File: 1681625465481.jpeg (248.81 KB, 1170x1983, 1677079448817.jpeg)

No. 1809563
Read the rules before posting! Newfags, type “sage” in the email field (unless reporting new milk). The same ol’ song and dance: Do not post faces of minors or links to Sabrina’s daughter’s social media.
Rules link Hoffman:
>> Classic angry posts about men not financially supporting her begin to increase. It starts zero in on romantic partnerships (not clients/subscribers) and lament over emotional unfulfillment. It’s suspected to be a symptom of Pumpy’s growing inner turmoil over not getting the girlfriend treatment from Ty. >> Hair fallout masquerading as Hair loss saga: It’s not just “muh lupus” anymore, it’s also “muh abortion.”>> New trophy, a sphnx kitten (Sorrow).>> Toys with the idea of having her implants removed for health reasons (muh lupus).>> Claims to have postpartum depression from muh abortion. >> Pumpy and Ty break up right before Christmas but, don’t worry, they get back together in time for her to spoil him with $5000 cash and $1k sneakers.>> Genders aborted fetus as a “her” that she was previously so proud to yet, a generally odd move for someone who identifies as a they/them. Reveals feeling in shambles with the upcoming “birthday” of fetus.>> Olive, one of her cats, has liver failure and she e-begs to pay the vet bills ($2k) while Ty clutches the $5k she gave him for Christmas. She also blames the new kitten, Sorrow, for Olive’s liver failure and claims that it happened because the new kitten has “food aggression” and prevents Olive from eating. Nonas note the new kitten is MIA.>> Tensions rise and it’s assumed that her and Ty have split again, as he is no longer “baby daddy.” New milk
>> Pumpy unfollows tys IG and he privates his>> mY bAbY wAs DuE yEsTeRdAy sperg while begging for rent money>> Confirmed gives kitten away>> Ty and Pumpy following each other on IG again but Pumpy angryposts about being single>> Says on cam she punched a bf for cheating, some anons speculate she's talking about her past with Cody>> Also says her car depreciated by 30k since she bought it>> Starts a skateboard company because she "had to stop popping pussy to pull a dead fetus out of it">> Streams on MFC tweaking on Adderall and caffeine >> Dissolved top lip filler, left bottom, looks terrible>> Uses pillow with no pillow case >> Ty and ty accessories begin to reappear in the background of pumps pics and stories >> spotted in crowd pics of a show Ty played and out with his friend group>> Tries to get hair done and it fries off so she has to cut it to chin length>> Sleeping on a single mattress on the floor in some dirty looking den despite living in her dream dwellings>> Now claiming ty as her "japanese bf">> Gives spinx cat to tys bandmate Links: (Ty) Arenas – Pumpy's P4P/Sugar Baby Links: Sabrina Nellie "Brina" Juarez:
>> After 1yr+ of couch surfing, crashing at her dad’s, and making up non-existent leases supposedly signed with JJ: Sabrina finally manipulates someone, Kaelin, to let her move in. Sabrina showboats the new accommodations and is clearly feeling like “that bitch” again. >> Sabrina publicly declares JJ as an abuser and tells followers to avoid him. They are, quite clearly, broken up. She begins posting screenshots of the youtube video detailing the domestic battery incident two threads ago, as well as a link to it. New milk:
>> Posts old pics of her making out with some guy to distance herself from JJ>> still scamming on OF>> Interacting with Rhett on IG >> Says she gonna post more of her life but not her kids, a few weeks later posts pics with her kids on her sw account>> Randomly posting and tagging AJ in shit and he takes her to the hospital randomly>> Flashing pussy on the gram, Instagram immediately get disabled>> Posts "Day 6 of being sober" >> But then Immediately posts JJ and announces she's going to Sandras and they post videos clearly intoxicated>> Sells Sandras phone number to johns on camsoda without her knowingLinks: Del Toro/Junkie James/”JJ” – Abuser & On/Off Boyfriend: Threads
4 (Mislabelled as 5)
>>>/snow/198254 Charlotte/Charms:
>> Resident Bimbro>> Proceeding to get more low-grade modifications while still looking the same but with slightly shaggier hair. >> Simps for Pumpy on a few occasions.>> GENDER PRESENTATION IS DIFFERENT THAN GENDER IDENTITY, OKAY? New milk
>> Plans to fill breast implants to 6000cc. For reference she is currently at 1000cc and they're about to burst>> Gets another big forehead tattoo>> Shaves legs after 4 years>> Posts new YouTube content Links: Melanie Martin:
>> Aaron Carter is found dead in his bathtub. It is said that he had been huffing computer cleaner prior. >> Cue Melanie making Aaron’s death her whole personality.>> While AC’s dead body is being removed from his home, Melanie shows up in a full face of makeup and with her expired engagement ring to be pictured crying outside by celebrity news outlets.>> Gains access to Aaron’s socials and follows herself from his profile while unarchiving old photos of them together.>> Melanie begins to start pointing fingers at people trying to “profit” off of Aaron’s death because oNLy ShE cAn.>> Left out of the official memorial service held by AC’s family, who also have his ashes.>> TF that she is already dating one of AC’s friends while playing the grieving “fiancée”>> Sabrina vague posts about Melanie milking Aaron for his death, Sandra and Sabrina unfollow Melanie and follow each other. Links: Sandra G Popa:
>> Begins posting menus and showing “food preparation” posts.. unclear if she’s opening up some kind of kitchen or actually charging friends to eat at her place.>> Fries her hair “blonde” and releases a new song — is this, mania? New milk:
>> Speculated her and A-why have broken up>> Follows Brinas social media again>> Posts her adderall prescription for no reason>> Realizes not eating causes health issues like low iron>> Brina and Sandra promise a few streams that Sandra has to carry herself with no Brina in sight. They eventually make shower content together and post a bunch of drunk videos Links: bonus milk:
>> Darcy Nicole is assaulted by random incel at a bar>> Anafoxx has a new bf who looks identical to her bf who passed away Previous Threads:
>>>/snow/1686617 >>>/pt/30923>>>/snow/14121>>>/snow/240722>>>/snow/350141>>>/snow/473609>>>/snow/678440>>>/snow/1145649>>>/snow/1357137>>>/snow/1569364>>>/snow/1625500>>>/snow/1740804 No. 1809567
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No. 1809569
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No. 1809570
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No. 1809572
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Got bored and was curious to see if Brina made it to Coachella kek. her ig is pretty milky. Looks like she has a new bf, some bmx dude on IG, that anon last thread was right. He posted some weird video of her high kissing and licking his hand but I don't know how to save videos
No. 1809656
File: 1681638089202.jpeg (269.76 KB, 1283x2212, 4813E5F9-CF2E-43B9-9DBB-63AB77…)

First off, thanks nona for making a new thread! This was a few weeks ago, Brina has been camming and scamming consistently again. And yes, that’s a makeup brush in her mouth KEK
No. 1809657
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No. 1809660
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No. 1809713
File: 1681645428416.png (1.21 MB, 1284x2778, 82A0CC79-6918-45F7-AC62-A1BB6B…)

Pumps still hates her job and still struggles to grasp the English language
No. 1810140
File: 1681700672721.jpeg (42.61 KB, 828x586, 7946DDA1-4715-46A9-A51E-0DE54C…)

Lolz so crazy and silly
No. 1810291
>>1810153She could never change her mindset to equal the value of work for an equal amount of pay because she’s so used to scamming for large amounts of money for no effort.
She wouldn’t know how to support herself on a lower income or even how to be a genuinely good or caring employee anywhere.
I can’t wait until she’s forced to realize the value of money. Dumb cunt.
No. 1810412
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Thanks for the thread nonna!
Here’s Pumpy being retarded. You can only get pregnant during ovulation but most women don’t know when they’re ovulating. Sperm in a good condition can survive a couple days to make it to ovulation if it’s coming up- but you don’t have a small chance of getting pregnant all days of the month. She’s fucking stupid
No. 1810413
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No. 1810415
File: 1681753574586.jpeg (229.03 KB, 960x1706, 13794543-E24F-4A2E-8A0D-10DE96…)

glamorous and being treated. So many other hoes can pull an actual sugar daddy and make an absolutely normal dude pay their rent. Millionaire who can’t afford a place in LA solo
No. 1810416
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her bottom lip ready to explode with filler
No. 1810417
File: 1681753694833.jpeg (34.02 KB, 640x1136, 239D6D17-DE56-4AA8-99E1-2717C8…)

Stormy repost, cope for never getting the ring
No. 1810429
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Hard life
No. 1810435
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Our (not) favourite pumpkin went from making out with this dwarf to whining about how men abuse and use her in a matter of hours.
We don’t like you, but girl, dump him ffs.
No. 1810443
File: 1681757197532.jpg (Spoiler Image,247.04 KB, 1080x1635, Screenshot_20230412_153004_Twi…)

Wtf Darcy
No. 1810558
>>1810435They are the ugliest fucking couple I’ve ever seen. Who know a trashy ana mantis and a chubby chinless brown dude wouldn’t go? Probably only compatible in being
toxic & short. Maybe she’s spiraling bc Ty didn’t Venmo his half of the coachella tix kek. I don’t want her to dump Ty, they both seem rotten. Date eachother so they don’t go fucking with other people
No. 1810582
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>>1810558Agree with you nona, they deserve to stay with each other!
Ty looking real rough lately, but how cute is this! They both wanted to match their hair color KEK
No. 1810644
>>1810415>>1810429Sad she's basically paying these ugly moids to date her and buying them cars while she can't even buy herself basic furniture and sleeps on a mattress on the bare floor. also kek at the garbage bag full of laundry at the foot of the bed.
>>1810582Even crazier when you know it's this ugly little manlet she's so desperate to keep.
>>1810561Scrotes really are pathetic. Imagine finding Charms disfigured frankentits sexy and thinking $10 is a lot of money. lmao
No. 1810736
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Brina is on camsoda
No. 1810748
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>>1810699She values Ty bc he dumped Brina, her former idol. This makes the skinwalker think she is a winner. But no man with options would even date a woman with 3 abandoned kids. And no Stormy, getting a young woman to sleep with him here and there isn’t “options.” Ty can’t get into a relationship he wants, he has to settle with her
>>1810736I think Sabrina cams a lot whenever she has a new romantic interest, to hide/delay the prostitution for a bit
No. 1810756
File: 1681790195388.png (Spoiler Image,111.48 KB, 720x598, Screenshot_20230417-225026.png)

She's covered in bruises, no one was talking or tipping and she drank a bunch.
No. 1810757
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No. 1810768
>>1810582Could this be the reason why she did her hair after going on and on about letting grow and it having finally “healed” from her alleged lupus?
>>1810756Her face looks horrific.
No. 1810866
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>>1810748I feel bad for the new guy. Does he not know who she is or her past? Does he even know she has 3 kids?
He seems like a young nobody who’s about to get used up and spit out by this awful scamming witch who got her claws into him quick with her open legs.
Wonder when she’ll get pregnant again.
She also pierced her ears with a thumb tack last night because she was bored. Totally unacceptable behavior from an adult woman. I hope it gets infected.
No. 1810872
>>1810866Oh she also said she’s 77 days sober from her “antidepressants”. Wtf does that mean? Ketamine? She’s been using Street ketamine as an antidepressant?!
She’s still sniffling during EVERY cam show so I wonder what she switched to?
No. 1810880
>>1810872Sabrina has always snorted Xanax with her drinking, so most likely that hasn't changed.
It really is sad how she fucked up her face, her chin area looks like a droopy grandma, her new bf just keeps her around for sex and isnt he also the one taking 30% of her income to live there KEK. Sad for a 30+ year old
No. 1810884
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>>1810880Dunno but I do know he’s doing ALL the video and picture editing like Rhett did so that’s the only reason her pics look decent recently, bc she’s not the one editing for now.
He probably takes the 30% as videography pay and now that she’s fucking him he’s probably accepting pussy as pay now and letting her keep the rest.
She literally does the same thing everywhere she goes. If she can pay with pussy you know she’s gonna open her legs.
No. 1810929
>>1809572I think it’s a combo of the drug use and weight gain/genetics.
Her mom has that double chin/jowels thing too. It’s probably a major factor for why she starved herself because weight goes to her face/jowels.
Other than that has anyone looked at the skin on her ass? That’s the thinnest saggiest skin I’ve only ever seen on drug addicts. She’s super self conscious of it too which is why she keeps trying to hike her stockings up above the sagging skin right under her boney ass.
No. 1810963
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>>1810929Cocaine makes your skin inelastic. She has dated this guy for 3 weeks and is saying “I love you” publicly. Baby and abortion when? Psycho twitter pic she posted
No. 1811033
>>1810995Right? I love how Pumpy has a shirt where all the scammers at or something.
bitch, he's in your house
No. 1811054
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Doeprudence should have been more discriminating than to let Tyler bust in her, but I can’t think of a worse potential step mom than stormy. Someone with that level of unresolved mommy issues? Crazy enough to already claim Ty’s kid as her “family” to the public. She’s so eager to play house. Yet she is already coping online that marriage is oppressive bc she knows Ty will never propose
No. 1811063
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No. 1811158
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PNP got another lip lift or nose job
No. 1811208
>>1811063Is there a reason pumpy mouthing off to that girl or is it a completely random?
Nothing like a praying mantis lady telling you to lose weight. Girl gets uncomfortable in her own body if she hits 80lbs. Do these eating disorder girls who go around calling people fat really think anyone is gonna take them seriously?
No. 1811225
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Hair editing isn’t lining up(unsaged nitpicking)
No. 1811241
File: 1681864092117.jpeg (183.56 KB, 1169x1987, 05381591-C247-4AF4-9405-9310D3…)

Stormy posted this, bet her tiktok feed is all parenting stuff now. She’s going to SWF Ty’s baby mama just like she did Sabrina.
No. 1811293
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>>1811158she's botched her face so bad her eyes look flipped the wrong way now wtf
No. 1811320
File: 1681872685749.png (Spoiler Image,56.82 KB, 401x396, Screenshot 2023-04-18 10.46.33…)

Brina on cam tonight, no one talked or tipped and her ass was even more sad than usual. She should have put the filler there instead of her face
No. 1811322
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No. 1811324
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Sabrinas real body not photo shopped
No. 1811332
>>1811321>Walking around with her livestock/devour tattoos in front of a childKek say you don’t leave the house without saying you don’t leave the house pumpy.
It’s not normal behavior to brand yourself a hoe for everyone to see.
No. 1811369
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Did they try to blur her scars out but were unsuccessful like
No. 1811405
>>1810561Go back you pathetic scrub.
>>1811320>>1811322>>1811324Ew what the fuck kek. I know I'm in the minority but I actually used to be so envious of her body. What a strange shape and weird udders.
No. 1811474
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>>1811369The shoop on this pic is overall a disaster kek
No. 1811589
File: 1681924942818.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.06 KB, 1080x1251, Screenshot_20230419_074213_Sam…)

Someone has a high opinion of themselves. $100 for a ketamine induced bruised up body, peeing all over the place? kek
No. 1811656
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No. 1811658
File: 1681931406180.jpeg (52.43 KB, 960x1706, 3A5F8CD4-B100-4BF6-82EA-19FBA6…)

Followed by: (on Stormy’s other account). Ty is hitting on girls while you sit at home Stormy
No. 1811663
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Some screenshots from before the new thread was made
No. 1811669
File: 1681931872669.jpeg (194.87 KB, 1170x1996, 5CDEAA71-907E-4AB5-8B29-A726DB…)

You know for a fact Pumpy holds A LOT of resentment towards Tys daughter for it being a kid he chose to have with Sam and encouraging Pumpy to abort. Another anon already said it, but he had a kid too young and he’s going to be hard pressed to ever want another and has shown that will honestly never be with Pumpy. The more she comes to realize this the more she will treat his daughter with resentment as soon as she’s out of the eyes of Ty. The way she’s gone after Sam in the past to attack her for being the ex, the way Pumpy lurks every step of her life, the kid is in a situation Ty should have never subjected her into. Pumpy will always spend her time hating that kid while trying one up her mom with monetary things. It’ll be a facade on the outside filled with deep hatred on the inside. It’s already showing.
No. 1811742
File: 1681935766562.jpeg (183.13 KB, 1170x1993, 0823E90F-6E32-472A-B524-163B9A…)

I haven’t seen it posted here but pumpy ended up bleaching the other half of her hair and having it dyed red
No. 1811758
File: 1681937147846.jpeg (184.36 KB, 960x1706, D9A75EB7-C775-494F-9CF8-2AB018…)

>>1811753When you bleach you strip hair of pigment… dye esp darker dyes gives some pigment. My hair feels like straw when I bleach but once I dye it it feels much healthier.
>>1811669 Exactly nona. Ty does not want another child, not when he had to be a dad at 22. Stormy is going to trap him again by pretending she’s on the pill, when she’s like 29/30. That’s the only way she’s getting a baby. He has knocked up 3 diff women (Sabrina, Morgan, and Sam) so it’s a high chance stormy gets knocked up again
No. 1811945
File: 1681953492165.png (486.13 KB, 828x1792, 36FDB4F3-70FA-4DA6-812A-F7C572…)

Brina posting more old ass pics on insta, but this one actually shows how bad her teeth are
No. 1811949
File: 1681953891675.jpeg (Spoiler Image,127.47 KB, 1284x1213, B3763083-3198-477D-8219-8F63F3…)

>>1811742Oh it’s damaged alright. Didn’t doeprudence just dye her hair red recently too? Nitpick but forehead is giving Klingon vibes KEK
No. 1811950
File: 1681953971616.jpeg (78.04 KB, 1284x845, D297DB78-F452-4D8E-B22E-F3BF87…)

Same anon, but didnt mean to spoiler that last one
No. 1811951
File: 1681954030779.png (65.88 KB, 828x1792, E818A2C8-9259-4D7D-B159-17FE0D…)

Story is a couple days old but Pumps claimed she only pretended to break up with Ty.
No. 1811956
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>>1811949Mmm it looks so crunchy
No. 1811963
File: 1681955917143.png (27.21 KB, 288x359, Screenshot 2023-04-19 9.39.08 …)

This is the girl Sabrina and Sandra are live with on their lame ass OF, I can't with this awful shoop anymore, this is comical
No. 1812039
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No. 1812105
File: 1681987086600.png (663.05 KB, 1170x2532, 3918E015-596E-411A-9AF4-9946EF…)

>>1812039I gotta upload the clear version. It’s my new favorite pic of her man face.
No. 1812122
File: 1681992317124.png (2.11 MB, 1800x1214, A8155AD2-2762-43CD-BBB7-1D52BB…)

Damn, no boob job or fillers and this girl is just some average Mexican giant. No wonder she’s a pick-me.
No. 1812224
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Don't be shy pumpy, share your current bank account.
No. 1812406
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No. 1812409
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No. 1812456
File: 1682041843379.jpeg (108.22 KB, 1169x947, 72A2091F-9D3E-4568-BFFC-BD7792…)

Botox and fillers aren’t going to hide the fact your already weak skeleton is going to shrink and lose bone density at a higher percentage than a healthy well fed woman, and your skin and fat pads will shift downwards. Aging anorexics look like shit because of weak bones. Plus a 35 year old with fillers and Botox never looks 20.
No. 1812473
>>1812456She’s already got that weird anorexic mouth/neck with thin skin that makes them look mad old. It’s not super prominent right now but there’s no way she’s gonna be able to use surgery to fix it. There is no way to fix it except eating and being healthy.
Kristen has it too.
No. 1812532
File: 1682055155390.png (16.23 KB, 1204x196, Screen Shot 2023-04-20 at 11.3…)

Sober, yet drinking wine on cam every time she's on.
No. 1812621
File: 1682076316782.png (377.17 KB, 1800x1562, 3AD97FF2-8E44-4848-A84F-56B5A7…)

“I’ve never touched a drug in my entire life” but they should celebrate prescription drugs because prescriptions can’t be classified as drugs in her underdeveloped meth baby brain.
I’m so happy I don’t have to deal with holes in my brain or underdevelopment. I can easily remember the truth from day to day and develop real meaningful relationships with people who care about me at 0% or 100% of my best self and not just the version of me that tries 150% every day. Ah life is good.
No. 1812638
>>1812456Lmao she is deluded if she thinks she doesn’t already look like hot dogshit. And the fact still stands that she wasn’t even remotely cute before all the work she had done, nor is she after. She’s out here thinkin she looks like Madison Beer or some other plastic but pretty young chick but in actuality she looks like
>>1812039 kek
No. 1812683
File: 1682089492066.jpeg (258.98 KB, 960x1706, 2DF8B569-C13C-476C-8663-F486C6…)

It doesn’t count & you wouldn’t post this if you were secure in your attractiveness either. Let’s remind stormy: Rhinoplasty, Botox in her forehead, countless ml of juvederm in her lips, jaw, cheeks and chin. Stfu
No. 1812690
File: 1682089918914.jpeg (31.25 KB, 640x314, 6540E57A-2F77-4433-BC23-1C6C0F…)

It took $50K minimum to go from this to this and fake having bone structure. She’s unrecognizable yet still unattractive
No. 1812761
File: 1682099629148.jpeg (15.12 KB, 181x320, IMG_5954.jpeg)

Stepdaughter. Pumpy, you’re not married.
No. 1812804
>>1812761If I was Doe I’d be concerned over who’s around my daughter. Pumpy has anger issues and snaps at people in a overly vicious way. If she’s fine with hitting her romantic partners and other women, it’s not a stretch she’d be verbally
abusive and snarky towards her enemy’s daughter. I think she’s making a big show out of
taking care of her family to rub it in Doe’s face. It’s not out of love, kindness, or whatever.
No. 1812824
>>1812815Anyone ever seen those Thai/Asian videos of stepmothers who look and act just like Morgan (wanna be high class) and end up abusing their husband’s kid in underhanded ways like pulling hair, pinching, forcing them to clean or trip on things, refusing them food, etc.?
I bet she’ll be just like that.
So yes I do think she’d lay hands on anyone and say it’s acceptable control techniques because she’s never in the wrong and she’s a psychology genius with a degree on how everyone and every situation should be treated correctly. Kek
No. 1812832
>>1812824Pumpy will 100% escalate to blatant child abuse, IF she hasn’t already. She’s unable to control her emotions and has a well-documented history of hostility, aggression, and disrespect towards others. It’s crystal clear that Pumpy is absolutely comfortable treating people with degrees of disrespect that are completely frowned upon from a societal standpoint. You also can’t convince me that Pump is able to separate child from parent. Her hate for Doe/Sam is all-consuming and the child is a reminder that Ty was happy & willing to have a child with someone else — but not her. If she’s ever mad at Ty then that kid doesn’t have a hope in hell because I can’t fathom the ways she’d take it out on that little girl. Ty is a disgusting loser, not only for all he’s done but especially for subjecting his daughter to Pumpy.. knowing exactly what she’s like and capable of. The DEFINITION of selling your soul for $$
Hopefully, the girl has a safe person involved in her life that she’d feel comfortable communicating with. If not then, at very least, a teacher or something that skilled at picking up when things are amiss at home.
No. 1812868
File: 1682112539038.png (471.76 KB, 1284x2778, 4EBF83DB-0816-4BE3-B21C-C5F8E0…)

Some Charms screenshots coming, I couldn’t put them in one layout without losing whole image visibility. Charms has been kissing Pumpy’s ass for quite some time now so I think this is her trying to emulate that big Pumpy energy haha.
No. 1812870
File: 1682112570407.png (403.94 KB, 1284x2778, 04194C84-C193-42BE-A17A-DE5431…)

final screenshot
No. 1812873
File: 1682112753081.png (Spoiler Image,486.67 KB, 1284x2778, 71B6F4FE-A38B-40BA-B6E3-5286B2…)

also might as well post this.. did anyone stomach trying to watch this collab? honestly, charms somehow manages to feel underwhelming even when she’s really doing the most to be shocking. i’d imagine the video is hard to watch but not in the scandalous way, just tough to continuously pay attention to.
No. 1813162
File: 1682161508181.png (1.84 MB, 1800x1069, 4ED592CE-DC9F-4C95-AFC3-FC818E…)

Shhhh don’t say anything about the eyebrows.
5lb is a normal fluctuation of weight, she didn’t “gain” anything.
No. 1813163
File: 1682161766079.png (1.18 MB, 1800x953, BDB4C419-AEBA-4C0B-85F0-558B39…)

>>1812532Aj said he was sober last month too.
Looks like they’re both back at it.
No. 1813169
File: 1682163705674.jpeg (119.1 KB, 1125x1498, 4ABE2C1A-B83A-4941-92C7-7971E0…)

Tha pure audacity of this bitch to try and claim she’s good looking/looks younger than her 28(?) years is so funny to me. Sometimes I wonder if she actually gained REAL weight, like 20 healthy lbs, would it make a difference or would she still be a bland ugly worm girl?
No. 1813292
File: 1682186584908.jpeg (223.33 KB, 960x1706, 73E7E45C-7B66-46C8-9152-BE0DCD…)

>>1813201It’s very BPD of her…since she’s not posting things like getting black out drunk then claiming someone sexually assaulted her anymore, we can’t see all her BPD antics. Just her opinions. BEC but here’s her with 31 inseam pants hiked up to her ribs that still puddle on the floor. So much for long legs. I will give her that her arms and hands are freakishly long kek
No. 1813337
>>1813292She really couldn’t even be bothered to make her bed before posting this?
Ty, this is who is influencing your daughter.
Do better. smh
No. 1813436
File: 1682205425963.png (168.55 KB, 555x467, Screenshot 2023-04-22 7.15.50 …)

looks like a bird of paradise flower
No. 1813438
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No. 1813441
File: 1682205925589.jpeg (264.96 KB, 1284x1868, 4C8F1A4C-7E0C-4A4F-868A-8481DD…)

No. 1813464
File: 1682209906490.jpeg (Spoiler Image,164.19 KB, 1284x2282, 5A0A91E9-71E9-4545-88D5-791EE7…)

No. 1813466
File: 1682210334801.jpeg (Spoiler Image,307.85 KB, 1449x2048, A4D7F1A5-E690-40E1-BAAE-1F2F3B…)

>>1813464You miss the Twitter one?
No. 1813488
File: 1682212525202.jpeg (191.4 KB, 1170x1976, 706DF416-94E5-4E3C-95EA-B13775…)

Pedo pandering to the “I bet it’s bubblegum pink” crowd. She is so disgusting. She knows that trend is something pedos started whilst sexualizing very young underage girls. Stepmom of the fucking year.
No. 1813651
File: 1682244810451.png (760.28 KB, 1800x1486, DF94217F-3C7B-4CC3-B113-01792B…)

“Must become walking skeleton” - Morgan Hoffman
No. 1813815
File: 1682272571429.png (Spoiler Image,55.04 KB, 400x396, 1681872685749.png)

I'm late to the part but brina, FFS! These bruises are giving major crack whore galore(please spoiler shit like this)
No. 1813817
File: 1682272757522.jpg (70.24 KB, 888x678, SmartSelect_20230423_200008_Fi…)

It won't let me delete, I'm so sorry I hit reply instead of "spoiler".
No. 1813884
File: 1682282280397.png (54.3 KB, 1208x520, Screen Shot 2023-04-23 at 2.37…)

Can anyone help Brina? She's tired of paying for bots and can't help but get her accounts deleted for nudity.
Her twitter interaction rate is hilarious.
No. 1813885
File: 1682282462883.jpeg (Spoiler Image,296.1 KB, 1284x2092, EF6C4093-FEA0-4568-AA5D-E46111…)

cows just wanna be cows
No. 1813886
File: 1682282566046.png (1.45 MB, 1800x755, 6BA2FD5D-A34B-425A-8711-E7DE47…)

>>1813884Can you spot the real Sabrina face?
Trick question, they’re all fake.
No. 1813907
File: 1682286021859.jpeg (157.96 KB, 1169x1370, 26E47223-1924-4B5B-9645-F94656…)

You had maybe $2K in veterinarian bills and you were begging for money. A $800 abortion Tyler wouldn’t pitch in for ruined your finances for the month. You may get $10K-$13K a month pre tax but you burn through it so fast any emergency ruins you and you have straight up said you can’t afford to live alone in SoCal. You don’t even save at the rate a normie with that salary does. Truly paycheck to paycheck for a “rich” woman who’s been working for 10 years
No. 1813982
File: 1682294006562.png (570.6 KB, 994x1771, Screenshot_20230423-195233~2.p…)

The shadow from her eyelashes make her look more like a skeleton kek!
No. 1814008
File: 1682298307400.png (680.98 KB, 1170x2532, D88C3205-475A-4B82-B995-289DBC…)

>>1813982Her closeup of her skin showing her anorexic face fur…. Fuckkkk
No. 1814030
File: 1682301853419.png (Spoiler Image,109.99 KB, 749x700, Screenshot 2023-04-23 10.02.04…)

pedo stormy forever
No. 1814084
File: 1682312997737.jpeg (88.04 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpeg)

>>1813885Christ, this is one of the worst horrorcow pics ever. Only Soren (rip) evoked this much disgust in my full body.
No. 1814106
File: 1682315282005.jpeg (112.08 KB, 679x1252, 1F3255F7-8C02-45D0-BE16-9F7352…)

>>1813885The bra looks like two face masks connected. Body horror cow. Can’t believe this is the same person separated by nothing more than a span of 10-12 years.
No. 1814215
File: 1682331279667.png (320.21 KB, 828x1792, C95E9724-CA9A-4FC7-9D32-D7B6C5…)

No. 1814271
File: 1682339588504.jpeg (261.19 KB, 1284x2240, 8FAC8F58-A9C8-4A6B-A286-A35031…)

>>1814008“i lOok tWEnTy yEArS oLd” haha
Sabrina’s shotty dental work on semi-blast. I almost forgot that she had wonky teeth, she’s been going so hard with the shoop in the past year or two.
No. 1814272
File: 1682339784761.jpeg (170.41 KB, 1284x2216, 754B4848-FE8D-4C97-9E7D-E96658…)

Samefag for second picrel, not a person in this world can convince me that Junkie James wasn’t jealous of the sloth. I don’t know if it’s been mentioned yet but they finally unfollowed each other recently, I wasn’t staying UTD with the threads for the past couple of months.
No. 1814274
File: 1682340065788.png (1 MB, 1170x2532, 4976E835-C2E2-4BE6-B2B1-A2E9BA…)

>>1814271This is a throwback picture for anyone who doesn’t know. Before the dental work. I noticed she unfollowed James. She moves so fast.
Finger guns for life. Whatever forever. Can’t wait to see the pics they supposedly took on the beach last night.
No. 1814509
File: 1682366716500.png (11.66 KB, 663x187, Screenshot 2023-04-24 4.03.24 …)

she must have to pretend to not do drugs to live with her boyfriend kek
No. 1814516
>>1814509Being off ketamine, brina. Let’s be real. Everything else is still on the table.
We all know she tried to do “monitored ketamine treatments” for her depression last year and went right back to street drugs because therapeutic doses don’t get her high enough to forget. That’s why she’s saying she’s off her “antidepressants” kek
No. 1814586
File: 1682374054159.png (1.13 MB, 1284x2778, 16F83798-9862-4E33-849A-918619…)

I love how hard she projects and uses the past tense like this isn’t her current situation (which is why she’s so triggered).
No. 1814905
File: 1682425704965.jpeg (224.54 KB, 1800x1488, 39B318C0-F4AA-43BC-9C1D-805A58…)

Hey all my moid followers and other sex workers, I just wanted to show you all I’m a fucking whore who opens her legs for anyone to pop out these humans that I definitely see at least twice a year. I love my family so much I can’t keep them separate from my sex life.
Jesus Christ I need someone to tell her to stop.
No. 1814953
>>1814941>>1814943Second anon with the big bingo. The juicer question is not what Sabrina wants from AJ, but rather
why AJ cares to give it to her. There’s obviously some messing around going on there and Swaggle or whoever is still too naive to see it. Granted, he could be a cuck.
No. 1814957
File: 1682438860561.jpeg (115.98 KB, 1170x697, IMG_9361.jpeg)

>>1814953Sab has some stuff on her story right now making it seem like they already broke up
No. 1814959
>>1814614Morgan truly believes that a greater audience exists for her of people who don’t know her history. She hasn’t adjusted to the fact that she’s not regularly entertaining fresh meat on her accounts. Hell, she hasn’t even adjusted to the fact that she’s been just another needle in a haystack on the web for quite some time now. It’s been repeated like a broken record, but the girls that she is lining herself up against are prettier, more interesting, and much more desirable. Pumpy’s audience is mostly hate-followers, point blank period. Yes, she had her early days of successful pedo pandering and it’s possible that she could have stretched that out.. had she not given herself the edgelord “pick me” makeover.. but that’s long done. Her current appearance only appeals to a
not profitable demographic of washed up punk boys, who need someone to coddle and still make them feel cool.. while they fuck whatever ramp tramp lets them hit on the side. Do you think that Ty goes out with the intention of being loyal to Pumpy, like ever? He’s taking everything that comes his way while Morgan stays at home, rage-posting on her stories, HOPING that he’s paying attention.
No. 1814978
>>1814957Nah she’s still hung up on Aj and Jj. Too bad she can’t get both of them to rail her at the same time.
Also she may be “sober” from ketamine but she’s still brain dead. She’ll never be able to grow a new brain. She already put holes in hers.
No. 1814996
File: 1682445939592.png (801.73 KB, 1170x2532, 4FF66041-0865-46A2-84B5-B58C63…)

A close up of what Sabrina posted. This is after she got two of her teeth “fixed” with the bulkiest cheap veneers on top. She would have been better off with braces like Stormy and adding bonding
>>1814614Ty would still be living in his momma’s house without Stormy’s money.
No. 1815110
File: 1682455664908.jpeg (45.27 KB, 1169x408, FB5F3786-DDCC-4E12-8163-83F2FE…)

You wont film or cam when Ty is at home and you won’t sell new bg content anymore since moving in but you’ll share Tyler’s sex nicknames. Not to mention you’ll talk about your “family” and that you have a stepdaughter on your socials filled with subscribers you claim are pedophiles bc they complain about your implants???? (That you still take money from) This bitch will always be a cow because she has no concept of privacy.
No. 1815148
File: 1682458277537.jpeg (198.88 KB, 1284x2244, 2C07810C-3BFA-4AB8-B4B5-2DF29B…)

>>1815110I actually came here to pose a genuine question about Pumpy/boundaries: Do we think that Pumpy subjects Ty’s daughter to her endless abortion monologue? I could see it. Her screwed up sense of self-worth would NEED Ty’s daughter to know that she could have also had Ty’s child. Pic unrelated, but it got me thinking.
No. 1815150
File: 1682458450279.jpeg (127.77 KB, 1170x1866, 0E3F8801-976D-44D3-A17B-FFA800…)

Body check. I’m still an anorexic worm.
No. 1815152
File: 1682458581296.jpeg (270.58 KB, 1284x2276, 78A69B44-B3CE-4077-89B1-C45F5A…)

dream on, morgan.
No. 1815155
File: 1682459071168.jpeg (49.24 KB, 798x847, C623A168-88A9-4825-ADD8-A34FA4…)

>>1815152She’s blind bc she looks NOTHING like Miley. Not now, and not before Miley’s buccal fat removal
No. 1815174
>>1815152She’s gotta be baiting for compliments. She’s always saying extreme or controversial statements publicly so people will engage with her. She’s a troll. She’s admitted it before.
And that’s on brain damage folks.
No. 1815370
File: 1682484373815.jpeg (180.23 KB, 960x1706, 0DCC66CC-0D78-494E-9BA8-BD922F…)

God these lashes are tragic and give her major undereye circles. Tyler won’t marry her but she knows that
No. 1815384
File: 1682487050816.jpeg (494.39 KB, 1170x1960, IMG_9376.jpeg)

Another new one: hunter pumpy arc. It’s steak. Apparently she used to hunt cows or something kek
No. 1815388
File: 1682487782086.jpeg (254.92 KB, 1170x1998, IMG_9377.jpeg)

The cuts of meat are huge and fucked up cooked uneven as hell on a $10 non stick pan. Soggy nasty fajitas with huge ass chunks of meat, girl no, go sit with Sandra
No. 1815505
File: 1682511340614.png (837.11 KB, 367x1800, D04FC726-105E-4088-BD81-E56699…)

>>1815370Look at me, talk to me, no one likes me anymore cuz I don’t flash pussy every day waaahhh.
Her definitions for everything are so messed up. Being on the pill isn’t hormone replacement therapy you fucktard. And what therapy did you go to to talk about how you use your underdeveloped body to trick pedophiles into supporting you? That’s the therapy you need, Morgan. Not your fucking sexual identity.
No. 1815533
File: 1682515477399.jpeg (416.86 KB, 2048x2048, 98492CCD-63F8-4B7D-84D8-47C846…)

Dumb Girl Energy — love how she’s still not once considered just leaving it the fuck alone. In a month, she’ll be posting about how much hair she’s losing from her “lupus.”
At risk of giving her any ideas, I’m genuinely shocked that she hasn’t claimed “post partum” hair loss in her little munchie rants.
No. 1815537
File: 1682515599359.png (115.82 KB, 1717x620, 8C7C1E6F-EAA8-422B-A08F-DF1CDA…)

>>1815524I wonder if she knows that humans start aging rapidly after 25. That’s probably why last year was her best looking year. Can’t wait to see what 30 looks like on this anachan.
No. 1815643
File: 1682529471636.jpeg (237.3 KB, 960x1706, 97F65EF3-2538-4A79-9CE3-967A6C…)

>>1815639If she just ate 1500 cal a day she wouldn’t need nutrafol as bad. She’s def gonna spiral or restrict now that she’s eating 2 meals a day with Ty
No. 1815704
File: 1682535352278.jpeg (159.33 KB, 960x1706, 3CC99A22-733D-4653-9561-70DA41…)

Retinol can’t fix this
No. 1815775
File: 1682542304396.jpeg (146.69 KB, 1170x1958, IMG_9389.jpeg)

Pumpys on ig trying not to cry cuz she put oil in her eyelash extensions she got 3 days ago n now they’re all falling off. Says with her voice cracking n holding back tears “I can’t have anything nice”
No. 1815863
File: 1682549739337.webm (1.94 MB, 720x1280, fHNQcx2Hv4B02U95aP2ud57rWg==.w…)
>>1815775Here is the webm of that story.
No. 1815870
File: 1682550445080.jpeg (428.21 KB, 1284x2258, C41B9973-28A7-4D4D-9A20-1E9B89…)

I’m honestly shocked that Queen Anachan Brina would expose herself wearing a size Medium.
No. 1815871
File: 1682550753987.jpeg (270.89 KB, 2048x2048, 8072DCB9-31A2-4249-95BD-BFC71F…)

>>1815775When I was watching, I couldn’t help but notice the flabby chin/jowl she has going on (likely a combo of genetics, aging, and prolonged ed). She can get all of the filler and use every filter & angle that she can muster.. she’ll continue to show her age, one way or another.
No. 1816156
File: 1682593441967.jpeg (154.32 KB, 1170x1754, F0B4EADB-B305-410A-8338-AAFC50…)

>>1814008Anyone else see the ig story where she waxed her mustache last week?
Or the story where she talked about how she’s a hairy beast because of her low estrogen?
She really be focusing on that hair of hers.
No. 1816186
>>1816156>>1816156Sage for OT
Makes me want to scream anytime women make excuses for the jannies “look up PCOS” bitch Dyldo was born a MAN and isn’t on estrogen!
Totally different than anachan body fur!
No. 1816210
File: 1682602125352.jpeg (209.51 KB, 1170x1993, EC32DA45-2520-4D5E-AFB2-27F9CC…)

>>1816156She can’t have any more estrogen because of her lupus though. So she’s not allowed to produce any estrogen according to who, her doctors? This doesn’t make sense. She says her body doesn’t produce enough but she’s not allowed to produce more because it will kill her? Am I getting this right y’all? Help.
No. 1816326
File: 1682616918423.jpeg (319.39 KB, 1800x1800, IMG_3486.jpeg)

A lot to unpack in this rant of pure protection
No. 1816331
>>1816326I’ve experienced shit like gender and sexual harassment at work and an
abusive relationship like many women, but like…. What is she trying to say lol. She got multiple fucking face tattoos and body mods for attention and she walks around in a bikini top, no wonder she’s leered at. People expecting DMs from her is just part of her job, ignore them. She should see my email inbox at my white collar job. I’ve had HVAC and electricians come in and they didn’t act creepy at all. They visit 10 houses a day.
Victim mindset. I believe in feminism but not Stormy’s 2 brain cell version of feminism where she wants people to stare at her but they’re all perverts for staring at her, and every man even service employees doing their jobs are shitty moids, yet she is with a known abuser and cheater? But she has done this bratty act for nearly a decade. She was entitled as fuck in 2015 and it’s never stopped growing. So many women go through so much worse and don’t have nice indoor online jobs and actually experience shit like creeps on the bus stops and customers that grope them.
No. 1816341
>>1816326She needs a therapist. She needs to go outside and touch grass and experience life outside her home. She’s an echo chamber for issues popular on Twitter and tiktok that day. She
is a pick me… with fake tits and a fake face she literally got to make men find her more attractive. She complains all day about how both men and womens existences make her life harder and she struggles to decide which she hates and resents more that day. She doesn’t tip toe around anything, she’s loud and annoying 24/7 cuz she has no life or hobbies. She makes her own life miserable. Literally go touch grass and experience life outside the comfort zone Dumpy, not everyone in the world is out to get you. She has got to be the most negative woe is me chick on earth.
No. 1816352
>>1816341I thought the same. She needs to touch grass.
She’s hanging out with her supporter moids online so much she’s turning into what she hates and complains about every day. She’s manifesting her hate to her reality.
No. 1816384
File: 1682621583169.jpg (114.62 KB, 1046x677, collage~2.jpg)

She is just mad no one has been giving her money.
No. 1816499
File: 1682632491088.jpeg (235.06 KB, 1170x1859, 0CA10D84-26B8-4439-AF61-7635FA…)

>>1816352Say you read your own hate page without saying you read your own hate page. That was quick.
No. 1816538
File: 1682636107548.jpeg (34.34 KB, 1170x295, IMG_9449.jpeg)

Tone deaf, all she does is rant about other people all day kek
No. 1816585
File: 1682642559837.jpeg (34.56 KB, 1170x312, F815E7F1-955B-4245-A7A0-7DC851…)

>>1816559KEK it was her.
Stormy since you’re here and don’t do anything all day, tell us why you took Ty back after he cheated on you
No. 1816641
File: 1682647910703.jpeg (164.96 KB, 1170x1963, 4F6C546A-AFCB-4E88-BF8F-A4EFA9…)

>>1816326Don’t worry y’all, she’s going out tomorrow night. Question is, who is she actually going to see (tinfoil but I think she’s lining up the drummer as her backup dick in case Ty dips) and who is she keeping an eye on?
No. 1816665
>>1816641Wow congrats to Stormy. Weekly outing secured. Let’s predict her content tomorrow night. -some post of her getting ready saying “perfect skin no foundation” -deceiving mirror video that makes her look taller than the spindly midget she is -20 stories of her discussing her damaged hair.
Remember that content where you posted how you had your hand on Ty’s friend’s arm last year and deleted within a hour? Give us more of that!
No. 1816719
File: 1682657400488.jpeg (134.79 KB, 1283x2227, 678BD6DD-CB13-41AB-958F-7B058A…)

>>1816665“muh perfect skin” KEK go wash your face pump
No. 1816864
>>1816857Yeah I’ve genetically got large ass pores and you can see them in pictures but they don’t look like blackheads because I wash my face twice every day. Hers are always black for some reason even though she claims to have the best skincare routine.
I’m not giving advice but I know a specific facial that deals with large pores and I’ve never seen pumpy even talk about it before. Dumb bitch thinks anything overpriced is the right option kek. No wonder she can’t keep any savings.
No. 1816978
File: 1682696578929.jpeg (353.68 KB, 2048x2048, 39164405-F3DC-41DA-A7A1-240767…)

Sabrina is using some busted, Snapchat-quality filters lately.. her state of deterioration is just beaming through and she’s really giving cigarette trailer park mom vibes. The stomach holding at the end was a weird, interesting move. We’re all thinking it - let’s hope not.
No. 1816988
>>1816978She looks exactly like her mom.
I think she was just trying to show off that she’s skinny because that shirt covers too much to be able to tell.
No. 1817002
File: 1682700014195.png (386.61 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1443.png)

So you’re gunna be walking around the house with a cup that says “Daddy’s Girl” and mean yourself in front of his daughter? This one gave me the ick extra. Batshit crazy.
No. 1817148
File: 1682717080794.jpeg (187.2 KB, 960x1706, F2FEE06E-046E-45E5-97F8-76F7F5…)

No. 1817162
File: 1682718273254.jpeg (125.02 KB, 960x1706, 49F0CEC9-9DCA-405C-945E-1D7E5B…)

No. 1817165
File: 1682718551635.jpeg (31.63 KB, 398x620, IMG_9749.jpeg)

>>1817148Can you spot the difference?
No. 1817180
File: 1682719673123.jpeg (279.32 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_9750.jpeg)

>>1817148This is more accurate since she’s becoming a fatty who sits at home and eats all day.
No. 1817215
File: 1682722164435.png (256.89 KB, 352x589, Screenshot 2023-04-28 3.48.38 …)

>>1817148>>1817162Ummmmm…no, not even close. lol
No. 1817305
File: 1682730246840.jpeg (95.15 KB, 604x453, 85DE22DC-C703-49E4-91AC-1EC1B5…)

>>1817148She said this yet if you put your thumb over her shoes her torso is fucking long compared to her stub legs. Visual illusions related to her thinness. An actual “high fashion model” would mog her like crazy
No. 1817314
File: 1682731167153.png (258.61 KB, 640x275, B5089EC3-F3F9-42EF-ABE0-70C1C9…)

What Vogue missed out on
No. 1817326
File: 1682732416217.png (114.33 KB, 1080x651, Screenshot_20230428-213927~2.p…)

No. 1817484
File: 1682764088914.png (888.83 KB, 1787x1599, IMG_9754.png)

Someone got a picture with their situationship last night.
No. 1817489
File: 1682767613471.jpeg (83.18 KB, 1170x1473, IMG_9752.jpeg)

Best scammer of 2023 goes to … we’ll have to wait and see at the end of the year but my money’s on Sabrina.
No. 1817514
File: 1682776012049.jpeg (300.97 KB, 2048x2048, 11601060-B7FF-4AC9-8F44-858086…)

Excuse me, nonnas — I’m about to samefag a bit to include all of screenshots.
TAKE ONE: Sabrina sharing one of Schwaggle’s videos again of her borderline breast-feeding off of his knuckle but the successive shares included one of her “relating” to an astro tik tok (“Why the signs are single this year - Cap Afraid of getting hurt again”) and this last one shown in my picrel. She’s so supremely fucked up with absolutely zero self-awareness that she’s both abandoned three children and lost everything she’s ever owned BUT WILL ATTRIBUTE THESE EMPTY, GNAWING DEPRESSIVE FEELINGS TO HER SPLIT WITH JUNKIE MICRO PENIS JAMES.
It doesn’t matter if she somehow scams her way, and/or this new guy, into rebuilding herself. The repercussion of ALL the many terrible things she’s done in her 30.5 years won’t allow her to ever rest easy. Whether she can accept or acknowledge the actual issues or not, this will be her reality going forward.
Sidenote, Schwaggle’s videos remind me of back in late elementary days when we were all making powerpoints on our dial-up computers and just figured out how to add transitions to slides and stuff. Anyone else?
No. 1817516
File: 1682776335932.jpeg (481.36 KB, 2048x2048, FCEC344D-7001-440F-AFC2-336ABB…)

Sabrina’s current dwellings vs. past, a quick “life check” to balance out her “doing good, doing great” stories.
No. 1817521
File: 1682776881242.jpeg (256.41 KB, 1284x2265, A1F9C6DA-3EFF-4767-B16E-A5F441…)

>>1817246Semi-expanding on this but generalizing beyond Pumpy (and to all of these cows) — These girls truly do go through the bare minimum of friction and the majority of their shortcomings are self-inflicted. They have a normal experience and it’s become so blown out of proportion because they are all so self centred & obsessed that they can’t relate to others or shared experiences. They fixate and ruminate for hours, days, months, and YEARS over the smallest things. On a lesser end, screenshot is Charms still obsessing over having to walk up a hill because regular parking was unavailable. Aside from being terminally online, none of these idiots can move on from anything.. which is why they are all 30+ (or pushing it) while trying to pat their own backs online to convince themselves they have done something with their time.
I’d bet some pedos still fw Pumpy because she’s so far from possessing an adult mindset or capabilities.
No. 1817533
File: 1682777673404.jpg (101.86 KB, 768x768, Blackheads.jpg)

>>1816864Blackheads look like they are coming out of the skin slightly, like this. Not like
>>1816719 where they literally just look like holes, aka pores.
No. 1817557
>>1817521Beautifully put nonna. It’s not normal to ruminate for a month on a bad bleach job or claim you can’t leave your house bc of men. Or bring up every trauma you went through as a child on a weekly basis to prove how you deserve your frivolous, empty lifestyle that only has meaning if you anchor it to Ty’s
>>1817515It’s why she got a huge car… to carry around his band equipment and be psycho stepmommy with a bdsm fetish walking around in whore clothing and slutty tattoos. You’re not beating the pedo allegations stormy, this is pedo behavior.
No. 1817630
>>1817525Please understand that Morgan and Sabrina read these threads daily. They take what we say into consideration whether it’s good or terrible advice. Let’s all try to stay on the same page and if someone nitpicks, just know it’s sticking in the back of these girls heads.
We’re influencing how they think and act.
Like all you said, these girls ruminate on things to a fault.
This is a hate thread. Influence them to ruminate on anything you choose to address here even if it’s just stuff we think of as normal.
No. 1817637
File: 1682794472124.jpeg (Spoiler Image,9.52 KB, 268x285, IMG_1828.jpeg)

>>1817630Pumpys vag looks like a micro dick w an enlarged ballsack and her boobs remind me of mtf implants.
Even though she’s in a rapid state of decay I’d rather look like brina and live brinas life over pumpys in a heartbeat.
No. 1817653
File: 1682797108731.jpeg (278.11 KB, 1800x1567, IMG_9757.jpeg)

Maybe they’re getting the hint.
No. 1817680
>>1817514I thought the same. She keeps complaining about PMDD and she doesn’t know why she’s depressed even though she’s been putting effort into making money for what? Two months?
Bitch it’s because you have three human beings that came out of your womb who you have no contact with. I’m sure your dna is craving interaction with them and you can’t get it because they’re not there. Wake up.
Once your attention goes towards providing and being there for them you’ll be happy. Until then you have to work extra hard to get back on track because karma always comes back around.
No. 1817801
File: 1682820674878.webm (7.63 MB, 768x1024, Always at a “hardcore show” w…)
I have so many questions. If they read here, as you say, wouldn’t they also read your master plan to influence them into hating normal things about themselves? Aren’t you foiling your own plan? What do you think you’ll ultimately achieve? Aren’t the 13 threads here proof that these girls don’t need our “help” to destroy themselves? Why admit to us that you’re this sad and pathetic? The last question is rhetorical.
>>1817711Image. Board. Here’s are all the stories (3) compiled into one. Anyone else gets the feeling that Morgan was filming the last girls purely to be mean?
No. 1817915
File: 1682849775547.jpeg (185.86 KB, 1170x2049, IMG_9760.jpeg)

>>1817514Sabrina’s new fuck buddy is now boyfriend according to him
No. 1817947
File: 1682861945831.jpeg (129.63 KB, 960x1706, 5DFC3F4A-09FD-4350-86AB-9ADDDF…)

Stormy posted this. It’s about what a man should do for you stormy not vice versa
No. 1817969
>>1817958I mean,
>>1817637 was written right after
and likely by the same nona.
No. 1817972
Here comes the classic infighting that absolutely shits up the thread. If you don’t like what someone said once, move on. Don’t be Morgans clinging and dramatizing it for 5+ more comments. Yes, nitpicks on her pores are fucking retarded and technically not allowed. If it bothers you, report it, otherwise let the farmhands do their thing.
>>1817915Thank you for this find, nona! These tweets had me cringing in every direction. The poor sap is absolutely in love with Sabrina’s homeless, narcissistic, drug-addicted, deadbeat mother ass.. which really makes me question what’s wrong with him. Rhett and AJ are scum, Ty is a predatory douchebag (preys on SWers), JJ had his brain injury.. honestly, with this new one, I’m getting the vibes that he just never gets female attention and now he’s simping hard for the dark lord.
No. 1817982
>>1817915This is so disgusting. They've been seeing each other a few weeks (?) And already posting content about squirting???
Jesus Christ this woman is the most disgusting pile of shit on earth. I'm ashamed as a woman that these people exist and go through life with no regard for anything but money and sex. Absolutely repulsive.
No. 1818029
File: 1682874950872.jpeg (57.64 KB, 1169x531, DCB7CAD8-DB72-44EC-BECC-7E8C32…)

She’s so down with La Raza… a true ally. But for real she should actually flip the lens and consider that Ty serially dates white girls and has never dated anyone even close to brown. Plus the whole sex worker fetish
No. 1818198
File: 1682898650445.png (1.04 MB, 1800x809, IMG_9768.png)

>>1818030Idk this guy looks pretty white to me.
No. 1818208
File: 1682900124675.png (275.78 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1469.png)

Sabrina’s 1k helmet
No. 1818214
File: 1682900954946.jpeg (51.62 KB, 640x1136, 7B5F3A2D-3726-4299-AE78-8C6CDF…)

Stormy hates that Tyler vapes and keeps bringing it up (shared this tiktok on stories)
No. 1818277
File: 1682910962291.png (Spoiler Image,264.1 KB, 828x1792, 4AD1BE31-743A-449E-8DA4-1D13D8…)

the bruises on sabrina
No. 1818355
>>1817148most onlyfans/camwhores are fat or really busted in the face so now she thinks shes a fucking model lmao. youre just skinny and in any other profession you'd be nothing special. this could easily be the trashy selfie your facebook friend who is a nurse posts on the weekends before going out. nothing out of the ordinary let alone high fashion.
>>1818214surely a chronic ana chan has very valuable opinions on health
No. 1818484
>>1818214Where to even start? First off, congrats on not vaping to get through the day or whatever your pea brain is trying to establish. But instead you act like a gigantic cunt to every single person you come in contact with, have no friends, a man who has still NEVER claimed or called you his gf, you're broke, dirty, ugly, hair is falling out, looks like a stick bug with fungus growing on it, you're losing all your customers and no longer do your pathetic "job" pedo pandering to disgusting men who don't value you as anything but a cheap whore to stare at with nothing to offer but a smug face that looks like you just smelled shit. But yeah, you're doing better than everybody and posting passive aggressive tiktoks is all you're about, lmao corny ass broke bitch. Go do Tylers laundry or something. Also I hope that ugly "daddy's girl" mug slips out of her boney fingers and smashes into a million pieces.
No. 1818621
File: 1682968849981.jpeg (130.02 KB, 1169x1207, F2A5B5E4-5EF7-42F3-967F-1D2BA9…)

No. 1818695
File: 1682974452209.jpeg (30.44 KB, 640x1136, 8E68A9B5-F878-4A38-9AB4-6AD66D…)

KEK how every guy Sabrina’s with flaunts her still, Stormy’s been with Ty for years in/off and showers him in $$ and could never get this type of affection publicly
No. 1818830
File: 1682986399645.jpeg (95.68 KB, 1170x792, IMG_9782.jpeg)

No. 1818864
File: 1682990539365.jpeg (57.09 KB, 1170x473, F8635821-7A01-4656-B644-A12E52…)

Ty demanded she take down content that isn’t her masturbating
No. 1818959
File: 1683004847627.jpeg (148.54 KB, 960x1706, D9D54CE6-C04A-4B9F-8C02-FCF97D…)

You let a man who wouldn’t claim you fuck you for 2 years and think it’s a win? Guess how much longer you’ll have to wait for a ring (hint: forever)
No. 1819062
File: 1683029200061.png (303.98 KB, 1721x922, IMG_9799.png)

A new fitness freak era
No. 1819064
File: 1683029444978.png (456.86 KB, 1800x857, IMG_9800.png)

>>1819062And butt implants next
No. 1819135
File: 1683038519856.jpg (134.75 KB, 784x707, collage (1)~2.jpg)

She is so desperate to get money.
No. 1819245
>>1819233Upload from your phone to copy the link it generates and paste it in a reply here.
No. 1819246
File: 1683049890560.jpeg (103.63 KB, 1170x998, IMG_9810.jpeg)

Well well well. I wonder who did some research on their own and is now getting posts based on their search history.
No. 1819248
Hope this works:<div style="width:100%;height:0px;position:relative;padding-bottom:216.867%;"><iframe src="" frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" allowfullscreen style="width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;overflow:hidden;"></iframe></div>
No. 1819250
>>1819248Ok I couldn’t get the embed right but the link works.
Part 2 No. 1819288
File: 1683056762128.jpeg (144.9 KB, 960x1706, AD5AA160-FA6C-4D4C-B46E-797427…)

Umm he’s missing 40lbs in this photo
No. 1819290
File: 1683056802833.jpeg (238.19 KB, 960x1706, D6D0EFEF-670F-41A9-9632-DACF38…)

No. 1819296
File: 1683057705604.jpeg (265.35 KB, 960x1706, A2D7F65E-D1AC-45D4-8F21-2CEE4D…)

No. 1819342
File: 1683064954915.png (Spoiler Image,331.19 KB, 1061x1004, Screenshot_20230502-180038~2.p…)

Jesus why would she repost this. She looks so busted.
No. 1819343
File: 1683064889394.png (Spoiler Image,331.19 KB, 1061x1004, Screenshot_20230502-180038~2.p…)

Jesus why would she repost this. She looks so busted.
No. 1819344
File: 1683064852112.png (Spoiler Image,331.19 KB, 1061x1004, Screenshot_20230502-180038~2.p…)

Jesus why would she repost this. She looks so busted.
No. 1819670
File: 1683112454149.jpeg (179.34 KB, 1170x1114, IMG_9815.jpeg)

>>1818830That was fast. That’s what happens when you don’t eat. Stay healthy everyone.
No. 1819672
File: 1683113010535.png (1.69 MB, 1800x996, IMG_9823.png)

I wonder if jj still checks here and what he thinks of the love of his life moving on to a new man after one day.
No. 1819727
File: 1683124960620.jpeg (168.98 KB, 1082x1843, 87C0B1F9-2F1A-4B6D-88C9-9E148E…)

>>1819672They’re so disgusting in public, I must assume Schwaggel never dates. Poor dude in the back
No. 1819728
File: 1683125086828.jpeg (142.07 KB, 1076x1878, B326E3D7-0CEF-4A89-A61D-D064C9…)

I noticed as she gets older the Mexican in her really jumps out (her Whoville looking/pug face).(racebait)
No. 1820089
>>1820011no one except Stormy anyway kek
Swaggle looks like he maybe more of a narcissist than Sabrina. Hope he likes being a single dad in the future if she tricks him like she does every guy
No. 1820154
File: 1683168587514.webm (7.76 MB, 720x1280, 01.webm)
>>1819248>>1819250Here is the series of Instagram Stories that go along with these for archival purposes. The order of these might be off as she shared some in one account (@sixginn.jpg) and some in the other (@sixginnshawty)
> tl;dw Morgan Hoffman is better than everyone in every aspect that has ever existedIt feels like this are more of a pep talk. It’s obvious she was feeling a bit insecure about something.
No. 1820162
File: 1683169305400.jpg (193.92 KB, 960x1706, Hair Realisation.jpg)

Here are other somewhat funny things she has shared.
No. 1820163
File: 1683169398925.webm (4.39 MB, 720x1280, Haircut.webm)
>>1820162Immediately followed by another hair reveal.
> can’t help it; is impulsive No. 1820166
File: 1683169628546.jpg (123.16 KB, 960x1706, “the worst women in history”.j…)

She also has admitted she visit and reads, again. She seems to like us because we help her further harm herself.
No. 1820168
File: 1683169828087.webm (496.26 KB, 720x1280, woof.webm)
> Tyler Arenas, your girlfriend, woof!
No. 1820231
File: 1683180913584.jpeg (54.96 KB, 640x379, 21CD89CC-50A7-41BA-934D-091B0F…)

First pic is from thread 8, last 2 from today
No. 1820236
victim complex, it must really help your uWu fragile mental health to lurk and post here. Now if a kindly mod could ip check to see how frequently she posts… that'd be great.
No. 1820245
File: 1683182849199.jpeg (974.5 KB, 4917x4917, 25B9C293-A386-4037-9D80-BB3FBC…)

You guys really think pumpy can type in complete sentences? Tsk. Anon forgot to pluralize “visits” but otherwise was way more coherent than pump lol. I screenshotted these but was too lazy to post, included time stamp.
If she posts here it’s probably about Brina, not herself
No. 1820247
>>1820231Just editing history as if it isn’t archived for anyone to see. She probably lied because Kira actually had a miscarriage/abortion with Cody right before pump hooked up with him.
I feel like she has such a complex over that girl, still. Every time she reposts her modeling photos I think about how much she looked like a hillbilly Kira before she (pump) inflated her whole face. And Kira was an actual paid model.
Pumpy has never been paid to model a day in her life unless it was showing her pussy to bottom of the barrel men.
No. 1820312
File: 1683193160947.jpg (262.9 KB, 1668x2224, sixginn sreenshot .jpg)

>>1820218>>1820223>>1820226>>1820236>>1820238Sorry to spoil the fun but it was from her Instagram Stories, the same day she posted
>>1819248 . She constantly shares her tweets on her stories and they’re all like this, attached are the ones from “today”.
>>1820245I’m glad you also caught it, Nona.
No. 1820450
File: 1683213151754.jpeg (139.66 KB, 960x1706, 395F6D6B-5795-475A-BF51-6D5D2A…)

>>1820247I hate Ty but I hope he sees this and knows Stormy is just as crazy as Sabrina and will pull the same shit (manipulation over phantom baby). It doesn’t matter how much BG content Stormy removes to pretend she has no bodies and that there aren’t videos of her being creampied by different dudes, or that she hasn’t fucked a fan for money.
Btw that’s why stormy is posting those videos on her stories someone put above, about how she’s the best woman. Bc she’s taking some of her content down for Ty and right now is acting all fine about it but the fact she is ranting on IG stories about being a good woman despite onlyfans is a sign of things to come….
No. 1821004
File: 1683262655108.png (300.16 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1537.png)

Oh this angle
No. 1821717
File: 1683373005749.png (977.66 KB, 1800x1446, IMG_9861.png)

I wonder why she deleted this. And she was crying about some shit on her ig stories, not explaining why she’s crying but focusing on how pretty she looks when she cries.
Vapid narcissist. Who turns on a camera when they’re crying? Ew
No. 1821722
File: 1683374316646.jpeg (78.5 KB, 1169x744, IMG_9860.jpeg)

>>1819675Great job Sandra
No. 1821777
File: 1683384568896.jpeg (132.34 KB, 1169x1892, D028D669-EDF7-48CD-BAAD-FDC389…)

>>1821717I’m sure she and Ty were fighting
No. 1821802
>>1821785Well yeah if anything histrionic personality disorder traits would fit better.
>Dramatic, unstable relationships perceived by the sufferer to be closer than they are; excessive displays of emotion & sexuality to draw attention to themselves, particularly with body/clothing; obsessed with their physical appearance; gullible and easily led; shallow; bored/frustrated easily; inappropriately sexual… etc. There’s some overlap between all the cluster b disorders and it’s also possible to have these traits without it being pathological. She’s definitely a histrionic person/persona but we can’t tell from here if she’s personality disordered or just regular dramatic.
(armchairing) No. 1821819
File: 1683387107353.jpeg (50.95 KB, 1170x601, IMG_9862.jpeg)

>>1821785I agree. I was just using the term simply. Not as a reference to the psychological personality disorder.
No. 1821877
File: 1683391114601.jpeg (129.62 KB, 1284x2106, IMG_7624.jpeg)

Pumpy’s morning affirmation, probably.
No. 1822345
>>1822326But we agree that she (a meth baby) is dependent on it just like meth.
It’s not literally meth but it’s definitely a very comparable controlled dose of amphetamines (I’ve done both and I have adhd).
She’s done drugs whether she thinks prescribed drugs count or not.
A heroin addict is no different than someone addicted to synthetic opioids. Adderall is comparable to meth in the same way.
No. 1822348
>>1822345Yes, exactly! This is why people even buy Adderall off the street because it is highly abused.
She's also gone through an alcoholic phase so for her to act like some straight edge freak is such a reach
No. 1822540
>>1822379>you literally just said it has the same chemical structure kek.You are a retarded ESL who cannot read. She did not say they have the same chemical structure.
That's like saying "our DNA is a 98% match to banana's, therefore we are the same as bananas."
No. 1822915
>>1820011Bahahahaha, facts!
No one wants Schnozzle lol, Brina you can definitely have him, and his 2014 flower trucker hat and massive nose
No. 1822983
>>1822880You’re obviously a simp and ignore all of the ridiculously negative things stormy does and says every day.
In fact we have solid evidence of it all in these threads.
Awful person gets treated awful because that’s how she treats everyone else who isnt giving her money. If she’s nice to you it’s probably because you paid her.
No. 1823079
File: 1683558277657.png (Spoiler Image,290.01 KB, 878x1556, Screenshot 2023-05-08 at 8.03.…)

Fire in the hole. Learn to wipe better girl
No. 1823083
File: 1683558822769.jpeg (175.38 KB, 960x1706, F18C9BAC-C833-46C3-839C-658222…)

Bet Ty’s out of town
No. 1823116
File: 1683563070157.png (828.53 KB, 3465x3465, 8284CFD3-4537-433C-B2C3-5B8B19…)

This is some of the saddest shit I’ve ever seen. Showing your asshole and pussy cannot be worth it kek.
No. 1823122
>>1823100Ayrt lol at salad fingers!
Also this thread and Shayna's are the best to follow, these bitches are broke and have the worst nails, style, taste in everything,pedo pandering losers, scammers, etc. It's funny Shayna is a notorious cow and probably one of the famous on here, I bet ugly Morgan is jealous she doesn't have a plethora of threads like shay does.
No. 1823181
File: 1683568975663.png (Spoiler Image,362.63 KB, 870x1462, Screenshot 2023-05-08 at 11.03…)

>>1823168You sure bout that?
No. 1823240
>>1823181I love how confident they were saying "Sabrina" right after her poopy stretched diseased butthole was posted KEK
Sabrina looks like a fucking oopa loompa with stilts
No. 1823375
>>1823358You know, I think we can all clearly see that she restricts, but I’ve been wondering recently if she’s EDNOS and has bulemia too. Her gag reflex is basically zero, I wouldn’t be surprised if she used to shove her whole hand down her throat to eject what little she did consume.
She’s always saying throat goat but I just think it’s because she is or has been bulemic. Gross.
No. 1823403
File: 1683589912110.png (62.47 KB, 1028x718, Screenshot 2023-05-08 7.26.59 …)

a google search for Sabrina Nellie and this comes up kekkk. "there was an old lady who lived in a shoe, she had so many kids she didn't know what to do"
No. 1823422
File: 1683592247685.jpeg (229.35 KB, 1170x2015, IMG_9881.jpeg)

No. 1823683
File: 1683624128469.png (412.38 KB, 828x1792, E9DC3C92-8AB5-4680-B7A8-3134E9…)

Lolll… a therapist and some friends and an ounce of self awareness/respect is what you need, ya dumb goofy delusional weirdo.
No. 1823725
File: 1683631695755.png (1.02 MB, 1800x1666, IMG_9886.png)

>>1823683 can someone be aware of their faults and not be compelled to fix them?
Self admitted narcissist to a fault.
(Picrel) I thought she was saying she picked her freckles off but I see that it’s her eyelashes.
No wonder she’s blowing through cash. Bitch can’t even keep the expensive things she pays for: boyfriends, pets, apartments, jewelry, nails, hair, filler, lashes, cars, etc.
No. 1823779
>>1823375Wouldn't a bulimic be the opposite of a throat goat? Like instead of no gag reflex it would be an easily
triggered one. Her knuckles don't show any wear and tear from stomach acid. Her hair certainly screams "long term malnourishment" in any case
No. 1824180
File: 1683683448416.jpeg (46.32 KB, 474x603, CA2EFB08-F27E-4356-951C-DEC82D…)

>>1823422That side profile is really unfortunate, wow. You can see that her forehead sticks out as much as her nose does… never seen that before. Her philtrum is also really long, which is a sign of aging - she’s always had a longer philtrum but the length of it here is way longer than it should be for her age… it’s almost as long as the nose itself which is pretty crazy. Overall it’s giving chimpanzee
No. 1824466
File: 1683733537222.jpg (165.41 KB, 960x1706, 346089785_805040851205063_8439…)

Love that she keeps trying to say she loves her hair when everyone can plainly see she completely fucking ruined it.
No. 1824489
File: 1683737052986.jpeg (174.86 KB, 1170x2089, IMG_9973.jpeg)

>>1824466Hmm curious if Morgan checks here right when she wakes up (9 to 11am cali time)
There go the nails she just paid for.
This disc is scratched and it’s getting repetitive and boring. Might dump it for a better cow.
No. 1824513
File: 1683739550057.jpg (366.95 KB, 1080x2408, Screenshot_20230510_182301_Mic…)

Sorry I'm late and the screenshot is dog shit but I did a Google of Pumpy's medication and kek birth control made me bald arc when?
No. 1824579
>>1824466Ok I can’t resist kek
>hot lesbian hair LOL. No. Also how many filters is she using to make her face a neutral level of cute? We all know what you really look like, Pump n Dump.
No. 1824848
File: 1683776119762.jpeg (131.06 KB, 1169x948, IMG_9982.jpeg)

>>1824489You can’t sage people? Oops isn’t that a coincidence to be in your suggested autocorrections.
No. 1825191
File: 1683820870395.png (107.04 KB, 447x605, Screenshot 2023-05-10 7.53.54 …)

Sabrina looks like a goofy moon face now kek. Screenshot from her video post on ig
No. 1825192
File: 1683820936641.png (107.04 KB, 447x605, Screenshot 2023-05-10 7.53.54 …)

Sabrina looks like a goofy moon face now kek. Screenshot from her video post on ig
No. 1825193
File: 1683821264561.png (107.04 KB, 447x605, Screenshot 2023-05-10 7.53.54 …)

Sabrina looks like a goofy moon face now kek. Screenshot from her video post on ig
No. 1825194
File: 1683821264794.png (107.04 KB, 447x605, Screenshot 2023-05-10 7.53.54 …)

Sabrina looks like a goofy moon face now kek. Screenshot from her video post on ig
No. 1825414
File: 1683843698555.jpeg (91.94 KB, 1170x671, IMG_9711.jpeg)

No. 1825691
>>1825414What do you think she’s gonna get herself for Mother’s Day now that she’s a mother of two, one child that she yeeted and another that just lives with her.
Should I include Ty too? So a mother of three? Just like Sabrina. Goals achieved.
No. 1826009
File: 1683922701350.jpeg (266.47 KB, 1170x1859, IMG_0035.jpeg)

Please no one post Sabrina’s throwback i II mage of her and Sandra from her story. It’s old.
Imagine this is your daughter. At least her mental health is all fixed now.
No. 1826168
File: 1683939438741.png (928 KB, 1800x1402, IMG_0045.png)

>>1824466Can’t tell if the op was her but this is why I think it was.
She only down talks her own hair. She’s obsessed with the disaster.
No. 1826239
File: 1683948150004.jpeg (213.37 KB, 1800x712, IMG_0046.jpeg)

>>1815150Riiiigght. Not the body checks you literally do throughout every day while also mentioning how your baby belly is finally gone. Reality check anyone?
No. 1826609
File: 1684012633119.jpeg (206.8 KB, 1788x547, IMG_0067.jpeg)

Funny coming from a meth baby with an underdeveloped brain. This girl needs to be humbled asap.
No. 1826611
File: 1684012895646.png (435.77 KB, 1800x1275, IMG_0068.png)

>>1826609You didn’t almost die from withdrawals stupid.
No. 1826614
File: 1684012976236.jpeg (252.4 KB, 1170x2064, IMG_0020.jpeg)

>>1826609“I’ve never touched a drug in my life”
No. 1826757
File: 1684030178642.jpeg (48.46 KB, 640x380, EC8C2029-012D-42ED-A687-7EE6BE…)

“I’ll have more tonight” >> Ty owes Stormy rent money. Also, “stay positive”, what a coworker or neighbor would say when you’re upset. Finally, this deranged hoe calls herself a stay at home mom yet calls Ty “daddy”… you’re literally almost 30 and are the bread winner but ok
No. 1826765
File: 1684030829541.jpeg (187.53 KB, 1169x1597, FCC5C797-36E0-4018-A19A-493DF4…)

Can’t ovulate on the pill retard. She has a child in her custody at times….it would be fucking mortifying for your dad’s girlfriend to make porn and tweet about your dad like that.
No. 1826903
>>1826757Yeah I’m sorry but my boyfriend of 3 years is more supportive than that. We work as a team dynamic that loves and cares for each other not as an owner pet relationship where we beg each other for gifts and affection.
So sad.
(blogposting) No. 1826921
File: 1684060401308.png (1.06 MB, 1800x1631, IMG_0073.png)

Ok so she thinks her pedo kink is age regression. Those are normal adult emotions you fucktard, not age regression.
Second picrel is hilarious because she just described herself surrounding herself with sex and music industries which have completely ruined her perception of reality.
No. 1826924
File: 1684060571409.jpeg (344.41 KB, 1170x2208, IMG_0070.jpeg)

>>1826242Daily morning body check. You’re definitely getting fatter little square peg.
No. 1827164
File: 1684089229422.jpeg (68.54 KB, 1170x607, IMG_0074.jpeg)

>>1826924Still ruminating on that fat ass Ty likes sooooo much.
No. 1827206
File: 1684095193751.jpeg (109.67 KB, 1170x1563, 6F9A6A12-CBF7-45EF-88C4-F9CE3B…)

Sabrina’s boyfriend is petite just like Tyler. Cam girls and their smol kings
No. 1827251
File: 1684101491912.jpeg (221.46 KB, 960x1706, BD2168A4-2360-4301-8A05-15606E…)

Stormy’s post abortion behavior continues to confirm to Tyler he shouldn’t have a baby with her
No. 1827550
File: 1684149715316.jpeg (150.33 KB, 1170x2280, IMG_0072.jpeg)

>>1827251She sure does claim to be happy and then drops hints like this.
No. 1827606
File: 1684155311621.jpeg (208.48 KB, 1170x1821, IMG_0078.jpeg)

>>1825691It’s not impressive Morgan. You were a meth baby that went into sex work and has been further abused since childhood. That does fit the bill for meth baby blueprint though. Congratulations
No. 1827943
>>1809563>>1827251i will never feel sorry for some ana chan piece of shit who has a miscarriage. YOU did that to your baby. every day that you live your life starving to avoid that ugly rectangle figure… was it worth it?
thankfully it's pumpy who doesn't deserve to raise a child ever.
No. 1827986
File: 1684201388224.jpeg (201.41 KB, 960x1706, 869637C0-4C88-4E76-93FF-7E7664…)

>>1827943She aborted in 2022. The miscarriage you reference, she faked.
No. 1828351
File: 1684258573997.jpg (147.19 KB, 1079x1336, Screenshot_20230516_103359_Ins…)

Openly advertising that you're a real life prostitute on Instagram of all places. This vile waste of space brought not one, not two, but THREE CHILDREN onto this God forsaken planet and abandoned them for drugs and sex! how could somebody be so vapid?
No. 1828379
File: 1684260814601.png (324.33 KB, 1170x2532, BC4ED23D-43C7-40D1-A409-5F015F…)

It’s your own home, it’s Ty telling you to take down videos. Not dudes on Twitter you pick fights with. Sorry your man can’t respect you as a sex worker yet expects you to put that money up for groceries and bills.
No. 1828467
>>1828351She is retarded enough to think that will keep a man with her. It's also one of the only times she was ever doted on, and treated like a special delicate little flower. When she was pregnant- starting at 15. She loves medical attention and has been 5150ed by others and herself so many times for cutting and suicide attempts. She gets off on the attention, fussing and the show if it.
Victim forever! Whatever prostitution forever! Literally no maternal instincts forever, and the fact that shes not sterile is a fucking sin.
No. 1828477
>>1826924I can't stop laughing at this kekkkkk 'square little peg'
shes like Candle Jenner, only catches an eye because she's skinny asf. Face card declined on the machine. Sorry bitch.
No. 1828694
File: 1684298208068.jpeg (204.67 KB, 960x1706, B85C9EEF-29D4-4892-8287-F6DAEE…)

Stormy has medical debt, huh?
No. 1828934
File: 1684331126518.jpeg (165.1 KB, 960x1706, D67924BF-B107-4B85-ACE3-71F58C…)

No. 1829082
File: 1684345537667.jpeg (111.25 KB, 1169x708, 2360C3D0-C7C4-491F-B078-2CDAB7…)

In the last month she’s posted a lot of striptok videos and stripper tweets. Maybe Stormy is considering it
No. 1829641
File: 1684432006015.jpeg (105.57 KB, 1170x1003, AA2194A8-B7E6-4149-A613-F0533D…)

if she stripped it’d be less of a digital trail, which is likely Ty’s excuse for making her get rid of more and more content. Esp as his daughter gets older and will google her dad’s name. Esp as the internet world knows Stormy is nearing 30 and she loses subs. it’s just something she’s mentally toying with, she lacks charm and couldn’t walk to a man and sell a dance. Pictured: She will never stop the pedo pandering
No. 1829958
File: 1684448235538.jpeg (193.59 KB, 960x1706, 08EF76DB-FF17-4586-A5E6-41A269…)

All I think when I see these face tattoos on a scrote is, that’s a man who will never make good money.
No. 1830390
File: 1684509879673.jpeg (138.12 KB, 960x1706, 440D8FDE-E411-41E1-B3BF-F6EF00…)

She built a juvederm jawline and chin and cheeks. Her chin used to be shorter than her philtrum. None of this stuff sits well without bone structure— Kylie Jenner era incoming soon enough
No. 1830463
File: 1684517673729.png (664.59 KB, 1080x1925, Screenshot_20230519-122736.png)

>>1829250Kek she posted this to her story last night..lurkin hard. And besides having no rhythm or flow or muscle to ever become a decent dancer she really lacks so much sex appeal when she moves at all..everything she does just looks awkward and tryhard (repost bc forgot to attach pic)
No. 1830629
File: 1684535164609.png (1.03 MB, 1284x2778, 210CA470-0FF6-4299-82B7-51607A…)

Some girl told stormy on her latest online post to stop playing a victim constantly and this was her response hahahaha
No. 1830662
File: 1684537455183.jpeg (41.99 KB, 640x251, 3EC4E205-A6D2-467F-9895-27B0F4…)

Reposted with censor. Cowtipping is not good (interacting with Pumpy/read the rules) BUT it appears OP interacted with her before finding this place lol.
Anyways stormy is a fucking psycho who undoubtedly weaponizes suicide in her relationships. her therapist has no idea how batshit she is and probably enables her
No. 1830679
File: 1684538954317.jpeg (26.82 KB, 397x297, 11B809FB-467C-4DFC-8604-2696F9…)

YOU are going to be a middle aged white women. I hate when the whitest women date a brown dude and start trashing white people. Ty’s kid literally looks full white too… “Stalking” yet Sabrina and Doe’s accounts stay in Morgan’s search bar.
No. 1830715
>>1830629What a nasty cow.
If she went through these things how could she wish it on anyone else? Even if you don't like someone that's very messed up.
Any normal person knows depression is not comparable from person to person. If we do then we can say pumpy can't be depressed, try living in a 3rd world country where everyone is starving and suffering constantly.
It's a mental disorder
No. 1830726
File: 1684544952918.jpeg (47.45 KB, 640x569, 66048698-B33E-43B3-B39B-04EF1E…)

More stormy rage. “educated opinions” kek educated about what? Cant brainwash people into thinking it’s a depressive symptom to be posting about all the trAUMA you’ve been through 4x a day. thats NPD behavior stormy, or BPD…
No. 1830754
>>1830737Right?! She thinks she’s a
poc and is talking from the point of view of one too. I think she posted something about how poor white people think they’re black and it just fits her so perfectly. She wants to be the most
victim of all
victims so she HAS to claim some sort of color because otherwise she’s got an advantage for being white and skinny.
Though she’s so small she’s the fattest cow mentally.
No. 1830869
File: 1684575115252.jpeg (753.62 KB, 3264x3264, E42C2B33-77AA-4E53-81C0-06D988…)

From stormys insta, captioned “I hope you guys forgive for giving up on myself”
No. 1831085
>>1830869Not that I know shit but doesn’t seem like depression, something has
triggered her lately. Is it all the time alone despite living with Tyler? And idk why she can’t “work”, she brags all the time that she’s worked less than 30 minutes a week for years. What’s going on?
No. 1831136
File: 1684611698418.jpeg (205.86 KB, 1169x1724, 858D97FE-52DB-44C1-9D13-28565D…)

Pumpy is BPD, don’t let her make you think she’s otherwise. OP saying “You whine online” = “You are the most heartless and inconsiderate human being I have ever encountered.” LOL ok. Look at her try to sound like she’s read a book. I actually don’t think this dumb hoe should pivot work to be vanilla, she is so thin skinned.
No. 1831265
>>1831243I don’t believe her but she’d probably claim it’s Dean, since she also claims he raped her
>>1250832Some nonna a year or two ago wrote about Pumpy, when fucking both Ty and Dean: “I'm surprised she didn't trap one of them with a baby” KEK psychic. She tried to pull a Sabrina and it didn’t work bc she aborted.
No. 1831281
File: 1684632793182.jpeg (273.98 KB, 1170x1950, 3BD26950-3607-46AF-B3D7-A362D3…)

Old but when she claims “abuse”
No. 1831303
>>1831292Pumpy is disgusted by the tiny number of dudes that actually treat her well. She is only attracted to men that treat her poorly because it gives her the justification to treat them poorly too. She once punched Cody for texting a girl he was cheating with (instead of dumping him). This way, she can always claim she is the
victim retaliating. The
victim mindgames run deep
>>1831301She literally even posted once about how “I was abused but I’m the abuser now” but that awareness disappeared kek…
No. 1831333
>>1831303Cody broke up with her and let her rent a spare room till she found a new place while she refused to look for one cuz she was stalking his new relationship with Kira. She admittedly had to break into his room and go through his trash to find proof of her. There’s proof in past threads posted by Cody where pump is begging for a threesum with him and Kira. When she didn’t get her way suddenly Cody was “
abusive” and “tried to force her into threesums with other girls.”
No. 1831358
File: 1684648132269.png (79.73 KB, 576x1024, E4C7AA7E-71B1-42B9-B2D4-658502…)

>>1831333Ah yes this thread
>>1463468 Here’s a past gem of Pumpy’s BPD behavior from that thread.
She hates working, so she’ll do what she does best… play
victim for $$ from pathetic simps. On Twitter men were defending her whining yesterday. And this bitch claims she hates men? They’re the only ones falling for her act bc they’re horny
No. 1831659
File: 1684690454246.jpeg (136.6 KB, 960x1706, 0263533A-40A5-4758-90A3-F8AB96…)

Is this how you keep your man from cheating?
No. 1831931
File: 1684719191653.jpeg (336.53 KB, 960x1706, 4D5DA9C0-19E1-4BEE-9319-AAB08B…)

Stormy suicide baited online until Ty was off for the weekend and they went to hurricane harbor and the topless bar. Depression is over now, no posting goodbye letters, bc Ty’s free and can make her his +1. She’s codependent af. She’ll be back to posting about how she wants to die Monday morning when he works kek
No. 1831932
File: 1684719239544.jpeg (202.14 KB, 960x1706, AA753ECB-1BDA-4541-BE57-39EFD7…)

No. 1831991
File: 1684727028246.jpeg (189.85 KB, 1170x1983, IMG_0354.jpeg)

Free fan page
No. 1832329
File: 1684780824668.png (687.07 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_6675.png)

2nd times a charm?
No. 1832555
>>1832429Tbh I've always been interested in PNP, she just never gets talked about.
Remember when she shaved her poor cat? I'll never get over that
No. 1832862
File: 1684856043372.jpeg (196.73 KB, 1170x1420, IMG_3264.jpeg)

>>1832329New face new man lol
No. 1832924
File: 1684864727967.jpeg (163.04 KB, 1242x1233, EE1BAD60-685D-4E9F-BC99-4501F5…)

>>1832804here you go
nonny - i think this was her most recent thread but not too sure:
>>>/snow/1294420it’s too bad threads stopped being made because she was one of the milkiest cows for years. ill throw in picrel of some photos that capture her stunning self kek. you need to see a video of her mouth moving to fully appreciate her beauty though - she has the mouth of an elderly person who’s lost all her teeth… truly a sight to behold kekek. she’s your typical nasty bpd whore who is
abusive and nasty to both animals and humans so it’s hard to feel bad for her unfortunate looks. she’s gotten a lot of plastic surgery over the years in an attempt to become attractive too. anyway enjoy!
No. 1832931
>>1832862i see a second lip lift and what looks like another fat grafting? do you know what procedures she got this time? crazy that she’s
still getting surgeries she’ll literally never be satisfied huh ? love that for her
No. 1833322
File: 1684904009547.png (708.34 KB, 1170x2532, 9EA4E9E5-AAE2-4A51-A3AA-4D1B96…)

>>1833222On the one hand, she looks better than stormy ever could.
On the other, this is the worst she’s ever looked
No. 1833474
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No. 1834073
File: 1684984377604.png (136.79 KB, 610x596, Screenshot 2023-05-24 11.12.41…)

No. 1834121
File: 1684989754670.jpeg (81.43 KB, 1170x1173, 5D37EDC4-569F-434C-99BE-A0DD56…)

She looks so messed up. It’s justice for the lives she’s created for her children but I still feel shitty about some moid putting his pay info on her shit, I hate all these men who date camgirls and live off their money. Hope we can get a better facedox of him
No. 1834294
File: 1685029687106.png (Spoiler Image,108.89 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_0404.png)

Do we really think it’s him or just someone from this thread making shit up?
Why would he leak that video if he wants to make money off of her selling it?
This person just made the profile a month ago, could be anyone including a cow tipper and mega fan like ogairyinyang or whatever who keeps outing himself.
No. 1834295
File: 1685029935589.jpeg (274.65 KB, 1170x2078, IMG_0399.jpeg)

New stale milk
Take the implants out idiot
No. 1834307
File: 1685030559692.png (89.27 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_0408.png)

>>1834296Dunno how to delete. Sorry I didn’t realize the dick was in it honestly.
No. 1834319
File: 1685033659445.jpeg (42.06 KB, 640x1136, 8AB1DEA8-E9C8-4919-B079-951ED9…)

She’s posting about Tyler Arenas and all her sneaky pics with him when they were hooking up. I just could never chase a dude bc I was obsessed with his ex
No. 1834339
File: 1685037190668.jpeg (184.27 KB, 1169x1757, IMG_0397.jpeg)

>>1834319Does she not have sex with Tyler or what?
She said the other night on cam she’s never cum from penetration and “would rather blow her brains out but she needs the $400” whenever she makes custom content with dildos.
No. 1834426
File: 1685048021567.jpeg (56.79 KB, 640x380, 9B1AB53C-F61E-4660-9280-F8935A…)

No. 1834427
File: 1685048070075.jpeg (158.56 KB, 960x1706, CA7E40D6-75F1-4128-BCCC-929CBC…)

You should stop sharing TikToks about being rich and tweeting about you were a millionaire
No. 1834430
File: 1685048239696.jpeg (106.37 KB, 1169x1103, 11405263-51DA-46CE-81B0-E8CE1F…)

Won’t stfu about her severe chronic illness but has barely only had medical emergencies this year
No. 1834498
File: 1685054739304.jpg (881.93 KB, 4096x4096, Polish_20230525_184419405.jpg)

>>1834426This makes me think of this. I thought you have to get an exam when you start a new type of birth control but I could be wrong.
No. 1834643
File: 1685067287783.jpeg (184.12 KB, 960x1706, E79F1357-43A4-43AF-BFFE-655BF9…)

You’re a nobody
No. 1834843
File: 1685092833375.jpeg (116.98 KB, 828x1338, 51B14938-0FD9-4D1A-B681-02E774…)

Awww, someone’s ~not~ feelin herself.
No. 1835009
File: 1685119929599.jpeg (180.51 KB, 960x1706, 29E4E45D-9B5C-4638-BBA8-165F8A…)

Umm so how does she have photos with Ty going back to 2020?
No. 1835084
>>1835079So she knew Dean was very
abusive and continued to return, even with other guys on the side? Then she complains about him being
No. 1835119
File: 1685128665870.png (Spoiler Image,1.96 MB, 1800x1800, IMG_0456.png)

>>1835009She probably asked for it so she could add it to her album of bruises and blo0d and pull it out when she could use it in a
victim circumstance. She’s the one claiming she’s a professional manipulator.
No. 1835230
File: 1685140289455.jpeg (125.65 KB, 960x1706, 65FE2A04-A8A1-41B6-AE1A-632F84…)

She’s a special class as a sex worker who never meet with clients and stays inside all day and is oppressed by internet comments she chooses to engage with. And now a potential cancer patient?? She is the most marginalized woman in the world
No. 1835256
File: 1685142945543.jpeg (219.43 KB, 1115x1735, 1F530850-56E3-4373-959A-7AAB8B…)

>>1835230She’s so bothered she brought this from Twitter to Instagram. I already said this in the thread but she should be fighting with Ty about disapproval of SW not twitter randos
No. 1835417
File: 1685165005243.png (410.38 KB, 828x1792, 6611101D-14CD-495E-BD6E-AF9CAF…)

Bitch you ARE a zit lol
No. 1835704
File: 1685215455411.jpeg (180.26 KB, 960x1706, AF8956A0-CF84-446F-8C5C-AF0973…)

Morgan went out and got shitfaced (so much for “sober.”) It’s apparent than she was suicide baiting last week because Ty went out of town for a few days. Anyways she posted this. Reminder pump n dump, Tyler will never want a baby with you
No. 1835710
>>1835704Do you think she understands that if she had a baby it wouldn’t come out with her bought face and it would come out looking like her before all the surgery?
Why would you bring a child into the world with genetics that you grew up despising and working every second of your life to change if not just for selfish gain and attention seeking?
No. 1835831
>>1835704Why is it the most selfish narcissistic unhealed unself aware (and broke) women that want children? If she genuinely thought she would be a good mom she'd go fix her million and one diseases and traumas and have a stable relationship for her future kid.
As long as she indulges in being an irresponsible
victim I will never feel sympathy for her for her abortions. It's a blessing a child did not come into this mess. I don't understand why women like her keep wanting children when they'd be terrible moms. The most mature thing Ty may have done was to stop her from being a mom.
No. 1835853
>>1835831Ahh you can take the girl out of section 8 but you can’t take the section 8 out of the girl.
Blueprint for crack whore white trash. Like to the T.
No. 1836090
File: 1685282091876.jpeg (132.69 KB, 1170x1331, C55FCD49-3B1C-4B9E-9420-A3FDF6…)

Her rent’s less than $2K? And they have a fairly new construction condo/townhouse? They must live in the middle of nowhere or in some shitty suburb in the valley. No wonder Ty can pay the rent alone (the times she brings up how much $$ she’s given him)
No. 1836619
File: 1685366523841.png (503.68 KB, 1800x927, IMG_0514.png)

I love how everyone has better ideas than her.
She really thinks she knows everything and keeps making huge mistakes because of her ego.
No. 1836769
File: 1685385987302.jpeg (83.94 KB, 1170x837, IMG_0521.jpeg)

>>1835853She’ll never get better if she keeps focusing on this thread.
No. 1836865
File: 1685397473163.png (1.18 MB, 900x900, 193A1656-5D63-4E2A-B98C-F5DD77…)

>>1836769She went through all this trouble and damage to dye half her hair red only to realize the red she has can look trashy and she seems like a “hot Cheetos girl”?? She IS a hot Cheetos girl annd her aesthetic perfectly fits. Also why does she care that she looks like white trash? If she did she wouldn’t get a million shit tattoos.
No. 1836871
File: 1685398147159.png (109.48 KB, 640x309, 389A8EE9-8064-4F82-8895-871CD4…)

>>1836865Samefag no matter what hair color she is, she is a hot Cheetos girl lol. That’s what ugly ass body mods, artificial hair colors, and filler face will give you.
No. 1836874
File: 1685398599109.jpeg (85.1 KB, 929x664, BABFEFA2-A92C-4526-88DF-08E2A6…)

Samefag x3 — pedoweirdo, Ty is not YOUR daddy, no matter how much you both say it during sex. Sick fucks. You have to get over being fatherless, not making your father from your boyfriend. Stop trying to be 8 again you need to save for retirement!!!
Anachans with Peter Pan syndrome (Peter panachans?) who want to feel like a child forever.
No. 1836945
File: 1685405896383.png (281.19 KB, 1800x1495, IMG_0526.png)

>>1836871I had no idea this was a real term. It’s 100% her. I’ve compared her to the catch me outside girl before but this fits much better. There’s a whole race of them.
No. 1837243
File: 1685416722009.jpeg (70.86 KB, 601x692, D472DB85-0DF8-4039-BA57-158D9D…)

>>1836945She also always claims she’s classy, a rich bitch who looks like money but like… no. Everything she does from head to toe is a desperate trend. Eg, she doesn’t have a single piece of clothing that won’t be unstylish in 2 years.
No. 1837307
File: 1685422340867.png (1.56 MB, 1451x1800, IMG_0533.png)

This girl needs to be honest with her “weekly therapist”. She seems really sick and depressed. She deleted the eating disorder tweet.
I don’t know why of all the pictures she has of her tattoos she chose the one showcasing how bad her $16k nose job turned out.
No. 1837491
File: 1685464174673.jpeg (131.34 KB, 1170x939, 9DB0D7E4-2C05-4850-BBC6-4E4071…)

She’s such a retard I can’t. Tiktok isn’t education you dumb bitch. “Since the world war 2” omg. Read a book. Hell google “cottage industry” or even “farm?” Women have ALWAYS worked. The formalization of work outside the home has been the only guarantee for most women that they’re paid a predictable salary/wage instead of getting $10 from their husband here and there or stealing money from his wallet for their daughter’s prom dress. If she was dirt poor or working at Carls Jr, Ty would only fuck her not move in with her. Promoting this sugar baby lifestyle and “men should pay me for existing” when she can’t achieve it is so retarded and evil at worst. Plus most women being totally spoiled in a luxury lifestyle tend to be graduate educated and working (or recently working) women
No. 1837511
File: 1685465344995.png (2.42 MB, 1800x1217, IMG_0539.png)

>>1836945It can’t get any more accurate. She’s so far into it all she can focus on is cheating, Cheetos, chasing attention, children, cheap trends. Ah sorry it’s so funny.
No. 1837515
File: 1685465702050.jpeg (49.03 KB, 1170x379, EEF51D9D-F730-438C-9D41-05F20A…)

>>1837503Two weeks ago she said that marriage was literally an exploitative scam. Now she’s talking about bagging a rich guy. Sure.
She has no savings and is dating a man with a face tattoo who helped create a broken family kek. Plus he is a BARBER.
No. 1837527
File: 1685467463822.jpeg (224.85 KB, 960x1706, 8181A67F-85FC-49B8-9014-2E3CEC…)

>>1837524And like? She admitted to this. Spoiled SAHG where, she was selling porn to “support” a dude living with his mom
No. 1837711
File: 1685480715358.jpeg (51.7 KB, 929x554, AC39184F-5C91-4D78-B4C3-3359C9…)

Give her money for existing
No. 1837909
File: 1685494232306.png (3.89 MB, 1800x1675, IMG_0550.png)

>>1836619Now Sandra’s a rich girl, even if it’s just her daddy’s money. She got the hair right kek
No. 1838004
File: 1685501622746.png (273.31 KB, 1217x746, 1685501363224.png)

"pay me $95 because I'm so broke, look at these broken noodles"
No. 1838052
File: 1685507411840.png (603.99 KB, 1070x1902, Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 12.31…)

No. 1838109
File: 1685515653336.jpeg (Spoiler Image,136.26 KB, 1284x1318, B1C8D9FE-9587-4458-B2EB-8AC42F…)

>>1837243She reminds me so much of a friend of a friend who was a failed camwhore
I bet she looked up to Pumpy tbh
Those insane lips and anachan photoshop, these bitches really are a breed of their own
No. 1838194
File: 1685531710833.png (827.61 KB, 1315x1800, IMG_0555.png)

>>1837909Oh man. Guess it happens to everyone who dyes their hair black and then tries to go blonde.
No. 1838273
File: 1685542954434.jpg (485.58 KB, 3000x3000, Collage Maker-31-May-2023-10-1…)

she makes a drugged out post about how she doesn't photoshop, is her brain as fried as Sabrina's KEK so much editing in all of her posts
No. 1838301
File: 1685546253124.jpeg (321.02 KB, 960x1706, 28611E63-9C81-4513-BD5C-9C6A08…)

Pumpy’s post before finding out the lump wasn’t cancerous. Pathetic how she has no friends to tell this too, only simps and distant onlyfans acquaintances
No. 1838648
File: 1685577716418.jpeg (62.14 KB, 1170x567, 181B1CC0-A1AD-4D67-85CF-0C0DD0…)

No. 1838709
File: 1685584015582.jpeg (88.59 KB, 1170x790, 716CF788-8E13-44D5-AB72-3430FD…)

Wish Ty would cheat on her again so she could talk about something new
No. 1838954
File: 1685625605304.jpeg (96.06 KB, 1169x991, IMG_0565.jpeg)

>>1838709She’s definitely still trying to monitor him.
No. 1838959
File: 1685625745120.png (905.02 KB, 1800x1762, IMG_0569.png)

>>1826924Every day I’m body checkin’
Same body different back arch
No. 1838962
File: 1685626605613.png (700.95 KB, 1800x1263, IMG_0570.png)

Those mouth lines on Kristen are the anorexia ones, pumpy’s developing them too she just fills it in at the surgeon.
No. 1839006
>>1838962Her face looks so puffy, what the hell. How can she be so grossly stick thin and have such a pudding face at the same time.
No. 1839009
File: 1685633202121.jpeg (107.05 KB, 960x1706, 516E7644-1F0C-4094-B725-D678B3…)

>>1839006She looks super fucking weird in person. Moon face on skeletal body
No. 1839017
File: 1685634075877.jpeg (206.65 KB, 1170x1560, IMG_0510.jpeg)

>>1838959Riiiigghht you “hate” being skinny, like it hasn’t given you so many advantages in life.
You just don’t like that you can’t be skinny AND curvy like other girls can. You can only be a skeleton or a tree stump. I know it must suck.
No. 1839039
File: 1685638094348.png (375.84 KB, 773x1800, IMG_0576.png)

>>1839017Stormy is supposed to be at least 100lbs for 5’1” but she’s too afraid of these progress pics to ever even consider approaching a healthy weight.
She’s an incel to the core, fatphobic, misogynistic, troll, scammer. I can’t keep track anymore I’m convinced she’s a neckbeard on the inside.
No. 1839048
File: 1685638877907.jpeg (13.58 KB, 200x300, F26815D8-08E7-4399-917F-33A10C…)

>>1838959resemblance is uncanny
No. 1839463
File: 1685681799640.png (105.15 KB, 1125x472, image (5).png)

I guess kati3 is selling used buttplugs now lmao. Stuff like this and the whole dog situation a few weeks ago makes me think she is going to have a huge fall from grace soon.
No. 1839596
File: 1685704412351.png (1008.3 KB, 1440x1916, Screenshot_20230602-130906.png)

What's with everyone's lips? I used to think this girls- petite Marie aka Coralinne, saracalixtocr was so cute. Now her face shape is so weird and elongated. Looks horsey. Although the veneers didn't help. These girls look like their lips are about to bust open. And later it migrates- completely changing their facial shape. And who knows what's in the filler/will it give them cancer or make them ill later in life?
No. 1839597
File: 1685704513547.png (1.25 MB, 1440x2559, Screenshot_20230602-131018.png)

So weird looking now. She looks old. I can't explain it. The cuteness she had is just gone. Her facial shape is totally different.
No. 1839607
File: 1685706930796.jpeg (159.89 KB, 1170x1789, IMG_0588.jpeg)

>>1838954She must be exhausted from keeping an eye on Ty. What a horrible existence.
No. 1839799
File: 1685731640487.jpeg (238.93 KB, 1166x1856, 20E8AFA6-454A-4454-8C69-7882B7…)

Yet she will post pictures of bruises from Dean (eg three days ago).
No. 1840323
File: 1685812685309.jpeg (183.95 KB, 960x1706, F14C3F01-CF93-418A-ABD3-AE3428…)

More Pumpy idiocy, I commented on this before but she thinks progestin only BC is the same as progesterone. So she claims she has pregnancy cravings (??). There’s not a single other reason she’s gained 10% of her body weight when she lies that she’s been trying to forever— she’s actually eating
No. 1840353
File: 1685818130973.png (1.84 MB, 1800x1126, IMG_0618.png)

>>1838194Oof looks like Sandra broke her ankle acting like she’s still a child.
No. 1840619
>>1840610you’re saying she should do
more porn in order to fix her life? kys
No. 1840696
File: 1685876232215.jpeg (258.07 KB, 1170x2186, IMG_0674.jpeg)

Daily body check with new doll on the unmade mattress on the floor.
No. 1840878
>>1840837Don’t you see she’s still pedo baiting? She’s getting too old so she has to recruit an actual child and act like she’s trying to be mom when really she’s trying to keep her pedo fans with a child around in the background of her life.
If she can’t be a kid anymore she’ll just buy one who attracts pedos for her. Absolute incel to the core.
No. 1841411
File: 1685983017838.png (Spoiler Image,1.83 MB, 1008x1794, Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 9.36.…)

Anafox/Kristen on a client trip I assume. High and posting this on insta.
No. 1841517
File: 1685998843078.jpeg (43.93 KB, 1170x480, IMG_0675.jpeg)

>>1840353Sandra’s on addy too
No. 1841535
>>184141 The sticker fail oh man.
She is back to hooking and parting hard after her breakup with Mr. The One. I wonder if one of his conditions was her getting better. She's obviously not doing the best right now health wise, and it's sad. She is no-one's failed mom at least. That's a lot on this thread..
No. 1841929
>>1841674She is TOTALLY skinny, she has been ana for a decade at this point. And anachans are some of the biggest abusers of facetune and photoshop. She’s not faking being skinny, she’s trying to look skinnier.
It’s a terrible fate to be an agency escort, it’s not even like selecting your own clients as an independent (eg Stormy fucking a fan kek). Kristen fucks any dude the agency sends to her who can pay, sometimes the agency won’t even screen them bc they just want that fast cash. It’s awful. And she only gets 60-75% of what her sticker price per hour is
No. 1842015
File: 1686087439335.jpeg (617 KB, 2048x2048, 02B8610A-25D9-4A02-BE3B-92A336…)

Sidebar (but on the topic of weight), I didn’t realize how significant Sandra’s fluctuation has been — probably because she’s almost always in baggy clothes now. She looks 100x better. My guess is that it was unintentional and due to her constantly fucking around with meds, but nonetheless.
Left photo is from this past March, Right is from August 2021. There are many photos in between those times but I was trying to find her peak anachan era for comparison.
No. 1842022
File: 1686087867478.jpeg (365.05 KB, 1284x2276, IMG_8701.jpeg)

Sorry samefag for new picrel & topic: If Pumpy doesn’t have Ty blocked from her stories then I’m absolutely cringing because this codependent idiot has been subbing him ALL DAY since they moved in together. If she’s not talking about her two minute pregnancy or e-begging, she’s doing this. God damn, her talking about mUh lUpUs is starting to feel like a refreshing break in programming.. I never thought I’d see the day.
No. 1842078
File: 1686096607131.jpeg (221.23 KB, 1169x1820, EAC952CA-C038-4B42-8A74-3860D8…)

>>1842022Yes, she has been on this shit since they moved in in April or so. It’s also her constant tweets about men needing to be providers and hating broke men to picking daily fights with strangers about the above topics. Here’s one example of her arguing with a guy who doesn’t believe in claiming partners (which Pumpy so clearly wants)
No. 1842080
File: 1686096862700.jpeg (92.52 KB, 1077x890, ACA6E0AD-E319-4C41-8D49-FFB6A9…)

>>1842022Samefag this is an even better example.
No. 1842186
File: 1686110888383.jpeg (159.99 KB, 960x1706, 372C15BC-ACE6-47CF-8411-88E44D…)

What is she even saying
No. 1842194
File: 1686111406111.jpeg (152.23 KB, 960x1706, 2158CCBC-4286-41C4-A160-85256C…)

No. 1842336
>>1842195She’s definitely starting to split on Ty and struggling to put him back on the pedestal every time she throws him down. It can only happen so many times before she can’t numb out the anger anymore. Pumpy went from basically apologizing for yelling at him because he left her to abort alone to spending all day subbing the shit out of him. Honestly, it blows my mind that she hasn’t even the shred of self respect to make this relationship more private.
Quick outline of A FEW of the things Ty has done, that would end the “relationship” for most people:
• Abandoned her on birthday after she paid for everything
• Didn’t pay for her abortion and went out drinking with his friends while she sat at home crying on the internet aborting alone
• Cheated on her and got another girl pregnant (but probably cheated MANY more times than that)
• Accepted many outrageous gifts from Pumpy for Christmas, including a large sum of money, and then didn’t offer to help her out when she was e-begging afterwards because her cat was dying.
But Pumpy has no confidence, identity, or self-worth outside of this pathetic goblin. She can do the mental gymnastics on her socials every damn day but it will NEVER erase the fact that she is in an unfulfilling, painful relationship that brings her no joy. She’ll never do better, she’ll never have better.
No. 1842426
File: 1686159914225.jpeg (170.63 KB, 1101x1712, 6AE3F9C0-BB0C-4661-8542-E12682…)

Is this why she lets Ty’s kid into their bedroom which has her collars hanging up? Sick fuck, to want the sexual attention of a child’s friends. You can be an attractive youthful mother without letting it all hang out
No. 1842481
File: 1686169040832.jpeg (193.11 KB, 1118x1714, 8B98CD12-DA90-4302-BFFF-5F6D04…)

She is so retarded, as she dates a snake who can only get with sex workers, wonder why? Also she has been posting for weeks about being abused by exes and reposting tiktoks and memes about attracting people who can’t love her back.
No. 1842547
File: 1686176409911.png (Spoiler Image,489.77 KB, 1014x1698, Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 3.19.…)

Slurring and complaining about not having food after being flown across the world to give a 60 year old a blumpkin for $$$
No. 1842561
File: 1686178757342.jpeg (72.02 KB, 1120x565, D5C0F24C-06CF-4DAA-89E7-1A7FEE…)

Absolutely insane cope. Sex work is female separatism. I hate when OF losers like Pumptard preach about being sluts and dressing slutty then when someone calls them out, it’s, “why do you assume I have a high body count?” “doing amateur porn doesn’t mean I’m slutty or a prostitute.” lib feminism that immediately dissolves into pickmeism and bashing other women when they wanna prove they’re wife material. As if the mental and emotional damage to sex workers and societal deterioration due to sex work is only wrought through high numbers of partners. She probably feels superior to Sabrina for not being a fully fledged prostitute, but she shouldn’t be proud since she’s a fucking john for Tyler kek
No. 1842563
File: 1686178988212.jpeg (188.64 KB, 1284x2282, 86CFD8FD-33F6-4D26-B25A-326140…)

Does anyone know if this looks like the apartment Sabrina was sharing with Kaelin or did BPD Brina get a place with her ugly ass boyfriend
No. 1842594
>>1842561In what world does she not have to speak to men to make money? She can choose which men she speaks to but if she wants money then every cent she’s made has come from talking to and pleasing men?
She also said she doesn’t look for others approval especially men yet has admitted she’s been vying for Ty’s approval and acceptance for over two years and finally bagged him as if he’s some prize for being walked all over and used.
She needs to get on some antidepressants because she’s delusional with anger and paranoia. Claiming that she’s been living a particular life that actually has never existed for her. She’s crazy.
No. 1842610
File: 1686185157007.png (594.15 KB, 1800x1431, IMG_0749.png)

>>1840696Complains prices are rising and she can’t afford anything because of “recession” and inflation yet orders her male followers to buy premium brand coffee to be delivered because she can’t restrict her coffee, she already restricts all the food she eats.
She doesn’t need discipline, she’s literally trying to stop consuming anything at all. She needs a nutritionist. She needs help. Trying to do all this self improvement but choosing all of the wrong things to focus on.
No. 1842613
File: 1686185250727.jpeg (270.22 KB, 1170x2238, IMG_0748.jpeg)

>>1842015The infamous IUD. Good choice retard
No. 1842628
File: 1686187394187.jpeg (132.8 KB, 1074x1905, 1D86EAC4-98F2-493B-B3A9-631528…)

Another day another body check
No. 1842904
File: 1686247653969.jpeg (179.5 KB, 1170x1404, E145B4C7-685A-4D0B-8B83-AF4A49…)

No. 1842905
File: 1686247793872.jpeg (189.97 KB, 960x1706, 4EA88F0E-6385-499E-8C87-D2E543…)

It’s filler on top of a less emaciated skull you idiot
No. 1842912
File: 1686249673547.jpg (140.06 KB, 1080x1664, Screenshot_20230608-124046_Ins…)

Looks like ty unfollowed pumpy's other active accounts
No. 1843233
>>1842929I think it’s the other way around, something I’ve noticed is that nearly all the ana chans I’ve ever known or seen online were girls with naturally round or chubby faces even when they had slim bodies, many of them seem to have fat faces and then starve themselves, and in order to get a normal looking or slim face their body has to become completely emaciated first unfortunately.
I think any weight gain going back to their face is the root of the problem in the first place that’s what
triggers them all over again because it reminds them of the doughy faced 15 year old with chipmunk cheeks that they hated being
No. 1843261
File: 1686281485236.jpeg (167.63 KB, 960x1706, EAE20316-C98A-4945-A062-512E82…)

>>1842929She posted this today and her face is so round. Pumpy starves the moon face away, then does patchwork with filler to soften the gauntness and fake good bone structure. So then she has a doughy filler face and inflatable lips propped up by toothpicks for bones. No wonder she hates her face at 83 lbs. she probably won’t gain anymore (hence her trying to not buy Taco Bell and sugary coffee).
No. 1843289
File: 1686283991745.jpg (249.15 KB, 1283x2259, IMG_19412a3a11e43586412c.jpg)

No. 1843290
File: 1686284037025.jpg (248.62 KB, 1283x2272, IMG_1943826c6c3b3592b7b1.jpg)

No. 1843293
File: 1686284138759.jpg (237.95 KB, 1283x2263, IMG_19445b83fd5ead4d9382.jpg)

No. 1843294
File: 1686284175031.jpg (328.4 KB, 1284x2258, IMG_1945c864ec4fa31352bc.jpg)

No. 1843296
File: 1686284203678.jpg (357.94 KB, 1284x2278, IMG_1947b1db45e586922183.jpg)

No. 1843324
File: 1686288646148.jpeg (146.18 KB, 960x1706, EFD0AB58-92CC-40ED-A2C4-D40783…)

>>1825414So much for having a family. Life comes at you fast. I’d feel bad for her if she didn’t know Ty’s a serial cheater. Ty cheating on her explains her recent reference to suicide posts
No. 1843339
>>1843294Damn, y’all ever hate being right?
She is so unbearably predictable.
I foresee suicide very soon unfortunately
No. 1843522
>>1843303She’s not agoraphobic, she’s totally fine going out in a crowd of “night” people who won’t judge her for her prostitute esthetic.
She’s just afraid of going out during the daytime because she’s a walking billboard for harassment from mature people who are awake during the day and are not prostitutes.
Now that makes much more sense.
She’s branded herself with every
abusive relationship she’s been in and she can’t be a respectable adult woman with the way she’s turned out looking. I’d look at her side eyed in the grocery store that’s for sure.
No. 1843590
>>1843294 look at her face lmao.
But seriously, bro was cheating on her with a less than 21 year old while she was watching his daughter or??? Disgusting but already hilarious because we all knew it. I bet she's absolutely freaking out that it was someone younger, because that's her whole thing she can't keep up with anymore. Also why not be posting content and making money knowing he's been cheating on you??? Maybe you could have left sooner but you're broke and dumb.
No. 1843617
File: 1686336045132.jpeg (242.24 KB, 1170x2233, 29863F1F-5CEB-4B5C-BA59-D8A2B0…)

Who woulda thunk it, this guy is a serial cheater. Color me shocked
No. 1843726
File: 1686347930742.png (101.22 KB, 1080x1688, Screenshot_20230609-175915~2.p…)

No. 1843817
>>1843609That’s exactly what she did to Cody, too. They broke up and still lived together and she abused him and then would try to get him back even though she knew he was seeing Kira.
Sad as hell
No. 1844129
>>1844124Yeah because she can’t help but cheat because she’s blacked out all the time.
She’s enjoying time in the honeymoon/courting phase with her new beau right now. As soon as it ends she’s on to the next one so the honeymoon never ends. Just like her mommy does
No. 1844172
>>1843296Okay so that means literally the minute he got a job she was posting bragging about it
>>1810415 girl he’s 32! The bar could not be lower.
No. 1844208
File: 1686421428819.jpeg (60.8 KB, 1284x864, IMG_6196.jpeg)

Temporary tantrum. She's following him currently.
TF is the bare minimum he's saying to her kek?
No. 1844230
>>1843296So she has/had about 25k-30k last year?
She spent 12k on moving and vet fees. 5k on her new hubby and give or take 5k she spent on gifts she said came from him, then the other 3k on living expenses.
Trying to look rich living on a lower class wage. How trailer park of her.
No wonder she’s trying to settle down, she’s broke and he won’t help until the well’s dry, better yet just do what pump n dump wants and abandon her so she can continue her worst
victim in the world dream.
No. 1844261
>>1844229Every week she says she’s a millionaire
>>1844208He’s probably gaslighting her and saying, “I only talk to other girls because I’m jealous of you talking to other men on OF”
No. 1844536
>>1844534Samefag she posted 2 years how Ty was a loser for following a teenager (17 year old?) but it didn’t stop her.
It’s also possible Ty wouldn’t take her back if he saw those snapchats so she deleted it in 30 seconds. Her shots at him tend to be in the realm of plausible deniability
And yes the possibility it’s all fake is there too.
No. 1844709
File: 1686502162083.png (76.62 KB, 1080x1246, Screenshot_20230611-124822~2.p…)

>>1844674To play devil's advocate she was whining about this on Twitter a couple of days ago. I agree it's weird no one else brought it up.
No. 1844713
File: 1686503173102.png (Spoiler Image,364.05 KB, 2058x538, Screenshot 2023-06-11 at 1.06.…)

it was posted on the scrote forum with some more grabs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 1844725
File: 1686504558687.jpeg (37.68 KB, 614x841, IMG_0795.jpeg)

>>1844713Oh lord her nose job. Why is the bump still there?
No. 1844869
File: 1686526030344.png (161.18 KB, 849x606, Screenshot 2023-06-11 7.26.53 …)

Sandra looks so much healthier with the added 20 pounds
No. 1844884
File: 1686528320003.jpeg (183.33 KB, 1170x2221, IMG_0799.jpeg)

I wonder how much she made on that month long call girl gig that she’s now hiring a personal assistant and moving and funding her photo shoots.
No. 1844886
File: 1686528421139.jpeg (265.08 KB, 1170x2221, IMG_0778.jpeg)

>>1844869Another menu item
No. 1845095
File: 1686564822237.png (498.56 KB, 828x1792, ECCB0441-E46D-4E31-9DAB-AAAC50…)

Weird flex but ok.
No. 1845133
File: 1686572639579.jpeg (301.98 KB, 1800x1457, IMG_0800.jpeg)

Just to clear these from my phone and touch on the bed frame. Anything you need to tell yourself to fall asleep at night stormy.
No. 1845140
File: 1686573647440.png (143.1 KB, 1730x900, Screenshot 2023-06-12 at 8.40.…)

>>1845133the audacity of Pumpy liking this tweet knowing full well she does not have a tatami mat, she has a normal mattress from the good ol USA acting as her own personal mold factory
No. 1845156
File: 1686576365064.jpeg (66.65 KB, 1170x543, 81D27839-FDDC-4617-984B-4C02CD…)

>>1845133Ah yes “thin fetish”, hope the feds have that term flagged.
Two weeks ago you were removing BG content for a cheater. How come both these paths result in her giving man money? Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around KEK
No. 1845282
>>18448 Many don't recall, but she searched for an assistant before her last month long international prostitution trip.
She got dumped after moving in with her latest (bro that looked like her ex) after he found out she was an escort. She posted lots of stuff about how you should 'love someone unconditionally' on her story, and then she searched again for an assistant (babysitter). I can’t imagine her daily drug bill if it’s taking this much hooking to sustain a lifestyle of somebody that doesn’t even weigh 100 pounds.
She's back trying to rinse repeat the same post again because obviously nobody wants to be the assistant to somebody doing some thing this fucking shady and depressing. 'Yeah I'm really going to rely on my trick employer to pay me, because her drug addicted ass is really thinking about paying ME on time'
No. 1845337
File: 1686593300513.png (594.1 KB, 1033x582, unknownc9a9308000dfa9c1.png)

I decided to check out the other forum a nonna mentioned regarding kati3 and this is the first thing I see.
No. 1845400
File: 1686599471084.jpeg (83.25 KB, 1169x1238, 073B2E72-83EC-43C4-9E13-DF5034…)

Back to promoting bg content
No. 1845401
File: 1686599542965.jpeg (46.83 KB, 640x1136, 4E88E6F5-44E7-47FE-9CE2-C9EAAA…)

Pump’s back to being a girl boss, no longer on that “princess treatment” BS (which she of course talked about while throwing money at Ty and going broke)
No. 1845447
>>1843726Sorry to backtrack a bit, nonas.. I had to point out THIS IS THE SAME GIRL who reminds us
at least every 1-2 months that she “beat a homewrecker” in the club with mUh tWo bRoKeN aRmS. What’s it going to be, Pumps? Are you a tough bitch or cool as a cucumber? Just kidding, we know that you aren’t neither — terminally online ~acting out~ from your repeat reality of being the bitter, self-loathing cuck who will never break the cycle because pickmeism-over-everything.
Anyways, I believe that the screen grabs are real. I think she posted on her paid scrotechat because it was the safest place to vent, both in reaction and from Ty’s knowledge. 25% of her ana-shriveled brain probably was emotionally escalated enough to feel like she
might follow through with leaving if someone handed her the funds, no questions asked, but it was certainly first & foremost to “out” Ty. I’m unsure if she self-posted here, it’s definitely possible. No defensive nona has chirped in being like NO I’M NOT PUMPY like usual so that’s pretty sus. I don’t foresee any suicide in the works, maybe some classic chicken scratches on her thigh (as per regular programming). Pumpy lives to suffer. She’s basically a munchie who victimizes herself on a daily basis because she’s desperate for pity and sympathy. She’ll sooner die from her stupidity than by her own intentional hand.
I don’t feel a shred of sympathy. Look at how he’s treated her over the past year. Not only did he ditch her during the abortion, he literally went and impregnated another woman while knowing that was possibly the biggest betrayal he could hit her with (even worse than the act of cheating in itself). She had spent months trying to hype herself up online saying that it just wasn’t the right time but she still wanted a baby (I mean, in between bragging about “yeeting” it) and they would as soon as they were in a stable place.. and guy is literally cumming-without-regard inside another woman as she’s doing this. He’s done nothing but shown that he doesn’t care about her. Who tf even moves in with someone who won’t CLAIM you, especially after all of that shit? It would have been the least he could do in order to prove to her that something was real. Except Ty knew he didn’t have to. This infidelity won’t even break Pump, she’ll just continue to seethe and wait for a moment to brag about mUh fAmiLy again because she thinks we all have short term memory loss.
No. 1845448
File: 1686605762177.jpeg (378.24 KB, 2048x2048, C49C0920-713F-49A1-B9F1-CD8B59…)

quick log of charlotte with & without the filter
No. 1845449
File: 1686606032193.jpeg (232.19 KB, 1284x2232, IMG_8870.jpeg)

another log to point out that sandra and pump have the same lame pole dance move. i actually think pumpy does it better and it PAINS me to give her that. remember when sandra was trying to make this her profession? kek, we can see now that it really wasn’t about the hours and had everything to do with lack of ability.
No. 1845468
File: 1686607867069.jpeg (458.39 KB, 2048x2048, 6ADF06EE-01CE-42D9-BDAC-B5D292…)

Pumpy shits a lot on Sam/Doe, but:
a.) Tyler willingly had a child with her, nothing Pump can do or say will rewrite that history. Without an argument, at one point he liked her more than he’s ever cared about Pumpy’s desperate ass.
b.) She (mostly) has Pumpy’s dream SAHM life, with her legitimate baby daddy out there working to pay their bills. Pumpy could, and will, never.
I think Sam/Doe is hardly worthy of the pedestal (Pascalame, please urge her to get an IUD and call it a day) but I love how Pumpy has to convince herself that she’s not jealous because she somehow believes she takes care of Ty’s daughter. I’m calling bullshit on that, btw. Pumpy is online giving play-by-plays of her slummed existence from the moment she wakes up until she goes to sleep. She’s exaggerating her involvement and probably considers ordering the kid some food, “taking care of her.” Imagine being proud that your borderline pedo “boyfriend” (ie. roommate) who cheats on you, uses you, etc. has accomplished keeping his daughter away from her mother. Clearly Sam/Doe is both fit and able to take care of her kids, although that might change if she doesn’t stop having them.
No. 1845497
File: 1686610452768.jpeg (174.39 KB, 1170x1454, IMG_1954.jpeg)

This filter is insane it makes her chin literally disappear
No. 1845561
>>1845509HONESTLY, this is true. Sam has spent years being a boring SAHM whose only vice seems to be repetitive (but innocent) selfies. Ty’s degeneracy is heavily documented on these threads and you know Pascalame has a finger on its pulse at all times. Pumpy openly claiming to be in primary care of this child online like that is a wonderful
trigger in the gun aimed at Ty’s fragile custody arrangement.
No. 1845602
File: 1686621561654.jpeg (195.95 KB, 1170x2211, IMG_0808.jpeg)

When is Ty’s birthday? This was just posted 5 hours ago.
No. 1845873
File: 1686670462080.jpeg (199.36 KB, 960x1706, 7F6D1835-7599-4210-B441-EF31E1…)

Here’s her looking disgusting a day ago but peep the clothes on the floor. Looks like a 32 year old skater boy outfit
No. 1845954
File: 1686679058209.jpeg (220.64 KB, 1170x1967, BCBFBF5D-E78C-4C75-94F9-21E87C…)

Pumpy’s upset that some Home Depot cashiers posting thirst traps are also being applauded by moids for not being on OF. if you’re so bothered by SW stigma get offline. no one is saying this shit irl.
also Pump n dump walks around in tube tops, crop tops, titties and ass out constantly for attention of…? Oh right, free male attention from randos on the street. Girl needs to examine her inner pick me instead of picking fights with others
No. 1845959
File: 1686679298833.jpeg (183.54 KB, 1169x1928, 3CD2354A-8D63-4553-849B-771985…)

>>1845954Samefag this is embarrassing and racist. The only reason Pumpy’s not a single mother is cuz her long term FWB pushed her into an abortion
No. 1845964
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No. 1846004
File: 1686684431201.jpg (66.63 KB, 435x972, s4107uuv6cw81.jpg)

>>1845964this exchange in a nutshell
No. 1846014
File: 1686685044018.jpeg (238.94 KB, 1170x1741, 03472C26-2A11-4BE0-BD42-9493D4…)

No. 1846017
File: 1686685123639.jpeg (450.18 KB, 2048x2048, 4F3318AA-A48C-40B7-85CB-1B03C6…)

>>1846014This is what Pumpy does on OnlyFans for pay, right? It’s exactly the same.
No. 1846060
File: 1686690720322.png (335.4 KB, 1304x1800, IMG_0819.png)

Someone is rattled about upcoming Father’s Day for their “daddy”
No. 1846063
>>1846060oops we posted similar screenshots at the same time kek.
She literally said she wanted a baby 4 days ago.
>>1843726Right here
No. 1846087
File: 1686692745042.png (621.19 KB, 1800x1280, IMG_0824.png)

I figured it out. She’s a podcast bro. She literally thinks she’s smarter than everyone and she’s educating people. She’s delusional that she’s viral because she talks about hot topics in the trending section by bringing up a controversial opinion on it. Go suck a dick bro
No. 1846098
File: 1686693601094.jpeg (85.38 KB, 802x549, 11172.jpeg)

Was Ty just a fangirl of the band he's in before he joined? Kek at dumpy Pumpy bored and probably on her phone in the corner.
No. 1846252
File: 1686709644556.jpeg (89.49 KB, 1284x677, A37D4697-CAFF-4E53-AE15-51FE6E…)

Is she for real
No. 1846552
>>1846087She spends hours watching TikToks about being spoiled by men but can’t dump a serial cheater. One who hates condoms.
On top of all this shit she liked a tweet
>>1846060 about how following and liking content of women you find attractive is cheating. Bitch, what do you think onlyfans is?
No. 1846685
File: 1686783571143.jpeg (60.33 KB, 1170x525, B2A974AB-8999-4752-A5DE-E62F18…)

This is why none of these women will find a good man
No. 1846703
File: 1686785870805.png (1.06 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_8923.png)

wearing the cheap ass heart necklace that “ty bought her”
No. 1846709
File: 1686786403904.jpeg (259.11 KB, 1284x2007, IMG_8924.jpeg)

baaaack on FaceApp*
No. 1846731
File: 1686789830023.jpeg (12.41 KB, 711x770, shopping.jpeg)

>>1846709Reminds me of those long neck mannequins they use to display wigs
No. 1846869
File: 1686811700694.jpg (130.78 KB, 1048x1634, Screenshot_20230615-004739_Ins…)

>>1846703Aw the same day he finally followed her active accounts. She loves being a doormat
No. 1847155
File: 1686862446576.jpeg (304.99 KB, 1179x1604, IMG_7264.jpeg)

Trying to keep her life private in the weirdest way…
No. 1847242
File: 1686873608821.png (745.88 KB, 1080x1914, Screenshot_20230615-195938~2.p…)

Stormy is on cam right now pedo pandering with a teddy bear in her background.
No. 1847278
>>1847155Samefag^ but that horrendous black blob of a tattoo always
triggers me. I wouldn't show my arm if I had that monstrosity in it, then again all of her tats are worse than the next.
No. 1847313
File: 1686882866218.jpeg (Spoiler Image,247.7 KB, 1800x1800, IMG_1049.jpeg)

>>1847242There’s no excuse why she can’t move out now, she made over $1000 tonight. Incoming ego trip on how she’s a “bad bitch” again.
Picrel: the lines on that left boob, ripples or stretch marks? She’s so afraid of losing her skeleton frame and fake tits.
No. 1847325
>>1847313I was not counting every tip and didn't watch her continuously, but 1000$ is unlikely, more like around 15000 tokens (750$) and then she almost cried over 500$.
She's got the same stretch marks as another vegan anorexic model with huge bolt-ons, which didn't fit her at all, they were covered all over by red stretch marks. Good for her she removed them though after 2 years, pumpy could never.
No. 1847465
>>1847242She said she bought that bear for $20 from some guy who won it. Claiming that’s what pretty privilege is.
Girl, that’s what money does, it purchases things. Pretty privilege didn’t even come into play here nor does it ever regarding you. It’s your wallet that talks suga mama.
No. 1847588
>>1847465Typical Pumpy mento gymnastics — pretty privilege is being given the bear for free but, even then, it’s a fucking lame ass teddy bear that holds no value.. although she’s trying to milk it does because it was “won”? Shit would end up given away for free anyways or in the trash otherwise. This guy profited off of her raging ego & stupidity and is laughing all the way home.
Pumpy gets played by yet-another-scrote.
No. 1847709
>>1847643> has credit, medical, and tax debt > e-begged for coffee and the movers to escape mUh aBuSiVe rElAtIoNsHiT> admits to selling her belongings (rolex) to pay veterinary billsI’ma buy this teddy bear off a guy for $20 just to collect dust and
that’s on pretty privilege
fucking eyeroll, she is so dense and blames her low IQ on being a meth baby but really she’s just another dumb girl on the internet for consumption.
No. 1847714
File: 1686948647471.jpeg (180.33 KB, 1284x2245, IMG_9002.jpeg)

Ty cheating with that young girl has Stormy more f’d up than normal, she’s resorting to SNAPCHAT FILTERS. Those are the most desperate filters of them all. I only see them used by 30+ yr old girls who peaked in highschool or cigar moms.
No. 1847725
File: 1686949588391.jpeg (162.64 KB, 960x1706, 64D5B968-F990-4109-A828-1522B6…)

>>1847719Samefag eg. She looks crazy
No. 1847743
File: 1686952086739.png (302.4 KB, 533x602, Screenshot_20230615-200301~2.p…)

>>1847714>>1847725Funny I thought she looked so busted on cam last night but the eye makeup didn't help.
No. 1847851
File: 1686963473061.jpeg (675.55 KB, 2048x2048, 41EB9582-D553-4509-9D2E-74E0D2…)

yes, because she couldn’t have possibly predicted people would have assumed that with the lame bait post. also she needs to focus on those hands because that shit ain’t uwu cute. they look like a middle aged man’s who works on a farm all day.
No. 1847888
File: 1686966158659.jpeg (138.92 KB, 1169x1526, F3E203B9-8F68-4D05-BA65-1E78E2…)

No. 1847894
File: 1686966690038.jpeg (140.42 KB, 960x1706, 95CECA66-33DA-4E5F-A932-3BD14D…)

You mean talking shit on the internet
No. 1847971
>>1847888But your "man" is and has been banging another girl??
She's so stupid lol how insecure can a person be by posting this?
No. 1848628
>>1848314I’d have to venture back a few threads for the screen but I recall her patting herself on the back via twitter about having a successful houseparty that ended with her “favourite ex” and a “new hot girl in her bed” — a lot of anons speculated Ty. I’ll see if I can find it when I have time today. Knowing Pumpy, “only sleeping” happened and she thought she was making herself look spicy. Knowing Ty, he probably hooked up with “new hot girl” while Pumpy was sleeping.
Mostly done the new thread but, unlike Sabrina, some of us take care of our kids haha. I’ll wrap it up and post soon, but we still have a good amount of posts left in here until then.
No. 1848648
>>1848628Yeah anon I vaguely remember something like that too. I will help you look. Also I think you struck a nerve by mentioning that.
>>1848637Why so salty anon? People can have a regular life and still lurk on lolcow.
No. 1848649
File: 1687098202609.jpeg (11.69 KB, 275x168, D528AA1D-17B6-4A10-B677-857069…)

>>1848628Weird bc wasn’t she celebrating an anniversary with Ty earlier this year? Her timeline’s all screwed up and fake
>>1848637parents can spare time to post on here daily. It’s not like this is a constant back and forth like a Twitter argument or Reddit thread. Moms and some dads are the main voyeurs for threads like Alice & fern kek
No. 1848651
File: 1687098397331.jpeg (10.34 KB, 275x120, 2138938E-E37B-4AC8-B0B0-D214D6…)

>>1802410 KEK this was literally April 2023 and she ended up doing all of this for her gay little skaterboy
No. 1848766
>>1848637Why so pressed Nonna? You know one thing doesn't have to exclude another?
Sad tou think 30 is old since you're soon there yourself
No. 1849029
File: 1687141888309.jpeg (214.61 KB, 1170x1751, IMG_1099.jpeg)

>>1843522Case in point. She’s branded herself so she can always claim that she’s a
victim even though she’s the one who put literal signs on her body in very public places “devour” “livestock” “spank me”, lilith the demon, “666” “money slut” “brat” a fucking FACE tattoo and the kicker “mindfulness”. Am I forgetting any?
She baits for disrespect like a literal troll.
No. 1849316
File: 1687187384061.jpeg (172.61 KB, 1170x2189, IMG_1118.jpeg)

One of Ty’s band mates proposed to his girlfriend today. Stormy is about to either rage about how she never wants to get married or whine that her fake husband will never get her the ring she really wants.
No. 1849478
File: 1687203306691.jpeg (126.65 KB, 1170x1127, IMG_1121.jpeg)

>>1849029Guess she wanted to remind us of the knives tattooed on her too. It’s like she’s begging for someone to try to touch her violently and then complains when people react to her baiting.
No. 1849505
File: 1687204652422.jpeg (38.7 KB, 1284x424, IMG_9165.jpeg)

Stormy trying to feel like part of the club because she isn’t included in any of the pictures
No. 1849516
>>1849029when an attention whore with multiple face tattoos claims, “I’m shy don’t approach me I’m agoraphobic.” Actual normal women don’t get tattoos like “devour”, they question whether they’ll be hollered at on the train to Kroger if they wear shorts on a 87F day.
>>1849505Not even old enough to “choose” and accept her as her step mom. Stormy is just that lady at her dad’s apartment
No. 1849634
>>1849603Here you go, Pumps xo
>>>/snow/1849631I know that you were getting SUPER worried that these threads might die and people would stop talking about you. By the way, there are seven days in a week.
(hi cow)