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No. 1174664
CatboyKami is a 23 year-old Australian NEET, streamer, edgelord and self proclaimed white nationalist, now living in the US
Drama summary:
>Dated a trap for a few years until trap broke up with him>Has a tranny/loli fetish>Manwhore who fucks anything that moves, goes to conventions to fuck weebs>Goes on Omegle in full black face to shock people >Goes on Omegle to say n*gger and shock people>Goes on Omegle in full yellow face to shock people>Rumoured to be fucking Nick Fuentes after they met up, as Kami is known as a homosexual at this point>Nick Fuentes then drops Kami in fear of looking gay>Daily Mail Australia writes article about his behaviour on Omegle>FBI breaks into his home for a reason which is still unknown Gypsy Crusader drama
>Kami starts sperging about Gypsy doxxing right wingers and having links to the feds>Gypsy then starts sperging about Kami being a homosexual, leaks photos of him and his trap bf and spreads rumours about the FBI breaking into his home because of possessing CP>Kami starts saying he wants to fight Gypsy (who is an ex professional fighter)>Keep saying they are going to fight each otherSocial media links:
(pretty much everything has been banned besides his Bitwave)
Bitwave Livestream: Twitter: (
Tiktok: Mail article: No. 1174682
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kami and his wife ex trap bf
No. 1174695
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>>1174688Exactly, it sucks that he’s a cunt tbh bc he’s really cute appearance wise, real women would be lining up to date him if he wasn’t a dickhead. not sure if some of it is down to his tism though
No. 1174706
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He's the poster child of what 4chan and coomerism does to an average young man. He even is good looking! But he's rotten inside and there's no going back, this is so disgusting
No. 1174752
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>>1174745I kinda wanna be his mommy gf, take away all of his internet and help him with his tranny issues
(no one cares) No. 1174759
You girls think this guy is hot? He looks autistic in the face. He's ugly.
>>1174752 Just what the fuck is that hairline and forehead? An actual Domehead. And just look at those eyes? Eyes of a fucking autist.
Get some taste and raise your standards anons 'cause this ain't it.
No. 1174764
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>>1174759He is conventionally attractive anon
No. 1174889
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His mom telling him off top kek
No. 1174944
>>1174932his desperation for attention is pathetic
he's the kind of faggot that would take getting posted on LC/KF/chans as a compliment because all he knows is cooming and flagrant narcissism
No. 1174945
>>1174929Kek yeah I’m sure a mommy dom gf and no internet would fix that fucking train wreck.
Does anyone have the stream of his date with nick fuentes? If not I can try and find it on kf, I’m pretty sure it’s archived there.
No. 1174950
>>1174759I'm surprised he's 23 because he looks older to me. I can't imagine how different the reaction would be if it was a woman who was pulling this childish shit online.
>>11747064chan ruined an entire generation.
No. 1175028
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>>1174688He's gay and brainwashed by 4chan. Of course he wants a trap that looks like an underaged boy in a wig.
Here is a picture of him in bed with a child.
No. 1175032
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>>1175030the tweet from this image
No. 1175036
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there are uncomfirmed rumors that he has raped a girl who was passed out drunk on Kiwifarms
No. 1175045
>>1174706Right wing in the Anglosphere is so retarded and pathetic that spergs who grew up fapping to hentai cartoons think theyre conservative for being edgy when they wouldve been your typical edgy left winger twenty years ago, lmao. Where are the actual conservatives to tell them they arent really conservative and theyre as degen as they scream the left is? They should be thanking liberals for these faggots existing in the first place because of "dont judge a book by its cover uwu" culture jammed in everyones throats and being rewarded for narcissistic/PD disorder behavior instead of being laughed out of society like they wouldve been in the actual past. If they actually wanted things to be the same before le bad liberals came in they would commit themselves to psychiatric hospitals for their mental insanity.
>>1175036Always something about faggots who like boys and man ass from cooming too hard being into raping and sexually assaulting women
No. 1175158
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>>1175068There is no way they didn't fuck when they met up. The sexual tension in the video is very obvious and they even talk about sleeping in the same place.
Both of them are homosexuals.
No. 1175228
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>>1175158i fucking hope he isn’t a homo i honestly have a huge crush on him (sorry) he’s so autistic and cute
>ywn be his tradwaifuwhy even live anons
(blogpost) No. 1175267
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>>1175228you need some self respect, this man is a closeted faggot who has a shit ton of stds, probably dies of aids one day.
No. 1175298
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>>1174945Nick Fuentes is gay, him & catboy have some chemistry going on
No. 1175317
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>>1175267i have a thing for aussies, autists and femboys so it’s pretty much inevitable for me to fall in love with him unfortunately:(
(:() No. 1175323
>>1175317Do you also have a thing for homosexual antisemitic, racist rapists pedophiles?
Control your girldick, coomer. Nobody wants to hear about how much you want your bussy prolapsed by Philip.
No. 1175472
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>>1175039He looks like he has Crohn's disease
No. 1175656
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>>1175636Just because a man is clean cut, well spoken and aroused by half naked Australian nazis does not mean he's gay wtf
No. 1176749
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>>1175656People speculate Nick is gay because he was caught liking posts of traps that he was following and flirting with. He also had or still has a discord dedicated to catboys. Not to mention hes good friends with milo an outspoken pedophile defender and has ties to Homosexual white nationalist Grinder Greg Johnson.
No. 1177364
>>1175656>that tweetEven for a "joke", it still gives off 'in the closet' vibes.
>>1175317I think his body looks fine, but his face and voice scream "adult autist that lives with his mother".
No. 1181058
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Anons you cant save him.
No. 1204458
>>1174682It can't be his "ex" because he's been living in the United States for close to a year now, which is longer than the three months he's granted as an Australian citizen through the Visa Waiver Program, and almost twice as long as he'd be granted on a B-2 "tourist" visa, at six months maximum.
He's an unemployed, lifelong NEET whose highest level of educational attainment is primary school, with barely any assets to support himself, so he's certainly not in the country on any kind of skilled or sponsored employment visa, nor is he eligible for the rare visa granted to the affluent. The fact he wasn't deported after being raided by the FBI on suspicion of possessing child porn, can only mean he is
eligible to reside in the states past what he
ought be eligible for, with the only other option being a green card, obtained through his self-professed marriage (of convenience). His "wife" is the trans-woman (or in my opinion: trap) pictured there, that he's been dating long distance from Australia since they first met at an American anime convention some years ago.
I.e. the leader of "white" "traditionalism" is a deadbeat illegal alien retard who's married to a crossdresser.
>>1174684I mean just look at those hands and feet, they're bigger than Phil's lmao, who does he think he's kidding?
No. 1212853
>>1204458your theory is wrong.
the gay boyfriend isn't even trans. he's just a guy who likes crossdressing. @mr_kittenzz on insta and Twitter, check for yourself
No. 1213234
>>1204727cope, seethe more
>>1207093show your face so we can take a gander at your godly aussie looks, with timestamp of course
>>1174684Iirc, Kami said to Nick on the infamous date: "you remind me of my ex."
Is this that ex-boyfriend? I see the resemblance tbh, especially when Nick was skinnier.
No. 1223247
>this is your brain in scrote degeneracy absolutely fucking disgusting, i dont even see coomers being into this weird shit.
okay okay, coomers will jerk off to everything maybe they might but not most of them i hope.. cant imagine what his parents did to end with his son doing this shit, something had to go very very wrong
No. 1223248
>>1223235Like that is a label worth defending or preserving.
His fans are as much of degenerates as he is himself. Also this
>>1223241 No. 1224381
>>1223336I've read on kivifarms that he's from broken home and his father was a drug addict. Idk whether it's true tho.
Btw there was a period when he was doing 24/7 streams. He was streaming himself sleeping with a boner.
No. 1225146
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>>1224600I think anon is referring to a screenshot of this post.
No. 1227680
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This man is completely fucked in the head.
No. 1229144
>>1228950You think this cringy sperg actually has any views he believes in? Cause everything he says is directly contradicted by his actions. Everything he does it for attention and to shock people, it's all part of his fetish and sociopathic personality. He doesn't believe in "saving the white race", he only believes in saying the n-word to get attention and raping kids and trannies.
There's plenty of racist conservatives out there who don't molest children that you could look up to instead. This ain't it, poltard.
No. 1229304
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From the other farms, Kami has been rumored to supposedly raped an unconscious girl during his visit in Arizona.
I wouldn't be surprised if this turns out to be true though.
No. 1229444
>>1229381He’s a retarded wignat that whines about “muh culture” and has “trad” views of women.
There was a video where he whined and sperged about Shoe0nhead not being traditional enough. (This was during her 2014 Gamergate days.) His voice was so shrill and his face was so beet red crying about how she should be married with children and stay out of political discourse. This was on YouTube, and I can’t find the video since YouTube housecleaned types like him.
No. 1255338
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I guess he's starting to do cosplay now.
No. 1255392
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>>1255338Who lied to him to think this is good enough to post.
No. 1256575
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>>1255338More of his shitty cosplay of Yuji.
No. 1257032
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Apparently Pedoboykami is returning back to streaming.
No. 1283129
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Guess who! It's a long article so I won't screengrab the entire thing, but looks like loserboy whatshisfaces real name is Tor Gustafsson Brookes and he's been around. my surprise to check the news and see his dumb mug splashed on the front
No. 1839869
>>1174664This faggot is too much, but I love his antics. Truly the epitome of what a cow should be.
No. 1839931
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The video channels got nuked. Here is some archived top Kami content:
>"Catboykami" No. 1839932
>>1839931The hell is wrong with your linking, lolcow DOT farm?!
No. 1989041
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I can’t embed this video since it’s from some 3rd party site and was originally posted on telegram but he’s now gone crazy trying to start some crazy cult/religion/ideology now
Picrel is the recap I stole from KiwiFarms