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No. 151227
First Thread
>>93507Previous thread
>>131172aka the only thing growing faster than her threads is her y.o. ,generic JNig wannabe/cosplay cam whore cept fat. Is mostly known for her airbrushed Samus cosplay that she's worn to most (if not all) of the cons shes been to since she bought it. Seems to legitimately believe that having followers makes her better than others.
>Has leaked nudes>Showed up in the previous thread only to end up throwing a tantrum>'That cheap spandex suit has gotten me more attention then you'll ever get'>Started streaming in revealing cosplay for views>Claims to be a skilled cosplayer who can make her own costumes and props but everything she's made looks terrible>Immediately goes back to wearing store bought cosplay after wearing her own terrible handiwork once>plays the body positive card but wears a corset in every cosplay >will talk to anyone she thinks will get her more followers>Got her idol JNig to follow her but was unfollowed in less than a day (reasons unknown)>Lied about the reason she did casual Mei even though the real reason made more sense than her lie (Lie: 'it was too hot to wear the full coat so she did the concept art casual Mei' Truth: she started it approx a week before the con and just wanted to cosplay with her friend that wasnt gonna be at AX)>Is 'guesting' at EVO with some pay by the hour arcade. (aka is gonna be a 'booth babe' for an arcade with under 200 twitter followers)FUN MOMENTS FROM AX
>Spent several days on end bragging about her Camilla cosplay that she was 'putting all her time and effort into'>Had a 'breakdown' at AX because she decided she couldnt wear her (shit tier) Camilla even though the entire thread called she wouldnt wear it . >Claims she was 'still sick' from wearing her Lust cosplay from the day before even though she well documented her partying the same night.>She then proceeded to wear her Samus (aka long wig and full bodysuit) instead>Announced that she'll not be returning to AX (we can only hope)>For someone with over 30k 'followers' on twitter she had a glorious 10 or so fans actually stop her for a picture>Claims 'all she heard from other cosplayers was that the con was terrible' even though most cosplayers seemed to be having a ball No. 151284
>>151276No one here cares about an ugly worthless loser like you and who you fantasise about when you wank your micro penis. Go back to anon-ib with that pathetic manlet shit.
"Jelly" lol what a faggot beta. Typical Mariah fanboy.
No. 151318
File: 1467773765984.png (50.76 KB, 498x471, thebackdown.png)

where the fuck is Admin I swear to god.
Anyway Momo's already backed down from her claim of not going back to AX next year but she's too chicken shit to admit it on any of her actual pages
No. 151477
>>151425tbh you don't even have to walk around in heels, just switch your shoes when it's time for a photoshoot or if someone asks for your picture.
that or get shoes with a thicker heel.
No. 151577
File: 1467781011600.png (901.23 KB, 690x460, 1463561165582.png)

>all dam spammy posts
No. 151579
File: 1467781122884.png (9.92 KB, 261x195, 1431194820928.png)

If she hates the people so much why does she not want lolcow to bitch about them?
No. 151595
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No. 151769
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No. 151770
File: 1467788968135.png (138.22 KB, 469x763, ughhhh.PNG)

I really hate her habit of retweeting peoples asskissing her. I seriously never understood that habit, it just makes you look like a pompous idiot. She also retweets herself all the fucking time.
No. 151807
>>151801if it's not there now, it will be soon.
you won't be getting it on here, that's for sure.
No. 151919
File: 1467836929125.png (94.12 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Best response ever lol only horny white knights think she actually looks the way she does in her D.Va "cosplay" is she no longer friends with Mayhew? Guess she wanted a photographer with better Photoshopping skills
No. 152143
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No. 152148
>>152143hahaha I'm laughing at her. Who does she think she's fooling? If she had money saved up why has she only been buying herself shit since her patreon started. Literally after the first month it went through was when she bought her new PC setup and started buying herself cheapo ebay dresses and shit. Also does she expect us to this that she spent $3k on: Her Lust, Camilla, and then buying and 'editting' her Yang? cause she didnt start anything else this past month. Everything else she wore this month she already owned before so ??
Also if she had all this money saved up from working why does she continuously beg for money on twitch?
Mariah must have failed math cause nothing she says ever adds up.
No. 152153
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>>152151>>152148I can comment more shit. I've got a couple of spoof Instagram accounts
What's worse is that so many neck beard have been trying to white knight her after my comment.
Anyone want me to post something? I'll do it.
No. 152163
>>152159>>152153nah ask how it felt to have Jessica not even follow her for 24 hours THAT would be priceless.
but also she's trying to milk the Jessica 'lol I'm quirky' thing is gross when she does it to every creepo neckbeard since Jessica only REALLY acts like that around friends and stuff. jess would never tell a fan she'd 'collect their drool' cause lets be real saliva if gross as fuck
No. 152183
>>152143LOL the implication that Patreon monitors where the money goes… nope!
Does anyone actually believe this shit?
No. 152189
>>152153You realize that by making spoof accounts just to say things like that, you're just the opposite end of the shit spectrum, just as bad as the white knights?
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. If we make fun of her passively, it makes sense, snd anyone that comes here to defend her is worthy of ridicule.
When you invade her real life, are her fans defending her really able to be made fun of? You're expending a lot of effort here, in their territory. You're the same as them if you do that shit.
No. 152207
File: 1467930281746.png (1.72 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Ladies and gentlemen, Mariah the night before she said it was too hot out to wear her costume. She's still wearing her lust lenses here. Party girl with no class.
No. 152287
>>152239>>152282This is literally just a picture of her goofing around with friends. Why would this need to be professional?
You guys are insane sometimes
No. 152291
>>152287>left the con early claiming heat stroke>this picture was taken>next day then claimed she was 'still sick' from the previous day so she couldnt wear her new Camilla cosplay> she also claimed to have a panic attack because of not being able to wear the cosplayhell the post even says
>Mariah the night before she said it was too hot out to wear her costume.although they did forget to add 'she said she was sick'
it's not the picture itself it's the fact that she's a big fat liar and claimed she was too 'hot and sick' to wear a cosplay but apparently she can fuck around with her friends in a kigu??? even buttoned that low those things are super fucking hot to wear and if she was so sick why are her contacts still in and full makeup still on? Learn to actually read
No. 152437
>>152394Why do you want it you raging faggot
You've requested it 5 fucking times
If you want it so bad then fucking shill to her shitty patreon
Jesus Christ
No. 152444
>>152411Correction: It was not a fan. The person used her phone to identify her name and found her on Facebook. If it was someone she had been friends with prior, I'd understand your hesitation to believe it.
Check the girl's facebook. Mariah is in "recently added" because she didn't know her before.
No. 152715
>>152473So now we're at odds. Is it a fan and the whole story is bullshit? Or is it not a fan and momo is just calling her that to boost her own ego?
Ultimately I couldn't care less. Why are we focusing on this phone thing?
No. 152837
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Tasha's costume was paid for by Mariah.
…. You have to pay your friends to cosplay with you? Your fans pay you to pay your friends to cosplay with you? So both of them didn't make their cosplays? Slow clap …
No. 152891
File: 1468040041399.jpg (106.32 KB, 1200x630, Cm5ND7vUkAAZ_rC.jpg)

>>152884This is so fucking embarrassing. As much as FGC loves thick girls, even some of them think she's fucking crazy.
No. 152901
>>152837But anon! Patreon monitors how she spends every cent of her Patreon money! They're so strict there's no way they'd ever let her buy a costume for someone else!!! The money is supposed to be for MARIAH making costumes not buying them for [I don't know and I don't care who]!!
That being said, anyone who actually believes her when she says no I spent my own personal money on this Patreon is really strict might be literally retarded. Patreon doesn't care how you spend your money at all. Fuck, Paypal cares more than Patreon. If you make more than I think 10k in donations they ask for some kind of proof of how you're spending it. I remember glancing over it a while ago but technically the donate button is only for non profits so when you start making big bucks they want to know who you are and where the money is going.
No. 152959
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No. 153015
>>152903Lol she threw it out a long time ago! Which is funny because she went on and on about how proud of it she was making the chun li cosplay from scratch- only to throw it away later. It was a terrible build anyway. Gamenest pulled out of their booth at EVO so momokunt won't be "guesting" with them anymore. She's going to
Still go but Don't see why as she's super hated in Vegas! A lot of the people she disrespected in the past go to these cons and gaming events, people she has yet to apologize too.
No. 153079
>>153002Mariah will kill the FGC. Call her out if she tries to complain pls
>>153011Vampy's getting wrinkly.
No. 153121
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No. 153363
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the anon who screencapped this didnt upload a mega
No. 153371
>>153363Lol that explains so much. I've never actually seen her series before but no wonder she has so many neckbeards lol her fat ass is butt ass naked this set is so tacky it's so hilarious :) I don't even know why I think it's because she's so fat that I hate this, because lots of people have lewd sets and I dont mind them but judging from all the rolls and cellulite from previous pictures she doesn't look this good naked everything is soooooo airbrushed lol. Put some fucking clothes on lmao.
>>153367DVa was a professional gamer in her bio for Overwatch so every "gamergurl" who wanted to cosplay her thought it would be cute because apparently all "gamergurls" are trolls who like Doritos and mountain dew lol.
No. 153393
>>153363it must be so sad being that much of a fatass and having no ass or titties to show for it. I'm like half her size and my boobs are bigger kek.
I also love the difference between 0117(no titty) and 0120(of fuck it look like I aint got no tiddy let me subtly push them together to make them look like they're there' and then even 131 (wait shit they still look small maybe if I forcibly hold them in place they'll look big)
Also it shows how terrible she is as a model. Almost 200 photos taken and only 30 to show for it? I understand yeah there's duplicates but this set already includes a lot of duplicates and you can see that through the numbering.
No. 153457
>>153363mega where
i want to make a gallery pointing out the photoshop
No. 153906
>>153902I'm 5'4" and around 150 and I am literally half her size. I have a bigger ass and boobs but can take.
She MIGHT have been 160 when she first made that account though you can see in her arms there that she really wasnt nearly as big as she is now and I'm gonna assume at this point she had lost all her muscle from being a lazy slob.
Anyone think her Ex broke up with her because she let herself go so hard cause i mean it's not like she wasnt a shit person all this time and they seem to still be willing to hang out
No. 153993
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I'm going to assume it's about Momokun and/or Gamenest.
Also met Momokun at Fanime. She was extremely drunk and rude.
No. 154040
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Since jnig won't talk to her anymore, she's been trying to hit up Ryan more often now
No. 154041
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Pic spoilered because it's actually nightmare fuel and not just another photo of Momo's fat ass.
No. 154057
>>153993I hope she's on that list. Looks like the FGC people aren't ones to annoy at these sort of events. Momo is in for a great wakeup call.
>>154040She's so desperate to get in on Nigri's squad it actually hurts.
No. 154107
>>153993You don't need to say names but I'm actually really curious about that person. Is she part of the fgc or the cosplay scene?
If you're friends with her can you hit her up and see what she says and if it is about Mariah?
No. 154126
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>>154110Just tell her to call Momokun out on Twitter like true FGC style so she doesn't look like a little snitch.
She also got on an the Evo beggar list by making a GoFundMe for a $600 cosplay. C'mon son.
No. 154174
File: 1468307688075.png (18.02 KB, 622x260, mariahwholol.png)

Looks like this Evo2016 list of arrogant cosplayers has Momo on it afterall. KEK
No. 154207
>>154198banning cosplay from evo is ridiculous. there are players who cosplay their mains. besides, if the cosplayers pay for their evo pass, evo won't care what they're wearing.
if you want to ban cosplay, you might as well ban the artist alley too, since there are artists who sell at evo (shunao, for example) who only play games casually. nice art is nice but it's also irrelevant to the actual gameplaying aspect of evo.
sage for fgc shit instead of moomoocow
No. 154242
Looks like they're talking about it on r9k now. particularily like the bit where someone came in and posted another cosplayer in a thread about Momokun.
No. 154295
>>154267Nope, it's FGC and they need their small batch thirsty cosplays or ~sexism~ accusations will happen again.
Unless a Smash mom complains. Then that's the end of Momokun's cosplay line up.
>>154214She knew nothing about the Evo tickets someone bought her.
No. 154776
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No. 154777
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Ha-ha I love these. She's so obnoxious even people who follow her or see her rtd on their timeline are getting tired of her. And I noticed GabbyCCosplay is cosplaying for Rebull and she was noticed by supergeekgirls? Anyone think Mariah is feeling that jealousy? Lol
No. 154839
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>>154776>oh uhh… I KNOW! It's transphobic because a transgender(TM) posted it on Facebook! I know exactly what I'm talking about!It's literally not about transphobia…
No. 155623
>>155621you know exactly what they mean. 'Arab',or 'Of middle eastern descent' whatever.
The main reason we know it's bullshit is that she used to play Lacrosse. How is she magically getting this level of sunburn after years of taking part in an outside sport? She also used to be several shades darker. Not saying sunburn is impossible but the only people I've seen have reactions like she does are the palest of whiteys
No. 155839
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>>155830Nah, candids are great. She doesn't look as good as OP's pics typically outside editing.
No. 155840
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>>155839And let's not forget her mysteriously disappearing ass outside of posed/edited pics.
No. 155848
>>155643I had a reeeally bad sunburn recently I also got blisters and they do go away in like 5 days or so.
It hurts really much the first days but they aren't that bad after a few days.
You're skin will stay sensitive tho even after a few weeks (or maybe only mine idk I'm pretty pale)
No. 155861
>>155839holy cow (kek)
I always figured people were being over-dramatic and ana-chans about how heavy she is, but this really does look to be around the 200lbs area
No. 155880
>>155848I think it just depends on how fast your skin heals. I got sunburnt to the point of blisters last year and it took a few days to start blistering/scab, then about 2 weeks before they went.
Anyway I hightly doubt she actually has blisters, the sunburn would be way more red.
No. 155955
>>155950I'm amused how she keeps faking her patreon amount and thinks we wont notice? Does she actually expect us to believe that from a single photoshoot every month with halfassed 'cosplays' she's getting an additional $1k every month? It's actually kinda pissing me off.
I also just noticed this under her $100 reward
- You get to choose the shoot, and cosplay, where all the photos are exclusively for your eyes only.
one every 6 months per donatorSo for the low price of $600 she'll do a photoshoot for you???? wooooow what a steal
No. 156091
>>156083So who else thinks she lost her pass to EVO and is using the sunburn as a way to still in the future claim that she was 'invited to be a guest at EVO'? Also has anyone ever has/heard of a sunburn '180'ing' cause I sure havent. Especially not if she's getting given special creams from doctors.
Like wow wow wow
If anything I think what bothers me the most is people are buying her sunburn story??? Like how do you look at that picture and see 'extreme sunburn' at all. Two cons in a row she's been ~*so sick u guys*~ and it's been heat related both times? Like she's been in Vegas her entire life. How do people keep eating this shit up?????>>156083
No. 156102
>>156091Her fans aren't very smart, new to cosplay, buy her body positivity bullshit, or are just horny guys who don't know a damn thing about real cosplayers and think of it as a fetish which she fucking lives off on. I'm with you I've had horrible sunburns and they don't just "180" you stay that way for awhile the fact that she is trying to make it sound worse than it is; god it's despicable.
If she was in such horrible condition why is she still running around Vegas playing Pokemon go? Truth is ; she knows no one likes her in Vegas and the gaming community would not have welcomed her at all would have been LVL up all over again, at LVL up no one gave a shit about her-all the attention was on vamplette, so no one gives a shit when she goes to cons here. Probably game nest pulling out of the event was the final nail in the coffin since she wouldn't be able to sit on her lazy ass all day like she did at LVL up.
She hadn't been twitch streaming, no cosplay work, just her bullshitting with vamplette or playing Pokemon or embezzling those donations for Hawaii. It's really disgusting.
She's not even hiding how lazy she is or how less she could care about a person. She's vain, selfish, greedy and gluttonous, people want to keep giving her money to do nothing I guess that's fine. It's their money to lose. But the fact that she's exploiting cosplay and fetishizing it, adding to a growing problem that REAL cosplayers face with their work is fucking deplorable.
She is a disgusting human being and the fact that she does this over and over is just fucking evil.
No. 156103
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>>156102Whine whine whine
What a fucking drama queen
No. 156111
>>156103But she did post a photo of it (the big ass Burn one from earlier). She also said on her Twitter that the cream the doctor gave her a few days ago 'healed my blisters' or something like that.
All you do is put on a long maxi dress (or long skirt) and get out. Literally, just wear clothing for the skin to breath in, stay away from the sun and you're fine.
No. 156149
>>156132Just watch her snapchat story - she shows them there and they do look pretty bad
(I don't want to screenshot it so watch it yourself or someone else should make a screenshot)
No. 156176
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Omfg I can't. ?????
No. 156180
Who the fuck does she think she's fooling??? inb4 she's wearing leggings or we see proof that there's no burns on her legs
Also 'meet and greets' like the ones she was supposed to have at AX and never happened? She's going to try and get in selfies with actual important/well known people kek. inb4 she gets ignored like she did at AX
No. 156215
File: 1468718250733.png (Spoiler Image,864.71 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>156149here's a pic. Had to go through like 10 of her shitty snaps to get it
No. 156234
>>156215So she goes from
>>156103 saying she will not show pictures of it because she doesn't want to post it publicly then proceeds to snapchat it? HMM.
No. 156240
File: 1468723194629.jpg (318.78 KB, 1536x2048, CnNpOvCVUAAq0G7.jpg)

>>156215looks like latex work to me tbh
Does she not realize we have this
>>154840 to compare it to? Here's the pic at full res too and you can see she has no blisters on her other leg at all. Also bless her for not realizing how skin works because unless she was wearing closed in shoes the tops of her feet are more likely to have burned severely than the front of her legs
No. 156242
>>156215It looks like she irritated the skin by either scratching or wearing tight fitting pants, this is actually 100% her fault. It honestly seems like she did this on purpose to get out of going to EVO and generate sympathy from her neck beards.
Staged as fuck
No. 156255
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No. 156271
>>156269oh god I didnt realize that was her leg which leads me to ask:
where those blisters at???
No. 156284
File: 1468737559273.jpg (89.08 KB, 675x1200, Cni-Ze9UMAE8Wby.jpg)

Another after party snap from EVO.
No. 156289
File: 1468738711408.jpg (250.37 KB, 960x1200, CnjEDBVUAAUc7VM.jpg)

Her legs look nowhere near as terrible as she made out they were.
No. 156301
>>156215If this is real she's seriously a dumb fuck. I've been burned a million times being a pale nordic asshole but even I have realized when my skin is fucked and protect myself. She's an arab and lives in SoCal, she really has no excuse.
>>156253This. This is the second cosplay she's pulled out of recently. During AExpo she claimed she was ~so sick~ from heat fatigue even though she was up and partying all night and even wore a bodysuit instead of the much more skimpier Camilla costume.
I'm willing to bet that she won't wear Camilla EVER because she realized how shit the costume is and won't compare to the much better cosplayers. She pulled out of her EVO gig either for realizing how the FGC community is keeping an eye on her slutty ass or just because she's a dumb, lazy bitch who prefers to party instead of following through with her obligations. Or maybe both. The sunburn incident was just way too coincidental and convenient to happen.
>>156265>>156268>>156271Also this. That skin looks pretty fine to me.
No. 156306
>>156301It's not real, I own a sunbed shop and trained in skin care/aftercare and can absolutely tell she is lying. As anon
>>156240 pointed out, the shins are literally the last place where skin can tan/burn on the body so the tops of her feet would look a lot worse but they look fine? Plus if she did get blisters and peeling from sunburn, it would not look like that at all. She is just a straight up liar.
No. 156307
File: 1468744897797.png (555.01 KB, 614x602, sunburns.png)

Momo does look sunburnt when the photo is zoomed in. Originally I thought she was bullshitting, but you can see the peeling. Either way it's completely idiotic & dangerous to get to that stage in the sun. Blaming the vegan sunscreen won't work either.
Also, it doesn't excuse her from the fact this is the second convention she's bailed out on in cosplay. What's the point in being on Patreon promising all this stuff you'll do for fans when you don't deliver everytime due to "illness"?
No. 156383
>>156357you mean because the average person IS knowledgeable on sunburns? I'd assume most of us are white or light skinned and have had pretty bad sunburns before. The point is that yes everyone in their lifetime HAS had at least two or three bad sunburns so we know what it's like so there's no way she had blisters and 'pain worse than childbirth'.
Also I was assuming her skirt was just some cheapo ebay skirt since that's where she got her weird slutty wrap swimsuit thing.
Either way we're all thoroughly calling her out on her BS because as
>>156326 said, if she's such a huge game and fighting game fan why not just attend? Especially recently JNig has been doing cons without doing as much cosplaying? Also we've been making fun of her itty titties n lack of any ass for a while now so it's old milk.
No. 156385
>>156357Sounds like somebody here is a little sensitive for being called out of their bullshit and cares a bit too much what anons have to say.
Hi, Mariah.
No. 156387
>>156357I think the point is that she used it as some shitty excuse to not go to con, while later that same night going out to party.
No. 156414
File: 1468778200608.jpeg (106.79 KB, 736x738, image.jpeg)

This picture is just awful ugh her claws are so badly made, you can see the double sided tape on her bra, and everything just looks 3 sizes too small on her it's so bad. Her leg is so pasty looking too ew
No. 156429
>>156414This image looks really weird.
Her leg and the back part of the dress are so wonky but they're also straight up flat colors which means whoever edited it, blurred or just drew her leg and dress that's hanging down.
No. 156440
File: 1468783093901.png (170.19 KB, 498x618, Screen Shot 2016-07-17 at 11.1…)

What a fucking crybaby.
No. 156580
I mean she did have more people stop her for pictures at that party than the entirety of Anime Expo~ Like a whole 6 how amazing ;)
No. 156661
File: 1468811074394.jpg (Spoiler Image,88.79 KB, 720x960, 13692717_1084021118358285_6312…)

>>156440full size, spoilering because it's gross.
No. 156695
>>156676This. There's bruising there and I've never seen a burn heal with bruise colors?
Okay congrats she has 'burns' doesnt excuse the fact that she shouldnt have worn tights, gone out playing pokemon go, stayed out in the sun that long enough in the first place, could have gone to EVO still but chose to go to a party instead even though she could easily wear a maxi dress/skirt rather then the slit skirt she wore.
No. 156709
>>156661I'm really curious about the lack of stubble tbh. It's been how long since hawaii? Did she spend her patreon money on a wax job? Doesn't that sometimes leave your skin more sensitive too?
It does look pretty bad, but it also looks really bizarre as far as her burn patterns go. She must have been laying out in the sun with shoes on? I think the dark bits in the blisters might be where the cloth rubbed them?
No. 156901
>>154174I saw people were wondering who the girl from
>>153993 was and it never got answered. Just wanted to throw this in here before it was off-topic. No. 157062
The burn looks bad, and her legs are damaged. Too damaged to wear any cosplay that doesn't include a skirt or loose pants to cover up, we get it.
So, to reiterate what someone stated up there, if she is such a huge gamer, and she had "so many fans" she didn't want to disappoint in not meeting, why not attend Evo?
If I had tickets to Evo and I was a gamer, you bet I would be there. And if people expected me and this cosplay gig is the only thing going for me, I would go 100%.
There is just a SERIOUS lack of professionalism and the the reason that's exemplified is because she calls herself a "professional cosplayer," she boasts how she gets invited to guest at cons, she's constantly showing off how much she makes on Patreon. If you walk like a duck and you act like a duck, you're going to be treated like one and held to fucking standards of one. All pro cosplayers have issues now and then because they're fucking human, and yet the still attend their events because they're professional, that is part of their job. And this is what's most bothersome. Past the bullshit vegan sunscreen (you're Arab and live in Vegas, your body is use to heat and sun), the fact she did not rest so she could be ready, the fact she did not even work on cosplays because given her history we would have seen it, the fact that she did not attend the event (which I'm now thinking her ticket was revoked when her booth went down and maybe the booth went down because of her since there was this flame list with her name on it), it all leads to her immature, irresponsible attitude. Can someone revoke her Patreon account and tell her to go back to school and get a real fucking job so she can grow the fuck up. Damn I'm sick of her getting any sort of reward for just being an all around shitty human being.
No. 157066
>>157062Amen to that!
Wait there was a flame list with game nest? I've been curious as to why they pulled out of the event any info on that?
No. 157068
>>156901That bitch is pretty bad too.
"MySpace angles" all day
And asking people for money constantly. Not as bad a Mariah tho.
Vegas is just full of the worst kind of people hating each other.
No. 157074
>>157066I just looked up Game Nest's info to see if they can even market themselves to pro players that would go to EVO and
>pay-by the hour>"Marvel vs. Capcon">outdated versions of Blazblue and Guilty Gear which are also only available on cabs>latest King of Fighters game is KoF 2002 also nitpick but
>lists Brawl as a Wii U gametheir biggest problem is gonna be that it's pay by the hour.
pro players spend hours and hours practicing a single game so it's waaaaay cheaper for them to buy their own setup instead of paying to play by the hour on a cab/non-standard setup.
No. 157377
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Aw how cute she's still bragging and being a total bitch
No. 157504
File: 1469027456020.png (1.43 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

Oh my god if you look up her patreon on google this pops up this is great
No. 157596
is she seriously bragging about making $48,000 a year? Thats a fucking teacher's salary you dumb twat. living it real rich i guess
No. 157597
File: 1469051005889.png (845.75 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

What is this picture it's so unflattering. Oh and she also is making Chun Li again lol. She's only making it because she thinks it might get her popular with the FGC since she didn't even get to go to EVO.
No. 157622
File: 1469054965784.jpeg (117.89 KB, 629x987, image.jpeg)

For someone who claims to make so much money for a 20 year old and even has donations via twitch or her print "business" …she still could not buy the tickets she needed for PAX despite reaching her goal for it and is now begging for a Saturday pass.
Seriously Mariah what the fuck do you really spend that money on? That Nike sportswear to his the cellulite ridden quads or food to stuff your fat face? Oh right she went to Hawaii and sponsors her friends cosplays.
Embezzling much?
No. 157626
File: 1469055376132.jpeg (108.87 KB, 640x906, image.jpeg)

Doesn't even show what she bought hahaha probobly more yaya han fabric to waist, it's easy to save that much at joanns lol it's cheaper to buy that same fabric in LA too but the word cosplay isn't stamped on the fabric for her to understand what kind to actually use.
No. 157675
>>157597Guys pay money to masturbate to this. Amazing.
Seriously though, she looks so gross here. Though it's amusing as hell. Why pull your pants up to your navel instead of putting on more than a sports bra if you want to hide your gut? Nice positioning of her phone case too, hiding her double chin. Everything about this picture is awful. At least brush your hair mariah. She looks like a bloated old mob wife.
No. 157685
>>157606Well knowing how patreon works she's NOT making 4k a month. Pretty much no one actually makes the full amount that their profile says. Between people backing out, transactions not going through, the suspicion that she's faking donations as well (wouldnt be the first time she lied about something to make herself seem more important), etc. she's not making that full $4k at all
>>157597uhmmm what happened to her 'super severe painful' burns??? how is she wearing tights again?
No. 157688
>>157596how old is she? if i could be making that much in my early twenties i would be happy too to be honest. not that i would exactly brag about being the richest for showing my 'thicc' ass.
has anyone attended one of her streams? is she decent at games or does she call the characters by the wrong name when playing like nigri does? you would think she could just be a boobie streamer lol
No. 157696
>>157688She's 20 but she was probably making around that when she was working at starbucks tbh. I guess it comes down to what your personal morals are cause I'd prefer to make money from my hardwork and what I create than to make money from whoring myself out tbh.
Unless she changes her ways her looks are gonna continue to fade and with that her following. Most people arent gonna stick around for her to give them one boring samey photoshoot a month. I wouldnt even mind as much if her poses were samey if she had photoshoots other than 'white background studio'.
No. 157725
>>157696Regardless of how much she has made for her age, she ended up losing most of it due to poor decisions like quitting her job, and constant partying as seen by her snapchat. I'm not sure how much she's also spent on Vamplette either since Vamplette is older.
So while she may be whoring herself out with her patreon shots, she's also losing money as well since she apparently is making a new Chun Li costume, has to buy a new Samus bodysuit, has to finish up her Fire Emblem cosplay (if she even gets around to that), and so on.
No. 157808
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No. 157823
>>157691If someone asks you how much you make, you go by pre tax amount. Saying "she doesn't make 48k because taxes" is such a stupid argument. We're better than this, right?
>>157695I feel like every time it drops $25 it goes up $100 the next week. Why celebrate a basic margin drop when they happen all the time and never make an effect long term?
No. 157865
>>157823here's the thing though it's dropped $400 from what WE'VE seen total. so that's including anything new she's gotten.
>>157808So how long til she fucks this one up though?? Like if you can fuck up guesting (even though it was just at a booth) at EVO she'll probably end up fucking this up too haha
No. 157882
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Jesus Christ
No. 157885
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No. 157888
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About her chun li shoes
No. 157908
>>157855I've seen zero evidence that she fakes donations. That's just hearsay from lolcow as far as I know.
>>157865She's still up from last month. All I'm saying is that ignoring she's moving up by pointing out the temporary drops is a waste of time.
No. 157924
File: 1469136226478.jpg (70.33 KB, 606x812, obese_girl.jpg)

every time i see Mariah's legs this is all I can think of.
Can't wait for her to flake out her Chunk Li cosplay and cry about how she couldn't finish it in time for SuperToy lmao
No. 157926
File: 1469136471771.png (28.07 KB, 90x99, 1whymomo.png)

i dont get it? her crotch looks like a dick and her face looks wrinkled?
am i the only one who thinks she doesnt look good in that samus wig/as a blonde?
No. 157927
>>157908If she made $4k last month why has she had to beg for badges?
She had a $500 goal to go to AX that didnt even make half of but if she has people donating $4k a month to a pretty low outcome patreon a total of $500 from stream donations should be easy for her to make shouldnt it?
That's all the proof I need tbh.
No. 157980
>>157885is this really the best that she could do
>>15795720?? holy canneoli. i guess it is the fruits of her lifestyle but damn.
No. 157981
File: 1469142454743.jpeg (177.43 KB, 720x1280, image.jpeg)

WTF IS THIS SHIT. What ever happened to her group cat photoshoot at anime expo lol did she just want all the lingere attention to herself and cancel it?? Also what the hell is that dirty stuff under her boobs is that makeup?
No. 158005
>>157981Funny she has to pull up her shirt just to make it look like she has jnig boobs when you know she has to smush them together.
Nana probobly flaked out of it or the two fell out of favor with each other lol nana is infamous for being flaky.
Tasha probably was doing other stuff.
>>157986At this point she really should.
No. 158023
>>158019oh my god it totally is. that's disgusting. i hate bitches like these who leave huge deodorant or foundation marks on shit they tried on at a store and didnt buy.
that's actually so slobbish of her just clean the damn thing.. i hope this wasnt in a set for patreon.. damn momo how lazy are you
No. 158040
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I just…can't even… Wow…this is truly pathetic. Sad even.
No. 158050
>>158045That anon seems like a lowkey whiteknight.
>>158040I love that she's playing it off like she's an actual guest there. Mariah, please, you are nowhere on the guestlist. I wonder if she'll manage to fuck up her appearance at this little con too?
No. 158073
>>157981Oh my god I burst out laughing when I saw this. She's such a cheap slut it's not even funny anymore.
>My Camilla costume is terrible, what do I do?!>I know, slap on the headgear, the wig and that cat bikini JNig popularized!!!Her cow tits really do not look good in that outfit. This is grotesque.
This boudoir shoot thing though. Just call it cheap slutty no-effort bikini shoot. That's what it is.
No. 158194
File: 1469212300895.png (1.1 MB, 1036x729,…)

She used to have a waist. Her arms have always been massively hammy though.
No. 158214
>>158212OOOH BOY
I do not want to remember that whole shitshow with Hioshit.
No. 158215
>>158214did you know he's in prison for human trafficking?
sage for off topic
No. 158226
>>158222you're acting like it's only one person who thinks it.
If she's making $4k a month and not faking it
where is the money? What is she spending it on? Explain that to us since you're the totes sane person here to think that the same person who lies about literally everything else is magically totally honest about this one aspect?
It makes sense to fake it since if you have a higher backing people will see the amount and assume that 'oh she's making that much it must be worth it right?'. I'm pretty sure she's done the same thing for her twitter since she has an extremely low interaction level for someone with 30k followers
No. 158229
>>158222You've been posting the same post in here and saging every time. I'm with
>>158226 on this. Sure, it's all speculation, but this is kind of a gossip forum. Are you going to help us churn out the milk or keep trying to piss in it?
>>158226While it can't be confirmed I agree there's definitely something going on with her patreon funds. She's made posts in the past about people funding her patreon, but the payments never actually going through. So, that in itself confirms she isn't making the full amount it appears she is making from her patreon every month. As for the rest? Maybe she is faking it? She's faking being a guest at conventions already, so it it really that big of a reach? If not, maybe she really is just a big mess and throwing money away on partying and funding her friends more than we thought. There's already a lot of evidence of both.
No. 158269
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the disappearing ass
No. 158275
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Her cosplay doesn't even fit, her love handles are spilling out.
No. 158277
what is with these chunky girls not wearing clothes that fucking fit it's not that hard
No. 158279
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>>158275I think it's best if you look at her side by side with the actual design.
Also more proof her 'severe burns' were bullshit and was just peeling skin that she picked at too look worse because how is she wearing tights again and how did she do a photoshoot so quickly if 5 days ago she was still in 'extreme pain' and couldn't wear any kind of pants because of her burns?
No. 158283
>>158279samefagging to add that she's now claiming she played through all of FE:F Conquest since AX since we know she hadnt played it at all up until then. Then again that's another reason why she might have backed out of wearing it to AX because she realized that every other person who cosplays from FE really loves and cares about the series.
I doubt she actually played it though anyway because she said that she thinks making troll faces 'suits Camilla's character' which is hardcore bullshit she pulled out of her ass as always. she probably just watched one of those videos on youtube where it goes through all the main scenes or something.
No. 158289
>>158283She truly knows nothing about Camilla now her drama queen friend is jumping on for Charlotte. Just doing it for the attention.
Camilla is absolutely not a troll or a slut like momo portrays her, she just lies and twists characters to suit her narcissistic needs, it's fucking pathetic and sad that she thinks all women should be fap bait trolls who aren't worth your une unless men make crude remarks about you to your face and think it's a positive thing. She doesn't love herself at all, quit being such a liar and stop putting all your worth on looks and money!
Bet you she pulls out of wearing it in public again because Vegas weather is much much worse than California weather.
No. 158506
>>156661I live in Australia and I've been burned like this before, it's gross but by this point it's just peeling and isn't particularly painful. She's full of shit, rub some aloe gel on this and you can wear pants no problems. It's pretty obvious she's been picking at this to make it look worse.
>>157377i can't wait til everyone realises what a top tier cuntnugget she is and she ends up high and dry.
No. 158527
File: 1469277615966.webm (3.68 MB, 800x450, zzzzzzzzz.webm)
No shame even in public tho
No. 158539
>>158537B-but anon! If she doesn't sexualize popular characters that every neckbeard watches hentai versions of, how is she gonna pander to them?
As for Queens Blade you can't wear a corset with those costumes. I don't think she'd ever touch it just because she'd never have the body to pull it off. That requires a lot of MySpace angles and Photoshop.
No. 158547
>>158527I'm not even good at reading lips and I could still see how many times Vamp was saying "stop it"
Ugh, so much cringe in that video.
>>158283I didn't see her post it but there's no fucking way she has had time to play through the game since AX with all the shit she's been up to lately.
>>158279I hadn't seen the full thing until now but I swear this bitch has zero attention to detail. There are just…. so many things wrong I don't even know where to start.
No. 158550
>>158543I feel your pain anon. I work hard for my very expensive costumes and I've won awards for them, but there's no lineup of people paying me 4+k a month to post photoshoot pictures. Seeing people like momo get rewards for being a lazy slut feels like I've been attacked personally. It feels disheartening to see what cosplay has become now, it's just a fat girl in a corset and a half-assed bought bodysuit and a ratty wig. It's shitty because it gives a signal to all the younger (and older) cosplayer girls to be like this in order to be considered a "professional" cosplayer, even though the whole audience of momo is just greasy dudebros and not actual cosplayers.
>>158279Even the sash on her tits faces the wrong way. She just doesn't care.
No. 158564
>>158527She clings onto these annoying zero suits for attention because that's what's she's known for
If anything that's all she's known for. Bitch has peaked already and refuses to see it, her photoshoots are lazy and sloppy like her. Every single fucking photoshoot is the same she brings no new poses facial expressions, good handmade costumes at all, unoriginal everything. It's disgusting seeing cam whore sponge off of a hobby that's meant to bring people together and fetish-ise it to gross men who have no interest in you, same men who go to cons and then sexually harass female cosplayers who are dressed in revealing costumes because they think: it's ok! They want it because they dress like that!
Momo even guards those neck beards! Tons of history of it on her page. She claims to be the voice and figure for all women who don't realize how sexy they are fuck no! She's a selfish cunt who just panders perverts for attention and cash like a prostitute and helps further create problems for legitimate cosplayers.
Funny how she has nothing much to say these days, wonder if she realizes she's no longer the important thicc cosplayer she claims to be.
She a basic ho.
No. 158656
>>158642Why doesn't she do mostly lingerie shit than do cosplay on the side and an occasional sexy cosplay here and there? Like that swimsuit chick.
I hate that momo calls herself a cosplayer when she's just pretty much mostly in underwear.
No. 158669
>>158637>>158642idk I dont think it's fair to blame nigri. there were cosplay sluts wearing nothing before she showed up scene and Yaya was doing the same shit. Can you really blame her for being the lightning that struck once? And since then she's been putting more and more effort into her costumes. Sure they're slutty and revealing but idk I dont necessarily feel like it's fair to blame Nigri herself for the trend.
sage for whiteknighting
No. 158706
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>>158527Boo's reaction sums up anyone's reaction of Momo keep showing off her ass.
No. 158708
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>>158668Pretty much what this anon said
>>158699 but it's important to note that they are in a public place. Momo is mostly in this bent over position for most of the vid, though she turns back around to strike some other pretty cringe inducing poses and generally act like a cow.
No. 158714
File: 1469342855501.jpg (270.55 KB, 1205x952, Untitled.jpg)

Eat your heart out Mariah
No. 158786
>>158714lol @ the IG comments
>i am thirsty for milksame. shitty, attention-hungry cosplayers are a dime a dozen. Momo isn't even exceptional in that regard. need dramu pls.
y'know cosplay attracts some of the worst people – its neckbeards looking for fap folder fodder and insecure girls who desperate for the attention of said neckbeards turning themselves into pandering, walking pairs of tits
No. 158843
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Proving she is truly a troll.
No. 158844
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>>158843She doesn't know a thing about bowing out gracefully.
No. 158853
>>158844Ah yes all those things I give a shit about Naruto, Smash, FMA and RWBY. TBH she's cosplayed a total two characters I care about and the painfully slow rate she actually cosplays things is like ???
She's not a nigri who's getting dozens of cosplays done every year we're more than halfway through the year and she's worn around 10 cosplays this year and that's including shit that's she's just been rewearing. She's not a threat to shit I like cause she cant possibly keep up with everything because she can only buy so much and it has to exist for long enough and be popular enough for her to buy everything. What an actual idiot.
No. 158859
File: 1469384053799.jpeg (229.01 KB, 1264x1264, image.jpeg)

One pic of January 2016 the other taken yesterday. She is aging horribly thanks to the booze and staying up for days thing plus crap diet. She is only 20.
No. 158884
>>158865it's suspicious because it's always brought up when we start really digging into her insecurities. Like when we were calling her out on her burns she ONLY posted it on her snapchat so it feels like her trying to weed us out.
tbh we have enough people who already have her on there and we always get screenshots of her stupid shit that the rest of us dont need to add her
No. 158899
>>158839Hilarious that Mariah is following that disgusting fat whore Chelhellbunny considering just a fee months ago Chel was shit talking the whole "casual mei" thing.
Aside from chel though I havent seen Mariah follow any other cam whores. Must be a reason she chose that slob Chel.
No. 158985
>>158970Sssuccubus is nowhere near as disgusting as momo which is hilarious considering she makes money directly based off sexuality.
Chel is actually more repulsive than momo in both looks and personality so this just shows that momo is sinking lower and lower.
No. 158992
File: 1469412498523.jpg (Spoiler Image,131.13 KB, 757x999, sample-b9b705324e4738605db652a…)

>>158916I didn't know who this was. From every fat camwhore's favorite pose, face down, ass up, she doesn't look bad. I was unprepared for the reality of what awaited me from the front, however. Ugh.
No. 159051
>>159018Well I mean good shit is actually happening to Gabby and Steff. Momokunt is just desperately shoving her "thicc" ass in everyone's faces and Vamp has just been spinning her wheels without actually getting anywhere for a while now.
But I mean shouldn't we all be graced with the friendship of Momo? As all the white knights keep saying I'm sure she's really nice in person and we're just spreading lies and rumors.
No. 159052
>>159051I'm glad gabby ain't following the desperate wannabe anymore. You know momo only used her and steff, gabby is actually pretty nice and can produce good cosplays, even when she commissions she doesn't try to lie like momo and say she made it of does actually add onto her cosplay.
Momo flat out lies, starts problems, and can't make anything worth 4 k a month, can't even just be happy for her friends who are going legit. Momo just keeps desperately showing more sexy shoots or wearing that tired Samus cosplay like it's going to keep her relevant.
On a side note: I think a lot of what momo spends her money on besides friends and food is those Nike leggings and other clothes. She's in head to toe Nike wear, haha like wearing it is going to make her a model for Nike. Even at the outlet mall just the pants run about $90 bucks. Just a theory.
No. 159060
>>159052You know I actually just checked and Gabby isn't following Momo on twitter anymore. She is still following Vamplette though, but also Vamplette post significantly less than Momo because most of Moomoo's twitter is her masturbating to people complimenting her so….
Momo follows too many people for me to care enough to sift through that but my bet would be as soon as Momo didn't see the "follows you" on Gabby's profile she hit unfollow too.
Seriously though, Gabby and Steff actually do good work so Momo must have just been finally fed up with being completely shown up by them. Seriously all Momo has is the more desperate she gets the more skin she shows, it's pretty sad if you ask me.
No. 159073
>>158985Chel doesn't associate herself with momo
She only responded that tweet because she doesn't want anymore shit from her little group
Especially since everyone mistook her tweet about Eclair the wrong way
No. 159119
>>159117BTW I had too much time on my hands and found a good chunk of her twitter followers are bought accounts so her twitter followers extra dont mean shit cause they're not even real people.
Also pls anon she's grown a LOT like at least 50lbs kek
No. 159121
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The comments in response are hilarious no one takes this bitch seriously. They know she's nothing but a piece of meat. If she is talking about her break up with Gabby, is she trying to make it sound like Mariah left her? How funny that she makes a tweet about it after we post on it lol. Hi momo!!!! Go fuck yourself!!
No. 159148
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>>159114Chel didn't get pissy just pointed out the flaw in the cosplay community.
That Eclair did a basic ass closet cosplay and because she was cute got tons of attention
While that poor Asian women did the full outfit and didn't receive any credit/attention because she is very fat.
Chel knows she isn't the best cosplayer she doesn't try to be or pretends to be part of any group
As far as being a cam whore that too is incorrect
Unlike other lewd girls she does everything for free and is for the most part a genuine nerdy girl.
Yes she does say some dumb things or has weird tastes I.E. Shadman
But she is no where in the league of Momokun
So quit trying to relate her to momo's fat ass
No. 159150
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That chick has no place to talk her Overwatch cosplays take little to no effort either. She is very comparable to Mariah they are both gross
No. 159157
>>159049>>159073>>159148Because she doesn't have room to talk or point out "flaws" in the cosplay community when she's herself part of the problem she blabbers about. Also, she's no better than Mariah.
Are you her, by the way? Why do you care so much?
No. 159161
File: 1469470381030.png (379.38 KB, 576x454, c7cb238fcf5ba4cf1b57871eb28346…)

>>159148Chel DID get pissy she was only upset cause her shitty MILF act doesnt get her anywhere.
She's slapped on a wig with non-matching underwear and tries to play it off as cosplay. Chel is 1000% the grossest cosplayer I've ever witnessed. She complains about people being 'lazy' but then half of her photos are on Eclair's level or lower. Note the post RIGHT after this one is her pulling down her tights and showing her ass.
She's a hypocritical piece of shit and could easily have her own thread but it would just be people cringing over how much of a terrible mom she is.
>>159152The momo thread will only die when she quits cosplaying or actually takes it seriously and neither of those is ever going to happen
No. 159170
>>159157>>159161I'm not Chel I am a big fan of hers who happens to hate momo
Momo tries to pass herself as the next big train and clings to anyone who might help her
Chel doesn't claim any of that she knows that she will never be big
She does nsfw cosplay and misc lewd things
And duh she slid her pants down to show her ass that is her thing
Her Twitter bio clearly says what she aims for
But I'm seeing there is no reasoning with a board that is filled with vapid girls who hate on anyone that doesn't agree with them
No. 159190
File: 1469473615580.jpeg (Spoiler Image,59.87 KB, 640x413, image.jpeg)

>>159170Yet another horny loser who thinks we are all vapid girls. Lol some of us are men. And congratulations! You know a big word! Ironic seeing that chel is pretty vapid herself and this whole thing about her doing it for free? She's setting up a patreon it was on her Twitter in her own words so leave so we can continue our discussion seeing that momo will eventually sink as low as chel if not lower seeing that momo sets up "private meetings" with 100 tier and up men.
Chel picture above, very classy hahaha
No. 159228
>>158669It's completely fucking fair to blame JNig because she IS the one who started this whole trend AND is the one keeping it alive. You can't name any other cosplayer slut from before her time that does this shit. The famous cosplayers before her were people like PikminLink, Lord Masamune and Adella who was a complete bitch but knew how to make her fucking cosplays. Nobody was making sluttified cosplays of kids' show characters before her, at least at THAT rate. The money JNig gets for her shit is what inspires other girls to do the same act. The whole fad IS her fault and she fucking knows it.
No. 159411
>>159378Agree with you there, "cosplayers" momo add to the problem-especially when she protects guys who are most likely to harass an underdressed cosplayer at cons it's not fucking right.
Guys that follow girls like momo and chel think it's totally ok to go up to cosplayers that are dressed revealingly and hit on them or sexually harass them especially take candid shots. A lot of newbues come in to cons thinking we are down for anything like momo and chel but we are not! Some of us have fucking self respect and are there to be comfortable and have fun while paying tribute to a character, not to get hit on and harrassed because guys think it's a fetish hobby.
It's just fucking wrong.
If she made a profit off of actually being funny and entertaining while bringing positivity I would not give two shits about her or her patreon. But momo is trying to make a career out of being sexy in a hobby that's meant to be for fun and for people who want to meet other fun people with similar interests, she fetishizes characters that are already sexy and powerful and nerds them into what she thinks is the ideal for sexy, while claiming that she "speaks" for all insecure girls out there. It's bullshit, she has been known to treat her female fans like shit and panders only to those who act like she is completely amazing and to men who are just horny and have no respect for a true female cosplayer.
Long rant but, those are my thoughts on momo and other "cosplay" can girls.
No. 159417
File: 1469507232090.jpeg (72.54 KB, 636x784, image.jpeg)

Found her old Twitter account. Has she ever been honest? Lol
Her old Twitter is very interesting mentions how she beat the shit out of a girl because "she cool like that"
No. 159579
>>159417Why would somebody lie about being Italian? Is it seen as a
glamorous thing down there?
>>159170Bye neckbeard-chan
No. 159624
>>157929I am curious as to how patreon taxes work. If she is recycling her patreon money through dummy accounts (along with friends and family), it would tax those too, right? I'm not so sure a charity writeoff would be applicable to patreon, so she would essentially be double taxed if she's donating to herself (which is really dumb).
I'm sorry if what I'm saying isn't clear. I'm not an accountant or anything, I'm just curious as to how that may work. If they automatically take out taxes, that may not be so bad, but if she has to do them in April… hooooo boy, milk will flow.
>>157957If she's 20 and getting drunk at parties and someone knows the time and place, it wouldn't be hard to get her ass in trouble.
No. 159642
>>159624The issue with trying to get her in trouble at a party is that is it puts a lot more people in a lot more risk than just her. Like I'm fairly certain the people of age at these parties would be in a lot more trouble than her.
When I was like 18 I was at a party that got raided and the police were a lot more interested in talking to the people that were actually over 21 and the homeowner. Everyone under 18 had to have a parent pick them up and if you were over 18 then if you were sober you could just kinda leave and if you weren't then anyone, didn't have to be a parent, could come get you.
Imo, not worth it to get one trashy cosplay slut in trouble. Also I think she'll be 21 soon anyway, I'm sure once that happens there'll be plenty more trashy drunk adventures to milk anyway.
No. 159697
File: 1469565293005.jpeg (61.53 KB, 442x753, image.jpeg)

The name is shop, Photoshop
No. 159822
File: 1469583620291.jpeg (99.37 KB, 640x868, image.jpeg)

Got a joke for this: transparent? Like your personality?
Ok real opinion, does she not realize she's cutting the fabric too small and that she's out grown the size she measured at when she started cosplaying?
No. 159831
>>159828Cool. We all really care about who you can and can't masturbate to. Thanks.
>>159822>>159829Can't wait for her to make whiney posts about how she tried to make this and "IT'S RUINED!!1!". More patreon $$$ thrown away.
No. 159847
File: 1469585361031.jpg (74.83 KB, 1200x657, CoVC4XzVMAAVoCI.jpg)

Fucking Hell she's ugly.
No. 159854
File: 1469585675070.jpg (153.58 KB, 1292x762, 64587-red-m~2.jpg)

Looks like an angry Cabbage patch.
No. 160459
>>159909she doesn't want a different fabric tho. a better fabric doesn't have "YAYA HAN COSPLAY FABRIC" written on the tag.
>>160402she's proud of it now since she can use her Muslim Arab girl to pander to Arab fetishests.
No. 161405
>>161329i don't think she got banned. she's probably just too lazy to stream.
i wonder why she hasn't done mukbangs yet considering that her fan base is filled with chubby chasers.
No. 161406
>>161058>>161070went to the person's post history and
>first post ever is about mariah>every post in the mariah thread is by them>has commented on the jnig thread>almost all of their posts are in twitch whores'/gamurgirls'/cosplay sluts' threads>has never contributed pics of themselves doing the deedhighly suspicious but still not enough to confirm that it's her imo.
No. 161578
File: 1469815188892.jpeg (195.96 KB, 1264x1264, image.jpeg)

Slightly better than all her cosplay attempts, she forgets important details and will most likely half ass the rest of this. The angle is real here
No. 161630
>>161578I seriously hate that she is doing this. Chun Li isn't fat she has serious muscle in all the right places. Momos frumpy ass is going to murder this more than Samus.
Why even choose this other than for the sex factor? Considering the only weight momo has lifted is her own fat ass in and out of bed.
No. 161742
File: 1469865496110.png (1.14 MB, 640x1136, image.png)

Without photoshoot or snapchat filters, she looks like shit
No. 161865
File: 1469908390171.png (41.67 KB, 720x177, Screenshot_2016-07-30-12-42-30…)

True Life: I'm addicted to lying so my nerd fanbase thinks I'm every gamers wet dream so they buy my shit on Patreon.
Not a very catchy title but what exactly have you played besides League of Legends, Overwatch and Smash Bros.???? Oh, and the games the TFS Vegeta guy plays because you think you can run the same lame jokes and people will think you're funny.
I haven't heard anything else from her and she says she's always working on cosplays. She's such a phoney. Pokemon Go doesn't count as a fucking video game.
Dont mean to sound elitist but this bitch is far from the nerd she claims to be. Shes just an awkward weirdo who hopes that by claiming she's a gamergirl she can fit in somewhere but by the looks of things EVO saw right through her because she was too chickenshit to cosplay and her guesting booth was cancelled.
It's so annoying seeing girls like this try to play up the gamer culture because it's just another reason for guys to be sexist "all girls are just casuals and use their tits on twitch for views"
No. 161978
>>161865I'll actually back you up on this. She's claimed multiple times to have been bullied and made fun of for liking anime and video games but I've literally never heard her talk about any video games that aren't flavor of the week or anime that isn't Naruto, FMA, or also whatever the new popular shit is.
As a gamer and a girl it can fucking suck because dudes always have to question your validity as a nerd because of girls like Mariah who are trying to butt their way in for attention.
I purposely avoid the LoZ fandoms because it seems like everyone who's in it has to one up everyone else and especially girls they have to grill. Yeah I can't name the third boss of Ocarina but does it fucking matter? I've gotten way more into other things because the "mainstream" fandoms are overrun with people like Mariah and it makes it hard for girls who genuinely like games to be in.
If she would just admit "i like dressing up but I don't know who Camilla is but someone said I would like the costume" I wouldn't care. It's just this whole farce of her pretending to be ultimate cosplay gamer waifu that rubs me so wrong.
No. 162014
>>161978To be honest the Zelda fandom is pretty cancerous in general and it has a huge infestation of people who barely even played the games but like the ~aesthetics~ and wearing zelda-themed t-shirts. Oh right, they watched the Ocarina of Time let's plays! That's exactly the same as playing and experiencing the game yourself!
Which is probably what memekun is doing. She doesn't play the games, she probably watches the Let's plays while working on a costume and I'd be amazed if she can even finish those.
I have a really hard time believing that she's actually played the Street Fighter games but Chun Li is a basic bitch cosplay anyway though. She can't ruin her more than everyone else has already and she'll look like shit because Chun Li's hairstyle makes almost anyone look unattractive.
No. 162049
>>162014As far as I've noticed she probably doesn't even play street fighter either. Like you said Chun Li is so basic and yaya han did it. She isn't very original, always going for the mainstream cosplays that are "popular" right now.
>>161978Thank you anon. I think most of the more intelligible people have left this thread awhile ago as most of the larger points are overlooked and ignored and it's just people saying crude things like "she's so fat omg"
She's a problem because she is fake and doesn't care about any of the costumes she's peddling, she just wants the attention. She's a problem because she gained 15k followers for being half naked and running around in spandex suits. She is exactly what's wrong with most females in the cosplay and gamer community, it's sad that any half attractive girl with low self esteem realizes they can peddle their tits to a crowd that doesn't care how smart you are or how much you like the game your cosplaying from, all of her disgusting comments are "you're making me momocum" and "dat ass" and "boobs" it's always something cringey and sexual.
It doesn't make you a powerful independent women when you let guys treat you like a piece of meat, she pretends this is all in the name of feminism but these guys don't respect you.
No. 162076
>>162049Completely agree! Mariah did not even know what Fire Emblem was til perverts started begging her to cosplay Camilla, the fact that she has absolutely no talent or love for the character she just chooses to please the male fans to get more money-I doubt she actually makes the full 4 k though.
What she does with these characters is shameful, turning Camilla- a character who is a lady but extremely sexy- into a down right nasty watered down version of the strong character we've grown to love. Watching play throughs is nothing there is so much more content lost just by watching a play through.
It's disgusting how she can do this and think it's totally flattering to have men treat you like nothing but whore. It's been a growing problem in the cosplay and gamer community. Girls like her make it unsafe for us to go to cons because men fully expect the same reaction from us that "cosplayers" like Mariah give.
No. 162128
File: 1470007134786.png (694.86 KB, 794x530, Screen Shot 2016-07-31 at 3.14…)

This looks so awkward….
No. 162228
File: 1470054334485.jpeg (137.46 KB, 591x904, image.jpeg)

That was quick. It was 4,900 k last night.
No. 162230
>>162228No it wasn't? It was 4300 yesterday.
No offence but yall seem awful jealous. If I made close to 50k annually I'd be soooo happy. Sure she's chubby but she's got an attractive face and a lot of money. I'm sure if she wanted to lose the weight she would.
No. 162232
>>162230Lol it actually was up to 4,900 with 241 patrons last night I wish o had screened capped it for proof but she whored out the Camilla boudoir like crazy number magi all went from 4,389 to 4,900 course. The dip is interesting. Normally that doesn't happen right away.
There's nothing to be jealous about with this girl. She's burning out pretty fast for a newcomer, no one in Vegas likes her either they are nice to her in order to avoid her abuse. She is very delusional about her fame, there isn't any.
No. 162233
>>162230Also that's not a lot of money. She makes what the average full timer at a blue collar job makes, IF she actually even gets the full amount.
It's already pretty obvious her family already had money, they live in a wealthy part of Vegas, her mom is a pit boss her dad was proffessional bodybuilder and the girl pays no rent.
No. 162303
>>162283The average blue collar worker would do that, but Mariah doesn't think. She only spends. Especially on fancy clothes, hotels, food, everything with her is expensive so she has zero dollars at the end of the month, buying badges and costumes for her friends instead of investing it is unwise.
As for what she possibly makes; that is a salary that two working people could use to get a decent home together if spent wisely. The point here is that momo won't have a dime if she keeps up this hard partying lifestyle.
No. 162335
>>162323I stated two people working full time making that amount would make a pretty good living especially if you SAVE it of course on a small minded individual such as yourself that logic is lost or the sentence wasn't phrased well enough for you to comprehend.
Sage for troll
No. 162393
>>162338Clearly it isn't but you keep thinking that
this sad board somehow matters to her
Sad sad place
At least you can feel like someone else feels like you
Aka safe space for jealous people
No. 162431
>>162423Y-You're just jealous of her top-quality bra and corset "armor", anon!
>>162427This. With how much she's making a month, she could easily craft/commission a pretty good Camilla cosplay. I just don't understand how she can look at other Camilla cosplayers and think she's anything but trash compared to them.
No. 162435
>>162425she has that same problem with jnig where she doesn't have any idea how much time it takes for people to create a GOOD cosplay.
armor like Camilla's won't just take a week, it can take up to months to create a accurate cosplay. even with a fuckton of time on her hands, a build like that would definitely take at least 3-4 weeks.
No. 162478
File: 1470115098414.jpg (25.93 KB, 1024x442, Col_Y-0WAAE_hkm.jpg)

>>162436 This shit is the reason why you can't trust anybody in relationships anymore. Matos is gotta be either a pussy about this or realized it was time to jump ship but hangs out for quickies. While Bardock is either keeping this hoe on the back burner in case his main fuck up or just play flirting to rustle jimmies. No matter what though, all three are trash.
No. 162493
>>161742She looks exactly like my friends Italian Mom who hit on all of his friends, even me!
She's just a flake who wants attention and cock really. There is literally nothing more to her at all.
No. 162505
File: 1470130459790.png (20.87 KB, 332x346, rt.png)

Her patreon is back down again after the brief spike. Also, she changed her goal from 10k to 5k now. The description is pretty laughable, couldn't she have done this while she was in Hawaii? Sounds like she's trying to loophole it so she can use the patreon money for her and vamp to go on a vacation together since people tried to call her out for using the money to go to Hawaii.
No. 162533
>>162505'I wanna be jnig u guuuuys pay for me to be jessicaaaaaaaaaa.'
why doesnt she start off by doing shoots outside in vegas??? she hasnt done an outside shoot since sakura and i remember those pics being really amateur. but she realizes that 5k a month doesnt afford that shit unless she's gonna stop going to cons???
even doing one day shoots that would be her flying herself, the other cosplayer (moochlette) AND the photographer whereever it is and from her track record also pay the photographer per hour, and 'sponsor' the cosplayer to make/buy the cosplay.
Jessica is able to do that shit because she has shit tons of money saved up because she makes baaaank from her print shop as well as her patreon. I love how momo thinks that she can pull that shit by making approx 15% of what jessica makes. She's probably gonna use it as an excuse to go to japan or some shit like that. idk this is the most baffling shit i've seen since she's not been able to afford to go to cons every month much less go on these photoshoot trips.
also you can get really good shots AT cons especially in her stuff like samus, lust, silk, chun li, yang, bulma and mei (also D.Va) since they all can and do exist in visually modern settings. that's MOST of her shit. Why not fucking actually get shots of those first at cons she wants to go to????? Like she's so fucking daft.
No. 162610
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No. 162612
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No. 162621
>>162612Mariah, you didn't "earn" that money by being a "creator", you were paid that money for your almost nude shoots. You are nothing but fap material.
You are no different than a cam girl, although they at least don't act high and mighty about it and don't try to act like they're something they're not.
No. 162626
>>162612This is so fucking disgusting, it actually makes my blood boil. She point blank admits the only reason she started doing cosplay was for the bucks, thats it. She never mentions how much she enjoys creating and going to cons or anything. This bitch honest to God just sees cosplay has an easy way to make money.
Meanwhile there are so many talented cosplayers out there that get almost no recognition because they AREN'T in it for the money. They just love creating the costumes, going to cons, and seeing people light up when they recognize they're favorite character.
I will never understand why people support this dumb broad.
No. 162645
>>162612 21,000 k and still begging for donations,badges and other favors? Most importantly-how much of that does she actually have in the bank? There is no way she has spent 20 k on cosplay at least not her own she spends a lot of it on her friends too.
Basically she's admitting she's a suger baby, she has not worked at all.
I find it comical that she's claiming she lost her job do to cosplay when she flat out said that she put in her two weeks notice, and she quit lacrosse because she would not stop posting lewds.
Viciously bullied? Tell that to the Twitter users she harassed and the school mates she made feel like shit, she is the fucking bully! Playing the victim is getting old Mariah be a fucking adult.
No. 162647
>>162626This. So many cosplayers pay out of their own pockets and learn new things to make their cosplays as accurate as possible, but the ones getting money and attention are the ones who get half-naked, put on a wig and call it good.
Half the fun of cosplaying is doing justice to a character you love, and improving your skillset so you can make it happen. Mariah "dresses up" as whatever flavor of the month is hot, half-asses every costume, and has no passion whatsoever. Bitch is as basic as they come.
No. 162653
>>162610She IS. In it for fame and money she said so herself! When she started cosplaying she did say she wanted to be cosfamous! People don't hate her for being curvy they hate her because she is a pathelogical liar, bully, untalented slut! She has earned nothing but hate for being such a twat yo people that fully embraced her in the beginning, Mariah pushed people out of her life for no reason or was just rude to more experienced cosplayers because she was insecure and jealous.
Who the hell is she actually fooling? it really pisses me off that she still tries to act like she's done nothing to earn the hate she has, she won't be bragging so much once tax season comes up, that money is going to be gone.
No. 162709
>>162612tbh im gonna say she could easily have faked this. All it is is a photo of only that section? she's trying too hard to make it look legit imho.
like how has she made that much AND been begging for donations??? from how long she's been running her patreon i dont think it would add up to that much???
i think we have enough screenshots to try adding this up?
But once again it's lies upon lies upon lies. She realozes that long term fans will see this and go 'uhm this isnt what you said' and put 2 and 2 together? I realize ,lst of her fanbase is neckbeards who dont care but any legit sensible fans will eventually notice this shit
No. 162720
>>162709even if this is truthful it's fucking tacky to post what you've been given through patreon. Really? Who does she think she is? To have been given that much money and still be begging for badges on Twitter it's pretty ridiculous! She's still short on money every month where does that all go to? She didn't deny that she paid for her trip to Hawaii do I'm assuming she spent a months worth on that trip.
She is a fucking disaster and a child. It's no wonder why the legit cosplayers stay away from her.
No. 162755
>>162610>Ended up losing my jobYou mean you quit it.
>Family members hated it with their religious backgroundI guess that's why your mom proudly shared your slutty cosplay in her social media.
>Hated I got from being a "curvy cosplayer"You fucking play that as your shtick ALL THE TIME and chubby chasers love you for that.
>Straight out says the money you earn from donations is an indicator of how successful of a cosplayer you areThis fucking bitch has no class.
>>162621Motherfucking this. She didn't get that money by working hard, she got it for doing easymode softcore porn. People who use hundreds of dollars of their own money and hundreds of work hours for their cosplay are working hard. Mariah just slapped on a wig, a push up bra and a waist cincher and called it a cosplay.
This whole post made by her is disgusting and full of self-righteous bragging.
No. 162871
File: 1470258489486.png (1.68 MB, 1858x1001, Qr8F68C.png)

Those neckbeards are getting ripped off. At least Nigri's fans are given some good shit in return for their donations and she regularly gets costumes done somehow. Give it a year or two and this bitch will crash. She's completely useless.
No. 162910
>>162875>>162878shes been losing money on her patreon
she gets less twitter interaction on average than people with only 20k on twitter
she proves that she cares about what we say by constantly whining about it on twitter and facebook
she quietly cancelled her AX fan meetups because no one showed up
i can also assure you that she makes less than the average softcore porn model who make $6k a month (i worked as a photo editor for some sites)
fuck I know artists online who make more than she does.
either way she still has to beg for money basically once a week so doesnt matter if she was making jnig bux she obviously throws it down a drain (aka her tubbers throat). I love how we can tell exactly when we really hurt moomoo's feelings because she goes on minimargo tirades to run off crying everywhere and we magically and TOTALLY by coincidence have a bunch of people showing up attempting to white knight or make us feel soooooo bad
No. 162939
>>162910She loses money because no one wants to keep paying $50 for those awful photoshoots. Her poses are terrible and boring and her shoots aren't even sexy.
She uses cosplay to cover that she just sells T&A, and mediocre T&A at that. she has a gross dudebro personality too that makes her even less sexy. All these girls think they can run lewd patreons but they're all shit since they just copy what the actually succseful girls do but without any of the buisness savvy of those they copy.
No. 162947
File: 1470274236184.jpeg (67.43 KB, 640x676, image.jpeg)

Ok taking bets now! Is gonna half ass chun li and wear it to super toycon or won't wear it at all place your bets!
No. 162953
>>162951Bardock is a broke faggot. He makes no money from his retard level humor and stolen jokes. He just does it for attention and to feel like he matters by being the voice of edgy morons. Dude is a fucking joke and no one who matters gives two shits about him. No product sponsors, no con invites, if you use twitter audit you can see he bought most of his followers which is why his engage is shit for having over 100k follows.
Basically Mariah is a dumbfuck for dick riding such a loser. She probably thought she could get somewhere off his following but jokes on her, his followers hate women like her because they're all betas who suck bardocks balls whenever he disses cosplay girls since they're sad they can't get a cosplay waifu.
Mariah follows that whore chelhellbunny who sucks cock for free and posts it for weebs to give her validation and fucking bardock who bullies women on twitter all the time which is what mariah claims to be against.
These people just proove mariah lied about bullying and only cosplays for attention.
No. 162985
>>162978Doubt it
Patreon will let any idiot showing their tits run a campaign as long as something gets delivered.
No. 163022
>>162978>>163013we can't exactly prove that she's spending her patreon money on things for herself. we don't have literal receipts of her spending and besides, that spending could be her own money (even though we all know it isn't).
even if we did have all this info, i doubt patreon would even care enough to be like "omg we need to shut down this patreon asap!"
No. 163035
It's pretty obvious that Mariah made that post in response to things being said in this thread.
As for any anons mad about her 20k, who cares? Yes, it's ridiculous that she's even made that much considering how shit-tier her cosplay is, the awful quality of her shoots, her embarrassing lack of any kind of professionalism, not showing up to cons/events and not wearing the cosplays she promises. She's awful, absolutely. But the beauty is, in the end she has literally nothing to show for it. She's not a real guest at any notable events, her shoots are poor quality fap bait, she's obese (working her way up to morbidly obese), and while she's making a living off patreon, her quality of life still seems pretty garbage. I can see why people could be jealous of jnig even though she's a mess, at least she's fit and she's making real money, her quality of living is pretty good. Momo is just middle class trash at best.
No. 163110
File: 1470336693483.png (163.5 KB, 1663x979, momokunt.png)

What a dumb bitch
No. 163266
File: 1470382970875.png (681.83 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

She's been playing for how long and only has 5 hearts? And getting more donations. How the fuck is this bitch still broke?
No. 163299
>>163110>"one of my favourite games">has never played it>only watched a walkthrough>wants to "wreck shit" in a Zelda game jesus christ this is what the gaming culture is now huh
>>163266What the fuck does she need that $200 for when she already gets 4,5k from her Patreon monthly? Where the fuck is all that money going to anyway?
No. 163309
>>163266I'm susprirsed she looks so… disheveled. Thought she'd milk the stream super hard with her tits.
Did she stream for the full 12 hours?
No. 163391
You mean only 180$ to help out a "Friend"
oh mannnn No. 163465
File: 1470460030390.jpeg (85.92 KB, 640x726, image.jpeg)

No. 163581
>>163514This so much. She's fucking disgusting.
>>163528Such a Zelda fan that she posed with a Skyward Sword box when she posted about the Wind Waker stream. Basic ass bitch is basic and full of shit.
No. 163615
>>163036They probably told her that if she did another thing wrong, she would be fired and that it would be best if she quit before that happened.
I don't think it's all that surprising, given her unreliability at conventions.
But yeah, she's going to milk sympathy points, I have no doubt about that.
No. 163682
File: 1470522834043.jpg (75.2 KB, 1323x960, FB_IMG_1470510359114.jpg)

>>163679What are you taking about anon? She worked so so hard on her Mei cosplay
No. 163689
File: 1470524572834.jpg (187.78 KB, 675x1200, CpM_qCTVUAA5GCd.jpg)

No. 163697
>>163688I know we all dislike momo (I do too), but come on, this isn't better than her's at all.
>>163689That lopsided cameltoe gets me every time. She needs to learn to tuck her cameltoe like how guys tuck their dicks.
>>163693I think that's the same tog that did that one where she's "flying" sideways and there's random metroids copied and pasted everywhere.
No. 163719
>>163718I can't understand why she doesn't just take the smallest amount of the money and at least order a new samus suit or two. She wouldn't even have to make a big deal of it just order them and wear them at the next con that you don't manage to get
Your shit together for
No. 163722
File: 1470535801943.png (758.67 KB, 720x1040, Screenshot_2016-08-06-17-21-15…)

Momo isn't even the only cosplayer at her photographers booth, she just shares the space with 2 other girls and they switch shifts. It's like I don't even know how anyone can think they're being a guest for the con when you have to share your booth with 2 other nobodies. And apparently she's only going to be at the booth for a total of 6 hours?
Also I did a quick walk by the table at the con yesterday and there's only 1 print of her that's being sold at the table and that's the one she's holding in
>>163689. I love how you can hardly see her face and how the photographer tried to cover up how huge she is and how bad the shot is with photoshop effects.
No. 163731
File: 1470543080768.jpeg (102.76 KB, 640x478, image.jpeg)

So no Chun li only her ripped up silk cosplay, she literally had an entire week to finish that costume and all the time in the world.
Lazy twat. She did one interview with a nobody who is she fooling?
No. 163741
File: 1470547029361.jpeg (118.95 KB, 640x737, image.jpeg)

Can confirm moochlette is the friend in need momokunt supported in that gofundme, moochlette proceeded to ask people to help her repair her car. Bitch has a job and she is out partying with momokunt really have some priorities you moron don't go on to work on more cosplay if you can't even afford to fix your car
momo is this really what you want to be known for? Being a cam whore sugamama?
No. 163742
File: 1470547079799.jpeg (73.12 KB, 640x358, image.jpeg)

>>163741Good to see where her priorities are, cosplay before car repairs.
No. 163806
>>163733She wouldn't get a whole segment to herself. If it was a package then it would be about 1:00-1:30 minutes (average) and they would have a sound byte (or two if it was interesting) while featuring the rest of the convention. If it was an exclusive with just her then they would have had to pull her away from the booth for some nice shots but I don't see that happening. Normally reporters will interview 2-5 people at events and each person (or just the best) will get a short 10 second spotlight if their answers are good. If it was a VO/SOT then they would just show about 15 seconds of video then the sound byte of her talking about whatever for 10 seconds. It's fun to point out to family when you're on tv but otherwise it isn't amazing unless you get the whole package to yourself. There's also a chance that her byte wasn't any good and they may have gone with someone that interviewed better. It happens.
Source: worked in news for 3 years
No. 163842
>>163750This is a great view into moomoo's mindset.
>now of her money going to it (cosplay), for you fyts, doing stuff that YOU PEOPLE, HER FOLLOWERS AND FANS WANT TO SEE!Aka neither of them cosplay because they like it they cosplay 'for their fans' we SHOULD give her money because we OWE them. They BLESS us withe their cosplay and we should THANK THEM WITH OUR MONEY
but there's smaller things too:
>Mind your own businessmoochlette put this on GFM a site known for being able to browse and so any random shmuck could be seeing that gfm page.
>works her fucking ass off at working, doing 10 straight days sometimesyeah being a cashier is sooooooo hard. working for 10 days straight is nothing.
>Spending up to $300-400 on a project at timesWHERE?? Unless it's a case of buying overly expensive materials nothing moochlette has made should have cost that much.
but the main issue is we see moomoo's mindset of her legitimately thinking that we ACTUALLY owwwe them for cosplaying??? like idk I'm legitimately baffled by this.
No. 163871
>>163842Well said!
At 26 moochlette should know better, cashiers work hard but it's not that fucking difficult especially since she works at albertsons of all places.
Sometimes you need to have money saved up for emergencies and not for fucking cosplaying a character you barely even know about to Sabakon because your planning to boudoir shoot them for patreon.
Just when you think momo and her friend can't get any stupider they flat out do stuff like this in public to prove how irresponsible and self righteous they are!
It's clear at this point they both want to be cosfamous and DONT care about the hobby, they DO expect people to support them and their lifestyle. THEIR fans not only somehow feel obligated or are guilted into paying for THEIR personal mistakes (I.e texting while driving) and paying for THEIR cosplays which shouldn't even have to cost as much as they claim too! They pocket the rest to party at cons as has been documented in the past.
Colette and Mariah are both drama queens who have never had to actually pay for stuff their entire lives they both come from well off families, Colette didn't even pay a dime for her car that she wrecked! Her dad bought it for her to drive to ALA in January because her old one was unsafe super ironic too actually. These girls are living high price lifestyles and have done absolutely nothing to earn it and somehow it's their fans responsibility to keep them above the red.
Fucking grow up Mariah and Colette
No. 163921
File: 1470602394888.jpeg (144.78 KB, 750x843, image.jpeg)

>>163918Is this what she's referring to?
No. 164053
>>163689>>163921Is it just me or has she gotten even fatter recently? That waist cincher looks liks it might explode any minute now.
>>163722And magically she's a lot thinner in this one.
No. 164165
>>164009Customs wtf? Does she realize that it's only international stuff that requires customs? And they wouldn't give a shit about a costume?
How stupid does she think we are?
No. 164174
>>164173Ah ok that makes a bit more sense.
But why haven't these new suits shown up? She's clearly wearing the old busted one. We're not that stupid Mariah!
No. 164220
File: 1470692748358.jpg (14.08 KB, 489x395, hateu.jpg)

>>163750>>163871Jesus fucking christ. They're so unaware how cosplay is a hobby and not a job. Worst part is their construction and reliability to show up are so lackluster and they think THEY are owed something?
My jimmies are rustled. I budget budget budget and am lucky to get a tenth of what they get monthly saved up and can churn out better shit. They have ZERO experience with actual budgeting.
No. 164297
File: 1470725710638.jpg (82.95 KB, 1086x593, 13958095_876912909120326_69434…)

I wonder if we're actually going to see her wear Camilla this time. Looking forward to what excuses might arise this con…
No. 164423
File: 1470777051431.jpeg (55.77 KB, 599x337, image.jpeg)

anyone know where this image came from and if she addressed it?
any more?
No. 164424
>>164423Old. Pretty sure it was for her EX that "Leaked"
on her page for them like if you know what i mean .
Nah I'll wait till she burns in what ever she believes in
No. 164431
>>164430>>164427>>164424I really don't care about the whole Mariah thing
Anyone got more of her 'leaks' they're honestly pretty hot even though she's using tricks
No. 164436
File: 1470778580022.png (846.51 KB, 720x1280, WjdogJ8.png)

Samus Shoot
Boudoir Shoot!gIxSmLLR!UhM3fvs4jVo0PC7iyAckFqvhLrk1GtPi7HNiRdsiifE
Mega Milk Shoot!8Yp0iK4S!sD2XuZ2k7_CRLhF2T3erLg-fJ1SypUiAXfW8yX0F6Ww
Bulma Shoot!UdgVRBoL!ahUyWj6WYmc8PfMlVxf0eqGAVyRCcSg2DGke6tYMVno
Calvin Klein Shoot!DgBHxQQB!Z0LFX4ihNQ8bWHNXreP_2q0Y8qGylPAZM3STbCUF1KY
D.Va Shoot!llAQWTKD!leYQWV4Ml5Mztzibi1EFZcDDgB6ojpfsfauiKsKQOFo
Misc. Pics
No. 164437
File: 1470778724179.jpg (30.45 KB, 1000x1000, 1415408682299.jpg)

I was obsessed with this arabic thicc bitch, but after reading this thread, I can't stand to be in the same room with you guys who take video games and cosplay way too seriously. I can only imagine this bitch is an annoying cunt in real life.
I can only hope I can find my dream girl and not have her to be a cunt. Oh well atleast I have something to fap to tonight.
No. 164479
File: 1470792822976.png (640.68 KB, 514x613, yeahokay.png)

>>164423Yeah, okay, seems legit…
No. 164494
File: 1470796433544.png (322.38 KB, 377x481, 1 uggs.png)

what a great cosplayer amirite
No. 164495
File: 1470796488666.png (215.41 KB, 333x261, 1 oh yeah.png)

why does she have such a potato nose
also if you look at that imgur album link there is a pic of her ass in a mirror and it's a pancake
No. 164496
File: 1470796540828.png (12.5 KB, 70x66, an ger.png)

mariahs face when the corset is about to explode off her gut
No. 164518
>>164479Will forever be my favorite. No upper lip. Big tummy. No ass. Forty year old mom face. God she's so unfortunate.
Also, I don't know how much this has bothered anybody, but please, cut some fucking bangs into the Samus wig and shorten the ponytail to halfway up your back. Then kindly pull it up into a higher fucking ponytail. You look so goddamn stupid.
No. 164535
>>164495>>164509Bitch isn't even remotely attractive. I used to think she had a nice face but not anymore. Most of her photos focused on her fat body and now I see why. Her personality also spoils it.
>>164512She looks like a 50 year old Arabian mom here.
No. 164543
File: 1470819001840.jpeg (117.48 KB, 750x870, image.jpeg)

Please don't
No. 164547
File: 1470820733300.png (852.62 KB, 669x700, 435.png)

That corset has put in overtime trying to contain her lard. It's such an obvious difference when she doesn't wear it.
No. 164567
File: 1470830091420.jpg (57.38 KB, 1024x678, 4546570-3115393285-48558.jpg)

>>164555Isn't Raiden is a male though? unless Mariah was planning to make a tittified genderbent version. Which would be pretty far from accurate though lmao
No. 164568
File: 1470830331942.jpg (19.84 KB, 256x334, 3091.jpg)

>>164567There are 'official' genderswaps that are already pretty sexy but none of mgr raiden. Even the chibi and way less detailed sweet raiden is far too complicated for her though.
No. 164569
>>164567A thin or even average built woman could probably build the armor to conceal a feminine bodytype, and there are binders as well. There's not enough binding in the world that could shape Mariah's obese self into anything remotely similar to Raiden's body type, however.
Besides, the armor would be way beyond her skill level and how is she supposed to do a sexy boudoir shoot for her beta neckbeards?
No. 164863
>>164859Momo just likes to hype up her fans so she gets loads of asspats on the thought of making a costume on a character that they like. Then they'll forget she even had that idea and move on to whatever else she has to say in order to win them over again. Even if she does make Raiden, we'll get the imaginary story that always makes an appearance with new costumes she never seems to show.
Just look at Chun Li. No mention of it at all.
No. 164873
File: 1470932507457.jpeg (116.44 KB, 750x1025, image.jpeg)

Look at all of moochlettes posts now lol just pictures with momocunt. Also when momo went ape shit on that girl for telling collete it's not cool to ask everyone to help with a dumb car repair that was her own fault she kept going and compared the girl to people in the black lives matter movement. Mariah is officially insane congratulations. ?
No. 164878
File: 1470933174976.png (23 KB, 550x271, thesweetirony.png)

On Momo's cosplay Facebook page is a post about Harley Quinn cosplayers. Someone pointed out how a new wave of wannabe "models" will do nothing but destroy the character who want make a quick dollar at cons now that she's even more popular to cosplay as and he got a wave of replies from her fans who went full SJW. Momo's included.
Must have hit a raw nerve. Girl you are so full of shit and the biggest hypocrite alive.
No. 164884
>>164878que the sad violin music.
momo is still trying to come off as some sort of advocate for web cam girl cosplayers, she very self righteous.
No. 164888
File: 1470938404496.jpeg (62.85 KB, 480x360, image.jpeg)

>>164884Couldn't help myself.
No. 164996
File: 1470970733548.jpeg (138.81 KB, 640x916, image.jpeg)

This food ain't cheap and wasn't moochlette busy crying about having no money for her car? Really using that patreon money for cosplay huh?
No. 165003
File: 1470975067545.jpeg (89.9 KB, 750x1007, image.jpeg)

No. 165008
File: 1470977842512.jpeg (160.52 KB, 750x995, image.jpeg)

Also this! Weird after momo tweeted about being obsessed about raiden
No. 165009
File: 1470977915694.jpeg (129.76 KB, 750x968, image.jpeg)

No. 165025
File: 1470982395052.png (1.37 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

She looks like an old hag so fucking gross. I wish they did the shoot anyways can't be hard to look better than momofat she looks so much older than them it would of been hilarious to see them all together. At least when she cosplays with Collette they are both disgusting to look at.
No. 165028
File: 1470982887935.jpeg (67.83 KB, 750x476, image.jpeg)

No. 165030
>>164863I've noticed a lot of famewhore cosplayers doing this shit. They mention a popular character and how they want to cosplay them SOOOOO BAAD so they get everyone hyped up and racking in those faves and comments, then forget about it completely. It's the same trick as doing "makeup tests" for popular characters by taking selfies of yourself wearing makeup and a character wig. You get the same amount of likes with zero the effort. I'm surprised Mariah hasn't started doing them.
>>165003>>165008>>165009Oh wow. I wonder how momo feels about being hated by cosplayers and only lusted after by neckbeards. You'd think as someone who "loves cosplay passionately" she'd pick respect from other cosplayers over fanboy sweat, but then again we're talking about mariah.
No. 165031
File: 1470984736659.jpeg (112.35 KB, 741x1023, image.jpeg)

Why could kinda get the appeal if she didn't make retarted fucking faces
But she literally does them constantly
And her fans still call her cute and sexy
AT LEAST try to look good
AT LEAST don't look like a spaz especially on your main site for posting pictures
AT LEAST try to look sexy for once especially if that's what you're going for
No. 165033
"I'm Mariah"
"I'm fucking stupid and didn't read the thread"
No. 165043
>>165034>All cosplayers are like this, stop nitpicking No, only the attention/famewhores act this way.
>Delusional poorfagThere are so many reasons to hate her other than because she's "rich", you know. And you're just as delusional as we are if you think she has an "amazing body" and is "extremely kind".
>honeyNext time you should make it less obvious that you're Mariah by not using affectionate names disparagingly the way she does, sweetie.
No. 165071
>>165008>>165009It honestly must be so exhausting to always pretend you're something that you're not. Imagibe always trying to think of ways to one-up people and someone how fit into a community you actually know nothing about.
I can imagine thats why she's so lazy with her cosplays tbh. Not only is she terrible at making them, but pretending to ACTUALLY be invested in whatever series/ character she's doing is taxing. So she just gives up and hopes no one remembers. Or goes the easy route by making it revealing and doing a few bedroom shoots and moving on.
No. 165144
>>165080And only Mariah constantly brings up how much money she's making off her shitty cosplays because she thinks it's an indicator of her talent. It's most likely her.
>>164895Taking bets now, my guess is that she'll cancel all of them and just wear samus for the nth time. Chun Li can be possible though since it's another spandex suit that can conceal her shapewear.
No. 165148
File: 1471027866764.jpeg (118.28 KB, 732x986, image.jpeg)

Look another cheap spandex suit!
No. 165186
File: 1471036421980.png (461.48 KB, 718x452, whatass.png)

wow look at that thicc ass
No. 165237
>>165028I'm not sure about the time stamps but is it possible she took Tasha's rant personally? Maybe this was her response, she tries to act high and mighty against the people who turn on her after being friends with her. I know because I experienced it firsthand. One day it's all "oh you're a doll I love you" and then I said something that wasn't even really shade I was complimenting someone else and then it was all "yah bye bitch don't need you in my life I'm better than you" I was like okay I only know you from the internet anyways peace out lol.
She acts like the internet is real life. She needs to put down the phone, whether it's positive or negative her obsession with social media and the things people say about her are sad.
No. 165239
Adding on to what I said in
>>165237 it doesn't matter to her I guess if her real life friends drop her for being fake because these neckbeards eat up every lie she types and praises her for it. At the end of the day all she has is Collette and her neckbeard money. And if Collette ever decides to jump ship she will just find even bigger losers to hang out with and hype them up with her delusional way of thinking. No matter how low she sinks she's so fucking delusional she's just always gonna say she's the best.
Lol. The winners mentality her daddy raised her with.
No. 165248
>>165243I don't think Tasha follows anymore, also Tasha is friends with gabby cooke possibly steff too.
Mariah has beef with them.
No. 165251
>>165245100$ patrons get their own photoshoots that are only theirs. They tell her what to do and she does it and nobody else gets to them but him.
But she did try to word it as if the patron WAS Pixel Panties but obviously it was a patron who wanted to see her in pixel panties, and she asked if it was allowed to make one of his personal photos public.
Trying to word it so that the dumbass fans who read it wrong praise her for being a pixel panties model. Clever girl.
No. 165313
File: 1471081303357.jpeg (112.83 KB, 640x669, image.jpeg)

Does jojo pose
No. 165314
File: 1471081355659.jpeg (79.35 KB, 640x690, image.jpeg)

>>165313Then the comments lol every jojo fan knows what this means fucking poser
No. 165334
>>165315it's the flattering(aka not spandex clinging to her body) clothes.
>>165314I'm laughing so hard. She was going insane over some japanese Dio cosplayer not that long ago and RTed them at least twice so it's extra ridiculous
No. 165368
File: 1471105522107.jpeg (136.26 KB, 720x960, image.jpeg)

LOL momo sure has a great teacher ?? Look how shitty everything is about this. The purple also really shows how fucked up her nose is maybe she should of started up a gofundme go save that awful face instead. ?
No. 165369
File: 1471105955005.png (193.81 KB, 498x419, 899e4b074bc9016305b6931b9dd989…)

>>165368But at least moochlette openly admitted that she didnt wear it cause she thought it looked bad. Moomoo will make every excuse and expect everyone to forget and ignore that she's been wearing the same dirty dingy (probably smelly) spandex suit for months now.
No. 165387
>>165369sweetie, I cant even begin to fathom how jealous you and the rest of these pathetic bitched are on here. What have you got to show? Nothing! anonymous posting on this hilarious website for obvious losers like yourselves. I cant believe you idiots are still talking about these girls in a negative light when its clear you are the vocal minority~ Keep talking that shit and they'll keep showering and wiping theyre ass with only a small amount of the hard earned cash they earn ;)
stay mad kiddos!
>>165387okay moomoo/moochlette
'vocal minority; doesnt mean minority though. There are plenty of people who hate the both of them but no tell me more about how they do ~so much~
I make more than momo does for being fapbait but even I would rather have to scrape by than sell my body and self respect to internet neckbeards for a couple thou a month. I also dont have to beg twitch every time I want to go to a con (or mooch off of someone else's booth) but keep trying though.
Every time you two come back to this thread I Live for the fact that even though you slut it up for your neckbeard attention you still feel the dying need to try and tell us how 'amazing and great' you are.
Maybe come back when either of you get invited to a real con sweetie~
No. 165394
File: 1471118003389.jpeg (37.67 KB, 360x361, 8a30e83502ad0f0449117371f7219c…)

>>165392… you realize people who work at macdonalds part time earn more than $300 a month right?
No. 165396
File: 1471122716535.jpg (319.13 KB, 1801x919, ss (2016-08-13 at 02.11.09).jp…)

Kill me now
No. 165420
>>165368>>165369Wow… This is why I still feel that most cosplayers don't know shit about contouring. When you have a nose that's as visibly crooked as that, you don't contour down the sides of your nose following the natural bridge. YOU DRAW THE LINES STRAIGHT TO GIVE THE ILLUSION that your nose isn't crooked. Jesus…
>>165417Probably. I mean, how in the fuck can someone think that $300 a month is more money than what most people make their entire lives. Seriously? That's some Momofat dumb logic right there.
No. 165422
>>165420I love how she still pretends she's so ~rich~ compared to everyone here. $4k a month really isn't very much when you spend all of that money on dumb shit and don't put any of it in the bank or use it wisely.
And her shitting on minimum wage workers is so pathetic. Honestly, I have more respect for cosplayers that save up their own hard-earned money to go to cons and make costumes, than cosplayers who sit on their asses and beg neckbeards for free cash and con passes and STILL half-ass every costume.
No. 165435
>>165432Seriously I know people who were masters level cosplayers in competitions before they got out of highschool and that was back in 2008 when good wigs and stuff were harder to get.
Momo throws around all her money and acting all superior when even when she makes her own stuff it looks like shit. It's amazing how much she lacks self awareness when she actually thinks she's a good cosplayer when there are literally hundreds of better cosplayers than her at every con.
No. 165438
File: 1471133775324.png (842.4 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>165314>>165313Didn't she just say she didn't know what Jojo was?
No. 165447
>>165435I still can't get over that shitty line she painted down the side of her pants for her version of Mei. I wouldn't have worn anything that looked as slipshod as that for a Halloween costume, never mind as a
super dedicated awesome true cosplayer ffs.
I see we have some people who've got stuck into the booze in here tonight…
No. 165569
>>165387>Hard earned cashDo you know why camgirls earn so much, Mariah? Because they do something that not so many girls would do, because it's kind of degrading and even if you quit, that shit will be brought up by other people for the rest of your life. Especially if you're dumb enough to keep your real name while doing the dirt.
Plus, you're not beautiful and your body only appeals to chub/fat fetishists, so you won't last long. Instead of lurking and wondering why people don't like you (which is not even for the money or the physical appearance, but for the awful personality you never fail to show) stop spending that money and put it in a bank, because it's not going to last.
No. 165632
File: 1471201073791.png (335.76 KB, 574x516, chunkli.png)

After spending hours spamming twitter with her shitty vine videos, she finally working a little bit on her Chun li cosplay. The pattern looks like actual garbage.
No. 165655
>>165432Pretty much this. Mariah makes her props out of a chunk of worbla which she covers with plastidip and it still looks like shit. Worbla and plastidip are both insanely expensive and in the wrong hands they're just a waste of money.
>>165632God these patterns look like crap. If that's supposed to be the alpha outfit I just can't figure it out. Why the separate boob cup piece? What the hell?
No. 165665
>>165632Amazing. It's the same shit I do with armor and suits but that's not worthy of being shown off because it's literally junk patterns. She could have shown off the fabric she's going to use, a drawing breakdown of the costume, or just a really creative side shot of maybe her sewing machine in the background with the patterns in the foreground going 'progress'.
But that image title.
No. 165737
File: 1471226866700.png (182.46 KB, 381x440, 1399236613675.png)

>>165632To be honest, i thought she posted diapers until i enlarged the image and saw lined paper.
No. 165754
>>165753She didn't finish it. It said that she decided to finish it. She previously said a week or more ago that she finished up the body suit portion of the cosplay (when she complained about yaya's fabric being thin and see through). She's just now starting on the vest portion of the cosplay. I don't think she has even started on the accessories yet? Didn't she post some poorly painted shoes at one point? Either way, this super basic cosplay has taken her months to complete already when it's her job to be making cosplay regularly….
Makes me wonder what it is that she does all day? She obviously doesn't work out, she doesn't have a regular day job, she doesn't seem to have any real hobbies outside the internet.
No. 165804
File: 1471255338062.png (50.63 KB, 622x454, nobodycares.png)

Oh look how she must brag about her wealth again.
See Momo, nobody cares how "expensive" your fabrics & trims are or what brand they may be because at the end of the day, you're a shitty seamstress and all around shitty cosplayer. You can have the lowest quality fabric and give it to a professional and guaranteed it'll look like a masterpiece by the end. You don't know what you're working with and you're completely inexperienced. Take that as a piece of advice and burn that Patreon cash on a costume design course instead.
No. 165838
>>165737that's not even lined paper. that's plastic covered with masking tape.
>>165754>>165784i seriously wonder how her parents are ok with this. if my future kid was like "hey mom i wanna quit my job and drop out of school so i can sit around and make shitty costumes", i'd kick her ass.
Mariah having no job and not going to school is comparable to doxiequeen1's schedule except doxie actually churns out costumes on a regular basis and her costumes are decent quality.
No. 165862
>>165804'expensive gold trimming'
lol wat????
But moomoo I thought you were so rich and famous how is anything expensive to the great and fabulous you??? Ugh I know people who made shit from broadcloth and cardboard and it looked better than her 'cosplays'
Wasnt she supposed to start a sewing class at JoAnns like months ago??
No. 165916
>>165804why is she complaining that the trim is expensive?
is she buying like $30 trim or some shit???
no chunk lies only samas
No. 165941
>>165804Trim is expensive at Joann.
Which is why most professionals don't buy it there.
And it shouldn't matter because she's getting paid $3000 to make this shit.
No. 165955
>>165804For a "professional" she sure doesn't know much about sourcing quality materials. She makes $3K on Patreon. Why the hell doesn't she take an occasional day trip to LA and stockpile from the fabric district? There's people that
do do that since it's worth the trip for the savings if you plan well ahead.
…oh fuck, who am I kidding, Mariah doesn't plan ahead worth
shit. No. 165958
File: 1471294237396.jpg (140.42 KB, 751x960, 13934923_633289540171774_32240…)

Wasn't this the con momo was bragging about being invited to?
Also kek looks like her old friend who calls her out on her shit is a guest…
No. 165965
File: 1471295861721.png (351.24 KB, 1618x496, whatisbudgeting.png)

>>165804Decided to look it up to see what "expensive" means to her.
No. 165969
>>165968Oh, but anon, if you call her out about being fake you're just jealous of her neckbeard bucks.
It's sad that she's only 20 and has no prospects in life other than to be fapbait for beta nerds on the internet, and no skills outside of being "thicc".
No. 165998
>>165962Ugh seriously. She needs a thread here. She's the biggest hypocrite and it's laughable that she wants to be a famous cosplayer with the face of a horse.
Sage for off topic.
No. 166012
>>165962>>165998Feel free to make a thread about man face. I know nothing about her, but I'd be interested.
>>165978Of course not. If it's expensive, it must be high quality! In Mariah's mind, expensive fabric will automatically make a cosplay awesome, even if the craftsmanship is garbage. Everything she makes still looks like babby's first sewing project.
No. 166022
File: 1471307456702.jpeg (56.95 KB, 640x435, image.jpeg)

Look who she's trying to kiss up to now. Desperate much Mariah?
No. 166023
File: 1471307988439.png (124.2 KB, 795x544, b34675fd113eadb66bd6d6b04e1453…)

>>165965the listing is broken and needs to be fixed cause it says in the description: 'This package contains 10 yards of 1- 1/2 inch wide belting.'
No. 166025
File: 1471308472979.png (778 KB, 680x600, grumptaro.png)

>>165438I'm a Jojofag and I can't even tell who they're trying to pose as.
No. 166069
File: 1471318874977.png (601.49 KB, 519x560, d72deab27dd5d9ad37d0098ac75159…)

If I didnt know she was a girl I would have sworn this picture was of a drag queen. The big hair and the uncanny valley makeup
No. 166160
>>166121Seriously every month now she's been hitting 'almost $5k' even though we've seen it drop down to almost $4k every month and she expects us to believe that still?
Like I've never seen a patreon fluctuate that much
No. 166197
File: 1471363259607.jpeg (97.21 KB, 640x533, image.jpeg)

This is the interview momokunt bragged about, God the interview is cringe worthy. She knows nothing about metroid and holy shit the part where she humble brags about being paid through patreon
No. 166212
File: 1471366675672.jpg (439.74 KB, 1440x1925, IMG_20160816_093538.jpg)

Hunnie con got fucking canceled. Now she can't say she has been a judge.
What a fucking joke
No. 166313
File: 1471392066785.jpeg (102.7 KB, 640x971, image.jpeg)

>>151227So, what trickery is this? Her waist doesn't look nearly as wide as it usually does.
No. 166376
File: 1471413240209.png (172.47 KB, 720x705, Screenshot_2016-08-16-23-46-47…)

Lol. How much you wanna bet it's the new Zero Suit Samus to replace the old one? Or is she seriously ordering someone a costume that she is just going to alter for commission? No offense but you should really learn to sew before you start making things for other people. I don't think whoever it is wants to pay good money for a slightly altered store bought costume. That screams cheapskate vibe to me like it makes me cringe.
No. 166378
File: 1471413544402.png (114.7 KB, 392x624, 000834.png)

>>166313>>166332She definitely shopped her waistline and then tried to shop the door frame back into place. We all know what her waist actually looks like.
No. 166379
File: 1471413732808.png (499.42 KB, 539x701, 000844.png)

>>166378>>166313What her waist actually looks like. This was recent too.
No. 166397
Well fuck me, she's actually sewing that "expensive" trim on. hope she's reading this thread and taking our advice lol. With all that money though, I don't get why she doesn't get a custom sized mannequin. Sewing and trying out pattern pieces while in a sitting position will cause problems.
No. 166439
File: 1471442057652.png (56.62 KB, 851x281, SuperToycon Interview with M…)

>>166197Looks like somebody already gave her shit. She replied, obviously
No. 166447
>>166376I'm one of those anons who always asks why she doesn't just commission her costumes, and wow. If this is her attitude towards commissioners, it's probably for the best that she doesn't.
It's shitty for them to not reply to her, but it's equally shitty for her to throw a tantrum over a costume not being made within a month. I don't know anything about TimeCosplay or what she's ordering, but commissions and custom costumes take time.
No. 166505
>>166313Late to the thread but it's very very obvious that her legs are crossed and she's jutting her hip out.
It's a little hard to see because of her black leggings but her right leg is infront of the other.
Extremely common female selfie technique. I do it all the time.
No. 166626
File: 1471528098809.png (35.5 KB, 775x157, surejan.png)

>>166439"Yeeah like ridley, like dark samus, like her infection likelikelike I just went to the wikia and listed a bunch of major happenings to prove a point while making it more obvious that I didn't know shit back when I didn't have a computer with wifi connection in front of me"
No. 166769
File: 1471579468342.jpeg (Spoiler Image,406.29 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpeg)

Can we just look at the bunching of her thread
No. 166799
File: 1471587858821.jpeg (84.37 KB, 750x676, image.jpeg)

This is too tragic ? So sewing back together the nasty ass holes after wearing the same suit for months and months =commissioned and altered cosplay? This is too much
No. 166800
File: 1471587940039.png (1.24 MB, 750x1334, image.png)

No. 166805
>>166800omf the puckering
there's no way she's gonna wear this. she'll come up with an excuse.
No. 166807
File: 1471590752029.jpg (429.06 KB, 957x1280, screenshot.jpg)

wow. just. wow.
No. 166810
>>166803What top stitching
I think that form is a piece of craft foam then she hot glued the pieces to the top. IT kind of looks like she tried to sew the material to the …foam?
I gotta admit, the fabric she picked for the black is really nice, too bad the gold is just… no.
No. 166819
>>166803>>166810It's applique, but my god it's bad. Sewing 101 - practice your stitch control; know what needle to select, test your tension.
This looks like the work of someone with no attention span.
No. 166825
>>166769thank you for spoiling this is
triggering af.
that poor sewing machine, also keking at the line work. Unbelievable that shes getting 4k a month and shes producing shit that even a four year old could produce better. The first thing you should do when you get a sewing machine all threaded is practice your lines for this reason. Looking forward to seeing this trainwreck when it's finished.
No. 166915
>>166800To play devil's advocate, vinyl is a bitch to sew unless you have a teflon foot. Which she should be able to buy with her $4000 that she's given for this reason.
Seriously, I sewed cleaner lines when I was a child. I don't know how she can look at this and think "this looks good!". Hell, the first thing I made, I pulled out of the suitcase at a convention (4 months after I made it) and went "ew" and decided not to wear it because it was bad. And yet here she is parading her crap work around online for all to see.
If she were a kid who was learning and was proud of their first costume, that would be fine. But she's literally PAID to do this, has no other responsibilities and has time to practice and get it right. There's no excuse.
No. 166931
File: 1471644885610.png (117.26 KB, 720x674, Screenshot_2016-08-19-16-11-09…)

Bahaha he slayed her Mariah actually replied shortly after with "fuck off" but then deleted it immediately :/ I dont have a screenshot but why would she take back defending her friend?
No. 166942
File: 1471648882766.jpg (525.48 KB, 1014x1280, omfg.jpg)

yknow I think even a shitty line painted down the side wouldve been better than this
No. 166958
>>166915A teflon foot costs under $10. She should be able to afford one even if she's making less than $4k a month, but she's just too lazy to go to Joann's to pick one up or hit "add to cart" on Amazon.
>>166931Since when did she cosplay Juri?
No. 166965
File: 1471655126703.jpg (417.17 KB, 800x1200, wowwww.jpg)

No. 166971
File: 1471656393334.jpg (506.63 KB, 769x1280, 16-08-19-21-24-57-170.jpg)

4.5k a month
No. 166974
>>166971Fat girl angles to mask how wide she is. Lol
I'm still surprised she makes so much on Pateron. Then again, she sacrifices her dignity and a chance for normal friendships to do so.
No. 166980
>>166971Everything about this is tragic. Her face seems almost photoshopped in
The tape everywhere looks so horrible, she couldn't even straighten the ones in her hair buns out for a picture. It looks like she just folded them over and sewed them shut but left the fraying edges out.
That gathering on her boob is absolutely horrifying. Are those fraying edges or hot glue she used to get the edges to actually stay down? She didn't even tuck the shirt in to the tape she just sewed the tape over top of the fabric. And at least clean up that armpit a bit if you're gonna photoshop anything, do t hat. No one wants to see your stubble pit.
The bracelets look like duct tape cardboard with model magic stuck on top of them. Not even sanded smooth.
Just. Why.
No. 167007
>>166971The make up doesn't suit the character
I mean I haven't played the game but Chun doesn't look like someone who cares much about heavy makeup she could at least tone it
This Scene kid makeup just does not flatter her in this Cosplay
No. 167008
File: 1471667342977.jpg (174.21 KB, 1200x675, CqRCsmJUEAE3JEn.jpg)

No. 167013
>>167008I just got depressed that I have water wings just like Momo. I've been trying to drop weight for health and because I never want to have an unflattering cosplay photo like this.
What are the best ways to get rid of arm flab like that?
She also seems like she can't pose worth a damn unless it's her doing her selfie angles to make herself look better.
No. 167022
>>167008>>167013You can wear spanx and a corset, and angle your body all you want but those huge arms ain't letting you get away with your lying about being a fatass. As a former fatty, lying to yourself ain't helping ya homegirl.
also anon just some advice, you need to tone your body as you lose weight. Try working out your arms by going to the gym or buy some weights.
No. 167026
>>167013Quick OT, will save the rest for the fitness thread if I see it but anon, if you just move your upper arms away from your body when posing it makes a whole lot of difference. It'll make your arms appear a bit smaller than if you smash your arms to your side, chest or against you in anyway.
On Momo, smashing her arms to her side makes her look like a literal block figure.
No. 167057
>>167047This is not dopesick
I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but her Cosplay sucks.
I'm a beginner at doing my own Costumes so faaaar from being professional like Momo says she is and mine look still a bit better than hers lmfao
No. 167060
>>167030dude holy fuck you're right. i used to think that i had unfortunately hammy arms, but seeing pictures of her arms makes me feel better about mine lmao.
>>167050>>167055>>167057don't feed the trolls
No. 167089
>>167047This is really embarrassing. If you're trying to get a point across just know you sound like you're twelve years old and just starting to learn what internet speak is. I've never heard so much 4chan language in one shit post.
As for myself I would like to defend her slightly on an intellectual level, I think you guys are a little too hard on her for this one, and hear me out, it's just because for once she doesn't have her tits out, it's not spandex, and she's not going to turn it into a "Boudoir" shoot because she actually finished the costume.
As amateur as it is, it doesn't look half as bad as the other disasters, like the Yang bracelets that looked like shit or the complete lack of detail and missing armour pieces for Camilla. It's not half bad and she looks kind of cute.
Vamplette on the other hand…did she just paint something on a shirt and throw on a wig? I thought she was supposed to be teaching Mariah how to make cosplays but this one looks like she just mailed it in.
No. 167090
>>167008She looks so old here. How is she only 20? Also, I'm going to second
>>167026 and say that she has the body shape of one of those Lego mini figures.
No. 167099
>>167091I think she needs to take a break for a month or so, learn how to sew at a beginner level. What she is doing now isn't even beginners work she litreally has no idea what she's doing. She earns over 4k on patreon, she at least owes the people who are paying for the content to not see just poor craftsmanship and breasts.
I feel like if she put actual effort into what she's doing she could be semi good at it.
I'm disappointed in Vamplette mostly, she is allowing one of her closest friends to create such bad pieces and walk around in public with them on.
Yes everyone starts somewhere but Momo is advertising herself as a professional, she needs to live up to it.
No. 167142
>>167008Her arms are so ridiculously hammy. I can just imagine what kind of a gut that waist cincher hides under it.
>>167089>As for myself I would like to defend her slightly on an intellectual level, I think you guys are a little too hard on her for this one, and hear me out, it's just because for once she doesn't have her tits out, it's not spandexBut it is a spandex bodysuit, anon. And it's still a sexy skin-tight costume of a very prominent video game waifu character. Just not having your tits out doesn't mean it's not a basic bitch tier lazy ass attention whore costume.
>As amateur as it is, it doesn't look half as bad as the other disasters, like the Yang bracelets that looked like shit or the complete lack of detail and missing armour pieces for Camilla. It's not half bad and she looks kind of cute.Jesus, did you see the photos?
>>166800 >>166807 That craftsmanship is inexcusably bad. She's getting paid $4,5k a month to just half-assedly throw together an ill-fitting vest with hasty, sloppy topstitching, bunching seams and fraying edges.
>>167109>I don't know why you think this bullshit of a costume is better than her previous shit cause from a cosplayers point of view I think this is some of the sloppiest sewing and just overall disaster Fucking this. Fucking up a vest that simple as bad as she did requires special talent.
>>167122She'll probably just wear the vest and panties for a boudoir shoot.
No. 167183
>>167182I asked the information booth if she were a special guest and the girl sneered and said "no, she's just an attendee."
The face she made was not happy lmao
No. 167200
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>>167193She did state this
No. 167205
File: 1471737043224.jpg (90.07 KB, 720x960, 14034774_1144742565596948_4530…)

>>167200Moochlette just posted this.
No. 167208
File: 1471738268515.jpeg (773.46 KB, 2197x2674, image.jpeg)

I was at the convention and around 1 or so I saw her in the guest section next to Gabrielle. I went back to grab photos but she wasn't around. Probably realized how unflattering her cosplay was. Here is Gabrielle as that Chardonnei.
No. 167217
>>167216It was Momo and Gabby at the table for a while and I don't know who Steff is but when momo stopped coming around there was Gabby and another person, so maybe it was her?
I just spotted Momo, she changed into Camilla.
No. 167245
File: 1471749510639.png (2.9 MB, 1440x1438, 20160821_121616.png)

>>167244Sorry for sage but saw that she posted a picture with them on her insta and the difference is hilarious
Also her legs are so disgusting
No. 167256
File: 1471750885677.jpeg (2.73 MB, 2448x3182, image.jpeg)

Quick pic I snapped of her
No. 167265
>>167263Camilla doesn't wear pants (see
>>158279) but she does have thigh-high armor. Besides, she could have at least worn tights or something.
No. 167268
>>167265Ugh yeah, I realized when I actually managed to find the picture. My bad.
Either way, not enough leg is covered.
No. 167272
File: 1471753544590.png (1.37 MB, 1440x2137, 20160821_132141.png)

I just have to throw this in
So I looked at the Corrin/Kamui Cosplayer and you see this Momo ?
That guy apparently worked over 150 hours on this and it looks so nice while you worked for what how many hours 2 ?
Even if you are a amateur regarding Armor (or everything else) you could have at least spent more time maybe it would have looked acceptable
No. 167282
File: 1471756951162.jpeg (178.38 KB, 750x1171, image.jpeg)

Lol who called it
No. 167303
>>167256Has she not heard of dancer tights? Goddamn…
>>167282Moochlette's underwear makes her ass look huge. Like granny panty status.
No. 167307
>>167282I did and I fucking hate myself for always being right when it comes to skanky hoes.
>>167245>When you have to make a silly face and a wacky pose to be interesting because you have no fucking idea what's an in-character pose for her and you're surrounded with people who actually put fucking effort into their costumesShe should wear some goddamn thighs though. Also that costume looks even worse here, especially in contrast to the people next to her.