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No. 341517
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
https://fairplayforwomen.comhttp://www.feministcurrent.com (404)
http://www.gendercriticalactioncenter.orghttp://www.gendercriticalactioncenter.comhttps://genderidentitywatch.com https://transgenderreality.comhttps://womansplaceuk.orgBlogs
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended)
https://lilymaynard.wordpress.comhttps://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth
https://4thwavenow.comhttp://gdworkinggroup.org Channels
Elly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Lloyd Murphy Parker Woman's Place threads
>>>/ot/221232>>>/ot/231926>>>/ot/248302>>>/ot/267773>>>/ot/281458>>>/ot/296475>>>/ot/312419>>>/ot/320422>>>/ot/331248"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748 No. 341518
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No. 341522
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Peachyoghurt recently launched a forum. No. 341524
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>>341517Thanks for the new thread!
No. 341536
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>In Sweden, Kristoffer Johansson chopped his ex girlfriend into pieces. Then his 14 year sentence was chopped in half because it was felt that this was 'too harsh' a punishment for dicing a living woman into cubes. Now he's 'changed gender' and is himself 'a woman' so Johansson is about to be moved into a women's prison.
>Her name was Vatchareeya Bangsuan. She had already left him. Pandering to this murderer's autogynaephilic fantasy of himself as sexual object (but with the power and learned violence of a lifetime's manhood to keep him safe) is a heinous insult and dishonours her life and her violent death. Vatchareeya Bangsuan was only 20 years old. He set upon her while she was out jogging. A coward. He scattered pieces of her dismembered body through the woods. Her murderer now calls himself Kim Marie Johansson. He gets vacations from his high-security confinement to visit clinics, obtain hormones, and pursue 'gender reassignment.' "I get the feeling she has found herself," coos his attorney.
>The murderer could be released as early as January 2020. His victim meanwhile remains dead. He is "afraid for his own health" in the men's prison.
>The victim: a 20 year old woman sliced to pieces.
>The murderer: a man enclosed in mordant self-absorption. Just look at the expression on his face. Remorse? Contrition? Horror at his own act? No… more like infinitely patient self-exploration at public expense, in the media, in the surgeon's office, and in prison.How is this possible? The number of male woman murderers, pedophiles and rapists trooning out the second they step into prison just to be moved into women prisons is baffling. How is it allowed? In this case it's obviously a tactical move driven by dark motives, it's obvious even for PC dumbasses. Killers and rapists who coincidentally find out "their true identity" right after being put into prison? Way too obvious.
Let's not talk about the fact that this guy only got 7 years for killing his ex and dismembering her… even the initial 14 were a ridiculous number. In my country he would've gotten 30 years at minimum and straight to the men's prison with no chance of appeal. What's wrong with Sweden?
No. 341539
>>341501Ayrt and like
>>341516 said, I’d lose practically all my female friends and acquaintances my age. All my social hobbies are full of libfems so if I want to socialise with people who share my interests I pretty much have to keep quiet about my gc beliefs. 80% of the time we just talk about the shared hobbies and interests and that mostly makes up for the 20% virtue signalling. Nothing makes up for the predatory men, tough. Most of them get kicked eventually when they really cross the line but even after they’re gone you have to be careful about pronoun use when talking about them because in these circles, “misgendering” is just as bad as whatever the TiM did to get banned even if that included sexual harassment and death threats. I suspect that at least some other women in these groups must have peaked by now but it’s hard to find each other without attracting the ire of the handmaidens.
No. 341542
>>341536>How is this possible? Because the Swedish are fucking demented with their hardcore woke ideology. You wouldn't even believe.
Source: I'm Finnish>>341541But remember it's not a fetish!
No. 341543
>>341536This is so horrible and it show how much the world hates women. Even rapists and murderers are more important than women. It has happened in the UK as well:
>In my country he would've gotten 30 years at minimum and straight to the men's prison with no chance of appeal.Where do you live? Maybe I'll move there… In my country a man can rape and kill women and progressives will campaign for him to be freed from prison. He can then become a celebrity and start murdering again and maybe he'll even get a movie with Michael Fassbender. No. 341547
An update from the dude with hair in his "vagina": simply use Nair/Veet! Because what could possibly go wrong when putting chemical stuff
inside your body once got veet too near towards my labia (as a dumb teen) and it burned so much, I thought I'll need to see a doctor. That hole they have down there has nothing to do with real vagina; otherwise he'd be in great pain while doing that No. 341712
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Did we get our hands on Jonathan Yaniv's dick pics yet? He supposedly sent a bunch to women in the makeup groups he joined.
No. 341713
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Anal popsicles.
No. 341728
>>341713First off, how can anyone describe this as something a sane person would do.
Second, if you were a real woman with a real vagina… You wouldnt put any of those products near or in your vagina. Fast way to upset it and throw it out of wack. Like what the fuck
No. 341748
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>>341713I've read a lot of shit from kinkfags in my time, but troons who fetishize periods are a whole new level of "what the absolute fuck" for me. I don't know of any woman who sees the mess, potentially debilitating pain, constant worry about leaking or showing through, and teasing/harassment over her bodily functions remotely sexy. Only a completely ignorant man is enough of a headass to think so.
No. 341755
I need to do another social media cleanse. A few mutuals of mine won't stop talking about gender in the most stereotypical way. Abolish gender, but give into the stereotypes?
No. 341765
>>341536Just to adds some extra information as someone from Thailand, the murdered Woman was Thai. Here there's a big thing about Thai women who grew up in poverty trying to marry foreigners from developed worlds in hope they could get some financial stability, they don't know better that they're getting themselves into troubles when a big majority of their husbands are losers back home. You know, mail order bride kind of stuff. You come here and see a bunch of fat old men, or drunk lowlifes with early 20s something local girls.
Many of them later faced domestic violence into their marriage and to get help would be hard as many of the women weren't so good with the languages/not knowing much about new countries.
This issue is so big that the embassy has to speak about it. I don't know about the case of this girl in particular since she was still in Sweden after leaving him so there's a possibility that she's more from better background. it's just something to take into picture about how these men think about them too.
No. 341769
>>341551Is it easy to get gender affirmation or troon out in Italy? Do people get to change their gender in legal documents without anykind of medical intervention?
Just curious
No. 341775
>>341769 dressing is legal in Italy, and sex reassignment surgeries are also legal, with medical approval. However, gender identity is not a part of official anti-discrimination law.
In 1982, Italy became the third nation in the world to recognise the right to change one's legal gender. Before Italy, only Sweden (1972) and Germany (then-West Germany) (1980) recognised this right.
On 21 May 2015, the Court of Cassation also decided that sterilisation is not required in order to obtain a legal gender change.
No. 341783
>>341780The page linked in the footnote for the change in 2015 does not work, so I could not find out specifically what the requirements are for gender recognition.
I tried searching Google for related articles and didn't find anything, but I'm searching in English.
No. 341800
>>341769Yes, since 2015 you can change the sex shown on legal documents even without having had bottom surgery.
But somehow you don't see many troons in Italy, not as much as you would see in, say, UK, not even half. Plus, TiMs can't get into women restrooms/locker rooms and shelters and they can only get vocal on the internet because irl they'd get shut down immediately.
Personally I've witnessed one tranny trying to enter the women's toilet: there was a mother with her daughter, two girls in front of the mirrors, and I was washing my hands. When he opened the door, all the women in the room glared at him with such intensity that he just… backed off and closed the door. They don't get cocky because they know this country isn't a safe space for them. They even refer to themselves as "transsexual" (excluding the tumblr dwellers).
Oh, and the country isn't giving any hormones or surgery for free of course, and you can't trans kids
No. 341856
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Meghan Murphy is doing an AMA today. No. 341882
>>341869How is this bait? Anons in this thread habitually disregard gender critical men because they are men.
Is Ito even writing from a gender critical point of view, or is he simply using the terrifying tranny trope because it makes for good horror?
No. 341926
>Cosplay and nerdy hobbies/fandoms in general this on GC earlier and reminded me of why I love that sub so much. They absolutely lay into the cosplay and general "geek girl" scenes so much for their generally trashy, slutty behavior. No whining about "slut shaming" or whatever, just calling it as they see it.
Honestly, fuck cosplay and fuck cons, and fuck the girls who have succeeded in stereotyping any girl with unusual/nerdy hobbies as some borderline-tier slut.
No. 341956
>>341926I'm a cosplayer of 10+ years and agree with this. The hobby has become so sexualized it's unreal. I see so many girls barely 18 selling their "lewds" and being groomed by older guys, the worst thing is that if you bring this up you'll be called a slut shamer, a swerf, a bully, an elitist etc. It used to be a nerdy hobby where you could meet other nerds and bond over your favourite series and craftsmanship advice, now it's being considered gatekeeping if you so much as expect a cosplayer to know the character they're cosplaying as. The notorious "cosplay is for everyone" slogan is exclusively used to silence everyone questioning the current state.
Though I wouldn't say it's exclusively due to a lot of anime being sexual (for example furries have been way worse with their kink culture since the 80's) because the sexualization started simultaneously when normies began developing a "geek fetish" and social media became more popular. A lot of girls grabbed the opportunity to make money and get more exposure. Many of the guys paying for their patreon are usually borderline normie dudebros who don't even care for being nerdy, they just want to see attainable girls being slutty.
8 years ago I wouldn't have dreamed of this. It was just a silly hobby most people looked down upon. Now it's all about sex appeal, fetishes and making money.
No. 341963
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>>341958Aside from a few misogynist neckbeards who usually like to inject their fetishes into DnD, tabletop gaming is usually wholesome and inclusive. The coolest nerds I've met have always been at board game night. I really wish more cons would use board gaming rooms instead of orienting all their programming around panels and photography/drinking.
No. 341967
>>341961It's strange. You'd assume that tabletop gaming, given that it seems to attract more stereotypical neckbeards, would be worse. But I've found the people in tabletop to be much more socially adept (even the literal neckbeards). In contrast to this, a lot of cosplayers, especially these days -look- more normal. They take care of their appearance, work out, wear sexy clothes etc., but even the good looking dudes at cons are usually creepy motherfuckers with no boundaries. And like others have pointed out, even the somewhat attractive girls see nothing wrong with broadcasting their fetishes to the world, or talking about their sexual experiences in front of actual children.
What the fuck is the deal with that?
No. 341975
>>341956Has the whole fake geek girl thing really gotten that bad, where cosplayers don't know about the characters they're cosplaying as? I always assumed it was more this huge group of "secondary" fans of video games. Where they have a rough outline of the characters and story from secondary sources but have never played it.
Remember that most of the twitter female weeb fandom are lazy as fuck, they don't have the energy or motivation to complete an old school RPG. Just vegetate in front of plotless moe garbage instead.
No. 341983
>>341956>if you bring this up you'll be called a slut shamer, a swerf, a bully, an elitist etc.Ugh yes, this. I’ve never cosplayed but have many friend who do and have attended a few cons, and biting my tongue got painful after a while. There would be Pokémon cosplay meetups at a con advertised as family-friendly where a little girl in a Pikachu hat would be posing with a woman in a hypersexual gijinka “cosplay” which was literally just a tiny bikini, ears and tail. God forbid you question how this might affect that child, you slut-shamer! If that girl grows up to believe she should get half naked in public for
male attention empowerment that’s her choice! Says the pervy man, who is totally not benefiting from this and is really just being a selfless feminist ally~.
Also the women who’d excuse their often impractically skimpy costume with “well it’s not my fault this is what the character wears” when it’s obvious that they picked that character
exactly because that’s what she wears. They’d even use this argument when cosplaying fanart instead of the (less sexy) source material. It’s such a transparent argument, especially because many of these cosplayers will admit in private that they’re not actually familiar with the source material. One girl told me she was doing 2B because she wanted to give her social media a boost but she’d “never watched the anime” and wasn’t planning to just for one costume.
I blame the horny men just as much, if not more, than the women. But I don’t think the women should be above criticism either. It’s just more libfem bullshit.
>>341980Gender critical doesn’t exclusively refer to trans. Note how this discussion started because someone linked to a thread on r/
GenderCritical. I agree that we should probably not drag this out here, though.
No. 341996
>>341983>Also the women who’d excuse their often impractically skimpy costume with “well it’s not my fault this is what the character wears” when it’s obvious that they picked that character exactly because that’s what she wears.Holy fuck. This ^^^^^ like you just happened to pick nudist beach nonon, some other skimpy character, and some other even skimpier character and weren't conscious at all of what you'd be wearing, it came as a surprise to you lol!
and more generally fuck cosplay and the convention scene in general. It's 16-30 libfem ground zero.
No. 342073
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>>342034Why does this cow need to write a fucking novel for everything
No. 342093
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No. 342106
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>>342103Obviously. Do your own research and google that twitter.
>>342105If that sounds like something one of them would say to you, it's because you know nothing about genderists beliefs.
They might say cis women are privileged to be correctly gendered when getting procedures such as abortions done, but no one would say needing a medical procedure such as an abortion is cis privilege.
>>342093Fuck off, retard. That twitter is clearly a parody account. Troons give enough milk, and the shit they say is already so wack, that there's no need to misrepresent them in order to ridicule them.
No. 342107
>>342106Meanwhile in this very thread an anon got ghosted by a troon friend because she had
cervival cancer and it
triggered his dysphoria. They are actually jealous of periods, cancer!! and abortions (or ability to get pregnant at all)
>privileged to be correctly gendered Really fam?
No. 342123
>>341967The official D&D social media and Twitch page are drowning in Troon juice unfortunately. This year they advertised an all female teifling campaign but everyone started the games by announcing their pronouns. There was a mtf and 2 girls with short hair who of course used they/them.
The campaign had such potential for being cool but the gender politics were a mess and they had to close comments on YouTube because of the criticism. This campaign is also why a lot of D&D staff have pronouns in their Twitter bio now, to show unity.
Side note: One of the players, Kayla, is super talented but it trying to be a clone of HollyConrad in every way possible and it’s so creepy!
No. 342127
>>342107But when did the troon say she was privileged due to it? Troons getting
triggered by women talking about their female-specific health problems =/= troons believing women are privileged for having those problems. Like… if you were jealous of someone with brown hair, you wouldn't necessarily believe they are privileged for having that hair color.
As for your 'really fam' thing, it's obvious that I was speaking from a genderists perspective. But of course you left out the part of that sentence that established that, so you could make it seem like I was giving my perspective there.
I find it hard to believe you're engaging in good faith, if you are, that's even sadder. I don't see what either of us has to gain by continuing this convo.
>>342075She never implied it was a bad thing. She was talking about her experiences with her past partners not wanting to eat her out while she was on her period in order to contrast Jonathan Yaniv's attitude towards menstruation with that of the men she has known. She is using her past experience as evidence that Jonathan's attitude towards menstruation is abnormal, and to emphasize that it 'aint right'.
No. 342161
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Here's more period sperging. Some trannies put frozen fruit in their asses and pretend the melted liquid is their period.
No. 342164
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Of course, they fetishize pregnancy too.
No. 342166
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They call shit their "flow".
No. 342168
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Here's a recipe they use to make fake period blood:
1TBSP Water
1 TSP Oil from can of tuna
1 TSP Honey
1 TSP Strawberry jam
3–5 drops red food coloring
1 TSP corn or Kayo syrup
1 TSP of one egg (beaten)
1 TSP Mayo
No. 342175
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You just KNOW some of these people would take used tampons from bins in public restrooms to stick in their butts.
No. 342176
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>>342175Well speak of the fucking devil.
No. 342186
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>>342169It's probably more common than you'd think for guys to think that having your period is the same as having a bad case of the shits.
No. 342210
>>342129I get the sense that you've already decided I'm a troon. I guess I shouldn't bother to try and get people to think logically on this board (not that everyone here is illogical) because look where it gets me. You just assume that I'm a troon, and my guess is that because of that, you aren't really paying attention to what I'm saying, because you dismiss it as retarded troon logic.
sage for feelspost.
No. 342211
>>342129I get the sense that you've already decided I'm a troon. I guess I shouldn't bother to try and get people to think logically on this board (not that everyone here is illogical) because look where it gets me. You just assume that I'm a troon, and my guess is that because of that, you aren't really paying attention to what I'm saying, because you dismiss it as retarded troon logic.
sage for feelspost.
No. 342233
>>342180What. The. Fuck?!
Males really stealing used pads and tampons
vomit and wearing them?
Shoving eggs and tuna water up their assholes following a tampon to feel "feminine"!?
Only males have the most fucked up fetishes. I hope they all get some disease and toxic shock from their degenerate behavior.
Makes me glad I switched to the cup 2 years ago. I cannot stomach some werido is going through the trash and use my literal waste for a fap session gross.
Male sexuality is fucked up.
No. 342330
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No. 342385
>>342330lol imagine if an ugly woman was like "I'm a hot grl inside an ugly woman's body, plz pay for my plastic surgery so that I can get the face/body I deserve also anyone who doesn't want to fuck me is
triggering me and makes me suicidal"
babied chucklefucks.
No. 342389
>>342367Are they becoming self aware
They admit they see no value in women who aren't VS models and would rather
die than be usual/average ie ugly. And liberal feminists continue to give them our spaces and support. How the fuck can you support these men who don't even want you alive if you're not "beautiful" for them to mimic ffs
No. 342408
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>>342385>Hi, I identify as a conventionally beautiful woman, but society doesn't treat me as who I am inside, and this makes me suicidal. My body and brain simply don't match. I need to be accepted as a conventionally beautiful woman, and I need Beauty Affirming surgical procedures. Dead-ass imagine how fast any woman would be laughed out of a room, dissuaded from any surgery and told to seek therapy if they came out with this spiel. But when it's a man, it's a real issue. So real and incurable that they
require and
deserve surgery, or they might not make it through life.
Also, he admits to being AGP.
No. 342485
>>342441kek you know they chose the best-looking troon they could find and he still looks like an awkward man in makeup with big fake titties and a pubescent voice
imagine if it had been a pre-hrt troon. why does mainstream media peddle out twans wimnins like they’re all beautiful Barbie women?? 99.999999% of them look like richard kuklinski in a wig
No. 342486
>>342481it gets wet with shit like the troon in the previous thread who talked about his asshole fusing with his gaping penis wound and liquid shit spraying out
niiiiice and wet
No. 342517
>>342512i'm conflicted, but not about that.
i don't hate trannies per-say, but i think that some of them are absolute shit, and some of them definitely get pushed into acting like and doing things they wouldn't otherwise, to try to fit in.
i don't believe they are any different than other people who suffer from BDD type mental illnesses. but they shouldn't be being lied to and validated.
No. 342523
>>342512I used to be in a similar situation, but now after having read stuff about it I just realized that gender dysphoria is basically a type of BDD… and BDD shouldn't be cured with surgery, especially not such an invasive, irreversible type of surgery. Trannies all suffer from one or more mental imbalances: autism, depression, OCD, BPD. That's the ideal soil for additional shit like gender dysphoria. They fixate on this unreachable goal of becoming the opposite sex because they think it will bring them happiness somehow… except it doesn't, and when they realize what they've done, what happened to their bodies and that there's no going back - or going forward, that is, because they will never be real women/men - they an hero
No. 342527
>>342512After being on these threads since day one, I reached peak trans long ago. I honestly believe these people need help, honest help. A lot of them want to be 'women' instead of feminine men and vice versa. It's also a form of gay conversion therapy imo.
People who say shit like 'i'd rather have a live daughter, then a dead son' don't make it better. There are tons of evidence to support the way kids grow up has nothing to do with being trans. Boys putting on their mom's jewelry and heels has been a thing forever. It's called being a kid.
And tom boy girls exist all the time.
Now they want to put every single person in a box, emphasize gender roles created by society and put women's rights back 30+ years. I'm completely against it.
Men who can't come to term with their own sexuality, or just being a straight dude who likes 'girly' things are the reason we have so many trans bullshit. The acceptance is the worst part. Putting people on hormones so easily without any evaluation is horrible and unprofessional. I honestly think trans people are just people outside society norms but cant come to term with it.
No. 342540
>>342527Ugh, I just decided to look at the "asktransgender" subreddit and this is one of the first threads I saw:, how can they be so close to getting it but then be so wrong. Like, "yes maybe gender norms are dumb", then they go, "nah, if I liked as a kid "girl's toys" that must make me a woman".
No. 342548
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"but we just want to pee!!!"
No. 342580
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>>342562I've been following along in r/GC. KF has all the tweets capped. I've lost the capacity to be surprised by the audacity of troons.
>>342560Awesome that you can connect with her! Is she radfem on other issues as well?
No. 342581
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I hope these get covered by stickerwoman's penises.
No. 342583
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No. 342626
>>342583does…does he think that sex offenders hand themselves in voluntarily and sign up for the title?
>>342608 is spot on, as if any woman alive would ever slam open the cubicle door to watch a tranny go to the toilet or even to scold him, what a fucking trans fetish doujin plot if ever ive heard one.
No. 342641
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No. 342654
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>>342635Also, I found the post his sister made on facebook.
No. 342665
>>341975Zoomers will literally call you a gate keeping bully if you laugh at them for being to lazy to finish a JRPG
They literally don't understand games where it's possible to lose
No. 342695
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>>342540If those are all signs of being a man, well I'm happy I wasn't born any later. I'd be a prime candidate to confuse as a child and push into the whole transgender stuff. The whole tranny thing actually even made me feel inadequate as a woman. If apparently when you are born with a vagina you are supposed to automatically be into make-up and fashion and be highly skilled at it or ''get it''. Or that all women need huge tits, plastic if need be. The fact that they made being a woman into a performance again really hurt my self esteem and it took me reaching peak trans to all of the sudden fix most of my self esteem issues. I feel bad for all the girls growing up now who are being told they fail at being girls just because they don't conform and that they are told even men make better women than they do.
No. 342719
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>>342553I mean, people used to think Christine Jorgensen passed and yet…>>342629(brandon hunny, i am so sorry)
No. 342775
>>342695>I'd be a prime candidate to confuse as a child and push into the whole transgender stuffYou aren't alone in thinking that, I have seen that expressed by A LOT of adult women who were tomboyish as children. I was also into wearing more sporty clothes as a kid and had some "boyish" interests - but only if you think about it stereotypically. It is scary to think what would happen if I were born later.
The girls who are growing up today need to hear that they are not weird or actual boys for not being 100% girly girls. But I guess they are not hearing it enough because of all the screeching that feminists, lesbians and gc women are terf bigots.
No. 342785
>>342629This dude scares me.
> literally> literally> literally> like seriouslylel, he is a retard
Maybe he should learn first to express himself properly. Also, he curses most of the time, what sort of response is that?
I kind of feel sorry for him, then scared and amused at the same time.
shrugsalso, I thought my headphones broke, wtf is it with the sound?
No. 342792
>>342569It's really crazy, it's baffling how many people don't see it. It's an adult version of play pretend but worse, it's just like those crazy people in psych wards who think they're Napoleon… except the whole world has to accomodate their beliefs and it's somehow illegal to even question "Are you really Napoleon though? How do you know that?"
>>342629He's totally bonkers, I can see it even just 2 seconds in. The perma-smirk, the Onision way of speaking (aka "the raging narc speak", it's especially reminding me of the "FAAAAAX" video sperg), the exaggerated reaction, the fact that he spent 8+ minutes sperging for a simple comment.
You just know that this person is mentally ill and violent, who knows what would happen if a woman just happened to give him the side eye in a women's restroom.
>>342695I loved both Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball, Barbie dolls and YuGiOh cards. I must be "genderfluid" or, who knows, even hermaphrodite kek
No. 342793
>She thought she had found it in the fall of 2016 with the Minnesota Vixen football team, then part of the Independent Women’s Football League (IWFL). Team members welcomed her and cheered her on during an open practice before tryouts.“I thought, ‘This is it,’ ” she said Friday. “I found my home.”
But when the team’s owner discovered that Ginther was transgender, the team yanked the welcome mat.
This week, a Dakota County jury found that the team and the league discriminated against Ginther because she is transgender, a violation of the Minnesota Human Rights Act. Ginther was awarded $10,000 for emotional distress and $10,000 in punitive damages.
No. 342794
>>342562McKinnon is a fucking idiot.
>"You don't play with genitalia! Penis means nuffinnn!"That's not what Martina was saying you dumbass, you don't play with your dick but you play using your male muscle structure and bone structure, which gives you advantage. It's not like declaring yourself a twanswoman causes a Thanos snap and your body magically becomes like a real woman's.
No. 342798
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>>342793>“I don’t know what could have given me away,” she said.kek
No. 342800
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>>342771Here is a good read:
TL;dr no neurologist is able to "sex" an individual's brain because there are no individual, decisive differences between male and female brains. Brains at the individual level tend to mix together all traits in varying ways, and rarely does one trait have any relationship to another, "people’s self-reported tendency to empathize tells you almost nothing about their self-reported tendency to systemize, and people may be highly oriented toward both things and people, to mainly one of these, or to neither.".
Transgender people almost entirely rely on stereotypical "feminine" behaviors to prove that they are women and claim these behaviors are solely the product of the brain (I knew I was a woman before I could even talk/under 7/during my childhood etc.). Almost all of these behaviors are either consumerist (pink TOYS at childhood, pink THINGS, beauty, fashion, bodily hygiene standards [shaving, plucking, styling, waxing]) or covert male desires (women being submissive, beauty being ideal, being ~empowered~ through letting men have easier access to sex instead of fighting for complete autonomy for women's reproductive rights, wanting to be valuable for men/patriarchy) and are hugely socially forced (by other men).
The Zhou et al. study that is frequently used as a source for brain sex had a number of methodological errors: a) did not correct for confounding variable of long term hormone use which has been shown to affect brain structure
b) it had a sample of
six people
A follow up study by the same researchers also explored the statement about the neurobiological basis from birth and found that the sexual dimorphism of the BSTc is not present before adulthood (approximately 22 years of age) even though transsexuals report being aware of their gender identity since childhood.
Basically they are wrong and do not understand the papers they are citing for their arguments lol
No. 342855
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>>342809He has bragged about getting accounts suspended for years.
I hope the women who appear in the backgrounds of the photos he has taken in restrooms and then posted online sue him for violation of privacy.
No. 342888
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No. 342922
>I don't see other discriminated communities doing this.Like munchies and malingerers, they are playing victim. What easier way to not have to seek employment and instead rake in donations than to declare oneself the most oppressed of oppressed minorities?
Speaking of munchies, the number of young women exhibiting MBI and identifying as non-binary seems ever increasing.
No. 342926
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Receipts of harassment perpetrated by Jonathan Jessica Yaniv No. 342932
>>342926I dont understand how this sort of fetish even happens. How disappointing to be this person's parent.
I would disown any kid that did this and grieve for the child I
thought I had.
>>342912I think they probably do have a hard time getting and keeping employment, not just because of their looks but their whiny personalities. I think a hiring manager is is a bad spot IRT hiring them, on the one hand you don't want to discriminate on the other hand if you hire them you're on eggshells they might end up suing you over something else anyway.
No. 342954
>>342949Yeah you're right I think. I just think it's funny how misogyny trumps everything. Like, even the straight southern men I know who despise transgender anything and call them trannies and shit still say things like "transgender women are better than women" and "women are obsolete now because men can become better looking than them."
They will be the most virulent 'transphobes' up until the point they can use transgender people as a stick to beat women with. It's pretty depressing at times. Like society really hates women that much that there is no one supporting them.
No. 342977
>>342971We have each other….sort of. I mean I've known women who want to take women's rights away and hate other women. Which is sad because you would never see a man advocate for the removal of men's rights to gain the approval of women. Women will defend men to the death but you never see men doing the same for them. Yet they still do it and choose to shit on other women to build men up. You would think that the transgender community would have like…even a modicum of support for women and at the very least not shit all over us like men do because they would understand what its like to be hated and seen as worthless and inferior. But instead they go the complete opposite way and join men in attacking women for anything imaginable and calling us worthless and obsolete. That's what I don't get.
It just sucks and it truly feels like women can only depend on themselves while every other demographic has people who want to protect and support their rights, but women have to be fiercely protective of their rights because every other demographic wants to take them away at the first opportunity. Idk. I'm just pessimistic I guess.
No. 342984
>>342800As a scientist myself I’m confused as to how the Zhou et al. study got published at all. Only six subjects and not a single unmedicated control? If I had presented a research proposal like this in any of my classes I would have received a failing grade. I get that it was probably hard to find enough suitable subjects for a study like this in 1995 but if your dataset is as meagre and flawed as this one you simply can’t draw any conclusions from it and shouldn’t publish. I’ve seen so many grad students struggle with hypercritical reviews that set their projects back months, even years because they keep demanding more and more control experiments, and these assholes got published without any controls? In
Nature even! It’s really irresponsible and kind of upsetting, to be honest. Maybe standard are higher now but at the sane time, so many people are still pointing to this one flawed study as justification for chemically castrating gnc kids. This is why scientific integrity is important.
No. 342988
>>342512Just because some are nice and relatively sane doesn't make their ideology right.
Being a woman inside is a stupid concept. There's nothing inside that makes a woman a woman, it's all about external genitalia. Defying gender norms doesn't make someone the opposite sex… I mean, tomboys have been accepted as normal women for decades.
No. 342992
>>342947saw this happening a lot with the miss universe thing, men saying men are better at being women and whatnot. it's dumb tbh
transwomen aren't expected to live up to the expectations set on women, they seem to be praised for doing literally the bare minimum. some of them look like straight up greasy, dirty pigs and they still get called beautiful and brave kek
i wouldn't be surprised if the idea of being a second class citizen got some of them off as a fetish. they're weird and creepy like that
No. 343002
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No. 343031
I hate how much trans activism has taken ahold here in the UK. Here's a post where one of the leading trans CHILD charities 'Mermaids' responds to a media request. lot of the post is real bullshit but this in particular screamed out to me:
>Young children between 18 months and 3 years learn how to use the words 'man' and 'woman' to identify themselves and others (Berk, 2013: 531). In this early stage of childhood, children already relate toys, clothes, colors, and behaviors to gendered identity and express their preferenceThey are literally admitting that they think kids should adhere to gender roles. And this is a mainstream charity that is often quoted in the press here!
I can't bring myself to be optimistic like some people in thinking that the trans bubble will burst. It's just going to grow and grow
>>343002Almost perfect. Only missing 'omg cis people are SO OBSESSED with genitals so creepy' before the girl cock line.
No. 343038
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>>343031According to Mermaids, lesbians and gay men are trans!
No. 343046
>>343038People are losing their shit on Twitter cause Robert Webb criticized mermaids saying they're not a good charity. Clearly that means he hates trans ppl right.
It's interesting to me how certain social justice circles will critisize certain charities as being
problematic or bad but the minute someone criticizes a trans charity people lose their shit.
No. 343052
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Robert Webb: Saying all gender non-conforming kids are trans isn't accurate.
No. 343065
>>343061but mention this and people scoff at you even though it is used for that today in other countries.
a "friend" of mine was talking about how kind and merciful it is to force hormone therapy onto people instead of killing them, and then she quickly shut up when i asked her if she thought those people would get dysphoria.
i have a lot of friends who have closet peaked, but any of my "feelzb4reelz" friends are constantly confusing themselves over this mess.
No. 343070
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>>343059Hello, Ryan "Lisa" Kreut aka Hailey Heartless of Victoria, BC.
No. 343071
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Saged for long rant:
Today my mother said that I scare her because me saying that being transgender is an illness is exactly what Hitler said about gays as well…
I tried to explain to her what body dysmorphia is, but nearly all trans lingo is english - which she doesn't understand.
My mother isn't old or uneducatued, there are millions of people who're more gullible than her and this is exactly what will cause the tranny invasion in Germany and other european countries as well: People try to be as understanding as possible - while having no idea.
My parents always watch this tv show (which is actually geared towards an even older audience) and on top of having tons of refugee characters in it, they also let one dude troon out (pic related). He's the aryan poster boy, 2 metres and 100kg of muscle, in pink dresses and a shitty wig. And of course everybody around him is super supportive, allow him to be "one of the girls" and he's suddenly acting all weak and girly - living life like r/mft's wet dream.
Is this some weird sort of propaganda? Showing trannies to middle aged and old people until they start to think "Yep, that's normal"? Youtube is already doing to same thing to young people.
On top of it, that tv staton is owned by the state and financed by taxes… Around 2 weeks ago they also allowed person named "Zer0" to speak about trans rights during the news. It said it was born a he and now is neither male nor female - but clearly dressed in typical troon fashion, complete with hot pink hair…
There's really no hope.
No. 343074
>>343071which show is that?
also, when I went to fetch something in the kitchen today my mom was watching a turkish soap opera and asked, "that isn't a girl, right?" and lo and behold, a fucking tranny in a
turkish soap opera of all places.
So maybe they're trying to do just that. Win the hearts of elderly people. My mom used to be a lot harsher when I was a kid but with age she gets more emotional and more understanding. I presume a lot of people go through that as well.
No. 343096
>>343074Google image search is your friend![translated]
Lindenstraße: Spectators are increasingly criticizing
Transgender and refugees are currently playing a major role in the cult soap. The viewers criticize this more and more.
No. 343097
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>>343074The show is called "Lindenstraße" and is from Germany, I have posted about it in one of the earlier threads. The character's name is "Sunny". Unlike
>>343071, I actually think the character's depiction is hilarious and the show's writers could very well be gender critical. There actually is a German word to describe people like him, "Trümmertranse", which basically means "trashy tranny".
He really just is a buff guy wearing a wig and dresses. His character is annoying and his transition is pretty realistic because the only thing he cares about is himself lmao. The other characters in the series support him, but his depiction actually is pretty antiquated and gives me freakshow vibes. I would not call this character propaganda, and even if it was, it would probably ineffective.
No. 343121
>>343113Self-ID is horrible and will cause more and more women to be preyed upon. Your born sex defines your biolgical sex. While some may argue gender is a social term, bleh bleh. Women are born female and men will always be born male. There is no arguing that.
No. 343179
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>>342629holy hit anon
are retarded kek
No. 343181
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>>342629kek of course he watches onion
No. 343183
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Cause lesbians just looove dick, right?
No. 343222
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>>343183reddit never fails to lower the bar
No. 343239
>>343231 and he's trying too hard to be a "real woman" now. I wish Ru kept with his original statement because it made way more sense than to let this mentally Ill bitch on the show
No. 343247
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found a couple really creepy tweets by a TiM after he got into an argument with a woman i follow
No. 343249
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and this is the man who retweeted that ^
No. 343303
>>343284We really don’t need another word, cutesy or not. There’s nothing wrong with “girls” and “women”, because men don’t menstruate. I’ve never heard of actual women who don’t menstruate for whatever reason being offended by the general use of these terms.
What I don’t get is why they skipped over the specific yet ~inclusive~ term “menstruating people” straight to something so dehumanising. Just because it’s slightly shorter? Currently they still talk about “pregnant people”, but how long until they start simply calling us incubators?
No. 343309
>>342992>saw this happening a lot with the miss universe thing, men saying men are better at being women and whatnot. I dont think they mean it with any adoration. Its just a joke. Ive seen similar comments about trans people competing in womens sporting events.
Theyre mocking the situation itself, that men are able to participate in these things in the first place, just with the sexist attitude of "well of course men are better than women at everything, how can they compete?".
No. 343310
>>342992>saw this happening a lot with the miss universe thing, men saying men are better at being women and whatnot. I dont think they mean it with any adoration. Its just a joke. Ive seen similar comments about trans people competing in womens sporting events.
Theyre mocking the situation itself, that men are able to participate in these things in the first place, just with the sexist attitude of "well of course men are better than women at everything, how can they compete?".
No. 343333
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Seriously tho this image is so accurate
No. 343334
>>343284It's just retarded in its logic.
>Saying that only females menstruate is not inclusive enough!>Say, I wish we had an umbrella term for people who menstruate…>How about "menstruator"? That's what we'll call human people with a womb and vagina! Genius! I mean I'm aware of the "what about the women who were born without wombs or had to have it removed" argument but seriously you still wouldn't come up with a different term for a human born with only one arm. It's still a human.
The ad was depressing though. Watching it made me realize how little menses and diseases of the female reproductive organs are studied and how even up to 80's PMS was just considered psychosomatic and a bill to improve research on life-threatening TSS was refused, and then it ended up with a retarded "not all who menstruate are women uwu" sentiment. No matter how much time passes, nobody still gives a shit about women.
No. 343348
>>343343Most drag fans I know look down on bio queens (misogyny in
my drag culture? It’s more likely than you think!) but if they let a TiM on and there’s literally no difference between cis and trans women uwuwuwuwu then there’s really no reason not to let actual women compete. Unfair because they were born female? Well so were transwomen, since
tw are w and their penises are female etc. etc.
It would be funny to see their own logic be turned around on them in this way, even though any bio queen who tried would probably get inundated with rape and death threats for her trouble. Maybe one of them will piss on her door, too.
No. 343390
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I'm not super GenCrit, but even if brain gender distinctions are completely developmental in nature, I feel like biological developmental events like menstruation or pregnancy are going to have a big influence on the brain. That can support GenCrit.
Otherwise, indistinct brains can support gender/sexuality by choice so popular among the Social Justice Fandom and most damaging to actual queer rights.
No. 343421
I met up with an old friend since we both happened to be in our hometown. I've known him since he was a teen and he's always been very gender non-conforming. Identified as male, but never really gave a fuck about gender roles, he was (and still is) just really androgynous.
Now when we met, I complimented his hair at one point and said that men seem to have thicker hair and I'm jealous. He was instantly taken aback, told me that he's not a man, and he identifies as nonbinary.
He moved to a different city, into a neighbourhood that is known for being a SJW swarm, and started studuing at art school, so I'm not really that suprised. But I'm so sad for him. Before he had no dysphoria, he was fine just being GNC, but I'm assuming that all the talk regarding this subject must have made him think that he's actually nonbinary. And now being referred to as male makes him anxious. This shit is so harmful and it only creates more anxiety, BDD, depression. I know because I was like him when I was younger, I almost trooned, I had horrible body dysphoria because I thought that I must be male since I'm not feminine. But then I learned that gender roles don't mean shit and boom. I was and still am way happier.
I'm mad that my past is happening to him but in reverse, I'm mad that people let this happen. Sorry for a blogpost but I just wish people started to realize how harmful this is for everyone now that it's starting to affect my loved ones.
No. 343423
>>343421Unfortunately, this story is all too common. These people really do operate like a cult and actively recruit socially isolated and vulnerable people.
>change your life completely and dedicate yourself to our ideology 100% and we'll love and accept you>cut off contact with your old friends and family, they're evil outsiders who want to destroy us and by extension you!It's textbook cult tactics the way these people operate, except they have political clout so you can't even speak out against them like you can, say, Scientology. At least Lord Xenu doesn't want anyone to cut off their boobs or penis.
No. 343434
>>343429and what about women who stop their periods with birth control? i don't feel like any more or less of a woman either way.
shit like this just baffles me because men are lucky enough to not have to deal with periods, yet they act like it's some kind of special thing. as if all of us wake up like "uwu i missed out on makin babies this month~ and now i'm in pain for 4 days!" how fucking wonderful. another question i'm wondering is are TiFs this crazy about annoying male bodily functions? do they reeee about not getting uncomfortable morning wood, or claim they suddenly have prostates? if they do i've never heard it.
No. 343438
>>343427Trannies keep thinking that the way western anime fans see those characters ("trap") is the same as Japanese fans see them ("otoko no ko"). Even the "trap is a slur!" part is silly because 4chan adores traps and show a lot of repressed homosexuality rather than hating them.
This might just be my experience but in anime and manga I've seen portrayals ranging from "ugly gay men in drag wanting to be women", over "who even cares" and "we want more fetish fuel", to very few serious portrayals in manga like Wandering Son. If anything is silly then it's that they blew out of proportion when the staff referred to the whole group as "girls" when multiple series do that.
A lot of characters still see themselves as male in those media, hell, there was a dude in idolm@ster that is worried by his soft feminine appearance because he wants to be more popular with girls, so he decides to become an idol. To his horror, they think he should substitute a girl and crossdress, but he wants to debut as a normal male idol and rejects the offer but things still end up that way. Later on he's added to the SideM and dresses like a guy because he hates crossdressing.
To be honest, I really think it's some subtle homophobia when they'd rather think of those characters as transitioning and female if they idea of younger men with softer features puts them off. Lily is one of the rare characters that asks to be called a different name though and hates masculine features on himself, but is still handled as a joke and looks like the typical "who cares about the gender when it's cute" logic.
No. 343443
>>343438Japan only has issues with homosexuality on a surface level, and it's less due to them finding it immoral, and more to do with Japan finding literally anything that makes waves or transcends the norm
problematic. I mean ffs, this is a society that promotes bullying people who don't fit in, or people who have mental and physical illnesses. There was no way for them to tolerate homosexuality.
No. 343444
>>343434These kinds of things make me feel so much disgust, I have endo and the tl;dr is that I kept fainting from pain, was called overly sensitive, kept chugging painkillers for years until they took out a baseball ball sized cyst out of me when it ruptured.
Now I'm on birth control and I really don't want to be because of the side effects, but if the ovary gets removed I'll get the same or worse health complications. And then I see men who want to take birth control, it's what made me reach peak trans because they don't get how they could fuck up their bodies.
No. 343445
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No. 343458
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>>343445Reposting this for the terves who haven't seen it
No. 343463
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>>343458I guess I shoudnt be surprised they are deluded about thinking they are women after all.
No. 343465
>>343434and what about women who stop their periods with birth control? i don't feel like any more or less of a woman either way
Same here. Periods are a non issue to me because I've been skipping them for so long, they have nothing to do with my identity as a woman. Some women do feel more strongly about it, but surprise surprise we aren't a hivemind and there is no specific feeling or experience that makes you a woman.
No. 343471
>>343445First world white straight male problems: the article
>>343458Revolting and delusional.
No. 343473
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No. 343493
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No. 343500
>>343493Too accurate.
>>343498>"Give yourself a chance to be glamorous!"Because that's what being a woman is all about. Can't watch anymore because it's too cringey but I definitely feel sorry for the wives who have to put up with that nonsense.
No. 343510
>>343458He’s not only a huge ogre, but looks 20 years older too. No, the average healthy 35 year old woman does not look like that.
>>343498What is that body shape? A smoked turkey leg?
No. 343511
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>>341517stop trans ideology
No. 343517
>>343513There is something seriously, seriously weird about this child's situation. would you even talk to a child about drugs like ketamine, and why the fuck does he know how to mimic taking ketamine? At age 11?
No. 343547
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>>343511Hes very thin for his age. He’s 11 but I thought he was younger. I think his parents are trying to stunt his growth by starving him.
No. 343560
>>343517We have tried to discuss him before and mods issued bans.
>>343511He idolizes the Club Kids. The movie is literally an instruction manual on how to prepare and imbibe K.
>>343555How would it not just be reposts of caps from the KF thread? That's where people are going to post receipts since every other site has capitulated to his complaints. I doubt Admin and the site host would refuse his demands since they have caved so easily to costhots' threats of legal action.
No. 343568
>>343547I didn't watch the video of him doing his little dance (just don't want to be seeing that) but oh my goodness you're right, he looks almost malnourished.
If his parents are truly trying to stunt his growth, I wonder why?
No. 343570
>>343547I noticed that too! He looks underfed and those shaven eyebrows on that tiny face make him him look sickly.
What is most frustrating is that if you object to the way this child is being exploited by his parents, people assume you must be anti-LGBT or a far right conservative bigot. Like, nooo! Love and support gay children but treat them the same as any other children. Educate them about how the world may treat them, but still let them just be little kids. His parents brag about them knowing he was gay since he was two! Of course, some children’s inclinations are quite obvious early on but why encourage your toddler to build a whole identity around something that will not be revelant until they’re much older? Why does anyone think that discussing his undeveloped sexuality is an appropriate topic rather than talking about how gender stereotypes hurt him? This all so fucking weird and I never imagined I could ever be considered not liberal enough.
No. 343571
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???????????? Smh
No. 343606
>>343547Yeah, they are legit promoting child abuse and even pedophilia. this is insane… I figured someone like Rupaul would speak up against this, but he's silent, isn't he?
Drag should have stay underground where it belonged.
No. 343609
>>343569A kid doing drag is weird and makes me question humanity.
>>343571Sam, how you shut the fuck up while I provide you with biological facts that you're wrong in every way.
No. 343611
>>343571>period symptomsNo. They're not period symptoms. Maybe they think their cramps are similar to period cramps, maybe they think their mood swings are to do with periods, but they're not. They're having symptoms of SOMETHING, but it's not a damn period. They're not fucking menstruating. They have no uterus.
"Similar symptoms" don't mean shit. Anybody who has ever done one of those online symptom checkers know that you can have similar symptoms without having the issue.
Dcotors don't treat hypochondriacs' imagined health issues because of their ~feelings~, they can't demand we accept their headaches as brain tumours, so why should we let people go round saying they have periods when they physcially fucking can't?
I hate that they're allowed to just take everything. We can't even have pain anymore without them deciding their pain is more important.
I already know so many women and girls who have issues with their periods that is never taken seriously because we're supposed to just deal with it secretly and privately, yet trans women can come and make it into more of a joke? No thanks.
No. 343622
it's so annoying that they want in on literally every aspect of what we are, and not only do they want in on it all, they want to be held on a pedestal and treated special while they're at it. they want talks about periods and pregnancy to cater more to them when they should just accept that many things aren't inclusive and that's the end of it. they want women's bathrooms, schools, shelters, sports, wombs, and even prisons. they want lesbians to go against their nature, simply for validation. what they act like when people refuse them these things is terrifying to me. they're not entitled to anything or owed a thing from us, but they fully believe they are.
they clearly want us to be a subcategory of our own gender (us "cis" and them just women), and genuinely believe they make better women and are deserving. i'm sick of hearing about them, but they're completely inescapable these days and they're always demanding something else. i feel so degraded and creeped out when i read the shit they say and do. i'm afraid of what they're going to want next because everybody jumps to give it to them without so much as a passing thought about women. just had to get that out, sorry
No. 343680
>>343633Ironically the first troon that peaked me is Italian, born and raised. Are they not that common?
Openly LGB means no need to transition if you're gay. AGP/AAP nutjobs do exist, though.
No. 343684
>>343047I've noticed this too. And another observation I've seen is they mostly come from single mother homes. Not all of course but it's enough to notice a trend. I can't help but feel that the single
>>343053mother latches onto her son and if he starts exhibiting feminine interests like playing with makeup or wanting to wear dresses, she believes he must be trans for x y or z.
And then in the other scenario, they really do prefer having a trans kid over a gay kid because they are either homophobic or they're genuinely terrified their child may get abused for being gay.
And finally, the way the world is right now, if you don't support your child being trans, you're looked at as some disgusting, bigoted, tranpshobe and a lot of these people don't want to be known as "that" person in their neighborhood.
>>343053That's just disgusting…
No. 343690
>>343680Lmao, are his initials V.L. by any chance?
They aren't common at all, there's a couple of troons in television but they're basically seen as freaks, in a very circus way. There was also a TIM from Naples who got married to a man, and it was on the news. I saw people outside of his house, they were only there to stare like there was the circus.
No. 343702
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No. 343707
>>343690Not a big name just someone I've got to know.
A bear-chasing 'gay' TIF living in Milan that looks nowhere masculine. Most people seen her as a joke anyway, and she still hasn't got any interest from gay men yet. Pretty much showed me how cotton ceiling in not only TIM thing. Moans a lot how people don't take her seriously yet always point out that she was a woman when it's convenient.
>>343702This is very unsettling and comedic in the way clowns can look creepy, with that arms and rapist smile. How did he think this look good?
No. 343709
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This is what normalization looks like.
No. 343710
>>343606Tinfoil: Conspiracy theory on this is that trans-everything is being pushed onto everyone to make pedophilia more normal. Since tras praise kids for being mature with themselves, their gender identity and being more open to sexual identities. The more kids shown to be in adult situations making adult choices instead of being kids, the easier it is. ie JY believing talking to 10 year old girls alone about periods, tampon insertions and being completely nude in public locker rooms is "normal" since "we're all girls here uwu and you can't offend me or I'll sue you uwu"
>>343631>fishUgh. Of course drag hates women too. They'd bond with troons over it except drag mocks tras and mtfs for being what they are, men in dresses.
No. 343716
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No. 343720
>>343702a big inverted triangle man arms tribal tat troon…. wrinkly ass cheap dress, literally a grimey punching bag.
men are such a fucking joke. i'm sure this gross testosterone infused orc has soooooo much to teach me about being a woman. i'm sure he had plenty of female friends and was involved in female dominated hobbies, l m a o. why do these gross hulk dudes think they have anything in common with actual women? they dont look or act like us, whether they're ex military or programmer soyboys.
no female friends, no interests a real woman would have. they just hang out on 4chan or other misogynist sites. why tf do they think we'd want to hang out with them, or even think that their masc selves are anything like us in the first place? how does some dude think he's anything like a woman? they hate and resent us, and refuse to think of us as people.
No. 343721
>>343486>>343669In b4 a trans person receives treatment inappropriate for their sex during a medical emergency, suffers a severe adverse reaction, and sues the medical provider.
Ty Turner had a bad reaction to a misplaced T shot and resisted telling the ER doctor why she was injecting T and that she was even trans until the doctor became suspicious she was using it illicitly.
No. 343725
>>343721they really don't give a shit about their health at all, do they. "invert my penis into a fistula! sew my arm skin and distend my urethra into a flesh tube! cut my tits off! give me off label prostate cancer drugs to stop my puberty! let's buy hormones off the internet and tell other people how to! these cramps are my awesome trans gurl period!"
these procedures are disgusting and untested. no one knows the long term effects of test. on female bodies, because no one cares enough to try to get a long term study. trans people are basically used as guinea pigs, and are ok with this for some reason.
No. 343752
>>343725The effects of T on the Olympic athletes forced to undergo doping have been studied. the early 1970s many athletes of the GDR, notably females, were given not only oral androgenic steroids but also injections with androgenic hormones, including nandrolone esters or, most frequently, testosterone esters. The strong virilizing side effects of injectable testosterone esters were accepted by most female athletes, but some refused to participate in this additional testosterone injection program. … Because the effect of doping with androgenic hormones was so spectacular in female athletes, the abuse of such drugs rapidly spread not only to Eastern Block countries but also, since the mid-1970s, to countries of the Western world, including West Germany and in particular the US. Thus, the women with natural ambiguity of sex characteristics, who had played a significant role in female sports until the introduction of sex test controls in the late 1960s, were soon followed by the pharmacologically induced ambiguous sex characteristics. putter Heidi Krieger
Testosterone took her femininity. She changed sex and now lives as a man, teaching youngsters the dangers of pumping steroids in a bid for sporting glory.
No. 343758
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>>343733KF also has a thread on Lyndsay Amer and the garbage that is QKS. No. 343760
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And how about that Drag Queen Story Hour?
No. 343798
>>343632Yep if a drag queen is semi-passing they call them "fishy"
Women who stan drag queens are idiots honestly, specifically that show and the way they talk about women.
No. 343811
>>343511A snippet of Desmond's mom's response to the bullies:
Desmond likes dressing like a girl, so what? How is that sexualizing him or abusing him? Only you seem to see it as sexual. I see a plain old 10-year old boy in a dress. Also, how is that promoting pedophilia? Explain it to me please. If there is a pedophile anywhere, they will go for whatever child they can most easily attack whether it is mine or yours. It is proven that, for one, most pedophiles are heterosexual, and two, they go for the weakest children, the kids who keep their heads down, the ones who beg for attention and love because they get it nowhere else. That isn't Desmond at all. He is being raised with unconditional love, has been treated as an intelligent individual, and has been told every day of his life that he is a worthy person in this world, no matter what. He is self-confident, smart, and self-aware. Desmond constantly has a parent with him at all times, is supervised, and he only attends family friendly or all ages events. He is a happy and well-adjusted child. So where does that leave your kids?
Desmond is not transgender. No one is pumping him with hormones or forcing a gender on him. He fully identifies as a boy who likes to dress up like a girl on occasion. Days will go by where he doesn't even dress up at all. Most days, he looks like any other 10-year old boy. The media and videos he participates in would like you to believe that he dresses up 24/7, but that is not true. It is a hobby for him, something that he enjoys doing when he wants to, same as playing with his toy subway cars, or doing his crossword puzzles.
And yes, Desmond does think that he is gay. He has had crushes on boys that he has told me about since about first grade. In imagining his future, he would like a boyfriend someday. Alright. Is that really so bad? There have been people of all identities and all sexual orientations on this earth since the beginning of time. It even occurs with animals and in nature. Does he ever talk about sex? No. Do we talk to him about sex? No. It isn't appropriate. He hasn't even reached puberty for crying out loud. I am, beyond a doubt, disturbed by how many people think he is sexualized. It's disgusting that so many people see a child this way. It speaks volumes about our society and what we watch, listen to, idolize, model our livestyles after. Has he been molested? Absolutely not. Will he still think he is gay in two years? four? ten? Science would tell you, most likely he will. Whatever happens is fine with me. Desmond has been focusing some of his energy on advocating for the LGBTQ community and that focus also helps him with his autism. He realizes that, he enjoys it, and it also pays karma back in that it is also helping others. What do you do to help others? No. 343824
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>>343702Lmao how the fuck are his arms so disproportionate
All I can think of is that one episode of Spongebob, pic related
No. 343831
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Because everyone knows women and especially lesbians need to be "enriched" with ~girldicks~ uwu!
No. 343842
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> It is proven that, for one, most pedophiles are heterosexual, and two, they go for the weakest children, the kids who keep their heads down, the ones who beg for attention and love because they get it nowhere else.
This is bullshit and she's a bitch for even suggesting it. So the gymnastics coach who molested gymnasts who perform on a world stage are vulnerable and unloved? Fuck this dumb bitch. That is an assisine and straight up false thing to say.
No. 343846
>>343843Fucking thank you. Like fine, a little boy who wants to dress up like a girl isn't a big deal so long as he's dressing appropriately for his age just like you would for a little girl. Whatever. But that doesn't excuse the fact that she has her 11 year old son dancing in a BAR for money. It's fucking inappropriate and no child should be in a establishment for adults, especially with alcohol being a big thing in the setting. How the fuck does she not see how wrong that is?
It's not that it's a gay bar, people would be saying the same thing if it was a little girl dolled up and singing in a non-gay bar while twerking and getting money thrown at her.
The main point of contention is that a bar, club, or any other adult oriented place is appropriate for a child, no matter what.
No. 343848
>>343846*Is inappropriate
My bad
No. 343861
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No. 343869
>>343709I knew normalization of pedophilia was going to be the next step, but at the same time I was hoping that it wouldn't be.
Between this and the recent burst of popularity that loli has seen in the anime sphere (and numerous other instances of "thinly"-veiled pedobait), it seems like we've got dark times ahead.
I am really, really, really, really sad for humanity.
I really wish this craziness would stop.
No. 343874
>>343811>10 year old boy in a dressYes that's exactly how normal ten year old girls dress, you got us!
>mine or yoursVague threat, since she clearly knows a lot of pedos and murderers
>attends family friendly or all ages eventsLike hanging out with murderers and adult drag queens making drug jokes
>No one is pumping him with hormones or forcing a gender on him.He's pumped up with mood stabilizers instead! Nice taking a high and mighty stance when this is worse than most trans parents (and they are the only people supporting her)
>Desmond has been focusing some of his energy on advocating for the LGBTQ community and that focus also helps him with his autism.You're not helping the LGBT community any with this shit. And surely there are more age appropriate ways for him to "focus", like working on schoolwork, games or sports.
No. 343876
>>343861what the hell? does this dumb fucking troon think that fucking a womb is actually a thing people do?? like… does he know what a cervix is? and why giving birth is so painful? or why a man should avoid hitting a woman's cervix during sex? why did this fucking troon not ever learn jack shit about female anatomy if he is "such a wammin inside~".
oh right, because TiMs are disgusting men who fetishize the idea of being female, and don't actually give a single shit about women's issues. the entitlement is astounding.
No. 343881
>>343870It's always been popular underground in small circles. I was speaking of the mainstream anime culture of the past 5 years or so.
I've seen shirts that reference loli, people "ironically" posting pedobait memes, weebs openly (and proudly) talking about it, and ridiculous amounts of fanservice.
I know that most anime nowadays is made to pander to degenerate otaku, but loli seems to be getting an unprecedented amount of attention lately.
From what I've noticed, it seems to be newer animefags who think it's cute and quirky to be into that stuff, or sometimes even completely misunderstanding it's purpose. Even in the early 00s, I don't remember such material being talked about so openly in anime communities. Also, the amount of loli-esque characters in shows has skyrocketed since moe became a thing.
I dunno. Maybe it's primarily because anime is fucked up in general, and it's just now starting to get really popular.
The cracks begin to show.
No. 343885
>>343874no one knows their sexuality at 10 too! How disgusting is that mother to push her 10 year old son in the LGBT comm (take the T out already!!) when they dont belong there. It's seriously messed up.
Nothing wrong with discovering your sexuality, but this is not the way to do it. That kid should be playing sports or videogames and making friends, not having grown men (probably pedos) throw money at him at a bar. this makes me shudder.
No. 343896
>>343842Sexual abuse is rampant in the entertainment industry. Does she think no child stars could ever have been abused because they got to be on tv and had fans? Stage parents who care more about their child’s “success” and fame than their emotional wellbeing are especially dangerous because they’re much more likely to turn a blind eye in the name of ambition. Pedos with clout in the industry actively seek out and promote children in this boy’s position. Especially since he’s apparently autistic, that just makes him an even easier target.
>>343843>>343846>>343850Also this. Even if there’s no physical abuse (yet) that is an incredibly inappropriate and damaging thing for a child to be doing. I hate that you can no longer speak out against this shit without being called a prude. Child grooming is progressive now.
No. 343899
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No. 343938
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>>343928>Have any of them actually tried to give a “scientific” explanation about why a male’s body would cramp everywhere but the reproductive organs?No caps sorry, but I once saw a TIM claim that period cramps are caused by the abs contracting in reaction to estrogen, which makes the uterus hurt. He didn't elaborate further but I guess by his logic in male-assigned bodies there's no uterus to cushion the intestines and that's why they get cramps there instead. Of course that even doesn't take into account the actual size and position of the uterus in non-pregnant women but I guess pic related is too
triggering to take a look at.
No. 343940
>>343811>My son dresses up like a drag queen and dances at gay bars for money, what's sexualizing about that??>Most pedophiles are heterosexual, just like the men who prey on young boys in Hollywood!!>It's YOU people who are pedos for seeing sexual undertones in this!! Sweet jesus what the fuck is this mother going on about.
>>343938>period cramps are caused by the abs contracting in reaction to estrogen, which makes the uterus hurt. I.. what. You can literally google it and it's the first result - after no fertilization the prostaglandins are released from the unused womb lining, causing the uterine muscles to convulse in order to push the tissue outside which is why period cramps are similar to labor pain. This is why female anatomy needs to be taught more in schools. I can imagine some women even believing this shit TiMs tell them.
A personal vent because I need to get it out: I just came across a girl whose work I used to follow at some point, she has gone full troon these days and it's so sad. She still looks 100% like a petite girl despite a year of being on T, just with a massively receding hairline and a lot of acne. Like you would never be able to tell that she's anything else but a woman. She's also in a "gay" relationship with another FTM, so it's just giving off lesbians in denial vibes. Why is this allowed to happen?
No. 343943
>>343928I'm fairly sure that these idiots have heard of period poops and think that because some women get diarrhea on their period that it's basically the same thing. I've seen non-tranny males make claims that they understand what having a period is like for the same reasons.
I don't think it helps that men refuse to ever listen to real women about anything either. These men don't talk to women about the issues women face, they talk to other delusional men and chalk it up as being the same thing because they know any real woman with a some would shut them down immediately.
No. 343949
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No. 343950
>>343183It's interesting how troons/bisexual handmaidens like to say that a TiM is "providing to the lesbians" specifically. Why not the bisexuals? I'm 100% sure no lesbian ever wrote something like that.
We're just a fetish to them, just like straight guys fantasize about fucking a lesbian girl. TiMs do the same.
No. 343951
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>>343928It's the way hormones cycle through the body, prompting muscle movement to "do the thing".
And saying transwomen can't have periods is transphobic. No. 343957
File: 1545752708027.png (629.81 KB, 838x1130, >the agp smile in the mirror.p…) for silicone body parts. This is so creepy. men bought this for $100. And of course the silicone nipples are hard.
Looking at stuff like this honestly makes me dysphoric and want to get my breasts cut off. It's so degrading to see men use normal female body parts as a fetish object, sex toy. I don't see how anyone could buy stuff like this and still treat women with the same respect as they treat men. I just hate the world we live in.
No. 343964
>>343960There's a difference between using a dildo and getting off by wearing silicone breasts or even a full female body suit.
Also, there's a reason why there isn't a fetish in which women wear male silicone body suits/parts.
No. 343982
>>342888This is literally pilpul.
>>343547This kid was on a podcast with a literal murderer (in the same room). He also mimed ketamine use when some drag freak mentioned it on a stream with him.
This kid has very obviously been exposed to sex and drugs. Can't confirm whether or not he has participated, but it's still abuse.
No. 343998
>>343966No one is complaining about men using fleshlights.
No one is complaining about women using strapons.
The problem is freaks getting as close as legally possible to wearing a woman's skin as they can.
If it was legal there'd be no doubt in my mind these sick men would 'wear' real womens' breasts (and skin) instead.
No. 344010
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>>343758Speaking of KFs I always rip on it for being full of troons/chasers but I checked out the thread and was greeted with this shit. The same person was claiming that intersexuality is more frequent than thought, linking to statistics that counted simple deformations of genitals (such as the placement of urinary tract) as intersex. I'm so fucking sick of "nonbinaries" using the issues of intersex people as their shield. They were born with malformed reproductive parts and chromosome deficits, you weren't.
As for the QKS thing, it's simply bonkers. No kid would enjoy that travesty, she's using concepts and terminology nobody under 15 understands and clearly has no degree or experience in child psychology or pedagogy. Even without addressing the whole mess of talking about two headed dildos to "3-6 year olds", making an educating kids' show is actually hard and it doesn't suddenly turn into a child friendly success when you stick some colorful building blocks and a teddy bear in your set.
No. 344048
>>344032Yeah, I've seen the r/traaaaaaannnnnssss subreddit, that's part of why I was concerned but another one was because I stumbled upon another trans YouTuber in the commentary community who goes by the name "Doodletones". This person uses a fake voice changer to disguise her voice and it doesn't sound like a girl or woman's voice, it sounds like it's trying to be some high-pitched anime girl character and all the stills she uses in her videos are mostly either anime moe girls or her own crappy looking character that looks like it was drawn by a 7 year old.
She did a segment in one of her videos where she showed her real voice and oh boy, it's not even close to sounding like a woman's.
Anyway, I guess you're right that anime didn't start the trans trend but definitely made it more popular. Yeah, I've seen all this anime fetish-paraphernalia and these fools thinking they can look like some cute anime waifu when they look utterly ridiculous.
No. 344049
>>344017>>344032This, there are definitely AGPs who want to larp as cute anime girls but it extends way outside of the anime community. It all boils down to lonely men wanting to have power over women and they exist outside of the weebs. A lot of the hardcore TRAs are very anti-anime to begin with because of the ~fetishization of transwymmyn~ with traps.
>>344031He took part in the prank willingly yet went on to bitch about it later? All righty then.
>>344048>DoodlediapersOh god this faggot. Doodletones is a babyfur degenerate to begin with and overlaps with a lot of nerdy communities outside of anime. I think he's mainly just an autistic furry and we know how they are.
No. 344069
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>>344010And that member was appropriately roasted in the ratings and responses.
For a site "full of troons/chasers" they have the most thorough aggregation of troons in the news of any site I have seen including all of the major GC sites.
No. 344084
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Trannys are the only group of people who are proud of supporting criminals
No. 344100
>>344032porn and anime are the two biggest catalysts for brainwashing young nerds into this shit
also aggressive recruiting by the cult of trans where they target lonely weirdos
No. 344112
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Why does it seem like trannys almost never want to be women?they never say they’d want to be a woman their own age, they’re always whining about not being a woman under he age of 21 or crying about how they didn’t get a female childhood. You would think if they wanted to be a woman so badly they wouldn’t care if they’re a 40 year old woman or a 12 year old girl.
No. 344122
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>>344116Ooh this'll be good
No. 344126
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>>344123oh my god there is audio of Yaniv now, does this sound like someone sincerely trying to pass? No. 344158
Null planned to stream about Jonathan today, but Jonathan filed a DMCA complaint within hours of the post.
Null will instead be streaming on No. 344188
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>>344158Stream was fun. Have this picture of JY being an anime gurl.
No. 344344
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>a hyper-sensate, nonbinary cyberdyke>the softest butchoh fuck no. the fucking nerve of this guy to call himself "dyke" and "butch"
also, troons and disgusting oily hair. name a more iconic couple
No. 344347
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Crazy homeless person or awesome trans gal during pride?
No. 344351
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>I came to realize that transition has given me quite a booty.>bootyAll that estrogen gave him is the body of a major alcoholic, lmao.
No. 344424
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One time I was on tumblr and scrolled past a long "butch muscle transgirls appreciation post". Needless to say, I puked in my mouth. All those obvious men, ugly men, with thin greasy hair and receding hairlines… Many of them weren't even muscular, just fat and trying to flex their arms as much as possible to show a hint of "biceps".
Of course there were some "lesbian" handmaidens fake-swooning and commenting stuff like "My poor lesbian heart". As if.
No. 344474
>>344424I know exactly which post you're talking about, bunches of TIMd look like they're straight of some IT job. Dudes with edgy hairstyles and no hint of any feminity except questionable colorful clothing choices making them 'women' some how.
The best part of this was that I saw it shared from a 'drag queen' fakeboi TIF with a 6'10 TIM best friend.
No. 344475
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They wanna wear the skin of a young woman so bad
No. 344505
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>>344344jesus christ how horrifying
No. 344507
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No. 344510
>>344507imagine being so un-self-aware you post a picture of you with your fat rolls and ugly man body in clothes meant for petite women, questioning if it's even possibly good looking and not ill-fitting
why do all trannies remind me of pixyteri jfc
No. 344516
>>343421I understand. I too count myself lucky that i was not fully trooned out and just did the laughable non binary but still basically living as a chick shit.
All you can do is hope that he will have the same or similar inhibitions about going full troon.
The lucky thing about a lot of these "enby" cases is that they often pick that label to cop out of the pressure to fully troon out in the first place, or at least, i think that's a big factor because i realize now that was a huge reason i did that rather than be all "I'm a boy now gib hormones"
A lot of these weird enbies that "don't try" i actually don't like to laugh at or make fun of personally as much, with the hope that they'll come around. Its pretty obvious to me now that I'm deconditioning that they act like that due to reservations about the whole thing.
No. 344517
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>>344514For real. Also from r/trespassing…
No. 344534
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Oh God…
No. 344541
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gross tranny in a spanish football team…
No. 344559
>>344524Kek, I knew he looked like someone but I couldn’t pinpoint who.
>>344541When will troons realize that growing long hair doesn’t automatically make them look like women.
No. 344587
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>>344507Uncle Ted wore it better
No. 344588
>>344534gender iffy uh
hormones got me sicky uh
No. 344625
>>343194You're right, he did cave after he got dog-piled on by the Trans community. It was pretty hilarious that even though RuPaul explained things in a way that shouldn't have been offensive towards transwomen saying that Transwomen are not acting, they still got butthurt by the droves and lashed out at him.
Personally, I feel that he shouldn't have apologized but I understand that from a business standpoint, it probably was better to just apologize even if you don't mean it if all else, to shut these people up.
>>343241Yeah… He doesn't pass to me neither, just looks like an effeminate Asian man with cheek fillers…
>>343242If you told me this 5 years ago, I'd think you're crazy but now… I see where people who share opinions like yours are coming from. Trans people are just not in the same ballpark as gay people and I notice that a lot of people who don't care for trans people or get annoyed by the TRAs, they push this hate on the LGB portion side even though they don't have anything to do with the "T". You're right that back then, it was better for all of them to stick together but where we are now, there's no need, at least not in the first world.
>>344543Yeah, I tried to be non-bias and scan from right to left but as soon as I got to the middle… LOL
>>344514Glad someone else noticed. Only fuels the whole "They watch way too much anime" notion because I don't know any female who dresses like that unless they're going to an anime con.
>>344516I feel like that people do this for different reasons as well…
Non-binary Guys: Most likely have a difficult time in life being an effeminate man but they don't want to change themselves (fully troon) so latch onto the "Non-binary" label to justify their lack of masculinity without transitioning.
Non-binary Females: Either are confused butch lesbians who think that their lack of conforming to female gender stereotypes must means something is wrong with them but they don't feel like men so they call themselves "Non-binary" to justify their lack of conforming to femininity. That or they're attention whoring teenagers.
I try not to make fun of these people neither but I don't call them by their "preferred pronoun" of "Xe", "Xer", "Xhey", "They", or "Them". I do this because I want them to understand that it's okay to be a gender nonconforming woman or man.
No. 344639
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What's going on with TeenVogue?
No. 344696
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>>344615It's from an anime based on Star Ocean the Second Story. The anime is mediocre, but the game is great if you like old school SNES/early PS1 sprite rendered JRPGs
No. 344737
File: 1545991062050.jpg (120.67 KB, 800x523, diversegirlslaughing.jpg)

Twitter's a hoot when searching up gc or radfem tags. I'm surprised by the amount of activity from spanish speaking radfems in Latin America. Venturing past the english and spanish tags into other languages yields more interesting nuggets. Lmao when Japanese radfems make fun of the UK's transgender ish and compare trans people to Rachel fucking Dolezal. True lolcows know no geographic or language barriers now I guess. Crazy trans people are pissing off women all over the world and the UK is the worldwide radfem punching bag (OK perhaps I exaggerate a tad).
Makes me wonder if it might be worthwhile to translate the milk on Yaniv and share it across multiple non-english tags.
No. 344741
>>344739I'm thinking of translating it to Spanish first. Its the foreign language I know best, has reach across multiple countries and latin american radfems are proud of the title. Would also make any later attempts (perhaps by other people) to translate into Italian, Portuguese and French a bit easier. My Japanese is baby level but there seem to be Japanese radfems with good English skills that could perhaps understand the content well enough without translation.
Either way it would probably help to disseminate the content across non American based sites.
No. 344747
>>344629I remember when I saw this years ago and thought it was funny as shit. I also remember the South Park episode in which Mr. Garrison goes through SRS and then goes into a lesbian bar to be this "super dyke" talking over actual lesbians. I would've never thought it would become reality in less than ten years.
>>344739Can you recommend any hashtags for Japanese radfems? I've heard of Korean radfems but I'd be really interested in reading Japanese radfem tweets.
No. 344781
>>341713>>342161>>342164>>342166>>342168>>342175>>342176>>342180>>342186W E W
i had a whole thing i was gonna do today, but after reading this im just gonna go back to bed, sleep it off, then try tomorrow
No. 344808
>>344772It’s always the overly aggressive and easily
triggered men who troon out. Also kek at this happening at a GameStop of all places, just buy your game and gtfo.
No. 344818
>>344639TransVogue has been like that for a while now. I have no idea why, are all their contributors troons?
>>344772>extremely male voice sCUSE ME IT'S MA'AM!!!!!>MOTHERFUCKER TAKE IT OUTSIDE I'LL SHOW YOU A FUCKING SIR>KICKS DOWN A DISPLAY STANDholy shit I had to pause right there to laugh while holding my stomach, this has to be a fucking joke
No. 344823
>>344772This plays out exactly like something I'd see Eric Cartman do in South Park. Jesus Christ.
Gamer man baby? Check!
Trans women ? Check!
Violent man? Check!
No. 344832
>>344772I like the employee's sarcasm.
"Ma'am? Mmmkay."
No. 344844
>>342512What ended the conflict as much for me is the one transsexual i knew as an example of a "real, old school one" died recently and i got to find out he was detransitioning at the end, got cancer probably from the years of HRT, and regretted the SRS.
That to me just said well that's it then, treating this shit with hormones and surgery is not the way and the data is not there because of fucking course detransitioned people aren't necessarily recorded, out about it (i mean its admitting you made a huge fucking mistake, had your body mutilated, and you are still unhappy), or regarded at all.
I really do think we're on the right side of history and you'll see an epidemic of premature cancer, death, health problems, and lawsuits.
>>344772Kek you can smell the cluster b coming off this clip
No. 344922
>>344911I can't stomach any tranny voice. When I run into youtube videos by trannies, I just can't watch them. It's like a tween girl trying to poorly voice act for a 4kids dub.
Tho its hilarious when they drop it to defend themselves/be aggressive. They pretend to be dainty, soft voiced anime girls who are victims from everything, but piss them off or don't give them their way and they go straight back down to their male gorilla screaming tenor.
No. 344946
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MtF 6 months post HRT
How do I look :)
No. 344967
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"First time attempting a more girlish hair style- wishing to grow it out for ponytails, but felt cute like this"
This guy is 16 (yes, sixteen) and has an anime girl as his reddit profile picture btw.
No. 344985
>>344979 for yourself
>I've been jealous of girls ever since I hit puberty. I knew what transgender people were, but I never even considered myself trans until I talked to my online friends about these feelings. Funnily enough, I asked them "how can I get rid of these thoughts," and an hour later I already came out to my parents.>I never even considered myself trans until I talked to my online friends why am i not surprised
No. 345033
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And they wonder why they now have to beg for whitelist/donations to keep afloat. I will laugh when pinknews finally dies.
No. 345041
>>344828Lol anon you madman.
Maybe this
lady and Zoe Tur can start a trans anger management support group
No. 345052
>>345033I can see how the title of the article is disrespectful but it's just stupid clickbait. It's a video with lesbians (including Arielle Scarcella) eating bull penis (?) meat.>“Dick is great” is a phrase you likely won’t hear from the participants in many other contexts.The article would be probably considered kinda terfy by some TRAs, tbh.
No. 345094
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W e w
No. 345098
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>>345094???what are these proportions
No. 345102
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I thought this was just an extremely unfortunate woman at first and decided to facetune his nose to be smaller and more symmetrical. Then it stopped distracting from the rest of his clearly male features and I checked his profile to see if he was indeed a tranny, and he was. Of course he is.
>>345099Was already posted here
>>344772 No. 345105
>>345102Ah! My bad i didnt see it
isnt it interesting tho hes a woman until he needs to threaten violence against someone.
No. 345111
>>344967the glasses! it's always the fucking glasses! they all have greasy anime club boy wireless frames, and don't think to buy new ones! TROON GLASSES!
just add cheap polyester stiped socks, an ill fitting pleated skirt,a video game reference shirt, anarchist pins, and a secret lewd twitter called like, "softlestrap" that has furry anal vore and hypnosis on it.
No. 345113
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>>345102lmaoo all his pictures look like he took them with a fucking fish eye lens
No. 345168
>>343957The full rubber suit fetish has been around for decades but always very underground. And now it's been on mainstream telly via TLC.
>>342168>>342180>>343949KF has a thread on these sick freaks. And we thought that pic of the Degenderette pretending to bleed in a tub was disgusting. No. 345337
>>344967And so it begins… The anime tranny fad has claimed another young victim lol.
>>344985You know, giving these people the benefit of the doubt just to humor them, this is why they should be talking to licensed professionals. Of course these fools self-diagnose themselves without seeing a doctor to confirm things (for the sake of the banter).
>>345113Pretty sure this person uses way too much editing effects lol
>>345168Holy fuck lol I remember seeing this a long while back and it was pretty unsettling to say the least.
No. 345441
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"I think I looked adorable for being 45."
No. 345444
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>Second Christmas since coming out and I am closer than ever with my family 🎄🎄🎄 (27 - 1yr&2mo)
>that makeup
No. 345446
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>Me this past Sunday, felt super cute. I know it's extremely subtle, but if you squint really hard you can tell I'm super queer
No. 345506
>>345446le master race HSTS trannies wouldn't stand for this shit. You own at least five coloured polishes, but no nail file, or top coat, or the sense to remove the mistakes with nail polish remover and a cotton bud before posting your nails online? It's almost like you like the idea of painting your nails for the sake of performative, superficial femininity more than actually painting your nails for it's own sake.
>>345447I guarantee this man was (is?) deeply into mlp.
No. 345511
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Troons are getting into serious mental health groups I'm in, equating their fetish with our real suffering.
I laughed as soon as this reply was posted. No one's buying it KEK.
No. 345515
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No. 345544
>>345515>trans women are more female than you>femalewhat? to be a female, you need female anatomy, not dresses and makeup and feefees. it's that simple. facts don't bend to your will just because you're offended and want something you can't have. their responses when being reminded of this are utterly male, threats of violence, aggression, and encouraging the murder of women
we can fight for the rights of women as much as we please, because we are women and always have been. they stay trying to tell us that we're not allowed to fight for women's rights without including men, it's dumb as fuck. we aren't obligated to include you just because you feel entitled, and more people secretly hate you than you think, too. shitting on "terfs" is just more socially acceptable these days
No. 345546
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>>343758I know this is old but lol
No. 345568
>>345515stupid troon outed himself for having a major case of male ego butthurt
a woman is rejected:
>walk away from situation, accept ita man is rejected:
>male rage and violence No. 345570
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The whole yaniv incident which some online are expecting to blow up even more now certain sites are getting involved coupled with that gamestop story going national I think a lot of people are about to hit peak trans soon.
No. 345579
>>345141Damn you have some courage, I think if I tried that at my college they’d kick me out or secretly have me blacklisted from future employment opportunities. It sucks people who disagree with their university’s libfem ideas can’t safely voice their opinions without fear of being shunned. You’d think places of higher learning would be open for debate, but unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be the case.
>>345446Lol imagine being so delusional you think this butchered paint job is worth posting on reddit. Can 2019 be the year people stop hyping troons up for less than mediocre attempts at imitating women?
No. 345593
>>345571I get a lot of petty satisfaction from the fact that despite idolising youth and always LARPing as young girls, TiMs all look a good 10-20 years older than they are once they don their womanface. Someone like Contrapoints doesn’t actually pass but even if I’m being extremely generous and squinting a lot (and maybe drunk), he looks like a 50-something cougar at best.
Imagine fetishising teenage girls so much you meme yourself into transitioning and coming out of that looking like a 50+ year old alcoholic lot lizard. That’s karma.
No. 345617
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>>345610Here's an explanation of those terms in case anyone else was confused
No. 345626
>>344772Hey, it's He-Man. By the power of Greyskull!
Or maybe should we say "He-Ma'am"?
No. 345645
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Which of these 4 stronk gals would win?
No. 345647
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>>345645Make that 5, I found this on /tttt/ and whoever put it together didn't include my personal favorite stronk gal Hannah Mouncey
No. 345653
>>345645The four horsemen of apocalypse.
>>345647I was going to say that the collage was missing the other He Man clone, lmao. Bonus pic: Jonathan Yaniv
No. 345670
Just got back from my great-grandparents' for Christmas and dear god it was the worst ever. My 40-something male cousin, who no one in my family even spoke to until recently, has decided that he is ~truly a woman~ which is why he has been so troubled and fucked up for his whole life. He has no job, no education, is in immense debt, and has a criminal record, and is now living with my grandparents who now finance him and pay for his hormones therapy… he literally looks like a man in a skirt. he is so hairy and fat and disgusting, when I had to sit across from him at the dinner table I almost puked. I don't understand why my grandparents are taking care of him now, they don't pay for anything for any of their other grandchildren or great-grandchildren anymore meanwhile they pay for his phone bills, food, housing, etc. .. It was so obvious that everyone in the family was repulsed by him but trying to be PC and ~accepting~ but I just refused to talk to him. Luckily I was not staying over at their house but I would have refused.
No. 345679
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/r/actuallesbians, the subreddit for hetero balding men
No. 345681
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>>345679oh fuck the front is even worse
also, his flair on /r/traaaaans is "35, Demon-Neko who likes to top girls", ew. Poor child. No. 345683
File: 1546129797765.jpg (20.38 KB, 195x332, ITS MAAM.jpg)

>>345653Excuse me IT IS MA'AM
No. 345686
>>345670ugh, that really sucks anon. remember, narcs feed off outrage, so just… act like a cool cucumber. no emotional stuff, just changing the subject, etc.
my ex is trans, and rn, he's trying to become me. for example, i'm a ballet dancer, so what does this agp do? post pics of himself….. poorly dancing ballet. it's awful, if i cared, i'd tell him to not try to do that, bc he's def gonna get an injury lol. he bought a wig the exact color and style of my hair! he bought the same shirt as me, but in a bigger size! FUCKKKKK!!! he also posts those shitty leftist memes with twelve different fonts. aahhhh!!!!! fuck, i hate him so much!!!!!! leave me alonnneeeeee!!!!!! i don't post at all on social media anymore, and i blocked him on everything, so idk why he hasn't moved on to someone. i'm just going to wait it out.
No. 345691
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>>345681How does this man have a wife and children?>This story takes place at a localish McD's. (…)>Yesterday, while I was there working on drafting a legal document, I was sitting in the corner and was wearing a sylveon ears headband, I just wanted to look cute. Well I achieved a goal I didn't think I could, even though I still have a masculine face, I was treated as a cute girl all day by the customers who cam in and out and some of the older clientele , who I know are conservative, had a big happy smile and chuckle as I sat there, every-time I moved my head, ears would flop. Made some of the kiddos laugh as well. I only got one dirty look all day, but the happiness I got back because of my mindset of being cute and wanting to be sylveon for the day paid off. I even got the female managers to laugh some during their breaks as I was listening to music and my ears were flopping to me bouncing in my seat.This is so embarrassing and disturbing. "I was treated as a cute girl all day by the customers"?! The people probably thought he was mentally challenged.
No. 345718
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>>345681i do not like where his hands are rested in that pic. fucking creepy.
No. 345774 this in a facebook group I was in. It seriously infuriates me. How hard is it for women to have a group and be women without troons bitching about exclusivity? You don't have to join and OP could've said no and suggested another establishment to the young lady.
I apologize for the rage but I hate the transwomen can have periods/pregnancy/etc bullshit.
No. 345784
>>345774This is a made-up story.
>"We have a right to keep TiMs out." (Trans identified male, an asshole way to completely misgender people)This gives it 100% away. OP said this story happened years ago, but the popularity of the term "TiM" is pretty new. Instead, MtT (male to trans) was more common.
No. 345898
i was just reading posts on r/psychotherapy (hoping to be a therapist one day) on trans people because i was curious as to how therapists might deal with treating trans clients. shocked and upsetted by the responses, this thread in particular (edit: wrong link lol)
like, i don't know, i thought people versed in psychology would be rational enough to see it as unhealthy, yet all of the comments call OP transphobic for being skeptical of TiM after she was assaulted by one. ????? i know reddit is a shitty sample size of people but it doesn't seem far fetched from the rest of the world's opinion on trans. literally have lost all hope
No. 345900
>>345898It's incredible to see people bending over backwards to defend TIMs, even when they're violent.
Ever since hitting peak trans, I've noticed how much hatred is lobbed exclusively at women for not being over backwards to defend delusional men.
No. 346005
>>345959The dehumanizing language they try and force everybody to use is disgusting, especially since nobody cared about inclusive language when it was just about women.
Nobody said "menstruators" out of respect to the women who never menstruated for medical reasons, they only decided to say it when men demanded it. Nobody said "womb havers" out of respect for the ladies that had hysterectomies, only for the men.
It is all about dehumanizing women. If it wasn't, inclusive language would have popped up for the benefit OF women. A different word would have been created - one that doesn't reduce us to genitals and body parts.
Women who didn't menstruate, didn't have a womb or couldn't bear children never complained, never dehumanized other ladies on such a grand scale. A woman that didn't menstruate would look at an article about periods and just move past it because they didn't have a giant ego and a strong sense of entitlement that demanded everything be catered to them.
Nobody cared about inclusive language for their benefit. Men only use them now to defend their own actions, claiming that if women who cannot bear children are women then so are men.
No. 346006
>>345940Especially disgusting since Caitlyn would also take the name Jenner when she married the son, would she not?
There are so many names in the world, why make it weird and take that specific one?
No. 346029
>>345686>>345689>>345974I once came across a forum for trans widows, women whose husbands trooned out and basically abandoned their wives and children to ~live their best life~ as sexy transgurls. One common theme was that they’d buy wigs that closely resembled the (ex)wife’s hair and they would sometimes dress like an awkwardly sexualised version of her, too. It’s the ultimate narc power move. They’re not satisfied with merely controlling their spouse financially, sexually and emotionally so they try to
become her and show her how it’s done.
>>346006I looked it up and her name is now Kaitlynn Carter Jenner. If she hadn’t kept her maiden name as a middle name she’d be practically unfindable on Google because when you search Kaitlynn Jenner it only gives results for Caitlyn. What a creepy scumbag.
No. 346073
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>>345683Oh hey it's the Mouth of Truth! If you put your hand in his mouth he will detect if you're a truscum or not.
No. 346247
>>346245When cis women scream at retail workers we get a demeaning nickname, harassed, doxxed and then fired.
When trans women do it everyone rushes to find a reason why it was the minimum wage teenager's fault.
No. 346257
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>>346245lmao they have no idea what being a woman is like
No. 346266
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>But I still look hot so whatevs>>346248does it weird anyone else out that these people continuously bring up periods when talking about women
No. 346279
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>>346266It's crazy how inflated and deluded are their egos about their appearance. If a woman looked like this she wouldn't post pictures of herself anywhere, let alone calling herself "hot". This isn't even a 4/10 as a man. The fuck
Anyway, some guy in my contacts just posted this and it doesn't look like he's trolling. Wew
No. 346310
>>346300Because they will get compliments, but in a "bless your heart" kind of way. Kind of like how teachers will compliment the retarded kid at the school dance for looking so pretty.
Of course, since they're legitimately retarded, they will think it's the truth.
No. 346346
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Muh pink girl soul
No. 346373
>>346245This is fucking stupid. I still don't believe I've hit peak trans, I still want to be accepting, but its so fucking apparent these people have no intention to understand how females exist, they truly think they are the only victimized people in existence. They feel that their experiences as white males in dresses is comparable to black females because they wear dresses. Women WERE berated and questioned and demeaned because of the Casey Anthony case, it gave people the proof they sought out already regarding women of the time being whores incapable of raising children, that this could be the outcome for their own future children. But seeing as it was largely women concerned with the case and paying attention to it and intuiting how wrong it was, it didn't get out of hand. There wasn't twitter thread after twitter thread defending her on account of her being a woman and not wanting to make other women look bad, or that "every woman has wanted to murder her child at some point stop judging". (It's also hilarious in itself that they have to compare someone screeching in a gamestop to a murder trial because its evident they realized it was objectively untrue that people chastised individual women screeching at retail employees like we don't have archetypes named after some of these people)
You're being asked to answer for those things because you act on those behaviors, you defend those behaviors. Not just that you don't talk about it, but that you are clearly complicit and think people have justification in behaving like this. It's REALLY not that hard to figure out.
But these people are selfish, they're narcissists, they want to be females but don't want to be treated like females while thinking they're treated worse because they have no idea what oppression is actually like.
Of course the only thing they can think of regarding womens suffrage is menstruation. You have no idea what it's like to be a woman.
Sorry for the sperg, I would lose friends if I posted something like this anywhere else.
No. 346454
One thing that annoys me is the whole "trans is not a mental disorder" because it just doesn't make sense logically. You can't claim wanting treatments or surgeries while at the same time saying there's nothing wrong. It just doesn't work that way. You can't say you don't have a disorder because it hurts your feelings.
>>346373You're not alone anon, I want to be accepting of those that just live normal lives and don't bother anyone or yell about it online, and while I still do the line is getting so so blurred.
No. 346469
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>>346245Every time this guy get posted I can't help but stare in awe at that massive forehead. Ugly troons piss me off the most because even if people 'accept' them as women, they'll still never be treated as an ugly woman. No one is even allowed to call them anything other than beautiful and inspiring because it's 'transphobic' to claim otherwise. They're still given a voice and platform; nobody ignores them for being ugly. Their appearance will never be a hindrance to them like it is for ugly women, because they're men. They have so much power and privilege women lack but then they have the balls to screech 'transwomen are treated far worse than cis women on every level REEE CIS PRIVILEGE' They're so deluded.
No. 346479
>>345579That's completely understandable! The absolute censorship that they've obtained is something that baffles me constantly. Just questioning their beliefs can be considered report worthy, and to be quite honest, it's terrifying.
Also I'm half expecting someone from my college to warn me about my behaviour once the break ends lol
No. 346494
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Would not know if this was sissy if they didnt say tbh
No. 346502
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>>346469he looks like this caricature of kiki.
also, ick. those sharp bits on his nails are
triggering me.
No. 346572
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I know dead meme, but I'm tired of period fetishizing troons thinking they have any semblance of a period.
No. 346584
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Jesus Christ, there's so many fucking threads protecting this GameStop troon.
No. 346614
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No. 346619
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"most sane people"
No. 346623
>>346523My sentiments exactly… Like dude, all that other crap he spewed is pretty much the same thing a sissy would do. Not even actual femboys do what they do for sexual gratification, that's what differentiates themselves from sissies.
>>346470That's just the way it is because non-internet people are aware of all the controversies that surround the more extreme trans people and sometimes it's just not worth it to put yourself out there as public enemy no.1 if you value your social life.
>>346499Pretty much what I said above but also, some LGB people feel obligated to support the "T" because they feel that they need to stand together.
>>346454I think one thing that helps is when you meet a trans person in passing IRL. I've met one transwoman in real life and while she didn't pass (voice too deep and just had a masculine face), she was not like these annoying TRAs, she accepted that people weren't always going to see things her way so it made it pleasant. Unfortunately she passed away from a drug overdose but it was nice knowing her because she showed that not all trans people are batshit crazy.
>>346619The no percentage… lol
No. 346629
>>345570That's Null's Twitter account>>345898Gender dysphoria/incongruence is no longer a mental disorder, anon. The WHO/ICD and the NHS, among others, say so! The APA is headed in that direction as well. When will WAPATH cave?
No. 346631
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>>346626Ok my bad. Still pretty funny tho, and its a shame we are at a point where the trans mantra has been repeated so much its hard to tell whats satire and what isnt-because I just realised I confused this one with dr adrian harrop.
No. 346632
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>>346631Whoops samefag here should have posted this one-it has a but more context.
No. 346659
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No. 346682
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what do these dudes even want? They’re never happy
No. 346729
>>346702No anon, it's just internalized transphobia! And that's why we need more funding for trans organizations to fight this sort of thing!
>>346725The trans movement in a nutshell. Who cares if he's sexually harassing some stupid women, but misgendering? That's LITERALLY as bad as murder!
No. 346763
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>>344017It's pretty common in anything related to mahou shoujo/idols/shows that advertise toys for girls. A lot of such guys fantasize about living as a woman and want to escape responsibilities of adulthood + become desirable by becoming what they desire.
No. 346786
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>>346763Andrea Ritsu is the most disgusting motherfucker. I couldn't find the original screenshot of his Pripara lactation kink tweet, but found a reference to it.
No. 346788
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No. 346808
>>346725Of-fucking-course. People are only
problematic when they’re against the trans brigade.
No. 346892
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A video about a 16 years old FtM ended up in my recommendations. It was awful. This girl watched a tv show about trannies at 11, somehow got convinced she was "one of them", three years later came out to her family and started hormone therapy, at 15 she underwent the surgery to remove her breast tissue forever.
Her mom is dating another FtM who looks like he could be his teen son.
Of course anyone who dared to question if it was a good idea to let a child change her body forever got shunned and labeled as "ignorant bigot".
No. 346904
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>tranny goes through security check at the airport>anomaly in groin area detected>female tsa worker refuses to pat him down>says she's gonna send a man over to do it>tranny throws massive fit>demands to have a female touch his dickWasn't posted here yet, but some of you might have already heard of this. It's a perfect example of the entitlement of trannies. He doesn't want to get patted down by a man, but women should be okay with touching his penis.
No. 346916
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>>346904Lol it's a "wish".
>Just hire a woman who likes to touch penis! Problem solved! No. 346926
>>346916This wouldn't even solve the issue, because what about so-called non-binaries?
How about we just get a regular dude who identifies as genderfluid? Then he can pat down all the trans people and the non-binaries, because he is after all, every gender. Problem solved and if you disagree you're twanzphobic, you bigot.
No. 346934
>>346932"But he's got a beard and a shaved head."
"Are you saying trans women have to perform femininity to be valid? Oh my god, that's literally violence, block and stay safe everybody! We've got a transphobe over here!"
No. 346945
>>346902People just don't care about misogyny. In Germany, there was a big outrage after two rappers won a music award because some of their lyrics were anti-semitic ("My body is more defined than a Auschwitz inmate"). The music award was shut down because of this incident, no kidding. The nominees in the rap category often had really misogynist lyrics but nobody cared until there was anti-semitism involved.
It just makes me sad no one takes misogyny seriously, despite it being so rampant, but everyone freaks the fuck out if someone says something slightly racist (which is also not okay, of course). I'm still mad that barely anyone talked about how the Toronto van attack was literally terrorism against women.
No. 346952
>>346945If the person killed in that attack had been a member of any other minority group we'd still be hearing about it. But it was a woman, so nobody cared.
Just like how people go after white women who attended the Women's March for "only" protesting misogyny, and not racism or transphobia or environmentalism. Misogyny isn't seen as a good enough reason to protest.
No. 347394
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imagine wanting to be special this much despite being just a basic bitch
imagine being this misogynistic despite being a girl
No. 347416
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>>347404take the makeup and filters off gigi or stand him next to a woman, same with blaire, and i don't think they come very close to passing personally. they're easier on the eyes than the greasy messes that don't even try though, i still just can't see females no matter how hard i squint
No. 347430
>>347378Isn’t it interesting how one moment they’ll claim that we totally pass dozens of passing translaydees in the street (and bathrooms) every day without knowing it yet when it comes to fashion shows, music videos, movies etc. they complain that there aren’t any trans women in them? How do they know half those background dancers weren’t trans? Either they can pass flawlessly and you see them without realising or they’re always clockable in some way. They can’t have both.
>>347404>>347416They never truly pass when you see them in motion, not even that Miss Spain guy who’s supposedly so much more feminine than real women. There’s no hiding a male skeleton.
No. 347449
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i've got some OC, /gendercritical/. thoughts and critique appreciated.
i made it as a way to visually detail my response (>>757252 ) to >>757237
No. 347451
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>>347404In what world is linebacker shoulder, boxy body, track runner legs blaire white feminine?
Blaire doesn't pass, you put Blaire next to a a pretty cis girl and it always catches a laugh. Blaire only ever looks
okay when it can control the angles and lighting. Whenever it's out of Blaire's control you see it for who it is. Some other category male trying to be female.
No. 347462
>>347233I wouldn't be so hard on the women supporting them, they're brainwashed by all the propaganda. I've been there too (in a less severe way thankfully), many of us have been there. I have a friend who's a very fervent handmaiden to troons, she ragequit our group chat after a long sperg because some of the guys in there (not our friends, some weeb randos who joined later) made fun of a tranny. But when the same guys were saying the n-word or using demeaning words to women, she didn't have such a strong reaction.
She used to be a normal girl, a feminist, but at some point along the line she got absorbed in the hardcore SJW "protect trans people" stuff and is now completely brainwashed to the point that she's isolated herself and nowadays posts on Twitter ragethreads about evil TERFs and has had many falling outs even with her Twitter friends, because some of them dared to use their brains sometimes.
These women show every sign of brainwashing and it's sad.
No. 347494
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No. 347497
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>>347456If you put it like that, than it's true they do pass better.
Bonus of blaire next to pretty Lauren Chen.
No. 347504
>>347501Does anyone have more complied stats about trans-committed violence? Aside from the transcrime UK site and that Facebook page (This Never Happens)? I got called an alt-right bigot for saying more transwomen commit violent crime than have it committed against them. Wasn't even trying to be mean or hateful.
Whenever Googled, nothing but pro-trans stuff comes up about trans people being attacked. I know the stats have got to be messed up because a lot of them aren't identified as trans when arrested. I imagine in more liberal states transwomen are filed as female and in more conservative states they're filed as male. Pretty sure most jails/courts do not have an option other than male or female.
This is so frustrating.
Don't want to link LC to people even though these threads are so good and I've been following them for a long time. Feel that people won't take it seriously. No. 347513
>>347349>>347430I saw this one troon in public that people might consider "passing". Full drag makeup and full surgery… Still fucking 6 feet tall and built like a fridge, clomping around in
platform heels. Their center of gravity will always give it away. There is no such thing as "passing" in person.
No. 347514
>>347504Since reddit's search engine sucks google crime statistics
No. 347558
File: 1546368050109.png (666.27 KB, 800x733, Screenshot_2019-01-01-10-32-04…)

Perusing an article listing the new laws going into effect in California today.
"Nonbinary" is now officially a sex designation on drivers licenses and IDs.
Also, "Boards of publicly traded companies must include women. SB 826 stipulates publicly traded California companies must have at least one woman on their board of directors. According to the state legislature, one-quarter of the 400 California-based companies in Russell 3000 stock index have zero female board members. They’ll have until the end of 2019 to fix that."
Yeah, they'll fix that by hiring troons.
No. 347560
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>>347494wtf is this moron going on about. There are tons of trannies (men and other men) commiting violent acts that dont get headway. Not to mention, over all, women are the least likely to commit any act of violence, unless it's extremely personal (towards boyfriend or husband.)
No. 347580
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No. 347590
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>>347584Talking to troons is like talking to a wall
No. 347673
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Someone shared this article on my FB feed and was legitimately outraged about this. Sounds to me like they’re just trying to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill, which liberals push for anyway, no?
No. 347684
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Are they both troons?
No. 347686
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>>347573trannies trying to use intersex people in their arguments is wrong. intersex isnt a whole sex in its own, its an umbrella term for multiple conditions. a lot of intersex people are clearly either male or female, they just have a chromosomal or hormonal abnormality. and even then you can sometimes tell that something isnt quite right, like in pic related.
No. 347719
>>347702Bless their troony little hearts.
>>347686I posted this documentary about intersex conditions a few threads back but it bears reposting as it presents unique and thoughtful discussions about gender (both the construct and the concept of identity). It was produced 15 years ago so it's not tainted by present gender ideology.
>>347494OT, but I suspect Nasim Aghdad was intersex.
No. 347740
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Articles like this and the organizations in the article are such a double edged sword. They present a much needed introduction of intersex to the mainstream public. But by grouping it with trans and nonbinary, sex and gender become even more conflated and gender identity validated as inborn. It's unfortunate that the general public's understanding (read, brainwashing) of trans is the gateway for its understanding of intersex after trans ideology has appropriated so many aspects of intersex identity. Intersex people are the only people who would be "erased" by the memo's proposals. No. 347819
>>347494Sounds like she's assuming that gender presentation is the same as gender identity. How transphobic! Sounds TERFy, tbh… everyone block and stay safe!
>>347558I think having a third category for visibly intersex people makes sense, but I know it was probably put in to appease trannies and will be used to make ID reflect their identity, not reality.
No. 347979
>>347869has anyone been following the drama on her? she apparently abused her similarly fakeboi poly bf or whatever and has been scamming her fans/patrons/whatevers. god, even the women are such degenerates.
i really hate the trannies are mentally ill meme. i really don't think they have legit mental illness except maybe depression. they just seem to be npd or bpd as fuck
No. 347997
>>347989personality disorders are considered unhealthy long term patterns of behavior and thinking, not actual diseases that people cannot help without medication, like, say schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. that's why therapy is like the most effective way to treat them. it's a problem but it's not like, actual genetic disease or anything. they just seem to be very psychologically unhealthy.
i dont believe the ones have depression that say their depression was alleviated by transitioning. depression doesn't work that way. they're just whiny men that want what they want and they'll obsess and throw a fit until they get it.
No. 348027
>>347826that logic kek
dude gets his dick blown off = still a man
therefore, if a dude gets his dick chopped up and flipped inside out = …somehow magically a woman?
No. 348205
>>348167I think the intent is what matters with slurs, not the word itself. I mean, if you call a gay person a fag that might be true since it means gay, but it's still a slur coming from a straight person trying to denigrate them.
With terf it's basically a misognistic term with the intent to silence and discredit dissenting women. I dont care if it's considered a slur or not, but it's certainly not neutral or merely descriptive. It's not even accurate, we don't exclude TIFs.
No. 348233
>>348214im going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you arent being dumb on purpose, so: if you dont understand why "terfs" include all female-bodied people in their feminism, then you don't understand radical feminism. radical feminism is for the liberation of all female people. ftm transmen have the same lived experience of being female up until the moment they transition, and even after, they still face many of the issues that apply to "cis" women, no matter how well they pass.
taking hormones and getting surgery can never free a person from sex-based oppression.
even a hypothetical transman who passes 100% and lives as stealth can still be raped, can still require abortion, can still be subject to so many of the systems of oppression that will never affect male people, and that stuff matters more to radfems than some made-up gender identity ever could, i guess.
No. 348235
>>348218>>348233thanks for answering. i'm not well versed in this topic so i really do appreciate it.
hope this follow-up isn't too dumb, i just really don't know the common opinions of radfems (is that better than "terfs?"). what does this "liberation" you mentioned look like for trans men? i guess what i'm asking is, do radfems treat trans men as being physically female, but still respect them identifying as men, or is the idea to get them to detransition/change their mind? do different radfems hold different opinions on this?
i'm aware i sound dumb as nails, so thank you for your patience.
No. 348260
>>348257> <3fuck off.
anon shouldn't ask dumb questions, she should lurk for more than 1 or 2 seconds. same with you.
No. 348268
>>348235no, you arent dumb. i apologise if i came off as aggressive, i was just unsure as to your intentions with your post.
ofc every radfem is different, so i cant speak for all of them, but i think many radfems are gender abolitionists, which means that we hope to destroy society's gender roles/expectations. there shouldnt be "man" and "woman" gender identities at all, rather just the facts of biological sex. a female person with XX chromosomes can never become male and vice versa, and she can never identify her way out of oppression. transmen should of course have the freedom to present however they choose, to use traditionally male names and pronouns, to be as "masculine" as they want, but be free to do so while acknowledging the reality of their femaleness. its okay to be a masculine woman, you shouldnt need to change your body or take hormones in order to be how you are. having surgery and taking hormones is not healthy and is not the answer.
Many radfems are detransitioned women who, after undergoing medical treatment and transition, realised that it didnt solve their problems/grant them a magical male privilege card.
it isnt so much about "detransition=change your mind" so much as realising that no amount of medical procedures can change biological reality.
No. 348293
>>348260>>348235The purpose of this thread is discussion of gender critical/radical feminist thought. There's nothing wrong with this anon asking questions - which I didn't think were dumb at all. It's clear by her posts that this anon did research radical feminism quite a bit but had some follow-up questions for better understanding. Her only mistake was to apologize so much for asking them, tbh.
Classic female socialisation, learn to be more assertive and alpha, newbie anon. Never apologize for posting and taking up space, nobody cares anyway and it makes you look kinda pathetic.
No. 348326
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A former teacher of mine, who I respected a lot, completely unexpectedly trooned out. (I mean he spent a lot of time in Argentina, so that might've had something to do with it.) I only have contact with him through social media, but his social media presence has done a complete 180. He used to be very reserved and only post once in a blue moon, but now he CONSTANTLY posts selfies and talks about laser hair removal and other TMI shit. Because that's what women do, amirite ladies?
And, of course, he calls himself a lesbian.
No. 348327
This video is fucking bizarre. I don't even know how to describe it. Dude goes on a tangent about how much he hates his body, and all the excuses he has for not changing his body. I wish I knew more about psychology, because there is something really, really off here. Don't watch the video if you've just eaten, there are close ups of the guy's stretch marks and hair follicles. proceed with caution.
>>348326Ew. I'm sorry anon. I'm dreading someone in my life getting into this shit.
No. 348337
Sorry I need to vent about this: I saw an article about this 13-year old FTM "trans activist" and it had the same old "I preferred to play with action figures instead of dolls and everyone kept telling me I was a boy" shit, which was annoying in itself, but then I saw someone in the comment sections writing along the lines of
>"Oh my poor girl, how I pity you, you would've grown to become a beautiful young woman!"
It sort of made me realize why so many of these genderspecial girls have issues during their puberty. If you're a full on tomboy and don't fit in with the gendered female stereotype, what does "a beautiful young woman" sound like to you, especially in the context of someone pitying you? A dull, pretty, traditionally feminine princess? Someone that's against all your ideals and personality? I get that the comment wanted to "encourage" her to give her sex another chance but why do you have to be so patronizing? Why can't women be handsome, intelligent, talented, strong or brave? Why is only "beautiful" the only compliment people think women are flattered by?
I probably thought too much into it but it triggered a memory of how much I HATED being called "beautiful young woman" growing up because I was butch and felt there were more redeeming qualities to me I wanted people to notice. We've been through before in this thread how masculine young girls don't have any iconic role models which is why so many of them are suckered into the trans bullshit. Helping young "transboys" come to terms with their sex can't be done by erasing their personality.
No. 348354
>>348327You don't even need to know much about Psychology to see what's going on with this guy. He just explains insecurities that almost everyone gets just in a way poetic way smashed together with almost fetish shots of his body. He complains about being fat, compares himself to an obviously active friend who rock climbs and uses that as an excuse to feel bad about himself. Not everyone fucking rock climbs but this dude makes out like it's so tragic to know someone who does. He's fat and lazy and victimizes himself by comparing himself to a fucking mountain goat. And the hair, anon
>>348344 hits the nail on the head. Women are expected to be hairless everywhere except our eyebrows and our heads.
Then he rounds that all in by blaming depression which I understand, I really do. But try being a little girl, subjected to sexualisation and grooming to be expected to do that from the age you grow hair which can be anywhere from fucking 10ish. All because why? Someone wants to fuck you. That's not feminine enough, too masculine. What are you a lezbo dyke?! The list goes on. Then add abuse, biology, discrimination and entitlement and you've got yourself a tragedy. A real reality for women.
I sat through this whole thing and I realized what was off, at least for me. It doesn't even connected in his head that what he described is something that women and girls go through because we are female. Not because we may be fat or hairy or bald because that's ACCEPTABLE for men. But because we are female and he can't see that because he can't see past his own self pity and excuses to blame everyone else for his fixable problems.
Sorry for the rant. He ended the video with a whole 'accept everyone for who they are blah blah' bullshit and I just lost it.
No. 348360
File: 1546509017522.png (458.39 KB, 1228x1504, ,,,.png), that's what happens when you pick the wrong gender, what did you expect? This is so stupid.
No. 348371
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she/they pronouns are the new neopronouns for straight girls who are faking it all
No. 348373
>>348268Totally agree. Guy should be able to say "I'm a male but I think Sandra is a rad name and I like wearing boots" without mutilating their bodies and forcing young women to see their "girl cock" or putting down their sex as female on hospital reports. They should accept that they're not lesbians but effeminate heterosexual men and there's nothing wrong with that!
I'm not even that into radfem ideology but I still believe that :
> trans people should not use female or male safe spaces including shelters, changing rooms, restrooms etc. I'm open to a THIRD gender neutral room but no one should force their way into female spaces.> Trans athletes should only compete amongst themselves for obvious reason. > Kids should be left alone > If the trans community is so hell-bent on protecting and supporting each other, they should also hold each other accountable and protect their community from bad press by disavowing the creeps and AGP > We need to stop entertaining their dialogue of "Agree or you're a vile bigot and deserve to be physically harmed because your words make me want to take my own life and that is 100 times worse". No. 348375
>>348337It's astounding the number of young women who were on the path of going full troon if they had all those opportunities.
I was NOT a pretty young little thing. I grew up fast and got big so I was never dainty. I was hairy and went through puberty awkwardly, so basically I had some boobs but also no curves. Shaped like a fridge with some upper lip hair. Still laughing at troons delusions of girls doing pajamas parties and braiding their hair lmao. Nah I was playing some mario party game with my siblings and we'd fight about it. Probably had the same exact childhood as them.
I only had male siblings so I knew what being a boy was because I'd play war with them and we'd make bows out of sticks. I was also completly not interested in boys until around highschool. It actually gave me comfort to be one of the boys because of course, I wasn't one of the girls at all, and hated everything girly (Like girly clothes that would fit akwardly on my frame). Plus people don't care if boys are dirty, messy, clean or if they swear so I was always a little bit jealous of all the freedom boys had.
I even pretended to be a boy on a forum for a while and I noticed how my own "boy" personality evolved from mine, which I why I doubt TiF who say hormones make them so much different. Imo it's mostly auto-suggestion.
No. 348443
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The audacity of these narcissists. Saw this comment on an article about trans people choosing their names on the BBC news Facebook. Trans "women" are like parasites who seek to swallow up their hosts. Especially the ones who dump their wife and kids for this nonsense
No. 348445
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I recently heard that this total beardo guy I used to know trooned out, and I was curious to see what he would look like trying to present as a "woman." Pictured on the right, having… shaved off his beard.
No. 348450
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>>348445Me looking at this
(Me looking at any tranny ever, actually, because it always applies)
No. 348465
>>348445Oh cool, time to tell my SO he’s presenting as a woman now because he’s shaved. I guess I’m in a lesbian relationship now?
>>348443Disgusting. It baffles me that nobody in his life would question this choice and that everyone is expected to accept it (and praise it, even.)
No. 348496
>>348268that makes sense, thanks.
>>348293you're right, i'll work on that.
another question: what do radfems think of intersex people? what about intersex trans people? already ctrl+F intersex, just looking for more details, maybe some articles.
No. 348501
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No. 348503
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>>348481 it is. It's very TL;DR and has several updates.
Also linking this (also TL;DR) comment from a troon armchairing OP's brother because wew.
>I think she finds you extremely intimidating, and I think you wield incredible emotional power over her. You're the girl she can never be.>Again, for all her casual act I think she's frightened and intimidated by you- and here you are, the person whose shadow she lives in, who she desperately wishes she could be just like, admitting to her that what she's doing makes you feel deeply uncomfortable and it's a threat to your identity. >She finally has some power over you, after feeling totally at your mercy for years and years, and of course being immature and in pain she can't resist the temptation to stick the knife in, to minimize what you're feeling and lord over you that for once she's finally managed to make you feel a little bit of the identityless-ness that she struggles with every day. >So she acts cool and tells you that you're overreacting but inside she's silently squealing with ugly glee that she finally, finally got you! No. 348527
>>348503Change "is frightened by" to "hates" in all that greentext, and it fits more.
I swear they figured out that if they act like their man-rage is "uwu scaaaared" they can do whatever they want. There are so many of them that claim that gender-critical discussion "scares them" and that they feel "scared" by radfems, when really, they feel that caveman hate.
No. 348534
>>348496There's a couple of intersex advocates on Twitter who engage with TRAs quite a lot who are very informative (@mrkhtake2 and @ClareCAIS). The latter is a chromosomal male who is androgen insensitive, so her external body naturally presents female, but she doesn't have any reproductive organs. In cases like this I think most radfems would be happy to accept her as female because she would have gone through her entire life as a female, until her period didn't start and medical professionals got involved.
This article is really in-depth and has unearthed some stuff regarding the trans movement and its intended erasure of females: No. 348568
>>348443She’s by no means the only one. I bet he wore her clothes and bought wigs similar to her hair, too, and more likely than not he drained their family finances to pay for his new Brave and Stunning lifestyle before abandoning his family completely. It’s such a common story that it’s only a matter of time until some indie filmmaker who gives no fucks makes a psychological thriller about it. Single White Female except instead of a roommate it’s the woman’s own husband who first empties his wife’s bank account and ruins her credit before trying to kill her “in self defence” when she finally stands up to him.
>>348503>>348527I like how he’s basically admitting that this is a kind of narcissistic power play, except of course he’s blaming her for it like a typical transcel.
No. 348586
>>348568If a filmmaker did that troons would call him or her a transphobic bigot who is responsible for the murder of 6000 troons every year.
Like how they ree about Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs being a "cartoonish stereotype" even though he's based on multiple real murderers who did do that shit.
No. 348616
>>348586Oh definitely, but it would be a good story. Maybe it can be done once more of the world has hit peak trans.
Its relevance to this thread is a spoiler in itself but there’s a 2017 French detective series on Netflix called
La Mante, about a female serial killer who targeted abusive men and is now helping the police to catch her copycat. The copycat turns out to be
an entitled troon who kills men for sexually rejecting him. My French is very rusty but it would be interesting to see if any French TRAs have flipped their shit about this series yet. IIRC the copycat is portrayed as having a tragic past but also called out on being entitled and narcissistic, so it’s hardly a sympathetic portrayal.
No. 348631
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New poster here but this came up in my Facebook newsfeed (shared by a handmaiden, of course) and I’m big mad.
NONE of this is anything to do with feminism. This is just straight up conservatives doing what they always do, but of course it’s women’s fault. Fuck these delusional tr00ns I s2g.
For anyone who doesn’t know, National Front are a fascist far right party in the UK. Such feminism, eh?
No. 348835
>>347098It is odd since even to normies who don't care about the gays anymore still find trannies weird and uncomfortable never mind how you'd assume religious/conservative parents would react.
I figure it's an obsession with gender roles. It's considered shameful to have a gay son because he's taking the submissive female role in sex/a relationship/society. But if everyone pretends he IS a female then that's not a problem, that's just your daughter doing rightful daughter things.
Same reason the homicidally homophobic Iranian government encourages and sometimes forces gay men to get sex change operations. Same backwards logic you find in male prisons where it's totally not gay to rape another man since you're not in the female role of being penetrated.
No. 348931
>>348672NTAYRT but some butch lesbians do it too because of the androgynous aesthetic, not trying to pass as a male or "nonbinary". Sometimes I like to wear a flattening bra because it makes some clothes look better on me. A lot of loose clothing is designed for flat chests.
>>348779It's truly astounding how you can clock a tranny just from the way they write. It's always very passive-aggressive and smug.
>>348835Basically this. Imagine a conservative parent's disappointment when their daughter sleeps with women and doesn't care about being feminine, or when their son has sex as the submissive, effeminate party. Switch the genders and it's okay. We've had examples in these threads of hysteric bible thumping parents trying to "pray the gay away" before starting their kid's transition.
No. 348939
>>348360That reply is pissing me off.
>tells NHS they're female>mocks NHS for offering them a health check for womenThe letters are NOT "oh you're riddled with cancer", they tell you that it can potentialy detect abnormal cells and early wrning signs of cancer.
Don't mock a test that has reduced cervical cancer rates every year since its introduction and is estimated to actually prevent 2,000 cases per year by removing cells before they become cancerous.
If you're not at risk, tell your fucking doctor instead of twitter.
I know I'm overreacting but I'm tired of women's issues being used only to signpost that someone is trans. We discuss periods? We talk about vaginas? We have conversations about healthcare? WhAt AbOUt tHe FTmS! If it doesn't apply, just pass on by.
No. 348944
>>348640Mad that he has to shave twice a day! Forget them kiddies that need chemo, those amputees that need prosthetics and physiotherapy, those elderly patients that need to be referred safely to care homes, HE'S SHAVING TWICE A DAY!
I mean…yeah some women with thick hair might have to deal with facial hair and shaving too with no help and yeah he could always epilate, wax or bleach but THAT'S NOT THE POINT!
The NHS was made to shave fam!
No. 348946
>>348943I have a friend like this. She's not even trans but she makes such a huge deal about being a TRUE AND HONEST TWANS ALLY and hating TERFs, it's so annoying.
The other day we were talking about progressive and liberal Youtubers (breadtube) and I said it was annoying that the three most popular breadtubers (Contra, hbomberguy, Shaun) all had one major thing in common.
Instantly she starts saying "Are you calling Contra a man? I didn't know you were a TERF. What the fuck? LITERALLY Contra is a WOMAN" and launched into the entire TWANS WOMEN ARE BRAVE AND STUNNING WOMEN spiel at me. So I let her get it out of her system and then said "White. They're all white."
She's white and I'm half-black, so she immediately realized she'd fucked up and went quiet. It was so satisfying.
No. 348957
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>>348640This comment and its ratings have me cracking up.
Imagine thinking like this. People are dying while the world turns away, but the story of someone crying because they have to shave their legs is what really makes you feel (as if thousands of hairy women don't go through that - oh wait, I forgot, they don't really want to be
actual women, they want to be non-existent sex kittens and anime characters).
No. 348958
>>348640Wait, in UK the NHS can pay for a cosmetic hair removal surgery?
UK is really the lolcow of countries…
No. 348970
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the gamestop tranny revealed himself as tiffany michelle moore (ofc this gorilla calls himself tiffany) and someone found this
No. 348977
>>342523Most 'real' trans people can never be their birth sex from the beginning, so they can only go forward, even if there's no end to be reached.
Where the 'real' line lies, is yet to be found, though.
>>342988>Women are cuntsYeah, I guess the current state of society shows that pretty well, proving women that they are nothing more than fuck holes, and "men being better women" in all areas but being fuck holes.
Oh, and add being living incubators, since that's an area that TIMs can never take over.
>>343038I'm dazzled about how you misinterpret tweet that is assuming heteronormative cis children.
The meaning conveyed is that cis people are happy being their gender, and they only fancy opposite sex (assuming heterosexuality). Transgender people are discontent with their gender, they don't fancy opposite sex, but rather envy them.
No. 348992
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>>348946Oh my god anon this made me piss my pants laughing. It's like a scene straight out of a sketch comedy. I can relate so much because I have a lot of "friends" (people I tolerate because I have to) who go on an enormous tirade sperging out about whatever SJW topic there is, only to embarrass themselves because they misunderstood something or jumped into conclusions.
>>348970>Those white trash tats thoughHe also tagged this as #transmom so most likely this asshole has kids to traumatize. He turned his IG profile private but pictogram still had some posts in its cache.
No. 349014
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>>348992Topkek, he's literally pic related
No. 349019
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>>348992"All around decent human being"
Oh, the irony…
>"Motherfucker, let's take it outside, I'm gonna show you a sir!" kicks stuff around No. 349043
>>348946Top kek anon, A+ use of the sjw heirarchy
>>348656Same here, I feel like I reach a new peak all the time. I was never a libfem ~ally~ but it the more I learn the less tolerant I become, I started out thinking they aren't women, but live and let live so I'll use their pronouns or whatever. Now I think of it as an intentionally anti feminist movement backed by pharmaceutical companies, all straight TIMs are AGP fetishists who developed a paraphilia from porn and anime, and that they are disproportionately likely to be sex offenders and just as violent as regular men (and also have lower rates of being murdered than the general pop, contrary to their propaganda). I dont believe they have mental illnesses other than narcissism and I dont believe they have dysphoria, I think they know damn well they do it because they get off on it and hate real women.
I still have empathy for TIFs and HSTS, so it helped to learn the distinction between them and transbians. Now I can direct my hatred at people who genuinely deserve it.
No. 349058
>>348946holy fucking shit my sides
these TRAs think they know EVERYTHING. men are the priority and always on their minds.
No. 349076
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>>349014Honestly reminds me of this…
No. 349164
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>>349075OT but NHS funding was a huge talking point in the Brexit referendum.
No. 349170
>>348337I’ve struggled with this all my life. For me I was emotionally and mentally a tomboy, I didn’t dress butch but I’ve always been assertive. I’ve never really talked about my gender issues because I dress pretty feminine, I’m petite and small and get stereotyped because of it. I just don’t think in a feminine way.
Like today when I was making myself coffee I thought about how I’ve struggled with connecting with people, male or female, and how gender has often played a role in it. People never tell me I’m beautiful, or if they do they’ll add some hook like, ‘you’re x y z, but…”. I kind of resent girls who seem to have a continuum with their sexuality, like they’re okay with being objectified and just coasting along in life like ghosts in a shell. I love being feminine, dressing up and wearing perfume and all that jazz, but I hate how men act like you’re doing it for them, and not yourself. The thing I hate about being a woman is how I often feel like I don’t belong to me. I miss the freedom I had as a little girl when I could be more spontaneous and reckless and not feel pressured to be beautiful 24/7. Men don’t realize how much nuance they’re allowed to have in society. If I had more power, I get why some of my friends in the fashion industry go avant-garde. I want to do the same thing.
No. 349178
>>348943Most lesbians I know are handmaidens, oddly enough. One in particular constantly goes out of her way to talk about how Adorable, Brave and Amazing [insert TIM she barely knows] is and seems to wear the vague associations she has with these people (friend of a friend of a friend, relative of a coworker etc.) like some kind of medal of wokeness. It’s always TIMs, usually of the striped-socks-and-anime-avatar kind. I guess it’s because they’re very active in weeb fandoms but I’d expect at least some TIFs, too.
The funny thing is that her wife sounds like a no-nonsense oldschool radfem though I’m not sure if she considers herself one. There was one hilarious moment when we were at a convention and some guy in a horrible Disney princess costume strolled by:
>Friend: Oh look at that lovely Cinderella cosplay!>Wife: That’s a man in a dress.>Friend: Well you don’t know, I mean, they might identify->Wife: Nah that was definitely a man. The dress doesn’t even fit him.>Friend: B-but… well, yeah…Considering the con in question there’s a high likelihood it was a joke costume and the guy wasn’t Brave and Stunning at all, but her eagerness to go to bat for any strange man in an ill fitting dress and ratty wig was pretty telling. I’m glad she wasn’t willing to fight with her SO over it, though. Most of it seems to be virtue signalling and if their audience isn’t receptive to it they back down.
No. 349194
>>349178Methinks they're just scared out of their mind of being labeled as public enemy #1 (see: TERF) and harrassed since they're even more under scrutiny than other categories of people, being lesbians aka the most likely to be radfems.
So they do like in The Handmaid's Tale, when the handmaids go to the grocery store together and there are guards/spies around them so they start praising Gilead to overcompensate and appear "normal".
No. 349230
hey everyone. just dropping by to say that i think i finally got the kool-aid out of my system, so this is going to be a big ol blogpost. i just need to get this out somewhere other than places like tumblr, you know?
i'm female, and identified as non-binary for a good few years. i didn't have a reasoning for it other than being uncomfortable being/being seen as a girl.
after some reading up on gender theory, radical feminism, and trans-critical stuff, i've since realized i chose that label to distance myself from "being a girl" - aka the pain of being female.
being a girl got me abused, harassed, taken advantage of, manipulated, judged, dismissed, etc. i had body image issues that i assumed were gender-related dysphoria, when really i was a recovering anorexic and hated everything about my body - but my breasts in particular. they're fairly large, and not perfect perky porn star tits. if it weren't for the cost, i might have chosen to gone through top surgery already. i realize now that i should work on loving my body before even THINKING about doing anything permanent.
i still support trans people, though i am more critical of the movement as a whole. there are "true" trans people, for lack of a better word, and i believe it's important to recognize the difference between them and the predatory autogynephiles that seem to be popping up more often. they taint both our movements, which i now believe should be separate (trans women, for example, deserve and should have their own spaces separate from female-only spaces).
i have sympathy for others that identify as non-binary, agender, genderqueer, etc. because i know where they're coming from. almost all of them are using the label to cope. i hope any and all young people that id this way do some reading, research, and introspection.
i still have issues "being a girl" and don't particularly like being called one, but i actually immediately feel better about myself after realizing i am just an insecure girl, and not some "other" thing. happiness/self worth seems more attainable this way, when before it was just a vague idea i had.
end of this sperg rant/story. peace
No. 349391
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>>348985Surprisingly he didn't even warrant his own thread in A & H, but they have posted updates. No. 349409
>>349407Tried that. Was disregarded because "Miranda Yardley is a transphobe even if she herself is a trans woman".
There's just no winning.
No. 349410
>>349409stop talking to them, they've ID'd themselves as an idiot.
one of my ex friends confessed he was an autogyn before this trans stuff had a big foothold and he reneged it later on so i brought it up and he freaked the hell out.
No. 349415
>>349409have you brought up crossdressing and male-to-female transformation fetish? those exist for a reason.
if they're dismissing articles written by a trans woman, though, something tells me they might not like this argument either. so i agree with
>>349410, probably best to drop it.
No. 349419
>>349194Basically this.
>>349230Welcome to the club, a lot of us were once like you. It'll take some time to get rid of your "gender dysphoria" but once acknowledging the reasons you wanted to get rid of your gender altogether (sexualization, being seen as weak etc), it's easier to work on it. It took me a good year to finally be comfortable with calling myself a woman, and now I'm proud to do so.
No. 349498
>>349494 Not a detransitioner, but my best friend is a very public detransitioner, has spoken publicly many about her experience of F to M then back to F.
As a friend, when she began transitioning I sent her so many links to articles about masculine women, butch lesbians, etc, trying to convince her that she was just a masculine lesbian woman. Had many talks about it but in the end she transitioned, was mad a me for not supporting her, and we stopped talking for a couple years.
Luckily, after awhile of having physical issues with hormones and seeing a therapist about childhood abuse, she detransitioned and we became friends again. I have always been a radfem, and finally she was able to share those views with me.
She did a ton of cringey stuff while trans-identifying, but no one in our friends group cared at all. We were just so happy to have her back to her normal self! In terms of 'losing time' she spent a lot of time sharing her experience to with the world to help others avoid going down the same dead-end path.
Can't really say more than that myself, but anyone who loves you will forgive whatever you've done while trans because they're happy to just have you back to normal. Maybe try making up for lost time by sharing your story. Best of luck to you!
No. 349523
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>>349391Im excited to hear his SoundCloud raps. Why does every troon want to be in the spotlight?
No. 349524
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His Facebook is an eyesore of majority troon pages.
No. 349551
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>manga with trans character says men can never become women
>the comment reactions
The Japanese Okamas get it.
No. 349564
>>349553Based okamas.
This is why western weebs try to rewrite Japanese media and play it off like "REEEEEEE Japan is conservative!! We knew what they REALLY mean!"
No. 349620
>>349187I know a guy like that.
They’ll say:
>b-but Asian traps are the most feminine beings on earth>just wait til early transitioning becomes more popular it’ll be over for you roasties Sad. I think they are actually mentally impaired kek
No. 349622
>>348943Should have swerved on her and said you were reading into Radfem literature because you're interested in Separatism.
>>348946how satisfying!
No. 349628
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There is something so fucking disturbing and gross when mtf trannies post,like, reblog or just generally force themselves into lesbian media.
Like they really think that lesbian media has anything to do with them, or they think they're one of the women in the image.
I'm not even a lesbian, but it just creeps me the fuck out every time I see it. Why don't these fucking retards just make their OWN media. Or they post shit like this and wonder why women fucking hate them. Why do they have to hijack every single thing that women do?
God I wish separatism was a real thing.
No. 349632
>>349620Without fail these guys are deeply closeted homophobes so it's always easy and fun to get a reaction of them. You can either tease them about being attracted to every troon ever, including the most mannish linebacker looking ones, or say stuff like "I think it's great you're so in touch with your bisexuality!"
They get so mad about both types of teasing, it's funny.
No. 349636
>>349628You know why, it's because they are predatory invaders with a fetish.
OK I lied. With multiple fetishes.
No. 349645
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Oh Casey…
No. 349646
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>>349645The evil cis women!
No. 349655
>>349651The way troons talk about and to detrans is horrifying.
Sometimes I read /r/asktransgender on Reddit and it's relatively common that someone will make a post saying something like 'I started HRT but it doesn't seem to be helping me. I still feel unhappy. Actually I feel much much worse than I ever did before transition and I want to stop transition. Is it OK if I stop?'
Normally you would say if something is making someone feel bad, especially if they say it makes them suicidal, they should stop. But these posts always get a consensus of replies that say 'No, don't stop! In fact, you should speed up your transition! Remember, if you have every questioned your gender at any point ever, you are trans and will kill yourself if you don't transition. Go back to your doctor and ask for a higher dose.'
Scary stuff.
No. 349670
>>349669>men: commit every single murder and rape of trans women that has ever happened, throw around slurs with impunity, pass the majority of the laws TRAs ree abouttroons: :)
women: i had what i think was probably dysphoria as a kid. personally i got over it though, so shrug.
No. 349680
>>349461>AGPs who essentially view womanhood as one big porn movie/submitting to men.Remember, most of them view womanhood as having pigtails and thigh highs, going to sleepovers, talk about boys and have sexy pillow fights in our underwear. We're just porn and anime to them.
>>349624Alot of them are. They'll read and see memes online but actually believe it instead of moving on. More people are pointing out how tras and trannies are autistic too and transitioning will just fuck them up for the future
No. 349682
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Thanks to KiwiFarms for catching this one.
Some genius on GenderCynical: Trans women would never call themselves biological women! TERFs are so delusional.
Hoardes of trans women in response to them: But I am a biological woman.
Fucking LOL.
No. 349701
>>349682>that paragraph of nonsense even got leddit goldhaha holy shit
sasuga TRAs
No. 349716
>>349706Every time some
triggered enby says bisexuality is bad I ask them if homo and heterosexuality are bad too, since they also exclude muh enbies.
The smarter ones usually shut up then, as they're usually AFAB and aren't so detached from reality that they can't see that what is essentially a woman with an undercut screaming that gay men need to fuck her will make them look crazy.
No. 349717
>>349706they're overcompensating imo.
i always wondered if a lot of them (tumblr kids specifically) were just straight people who wanted to be included without having to commit to transition or touch junk they're not attracted to. saying they're both or neither genders is like a win-win in that case. they get to insist that they're so super gay and oppressed when they're in hetero relationships too, and you're just a transphobic, evil terf who needs to die if you disagree.
the ones i've encountered personally have treated it more like dress up than anything, it's impossible to take seriously. i felt like wearing a shirt and tie today, so call me he/him!
No. 349745
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>>344772Did you guys see this post?
>I put this in another other thread but my old GM at the Gamestop I used to work at is going viral for getting yelled at and he's such a piece of shit and deserves it.
>He cheats on his wife, harasses female employees, and is an absolutely terrible manager, I lowkey hope he gets fired from this>>>/ot/345135 No. 349764
>>349649>>349651>>349655>'No, don't stop! In fact, you should speed up your transition! Remember, if you have every questioned your gender at any point ever, you are trans and will kill yourself if you don't transition. Go back to your doctor and ask for a higher dose.'This, and they even feed teenagers specific lines to say to their parents and doctor to get puberty blockers and hormones. They actively push people who are clearly unsure about the whole thing to transition anyway because they're essentially a predatory cult. But then as soon as someone (well, a woman) says "I thought I was trans but I was wrong and I regret transitioning/am glad I never went through with it" she's a plant sent by the global terven conspiracy to undermine the trans narrative with evil terven lies. Even if someone buys into the brain sex thing and thinks there are "true" trans people, surely one look at this enormous fucking fallacy should tip them off to the fact that something is rotten in the state of Tranmark.
>>349682I hear
>Real trans people woud never say or do that! Those are lies made up by transphobes meant to demonize trans people!so often and it really gets on my nerves, because there’s no reason to make anything up and TRAs really are that crazy. Even in the KF thread on JY there would be posters saying that JY isn’t truly trans and therefore not representative of trans people, but fortunately someone always points out that under Self-ID in Canada and some other countries, JY legally is a woman and would likely be sent to a women’s prison if convicted of a crime. He’s as much a transwoman as anyone else who claims to be. This is where trans ideology has gotten us. You give them an inch, they take a mile. When someone takes advantage of these policies to abuse women and children they try to cop out with #NotAllTrans, glossing over the fact that it would never have happened if they hadn’t pushed for those policies in the first place. They need to start taking responsibility for what their movement is doing and the first step is to admit there are plenty of crazies in it instead of deflecting the blame as just “TERF fearmongering”.
No. 349865
File: 1546779757999.jpeg (136.33 KB, 678x490, 6A06D103-02AE-43B7-A409-B3F180…) Man babies, the lot of them.
No. 349870
>>349865She was with her girlfriend when this happened.
Do the math: the real reason she was kicked out was homophobia. Once again TERF = lesbian.
No. 349889
>>349865When will this war on womanhood and women in general end? this is awful. i used to think years ago trans people were a minority, and they still are, but they are loud, gross and MEN. and they will do everything they can to shit things up.
how did we get this?? how did we get to this place??
No. 349891
>>349868>The amount of offensive shirts I've seen in my lifetime, usually towards womenThis! I used to walk by this shirt/shoe shop on my way to to school years ago and there were so many sexual shirts on the window display, always about fucking women or hating marriage (ball and chain bullshit.)
but wearing a shirt that says woman: human is
No. 349915
Not really gc related but this is such a good example of male entitlement are truly jealous the moment a woman might have the slightest advantage in something
No. 349920
File: 1546785575209.png (1.41 MB, 676x1078, yaniv.PNG)

From page 111 of the KF thread: a kiwi found this post by Yaniv in the Makeup Junkies Anonymous group on Facebook.
The image was posted on reddit originally 3 days prior, but he gives no indication that it was not his pic…and his uncut dildo. No. 349925
>>349915The guy considered changing position in the company to work part-time (less than 60h he currently does) to spend more time with his family, but his wife doesn't agree with that.
They both are shitty people.
Also, not gc related.
No. 349928
>>349915whispers we need the male critical thread back
It's pretty disgusting if that link is not just a guy trolling. He is not interested in any variable where she is not working full time…and actually sounds like he wants to quit work himself. He's in too deep to a situation he clearly can't handle.
No. 349932
File: 1546787215543.png (649.08 KB, 629x567, Young mother barred from pub f…)

Imagine having these people in the army. The enemy soldiers would only have to shout "transwomen are men" to make them drop like flies.
That picture, though. Literally the virgin troon vs the chad radfem. I hope the troon was also seething that she's cute, since they love to say how ugly terfs are… (the irony)
No. 349934
>>349929He replied to a comment less then a day ago, and not so shockingly he decided to file for divorce
I feel bad for his wife
No. 349937
>>349928>He is not interested in any variable where she is not working full timeOP clearly contradicts that.
>So i suggested that she works part time and i get a less demanding job where i will have to work no more than 35 hrs a week. She doesn't like this idea because we will only make enough to pay the bills and we would have almost no savings if we go with my plan.She cares more about the money, than the child having both parents.
>>349929She could work part-time, while he's home with the daughter.
Being in the top 5% I'm sure they already are pretty well off and have nice savings, to allow for such a setup.
>The only shitty person is the one who doesn’t view their spouse as a partner and considers their child a prizeSo, both of them?
She doesn't want to give up the rich lifestyle he provides for them, at the cost of limiting their daughter's contact with father.
She's a pharmacist, I'm sure she could work part-time, on weekends and maybe evenings, while the guy is at home with the child.
No. 349941
>>349937Keep in mind their child is only a few months old and he never seems to care about what actually good for the child, and only what would be the most "fair" in his eyes.
Also don't forget that in things like this people post only what makes them look good and only the things that make the other side look bad. So there's a good chance we'd get an entirely different story from the wife.
No. 349961
>>349953theyre the same thing. transwomen is what they call themselves and tim is what makes more sense.
>>349937who the fuck cares if the mother has more time with the child. children will usually be more attached to their mothers anyway, regardless of who spends more time with them. thats how its been for the last few million years or so and nothing bad has come from it.
and yes, money is more important than the cunty scrots feefees. this scrote cares more about whether he will have control over his child if they ever get a divorce than their wellbeing. i wouldnt leave him alone with my kids either tbh. he seems unstable, and i can see him flying off the handle if his kid shows any kind of love or attachement towards the mother.
No. 349968
File: 1546794637093.jpeg (49.87 KB, 902x400, 4BB1F84B-5B36-4141-95E9-2E5C1B…)

>>349717Original anon who posted the non-binary thing here.
This is a damn good point. In this specific group and many others I notice a lot of heterosexual couples who insist they’re not because one is a non-binary speshul snowflake uwu and it just feels like straight people trying to force themselves into our spaces once again and we can’t even call them on it for the fear of being an eeeeeeeebil exclusive transphobe.
I’ve included a screenshot from the comments of a post in the group I’m referring to. Their desire to make everything about themselves just screams straight bullshit. For reference, the post she was getting up in arms about was detailing how bisexual men and women are told they don’t really like women.
No. 349987
>>349953>>349961They want to be called "women" now while insisting women call themselves ciswomen, and they consider the term "transsexual" to be transphobic.
Also, MTF is a misnomer. Males cannot become female.
Like TIM, MTT is also accurate.
No. 350031
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>>350013My sister has stretched lobes and I always hear her complain of the foul smell on the plugs whenever she takes them out. I've made the same thought about neovaginas… except the smell has to be 100x worse, because that's one giant wound compared to a stretched lobe. Wouldn't get near that shit not even with a ten foot pole.
I'll tell you more. As a lesbian, if I ever had to decide between having sex with a man or a MTT, I'd unironically choose the man.
No. 350073
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No. 350075
File: 1546808609339.jpg (97.97 KB, 2000x1000, LAUREN-HARRIES-AS-A-CHILD.jpg)

A farmer in the Desmond thread on KF brought up James Harries as an example of parental exploitation and troon grooming.
No. 350080
James is now Lauren and 40 and stripping while lip synching to his anthem "I am a Woman".
There's been a lot more milk since the thread died out. The depths of his delusions and denial just make me sad. No. 350118
>>350066Any type, really. It's always a festering wound. One time I stumbled across a Tumblr post written by a gendercrit lesbian who had an intimate experience with a "neovagina" and said how it doesn't feel like, taste like, look like and smell like an actual vagina, and I puked a bit in my mouth just by reading it. Absolutely disgusting. That woman really took one for the team
>>350107At least with a man there's a chance he's not a loco-in-the-coco wishing to wear your skin. Trannies are too creepy
No. 350166
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Its amazing they don't have a counter argument just screetch "jk NEEDS TO BE CANCELLED!" also this was retweeted by lib fem and wig0nhead chaser david shitrat, who likes to tell women how to do feminism because he is a feminist despite still harbouring MRA sentiments which slip though on various tweets.
No. 350168
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>>348992I know I'm late but I think I had enough internet for today
No. 350188
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>>350168muh gender identity
No. 350209
>>344010Can I just say that I'm really sick of being used in arguments by these fuckwads and their agendas? If you ask most intersex people, they say the same. It's like we're "the black friend" or something. "OH!! Intersex people exist, so that validates whatever bullshit I'm spewing!" ugh I've once had one tell me that intersex people fall under the trans umbrella, that we're the same, and that we're not "cis."
A series of birth defects that have a track record of being ill treated, medically, has nothing to do with your mental instability and fetish.
People always say that terfs don't respect intersex people, but I've seen nothing but disrespect and shushing from troons. It's like they're projecting. I've only ever seen terfs stick up for us, or treat us like normal people, instead of some magical alien 3rd sex.
No. 350215
File: 1546825171422.jpeg (87.57 KB, 800x600, DEC4642F-D556-4CC5-8FF1-7B7606…)

this was posted by a typical AGP TiM I knew from back in the day. The caption? “Gender affirming selfie” supposedly meaning he thought he looked ~peak feminine~. I just can’t any more. It’s like every stereotype rolled into one. Disgusting mess in the background? Check. Greasy? Check. Neck beard? Check. Creepy AGP child molester smile? Double check. These people are truly delusional and couldn’t be further away from women if they tried.
No. 350226
>>349932The chad sexy terf mom
The virgin sex offender transcel
No. 350261
>>346682Commenter is insane, but I understand the poster. Its buried regret, deep recognition that he could have been true to himself. Disdain for trans support = repressed feelings of anger/upset that society encourages transitioning over therapy.
He chose to transition which means never fully addressing the root cause of dysphoria, and now its backfired.
No. 350395
>>350195criminally underrrated
>>350031fair enough, tbh im the opposite, i would probably choose the TIM purely because im scared to death of male genitalia and i'd rather risk getting gangrene of the finger from touching some nasty festering fleshhole than touch a penis. id die before putting my mouth on it, though.
Also I guess you could fuck it with a strap on, then you wouldnt have to feel anything, plus you could use a dodgy cheap plastic dildo that will leak phthalates into him and give him a potentially fatal yeast infection.
>>349722ngl its refreshing seeing all these normie facebook pages/friends sharing dumb memes like this and making fun of gamestop ma'am, its a reminder that the vast majority of people are at least sort of sane and arent on board with this shit.
No. 350406
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>>350252Here’s another from the same post of supposedly ‘gender affirming’ selfies. As laughable as the ones in ratty wigs and cheap dresses are I still prefer their presentation to.. this.
No. 350435
>>350215someone at work came out as trans and they requested we all use a special set of pronouns for them (something like zon/zen).
I truly just want to die already,
No. 350462
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Not a fetish though!
Makes sense that they'd be scared of losing their sex drive after starting HRT, imagine ruining your body because of a fetish and then not even being able to get off to it anymore.
No. 350472
>>350462I am truly dumbfounded and disgusted at how men become so trapped and controlled by their fetishes like this. How can it control your entire fucking life in every aspect? Politically, socially, financially, fuck.
They're scared of losing their sex drive but so many of them still do it and STILL harass lesbians for sexual contact. Nothing short of death keeps them from shoving their fetishes upon women.
No. 350477
File: 1546891073360.jpeg (95.86 KB, 800x600, 93B56F14-0898-4219-B730-315BAA…)

>>350412Kek anon I know. Here’s another because why not.
He was weird as fuck in high school too, but just in a standard anime boy kind of way. I almost feel bad making fun of him because you can smell the autism but it’s just so fucking easy. Nowadays he spends his time going on about antifa and tRaNs pEePoL dEsErVe rEzPeKt don’t u dare MiSgEnDeR me all day long. Which I think is a pretty solid representation of most of these TiMs.
No. 350490
>>350477Did he even try? I know the men in dresses we are making fun of at least have something to go that's 'traditionally feminine'.
I don't get him, I really don't.
No. 350587
>>347884In my experience, that’s false.
Literally every anti-fujoshi thing I saw goes out of its way to say that “gay trans men” are rad and don’t count as fujoshis.
No. 350649
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So I found out one of the clearly autistic boys in my hometown is a troon. He was known to be an asshole who also happened to love wrestling. Now that he's trooned out, so many people think he's nice KEK he's basically the same person except now he won't shut up about how "lewd" he is
No. 350740
>>349645>>349646>>349737The zoosadism leaks proves that all furries are either a) disgusting, depraved freaks, and/or b) primarily concerned with their reputation rather than the wellbeing of other living beings.
Tweets like this from them only hammer that home.
No. 350755
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I’ve noticed that many FtMs prior to transitioning were ugly women. I’m starting to really believe that many FtMs transition because they couldn’t meet society’s beauty standards.
It’s well-known that women are pressured to be attractive and pretty, much more than men. Traditionally attractive (see: feminine) features for women include smaller, softer faces, smaller noses, etc. Having a prominent brow, big nose, square jaw etc are considered masculine - even attractive on men - and therefore the antithesis to female beauty. Combine that with how men can be perceived as attractive in a natural state, not having to conform to unrealistic beauty standards through makeup, I truly believe that many ugly women become FtM not because of gender dysphoria or how they inherently “feel” on the inside, but dysphoria from being unable to meet traditional beauty standards. When they look into the mirror as a man with unfortunate features, it looks more “right” because men are allowed to be ugly.
The comments I found in this reddit thread only serve as evidence: No. 350758
File: 1546943596122.jpg (360.96 KB, 1800x1800, knightofbunnies.jpg)

>>350755Pretty much. The motivations of this ugly ~enby~ are obvious.
No. 350780
>>350769Indeed. Imagine spending all that time and effort on assembling your special enby outfits… only to post the selfies where you look even worse than normal.
Too bad art school didn't impart that nugget of wisdom.
No. 350783
Reddit's LesbianActually subreddit is so interesting.
Unlike actuallesbians, which is infested with troons, it has a much higher amount of users who are actually women. Nevertheless, troons have still tried to muscle in on it. So you get posts like this: just turn into troons saying "I'm not saying you HAVE to like penis, I'm just saying if you don't want to suck dick you should die!" and getting downvoted even though the mods (who have now got several troons on the team) are trying to make the place into actuallesbians 2.0.
No. 350824
>>350796>>350800This is what I meant. Don’t let troons in period. Ban anyone who mentions “girl dick” or starts discourse over “b-but what about trans women!!!” Just don’t even entertain it. Outright ban with 0 chance of appeal.
Obviously I can see the problems with that if it were to actually happen but at this point we’ve got to stop letting men in our spaces.
No. 350858
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There's something truly unsettling in this pic but I can't find the words for it.
No. 350868
>>350858Prominent square forehead and beak nose with deep set eyes.
I gotta give props to him for well groomed hair and a cute outfit but it just goes to show how low the bar is set.
No. 350876
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>>350783>"Not mutually exclusive 😂 I for one love my girlfriends dick">girlfriend>dickAbsolutely disgusting. I try to keep my cool and laugh it off whenever I see/hear any tranny bullshit, but the lesbian girldick argument makes me rage every single time. Women don't have dicks, and it's fucked that pointing out something as logical as that is now considered "hate speech".
I hope they all an hero as quickly as possible - yes, THIS is hate speech.>>350786There's already one thankfully, it's r/truelesbians. Troons are banned on sight there.
No. 350890
>>350877It's fine. They won't fuck us anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Plus they keep shooting themselves in the foot, because more and more people are driven to hate their guts and see them as creepy and predatory - the one "stereotype" they've been trying to erase. Pitiful
No. 350891
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>>350877>I didn't realize this was NotLikingPenisesActually..yes? it is a lesbian platform?? imagine a fakeboi going to a gay space and saying "uh.. i didn't realize that you don't like vaginas here :(". it's disgusting how normalized shaming lesbians for not wanting dick has become in general public because of troons
No. 350896
>>350889accusing a woman of having a vagina fetish as a man on a page exclusively for lesbians
No. 350898
File: 1546959520766.gif (1.51 MB, 298x298, tumblr_inline_ph0icjCky41rhrfx…)

>>350891>Trans women bend over backward to try not to make waves when in wlw spacesHoly fucking shit, the self awareness levels are below the 0 here
No. 350904
File: 1546960217985.png (120.53 KB, 881x560, Dicks and Overly Defensive Rea…)

>>350891The discussion is going on. This tranny is fucking unbelievable.
>Lesbian woman: We have a history of being harrassed, threatened, molested for our sexuality. Maybe… we could have ONE space where we can share our experiences which don't involve dick?>Tranny (with the tranniest uwu username): REEEEEEEEEEEEE YOU HATE TRANSWOMYYYYYYYYYYYNI fucking hate trannies. They deserve absolutely nothing
No. 350907
>>350904Lesbian: Here are some examples of why it's important for lesbians to have a space where we aren't pressured to try dick.
No. 350908
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Guys. I'm hitting the SPT (Supreme Peak Trans).
No. 350932
>>350783>>350877>Not mutually exclusive 😂 I for one love my girlfriends dickFor all I care it could be a woman with a female gf, with a dick they keep in the drawer and take out only for the sexy times.
It wouldn't be a big deal, if they didn't blow it out so much.
No. 350957
File: 1546965349866.jpeg (127.06 KB, 750x754, A791F700-D6A7-4BEB-BD95-7AB36B…)

But it’s ok to erase the identity of homosexual men, aka/ actually gay people
No. 350980
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>>350758Looks like Andy from little Britain
No. 350984
>>350982What's sad is if you sort by new, there's multiple recent posts saying stuff like "I don't want dick and it makes me feel so guilty, maybe I should just kill myself because I'm clearly a bad person."
Troons are destroying lesbians.
No. 351003
>>351002"Give us money for being so brave uwu"
Julia Kaye also ebegged for money for FFS. To no one's suprise, Julia literally doesn't look a bit different. $15000 wasted
No. 351112
>>351059he legit should kill himself. What a fucking disgrace to mankind.
His "tits" look like when Michelangelo, a gay man that had never seen bare breasts, tried to sculpt them.
No. 351148
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Imagine finding out this psycho will be your child's teacher. I would take them out of the school immediately
No. 351245
>>351002i hate lgbt twitter because everyone is so ready to jump on any hate bandwagon, everyone is carbon copies of each other and anyone who doesn't fit into their agenda is evil. a lot of these people are straight as fuck, they are constantly swooning over the other sex but they are ~~pansexual~~ for the marginality points
>>351052it's really just a tumblr sexuality for people who want to be seen more woke and inclusive. show me a pansexual who isn't an insufferable sjw
No. 351358
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I was gonna put this in the western weeaboos thread but I think I deserves a place in here
No. 351361
File: 1546996643594.jpg (123.55 KB, 749x1005, tumblr_p9m0d3A1yh1rk67uqo1_128…)

Oh look its your fav cock hungry tranny BACK AT IT AGAIN
No. 351391
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>>351327>>351148He dressed like a drill sergeant and was generally obnoxious, loud and extra. His son was on american idol when I was in his class and he talked about it non-stop until the kid got eliminated during hollywood week. He came out publicly a couple years after I graduated and it was a huge deal because we live in a small, rural, conservative town and the parents did not want him to continue teaching as a "woman". I think there was a lawsuit against the school but he has tenure and is still teaching there. His wife divorced him, kids disowned him and now he's getting married to another troon and constantly facebooking about acceptance and being the "real woman" he always knew he was.
No. 351400
>>351267Pansexual is "woke" because it includes nonbinaries, genderfluids (whatever the hell those are) and trans people! Never mind the fact that it's called biSEXuality, not biGENDERality.
I also feel like pansexuality has roots in tired ass biphobia as well. Since people like to gatekeep bisexuals and tell them whether they are bi enough or not (not to mention the use of terms like "barsexuals" being directed at bisexuals), they created pansexual, to get around that.
No. 351410
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Western Feminism seeks to end sexism by doing what? Eliminating women altogether!
This is a nightmare. I’m so sorry for you American and UK anons.
No. 351418
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>>350996>r/LesbianActually>This place was never for AFABr/WordsHaveNoMeaningActually
No. 351419
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>>351394 apparently this is what happened
No. 351420
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No. 351422
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>>351391The lipstick on the teeth… omfg
No. 351447
>>351245I'm so done with the LGBT "community" as well. It's really toxic- I connect way better with my 'normie' friends. I'm getting more aggro these days from within the community than from without.
PS- I'm bisexual, I'll never consider myself """"pansexual"""" and no ones going to force me into that. Trying to redefine my sexuality as pan is literally gay conversion therapy.
No. 351478
>>344116Fuck reddit.
I just got suspended for posting "personal information" for posting this screencap on r/GC two weeks ago.
>Public figures can be an exception to this rule, such as posting professional links to contact a congressman or the CEO of a company. No. 351494
>>350998>>351000I wish it were possible to organise a mass exodus of “afab”s out of every single male-infested lesbian community so the men are left to themselves. This sub was never meant for women? Okay cool, we'll move to a sub that
is meant for us (and only us) and you can have this one. Enjoy your circlejerk. The men would feel victorious for a day or so before realising they’re completely surrounded by other men and, wait, this isn’t what they became lesbians for!
Unfortunately female socialisation would never allow this because it would be seen as
mean and god forbid men ever think a woman isn’t being nice to them. Some women will migrate but there will always bee too many staying behind for it to make an impact, and someone will always be around to open the door of the new group and let everything happen all over again.
>>351166Every time I see libfems swoon over a TiM and tell him he’s so adorable and more feminine than them I imagine him posting shit like this afterwards. I’ve met several TiMs who did not pass whatsoever but were absolutely convinced they do because women keep praising them. We’re constantly being told that if we make a trans person feel bad about themselves e.g. by letting him know we can still tell he’s biologically male, we’re contributing to his eventual suicide and thereby committing literal murder. Anything but praising a TiM is social suicide in some circles. Not to mention some (many) of these men are clearly unhinged and telling a scary man what he wants to hear is basic survival instinct. These guys are narcissists and they’ve found the perfect form of narcissistic supply.
No. 351521
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>>351503to make him feel oppressed
god, those shoulders can't hide themselves. all of his selfies he uses a wide angled lens so they don't look like they're protruding
No. 351525
>>351400In my experience a lot of "pan" people are just straight girls who claim to be pan so that they don't have to show any attraction towards females ("because it's pan, not bi!") while still staying special. But quite frankly it's true that in certain circles identifying as bisexual gets you branded as an evil twansphobe so you have to go with pan.
>>351419>>351420lord jesus is he high on drugs or something? How can someone this delusional work as a teacher?
>>351490>Not wanting to date/have sex with someone is not a hate crime, why are they not attacking straight people instead of the LGB?Straight people wouldn't care. It's easier to attack those who are in the position of being threatened. Bi people already get flack from the gay AND straight community, they're the easiest demographic to bully because everyone already has prejudice against them.
>>351494>Anything but praising a TiM is social suicide in some circles. Not to mention some (many) of these men are clearly unhinged and telling a scary man what he wants to hear is basic survival instinct.Exactly. Just think back to that gamestop tranny and imagine yourself telling to that fucking caveman that you don't think he's a beautiful woman. I would probably pussy out and humor him just so that I don't get my teeth kicked in.
No. 351547
>>351521>>351531>>351524 he smiles it's very obvious, and god, that voice and cadence and lisp, yikes. even ignoring the shoulders, he looks like a jewy surfer boy in eyeliner. the thing is that the'well passing' troons still, at best, generally just look like slightly facially feminine alt teen boys, not women or girls. they all look like 2011 biebs to me, but like if it's possible to be facially young but still haggard at the same time, at best, even after ffs
No. 351561
>>348946> So I let her get it out of her system I don’t usually interact with liberals. Is this a normal approach to having a conversation? Have someone tirade at you then let them calm down to have a normal conversation? Or is the tirade an integral part of communication with you people? Honest question because frankly if words make you upset the world outside your social bubble will give you ptsd. One way to fight this is interaction with something that
triggers you. Grow some courage to get past micro aggressions.
No. 351568
>>351525>>351533>>351539It’s the narcissism. Anyone who’s not actively feeding his ego and upholding his delusional image of himself is an enemy who must be neutralised. TRAs are normalising narcissistic abuse on a large scale and handmaidens are cheering them on. You go gurl! Cancel those transphobes!
I’ve started following the Rachel McKinnon (aka Glittermom McCyclistCheater) thread on KF and it’s fascinating how this narc can’t seem to go a week without shooting himself in the foot yet he keeps on trucking like he’s incapable of being wrong. The concept of not being 100% right at all times does not exist in his mind. He’s like Onision on a bicycle.
No. 351597
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>>351547Always with this fucking expression
No. 351614
File: 1547045893989.jpeg (567.58 KB, 1936x1936, 1547006209877.jpeg)

Nicked from fakeboi thread for a properly deranged troon couples.
Here's the background
>Introducing trans couple ‘Tyson’ (left) and ‘Anna’ (right)
They’ve both been on HRT for 9 months. Anna was the one who came out first (MTF) and everyone believes they manipulated Tyson to transition too (FTM). It appears as though Tyson takes it far more seriously than Anna does. Anna is your typical weeb, and is obsessed with the idea of having big anime tiddies, but won’t even make the effort to shave their facial hair. They constantly waste their money on pointless Disney toys and going out to eat, then had the audacity to set up a gofundme page and asked people for $43,000 (Australian dollars) for gender reassignment surgery!! They both they say they’re too mentally ill to work and are trying to apply for government disability payments, which is bullshit, they’re just lazy fucks. They also both believe there should be a FREE program which allows trans couples to simply ‘swap’ body parts. It’s a fun train wreck to watch.
No. 351620
>>351614Holy shit i thought that was the same person, like a before and after photo. Why does the one on the right look so much like
christine chan?
*reposted for misspelling
No. 351626
File: 1547048240245.png (2.24 MB, 2000x1600, gc.png)

Proposal for next thread pic