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No. 1874088
See on the top left, how it says [Rules]? If you're a newfag, click there. Read it all. Then click the part where where it says "Check this guide to learn about posting on" Read that too. Sage, integrate, and stop fucking a-logging. Jesus.
Previous thread:
>>1862789Marie/Elise is still out of hospital, and shocked by how weak and ravenous she is. We can't imagine why eating less than half her daily recommended intake isn't making her feel better.
Enara stopped self-harming long enough to go to the middle east, but could barely eat while she was away. Thank goodness the UAE had Fortisips… and McArabia Chickens.
Laura swallowed a sock, for some fucking reason. It didn't get her hospitalized, but her brand new "hallucinations" managed to earn her a 6-month section, which she likes so much that she posts constant images of herself smiling, dancing, and stretching.
Becca claims to be struggling so much that if things get any worse, she might end up with her tube again. Which Lyn the dietitian removed at an angel number time that must be immortalized forever, or bad things will happen.
After lostallsanityx signed a reply with her real name, we found out that she has news and academic articles written about her run-ins with the law. At last update she was still huffing deodorant, lighting fires, and being a general nuisance.
Zarviving is looking better and we're glad.
Abby is not looking better, despite alleged outpatient treatment.
Colours seems to have figured out how to evade her ban so she can vendetta-post some more. She says she's not pro-ana, though, a claim we believe about as much as we believe Enara's a SEED.
Rachel continues to tell everyone how wonderful recovery is while gaining no weight whatsoever, and said in a recent video that "success scares [her]". (Unless it involves someone buying her something from her Amazon wishlist, or publishing an article about how sick she is.)
Speaking of people who say one thing and do another, Stef spent an almost-7-minute long video talking about Lolcow and the shame she feels. Because nothing says it's not about "wanting to look a certain way" more than uploading dozens of body shots she's taken from every imaginable angle.
Emily started a GoFundMe to get other people to pay for Laura's vacation, and thinks it's hilarious that she spent most of her vacation money in two days. Another shining example of cow responsibility.
Eugenia's grandmother died, and then she flashed the world on a livestream for the 324583th time and cried about it. Nourish2flourish almost flashed us, too (do the cows know what undergarments are?), but she seems to be doing better for the moment.
Link list is mostly copied from the previous post.
Kate is back to her original name, but she'll probably change it again the moment she sees this.
File: 1690885859233.jpeg (425.98 KB, 828x1232, 05547D9F-D37C-479C-8FFF-DAD087…)

What the hell does she mean by “get support”? She’s on a section is she not? Also this photo makes her look like a retarded garden gnome
No. 1874197
>>1874191yeah, you're right especially considering her constant posting and deleting. she gets the attention just by alluding to whatever "
trigger" or "incident" she's thinking up and only goes through with it when the attention isn't adequate.
No. 1874294
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I think it’s wild to post obvious body check comparisons to your healthy body on an account where your followers have Ed’s, and then have the nerve to claim that you’d “never intentionally post harmful things” and post a video crying about being called out about it. No one wants her dead or wants to steal her insurance identity, they’re just tired of the constant stream of bs that comes from her account. She can say all she wants that she’s “just” posting her outfits on vacay but posting from vacay doesn’t have to include a million body checks and then comparing that to healthy pics.. just say you’re pro and move on girl
No. 1874295
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>>1874294More body checks every day
No. 1874316
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i wonder what time and day it was 32 weeks, 13 hours and 53 minutes ago?
No. 1874323
>>1874162She's definitely alluding to ED stuff, which no one will take seriously because of how much she's chunked up. Don't worry Laura, we know how you got so fat - that mega cocktail of antipsychotics. I love how she's scared of ending up on LC but doesn't stop the attention posing.
>>1874274No 'grippy socks' in psych wards in the UK. We're forever behind the times.
No. 1874342
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No. 1874345
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No. 1874349
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No. 1874352
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what a fuckin attention seeking retard. might as well scribble out the whole bottle at this point, or just not post this pic at all
No. 1874361
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>>1874349How long ago was the left picture? It looks like she's been obese for a while (picrel, dated January 2022)
No. 1874364
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Maybe it's because you go to the emergency room 2-3 times per week, Enara
No. 1874369
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Recovery queen
No. 1874372
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anyone know of this girl? megan ronnie aka _thewellnessdiaries on tiktok / @megan_ronnie on instagram. she claims to have developed anorexia during lockdown but her pics from that time don't exactly look as supe severe as she portrays her ed, has gained a large amount and all of her content is about EDs to the point it seems that she has no other interests and hobbies, she uploads multiple skits and videos about ed recovery daily and still does the 3 meals 3 snacks thing despite being overweight by bmi, obviously not massive but she seems to cling to the ed identity, reminds me of Ham. maybe not milky enough but i find her kind of fascinating
No. 1874378
>>1874364Ngl but after reading what enara has been through I can't blame her for her actions. Her country should pay for her counseling and mental health for life. I don't know her country's rules but at least here if anything happens to you during your military service they gotta pay for you for life and not only your Healthcare, compensations too and monthly allowance.
But if she was a mercenary that's another case, they don't pay you anything usually but depends who hired you.
No. 1874379
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sorry if she's been mentioned before but this girl (_youve_got_this_ on tiktok) claims to eat 10k calories a day despite being pretty slim, prootes this to her followers as "extreme hunger" and preaches that you must eat all of your "mental hunger" and cravings even if you feel full, sick etc or you can't recover, frequently replies to comments with this kind of advice and swears she eats all of this and doesn't purge … really disturbing, hard to capture it without posting the vids but the amount of food seems physically impossible to digest, liikely bulimic but swears down that she's a recovering anorexic
No. 1874389
>>1874372I don’t think she’s a cow. She seems like one of the few
more genuine people in the “rEcOvErY cOmMuNiTy” and I’d gladly take a ham doppelgänger because at least they’re not being proana and
triggering No. 1874438
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>>1874349When your username makes people think of this guy
No. 1874459
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Laura, is that you???
No. 1874464
>>1874353Anon, if you can't read the screenshot, then there's no helping you.
>>1874408Either you typed the wrong username or you're blocked. Her Instagram is still up and active.(@megan_ronnie) Her tiktok is up too.
No. 1874476
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>>1874457you know that people in recovery from anorexia can have really high metabolisms for a long time during AND after weight restoration, right?
also, she does not eat 10k every day now. she did it once recently, and admitted she didn't find it easy the way she did before, because her appetite has decreased since her extreme hunger days. which is very normal and expected.
as someone who's watched her off and on for awhile, i don't think she's lying. her videos are really detailed and the things she says add up if you know anything about AN recovery. bodies need a sometimes shocking amount of nutrition not just to gain fat and muscle tissue, but to repair organ damage, etc.
i actually think she's done really well and i'm happy for her
No. 1874491
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when cows collide
No. 1874535
>>1874364damn, i wish i didnt read that. my jimmies are now rustled.
the way she lists all her symptoms AND then the response she shouldve gotten, makes me know she went into the ER with a plan… to receive asspats&hugs, NOT to kill herself.
is this fat cunt that desperate for love & attention she actually waltzed on down to the ER at 11pm, then bitched about having to wait because of more urgent cases being triaged first?
Isnt that the nature of the ER?
this bitch is delulu.
No. 1874574
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I love how Eugenia is indestructible, stronger than the twin towers, couldn’t die even if she tried, but a little Freelee wannabe? Dead by midnight.
No. 1874596
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>>1874574This was how she looked about a month before she died, according to the Daily Mail. Supposedly she died of a 'cholera-like infection', but that's a bit like saying Welsh Amy died of an infection. She did, but only because her body was so weak from starvation that it couldn't cope.
Apparently Zhanna thought she was immortal, and refused to change her diet or accept any help in the months before her death. Sounds familiar.
No. 1874599
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>>1874574This background, kek. I wonder what she edited out
No. 1874631
>>1874574jen.peach next then?
Also, samefag - getting reply errors.
No. 1874633
>>1874437>>1874535She's so pissed that violent, naked people get seen before her, when she had enough self-control to come to the ER and ask to be seen. She also hasn't bothered to mention how many other people were in the waiting room, or what kind of things they were in for - not that she was likely to know if they were quiet like her.
It's fucking Australia. Public healthcare systems aren't going to coddle you when someone else is more ill and needs more urgent attention. Plus, like you said, they definitely all know her at her local mental hospital by now and are probably not at all happy to see her. When staff sees you as manipulative and attention seeking, say goodbye to them being kind, or getting actual help. But I don't think she cares what kind of attention she gets from them, as long as the attention exists.
No. 1874746
>>1874663Literally came here because of the daily fail article, it’ll sure give her some precious precious attention for 15 mins. Wonder who tipped them off? Tinfoiling that they’re in on it somehow.
It’s more likely it’ll encourage wks and newfags to come here tbh
No. 1874829
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No. 1874831
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No. 1874864
>>1874829Blows my mind how many cows become actual cows after 'recovery'. Do they just switch starving for binge eating?
They either get fat or become health/fitness nuts like ganer or jen peach. Just swapping one disorder for another.
Do any of them actually figure out how to be normal with food?
No. 1874939
>>1874889She attempted on a suggestion from tell I think
>>1874864 eating disorder sufferers if not having plenty of support and therapy will most likely not know how to eat for nutrition and will either go from overweight to underweight all through their lives or will try to be fit and then relapse, go IP, try again etc
No. 1875002
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no one blames diet when people die from ED? lmao what?
No. 1875007
>>1875002I'd love to know what Jen thinks people blame AN malnutrition deaths on if it isn't their diets.
Also, these fruitarians are fucking delusional. It literally takes a two-second Google search to find out that an only fruit and vegetable diet is too restrictive to be healthy in the long term. Do her followers actually believe this bullshit?
No. 1875054
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Holy shit, it’s Chucky!!!!
No. 1875068
>>1875058Depends on the fruit, you have to have a lot of fiber-heavy fruits, just like anything else you need to feel satiated. Most of it's mental.
Both fruitarian and carnivore are gay as hell and only these weirdos and trad failchads care
No. 1875272
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i love that she's not getting what she wants hahah makes me so joyful tbh
No. 1875275
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Enara making up for her sunpar er experience by going back and getting a one night admission
No. 1875286
>>1875273It's a requirement for some programs here too. I assume it's because the therapy itself might cause emotions to bubble up that the patient would usually use self harm to deal with, and being able to abstain for 3/6 months means they've self-managed this urge recently.
>>1875275Fucking hell. Imagine just turning up and taking a bed to sleep in for the night. They should have given her her one pill and turfed her out, if that. I don't understand why her doctor can't just give her 3 emergency benzos or something, something impossible to overdose on but that means she stops taking up services just for one fucking pill.
No. 1875294
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Aidel is back in the hospital in New York this time. How the fuck does she pay for so much healthcare in America?
No. 1875311
>>1875310She went to the hospital in Canada a few times and they kept her very briefly each time and discharged her again. My guess is she went to America to try to get a longer hospitalization.
Not all Jewish people are rich. Her family does seem to be, but it's still a dumbass use of their funds and I'm not totally sure her parents were on board with this round of medical tourism - an American friend paid for her plane ticket to NY so she could go to the hospital there.
No. 1875328
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“pro-recovery” bpd queen
No. 1875331
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I’m still catching up on threads but just want to drop in with this cow who posts videos of herself crying and being fed by her mother. Not just this one video but a bunch of them. I couldn’t think of who would enjoy this absolute cringe more than the nonnies here No. 1875336
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you get taken by an ambulance and the first thing you do is film the whole ride? KEK
No. 1875364
>>1875286the (public) drs here won't give her even one to take home, anon. they know she doesn't actually need them and they'd just be encouraging her attention/drug seeking. hence why all of enara's psychs are private.
fuck she's such a piece of shit, I can't (but can) believe she went to the hospital just to sleep in a different bed.
No. 1875411
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fucking laura and becca instantly piss me off every time they smile because they purposely do this weird shit! they both have pics of themselves smiling normally, so i know they can, but they CHOOSE to smile like they're fucking mentally tetarded, why!?
No. 1875415
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>>1875387exactly. she claims to have fasted this whole month but posted 4000 calorie binges all the time and when called out she says that she doesn’t count her binges in her daily intake because she purges everything
No. 1875421
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>>1875331All of the cows in this thread’s doctors should take a leaf out of her team’s book
kek at the
bites nail, looks around anxiously No. 1875422
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>>1875421samefag because this is just a few posts later despite her having videos of herself being fed by her mum’s hand pinned to her page kek
Totally self unaware
No. 1875425
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Hotel faker wanting bariatric surgery. I actually felt sad reading that as she’s obviously been reading somewhat into it yet is so underweight. No surgeon in their right mind would go anywhere near her.
No. 1875437
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oh please god no. incoming redditfags you better learn to fucking integrate
No. 1875447
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em now lol
No. 1875448
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good for her if she’s happy but i don’t understand how someone does from being a super spoop to probably closer towards the higher end of healthy and is happy showing her body like that. it kind of screams that her anorexia was for attention (and bpd) rather than actually caring about how she looks
No. 1875475
>>1875448rattle rattle…
With some of you, these girls can never win
No. 1875501
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My guess is she is flying to Denver for that ACUTE admit, soooo mysterious
No. 1875528
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No. 1875535
>>1875447Everyone has “bad” angles suck a dick
you paused her story to nitpick her stop projecting
(sage your shit) No. 1875540
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i don't really understand this pic, does anybody know what's happening here? is she handcuffed to a seat? it seems like the handcuff is coming out of the seat? why would tshe not just have her hands handcuffed together? pretty much makes this seem like a staged pic
No. 1875604
File: 1691091071565.webm (3.64 MB, 480x854, gaminglivestreamer.webm)
Rachel wants to be a gaming live streamer. It's so painfully obvious that she's trying to follow in Eugenia's footsteps.
Also, who said her voice was comforting?
(apologies for the stupid watermark)
No. 1875697
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This lady is a total cow & has been for years. She’s a mom of like 4 kids? She’s never very underweight but in & out of the hospital or inpatient posting pics of her kids while she’s been tube fed at a healthy weight. She plays with her baby on the hospital bed. It’s ridiculous. You can’t be that super special & sick if you are constantly birthing healthy kids. You dont need a tube. Get a real job. She flashes her ekg stickers.She seems like such an attention seeker. She does not want to get better. She treats it like a game. I hate her shares. All of your kids are growing up. She should have had the sense to stop at 1. And a mental health order? What? Maybe for having a personality disorder.
No. 1875710
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>>1875697Just because she wasn't BMI 12 doesn't mean she wasn't underweight. Also, it seems her last child was born premature, probably because she was unhealthy during her last pregnancy.
No. 1875718
File: 1691103376810.jpeg (540.63 KB, 1170x2070, IMG_6687.jpeg)

I feel terrible for her kids too! It is completely unfair on them. It’s repulsive she’s breastfeeding while on a feeding tube at a healthy weight. Also, what kind of treatment center would actually allow that?! You’re wasting your life & the lives of the children you created by having them visit through hospital stays. Clearly it’s the husband who’s taking care of the kids. She can’t when she’s in & out of the hospital being woo is me/I’m so sick & miserable. She named her files “ip + baby”, “ip 2022”, “ip 2021”. I dont see her as deathly sick. I see her as manipulative & careless. Her body checks are so intentional while making a caption about how nice the day is.
No. 1875746
>>1875448>>1875697Kek you idiots want your anorexics to have all their bones showing. If they aren't bmi 13 or lower they aren't true ana for you?
Rattle harder we couldn't hear your wasted brain bounce around your skulls.
No. 1875761
>>1875435This is such bullshit. Enara has a support worker and the world's most pointless service dog, she doesn't need 'respite' psych stays to be pre-scheduled. This is the most entitled thing I've ever heard although I get the DVA are treating her with the softest of kid gloves and the firmest of asspats. It's just insulting to people who need urgent psychiatric help. Imagine going in to recover from a breakdown and the girl next to you just fancied a timeout from reality for a week. Ridiculous.
I'm aware I sound like colours here. I am not colours.
No. 1875767
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Since Kimiperi was mentioned recently: that doesn't translate to a healthy BMI, I can tell you that much.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1875769
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No. 1875772
>>1875761I'm absolutely with you,
nonny. I wouldn't mind seeing some proof of it from the other anon, though.
No. 1875774
>>1875772I'll post a screenshot next time she talks about the respite admissions. In the past, she's mentioned things like not being sure she can wait until her next admission, etc, and here's one example
>>1875275 where at the bottom she mentions not being able to ask for an extra respite admission because her psych is on vacation. I know that isn't really what you were looking for, though, so will keep an eye out. It' inconvenient that everything is in her stories, which I don't have saved to randomly reference.
No. 1875799
>>1874596Dear Lord.
>>1875272Weird, these guys wizened up to her bullshit.
>>1875387No, that one's Marie—check her username.
No. 1875830
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she lives in china
No. 1875831
File: 1691117898353.jpeg (761.92 KB, 1170x2179, IMG_6693.jpeg)

Juliana is mad she got kicked out of treatment while she makes joking tiktoks. Her entire recovery has been not taken seriously. They obviously got sick of her constant admissions and behavior. You don’t get kicked out of treatment for no reason, especially outside of the US. Playing her victim card.
No. 1875833
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>>1875819this is not a collection of drinks purchased in Minnesota, kek
No. 1875845
>>1875501Why the fuck does it sounds like she’s about to start a new religion
>>1875542When did she share she was raped? I mean yeah sympathy because that sucks but the public healthcare system is doing the right thing putting boundaries on the care she can receive. Being raped doesn’t fully account for her bpd antics and overuse of hospitals
No. 1875848
>>1875846In the least
victim-blamey and skeptical way possible, does Australia require proof of assault to approve disability pension? Here in the US, you must go to court and have a conviction to receive compensation of money and therapy. I find it hard to believe her mental health is all tied to a sexual assault around age 18 but see how this could have run her life off the rails
No. 1875878
File: 1691126433376.png (415.74 KB, 422x584, Screen Shot 2023-08-03 at 11.4…)

guess what nonnas, it's fortisip time
No. 1875915
>>1875914I cannot fault your logic,
No. 1875933
File: 1691145266777.jpeg (604.68 KB, 1179x2371, IMG_0539.jpeg)

The doctor that prescribed coffee.cats ozempic needs their license revoked. Using a weight loss drug to apparently treat binging and purging doesn’t seem right at all. This along with the apparent help she can’t get just doesn’t make sense. Apparently because she can’t get help she has had to take her recovery into her own hands. More like she is enjoying flaunting the nose hose and on track to not recover at all. She clearly wants to be a super severe seed patient and can’t handle the fact that she’s put weight on, so she’s turned to weight loss drugs to make up for the fact that she isn’t a perfect ana.
No. 1875939
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No. 1875981
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Em's skin seems to have gotten a lot better. I hope she keeps treating it well; her acne looked really painful and I can't imagine it helped her self-esteem
No. 1875989
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>>1875981Her eyes just make me wonder what else they’re doing other than whips …
No. 1875998
File: 1691158133223.jpeg (231.34 KB, 749x1078, 52B41899-6614-48FE-B82F-380AA9…)

So let me get this straight……..One day she was in bed, massively messed up and head banging and face scratching and zombified on drugs because of the ‘spiders’ and ‘voices’,………The next day they’ve all gone and she’s happy as anything with her 6 month section, dancing around her hospital room like old times……… Then she preaches bopo and recovery for about 5 seconds before she whines for help with purging after meals………NOW she hears the words ‘supported living’ again and professes to be happy but actually instead apparently tries to off herself. (I don’t believe it for one second. There is nothing in psych ward rooms you could hang yourself on, obviously. Why would she climb on the window? I guarantee they don’t have curtain rails, it would be the Velcro strips or something similar if there are even curtains or blinds that aren’t between 2 panes of glass so you can’t get at them!) But either way she falls on her foot somehow - probably leg lifting and over balanced or tried a jump from a dance routine - and her ass falling on her foot BREAKS it! So now she can’t exercise at all and will get even bigger. I can see the karma before my very eyes. (But also think this will give her momentum to start more ridiculous antics and ultimately put her back in a general ward, angling for an ng because she’ll ‘refuse to eat’ because she can’t exercise). How much to bet she also blames ‘anorexia’ and ‘poor bone density/osteoporosis’ for this injury?
If she had stayed in supported living (with everything paid for and still 24/7 help but also some degree of freedom) she could be back in dance classes by now and doing what she apparently loves and misses: dancing and leg lifting all over London or wherever the hell she is. Instead she gets to sit on her ass for weeks and not even dance to her phone. Hmmmm.
No. 1876000
File: 1691158363582.jpeg (112.19 KB, 750x1009, 1AB32ECD-FA70-45F7-9630-D681BC…)

>>1875998I think this is more likely what happened when she was dancing and spinning around to her phone in her room. UK should get some psych ward socks like the rest of the world maybe. Can’t slip over and also very difficult to swallow.
No. 1876045
File: 1691162694799.jpeg (173.71 KB, 827x1425, 58DAEAC7-B56F-4293-95FF-DA3B84…)

is she seriously feeding that dog chocolate knowing damn well how toxic that can be for them?
No. 1876047
File: 1691162874216.png (8.08 MB, 1640x2360, IMG_0335.png)

How do people feel about em_fit.x claims to be recovered and now does coaching despite being obviously underweight and over exercising.
No. 1876059
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No. 1876073
File: 1691165293915.jpeg (1.89 MB, 1284x2004, IMG_8476.jpeg)

I know she’s pretty locked down these days but talking of remaining in hospital for years on end. I don’t understand why or how some of these people keep getting readmitted at seemingly no real benefit. I think for all smorven’s whining about her unit(s), she’s totally institutionalised in the same purposeful way Laura is. Is the close friend anon still here by any chance?
No. 1876103
>>1875767>>1875769>disorder>GW 84lbs>Personal/BodyBut it's all natural and people are just assuming the craziest stuff, right? She makes me go absolutely mad.
Thank you for these, nona, though please learn to integrate next time.
No. 1876167
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No. 1876171
>>1875939Maybe she's the real autistic cow in the thread, not Fiona—-with how much she hates change and has her safe ward.
Joking, obviously.Sidenote, how much weight do you have to exert to break your foot bones?
>>1876167She should become a DID larper.
No. 1876190
>>1875939I shouldn't laugh but kek anyway
How the fuck did she manage to find a ligature in there anyway? These places have magnetic curtain poles so they come off under pressure, and pipes to the bathroom sink sealed behind units. Allowing shoelaces or belts would be a big oversight. Then again, attention seekers are creative.
No. 1876212
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No. 1876215
File: 1691180368702.jpg (28.8 KB, 945x346, 6446898413594666.jpg)

>>1876047The self posts are starting to sound like bots, they all say the same thing. The only thing I feel about this account is amused that half the followers are purchased.
No. 1876279
>>1876212People are gonna
rattle rattle me but I'm not saying she is fat, just that by the looks of her legs she's definitely beat anorexia kek. What a bleak way to celebrate a milestone birthday
No. 1876281
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>>1876279You would be objectively correct to say that's she fat
No. 1876294
>>1876291I'm sure he'll be back if there is talk of discharge or anything less than full supervision 24/7 at least 2:1 at this point. Hell, give her 4 point restraints and an NG tube to prove how sooper sick she is for life. Nothing else will suffice.
NHS staff must be actually brain dead to not see through her.
No. 1876318
>>1876174fi, fi, fo, and fum
>>1876307is she just sitting there on live like a dead fish?never change, laura.
No. 1876365
>>1875761Ausfag here but this standard treatment for BPD. They often self harm or attempt for attention and admissions so they are denied on those occasions but have these regular respite admissions so they can get the attention or support they need without rewarding sh behaviours to do it.
So actually if they increased her planned admissions or made it more clear to here what was happening I reckon we’d see less of her presenting for some meds and going home.
Also I don’t get why they can’t give her meds to take home, we all know the chronic risk of suicide is low in these bpder’s because they want attention not death
No. 1876390
>>1876359you really believe
>>1876281 is a perfectly normal and healthy body size?
No. 1876398
File: 1691204884150.png (1.62 MB, 853x1389, Screenshots_2023-08-04-23-08-5…)

someone was asking about claudia recently. she posted on her story today, so she's still alive at least
No. 1876404
File: 1691205264647.jpeg (664 KB, 828x1388, IMG_9432.jpeg)

Damn can’t believe Kat used to look like this.
No. 1876410
>>1876196She's alive, yes.
>>1876212>widdle to mean little.Strength, courage, and wisdom not to a-log.
>>1876380Idk about obese, overweight fits her a bit better in my opinion.
>>1876407>>1876408Hi Ham.
No. 1876414
>>1876386From what she has said, a specialist prescribed it. But it doesn’t make sense to prescribe a drug specifically for obesity and weight loss to someone with an ed. it is a drug for weight loss and diabetes of which she doesn’t have either. Apparently she has reactive hypoglycaemia which is why she needs the tube - this is not diabetes though and if she used the tube properly she wouldn’t need this drug.
>>1876360I’m surprised she isn’t talked about more here. Always going on about her she can’t get treatment for her so so severe ed. Like - she obviously isn’t that sick if she can’t get treatment. Oh, wait….. she can’t get what she wants cause she isn’t actually that sick. If she is as sick as she says then she would be getting admitted to hospital without any questions asked.
No. 1876426
>>1876367I think her family and family friends come together to support her
>>1876406Iirc it was Cece who had secondary Medicaid. Stef has private insurance through her parents because New York State allows children to stay on until 30
No. 1876444
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what happened to this bitch recovering? she looks terrible kek a year of preaching on social media, e-begging for weight loss scales and jumpsuits, and cringe ass tiktoks just to make zero progress
No. 1876457
>>1876340>>1876352You're right but you gotta sage
>>1876441You too newbie
No. 1876545
>>1876542I guess she didn't seek treatment as they can see your medical records, also lied when applying. She's damn lucky they didn't deny her coverage of healthcare after she was pensioned out because of that.
Also for the love of god, type "sage" in the email field Please!
No. 1876550
>>1876542Every time you don't sage you bump the thread with your non-milk redditfag, attracting more of your kind. It's fucking annoying when it's something that' already been said, retard.
Just put "sage" in the email field for fuck's sakes and have decent board etiquette
No. 1876582
File: 1691244004552.png (677 KB, 853x1887, Screenshots_2023-08-05-10-00-5…)

em's made another gofundme
No. 1876618
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No. 1876643
>>1876609tbis is not a place for camling out this is a place or making fin of pzople. take your moralfagging back to twitter
>>1876582>kaylentruly beyond parody
No. 1876645
File: 1691253080454.jpeg (648.63 KB, 2048x2048, 8C540EFA-3D2B-42F8-A40D-4EAAA7…)

>>1876274I know you didn’t mean it like that but the “hoping she’ll be okay with everything” read like you meant okay with you mentioning it here and now I’m picturing Britney doing a full scale “exposure” of lolcow and it’s sending me.
>>1875904Daintieskinny. Pic is for the confused nonas cause that whole thing
triggered my autism. Eva/Baniieva top and Marie/Daintieskinny on bottom.
No. 1876654
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>>1876645evas hair reaches to her waist while maries hair reaches her shoulders. also, evas face is way chubbier so if you think theyre the same person you must be really blind kek
No. 1876662
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look who’s back
No. 1876709
>>1876701If she is going to ACUTE (which nobody knows for sure) she has to be at least somewhat medically unstable. Seems just as possible to me that she's going residential.
I'm definitely not defending Stef. I just get pissed when anons say someone MUST be faking because they're in hospital and aren't walking skeletons. You don't need to be BMI 10 to fuck up your body
No. 1876713
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We actually do see this all the time, Ham.
No. 1876719
>>1876408You're blatantly trolling to
trigger all the skellies ITT, kek
No. 1876720
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has ashley died yet? tried searching, no idea if she still has her own threads anymore
No. 1876759
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I'm genuinely sorry about her dog, but the "at exactly 11:45am" is sending me
No. 1876812
File: 1691276021250.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x1831, IMG_2988.jpeg)

Someone’s wanting some extra pity comments today with the sucking the cheeks in
No. 1876869
File: 1691282342109.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.43 KB, 596x641, Screenshot 2023-08-06 003724.j…)

lucinda posted again
No. 1876870
>>1876846Tamzin goss incoming.
First, she had a VERY public meltdown when she and the other kiwi DID faker had their post holiday falling out that was all over TikTok. Then she posted this publicly on Facebook and tagged her dance school, therapist, QLD health, , literally everybody, and suddenly in true tamzin style started claiming rape and all this shit which is what she always does when things blow up in her face. Elsewhere she has claimed that the dance school was actually another religious cult. Also worth noting no health service would force you to contact police as a rape
victim in order to treat you that is just insane to claim. Screenshots to follow X4.
She’s been frauding the NDIS the whole time. She sees a fake therapist (it’s an ED recovery coach) and uses the funds for cruises, USA ballet holiday, those weird soft toys and ballet lessons which are apparently her true therapy and then claims the NDIS won’t cover the therapy she actually needs. She’s just bat shit crazy. In a recent TikTok video meltdown she claims she has lost the ability to self manage her funds and now they are managed by a provider and she has to actually use them as they are designated for therapy and what not.
No. 1876889
>>1876875I'm guessing the therapist dumped her because she "reached out" in her housing frenzy and crossed the appropriate contact line into making threats to her own safety if the therapist didn't help her. Maybe everyone else got the sharp end of the crazy stick too.
>>1876876She says "I" in the very first image too.
No. 1876893
>>1876870>>1876875>>1876876She is so unhinged. This whole thing reads like “poor me, I’ve got it the worst”. For someone who apparently knows what help she needs, she sure does good job at not helping herself!
Her whole post has me laughing to the point of tears. Does she really think what she is saying is believable? No wonder she has lost so many friends.
Maybe she needs to look at herself - so many people dumping her suddenly - sounds like she is the problem…. Not the system.
She keeps going between using I and we through the whole thing - there is no consistency through her story at all. She is so unhinged it is hilarious!
No. 1876903
>>1876897>>1876901Depending on where in QLD she is, if she's close to Brisbane she'd be near all those new age cults in the Northern Rivers. If she's near Toowoomba she'd be close to the church based ones.
But to be frank, she's likely just LARPing.
No. 1876907
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I went and looked at her tiktok and jesus, how much money do you think she spent on the squishmallows in this shot?
No. 1876908
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>>1876907oh my god there's more. She could have sold all of these and probably had a month's rent, kek
No. 1876909
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not a hint of self awareness
No. 1876913
File: 1691288192098.jpeg (1.43 MB, 1179x2359, IMG_0548.jpeg)

>>1876909You’re so right…. Didn’t she herself have (or still has) a go fund me? And is asking for money all the time as well?
Repost - found her go fund me she still has. She has no self awareness at all.
No. 1876916
File: 1691288326202.png (135.69 KB, 401x150, Screen Shot 2023-08-05 at 9.21…)

dying at this caption on one of her videos. just left the freudian slip in, did you?
No. 1876917
>>1876777>>1876782thanks so much
No. 1876919
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kek at her obviously tube free face
No. 1876920
File: 1691288945432.jpeg (398.75 KB, 1179x2008, IMG_0549.jpeg)

Did some digging and found an old profile of hers. Turns out she has been larping the ed for more than a decade. When her ed larp didn’t give enough asspats decided she needed to dial it up a notch and larp did instead along with a tube to try and get the ed larp thing happening. This cow brings all the milk and keks
No. 1876924
>>1876919to take someone with a tube for what??
hospitals deal with people w/feeding tubes all the time, I'm guessing they asked who manages it/requested it in the first place (because it was her, she does it herself with no medical input) and also needs a tube but holding coffee cup…right…
No. 1876929
>>1876865NDIS is actually pretty easy to fraud if you choose to self manage the funds you just submit invoices for shit and state it’s disability related and they pay it the only time
It would be discovered is if she gets audited or something looks super suspicious and gets flagged but most self managed claims are basically automatically paid
No. 1876969
>>1876872I want to know everything about her being dumped by the therapist. Why? Also what was the actual fall out about with mosaic.
Side note recovery coaches actually are funded by NDIS.
No. 1876971
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Enara is apparently having pony club drama, kek.
No. 1876973
File: 1691298759257.jpeg (598.95 KB, 1284x1097, IMG_4534.jpeg)

I don’t get how she’s getting tubes literally every single day. No offence to her but she doesn’t look like a malnourished skelly. Now she’s using her Ed for money knowing daum well she gonna be tubed the day she get out res
No. 1876974
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Mosaic is having her wife give her showers and carry her around the house.
No. 1876978
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No. 1876985
>>1876969Reading between the lines I think the fall out between tamzin and mosaic was literally all the fake personalities competing with each other constantly for attention especially with such a prolific social media presence?
I don’t know about tamzin and Christine though, I think Christine just finally saw through the bullshit and kicked her out because she’s been very quiet about it on her end
No. 1877056
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No. 1877075
File: 1691319881486.jpeg (667 KB, 1170x2128, 6BD433DD-2142-4EC2-A3AD-3C03F4…)

>>1876870Tamzin unsurprisingly tries to switch from a raging eating disorder to gastroparesis, as is the norm. Becomes obsessed with tubes. Self discharges with this tube in. Screenshot 1 with current active IG name at top
No. 1877079
File: 1691320175413.jpeg (545.78 KB, 1170x2153, E560CB3D-0884-45E6-8DEE-0B4D45…)

>>1876870Tamzin used stolen syringe from hospital to do a gravity feed… attached to a mop. Never runs another feed through another tube for the rest of her time larping the NG life. Difficult to screenshot the comments due to different account names and so many different users but she claims she should rather be eating and trickle feeds every hour are helping her and are easier than sipping drinks… even though both go into her stomach. She never did manage to upgrade to a J tube like her other DID ex-bestie did. This saw the end of her ED related psych admissions according to her IG timeline and brings us almost to the beginning of dress up time.
No. 1877140
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So whitney has been sectioned after her attempt to leave the country a few days ago.
No. 1877174
File: 1691338947600.png (1.32 MB, 853x1528, Screenshots_2023-08-06-12-17-1…)

they just let people walk out the doors of a psych hospital…a couple days after whatever the fuck stunt she just pulled? it's so the US, if you're in a psych hospital, you're in there til discharge, you don't get to leave at all unless you have to go back to a medical hospital.
No. 1877178
>>1877174Yeah, I guess because your treatment is of higher quality to ours because you pay for yours
In terms of laura she confuses the hell out of me, one second she's saying she's not gonna eat then literally hours later she's posting pics of food or high calorie drinks. I feel like she doesn't and never did have anorexia, if I was in her situation there is no way in hell I'd let myself get to the weight she's at, which makes me think the "anorexia" was just a tool she used for ber EUPD attention needs
No. 1877190
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No. 1877197
File: 1691341413619.png (1.09 MB, 853x1550, Screenshots_2023-08-06-13-05-0…)

we really can't get a break from laura showing us her crotch
No. 1877247
>>1877161Probably because of the amount she posted before. Lots and lots of content. I'm not sure why her thread was locked, but I assume it's to do with 50 posts a day asking if she'd died if she'd not posted that day.
>>1877174She's not necessarily "walking out the doors". Costa is a huge chain in the UK and there's a small branch in many hospitals so if her ward is a part of a larger hospital she might have been allowed there with an escort. Definitely not the same as just walking in and out. I recall sectioned patients being allowed around the hospital grounds as long as they had 1-1.
>>1877183Either she hurt her foot falling while dancing (which isn't unlikely, it can happen to anyone whatever their weight if they're falling from tiptoe), or she was making an attention seeking noose and they saw it for what it was, but in any case she fell before she could get the attention and the broken foot satisfied her needs. I don't think they're treating it like a real threat, she's still in her actual room with all her stuff which IME isn't what happens right after.
No. 1877276
>>1876971She's 30 and childless, does she honestly expect parents to listen to her when it comes to goings on with their children?
>>1877142How did you come to the conclusion of celiac disease?
No. 1877295
>>18772801. That veg thing was funny not gonna lie.
2. No thanks my goal as I’ve stated on previous threads is bmi 12 or 11
No. 1877302
File: 1691354386889.jpg (389.05 KB, 1080x2020, Screenshot_20230806_134016.jpg)

Lol, I guess zara's big new thing is asking strangers for money. Pathetic, and of course it's so she can have even more excuses to talk about her anorexia and her poor sick self. Get a life and grow up
No. 1877320
File: 1691356346155.png (5.41 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_0377.png)

Abby back ip again. Surprise surprise
No. 1877321
File: 1691356383582.jpeg (772.36 KB, 1125x2187, IMG_0376.jpeg)

Rumour of Niamh being ip too
No. 1877349
>>1877288I’ve never come across ice cream thickened with flour personally kek but a lot of ice creams have cookies or other toppings mixed in which may have gluten. Plus you don’t even have to eat a lot of gluten to
trigger the response that fucks up your intestines and makes it impossible to absorb nutrients. You could kiss someone who ate/drank something with gluten and fuck yourself up.
No. 1877368
>>1877105Italian Aly appears to be recovered. She looks to be maintaining a healthy weight and traveling a lot with her bf. She does swim a lot and seems pretty serious about it but she looks good and does a lot of other stuff too.
She was jumping around dead end jobs for a while and claiming her bmi was still too low (whilst looking a normal weight but obsessed about the number) and she was too weak, kept finding the jobs too hard and quitting with stress or something every couple of weeks, only to start a new, equally crap and stress causing job the next week. I stopped following her around then.
She actually weirdly had some kind of cardiac event a few years back: I think an actual cardiac arrest, related to a genetic heart condition, but made a full recovery. I only picked up her story again about 6 months ago but seems like she's doing well. Sorry for the length.
IG is @itsaly_eleanor. Still a bit annoying with the constant asking for engagement from followers but I think she may really have recovered from the ed: good for her!
She's in Japan right now on vacation.
No. 1877386
>>1877242I don't know exactly what you mean. But I honestly don't think I have met a person who has completely recovered from anorexia. Either it's constant relapsing, living with it at a level that means you can have a somewhat normal and more healthy life and be physically stable, or switching to a different ed or different addiction.
It lingers even if you manage to maintain a normal weight. People often switch the addictive focus to other things like exercise or drugs but the ed thoughts are the same and some behaviours even.
For someone who had anorexia (say Laura did, but I don't believe that), then relapsing would be losing weight, not gaining. Unless she changed to BED, which can happen.
But to answer your question; no, I've never met anyone completely recovered.
No. 1877387
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>>1877145Very far from mentally chill I’d say.
No. 1877524
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>>1877493>>1877505Ntayrt but I got curious so here you go
No. 1877584
File: 1691412262872.webm (990.07 KB, 576x1024, d3dd92f4-8497-4b33-9e03-719c80…)
Abby is apparently in IP again, comments on the video mentioned Niamh and she showed up on her "benjiisgod" account to wk herself (1 of 2)
No. 1877621
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Is Stef saying she was raised by a single mom? Or what’s going on here with the hashtag
No. 1877634
>>1877633Nta but sage ffs, it's not that fucking complicated
>>1877557You too you dumb cunt
No. 1877654
File: 1691425140604.jpeg (997.2 KB, 1170x1859, IMG_3045.jpeg)

Marie is back to swaying to music to show off her spoop
No. 1877655
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>>1877654And the asspat comments she was vying for
No. 1877656
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>>1877655look at this garbage ass reply. Marie definitely needs to become a raw vegan, that'll fix the spoopiness.
No. 1877731
File: 1691438122989.jpg (3.44 MB, 4096x3072, 23-08-07-13-09-42-846_deco.jpg)

>>1876662>actual jenna ortega clone>chooses to do retarded makeup that makes her look like a creepypasta gangnam unnieshe needs to stick to this makeup style and drop the burn tool shoop it's such a W for her to be irl enid sinclair in the tim burton body of wednesday addams. too powerful.
No. 1877907
>>1877862>>1877836>this copei love how this is like. the ultimate fabricated lie spawned purely out of spite by everyone who quit the abc diet and added a "survived an ed" lore to their personality. a healthy female body is pumping out sweat, farts, and coochie vapor the human body is meant to smell, therefore a body that's chronically shutting down isn't going to smell like anything. if anything it's cigarettes or ketosis breath which can happen to anyone who skipped breakfast. like. spoopy anorexics literally just do not smell. at all. i feel like tiktok blew this up in the past year and everyone ran with it because skelly-tier anorexics only exist in like 0.5% of the population so no one can really argue with them.
healthy bodies smell, kids.
No. 1877912
>>18777831. self harming inpatient gets attention from staff
2. head banging is "easy" as it requires no contraband/sharps and for a bonus is really visible afterwards for extra attention
3. monkey see monkey do
No. 1877958
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Laura Ingram published a book with her schooped body on it
No. 1877991
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Leave after she tried hanging herself with a makeshift ligature because of “the voices”??? So basically it’s confirmed that her fat ass just fell over while lifting her leg kek
No. 1878025
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>>1877962curiosity got the best of me and I read some of it and this is a wild sentence
No. 1878027
File: 1691491482428.jpeg (222.61 KB, 750x769, DD57149B-CDEF-4633-9AF2-CBD3A4…)

>>1878025(2/2) the biggest pick-me in the ward kek
No. 1878031
>>1878027you can tell she’s never read any novel other than Wintergirls kek
and used synonym tool for all her obscure words
No. 1878034
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I know we've speculated that Stef is in treatment and I def think so but she's honestly pretty and doesn't look spoopy unposed as much? Wonder who took all of these countless body videos in Italy though
No. 1878038
File: 1691493698754.jpeg (134.87 KB, 750x1288, ED3856B1-6A25-4739-83F4-F7138E…)

I had a dream where XXXLaura was wearing this hoodie while incarcerated and busy ~lIgaTuriNg~ and breaking her foot a la ballet dancer. I desperately need a photoshop expert to make it a reality
No. 1878062
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>>1878032She seems to think quite highly of her brain power if this is anything to go by kek
No. 1878104
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No. 1878124
File: 1691507682323.png (1.42 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_2084.png)

Recovery for medicine might be the most insufferable cow right now. Constantly complaining that everyone else in GROUP treatment is triggering her and trying to be sickest, while she attempts to humble brag about how sick she is and how she can’t manage food and needs a 1:1. Either get the treatment you clearly wanted and STFU or GTFO. No one is forcing you to be there. Yes, treatment sucks that’s the point but the constant complaining about something you signed up for is infuriating. I feel bad for the staff and other patients that have to put up with her BS day in and day out.
No. 1878134
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has this girl been posted yet
No. 1878143
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The way she relates to a quote about working hard yet admits she doesn’t have a job. Kek. These cows are delusional.
No. 1878154
>>1878087It's kooky and creative nona. Be the main character you want to see in your own prose.
Shame she's starving away her brain power, with an apparently prodigious vocabulary like that.
No. 1878162
>>1878119pretty much. anorexia is extremely rare no matter how much the media and tiktok insist that ednos = anorexia for ~inclusivity~ and ~body positivity~ with the whole uwu you're sick enough uwu, so you have a bunch of blatant misconceptions now because people cry gatekeeping if you say otherwise.
what's very prevalent is ednos crash dieting because they suddenly want to look like bella lombardi, being miserable about only eating rice cakes and energy drinks and abusing lax when they binge, so they check themselves into treatment to milk the attention they get from the #edrecovery tag. there's a genuine desire to get help and break the cycle because "the ednos isn't anorexia'ing" and the recovery arc will always make them feel better about gaining the weight back. then they spread misinformation about how anorexics totally eat a lot etc etc and can be fat under the atypical anorexia excuse.
fact is, some people actually starve to cope. and enjoy it. and go days without eating. and binge, and purge in a number of ways, and return to a 200 calorie a day intake. because there's some underlying mental illness
drawing them to starve and enjoy looking in the mirror and seeing a corpse. of course it sounds obnoxious that it makes them the best anorexic, but it's just stating the literal characteristics of the disease that anorexics starve to lose weight and will cut off anything that gets in their way because it makes them happy to be anorexic. then they fucking die. all of them. and they die without regrets.
No. 1878188
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>>1878170I googled her and tried to find something published within the last year. Kek a lot of the results are the fox news host for you amerifags but fairly certain this is her. She's a cringefest for sure but anons are typically sharing her highschool writing as far as I can tell by dates and a loose idea she's in her upper 20s?? (I could be way off base hard to tell with spoops) I'm something of a litfag and she genuinely has some good pieces. If she recovered I think she could be a writer if she wanted. It seems like she's pretty widely published in literary magazines, which do have to accept the pieces and can be pretty selective.
No. 1878217
File: 1691523475928.png (4.45 MB, 1125x2436, IMG_0408.png)

Niamh’s new TikTok?
No. 1878232
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>>1878210her natural face is so fucking ugly, so i can't really blame her for being so over the top but her makeup looks are truly horrifying
No. 1878263
>>1877643That's just how Hammy acted.
>>1877991That filter is working overtime and then some. Also can't wait for her to do something stupid and attention seeking just in time for her leave to be put on hold.
>>1878119Genuinely, is there a point in splitting hairs between the 'true anorexics' and the bpd anorexics? There's a venn diagram of them and in the middle lies attention seeking behavior, though I guess with the bpd-chans in the thread they tend to spend the rest of their lives in a ward or boomeranging back from relapse to recovery and back forever.
No. 1878281
File: 1691530162617.jpeg (117.9 KB, 750x981, DE687369-09FF-448F-8310-77A31E…)

She’s going to Edinburgh university so someone def needs to report her if she starts this year/doesn’t take a gap year to recover with a treasured nose hose as she’s absolutely not at the BMI needed to study nursing kek(encouraging cowtipping)
No. 1878316
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It's such a hallmark cow thing to insist that they're being specially persecuted
No. 1878317
File: 1691536031162.png (218.97 KB, 426x574, Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 6.09…)

oh, kek, there it is: one of the many who were diagnosed with bpd and then claim it was wrong and they're actually autistic
No. 1878342
nonnie she's got to promote her leg lift duh!! No one's ever seen it before
No. 1878364
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She’s been in “recovery” for 6 months taking thousands of dollars from people for what? She looks like she didn’t gain an ounce. Yet preaches so much and doesn’t take one word of advice she spits out. She pisses me off so much with her cringy content and hand movements and winking. She needs to be taken off the internet such a pathetic selfish individual
No. 1878384
File: 1691543809594.png (838.21 KB, 570x723, Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 8.16…)

recoveryformedicine also made a big list of things that are totally autism and not ED and gave it to staff to tell them to stop correcting her for it. It's not very legible, but this page includes "eating with small cutlery" and "leg shaking". Another page not in this screenshot had "eating slowly" and "standing up and walking around after meals"
No. 1878386
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>>1878384this is the other page I mentioned
No. 1878399
File: 1691544947835.png (170.2 KB, 749x706, image_2023-08-08_213301730.png)

>>1874352same vibes. but seriously, i dont get this. your followers aren't checking what brand of protein shake you're chugging down to buy it themselves or whatever bs she's believing.
No. 1878401
>>1878384She clearly has no idea that if you're genuinely autistic, leg shaking can be redirected into other stims that are acceptable in a treatment setting.
Also, if food-related
triggers are the only things that make her have meltdowns, she has a very improbable kind of autism.
No. 1878404
File: 1691545455900.png (1.16 MB, 746x743, Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 8.46…)

different autistic people have different sensory preferences, I guess, but this is an unexpected collection of food for someone who is super autistic to choose to eat (recoveryformedicine)
No. 1878406
File: 1691546058847.png (345.19 KB, 589x744, Screen Shot 2023-08-08 at 8.49…)

Okay, so, I went back into May's history and there's some milky stuff from when she was working on what sounds like a neonatal ward. This is letter her manager wrote asking for her to be required to see occupational health before returning to work.
No. 1878408
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and then here she complains that her manager drew a boundary and said she wouldn't call to chat every goddamn day (which is insane for someone who was only working 11.5 hours per week). That letter was on Jan 24 and this is on March 10, so I guess her manager called every day for almost two months because May made vague threats about spiraling if she didn't
No. 1878409
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No. 1878465
>>1878401>>1878400>>1878386>>1878384Exactly she is using the autism larp to try to get out if being told she has b pd or euphoria which a lot of uk people still don’t like , and as excuse Ito not do things in terms of her anorexia.
Aside - Tabitha faerie- she got diagnosed with autism when her Anorexia was bad they they removed the label.
No. 1878508
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Enara made a story complaining about how hard her life is and how she needs help with basic self care like showering brushing her teeth and making her bed. Confirmation shes a smelly bitch.
She also mentioned how one of the only things she can manage is looking after her service dog but said even that is being forgotten recently. Poor dog.
BTW this is the highly trained service dog that won't even jump into the back-seat of a car on command
No. 1878547
File: 1691583506971.jpeg (176.51 KB, 750x1097, IMG_4133.jpeg)

I guess this is what Nikol looks like these days, even though she's still posting pics of her 14 year old self on twitter and passing them off as recent. She stopped binging and restricting, but she still comments on people's bodies on twitter and romanticises other people having eating disorders. Does that make her more akin to an ana fetishist now?
No. 1878561
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No. 1878578
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>>1878561Guess she was mad no one noticed her posting/farming Niamh.
No. 1878579
File: 1691591213321.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1269x2002, IMG_8516.jpeg)

These girls learn fast that secure isn’t the hugbox they’re used to in general MH services. Also I think she has well and truly beat anorexia kek
No. 1878582
File: 1691591392106.png (3.39 MB, 750x1334, 516AC90E-7C68-478C-9B17-26A92C…)

Kat’s looking rough. Imagine posting this to your story for other people to see. I believe that the ward could really be abusive because shit goes down on locked wards but the ugly cry face is really putting me off, esp having just learned that she lit the ward on fire and got into fights with other patients.
No. 1878607
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Anyone remember pepsimaxsops? She stopped posting but idk what happened to her
No. 1878617
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1212 and 1311. Lunch time truly is a trauma anniversary isn't.
No. 1878626
>>1878615She’s in low secure now I think, having been stepped down from medium.
To explain the seriousness of this situation for non-UKfags, you can get into low through persistent self harm and suicide attempts and being violent during restraints etc, but medium is pretty much reserved for people who would otherwise have been imprisoned. The only thing above it in terms of security is somewhere like Broadmoor. You have to not only be a danger to yourself, but to others in a serious way, to end up like Kat and Legohead in those units. The patient group is very different to what you’d find in acute or even PICU, they are extremely unwell in a way these girls can’t even compute.
Apologies for sperg.
No. 1878643
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>>1878640she looks like the anorexic version of Amy, from Amy's baking company fame (an episode of Kitchen Nightmares that became really well known because the owner was a total nightmare)
No. 1878709
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No. 1878765
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>>1878578She's such a catty bitch. The only reason she won't go back to looking like this is because she'd just binge her way to a normal weight again.
No. 1878803
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No. 1878805
>>1878508Not looking after the dog? That is not ok! Someone save him! Take him away!
What does he even do when she's in hospital every night? He's just at home alone? Who's going to take him out? Who's going to feed him and give him water? Not to mention the general interaction and stimulation and love any dog deserves?!
Animal cruelty or neglect is not ok. I really hope someone is monitoring HIM and takes him out of this situation. Too many cows selfishly have dogs when they really should not, unless they're a family dog with others to care for them too.
No. 1878807
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No. 1878810
>>1878800What a
colourful response
No. 1878848
>>1878626They let you have phones in medium and low secure? I don’t doubt there’s abuse but it seems unwise of staff to be
abusive when it could be recorded
No. 1878856
reminds me of an anorexic black girl at uni who also sh No. 1878859
File: 1691624703063.jpg (400.69 KB, 1080x2804, Screenshot_20230809_184122~2.j…)

She looks the same, 20lbs my ass
No. 1878872
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>>1878859I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that there has definitely been some weight gain since the first picture (taken June 5th)
No. 1878890
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No. 1878909
>>1878803The strained neck and retard face in the before, kek!
>>1878859130 at like 5'6?? she's barely in the 18s.
No. 1878922
>>1878892It's definitely giving soccer mom vibes
>>1878890>Complaining about obs at night at a psych hospitalShe'd be bitching if no one checked in on her too. It's not like they come in, turn all the lights on and shake you. The doors have panels to see through and there's usually a dim light they can turn on from outside. Interrupted sleep makes many MH issues worse.
>>1878906Old headbanging scars?
No. 1879029
>>1878626Ameriburger here. Thanks for the sperg, it clarified quite a bit. Would it be correct in assuming that leg lift Laura is probably in a low secure? Sure, she swallows socks and reposts old photos, but she seems pretty tame when it comes to physically harming other people. I wonder how many patients/staff Kat assaulted, or if it was just the lighting the building on fire thing.
>>187861712+12 and 13+11 are both 24, I suspect the next major event will be 11:13 or 14:10
>>1878890Her arm looks like a (depressed) baby’s with all the extra fluff. Maybe she should change to KatEatsAnorexia
No. 1879093
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No. 1879094
File: 1691658931174.png (1.22 MB, 853x1568, Screenshots_2023-08-10-05-15-1…)

the daily videos of the blank stare then the retarded smile are pushing me over the edge
No. 1879134
>>1879109Come on newfag its well known that anorexia can turn into BED - remember Brittany Burgender or whatever her name is that went from like BMI 10 to proper obese in only a few years? It’s not unheard of, and like the combo of rebound extreme hunger from long term starvation with actual recovery and then psych meds then can lead to weigh gain. Yeah it’s still gross and diabetus gonna get ‘em but it happens it’s not like it’s totally unheard of.
Stop trying to make yourself sound like the perfect waif Ana who can’t understand how people get fat
No. 1879170
>>1878561I was trying to be nice to this bitch before but damn she makes it hard
>>1878578I hope Niamh does quit social media, she's just starting out in life and she has so many opportunities to thrive. I hope she looks to Nikol like a cautionary tale of what not to become, a miserable jealous cunt reliving her starvation days because she has absolutely 0 to offer and can't stop binging because she's fucked her hunger cues to hell and back.
No. 1879173
File: 1691675067279.png (99.54 KB, 1815x340, lkiujhigytfrdesdfghjk.png)

>>1879170Samefag but of all the comments to get pissy about why was mine there? I used to believe what I originally wrote about her having potential and being funny or whatever but over the months I realized how wrong I was, she's just a wretched human being. And Nikol since you're going to be reading this for validation points I just want to say no one is writing "scripts" about you everyday, those all seem like different anons and you get mentioned maybe a few times per thread when you act cowish enough to be mocked. No one is thinking about you daily except maybe that fat autistic looking faggot pining after you're attention in your tiktok comments. That's your fan girl, what an achievement. But you're right about me being delusional, I was pretty dumb for thinking you were interesting or had potential, just a lost cause through and through, enjoy growing old on edtwt.
No. 1879203
>>1879118hey learn to sage and interact and then post about your vendettas. Brex doesnt usually show full body and she is rarely
triggering, you keep posting but no one finds her milky as no one interacts. Some people are sick
No. 1879225
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No. 1879262
File: 1691688991724.jpeg (912.99 KB, 1284x2147, IMG_8525.jpeg)

Kats “anorexic brain” the jokes just write themselves don’t they. I’ve been following her for years and she has never really been underweight either. She was even called out here for shopping her pics and responded saying she had shopped herself bigger so as not to trigger kek.
No. 1879264
File: 1691689104146.png (1.8 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230810-133451.png)

this was a video she posted to her stories, and there's an employee next to her bed in the video. if they knew she was recording, they should have smacked the fucking phone out of her hand honestly, why are they allowing that, this other patient deserves privacy wtf
No. 1879341
>>1879134>>1879154I second the amen. I'm so tired of the idiots who whine about not understanding why eating disordered people behave as though they have eating disorders. Being fucked up about food is not exclusive to restrictive EDs, and switching EDs is relatively common. Just because OP's tiny brain can't comprehend it doesn't mean it isn't
If you still don't believe me, here's an academic study that proves it: No. 1879400
File: 1691704143755.png (522.32 KB, 423x674, Screen Shot 2023-08-10 at 4.50…)

Fi is such a goddamn vagueposter. This is like her third story today referencing some vague bad thing that she won't explain
No. 1879440
File: 1691708139061.jpg (882.99 KB, 1080x1561, Screenshot_20230810_235648.jpg)

>>1878568If you mean Daisy Henson, she appears to be doing pretty well. She's doing a PhD and doesnt post about her ED anymore
No. 1879454
>>1879443Attention seeking and Fi go hand in hand,
nonnie! Hit the nail on the head though. Got to keep the support and ass pats going somehow I suppose!
No. 1879471
>>1879338Nta but I have posted her recently.
She was discussed a bit over the last couple threads, she gets pretty milky when she relapses and ends up in hospital. Lots of tube selfies and sad eating videos from what I remember with the standard dramatic 'inspirational' caption.
I don't remember exactly what was said but I know she would go live on tktk and whinge about lolcow and her bullies after she got out of hospital last time.
No. 1879496
File: 1691714823602.png (140.92 KB, 704x867, edtwtretards.png)

>>1878561Comments on her post 1 of 2
>~it's literal stalking~ to repost a few things from public social media accounts>~definitely on a watch list~ for making fun of a bunch of cows, most of whom are in their 20's>~it's harassment~ to gossip about public social media accounts No. 1879497
File: 1691715006970.png (204.4 KB, 701x855, edtwtretards2.png)

>>18794962 of 2
>~literally the female 4chan~ you know where we post revenge porn of our ex girlfriends, get antisemitic and racist over everything, post ai generated soft core cp and make rape threats about random influencers who rejected us… yeah totally the female 4chan No. 1879499
>>1879109Laura has also posted extra large calorically dense sugary drinks in the past.
>>1879155Ambien does that, I'm not sure stuff like Abilify does. Seroquel (which she's also on) also comes with a serious craving for sweet stuff.
(Not medfagging, I've been on two of these) No. 1879518
File: 1691717386550.jpg (719.89 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230811_110052_Tik…)

>>1879482Yea. She literally has 'ex offender' in her tktk bio kek.
No. 1879532
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>>1879482>>1879518Arrested for ABH….at fourteen?!? Kat could never
No. 1879700
File: 1691764197588.jpeg (1 MB, 3222x3222, IMG_6933.jpeg)

I’m so sick of em.sorge
Another grown women whos been to treatment over & over & blasts her sick pics all over insta. Why is anyone letting her out?!! She has zero responsibility in life, undoubtedly lives with family. Despite riding the bus, she seems privileged & ungrateful. She can’t share healthy pics but looses some & starts sharing all the time.. All these seed cases are basically the same. Every time she’s hospitalized it’s pic pic pic, look at my tubes & veins.
No. 1879878
>>1879440NTAYRT but i was wondering about a similar girl, but i dont think it was this one.
Ginger, brit, super smart, i think oxford or something, loved reading i think. Something about sunflowers in name. She was skeletor but at some point attempted recovery. Any chance you remember? I hope shes doing ok
No. 1880028
File: 1691803273032.jpeg (952.44 KB, 828x1357, E984BAAC-64F0-475F-98BD-C51D22…)

Rachel wannabe always posts stuff on their story giving advice on nutrition and feeding yourself and body positivity yet doesn’t look like she does the same for herself
No. 1880057
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>>1880028Post more of her. I can’t view her profile.
No. 1880187
File: 1691822981718.jpeg (187.61 KB, 828x1364, 35081151-6FBB-4546-8278-C4A0B6…)

love how Laura forgets to pull her fucked up lopsided facial expressions when she’s not pretending that she’s about to kill herself
No. 1880258
File: 1691843140148.jpeg (505.58 KB, 750x1102, IMG_1210.jpeg)

we’ve had socks, spoons, now keys, i wonder what the next item they’ll have to fish out of these cows is going to be
No. 1880259
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kek at hidden agenda, she thinks she’s the main character
No. 1880278
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No. 1880341
File: 1691858686132.png (6.57 MB, 1170x2532, 4FC05AB5-2417-4618-A9DE-BFF849…)

Has anyone been in treatment/came across this lady? she’s 33 and been at this for at least a decade. Her following is primarily on Facebook where she posts v neck pictures in January and other cringey Shit. Doesn’t have any type of career outside the whole professional patient thing. Not sure why her mom still allows this when her Lyss is a completely capable grown up who choses this over being an adult. Seems to never end(namefagging)
No. 1880346
>>1880340psychfag here
cptsd was added to ICD in 2018 after lots of debates that some individuals with severe and prolonged trauma meet more criteria. its still not in the DSM and there still debates but its a formal diagnosis that doesnt cross out BPD.
What confuses me with these online wanna have trendy diagnosis is that CPTSD shouldnt be given lightly. Is about people who are trafficked, held hostage or prolonged svere abuse, Just because it has some of the bpd symptoms, doesnt mean you have it
No. 1880353
>>1880341She constantly e-begs and asks others to post her venmo. Begs to go to treatment then makes long videos about how she purges every bite of food and acts like a
victim when the other patients distance themselves from her
toxic bs. I was res with her once years ago and a friend was at acute when she was. Also posts constantly begging someone to go to Wegmans with her daily? Her old fb got hacked and I didn't add the new one AFAIK. Proudly states she's been to over fifty treatment centers.
No. 1880403
>>1880259Has anyone told her if she doesn’t like the treatment she can just, yknow…leave? She’s not on section or CTO and the waiting list there isn’t exactly short
>>1880262Or ‘autism’. I find it funny a lot of them have been under services since they were kids - literally spending months on CAMHS wards, some of them - yet somehow it was “missed”? Not saying that’s the case for everyone obviously and I know some symptoms overlap but idk how many can really be “misdiagnosed” ?
No. 1880555
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>>1880286It is and it isn't. For proper diagnosis of disorders like BPD and C-PTSD, in particular, the diagnostic process would require lengthy, comprehensive interviewing, and for conditions like personality disorders, getting to know a person over a longer period of time is also very helpful. A lot of diagnoses made in hospital settings are done after maybe one or two hours of interview time, tops, and a lot of that time is likely spent ruling out a whole host of other disorders.
The truth is that BPD is a very easy diagnosis to make when you have a patient who is emotionally dysregulated and has any component of suicidality or self-harm in their presentation. A lot of professionals either have not been trained in proper comprehensive interviewing for things like personality and trauma disorders, don't have the time to do it, or simply don't see it as a priority. The DSM has changed a lot in the last 20 or 30 years, and plenty of professionals who trained under the DSM-III or even the DSM-IV still do not see outside their training. When you think of it this way, it's very unsurprising that a lot of people end up misdiagnosed, or that older clinicians miss key diagnostic elements that weren't being looked for 20 years ago.
No. 1880592
>>1880278What the hell does she think inpatient is if not a glorified retard center?
>>1880364If it got her some amount of attention…
No. 1880623
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>>1880616Lyss Navelli is her Facebook. She has two accounts because one got hacked
No. 1880661
>>1880650They WANT a diagnosis of BPD? Why? It's not as stigmatised within mental health treatment as it used to be (it was considered untreatable by many as little as 15 years ago) but there's still a lot of stigma attached to it socially. I've seen people who would attack others for using 'schizo' as a slur in the next breath denouncing all people with BPD as
toxic life-ruiners who must be avoided at all costs.
No. 1880683
File: 1691906612346.jpg (771.6 KB, 1080x2247, is that you Zara.jpg)

>>1880682Samefag oh shit was that really Zara accidentally posting her pfp?! Hahahaha I fucking hope so that would be too good, nice post and delete girly, too bad I saved it kek
No. 1880699
>>1880693>>1880695have you thought that maybe the anon “replying” to the original screenshot was the one who posted it trying to frame zara.. i feel like this is one person who’s samefagging and insisting it’s zara. it just doesn’t make sense for zara to do this. idk, she’s not a cow anymore, she has an iphone not an android too. grow up anon, this vendettaposting is very childish of you
>>1880694niamh also has an iphone not an android and i think she’s stopped posting here after that mod exposed her kek
No. 1880706
File: 1691910678969.png (158.76 KB, 876x798, Screenshot (22047).png)

>>1880701>>1880699I'm this anon
>>1880682 and
>>1880683 and
>>1880688 and you guys can relax, I'm not lying and I'm not a vendetta. You can report my comments if you want, I've been here for years and I'm sure the mods can
sus out whether I'm the one who posted the original potential Zara pfp post or not, I don't think I've ever even really commented on a Zara post. I'm not even trying to die on the hill that it is Zara, I just thought it would be funny if it is.
>and it's too coincidental that someone would get a screenshot after less than ten minutes.How is that coincidental? I always have this thread open before bed and when I see a (1) in front of the tab I open it, saw the pfp, screenshotted and saved it because I thought it could potentially be milky. Again it could go either way, we have no proof it was her and we have no proof that it wasn't. But the fact some of you (or potentially one samefagger) jump to "she's lying!! it's fake!! vendettachan!! it's actually Niamh!!" is weird kek. Anyway here's the interaction when it happened, even if she was a farmer it wouldn't really matter much, I just thought it was funny
No. 1880715
File: 1691912567776.png (553.17 KB, 1155x1390, Screenshot 2023-08-13 173843.p…)

>>1880706i am also a tab fag who never shuts down my browser window (i work between 20~30 tabs).
I love it when shit like this goes down as I am able to see it all.
>>1880712call this lack of evidence?
>>1880701>>1880708STFU Zara and just admit that you posted.
No. 1880719
Why are some of you sperging so hard to wk Zara? There's no proof either way so why take such a hard stance in defending her, she's a cunt tbh she really doesn't deserve it.
>>1880687>why would zara even bother posting here in the first place?Why would Zara, an anachan who constantly nlogs other anachans and critiques them online, why would she post here?? Are you actually retarded??
No. 1880733
File: 1691914769266.jpg (551.35 KB, 1080x1893, ganer.jpg)

Ganer seems to bé incorporating new foods and slightly bigger portions, unfortunately she's still walking to the gym every day & not resting. I have a soft spot for ganer, I hope she gets over her OCD and wins a competition some day TBH.
No. 1880742
>>1880733Winning a bikini comp and getting over her OCD are kinda mutually exclusive. She's only gaining in the strict framework of offseason/bulking, hating every minute of it, and counting down the days until she can cut and drop weight again. Nothing about her mode of
recovery is healthy and it never will be. She's kidding herself and misleading everyone else.
No-one should have a soft spot for her until she stops posting those fucking comparison photos and pining over herself at her worst. She quits that shit and I might give her a pass despite her stupid bodybuilding obsession. Otherwise no.
No. 1880767
File: 1691921320660.jpg (664.7 KB, 1080x2316, Screenshot_20230813_200635_Tik…)

No. 1880776
>>1880706>blatant >infuriating >honestly If that's
not zara, the imposter has done a very good job of mocking her. Looks just like one of her tellonym responses
No. 1880838
File: 1691934068714.jpeg (208.99 KB, 1170x824, C46F9252-3CB7-4C2C-AE14-91C879…)

Begging others to pay for the food she purges
No. 1880842
File: 1691934777923.png (3.9 MB, 1170x2532, 1C27DBA6-71A5-4071-8851-91712B…)

>>1880806Her Facebook friends are mostly people she’s met in treatment. The second she gets your name she finds your Facebook and friends you. Her mom is also pretty active on there
No. 1880878
File: 1691939748553.png (2.86 MB, 750x1334, 1EDBC0E7-69C8-4EAE-B3B5-A2FC88…)

Imagine working at the hospital Enara constantly turns up to. All this bitching and moaning about how nobody gives her care and then when they offer her a 72 hour hold she decides it’s not special enough.
No. 1880879
File: 1691939832178.png (3.03 MB, 750x1334, 0E282DFA-A2B6-4F93-BBB4-D42327…)

Samefag but at least the triage place didn’t take any of her shit
No. 1880922
File: 1691945416876.png (2.54 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230813-125054.png)

mid august and the easter candy is still on the counter. she's never gonna eat it, someone probably gave it to her and it's literally just a decoration now.
No. 1880965
>>1880842Her mom and other sick ana chans are the only people who still tolerate her, or pretend to. Plenty of those treatment “friends” are only on her FB for ana competition, those sickos only care about being the skelliest. Alyssa doesn’t have real friends, and she’s pushed away most of her family. That’s the truth of EDs, once you’re an adult and have been playing the
victim for a couple decades people stop caring.
No. 1880984
File: 1691953573419.jpg (1.16 MB, 1440x1800,…)

oh Fi you're so mysterious
No. 1880986
File: 1691953805279.jpg (278.73 KB, 1440x1036, Collage_2023-08-13_15_07_30~2.…)

i wish someone would dm her and go off on her about sharing their Ddm on her stories instead of replying like a normal fucking person. you want attention so bad, right? okay so you got have people reaching out in your DMs. but instead of getting back to the ones who for whatever fucking reason care enough to try talking to you, you just repost their messages on your stories instead. girl!? we know you have a lot of followers and that you get a lot of messages. nobody gives a fuck, literally nobody!
No. 1881008
File: 1691955328612.png (3.43 MB, 750x1334, A8C2B10D-1FE9-4A90-9271-8D36DE…)

What I don’t understand is how Fi can eat so much and maintain??? For example, breakfast everyday of 4 Weetabix (272kcal) with milk (~let’s say 60kcal), a whole large banana (~120kcal) and two slices of thick toast (let’s say 180kcal ) with two spreads (160kcal).
I presume she is just purging like crazy or over exercising behind the scenes to compensate.(namefagging)
No. 1881021
File: 1691956724370.png (1004.49 KB, 1070x788, Screenshot 2023-08-13 at 21.00…)

posting body checks as soon as she's back up on her feet kek
No. 1881121
>>1881008That's not absurdly high? Plus she's active, plenty of people eat similar to Fiona and maintain a healthy body weight. This post just makes me sad tbh
>Omg no way she's eating a normal portion breakfast without needing to exercise all day or throw it upGo to therapy anon kek
No. 1881174
>>1880683Jesus, Abby's face is a real jumpscare.
>>1880879>>1880878Drug seeking behavior.
No. 1881195
File: 1691975355184.jpeg (421.64 KB, 1125x817, IMG_8666.jpeg)

Kek at Nikol being a full time creeper recorded drunk people for thinspo. That’s some moid level behavior.
No. 1881263
File: 1691994712236.jpeg (939.9 KB, 1145x1316, IMG_2851.jpeg)

Nikol obsessively posting about troons for god knows what reason
No. 1881264
File: 1691994780112.jpeg (763.13 KB, 1170x1352, IMG_2850.jpeg)

I wonder when her parents are gonna lock her in a padded cell instead of putting money in her bank account
No. 1881285
File: 1692002184519.jpg (375.59 KB, 1170x977, IMG_2964.jpg)

>>1881264>>1881263Nikol is one of those cows that I have genuinely 0 sympathy for. I feel sympathetic towards some of the cows that take their mental illness out on just themselves, but she's such a vile person. I don't care if she's a socially unaware autist or whatever else makes her behave this way, but she should just have her devices taken away.
No. 1881287
File: 1692003416716.jpeg (96.96 KB, 618x407, C89D4EEB-B21F-4386-B137-3D3AB5…)

Kek so Laura basically confirmed in her most recent post that her outbursts (the ones that got her kicked out from the last supported living facility) were deliberate. She just wanted to be in a different facility, jfc.
No. 1881329
File: 1692016071224.jpeg (601.84 KB, 750x1110, AE4D2AFB-B9E6-4702-A6C2-B1E5FA…)

No. 1881394
>>1876662>>1877524>>1877731luci comeback posts^
>>1877735>>1881329>>1881338>>1881350this has already been discussed further up the thread
No. 1881439
File: 1692032124456.png (1.38 MB, 853x1540, Screenshots_2023-08-14-12-57-3…)

lol are you sure girl?
No. 1881448
File: 1692033480234.jpg (683.7 KB, 1440x1800,…)

idk why this made me lol. this old lady is wild, i find it hilarious that she trolls the shit out of babybicep but defends eugenia lmao i'm not mad at it though, i can't stand rachel
No. 1881458
File: 1692035150726.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1242x1986, IMG_9296.jpeg)

“at exactly 12.12” bet Lyn was watching those seconds tick away and yanked it out as soon as the seconds hand got to 12
No. 1881475
File: 1692038258444.png (492.08 KB, 853x1875, Screenshots_2023-08-14-14-40-0…)

No. 1881500
File: 1692040657667.png (Spoiler Image,571.49 KB, 1080x759, 20230814_151824.png)

>>1881329>>1881350She's been back for a while and spoopy as ever.
No. 1881503
File: 1692040774758.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1518, 20230814_151841.png)

>>1881500At least this pic was cute.
No. 1881655
File: 1692053280089.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1946, Screenshot_20230814-184758~2.p…)

bitch there's no excuse for your face. she upped the disturbing factor with this video too god she's a fuckin psycho i can't
No. 1881682
>>1881563>>1881681Wow that was dark..
Are people not allowed to struggle?
(namefagging) No. 1881687
>>1881448Rachel's a whxre
Kek she deserves Maureen
(learn2integrate) No. 1881706
File: 1692058618814.jpeg (151.57 KB, 828x344, IMG_9526.jpeg)

I love applesauce and salsa with my green beans
No. 1881710
File: 1692058700323.png (342.68 KB, 1028x1040, 2668456782.png)

Has anyone posted this yet?
No. 1881818
>>18817161. filter abuse
2-5. fat
No. 1881843
File: 1692072303341.jpeg (216.59 KB, 1170x2277, 7DB998A6-8AD1-4A6B-B2EE-1DD1BA…)

I’m excited for the milk to come from this
No. 1881847
File: 1692074006282.png (1.86 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230815-003347.png)

omg every time i hear her talk, her voice is higher and more ear piercing. how the fuck do people listen to her for hours, i would go deaf i swear.
No. 1881858
>>1881851Kek is it really a relapse if you never tried to recover in the first place.
I would never watch her lives I can’t stand her voice and smug attitude to get past her intro in her IG videos.
No. 1881868
File: 1692077361324.png (1.8 MB, 853x1544, Screenshots_2023-08-15-01-29-2…)

oh well i fuckin wonder why your throat is sore. stop talking in a fake ass shrill ass voice, it's NOT cute!
No. 1881892
>>1881843Jesus CHRIST this is going to be good. That must be why she posted uncropped, to draw our attention back to her just in time for her
podcast A PODCAST!
Who's been asking for that? Who? Laura? Lynn? The sock? The Green Man??
No. 1881913
File: 1692095080355.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1644x1167, IMG_0356.jpeg)

No. 1881926
File: 1692097463314.png (1.28 MB, 853x1553, Screenshots_2023-08-15-07-05-2…)

No. 1881973
>>1881843She posted about how there's 2 types of people, and she's the type who self harms in private areas so people don't know the extent of her troubles
1. Clearly wasn't that bad if you didn't run out of space on private areas
2. A podcast about how you Zarvived your own retardation is literally just talking aloud for the world to hear about the darkest details about her failing pancreas and ~whipples~
(funny that her zelf harm is secret but her pancreaz izzues require broadcasting)
No. 1881997
>>1881475"Giving someone two lorazepam blah blah blah they were mean to me" idk Enara, sounds like it worked fine since you didn't end up killing yourself or even attempt to.
It's so funny that even her "ideal situation" is still in a hospital though. Dream big baby girl
No. 1882005
File: 1692108217779.jpg (284.6 KB, 1080x1409, Screenshot_20230815_131059_com…)

Does she intentionallt do her make up to look like she has two bruised eeyes?
No. 1882013
>>1881843How incredibly self important of her. Even if she did ~pull her bmi out of the single digits by herself~ she isn’t in any place to be offering recovery advice to anyone. I fail to see how this won’t just be navel gazing nonsense and humble bragging about how underweight and unhealthy she was.
>>1881973She probably sees the single digit bmi & whipples/pancreatic whatever/totally not ED related health issues as apparent enough self harm without the need for a forehead vagina headbanging scar or cuts everywhere.
No. 1882058
File: 1692113668994.jpeg (465.72 KB, 1170x1522, IMG_3266.jpeg)

Marie really gets the most asspats
No. 1882110
File: 1692120475287.png (1.28 MB, 853x1630, Screenshots_2023-08-15-13-12-4…)

No. 1882227
File: 1692129154905.jpeg (Spoiler Image,962.54 KB, 1170x1997, IMG_3330.jpeg)

>>1882153Who posts this shit on their main insta account
No. 1882464
File: 1692153633975.png (1.74 MB, 853x1552, Screenshots_2023-08-15-22-42-4…)

No. 1882609
File: 1692188506686.png (1.39 MB, 853x1768, Screenshots_2023-08-16-07-53-0…)

No. 1882632
File: 1692192505593.jpeg (777.39 KB, 1125x1871, IMG_2038.jpeg)

Kate has gained a fuck ton, looking super average now. It suits her way better. Still acting like the best anorexic possible on twitter though.
No. 1882643
>>1882632Rattle more,ana chan.
She has gained weight but she is still very reasonable sized.
No. 1882666
File: 1692196748382.jpeg (2.66 MB, 1284x2283, IMG_2189.jpeg)

This one might win the award for most dramatic cow. Bloating happens get over it, sometimes it’s extreme there’s definitely nothing they’re going to find at urgent care. Anything to try and convince herself she’s a sick ana and avoid her discharge from
A program she’s been bitching about for weeks now.
No. 1882668
File: 1692196889230.jpeg (342.62 KB, 1284x2229, IMG_2190.jpeg)

>>1882667The entitlement. And she wonders why no one likes her…even her own mother is sick of her shit, kek. Or ya know maybe busy doing her own thing.
No. 1882705
File: 1692200655768.jpeg (711.29 KB, 1170x1995, 87E6241F-532D-4B67-99A0-0B91BD…)

not really milk but i googled lucinda's twitter handle and there were like fifty of these in the results, what the fuck?
No. 1882831
File: 1692213401341.png (7.88 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_3334.png)

But guys, Stefania would NEVER post anything harmful on purpose
No. 1882863
File: 1692217239838.jpg (342.82 KB, 1440x1316, Collage_2023-08-16_16_16_22~2.…)

No. 1882955
>>1882632Good, she should continue maintaining and being a good influence on her kids.
>>1882863She smiles like she caught herself in the picture mid sentence.
No. 1883019
>>1882632Hot take for an anachan thread but I think Kate looked great even when she was at her highest weight post-partum.
Her face and bone structure just do not look like the face and body of someone who is meant to be thin or even average thin…a few weeks ago when she was body-checking her LW, her face looked totally haggard even though she's never been super skelly status.