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No. 1766589
Dylan James Mulvaney was a mediocre actor and performer in musical theater who transitioned from gay (twink) to non-binary in 2021 so that he could wear girly clothes and get attention after his bit part in the Book of Mormon ended. (The show shut down because of COVID-19 lockdowns.) In 2022, as the pandemic continued, he decided to come out as a trans "girl" to maintain a constant flow of praise for his needy narc ego. He seemed to blow up overnight after beginning a series called "Days of Girlhood" on TikTok, where he showcases himself as a sexist caricature of a 1950s-1960s woman. This series went on to win him 10 million followers, famous collaborators, endless free stuff, free FFS with Caitlyn Jenner's surgeon, and marketing opportunities.
Dylan's FFS made him look like Caitlyn Jenner's twinky relative, ironic since Jenner called him out for being "trans with a penis" after Dylan made a video about "normalizing the bulge": He gets nothing but lavish compliments for his emaciated caricature of "girlhood" as he trots to NY Fashion Week, the Grammys, and other award shows. Why is he invited? No one really knows for sure.
Despite appearances to the contrary, Dylan is 26 years old. He wants to become a tampon ambassador much like Jonathan Yaniv was, handing out tampons to girls in need. When women protested Tampax giving a male a brand deal, Dylan made several passive-aggressive videos in response. He still mentions tampons often.
There will no doubt be some recapping and discussion of Dylan's various "older" (2022) videos and offenses in this thread; in fact it is encouraged to unmask this troon's misogyny so fewer people are taken in by it.
Social media accountsTiktok: (private, archived version: )
Running list of brands paying Dylan to shill their stuff:Aritzia
Bud Light
Charlotte Tilbury
Chime Banking
Donni Davy (makeup)
Dr. Harrison Lee (Facial plastic surgery)
Haus Labs (Lady Gaga's beauty brand)
Jessica Jade
Justin Melton (hairstyling and wigs)
JVN Hair
Kate Spade
Love Beauty and Planet (Unilever)
Milk Makeup
Motorola (Razr)
Native deodorant
Ole Henriksen
Stella McCartney
Tab Vintage
Urban Decay
Voluspa Candles
No. 1766629
File: 1676228029584.webm (18.17 MB, 1080x1920, 4502717-3bcc0dbe637cfeea5c1318…)
enjoy his Bud Light commercial. He looks so retarded in this.
No. 1766671
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It's gross to see him looking sexually aroused by having his hair washed
No. 1766672
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all the male traits on display.
No. 1766838
thank you op, about time dylan got his own thread. i really thought up until he got ffs that he was actually a parody and going to come out as a troll eventually. i hope we can figure out why he's being shilled so hard. he must have super rich parents?
>>1766797>he looks like Audrey Hepburn lmao what the fuck, his fans say this? it's so weird how handmaidens constantly talk about how gorgeous and stunning dylan is. besides obviously being a man, he is just a weirdly proportioned anorexic who looks 20 years older than he is. there's no way they believe he's actually stunning, they've just got to be saying it because they want to be nice, right?
No. 1767842
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holy shit it's insane and genuinely unsettling how fucking ugly and goblin-like this guy actually is
No. 1767918
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No. 1768533
File: 1676458750863.webm (10.15 MB, 576x1024, dylan-mulvaney-reply-to-samliz…)
Sorry for the delay in posting more content to discuss. Anyone who didn't see DM's first video can find it here: think his apology video (embedded) has some telling phrases in it, and of course it's still a mockery of women. Transcript:
Okay, so, I've managed to offend women on my first day of being one, and I just feel
terrible about it! Some gal saw my video yesterday as perpetuating a stereotype, which it was, and it was satirical, but it was mostly for a way for me to be like, 'How can I connect with women? I need to figure out a way to, y'know, connect with them! And I just feel terrible. Some girls said it didn't sit well with them. I got like, I don't know, like probably about four messages,
but I - still those four messages made me wanna throw up, because I'm the least confrontational person ever! And um, so, now I know better - I'm soooorrrry. I'm sorry… not me making an apology video on my first day, aaaah! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. (big sigh)."
Now that's an interesting goal for your videos, Dylan, it almost sounds like someone said, "your goal is to connect with women" vs. "I'm going to document my transition and share it along the way." Howw does he choose to "connect" - mockery, stereotypes. When called out, it's suddenly satire and he doesn't want confrontation. But he keeps doing the same offensive caricature shit.
No. 1768535
>>1768533he posted this on "day two of being a girl"
what was day 3? his declaration that he's already a bimbo and a meetup with a tiktok famous bimbo. I'll cover that in a separate post later.
No. 1768695
>>1766658>>1766673This was his grandfather.'s always down to money. If you have rich parents you can succeed at literally anything with little to no effort.
No. 1770316
>>1770029I'm not sure I get the murder vibe from Dylan unless you're talking about womb transplants. That shithead will do anything and everything to his body to live his fetish so yeah, he might go for a womb.
I still can't get over him whining about his facial hair while talking out of the other side of his mouth "sooo many cis women have luscious beards and staches!! I'm
valid just like them!" He said he wished there were a pill he could take to make all the hair on his face fall out. There is, Dylan! Chemotherapy.
"or a surgery, where you can have it all out in one day" - how about taking a biology class you pathetic fetishist.
the converted tiktok is too large to embed. View it here until I have time to edit it and embed the relevant part: No. 1770366
>>1770318he's such a vapid himbo
gdi this video is nearly 5m long, that's why the webm is too large. fuck how can he talk about himself so much and say so little
No. 1770395
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If any lurking TRA finds this thread and thinks we are bulling poor Dylan who's a sweet innocent dysphoria sufferer transgirl, consider this about Dylan:
>he hasn't had surgery to actually mimic the female body
He's only had facial feminization surgery, which just makes him have a slightly "cuter" face with less wrinkles. He essentially just made himself look a bit younger. He's not got any boobs whatsover to speak of, not even implants. He doesn't use pads to look like he has any curves, no boobs, waist or butt. Just straight as a stick skinny male body. And he loves showing it all off in bikinis calling himself sexy. Where's the dysphoria?
>he wants everyone to "normalize the bulge"
He doesn't care if his dick is visible, and WANTS it to be visible through his clothes.
>On day 2 of girlhood Dylan said he was doing it as a satirical parody
He thinks acting out a parody of a woman is what makes him a women. All of the bimbo things he is doing is to mock women, not because he just happens to like girly things.
>He gets endless opportunities of sponsorships of products meant for biological women like tampons, he can not use them himself.
There are plenty of women and girls using social media for good work who don't get these deals, because he takes them instead. He doesn't know the quality of the product, how to use it, if it's good at all. He just endorses it because he gets money.
>Have you ever thought about why he insist on being a girl and not a woman?
Really think about it. Why does he want the word "girl" (which means female children) to sometimes include him and other adult males? If that's ok it means Dylan and other adult men can go into spaces meant for little girls.
>Dylan said he is also attracted to females
If you think he's harmless beecause he identified as gay before, does it change anything that he's admitted to being attracted to females now?
>Dylan didn't even bother changing his male name
You literally can't deadname him because he thought his satirical parody was funnier if he just kept his real male name.
>If a Kardashian made a full dramatic video revealing their new plastic surgery face so everyone could praise them for looking good, would you think that was sweet and wholesome? Like Dylan did?
Or is it only narcissistic and promoting sick beauty standards when a cis woman does it? So what makes Dylan different from a cis woman?
Objectively; Dylan is an adult male with adult male sexual organs, he wants it to be normal for his and other adult mens dicks and balls to be visible through their clothes, he is attracted to females and he wants to be in spaces with other girls, and other girls are literal female children.
No. 1770426
>>1770395this is such a good post, nonna. I agree with everything you've said. He mocks women and is enjoying looking like an anorexic man pretending to be a woman. All this attention over his FREE plastic surgery makes me so angry. Why is this being peddled as beauty? Why is he skinwalking women who fought tooth and nail to be taken seriously? Who were charitable and generous and talented and actually brave?
I'm embedding the "bimbo" video - on day 3 of girlhood he is already hanging out with chrissychlapecka. He tries on swimsuits and dresses without protective undergarments. He rubs himself on Chrissy's chest. He talks about day drinking on sunset blvd on a Monday. So relatable, right? What a brave hardworking tranny, a day of drinking, shopping, makeup. Such woman.
No. 1770504
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>>1770500women don't tend to pound their breasts because it hurts to do that, sir.
No. 1770509
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what a fucking clown
No. 1770517
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At this point, it just feels like some obviously male behavior he drops in to make his larp even more ridiculous
No. 1770604
>>1770409late 90s and early 2000s LA club girl looks
like, "night at the roxbury" extras
No. 1770657
>>1770395great post nonna ily
>He's not got any boobs whatsover to speak of, not even that i think of it, you're right, it's so weird he hasn't feminized his body despite claiming to want that. especially since most troons seem to go for laser hair removal, breast implants, etc before facial feminization and dylan has gotten none of that, the only thing that even looks changed on his face is his botched nose job. i think he could still easily go back to living as male if he wanted. maybe he wants to give himself that option.
No. 1771110
Great post OP, you're a credit to the farms. I'm already boycotting Ulta and Tampax because (although I think Dylan denies it) I believe his notorious "tee hee, just buying Tampax to pass out in the girls' room!" video was sponsored content. I will happily boycott the rest of the brands you listed, and encourage other nonnas to do the same. Not giving my money to companies who mock me, or who enrich men who do.
>>1768533>it almost sounds like someone said, "your goal is to connect with women" vs. "I'm going to document my transition and share it along the way."This is really interesting. I have long believed Dylan is some sort of plant or that his rapid rise to fame is sponsored by some entity larger than just his parents or agents or whatever. He was too elevated, too fast to be organic. And I agree, his words are telling - like he's a paid actor for some larger agenda and was told, "your goal is to connect with women and get them to buy this TWAW shit." I think the "girlhood" thing, and the fact that he broke on TikTok shows that actual girls are the big target too.
No. 1771309
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>>1771110thanks, nonna, ilu! I'll try to keep a list on my computer updated with brands. I'm committed to my boycott too - nothing is so vital that I need to get mocked for it.
I'm doing a bit of digging and noticing some interesting things, working on some updates but food for thought:
he made a big fucking deal about dressing up like Dorothy for Halloween as a gift to his childhood self. But he wore that costume during his short-lived series interviewing animals as a he/they creature. So he didn't buy it, he literally already had already dressed up as Dorothy and filmed it in 2021: It's the exact same costume. as Halloween 2022: did this trip to Bora Bora but he's been there before too. I think he must have gone with his family or something? So why did he pretend to be there alone?
Bora Bora in 2020 (wtf dude, fall 2020?) Bora in 2022 with the same baguette: No. 1772016
>>1772010oh shit, why is everyone who has an issue with Dylan an anti-choice conservative
fuck. well. I still agree with her on this.
No. 1772069
>>1771309If he's not a plant, he's a lying grifter at the very least. Trooning out was literally just a publicity stunt to kickstart his mediocre career after he failed out of Broadway. He's never going to get the chop and we all know it. He'll just quietly detransition when the money runs dry.
Also, wow, luxury vacations during a pandemic. Such oppressed, much struggle. Selfish spoiled twat.
No. 1772099
>>1772055right, and it's the fact that it's the LEFT who is pushing this (besides blair who advocates for mostly the same shit but hates the left's optics & wants to sweep it all under the rug)
and they actually think that it's revolutionary. it's so backwards.
>reinforces gender roles, which harms women more>perpetuates the socialization of women to tend to men's needs over their own>gaslights women into believing their innate fight/flight complex is actually bigotry/twansphobia & that if they don't comply, they are encouraging svicide>provides a loophole for men to beat women because it's "just a catfight">manipulates lesbians into having sex with men because they are "girlbrained" so it's a female penis>allows homophobic parents who don't want the stigma of a gay son/daughter to castrate/sterilize them as a way of conversion therapy - which is what's happening in iran, morocco sanctioned by the government but also happening in the US etc.>preys on the mentally ill, targeting people with autism, sexual trauma, depression, body dysmorphia etc. & obfuscates worrisome symptoms with fake bullshit>encourages people to become lifelong patients to big pharma/medical industrial complex & manipulates people to willingly allow medical experimentation under the guise of "affirming healthcare is frontier medicine">destroys the legitimacy of science & academic institutions upholds these essentially spiritual/metaphysical pseudoscience that is not allowed to be questioned>bullies working class people into compliance & gets them fired which makes them lose their healthcare in the US, & all benefits, pensions etc.>is highly capitalistic as it encourages cosmetic surgery/designer bodies under the guise of life saving affirming healthcare>is allied with the government, big tech, big pharma, the mainstream media, celebrities but somehow convinced people that they are the highest priority on the woke pyramid & that you can self-ID into oppression (sage your shit) No. 1772130
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Dylan's first day on estrogen was Feb 11, 2022 (as nonbinary). He immediately jokes, "where are my new tits?"
No. 1772152
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No. 1772241
>>1772211Isn't the koala seemingly "attracted"* to Dylan and so the joke is that they are two gay males? This is from his gay male time.
*ofc it's meant to be comedy here and not serious, i know
No. 1772300
>>1771297Fucking lol. I love you guys.
>>1771399I have PCOS annnnd I’m Jewish, checkmate.
>>1772147I literally have had nightmares about the Faggatron Don myself. Def up there with the worst of the worst bad dreams.
No. 1772406
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I was looking at some of his old content and found this old advertisement he was in where he was emulating a little girl. The first part has him watching tv like a kid, and his shoes/socks just all seemed childish. later one you can catch a glimpse of what they have the other people dressed as women wearing, and it's all heels. his obsession with youth and "girlhood" is so repulsive and it's clearly not a matter of him feeling like he's not mature enough to call himself a woman or whatever his bs opinion was
No. 1772408
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>>1772406this is the video
No. 1772429
>>1772408ofc the faggots are still out here getting aids, because the coom is so strong.
mofos go get a blood test before you put your cock in asses jfc it's not that hard
this close to alogging
No. 1772788
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>>1772408ironically this is the most feminine i've ever seen dylan look, without surgery and everything. should've just stuck with hormones for longer instead of going for FFS after like 2 months of it and looking like a clay sculpture.
No. 1773163
>>1773152I've been questioning that too. He's claimed to be on estrogen or HRT (can't remember which, hrt would involve blocking T as well as taking E) and I think held it up to the camera at least once. But I honestly think he either isn't taking it at all and it was just for PR to look more "real trans", or he's on an extremely low dose hoping it won't really affect him.
As stated in
>>1770395 he is very confident about showing off his flat male chest, male body and dick bulge so why would be really care to be on hrt?
No. 1773264
>>1770517The whole fake cutesy shtick of his 'first kiss as a girl omg!!' makes me cackle. Notice how he went on about a guy that might want to 'kiss' him and not date or fuck. You know, like an actual woman would talk about.
This scrawny faggot acting like he's Jennifer Aniston in some cute 90's romcom or some shit when he's probably an expert on getting piped by some aids ridden pole on the nightly. First kiss my ass.
No. 1773516
>>1773374No. This is even more damaging in some ways because it's pretending to be harmless when in fact it's a man mocking women and getting women to praise him for it. Look who he stans: perverts. Hangs out with perverts, too. He's the next phase of the sickness.
At least with egirls and furries you see the perversion for what it is, front and center. If Dylan looked like one of them, he wouldn't be getting all the marketing deals. So he wrapped his perversion in Burberry and made himself into a product that could be sold. I tinfoil that he's supposed to appeal to an older crowd anyway. Gen Z is the conduit, he's being hired and staged by people much older.
No. 1774112
>>1773627>>1773613but he is awful at doing his own makeup. it only looks halfway ok when a makeup artist does it.
Dylan Mulvaney beard coverup launch?
No. 1774216
>>1773627lol nah nonna, we'll be ok. barely bought anything at sephora since i realized every time i walked in there's some giant pic of Jeffree Starr, Patrick Starr, James Charles, or some other ghoulish troon smirking at me. made me realize their business model had become catering to ugly men because unlike women they need pounds of makeup to look presentable.
anyway i'm guessing dylan's announcement is a makeup line, he'd never do Only Fans because he's all about making troonery "brandsafe" for kids. world's first groomer influencer.
No. 1774273
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>>1774216well, it's a dumb stage show
but he did have this gross fetishy countdown (use sound)
No. 1774694
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>>1774382so was it all a scheme for him to go back on the stage? also i just noticed that he goes by she/they for some reason. and that the instagram link on his youtube channel redirects specifically to this picture
>>1770395 i really don't understand how people take him seriously
No. 1774942
>>1774382he looks more male than ever. No 26yo woman looks like this, not even the methheads.
>>1774694of course it was all a ploy. can you imagine sitting through an hour of Dylan? People are gonna realize very quickly how they learned to tolerate him in 30 second increments and how fucking narcissistic and retarded he is in longer amounts of time.
>>1774273never seen a woman do this who wasn't trying to launch a fetish OF, and even then Dylan manages to make it look like he's a baby making diaper change difficult for mommy.
No. 1775676
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FFS isn't working right
No. 1776057
I can't convert this right now but in addition to claiming to be a 'girl' Dylan also says he has green eyes.'s overwhelmingly obvious that he has hazel/light brown eyes, no one with this color- myself included- thinks they are actually green. I guess once you start lying and feeling self-important, it's hard to stop… but kek he's in front of a green background, doesn't he notice how ridiculous it is?
No. 1776123
>>1774382"ME: The Musical"
he got his wish. i'll be damned.
No. 1776423
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>>1776108I mean hazel is usually a brown with some specks of green but it's just so laughable to say you have green eyes. Like dude, your driver's license says brown, end of story. No hate to brown/hazel eyes, I like these eye colors.
picrel: he was paid to promote amazon. He looks twice his age here.
No. 1776453
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He absolutely did not ingest a pill in his estrogen debut video and he looks like an ugly tranny parody of Emily in Paris. Before trooning he could have passed as cute in a twinky Ben Shapiro kind of way but never again, I was actually shocked at how bad his ffs turned out
No. 1776590
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dylan hanging out with paris hilton and kris jenner
No. 1776659
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>>1775676this nigga look like robbie rotten
No. 1777987
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larping as poor. just go to a hotel, loser.
No. 1777993
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>>1777987he's rolling in money, getting all kinds of designer clothing and cosmetic procedures, but won't go book a hotel room? But can't forget to download some of the worst "girl" movies ever made (years ago): 50 shades of blech
No. 1778041
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I'm just a couple sentences in, wondering if the author of the article is deliberately (if subtly) painting Dylan as a narcissist. Don't let me down, Carly. No. 1778047
File: 1677457541868.png (495.61 KB, 863x1012, Screenshot_20230227-012407.png)

>>1778041oh no fucking way! This author wrote another article about Dylan and it's crystal clear: keep writing them, queen. I see what you're doing. Keep your job but keep calling this man out. No. 1778063
>>1777636oh true, don't know how i forgot about him meeting the president of the US which is even more impressive. hope we'll learn about the reason/people behind his ascension soon.
>>1777987>>1777993god, his voice and his acting are so freaking annoying.
>>1778047hahah it's great. and she's literally just describing what he does/says in his videos. still the best way to peak people.
No. 1778073
>>1768533One thing I don't understand is how troons can claim they belong to a group but are completely unable to connect naturally with people in said group. This goes both for TIMs and TIFS. You'll almost never see a TIF hanging out with male gymbros, football fans, nerdy males, literally any type of male. Just like you don't see TIMs hanging out with women unless he's a HSTS who had faghag friends
If they truly are the other gender and have a "girl brain" or "man brain" they wouldn't feel the need to learn how to connect, it would just happen naturally.
No. 1778079
>>1778041What is this euphoria shit? Where did troons get the idea they were entitled to feel it all the time? It's an occasional state for normal people, who feel lucky when it happens.
The only people who make daily euphoria a goal are addicts and fetishists. Troons advertise the fact that it's a fetish and the fucking media enables them in spreading this stupid and dangerous idea to young people.
No. 1778289
>>1773581>his 364'th day of being a girlI read this as his 36th birthday, and it made me think "he's that young?" only to realize he's actually 26, not 46…
No. 1779509
File: 1677624293291.jpg (157.99 KB, 1170x2080, 333292773_1555114091650147_907…)

A lot of new cringe from Dyldo today. He's getting "euphoria" from breast cups for breasts he doesn't have
No. 1779510
File: 1677624467743.webm (2.18 MB, 720x1280, 064F3EC711F17172B599803CC2229B…)
He still thinks he has green eyes. This post and pretty much everything from today are gifts companies and brands sent him. We will need to update the list. Fucking bastards sending this creature stuff for free.
No. 1779553
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No, Dylan. It isn't you.
No. 1779561
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"My favorite tucking pantEEES"
I can't stand men saying 'panties.' No woman in my country says this word in English, even though we say other English words like 'bra.'
No. 1779571
>>1779565I'll convert the video so we have the panties soundbite, it's just tedious to do with mobile data. I kind of hope we get more "euphoria" talking quotes from him. So fucking creepy.
does anyone know if this "euphoria" thing is more common in Canada/UK/Aus troon communities? I realized that I don't know how often French or German (for example) troons talk about "euphoria", but obviously I don't know those communities in any real way, maybe they do talk a lot about it?
No. 1779575
>>1777611These women are media masters since the time of tmz and the paparazzi over social media apps. While I'm sure there's some behind the Scenes fuckery leading Dyldo to a bunch of sponsorships and brand deals, it's also possible that for some people they're using Dyldo for clout since it would be advantageous right now. These women are from peak faghag times too, they had a silly sleepover with who they think is a total fag (and are likely to laugh about later) like this was the early 00s so minimal effort on their part. In doing this they also keep themselves in "iconic" status. The post is made to solidify their status as above him since he's shown excited to be there in their presence. I bet this was done for their own brand benefit and Dyldo was more than happy to show up for it.
>>1778092They use euphoria instead of dysphoria now since they don't claim dysphoria is why they're trans since tucutes took over from transmeds years ago. AGPs don't have dysphoria and "happy boner" obviously can't be marketed. Also it's an easy lie to both convince yourself you're right and to create more trannies
No. 1779600
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We're in for some abysmal singing…people will throw money at anything
No. 1779915
>>1779509If fake boobs gave him gender euphoria he would have had the implants by now. But because he's mostly gay (despite saying he's now also attracted to girls) he prefers male bodies, so he prefers his obviously male gay body being seen as female as it is, as opposed to him making it look female like classic AGP troons.
Thinking AGP and HSTS are mutually exclusive is a mistake, because they're not.
AGP are attracted to themselves as women, because they're straight men.
HSTS are attracted to men and transition to get the sexual attention of straight men.
Dylan as a (mostly) gay AGP is attracted to himself in a visibly male body pretending to be female. This means he doesn't want to actually look female, because his sexual interest is male. He essentially ends up being a chaser of himself. That's why he'll happily have ffs to look more like a hsts twink, but not to actually look female.
Dylan is simply a homosexual transexual autogynephile with the hots for himself pretending to be a little girl.
No. 1780696
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His bathroom decor is based on a book about a six-year-old. How is this at all acceptable to normies?
No. 1780699
File: 1677761812277.webm (4.44 MB, 720x1280, AA4AB583AF7F2311A562E54C635EC6…)
>>1779561"panties" video and audio
No. 1781647
File: 1677847303909.png (1.05 MB, 864x1507, Screenshot_20230302-111510.png)

wow Dylan u need a lot of doctors for all this girlhood, yet u still look like a sad man with mommy issues
No. 1782201
>>1781647>look guyssss i got a rec from paris hilton, i casually @ her in my stories!!! i'm one of the girls!anyway he looks super male as always
>>1781771>NO NOT ELOISEmy exact reaction omg.
No. 1782380
Bumping this thread past the spam and promoting a website a
nonny made to track brands working with trannies. No. 1782387
File: 1677926880675.png (922.72 KB, 864x1328, Screenshot_20230304-114656.png)

he's obsessed with comparing himself to famous beautiful women. What woman posts like this? Not even the worst female narcissists.
No. 1782393
>>1781647Sheesh the anon in the troon thread was right saying he's rough looking for someone in their early to mid 20s, those are deep crows feet for someone in their 20s. Does male skin wrinkle easier? Serious question.
>>1779561>pantiesI thought panties was a coomer American word due to how dramatically polarized gender expectations are there. In most of the developed world the sex neutral 'underwear' is used or 'undies'.
No. 1782451
>>1779915Nona 100% correct here. Dylan is the walking definition of AGP and HSTS. He's just getting his rocks off.
>>1781647And he looks just like a man in this picture. How does he think he passes as woman? Just look at him.
>>1782387Deer in headlights effect is strong with him.
No. 1782602
>>1782491What do you mean he's done nothing for anyone else? He's carried Tampax in his purse for the free promo - I mean in case a real woman gets caught short and wants to be hassled by this freak in the ladies room. He's also putting on a show in aid of his own continued spotlight - I MEAN the Trevor Project.
For real though, he's selflessly given me some proper laughs - mostly at the face reveal.
No. 1782952
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He's a "plaza partner" so they are paying for his two-week stay in New York. YT short: of stuff for this shameless arrogant grifter.
No. 1782954
File: 1678015732000.webm (3.02 MB, 720x1280, 4696396-467ecda0e245d91d2ee348…)
Dylan can't believe an adult woman doesn't remember all the details about a children's show he certainly never watched as a child. It's clear he watched it after its resurgence in popularity recently (trends). And that's creepy. He just had his bathroom remodeled based on a cartoon representation of a 6yo rich girl.
No. 1782955
File: 1678015797307.webm (1.16 MB, 1080x1920, 4696398-ea4bdf50112550a1a39b66…)
>>1782954so he makes his friend watch the show. What an obnoxious tard. "No texting" - she's probably ordering an Uber, Dyldo.
No. 1783077
File: 1678036788001.png (497.13 KB, 864x1086, Screenshot_20230305-181834.png)

how can anyone stand to be around someone so full of himself? He can only exist in a space when all the attention is on him and everyone is gushing over him. Surely that is apparent even to the vapid company he keeps? Doesn't that get old really fast, because they are also in desperate need of attention, which they won't get from or with Dylan?
picrel is an interesting tidbit from kiwifarms. No idea if it's true though. He made a huge deal out of missing the Book of Mormon before coming out as non-binary in 2021.
No. 1783152
>>1782954>>1782956I read the book, I watched the movies. It has super detailed illustrations! Eloise was one of my favorite things as a kid, I used to pretend to be her and (quietly lol) sprint down the halls of virtually every hotel we stayed at. I had no idea she was having a resurgence in popularity. I hate his 50's/60's larp so much, he in no way ever saw it or read the book when he was a kid.
I was the one who was creeped out by the aids ad where I thought he was acting/styled a little childish. His eloise saga and this video from youtube only cement that for me.
No. 1783173
>>1783082No matter how people here feel about Laverne Cox that video was so hard to watch without cringing. You can tell Laverne wanted nothing to do with Dylan and was just playing nice with social media's favorite trans of the week.
Typical white gay male behavior.
No. 1783244
>>1783152oh god thanks because I had these images in my mind of the way everything looked but no recollection of seeing it on television or in a movie. I must have just read the book. That's why I wasn't sure about the movie/tv show(?). Sounds like the woman in Dylan's vids was similarly confused.
Yes Eloise at the Plaza has been featured on tiktok and Instagram for style inspiration… it's weird, though, the people doing these outfits never seem to hit the mark.
No. 1783252
File: 1678057429779.png (503.95 KB, 864x1507, Screenshot_20230305-235818.png)

Well I've finally read a Federalist article, kek. It includes some interesting details and analysis of the KitchenAid deal Dylan got, as well as a rough (low imho) earnings estimate from last year and a partial list of brands.
Nonna with the website, please back everything up because I've seen it posted in one other place already and I have a feeling it's going to trend on twitter very soon (not bc of an anon, but someone is going to find it and either sing your praises or call for your head). I'm serious, the thing is gonna blow up once it gets posted by some tranny or radfem with a following. I'm happy to help find a way to make sure it doesn't get removed if needed, just post here, it's a little slower than the mtf thread.
No. 1783265
>>1783252I downloaded the site so I have a zip file. I also have an excel spreadsheet that I was using to keep track of everything across all the lists, so I just need to hyperlink everything. I think that all should be enough but let me know if not
Someone in smallweb general said that as long as I didn't have the neocities social media parts up that it should be fine, so I won't worry too much just yet
No. 1783274
>>1783271Thank you haha, I just don't like troons. Seeing the start of Dylan's eloise larp here
>>1780696 was just the last straw.
No. 1783279
>>1783274Dylan makes me want to scream and alog. Veronica Ivy and Emmy and J Yaniv and those dudes aren't getting massive praise from everyone. But Dyldo is. He's infesting everything. I swear, nonnies, these brands are dead to me.
I also think you can add Tiktok. They paid for at least one hotel stay and probably a shitton more stuff. Would need to check where he says that, maybe it was NY pride.
No. 1783288
And yeah the amount of attention he gets is absolutely insane. His cutesy "idk what I'm doing sunshine and happiness" schtick also gets to me. It's the perfect armor to hide behind because "how could anyone be mad at meeeee??" He couldn't even drop it for one second in his videos apologizing for the tampax sponsorship, which makes me so angry. He's not just living a lie and skinwalking women, he's got the worst, most disingenuous attitude, and people are eating it up.
I've always bought stuff second hand (before it became a trend), and look for smaller and ethical companies when shopping. People act like it's the end of the world to not buy fast fashion or a certain brand, but it's so insanely easy. I am NEVER looking in these companies' directions again. Thank god I got a kitchenaid mixer before this madness.
No. 1783297
File: 1678064682605.jpeg (65.28 KB, 634x680, 3C4F08E7-9E48-4388-BB00-55CF3D…)

>>1782387He thinks he looks like Twiggy? The first "super skinny" model who popularized the youthful boyish figure whose height of popularity was 16-19 years old? He tells on himself soooo much.
No. 1783345
>>1783331Kek, don’t you ever dare suggest to a narc to change his name, it’s like making them kill themselves or something.
He definitely looks like the type of narc like Jillian who needs attention, knows he’s too useless and lazy to do something useful and larps mental illness to get it.
No. 1783517
>>1783331In a video he said something like the only female name that would suit him would be some old fancy name like Genevieve, but that would be ridiculous and he's used to being called Dylan.
The real reasons
>he started out doing it as a parody>like >>1779915 said his ideal "woman" is a man pretending to be a woman so the name Dylan fits that perfectly>like >>1783334 said he'd have to make arrangements and can't be bothered>he still wants to profit from male privilege, people who don't know him and just read his name will correctly assume he's male and give him more money and respect because of it No. 1783525
File: 1678099116700.png (1.15 MB, 864x1226, Screenshot_20230306-013140.png)

I'm looking for evidence of old …friends… and stuff, haven't found much yet but he is obnoxious at every gathering
No. 1783527
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so waiflike amirite
No. 1783618
File: 1678113529642.jpeg (488.88 KB, 828x1030, F7ADAABA-E801-4AB2-87EE-BE460A…)

>>1781647Late but KEK his fucking thick ass neck hahahaha
No. 1783627
dylan thinks groomer is a very serious accusation (vidrel - he does his misogynistic Karen voice in it). But in
>>1772134 he was much more offended by being called a man than being called a predator. He didn't like the predator comments, but "even worse" were the articles calling him a man - that was the offense he thought should be illegal.
No. 1783628
File: 1678115396796.png (801.34 KB, 864x1509, Screenshot_20230306-160747.png)

His merch is narcissism and skinwalking. Nothing like wearing a shirt with your photoshopped and nipped/tucked mug on it. I didn't even think FFS was recommended before you've been on hormones for more than a year(?) but I'm not up on the mutilation standards these days.
No. 1783634
>>1783245I've been tinfoiling for a while now that he's definitely on some form of stimulants. Wide open crazy eyes, stiff clenching jaw, skinny body, always acting hyper and moving around even when just sitting down talking to the camera, can't stfu even when other people are talking, etc. Might even explain his weirdly straight teeth (like in
>>1783618 ), they kinda look worn down from excessive grinding and jaw clenching.
No. 1783705
File: 1678123752272.png (1.08 MB, 1280x963, 75EE6C89-01E9-4DAE-8678-6690D0…)

>>1783628How delusional do you have to be to think you resemble this one in a million, orherworthdly gamine, charming, talented wonderful woman?!?
I need some ugly man confidence
No. 1783707
File: 1678123955916.png (1.19 MB, 761x1002, DA8DEB1A-0722-4B5B-B915-F528C1…)

>>1783628More Audrey spam because I know he lurks here. You’ll never have an ounce of what she had.
Where’s your charity work? Selflessness? Audrey refused to get plastic surgery or for anyone to retouch her wrinkles on her photos.
Even if you could magically morph yourself to look 1% like her, you’ll never have her spirit. A kind woman spirit.
No. 1783730
>>1783707she also hated her beautiful nose, which Dylan went out of his way to copy with plastic. She thought she was too skinny, that her collarbones stuck out too much, that she looked awkward. She wasn't full of herself like Dylan. She was renowned for her kindness and charity work. She was not perfect (in a healthy way) and the world saw her grow into a beautiful soul who was moved by the plight of those in poverty.
I adore Audrey for those things and for her talent. She wasn't just a body and face.
No. 1783762
File: 1678128077489.png (1.09 MB, 864x1512, Screenshot_20230306-161532.png)

They're going to maul her
No. 1783773
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>>1783762Their maleness can't be denied.
No. 1783840
File: 1678137265661.jpeg (474.84 KB, 655x1170, 9201CAB9-831C-457E-B85E-7FB900…)

He’s for sure at LEAST taking adderall. But I’m sure this goddamn psycho combines it with other uppers and never sleeps or eats
No. 1783900
>>1783627dylan said in the video above that he doesn't want to get to know or be friends with kids, but then he made vidrel, where he speaks directly to kids, saying all trans people are ready to celebrate them, that their queerness is their superpower and their transness is magic. Then he leans in real close like a fuckin children's entertainer and says 'I see you. and I love you.'
No. 1783903
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>>1783628I have secondhand embarrassment for anyone who buys this shit
No. 1783919
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>>1783903ah yes, the "gotta pee" pose on an emaciated bobblehead with a cheap wig
No. 1783965
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It's a few days old, but just in case any of you haven't seen it, his latest company he's shilling is Olay. So if you keep up with shit to boycott, like me, add that one to the list. No. 1784004
>>1783965FUCKS SAKE
Olay is such good moisturiser. Fuck this fucking clown.
No. 1784007
File: 1678155684559.png (36.29 KB, 602x221, Screenshot 2023-03-07 at 02.20…)

>>1783965Double post but this reply almost got me in the feels, before I remembered who it was about.
No. 1784089
>>1779934Counterpoint: his obsession with tampons. That's 100% coomershit.
In any case, Blanchard's typology goes beyond just HSTS and AGP; there's also "pseudobisexuality," which is basically when the obsession with gender identity distorts a person's sexuality. It's typically used to describe AGPs who let men fuck them, not because they're into men, but because being "used" sexually by a man makes them "feel" like women. There's also just AGP "lesbians" going prison-gay because the only "lesbians" willing to dat them are other AGPs. However the reverse can also happen; their fantasies about being women can bleed into just fantasies about women. Unlike AGPs, who want girlfriends so bad they meme themselves into becoming the girlfriend, HSTS sometimes want to be women so bad it translates into wanting to fuck them, because men struggle to differentiate the emotions of admiration and lust (hence scrotes drawing/commissioning porn of literally every piece of media they enjoy.) I think pseudobisexuals are narcissists incapable of being attracted to anyone but themselves, and/or they were bisexual to begin with and didn't acknowledge it because they weren't in the exact middle of the Kinsey scale. I think a lot of bisexuals mistakenly call themselves gay or straight because they show a strong lean towards one sex or the other.
No. 1784109
>>1783297Hepburn and Twiggy look nothing alike. Like they both had short haircuts I guess? And more to the point, Dylan doesn't even look like the same
species as them. He looks like a pasty, anorexic Patrick Bateman in drag.
No. 1784128
>>1784093Yes. The history of the Beiersdorf Company (Eucerin is one of their brands) is rather interesting. They don't seem like the type to follow trends.
No. 1784179
File: 1678183111836.png (975.14 KB, 691x1330, Screenshot_20230307-105618.png)

So happy with how they printed a phrase onto a pink shirt! He looks gaunt and old - reads unhealthy, like he really does have a disease
No. 1784715
>>1784118I don't think they will. CeraVe and Cetaphil seem like pretty heavy competitors in the "back to basics" skincare market, both aimed at protection and skin health as opposed to anti-aging, wrinkle reducing etc.
Cetaphil can win over by using real women in their campaigns.
No. 1785175
>>1784949idk why but he reminds me of michelle duggar
fake fake fake fake fake nice
No. 1785787
File: 1678402654392.webm (3.89 MB, 576x1024, male rage.webm)
Doesn't look like this was posted.
Look at his eyes. I actually got the creeps from how you can literally feel his male narcissistic rage in this video. Sorry if it's bad quality, first time uploading a webm
No. 1785851
>>1785834Unironically because many women have this criteria
>he doesn’t want to fuck me>therefore he’s a good guyIf he’s not a potential threat, in the sense that he wouldn’t rape you because he finds vaginas disgusting, then you’re willing to deal with his misogynistic behavior because well, at least he wouldn’t rape you or hurt you in a way that any other straight or bi moid would do.
So yeah, they’re “othered” by other moids, which makes us believe they understand our struggles, and they play their “funny” teehee personas so we believe we’re insane for calling them out.
That’s kind of why people love to act as if a gay moid can be considered almost a woman when in reality he’s just gaslighting everyone.
No. 1785870
>>1785834It was originally a safe way for straight girls who'd had bad relationships to enjoy male company without having to worry about getting hit on. By the time Will & Grace aired in the 90s Hollywood was selling the gay BFF thing hard, and a lot of naive women keep falling for it.
I had a gay male BFF in college. I found out what skilled manipulators they can be. I'd just had a bad breakup with my first boyfriend, and gay dude seemed so fun. He didn't use any of the derogatory language drag queens use. I liked not having to worry about him trying to get into my pants. Gay men treat each other like shit so many of them like having female friends.
They can be bitchy fun and they're really good at flattery and seeming harmless until you trust them. Then the mind games start. It's a survival strategy they've evolved over the centuries. They can sniff out women with low self-esteem just like
abusive straight men do. They're often more subtle than het trannies because historically they've had to be.
I eventually kicked gay dude to the curb because he became as possessive and bossy as a straight man. He was also really weird about my selectivity regarding sexual partners. He'd scold me for being uptight. I'm sure it was bad conscience on his part, since he was whoring his way through school.
No. 1785921
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>>1785830same. I swear to god he has at least 200 teeth.
No. 1786021
File: 1678444878148.jpg (308.25 KB, 1080x2036, CeraveTranny.jpg)

>>1784004>Olay is a such a good moisturizer Mfw Cerave just made it to my country and are the best cleansers and facial moisturizers on the market
No. 1786055
>>1785787Lol, nice mixing of two hypocritical trans beliefs trana-kun.
You're a woman and the surgery was to make you pretty? So it's not life saving gender affirmation surgery to give you a female face that should be covered by insurance? Just a pretty one?
>>1785932And hulking trannies who don't fit a unisex L
No. 1786063
File: 1678453749163.jpeg (285.02 KB, 1125x1758, 0E95F5EE-A9EB-4D13-8A55-26AA27…)

Hint: it’s because you’re a fuggo with botched surgery. He talks about how „somebody who looks like that should not be single” and when he was called out on his entitlement and incelism handmaidens started crying about twansmisogyny and microagression kek.
No. 1786067
File: 1678454750189.jpg (7.35 MB, 4096x5791, GridArt_20230310_082018597.jpg)

Having trouble converting video but here's a link to his IWD video: face botch really is in full view this video. Parts of his face don't move and you can see the scarring and how crooked it is
No. 1786144
>>1786100Agree. Also, his narcissism. He'll probably end up with someone who wants to use him for clout, if he ever ends up with someone.
Or he'll pay someone to be seen with and claim they're dating
No. 1786176
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>>1786063>>1786021he is real life fuchi
No. 1786212
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>>1786176genuinely can't get over how botched he is. his face looks like it's pulled so tight it's painful.
No. 1786216
File: 1678478243827.jpg (268.81 KB, 2048x2048, g580e4204e691.jpg)

>>1786067troons always end up looking even less like a woman and more like a botched gay man like picrel after ffs
No. 1786307
File: 1678486863062.png (968.33 KB, 576x1024, download (13).mp4_snapshot_00.…)

seeing dylan here next to a real woman really highlights how ugly and grotesque he is.
No. 1786692
>>1786636he relly is larping as a little girl, a child.
he gives me michael jackson vibes, not in the talent way but in the "is probably a pedo" way
No. 1786693
File: 1678552454575.png (1.31 MB, 674x1164, Screenshot 2023-03-11 at 17.34…)

i think our girl might need braces
No. 1786718
>>1786063Of course no one wants to date him, most gay men aren't willing to play into the larp and pretend to be straight even if he's currently sugery free (no boobs or inverted penis yet). And the closeted gays would at least want someone who actually sort of passes so they can still pretend they're straight or otherwise they wouldn't be closeted.
He said he also likes women now, but straight women don't want to date a man who is pretending to be a woman. Feminine men are statistically the least desireable by all dating groups, and that's without them demanding you pretend they're a hot bimbo girl on the internet and with a projected future of cutting off their genitals. There's a reason trans women rarely date anyone but other trans women (unless they were in a previous realtionship with a woman who they then force to pretend to be a lesbian). I honestly think him saying he's also inte women now was just to protect himself from allegations of being transphobic, I mean of course he's into other trans women who are also men with dicks like him.
The question is if he will have to come out as a lesbian so he can date another trans woman, acting like it has nothing to do with him having been a gay man his entire life prior to trooning out kek.
No. 1786775
File: 1678563718281.png (576.35 KB, 864x1475, Screenshot_20230311-170531.png)

It's hard being a shallow vapid narcissist.
No. 1787317
>>1786724if michael jackson was alive he'd have an active cow thread on his own and you know it
>>1786877he says he's had both, and he says he's taken estrogen. neither show any results. I really think he's lying and loves his male body too much to want it to actually change.
No. 1787727
>>1787680>he's now on the hunt for a girlfriend (non troon) to use as his personal shield and fashion accessoryI also think he wants one so that he can learn to imitate/skinwalk women better than he can with his female friends so that he can make himself more appealing to men as an HSTS. He's definitely aware that even with all the money and attention thrown at him, he still comes off as male, which is why he made that bitter video response to a commenter saying his surgery looks botched and he looks like a man.
Like with anything that has a sudden boom of popularity, his is going to end soon, people have already had to put up with 365 days of his awful content. Once he runs out of adderall or gets too skinny the tween girls on on tiktok will move on to a different gender special influencer that's easier to fawn over than sickly bruce jenner
No. 1787975
File: 1678724108934.png (80.8 KB, 863x997, Screenshot_20230313-170812.png)

today's the wretched day, one year of larping. he's been lying about being trans since age 4 and made up a super conservative/religious family background (they are neither conservative nor that religious). I'm not ready to write up my own research but in this case someone on KF did a good job of collecting and archiving evidence: It's been helpful as I've looked into how Dylan became the world's most annoying troon even though he's barely transitioned physically at all.
He claims he came out as trans at age 4 now (picrel, from
>“I came out to my mom at [age] 4. I told her, ‘I’m a girl.’ We were very, very religious so she was like, ‘God doesn’t make mistakes.’ But I didn’t know that I could transition. I didn’t know that there were options or resources"In old material from his "coming out" as non-binary, he used this quote from his mom about how "God doesn't make mistakes" in a positive way, implying she was reassuring him.
Now it's something with heavy negative (religious) connotations in his new fake narrative about being the youngest troon ever. He implied this statement was a condemnation or restriction for him.
The first of these options is much more believable bc that phrase was on keychains and mugs and motivational stuff. It was meant to be comforting, like "you can't be a mistake because God don't make mistakes!" "God don't make fuck-ups so you're not a fuck-up!" I bet Mom is pissed at being painted as a conservative transphobe who prevented poor baby Dylan from being a girl sooner.
No. 1787993
>>1787975>>1787987Here's the narrative as he tells it. (about 1:00 in the embedded video) His mom reminded him of this story, and DYLAN allegedly said "God made a mistake and accidentally put a girl inside of a boy's body"! His mom then reassured him that God doesn't make mistakes. Classic parent consoling a distressed child. What's wrong with being a boy who likes stereotypically "feminine" things? Nothing, of course.
Now he has spun this to mean something completely different. His poor parents.
No. 1788029
>>1786063Even gay men know that you don't stick your dick in crazy. His straight female fans would never date him because to them he's their parasocial gay friend. That pretty much only leaves clout chasing bisexuals.
He seems exhausting to be around, like a spoiled theater kid mixed with a caffeinated toddler. I've heard rumors that his castmates on Book of Mormon disliked him and found him annoying.
No. 1788031
File: 1678730314361.png (866.59 KB, 864x1499, Screenshot_20230313-174449.png)

nonna with the list:
No. 1788032
File: 1678730381360.png (1013.2 KB, 864x1541, Screenshot_20230313-174440.png)

The Plaza is helping him larp as a 6yo girl.
No. 1788129
>>1788031I'm the nonna with a list and have been updating consistently as things get posted, I just don't mention it when I add things so it's not too repetitive. The sheer amount of crap companies send him is so insane. Kate spade and the Plaza Hotel specifically are so far up his ass that I initially gave up adding more links just because of time/space. Instead I'm going to make imgur albums because this is ridiculous. People need to see that these aren't all just one-off cases of brands sending some egotistical troon free shit for marketing optics. This is consistent lifestyle support for a man, by companies for women and whose consumer base is women.
If they truly wanted to at least pretend to support women, they could donate to charities, they could have fund raisers, these are huge companies. But they don't, they send bath bombs to a tiktok narc. I've never been a brand person, it's dumb to think that a company tweeting an infographic actually cares about social causes, but it's the fact that they are so deep into pretending to care that they willingly send products to, pay for ads/sponsorships from, and fund the ridiculous lifestyle of Dylan that is makes it all so repulsive. They can't even pretend to care about women in a way that isn't misogynistic.
No. 1788152
File: 1678740008160.jpeg (24.37 KB, 250x443, dillyikes.jpeg)

Found the next thread pic on the Other Farms. Time to fire up the ol' MS Paint.
No. 1788156
>>1788005Who knew that despite reduction of abortion rights, escalation of male violence, cost of living impacting period poverty and childcare costs, and in the UK the issue of police literally using their powers to "arrest" then rape and murder women…
… all we needed was a fucking $5000 handbag.
No. 1788182
>>1787999>we can all agree being a woman is a lot more than the material things but sometimes it is fun to give in a littleA
little? Literally his whole thing is playing dress up, getting free shit, or talking about how trans rights are more important than womens rights.
No. 1788236
File: 1678771054819.webm (3.98 MB, 576x1024, wtf.webm)
There's no way this hasn't already been posted somewhere in an old MTF general, but I just stumbled across it. I will never understand how or why handmaidens not only put up with this kind of shit, but actively encourage it. unreal
No. 1788288
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The livestream didn't work. Most people (who paid for tickets) couldn't get in until about 40m after the event began. Anyone complaining too much got shouted down by fascists saying not to ruin Dylan's big day or make him feel bad.
No. 1788323
>>1787975They always pretend to come from closed-minded conservative backgrounds. Sam Brinton did, too. Having a loving and accepting family doesn’t fit the grift.
I hope that throwing his family under the bus backfires on him, especially if he used their money/influence to boost himself.
>>1788005>>1788156The hardest part of being a woman is deciding which of your enormous hoard of sponsored cosmetics to pair with your newest $5000 handbag.
No. 1788324
>>1787975They always pretend to come from closed-minded conservative backgrounds. Sam Brinton did, too. Having a loving and accepting family doesn’t fit the grift.
I hope that throwing his family under the bus backfires on him, especially if he used their money/influence to boost himself.
>>1788005>>1788156The hardest part of being a woman is deciding which of your enormous hoard of sponsored cosmetics to pair with your newest $5000 handbag.
No. 1788349
>>1787975They always pretend to come from closed-minded conservative backgrounds. Sam Brinton did, too. Having a loving and accepting family doesn’t fit the grift.
I hope that throwing his family under the bus backfires on him, especially if he used their money/influence to boost himself.
>>1788005>>1788156The hardest part of being a woman is deciding which of your enormous hoard of sponsored cosmetics to pair with your newest $5000 handbag.
No. 1788509
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maybelline ad and manly seizure
No. 1788511
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his old nose was better. really. what is this.
No. 1789134
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can anyone figure out how to get a copy of this 365 day show? he said he confronted his "haters" and I want to see that. obviously don't want to pay for it. btw only the PROFITS go allegedly to the Trevor project. Not the proceeds. There will be next to zero profit given that the tickets were $5, all those people & the space had to be paid (possibly also food, drink, security, janitorial services, after-party?), and the stream didn't work as promised, opening the ticket company up to possibly having to refund ticket-holders anyway.
No. 1789184
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Groomers gonna stick together.
The pictures from the show prove it's just The Dylan Show. The money goes to The Trevor Project, but this night is all about celebrating Dylan and pandering to his fantasies of being a star. What an absolutely fucking narcissist. I know instinctively the kind of flaky over dramatic asshole he would have been as a gay man. Shallow as a fucking puddle.
No. 1789578
>>1789566this is a little bit blogposty but please consider my rationale on this issue before giving up on boycotting brands.
I will boycott the brands that pay or support Dylan, because he makes me rage. So far I don't mind finding alternatives and I bet a lot of other women will do the same if they are disgusted by Dylan. There's no specific branded product on earth I truly need to survive as far as I know. I'll think about it more but pretty sure I'm right. I cannot speak for other women and I'm not going to judge them either. But if someone suggests supporting or buying a brand associated with him, I don't mind explaining why I'm not down with it.
No. 1789595
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k18 partnership
No. 1789605
>>1789580jesus christ. could only watch small bits of this but it's really stark just how much of a misogynist drag queen he is when you see him on an actual stage instead of just his videos.
like he is literally taking the most outrageous and offensive stereotypes of women and turning them up to 100. like the way he flaps his arms around and acts "ditsy" whilst wearing 1950's housewife clothes and makeup. and people are really pretending that this isn't just a man in drag?
No. 1789648
>>1789633>>1789595I hate myself, so here we go. Shitty recap but trust me, I can't do this with any more detail or I'd need therapy.
BEGINNING > Bad skit about stage fright as 'being on stage for the first time as woman'> Shitty song about how he started this journey while he thinks he's a big broadway star> Opening monolog about the same shit, being stage first time as a girl> Thank you for flying in everyone and thank you for coming > Goes behind a small screen on the stage to change dress while pretend like the audience isn't there> Dresses in some form of lingerie thing with a robe on I FORGOT TO WRITE NAME OF THIS TRANNY ACTIVIST > Trans activist comes on the stage to talk to him and they're joking about how the show isn't over yet even if he's dressing up like it is> Dylan's like "Oh how should the show go on if you did it?"> "Drama and other grandiose things!" HIS FIRST VIDEO > They show video of his first tiktok about being a girl> Dylan says 'that video makes him cringe and he doesn't even recognise himself' and pretends like he's surprised the audience is 'still here', because obviously he forgot he was on the stage.> Make fun out of his outfits and he changes on stage again> Dylan sits back down on a makeup table and gets told to think back to the first day. And Dylan sees "a person who so desperately wants to be liked and doesn't want to step on anyone" > Dylan sings a shitty tranny cover of 'Part of your world' from Little Mermaid.> Dylan wants to check comments on his first video about being a girl> Surprisingly people call him misogynistic etc. And "maybe it's not the best way to connect with women".> But then they read all the nice comments and Dylan cheers that "Not every woman hates me!" TERFS > He talks about not knowing what Terf is and the assistants explain what is Terf> Dylan just thinks it's "One more group to win over" when he gets told about Terfs.> He tells about him choosing to keep his name and why he calls himself girl, not woman, because women are "scary" and what else. TAMPONS > He shows the video when he first time bought tampons and decided to carry them with him.> He sings a song about needing tampons because some girl stood up and asked for tampon. Not creepy at all.> Dylan gives the woman a tampon after this painful song and makes joke about "Not needing it back" GENDER SNOWFLAKENESS AND TRANS-SISTERS > He finally lets people meet his assistants on the stage who all are some gender snowflakes obviously.> He realizes that he only really needed his Trans-sisters around, not just the support of cis-women, which he was obsessed at first with.> He shows off his trans-friends and mentors who are in the audience and talks to some fat tranny on the front row. Compliments the dress of the tranny while wearing the same dress.> They sing another song about being sisters.> Third tranny in same dress joins from audience to sing> He got his Trans-Fem Sisters and Cis-Fem BFF's so what more could he ask for? DYLAN DOES DATING: CRINGE EDITION > Someone says "A relationship", and another tranny from the audience stands up to talk with Dylan about how Dylan should be smooching around > Dylan has never been in relationship, and has not been physical before.> 'imprompty Dylan Does Dating' scene Where Dylan gets blindfolded and three men(?) come up to the stage for a blind dating show.> This whole dating show-scene is absolutely awful. Dylan asks shitty shitty questions from them; "what would be the perfect first date with me?", "What's your favourite broadway musical?", "What do you think would make us a good match?"> Bachelor number 2 wins and Dylan and he do a dance on the stage. > Dylan 'can't believe everyone saw such a vulnerable moment in his life that's so unlike him' because he had his 'first dance as a girl' BAD TRANSHATING VIDEOS > They google Dylan's name.> Show vids about people telling how Dylan is creepy, useless tranny basically, how he is not woman and is just playing caricature of woman.> Dylan changes clothes again and talks about how he wanted to include these bad videos for whatever the fucking reason, and it's "constructive critisism", and his handmaids on the stage tell him how it's not, and how they're trying to silence him> He sings another song totally off-key while starting to cry about everything, talking about how his only agenda is to be happy and healthy. It's a cover of Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush. RENEE RAPP > He hopes he didn't "Lose the audience but thought every show needs a little conflict" and starts asking if audience needs like water and stuff. And that he "overshared again".> He crashes on a couch and Renee Rapp comes on the stage to sing to him.> Talks about how everyone deserves to have Renee Rapp in their life, especially in those dark moments. JOE BIDEN AND SENATOR SARAH ELFRET > They show ad video for The Trevor Project.> He shows a clip about him meeting Biden and calls Joe Biden his "Grandpa now"> Talks about it coming in at a time where he felt lonely and having support of one of the most powerful people in the world was nice.> He felt a little bad about taking the gig because he was probably "Not the right person for that gig" to meet the president, and there would be transgender people who have been doing this for much longer than he has.> He invites in Senator Sarah Elfret to sit down at the stage with him.> Talks about how he met Joe Biden and Biden told that he'd "just talked about him to a friend" who turned out to be Sarah.> Asks Sarah what does activism mean to her and Sarah goes on a sperg about it> The talk with Senator lasts way too long and is way too boring to recap fully. Basically it's just political advertisement for Sarah at this point for being friend of Trannies.> Everyone stood up to clap when Sarah left the stage. PHYSICAL TRANSITION AND SURGEON > Dylan talks about his physical transition and first thing, obviously, is his 'boob update'. And obviously his handmaids also get to give 'boob updates'.> Dylan tells that he needs more laser hair removal. His handmaid compliments his face.> Talks about his FFS and how it's important to celebrate everyone's transitions.> His FFS doctor is in the audience so Dylan makes a scene about thanking him for being so helpful and good and all that for that botched face of his.> Sings a song to his surgeon. Idk what this is cover of, but it's at 55 minutes. TREVOR PROJECT 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO > Another ad for Trevor Project> Dylan changes clothes again> Talks about how he gets imposter syndrome when kids and teens tell him that they look up to him and thanks them for their support. SOB SONG FOR KIDS > Another song cover at 1 hour mark, don't remember what this is cover of. Sings about being there for the kids and teens and what else.> "We're all just trying our pest here aren't we?"> Talks about importance of having people in their lives to celebrate them, even if it's loved one, mental health professional or teacher, as long as they don't feel alone ENDING > Starts crying again on the stage> off-script sperg about how he's so happy about this chance and everyone listening to him> Back to advertising the Trevor Project> His dad comes up on the stage to hug him and Dylan cries some more.> Encourages people to donate to the Trevor Project.> The trans activist lady who's name I ignored in the start comes back to the stage and compliments his dress, and thanks her for letting him go down the memory lane.> Talks about how he has a lot to learn, might have surgery might not, feels a lot more like woman than just a girl now. > Maybe today is the "day one of womanhood"> He has another fake mental breakdown and sings with handmaidens at 1:08, again song I don't recognize> Ends up with that song and thanks everyone. Reminds people to donate, donate, donate to Trevor Project. No. 1789653
>>1789648bless you
nonnie for your strength
> Dylan wants to check comments on his first video about being a girl> Surprisingly people call him misogynistic etc. And "maybe it's not the best way to connect with women".> But then they read all the nice comments and Dylan cheers that "Not every woman hates me!"yeah the fact some fag hags blow smoke up his ass because he is a gay man means the women who are upset at his misogyny are completely invalid. argument won!
the rest stinks of cringe theatrical narcissism. and FUCK HIM for using a Kate Bush song.
No. 1789689
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>>1789580eww at the audience, some ugly hulking troon beasts there
No. 1789703
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>>1789695most girls and women do not view 1950s housewives as goals, no. And he looks ancient for his age. It's not asexual imho, I think it's AGP (there's the lyric in the opening number about "skirts that twirl"). He has a gross interest in being underage and a tradwife bimbo at the same time.
No. 1789722
>>1789703It might be sexual for him, but his naive audience could easily view it as just a bubbly, effeminate gay boy doing what comes naturally. The point is, if Dylan is a glorified drag queen, he is a sanitized one that woke moms would like to take their tots to see in Drag Queen Story Hour; all rainbows and glitter, not so much jokes about poppers and anal prolapse. I think that's his selling point, since I can't think of any other selling point this freak might have.
I think a TIM who looks like Blaire White or Nikita Dragun might be a harder sell for Dylan's audience, since that type uncanny valley, pornified approximation of womanhood has potential to make women uncomfortable. Flamboyant la-la man in a dress doesn't make women uncomfortable, at least not the type of fag hags that look at Dylan and are all "aww, look at him- I mean her go :^)"
No. 1789755
>>1789648Samefag, but there was earlier some talk about his name and him not changing his name. In the part where he briefly mentioned it, he also said the day in which video he spoke about it first time, so I dug it up. Here it is, to those wondering why he doesn't wanna change his name.
"No other name would suit this personality and people are naming their daughters Dylan"
No. 1789777
>>1789578I wasn't giving up on boycotting brands! For the most part, I don't own a single thing (aside from an old kitchen aid mixer) from any company that has promoted Dylan. I agree it's disgusting, I'm the one with the brand website higher up in the thread. More and more things are added regularly, and while I personally am not a huge consumer and can afford to find alternatives, the list is pretty long and getting longer, and I don't want nonna to feel bad about a brand she uses being troon-ized. Yes there are alternatives, but sometimes there's just really not (like how cerave might be the best option around in
>>1786021). I personally will never purchase anything from a Dylan brand again, but all it would take would be a couple more sponsorships from Always and Kotex (which isn't impossible seeing as he's been sponsored by Tampax and Knix) to make it much harder to women to find reliable and commonly accessible hygiene products. Likewise, my mom's been using Cetaphil soap for decades as one of the only things that works for her skin, and if they sponsor Dylan like Cerave, I am not gonna discourage her from using it.
Sorry for the sperg out, I just do feel strongly about this because I've been "anti-consumerist" for years, and I believe the easiest way to help others work through their dependency on brands is via a gentle process of elimination. There's also a decent amount of snobbery in those circles, and I don't want people to feel bad for not wanting to give up something that works best for them. There are tons of other options besides Maybelline though. Maybe I'm just disillusioned from the ever-expanding list, but most large companies are more than okay with passively/actively supporting troons and it will only get harder for women who aren't super devoted to avoiding Dylan sponsors to find new things.
No. 1789787
>>1789777no worries nonna, it sounds like we agree completely. Like I said, I won't judge other women for doing what is best for them! I'm optimistic that Kotex at least will stay the fuck away from tranny stuff. Buying generic products is also an option for some things. Generic pads used to be shit but I bought a pack recently and they are much better than they used to be.
Your list serves a greater purpose as well, because it shows all the brands kissing Dylan's feet and throwing him money. He doesn't even have talent: can't act, can't write lyrics, and definitely lacks a decent voice for starring in a professional show. I expected better lyrics, better singing, better everything. Why does this chode get to sing about showing women his "tuck" and everyone claps? Fuck him. He should publicize how much he is donating to the Trevor Project because it can't be much after he pays the bills for the 365 extravaganza.
No. 1789816
File: 1678999274234.webm (5.39 MB, 480x270, dylan price is right.webm)
lmao he was on the price is right before his tiktok shit. he is such a fame/attention whore
No. 1789817
>>1789777I appreciate what you're doing
nonny. I hope Slatz from reduxx or some other outspoken radfem who browses here highlights it somewhere.
No. 1789818
>>1789816samefag but this makes me think the
industry plant theory is true. he also had that viral news segment about his dad giving people cookies or whatever. everything he does seems to get on TV without any good reason and it's fishy as hell.
No. 1789822
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well I missed this, since I couldn't bear watching that fucked up Ulta interview about "girlhood." Dylan talked about tucking and signed a piece of tuck tape for David. It was Dylan's idea to sign it.
No. 1789875
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>>1789834seen some people using this clip as "evidence" that Dylan isn't mocking women and he is just being himself. but what they're failing to realise is that Dylan and other HSTS like him are equating these flamboyant behaviours to being
girly. men have always called other men "girls" if they act ditzy or theatrical, even though it's got nothing to do with being female. it's offensive, it's used as an insult. in fact, if you ask a man to do an impression of a woman, he will probably act like a theatrical gay
man, with a limp wrist and talk about shopping in a squeaky voice as if any actual woman is like that.
he is just a caricature based on a caricature
No. 1790034
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>>1789991this sadly does not look like a sober man, looks blitzed out of his mind
No. 1790035
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here's how Dylan's face actually looks, admittedly with unflattering lighting, but jfc it's worse than I thought. It shows just how filtered and edited his videos and pictures are. Also check out his "green eyes" kek
No. 1790039
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Such woman, much female
No. 1790040
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someone could mention to him that we don't need to see his uvula
No. 1790045
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>>1790034dad looking drunk
No. 1790047
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>>1790043oh this is such a far cry from what he normally posts that I wonder wtf he's using to create his tiktoks and pics.
Picrel is his little girl larp today.
No. 1790052
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kek, looks like he's melting
No. 1790056
>>1790043He has a nice jawline here, and good cheekbones. Shame he didn't have the talent to match his Flamboyant Broadway Gay looks.
Also goddamn that shaving rash is harsh. If he wasn't such a reprehensible narc I'd feel half bad for him.
No. 1790059
>>1790043He has a nice jawline here, and good cheekbones. Shame he didn't have the talent to match his Flamboyant Broadway Gay looks.
Also goddamn that shaving rash is harsh. If he wasn't such a reprehensible narc I'd feel half bad for him.
No. 1790101
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>>1786693I know I'm late as fuck nonas but I felt inspired this morning
No. 1790137
>>1789991>doing a good thingmaking
cookies for people in need? that is such a made up thing lol. sorry but no one is excepting cookies from an ex-addict and I find it hard to believe that an heir and business man who was into drugs and drinking is suddenly super wholesome and UwU just wants to bake cookies teehee. also Dylan made his tiktok off the back of that viral story.
>>1790034kek now we know where Dylan gets his attention-seeking
No. 1790142
>>1790139Not sure about his parents as there is very little info on them but a lot more religious parents are on board with trans shit than people think, cos it's glorified gay conversion therapy. Really the thing they're scared of when they think of LGBTQxyz123 is the
gay part and the non-conformity. You just know a lot of these couples would choose a trans "daughter" who wears pretty dresses over a gay son who likes pink and vice versa for girls.
And yeah, if they make a lot of money too.. that can't hurt.
No. 1790167
>>1790142There's no information indicating they were hardcore religious or conservative. But a huge question is why Dylan's mom (whom he called his bff) would do a TikTok with him but not attend his narc show. His dad attended with his gf. It must have been hard to hear Dylan babble on about "chosen family" when actual family are in the audience supporting him despite all the cringe.
His family goes on vacation to Bora Bora regularly and his grandfather James Mulvaney, Sr. was rich too. They don't need Dylan's money, they probably paid his entire tuition and bankrolled the beginning of the trans endeavor too.
No. 1790174
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>>1790173sorry, meant to add the obituary as well. Quite a long list of accomplishments. I think it's clear that Dylan's success is tied to the Mulvaney family's wealth in some way. It's probably better that grandpa isn't alive to see what Dylan is doing now. No. 1790679
File: 1679159922961.webm (1.9 MB, 470x270, Hbgz8V3KP-A2Q9j3.webm)
Has this been posted yet
No. 1790754
>>1790679Imagine if a woman actually did this, people would tear her to shreds!
Dylan acts so pathetically desperate for attention here, and it just reeks of insecurity on top of the fame chasing. Everyone's eyes were already on him but he just needed to really make sure they remembered and saw him. It's like his bimbo video where he kept looking at the actual woman he was with for compliments and reassurance but this time he wants the audience to love him. As if acting obnoxious would help that fact
No. 1790984
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This made me highly uncomfortable
No. 1791674
>>1791194actually he has expressed a desire to play women's roles on Broadway. I don't remember where he said it, would need to find it.
He pretty much confirmed twice now that he won't cut his dick off. Once in the 365 show (at the end he says "might have another surgery, might not") and once in the Ulta interview. Dylan wants and hopes for a future where anyone can say they're a woman and poof, it is so. So he is already setting up a framework for him to keep his girldick. It's around 39:07 and following in vidrel
No. 1791704
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>>1791701samefag, and they all dress like this for some reason
No. 1791737
Rip phone posting
No. 1791775
>>1790984I can't fathom how a person can look at this and react with anything but disgust. His followers are Becky handmaidens who think he's their gay best friend, but I feel like even most gay men would unnerved and repulsed by this. He's a grown man LARPing as a literal five year old from a children's picture book.
I feel sorry for any anons who liked Eloise as a kid. If this was something I grew up with, I'd feel like it was completely ruined by this creep. Hopefully he never decides to fixate on Ramona Quimby or Junie B. Jones.
No. 1791825
>>1791701when I go over the border I see less, the more north I go the more I see. around Brisbane is pretty fucking bad but you can almost drive south away from it lmao
I remember I worked at a game store and the amount of theybies (mostly zoomers) that would come in was insane. a lot of our customers were unwashed autists though so it wasn't surprising. the link between male autism and troonism is so blatant.
I really do think the elites are pushing this to sterilize the masses and keep kids pre-pubescent for nefarious reasons but that's a treat for the tinfoil thread No. 1791942
>>1791775She was my childhood. I ran through hotels, I watched all the movies and animations, Eloise was on my future child's name list. I am 20 and my childhood copy of her book is still with me in storage somewhere.
The only thing worse than seeing a mentally ill man LARPing as one of my favorite childhood characters has been reading the comments about how this is part of his healing process. They know it's creepy, they have to know how creepy it is. No one defended bronies by saying "it's just healing/living the childhood they didn't get" because they understood it was weird. But all it takes is for that man to say he's a woman and it's okay?
He's never going to go after Ramona or Junie B Jones or Matilda because they lack the "glam" that invokes brand deals and requires production value. I could see Madeline because of France
>>1791855 though my personal bet is on nancy drew and her convertible, but she might not be young enough for our empowered girlboss to LARP as
No. 1792001
>>1791942I can easily see them going for Matilda. She’s written as misunderstood, magical, exceptionally mature for her age and morally and intellectually superior to all the adults in her life, with only one unrelated adult (who’s already been deemed “queer” by many fans) as a special exception. This is going to appeal to groomers who want children to be alienated from their parents and other caregivers who
misunderstand and
disrespect the child’s “true identity” as a genderspecial, and want to position themselves or their allies as the quirky queer teacher figure who’ll make up the child’s new chosen glitter family.
Here’s hoping that if some creep like Dylan or Jeffrey “abandon-your-family” Marsh does start skinwalking Matilda or Miss Honey, their association will ruin it for the actual children before they get taken in.
No. 1792003
>>1791674>He pretty much confirmed twice now that he won't cut his dick offDylan is the worse kind of troon because he wants any man to be able to claim they're a woman and instantly be accepted, doesn't matter if the man is a pedo, rapist, murderer, or even an abuse
victim or clearly suffering from mental delusions on the regular - he doesn't care that every scenario hurts other people, themselves and society all at once. He doesn't care as long as he gets to be famous and rich.
No. 1792020
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Beginning his rounds at universities. I hope some smart people show up and ask some hard questions he can't just brush off. No. 1792029
>>1792020Come on,
nonnie, you’re assuming that the people going to those forums give a fuck about what’s being said to the point of questioning it. Plus, wrongthink can make them get expelled and such, just suggesting that something isn’t quite right is considered the same stabbing that moid on stage.
No. 1792222
>>1792214Travelling sucks, #transmostaffected. Troons are the most marginalisedest people ever and so anything that’s difficult or uncomfortable for other marginalised groups (e.g. disabled people, people from certain religious and ethnic groups) must also affect them but 100x worse. If pressed he’d probably point to the TSA screening that singles out TIMs by picking up on suspicious bulges in the crotch area, therefore “outting” them. But Dylan literally got famous for being a troon and has made videos on normalising his bulge, so that hardly applies. If he does get subjected to a pat down it will almost certainly be done by some unfortunate female TSA agent and not a man.
This is all part of the same
victim narrative as the fake suicide and homicide statistics. Look at him, he’s so oppressed he can’t even travel! If only someone were to sponsor him a private jet hint hint hint? It’s the only way he could possibly survive the journey without being hatecrimed!
No. 1792506
>>1792012Oh my god, I've been sperging about eloise since he started his plaza larp but now matilda? why do all of my stupid dweeby childhood obsessions wind up in gender bullshit circles? I'm not going to name it for fear of jinxing it, but I have a nasty feeling deep down that he's going to go purchase one thing specifically, and when he does, I'll be here.
At least I was right that they didn't go for matilda specifically. The miss honey and teaching stuff in
>>1792001 is so true, academia is obsessed with accommodating quirky troons and children are going to have to suffer.
No. 1792698
>>1792029I think asking Dyldo why he believes he is a woman would be a fine question. If it's not biology, not hair and makeup and dresses, id all his videos are "satirical," if it's not about behavior (since men can have stereotypically "feminine" mannerisms) - then what is it? What is "woman" in his mind? Because it looks like it's a costume and attention-getting device for him, though he insists it isn't.
So if I were at Pitt, I might find a way to formulate this question and watch him stumble through it. Because he has tried to deny the accusations about womanface but I have never heard him say why he thinks he's a woman: only all the things it isn't. We also know that he wants complete self-ID for trannies.
Another question could be asked about why he is pretending to be a virgin when he had dates and relationships as a very proud gay man. Would be harder to word that well tho.
No. 1793208
>>1792020Nitpick because I know Dylan is ugly no matter what, but why is it always this picture used for promos?
Of all the photos that one is a literal jumpscare. In what world, man or woman, would someone think an open mouth smile flattering?
No. 1793247
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This is insane, also its like the the Democrats want to lose the next elections
No. 1793361
>>1793247What the hell has he accomplished other than pushing stereotypes and equating being a woman (or “girl” in his case) to extreme consumerism and luxury designers?
I’m so tired.
No. 1793628
>>1772089There's stuff called "social media panels " where you can buy views, followers, comments, etc that can even look real. They can even be trickled in to look organic too.
Tons of influencers get these to get deals and such
It's sad and needs to stop.
No. 1793658
>>1792698Even a legit handmaiden asking something like that could force him to give honest answers that damn him.
>>1790984I used to think Dylan was just gay but I'm starting to think it's a cover up and he's a legit pedo. He knows there are pedo allegations around him because he's mentioned it before, so why is he so happily playing into it unless he thinks pedophilia is ok and normal? Why does he keep insisting his flat chest is a little girl chest, on a girl who's a virgin and hasn't been kissed, who calls herself sexy while strutting around in bikinis?
No. 1793667
>>1793328Yeah, what the fuck? I feel like at least some of the established troon celebrities out there are pissed off that this literal clown is getting asspats from the president like he's Tranny MLK. Laverne Cox has been living his "authentic self," for well over a decade. Where the fuck are his letters from the president?
Somebody in high places is pulling strings for Dylan, that much I'm certain of. I wonder if Mulvaney Sr is in league with the Pritzkers or something.
No. 1794256
>>1772134 where he says being called "he" should be illegal and is worse to him than calling him a child predator. I'm wondering if he thinks he's not a "predator" because he sees himself as a "non-offending minor attracted person" but the part about being into children doesn't offend him because he knows that part is true.
No. 1794463
File: 1679679055269.png (1.36 MB, 864x1545, Screenshot_20230324-180527.png)

>>1793658>>1793939>>1794256it's getting even more blatant.
No. 1794531
he really can do whatever he wants as long as it's hashtag livingmydream. then, magically, a full grown man in his boxer shorts can be a real and true female child. wholesome! I used to be on the fence about him being an actual pervert (thought he was more just deluded and attention whoring) but the more i see, the more inappropriate he seems. he doesn't
need to display his "bulge" here and yet he does. the pigtails and obsession with child aesthetics is becoming extremely uncomfortable.
also his body is so disgustingly male, i don't know whether to laugh or vomit.
No. 1794553
>>1794463I've never seen legs that look more male than his…
>>1794531this "living my dream" to validate everything is so annoying. My dream is to see a real T-Rex, still I know that it's impossible and not a good idea to create one even if it was possible. Honestly, we all have dreams that aren't able to be fulfilled or very hard to achieve, because no one is coming around and tries to do everything so we can finally fulfil them.
No. 1794580
File: 1679689930110.png (1.16 MB, 864x1526, Screenshot_20230324-212906.png)

I'm probably a "bad woman" because I don't know much about hair extensions, but… aren't those hair extensions, the little bumps/knots?
No. 1794582
File: 1679690010071.png (44.36 KB, 863x789, Screenshot_20230324-212930.png)

>>1794580yet he says that's all his hair. It always looked fake to me, like all his hairstyles would require fake hair, plus they look overly shiny + fake.
No. 1794714
>>1794463>>1790984I keep thinking about how there is a generation of kids that are growing up not only thinking this is normal, or wonderful even, but are also losing the ability to detect "off" behaviour, you know?
not wanting to sound like a pearl-clutcher but seriously… how are kids meant to know when they are in the presence of a predator, for example, when it's now perfectly normal for grown men to act this way, and we should even coddle these men and give them whatever they want.
when I was a kid, a man acting or interested in anything to do with little girls = major red flag / avoid at all costs. whether or not someone like Dylan would ever dream of harming anyone isn't the point because it's warping people's perceptions of boundaries and sane behaviour.
No. 1794894
>>1794463Not a bone rattler but is Dylan really ana? He doesn't really look like anorexic boys I knew, those legs look too thick (could be Broadway though, the guys I knew didn't do heavy workouts, just ran). I wonder if he's just going for twink skinny and just doesn't know enough about eating to not end up deficient instead of actually trying for super skinny.
>>1794714Imo it's definitely a form of social grooming. Trans might not be the ideal MO for all predators but they all benefit from the erosion of barriers so they support it like YouTubers supporting other predators. They know if one of them gets kids more open to dating adults and/or their idols they all benefit
No. 1794908
>>1794554>>1794636Standard AGPs dress up as the girl they want to fuck and get off on the idea of being fucked as that girl. Dylan dresses up as the girl that the men he wants to fuck want to fuck and gets off on the idea of being fucked as that girl. AGP with extra steps.
I don’t remember if it was an anon in these threads or somewhere else but someone once pointed out that Dylan’s creepy little minstrel show is basically a misogynistic in-joke between men, with women and girls as the punchline. Aren’t these bitches stupid and only good for sex? is what he’s saying and yes, insulting women is the point. Getting women to play along and fawn over him in the process is the cherry on top and only serves to reinforce the misogyny. Either we’re so inferior that we accept and applaud our inferiority or we’re so inferior that we can’t protest even as he insults us to our faces. Win-win for him.
>>1794592Drag queens are insanely popular with zoomers and most of them don’t do anything except dress up as insulting caricatures, strut around and lip sync, either.
No. 1795067
File: 1679780214024.png (217.46 KB, 864x1487, Screenshot_20230315-115108.png)

>>1795045thanks for confirming, what a weird thing to lie about after slicing and dicing up his face. I saved this IG story (picrel) from the 365 night because it seemed way too suspicious to me. The types of bouffant and retro hairstyles he favors all would not work with what we've seen of his actual hair. And somehow it always looks a bit fake to me. I've seen a ton of professional and stage photography, his hair gives off weird vibes and doesn't look natural.
Why would he lie about having extensions when a lot of people have them?
No. 1795101
File: 1679783825636.png (1.45 MB, 864x1516, Screenshot_20230325-231705~2.p…)

26yo. Wrinkles and beard shadow galore and yet, can't move his eyebrows. I wonder if he will kill himself once the spotlight is off of him.
No. 1795190
File: 1679790700117.png (4.6 MB, 2600x1520, carbs.png)

>>1794894he doesn't eat fruits or veggies at all, just carbs and fast food. I've seen some people say bulimia but I really don't think so just because of his throat and singing, plus the fact that most bulimics are normal-overweight. His diet would put him at 100% overweight if he actually finished everything he claims to eat. I do suspect that his muscles left over from broadway let him eat his current diet of junk, but he's either not eating often or not finishing it. It's probably adhd meds (adderall) or some other appetite suppressant.
No. 1795331
File: 1679812289461.png (551.64 KB, 864x1517, Screenshot_20230326-083058.png)

No. 1795361
>>1795331do we know if he is trying to skinwalk anyone in particular with this or if it is just a change of style? Also what is is obsession with dressing as disgustingly revealing as he does? His audience is primarily teenage tik tok fangirls. I still kinda view him as an HSTS but it's like he
wants people to view him as a creep who wears the bare minimum when not dressing like a child
No. 1795447
File: 1679839883314.jpeg (480.25 KB, 2000x2400, 7CF13DB9-BE2A-4483-8488-916A62…)

>>1795331 I first thought of Julia Roberts.
No. 1795674
File: 1679860805356.png (1.89 MB, 864x1575, Screenshot_20230326-215850.png)

paid partnership with Rent the Runway. His hair looks like cheap doll hair.
No. 1795725
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>>1795714it's really over, yeah
No. 1795737
>>1795674uh, are you supposed to use Rent the Runway dresses for fucking around in a chicken coop? Aren't you supposed to not mess them up and snag them and stuff?
On the plus side, maybe he'll get avian flu.
No. 1795790
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No. 1795812
File: 1679875753761.jpg (112.32 KB, 1200x797, JeffreyMarshbyDanielSilbert201…)

who has the creepier smile?
No. 1795837
File: 1679878979807.png (7.67 MB, 3984x3448, dylan mulvaney high school.png)

>>1768695>>1790171Sage for not really milk, but I do have an anecdote. Without volunteering too much info, a high school he attended (I guess transferred into, he's only there for 2 years based on the books), had one of the most affluent theater/musical theater/theater production programs for a charter school in San Diego at the time, outside of dedicated arts schools. He sure as fuck wasn't in any part of it, and I can say that with absolute certainty. There are parents who buy crazy ads and plaster their kids' faces throughout yearbooks, but he wasn't one of them either. The over the top wild girly things bullshit came in a lot later. He did, in fact, work for Lush though.
>>1787975This guy is an absolute fucking liar. I have no clue where the batshit rockabilly theater kid aesthetic came from, but he didn't express it unless he was in some extracurriculars; he was practically invisible otherwise. There 100% were wacky gay theater kids among his peer group that went on to be successful performers without the troon nonsense. Maybe someone would have a better idea as to how far back he claims his theater experience is/was, about a decade ago? I'm convinced he's retconning his life story now that he realized he can capitalize on it as a nearing-30 adult.
No. 1795838
>>1795190>healthy eating habitsWhat the hell was he eating before that this is a healthy dish
This explains the wrinkles though, carb only diet will age the fuck out of you
No. 1795849
File: 1679880328906.jpg (37.07 KB, 720x772, jijh4s5a2v341.jpg)

>>1795790Jesus Christ someone call a priest and a shaman and a fucking druid just get all three of em and start a God damn exorcism/purge trifecta holy shit what even IS the creature wrapped within the supposed mortal flesh of Dylan Mulvaney??
No. 1795859
>>1795851I thought this was in reference to
>>1795790 kek, then i remembered what 'crows feet' are. he has both kinds i guess.
No. 1796060
>>1795939>gay man's fantasy and toned down drag yep, this is what i thought too. he is just a twink playing real life barbie with himself. he doesn't want hips and boobs and to live as a
woman. and you can tell by the way he displays his bulge and skinny man body that he is still sexualising himself as a twink.
No. 1796091
>>1795857>>1795837This is excellent information, can't thank you enough for writing a bit here. I'm working rn, but let me think if I have more questions. I can look up the theater references (when he says he started). There may be a timeline on KF. He claims that anytime he was dressed male, he was experiencing extreme dysphoria. But he posted many professional pics on IG back then relishing in being a gay man. It doesn't track.
If he wasn't in theater in HS, how did he decide to do theater in college? He clearly has some singing talent when he isn't trying to be a woman/girl. His IG goes pretty far back, back through HS. There are probably clues there. And the woman who helped run the 365 narcfest, Lily Drew, may have gone to the same HS.
No. 1796329
File: 1679947494440.png (42.32 KB, 656x860, dylan mulvaney carmel valley.p…)

>>1796091Yearbook anon here, I took a scroll through his Instagram, and I'm not surprised a good chunk of his early posts up until he'd be going to college (2015 and later) are a lot of outside-school content in different cities. Sorta checks out with me having no memory of him being around, even locally. I couldn't find Lily Drew, though he claims he's had a history with her since 2007, based on his Instagram. He would have been 11.
I did find this article from 2010, pic related:>Dylan Mulvaney of Carmel Valley is playing the role of Albert."Carmel Valley" is odd since it's only referencing the city, not a school he's attending, while others will list Carmel Valley, then a high school name. He would have been in ~9th grade, but I guess wasn't enrolled anywhere (or it just wasn't disclosed in the article, who knows). Another school referenced a bunch in the article is Canyon Crest Academy/CCA, which is where those yearbook pictures are from. Their Theater Conservatory Program was well-known a decade back, and as I mentioned, he had no part of it. Unfortunately for Dylan, that program is for students who can actually sing and act, who tend to go onto professional productions during/after college with staff vouching for their talent. My guess is he bounced around schools or was homeschooled (not uncommon, that school district was friendly to it if you had a worthy zip code), likely didn't need to care with rich parents, performed in local youth theaters? though most of his posts are of him attending events instead, and he coasted. Probably just needed a diploma from any artsy school to have an official transcript, then bounced. Unusual for how serious that community was with schooling, but not surprising for San Diego rich kid remoras as a whole. Lots of young performers from there have spotty school histories, but aren't certified nutjobs like Dylan.
Doesn't surprise me at all that his family used to be some of THE guys behind the Padres though. That's a bargaining chip very few San Diegans can abuse, and it gets you celebrity access. Petco Park is both their main stadium, and now designated celebrity performance zone. My money's still on him purely doing this for clout, it fulfills an acting niche where he otherwise would have failed as a teen, and he's immature enough to not see a problem with acting like a fucking manchild online. Stay in school, kids.
No. 1796378
File: 1679951246856.webm (12.3 MB, 1080x1920, 10000000_764100495064524_17113…)
Dylan goes to a wedding and instead of filming the bride and groom dancing, he films himself being such an obnoxious rude distraction that several people give him wtf looks.
He captions this video, "I love events," as if this isn't a personal, special day for his friends.
No. 1796460
>>1796058He said in a video once that he's taking estrogen. he's got a bit of breasts in the pics.
>>1796378High level of narc. Everyone else is taking pictures of what's going on, he's got someone filming him and is acting infront of the camera. Can you imagine how terrible this would be to see at your own wedding… Some acting infront of the camera, drawing attention away from your first dance. Take a couple photos or save it for later, geez
No. 1796752
File: 1679977476038.png (164.08 KB, 527x773, skinlikesandpaper.png)

>>1796378I wonder why he hasn't bothered to get laser hair removal yet. Is it just in case we wants to detrans once the ship has sailed? Also looks like a long scar under his chin.
No. 1798142
File: 1680107893399.png (12.03 KB, 123x138, narc.png)

>>1796378>i love eventsI love any opportunity to dress and behave in an attention seeking way and have a group of people forced to be my IRL audience and no mention of the bride ofc
No. 1798166
File: 1680112098261.png (1.45 MB, 864x1485, Screenshot_20230329-145337.png)

Dylan gave his number to a "cute waiter" in Copenhagen. He's so retarded.
No. 1798770
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No. 1798773
File: 1680177667384.webm (9.3 MB, 1080x1920, 323862320_1230998607523772_541…)
video. In motion it's even more grotesque.
No. 1798794
>>1798166He looks like a trans Ben Shapiro.
They need a new name for this uprise of troons with BDD who think they look 100x better than reality instead of 100x worse.
No. 1800543
File: 1680370090283.jpg (44.22 KB, 606x793, Screenshot_20230401-130629_Bra…)

>>1798773As someone who firmly believes he only agreed to and wanted ffs to prevent twink death, Fucking kek surgery gave it to him early. Also I know gay men sometimes have the worst taste just out of low dating pool but damn, I wasn't expecting dicky to go for his looksmatch (giving his number to any of these guys isn't a flex).
Went to tiktok to see if there was anything new and notable and was essentially jumpscared by his ugly mug. I'm honestly surprised he hasn't gone for revisions yet (some under the radar attempts at subtle revision cause he can't shit on his ~lifesaving ffs~) but he probably can't afford anything beyond his free Bruce Jenner face
No. 1800548
File: 1680370928501.webm (16.44 MB, 576x1024, download.webm)
Nothing too much notable but I thought this video of himself doing a Nordic plunge for that hair company he shills was worth preserving because he looks like an actual cryptid when he gets out of the water. His whole man body on full display and acting his character while jittering in the cold
No. 1800576
>>1796378Notice how he said "I love
events" and not "I love weddings." This is just an
event to him, like his retarded stage show. It's not about celebrating his friend's important day, it's about having an opportunity to be loud and obnoxious around a large group of people.
No. 1800581
File: 1680375176996.png (45.46 KB, 283x300, Screenshot 2023-04-01 at 19.51…)

>>1800548it drives me mad not only how everything little word and movement is over-accentuated and dramatic (camper than the gayest, most theatrical, attention-seeking people i've ever known) but that he enlists an audience and applause for these uneventful displays. nonas here have said it before but it gives Make A Wish vibes, the way he is coddled and affirmed constantly.
also I had to capture this moment in picrel kek
No. 1800669
File: 1680387215818.png (472.45 KB, 603x858, 18329449305.png)

Bud light made a special can for Dylan
No. 1800726
>>1800669based of them to go in hard on those crows feet.
but kind of surprised he would collaborate with a beer brand. i would have thought he would consider beer, especially a brand named Bud, a bit "masculine" for him. could they not have at least made the can bright pink with sparkles and a
girly font???
No. 1800828
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No. 1800947
File: 1680432849866.jpg (17.43 KB, 700x450, medium_2023-03-10-016f36870f.j…)

finally realized who Dylan reminded me of
No. 1800952
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No. 1800954
>>1800953i can imagine his PR company pimping him out for events as some kind of entertainment (freak show) so people can gawk. at first they might be like "hehe look at this funny little hyperactive drag queen I invited, isn't he a
hoot?" but I can imagine his presence would verrry quickly become tiresome and overbearing.
No. 1801135
>>1800952The "unkissed virgin" arc is just fake. He's got millions of followers. People have made videos offering to take him out. He just wants people to feel bad for him or see him as a very Real Teenage Girl with teen problems. He has plenty of people willing to kiss him, he's probably going to base his next musical number about his first kiss and date as a woman.
It's sick and perverted. He doesn't have a fucking clue what women endure and what it is like to grow up female.
No. 1801165
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>>1789580I think this video was archived in his KF thread. At least I hope so.
No. 1801208
File: 1680474370902.png (522.46 KB, 864x1494, Screenshot_20230403-002511.png)

Says the man who claimed his first day of girlhood video was satirical. Liar fishing for the perpetually online fake autists to fawn over him. Same concept as his "fruitphobia"
No. 1801213
File: 1680475020465.png (251.58 KB, 591x560, FireShot Capture 040 - Tampax …)

>>1800669So tampax is trending now because of this new sponsorship and im surprised so many companies want him as their ambassaor as to the normal general public hes not liked and would not be surprised if there are boycotts.
No. 1801217
>>1800952>>1800960>>1801135Dylan is a social climber. He's not looking for a relationship, or even just sex. He wants to date someone who will help further his career, i.e., a bigger influencer or a small time celebrity. That's why he uses that retarded celebrities-only dating app. When he bitches about getting rejected,
that's what he means. No one with
clout will fuck him, which in his mind is the same thing as
no one fucking him, because the non-famous are useless and irrelevant to him.
No. 1801250
>>1800581>>1800590God, exactly. I knew a guy who ended up trooning out a couple of years ago, and on fucking ALL of his selfies and posts of him posing in the mirror with stringy pink hair looking like a whole-ass man, the comments were absolutely full of girls falling all over themselves saying
>"OH MY GOD, I think I'm in love you are PERFECT" >"OK YEPI'M A LESBIAN NOW >fire emoji heart eyes emoji fire emoji Like. They have to know how pandering this is, right? Everyone is just saying that shit because they want to feel like they're part of The Cause(tm), right?
No. 1801258
>>1801246TAMPAX tho
there's a very easy way for them to get on the transwagon, and that's by marketing to the trans men, not the actual men.
No. 1801279
>>1800669>>1800669You will never be a real beer. You have no malt, you have no head, you have no hoppy aroma. You are fermented goyslop twisted by Anheuser-Busch into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back bros mock you. Alkies are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “vendors” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Drinkers are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed drinkers to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even light beers who “pass” taste uncanny and unnatural to a drinker. Your alcohol content is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your piss weak aroma.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you'll pop your tab, tip yourself into the sink and plunge into the cold abyss. Your brewers will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll throw you in a separate bin, marked with your production label, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a light beer is buried there. Your can will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a beer that is unmistakably light.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
No. 1801309
>>1800548You know even if I was someone who was super TRA and wanted to support a transgender woman, Dylan would be the LAST one I'd support. In fact, he is scary looking to me. Maybe it's because I try my hardest to avoid super duper sassy gay dudes like him/ i don't like or watch Drag queens this shit is very off putting to me? I know people will say, "Well it's offputting to everyone" Clearly it isn't, so I assume I'm missing the tolerance of cartoonishly gay men who come off like a such a ugly stereotype it seems like a fucking homophobic joke. I don't even register him as troon and no it's not because he looks like a man and he clearly is one, it's because it comes off like a huge fucking joke.
I keep waiting for him to post a video where he pulls of his face, and exposes his real face.
He's some pimpled faced teenage scrote and goes
>Hey so this is uh a social experiment. I have successfully tricked you all into thinking I was a transgender influencer who just wanted to be a "Girl" by acting as offensively gay/trans as I could and it worked.I've never seen a gay man act this way, but then again, maybe because I avoid that kind of gay scrote, I don't know how deep the rabbit hole gets.
He acts like a fucking skit.
No. 1801317
>>1800952why do nonnies think he's lying? he seems super annoying to be around. Who would want to kiss Dylan? He looks like he'll bite your fucking head off. He can't itch Chasers scratch, even if he did get fake balloon tits he reads as a super duper gay annoying male. He's not the James Charles type of gay man, yeah he's thin but he's boney and old looking.
maybe a clout chasing woman may date him or some beefy scrote trying to get attention, but I sincerely believe even if he detrans, he'd have a hard time finding someone if he acts as he does on video. I truly feel he does, plus he's not attractive his mouth area is scary, he's very fake phoney acting.
At best he's a clout chaser who will only attract clout chasers. Then when he fades, he'll look for love and cry because he can't truly find it because the trans community eats these dudes up and spits them out. Once he's a has been won't be much options for him unless he does a total redo of his whole body and mind.
No. 1801413
>>1801317Like I said, he just wants to date someone else with clout, and hasn't had any success. You're right that he'd have enough difficulty getting laid as it is, but there are definitely crazies out there who would fuck someone grotesque just for their follower count. Momokun's recent ex is an example of that. He specifically won't date clout-chasers, though, because he's a clout chaser himself.
So out of that narrow pool of people with enough social capital for Dylan to latch onto, there's literally no one. Gay men generally don't like turbo-flamers. He's just a male with a botched face, so straight men and lesbians are a no. A virtue-signalling "lesbian" straight or fake bi woman might go for it, though Dylan seems so exhausting to be around, it probably wouldn't last. Those women generally don't actually want to date him, they want a gay best friend. They'll pay lip service to how ~stunning~ he is, but when the chips are down, they're repulsed by him, too.
No. 1801781
>>1801773kek this is so schizo and conspiratorial
although my hunch is that he is an industry plant. I didn't see his Ellen appearance before… so that's 2 TV shows + 1 fake af viral news story before he became tiktok famous. regardless of theories, he is so attention-hungry it's disturbing.
No. 1801787
File: 1680558072873.png (102.81 KB, 680x440, lily drew.png)

>>1801783sorry not day 1 of girlhood but some of his videos. she is close friends with him and is often tagged in his pictures of videos she is also an actress. picrel is from her imdb and that man in her demo reel is pre-troon Dylan.
No. 1801913
>>1801213I was showing my husband some of his videos on tiktok, I don't reguluarly watch them but I was blown away by how many of them are sponsorship videos. Literally every third one is an advertisement for some make-up product. I've never seen any influencer with so many of these, not even kim k. He's a trendy trans industry plant with little to no actual content, so I guess that's why.
>>1801258This companies are retarded… what woman is going to look at dylan and believe he can recommend a good tampon? He fucking said they were "small medium and large" depending on the size of your vagina…
>>1801309He also looks scary to me. Something about his extremely thin body, mannerisms, everything, its very offputting. I think the reason he's propped up is because he's an HSTS and one of the few TiMs that go for a less sexualized 1960s style as opposed to e-girl/goth/or milf. (not denying he wears revealing clothes but it doesnt feel as AGP fetishistic as some other trannys)
No. 1802695
File: 1680701535319.jpeg (268.45 KB, 2000x1333, kidrock.jpeg)

Annoying that Kid Rock's reaction to Dylan's Bud Light deal has blown up so much. He is basically just as cringe as Dylan. No one cares when women speak up about how damaging Dylan's mocking stereotypes of women and girls are but when a brainless moid has-been shoots a gun at a picture of him on a can because he hates sissies and thinks Bud beer isn't masculine enough or whatever - then suddenly that is based? He just gives ammo (pun intended) to Dylan and his supporters with this shit imho.
No. 1802867
File: 1680732036911.png (800.31 KB, 1080x1920, chrome_image_Apr 5, 2023 9_30_…)

Not real milk, but I was messing around with the barbie selfie ai and I made this kek
No. 1802880
File: 1680733759836.png (273.02 KB, 600x1067, 1680732036911 (1).png)

>>1802867made a small shitty edit. since he can't think of women's anatomy without imagining a barbie doll with a hole in it
No. 1802881
File: 1680733867084.webm (6.58 MB, 480x802, nikewomen.webm)
Nike Women have sent Dylan some tight leggings so he can show off his bulge, I guess
No. 1803068
>>1802881there he is
my sleep paralysis demon
No. 1803202
>>1803201but he is also desperate, dumb and has a lot of money and connections. so an opportunist person would definitely take advantage of that i'm sure.
they would also have to be desperate though, of course.
No. 1804159
>>1802881samefagging. the more I see this clip circulating the more it annoys me. teehee i don't do "real" exercise cos i'm a girl! i just jump around so my ponytail goes swish swish hehe.
he is making a mockery out of women as always but in this case he is also making a mockery out of Nike, a
sportswear brand and I don't get how they're OK with it (not that I care if they are mocked but just the double standard). like
>>1802929 said someone for their PR had to review and OK this. imagine if a woman just danced around like a fucking moron in their clothes - would they really find that acceptable? they would ask her to delete and re-do.
No. 1804166
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ot but this is how Nike treats actual women. fuck them.
No. 1804269
>>1803053It's mind-blowing that he's now the face of the troon movement. You would think they would choose someone that somewhat passes, although maybe he's actually this popular because he just looks like some 40-year-old ana-chan and handmaidens pity him.
On the bright side this shit is peaking-inducing.
No. 1804364
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>>1802695Yeah. That retarded video went
so viral that my literal boomer dad brought it up with me this morning.
>"Anon, did you hear about this thing going on with the Budweiser cans?">MrwWe talked about it and we basically agreed that the Republican reaction was retarded. He actually thought Dylan was just a gay man, kek (which really speaks to how liberal normies perceive TiMs). He was shocked when I told him they let this guy with a penis rep for Tampax.
No. 1804594
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women athletes are speaking up against the Nike campaign with Dylan.
I cannot begin to fathom why any young girl would
want to look like Dylan but I know a lot of young girls follow and look up to him, sadly. So picrel is a really good point to bring up. If a woman had this low body fat, she would be dangerously underweight, she wouldn't have a period. How is this in any way a healthy message to send to girls? I really don't get is if Dylan is so "kind" and sweet, why is he comfortable to continue his mocking when sooooo many women have spoken up to say they feel hurt, offended, excluded, erased etc.? Just proves what a self-serving narcissist he is. Same applies to all TIMs.
No. 1804876
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it's Ulta Beauty all over again. Nike doubling down and giving their middle finger to women with the "be kind" bollocks.
No. 1804949
>>1804876It's very interesting that a company is trying to tell its consumers how to think and feel about an ad campaign. I've never seem a company go to bat for a controversial ad like this before, I've seen people report on the outrage surrounding commercials with gay couples for example but never this kind of finger wagging from the company itself. They're trying to make money so why double down?
>>1804594They're going to nitpick her for that middle paragraph and claim she's saying women are just babymakers, calling it now.
No. 1805125
>>1804949either someone or an organization has even deeper pockets than mega corporations, even such prominent and wealthy ones such as
Nike, and this entity is paying off these corporations to push this so the corporations are still making profits… and/or this is not about making money but rather pushing something in society to achieve a goal inside of the citizens' minds.
No. 1805148
>>1805125eh I think that it's genuinely profitable for companies to push this kind of bullshit without some shadow entity paying them off. Dylan has a clean, cultivated "unproblematic" image (as in friendly, inclusive, not into drugs or partying), actual industry connections now via rubbing noses with paris hilton, and most importantly, millions of young followers. A large corporation like Nike or Ulta has literally no incentive not to send an influencer freebies that cost them pennies and pay sponsorship fees. It's not that deep, there's not a secret cabal pulling the strings.
If Nike were to pay dylan $20k for a sponsorship, they would only need 400 people to purchase a pair of leggings (avg. $50) to make up for the cost. Dylan gets 1 million+ views in a video, and the sad fact is that a couple thousand women boycotting doesn't hold anything against the spending power of people who literally just don't care. Like, not even handmaidens or tween fans, just people who are scrolling through tiktok and see an ad for deodorant that smells like gummy bears, think "holy shit that guy looks crazy," then when they're next at Walgreens maybe they'll wander past the deodorants, remember something about a gummy bear one, and grab it or a different one by the same company. It's about spreading awareness of the brand and its products so people are more likely to choose that brand when out shopping. The influencer's only job is to be popular/notable. I'm not trying to sound pessimistic here, I've literally been cataloging every sponsorship that Dylan has ever had. I personally have not and will not buy from the brands the sponsor him, but it's absolutely retarded to act as though it's a psy-op. It's a matter of any news = good news, and even if the news is bad, consumers will forget (see constant child/slave labor controversies). Still, if a brand is boycotted and denounced enough, at least it might make them rethink who they want to sponsor next & if we're lucky maybe they'll make a charity donation.
No. 1805153
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No. 1805158
>>1805153Honestly, the infighting in the troon community that Dylan has caused is amazing. Imagine being so good at peaking people even other trannies notice that and hate you for that.
I know a lot of you nonnies hate Robbie White and you have the right to do so, but I love how he and other trannies lash out at Dylan trying to prove to everyone that They Are One Of The Good Ones.
No. 1805445
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Such feminine, much woman.
No. 1805529
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>>1805463mf lookin like a sims glitch
No. 1805552
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Interesting article about the financial incentive behind why corporations love Dylan as best I can:
>Corporate equality index (CEI) is a social score overseen by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), the largest LGBTQ+ lobbying group in the world>HRC has received millions from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation among others>They issue report cards to over 840 US corporations and award or deduct points based on their criteria >Likened to the mafia due to this extortionate approach>Companies are regularly threatened to make changes or have their CEI scores effected >Pushed by the top 3 investment firms in the US>CEOs keen to please BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street Bank - the top shareholders of most American corps (including Nike)>“The big fund managers apply pressure and determine executive compensation, bonuses and who gets re-elected to boards this answers our "why?" question. Dylan scores them big points and keeps fat cats happy.
No. 1805591
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>>1805529He looks like Sirenhead. Loud like him, too.
No. 1805596
>>1805563This, a thousand times. Companies that manufacture conjugated estrogen drugs took a hit when studies came out in the early 2000s definitively linking the drugs to stroke and blood clots. Instead of post-menopausal women taking it for the rest of their lives, doctors had them take it for a few years, weaning them off as the symptoms subsided. Enter trannies: lifelong patients who don't give a fuck about the dangers of the drug because they believe it "saves" them from suicide. Why wouldn't Big Pharma endorse (and try to increase the number of) these life-long patients, held hostage by their outsized fear of suicide?
Pfizer in particular (which manufactures estradiol) are VERY cuddly with the HRC, and also, a lot of the papers written in support of troonshit are authored by doctors with stated conflicts of interest related to Pfizer (pubmed requires these disclosures.) Pro-tranny research gets all the funding, too. It's a ecosystem that exists to enrich pharmaceutical companies at all costs, and they've hijacked social justice so you can't even criticize it without being branded as a bigot. They may fancy themselves communists, but trannies are actually just nails being driven by the hammer of late-stage capitalism.
No. 1805702
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>>1805552Holy shit, thanks for sharing .. while reading this found a link to the HRC website with the criteria involved with this insane social score that is clearly what's driving so many companies to push the troon agenda. And it makes sense that we're being literally bombarded w this shit Right Now bc according to this site, they must be conducting said survey (picrel), so no wonder companies are scrambling to check all the boxes in this extremely pro-trans criteria so they can maintain in good standing with the HRC. Idk if Dylan is a plant but he sure as hell is a puppet and I'm so uncomfortable with the state of everything idk what to even think anymore . PS the site says the next report will be released in November sooo..yeah
No. 1805752
>>1805750>If handmaidens are going to pretend to see Dylan as a woman then at least fucking hold him to actual female standardsexactly. if an actual woman acted like that she would be called out for pandering to pedos and shamed for promoting anorexia. the very fact he gets away with acting like this is proof that
no one sees him as a woman.
No. 1805984
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spotted on twitter kek
No. 1805989
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>>1805463nightmare nightmare nightmare
No. 1806036
>>1805556Because it's patriarchy repackaged. Men finally found a cheat code to stay on power while pretending to also be opressed, and libfems are willingly going along with it.
No wonder people at the top aren't giving this much recognition to tifs, I doubt shareholders believe tims are real women, but better have a faggot at the top that a woman
No. 1806660
>>1805596 and I didn't mention the companies' ownership. The actual point of my post was that the HRC is being
taken advantage of by Pfizer. The suits at Pfizer don't give a fuck about the sociopolitical nuances of the situation, they're just focused on the bottom line. Most of the retards at the HRC genuinely believe that Pfizer is supporting them for altruistic reasons, when in reality, every gesture or donation is an investment for Pfizer. They saw some morons unintentionally giving them free advertising and thought, "cool, let's scratch their backs so they keep doing it."
This ecosystem also doesn't require advocacy groups to work. Just like any other medical condition their drugs are prescribed to treat, the pharmaceutical companies are going to pump money into research that helps them move more pills. For instance, Pfizer can give reward a pro-troon doctor a paid position on a committee or whatever to help ensure that the doctor stays true to their narrative. Entities like the HRC are just a nice bonus to lend even more legitimacy to troonshit specifically. There are plenty of conditions that pharmaceutical companies treat similarly that don't have gender dysphoria's social justice clout behind it.
No. 1806685
>>1806660ayrt and i was not talking about you, but about the anon who brought up the jews in reply to this post
>>1805552 i didn't think your first post was related to this and it was very informative so thank you for sharing. this is so bleak.
No. 1806690
>>1806606>if there was any other ethnicity that was this much represented despite being a minority, people would also notice itall groups help other members of the group. former frat brothers, new englanders, freemasons, guys with mafia connections, ex-CIA - all these groups are "over represented" at high levels of management/commerce/whatever.
and idk why you would jump to the troon conspiracy being a jewish plot rather than a MALE plot
it's men figuring out another way to get free shit. literally simple as that.
No. 1806732
>>1806259 and the only reason I mentioned jews is because of the increased numbers of posts derailing about government conspiracies, biblical end times, and powerful shadow masters funding a corporate tranny push (
>>1806622 +
>>1805125 +
>>1805737 (i think this one just saw 'Soros' and flipped out)
>>1805603 +
>>1805560 and you
>>1806606 and the other anon
>>1806347 who got upset at being told to stop reeing about jews). I made a post a few days ago
>>1805148 because I'm sick of hearing about dumb conspiracies in relation to Dylan. Companies, pharma, and politicians find troons profitable, it's not that deep.
>if there was any other ethnicity that was this much represented despite being a minority, people would also notice itThe pharmaceutical industry, the HRC, and social points with avg consumers are powerful because of money, not because they're jewish. Jews are overrepresented because of old banking laws and nepotism like
>>1806690 mentions. I think Dylan's popularity has a certain subset of people convinced he's part of a global conspiracy, he's not. He's a family friendly tiktok star. Children like him because he's a cringey theater kid, handmaidens like him because he's a gay bff, and companies like him because he's mainly PG13 and they don't have to worry about him disappearing off to rehab. He gets views, which is literally all companies care about. Everyone in this thread finds him creepy and gross, there's no need for schizo theories. I'm tired of actually interesting info, such as the post about the HRC explaining why companies are so desperate to sponsor troons, getting derailed because someone sees Soros and spergs.
No. 1807604
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>>1805560we've always prioritized males (see: female erasure in the law/media/institutions/the med industry). I recently visited the CDC page for HIV among MSM and men were referred to as men while women were referred to as 'menstruators' or some such bullshit.
+ there's a lot of privileged white men with a vested interest in normalizing transition as a lifestyle choice who have enough power/wealth to have a significant impact on the culture. No. 1807660
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No. 1808036
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This is so insane and scary.
Somebody wrote that he has more endorsements than Michael Jordan during his prime.
No. 1808423
>>1808227is it the
nonnie with the list who made this website? whoever made it is funny as fuck - the TRA 'under construction' page made me cackle. it's actually a very good resource too, highly recommend other nonas have a look if you're struggling to find alternative non troon-loving brands. 10/10
No. 1808432
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>>1808423the site was made in early march because the list in the thread description was getting outdated and people in here and the mtf thread were saying we needed a way to keep track. I haven't posted about the site in a while because I don't want to clog the thread up every time something gets added, but as a result I think people forgot about it because I've seen a ton of "RIP [brand]" posts lately about typically pretty old sponsorships, as well as posts like that twitter list where people try to compile dylan's stuff. I'm pretty sure the site is the most comprehensive list by far though. I'm glad you like it, I feel like I'm shitposting into the void on there sometimes because it's so hidden (i haven't posted it anywhere but here, some people have posted about it on other sites a little), but that's for the best imo. picrel site's tags because I find it hilarious but no one will ever see them lol
No. 1808722
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>>1806565> Jennifer Pfitzer> richest troon in the world> still doesn't look like a womanWhy don't troons give up? None of them will ever have even a quarter of this man's wealth and he looks and dresses like this…
No. 1809202
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sage for mini-rant but it really pisses me off how this Dylan issue only blew up after the Bud Light thing. men with fragile masculinity issues got butthurt that a super gay man (cos that's probably what they think trans means) was advertising beer which should be for "real" men.
women have been complaining about Dylan for over a year now. tampons, bras, pedophilloic obsession with girlhood, mocking women, reducing us to stereotypes. none of this was a media sensation until the Bud Light deal.
picrel is the kind of shit we're complaining about. two MEN talking about "girlhood". not him being a sell out for whatever deals he is offered, like Bud Light. and yet the backlash from this is still being targeted towards women.
No. 1809224
>>1808722he just looks like regular gerard depardieu
like i bet there is a pic of gerard depardieu in this exact outfit, just with wine stains on his mouth instead of lipstick
No. 1809225
>>1809202agree. the male backlash is just homophobia, the same guys who get angry at BULLDYKES on TEEVEE when scarlett johansson gets a pixie cut or something
your rant is correct because remember, men who freak tf out over OMG FAGS are rapists. guys who are angry about gay men are angry because they think gay men will do to them what they would do to a woman
No. 1809325
>>1809202he brought along and signed a piece of tuck tape for the other man, all in the name of girlhood. that was also when he advocated for complete self-id and said trans women don't need surgeries or hormones to be women.
Dylan is a gross perv and no one can change my mind about that. He's got some really sick ideas in his nasty head and enough money to execute many of them.
No. 1809723
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This is a great article about Dylan's surgery. I thought I'd read everything, most of it a bit shallow, but this one was really good and addressed aspects other anti-trans articles don't. No. 1809724
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>>1809723another. I'm impressed a man wrote these articles; most of them can't even comprehend our outrage and relate everything back to themselves. This man has a clue, at least. No. 1809727
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And the best article recently is one by Jean Hatchet, who rightly points out the deep aggression Dylan has toward women. I've pointed that out in this thread and am thinking of editing together all the aggressive, threatening remarks Dylan has made to or about women who disagree with him. this one because it should be given more reach
No. 1809874
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as someone with a history of an ed and spending time in these ed spaces online, I can tell you a lot of these girls literally just care about skinny. it doesn't matter how gross and male Dylan looks, he is "glamorising" an impossibly thin frame and low body fat percentage, which would result in a woman losing her period and being likely unable to get pregnant. he also represents an escape from one's adult body (trying to look like a child) which is also a very common goal among those with body image disorders, usually linked to childhood abuse.
he is one of the worst role models for women ever, it is genuinely upsetting.
No. 1809881
>>1809727brilliant and succinct article. thanks for sharing
>The media seems unwilling to focus on the actual reasons many women are angry about this. It has focused instead on stating that objections to the sponsorship are because Dylan is trans.this. this really pisses me off. it's soooo convenient for the media to portray this as a transphobic reaction without having to address a single part of why women genuinely feel mocked and that our experiences are being dismissed in favour of a smiley fake "woman" stereotype.
>Mulvaney breezes through his videos with a permanent rictus grinkek I love her wording
No. 1809889
>>1809874I hate the people reacting to this issue going "you're just bullying her for being trans!!" Like no, even outside of him being trans, it's insane that Nike did a sports sponsorship for someone who's clearly beyond malnourished and underweight. That's so dangerous.
Also that thread showed me something I never honestly thought of before; girls with severe EDs wanting top surgery because breasts are fat and not having them makes them skinnier. And knowing they could reasonably game the system to get it is very upsetting.
No. 1809896
>>1809889exactly. the amount of trans/NB crossover in the ed community is craaaazy. most of those girls absolutely despise their breasts and would absolutely, like you say, cheat the system in order to remove them. or they convince themselves they're trans because they hate their body. either way.
>it's insane that Nike did a sports sponsorship for someone who's clearly beyond malnourished and underweightand can you imagine them asking a clearly starved woman to do the same? and the backlash if they did? it's one thing for models to be skinny, it's another thing for
fitness models and influencers to be malnourished. there is so much wrong with Dylan's influence before we even get to the trans part.
No. 1810238

>>1809874yeah I knew girls who wanted to use binders and I personally wished I could chop my breasts off. Many EDed girls/women have been sexually harassed or assaulted; of course not all, but it's a trauma that can lead to wanting to erase yourself or anything female about yourself.
irl I can't bang on too much about how unhealthy and vile I find Dylan in terms of him being used to show off women's garments. That's because I fear people will think I'm envious of his rail-thin body. Despite his male bone structure and giant jaw, I am envious of his male body fat % and lack of tits/hips. And that's coming from someone who is UW & exercises a lot. It's so shameful that I feel like that but I know it's from trauma/ED and not from something "real." Having Dylan up there modeling dresses is a gay man's dream, they used to dress up starved little girls because of their hatred for women and now they have Dylan.
Dylan glorifies his own eating disorder by being a pick-me who shows how he only eats crap. Also by showing off his male torso and talking about how he wants to starve away his 'muscular' arms to emulate supermodels (vidrel). All under the guise of being "relatable" to teen girls and women. No one can tell me that this video of him eating on the ground wasn't intended for teen girls. Like my hatred for him is almost limitless for fucking around like this and getting praise for it. And now Nike partners with this chode.
No. 1810239
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Dylan attended the premiere of a movie based on Judy Blume's _Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret_, a book he hasn't read and full of things he would never understand.
No. 1810305
>>1810238It was the same for me, I thought using a binder might even cure me of my ED because my "fat" chest was my main problem. If I was born later I might have thought I need to become a boy too.
>>1810258You read this so often, usually even with "women aren't saying anything/are supporting this, they deserve it now!" Even moids who are against trannies are too lazy to help women (minus a couple exceptions like that lifting coach).
No. 1810368
>>1810238>No one can tell me that this video of him eating on the ground wasn't intended for teen girls100%. i noticed in a lot of his videos he shows his terrible diet of carbs and candy, but he is always nibbling at it, pretending he is gorging on all this food. fuck this guy for suddenly appropriating the pressures young girls have felt since they were prepubescent to look tiny and dainty.
the way he points to his
muscles and says it's a "masculine" feature. so he isn't just glorifying skinny, he is suggesting women shouldn't be strong or athletic. (which he has already made clear in his Nike video…)
No. 1810406
>>1810400>I’ve seen tons of posts by anorexics admitting that they have felt jealousy towards literal children and withering geriatric patients because they’re skinnysure but literal children and geriatric patients aren't glamorised as role models for young women. that's where the responsibility comes in for these brand partnerships. using an emaciated man who is actively trying to lose muscle and make himself look like a young girl as a representative for women who exercise/play sports. he can also afford to have zero body fat whilst still functioning and being energetic, because he is a man.
>girls on edtwt would literally stan a porcupine if it was skinny enoughkek this is true.
No. 1810442
>>1810355Kek, your "about" is great.
I saw that the website has been shared on a certain British women's forum so expect some more suggestions from them.
No. 1810492
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>>1809950This beautiful woman is J Pritzker's half sister. Can't fake it, Jennifraud, sucks that you were that insecure you thought your sister had it easier than you. Being filthy rich wasn't enough.
No. 1810504
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you spoke too soon nonnie.
No. 1810525
>>1810400yeah it's retarded because it's a mental illness. The people who are envious of children and amputees and geriatrics and troons are sick. When or if they recover, this can go away. I don't really look down on them because it's literally a main part of having certain EDs. If you are raped as a kid you also end up wanting or wishing you could stop puberty so that plays into the kid idolizing as well.
But troons on the runway is something fashion has been yearning for since the 90s or earlier. All the articles criticizing heroin chic and emaciated models mention that designers seem to want teenage boys or drug-addled men to walk instead of women. That seems to have been a main theory or criticism of the modeling industry during that time.
No. 1810531
>>1810527>when she's almost 90each to their own but for me this would be all the more reason to say "fuck it" and stand by my beliefs.
she's likely just ill-informed on all accounts though and like you say, thought she could just make an innocent comment about JK without it blowing up.
No. 1810545
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>>1810531I can see that if she was like 70 it might be worth it, but honestly 85 is pretty old. Idk how many people in their late 80s you've been around nona but in my experience they're not typically spry enough to want to get in silly internet fights, and they're kinda limited to emails and maybe an iphone if someone helps them. Not saying she's incompetent, just that you might be severely overestimating the passion and capability someone at that age has for internet drama. They like tranquility, chamber music CDs, and going to buffets kek. I still feel bad for her though, apparently the author of the article that interviewed her did the same to Margaret Atwood
No. 1810649
>>1810504Alas I did, and so I dirty deleted.
The Internet has decided it's all down to a
Terf journalist who interviewed her putting words in her mouth.
No. 1810661
>>1810655sorry nona i meant to reply to
>>1810593 and
>>1810608 No. 1811092
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Everyone at this premiere dressed appropriately for the topic of the movie, I think. It's not really a movie that needs a regressive stereotype "feminine" outfit. But Dylan the bonehead troon provided that look
No. 1811146
>>1811098>kid rock got paid to shoot iti wonder if they sent him beer, knowing he would do something like this in retaliation, thus generating free reverse advertising. i think he legally has to be up front if he is literally being paid to do it. he seems like an easy person to get riled up for free.
I will never forget the media getting more riled up over a gay man advertising beer than they did over a grown ass man talking about "girlhood" and tampons. i hate this shit.
No. 1811246
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just listened to barpod's latest episode on Dylan. despite katie and jesse being very
polite and using his pronouns I thought it was a fun overview. (DM segment starts about 25 minutes in)
they shared a lot of Dylan's tiktok clips and somehow… just hearing the audio of his videos, without being distracted by the rictus grin and cryptid body, it makes him seem even more ridiculous and offensive. seriously, try listening to his videos without looking. just focusing on his words and tone made me peak all over again.
they start from his gay theatre kid days, onto his non binary announcement and then a broad overview of his 365 days schtick, including meeting Biden and Drew Barrymore etc. his offensive stereotyping of women is brought up a lot. but they go soft on him in the end.
they also played a clip of matt walsh being mean about Dylan's appearance. and even as a terfy woman who shits on troons in these threads, I found it off-putting and cruel. just his delivery which had no substance, just insults. which made me realise that this is what a lot of handmaidens and lib women are hearing first and foremost when they are seeing criticism of Dylan. honestly, if that was my first time hearing about him, I would have felt really bad for him.
fuck matt walsh for being a douche and muddying the waters, preventing women from raising
valid concerns about DM's misogyny.
Nike, Bud Light and Kid Rock etc. are discussed too and they go over how this was a net positive for the marketing teams, as mentioned by
>>1811098 No. 1811313
>>1811246That Matt Walsh clip was shared on tumblr by a
terf account and I was happy to see all of the replies were critical of Matt and calling him out for insulting Dylan’s appearance instead of the actual shitty things he does. People like him only muddy the waters
No. 1812011
>>1811996This is why I can't stand men who make fun of troons. They find them ugly and unfuckable, which is why they hate them. Not because of what they take from women. I want people to peak, but as long as there are retards out there saying truly gross stuff about popular troons, all it does is make people sympathetic. I hate Dylan, I hate troons. But for all it's worth, I don't publicly berate them. The most I've ever seen men criticize troons for beyond their appearances is for taking places in women's sports. That's it. They'll occasionally say something about predators in the women's restroom, but they could care less about trans widows, about us being reduced to menstruators, about the erasure of women in spaces beyond sports, about the societal burden placed
specifically upon women to "accept" troons and integrate them into our spaces. Women like JKR get dogpiled for even daring to criticize trans ideology, they have to beat around the bush and exclaim "not all TiMs" and they still get death threats.
I feel like the tide has been changing in the last few years, not a lot, but enough now that people are calling out ridiculousness like neopronouns and there's been increased attention on the medical industry's malpractice when it comes to transitioning. The spiked articles a nona linked above were so nicely written, in that they explained how frustrating it is to see the state of being female portrayed in such a demeaning, embarrassing, theatrical way. And just when those articles are coming out, just when there's been some laws passed about men in women's sports and transitioning minors, just when there's national attention being given to a boycott over a brand aligned with one of the most notable TiMs out there, men have to reduce it all back down to "haha a guy in a dress is ugly." Sorry for the mini sperg out, it's just why I cannot stand most men who have anything to say about troons. They just want to laugh about appearances, they don't care about any of the underlying issues surrounding trans ideology. The few days kf was down was a nightmare in the mtf thread, all discussion went out the window and it was just pictures of ugly men and whining about globalism murdering children or whatever.
No. 1813157
>>1811996I generally try to avoid nitpicking TIFs for permanent things, but I will 100% clown on them for their terrible dyed hair and weird pixielocks-esque fashion choices.
As for TiMs, I will never stop ridiculing them. If they think they want to be women, they deserve a taste of the scrutiny we receive. I've said this before, but a square jaw or small breasts look a million times better on an actual woman than on a tranny, so those women shouldn't worry about it. If you're insecure about something an anon makes fun of a tranny for, remember that it's because it's something that looks like shit on a male, and also that we're giving them a taste of what they deserve.
No. 1813589
>>1813157this. giving them a taste of their supposedly desired brush with femalehood is heckin'
valid. women get vivisected over their appearances so fair's fair, right?
No. 1813641
>>1813505>travestyDamn I never thought about the origin of this word before. That is perfect. We should use this word more in relation to trans ideology.
From Merriam Webster: “a debased, distorted, or grossly inferior imitation,” which has roots in theater, cross-dressing, and literary satire.
No. 1814478
File: 1682364711090.png (295.04 KB, 864x1467, Screenshot_20230424-183315.png)

Dylan has been doing and attending things, just not posting them. He got put on Allure's A List, whatever that is.
No. 1814479
File: 1682364760600.png (220.51 KB, 864x1520, Screenshot_20230424-180654.png)

>>1814478Allure's IG page.
Anon with the list… add Allure please…
No. 1814510
File: 1682366785933.png (92.59 KB, 530x670, dylanm.png)

>>1814478they have an article with him on the front page of their website. i think these are the first photos of him where you can't see every single one of his teeth and his eyes aren't about to pop out of his skull.
>"It is perhaps a little clumsy to suggest that the main experiences of womanhood include crying and applying lip gloss, but doesn’t that leave plenty of room to discover what being a woman means more than superficially? And — just spitballing here — wouldn’t that make for a great series?"so a man needed to make a tiktok series documenting his journey learning how women are more than makeup? and what has he learned? what does it mean to be a woman then, Dylan? nice try with evading that question…
>"Now here we are, getting free tea and foie gras macarons"the article is littered with the mentioning of luxury brands like Tiffany and Burberry, it's grotesque
No. 1814536
>>1814478holy shit that FFS
buckle up, buckaroos
No. 1814538
>>1814510hes so ugly and boring
who even likes this guy
No. 1814775
File: 1682399989603.jpeg (130.82 KB, 750x1372, IMG_8098.jpeg)

Bud Light, more like tranny piss water.
No. 1814781
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No. 1814790
File: 1682401168329.jpeg (89.52 KB, 634x716, FuZn-WQX0AA_AV_.jpeg)

No. 1814791
File: 1682401200533.jpeg (48.77 KB, 634x737, FuZp62iWcAASLCW.jpeg)

No. 1814792
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No. 1814955
>>1814790Why did he stage paparazzi? He wants to be an a list celebrity so bad but followers does not equal an audience. Just because someone watches your videos so they could feel good about supporting transwomen doesn't mean they're actually a fan. You can get eyeballs on you for appeal to fads and social signaling, but you aren't going to get genuine engagement unless you're content is interesting. Corps need to learn this
>>1814875That's a way better idea, they should hire you lol
No. 1814956
>>1814790Why did he stage paparazzi? He wants to be an a list celebrity so bad but followers does not equal an audience. Just because someone watches your videos so they could feel good about supporting transwomen doesn't mean they're actually a fan. You can get eyeballs on you for appeal to fads and social signaling, but you aren't going to get genuine engagement unless you're content is interesting. Corps need to learn this
>>1814875That's a way better idea, they should hire you lol
No. 1815105
>>1814781his face on the right is a perfect example of a narcissist when they're not in control. that sad, fearful, yet completely resigned to punishment face? like a dalek outside of its suit, or a sad little clam missing its shell. they're fully aware that they are completely useless to the world. look at how hard he's trying to go unnoticed, quietly and oddly ashamedly drawing into himself as far as he can.
they can be defeated with one simple word - "no". you just need stop being afraid to say it.
No. 1815158
>>1814935that's pretty funny. yeah boo hoo sucks for the people losing their jobs but there are hundreds of companies just itching to hire them in retaliation.
any blowback about putting a tranny in a place a woman should be is a net-positive
No. 1816843
File: 1682676099202.png (370.14 KB, 864x1500, Screenshot_20230427-205653.png)

enjoy this pic dylan didn't take himself. it's presurgery since it was taken last year. looking like every other AGP out there
No. 1816847
File: 1682676738831.png (448.84 KB, 864x1502, Screenshot_20230427-205302.png)

a recent photo of him at some movie screening. It's not milk but KF is too stupid to search for his photos in any meaningful way so they all think he's stopped attending shit or whatever. He's fine. Aside from his serious mental illness and eating disorders.
No. 1816849
File: 1682676931370.png (278.96 KB, 864x1456, Screenshot_20230427-205524.png)

OK so this one I'm bumping the thread for, these are probably pre-surgery photos sadly but enjoy nonnies, have a beautiful day as women knowing you probably don't look like this clown. And even if you did, you wouldn't have a penis, a sad one-track male brain, a wilted Y chromosome, male rage, violent tendencies, need i go on?
No. 1816850
File: 1682677003257.png (301.56 KB, 864x1453, Screenshot_20230427-205517.png)

>>1816849other pics from that source (sageing my picdump). I think it's not bad to document this stuff somewhere.
No. 1816851
File: 1682677138642.png (326.05 KB, 864x1463, Screenshot_20230427-205520.png)

>>1816849final one. I really don't know what this "flighthouse" is. I guess some kind of content machine for morons.
No. 1816861
File: 1682679592169.jpg (136.37 KB, 864x1007, BeautyPlus_20230428121013687_s…)

A candid of Dylan post-surgery at the University of Pitt. I did these two women a favor and hid their faces because college can be a confusing time.
No. 1816917
>>1816861>I did these two women a favor and hid their faces because college can be a confusing time.kek bless you nonna
>>1816843ew weird
No. 1817782
File: 1682816155962.jpg (57.53 KB, 640x623, 23-04-29-17-54-07-135_deco.jpg)

This ended up looking way more horrific than I had expected
No. 1818289
File: 1682913062978.png (289.85 KB, 864x1384, Screenshot_20230501-055126.png)

Rolling Stone called him one of the 20 most influential creators. Why? What does he create? I'll wait.
No. 1818298
File: 1682914496480.png (110.2 KB, 863x1371, Screenshot_20230501-061318.png)

Bustle profile. Some takeaways: he's "declined to pursue" Broadway offers for no real reason (? - actually I'm sure this is worded in such a way to hide the fact that he decided not to audition. No one reached out to him. Everyone knows he can't play a woman, can't sing like a woman):
>She’s had a few potential Broadway opportunities come her way, but she’s ultimately declined to pursue them. “As much as I want to get out there, I have to keep in mind that my following will be coming to see the show,” she says. “I want to make sure that it aligns with my audience and that they would enjoy it, whatever it is.”He considers his creations "trans joy" - I'm sure anyone would get some artificial joy by being fawned over and made up by professionals and treated like someone with actual talent. Trans joy just looks like getting a ton of free shit and asspats and money to me. All for stereotyping women, acting like a brainless stepford wife, and saying absolutely fucking nothing while women in America get their rights stripped away. I guess that's not a fun video all about you, is it, Dylan? Not like your tampon fetish. Too bad you don't have a mifepristone fetish, you fucking asshole. I honestly think Dylan hates women.
But most importantly, this shithead has gone back on his word once again, this time about children. Picrel: Now he loves having kids in his audience and he literally is tailoring his whole life to kid-friendly content. I thought he didn't care about kids watching?
>>1783627 a lying vid he made after
>>1783900 (which is directly aimed at children). but now it's all about spreading trans joy to minors. This man needs to get erased from social media yesterday.
No. 1818302
File: 1682915242360.png (132.93 KB, 864x1672, Screenshot_20230501-062445.png)

he's "professionally trans" because he markets himself that way. He also doesn't consider himself an activist or political. Which is true, he went to his first trans rights parade last year and seemed uncomfortable that he couldn't make it about himself. I think he didn't give a shit about trans anything until he wanted to do it and make money off it. Poor professionally trans Dylan who grew up in a filthy rich white conservative Catholic household that somehow supported his flaming gayness from age 3 or whatever. Gender nonconformity was discouraged? Bro was in sparkles and dancing from age 3. Your parents sign you up for that crap. You don't even know things exist unless they tell you about it at that age. Dylan's rich parents supported and encouraged his choices from age THREE. If Dylan was a poor liddle repressed transwoman in HS and college, he has no excuse. Trans stuff exploded in the mid/late 2010s until now. He knew there were options but continued to be gay. Because he is in fact a gay man who finds these caricatures of women lucrative.
No. 1818491
File: 1682956739348.png (Spoiler Image,266.5 KB, 495x299, 2cc8d4470d0338050cc1728f30cd80…)

>>1818302I love how his narcissism jumps out subtly. If you take the words as is it almost sounds like he's saying his parents are wrong when they don't align with him. That he knows the right way and they are misguided when they don't agree with him on issues.
Also I get the kiddies nowadays seem to act like gay men acting moderately "femme" is normal, but Dylan grew up in a time when femme gays were more likely to be harmed since they're effectively "out". He's an obvious fag and his parents were okay with openly putting him in dance, singing, and acting for BROADWAY and his role of note was the Book of Mormon where he plays a singing, dancing, closeted fag like in picrel (he played one of the background tags). He grew up gnc for his time and in an area where not everyone is so lucky and yet he's acting like his life wasn't somewhat gnc and that he was lucky in his area to be able to do so. He's also continuing the tranny narrative that trannies are the only true oppressed alphabet people in America acting like gays and lesbians are just normal, even in rural towns. It's more infuriating to hear it coming from an actual gay than straight agps and fujoshis
No. 1819285
>>1818845I hope so kek. incredibly based if so. also ot but can't believe it took mensural product designers this long to do the curved thing… it just makes sense.
>>1819213It could be reference to dylan's 365 days of being a "girl". they're saying "30 years of having a vagina" instead. Might just be a coincidence but I feel like it's an odd thing to say otherwise.
No. 1820368
>>1819285I've gotta be honest, nonnies, I read this more as being inclusive towards trans men and non binary identifying women. As in "20 years of having a vagina", not "20 years of being a woman".
Still, it excludes the period fetishist men so.
No. 1821203
File: 1683301454704.png (543.68 KB, 700x873, go woke go broke.png)

Too funny. Go woke, go broke in a nutshell
Hopefully these companies will think twice about pandering to men in skirts
No. 1821621
File: 1683351028329.jpg (125.18 KB, 1767x994, 20230506_002735.jpg)

I keep thinking I'm seeing Ozzy Osbourne every time I see the main thread photo. I hope Maybelline faces backlash and boycotts as well. Thy make shitty makeup anyway.
No. 1822172
>>1821232correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like most TiFs & female NBs really don't care about these things. I might be divorced from the scene, living outside of North America, but most women find tampon/pad ads cringe anyway. If you're TiF or NB, I imagine you don't eagerly watch ads about hygiene products or care about how represented you are in them.
so I have this theory that TiMs are pushing the excessive inclusivity bc they want to be in every female space. But if a woman wants to be a man or NB, she isn't gonna want to be seen in a pad commercial. I slso think the number of TiFs who transition and then want to give birth as a "man" is so ridiculously low as to be insignificant, and talking about "birth parent" is another TiM capitulation. They can't stand the fact that calling themselves women doesn't give them the capability of pregnancy, so they gave to strip the term women from everything to do with pregnancy.
I remember when that TiF made worldwide headlines about being a "pregnant man" - it was like wacko news in the 2010s(?). no way there are more than a handful of TiFs doing it.
No. 1822696
>>1821203Good job AB, now neither white trash nor liberals with no taste in beer want to buy your shit (although real white trash drink PBR, not Bud lmao). The hilarious thing is that even if they took took the more sensible "diversification" route of like… idk, sponsoring a "bears' night" at a gay bar or something and the campaign went off without a hitch, young people still would not be drinking Bud Light. It doesn't matter how it's marketed, at the end of the day, it's popular at house parties because it's cheap, not because people actually like it. College kids just don't drink beer to get drunk anymore; they drink harder, better-tasting stuff that will get them drunk faster, like 4Loco. I actually graduated from college two years ago, and 4loco was what people were drinking at parties when I went.
It's obvious to me that these companies aren't trying to "expand their consumerbase," like they say they are. They're trying to court controversy, because they're retarded and still think that all publicity is good publicity.
Before all this shit went down, I'd never bought any of Nike's sweatshop trash, and I'd stopped buying name-brand tampons years prior. Is anybody seriously more likely to purchase any of that junk now? Was seeing an ill-fitting sports bra on a man the point at which someone out there decided to buy something from Nike?
Honestly it would be funny if Dylan got sponsored by increasingly inappropriate companies, like Nascar or Black & Decker. Imagine if in 2024, Harley Davidson sent Dylan a free motorcycle so they could be less associated with mid-life-crisis-dads. Then Dylan would try to ride it without a helmet (can't ruin his hair!1!1) and smear his brains all over the blacktop. That would be a cool timeline to live in.
No. 1823827
File: 1683645352024.webm (1.37 MB, 720x1280, EB4AA9F1889577F577D4C1E2660EF1…)
I've been working on an article about Dylan in between actual work projects. If it doesn't get picked up by any media, I'll just post it here later. In the meantime, here's a snippet from some obnoxious interview he reposted. He looks like he's been having some injections (filler, maybe Botox as well?) or steroids. His face looks like it's been stung by bees.
No. 1823829
File: 1683645556406.webm (9.45 MB, 1080x1920, 10000000_205563162261068_23425…)
samefag, have some absolute nightmare fuel
No. 1824086
>>1824011Suffragette (2015)
No. 1824118
File: 1683674953855.webm (10.42 MB, 1080x1920, 7dfdd9218ac64d4c908694dce7b3b5…)
No. 1824665
>>1824598idk his body looks the same to me. I think he is self-conscious about looking old in the face though and got a bunch of injections. I can't prove it but he is a really vain dude, like his entire schtick is about how much better he looks as a woman than biological women. (He looks like a monster, it's all delusional.) I don't think he's going to try to gain weight because he will never have a female distribution of weight. He's afraid of having muscle (according to his bullshit body positivity video where he says his arms are too muscular to be femme and he wants to look like a supermodel). So he's not actually working out, I guess. If he gains, he'll just get a gut.
I'm surprised a surgeon would operate on someone as mentally ill and obviously eating disordered as he is. I know mentally ill is something people brush aside for tranny surgery authorization, but if Jazz/Jaron Jennings had to lose weight for surgery, why not make this shithead reach a minimum healthy bmi before cutting him up? If he's puking he might split something open, after all.
No. 1825502
File: 1683853927964.jpg (57.31 KB, 634x381, 70825389-12068311-image-a-2_16…)

>>1824118This is a red pill retard chasing after a crossdressing fag, both are incredibly embarrassing. Why post this irrelevant faggot harrassing the fag? both are cringe and inextricably male. Why are redpill moids obsessed with troon dicks being in womens bathrooms anyway? they're spaces aren't being invaded upon and they actively and consistently seem to support women being raped.
The fag is trending again today and even weeks later budlight sales are down across the U.S near 20% in multiple states due to misogynistic rapeapes hating misogynistic troon rapeapes lel.
The main drivers of the boycott from what I've read are gay men who are angered by troons and probably these "red pill" retards who only support the rape of women on their terms.
No. 1826217
File: 1683944700630.jpeg (118.26 KB, 828x1244, IMG_0646.jpeg)

>>1822098AYRT and OT but I just got this ad for the same product
No. 1826300
File: 1683964947481.jpg (37.14 KB, 640x475, ih0ghxpxrbvz.jpg)

>>1826217This honestly reads like when a sign or something is poorly translated to English in a country where almost no one speaks it.
No. 1827567
>>1826869True but you also forgot that a lot of it is lookism rooted in misogyny too. The absolute worst thing a woman/woman-facer can be in a moids eyes is unattractive. Trannies are generally very unattractive, and their ugliness makes moids disgusted and resort to mocking and dehumanizing them, simply because they are not fuckable.
These same scrotes go absolutely gaga over fuckable, young, passing troons and traps with good bodies and attractive faces
No. 1827568
>>1827567And I want to emphasize the fact that men dehumanize and mock ugly or unfuckable real women just as much too.
Their transphobia isnt real, it’s just lookism and misogyny, because they fantasize about fucking passing MTF traps all the time.
No. 1827750
>>1827567but troons aren't ugly women or "passable" women, they are men and they will always be men.
Some are more obviously male, some look like drag queen and some like underage boys with make-up.
No. 1827840
>>1827669In 2023 we still have scrotes bringing up Blaire White as an example of "one of the good ones" in fact, I bet every troon hating conserative has a "One of the good ones" in their back pocket,and it's always a troon with the Blaire White bimbo "passing" look. Aka someone they want to fuck or at the very least looks fuckable.
In some gender critical spaces I've been in where scrotes were present, they'd even bring up fucking tranny pornstars, as "One of the good ones" simply because they don't say they are a woman and again, they want to fuck them. I had no idea who this scrote was talking about, googled and it was a pornstar.
If people don't think these men don't hate troons because 98% are gross and unpassing they need to understand that. I rarely see scrotes discuss the ones who can slap 20 filters on and look passing saying the same things as the ugly ones do.
Their issues is these things saying they are women are ugly. Dylan is ugly and annoying, he's creepy.
No. 1828236
File: 1684245147748.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.06 KB, 720x720, 1684238291847.jpg)

No. 1830802
File: 1684560115481.png (59.24 KB, 1205x808, thing.PNG)

Oh, boy.
as much as dylan is an idiot, this is probably a waste of time.
No. 1830829
>>1830828Yeah, he's definetly an industyr plant.
How does a random broadway actor transition and suddenly get his "bulge" sucked by several comapaies.
No. 1834554
>>1833772I definitely will publish it somewhere myself if it doesn't get picked up. I have to prepare a presentation for next week but I'm hoping to get it done early and then work on finding a place for this. I'd like if it got some traction because it's fucking eerie, what I've noticed. And idk about industry plants and stuff but I do know that this entire Days of Girlhood series was pitched to us. women. It was to access us and mansplain us. And he said it outright from the very beginning. It was like the realization a character gets halfway through a horror movie, when I saw it all laid out. We're the target audience and the enemy, too.
I found a
terf journalist friend to read through it but I tried to write it for the purpose of it getting picked up elsewhere. Will update soon I hope
No. 1835416
File: 1685164920725.jpeg (97.51 KB, 1125x1483, 7DAD127F-6780-4B6F-B472-B42FF6…)

lol did anyone see this from his story today? He was insisting that “omg these are my real nails” when they’re clearly extensions & need a fill at that
No. 1836627
File: 1685367622821.webm (6.28 MB, 720x1280, 5442B2768FA836C6F0B4C713439E4F…)
>>1835416grabbed the video. Truly gross-looking nails. Lying about them makes no sense to me - what is the point? Reminds me of kiki lying about the same thing
No. 1836651
>>1836649I'm only
>>1836627but ah, ok, I didn't catch that. But he lied about having extensions and that seemed pretty genuine?>>1794580
>>1794582 No. 1836951
File: 1685406689722.jpeg (95.39 KB, 1125x1339, E1FDE425-9323-493C-BFEB-E49603…)

>>1836649I genuinely don’t see the satire I’m sorry
No. 1837426
File: 1685455428364.png (273.12 KB, 1058x575, 1414167157792.png)

>>1836959ok I'm just not understanding what is funny or satire. He gives no indication of it being satire but w/e.
Remember keeks posted these and expected people to believe they were real too.
>>>/pt/19375 No. 1837476
>>1836959That looks like a grown out gel manicure to me, not necessarily acrylics. I used to go to a tech who did crazy thick gel nails like that.
Dylan doesn't seem to be using the usual jokey joke affect here, either. Idg why multiple commenters are saying this is "obvious" satire. I also don't get why the vid is supposed to make me upset lol
It's just a self-indulgent, inoffensive vid.
No. 1838271
>>1837555I got you! I realized I sounded rude to both sides in my post, which was not my intention. That was my bad, sorry!
My read is that Dylan's got some serious problems and is majorly fucking annoying. People like this provoke extreme reactions, and countering those overreactions is a good instinct. We're all rightfully frustrated by this crap.
Personally, I'm just thankful that long nails weren't explicitly equated with "girlhood" in this particular video lmao
No. 1844397
File: 1686444181532.png (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 1139x1450, FySi9N0aEAA6jOC.png)

New pictures of Dylan have been floating around. Shooped to shit. Censored manly talons.
No. 1844399
File: 1686444383970.png (351.59 KB, 581x551, FyTCe2KaQAAFb6g.png)

The reality. The wig looks really shit.
No. 1844551
>>1768533why would he need to connect with women?
most women dont even connect with women
it means literally nothing
(sage your shit) No. 1844742
File: 1686506631861.jpeg (115.87 KB, 828x935, the bee.jpeg)

(sage your shit)
No. 1844810
File: 1686518886321.png (149.15 KB, 622x766, Screenshot 2023-06-11 at 22.27…)

>>1766589Oh no Dylan no. The bleached brows look is not for everyone and certainly not for you.
No. 1845117
File: 1686570224939.jpeg (30.75 KB, 650x650, 1548960800262-Screen-Shot-2019…)

>>1844821Hey, marge looked cute in her suit! Dylan looks like he's wearing an AliExpress knockoff just because of his face
No. 1854871
File: 1687965499119.png (617.12 KB, 544x768, Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 16.19…)

Gone a bit quiet in here but I've not seen this picture before. Here's Dilly looking like he's literally turned up to the opening of a grocery store.
No. 1854990
>>1854989copying the full list here so everyone knows who to unfollow and stop supporting in any form whatsoever:
Abby Wambach
Adam Eli
Aitch Alberto
AJ Shively
Alan Cumming
Alejandra Caraballo
Alejandra Ghersi
Alex Clark
Alexandra Gutierrez
Alisa Ramirez
Allie Leonard
Allison Goldfrapp
ALOK Vaid-Menon
Alyssa May Gold
Alyssa Milano
Amber Ruffin
Amber Tamblyn
Amy Schumer
Amy Landecker
Andrew Polk
Angelica Ross
Annaleigh Ashford
Antoni Porowski
Aparna Brielle
Arden Myrin
Ariana Grande
Arisce Wanzer
Avan Jogia
Barbie Ferreira
Bebe Rexha
Bella Ramsey
Ben Barnes
Benito Skinner
Benj Pasek
Bethany Cosentino
Bethany Leavel
Billy Eichner
Billy Porter
Bob the Drag Queen
Bobby Berk
Bonnie Milligan
Brad Oscar
Bradley Whitford
Brandon Matthews
Brendan Hines
Bretman Rock
Brian Smith
Brigette Lundy-Paine
Brittany Tomlinson
Busy Philipps
Caesar Samoya
Camila Cabello
Camille A Brown
Cara Delevingne
Chani Nicholas
Chella Man
Chelsea Handler
Cheyenne Jackson
Chris Perfetti
Christa Miller
Cleo Wade
Colton Haynes
Corey Jantzen
Cynthia Erivo
Cynthia McWilliams
Cynthia Nixon
Cyrus Veyssi
D’Arcy Carden
Dakota Fanning
Dan Levy
Darren Criss
David Shatraw
David Oulton
Debra Messing
Deepica Mutyala
Demi Lovato
Des McAnuff
Devery Jacobs
Diana Maria Riva
Diane Guerrero
Dylan Mulvaney
Ed Droste
Eddie Ndopu
EJ Marcus
Elegance Bratton
Eliot Rahal
Elle Fanning
Elliot Page
Emily Hampshire
Emily V. Gordon
Emma Hunton
Erin Reed
Estefania Pessoa
Freddy Thomas
Gabrielle Union-Wade
Gigi Gorgeous
Glennon Doyle
Grace Kuhlenschmidt
Griffin Dunne
Haley Baldwin Bieber
Hannah Gadsby
Harry Lambert
Hayley Kiyoko
Hilary Montez
Ilana Glazer
Indya Moore
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Our Lady J
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T. Oliver Reid
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Yves Mathieu East
Zoë Chao
Zooey Deschanel
No. 1855003
>>1854998I always find it weird when the same people who understand what they did to Turing was evil and wrong but at the same time think this is ok to to to kids. The cognitive dissonance is off the charts
>Turing was prosecuted in 1952 for homosexual acts. He accepted hormone treatment with DES, a procedure commonly referred to as chemical castration, as an alternative to prison. Turing died on 7 June 1954, 16 days before his 42nd birthday, from cyanide poisoning. An inquest determined his death as a suicide, but it has been noted that the known evidence is also consistent with accidental poisoning.>Diethylstilbestrol (DES), also known as stilbestrol or stilboestrol, is a nonsteroidal estrogen medication, which is presently rarely used.[5][6][7] In the past, it was widely used for a variety of indications, including pregnancy support for those with a history of recurrent miscarriage, hormone therapy for menopausal symptoms and estrogen deficiency, treatment of prostate cancer and breast cancer, and other uses.They gave him estrogen…
No. 1855051
>>1854990>Colton Haynesthe dude from Teenwolf? Man, they had to dig deep to get to 250.
>Darren Crissbut not Chris Colfer, lol.
>Hannah GadsbyTraitor
>Hayley KiyokoGuess I'm going to have to pirate her music from now on.
>Janet HubertAunt Viv! I am actually kind of upset about her. Maybe Will Smith was right.
>Patrick StewartThat is a surprise. Guess he has no problems with rapists in women's shelters, despite talking so movingly about his mom being abused by his father and supporting Refuge for years.
No. 1855101
>>1854990I’ve worked backstage with a lot of stars.
Had to deal/work/cater to the likes of Barbra Streisand and Ilana Glazer.
Diva Babs was NOT the most insufferable racist/spicy straight cunt to work with.
The Broad City bitch?
Is another story.
As for Patrick Stewart…he’s going to be another Savile when he’s gone and everyone will be clutching their pearl’s…ERMAHGERD Star Trek no wayyy.
(newfaggotry) No. 1855122
>>1855045You're right, I think nobody wants to zoom in to that face close enough to check but I took one for the team and I can see the lacefront hairline. Also makes no sense to have inches of dark roots on a short style like that unless it's a wig, it isn't grown out blonde hair as the dyejob suggests since he only recently changed his look.
The roots here look much shorter and it looks like a brighter blonde
>>1844810 than
>>1854871 you don't grow that many inches of hair in the few weeks he's been "blonde"
No. 1855158
>>1854990>Bob the Drag Queenfucking what
>Demi LovatoDruggie anoroexic
>Elliot PageOf fucking course
>Jamie Lee Curtishas a tranny son
>Jazz Jenningslmao
>Lena Dunhamgroomed and SA'd her sister growing up
I don't know all these people but I wonder how many of them are sex pests
No. 1856017
File: 1688148697622.jpg (102.98 KB, 736x715, 094127639a7afaf4dbedade9aa000a…)

>>1854990Not Elle Fanning…
Interesting that Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint are nowhere to be seen tho… I thought Harry Potter was literally mein kampf ? Don't be a
terf and prove your allegience to the cult!
No. 1857215
File: 1688339246858.png (1008.55 KB, 864x1491, Screenshot_20230702-221433.png)

I love seeing his recessed ugly man chin and perpetual neckbeard stubble. YWNBAW Dylan.
No. 1858871
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That Grimace jesus
No. 1858919
File: 1688595109665.png (527.63 KB, 1200x675, 33894556.png)

>>1858871Literally picrel. I swear to Christ, Dylan has like 20 extra teeth.
No. 1858946
File: 1688597685040.jpeg (158.18 KB, 960x949, 29591F39-C44A-4492-8C77-F4D430…)

>>1854871Now he’s trying to skinwalk Jayne Mansfield
No. 1858955
>>1858902there is no way this thing
>>1858871 is 26. Either he's lying, or my dedication to avoiding males in daily life has made me naive to how terribly they age.
No. 1858959
>>1858955Tragically, he actually
is 26. Someone dug up old booklets from childhood theater performances and the age listed in those lines up with his being 26. This is why you wear sunscreen and eat vegetables.
No. 1862961
File: 1689179516483.jpeg (Spoiler Image,837.96 KB, 2940x1635, 480D0E20-5BA9-4DAF-88FE-8A9A8C…)

Sperg incoming. For context, Dylan has traveled to Peru to “find himself” and to “feel safe.” The cognitive dissonance. The privilege. Good for you, Dylan, that you can participate in “”shaman rituals”” that can apparently cleanse you of your deep listlessness and lack of purpose—definitely amounting to more than 10 years of intense therapy that would probably do you more good than spending whatever thousands of dollars out of your trust fund to take a totally easy and affordable trip for the average person to Peru. what a miracle!! How WILD. So great for you that when you feel “unsafe in your home country” you can just get up and leave whenever you please. Meanwhile, us regular working people, specifically women, whose actual rights are being taken away by legislation, governed by this new wave of christian theocratic fundamentalism, must think pragmatically and work our asses off to even imagine a safe future for ourselves. I did not get to choose being a woman. Great for you Dylan, that you can just do that.
No. 1864333
New thread!
>>1864330(Thanks for your thoughts nonna
>>1862961 - I share them! Great post to end this thread.)