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No. 131172
Old Thread was in auto sage
>>93507 JNig wannabe/cosplay cam whore cept fat. Is mostly known for her airbrushed Samus cosplay that she's worn to most (if not all) of the cons shes been to since she bought it. Seems to legitimately believe that having followers makes her better than others.
>Has leaked nudes>Pretended to break up with her boyfriend Maroon Cosplay to egg on her neckbeard fans>Showed up in the previous thread only to end up throwing a tantrum>'That cheap spandex suit has gotten me more attention then you'll ever get'>claimed to be bullied in highschool but was a skinny popular lacrosse goalie who reportedly was the one who did the bullying>Started streaming in revealing cosplay for views>Claims to be a skilled cosplayer who can maker her own costumes and props but everything she's made looks terrible>Immediately goes back to wearing store bought cosplay after wearing her own terrible handiwork once>plays the body positive card but wears a corset in every cosplay >will talk to anyone she thinks will get her more followers>Got her idol JNig to follower her but was unfollowed in less than a day (reasons unknown) No. 131340
>>131330I'm not surprised. Mariah really is a huge piece of shit who would only try to leech off JNig. Thank god even jnig is repulsed by her. Maybe momo will learn a lesson from that… or not as long as the neckbeard money keeps flowing in!
>>131172She's honestly really boring beyond being a fat jnig wannabe. Last thread was interesting only because of her white knights. Does she really need another thread?
No. 131370
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Momokunt looks so upset lol. And I'm just so lost on her posing. Does she not know how to be in front of a camera without taking her clothes off?
Also saw her getting annoyed and rolling her eyes when people wanted to take pictures of her, then turning around and smiling so fake towards them. What a bitch. Why get so disgusted with the fans you're trying to win over?
No. 131395
>>131370wow, this is NOT a good picture of her. At all. she looks lumpy, her face looks dumpy, her gut is misshapen.
that suit would look so good on somebody else.
No. 131461
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She didn't even know how to spell Samus 6 months ago.
No. 131463
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Holy shit it looks like she gained all of that weight within the past year. She should def consider losing it again because her curves are way more defined when she's thin.
No. 131504
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>>131490lol no. its just really not that great. her wig is way too rounded and parted the wrong way. Her guns are WAY too small. She didnt even paint the inside of her gloves. The cleavage window is supposed to have a moon silhouette. The zipper is also supposed to be gold with a gold moon shaped pull. Wrong shade of lipstick and most of all she forgo bayo's beauty mark.
maybe youre just confused since shes next to the forever shittier Momo
No. 131719
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Classy. Just can't handle being in the background can she? Flash your ass enough times people get sick of it
No. 131765
>>131452He asked joe to make a angry face. I was at the booth when it happened. Eric is a big fan of the guy and got excited. And joe and momo spoke for a moment and that was it. She wasn't mooching off him.
>>131467No, actually they were both together having a very good time. Mariah was the one actually cheering Vamplette up because her costume was falling apart and she took the time to sew it back on for her. Also vamplette was about to change out of it apparently after being in it for two hours but momo convinced her to stay in it and be proud of the work she did. Mariah looked like a proud mom of vamplette that entire convention. All she did was talk about how good Vamplette looked. I have no idea what bullshit you're making up but cut that shit out, and stop trying to make shit up about the girl. It's really pathetic.
No. 131773
>>131765How do you think Vampelette would feel when she finds out that Mariah always pretends that she's the superior cosplayer who always picks up Vamp's pieces?
Mariah can't even see her own shit. What makes you think that she could fix Vampelette's shit?
No. 131810
>>131804bevauae it just so ~happens~ that the two had walked up when I was there.
And there was about 15 people around the booth.
No. 131824
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>>131172Oh.My.God. I'm dead I'm fucking dead. Praise be to the staff running this site. This is beautiful.
No. 131973
>>131810Yeah and I bet you also just ~happened~ to be there when Momofat fixed Vampelette's costume, huh?
>>131968Because a bunch of thirsty neckbeards on the internet told her she has a "thicc" ass.
No. 132203
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No. 132502
>>132499tbh id almost prefer she just got better at cosplay. Then again Im the type who doesnt care if a creator is shitty as long as what they put out is good.
But on the other hand no matter how good the cosplay is i would rage if someone used their stupid ass to photobomb
No. 132609
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someone explain to me why it looks like she has a cock half the time. I'm perplexed and upset by this mysterious bulge to be honest.
No. 132991
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Here's the polaroids she was selling in lieu of prints at Lvl up and she's now offering on patreon. I reall don't understand why she thinks these are "sick photos" and special. Seems like she's running out of ideas for her patreon. That or she's too lazy to get more prints done.
No. 133025
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This is what she said in response to Vamplettes attempt with working with 3d foam or whatever it was, she took a pic of what she was doing and Mariah replies with this gem. How fucking rude, lol, aren't you supposed to be her friend? I have a feeling she will distance herself from Vamplette if Vamplette keeps getting more attention at cons than she does lol.
No. 133053
>>132991She looks like a botched Kardashian wannabe or a blobfish.
>>133008She looks flat chested in that photo. The fact that she's stretching her shirt in a way that covers her boobs and waist isn't doing her figure any favors either.
>>133025Now taking bets on how long it'll take before these two have a falling out!
No. 133056
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>>133025Her response is basically "haha was just trying to be funny! you should know my humor by now!"
I'm going to Fanime so if I see MomoFat, I'll take a candid for y'all.
No. 133109
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is she seriously using plastidip on worbla? Holy shit…. She tries to sound like she actually knows what she's doing for meis gun. Plastidip is for evafoam only >< fucking dumbass.
No. 133516
>>133514Here and shit like anon.ib's cosplay board.
I posted her two recent sets here in the last thread.
No. 133673
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reached 500 lol
patreon almost 3000
No. 133722
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>>133109Is this bitch seriously going to cosplay as Mei from Overwatch?
Holy crap she really is riding the Overwatch dick hard. It's a really common tactic for slutty Jessica-Nigri copycat cosplayers like her to jump on the latest waifu fandom train lol. I can't wait to see her horrible Mei cosplay! Mei's concept design is going to be too complicated for her, watch as she's going to sluttify it lol.
No. 133733
>>133722In the last thread, she posted a sluttified fan art pic of D. VA and said that she was going to do "this version" of D. VA. It was a basic blue body suit with a boob window and pink trim.
Aka she knows she can't make a good Overwatch cosplay.
No. 133797
>>133752Because she's fat lol.
She needs to exemplify being the "thicc waifu" uwu
Lazy Momo too much of a lazy fatass to be a good Tracer.
No. 133803
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Actually there kinda is. If you have a little bit of cleavage, that's fine. But you aren't suppose to be rubbing it in. And we all know she like grabbing her boobs. She's also done hand motions for a bj. Don't get me started on that bunny outfit
No. 133812
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>that snowflake bracelet
it's almost like she's aware that she's a special snowflake
No. 133835
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>>133830From the live stream, course she had 30 viewers that one. When she's looking skanky I'm sure she gets more views
No. 133842
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Shade? Or just joking?
No. 133848
>>133842Obviously throwing shade at mostflogged
Funny how she was kissing up to her with the "pretty ladies with small chests" thing but once she's called out on her bullshit, she's throwing shade.
Funny how she's back to being ignored by jnig too
No. 133858
>>133648About 90% of what is said about her on this site is speculation or outright lies. You think it's based in fact because people will post pictures with their claims…
…but when you post a picture of her tweet saying something misguided and then comment is unrelated: that all of her friends hate her, or that she's paying for Vamplette's cosplay stuff, or still dating Eric or whatever, it's just bullshit. None of those things are true.
If you post a picture of a comment and people are all just speculating on the context and whether she's insulting someone or poking fun… that isn't based in fact. It's just a bunch of people that hate her attempting to justify it by deciding on whatever "truth" fits their narrative.
If you're going to hate on her, fine… but be honest with yourself.
No. 133861
>>133858Agreed. If you're going to post in here, keep it factual, most of the shit in this is just a bunch of lies… It's almost comedic how some of you can type up bullshit like this and call it the truth.
Guess you have to believe everything you read on the internet huh?
No. 133883
>>133878She looked like she was frustrated a bunch of assholes attacking her. She should of handled it a different way, but how would you expect someone to react? with a smile on their face.
Like I mentioned and the other person, this thread is entirely based on lies and misinterpretations as well as out of context screenshots.
No. 133890
>>133883>but how would you expect someone to react? with a smile on their face.never worked a customer service job, have ya?
Don't forget her "than cheap spandex suit has gotten me more attention than you ever will" quote.
No. 133945
>>133938just having cleavage out? no
Having cleavage out to attract more viewers? yes
No. 133968
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>>133963Let's report Mariah's Twitch account and see the shitstorm that will happen. I'm sure if we report her channel enough when she is showing off her tits Twitch will finally realize that an attention whore she will being and maybe it could be a lovely lesson to Mariah on how she is being the perfect example of sluts who go into cosplay to sexually objectify themselves to get validation from pathetic neckbeards whiteknights like on this thread.
>>133945>>133963>>133968as hilarious as it would be if she got banned they do not ban/they allow cleavage. what is not allowed is like showing your nipples/fondling your chest excessively, literally rubbing your tits in front of the cam bending over kind of stuff. I've been streaming on twitch for over two years and trust me when I say this.
It is NOT against the terms of service to wear tank tops, crop tops, have cleavage, to wear shorts. IT IS against the terms of service to act overly sexual (bending over in front of camera showing your pussy/ass, rubbing your ass sexually, moaning sexually) or to be wearing underwear, a bathing suit, nipple pasties, etc.
No. 133997
>>133988She's made a gesture of giving a blowjob before.
I've seen where streamers that wear more 'sexy' outfits all the time get banned. Like this one chick would only wear really low cut tank tops. Banned. Said it before and I'll say it again. Twitch has been cracking down on this stuff. They can see a difference between wearing clothes and just being an attention whore.
No. 134001
>>133945I don't even know how they would prove that it was for more viewers unless she was wearing super revealing clothes. If its just a tank top with boobs on cam, that doesn't mean anything tbh.
>>133963I'm not a whiteknight, the chick is dumb as fuck and super desperate for fame, but I don't see Twitch banning someone for simply wearing a low cut top unless they can totally prove she's doing it for $$$$$
No. 134056
>>134054inb4 whiteknights saying "you're taking it out of context! that's an outright lie/made up speculation!"
>>133835holy shit she's hideous, she looks like someone's middle aged mom with or without make up
No. 134187
>>134128Oh I almost forgot that one. You have to convince yourself I want to fuck her or want attention from her or through her.
You can't even imagine I'm just not a shitty person that wants to trash her on the Internet like yourself.
No. 134267
>>134242Couldn't give a shit about stopping the thread. Hate is an unstoppable force. I'm just here to spread truth, whether you want or accept it.
> spends free time trash talking people on the Internet
> wants to talk about maturityFunny
No. 134269
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>>134267Hate? That's a strong word anon. I'm amused by momo if anything. "Spreading truth" that's cute. How's saving the world one momo thread at a time working out for ya?
No. 134271
>>134267>I'm just here to spread truthShow us the truth with adequate proof. Then we'll believe you.
"I met momo at lvlup and I saw her be nice to vamplette" isn't adequate proof btw. I'm talking about proof like her helping new cosplayers with their costumes/props and donating money to them so they have funds to work on their cosplay like she says she does.
No. 134272
>>134271Seriously. There's provided evidence of her not being a nice/honest person in these threads.
>>134267Where is the evidence of this "truth"? What is this "truth" you are even trying to spread?
No. 134286
>>134267Dear whiteknight anon,
heres is a pretty good post pointing out PROOF of lots of terrible shit shes done. screen shots and the whole shebang
>>126427ok now where's your 'truth'???
No. 134569
>>134286I've seen that entire thread. I know what things said in there are untrue, and which are true. I also know which of the pieces of information you take as true are just conjecture based on taking things out of context.
Keep the hate alive, ladies. Like I said, I'm not here to stop you from hating, only to spread the truth and point out lies.
You can't sit around and enjoy a thread that started by saying:
> >Pretended to break up with her boyfriend Maroon Cosplay to egg on her neckbeard fans…and then pretend to know anything about her, or care about what is true and what isn't.
The fact of the matter is that you will take anything in whatever context you need to justify your hatred. You will ignore someone's humanity because it's easier to imagine someone is terrible than to accept you have the empathetic capability of an autist.
No. 134580
>>134286That post (>>126427) is so fucking cringy on your part, but I guess I can go through it for you…
You start out by talking to the person that was commenting in Mariah's defense… I don't really feel the need to explain why that isn't a proper argument against her, since you don't seem to be implying it is. I should mention however that your question is pretty easy to answer. You ask "Why are you here?" with the implication that she has a strange number of people willing to go to bat for her. Maybe it's because (unlike the people talking bullshit on the site) we know her and recognize that, although flawed like any other person, she is a wonderful person and a good friend? Clearly she has people that know her and trust her, and you don't want to accept that.
Moving on, you give her shit for bastardizing characters, but that doesn't really make her a bad person. That's just something you judge someone on because you love your children's cartoon characters so much you feel violated when someone else doesn't care about them in the same way. It's sad, and I'm sure if she judged others on how they portray a character, this site would leap at her throat for it. So either it's a dumb thing to do, or it isn't something you should judge her for. Pick one.
You call her a fat slob. She's not in the best shape right now. That doesn't mean anything in terms of her character or how good of a person she is, so I'll skip that one.
You say she's not good at construction of cosplays. That's absolutely true… she's a beginner and she knows it. You seem to think she's claiming to be amazing at cosplay but if you actually knew her, you would know she is extremely modest about her ability and the fact that she is learning.
You next say she's a blatant liar, but you don't actually provide any evidence except for an image that you equate to her. Maybe you could shed some light on why you think she's a liar? I've heard some rumors on the site that she was a bully in high school which would make her stories of being bullied questionable, but no one has actually provided any real evidence to that so you can't use it as if it's fact. It's heresay at best.
You say she shows her body for attention. Again, that doesn't make her a bad person. She recognizes what she is doing, and she has decided that she understands it is a transaction like any other. No worse than trading time for wages really, unless you're a regressive fuck.
So really… you aren't bringing anything to the table here as far as why you hate her. And to anyone saying they don't hate, look at this fucking thread and the other one before it. If you are saying anything negative in a collective like this, you are part of the hate train. Accept it.
No. 134584
>>134286Also you keep calling me a white knight, but I already clarified I don't give a shit about the hate… only the lies. The internet is the perfect place to just sit around and hate on people, but the lies actually affect the person you're talking to. Make up a lie in here and say it enough, and someone that actually knows her might hear it and think it's true. That's not you being the better person… that's you being the bad guy. If you want to keep feeling superior to her, then fucking act like it. Sure, you'll still go to this board and hate on someone you don't know for fun, but at least you won't be negatively affecting their life for shits and giggles.
If you're looking to dislike her, you'll find plenty of reasons. She's still immature and emotionally led and perhaps does not have the best judgement at times. She's unskilled in ways that I'm sure you value skill in. She's taking a different path through life than you and perhaps you don't approve of it. Fine, hate on her for all of that.
All I want is for you to focus on what's real. Stop accepting conjecture and bullshit just so you can better justify your hatred.
No. 134598
>>134580Attempting to refute points doesnt help if you have no evidence of her being a good person though???
there are pounds of evidence of her being mean, selfish and terrible (see every post she made where she literally qualified 'attention' as being something that quantifies someone's worth. see 'this cheap spandex suit has gotten me more attention than youll ever get' or whatever it was she said.
What GOOD person puts someone down with that?
what she typed in that last thread is how i think of her. Also so far the only 'proof of her being a good caring person' has been 100% hearsay.
Refuting an argument has to come with backing. congrats you typed an essay. Also if you cared so much aboit truth and werent a whiteknight why arent you in jessica's thread or venus angellics thread or any of the threads where theres actual baseless insults and guessing?
There are threads calling people prostitues with no actual proof: Dakota is both married to her manager and dating some kamen rider guy or something. Taylor and Himezawa are both paying for jobs in japan. One of the 'prostitutes' had a baby n lost it or was it a dog? Everything sajd about mariah has at least something pointing to it being true so if you dont have an agenda why are you in THIS thread?
No. 134614
>>134598>>134604Look up "burden of proof" when you get a chance. It lies on the people making the first claim (that she's a bad person) and not with me, a person who isn't even arguing necessarily that she's a good person, just that she isn't a bad person. I mention off-handedly that she's a good person, sure, but I don't need you to believe that. You don't know her, so why would I waste my time convincing you?
No matter what I do, I lose here. If I provide evidence of her doing something nice, you'll say she did it for attention (as evidenced by her posting it, or the way she words it when talking about it, or whatever). When I retort to say that it makes sense for someone whose job it is to stay relevant to post about things like that, you'll just use that to say that she's doing everything good for attention and she's secretly just shitty. If I say nothing and don't defend her in that way, you'll just say I have no reason to think she's good and I'm just trying to fuck her. If I clarify that I don't have any desire to fuck her, you'll think I just want her attention.
It's fucking pigeon chess with you. There's no reason for me to play. I'm just here to point out lies and hope that when this thread is longer, at least a few people will read my comments and realize that this thread isn't about what's real and true… it's about blind hate more than anything.
As far as that post where she talked about being above you all? She recognizes that that came from a dark place and doesn't represent her as a person. It reminds me specifically of something I said to someone on the internet a long time ago when I felt backed into a corner by people attacking me online, so I can sympathize. She has said one or two things that let off that vibe in her friends circle and we all just immediately call her out on it and she fixes that part of herself and improves.
That's something you can't see from the other side of a computer, how quickly she improves and how much she works to be a better person. You see evidence from a year ago, not realizing how much she has learned and grown from her experience as her popularity (and the popularity of hating her) has grown.
If you've never been thrust into the spotlight and you can't empathize with that that does to a person, I can't help you.
No. 134615
>>134598Also, as far as this question:
> Also if you cared so much aboit truth and werent a whiteknight why arent you in jessica's thread or venus angellics thread or any of the threads where theres actual baseless insults and guessing? Are you retarded? I already mentioned I know Mariah personally. I don't know Jessica Nigri or anyone else mentioned on this site, so I don't know what is a lie and what is the truth in those threads.
What you don't realize is that I'm not just finding this thread and looking through it for falsehoods… this thread is mentioned at least numerous times a week in my friends circle, and I have to correct rumors that are going around because of it. What you fail to see is that the bullshit that gets made up here affects my actual life, because people make decisions on who is their friends based on what they hear about a person, and that creates rifts in actual groups of people in the actual world. You think you're not hurting anyone, but you most definitely are.
That's why I said earlier, if you want to hate on her for all of the legitimate reasons, go ahead. I take the good with the bad with all people, and I think that most people just don't understand the human beneath the profiles enough, but I'm more than okay with someone making a judgement call based on that. What I can't sit around and just be okay with is the lies, and in these threads they're fucking rampant.
No. 134636
>>134615oh so the truth shows itself.
tl;dr - 'people know I'm friends with Momo and if they know how shitty SHE is they'll think I'm shitty too. Time to cover my ass.'
Then again hasnt anyone ever told your friends not to blindly believe everything they read? Oh wait no they probably read the thread and saw how terrible she was with their own two eyes. If they wanna believe what proof is out in front of them. The same people your talking about have probably posted in these threads too.
Also only people already decided or who want to hate her would read through everypost to see the full gossip. Otherwise if they were fine with her they would only look at stuff like tweet screenshots. Oh wait thats exactly what proves she's a shitty person.
Also as previous anon said most of us have met her irl or know someone closely who does. Im willing to see the good in even the shittiest person but she is to the point where it actually apalls me that shes allowed the level of attention she has even if it is a bunch of neckbeards. She's held basic witchhunts for at least two people this year (her 'exboyfriend' when they broke up and the stupid kid with the bad cosplay opinion with onky 200 followers) but i'm sure you'll skew it so that it was FINE for her to put maroon on blast for basically a whole week and then apologize weakly even though she knows her neckbeard fanbase will always hate him now or that that kid got a shit tons of hate for a tweet that she didnt even tag anyone in but no keep telling yourself momo's an 'okay person'
No. 134669
>>134614Lmao you're still dodging the bullet. You won't show proof because there is none. You can't win this argument because you're wrong.
Since you know this is pointless, go away. Find another site to kiss her ass
No. 134727
>>134700they said
>What you fail to see is that the bullshit that gets made up here affects my actual life, because people make decisions on who is their friends based on what they hear about a person, and that creates rifts in actual groups of people in the actual world. You think you're not hurting anyone, but you most definitely are. aka people end up thinking anon is shitty by association which is probably true since in the end for them they just care about what people think about them.
to add to the fun Im going to laugh and assume anon went around bragging 'oh I'm friends with momo do you KNOW how many followers she has?' and then since their friend didnt know who she was they looked her up and ended up finding the threads
It just kinda proves that momo is surrounded by self important people that only care about the shallow things people think.
No. 134748
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white defending Mariah thinks we're being salty for no reason, here I have more reason to dislike Mariah on top of the other bullshit she has pulled
She makes how much money a month with no part time job to cover other expenses, and all the time in the worl right now, goes on Twitter to pat herself on the back for busting out Mei in less than a week…. Of course her line up for Fanime as was paid for by her patreon… She's of course doing another suit she bought again (surprisingly no Samus) and drumroll here: Casual Mei! She didn't even get the bot right! How is this a huge accomplishment? She HALFASSED yet another cosplay! Yes go on and say "well mei looks like that outside of her jacket" excuse, it's NO excuse doing a casual version when you have all the time in the world to prove you deserve 3000 a month! I've seen so many people devote less than three weeks for a cosplay with little funding ($50-70) and come out with amazing stuff.
Mariah is just lazy, the worst part is with the silk cosplay you know she will not correct people when they incorrectly post how talented she is for "making this cosplay" so many people actually believe she made those suits and call her the queen of nerds or cosplay when she has done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prove that and does not care about crafting she is and always will be about just getting attention. Also isn't it hypocritical that she puts people on blast for dipping on her patreon when she harrassed another cosplayer for doing the exact same thing she is doing?
No. 134794
>>134615>>134614Alright, I'll bite.
I'm also in the friend group you mention and seriously, we all know these threads exist but I haven't heard a single person actually say "wow Mariah is a really shitty person and I only just realized it because of this random thread I found online"
It might hurt her feelings but it's not "creating rifts" between people. I haven't heard anyone talking about the things in these threads as if they're fact. I can't tell who you are from your typing but I highly doubt this is really affecting your life all that much, unless you're Colette in which case I am sorry because you've been mentioned in here multiple times. If people in our group really are spreading rumors because of this thread then they're idiots and we hang out with some dumb fucking people so I wouldn't be surprised in that case.
If you really care about this shit then let it die. Stop posting because it makes it more visible.
No. 134832
Another essay since you girls love them so much :)
>>134697Samefagging is when you're pretending to be different people. At least understand what terms mean before you try using them against me.
> You aren't whiteknighting any other more well deserving people posted on lolcow.See
>>134615 as I already clarified this point. Perhaps reading isn't your strong suit.
>>134727You are fucking delusional. This is what I'm talking about: You just make up complete conjecture and accept it because it fits your narrative. You'll believe whatever you want.
>>134700How would you like me to show you proof of things that are undocumented online? How do I show you proof of personal experience, with how she treats her friends when they're going through hard times… you're creating an impossible task in order to push the burden of proof to my side of the argument. It's irrelevant since, as I've already stated, I'm not here to argue her being a good person, only to point out lies. And perhaps to get you girls talking about what it real and what isn't.
The thread is going to continue on whether I'm in it or not. Implying that I'm making things worse is laughable.
>>134794So you haven't heard what I've heard, and you haven't seen what I've seen. That doesn't mean these problems don't exist. I know for a fact that it is affecting the group.
> If you really care about this shit then let it die. Stop posting because it makes it more visible.I've already clarified I don't care about the hate so much as the lies. Whether the thread is more visible is absolutely irrelevant to me. I only want to ensure there are comments scattered within it clarifying that there are lies all throughout the hate. My goal isn't to stop the hate in people who will hate no matter what… that's futile. Pure hatred for someone with any amount of attention on them will always exist, so why not here? My goal is to create a situation where a few people reading through will at least stop and think about the situation and perhaps not post anything they can't actually prove, because they realize this place is just toxic. If even one person realizes they would rather get to know a person than just assume they are evil based on heresay, my work is a success.
Also, it's just fun. It's fun knowing I'm dealing with pure hate here and every time they stop to talk to me they contradict themselves: They tell me to stop posting while simultaneously asking me questions so I continue. It's fun knowing I'm annoying them, even in the smallest way.
> We are trying to ruin her life :)Consider this a rhetorical question since I don't give a shit about your answer, just hoping at least one person who would otherwise contribute to the hate will actually stop to think for a second:
Will you look back on this in five years and be happy? Will you be proud that you spent your time attempting to ruin someone's life for reasons that don't even affect you unless you let them? Will you be happy with the person you were today?
No. 134859
>>134832In that case if I haven't seen this shit you have then no one important is talking about this thread. At least no one with opinions that matter. Yes there are people in the group what don't like her and gossip but this thread has zero bearing on that, they already disliked her, they already gossiped about her. She's created some very polarizing situations in the past and in some cases has tried to remedy them but in some cases no and that left impressions on people that white knights aren't going to change.
Also anyone with half a brain knows that you can't believe everything you read online.
You've got one hell of a savior complex, I can say that for sure. I'm kind of glad I'm not sure who you are because I'd kind of want to deck you, you've got such a high and mighty attitude I don't want to know who I am potentially hanging around that thinks they're better than everyone else.
No. 134866
>>134832Sooooo she's only nice in person? I mean, she did attack another cosplayer… One that only had 200 followers. Thanks for admitting she's two faced!
If she was nice, it wouldn't be hard to find proof. Again, you can't show us any because she's isn't a nice person. A nice person wouldn't attack others. Sure, people make mistakes. But she knew what she was doing. The bigger thing to do was not say anything at all or simply ask why did that cosplayer feel that way?
Also, I dislike her with the TRUTH. She, again, attacked a small fry cosplayer. Knowing fully well what would happen. She freaked out, not wanting her parents to see her photos. Yet, post photos of her grabbing her breasts and displaying her ass. And let's not kid ourselves, those nudes are her's. She's said before she doesn't care what others think, then turn around and act so butt hurt. Yeah, we have proof she posted in the previous thread. She said on Twitter she couldn't continue coming her and defend herself.
No. 134868
>>134832By pointing out lies you must fight with proof Lmao
Ya got nothing
No. 134870
>>134866You still don't realize how ridiculous your demand is. Would you be satisfied if I just started linking tweets and posts where she said nice things? Of course not. If you were, you'd already be satisfied since they're about 50% of her posts.
What are you even asking me to provide, then? What would you actually accept, since you're so gung-ho on trying to get me to argue this point I keep telling you isn't my focus…
If I post her compliments to other people ( you'll just say she's sucking their dick for attention.
If I link to posts where she says nice things about her friends ( you'll just say it's all about her.
If I post a link where she shows appreciation to her fans for her success ( you'll just say it's another attempt at attention-grabbing
If I link to a post where she's just randomly complimenting someone, appreciating their work/look ( you'll say the same thing
You're creating an impossible task so you can just convince yourself you're right.
No. 134874
>>134870You're acting like we're all delusional. Or least I am. It's not laughable or demanding too much asking for proof.
I'm not gonna sit there and say she's kissing ass. Though it's a little sad there's only a few sweet words to prove your point.. Weak. What I'm gonna say is this. I told you why I dislike her. And gave a small list of reasons why I dislike her. You said nothing about them. My list is justified. You say nothing about those because they're the truth. Knowing not everything here is lies. But gasp! Truth.
As someone said and yourself, you're here to point out rumors. You disclaim rumors with the truth. Truth is having evidence.
There's been a lot more accusations than her not being a nice person. Why are you picking and defending that one with tooth and nails?
If all you have is that she's a nice person and won't try to prove other 'lies', why are you here? As the other person who knows Momo said, you being here is making things worse. Not better. You have a god complex. It's not us who's spinning a tale and forcing ourselves to believe. It's you.
No. 134876
> Though it's a little sad there's only a few sweet words to prove your pointThat's literally me taking less than a minute to browse her twitter. If you actually check her social media accounts, you'll see hundreds of posts that work as examples of her being kind to others. Those were just the ones I grabbed quickly.
> As someone said and yourself, you're here to point out rumors. You disclaim rumors with the truth. Truth is having evidence.Actually, this isn't how it works. I keep repeating "burden of proof" because you ladies don't understand how it works. If you make a claim (like saying Eric isn't actually her ex and it was all for attention) you have to provide the evidence. I'm telling you I know for a fact they're broken up, which is a call for evidence from you, which literally no one (in this thread or the last) has provided.
> What I'm gonna say is this. I told you why I dislike her. And gave a small list of reasons why I dislike her. You said nothing about them. Because as I already mentioned, I'm not trying to get you to like her. You haven't really been listening.
You take me saying that she's nice to her friends and you twist it to say that I'm saying she's two-faced. You'll twist anything I say to fit your narrative because you don't want to hear what I'm actually saying: She is human and flawed, and you see the flaws because of how out-in-the-open her mistakes are. The fact of the matter is that absolutely nothing she has done warrants judgement from the kind of people that take joy in ruining someone's life, particularly over such a long period of time. If you hate her, fine, but contributing to the hate here puts you in league with the people actively trying to hurt another person in a direct way for fun. Bad people.
No. 134878
>>134876You're so dodging all of what I wrote. :) But that's what I expected. And it works both ways honey. Telling us we need proof when we're telling you need it. That's just hypocritical. When someone is accused of murder, they bring in proof he didn't do it.
I don't hate Momo. I just think she's fame hungry.
Attacking a small fry cosplayer wasn't cool and reason enough to make me dislike her.
So, you're not trying to disclaim rumors today? Hypocritical. Again.
No. 134881
> I don't hate Momo. I just think she's fame hungry. I'm perfectly fine with that. I'm not here to make you like her. I don't know how many times I have to say it.
> Attacking a small fry cosplayer wasn't cool and reason enough to make me dislike her.
> Anonymous 1 minute ago No. 134878>>134876You're so dodging all of what I wrote. :) But that's what I expected. And it works both ways honey. Telling us we need proof when we're telling you need it. That's just hypocritical. When someone is accused of murder, they bring in proof he didn't do it.
I don't hate Momo. I just think she's fame hungry.
Attacking a small fry cosplayer wasn't cool and reason enough to make me dislike her.
> So, you're not trying to disclaim rumors today? Hypocritical. Again.I'm here to point out lies. I'm not arguing that she didn't do that because that isn't necessarily a lie. It might be something that requires context, but it's not my focus. I'm here to point out the lies, and you're pointing at a legitimate reason to dislike her which I don't fault you for, and you're claiming it's contrary to what I'm saying and that I'm avoiding it.
I'm not avoiding it, it just isn't a lie. She used her popularity against someone. It was a bad move on her part, and I'm not denying it happened. I could sit around and talk about her being sorry for it or her realizing afterward that it was stupid and immature, but like I've said a hundred times already: I'm not here to make you like her. I'm just here to point out lies.
So stop taking something that isn't a lie and trying to claim it means I don't care or am avoiding it. It's a pitiful tactic.
And now, I look forward to about ten comments implying that I'm on the run or something just because no one actually reads what I'm writing. :)
No. 134884
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Fanime anon here. No sign of moomoo yet but will update with photos if I see her.
No. 134885
>>134881Lol it's pitiful? I'm giving you a chance here. I'm asking you to show other evidence. I'm asking what else is lies besides her not being horrible. And I didn't say you didn't care.
You keep coming back with her being nice and once, about Eric. Is anything else said in the previous thread a lie? And I'm not being snarky here. Just merely asking, is that all? Just those two?
I'm using things to show you there is some truth here. Not all of it is lies.
No. 134894
>>134885If you're genuinely asking… Going from top to bottom?
>>131172> >claimed to be bullied in highschool but was a skinny popular lacrosse goalie who reportedly was the one who did the bullying- Completely unfounded, seemingly made up entirely in the first thread. The idea that she wasn't bullied herself are ridiculous, considering there are tons of pictures of when she was very overweight in high school and no kid that big gets through high school without being bullied. She underwent a large change as seen from the images where she got pretty thin in high school, but the images of her overweight still exist… if you think she wasn't bullied, you're kidding yourself.
>>131172> >Claims to be a skilled cosplayer who can maker her own costumes and props but everything she's made looks terrible- She actually knows and is quite open about being a beginner. The closest this comes to truth is when she cracks satirical and generally self-deprecating jokes about her skill.
>>131172> >Immediately goes back to wearing store bought cosplay after wearing her own terrible handiwork once- She has multiple things she's worked on and worn, though she doesn't post all of them. She understands that her store-bought suits get her more users, so she focuses on them in her online social sphere because that's her job.
>>131238>acts passive aggressive when people decide they don't want to donate to her patreon- The only thing referenced for this was that she said something about how people pledge and then pull out, and she found it humorous that those people don't realize that doesn't get them the rewards. It's a shitty thing to do, so she mentioned that she knew it was happening and explained why they weren't getting the reward. It provided context for her massively changing pledge amount every month which people had been asking about.
>>131340>>131705> Thank god even jnig is repulsed by her.
> I know people that are close to JNig and they confirmed this.Jessica Nigri and Mariah actually still talk openly. Nigri is not "repulsed" by her. This is just a straight lie.
>>131370> Why get so disgusted with the fans you're trying to win over?She was accosted and her then-boyfriend Eric had his life threatened at that convention. On top of that, she was keeping Vamplette in good spirits the entire day because of some unrelated things that happened to her. From my own personal account, I didn't see her being rude to fans in any way, but I didn't see her the whole day and it's possible she was (understandably) frustrated after some of the events of the day. She certainly wasn't "disgusted" by her fans though… that's conjecture. As far as the claims of her moping, as it was already mentioned by
>>131765 she actually spent most of the day talking up Vamplette, because that's just the kind of thing she does.
>>131452> also she tried to butter up to angry joe and if you look for a picture of Maroon cosplay AKA Eric Matos you will see how annoyed joe looks around Eric and was most likely warned about these two moochesMariah got Joe's attention for Eric, because Eric is a huge fan. I'm sure you'll find this more funny than sincere, but Mariah didn't know who Joe was, and Joe was actually very nice about that and they talked for a while. Joe wasn't annoyed at all, considering a friend of mine spoke with him after and he asked for her to bring Mariah back to chat the next day. But it's simple for someone to just say he was and you'll all believe it.
>>131465> kicked off the UNLV team. Likely kicked off because of her nudes. Complete conjecture. If you're at all curious, she left the team. She chose to leave for personal reasons.
>>131773> Mariah always pretends that she's the superior cosplayerComplete lie. She's extremely open about Vamplette effectively being her mentor.
> What makes you think that she could fix Vampelette's shit?Because she literally did
>>131774>>131803>>131804>>131813>>133902- Claims that it's Momo posting
She hasn't actually posted in this thread at all. I believe I know who those comments were from, but even if I'm wrong, I know they aren't Mariah.
>>132520> It's probably because Momo bought everything for Vamplette's Bayonetta costume, so she's tolerating her just a little longer.Another complete lie. Vamplette bought her own stuff for Bayonetta
>>133025This wasn't meant to be an insult. Her mistake was not being very clear that she was joking. If you look at the rest of that conversation, she clarifies and apologizes. Her and Vamplette joke like that a lot, but Vamplette was having a difficult day and Mariah didn't realize how poorly worded her joke was. I can understand if you want to shit on her for not planning that tweet out very well, but you should know it wasn't meant to be an insult. If you heard them talk to each other, they literally say this shit all the time and it's always a joke. That kind of joke just doesn't work over text like on Twitter.
No. 134916
>>134909>>134915As I said before, you need to believe I'm Mariah (or Vamplette) because it fits your narrative. It's easier to hate me and ignore the points I'm making if you just think I'm Mariah having a hissy-fit and coming in here to ruin your fun.
There's no way to prove I'm not them without revealing who I am, so it's just one more thing I'll add to the list of things you believe that are ultimately completely false.
No. 134928
>>134925Multiple people are responding to me. You don't get to pretend no one cares when the last twenty posts are mostly a conversation between me and the people on the site.
>>134927Already mentioned this is a pretty stupid thing to assume. I'm not getting any attention for doing this. No one knows I'm commenting here, and no one in here knows who I am. All I'm getting from doing this is the hope that I can at least remove the lies from the thread.
I'm sure it's difficult for you to understand why someone would do something good when they get nothing tangible in return, but try.
No. 134931
>>134894Yes, I was genuinely asking. And you may bring up some good points.
Only thing that confused me is, Momo said she still talked to Eric almost everyday or something like that. After she bashed Eric for flirting with other girls in front of her publicly. Personally, I just found that odd.
Even though Momo thought she was explaining about the patreon, it did come off as kinda entitled and harsh. If she learned a lesson from that, then great.
No. 134942
>>134931I just want to say I really appreciate that you are asking and reading and actually having a conversation with me. As you can see, some others are not interested in actually talking things through.
> Only thing that confused me is, Momo said she still talked to Eric almost everyday or something like that. After she bashed Eric for flirting with other girls in front of her publicly. Personally, I just found that odd. Here's what happened. They weren't great together, and both of them would probably admit to that. Neither of them were great as boyfriend and girlfriend. She broke up with him but then at a party the next day was drinking and got upset that he was flirting with another girl in front of her. She was a bit upset over the breakup even though she was the one that initiated it… because she liked him. It's a very normal thing. Her mistake was allowing that pain to turn into the idea that his flirting was wrong. So she made a drunken mistake and posted about it, and literally everyone of her friends called her out on it and she publicly apologized for it.
They're great friends now, and though it's clear they still have feelings for each other, they are just friends. They might date again in the future, when they both feel ready.
It is odd, you're right… but it isn't bad. It's just odd. Sometimes, relationships are odd.
No. 134943
>>134931And that's kind of what everyone here can't see. She is emotionally charged at times and has trouble reeling it in, but she gets better at that every day. The fact that she isn't in this thread (regardless of people thinking I'm her) is testament to that, as well as how good of friends her and Eric are now.
She makes mistakes, and they are always very public because she has access to so many followers and sometimes the opportunity to use that is difficult to ignore. But her friends talk to her about it, she fixes her mistakes, she apologizes, and she grows. She grows and matures and you can't see that if you only see her online profiles… I don't know how I can show you that.
If you're having this conversation with me, then obviously you're rational enough to see that perhaps your view of her can be skewed by the fact that you see her mistakes on a screen but can't see her growth. If you want to see who she is as a person, talk to her. Not on twitter or through this site… contact her on facebook or make an anonymous email and contact her. Tell her you want her side of the story, because you don't know what to believe.
And when you get that story and you want to check with the people involved to know if she's lying, contact them. I wouldn't ask you to just take my word or her word. Take the word of everyone actually involved in these stories. Don't accept anonymous posts on a message board… not even mine.
No. 134948
> how do you justify her attacking people […] at a lacrosse game, at school, and it person?I would need citations about the specific events you're talking about to respond to you. The only talk of her attacking people at a lacrosse game / at school was started in the last thread. It's pure hearsay. On top of that, I would find it difficult (though not impossible… let's talk about it) to judge someone based on who they were years prior. A quick rise to semi-fame in any medium induces rapid change because a person is forced to look at themselves when they see how others see them… and that came quite a while after she left lacrosse.
TO put things in perspective: I once ran into a high school bully of mine in an airport half-way across the country from my school. Hated this guy in high school, wouldn't have been broken up about it if he'd died… that bad. I ended up having lunch with him in the airport and he was just the nicest guy (military must have kicked his ass into gear). We still talk to this day… My point is: who we are in high school are just so much different than who we become once we leave.
As far as attacking someone in person, I've only see her say something really rude to someone in person maybe two times total, and I've known her quite a while now. In one instance, she was defending a friend and lashed out at someone attacking her friend. In the other case, a friend of hers had said something she (reasonably) took to be a bit of a rude jab at her, and she was drinking and said something demeaning in return… her friends immediately called her out on it and she corrected it… she's good friends with that guy now.
No. 134956
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>>134924I didn't know it was going to happen. Otherwise I woulda done it kek.
No. 134993
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It's clear that this is super photoshopped… So why didn't they get rid of her gross acne. Or the shitty stitching in the front of the mask. And her lips look so uncomfortable imagine how bad it the mask smells just from a day of her breathing heavily on it ew gross.
No. 134996
>>134986Sand down the worbla? She didn't even prime it! She tried to use plastidip on worbla and that is not for worbla-face palm- plastidip is to make wobbly surfaces hard while worbla is already a hard surface and needs filling it just annoyed me so hard.
You know she's not even correcting people with buying the suits she just lets them assume she makes everything she wears, as for the Samus suit she was making, she claims her sewing machine fd up on her and the stitching completely ruined the back of the suit. She was also using non stretch fabric on the yaya han fabric to make the darker blue decals for Samus. So I'm guessing the entire suit just looked awful. I think it's a waste of the yaya Han fabric.
No. 135007
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The worbla was put on so shitty I can't ugh. It's so crinkled. Any decent cosplayer would of tried again.
No. 135009
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LOL where did her neck go?!?! Also the top of that "bunny suit" lol and you can see the gross glumps of hot glue on the ears.
No. 135022
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>>135007I would have just modified a nerf gun. It wouldn't be perfectly accurate but if you don't have the skills you gotta compromise
No. 135140
>>134996>>135007>>135017I think Momo has chewed off far more than she can handle, and it's very obvious. Way too many projects with too short of deadline– you can't expect very good quality from that. People that are actually serious about cosplay would take the time and do research before doing a project and try to have it better prepared in their skill level. Most people that do churn out good cosplays in a shorter period of time usually have prior experience and/or have done research ahead of time.
I guess expensive materials for cosplay that she uses are taken for granted because she isn't actually paying for them (assuming she is supposedly using her patreon money for it since she quit her job). I'm cringing so hard at her attempts at using worbla. I've never used it (yet) but I'm seeing so many no-no's that any person that put an ounce of research into doing on it would know not to do. Sure, it's cool to experiment, but that is usually best reserved for those that have worked with the material enough to know the ins and outs of what it is capable of.
Momo also has zero humility– something at least JNig has been showing much more of the past few years because sucking up to her fans (or making it seem like it) will get her more fans. It's like basic PR for whatever you're marketing.
No. 135147
Back to point out more lies:
> betting the white knight is either collette on behalf of mariahI feel like it's pretty obvious to anyone paying attention that I'm not either of them, but believe what you need to believe.
> barely brushing over how mean her comments to Vamplette were on twitter about her D.Va cosplay what the hellAs already mentioned, she wasn't attempting to be mean. They joke like that to each other non-stop and the joke just didn't play well on twitter. If you follow the entire conversation it's very clear.
> Pretty sure that Momo paid for her and Vamplette to go to this con and that's the only reason why Vamplette is still going after she was so publicly bitchy to her.She didn't pay for Vamplette, and as already mentioned, she wasn't being bitchy.
> she claims her sewing machine fd up on her and the stitching completely ruined the back of the suit. That claim is true.
> Marketing major my ass. She's such a terrible liar. She was spewing this shit before I even realized how much I disliked her and even then I wasn't fooled with that lieShe was a marketing major.
No. 135154
>>135140That's the mistake newbie cosplayers make, they think higher quality items mean better cosplays because they've acquired higher quality items, what they don't realize is experience doesn't come with it after you buy it, if she was going to use pvc pipe and all that jazz she could have wrapped everything in worbla but she didn't she got glued. That will fall apart very quickly if it makes it through the con that will be a miracle. Also everyone ignore the white knight bumping the thread it's clear they won't give up so best we just ignore them:p
Yes the white knight is a relentless fellow and won't follow through with his vows to quit posting on here so might as well return to our program!
No. 135161
Another lie:
> the white knight is a relentless fellow and won't follow through with his vows to quit postingI have never said I would stop posting.
No. 135169
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No Mariah, you cosplay just to whore yourself out because you're an attention whore. Pat yourself on the back some more, doesn't change the fact that the Vegas community hates your guts, especially the POC group in Vegas knows you as actually being a racist fat shaming bitch.
No. 135179
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>W E A R
>T A N K T O P
>A N D
>Y O G A
>P A N T S
>C A L L
>I T
>C O S P L A Y
No. 135183
If you took away the "gun" you couldn't tell she was cosplaying
Fucking hell, look at the replies to that exact picture on Twitter
No. 135191
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I truly believe this is her worst made cosplay to date and that's saying something. The gun is disgusting what the fuck is that thing. My friend and I made a bet that she's gonna change by the end of the day because no one is going to know who she is or take pictures of her. Her standing next to Vamplette is a joke no one is going to notice her. I'm in awe at how bad this cosplay is. She already looks disgruntled in the picture lol. Also does she not know how to put foundation on her boobs? Her face and chest are two different colors this is a nightmare. Her boobs look super saggy here. I'm so glad she did this cosplay because now hopefully everyone can see what a terrible cosplayer she really is. Bless this terrible terrible cosplay haha.
No. 135259
>>135191>>135179Can someone answer me how the hell that's even cosplay?
It's literally just a tank top and yoga pants
No. 135260
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Fatty fatty boom boom.
No. 135261
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>these fucking comments
someone with a throw away account comment something about her cosplay being shit and how everyone is white knight and see what shit storm brews from it
Or tweet it
No. 135265
>>135263Oh yeah
I'm just cosplaying a character if you know they just wore casual clothes
Not because I'm a lazy talentless hack and I don't want to represent the character how she's known but because I wanted to dress up as this lesser known concept art
Fuck off
No. 135268
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>>135261Reminds me of this
No. 135327
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k e k
No. 135551
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Yo. Where's her ass at tho?
No. 135556
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>>135553Don't know how to save videos on their but she's getting spanked in that snapchat and everyone is drunk as hell in the video, the guy also mentions Mariah can take it up the butt but can't handle getting spanked, lol I guess her fans will love that.
No. 135641
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>>131172This proper mei cosplay amongst the sea of thots
No. 135665
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Was this her inspiration?
No. 135733
>>135720 wasn't trying to impersonate you? Mariah said before that she's a good actress and said on cgl that she was supposed to appear on tv. Anon was just bringing that up again.
And apparently she hasn't gotten less aggressive. See
>>134887>>135665>that massive bra in the backDo people not check what's around them before taking selfies anymore?
She's actually pretty cute tho, ngl.
No. 135742
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I'm laughing so hard. Someone posted this in a discord chat I'm in saying 'Why's there a girl in her pajamas next to D.Va?'
Even gaming normies aren't buying Momo's BS
No. 135765
>>135742ot but who's the dva chick? she looks pretty fucking ugly. and i thought my nose was bad, this seriously made me feel good.
also mariah looks so ditsy, most people aren't gonna recognize her as mei
No. 135889
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Literally I have issues with this whole entire area of that picture lol. What's with the quadra boob? Why her yoga pants pulled up to her belly button? (Terribly poor tummy tuck) where her non existent ass go? Why that gun look like chunks of plastic with a flashlight in it? Jeeeesus this whole thing screams lazy but those desperate creepy guys on Twitter don't seem to care. I'd never put someone on blast for being a chubby cosplayer but the "ass she's so famous for" only exists in certain angles and lighting and this picture proves it but it doesn't matter because of her mentions all those creepy dudes lol just look at her mentions they are so cringey.
No. 135890
>>135889Jesus, that horribly painted stripe down the pants too.
How are you gonna ask for donations for your cosplay just to put in zero fucking effort?
No. 135914
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lol @ anon white knight who said Mariah didn't pay for Vamplette to go with her… She just admitted she paid for her to go herself ahah. Momo doesn't have any real friends so she has to buy them now.
No. 135922
>>135917probably getting posted here kek
>>135914it's hilarious that she thought fanime was great when most people who attended thought that fanime was incredibly disappointing this year.
No. 135928
>>135914Using money from pattern, that's supposed to be for these amazing cosplays, to pay for her "best friend" to go to some con.
If I was donating I'd be fucking pissed.
No. 136002
File: 1464709081618.jpg (248.69 KB, 1417x1417, kek.jpg)

No. 136005
>>135889Wow, Mariah you're such a professional full-time cosplayer!
And zero ass to be found. If she wants money so much and loves being naked on the Internet, why doesn't she just go into camming? She'd fit that Arabian niche which is so rare.
No. 136011
just for posterity whitwknight said
>>135147'She didn't pay for Vamplette,'
sorry i'm just here for the TRUTH and to expose all the LIES in the thread kek
No. 136211
File: 1464753293691.jpeg (34.47 KB, 720x405, image.jpeg)

Sums up her mindset on putting Mei together perfectly.
No. 136216
File: 1464755490338.png (239.71 KB, 752x1027, image.png)

No. 136217
File: 1464755519261.png (226.11 KB, 750x1026, image.png)

Lol ouch
No. 136219
File: 1464756615537.jpeg (25.66 KB, 750x175, image.jpeg)

>>136216Like 75% of the comments are all degrading comments about her "sexiness" and then there's pic related…
No. 136221
File: 1464756829784.png (1.14 MB, 985x960, berealmomo.png)

>>136216Exact like the concept art? The gun is shitty, but sure, we'll let it slide since it's the only thing you kind of made an effort with. The back-tank part of the gun isn't remotely right, wrong straps, tank-top and boots are close, but I wouldnb't say "exact" and you didn't even bother to try to paint on the design in the fanart, just some really sloppy half-assed strips along the sides. You couldn't even bother to get the hairpiece right. It's halfassed and it's pretty obvious.
No. 136225
File: 1464757185592.jpg (77.91 KB, 583x960, 13315494_509210002604000_67087…)

>>136217Haha, I can't wait for her response to Gaben in particular.
It's funny how her candid's look compared to her "professional" pics. She looks so stumpy.
No. 136235
File: 1464757967510.jpeg (76.75 KB, 640x873, image.jpeg)

>>136225August 2015
Maybe she spends all that patreon money on fast food, she doesn't strike me as the type that can cook for themself.
No. 136237
>>136235Someone mentioned her getting surgery and losing weight, was this then? Or has she just spiraled out of control now that she doesn't work for her money? Like, she's still kind of thick there, especially in the arms, but it's such a big difference than what she looks like now.
>>136225Her body here makes her look like she's a dwarf. Her proportions are fucked.
No. 136254
File: 1464763593428.jpg (63.91 KB, 584x960, uMeRjNh[1].jpg)

Why do people call her muslim again ? she's a christian whore like mia khalifa
No. 136256
>>136217IMO if she just admitted it was a half-assed fucking closet cosplay then I wouldn't care but even for a closet cosplay she fucked up so much shit. Like the wig looks nothing like Mei's hair, and for the people saying it's her hair in a bun, it's not, it unfortunately looks shittier than that.
Like this is not anywhere near what I would expect a "professional cosplayer" to put out. And yeah some people may say she readily admits to being a beginner but she quit her job for her patreon and she gets paid for "cosplay content", even though her patreon is like 80% thirsty white knights she still gets paid for cosplay and that makes her "professional", like for a "pro cosplayer" bitch have some fucking standards. At least style your wig or learn some skills before claiming to be some kind of pro or model for cosplaying. Even if you're a body-posi model put some kind of skill into your cosplay that you apparently aren't putting into going to the gym sicne she was so much fitter a year ago.
No. 136261
>>136258I mean I guess not risking identity because fuck drama but she's very vocal in her friend group about not eating bacon/pork because of her religion and I'm fairly certain she isn't jewish.
I don't care enough to search her twitter for proof
No. 136263
File: 1464764338123.jpg (211.26 KB, 921x227, momo.jpg)

>>136258But I was also curiou8s and fb is easier to search than twitter, here u go anon she's muslim,. took a 10 second search on her facebook to find
No. 136287
File: 1464779074766.jpg (64.04 KB, 960x960, 13346531_1100461833350374_4757…)

haha perfect
No. 136378
File: 1464807855255.png (241.96 KB, 720x1050, Screenshot_2016-06-01-11-52-21…)

LOL! "So, in other words, all you thirsty neckbeards who wanna see me half naked don't get to see titties until you pay for my rent and my fast food habit, Im too lazy to balance a real job because painting stripes on my yoga pants is SOOOO hard and time consuming v.v " Seriously. There are cosplayers on Patreon who make way less than she does and still go to cons with amazing cosplay. Plus, she lives with her parents. Like where does 3k a month go? I wanna see where this lazy cunt is in a year lol. I'd rather sell out and actually buy my cosplay rather than looking like a ratchet mess and pretending to be proud of it lmao.
No. 136451
>>136447She really is, its shocking to see how much weight she's gained since she quit lacrosse and her job for Cosplay. its been only 3 months!
August 2015, person with some motivation and actually taking months to prepare a prop (the hammer was pretty good, but vamplette helped her with that A lot)
>>136235now…get off your ass mariah!
>>136225 No. 136464
>>136457you know her nude nudes are from when she was like 18 or 19 right? she admitted on twitter that she submitted them herself, but she was drunk when she did that.
Thats a good role model, gets underage drinking (well we all did that tbh lol), bullies people, rips people off, insults more talented people, posts nudes of herself than claims she didn't do it, but later admits she did.
great role model.
No. 136472
>>136263thanks for the answer
Well she's an odd one.
No. 136475
File: 1464823516911.png (115.43 KB, 720x831, Screenshot_2016-06-01-16-21-04…)

LMAO IN CRINEEEEE I knew she was gonna do it lol. When I found about the UCLA shootings I thought to myself, "I wonder how long it takes until she turns it into something about her" I SHIT U NOT. Although I thought she was gonna do something tacky like "I pray for students safety it makes me so sad to see blahblahblah"
No. 136538
File: 1464849547289.jpeg (405.17 KB, 1024x1536, image.jpeg)

No. 136540
File: 1464849728844.png (595.11 KB, 593x859, image.png)

No. 136542
File: 1464850425581.png (483.56 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>136541It's more visible here, it's actually the second time she wore it, she orders her costumes too small
No. 136635
>>136630So basically she would be making more money if she had kept her part time job?
since you have a patreon, how does it actually work? its funny how shes doing a post about people not paying her when she tried to call out that Luna cosplayer out for throwing the and her constant need for donations on stream. she's a horrible Ahri main on LoL
No. 136733
File: 1464905295651.png (1.32 MB, 1932x1164, image.png)

No. 136736
File: 1464905691314.jpg (31.73 KB, 446x446, 13076776_10101830818117728_880…)

>>136733Looked up Mona Cortez. She(?) appears to be an obese tranny. I guess you might think momo looks comparatively good if you looked like… that.
No. 136738
>>136668Nothing worth talking about though. Not a suck up try hard and not a drama queen. Just another girl making money from guys who think they're hot. Millions of chicks do that, nothing funny or interesting about it. Shall we discuss every stripper and cam girl here since they're "whores" too?
Anyway back to momo. Anyone see that stupid twitter status she just posted. "I never get jealous, I just feel motivated by other's sucsess."
No. 136826
>>136814She's using viewbots kek
Look at the chat, there are bots in there saying random shit that doesn't make sense
garza7818 : i love black people
livewirejsp : uhoh. that sword.
king_cristian43 : mariahmallad YOURE EARLY
No. 136865
>>136861Please tell me that's not her panties showing ugh…does that mean she'll be wearing absolutely NO underwear?!
And is that the Yaya Han pattern again?
No. 136888
>>136861Okay so it only took her 3 attempts to properly make a bodysuit that's 2 sizes too small. i hope patreon anon comes through again if she actually finishes this. is she gonna draw/paint on the lines for D.Va? I cant wait to see this train wreck. My main woe is that she'll probabaly beg vamplette to borrow her dva headset.
How long til she realizes she's using a dark blue fabric for a character who's suit is periwinkle.
No. 136897
>>136888It looks like another crappy Samus suit,
The more weight this girl puts on the smaller clothes get-denial much??? She claims she wants to be accurate yet the color isn't even right, and I'm assuming she's cutting the hole in the middle like in the boudoir pic, she's gonna fuck it up again cut that she needs to be made before the fucking suit is sewn together. I love how all the comments are just talking about her angled for the camera legs and not the suit. Even her fans know it's shit. Watch the minute she sits down that suit will rip.
No. 136904
>>136865That's her shapewear for sure, her stomach hangs a lot more without it and the forced selfie pose.
>>136861This thing looks like it is going to split any second. Can she even sit down?
No. 136942
>>136861>that shitty arm holegurl you gotta cut it nicely otherwise your hemming will be fucked up and all over the place
although it's not like quality matters to her or her fans anyways.
No. 136990
>>136861Thats just her shitty swimsuit Samus she made! Why the fuck is she lying? There is nothing wrong with admitting you are re-using something.
>>136888The headset was originally Mariah's it was Vamplette who was borrowing it.
No. 136991
>>136861She may be
1) bitchy
2) talentless
3) untidy
I'd still fuck her though
Anyone else?
No. 137005
File: 1464989431821.png (2.18 MB, 1024x1279, Slut.png)

>>137002>>137000>>136994>>136993>>136991I would definitely one night stand and fuck off but I would never ever have more than that. She seems like far too much to put up with and is not even close to worth it.
No. 137008
>>137005If I had a dick I'd definitely stick it in her butt. I like chubby girls tho.
I would feel totally gross afterwards though, like when you get done watching really fucked up porn? I'd run out of the room before she started trying to talk to me
No. 137018
File: 1464991783227.png (45.93 KB, 866x184, worldtraveller.png)

yet again we see just how humble momo is
also i didnt know only doing west coast cons on your own dime counted as travelling the country????
Also I'm so amused that now she's talking to Tina Dayton. I actually have more respect for momo than i do tina since at least momo got her fame on her own rather than having to depend on a youtube washup boyfriend to get her twitch views. Tina tries to pretend to be skinny ten times more than momo by only posting myspace angle selfies and is like twice momo's size
No. 137021
>>137018also gonna samefag and add that no cosplayer gets paid to do cons. even yaya doesnt get paid to do cons and only asks for a room and a dealer's booth so why does she lie so much???
Has she ever actually been a guest to a con?????
No. 137047
>>137021>>137024You two have NOOOO idea how guesting works lol
At the MINIMUM, a guest is paid for travel/hotel. Most charge an appearance fee as well. It varies from person to person but they absolutely do get paid to guest at conventions.
No. 137050
>>137049Oh I never argued with that point at all.
They were just spewing incorrect facts so I wanted to let them know how it actually works
No. 137051
>>137047I work cons and because of that i know people who work other cons both west and east coast so it's not only my personal experience.
Yes certain guests will get that but that's comp not getting paid. No cosplayer who isnt jnig gets paid to go to a con if they told you they did they're lying. Ive personally booked yaya and all she got was flight/room/booth. no extra money. Only real celebs with managers and the such get appearance fees.
Momo has no portfolio or professional work that would get her an appearance fee at any con. The point it moot either way since she's never guested at a con
No. 137062
File: 1464999434747.png (702.92 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>136991Tbh, I'd have to be pretty drunk to fuck her. I like thick girls, but she just looks sloppy. Her stupid faces and obnoxious personality would probably make my dick soft anyway.
>>137062Master craftsman right there. It looks like she hot glued a bunch of cups on the bottom. That paint job is cringe worthy too.
No. 137107
File: 1465007853718.jpeg (122.21 KB, 1125x721, image.jpeg)

No response to this.
No. 137109
File: 1465008101121.png (120.96 KB, 587x543, Screen Shot 2016-06-03 at 6.40…)

No. 137343
File: 1465090619823.jpg (167.15 KB, 900x1200, CkJoqRzWsAAQOq6.jpg)

okay i take back like 50% of my hate towards momo's mei because I just saw this Piece of shit on my feed but I think it's still in her general friend group so no big surprise. At least Momo based hers on existing concept art I cant tell wtf this slut shit is supposed to be
sage for not actually momo
No. 137352
>>137347Yeah, I think it's kind of stupid people are hating on the swimming suit cosplays as "slut cosplays" when that is what that con is kind of known for?
>>137343Any full costume shots of this? From what little I see the wig/hair-pin is already better than momo's. Can't see enough of the costume to really judge.
No. 137356
File: 1465095311109.jpg (149.65 KB, 649x809, cunt.jpg)

dat cosplay
is this casual lol
No. 137437
>>137396It seems like everyone put in effort BUT the Mei.
Anyway gettin back to momo. I cant believe she actually played outlast and I cant believe people WATCHED her play outlast. That game was over played within the month it was out and she's jumping on it now? Anyone who actually considered themself a 'gamer' played that game or at least watched someone play it I really hope she was like 'oh I didnt get a chance to play it lemme see if it's still spooooky' or some shit cause that would scream 'I'm a filthy casual who doesnt give two shits about video games' to me
No. 137476
File: 1465147265199.png (410.14 KB, 393x458, 37068f1df0ba38e262b6fa9290af6f…)

kind of ot but these chicks give me SO much confidence damn. Filters can do a lot for you but seeing them in raw light just boosted my self esteem lol
No. 137490
File: 1465150835639.png (66.35 KB, 600x558, mm.png)

What a fucking cunt.
No. 137691
File: 1465195434620.png (438.7 KB, 600x338, gun.PNG)

CAN WE TALK about this fucking gun wow holy shit
I don't even cosplay and I can tell what a wreck it is
Looks like some shit I would have made in 4th grade arts class
No. 137693
File: 1465195730545.jpeg (285.3 KB, 1125x1610, image.jpeg)

This is my main problem with this bitch.
She keeps saying how she's Muslim and so fucking proud. When people confront her and ask her "well Muslims don't act this way" "Muslims are modest" etc her defensive response is "well I'm Muslim because I follow the 5 pillars of Islam."
1 - Shahadah (where you pretty much just say you're Muslim, that's it)
2 - Zakat (charity) (like all paying with all her patrons pouring money in for her nudes/provocative shots with thongs, lingerie, and what the fuck ever - which is selling sex - which is haram/forbidden)
3 - prayer. Which she doesn't for a fact.
4 - pilgrimage to Makkah - she hasn't done and when she does she has to stop her hoe-ing
How the fuck do you not fast the entire month?? Muslim kids start fasting before the age of 10, as early as they possibly can (5/6 yo). She's 20. You've had at least 15 years of Ramadan to do. What a fucking lazy ass bitch. Can't even fast. Bitches how "with cons it's so hard hehe" shut the fuck up. Don't go to the con or suck it up like you do in the photos.
At least fasting will help you lose weight you cunt of a cow.
Sick of herself parading herself as Muslim and what we get is ass shots, tits hanging out, public drunkenness (and showing it off on social media), open sexual posts, no fasting for Ramadan, and selling sex as she so admitted.
Sad that we went from terrorists to this pos representing Islam.
No. 137695
File: 1465196012904.png (110.46 KB, 305x350, she's fucking blue what the fu…)

No. 137741
File: 1465216081516.jpeg (174.21 KB, 750x993, image.jpeg)

Well, this popped up in my ig feed…seeing it up close and not strategically angled…HOT DAMN DID SHE BALLOON. Also, her hand looks kind of gross.
No. 137762
File: 1465222103576.png (145.3 KB, 720x1134, clip_now_20160606_100544.png)

Guess cause she's burned her bridge with Jessica, she needs someone also to ride. Aka, Sssniperwolf.
No. 137813
>>137741It's funny because even though these aren't strategically angled, she's trying so hard with that pose to hide how fat she is. elbow in, other arm tucked around, leg out. I can only imagine how hard she's sucking in. Her face is pretty bad without all the filters too.
>>137692There is literally over an inch of hot glue mess all over where she attached the tube. This is so bad. How is she not embarrassed by how bad this is?
No. 137873
File: 1465254636309.jpg (86.03 KB, 1280x720, LKBCs.jpg)

Someone need to upload the newest set.
signed - webm-sama.
No. 137924
>>137918He's such a lolcow himself
Like his "trolling" is 9gag tier and isn't even funny half the time. Each post just makes him look more and more stupid
No. 137933
File: 1465274372947.png (149.3 KB, 752x660, image.png)

How's the "fasting" going. ??????
No. 137974
>>137933'Why is there a stove in the middle?'
So you can… cook the food you order? That's literally KBBQ if you decide to cook your own food. Did no one clue her in on how it works before going?
No. 138005
File: 1465304720279.jpg (262.42 KB, 750x509, 561497013425984275.jpg)

EWWWWWW these legs omg
i have to puke omg
wtf is this shit
No. 138018
File: 1465307967291.png (188.33 KB, 720x1013, Screenshot_2016-06-07-06-53-13…)

Her mention rape is always so cringey lol. "Thanks you guys" like bitch vampy wasn't even talking about you, one of your ugly ass white knights just casually threw you in the conversation. It's so funny how none of the other cosplayers actually acknowledges her after she swoops in reeking of desperation and neediness lol. And why did she mention that other guy? He wasn't even in the conversation lol. Everything about her just reeks of desperation.
No. 138025
>>138005more like ewwww that wig I can see how matted and gross it is from here. She doesnt even know how to keep a wig. It looks like the type of weave I see tossed on the ground.
Also I'm loving her attempt to use lying down poses to her her stomach (also she's got her lower back pressed down to the floor which is why she has her legs up like that) but she didnt realize that the same way her stomach goes down it makes her tits flatten too.
GG titty momster (that was a typo but she looks mid 30s here so I'm gonna keep it) with no tits
No. 138030
No. 138052
File: 1465318905906.png (105.78 KB, 778x706, shoop .png)

>>138045it's fetish
She's promoting ass and tit shots of a 'thicc Arab girl' imho that's the only reason she's trying to pretend she's observing Ramadan because 'Arab' is a pretty popular fetish
Half of what she's done is fetish
Lingerie. Naked Apron. Bunnysuit. Swimsuit.
the Mega Milk character is straight up from hentai comics so i wouldnt put it past her
>>138005Also I was looking at this image and (apart from the airbrushing) found some shoop mistakes
You can see where the slimmed her down but on one side they made the shadows way too sharp and on the other side the shirt actually blurs into the ground.
also I dont know if it was to hide more rolls or pube stubble but her pantyline blurs near the crotch
they also didnt remember to hide here her fat pulls the panty forward so it makes a pocket.
No. 138138
>>138129I agree with this. I can't stress enough how many cosplayers should wear at least light fabric skinned tights especially when it comes to single body piece suit cosplays.
Tights just generally look better on any type of costume to be honest. Mariah had no excuse, even if the weather is hot.
No. 138142
>>138102not everyone, only arab girls from what i've heard. it takes me at least a month to get half an inch of hair and it's very thin and it would probably take me at least 6 months to try to sprout a bush.
it's not acting like a robot, it's having a preference and not wanting to see someone's ugly patchy razor burns.
No. 138185
>>138169Agreed, anyone can be prone to having little hair or a bush that would make a 70s porno proud.
That being said, yeah "professional cosplayer" not wearing dancers/skin tone tights? Loooooooooool
I can sympathize with having sensitive skin since even if I shave my just my legs (just my calves even!) then wear tights my skin gets irritated but that's why if I plan on wearing tights I shave a full day before and moisturize a bunch to give my skin a day to calm down and even though I tend to still get a bit of irritation it's not like big-ass red razor-burn looking bumps.
I've come to realize that most of my irritation with Mariah is that she simultaneously claims to be a professional cosplayer (i.e. I get paid to cosplay) while yelling about how "you can't criticize me for being wrong I haven';t even been doing this a year I don't know better!"
If you wanna be pro then up your fucking game or deal with your social media addiction, go to hone your skills then get back to us.
No. 138197
>>138185Agreed, if you are going to be running around in little more than a leotard, wear some tights. It's kind of insane how bad her cosplay is, yet she's a "professional". The mei cosplay alone is proof enough she has no idea wtf she is doing.
>>138196She's incredibly lazy. She's too lazy to clean her place, she's too lazy to make decent cosplay, she's too lazy to have a real job, she's definitely too lazy to eat right or exercise.
No. 138205
>>138159you can usually tell someone's pub size by their bushy eyebrows or the length/thickness of their arm hair. Sorry I
triggered you, gorilla. I guess I'm not used to big ass bushes because I can't grow one, that doesn't excuse a "professional" from looking like a 8th graders pussy after the first time shaving dry. Trans women can probably do it better than her and they don't claim to be "professional" women.
No. 138209
>>138205Wow, you mad. I'm the other anon, but it was the "only Arab girls" comment we were loling at. We get it though, you are a pure, white, hairless angel.
Yeah, momo needs to wear some tights and cover that shit, but she seems to lack a lot of sensibility when it comes to wearing/making her costumes.
No. 138213
File: 1465367344070.jpg (111.14 KB, 866x1300, nobush.jpg)

>>138205Are you trying to say that you have no eyebrows and very little grandma hair?
No. 138218
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No. 138220
File: 1465369089810.jpg (85.35 KB, 540x568, 1464647051405.jpg)

>>138218Ew. She sounds like the neckbeard equivalent of those fedora neckbeard robots who have rampant yellow fever and fetishize on Asians and "exotic" ethnicities in general.
" I'd prefer a qt subserviant Asian waifu than a dumb blonde Stacey!1111!"
Trying to give your beta fuckboy fans some hope eh?
No. 138224
File: 1465370857668.jpeg (65.95 KB, 640x614, image.jpeg)

has NEVER even played fire emblem, only watch walkthroughs and of course picks one of the most popular characters. Yeah bitch who are you fooling
No. 138227!8Yp0iK4S!sD2XuZ2k7_CRLhF2T3erLg-fJ1SypUiAXfW8yX0F6WwNew set is really boring and the quality is really bad even though she hired the same photographer who did the calvin cline shoot. Idk how she fucks these up so bad, all you need to do is fill it full of more butt shots and titty shots.
Her "samus" set was the best one she did pose wise imo. She does way too many "goofy funny" poses in these.
No. 138229
>>138224Omg please nooo
I love fire emblem so much why does she have to do it ??? Camilla is such a sweetheart ew no she needs to stop
No. 138231
File: 1465378060581.jpg (Spoiler Image,14.28 MB, 4000x6000, _DSC0049.jpg)

No. 138232
File: 1465378261108.jpg (Spoiler Image,7.66 MB, 6000x4000, _DSC0117.jpg)

those tangles.
No. 138233
File: 1465378488501.jpg (Spoiler Image,283.37 KB, 1397x981, _DSC0117.jpg)

sharpened that pic & found this?? lmfao wtf
No. 138247
File: 1465386840168.jpg (4.58 MB, 4000x6000, _DSC0002.jpg)

What is happening with right knee here? Also, the texture of her face is disgusting. Why would anyone pay money for these?
No. 138263
>>138230Hey, don't knock the anon for making a sacrifice for the greater good lol. That being said…
>>138231I have no idea why she thought this was a good photo to put in, because this is an incredibly unflattering photo. Not to mention the other pic with her razor burns
No. 138264
>>138247>>138233>>138232>>138231Everything is so dirty and unkempt. If you have a photoshoot surely you can make sure everything looks good? And if you edit the hell out of some parts of your body, why not edit your face smooth and the dirt on the floor? Why not wear tights that cover your cellulite?
Why even post these pictures that are obviously extremely unflattering? She is propably really dirty IRL too.
No. 138266
>>138247She looks like a sloppy middle aged soccer mom
Momo doesn't know anything about modeling does she? Aside from her *~*boudir teehee shitty lingerie cosplay sets*~*~ pseudo modeling.
No. 138268
>>138267She sees Jessica Nigri as a role model because Nigri has a butter face and can still be famous in the mainstream "cosplay profession".
So she doesn't give a shit about her face and tries to sell herself as the "thicc waifu" and doesn't give a rats ass about improving herself. She just wants to be known as the "unique gamur anime weeb cosplay girl xD" and get that sweet fanboy money so she doesn't have to go work at Starbucks again.
Which is sad because as much as I dislike Nigri, she actually gives a shit about her body and appearance unlike Momo. As everybody has said on here, she's too much of a lazy piece of shit to improve herself.
No. 138276
File: 1465396799059.jpg (92.16 KB, 960x848, 13344686_837998786345072_77372…)

As a hobby cosplayer, I don't understand any of this shit and this girl really rustles my jimmies. All of these stupid attention seeking 'cosplayers' are shitting up a perfectly good hobby and ruining it for the rest of us. Get a real job, make some proper costumes, build your skills, and maybe then you'll deserve your 40k facebook likes.
also is anyone gonna talk about the fingers on this bodysuit???
>>138231That airbrush, jesus fucking christ ease up turbo.
No. 138288
>>138268Okay let's be real Jessica's face is average at worst. Average faces can look worse. Technically Momo isnt ugly either she just looks WAY older than she is.
>>138224>>138229Let's be real she wont make it. If she does it will be 1000000% terrible or she'll end up making a 'casual thing' because she couldnt even manage to finish a samus suit and then turned it into a shitty 'budoir D.Va' which is sad cause if she called it swimsuit D.Va I would have hated it a lot less.
>>138267Also it's an issue with the photographer. When taking 'full body shots' you should really do it at chin level or higher because otherwise the body and face will look weird because we as humans are used to looking at people from around that height.
No. 138290
>>138232Jesus Christ the photographer is terrible.
Dirty floor, bad lighting, poor editing….
And does she have fucking double sided tape on her bikini? Lawd
No. 138295
File: 1465402887442.jpg (1.17 MB, 1536x1536, djosjxkso.jpg)

She should cosplay Franklin the turtle next. She already has the same nose as him kek
No. 138306
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>>138305I agree she's not ugly, but she is a selfish ugly hearted cunt who insults far more talented and beautiful people to their face. Btw I saw the set, wtf? It's all just her in bike shorts and the dumb mega moo shirt. That was supposed to be sexy? This squished photo job here is cringe worth
No. 138327
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>>138247oh god what happened with her inner thighs
No. 138340
>>138336She is not getting hired to cosplay so she is not a professional.
People dont pay her they donate to her. People dont even donate to her to cosplay. They would be just as fine if she just wore normal slutty clothing. She is literally just fap bait.
That's like saying a hobo is a professional musician because they make enough from donations to live.
Either way it has nothing to do with her claiming to be a professional. People nit pick her cosplays because she's bragged time and time again that she can make her own stuff (aka the only reason she attempted to make her own Zerosuit Samus in the first place and now she's failed three times I think?
No. 138365
>>138357lol what??? Because people keep cosplay as a hobby and dont have to flash their ass and tits and make suggestive tweets to get shut in neckbeards to follow them/shove money at them? If she was so secure from her patreon and making all that money why does she have to add donation drives to all her streams? Why do you think she rants about people cheating her out of money at the end of every month she's had her patreon so far.
You should get over yourself no one cares how much you want in Momo's pants sucking up to her and calling her a professional when she isn't wont get you anywhere
No. 138368
>>138367She acts like she's a professional and brags (lies) about being invited everywhere as a cosguest and how she gets paid to do it.
So basically shoddy craftsmanship, shitty attitude, and way over inflated ego are what piss people off about her regardless of if you actually consider her a professional.
No. 138381
>>138368>says momo acts like she's a professional>goes on to say how she doesnt act like a professionalwat?
Let me type this out simply so you can understand it.
No one is paying her to cosplay. She is not invited to events and no one ever asks her to cosplay anything. People back her patreon for and I'm going to use her words 'Boudoir/Lingerie Shoots', 'Google Hangouts', and 'Giveaways'.
So that is what they are paying her for.
Sure some of them are doing it to SUPPORT her cosplaying but that would be like saying 'a prostitute or stripper who is doing it to support herself going to school is a professional student' rather than a professional prostitute/stripper (which even that sounds stupid)
No. 138383
>>138382I think no matter what con it gets done for, it's gonna be a trainwreck.
Unless she does a casual cosplay but frankly idk how that would work for Camilla?
No. 138402
>>138381I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I think he's closer to the truth than you are, regardless of how patronizing you are being in an attempt to seem correct.
Her shoots are cosplay, even if they are fap bait. She's literally paid by her supporters for a product she provides, i.e. they are her customers and it is a business.
As much as we may all hate it, she's a professional cosplayer.
No. 138458
>>138433How are swimsuit succubus and momo fitting the same fetish though? Swim actually looks like she takes care of her body and has no drama at all. Do you mean that they're both brown girls who like anime and games? I actually dont even know Swim's race because she never talks about it unlike momo who loves to throw how "arabic" and "muslim" she is out there.
There's a reason Swim makes more money than momo with a much smaller fan base.
No. 138468
>>138440I feel like that's another mistranslation though. You and a lot of others say she is lying when she says she gets paid to go to cons, but technically she does. She gets paid by her fans after saying "if I reach this amount I can go to Anime Expo"
So when she says she gets paid to go to cons, she isn't lying. You're just not understanding her.
No. 138488
>>138468I feel like there's a huge distinction between "getting paid to go to cons" since that implies the cons themselves are inviting her and either comping her shit and/or paying her and "my neckbeard horny fans give me money so I can afford to go to cons even though I quit my job"
So she is lying by saying she "gets paid to go to cons"
If she were being truthful she would say "I show my tits and ass and that means thirsty fuckers fuel my ego and bank account allowing me to go to cons that I shouldn't be able to afford."
No. 138532
>>138527As a previous anon said she probably doesnt make a third of the money she's claiming on her patreon since she goes and throws a bitch fit every month.
>>136378if it was only a small percentage then it would mostly go unnoticed or even assume it's accounts that the money hasnt processed yet but every month so far she's complained about people not fully supporting her patreon.
Aside from that she has used way too much money on certain things like the ridiculously expensive yaya fabric as well as paying for Vamplette to go to cons now? idk
No. 138553
>>138488You're reaching so hard right now. White Knight was right, you need to convince yourself she's lying instead of you just mistranslating her.
Her fans pay her to cosplay and go to cons
No. 138562
>>138555I can't comment on what it takes to actually be Muslim, but her view on it is that if she follows the five tenets, she is Muslim.
Some people in here think that all of the things she does that aren't her being a "perfect Muslim" mean that she isn't one at all. AKA she eats food that is prepared with the same tools as pork (though she doesn't eat pork) and she has photos where she is revealing herself and such.
I don't see that as making her any less Muslim than people being judgmental makes them not Christian or people being angry makes them not Buddhist or whatever… she sins according to her religion, but she's Muslim.
No. 138567
>>138559I agree with you. I just disagree that those facts mean she isn't a "professional cosplayer". I think that the idea that "the only way to be a professional cosplayer is for a convention to pay you" is ridiculous.
There are plenty of people who find a roundabout method of getting paid to do what they do (think people using kickstarter to make a board game instead of working for Parker Brothers). And there are plenty of people who take the normal path but don't deliver on their promises (think people who have a desk job and get away with almost never working) and those people are still professionals in their industry.
She might not act in a "professional" manner, but she is a "professional cosplayer" because she gets paid specifically to cosplay and she "gets paid to go to cons" because her supporters literally pay her to do that.
No. 138573
>>138571In the same sense that saying you're a Christian and believing in Christ makes you a Christian, yes.
She says she's a Muslim, and she believes in Allah and tries to follow the five tenets… so yeah she's a Muslim. Saying otherwise is just a "No True Scotsman" logical fallacy.
No. 138574
>>138568This is just semantics. You're assuming she was trying to mislead people into thinking the cons pay her, but you don't actually have a reason to believe that. You just WANT to believe that.
There are plenty good reasons to dislike her, but those aren't good enough for you so you make up new ones based on assumptions and conjecture.
That's what this whole fucking site is about. Accept it. Embrace it. Admit it.
No. 138577
>>138567But see, all the examples you listed… those people are making a living off what they're doing. I also wouldn't call someone who made 1 board game via kickstarter a professional. Maybe if they continued on to work on more related projects that funded their living expenses… but the money momo MAKES from cosplay is not enough to pay for living expenses AND cosplay + con expenses. She lives with her parents, who probably don't charge her rent, pay for all her food, most likely insurance and travel (car, etc…), clothing, makeup, haircare, etc…
She is not funding her life with her cosplay gig. She's making enough money to barely cover her hobby and that's it. (Which she's doing a shitty job at, good god she couldn't half ass her costumes any more if she tried). She's not winning any awards for her costumes, she's not conducting panels, she's not getting modeling contracts, she's not getting commercial gigs, she's not showcasing talents that cosplayers should have… she's dressing in mediocre costumes and taking shitty 'sexy' pics.
It's like saying a hobby artist on furrafinity is a 'professional' artist because they take commissions from time to time.
Momo is the equivalent of those trust fund babies who think they're 'fashion designers' because they can coordinate okay outfits with their high end clothing items mommy and daddy bought them.
No. 138582
>>138572Seriously, she probably wouldn't get as much hate if she spent that money on nice costumes made for her (and give credit to the maker). 3k a month can get you at least one nice costume a month with some left over for cons. Aditionnaly, if she went to someone like GSTQ fashions, she could get something that would flatter her body type and get exposure from such a highly regarded costume maker.
Making her own costumes isn't really doing anything good for her. She just doesn't have the talent or support to succeed in that area. She needs to either go the Jnig route and get a handler/boyfriend who can create costumes for her, or commission them from people who know what they're doing.
She should focus on what she's good at (not sure what). It seems people like her 'personality', she should focus on streaming or youtube video type media, she's abnoxious enough for it.
No. 138691
>>138687I kind of agree. Her costume isn't that good, but holy shit that photog should be ashamed. Using a gross dirty floor and not bothering to shoop out the dirt and scratches. Bad shoop on momo. TERRIBLE lighting. Bad posing (which the photog should have the final say in.) and overall bad compisitions.
If momo wants to make this her 'career' and be a 'professional' she needs to smarten up and make sure her future photogs are worth their salt.
I looked up the photog and they're not very good, over shoop, and terrible lighting to name a few things. The most interesting thing about their photos are the subjects, everything else about them is just really dead.
No. 138700
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Looks like a shitty painting
No. 138703
>>138574>You're assuming she was trying to mislead people into thinking the cons pay her, but you don't actually have a reason to believe that.Bullshit. She herself has claimed time and time again that she's supposed to be guesting at cons (and has also claimed to have been guests at cons previously) and has also said she's supposed to get paid to do it. There's no 'misconstruing' it she fully wants people to think cons are flying her out.
That's like saying her claiming to be a 'guest' at a con is her way of saying that she's attending the con.
No. 138718
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What happened here? What about her bestie from a few months ago? Did Kay finally realize Mariah was just using her to get to Jessica? Ha-ha.
No. 138868
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>>138860literally all you needed to do is go to the old thread and search for 'guest'
No. 138940
>>138306>>138327>>138247Jesus fucking Christ someone put this photographer out of their misery
I really can't even hate on Mariah for this one because this is one of the worst shoops I've ever seen in my life
I mean I can hate one her BC she looks gross without Photoshop but come on now, at least get that right
No. 138961
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I bet if this person says "thanks", she's gonna claim she's "internationally famous".
No. 138962
>>138961OH GOD I hope she stays the fuck away from jojo
inb4 she tries to cosplay Jolyne or Lisa Lisa
No. 138965
>>138964>what her**watch her
My bad
No. 138968
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signed- a fat jojo fan
No. 138969
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>>138961Ew, no…Stay away from jojo
No. 139116
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She's pretending that someone doxxed her lmao.
No. 139181
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>>139133Colette ass is nice.
No. 139183
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>>139181>>139152>>139133Honestly, her body is pretty nice, she has a smaller waist and curves, longer slender legs, etc. She'd easily be pretty hot if she didn't have such a strong nose. Momo looks extra doughy next to her.
No. 139197
>>139179do you not know how snapchat works or???
>>139189her face looks really stiff like she's trying to smile in family photos or something. if her smile was more relaxed and natural, it would help her a lot.
No. 139206
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No. 139285
> It was also commented later that Mariah is a "lightweight" and can't handle her liquor, and this was put on display.
> Great job being a Muslim.It isn't actually mentioned that alcohol is haraam anywhere in the Quran. It says to avoid it, as it does many things that aren't haraam.
The Quran even mentions Muhammed drinking… the idea that it's haraam is just a weird rumor about Islam.
Sorry anon, you're reaching here.
No. 139325
Let's get things straight.
There is no difference between Sunni and Shiaa Muslims in terms of what's haram/forbidden. The difference between them is about history, and very little things.
Tattoos and alcohol are highly frowned down upon, and in the culture is regarded as forbidden. You're not buried in a Muslim graveyard (like Jews) if you have tattoos. a person to say they define their culture by the 5 pillars of Islam is a reach, and seeing more every day, I don't think she's actually Muslim. No Muslim person ever defines themselves by following the 5 pillars. Islam is more encompassing than that.
Ramadan is an incredibly big deal for Muslims, all over the world. The fact that she isn't even doing that (which is part of the 5) is awful. No excuse. She's 20? That means she's had at least 15 years of doing this. Your charity that is her taking her cosplaying friend to a fun event? And dressing up? Not charity. And using people's money from selling nudes. Selling sex. Makes you a prostitute. Also against Islams practice. Plus she was wearing a cross in some pictures. That's highly forbidden, Muslims don't even believe Jesus died and why the fuck would she wear it? Why?
Give me a break. This girl is a goddamn joke. Stop saying you're Muslim as a fucking selling point. Stop showing off you're Arab, it's also annoying. No one calls themself the "black" "Asian" "Hispanic" cosplayer. Dumb bitch.
No. 139348
>>139340OH come on anon that's cheap and unrelated , you know terrorist muslims aren't real normal muslims in the same way the KKK clearly aren't proper Christians
If you can't contribute properly, don't bother shitposting
No. 139519
>>139325This is the penultimate "No True Scotsman" example in this thread. She's a Muslim. You can decide the rules to consider yourself a Muslim if you want, but she follows a reasonable set of guidelines to consider herself Muslim, so she is Muslim.
> No one calls themself the "black" "Asian" "Hispanic" cosplayer.Also, you're delusional if you believe this.
Sage-ing since this thread is just about religion now.
No. 139530
>>139340She actually made a post about how shitty it is that radicalized Muslims make things so hard for peaceful ones. She's still a proud Muslim. Not sure how shitty you have to be to think she would be ashamed of Islam just because of some radicalized asshole
Imma sage too, this thread can die
No. 139563
File: 1465843949829.jpg (164.27 KB, 801x1200, CkzFm8xUoAANs3U.jpg)

>ITT bitches comsplaining about the thread derailing and not attempting to get it back on track
Also I love how in all their photos Momo is the 'sidekick' She can have as much money and followers as she wants but she'll always be second best to Vamplette irl.
No. 139578
>>139557I think you're the one missing the point. If she's fake, she's fake… but if you have to convince yourself she isn't Muslim so that she can stay fake in your mind…
…then maybe she isn't as fake as you think.
No. 139612
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That profile pic on twitch tho.
No. 139613
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No. 139616
>>139563why is Vamplette wearing such bulky underwear?
I swear to god these people are a bunch of clueless amateurs.
No. 139647
>>139613>>139563As the only Arab in the game you'd figure she'd be all over Pharah, but of course she chooses Mei and D.Va since they're really popular.
I'm glad she's so lazy or else I'd have to worry about her butchering my rocket queen.
No. 139669
>>139649Oh now I see it.
Now I'm not a "professional cosplayer" but couldn't she then wear a pair of Spanx to cover up that obvious line? Since usually, speaking as a girl, the concern with spanx is that the line/muffin top where it's digging into your fat will be visible but if she's already wearing a waist trainer then that's shouldn't be a problem?
I mean at least Vamp can sew and make shit though.
No. 139708
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Did some snooping and it looks like Mariah's parents are fully aware of all her lingerie and boudoir photos.
Her mom posted a link to Mariah's FB page on her Twitter and also is friends with Mariah on FB, where she posted pics from her lingerie and boudoir sets.
No. 139804
>>139716But seriously, fuck off. Plus Muslim isn't a race.
No. 139911
>>139860>>139863>mfw you know nothing about lolcowYou realize that if it was all 1 or two people in this thread it would have been shut down before it got to a second one?
>>139887Also this. They realize lolcow was MADE to vent about dumb bitches on the internet right? We've been on Venus and Kooters and I'm p sure JNig since this site was made.
>>139877>doesnt like Mariah>still follows Marish>still show up to complain and 'troll'and yet you're calling us petty? At least we're here because we dont like the bitch and most of us dont even get mad we just laugh at her. You're coming here with a self-entitled holier than thou mentality even if it's 'one in a while' makes you way sadder than us.
No. 139917
>>139877It's two or three bitches that never had any sort of success in anything in their lives so they bitch about Mariah… a girl who is achieving a level of success doing something she enjoys that they'll never even take enough of a risk to compare to.
They then justify their bitching by calling out all the ways they think they would do it better if they ever got off their asses and made something of themselves.
Like yeah, Mariah may not be the brightest and she certainly needs to work on her reactions to things but to spend months focusing on her, buying her products just to insult them, following her to cons… and then they pretend they are better than her even though she probably wouldn't be caught dead on this site for any reason other than defending herself from their attacks
And of course when she does that, they act like they wouldn't.
Welcome to lolcow.snow
No. 139923
>>139918She's literally making $3500 a month just from Patreon, and that is before twitch income and sponsorship. She's a success even if you don't think so.
If you want to hate her, fine… but don't deny reality to do so
No. 139939
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>>139917White knight confirmed. Gtfo lolcow you fat sow.
No. 139949
> Her family members pledge under anonymous names to make her look successfulCitation needed. You have absolutely no evidence to support this. You're just guessing and hoping it's true. Ridiculous.
> 3500 a month isn't even a lot she had to pay most of it back come tax day42k a year at her age is actually very good, and if you think you have to pay "most of it" at tax day, perhaps you aren't old enough to understand taxes?
No. 139967
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>>139949A) We know she's never made the amount on her patreon because of the amount she complained about people adjusting their backings around money time
B)She's claiming to nee $800 to to to Anime Expo? Even if she's staying in a hotel by herself that's still way too much. Also her patreon would easily cover that wouldnt it? Oh but wait isnt she a big famous 'professional cosplayer'? why isnt she a guest? Queersplay doesnt have that much of an online following and they're a guest. They're all also larger girls and aren't 'omg the prettiest' oh because AX realizes that someone at momo's level isnt worth their time. (Also note: most of the cosplay guests at AX dont have the following that momo does yet they all have actually done something other than get by on buying shit off the internet)Simply another camgirl that's willing to do anything for money. When her patreon dipped the first time she posted pictures of nothing but her backside to drive the numbers up.
C) Once again you say she's so successful and famous? Mostflogged has 6.4k followers on twitter and yet their cosplay pictures get the same amount of interaction.
D) You might want to try and claim that she makes money because people like her and want to support her and totally ARENT doing it to fill their fetishy spank banks? Then how come she made a $5 during her latest stream. If she has these thousands of 'avid supporters' why did she have a total of 56 views for that stream?
Anyway: News on her Camilla. She says she's working with Nana Bear on something so I'm willing to bet she's begging/paying nana to make her Camilla for her since Nana kinda knows how to armor
>>139965That's not remotely amusing or plausible stop
No. 139981
>>139974I think it just gets taxed as if you were a freelancer? I follow some artists were talking about Patreon taxes before and if I remember correctly they were talking about Patreon sending them a W-2 which is what an independent contractor gets.
I made like $6k in freelance income last year and ended up owing the IRS like $250 for the taxes on that. I really doubt Mariah is putting money aside and even if she's only actually getting half of what her Patreon says that's still gonna be a decent sum of money. I would be terrified of doing my taxes if I were her.
No. 139985
>>139983And when that doesn't happen, I'm sure you'll be an adult and admit you were wrong…
No. 140120
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P.S: Stop fucking spamming this thread, white knight.
No. 140153
File: 1466021234171.jpg (98.9 KB, 640x1136, ClAHBgpUoAMbAn1.jpg)

l cant stop laughing. the arm raise is such a trick for fatties to hide their rolls and saggy tits. I'm sure there are people in the replies being like 'ermagerd lookit how fit'
Literally the entire pose is flexing and doing everything in her ability to lot look like a slob. You can even see how small and saggy her other tit is. She's such a mess but maybe JUST MAYBE she's actually working out and MIGHT actually take care of her body. I wonder if she bumped into some old highschool friends and realized they didn't let themselves go as hard and realized she was fuckin up.
No. 140163
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>>140153I love that she's literally stretching out and sucking in, but no matter how hard she is flexing or posing she still looks fat. Momo plz, we know what your body looks like. Nice oversized sweat pants to hide your massive tree trunk legs too, A++ sexy.
No. 140165
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>>140163>>140153Here have some rolls too.
No. 140244
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No. 140251
>>140244Wonder what she's gonna do/say when it turns out of be true.
LPT momo: when there's a controversy/scandal of this caliber, stay the fuck as far away as you can from it. Unless you have solid proof that she's not participating in illegal activities, stay out of it, you risk backlash if things turn ugly.
Nigri also possibly faces issues with not paying taxes. Be sure to pay yours! Wouldn't want to RIS hounding you or your parents.
No. 140254
>>140197>>140191>>140184I love it when a cow or their knights come into their thread and try to shitpost it up. Desperate much?
>>140244>>140251I can't wait for this to turn out to be true! Momo is trying so hard to get senpai to notice her again that she's whiteknighting her, herself.
No. 140267
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>>140197>>140191I'm the first person who posted that this thread is a mess and the other two posts aren't mine. Plus I was referring to the white knights as the mess, not that momo isn't worthy of a thread.
Anyways, here's something else to contribute: she's trying to kiss up to jnig again.
No. 140268
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>>139967She's pretending she's doing it by herself now.
No. 140269
>>140267It's cool anon. Jnig is probably so caught up in the drama of being caught right now she doesn't even have time to notice poor momokun whiteknighting her so hard.
>>140268Edges look pretty sloppy, she might be doing it herself, but if Mei was any indication of her abilities, this thing is going to be a hot mess in no time.
No. 140273
>>140268… Does one usually paint foam before you use plastidip/mod podge? Also how bendy is plastidip as well shouldnt she be heat forming this armor before the .
I'm imagining another sloppy flat but globbed mess of a costume. I wont be surprised if she either decides it looks like shit last minute like with her Samus or if Nana makes her one that is obviously a different build than she's been working on.
No. 140288
>>140284so what you're saying is once she puts the plastidip on she wont be able to bend it to her body anyway since those are supposed to go around her arm
what a professional cosplayer
No. 140290
>>140288Yup she really has no idea what she's doing.
Hey momokun. Since we all know you read this thread, here's a tip from me to you. Go to and read up on all the armor making threads there. Maybe you'll learn something you can apply to your shitty props.
No. 140297
>>140292if she tries to bend it (for the most part) it seems like she'll end up with lots of cracking and chipping?
It also depends on how many coats of plastidip she puts on etc.
tbh i dont get why she didnt look up foam armor. There's a million cosplayers like Punished Props and Kamui that have tutorials on how to cosplay armor
No. 140342
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No. 140533
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>>140404>complaining about a thread about a cosplayer turning to cosplay materialsStill better than the religion mumbo jumbo
Anyway still no plastidip but has anyone ever heard of this? freeze forming foam? Also the fact that the two stripe one is so twisted how does she not see that? Also last time i checked heat forming foam you dont have to keep elastic around it for it to keep it's shape
No. 140622
>>140533God that looks so cheap lol.
I can't wait to see the failure of the Camilla cosplay.
No. 140778
>>140533Never heard of freeze forming foam, but iirc you can bend the foam and hold it in place when using heat.
>>140573Seriously, could you fuck off already?
No. 140787
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>>140573Admin, could you please do something with this white knight?
No. 140854
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I'm not buying this excuse. It's air conditioning inside the building. So, it's possible to wear Mei's normal outfit and not die. If that's too much too handle and you feel like you need to show skin, just pick a character that wears less clothes. My god.
No. 141044
>>140854To be fair, a lot of cons is outdoors. The event may be inside the building, but tons of stuff is happening around the building for long periods of times.
This generally includes meetups for groups all cosplaying from the same medium.
No. 141080
>>141072I've got to side with
>>141044 here. Have you ever cosplayed? Imagine doing it and carrying around a giant coat whenever you went outside, taking it on and off for pictures… in 90+ degree heat, with all of your other stuff like your purse… I'm pretty sure Mariah just didn't want to put the time in (or didn't have the time to put in) but the heat is a good enough reason to give her the benefit of the doubt on this.
Let's just get back to her weight or something.
No. 141087
>>141080Yeah I have. Also cosplayed stuff which wasn't the best choice for such a hot weather. But sometimes you just have to get through this if you really want to Cosplay that character.
But I also get her point, really.
I understand when people can't or don't want to stand the heat. But then I think that she shouldn't have cosplayed Mei at all. She should have waited. Of course people will call her out on a half assed Cosplay even tho fans basically pay for this shit.
No. 141089
>>141087Yeah I can agree there, she should have waited if she wanted to do the character full justice. At the same time, I can understand why someone would want to get on top of cosplaying a character before it's played out. Fanime was a chance to cosplay Mei before 100+ other people do it to death and the game takes a sideline to the next flavor of the week.
When I cosplay, it's never from anything new because I would either feel rushed to be first or I would feel underwhelmed at being behind all the people that rushed. It's a trade-off. She's in it for attention because that's her job, so being first is worth the trade-off of not doing the character justice. I get it, is all I'm saying.
No. 141093
>>141080Yeah and there are people who cosplay full suits of armor and full coats to hot summer cons too. The annoying thing is: She's blatantly lying. She only started Mei a week or so before Fanime anyway so why lie and say she didnt make it because of the hot weather?
She is going out of her way to lie instead of just saying 'I didnt have time and I wanted to cosplay with Vamplette since she's not going to be able to go to AX'. She's a compulsive liar that cant help herself even though the truth makes more sense.
No. 141125
>>141080Done this with 3 layers along with a jacket and a in 100+ weather. She could have cosplayed full Mei but the point is to be smart when you do this. Drink a ton of water a week before the event and during, lighten what you carry to the bare essentials (license, phone, keys, medicine if you got it). Take the heavier stuff off until photos. Seek shade, sit and rest if you feel dizzy. She's supposed to live in Vegas, if you live in a desert this literally isn't rocket science. It's basic knowledge if you've lived in a hot place long enough.
Then again, she's also bigger so she probably would get a lot hotter than a smaller person. But full Mei could have been done smartly (picking lighter textiles for the jacket for instance) if she cared to bother to start a cosplay long before going to a con.
No. 141143
File: 1466128424070.jpg (145.08 KB, 511x767, Twf_3t9eDTzx_j9KfMuHQTZMmA7MWS…)

And yet, I've seen worse excuses to use the less armored versions of characters…
No. 141153
>>141143There's nothing wrong with doing versions that wear less armor.
That's actually a pretty good cosplay. Yeah its simple, but it's pretty much on point. Blaster and shoes look really clean, relatively good craftsmanship.
Pic semi unrelated. Sexy skimpy cosplay with good craftsmanship. I'd like to see momo attempt this cosplay if she has the balls. I think her patreon people would too. Sometimes the costumes or characters that are super simple, are the most difficult to pull off.
No. 141154
File: 1466129488276.jpg (619.12 KB, 1280x1845, tumblr_n92zjzfJN21qgu2vjo1_128…)

>>141153Whoops dropped my pic.
No. 141160
>>141154>>141153But how could she hide her shape-wear then anon? This would be a nightmare to see momo in outside of posed, heavily shopped/airbrushed pics.
>>141143While this is simple, I agree, the craftmanship looks clean. This doesn't look bad at all.
No. 141164
>>141163Sure? But it's actually really well made, she's got all her bits covered up properly, and she's not even striking an over sexualized pose. I don't see anything wrong with this costume. There isn't even anything wrong with
>>141154 this costume. People don't like momo's half assed, poorly made, fap-bait costumes because that's exactly what they are. Her casual mei was bad, the craftmanship was terrible, her poses were terrible, her tits were hanging out which has nothing to do with the character's design, etc.
No. 141167
>>141163Typically simpler costumes can still be difficult to make because it's harder to hide fuck ups, flaws stick out in more obvious manners, and sometimes costumes require specific body types to pull off because they're that simple.
>>141154 like this one. A fat ass couldn't pull this off.
I can't tell you how many times people over look shitty sewing or prop making craftsmanship because the costume is ornate or complicated.
No. 141183
>>141163See unlike Momo there are people who love cosplay and are willing to work with the skills that they have instead of buying/halfassing casual costumes. Even high-skill cosplayers sometimes like making something simpler especially if they're working on a larger project at the time and want to make something else in the meantime.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with simple costumes.
Either way that Samus is an in-game canon. Momo's BS is 'oh there's this one concept art that then one other person decided to draw a 'full version' of' and then she cosplayed that.
>>141171Especially if you're claiming to be a 'full time/professional' cosplayer
No. 141366 got posted on 4chan again lol, this time on /fit/.
I wonder if Momo is taking the Jessica Nigri route and self-posting herself on there so she can attract more neckbeards, let alone the /fit/ lads in there? So she can attentively hear the echo chamber of "THICC FITT WAIFU" when I can imagine her BF% is horrendous. Some of them aren't buying it though so nice try Mariah.
No. 141370
File: 1466190619925.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Camilla's bra literally shows that the trim is stitched down. She's so lazy she didn't even bother
No. 141380
>>141370the funniest bit is that you can tell that she didnt glue it down straight or high enough because on the cup that's still on the table you can see the top of the bra. I also wouldnt be surprised if the gold ends up peeling/curling at the con since gluing shit on bras isnt always the most effective.
Also her bra is a totally different material than her armor so it's gonna look stupid. I wonder if she's planning on plastidipping her bra too?
No. 141591
>>141561>when the people who come to these posts everyday have nothing going for them This is an anon board you have no idea how often any of us visit this board. Plus for me I'm not checking it for momo. She's like an appetizer for when I'm checking on my main cow.
Second of all how do you know we have nothing going for us? I make more than momo does on her patreon a month and I never have to show my body to do so so I'm pretty sure I'm doing better than she does.
>You guys have the dumbest gripes i've ever seen. You mean like pointing out how she has no idea what she's doing. Sure some of the anons replying dont know the materials either but that just proves that it's not all just cosplayers who think she's a lazy, fat, attention whore, wannabe JNig
>You guys are more obsessive than her white knights which makes no sense"obsessive" is a strong word. Do you go watch movies or TV or play video games or fuck around on youtube because you're obsessed? No it's because you want entertainment. I'm pretty sure most of the other anons in this thread will agree that we're purely here to point and laugh at the lardass trying so hard to beg for people's fap money while attempting to call it cosplay. We cant wait til she fucks up in the most major of ways.
No. 141609
You aren't going to ~prove them wrong~, all you'll do is shit up the thread even further by arguing back and forth with b8-anon.
No. 145965
File: 1466460212921.png (1.27 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 145976
File: 1466461963322.png (1.47 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>145965F U C K I N G
No. 145989
File: 1466463812516.png (1.11 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 145998
File: 1466464766981.jpg (281.24 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20160620_191710.jpg)

How does anyone find this sexy?
No. 146006
>>145989She'd be cute if she didn't have such a trash personality, chubby girls are cute, but like, her attitude and everything else about her is garbage and you can't look past that.
>>145998Neckbeards?? Japanophiles? Koreaboos??
No. 146036
Ah out lovely cow is following Sarahs footstep into kawaii fandom ~
No. 146086
>>145998I can see this being an okay shot.
However there's so much trash shit behind her and her eyes are just unfocused. We obviously know you're taking the picture but your eyes make it seem like someone else is doing it for you. Fix the eyes, the face, erase the shit in the back and maybe you got some patreon photo reward. It'd be better than those Milk photos.
No. 146091
File: 1466492600039.png (1.13 MB, 752x1036, image.png)

Well. You hash tagged what everyone was thinking perfectly. Fucking gross. No class. Send these to your fucking dad momo lol.
No. 146224
Seeing her pictures makes me a lot more confident about my own body. Hell, she looks horrendous. And omg
>>146091 can she be any more trashy?
No. 146231
File: 1466534474542.png (1.13 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 146232
File: 1466534529557.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 146315
>>145989I admittedly kinda think her hips/thighs look kinda cute here but I like chubby girls.
That little bump right on her crotch from the waist trainer though, eugh. I just keep seeing it as a really weird outtie belly button or a tiny little weird dick.
No. 146335
>>146224Ikr? I've got to be grateful to her for that, I guess.
>>146285PT didn't have cellulite like this did she? She didn't look nearly as lumpy as this bitch.
No. 146397
File: 1466566174857.png (137.86 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

arda wigs why.. probably not gonna buy from them anyways there's a more accurate wig for what I need on match wigs but, she did say herself this is a career.
Her "humblebrag" is kind of cringey tbh.
No. 146406
>>146397She has a really inflated ego for someone really shitty at cosplay. She's hardly "famous" at all. She really needs to get her head out of her own ass. Please just go into porn, that's where you'll end up after realizing you can't make cosplay into a career.
How feasible is cosplay as a career anyway? I imagine there's a high turnover considering that there's always new, younger, and prettier girls popping up–unless you have insane craftsmanship.
No. 146413
>>138276Fucking this. As a cosplayer who actually makes my own shit, often elaborate costumes, wants to improve, follows the reference as closely as possible and uses my OWN damn money to make my costumes and buy con passes, people like this simply disgust me. She's given 3,5k a month to churn out casual cosplays with a plasti-dipped worbla gun and for that she gets invited as a guest to conventions. That's horse shit. Why do these people fucking need to ruin cosplay instead of straight out being what they are? As in slutty fetish models?
>>140268Plasti-dip AND mod podge? AND before heat forming the armor? It's like she's just throwing around materials without knowing what they actually are.
>>140533>all those glue globs>the wonky ass un-backed foamBut as for the freezing of the foam, I've never heard of that. Because the heating technique depends on actually melting the surface of the foam to cause it to curve, I don't know how freezing is supposed to affect it. She's got the elastic bands around the gauntlets so I'm guessing that it's just the bands doing the magic by slowly bending the foam into shape and the freezer keeping the gauntlets in that form by stiffening the foam structure. Idk, that's just my best guess because I doubt the coldness alone affects the foam at all.
>>141370>>141372fuck I'm laughing so hard
No. 146429
File: 1466576110284.png (229.24 KB, 500x538, Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 10.1…)

No. 146620
File: 1466623669401.png (90.52 KB, 720x630, Screenshot_2016-06-22-12-22-09…)

Lol. You make three grand a month and you didn't buy yourself a ticket to one of the biggest cons in California? What the fuck does she spend it on because so far I've seen sweatpants Mei and a recycled Samus swimsuit made into a "D.Va Boudoir" cosplay. She lives with her parents and probably doesn't pay rent, like where is this money going? I could break down how much money casual expenses are like cell phone bills and photographers but it can't be three thousand dollars a month.
No. 146622
File: 1466623970163.png (124.13 KB, 720x720, Screenshot_2016-06-22-12-30-33…)

>>146621She can't claim that because someone donated it to her online that was just some random.
No. 147103
File: 1466645834525.png (377.31 KB, 339x566, sothickamirite.png)

what a plump ass amirite?
if it weren't for her waist pincher she'd look like a jelly bean tbh
No. 147104
File: 1466645925004.png (119.65 KB, 477x270, 234.png)

>>147103That Hank Hill ass…
No. 147112
File: 1466646698216.jpg (2.48 KB, 124x124, images.jpg)

>>147111>>147100Don't respond to bait for fuck's sake, anon.
No. 147121
>>147049Yep that's her. She's pretty fat but def not as fat as Mariah. Voldie always begs for art on /cgl/ and constantly self promos there as well.
She's trying to become fgc famous and market herself as a ~real gamer girl who isn't afraid to troll/get trolled ;3~ now.
Sage for not Fat Samus
No. 147238
File: 1466668415817.png (50.88 KB, 598x208, Screen Shot 2016-06-23 at 12.1…)

not surprisingly, she's a fan of trisha paytas
No. 147411
not to stir things up here and this may be forbidden, but i would face the hell out of momokun.
Source: Thirsty FGC fuckboi
No. 147457
>>147392Cognitive dissonance is so strong right here. You're posting in a thread where if you say anything even remotely not terrible about her, you get jumped on by multiple people calling you a white knight.
It's the same shit. You're no better than her. Get over yourself.
No. 147533
Actually considering I'm not one of those people who have called anyone defending her a white knight, in fact was attacked a few times myself for defending Vamplettes, I don't need to get over myself. The way she lets her fans treat people, scoping out people when shes bored to start an argument with and then sending hundreds of neckbeards after them, it's disgusting. But thanks for trying. I'm not really here to just trash talk her because I know she still reads this thread, I'm here because maybe there's some small hope that her thick skull is penetrable enough for her to realise the certain things she does do wrong. She says she works hard to improve her attitude and personality but after a week of being a good girl she goes back to being a sloppy cringe whore that starts random arguments with people. Then again I've heard she's a troll and that's what she enjoys about what she does is making people cringe but honestly she should get a job because that only lasts so long lol. quit being so lazy and fat you're gonna get stretch marks u can't reverse haha. I liked that comment on Reddit where she is probably addicted to her phone and gets off on RTs and likes, I feel it's true except she gets off on all the beta fags wishing shed step on them and call them a piece of shit. Shes a fetish model at most because a lot of weeby guys like that soft chubby Asian girl porn, but she's not famous lol.
>>147457 I'm not even really talking to you because you're just as ignorant as the people who hate her in this thread only in reverse "Mariahs ass shines rainbows and she's so amazingly talented because she gets naked omg so amazing how dare u hate her guys" like seriously tho.
No. 147535
File: 1466738201440.jpg (139.17 KB, 1043x1080, ClqQ8oTUsAAtgPn.jpg)

She doesn't look that bad here body wise but her face is so unfortunate and those ears look like cow ears lol not kitty ears I was howling first time I saw the other pic, all she needs is a cowbell around her neck
No. 147604
>>147535She's so fat that she has a line in her gut… Jesus Christ, Mariah. Change your diet and hit the fucking gym. We have
tons in Vegas.
No. 147634
>>147535Lmao she's doing the max combo to make herself skinnier. Sucking it in + stuffing her fat into her panties like the other anons said + leaning forward so that her waist looks smaller and her chest looks bigger.
>>147382 See
>>54084 No. 147702
File: 1466793239081.png (592.19 KB, 720x1134, clip_now_20160624_143122.png)

What boys?
No. 147731
File: 1466801414426.png (338.73 KB, 518x504, Untitled.png)

colette sucking her dick so hard shes pretending to be in lesbians with her.
No. 147738
>>147731Yet another fetish Momo can add to her list of 'look at my boys and fap forever'
How is anyone supposed to take this seriously? She doesnt even drool over female characters and she literally just tweeted that Ban was her 'Daddy' not too long ago. even if she was trying to play the bi angle why hasnt she shown interest in females before now?
No. 147760
>>147731>>147738I seriously doubt she's bisexual, if anything she's following in JNig's footsteps and pretending to be
interested in girls.
No. 147812
>>147533If you think contributing to the hate in this thread isn't encouraging the people shouting "white knight" and encouraging the people threatening to harass her family, you're absolutely wrong. You're part of the problem even if you consider yourself above the others. The fact that you think you're better than her when you're contributing to something so much worse than what you're calling her out for? It would be hilarious if it wasn't so disgusting and sad.
If you're in here contributing to the hate against her, you're collaborating with the lowest of the low, and you aren't allowed to do that while at the same time convincing yourself you aren't the same kind of person you claim her to be.
So yes, you do need to get over yourself.
No. 147820
>>147812You act like you're so much better than us but other than the one person who keeps being like 'we should show her parents' we mostly point out actual flaws. If you're such a great person why not go around to all the threads and tell all the other people on the site how they're the 'lowest of the low'.
You obviously have some kind of agenda being here so stop pretending like you're oh so better than us and maybe you should get over yourself cause then you wont get your panties in a knot for some fatass pig slut who will never actually give a shit about you.
No. 147849
>>147827That's half the fun of posting on here for me. A bunch of replies by people who have no idea what they're talking about, and then a day or two later I can just jump in and say something else. Sometimes it's completely irrelevant to anything but people still respond. The response is so predictable, the conversation so easy to manipulate. It's like a game.
You all are entertained by a conversation bashing momo, I'm entertained by making a few of you frustrated every day. We all have our games.
(no1curr) No. 147943
>>147896inb4 she somehow fucks this up too.
Can we agree that if it's not held in a convention center/hotel it doesnt count as a real con?
Also can we laugh at her bio for the con?
>In that time she has picked up a lot of knowledge on craftsmanship
>Momo plays a strong role in the cosplay community supporting body positivity.It's also laughable since they dont have anything they can actually use for a professional bio because she's never done anything. They cant talk about 'all the costumes she's made' or what she's best at (saying being a fetish model probably wont fly) or anything she's done as a cosplayer, because she hasnt done shit.
No. 148111
File: 1466901067935.png (724.06 KB, 640x845, Screenshot_2016-06-25-17-24-32…)

THAT FUCKING DUCK FACE DRIVES ME UP THE GODDAMN WALL you look so vapid and so try hard learn to overline your lip or get fillers you look like a fucking tranny. Oh. Another boobs cosplay where here shirt is actually more open than it should be.
>>148008Yah that's really gross but she probably gets off on that shit because she's such a cumslut piece of trash anyways lol. Like I said before she doesn't stop her white knights from dickriding her because she needs that validation.
No. 148112
File: 1466901150706.png (768.27 KB, 641x854, Screenshot_2016-06-25-17-24-40…)

No. 148150
>>148112oh my god she cannot be serious….
im barely a beginner cosplayer and this looks like SHIT. the shitty gloves that aren't hemmed or have the extra threads cut off. the fucking foam wrist makes me want to kill myself.
is this her 'craftsmanship' ? sharpie on some foam and a shitty smeared line or paint on some yoga pants?
ffs even nigri is more talented that that and we know she barely does shit all
No. 148291
>>147535dem dick sucking lips
tfw you'll never bust a nutt inside of momo's fat ass.
No. 148386
File: 1466966355752.jpeg (76.57 KB, 640x548, image.jpeg)

Is she fucking serious? This is the hard work she put on Camilla? A fucking corset and bias tape? What the actual FUCk!!!!!
No. 148387
File: 1466966599775.png (890.79 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>148386Close up… It's fucking glued! Compared to all the actually 100 talented cosplayers attending the gathering she's going to be the worst looking Camilla. A lot of girls actually took their time and made the armor and not a fucking corset glued bias bra
No. 148408
>>148387TBF, you can't stitch over something like that once the boning is in. You're supposed to add all your stuff to the fashion layer before you sew everything else together.
But yeah, it looks crappy.
No. 148412
>>148387What the…
She didn't even try
I mean if she had at least tried it I would have been kinda impressed even if it would have looked shitty but this ???
I mean how does she think Cosplayer get actually better at what they are doing
They fucking try again and again not by doing shit like this
I'm so done with her
No. 148446
>>148386>>148387I actually can't even with this.
>>148408>implying she made that corset and it isnt just shit she bought on ebaybut imagine. If she doesnt connect her bra to the corset she's gonna have a roll of fat between the bra and the corset and it's gonna be hilarious
No. 148494
File: 1466976755218.png (264.53 KB, 338x593, camilla.PNG)

>>141370>>148387Holy shit. She so obviously has an armor on and she's just gotten a fucking ebay corset, glued some bias tape on it and a separate victor's secret bra with glued on fabric pieces? This is what she gets paid 3k a month for?
No. 148495
File: 1466976770784.png (46.73 KB, 564x192, that never happened.png)

wtf, who is PROUD of being catcalled? is her self esteem so low that she thinks getting catcalled is validation?
No. 148497
File: 1466976860461.png (29.05 KB, 584x102, i make all of my cosplays.png)

>>148494when you're as lazy as she is, anything is "good enough".
No. 148506
>>148497Yah I laughed at that too, does she mean customs as in the airport or as in she sent out measurements for a new custom suit and they haven't mailed it out? Because obviously she didnt make a new one herself, if she did she wouldn't be waiting for it now would she.
>>148498What are you, 12? Go home child.
No. 148520
>>148494Not even the way she does.those stripes is accurate lol
As you can see the first row should not be connected with those horizontal stripes
Not that hard to see really
No. 148522
File: 1466985499868.jpg (96.27 KB, 637x751, image.jpg)

>>148520You expect too much of her lol… Just look at these pieces from camilla's headpiece, they look so pitiful
No. 148525
File: 1466986838890.jpeg (77.74 KB, 365x640, image.jpeg)

>>148506Customs as in mail customs.
If it was measurements/the suit not being completed, she would've already thrown a fit and whined to her whiteknights about how "awful" the seller is and how they're going to ruin the con for her.
>>148520I might be interpreting your post wrong but Camilla's torso armor does have horizontal stripes on the first layer (red circle).
You can't see it unless you squint at her side because the side facing the viewer is covered by her boob seatbelt thing (green circle).
No. 148526
File: 1466987108257.jpeg (67.89 KB, 500x500, image.jpeg)

For any anons going to AX: she'll be at the RWBY, Fire Emblem, and 7DS gatherings.
Pic unrelated but it's a "meme" made by one of her thirsty neckbeard "fans"
No. 148558
>>148526Kek they spelled stare like stairs… goes to show that her fans are not the smartest bunch.
If I see her as AX I'm gonna laugh. This is the kind of costume that my friends and I see and go 'um well, a for effort I guess" because the craftsmanship is so bad. She should honestly just buy shit from people with skills and wear it like JNig does. It's not like her patreon followers are paying for her craftsmanship, they just want nudes.
No. 148562
>>148561she's done lingerie/boudoir/generally revealing shoots like her naked apron Diane, but not nudes.
her fans probably do think she's an easy lay and hope that she'll jump on their dick if they throw enough money at her.
No. 148580
>>148570i meant she doesn't do nudes through her patreon. there's obviously her leaked ones. i heard the nudes were leaked by her ex though?
but the real mystery here is why people are paying for her sexy non-nudes when you can just google her nudes.
i doubt she'd ever sleep with one of her fans. she seems like nigri in that she thinks her fans are stupid and pathetic but pretends to be nice and friendly.
No. 148589
>>148525Oh yes you're right
Sorry my fault!
Should have looked at it better thanks for correcting me !
No. 148590
File: 1467010408458.png (209.96 KB, 338x593, less than a week.png)

>>148589I mean either way it's shit. Like she could have made the 'scales' out of foam and just had them so they velcro'd on top of the corset.
The fact that she's BADLY gluing on bias tape a WEEK before the con???
I included a bit image covering up the pieces of the costume we've seen at all. She still has most of the costume to go but I'm willing to bet those are going to magically appear with the help of Nana Bear
>>148522These arent even fucking accurate. if you look at the image Camilla's have a unique shape
No. 148594
>>148590let's place bets, anons!
one side will be her whining about how ~busy~ she is and how she just couldn't have finished the costume in time because of her ~tight schedule~.
the other side will be the rest of the cosplay magically appears because of Nana Be- I mean, Mariah's hard work.
No. 148602
File: 1467012852028.jpeg (86.31 KB, 639x744, image.jpeg)

>>148601How is this going to be attached?
No. 148607
>>148602Are we just sitting here presuming how this is going to go? Do we have nothing current to talk about?
I'll come back.
No. 148609
>>148602She's probably going to hot glue hair clips to them and clip them to her wig.
I want to know how that tiara piece in the background going to be attached. It looks like she's already sealed the piece beyond a point where the shape can be changed/bent, but the piece is also completely straight with no curve at all. How is it going to curve around her head?
>>148607She hasn't gone to any events lately and all she's done is post "WIP" photos so that's all we can talk about…
>>148603B-but anon! She can totes related to Camilla even if she hasn't played Fates! They are basically the same person! Plus she isn't a faker, she read the wiki page about Camilla!
(actually she probs hasn't even read the wiki page for Camilla, let's be real.)
No. 148623
>>148601Couldn't she at least bought a bra that has the same fabric as the corset
The bra has a shiny fabric and it looks so out of place
No. 148680
>>148678I mean first of all it's barely Diane. You cant slap on a wig and call it a cosplay lol. Second of all they want to see the rest of the photos
>>148666It's not maid lingerie it's just naked apron and if you're into filthy feet I'm p sure all the photos are in the last thread
No. 148821
File: 1467078640995.png (875.28 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

>>1488004200 bucks for mediocrity, the sick part is how everyone on her page is telling her she does such great work
No. 148828
File: 1467079694528.png (1.56 MB, 1440x2008, 20160627_220727.png)

I'm positive no one has ever said that.
No. 148862
>>148821I just thought of something. If she used the money smartly, she could commission someone for a nice cosplay. Drop $1k or more on it (assuming Camilla since armor) have left over money to learn how to sew/make props on your own (and giving yourself time to mess up and not stress). All while getting a nice cosplay done by someone talented (or hell, even a nobody with banging skills) and promote them for making your costume. Make positive connections in the community, and the cycle continues until you can confidently make your own stuff.
Too bad that's a fantasy.
No. 148886
>>148867they don't pay her to "do bullshit", they pay to see her lard ass in shitty walmart lingerie and hope that she'll suck their dick if they flash enough cash.
>>148862this tbh. there's a guy in mexico who does AMAZING armor work and a suit of full body armor from him costs around $300 shipped to the US. his work is legitimately mindblowingly good and he's way underpricing his work.
too bad moomoo is "too good" to commission anyone unless it's someone offering her a cosplay for free.
No. 148887
>>148867I've said a couple times that there's no way she's getting the amount on her patreon and in a few days she'll cry about people backing down from their backing amount again. She probably made approx #1k last month with the giant shit post she made about people backing down.
SKEPTIC TIME - I'm also almost convinced she's faking patreon accounts and donating to herself? Her patreon magically jumped up $200 in the past day or two cause last time I checked it was only a few dollars over $4k and if she's getting this patreon backing why couldnt she hit $500 donations on twitch for AX funds?
As well as she has over 200 backers and has literally never hit 50 likes on any of her public posts? The only posts with double digit comments are people complaining about not getting their sets in addition to her replying so things are just not adding up there.
No. 148986
>>148862That would be the intelligent thing to do, yes, but Momo doesn't seem to be renowned for her intelligence. For being a JNig wannabe, she's not exactly studying how JNig started out.
Ngl– I am jealous that people are throwing money at her for embarrassingly bad costumes. How long will that last, though?
No. 149096
>>148997>>149000he's in one of the old cgl commissions thread. unfortunately 4chan and all 4chan archives are blocked at my workplace but i'll see if i can find him when i get home.
>>148986I have a feeling that it won't last too long. She's pissed off a lot of people, including JNig herself, and she's lost favor with r/kappa and thirsty fgc dudes.
No. 149112
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>>149109Vamplette must of helped and it still looks like shit
No. 149113
>>149109She just posted a picture of it on facebook. It honestly doesn't look that bad, given her experience level.
I'm sure you'll all hate it though lol
No. 149120
>>149112I didn't even notice the crown piece, that looks so out of place and doesn't even fit on her head.
The gauntlets look nice but I don't think she made those or at least I didn't see WIP shots unlike everything else.
If that gold is really just glued on, Southern California is suppose to reach the 100's so all that boob sweat is going to kill that gold.
No. 149126
File: 1467173080447.png (419.44 KB, 426x570, Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 8.00…)

I'm laughing so hard she literally looks like a grandma here
No. 149137
File: 1467175851457.png (1.91 MB, 1451x1761, radiant dawn elincia.png)

>>149113>doesn't look that badtop kek. i bet you think jnig's pikachu was high quality too.
>>149114>she is relishing in making people angrynah i don't think so.
pretty sure she legitimately thinks she's hot shit and likes being fap bait, otherwise she wouldn't be so proud of her "cosplay skills" and continuously cosplay characters that either were designed as or have been turned into fap bait.
i know this is going to sound elitist and bitchy but i genuinely hate how fire emblem has devolved from pic related to characters like camilla and charlotte.
even the young girls now are designed to appeal to lolicons instead of just looking like kids.
>>149133she chose the myspace angle on purpose so you can't see her fat spilling out from between her corset and panties, but you can see her "big" boobs.
No. 149140
File: 1467178906464.jpg (84.94 KB, 369x495, 2016-06-28_22.36.16.jpg)

Where the arrow is, that's the patch of skin between her corset and her panties, so the line in the circle is actually the line of her fat thighs. The weird thing around her waist doesn't fit very well it's hanging too low and she's posing almost bent over so her chest is the first thing you see and she looks skinny. She probably looks so gross with this in person lol cameras can always deceive.
No. 149142
>>149126>>149112She doesnt have the between the boob strap haaaaaaaaaa what a fucking train wreck. This would be acceptable as 'babby's first cosplay' and I dont even mean first made cosplay if you've been to cons enough and have been around well made costumes enough you should have an idea that this shit isnt 'good' much less something to be proud of wearing.
Also her contouring is fucking killing me. Is it ACTUALLY too much for her to spend two seconds and watch a fucking youtube makeup video???
No. 149153
>>149146>>149149she admitted she's never played a single FE game before.
>>149144she'll probably say that it was just ~toooo hot~ for armor as an excuse to not make the leg armor.
No. 149154
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>>149137Basically confirms she reads this thread and really? If she doesn't care what people say why does she continue to bait them? She barely shows what she worked on in her videos so really fail on her part. That whole thing about making us angry cuz she's "succeeding" is hilarious. How is she successful? Lol
No. 149156
Bitch PLEASE. What cosplays did you make?! NAME THEM.
Samus? Nope. Silk? Nope. Mikasa? Nope.
Diane, with help. Camilla, with help. Lust? You mean the black dress?? Shuuuuuuuuutttt uppppppppp.
You're successful? No you're a whore. You got your likes and fame from nudes you "accidentally" liked and BEGGING for attention on forums, threads, self-posting, Facebook AX, and kissing MAJOR ass.
Not to mention with your fake ass saying I'm Muslim and Arab and fat, you're a shitty Muslim, we can see your Arab with that nose, and you're not body positive when you CONSTANTLY wear a corset and shoop everything.
Hey Mariah, go fuck yourself you shitty excuse of a cosplayer. You rip off all your fans with cheap spandex, you hurt all your body positive fans by hating own body by manipulating it constantly, and you're a shitty human being. You've bullied SO many people, that there are MULTIPLE hate threads in your fucking honor.
But hey, I hope you stay in cosplay because bitch, you can't get a career doing anything else. The top 5 results in Google is your nudes and how shitty you are. Good luck. Sike.
No. 149165
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>>137005The "ex" would not even tap that so i think there is something scary under all that undeserved superiority complex.
No. 149178
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>>149154this reminds me of jnig trying to justify her slutty "cosplays" by saying that's her way of making the haters mad by "raping their faves trolololol"
pic not related to my post but still related to mariah
No. 149210
>>149112I don't like her at all but I do think it looks better than expected.
Yeah not super good that's for sure and she could have done better but it's still alright for someone who only cosplayed for a year or so BUT it's not good for someone who says that she's a PRO Cosplayer and well apparently she says this
If she wouldn't talk about how great she is all the time I think there would be more people who would appreciate her Cosplays
No. 149226
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>>149146She posted a screenshot of a chat where she was (poorly) explaining the plot of Conquest.
I'm assuming she read the FE wiki's
No. 149227
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Oh the irony…
No. 149228
>>149210If you ACTUALLY think gluing shit to a corset and bra is 'alright for someone who only cosplayed for a year' you really need to check your standards. Even the shittiest Camilla that comes up by googling attempted to actually make the armor even if they didnt do it well/ Momo's pile of shit would be acceptable only if she had some kind of crazy low budget and she should have been able to easily afford that shit even with just the $200 she got from twitch donations. She had more than enough time and money to put her all into it instead of cheaping out to the nth degree. Since she doesnt have a day job she could actually be at a masters level by spending an hour or two everyday watching youtube videos on cosplay construction.\
Between Punished Props and Kamui Cosplay's actual tutorials and even JNig's timelapse videos she would have been able to make an accurate Camilla.
No. 149231
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>>149210Seconding what
>>149228 said but a year is also a long time to be able to improve. Mariah doesn't have a job nor does she go to school so nothing is stopping her from spending a couple hours a day to pick up some construction knowledge, work with different materials, learn pattern drafting, etc.
Pic attached is a girl I met at a con. She went from literally knowing nothing about pattern drafting and sewing to the outfit in the picture in about a year while also being a full time student.
No. 149232
wasnt momo supposed to be taking sewing lessons at joann's or something???
No. 149234
>>149228Motherfucking this. The reference image CLEARLY shows that she has an armor that's shaped at the bottom. She bought a cheap ass fabric corset and glued bias tape on it. The amount of stripes (which are way too thick by the way) she put on is like half what's present in the reference image. Instead of making boob armor, she got a VS bra to which she glued fabric stripes on. This is just being lazy as fuck, not "pretty good for someone who has been cosplaying for a year". She didn't even try. It's like if the character had a huge ass detailed fantasy sword you went out and got the cheapest simplest toy sword from the store which you sloppily painted and just said "well I got a sword, isn't that enough?". She gets paid 3000+ a month to do this shit, if I got that kind of money for cosplaying I'd go all out with my costumes without skimping on the materials. She could afford mold-making shit, whatever tools she needs and expensive fabric, but instead she pockets the money given to her for cosplay making and slaps on a bombshell bra and a wig and calls it top notch professional cosplay.
I fucking hate what these whores are doing to this hobby. While I dig hundreds of dollars from my own pocket to make my costumes the only thing I'll be getting back from it are a handful of facebook likes.
No. 149244
>>149234Chill man.
I agree with you but it DID turn out better than I thought it would. I expected worse so I guess I did exaggerate quite a bit anyways I see it know so thanks for pointing everything out
But if you're only cosplaying for stupid facebook likes you aren't better than her lol
No. 149250
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>>149126Without the filter and makeup, she seriously does look like a granny here. How does she have so many lines on her face when she's so young?
No. 149284
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>>149250It also doesn't help that she has old lady lips.
No. 149359
File: 1467242253193.jpg (64.95 KB, 718x227, 2016-06-29_16.15.11.jpg)

drops this body positivity eh? Lol. Also doesn't claim to have breast reduction they just shrunk. Story changes again ^
No. 149369
>>149352I once used the term "you guys" and got banned from this site for a week. The message under the ban: "There are no guys on this site, dumbass"
I took it as an unwritten rule that I have to refer to everyone here as female.
It was more likely just a really shitty mod
No. 149386
>>149369nah you probably did something retarded other than say "you guys" and got banned for that but the mod put "there are no guys on this site" as a joke.
>>149331found the non-cosplayer. also read
>>149231, there's no excuse for her to have such a shit cosplay.
>>149235she said she's applying in october when they start hiring for holiday
>>149359>I was a fckin fat ass at one point>at one point>one pointhow can you be so unaware of what you look like that you don't even realize that you are still a fat ass…
No. 149397
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She's gonna wear this to AX. Someone get a pic.
No. 149423
>>149112>>149126There is no excuse for how terrible this cosplay is.
She's also way too fat to cosplay this character and have the armor look good on her. The proportions are just all wrong on her soggy, doughy body.
No. 149427
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>>147103I should have known from the start…all the signs were there but I still fell for it.
No. 149441
>>149400>fell apartI'm lauging that's a 'swimsuit' you can buy on ebay. My friend with Dcups got one assuming the size of her boobs would hold the fabric but literally if you try to move in it your boobs fall out so she either
-tried moving around and her tits fell out so she's backing out
-actually looked at herself in a mirror and realized she cant use any of her 'tricks' to hide all her fat in it.
No. 149539
File: 1467299776660.png (1.4 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Guys what the fuck
No seriously
What the actual fuck
Are you fucking kidding me right now
What the fuck is this shit
No. 149566
>>149539If it wasn't Mariah, I'd give her the benefit of the doubt because you usually have to clean up the first coat of paint.
But since we know she's lazy and doesn't care, she won't clean it up and it will still look like it was painted by a preschooler. Also, no one who was going to clean it up would post a picture of it.
Mariah, use a stencil next time!
No. 149624
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Her face looks different in this pic lol kinda ugly.
No. 149625
File: 1467324169884.png (846.51 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-06-30-14-58-28…)

She looks 30 here. Why she always posting naked pictures online? I know its not a nude but come on like put some clothes on :/ her family sees these. Her future kids are gonna see these. Her future husband/boyfriend gonna see these and he's never gonna take her seriously, like have respect for yourself :/
No. 149629
>>149624oh I get it all her money goes to shoop. She obviously thinks the contouring on her samus suit looks good cause she had the photog shoop contouring ontothis too.
If you compare it to this
>>146231 you can tell the cleavage contouring isnt there… also why not shoop on the Diva suit vertical lines too? I dont get this bimbo at all
No. 149684
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>>149672Damn, Aza's suit is amazing. So many textures and details.
No. 149780
File: 1467396304786.jpg (868.88 KB, 2736x3648, 001-1.jpg)

also on the topic of better overwatch cosplayers than mariah. can we appreciate this damn good Mei cosplay??
also note, she wore this in the heat.
No. 149818
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will she ever stop kissing JNig's ass?
No. 149836
She has the " oh god this bitch wasn't she the one trying to ride on my coattails" grimace.
No. 149857
(be less gross pls) No. 149886
>>149818At least we can put aside the idea they aren't friends at this point. Jnig literally had dinner with her this week. They're friends. I don't know why you guys always insist Jnig hates her.
It's like, there is so much to dislike, why do we have to make shit up?
No. 149903
>>149886Keep telling yourself that, Momo white knight. JNig looks annoyed to even
be in that photo.
No. 150013
>>149886>u guyz they're totally frands>Jess doesnt follow her on twitter>they're not facebook friends>According to >>149922 your one claim that they're friends is incorrect (btw anyone wanna post the pic so we can point and laugh that the other anon thought it was momo)For the most part no one is 'insisting' Jess hates her we're just sure they're not friends
Anyway I think the funnier thing to talk about is ~*super famous popular professional cosplay goddess*~ momo has gotten a total of like 5 people to stop her at AX for a selfie and that's including friends.
No. 150055
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No. 150057
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She looks like a buff Michael Jackson. Seriously, I thought it was a 40-year old woman until I saw her name up top.
No. 150110
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>>150108And she proceeds to retweet stuff that will validate her unprofessionalism, she claims to have gotten sick yesterday in lust but was out partying and getting lit well into the morning.
No. 150115
We called it We basically all called that she would back down and now wear it. Let's be real she saw actual Camilla cosplays at AX and backed down because she knew she would look like hot shit. She'll just wait till she can have her photographer photoshop it to hell and back like everything else.
Like how the hell is this idiot getting away with being such lying scum???
No. 150148
>>150146And just a few days ago when she announced her gig to hunniecon she went on about how AX was so important to her that she wanted to show off her skills and make people see why she deserves the " honor" of guest.
Guess she showed us exactly why she doesn't deserve it now.
The first lust cosplay she did was better than this train wreck she wore the other day why make it out of yaya han pleather? Jezuz
She can't actually believe people will buy that she got sick cuz of the heat because I saw this bitch partying last night and drinking. Buttering up to everyone who has connections to nigri (seriously acts like a stalker to jnig) there's even proof on Twitter that was just fine well after she wore lust. If she's feeling anything it's a huge hangover.
No. 150172
File: 1467503303271.jpg (266.77 KB, 900x1200, CmZY0HLUEAA_zI3.jpg)

LMAO SHE GAVE UP AMD IS WANDERING AROUND IN THAT FUCKING ZERO SUIT hollllyyyyy shit why are people paying her money to wear repetitively recycled fucking costumes? Jesus Christ :/ and she's wearing no shoes on a convention floor which is disgusting as fuck maybe if you weren't so fat your feet wouldnt hurt or put some inserts in them, and her corset is sticking out again so it makes her look like she has a dick like Jesus Mariah get your shit together lol.
No. 150174
>>150172If she isn't feeling well because of heat stroke, why the fuck would she put on another costume that is freakishly hot to walk in again? Wasn't she going cosplay Sakura or Dianne lol
I had to double check this pic cuz at first it didn't look like her haha she looks like a donkey
No. 150181
>>150172The corset looks like it's buckling out in the middle. I suppose that's all you can expect from a cheap ebay corset.
Also, that cameltoe and no shoes, ew. Her suit is looking ratty too. Obvious wear on the left foot, left knee, and left shoulder. Momo ain't even trying anymore. Where's all that money even going?
No. 150184
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>>149539Does this woman not know what painter's tape is!?
No. 150206
>>150187Corrupt Cosplay.
He was one of the paid models. Henchmen props and his buds made the armor and i think GSTQ made the jacket.
No. 150241
>>150172That awful fucking gun though. And she's so clearly wearing a corset yet people still think she's legit thin-waisted with big tits and ass?
God she's so despicable. She gets 4k a month to recycle this one costume at conventions while bailing on the shitty ones so she can photoshop them better and cheat the fuck out of everyone.
No. 150289
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No. 150290
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No. 150291
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No. 150292
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No. 150303
>>150289>that's all i've heard from other cosplayersI'm following at least 50 cosplayers that were at AX and maybe a handful of them switched costumes early because of the heat but they still wore the costume.
>>150290So idk if it was magically hotter by the convention center but looking up the weather in LA the high yesterday was 81?? It's hotter in Vegas right now jfc. Also I'd love to see her try to go to Dragon*Con since it's usually 90+ during the day.
>>150291Also bitch doesnt even do contests and she's whining about stress??? I am really beside myself with this idot. and what the maybe 10 fans that recognized you momo? jfc I bet her twitter fuccbois in full hugbox mode
>>150292Maybe… Maybe she'll realize that she gained too much weight now? Maybe She'll retire Diane now and she can stop ruining one of my anime waifus. (also is it just me or is it weird for her to capitalize JC? Probs just me.)
No. 150307
>>150292The trick to this is: STAY INSIDE. Yes it's crowded but if you stay in south hall where it's the most crowded, you may have a crummy time. I love being in south hall because of all the photographers but if you want to do certain things you have to be smart since there's so many people. There's still tons of open areas. And depending on how she broke her Diane cosplay, it could be an easy fix (seeing the zipper back on, putting a safety pin to the handle to have a new thing to pull on, even using a shit ton of safety pins as a temp zipper if the teeth broke) but I don't even know if she brought supplies to repair her cosplays with. She's causing herself all this unnecessary stress because she has herself on a mental pedestal and AX isn't a small con. The area AX is in isn't kind either (if you're walking from a hotel to the con, it can get hot. If you're in line outside, I hope you brought sunscreen/a hat).
I haven't been outside too much for AX but I'm from Arizona and the weathers been beautiful here. Hush, Momo and savor the cooler weather (and drink some fucking water).
No. 150347
>>150307I'm not from the US so I'm confused don't you have AC's over there ?
Or is it just too crowded so they don't really work ?
No. 150351
>>150347in super crowded areas it's hard for the AC for such a large area to keep it cooled down since they're not meant to cool down the whole hall in short amounts of time. Apparently AX has been kinda cheap with theirs at least in the artist alley cause I've heard a lot of complaints from there.
>>150307More like she probably doesnt even actually know how to fix the cosplay without someone holding her hand. Let's be real I doubt she's actually been stressing or crying at all. She's just too lazy and being at a big con with a higher percentage of high level cosplayers made her realize that irl no one is gonna think she's 'sexy thicc arab cosplay goddessu' and she probably got plenty of 'oh you're good for a BIGGER girl' or 'is this your first cosplay? Nice' but cant actually step up when it comes to being 'body positive' when it's something someone actually says to her face.
No. 150422
Momo is crying about nothing.
Now the pre reg line at AX on Saturday, that's something to cry about
No. 150427
>>150423what the fuck are you even going on about…
jess refuses to respond to momo's tweets or comments because she's realized that momo is trying to use her for fame. momo doesn't "idolize" jnig for no reason, she's just trying to get jnig to promote her so she can gain more followers and patrons.
ot but jess also smiles in pictures with people that she likes (or pretends to like) like in photos with her neckbeard fans or other cosplayers. she looks way less than thrilled to be next to momo and momo has never been invited to even hang out with jnig.
>>150422>Jasmine_bluwho is she…
No. 150436
>>150435iirc she got really popular with the kawaii hipster community and then got into a fight with some girl, sent said girl a bunch of death threats, got called out, and then tried denying that it was her, right?
maybe i'm thinking of someone else.
No. 150438
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>>150436Nah that's pastelcutie, pastelcutie pretty much copied jasmineblu's blog
It worked for her tho since she gained a following and people still defend her
Jasmine blu is just some previous hipster/scene girl that jumped on the feminist/kawaii bandwagon
No. 150450
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>>150423tbh I'm kinda with you.
I mean, i think she wasn't miserable, Nigri probably doesn't even care enough about Momo to even bother not to put a fake act like she does with everyone else; she probably is just trying to do this "badass yet sexy" expression because she's so gangsta or whatever. Like, it's not rocket science, you can tell by her pose, like, it's trying to mimic a gangster sign or whatever.
>>149818like pic related. was she mad at the photographer? C'mon guys. She's (they're) just striking a pose.
No. 150677
File: 1467672760726.gif (489.72 KB, 420x236, tumblr_inline_n9gefqjwHR1rz7gj…) good lord, she's going to Evo. inb4shewhinesaboutantisocialgamersnotgivingherattention
No. 150755
>>150695FGC guys don't really go to arcades though. It's all about setups with specific monitors so they can practice with tourney standards.
If they do go to an arcade, it's for novelty to play games on cabs like they did when they were kids, but they tend to not spend a lot of time or money there.
No. 150773
LOL Mariah
To be fair, it was ridiculously hot inside the con center on Friday. I had to go change out of my costume because I was getting too hot. BUT it was generally much cooler than last year outside (last year was much much worse) and much cooler than it is in Vegas.
Yes, it's crowded, NO SHIT, it's the biggest convention in the country. It was almost Comic Con bad at times. But I was still able to get around in cosplay, it's a matter of avoiding the heavily congested areas and moving through them as quickly as you can if you can't.
I think what many of you said is right: there are a lot of awesome, big dick cosplayers at AX, and when she realized that her costumes wouldn't hold a candle to any of them, she got upset and backed out. She also didn't have Vamplette to hang off of and mooch off of for attention (since her stuff seems to be better). She was just one of the many chubby girls in a mediocre cosplay, which are a dime a dozen at AX. She had a breakdown because at AX, she was nothing special (not that she is anyway, but at a smaller con she can feel like a big fish in a small pond)
No. 150863
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>>150800Even they aren't fooled by her "thicc" status. They know she's just fat. Like that one guy said, I think most of her fans are chubby chasers in denial and don't want to admit to themselves that they like fat chicks. momo's so obviously sucking it in and lying down on bikini shots to make her gut look flatter and with cosplays she's always wearing a corset. You have to be a dumbass to not realize that she's just fat.
>>150652The fuck?? I could've sworn she was around 28-29. She has not aged well at all.