File: 1419983262394.jpg (62.73 KB, 500x666, tumblr_ngyk8bz2KE1rhzj6xo1_500…)

No. 29733
Yes, baby, I am only 15 years old and I am all real and natural!
According to her VK, Lolita is only 15 years old (like, we all are so stupid) and, according to different articles in the media, she claims she is all natural, including her 20-inch waist and 32 F bra size. She only wears lenses.
Lolita claims she is psychic and she teaches people to control their orgasms dreams, enter the astral plane etc. I am not quite sure but… doesn’t it remind you of someone? I don’t know… Maybe Valeria?
Her religion is Buddhism.
Her life priorities are “Power and Wealth”… really?
Her interests include psychology, hypnosis, horror movies.
Her favorite games are “catch-up and fights”… what?
Interesting fact: the media say she is 16 years old, while her VK says she is 15 years old.
I have a gorgeous figure so I don’t even have to diet.
I had great features to start with and I just improved on them. My big breasts are natural although I sometimes wear a push-up bra to enhance them.
If a girl doesn’t have beautiful eyes then they should wear contact lenses to sort it out. If they have a crooked nose, then she must do something about it, whether that’s plastic surgery or not.
I want to be with a really manly man who is polite, sensible and who doesn’t run away from problems. He also needs to have a full head of hair. I don’t like bald men.
I’m only 5 ft 4 inches tall so I can’t become a model unfortunately. But if I can become famous for my appearance in some other way, I will be extremely happy.
No. 29738
File: 1419985148101.jpg (17.68 KB, 296x394, 10850299_511713452301996_59071…)

lmao she looks horrible
No. 29739
>>29735Depends on the photos, she has quite a lot of nudes floating around too.
FB which is only photos of herself, no other content: No. 29740
File: 1419985287036.jpg (169 KB, 807x536, lolita.jpg)

She pastes herself onto backgrounds from google. The OP picture included.
No. 29741
File: 1419985380985.jpg (189.68 KB, 480x741, lolita.jpg)

No. 29745
File: 1419985630227.jpg (41.1 KB, 604x453, ranga.jpg)

No. 29746
File: 1419985637126.jpg (28.58 KB, 318x425, Barbie-Lolita-Richi-4.jpg)

The most interesting photos of her are the ones where her back is to the camera
No. 29747
File: 1419985823842.jpg (110.91 KB, 720x960, 10603741_453978431408832_82039…)

All natural bby~
No. 29757
File: 1419993542170.jpg (81.23 KB, 675x1024, 1312643579768.jpg)

>Her religion is Buddhism.
>Her life priorities are “Power and Wealth”
No. 29760
>>29754Probably because Russia is split in poor and rich, the woman of the later probably have way too much time and money on their hands but lack attention because the husbands are always gone for work (like in the case of Valeria). That's why they try to get the attention somewhere else and the internet is the best place for that but only being pretty doesn't work anymore so they want to become something that is unattainable.
And: No. 29761
File: 1419994615844.jpg (231.86 KB, 995x659, charmer.jpg)

Is he actually serious?
Does he think girls are into this or what?
I guess he's got to have a couple screws loose if he's trying to ask a 15-year-old out via fb.
No. 29764
File: 1419999060203.jpg (63.19 KB, 471x604, titz.jpg)

She's online at vk RIGHT NOW posting pictures of herself at a shopping mall. This is how I like to appear at shopping malls too. All posey like.
No. 29765
>>29751Good lord that was horrifying… and the polar opposite of sexy. D: What is she even DOING?
Look at your life, look at your choices! Augh!
No. 29768
>>29754>>29760I am a girl from Russia so I hope my opinion will help to get some things straight. IMO it has nothing to do with busy husbands (I actually was very surprised by this hypothesis). Lack of attention - absolutely, desire to be e-famous - undoubtely, but it has nothing to do with men or their money (
>>29760 ). In fact Valeria is the only married slavic e-celeb I know, others either are single or have boyfriends, but not "businessmen", just regular guys.
Most Russians are just very naive when it comes to shooping. Girls who shoop probably think "Nah, nobody will notice anyway", and the funniest thing is they are basically right. Most Russians don't even know that you can use photoshop for this purpose, like, they believe only real celebrities has professional photographers who retouch their pictures and you would need some incredible skills (so incredible it's just impossible) to do the same at home, with your home-made photos.
I may be wrong, but I believe it's easier to judge for me because I live in this country and see this shit all the time on the internets.
No. 29769
File: 1420013898299.jpg (262.62 KB, 1536x2048, 10644573_502623686544306_56943…)

why is her head so tiny
No. 29772
>>29769Brachycephalic,a v common trait in russia and eastern Europe. A wide but short head, flat back of the skull.
Either that or weird shoopin'
No. 29773
File: 1420034785189.png (1.25 MB, 1040x806, lol.png)

Some people really are that gullible…
No. 29779
File: 1420048804914.jpg (39.84 KB, 615x409, Lolita-Richi.jpg)

>>29778She probably puts footballs or something similar under her tops, pic related is her with 14, one year before she started all that shoop.
No. 29783
>>29775Yeah, I remember Floretta. The thing with her, though, is that her shoops weren't as awful as this at all. Her lies were never as crazy as this girl's, either (she did shoop herself into a Japanese magazine that one time though, that was kekworthy). She just posted selfies on Tumblr in wigs and makeup, and gained a following that way.
The horrible Photoshop work, lack of any real theme to her photos (eg Valeria had/has the "spiritual" thing going on and is now in some sort of fitness phase judging from her newer photos, Floretta had "#kawaii #pale #J-fashion #skinny #gun #nymphet" Tumblr aesthetic, Anastiya is a "real life anime girl", Venus is a weeb, etc. This girl has nothing except her trademark shooping style) and unapologetic copycat traits are what's making me doubt this "Lolita Richi" is legit.
No. 29786
File: 1420050458299.jpg (82.24 KB, 600x800, 395211057720.jpg)

No. 29787
>>29771Because the rest of the world doesn't coddle people. Surgery like that isn't taboo in Russia or Asian cultures. I'd prefer a society that tells you those things as opposed to enabling people like Quirky. Whiny bitches can cry muh feelings all they want. If you don't want a surgery, don't get it, but those who partake shouldn't be slammed as insecure and fake for choosing to. Especially since some people actually do benefit from a nose job.
As for fake breasts, both my mother and aunt got implants and nobody can tell. (My mom had hers removed though) It's when you go Yaya Han extreme and then honestly expect people to believe those are real.
No. 29790
>>29787Except Russia and East Asian cultures are what bring us spoopy scary surgery monsters.
It's hardly an improvement, anon. Both sides are grotesque extremes.
No. 29798
>>29793This is her new Tumblr like she toned down the makeup and wigs
No. 29800
>>29796Same shit happens with wanting whiter skin. Bitches get their asshairs twisted, but if it were about tanning nobody would bat an eye.
Say you support having pale skin and someone's freedom to get cosmetic surgery and everyone flips shit, calls you a weeb (even if you're asian hue), or dubs you some insecure slut. Massive fucking projection.
No. 29801
Dat nose shadow
No. 29802
>>29800Not sure about you, but I wanted to bleach/whitening my skin because >Self Hating
and I hated my skin colour.
No. 29804
>>29791You're as thick as a plank if you believe women only get implants to appease men. I have a lesbian friend who has them, and you're not taking into account people who lose their breasts to cancer and those who get a single implant due to one breast being noticeably smaller than the other, and implants do not ruin your sensitivity at all unless they're done wrong.
Honestly people like you shouldn't be allowed to open their mouths, you're so dumb.
No. 29811
>>29809Why is it any of your business though? So what if someone wants bigger tits or to remove a bump off their nose?
Why do you care?
And how does it make you 'better' than these 'pathetic cunts'? Explain to us exactly why the fact that you have a 100% natural body makes you better than bimborella in any objective way.
I bet you're full of shit.
No. 29812
>it's fucking siliconeOkay then, go on to explain to me in detail how silicone strips you of all sensitivity in your breasts.
The very fact that you don't know that breast augmentative implants are also available in the form of saline bags demonstrates your extensive knowledge of the subject.
Stay mad sweetcheeks ( ' w ' )
No. 29814
>>29813Fact is, you're not mentally equipped to be capable of making a sound acknowledgement of someone's appearance is, be it negative or positive.
And frankly honey, you sound like you're hideous and type just like 34" waist chan.
>well "I" think this is ugly">"I" don't like this thing!>everybody look at me and pay attention to MYYYYYYYYY opinion No. 29815
>>29812>>ALL the sensitivity in your breastsDid I say that? Your breasts are made out of tissue, and silicone is not. Silicone isn't a real part of your body, it has no sensation while your natural breast tissue does. It's a foreign object stretching out your breasts and nipples. They stretch your nerves and can sometimes cause permanent sensation loss. Losing all sensation is rare, but most women experience a decrease. Most women experience a permanent decrease, though not always. It's pretty common. Depending on how sensitive they were before hand, she may or may not care.
>>29814No, you're the one who's doing this shit. I said that implants are retarded and you can't accept that some people have their own preferences.
>>u aren't smart enough to judge me because I said soLol great argument. I judge people for doing stupid shit to their bodies often, and so do you. Obesity comes with a number of health complication, doesn't it? So do implants. It's fucking surgery. Surgery on erogenous zones. 25 to 40 percent of people who get breast implants end up needing another operation to correct something wrong with the first one. People who do this shit are dumb, you should only get surgery if it's absolutely necessary. And it's on your fucking tits of all places, just…..why? The only reason your upset is because you don't want to be judges for your bad choices.
No. 29817
>>29815You're fucking retarded.
Even when you're squeezing the fatty tissue within your breast you can't physically feel sensation within the fat, only the skin because THERE ARE NO NERVES IN ADIPOSE TISSUES.
Seriously just stop, you are embarrassing yourself so much to anybody that a basic knowledge of mammalian physiology.
No. 29819
>>29816Silicone isn't the only option. There is saline, you dated morons.
Love how you're all talking shit yet you assume all implants are silicone.
No. 29821
>>29819All I said was silicone looks gross and stated I'd go for the fat transfer.
I'm not hating.
No. 29824
>>29820No. No it doesn't.
>>But pro cosmetic surgery site said so!And? Implants still stretch out your fucking nerves.
No. 29825
>>29803What are you talking about?
The only thing she has going for her is her long hair.
Cut it off and she's just as plain.
Doubt she stopped using ps either.
No. 29829
File: 1421444322012.jpg (238.54 KB, 734x613, lolita.jpg)

I literally bought falsies for $1.25 today.
No. 29830
File: 1421445228034.png (79.11 KB, 1324x393, lolita ask.png)

No. 29832
>>29830>stuck to my eyesoh man, if only this was true, she should see a doctor about that.
>8 received pedophiles must have hated her.
No. 29836
>>29835I can actually believe that she may be 15 years old like she claims, by her face alone I mean. Her mom could just be manipulating her to stuff her bras with piles of socks, wear that God-awful makeup, sexualize herself, and say shit for attention, like that she's Buddhist and has a natural waist.
Seriously. There's something not right with her mom being so enthusiastic about photographing sexualized pictures of her daughter, and then being ok with seeing them overly-shopped on the internet. Among other questionable things.
No. 29838
File: 1421465475328.jpg (62.65 KB, 453x604, GEt3nwk4g8k.jpg)

With less shoop.
No. 29840
File: 1421466219686.jpg (29.53 KB, 476x334, 35325.jpg)

Photo from when she was 10 with her totally giant boobs that she started having from the age of 8.
No. 29851
File: 1423964731488.jpg (113.19 KB, 960x720, 10676171_542157375924270_53400…)

Her newest shoop addition is giant hips.
No. 29854
File: 1426233776168.jpg (169.21 KB, 720x960, 10898318_556628841143790_13273…)

She looks so old.
No. 29857
File: 1427222220546.jpg (37.93 KB, 350x466, 1381750_560433750763299_833430…)

Her ~totally natural no shoop~ boobs have been decreasing a lot lately.
No. 29858
>>29769lmfaooooooo that fucking swipey tit
holy shit that is bad
she must be flat as a board, all she did was move the skin 'over' and make the shadowed skin look like a breast fold
No. 29860
File: 1427581670645.jpg (220.89 KB, 720x960, 11053151_564047150401959_27597…)

>>29857And giant again with some deformed wood.
No. 29863
>>29806Just wanted to put this out there even though I know it's OT but you guys were talking about acne scars/hyper-pigmentation
I'm a medical student, and one of the BEST things you can use for hyper-pigmentation is Vitamin C
They sell it at target and pretty much everywhere, get it organic or just plain and it'll do you wonders.
You can also get it as a serum, Avalon Organic's renewal serum is the bomb-ba
they sell it at target too, as well as whole foods and all that but it's 5 more dollars expensive there.
No. 29864
File: 1431651249022.jpg (39.63 KB, 720x960, 11070622_574414579365216_43535…)

I still don't get the people that believe her lie about being 15.
No. 29865
File: 1431651419483.jpg (111.57 KB, 600x800, 11088744_566503610156313_83357…)

>>29864I can't even with her shoop anymore, it becomes more and more like Val's early shoops.
No. 29866
>>29860Are those… adidas heels she's wearing?
Oh man, 2slav4me
No. 29868
File: 1431668463012.png (1.68 MB, 846x782, okkkk.png)

Where did her boobies go? Sad thing is she looks like she could actually be very pretty without all of the Photoshop.
No. 29874
File: 1436471289114.jpg (139.75 KB, 720x960, 11709606_605516126255061_78722…)

And she is back again with her totally 15 natural no shoop body.
No. 29878
File: 1436471859737.jpg (75.17 KB, 720x960, 11407310_598165183656822_38439…)

>>29877Another recent example.
No. 29885
File: 1438747296638.jpg (69.42 KB, 720x960, 11011285_616010691872271_32166…)

With less shoop.
No. 29891
To me, it just sounds like you're all jealous. You've probably heard this a hundred times before (not like I'd know, it's not as if I lurk this imageboard often), but that has a reason: there's truth to it.
Do you know what a Barbie Doll is? Of course you do: a Barbie Doll is perfection, scaled down six times. It is only natural to strive to be as perfect as possible; there's nothing "freaky" or "weird" about that: wanting to improve yourself is a natural thing. Cosmetics in general, plastic surgery and photoshop all exist for a reason and they're billion dollar industries for a reason, too. Now, what is that reason? It's simple: they (drastically) improve the appearance of women. Without ANY make up, most women look like complete and utter shit. Instead of only going "halfway" with just a "little" make up, you might as well go all the way and become like Lolita Richi (as she looks like in the pictures, she's probably ugly in real life), for example. After all, the most important thing a woman has, is her appearance. In nearly all parts of life, women are completely inferior to men. I mean, just look at this imageboard. I wasn't told that it is filled with women, but within my first five minutes of lurking here, I could sense that it is. Most of you type like children – it's as if I'm not even on an imageboard. It's fitting, I guess. This site is dedicated to minor-celebrity gossip and women just love to gossip. You're not even "trolling" anyone, you're simply discussing minor celebrities and shittalking them in order to feel better about yourself. Take it from a man: Lolita Richi is not unattractive, at all, in her pictures (and I consider myself to be a man with very high standards). like the one linked above and Lolita Richi are my cup of tea. Actually, I'm pretty sure that they're every man's cup of tea. If the girl I linked were to stand next to your (hypothetical) boyfriend, I'm sure that his penis would become erect instantly. If she were to walk past a group of men, they'd all turn around to stare at her, in awe. I bet you wish you would get that kind of attention – too bad that you're chubby (or even "curvier") or thin without any assets. When your boyfriend says that he likes your small, saggy breasts, do you believe him for a second? Well, you should not – every healthy man goes crazy for a nice pair of jugs, big, round and firm. He simply settled for you, just like you did for him.
To clarify: the paragraph above isn't a jab at you: it's simply a reality check. Women like Lolita Richi (or at least as she appears in her pictures, she's not that pretty in reality), Valeria Lukyanova, Olga Arkhangelskaya and so on. Especially the last one (picture related) is stunning. Her big, radiant anime-esque eyes, her big, inviting lips, her unnaturally white pearly whites, her fiery red hair perfectly resonating with her porcelain skin – even her nose is beautiful. This is just her face, the rest of her body is beautiful, too. Her legs are out of this world, thin and elegant, seemingly everlasting. What else is there to say? Her torso is a perfect hourglass. Overall, everything about her is perfect – she's only lacking in the breast department. This is the kind of beauty a man writes a poem about (or should). If she had the breasts (and lips) of the girl I just linked to, I'd pay her a million Rubles (it isn't as much as it sounds like, just shy of 16K USD) for half an hour with her. The things I'd do to put my seed into her mouth (even with her regular breasts)…
stop being bitter, start wearing a copious amount of make up, start excercising, get FF implants (at minimum), fill your lips with juvederm a few times, dress sluttily, take pictures of yourself, get attention, admiration and money – isn't that what women adore? By all means, go for it. Why care about what other women think about you? They're simply jealous.
No. 29893
>>29891What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
No. 29895
>>29894amazing retort
No. 29896
>>29891Looks like /r9k/ has arrived. Good bait, I thought this was serious up til "In nearly all parts of life, women are completely inferior to men".
8/10 will be reposting in the future
No. 29897
>>29891>Lolita Richi is not unattractive, at all, in her pictures (and I consider myself to be a man with very high standards).Do you fuck blow-up dolls?
Peter Coffin is that you?
No. 29898
>>29896>Looks like /r9k/ has arrived. I don't browse any English imageboards, I generally stay on Runet.
>I thought this was serious You thought right.
>"In nearly all parts of life, women are completely inferior to men". This is completely true – how many female selfmade millionaires are there?
The fact that all replies to my post are basically memes just confirms my point once more.
Meme 1: le stalepasta
Meme 2: le condescending gif
Meme 3: le this is bait
Meme 4: le [x] is that you
>>29897Blow-up dolls look the way they look for a reason.
Of course men find them arousing, just like they'd find Lolita Richi arousing.
No. 29899
File: 1439228929052.gif (111.42 KB, 500x250, 1414049658474.gif)

>>29891I like where this is going, but you've got shit taste in women.
No. 29901
File: 1439229122417.gif (78.28 KB, 500x288, tumblr_m9vkzkeNFt1ryjq76o1_500…)

>>29898Please continue, I'm sure we'll all enjoy this.
No. 29906
>>29901I'll be sure to do just that.
>>29899>but you've got shit taste in women.Well, you can go and say that to most men.
Generally, most "normal" men find the big boobed bimbo type attractive. As I said, blow up dolls look they way they do for a reason: big eyes, big lips, big breasts, anorexically thin.
Sure, petite, ultra-girly women can be cute, but they usually aren't sexy. The people who find the frail, AA cup type "attractive" are mostly deviants: they're usually (latent) pedophiles, anime fans or both. It simply goes against nature to like small breasts – breasts are a defining feature of females and set them apart from men. I think men who say that they prefer small breasts have been subconsciously duped into thinking so, because they subconsciously know they're of "low quality" and thus unable to impregnate a "high quality" female (and thus seek out a "low quality" female in order to spread their genes on).
>>29904i don't see it
>>29905you are right: the standards of most men are incredibly low
that doesn't mean that they don't find certain features more attractive than other features, though
>>29900>that woman is an abomination. It's probably because she is somewhat old.
I wouldn't call her beautiful either, but those breasts and lips sure do arouse men. I don't think you can comprehend how much they do, as a woman.
No. 29909
File: 1439230720393.jpg (54.93 KB, 960x960, 01_09_2008.jpg)

>>29891To me, it just sounds like you're all jealous. You've probably heard this a hundred times before (not like I'd know, it's not as if I lurk this imageboard often), but that has a reason: there's truth to it.
Do you know what a Loli is? Of course you do: a Loli is perfection, scaled down six times. It is only natural to strive to be as perfect as possible; there's nothing "freaky" or "weird" about that: wanting to improve yourself is a natural thing. Cosmetics in general, cute clothes and photoshop all exist for a reason and they're billion dollar industries for a reason, too. Now, what is that reason? It's simple: they (drastically) improve the appearance of women. Without ANY make up, most women look like complete and utter shit. Instead of only going "halfway" with just a "little" make up, you might as well go all the way and become like Pixyteri (as she looks like in the pictures, she's probably ugly in real life), for example. After all, the most important thing a woman has, is her appearance. In nearly all parts of life, women are completely inferior to men. I mean, just look at this imageboard. I wasn't told that it is filled with women, but within my first five minutes of lurking here, I could sense that it is. Most of you type like children – it's as if I'm not even on an imageboard. It's fitting, I guess. This site is dedicated to minor-celebrity gossip and women just love to gossip. You're not even "trolling" anyone, you're simply discussing minor celebrities and shittalking them in order to feel better about yourself. Take it from a man: Pixyteri is not unattractive, at all, in her pictures (and I consider myself to be a man with very high standards).
Women like the one in pic related and Pixyteri are my cup of tea. Actually, I'm pretty sure that they're every man's cup of tea. If the girl I've posted were to stand next to your (hypothetical) boyfriend, I'm sure that his penis would become erect instantly. If she were to walk past a group of men, they'd all turn around to stare at her, in awe. I bet you wish you would get that kind of attention – too bad that you're thin with giant monster tits. When your boyfriend says that he likes your fat, saggy breasts, do you believe him for a second? Well, you should not – every healthy man goes crazy for a nice pair of small tits, round and firm, or even a flat chest. He simply settled for you, just like you did for him.
To clarify: the paragraph above isn't a jab at you: it's simply a reality check. Women like Pixyteri (or at least as she appears in her pictures, she's not that pretty in reality), Bibi, Micky and so on. Especially the last one (picture related) is stunning. Her big, radiant anime-esque eyes, her large, inviting lips, her unnaturally white pearly whites, her sleek black hair perfectly resonating with her mahogany skin – even her nose is beautiful. This is just her face, the rest of her body is beautiful, too. Her legs are out of this world, large and elegant, seemingly everlasting. What else is there to say? Her torso is a perfect circle. Overall, everything about her is perfect – she's only lacking in the breast department. This is the kind of beauty a man writes a poem about (or should). If she had the breasts (and lips) of the girl in pic related, I'd pay her a million Zimbabwean dollars (it isn't as much as it sounds like, just shy of 2 USD) for half an hour with her. The things I'd do to put my seed into her mouth (even with her fat breasts)…
stop being bitter, start wearing a copious amount of make up, start exercising, start dressing kawaiier, get breast reduction surgery until you're a B cup (at minimum), wear 33mm contact lenses, stop dressing slutty, take pictures of yourself, get attention, admiration and money – isn't that what women adore? By all means, go for it. Why care about what other women think about you? They're simply jealous.
No. 29912
>>29908What? We all realize he's baiting, we just want him to go because this shit is funny.
I bet you're the last person to get the joke when everyone in a group is having a laugh.
No. 29914
>>29908I'm not trolling; this is what I genuinely believe.
Just think about it – there are much more efficient ways of trolling people. Typing a five paragraph post in order to get a laugh out of it is not a good investment, time/laughs-ratio wise.
>>29912>We all realize he's baitingif that's what you want to believe
>>29907thank you for this information
>>29909kind of funny, i suppose
the thing is
why is this abomination of a creature doing an effort to show her cleavage?
maybe it is because…
cleavage is good?
also, her nose is way too big – it's really mannish
No. 29915
>>29906I agree; Total mid-life crisis.
I don't know about those breasts and lips in particular. I was under the impression that men liked naturally large breasts, you known fertility, hearty offspring and junk. Those bolted-on circus jugs look like she's trying to /be/ the blow-up doll as opposed to the inspiration for it.
No. 29916
No. 29918
>>29915>I was under the impression that men liked naturally large breastsIt doesn't really matter if they're real or fake: breasts are breasts. They drive men crazy, real or fake; it doesn't matter. Personally, I find fake ones more aesthetically pleasing than real ones, which always sag (= not good because it indicates old age and lose of vertility) if they're large.
It's similar to "creating" muscles by use of steroids instead of the "regular" way. The man who "grew" his muscles by using steroids is similar to the woman who got breast implants.
Muscles are muscles, the more the better (there's a certain capacity, just like for breasts – if they look freakishly, comically huge, they're not attractive), doesn't matter if you get them through unnatural means.
>>29917>bimbo fetishlol chto
No. 29923
>>29922>No, they're objectively uglyit's as if you're saying men who are as tall as an average woman are NOT unattractive
Most women prefer tall men who are AT LEAST slightly muscular – unless I'm completely mistaken. If I'm not, you're in the minority.
No. 29925
>>29924>Who's talking about height?No one; it was a comparison.
Women (should) like tall men because they give them a feeling of protection.
Same goes for muscular men. Women (should) like them because they give them a feeling of protection.
Nowadays, a gun or a knife is better than muscles and height for protection, but that doesn't mean that those old preferences vanished in the biological programming of women.
No. 29927
>>29926Biological programming doesn't change.
We're still the same animals we were tenthousand years ago.
No. 29930
>>29918Steroids, lol. Cuz women just love balding men with zits, tiny balls and bitch-tits.
I feel like people who go to extreme, dangerous lengths to change their external appearance are trying to compensate an internal flaw. Have you ever met a 'reasonable' woman with huge implants?
No. 29933
>>29930>Cuz women just love balding men with zits, tiny balls and bitch-tits.Those side effects don't necessarily have to happen – but that's a risk a man takes.
>I feel like people who go to extreme, dangerous lengths to change their external appearance are trying to compensate an internal flaw.probably, but also just a desire for attention
>Have you ever met a 'reasonable' woman with huge implants?I don't think I've ever seen a woman in real life with "huge" implants, just regular-sized ones.
>>29931i'm terribly sorry
No. 29935
File: 1439236328584.jpg (74.38 KB, 960x640, 640px-Sunrise_in_the_fog_7723-…)

To me, it just sounds like you're all jealous. You've probably heard this a hundred times before (not like I'd know, it's not as if I lurk this imageboard often), but that has a reason: there's truth to it.
Do you know what a skeleton is? Of course you do: a skeleton is perfection, scaled down to its truest form. It is only natural to strive to be as perfect as possible; there's nothing "freaky" or "weird" about that: wanting to improve yourself is a natural thing. Dieting in general, weight loss programs and photoshop all exist for a reason and they're billion dollar industries for a reason, too. Now, what is that reason? It's simple: they (drastically) improve the appearance of women. With ANY fat, most women look like complete and utter shit. Instead of only going "halfway" with just a "little" diet, you might as well go all the way and become like Eugenia Cooney (as she looks like in the pictures, she's probably ugly in real life), for example. After all, the most important thing a woman has, is her appearance. In nearly all parts of life, women are completely inferior to men. I mean, just look at this imageboard. I wasn't told that it is filled with women, but within my first five minutes of lurking here, I could sense that it is. Most of you type like children – it's as if I'm not even on an imageboard. It's fitting, I guess. This site is dedicated to minor-celebrity gossip and women just love to gossip. You're not even "trolling" anyone, you're simply discussing minor celebrities and shittalking them in order to feel better about yourself. Take it from a man: Ashley is not unattractive, at all, in her pictures (and I consider myself to be a man with very high standards).
Women like the one in pic related and Eugenia are my cup of tea. Actually, I'm pretty sure that they're every man's cup of tea. If the girl I linked were to stand next to your (hypothetical) boyfriend, I'm sure that his penis would become erect instantly. If she were to walk past a group of men, they'd all turn around to stare at her, in awe. I bet you wish you would get that kind of attention – too bad that you're chubby (or even "curvier") or thin with what you call "assets" (ie fat). When your boyfriend says that he likes your disgusting, saggy breasts, do you believe him for a second? Well, you should not – every healthy man goes crazy for a nice pair of collarbones, big, hard and firm. He simply settled for you, just like you did for him.
To clarify: the paragraph above isn't a jab at you: it's simply a reality check. Women like Eugenia Cooney (or at least as she appears in her pictures, she's not that pretty in reality), Ashley, Shmegeh and so on. Especially the last one (picture related) is stunning. Her big, radiant anime-esque eyes, her small, thin lips, her unnaturally white pearly whites, her shocking white hair perfectly resonating with her porcelain skin – even her nose is beautiful. This is just her face, the rest of her body is beautiful, too. Her legs are out of this world, thin and elegant, seemingly everlasting. What else is there to say? Her torso is a perfect rectangle. Overall, everything about her is perfect – she's only lacking in the cheek department (still a bit of flab in the face). This is the kind of beauty a man writes a poem about (or should). If she had the face (and lips) of the girl I just linked to, I'd pay her a million Rubles (it isn't as much as it sounds like, just shy of 16K USD) for half an hour with her. The things I'd do to put my seed into her mouth (even with her chubby face)…
stop being bitter, start starving yourself, start exercising, wear a binder until your chest is flat, fill your stomach with laxatives and water a few times, dress in skintight clothes to show off how thin you've become, take pictures of yourself, get attention, admiration and death – isn't that what women adore? By all means, go for it. Why care about what other women think about you? They're simply jealous.
No. 29937
>>29936That IS copypasta, based off the autistic, delusional ramblings in
Next time, read the thread.
No. 29943
>>29942Prime copypasta.
It's a wonder anyone gets through this thread when it's a cesspool of breast arguments and shitty reaction gifs
No. 29944
>>29943Yeah but I don't think many people really gave a shit about this thread before today.
The previous responses:
>2 days ago>6 days ago>31 days ago No. 29945
>>29944I don't ever pay attention to the dates here lately when I'm scrolling most of the time, definitely brings out my inner summerfag.
Copy pasta always manages to reignite a spark tsk tsk
No. 29946
File: 1439237885998.jpg (40.57 KB, 338x600, 01.jpg)

To me, it just sounds like you're all jealous. You've probably heard this a hundred times before (not like I'd know, it's not as if I lurk this imageboard often), but that has a reason: there's truth to it.
Do you know what obesity is? Of course you do: obesity is perfection, scaled up to twenty times. It is only natural to strive to be as perfect as possible; there's nothing "freaky" or "weird" about that: wanting to improve yourself is a natural thing. Gaining in general, feeding and BBW porn all exist for a reason and they're billion dollar industries for a reason, too. Now, what is that reason? It's simple: they (drastically) improve the appearance of women. Without ANY fat, most women look like complete and utter shit. Instead of only going "halfway" with just a "little" belly, you might as well go all the way and become like Tess Munster(as she looks like in the pictures, she's probably ugly in real life), for example. After all, the most important thing a woman has, is her appearance. In nearly all parts of life, women are completely inferior to men. I mean, just look at this imageboard. I wasn't told that it is filled with women, but within my first five minutes of lurking here, I could sense that it is. Most of you type like children – it's as if I'm not even on an imageboard. It's fitting, I guess. This site is dedicated to minor-celebrity gossip and women just love to gossip. You're not even "trolling" anyone, you're simply discussing minor celebrities and shittalking them in order to feel better about yourself. Take it from a man: Tess is not unattractive, at all, in her pictures (and I consider myself to be a man with very high standards).
Women like the one in pic related and Tess are my cup of tea. Actually, I'm pretty sure that they're every man's cup of tea. If the girl I linked were to stand next to your (hypothetical) boyfriend, I'm sure that his penis would become erect instantly. If she were to walk past a group of men, they'd all turn around to stare at her, in awe. I bet you wish you would get that kind of attention – too bad that you're a bag of bones (or even "athletic") or thin without any assets. When your boyfriend says that he likes your small, saggy breasts, do you believe him for a second? Well, you should not – every healthy man goes crazy for a nice pair of jugs, big, round and firm. He simply settled for you, just like you did for him.
To clarify: the paragraph above isn't a jab at you: it's simply a reality check. Women like Tess (or at least as she appears in her pictures, she's not that pretty in reality), Saxy, PT and so on. Especially the last one (picture related) is stunning. Her big, radiant anime-esque eyes, her big, inviting lips, her unnaturally white pearly whites, her mysterious dark hair perfectly resonating with her porcelain skin – even her nose is beautiful. This is just her face, the rest of her body is beautiful, too. Her legs are out of this world, fat and majestic, seemingly everlasting. What else is there to say? Her torso is a perfect oval. Overall, everything about her is perfect – she's only lacking in the breast department. This is the kind of beauty a man writes a poem about (or should). If she had the breasts (and lips) of the girl I just linked to, I'd pay her a million Rubles (it isn't as much as it sounds like, just shy of 16K USD) for half an hour with her. The things I'd do to put my seed into her mouth (even with her regular breasts)…
stop being bitter, start eating a copious amount of food, stop excercising, get FF implants (at minimum), fill your mouth with hamburgers a few times, dress sluttily, take pictures of yourself, get attention, admiration and money – isn't that what women adore? By all means, go for it. Why care about what other women think about you? They're simply jealous.
No. 29948
File: 1439238675896.jpg (223.88 KB, 838x1050, 1405785303521.jpg)

To me, it just sounds like you're all jealous. You've probably heard this a hundred times before (not like I'd know, it's not as if I lurk this imageboard often), but that has a reason: there's truth to it.
Do you know what 2D is? Of course you do: 2D is perfection, scaled down to two dimensions. It is only natural to strive to be as perfect as possible; there's nothing "freaky" or "weird" about that: wanting to improve yourself is a natural thing. Anime/manga in general, dakimakuras and cosplay all exist for a reason and they're billion dollar industries for a reason, too. Now, what is that reason? It's simple: they (drastically) improve the appearance of women. With ANY more than two dimensuons, most women look like complete and utter shit. Instead of only going "halfway" with just a "little" cosplay, you might as well go all the way and become like Misato Katsuragi(as she looks like in the pictures, she'd probably be ugly in 3D), for example. After all, the most important thing a woman has, is her appearance. In nearly all parts of life, women are completely inferior to men. I mean, just look at this imageboard. I wasn't told that it is filled with women, but within my first five minutes of lurking here, I could sense that it is. Most of you type like children – it's as if I'm not even on an imageboard. It's fitting, I guess. This site is dedicated to minor-celebrity gossip and women just love to gossip. You're not even "trolling" anyone, you're simply discussing minor celebrities and shittalking them in order to feel better about yourself. Take it from a man: 2D is not unattractive, at all, in the pictures (and I consider myself to be a man with very high standards).
Women like the one in pic related and Melona from Queen's Blade are my cup of tea. Actually, I'm pretty sure that they're every man's cup of tea. If the girl I posted were to stand next to your (hypothetical) boyfriend, I'm sure that his penis would become erect instantly. If she were to walk past a group of men, they'd all turn around to stare at her, in awe. I bet you wish you would get that kind of attention – too bad that you're chubby (or even "curvier") or thin without any assets. When your boyfriend says that he likes your small, saggy breasts, do you believe him for a second? Well, you should not – every healthy man goes crazy for a nice pair of jugs, big, round and firm. He simply settled for you, just like you did for him.
To clarify: the paragraph above isn't a jab at you: it's simply a reality check. Women like Misato(or at least as she appears in her pictures, she wouldn't be that pretty in reality), Melona from Queen's Blade, Mami Tomoe and so on. Especially the last one (picture related) is stunning. Her big, radiant human-esque eyes, her thin, sweet lips, her unnaturally soft, perfect curls, her golden blond hair perfectly resonating with her porcelain skin – even her nose is beautiful. This is just her face, the rest of her body is beautiful, too. Mami's mamis are out of this world, large and full, seemingly everlasting. What else is there to say? Her torso is a perfect hourglass. Overall, everything about her is perfect – she's only lacking in the head department. This is the kind of beauty a man writes a poem about (or should). If she had the breasts (and lips) of the girl I just linked to, I'd pay her a million Rubles (it isn't as much as it sounds like, just shy of 16K USD) for half an hour with her. The things I'd do to put my seed into her mouth (even with her lack of a head)…
stop being bitter, start working on losing a dimension, start practicing your uguus, get three senpais (at minimum), fill your eyes with circle lenses a few times, dress kawaii, take pictures of yourself, get attention, admiration and money – isn't that what women adore? By all means, go for it. Why care about what other women think about you? They're simply jealous.
No. 29950
File: 1439239021260.jpg (8.65 KB, 318x159, 4587ff.jpg)

To me, it just sounds like you're all jealous. You've probably heard this a hundred times before (not like I'd know, it's not as if I lurk this imageboard often), but that has a reason: there's truth to it.
Do you know what a Real Doll is? Of course you do: a Real Doll is perfection, scaled down six times. It is only natural to strive to be as perfect as possible; there's nothing "freaky" or "weird" about that: wanting to improve yourself is a natural thing. Cosmetics in general, plastic surgery, padded bras, and photoshop all exist for a reason and they're billion dollar industries for a reason, too. Now, what is that reason? It's simple: they (drastically) improve the appearance of women. Without ANY make up, most women look like complete and utter shit. Instead of only going "halfway" with just a "little" make up, you might as well go all the way and become like Horsemaw (as she looks like in the pictures, she's probably ugly in real life), for example. After all, the most important thing a woman has, is her appearance. In nearly all parts of life, women are completely inferior to men. I mean, just look at this imageboard. I wasn't told that it is filled with women, but within my first five minutes of lurking here, I could sense that it is. Most of you type like children – it's as if I'm not even on an imageboard. It's fitting, I guess. This site is dedicated to minor-celebrity gossip and women just love to gossip. You're not even "trolling" anyone, you're simply discussing minor celebrities and shittalking them in order to feel better about yourself. Take it from a man: Ashleigh Coffin is not unattractive, at all, in her pictures (and I consider myself to be a man with very high standards).
Women like Ashleigh Coffin are my cup of tea. Actually, I'm pretty sure that they're every man's cup of tea. If the girl I linked were to stand next to your (hypothetical) boyfriend, I'm sure that his penis would become erect instantly. If she were to walk past a group of men, they'd all turn around to stare at her, in awe. I bet you wish you would get that kind of attention – too bad that you're chubby (or even "curvier") or thin without any assets. When your boyfriend says that he likes your small, saggy breasts, do you believe him for a second? Well, you should not – every healthy man goes crazy for a nice pair of jugs, big, round and full of stuffing. He simply settled for you, just like you did for him.
To clarify: the paragraph above isn't a jab at you: it's simply a reality check. Women like Ashleigh Coffin and so on. Especially the last one (picture related) is stunning. Her big, anime-esque tits, her big, inviting horsemaw, her unnaturally large pearly whites, her fiery red mane perfectly resonating with her porcelain skin – even her nose is beautiful. This is just her face, the rest of her body is beautiful, too. Her legs are out of this world, thin and elegant, seemingly incapable of supporting her tits. What else is there to say? Her torso is a perfect paradox. Overall, everything about her is perfect – she's only lacking in the jaw department. This is the kind of beauty a man writes a poem about (or should). If she had the breasts (and lips) of the girl I just linked to, I'd pay her a million Rubles (it isn't as much as it sounds like, just shy of 16K USD) for half an hour with her. The things I'd do to put my seed into her mouth (even with her regular breasts)…
stop being bitter, start wearing a copious amount of make up, stop eating, get FF implants (or stuffing), fill your lips with juvederm a few times, dress boringly, take pictures of yourself, get attention, admiration and money – isn't that what women adore? By all means, go for it. Why care about what other women think about you? They're simply jealous.
No. 29953
>>29947>ты русский>>29891>RublesДух.
>>29891People will make a meme out of anything nowadays.
The first few spinoffs were funny, now it's become bland and forced. I want to see more effort.
No. 29958
>>29953>Дух.google translate gives me spirit
how does this relation to what was said
No. 29961
>>29957Yes, I have read 'your work'. Thanks for pointing it out again!
But what is your aim? To convince people women are lesser?
Is this something that takes up a lot of time in your life, so much that you can consider it your 'work'? Your 'mission' even?
No. 29962
>>29958that's the joke
it's not supposed to make sense if you just paste it into google translate
try being more creative – say it out loud, what does it sound like?
>>29961>Is this something that takes up a lot of time in your life"work" as in "opus", creation and what have you
not in occupation
i find it really sad that most of you have such a poor grasp of english
No. 29963
>>29962Er yeah, I know that. An opus or similar can also be considered 'life's work' (or 'life's mission'). You still didn't answer the question.
How about you try again, Rusfag?
No. 29965
File: 1439242485864.png (27.97 KB, 600x280, Screen Shot 2015-08-10 at 22.3…)

>>29964Most of this post revolves around you considering the only definition of 'work' as a 'job' or 'employment'.
Please, don't lecture native speakers on English when you have no idea yourself.
No. 29966
>>29965>Most of this post revolves around you considering the only definition of 'work' as a 'job' or 'employment'.[creation]
it's as if you do not want to read
No. 29967
>>29964Do you not understand basic sentences? And you're still acting like I'm the one who can't read?
A creation, an opus, whatever word you want to use can be considered your 'work', your 'life's work' if you want to go really far into it. If you are putting so much effort into it and into spreading that message then it is something you are WORKING towards. You just admitted your life revolves around it. And yet you so sarcastically push away the idea of it being a 'life's work'? ESL detected.
And obviously you are putting effort towards this particular message. It is a goal of yours to tell people that women should look a particular way, act a particular way and so on.
You're acting like you never took the definition of 'work' to exclusively mean 'profession' as you clearly did in
>>29964What do you not understand about this?
No. 29971
>>29964>The things I'd do to put my seed into her mouth (even with her regular breasts)Wow, your parents must be really proud. Your life's work, raison d'etre
Your shit reads like an Indian's comments on porn videos.
No. 29973
File: 1439285157831.jpg (125.19 KB, 768x1024, 50aB3gzgdsA.jpg)

Ok, I have no idea what's going on in this thread, but how about leave this boring bitch alone. Besides her hilarious shoops, there's nothing to discuss.
She's too stupid to even generate lulzy bullshit.
- Another Rusfag
No. 29976
>>29891>Do you know what a Barbie Doll is? Of course you do: a Barbie Doll is perfection, scaled down six times.No, a Barbie Doll is a German gag gift that became a fashion doll. Top fucking kek.
And I have larger breasts than Lolita Richi - hers look totally fake in videos. They don't move at all, they look like blobs of cement stuck to her chest.
No. 29982
File: 1442247138149.jpg (163.44 KB, 720x960, 12002219_633432426796764_47171…)

No. 86930
File: 1454026444582.jpg (122.74 KB, 720x960, 12642938_683134448493228_84681…)

Totally not shooped and still claiming to be 15.