>1704506>I'm so trad and chaste and submissive to pwease my future white husband uwu>btw here are all the sites where you can look at my thirst traps and give me moneyEven moids can't be dumb enough to fall for this.
>>1705853>get rid of most women>twitter is falling apartI know there are other factors at play, but how can anyone try to spin this as some kind of own on the women who got fired?
No. 1706387
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Should it be reviewed to his fellow female "honeybadgers" to acknowledge it and stop claiming an early-transitioned troon lying to be a natural woman in their group is not wrong then?
No. 1706476
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With their 2 other cis woman counterparts from the feMRAs, though they look masculine you can still tell Hannah is the trans woman here. Hannah has a male overbite and cheekbone-to-chin lines that really emphasise the male bone structure, how could the group not tell?
No. 1706654
File: 1669128480716.png (6.97 MB, 1836x2376, unknown-172.png)

Another rw tradthot on twitter:
Elise (@elfenelise)
>20 year old swedish girl
>bad at nailart but rw men love her nails because it's not fake acrylics
>for a self proclaimed "tradgf" her pastries just look like turds
>insecure about her natural hair colour (brown) and bleaches it just to tell people she is a natural blonde
>gets simped for being blonde
>has argued with a tranny to then show her very womanly rectangle fridge physique
>gets simped for this
>apparently has abs
>"tradgf" but posts her thighs
>inflated ego solely because she is nordic and only argument she has to laugh at people is "you're brown hahaha"
>gets laughed at in a nordic groupchat for being too americanised
No. 1706706
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She's ridiculous
No. 1706712
>>1706695Anime is "trad" because it's full of sexualized, infantlized teenage girls. That's the extent of their reasoning.
They fetishize Japan as a trad ethnostate RW utopia, mostly because their entire view of the country comes from hentai and video games. They were screeching over how Japan has fallen to Western woke imperialism a few weeks ago since their parliament wants to increase the national age of consent to 16 from 13, kek. They don't seem to realize, or maybe just don't care, that the shitty harem uguu anime they salivate over is seen as schlock for kids and perverts even over in Japan.
No. 1706774
File: 1669139879578.jpg (40.06 KB, 720x287, Screenshot_20221122-152917_Twi…)

She really has a superiority complex when it comes to being Nordic. She blindly believes in the idea that everybody wishes they were Swedish or worships Scandinavians
No. 1706838
>>1706722>>1706675has to be one of these two. how else would OP know about what's going on in a group chat she's in?
>gets laughed at in a nordic groupchat for being too americanised>>1706712wait till these retards figure out japan is actually a modern hellscape with abyssmally low birthrates, high suicide rates, etc. also, if any of these people ever went to japan they wouldn't last longer than a year . i fucking hate weebs, but i hate racists who say japan is a model society even more because they watched too much anime and haven't had a reality check of how shitty life can be there while acting like they're superior to everyone else who likes anime
>>1706706>>1706774this shit SCREAMS american larper. no way she is actually nordic. she even bleaches her hair to cope and seeth. also as a woman with balkan heritage, no i don't get upset for not being nordic lol if anything looking at her i'm glad to not look like an actual tranny
No. 1706891
>>1706654smells like a vendetta post. but i do love how those blue nails are probably supposed to be runes, they look like they were made by a small child who has just started learning how to draw the alphabet.
>>1706774kek, i fucking can't with tradthots, nordic women are just normal women like everyone else. most women i see in everyday life aren't some mythical trve aryan models or something. i think these idiots are obsessed with these partially obscured selfies because otherwise they couldn't pretend they aren't extremely plain looking and insecure.
No. 1707623
>>1707590They probably think it's only true for women because tradthots plainly can't imagine not sucking dick to survive. The idea that you can obtain resources as a woman without engaging in prostitution-lite or some other sexual transaction with some type of daddy figure is simply unfathomable to them.
Because a tradthot has to tease anal for that one new washing machine or some shitty Florida vacation, she thinks this is how it works for any other woman - understandably so. If I willingly sentenced myself to such a life, I too would probably want to believe that no one has it any better.
No. 1708075
>>1707863A workforce alternative of that would be a paid internship where
you pay the employer, except it's for a job in which more experience makes you less employable.
No. 1711187
>>1709981They don’t want a genuine romantic connection, they want a locked down bangmaid, broodmare, and surrogate mommy who can’t ever leave him. Because why wouldn’t a moid want a whole other human being who exists solely to serve him?
If they give a shit about romantic love they wouldn’t treat their aging wives like shit while simultaneously whining about the rise in divorce.
Yes all men want to rape and reap but they’re also self serving and lazy in general, enough to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself. A millennia of being promised helpmeat has got them extra entitled. They want to be a warrior king with an infinite harem as well as being coddled and served like a mother would to a child. There is no limit to how much men demand and no iota of humbleness or self reflection in regards to it.
No. 1711207
>>1707016This is actually funny because whenever you go to male spaces and, in the rare moments they will show vulnerability (or share “feels” as they call it), it’s almost entirely consistent of men crying over lost romantic opportunities, struggling with loneliness in their old age, feeling “blackpilled” for having no family/legacy and other existential dread that hinges on their relations with women. Their fearmongering about cat ladies on benzos is entirely projection. There’s nothing that scares a man more than coming to the realization that he isn’t actually the main character of the universe and he spurned every opportunity to form lasting friendships/romantic relationships. Even if his grief is entirely superficial (muh lost son/genetic legacy, muh no womyn slave to clean my house and talk to me enough to not go insane). The phenomenon I’m describing is basically a moid midlife crisis, since most men never drop their ego fog until they have to face the reality of being terminally unwanted when they are empirically….a bald old creep.
Moids are parasites who think themselves superior for feeding on their host’s flesh. it’s only until they come to the full, front-brain realization that they are dependent on their host to live and the power balance is really the opposite of what they pretended to believe. Of course subconsciously they’re all aware of their precarious situation and their neurotic behaviors towards women can attest to that. One of these tells is their tendency towards projection. Every failure of the parasite is really of the host, and the parasite is actually quite clever and deserving to take advantage of the host, of course.
No. 1711212
>>1711189You are either a man or tradthot apologist if you think the moid instinct to spread their seed and mate guard is anything that could be described as “love”. Boomer and zoomer don’t matter, men have has the same misogynistic ideas since recorded history. Zoomers may not use the same language, ex “my nagging wife”, but they still denigrate and neg women stupid enough to get into relations with them nonetheless.
A fundamental requirement for love is equal respect, and that’s something moids just don’t have for women. If you can say moid “love” includes cheating and reap/raping on the side then it is simply not love that they feel towards us. The closest thing men have is their hierarchical idol worship, but that is still an empty and soulless version of romance that even a robot could preform.
No. 1711217
>>1711189Ah, the classic hopeless romantic moid who has such profound, emotional depth and in need of love and affection to fill his empty heart but also is addicted to porn and will cheat on any woman who gives him a chance without an ounce of hesitation… oh if only women knew the plight of this prince and became his girlfriend already!
I think you have fallen for moid manipulation tactics; lovebombing, narcissistic self pitying, and their main character syndrome waxing notably. Instead of taking male whining over their poor lonely hearts at face value, maybe you should simply observe the faxx for what they are.
No. 1711317
>>1711217moids rarely complain that they can't get sex. Incels do but those guys are genuinely mentally ill. Your typical moid who can't find a relationship complains about being lonely and/or being unable to find love. Women can be happy on their own but men usually can't.
You are tripping if you think that men don't want real love. They just don't want the responsibility that goes with it.
No. 1711323
>>1711317They don’t want real love because they don’t know what love is. They think mate guarding and forcing sexual exclusivity on women is love (note that they themselves will never be sexually exclusive). Your moid will say he “loves” you over the phone while he has underaged rape porn open on his browser. Your moid will say he “loves” you but if you inconvenience him even slightly he’ll be looking for way to monkey branch to another woman.
I literally hear incels make the same argument as you, on 4chan, in threads about dismembering and raping young girls no less. “We men just need love. We’re so lonely. Won’t you fix us? We just need a gf”. All I hear are desperate bargaining attempts from a parasite who is deprived of its host, a parasite that would just as readily rape and kill you if he thought it would be easier than begging. Sorry but moids are animals and their crocodile tears about not having something their brains cannot even process is none of my concern. In fact I relish in the “epidemic” of poor lonely men. Can’t wait for their useless genes to be flushed away.
No. 1711329
>>1711317>moids rarely complain that they can't get sex. Men and pickmes just go on the internet and tell the most brazen lies like it’s nothing.
>incels do but those guys are genuinely mentally ill. Ok I see, we’re doing that moid diversion trick where they make a clear line of distinction between the “real men” and the “lesser men who don’t count so you can’t make generalizations lol I win the argument feminazi”.
Other such examples: “that chauvinist isn’t a real man he’s a boy!”, “That pedo is no real man he’s a faggot!”, “those sex pests aren’t real men they’re incels!”
You tradthots need to understand quick that your mythical perfect man and your idealized version of masculinity does not exist in reality. You handwave actual assessments and critiques of observed male behavior for the honor of a class of men that aren’t even real.
>Women can be happy on their own but men usually can't.Because males are parasites who need a host. They aren’t hopeless romantics struggling with their love quest.
>You are tripping if you think that men don't want real love. They don’t because men are almost entirely incapable of understanding what real love even is.
>dodging responsibilities Another lazy parasite behavior that has continues to exist because of excuses women like you make for men. You don’t even hold men responsible for their actions WHILE you defend them. Insanity.
No. 1711347
>>1711329>Because males are parasites who need a host. They aren’t hopeless romantics struggling with their love quest. Men have been writing cheesy love poems for thousands of years. Pretty much the only subject they can write songs about are about love.
>Ok I see, we’re doing that moid diversion trick where they make a clear line of distinction between the “real men” and the “lesser men who don’t count so you can’t make generalizations lol I win the argument feminazi”. If you are at all familiar with self described "incels", they are clearly all mentally ill.
>You don’t even hold men responsible for their actions WHILE you defend them.I agree that men are bad and are responsible for their own romantic failures. I'm just pointing out that while we can live without them, they can't live without us. It isn't a value judgement, it's an observation.
(male so buttblasted that he is derailing the whole thread.) No. 1711371
>>1709981>>1711189>>1711317>>1711347Ah yes, the well known genre of romance stereotypically associated with men, so commonly enjoyed by men that the term 'dick flicks' was coined. Seriously, men want love? Don't make me laugh. Men don't brag about romance, they brag about sex and servitude when it comes to relationship branging.
What world do you live in? Tradfag men chimpout online about women being poisoned by romance media because they no longer have to settle for men who don't care for them but settled in their minds. Do you mean when men like classic hero movies where they fight the bad guys and get rewarded with a women for being so great? Men don't want love, they want worship and status in their dumbass made-up hierarchy.
>They don't count as men! You can't use them to point out that men don't want love they just want a bang maid! Muh poor mentally ill rapists and mass shooters who sperg about rape needing to be legal and often being outed as pedophiles and zoophiles looking for easy prey to Men need to take responsibility for their actions. Do you think everyone who is a selfish asshole that chimpsout when not given what they want with little to offer or effort on their part is muh sad wittle mentawwy ill person?
Men claiming they want romance while women live in reality and see that is mostly false isn't going to trick any hapless women into settling down as a bangmaid for some useless scrote who wants status and a little kingdom to order around because he feels entitled to do so and shilled the idea by other moids who use it as a way to get them to obey other dumbass moids higher in society.
>Only zoomersAccept men have shat on women for most of history and literally made society force womens single value to be their looks and ability to give birth for majority of history, not love. Tradfag men cope about the wall and shit on older/ugly women all the time. There go to for reeing about women who aren't tradfags is muh leg beard fat feminazi shit.
>But 17 century poets! Men can't focus on anything but love.Men wanting to fuck women is not love. And the whole poet love letter romanticism is rare. The average moids that majority of women paired with was not some romeo.
I assume you're male considering how hard your trying to shill men and relationships in the face of reality and history. It's not going to trick anyone and you wont find a gf hear nor will anyone suddenly believe this dumbass myth of men being romantic as a class. As I said, there's a reason the genre of romance is associated with women and men sperg about women expecting romance from men.
No. 1711415
>>1711347Most moid music I hear on the radio is literally narc love bombing if not explicitly
toxic and
abusive. Most of the famous male artist who sing about love have probably raped numerous underaged fans as well lol. There you go again taking what men say at face value instead of looking at what they do and what motivates them.
Men in general are mentally ill, they all are on the spectrum of autism and NPD, on top of being prone to violence and impulsivity. Incels are men, they are like the gestalt of what it means to be a male before you socialize and domesticate them.
>they can't live without usAnd I don't think it's my responsibility to project humanity onto them and feel sorry for their failures. I like seeing these parasites die off.
Tradthots really do think moids are fallen angels who just need a good woman to fix them, of course the men will say the same. What you get in reality are isolated and lonely women dedicating their lives to being a support human for a moid who doesn't give a shit about them as a person. You'll run around in circles for a few years before you come to this realization. It only takes a few "trad" men to suck the all of good will out of you before you learn, like almost every other woman in the planet.
No. 1711635
>>1687955sage since responding to old milk but this is thought to be a fake message Ethan Ralph sent to himself so the curious thing to me is whether Ethan himself is lurking here to fuck with the narrative which is definitely something he'd do, it'd be pretty hilarious for the Ralphamale to be gayopping on a girl site though, kek
No. 1711782
>>1711740you’re really hung up with semantics, very scrotey of you.
Men are animals and animals can’t help what they are because they don’t have the faculties to change. Just because I know men are defective by nature doesn’t mean I excuse their behavior btw. Same way I don’t fuck around with snakes even though snakes can’t help that they’re snakes.
“Taking responsibility” is accepting that unsavory (aka bad optics) males are still, in fact, males. They can’t use their masculinity fantasies to talk their way out of incels and incel tendencies not being part of their sex.
No. 1711786
>>1711740>You say men should take responsibility for their actions then say you can’t blame incels for their behaviourYou can blame incels for their behavior. Mentally ill doesn't mean that they aren't responsible for their actions. Prisons are filled with mentally ill people.
>Wanting to be loved (essentially worshipped for many men where flaws including outright cheating is ignored and the woman acts like a door mat that does not mind being divorced if the man fines a new shiny women to hold his attention) is not being loving nor actually wanting love.That isn't what most men want. Most men just want the whole boring suburban dad experience. They want to be Beto O'Rourke, not Hans Solo.
No. 1711911
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>>1711896>using George bush and literal nazis as an examples of “the good ones” I still have hope for you (unless you’re a male). You are going to look back on your past self and cringe. Still a better fate for you compared to marrying and dating a polscrote. Just be sure you don’t make that mistake.
No. 1711954
>>1711911First of all, I doubt John Calvin or Percy Shelly were Nazis.
Secondly, I don't think that any of those men were "good ones". My point was that even rich and famous scumbags wanted love, not harems
No. 1712287
>>1712228>You see groups of men that cheer the idea of women being replaced by robotsThe men who say that are coping. They are unable to make romantic connections (usually because they themselves are so fucked up) but they still have the need for such a connection so they cope with MGTOW YouTube vids.
Studies have even shown that narcissistic men are unable to find happiness because of their inability to form romantic bonds
No. 1712386
>>1712287Men don’t want romantic connections. If you actually read studies on how men perceive love it mostly revolves around sex and servitude. Incels aren’t down on their luck mentally troubled men who have to work through their trauma and develop their character in order to get the dream wife they always truly deserved, they are coomchimp hominid creatures who are missing the neural pathways in their brain that allow them to see others as human beings with their own life stories. To them, men are other player pieces in their hierarchy games, and women are objects to be taken or discarded depending on their appraisal.
Autism / NPD scrotes aren’t tragic, byronic main characters who need character development to unlock the next level their love quest. They are literally subhuman and are absolutely unable, down to their biology, to have empathy and connect with another human on an equal level. It’s like teaching an animal how to talk to you. No matter how hard you try it’s never going to happen. These men aren’t worth defending or explaining. They are failures.
When men cry about love they cry about not having a guaranteed hole to fuck, not having a manic pixie dream girl to fix their catatonic depression, not having a house maid who does their laundry and dishes, not having an emotional sponge to dump on, not having a source of narcissistic supply.
For all the romantic minded men you list, even assuming it were 100% true, the unevolved chYmps outnumber them a million to one. You’re either coping and praying you can find your prince charming who loves you like in a romance novel (but let’s ignore the war crimes and anything else that would make him undatable), or you’re trying to trick women into serving moids by dating them under the pretense that an understanding woman can find the good in him (that isn’t actually there).
No. 1712409
>>1712386>For all the romantic minded men you list, even assuming it were 100% true, the unevolved chYmps outnumber them a million to one. You’re either coping and praying you can find your prince charming who loves you like in a romance novel (but let’s ignore the war crimes and anything else that would make him undatable), or you’re trying to trick women into serving moids by dating them under the pretense that an understanding woman can find the good in him (that isn’t actually there)Except I don't think that women should get married. Studies show that men benefit from marriage but that women suffer from it.
>They are literally subhuman and are absolutely unable, down to their biology, to have empathy and connect with another human on an equal level.Then explain Calvin, Goering, Bush Sr and Shelly
>but let’s ignore the war crimes and anything else that would make him undatableIf he treats you well, what difference does it make to you how he earns a living?
(male) No. 1712415
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>>1712409Tradthots think they’re better than radfems while idealizing marrying George Bush and seeing war crimes as a quirky side hustle I am literally laughing my ass off
it’s so fucking pathetic and funny like girl you are not winning and you have absolutely nothing to be smug about lol goddamn thank you for making my day
No. 1714555
File: 1669820190828.png (1.83 MB, 1440x2511, Screenshot_20220519-010200~2.p…)

I found this slut while browsing Facebook this week she's the most pathetic pick me I've ever seen.
>a female MRA
>Constantly posts thirst trap posts parroting MRA talking points for validation despite being married with a kid.
>Posts weirdly sexual pictures of her breastfeeding her toddler (I have nothing against breastfeeding btw but still).
>Says circumcision is worse than rape.
>Claims that all feminists are anti woman.
>Is a lolbertarian
No. 1714565
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>>1714555I feel like this cum dumpster knows that scrotes are only gonna pay attention to her retardation by posting her ass.
No. 1714569
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>>1714559Here she is using breastfeeding to virtue signal for asspats
No. 1714621
>>1712826Scrotes will swear on their life they love a woman while literally abusing and manipulating and lying to her. Story of most women’s lives.
I wonder if most tradthots had dads that loved them? I feel like it’s one way or the other. They either had dads who truly loved them and did a good job being dads, so they think all guys must be capable of loving them like their daddies. Conversely their dads were huge fuckers who said they loved them while actively abusing them, so they assume they have to accept scraps of affection from some fucker cause that’s the best they’ll ever get and if he’s even slightly nicer than their daddy it’s def true love.
No. 1714640
>>1714435Moids are never satisfied with anything unless it’s something they can chase. The grass is greener mentality is something that’s just ingrained in the y. The default was they get a wife and two kids with a house and good job? They ran to the nearest hotel room with an escort to cry about how boring and awful their life is and how it was so much better before. Now the default is they’re alone and they’re running to the nearest mra sub or youtube channel to cry about how boring and awful their life is and it was so much better before.
>>1714569She looks like the type of woman that ironically mras hates the most
No. 1714642
>>1714621>>1714621so they either have good dads or…. bad dads…. like literally everyone else? got it.
this is why the idea of sexually promiscuous girls havin "daddy issues" doesn't work either. i think it's reductive to talk about a women's whole mental state as if it's based only on how her father treated her.
No. 1714684
>>1714621Sorry Nonna but your logic is flawed. You put emphasis on fathers way too much, like scrotes who love to humiliate women with daddy issues, as if those women had a choice. According to you, they either have a loving father or an
abusive one, which already covers a large group of people? Not every one of them turns into a tradthot?
What actually helps women grow stronger is a strong female figure in their family, preferably a mother. A pick me “love heals everything” type of mother who accepts all kinds of abuse from her husband and sons, and puts them on a pedestal is the worst for women’s inner strength and confidence. A mother figure who keeps her head up, is independent, is her authentic self and moves on when/if she’s abused by her husband and sets a good example for her daughter(s) is what young girls need
No. 1714775
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She's a little different from the alt right trad thots that normally get posted here but i recomended this youtube channel today and I just wanted to share it. There is actually a whole genre of videos created to teach black women to be smol and submissive and be less "masculine". She definitely practises what she preaches to some extent unlike the traditional tradthots that are subjects to this thread, but i can't help but think how miserable of a life this is, everything she does seems to be more about trying to get her man to stay. Ngl her cooking looks very unappetising lmao.
No. 1714798
>>1714621Tardthots generally come from tard households. In a classic tard household, the male is an "unattainable", celestial, deified figure whose approval you have to fish for no matter how objectively worthless and meek he is outside the home. The nuclear family is in many ways built to give the beta male an "outlet" for being at the bottom of the hierarchy, a little sandbox in which he gets to be a Chad - his boss may fuck his every hole Mon-Fri 925, but at least he's God and King in the home. This way there's also fewer reasons for him to revolt, which keeps society in relative order. The mother, of course, plays the "unconditionally loving", "earthly" and perma-accepting role as an extension of the moid's own mommy. Daddy and mommy issues aren't a bug of tardition, it's a feature.
That alone explains the generational contagion of tardthottery. What can a girl learn from this environment?
No. 1714916
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A woman from tradwife Twitter just posted this. She had to leave her abusive pos husband after he forcibly got her pregnant. The darkest part is when she basically says she felt like it was her fault for not being a good enough wife. She’s only 25 and pregnant by a violent asshole with a baby she didnt want, and I think they have another child. I hope she can find safety and support for her and her babies, but I also hope that all the trad morons in the comments posting how sorry they are realise they should be shouldering some of the blame too, for normalizing this heinous bullshit.
No. 1715042
>>1714916holy shit. i do a lot of lurking on tradtwitter and sarah is a very active member. she's deep in crunchy woo-woo stuff about natural childbirth, recently posted her fridge full of homecooked meals she made in preparation of her upcoming birth. she is either due in weeks, if not freshly postpartum with a newborn.
to hear that she never wanted to be pregnant is so sad. i know tradtwitter isn't full of the best people, but my heart aches for women trapped in horrible situations like this. i hope she has friends and family who arent damaged by catholic/religious traditionalism nonsense.
No. 1715071
>>1715035Women have agency, believe it or not. And the ones who entrap themselves in submissive man-worship woo woo like this one simply reap the consequences of their poor choices. I fully support her and the rapespawn leaving her ugly moid, I just know she won't. Give it a few months and she'll be gushing over how the key to marriage is being extra quiet and submissive and she just let her silly woman emotions cloud her judgment.
>>1715042If her family is full of tradtards, then they'll tell her to suck it up and perform her duty as a cleaning-fucking-breedbot. The entire point of traditional relationships is to give men easy access to sex and someone to lord over, the woman's health and happiness is not a consideration.
No. 1715156
>>1714916God, I hope she gets away from him for good and he doesn't follow her. Something like this happens every week and yet whenever women describe these scenarios as a big risk of tradthottery they get accused of being cruel and making up fantasy scenarios where people who disagree with them politically get horrifically abused, like, honey, we don't need to make shit up we just need to have a working memory. I wouldn't be surprised to see people in the replies saying it was her fault for making him
forcibly impregnate her and she should have wanted it.
No. 1715176
>>1714916I’m sorry but how do these women not realize how much of a fucking scam these “traditional” relationships are? Let’s give a man the power to lord over your entire life and command you to do whatever he wants while you are cloistered away in the home and have no job/education opportunities. Oh yea and your ultimate goal is birthing as many rapesons as possible so he can spread his shifty genes and
abusive ideology to the next generation.
They must have supremely low self esteem and believe they deserve it, and blame themselves so much for everything they think if they act right their pos scrotes will change.
No. 1715554
>>1715176The worst fears of them leaving is coming to realize that those evil man hating feminists were right all along. Swallowing the black pill dry. I’ve seen trad wives completely abandoned before, living as a single mother with three kids under 5 struggling to get job above retail because they dropped out or never started any higher education cause they believed their moid would provide and be this handsome Marlon Brando 50s husband for them. They always end up
abusive and cheat with a co worker or some escort. And yet even going all this, some will still say not all moids are like this or that he wasn’t actually trad because it’s easier for them to continuista living in their fantasy than face the real harsh truths of reality
No. 1715583
>>1715112>>1715211ntayrt but please. their entire existence online is to not only advocate for this exact experience to
other women but also to shame women who choose agency and dont accept the tardwife lifestyle.
as sad and depressing as her situation is, she is part of the cancer that has spread online. I hope she finds help but I know she will be back on twitter in a few weeks advocating for other women to accept the same exact thing.
No. 1715671
>>1715583Yep. I emphasize with her but I'm also aware that situations like these are what feminists have been warning these women from for
years. Not to mention how much they demonize women who criticize trad bullshit or any kinds of feminist activism, even though they constantly reap the benefits of it themselves. Two things can be true at once.
And mind you, tradtwitter is constantly making light of domestic violence or straight up telling women to accept it as normal. I've even seen women on that side of twitter "joking" about how well they'd be able to withstand their husband's beatings due to her "peasant build". I truly hope she and her family will be fine. But let's call a spade a spade.
No. 1715768
>>1715112How? I think this lifestyle and its adherents are the lowest of the low, only slightly above criminals(which many of them are anyway, including this woman's huuuzzbund). The women who buy into fit into this category also, in addition to being dumb enough to think they would be exempt from the consequences of an ideology that actively preaches for their subjugation. Do you think all the trad women saying wives should shut up and submit to marital rape and beatings are just poor wittle
victims? No, they're active participants in this shit. Them being victimized by their own bullshit doesn't change that.
>>1715121Did you respond to the wrong comment? This has nothing to do with what I wrote.
Marry a man who thinks you're his property to do with as he pleases -> getting treated like his property is a reasonable expectation. She got what she signed up for, which she was delusional enough to think would somehow never happen to her. I don't think she deserves it, but it's far from a surprise.
>>1715211I'm a woman, just not one with much sympathy for tradthots. Believing you exist to serve as a man's sexual outlet-maid-breeder results in actually being treated as such, like this woman is right now. She's an adult, not a child–I don't know why you and these other nonas insist on treating her as such.
No. 1715792
>>1715042Yeah she was posting completely normally until a few days ago. Makes you wonder how many of her mutuals might be experiencing similar things.
>>1715156There are people in her community saying that a woman should get married as young as possible, to the first man she goes out with, and that they shouldn’t be together for longer than a year without getting married. When pressed on how to exactly an 18 year old with no prior experience is meant to be able to choose a good husband they always say some vague shit about how she should know if he’s godly, or that her dad should choose or smth. And if the marriage doesn’t work out then it’s up to her to change to fit what he wants bc divorce isn’t an option. Honestly it’s not hard to see how things like this happen, and I’m sure that for every one of her mutuals who is genuinely sorry for what happened to her, there’s another one who will blame her for picking a bad man, or not doing enough to please him.
No. 1715933
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These thinktank girlbosses are always shucking and jiving for their awful divorced male followers
No. 1716145
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Justpearlythings looks very haggard for her age. Tranny face, becky physiognomy, and skinnyfat with a bloated belly. Is she really 26? I feel like shes really 35 and lying about her age because muh men don’t want post wall women.
No. 1716148
nonny is right. Women have agency and we can make our own decisions and take responsibility for them.
Telling us we’re perpetual
victims with the minds of children is exactly what trad scrotes try to say about women and it’s gross.
I’m just glad she has left her disgusting scrote, proud even. But needless to say, no trad scrote is gonna wife and betabux a kid who isn’t his. And this is why she won’t be accepted in that community anymore, that demonizes and blames single mothers and not the man who ruins the relationship and family.
This is the sad reality of tardwives. They play a rigged game which they can never truly win.
No. 1716188
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No. 1716347
>>1716248She looks at least 10 years older than her stated age
>>1716188Kek you can feel the jealousy dripping from their fingers when they post this type of shit.
>>1716157 is right, they absolutely resent successful girlbosses
No. 1716939
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The other day I've come across a random "muh women must take care of their husbands because nature" posts by one of those trad gurus for fatherless moids, and it inspired me to actually look into it.
Unsurprisingly, there's nothing "natural" about women taking care of men. No animal species, not even monogamous ones, has females that expend their nurturing resources on the fathers of their offspring. Sure, there is a tardthot argument to be made that "women are naturally maternal because female animals". But that really only applies to their offspring. The husband as an ersatz infant is a uniquely human phenomenon that can only be described as a mixture of sexual and brood parasitism.
The fact that the human male evolved to be such an effective parasite is remarkable, however. From my observation, any given "masculinity" permits the male to mimic infants in some contexts involving women without being seen as "weak". Perhaps tapping into female caretaking instincts is more of a factor in female subjugation than tard strength in moids, which is why testeria about "unmotherly" women is a cultural as social cliche virtually everywhere. The tard strength alone wouldn't work without women's pity.
No. 1716952
>>1716622Like most tardwives, she's regurgitating her moid's grievances. The "looking for greener pastures" part is either her and/or her moid's frustration at women who have more bargaining power, made better choices and therefore won't settle for what she has/what he has to offer. Things like that aren't pleasant to observe for either him or her, which is completely understandable.
Internalizing a male's sexual resentment against women he'd like to have but can't is certainly one of the more twisted tardwife behaviors. I can only describe it as being a weaponized cuckquean.
No. 1716972
>>1715768Nonna I'm glad there are nonnies like you that will tell it like it is. What excuses do Western women in 2022 have about being tardthots? Feminism may be a perpetual conflict that is currently losing, but so many gains have been made and have not been chipped away. I have less sympathy for tardthots and how "patriarchal brainwashing :(((" lead to them experiencing exactly what their ideology preaches because so many women that belong to similar lifestyles/ideologies/political opinions i.e. normie conservative, republican, overly religious women have some self respect as women. Granted, not a lot, but it is there. They may believe in some submission bullshit to some extent, but they are not give up total personhood and many have successful careers. They take pride in their intelligence, ability, and seek greatness for themselves. They won't be pinkpilled misandrists but they have some fucking common sense about males and what they can do if you aren't careful. Essentially, it is not impossible to have an iota of common sense and self-respect without being super in-tune with gender politics and while having a more conservative ideology. Yet tardthots do a whole side-step and lean in to the most hideous mutated version of an already shitty ideology. And we're supposed to sit here and think this is inevitable under a patriarchy? No ma'am, not all of us are retards. You can't be surprised you're treated like shit when you are a cheerleader for the worst of patriarchy.
No. 1717005
>>1716972Well said. Nonnies need to keep in mind that tardthots don't just want that prison for themselves. They would if it was actually desirable as opposed to gigantic cope for low value females, which is why they don't. Their self loathing is never confined to their own filthy lives, YOU need to suffer too. Because tradthottery is inherently a sexual collective bargaining strategy for mid to low women, the proposed "benefits" of tard marriage simply can't work unless every female buys into the system. Otherwise there's too much temptation and interesting, unavailable, non-lobotomized "whores" for hubby to fantasize about conquering.
Againz they
need you to be a tardthot also - just as miserable, boring and noxious - because anything else interferes with her odds of being picked AND inspires extramarital obsession with "uppity" women in her beta moid symbiote. I have legitimately never seen a female masochist that wasn't sadistic towards other women, and frankly I don't care if it's their coping mechanism. Men are merciless towards male "cucks" and "white knights", why should non-retarded women martyr themselves for seething bangmaids? You can acknowledge that they're
victims (just like pedos who were molested as children) without having a shred of mercy for them.
Misplaced empathy towards tradthots is going to end with them dragging you into their own bucket of crabs.
No. 1717029
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>>1716982Off-topic but guess who commented.
No. 1717052
Trad influencers are just sex workers. Not a calling I'd choose, but they're as valid as onlyfans creators/lewd twitch streamers/snapchat GFE providers, and represent the exact same labor category (remote partial service sex work). The way their clients perceive them is also largely the same.
In traditional full service sex work, a low sexual value man pays a sex worker to perform acts vanilla women might have too much self respect for. Acts that center the male pleasure and fulfill a psychological need to feel important to women, often in an extreme way. Lauren gets paid to verbally debase herself to cater to these male fantasies, things no woman who grew up with a present and involved father would say in an earnest manner. It's a completely valid market niche in adult content.
The only difference between her and let's say Shayna is that Shayna's content is visual, whereas Lauren's content is verbal (so far). It's sex work lite like phone sex BDSM or custom ASMR blowjob sounds, but sex work nonetheless. Honestly, not a bad gig if you actually get paid and are anonymous, but she's old and it's all tied to her real identity, so her future earning potential is kinda cooked unless she escalates to nudes.
No. 1717135
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>>1716982It's curious that you mentioned Southern, since Chen kind of looks like an Asian version of her. And probably not because of genuine similarity, but because she has that peanut head shape found in aging women with bad fillers (hollow temples and chipmunk cheeks). Her tear throughs are herniated as fuck as well. Does her "career" as tradwhore only afford her a Groupon medspa or something? A decent fat repositioning blepharoplasty would look better and is cheaper in the long run, but perhaps not upfront. Maybe immediate solvency is a problem.
Her moid kinda looks like a skinny pregory septic. What's funny is that supposedly when they met she was already whoring for money, while he was a nobody still in college. Then he hopped onto being her pimp and that's his full time "job" now. Wew lad.
The state of tradthots - literally buxxing a man with the proceeds of your online self-debasement.
No. 1717147
>>1717029>BASED REDPILLED twitter is a barely functional mess that is quickly becoming just as censorious as it was before, since the entire reason it was like that in the first place was for legal purposesMusk fellaters stop embarrassing themselves challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
>>1717135A stunning number of tradthots are bankrolling their "provider" husburdens, or sometimes even just boyfriends. Never forgetting that Atlantic article about Lauren Southern's then-boyfriend telling the interviewer he wouldn't eat ketchup because it was too ethnic, then meekly waited for Lauren to pick up the bill when their meal was complete.
No. 1717348
>>1716952Thanks nonna for the reply. I was feeling a bit guilty about these feelings I cannot help. She says her husband is not a “womanizer” but I catch him staring at cutely dressed young girls around their twenties. All the damn time. However he doesn’t want HIS wife to wear any makeup or get tattoos. He also gave me a dirty look when I told them woman have some sort of financial independence and they should be able to make their own financial decisions. Earlier this year I got myself a second hand Furla bag because I passed an exam and she was like “omg how could you spend this much money on yourself”. It’s not like I spent $10.000 on a Chanel bag, I rewarded myself for a year of hard work. She has no concept of prioritizing herself.
>>1717007She does spend a lot of time in Slavic online circles. I’m not sure about tumblr it doesn’t sound like her cup of tea
I want to support women. But now I understand the nonnas who cannot stand tradwives
No. 1717534
>>1717499nona this is killing me kek
both popped off at around the same time and are both names lauren, but they occupy different niches now. lauren southern married a asian(half asian?) from australia and has a son, she's still nazi-lite but has toned down on her misogyny after being the subject of tradmoid ire for the past six years. married her moid likely after accidental pregnancy, ignores son and husband, likely in the process of divorcing
lauren chen is a hapa who's gone off the deep end in her pickme misogyny. she never got fawned over like lauren southern did on account of being mixed race and not a blonde evropean or whatever, which likely spurred her to behave in such self-debasing ways. married to a butt ugly indian(feather)-white man who mistreats her, has a child i believe but we don't know much about her/him. pray for that child if it's a girl
>>1717348nayrt but all you can do is live your life and show her that life as an independent woman is fulfilling on its own. she doesn't even need to leave her moid or even get a full time career, just socializing outside the internet(maybe at an english language lesson group?), going for walks if she can, picking out a hobby not related to the online sphere. always remember that she's not your responsibility, and there's only so much you can do for her. her life is her own.
No. 1717627
Anonymous now No. 1717625
>>1706838comparing these women to the japanese women i see who actually have it going on and the realities of the cultures here is absolutely wild. staggering levels of childishness when it comes their creepy delusions, it makes them look even more provincial and like stereotypically dumb white people
No. 1717732
>>1717432Literally why is she speaking on this when she obviously doesn't know anything about programming? Am I missing something or is she just jealous other women have interests, careers, skills, and personalities outside of being a
BASED woman with a fake social media job?
No. 1717777
>>1717732There is a certain (not uncommon) cognitive style that makes you gravitate towards ideologies that promise you a boon for displaying X traits or belonging to X group. Tradthots (if I'm a good girl I'll get a good man and go to heaven), troons (if I respect pronouns and take hormones I'll be happy), incels (if I jelq, mew, neg, eat Ray Peat and blow Andrew Tate I'll get a lot of bitches) are all good modern examples. You can call it religious thinking, or whatever. It's a primordial cope and can be applied to anything.
Women like both Laurens at some point probably flirted with liberal feminism and (being the retards they are) processed it the only way they know how - if I'm a woman or if I do X feminist things, I will be a successful girlboss. Said proto-tradthot enters college and finds out that wow, holy shit, she'll never make the cut and will never be able to compete with other women or men. Impossible! Feminism said otherwise! So what does the tradthot do?
Well, a normal person would reason that not all women or men are talented or useful, and it's not implausible that she is one of them. But you see, it just can't be. That would require the tradthot to acknowledge that she's inferior to other women, and that simply can't be. What's actually happening is that all women are as mediocre and useless as her. Also, she can still win by joining another ideology that promises divine rewards and eternal glory for being a good girl, so that would actually kind of make her BETTER than other women! Yeah, that'll work!
On some level tradthots are kind of like James Damore and other deeply mediocre males who just can't accept that many women are better than them, except for tradthots it's coming from a place of also being a woman and requires more complex mental contortions. Many such cases, sad, etc.
Is it pleasant for her to realize that she basically resigned into softcore sex work due to her uselessness and it's really
just her, not the nature of a group she belongs to? Does it hurt to be acutely aware of the fact that you got the short end of the stick in life? I can't say I wouldn't feel the same in her position.
No. 1717820
>>1717732she literally just lives to hear how
BASED she is on twitter for retarded takes. How much longer until tradcath moids or farther right wing ones tell her to fuck off for being a woman on the internet
No. 1717887
>>1717752Bonus kek is when these types seethe about pink haired topless feminists or OF thots or whatever
like they're any different.
>>1717820Getting paid in replyguys saying
BASED to her. Not even a whore, but a garden variety slut.
No. 1717984
>>1717777You're completely right nonna, good post!!! These women believe in the stereotypes of women as narcissistic, talentless things who live on nothing but attention because thats what they are and they can't imagine it any other way.
>James DamoreI forgot about that faggot, he would definitely be a tradthot if he was a woman.
>>1717820I can't wait till this happens throughout the far right internet so they can stop recruiting girls into being groomed into being creepy guys slaves, maybe if we're lucky it'll butterfly effect into the whole thing collapsing.
No. 1718094
>>1715907>>1715927this is the women's blackpill(pinkpill, really) scrotes are just that shallow and selfish. if you are hot, you can get away with almost whatever. but average to below average women have to do all this pickme shit to be considered "worthy".
this alpha fux beta bux is moid projection. because a woman can actually love and care. moids are unable to care about others. moids just look for sex and maid services. their "love" just means "ohh she's useful and has sex with me". while women will try to fix the most wothless and broken scrote.
you just don't do moids kek
No. 1718100
File: 1670145816371.png (831.38 KB, 810x705, justpearlythings.PNG) dumb tradthot explaining why androo taint is right and how she also needs to stop dating cause she's like 26
No. 1718107
>>1716931She is so malebrained.
>>1717777>softcore sex workAt its core, trad marriage is a form of prostitution hence why tradfluencers of all kinds (whether it be online thots or middle aged christians) put so much emphasis on "keeping your man happy" with sex. They need to ask themselves: If I have to fuck for an allowance or a new pair of shoes, am I really any better than the ~whores~ I despise?
No. 1718193
>>1718100out of all tradthots pearly creeps me out the most because the way she talks is always so robotic, emotionless, scripted and her eyes look like there are zero thoughts in them.
it makes me wonder if she has mild autism.
No. 1718202
>>1718094>alpha fux beta buxAs if it's not every moid's aspiration to bag a Becky bangmaid and then buxx and beta orbit a variety of Stacies from a place of safety - with his Becky's money in most cases. This isn't even internet retard trad, this is literally actual culture of most
BASED places like China and such. Western moids are seething because a) it's what they'd like to be able to do and b) this is exactly what women who like moids should be doing to be optimal and c) moids are incapable of not projecting.
>>1718107"The argument between wives and whores is an old one; each one thinking that whatever she is, at least she is not the other." - Andrea Dworkin
No. 1718279
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>>1716145I wouldn't be surprised if she is.
No. 1718294
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>>1718279Some (not all, not even most) redheads age in rat years.
Pic related is Red-Headed Libertarian (frequent Timcast quest) who is late 30s but looks like an elderly woman.
No. 1718337
>>1717777Nonna, you're forgetting the other types of tradthots. Not all of these tradthots buy into the idealogy or can give up total control to a man, no those are the low self-esteem tradthots. There's 3 other types of tradthots that some nonna's have already mentioned, but one is the "I can't cope with being ugly"-kind of narc who thinks all the men around her are beneath her because she's really a 10/10 stacy. Her narc brain can't handle the idea that she's the same as other tradthots who have to grovel and beg for male attention, nonono she's the main character who has all men slamming into signposts and those that don't acknowledge "muh traditional beauty" can get hit by a car. This type of tradthot feeds on online moid attention but at the same time would every male that doesn't see her as a goddess to drop dead. She'll never settle for a single one of them because she 100% knows they're fuggo failmales,
but if she does end up settling for someone she considers her lesser, expect her bitterness to come out in everything she posts while still trying to get the attention her moid doesn't give her online, but uwu tradthottery based amiright?
The 4chan tradthot is the basic becky that spent too much time on your classic /pol/ /r9k/ and /soc/ wombo combo, is 100% a friendless neet who can't even provide for herself let alone a family but, 4chan brainrot has led her to believe that yes, she absolutely should be following tradthot doctrine. At first starts out naively believing men wouldn't hurt her, after her first failed relationship it she either swallows the blackpill on men or spirals further down by just using tradthottery as an excuse to honeytrap males into providing for her neetself.
The final tradthot, is the aggro tradthot who tries to play up the fact that she's a "demure submissive housewaifu uwu" but in reality, she runs her home with an iron fist. Her moid is usually some "daddy dom" soyboy who is absolutely terrified of his wife (expect if they divorce for him to go full mgtow). Online she's particularly nasty and aggressive toward women, whom she knows have it better than her especially if they have an attractive SO. Said moid probably works 10+ hours to provide for her and their possible family but, he looks dead on the inside or like he might snap and kill everyone in that household. It's almost 100% guaranteed there's no love in their relationship. Bonus points if he occasionally lets out subtle digs at her on SM, but is too much of a spineless loser to leave her.
No. 1719411
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Lauren Southern blaming peer pressure for getting Botox and fillers instead of just saying it was her own choice to do it…
No. 1719429
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Whole thread she’s deleted
No. 1719473
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>>1718376Probably on Taint’s payroll. She also dates and has sex with black men so she is tainted and untouchable to most huwhite tradtards and polcels anyway. Same with Layah Heilpern.
triggers racist white men more than white women having sex with black men. Im amazed they don’t know that.
I saw a thread yesterday on /pol/ where they were bitching her out for it because of their small dick insecurity. When are these idiot women going to realize you can’t win a rigged game?
No. 1719489
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>>1719473>Jelq, mew, cope, mald, seethe, perform all the "alpha PUA" mid-air splits, convert to a religion in which women can't leave you>Still resign into sex tourism, paying women to fuck you, agree with you or even exist in your general vicinity >Could've done just that to begin with with less effort and the same results Taint's entire existence is sending me because this is the EXACT trajectory of every looksmax dot com pussy slayer. Plastic surgery, roids, autistic and highly rehearsed LARPing, only to end up somewhere in the Philippines or Ukraine whoring your US passport out. All that effort and you're still a mald paypig. Also:
>mfw this beta's perma-incel simps are literally crowdfunding his sex life in hopes of at some point being attractive for who they see themselves as instead of using that money to pay for their own hookersLevels of cuck never thought possible. L
No. 1719521
>>1719473what was pols reaction to taints popularity anyway? Since he’s half black and now muslim
>>1719500Having dated black men means that she “imprinted” on them and she’ll always compare black dicks to white ones. Then there’s the addiction to cuck porn on top too
No. 1719573
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No. 1719574
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It’s like she’s taking it as a personal attack
No. 1719576
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>>1719574Guess what Lauren? We can tell you overdid it with fillers
No. 1719815
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>>1719473>>1718224>>1718420the uggo tradthot theory from chad chad's comment section
No. 1719837
>>1719815I do think that tardthots should be considered separate from conservative women, when I think of conservative women I think of women like my grandmother who have some outdated values and might consider them actively hateful, sometimes they just don't understand other's perspective, others I feel just might have some uncertainties of liberalism, so I can excuse conservative women
tardthots are different though, they don't belive in anything they say and easily could have been the "SJWs" they spout about if circumstances had been different
No. 1719888
>>1719573shes not wrong here. but you made your bed Lauren, go lie in it kek
>>1719830are the mysterious blacked porn spamming indians in the room with us right now? cope
No. 1719950
>>1719761Checks out because most pedos are pedos because of perceived lack of naivety in adult women, which in their minds makes them blackpilled on men. By blackpilled they mostly mean lack of unconditional love and worship, much like the one you would get from your mother as an infant. Pedos can't stand being seen for what they are, and instead want to be seen the way they see themselves (which for most men is some grandiose, delusional view), so they reason that the only person that will be impressed by them and not see them as a disposable meat dildo would have to be mentally underdeveloped. Also, beta male cuck anxiety plays a major role.
>>1719537They get this from core male neuroses (being cucked or abandoned for a better male, loss of female proximity) and core male awareness of being a parasite of the female reproductive system.
>women imprint on men they sleep withWishful thinking, safety-from-cuckoldry fantasies, envy of perceived successful parasites. A hefty dose of projection, since moids do often experience fixation on the women they sleep with due to delusions of post-coital ownership. They think they've permanently "collected" them and watching those women move on makes them lose it.
>semen changes a woman's DNA and personalityNo, but it is a foreign pathogen to women. Awareness of parasitism.
>if a woman sleeps with any minority at any point her children will be partially mixed race because muh microchimerismA man isn't even fully genetically related to his own father because males have the genetic mutation rate of rats, and their defective DNA gets altered when it's transferred anyway. On some level they know this, hence the fixation with muh legacy and muh immutable paternal line (lmfao).
>all the shit about pair bondingMore wishing rather than observing.
>semen retention gives men superpowersPrimordial coping with the worthless and burdensome nature of male gametes, pretending that they aktually chose to retain it as opposed to not having anywhere to dump them.
A moid can tell himself all these tales about how women will forever be attached to men they fucked and then lament being dumped or cheated on in the same breath. They lie to themselves even more then they lie to others.
No. 1719980
>>1719761I guess it's obvious but these moids have got to be friendless, since anyone close to someone who dated in middle or high school would not envy their experience kek. Even in the best of cases, the relationships are just learning periods where one figures out how to treat/get treated by a romantic partner, they rarely(read:almost never) lead to a lifetime or even 10-year long relationship. Who you are as a teenager is not who you'll be at 25, 30, 35 and beyond.
And isn't the age of first sexual encounter around 17? Porn has destroyed their brains if they think the average middle schooler is sexually active.
No. 1719995
>>1719950Some tribes still practice splitting their dicks apart to imitate vulva ownership. They've been trying to become us since the dawn of time to no avail. We live inside their heads rent free. Being God's original creation feels good.
To any scrotes reading here: you will never experience unconditional love. The immutable mother-daughter bond excludes you.
No. 1720080
>>1720017mods can look up my Ip, there aren't many white people in my country
>>1720031they are diverse cause they are unified in their common hatred and neurosis, black, white, brown and asian men all have issues against neoliberal capitalist society who they blame solely on the jews and other made up boogeymenm, its more toleration then accepting other people
which makes me curious, there that doesn't seem
writing this makes curious, why do you think there's overall less overalp between white tardhots black tardthots, and muslim tardhots compared to their male counterparts ?
No. 1720458
>>1719950"pair bonding" is how males try to sell their violent mate guarding
>>1720219>>1720373>>1720404sage your non-milk
No. 1720809
>>1720738We absolutely would nona, post them.
Also, is anyone interested in assorted batshit pickmes who are not necessarily tradthots but are pushing it? There's this hideous Colonel Kurtz hoe (from the justice for Johnny Depp orbit) and she has the most tragic failed girlboss syndrome ever.
No. 1720901
>>1720809as stated earlier there is a big difference between tardthots and crazy right wing women, in that crazy right women genuinely believe in all of the BS they spout, while majority of tardthots could easily be working for CNN if the opportunity presented themselves on the other hand crazy RW women underabily believe that bill gates is part of a stanatic pedophilic elite that wants to move to mars, that's why I think they shouldn't be lumped in with tardthots and should maybe have their own separate thread
though I am curious about the woman you described, could you post her insanity ?
No. 1721042
>>1721034Maybe she got that done for herself and not for you.
t. got my own lips done
(sage, sausage lips.) No. 1721356
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>>1720901Well, this capybara looking Becky is a rightwing-ish woman, though she's probably more of a feMRA loser. thinks women shouldn't vote, and that "female professors are crazy", followed by "I am a female professor so I work with them". Most of her content is about pathetic simping for Johnny Depp and Marylin Manson. Some of her greatest she-simp hits - "Johnny wouldn't ever get jealous if he was with me".
But who is this "female professor" really? Well, her name is Kristen
Lacefield she used to be some sort of an adjunct teaching film studies (lmao) at Texas Christian University (lmao) until she got booted from there. That's when her J4JD "career" began. She openly admits to being broke as shit and having nothing to lose. Her biggest
triggers are, as you may have guessed, respected female professors from prestigious institutions like Stanford, teaching something respected like law. I suppose if my thesis was about Mary Shelley's influence on horror movies (LMFAO), I'd feel this crushing weight of academic inferiority too.
No. 1721378
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>>1721356i'm surprised that she doesn't have a thread here, she's ridiculously milky. i guess part of that is that the manson threads have been dead in the water for a good while so people who were interested solely in that discussion migrated.
she's ridiculously dogmatic and will use knowingly falsified receipts to push her agenda. this tweet thread covers a few occasions where she's done it including a hate campaign against manson accuser ashley morgan smithline that was facilitated by her giving a platform to ashley's ex who just shit talked her. eventually she took down the interview for obvious reasons.
pic related are some clearly faked dms lol
also ot, i've never properly seen ck's face before. she looks like an extremely plain emilia clarke.
No. 1721394
>>1720901It's close enough, this thread was so slow for months the last one hit bump limit and this one wasn't created until weeks later. They're all posting the same retarded misogynistic right-wing bullshit, psychological specifics are purely cosmetic.
>>1721371NAYRT but there's mountains of thesis already written about that.
No. 1721427
File: 1670447556915.png (31.1 KB, 1254x267, scrote.PNG) now this fucking retarded crusty snatch-rot is straight up defending woman beating. comments full of used tampons saying they have a right to hit women cause they "brought it out of them" by being mean to them. picrel
No. 1721461
>>1721384The only Manson defender I know is a juggalette single mom who started popping them out immediately after high school with
abusive/loser/perverted men. People who are entry level “alternative”/juggalos and therefore think just because they like someone’s work that they are a good person.
No. 1721494
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>>1719550He's also ugly as fuck when he's not doing his constipated tough guy pose and wearing those stupid sunglasses
No. 1721508
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>Russian tradwife posts obvious coomer bait photo with “yes, daddy?” as a caption
>the usual misogynists in these circles take issue with it
>”omg how dare you sexualize me im just flirting with my husband :/“
No. 1721522
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>>1721518she gave birth with heavy eyeliner on, “minimal” my ass
No. 1721527
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>>1721522she brags about wearing “minimal makeup” a lot
No. 1721682
>>1721508Definitely larping since it’s trendy to do and poltards fetishize Slavic women like crazy. Might be 1/2 or 1/4 Slav or some shit irl but definitely not a native speaker and no Slavic woman would call herself soviet honeytrap, that’s so cringe.
t. Actual Slavic
No. 1721691
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>>1721508Romanticizing scrote chimpouts is soooo trad!
No. 1721715
>>1721427Honestly reminds me of Andrew Taint’s dysfunctional childhood stories framed as normal.
He talks about how his mom and dad would fight over how to raise him, his dad walked out on his mother and would force Andrew to stay up playing chess till 3AM while he was exhausted and crying and his father was berating him and yelling at him. Asshole dad right? Yet somehow Andrew manages to make his dad seem like the good guy and demonizes him mom in that scenario as trying to make him ‘weak’ and thanks his
abusive dad for making him ‘strong’.
Literally just has so much trauma it made him into a psychopath and thanks his dad for giving him ASPD. Tate is daddy issues personified.
No. 1721726
>>1721617I'm not slut or sex worker shaming, queen. I'm merely wondering why they got into this line of completely
valid work if they struggle so much with the reality of it. Like yeah men will sexuize you when you're a sex worker? Lmfao
No. 1721735
>>1721715Top kek, daily reminder to all boymoms that your moid larva will always side with the man that's
abusive to you AND him.
No. 1721738
>>1721735Unironically tho. The number of men I’ve seen who blame their single mothers for everything rather than their
abusive or absent fathers who abandoned the family is insane. Moid solidarity is unbreakable, scrotes will always defend the worst most evil man over the most good and virtuous woman.
No. 1721849
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>>1720738 this insane trad Muslim couple with the woman in a full on burqa count? I fucking despise everything about this, the cutesy shit just makes them more sinister to me.
No. 1721863
>>1721849they fall into this
>>1720901 category, they women actually believe that dressing like this and being submissive toward whoever is their husband guarantees they will get into heaven
No. 1721975
>>1721617Whoring yourself out to men who'd beat you if dinner isn't ready on time and romanticizing such a dynamic is such a power move, totally. Fuck off scrote.
>>1721494He literally has the incel/virgin physiognomy, holy fuck.
>>1721508Two retards fighting. When will tradthots realize these poltards don't want them on the internet at all, whether they post thirst traps or not. They hate you and you don't get it. It's like those high school bullies pretending to like the autistic kid in order to mock him. Same vibes.
No. 1721981
>>1721715>>1721735>>1721738moids are the ones unable to take accountability kek. always projecting. Violent? someone somehow made them do it, "it wasn't them, they weren't themselves" as many of those yt comments claim. they can't be responsible for their chimpouts, they literally act like they got posessed when it was just them. same with being absent or
abusive. always someone elses fault.
No. 1722046
>>1721987>>1721995In Islamic law , if someone genuinely converts to Islam then yes all their previous sins are forgiven regardless of whatever they would have done in the past, its not a matter of debate either, cause Muhammad recorded stating this in the major Hadith compilations
>“The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: ‘If a person accepts Islam, such that his Islam is good, Allah will decree reward for every good deed that he did before, and every bad deed that he did before will be erased. Then after that will come the reckoning; each good deed will be rewarded ten times up to seven hundred times. And each bad deed will be recorded as it is, unless Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, forgives it.'” [Sunan an-Nasa’i]so yes, from a Islamic perspective, Andrew Tate is forgiven for all his previous sins
No. 1722083
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No. 1722093
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>>1722083oh this moron, I'm surprised you are aware of her
she's a shill for the PTI(a last liberal Islamic party in pakistan that was ousted in a coup), she posts edited photos of herself as thirst traps and tires to preach pan-Islamic identity, she's very stupid, so stupid that Islamists in Pakistan make fun of her
No. 1722182
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>>1721494>>1721975Kek he actually looks soy
No. 1722229
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>>1722182Chin-chan levels of chincel
No. 1722268
>>1721973its the modern "engagement" algorithm. more aggravating content keeps eyes longer than pleasant content.
its why twitter is the way it is, the algorithm constantly pushes the most "engaging" content to your feed, which is almost always psychotic tradthots and their balding orbiter moids
No. 1723011
>>1718202Bravo, anonita! I enjoy reading your takes.
Can you teach me how to respond to trp arguments that "scrotes built civilization", "all great people in the history, all scientists and philosopgers were men" and other arguments of the sort. What's the best way to shut them up?
No. 1723092
Indeed, they sincerely believe themselves to be a part of that community of greatest men on earth, while all they've managed to achieve is some dead-end job - at best. I liked all advices, many thanks to y'all nonnies.
No. 1723147
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>women don't deserve marriage equality
>starts sobbing
>muh religion
>gaslighting her colleagues to vote against women's rights.
No. 1723179
>>1723011Scrotes who say this are uneducated as fuck kek I suggest not engaging at all because they simply do not have enough IQ to understand how and why these men even have the standing they do to begin with. Their repertoire of "all great people in history" is always limited to Albert Einstein and Plato. Just
>>1723013>>1723083Not just that but womens creations and contributions are not recognized and/or lost to time because preserving information is difficult and costly and women were not allowed to join the institutions responsible for formalizing and preserving knowledge. On the rare cases that particularly non-shit moids decided to educate their daughters, they weren't allowed to do anything with their education beyond being witty at parties at best or ending up a ruined spinster at worst.
No. 1723181
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>>1723083Yeah there really is no point in educating them on the obvious they don't care. What is nice though, is that despite all the BS there are still many women that contributed to major discoveries in science and made contributions to fields like philosophy, art, literature..etc.
>>1722867As a pakistani descent-anon (not to be confused with our resident paki-chan lol) I don't even care about arguing with people that aren't from Muslim families. This issue is a theoretical one for them. I do take issue with their lack of critical thinking and lack of adhering to progressive principles, but the bigger problem imo is the delusional Fatimahs whether they are tradthots or libfems. They have more power in the discourse than they are given credit for, and many of the stupid slogans repeated by mindless non-Muslim libfems come from delusional Fatimahs (and ofc Muslims in general).
The ex-Muzzies need to realize that they need to debate with their sisters, cousins, and aunties because they are also on the podium saying stupid delusional shit, and they have the the identity politics trumpcard to shut down criticism ("yeah, well I'm a Muslim woman and I'm not oppressed! I get to have a boyfriend and wear what I want! Only Allah can judge me!"). It is Muslim women that yap about "white feminism silencing them" when the rare mainstream libfem criticizes the hijab. It is Muslim women that love to cherry pick verses and try to girlbossify women's obvious second-class status in Islam (b-but my money is my money and his money is my money too!). There is a lot of discussion about "white feminism" and white women that play both sides of the political spectrum (i.e. democrats but fuck republican dudes, become republicans later on), and it is usually said by
WOC. These
WOC need to be humbled because picrel is what they end up doing, which is the exact same thing that the evil yt feminists they yap on about do. Literally, so many
WOC are essentially the cringy republican white chicks/tradthot make fun of, but they get to hide their regressiveness with some woke/"anti-imperialist/anti colonialist"/faux anti-racism veneer.
No. 1723223
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Sage for not milk but picrel is a good example of the mindset the average RW moid tradthots are trying to get picked by have. No matter how servile or self-effacing they are, their moids still think they're nothing but useless burdens itching to cuck them. I don't think there are any RWers/trads that aren't coombrain cuck fetishists, honestly
No. 1723273
>>17230111. Wow moids won the race when no one else was allowed to run! Tell him to polish that participation trophy.
2. After only a few generations, women are rapidly outperforming men career and education wise, which is something he's no doubt seething about while calling for more penile affirmative action. Men are barreling towards irrelevance and decay after only a few generations of simply
not being coddled as much. Let that sink in.
3. Coom chimps generally know that that there's nothing they can do that women can't, and women are a lot less costly to society. The cost of propping up a male (muh father figure, muh skulinity, muh not
triggering coom impulses, muh ritualistic female submission and male reverence rituals, muh consooming more resources, muh dispense him a wife so he doesn't shoot up a mall, muh protect him from all domesticity so he can pursue his "brilliance" etc etc) simply doesn't create any output that justifies the colossal investment. Most men not only amount to absolutely nothing despite all the coddling they receive, they're actually a net economic and societal negative. More males always equals more violence, crime, disorder, sexual degeneracy and war - especially if they're unmarried.
4. Muh male variability dictates that the vast majority of moids are mediocre or borderline retarded - it's a near guarantee that he has absolutely nothing in common with the ones who actually invented something. Like
>>1723063 said, tell him to post his patents as opposed to seeking penile pride by proxy via the exact SJW "representation" mechanism he probably sneers at.
5. There is nothing males are "superior" at except their chimp strength, which comes at the expense of general health and longevity. That's it. The most efficient way of applying a male in society is backbreaking
No. 1723286
>>1723273Their chimpouts about gynocracy and feminization of society because women are outperforming them are hilarious
No. 1723410
>>1723334No one believes women are actually abused at the rate they are. The statistics are there, but if you ask the average person if they know a rape
victim they would say no, that's impossible. Nevermind that even knowing 10 women means you probably know one. If she's not frequently discussing it it didn't happen.
No. 1723419
>>1723181>men who hate women need to marry womenThat pic reminds me of that american news guy who blamed democrats winning on unmarried women and then told men to just put a ring on it so conservatives can hold power or how conservatives complained that no woman would date them so they had to lie on their dating apps to get attention. Or when conservatives built a dating app for just them but zero women signed up and the males were pissed
I hate the narrative that we can all just get along uwu with these scrotes that see rape and murder of women as nothing because they don’t see women as human. Women gain nothing for that deal
No. 1723487
>>1723473>pro life>has had multiple abortionsEvery time. There's nothing wrong with having an abortion of course, but it takes a special kind of hypocrisy to try and deny the same opportunity for self-ownership to other women. If fetus yeetus is baybee murrrdurrr, then why aren't they castigated by their fellow forced birthers for being a murderer? Just goes to show that no one actually believes that shit.
RW ideologies are just very emotion-based in general. You have Dems trying to keep people awake with their necessary but boring policies w/r/t infrastructure or whatever, meanwhile Repubs are foaming at the mouth about their interracial cuckold and kindergartners learning about anal beads in school fantasies. Entirely based on coom and emotions. It makes sense, given that it's a male-driven ideology kek
No. 1723553
>>1723334Well you see
nonnie, being able to sit down in class for a few hours is a feminine trait. Studying and having good work ethic and discipline are all feminine traits. Moidlets can't be expected to be civilized like that! Nevermind that the entire fucking system was created by and exclusive to them until so recently that people who can remember a time before things changed are still alive
No. 1723588
>>1723553Originally they coped by saying boys scored higher on tests and girls only did better because they're more obedient, but then girls started outscoring boys on tests, too. And women do better than men in "masculine" professions like being a doctor or business person…must be the gynocracy at work!
I always wonder how they argue against the fact that girls and women outperform men even in countries like China. Is the hyper-misogynistic, highly traditional educational system created by and for men
also subverted by eeevil feminists over there, too? The country where little girls were regularly killed at birth until recently? I'm sure they'd find a way
No. 1723808
>>1722410>>1722867I don't think you can compare Islamic belief to western tardthottery, cause Islam is a perfect religion (structurally speaking)
Judaism and Islam have supplementary theological texts that help fill in spaces, the Talmud, the hadiths and various commentaries on these texts, plus in a more authentic language, jewish texts remain in Hebrew while the Islamic texts remain in 7th century Hijazi arabic, that's why the enlightenment and thus the loss religion could only ever come from a Christian civilization, Islam(and many organized religions) are just too structured, they have perfect hierarchy and guidance to never really decline as a faith in their societies
Muslims use these arguments all the time to discredit Christianity and they are correct, Christianity is an internally flawed religion and that's why christian societies could evolve past faith
No. 1723826
>>1723181peak maria al masani. idk if she was mentioned but if she read this her seething/coping/internalized incel mindset (clearly her therapy didn’t work, she went roosh v tier and her husband, thank gods those genes won’t reproduce) would explode and her “elegant lady larp” and mr burns in drag costume would melt off her.
i do think a select few/basic ideas of the hypergamy or adjacent ish blogs who are normal are really great for those who are particular situations already and can work them are really helpful, along with some basics as the “minimum not being bare and self-improvement” stuff is no brainers, but it’s devolved into something really watered down, ridiculous grifts, taken from old posters who were talking about really different goals, diffused into circles like this, and turned into general silliness and made easily marketable for clueless people focusing on the wrong things or having no sense of judgment and seeing these influencers aren’t the real deal or shittly portraying themselves, or they wouldn’t be doing this or shut up.
No. 1723843
>>1723188I've read an article on some neonazi blog explaining that Mileva Maric was talented because of her superior European DNA. And that Albert Einstein worked at a patent bureau which allowed him free access to the most groundbreaking findings, he stole ideas from other scientists.
Every time Mileva's name is being mentioned it reminds me of that nazi article. I mean, Rs don't look at women's accomplishments from gender perspective rather from racial perspective.
No. 1723849
>>1723843They recognize Mileva Maric's contribution, they admit that Einstein exploited her talents, but only because he was Jewish and she was European. Only in situations where there's
POC vs Euro dynamic they readily praise the woman and knock yhe man down.
No. 1723884
>>1723244Its hard to tell with Imran Khan, cause a lot of his statements were more forced then actual Islamist belief, he was not the usual brainwashed bearded Islamist that we tons of here, I guess he wanted the supported of the Islamists(both sunni and shis, that's why he shilled pan-Islamism so much) as a count weight to the loyalist PPP and PML supporters as well as the army
and as
>>1723227 stated, every other political power is connected to two bit thugs and ethnic para-miltairy death squads, for most of the middle class he would seemed like a better alternative but he didn't know how to play Pakistani politics, everyone saw how phony he was and he was not build a support base that had any actual power
No. 1724005
>>1723884tbh I think actually political discussion is not something I expect much from here, most of the users want just to mock hypocritical morons online(which is
valid mind you) but I don't expect a discussion beyond that
No. 1724144
>>1724060Paki-chan is right tho. Muslim libfems and tradthots are a product of westernization. Without the west, there would be probably no current social media culture that rewards attentionwhoring.
Also islamism is, at its core, a reaction to westernization and modernity. For early islamic groups, technological innovations such as the telegraph was similar to innovation in faith, which is a major sin in Islam.
No. 1724155
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>>1724078is that like a botaccount cause it's posting like 5 memes every half hour, and why are you subscribed too it
>>1724060>>1724144You are correct, I really cannot comprehend the mindset and even background of most "hoejabis" cause I was raised in a more military family and my father considered most other ethnic groups half-eunuch's or religious radicals, I have lots of experiences but I can't know where they come from, like I can understand where the unreliably naive "moderate" muslim libfem comes from but I don't get these "types" at all
No. 1724477
>>1724155>>1724339It's simple, these women are part of the westernized upper class, but they don't to admit that so they identity with "
POC's" in america and try to appropriate some of their slang and their behavior and that's why they bitch about white people so much even though in most cases they are literally 1% of their country
No. 1724858
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>>1724477You are likely right, these women are from what my father would call half eunuch groups, upper class, disconnected from the reality of the world and rather westernized lot but not at all willing to admit it, they do shall look down on their own cultures and people here but to the west they try to present themselves as some pan-
POC(or whatever termn) Muslims
they have constructed an entire identity that is simply opposed to the idea of "white people" or "Christians" rather then be authentic to themselves in anyway
No. 1725134
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how could we have known that the meme was meant to be about her? thank god she wrote me 3 times with arrows pointing to the female wojack so we could know!!
another slide said
>i will cook every day, pour him with love, give him children, take care of him and do as much as possible for him
bitch if you’re going to larp as trad maybe become literate first
No. 1725179
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>>1725134this also ignores the reality that for majority of people(in Europe at least) there were actually few gender specific tasks, both men and women did back breaking labor from the moment they could walk till the day they died, both contributed to the household and both their extended families helped in the child raring, frankly speaking memes like this insult the experiences and existence of their ancestors just as much as their imagined enemies
No. 1725359
>>1725354I am aware that in the family life the man who was ultimately held all the power but to deny both didn't contribute to the household is just as bad as tard version of history
again its complicated
No. 1725424
>>1723808>>>I don't think you can compare Islamic belief to western tardthotteryIt's Muslim tradthots and Christian tradthots that are being compared though, and how are they not the same? Both use religion to prove that they are better, traditional and modest, while seeking attention and validation on social media and living in a way that is incompatible with their religion. They both criticize something (the West, women's rights, etc.) that they benefit from every day.
>>> they have perfect hierarchy and guidance to never really decline as a faith in their societiesIn communities/places where people are not allowed to question anything, and are violently punished or even killed for disobeying, of course the ""faith"" does not diminish. It's not like you can't poke holes in the Muslim religion, it's just that it's repressive and violent enough to discourage people from trying. It was the same for Christianity in the Middle Ages. All religions are inherently flawed and retarded (I mean the Quran itself contains obvious human errors (e.g. mathematical errors) and thought processes even though it is supposed to be the word of Allah himself) and they all collapse without repression (at "best" they continue to be practiced in a less strict, more "spiritual" way and in a way that is adapted to modern life). Because no one is going to follow completely anachronistic –and unhinged I'm sorry to say– texts unless they are brainwashed and forced to do so, usually since childhood.
No. 1725529
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Megha’s new opinion
No. 1725530
>>1725444>>1725179That's the thing, for 99% of people most of our ancestors were peasants and there's nothing nothing wrong then that, they weren't either morally worse or better then us, they were just people living their lives and doing the best they could
>>1725529Meghan Murphy???
No. 1725963
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Sorry if this isn't the right thread. But god is it telling how conservative men that larp as trad Christian husbands are all just the same scum men at the end of the day.
No. 1726327
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>>1725963Every accusation is a confession. Tradthots should pay attention. Their trad husbands they want to put all life in the hands of will shatter it the second his worthless peepee gets hard for another woman.
No. 1726329
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>>1726107Ugly ass moids really got nerve to cheat when they look like this. First time I ever saw a clip of this asshole he said how much he loved his wife and she was his best friend. God I fucking hate men.
No. 1726341
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>>1725880>>1725943tbf this isn't a phenomenon limited to either this generation or even rightwingers, young people enmasse tried setting up hippie communes to "retvrn" to a mythical era
I actually have researched communes in western europe and america, the vast majority of them failed and this happened regardless of ideology and race, the quasi buddhist communes, the free love communes, the female separatist communes, the quasi hindu communes, the black or white only communes
all of them failed for reason or another, physical labor and shitting in the woods is harder then it seem, giving away civilizations comforts is not easily done, they went in with ideals and weren't willing to even acknowledge the likely hardships they would be facing
still some survive to this day with old believers who were willing to put in the effort remained true to their imagined ideals No. 1726398
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>>1726378for all its faults, I feel like Yugoslavia did have an effective middle ground between industrialization and self reliant communities that had a degree of autonomy without globalization, but I don't think it can easily be replicated for other states either
No. 1726557
>>1726368I feel like the majority of conservative women who end up with uggo loser men like that got meme'd into settling down asap cause muh eggs and dying alone. Men have been literally using the same scare tactics since the dawn of time.
Calling a woman a spinster in the past is literally the same as they do today laughing at women having a career.
Men are just such pathetic creatures they need to have power over someone else or they feel worthless.
No. 1726587
>>1726513geography played a large factor but it was also specifically Yugoslavia's unique economic model
see large companies were state owned, and for the larger part of Yugoslavia existance the private owned business was forbidden. Smaller businesses, such as small produce shops, farms and similar were however part of public associations.
The workers were directly involved in the company/enterprise being organized in Radnički savjet (Worker's counsil) whose representatives informed the management of the workers opinions. Management propagated the idea further to the top[ No. 1726665
>>1725649Not just their fair share but whole huge issues with them. They struggle a lot with inbreeding and the resulting health issues that come from that. And the rampant sex abuse of girls and women in those communities. Maybe 1 couple looks happy but for every one, there are a dozen families that are abused. Any community ran by moids will struggle and women will never find love and happiness in them
>>1725963Hope more gets exposed. Ugly scrotes like Elijah deserve their wholes lives to be destroyed permanently
No. 1726789
>>1726755that a scrote like him can say stupid shit like how women need to be modest and obedient then cheat, commit SA, get called out by another moid for it, and awarded is a black pill.
Tradthots never win with scrotes like these willing to rape and spread stds around but will call other women the problem
No. 1727773
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No. 1728125
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>>1726329his eyes are the only ones really smiling while she looks dead inside…maybe she already knew
No. 1729859
File: 1671336175729.webm (792.15 KB, 320x568, EuOnj99Q-WqqhN1y.webm) related, but read the comments+QRTs on this doozy. So many moids and some tardwives/boymoms wishing death, torture, and misery onto women who just don't want to get married. Are moids genuinely too stupid to realize they're just proving her point?
No. 1731660
I get pleasure from seeing mommy issue moids suffering they’re complaining that women don’t teach them to be aggressive or chimp out enough. As if XY parasites need to be encouraged any more than they already do kek. You can give endless love affection and care to your smeglet yet XY parasites will always be ungrateful pieces of shit who hate you. Honestly if you don’t cull your smeglet in the womb you deserve everything you get.
No. 1731662
>>1731660This is why I only want daughters. No matter how good a mom you are, moid larvae will always side with their father over mom, even if he was an
abusive, crappy or absent piece of shit. Scrotes are literal parasites.
No. 1731665
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>>1731660one of the toughest men I know was raised by 2 lesbians, so I wonder how these guys who have never left their parents basement would react to him
No. 1731676
>>1731665I was gonna respond with something similar to this except I don’t know anyone who was raised by lesbians, however it would make perfect sense if babies born to lesbian moms would know how to defend themselves/stand their ground more? Because scrotes try to fuck with lesbian women
all the time and they Bruce Lee those faggots right away, whether verbally or physically kek
No. 1732057
>>1731697From Martha Rosenthals' book human sexuality from cells to society:
>A long-term study of children raised by lesbians found that these children were less likely to suffer from physical and sexual abuse than were their peers who were raised by heterosexuals. This is thought to be due to the absence of adult heterosexual men in the households (Gartrell, Bos, & Goldberg, 2010).>Girls raised by lesbians tend to have higher self-esteem, show more maturity and tolerance than their peers, and are older when they have their first heterosexual contact >Children raised by same-sex parents seem to be less constrained by traditional gender roles; boys are less aggressive, and girls are more inclined to consider nontraditional careers, such as doctor, lawyer, or engineer (Gartrell et al., 2005; Stacey & Biblarz, 2001).>Compared to age-matched counterparts raised by heterosexual parents, these adolescents were rated higher in social, academic, and total competence, and lower in social problems, rule-breaking, aggression, and externalizing problem behavior (Gartrell & Bos, 2010). No. 1732088
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>>1732057this is also a good time to remind people the "lesbians have the highest domestic abuse rates" shit men like to chant is pretty much false, because they are leaving out important details.
No. 1732157
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Thanks for reminding me how retarded the moids on pol are. All they think about is black penises and ‘Chad’. They’re all such fucking faggots kek.
No. 1732158
>>1732088I mean it’s blatantly obvious. How many women a year are killed by other women vs women killed by men? 80% of female homicides
victims are killed by a male partner or ex too.
No. 1732184
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>>1732157>>1732160I wonder, how would they feel about someone like hafthor bjornsson or young dolph lundgren being allowed to impregnate their gfs(on the slim chance they have one) or crushes, cause by their logic only physically strong and intelligent northern europeans should be allowed to have children and 99% of /pol/ users aren't this, so by their own argumentation they should sterilize themselves and raise the children of scandinavian powerlifters well like literal cucks
No. 1732375
>>1732279It’s weird because from all the misogynistic manosphere circles I’ve lurked it seems most moids hate ‘noticeable’ makeup with a passion and think it should be banned. They also believe women shouldn’ be allowed to wear things like shapewear, corsets etc because it’s ‘frauding’.
The disgusting taliban scrotes banned makeup, perfume, nail polish and western clothing like jeans for Afghan women, they were issuing fucking fatwas against makeup stores and terrorizing, kidnapping, raping and torturing female beauty salon owners.
But at the same time smeglets complain that women arent attractive or sexy enough when women refuse to wear all that garb. Radfems claim makeup, shapewear, heels, perfume, filters etc are sexist and oppressive and to an extent it definitely is, but on the other hand you have scrotes beating women in Islamic countries for wearing lipstick and actually wanting the government to jail women for using filters or makeup.
You really can’t win with scrotes. Women should just do whatever the fuck they want, honestly.
No. 1732416
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>>1732221White men’s psychosexual obsession with black mens penises fucking white women is really strange. They even have a whole database where you can look up womens names to see if they dated black men before you. And you can add/edit entries of women on there. It’s insane.
No. 1732418
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Rent free.
No. 1732435
>>1732416moids are absolutely porn fried and destroyed from all the cuck porn they consumed. It’s all they see in everything so they project their degeneracy onto women
>>1732433Makes sense. It’s always projection
No. 1732454
>>1732433I’ve read studies that found women across ethnic groups are less likely to date/marry outside their own ethnic group than men are. Women tend to be more conservative in their mate choices and choose men within their social circles. It’s funny that moids sperg hardest about “muh racial purity” when
they are the ones prone to racemixing and chasing their dicks around indiscriminately. All of this is just insecure bullshit aimed at controlling women, because internet Nazis are socially maladjusted autists who know they can’t compete with other males in an equal dating market.
No. 1732469
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>>1732449It’s just typical scrote one rule for me another for thee bullshit. Race will never come between a moid and his innate horny moid nature.
It was supposedly ‘conservative’ married white men who were raping and marrying countless native women when they came to the New World, having sex with their black slaves, marrying Korean and Vietnamese women after the wars, who fetishize Asian women in porn, poltards bashing white women and talking about how they’re ruining the west etc etc.
Pic rel, in a dating survey 65% of white women said they prefer their own race only, while only 29% of white men said they prefer their own race only. Moids are hypocrites.
No. 1732484
>>1732184This is the funniest part of the eugenics movement (which is all scrote brained and utilitarian ofc)
They claim certain traits are far more desirable than others, yet are not humble enough to let a superior man impregnate their gf or wife, even it’s for the ‘greater good of humanity and gene pool’.
These scrotes are all talk and no action. Eugenics is a meme and always will be because moids are innately egotistical and terrified of being cucked. Even if they’re ugly and balding and short and mentally ill they’ll insist that REAL eugenics is about muh intelligence, race, whatever goalpost needs to be moved in their favour and make them feel validated and included etc.
Even the most rabid eugenicist darwinist scrotes recoils at the thought of being a stepfather and would rather spread their own sperm which is full of defects and mental illness, than allow a healthy handsome smart neurotypical male become the sperm donor.
What’s also funny is that the ‘beta bucks alpha fucks’ idea that incels screech about is actually the most eugenic system there is. Why wouldn’t you want Dolph Lundgrens genes for your child with Jeff Bezos wealth? Isn’t that actually kinder and more considerate for your offspring? Lmao. Just playing devils advocate here ofc.
All men are hypocritical disingenuous faggots basically, with flimsy paper principles. They also dickride Chad harder than anyone else.
No. 1732631
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Sameera got into controversy for arguing about how any man attracted to women who aren't starving aneroxics are inherently low IQ
No. 1732633
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>>1732631she got into a live chat with some libfems and woke dudes, throughout the entire exchange she labelled any woman disagreeing her as being fat and any man disagreeing with her as being a low IQ beta male, all the white she was ranting about her deranged tirades that would confuse anyone
No. 1732636
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Andy was having his daily coke fuelled narc mental breakdown
No. 1732637
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Even footstool pearly called him out
No. 1732649
>>1732590No, the first race mixing case to go to the Supreme Court was
Loving v Virginia in 1967, which was a white man who wanted to marry a black woman. The reverse would likely have been thrown out of court even in the 1960s, for reasons outlined itt.
No. 1732912
>>1732636No amount of retarded teen moids telling us that he can get any woman will convince anyone that andy isn’t seething at couples that genuinely love each other. he even tried to bait Greta thunberg for attention as if she knows who he is.
>>1732662Isnt she a meme for these retarded takes too? nothing she has done ever got her picked and I guess she’s panicking. Plus Ashley has been married for 10+ years with kids while Irina is a single mother.
No. 1733240
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No. 1733247
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>>1733240actual reality(not saying this woman is ugly but real village people look haggard asf IRL and don't look anything like eroticized models)
No. 1733294
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Big brain take right here
No. 1733313
>>1733247Yup, actual “tradwives” from traditional cultures look 50 by the age of 30 due to the stress of constant childbearing and domestic drudgery. A porn star with breast implants posing awkwardly with a dead chicken just highlights how fake & retarded their whole LARP is.
>>1733246I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, pickmeism is a haven for ugly women with terrible social skills. Normal women don’t have to jump through degrading hoops to get attention from moids, they basically throw themselves at us bc biology compels them. You have to really be down bad as an adult female to believe “getting picked” by an adult male of your species is an impressive accomplishment.
No. 1733322
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>>1733313>>1733247I guess they would only accept a northern european example though, so picrel is what a true tardwife should aspire to look like
No. 1733327
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>>1732631This is hilarious considering by the trad standard, Irina Shayk has been in two public relationships to two celebrity men, one awful (Christiano Ronaldo) and one closeted (Bradley Cooper) the latter who she had a child out of wedlock too. She’s an unmarried, 36 year old single mom.
However despite being a ~gross plus size woman no man could ever want~, Ashley Graham has been married for 12 years to
a religious man she met through church and they have 3 children. She’s the trad standard of an ideal woman. But they’ll still nitpick because it’s all cope and grifting.
No. 1733426
>>1733313I know tradmoids are by definition disconnected from reality, but you'd think even they would be able to put together that constant back-to-back pregnancies and unending domestic labor will make someone age like milk. Though tradmoids usually look pretty rough even without going through all that, so who knows wtf they're doing
>>1733327>and one closeted (Bradley Cooper)OT but Bradley Cooper is gay? This is the first time I've heard this kek
No. 1733796
>>1733705Yeah, it's what they say. Moids are parasites of the female reproductive tract, they know that they "use up" and age women.
It's common knowledge that things like pregnancy, marriage and early sex (fast life history) increase female biological age, shorten female lifespan and increase lifetime morbidity. Sure, some cope by pulling the "muh breast cancer" card, but that's completely dwarfed by other disease you accumulate and life expectancy you lose from moid exposure.
No. 1733807
>>1731660Ah, the joys of raising a smeglet:
>Raise him hands off and let his father deal - REEEEEEEE WHORE MOM DIDNT HUG ME ENOUGH REEEE WAMEN ALWAYS MAKING ME ACT TOUGH AND NOT HAVE FEELINGS REEEE REDDIT WILL HEAR OF THIS!>Raise him with compassion and tell him it's okay to cry - REEEEEE FUCKING BITCH RAISED ME TO BE A PUSSY REEEEEEEE NOW I MUST THROAT ANDREW TATE'S COCK REEEEEE!>>1729859Kek at the boymoms and their buyer's remorse about their Aydyns who are their Kings. Don't forget to shine a blacklight on that bathroom of yours, Jennifer! You don't wanna miss those piss stains on your toothbrush! You don't wanna make Hunter pee like a girl, do you? Chop chop, that urine ain't gonna scrub itself!
No. 1733810
>>1732160Because that's literally what happens to moids when their prostates are tickled. No, I am not kidding. Scratch any politically obsessed scrote and you'll find some sort of sexual interest underneath. Both rightoid (mmmmuhhhh d-delicious Tyrone cock fucking my aryan wife and destroying my western society hhhhhhnn REEEE) and leftoid (you have no clue how many white male BLMfags are literally only doing this because they're into cuck porn) are motivated by abject fantasies of being sexually dominated by some "more virile" moid, which in Murican minds is black. This is also true for homophobic moids, which almost certainly stems from popping a stiffy while taking a large, prostate-prodding shit, and then living in fear of becoming a willing slave to cock if it ever finds its way into said homophobe's anus. See also: "gay men were molested" narrative.
Naturally, they think women also function this way because of XY deficits in perspective taking.
No. 1734564
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No. 1734660
>>1734564Being able to choose when/if to bring a pregnancy to term
is empowerment, there's nothing else it could be. Nothing impoverishes women or curtails our dreams and aspirations like children, especially unwanted and unplanned ones. Lauren and other tradthots know this, it's the entire reasons trads oppose abortion in the first place.
No. 1734873
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Next level pickmeism from Sameera Khan simping for Andrew Tate in her Telegram channel
No. 1735043
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>>1734891Unfortunately true and it tends to be NLOGs and Beckies who felt excluded or superior to other women in childhood that side with awful men and express their hatred cattiness and jealousy towards other women in the form of scroteish violence
No. 1735046
>>1733911Can confirm, my grandmothers biggest regret in life was getting married. A 50 year long miserable marriage that she stayed in because of ‘tradition’ and fear of being socially shunned by her church and community.
>>1733810Yup, scrotes worldview and political opinions are shaped almost 100% by their sexual desires and all men use their dick as their main navigator through life, I’m not even joking. A man can list every principle and viewpoint he holds in one breath and will immediately betray those values for sex in the next.
No. 1735298
>>1733327You forgot
>married to a black manThey don't like that at all, kek
No. 1735872
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No. 1737216
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>>1731674How can you be so blind/delusional not to realize that you (and to an extent the entire board) are just the other side of the same coin? If anything, there are more vitriolic death threats here than on any other chan out there. A clinical therapist would lock this place in the loony bin.
No. 1739142
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this might not belong here exactly, but I don't know what else thread to post this in
A popular Alt-rlght aligned account by the twitter handle of "Carnivore Aurelius" was recently reveled to be run by a woman named Caeleah Taylor who works for a marketing firm
The main way Taylor makes her money is through selling liver jerky. for $9 per 15 oz. $7.5 if you subscribe to have it delivered every month. It is not hard to find a pound (16 oz.) of liver for $2.5. Meaning that assuming someone subscribes they would still be paying 3 times the amount of money its worth.
She does not produce the liver chips through her own company btw. She buys ‘em wholesale from another meat procures and puts them in branded packaging.
she found out cause she heavily plagiarized content from others No. 1739311
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Context: under a comment mocking s tardwife conservative chastising women for not being on-call fuckmaids to their husbands and telling them not to "deny" sex.
Fakeboi pickmes really are something else. I guess it's not really surprising that a woman who thinks she needed to chop her tits off and grow a pedostache to wear khakis was taken in by an equally authoritarian ideology.
No. 1739410
>>1739142>marketing firm posing as an alt right conservative for moneyKek no wonder why these right wing events are always empty. All their voices online are basically firms and bots trying to make a quick buck from terminally online retards
The carnivore cult and raw milk drinking crunchy anti vax moms are way too similar to not be some marketing firm’s psyop either I bet
No. 1743607
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Yes, it’s feminism making moids sexist and disrespectful. Not the fact 99% of scrotes are watching porn daily from when they are just 10 years old.
No. 1744254
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I wonder if Megha is genuinely this delusional or she just says these things for engagement
No. 1744263
>>1743738They seethed because she slept with a black guy lol. Nothing
triggers little weenie wignats more than a dude having a bigger dick than them.