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No. 463558
Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
Radical Feminism thread
https://bannedbytrans.wordpress.com | | | | | (404) | | (404)
Blogs, Writers
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended) |
https://www.gendertrending.comhttps://janeclarejones.com (suspended) | https://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit Resilience Project violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth | | Channels
Venice Allan |
http://wwwdrradfem.orgElly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Radical feminism in Korea Lloyd Long Murphy Parker Woman's Place, Art, Comics, Memes
Feminist Heretic Feminist Struggle Paley / Mimi and Eunice Katherinee Draws Badly Snowflake Books Untameable Shrews
https://violetdioxazine.tumblr.comWoman Adult Human Female
https://www.standingforwomen.comPrevious threads
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>>>/ot/396926 15
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>>>/ot/418616 17
>>>/ot/429238 18
>>>/ot/441471 19
>>>/ot/448777 20
>>>/ot/454392 21
"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748"MtF General" thread
>>>/snow/867400 No. 463585
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Tired of seeing this logic that TIMs use that they weren't or aren't misogynists and actually just have "internalized misogyny" in order to absolve themselves from their shitty behaviour. Can't believe there are people who honestly think this is sound logic.
No. 463611
>>463585How did he go through socialization as a girl? Does he even know what that means, or is he trying to change definitions to suit him? No one ever alienated him as they would a girl or treated him as one, and he literally admits that, but tries to twist it into "I was being misogynistic but I truly just hated myself so that means I was a
victim of misogyny uwu".
It's almost as if the only way he can recognize the egregiousness of something is if he makes it into some narcissistic "me me me" shit. You are not the
victim, dude. You didn't internalize shit because it was never aimed at you.
No. 463710
>>463473Doesn’t pass and puts on a really annoying fake caricature voice and wont leave his hideous fake ass hair the fuck alone. Tries really hard with over the top mannerisms that no real woman uses. Despite what other people say I think he’s AGP
Is also retarded douchebro
(Reposted bc autocorrect is an ass)
No. 463725
>>463704>The only one he's been withWomen are not a dish in a restaurant to try. You are two people in a relationship. You don't owe the other person anything other than what you want to give them.
If he has an issue with his sexual history he can do something about that himself. It's not your issue to worry about.
It sounds like he is really happy with you and genuinely doesn't want anyone else. That's amazing in 2019 imo. You're lucky.
No. 463827
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Has anyone noticed how in discussions regarding gender equality, men always have this sort of tunnel vision where they just ignore every other possible issue and go right to sperging about who asks and pays for dates (or some other similar bullshit like whining about Tinder)? Women are thinking about things like freedom, independence, financial security, safety, health, jobs, sexual violence and harassment, meanwhile for these people the most important topic to discuss is which gender is asking the other out. Relationships are important and loneliness sucks but have some self-awareness (probably not possible for them). Just reeks of privilege and like they have zero other issues in life that they think this is the #1 issue.
No. 463861
>>463827Equality begins to feel like oppression when what you’re used to is privilege
This sums up men whining about gender equality to a tee, I can’t think of a single male specific issue they have that wasn’t created by themselves, like your example that men are expected to pay for dates; nevermind the fact that that stems from men having forbidden women from earning enough to have disposable income, no no this is DEFINITELY the fault of women and our greed!
No. 463871
>>463839There are def radfem critiques for it if you do some digging. I guess I abstractly respect it as part of gay history and important to a lot of gay men but it was really good for me to accept that I will only ever feel uncomfortable around drag as a woman. And that's at its best, because at its worst it's just paying for the privilege of watching a man shit all over you for laughs.
It's frustrating because I'd love a similar kind of performance-based, satirical space for women.
No. 463912
>>463896troon privilege strikes again.
when you read the article it basically says the judge found an inconsistency in the evidence so chose to let the pedo rapist off all together.
what was that inconsistency?
victim said the three men raped her in a particular order. the
victim's mother (who was pimping her out) then said "no sweetie, they raped you in THIS order."
she didn't deny that the gangrape occurred, just the fucking order it happened in. that was enough to get the troon off scott-free. there is no hope for women.
No. 463914
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Men make all the demands yet offer little to nothing (sorry no transcript available)
No. 463923
>>463882Yes and if you watch any documentry on them you'll know that they're routinely pushed out of spaces and not allowed to compete because "drag kings aren't a real thing" to many drag queens. It's basically a case of they can dish it but can't take it.
>>463912Men will always protect each other. Learning this has saved me so much hassle. NEVER trust a man to take your side over another man.
>>463914lmao at him taking the long way round to say "no black women". Absolutely pathetic.
No. 463931
>>463930i was just saying this to my partner yesterday, cumbrian and coomer caught on wayyy too quickly on 4chan which annoys me primarily b/c you KNOW men are using it just to feel superior over one another when they are BOTH still twisting their pathetic noodles to porn on the regular. i hate seeing a man use "cumbrian" because its like … bro
youre the cumbrain too
No. 463935
>>463839What I don't get is why troons haven't turned their witch hunts against drag yet. It has to be that their egos are too big to see any comparison between them, or that admitting to feeling attacked by it would be admitting they recognize that they too are just hideous men parading around in women's clothing.
>>463912Libfems would laugh in your face if you suggested this was possible. There doesn't appear to be any kind of uproar over this outcome either. Its like people have just gave up on hoping the courts to do their jobs.
>>463927>can't think beyond what playboy and axe commercials told him he should find attractiveYou've got to be a special kind of stupid to believe this. If that was how attraction worked then all women would be lesbian, or bi, by now.
No. 463937
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The craft reboot announced its leads, which include a tranny. Not that I give a shit about a reboot, but I loved this movie and it is a cult movie for girls. But now we have a man in it to be ~~inclusive~~.
Anyway I clocked him within a second, despite how well he's meant to pass. Can you, anons? No. 463945
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good news/conspiracy (?) might be a honeypot by the american government. pic related is the admin of .co and he has recently been doxxed. not going to share his personal info or whatever here because it's against the rules but basically he's an IT graduate working in the us navy. does not allow you to register if you're using a proxy or vpn, they take your actual location when you sign up. they are also good at avoiding illegal problems. there is some info showing that they are on watchlists. because of these stuff incels have started to believe that the site might be a honeypot to keep future elliot rodgers in check. what do you think?
No. 463946
>>463940>>463938>Men aren't attracted to me because the TV hasn't told them I'm attractiveIts an entitled incel level cope.
>Women aren't attracted to me because the TV hasn't told them I'm attractiveNobody has a responsibility to be attracted to you, me, or anybody else.
No. 463971
>>463930Ironically the Cooomer guy has accepted his fate and worships the pornstars. Scrotes cope by thinking that as long as they have contempt for the industry and the women in it they have some kind of illusory power over it and it doesn't affect them while continuing to jerk off and consume.
The Coomer spread rapidly because instinctively men know that's their fate without the mental defenses.
No. 463983
>>463946Not a part of this discussion, but it's so funny to me seeing the intelligent discussion going on here:
>>463941>>463942>>463944And then read this low-effort "Hurr u same as incels" bait post.
No. 463985
>>463979if you're talking about knajjd, he isn't a drug dealer but a drug addict. he has said that he penetrated a girl who was passed out drunk but i suspect that it's a lie because he was proven to lie about other shit that he hasn't done to look edgy and there are contradictions in the way he tells stories about his past.
he also allegedly has a shit ton of money so people also suspect they made him a mod because he can financially support the site.
No. 464007
>>464002NTA, but attraction, while not a choice, can and is affected to a degree by culture. The important part here, to a adegree and culture. Media is NOT the only culture and that is what I was disagreeing with.
>>464004I made no point about races, only about how attraction of basic things, including races, is related to media, learn to read.
No. 464011
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>someone correctly points out that scrotes are idiotic and easily influenced when it comes to attraction
>"some others" mysteriously crawl in out of nowhere to disagree with this, ostensibly attempting to shift the thread to inevitable infighing and racebait while denying doing just that
don't fall for it, anons. low-level Y chromosoid tactics abound.
anyway, reddit never fails to offer male bullshittery.
No. 464012
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>>463935>What I don't get is why troons haven't turned their witch hunts against drag yetI know its not the same but I think it was last years? or the year before "celeb" big brother uk "year of the woman" and they had a transwoman (india) and a rupauls drag race contestant courtney act. Well the transwoman india, not only started shit with the women in the house claiming they were all being prejudice towards him (they wern't, they were bending over backwards to make him feel included) but he really went in for courtney claiming he had a "phobia" of drag because it damages and insults transpeople.
But viewers of the show pointed out that the real problem he had with courtney was that he passed better as a woman then he did-as andrew, another contestant who is straight, or at least claims to be, said he would date courtney in a heartbeat. India got real mad when courtney did andrew up in drag, and it was real sad to see despite india being an ass to courtney he still defended india and went to great lengths to explain the whole trans thing to other housemates. Unsurprising the public got sick of india and voted courtney winner of big brother.
India really tried to start a witch hunt against courtney act but guess what, the public didnt fall for it. The whole thing kickstarted a huge conversation here saying transpeople who act this way about drag are pathetic which was amusing.
No. 464022
>>464021Which part of Europe?
>>464020Thats deeper than colorism because Black americans and other black new worlders have some of the highest phenotypical diversity and skintone ranges out of most black people in the world
No. 464027
>>464026They weren't from a particular part, I met them as exhange students when I was studying in the UK, they weren't stereotypical southern rebel types or anything, just regular people.
I was talking about dating preferences, but I also noticed that their general attitudes on these subjects were more tolerant. I think they are more tolerant in regards to dating because for most Euros, dating and having a family with someone of a different race, especially Blacks, is something you will be harshly judged for. In the South and East people will outright call you out for it and not have relations with you, obviously this happens a ton more with women than men. Western Euros will act like everything is fine, but they will simply stop engaging with you, it's still social suicide on most circles, outside of progressive circles. Americans are not like that, for them it's not something that makes someone an outsider as much as Euros are.
No. 464034
>>464026NTA, but I notice a lot of NA people assume Europe is a lot more tolerant without considering our speech laws. People get arrested over here just for posting wrong thought online. These laws haven't changed opinions they've just stopped people from publicly saying how they feel about subjects that could get them in trouble.
>>464027>Western Euros will act like everything is fine, but they will simply stop engaging with youIts these kind of unspoken dynamics that fly under the radar. Have no doubts that the EU would also legislate against this small freedom of association if they could.
No. 464037
>>464034I didnt mention anything about Europe in my original post and also I dont believe Europeans are any more tolerant or accepting than Americans. I also dont believe and have seen with my own two eyes that being more respectful to other races doesnt mean you wanna fuck them or find them attractive more at least for men
>>464027South Europeans are certainly more explicitly racist than white American people, still seen more BWWM coupling over there than I did and do in the USA though
No. 464055
>>464034>they've just stopped people from publicly saying how they feel about subjects that could get them in trouble. Yeah, pretty much, remember that mother who was arrested in front of her children for saying trannies are no women? This is waht the UK, Germany and several other countries are like.
>Have no doubts that the EU would also legislate against this small freedom of association if they could.Oh, I don't, they are legit diong social coniditioning and social egineering, what the people want is irrelavant to them.
>>464037>still seen more BWWM coupling over there than I did and do in the USA thoughEhhhh, men will fuck anything, even if they consider it lesser. Euros, generally, dont hate blacks like the Americans who do, but they view them as others and what very little to do with them in general. Doesn't mean horny men won't fuck them.
No. 464103
>>464102men are usually worse when they voice these preferences, and they'll still objectify the woman while they do it. at least for women i understand how men from ~outside~ races can seem like a danger b/c
all men pose a potential danger to women.
at the same time my three closest friends are mixed race of either white and black or Hispanic and black, and all 3 of them have only ever dated the most mediocre of white men back to back to back and openly say theyre not attracted to X race men
No. 464152
>>464135Reminds me of all that yandere stabbing girl shit.
Hit me up with the forum link so I can have a good cringe.
No. 464177
>>464152I don't know about the forum, but I think these are the women being referenced: if anyone's interested
No. 464193
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No. 464194
>>464177If they were normal women who worked for a charity or something men would be screaming about how they're ugly brown girls who hit the wall, but because they're murderers men will fawn over them
It's sad how men will nitpick lingerie models and porn star, who's entire job revolves around men and women finding them attractive, but drool over normal looking women who are either criminals, dead, or underage
No. 464197
>>463912That's how most "lying about rape" cases are, like the case mentioned in the other thread where they claimed "she admitted she lied on recording", turns out the only thing she said was that she didn't like her rapist and wanted him expelled from school
Always look more into "woman lies about rape" cases, they'll grasp on to any detail possible to scream liar, makes you really think about the number of false rape accusations, not to mention no one cares if women get falsely accused of lying and falsely punished, but everyone is ready to coddle men who have been accused of rape despite one being more mentally damaging
No. 464219
>>464135women like "crazy men" because they feel like they can help them, or soothe whatever pain they're feeling that makes them dangerous.
men like "crazy girls" only in reference to sex. they think they'll do wild sex acts that a normal girl wouldn't do. that's it.
No. 464273
>>464271Holy shit I thought this was the pink pill/ radfem thread, not uwu tumblr if u don’t like black cock ur a racially biased bigot!!!
Let women decide who they want to be attracted to, tumblr scrote
No. 464291
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>im sorry youre scared to challenge and engage with your own racial biases, nothing more nothing less
No. 464300
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No. 464303
>>464300fucking hell, this boils my broccoli. Like, let women say how they feel. Look at the girls who get big breasts at 14 or 15 and feel really embarrassed or want reductions for them. it's a pain in the back! (literally)
trannies and tras are garbage
No. 464317
>>464308No cis woman wanted her periods or her oversize boobs, both these things cause long-term discomfort, pain, interfere with your daily life, cost you money
>validate my femininity thoReminds me of the lolcow who would start conversations with strange women and children about their periods, like this is a bonding experience for us. They have no idea. If they wanted to recreate the experience, just do a blood donation and then immediately go back to work without telling anyone you did it
No. 464338
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I'm not sure if any of you know/care about this stupid video game youtuber ProJared, but I really need a sanity check here since essentially another powerful man just got away with more creepy fucking sexual grooming and everyone is acting like he's a poor victim.
Basically this guy has a predominantly young fanbase, and he had a tumblr where he solicited nudes from fans. A couple teenage boys come out and claim he abused them, which ProJared seemingly debunks in a separate video by presenting chatlogs etc. - this causes many causes many people to think they were wrong for calling out his behavior. The problem is that he admits to soliciting nudes but because he asks "yo, you 18+?" that makes it ok, as if these kids wouldn't just say yes to please him. And he frames it all as being "sex positive" when really he's just getting himself off to exploiting a power imbalance of fans vs. e-celeb.
People seem to be taking this as "MeToo going too far" and "cancel culture hysteria" and other nonsense. But he essentially downplayed the predatory role he plays in creating a space for fans desperate for approval to send him nudes. And people buy that bullshit and will now flock back to him as if nothing happened. It just pisses me off how easy it is for him to manipulate people but acting like a vulnerable victim.
No. 464344
>>464338Men in particular are so quick to take his side because they’re so
triggered and paranoid over #Metoo that they really think “uhh, I don’t remember this person” and “it’s not anyone’s business if I cheated on my wife” is a legitimate defense by a married public figure who used his platform and power to exploit fans who very obviously could have been minors. A lot of the same loser WKs will go on about how women are whores but when a male is a degenerate they flock to his defense.
No. 464345
>>464326I cannot even count the number of times I've seen wives/mothers literally say she lost attraction to their husband because she has to take care of him like another child. Who could blame her? And men expect all of us to be baby making machines but never consider for a moment how a child might affect our physical comfort and confidence during sex. Just pop a human being out and get right back into it, ignoring possible tears/trauma down there, weight gain, stretch marks, breast feeding, etc. It must be so stressful to get pressured into sex when you're still coping with changes to your body.
>>464338We have an entire 13 threads about him, full of people who completely agree with you and hate him. You can get hours worth of a sanity check reading them.
No. 464422
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Kek. There we have it.
No. 464480
>>464435Fuckin scrotes. “I hope she gets raped and I can rub it in her face”?
You think she deserves it for not wanting your cock, or just because she’s being a happy woman in general?
No. 464490
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Married guy who may or may not have kids talking about how he liked to crossdress when younger. Should he transition because of how he wishes he was female sometimes even though he's in his 30s and married? Not one comment, as usual, saying no. In fact, they're all saying he needs to just get accepted by everyone for it for "being his authentic self". I know it's dumb but stuff like this is something I legitimately worry about. Getting married and then eventually finding out your husband wants to troon out. What a fucking nightmare. And how self-absorbed are these people?
No. 464505
>>464497I suggested it among other titles a few months ago when "man hate" was considered too much. Another anon picked it when she made the thread and it stuck.
It's not a mainstream term and I've seen it used in different contexts so I don't think it needs any reclaiming from others.
No. 464533
>>463929That's fucking terrible,
No. 464557
>>464483I'm not jealous. If women who break rank are never punished, how is our movement ever going to succeed? If anything she bought it on herself.
>>464480You lack critical thinking. Why would a guy get mad about a pick me girl? If anything they want something different.
>>464470Traveling alone isn't normal. You sound autistic.
>>464468Why? If you knew her you would wish this too. I showed her this thread and she laughed.
No. 464572
>>464564I must have not made myself clear. Why do you think she is some innocent angel? She really is a vile human being who deserves it
>Is a "pick me" type who is best friends with a tranny>Said that people worry too much about incels>Repeatedly said that women lie about or exaggerate being raped>Said the woman assaulted by Azis Asnari was lying>Told me she was sexually assaulted. Later told me she forgave the guy and preferred that he didn't go to jail.>Said there were a lot of things worse than sexual assault She is a scab who covers for sexual assaulters. As you can see, she clearly deserves it.
(autism) No. 464576
>>464574That person types just like the scrote from a couple of weeks back who claimed to be a "masculine woman", said women are "naturally made to be submissive to men", no matter how bad they are, and that radfems should just give up and create their own society.
I don't know if it's the same guy, but I have no doubt in my mind that it's a scrote and/or tranny trying to "show these dumb pink-piller cunts the error of their man-hating ways by LARPing as them in the worst, most extreme way possible" or "make radfems look bad to the whole site so admin finally bans them lol hahaa :3" by shitting up multiple threads with this stupidity.
Either way, only a mentally challenged scrote or a pick-me would ever think any woman deserves rape.
No. 464579
>>464574Goblins larping because some women aren’t miserable baby-factories tied to the stove.
Either role play as what they think feminists say or just boring old ‘women should be property because magical dick logic’ trolling.
No. 464584
>>464435kek women who backpack alone hear this constantly. I know I did earlier this year. "hurr you'll be raped you're dumb". Absolutely fuck people like you that think women should stay at home scared out of fear of male violence. You can be smart about this shit.
>>464572Just because she's stupid as fuck doesn't mean she deserves to be raped you complete tool. There's no way you're not a scrote or a tranny jealous of your friend and the attention she gets.
No. 464586
You guys are unreal. Do you think that these kinds of idiot like my friend are going to change their mind magically? What do you think we should do about stupid girls like her?
>>464574Wtf is a logging you sperg
(read the rules sperg) No. 464587
>>464584You said she is stupid as fuck. Does that sound like someone who can backpack responsibly? There’s other ways of traveling that aren’t backpacking solo you autist.
There’s no way anyone would be jealous of the attention she gets. She is not very attractive and has a terrible personality as you can tell so not many people want to put up with that shit. Even her tranny friend friendZoned her. Yes she is that unattractive kek
No. 464593
>>464590ntayrt but if you resent her that much, why the fuck do you still interact with her, you absolute retard? who fucking CARES how delusional and smug she is if she's not in your life any more
drop that rope and stop festering over it, and do something more worthwhile with your time. like, fuck, grab some label paper and a sharpie an go make stickers that say women don't have penises and slap them on bus stops, telegraph poles, and the walls of public bathrooms if you wanna do something cool and radfem/gender critical. channel that vitriol into something that's productive and conducive to changing peoples' minds if you're that mad she has incorrect ideas, you fucking pepega
No. 464604
>>464586>>464590See, here's how I KNOW you're a man. Women don't think like this. We don't want to "do" anything about stupid/smug/delusional women. We don't want to rape them or hit them or see them hurt. The worst we'll do is bitch about them. Men are so broken they can't even grasp the concept that just because you don't like someone it doesn't mean they deserve some violent fucking fate wished upon them.
>>464587SHE wants to backpack so SHE should do that if SHE wants stop worrying about HER choices and how she spends HER time and money.
No. 464643
>>464435You sound almost just like my fundamentalist Muslim father. Don't forget to wish that she'd get her nose cut off!
Statistically it literally is much safer to be a woman walking in public than a man. Women face the worst violence from men in their own communities, not strangers. Solo female backpacking is going to be safe in most countries and regions.
(Cool story bro) No. 464655
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hoo boy
No. 464683
>>464679Sarah Nyberg's pedo scandal. Chat history of him talking about how he wanted to molest his baby sister came out, and the left instantly jumped to say he was just joking and he didn't mean any of it. I read the chats, and it was very obvious that it was not all joking, that a lot of it was him discussing it completely seriously.
As I watched everyone on the left cape for him and nobody point out the obvious I began to realize I saw this a lot with MTFs, that they'd display obvious predator traits that would get them ostracized if they were trans, and I started searching to see if anyone else felt the same way I did. I found GC forums. Everything fell into place like a jigsaw puzzle.
No. 464687
>>464679Seeing troons moan about how women are privileged for being women and face no violence, and how women talking about periods need to STFU because it "
triggers" them.
No. 464691
>>464679nick nyberg being a gross pedo and hiding behind his status as a trans woman, it's just who i am uwu shit was a big deal for me.
the great canadian pronoun debate also opened my eyes to some shit. jordan peterson is a joke, but the things he said about forcing people to use language stuck with me. why was this shit being written into law? how on earth can you self-identify as a woman and why should anyone care? it's just hyper narcissistic, hyper incel logic and entitlement. respect is earned. i've never met a trans person who deserved my respect. they're nasty, self absorbed, hateful people, ime.
at the same time i started reading gendertrender and that site sealed things. what's sick and sad is that women let them get away with it by kissing their asses and not telling them to fuck off. just like with rape, women on the whole need to get over it and learn how to speak up and defend themselves, in the moment. fuck socialization and the other bullshit. tranny shit is just another kind of rape, gaslighting on a mass scale. none of them pass, none of them are women.
the only trans people i accept are those who openly state that they have no claim to be women or men. they are their own thing, which is trans. if you want to be that, be it. that isn't woman or man, though. it's trans. they have zero right to women's bodies or spaces. but they're going to try and take it all.
No. 464696
>>464691Actually most transwomen hide behind that to excuse their stalky, pervy,
abusive or rapey behaviour. There are quite a few trans lolcows
like this: laurelai bailey, laura kate dale, jessica yaniv, morgane oger, contrapoints to name a few.
No. 464705
>>464679Before I became interested in radical feminism, I was a huge libfem handmaiden. I was pro trans before it was cool back when people were rallying together for same sex marriage. I used pronouns, called myself cis, jumped through hoops for their acceptance.
One day I was on a liberal subreddit and kept hearing about r/GenderCritical. The rest is history. I hated it and gawked, but eventually I started to take their claims and arguments to heart, and I became a radical feminist.
No. 464718
>>464604Plenty of all women wish death threats and other sorts of threats on people. Saying that we radfems are angels is really laughable. You're grasping at straws.
I'm not really worried about her backpacking anon. You're missing the point too.
>>464605You think someone friendzoned by a tranny could be attractive? What does a woman's attractiveness have to do with her worth anything? Even if she was more attractive, it doesn't matter because she's a scab. You sound like a scrote.
>>464643Proof? Plenty of women get raped backpacking.
(calm down) No. 464740
>>464728 etc.
Seems like a lot of people here are linking their anti-trans sentiments to specific trans people they’ve met/known. You dislike or have had a shit experience with a trans person and that informs how you feel about all trans people, even the people you’ve never met or know exist. I’m wondering, is that how you base your feelings on other social classes? Do you like all the women you’ve met? Black people? Children? Lesbians? There’s got to be more to being a radical feminist than hating on a small minority group right?
No. 464750
>>464740I haven't hated every trans person I've met. Like probably for every 5 I've met only 1 or 2 have been huge assholes. Some have been incredibly awful like rapists or abusers but at a similar rate to the men in my life. I'm also not isolated from them at all and happen to live in an area with a lot so I've been extremely close to trans people in school, as roommates or at work. (just for background i'm not the norm in my country I just wanted to offer perspective on actually being around them irl)
Online Is different but also most "chill" trans people online won't broadcast it so it's hard to know if they are on average "worse" than any other group. I made my decision to associate as little as possible based on politics and it's more similar as to how I prefer to hang out with people who aren't very religious. I can't predict someone being a bad person based on a random trait about themselves but I know if someone subscribes to a way of thinking I just can't support or pretend to believe in.
It's not that I hate them it's just me and an extremely conservative christian have very little in common in terms of core beliefs and their ideology directly conflicts with mine and I don't need to be friends with them. same goes for trans people. to maybe mis-quote a fallen hero "they worship a god i do not believe in"
No. 464780
>>463553>>464740I didn’t meet a trans person until this year, but have been GC since 2015. I peaked around the time of the whole Bruce Jenner identifying as a woman thing.
At first I thought it was men trying to express femininity, women wear pants, men wanted to wear dresses. Then Jenner won woman of the year, and here I am sitting thinking, of all the great women out there who deserve recognition, some guy changes his name, starts dressing femininely, and thinks the hardest part about being a woman is choosing what to wear. He confirmed to me then that his idea of what made him a woman was all stereotypes.
Then came the demand to compete with women in sport and the taking of opportunities of real women put in place to get rid of a disparity created by historical sexism. Woman weren’t always allowed to vote when men could, women couldn’t always go to school when men could, women couldn’t always own property when men could. Women would pretend to be men to be independent and not forced to conform to society’s desires of them (a society often run by men who desired of them only what they found useful, sex, kids, everything to do with their biology).
Let’s also not forget the obvious conversion therapy aspect of it (God says Adam and Eve, if my daughter calls herself Adam I can still accept them while maintaining my religious beliefs), that often detransitioners mention their transition was spurred by sexual abuse (he targeted me because he is sexually aroused by women, I’m no longer a woman so I won’t be his
victim again) or sexism (believing stereotypes perpetuated by men are real when society is largely run by men in most industries).
Now men want to pretend they understand what it means to be a woman. They don’t. They only see it as stereotypes. Not everyone is changed by personal experiences, some just see it all for what it is, sexism for the woke era.
No. 464807
>>464794Come on now that’s a bit disingenuous, it’s kind of clear that many of the anons here aren’t just voicing that they think being transgender is illogical. A lot of anons are saying things along the lines of “all trans people are obnoxious, bad people” / “all trans people are the same”. If you’re gonna be hateful in the service of a cause you think is just then at least own up to it.
Blogging but: I think all fascists are scum, hate them, have nothing good to say about them and even if one was a saint in other ways I wouldn’t give a fuck. In many ways I hate them to keep the fuel going for a cause that I think is just. I get the feeling that maybe that’s what goes on with the trans antagonism from radfems too, some of the things being said just aren’t rational or logical or whatever… just trying to figure it out. I’m a feminist, and not a libfem but I just really can’t get my head around what makes anti-trans radfems, who seem to put so much energy into fighting a social class that is really a statistical anomaly, tick.
No. 464813
>>464807Why should women go case by case and decide who’s acceptably treating being a woman as a fetish and who’s gone too far?
The fact that they view a woman’s existence as a sexually gratifying experience they must have is reason enough to dismiss them all. Feminism does not need to make space or concessions for men, even if those men adopt performative femininity.
No. 464815
>>464807>>464740>I’m wondering, is that how you base your feelings on other social classes? Do you like all the women you’ve met? Black people? Children? Lesbians?Hi, can you not equate being trans or a TRA to being a certain race or sexuality? We're not weapons or tools to be used in your fight. The "trans experience" will never be tantamount to the experience of an entire racial group or a sexual minority.
Take that "A trans woman is a woman the same way a black woman is a woman" and "Lesbians, esp butches are barely considered
valid women anyway, they should understand trans women's struggle!!" far, far away. Thanks.
The same goes for children, honestly. Kind of a ridiculous comparison.
No. 464826
>>464817I really think that anon is just convinced that 99% of trans people are fine, and that all the rapists, misognynistic incels and perverts who think being a woman is one big kink are a huge, exaggerated minority.
They need to check out r/thisneverhappens and take a look at the shit trans people say about cis women on /lgbt/ unfiltered (they unironically believe in female privilege). Such a tiny population on planet earth, but so many horrible cases and disgusting opinions abound.
For me, personally, though, I have no problem with trans people as individuals, at least until they prove to be shitty people. This isn't about individuals all being bad. It's about what the political lobbying means for us.
Like you said, what I don't accept is them insisting they are the exact same as women, claiming we are "privileged", enforcing strict gender roles for personal validation purposes, demanding access to places where women will be vulnerable just because it validates their dysphoria (opening us all up to sexual harassment, rape, assault, etc), demanding we call ourselves "vagina-havers" or "bleeders" because any equation of womanhood to being female is a potential
trigger, taking accolades and spots that should be reserved for actual women (like in sports, political positions - especially in Thailand, jobs, etc or even titles like "women in tech" or "woman of the year"), and calling homosexual people "transphobic" for not converting to bisexuality for their sake.
TRA lobbying is a direct threat to all women's rights, on top of often also being steeped in homophobia. The ethics of drugging and "transing" children is another struggle altogether. I don't understand how anyone can
not see that if they're actually paying attention. Many people aren't (I admittedly wasn't, and I got suckered into the "trans women are women" handmaiden shit since I was like 14), which wouldn't be so bad if they weren't immediately jumping to defend all this shit without knowing anything about it just because it's what's trendy and socially accepted at the moment.
The alternative is that they do see it, and either just don't give a shit about women, or outright hate us and want to punish us (and I've seen this exact rhetoric on /lgbt/ before - "punishing" women and "giving us a taste of our own medicine" for being feminists in the first place). It's twisted.
No. 464836
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Could any of you sincerely love a man?
No. 464855
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>>464836>>464836this is just sad. or expected troonery, either way, pathetic
No. 464862
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>>464807I've never even heard of a sane tranny. Every single one I've known irl pushed boundaries and wore me down. Every one I've see online is batshit. The ones that do the talks on my campus are off their rockers, running around and saying trans rights are the new civil rights movement, and that the way trans people are treated is akin to how black people used to be treated in America during segregation.
I'm sure there are sane ones, but they're living extremely quiet lives. They need to start speaking up if they want to save themselves. And no I don't feel bad about that. Women are having to speak up even if they don't want to to save their spaces etc.
Also, you absolutely are a libfem if you can't understand, from a radfem perspective, why someone would dismiss all trans people. They are literally walking depictions of the stereotypical woman. Even the quiet ones are enforcing streotypes that have been used to oppress women as a means to make their fee-fees feel better. This is gender critical 101 which is the basis of second wave feminism aka radical feminism. Read a fucking book or watch a Magdeline Burns video instead of QQing on here about why we're so mean to the menz.
No. 464865
>>464836>women in desperationDesperation for what? The kind of man who would use a sex bot to replace an actual human being obviously isn't one any woman would want in her life to begin with. They either had no hope to begin with, or they weren't searching for a real relationship, just a walking sex toy, so I don't get it.
Why are these people so delusional? Their entire problem is that women don't want them, right? In that case, what makes them think that if they stick their dicks in metal, we'll come running? It makes no sense. By that logic, the existence of fleshlights and dating sims would've cured them of their inceldom by now because all us dumb roasties would've gotten jealous of their waifus and plastic trinkets.
They need to take their expensive fuckbots, stop assaulting and raping us, and keep our names out of their mouths. Then we can all have peace.
No. 464886
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>>464836Give me a break. Most men struggle to see women as human beings. It's either sex object, their property (or both) or totally invisible or useless. I think a male being capable of love for an actual woman is probably completely out of the question. Loved based on looks or some retarded character or projection they come up with that doesn't resemble how humans act, maybe. They literally say "I'll love women when they go back to acting like women", which means they'll "love" us when we become their slaves again, totally obedient and lacking any freedom to escape their
abusive practices. How can you honestly claim you love someone you see so beneath you?
I've seen so many posts from these retards who were in genuine life-altering shock once they realized that women were human individuals as well. They learn this from a very, very young age, meanwhile women living in a male-dominated world with male-dominated spaces and media have to learn to empathize with men in order to navigate it and succeed. Must be so depressing for men living in such a world where half the population isn't sentient to you. What the hell's going on in there?
Also this is such a cope. Men are the ones who go on shootings and public attacks when they can't get a girlfriend and make entire cope communities like incels and MGTOW (the latter of which is complete failure that can't even go their own way, unlike Female/Lesbian Separatism which actually worked out with their Womyn's Lands and such). They could watch porn, VR, use fleshlights or dolls, or go to prostitutes (I definitely don't want them having to endure the company of these freaks, but that's reality right now unfortunately), which they all claim totally satisfies them, but at the end of the day what they still cry about is the lack of love and connection. I think muh sex bots is just reinventing the wheel. They create entire religions and institutions like marriage to control us. Males join ISIS because they are promised wives. Incels literally call for revocation of all our freedoms and changing the entire structure of society just because they completely fail to get any one of us. Widowers die soon after their wife dies, but not the reverse. After a divorce, males are more likely to remarry and women are more like to remain single. Married men are the happiest and married women are the most miserable. I honestly doubt that many women would care if
abusive assholes fuck off to their new pieces of plastic and metal, I'm sure a lot of them would be fine by themselves and with their friends.
No. 464902
>>464740I know a decent trans person, but that doesn't make trans ideology any less illogical than it actually is. If I met a nice flat-earther, that wouldn't convince me that the earth is flat. Same applies to people who believe they can change biological sex.
>I'm wondering, is that how you base your feelings on other social classes? Do you like all the women you’ve met? Black people? Children? Lesbians? Comparing transgenderism to other social groups is a weak analogy because their identities are predicated on certain beliefs about biology and gender that not everyone agrees with. Black people don't call others bigoted for not accepting them as white - a deliberate falsehood. They only ask to not be unlawfully discriminated against. Gays and lesbians never said straight people have to fuck them as a major point in their civil rights movement. The transmovement throws the LG under the bus with the cotton ceiling rhetoric though, and labels anyone a bigot who doesn't 100% agree with their Orwellian garbage. At this point, you're better off comparing transgenderism to religious groups because that is what it most closely resembles. Do they have a right to believe in what they want? Absolutely. Do they have a right to force their beliefs on others? Nope.
No. 464933
Video of a detransitioned transwomen talking about autogynophilia, and how it effected his life and trying to warn other misguided young men. So, they don't go through what he went through.
I appreciate how raw that must be. No. 464951
>>464937Some mothers are awful and
abusive and there's definitely a ton of cases of women that have participated in pedo abuse. But it is unlikely a grown man would ever be raped by an adult woman, a man walking alone at night has to fear another man harming him 99% of the times. Not just rape but muggings, stabbings, getting shot, all violent crimes against men tend to be perpetrated by other men.
No. 464953
>>464937There have been cases like that russian shop-owner who imprisoned a thief and raped him but ultimately I think it's very different from male-on-female rape. Female rape is more betraying the males sensibilities and them being afraid to say no because of some perceived notion that they'll be ridiculed/ostracized or even hit with a rape allegation for turning down a woman if that makes any sense
Also this video is kind of an eye-opener but I know that most guys probably don't share his sentiments on it
No. 464958
>>464933Made some good points. I was diagnosed with gender identity disorder at 24 and then high functioning autism at 30. Obvs autogynephilia wasn't a part of my short-lived ftm phase but there are links between autism and gender confusion. The amount of 'genderqueer' autistic women out there is nuts
How come pysch teams are quicker at picking up on 'gender feelings' then they are at noticing autism in women?
No. 464966
>>464951>a man walking alone at night has to fear another man harming him 99% of the timesI mean this isn't true he's almost certain not to be raped but statistically the
victims of violent crime are also overwhelmingly young men, not just the perpetrators.
No. 464985
>>464961They misdiagnose women with personality disorders and medicate those instead. Then they claim autism is -so subtle- in girls and that explains the late diagnosis rates
Maybe we are failing girls if they make it well into adulthood unaware of their autism while boys are getting diagnosed in childhood and supported from a young age
No. 464990
>>464985And then autistic women get diagnosed in adulthood and still get no support. Sorry for the blogpost but I was assessed by a male psychiatrist and even though he did give me a diagnosis, he kept downplaying the effects of previously undiagnosed autism on my life and didn't refer me to any of the services I was entitled to. It seems like autistic women are considered to be completely functional and undeserving of assistance unless they're outright suicidal.
Meanwhile the men I know who have autism were diagnosed as children, got specific suppport in school, benefits, etc. Men will claim mental disorders aren't taken seriously in men when it's young girls who are accused of being overly emotional or faking it for attention.
No. 464991
>>464990In my experience, mental illness in adults goes almost entirely unsupported. Eating disorders in women, autism diagnosis for adult men, YMMV but in adulthood everyone I know has the same experience for mental health: medication, and information about 3rd sector volunteer organisations which provide non-specialist 'counselling'.
Not denying that approaches to autism are gendered, just want to point out that an adult anyone diagnosed with mental anything is basically ignored unless they're a danger to others.
No. 465011
>>464991Autism isn't a mental illness, it's a developmental disorder that can be diagnosed at toddler age
You don't ever expect to raise an autistic child and not even know about it til they are fully grown, adults getting poor help for mental illness is one thing, these are kids going year after year without a diagnosis
No. 465017
>>464990Textbook cases in girls are overlooked as they just prescribe anxiety/depression meds when social issues or isolation become a problem
Babied aspergers males are an issue too though, the kind that stay eternal children living with their mothers and using it as an excuse to never achieve anything. I don't know which is worse, neglecting girls to the point where 40 year old women are getting diagnosed or men being so babied that their 'high functioning' autism becomes low functioning over time
No. 465060
>>465037Girl what?
If you view autism as a 'vague condition' you must be thinking of the internet insult version of autism
No. 465065
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>>465017If she's 40 years old she was born in 1979. Far less likely for anyone that age to have been identified as autistic in childhood.
Not that anyone is owed anything for having been born autistic, but there you go.
No. 465066
>>465037>>465063ADHD does get over-diagnosed, but as
>>465060 said
autism is not nearly as vague as you think. There are specific categories of symptoms that one must absolutely have to be autistic, even if tumblr would have us believe all you need is to be "quirky" and introverted. Asperger's is also considered to be part of the autistic spectrum now, and requires symptoms in the same categories as autism generally does.
In my experience the assessment takes a while and the questions are too specific to be able to "fake" autism. Maybe parents could bullshit assessments for their kids, but most people have such a bad understanding of what autism actually consists in that they'd probably fuck it up.
There are also specific developmental milestones, delays and over-sensitivities that are easy to notice in children, but in girls they often get dismissed as the kid being spoiled and attention-hungry.
No. 465070
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Young South Korean men are angry at conscription, low employment opportunity and the state of the job market, low wages, and high housing prices. Somehow, in the country that ranks 115th out of 145 countries tested for gender equality (and 125th of 145 for the gender pay gap), all of this is actually the fault of women, feminism and #MeToo. One blogger says a study showed that approximately 25.9% of South Korean men in their 20s would be categorized as “off the charts misogynistic”, with possibly up to 60% being “strongly misogynistic”. Men in their 30s don’t display near the same levels of misogyny. They also suggest this hostility among younger men was encouraged by the government ( No. 465075
>>464679kinda late but i had it when the women's march happened and there was so much criticism towards the pink pussy hats. "not everyone has a vagina!" like fuck off. and it wasn't even from one TIM it was a fucking barrage of hot takes. that alongside the pushback to chimamanda like
>>464758 said. it really opened my eyes.
i feel so bad for lesbians, i really do.
hit up the stickied post on GenderCritical. you'll see a bunch of stories like this
No. 465078
>>465063Aspergers is autism, it's all classed as ASD now
The assessment for it is surprisingly thorough and I can't imagine anyone even bullshitting their way into a diagnosis if they tried, the superficial link between introversion and autism is all just internet-memes for autism lols
You're over simplifying it because you don't know much about it
No. 465088
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in between his pedophilia and asian fetishism, i wish trevor brown would die. why do men get famous for garbage like this?
No. 465092
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What are you guys' thoughts on the whole Heartbeat RPG/Nikoteenie debacle?
No. 465096
>>465092They'll dig up any reason to go after lesbian women.
There's a game called Ladykiller in Love where a lesbian gets raped by a man and enjoys it. It was barely criticized at all. Why? Because the developer is a troon and has tranny privilege. Can you imagine if a lesbian created a game where a troon gets raped back to being a normal guy? They'd never stop screaming about it.
No. 465117
>>464937My husband was raped in his sleep by a woman, clearly fucked him up like now he can't sleep without the door locked or barricaded if we're in a hotel. Most normie men seem to think it can't happen to them.
I've also talked to loads of men who's first sexual experience was being molested by an older woman, it seems very common in the African American community.
No. 465129
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Saw someone share this website on a different site, hadn't seen it shared here. Apparently, as of sometime this year, this "online clinic" opened for "trans teens and adults". No mental assessment is required, you just pay for them to bring hormones to your door. Don't see it specified anywhere that kids can't do this, either. How could this ever go wrong… No. 465145
>>465088Going by his art and the art he did of real girls,
He must see Asian women as european children which is typical for a lot of asian fetishists.
Also, what's with online artists – like why is there such a trend with them being only fixated on one subject and getting such praise for it? This is why I don't take the online art community seriously or the "artists" at all. Seems like they are marginally talented and need to appeal to other outcasts to get some amount of praise. I also don't remember artists of the past being fixated on only one subject matter, and if they did they were hell of a lot good at it and basically MASTERED it. Can't say the same thing for these pedophiles and fetishists.
No. 465149
>>465070>>464836>2030 women in desperationPretty sure we'd be so politically divided at that time it'd be clash of conservative men vs liberal men fighting for dominance.
>>464865what they really want is for women to chase them and want them. And those men really want to reject women. They want power and for women to be desperate for them. It's why when you read that thread, there were some men c mlp I ming that male sex doll's don't provide for women so women will need men still. You know, for the important shit like paying for dinner kek. They really hate women making their own money and living beyond their control.
>>465070The older generation and their own government fueled their misogyny and promoted it. Their elders fucked up over so what do the young men do? Blame wome.for everything. I've read that alot of women are hated for not having enough kids, or when they do, they can't just JP back to work so they're stuck at the sidelines in a catch 22. Fuck.
No. 465153
>>465149>what they really want is for women to chase them and want them.This is it exactly. The common factor in EVERY sexbot fantasy is "And women will be so angry and desperate!"
They're never focused on what kind of cool things sexbots might be able to do, or how you could customize a sexbot, or how many sexbots you might be able to get. It's always about women's reactions. That alone is why just like porn, fleshlights and Real Dolls didn't stop men obsessing over women, sexbots won't either.
No. 465208
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TIMs and incels are synonyms
No. 465227
>>465092I'm not really into this type of game, but I just bought it to support the creator during this mess.
I kind of despise that they're trying to cancel an actual female game dev (and a lesbian one at that, for obvious reasons) for the things her
girlfriend did (not even her), and that they're doing this just because said girlfriend isn't drinking the kool-aid that men with dysphoria are women just because it's the freshest "woke" thing.
No. 465239
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The developer's girlfriend of indie game Heartbeat was speaking her mind earlier and now people are review bombing the game lol
No. 465240
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>>465239also in the video comments
No. 465253
My experience with a MtF:
>met her at work where she was a volunteer. She was older than me, nearly mid twenties, and a regular here
>a chronic volunteer because nowhere else would take her
>got kicked out of Starbucks for looking at her phone too much, she defended herself and couldn't see what was wrong with checking the 'growth' of her 'sponsorships' for her youtube channel (her dream goal really was being a famous youtuber)
>said channel is her webcam quality vlogs, totally unedited, mostly rambling about makeup and being trans and she's terrible at both
>channel predictably only had 40 or so subs and the comments sounded like chasers.
>we worked with minors here so obviously there have to be boundaries. Most of these kids are specifically rough, bottom of the barrel dropout types. Somehow this bitch comes in every day always wearing miniskirts, crop tops, midriff showing pieces, high heels, ott with the hair. Idk why no dress code was imposed on her even if it was only volunteering.
>she was supposed to help me in my role but all she really did was chat to the students and inserted herself in "as one of them". She also thought she was intelligent for knowing how to do 10th grade English/Math* but the only reason she knows this material is because she came here herself to be a student. Our age range is 16-18 so even at the furthest end, at 23 that means she spent 5 years hanging around here, refusing to move on because this place clearly lets her get to live her popular highschool girl fantasy for as long as my boss keeps the door open.
>got catty with one of the lads and it almost escalated dangerously because she, classy as always, bragged about a knife in her handbag. I noped the fuck out of there and told my boss, later I overheard the tranny say it was for self defence, fucking LOL. Even if it wasn't illegal to carry one anyway, it's downright inappropriate and stupid to take one into a classroom environment where threatening to knife you is common greeting to these kids because they learnt it from their parents :^)
>very much enjoys the attention from trashy male teenage boys in general
>We're supposed to have regular LGBT awareness presentations and we're too underfunded/understaffed to get anyone to do it properly, so my boss always gets her to do it. She instead uses this time to talk about her sobstory as a sad bullied gay boi who is now a 'chick with a dick' and I could tell both times when I was there that she liked entertaining them with the shock value about penile inversion surgeries. Zero information that's actually useful to anyone who is LGBT.
tl;dr met a walking tranny stereotype and it's as vapid as you can imagine. Her transitioning is funded for by the taxpayer and she enjoys the latest crap and buying wigs on Wish, but she WORKS HARD AT BEING A WOMAN!! /s
My boss was probably soft on her for being a former kid at this place, but she's also an older lesbian so idk if there's some solidarity mindset going on. Sorry it's blogpost but with the new rules idk where else this would go.
No. 465255
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Took this from the pheebs thread because it's trans related. Old pheebs is trying to get support to write to a transman in prison after he was arrested for robbing a 90 year old woman at knife point for drugs. She's supporting them cuz 'muh trans.' and fuck the poor 90 year old victim, am i right??
No. 465257
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>>465255The trans '
No. 465260
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>>465239>You can surgically mold your penis into the Eiffel Tower. You won't become Franceshit, i love her
No. 465262
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sjw/everything goes lefty thinking really ruining where i live….
No. 465264
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>>465259exactly she isn't wrong. and all the transbians are fuming on all platforms. check the @ in pic attached. Same person in the bottom comment here
>>465240 which was the first comment to be made about the ebil terves
No. 465375
>>465239I have always wondered how do troons think blind people's sexuality works if everyone's just supposed to be only attracted to what people look like (thus lesbians should be attracted to men who look like women) instead of also being attracted to how people's bodies feel like
do blind straight gay etc people exist in troon rhetoric
No. 465378
>>464557Huh, women are not allowed to travel alone?
This is the worst example that the society teaches to women to be afraid so they can control us.
I have travelled by myself since I was 18. My last trip was to Middle-East country and I was suprised that many my friend thought it was considered as a ’bold’ move. I’m experienced traveller so I don’t need to be cautious. Of course I’m aware and don’t act foolish but I have never felt really afraid when traveling alone.
I have experienced ten times more strange people being helpful and kind than creeps. Last trip there was one unpleasant conversation (i just walked away) and dozens of people genuinely caring for me.
No. 465402
>My last trip was to Middle-East country and I was suprised that many my friend thought it was considered as a ’bold’ move.They should've just used "stupid" instead.
Traveling within a culture you understand is one thing, being a single Westerner woman in bumfuckistan is another.
>I’m experienced traveller What does that even mean in the context of the modern world??? Are you adept at sniffing animal droppings to determine their age and at reading the stars? You skin rabbits inna woods fam?
How is your experience in packing your bags and handling paperwork going to help you if someone decides that your garb or demeanor puts you outside of societal norms and drags you off? In the Middle East it isn't just lul randumb psychos and frustrated tards you have to worry about.
I sure hope you're boasting about your all inclusive hotel stay where there's a wrangler near by and not actual single person backpacking.
No. 465410
>>465317This is an unpopular opinion here but unisex toilets in 18+ venues are no big deal and it's not the hill that gender criticism should die on. Many clubs I go to have had "toilets with urinals" and "toilets with no urinals" now for years and it's not the end of the world. You're sharing the sinks and mirror, not your cubicle or a shower, it's no different than having to queue in line with men at a supermarket.
I'm not saying that predators would never find a way to take advantage of unisex toilets but just that the same predators wouldn't be stopped by a little sign to begin with.
No. 465428
>>465410>I'm not saying that predators would never find a way to take advantage of unisex toilets but just that the same predators wouldn't be stopped by a little sign to begin with.This is pretty shortsighted, anon. A lot of predators don't premeditate their plans, they go spur of the moment based on access and plausible deniability.
Let's say a guy corners me in a toilet and assaults me. The only witness is someone (or a camera) outside who saw us both leave. Obviously there are no cameras in the toilet itself.
If the toilets are sorted by sex then I have a very obvious strength to my argument: The man wasn't meant to be in that toilet in the first place.
If the toilets are gender-neutral then it becomes he said/she said. Congrats, you just gave men a secluded, security-less place to assault women with plausible deniability.
No. 465435
>>465410I like being separated because the last place a woman needs a man in her toilet is when she is slightly tipsy or drunk. women dont have safe spaces anymore thanks to tumblrinas and i'm sick of it.
at least most clubs i've been to have one room/one stall, so it's safer for women in general.
No. 465443
>>465402 It means common sense. Keep your belongings near you and don't look too lost.
>>465432>why would you ever go to a country famous for killing women on the spot because sharia lawsI visited at Israel/Palestine. It's not like a whole Middle East is under strict sharia law. There is many different sides of Middle East. But that's not the point.
I'm not going to start debating about arabic culture.
I was only referencing my last trip because I wanted to point out that I have positive experiences as a young woman traveling single.
No. 465456
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> It means common sense. Keep your belongings near you and don't look too lost.I'm sure you'd blend into the background in Northern Sudan or w/e. Like well traveled lvl 999 ninja in 200$ shoes.
>I wuz in the Middle East>Actually it was just the New Yorkers' police state
>But that's not the point.I'm not going to start debating about arabic culture.
That IS the point. What do you think people were thinking about? The differences in Earth's magnetic field???
> I was only referencing my last trip because I wanted to point out that I have positive experiences as a young woman traveling single.In a militarized police state, sure.
No. 465511
>>465510I'm not that anon and we don't even have the same typing style,
but South Korea and Japan are on two different spheres than the Middle East, also obviously leaning with the weaboo/koreaboo theme imageboards have I honestly couldn't care less about.
There ARE safer places in the Middle East and North Africa sphere, where anon doesn't have to worry about their head being chopped off or whatever, or facing racial fetishisation whatever was the point of the other anon.
Also we all know by 'Western' woman this person means white and highly likely is not concerned with African/Asian/Latino/multiracial/ect women visiting these countries because they don't even cross their mind in their tunnel vision when they piss their pants about the idea of a lone Western woman traveling the Middle East.
No. 465513
>but like are you the same person who recommended Japan and South Korea?No, didn't read this thread.
>Japan has big issues with pedophiliaNot really relevant for adults backpacking alone. Also are there even solid stats or is it all reaching?
>and South Korea has extremely high and oppressive beauty standards for the women to conform toThats one hardcore 1st world problem.
>However Middle Eastern and North African architectureKitschy ornamentation and match boxes with onions on top. None of that wards off assault, time to grow up.
No. 465518
>>465513So are you gonna pretend Japan doesn't? The legal age of consent for years was 13, but I guess it was just false reality.
So extreme conformist beauty standards doesn't matter for women? Lol okay. I guess shit only matters if it's physically threatening or violent, which is very non Western of you to think like that btw.
"Time to grow up" yet all you did was sound like you were preaching to people and lowkey mocking them for their backpacking choices, rather than having any real kind of concern or power to your words smh!
>>465516Thats what you think, they don't only fetishize white women as what white western women like to tell themselves and pretend is the reality because they simply don't care about other races and project their feminism is inclusive, the sexual abuse of African and Asian maids in the UAE and KSA is very high, and frankly a lot of the Middle East has history with African female slaves becoming mongrelized through interracial raping and sex slavery over the centuries which effected perception of that race. The truth is more so I can't take it seriously when a Western woman who thinks only white people can be Westerners despite America having a multiracial segment for years says this shit.
No. 465522
>>465509Japan and Korea are far safer for lone female travelers though. They both have issues with sex trafficking of South East Asian and European women, but it's extremely rare it's a traveling woman, it's more often women living in poverty who are smuggled across the border.
The Middle East is a big place so it's nonsensical to generalize, but there are parts of it that are extremely ill-advised for a solo Western woman to travel to. Saudi Arabia is the obvious one, but most people would also warn you against Iran and Sudan. Israel is fine, you're unlikely to have any particular issues there. Lebanon is also probably fine provided you take the usual safety precautions you have to take as a woman anywhere else.
No. 465528
>>465522But someone who wants to travel to the Middle East likely does not want to go to a place very geographically and culturally different like S. Korea or Japan, or at least are not going to get that hole filled with those countries. Yes it's true the Middle East can't be generalized and some places are safe which makes this pretty dumb, to begin with imo.
>>465525And what does beheading and getting raped have to do with countries like Israel/Palestine?
>>465526Oooh very feminist of you. You must be the same person who wished rape on your friend for wanting to backpack alone, right?
No. 465529
>>465518I see your point about non white women and their history with that area, but
>I can't take it seriously when a Western woman who thinks only white people can be Westerners despite America having a multiracial segment for years says this shit.Westerner does not simply mean living in the West, it also means being ethinically European. African Americans are not Westerners, they live in the west.
No. 465533
>>465530No, but the person obviously contested it like it was a safe utopia in response to that person traveling Israel/Palestine which are relatively safe for women places in the Middle East compared to another like Iraq (outside of Kurdistan) or KSA.
Besides, being a woman is more than being physically threatened and violated, there's more sociological and emotional/psychological factors to that, however in typical lolcow fashion you're going to run away with something so you can pretend you won an online argument.
No. 465537
>Also we all know by 'Western' woman this person means white and highly likely is not concerned with African/Asian/Latino/multiracial/ect women visiting these countries because they don't even cross their mind in their tunnel vision when they piss their pants about the idea of a lone Western woman traveling the Middle East.I mean what I say, you are both blatantly Western and divorced from reality. I wouldn't expect a non-East Asian or an African woman to be as clueless as you.
Keep being "defiant and brave" and pretend to be a comic book superhero coming into a whole country that will chew you up, I'm not going to pour over posts to change your minds. Arabs assault male construction workers in Europe for working shirtless in the heat but you with your zero knowledge of custom and local morality are safe in Yemen strolling down the street in rich gaudy people clothes, okay sure.
>So are you gonna pretend Japan doesn't?lol Come on, I can't really prove a negative. Australians are notorious wombat sodomizers, prove me wrong.
I see a lot of people lately accusing Japs of cooking statistics. Is there evidence or is it just rage against a civilization of obscene perverts that somehow maintain order?
>But someone who wants to travel to the Middle East likely does not want to go to a place very geographically and culturally different like S. Korea or Japan, or at least are not going to get that hole Getting your hole filled is something I'm trying to avoid right now. Listen, there's a hierarchy of goals. Not getting raped in half or lynched on the dl should be way up there. If you want to go somewhere you can hire a solid agency or go in a group.
>Yes it's true the Middle East can't be generalized and some places are safe which makes this pretty dumb, to begin with imo.Sure. Peculiar places like Israel (colonial state) or Dubai (investor chasing trade hub) where both government forces and hired thugs keep the "local attractions" at bay. None of the back alleys and heartlands of the normal countries are safe. Tourists are herded in those places and for a good reason.
>>465529I actually also meant Afro-Americans. You think there's a cultural rift between whites and blacks in US, its funny, blacks are just urban rednecks.
A loud, unveiled woman with foreign features, in colorful clothing revealing her calves/shoulders/whatever, strolling down a Middle Eastern street is rolling dice with Darwin.
No. 465542
>“We have evidence that shows that women face risks that men don’t face in public spaces, at home, wherever they may be,” said Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, executive director of UN Women, an organization that promotes female equality. Increasingly, “wherever they may be” includes alone in foreign countries. But she said that violence against female tourists was a thread in the broader fabric of violence against women around the world. And violent episodes are just as likely to occur, experts note, in rich Western nations such as France, Italy and Germany as in the developing world.
>“The root cause of this kind of violence against women in communities and in public and private spaces has a lot of do with the underlying gender stereotypes, social norms, entitlement and patriarchy,” Ms. Mlambo-Ngcuka said.Tbh it isn't safe anywhere for women.
No. 465543
>>465540West is a(n incorrect identification of a) civilization, numbnuts. There's a bunch of you thats probably banana Asians/etc. who think they're super "ethnic" and uncritically pro-whatever you're from but your mentality is completely Western. Your ethnic identity alone makes you about as non-Western as any label that you think is super important in your narrow cultural context.
There's a yawning chasm between all of your shit and another civilization. Some people live in legit diasporas, I very much doubt its any of the people in this thread though.
No. 465544
>I mean what I say, you are both blatantly Western and divorced from reality. I wouldn't expect a non-East Asian or an African woman to be as clueless as you. >Keep being "defiant and brave" and pretend to be a comic book superhero coming into a whole country that will chew you up, I'm not going to pour over posts to change your minds. Arabs assault male construction workers in Europe for working shirtless in the heat but you with your zero knowledge of custom and local morality are safe in Yemen strolling down the street in rich gaudy people clothes, okay sure.
Most of your comment is projecting, you don't want to have a discussion, you want to attack so you're making up a narrative and saying bullshit I didn't say yet you're convinced because how dare I be a woman and have a different opinion than you.
I never said MENA was "safe" for women or whatever that strange shit you're making up to again, go on keep on making the opposing side of your argument look cartoonish in comparison because you're stuck in the "NPC"-esque black and white tandem of imageboard discussions instead of actually reading my words and seeing what I actually think and say. But yeah.. memes :DDD
>lol Come on, I can't really prove a negative. Australians are notorious wombat sodomizers, prove me wrong.>I see a lot of people lately accusing Japs of cooking statistics. Is there evidence or is it just rage against a civilization of obscene perverts that somehow maintain order?I also didn't accuse anything of "cooking statistics", and you're also being intellectually dishonest with that statement about the Australians and you know it. You are not being sincere in what you're saying so how can I share that energy with you?
>Sure. Peculiar places like Israel (colonial state) or Dubai (investor chasing trade hub) where both government forces and hired thugs keep the "local attractions" at bay. None of the back alleys and heartlands of the normal countries are safe. Tourists are herded in those places and for a good reason.Sounds like that's a you problem. If those places are colonial state and investor chasing trade hub let a woman enjoy those places anyway if it's not gonna get her killed. Nobody pretended otherwise than other places in Middle East are dangerous and risky as hell.
>I actually also meant Afro-Americans. You think there's a cultural rift between whites and blacks in US, its funny, blacks are just urban rednecks. A loud, unveiled woman with foreign features, in colorful clothing revealing her calves/shoulders/whatever, strolling down a Middle Eastern street is rolling dice with Darwin.The fact I got antsy about the Western part would prove to you that I don't see a major cultural rift between white and black americans, lol, considering most people who DO say western are referring to something in particular.
No. 465545
>>465542>And violent episodes are just as likely to occur, experts note, in rich Western nations such as France, Italy and Germany as in the developing world.Complete bullshit, violence rates are massively different from country to country.
>>465543Not sure what you are trying to say here, you do realise the Western civilization was created by Europeans yes? It's the reason it has an ethnic component to begin with, same as Easterners.
No. 465555
>Sounds like that's a you problem. If those places are colonial state and investor chasing trade hub let a woman enjoy those places anyway if it's not gonna get her killed. Nobody pretended otherwise than other places in Middle East are dangerous and risky as hell.After all that noise you essentially agree. Middle East is dangerous as fuck, thats settled. Visit the police state to your heart's content, just don't say visiting "Middle East" alone is something you ought to be doing or I'll dare to disagree.
>I also didn't accuse anything of "cooking statistics", and you're also being intellectually dishonest with that statement about the Australians and you know it. You are not being sincere in what you're saying so how can I share that energy with you?You talk like a crazy crystal wielding hippie lady. Next thing its gonna be about "your truths"? No, I seriously can't refer to anything about Japan being dangerous to children or whatever. Never heard about it except people w/o receipts suggesting Japan is hiding evidence. I think a lot of people are disturbed by their very lax law and that alone could be the source of the conviction. Nothing I observe about that numerically large society suggests mass rape or anything of the like.
>considering most people who DO say western are referring to something in particular.I see it used by people referring several continents' worth of countries.
>Not sure what you are trying to say here, you do realise the Western civilization was created by Europeans yes? A Westerner will behave in the same universalistic colonial-style liberal way regardless of race: they will assume everyone is just a more backwards version of themselves and they'll inevitably fallow the same tracks, towards "the right side of history" - thats the point-relevant bit I'm trying to stress. That makes people blind and deaf.
There are different value structures and ideas that build up a civilization. In Islam you're for example not fully responsible for your actions. If someone "tempts" you they're at least partly to blame, individual action is more like a small wave in the communal pond between people floating in it than being emitted by a single actor and will is a fickle concept.
European Christianity when it was weak and dependent on Roman popular opinion absorbed a lot of pagan ideas like stoicism (everyone is responsible for their thoughts etc.) into it's theology so it turned out differently in that regard.
Islam initially was even bolder about transmitting old ideas (it took over more urban centers, with less migratory waves smashing into them, also Western Rome was administratively fucked by Byzantium's demands) but in the end Mu'tazila school got squashed in reaction to its teachings in combination with despotic rule (also Islamic scripture seems inherently more anti-causality, but I'm not learned in it so thats a 2nd hand opinion).
These are huge historical shifts that direct billions of people into different, pervasive modes of reasoning.
No. 465556
>Sounds like that's a you problem. If those places are colonial state and investor chasing trade hub let a woman enjoy those places anyway if it's not gonna get her killed. Nobody pretended otherwise than other places in Middle East are dangerous and risky as hell.After all that noise you essentially agree. Middle East is dangerous as fuck, thats settled. Visit the police state to your heart's content, just don't say visiting "Middle East" alone is something you ought to be doing or I'll dare to disagree.
>I also didn't accuse anything of "cooking statistics", and you're also being intellectually dishonest with that statement about the Australians and you know it. You are not being sincere in what you're saying so how can I share that energy with you?You talk like a crazy crystal wielding hippie lady. Next thing its gonna be about "your truths"? No, I seriously can't refer to anything about Japan being dangerous to children or whatever. Never heard about it except people w/o receipts suggesting Japan is hiding evidence. I think a lot of people are disturbed by their very lax law and that alone could be the source of the conviction. Nothing I observe about that numerically large society suggests mass rape or anything of the like.
>considering most people who DO say western are referring to something in particular.I see it used by people referring several continents' worth of countries.
>Not sure what you are trying to say here, you do realise the Western civilization was created by Europeans yes? A Westerner will behave in the same universalistic colonial-style liberal way regardless of race: they will assume everyone is just a more backwards version of themselves and they'll inevitably fallow the same tracks, towards "the right side of history" - thats the point-relevant bit I'm trying to stress. That makes people blind and deaf.
There are different value structures and ideas that build up a civilization. In Islam you're for example not fully responsible for your actions. If someone "tempts" you they're at least partly to blame, individual action is more like a small wave in the communal pond between people floating in it than being emitted by a single actor and will is a fickle concept.
European Christianity when it was weak and dependent on Roman popular opinion absorbed a lot of pagan ideas like stoicism (everyone is responsible for their thoughts etc.) into it's theology so it turned out differently in that regard.
Islam initially was even bolder about transmitting old ideas (it took over more urban centers, with less migratory waves smashing into them, also Western Rome was administratively fucked by Byzantium's demands) but in the end Mu'tazila school got squashed in reaction to its teachings in combination with despotic rule (also Islamic scripture seems inherently more anti-causality, but I'm not learned in it so thats a 2nd hand opinion).
These are huge historical shifts that direct billions of people into different, pervasive modes of reasoning.
No. 465567
>>465555>After all that noise you essentially agree. Middle East is dangerous as fuck, thats settled. Visit the police state to your heart's content, just don't say visiting "Middle East" alone is something you ought to be doing or I'll dare to disagree.There was no "noise", smartass. I made that clear in my first post off the jump, if you didn't see that it's cause of your brain fungus. I also was not the original poster that anons originally tacked on.. so yet again, it's a negative for you. Me re-iterating for you to understand meant you had to read it a third time to get it.
>You talk like a crazy crystal wielding hippie lady. Next thing its gonna be about "your truths"? No, I seriously can't refer to anything about Japan being dangerous to children or whatever. Never heard about it except people w/o receipts suggesting Japan is hiding evidence. I think a lot of people are disturbed by their very lax law and that alone could be the source of the conviction. Nothing I observe about that numerically large society suggests mass rape or anything of the like.For someone who's so confident to call a group "urban rednecks" you sure don't catch some of their dialect and colloquialisms at all, lol. I guess if I use a little more abstract language, or else, it means I'm a Crazy New Ager or whatever other projection you wanna make up.
No. 465574
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>There was no "noise", smartass
You make a lot of initial noise in your former post w/o saying anything concrete.
>For someone who's so confident to call a group "urban rednecks"
Ya'll the same. lul
>you sure don't catch some of their dialect and colloquialisms at all, lol.
Oh gee, I guess I'll have to brush up on twitter valley girled ebonics right after you learn my whole 7+1 case language. Welcome to the world.
>I guess if I use a little more abstract language, or else, it means I'm a Crazy New Ager or whatever other projection you wanna make up.
I think ameri-black Internet idea bag is influenced by bunch of bad nu-sophist concepts that come from/with New Age and the general post-objectivity sentiment and and you don't even notice because it comes wrapped in a napkin from a soul food joint so it must be from within the community. Already dropped the "my truth" bit, didn't I?
Yo want me to racialise that bit about hippie lady for your reading pleasure? Hell, I can do that, you'll be pretty incensed by the end though.
No. 465578
>>465574>You make a lot of initial noise in your former post w/o saying anything concrete.Most of your post was sperg tier level of projecting and attacking points I didn't make i.e strawmanning, so which one is worse really?
>Oh gee, I guess I'll have to brush up on twitter valley girled ebonics right after you learn my whole 7+1 case language. Welcome to the world.Yes, we can tell your only experiences with people and society is from the internet.
>I think ameri-black Internet idea bag is influenced by bunch of bad nu-sophist concepts that come from/with New Age and the general post-objectivity sentiment and and you don't even notice because it comes wrapped in a napkin from a soul food joint so it must be from within the community. Already dropped the "my truth" bit, didn't I?But many of those colloquialism you say are "new age" were there before the internet, for reasons I'm not going to explain to you since that's frankly irrelevant and going to derail the conversation to a place this thread doesn't need. Do you really think you know everything because you spent all your time behind a screen?
>Yo want me to racialise that bit about hippie lady for your reading pleasure? Hell, I can do that, you'll be pretty incensed by the end though.ebin xP
No. 465582
>Yes, we can tell your only experiences with people and society is from the internet.>weYou and the rest of the Bureau of Peer Pressure?
>But many of those colloquialism you say are "new age" were there before the internetWell, the hippie movement and all that is also pretty old. Initial New Age height in US is 19th century, right? You're a small part of the American cultural circle.
>Do you really think you know everything because you spent all your time behind a screen?Yes, I'm a fat, cheeto encrusted revenge of the nerds cliché waiting all my trash wading, pocket eating, screen viewing life to be called out by you specifically. Obviously. Your eagle eyes do not fail you. :^)
>ebin xPsmdh @ that ignant comment
No. 465587
>>465582>You and the rest of the Bureau of Peer Pressure?Nah just lurkers who wanna read Gender Crit/Pinkpill shit instead of you sperging at imaginary targets
>Well, the hippie movement and all that is also pretty old. Initial New Age height in US is 19th century, right? You're a small part of the American cultural circle.Still not quite right, more related to various practices of African spirituality + off color branches of Christianity than Aleister Crowley / theosphist strain of New Ageism.
>Yes, I'm a fat, cheeto encrusted revenge of the nerds cliché waiting all my trash wading, pocket eating, screen viewing life to be called out by you specifically. Obviously. Your eagle eyes do not fail you. :^)You're definitely some kind of autist though.
>smdh @ that ignant commentgotem! XD
Plz wrap this up already.
No. 465595
>Still not quite right, more related to various practices of African spirituality + off color branches of Christianity than Aleister Crowley / theosphist strain of New Ageism.doubt.exe Its a nice narrative to have, but Occam's razor. Might as well claim ancient Black Hebrew influences.
>You're definitely some kind of autist though.Learn my native language, I bet I'll sound way less awkward 12 years from now when you do, ya dummy. I tailor my output to your me-tarzan-u-Jane anglo babble anyway, appreciate it at least a little bit.
>Plz wrap this up already.Hmm? I'm enjoying myself, sounds like a You problem.
No. 465598
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>>465595Wait, so you're not American yet you're trying to say you know more about a culture than someone who's actually of this culture? Hmmm, so why is this level of entitlement only acceptable when non-Americans do it to Americans?
>Learn my native language, I bet I'll sound way less awkward 12 years from now when you do, ya dummy. I tailor my output to your me-tarzan-u-Jane anglo babble anyway, appreciate it at least a little bit.Nah.. I'm not calling you autistic because you simply sound "awkward", lmao
No. 465600
>Wait, so you're not AmericanWhoahhh, must be the 1st post you read through.
>Hmmm, so why is this level of entitlement only acceptable when non-Americans do it to Americans?Cuz Mericans r dumm
Actually because tall tales about distant connections between your truth gurl and African animism require tangible evidence. Also I do some comparative culture studies on my spare time, so I know a bunch of obscure historical shit. tl;dr I r smort, you'z dumm.
I'd love to prod you some more, you stuffy ol bag but I just recalled this thread has a subject so yeah, bye. hugs n kisses
No. 465605
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>>465600>Cuz Mericans r dumm
>Actually because tall tales about distant connections between your truth gurl and African animism require tangible evidence. Also I do some comparative culture studies on my spare time, so I know a bunch of obscure historical shit. tl;dr I r smort, you'z dumm.As I said, you're autistic.
>I'd love to prod you some more, you stuffy ol bag but I just recalled this thread has a subject so yeah, bye. hugs n kissesYou're a dime a dozen internet sperg to me but glad you found me interesting enough. Stay on topic next time!
No. 465606
>>465605Nay, the last word shall be mine, scoundrel
No. 465610
>leeching attention off of some rando autists from across the worldooooh, somebody's desperate. Also that bit about being interesting. Thats a lot of flattery to aim at yourself. lel
>>465608She didn't respect the borborygm, that was a bow to tie it up. But bih too thirsty for replies. I'm closing the tab, promise
No. 465613
>>465608Ngl, I was autistic for entertaining them but it's obvious they're a scrote especially how they not so subtly added the leeching attention line for knowing a guy.
I'll stop.
No. 465620
>>465613>>465610You boys have both said that multiple times.
We know you aren’t going anywhere until you convince yourself you won by posting longer word salad dribble than the other guy. Hell, one of you is almost definitely the corrective rape guy from the other day who’s mad his friend is backpacking and not begging for his approval.
No. 465738
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>>463558GC OP anon here. I'll post the updated OP in the next thread. Thanks for reposting.
I had hoped to honor Magdalen by using this pic for the next GC OP.
I'm not bitter. And that's dust in my eye. No. 465842
>>465830Your dad sounds like an asshole, I hate it when men shame women for their natural functions such as periods but expect us to be obsessed with their cumbraining.
Speaking of cumbrain, it's like a woman can't do anything without being extremely sexualized, I was watching a youtube video of a woman eating food and taking a large bite of it and here come the cumbrains. Jfc, porn ruined a generation.
>>465841Anon is obviously a scrote, just like that anon yesterday too. Ignore that idiot.
No. 465846
>>465841Anon, I asnwered in that way, because my point it's our responsibility to protect our children. The most important decision that we make regarding that is the men we choose to have them with.
>>465842>You're a scrotad hominem, try again
No. 465848
but seriously you sound dumb. Obviously in a perfect world women would be marrying and having babies with only the best of the best. But sadly we live in reality and the reality is that most women who marry and have kids with men do so because they are led to believe that the person they chose to be with IS that perfect suitor. But you will never know how a man will truly act when you add marriage and kids to the situation hell, most women dont know how they will be like when they add marriage and kids to a relationship. Its a gamble that unfortunately a lot of women lose. Its much easier said then done to "choose the perfect man to protect our children." Hopefully if/when you do it yourself your man is incredible
eyeroll No. 465856
>>465830My dad did a similar thing. I left blood stains on the sheets because I'm a heavy bleeder and no matter how much I try (putting towels and paper tissues underneath) the spill would still happen occasionally.
I remember dealing with these terrible cramps, barely being able to sit up straight and having him lecture me about these blood stains which looking back were just a few drops. He made a much bigger mess with coffee and breakfast on his sheets. It was so humiliating that he did that in front of my brothers.
And yeah, my father would also leave huge skid marks in the toilet and bunch of other nasty surprises but whatever.
sorry for the blogpost, your post just brought back memories
No. 465860
>>465858nta but you said it was because her mom made a terrible decision and that anon said that most of the time it's not possible to know until marriage and kids get added to the relationship.
And if you had any women as friends, you would've witnessed that too.
In fact, what made me sure in my choice of not pursuing any romantic relationship with men was that I've seen so many friends getting royally screwed by their husbands after marriage or long time being together. Men despite claiming that women are manipulators and liars, are extremely good at those two in the long run. I've seen the good guys with stellar reputation, nice job, no criminal records etc. turn into
abusive monsters.
There's no doubt that some women make terrible dating choices where red flags couldn't be more obvious but to put the entire onus on women for not being psychic is ridiculous.
No. 465862
>>465856>>465859Im the anon who posted it. Omg im so sorry this happened to you too. I dont get why men dont understand that periods are fucking traumatizing and disgusting to the women having them especially if the women are teenagers/children ESPECIALLYx2 if the woman in question is your child. It blows my mind. Unfortunately it wasnt the worst thing he put us through but we are both better we are living in our first apartment together! And he is a bum somewhere. So silver linings i guess lol.
>>465860 thank you anon for getting it you articulated what i wanted to get across so well!!
No. 465864
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Seriously wtf is wrong with men.
No. 465865
>>465860I mean, I agree that the great guy can turn into a monster thing happens, but I think you are way overrepresenting it. At least in my anecdotal opinion, there are always red flags that women ignore. Also, I did say I put the onus on women because there is no point putting it into men, since they are not connected to our children like we are. Motherhood is a deep biological instinct, fatherhood is not.
>>465861No worries anon, disagreeing is part of life. I don't view your position as offensive or anything, just a different logical conclusion.
(Do not respond to bait.) No. 465869
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The fucking REACH. They literally have nothing real to get her for so now they are making up shit about her being anti-semetic, glad some are not falling for it though.
No. 465875
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>corporations bad, banker bad, corruption bad>lobby bad>religion and nepotism bad> muh elite 1% bad>Except when the heads of those corporations , financial institutions and lobbys are jewish, come on guys, thats antisemitic, shut it down , they have our best interest in mindthe left is really something
No. 465877
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"Mattel’s first promotional spot for the $29.99 product features a series of kids who go by various pronouns—him, her, them, xem—"
"An 8-year-old who considers himself gender fluid and whose favorite color is black one week, pink the next…""World’s first gender-neutral doll" my ass. Almost all children dolls are gender neutral, as they don't have genitalia, especially older dolls that don't even have secondary characteristics like breasts the way Barbies do. Think of Raggedy Ann. I cut my Barbies hair short and used homemade clothes so I could have boy dolls, because I found Ken and GI Joe's plastic paint for hair ugly, and liked to have the option to style it. Why do kids need a special doll made for every little niche aspect of their personalities? That's what an imagination is for. If I didn't like something about a doll, I painted it, made new clothes for it,etc. I'm not against unique or formless dolls, but making them genderspecial just for politics ruins it. Poor kids.
No. 465883
>>465877>Why do kids need a special doll made for every little niche aspect of their personalities?You know why. Money and virtue signaling.
Mattel has been really struggling for last few years, Barbie is not selling as well as she used to. That is why they have finally caved in and started selling body varied dolls (which I love, tbh) and now they are doing this shit.
No. 465886
>>465883>MoneyBut this just seems like a bad business model, even as an outsider with no toy production experience.
There are only so many people in the world who identify with the trans community, and within them, the appearance and personalities of these people vary widely. I don't look like any of the dolls they've created, and none would appeal to me except maybe the doll in the right in my OP image (they made a lot more than those two) because it's cute.
It costs a lot of money to produce varied dolls; you have to create completely different molds, have a separate assembly line, and then enforce the safety standards of each unique doll. My dad's in the can making business, and he tells me unique "one off" holiday or promo cans just kill his factory because the standards each design is held to, is changed: different formulas for how the paint is created, mixed, applied, dried, etc. Different protection gear the crew has to wear due to chemicals in the paint during mixing (swap paint for plastics in doll production).
No. 465889
>>465878>Is anyone else starting to feel like SWERFs are just made-up boogeymen?Yes, because the people I have seen labeled this are women who have the
audacity to talk about when they were prostituted.
Was particulary heartbreaking to hear a woman who was 5yrs old when she was sold into prostitution be shouted down by apparently pro-"sex work" activists.
Lets be honest, the people who really hate "sex workers" are the men who use them, but these activists will never say it, because they never name the real problem.
No. 465891
>>465887It's really disappointing, because it could be a good cause if done well. The problem is making something for the sake of making it. A thought out character who happens to be gay, an ethnic or racial minority can be great change of pace.
People relate to a human emotional experience above everything else, if you neglect representing the struggles we all face as people, you lose both your old fan base that fell in love with your thought out characters, and any new viewers who just feel they're being further marginalized by using their historically discriminated statuses as a cardboard prop to sell a product.
No. 465899
>>465897Not TA, but you gotta right click and watch the vid in another tab. That's just how lolcow is. You'll need to refresh the page.
Summary of the ad if you don't though: Stronk independent woman rhyming poem that just turns into regular spewing at the end.
No. 465903
>>465894This was kind of lame, but at least the art was nice.
>all the scrotes mad about this in the comment sectionThey really are the most privileged group, screeching about a commercial that wasn't even mean to them.
No. 465916
>>465869I've seen radfems react to a few different trans deaths and suicides and not once have I ever seen a radfem get excited or happy about it the way troons have about Magdalen.
When Chloe Sagal committed suicide the reaction from GC'ers was "What a tragic way to go, this is sad."
When a guy posted to /r/NeovaginaDisasters about how his trans brother took his own life, the reaction from GC'ers was "You've suffered a terrible loss. I'm sorry for you and your brother's suffering."
When Magdalen died of cancer, the reaction from troons was "Good! I hope it was slow and painful."
No. 465922
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>>465911Not to mention that there's barely any actual nazis, its mostly twitter Marxists projecting onto any opposition they encounter. Or that National Socialism isn't even growing out of radically opposite ideas to Communism. Both are socialist and require totalitarian control because they go against the incentive model. Its even more stark with fascism which is only 2 intellectuals removed from Leninism, Mussolini was originally a communist.
>>465910The "same coin" is just being intellectually lazy and the Nazis are by and large imaginary. No, lolbertarians, constitutionalists or ethno nats are not National Socialists. If you don't like Communism don't play into this false analogy.
(Reminder to not respond to bait, just report it.) No. 465929
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>>465927When /r/relationships isn't sad it can be pretty funny at times
No. 465940
>>465889SWERF is usually used by (typically middle class) 'happy hooker' types who argue that their experiences are not being listened to when radfems characterise all prostitution as horrific. It's usually only used in combination i.e. SWERFs and TERFs because female sex workers don't have the same levels of entitlement and
victim complexes and lack of anything better to do with their time than go on DARVO witchhunts that trannies do
Since this is the radfem thread now, here's an opinion. A close friend works as an escort and her POV really does seem to be ignored by most radfem discourse I read. The discourse makes sense but I also interact regularly with a walking counterexample and it's the only radfem point I'm not 100% sold on
No. 465967
>>465927R/amitheasshole is daily filled up with men doing the same shitty and
abusive behaviours to their partners, I used to go there to laugh at the absurdity of people but it’s just depressing at this point.
No. 465969
>>465877>"An 8-year-old who considers himself gender fluid and whose favorite color is black one week, pink the next…"So, a normal person. Got it.
>>465878One of the biggest "SWERFs" I follow is a woman who was a prostitute, of the actual street walker variety. She's working class/poor white, has been abused, the full nine. Luckily she's not part of that shit anymore. If anything, former sex workers make some of the strongest anti-prostitution women, because they know how fucking
toxic it really is. The only ones I see defending sex work are privileged girls who webcam or have memed themselves into thinking changing some old mans diaper is "sex positive".
No. 465987
>>465940one opinion to discredit the rest, I guess that's all it takes.
for every 1 happy camgirl there are at least 100s of faceless
victims who had no real choice.
No. 465996
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>>465965This. You don't deal with the issues around the subject and help those who've had their lives fucked up by centering the testimonies of the rare privileged people who have good experiences.
Even if they have good experiences, the fact that all it takes is one crazy, shitty dude to take you by surprise, and that many SWs literally talk about physical violence from clients, means that this line of work isn't safe for women or to be encouraged.
I'm so tired of the few "privileged" SWs putting themselves above actual rape and human trafficking
victims. Like it or not, pretending there's some magical divide means that traffickers can (and will) entrap women or girls easily with false promises of success and empowerment.
If you sell sex and it hasn't turned out badly for you yet, that's your business, but understand that your experience is not the norm. Stop trying to sanitize the image of this field just because you don't want to feel embarrassed about stating what you do. Your reputation and social capital is not more important than human lives. Stigmatization is
not the biggest issue.
If you want it to be normalized, try to work with the people who are against trafficking and exploitation to flush out all the abuse (though I feel like that's futile at this point) instead of trying to silence them as "whorephobic".
No. 466000
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So, I use Mastodon because it has lots of cool intelligent people on there, and I follow a couple of trans people.
One person peak transed me yesterday, by RTing a hundred of their own posts within half an hour, filling my feed with their junk about being "mommy" to their "multiple subs."
I thought they were female due to their username and cartoon profile pic, until they posted about some past drama earlier in the day, and I looked them up and it turns out they are a 2/10 man.
I don't want an ugly man to be my ""mommy"" thanks. The concerning thing was they were posting things like "whenever a girl says she's ugly, she's always cute!" which was predatory in its frequency; implication he is not interested in women without low-confidence.
Anyway, I unfollowed this man who spammed my feed and talked about how much they like girls constantly. This is not the same person, just a random person I saw reposted, but note the irony. TERFs don't want to "debate" you, they just want men out of their bathrooms. And the last line about not wanting to talk to people who believe the opposite of a "scientific" truth is beautiful.
No. 466012
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>>466000I have to laugh whenever they project their science denial onto GCers because they aren't the ones using pseudoscience and shoddy logic to deny biological sex exists to suit their ideology.
No. 466028
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Warning, do not read this if you are about to eat or have just eaten.
No. 466048
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>>465864Samefag-so I thought he was trolling because he was one of those
edgy twitter commedians well no he is trying to be edgy, because hes a catholic against abortion. Also apparently has a trans friend who wants to fuck corpses so that is on the same level as abortion.
I just, dont know anymore. Funny thing is hes getting roasted on his twitter and has said anyone who was pissed off by his pro kiddy sex ring tweet is mad at his "intellectualism". Seriously go check it out if you want a good laugh.
No. 466059
>>466048>>465864With men, everything comes down to their dicks, doesn't it?
It's so pathetic.
No. 466133
>>465965I mean I get that, that for girls who are trafficked or anyone forced into it against their will it has got to be a living hell. But
>she is involved in an industry that dehumanises and commodifies womenis also a personal attack on her, and that's where the SWERF thing comes from - when sex workers feel personally attacked by radfems.
Men think she's a whore, radfems think she's a 'drop in the ocean' and not worth considering. Is it any wonder people like her would be standoffish to radfems?
No. 466144
>>466133As another anon stated, there is nothing aggressive about that statement nor is it a personal attack. If people view it that way then it’s typically because they know on some level that their behaviour is wrong, similarly to how so many men took #metoo as a personal attack - people don’t like being called out on their poor behaviour
And sorry, but yeah, when someone is an extreme minority (which your friend in this scenario is) then they are indeed but a drop in the ocean. Why is it expected of people to say ‘but NOT ALL prostitution is bad!’ purely because of a handful or prostitutes who have not personally experienced what the majority have in the industry?
No. 466145
>>466137Marriage is also an institution that oppresses women, should we demonise every woman who marries?
Nothing aggressive at all about calling her selfish.
And I'm not even talking about porn, I would support making porn illegal, I think the aspect of recording the violation leaves the
victim open to repeated violations up to infinity not to mention the effect it has on men who watch it.
I'm not talking about that though, it's that whenever even the hypothetical idea of a woman accepting payment comes up people basically overrule it and refuse to even discuss or consider it in the abstract. Which funnily enough is exactly the same way men talk about sex workers but with different language.
My feminism is for women which means I support GC positions but I don't exclude on the basis of how they choose to manage their interactions with men.
I don't see how taking money for going on dates with old men makes her so much worse than women who go on dates with young men and pay half, or who marry and share a house.
No. 466149
>>466146Several people have already explained that the issue with prostitution is that there will be foreign, mentally ill, drugged or otherwise vulnerable women being pushed into it. There's no way to really control this, even in places where all prostitution is legal you still get sex trafficking, girls being forever indebted to pimps, hooked on drugs so that they keep needing the money, lied to about the nature of a job and raped, etc. Doing nude streams from your bedroom is a lot safer than other forms of sex work, sure, but even then you'll get women being forced into it by the men in their lives or being stalked and harrassed by men who think a woman being a sex-worker entitles them to her time and private life.
Taking part in this, even if it's safe for you, normalises this and it creates more demand for all types of sex work. It's understandable that some women feel that they have no alternatives, and the men who run the porn industry are much more at fault than those women, but there's no way to pass this off as "feminist" or "empowering". Supporting the porn industry is allowing the abuse of women.
No. 466153
>>466149Several people have already explained that the issue with marraige is that there will be foreign, mentally ill, drugged or otherwise vulnerable women being pushed into it. There's no way to really control this, even in places where all marraige is legal you still get forced maraiges, girls being forever indebted to their husband's family, isolated from support networks so that they keep needing the money, lied to about the nature of a marraige and raped, etc. Sending nude photos from your bedroom is a lot safer than other forms of sex, sure, but even then you'll get women being forced into it by the men in their lives or being stalked and harrassed by men who think they are entitled to a woman's time and private life.
Taking part in this, even if it's safe for you, normalises this and it creates more demand for all types of marriage. It's understandable that some women feel that they have no alternatives, and the men who run the religious institutions which perform marraiges are much more at fault than those women, but there's no way to pass this off as "feminist" or "empowering". Supporting marraige is allowing the abuse of women.
>>466150Why should we care about the prejudice and persecution women face? Well in this instance it's also institutional prejudice supported by the law.
No. 466155
>>466149To give you an actual reply, like I said I am sold on the case against pornography. I'm talking about the world's oldest profession in its original form.
There's nothing industrial about how she goes about it. No pimp, no agency, screening clients herself. I'm not defending the industry. I'm questioning the criticism of a personal choice.
No. 466156
>>466154I'm just wondering if you're as critical of women who marry voluntarily as you are of women who voluntarily enter sex work.
Because yes I did rewrite the paragraph to still make perfect sense, because it does, but personally my feminism includes married women and you're not giving me any better reason to exclude sex workers than you are for me to exclude married women.
No. 466166
>>466161She's fine with the work, not the stigma that comes with it. But this internet fit is on her behalf not by her - she generally avoids letting anyone else know, because of said stigma.
People are happy to talk about all kinds of sex-based oppression like the way actresses are treated in hollywood or how women are portrayed in media but the moment anyone mentions a voluntary sex worker they're a traitor.
No. 466171
>>466170But you can pay for services like waitressing and nursing and psychotherapy and private tuition, and sex.
Why is sex so different that providing it as a service incurs such scorn and derision? It's not like I don't have a clue, syphilis and monogamous patriarchy both have a lot to do with it but one has been cured by antibiotics and the other we don't support.
No. 466178
>>466171Because none of those professions require for someone to use your body, let alone intimately. And any profession that requires handling bodily fluids ensures that the person handling them is adequately protected, yet prostitutes are expected to happily guzzle cum by their johns
Also, is consent to sex truly consent when financial coercion is involved? The majority of those who have not been trafficked are in it purely because they desperately need money, and the men they have sex with are not men they would have with otherwise. And even the few that do go into it voluntarily have began to come out now with their stories of how their mental health has suffered and they are traumatised.
Allowing men to continue dehumanising us is in no shape or form empowering. I don’t see how you could argue that a man purchasing a woman to use her like a fleshlight isn’t dehumanising
No. 466183
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>>466178>Because none of those professions require for someone to use your bodyYou're literally a cog in most jobs.
>bodily fluidsArbitrary distinction. And no, a lot of medical staff will get elbow deep in other peoples' crap. Hazmnat suits will fail, shit pipes will break right in plumbers' faces etc.
>Also, is consent to sex truly consent when financial coercion is involved? The majority of those who have not been trafficked are in it purely because they desperately need money, As opposed to people who sit in a cubicle for 50+ hours a week for the entertainment value?
>and the men they have sex with are not men they would have with otherwise. I imagine there aren't many people others would work for in a low seam coal mine w/o financial incentive, wondering if this is the day you become a wet spot under a ton of rocks and yet coal gets mined.
You can make some kind of argument for sacredness of sex but I doubt it will have a very universal appeal.
>I don’t see how you could argue that a man purchasing a woman to use her like a fleshlight isn’t dehumanisingA lot of work is in fact dehumanizing if being used is the essence of it. Nobody cares about your rich inner world when you clean septic tanks, wipe asses at the hospital or clean hotel rooms after some ungodly slobs.
I'm not saying there can't be a strong argument against sex work, but you didn't make it yet.
No. 466185
>>466166The stigma does not, and should not take precedence over the actual harm it does.
If the stigma is such a problem, maybe work to make the actual thing free of all the issues causing it to be stigmatized in the first place. It does
not come from nowhere. Don't demand that we all ignore the trafficking, rape and exploitation just because your friend's having a good time and it annoys her that many feminists (rightfully) hear "prostitution" and think of the most vulnerable people affected, not a privileged woman.
I'd also wager that it's a bit easier to walk away from a marriage than prostitution. A forced marriage, in contrast, would be along the same lines as sex trafficking, and also deserves to be talked about.
No. 466186
>>466178I forgot to put massage in there, or to emphasize that medical professions often involve handling someone's genitals
>prostitutes are expected to happily guzzle cum by their johns There are unlicensed street doctors who don't follow adequate safety procedures. Just like there are prostitutes who make it clear in advance that protection is required for all acts.
If it were the bodily fluids you were concerned abut, condoms would allay your concerns. I suspect they don't.
Unfortunately capitalism therefore doing things you otherwise wouldn't for money.
>purchasing a woman to use her like a fleshlightthis really isn't consonant with the secondhand descriptions provided about what her work involves.
In fact it's your language that's dehumanising here.
No. 466188
>>466183>>466186NTA, but if it's the same thing as being a doctor, a janitor or an office worker, why aren't we seeing far more men exchanging sexual acts for cash? It should be 50/50 if it's all the same dehumanizing stuff, right?
The next time a man in your life talks about how broke he is, try suggesting sex work to him, watch him get mad and then ask him exactly what the problem is. That should speak volumes.
No. 466189
>>466185Well the fact also is that shit like the media and other first world crap is an acceptable topic for discussion but the fact that she's a criminal in the eyes of the law is neither here nor there apparently.
Anyway this all started when I responded to a post about why SWERF is a term. I hope OP understands now
No. 466191
>>466189Except many so-called "SWERFs" are supportive of the Nordic model, which decriminalizes sex workers, but puts legal repercussions on the men who buy.
No one (besides maybe men) is advocating for women to be seen as criminals when more often than not, they're actually being exploited.
No. 466192
>>466188have you ever met a man? they all insist that if they were girls they'd be camwhoring it up and enjoying female privelige
Personal aversion to having sex for money isn't an argument against the morality of the service provider any more than a personal aversion to shovelling shit is against the morality of a shit shoveller
No. 466197
>>466188>NTA, but if it's the same thing as being a doctor, a janitor or an office worker, why aren't we seeing far more men exchanging sexual acts for cash? It should be 50/50 if it's all the same dehumanizing stuff, right?If there isn't parity in demand for it there won't be a parity. Straight male addicts often prostitute for gay men (small client pool) because they burn through the money and can't hold strenuous/precision demanding jobs. Otherwise the market isn't there, there is no symmetry in the "sexual market" or whatever you want to call it.
>The next time a man in your life talks about how broke he is, try suggesting sex work to him, watch him get madDid you ever try doing that? You sound like you don't socialize with a lot of people.
No. 466198
>>466192>if they were girlsWhy? They, too, have bodies and genitals, and gay men do exist. "Gay for pay" is always an option. Why is the prevailing idea that this is a women's job? If it's all the same and such a sweet deal, why aren't they dominating the field the same way they bum-rushed computer science and then insisted women somehow don't belong in it?
Where does that personal aversion come from, and why?
Also, this isn't about morality. This is about the toll it takes on a person mentally, physically, etc.
I don't know if you meant it this way, but the comparison to shovelling shit is a bit too close to "Well
somebody's gotta do it", when the truth is no, nobody
has to give someone sex just to earn money. Coochie is not a human right.
No. 466204
>Why is the prevailing idea that this is a women's job???? This isn't about gender roles, its about getting money. Girl, you're detached from reality, hard. Everybody knows there are male prostitutes.
>Where does that personal aversion come from, and why?I imagine the orientation identity thing would get in the way. Tho I don't see actual evidence suggesting there's less gay and gay-for-pay prostitutes than female prostitutes per available john.
>Also, this isn't about morality. This is about the toll it takes on a person mentally, physically, etc. Such a throw away comment. Yo have to delineate how it actually differs from other jobs. Otherwise you still have no argument.
>I don't know if you meant it this way, but the comparison to shovelling shit is a bit too close to "Well somebody's gotta do it"Thats not how demand works in the job market. Nobody NEEDS the top 10 Hollywood actors, but go check their paychecks.
No. 466205
>>466195How? No one has said "Sex work makes you a bad person and a traitor to all women reeeee", just "There's a reason we don't consider it empowering or feminist in itself".
It's grossly dehumanizing to far more women than it's just "meh" to, and those are just the facts. It's funny that you mentioned "first world", but you seem to want us to approach this topic from the standpoint that there's nothing wrong. No honest, non-hypocritical feminist will ever do that. The damage it's done is just too much.
Like I said before, deal with the problems instead of telling people to stop paying attention to them.
No. 466206
>>466195If feminists against sex work didn’t have patience for sex workers we wouldn’t have had any discussion ITT
Feminists criticising the sex industry aren’t the issue, the men that see women as nothing more than a resource that can be bought on a whim are the problem.
No. 466209
>>466203Does your job require you to walk on roofs or get into holes that can collapse you under 100 tons of rock?
We'd be banning jobs all day if we go by that
>Does it require you to be at risk of rape, murder, trafficking, pregnancy and STD’s?Keeping it in the gray zone or actively hounding prostitutes helps with that?
No. 466210
>>466204>??? This isn't about gender roles, its about getting money. Girl, you're detached from reality, hard. Everybody knows there are male prostitutes.How do you miss the point this hard? Holy shit. Think about the question in regards to the "if I were a girl" shit from earlier. You seriously can't be this obtuse, you have to be playing dumb.
>I imagine the orientation identity thing would get in the way. Tho I don't see actual evidence suggesting there's less gay and gay-for-pay prostitutes than female prostitutes per available john.Lots of female prostitutes aren't attracted to their clients, but they still do it.
>Such a throw away comment. Yo have to delineate how it actually differs from other jobs. Otherwise you still have no argument.Which is why I'm asking you to think why exactly more people (especially men) would rather be an office drone than sell their holes to some scrote. I know you already know why, and I don't get why you're dedicated to this "They're totally the same" thing, but I'm interested to see how you'll explain it away.
>Thats not how demand works in the job market. Nobody NEEDS the top 10 Hollywood actors, but go check their paychecks.Do you want us to try and compare the amount of money many prostitutes are estimated to make to Hollywood actors' salaries? Is that really a hill you're ready to die on?
No. 466212
>>466206You have no patience for voluntary sex workers, who are also 'at risk of rape, murder, pregnancy and STD’s'.
It's very easy to say that sex slavery is evil. But that's a discussion of slavery, and the discussion of sex work itself when not slavery is scrupulously avoided.
Voluntary sex workers face increased risks due the criminalisation of their activities. This is institutionalised discrimination but you don't want to hear about it and deflect by insisting that it's slavery.
No. 466216
>>466209Punishing the men that exploit these women would.
Since you seem so nonplussed about the issues surrounding prostitution why don’t you go sell your body to men? Or are you above that?
Know what else makes prostitution different from other dangerous professions? The inherent intimacy. Just because you yourself don’t view it as intimate doesn’t mean your body doesn’t, we literally release hormones throughout and after sex to bond with whomever we just fucked.
No. 466218
>>466197Didn't notice this reply, see
>>466200>Did you ever try doing that? You sound like you don't socialize with a lot of people.This sounds like some weird, bitter projection on your end. Not here for that, deal with your issues alone.
>>466211How many men have you met who say they're not doing that because no one will buy?
No. 466236
>>466225The hard truth is that the act of involvement in that is quiet support of exploitation, but if she isn't pimping out other women, and also doesn't try to sanitize the image of sex work or silence any discussion about it being fucked up, no one's going to push her off the boat.
Like, there's a difference between "I personally do sex work to earn money" and "I'm a PROUD FEMINIST SEX WORKER".
No. 466238
>>466224Having a wife doesn't mean you get sex anon.
>>466226I didn't say male prostitutes don't exist, they are however a lot less since gay men are a lot less than straight men.
No. 466239
>Lots of female prostitutes aren't attracted to their clients, but they still do it. Identity, not attraction. Am I x for doing y? They're still doing it, so the potential its a factor is undecided.
>How do you miss the point this hard? Holy shit. Think about the question in regards to the "if I were a girl" shit from earlier. You seriously can't be this obtuse, you have to be playing dumb.>Which is why I'm asking you to think why exactly more people (especially men) would rather be an office drone than sell their holes to some scrote. Because they can work at an office.
A lot of people can't. Most of those go into shit jobs and some of those then opt to take on the stigma and the risk of illegality and lack of regulation and become sex workers. Some don't because they evaluate things differently and the money ins't worth it to them while some are principial and not up against a wall.
There's different demand for different people and the end result is more women as prostitutes. A lot of low end, occasional male prostitutes sell ass for basically nothing, because of that pool of addicts over saturating the tiny niche so the pay is a smaller incentive for males. There's no legions of straight men that spontaneously decide to start fucking other men at the rates they want to fuck women just because, as someone suggested itt.
There is no AHA moment anywhere down that line, where we get to see how men are just too proud or priviliged to prostitute themselves and only patriarchy-compelled women do because all you have is those orangutan arms you're reaching with. Yo have nothing.
>Do you want us to try and compare the amount of money many prostitutes are estimated to make to Hollywood actors' salaries? Is that really a hill you're ready to die on?Are you stupid or pretending?
No. 466240
>>466233Lmao you really think there’s a shortage of men that would want to fuck another mans hairy bungus? You’re delusional, look at Ancient Greece and Rome, men fucking each other left and right, or Thai lady boys that have no shortage of patrons. You’re delusional.
The demand is there, but the difference is that men aren’t born in a world that oppresses them.
No. 466249
>>466236The attitudes that have come out ITT or anywhere push people in the same position away from radical feminism, because it either denies their existence, villifies them as collaborators, or wilfully ignores their issues.
And that's why y'all are SWERFs
>>466240>Ancient Greece and RomeHeterosexual sex outside of marriage is shunned
>ThaiTrannies mostly and still less poular choice than women
No. 466252
>>466230Yeah I missed this. This was the honest answer I was looking for. People hate prostitutes because they see their work as the violation of the monogamous bonds. Patriarchy hangover.
No. 466256
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This "Umm prostitution is just like getting married or working at McDonald's sweety" shit is so far divorced from reality that it hurts. I refuse to believe anyone actually even thinks that way.
Rather, they probably want it to be true so they don't have to acknowledge anything too fucked up in society, so they just keep repeating it, plugging their ears and screaming "whorephobia", "puritan", "sex negative", "exclusionary", etc in hopes that everyone else will just get tired and LARP along with them to avoid a fight. I went back and forth ITT a few times, but I've already realized someone with such staunch dedication to something so illogical and retarded can't really be reasoned with. It'd just devolve to gaslighting and insults, because even they know they're full of shit.
Seriously. No one can possibly be so delusional to think selling meat is the same thing as being the meat getting sold.
No. 466258
>>466252>Yeah I missed this. This was the honest answer I was looking for. People hate prostitutes because they see their work as the violation of the monogamous bonds.Yes.
>Patriarchy hangover.No. Monogamy is a hell of a lot better for women than men, don't be silly.
No. 466260
>>466257I can’t tell if you are arguing for or against me but
>It means that the individual believes society owes him a certain kind of living or a certain good and so he is ok breaking the rules of a society to get it. just proves my point
No. 466261
>>466256>anyoneActually, I take this back, because I know there are plenty of retarded men who would truly think this way. Shit like
>>465864 is proof enough of that.
I should have said "any
woman", and I do truly hope we've been arguing with
women ITT and not trannies who want us to accept their cumbrained ways.
No. 466270
>>466263sorry it's just the word for it.
But the naked truth is that even in radfem circles promiscuous women are apparently deemed to be less-than or immoral.
It's sad because I agree on basically everything else you say and find libfems to be retarded.
I liked lolcow because we are unashamedly terfy but were pretty chill about sex work, doesn't seem that way today
No. 466271
>>466229It isn't about right and wrong, it's about the fact that prostitution (including porn) abjectly harms women. Unpleasant jobs such as sanitation and coal-mining come with regular salaries, benefits, protection, contracts explicitly protecting you from abuse/discrimination, and the ability to unionize - do any of these privileges come with sex work? It's far more likely that porn performers sign contracts barring them from pursuing legal action if they are raped, drugged or abused. Read actual testimonies from johns, pimps, porn producers. They love prostitution/porn specifically because it degrades women, because it is "consensual" abuse that a woman can't say no to. It gives men all the power and women none of the power. This is pretty basic stuff, anon.
But since you care about men so much, it should go without saying that porn destroys marriages, male capacity to enjoy healthy relationships, makes their dicks numb and useless, and makes them learn to hate, objectify, and devalue women. Every serial killer you've ever heard of had an addiction to violent porn. The sex industry also harms plenty of gay men, lesbians, troons, and children. It harms literally everyone, even the consumers, so why support it?
No. 466273
>>466269Meaning: The goal of feminism is humans rights for women.
Goal of feminism isn't to make every woman feel goody good about themselves and the stuff they do.
No. 466275
>>466270>pretty chill about sex workHave you seen the front page of /snow? It is camwhores ripping to shreds other camwhores, day in day out. Doesn’t seem chill to me
Promiscuity has nothing to do with feminism, it is entirely an individuals morals - even in libfem circles you’ll find women against it
No. 466280
>>466275>>>/g/90992linked thread is about the sanest discussion of sex work I've ever seen anywhere on the internet.
This thread is the same scripted responses you will get on any radfem forum.
No. 466284
>>466279Literally how? All of these anons are saying one thing, and then doing the next. They're putting on ridiculous airs and screaming at us for not pretending like they do. What is male about pointing that out?
I don't think anyone here wants themselves or their hypothetical future (or existing) daughter to be a prostitute, but in the same breath, some people ITT are claiming it's cool for everyone else? No, that's nonsense.
No. 466286
>>466266I used to but to be fair I am pretty fucked in the head.
Ironically my current legal job is more dangerous.
No. 466294
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>>466291This is literally the first fucking post, but sure, sex work is just like all other work guys haha
No. 466299
>>466284I dunno if you're consciously strawmanning or coddled to the point where you don't truly internalize the fact that people need to eat. Nobody claimed prostitution is their first choice and I don't see how you arrive at the position where sex work has to be affirmed as the best shit ever. I think I have already mentioned 7 or so jobs for comparison to it and they were all bad. But its a living and thats the point.
Would I pick safe'ish legal prostitution over back breaking, dangerous and/or life draining labor that would basically take over my life? Yes, yes I would, dumb ass. There.
I don't because there are more options available. Some people don't have those, some other people can't tolerate minimum wage/pressure and know they personally can get more as a prostitute etc.
No. 466301
>>466298But the fact remains that women are more often than not harmed by prostitution and come to regret their involvement
You don’t revolve a movement around the 1% that isn’t harmed when 99% are gravely harmed (don’t hold me to these statistics, autists, I’m trying to illustrate how ridiculous focusing on a minority is in such a scenario)
No. 466306
>>466299>people need to eatThat doesn't justify shit. No woman should have to trade in her bodily autonomy for food or survival, ever. It's not feminist or empowering in the least. Get over it and see yourself out, no one wants to hear your pimp-tier "It's the same as any other job lol" bullshit excuses.
There is too much blood on this industry's hands, and no one with more than two functioning brain cells and a smidgen of empathy will ever ignore that.
No. 466309
>>466305How? By not centering their tiny percentage over the majority of participants, who are suffering? Give me a break.
No one cares if you're selling ass in peace, it's about women's rights. Accept that you're not the most important snowflake and that something not being a problem to you doesn't mean it's not a problem, period.
No. 466312
>>466307The attention wasn't on them until someone brought up an example of a voluntary sex worker, now it becomes important that all discussion be about that suddenly.
We are actually all in the wrong for not discussing how to best help the rescue of Yazidi girls still being held by their former Daesh captors
No. 466318
>>466306>That doesn't justify shit.Nobody needs to justify shit to you though. Nobody died and made you queen of anything.
>No woman should have to trade in her bodily autonomy for food or survival, ever.cue montage of dronelike labor at an assembly line for endless hours and shit pay
>There is too much blood on this industry's handsAnd on the hands of neopuritan gendered egomaniacs who trade female lives en masse for feeling holy. Such as yourself.
Difference is "the industry" isn't a person so the potential for change is bigger.
(Stop infighting) No. 466322
>>466318>Nobody needs to justify shit to you though.Then stop sending me your shitty replies. I didn't ask for your opinion, and no one else here did. Go and tell someone who actually values your garbage takes.
>neopuritanismThere it is. Anyone who doesn't deny reality is totally a slut-shaming puritan who's sex-negative and wants us all to be sister-wives or whatever. Having to be drunk and/or high and dissociate just to get through strange men invading your body without having a complete breakdown is totally normal and relatable, ecks-dee.
You're not going to brainwash anyone here, sorry.
No. 466323
>>466317Stigma - I won't even bother
Safety - if the work were legal it would be possible for people to make their movements known in terms of when they were meeting with clients and it would be more difficult for anyone with violent intent to get away with it. Industry regulation works better than prohibition for preventing the worst excesses of vice.
Criminality - This friend of mine once began talking about how she was going to sign on for unemployment benefits and look for an office job instead, but I couldn't persuade her to fill in the forms where she had to declare her sources of income, and in about a week she had a new old man to pay her bills and insisted she was over it. I'm not so sure.
No. 466326
>>466320That does, in fact, make you a moron. Why should I, or anyone else ITT give a shit what men go through when they literally create their own problems in society and happily exploit women on top of it all?
It's nice that you figured out that projecting your own lifestyle onto others in a bid to feel above them works sometimes, but anyone with a brain won't buy it.
I care about women and girls who are exploited by a disgusting trade. Die mad about it, and maybe join an MRA group (and then proceed to do literally nothing for men except bitch about feminists).
No. 466331
>>466325Cheers anon, hope you're doing better now. Keep your chin up, psychological wounds take as much time or more to heal than bodily ones, you can get better!
>>466327Absolutely anon. Poor people should be treated with dignity and the rest of society needs to finally realize most of them are not poor by choice but by circumstances.
>>466328I only posted the second post, but thanks anon, it's good to hear that others agree with me.
>>466326>Why should I, or anyone else ITT give a shit what men go through when they literally create their own problems in society and happily exploit women on top of it all? Are you a child or just heartless? Men do not create their own problems, men are in the same system as women and have their roles and upbringing decided for them. Men are not your enemy, people who insist on antiquated gender roles are, plenty of which are women.
Your rumblings as a result of even mentioning men, when my point was about the entire class of poor people that inhabits the lowers echelons of our society suggests that there is something wrong with you. I will tell you again, men and women are not enemies, people of different ideologies are.
(Stay on topic please) No. 466336
>>466331Unfortunately, 51.9% of the planet is responsible for 82.1% of rape and violent crime in all societies and civilizations. Additionally, men are overrepresented in positions of power worldwide.
It's not "the system", and it's not a 50/50 split, it's just men doing what they please in a society they hold power in.
If you're too cowardly to name the problem, that's on you. Feel free to go somewhere else and make a generalized human rights space. This thread is pink pill and GC, not libfem-ish "We're here for the men too #egalitarianism #notafeminist #notallmen" central.
No. 466344
>>466340Also why do you people get
triggered when you say "all men are bad" but you are a-ok with "all black men are bad", Are you too afraid to face the fact that your sex needs a lobotomy and castration as soon as they're born? Or maybe even aborted in the womb
No. 466358
>>466356Marriage is just an exclusive prostitution contract with added childbearing duties.
I kind of suspect the reason people hate prostitutes is that in times gone by when women were property of their husbands or fathers it allowed women a way to acquire their own wealth and live independently.
No. 466361
>>466359They are now.
>letting men use them whatever way they wantIs not quite the reality.
No. 466364
>>466310I understand this view, but most of those jobs are something that's actually needed for society to function properly. Construction workers, firefighters, police officers, etc, are all dangerous but necessary occupations. Prostitution isn't necessary. It's a violation of human rights.
You also make it seem like prostitution isn't dangerous. When you are exposed to many possibly violent and shady men multiple times a day chances are high you will run into someone who will take things too far. Look how many prostitutes end up dead.
No. 466367
>>466352Except it's really not, unless you're the kind of person who's obsessed with caping for men in all instances ever.
There's a reason it feels less safe to be in a room full of only men than women, and it's not a subjective thing or based on ideology/religion and prejudice, it's just the reflection of how men have treated women from the dawn of time. It transcends race and religion, and simply is. Women of all creeds can relate on men being the way they are, so it's not that "tiny" of a percentage.
No. 466369
>>466366It is the point, the entire point is that its an unhealthy and
abusive line of
No. 466372
>>466369You were replying to a post where I contradicted the assertion that taking a client means letting them do whatever they want by veering off into self esteem.
Prostitutes can have boundaries. They can be violated like anyone elses but they can still establish them.
No. 466373
>>466350I am not defending men anon. I am defending reasonable conversation. The violent men who hurt others are scum of society as far as I'm concerned. Also I do think there is an issue with the overwhelming amount of criminals being men, obviously. My issue is that idiots like the op completely fuck the conversation up.
(You are continually derailing the thread and infighting.) No. 466378
>>466377You didn't explain anything of value to anyone, you sperged out and tried to change the subject in a very sanctimonious way.
>I didn't derail it I actually explained to her the reality of the world that she was ignorant of.I (>>466375) am the person you freaked out at, lmao.
You're the only ignorant one here for trying this hard when multiple people pointed out that you were wrong.
No. 466382
>>466337Reminds me of that FB post of men talking happily about heating up coins just to throw them at strippers and laugh at their pain. I'll never understand how that's considered okay, the world is so fucked.
Hope the other women and girls manage to get out of it, too (if they haven't already).
No. 466383
>>466379It's the world's oldest profession for a reason, and it will always exist. The danger to women who participate by choice is only increased by criminalisation.
I'll repeat I don't support 'industry', I'm against porn, but my own acquaintance with an independent escort, who chooses whether or not to accept clients and sets boundaries with them forces me to consider her position and she doesn't fit into your narrative.
No. 466388
>>466383It's the oldest profession because males are violent, degenerate beasts that will acquire sex in some way, whether it be with a woman he knows or not.
You are a true fool if you think your friends boundaries have never been pushed or threatened.
No. 466390
>>466387Don't be so fucking dense. How can one discuss the issue of prostitution if you always hinge on the assumption that it's slavery.
Maybe if brothels were properly regulated johns would be prosecuted for trying that shit.
No. 466399
>>466394Anon please
>god made the world and cain toiled the land, we didn't evolve from prehuman ancestors who had no knowledge of farmingAnatomically modern humans were circa 100,000BC, farming was 10,000BC
No. 466401
>>466398And also drive too fast.
Honestly I've known her for years and there have never been any horror stories and she hasn't become an addict or mentally ill or anything and I just sort of have to acknowledge that maybe it's not the prostitution itself that's damaging.
No. 466402
>>466391I've heard some way midwifery is the oldest. Either way, the "Prostitution is the oldest profession" quote was made up by Rudyard Kipling for a short story. He also claimed prostitution is "hereditary" in "the East" from mother to daughter.
It has no factual or scientific basis, it was always just scrote nonsense. I roll my eyes whenever someone says it unironically.
No. 466420
>>466416Inanna was goddess of war and prostitution in ancient Sumer.
I don't care if it's
the oldest, it's universal to all human societies in every age
No. 466423
>>466420>I don't care if it's the oldestThen you had no place getting upset when people pointed out it's not the oldest profession in the world.
Its mere existence doesn't make it justifiable any more than rape, slavery, human sacrifice and murder are justifiable just because all human societies took part in it to at least some degree, so even your new argument fails.
No. 466425
>>466423I couldn't care less whether the 'oldest profession' thing is literally true.
What bothers me is the insistence that it's impossible and never happens.
No. 466427
>>466424That's mostly just people who are camming and selling pics
in addition to people who were selling sex as a service. The latter group didn't go away.
No. 466433
>>466431All I was
triggered by was how retarded 'people didn't eat before there was farming' was from a logical standpoint
No. 466437
>>466435I cited a study showing that our closest living relatives engage in similar behaviour.
But it literally doesn't matter whether prostitution or farming came first, because they are both present throughout the entirety of recorded history.
Actually no you can literally see that prostitution takes place in contemporary pre-agricultural societies (by the way how do these guys eat without farming!?)
No. 466441
>>466437>by the way how do these guys eat without farming!?Again, that wasn't my argument, not sure how many times I need to repeat myself given you're too stupid to accept any other point that challenges your own
>I cited a study showing that our closest living relatives engage in similar behaviour.But they are not human, you did not post proof that prostitution is the oldest profession, chimps are not people, chimps also throw their own shit and eat brains, would you like to explain how that trait didnt take off with humans too?
Im have to stop at the risk of getting banned but seriously, stop accusing everyone else of being dumb when you cant even read their responses properly.
No. 466454
>>466448You should go back to school and learn what oldest profession and even farming means before trying to "argue" and call other people stupid when its clear thats projection on your part.
>>466453Yes-and I think the whole point to at least make that idiots spergeout semi-relevant so at least it wasnt a waste that things like prostitution being the oldest profession is propaganda to make women believe a lot of shit made up by men is just "the natural order". When you think about it there is no good reason for it to exist.
Also women are responsible for the majority of the worst paid labour in the world so this whole idea men work more or are the hardest done my is even more complete bullshit.
No. 466458
>>466454I can agree that prostitution is awful but I'm one of the people that think regulation is going to do much more to protect women than an outright ban. It's always going to be an option for those that are desperate (same thing with stripping and other forms of sex work) and shaming them isn't going to help. No, there's no reason for it to exist but it does. There should be resources available for these women. So many have no way out because they don't have help.
I don't agree with a lot of the ~pro sex work~ rhetoric that's being spewed these days but I'm also not going to pretend there aren't women that are perfectly content doing it and only want to leave when they decide to.
I don't think this is a black and white issue like some are making it out to be. It's going to be a lot more difficult than just banning prostitution.
No. 466462
>>466460There's a difference between something being positive, and it still being a
valid choice even if it's not.
No. 466465
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>>466460>like possibly UBI lol
No. 466500
>>466458I dont disagree, I disagree with the argument posed that because some people choose it that critisizing any of it or pointing out how some are forced into it makes me a "swerf".
No. 466531
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>>466524I'm not talking about other anons though, and thats no excuse for your sperging at me, so can you please give it a rest now?
On a different note, do these morons really think saying "biological essentialism" is really covering up their homophobia?
No. 466549
>>466545>Because it was seen as ‘any other work’ women that were applying for welfare were being turned away because they hadn’t ‘tried sex workGod, that's fucking horrifying. State sanctioned rape.
It's obvious that legalization will increase trafficking. Demand will massively increase when men dont have to worry about legal trouble, but supply will stay the same because legality was never a deterrent to women desperate enough to prostitute themselves. And all the middle class, white collar johns looking for their first fun and exciting experience of paying to rape a woman will expect hot, young women for their money. Cant believe anyone would support legalization tbh.
No. 466580
>>466525I don't think anything happened to them, sadly. They let their names and photos show, and seemed to genuinely see nothing wrong with it.
It's like they honestly don't see women as human beings.
No. 466596
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Anti rhino-poaching unit in Africa is all female due to significantly lower amounts of corruption compared to when they had males on the team. Scrotes were mad. What happened to "why does gender matter, use the best person for the job". Hmm. No. 466600
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It always makes me laugh when men jump through hoops to convince themselves it's women who are all hypersexual jealous lunatics obsessed with dick, just the obsession with believing all women are obsessed with dick in general makes me laugh. Ask any straight woman who isn't a pickme 9/10 times she will say dicks are ugly and hate dick pics. As for hypersexuality it's men who kill people and rape women if they can't get their dicks wet. It's men who cry and dump women who don't put out on command. Some men even want to start declaring women who don't fuck them as much as they want as emotionally abusive. They're so fucking insecure about themselves, instead of fixing their problems they rather just convince themselves "but but women do it!!"
No. 466607
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Men's victim complex combined with how obsessed they are with making fantasies about how super hot women are totally obsessing over them makes them unbearable
No. 466616
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No. 466638
For that anon asking ‘why is prostitution bad if it’s their choice, everything would be better if they legalise it!’, here’s a link for you. And I implore others to read. Here’s just a snippet for you so that you can see why allowing men to commodify is just about the most retarded thing to fight for.
>A study by the German ministry for family affairs in 2004[9] demonstrated that 87% of the women in prostitution reported having been exposed to physical violence, 82% to emotional violence, 92% to sexual harassment, 59% to sexual violence. These figures alone make it difficult to compare prostitution to a job like any other. And this research was conducted more than 10 years ago; things have since deteriorated significantly.
>There is a recent medical report from a gynaecologist[8] who is working with prostituted women. The health condition of these women is catastrophic. Within 30 years they often show signs of early-ageing. All women have persistent abdominal pains, gastritis, and frequent infections due to the unhealthy state of living conditions. And of course, all kinds of sexually transmissible diseases. The psychological traumatisation can just about be tolerated with alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs. He reports about a growing demand for pregnant women in prostitution. Those women have to serve 15 to 40 men a day continuously until they give birth. Very often, they abandon their child and go to work as soon as possible. Sometimes 3 days after birthing the child.
>It is the German state, by normalising prostitution and by guaranteeing a total decriminalisation of the sex buyers, that has contributed to an enormous increase in demand. We witness the creation of mega-brothels with the capacity to accommodate around 1000 buyers of sex at once, and even more. “Flat-rate” brothels, where, for 70 Euros you get offered a beer, a sausage, and unlimited women[3]. This economical model of the sexual exploitation of the women has also led to an economical exploitation of those women[4]: they earn 30 Euros for sexual intercourse, while they must pay around 160 Euros for a room and 25,– Euro taxes per day; So they have to serve 6 men before starting earning money. These women are subjected to the rules of a free market of capitalism at its roughest: Their bodies are exploited to the maximum. We observe the kind of inhuman working conditions we thought have been surpassed since the beginning of the 20th century: these women live, eat, and sleep in the same room in which they receive their “clients“. Many among them lead a Nomad life, moving from one city to the next and one brothel to the next to offer the sex buyers “variety“.
Nothing pink pills quite like the reality that men objectify us to the point that they believe we are commodities to be bought from other men.
No. 466675
A woman was raped, shot and set on fire, all because she won a rap battle. reminder ladies, that male fragility kills.
No. 466703
>>466183Do you realize how stupid you sound? I almost think you're a scrot
How much money per hour would you want to mine coal? Versus how much would you need to suck a cock or take it up the ass? One exposes you to life long venereal disease, the other would on a rare occasion have a quick death your family can be proud of
No. 466717
>>466715The argument that "women have their pick of men" makes no sense when a majority of men don't shower everyday, don't care about their partner's pleasure during sex and could kill you if you do something they don't like. It's not worth it.
Some women do pay for male escorts because of this, but from what I've seen (correct me if I'm wrong though), it tends to be middle-aged career women paying young men to go on dates and have sex afterwards. There's still an emotional, human component to this.
No. 466718
>>466717Also, I'm pretty sure the few women who do the things you mentioned are nowhere near as fucking evil as men are about it.
Haven't seen any male escorts talk about their female clients beating the shit out of them and essentially raping them because they paid for it.
No. 466726
>>466718exactly, there are way fewer disgusting women who will buy consent from prostitutes than men. im also pretty sure there are proportionally more gay male escorts than straight ones too. and you will most likely never hear about multiple female serial killers who target male prostitutes the same way that there are multiple, still active male serial killers that murder, rape and mutilate female prostitutes. the fact is that someone who thinks they can buy consent views the prostitute as lower than human, they see a living breathing person as a subhuman object they can buy, which makes them dangerous.
honestly, i dont give a fuck about johns, they can rot in the gutter and in jail, its a shame that people target prostitutes instead of the disgusting men who buy them. if someone is such a worthless cumbrain that they will consider buying consent or abusing and borderline raping prostitutes over a lack of sex, then they legit deserve spend the rest of their life in prison.
No. 466742
>>4667381) I have never heard of a woman turning down a man for being a virgin, is this a thing in your country?
2) These guys are just as pathetic as number 3, women are nowhere near as judgemental as men, they could easily get a girlfriend if they tried.
3) Obviously disgusting.
No. 466743
>>4667421. Depends on his age. If he's a teenager it's less likely. If he's an adult yes.
2. Yeah some of them have kinda high standards. They could get sex with less attractive women.
3. These are the worst.
On the positive side. Some men are hellbent on not hiring prostitutes even with all the pressure they get.
No. 466745
>>466743Would you mind telling us what is your country? I can't fathom women here disliking a virgin here, hell I would love one, it would make our bond that much more special.
Good on those men obviously, it's so weird to me however that there is so much pressure to buy prostitutes.
No. 466763
>>466745I'd rather not say the country, but I live in a mostly white area. About virginity, past a certain age some women would rather have someone who matches their level of experience, some don't wanna spend time training a beginner or they're just submissive and need a man to lead. Of course not everyone is the same though.
>Good on those men obviously, it's so weird to me however that there is so much pressure to buy prostitutes.In places where prostitution is legal there's a lot of that. Men are socialized to make use of them. Older men are the biggest buyers and they put pressure on younger men to buy as well. My boyfriend says older men at his workplace even offer to buy prostitutes to younger colleagues who are reluctant to visit them.
No. 466778
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>>466776When did life become an anime
No. 466782
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No. 466786
>>466638>they have to serve 6 men before starting earning money.This is legal sex slavery.
If it stays legal they will need to form a labour union which will be a dangerous battle and in turn increase black market sex trafficking because the johns don't even respect the 'work' they demand enough to pay fair wages.
How can we ever hope to fix the problem of prostitution? On the other side of the spectrum FOSTA SESTA has pushed so many US sex workers back onto the street without eliminating the reason that these people needed to sell themselves to begin with, they've lost that layer of safe distance and pimps are closing back in. I still think something like the Nordic model is better than outright criminalizing sex workers, who are just desperately trying to survive, but that system is still flawed too when it gets too lax.
Everything becomes too radicalized too quickly.
It's important to recognize all that these women do to stay alive and support them instead of shaming them for it but when we started calling it empowering it became glamorized, teenage girls are really out here believing it's all about fancy clothes and girl power.
No. 466794
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>>466776>>466624When will troons start attacking men so we can finally get some push back?
No. 466796
>>466746>"I don't get anything out of sex with prostitutes except for a bad feeling,">yet many of our interviewees told us that they felt intense guilt and shame about paying for sex. "I'm not satisfied in my mind" was how one described his feelings after paying for sex. Another told me that he felt "disappointed – what a waste of money", "lonely still" and "guilty about my relationship with my wife". In fact, many of the men were a mass of contradictions. Despite finding their experiences "unfulfilling, empty, terrible", they continued to visit prostitutes.Awww poor wittwe guys, feeling sad after buying and using another human being like an object, boohoohoo :((((
If the article's intention was to make me feel sorry for these men, it did a terrible fucking job, in fact it had the exact opposite effect. Maybe because of this shit:
>"I don't want them to get any pleasure," he told me. "I am paying for it and it is her job to give me pleasure. If she enjoys it I would feel cheated.">one interviewee laughed and said, "Kill all the girls.">Discovering the women were trafficked, pimped or otherwise coerced would appear not to be so effective. Almost half said they believed that most women in prostitution are victims of pimps ("the pimp does the psychological raping of the woman," explained one). But they still continued to visit them.>One man suspected that an African woman he had met was trafficked because "she was frightened and nervous. She told me she had been tricked. I had sex with her and she seemed fine with the sex. She asked me to help her, but I said there was little I could do. She might have been lying to me.">many believed men would "need" to rape if they could not pay for sex on demand. One told me, "Sometimes you might rape someone: you can go to a prostitute instead." Another put it like this: "A desperate man who wants sex so bad, he needs sex to be relieved. He might rape.">"Look, men pay for women because he can have whatever and whoever he wants. Lots of men go to prostitutes so they can do things to them that real women would not put up with.">many others admitted that they thought the women would be feeling "disgusted", "miserable", "dirty" and "scared". Ahmed said he thought the woman might feel "relief that I'm not going to kill her".But awww we should feel bad for these men for (completely voluntarily) wasting their money and feeling a little ashamed afterwards. And of course no one brought up the possibility that it could be their own conscience making them feel guilty, and they're the only ones responsible for making themselves feel shitty.
>The worse thing here is the guit they feel - maybe this is the real problem. Should be prefectly acceptable for these men to pay for sex i fthey can't get in their relationships without having this destructive guiilt hype foisted upon themNooo, it's the SOCIETY'S fault that these men feel guilty about abusing other people!
No. 466803
>>466794Not to sound autistic, but that's a good image, anon. Did you make it yourself? Is there anywhere to find more like it?
I wish the "anime girl TERF meme" thing caught on more.
No. 466824
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>>466794Men don't feel threatened by troons, so they just mock their behaviour.
Nitpick: I think they'd dismiss this one as "school days is a male harem power fantasy, I don't like it", using series they actually like is more effective.
No. 466834
Something that Marilyn Frye wrote that has always stuck with me:
"To say that straight men are heterosexual is only to say that they engage in sex (fucking) exclusively with (or upon or to) the other sex, i.e., women. All or almost all of that which pertains to love, most straight men reserve exclusively for other men. The people whom they admire, respect, adore, revere, honor, whom they imitate, idolize, and form profound attachments to, whom they are willing to teach and from whom they are willing to learn, and whose respect, admiration, recognition, honor, reverence and love they desire … those are, overwhelmingly, other men. In their relations with women, what passes for respect is kindness, generosity or paternalism; what passes for honor is removal to the pedestal. From women they want devotion, service, and sex.
Heterosexual male culture is homoerotic; it is man-loving."
No. 466849
>>466796>kill all prostitutes and women>idc if they're trafficked>sex should be offered or we might rape>sometimes I feel bad :(.. Why the actual fuck are women defending that industry and especially defending the men that keep it going while they say this shit. God that's mortifying.
Remember also you can be the perfect loving wife and mother and guys will still cheat and look for pity for
themselves No. 466856
>>466853same guy,
>let me know if you want help coming out as non binary and i'll make a video for u to send ur friends and family explaining it~ who make lip sync tiktoks are so creepy.
No. 466911
The porn industry is twisted, they don't care to mention that you can't stick your dick in a random girls ass without warning and expect no shit, they don't mention that not all women squirt and the porn squirters are either peeing after drinking tons of water or squeezed water into their pussies and squirted it out, they don't mention that the violence in porn is underplayed but overacted, hence why many men think choking = choke her like you're trying to murder her or biting = bite like you're trying to rip skin off, they don't know that most women aren't going to orgasm within 3 seconds of fucking or that most women don't moan and scream every second they're being ate out
Porn really fucked up expectations for sex, not that sex has ever been really female friendly considering the boring jackhammering without foreplay in the 1800s but dammit at least men were satisfied and women could just sit there, nowadays women are expected to have a porn star body, squirt and orgasm on command, be into anal and always anal prepared (which can take days) always shaved and have no bumps or burn, etc and men still won't be satisfied
No. 466940
>>466911i agree with this its so fucked up. because of porn most men cannot get off to regular sex anymore. it's pretty incredible how the average person can defend this when every year, the incidences of young men with porn-induced"erectile dysfunction" in sex w/ real women is increasing.
the one thing that exists to propagate society, the easiest thing to do, basically what humans are made for… is literally becoming harder because of porn. its fucked.
No. 466953
>>466933Yeah, because that guy himself bought a Vietnamese bride and apparently sputters the stereotypical nonsense;
- they’re more feminine
- don’t talk back
- more beautiful
- know how to be a good wife
- don’t complain
- aren’t feminazis
You know the drill, and then out of the blue just offers his coworkers to get them wives next time he’s on a business trip. With all the shit that men do on business trips I am now
triggered by that word
No. 466957
>>466953sounds insecure and knows he's a shitty guy, I just feel bad that Vietnamese women are being forced to marry a clearly
abusive and shitty dude
No. 466959
>>466934Genuinely, anon, look into the history of masculinism. There's a good chapter in Susan Faludi's Backlash on the 1980s version. It's not pretty, most of it is MRA or MRA lite. I get your viewpoint, but honestly, the key to understanding the situation, and specifically why men don't "have feminism" is because patriarchy benefits them. It's not a system that fell out of the sky one day, it was specifically built for specific purposes, and men gain from it. I get where you're coming from but when you actually start looking into it, men aren't actually as punished for seeming emotional/feminine/w/e as you might think–there are many periods in history and moments in different cultures where things have been less rigid. There have been times and places where men fucking men was manly, where men wore makeup and showed emotion, where they did everything they "can't" today–and they were still on top. And to be honest, really think about how often men doing things you pity them for "not being able to"……is accepted and celebrated. The great works of literature and film and now TV are fucking full of Man Cries, is Weak, Holy Shit How Deep. I mean, jesus, one of the most famous scenes of The Iliad is Manliest Man Achilles being absolutely emotionally broken and succumbing to weakness and it's THE male hero epic. Even in the job market, men taking on "female" jobs like nursing get promotions and raises way fucking more. It's nowhere near as hard to be a man doing female things either in career or personal life as you might think, especially if he's straight.
I recommend reading up on Lundy Bancroft, both because his work is fascinating and because he went into his career intending to build the kind of "masculinism" you describe and he found that it can't exist, that
abusive men often gain support and credibility by portraying themselves in "non-masculine" ways, and that the only thing he could really do the make men "healthier" and anywhere near their emotions was to accept that men do not suffer at all the way women do – that it ISN'T a "patriarchy hurts everyone" thing.
No. 466968
>>466959I don't know anon, I don't think you have the right idea. I am quite familiar with Bancroft actually, we did him in Uni, especially his work on abusers and we actually agreed that his views were tainted by dealing with the worse of men, which he generalised to the population at large.
I might be too emotional though, I am usually not that nice to men, especially here, but I read this article earlier today and it really broke my heart. think you are viewing things too generally and not in a nuanced light.
>>466961I don't go to reddit, but from what I saw in the thread you linked most were pretty reasonable? A low score post is to be expected I think, this is the internet.
No. 466973
>>466972What the hell is a currycel? Sounds like a derogatory word for an Indian.
I felt really bad for how he grew to literally die from attempting cosmetic surgery for something so stupid and meaningless as height, as well as his devolution to these beliefs. I don't know anon, as I mentioned above, I am actually not that sympathetic, I mostly come here to vent. But the pictures of them as children and then older together really hurt, I hate the Internet and the fucking redpillers for brainwashing these vulnerable kids to their hateful and destructive ideologies
No. 466979
>>466978I am really getting behind on the lingo, guess I am getting old.
>>466975>>466976That's fucked up and you know it.
No. 466993
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Imagine calling yourself a "pro life feminist" when women being oppressed because they give birth is one of the most basic feminist points.
No. 466995
>>463909this man is digusting and terrifying
poor kid
No. 466997
>>466968lmao this 5'7" manlet already had girlfriends in the past, he was already rich and he STILL wasn't happy.
I bet he felt he was entitled to a hot blonde with a tiny waist and D cups.
No. 466999
>>466972Wew. I'm supposed to feel bad for this guy? Let this have been a woman who wrote about how men are inferior in any way, and men in every venue would be calling her an ugly whore who deserved to die and jerking off to the idea of her corpse. I can tell from his outlook that he'd either be a part of that throng, or befriend/encourage them with no qualms.
It's a no from me. Fuck that guy. I love how we're the illogical ones, but he decided it was a smart idea to get
leg-lengthening surgery because of one too many manlet memes.
>Our estrangement happened suddenly, but in retrospect, it was not entirely unexpected. As children, we were united by our otherness in a world of white, clinging to the culture of ancestors we’d never known. Back then, my family appeared an impenetrable unit. But as I became a woman, one who clumsily began to question and prod and probe the double standards I saw, my outspokenness cracked our solid fortress. In 2010, after I disagreed with a statement he’d made, my dad smashed a chair to pieces in front of me, screaming while verbally berating me, and threw me out of the house. In a separate incident in 2012, he smashed a plate over my head, which left a tender welt the size of my fist the week that I turned 26. What I saw as clear-cut cases of domestic violence, Yush viewed as a multi-faceted, complicated dynamic in which I was always the instigator. By refusing to fall in line, I was the problem.He
victim-blamed her for their father physically abusing her. No, no, and no.
No. 467000
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No. 467002
Do any of you guys actually have brothers?
>>466999They were obviously like the best of friends before they grew up and society's pressures got to him. It makes sense she could forgive him.
No. 467004
>>467002I'm not arguing with
her forgiving him (she has her reasons), I'm against the notion that women as a whole should feel anything but contempt for this individual. He is not a
victim of anything but himself.
She should've kept this story in her journal or private FB post where it belongs.
Once again, fuck that guy. I'm supposed to feel sorry for that bitch? I don't.
No. 467008
>>467005Autism/Asperger's is no excuse, honestly. I've met tons of aspies that weren't shitty like him.
He was just not a good person, point blank.
No. 467022
>>466997The article said he had multiple girlfriends, yet despite this I've already seen people crying about hypergamy and feminism being evil. What the author thinks is the main problem was that he felt like he was not living up to the American ideal of manhood and he was not given as much respect as his white peers. If that's true, then if people want this to change then this is a problem that needs to be fixed at a societal level, which includes men also reflecting and changing their behaviour. How were the guys at work treating him?
>Yush told me he was pushed out of the company he helped build with men he had thought of as brothers; the betrayal deepened a belief that he was not taken seriously, or treated with the same level of respect as other male entrepreneurs, despite his profound technical knowledge and general brilliance.But somehow this is actually feminism's fault. I bet these guys crying about this story would resist any movements that could help and would be the first to scream about feminazi, soyboy, SJW, marxism, etc.
Either way I don't really care if some misogynist who
victim-blamed his own abused sister died because he did something retarded.
No. 467024
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Hilarious how terfs (i.e. women who don't think putting on lipstick is what makes you a woman) are the worst people in the world but TRAs never even mention men who say things like this.
No. 467025
>>466973>What the hell is a currycel? Sounds like a derogatory word for an Indian.That's what Indian incels actually call themselves on their own communities. I wasn't using it to be racist towards him, just point out what an inceloid sheep he must be.
>I hate the Internet and the fucking redpillers for brainwashing these vulnerable kids to their hateful and destructive ideologiesThe problem is that men are SO EASILY radicalized by hateful ideologies. They latch onto it so quickly and with so little hesitance that hatred and entitlement must fit incredibly naturally into their psyche. When women are brainwashed by the internet they tend to, for example, exhibit excessive sympathy for trannies, work even harder to appease and suck up to men, desperately try to change their appearance to fit in with trends and meet beauty standards. Not become neonazi women hating school shooters. Women get brainwashed too, but it's almost never hateful to anyone but themselves. Men externalize their hatred to such a degree that I can't blame the internet, it's just the way they work.
No. 467028
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but I’m totally not fetishing misogynistic stereotypes!
No. 467051
>>466999>In 2010, after I disagreed with a statement he’d made, my dad smashed a chair to pieces in front of me, screaming while verbally berating me, and threw me out of the house. In a separate incident in 2012, he smashed a plate over my head, which left a tender welt the size of my fist the week that I turned 26. What I saw as clear-cut cases of domestic violence, Yush viewed as a multi-faceted, complicated dynamic in which I was always the instigator. By refusing to fall in line, I was the problem.So he saw his sibling be physically abused and STILL considered himself the *~actual
His sister is supposed to just accept being abused, but when his "FEEWINGS UWU" aren't accomodated then the logical conclusion is that society worships women and treats men like dirt? Very logical, yup!
No. 467100
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Men think they aren't collective-oriented, manipulative or childish. Every chance they get, they externalise blame on whoever is not part of their collective, they seek out communities that they run back to everytime they see something they don't like, they are moulded by the society they claim to hate, yet somehow believe they are above.
Now that we live in a society where it isn't necessary for a man to provide, they seek out make-believe escapism and childish past-times, like their bibeo games and animus, to the point where their lives are consumed by it. All they live for at that point is autistic cartoons.
If you were such a man, how would you cope with your de-evolution? Externalise the blame.
No. 467143
>>466972he sounded like retard. he was a goodlooking kid that wasn't an incel, became rich, went to
top unis, that 'made it', yet still found a way to victimize himself over delusional shit and demonize his sister, who was experiencing physical abuse. these retards never actually go after any of their actual oppressors, like racists or unfettered capitalism. his sister is WAY too fucking kind. i would just thank jesus his stupidass passed before his whiny bullshit turned him into a spree killer
No. 467152
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Always choose a female doctor ladies
No. 467215
>>466778I actually recognize one of the users in the screenshot since I used to interact with him. He basically fit so many online TiM stereotypes:
>white>also diagnosed with various mental disorders>super radical left tranarchist>keeps talking about how "gay" they are and identifies as a lesbian (even though he's dating another TiM)>has a kawaii uwu piccrew profile pic that looks nothing like like him irl>unironically talks about being a catgirl even though he hasn't watch an anime series in his entire lifeI feel bad in that they came from a broken home and might have started identifying as trans to cope. However he literally makes everything about him being trans. For example, you could be talking abut something like the weather and he'll suddenly talk about how he can't wear shorts in hot summer weather because of dysphoria. Pretty much 75% this identity revolves around being trans and an oppressed minority–and how much it affects
him personally.
No. 467223 got posted before but here's your daily dose of man hate fuel
>Like many parents, Claire Throssell carries her sons’ sports gear in the back of her car. Paul’s running trainers and Jack’s PE kit sit in the boot – but they have been there for a long time. For three and a half years, in fact – ever since the two boys were murdered by their father.
>“It took just 15 minutes for my life to end and my existence to begin,” she says as she recalls the events of October 22nd, 2014
>On that day, Darren Sykes, to whom she was married for 16 years, committed the most atrocious of crimes. In a pre-planned act, he lured 12-year-old Jack and nine-year-old Paul up to the attic of the family home with the promise of a new train set.But Sykes, along with Jack and Paul, only came out of the house in the arms of firefighters – who themselves were left severely traumatised by the scene they faced. Sykes had used five canisters of petrol, bought two days earlier, to turn the three-bedroom house into a blazing inferno. Although, it emerged later, Jack fought to save his younger brother, neither boy stood a chance. “What haunts me the most is that, as their mum, I wasn’t there for my sons when they needed me the most,” says Claire, (45), who works as a teaching assistant in Penistone, South Yorkshire.
>She was first wooed by Sykes, a carpet fitter, in 1995. “He sent me a single red rose every day for a fortnight until I finally agreed to go on a date. I was too young and naive to realise this was indicative of an obsessive and controlling personality that would dominate me for years.”
>Claire questioned how a father could do this to his children. She says, “In most domestic childhood murder cases, the father is the perpetrator. The attackers see the children as something they created and therefore have a right to take away.” No. 467251
>>467220Human interaction is complex, at the end of the day, everyone is an individual who is shaped by their environment. You will meet both terrible men and women, as they are predisposed to certain behaviors due to how they grew up, and any underlying condition they may have such as narcissism or sociopathy. What we can tell you as radical feminists, is that men are more historically favored, and due to that, our culture reflects a tendency to "baby" men in social regards. It's why you hear phrases like "boys will be boys," why men act entitled when a woman rejects them, and sometimes, quite literally, they get away with murder. Men are more likely to be predisposed to severe mental disorders, like sociopathy or psychopathy, and violent tendencies in general, due to their innate biology: how testosterone affects the body. You are less likely to be manipulated in a way that will put your life in danger around women. Much of women's shitty behavior can be traced back to a male source if you think long enough about it, such as competing with each other. Women often put each other down, act like "pick mes," so that a man will "protect" them or at least treat them as equals (in theory, see: "not like the other girls"), because, again, men are more likely to be violent if you are not in good favor.
No. 467260
>>467247sorry to bother, but can I have a link to the interview? I cannot find it.
Trannies are hilarious, shouldn't they feel included since ~trans women are women uwu~?
No. 467272
>>467260Sure anon, here's the video of the interview found it on thread on her forum's slightly more gay guys complaining about her """"erasing"""" them but you get trannies whining as well. Like you said, since they so desperately view themselves as women, why would they be offended. Lmao they just want something to complain about them because god knows they need the attention
No. 467297
>>467251Very fantastic write up anon.
I wholly agree.
No. 467342
>>467286Sociopathy and Psychopathy are fucking dangerous. Even the most well meaning individuals with these conditions will lack some sort of basic empathy and will at mildest, suck at social interaction due to lack of consideration, or at worst, put your body in a dumpster. I have an uncle with sociopathy who killed his dogs by bashing their skulls in with a shovel. Watch an episode of homicide hunter, Kenda points out a huge number of violent offenders have some degree of sociopathy, and all the rapists on te show had a want to "punish women." Although I never explicitly stated people with these conditions were bad, I'll just come out and say it: Yes. they. are. I lived with one that beat the shit out of my mother and I. I'm sick of being gaslit into have to socialize with these individuals. I'm "ablist" I don't give a fuck.
>>467300>we have no idea if the cause is social or biologicalThat's retarded anon. Rape has been a way for men to reproduce for eons, it's why women walk together to the bathroom, why many women orgasm during violent sex, even if she doesn't like it, because the vagina still lubricates to protect itself. There are studies on this. Women have been brutally beaten and raped for a millenia, and still are outside of most western nations. You don't see us lashing out like morons (when we should). This is why radfem needs to be separate.
No. 467355
>>467352It's almost a kink in itself to degrade vaginas by insisting they are ugly or talking about how they are 'destroyed' when tbh vaginas are resilient and half of the sweet spots are hidden out of sight
I know a few of my straight female friends don't like the appearance of dick but it's the function that matters to them
No. 467374
>>467369It's all about control isn't it
Wanting to make the rules within your family unit and also wanting to dictate what random women wear
"if I ruled the world"
No. 467402
>>467377What is with men thinking that other mens penises somehow taint a woman forever?
I've had group sex twice and as a lesbian it's a non issue and nobody thinks I'm lesser or questions my morals or whether I'm 'dating material' because of it
I saw a whole lot of 'I wouldn't date her' in the comments
No. 467411
>>467377This is just repackaged
>weeeeeh my gf had other penises inside her!This is why women cannot be honest about their past sexual relationships, because even one or two penises was a couple too many. These retards think they're in a dick competition with anyone a woman has ever dated or fucked.
Notice how they never worry about if her former romantic partners ever treated her better. Like how often they took her out to fancy dinners. Or did chores for her.
They NEVER compare themselves financially or domestically to what other men did. No, it's always the penis shit. Because they're selfishly insecure.
No. 467415
>>467413He's upset that she took the dicks at once instead of spacing it out between three or four relationships.
I'm telling you anon, it's all about the dick competition. That's why he sniffed out her fetlife to watch, because he wanted to size up.
No. 467417
>>467410Lesbian partners don't write me off as a person purely for having a history of group sex
Men are pissed that they can't control a womans sexual past
No. 467419
>>467416I don't get how it's so easy to dehumanise your partner when you're dating the opposite sex but it sure leads to some of the comments guys made under that post, her whole value is lost just for having that sexual experience before meeting him
As you keep scrolling guys describe how seeing this vid will have given him PTSD and choosing a life with her will mean a lifetime of flashbacks.. guys it's not that deep. Look at your own porn histories lol
No. 467432
>>467415He spoke about them being athletic, few people picked up on that being an important detail.. can imagine he has their measurements in his head
>>467429I'm the anon they replied to and I'm not even going to argue with stupid
No. 467446
>>467425>>467429>>467430Nigga you said sex is personal choice so by your logic anything "sexual" can't be judged. Re-word your damn sentence if it's a problem
I'm not gonna defend a woman getting gangbanged tf what is defense worthy about that? What does a woman get out of that?
No. 467459
>>467289Yeah, I don’t understand why online TiMs are so aggressively outspoken about their hatred for TERFs when radical feminists make up a minority of women and TERFs even less so. Newsflash troons: biological “straight” men are the ones passing lesgislation against you and assaulting you 99% of the time! Some random TERF online criticizing you for playing into sexist stereotypes doesn’t mean she’s literally committing violence against you.
They hate TERFs for being the biological women they can’t be, but they’re less likely to call out men for actually hurting them because they crave “straight” male validation > all.
No. 467469
>>467456The points that stood out to me were that she was upfront about her past but then he went secretive when he snooped to find the profiles and then the vid
Then he had the vid removed and said he suspected she didn't know she was being filmed? But he also didn't tell her first so he reported it himself without her knowledge and he still hasn't told her, his only concern is himself and how HE feels about seeing the vid
No. 467472
>I'll try to keep this brief. Dating for 1 year, moved in together about 3 months ago. 2 months ago we had a talk that started with exes in our lives, and long story short, I asked her what her history of group sex was. She told me she had a gangbang a couple months before we met with some strangers (frat boys) from fetlife. I think I played it cool at the time, and I wasn't exactly surprised since I knew we both have rich sexual histories, but it still bothered me.
>I went detective and got on fetlife, found her page, and found one of the guys who was involved. He had two videos of her getting gangbanged on his page. I don't think she knew she was being recorded - I contacted the website and had them take it down.
>But I saw the videos. Three athletic, extremely hung frat boys went to town on her and she loved it.
>I haven't had issues with sexual histories before. I have had a lot of casual sex and I knew she had too, as have my other girlfriends in the past. But I think the gangbang, and seeing it, is different. I think about it a lot.
>Is this something you can get past or is that a wrap? Seriously confused. Everything else is going great between us. I think she suspects what is up but I've played my cards pretty tight to my chest so far. No. 467485
>>467472I find her degenerate for that but
>im a hoe but she's a hoe and this makes me sadok he's dumb wtf does he expect?
No. 467487
>>467472If he suspects that she was filmed without her consent why the fuck didn't he show her the vids to have her report them herself??
He's just keeping that info to himself and he feels sad cos these guys are hung, priorities eh
No. 467533
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No. 467586
>>467223> “In most domestic childhood murder cases, the father is the perpetrator. The attackers see the children as something they created and therefore have a right to take away.”This disgusts me on a personal level. How is this shit so common in this day and age? What causes this kind of mentality? Social conditioning? Natural disposition? How could anyone ever view another human being as their own property? It happens to the wives and children of these men. You're not even guaranteed safety in your own home, in all actuality you're more likely to be murdered by your partner. Yet men are upset that women have the audacity to reject their advances or not want to have their children. Marriage or even a relationship is a gamble for women.
OT but this kind of shit makes me think of the Korean term 'anjeon ibeol' or 'safe breakup'. Where women are advised to breakup with their partners in a public and diligently report cases of stalking.
No. 467598
>>467586Women are most at risk of being murdered at the moment they break up with someone, and familicide is commited overwhelmingly by jealous/possessive men. They really cannot handle a lack of control or ownership over our bodies.
>>467591Frat boys aren't desirable when all they're doing is using and abusing you, wtf is enviable about being in that position? If they were all in love with you and treated you well, maybe it would be desirable, but all a gangbang means is they have zero respect or concern for your well being. The mere fact of letting them fuck you guarantees that they will never see you as a human being, just a slut.
I'm not saying men have the right to shit on women for their pasts but let's not pretend it's something to celebrate. It's self harm more often than not.
No. 467649
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Alright let's get back on topic
I wanna vent against this POS Mumkey Jones,so a couple months ago YouTube deleted his main channel and back up channels for being too edgy and so he was left without any means of making money as he had put all his eggs in the YouTube bucket so the only one who supported him through this was his long-term girlfriend sheepover(she had been with him before his YouTube Carrear and supported him through all the highs and lows) so what did munkey end up doing,he cheated on her with the moderator of his discord server who is a 21 year old furry porn artist who lives with her parents and she(the furry porn artist) ended leaving mumkey for a 15 year old boy because she's also a unironic Ephebophilie
No. 467674
>>467667>>467669There's more important things to focus on than some individual woman choosing to take multiple dicks for fun, anon. If someone wants to do stupid shit of their own volition with no coercion, blackmail or exploited mental illness involved, why should I or anyone else object?
The only thing is, it shouldn't be encouraged as "empowering" for women in general. That's what makes choice feminism such a shitty meme.
No. 467675
>>467667Forget it anon.
This guys masturbation fantasy is gonna keep getting praised up despite being in a pinkpill thread. The porn sickness is everywhere
No. 467676
>>467672Of course it's degenerate. The real question is: Should we focus on it if it's not rape, an act of deliberate self-harm, and/or part of some political move to convince all women that hypersexuality and male exploitation is good/healthy?
Pornography is bad because it does all those things, on top of working off a model of novelty, not actual pleasure or enjoyment. Individual people having weird fetishes that come about "organically" doesn't really matter IMO. It's not a feminist act in the least, but not everyone will live and breathe feminism.
No. 467678
>>467525trying to twist yourself into pretzel shapes works out less effectively for both parties, and is far more about "performance"
compared to a simple and efficient position.
No. 467680
>>467677I think anon's side of the argument might work off the concept that 99% of the time, it's not really women deciding on this.
Even the societies you listed were patriarchal in nature. I'm not sure if women's desires have ever been placed on the same playing field as men's on a society-wide scale. Even now, we have the notion that women's sexuality is super free and open, but even that gets bogged down with male pornographic fantasies. We're purposely encouraged to pander to what men like (being extremely submissive is one, and also femdom, but only in the sense that we do what men want us to do) and think about how good men think we look during the act of sex. Our enjoyment is encouraged to be based off how much fun
they're having.
No matter what anyone says, Cosmopolitan and every other woman-aimed publication primarily telling women how best to cater to men's tastes and fantasies isn't really sexual liberation for women.
I'm not saying I agree with it fully, since there's no way of knowing whether
every woman who likes the idea of group sex is just conditioned into it by male-run, pornsick society or if it's truly just what she likes, but I can definitely understand it.
No. 467681
>>467677It’s not about group sex, it’s about an obvious creative writing exercise about some dudes sexual fantasy being discussed as a legitimate issue in a goddamn thread about women’s issues.
How much space needs to be given to discourse on what men jerk it to?
No. 467682
>>467680>The societies you listed were patriarchal in natureHow so?
>99% of the time it's not the woman deciding on thisI'd like to see this actual statistic
If you woman actual female sexual empowerment (women leading and running sex) you have to acknowledge women are capable of enjoying taboo things. Screaming anytime someone dare hints that there's women out there who enjoy sex and various types of sex is not that. Lying will not get you anywhere.
No. 467685
>>467682Can you stop with the gangbangs are empowerment shit?
>>467684It’s from a reddit relationships post. Yes, I think it’s more likely that some guy types out his mornings fantasy for validation and further prompts for more fantasies.
No. 467688
>>467682>How so?You really don't think Greek, NA or Roman societies were patriarchal? Because if that's the case, you're either woefully uneducated (to the point where no one here will ever have the time or concern to teach you), or someone with some "interesting", fringe opinions about history.
>I'd like to see this actual statisticRather, I'd like to see evidence that the playing field between men and women's sexuality has ever been equal. Occam's razor says no.
>If you woman actual female sexual empowerment (women leading and running sex) you have to acknowledge women are capable of enjoying taboo things.No one is saying they aren't, though. Just that it's questionable in a society where men have always been placed at the forefront. If you can't acknowledge something this basic, then you don't really have any place in feminist discussion.
>Screaming anytime someone dare hints that there's women out there who enjoy sex and various types of sex is not that. Lying will not get you anywhere.Who is lying or screaming?
>>467683I really don't expect anything of men. A lot of the time, they sexualize the very feeling of disgust and derive pleasure from it.
That's also why it's just as (if not more) likely for the entire post to be some scrote's fantasy, as opposed to something that actually happened.
No. 467697
>>467693I know this is bait but enjoaybality of PIV sex really does depend on how much effort both parties are actually putting in,good missionary sex in which the male knows what he's doing with the woman he's been with is better then any fetish or any new age unsnatural position
Also gaslighting women that liking, ordinary sex is "vanilla" ain't going to work. It overwhelms the senses when done properly, and takes more technique than fetish gear. I suspect kinks are a way to mask your refusal to learn to really please your partner
(necessaryspeed4 sperging) No. 467702
>>467685NTA but I'm always aware that reddit posts along those lines can be purely cuck fantasy posts, tbh I didn't see details that would lead me to believe it's a fantasy post
If that's a fantasy then the guys imagination is lacking
No. 467704
>>467697I personally think a dildo is better than any PIV sex, getting to pick the size, shape and angle all by myself never fails..
And can we stop throwing around terms like gaslighting all the time on here, congrats on learning a new word but no need to throw it into every post now
No. 467724
>>467722I think that the act of sex in itself is fine but then guys are so pornsick and shit at both sex and foreplay that sex mostly isn't all that great for the woman
I've had that staring into his eyes deep connection sex too and turns out he was cheating at that time so where is the value in that?
No. 467775
>>467649Could never stand this unfunny twat. The 21 year old (Liu) also showed messages he sent to her where he was being emotionally
abusive and telling her to go off her prescription meds so her sex drive will go up. He also filmed himself fucking her when she was high or sleeping or something (with her consent? I still don’t know). He also acted incredibly rude and entitled to his online fans paying his patreon. I heard he got a job now so at least he’s not leeching off of women while sitting at home doing drugs and making unfunny videos anymore.
No. 467778
>>467776NTA but I've been manipulated by guys like that back in my twenties and I'm not offended at anon pointing out that it happens. It's not a matter of women being 'dumb' it's the manipulation that's fucked up
The relationship advice thread is full of women clinging to
abusive partners cos of some imagined connection, they get trampled on and take it cos 'connection'
No. 467785
>>467776staring into people's eyes doesn't mean anything and you can't realistically discern any information by doing so. so anyone who believes in an 'emotional connection' just from that alone is imagining and idealizing something that isn't actually based in reality. people can't even tell when someone is looking in their eyes or looking at their mouth/forehead so it's pretty much bs. the feelings may be real, but based on shaky romance fiction premises like staring into each other's soul.
imo most women aren't dumb or necessarily easy to manipulate, but most are vulnerable to manipulation. usually because they don't know the signs to watch out for or just aren't expecting it from the scrote they date.
No. 467791
>>467788well, if you're staring into my eyes and I'm staring at your forehead due to unironic autism, what does that actually mean? and say you then believe we're having an emotionally charged moment. did we have one? is it real if only one person believes so? if I was a sociopath I might take advantage of this "connection".
neurotypicals believe they have magic mind reading powers, but all it really does is make you vulnerable to sociopaths. you don't need to have the "appropriate" mindset or emotional depth to act out these motions.
don't trust men just bc you looked in their eyes is my only point.
No. 467792
>>467776i will eat my hat if this isn't necessaryspeed4. anyways, i never said they were dumb for being manipulated. just because you're a
victim of manipulation doesn't mean you're dumb. in the case of manipulative men, it generally means that men work very hard to cultivate an image of themselves and gain access to women. if the image they've created is fractured by their own bad behavior, they will simply further manipulate women into believing they're wrong or paranoid. as another anon mentioned, a lot of women are already vulnerable to manipulation, anyways. i notice that women want to typically see the best in these men. i don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with wanting to genuinely focus on the best in people, but men see this and take full advantage of it. i find that women often see the best in people, while men look for any excuse to tear them down, point out flaws and call them irredeemable, unfixable or unlovable, etc.
i've been manipulated by men and i admit that i totally imagined the connection i had with him because there were some redeeming qualities that i believed meant more than they did. i notice that this happens with a lot of women. men try very hard to get you to believe you're wrong, that the connection is real, and keep you in their grasp. it's not misogynistic to see this pattern. being a
victim doesn't make you dumb.
No. 467804
>>467653There are gc groups starting to find each other on tumblr, I've seen–if you're in a major city, it's worth searching. Here's a solid list: also don't know if this is anything you're into, but I've heard good things about Ohio Lesbian Fest. You might have more options than you think, anon – but it really is hard. There are more and more secret groups and discords and stuff but they can be hard to break into because they're just necessarily hard to find.
No. 467807
>>467797I think that's pretty naive. We don't have connections with each other just by existing. The strongest proof of human connections like relationships, families, communities, civilizations even have been intentional, collaborative efforts. Nothing happens if we both just show up. Why do you think when both partners actively show up and care, and
do provable physical evidence of their devotion, is the relationship great? Anons on /g/ have manbaby bfs and cling to "but he loves me", well how does it show it? How can you believe so if he doesn't even show it?
Also, to double back on deep staring into eyes while having sex. Men have reported to basically have no thoughts while their boners are raging, he's probably just experiencing his dick inside you and not any emotional feelings towards you.
No. 467810
>>467807I recently came across a discussion of 'the twin flame phenomena' where people think their souls are destined to be together. It's basically women (sometimes men) who have already been dumped by someone but they insist the connection was so deep that they are destined to get back together. They obsess over waiting on the ex to return. All this connection talk reminded me of how unhinged they were
They often even describe the unhealthiest relationships imaginable but y'know .. 'they felt a connection'
No. 467814
>>467772>Obviously the solution is to excercise discretion in who you entangle your life with but that involves personal growth so better find justification to give up.lmfao, you're a retard and/or a scrote. the whole point of manipulation is that people obviously don't lay out their nefarious plans before dating or even before marriage. feel free to read up on the literally thousands upon thousands of cases where men kept up a whole-ass act for years and years of dating. you can't exercise discretion when people are pretending to be someone else in order to get what they want from you. MGTOWs and women choosing to abstain from relationships is nowhere near the same pathology. gtfoh with this yeasty balled bullshit or pick-me ass garbage
>giving up!!give me a break. some people can't afford to have their lives ruined by duplicitous creeps all for the sake of mediocre sex and someone to hike with.
No. 467826
>>467815Hi, member of the 25% group of piv orgasms and of the 15% group of very high libido women. END MY EXISTENCE. I wish I liked clitoral orgasms, but they do nothing for me. I hate being dependent on scrots, other wise I would just stick with women.
If you do not care for PIV, be grateful and take this opportunity to stay away from scrots. It is a blessing.
No. 467842
>>467814Most people in bad relationships aren't being manipulated by "nefarious plans". They're painfully aware of the problems. They just have low self-esteem so think they couldn't do better.
Which is the case for your sort and the manosphere retards. It's why these communities ostensibly about building agency for the in-group and vetting the out-group end up insisting vehemently these things are impossible.
Feel free to be alone forever. Less damaging than getting into a shit relationship just to not be single like most insecure people do. But at least don't project onto everyone else.
No. 467847
>>467842>Most people in bad relationships aren't being manipulated by "nefarious plans". They're painfully aware of the problems. yeah, most PEOPLE in bad relationships aren't, but most WOMEN in bad relationships are being manipulated. ffs, a majority of men target abused or mentally ill women because they need dependence. men are conditioned to hide everything about themselves and manipulate women. why are you even in this fucking thread if you disagree with that and want to believe that men are more often than not good faith actors? how are those not nefarious plans? there are entire communities based around manipulation, and those communities are honestly based on terrible, manipulative patriarchal adages that have been in play for hundreds of years. men literally teach their male children to target vulnerable women to "practice" on. are you serious? there is no comparing women and MGTOWs.
furthermore, just because someone is aware of problems doesn't mean they weren't manipulated or aren't being manipulated. you have no idea what manipulation is, apparently.
No. 467854
>>467840sociopath was an extreme example, but that doesn't mean men cannot behave sociopathically. or take advantage of your assumed emotional bond.
reading social cues isn't innate for autists, but it can be learned. this is especially so for high functioning women, who are socially about on par with neurotypical men. i may be autistic, but I camouflage well. it's sad when neurotypicals feel "close" to me because I force myself to smile and stare at their foreheads. autists have their social retardation, but that doesn't make neurotypical socialization the gold standard. y'all have your issues too.
like, I'm just trying to say be wary of men and don't just assume their emotional feelings towards you. it usually doesn't mean much, especially if they're not intentional about caring for you. take a man by his actions, not for his word.
>>467843yes, this. this is especially true for autists like me and low self esteem women.
No. 467856
>>467844I had an ex with a pattern of only dating women with disability levels of mental health issues. He was great in the beginning and after moving in together (far from family) he slowly changed and revealed himself. 3 years into dating I had an assessment and found out I was actually on the spectrum rather than just dealing with mental health disorders… he quickly dumped me for a woman who had severe depression and anxiety cos he has experience with those vulnerable women and knows how to fool them
It's really only easy to manipulate people if you can understand what makes them tick. People don't generally have a great grasp of autism
No. 467862
>>467857High empathy and low self esteem are what
abusive men look for in women. The myth that autism equals no empathy can scare some
abusive men off
Yeah society pushes this shitty message that being alone somehow means you lost at life
No. 467894
>>467847Flip the genders and it's word for word the MGTOW shit I get when trying to tell sexist men to use judge of character and work on themselves to find healthy relationships. If you're an abuse
victim or mentally ill then yes it's paramount you get your mental health under control before having a relationship with anyone.
>>467854I actually agree. I think women should use their emotional intelligence to carefully screen their partners. Not put up with bullshit if it just made them feel good at the start but also not feel it's entirely hopeless.
No. 467906
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I can't describe the facial expression I made
No. 467920
I ain't even gonna fap no more, my biggest fear's ending up like Saint Coomer
No. 467933
>>467923Where are the insults? Just because you got offended and refused to acknowledge the meat of the post doesn't mean there's no explanation.
And if farmers are so bad, why do you keep coming here?
No. 467936
>>467924Shut the fuck up. Supporting women doesn't mean kissing the ass of every single woman or supporting every stupid mistake women commit.
Having compassion for women doesn't mean allowing a free pass for women to do whatever they want, without judgement.
No. 467938
>>467933Are you blind? There's farmers literally claiming sex is uncomfortable for most women, or even me saying women are capable of enjoying taboo things stirred a shitstorm. It's ridiculous
>>467934>>467693>>467716>>467737>>467755>>467925By denying women are capable of enjoying sex or literally anything other than missionary in the dark, it only hurts women by making women who do have sex or like kinky stuff look like handmaidens (you realize not all kinky sex has to be degrading towards women, right? Many kinky stuff involves domming and humiliating men) and makes men think that the women they do fuck are just handmaidens who would do anything for them. Let them keep guessing. Let them be scared that whoever they're fucking hates men. Let women who hate men enjoy sex just like how men who hate women still fuck women.
No. 467939
>>467938>Are you blind?Are you? Where in
>>467688 are any of the things you're claiming?
You got steamed at my post, couldn't argue, then came back to screech and complain that people had the nerve to disagree with you, or have nuanced opinions. I'm not even going to bother with your little essay at the end, because you've established you're on your own level of foolishness. You literally said "How so?" at it being pointed out that Greek culture was patriarchal.
I'm asking again: If farmers are so bad, why do you keep coming here?
No. 467943
>>467938>>467938>farmers literally claiming sex is uncomfortable for most womenthat was never said. what was said was that a large majority of women don't climax from PIV, which is literally true. no one said sex is uncomfortable for most women.
>Let women who hate men enjoy sex just like how men who hate women still fuck women.nowhere near the same. men don't have trouble cumming when they have sex with women unless their dicks are broken from pornsickness. men already explore their attraction to women not under pressure from women to be attracted to them and not with the overarching pressure placed on them by a sex obsessed female society. examining the topic of PIV and questioning the desires women have when women grow up in a pressure-cooker of men's fantasies and wishes is not the same.
No. 467944
>>467943And? Many women are still capable of enjoying sex. I don't see why trying to brainwash women into thinking it's normal to not enjoy sex and that they shouldn't do it is
valid. You can hate men and still fuck them. Just like men can hate us and still fuck us.
No. 467946
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>>467938>literally anything other than missionary in the dark>like kinky stuffYeah, it's not like women get shamed often for not being kinky now that it's flooded throughout popular culture. Why does normal sex without inflicting pain always have to get narrowed down to "missionary in the dark" these days?
No. 467953
>>467944who is brainwashing people? you grow up in a vacuum of male brainwashing as a woman and 2 women frankly discussing PIV on an obscure imageboard and the fact that women rarely cum from penetrative sex is "brainwashing", ok. why does this same dicussion need to be had every time? why are you guys so unable to take a critique or observation without pissing your pants? ffs, i still fuck men and can enjoy sex with men, but penetrative sex is overly exalted when the honest data shows that most women are underwhelmed by PIV, contrary to male belief and all their memeing. dicks just aren't that valuable when it comes to het sex/intimacy and yes, on some level, it's a little degrading to have sex with men, but it can be done in comparatively subversive ways. no one cares what you like. the convo is about how women generally don't cum from PIV and men hype the shit out of it, thinking their dicks are more impressive than they actually are and said pressure makes a majority of women feel obligated to fake orgasms. you don't need to get offended bc people recognize that society pressures girls from birth and that they aren't even able to experience their own sexuality not under the influence of men's desires. if you had an understanding of feminism you'd recognize that rather than getting kneejerk offended.
>>467946bc ppl like this that covertly cape for men love to strawman anything critical and love to victimize themselves to make a point.
No. 467954
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Why do men hate social women?
No. 467957
>>467946Some women are literally flying monkeys for certain aspects of male-dominated culture, because they can't imagine anything else. It literally threatens them on a personal level for some things to be questioned. They've spent so much time and energy finding ways to adapt to it and make it "work for them", that they just don't want to let go. The mindset is "So, you want to just flip the script now? Undo all my hard work? I've spent so much time trying to break into this house, and we're
this close to convincing the owner to let us have a dog flap(!!!), and now you're saying it's "not really worth it"? No, fuck that. I'm
using that flap, and I
will enjoy the scraps from the table".
That's probably why anon would rather yell at women (and generally be intellectually dishonest) for questioning the dynamics of sex than think critically or consider the points made for a second.
No. 467958
>>467954They're scared their girlfriends will talk to their friends about the relationship, and make it harder for them to be manipulative.
Men really fear being called out on their bullshit.
No. 467959
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>>467533Chad Reddit admins vs virgin Braincels. Wonder where all of them will scurry off to now.
No. 467963
>>467959Part of me wished they weren't like that, containment boards can be entertainment, like a huge car wreck or a dark comedy and when they close they just make new ones, even more radicalized and with way less levity and they feel justified in their tinfoiling about being silenced because they literally are. Not only that but the stuff that is considered PC and agreeable on regular reddit is fucking garbage and is often very degenerate. Like anons defending gangbangs and their kids watching porn like one comment above.
Tbh r/cringeanarchy was pretty funny sometimes. I admit it was a guilty pleasure to browse there like once a week, same as braincels, i never actually debate them, just lurked for the voyeurism.
No. 467969
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>>467966no one said women aren't interested in sex or that they can't cum during sex. men not trying has to do mostly with them ignoring our actual erogenous zones and focusing on their own pleasure bc they're selfish. and most women don't seem to be able to really cum vaginally. them not trying is them ignoring the fact that we need clitoral stimulation. and no, men are so obsessed with the idea that their dicks drive us nuts that this stupid shit is a thing, when in reality literally 80% of women fake their moans and vocalizations to match porn and get men off. it's all labor for women.
No. 467976
>>467953But anon, the ~emotional connection~ What does my orgasm and pleasure matter if I'm getting off 5 men at the same time? The connection was there
>>467966No, most men don't try in other ways conducive to female pleasure because it doesn't involve their dick. Even "foreplay" is just a side thing to make it easier for the guy to stick their dick in. Some men will even opt out of foreplay and just use lube instead. That's what happens when you make the main focus of sex PIV. I get if you're trying to have a child but for pleasure it's laughable if you aren't one of the 15%.
Even when women have casual sex most of the time it isn't even for pleasure. Just for attention, validation and emotional closeness.
No. 467984
>>467977It's funny because women are more likely to orgasm from fingering or rubbing than PIV. Dicks are completely useless to women aside from something to look at if they aren't horrifying.
>>467980I agree with the first part. Way too many women just don't enjoy the act of sex itself bc it's not pleasurable, so they find fetishes to make it more arousing and bearable. The second part though, not all women can orgasm from oral and then most men are awful at learning how to do it.
I think women should just figure out on their own what they like, because if you can't get yourself off chances are a man with different equipment won't.
No. 467997
>>467990Then statically women are having shit lays, doesn’t change my overall tone of the post. Besides, let’s be completely transparent here, how many women can even masturbate themselves to completion without the use of foreign objects - we’re a bit fucking hard to get off, and part of that reason is so that getting us pregnant is harder
Just why the fuck is PIV discourse clogging up a thread about discussing the atrocities of men and tranny men
No. 468008
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>>468003They have so many more terrible subs they could ban but people want to go after these two that are literally just screenshots of things that people themselves post in trans subreddits. They even have AGP and trans people themselves going in there and thanking them for exposing the fetish and the dangers and warning others not to do it. These radfem subreddits seem respectful compared to some of the transphobic comments made by scrotes in miscellaneous subreddits. The people who are so eager to see these banned are TIMs, men protecting their own, or men who don't give a shit but just want women to shut up and see a feminist subreddit go down but will pretend it's actually transphobia they don't like.
No. 468027
>>467973judging solely from this thread feminism is about mounting social and/or legislative pressure so you can avoid the excruciating pain of personally communicating you want your icky shameful parts played with
somebody should tell the pope to launch a crusade or something
No. 468062
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just commenting to get that shit off the front page of /ot/.
No. 468081
>>468064Revulsion and fury at women saying no to them.
That gif was fucking awful but why would you bother responding to the pedophile posting it?
No. 468106
>>468105Family violence. It’s disturbingly common in Australia. A lot of cops treat it like it’s the women being hassle to endure rather than fearing for their safety.
Sexual harassment and assault are way too common, especially for aboriginal women. Tbh the way aboriginal women are treated is one of our biggest failings as a nation.
It’s pretty typical to hear that women are taking 100% responsibility for birth control but don’t have nearly as much education as they need.
Some cities are taking TIMs too seriously and there was some nonsense about introducing gender x at schools for registering students.
Melbourne decided to waste god knows how much money changing a couple or pedestrian lights to silhouettes with skirts instead of using that money on a women’s shelter or something useful because some libfem spastics made a bunch of noise about it in some magazine.
No. 468109
>>468106Also an Aussie anon, and I wholeheartedly agree. Sexual and domestic violence are both obscenely high here, and are dismissed by authorities and the general public, honestly speaking I think it may have something to do with the fact that many of our immigrants (including the settlers) tend to be from very poor and disadvantaged areas/countries and they bring their shitty cultural misogyny and intergenerational trauma with them.
Even speaking from my own background, all the Polish immigrants have brought with them trauma from WWII and the communist era, all of which has been passed on to the following generations and we in turn spread it to others.
Australian culture also holds a lot of weight in violent masculine behaviours and the slang itself is quite violent so there’s that
No. 468125
>>468008This is the last response I will make to you then I will completely ignore you. Since you love to stalk me, you will see that I have unapologetically expressed the harsh but factual views about the collective of TERFs (many who are vile like you). Your very behaviour proves my point about many of you, you're horrible, controlling, hateful groups of people. Stop flooding Reddit with your lies and continue with your ‘radfem’ threads. Yes I said those things and I do not take it back, the collective of TERFs are very hostile, hypocritical, have a hopeless one-sided loyalty to patriarchy, they're very hateful, they're obsessed with men, they're self sacraficing and self sabotaging breeders and mules for a 'community' that clearly has no respect for them. Many lesbians and transwomen who seek tp put their needs/well being first have shared the same sentiments AND harsher than what I've said.
>>468131I don't personally agree with this but I've seen some people say that since the very fact we bear children is what motivates the patriarchy, male resentment and control of women, having children within the patriarchy is giving in to all of this and fulfilling the role men want to force us in. Plus the fact that the father can use this to fuck you over somehow so you're making yourself vulnerable, and that even if you raise a potential son to be as feminist as you can, he's likely to just take the easy path and be a typical scrote.
I agree with you that criticising "breeders" (like the reddit anon above) feels pretty misogynistic. It makes sense to be worried for mothers and the way society takes advantage of them, but shaming them is another thing.
No. 468145
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Totaaaally not a fetish…
No. 468160
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No. 468184
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I thought I'd share this lmao
I was scrolling through my facebook timeline and there was this post explaining incels
So I was going through the pictures and suddenly hontra appeared, this is what the picture says:
"The PHILOSOPHER Natalie Wynn, owner of ContraPoints channel, made one of the best videos explaining incels way of thinking"
No. 468237
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>>465092Troons are seething and I'm glad the team is still getting support.
Pic attached is in response to the developer speaking up about her beliefs and basically saying she can't control how her girlfriend thinks and why it's forbidden to read articles others might not agree with.
>Women like herOh, you mean women who have a sense of identity and don't "stay in line"?
No. 468363
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>>468128>>468125Just thinking about how much better and safer the world would be if there were no males around.
No. 468365
>>468353If anything people use screenshots and evidence of alt right bullshit to prove their point. TRAs can't do that because gc rhetoric is not the literal violence they claim, and actually makes sense on both a logical and ethical level.
There's a reason the gc community is full of discussion on reaching 'peak trans'. Nobody reaches 'peak neonazi' because everyone knows the reality of what nazism is before they get into it. Whereas the TRA movement is based on lies and deception, so gc attitudes come into existence by an actual realization of how they've been misled. Of course TRAs fight to hard to ensure their minions never read dissenting opinions that actually make sense.
No. 468386
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>>468340Cute how they think a mutilated penis turns into a vagina.
No. 468430
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Screencaps from the dailydot article.
Is it possible they are reaching with the % thing? It seems like a very bizarre assumption to make that a discount rate is "mocking trans suicides"
Even if it was intentional, I don't think such extreme readings into "secret messages" should be humored by mainstream media sources. Seeing "secret messages" in things is literally a sign of schitzophrenia.
No. 468504
>>468497>When I've voiced those same points like how masculine women are now getting told they're menWhenever I talk about this to hardcore libfems they insist that "this never happens" and that it's a "strawman terf rhetoric", even if they admit it does happen they still somehow place the blames on ~twansphobes~ or claim that it's a non-issue because ~they're not literally DYING from gender dysphoria, at least they have cis privilege!!~. It took me and many others like me so many years to recover from hating everything feminine about myself and my gender in general due to the absolute dehumanization GNC young gay women have to face. It's actual fucking misgendering when you tell a masculine woman that she's not a proper representation of her gender and hurts just as bad because you're essentially devaluing her as a representative of the female sex because she doesn't conform to stereotypes.
It's like when people try to justify trannies in women's sports with the "well would you ban hairy 6ft2 women too??" clause. It's so stupid and regressive, a woman isn't defined by her height or amount of body hair you buffoon. Even if she was a literal guerilla she would still be a woman if she was born as one.
No. 468514
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>>468430>>468512the bundle percentage thing is such a reach, bundles on steam often come to percentages off that don't end in 0 or 5 like a single discounted item would. People in that reddit thread's reaction to it is nuts. Do none of you people game? No. 468543
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>>468514Is it safe to say majority of the people complaining about Heartbeat have probably never browsed the steam store and have no actual interest in gaming, just talking about games
No. 468582
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So funny seeing these middle aged red pill "alphas" getting mad at women calling out their bullshit.
No. 468585
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I am thoroughly enjoying watching people drag Rachel McKinnon. And of course, McKinnon invokes race as the attempt at a "gotcha" in the last pic.
No. 468586
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This is hilarious but how the fuck does this game pander to the alt-right???
No. 468593
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Why does this happen? Any time a question addressing women makes it to the front page of Reddit, the same question addressing men is SURE to follow.
No. 468595
>>468593Reddit had a "whats the male version of girls dont fart" and everyone went striaght into "men can't express emotions". Like non of the comments tried to reply as a joke it was just pure
victim complex stuff
No. 468599
>>468593men love to cosplay the
victim. it's like a fun day out for them.
No. 468601
>>468593They probably got bombarded with comments like "but but what about men??? Women are creepy too!!". It's mostly women who are creeped out by men but men want to milk every last bit of how some girl they don't like from work added them on Facebook or whatever so that means they have a super crazy stalker chick after them. The things men will consider creepy is absolutely nothing compared to what women have to question a million times before they become "that girl who cried sexual assault over everything"
Meanwhile they will never ever own up to their shit if they posted something like "women, what's the worse thing you have done?" Men only want equality if it either hurts women or they can play
victim No. 468605
>>468601Man: sends you 1000 messages, follows you home, downloads all your photos, follows every online account you have: all fine and normal
Woman: makes eye contact, sends one message, smiles, wears a dress: bunnyboiler slut
No. 468607
>>468588Anytime prostitutes or escorts get mentioned about 50 ugly old men will say something about it being the oldest profession.
The subreddit for my region is infested with cunts looking escorts and you get down voted to shit if you comment anything negative about paying for sex. It's so gross, it sent me on a rabbit hole of local escort sites and how many brothels are local to my house. And they're all trafficked in, we have paramilitaries everywhere and it's 0art of their racquet. I can't cope lol
No. 468615
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>>468605>Woman: makes eye contact, sends one message, smiles, wears a dress: bunnyboiler slutHave the filthy otaku version. Weeb scrotes really think like this.
No. 468639
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>>468585What a positively repulsive and disgusting fucking incel. Where are all the trans people calling this out? Trannies are all fucking incels. This homophobic shitheel needs a reality check.
No. 468658
>>468627one thing that bothers me is the psychology of people who are fine with buying consent. how does anyone live with themselves knowing someone had to have sex with them just because of money? it would kill my libido instantly to know the other person wasn't truly into it or was faking it.
I read an article by an ex-prostitute where she mentioned that her johns didn't want her to act like she was enjoying it, they actually preferred if she seemed bored and detached. that creeps me out so much.
No. 468659
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>>468600here's the extremely satisfying r/actualautogynaphiles thread.
>God that thread yesterday killed me. Like, I have my good times and bad times, but I usually deal with things okay and remember that the crappy hateful bigots don't reflect the opinion of the majority. That thread just hit me right in my insecurities though. No. 468668
File: 1570063704294.jpeg (6.75 KB, 209x200, i.jpeg)

>>468659>57% upvoted, was previously at 37%I'm glad we got some attention to the issue and also some support. Reddit hates women but I think most of them hate trans the worst.
No. 468671
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No. 468687
>>468593lmao the ask teen girls sub (i know) had to ban teen boys from commenting because they were dominating every thread and they threw the biggest shit fit about "sexism". Even though they had an ask teen boys sub. It's just no one wanted their fucking opinions so they brigaded the girls sub. Men can't stick to their own spaces.
If a guy tells me he browses reddit it's a huge red flag tbh
No. 468693
>>468688someone linked a sub called r/wlwchat in a comment that got deleted and I found this there:>At 15 I thought I was a straight white cis republican christian boy. At 25 I thought I was a heteroflexible white cis apolitical atheist man. Now I’m a lesbian anarcho-socialist trans womanthese fucking people.
No. 468696
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>>468693>Now I’m a lesbian anarcho-socialist trans womanmy sides
No. 468803
>>468732You're logical. Some FTMs can be
problematic but at least most of them are genuine with their intentions and try to look like actual men and not overexaggerated characters
No. 468812
>>468806it really says it all that all of the mods of actuallesbians except for one are troons.
and even the one who might not be may still be a troon, it's just that it's not known for sure if she is or not. the rest of them are ALL confirmed mtf.
No. 468840
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Men: evil women have all the privilege when it comes to online dating. Do you have any idea how hard it is for men to get a match?
Also men:
No. 468907
File: 1570122876084.png (15.58 KB, 841x131, screenshotAtUploadCC_157008129…)

So a lot of TRA's seem to bring up Michael Phelps anytime TIMs in women's sports are being discussed,stating because Michael Phelps is a 1 in a million genetic freak who has biological advantages over other men is swimming but is still allowed compete professionally then TIMs should be allowed to compete with women despite their psychical advantages
No. 468921
>>468917Funny thing is even some Third Reich Nazi members considered black women to biologically more feminine and beautiful then European women
They considered Sub Saharan Africans as a whole to be feminine and submissive,so in their Eyes the Aryan Germanic male was the most masculine out of all the races of men and Sub Saharan African female was the most feminine out of all the races of women
File: 1570129868246.png (218.2 KB, 590x421, e5e29239-a786-431d-b285-3e4640…)

>>468928so you're proposing to acknowledge troons as troons instead of men for some dumb "gotcha" joke? please.
No. 468932
>>468931We could easily translate our reasoning into some nice fluffy SJWspeak around the idea that saying awesome twanz gals are misogynistic is misgendering them because you're accusing them of being men. Obviously this is retarded and makes no sense, but troon logic never makes sense anyway. They claimed that pussy hats were twanzphobic despite the fact nobody ever claimed having a pussy and being a woman are synonymous, after all. So let's use their retard logic too. Then we say that internalized misogyny is a big issue for trans women and in fact they suffer from it even more than those evil cis women with their gross vaginas. So obviously we need a special word for poor twanz gals who are misogynistic. How about transmisogyny?
Then we just continue to use the word for all instances where MTFs are their usual misogynistic selves until the conversation is so thoroughly confused that they don't want to use the word anymore in case people mistake their meaning. Not before they throw lots of narcissistic rage addled mantrums about it of course.
No. 468943
>>468932this sounds extremely autistic and full of holes. SJWs will obviously just claim you should use the world misandrist because they're women.
transmisogyny is a stupid term in general but you're not going to change it by trying to trick people.
No. 468951
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No. 468971
>>468943If transwomen were treated like actual women they'd kill themselves within a day
From what I've seen a lot of them are party girls who have had ton of plastic surgery, sexual partners, spend half their paycheck on makeup, club and clothes and think everyone is sexually harassing them while being perverts themselves and getting away with it. You know everything males hate and screech about. They'd never stop getting harassed
No. 468977
>>468971They want to be harassed, they get off on being bimbofied slut who exists for male viewing pleasure.
The convenient thing about being a tranny is that you never have to actually internalize misogyny. He thinks, deep down, he has an intellectually superior logical male brain, and the girl brain he claims to have is just a role he's playing for sexual gratification. He knows he doesn't have a womb that limits him to housewife and babymaker and walking vagina, he only enjoys the idea as a fetish, knowing he isn't actually restricted to it in any way. He always sees women and himself as a woman from an outside perspective, it's just a costume and a fake identity so how could misogyny that he, too, believes in actually hurt him?
No. 469010
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>>468923>>468921The nazis just mostly thought each race should stick to their own, they were still racist but not in the cartoon villain way pop culture portrays them as. They could even be allied and cooperate with other races but not miscegenate because eugenics and heritage and nation and blah blah, so blacks stay with blacks and arabs stay with arabs even when we are all pals. The axis was germans, allied with mediterrans, allied with asians and also muslim arabs and africans, nothing like the anglos or btfo mentality pol/ has, literally every etnicithy can apply the same national socialist principles to their own nation and people, so calling out a brown faced fascist for being an hypocrite is a fallacy.
No. 469037
>>469010>the nazis just mostly thought each race should stick to their ownThey tripped and whoops, Final Solution
>not miscegenate because eugenics and heritage and nationHard to talk about Nazi eugenics without mentioning sexual slavery, but you did it!
No. 469041
>>469035yeah anon, its unfortunate what happened to those hundred thousad jews, but 100 million died in that war, theres a bigger tragedy in WWII
>>469037And don't forget death Rollercoasters, my favorite soviet propaganda claim.
File: 1570164739045.jpeg (738.45 KB, 1242x1044, 02B9A607-2B38-444D-831A-EB019F…)

>>469063Why does he have an ass glued to his chest
No. 469065
>>469064Samefag but fucking lmao at the miku titty mousemat.
Trannies are just the natural evolution of weebs - first stop weeaboo, next up tittyboo
No. 469069
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This is clearly some man's fetish
No. 469080
>>469063Of course it's a transbian. Of course his girlfriend is a disabled woman who couldn't get away even if she wanted to. I mean, they were apparently best friends since high school, so hopefully that means things are okay.
Fucking hell, though
>My transbian mom with massive augmented breasts who wears cat ears in public and owns a Hatsune Miku titty mouse pad, her muscular dystrophic lesbian gf and me!This is peak 2019 in North America.
No. 469095
>>469091They always try to muddy the waters of rational discussion by making disingenuous comparisons to just barely almost similar situations. Any sane person can tell the difference without having to do mental gymnastics.
They can't even get their story straight.
>Not giving young children puberty blockers is literal violence! Their bodies will irreversibly change forever in a life ruining way if they don't go on hormones immediately!>Being on hormones for any amount of time at any age changes your body enough that it is not an unfair advantage over women in any way No. 469099
>>469035This is fucking corrective rape in every meaning of the word. It's coercion to change your sexual preference in order to be "fixed" to be "a good person". It's no different from bible thumpers trying to convert gay people to have them avoid burning in hell.
It's actually hell being a gay person, especially a gay woman. After decades of trying to fight for basic human rights you get run over by the tranny Trojan horse filled with straight people in a gay disguise. Like you never see trans activists lobbying for straight women to love FTM clitdick or straight men to fuck MTF boypussy. It's always about pressuring lesbians to suck muh girldick or be crucified for transphobia. And everyone sees this as normal and completely reasonable, like nobody bats an eye at a 6ft2 bearded golem in a dress calling for torture, rape and murder of ~le terves~. At my local pride event this year gay men had their own spaces and programmes (even outright described as "cis men only") while lesbians were forced to include EVERYONE in theirs. Decided to stay home.
No. 469107
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Came across this profile from a Reddit link. Jesus F Christ.
No. 469115
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No. 469144
>>469063David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think that this video enters into Lynchian territory. The video above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average mother and daughter. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing the daughter's grades when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the teenager's transvestite dad's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
No. 469170
>>469094The military is full of
toxic masculinity, it's not surprising some feminine men don't want to associate with masculinity after they are done with it.
>>469100Are they fucked due to the army, or were they before going there? I was always curious about this chicken or the egg situation.
No. 469197
>>469170>Are they fucked due to the army, or were they before going there? I was always curious about this chicken or the egg situationMany of them were in already not that great financial situations and joined the military when they were pretty young(18 or 19) as way to support their families and not be a financial burden on them
One of the most common things my relatives say they missed about the military was that their was a clear hierarchy based on rank and easy to follow structure,while hierarchy exists in the civilian world as well they say it's more difficult to figure out
So basically the military turns people into social autists
No. 469258
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>>469115I feel like a lot of anti-SJW's have been meme'd into thinking only minorities get scholarships and that literally nothing exists for white men so the might try to transition for those oppression points.
Quick rant, but the whole only minorities get scholarships thing is dumb. White scholarships, Scottish/German/polish scholarships exist, and most scholarships are merit/volunteer based. The only way for you to not get those is if you're a fuck all who did nothing in highschool
No. 469260
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Mens lib feel like a surreal satire at times
No. 469347
>>469260Nail polish is harmful as fuck so why would anyone want to willingly increase it's use? Why couldn't he just sit and talk with his friend?
>>469262I definitely thought the same thing, there's a sexual element to this.
No. 477557
>>469421Because mens lib is a joke, especially on reddit. The fact they think they can dictate the "correct" type of feminism and attack women who don't follow that type (read: liberal feminism). They're rarely concerned about rape/DV/murder statistics as it relates to male on female violence, and instead will focus on dumb shit like "hehe I paint my nails now." They SAY they want to deconstruct gender but in the same breath proclaim trannies are
No. 481305
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There, I fixed it. Abuse goes both ways senpai.
Man-haters don't typically hire prostitutes or watch porn (they fap to erotica or romance novels instead) but some women do like hookers and porn.(cut ur dick off)