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File: 1466522857303.jpeg (70.22 KB, 634x623, image.jpeg)

No. 146170

Let's discuss this Instagrammer Lilmiquela who is apparently a "real life breathing sim character". I'm pretty sure if she was real her skin would look sweaty with pores I mean just look at that face.
What do you think? Is this real or is it some mad photoshop skills?

No. 146171

No. 146175

File: 1466523201036.jpeg (127.9 KB, 630x617, image.jpeg)


if she was real, why does this Katy Perry wannabe only have one selfie with her you can tell quela told her to take a picture and then send the picture over to her to be edited and then resend the edited version back to her

No. 146177

shit that bitch has no scalp

No. 146178

She's either a modded sim or someone just CG'd a character and is messing with people. Lol. I wondered the same thing for a little bit but it's pretty obvious.

No. 146179

File: 1466523483527.jpg (303.01 KB, 937x799, 1449521011930.jpg)

>is this real

No. 146180

File: 1466523599617.jpg (66.13 KB, 496x580, Unbenannt.JPG)

I'm sorry but this just screams Sims to me.
Look at her fucking top and the ugly background graffiti

No. 146181

File: 1466523911466.jpg (44.31 KB, 504x594, ds.JPG)

>Is this real

yeah she must be. all these low res textures scream real

No. 146182

It might be one of those AIs that try to copy what's popular.
Like that twitter AI bot made by microsoft

No. 146184


Molly Soda is weird as fuck so I wouldn't put it past her to create this creature

No. 146185

She's obviously a 3D rendered model inserted into different photos. Considering there isn't even much content this reeks of self-post.

No. 146187

Oh my god how is this even a real post. Fuck, someone manure this shit.

No. 146190

File: 1466526708528.jpg (17.5 KB, 214x320, S1m0ne.jpg)

reminds me of this

No. 146211

i'm pretty sure this profile is just some weirdo's art project

No. 146217


No. 146342


looks like a fuck doll, or that ariane b. dating sim

No. 146346

I don't…what? Look at the hair. It's a CG model.

No. 146357

kreayshawn needs her own thread tbqh

No. 146422

if i knew more i would make it, bitch is so funny and i'm from the bay so it's relevant.

if no one else does i can put one together tho

No. 146423

some art school dropout's lame project
probably selfposted

No. 146424

I can't wait 'til you kidlets are back in school.

No. 146430

No. 146566

self post. nice try though

No. 146577

Please do, I don't know anything about her outside of Gucci Gucci

No. 146580

Poorly rendered, obviously not real lmao.

No. 147046

Moved to >>>/manure/2173.

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