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No. 1851781

JustPearlyThings just did an interview with Ethan Klein from H3H3 and I didn’t see another thread so I’ve been ITCHING to post about her. Copying summary from other thread and adding some other stuff

Previous three threads:

A 'trad' in this context is a woman with pronounced "traditionalist" values especially around gender which usually shows up as "anti-feminist" attitudes emphasizing how women should be subservient to men and essentially embrace being "barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen." We all know what a 'thot' is and most of these girls in fact show up on social media with photos not-at-all subtly focusing on their looks. Our "tradthots" mostly try to have the best of both worlds, consciously or not. While claiming traditional values they embrace modernity and many of the gains of feminism in their pursuit of grift and clout.

Most have pickme tendencies and are addicted to the dopamine hits off male attention in social media despite the fact that some are (supposedly happily) married and claim to believe that a woman should reserve her sexuality for her husband. They tend to be from well-off backgrounds and have lived very sheltered lives of privelege although many come off as possibly having some trauma problems. Their attention to the female role and the female body often comes off as performative and even fetishistic, to appeal to their audience of MGTOW red pilled incels, neckbeards, and wignats.

Many of our tradthots are quite preoccupied with the outer trapings of religion, usually identifying with reactionary trends within Roman Catholicism or sometimes Eastern Orthodoxy. Some are quite fond of parading around in conservative dress or a chapel veil, but almost invariably this comes off as weirld sexualized too. Meanwhile all the religious talk on social media falls flat and seems performative. Reached for comment, Jesus Christ had this to say: "they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen … they have their reward." (Matthew 6:5)

A few examples are:

Lauren Southern
>Former costhot
>Failed journalist, pissed off both the left and right.
>Got famous for her anti-feminist MRA content
>Was in multiple anti slutwalk videos
>Promoted traditional values and white nationalism
>Dated an ethnic man
>4chan nazis found out and got big mad
>Made multiple shitty documentaries where she misrepresents facts and pushes the far right narrative.
>Recently married, husband is allegedly Asian, she hides his identity
>Whitewashes her poor baby, insists he has green eyes and a ginger gene
>Released a pro-cop documentary

Hannah Pearl Davis (JustPearlyThings)
>Below average unfortunately shaped woman in her late 20s who constantly larps on the internet as a trad who shits on modern working women despite contradicting her many statements to her scrote orbiters
>Comes from a rich family, mother is a modern working woman who literally owns the family company
>Pearl used to date a black man (imagine what the scrotes would say) who is also a content creator, he left her because of her high body count apparently
>Pearl claims outrageous things like women shouldn’t be able to vote because they don’t have to sign up for the draft, women are unhappy when working and are all medicated despite men being the gender that is more likely to commit suicide, just selective research and bias (etc.)
>sperges about statistics even though she’s selective about the data and flat out lies while making overarching generalizations that feed her stupid shock value statements
>humiliated on the H3 podcast somehow, see more in this thread
>Dwindling views on yt despite spamming algorithm, more views on TikTok

Rebecca Barrett
>She's gained over 10k subs in the last month or so alone
>Decided to become traditional after doing some marriage group with her husband and allegedly realizing that she was apparently the one creating all the problems in her marriage
>Claims she was a "porn addicted feminist" before marriage
>It seems like she was already doing a variety of other trendy types of videos before but her channel was small, now she almost exclusively posts advice content
>Makes advice/reaction videos from the perspective of a married woman talking to single women where she criticizes women for things like leaving their husbands for cheating on them, and is always making comments that are obviously meant for a male audience
>Gets hilariously visibly mad whenever talking about other women even if the women in question are just some women she made up to be mad at or some low hanging cosmo writer fruit

Robyn Riley
>Ex yoga teacher and libfem hippie.
>Supports rapist Roosh V
>Used to have pink hair and a nose ring and spent her 20s traveling and dating abusive bums.
>Born again Christian housewife
>Had a baby at 31 married to some Slovakian meat head.
>Writes for Evie magazine aka Tradthot daily

Lisa Britton
>Ana chan pick me who wrote an MRA children's book.
>Did some shitty acting gigs.
>Is engaged to some old fat, frumpy bum with greasy hair.
>Posts about cooking like it makes her special.
>Tweets daily about how oppressed scrotes are.

>PhD but preaches traditional values
>Spergs about how amazing eastern European men are
>Eats raw ground meat with shit bacteria mixed in
>Wants to live in a hut in Sibera
>got called out for being a Gold Digger >>1340549
Twitter: https://twitter.com/margaritaevna95?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor

Mrs. Midwest:
>Married an ugly abusive cop
>Youtube channel where she teaches her tradthot ways
>Follows rapist Roosh V gospel
>Said women are genetically predisposed to cleaning
>Weird posts about her own pregnancy
>Caught following WN accounts on instagram
>Tries to emulate WN promo material aesthetic
>Knocked up again >>1322420

No. 1851783

Just Pearly Things just debated with Ethan Klein. Ethan is such a fucking idiot but Pearl somehow manages to make him look smart since this interview was unbelievably pathetic on her part. Pic unrelated but yt is linked
> Ethan brings up Pearl stating America was built on good relationships between slaves and their owners, when asked for a source cites “a book I read by Thomas Sowell” and doesn’t follow up
> Brings up Pearl’s rich family and mother who owns the family business and is a career woman, despite Pearl claiming to hate career women… this throws Pearly off
> Ethan brings up her multiple claims but she gets fussy and starts throwing statistics that aren’t cited and when Ethan actually brings up credible information she looks to the side of her monitor while sighing and stalling, clearly flustered and embarrassed and says “they’re saying the numbers are inflated”
> admits to having information spoon fed to her during the interview
> it’s painfully awkward and Pearl calls the interview “not in good faith” and runs away, abruptly ending the call

No. 1851804

Should we combine the Tradthot and leftcow thread at this point? I feel like there's very little difference between the two and they seem to interacting with each other more and more.

No. 1851831

Thank you for making this thread!

No. 1851834

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Well this changes everything, I don't get why anyone of Jewish descent would even flirt with right-wing politics, They ought to know that at the end of the day, all extreme groups ranging from black nationalists to white nationalists, extreme Muslims, extreme Christians and many communists all agree on one thing: that the Jews are responsible for all or most of the world's ills and should be eliminated. If I were Jewish, I wouldn't even consider it, exposing myself to the risks associated with these ideologies, as the inevitable result of every insane ideology is the persecution of Jews and their being sent to labor camps or being holocausted. Why would you ever take the risk?

No. 1851883

A wide variety of Jewish conservatives exist, anon

No. 1851890

There's a very big difference between republican Jews and the extreme right-wing types, that Lauren associated with.

No. 1852079

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According to Hunter Avallone's ex wife Carissa, Destiny was going to divorce Melina to be in a monogamous marriage with Lauren Southern but she backed out and he went back to Melina.

No. 1852147

I believe it.

No. 1852160

I couldn't stomach to watch the whole thing, but doesn't she claim her dad commit some kind of fraud by "wrongly" naming her mom as the head of his company or something? I wonder if its true and she got the feds up her parents' asses or if she made it up on the fly to avoid confronting the fact that her mom is smarter and more successful than her kek

No. 1852279

Def made up on the fly, Pearl is just a projection of her own insecurities and pain and I wouldn’t be surprised if she had a horrible relationship with her mom. I hate how she also says confidently that she’s “average looking” as if she isn’t bottom of the barrel ugly

No. 1852297

I don't think she believes in anything. she's a self serving grifter, like someone twitter figured out she was making something 700k with her Youtube career, that's what selling out womankind is worth for her.

No. 1852299

I really don't like Pearl Davis. It definitely seems like she's aware of how unattractive she is and therefore panders to the alt right and regurgitates speaking points.

Her arguments in the H3H3 interview are fucking deplorable and also against men - whom she so much preaches for.

What if the woman decides to cheat and get knocked up by another man? Is that an exception to the rule? Or should she go with the other man that she started another family with since that's "family forward"?

She's honestly fucking retarded. Also - I've heard of Brittany Venti before and watched one of her videos on Pearl. What the fuck is up with her burps? It's so jarring and ruins her videos. She said its because of a medical condition but what "medical condition" I don't know. Just seems like a word to throw out when you want to seem like you have something wrong with you and make others feel sorry for you.

No. 1852302

I doubt it’s a medical condition. She clearly does it on purpose.

Unfortunately, more than one fetish channel has made compilations of her.

No. 1852309


It's so fucking gross dude wtf..

No. 1852314

why are you taking what she says at face value? its very obvious she doesn't belie in any the shit she spouts.

No. 1852316


She's so retarded that she might.(sage your shit)

No. 1852318

You don’t know that. It makes me think that she’s just in a weird cope mentality where deep down she knows but she’s just convinced herself so much that she believes it. Again, she got broken up with because she cheated on her man and had a high body count. She’s projecting her own experiences and insecurities onto other people. She could be baiting but I feel like it’s very half and half

No. 1852323

The fact she routinely speaks with modis who have fundamentally different views and hate each other should enough proof, like do you actually believe she's anything more then a grifter and wouldn't be doing this if there wasn't a financial incentive.

No. 1852385

don't bait moron.

No. 1852392

Yeah that would make sense except there is no financial incentive because she makes nothing. You may be right in the sense that shes a grifter because she knows shock value will give her more views and more views means more money. She doesn't make shit though. The only platform where she makes money is YT and she gets little to no viewers. Her family is also filthy rich and I have a hard time believing she isn't comfortable and leeching their money unless she has a bad relationship with them. I can't really tell with her anymore

No. 1852400

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I am vomit

No. 1852406

if I had a time machine I'd kill baby jesus

No. 1852409

Christfags really are the worst. Jesus did not want this

No. 1852421

She needs to be put down like old yeller

No. 1852424


No. 1852451

How do Christians find the gall to complain about normies being oversexualized when they think women literally exist solely to satiate men's sexual desires? I don't see how acknowledging that women are sexual beings and most enjoy sex with an adult partner solely for pleasure is degenerate and sex-obsessed, but Eve being created to fuck Adam because he didn't think any of the animals God created were hot enough to stick his dick into is wholesome and pure.

All the Christian moids and handmaidens agreeing with this old moron just strengthens my belief that religious nuts should be taxed into oblivion and mocked so thoroughly they can't spread their garbage without fear of rebuke.

No. 1852456

Same reason they clutch pearls about gay people existing or kids learning gay people exist but have no problem blaming children (especially girls) for being sexually abused and refuse to report kiddie diddlers to authorities.

Anyone else watch Shiny Happy People btw? Was as disturbing as it was informative.

No. 1852459

Imagine being this much of a sperg LUL

No. 1852464

these tweets were previously exposed as fake though

No. 1852545

Jews get it bad on the internet but I think that women get it like 10 billion times worse. Not trying to do Oppression Olympics or anything.

I think that online women get it the worst, Jews the 2nd and blacks 3rd

And I'm pretty sure Lauren isn't Jewish(global rule #7)

No. 1852547

I think she's average looking. Maybe homely. Ugly would be like Sarah Jessica Parker.

No. 1852550

actually, the traditional understanding of Genesis was that the original Adam was not created male, but rather both male and female at the same time. Hence, Eve was not created out of Adam, per se, but rather was surgically separated from Adam and this is why men desperately cling to women whereas women are perfectly content to live without men.

I'm not saying that the Bible is a radfem book or anything but the whole "women were created for men" is a very modern interpretation of the story

No. 1852552

actually, the traditional understanding of Genesis was that the original Adam was not created male, but rather both male and female at the same time. Hence, Eve was not created out of Adam, per se, but rather was surgically separated from Adam and this is why men desperately cling to women whereas women are perfectly content to live without men.

I'm not saying that the Bible is a radfem book or anything but the whole "women were created for men" is a very modern interpretation of the story

No. 1852578

So it's kinda like how the whole "spare the rod" bit isn't actually about beating your kids (since Shepards don't beat sheep with rods), but a more modern interpretation devised by people looking to justify beating their kids?

No. 1852580

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You're fucking nuts if you think Pearl is worse looking that Sarah Jessica Parker, especially when she was younger.

No. 1852596

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Seconded. I would even go so far to say that SJP older has some elegance to her, meanwhile pearl has been compared to looking like a dead fish among other things (warning, jumpscare)

No. 1852600

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If that’s average looking for you then I don’t know what to tell you. The average woman does not have a jelly bean shaped head and pulsing veins whenever their face is somewhat expressive. She’ll call other women average and try to rope herself into the “average” category when she’s just butt ugly

No. 1852616

brittany is quite literally a troll, she grew up on 4chan and encyclopediadramatica

No. 1852632

I saw SJP in person recently and she looked really pretty. She might not have the typical Hollywood plastic surgery face, but she’s put-together & stylish and her physique is also cute. Comparing her to a sweaty cave beast like Pearl is just stupid.

No. 1852639

Fine, well then Pearl is better looking than Carole King, Better Midler, Eleanor Roosevelt or Heather Matarazzo. I didn't realize lolcow was the Sex in the City fan club.

No. 1852648

She looks like a Neanderthal. I think there's something to the idea tradthots are below-average looking women coping by being doormats for the worst kind of moids (and shitting on other women for not doing the same thing).

If they're not physically unattractive they're otherwise insecure/low self esteem like Michelle Duggar (she was the youngest of a bunch of kids and almost certainly grew up ignored/emotionally neglected and jumped on the first creepy dude that paid her attention).

Not than a woman's value is in whether or not she's attractive, but I can get why women who aren't conventionally attractive and are deeply insecure about it would become tradthots (same as I can understand why women like that troon out).

No. 1852651

>She looks like a Neanderthal.
You are brown. It's easy to tell.(sage your racebait)

No. 1852653

Lol nope, scrote/tradthot lurker detected

No. 1852659

>Lol nope
In that case, you are yellow. Just admit you're envious and leave it at that.(sage your racebaiting)

No. 1852663

Holy shit you were right kek.

No. 1852668

If a woman is normally confident and feminist but then she turns into a doormat/simp for a really hot guy, does she still count as a pickme? Because if so, then I have known some attractive pickmes.

No. 1852669

Nope, Pearl is just fugg. Cope and seethe.

She wouldn't be nearly as fugg if she wasn't trying to pander t the worst moids and knew how to style herself. But why try to work with what you have and be a decent person when you could pander to openly misogynistic tradscrotes who would marry and rape little girls if it was legal (which some do anyway like Warren Jeffs and that Duck Dynasty child marriage scrote)

No. 1852693

is 750k worth nothing to you?

No. 1852696

exactly. If anything, Pearl is a hero

No. 1852697

Hi, white woman here. Pearl is very unattractive! I hope her vagina doesn't look as bad as her face.(no1currs)

No. 1852712

Nah nonnie, I think you just unfortunately come from Fuggo Town. But onto Pearl, I think she does this shit as a way to seem Attractive to men. She knows she's a fuggo. She can't cook, can't clean, has cheated, "high body count", lousy good for nothing type so she has to try to appeal to men somehow. She brings down all women as a way to make herself look better. She's got no intelligence or ambition for herself and would clearly love to be a stay at home wife sitting on her ass all day.

No. 1852737

>>1852712 I think she's just lazy and has daddy issues. With what she does now, she doesn't even have to think, just "women bad", thats it, then she throws in a story about an amazing hard-working dad, a stay-at-home mom (who writes books, has a former tech CEO in her bio - her parents founded software company together-her mom was 17 at taht time, writes books, does sports, coaches, devotes herself to mental health and raised 10 children, some adopted).Pearl just isn't as smart, pretty, and capable as her mother, but she wants to "mean something"- for her dad. So she chose this pathetic path. It's funny.

No. 1852749

has Pearl ever said she dislikes her mother?
I think a lot of farmers are overthinking it. Pearl is just a pure grifter. She is playing a part for fame, betabuxx and male attention but she doesn't really believe this stuff. She's much different than a true believer like Lauren

No. 1852750

has Pearl ever said she dislikes her mother?
I think a lot of farmers are overthinking it. Pearl is just a pure grifter. She is playing a part for fame, betabuxx and male attention but she doesn't really believe this stuff. She's much different than a true believer like Lauren

No. 1852759

Um excuse me nona but how the fuck do you know Pearl doesn’t mean any of what she says? Sure she’s a hypocrite but she’s still harming women with her bullshit. Even if she’s not personally serious her scrote and pickme followers take it serious. I don’t know why you keep wking her.

No. 1852769

>>1852750 Pearl can't talking shit about her mommy, it will upset her daddy.

She always talking about her mom only as a stay-at-home parent. She never talks about her achiements, other than she is mother of 10, while her dad is the hard working one.(learn to sage)

No. 1852773

just shut the fuck up already

No. 1852912

Lol I found the pickme trad. Ofc they’re always race baiting. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was Pearl herself or Estee. I’m sorry you’re uggo and insecure and feel the need to be a pick me, there are girls who are a lot more attractive and secure in themselves with very happy relationships. You can be a traditional woman without being a misogynistic pick me. Cope harder you will always be a below average sloot

No. 1852913

Samefag. Yeah it depends. I think you can be a pickme no matter how you look, it just comes from a case of insecurity. Not to be a blog tard but I knew a girl in HS who was a radical lib party it’s lesbian moms until she started dating this jock who was a hardcore Christian and she got baptized, kicked out of her house, and became a Jesus freak. It’s scary what girls will do when they’re insecure enough seriously

No. 1852915

Are you fucking kidding me? Why else would she just not talk about her mother ever when she started a company at 17 years old. Her mother was quite literally a “girl boss” that started her own company and made her family rich. Freud would’ve loved Hannah Pearl Davis

No. 1853036

Her mom is a software engineer, right? Not very "trad" of her, on top of starting a company and pursuing other passions. And her dad seems pretty accomplished too. How did two very successful people produce such a dud? I hope none of her other nine(!) siblings are as bad as she is

No. 1853038

If Pearl hated her mother, she would have said so.
For all the talk about daddy issues, in my experience the biggest pickmes tend to be daughters of very accomplished mothers
BTW, it is not WK'ing to say that Pearl doesn't believe the stuff. Pearl has no beauty, no intelligence, no charisma and no talent. Please tell me how a woman like that was supposed to get E-fame and betabuxx without pandering to the Mansosphere? If you can think of a better way, I would love to hear it and I'm sure Pearl would to.

No. 1853041

Ultra orthodox Jewish women in Israel are mainly engineers and computer programmers. They have to earn a lot of money to support their 8 kids and non working husbands. There is nothing untrad about working and making money. If anything, it is staying home that is non traditional

No. 1853114

>If Pearl hated her mother she would’ve said so
What makes you think Pearl is an honest person at all? She also never told people about her rich family and her past relationship. I’m sorry but how does her being a sell out attention whore cancel out her beliefs? You can be a grifter and partially believe what you preach and also hate your mom. So many MLMs do this under the guise of “helping others.” She can pander to the manosphere while still believing the shit she spews. Cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is real, she’s just an insecure pick me who needs to rationalize her life. It’s all rationalization. The amount of debates she’s had and even the way she talks with other people, you can only fake a character up to a point and her arrogance and pick-me shit is real. It has to come from somewhere and honestly I feel like whether she believes what she says or not is the least important thing and doesn’t change anything.

Do you even know who we’re talking about nonna… Pearl’s whole idea is that working as a woman is non traditional and is actively making women depressed. She literally believes modern women are at fault for the fall of society. If an incel can believe it then I promise that a ran through ugly woman in her late 20s can think the same exact thing. That’s her whole shtick besides the virginity shit and modesty.

No. 1853132

I don't buy that she believes this because her former roommate has said that she is a total fraud who doesn't believe any of this. We also have recordings of Pearl from several years ago where she mocked Fresh and Fit and their ideas. There is no way Pearl believes the shit she spews.
And people who hate their mother never keep quiet about it. Likely her mother is just disappointed that her daughter is so useless and that causes Pearl stress

No. 1853160

Kek fundie tardwives have to support their jobless husbands in the US too, they just do it through MLM schemes and selling useless courses to other tardwives. But they're aware that doing so is technically a violation of the submissive, dependent woman ideal they claim to strive for. They have to justify doing it as them "just helping out", not actually trying to be financially dependent or being the breadwinner(even if they are), since that would hurt their moid's precious ego.

No. 1853200

So was she a lib before or after her man dumped her? Could be a weird Freudian defense mechanism. I also can’t find anything on her ex friend exposing her do you have any links or know the name of her friend?

No. 1853209

No. 1853233

Where was Pearl in the birth order of her siblings? Wouldn't be surprised if she's a spoiled baby of the family. That or a forgotten middle/later child similar to Meech Duggar desperate for any attention and validation she can get (even if it's from the nastiest of all scrotes).

It's not an excuse and she's still fuggo and retarded, but if she's one of 10 kids I can kind of see why she's the way she is if she was either coddled or ignored (which happens a lot to kids in big families)

No. 1853620

The right wing is absolutely full of gay Jewish guys larping as conservative WASP Christian family men.

No. 1853628

It’s so weird that right wing white women bring up Asian women out of nowhere all the time.
I feel like coquettes and tradthots both have a hateboner for Asian women because they’re fetishized so hard by scrotes and stereotyped as submissive, meek, hyperfeminine, good housewives etc (even if they aren’t any of these things) and it makes them seethe because that’s how they want to be perceived but aren’t.
I’ve seen various tradthots and coquettes on twitter seething about Asian women and they seem to really not want them in their circles either, try to exclude them at every turn. Feels like insecurity and jealousy.

No. 1853633

No. 1853637

Tradthots and tradscrotes having ambitious bossy career moms make sense and would explain their seething resentment towards career women. Maybe they feel neglected and like they didn’t get enough attention from mommy as kids and blame womens careers for this, and also feel like failures when being compared to their more successful parents, perhaps they were also nagged for being lazy too. Mommy issues seems to be very prevalent among tradthots and tradscrotes, I would say much more than daddy issues. They dislike women and want to see them being punished en masse through having their rights taken away and being forced to be maids and baby factories. Women who are close to their moms, have a good relationship with her and see all the struggles and sacrifices she had to go through are usually the ones who have more empathy for women and don’t want other women to go through the same. It’s women who had absent, neglectful or abusive moms who fetishize housework and childbirth imo. You notice that barely any tradthots seem to be particularly close to their moms or talk about their kids spending much time with grandma. Anecdotally I knew one self hating misogynistic tradthot here in Australia. Both her parents were narcs and she had a particularly bad relationship with her mom.

No. 1853638

Its not weird at all considering how many of these people are terminally online or came from communities where their audience is terminally online. Even /cgl/, despite having their favs, was jealous and hateful towards asian women all while salivating over their brands.

No. 1853639

Whomp there it is.
Pearls mom being a career woman working in a male dominated field and also having 9 siblings says it all tbh. Chronic lack of attention.

When you’re one of 9 there will never be enough attention to go around equally and especially when your mom is working a lot. It’s probably why she wants women to be forbidden to work and forced back into the kitchen and playroom.

No. 1853646

It’s funny because I don’t really see this behavior among normie women that much, but any community that is obsessed with ~hyperfemininity~, trying to appeal to men, worships being skinny and looking/dressing cutesy etc seems to seethe weirdly hard over Asian women. I’ve particularly noticed it in the tradthot, coquette, ballerina, cosplay and lolita community. The racism is crazy.

No. 1853649

I have seen some middle aged women express resentment for men who date Asian women. May be a generational thing

No. 1853650

I feel like this kinda just proved the point. Pearls friend said Pearl did argue with her about the fat acceptance shit so she obviously at least believes some of what she spews…

No. 1853651

Kek. She’s so retarded. Says poor little passport bros are victims because they are all sad they can’t find a western woman to be their unquestioning doormat bangmaid, then immediately contradicts herself by admitting they really just go there to hook up with easy loose foreign women who have lower standards.

Says women in the west are le BAD because they are ‘chasing money, independence, a career and want to get away from their families’ and these SEA Asian golddiggers aren’t? Kek. That’s literally the whole reason they want to marry foreigner and to be able to move to the west.

A genuinely traditional, submissive woman who obeys patriarchy wouldn’t marry outside her own culture kek. It would be ‘betraying’ her own men in their eyes and also wanting to become more westernized, modernized and literally MOVING to the west contradicts ‘tradition’. Same with a ‘traditional’ man who by his own movements standards, abandons his own heritage and culture to become an alien in another one.

No. 1853663

Passport scrotes are largely so undesirable and constantly get their ass handed to them when they expect their Slavic/East Asian/Latina/whatever woman to go 50/50 while also being a feminine submissive housewife. They’re also weirdly possessive whenever those western women they hate find love outside of their country too like they do especially if the guy is from the same background they wanted. Like a western woman with a slavic guy or an asian guy

No. 1853669

>oh noes, the ugly passportcels don’t find us to be adequate bangmaid material, whatever shall we do sisters?
Cool, nobody gives a fuck what sub 5 incels decide to do lol. They’ll get cucked by a superior, more attractive wealthier man with a bigger dick as soon as they bring her to the west and she will take him to the cleaners anyway, and rightly so.

No. 1853673

Yup. The scrotes bragging about how they’re going to the Philippines, Colombia or Ukraine to find a wife are the same ones screeching about how western women have no loyalty to their own men.

For thousands of years, the very first thing men did when invading or exploring new areas was kidnap or rape as many of the local women as possible. Every race and nationality of men fawns over foreign women while endlessly shit talking their own women. Men are not loyal and never have been.

No. 1853681

She's so dumb
>women in the west leave their family because they want to be independant and don't be told what to do !
nah they leave because their boomer parents kick them out so you have to spend your wage on rent istead of saving up

No. 1853682

On the topic of loyalty I find it interesting how most tradthots are strongly opposed to male polygamy and harems, even though it’s ‘traditional’ in most cultures and civilizations, and logical by their own evopsych obsessed, appeal to male and female natures thinking.

The fact nearly all humans have significantly more female ancestors than male and there are endless accounts of men having harems and mistresses shows that polygamy was probably extremely widespread throughout history and it ties in more with how male sexuality is programmed (aka a selfish, hedonistic pathology).

So if they were really as pickme and moid worshipping as they claim to be, wouldn’t they also be promoting polygamy for men?

And that brings me to the observation that tradthots and pickmes are quite different species of the same breed. Pickmes can be women from any walk of life. They don’t have to be chaste, modest, religious, live a virtuous life etc. They are simply the kind of women who degrade themselves for men and allow themselves to be cucked and cheated on, accept open relationships, become paypigs for their man, do extremely degenerate shit for his pleasure, even let their moid molest or rape their own kids and stuff if it pleases him. Pickmes are actually quite commonplace even among normie women.

Tradthots on the other hand seen to have a bit more self preservation and much more self interest. You almost never see them advocate for men being allowed to cheat, have harems, open relationships etc. They think most sex acts other than occasional doggystyle and blowjobs are degenerate and shameful. They are strongly against pornography and aggressively shame men who watch it. They do not want to work and believe men should pay their way. They get angry at men who want to hook up or act ‘degenerately’.

You also mostly see tradthots advocating for Christianity and I wonder if it’s because Christianity provides a pretty good setup for a couple where the man and women are expected to respect and be loyal to each other and the man is strongly shamed and kept in his place sexually. If they really cared about a completely moidcentric dynamic you’d think they would be promoting Islam because that’s much closer to a religion specifically designed to benefit men and also allowing the men to have multiple sex partners while subjugating women.

Anyway sorry for armchairing and blogposting, I just find it interesting how pickmes and tradthots are related but not really the same and have different motivations. It doesn’t surprise me the tradthot movement is more full of grifters than all the others.

No. 1853688

Just found Meg on this site and its pretty funny. A site for ‘Orthodox Conservatives’ in the UK and exactly what you’d expect: mostly incels, some autistic dorks in bow ties, a few self hating ethnics, couple old farts, and a sprinkle of social media addicted tradthots trying to look coy and sexy for the camera. Kek.

No. 1853689

No. 1853693

>women are abandoning their families by being able to provide for that family as well as themselves, possessing the financial leverage to leave shitty moids if need be, and having identities outside of fuckmaid incubator and skills more advanced than twirling around in Shein dresses
>men who comb through developing nations in hopes of snatching up a desperate woman(sometimes girl) and have her leave her family for him out of monetary need are poor widdle victims
I know a large part of tradthottery is grifting, but dear god these bitches are dumb. Room temp IQs. No wonder they're all failed bossbabes lashing out at more successful women; they never had the capacity to succeed in the first place. That they want to spend their lives being breederbots is legitimately a dysgenic threat to society.

No. 1853701

>That they want to spend their lives being breederbots is legitimately a dysgenic threat to society.
Except that's not what they want. They want to spend their lives telling ~other~ women to be breederbots

No. 1853707

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I guess complaining about ugly modern art gets you places. Or, you know, this place.

No. 1853709

>Even /cgl/, despite having their favs, was jealous and hateful towards asian women
Kek what, I’ve seen the opposite. Asians are preferred and white/black women get shit on all the time. We even had that old scrote poster who would claim cosplay/lolita was for asians only and not white piggus. The entire board like others, has a huge Asian fetish, but maybe that’s why some mentally ill women may hold resentment towards them.

No. 1853714

They feel threatened by how asian women are more desirable to these moids and don't tend to age like milk, unlike themselves, fueled by wine and chain smoking with a heavy, sagging pillowface full of badly placed fillers at the ripe age of 26. We all know these scrotes wouldn't hesitate to impregnate a 13 year old if they could get away with it, so for some, Asian women are seen as the next best thing because of how infantilized they are. They tend to be hyped as delicate and youthful, which I guess to tradhoes is the epitome of femininity. Even the most homely of Asian women is more desirable to these moids, but it doesn't matter anyway, because their attention is short lived and they're always looking for the next naive piece of jailbait to groom and spread their functionally retarded, geriatric, dusty ass seed to.(global rule #7)

No. 1853724

Reminder that most Orthodox churches are subservient to the Russian state, so its likely this is some Russian shill organization.

No. 1853727

it doesn't come out of nowhere, white men are always dreading white women with the theoretical asian stacy to make them grovel for a crumb of affection when actual statistics show that men who are interested in having children hate the idea of their kids not looking like them, especially sons

No. 1853741

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Okay this is 100% a troon post

No. 1853746

Huh? All trad moids I know would never racemix with an asian woman cause that means their sons will be manlets with small pp who don't look like them. You're thinking of libertarian guys. Those are the pedophiles arguing for lowering the age of consent and date asian women because they are "irl lolis". Easy to confuse I guess, but not the same.

No. 1853844

Ntayrt but actually the most racist white “trad” moids I’ve seen are super into Asian women because they’ve deluded themselves into thinking that somehow every Asian woman is demure and submissive and will cook, clean and pop out babies for them (despite the fact that their kids will be half Asian) and they like the idea of…”bleaching” other races. I hated even writing that out, bleh

No. 1853869

I think that's actually a myth made up by angry brown and asian men who are constantly seething about white men "stealing their women" and how asian women are "race traitors" for wanting white men so bad when in reality the only white men who go after asian women are incel tier losers who are old and fat. A guy who is a racist white conservative would obviously not date an asian woman and make mixed raced babies. They consider asian people "bugmen" who are subhuman. I think something like 99% of /pol/tards are not even white, they are all hispanic, black and asian men who just share their cuckhold porn with each other.

No. 1853875

>men going after Asian women is a myth unless they're old and fat
What a retarded take the hentai sick moid mentality isn't a myth and there is absolutely an Asian fetish portion of men you give them too much credit nonnie

No. 1853891

Yeah they are all losers tho. Hentai addicts and yellowfever fetishists are gross degenerates.

No. 1853918

Just go anywhere on 4chan and you will see that racist white moids do in fact fetishize asian women.

No. 1853921

I know it's cliche, but the only women I have ever seen who are obsessed with femininity tend not to be very feminine. Same thing with guys and masculinity. The most feminine women and most masculine guys that I've known just are the way they are, they would all view self consciously trying to behave in a gendered fashion as ludicrous

No. 1853928

panel 1: woman
panel 2: voldemort?
panel 3: elon musk
panel 4: aileen wuornos

No. 1853929

Racist moids who say with their whole chest that da jeeews are orchestrating a conspiracy to wipe out white people through racemixing which will lead to the end of the world via technological stagnation happily marry Asian/Latina/mixed/etc women and create mix-raced children. Multiple famous white supremacists(John Derbyshire, Gavin McInnes, etc) have done as much. That French-Canadian incellectual JF Gariepy or whatever that frog's name is recently released a video on why Asian women are key to muh white birf rates because evil white women ruin everything by not being babyfactory bangmaids. Men have no principles as far as their dicks are concerned.

No. 1853972

I genuinely think she does it to spite Null who also calls her stinky because he has a crush on her but can't admit it.

No. 1853981

what is it with moids and sex? Why is it such a huge thing for them?

No. 1853994

Nta but it’s not down to abuse or neglect, it’s just women who didn’t grow up with a SAHM older female figure to show them what a life of dependence on moids is like. It’s always daughters of single mothers or dual income households, both are cases where the mother worked and I feel like these women may resent their mothers for not being SAHMs. I say this as someone who was neglected by a SAHM, women who are SAHMs can play the role but also can be neglectful too. Seeing things like divorce, unemployment, and poverty firsthand from your SAHM relatives perspective will scar you into becoming the dreaded career woman (and I’m personally thankful for it). It’s really sad to me that these women don’t appreciate their mothers’ careers and their hard work to raise them. It seems like girls have to grow up seeing the struggle and limitations themselves to fully understand why it is never safe to depend financially on a moid. I really worry about a lot of women who ignore us and romanticize this shit. A number of them will probably end up murdered along with their children because of their military man chimping out.

No. 1854020

Oh great, ANOTHER Indian person getting citizenship in my country. Exactly just what the UK needs. RETVRN TO TRADITION amirite fellow right wingers?

Indians here are so insufferable, they always get so uppity and want to ban every other kind of immigrant from coming to the UK but we MUST allow their 98287765239 aunties uncles and cousins to come here and stay permanently. They try to implement Indian nationalist style politics, evade taxes by putting all their money in Indian bank accounts and can’t take white dicks out of their ass and mouths while screeching on twitter about how India is the best country in the world and everyone is just jealous of them.

You’d think people from quite literally one of the most disgusting fucked up countries on the planet would try to stop telling westerners how to live, eh?

No. 1854021

Yup same with tradthots. They’re all fridgey manjawed lofty heifers with deep voices irl but talk in fake baby voices and shoop all their pictures into some skelly FAS fetus uwu nymph creatures with impossible waist to hip ratios.

No. 1854022

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Yup even normies and extreme right wing Nazis have noticed this phenomenon.

Btw you’ll constantly see poltards who hate blacks jews and Asians constantly talking about wanting to ‘breed’ and ‘colonize’ non white women. There was a poltard who posted pictures of his Mexican girlfriend wearing Nazi panzer uniforms and said making non-white women wear them is his fetish, scrotes are disgusting dishonest opportunists who will always betray their principles for a crumb of pussy and quite literally always think with their dicks, always remember that.

No. 1854023

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Same ‘nationalist’ moids

No. 1854024

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More wignat cope.
Even though all stats show white women are more racially loyal than men, kek.

No. 1854025

>It’s so weird that right wing white women bring up Asian women out of nowhere all the time.
Did you miss the part where that anon tried to racebait with another race first? This is obviously a (possibly male) racebaiting troll.

>most tradthots are strongly opposed to male polygamy and harems, even though it’s ‘traditional’ in most cultures
Much less so in (historically) Christian countries from which most of the tradthots discussed here come. In any case, tradthots aren't trying to live like ancient civilizations, at most they go for a (idealized/romanticized) 50s housewives LARP.
>Tradthots on the other hand seen to have a bit more self preservation and much more self interest.
I want to believe it's true for their sake, but given the importance they place on family, image and not getting divorced, who knows what they're trying to pray away behind closed doors? Very possibly cheating or porn-addicted husbands, financial issues etc. - a lot of the things that pickmes also face.
>If they really cared about a completely moidcentric dynamic you’d think they would be promoting Islam
True! Although to be fair, I've more often seen tradthots sperg about "feminine energy" or strict gender roles than seriously claim to aim for a male-centric dynamic. Neither benefits them of course, but I'm sure some of them preach the former because it allows them to do whatever they want under the pretense of being trad, like Estee who has no kids, spends her day making youtube videos and shopping while sipping an ice latte. She probably bosses her husband around too kek

No. 1854027

AfD is a milquetoast civic nationalist party. They are just into standard anti immigrant/anti EU stuff. They don't even pretend to care about race so I don't see what is hypocritical about that guy having an Asian wife

No. 1854028

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More white nationalist incels shit talking white women.

No. 1854029

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And its funny because they’re completely demoralizing the few white women actually willing to join their nazi movement and discouraging more and more white people from being nazis. Funny how it works.

No. 1854031

Kek I feel your pain but I think I'd still take the Indians over the Muslims in terms of tradition, religion and misogyny (although I know they can be both) which is what I have to deal with in my country. Godspeed nonna

No. 1854072

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I'm glad there are some women in the comments roasting men about needing to be trad as well.
Added a bonus retard at the bottom kek

No. 1854074

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In the actual book 'Blackkklansman', the author mentions that a noticeable number of Neo-Nazis had wives or girlfriends who were Hispanic (not black or Asian though). In fact, the leader of the KKK chapter in Colorado had a wife who was a Mexican of Indian heritage and they had three children together. It seems their reasoning was that they were 'white enough'. This phenomenon also extends to most gang culture, where white and Hispanic gangs, who are outnumbered, usually avoid conflict with each to attack black gangs.

No. 1854079

Love how the last moid ignores everything she said to focus on the fact that her daughter has a degree (how stupid!) which certainly explains why all the men around her are lazy and pornsick.

No. 1854116

‘Traditional man’ is an oxymoron. XYs are simply not programmed for loyalty or monogamy, it goes against every fibre of their entire genetic coding. Endless men have come forward to admit this but there are still idiots who give them the benefit of the doubt.

When given the opportunity a man will always cheat + try to spin multiple women like plates. Even redpill moids are honest enough to admit this, but there are dumb naive women out there in denial who will screech ‘MY MAN IS LOYAL TO ME ONLY’ until they are blue in the face (and still end up getting cucked anyway).

The entire purpose of a male’s existence is trying escape his biological disposability and inevitable mortality by sticking his dick inside anything that moves and desperately trying to replicate like a virus. If you don’t believe this now, you’ll find out the hard way one day. I feel sorry for any women who are delusional enough to think that one woman is enough to satiate the deranged, insatiable moid sexual appetite that revolves around novelty and reproductive panic.

No. 1854124

All men are commies and socialists deep down, especially in terms of dating. They want to kill the top 1% (Chad), seize the means of reproduction, distribute resources equally (state mandated pussy for every man), level the unfair playing field (the dating and sexual market)
All moids are filthy reds.

No. 1854130

Asian women have the highest rates of marrying white men out of of any race.

No. 1854137

It reminds me of the myth that white men are more chivalrous and less misogynistic than other races of men, yet stories like the recent one about two Asian women who got thrown down a ravine by a white man at Neuschwanstein castle in Germany (one of them died too), plus the almost meme tier amount of abuse that happens in WMAF marriages and the endless self reported abuse and mental disorders in their half Asian children strongly contradicts that.

Truth is those women at Neuschwanstein wouldnt have followed that random guy up the hill when he tried to lure them if he had been black. They trusted him because he was a white man and they let their guard down because white men would NEVER do bad things to nice little Asian women, especially not in such a fairytale location in western Europe.

No. 1854139

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No. 1854144

The moids and tardthots in these threads seethe whenever this sort of thing is pointed out. The common denominator is always the Y chromosome, no matter how much they foam at the mouth and try to deflect with "b-but wahmen", "b-b-but it was all the othe races".

No. 1854150

This. Y chromosome is a defect.

No. 1854178

They're not white at all lmao. They are all hispanic like Nick Fuentes and also black and asian men who wish they were white.

No. 1854183

You don't see how being anti immigration and having an immigrant wife are hypocritical? Whats up with asian women and dating these racist men btw? How little self esteem do you need to have to date someone who publically voices how he thinks you are inferior and your genes need to be "bleached"?

No. 1854196

The fact this cancerous old hag doesn't have her own thread and isn't featured as a lead tradthot is beyond me. There's evidence of her admitting to beating her kids and locking them outside in the fucking winter, evidence of her advocating for rape and domestic violence i can't even read her shit without wanting to vomit kek

No. 1854198

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but that's actually not true, the highest statistic for interracial marriages for both white men and women is with hispanics, 20% of interracial marriages are between white men and hispanic women and 22% are between white women and hispanic men. its just that these marriages and relationships are less politicized then black and asian marriages.

No. 1854210

or they’re the absolute lowest white trash like Ethan Ralph, who looks and acts like something out of a 1920s eugenics manual

No. 1854267

The WMAF and BMWF stuff isn't a law of nature or anything, it used to be the reverse case in the past. It used to be more common for white men to marry black women than for white women to marry black men, and for white women to marry Asian men than for white men to marry Asian women.

I do wonder why alt rightoids don't seethe over Latino men the same way they do black and sometimes Arab men. Is it just a cuck porn thing? Given how much they obsess over interracial dating stats you'd think they'd be reee-ing over Pedro and not Tyrone, kek

No. 1854299

The Hispanic population of the US is 3x higher than the Asian population nona. So Asians still marry out far more often, per capita, than latinxs do. Basic math anon.

No. 1854304

Oh my god shut up. Stop acting like white guys having an Asian fetish is some rare thing, everyone knows it’s one of the most common fetishes white guys have.

No. 1854311

Hispanic guys don’t care about Asians. Many of their women are Asian passing anyway. Brown guys prefer light eyes, skin and features because it’s exotic and unusual for them. Only white guys think of Asians as exotic.

No. 1854350

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Maybe its cause compared to black and asian pairings, most mixed hispanics end up white passing in most cases, like the new actor playing Superman is apparently hispanic as well and I had no Idea, he just looked like a dark haired white guy.

No. 1854354

AfD is basically the German equivalent of Swedish Democrats or the UKIP. They don't care about race and while they are opposed to mass immigration, they don't advocate shutting it down entirely. They are reviled by the alt right types in their own countries.
You don't have to like them, but they are pretty innocuous

No. 1854365

Go back to twitter for fucks sake.

No. 1854399

What’s wrong with that term? It’s less effort than typing out Latinos and Latinas every time.

No. 1854411

So many trad-LARPers end up destroying their lives, but at least this girl monetized it! Her divorce story is so incredibly embarrassing to watch, her high school bf cheated on her constantly, made fake anonymous death threats, proposed to her immediately so he could have sex with her, cheated on her some more, lied and lied and she kept giving him chances and praying and being a good little godly girl.
They moved to Ohio and she was a stay at home influencers/wife while he got fired from every job because HE WAS ADDICTED TO PORN and watched porn on the job. He literally got a job as a SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHER so he could stop himself from watching porn on the job - cut to one year later and he's watching porn while at a school. He left her with their two cats (she's very sheltered and seems to think he abandoned his family by leaving her with the cats).

She didn't know how to pump gas or function alone, now her entire channel is how to live alone and cope with being a "21 year old divorcee" but still doing the influencer-trad-LARP and soulfully making foraged dandelion tea.

No. 1854420

I know this video is old but I think about it a lot because I really can't figure out what the woman in the audience supposedly did wrong. What the hell is "masculine energy", is being assertive a bad thing that makes a you a "bro"? The guy sounds like a jackass too.

No. 1854421

it is always, always men. no matter what race. racial solidarity is always the wrong track to take for women.

No. 1854423

because the asian wives aren't being told that, they are being gassed up by the white moids and told they are superior because of their race while the white moid in question is saying the bleached locker room talk to his buddies. many women in many scenarios don't know what the men they marry are like because they are a totally different person at home and to their kids

No. 1854425

Honestly this. It’s genuinely embarrassing seeing poc women wking for white guys who don’t even see them as sentient human beings or worth the same value as a white person. Even calling these men their saviors. Just yikes. The problem isn’t race, it’s the Y chromosome.

No. 1854429

I saw an Asian girl on tiktok talking about how she’s been harassed and constantly messaged by a white guy who larps as various different Asian women (and whose pictures he’s stolen from Google) for months and he obsessively messages her about how she ‘urgently needs to try white cock’ and how all Asian women are made for white men.

Every time she blocks him he pops up on a new alt and sends her these same kinds of messages full of race fetishy WMAF porn talk while posing as an Asian woman. Scrotes are genuinely deranged kek.

No. 1854433

It’s one letter less how much easier is that really? I’d take typing another letter than sounding like a cringe woke twt fag

No. 1854440

I wonder what it is about pickmes and tradthots that they consistently get into relationships with the most scummy weirdo moids possible.
Haven’t seen a pickme with a husband who wasn’t either an abuser, absent or eventually abandoned her, a porn addict/pedo/cheater/general degenerate, or just gay.

Then again, I guess the majority of the male populace fits into at least one of those categories kek. When is it gonna hit these women that they can’t win a rigged game. Husbands are a burden and modern men just ain’t shit.

No. 1854443

Might have been true in the past but there’s not really an excuse anymore given how openly creepy and weird yellow fever fags are online nowadays.

No. 1854446

What’s wrong with hypergamy? It’s designed to improve the gene pool and social standing for offspring to give them the best chance in life. If anything scrotes are the evil selfish degenerates who want every kid to be born into poverty and grow up to be an ugly incel like themselves. Ugly men SHOULD raise better looking mens children and paternity tests should be banned.

No. 1854449

>she’s single because she’s argumentative and combative!!!!
Meanwhile the male host was literally getting turned on by her attitude and even casually asked her out in front of the audience (even if it in joking terms). Cooooopppeeee.

No. 1854452

Men literally pay women to kick them in the balls and bully them, don’t tell me ‘men get turned off by aggressive women’. Even 7ft tall roided up alphas get horny when women yell at them.

For example, anyone else remember Millionaire Matchmaker, where Patti (the loud, mouthy, bossy, argumentative host who would make fun of the millionaire scrotes to their faces and call them boring, dumb, idiots etc) would arrange a mixer with like 10-15 nice submissive pickmes for a rich scrote to choose from, and a lot of the time the scrote would end up being more interested in Patti and trying to flirt with her and ask her out than any of the pickmes she lined up for them. Kek.

No. 1854463

Yes I remember this!!
She would scream-talk at the multi-millionarie, saying he is boring and has no game (ability to hold conversations and draw in women with their personality). Patti was aggressive as a pitbull and ran her own business, physically tall, and wore a ton of heavy makeup and the guys would STILL ask her if she was single and interested in dating over the throng of young/petite/trad/submissive girls she would bring in for mixers.

No. 1854467

But Patti wasn't just dominant, she had 1 in a billion charisma. Usually dominant personalities tend to be on the boring side.

She also bullied the women at least as bad as she bullied the men. I actually can't remember anyone on that show ever effectively standing up to her.

No. 1854475

Correct, I've seen at least 3 subreddits dedicated to "unfeminine" women.

No. 1854486

I wouldn’t say she was charismatic exactly but she was very funny

Lmao I’m glad someone else remembers. She would literally yawn in their faces and yell at them and call them morons and then 30 seconds later they’d be asking if she’s single kek.

No. 1854517

I wish the fundie thread here was more active. Lori and her ilk are always up to something vile, like Lori posting about how people are burning in hell right after they died so their grieving families can read it, or how the Collins can't be fucked to change their kids' diapers to the point the kids and their father fling shit at each other and get UTIs that go septic, or how the Rodrigues children are all emaciated while the parents are well fed, or the Pearls who wrote a book about abusing children that is the cause for at least three children dying that they all read and praise, etc. And these people all put on this veneer of wholesomeness and "gawdliness" which adds to the disgust you feel when you read about what they've done.

No. 1854530

Because only the scummiest, most worthless of moids want them. Even the average man who wants his wife to be a housewife so he doesn't have to do chores or worry about her having the financial freedom to leave easily still wants his wife to be able to pump gas and make decisions by herself; otherwise, she'd be more of a liability than an asset. Tradwives appeal specifically to the kind of man who wants his partner to be as clueless, helpless, and childlike as possible because any reasonable woman would never even look at, let alone marry them. It's why breeder religions and cults like IBLP don't educate girls beyond middle school level

No. 1854533

Hilarious how the more "pro-life" someone is, the worse they treat children including their own. Leave it to fundies to wax poetic about how raped 10 year olds should give birth because the rape baby is sooo precious and innocent, then turn around and treat their kids worse than most normal people treat stray animals.

No. 1854537

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not only that but many hispanics ARE white, see white Brazilians and Argentines who are descended from Germans, Spaniards, Portuguese, and Brits with little to no Indigenous admixture. And also Spain and Portugal being literally countries in Europe but also being considered "hispanic" by Ameriburgers

No. 1854538

you find child abuse to be funny?

No. 1854549

No, but their hypocrisy is.

No. 1854556

>posts a 3/4 British 1/4 European Spanish woman with bleached hair
>look guys, Hispanics are white!
Are you trolling or genuinely just this retarded?

Where is the fundie thread? Sounds like that milk should be posted here.

No. 1854579

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It does not matter what the country-specific breakdown of her ethnicity is, she has 100% White European ethnic heritage and is Argentine in nationality. She, like many other White South Americans, is entirely descended from European colonists, with no mestizo or Indian admixture. Also, Stormfront considers European South Americans and European Hispanics White, in fact there's a whole subforum dedicated to them, so make of that what you will.

No. 1854581

ntayrt but are you retarded? Hispanic pretty much just means cultural relation to Spain, meaning that European Spanish is Hispanic. Anya Taylor-Joy is also Argentinian. That makes her a white Hispanic AND a white Latina. Ballet dancer Marianela Núñez is also Argentinian. She's also white. Is she suddenly not Hispanic and Latina either?

No. 1854592

European Spanish have never been considered as Hispanic in the United States

No. 1854593

Anya Taylor-Jew isn't white.(global rule #7)

No. 1854599

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Fundie Thread: >>1172792
It hasn't been posted in in over a year, but with the recent release of the Shiny Happy People docuseries, Maranatha (whose marriage story is always put on a pedestal by these fundies but they always forget to mention she was married off at 15 to a 27 year old man who started lusting after her when she was 13 by her father) allegedly getting a divorce, and Karissa just being generally insane it could probably warrant a necro.

No. 1854635

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I just think its funny how pearl puts her foot in it because i've seen tweets where she really attacks womens looks and weight, and posts shit like this when shes almost 6 foot tall, out of shape, unmarried, and has a face like a melted halloween mask. She somehow managed to be worse than sh0e with her feminism takes, I like to believe shes a social experiment but im too optimistic.

The one funny thing she did though was make her biggest supporters (black men) mad after having fuentes on her show. I didnt realise until now that most of the manosphere idiots are black men, a lot of black women were laughing at them because shes said nasty things about black women that these men co signed.

No. 1854643

I thought Nick gave up the anti black stuff years ago? I can't keep track with these guys
And as for Pearl, she's just trying to get a reaction. Any tweet she does that gets engagement is a win for her. Don't hate the player, hate the game

No. 1854648

>Then again, I guess the majority of the male populace fits into at least one of those categories kek
This. I've been watching couples tik tok videos and the moids are all completely worthless. I'll admit that the girl in this vid is pretty annoying in her own right, but she seems like she is probably smart, cute and sweet off camera. And then she ends up with a guy like this who is ugly, stupid, useless and annoying.
And it would be like, "whatever", but the truth is even this moid is probably better than 95% of what else is out there. I don't know how the human race has propagated itself this long if males have always been this shit

No. 1854654

If you have precious time you don't want to waste then use Latino/a

No. 1854707

>It reminds me of the myth that white men are more chivalrous and less misogynistic than other races of men, yet stories like the recent one about two Asian women who got thrown down a ravine by a white man
Sorry but this is stupid, this myth doesn't imply that white psychopaths don't exist, Western countries are literally known to have more crime than East Asian countries. IME it refers to the fact that Westerners are seen as expressing their feelings or saying romantic things more easily than East Asians, + Western countries are seen as more progressive, it's just a stereotype about cultural differences. Of course, degeneracy is stored in the Y chromosome, there is no race that is inherently less or more misogynistic, but there are countries/communities that are safer in this respect simply because there are fewer violent/misogynistic beliefs imposed on them on top of the natural misogyny that all men already have. Western men are misogynistic but anons who claim it's exactly the same everywhere are deluding themselves, Western women in non-religious countries/communities don't have it as bad as women in Muslim countries for example when it comes to men (for now at least).

No. 1854739

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This shit is so bleak. These women try and preach the Trad lifestyle only to end up as a black pill lesson on men.

No. 1854790

Geriatric fatherhood starts at 35 too then since scrotes over 35 have autism and schizo baby soup sperm

No. 1854791

Men don’t offer women anything but a headache.

No. 1854829

I disagree. Men in the olden days would still have children long after 35, and many of those children turned out okay. I would say that those disorders are more environmentally caused and happen after birth.

No. 1854858

No. 1854882

All fundies beat their kids bare minimum, usually they're abusing them in other ways. They claim to love children but always treat their kids as if they despise them.

I think fundie moids especially have kids solely b/c muh genetic legacy/Jesus arrows, and because it's a small dependant person they get off on abusing and lording power over.

I feel like fundie discussion is OK for their thread, tradthots and fundies have enough in common and spew the same shit.

No. 1854884

Not surprising, given those countries let some of the worst Nazi war criminals in with open arms.

No. 1854890

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>Men in the olden days would still have children long after 35, and many of those children turned out okay

Yeah but a lot of them didn't kek No one want old man autism sperm.

No. 1854893

Males constantly produce sperm, meaning their sperm acquire mutations at a fast rate. By the mid-30's(when geriatric fatherhood begins) sperm will have something like 4X as many mutations as the ova of a woman of the same age

No. 1854927

Most women are straight and the world needs an even number of males and females
I secretly think that you want autism to exist so that you have more Chris Chans to make fun of in the future

No. 1854929

scrote detected

No. 1854936

Many of these diseases are caused by vaccines and weedkiller and not old fart parents(bait)

No. 1854958

>I secretly think that you want autism to exist so that you have more Chris Chans to make fun of in the future

Nope. I'd never want another CWC running around. I firmly believe in the eradication of male autists

No. 1854959

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>Most women are straight and the world needs an even number of males and females
And? These women still don’t have to settle for old ass men lmao

KEK this is the biggest cope

No. 1854967

Not all straight women want to be in relationships. There's a reason single childless women are the happiest demographic
Maybe it's a lurking tradthot with a grandpa-husband who can't handle the truth about his toxic loads and the future NEET /pol/ posters she'll spend her life looking after because of them, kek

No. 1854972

>And? These women still don’t have to settle for old ass men lmao
The only exception is Justin Trudeau. Although he hit the wall a few years ago, he was hotter in his mid 40s than when he was younger

No. 1854994

facts still don’t care about your feelings, so sad for you

No. 1855006

Here in western Europe the average age women first give birth (29) is the exact same it was in the 1930s (29)
Women also continued giving birth until their 40s, with their last pregnancy usually being at around 42-43.

No. 1855016

except we are obviously talking about civilized countries, not European countries where most people have never seen running water or a microwave oven(racebait)

No. 1855087

File: 1687993388351.jpg (101.88 KB, 978x1026, Djsjjsfnfn0k.jpg)

I wish this old scrote would finally drop dead

No. 1855092

Check out 0:55 to hear JP at his most JPness

No. 1855097

But really America is far from civilized. Stop caring for old scrotes retard

No. 1855098

Lol is this a real screen shot?

No. 1855108

this isn't even funny to me, just depressing. i can't imagine seeing your own father publicly call you useless outside of breeding.

No. 1855114

He doesn't see her that way. Jordan absolutely adores his daughter. He's just trying to make a joke and it didn't land because he isn't very funny

No. 1855128

Idk nona dragging this girl is a little much. She married the scumbag at 18 and recently got divorced. At least she wasn't unfortunate enough to end up birthing his kid. I just finished watching the video and good on her for removing the pornsick scrote from her life. Hope her video wakes up more women. Let these Y-chromosoid parasites and their cum-congealed smoothbrains die alone, unloved and unwanted while the women they harass and degrade live fulfilling lives without them.

No. 1855133

>Idk nona dragging this girl is a little much. She married the scumbag at 18 and recently got divorced.
But she still made a mistake and that should never be forgiven, imo.

No. 1855151

Pearl is doing a fantastic job blackpilling women on males real feelings. All women have to do is read what scrotes are saying under each of her posts. She’ll say something ridiculous like all women should be all killed off for being worthless and she’ll have all of these scrotes cheering her on for being based. Won’t be long until she says something like “all men hate women, they reserve their love and praise for other men. Because men are best at everything” or something like that

No. 1855161

He absolutely does think this, he was going on about how women having the right to vote worsened society and how abortion is the biggest killer of children. He's a failed academic who has consistently become more unhinged and reactionary as his audience dwindles to the worst of RWmoid scum.

Why is the old man defense force so active here? Are you the grandpa fucker who was defending crypt keeper sperm upthread? Your scrote must've passed you the syphilis he got while fucking hookers in 'Nam and it's started to spread to your brain. Get checked.

No. 1855168

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>Why is the old man defense force so active here?
I'm not attracted to old guys and I've never been with a guy who was older than 30. I did say that Trudeau was the exception who proves the rule in that he was better in his early 40s than when he was young. Of course now he has hit the wall and is too old and disgusting for me. If you disagree with that, you probably just aren't attracted to men. It's 2023, nonnie. Don't be afraid to be true to yourself!
>He absolutely does think this
He has some archaic views about women in general but he makes an exception for his daughter. Just like we all know that plenty of farmers make exceptions for their own moid family members. You probably do too, fake radfem

No. 1855173

if it was just a joke i'm sure his own daughter would be able to recognize it as such and wouldnt have responded like she did. he hates women and it makes me sad for the women in his life, simple as.

No. 1855177

She responded that way because she knows who Pearl is. Jordan presumably doesn't.
>he hates women
He let's his daughter run his life/business. He is just a harmless, faux intellectual weirdo. He isn't malicious like Andrew Tate

No. 1855181

Nothing brings the triggered moids out of the woodworks like reminding them they age even worse than women do. If incels can’t keep their pathetic little fantasies of magically glowing up in their 50s and having young women lined up to get impregnated by them, they’ll rope kek

No. 1855182

You sound like a weirdo. Who needs to “forgive” her? She’s the one suffering from her mistake. If anything she’s doing other women a favor by going public about it.

No. 1855183

Mansplaining someone’s own dad to them? This thread smells like male tears and smegma.

No. 1855184

you are getting your pills confused. Redpillers are the one's fantasizing about the post manopause glow up. Incels are blackpillers, the arch enemies of redpillers. The official incel line is, "it's over", meaning that at least 80% of men are genetic garbage and can only hope to get scraps, if that.

No. 1855191

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Oh fuck off, what would his response be if someone like AOC said "Men are worthless beyond their sperm". Stop giving this worthless scrote benefit of the doubt.

No. 1855215

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No. 1855227

More like she's essentially humiliated herself for life with that stain of a moid on her past. Women posting their Ls will never not be hilariously tragic

No. 1855257

kek reminds me of a post from /aita of a trad utah couple been trying to get pregnant for 3 years but thought the problem was on the wife's side. They thought her infertility was caused by TB she got when she volunteered in a different country. So they got it checked it out and found out that the moid himself had dramatically low sperm count despite just being 32. When his family/friends asked about the doctor visit the scrote fucking lied and said his wife the infertile one due to TB. Now his family encouraging him to divorce his wife because it's not too late for him to get a new wife and baby; and its all her fault for being reckless while young. Hope his wife divorces him and she gets the family she wants from a better person.

>20-30% of infertility cases are explained by physiological causes in men, 20-35% by physiological causes in women, and 25-40% of cases are because of a problem in both partners.
But of course women carry the blame

No. 1855264

hope his wife divorces him, she gets the family she wants from a better person, and he gets to look ridiculous and like a liar to his family when he has the exact same issue with whoever agrees to date him next

you speak the truth nonna

No. 1855265

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>you speak the truth nonna
so if someone made animal torture porn videos when they were young you would just be like, "well they are the one's who have to live with it, they are doing people a favor by telling people about their mistakes"?

No. 1855266

Right. Scrotes like Peterson are never harmless. They know exactly what they’re doing, stoking their audience of angry males to hate women more so they can absorb more of their content. It’s all for profit

No. 1855270

Edgy troon hands detected

No. 1855272

I'm a troon? Not the anons who advocated welcoming the pickme back into the fold?

No. 1855276

If you were a woman you'd get it. Sorry the estrogen didn't help love, you still carry male sociopathy and retardation(infighting)

No. 1855278

Being a commie is rooted in jealousy and a sense of inferiority so that makes sense.

No. 1855279

>a 18yo religious woman staying too long with her cheating porn addicted bf is the same as someone making animal torture porn videos
ok. very cute pic though

No. 1855321

You’re far too quick to bring up animal torture porn when it’s completely unnecessary. Take your meds and shut up+stop derailing.

No. 1855331

If we’re going for the low road then JBP and his wife are two of the ugliest people I’ve seen. Go back into your coma old man.

No. 1855332

Tinfoil: Pearl is secretly a radfem larping as anti feminist so she can blackpill as many women as possible on what men really think of them and ends up pushing into the arms of radical feminism.

No. 1855333

Kek I actually prefer much blackpilled moids than redpilled moids. Blackpilled moids are so sexist they end up going full circle and basically admitting to female superiority ie: women are biologically more valuable than men, men exist to sacrifice their lives to keep women and children alive, women can never be lonely or out of options because even the ugliest fattest old woman still has more SMV than the average 7/10 young man, etc etc.

Redpill moids are cope addicted delulus who think men peak at 60 and write elaborate larps about having harems of 18 year old girls.

No. 1855334

Much prefer*
Sorry ESL moment kek

No. 1855335

Okay well Trudeau is the 0.00001% exception not the rule. He was 10/10 in his prime and has great hair and decent skin genetics so ofc he’s still going to look hot at 45 or whatever. And although he is retarded and a robot, at least he isn’t an edgy misogynistic right wing prick.

Most scrotes hit the wall at birth and look like boiled hams by his age if not earlier.(trudeaufag)

No. 1855336

Honestly wild that there’s only 10 years age difference between Trudeau and Peterson. Not to mention Peterson looks like he’s been dying of aids for the last 20+ years. What being a bitter old scrote full of misogyny does to a mf.

No. 1855337

Actually proud of Mikhaila for standing up to her retarded father and Pearl.

No. 1855338

Same tbh, it's a pipe dream but I'm dreaming she ends the grift and starts calling out her father more. I don't doubt he mentally abused her and gave her a conplex about being a woman.

No. 1855339

Thing is the right wing has disowned her and not even incel fundies listen to Pearl because she has sex with black men. That’s enough to turn 99.99999% of white manosphere type scrotes off. Her only allies are misogynistic black men and other pickmes who have a BBC fetish.

No. 1855340

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Another one who thinks women shouldn’t be allowed to vote

No. 1855341

I love how people act like some of the worst governments in all of history weren’t voted in solely by men.

No. 1855345

Who's that?(learn to sage)

No. 1855368

those facial composites look like sisters except one is wearing glasses
he is absolutely insane

No. 1855382

Taking AI seriously is like the boomer litmus test at this point.

Sure man I can feed only images of obese tumblrinas into the left composite and only Fox News bimbos into the right and it will come up with TOTALLY ACCURATE MATHEMATICALLY ALGORITHMICALLY APPROVED SCIENTIFICALLY ACCURATE AI IMAGE.

No. 1855383

This is cope. Pretty much every attractive woman under 35 votes democrat lol.

No. 1855389

TV isn't real, moron. It's all part of the show. Men might like an assertive women for fulfilling their mommydommy fetish but in a relationship men don't like to be challenged or talked back to. They like to be the dominant ones who make decisions and tell other people what to do, which is why every married man ever constantly whines about how bossy and nagging his wife is because she asked him to take out the trash once 5 years ago. Their ideal woman is basically just an obedient warm and quiet cum recepticle that also cooks and cleans. Men don't want an equal partner, let alone a woman who speaks her mind.(infighting)

No. 1855418

You aren’t going to find a guy who just wants normal sex. It’s either you find a moid who wants you to call him a wimp or a loser or you end up with a guy who wants to suck your toes while dressed up as an elf. Choose wisely

No. 1855420

Mikhaila is the dominant partner in all her relationships with men, including her father. She isn’t some pickme

No. 1855425

I only brought it up because anon said that we are required to support pickmes

No. 1855453

Lol if this was true then pickmes would be thriving yet they never are.

Go back to your femcuck cage, Penelope.

No. 1855498

what exactly was the point of him lying? Why not just tell his family the truth? Was he worried his family was going to honor kill him or something?

No. 1855510

Okay well Japanese women are generally slim, ‘traditional’, ‘feminine’ , have motherly qualities, believe in getting married and having kids before 25. etc etc, yet still have one of the lowest birth and marriage rates in the world. Kek.

No. 1855521

I get it’s a grift, but Pearl is turning 27 this year. Is she just gonna speed run finding a 10/10 tradman, getting married, and popping a few kids in the short time she has before she turns 31? Does she have an excuse as to why she’s, by her own logic, impure, unfeminine, and no longer youthful but can shit on other women who are the same?

No. 1855530

Implying we can't get mad at other women for being retarded. Do you think women are hapless blameless victims or what

No. 1855532

exactly. thank you. Anon is saying that if you hold a woman responsible for her actions then you are a troon. Kek

No. 1855536

This. Treating women as hapless permavictims with absolutely no agency is infantilizing.

No. 1855569

“Symmatry” she’s wiping her snotty nose like a toddler, has the handwriting of a toddler and also can’t spell. Such intellect from our girl Hannah(sage your shit)

No. 1855576

Lmao. Good post nona, made me chuckle.

No. 1855593

I'm surprised to even see posts like this on here because every time I've been critical about another woman (cow or speaking generally), anons always rush in to mollycoddle as if we're not all on the same site talking shit. Looking at all nonas who thought I was somehow ConDonIng Ab00sE in the alt thread years ago for saying IBF made her own mess in Germany.

That anon is likely part of the tumblr gen that grew up and are on here now spreading the same bile. Feminism to them was never criticizing other women because all women are victims from birth.. you know, unless it was to get into a pissing contest in a thread tree about who is more feminist than thou. I feel like people forget those users were teenagers saying shit they had no real grasp on, not veteran radfems or anybody who did something worth a shit for women.

No. 1855718

All the women I know who live in Japan actually don’t like it when women that work in the same company get pregnant actually. Many of them see it then slowly down their work and they expect them to quit after giving birth. There’s actually a lot of hostility to pregnancy and motherhood so alot of women aren’t interested in it. Plus the money allows them freedom, not to be tied down to some businessman scrote that will be never home

Since it’s all a grift, she’ll probably slow down her content as she gets older, pull a shoe0nhead and disappear for bit then come back as a centrist. Only for the next crop of extreme pick me anti feminists who will be worse than she was to come up so she can respond to them

No. 1855723

>as if we're not all on the same site talking shit.
let's not pretend we talk shit the same way men do on their own sites. claiming that we can't be critical of other women on lc is ridiculous though, the one thing you (general you) should probably avoid doing is sperging out like a moid "bc she's a pickme anyway" or, in this case, comparing being a doormat to violent degenerate moid behaviors.

No. 1855747

>comparing being a doormat to violent degenerate moid behaviors.
Being a doormat puts all women in danger, so that's why I don't think she should be forgiven

No. 1855790

I think there's a middle ground between calling women retards for their behavior and coddling them. While the woman in >>1854411 is totally pathetic as all tradthots are, she made the mistake of marrying her worthless scrote as a teenager and is now only in her early 20's. She's an adult, but one without a fully developed brain and with plenty of time to become an independent, accomplished woman who can look back on her trad phase and be happy she got out so soon. I'm not saying she should be free of criticism, just that it should be measured

Women like that "Comfy" idiot in past threads who keeps going back to her abusive moid an putting herself, her infant daughter and pet cat in danger because she has no skills or ambition outside of sucking groyper dick, however, deserve nothing but mockery and scorn.

No. 1855796

> Only for the next crop of extreme pick me anti feminists who will be worse than she was to come up so she can respond to them
i hate that this is true.

No. 1855808

File: 1688108059404.png (137.3 KB, 951x616, 76574.PNG)

Fuck you, I beat my men and they still love me

No. 1855809

It's impossible to be worse than Pearl. She literally says that women are evil and are responsible for everything that is wrong in society. How can you get any more anti feminist than that?

No. 1855840

Technically she's right because for society to get to this point it had to have been enabled by women bending over backwards both literally and figuratively. She is terminally retarded and is walking proof of her point

No. 1855850

>There’s actually a lot of hostility to pregnancy and motherhood so alot of women aren’t interested in it.
That’s not true at all. Sounds like you are thinking about Korea.
Motherhood is a very celebrated thing in Japan, the government wants women to have as many kids as possible and is now offering various incentives. It’s still very common for women to quit work at 25 and dedicate their time to finding a husband and trying to get pregnant.

No. 1855851

Then it’s mens fault for making society a ‘bend over backwards for us or we’ll beat you to death and enslave you’ deal

No. 1855853

It literally isn't bruh, average age for child in Japan is 30. Women in their late 20s and early 30s are discriminated against when looking for jobs because the companies don't wanna pay maternity leave. Japan is like America where they berate women for not having kids but make it near impossible to actually do it and live comfortably. You sound like a retarded scrote with deluded fantasies about Japan.

No. 1855894

No. 1855913

>claiming that we can't be critical of other women on lc is ridiculous though
Ayrt and I agree. Got a friend who browses lc as well and has all sorts of things to say about men (which I don't disagree with, not all of it at least) but is upset that I won't defend that streamer whore with the abusive moid or whatever. I don't watch streamers, I don't do twitch, and I don't see why I'm expected to dole out laminated victim cards to one ewhore while she, myself, and others make fun of all the other ewhores.

Nta but I can see where you're coming from, but I'm also at the age where I don't really have the time or energy to be babysitting other women and chiding them for their poor decision making skills.

This is a pretty reasonable post and probably the one which articulates how I feel about the entire topic. Apologies for piggybacking and not contributing much, its been a long week and the caffeine hasn't kicked in yet.

No. 1855936

How did she afford to rent an entire house and buy a bunch of furnishings as a former housewife with no job experience?

No. 1855938

Nvm, just saw that she lives in Cleveland kek.

No. 1855967

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No. 1855978

>Nta but I can see where you're coming from, but I'm also at the age where I don't really have the time or energy to be babysitting other women and chiding them for their poor decision making skills.
No pickmes in our spaces. Anon who called me a troon is probably a troon himself

No. 1855982

If you're spending five hours in the kitchen with all the modern equipment we have doesn't that just mean you fucking suck at cooking?

No. 1855986

tbh this one is almost certainly a moid LARPing as his ideal tardwife. it's too on the nose
given how shitty the slop she churns out looks, 4.5 hours out of those 5 are probably spent finding the camera angle her tits look biggest at

No. 1855988

Again, I don't disagree that pick-mes cause problems, but they've always existed and its not like they're ever going to go away. I don't have a problem with admonishing them, but I'm also not going to waste years of my life holding the hands of adults as if they're children. At the end of the day, people are going to make their own choices and its up to them to fall on their ass and learn the hard way. This has been the case for forever. I guess I just don't understand where the line is for you and, by extension, other anons itt. Like, do you plan on holding symposiums eventually or writing feminist literature from your standpoint? Are you going to tour universities and speak to young women or push for a women's course that holds some weight in the curriculum? None of these questions are meant to be a dig at you either. I've just been curious about where this discourse eventually will lead to, if anywhere at all, because it can come off as quite militant in online spaces while the same energy offline is almost nowhere to be found. At least not where I currently live or have lived.

No. 1855995

The kind of people that say this shit also are the ones who demonize single mothers that chose to "do the right thing" and keep the baby.

No. 1856013

Anti-choice ideology is based solely on wanting to see women(and often, girls) punished for having sex; this includes rape, since to them consent from a woman is meaningless. Whatever causes maximum suffering for women is what they want, and the fetus is just a means by which punishment is doled out. It's why they spend so much time whining about how abortion is the worst genocide in human history where innocent babies get ripped limb from liiimb by spiked forceps, but oppose free birth control–or just birth control in general, don't support companies being forced to pay a living wage or provide maternity leave, want to cut funding to prenatal care programs, and hate single mothers. The most "pro-life" states having the worse maternal-fetal outcomes is no coincidence.

No. 1856024

>>1855982 How does she spend five hours with? With boscht? it cooks for like two hours and you don't need to stand over it all the time. Is she retarded and makes one meal and then another? In the second meal, she uses a semi-finished product and stuffed mindlessly so much meat into that pan that there's no room, and it's not even properly tenderized – it shrunks into ugly clods. She holds the scraper and whisk like teen who helps mom first time in the kitchen. Only tards are willing to believe her shit.

No. 1856040

what about groups that specifically fight against sex selective abortions in shithole countries?

No. 1856049

Not to mention borscht can be made in an instant pot in like an hour or 45 minutes depending on which recipe you use and its not like it tastes any different. I've done it both with an ip and stove top, but I forgot that using a modern pressure cooker pisses some scrotes off because they deem it to be lazy as opposed to a useful advancement which saves time (you know, so their retarded selves can eat faster), can feed a crowd/family, and allows less room for error. Whatever would we do without input from the group that can't even feed themselves.

No. 1856053

Samefag sorry for the sperg, but it just pisses me off because I've seen discourse for years now from both moids and tardthots about how they want a totally archaic 50s kitchen with all the bells and whistles. My own grandmother has no problem with using modern appliances and she's like 83, so I don't get what the fuck is wrong with these people.

No. 1856067

who the fuck wouldn't make the dessert first? larp

No. 1856070

I'm not certain this is correct. The tradwife fantasy is literally millions of times more popular with scrotes than with women, but the moids who are into it aren't necessarily opposed to labor saving kitchen appliances. That seems to be more of a tradthot exclusive characteristic
I eat dessert before I eat my main meal. The only reason that people eat dessert 2nd is because moids have historically say that is how it "has" to be done

No. 1856097

I didn't say it was written law. The comment was based off of my anecdotal evidence from various places online and one of them being /r9k/ circa 2014. They'd say all manner of shit about how food should be while simultaneously having threads up about how women who wear deodorant are fake because body odor is natural.

No. 1856100

Her tradwife shtick is a larp, she thinks spending a shitton of time on chores makes her some kind of high level housewife, like when she said in another video that she does two laundry batches a day.

No. 1856103

*how food should be prepared
Felt the need to clarify since I might get mistaken for >>1856067 and, yes, they absolutely did take umbrage with the methods of cooking because of their romanticized idea of a woman standing over a hearth with a large iron pot like this was disney's snow white or some shit. And this is what happens when your scope of reality is based off of fiction.

No. 1856132

It’s literally just her and her husband/fiancé/boyfriend, no kids. She shouldn’t even be doing two a week most of the time.

No. 1856134

Not going to respond to every comment, but the reason I posted about this very young trad-LARPer is because she is monetizing her raw pain, embarrassing thoughts, and general Ls. I'm not trying to roast her, but true cringe like this is rare to find online - she's crying on camera, sad and painfully lonely in Ohio after divorcing her porn addicted liar moid. She doesn't need to make YouTube content about this, she can just post trad insta stuff and get her sponsorships.
Not only that, throughout this video she is extremely stressed about making content, and documenting everything, and trying to make her life whimsical by bringing a ukulele to the park. I feel bad for her, this content-creation-market-yourself stuff is seen as 'easy money' for young girls but it's just like twitch/camming and takes away a piece of your soul. She is a really naive person but I like watching her load her dishwasher, talk about her cats, and trying new foods.

No. 1856141

nona, I hate moids but I can't eat sweet stuff before the main and shit usually needs to either cool or set before serving so it's just smart, you're sounding weird

No. 1856177

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1/3 Ok so I know justfishythings is full of it but shes been going on this odd tangent against 35yr old women and retweeting others who have it in for 35 yr old women.

No. 1856179

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There were too many tweets and these are mixed but also says contradictory things about virgins, also has it in for single mothers, also is complaining about conservatives attacking her (im surprised as they are her main audience)

No. 1856181

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Also in post above she is retweeting and encouraging other women to say this stuff. She also is being really hard on womens looks when we know she doesnt live up to her own standard. If this was someone else in these videos she would rip them to shreds based on what she says a woman should look like.

No. 1856183

she looks like a Norwegian man herself

No. 1856184

I stumbled on her for the first time a couple days ago and thought she was a man before hearing her voice.

No. 1856186

At least her children will be really big and strong. And given how smart her parents are, maybe her kids will be intelligent as well
Not sure that Pearl is gonna be a great mother, though

No. 1856189

Interestingly a few people commented on the other tweet women hit their peak in their 30s repo wise, men in their late teens. So scientifically, the ideal match would be a 30yr old woman with 19 yr old guy.

No. 1856195

she looks sturdy

No. 1856215

you sound like one of those libfems who say that doing OnlyFans is fine because it's "choice", as if growing up in a patriarchal society hasn't had any impact on your choices(stop infighting over dessert)

No. 1856237

If all men value in women is chastity and youth, which are respectively gone upon first sexual experience and apparently by age 35, then why would a woman ever want to be with one? She's a "depreciating asset" no matter what, putting all her eggs in that Y-chromosome'd basket is the mother of all bad idea. Why not focus on a career which she'll becomes more valuable in over time, not less? The alternative is being financially dependent on someone who does not want and gets nothing out of her. Girlbossery is literally the only logical conclusion anyone could draw from this.

No. 1856245

traditional societies were/are shit, but even they didn't say that women have no value apart from youth, beauty and chastity. These trads can't even larp correctly

No. 1856267

Aren't all women "depreciating assets" according to this retard and the moids she parrots?

Did an older woman steal her bf?

No. 1856298

"men provide protection" fucking where
women in modern countries don't live in Gotham
has any ever seen men in physical fights? They look like drunk toddlers despite scrotes thinking they'll win a fight in their head kek
even women in piss poor war torn countries end up as victims of rape and murder

pearl sounds so fucking exhausting to be around, no wonder no one wants to date her

Yea, manosphere says women hit the wall at 25 now kek and if you marry a 25+ year old then you're getting leftovers. Which is ironic because Pearl is 26 now. Tradcons and redpillers goal is a 22 year old virgin, they're delusional kek

No. 1856318

professional success and skill with lethal weapons
then if you want dick you can do it on an even playing field

No. 1856326

isn't this fat bitch like 30? is she seriously roasting 35 year olds when she's a mere 5 years away from being literally everything she claims to hate? by her own logic she is calling herself ugly and old because she was 25 y/o FIVE years ago lol

No. 1856327

she's 26????? my bad. wait she's actually delusional… if she looks this ugly at 26, by her logic she is going to be monstrous in 10 years lmao

No. 1856332

She is very old looking, I thought she was 40 something, she also is kinda ugly. I assume she's mad there's older women who look better then her, so she tries to vouch for the younger women in her age group because she knows she can't compete but at least she's hating the older "hags" who think they look better. Or she legit thinks that her age makes her look better then any woman in their 30s and that's all she has. That she's not 30.
I saw her whine about "people picking at my looks" they should. I feel she completely let go of herself, so she just thinks being a pick me and caping for young woman will give her some kind of residue of acceptance.

No. 1856334

you don't need to psychoanalyze. She is just a grifter along with being a genuinely horrible person. That's really all there is to it

No. 1856372

??? It's dessert puta

No. 1856456

Based. I also eat dessert before dinner. Most desserts like pudding, ice cream etc are meant to be served cold and others like cobblers or crumbles are meant to be served warm (not too hot like straight out the over, or too cold like has been sitting there), most most people didn’t have fridges or freezers until like 70 years ago, stoves were a nuisance to keep warming up and getting up right after dinner to serve up the pudding is hard on the female host, so it’s actually more ‘traditional’ and feminist to have dessert first. Moids will always nag women and children who have a sweet tooth or try to eat dessert first so eating it first is a fuck you to patriarchy and control freak male behavior. In Japan women eat sweets to spite men because women were traditionally not supposed to eat them except on special occasions. And now many Japanese women eat sweets every single day to the point having a sweet tooth is now seen as ‘rebellious womans’ behavior in Japan.

No. 1856458

Shes in absolutely no position to shittalk other womens reproductive behaviors. She’s overweight, completely infertile looking and has lurch tier genetics. Literally looks like an British tranny.

No. 1856459

Why were all these tweets made in the same two day span? What sparked this deranged tirade lol.

No. 1856460

I’ll agree if she concedes 99.9999% of men are hotter at 18-25 than 35. Just because a moid has more money at 35 does not make him a good reproductive choice, his sperm is already becoming full of mutations by that age and he more likely to give our kids autism and schizophrenia. His testosterone has also been falling consistently since his mid twenties.

It’s common sense and actually biologically incentivised for women to have a rich older beta provider and get impregnated by a younger hotter man with healthier sperm, higher T levels and better genes. In fact our reproductive cycles make it so we are attracted to men with higher testosterone during ovulation. That means YOUNG men.

No. 1856462

What’s funny is that mens testosterone declines by 25 but womens estrogen actually peaks to its highest at 35.

No. 1856542

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Lauren Chen looks absolutely botched in this recent video she’s only in her late twenties but looks like a 40 year old plastic surgery addict.

No. 1856544

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Wtf she looks like the weekend’s plastic surgery mask kek
That’s what being a raging misogynistic pick me will do to ya TRAGIC

No. 1856597

I've never once known a woman who predatorily targeted a younger guy to lock him down, but men do this constantly and consciously. and every time an older f/younger m age gap is brought up that I've seen, the woman is sheepish even if it's just 1 or 2 years, whereas I've known girls dating 10+ year older predators since high school. this, plus pearl commenting on women's looks when she's simultaneously dumpy, curveless, and mannish = pearl is tweeting from bizarro world where up is down and tubby & trannyfaced is peak female performance. it all makes sense guys

No. 1856609

I don't approve of age gap relationships but generally when there is a much younger woman with an older man, it's the woman who is in control. Look at Dane Cook with his child bride, she clearly owns him

No. 1856620

yeah fuck no, so incorrect it hurts

No. 1856627

>most women today would be poor reproductive choices
Hannah is such a retarded grifter it’s hard not to see how bad she is for getting the basis of nature wrong just to fluff up a moids ego.
A moid will NEVER be the prize. Their sperm is worthless and they have and will always be considered less valuable compared to women. Women choose and select whose genes will be passed on. Most moids today are poor reproductive choices so women en masse are leaving dating/marriage/kids behind. Or they choose a sperm bank where the quality is monitored and no sperm over 34 is allowed. But Hannah would lose her incel audience by telling them the truth so she has to make it seem like they are prize and women today aren’t meeting their standards. There’s no solution to her problems, just to tell women they’re too old/ugly/fat as if women care anymore to hear that same old message.

No. 1856644

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Damn I hope all fundie/tradtard daughters go to college

No. 1856648

This is mental illness. She needs help

No. 1856652

Can confirm. Ate so much pussy in college bc daddy's money lesbians rebelling against their upbringing by being unhinged alcoholics for four years while the rest of us raised with normal boundaries didn't go berzerk the second we left mom and dad's house.

No. 1856672

Your comment just proves that young, hot guys ~are~ the prize.

No. 1856673

File: 1688241699677.jpg (109.76 KB, 1300x1040, dane_cook.jpg)

which of these appears to be the one in control?

No. 1856715

No. 1856730

What am I coping with? Age gap relationships are gross but they usually aren't predator men taking advantage of naive younger women. Think about it, how many women do you know that are attracted to men who are old enough to be their fathers? Probably none. The women who date these chumps are manipulating them

No. 1856752

if you're in control of your life then you're not fucking creepy bogdanoff lookalikes whose faces are melting off

No. 1856765

you are if you are getting fame, millions of dollars, connections and the geriatric moid is simping for you 24/7 out of fear that you will leave him
They're both gross, but she is no victim. She probably has a higher IQ than he does

No. 1856769

potted plants have higher iqs than dane cook
but yeah, if gold diggers are going to dig for old gold, that’s not the usual age gap relationship

No. 1856770

ayrt, I feel you/get your point and was just making a dumb joke, sorry

No. 1856776

>that’s not the usual age gap relationship
lol wut? Yes it is. Unless you are talking about a 15 year old with a 25 year old or something like that. I was talking about a young, but still adult, woman with a genuinely old guy. Those relationships are invariably based on money. Why else would they date guys that age? Do you seriously think that even Pearl would be attracted to that thing in the picture?
>ayrt, I feel you/get your point and was just making a dumb joke, sorry
nothing to apologize for, but thanks anyway

No. 1856783

much more common than gold-diggers are abusive moids and women with daddy issues

No. 1856791

this is the same non-logic sugarbabies use, kek. young women who get with old scrotes aren't "manipulating" them, they're giving the scrote exactly what he wants and getting relatively little in return. old man+younger woman marriages are more prolific in more male-dominated regions for a reason.

No. 1856797

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There's a MRA trad thot by the name of Janice Fiamengo who I personally think looks like a tranny. I wouldn't be surprised if she is one.

No. 1856798

A lot of these trad-thots look or are masculine themselves. Pearly looks like a tranny herself too. Most of these "tradcon" scrotes are huge closet cases. Which is why they all drool over Robbie white.

No. 1856800

>old man+younger woman marriages are more prolific in more male-dominated regions for a reason
Because they are forced marriages. I'm talking about something like Anna Nicole with that senile billionaire she was with

No. 1856809

They know they can just dump you and buy a new hot young thing

No. 1856822

probably the one with financial independence who wont end up out on their ass as soon as they cease to be sparkly and new.

No. 1856879

>got to hang off some ancient scrote's arm for a year before he croaked, becoming a laughing stock
>he left his estate to his daughter-in-law and grandsons
>mocked as a dumb bimbo addict and died before her 40th birthday
yeah, she was really in control of it all. kek

hint for mentally challenged nonas: if your "power" comes from a moid and he has the ability to unilaterally take it away, it's his power. you simply buy proximity to it by providing him with access to your body. no, getting a nice purse from your crypt keeper boyfriend does not make you a #femalemanipulator #coquette #darkfeminine girlboss, you're just a hooker with delusions of grandeur

No. 1856961

Wtf this is genuinely scary lmao

No. 1857118

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Canelo Alvarez is a Mexican national. Is he not white?(sage goes in the email field)

No. 1857250

He's an actual Mexican, he probably has indigenous ancestry. ATJ is a rich white immigrant with no real ties to Latin America though technically just being born there makes her "latina" in a way that doesn't mean anything at all. Lupita Nyong'o is Mexican for similar reasons.

No. 1857251

Morphing into a Thai ladyboy

No. 1857252

Why are you so desperate to prove a small minority of Latinos are more Spanish than indigenous? Go back to /pol/ you dumb scrote, no one cares about your race obsession.

No. 1857254

This, a gun is a better self defence tactic than any moid.

Exactly lol. What the fuck is the incentive to base your entire existence around a creature that is biologically allergic to loyalty and monogamy, and is disgusted by the completely natural and inevitable process of ageing/will dump you after your pregnancy body stops being hot to him and you gasp dare exist past 40?

If anything they’re blackpilling women on the scrote issue and pushing women further and further away from men because it’s blatantly clear men cannot be loyal or love truly and unconditionally in the non superficial way that women can. What the fuck is the point?

No. 1857255

I always thought older men were ugly as fuck and knew this was a normal instinctive reaction to be repulsed by unhealthy sperm and predatory men, but there’s a huge media and social engineering lobby that astroturfs older men as hot and fuckable and unfortunately so many young women are brainwashed into believing it too.

What their endgame is I don’t exactly know, but it’s no coincidence that the people in control of media and social engineering are mostly ugly middle aged scrotes who use money as a bargaining chip to sleep with women way out of their league.

No. 1857260

>If anything they’re blackpilling women on the scrote issue
1. there are very few women in these spaces
2. the few women that there are mostly are there for the attention
3. the type of women in these spaces get off on feeling like useless, depreciating assets
So, for better or worse, the tradosphere is not blackpilling anybody because no women except for incurable pickmes are part of it in the first place. We need to introduce more women to the tradosphere
>older men as hot and fuckable and unfortunately so many young women are brainwashed into believing it too
You are not the target for GQ and People magazine. The old scrotes on those covers are meant to appeal to the old women who buy those rags. Magazines for young women feature young pretty boys on the cover.
>astroturfs older men as hot and fuckable and unfortunately so many young women are brainwashed into believing it too.
I have literally never met a young woman who is attracted to older men. You are just being paranoid

No. 1857422

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No. 1857429

I’ve overheard someone watching what sounded like an elsagate tier video of an older man/young woman story. In the video the moid was saying shit like “b-but you’re so young… why would you want to be with an old man like me?” with the girl giving him some sympathetic responses. Women are definitely being brainwashed to be attracted to older men because we’re told all our lives that they are “more intelligent and put together”. You are naive

No. 1857465

go look at the Coquette thread for fucked up young women with metastatic daddy issues

No. 1857493

> We need to introduce more women to the tradosphere
for what purpose? so more young women can be harassed, stalked, and doxxed by 30-40 year old men with frog avis who LARP as a 22 year old and talk like they're 6?

No. 1857650

>for what purpose?
to blackpill women about moids
>go look at the Coquette thread for fucked up young women with metastatic daddy issues
I'm talking about real people. Not terminally online weirdos
>I’ve overheard someone watching what sounded like an elsagate tier video of an older man/young woman story
It's a power fantasy meant to appeal to immature girls, that they can control an older moid who will simp for them. It's not actually trying to encourage young women to date old guys. If they wanted to encourage that, you'd see movies where 20 year old girls are dating George Clooney or Keauna Reeves. Even 20 years ago Johnny Depp was considered too old to pair with Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean
The media promotes guys like Jacob Elordi to appeal to younger women. Even gay guys don't like old men. Have you seen those RFK Jr. videos? It's disgusting.
The only group that likes old scrotes are old women. Take your femcuck fantasies elsewhere
>Women are definitely being brainwashed to be attracted to older men because we’re told all our lives that they are “more intelligent and put together”.
Women do mature faster then men and while Zoomer guys are more feminist than earlier generations, they do have a tendency to be somewhat childlike. Some younger women can't handle taking on the mothering role. That's why a lot of Zoomer guys like older women

No. 1857721

Nah, plenty of women already get exposed to these spaces even though they don't "stay" there. The "manosphere" is widely known, "incel" is an universal insult used even by zoomers, plenty of women are aware of this shit and being blackpilled on scrotes. Hell, I'm an ancient hag and reading this shit online growing up made me make sure not to stay with any scrote too long, just have my fun with them for a bit and then leave them. Highly recommend doing this btw, when you get bored (and leave) before they do, scrotes don't know what hit them. It completely destroys them kek

Everyone in society has been brainwashed into thinking old farts are hot shit because old farts historically control most resources. Younger guys are OK with it only because they think that will be them someday, but they're being scammed too. Men hate women having financial independence because they understand their weakening grip on resources means the end of Big Old Fart

No. 1857730

>Men hate women having financial independence because they understand their weakening grip on resources means the end of Big Old Fart
The new gen of men seem to be okay with women having financial independence
>Everyone in society has been brainwashed into thinking old farts are hot shit
I don't think they're hot shit and I never have. I've never heard any other girl say that old guys were hot either. I knew some girls in high school who liked guys in their 20s, if that's what you mean

No. 1857798

Zoomer guys are hardly feminist, who do you think is watching Andrew Tate/FreshNFit/ other podcasts? Plus, look at the type of porn that they watch, and the amount of it, as well as the sexual acts they feel entitled to. Just as misogynisitic as previous generations, if not more so

No. 1857825

>who do you think is watching Andrew Tate/FreshNFit
I doubt too many guys take those clowns seriously. Even moids aren't that stupid

No. 1857880

Males making fun of "alpha males" like Andrew Tate only do to appease to a mainstream audience and make themselves look good, at their core they are all the same. One is just better at hiding his malevolence while the other shows you what you're dealing with upfront

No. 1857893

what about men who have a Femdom fetish?

No. 1857969

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Another one with a clearly gay husband. Whats with all tradthots being faghags?

No. 1857972

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Sorry but this guy has an extreme case of gayface. Both bonded over their ‘strong Christian values’ in high school. Hmm, sussy. Trying to pray the gay away with your chubby bimbo Marilyn wannabe beard, Conner?

Also lol at how they look like brother and sister.

No. 1857975

This bitch's forhead is massive kek

No. 1857986


> fried bleached hair

> Gay looking husband
> ugly cheap grandma dresses
> caked in makeup
> looks like a troon

She checks in all the tradthot aesthetics.

No. 1857987

They have identical mouths/teeth, if someone would tell me they are actually related I'd believe it

No. 1857998

if she doesn't have to fuck her fag husband and he fully bought the house under her name, maybe the tiktok larp lifestyle isn't so bad after all. but this is being too optimistic.
men with "femdom" fetishes are just irredeemably lazy. they provide NOTHING, yet expect women to perform all labor, especially sexual labor (initiating, keeping their pornsick limp dicks up). peak relationship parasites, somehow one-upping fuckboys in that department.

No. 1858012

No different from men with a Maledom fetish. They're all just misogynistic scrotes who see women as sexual objects to fulfill their coomer fetishes. The only difference is the particular fetish they want a bangmaid to satisfy.

No. 1858019

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Goes back to Christian quiverfull fundies and their ilk, tarded Priscilla Keller (sister of Josh Duggars husband) is married to faggy David Waller. Speaking of…

No. 1858021

*Josh Duggars wife, typo kek

No. 1858034

File: 1688480221864.jpg (196.1 KB, 1200x1200, ExXfjlbWgAEEfTo.jpg)

Abigail Shapiros husband lowkey looks like a tif to me

No. 1858045

What the fuck he looks just like her around the eyes, is this not a FaceTime edit or some shit?

No. 1858058

Former fundie. There is a reason Gothard surrounded himself with the people he did. Waller being one of them. They were/are literal Bill G clones.
I’m not sure why these people who KNOW the Wallers & Staddon families think they will ever reach out & help victims of the abuse they helped commit, cover up and enable.
He won’t ever reach out…well maybe after he is busted for his own SA crimes. Don’t let that faggy shit cloud you. David is Bill G II but worse because he knows how to cover his tracks because of what happened to Gothard and his brother in law.

No. 1858062

That's just Americans being obsessed with having straight white teeth, they probably went to the same orthodontist. Btw isn't it against trad values to have plastic surgery no matter how minor it is?

No. 1858078

File: 1688487062312.png (887.28 KB, 1092x766, please floss your teeth pearl.…)

She sure talks a lot of shit for someone who already looks 35. Also, it's pretty clear Pearl doesn't floss on a daily basis. Imagine the smell

No. 1858080

Pretty rich from a bitch who got granny bags already going under her eyes. Those are not going to get better w/ age bookie bear.

No. 1858088

She actually says in the video she is past her “peak hotness” and that she peaked at 19. Watching this retard makes me lose brain cells though so I didn’t watch much longer after that.

No. 1858095

Fundies at least have historically gotten their kids teeth fixed even if they completely neglected their health otherwise (especially the girls to make it easier to marry them off).

No. 1858103

yeah no, braces don't make every american set of teeth and lips the same. they do look related and it's creeping me out lmao

No. 1858134

I pity Pearl. I can’t imagine being ugly and miserable. Her trad larp will not get her a husband. She is truly doomed forever

No. 1858144

She's not a supermodel, sure. But lots of average/unattractive women get married to decent men. The thing that is holding her back is her desperation and childish/cringey opinions/attitudes. Men who are worth it will be put off by that kind of behavior

No. 1858162

so anything except vanilla sex is automatically misogynistic? All the farmers who are into femdom are self hating women?
I also am anti kink, but I think kink==misogyny is an oversimplification. Unless you want to say that gays and lesbians with kinks are also misogynistic
>men with "femdom" fetishes are just irredeemably lazy
doesn't that also apply to men who don't have femdom fetishes? Moids are the laziest creatures in existence
>They're all just misogynistic scrotes who see women as sexual objects to fulfill their coomer fetishes.
Do you not know any gay men? They see other men as just sex objects as well. Are they "misandristic" (kek) scrotes as well?

No. 1858164

but Pearl was never attractive at any age

No. 1858167

>Her trad larp will not get her a husband
She doesn't want a husband. She wants to bash women to entertain guys in the manosphere. This is the life she wants

No. 1858172

Doesn't he blow a ridiculous amount of money on escorts/prostitutes? Heard it from somewhere but not sure how true it is kek
>women's only value is hotness, other than that you're worthless
>btw peak hotness is before you can legally drink
>btw btw men are fully justified in leaving you if you aren't hot anymore(and no child support for the kids or alimony for you even though you gave up your career)
What's the longterm plan with her "career"? She's already old and ugly according to her own logic(on top of being ugly in general), isn't chaste, is fat, and has committed the ultimate crime a white woman can do in the eyes of RW moids–date a black man. She's just going to get older, has no talent and is clearly dumb as a brick, and her audience will move on to the next, prettier pickme. What does she think she's going to be doing when she's, I dunno, 40, 50, 60? Pumping out videos on how le modern women aren't chaste and youthful anymore while going through menopause?

No. 1858175

>Doesn't he blow a ridiculous amount of money on escorts/prostitutes? Heard it from somewhere but not sure how true it is kek
It's been shown that he pays hundreds of dollars for handjobs, at least. Which is surprising cause I really thought he was gay

No. 1858192

>>1858172 No, she still thinks that there will be a well-off upper-class man who will marry her and move her into his mansion, from where she will record videos about her wonderful life as a traditional woman and directing her three maids. But most likely she ends up pregnant with some other scammer she falls for.

No. 1858203

Who does Hannah even target anymore?. Black moids hate her for entertaining that fag nick fuentes, and white moids hate her for dating/wanting to date black moids. It’s not women since even tradthots think she’s self hating and say nothing of substance. Other pickmes hate her to taking all the attention. I guess that leaves the chronically online incels who fantasize about killing off women as a group entirely

No. 1858210

Not surprised such a hideous inside and out woman is taking the low road when it comes to getting male attention. She has nothing to offer except dickriding retarded males and bashing other women to try (and fail) to make herself look better.

It’s also why porn producers purposely select ugly women to be in their most depraved and fucked up pornos because they know the uglier ones are more desperate and pickme than the attractive pornstars who can command a lot of money and simps. Same when rapists and pedo moids are trying to find female pedos to abuse or find kids for them, they know ugly women are way more desperate and likely to do anything for men no matter how fucked up.

No. 1858211

Kek that’s what I thought. I thought this was just a gender swapped picture of Abi.

No. 1858212

She’s on a road to nowhere with this stupid pill. Most men find 25 year old women to be on the shelf and studies have shown most scrotes find 14 year old girls to be the most sexually attractive age. Over half of ‘normal’ men in one study developed an erection when watching prepubescent naked children playing.

If she really wants to go down the blackpill road she might as well make a video saying 20 year olds are uglier than 10 year old girls, nothing is ever young enough, we all know moids would be fucking fetuses if it was logistically possible.

No. 1858213

Wait what? Proof please.

No. 1858214

Why would any woman want a husband? You need one like you need a hole in the head.

No. 1858219

wtf he looks like if Abby trooned out

No. 1858226

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Anyone got milk on Paul Elam? He’s a MRA/MGTOW cow on the more extreme side, one of those ‘men can do no wrong even if they are murdering innocent people and all women are evil harpie bitches’ types. I always found him one of the slimiest and odious moids in the movement. He comes across as a deranged psychopath, I heard he’s on some kind of government payroll but not sure if that’s true.

No. 1858234

his daughter disowned him, that's all I know. She says he's bonkers. I didn't know he was even still around.
>studies have shown most scrotes find 14 year old girls to be the most sexually attractive age
Studies have shown most men think that women around 20 are the most attractive. But that doesn't mean they actually want to date 20 year olds when they are 40. I never saw any indication from my dad or uncles that they were attracted to any of my friends. I used to see if I could catch them staring and I never did

No. 1858243

Honestly thought he died. But as that other anon said, his daughter came out to say that her and the rest of the family had disowned him. Before he created his site, he was just a deadbeat and hardly cared for his kids. Mras are a joke of a group since all they do is project their want to never be held accountable and twist that to say that women are never held accountable. He being an example of that.

No. 1858244

I wish someone would show her a lot of pictures without any extra info and ask her to guess if they are 35/25 or pretty/ugly. with explanation why - i bet she would be wron most of the times.
just like other tradthots she don't want to be 'traditional' - she just wants one of those dudes with clout. this is atheism vs religion yt trend all over again

No. 1858268

OT but the obsession with women supposedly not being accountable for our actions is perplexing. Whenever these moids screech about women not taking accountability, it's always in relation to someone else's actions–a deadbeat father who won't pay child support, an abusive partner, sons being violent and the like. Do they not realize that they are the ones rejecting accountability by blaming bad male behavior on women? Do they not know what "accountability" means and just parrot the talking point because Daddy Tate/Peterson/etc said it?

No. 1858279

Samefag. You are right because Pearl did have a boyfriend of her own before but she cheated. When I said ugly I meant on the inside and out. Being unattractive is fine but bashing other women constantly and sperging about what other people choose to do in their own time, which doesn’t hurt anyone, and then claiming that women are reaponsible for the downfall of society makes you miserable and ugly. I personally think she looks a lot worse now and I attribute it to the constant stress she’s under by arguing with random people on Twitter for moid points
>why would any woman want a husband
All Pearl talks about is men this men that, she’s obsessed with the idea of being undesirable and projects it onto other people. It’s okay to not want to have a husband but why would you shit on anyone else for wanting that? We get it, you’re an enlightened femcel.
>you need one like you need a hole in your head
This sounds like something a 13 year old pick me girl edgelord would say on tiktok after finding out about radical feminism. Unbearable cringe

No. 1858281

> This sounds like something a 13 year old pick me girl edgelord would say on tiktok after finding out about radical feminism. Unbearable cringe

You are the one who's a pick me you fucking retard,you don't have to want all men to drop dead but if another woman does it's completely valid since scrotes treated women like dog shit for centuries and still kill and rape us on a daily base.(Infighting)

No. 1858282

>t’s okay to not want to have a husband but why would you shit on anyone else for wanting that? We get it, you’re an enlightened femcel.

Fuck off and go kill yourself scrote.(false scrote accusations)

No. 1858285

Gloria Steinem was not a pickme

No. 1858286

moids have been complaining about women forever, but the whole "women don't take accountability" thing does seem new. I only started hearing it a few years ago

No. 1858289

Which is strange because women do take accountability, especially in childcare. Women are usually the ones that stick around for their kids. Lots of men end up abandoning their families. It always surprises me whenever men are actually involved with their kid's lives. That's why the bar is so low for men and literally any normal paternal thing they do is a huge accomplishment because we all know the majority of them are useless

No. 1858292

Prolifers have been saying it for a while now, because they think a woman choosing to abort an unwanted fetus instead of gestate and birth an unwanted kid aren't being "accountable".

Meanwhile as prolife tradscrotes beat their kids to death and rape their daughters.

No. 1858293

She's had a boob job as well, she talked about it in a tiktok video

No. 1858299

So much for being “scandinavian” kek

No. 1858304

strong disagree. all the dads I know simp hard for their kids. Talk to a mother about life and she'll have things to say. Talk to a dad about anything and he'll just drone on endlessly about his "muh kidz"

No. 1858308

Begone scrote.

No. 1858323

to be fair it looks like she's using a filter (for women) that's applied on both faces but yeah kek

No. 1858329

Yeahhh I kinda want to see this study. Most studies I’ve seen show men find women in their 20s most visually attractive, but tend to pursue, date and marry women closer to their age. I agree male sexuality is pretty gross but I don’t buy this “all moids are pedophiles” thing, weirdly I think it ends up getting used by actual pedophiles to justify their behavior. There will always be outliers, but most normal moids I know find men who fuck children disgusting and would never pursue a 14 year old girl. A guy in my neighborhood got in trouble for doing something with an underage girl and a lot of the men wanted to beat him up.

No. 1858335

> A guy in my neighborhood got in trouble for doing something with an underage girl and a lot of the men wanted to beat him up.
Probably only because they wouldn't want it happening to their own sisters or daughters. Moids are incapable of thinking about women outside of how they personally relate to themselves

No. 1858342

He’s fucking nuts. Typical incel, nothing special.
> It’s okay to not want to have a husband but why would you shit on anyone else for wanting that? We get it, you’re an enlightened femcel.
I get what you’re saying but I don’t think the other nonna meant it that way. I’m sure they were just talking about themselves which is completely understandable why women wouldn’t want to marry. Marriage is a lot for women, probably even more inhibiting then it is for men. The only argument for men not wanting to marry is so they can fuck whoever, while women have to bare children, are expected to cook/clean on top of working, whatever. I think you could’ve worded this a lot better or just let it go at that point.
You don’t have to want to marry a man, but if another woman does it’s completely valid and shitting on it because you’re unhappy is just as pathetic as the reverse. I think this thread will be more fitting for you

No. 1858348

kek please, Gloria Steinem got married in 2000 and coped by saying marriage has since changed in the 20th century. Not saying you’re wrong but wow what a horrible example(Off topic)

No. 1858351

>You don’t have to want to marry a man, but if another woman does it’s completely valid and shitting on it because you’re unhappy is just as pathetic as the reverse. I think this thread will be more fitting for you

Admiting the fact that hetero marriages are mostly a disadvantage to women cause they do most of the child rearing + take care of the scrote doesn't make one miserable you retarded brain dead pick me kek we can be happy and still be educated on the effets of being married to scrotes. If you want to be with a scrote then that's on you but don't pretend that marrying one is the key to happiness cause it's not.(Off topic)

No. 1858356

>retarted brain dead pick me
>don’t pretend that marrying one is the key to happiness cause it’s not
Never did I ever say that it was. It just sounds like you’re projecting. Its completely fine and understandable if you don’t want to marry, I personally don’t and don’t want to have kids. I just said to stop shitting on other women for it if they choose to marry or have children. It’s just pathetic to call yourself a feminist and then drag other women for choosing a different lifestyle from you, especially if they don’t disagree with you or shit on you for choosing not to marry. It just comes off as pathetic if you start to seethe that easily because someone calls you out for being hypocritical.(Off topic)

No. 1858360

Smells like a retarded scrote here's a spoon fed break down on how hating men is valid since you're mentally challenged.
> Men hated women and considered them inferior because they were born with a vagina,took away their basic human rights, raped and killed them,legit think they only exist to serve them

>Women hate men as a response to all the opression and misogyny they faced because of them

Women hate men because they opressed them men hate for women is purely because they are women. Also women who hate men don't go on fucking chimp outs and commit mass shootings like moids do. >>1858332(infighting)

No. 1858365

What is this autism logic? This is like when twt fags will say that reverse racism isn’t real and black people cant be racist or shitty to white people because white people enslaved, killed, raped and were horrible to blacks for decades after slavery was abolished. If you actually go outside and interact with people in the real world, I promise you that’s not how it works.(derailing)

No. 1858370

nta and i get your point but black people also enslaved, killed and raped other people whereas women never treat men the way men treat women. any race is capable of racism but women rarely ever do the degenerate stuff men do, even when they hate them(Off topic)

No. 1858373

What's autistic is you not understanding that when women hate men they tend to stay tf away from them unlike moids who go on rants about how women deserve to be raped and killed online then act out on those violent thoughts.
Equating hating men to misogyny a centuries old systematic opression is just retarded and Y chromosome moment.

No. 1858374

Can all of you shut the fuck up please and stop derailing? Actual autism, all of you

No. 1858379

This thread got infected with scrotes again. We don't give a fuck if you're getting the much deserved hate for being the violent,degenerate retard gender you actually are. Go to 4chan and cry about it to other incels.

No. 1858381


I didn't shit on women who want to marry and have kids with scrotes i said that hetero marriages are traditionally harmful to women cause of society's expectations and how scrotes can turn abusive or leave the women to be single moms or worse be married single moms. Learn to read retard.

No. 1858383

No. 1858387

Mini-moding is against the rules you fucking spastic.

No. 1858390

Paul Elam is an author and has wrote many anti-women books including but not limited to "Red Pill Psychology: Psychology for men in a gynocentric world." He's a typical male supremacist with regurgitated incel views that are probably worst than Jordan Peterson. Linked is a stupid podcast he was on about Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's trial.
Nonna, in the nicest way possible, you are not going to change anyone's mind by sperging about your opinions and why the other anon is wrong and derailing. Take a deep breath and take your meds.

No. 1858394

"Mom says it's my turn on the xbox!"
Paul actually participated in a movie called "The Red Pill," a men's rights documentary directed by a pick me director about how wahmen are bad and totally never get raped or killed for being women (because they like being raped), and men have it very bad by being depressed and not getting pussy. Poor Elliot Rodger! Just a documentary that completely glosses over how awful incels are and blames it on women. I don't think this is a great thread to post Paul Elam but I guess it falls in the same views as trads. He's completely worth mentioning because hes a total piece of shit

No. 1858397

I don't think the point of the doc was to say that women are bad, but just to help people understand how these weirdos actually live and think. If someone made a documentary on neo Nazis, it wouldn't mean that they were endorsing the views that the neo Nazis express
That said, it's unclear why anyone would want to know more information about manosphere personalities. They are all boring af and they have no relevance outside of their tiny internet bubble. Might as well make a doc about guys who write Star Trek fan fiction

No. 1858398

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>fat, old, ugly men = irrelevant and need to die

No. 1858404

I don't think i explained what I meant well, by the documentary "shedding light" on incels and giving them a reason for their behavior, it just seems like the whole documentary excuses incels because theyre sad and lonely. The interview portion with Paul is horrible. I don't know why and in what world anyone would want to make a documentary on incels. The reviews for the documentary are also really cringe

No. 1858408

those tweets were proven fake

No. 1858409

Is his last name really "Elam", or is it a pen name? Minor kek if it's his real name because "Elam" is "male" backwards

No. 1858410

where is the nonny from upthread who said she was making a thread on red pill/manosphere

No. 1858414

That would be awesome. I'm shocked nobody has made one yet. There is way more manosphere milk than tradthot milk

No. 1858432

Which still makes no sense, that's like saying getting an STD treated isn't being accountable. Adoption(which forced birthers looove) is more of a refusal of accountability than abortion ever could be. An aborted fetus feels no pain, confusion, and never even exists as a conscious entity. When a woman gives a kid up for adoption, she's washing her hands of the child, throws her/him at some strangers, and hopes for the best.

No. 1858439

lot's of people on Twitter are still talking about the whole "what age do women look best at?" debate. How did a non entity like Pearl manage to generate so much discussion?

No. 1858444

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funny part is even most women in the 30s still look young and most people can't tell the difference because they take care of their skin and we have better knowledge about skincare compared to previous generations.
Reminds me of this redpilled scrote saying he only dates 25 year olds and larping that he pulled 25 year olds onto his (rented) boat, but he actually hired 30+ OF girls to be his girlfriend experience and pics kekkkk fucking retarded men

No. 1858446

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No. 1858447

*under 25

No. 1858454

doesn't take a genius to know loving sex in a committed relationship as opposed to hookup culture and choking is what most women want
you're absolutely right, she'll soon only have outrage left. i wonder how she'll get out of it when she gets "too old", marry a poor ugly scrote scrote and dunk on hypergamy, or stop her show ?

No. 1858474

Yes.(sage your shit)

No. 1858476

>doesn't take a genius to know loving sex in a committed relationship as opposed to hookup culture and choking is what most women want
It's misogynistic gender essentialism to say that women aren't interested in sex outside of a relationship.

No. 1858478

Chrissy Amphlett looked better at 30 than she did in her early 20's

No. 1858502

you'd need to read the posts you reply to, just a suggestion

No. 1858564

Why is her username censored, I wanna RT this queen

No. 1858642

it's @ivy_wylder anon ! when you wanna see the source of a screenshot just google a bit of it in quotes and you'll find it

No. 1858656

Shut the fuck up
I really really hate the “women expire at 30 and you get older and so does your body blah blah blah” if you don’t excercise for a long period of time leading into your 30s you’re going to be out of shape no matter what. If you actually workout and eat healthy you will probably look and feel better at 30. That argument just perpetuates the idea that everyone just looks worst at 30 and shouldn’t exercise or take care of themselves bc what’s the point? We’re just old now! Excuses on excuses. Not only is it misogynistic and retarted it’s just plain wrong lol

No. 1858665

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I guess having babies is cheap when they die in infancy from medical neglect

No. 1858685

She mentioned nothing of medical emergencies, having a special needs child, child care, child enrichment or any of that. Literally just talking about babies as if they don't get older and need more things as they age.

No. 1858690

This has the same energy as saying cancer treatment is expensive so just use essential oils

No. 1858699

Posts like this and a few others scream that a lot of the nonnies in this thread are ex-tradtards who still believe in the absolute retardation you were exposed to binge watching these loons. That doesn't even make sense if you think about it for longer than a second, a younger woman doesn't control a grown man who sought her out and has all the wealth and popularity.

No. 1858710

Some of y'all are braindead and beyond any hope of salvation. How tf are you an lolcow poster and believe this unironically?

No. 1858716

reminds me of those black salve people with literal holes in their head


No. 1858728

people in ye olde times regularly practiced infanticide. more mouths to feed wasn't just "expensive", they could drive a family from poverty into starvation

No. 1858737

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I hate when they pretend not to know what people are implying when this is brought up.


No. 1858744

that is so dishonest. if you got time to wash reusable cotton diapers you're probably a stay-at-home mom with a partner that makes enough for a family aka you have money.
it doesn't empower moms to shit on their very real financial hardships

No. 1858745

She's just gonna gloss over the fact that just to birth a child in a hospital can cost up to 30k in the USA without insurance?

No. 1858754

To be fair, medical debt can follow you to your grave, and you can't be denied emergency medical treatment or else it'd be a court case of medical malpractice. At least that how it is in the US when it comes to the ER.

No. 1858755

even funnier that scrote's post got community noted that its an AI picture: https://twitter.com/shadesofgame/status/1654426304404664321
not only can this POS have to pay 30+ SW to portray a fake image, he also cant afford keeping it up and has to make AI renditions kek

No. 1858763

this is megha's old alt that got suspended. she doesnt even have a child. when she's changing an infant's diaper up to 20 times a day and realizing the washing machine breaks down from that much raw sewage, she'll be begging for pampers. other replies are also right + day care can cost up to $3000/month. special needs kids can run up 6 figures a year.

No. 1858785

>reusable cotton diapers
Yeah because the time spent washing poop diapers is free, Margo, and everyone knows toddlers are more than happy eating "a little food off your plate" and never grow up to eat more.

No. 1858787

It’s so fucking obvious that this is the case. Not to sperg about men but wow it genuinely boggles me how much men hate women. We dont expire at 30. That’s the shittiest and worst thing to say to women. We aren’t valuable because we’re not fresh out of high school? Ofc most of those girls are 29+, I’m sure they’ve been stripping and doing that shit for a long time. It’s so funny how moids will eat up that alpha male podcast shit when they’re very clearly lying. Never have I ever looked at a 30 year old woman and thought “wow! She’s so old!” In fact, I’ve seen a lot of 30-40 year old women who I thought were in their mid 20s. Do these retards really thing that from the ages of 25-30 we just wither away? What the hell lol. She’s such a champ for exposing them, I wish more of those models they hire would come out and say the truth

No. 1858797

>Not to sperg about men but wow it genuinely boggles me how much men hate women
Lolcow isn't real life. Most men don't hate women and most men definitely don't think women expire at 30. "Mature" is the top porn search for a reason.
Moids are violent and sex obsessed but gay moids objectify other men even worse than straight men objectify women. Try talking to a moid about some of the spergy shit that they are into like basketball stats or whatever and see how excited they get, like, "wow, a woman who I can talk about my asinine interests with!". Don't interpret male stupidity and total inability to empathize with others as hate.(bait)

No. 1858815

>Bringing up porn stats to prove men don't hate women irl
Also this is the second time I see someone randomly bringing up gay men whenever Straight men are being criticized. You are a scrote and/or some kiwi-female.

No. 1858831

Have you seen the original account? I'm pretty sure it's a parody, the whole thing reads like someone fed Andrew Tate's most retarded tweets into an AI generator. If this is a real scrote it's beyond pathetic.

No. 1858834

>"Mature" is the top porn search for a reason.
Yes, and "teen" is consistently one of the highest too. I don't think insisting men fetishize women of all ages in an industry built on rape & misogyny really makes the point you think it does.

No. 1858847

Nice job replying to the wrong person retard. Men fetishize “mature” women so that means they don’t hate them? Incels jack off to just about anything, just because they’re sexually attracted to us doesn’t mean they don’t hate us. And with the “omg a woman loves what I do” thing isn’t true. I skateboard a lot and have been doing so for the past 10 years, I can’t tell you how many moids confront me and my friends and shit on us or call us pick mes. And that’s only one sport. Women will always be looked down on by other moods and excluded. Sorry for the blog posting, that wasn’t my intention I was just trying to provide some kind of example. Any male dominated industry or thing will always exclude and shit on women. Every single one. It’s just fact, so please fuck right off to Reddit because I promise you every farmer agrees that men are trash and most of them hate women in some way or another, or have internalized misogyny. He’s not going to pick you

No. 1858892

Not to mention:
>men denied woman basic human rights till pretty much recently like owning their own labour, the ability to own property, open their own bank accounts, vote, even in europe their own names on their own graves, etc.
>men still take away womens rights in 'woke' countries like the US banning abortion
>incels and mra movements becoming bigger and bigger all the time
>even now the only feminism men embrace is the ones which provide them greater sexual access to women via prostitution, the ability to larp as their fetish carichature of women, or equating their violence and cultural problems with women who don't commit almost all violent crimes
>using porn as proof men don't hate women
They sure do like us as objects, but it ain't love. It's just "Don't stop dating men because of the things they say and do! Close your eyes and cover your ears and be my bangmaid!" seething into the void. Modern men who claim they don't hate women don't even want to consider women an actual category of people.

No. 1858898

The kind seemingly too dumb to figure out how to use tor kek.

No. 1858899

>>incels and mra movements becoming bigger and bigger all the time
lol no. "Incel" is like the biggest insult moids have for each other and MRAs are a joke

No. 1858903

Men use incel to insult men the same way they used it to insult other men for being virgins like always, not in defense of women.

No. 1858906

Samefag >>1858903, that doesn't negate the point that the numbers of incels is increasing, including their number of retard public attacks like shootings and shit. Men calling other men incel is the same as them reeing that they bang more women and they call everyone incel that doesn't ally with what men think women should want, eg. men calling men and women who don't think trannies are women incels too.

No. 1858913

men have never defended women from other men. They all live in fear of being called simps by other moids. What does that have to do with anything?
>that doesn't negate the point that the numbers of incels is increasing
who tf cares if some ugly, autistic scrotes can't get laid? If anything, that's a good thing
>including their number of retard public attacks like shootings and shit
Men have always liked to go on mass shootings. Even women are doing mass shootings now. Why are you bringing up all this irrelevant shit?

No. 1858914

men have never defended women from other men. They all live in fear of being called simps by other moids. What does that have to do with anything?
>that doesn't negate the point that the numbers of incels is increasing
who tf cares if some ugly, autistic scrotes can't get laid? If anything, that's a good thing
>including their number of retard public attacks like shootings and shit
Men have always liked to go on mass shootings. Even women are doing mass shootings now. Why are you bringing up all this irrelevant shit?

No. 1858926

Mens hatred of women was brought up in regards to a post claiming men don’t hate women. Did you read the posts they were replying to? How is is it not relevant?

No. 1858928

>even women are doing mass shootings
Yes, drastically less than men and the most recent ones were done by women using testosterone. Women also aren’t forming movements that lead to the massacre of men for not fucking them. Are you trying to pretend men don’t commit almost all violent crimes?

No. 1858938

Not to mention that shootings women do aren’t targeted towards men for not fucking them etc. The goal shifting to pretend men don’t hate women kek.

No. 1858969

>How is is it not relevant?
Anon said that men didn't find women over 30 attractive and that meant that men hated women. I just pointed out that men do find women over 30 attractive. Then someone started bringing up irrelevant shit about how men are violent psychos, as if anyone here doesn't know that already

No. 1858997

>mfw this thread
its all just a larp, right guys? these tradthots aren't actually this retarded right?

No. 1859062

That study was to prove that pedos could be non offending, all the men in that study were volunteers. Don't let 4chinners try and normalize being pedos. Even tho I do think A LOT of men still are pedos.

No. 1859192

Tbf that nonnie is correct about the "wow, a woman who I can talk about my asinine interests with!", but you are also correct that
>Any male dominated industry or thing will always exclude and shit on women.
They'll be excited about the chance to show off how much they know, about the possibility of getting a gf into the same bizarro shit as them, and lastly about having eye candy hanging out and watching them. The second you make it clear you're actually into it and you're there to do it seriously, though, you get excluded and shit on. Men love women!… as harmless little pets and subordinates.

They're making broader points about how moids "finding women over 30 attractive" is irrelevant in light of what moids' attraction and "love" in general is like

No. 1859232

Her distrust of modern medicine too would mean higher mortality rates of infants. It’s why families back then were so big, if they didn’t die in infancy, those kids were just used for free labor. The more you had, the more productive you could be

>they got banned
where. They’re all still active and well but she wants to pretend to be innocent

No. 1859306

File: 1688668073103.jpg (110.32 KB, 640x1041, yb2fp0yjtdab1.jpg)

Fundies stop being creepy as hell challenge

No. 1859309

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Most women do both

No. 1859312

Eternal beings? Does she think her kids are immortal?

No. 1859315

Doing both is a scam

No. 1859320

doing both is the reality, weird LARPer

No. 1859325

hard agree

No. 1859347

No. 1859357

is that mrs midwest on the left image

No. 1859360

Believe so

No. 1859403

Remember a few months ago when one of these images used a literal woman CEO with a stay at home dad husband as an example of a ~based tradwife~ kek

Why can't they wrap their heads around women being people? You can have a job and be a good mother. Given the stats, women who do work and have identities outside of being a bangmaid are better at raising successful, stable children. SAHMs are pretty incompetent in comparison, and tradthots even moreso

No. 1859404

Everytime I see fundies saying this kind of shit about their kids I always wonder what is gonna happen if one of the kids turns out to be gay, doesn't want to go the trad way as an adult or be vaguely gnc, would they get excommunicated?

No. 1859424

Her mom was brushing her hair, so she already knew how silky it was. Her dad wasn't, which is why the girl wanted to show him. Is she legit retarded or was she just looking for anything to push her creepy gender roles obsession onto?

No. 1859479

the first thing i thought was the mother was brushing the hair so she already knows so the kid wants to show the parent that doesn't know
how the fuck is this person so stupid? 1+1=3

No. 1859485

Lori has been always a misogynistic hypocrite that hired maids and nannies while she did nothing all day. She went to college, worked and baby trapped her cheating husband. It seems like now she’s chronically online because it’s the only way she can talk to people because her husband doesn’t seem to want to be around her. Even her brain tumor wants nothing to do with her

Didn’t she spoke out against having babies back to back because she had serious health problems?

Fundies are so bored because they never leave their house so they post retarded shit like this

No. 1859493

Not to be all cliche, but I feel there is a tendency for the stay at home parent to be the dominant one. The stay at home dads that I've known have been very macho and the stay at home wives I've known are usually the boss at home and the husband almost functions more as the oldest child.

No. 1859647

The kid can just like her father better too, who knows, maybe he's not always saying this kind of creepy shit like mom is

>stay at home wives I've known are usually the boss at home
How is this thread still so full of moids and coping tradthots after we've shown time and again we can clock you every time?

No. 1859657


I’ll take being an educated woman with a six figures job and hot body that wasn’t busted by pregnancy any time of the day.
Being a domestic servant to some scrote and his kids is beneath some women who happen to have work ethic and an IQ high enough to know better than to waste their youth and potential being a doormat to moids,some of us were meant for bigger and better things these retarded memes will never convince anyone that being a bang maid incubator is appealing nor enviable kek

No. 1859660

>I will never understand women having the dream to be independent and in control of their own life while having the choice to change jobs if they please free of the burdens of kids to do whatever they want over sacrificing their looks, sanity, sleep, freedom, life and goals for the sake of changing shitty diapers and cooking and cleaning for some scrote who might end up fucking them over anyway

Pure retardation kek

No. 1859662

Cope harder doormat.

No. 1859666

Shit like this makes me wanna be a wealthy PHD even harder kek

No. 1859672

I agree mother’s shouldn’t spend a dime on their kids if they had them with a moid in a marriage they already did the physical labor the least thing the moid can do is pay for them and raise them. Mothers in hetero relationships shouldn’t pay nor be the default parent. They’re doing wayyy too much. I wish more women would realize this no wonder mothers suffer burn out and depression.

No. 1859683

Often their parents throw them out of the house

No. 1859689

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Lori threatening people with a good time again.

No. 1859696

This old hag is so retarded she admitted that the “biblical womanhood” life is full of sacrifice then acts shocked pikachu face when women want nothing to do with that life I swear low IQ women and the patriarchy are like carrots and pees kekeke

No. 1859698

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>So you agree you do think being a trad wife is a miserable sacrifice fueled life.

No. 1859708

It's often "traditional" women who raise their daughters to be independent career women because they despise the sacrificial life that was imposed on them. Only stockholmed women who live that life want it for their daughters

No. 1859712

Why do they act like everybody is Christian like them? Like I'm pretty sure there are atheists SAHMs, does that make them bad women? Also why is it always two extremes like tradwife or careerist girlboss, I personally just want a chill volcel life.

No. 1859717

Lori is the worst, and her own daughters don’t live like that and neither does she!

No. 1859721

This 100%. Not to blog post but all of my aunts and middle aged female relatives are traditional wives who never got an education and did nothing but take care of their husbands and multiple kids and they ALL encourage their daughters to go to college and by their own words “be better than them” it’s baffling how they can’t comprehend that if the life style they preach wasn’t so fucking miserable and unaccomplished those women wouldn’t be telling their daughters to avoid it at all costs kek

No. 1859724

didn't this dumb tradbitch get cheated on? who the fuck else wants to sacrifice their body and mental health for a scrote who will start eyefucking 20 year olds the second you gain 5 pounds or get crows feet. hilarious that they keep pushing their miserable coping lifestyle on smart women with work ethic because they wasted their potential kek

No. 1859730

Not everyone has the work ethic and intelligence required to be a successful careerist and that’s ok. It’s just fucking weird how these conservative retards try pushing their bangmaid life on young women even tho most of them aren’t fucking interested and know exactly how terrible scrotes can be once they have you under their thumb.

No. 1859735

She’s extremely mentally unstable and insane. Her husband cheated on her many many times and instead of blaming him she blames herself for not being “meek” enough and preaches how not to try to “change” your husband if he’s being unfaithful or legit abusing you but instead be more “meek” and submit even more to him kek
Her self worth is a math function that’s headed towards minus infinity and beyond. She is the definition of misery loves company.

No. 1859738

There are screenshots of this ugly ass doormat online of her talking about how she fucking hit her kids with a slipper the night before Christmas cause they opened their presents and then leaving them outside to stand in the cold to think about what they did. She’s fucking vile and the joy i’ll feel when her brain tumor kills her would be overwhelming.

No. 1859770

"Dominant" in what sense? The breadwinner spouse holds all the actual power unless the SAHM/SAHD is independently wealthy and can leave easily.
Funnily enough Mrs Midwest's(tardthot used in her meme) youngest scroteling nearly killed her during his birth and their lives were saved by a female doctor. It even made her ease up on the whole "women must be bangmaids" spiel since she realized she'd be dead if all women were as dumb and unaccomplished as is. Lori is too far gone though, a team of female doctors/scientists could cure her brain tumor then go on to cure all types of cancer period and she's still say they should've been at home doing a moid's laundry.

No. 1859773

>scrote ends up cheating on her anyway kek
God, how miserable must she be to convince herself this is as good as it's gonna get for her? I guess I would be seething too

No. 1859804

So it took her to just about die for her to realize that her scrote praising is dangerous? I mean that’s good to lighten up but she has to be retarded to even take it that far. And it seems to be too late since other trad thots are just like her now.

No. 1859809

Any woman that supports the traditional gender roles has extremely low self esteem and IQ what did you expect kek

No. 1859923

The wives are the breadwinners in Gypsy families and yet Gypsy society is ultra patriarchal

No. 1859934

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No. 1859939

Getting pregnant and forced to be a bangmaid for a scrote is my worst nightmare. Fuck off.

No. 1859943

>just be nice to men and cater to all their whims and be virginal obedient tradwives and moids will be non violent and nice back to you and they’ll stop shooting up malls and blowing up schools! honest!
Yeah look how that worked out for women in the Middle East kek.

No. 1859946

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>a sacrificial life as a helper for husband and children

No. 1859950

This? Why can tradtards only think in extremes? Why do they act like the only options women have in life are depressed alcoholic career woman spinster cat lady or jesus freak rent a womb doormat personal scrote asslicker? What about all the normal women who don’t necessarily want to take either of those paths? I think many tradtards have bpd or something, only being able to think in black and white terms is a classic cluster b trait.

No. 1859954

I imagine it’s the same logic as those deeply miserable south Asian women who had forced marriages in their youth and believe other women should have miserable forced marriages too. Or those women in Africa who have undergone FGM and then are willing to mutilate other young girls genitals. Misery loves company. Patriarchy is a bucket of crabs disease and it can drive beaten down women to beat down other women too. Sad

No. 1859959

Arent there studies that showed patients are literally less likely to die under a female doctors care than a male doctor’s? I mean, that’s only logical. Imagine thinking the gender with an empathy bypass would care more about their patients than women, kek. Besides, it’s female nurses and technicians that do pretty much everything for the patients anyway.

No. 1859964

This is equally as a retarded take. Staying home from work has nothing to do with intelligence, IQ or work ethic. There are plenty of people who want nothing to do with corporate life and want a different lifestyle. Are people low IQ for moving to a less developed county to live a slower life at the expense of convenience? Are people with children lacking work ethic? Kids are a full time job and some people wanna do that. The whole “sacrifice yourself for your family” shit is strange but so is what you just said. Your youth won’t give you love when you’re 60, but family will (family can be just a partner, nieces and nephews, siblings and YES children. Most people are robots dead set on being financially wealthy solely. Life is more complex than material gain. Shitting hard on people for wanting something that’s normal is weird. Not every dude is an asshole and not every woman needs to “submit to be happy” either.

No. 1859965

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It’s not even just about having a hot body. A huge number of women develop disabilities, health conditions, and disfigurements both during pregnancy and after childbirth that can last a lifetime. It’s not only a c section, stretch marks, saggy stomach and boob skin, episiotomy, anemia or exhaustion you have to worry about. There are other conditions like pre eclampsia and blood clots that women are much more likely to die of during pregnancy. Not to mention the fucking fact that pregnant women are more likely to be murdered by their scrote.

No. 1859969

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What society is going through is completely normal. Overcrowding and overpopulation happens, population culls begin. Women don’t want to have kids anymore. Men become pathetic incels.

Then finally everyone becomes either a pretty gay femboy or a fujoshi. Honestly I’m looking forward to it.

No. 1859988

Janice Fiamengo is such a vile human being. She always sides with the man regardless of the situation and assumes that women are manipulative cluster B monsters - I'm pretty sure she defended Cosby and claimed that the mountain of allegations against him were false as well. She's real piece of work and she's also Jordan Peterson's favorite woman. I feel like she has probably spent her whole life being invisible to men due to looking like a cross-dressing serial killer who exclusively targets women who look like his mother, and because of said invisibility, she now derives much of her confidence from symbolically attacking the women who made her feel inadequate. She looks a tennis-playing psychopathic man. I hate her so much

No. 1860084

>I feel like she has probably spent her whole life being invisible to men due to looking like a cross-dressing serial killer who exclusively targets women who look like his mother, and because of said invisibility
Most women don't thirst for male attention. Don't use bullshit moid arguments

No. 1860102

>Your youth won’t give you love when you’re 60, but family will
NAYRT, but not really. Being in close contact with your parents when they're 60(usually meaning your young adulthood, mid 20's-30's) is not very typical, since most people will be working on their own education/careers/relationships/hobbies/etc. Friends are consistently what keep you company in late middle age and beyond. Husbands are usually happiness blackholes for women. There's nothing wrong with wanting to have children(read: daughters), but they don't exist to give you companionship.

No. 1860123

This whole defensive coping rant about muh family and dying alone and not all scrotes are bad tells me everything I need to know. To answer your question yes not having anything to show for your life other than doing something even rats can do (reproducing) does in fact makes you a loser with low IQ doesn’t matter if that’s how you wanna live others can still point it out. You don’t need a scrote nor a bunch of soul sucking kids to have a family in fact some people don’t even fucking care about having any type of family in their life and what makes them happy is totally not dependent on others, some people find happiness in being able to travel whenever they want and live comfortably. Not everyone out there is a codependent pathetic ass that needs to create a whole human being that’s reliant on them just to have someone to love them some of us are likable enough to have love and company from total strangers. Assuming your kid would even be there for you when you’re 60 is plain fucking retarded wishful thinking some kids move countries or just busy you can see them rarely so yeah sorry to break it you but that 18 + years out of your life you sacrificed will NOT guarantee you jack shit. People like you need to understand that not every woman is satisfied with a boring ass normal life of diaper changing and scrote ass licking some women are just above that shit some women have the work ethic and intelligence and don’t want to wast their potential on a life of unpaid domestic servitude. Stop sperging on muh family we don’t fucking care it’s just a scare tactic cooked up by the patriarchy to scare young women into submitting to scrotes.

No. 1860124

>kids are a full time job
No, you’re mentally challenged. Taking care of kids is not a job it’s doing what’s morally and legally obligated of you. You don’t go to jail if you don’t fucking show up at your job at Walmart now do you ? you’d be in jail if you leave your kids unattended

No. 1860129

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Why does an anon saying that being a domestic servant is beneath them and that they have bigger goals and aspiration set you off ? Hmmm smells of angry scrotiness or perhaps bitter mommy doormat.
> I’m so human and normal for getting my crotch torn open for some moid unlike those cold women who only care about being wealthy uwu
Seriously stfu, she can get a girlfriend anytime she feels lonely assuming she was lucky enough to not be attracted to the retard chimp gender. It’s funny when breeders tell you who’s going to love you if you had no kids they’re just admitting that they had to give birth to a whole ass human to feel loved which is pathetic and says a lot about you kek

No. 1860134

When I think of a wholesome family that I would want I think of a beautiful lesbian couple and their two daughters both women work or one stays home while the daughters are infants, they go on trips together and play the daughters are completely safe from getting molested or beaten by scrotes cause they only have two wholesome moms and not a scrote in sight, they teach them to love education and fashion and they grow up to be in high paying careers again safe from being under a scorte’s thumb if they turned out straight.

No. 1860137

>A number of them will probably end up murdered along with their children because of their military man chimping out.
It's just true. So many murder cases where an army vet high on PTSD and steroids just flips the fuck out and kills his entire family in cold blood and the wife saw the warning signs beforehand but due to being a SAHM with no personal income she had nowhere to escape so she just had to hope that her husband won't wake up one day and kill them in their sleep.

At this point I don't think anyone can deny that these women are coping hard with either shitty boyfriends/husbands or not having one at all by being so vitriolic and hateful towards other women. Like no man wants to date someone like Pearl because even the worst altright podcast host scrote sees through her desperation and June gleefully shared photos of her sitting at her fiancee's feet while wearing a leash and watching him flirt with camgirls. They're bound to direct their frustration somewhere, and other women are the easiest target.

And related to above, they want everyone to be as miserable and lacking of opportunities like they are. That seems to literally be the reason for a lot of pro-life women. They ruined their lives by having kids they didn't really want and possibly for a shitty high school sweetheart husband, and they lash out at everyone else in an attempt to drag them down with them.

No. 1860140

> just a scare tactic cooked up by the patriarchy to scare young women
kek yea people aren't dumb anymore, majority of people now realize kids are not a retirement plan nor a guaranteed future babysitter. Even in "traditional" Japan and Korea has an elderly poverty problem of 35%+. These people had like 3 kids, invested everything into them, and they just couldn't make it out to be grounded successful adults to go back and support their parents/mom on top of themselves. In america, most elderly women live alone anyways. You're lucky if your kids visit beyond Christmas and plus you're lucky if you're kids even makes it out to be ok adults as well. Where I'm from, many elderly ladies/couples do well in their quiet little quiet mountain neighborhood communities and churches.
And now that we've taken off the social guard rails, in industrialized countries where women have freedom to be self assertive, it seems to be that people have children from external pressures rather than internal… or basically the biological urge isn't as strong as we thought it was. Some people are meant to be parents and would be good parents, but I think most would not be and know it. Trad people live in delusional thinking that they and their kids will beat the odds and everything will go perfect as imagined in the end kek.
Or people who have kids and hate their lives, they fantasize this "you're going to be miserable and lonely when you're old!!" as some sort of karmic balance because of their own shitty life of deadends of mommy dates, troubled kid, crying, laundry, chores, etc kekk

No. 1860163

>Or people who have kids and hate their lives, they fantasize this "you're going to be miserable and lonely when you're old!!"

It’s pure projection anon, their only reasoning for having kids was fear of dying alone and being lonely which is straight up a selfish reason so they project their fear and codependency on others who don’t want kids, it must really suck to get duped into thinking having kids will guarantee you company and care in old age so you invest so much money and effort in them only to realize you were gambling and basically nothing is guaranteed then on top of that have to hear and watch people choosing to not go through the same self inflected hardship and retire early getting taken care of by professionals in some fancy retirement home cause they saved up that 500k kids would have cost them kek I would be furious too but hey maybe don’t be a spineless dumbass in a next life and try to use critical thinking before making a life changing decision instead of projecting your misery on others who chose different

No. 1860170

There are many people that had everything it takes to produce well balanced successful adults but their kids still turned out to be the opposite and they had to support them way into their adult years. Many well off parents who’s kids turned out to be complete losers or just mentally ill schizophrenics or autists I know quite a few and it’s sad kek you’re truly not guaranteed shit you just do your best and hope it all works out. It’s definitely not what a completely rational person with high self worth would dive into, having kids is completely sentimental and biological some people are just not wired like that and use pure logic to make decisions which can lead them to having way fewer kids than their counterparts or just none at all. Bottom line is the “have fun dying alone” tactic doesn’t work anymore and women don’t fucking care. I personally would rather have a life full of travel, freedom, not being tied down and anchored to a scrote and kids, pursuing a career that I enjoy or just simply living a cozy comfortable life over having the POSSIBILITY of being taken care of by some unqualified family members in my late days.

No. 1860171

If she read her bible, she would notice how evil some old testament people were and not 'trad' like that story about doughters raping their father or one when wife allows her husband to have a child with a slave and then she banishes her and her child to desert.. or how Mary and Joseph are not very trad, Joseph is a cuck who raised other dudes kid.

yeah, having kids is not a failproof way to not die alone. Being a nice and good person is. Or rich lol. If you are a shitty parent your kids will abandon you. The key is to have friends and family and work on these bonds but also secure your future as much as you can.

No. 1860204

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Seeth and cope. Kek

No. 1860217

Taking care of kids is a full time job that requires far more emotional and physical labor than 99% of corporate jobs. Stop negating how much shit women have to go through.

No. 1860225

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It’s actually incredibly common for women to resent the shit out of their husbands and wish they’d never had kids, it’s just taboo to talk about because the childfree crowd will say ‘told you so!’ and the trad crowd will tell you that you are an evil human being who doesn’t deserve the ‘privilege’ of having kids.

People underestimate how unhappy and frustrated most women are in marriage and with kids. It’s partly why physical child abuse in non western countries is so prevalent. The mothers are incredibly stressed and have zero outlet except screaming at their kids or hitting them with a wooden spoon. Ask anyone from a first generation Indian, Muslim, Latin, Asian, African etc background and I guarantee most of them will say they were hit as children. In the west it’s taboo to hit your children but in third and second world countries where womens lives are harder and scrotes tend to be more patriarchal and there can be violent repercussions for talking back to your husband, it’s common as fuck. It’s no wonder some women in the west even snap and murder their kids out of frustration. Just google ‘ I don’t want my kids anymore ‘ or ‘I wish I’d never had kids’ and you’ll find endless results of people who wish they’d never done it and now can’t go back.

No. 1860231

If men had wombs and the ability to get pregnant, would they do it to have their family, since the value is so precious to them, or would they want the woman to do it for them still?

No. 1860339

If scrotes could get pregnant abortion would be legal everywhere with zero restrictions

No. 1860359

most people with kids are happy but having kids isn't for everyone. I'm miserable without kids but I know that I'd be even more miserable with them

you don't need a scrote to have kids, anyway

No. 1860396

> most people who have kids are happy
That’s highly debatable. Where do you think the depressed wine mom stereotype came from ? The sleep deprived mombie? The post natal depression? The struggling single mom ? Kek most people with kids are happy my ass. Ever wonder why they keep bitching about needing a brake and how hard it is ? I’ll let you guess.

No. 1860403

I think it’s a whole new level of awfulness when scrotes complain about their wives post pregnancy bodies not being attractive to them anymore or even go as far as saying that their vagina is loose and it’s like “fucking air” even tho they fucking pressure them to have kids like I couldn’t imagine the level of humiliation those women feel when their husbands pull that shit.
Those same scrotes who lust after young insta thots with perfect bodies online as soon as their women have post pregnancy bodies and complain about not being attracted to them anymore would turn around 180 and tell women who don’t want kids that having kids is a great “honor” and a very much appreciated “sacrifice” as a manipulative tactic but once those women do have kids then they’re unattractive,boring and not sexy enough for them not to mention if you end up being a single mom then they will drag you into the filth and scream how you’re damaged goods. Where’s the honor and appreciation they have for mothers then ? Kek men are trash but I can’t really feel bad for the women that fall for their crap it takes a special kind of retarded pick me with self esteem on the floor to eat their shit up.

No. 1860408

You mean being a parent requires going through more hardship than a career? That’s true but it’s completely self inflected so complaining about how hard it is makes you look retarded. It is very hard labor but stop comparing it to an actual job a job pays you money just call it what it is “ unpaid self inflected hard labor” kek

No. 1860411

It wouldn’t so hard if scrotes actually helped their wives ffs it’s also irritating when women let their moids get away with doing fuck all to help raise the kids, they should be more assertive and make the moids do way more if the women has to go through the labor and trauma of giving birth then the least thing the scrote can do is raise the fucking kids and change diapers. They let them get away with so much

No. 1860418

It's not "let them get away" but smile and nod because scrotey will leave if you ask him to help or contribute in any way. It's no coincidence that single mothers tend to be self sufficient, hardworking, kind women.
Then we have the manbaby stereotype where you let your so called husband be basically a giant child, cared, cooked for, cleaned after while maintaining his own social and work life entirely separate to yours, and not helping you in any way, and that's a "happy marriage"
Men stay seething about single mothers who wouldn't tolerate their shit, and single women who are not privy to it.
Agree entirely with this, >>1860403
the men always nag to have kids and make promises to help, then call their wives ugly, and mentally check out as soon as the children are born.

No. 1860420

>If scrotes could get pregnant abortion would be legal everywhere with zero restrictions
If men could get pregnant you could get an abortion on your way to work for $5 along with your morning coffee

No. 1860421

Well let's look at how many men let other men take them up the ass, versus how many men expect women to do anal and you have your answer

No. 1860423

Men who "really want kids" will decide they don't want them after all if their wife makes it clear he would have to be the primary parent and take on the bulk of childcare, sacrificing his career advancement/free time/hobbies in the process. If men had to go through pregnancy and get their genitals ripped up to have kids, they would simply never have them.
Kinda mean on my part, but I think this is why gender criticals are so strung up about troons and surrogacy "erasing women" and not just being illogical/fraught with ethical concerns. Almost all of them are SAHMs, only an extreme minority even have an identity outside of bangmaidery let alone serve as scientists, doctors, lawyers, athletes or philosophers. Getting bred by their moid and having the resulting brat, which has their moid's name not theirs, chomp on their tit for a few months is their only "accomplishment" in life, one the moid they suffered for doesn't even appreciate. Must suck to have to wear diapers since they piss whenever you laugh and have their precious Nigels call them gross and busted anyway. No wonder so many are alkies

No. 1860441

>Describing the behaviour of children she is raising to behave a certain way as innate, finishing off the sentiment by saying that it can be trained out of them which inadvertently is admitting she's training it into them.
I never had the urge to run and show a man whenever I looked "pretty" as a kid because my mother is not a dumbass who instills gender roles and subservience/reliance on male approval in tiny babies, unlike this woman.

No. 1860454

>It wouldn’t so hard if scrotes actually helped their wives
Yes it would. Childcare is Hell on earth. The only way for it to be easy is if you pay someone else to do all the grunt work and then you just play with your kids for like 30 minutes a day. This was how wealthy/aristocratic women did it in the past

No. 1860491

and when a dude actually is a stay at home parent, all the moms fall all over him to tell him what a hero he is, it’s disgusting

No. 1860499

what's wrong with that? Being a stay at home parent is extremely difficult and a man who does so is obviously in favor of feminism to be in a relationship where his wife is the breadwinner. If all men were stay at home dads then women would have much more power in society

No. 1860521

They meant that the bar is so low for dads if they even do a single basic thing women are expected to do they get put on a pedestal. Example if a man is seen pushing a stroller then they are a hero and a wonderful dad if you see a woman do that then it’s just another mom. If a woman abandons her kids for a new life then she’s a monster if a man does then people are like meh its just another deadbeat dad. Society treats women like a product that’s meant to be consumed,used then thrown aside. I pray more women wake up and curb stomp the scrotes

No. 1860528

imo there's no such thing as a "man in favor of feminism" because on the most simple level feminism doesn't benefit them. The only men who claim to be feminists are creepy rapist manipulators who parrot women's/woke language to gain sexual access (usually to mentally ill and vulnerable people, as well as minors or teens who tend to make up the bulk of "activists") SAHD is just another tier of manbaby since he is just joining the flock to be cared for by mommy, the only truly positive solution is shared parenthood, shared workload, shared responsibilities, not attempting to reverse an already toxic dynamic of "main parent" with no income or freedom.

No. 1860620

A full time nanny costs 60k per year. If the dad's job only pays him 50k, it makes more financial sense for him to stay home with the kids until the kids are old enough.
>Example if a man is seen pushing a stroller then they are a hero and a wonderful dad
You mean in the 1970s? I see dads pushing strollers all the time. Nobody gushes over such people, it's the norm.
>If a woman abandons her kids for a new life then she’s a monster
People will say this and, unfortunately, women who are mothers themselves are the worst offenders in this regard. Probably jealous of the women who broke free

No. 1860655

Same way women making food is just regular old boring cooking meanwhile men making food is ArT

No. 1860658

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The juice just ain’t worth the squeeze anymore.

No. 1860701

nice for you that you live in a place where men don’t talk about “babysitting” their own children and where SAHD aren’t treated like heroes while SAHM are taken for granted

No. 1860706

Finally some good news, 45% of women will be statistically happier

No. 1860721

I live in an upper middle class suburb of Denver. Where do you live that you see dads getting praised as heroes?

No. 1860745

I love how while men were screaming & threatening to “go their own way” if women wouldn’t submit to them, women were just…going their own way. And the men still aren’t getting it. They’re still making demands (“fit, friendly & feminine!”) and threats (“you’ll be a lonely cat lady!”) toward people who just don’t care about their bullshit anymore. Love to see it kek

No. 1860746

Based. Couldn't be happier for me and my sisters.

No. 1860747

It's impossible for men to go their own way. A woman only society could work but a male only society would last about a week before it turned into Lord of the Flies. MGTOW was always a gigantic cope

No. 1860749

everything moids do is either to control women or to impress women. They can never do anything for it's own sake, it has to be somehow related to women. And these guys are gonna "go their own way"? That would be great, but it will never happen, unfortunately

No. 1860782

This must be one of the worst videos she has ever made. She mischaracterized that girl without properly breaking down her argument and just rehashed the typical conservative talking points that have been thrown around since 2016. Her bit about community pools was cringe.

No. 1860787

>They’re still making demands (“fit, friendly & feminine!”) and threats (“you’ll be a lonely cat lady!”) toward people who just don’t care about their bullshit anymore.
I love how not a single one of these men considered ~self improvement~ in order to attain love, like not one of them was like huh what if *I* get fit and friendly and get some hobbies that aren't calling women whores, gaming and jerking off, maybe women will like me more they just continued insulting and threatening us thinking that was gonna work.

No. 1860800

>threatening to “go their own way”
The funny part is that they say this and "don't care about women or their opinions" but the whole trad/RP community is fucking obsessed with female validation. That's all they live for. The obsession and crying over Tinder, strategizing how to approach a woman, their online discourse, perfecting a date, how to get 'high value women' they think they deserve, etc etc. Their lives are around womens validation kekkk

>“you’ll be a lonely cat lady!”

the cat lady line is fucking weak at this point considering these desperate dateless losers go to OnlyFan girls to get the girlfriend experience kekkk. One of the reasons why the OF girls are so willing to go on the redpill podcasts is because after the lonely losers berate them; they sub to their OF kek
Single women are happy because most of us been in a shitty or sometimes dangerous relationships. On top of that, women have emotionally fulfilling relationships with friends, family, community, or even do ok alone considering the old lady in the forest cottage trope. Women don't need sexdolls and OF creators for fulfillment kek

No. 1860807

This just doesn't work because she is getting away from what made her great. Shoe was a full blown lolcow and Destiny, Pear and Poki provided lot's of material. And they were all part of the same extended "memeosphere" or whatever you want to call it.
This girl who Brittney is responding to here is just some YouTube commie. She even remotely connected to meme culture so she really is none of Brittney's business.

As for Alice, whoever she is : can't be a radfem if you wear makeup and she says that conservatism is becoming increasingly trendy which is ridiculously false. Also, you can't say you are a radfem and then make implementing socialism your main focus. If feminism isn't your primary focus, you aren't a true radfem and you aren't welcome in our spaces

No. 1860819

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The “you’ll die alone” and “cat lady” insults are a massive cope and projection. Women live longer than men in general it’s the scrotes who are terrified of dying and living alone that’s why they try to project their fear on women as a pathetic manipulative scare tactic and it’s not even working anymore cause women are straight up telling them to go fuck themselves and that they rather have an animal that shits in a box as a companion over spending a minute with a scrote or that they rather “die alone” than be with them. Men’s chances of dying alone are higher cause women have the power to have kids way in their 40s without needing a scrote and it’s easier for them to adopt cause they’re less likely to fucking rape their kids. Women have way more chances of companionship and are more community oriented in general the scrotes are shitting their pants when they hear about women going their own way for real like opting out of motherhood or having kids without a scrote being involved it I love seeing them realize how worthless and expendable they are kek

No. 1860820

>When the female becomes independent the male becomes the worthless piece of shit he truly is

The prophecy is becoming true kek

No. 1860850

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Ngl watching conservative retards cry about the low birth rate cause women are choosing themselves plus watching scrotes cry about being replaced with cats,careers and lesbianism and be left to rot and commit suicide is extremely satisfying kek

No. 1860862

Unfortunately the low birth rate is going to fuck our generation in a few years, but it's moid's job to be worthy of reproducing, something they're failing spectacularly at. Don't forget trooning out, the notion wouldn't even exist if males who think they're entitled to women's bodies weren't getting laid.

No. 1860872

The low birth rate is beneficial for us women that means we are being anchored down by scortes and their shit spawn less and less and can live a stress free life with agency and opportunities it only hurts moids cause they can’t get their filthy gorilla hands on a bangmaid doormat as easy as they used to. They need to actually do better and act like decent human beings to get picked by a woman now something they completely suck at hence why women are choosing to stay tf away from them kek

No. 1860883

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I know this has been posted before but

>vAcCiNeS aReNt nEcEsSaRy

Says the woman from India, a country where the average life expectancy was 35 years old in 1950 and where people were still dying en masse of smallpox in the 1970s until western vaccine companies eradicated it.

No. 1860884

Men have always been pieces of shit. Women’s independence has nothing to do with it.

No. 1860886

i agree but don't act like it doesn't make women seethe when incels bring up AI robot girlfriends lol. of course only idiot women would seethe about this because at the end of the day, women can also get AI robot boyfriends and there aren't any real winners in the situation.

No. 1860891

It’s incredibly sus when men trash high paying careers calling them “too demanding” “slavery” and whatnot if it’s a woman choosing them over being a domestic doormat incubator they will tell you that staying home doing cooking and cleaning and taking care of a bunch of annoying brats is wayyyy better and more relaxing and wonderful but then these same men will pursue those types of careers and brag about how successful they are and how much money they earn. Hmmmm it’s almost as if they’re flat out lying to women and if domestic servitude was so honorable and great they would be the ones doing it. It’s like a kid that’s eating a nice piece of candy and telling other kids that it tastes awful so they don’t get the same thing. Also the whole thing about career women being “slaves” to their boss and dependent on them and getting shouted at daily at work are they really that fucking retarded or they just like pretending that a job can’t be changed anytime you don’t like it and a boss that’s yelling at you can’t be sued for misconduct ? That you are expendable and replaceable, news flash jobs too are replaceable ffs you don’t go to work to form some kind of bond you get paid for your work and that’s it plus women who choose to be doormats can be replaced too when their scrotes cheat on them and leave them to care for the kids by themselves kek
that in itself is way more humiliating than getting laid off from a high paying job and getting a 9 month worth of salary as you look for another job. How about the whole “dependent” on your boss thing aren’t scrotes dependent on their boss too ? Why do they talk as if you’re not performing a service that you get paid for under the law their wives are too dependent on their husbands boss only the scrote gets the money and has the control over her by playing man in the middle. I’m convinced that conservatives are plain fucking retarded and low IQ that they cannot even come up with good arguments as to why being dependent on some scrote for money is better than having your own money and independence.

No. 1860896

The only women who seeth about this are bottom of the barrel pick me bitches who have zero self esteem, IQ and work ethic so they’re mad a potential provider would choose an AI girlfriend over them. Women can get sex wherever and whenever they please we don’t need AI generated boyfriends or sex dolls like incels do kek An intelligent women with high self esteem would be happy that incels and neckbeards are having sex dolls and AI generated girlfriends cause that means they will leave them the hell alone not to mention how guys who use sex dolls and virtual girlfriends are the butt of the joke and are referred to as losers and incels kek

No. 1860928

Speaking of ai generated girlfriends Lauren Chen made a video seething or pretending to seeth at how her loser basement dwelling fans are turning to AI cause no real life woman with an ounce of self respect wants them kek

No. 1860931

File: 1688917372427.jpeg (12.64 KB, 194x259, 3B60F094-D3A2-4AFD-A64F-90A8F9…)

Meanwhile the mfs who use that shit look like this :

No. 1860933

That retarded facial expression tho

No. 1860958

Our generation has been fucked forever thanks to boomers lmao

No. 1860968

low birth rates would case population collapse(Bait)

No. 1860970

Women don’t owe anyone kids in fact the population is 8billions and counting. Fuck the low birth rate and fuck scrotes.

No. 1860973

Let it collapse. I’m not tearing my crotch open for the sake of a society that would shit on me the second I become a mother.

No. 1860983

They shit on you way before you actually give birth kek lots of scrotes leave or flirt with other women while you’re pregnant cause your body isn’t hot enough for them some of them will even kill you(Samefag, stop taking the bait)

No. 1860985

>doing cooking and cleaning and taking care of a bunch of annoying brats is wayyyy better and more relaxing and wonderful but then these same men will pursue those types of careers and brag about how successful they are and how much money they earn.
When the pandemic started in early 2020 all the men absolutely outed themselves by threatening suicide at the thought of being stuck in the house with the kids while on lockdown and not being able to go to the pub, in the UK one guy even murder suicided his whole family including small children one week into lockdown (we were still allowed to go to work, healthcare, shop, and go on a leisure walk once a day, and it was not particularly enforced), luckily his mother was out of the house at the time and survived. The so called idyllic life of a wife and mother staying at home is literal hell to them.

No. 1860988

Elon posted this, people will always be fucking, babies will still happen, pickmes will still have 3-5 kids each because male approval is oxygen to them. The human race is nowhere near being at threat.

No. 1860989

Look at majority of Hispanic families, they're popping babies out like nothing. I think we're fine.

No. 1860992

We should thank those doormat pick me’s for providing the next minimum wage slaves so some of us can live a life based on our aspirations and goals free of anchors kek

No. 1860995

i am not talking about the world as whole my country poland is projected to 4 mln i worried how effect my standard of living while aging. i don't want kids because i have autism but at the same time i am worried(unsaged blogging)

No. 1860999

You reminded me anon there was a scrote in my grandparents neighborhood who threw his kid from the second level window onision style during the lockdown lmao not to mention how some scrotes would lock themselves in the bathroom or in their man caves while they aren’t at work so they can avoid their raggedy ass kids

No. 1861008

wouldn't both sides be winners in that case?

No. 1861095

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Is this Solanas?

I'm also reminded of Zizek's famous quote. Tradfags seethe that women are brainwashed consumers who just want to shop at Sephora. "You'll serve your boss or be a bangmaid for some abusive loser, pick one" well it looks like women have decided. They correctly sense that just being a good little cog to keep the shitty status quo going is utterly pointless. Offer something better or go back to your porn and vidya

No. 1861097

>Single women are happy because most of us been in a shitty or sometimes dangerous relationships. On top of that, women have emotionally fulfilling relationships with friends, family, community, or even do ok alone considering the old lady in the forest cottage trope. Women don't need sexdolls and OF creators for fulfillment kek

I'm in the last months of caring for an elderly parent without help. Every day I wake up and remember I'm no longer an unappreciated mule will be Christmas Day

No. 1861143

Why does this thread always turn into some kind of therapy cope session for lonely women insteas of discussing the cows? It's really embarrassing how transparent some of you are to try and tell yourselves you don't want a normal life and family just because that means you will end up like a tradthot chained to the stove while being forcibly raped and impregnated. Real mental issue.(bait)

No. 1861164

Are the screaming toddlers in the room with us right now, Mary?

No. 1861168

Why do you assume you can speak for what every woman wants? Why do you class not wanting kids or a husband as abnormal.

No. 1861171

>your pills: popped
>your wine: all guzzled down
>your Depends: soiled
>Brynlyee and Aydyyn Who Are Your World: asking when dinner will be ready
>your huzzzbund: messaging instathots in the other room

No. 1861182

>Anons use logical solid arguments to point out the flawed logic of trad thots and misogynistic men
Doormat-Chan: Reeee you’re just lonely and coping with not having a normal life it’s embarrassing Reeeee !!!

No. 1861185

I have never seen one of these people ever bring up the rabies or tetanus vaccines as being unnecessary. Do those just not register to them as vaccines or do even they know how dumb that would make them look?

No. 1861192

so any woman who gets married and has kids is a doormat? What about all of the famous radfem activists who are married with kids?

No. 1861205

So any woman who doesn't want kids is abnormal? What about all the productive and famous women who don't want or have kids.

No. 1861214

i agree, the lad(ies) doth protest too much, they're totally all high flying 6 figure job grlbosses, not like those disgusting breeders(more bait)

No. 1861221

>reeing about girlbosses
>b-bet you guys don't have a six figure job!
>thinking women who don't want kids must be men
Y is a disease kek. Samefaging is so obvious kek. Retards cannot blend. I'm guessing the broken chromosoid posting this also doesn't have a six figure job.

No. 1861222

Kek you do realize that you don’t need to have a six figures job to be considered in a better position than someone who’s an unpaid bangmaid 24/7 to some scrote and his annoying ass kids right ?
> doth protest too much
Are you lost or just retarded ? This is a thread mocking tradthots and their beliefs that all women need to settle for a sacrifice filled miserable existence instead of doing what makes them happy, of course you’re gonna come across a bunch of comments mocking these retarded sexist beliefs and challenging them if it triggers you that some young women find your existence miserable as fuck and beneath them then get off of this thread and join a an echo chamber of scrotes and trad thots praising you for tearing your crotch open like the dumb bitch you are kek

No. 1861223

Caregiving, friends and community?
They weren't discussing girlboss shit at all. This sounds like one of the simple-minded tradthots

No. 1861228

Nobody said that all married women with kids are doormats. The doormats are the ones who do all the work while their hubby is lusting after insta models I doubt the married radfem activists let their husbands get away with doing fuck all to help raise the kids or depend on them financially

No. 1861229

I don't have kids nor do I want them. I just don't think that having kids makes a woman a pickme. Women can have kids if they want to

No. 1861230

KEK at how bangmaids are so easily set off by the mere mention of women not wanting to live the same way you do. Crabs in a bucket. Hurry up with the dinner and gtfo

No. 1861237

Most people on here want kids we just don’t think you need some retarded scrote to serve as an extra burden kek

No. 1861258

Because tradthots believe and push that their lifestyle is what every woman wants or whats best for every woman but already quite a few failed kekk
I don't know what green grass utopia you're from moid, but I think we all grew up with friends and classmates with shitty, lazy, checked out parents who obviously didn't want to be parents but they did so because being a parent is the "normal things to do".
Now that it's a choice and people are opting out, it seems like biological desire for a kid or the normal life/family as you say isn't that strong as we thought despite tradthots push for going back to the 1950s kek
Look at tradcons like Lauren Southern, Crowder, etc other tradthots who pushed the "normal life/family" kek Lauren is now a single poor mobilehome mother, Stevie is a bitter single dad and ex tradcon wife will now have to fight for childsupport, etc so much for their normal life kek

No. 1861261

> women not wanting to dedicate their life to being a servant to some moid that could end up fucking them over regardless of how many times they do their laundry
> Real mental issue and coping
Yep, we’re so jealous of your bangmaid life and are totally coping if only some moid with a mediocre job would pick us to carry his magnificent seed and do house chores for him everyday if only your glamours life style was attainable enough for 99% of women oh hélas if only popping having unprotected sex and popping out a bunch of kids with an ugly scrote was easy we would get to experience the joys of being a bangmaid…..if only

No. 1861284

File: 1688952079498.jpeg (26.13 KB, 320x180, EE1E0A26-C1FF-42E2-BCFB-4FA162…)

>Noooo y’all wish you could be a bangmaid and have a normal boring life !!! y’all are just lonely and coping hard keep telling yourselves that you’d be much happier focusing on your own goals and aspirations instead of being a doormat to kids and moids 24/7

No. 1861320

What the fuck are you doing on lolcow if you like being property so much? Get the hell off the internet and go make your man a sandwich since that's all you're good for.

No. 1861334

nta but I've seen farmers say much more anti feminist things than that they want to get married and have kids. Most marriages today aren't "trad" by any stretch

No. 1861339

I don't disagree, but it's not a entirely good thing, it just means the financial elite and governments will never let women retire. Damned if you do and damned if you don't unfortunately.

No. 1861353

Like saying women who don't want kids are men, shitting on women in the workforce, and women who don't want a husband or children are abnormal?

No. 1861359

anon did accuse others of being men and said that wanting a husband and kids is normal, but she didn't say anything against women who work
but now you got me thinking that maybe she actually is a moid, so I dunno

No. 1861364

They reed about girlbosses and women with careers because anons probably aren't making six figures. Very condescending to women who choose to have a career the same way scrotes are, like the post left moids who seethes that womens careers are fake jobs, discounting the work women do as real work unlike mens when they are preforming the same jobs because they think womens place is in the home/having kids etc.

No. 1861390

>Most marriages today aren't trad
Even if they aren't trad they're still shit. Working women still end up doing the chores with increased mental load on top of employment. Mental load is all bangmaids talk about these days

No. 1861395

So if marriages aren't that trad anymore, how come more and more women are still opting out? (assuming that by "marriages aren't trad by any strech anymore" you mean that women have less pressure than back in the day - you're deadass wrong)

No. 1861403

>So if marriages aren't that trad anymore, how come more and more women are still opting out?
Because marriage is misery. That's why most marriages end in divorce and even increasing numbers of moids don't have any interest.
Why do you think there are so many pickmes today? Because so many moids are pedophilic, porn addicted, misogynistic NEETs that there ends up being 2 women for every one (barely) serviceable guy. Of course women are gonna opt out of a game that is rigged against them

No. 1861419

I thought that nonna meant that well, marriages aren't trad anymore, therefore women should be willing to be married, that's how what I interpreted it and that's bs imo. Which, I know and agree with what you said. Also, count the workload women face from both the home and jobs, no wonder most married women have helth issues and are chronically stressed.

No. 1861420

where I live, all the young families seem happy. I have no way of knowing what the household division of labor is like, though.
Then again, where I live everyone has nannies or au pairs so that likely reduces the strain on the marriage

No. 1861422

She's just angry that women are profiting off AI now, kek.

No. 1861426

She honestly seems like a nice person. She’s extremely sweet and loving to her cat (although I hope she puts him on a diet, he’s too fat, esp for a cat with a smaller frame). Hope she can do well in life and find a non piece of shit scrote. I feel bad for the chicks under 25 who get swept into the tradlife shit.

No. 1861431

I hope things work out for her too but, unfortunately, she has the type of personality that is just flypaper for the most vile scrotes in existence

No. 1861437

>There are plenty of people who want nothing to do with corporate life and want a different lifestyle
Damn, I wish non-corporate jobs were real, too bad Shinra Corp rules everything around you and me
>Your youth won’t give you love when you’re 60, but family will
My parents visited my grandparents every weekend and that still wasn't enough because old people are retired and alone the rest of the fucking time. Your friends will give you love and keep you company when you're 60. Hell, depending on how healthy you are maybe even your career will still be "giving you love" at that age kek, my old university professors spent most of their day on campus and were always having lunch and taking coffee breaks with other professors and students, discussing the stuff they were working on, helping out, organizing and going to academic events, reading interesting books, giving interviews etc, being way more "part of a community" than any SAH suburban tradtard. Not every form of work is miserable and isolating.

No. 1861441

>Damn, I wish non-corporate jobs were real, too bad Shinra Corp rules everything around you and me
Also, even if you marry and have kids, you still are going to need to work. Very few moids make enough money that they can support a family on one salary and those guys tend only to marry women who make about as much as they do. You can get married if you want but it is not a ticket out of corporate America. It may actually trap you in it!

No. 1861443

People who preach that only a family can love and appreciate you in old age are often exactly the kind of people who would treat their own children like shit since they're such narcs they believe the child is an extension of themselves and not a real human being with their own thoughts and feelings that they actually have to put the effort in to raise. Just because you're biologically related to someone doesn't mean love and affection comes built in.

No. 1861462

This thread can’t go on without some moid or tradthot unable to hide their seething at the refreshing intellectual anons pointing out how retarded their beliefs are. Dear conservative retards and moids we don’t give a single fuck about “dying alone” or “having no love at 60” most women who choose high paying careers and no crotch goblins are going to have at least a million dollar worth of savings when they’re middle aged and be able to retire early unlike your crusty diaper sniffing asses enjoy the state funded crappy nursing homes your bundles of joy might shove you in. Kek

No. 1861468

she's only 21 right? she still has time to learn and i hope she peaks and learns that most moids aren't shit.

No. 1861472

Yea, she barely began life.
Unlike Lauren Southern, if Juarez can drop her fundie tradcon beliefs she can easily go to college, socialize with a healthy diverse group of people, and get her life together and started.

No. 1861488

Whats funny is many of us have already escaped bad marriages or long term relationships where we were expected to be a bangmaid but they act like we have no experience of their shitty lifestyle. Sage for blogpost but I already lived the tradwife life in my youth with a scrote who was constantly trying to force me to get pregnant and I was absolutely miserable and felt so pressured and boxed in that I ended up on medication. Unironically I feel happier single and have more fun shitposting with the LC nonas or spending time with girlfriends than making dinner and cleaning up after a scrote. Not really surprised.

No. 1861497

File: 1688996666349.jpeg (51.35 KB, 520x132, 1AB32F73-DE7B-403F-923C-3CF104…)

This thread is for tradthot cows. Try to stay on topic and provide/discuss milk. This thread is also a hotbed for anons with misogynistic opinions to come stir the pot. Do not respond to bait, you will receive a ban. Simply report the bait and move on, pic rel. When you are not posting milk type “Sage” in the email field. If you are new to this site, please read lolcow.farm/info.

No. 1861510

I wish we could have a discussion without people calling either side cunts and bitches all the time.

No. 1861517

But most moids are shit

No. 1861546

>i agree but don't act like it doesn't make women seethe when incels bring up AI robot girlfriends lol
It makes women seethe because these men are admitting they only view women as brainless sex objects. Apart from that, women don't give a flying fuck if ugly males want to fuck robots, as long as they leave us alone.

No. 1861554

Exactly. Every single career woman living with cats had to dodge the same gauntlet of baby-trapping loser moids to emerge with her freedom on the other side. Tradthots are just seething because they fell into the trap. Moids pretend the single women "failed" to land a man like that's even a challenge. Achieving enough financial independence to live alone, keep pets, drink nice wine, order takeaway and go on girls' trips every year actually IS a challenge worthy of being proud.

No. 1861570

Indians in Africa are exactly like this, they disrespect the natives while making millions off of them and I see them calling them low IQ subhumans online.

No. 1861596

i've heard of this. it's insane and pathetic, literally throwing stones in glass houses. everywhere they go, it's like they try to reinvent their retarded caste system/bizarre colorism and their misogyny, not realizing all of those things are part of why they're a complete shithole and nobody sane actually wants to live in their region of the world (or among swathes of indians, when they immigrate to their country). even in africa, it seems like no one really looks up to them, they just begrudgingly tolerate their grift since there's not much choice.
they need to focus more on fixing their society and addressing their gang rape problem than bleaching their skin, being jealous of white people and attacking other races.

No. 1861691

At least try to fit in, moid

No. 1861695

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I remember looking this up a few years ago and when i found this posted it to another notorious image board. The moid there threw a shitfit saying "women are too emotional which is why they will pick real men over robots" like these moids seriously overrate themselves its funny.
I've seen women onlune say what you say, some are pro robots if it means they get left alone. The real people pressed about this in general is women, not men.

No. 1861699

>no chance of getting you pregnant
>women are wanting kids less and less
>don't have to deal with shitty behaviour of any kind with choose-your-own husbando robot
Robot bf sounds great ngl.

No. 1861701

Ngl i’d fucking donate if there was a fund raiser for helping scrotes get robot girlfriends it would great if they would finally go their own way and leave us tf alone instead of threatening to do so online kek

No. 1861702

Just realised robo bf won't be a pornsick retard who expects a maid either. Future can not come fast enough.

No. 1861705

Reminds me of the sex robot that was made that scrotes completely destroyed/mutilated in the span of a few days and horrified the creator of.

No. 1861706

File: 1689023987607.jpeg (15.25 KB, 194x259, 2FE943FC-AE0E-4464-AEA9-4E0B90…)

>Man all you empty egg cartons are coming up with some weird ass copes in this thread

No. 1861707

Ok let me try: wow I hate men so much sisters, who needs them when I got this big tub of ice cream? Btw I exclusively masturbate to men fucking each other(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1861709

Do us all a favor and go contribute to the high male suicide rate. You’re worthless and expendable. Nobody would care except your mum.

No. 1861714

Kill yourself, trust me. You’re just a worthless ugly incel and the opposite gender is disgusted by you anyway. There’s no hope for you just do it.(alogging/responding to bait)

No. 1861718


Stop giving the XY the attention it craves. There's a reason it's mother hates it.

No. 1861719

>Trailer park white trash ugly Scrote calling women who wouldn’t touch him with a 10 feet stick ‘fat bitches’
Kill yourself already Scrote.

No. 1861720

looks generic American middle class, not white trash

No. 1861726

File: 1689025417284.jpeg (11.58 KB, 183x275, B42098B1-7A3E-4D47-A7DA-184F69…)

Samefagging, iconic moid coping mechanism. Do us the favor faggot and rid the world of your worthless self.

No. 1861729

You're mentioning suicide a lot, want to talk about it?

No. 1861739

File: 1689026060787.jpeg (84.97 KB, 730x800, CDC68A28-B281-4539-AA9D-023AAB…)

>Be poor and miserable like me so you can have the golden opportunity to change explosive diapers and sleep 3 hours a night. NO you DO NOT need to go on nice vacation or have nice things. Make sacrifices and live in absolute squalor like me

More like feminist turned dirt poor bang maid loser kek

No. 1861741

KEK at how this moid's idea of a terrible femcel life is…eating ice cream and reading yaoi? I mean I'd rather be playing my fave vidya over reading a doujin, but is that supposed to be bad? It's certainly better than being a bangmaid.

No. 1861743

File: 1689026427980.jpeg (11.65 KB, 275x183, D418D877-1E3D-46BC-8EAA-198231…)

Reading that made actually physically ill omg kek

No. 1861752

>it's the man's job to provide!

Crazy how the bangmaid brigade's whole online presence revolves around glamorizing their fetish lifestyle, but they still can't obfuscate how miserable it is.

No. 1861753

Imagine spending the only life you’ll ever have living like trash for the sake of some ugly minimum wage job Scrote and his retarded cum pets. I can do thermodynamic physics for a whole month but still not be able to comprehend this level of retardation and self loathing.

No. 1861757

You sound so vain. Very sad. Idk if this is gonna be news to you but life has more value to it than money. If you think money can buy you everything, enjoy sitting on your pile of it alone while life passes by you.

No. 1861766

That’s a dose of copium the size of Mars careful you don’t overdose.
>sitting on a pile money alone while life passes by you
Except money plays a key role in actually living life and experiencing it to the fullest unlike being stuck in an old cockroach infested house with snotty screaming kids and a farting ugly Scrote. Whatever helps you sleep at night tho ….oh wait you don’t kek

No. 1861769

I think with one careful owner a sex robot would be ok, men with sex dolls seem to look after them ok, but if more than one man has access to a robot it is doomed and goes into gangrape/abuse/murder territory, things get nasty very quick. I don't see there being robot brothels for that reason but (very expensive) individually owned robot girlfriends with ai personalities. Also imagine all the data that can be extracted since it will be online for updates and ai interaction, and the moid will have her on 24/7 to appease his demands and do manual labour for him, the scrotes with sex robots are gonna have the least privacy in the world

No. 1861773

File: 1689028661459.jpeg (17.86 KB, 240x210, CEE233C3-CFA7-4279-A15A-1414EA…)

>you actually want to have a comfortable life and not sacrifice everything for the sake of spreading a bottom of the barrel scrote’s DNA. You actually value yourself. Very very sad.

No. 1861775

Why is it always black-and-white thinking with you people? Do you have autism? There isn't a dichotomous choice between high-flying 6-figures making lonely girlboss and deprived, poverty-stricken bangmaid, though the former option is leagues better by any metric. This woman doesn't need to live in squalor to have a family, she's doing so in service of her submissive bangmaid ideology. Go outside holy shit

No. 1861777

File: 1689028893041.jpeg (12.53 KB, 255x197, 53CB52BA-9DDA-4190-8984-9D4418…)

Can’t hear you over the sound of freedom and money.

No. 1861778

What's up with the scrotes and aspiring lazy housewives ITT who seem to believe that having a career and a scrote/kids are mutually exclusive? There are countless women who clear six figures and still opt to have a family. The idea that women have to either die alone surrounded by cats or become completely dependent on a scrote is BPD-tier black-and-white thinking

No. 1861784

like the majority of this thread that acts like having a child means you piss yourself while married to a man who is repulsed by you?

No. 1861785

If moids and pickmes can't reassure themselves that women making other life choices are going to be completely miserable and regretful, they simply cannot cope. It's a revenge fantasy for men and a defence mechanism for women who aren't as confident in their choices as they want to appear. If they were really so joyfully happy with their beloved family, why the fuck are they on twitter lecturing hypothetical strangers on what to do with their lives lmao

>having a career and a scrote/kids are mutually exclusive?

For me, it's having neither a career nor kids. Just enough to money to be comfortable, more free time and less stress than everyone else, still got family and friends to spend time with…

No. 1861792

1 in 3 women develop at least some degree of urinary incontinence after childbirth, 1 in 25 women develop fecal incontinence after childbirth, and for both the risk rises the more kids you have.

Its universally known that men are repulsed by signs of ageing in women, that almost all men prefer younger women, and men get angry when a woman’s body becomes less hot than it used to be. So yes, while hyperbolic at times, it’s not really a stretch of reality.

No. 1861793

Same. Maybe I don’t want a career or children. Where is the neetbux and hiki maxing option?

No. 1861796

Tbh what's the point of marrying and having kids for a scrote if you still have to work? He should be able to provide without you also having to get a job, being a housewife is a full time job on its own, especially in the west where it's not really common to live close to extended family that can help. The tradthots just need to wait out for a male who makes at least 60-70k a year. If he can't manage that, he doesn't get a mommy-bangmaid.

No. 1861798

Even if they get robot gfs they would still try and rape bio women because moid sexuality is a pathology that thrives on terrorizing women and inflicting trauma on them, and robots cannot really feel terror or trauma, robot women will only be able to emulate it to a degree at best, but it still wouldn’t be enough to satiate the disgusting moid appetite for oppressing women and causing real pain.

No. 1861800

Having a male sexbot bf would be awesome. Imagine having a sexy looking 7ft tall machine with a 10 inch vibrating dick, permanent abs, never balds, never gets fat, and can kill any biomale who tries to threaten you with one chop of his metal robotic arm or a bullet from his finger chamber. Hell, I bet a sophisticated AI programme would have a better personality and more emotional intelligence than 99% of moids. They could be programmed to work and earn wages. And even if he gets damaged or breaks, you just replace him with another of the exact same model.

No. 1861801

It’s like people who tried to argue that porn will decrease rape, when rape has been increasing over the last 20 years.

No. 1861806

Sorry, 10 years*

No. 1861813

Why do moids and doormats use the « you’re gonna be lonely » as if it’s the worst thing in the world kek ? Being alone is much better than being around people who suck the life out of you. Some people are genuinely happy when their alone and actively choose to be they find it very peaceful. I wanted to claw my eyes out when I visited family and was surrounded by screaming toddlers I couldn’t wait to go back home to a clean peaceful home.

No. 1861818

Scrotes have been grinningly threatening that women won't be wanted anymore because men will have robots soon… but I highly doubt it'll work as expected. Those uncanny silicone sex dolls, dating sim games, etc have existed already for years but onlyfans is by far the most successful lucrative market kek unlike women men can't handle being alone so they rather pay a e-girl to talk to them kek

No. 1861836

Yeah that’s our advantage over them kek a lot of them commit suicide over not having a relationship while we thrive when we don’t have to deal them. They’re like fucking parasites

No. 1861841

Men struggle to be alone. Unlike women they don't or can't have emotionally fulfilling relationships with friends, community, family, won't go therapy, don't have healthy communities or in-person social groups, etc. I'm into a few hobbies or odd classes, and it's always mostly women in the groups. Hence the joke that guys trauma dump on some innocent quiet girl on the 2nd date, they want a gf/wife to be their therapist. Women often have the experiences of being in a shitty or dangerous relationships and so find happiness/safety/comfort in being single. A woman's fear is death or abuse, what's a man's fear?
Plus I think women are just built to handle being alone hence the centuries old trope of the old lady in the forest cottage doing her thing. Think about it, OnlyFans is huge because men can pay for the fake "girlfriend experience" because they're that pathetic, there's no equivalent for women kek
That's why the tradcons so desperately want to go back to the 1950s and beyond, when women were nothing but locked down housewives or moms by social and legal restraints. When women have independence they don't need men, men need women more. Men falling into redpilled, tradcon, onlyfans, etc just proves it.

No. 1861844

We need each other, no one is buying this cope

No. 1861845

This. If anything dating sims and second life type games, as well as traditional romance novels, fanfiction and romance manga etc, are way more popular with women than with men.

Women are happy in parasocial relationships with celebrities, kpop idols, characters or whatever. Probably even happier than women in irl relationships to be honest because they don’t have to deal with all of a scrotes shit irl.

It seems women are much more open to the idea of virtual or simulated relationships than men are because for women it’s more about showering someone with love and feeling close to that person, than getting laid or the validation of him reciprocating.

Meanwhile men die without female validation, have contributed billions of dollars to onlyfans, and will pay women $10,000 dollars to give him a shoutout. First they threatened us with the AI porn thing, but they’re already burnt out on that and wanting more and more.

Men still overwhelmingly simp for real women. While only a small minority of severely autistic men have anime waifus and such that they take very seriously. The husbando and character fandoms are always majority women.

No. 1861848

After a lifetime of abuse from men, both familial, relationships and random strangers, I can confidently say that besides random innovations from men who are probably dead and I have never had to meet, irl moids have brought almost nothing positive to my life and that I need men in my life like I need an asshole in the middle of my forehead.

No. 1861853

Yep. Almost every moid owns a fleshlight nowadays, many own partial sex dolls or even full sex dolls, but it’s never enough for them unless they have some severe mental illness that causes permanently suspended disbelief in them.

I can see sex dolls being a feasible substitute for mentally or physically disabled men who have never and likely will never have a partner, but most moids cannot be satisfied with one.

Not to mention the level of tech where they are actually high functioning bots and can adequately pass as real humans is still about 40-50 years away at least.

No. 1861855

Not to mention male loneliness and suicide peaks in middle and old age. But they will still keep spouting their ‘men age like fine wine’ ‘50 is the new 20’ and ‘I’ll be banging 18 year olds in my 60s’ copium over and over again when all evidence points to men being more miserable as they get older kek. It’s even been proven that men age biologically faster than women do.

No. 1861858

speaking the entire truth nonnie

No. 1861864

You are terrified of men due to bad past experiences but going to the other extreme and viewing all men as nothing but abusers isn't the path to being happy, it's a coping mechanism to process your past trauma and a pretty bad one at that

No. 1861867

I’ve lurked 4chan and incel boards for years and can tell you with great certainty that dollfag moids who are content with dollfus are still a teeny tiny minority of the incel community.

You can buy an attractive relativity lifelike sex doll that looks like a 16 year old hapa elf girl with F cup tits, realistic soft skin and hair and long eyelashes, pink nipples, tiny waist and massive hips, puckered tight asshole and a perfect pink soft innie vagina (aka every incels dream) for about 500 dollars on alibaba or whatever. Plenty of men can and have bought one. But very very few men are actually genuinely content with that. I’ve seen a dollfag or two trying to ‘convert’ other incels into buying one and most of them are extremely skeptical and unconvinced, or have already bought one and got bored with it.

What all men but especially insecure beta men (like incels) crave is ego stroking and validation from being ‘picked’ by a woman, allowed to access her vagina and chosen to be her main sperm donor and phallic trophy that she is not ashamed to be seen with in public. With sexdolls and sexbots that part is left out and so the moid remains dissatisfied because his ego isn’t being validated by a sentient being.

No. 1861870

Rape and violence is literally hardwired into mens genetic code. Every waking moment is spent trying to resist those urges to pin women down and rape them or murder someone they don’t like. Don’t believe me? Ask them yourself, in a forum where they are free to admit it without being arrested. Plenty already do. Bowl and poisoned m&ms metaphor is relevant here.

No. 1861873

Men do not bring women happiness. I have never known a woman who was happier in life long term because of her relationship with a man. Most normie relationships are constant work, walking on eggshells, trying to keep your partner in check and pointless sacrifice, almost always on the woman’s part. No thanks.

No. 1861874

File: 1689035940040.jpg (463.15 KB, 1080x2545, 11687638830390.jpg)

kekk reminds me of this reddit scrote
incel bought a life size sex doll, threw it on the bed, did his thing, had to clean the cold thing, wrapped it in blankets and threw it into the closest. Then probably off to his OnlyFan girl to talk to a real woman kek

No. 1861878

Reminds me of when Daniel (Hiding In My Room) bought a sex doll and had to go collect it from the post office (awkward), made a video about how sex dolls are so much better than real women, then like a week later ended up tossing it in the river, and went back to paying Thai women to spend time with him lol.

No. 1861880

then people need stop with the "male loneliness epidemic" "attack on masculinity!!" "men struggling alone!!" boohoo
women are doing fine single why can't men

No. 1861881

>men are lonely and their peepees are sad!
>therefore we must legalize rape and take womens votes away!
Fuck. Off. I don’t give a fuck how many moids have to die from suicide if it keeps at least one woman safe from being raped or abused.

No. 1861883

Preach sister

No. 1861887

Why should women even be associated with male suicide anyway? We didn’t make them do it. It’s their choice.

No. 1861888

Also lol forgive my sagw.

If society wants men to stop killing themselves, maybe they should work on convincing men to stop constantly bullying and trying to one up each one another in social dick measuring alpha male contests.

Notice how different femcel forums are compared to incel forums. The women actually try to support and encourage one another. Men just tell each other to kill themselves or post rage bait, porn and demoralisation material to depress one another even more.

No. 1861892

Truth is men are horrible at emotionally supporting each other. They are crappy friends and would happily throw each other under the bus for a crumb of vagina. Their only advice is ‘hire a hooker’ or ‘get over it bro’. The worst and most vicious bullying and abuse perpetrated in society is almost always men on men or men on women. Yet they act like women are the most evil cruel monsters alive. Pure projection.

I remember a 40 something guy at my work got prostate cancer and pretty much all his male friends and coworkers started distancing themselves from him, even guys he had known 20+ years.

Meanwhile it was women in the office bringing him lunch, offering him a ride to and from his appointments, constantly checking if he was okay etc. Its would be funny how men try to flip reality all the time if it wasn’t so disgusting.(This is not milk or anything to do with cows)

No. 1861893

Moids are only needed in society so they can do work that requires chimp strength and has a high risk cause they’re expendable meat logs. Anything else women can do it we actually get better grades than moids in college anyway and can excel at demanding fields that require intellect, we can reproduce on our own sîce we always did most of the child rearing anyway even in marriages . Moids are as worthless as they can get and it’s eating them up more than ever.

No. 1861896

Kek, truth.

No. 1861899

>look girls, 0.0001% of males might actually invent something useful to the world
Oh my god nona you have convinced me, I am no longer a feminist, wtf I love men now!!11!!!!!!

No. 1861901

File: 1689038255337.jpeg (17 KB, 259x194, D5F3CD5B-65B1-4E5F-9573-FD9A8D…)

It’s fucking sad how moids see women as nothing but « ass and titts » they even went as far as to make plastic replicas of us for them to buy cause it’s illegal for them to buy a living sex slave. Idk what sins our gender committed that we were punished by having to share this existence with these sex obsessed violent disgusting creatures.

No. 1861906

Without the invisible labor of women who birthed them and tidied their rooms and cooked their meals they wouldn't be living long enough or had enough free time to make those discoveries anyway. Every discovery a male makes is upon the sacrifice of a woman. Unfortunately you're a retard so you don't understand that

No. 1861907

Mods delete the male

No. 1861908

It really is fucking tragic that our designated human counterparts are violent solipsistic rape apes that spent the last 100,000 years terrorising the planet.

It’s the saddest fucking thing that female heterosexuality is basically a form of Stockholm syndrome predicated on the evolutionary necessity of a moidape that can hopefully potentially supposedly defend us from other even more aggressive rapier more murderous moidapes and offer us some kind of protection racket in exchange for our freedom, bodies, autonomy and sanity. It’s a sick cruel joke that we were expected to live in servitude and die in labor before 30 so that some rape ape can replicate and produce more rape apes like a pathological virus.

I can imagine our fallen female ancestors screaming ‘YOU ARE FREE! CHOOSE FREEDOM WHILE YOU CAN!’ at us It genuinely makes me want to cry when I think about everything they had to go through (and what billions of women still do). We have nothing to lose but our shackles.

No. 1861909

Oh yeah expect for the fact that it was a woman that invented wifi and Bluetooth only to get recognition after 50 something years cause the retard chimp gender was too insecure to give her credit and let’s not forget them banning us from going to schools for centuries cause gasp they knew we would beat their ass grade wise if we got in just like we do now. If men did most of the innovation then they also did all the wars, murders, rapes, drugs production, human trafficking,genocides, gang violence and all the terrible shit we have in the world today. The good they did will never equate to the harm they caused

No. 1861910

Why do you think I don't agree with all of that?

No. 1861911

Not to mention men bastardised history to pretend there were no female hunters.

No. 1861912

Heddy Lamar didn’t invent Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. She was apart of the creation of technology (along with a man she partnered with) that goes into wireless technology like Bluetooth and WiFi. This is always the same tired example that’s trotted out. Marie Curie was more impactful on science with her discoveries and inventions. Even then…the vast majority of inventors have been male. This is like when black people take credit for shit like trafffic lights when the black guy who updated a patent’s work isn’t even used in any traffic lights old or new. Women’s contributions to the arts and sciences are limited. Doesn’t mean that won’t change but it’s just the reality of history. Shades of Al Gore saying he invented the internet or Dinesh D’Souza saying he invented email.

No. 1861913

Ive never understood how being a SAHM has anything to do with tradition. The only SAHMs and housewives were generally women from royalty and aristocracy. Men and women have always historically worked alongside each other since the agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago. Nomadic and Hunter gatherer women were also expected to work just as hard as the men.

It wasnt until the industrial revolution in the 1800s when a very small upper class minority of women could afford to spend all day at home because their husbands were getting paid enough to support the household on one income. But even back then it was known to lead to extreme boredom, ‘female hysteria’, depression and psychosomatic illness. Extremely wealthy people could always afford endless distractions, indulgences and hedonism to take their minds off things. But normal women just lost their minds and became listless and melancholy.

Most women were still working slave tier factory jobs until the 1920s and 30s. And then WW2 broke out and women were expected to work even harder and cover for moids while they went out and slaughtered each other for their government daddies.

Stay at home moms has never really been the norm in history.

No. 1861914

Women are men without the retard violence. Replace any necessary strength with machines and they are essentially useless for anything but reproduction, and even then you just need the sperm and not the moid attached. They hate women yet reee that we need each other in hopes of never being expected to not act like retards and still get what they want.

No. 1861920

Women aren’t violent with men because of the obvious physical disadvantage they have, but women are most certainly violent with children, historically. Women are apes just like men we aren’t these ethereal gentle beings of light and purity. We are literally the same species of great apes and biologically speaking, 90-95% of our behavior is that of apes. Women are most certainly violent.

No. 1861921

Ngl being a straight is fucking awful however being an accomplished woman earning six figures while being with a Scrote that somewhat respects you for the time being will sure help you tons. At least you get to kick him to the curb if he ever tries pulling some chimp bs and get rid of his ass.

No. 1861924

Are you trying to say your mother beat you as a child

No. 1861927

Men don’t select for intelligence or warrior genes in women, they want women to be stupid, small, naive, submissive, dumb, low self esteem, dependent, feeble, non threatening, less intelligent than them so it doesnt hurt their ego.

Sorry that men selecting for womanchild bimbos for the last hundred millennia and forbidding us from being educated or practicing the arts or sciences for most of history may have affected human behavior and the gene pool somewhat. That’s not really our fault. Women do better in academia than men, just because 1 out of every 100 million guys might have invented the toaster or whatever doesn’t negate most men are disposable and have always caused more harm than good by existing.

For most of history women couldn’t afford to be innovative, eccentric, or boffins because men would just kill them for not submitting into being mindless fuckdolls.

There are plenty of plain Jane, intelligent go getter women but the vast majority of moids aren’t beating their doors down to date them. They would rather date the 40 IQ hot girls.

No. 1861928

Why would men select women for “warrior genes” when women haven’t evolved for that behavior?? Men DO look for intelligence, that means higher likelihood of survival of offspring. Most HUMANS in history have looked for hardiness, intelligence, resourcefulness and drive. It’s just the Will to survive. Modernity has neutered people in many respects but to say men have wanted retarded, submissive, weak women is pants on head retarded. Men don’t want a partner who will die in childbirth or isn’t smart enough to educate their children about life. Same way a woman doesn’t want a weak, effeminate or lazy male counterpart. This thread has transformed into an Andrea Dworkin convention. Aren’t we supposed to be shitting on tradwives and grifters here?

No. 1861930

No statistics just don’t lie. The whole Catholic Parochial school trope isn’t a thing for no reason.

Also…all the moms who’ve straight up murdered their children? Andrea Yates? Munchausens moms? Are these not all things we are familiar with??

No. 1861931

And 60% of our DNA is the same as bananas. Therefore I act like a banana.

No. 1861932

Sure scrote, as if I can’t contradict your retarded claims with one google search of the gender that’s most likely to beat kids and molest them. If moids are the ones responsible for most of domestic violence, child abuse and molestation now what makes you think it was different back then when they were able to get away with that shit more ? Kek

No. 1861934

My point wasn’t that men aren’t violent is was that women are ALSO violent. The reading comprehension in here is low. Yes, men commit the majority of ALL violence. That does not mean women are not violent. That is what my comment was plainly stating.

No. 1861935

Well you certainly have the IQ of a banana

No. 1861937

Lamar did develop the system for wireless technology like WiFi and Bluetooth the point is it took moids 50 fucking years to credit her for it, Marie Curie went to university via secret classes cause women were not allowed that’s the whole point you can’t deny a whole gender education then brag about how there wasn’t as many inventors amongst them. God men are so retarded

No. 1861938

Stfu brain dead pick me. You can be nothing more than an ape like men but women are actual ethereal beings. Don’t know wtf happened with you

No. 1861941

Nobody denied that women can get violent too the thing is we don’t have fucking urges to violate others or kill them for stupid reasons like dressing revealing or for just talking down at us. Lately there was a moid who killled another moid for simply laugh reacting his pic on fb. Go to 4chan Scrote

No. 1861942

Her tech (again worked on and devised with her MALE partner) is applied in wireless technologies. She did not invent Bluetooth OR WiFi. The principles they devised are applied in both these technologies. I also said, women haven’t have the capabilities to contribute until about 50ish years ago, give it take some years. Since then, how many impactful technologies or discoveries have been made by women? And I don’t mean some esoteric bullshit, I mean life changing, world changing technology. Not some bullshit applied neuroscience gobblety gook. Frankly I’m in the camp we peaked and are declining as a species anyway, so those kinds of revolutionary inventions and discoveries are becoming less and less impactful and more and more cumbersome.

No. 1861943

>Why would men select women for “warrior genes” when women haven’t evolved for that behavior??
Hurr durr sexual selection has absolutely nothing to do with evolution durr
>Men DO look for intelligence
No they don’t.
>that means higher likelihood of survival of offspring
Men don’t think that far ahead when they are cooming, they are impulsive visually driven apes. ‘Hmm this girls IQ is so sexy, I think I will now wife and impregnate her because she is so intelligent and that might help my kids survive’ said no man in history ever.

>Most HUMANS in history have looked for hardiness, intelligence, resourcefulness and drive.

Ah yes, because those are all the top 4 traits that make a mans dick hard kek. Are you retarded? Even in Hunter gatherer societies where life was tough and bride kidnapping was the main form of reproduction, men were looking to steal the prettiest girls, not the ones who could recite pi to 1000 places. Lmao, kys please.

>It’s just the Will to survive.

Then so many people wouldn’t have needlessly died, historically in that case.

>Modernity has neutered people in many respects but to say men have wanted retarded, submissive, weak women is pants on head retarded.

That’s not an argument, men always historically selected for attractive, dumb, submissive women all throughout history and killed women who rebelled, fought back or resisted. A desire to coom in something young and pretty, a desire to avoid being reproductively cucked by another man, and having complete control over a bangmaid is what drives male sexuality, not anything else. Again, disingenuous as fuck, kys.

>Men don’t want a partner who will die in childbirth

At least 1/3 of women died in childbirth until the 1700s

>or isn’t smart enough to educate their children about life.

Most girls historically remained uneducated beyond being instructed how to do household tasks. Boys would be educated by other men.

>Same way a woman doesn’t want a weak, effeminate or lazy male counterpart.

Female sexual selection is actually functional and based around survival whereas for men it’s about muh dick.

>This thread has transformed into a


Worst arguments ever proposed, count yourself lucky I even bothered responding to your shit bait.(infighting)

No. 1861944

I just don’t hate men. All people are foul. We are a bunch of women arguing about retarded shit online anonymously. Really we are all just wretched, myself included. I doubt any ethereal being, female or otherwise would be spending their Monday night arguing with another woman online lmao.

No. 1861947

Sage your shit you dumb fucking newfag. Go dickride men somewhere else, we don’t give a fuck.

No. 1861948

AYRT what trope? I went to private Catholic school from nursery until I graduated high school and I only talked to one asshole nun the whole time. And no she did not hit me with a ruler or hit me at all. Kek. Also graduated from a private Catholic university that made it mandatory to take a few theology classes but it was actually too liberal for my liking (trans retardation and "queer" promotion, just to be clear I am gay) and they let us wear miniskirts and short shorts without telling us off (Jesuits). So I don't know where you're getting that from. Also mothers who kill their kids before starvation or soldiers can get them shouldn't really be counted, and actually abusive mothers I'm pretty sure are less so than males who are naturally inclined to fly into a rage and beat anything that moves to death. At least with mothers you can understand that her children ruined her life, tie her down, and killed her potential forever. I'm also close to my mom so sad yours doesn't love you or isn't affectionate with you or whatever KEK mods don't redtext me for blogpost pls

No. 1861949

And you certainly are underage and don’t know how to sage.

No. 1861950

>source: because I said it.

I just had a moment of crystalline clarity, a brief moment outside my body, looking down at what I’m wasting my time doing. I need to get off here, this is such a waste of both our times.

Genuinely, random internet person, it’s time we both logged off and have a cup of tea or something. I hope you have a good rest of our night.

No. 1861951

All pickmes hate their mothers.

No. 1861952

> Men having access to education since education was a thing and taking thousands of years for research in order to create innovations
>women only given basic human rights less than a 100 year ago
> where’s the life changing inventions, women ?

You’re a retard.

No. 1861953

Source: all of human history.

I accept your concession.

No. 1861954

>>Most HUMANS in history have looked for hardiness, intelligence, resourcefulness and drive.
Ah yes, because those are all the top 4 traits that make a mans dick hard kek. Are you retarded? Even in Hunter gatherer societies where life was tough and bride kidnapping was the main form of reproduction, men were looking to steal the prettiest girls, not the ones who could recite pi to 1000 places. Lmao, kys please.

Yup, this. Genghis Khan wasn’t looking for women who could make him laugh, knew how to do calculus, could fight to the death with a lion and win, or could build a cool ass cabin from scratch with her bare hands. No man in charge of sexually selecting ever has selected for anything other than pretty face and ass and willingness to take his cock.

No. 1861957

Kevlar? The batteries they use in spacestations? Home safety system? Word processors? Just off the top of my head, but the goalposts are going to keep being moved ofc

No. 1861958

Imagine trying to be a scrote apologist on LC of all places kek. Pickmes are down bad.

No. 1861959

>spew a ton of shit
>get proven wrong again and again
>a-akshuly i'm above it all goodnight good sir *tips fedora
like clockwork kek

No. 1861960

As much as I love reading the brilliant facts provided by the anons I think we need to stop responding to bait (scrotes and pick mes) cause they sure love coming here to get their feelings hurt. It’s only making this thread into shit. Let’s focus on the cows.

No. 1861962

>this absolutely tiny handful of men who invented cool stuff negates the millions of murders rapes and endless other horrors and crimes committed by XYs

And what’s ironic is nerdy weedy physically weak males get bullied to death in normal natural male hierarchies. They literally need rules and laws based on empathy (a female trait ofc) to protect them from constant harassment and sadism from other more ‘alpha’ guys who have more upper body strength than them.

No. 1861970

I think you might've responded to the right comment, because I wasn't justifying moid actions with the handful of them who've made inventions. I was just pointing out that women have made world-changing inventions too even with all the pushback they faced, and that the taintlicker I was responding to doesn't know what she(?) is talking about. It's gut wrenching to think about how much innovation and art has been lost due to women being subjugated honestly, how far would we be as a species if moids weren't so violent towards us, I wonder?

No. 1861971

I’ve never seen a tradthot whose husband I 1. thought was attractive or 2. who seemed straight. Makes you think.

No. 1861975

Why do you want society to become more technologically progressive? Art or media I can understand. Sure there are things that in an ideal world shouldn’t exist (disease, hunger, violent crime, poverty, pedophilia, human trafficking etc) but men still haven’t solved those things and in many cases actually just made those issues worse.

All available evidence shows that birth rates nosedive, human loneliness and depression skyrockets, and culture and society disintegrates when we become more technologically reliant and advanced it. The west is going to look like South Korea and Japan in 10 years with negative birth rates, incel and femcel epidemics, population collapse and increasing depression and suicide, and technology plays a key role in that.

No. 1861978

but also
Pickmes cant make up their minds.

No. 1861984

>but men still haven’t solved those things
Men are the cause of most of those things. Men spread disease through sexual subjugation of women, men cause hunger through conquest, men cause poverty through resource hoarding, men are the human traffickers. A few women aid them in these pursuits, but they're male-centric through and through. They would either not exist or be significantly less widespread without men.

Why do you think women can't solve these problems, when women are already at the forefront of combating disease and social ills like trafficking, hunger, and poverty? They're already there, in the labs and out in the field. You're free to view yourself as a reproductive vessel for muh birth rate, but don't project your lack of ability onto all members of your sex.

No. 1861986

Right, so we should mirror piss poor nations where everyone works hard manual labor, lack of healthcare, women are locked in homes, women have to cover their faces, women are executed or jailed if they get raped, daughters used for marriage benefits and she becomes a breeding machine, becomes the husband and MIL's slave…… and she's "happy" because at least she has a roof over her head, not "poisoned" by the internet, and maybe her husband doesn't beat her too often. The grass isn't greener on the other side numbnut.

No. 1861993

Not to mention:
>Women must put up with men because of the few things they do for society
>Women can’t hate men for the things they do more to society!
KEK. Logic gender in action.

>Art and media can continue to progress.

Kek, of course he is some tard consoomer who wants traditional women but wont give up his tv and vidya.

No. 1861994

TVs are so cheap these days, you can find decent flat screens anywhere for less than $200, cheaper if you look secondhand. She doesn’t have a TV because she’s a control freak not because she’s broke

No. 1861996

This sounds like someone asked ChatGPT to write an Andrew Tate rant but gender bent. You are either: under 25 and your brain is still smooth, you don’t venture outside your home and are terminally online, you are enjoying a nice evening trolling, very unattractive and hate men because you’ve only interacted with other low value, low moral ugly individuals both inside and out. It’s a good thing you dislike men so deeply your genes shouldn’t be passed into the gene pool, if you’re being serious that is. If this is a troll, A+ top tier, unhinged and silly.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1861999

Please kys. I mean it.

No. 1862001

Holy shit you are retarded and completely missed the point. What a doofus. Your posts are so weird.(responding to bait)

No. 1862002

Did your scrote pick you and beat you yet Hope you get laughed out of the women's shelter. Retarded women like you don't deserve help

No. 1862003

Everything she said was correct.

No. 1862004

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No. 1862005

I think I struck a nerve with the ugly comment, nailed it. It’s always the ugliest people who are the most unpleasant, sour individuals. Outsides match the inside.(Unsaged infighting)

No. 1862006

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No. 1862007

As if being attractive (read: scrote fodder) is anything to be proud about, but of course you would be given that being with moids is all you're good for.

No. 1862009

Can we go anywhere without retard pick mes simping for fucking males of all creatures? FYI males are primitive subhuman knuckle dragging degenerates barely capable of human function and every rational woman here agreees. Go back to 4chan cockbreathed handmaiden

No. 1862012

>It’s a good thing you dislike men so deeply your genes shouldn’t be passed into the gene pool
Outed yourself as a man here kek. Any woman can do to a sperm bank and peruse through a catalogue of attractive, comely men with desirable traits to pass down to her daughters, if she wants to have them. Male reproductive anxiety doesn't apply to us.

No. 1862021

Kek nonna, word for word what I was thinking reading that

No. 1862042

Anyone who starts talking about VaLue in regard to other humans is 100% male, imo there are no pickmes ITT and it's just the usual lowly male baiting for a scrap of anonymous female attention. Let's try and keep this thread on topic instead of feeding the retard male.

No. 1862073

kek my best friend just did that with her wife. they perused a sperm bank, selected their favorite, and its all said and done.
> b-but you need a man to defend the home!
as if you could. they also are both licensed gunowners lmao. read this next part 3 times over: kys

No. 1862080

Based queens

No. 1862099

Not to mention the whole "Bet I struck a nerve! You're the real incel for not fucking me reeee" while posting over and over again and ban evading because he was so triggered by the thread. Male projection is a classic. Women recognizing men as degenerate set of their reproductive anxiety and cause them to meltdown kek.

No. 1862103

It's the old scrote sour grapes shit. "You don't want me? Fine I didn't want you anyway". It's pretty telling that it's been triggered bad enough to ban evade to poste its coping kek.

No. 1862144

>the vast majority of inventors…
The vast majority of the people we know as "inventors" are charismatic key figures associated with particular technologies that were already well on their way by the time they showed up, they're only the public face for popularizing it, at most responsible for improving the "final" iteration (and even then most of the time their version has already been changed by teams of people working in large companies and institutions employing both men and women). It's no wonder it's mostly moids, that's not a role women were ever allowed to play.
>Women’s contributions to the arts and sciences are limited
Women's contributions to the arts and sciences are illegible by the moid system that only recognizes moids. There's nothing you can do about that IQ, but you can still read yourself out of that retarded muh lone genius changing the world midwit worlview

No. 1862146

kek today's tradcons & manosphere moids:
>"men are superior because we built society!!!!"
No sir, modern men are not the ones who built this society, you are some impotent internet loser who wants to be associated with that achievement without doing the work

No. 1862160

I see a lot of people here shit on having kids and whatnot but for real all childfree cringe aside and I say this as someone completely neutral when it comes that: pregnancy objectively wrecks fucking havoc on your body and no I ain’t talking about muh stretch marks or muh loose vagina and all that shallow stuff I am talking actual body horror as someone from the medical field let me explain, you can have unpredictable hemorrhage and fucking die if you survive then you can develop many health issues or even disabilities like losing bladder control, having a fourth degree tear aka vagina anus, you can experience shortage of breath a broken pelvic, shorter life span, severe depression and anxiety i could go on forever on the horrors of pregnancy. It’s really irrational how someone would willingly do that to their body it must come from some kind of self loathing or just thinking with their emotions and instincts and that’s just the pregnancy and delivery horror I didn’t mention the sleep less nights and the general hardship that comes after giving birth and keeping the child. Idk you do you sisters but keep in mind what you’re putting yourselves through and take a deep breath then ask yourselves it is really worth all the suffering ?

No. 1862177

every “inventors are dudes!” dickwad should look up Sarah Guppy

No. 1862179

Seems like moids/tranny Blaine are trying to stir shit in the thread so much that it gets locked like Blaine got the Kuz thread locked.

No. 1862182

File: 1689082185418.jpeg (1.48 MB, 1170x1574, AA30EE06-E377-49CD-874B-12BEDC…)

Sorry for sperging but I wish I could delete this thread but I used a vpn to post while I was banned and I can’t delete it. Everyone keeps derailing and responding to bait. I genuinely feel bad that so many incels and pick mes found this thread and keep defending this garbage. Thanks for everyone who’s staying on topic and even discussing the manosphere, just report the bait and don’t respond because it’s not worth it and you’re not going to change a retard moid’s mind or an insecure pick me. If any of you are victims of sexual violence, I am so sorry but please know that none of these losers would ever say this garbage out loud. These are the same kinds of people who spam cp on lolcow and kiwi as an epic joke out of spite. So pathetic and lowly.
To get back on topic, here’s a picture of Pearl wearing a short dress and her orbiters getting mad at her. It doesn’t matter if you’re a pick me or trad, what these women fail to understand is that men will quite literally never pick you. You will always be judged and shat on no matter how misogynistic and right winged you try to make yourself look. Moids objectively suck and will shit on you no matter what, especially if you’re an influencer. There’s no point in defending shit like this because Pearl got what she deserved. Shit like this always backfired and it’s satisfying to lay back and watch.

No. 1862185

Didn’t she recently literally say ‘I am not a trad woman and never have been’? Basically confirming the whole thing is an attention ploy and grift. She writes misogynistic guides on how to live for women, but admits she doesn’t follow any of it herself and just uses it as a way to blow off steam towards other women who she resents for being hotter than her. She’s legit batshit.

No. 1862187

10/10 in Chicago

No. 1862188

Yes, pregnancy is absolutely horrible but some women just want kids. You don’t need a husband to have kids or get pregnant, and it’s not always for the man. You can call it a biological instinct or whatever you want, but I think some women just want children because they want to be mothers, and that does not have to involve a man at all to be a good mother. No woman should get pregnant just to please her husband, but I think that there are a lot of safe ways to have a healthy pregnancy, and it’s also very different for everyone. Some women tear, some don’t, sometimes the baby comes out within an hour. Not to mention, the position women are in during hospital births is actually so the doctor can see and deliver the baby. It is not the most comfortable or ideal position for a woman to give birth in. Ideally, you could squat or give birth in water. But again, everyone is different. Sometimes women won’t get epidurals so they “don’t tear” but I don’t know how true that is so take that with a grain of salt.

No. 1862190

File: 1689082744363.jpeg (102.3 KB, 500x500, CB45B0DA-8AE3-4A5D-AAA9-CECC21…)

I just see Quasimodo every time I see her kek.
Except Quasimodo had inner beauty whereas Pearl has none.

No. 1862195

What these men and pick me’s fail to understand is most of us don’t actually hate men we’re just deeply saddened and disappointed in them from the constant sexual harassment we faced in the streets starting from the early ages of 11 and 12 fucking years old, hearing about women get raped and killed daily by scortes they trusted, women getting humbled and trapped by kids and left to do all the work on their own while getting dragged and called damaged goods by scrotes, hearing about degenerate moids who are into raping animals and children, domestic violence against wives and kids, threaten to beat you and kill you if you reject them ect it’s all just very very sad and heartbreaking how we were doomed to live amongst these literal beats who can control their severe anger and violence as much as a toddler can control a tantrum. We do appreciate guys who are genuinely decent human being but it’s just not that common. We are tired and worn out. We just want to be left tf alone to focus on our own happiness and goals away from the retard rape ape gender. I hope they all get ai girlfriends or turn gay so we can have some peace. If they hate us that much then they need to just go their own way and let us be. We had enough.

No. 1862196

Yes, I was the anon who was arguing that Pearl was not a grifter initially. You guys are 100% right, it is definitely just an act. Even if Pearl isn’t the most attractive, if she had an authentic and not bitter personality, she would probably have so many friends and be in a happy relationship. She is the one who cheated on her ex, who cared about her a lot. She is the one with the high body count who’s not traditional. It’s partially her projecting her own insecurities, but it’s mostly an act to get money. I doubt she talks to her parents like everyone was talking about before, and she absolutely hates her mother for whatever reason. I’m pretty sure she has like 9 siblings. Pearl is a walking contradiction and any moid who falls for it is a retard and Pearl knows it

No. 1862198

The best is when moids will confidently comment under social media posts of girls sharing their sexual assault/harassment stories or attempted kidnappings. They’ll always comment something like “well we don’t know the full story, maybe she cheated” or get angry that women are cautious in public. They act as if there’s no reason women should be scared in public because we’re painting ourselves as victims. The lack of awareness from these retards is frightening, and teenage boys actively watching that shit is way worse. My favorite is when women talk about porn addiction and they comment “it’s not our fault you’re insecure! This is so controlling…”

No. 1862201

Kek at the Viking legs I understand why she’s so insecure from looking at her. Also she served herself for them on a silver plate they will turn on her the second she does or says something they don’t approve of moids don’t care about what women have to say unless it stroke their ego.

No. 1862214

Men are physically stronger and bigger and love to show it. Women can also be violent but men are almost always MORE violent. How many times has a woman snapped and killed her entire family vs a moid?

No. 1862221

Not defending the tradtards but not getting one vaccine does not mean that you're "against" all vaccines so there's not necessarily a contradiction here. Tbh blindingly believing that everyone needs all vaccines no matter what is almost as retarded as claiming that vaccines cause autism and contain microchips. (I don't know what OP's picrel is about though, very probably BS since it's an important and common vaccine)

No. 1862249

Pearl, Pearl, Pearl. Yes, tall women usually have beautiful long legs and can show them, unfortunately your legs are just long. And those spaghetti straps just accentuated your lumberjack shoulders.
Plus, is she hunchback?

No. 1862262

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No. 1862271

Andrea Yates was the end result of a nasty breeding fetishist tradscrote disobeying her doctors orders that she not have anymore kids and stay on her meds because he thought she existed solely to be his personal broodsow. And then divorced her when she went to prison and could no longer shit out cum pets for him (who she was also forced to be the sole caregiver of).

No. 1862272

A lot of married women with kids end up becoming radfems BECAUSE they've lived the "tradwife" dream firsthand and realized what a crock it is. And the "egalitarian libfem marriage" dream is just as bad. Girlboss in the streets, bangmaid in the sheets. No wonder so many women are actually going their own way, instead of men screaming & threatening to go their own way while continuing to hound us.

No. 1862281

Being a tradwife is easy, see? Just commit to generational poverty and leaving nothing behind for your 17 kids! Way more fun than those single HAGS with their 401k plans, lavish vacations, massages, and mimosa brunches with the girls, huh? That sounds totally miserable compared to a lifetime cooking & cleaning for a broke lazy scrote who can't actually support a family! Amirite, ladies?

No. 1862294

I totally agree with this. If you are a woman in a heterosexual relationship, you are a failed woman full stop(Get back on topic)

No. 1862301

File: 1689097409306.jpg (83.96 KB, 640x1137, gjaj0lg6c7bb1.jpg)

Karissa Collins once again advocating shit that could get women killed

No. 1862312

This is 10000% a bitter 4channer straight off of /b/ pretending to be a girl, don’t fall for it nonnas

No. 1862313

File: 1689098298910.jpg (5.28 KB, 183x122, téléchargement (1).jpg)

kek you nailed it anon

No. 1862319

This in itself is pick me and misogynistic. You’re not a “failed woman” unless you’re a troon. A lot of femcels are lonely and become victims, it’s quite literally not a girls fault especially if she’s groomed.
You don’t have to be a trad to have kids though, I feel like a lot of you are missing the point. You can be a great parent and have a career. Nannies and caretakers are very common, even though they are pricy a lot of married couples get them anyway so both parents can work. I don’t see anything wrong with that and I think that pushing the idea that women have to choose between a job and a kid is reinforcing harmful misogynistic viewpoints. I just think women should be able to do whatever the fuck they want without being killed, raped, abused, or sexually trafficked. It’s never a woman’s fault for just living life and desiring a relationship. Not to mention there are couples that don’t have sex for a while or until marriage, so what is the scrote ultimately getting out of a relationship if he’s sticking around while not having sex, probably because he might care about her. This obviously isn’t every situation but men are impatient and we all know most of them would and do not play the long game.

No. 1862320

What if it's a career woman married to a guy and both don't want any cum pets and the guy got the snip ? plus they have enough money to pay for a maid.

No. 1862328

Having kids and also paying for them is a scam. The father should pay for them since the woman already did the hard labor of birthing them i know that not all women have high self worth or standards of living but ffs stop letting scrotes get away with so much you don't have to be the default parent either make them do the diaper changing

No. 1862329

NTA. That’s completely fine and should not be shat on. Seriously, more power to them for combatting the gross trad couples that have an army of blonde children. That’s responsible and also shows that a couple just loves each other and doesn’t need children. It’s responsible and doesn’t hurt children if they decide to get a messy divorce. I think most people should be responsible and not have more than 2 kids maybe 3 because if both the mother and father have careers, it’s harder to split all of your free time among 6 children. That’s why Pearl is so bitter, she has like 9 siblings and her mom was literally the founder of the family business and the breadwinner. We shouldn’t shit on women period for desiring to be in w relationship. Relationships can be sexless and childless, why are we implying that women aren’t real women for having kids when a lot of them are actually subject to abuse by their moids? Something about shitting on women for something that’s a normal and expected choice from society, especially considering the values and social facts that are enforced on women in different countries, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth and I don’t see how that’s not inadvertently misogynistic

No. 1862333

When did I say that the mother should pay for anything? I don’t understand how anons were crying over women not being financially independent as trads. The father can be the breadwinner while the mother also works. That doesn’t change anything, I just said it was extremely hypocritical to shit on women and call them “not real women” for being in relationships if they’re abused a lot of the times financially, emotionally and physically at our most vulnerable state, which is pregnancy. Also, some women and men don’t want to have kids and I also think that’s responsible and completely fine. Just don’t shit on women unless it’s valid that’s just genuinely a dumb and tone deaf take

No. 1862335

I think you're missing the point, the anons didn't shit on women for wanting to be mothers in hetero relationships they were pointing out the fact that motherhood is a fucking burden that anchors you down and makes you more vulnerable for abuse from scrotes ever seen how moids treat single moms ? it's a shit deal if you ask me but if you want kids anyway then at least make sure the scrote will actually help you and provide for you don't be the one making all the sacrifices you deserve better. this isn't misogyny it's actually very pro women

No. 1862338

Stop taking that shit comment about 'not being real women' seriously cause nobody does, are you autistic ? this is the internet and people will say crazy shit just to start fights.

No. 1862339

I don’t disagree with you, it’s a shit deal. I will not be having kids either, I’m just saying a woman should be able to choose.
>scrote should pay
Yes exactly. I don’t disagree, I just said the woman should have financial independence because financial abuse is what keeps women from leaving all the time, hence why the trad lifestyle is genuinely outdated and created by the patriarchy. I just think women should be able to do what ever they want, as a lot of them feel pressure from families and societies to get married. It’s not the same for everyone but let’s not pretend like women have a choice all around the world to get married. The “failed woman” line is what I really had an issue with to clarify. But that is not “pro woman” in anyway shape or form. That’s just bitterness and projection. You can hate the idea of marriage while also acknowledging it’s not a woman’s fault all the time. The idea of rejecting a social fact that is reinforced in cultures all around the world is not only scary to women but it can be deadly if they refuse to marry, and can also ruin their entire family and social life. This applies for some Western women as well. It’s just very one sided and ignorant to say “every woman who marries failed us” when that’s clearly not the case and a lot of them don’t have a choice. Just be more empathetic.

No. 1862340

Say that to the mass amounts of bait you guys have been responding to from incels in this thread. Practice what you preach nonna

No. 1862341

The amount of female star "inventors" will probably never match the amount of male star "inventors" unless we actually succeed in fully overthrowing moids, but that's not the point. The point is no moid "inventor" or woman "inventor" is as big of a deal as redditors make them out to be. Stop soyfacing at random people for adding the shiniest bit to the work of others.

No. 1862349

I'm not the anon that fed the incels.
Women who live in first world countries and are still making too many sacrifices only failed themselves not us, guess who will suffer from being the default parent plus working outside to help the useless scrote pay for the kids and living expenses ? Deffo not us. We're just expressing our sympathy for those women and telling them that they are doing way too much and society will not thank them for shit, we are in this together and our gender is expected to sacrifice everything for the sake of some scrote's shitty DNA we all deserve better especially the mothers you should be able to sleep while your scrote is soothing the crying baby in the middle of the night, you deserve to have hobbies and nice things you DO not have to be the default care giver.

No. 1862350

NTA but you must be new here.
>if you are a woman in a heterosexual relationship, you are a failed woman full stop
Comparing this to bait and getting angry over someone responding to it is laughable because this is a common opinion on here. There are a lot of radfems and femcels who rightfully believe this stuff for many reasons.
>This is just the internet people will make shit up
I promise that anons comment is not made up. As much as I disagree with the anon who replied to failed woman anon, it’s obvious you’re just a newfag who probably didn’t like what the other anon said when they responded to it. Welcome to lolcow retard

No. 1862352

A woman is not failed if she is in a hetero relationship you can be a self assertive woman with a career and have a husband that you can divorce if he tries to pull some crap and kick his ass to the curb.

No. 1862355

This is so tone deaf holy shit, backpedaling at its finest. Do you think Muslim women have a choice? Society tells them they’re failures if they don’t get married and you expect what? For them to just become an independent femcel and fly to the west? Yes, they’re being opressed. They don’t have a choice. Domestic violence is so common, forced marriages, and even killing when women don’t get married is common in third world countries.
> Deffo not us. We're just expressing our sympathy for those women and telling them that they are doing way too much and society will not thank them for shit.
This. You’re talking about Western society. It doesn’t matter if there’s a reward or not from society, there is pushback and consequence if they don’t get married. But you’re “deffo” suuuuper enlightened and yeah women can just, like, leave a relationship and not get married! Lol!

No. 1862356

femcels if they exist are just as pathetic as incels they have the same mindset and hate scrotes for not finding them attractve instead of hating them for being the violent rape apes they are.

No. 1862358

Fundies are full-time breeding fetishists. To them women exist solely to pump out brats to prove a man's virility and secure his access to her labor, reproductive and otherwise; the woman or child(ren) themselves don't matter. Karissa dreams about dying in childbirth and thinks her little daughters should be forced to carry to term if they were raped because of how pReCiOuS lIfE iS but lets her kids languish in squalor to the point where they get fucking UTIs from unchanged diapers. It's all about the coom.

I do wonder what'll happen to her when she starts going through menopause. Her whole identity revolves around being a self-warming fleshlight that can breed, what will she have when that's not possible anymore? Will her moid dump her and her litter of illiterate children for new blood? Will she have to be committed?

No. 1862359

Okay I’m the anon you replied to and I see your point but no. No. Absolutely not. Femcels are not violent in any way and a lot of that shit stems from rape and abuse. Incels are mad they don’t get pussy. Please don’t compare the two. I don’t self identify as a femcel but I would never judge one, ever. These women are in a lot of pain and can rightfully have their opinions and choose to obstain from men. They hate men from a distance and don’t rape or kill them like incels do. Women aren’t femcels because they’re ugly, trust me.

No. 1862360

Are you legit retarded ? i was speaking of first world women read that again. I'm done with your autistic ass.

No. 1862362

Lol that’s exactly my point. Just because a woman lives in a first world country, does not mean she has a choice. That’s the tone deaf part you retard. How many child marriages do you think happen in the United States? Do you think that’s not an issue? Or passport bros who abuse their spouse? I’m autistic but you’re seething because your logic is retarted and multiple people called you out on it. Cope nigga

No. 1862365

Based on your annoying zoomer vocabulary and lack of life experience, come back when you’re old enough or not mentally handicapped

No. 1862366


No. 1862378

Actually it's only your autistic ass samefagging over and over.
>Just because a woman lives in a first world country, does not mean she has a choice
>Do you think Muslim women have a choice? Society tells them they’re failures if they don’t get married and you expect what? For them to just become an independent femcel and fly to the west?

Ever notice how even tho you claim you knew i was talking about first world women you keep bringing up muslim women in third world countries ?
If you live in the western world you have all the rights in the world idgaf you can choose wether to be a doormat bangmaid or not. I was talking about grown ass regular women who live in the west and tradthots not the other exceptions you just mentioned. Autism is a hell of a drug.

> You're mentally handicaped and lack life experience cause you think mothers in the west shouldn't let their scrotes get away with doing fuck all to help
(This is not milk or anything to do with cows)

No. 1862380

>If you live in the western world you have all the rights in the world idgaf you can choose wether to be a doormat bangmaid or not
There we go there’s the ignorance I was calling out

No. 1862389

It's convenient how you left this part out
>I was talking about grown ass regular women who live in the west and tradthots not the other exceptions you just mentioned.
Get off the internet and go outside if you're just gonna keep cherry picking shit you autistic retard.

No. 1862395

Until you invent a drug that turns women gay shut the fuck up. Most of us here hate the fact that we are unlucky enough to be attracted to the rapist gender. You want all straight women to just never have sex or just be alone forever ? you can be with a guy as long as you have your own money and can drop his ass whenever you feel like it.

No. 1862403

>Gods knows our bodies better than any doctor just go ahead and have 10 c section births
It's sad that the most low IQ retarded women with severe self loathing reproduce the most kek

No. 1862407

File: 1689103889534.jpeg (35.07 KB, 600x600, 1275860_13448441.jpeg)

> proud c section mamma of 3 future rape apes
Imagine being proud of mutilating your body 3 times in order to create more moids i'm gonna die from second hand embarassment kek

No. 1862412

Celibacy will not kill you anon I promise KEK

No. 1862439

File: 1689105872977.jpg (6.75 KB, 278x181, images (4).jpg)

>We make less than 50k a year and have crotch goblins
Fucking nightmare material kek i'd off myself if i were her

No. 1862441

>>I do wonder what'll happen to her when she starts going through menopause.

Pretty sure she wants to die in childbirth before that happens.

Failing that, she'll probably go full Jill Rodrigues and deny she's menopausal and try to steal her grandchildren

No. 1862445

File: 1689106282301.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.84 KB, 680x680, 83c897f90bf4ad9e3cc85eeb3d9a0d…)

even the hair and dress color match

No. 1862448

holy shit she’s huge.

No. 1862473

This thread has been filled with retarded infighting and bait it’s not even funny. I’d like to shit on tradwives and manosphere grifters, not ALL women who have children or ALL women in relationships with men. It’s ruins the point of the thread when these ridiculous terminally online opinions like “all women in hetero relationships are failed”, coupled with “I have a good relationship with my mom, sounds like you don’t” well SOMEONE had to get your mom pregnant for you to be here, she had some kind of relationship to create you, is she a retard and failure? I just wanna shit on the broodmares and hypocrites, not normal people who aren’t engaging in this “lifestyle”.

No. 1862493


No. 1862500

File: 1689112348172.jpeg (94.92 KB, 502x806, A51066E5-3C07-49F0-A74E-B39BD9…)

Recent tweets from Marie Cachet Varg Vikernes’s autistic decade senior wife. It’s weird how she doesn’t think women are inferior to men but her lifestyle says completely otherwise.

No. 1862516

AYRT I wasn't referring to people who make genuinely informed decisions or those who can't take certain vaccines due to allergies or weak immune systems, I'm talking about the kind of person who thinks all vaccines are unnecessary. I have never once seen that kind of person ever bring up the rabies or tetanus vaccines when trying to disprove the very concept of using a vaccine.

OP's pic was a post made by someone who thinks teen pregnancy is a-okay, mental illness isn't real (including schizophrenia), any woman who suffers from depression or anxiety is actually just hysterical and should just let a man knock her up to fix it, and thinks Mulan is actually a subversive plot to turn girls into boys.

No. 1862522

Most of the time is talking that scrote, pushing his antifeminist propaganda (If the world didn't go like this, you couldn't grifting on youtube, you will need serious job. What would you do, retard?). Estee only says a few sentences, nothing interesting, squirming on her chair. I don't know what is meant by those though questions, he didn't ask a single one. Shots of her "amazing cooking" ad tradwife tiktok dances. Estee and her husbando plans a child next year.
But the drawer makes me so mad, omg!

> You have a husband, why he doesn't fix your furniture?

> You could do it yourself, but you couldn't!

No. 1862532

we have a varg thread

No. 1862536

If you’re not a pickme, it’s easy to find a female support network. I’ve only seen pickmes have a hard time finding friends because of their repulsive personalities

No. 1862541

Fuck off dick breath.

No. 1862547

Trad wives don’t spend their time larping on tiktok for incels and attention whoring she’s just an E-thot cosplaying an outdated lifestyle. Poverty will strike hard when they start popping out kids and his little job can’t sustain them, their house also looks country pumpkin and poor af.

No. 1862550

>you gotta be a pussy eating dyke or else you’re not a real woman and therefore can’t sit with the feminist club
You’re just another flavor of misogyny. Eat shit and die.

No. 1862556

Who tf made you the owner of lolcow and feminism ? Who tf do you think you are to cuss out women over something they can’t control (their sexuality) ?

No. 1862563

Anons like you is why people think this site is a giant cesspool. Imagine telling women they are a failure over the fact that they were born straight. Go shag yourself. Some feminist you are.

No. 1862570

wonder when these scrotes will start to make videos calling out this obvious grift from online “trad” wives. There’s another that’s calling herself Gwen the milkmaid who was/is?an onlyfans creator now trying to pass herself off as a trad farmhouse wife for attention. How scrotes continue to be blind to this

No. 1862577

Naive of you to think she isn't the breadwinner in this situation.

No. 1862589

She’s doesn’t have a Patreon and tiktok doesn’t even pay well for views I can see her making a Patreon tho for “cooking and cleaning content” with her breast implants in the center of the screen for neck beards to jerk off to from their basements tho kek

No. 1862596

NTA (and these comments all read samefag) but I roll my eyes when people come here and act all shocked & angry to encounter legitimate man-hating radfems. Believe it or not, women exist who despise men so much they view any woman who willingly sleeps with them as a gender traitor. Such women don't give a flying fuck if libfems consider them "good feminists" or not, and they don't care what normies think about this site either. They aren't trying to be inclusive. I'm not saying I agree with that stance but this is one of the few places online where women can express truly radical viewpoints, so why don't you chill and stop taking it so personally. ALL of society is set up to normalize heterosexuality and pressure women to take dick, so there's no need to come here if simply hearing an opposing viewpoint from a stranger triggers you this hard. Just log off and go outside where everyone else validates your lifestyle.

No. 1862622

>there's no need to come here if simply hearing an opposing viewpoint from a stranger triggers you this hard
I could say the same about the retards that lose their shit whenever a woman here isn’t gay and start hurling insults at her.
The hypocrisy is outstanding. Being straight is not a “lifestyle” it’s something you’re born with like your skin color, the whole thing is just unhinged and misogynistic this thread is for mocking tradthots and doormats not for shitting on random women cause they happen to be straight. Not to mention you can hate men’s guts and think they’re trash and still be attracted to them being straight will make you hate them even more cause you’re gonna have to deal with them at least at some point in your life.

No. 1862655

File: 1689124889834.jpeg (68.39 KB, 481x662, D87C7397-0BC1-48E4-845D-AFC748…)

>Keep being old with your cats and beta husbands ladies!!!
Bitch you look 40, is built like a brick wall and don’t even have a husband. Is she on meth?

No. 1862659

I think some anons here are confusing being heterosexual with being a bangmaid there are plenty of careerist childfree women with snipped male partners who are free to file for divorce any time they’re not very common tho but it sure it the best case scenario of being with a moid, tearing your body open to spread a scrote’s genetics by choice and proceeding to do all the house work as he plays video games on his fat hairy ass after he comes home from work kinda does make you a failure kek

No. 1862661

why don't you try living in the real world where heterosexual women are in the middle of "career woman with snipped partner" and "woman who has kids and tore her body open for a man who is lazy and plays video games after working and leaves her to tend the children"(This is not milk or anything to do with cows)

No. 1862682

>omg it's like all the women talk to eachother!!!
Spoken like someone with no actual friends lol

No. 1862689

File: 1689130609130.jpg (100.82 KB, 783x1000, IMG_20230711_215804_353.jpg)

She looks 45 at 26. What is she gonna do once she is an "old lady"? Kill herself? Can't wait till she turns 30 and is still single and childless like Shoe0nhead.

No. 1862697

File: 1689131387832.png (288.1 KB, 858x1024, screenshot-2023-03-23-at-17221…)

You know they say that smoking really ages you faster… it only makes sense that coalburning ages you even more.(racebait)

No. 1862698

Most married women I know are deeply dissatisfied or unhappy in their marriages and have to deal with their scrotes porn addiction or have already been cheated on while they work 40 hours a week AND do all the housework. Married life for women will never be anything more than drudgery and slavery.

No. 1862699

Go back to /pol/, scrote.

No. 1862702

Modern men do not provide kek. Most men are stingy as fuck unless they are actual paypigs in which case they are very unlikely to fit the ‘tradmoid’ ideal whatsoever. The average scrote gets resentful as fuck if you ask for 100 bucks here and there to go grocery shopping, even if he is on 6 figures a year and you’re the one taking care of his ass daily. This is precisely why women fought so hard for financial independence from men because scrotes have always held it over women’s heads and used it to justify resenting, raping and abusing their wives. Even billionaires have their gfs living in flat pack bungalows and sleeping on mattresses with holes in them for fucks sake. 90% of men are shameless tightwads.

No. 1862704

>men are garbage and all need to die
>black men are garbage and all need to die
kys /pol/tard scrote!!!

kek, lol, lmao

No. 1862711

Nobody sad that you subhumam porn-addicted scrote. We are tlking about you dog-whistling "coalburning". Literally go back to your site you and your kind are not welcome here.

No. 1862715

exactly, I've been trying to tell all the anons attacking her that she doesn't believe this shit

No. 1862718

>This in itself is pick me and misogynistic. You’re not a “failed woman” unless you’re a troon.
Nta, but you're wrong. What's pickme and misogynistic is being in a relationship with a moid.

No. 1862721

>These women are in a lot of pain and can rightfully have their opinions and choose to obstain from men
If th