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No. 1623448
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So picrel is Gordon Ramsay's, daughter, Holly Ramsay, she is a full time model and influencer
>She's the daughter of a Michelin-starred chef but Holly Ramsay has decided on a very different career route.
>The 20-year-old daughter of chef Gordon and his wife Tana signed to Established Modelling Agency last year
>'Holly is navigating her celebrity routes and channelling her own identity using her profile and platforms to inspire others with a focus on creating unique and relatable content whilst travelling between London and LA,' her profile reads.
>Holly's content can be described as nothing less than authentic, automatically putting her followers at ease that anything that she promotes is truly brilliant'.
>'She has a passion for fashion, trying new styles and trends and is currently studying Fashion Design at university with a dream of getting her
No. 1623462
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I'm always amazed that Potato Moss has a better career than Lottie Moss. Before she went down the cocaine and Only Fans route, Lottie had a soft Victoria's Secret sort of look.
No. 1623482
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>>1623479I mean at least Bella Hadid is tall and you'd notice her, but this is just any random girl you'd see in London and not even remember
No. 1623544
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yas queen give us nothing
No. 1623585
>>1623456>>1623479>>1623484I mean being a model really doesn't seem all that hard to begin with, all you gotta be is tall, thin, confident and have an okay face
this random shitposting youtuber went to the top of london fashion week as a joke and also did actual modeling afterwards and then went to paris fashion week
No. 1623589
>>1623585It's actually harder than it seems as you have to be able to tell what expression and poses look good without being able to see yourself. Pro models get very little direction and have to move constantly and fluidly. You also can get put in uncomfortable clothing and situations (cold, bugs, etc) and have to stay that way for hours.
This is why so many nepo models look so bad. They haven't had to work their way up and improve.
No. 1623601
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>>1623599you're right, not just anybody can pull this stunt. the guy(who isn't actually a youtuber he's just a friend of the shitposting youtuber) already did have those model features to begin with.. not buffy, tall and slender and yes, CONFIDENCE
I mean just look at him and tell me he doesn't look like model
No. 1623907
>>1623456KEK, came here to say this and also its because any other route in Hollyweird requires being conventionally attractive, talented, skilled. (acting, singing, etc.)
modeling agencies allow literally anyone in as long as they're tall and willing to be an anachan, or are classified "diverse", or if their parents paid their way in. the only nepo-child i could find even a sliver of respect for is kaia gerber.
No. 1624112
I've been waiting for a thread like this so bad…
>>1623544Holy fuck this is bad.
No. 1624314
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imagine being the editor
No. 1624997
>>1624347He was studying photography at NYU and left when Rankin - fucking RANKIN!- offered him an internship. Which he squandered, apparently, since "don't photograph in shadow" is the rule right after "take the cap off the lens".
Apparently the Beckhams tried out their lax parenting on their eldest. He has about 100 tattoos and 70 of them are to do with his own rich-kid wife.
No. 1625346
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Please make it stop. Marc Anthony himself is bad enough, now he's pushing the ladder out to the most shameless idiots
No. 1625351
File: 1661435950780.jpg (102.91 KB, 773x479, nepo-weirdos.jpg)

>>1623442>>1623482>>1623448she has had loads of surgery. also these people are like a cabal and a racket, i always see one nepo enabling another one to get the foot in the door and this even crosses sexual, racial and religious lines.
they never pay attention to those with more humble origins, other than whichever sportsman or rapper they can use as a sperm donor
No. 1625445
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>>1625351>>1623482she looks oblivion-esque
No. 1625549
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>>1625351>>1623448I looked up her IG and she seems like a completely different person
No. 1625635
>>1625487IIRC he was using an SLR from the 90s. So he could have played around in the darkroom to make the image clearer if he couldn't take a decent shot in the first place.
If he even develops and prints his own kek
No. 1625646
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>>1625351His other daughter appeared on the UK version of Dancing With The Stars last year and seems less plastic in the face. She has the more tradition Celebrichild job of "social media influencer".
No. 1625697
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>>1625665imagine having the world's greatest artists, designers, visionaries, and thinkers at your fingertips through the connection of your mother, and your personal taste is truly so disgustingly basic and inauthentic that you never developed any conceptual intrigue of your own.
the privacy she maintained was wasted, she clearly never developed a personality.
picrel is her at the MET gala, THEE MET and she looks like this… even upon close up it looks unintentionally cheap. they don't make nepo babies like they used to. where are the devon aokis?
No. 1625890
>>1623585Except he isn't really a random shit posting youtuber, he's max fosh and basically a nepo baby himself, his dad is this guy he went to one of the most expensive schools in the country, he also has a sister that i'm almost positive has fashion connections lmao
No. 1626190
>>1625944>>1626153i learned really recently that their dad was the head of the benihana empire. makes sense that they'd need a crazy rich dad to be so successful in industries like modeling and DJing
(turns out that yumi nu plus sized model jordan peterson called 'not beautiful' is their niece as well kek)
No. 1626376
>>1626190>>1626153>>1625944yes she is! i just miss when nepo babies were silent like devon, and just honed their craft.
did they get a huge leg up and/or probably only got opportunities to begin with because of their family's connections? yes. but did they end up being very talented on their own outside of that? yes.
nepo babies trying to become "relatable" and desperately trying to prove how they are just like us is annoying.
someone said this recently and it just clicks
"If your only social plight is not being able to say that you're self-made, then that's a disprivilege you can learn to live with." No. 1627873
File: 1661662069104.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2074x1382, A41903C3-04A6-4A42-A40C-628A6F…)

Did anyone watch season 3 of American Crime Story? Jonah Bill’s sister Beanie Feldstein was an awful choice to play Monica Lewinsky and such clear nepotism casting. Ik Monica got shit for her weight back then but she really seems so lean compared to Beanie.
No. 1628341
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>>1627873even in this loose suit she looks less frumpy and large than jonah hill's sister
No. 1629328
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>>1627873She looks fine. You guys are just nitpicking.
No. 1629354
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>>1629328I think Monica put on weight after it went public and her lawyer probably dressed her in less form fitting clothes to make her seem more demure (I remember another woman involved in the case was given pants suits to wear for this reason).
It looks like they gave the actress a weird 50s bullet type bra to wear when Monica never wore that.
No. 1629358
>>1629354Maybe Beanie Feldstein just has large boobs.
IMO they did Linda Tripp dirtier, made her life look proper sad and empty. Not that she deserves much sympathy.
No. 1629621
>>1629358Yeah it's the torpedo bra. Beanie's a fine fit considering the short supply of Hollywood fatties. The alternative would've been someone in a fat suit which
triggers the masses.
No. 1629630
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>>1629354>Monica never wore that.Lmao she should have!
No. 1629778
>>1629621They sure got
triggered over Sarah Paulson’s fatsuit!
No. 1631872
>>1625972Madonna's style also looks cheap and no taste despite the millions in the bank.
I expected a worse song, but her singing is totally average and the video quality low (probably on purpose to make her seem more relatable and indie like she seems to want to look like). With Madonna's connections she could've produced something much better but I think she wants to give off the indie edgy zoomer vibe and like Madonna being her mom has no influence on her.
No. 1633500
>>1625944i always was surprised that she got the jobs despite being so short. i never saw mentions of her being scouted so nepo baby origin is logical option. though she has really distinct face and attitute which made her iconic as a model.
i feel jeremy scott never would have his career if not working with devon, she's got load of connections after all.
No. 1633503
>>1631877>>1631899 put down it perfectly
most of models until 2010s were usually scouted, huge amount nepo models is current phenomenon. russian girls who were in vogue during 2000s often came from very poor families and it was their chance to have better life.
outside devon aoki, maybe stella tennant (rip) . her father was a literal baron. she sent her pictures to vogue and her friends gave her connections to some fashion writer.
No. 1634644
>>1629778sarah paulson's face
triggers me. she looks like paul sheer and peter lorre had a baby that melted.
No. 1642565
>>1634644She has a weird horsey face that wouldn't work if she wasn't a character actor. But somehow it works for her.
I just started watching American Horror Stories and Nepo Baby Kaia Gerber is actually not so bad in her role.
No. 1642898
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The Director Richard Linklater chose his daughter Lorelei to act as the sister in the movie Boyhood.
No. 1643089
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>>1634639not sure about the rancid concert part but it is 100% believable that she would get scouted as she has a snooty rich girl look and has natural strawberry blonde hair despite being asian
No. 1643097
>>1625665Bad song, bad vocals, and her facial expressions, or lack thereof makes her look braindead.
I did like the first look though, but maybe that's just my bias for loose 90s clothing. Everything else looked cheap and awful.
No. 1644677
>>1629354imho since its a series being made today they need an actress who could look mousey and frumpy to an audience today, bc that's what people thought of monica at the time.
tbh i think beanie's performance was really good even if it wasn't 100% accurate in the looks area, she excels at playing that kind of slightly stuck-up sheltered rich girl character
No. 1645317
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Kate moss’s short ass daughter is still catching heat after her horrendous walk lmao. nepo kids don’t even put in effort anymore but after all the mother who raised her is an overrated anorexia-induced retard so I don’t imagine lila is too well in the head
No. 1646057
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>>1645695What do you guys see in kate seriously..? even in her prime I always thought she looked average and please don’t see she had “a unique face” there are plenty of beautiful models with unique features that could easily outdo her. her personality is even worse than her looks shes just so trashy
No. 1646182
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>>1646057She looks weird straight on as her eyes as too far apart (and she’s full of botox these days) but from a slight angle she’s really pretty.
No. 1646633
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She was also cast in that Robert Eggers movie. It’s unfortunate she inherited her dads potato genes instead of her moms.
No. 1646766
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>>1646740Sage for OT–it's the baby sister label of Prada, and I guess it has its own charm, this cutesy-preppy look that's distinct from other designers. They stick to this vision between collections and I guess that's something to give credit for.
>>1646633Her daughter looks so unremarkable, I can't wrap my head around why they might've thought to use her for the campaign (picrel). She really has nothing to offer. If you look at her Instagram you can see that she has low engagement on top of everything else. I get that she's in a film, but surely there's some TikToker they could've used or something.
No. 1646799
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Old school nepo babies had either talent or good looks. Zoomer nepo babies are absolutely basic at best or way below average for the role they're aiming. Certainly not model/actor material, any of them. We have truly fallen as a society for allowing this shit.
No. 1646862
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>>1646799Tbh if you're going to do a job that involves your appearance, you better look the part. It's terrible that fellow nepo baby Bella Hadid got a lot of plastic surgeries but she IS a model and she looks like one now. I would be pissed if she was getting all the gigs with her old face and body. I’m surprised that Kate didn’t push her potato ass kid to get PS but I guess that shows she is a good mother (unlike Yolanda
cough) but needs to accept that her daughter is not cut for the industry
No. 1646938
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>>1646799Although a terrible actress, kaia gerber is a pretty good model she has the body and skills for it so I guess not
all zoomer nepos are bad
No. 1647612
>>1647601raf simmons might be most overrated designer of his generation, heck of past 30 years. some of his early collections have some nice pieces but for most i hate these forced music references and dumb over the top forms.
>>1647604designer brands are worthless nowdays and quality dropped from what i heard. even workwear brands like carhartt lowered their quality in wip line recently? i believe they wouldn't attempt it 20 years ago or more when workwear trend first started. getting vintage, good stuff in good state for normal prices is impossible nowdays. even shitty normie garbage is marked up and sold by girls who even can't shave these sweaters or stitch holes.
>>1646633she got most unfortunate look, i wonder if she will age like milk as her mother did. bjork's skin was garbage already in her late 20s.
>>1646057kate is boring and there were better models in the 90s. all of original supermodels and other not as known models beat her. she fitted corrine day's aesthetic and got hyped by the face a lot, entire "anti-fashion" and "style bible" circuit until they memed her into becoming a mainstream model. on top of this entire heroin chic schtick accelerated this. she was really skinny and dead looking so she was perfect for it.
>>1645695holy shit they are so both ugly, her daughter is hideous. combination of ugly face and skeleton body is disgusting
>>1646938i hate kaia but my hate for bella and gigi is bigger. these nepo hacks are disgusting and bella is just entirely plastic surgery. her style is disgusting and like most of idiots, she can't make good outfit inspired by late 90s fashion which she attempts so badly.
No. 1647895
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jesus bella needs to fucking relax with the fillers she’s looking more and more alien everyday
No. 1647901
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>>1647895How is she 25 pushing 50
the plastic surgery clinics in malibu needs to be shut down and investigated. they got them all looking like madonna
No. 1648198
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>>1648173she’s desperately trying to replicate carla bruni’s whole vibe and it’s very eerie this a whole new level of skinwalking.
No. 1653398
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lila for vogue uk. lmao her face
never cared much for young kate, but at least she was kinda cute unlike this embarrassment
No. 1668673
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>nepo baby gets a tattoo
>someone writes a whole article about it on
>Making the most of her time abroad, the blonde beauty paid a visit to Miles Langford's professional studio, opting to expand her existing tattoo collection with a touching new addition.
>Taking to Instagram, Holly posted a carousel of snaps giving fans a rare glimpse of her entire tattoo experience. From the obligatory skin prep to the final unveiling, Holly revealed each step of her journey.
>The star chose to embellish her wrist, opting for an elegantly written 'love myself' inking in black ink. Holly captioned her post: "This one was special, thank you @mileslangford."
>Her fans raced to weigh in on the post with one writing: "Such a statement! Love this," whilst a second penned: "Love love love. I need to remind myself of this."
>"Self-love is the best love. As soon as one realises that everything will fall into place," noted a third, and a fourth chimed: "Powerful stuff".
>The middle Ramsay child is free-spirited when it comes to her ink collection, from abstract motifs to handwritten dates, Holly has been known to experiment with her self-expression.
>And during a video interview for London Social Tattoo, Holly told viewers: "I'm getting a cherub and the dates of my siblings and my parents' birth year." How sweet!
>Holly's tattoo transformation comes after she shared a series of summer throwbacks last month. Reminiscing about the warmer weather, the 22-year-old posted a slew of stunning snaps featuring a risqué animal print dress.
>The blonde beauty posed up a storm in the ultra-chic mesh dress, featuring a body-skimming fit, rippling maxi skirt and sheer fabric in daring animal print.
>Holly layered her slinky number over a high-rise black bikini for the ultimate glamorous beach get-up.
>The podcaster let her blonde hair fall past her shoulders in natural waves, highlighting her beautiful features with eyelash extensions, a honey-hued blush and rosy lip.
>Holly elevated her look with several delicate pieces of gold jewellery, including a mesmerising signet ring and statement Cartier bracelet
No. 1668811
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>>1668790his other daughter is fat and his son is just basically just a young version of him
No. 1670510
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I watched the mediocre Hellraiser reboot last night and was so curious about the very unattractive, duck-lipped, irritating lead I had to look her up. Nepo baby of actress/writer Pamela Adlon and a German director. Goes by the barfy name Odessa "A'Zion".
No. 1677045
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Don’t know where else to post this
tf but I’m almost certain the not so secret reddit account of Chet Hanks (problem son of Tom Hanks) is u/complexwork. A quick google search shows in college he was previously outed as a horny reddit perv when he went by the rapper name Chet Haze.>90% of this account’s post history are comments on porn subreddits like r/gonewild & r/gonewildcolor>he wrote about being embarrassed of his role in the Bratz movie (he played Dexter)>name dropped his interactions with Robin Williams, Cameron Diaz and other celebrities>he thought he had butt herpes and asked Reddit for help - turned out to be a hernia due to weightliftingStill reading through the comments and laughing/cringing my way through. Anyone else think it might be him?
No. 1677082
>>1677045The fact he thirstposts to porn in between replying to posts about his dad makes it rather obvious it's him kek
I'm sure he has a third account where he puts the real juicy stuff, this is the decoy account that he wants people to see, based on infrequent activity. Like how do you casually stumble upon reddit porn with months or years in between, that's the activity of a frequent/daily user
No. 1685494
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>>1623442>>1677082Omg you all didn't lie, all he does is namesearch himself and make thirsty comments on porn subs. What a fucking dork. I did find this exchange hilarious though, what happened with Colin?!
No. 1685802
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>>1668811Kek the picture on the right looks like one of those tourist things you stick your head through to take a photo.
No. 1689867
>>1689579Yay another nepo model
>Heidi told E! News that after Leni had been "begging me for years" to start modeling, the supermodel finally caved in. "Her being 16, almost 17, I said, 'fine.’”Lmao Heidi really cut the legs out from under her. I don’t really blame her, but 12 is the perfect age to start runway modeling if you’re serious about it
No. 1689959
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>>1689867She's also got a potato face hahaha.
It's a miracle she doesn't look worse though. Because her bio father is this guy:
No. 1691756
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>>1690147Heidi garnered a lot of controversy for doing a photoshoot with Leni where thy both wore lingerie:
No. 1696622
>>1696597All the DM babies are untalented weirdos somehow. Except martins daughter who seems able to make music and not mention her dad constantly
Also, are replies in ot broken? It hasnt been working for me for a few days
No. 1696722
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is Sofia Coppola the only nepo-baby in history who was actually as talented as her parent
No. 1697151
>>1696777that's a uncalled for, I agree with
>>1697106 her films are beautiful and she's a competent film director but she is overhyped and would have never gotten anywhere if she weren't Francis Ford Coppola's daughter
No. 1697154
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They really are trying to make the Beckham brothers happen. None of them look as good as their father. They're all ugly with the exception of Romeo but he isn't that exceptional either. Pic rel wants to start a music career and was given a magazine cover.
No. 1701766
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because appearing in the film “yoga hosers” is basically the same thing as delivering babies and treating diseases
No. 1702246
File: 1668713543051.png (30.26 KB, 545x329, Screenshot 2022-11-17 143125.p…) don't really mind nepo babies in the sense that of course most people are going to follow the path their parents took if it was successful, but acting like you don't have your parents to give you handouts is dishonest and fucking retarded. She has no talent, she is fucking short, an influencer is probably the best path for her since at least zoomers like her style. She also attempts to get our sympathy for attempting to pin her being called a nepo baby on misogyny. Fuck off with that.
No. 1702742
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>>1696722margaret qualley is an excellent actress and better than her mother but andie macdowell didn't set the bar very high. i also find her extremely beautiful. awful taste in men unfortunately.
No. 1702890
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>>1702742She's pretty, but I find her sister way prettier tbh
No. 1702896
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Who do you ladies think is the prettiest nepo baby? My vote is Iris Law
No. 1702941
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>>1702896she looks like miley cyrus
No. 1702943
>>1701766Ah yes, because all actors have to pass exams to be allowed to practice their careers and people totally don't talk about nepotism in careers without barriers such as kids getting jobs at daddy's company. And it's not like there was a famous scandal recently where rich people were paying bribes in the form of "alumni donations" to get their idiot kids into a university that won't let them fail.
This woman worked hard to land her role in Yoga Hosers and please ignore the fact that her dad was in every Kevin Smith movie in this filmmaking era, her family is very closs with Kevin's family, and she was best friends with Kevin Smith's daughter who also starred in the movie where they played BFFs.
No. 1704196
>>1702760Because money. Flavio Briatore is a rich businessman, and has been in relationships with numerous younger women. The mother of his son is three decades younger than him.
>>1702872Yes he kind of does.
No. 1706013
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My favorite nepo baby of all time is the daughter of one of the most popular actors in Japan.
She's your average shortlegged asian girlie, yet they have her on the Chanel runway kek
No. 1706017
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>>1706013timeless, elegant perfume add
No. 1706019
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>>1706017Her newest work: 2 goddesses and a rando kid
No. 1706062
>>1706019>>1706013these are insanely funny
>>1706017this is cute, I kinda like the goofy-ass transformation lol
No. 1706352
triggered. the anon you replied to sounds more like an old chubby goth than whatever you're reeing about
No. 1706641
>>1706150he has an older daughter as well, who looks exactly as homely as
>>1623482 so no amount of money was able to push her to her little sister's level of "success".
No. 1725196
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Dex Lauper, the son of Cyndi Lauper, is:
>a struggle rapper
>accused of abusing his ex girlfriend
>rode in a stolen vehicle at a fellow rapper’s funeral
No. 1738828
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Greta Thunberg’s grandfather was a successful Swedish film maker and actor
No. 1748028
>>1702896Iris Law is blessed with her mom's facial features and her dad's cheekbones and chin.
Although when i see her I can't help remembering circa 2000(?) reading how she'd been rushed to hospital as a baby after eating an ecstasy pill she found on the floor at home. Tsk tsk parents. I'm an oldfag lol
No. 1760162
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No. 1767189
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There is a "band" that goes by Johnny Goth which also happens to be the chosen name of the lead singer, Jonathan "JC" "Johnny" Chavez . Despite the name and try-hard aesthetics, they are completely pop and not goth at all. They advertise themselves as self-produced with no label, and while it's true they're not signed to a major record label, they have industry connections. All three members of the group went to a private performing arts school in Los Angeles and ride off their families' connections. Main connections come from the Denvaer-Dimperio family which includes a longtime makeup artist mother that put Johnny in Birds of Prey as a stand in for the joker because she did Margot Robbie's makeup. They all mooch off of her and live in her properties despite being well into their twenties. Johnny's girlfriend is a nobody stripper with a failed onlyfans from bum fuck nowhere that thinks she's going to make it in Hollywood as an actress with zero acting experience. She went as far as begging her followers to tag Ryan Murphy on instaram in order to cast her in American Horror Story. She poses in band photos alongside the other weeb's girlfriend despite nether of them being a member of the band (picrel). They don't seem milky at first glance but once you look into them and start paying attention to what they all post, the milk starts flowing. Johnny at one point tried to ride off the coattails of Vanessa Hudgen's sister Stella. Didn't work and now we are here. Another desperate nepo group.
No. 1767246
>>1761077aaaaaaa that makeup makes me want to barf
>>1739105no it's true. her mom is a fame-obsessed has-been D-liste actor. her dad is talent management/enetertainment business agent too. greta is used by her parents as a meal ticket/fame source like child actors.
No. 1770164
>>1770090Inhaler is good
My honest face and ice cream sundae are bops
I dont even really know who bono is
No. 1772419
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>>1767189This would be cringey if they were teenagers but this is absolutely inexcusable for scrotes pushing 30. How do they look at any pictures of themselves and not feel shame? There are thousands of goth makeup tutorials on YouTube but they rather walk around looking like a child did Halloween makeup practice on them. I am so sick of mediocre males and their never ending audacity.
No. 1773368
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lily rose depp entering her anachan era
No. 1773644
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>>1773625Didn’t her dad and Kate date? I wonder if he romanticizes her and she’s subconsciously taken it in… wow I just looked it up and they did. The first article is Johnny giving Kate her first set of diamonds and he positioned them in his ass crack kek. She has been the the “coquettes” new age ana queen for a bit but if you look up lily rose depp cankles you’ll get a lot of “unflattering” pics I’ll never forget from the celebricow thread the skinny gossip bitches invaded over that. Picrel was from the celebcow thread
No. 1781636
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Do Pamela Anderson's kids count as nepo-babies?
The eldest(brandon lee) is a minor actor who has a golf-wear clothing line, and the younger(dylan lee) is an EDM DJ. Obviously, their parents position and connections helped them with their passions and careers, but at the same time, it seems like these are their genuine passions; like you're not going to get famous being an EDM in 2023, and I have never seen them shilled on social media like the other nepo-babies; like, I don't even know they existed before her documentary.
No. 1781737
>>1781636She named her son Brandon knowing he would be
Brandon Lee? Like Bruce Lee's dead son Brandon Lee? Lmao
No. 1781803
>>1781636I would say they got connections but dont qualify for nepo babies since they chose semi-unique and not so "in your face" interests. The golf clothing line was probably because he couldnt find any golf clothes that didnt look like they were made for someones dad and the DJ was probably just to live that party life dream.
Idk what pamela anderson does (sorry for being a retard i dont pay attention to celebrities or their names i just watch the movie/listen to the song/buy the clothing and forget about it) so unless she is in golf clothing lines and DJ circles i think its just her sons trying to make names for themselves and it just so happens they were born to rich and famous parents that helped along their careers.
No. 1792719
you will NEVER be as skilled, intelligent or as above criticism as a doctor FUCK YOU FUCK YOU narcissist
No. 1835862
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great news: maya hawke is super fine and chill and reasonable with being called what she factually is!
No. 1835872
> Totes fine being a nepo babyThat certainly looks like someone okay with being a nepo baby
>>1781904EDM was more mainstream ten years ago but it’s still a massive industry and you can make a comfortable living DJing small clubs alone. The deeper into the rave scene you get the more incestuous and shallow it is.
No. 1835922
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>>1835919Believe it or not she's only 24 despite the luggage bags under her eyes and established marionette lines.
People online are quick to defend her as she's supposedly a decent actress and does music on the side…However it's obvious she would have never got a main role on Stranger Things had it not been for her connections as she barely starred in anything before then.
Also I think this cringey meme template played a role in her success. Tarantino bros who thirsted after her mum in the 2000s naturally redirect their lust towards her daughter.
No. 1836747
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>>1773368>be Vanessa Paradis' daughter>look very similar to her exactly like her>except your teeth actually don't look all fucked up like mommy's>smoke cigarettes anywayI don't get it at all.
No. 1837699
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>>1837661>French people don’t care about teethYou're replying this to me, a French woman who has seen people from all over the country across generations making fun of Vanessa's fucked up teeth. I'm not talking about having straight white teeth I'm talking about the gigantic gap and the fact that she looks like a chain smoker for decades. The people I've seen compliment Vanessa were saying she looked good despite her teeth, even they aren't indifferent to that. Anyway, more pics to show other anons how much her Vanessa and Lily look like each other.
No. 1837854
>>1837699wtf are you on about, her teeth are part of her charm
and lily doesn't even look that much like her, she has goblin features
No. 1838327
>>1837997We don't hang out with the same people at all then kek
>>1837854I didn't say Lily looks good. Just that she looks a lot like Vanessa. Even if you think that's not the case you can at least admit she looks a lot more like her mom than like her dad.
No. 1843373
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More nepos. Kate Moss' agency provides gigs for her friends' kids/Lila's mates kek. Jones' dad is Mick of The Clash
Bliss Chapman's father is one of the Chapman Brothers
Stevie Sims is daughter of famous fashion photographer David
Elfie Reigate is daughter of model friend Rosemary Ferguson
Vincent Rockins is the son of fashion label Rockins parents
Surprised Iris Law isn't signed. Kate's little sister Lottie is such a lolcow she should have her own thread. The other models seem to be minor celebs, probably friends of friends. I think models as we used to know them are over, unfortunately.
No. 1843418
>>1843379I think you answered your own question
>might crave their parent's fame and aspire to be as well-known and praised as themPlus I think it’s the easy route and it’s probably gloryfied by the parents or friends etc
No. 1844107
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>>1843373>Lottiegod, she's probably the saddest nepo baby ever. is born into a filthy rich family yet sells her body…just imagine telling an 18th century person that nowadays princesses prostitute themselves… she quit twitter because of pic
>>1843379it seems like nobody likes to be "less" than their parents, e.g. that beckham video of him claiming to be a chef who can afford his sports car comes to my mind. even tho he isn't a model/actor, he still is too prideful to admit that he just uses his parents money.
this is not just the case for celebrity kids tho, there are so many (especially asian) youtubers who were clearly born rich and miraculously immediately get good jobs in the very same company their dad works at, yet claim this is all due to their hard work.
they feel better than us poorfags/normies and somebody questioning that maybe they're not actually hardworking really gets them mad
No. 1844163
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>>1844072>Seligman is bisexual and Jewish,[8] and uses she/they pronouns.[9] They were raised in a Reform Judaism Ashkenazi community in Toronto and had their Bat Mitzvah ceremony on Masada in Israel.[10] They moved to Los Angeles in 2021.She honestly sounds like a parody of a liberal Hollywood director
No. 1844192
>>1844107She seems fragile af. And jealous. Quits modelling, blames Kate. Becomes an OF whore to empower herself lmao. ♫ Maybe she's borderline ♫
>When I started out, I was always just Kate Moss's sister. That was really hard for me growing up, especially not being that close with my sister. Back then I was bombarded with people constantly asking me about my sister – I’d go to my friends’ houses and there would be pictures of her on the walls – and it really triggered a lot of abandonment issues.Agree with your second paragraph. They inherit the ego but rarely inherit the talent.
(emoji) No. 1847118
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>nepo baby thread with no mention of him
No. 1857343
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I love how the idol was supposed to be emmy bait and help lily get taken seriously as an actress but it got panned kek.
No. 1857962
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Gary Numan is trying to shill his boring daughters now that they are all coming of age.
No. 1857963
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>>1857962like, imagine your father trying to sell tshirts of your ass on a tshirt. fucking weird.
No. 1858497
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>>1858209This daughter is 20 now, but his freshly 18yo daughter is performing support alongside that sister often scantily clad as well. Raven doesn't seem to dress as revealing as her younger sister Persia on stage which is surprising considering the merch. There's also a 16yo sister named Echo who hasn't taken the stage yet, but I feel like her parents are just counting down the days till she's 18 to do so.
>>1858209Their father married the president of his fanclub who is very much so the plastic bimbo type. Seems the kids are all following in mommy's footsteps with daddy's blessings tbh.
No. 1858503
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>>1858497picrel are both the parents
No. 1859625
>>1857962>>1857963She's even using his stage name "Numan" too. Their real last name is Webb.
>>1858209>>1859344You just know those two feel like they lucked out having three daughters.
No. 1881422
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Drake and Bobbi Althoff, a girl who he had a viral interview with allegedly felt out. She deleted his interview and they unfollowed each other. I'm guessing they hooked up and she was over him. This is at least the third girl that drake hooked up with then went on to become more famous (Jorja Smith and Ice Spice are the other two).
Apparently her husband is a billionaire and she is signed to the same management as drake. I'm not surprised she's a nepo baby. It's crazy she was getting interview with musicians and actors on her own platform when she literally popped out of nowhere. It's not even like the hot ones or chicken date interviews where you can tell they are journos for journalism is filled with rich kids
No. 1894499
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Lila moss and Iris law in Victoria's Secret launch campaign
No. 1894501
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>>1894499For reference, this is an actual professional model.
They look like kids playing dress up in their mom's closet lol nepotism used to be exclusive now it's just them embarrassing themselves
No. 1992640
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>Willow Smith says her success is nothing to do with her parents
No. 1992881
>>1992785>>1992840This retard and her brother 'invented a language' of gibberish because they believed they were celestial beings or some shit.
Of all the nepo babies, she's possibly the most out of touch and ridiculous, and she didn't even need drugs to do it.
So please anons let's not pretend that fucking willow smith of all people is going to be anything less than absolute clown.
No. 1993183
>>1894499Neither one of them is ugly but in no way shape or form do they have features for modeling holy shit. Maybe MAYBE catalogue modeling
oof. The one on the right has early 00’s “hot mom” face.
No. 1993296
>>1992894 anon pointed out, she didn’t actually say that and Willow is one of the most talented nepo babies.