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No. 147985[Reply]

I'm surprised about how nobody was talking about this train wreck of an 'activist'

His facebook should give you ideas on how he and his fans behave.

48 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 149016

I'll take that as sarcasm

No. 149470


Did you actually bother to read anything on him that wasn't fed to you through CNN/FOX news? Some of his followers are annoying as hell, but what he says isn't exactly wrong. Illegal immigrants are illegal, and they should be sent back. They come here legally? Cool, welcome.

PC people to me remind me of entitled brats who have enabling parents. They just don't step out into the real world so use other people's problems to create some depth and drama in their own entitled lives. But they just don't get it, because they live in a cute little bubble of safety.

They want immigrants in… yeah because they don't live in the areas where the lower ones will fuck up. Lets be honest, most illegals won't have diplomas or degrees, they'll be in lower end areas. People who want them in don't get to deal with the worst of them. They live in good areas. Its so easy to say I WANT EM IN DAS RAYCEEST IF YA DUNT when it doesn't even directly affect them.

And Brexit, lol. Oh those old people who actually lived through when Britain was independant, "they just don't get it! OLD PEOPLE, SO RACIST SMH!!".

No. 149585

Would MSNBC be a better choice? Seriously though This is actually spot on.

No. 152454

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I wonder if he'll go as far as celebrating for Last night's Cop shooting in Dallas

No. 152455

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In the comment section…

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No. 29733[Reply]

Yes, baby, I am only 15 years old and I am all real and natural!

According to her VK, Lolita is only 15 years old (like, we all are so stupid) and, according to different articles in the media, she claims she is all natural, including her 20-inch waist and 32 F bra size. She only wears lenses.

Lolita claims she is psychic and she teaches people to control their orgasms dreams, enter the astral plane etc. I am not quite sure but… doesn’t it remind you of someone? I don’t know… Maybe Valeria?

Her religion is Buddhism.

Her life priorities are “Power and Wealth”… really?

Her interests include psychology, hypnosis, horror movies.

Her favorite games are “catch-up and fights”… what?

Interesting fact: the media say she is 16 years old, while her VK says she is 15 years old.
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No. 89114

she looks like a composite of different people in that image. like her spine doesn't line up.

No. 152356

oh my god reading though this thread made me laugh really hard

No. 152360

>They're weird bastards. They're into all that dressing children up like adult tarts and child abuse images aren't illegal there

Toddlers and Tiaras/Dance Moms

No. 152387


I feel like these should be in the clever posts thread kek

No. 152410

She's like a cartoon Peg Bundy

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No. 149724[Reply]


Guess who's back with more thot poses? Thats right. Its Itsybitsychu, self proclaimed artist who actually only play games and ask her parents for cash to fund her costumes. Refuses to get a real job. Has tons of white knights. Now she's back with a D.Va cosplay.
And she doesnt even play Overwatch.
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No. 149793

No. 150844

there's already a thread for this you mentally ill cunt

No. 151816

why would you want saggy tits though

No. 151860

Moved to >>>/manure/2487.

No. 151863

Duplicate thread

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No. 150944[Reply]

Can we talk about this … thing and her devout followers who defend her excuse for being skellington status?

Claims to have a metabolism disorder.

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No. 150976

*unable to gain weight

No. 150979


so fucking what??? oh my god!! she doesnt have to disclose information about her weight if she doesnt want to.

in my opinion this takes exactly the same style as the alex clark thread, samefagging and all.

this girl has no milk. shes allowed to keep her disorder to herself. she has no drama and no milk.

No. 150980


No. 150981

I agree. Bushb4by is more of a cow than her.

Fucking bushb4by.

No. 152083

Moved to >>>/manure/2500.

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No. 131172[Reply]

Old Thread was in auto sage >>93507


Generic JNig wannabe/cosplay cam whore cept fat. Is mostly known for her airbrushed Samus cosplay that she's worn to most (if not all) of the cons shes been to since she bought it. Seems to legitimately believe that having followers makes her better than others.

>Has leaked nudes
>Pretended to break up with her boyfriend Maroon Cosplay to egg on her neckbeard fans
>Showed up in the previous thread only to end up throwing a tantrum
>'That cheap spandex suit has gotten me more attention then you'll ever get'
>claimed to be bullied in highschool but was a skinny popular lacrosse goalie who reportedly was the one who did the bullying
>Started streaming in revealing cosplay for views
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No. 151230

New thread since this one is in autosage >>151227

No. 153204

Just found this thread. Yikes. But thank God someone is talking about this bitch.

I "know" her in real life, and by that I mean I see her at parties every now and again. And holy shit, what a fucking mess. This was a few months ago now, but the last one I saw her at was right after her and Eric broke up. It was actually the party where he was apparently flirting with another girl (which didn't happen, by the way, Mariah was just drunk and misread the situation).

She started hanging out with Beansprout at that party too, and I was screaming internally because I actually really like Sprout. I felt so bad for her, it looked like she was just babysitting her the whole time because Mariah was being retarded that whole party.

It's just so frustrating that she tries to call herself a professional cosplayer and then cranks out shit, and bitches about people using her for fame and then doing the same fucking thing.

No. 166145

Where can I find her sets?

No. 167774

We need a part 4 the last thread saged

No. 167795

Come on new thread the others closed

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No. 150515[Reply]

Hi ! Do you know this girl ?
I found her profile on instagram and saw her a few times on facebook, what do you think of her ?
Do you know others girls like her ?

Her facebook : https://facebook.com/PocketSizedVampirePandah/

Her instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pocketsizedvampirepandah/
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No. 150534


No. 150537

ok miss vampirepandasorandom

No. 150545

She looks like MissHannahMinx's retarded sister.

No. 150549

Lose weight, get more followers, do some crazy shit and lurk more before you self post again.

No. 150552

Moved to >>>/manure/2415.

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No. 149487[Reply]

The Queen Of Geeks!
Can anyone explain why anyone could like her?
She compares herself to Audrey Hepburn and blames men for the reason she can't land a role in Hollywood



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No. 149490

this is the third felicia day thread on this website. make it stop.

No. 149491

I've only ever come across one other.
I think she's a perfect lolcow.
The woman is 37, thinks she's gods gift to the world and still puts on a "I'm so cute look at me" act. She's also fucking an 80 year old man

No. 149492

Meh. Links to her blaming men for her failed Hollywood career?

No. 149525


Stop making these Felicia threads already.

No. 149548

This, why are people so obsessed with her? She's boring.

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No. 146170[Reply]

Let's discuss this Instagrammer Lilmiquela who is apparently a "real life breathing sim character". I'm pretty sure if she was real her skin would look sweaty with pores I mean just look at that face.
What do you think? Is this real or is it some mad photoshop skills?
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No. 146430

No. 146566

self post. nice try though

No. 146577

Please do, I don't know anything about her outside of Gucci Gucci

No. 146580

Poorly rendered, obviously not real lmao.

No. 147046

Moved to >>>/manure/2173.

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No. 94138[Reply]

not sure if anyone knows her but I think she deserves a thread. Her name is yazochan, a half German half Turkish cosplayer living in Germany and currently staying for 6 months in Japan.She has lots of weebs crawling up her ass because she's such a 'good' cosplayer but her haters hate her for being a spoilt liar bitch who brags about everything.

social medias:
1213 posts and 121 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 148600


omg this is fucking easy to read, especially after 6 months learning japanese in JAPAN. there is nothing to show off here. everyone here could read this after 1-2 months.

No. 148617

the funny thing is she doesn't understand it

No. 148757

janet and yazo gained some weight :)

No. 148758


how do you know tho?

No. 149014

File: 1467139911333.png (558.01 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-06-28-20-49-37…)

She openly admits that she didn't learn shit in Japan :)

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No. 112288[Reply]

Because the previous thread is reaching it's reply limit >>106059

A place to discuss ALL of the edgy attention whores, proana wannarexics, and eating disordered snowflakes on Instagram/Tumblr or elsewhere.

Original thread: >>44088
Second thread: >>74624
Third thread: >>79031
Fourth thread: >>83974
Fifth thread: >>89109
Sixth thread: >>94114
Seventh thread: >>99329
1175 posts and 224 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

No. 119604

Lol remember that time when kenzie swiizka pretended to have an eating disorder for literally 5 minutes?

No. 119605

Please make a Luna thread if you wish to discuss her.

No. 119771

No fucking clue, but broadcasting all the illegal drugs you do online along with your face has to be one of the most dumb ass fucking moves I've seen pulled in a long time. What a fucking idiot.

No. 119877

That is Luna.

No. 145991

But why would you strap hot water bottles to your legs??????????????

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