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No. 1879661
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No. 1879662
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>>1879661thanks jordan jizzsicle, im sure what you have to say is very truthful and relevant.
also picrel i found his twitter and surprise surprise, all he does it bitch and whine and then talk about wanting to get bred in his 'girl cave'. side note, boobs are not just lumps of fat. fucking retard.
No. 1879675
>>1879661They do nothing but project.
Flash yourself in front of women in a protected space? Fine.
The women can't help but cower and stare at the flasher? Ewwwwww perverts!!!
No. 1879696
>>1879691She is but so what? I've seen a number of nonas denying the holodomor or the Bosnian genocide because they're leftist, why's supporting genocide now off limits?
Just because nazis are unpopular and
victims of Marxist Leninists are not fashionable enough to have movies about?
(racebaiting unsaged) No. 1879699
>>1879202i have never in my life seen more severe faggot behaviour, so glad he will never reproduce lol
>>1879232WOW glory to the peoples republic 实事求是 periodddd
No. 1879707
>>1879661gotta love how he tries to reframe 'woman uses locker room' as appalling behavior.
bruh every single swim team i've been on has you wear a one piece swimsuit and you HAVE to take off all your other clothes to put those on?? her stripping down isn't the issue in this situation, it's the that she's being forced to do so in the presence of a stranger's dick.
the entire concept of 'it's bc she wants to stare at your dicks!' is preposterous bc if that was true, why would she be so aggressively campaigning to change policy in order to AVOID seeing dicks 'innocently'? what the ever-loving fuck. it's too early in my day for this.
No. 1879714
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Why are troon memes so horrendously unfunny?
No. 1879745
>>1879720It's all over it.
Blue hair, therapy, female characters that are not masturbation fodder.
For supposedly suffering from gender dysphoria young trans people have very little insight on gender stereotypes.
No. 1879759
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Lol if anyone regrets their surgery now theyre fakes who wanna troll transwomen
No. 1879768
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>>1879661sage for skim but here is the headline without a massive hulking ogre in front of it. Also kek at "getting naked in a public restroom" she was in a locker room, the place you disgusting, sweaty, pedophilic sex pest retards love going into to harass actual, real women. 41% soon please
No. 1879825
>>1879759>a lot of them are cis women posing as trans womenHuh that is SO weird, I could have sworn "there's no difference" and that "trans women are women" so cis women posting as women just like any tranwoman would should be totally the same thing? They're all just women after all!
Unless… is there maybe some kind of fundamental difference between the two?
No. 1879842
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>>1879662Immediately reminded me of picrel kek
No. 1879857
>>1879759>I know how to trigger them and they can't resist posting replies>That means I have been successful in triggering themlol
triggering someone supposed to be a bad thing? it's weird to think that some tranny makes a post about coping with his botched rot pocket, and another tranny comes over to bully him and make him feel like shit bc the second tranny can't believe any posts about regretting srs could be genuine
totally surreal
No. 1879859
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A real woman becoming more numb down there due to menopause or never having sex/masturbating is NOT the same as your penishead being numb after surgery you fucking idiot. It has nothing to do with lack of use, we all know you guys overcoom like crazy. It has something to do with the fact you had your penis turned inside out and your penishead placed like a gore mantle on top of it. Hope it becomes necrotic and falls off so you can never coom again
No. 1879861
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>>1879768disgusting to frame it as the tranny being "well endowed" rather than him being a fucking creep
>>1879843>how he portrays himself in the illustration>vs what he actually looks like No. 1879889
File: 1691787534629.png (35.05 KB, 1492x224, F0TMOf8WIAAO0gw.png)

>>1879880and out of all the numbers in the world to put on the end of a fake username in le funny meme OP still chose 88, not good optics when troons unironically believe we're besties with nazis and the far right. come on
>>1879881Worse, it was because of The Handmaid's Tale. He "discovered himself" watching it.
No. 1879891
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>>1879880can you stop derailing. the number 88 isnt going to fuck you.
adding milk since you idiots cant seem to move on
No. 1879897
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>>1879232stupid based china
No. 1879899
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"I didnt want responsibility until my fetish was involved"
No. 1879903
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>>1879880Sure there are people who aren't aware, but the original meme's intention is obviously (very, very, very obviously) to frame the OP as a Nazi
>>1877926 ("Look what the left has done to our men," "womenarentpeople88"). A nona made an edit, but I assumed (and hope) she simply did not recognize that 88 and that's why she didn't remove it. I'm the one who made the original comment in this thread and I haven't replied since, but it's extremely weird and embarrassing so many of you are bending over backwards to defend it. A zero tolerance policy for Nazi shit and a willingness to point it out does not warrant all this "b-b-but" Get a grip.
Anyways, "Trannies not understanding that women are not as retarded as they are" pt. 23823493847
No. 1879905
>>1879891Sure, it works if you are a troon and everyone is too afraid to say something about your bad performance because you will cry "transphobia" and will leave bad google reviews behind.
If they were born female they would know that the expectations for women are way higher, you have to be better than men, you have to do all the work, never get sick or be at a age you could get pregnant and you have to proof that you are an emotionless robot so the men will take you serious.
No. 1879916
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Serial killer
No. 1879932
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i literally wanna throw up.
No. 1879970
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>>1879937he thinks his stinky ballsack smells like pussy. no bro, that’s just your crusty cum.
No. 1880001
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No. 1880014
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>>1879899Oh god he's going to try to breastfeed the kid isn't he?
No. 1880018
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"you can't tell"
No. 1880021
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No. 1880027
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did this tard make it up or did this actually happen?
No. 1880036
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that bald spot on his head
the greasy hair
what a look
No. 1880039
>>1879939I feel you anon. I live in Portland, OR and it is RIFE with troons. Almost everyone who works at my target and wholefoods is MTF or TiM w/e, long stringy hair, stubble, bad eyeliner.
The ones I see on the street are always wearing spaghetti strap tank tops with huge linebacker shoulders and tiny shorts or skirts.
It’s beyond bizarre and unsettling.
I’m a gay woman myself and have perused tinder here (out of curiousity), every other person on there is either a T-boy that could have been a good looking lesbian, or a fugly hulking trans woman, or a femme seeking a unicorn for her bf.
Absolutely bleak times.
No. 1880047
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editing apps were a mistake, they got these 1/10 uglies acting like a 10/10
No. 1880074
>>1880051The male answers were all "the best part about being a woman is bringing a man to his knees" or "that men have to carry my luggage" or "men want to kiss my ass" and the relation to men while all the women were "I love that I am voluptuous" "I blow up any room I walk into" "I always leave you wanting more", always about who they are.
I'm surprised, a lot of these pass better than modern day. Is it because they're all HST?
Unrelated Tiffany is gorgeous…
No. 1880079
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You’d think this would trigger muh dysphoria withe the pussy and uterus being mentioned
No. 1880081
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>>1879843Oh God. Emily St. James used to be a popular reviewer on AV Club. His name was Todd VanDerWerff. He's so up his own ass that this article is perfectly in line with that. Also, the illustration looks nothing like him. He looks like Shrek.
No. 1880086
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>>1880051Bruh the grainy video may hide their features but their voices give them away. I guessed right on all the trannies.
No. 1880092
>>18800511) They're all pretty clockable, especially when they talk.
2) Back then, trannies were still a novelty and people didn't know much about clocking.
3) Trannies also tried much, much, much harder to pass back then.
4) Even if they were all indistinguishable from real women, that still wouldn't make them women in the same way that a veggie burger simply is not beef.
In conclusion, they can cope, seethe, and dilate.
No. 1880100
>>1880095From what I recall, yes. The AGPs were the ones who kept it a secret and you'd mostly hear about them under wraps whereas the gay men were more out with it and since gay men are rare, it was easier to ignore them because troon gay men were still a rarity though location also played a part in that as well.
Autogynephilies have existed since the 60s but it was seen as a shameful kink so most of them kept it secret.
No. 1880114
>>1880100Autogynephilies have existed since the 60s
It's way older than that. I'd argue that AGPs have existed as long as any other paraphilia has. Where there are sexually maladaptive males, there are paraphilias. I think paraphilias are definitely more common than they used to be, though, due to a variety of factors.
No. 1880121
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No. 1880133
>>1880121>You can call me an MRA for this if you wantWell hey, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.
>When a trans woman gets mad and claps back, cis women will start screaming male socializationWhen your "clapbacks" often take the form of violent threats and rape fantasies, uh yeah. That's male socialization.
>They're not the ones murdering us, but they're egging men onKind of hypocritical to rob men of their agency like this, isn't it? Setting aside the fact that this premise requires that men actually listen to women for a change, do you think this would hold up in a court of law? "I know I killed someone your honor, but you see, it's not actually my fault because some random woman online jokingly said, 'troons face the wall,' after seeing a photo of a man trying to breastfeed a baby."
>They can't decide if cis females are strong and capableWomen have less physical strength and that's just a fact, but its not the only type of strength there is. Women have an incredible amount of mental fortitude, in large part because of all the thankless work and emotional labor men foist onto us. And in any case, what matters most is that men and women are intellectual equals and deserve parity for that if nothing else.
>Sexually harassing trans womenLiterally when? You guys scream at women to choke on your cocks on the regular, but we're the sexual harassers simply for pointing out that we don't want your nasty shriveled dicks in our social spaces?
Honestly, the claptrap about how women somehow "weaponize" our subjugation
is an MRA talking point. When we advocate for our own safety, they try to frame that as us "playing the
victim," when in reality, it's the exact opposite. We're taking meaningful steps to protect ourselves, and every goddamn time, men find a way to violate those hard-won boundaries. Maybe instead of crying about how much women fear victimization, you should hold other males accountable for committing like 90% of violent crimes and creating an atmosphere where one sex is a demonstrably larger threat than the other.
No. 1880149
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im done
Kek I def can think a few ways to rack in some cash
No. 1880203
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So you just cant do it right for these people huh
Nobody thinks youre a woman, get over it
No. 1880210
>>1880203thanks to this man for giving me a great tip on how to be a stealthy
No. 1880211
>>1880121>”Normal women have to remind crossdressing men they are still the actual oppressed class and the men in dresses don’t like this”I just fucking hate newspeak. That’s what that title should actually read.
>ya’ll can call me an mra as much as you want, but…What a funny way to immediately out himself as being male and having a misogynistic male perspective. If he was a real woman, why would he immediately have to defend himself and say he not a mens right advocate? What real woman has to start a paragraph saying, “I’m not an MRA, but…”?
No. 1880263
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The little girl pigtails on a big hulking balding man is always hilarious
No. 1880274
>>1880203sage for no1curr this is actually my favourite thing to do as a stealth
terf. I’m a barista in a college town and we have a troon regular who I always give his order saying “Here you go hon!!” He comes with his handmaiden friends but i specifically single him out every time.
to the troons lurking in this thread. Your paranoia is correct, everyone is secretly mocking you, every compliment is backhanded. YWNBAW
No. 1880306
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>>1879891is it dupers delight? why is he lying. literally fucking telling on himself and everyone is just eating it right up.
No. 1880324
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>all of them have anime girl pfps
No. 1880334
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No. 1880339
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Australian troons particularly Perth Troons are horrendous. I know him IRL and he takes flashing photos at his sons basketball games AND wanders around the city in stripper heels, fishnets a tutu and some ugly top that doesn’t match
No. 1880348
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of course they would
No. 1880352
>>1879720Sage for OT but TiFs probably like OP not only because it's just a very popular animanga in general, but also because there some effeminate and gay-coded male characters, a character who's a male "with a woman's soul" (the black-haired character in the 1st meme in
>>1879714) and a bad guy's daughter who calls herself "the son of Kozuki Oden". So TiFs are all over these characters, esp the female character I mentioned last (because TiFs self-insert as her hardcore kek).
>>1879759"They have a fixation on genitals" - so, like your average AGP TiM who spergs about his "girldick" anywhere and everywhere? And like other anons pointed out, why would "cis" men and women bother trying to save these cretins from the dick chop. Castrate yourself then and dilate your crotch wounds for all I care I guess
No. 1880360
>>1880306If I didn't know this child molester IRL, I would think he was a trolling
TERF because every one of his opinions is so stupid it sounds like it must be fake. People playing games on their phone in the middle of a movie theater are annoying? That's ableist of you against their ADHD. It would be good to have more sidewalks in your city? That's ableist of you against wheelchair users. If you see this rapist man posting funny stories about his "Age Gap" relationship, it's because he forced a homeless underaged MTF to call him his "girlfriend" in exchange for shelter and pimps this kid out on OnlyFans to support his polycule BTW.
No. 1880381
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>>1880362I really think Margaret Atwood is crypto and just doesn't want to deal with the backlash, because when she shared this article: on Twitter, everyone jumped down her throat. Then, when this article came out (, I remember a ton of people framing it as "Margaret Atwood clapped back at a
TERF!!" while conveniently leaving out that after she got irritated over the questioning, she ended up emailing the interviewer for "off the record" conversation in which they apparently agree on a lot, including the "importance of truth." So yeah, I suspect she only supports them in a "I don't care what people do in their free time, just don't make it women's problem" way.
No. 1880384
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No. 1880386
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No. 1880390
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Just a sobering reminder of how much they can never pass, even with 7 years of effort. 7 years, two surgeries, and this troon still might as well be experimenting with a ponytail and feminine frames. Wild.
No. 1880399
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At least he's honest.
No. 1880408
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>>1879891Pop quiz for this man: which of the following is true?
A) Life as a woman is so easy that even you, as a disgusting, methed out, non passing tranny get Female Privilege and live a life of luxury where men just step up to do your work for you.
B) You're oppressed, everyone is out to get you and there's a genocide coming!
No. 1880410
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Saw a post on actualtransbians sub, lurked for comments and imagine my surprise that a tranny defends not calling sexual coercion for what it is No. 1880428
>>1880421>>1878654>>1878660>>1878661>>1878667discussed in the last thread, nona.
it’s a shame, he seemed so normal. it’s literally the bare minimum, but when his roommate alex day/nerimon was outted as a sex pest/creep, he immediately disavowed him. nowadays that would just be good PR, but back in 2014 there were more people defending him than calling him out. Charlie taking the side of the
victims def changed the tide.
now he’s an agp though, so maybe he should reach back out and make up with alex. they have more in common now kek
No. 1880449
>>1880421I’m never even remotely surprised when youtube scrotes come out as trans. They’re narcissistic attention whores by nature and coming out as a tranny is the fastest way to make headlines after a long period of irrelevance and gain new underage theybie fans to groom.
Also disgusting that he’s basically admitting to being AGP but hey what else is new with troons.
No. 1880453
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>>1880410and of course he doubles down on it
>lying isn't TECHNICALLY manipulation so ur actually a bad person for calling a rapist a manipulator and that's gross No. 1880508
File: 1691884902792.png (45.58 KB, 748x508, Joanna Cuddle on Twitter.png)

>pulls out the racism card when losing an argument
No. 1880521
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>>1880410>>1880461>>1880453What the post is talking about. If this and reactions to this confession aren't blatant proof of how overrun that sub is with trannies I don't know what is.
No. 1880532
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>>1880453Ayrt, I didn't realize that his comments got deleted in the thread lol. But the response to him is great. Picrel is response. Love that the actual lesbian here called out the weird ass phrase of being "too wet in your trousers" Nasty ass scrotes. Bets on the OP being a "brave and stunning" transbian?
No. 1880541
I need some advice on this topic, I dont know if this is where to ask since its on topic, should I delete it from here and post in OT?
Tldr should have trusted my gut over friend whos a tranny, turns out theyre all the same. Now feel bad because before they started being degenerate I had a good friendship with them.
I reconnected with an online friend I had 6ish years ago.
At the time they were a dude who liked wearing chick clothes.
Anyway last year they messaged me again and we started up our friendship, during this time theyve started their "transition" from male to female.
My gut told me gross but they seemed reasonable, would shit on other trannies, generally were more "right" leaning with their views, barely brought it up so I figured sure I'll keep this friendship going.
We'd play alot of games together, at one point we were voice calling in a discord server nearly every day for hours.
I had moved to their city and after talking online for about 6 months we met up.
I had seen their pictures they had posted in servers so I thought I knew what to expect.
My fiancé and I picked them up to hang out for the night.
I guess my illusion was popped because holy shit, the only thing they had going for them was their height (maybe 5'6).
Broad shoulders, tiny hips, stick legs. Greasy hair, huge beaked nose.
We went to get some alcohol before we came back to our flat and it was so embarrassing to be walking in public with them.
If it were a woman people would still look and see something is obviously wrong.
It got to the point during their stay over that I stopped looking at them, because it just made me deeply uncomfortable.
My partner said he felt embarrassed to be seen with them.
ANYWAY the point of this, after meeting a few months ago they have started talking to a guy.
They mentioned that the guy said when they meet up hes going to make them lactate and drink it.
I said thats disgusting and awful, they said they felt validated.
Since meeting theyve been posting degenerate horny meme shit in the discord we're in.
I've mentioned it multiple times for that shit to be posted in the nsfw channel, everyone agrees, 10 minutes later they are posting more of it.
I 100% could not open that chat in public, its all "daddies horny good girl" sort of shit which is putrid when women post it let alone a tranny.
After everything above I feel even grosser by them posting horny shit, I just see a degenerate male skin walking as a woman to get his dick hard.
If you've noticed, I cant even bring myself to write "she/her" anymore.
I feel like a retard for being in this situation because I should have trusted my gut over trannies, but during the time we had a good friendship before meeting up they really did help me through some stuff so I feel really bad about just cutting them out of my life?
At one point I would have considered them my best friend.
I'm going to start trying for a baby soon so will probably leave discord in general, is it worth cutting them out before then or just continue to hardly talk in that chat then eventually disappear?
IDK I feel guilty for some reason, but its repulsing me to read the horny shit coming from them. The disgust I feel is why I started coming here tbh(sage your shit, and wrong thread)
No. 1880546
>>1880339kek go on, link their socials
nonnie. As a fellow Australian I'm intrigued
No. 1880569
>>1880562They'll never meet my baby regardless of the friendship, I never plan on meeting them again
>>1880548I doubt he was paying attention as my partner drove though, but potentially might be able to find me again
No. 1880574
>>1880541I’m in a similar boat, anon.
Best friends with a guy since elementary school. We went to a mainly white school and we’re both black, so we just sort of latched into each other. In High school he came out as gay and we’d make fun of troons together then college came and suddenly he wants to go by “he/they”. I thought “whatever who cares” at the time, but now we’re in our late twenties and he’s saving up for breast implants.
All he ever talks about is sex and his weird fetishes. He told our friend group (super liberal types and mainly white women) how he wishes he could get pregnant because he thinks it’d give him the “biggest and best climax” of his life.
Me and my husband have been distancing ourselves from the group for a while now and it fucking sucks.
Wish I could just blow up at him and tell him he’s repulsive and delusional, but other anons right. He knows where you live.
(Good luck with trying for a baby!)
(sage your shit and not your personal blog) No. 1880580
>>1880571If you have guy friends who objectify women enough they think attaching things to themselves and concealing others will turn them into a woman? No, don't have guy friends.
Don't befriend troons, don't normalize troons, don't normalize porn behavior with your children. Don't even normalize polyamory when you have children in your life. The degenerate shit needs to stop when children are added into the mix, even if they'll never meet your own children face to face.
No. 1880604
>>1880334Everyone is saying this is sad but come the fuck on. How is this sad? He is an adult who knows better. He definitely has relatives, both on her side and his side, possibly even children, that have to deal with him becoming the corpse of his dead wife. Imagine being something like a younger relative and watching your uncle wear your aunt's clothes the second she dies. It's both disrespectful and terrifying how quick he is to hijack her identity and demand acceptance for his open fetish. He's just an adult man too retarded to get therapy and being opportunistic with his wife's passing to steal her wardrobe and identity.
If this anything like other cases, he probably was having troon thoughts before her death, then stole all her clothes when she died. This is not a sad man "grieving", he probably was gleeful at the opportunity to get free women's clothes, steal her identity and this is his "fresh start" in life. All TIMs think like that and the woman, especially the wife of many years, be damned.
Do we know how she passed too? I'm just saying, I wouldn't put it past a troon.
No. 1880619
Always with the gingivitis
No. 1880637
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according to their bio, there are 4 she/hers in this band lmfao
No. 1880740
File: 1691915537119.jpg (649.6 KB, 1640x1798, F3N6AxLbgAIztsI.jpg)

Theres legit hundreds of these posts asking "is it a fetish if i only want to be a woman in a sexual setting/when i wear womens clothing i get horny" and the answer is OBVIOUSLY YES, but all the comments are always like nooo nooo thats normal for transwoman. Which is very telling about them, theyre trying so hard not to be called fetishists when everyone knows thats what they are, including themselves. The coping is intense
No. 1880774
>>1880740There needs to be a serious discussion about online grooming, who are often targeted and then groomed into becoming "femboys" (it's not adult men since they're just not feminine enough), and the long term effects this is going to have on everyone. No normal man can really bounce back from that like nothing happened. You can see in his post he's struggling to comprehended the fucking degeneracy he was sucked into as a minor.
>try wearing womens clothingThat's like saying an alcoholic should try drinking. Thanks degenerate reddit moid.
No. 1880857
File: 1691936848814.jpg (374.92 KB, 1436x1079, dfree.jpg)

Remember these are the people afraid of "genocide"
No. 1880862
File: 1691937439843.jpg (262.56 KB, 1284x1650, F3XtdrZaYAEAX0I.jpg)

crazy that this is controversial especially after she says what the two trannies who attended did.
No. 1880866
File: 1691938032931.png (225.45 KB, 735x577, F3UnQUQWMAEvwsy.png)

No. 1880876
>>1880740I never know how to differentiate troons, femboys and sissies, they are all disgusting AGPs to me, how do they do know what is what?
I have wore men's clothing and never felt arousal or gotten wet because of that, male shirts, pants and socks are more durable and cheaper.
No. 1880890
File: 1691941017515.jpg (143.33 KB, 1170x1161, F3Xw6TAbwAARuzm.jpg)

Monty doesn't get it because he's not a woman.
No. 1880891
File: 1691941114698.jpg (184.13 KB, 1284x1917, F3KwiX9WQAARatQ.jpg)

No. 1880929
File: 1691946420133.png (896.21 KB, 755x1117, Fae Johnstone MSW on Twitter.p…)

>ignore the bathroom
your manly shoulders are in the way john
No. 1880930
File: 1691946496422.jpg (167.8 KB, 1080x885, no.jpg)

No. 1880935
>>1880891Was he at the doctor to get his brain checked? With that outfit he wouldn't even get past most doctor's receptionist where I live, those women take no shit and having him sit in a waiting room would be too much.
>>1880930I'm so glad that there is so much out there that I haven't seen yet and that after the last few seasons of GoT I just don't care about it anymore and rather wait for the final books to be written and released. Just looked up what he has been doing and he has a part as a voice actor in Baldur's Gate 3 and it sounds so bad, always thought that voice actors need to have good and fitting voices to do the job, guess I was wrong.
No. 1880946
>>1880890I'm always going to side eye a moid 'cosplaying' a period, even if they are doing something beneficial like handing out tampons. Males don't deal with it, we do. We get to decide how we feel about you talking about our bodies. Would this same person think that it's okay for a bunch of whites to paint their skin brown or red while handing out food and water at a native pipeline protest? It's for solidarity right?!! Moids respect other people challenge (100% fail rate)
Also What is with moids/drag queens/troons obsessing over tampons, anyways? They only can relate the phallic objects when it comes to menstruation, never pads or cups. I never hear of weirdo troons carrying around pads to hand out, only tampons. Pads can mostly be used by everyone…I know so many women who never have used nor want to use tampons. I personally stopped using tampons over 10 years ago, now it's pad and cups for me.
No. 1880966
File: 1691950841534.png (393.52 KB, 748x686, X.png)

>>1880604Nonnie you're psychic
No. 1880968
File: 1691951156455.png (635.24 KB, 745x1118, call sign desister on Twitter.…)

Of course a moid wouldn't understand, and yet they like sticking their noses in a woman's business.
No. 1880979
>>1880968Is it me or is "what actually happened" even worse? She didn't reject the doctor she was given, she just said that she doesn't want a TIM doctor IF she were to be given one. Which means they could've provided care, they just chose not to… It's understandable if they didn't agree with her, but to deny care outright is evil.
>>1880966She's not psychic. She's just aware that women often think that men are simple creatures that don't know how to process their emotions, and that's why they do shitty things. Typical get out of jail excuse that men lean into: 'muh mental health' and ' i didn't know no better!'. If a scrote does something bad, it's intentional and because they refuse to announce they are wrong. They'd rather lie and hide it until they think they can get away with it. That's why they often announce they are a troon when their wives have just given birth despite wearing her clothes and underwear for ages already. Or why they ask the reddit troon hugbox "guise am i a fetishist if i only want to be a girl when I'm horny? I'm totes so confused about my gender!" when they already know they are a pervert and are just baiting for the troon seal of approval.
No. 1880981
File: 1691952953734.png (107.24 KB, 724x865, Screenshot_20230813_145753.png)

>>1880974that voice lmao
and ofc the comments are handmaidens fawning over him
No. 1880987
>>1880968I fucking hate heterosexual moids who talk like this about women's issues. They always proudly proclaim how they don't care who they share the bathroom with or who takes care of them because they are not at risk of being sexually or physically assaulted. Men who do this need to be very loudly told to shut the fuck up. I genuinely get so pissed when they feel like their opinion is in any way
valid. I fucking hate leftist twitter bros. I wish I could curse them out without being harassed in return. It's just misogyny plain and simple.
No. 1881003
File: 1691954813992.jpg (129.76 KB, 748x795, tumblr_f1d63ec4c9a06d68d0c9bd8…)

No. 1881017
>>1880815Seriously. I've been reading the TiF threads for ages and I've never seen an equivalent post from one of them. Could you imagine?
>Hey guys, I'm scared I'm not really trans because when I put on my binder, I get really wet, and then after I jerk off, I don't feel dysphoric.The closest thing would probably be when TiFs ask if liking yaoi means they're not actually trans, but none of them talk about how yaoi gives them "euphoria wetness" lmao. They're mostly just being NLOGs when they say stuff like that, because they don't want to be like all those lame Beckys who fetishize the poor widdle gay men.
No. 1881025
>>1881003>my face is the sort of glowy you see in felons????
"Glowy" is not how I'd describe felons, but what does that even mean in this context? Duper's delight? Also, why would that be a good thing?
No. 1881031
File: 1691957907551.jpg (170.01 KB, 850x1034, F3YD7SbasAEQnUH.jpg)

Imagine looking like Peter Griffin and having a 14 mile long double chin, but instead of focusing on your health and loosing weight you go hmm yes being a woman will solve my problems
No. 1881032
File: 1691957975985.jpeg (36.79 KB, 640x480, IMG_0670.jpeg)

>>1881003kek this is the “author” apparently
No. 1881061
File: 1691961399981.jpeg (Spoiler Image,403.94 KB, 750x900, D925823E-DDA0-4920-A00C-A7E9A8…)

Holy shit those shoulders
Doesn’t look that big on TT. Angled and filters do wonders
No. 1881062
File: 1691961598411.jpeg (847.72 KB, 2048x1536, F3axUqHXMAAL0jZ.jpeg)

No. 1881103
File: 1691966432862.png (555.01 KB, 1527x2048, chrome_screenshot_169196641318…)

No. 1881164
File: 1691972295414.jpg (1.66 MB, 2768x4032, F3QyvYTXgAALT4U.jpg)

How much editing should we do?
No. 1881171
File: 1691972435512.png (149.83 KB, 760x1130, stacy on Twitter.png)

Trannies self inserting again.
No. 1881207
File: 1691978959344.png (1.65 MB, 1077x1515, Screenshot 2023-08-13 195233.p…)

sage for skim but can someone add this to the tranny vs real women compilation?
No. 1881296
File: 1692008437346.jpg (312.9 KB, 1080x1073, Screenshot_20230814-061619_Chr…)

redditor has an epiphany after a couple drinks kek: No. 1881345
File: 1692021958812.jpeg (561.51 KB, 828x1422, 60C8E1A1-D2F4-4378-89E0-4F4A6F…)

tumblr post I stumbled upon 1/2
No. 1881346
File: 1692022018154.jpeg (229.84 KB, 828x960, C13EEAB8-35E5-42B2-8AF9-66B5A0…)

2/2. nearly barfed in my mouth when I saw this
No. 1881352
File: 1692023195840.jpg (959.49 KB, 1440x3845, Screenshot_20230814-102007_Chr…)

More sexist and insane bullshit:
>Estrogen makes me less intellectually confident and curious>Estrogen gives me the period shits>Estrogen gave me a 1970s porn girl bush>Estrogen made me lose my taste for beer No. 1881355
File: 1692023963677.jpeg (376.73 KB, 750x1236, 1CE9778D-36F3-44AE-A8F3-596969…)

This video is about how the IFW added a third category for trans
People are waking up
Kek… some of the comments No. 1881359
File: 1692024809638.png (28.52 KB, 520x257, F3afVYIXsAAGS9k.png)

Youve just gotten fatter and flabbier, you ass is not bigger because of hrt
No. 1881427
>>1881164Holy shit that Adam's apple, it's like he has extra bones in his neck.
>>1881234That's absolutely crazy. New fact unlocked.
No. 1881443
>>1880018Note how every single female is crossing her legs or sitting in a proper way considering they are wearing skirts above the knees.
Now note how the troon is just sitting straight, slightly manspreading and not at all attempting to not flash his underwear.
Male socialization.
No. 1881451
>>1881346it always leaves a bad taste in my mouth seeing TIMs use the word dyke, it just sounds violent when they say it and it's just weird that they think they can use it. It's as offensive as a transracial person saying nigger imo
>>1881352>height reduction>thinking it's due to magical hip rotation rather than bone density losslmao
No. 1881457
File: 1692035067061.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1821, Screenshot_20230814-121829.png)

>>1881296>Contrapoints style and aestheticsI don't know why Contrapoints' videos get praised for their visuals. They look like shit to me. Tasteless, gaudy and overwhelming to the eye. Garish color choices and lighting. Everything looks faded and dirty and gross.
No. 1881479
File: 1692038668865.png (1.4 MB, 896x1232, 1.png)

lmao based
No. 1881582
File: 1692045816767.jpg (74.22 KB, 850x517, F3YF2FUasAE0BTn.jpg)

Okay this HAS to be a troll. Why is there even an ewphoria thread??
No. 1881595
File: 1692047738393.jpg (608.73 KB, 1080x1941, Screenshot_20230814_231618_com…)

Ofcourse nothing happened to YOU. Its about making women uncomfortable and unsafe you misogynistic moron
No. 1881621
File: 1692050018115.jpeg (77.45 KB, 612x633, 1679105827558.jpeg)

>>1879707Someone posted a link a few threads back to a shop where you can but some
TERF stickers (and a link for for images that you can make your own stickers with). I can't seem to find it and I want to sticker bomb radfem shit all over the punk and goth venues/bars in my city. Can anyone point me to which thread it was?
No. 1881677
File: 1692055230761.png (1.44 MB, 1175x2048, chrome_screenshot_169205535884…)

the poor dog
No. 1881693
File: 1692056382464.png (56.7 KB, 237x211, pain.png)

>>1881677yeah you pass… as a man
No. 1881703
>>1880815>>1880850My favorite type of "euphoria boner" cope post is when they say it happens to men in all happy situations because the silly pp just doesn't know better
Are all these men popping boners when they get promoted at work or watch their kid graduate too?
No. 1881724
File: 1692059840460.jpeg (38.93 KB, 540x417, F3diw7yaIAErd0B.jpeg)

"I'm a man and I'll act like one to reinforce your hate on us".
No. 1881783
File: 1692063536753.png (381.61 KB, 804x862, Screenshot Capture.png)

Gawd if I had the funds to buy terf stickers and place them everywhere trannies would use.
No. 1881790
File: 1692064268719.png (46.55 KB, 755x362, 13 days binge free on Twitter.…)

>>1881621I'm not sure but some ladies are doing god's work
No. 1881792
File: 1692064475243.png (571.22 KB, 748x906, X.png)

This guy was bragging about why women couldn't lift as much as he did….
No. 1881794
File: 1692064548697.png (241.84 KB, 794x1056, Screenshot Capture.png)

Another Canadian faux pas
No. 1881842
File: 1692072296214.png (2.53 MB, 3360x1930, stickers.png)

>>1881621>>1881790Don't know if this is the shop you're thinking of nonna, but here's one I've had filed away in my bookmarks for a while because I've wanted to do exactly the same kek No. 1881846
File: 1692073966011.jpeg (366.41 KB, 750x915, 6B8F72F0-8A72-4B58-8D51-710A28…)

>>1881790>>1881621I looked up
TERF stickers and found this kek. Is that even a thing? I think I’ve only ever heard of olympic athletes “finding out” they are actually XY, but did they really not know? I feel like they must have known.
No. 1881890
File: 1692088281698.png (1.32 MB, 2228x1136, ok.png)

No. 1881895
>>1881794they already do almost all of these in my province as far as im aware. oddly enough i found out bc one of my co-ed vollyball tif team mates obv trooned out to become "non binary" which means that she takes testosterone but has dysphoria for body hair so she is getting a certain amount of free laser done on her chest and stomach so she is more nonbinary???? i wish i was lying she excitedly told us this at dinner after practice, revolting honestly. oh and yes, women with pcos dont get laser. if you actually want to see for yourself
No. 1881898
>>1881724What a freakish ad. Imagine being this troon and thinking any sane woman would want to hire a strange lanky man in a dress to eat your family's food and cause problems. Any real lesbian would probably threaten to call the cops on him if he'd even get close to her.
>>1881890Look at how heavily filtered his face is. It's so obvious he's just some asian man, has huge fucking hands he's trying to make look small, and he just looks like he's wearing a wig.
>maid outfits and lifting his skirtIt's not a fetish, guys.
No. 1881902
File: 1692091238221.jpg (124.15 KB, 1397x749, F3jC4wiXEAA_f0m.jpg)

GOOD for her!! Never give a moid a chance if he begins talking about trans shit, his coombrain is already too far gone, just run!
No. 1881910
>>1881902The thought of this terrifies me so much. I could marry a guy and one day he just randomly decides to troon out and destroy our family to pursue the coom.
There HAS to be a ton of red flags that this is going to happen, right? I imagine there are but I'm also scared that a moid could just randomly become obsessed with porn and anime and decide to troon out while not expressing any hints of it prior.
No. 1881915
File: 1692095449417.jpg (178.94 KB, 1008x1200, F3YGLlYbQAAq0Qw.jpg)

No. 1881945
>>1881910It's impossible to truly reduce the risk of this happening to zero but if you want to avoid this you have to make sure his opinions on this stuff align with yours. Ideally he:
>doesn't agree with trans ideology/neopronoun shit but also isn't obsessed with hating it>doesn't make a big deal about gnc stuff, eg doesn't think enjoying typically feminine stuff makes him less of a man>isn't sexually deviantThere's no way of knowing for sure but these three are the best pointers imo besides obvious stuff like not being into online coomer spaces.
No. 1881960
File: 1692103135842.png (7.41 MB, 1620x7492, aidenhartxxx.png)

Tranny blows $250k on plastic surgeries: No. 1881966
>>1881960damn, all that money to look like a male burn
victim with severe mental disabilities
No. 1881976
File: 1692104898497.jpg (Spoiler Image,220.05 KB, 1080x1080, man.jpg)

>>1881960And all that paid by insurance, amazing, I won't even get glasses paid by mine, but well, guess not being able to see that well was my decision and isn't an illness that would be covered by any insurance. Burning the money would have had the same effect, he still looks like a man. Spoilered because male tits and bulge.
No. 1882047
>>1881910> There HAS to be a ton of red flags that this is going to happen, right?You only need one red flag: they're male. I understand the desire for companionship but never, EVER put yourself in a position where you can't escape from your Nigel. Keep your financial accounts separate, make sure both your names are on anything you sign like leases, know what you would pack if you're going to have to leave suddenly, and know where all the safe women's shelters are or friends who would let you crash at their place.
I already live with my bestie but if she ever moved out to be with a moid I'd make sure she had a set of keys to my apartment and a bag/basket of toiletries and spare clothes at my place.
No. 1882128
File: 1692121734826.jpeg (234.91 KB, 1170x688, IMG_9499.jpeg)

>muff muncher
this “transfem surpremecy” fetish on tumblr proves they all have some weird lesbian conversion fetish
No. 1882181
File: 1692125694150.jpg (983.46 KB, 1193x1556, F3YGnwxaYAAVFf-.jpg)

You dont even dress better Stephen
No. 1882193
File: 1692126260976.webm (1.16 MB, 320x364, 19O3RG6XqAR4QA_X.webm)
>Anne Andres(troon who set a new Canadian "womans's" national record) literally mocking women for not being as good as the bench press as him, not mentioning that the bench press was essentially made for male bodies and even a typical low-weight bench press is difficult due to our proportions.
No. 1882210
>>1881686My theory is that mens clothing is made to be functional and comfortable, so women look like regular people wearing them.
(alot of) womens clothing however is made to enhance the female body and femininity (narrowed in waist, tight fitting etc), making men and their square and masculine bodies look retarded and uncanny.
No. 1882262
File: 1692134322584.jpg (261.64 KB, 1567x1977, F3mFxKWXcAA6Dn5.jpg)

Ah yes, dont you also have aching pains in the balls when you have a period?
No. 1882275
File: 1692135899325.jpeg (455.8 KB, 1170x1828, IMG_2984.jpeg)

This makes me kek so fucking loudd lmao imagining seeing this in the mirror and genuinely believing with full confidence that people see you and think you have XX chromosomes. He literally looks like Damien from mean girls if Janice did his makeup and hair…
No. 1882357
File: 1692144929476.jpg (142.76 KB, 904x1734, FywLKkOaYAEZyZ5.jpg)

>>1881976fucking kek he looks like Doris from shrek
No. 1882360
>>1881915>Cumming in my uterusSex ed in the United States, everyone.
>I've given up trying to understandClearly.
No. 1882366
File: 1692145629086.png (395.88 KB, 748x675, X (2).png)

>He goes to schools to educate kids
>Companies are actually sponsoring him
No. 1882383
File: 1692146395367.png (344.23 KB, 748x736, X.png)

No. 1882386
File: 1692146465593.png (528.23 KB, 751x861, Genevieve Gluck on Twitter.png)

No. 1882460
File: 1692153371481.png (606.72 KB, 734x874, SFW_Hampshire on Twitter.png)

It's a man being reported as a "woman"
No. 1882495
File: 1692156401523.jpeg (133.31 KB, 761x515, IMG_1927.jpeg)

>>1879658saw a troon post OPs image (the tranny version) and genuinely burst out laughing when I found a picture of him. why do they even bother lying when we can all see what they look like lmao. also this guy tweets about how he’s 6 foot+ and miserable
No. 1882506
>>1882460This shit makes me so livid. It’s not bad enough that men commit heinous sex crimes, now women as a group will be blamed for committing them too. 99% of people don’t get past headlines, so this kind of stuff definitely shifts public perception. Statistics will start to be altered as well.
>>1882480They will try to say that we just never studied female sex crimes thoroughly, same excuse that one disgusting Ted Talk lady gave about why there are more male pedos.
No. 1882527
File: 1692165485808.png (3.65 MB, 828x1792, IMG_9723.png)

>>1882495Troons and TRAs have convinced themselves that sexual dimorphism isn't really a thing, but proportions don't lie.
No. 1882560
File: 1692176477990.jpg (168.97 KB, 1169x1279, F3YIC0Ya0AAcDeL.jpg)

This DID fad needs to end, these people are saying the most unhinged stupid shit
No. 1882561
>>1882138Come now, that's not true.
They deserve the wall. Metaphorically and literally.
No. 1882604
File: 1692188205308.jpg (801.97 KB, 810x2739, Screenshot_20230816-080628_Chr…)

>>1879759Transcel responding to that transwomen imposter post. The projection and copium are off the charts kek: No. 1882616
File: 1692189531106.png (254.59 KB, 603x686, Screenshot (10).png)

No. 1882622
File: 1692190558869.png (2.38 MB, 810x3461, Galactic_Azure.png)

He's just upset he resembles the tranny depicted in the meme, lol
No. 1882646
File: 1692194139065.jpeg (595.91 KB, 1232x1264, IMG_1734.jpeg)

Andrea Long Chu is seriously the ultimate peaking machine every time he opens his mouth. I know a lot of what he says is old news, but I thought nonas might want to read this new article on how much pornography is threaded with being a TiM. No. 1882649
>>1882275funny how they always use a filtered pic with alot of makeup and certain angles and hiding their body to prove how much they pass.
Cute selfie hon, now post a candid unfiltered one.
No. 1882665
File: 1692196047048.jpg (485.04 KB, 1080x1982, Screenshot_20230816_160741_com…)

Disgusting gym bro makes trans horseshoe bending
No. 1882696
File: 1692199615606.webm (2.17 MB, 320x320, FN4h_FsPxLG3GS_h.webm)
>A nifty video for anytime you have to argue with a troon or libfems regarding trans in womne's sports
No. 1882704
>>1882604>assuming that any woman who dislikes him must be an ugly, femcel catladyHe might as well have just blatantly said that he thinks a woman's value is based on how appealing she is to men. They can cut their dicks off all they like, but they're chauvinists to the core.
>uwu you should ask us for makeup tips heheYeah, I'm sure women are just dying to look like an eight-year-old applied their eyeliner with a Crayola marker. Good thing we don't need hideous drag queen makeup for strangers to recognize us as women.
No. 1882718
>>1882616Wow, misogyny
and racism. Double whammy. All aspects of their rhetoric indicate that they view black women as "less-woman-like" than other women, so it's no surprise that the same racism surfaces in their pathetic clapbacks.
No. 1882747
File: 1692205457352.jpg (307.29 KB, 1174x1280, Untitled.jpg)

For those who aren't familiar with UK culture, BBC is our tax-funded national broadcaster and Cheryl Hole is a mocking reference to a famous female singer called Cheryl Cole. They really have decided 1970s style misogyny is fine again as long as it's coming from a gay male.
No. 1882763
>>1882604this is a bit off topic and tangential to the post itself, but when it's quoting the post it says "build a pattern of behaviour [sic] from the group members"
Am I blind? Why did he add [sic]? Did he think, "real journalists add this word sometimes so if I add it somewhere in the middle here that makes me seem smart"? Or did the original post he was quoting contain [sic] for some reason?
No. 1882767
>>1882763probably because of the spelling of behaviour
in the US it's spelled behavior
No. 1882776
File: 1692208826345.jpeg (78.64 KB, 500x500, IMG_2187.jpeg)

>>1882767because we got rid of u kek
(derailing) No. 1882790
File: 1692209327204.jpg (486.47 KB, 1323x3349, UmAckshually(sic).jpg)

>>1882767so it's just another example of some dude trying to appear more smart than he actually is (while not even capitalising "I"), probably watches too much contrapoints kek
No. 1883044
File: 1692239211944.jpg (206.02 KB, 1452x2048, F3mpw5ra4AA5q20.jpg)

No. 1883062
File: 1692242243152.png (292.49 KB, 580x571, Screenshot 2023-08-16 11.02.16…)

Nominal Naomi, the famous coomer and groomer defender, is now claiming that having sex with a feminine gay dude is not gay. This tweet has received 90,000 likes, and the replies are full of gays in denial. The original tweet has coomers and troons insulting the woman who posted it. Calling mentally ill faggots more attractive than her. Naomi has even more retarded tweets. I took more screenshots that show how smooth a brain he has. And to think this faggot was calling another man a coomer during one of his debates for saying that our purpose in life is to reproduce but saying shit like this and believing it openly. He even cites a study from the late 80s, you know a great and educated time for "qweers".
No. 1883066
File: 1692242427195.png (17.7 KB, 586x90, Screenshot 2023-08-16 11.02.48…)

>>1883062more retardation from him. Totally not a coomer, just a "mother" who wants to take care of his children with his handmaiden you guys.
No. 1883108
>>1883063I can't tell if he's being deliberately obtuse or if he's genuinely too retarded to comprehend what she's saying here. The highlighted text isn't
her opinion– its her surmising the male/capitalist perception of womanhood. It's plainly indicated by the non-highlighted text.
No. 1883142
File: 1692261012321.jpeg (1.73 MB, 1242x1411, IMG_3370.jpeg)

This musician named Mothe that I stumbled on goes by “she/they” pronouns. Their music is pretty decent, must be pretty mentally ill tho. Like why(newfaggotry)
No. 1883155
>>1883142super mentally ill people will make more decent music. Apparently Mothe is a character he's playing for the music act, but he's just Spencer IRL. I hope he's just playing into what he assumes is his main audience's delusions, but it's truly pathetic.
I'm convinced Machine Girl are crypto anti-trans, but who knows lol
No. 1883164
File: 1692271624936.jpg (143.54 KB, 720x714, lesbian.jpg)

I just can't wrap my head around WHY are there any handmaidens left on the "lesbian" subreddits when scrotes like this are a dime a dozen. Like how can you not peak.
No. 1883176
>>1882750I think most people who aren't trans but still defend TiMs who competes against women are basement dwellers or haven't played any sport since they where 10.
>>1883128I'm not into chess so someone correct me if I'm wrong but I heard somewhere that chess tournaments used to be co-ed but male players where so sexist towards female players so they started dividing tournaments into female and male.
Unlike a sport like swimming, a man is not going to have a physical advantage over a woman when it comes to chess but it's still scummy for a man to try to compete in a women tournament when they where created to protect women from sexist men
No. 1883177
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Legit neanderthal
No. 1883183
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'I pass'
No. 1883188
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>>1883183He passes like the Kids in the Hall pass, jfc men really are face blind
No. 1883205
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you look like a man when you wear men's clothes. wow
No. 1883206
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Theres literally not an actuallesbian left in the r/actuallesbian sub, its just a trans echo chamber
No. 1883223
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More quality lesbian content!: No. 1883238
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>>1883212>r/lesbians is a porn sub that's actually disgusting
and of course the r/gaymen isn't porn
at least they have to deal with tifs lol
No. 1883243
>>1883176To my knowledge this is correct. There are a few sports like chess where the "women's league" exists mainly to try to attract women into the hobby by removing
toxic men, literally providing a safe space by women for women where the common interest is the only subject at hand. So yeah a boner popping, affirmation seeking, chess loving troon competing flies in the face of that. They show up and ask women to provide, they never aren't living life as a series of validation tests, and thus each woman has to be uncomfortable as they decide how to treat the man in a dress in each match.
No. 1883274
>>1880334This is just sad, I hope he gets help.
>>1882616She looks like a woman, what is the own here? kek
No. 1883293
>>1883205Unfunny man is unfunny.
I'm so fucking tired of these "jokes" at the expense of older women or mom stereotypes.
No. 1883329
>>1883206Bisexual handmaidens are arguably just as damaging to lesbians as TiMs are, because they're complicit in pressuring lesbians to fuck males by saying nonsense like "Well
I'm a lesbian and
I like cock." No you aren't! You're perpetuating ab extremely homophobic myth that lesbians just need to "give dick a chance," simply for the sake of LARPing as a lesbian because it makes you feel more ~speshul~ than admitting to being bisexual.
No. 1883353
>>1883336They do talk about how their wives are now lesbians after they troon out (aka too scared or brainwashed to leave them) but yeah I don't think I've ever heard of some transbian talking about wanting to turn straight women gay, it's always them going after out lesbians.
>>1883329You know most of those "bis" are spicy kweer het women who feel boring and want to be part of the cool crowd without having to go anywhere near another woman's vagina. Yeah sure being a degenerate who has sex with whatever stil technically makes someone a bisexual but you just know these are the "I don't see gender I see the person" types.
No. 1883378
>>1883164It's so clear in the way he says "I will never be a cute lesbian" rather than "I will never be cute". What's with the desire to become the label
>>1883205Holy fuck that ending is really mask off.
No. 1883478
>>1883449>man voice>can literally see his adam's apple moving up and down>cheap wigkek it's like he's parodying himself
>the things he lists are anime, not wanting body hair, not liking seeing men in porn, playing women in video games, and being a programmerdoes he not have any self awareness or is this really just a parody?
No. 1883479
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Troons are something else. The reason we can't compete with men is because men have barred women from chess or even training properly in chess for YEARS.
We need a women's league to have any chance to play and develop our skill.
Trans women love to imagine that men are smarter when most studies indicate women are smarter.
Ugh I hate men.
No. 1883482
File: 1692310752958.webm (9.71 MB, 576x1024, Download - 2023-08-15T010438.4…)
it's not an 'inner terf', it's simple self-awareness
No. 1883485
>>1883361I can't imagine it either but I know 2 very different women who married troons.
The better of them slips up and uses he/him sometimes but it's telling that even she messes up constantly. Her husband is "special interest" autistic and of course the interest is anime. He doesn't wear makeup or womens clothes. You would only know he's a tim because of the she/her pronouns. She identifies as lesbian and I believe it despite being married to a tim. I think she's still a virgin and they haven't had sex ever for obvious reasons. She has really low self esteem, so I think she thinks she can't get with anyone else.
The other one is a girl is a self identified enbie whose always been contrarian for the sake of it and does anything for shock value. Probably some type of clusterbee. She's early 30's and the troon she married looks like he's pushing 50 and never showers. I think she just wanted to be in a "qweer" relationship when in reality it's just another spicy straight couple.
Small sample size but I guess it's either desperation and internalized misogyny or mental illness. I guess it makes sense since there are many non tim men who are gross with nothing going for them either and women still date, fuck, have kids with, &/or marry them
No. 1883486
>>1883482weird that he characterizes that voice as being female, before venting rage at it
i wonder if he had a wife before trooning out and this is just him saying what he wishes he could say to her
and what the fuck are those eye movements
No. 1883532
>>1883479>"The only reason for banning TIMs from female competitions is that you think males are superior to women."They do this every time, without realizing that their smug dismissive attitudes only make women more resistant to them. Meanwhile, the only ways someone could think that this is why these bans are occurring is if they've done no research and don't actually care about why women want separate spaces from men, or they believe it themselves and are projecting. Otherwise, people like this are knowingly lying to try to get their way. You could show him
>>1883325 and
>>1883243 , but he'd just dismiss those points wholesale and insist they magically wouldn't apply to TIMs.
No. 1883547
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No. 1883551
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>>1883183He also goes into women's change rooms still having his penis attached.
No. 1883552
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>>1883223"Be nice to trannies they say"
No. 1883559
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>>1880360extremely late but omg anon do you have any more milk? this dude has been a pet cow of mine since I peaked. seems like he's been laying low lately because even other troons are trying to cancel him for being a creep
No. 1883564
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>>1883547Family friendly entertainment
No. 1883597
>>1883547there are plenty of female entertainers (especially comedic or alternative) who have similar names to this. double entendre wordplay is common amongst performers. jenny talia is in that list and she's literally a female former club kid. the only unforgivable one is "malestia child" and its obvious that's just an attention seeking edgelord fag.
idk it always makes radfems seem akin to qanon tards when we choose to focus on bullshit like this. but that's all im going to speak on it because im not trying to derail.
No. 1883605
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>According to a 2021 study done on the perceptions and motivations for uterus transplants for men identifying as women, 94% of respondents believed that the ability to birth children "would enhance perceptions of their femininity."Instead of you know having a child No. 1883637
>>1883547If drag is a "celebration of women"
Sure, and blackface is a "celebration of blackness." I wish these retards would hurry up and pull their heads from their asses already.
No. 1883679
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Could the bar for "transphobia" be any lower?: No. 1883693
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>>1883552Here's one I had saved
No. 1883702
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Porn really makes these men into trannies who shove buttplugs into their asses during sex without their spouses knowing. The internet was a mistake for men, they cant handle it
No. 1883704
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>>1883702Ofcourse all the trannies are siding with the husband and encouraging her to "top" him with a strapon and other degenerate shit to satisfy him, and be "gentle" because he could be embarrased. Well he fucking should be, and she shouldnt have to do stupid shit like pegging him because he is a pornaddict
No. 1883719
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>>1883702How many similar stories have we come across by now
No. 1883720
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Really suits your male pattern baldness
No. 1883723
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>>1883705>>1883702>>1883719I've wondered this a lot too. I think Low T males, which there's been a lot more this decade than there ever has been, are naturally envious of women. I think it's partially due to plastics, yes some forms of soy in food do act like estrogen, and actually electronics, especially if it's like a laptop. Ever notice it keeps happening to nerds? They have a tendency to eat these bad diets with soy filled foods, have laptops fry their balls and sperm count, and they probably get a lot of passive plastic intake. A man with normal T ranges doesn't envy a woman, nor does he want to be topped. A normal man wants to provide and would be emotionally stable enough to handle and take care of his wife during childbirth.
These women should immediately confront their husbands and demand he take a hormone test and see where his T levels are at. If you ever encounter some man you know who claims to be a troon, just tell him to take a test and see where his testosterone levels are at and then go from there. If he refuses and still wants to play tranny, any woman involved should immediately leave him. I've heard stories that by simply fixing the hormonal balance and taking a little extra T, they go right back to being normal men. It's shocking. Why the hell would you tell a man with low T or hormonal imbalance to take estrogen?
(derailing) No. 1883728
File: 1692357371276.png (Spoiler Image,594.67 KB, 519x575, WHAA.PNG)

i thought public nudity was ilegal
No. 1883741
File: 1692359915625.jpg (513.26 KB, 1079x2026, Screenshot_20230818_125616_Ins…) news article on the trans woman who incited violence towards women, and who had a history of violent crime. These people are protesting his arrest, and imprisonment which is happening because that would happen if he broke the terms of his parole. Troons literally want to just be as nasty and misogynistic as they want without real consequences. He's a grown ass man who knew this would happen to him but he still did it.
No. 1883802
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Ofc a tranny would have this take
No. 1883812
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No. 1883817
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>>1883720Life truly does imitate art
No. 1883820
>>1883814because whenever they even start to doubt it slightly, all it takes is one picture/post in their echo chamber to hear how
valid and beautiful they are.
No. 1883837
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>>1883702>>1883705>>1883714Oh wow, this sounded really familiar and I realized I saw this same woman post on a lesbian sub the other day about her husband getting on HER. The post was removed but comments are still up. I love how the response from women is so different from the response from TiMs. No. 1883839
File: 1692368877521.jpg (94.53 KB, 575x893, jumpscare.JPG)

Found this one on Facebook, unsure of whether I am terrified or if I should laugh
No. 1883854
>>1883704"your husband you have 2 young children with that wants to be pegged by a transwoman? totally normal now stop complaining you Karen"
How are these people for real?
No. 1883859
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"I pass 95% of the time as a cis woman"
No. 1883861
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>>1883336Reminds me of Lily Orchard, even before I peaked trans, he creeped me out, with how obsessed he was with lesbians, to the point that he would whine and rage if a heterosexual relationship was depicted in any of the cartoons he watched, as to why i think TIMs tend to be fixated on lesbianism, 1) is porn and fetishization and other is a fear of men. This really stands out with Lily Orchard, in his published works there is always a powerfantasy scenes of his OCs effortlessly beating and humiliating a group of straight men and stealing their girlfriends.
No. 1883865
>>1883861He sounsds like the quintessential incel fantasising about getting back at chad for being more desirable than him to women.
>>1883854>How are these people real?Porn addiction. Men should be banned from the internet.
No. 1883873
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>>1883865>He sounsds like the quintessential incel fantasising about getting back at chad for being more desirable than him to women.And he gets back at Chad by positioning himself as the ultimate minority, he is an Indigenous (he is 1/4th native but passes white and draws himself like he's brown skinned) trans lesbian, anyone who challenges him is labeled a variation of misogynist , racist, transphobe and so in his logic he wins every time
No. 1883888
File: 1692377863313.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.31 KB, 612x900, F3zrI0NWcAIUjIi.jpg)

Yes you totally cant tell the difference between this and a real vagina
Warning: neo-hole
No. 1883892
>>1883867>normal levels of TDoctors have recently redefined what "normal levels" of T are, though. A lot of them are in on profiting off of trannies for life. It's not some kind of coincidence.
>it's all menMore like porn addicts. I swear men's minds are so fragile to sexual images. It rewires how they think about themselves and the world around them.
No. 1883905
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>>1883861I remember in his Harry Potter video he talked a few times about how Hermione and Luna should have ended up together and then shared a fan fiction from one of his friends of Harry discovering he's a trans-girl (and lesbian), like I don't think even the most extreme man-hating radfem, dislikes men as much as he does.
No. 1883911
>>1883861>>1883873His deadname is Jerry Peet. He took the name Orchard from his ex-fiancée, Lizzy Orchard, who he abused and cheated on. His pokemon comic (Pokemadhouse) talks about the relationship between his Gardevoir and his self-insert, in a will-they won't-they way, and that somehow has underage incest vibes. He also wrote Stockholm, a MLP fanfic with Rainbow Dash being a pedo, adopting Scootaloo and molesting her, among other things. His sister, Courtney, recently came out with allegations against him, saying he raped her in her sleep when she was a child/preteen. What a strange coincidence!
No. 1883916
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No. 1883924
>>1883916>NatsukiThis tranny got his name from Doki Doki Literature Club, which is
a really disturbing meta horror game where schoolgirls die. Good grief, troons and violence, name a more iconic duo
No. 1883950
>>1883873 he is an Indigenous trans lesbian, he can pull any card to justify himself and get away with anything from wokeoids.
No. 1883952
>>1883936You should remove it/cross it out and/or put a
terf sticker over it.
No. 1883980
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No. 1883981
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Brony content creators are notorious for trooning out and they are often into kids too. Fluffepuff (his content even transitions into being about cartoon women with big boobies instead of just ponies), viva reverie, eurobeatbrony, digibrony. Picrel is digibrony who is obsessed with lolicon and is probably on his way to grooming kids.
No. 1884008
>>1884006FFR. It totally does seem like there is some hidden brain virus in the show because these kinda stories seem never ending. And it makes me feel bad for the young girls who grew up with it and when they wanted to get into the fandom and interact with other fans, they more than likely had to deal with these creeps.
But it really is just so perplexing. One could argue it could be because the show was an female lead cast but there have been plenty of other shows that did that. Like we didn't see some weird troon pipeline with a show like Winx Club or W.I.T.C.H that had a female lead cast so it's just so bizarre.
No. 1884020
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>>1883929KEK the doctor really did just fold his dick down and called it a day
No. 1884022
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Maybe because youre super ugly and a freak
No. 1884024
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I doubt its gonna be possible in "a couple of years", more like 50, but its still enough for me to pull myself off the organ donor list. I refuse to have my bodyparts used for frankensteins experimentation.
It sucks because id gladly help somebody with an ACTUAL medical issue after my death but I just dont want to be a victim of misogynistic violation even after im fucking dead and finally rid of men
No. 1884029
>>1884008Yeah it’s super strange because, as you mentioned, these guys were never into similar shows (girly shows with main cast of all females targeted at little girl audiences). The closest thing these guys were into was moe cgdct anime, but that’s different because the target audience for those is typically adult men and it is made for the cast to be somewhat attractive to the viewers, has fanservice, etc. Otherwise, these brony guys were all into the same typical autistic dude stuff like guns, MtG, transformers. I’ve used /co/ for years and years and while the guys there do obsess over kids cartoons, it’s never really ones like FiM. It’s hard to keep a Monster High thread alive, for example. So when FiM initially became popular there, it was really strange and felt forced. It’s almost like maybe it started as a meme, and then it became a boys club that they all wanted to be a part of, and they were able to sexualize the ponies well enough, so it grew from there. Troons seem to be really susceptible to trend-following (probably one reason they trooned out in the first place) and seem to collect all the interests and fetishes that are popular at the moment in their online cliques. So these bronies might not have even really been that enamored with the show itself, and would have jumped on whatever bandwagon happened to be there at the time.
No. 1884035
>>1884024Retards have been releasing this useless waste of digital space of an article over and over again for years already, this shit is the gendercult version of the
Didney’s FIRST GAY CHARACTER EVER article that gets released every 2 to 3 movies that they make.
No. 1884045
>>1884018WTF, that is horrible. See this is why I'm glad I was a kid in the late 90s where the most we had were messed up ghost stories that still were tame compared to this shit.
>>1884029Right. Like I was gonna say Sailor Moon as well but when I think about it, it doesn't seem like these troons really used that show as a pipeline neither, at least not on the level of FiM. I think you might be right though that maybe a lot of these brony troons didn't actually watch the show but instead were enamored with all the porn of it. Since it does seem to cross over into furry territory and get the coomer treatment but especially turning them into "futa".
Again, you don't see this energy with other girls media.
No. 1884050
>>1884024This is such dud science, a male body can only supply blood to a uterus, all other vital and complex elements whereby a woman's body changes in every way to accomodate the growing won't happen in a male. Every organ, hormone, gland, is intrinsically linked to work as part of a functional whole, you can't just put a foreign object into a body which is not designed to accomodate it. I'm sure you can temporarily supply blood to, and keep functional, any organ, they do experiments on pigs and mice to this effect, but an organ on life support in entirely the wrong body and genetic environment could not grow a healthy human child. If anything the male body would register it as a cancer. And as all women know, any involvement of drugs on a pregnancy can have catastophic effects on the fetus, we are supposing a man on immune suppresents, hormones and god knows what else, if anything survived it would be severely disabled at a minimum.
Idk why the media want people to believe this is possible when it blatantly isn't, maybe it's reverse psychology to try and remove as many useless coomer males from the gene pool as possible.
Btw the "organ donor after your death" thing is also a lie, since the 70s iirc they reclassified death as specifically brain death. Not physical passing. And half of people classified as brain dead, upon autopsy were in fact not. So they over-diagnose brain death in order to widen their pool of organ donors. Of course some or many donors are close to death but I'm sure a number could be saved if they weren't so keen to strip them for parts. An actual deceased person's organs cannot be used, you are always alive when they are removed.
No. 1884054
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>>1884045>>1884029I remember seeing a post on Tumblr that really helped explain the brony phenomenon to me. It clarified how it started and what it was actually about. Essentially, the number one aspect that created "bronies" was that they were lolicons, the characters of MLP were very child-like in napper, voices and mannerisms, This made it incredibly easy for these men to view them as little girls, which led to their bizarre creepy behavior. This aspect was a major factor. Another aspect, was the presence of unironic zoophilia fetishes
No. 1884072
>>1883723I think you have a point anon, I remember seeing a subreddit on primal diets (no fighting pls) and multiple people have claimed their dysphoria disappeared when they ate the right things (less hormone disruptors)
I feel like this is especially true with women, I've seen so many women become more feminine looking (less hair, more hourglass fat distribution, etc) once they cleared up their diets.
No. 1884075
>>1884070This is what the few women with "successful" uterus transplants had to do; basically they were on immunosuppressants for the duration of the pregnancy and had the uterus removed after the baby was born. Even outside of the context of trannies, it's absurdly selfish and a waste of resources. There are millions of homeless children, but these retarded women just
had to waste hundreds of thousands of dollars to have a baby that was ~genetically theirs~ and personally push it out of their bodies. Nevermind the risk all that bullshit poses not only to the mom but to the baby itself. The fucking temerity of it all.
No. 1884077
File: 1692401661603.png (23.38 KB, 533x203, troonery1.png)

Yes, self-absorbed MTF, I'm sure it was definitely the "genocidal TERFs" who were sending low-effort harassment to this male gynecomastia vlogger telling him he looked like an FTM, and not bored antisocial moids looking for a quick trolling laugh.
(Image 1/3, couldn't fit it all in one screenshot)
No. 1884089
>>1883723Stop falling for the retarded Ben Shapiro soy meme. A guy would have to consume an absurd amount of soy-based foods for it to affect his hormone levels. It's pretty much the same as mercury in tuna, or cyanide in apples. They're negligible amounts. My Nigel is in residency and he can attest to the soy thing being an urban legend.
If anything is affecting people's hormones, it's all the shit they inject livestock with. My acne vanished almost completely when I cut out dairy and beef.
No. 1884104
File: 1692404921924.png (309.71 KB, 834x541, 1636673497368.png)

>someone invites a mtf tranny to a smallish private friends discord server i'm in
>tranny does nothing but post anime girl gifs and talk about their panic attacks and self-harming and being mentally ill
>broadcasts their breakdowns while everyone is vibing and chatting
wow these people are so likeable
No. 1884118
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>>1883705During and immediately after pregnancy is an extremely common time for abuse to begin or worsen, because the woman is "trapped" at that point.
No. 1884134
>>1884125>>1884127AYRT and there's egg on my face if I got fooled by an actual TIF, kek
I was more focused on the moid seething about how it was definitely "TERFs" doing the harassment.
No. 1884153
>>1884058ayrt, my sources were medical documents and studies, I know it sounds like bullshit but you should be able to find the same things yourself (maybe use duckduckgo since google is fucked now) but it was pretty easy to find a couple of years ago. AI and other fuckery have kinda ruined the internet which makes me wish I'd bookmarked every relevant thing I've ever read.
But it's a fact that the classification for medical death changed in the 70s or 80s and it's a fact that half of bodies were not actually brain dead after autopsy.
Generally you need to be in a dire situation e.g. car accident or some workplace machinery injury to have healthy organs but be braindead, so the vast majority of illnesses and deaths don't qualify for organ donation and there is obviously a long waitlist as a result. So imo for any qualifying accidents hospitals would be keen to use those organs on patients who are waiting.
Anyway I'm sorry I don't have the links because I was not ready for the internet to totally fuck itself with ai and spam but you should hopefully be able to find these studies with some searching.
No. 1884203
>>1884089"My Nigel is in residency" lmao.
The mercury in tuna is not negligible, there's a reason they tell pregnant women to avoid it. If you eat fish too often you can get mercury poisoning symptoms pretty quickly, and it takes years to go away. Also getting acne when you drink milk is a sign of lactose intolerance. I don't know where you're finding milk treated with hormones, I don't think they even have a brand that uses it at my local supermarket. Even the Walmart great value brand says "cows are not treated with artificial hormones" on the side.
No. 1884220
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>>1883929holy I DID not need that close up..
No. 1884272
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>>1884220Yeah that's not insulting at all. Women are just barnyard breeding stock to these scrotes huh
No. 1884365
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give me something for the cringe and let me die
No. 1884375
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>Estrogen made me clumsy
No. 1884388
>>1884380Samefag as
>>1884373 and while double checking before I spoke out my ass, I saw resources saying that the same deficiencies that are associated with hair loss, both on the body and head, tend to be associated with nails becoming more brittle. He listed both kek.
No. 1884389
>>1884375They dress up all their health problems as becoming more ladylike…
>weakened nails>loss of body hair>loss of scent >loss of libedo>emotional deregulationThese are not good things. Also weak nails?? I know women get more brittle nails after menopause but that's from the lack of estrogen. I don't understand why every body change is perceived as a new "woman thing" rather than an issue, like the diarrhea becoming periods
No. 1884404
File: 1692459586807.jpg (504.66 KB, 1536x2048, FzpDBRfaIAcraGb.jpg)

look at this hideous dude
No. 1884406
>>1884404The huge witch wart on the chin, the scraggly nasty hair, the hideous glasses and crazy coomer stare….
yup, that's a ~lady~
No. 1884411
>>1884375 (even though that one accidentally described it as making him look startled kek), they're trying to make their eyes look rounder and more "doe-like." They try to pass it off as a natural result of transitioning, even though it's clearly strained, and they have no idea it makes them look insane, rather than "feminine."
No. 1884415
>>1884404Classic troon hair, oily yet fried at the same time.
>>1884407I think they think it makes them look like a "cute anime girl with big eyes". Nope, just highlights their insanity even more.
No. 1884421
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>>1881783>>1881842>>1881621I went looking for some stickers and forgot about this shop. Ordered a few packs of these for punk venue bathrooms and anywhere else I see troons shit No. 1884437
>>1884054AYRT and that's insane but it does make some sense because going back to the aforementioned girls shows like Winx Club, the characters were clearly teenaged girls and maybe that is why these particular guys weren't into them.
The characters in FiM do have a more child-like essence to them but hearing this just makes it all the more creepier and yeah, the zoophilia was a given because it can tie in with furry.
No. 1884464
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>>1884458It is though, I have mentioned this a few times already, firstly the original study regarding the off-spring actually surviving was retracted, secondly if it did happen those cells in that rat experiment wouldn't be full sperm cells, they would have lacked a fertilisation function and lacked the Stra8+ BMCs germ cells, and mostly importantly unless they make massive advances in the field(like to the point we can cure cancer). the sperm cells created aren't new telomeres which means that they will be the age of the person they took them from genetically, so the children will have a drastically shorter lifespan(if it was possible in the first place)
No. 1884493
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>>1884407If they showed your their relaxed/neutral facial posture, you’d see how severe their cro magnon brow ridge is.
No. 1884806
>>1884761>psychotic>narcissistic>medically impossible>harmful>indulgentyou just named things that apply to literally every aspect of medical transition, that's why it's troonphobic. "You wouldn't call a cis woman delusional for wanting to have children fucking
terf!!" is how they would phrase it. Probably something about bodily autonomy as well.
No. 1884848
>>1884832nonna, check out these posts up thread:
one of the experiments that people reference for this situation is a genuine fucking horror show. scientists still had to "connect" the female rats to the male rate via surgery to deliver important pregnancy hormones and blood components. even then, most of the offspring died or were born severely fucked up. bringing a baby into this world under such circumstances would violate every ethical code that we've developed in the 20th century. uterus implants and actual births are not in the cards for scrotes. the authors of this study admitted they weren't even causing a male to give birth in any meaningful way, they were basically syphoning off the female rats reproductive system to ensure a male could incubate and deliver
No. 1884852
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This is a new one but I'm really not surprised this happened.
No. 1884898
>>1884832That technology simply isn't here and it's fear mongering. Men have been envying our wombs since the dawn of time and incels threatening to replace us with metal incubation chambers, but it's all hollow threats. They need us and they hate us for that.
>>1884848I know moids would claim these are "just rats", but these animals didn't sign up for some kind of torture like this. Of course the experiments are run by scrotes. Absolute psychopathy.
No. 1884900
>>1884896samefag as
>>1884863 but I think I figured it out.
>Troon (most likely pre transition) hears about women going to the bathroom in groups. >Thinks it involves sexy lesbo makeout time in the stalls or something else on that level of terminal porn sickness. >Troons out for one reason or another and remembers female bathroom groups. >Goes to club and asks a total stranger to go in together so he can get his dick wet. >She understandably says "no fuck off" >reee's and spergs because porn lied to him. Will most likely 41% in the coming months No. 1884901
>>1884900Too bad he didn't realize that as a male, he could get all the gay bathroom hookups he wants, no trooning out required.
>Will most likely 41% in the coming monthsHere's hoping
No. 1884904
File: 1692510493056.png (177.26 KB, 720x767, Screenshot_20230820-004745.png) this on Reddit and it made me curious.I feel like if the majority of troons acted normal not only would women be so much safer but how many of us would still be transphobic?
No. 1884918
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came across this in the wild while looking for dresses on amazon. can’t even shop in peace without these ugly ass mother fuckers popping up like honestly how do you go out looking like that and thinking you pass at all?!?
No. 1884919
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>>1884918it’s the toes literally hanging off his shoes that makes me laugh the hardest
No. 1884958
>>1884855The whole idea that there's "so much anti-trans legislation" being passed doesn't make any sense to me. Here in America, abortion bans are already in effect in many places, more states are trying to put abortion bans into effect, nothing is actually being done to prevent police brutality (least of all against
POC), the measures taken against a literal pandemic were a pathetic joke, there are still states that criminalize consensual sodomy, 32 states still have laws against gay marriage that could take immediate effect if the Supreme Court decides to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges (right-wing legislators have made it clear they want to do this), and literal alt-right insurrectionists were given the legal equivalent of a slap on the wrist. Meanwhile, trannies are up in arms about
some states banning teaching gender ideology in schools (reassertion of separation of church and state, protection of parental rights), bathroom bills (protection of female-only spaces), and laws protecting sex-segregated sports (again, protection of female-only spaces), none of which are being implemented everywhere.
Just to give you an idea of how absurd this all is: I live in a notoriously "red" state, and recently, a law was passed here protecting inclusion of trans ideology in schools, as well as allowing school staff to assist in a child's "transition" without telling the parents or getting consent from them, and protection of the "right" for trans-identifying students to use the bathroom of the opposite sex. This state currently has restricted abortion, and legislators have intentions of putting a total ban in place. It's one of the 32 states with remaining legislation against gay marriage. It is currently beneath half of the United States in terms of employment equality in terms of race, sex, and disability. It's within the top 20 worst states for pay equality between the sexes. Simply put, it's a regressive shit hole. And yet, mysteriously, the state government supports allowing males to go into female-only spaces, and allowing school staff to secretly encourage and support children to make major life decisions (that one could even consider to be
medical decisions) without parental knowledge or consent. Funny, that. I suppose this is secretly a "progressive" state?
No. 1884977
>>1884958Not to mention what's actually being passed vs what troons say is being passed are two different things
By the way they were talking about it, I thought the book bannings were like massive protests where everyone started burning books that remotely mentioned sexuality. Then it turned out school districts simply just got a list of suggestions to ban from the school libraries (not even the county or city libraries mind you) and the individual schools can choose to remove it from there, and it only ended up being a handful of schools kek. A lot of the book bans were rightfully so like that green book that straight up romanticizes a gay man being a pedo
Almost everyone knows school libraries suck and have nothing anyway, most kids who want to read something specific will just go to the public library
No. 1884990
>>1884848This is disgusting and the ASPCA should get involved. I swear “researchers” who do shit like this are just evil sadists who get away with it because their
victims are animals.
No. 1884994
>>1884931i see trannies claim that quite often but has anyone ever seen a study on that? according to this comment self-arousal seems to be a common occurence and if the rate is apparently the same for women, then there should be a source proving that.
i know it's bullshit cause moids don't even try to comprehend female sexuality, i'm just baffled at how long already they rely on fucking porn for a 'proof'
No. 1885002
>>1884977I remember that! What actually happened was a fairly civil discussion about what material was appropriate for children, particularly in a school setting (since, in a child's mind, a book being in a school library can be interpreted as it being "more factual" or otherwise "approved" by authority figures), which allowed people to more or less come to their own conclusions and act accordingly.
I understand worries about censorship and repression, as a gay woman who has seen the shit conservatives deem "inappropriate" (discussing the effects of racism and colonization in the West in history classes, mention of homosexuality in sex ed), but this wasn't like that. I also find it a bit hypocritical, when the group acting like this was some sort of puritanical book ban actively treat something as benign as Harry Potter the same way evangelicals did in the 90s and aughts. This obviously goes without mentioning all the feminist books TRAs
actually tried to ban.
>>1884994The only citation I've ever seen them give was a study that questioned women about their personal relationship with their sexuality. The tl;dr was TIMs interpreted women saying "I sometimes feel sexy when I wear lingerie" as comparable to AGP.
No. 1885009
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>Trans women would skin ourselves alive to be cis women
No. 1885079
>>1884916but that’s the thing they put uteruses in the males and no dice, nothing happened
no baby rats formed they died
it wasn’t until they sewed the males and females together for anything to happen and even then it was like 3% success with horrid results
so they’ve proven it themselves, you NEED a female reproductive system to form babies
No. 1885088
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>>1885080>>1884848I posted this in a previous thread, but radical feminist activist and biologist Renate Klein talked about going as far back as the late 1970s, male scientists and researchers, who were well funded by backers with questionable motives, invested millions of dollars and years of resources in trying to create an artificial womb, it was an incredible waste of funds and resources. They did this Instead of focusing on research to make natural births easier and safer for women. Klein also suggested that these fruitless attempts were driven by envy towards women to create life.
No. 1885096
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>def not predatory at all
No. 1885128
>>1885088If they couldn’t get a totally controlled and operated machine to harbor a baby without issues/get it to work, what makes them think a living, breathing male who is not equipped with any of the necessary components and cannot be equipped with such without his body shutting down, rejecting or doing nothing with said equipment will be able to carry a baby? Scratch that. They can’t even get a plain uterus in there without it being rejected. If you can’t even get that to go in the body without flaw, how the hell else is the rest supposed to come about?
This is all very wishful. DailyMail isn’t to be trusted anyways because it is a tabloid. But to the nona who posted the AMA article, the writer speaks about how physicians are backing out of the program without saying anything because of the activists putting feelings over actual reality. One part even states how trans women should be able to have uterus even if they don’t intend to give birth (not like they can). If you do any single crumb of research about uterus transplants you’ll know that it does not stay forever and has to be removed. It’s not permanent.
So all these fantasies of men walking around getting abortions and getting off to being pregnant really shouldn’t even be being taken seriously. It’s literally disgusting.
No. 1885134
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>>1885009>>1885013Incorrect. They would skin actual women like Ed Gein did. But thanks to advancements in latext breastplates and body suits we get AGP freaks like pic rel running around.
No. 1885145
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>>1883905He even quoted Dworkin in the same video.
No. 1885151
File: 1692552631750.webm (4.59 MB, 576x590, Download - 2023-08-20T181904.5…)
american vicky pollard
No. 1885172
File: 1692556387593.jpeg (1.31 MB, 1284x1967, IMG_8372.jpeg)

Dude is unhappy that one of the only lesbian subs where women can talk about not wanting dick won’t validate him, even though there are still many women doing so in the comments. Most normal people would just unsubscribe from a subreddit if they saw something they didn’t like. What kind of move is this?
No. 1885174
>>1883741About a month or two ago, the troons and handmaids over at Sisters Uncut called for action in support of Alan. Never mind he went to prison for kidnapping and torturing one of his family members (who was a minor iirc, but it would still be bad if the
victim was an adult)
No. 1885198
>>1884575AYRT thanks
nonnie. I’m just glad I’m finally on a really good Medicaid plan and can start to get everything fixed w/o worrying about the cost
No. 1885199
>>1885172isn't LesbianActually the subreddit that was made to replace ActualLesbians when it became troon central? last I checked it was also troon infested because reddit refuses to allow any space to actual women.
moids will bitch about literally anything not 100% catering to them and then call us emotional and naggy
No. 1885225
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No. 1885243
Yes, LesbianActually is troon infested, but the jannies don't mod the anti troon comments as intensely as the mods on ActualLesbain. Like you can't say, "YWNBAW" but you can push back on troon dbaggery unlike ActualLesbians.
No. 1885284
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No. 1885389
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hi lily!!
No. 1885393
>>1885304He doesn't actually feel unsafe, he's just baiting for the biological females on the sub to say "Nooooo please don't go - you are SO
valid queen! We'd love to suck your girldick!"
No. 1885404
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Once again , trans identified men are calling their cramps
" periods ".
No. 1885429
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>I wanna use the women's bathrooms but I'm still keeping my penis!!!!
No. 1885431
File: 1692581640704.jpg (Spoiler Image,87.19 KB, 1200x900, 635c027035c0d.image.jpg)

Today i found out that the miss universe contest modernized it's rules to be more "feminist": trans "women" can now apply, yet the age limit stays at just 27…make it make sense, somebody like margot robbie is too haggard yet some plastic moid is okay - and all that thanks to its new owner (pic)
I really wonder what's wrong with thailand to have such a troon epidemic?
No. 1885435
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>>1884931It's not the same because you are not a woman. A woman feeling sexy isn't agp because they are actual women.
This is the ugly faget who pinned that comment by the way.
No. 1885441
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No. 1885442
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>>1885431The new owner is a tranny too, that's why the rules have changed.
No. 1885461
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autist collage but seeing every one of this girl’s videos on my fyp over the course of a week and then seeing the newest one was enough to make me MATI / close to alogging. i just don’t see how she could be this close to getting it and then bringing her troglodyte into said spaces and not having the self awareness to see she is doing said thing. did you go up to every ‘bf’ in the room and check if it’s okay because they have a girldick actually, or are you expecting others to do the same?
No. 1885490
>>1885471I don't doubt that men assault each other for a variety of reasons basically everywhere they're allowed to be (not even just restrooms) but that's
men's fault. It's retarded to punish women by stealing their spaces when men are the ones at fault. A man could kill another man in the fucking vacuum of space and people would still find a way to blame and/or punish women for it.
No. 1885492
>>1885487This is their reaction whenever they're called out for things in general and I'm so tired of it. It's always 'no one's doing/saying this, you're just trying to make us look bad'. They'll lie through their teeth so they're always the
victim and look good to normies but then immediately contradict themselves and say those things when they think no one's looking. Idk how handmaidens haven't figured this out yet, whenever I see a viral tweet from one of them I'll check their profile and it's full of degeneracy and misogyny, do libfems never look at their pages too?
No. 1885496
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>>1885389"polly" relationship sounds about right considering the beak on the thing on the left
No. 1885512
nonny but well aware of the kathoey shit. It's a combination of local poverty and external degeneracy. Sex tourism is so prevalent in South East Asia that Thailand had to shake things up. Ladyboys, pingpong shows and live animal shows became extremely popular when budget airlines started and Bangkok was a stop all travel agents pimped in the '70s. It's normal for moids to hit the brothels as soon as they arrive. Cambodia is still more popular for pedos but sex tourists like Thai ladyboys young and many schools hold beauty contests for boys to do drag. These schools also hire unqualified American men as English teachers who love this "tradition". Some ladyboys are just short gay prostitutes who get free drinks and then detransition when they hit twink death, but you can find them working behind cosmetics counters too so it's not like they are all poor oppressed prostitutes (they're usually fat though kek). HSTS are the majority but there are plenty of AGPs emboldened by the TRA movement. Thai men treat ladyboys as a joke because it's funny that a man would lower himself to the level of a woman. I can't find it online but in the late '90s there was a very popular Thai ad where a man accidentally uses the women's bathroom and then tries to act feminine when he realises his mistake. Today trannies would cry about it.
No. 1885547
>>1885440Nothing mysterious about its literally just because of poverty. I remember a Thai person saying that people in the Thai countryside were usually horrifically poor and lived on a really crappy subsistence hand to mouth lifestyle. For sons the oldest one would inherit any property and they would be expected to to work on the farm, and for girls they would often be sent to the city to work in prostitution because it was the only way rural women could make any money. Some families realized their kids could earn twice as much if they sent their sons to the city to become prostitutes too, and because there was already a moral/legal loophole in regards to the third gender stuff many took advantage of it, especially if they had more than one son, the youngest one would often be sent to become a prostitute because he wouldn’t inherit any property anyway. I guess after a while it just became widely accepted and when they realized lots of western degenerates were willing to pay even more money it probably took off and got promoted even further as a cultural norm. Pretty sad.
For the record though, there’s only estimated to be around 350,000 trans people in Thailand out of a population of 71 million, which would make them around 0.4% of the population.
The number of trans people in the US amounts to around 1.6% of the population and in Germany and Sweden it’s around 3%, so even despite Thailands more accepting culture of trannies, the west still has more troons per capita.
No. 1885610
>>1885422>>1885448Lili Elbe (perhaps the most famous early AGP) started transition in the 1920s, had gotten an even more primitive form of SRS (which was basically castration and a random ovary implant, despite the lack of a uterus), and was legally registered as a woman by 1930. He got "vaginoplasty" and a uterus transplant in 1931, and died three months later. He's still cherished by "trans historians" to this day, even though transition only "saved his life" for one year after his supposed planned suicide date, and it was literally what killed him, in the end.
Lou Sullivan, the AAP TIF whose response to dying of AIDS was "I took a certain pleasure in informing the gender clinic that even though their program told me I could not live as a Gay man, it looks like I'm going to die like one," transitioned in 1975. She was likely infected during her double mastectomy in 1980, got SRS in 1986, and was diagnosed with HIV after the SRS. She was given 10 months to live, but actually lived until 1991, somehow.
Granted, these things were far less common back in those times, and the political power trans ideology has has skyrocketed since then. But I just can't believe that this will be over in a few years, just because it's insane and more people seem a little more knowledgeable about it than people of the past. Footbinding lasted a millennium in China, and all that.
No. 1885619
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>>1885591Takes two seconds to google you lazy faggot
No. 1885622
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Sanest diaperfag troon
No. 1885624
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I wonder how these men would turn out to be without internet
No. 1885627
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>>1885619I'll trust my own country's statistics more than "germany and sweden hurrdurr"
No. 1885653
>>1885512>but you can find them working behind cosmetics counters tooThat's why I was asking. I know that you can find them anywhere, especially in media and also higher positions, e. g. you'll hardly see a thai tv show without at least one trans host.
Of course there are some poor twinks putting on heels to get more costumers but this is definitely not the case for all of them and most normal thais want nothing to do with sleazy tourism, so why is it that they accepted them so much in their society/day to day life…
No. 1885697
>>1885687He had four surgeries for transition purposes in total, and I'm not certain if there was any revisions. The first surgery was to remove the testicals, second to implant an ovary, third to remove penis and scrotum, and fourth to implant a uterus and construct a neohole. These were carried out over the. ourse of two years, with the last one in 1931. His body rejected the transplant, became infected, and he died within three months of the final surgery. Presumably this all means that, at one point, he was a castrated male with a random ovary floating around in his abdomen. I would say "I don't know how that works," but neither did the doctors, because it doesn't work.
They say he had a uterus transplant and died, because that's what happened. If you're confused, it's because none of this makes sense, but they did it anyways.
No. 1885713
>>1885009This just screams incel that believe all women live amazing sex filled lives on easy mode.
If you are this unhappy in life, odds are that you would still be this unhappy even with bobs and vagene.
No. 1885716
>>1885128>They can’t even get a plain uterus in there without it being rejected.They can't even transplant very simple (compared to a uterus) organs without common major complications and life long heavy drugs.
I'd rather scientists perfect transplanting other organs to sick unfortunate people, than spend time and energy trying to play god and fulfill unnecessary fetishes.
No. 1885726
>>1885703It's hard to tell the specifics on this case, since it's surrounded by almost a century of both propaganda and hearsay coming from all directions. It doesn't help that all of this was taking place in Europe during what I can only generously refer to as a time of immense strife. Records have reportedly been destoyed in air strikes, which is believable enough given the time period. Some sources day that there were five surgeries rather than four, and I can't really seem to find conclusive information about how many ovaries were implanted into him (if it was just one, or a set of two), much less
how they were implanted.
As an aside, I've seen a lot of TRAs make a claim that Nazis deliberately burned the equivalent of the transgender Library of Alexandria, but I sometimes wonder if they just mixed the deliberate book burnings done by Nazis with the incidental destruction of Lili Elbe's medical files via air strike. It would be funny if this supposed "lost goldmine" that they insist existed was just paperwork from Kurt Warnekros confirming that he randomly inserted ovaries into a man who, as per usual, had no womb to attach them to.
No. 1885733
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>I want to make a point but not hear for years how I ruined her wedding.
stop inviting tranny narcs to your wedding
No. 1885756
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>>1885733Same troon. He's a spoiled narc who's mad he does not get a free 1,5mil house. I hope he pisses off the parents so that the sister can have a lovely wedding without him.
No. 1885763
>>1885653>Why is it that they accepted them so muchThe ones in the service industry are accepted because it's mostly women interacting with them. Thai etiquette is complicated and the language is very gendered but for the last 15-ish years you haven't had to engage in fiction when dealing with a ladyboy in a shop if you don't want to because he wants to keep his job, but you still need to be the appropriate level of polite (depends on your status). It's not like the UK where a trans Starbucks barista will rage at a customer for misgendering him. So relatively speaking it's not a big imposition to women since they're used to being imposed on anyway in a sexist society. And yes this will be phrased as "why do you care, they're not hurting anyone, it doesn't affect you" if anyone questions it.
>In media and also higher positionsThose ones are frustrating because they can afford to take offense to being sir'ed and disrespected. They're everywhere in the media because the grs and cosmetic surgery clinics want more patients and being able to point to a celebrity client is good advertising. It's also partly because many people in entertainment are halfies who went to college in Western countries and bring that tranny worship back with them. It's all getting worse with the Western influence because legal documents are being altered to erase the past and that's a tool of control.
No. 1885764
>>1885756I like how he keeps trying to underplay it like "small ski town" (aka Aspen kek) or talking about renovations as if it was an abandoned home or something. 260k in 2012 would've been a fairly big home, like upper middle class as you'd have to make 6 figs in 2012 to afford it, back in 2012 you'd have to have a high up job to make that, nevermind the extra money they have for renovations
The housing market is crazy for sure but this scrote is entitled and delulu. Although this sparks my curiosity about people who claim to have disowned for being trans or whatever, why not just… Not be trans? If you know your main source of shelter is from people who want you to go by your assigned birth pronouns and/or be fairly gender confirming why not just suck it up and play the character around them? Or at least until you're able to find a place to live? I feel like if you'd rather starve or go homeless than you go by your birth name around your parents thats just natural selection at that point
No. 1885767
>>1885756>massively privileged obnoxious narcissist>communistlol makes sense
why are so many trannies communists?
No. 1885772
>>1885767easiest way to whine and cry and play
victim while still getting handouts. there's a reason commies are still memed on even by boomers to this day, it's cause they're sappy soft cunts that want everything done for them. if they're a bee in the swarm or an ant in the hill they don't have to apologize for their own shortcomings, they can blame the "system"
they are weak and low-testosterone men and handmaidens. I'd say pay them no mind but them on the rise is concerning to say the least
No. 1885778
>>1885630 pointed out, the source isn't reliable in the first place due to being pro-troon propaganda. The whole gender movement is only big now because of the US/English speaking countries pushed it so hard. It seems obvious to me that the English speaking world naturally have the most troons because they were the first countries AND the most aggressive in terms of pushing modern day troonism. Even as Europe pull back on hormones blockers etc the US and Canada keep pushing forwards instead in a lot of cases.
No. 1885787
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First of all, you really think people cant tell something is off with your "vagina" when theres huge scars and it looks really strange and mangled. Second of all, not disclosing you are trans is rapey and awful
No. 1885852
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So fucking gross
No. 1885883
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>>1879658i had to draw this. im sorry everyone else.
No. 1885984
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>>1885714I don't get why some of the nonnies here are worried, if trannies can't even get a working vagina from grs or the estrogen does nothing except make them look even uglier then it's quite obvious a uterus transplant won't ever happen.
No. 1885986
File: 1692659258982.jpg (222.3 KB, 1154x2048, F3_3kqDXcAAE4_1.jpg)

Yes totes no #filtered #au naturel
No. 1886050
>>1885764He also mentions in passing that his parents own multiple houses across the country. They're loaded for sure. There's no way a house in a "skiing town" (I'm assuming somewhere in Colorado) was only 260k in 2012 unless the house was either puny or falling apart. In Colorado, a three bed, two bath twenty minutes from a ski village is half a million, easy. Even just a
condo in a touristy location like that can absolutely crack one million. And in any case, the parents are free to ask whatever they want for the house because it's their property. The tranny claims he hates the location, but that's obvious cope. He's mad mommy and daddy aren't handing him an expensive destination home the way they've probably handed him everything else growing up. Communism my foot, this fag just wants free shit, and he'd probably let the house fall into disrepair.
No. 1886059
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No. 1886081
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>>1885756>>1886050Samefag. I did a little bit of digging and I was right– the tranny OP is from Crested Butte, Colorado, where the median price of a house is
1.6 million USD! That's more than his parents listed the house for. I'm not going to post it because I'm not a Kiwifag, but I found what I'm 90% sure is his parents' listing. The house is absolutely gorgeous: all-new appliances, rolling hills, marble countertops, a huge deck, and it's on a pretty large plot that backs up to a creek. The home is worth the listed price, full stop. The property also clearly requires a ton of upkeep, because there's carpet literally everywhere and the lawn is enormous. There's no way the tranny son would take care of it properly.
No. 1886087
File: 1692672013829.png (35.26 KB, 792x446, 34911959515.png)

More from ski lodge tranny. Here he is describing heterosexual, penetrative sex in the cowgirl position as "sapphic." Vomit.
No. 1886094
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>>1885988This is for overall LGBT by generation. You can spot the T.
No. 1886096
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>>1886094And these are from Brown University.
No. 1886104
>>1886096college students are still in the stupid experimental 'finding myself' stage. It makes sense that gay/lesbian would be somewhat the same or stable throughout the years but transgenderism is basically the new fucking online trend that replaced the obsession with being mental ill, and it's socially taboo to call it'a trend right now.
It seems that most girls grow out of the trans shit, but unfortunately not before they make permanent changes to their bodies. The detransition subreddit is mostly women too. But I think men just dig their heels into it because agp, autism, wanting to be a minority, etc.
No. 1886139
File: 1692679035772.jpeg (1.06 MB, 828x1248, 3AA38E28-A26A-453B-AA9E-20BE8F…)

This guy tries to act all “kawaii” and shit while looking like an out of proportion hairy pot bellied goblin. He goes by u/ShokaLGBT on reddit and Jesus Christ does he make me want to hurl.
No body is catcalling your greasy ass. He has hundred of post on Instagram acting autistic.
No. 1886145
>>1886114Fucking retard. 1) that's not the right house (the price is wrong and that listing is extremely old) and 2) I
intentionally left the house out of my post. Nice faildox, but this isn't Kiwifarms.
No. 1886179
File: 1692687252268.jpg (150.02 KB, 858x1280, c137755d-5e9e-45af-a17d-ec3d91…)

>Migrants awaiting deportation will be banned from changing gender in Germany amid fears they may try to do so to evade authorities and remain in the country.
>The German government is in the process of amending the country’s laws to allow people to switch gender at local registry offices, a drastic simplification of existing procedures.
>But the interior ministry has raised concerns that migrants with no legal right to remain in the country could abuse the new legislation to confuse officials and avoid detection, forcing an amendment to the Bill.
There used to be discussions to change the laws so that people can just go and change their official gender and first name at registry offices without any prior paperwork involved. Fortunately, there's some backlash from what I've read, but I fear using illegal immigrants as an easy way out of this discussion might backfire.
No. 1886181
File: 1692688060462.png (4.81 MB, 1920x2803, CoomerTroon.png)

Troonafish art drop
No. 1886230
>>1886081How is it that even this looks like an ugly derivative pride flag, when the intent was unrelated to
lgbtqiabcde+ pride?
>>1886179So evading the law is okay when you're a male looking to encroach upon female spaces, even if you're a sex offender, but it's not okay if you're a
brown male trying to maintain asylum? I don't trust any group of males, but the hypocrisy here is so glaringly obvious that I think it's done retinal damage to me.
No. 1886263
>>1886238They're not seeking the approval of "cis men", they're seeking the approval of women so they can invade our spaces, not men's. They'd rather TERFs be dead because they see them as the true obstacle to becoming accepted in society as "real women" and the actual guardians of women's spaces.
Even if they'd kill most TERFs, every woman is actually a
TERF and they don't realize that. I can't tell you how many women are the far left rich liberal types and "accepting" lesbians that want to seem cool and welcoming to everyone, until they meet a true TiM, then the gears in their brains start turning. They see they're just incels in dresses, mocking women and putting women in severe danger in dressing rooms, sports, and prisons. They start to realize they're contributing to setting women's rights backwards and what they're doing and that's when everyone peaks.
No. 1886276
>>1885733obviously entirely retarded loser behaviour but
>cool toned green hat>warm toned brown boots>all black clothingmore proof of male endemic colourblindness. hideous. why is it so fucking impossible for moids to >into fashion.
No. 1886341
>>1886306See the following:
>>1885697None of this is new, but it never amounts to anything. It's impossible, just like transition. A male can never become a female, end of statement. Was there a popular "it will totally work guys, just trust me" article about this recently? It keeps getting brought up ITT, even though we've already talked about why it's not possible ad nauseum. The bigger concern is all the medical abuse and animal torture being done to even attempt this impossibility.
No. 1886355
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Imagine being this selfish: No. 1886362
File: 1692718839743.png (53.64 KB, 942x554, zoomersarestilstraight.png)

>>1886094>>1885988>I don't know what the figure is for zoomers, but it has to be astronomical. It's 1.9% who say they are trans. The increase in LGBT identification is driven by "bisexuals" aka spicy straights. Plus the gallup poll, said to pick however many you want to identify with so people are double/triple counted.
U.S. LGBT Identification Steady at 7.2% No. 1886399
>>1886355where do they even think they would get the organs from? Only women I can think of that would maybe donate their uterus would be transmen, no sane woman would just get rid of a organ that has very important tasks in the body, even those without the wish to have children themselves. I don't want children, but I would rather burn my uterus than give it to a troon.
Also, there has never been a successful transplantation of an uterus into the male body, the only transplantation that worked where on women.
No. 1886410
File: 1692726356885.png (295.62 KB, 828x1290, freakazoid.png)

probably old news but i stumbled upon this today. tullipR or ritchie is a british detrans man, he underwent bottom surgery and has a lengthy twitter thread detailing the horrific outcome.
also hes friends with jk rowling? No. 1886415
File: 1692726793252.png (222.08 KB, 600x867, chrome_lSKHzLZXXZ.png)

>>1886410samefag, definitely old news!
however i didn't see other nonas talking about his connection to jk rowling
there are some other exchanges w them but im assuming it was mainly bcs he talked about his detransition
No. 1886425
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>>1886355This retard clearly didn't even read the introduction and conclusion to the article before linking it. The successful cases are infertile women, the conclusion even says they need to do more research.
Here's the article if anyone wants to read No. 1886432
>>1886425> “Despite a number of anatomical, hormonal, fertility, and obstetric considerations that require consideration, there is no overwhelming clinical argument against performing UTx as part of GRS. However, the increased radicality associated with the retrieval operation, including a longer vaginal cuff and more extensive ligamentous dissection, potentially necessitates the use of deceased donors. Alternatively, F2M transgender men may offer an alternative donor pool should they accept the increased risk compared with standard hysterectomy. Prior to undertaking UTx in transgender women, further research should be undertaken including cadaveric retrieval and implantations to assess the feasibility of the anatomical considerations discussed herein. Furthermore, it is recommended that animal studies are revisited to identify potential unknown risks and determine whether genetic males can successfully conceive and maintain pregnancy.The reproductive aspirations of M2F transgender women deserve equal consideration to those assigned female at birth and, subject to feasibility being shown in the suggested areas of research, it may be legally and ethically impermissible not to consider performing UTx in this population.”
Fucking bleak.
No. 1886444
>>1886425Also samefag, can’t check right now but when was this article or study published? It reads a bit out of date, in terms of the study aspect at least, as I believe there have been some attempts (including the rat study) and various other actual human experiments. But the problem is, they never tell you
why it didn’t work or what went wrong. They just say it didn’t work. Why not explain why it’s not feasible?
No. 1886448
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>>1883532>>1883243>>1883176sage for OT, I actually talked about this with a female former pro-chess player(who used to teach my younger brother) a really big aspect of this, is the fact male chess players greatly outnumber female players, 10% is maximum amount of female chess players compared to men, the pro-female player that there are at most 40 female players in my country compared to the 500 men playing, male chess players will just have a level of experience through trial and error and simple experience, so that's why female only tournaments are so important, cause "you get better the more you play"
No. 1886475
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Why would they send it out to your male ass? He is either lying or its because he is registered as a female, which just means he is wasting time and effort for something he obviously doesnt need. Self ID is so stupid
No. 1886478
File: 1692738024012.jpeg (Spoiler Image,342.7 KB, 828x1257, IMG_0080.jpeg)

I couldn’t stop laughing at this. Astroturfed doctors are hilarious. Dude tucked him and gave him a cut LOL.
No. 1886517
>>1886230Nona a lot of these illegals in Europe get fake stories of persecution crafted for them in their countries, deliberately use children (possibly not even theirs kek) for sympathy and pretend to be 'unaccompanied minors' at 35, and are also, from what I've seen on SM, weirdly obsessed with the idea of living in Germany specifically. They don't even want to live in other EU countries that have a similar QoL. They'll do anything to stay there and get on their welfare. Those aren't some poor oppressed brown people.
Also look up how many sex offenders in Germany are foreigners
(racebait derailing) No. 1886554
>>1886400I highly doubt most of them actually would when putting their words into action, if they would even qualify at all
Despite troons wanting to be women so badly they'll probably have a laundry list of donor disqualifications, likely including overweight women, endo suffers, PCOS etc. They wanna be a woman ~so bad~ except when they realize actual women have flaws, aches and pains and everything else and that we're not all perfect hentai characters
No. 1886556
File: 1692744485925.jpg (662.1 KB, 1619x2024, krisnova30684.web_.jpg)

Good riddance to Kris Nova, Github software engineer who was part of the kiwifarms tranny war, stealing one of their domains. He died in a climbing accident. kek.
No. 1886594
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>>1886556his mother has the last laugh kek
No. 1886607
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Rip in piss
No. 1886609
>>1886594I feel bad for his poor mother but at least he's not around to shit talk her anymore. Imagine being pregnant for 9 months, and going through the physical and mental turmoil of that, and raising your little baby and being excited for their future, and putting all of your time and effort and resources towards feeding and keeping them safe and teaching them to talk and how to be a good person. And then he grows up, starts wearing dresses, calls you a
toxic coward and then he dies. Holy fuck I hope I never give birth to a scrote, ever.
No. 1886610
>>1886331For every TIF there is a straight man calling himself bi to date her.
>>1886523Do you mean the helplines for pedos? There's only mandatory reporting if someone admits to offending. If anything the service would only be used by POCD sufferers (people who obsessively fear that they might be pedophiles despite not being attracted to children) because actual pedophiles don't believe there's anything wrong with them.
No. 1886652
>>1886400blog, but when I was first started to menstruate I asked my
terf mother why women can’t just get their uteruses taken out so that they don’t have to have periods anymore. She said that you could, but because your hormones regulate everything in your body, you would suffer from health defects.
I was like, oh okay, and dropped it and just never considered unnecessarily messing with anything down there, because I didn’t want to mess up how my body runs.
It seems like such a simple thing to explain to young girls, I don’t know why they can’t teach that in health classes?
No. 1886664
File: 1692758380060.png (58.51 KB, 790x456, I thought they larped as women…)

>suffer a single day of the oppression that trans people face they would give up on living
I know that feel homie, trying to find size 15 high heels is literal living hell from which the never ending nightmare will not perish.
No. 1886666
>>1886652because they just see uteruses as a bag with no significance and this stuff isn’t really paid attention to in depth as much as it should be
i think the art or study of female anatomy is being overshadowed by pseudo science and assumptions. trans women aren’t helping the matter either. at all.
No. 1886671
>>1886664Im starting assume they think every womam.who identifies as a
terf is white because they live online and only interact with non white people who believe what they do.
Irl a lot of
poc women, especially bw like me are naturally terfs kek. Alot just don't identify as a
terf but they believe
terf ideal like,"you men aren't women".
No. 1886672
>>1886664All the proves is that poor black people have it worse than rich white people. The troon equivalent of a middle class white woman is a middle class white TiM but then it doesn't have the same ring to it kek. Can't use the oppression card if the
terf is black/poor/disabled etc.
No. 1886678
>>1886664>>1886667It's interesting how they try to frame feminism as being for white women and transgenderism as being for
POC. The abortion bans will predominantly affect women of color because the states passing them having higher nonwhite populations, and abortions are more likely to be utilized by women under the poverty line (financial stability and caring for pre-existing children are the most popular reasons for abortions.) Black women need real, physiology-based feminism now more than ever. Yet the pro-choice movement, which once successfully campaigned on abortion as a woman's rights issue, is now stymied because people are afraid to use the word "woman" in conjunction with pregnancy and uteruses. TRAs and their retarded language-policing is actively harming black women by screwing up the campaign for abortion rights. This semantic drama has its roots in the work of white, upper-middle class academics. Even the concept of "two-spirit" was a bunch of nonsense cooked up by a pair of white gay men, only to be endorsed by 1/16th indigenous academics later in the 90s. It's a fucking farce. TRAs don't care about black people, they just want to use them as rhetorical shields and political pawns.
No. 1886703
>>1886672They aren't afraid to be as ableist and racist as possible if the woman is a
TERF. I remember some tranny had an autistic meltdown and begin being ultra racists towards some Arab lady and then even threatened to murder her disabled baby because "she deserved it". Once I read up the conversation apparently all she did was not believe him after he claimed a black woman "made multiple racist and transphobic videos then quickly deleted them before anyone saw", and of course he was racist towards the black woman too kek.
Unrelated note but some nursing homes require caregivers to stay in reality when dealing with patients (ex if a patient is having delusions you can't just "play along) I wonder how that will affect tranny's considering how badly they will want to punish women over every menial things?
No. 1886718
>>1886703ayrt. I'm aware that TRAs are racist af when it suits them. They just strawman GC women as middle class straight white women for PR reasons when they want to play
victim and circlejerk with each other about how hard they have it. And when they need a socially acceptable way to be misogynists. They forget to play
victim when they're sending death and rape threats tho…
No. 1886731
File: 1692769745903.jpg (2.97 MB, 4096x3072, MTXX_PT20230823_154500481.jpg)

So this gaggle of Australian troons have been posted a few times. Recently some vague SA allegations were floating around pertaining to the fat one named Bambi, and even more recently the skinny troon who was partially his accuser (Grace) has been exposed for beastiality. Take away is no matter how much they mutilate themselves they will never be women. No. 1886766
>>1886650nah, not this one. it just looks like the head of some kind of animal, mythical beast, or demon. you can clearly see the teeth and the chin.
>>1886678this is such a well thought out argument. you should say it louder. the right to choose is a perfect example of how we are oppressed based on our physiology/biological sex, and therefore how trannies retain their male privilege. like you pointed out, tra's constant hand-wringing over trans-inclusive language has completely impeded our ability to meaningfully discuss abortion. they're such an obnoxiously loud minority that it really feels like their bullshit concerns have overtaken all advocacy spaces, demanding to supersede any other causes. what was once a woman's rights issue has been watered down into a broader libfem bodily autonomy issue (which is a fine ideological stance on its own, but unfortunately now means that trannies' rights to physically mutilate themselves is at the forefront of the movement) because women can't have anything for themselves. women who have miscarriages are put into life-threatening situations because the government is deliberately withholding healthcare from us, but we're expected to believe there's a tranny genocide while they receive state-funded cosmetic surgery? the narcissism of these privileged scrotes is on full display when they whine oppression at even the gentlest gender critical laws, and yet accuse women of being overly dramatic about losing the right to choose in the same breath. nobody loves to tell white middle class women to shut up about getting our rights taken away and how it doesn't actually matter more than straight white middle/upper class moids, especially the ones who identify as trannies.
No. 1886771
File: 1692778145926.png (351.31 KB, 729x820, F3_aw4IXAAESe0V.png)

Average moid leftist
No. 1886778
>>1886556>kiwifarms tranny war, stealing one of their domainsUh, what? Please explain.
>>1886623You know, I kind of wonder if some of these tranny moids aren't physically fit enough to do these activities. They're always talking about how their bodies are falling apart on estrogen and their drug cocktails their doctors prescribe.
No. 1886789
File: 1692783098954.jpg (383.98 KB, 1080x1232, Screenshot_20230823-040145_Boo…)

Your daily reminder that transwomen are rapey men: No. 1886790
>>1886783A couple years ago he groomed a schizophrenic tif into alienating her family and roleplaying sick fuck Dolcette(sp?) incest cannibal rape snuff shit, which obviously didn't have a great effect on her mental health. Then after her dad pulled a gun on him and told him to fuck off forever or eat lead, he went on the internet crying about how these uncultured swine are abusing their SON and are a bunch of white trash trailer scum. This is shit he freely posted about.
Amazing atheist can choke on a banana and die, he's the worst kind of moid.
No. 1886811
>>1886789Yes, transgendered persons are marginalized, shunned, and generally met with skepticism. Their cries of pain are ignored. Why? Because they fucking do it to themselves. They are so insufferable that even in this day and age of everyone is speshul.. they are side eyed.
As they SHOULD be. Show me one transgendered person that hasn't shown deeply disturbing signs of fetishization of genders.
They don't want to be the opposite gender. They want to become the person/s that turned them down. I see it every single fucking time.
No. 1886854
File: 1692797671738.webm (206.62 KB, 320x546, StRsdZWmUgz3wyfA.webm)
well at least he's honest also what a waste, he's kinda cute
No. 1886861
>>1886789wish these freaks would get the memo that no means no. but the chromosoidal deformity that affects 50% of the population is its own mental illness.
>>1886790love the choice of banana considering he shoved one up his ass kek. that's all he should be remembered for. what a piece of shit.
No. 1886871
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>>1886789Kek they are so pathetic
No. 1886882
File: 1692802522579.png (245.97 KB, 1160x1128, Screen Shot 2023-08-24 at 12.5…)

tim trying to rewrite actual known facts. '4chan is a white female safe space where they all go to be nazis'
No. 1886884
>>1886671i think they see black politicians parrot the democrat party line in order to keep their jobs like the "i'm not a biologist" clip and think all the important
poc support them. as long as black doctors and lawyers are supporting twaw they don't care what working class
poc think.
No. 1886897
>>1886678black women get attacked by both sides because the "abortion is black genocide" rhetoric that black men like kanye and dave chappelle are pushing is giving liberals pause on campaigning hard for the issue and even promoting all the online pharmacies middle class and higher women use, because they won't ever want to be on the hook for something that could be considered ethnic cleansing or eugenics in the case of misuse of abortive drugs. liberals are not going to do it for white women alone, a group that could be "allowed" to be harmed by diy online abortive drugs, because it's not necessary and they don't care about poor whites as a whole, there is no political points to be won by helping them as a class because it would look like they are helping nazi white supremacist MAGApedes. Rich whites loathe poor whites, and having a stable pool of them to blame is too useful for continuing the status quo of a small cadre of rich white liberal elites with their token elite
poc friends. Black men started this bs because when economics aren't an issue, men are men first and foremost and they will always advocate for themselves and align with other men across class lines. Black men think the quiverful strategy is necessary to boost their demographic numbers to hang on to political power, they don't care about the quality of life for the people who will be those numbers. They want to marry out for money and status but want someone else to carry on the race, just not them. it's just not a good scenario because it has to be black groups providing the knowledge of how to access abortion drugs online, but so many won't because the groups who need it do strongly believe that it is an immoral act, many of the women had kids young themselves and feel conflicted about giving their daughters a lifeline they were never offered.
No. 1886901
>>1886867>>1886867They don't actually hate their dicks - if they did, they wouldn't want women to suck it. What they actually want is for a "lesbian" to want their gross dicks while calling it "feminine".
I, unfortunately, met a troon who was "not like the other troons", claiming to be a "truscum" and "genuinely dysphoric". He refused to call his penis by its actual terms ("dick", "penis", etc), and called it just "equipment". Of course, he was a "trans lesbian". People say "listen to trans people". I did - and he turned me into a full-blown
TERF when he threw a male tantrum at me, saying "Now you've offended me. What did you expect, that I was so dysphoric that I couldn't use it [his very male penis] for sexual pleasure??? Don't you see that I have no choice? Don't blame me for trying to cope with it."
Usually, that's what they mean when they say they hate their penis. They will refuse to call it what it is because "dysphoria", but are totally fine using it for sexual pleasure - but only if it involves a "cis" lesbian, of course.
For context, I'm an actual homosexual woman, and the aforementioned troon approached me in a lesbian space expecting to start dating me (which I didn't know at first). At first, I was just being polite to what was obviously a very mentally ill male (and had never interacted with a tranny before, so I was a bit curious to see what they were like). Then he started getting on my nerves and I decided to troll him to see how far he would go. That's when I discovered he never planned to get SRS (as he claimed when he started talking to me) and ACTUALLY expected me, a female homosexual, to have sex with a gross male and be ok with his dick.
That's why I encourage the "listen to trans people" discourse. Most time when a woman decides to listen to a tranny, a
TERF is born.
(I've been a lurker here for a while, but this is my first time posting so I'm sorry if I didn't sage it properly and for turning it into my personal diary.)
No. 1886905
>>1886871Male dares to invade lesbian spaces and complains that lesbians don't want anything to do with dicks. The fucking audacity of moids is insane.
How I long for the days in which it was okay to be a lesbian and freely talk about how all dicks are gross, sigh
No. 1886906
>>1886905Also, how fucking entitled these men are to even expect women to want to deal with their horrendous male bodies and overall appearances when even they themselves say all the time they hate all those things about themselves. It's like "dur of course I'm disgusted by my own male body because it's not a female body, but women [you know, the actual women] are nurturing and kind and used to give up their own boundaries to please others, so women should just do their women thing and fuck me to make me satisfied, after all, I may be a dysphoric troon, but pp still works very well, so why aren't you sucking it already? Do it now or I'll call you a cunt
terf you white karen don't make me hold you by force and rape you boohoo". Hell, I fucking hate trannies.
No. 1886922
>>1886789>it's genitals exclusionKek, did they just make up that term? He sounds so retarded.
Also, what the fuck is that subreddit, "BDSMsapphic"? I'm not surprised it's run by TiMs larping they're "BDSM lesbians".
No. 1886923
>>1886901The trannies whining that evil meanie
TERF lesbians don’t want to suck their girl dicks are the exact same men who, 10 years ago, were whining about how evil cunt bitches don’t want to date a nice guy like them. The only difference is that now a woman will be shunned by liberal society if she dares to utter the truth - that these men are not actually women.
No. 1886959
File: 1692813544959.jpeg (44.61 KB, 441x441, larabbia.jpeg)

>>1886934>Gentrifies or eradicates all lesbian spaces>"Why don't you create a group for yourselves, away from us?"I'm seriously at my fucking limit with this shit!
No. 1886972
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>>1886934>>1886959It’s literally pic related. Also, see the superstraight debacle.
No. 1886976
>>1886959It's doubly retarded because when people have tried to make subs for non-troon lesbians, they get banned. The troon says he wants women to talk about being homosexual somewhere else, but what he
means is that he doesn't want women saying these things period, and he wants people to be shamed into not even
thinking them. Trannies want to live in a world where any woman who rejects or questions them is tarred and feathered as a bigot.
No. 1886982
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>>1886972What's really funny is that this comic was made by a they/them "queer" artist, apparently during pride, almost certainly meaning it was supposed to be about "TERFs." Projection at its finest. Picrel is the artist.
No. 1886983
>>1886882>TMEs (TiFs) treating us like porn categoriesLiterally when on earth has this happened? TiFs treat
gay scrotes like a porn category because of their BL obsessions, but they performatively kiss the ground TiMs walk on just like any other libfem. TiFs will often be TiMs' battered girlfriends just so they can boast about dating a stunning and bwave twanswumman.
Incredible how a site can be 80% schizo neckbeard scrotes and morons in Twitter will still find a way to blame women for the shit that goes on there. Most of the tranny porn you see on 4c is posted by other trannies and the occasional prisongay chaser incel. If you want to see what a site full of white women looks like, go to Tumblr.
No. 1887007
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Lol, lmao
No. 1887177
File: 1692836246222.jpeg (284.54 KB, 828x1382, IMG_0942.jpeg)

i’m convinced r/ewphoria could peak literally anyone
No. 1887180
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>>1887151that was the joke
No. 1887196
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Imagine caring about some tranny when a young girls safety is being compromised because of freaks like him.
No. 1887224
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>>1887177i’m so glad women’s oppression is “affirming” to you
No. 1887250
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Not sure if this has been posted, but
No. 1887336
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>>1887196I’m surprised tims can make it through a school day without the kids bullying those degens so bad that they want to kill themselves. I remember some kids in my high school were so awful that they made teachers cry.
If he comes back I hope the kids would do stuff like write “MR. YATES IS A PEDO TRANNY” on the white board, completely ignore anything he says and laugh at him if he tries to get them to listen, and idk any other coordinated evil things teens can think of kek
No. 1887343
>>1887336I think what's different now is being a
victim is literally cool. It's not cool to be the oppressor (on top, having everything). Notice how being the white majority or rich is somehow uncool, even though there's a lot of power in that, or being "cis male" is uncool and framed as being violent instead of being framed as masculine like it used to be. That's how you get TiMs. People freely list their physical issues and everything wrong with them, because the more that's wrong with you, the more you're the underdog.
So, I actually think these TiFs want to be the sad soft boy that gets bullied at school because it gives flavor to their otherwise safe and boring lives. They'll literally self-inflict harm and chop off their tits just so they're the
victim of, well, something, and not yet another normal girl living a normal life. I think one day it's going to flip back and all these freaks and "underdogs" will have a hard time integrating into normal society again.
No. 1887375
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In today's episode of TRA or MRA
No. 1887420
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>>1885172he moved on so hard that he cant stop posting about it obsessively. all males have such a stalkerish gene to them
No. 1887501
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TRA rhetoric spouted IRL will always make me laugh, cause of how lame it sounds
No. 1887510
>>1887309Well, at least you agree it’s some kind of psyop maybe.
>>1887312The meds don’t help.
Anyways have a good day nonnas, I’ll spare you from anymore conspiracies!
No. 1887551
>>1887539High school athlete girls are remaining some of the strongest anti-TIM combatants, right up there with lesbians,
WOC, and women who have survived abuse from men. I would say it must be hard to maintain the image of being progressive when your main adversaries are a diverse group of strong and intelligent women, but that would be denying the fact that misogyny makes smear campaigns against women and girls who self-advocate embarrassingly easy.
No. 1887562
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TRAs not be racist for one second challenge: No. 1887583
>>1887562The obvious racism of "black strong, asian weak" aside, the way that they always treat race and sex as being equally as flexible (or, worse, race being more rigid than sex) shows how retarded they actually are. Being mixed-race is not just possible, but it's common, and arguably a good thing for the progression of the gene pool, serving as the opposite of inbreeding. Being an individual mixed-sex human is impossible, and the closest anyone gets to being "mixed-sex" is being intersex, which is incredibly rare, comes with a plethora of negative health effects, and there's not even any reliable documented cases of any intersex person being actually hermaphroditic—they're still either female or male, just with health problems and
maybe ambiguous (often meaning misshapen and/or underdeveloped) genitals.
Race also doesn't have nearly the same impact in differentiating people that sex does. Biologically speaking, two women of different races will always have more in common with each other than they will with men of their own race. The chromosomal divide is immediately provable, whereas race has repeatedly proven to be skin-deep (no pun intended) and socially constructed. And yet, even most trannies recognize that "transracialism" is insensitive, despite the fact that it's significantly more feasible than transgenderism.
No. 1887678
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Sir, we do not need to see your genitals to know you're a man
No. 1887692
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No. 1887706
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>>1887682he really thinks he's hot shit
No. 1887713
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No. 1887791
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>>1887767>>1887734no doubt this blockheaded gollum ass was extremely jealous of her
No. 1887862
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tranny hall of fame on r/lesbianfashionadvice. for perspective, i found all 8 of these within the first 35-40 posts. the bottom right one is captioned ‘would you go to a punk show with me?’ wearing a shirt that says ‘fuck me like the dirty pig that i am and cum all over my tits’. (sorry for the gallery screenshot, it seemed like the most efficient way to post these horrorshows)
No. 1887868
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a deeper dive into this one’s (/chad42069_420_69) reddit history reveals that 2 years ago he was asking for advice about being a cis man dating a trans woman on a bunch of different subreddits. also posted in a native american sub asking if it was ok for him to wear a medicine bag his friend gave him since he is into “japanese/american fashion, homeless peoples rights, and opioid user rights” (the holy trinity of totally relevant wokeness kek)
No. 1887896
>>1887862>balding man >hoodie with skirt>graphic tee and plaid skirt>crop top with a straight man body>schizo shirt with ugly blazer and a skirt straining to hold his gut in>long sleeve t shirt tucked into jeans>slimy mullet and coomershirtfashion?
blue shirt at least looks like an indian woman because of his hair, but the other all look like straight up men
No. 1887953
>>1887734>>1887767I was just about to say the same thing. The woman on the left is supposed to be a
TERF, yet she subscribes to an Abrahamic religion, has her tits out, and slathered her face in makeup? That's a TELF, not a
TERF. I'm not saying you have to dress like a Quaker to be a radfem, but by presenting herself the way she is (low-cut top, makeup), she's reinforcing the idea that women have to preen themselves for the male gaze even in settings where it's completely irrelevant (a debate with some faggot who isn't worth the trouble.)
No. 1887968
>>1887767>>1887953to be fair any woman who doesn't believe in gender bs is a "
terf" to trannies and their handmaidens, it's probably how she's using the term (and how most people use it now), because she doesn't seem to bring up radical feminism anywhere in the description of the video or her channel despite using other labels such as "gender critical", "pro-woman" etc.
No. 1888001
>>1887734He really showed his ass when he said he wouldn’t risk using men’s bathrooms, and would instead continue to use the women’s out of a concern for safety. However, he then went on to say he’d theoretically go to a men’s prison if ever convicted of a crime because all the males there would treat him like a queen or some shit. He also just kept trying to do a bit of guilt tripping in regards to entirely male-originated problems.
Overall I just don’t get why this guy can’t just be comfortable being a feminine, gnc man. He’s not fooling anyone into thinking he’s some exotic type of woman.
No. 1888025
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They always tell on themselves
No. 1888086
>>1888062I always enjoy Kai's comments in gender critical spaces. Also, not related but isn't Kai into Visual Kei and goth music/subcultures? As a woman who grew up being active in a VK/goth community, and saw plenty of pornsick goth scrotes trooning out, it's quite nice to see a guy like that who's gender critical.
In fact, the first "transbian" I've ever heard of was a 30-something obese male who had a very unhealthy obsession with Ryohei from Megamasso.
No. 1888191
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They can wear pink dresses and wigs and cake on makeup as much as they want, biology doesn't lie. Kek
No. 1888206
>>1888001I watched the whole debate and it's clear that this guy has delusion about his appearance even though he admitted that the way his face looks gives him "dysphoria" (which he believes that FFS should be free for him to get kek).
I'm not sure if this dude is gay but if he is, I think that's why has this entitlement to use women only restrooms because he he doesn't see himself as a threat and I notice a lot of HSTS think this way.