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No. 396926
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
Radical Feminism thread
>>>/ot/373459Resources | | | http://www.gettheloutuk.com | https://www.transgenderreality.comhttps://womenarehuman.com | (404)
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended) |
https://www.gendertrending.com (suspended) | https://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth | | Channels
Elly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Radical feminism in Korea Lloyd Long Murphy Parker Woman's Place, Art, Comics, Memes
Feminist Heretic Mimi and Eunice Katherinee Draws Badly Snowflake Books Untameable Shrews
https://www.theuntameableshrews.com Adult Human Female
https://www.standingforwomen.comPrevious threads
>>>/ot/221232>>>/ot/231926>>>/ot/248302>>>/ot/267773>>>/ot/281458>>>/ot/296475>>>/ot/312419>>>/ot/320422>>>/ot/331248>>>/ot/341517>>>/ot/351615>>>/ot/360163>>>/ot/377370>>>/ot/387259"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748 No. 396927
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No. 396943
Deprogrammed: Meghan Murphy on Feminism and Trans Misogyny
Unsafe Space
Streamed live on Apr 4, 2019
This week, Keri and Carter talk to Meghan Murphy. Meghan is a writer and journalist in Vancouver, BC. She is the founder and editor of Feminist Current, Canada's leading feminist website, and has published work in numerous national and international publications, including, Al Jazeera, Quillette, UnHerd, the CBC, and more. Meghan holds a Masters degree in Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies. No. 396948
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The Times today reports serious concerns about the functioning of the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) at the Tavistock & Portman NHS Foundation Trust. Lucy Bannerman, the Times reporter, writes:
“The Times has spoken to five clinicians who resigned from the service because of concerns over the treatment of vulnerable children who come to the clinic presenting as transgender.
“They believe that some gay children struggling with their sexuality are being wrongly diagnosed as “transgender” by the Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) clinic.”
“All five former staff were responsible for deciding which trans-identifying youngsters should be given hormone blockers to halt their sexual development.”
The paper also carries a piece by Carl Heneghan, professor of evidence-based medicine at the University of Oxford, who says that the long-term effects of those hormone-blocking drugs when administered to children is not yet known; the medicines concerned were not developed for this purpose, he notes:
“Given the paucity of evidence, the off-label use of drugs that occurs in gender dysphoria largely means an unregulated live experiment on children.”
That’s quite something. NHS clinicians, supported by a leading medical academic, have said they fear the NHS is doing something that could be harmful to children.
This has caused outrage, but possibly not in the way you’d expect. A lot of people are angry, but they’re angry at the fact that those concerns have been reported. On Twitter, where this conversation often takes place, the Times and Lucy Bannerman are being accused of transphobia, of bigotry, of seeking the harm and even death of transgender children.
(continue reading) No. 396955
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>>396949We live in Orwellian times
Where wrongthink is really a crime
Where blokes can be chicks
Whilst waving their dicks
In accord with the mantra they chime No. 397092
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Yes, im sure trannies are only mentally ill because of uWu BulLiES and not because they often regret mutilating their genitalia, making themselves sick and infertile with hormones and steroids, and constantly altering their face with plastic surgery trying to look like anime girls and yaoi boys, an unachievable ideal. No, it’s definitely the evil terfs ruining their mental health.
No. 397094
>>396948I’m relieved to see both the medical malpractice
and TRA’s attempted censorship are being reported on in more mainstream publications. Many people don’t think critically and only read publications that reinforce their beliefs, so many will only see articles with a pro-trans bias without even realising that anything is being repressed on their side. Hopefully this will wake some of these people up to the fact that journalists and academics with legitimate concerns are being silenced, and it’s not just because they’re all mean bigots saying mean things.
No. 397099
>>397094I completely agree. I think for most GC followers the new articles weren't really anything new or surprising. But I'm glad they are being published by the main stream media. Hopefully wakes some people up.
I saw a lot of normies commenting being absolutely flabbergasted that there was a patient as young as 3 years old being transed.
No. 397106
What could become immense public backlash against transing children comes just as the ICD-11 goes into effect in which gender incongruence is no longer classified as a mental disorder.
ICD-11 will be presented at the World Health Assembly in May 2019 for adoption by Member States, and will come into effect on 1 January 2022.One of the new chapters added to ICD-11 is “conditions related sexual health”, which includes gender incongruence that was previously classed as a mental disorder. ICD-11 stresses that gender incongruence is “characterised by a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual's experienced gender and the assigned sex”, and gender variant behaviour and preferences alone do not form the basis for diagnosis. Such a move should help to remove stigma and improve social acceptance of gender variant children and adolescents, as well as ensure access to health interventions. Moreover, the classification is also subdivided into that of childhood and that of adolescence and adulthood, recognising that prepubertal children have different presentations and needs compared with adolescents, and require different clinical approaches.>>397094>>397099Prior to the Times expose, the majority of reporting was by the Mail and the Mirror so its validity could be dismissed.
I hope researchers pick up where the Brown study on ROGD left off and clinicians and the media regard it more seriously.
No. 397109
>>397099Too many people really have no idea what’s going on and think that transing children, rapists in bathrooms and women’s shelters and other examples of harm caused by trans ideology are made up, exaggerated or “just one bad apple”. For a supposedly oppressed minority, the trans community has been able to garner an insane amount of goodwill and benefit of the doubt.
>>397100>So is this person saying troons are literally the most oppressed and bullied group in all of human history?Is this a rhetorical question? Because yes, that’s exactly the narrative that they’re trying to push and they’ll even posthumously trans notable gay and/or gnc black people to do so. It wouldn’t surprise me if they start claiming that homophobia never existed and it was all transphobia all along.
>>397106Yeah exactly. It’s been way too easy for people to dismiss anything from those sources as fake news.
No. 397114
Pretty good article on non-binary identities:
>If the Future Is Nonbinary, It's a Bleak One for Women this bit about Peter Coffin. Remember that guy? I’m pretty sure he has a banner here.
>Writer Peter Coffin, for instance—a bearded father of two who is married to a feminine-presenting woman—came out earlier this year as “agender,” a subsidiary of the nonbinary identity. Why? Because, in his own words, he “disliked [his] place in the gender dynamic.” So, instead of working to dismantle a hierarchy that places men at the top and women at the bottom, he simply stopped identifying as a man, while, of course, still receiving all the privileges of people who look like them. I suppose that’s one way to deal with structural sexism. No. 397121
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>critically messy lesbian
This guy actually thinks he passes, named himself Christine Love and tries to act like he was born with the name kek
No. 397123
>he has a banner hereBy way of his
girlfriend doll. He has a very active 127-page thread on KF.
Why did the reporter choose him, of all people? Seattle is lousy with enbies. Are they still referring to themselves as enbies?
No. 397131
>>397106ICD-11 Chapter 17 Gender Incongruence
Text of the entry for Gender Incongruence in ICD-11 (2018)
17 Conditions related to sexual health
Gender incongruence
Gender incongruence is characterized by a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual’s experienced gender and the assigned sex. Gender variant behaviour and preferences alone are not a basis for assigning the diagnoses in this group.
Paraphilic disorders (6D30-6D3Z)
HA60 Gender incongruence of adolescence or adulthood
Gender incongruence of adolescence and adulthood is characterized by a marked and persistent incongruence between an individual´s experienced gender and the assigned sex, as manifested by at least two of the following:
1) a strong dislike or discomfort with the one’s primary or secondary sex characteristics (in adolescents, anticipated secondary sex characteristics) due to their incongruity with the experienced gender;
2) a strong desire to be rid of some or all of one’s primary and/or secondary sex characteristics (in adolescents, anticipated secondary sex characteristics) due to their incongruity with the experienced gender;
3) a strong desire to have the primary and/or secondary sex characteristics of the experienced gender.
The individual experiences a strong desire to be treated (to live and be accepted) as a person of the experienced gender. The experienced gender incongruence must have been continuously present for at least several months. The diagnosis cannot be assigned prior the onset of puberty. Gender variant behaviour and preferences alone are not a basis for assigning the diagnosis.
Paraphilic disorders (6D30-6D3Z)
HA61 Gender incongruence of childhood
Gender incongruence of childhood is characterized by a marked incongruence between an individual’s experienced/expressed gender and the assigned sex in pre-pubertal children. It includes a strong desire to be a different gender than the assigned sex; a strong dislike on the child’s part of his or her sexual anatomy or anticipated secondary sex characteristics and/or a strong desire for the primary and/or anticipated secondary sex characteristics that match the experienced gender; and make-believe or fantasy play, toys, games, or activities and playmates that are typical of the experienced gender rather than the assigned sex. The incongruence must have persisted for about 2 years. Gender variant behaviour and preferences alone are not a basis for assigning the diagnosis.
Paraphilic disorders (6D30-6D3Z) No. 397146
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Unironically posted by a girl I know on Facebook.
Damn, how can people be this oblivious??
No. 397149
>>397135It is now classified as a "condition related to sexual health", see
>>397131. While the ICD delineates diagnostic criteria only and not treatment, this change reinforces the informed consent treatment model which does not require a psychiatric component.
In other words, this change fully validates the troon delusion. The problem is in the body, not the mind!
Insurance companies and health care plans will be relieved of having to cover psychiatric and psychological treatments.
The DSM-V won't be replaced for years yet, but the informed consent model has already all but supplanted the gatekeeping model, particularly in the US.
The current WPATH Standard of Care manual is volume 7, published in 2012. No. 397164
>>397146>ButchGross, please stop using terms meant for actual lesbians.
Also most women who have beards are that way due to PCOS, and it doesn't dictate their level masculinity either KEK why do these men love to act like they know how women live? They're the most oblivious.
No. 397176
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Horrifying. LONG THREAD: Double mastectomies for young teens in the United States, in contrast to concerns voiced by former @NHS @TaviAndPort clinicians in 8th April @thetimes articles.
Thread includes more leaked posts provided by our source in the affirmative-parent Facebook group.
No. 397210
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1. LONG THREAD: Testosterone for nonbinary 13-year-olds, in the latest batch of leaked posts from the affirmative parent group. In several threads, multiple mothers appear to claim that Dr. Olson-Kennedy is prescribing T to middle schoolers, in some cases without blockers first. No. 397228
>>397176This is why so many parents opt for private school, sometimes religious (despite not being devout), in order to help their kids escape exposure to this madness. A child should be focused on socialization and education, not stressing over surgeries and hormones. It's garbage.
It's rare to see a trans person succeed at anything besides being a TRA, being a "personality", cheating in sports, or doing sex work. Their obsession with their body limits their personal growth and interests substantially from what I've seen. Many businesses and organizations do avoid hiring them, not out of hatred, but fear of lawsuits since you can't sneeze near a tranny without them screaming it's transphobic violence and they are a step away from suicide.
No. 397257
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Not sure if this has been posted in these threads already, but in case anyone had any doubt…
No. 397303
>>396979>trans men deserve rights like reproductionImagine hating women
so damn fucking much you have to call them men to say that shit
I know mtfs are fucking absurd and dangerous but ftms are fucking so self hating and misogynistic too. And we're suppose to cheer and be happy and be all supportive of their misogyny or else we deserve death
I fucking hate this timeline you guys. I'm glad this thread exists
>>397146Ask every one of these troons what is a woman. Seriously they just want to be called a woman and have full access to all of our private spaces not knowing and not caring one but why women have private spaces in the first place, fuck
>>397257Add this onto the pile of things people should see about how troons really are…
No. 397343
>>397161This guy makes me so mad because I used to be subscribed to him until he posted his coming out as troon video. He was actually discussed A couple threads ago. I posted a few things about him back then in fact. He got gross and delusional.
I miss his reviews of bizarre horror movies, in his old style (thumbnails included). His new style is so garish. I bet his "NB" girlfriend draws the new thumbnails because why else use something that looks so bad compared to the earlier style kek
No. 397345
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Towards the end of the last thread a few anons were talking about having friends and family members who refuse to hear gender critical views. There's currently a thread on r/GC on the topic.
How do you handle having someone in your life who believes all the trans rhetoric? piece by Jane Clare Jones is the best overview I've read. Very well articulated, it's a thorough GC 101. Leave it open on your monitor when that person in your life is in the room.
While all of this is happening, a large swath of the British public remain completely in the dark about exactly what is happening, or their awareness extends only as far as thinking that the trans rights movement is just – as it presents itself to be – the latest frontier in the extension of liberal human rights. That is, a good chunk of the British public remain completely unaware about the ideology that informs the present iteration of the trans rights movement, and completely unaware of the practical implications of this ideology should it come – as it actually is at a staggering rate – to inform the creation of public and institutional policy. was permanently suspended from Twitter yesterday. No. 397394
>>397392Barf. This is so incredibly
No. 397400
I tried to Google "are men faster than women" and was thrown by how few related articles showed up. That was suspicious to say the least.
This article from 2008 was relevant. It makes me sad to see how far we have fallen and how biological certainties are discarded in favor of delusions and biased "studies". discusses the advantage that men have because of testosterone. And no, synthetic estrogen doesn't mute the effects testosterone has had on a man's vital organs throughout his life, such as the heart. I would have provided an excerpt but the NYT has software that prevents me from doing so. It's a good read about the innate differences between male and female bodies.
No. 397425
>>397360Yeah it takes Twitter fucking ages to go through actual nazi accounts and suspend them, it took probably a month for me to receive the message that the account I had reported was banned. But calling out TRAs? Half an hour and your account is gone forever and the British police are at your door.
Finland is having its parliamentary elections (choosing the 200 members of parliament to make the laws) this week and the renewing of the trans law has been on the table once again. Currently you need to be sterilized in order to be recognized as the other gender juridically, which basically means that you take hormone treatment that stops your natural reproduction system and renders you sterile. No surgeries required. However, the trans activists have twisted the truth to sound like trans people are forced to go through surgical castration to be deemed fit for a juridical sex change. So of course you got the people who haven't read more into it rallying up and being appalled that the poor trans people shouldn't be oppressed like this.
I've had to educate a ton of my friends about what the law is actually about because they sincerely believed the part about sterilization meant surgical intervention, but the vast majority of all the well-meaning normies have no idea. The renewal of the trans law to fit the TRA demands would mean that self-identification would become possible and you don't need to have dysphoria to change your legal sex. Currently all trans issues are dealt through or own public health care and like so many other 1st world western countries we've had a rocketing amount of trans-identified minors who, unsurprisingly, are all young women. The local TRAs just wave it off as "people being more aware of the possibility of being trans!!!!" but thankfully the public-funded health care doesn't operate on money grubbing so there are a number of doctors who are skeptical to the point they actually paused treatments on "nonbinary" people last fall. I'm sort of scared of how this will turn out because naturally we have our share of medical professionals who support the trans ideology and we're vulnerable to big pharma lobbyists just like any other country.
No. 397430
>>397425Sounds like the discussion around Japan’s transgender law. It’s so disineguous how they scream that trans people literally need HRT to live, but then when the government agrees to have that as a (what appears to be commonly agreed upon) standard for legal transition it’s suddenly a human rights violation to think anyone actually wants HRT.
How are the laws in Finland regarding TIMs in girls’ and womens’ safe spaces, sports etc.? Because if anything the Finnish trans movement is now openly screaming off the rooftops that the majority of TIMs have a fully functional male body including a penis that they don’t feel particularly dysphoric about at all. At least in my country, the general population is still under the impression that the majority of TIMs are post-OP or at least on hormones that supposedly make them more feminine and less aggressive, and also that they hate their pre-OP body so much that they’d never use it to assault anyone. I think it would be good to call attention to this because it might peak trans a lot of people.
No. 397456
>>397392Wives of TiMs have it horrible, but I sometimes forget how terrible it must be for lesbians as well.
They're all narcissists, but it's especially terrible for lesbians since your whole life as one is pretty much spent being told that you'll find the right man.
No. 397603
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>>397431Sadly I have started to encounter more autogynephilic troons on dating apps, on tinder I only search women and these are not the only TIMs I have seen.
No. 397646
>>397603"Hanna" looks like a Finnish (male) friend of mine in drag, lmao.
Also it's funny how TIMs either dress like streetwalkers, alt/goth or weeb. Only 4 profiles and we can already check all the three categories.
No. 397682
>>397603I give Hannah props for at least trying to look like a real female and not just a dude with long hair or anime girl.
And at least they're actually landing themselves as trans. Some just put "woman" as if there's no distinction.
No. 397684
>>397682sure, but hanna has AGP.
>lesbianhe's trying to become the woman he wants to fuck.
no doubt he's going to end up with another AGP.
No. 397728
>>397682Because "looking like a real female" is wearing feminine clothing and accessories?
Do you hear yourself, anon?
No. 397793
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>>397682I mean it's the usual uwu alt look I guess
No. 397797
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>>397603>>397793And I didn't even post Lumi's worst picture. I'm 70% sure I have actually seen him in the wild, once at the university metro station I saw some troon who looked like age player
No. 397802
>>397177seriously? until i hit puberty i insisted on only wearing boys clothes and played on the boys sports teams. why? i grew up solely around boys. i remember crying because i couldn't pee with the boys and would never be a real boy
thank fucking god my parents just let me be
No. 397812
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On many apps, TIMs will just claim that they're real women. They're always clockable, though. Tragically, there are so few lesbians on these apps (compared to bisexuals or enbies) that I start to assume it's going to be a TIM if they exclusively identify as a lesbian woman.
I'm very reclusive and am starting to (begrudgingly) admit I'm most likely gay but it's so terrifying to try to start meeting women for me, especially in THIS climate. TIMs and TRA politics in my country have made me try to brainwash myself straight because I'm so tired of dealing with it all.
No. 397963
>>397954She’s being interviewed because she’s a group leader, not because of the number of lines of code she did or did not personally upload. This is how it goes with
every scientific breakthrough, except nobody cries foul when the person getting all the media exposure is a man.
No. 397965
>>397954so what if she hasn't written the code, she designed it and lead the team? it's like saying bill gates didn't make microsoft or something
the way they pointed it out was obnoxious and the way everone with half a brain cell remembered margaret hamilton (as obviously the only other woman that ever did something praise worthy (ie stem related)) was too
No. 397969
>>397954Everyone gives Elon Musk all the credit for whenever SpaceX does something despite not actually being involved in any of the actual science/engineering
So tbh if Katie Bouman gets the credit for the black hole picture I'm all for that, at least until people stop riding Musk's/Bezos's/etc's dicks
Also computer scientists != code monkeys, I know plenty of computer scientists in research who NEVER code lmao, why is that your requirement for her?
No. 397970
>>397793that bottom left picture is
badhe probably thinks he looks waifish when he just looks like a skinny man
No. 397979
>>397972what you are saying isn't very smart
if anything they reported it in such way to garner clicks and make money, because it's currently trendy and profitable to
present as a sjw. so no, it does not have to do with the journalist being biased and showing political opinions down readers throats. people who think like that also believe gillete should be boycotted because it's a feminist company. it's downright stupid
No. 397986
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>>397980>Talking about women having vaginas is somehow harmful and incorrect biologyWhy is mainstream feminism like this now? How did we get to this point where being a woman with a functioning reproductive system is somehow offensive to talk about? It's like we've regressed.
No. 397992
>>397980>'built on the exploitation of the "female reproductive system"'Oh, so like how human society was built on the exploitation of the "female reproductive system"? Y'know, how WOMEN were sold like cattle and had to be pregnant near constantly until birth control became more available?
Back then, "trans women" lead the same lives as all men, profiting off the reproductive exploitation of women.
No. 397999
>>397949Feeling this hard anon. I fucking hate that now every time when we're celebrating a woman's STEM achievement I need to check if she's actually a woman because so many times it's a crusty tranny being branded as the "woman of the year".
>>397980This can't be fucking real.
No. 398005
>>398002So when she was "female" she dated men and now she's "male" she dates women.
Wow, a homophobic troon. That's original.
Anyway, probably a lesbian with so much internalized lesbophobia that she felt she needed to be a man to be able to date women.
No. 398017
>>398006I've definitely seem them claiming this.
It's almost always "HRT made me want dick" too. I've never seen a single MTF claim estrogen made him attracted to women. It's rarer for FTMs to claim HRT changed their sexuality, but when they do most of them also seem to claim it made them attracted to men.
No. 398054
>>398028He's just an autogynephile. Having a vagina and having sex with a man is not genuine attraction for him. It's autogynephilic pseudo bisexuality, Blanchard writes about this, because the man and the surgery are getting him off because it validates his Woman Feels. Hence why AGPs are so obsessed with getting "the surgery" over even trying to pass, or make it the first thing they do. Because as everyone knows, the most woman thing of all is getting fucked, apparently.
None of these guys are actually gay or bi, especially because none of them ever fucked guys before trooning out, and then they cheat on their wife with randos from the internet, or post lewd pics, or fantasize about sissy trap stuff with a generic Alpha Male TM.
Its basically about a fantasy, the man is a prop to induce a feeling, they don't have emotional connections or even specific types of guys they like other than "makes me feel like a weak trap gf uwu unu"
Actual gay trans are too busy, like, being around the actual gay and drag community. Het troons hate actual gay men, and hate drag, gay male culture and fun. Some of the most homophobic men I know trooned out, and it's like, fuck off, you said "gays need to keep that shit to themselves, it's fucking inappropriate for kids" and now you wanna be an irl trap? fuck off.
No. 398065
>>397980i swear to fucking god they rewrite their definition of female thousands of times because they want people to only talk about them.
i remember when people started saying "don't call women females!" and when people would ask why, they'd explain "because it's objectifying us. we call animals that, not people." now it's going "UHHHH NOT ALL ANIMALS WITH VAGINAS ARE FEMALE" ffs a vagina is a female body part, you wouldn't be a troon if you were born with female body parts
No. 398126
>>398028i agree that i dont think their attraction to men is the same as actually being bisexual or gay, but i think men can be memed into anything so i do think that over time they can experience some attraction to men, but i mostly agree with you, yes, affirmation of their 'role' as the woman that initially draws them to it, but i think in general they're like, capable of being bisexual anyways, like, i think agp guys tend to be the msot degenerate type of men that can be attracted to like, anything, they're just that hypersexual
No. 398131
>>398130They're absolutely valuing him feeling "female" over your comfort.
Honestly, it doesn't matter
what he identifies. If you ask a friend to stop doing something that makes you uncomfortable - to a reasonable point - they should do.
No. 398186
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Alright lets talk about race
every statistic I have seen online seems to Indicate that Troons by % are are overwhelmingly black
white troons are overall higher in numbers but by % African Americans are leading the way
I'm not a racist and am actually Indian myslef but I feel this has to be discussed(race baiting)
No. 398195
Kek, trannies have finally been banned from the military. It's too bad they won't continue on the path of refusing maladjusted psychos from the military in general, but neocons gonna neocon
Soooo pathetic and annoying to see anyone on the left crying about this, especially ones that oppose the military. Wow, so awesome trans gals can't die in some pointless errand, what a tragedy! But really, it's more likely that these psychotic, violent troons would rape some Syrian girl and wear her gallbladder as a hat No. 398210
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This image is NSFL, but damn if this isn't every AGP weeaboo troon stereotype at once
No. 398228
>>398195B-but thousand of trans people attempt suicide every day as it is, and now the government won’t even train them in the use of deadly weapons and send them into a combat zone??? How unreasonable.
>>398208In the past, gay people tended to transition much earlier in life than AGPs as they were often gender non-conforming and experiencing homophobia from childhood. Transitioning into gender-confirming “straight” people was thought to make their life easier.
AGPs on the other hand would live much of their life as normal men and would only transition as some kind of midlife crisis, after having achieved everything most men strive for and feeling bored with their (sex) life. If they transitioned openly it would only be after achieving success in their career and personal life. Even if the fetish developed earlier, openly expressing it could harm their prospects so they’d initially keep it confined to the bedroom and fetish clubs.
Nowadays it’s much more socially acceptable to be trans and kids are inundated with internet porn from a relatively young age, so the fetish develops earlier and it’s much easier to openly transition before being fully settled in life. I think that when it comes to actual children transitioning it’s still mostly gay and/or gnc kids (with homophobic/munchie parents), but teenage boys and young men could be either type. Certain predatory online groups pride themselves on convincing young straight guys to become transbians.
No. 398265
>>398237Hard agree. At the end of the day, it all boils down to one of two things:
>Gross, pornsick males and fujoshi trying to live out their fetish 24/7>LGBT people with internalized homophobia destroying their bodies to fit in Women of all races have seen this in action, and it always manifests the same way. Nothing would be gained from making something like this into a racial topic, lmao.
No. 398287
File: 1555181166284.jpeg (105.21 KB, 750x559, 72AD4D72-5905-4EFF-8022-B6BA20…)

Uh. What?
No. 398293
>>398287They know exactly what they're doing LMFAO
Where are the female non-binary femmes? They're fine, however cringy they may be.
No. 398295
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>>398287Oh okay so this guy even admits the people who had an issue with his get up were women, then he does the run-around and goes "Support your sisters though!". Why does he want to be in a woman's space if his go to recollection of women are the fact they were uncomfortable around him?
No. 398338
>>398219>"I don't have to prove it to myself or anyone. I am a woman.">"What service do you feel you're doing to the world to women who want to be seen as people, not bodies?">"I'm not doing any service to any women, I'm doing a service to transsexuals"That's it. That's all that needed to be said.
I wish the woman would've then asked him "So, remind me why you insist
you're a woman if you don't care about what we go through? Why not just call yourself a high-tier crossdresser?".
No. 398343
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There's currently a big discourse about the "fandom purity" going on on Twitter about people hunting women down for having sexual fantasies or writing smutty fiction that deals with ~problematic themes~. The OP was absolutely right with her point about female sexuality being suppressed. Men get to do gross shit all the time but the moment a woman steps out of the line of a pure virginal maiden it's the end of the line for her.
And then this happens. I'm fucking FUMING because this is a very real problem and this penis stand in a cosplay wig who uses "mega lesbo" in his twitter bio wants to take the attention away from a problem women face. And the OP of course buckled down and apologized despite there being no need to. I'm so fucking tired.
No. 398382
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Anyone keep up with pic related? His delusion of his beauty when all his shit is facetuned is insane lol I hate Nikita dragun and his fake ass imvu body but at least he’s used plastic surgery to pass better like this bitch is a MAN
No. 398446
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I'm just so fucking tired of it all.
No. 398474
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>>398460Nothing straighter than fucking a man in the ass
No. 398567
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No. 398584
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>>398567>titty skittlesEverytime I start thinking that troons aren't that bad, you guys post dumb shit like this. Fucking disgusting.
No. 398595
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>>398584(Anime) girls/children and troons just automatically go together, I'm surprised you haven't fell into despair earlier.
It's unbelievably common.
No. 398599
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>>398596>>398595Was anime a mistake?
No. 398617
>>398415>every time I couldn't get the question right I felt like less and less of a woman (voice breaking)You aren't a woman so no need to cry over answers nobody expects you to know.
What an annoying video, must be so exhausting living your life as a performance all the time.
No. 398618
>>398595how much does any of you wanna bet that if this Jacob lad started getting catcalled, groped, sexually harassed in places where he can't easily remove himself from the situation or fight back (a job for example) like us women do (and we can't do ANYTHING about it bc even homely or tomboyish women are still subjected to this type of harassment, so it's not inherently about femininity) he'd be whine whine whining his ass off like aaaaall these tumblrtard transwomen always do?
is it any more obvious that this is a fetish to you? you WANT to go through a horrible, traumatizing ordeal all women go through at least once in their lives, and you can't pretend you don't know it sucks bc trans people are always in these SJW feminist circles that have covered this topic thoroughly. you know we hate it, we suffer it, we wish it wouldn't ever happen, and your final take on it is: "neat! i want this!".
go fuck yourself. i hope you sincerely go fuck yourself. fucking tell women who rape
victims and
victims of workplace harassment in their faces that you wish you were sexually objectified by men and see how nice and understanding their reaction is.
No. 398620
>>398135whipping girl is literally just some gross agps poorly written psuedo intellectual rambling, but we all have to praise how raw and honest his fap fic is. had to read it for a class, thought it sucked and was nothing like actual female writing even before i knew what autogynephilia was. also, julia serano doesnt pass at all, hes fucking delusional. and has a bad personality according to other tras.
also phd in biochem, as usual, nerdy, awkward stem guys get agp and troon out. such is life.
No. 398621
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There's a lot of troons on Reddit but I get so annoyed at how melodramatic they are. Especially the TiFs, like this one.
No. 398641
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This is such a fucking projection of their own narrative. Troons make up about 1% of the population and they want everyone to talk about them all the time, but they have an issue when someone mentions the 1% of their population who regret transition.
No. 398695
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No. 398723
hung out with this girl (she/they, ugh, but shes actually female) last night for the first time. thought she was cool, but then halfway thru the night she starts telling me about her "girlfriend", how she can't wait for him to start estrogen, how she took him to sephora to pick out makeup, how she /gives him her old clothes/ - and i'm there nodding, smiling, telling her how great i think that is.
ugh i just feel so weird about it. she's nice, kind of annoying, but i can't drop her just because she has a trans bf.
No. 398747
New to 'Gender Critical' and don't want to take the plunge because I'm scared of being called a TERF. I'm just going to write my feelings here if you don't mind.
As I mentioned, I don't want to become a TERF or whatever. I don't want to be a bigot. But I know my opinions now, if they were public, would label me as such.
I recently watched a debate with Meghan Murphy and despite trying to stay neutral, I became convinced by her radfem argument. I truly believe this "gender" labelling that accompanies the transgender movement reinforces toxic femininity and masculinity and reduces being a woman down to wearing makeup, heels and catering to the male gaze. That's not personally how I live my life–if a biological man wants to wear makeup and heels, fine. But I personally am not inclined to put on makeup and heels because I find that to be a lot of effort, but I am still a woman. My main gripe however is how no one brings up the biological differences between men and women–obviously a transgender woman is not going to be able to speak on going to an OBGYN or birth control or abortions or anything issues stemming typically from being seen as a woman because more than a few are not seen as 'passing' biological women but rather, trans women. So I don't think the feminist movement appeals to them and their issues, and I don't see a problem with that because how am I supposed to speak on trans issues? Libfems however are so insistent on involving them that the feminist movement is now pandering to biological males and overlooking more and more issues that pertain to biological womanhood.
I also agree with Meghan Murphy when she states that transgender definitions of "gender" are harmful. As I said, these "genders" are reducing people to sexist stereotypes. I'm a woman for instance who hates putting on makeup and when I can, I always go out in sweats and no makeup. I have short hair. But the trans argument to that would be, "You hate makeup and dressing up? You're not a woman! You're gender fluid/transgender man or w/e and you need to transition." I mean parents these days are literally putting their sons on hormones because they like dresses and the color pink, and that to me is just buying into the sexist stereotypes associated with toys and clothes made for children–just like how trans women claim that they loved pink, heels, dresses, makeup, hair, etc.
So the question becomes, why are transgender 'women' and myself considered the same thing now? I don't have to put on a wig, get a boob job, wear makeup and heels to be a woman. That's not what being a woman is. Why does my realm of feminism have to involve them when sexist oppression against women does not happen in the same way to a trans woman as it does to a biological woman? I mean you could even argue that trans women can simply drop the makeup, the clothes, etc and go in as a man and be treated as one of the boys, but as a woman, sexist oppression follows you everywhere, even if you aren't cognizant of it at times. I could take off my makeup at work and be treated as an ugly woman or I can wear my makeup and my nicer clothes and get checked out and oogled by men as an object. I recognize as well that it's not easy to be a guy and wear makeup and heels, but defying gender stereotypes is really what that is. My uterus, my boobs and the way that I and other women have been treated for centuries because of them is not simply just a label that a man can take now and feign oppression while growing out long hair and wearing makeup.
No. 398794
>>398747You don't become a TERF, you just get labeled as one by vicious liberals who have nothing better to do than throw insults at people who have slightly different opinions as them. Don't believe their lies.
You're a decent person. They only make us feel on edge because they're like rabid dogs on social media and political spaces.
Plenty of people agree with gender critical ideology, they're just more hush about it or it's not a big deal unless someone wants to bring it up or have no idea it's gender crit.
No. 398800
>>398747Terf doesn't mean 'bigot', it's a silencing tactic that means 'woman who disagrees with me' or often just 'lesbian'.
I won't lie, if you take the plunge there's no going back. The further you research and read on the topic, the worse it gets and you won't be able to ignore how regressive, homophobic and misogynistic it is, that it's backed by rich white men and big pharma/greedy doctors, that it's basically turning into a totalitarian regime that punishes anyone who questions it and revels in shutting women up. If you don't wanna expend the mental effort on it, don't, but don't be afraid to be a ~terf~. Any sane, empathetic person would be one.
No. 398804
>>398747Welcome Anon. Your points are exactly the same as other people on here, and that's also why we post here and not publicly, because any questioning of the aggressive logic is instantly labelled as hate.
There are trans-haters out there, but 95% of what I see is just genuine criticism of the regressive, sexist and homophobic aspects to the current media representations of gender and sexuality. Pointing out obvious flaws in logic (short hair does not mean you're a boy now, heels don't mean you're a woman either - men used to wear heels and pantyhose as standard a few hundred years ago) is seen as violent hate.
Every woman I've seen talk about this has said they approve of men wearing women's clothing, some even think it's attractive, but that doesn't make someone biologically female.
Anyway, don't be afraid to have logical thoughts and opinions. Ten years ago if someone started saying the "accepted" opinions of 2019 they would have been put in a mental institution.
Even transgenders and transexuals of the past have always openly confirmed and discussed that they are indeed
birth sex in previous decades. The fact we are now supposed to believe that they
never were their birth sex actually goes against how trans people have viewed and discussed
themselves for decades.
No. 398818
>>398415Eden’s really not bad and you’re deliberately misrepresenting the video. She never denies she is trans or pretends she is exactly like a biological woman. She doesn’t hide her old pictures or denies her male experience and she talks frankly about being trans to the point that SJWs call her transphobic. Buzzfeed screwed up and cast her in the wrong couple’s video, despite her telling them in advance that she was trans. Then when the mistake was revealed, Buzzfeed didn’t apologize and just asked her to come back for a trans segment after she had been crying. Although it’s sad she doesn’t know about the female reproductive system, she had no reason to be there and it doesn’t seem like the mixup was an accident. You don’t have to be a self-hating handmaiden to acknowledge that this was really messed up.
Yeah, I know I use “she” but I don’t want get into the habit and eventually slip up in real life. I also don’t have a problem with respecting pronouns of HSTSs who are not a threat. That hate is reserved specifically for women-hating pigs like Ronan “Morgane” Oger and Reese “Rachel” McKinnon and the mass transing of children.
No. 398831
>>398829As much as I hate Robots on the /rk9/ this is just sick
God their should be a lolcow thread on /pt/ about these degenerates
No. 398866
>>398838Trying to imagine what it's like to be so dumb that you actually got a vagina installed in your body without researching anything about the function of the vagina
>people have periods every month, year, or whateverLike…children know this? How do they not know this? No sympathy for them. Buzzfeed is clearly a terrible company full of idiots too though, just idiots locking horns in this scenario.
No. 398867
>>398829>>398825can we also talk about the weird racial aspect to the sissy stuff on /rk9/
a lot of it seem to be targeted towards white and Asian men and Reiko himself is black so I assume his logic is that he's immune to becoming a "sissy"
No. 398871
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No. 398890
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>>398867>reiko himself is blackUh, no, this is Reiko. If he or anyone else ever claimed he was black, they were trolling hard.
No. 398895
File: 1555327351290.png (1.52 MB, 1280x720, QzhXFor.png)

>>398890Another pic. MtFs are known for having a weird fixation on being white or Asian apparently making them pass better as "sissy bois" or be more effeminate in general. Just yesterday, I saw an /lgbt/ thread of some tranny whining that because he's 6% black, his hair is "ugly" and he can't be a cute girl (as if he had a chance before, or like curly hair is somehow masculine/ugly). The other trannies agreed that it was a problem.
They don't want to accept that they are all ugly men at the end of the day, so they fixate hard on things like race to either blame for their failure to pass (like in the case of the anon I mentioned), or affirm their understandably low self-confidence with thoughts like "Okay but I'm cute compared to a fucking black of either gender!!! uwu". It's why it's extremely cringy to see leftists defend them, and downright enraging to see them equate themselves to black women on Twitter. These are racist, delusional, misogynistic males, lmao.
No. 398897
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>>398890>>398895That's not Reiko, that's one of his
victims. This is Reiko. He's still white though.
No. 398900
>>398884they all have that excuse of "simple facts about female anatomy are too
triggering for me uwu please don't ever mention any of it around me or i'll threaten you and throw a narcissistic tantrum" to fall back on lol
No. 398903
>>398895I would suspect it would be easier to be a "Trap" if you're black
because I have never ever seen a black guy with leg hair or body hair of any type so you don't have to worry about shaving
No. 398915
>>398914Males doing what they always do: Raging at the very idea of not being able to claim and colonize the female body.
Even if you gave them uteri, it'd be a waste. They just don't have the functions to make use of them. No amount of HRT can reverse engineer biology.
And chances are, any child that would hypothetically come from a tranny would be born because it gave him some bizarre, freakish sexual outlet. Too much CSA potential with all the AGPs and pedophiles like Stefonknee running around.
No. 398996
>>398618Some anon posted a screen cap of a troon who detransitioned because he couldn't take the harassment from men
>>398838Yes. This. The whole trans women are women mantra gets thrown around but when it times to realize that woman isn't a feeling or having longer hair, they break down. Eden isn't malicious or purposefully encouraging rape relief centers for women to be defudned so there's a positive but still
No. 399026
>>398990They want the power trip of getting people to kowtow to them.
And you won't get that with openly bigoted and violent people.
No. 399033
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Liberals on Tumblr and Twitter be like
No. 399039
>>398914It’s the ultimate in male entitlement. First they tell us that we can’t refer to ourselves as a group and that our talking about our bodies and reproductive organs hurts their feelings, then they demand that we donate those same organs to them purely so they can play pretend. Male bodies will never be able to sustain a successful pregnancy so it’s an utter waste of an organ and would be a Mengele-tier affront to medical ethics.
But of course, telling men that they can’t always have everything they want is literal violence.
>don’t you oppress me No. 399046
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>>399033its so true it hurts
No. 399164
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Who's ready for all the "females'?
No. 399237
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Was Adam Lanza on his way to become a tranny? In his weird pro ana rant he refer to himself as a she.
>If someone has to describe you they'll say "oh she weight 90-100 pounds"
No. 399238
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>>399237Samefag but there's more.
>You'll be the envy of all the other girls>All of the guys will want you No. 399240
>>399237>>399238I've seen this list before, word-for-word, during the start of my ED on those trashy pro-ana blogspots. I strongly doubt Lanza was the author, I feel like he may have saved it from one of those sites instead.
I didn't even know he had an ED, I just thought he was picky with foods because of sensory stuff related to autism.
No. 399242
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Yeah, no, the authors/investigators were both clueless and careless in this. This definitely wasn't shit he wrote. One Google search would have strongly aided them in their research.
The snow thing is literally a stereotypical ana snowflake line, from the Manic Street Preachers song "4st 7lbs" (which is about, you guessed it, anorexia). I know mainstream media can be misleading or poorly sourced, but I'd expect better from when it comes to documenting the life, mental issues and computer files of a school shooter, to be honest.
Sorry for offtopic, this was just an eye-grabber. Does anyone have any info on how prevalent EDs are with TiMs specifically? I know it's a thing with cis men, just not talked about. I wonder if there's often comorbidity with gender dysphoria.
No. 399258
>>398990They're too chicken shit to confront people who are openly hostile towards them so they get their power trip from harassing already beat down women who question their made-up identity.
>>399033I don't know whether to laugh at how true this is or cry because of how true it is.
No. 399276
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TIM won't identify as a feminist because he's been verbally abused and sexually harassed by feminist and he also know an old man who's been raped by a bunch of feminists.
No. 399285
>>398754I only began paying attention when it got to the tampon discussion, that guy should be put on a predator list. Why are potential pedophiles offered protection based on their trans identity? It's horrific, it's like everyone forgot the uk Rochdale incident
Also it's good to see a trans person speaking out about this for once
No. 399294
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I hate this tweet so much
simply because My younger brother was a weird and awkward boy but he grew up and was always true to himself
he became a nice functioning adult with a wife and 2 kids and he's still a bit weird to this day but I know he's a good person and a greet father
If head been born in today he would be diagnosed with gender dysphoria and would be told all his problems would go away if he started taking estrogen
No. 399296
>>399292Het woman here. A passing TIF can look attractive to me, but even the passing ones often have broadish hips or a squeaky voice.
Assuming a TIF is 100% passing including body and voice, I can find her attractive the way I'll find a man attractive but her genitals would be a turn-off whether pre-op or post-op. Especially if she's post-op actually, there's no way I'm touching the Frankesntein sausage TIFs end up with.
And no I would not date one even if trans was an actual medical issue and not a mental illness.
No. 399335
I recently had a good discussion with a friend about GC stuff and even though he didn't fully "agree", he was understanding. He also mentioned toward the end that a lot of the other bi/lesbian women he knows have expressed the same feelings. That was encouraging to hear.
Anyway, last night I noticed a longtime male friend (also ex who I dated during my intense SJW phase) had popped "he/him" into his twitter. I don't check or use twitter much, and despite not always getting along with him, I figured I'd toss him a casual message about it over discord, so I said:
"checkin da twits and u got he/him in your bio? ._. well you're not wrong!"
He later responded with:
"Yeah. I didn't for a while but then someone tweeted about how it's a quick, easy and harmless way to show you support trans rights so I figured it was no big deal to pop it in there."
Well obviously that's the reason a "cis" person would do that - to be a handmaiden (like is it such a big deal for any of us to be "misgendered" theoretically? Most would shake it off and/or find it funny). I just don't know what to respond with or if I even should. I don't want to start an argument but I wish I could say something. His current gf who he's been with for about a year and a half is much younger than the both of us, and is still in a heavy SJW phase and has had the same pronoun bullshit on her bio for even longer.
I figure he might just be too deep in the koolaid now and it could just be not worth the time and mental/emotional investment to go into it with him, but I wish there was something easy and short I could respond with that would at least give him some food for thought.
Any advice? Should I even bother?
>>399292I'm bi, and no, and no. I do find women more physically/aesthetically attractive than men, but I couldn't deal with the trans BS and likely walking on eggshells about shit and maybe body dysphoria.
>>399294Lmao isn't this ~transphobic~ by calling them "boys"? TRAs can't even keep up with their own delusional beliefs.
No. 399341
>>399335>I figure he might just be too deep in the koolaid now and it could just be not worth the time and mental/emotional investment to go into it with him, but I wish there was something easy and short I could respond with that would at least give him some food for thought.When people harass me to put pronouns in my bio I say "Considering how aggressive the alt-right is towards women and how women are being sent death threats just for being women, I'm not comfortable advertising the fact I am one."
To the guy I'd say something like you can't be as open about being a she/her as him, because women get shat on just for existing.
No. 399344
>>399292I had to Google the TIM/TIF things because it was confusing me
So do I find men attractive as a straight woman? Yes. I think Jeffree Star looks hot sometimes idk if he counts in this discussion.
Thinking about where I live I don't truly encounter many TIM and the few I do know are ugly either way imo.
I think there's a trans model he might not be trans tho, he has long blonde hair kind of looks like the singer or silverchair.
No I don't think I am attracted to TIMs just the ones that remind me of actual boys.
No. 399347
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>>399294so fucking predatory. my teenage brother was close to getting into that stuff for a while (mild mannered sperg with absent father) and I'm still afraid he'll get into contact with some fuck like this
>>399276>old man raped by feminists No. 399355
>>399292i personally think a lot of TIFs actually pass quite well, at least on a superficial level. ive seen a few who i would consider to look attractive, but ive also had a few classmates who are tifs and its always painfully obvious that they are women if you spend enough time aound them, so i wouldnt date them.
and also theres that whole mutilated genitals that other anons have mentioned.
No. 399388
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>>399292I unironically find Kalvin Garrah pretty attractive in a abrasive stocky manlet type way.
No. 399395
>>399292Nope. Like other anons have said there are TiFs who can pass pretty well, certainly better than TiMs, and there are ones I've seen who pass as conventionally attractive men, but I've never been attracted to one in the same way I feel attraction for men. It's like how I feel about regular women, there are certainly women I can acknowledge as hot or sexy but it's nothing compared to the way I would feel looking at a man I find equally attractive. It's a raw, visceral feeling you just can't force, and knowing someone is a biological female completely turns me off. No dick, no entry.
Plus, I'm really into big broad/stocky/athletic muscular men and most TiFs don't (and physically can never) fit that mold. I think a lot of TiFs know that they'll never be able to imitate the stereotypical broad masculine physical features of biological men so they try to go for the uwu soft elf feminine kpop boy look which is absolutely not my thing even with actual men.
No. 399410
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Saw this on Reddit. Imagine the shitstorm of people screaming "TERF! BIGOT! TRANSPHOBE!" if a lesbian dared to say this about MtFs…
No. 399412
>>399410so if a woman doesnt want to sleep with a tranny its
>reeeeEEEeEee disgusting transphobe, how dare you?!!! cotton ceiling!! this is literally murdering trans women!!but if a man says the same
>its ok sweaty you dont have to be attracted to anatomy you dont like :))))))every time i start feeling bad for these people i remember all the bullshit they say.
No. 399413
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Of course none of the 8 comments tell him that looks retarded.
No. 399420
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>>399413He's trying to wear that hair clip like an anime girl, lmao.
No. 399449
File: 1555463083351.jpeg (256.21 KB, 750x802, 32C9D1BD-4D9C-4BEA-99F9-C8E16F…)

Orrrr every awkward person ever? Not everything single thing is about being trans…
No. 399451
>>399449lol, female socialization shines through.
sure, there are men who act like that but that's something considered a "feminine trait" by society that's pushed on women along with empathy and being baby machines.
No. 399463
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>>399410Men definitely get so much leeway compared to women but recently, James Charles encounter the screeching trans brigade when he tried to explain his sexuality. He was talking about not liking labels and mentioned the Kinsey scale and how he doesn’t rate himself a 6(complete homosexuality) because of past attraction to women and trans men. He never said “trans men are not men”. It’s obvious he meant he is also attracted to people outside the gender binary. I’m sure he has had numerous people whine “What about trans men?” before.
Not surprisingly, the ones trying to “cancel” him to most are SJW women, enbies and soft pastel fujoshi twansbois. In constrast, there were a lot more understanding comments from trans guys who are post-T and make efforts to pass.
No. 399495
>>399292I actually have seen some very attractive, extremely convincing transitioned TIFs lately. But then I imagine them without their clothes, clockalble hips, those awful scars and the monster clit or frakenweenie and all attraction goes out the window. I just can’t go that far.
>>399465Poor dude tried to be inclusive while spreading some wisdom about being comfortable without labeling yourself all the time and they still attack. Some of the responses were so disproportionately vicious and hateful. Some of the women raging on their own Twitter accounts about how much deep hatred they have for him that it was insane.
No. 399523
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is uwu a transbian filter now?
No. 399534
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why do they always completely lack self awareness and respect for boundaries
No. 399549
>>399537 1) where are these places were women are worshipped so I can get an ego boost?
2) we can't fuck off to our women-only places because trannies will barge over and hamfist themselves into it, call one of their CEO pals to have our social media terminated, or call the police on us for discriminating, ie, having our own private social hubs or safe havens where we don't want men involved.
I almost said penis-bearers but then the SRS crowd would think they are welcome. A rabbit doesn't turn into a Guinea pig if you crop it's ears off. It just becomes an ear-less rabbit.
No. 399565
>>399490Not sure if this was a misunderstanding but just in case, that person is a TiF and is talking about female socialization as other anons pointed out, hence "That's how you know I'm not a cis man" - it isn't actually making fun of cis people. She's saying her behavior clocks herself since that's how women are trained to behave our entire lives.
>>399524He looks no different to me, just a different hairstyle. Still an obvious boy.
No. 399612
>>399524Honestly can't tell which is before and after.
>>399537More proof lesbians are no longer welcome in LGBT.
No. 399624
>>399292I would like mentally stable people in my life thanks anon
Plus if anyone would date a TIF then they aint straight
No. 399630
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Found this comment on Facebook in a group I frequent.
>>399537>That feel when lesbian and bisexual females existSo the place is only for males? Got it. Just say it straight to the point.
No. 399720
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No. 399730
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So I was reading Reddit's sex community and found this shit that looks like it came straight out of a conversion therapy handbook on how lesbians just need the right dick. I was curious so I looked through the poster's history….
No. 399731
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>>399730…And what do you know. Of course it's a troon.
No. 399759
>>399730Love how these troons think they’re special when they all of a sudden thru gods work they’re suddenly in love with a man.
Also love how they couldnt possibly ever like anything but girls bc… they’re a fucking “LESBIAN” (A STRAIGHT MALE)
Fuck man this shit makes my head hurt.
No. 399813
Boys stormed a girls’ bathroom to ‘protest.’ A girl got expelled for fighting back, family says.
The plot to storm the girls’ bathroom started with a Snapchat message and ended with a knee to the crotch.
It all went down at North Pole High School in North Pole, Alaska — a small, Christmas-loving city southeast of Fairbanks — on the morning of April 4. The snap at issue: a student transitioning from female to male posted a selfie from the boys’ bathroom.
Some boys at the high school who saw the selfie, however, were angry and decided they would walk into the girls’ bathroom to take their own Snapchat selfie “as a form of protest,” Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Superintendent Karen Gaborik told The Washington Post.
But they would not get far.
The first boy to enter the girls’ room was met by a girl ― who kneed him in the groin. With that, the “protest” was over.
And now the girl has been expelled, her family told The Post.
The incident has ignited a local controversy as some question why the girl, who was unconnected to the transgender student, has been punished for using “excessive force” and whether the national frenzy over transgender people’s bathroom access in schools fueled the boys’ protest. Gaborik would not confirm whether the girl was expelled, citing student privacy, but said all seven boys involved in the protest were also disciplined for “attempting to enter the girls’ bathroom.”
(continue reading) No. 399832
>>399759I think he was a hontra type that couldn't come to terms with being a gay/bi male and transitioned to cope.
What a pathetic creature.
No. 399834
>>399627Yeah, pretty much, unless the transman is post-any-OP or has a beard.
That said it's a little questionable for a "straight" man to date any sort of trans, unless she's just a full on fakeboi and he's pretending to support her just to get pussy.
>>399813I hate everything about this holy fuck what is wrong with everyone
No. 399843
>>399812The screenshots of these conversations are straight-up the ramblings of a fucking pervert. Nobody who wants to “help young girls” or is truly a woman asks about everyone else’s “pussy and tits” in regards to changing rooms! That is NOT proper language! whomever was having these conversations with this man and didn’t report them right away or realize what kind of disgusting pedophilic intentions he has.
Also nobody should be trying to stare up your vagina at your fucking tampon string!!!! This lunatic needs to be contained. get your shit together, Canada. This is definitely no fucking woman. This is a mentally ill exhibitionist pedophile who WILL rape young girls if he already hasn’t. Fucking vile.
No. 399853
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>>399812Lawl this is so hilarious. Peak trans
No. 399858
I don't even know why keep a tumblr when it's infested with blogs like these.. whole post was a depressing rollercoaster ride
No. 399861
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I don't even want to look but I bet there's tranny's out there who would call Animal Crossing transphobic because of this men's toilet item.
No. 399862
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why am i not surprised
No. 399864
>>399813Okay so clearly those boys protesting against the TIF student are transphobes who according to TRAs deserve to be assaulted, so they must be celebrating what that girl did, right?
…No, of course not. Shes a girl who dared to defend her space against males. That’s the real problem here. Who cares about the boys’ motivations? They’re not the ones who might grow up to violently murder trans people with their
No. 399955
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Lesbians can't have anything lol
No. 400013
>>399955>one might kill the spider if she is a butchSpoken like a true TiM. Jesus fucking christ obviously it is a joke, plenty of lesbians are not afraid of killing a spider, butch or not (and a butch lesbian is also capable of having arachnophobia, imagine that).
But sure, twist a joke to make it trans discrimination, but it's perfectly fine to discriminate against lesbians in the same breath.
TRAs are such hypocrites, even within their own dogma.
No. 400031
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>>400030Those fucking lips
Also this is old but i wanted to post this anyway
No. 400034
>>400030>for people who aren't fighting for the 't' community, it just goes to show that maybe they're not true feministsfuck this guy.
these people infuriate and exhaust me. they treat us like garbage, then demand for US to fight for their rights to treat us like shit even more in return.
they really want people to prioritize them and their delusions over everybody and everything else (including sexual orientation when it comes to the 'L' community) because they're "the most oppressed minority", the fact that they're not women can't help but show itself.
No. 400037
>>400031Maybe I am evil but nowadays I just feel schadenfreude when I fee (autogynephilic*) troons chop off their dicks
(*just assuming he's an autogynephile because of his hair color and general unkeptiness)
No. 400039
>>400037oh he's big time AGP
he's trying to come out with a book called Uncomfortable Labels: My Life as a Gay Autistic Trans Woman
No. 400124
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Hello ladies, meet your new locker mates!
No. 400135
Today I was looking for secondhand stores in my city I could maybe check out tomorrow, and one one store's website it proclaimed itself to be a "genderfluid clothing shop." What does this mean? Isn't that just… selling men's and women's secondhand clothes but not having sections? I hate being in a major Canadian city sometimes lol.
No. 400160 cannot adequately express just how male the entire interaction is on the ‘MIL’ part
Was really a disturbing read.
No. 400165
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Didn't expect even Andrej Pejic to be the moe anime girl posting AGP, but here we are.
No. 400199
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>>400037Laura Kate (Joshua) Dale? He's the fucking EPITOME of transbian AGP. The fucker wrote a piece about how he realized he was trans because he went too far with skinwalking his waifu in World of Warcraft.
>Guy played WoW obsessively>Started maining a female character and faked being a woman IRL because he liked the whiteknights patting his ass and living the easy life>This creep fucking used PHOTOS OF HIS FEMALE FRIENDS as his ownHe also tried getting a Microsoft worker fired for "misgendering" him and got fame a few years ago because he leaked a fake Nintendo Switch launch game list that turned out to be complete bullshit. Now he's writing articles for Kotaku, who would've guessed.
No. 400224
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>>400220He looked pretty feminine and androgynous as fuck as a man, but ironically enough, he still makes a manly as fuck >shemale. Reminder that you can't cheat nature. Not even super feminine, delicate looking men can make passable women.
No. 400225
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>>400213>>400186>>400165I still fantasize about having sex with him(when he was male)
something about having normal Vanilla sex with a effeminate androgynous man who just gets me hot
No. 400232
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This is just bad
No. 400243
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>>400199Laura Kate Dale is a fucking cow I think he deserves his own thread if his cowdom continues.
Here's a more recent article listings some things he's done, ignore the "she"s:'s known for fabricating shit for clicks and money. Pic related, he made up the fact someone called him all those terms and was just simply called "this person".
Once raised thousands for an unnamed "homeless man".
No. 400300
Charlize Theron's 7 year old kid is trans now
>Charlize Theron has revealed she is raising her first child as a girl after first introducing her to the world as a boy. The Oscar-winning actress said seven-year-old Jackson – one of her two adopted children – was three when the youngster told her: “I am not a boy.”
The 43-year-old star has now said she is raising “two beautiful daughters”.
“My job as a parent is to celebrate them and to love them and to make sure that they have everything they need in order to be what they want to be.
“And I will do everything in my power for my kids to have that right and to be protected within that.”
LOL in the comments section of the article, someone said "I thought I was a fairy when I was 3, just sayin." No. 400304
>>400232Ugh I saw a fucking comic like this on Facebook some girl shared the other day and cringed so hard. It was like a couple dating, the girl was in a tank top with a tribal tattoo and like cargo pants dating a guy and then she notices him looking at a dress in a store and buys it for him and the last comic is him with longhair and dress and they’re all in love, puke.
I really am only recently GC after seeing all of this “kill terfs” shit on twitter and the MASS amounts of fucking trannies that are actually rapists and pedophiles and just stupid drooling disgusting men in dresses. But i can’t even openly talk like this now bc most of my friends are so far left and delusional it’s annoying.
No. 400357
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No. 400359
>>400357A furry. Why am I not surprised?
I think I despise non-binary more than anything. Probably because I know someone who considers themselves a non-binary trans woman while he keeps the beard, the clothes and the male privilege.
No. 400402
>>400124Holy fuck, I literally know one of these people IRL
actual chills lmao
No. 400410
>>400128men protecting other men isn't new anon. Sorry to say but I've seen many more "feminist" men defend tras because they couldn't give a shit about private spaces going away. Theirs isn't so it's no big deal. But speaking out against them means you're against feminism and a terf.
And evil terfs[disobedient women] deserve only painful torture and death This timeline is cursed
No. 400411
>>400165I seriously wonder what happened to him. I vaguely kept up with his career while he was in his heyday and when asked about it, he insisted that he was a man, thought of himself as a man, and that his beauty wasn’t being enhanced by E (despite the fact that he was beginning to grow breasts). Not to tinfoil hat but I really do wonder if his agency made him go on E to enhance/maintain his appearance, and his transitioning is the result of that. Who knows.
>>400292kek my thoughts exactly
No. 400412
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> be me> at house party> guy i haven't seen in years enters house party> with his friends> they're all transwomen> he's grown his hair out a bit and gone ham on the contouring but doesn't pass at all> party is amicable and fun but this guy won't shut up about getting on hormones> mentions how he really wants to be catcalled by homophobes> even though the plot twist there is he's actually a man and not a true and honest woman> wew_lad.jpg> have a lowkey drunken thousand yard stare moment a couple of hours later> tfw the "gender ratio" of the gathering is roughly 50/50 but I am the only girl in the room that isn't a LARPing manI have a story from back when he was identifying as a guy and he's also made some meme-worthy fashion choices that could've been lifted straight out of that one basement meme that make me want to commit sudoku.
No. 400489
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>>400344This troon seems generally more self aware and tolerable than most others, looking through his comic. That said, it's pretty funny that he had his bully character be attracted to him.
No. 400502
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>>400412God, they always fantasize about catcalling don't they. They always have self-masturbative fantasies sexualizing the harassment women have to endure because it's ~validating~. Reminds me of this thread and how sick it made me feel. No. 400539
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seems like a great dad
No. 400545
>>400543Oh no the father was clearly in the wrong
how dare he Imply that women can be strong and that theirs more to being a man then just having traditionally masculine interests
No. 400572
>>400502>>400552Many of them claim to have no male socialisation but only someone with male socialisation could read about the humiliating, dehumanising and sometimes downright terrifying sexual harassment that women endure and want it for themselves as a fun novelty. You can tell these guys have never felt vulnerable or afraid when out alone in public. Oppressed minority my ass.
>>400539This sounds like my dad, minus the yelling. I had a fuckton of internalised misogyny as a teenager and he was the only one to always call me out on it. I'm really thankful for that now, because it really helped me grow as a person.
No. 400574
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>>400539>>400543The whole thread was an entitlement shit show
No. 400600
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>>400359>>400357Furry trannies are the most disgusting. There’s one tranny furry artist I know of who’s been gaining traction in the game industry and his history with his ex-girlfriend infuriates me. Apparently, pre-transition, he chose to go to a furry con over going to his then-girlfriend’s mom’s funeral with her. Then broke up with her because “uwu i am actually poly and trans and you don’t fulfill my needs bc ur not my fantasy bara bf.” Hate seeing his Shmorkyesque art retweeted on my timeline.
No. 400604
I've seen this person on twitter and thought it was a transman
I swear trannies looks like a whole new gender
No. 400608
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I saw this on 4chan and thought of this thread.
No. 400609
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>>400604This was what he looked like pre-transition.
No. 400636
>>400224>>400225Wtf this makes me so angry. He was so handsome and femme. Now he looks like a frumpy suburban mom who shops at Whole Foods.
It's so rare to be born beautiful, and for this guy to throw it all away is just spitting in the faces of ugly people.
No. 400640
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No. 400662
>>400640Most of them are like this, they just won't admit it. The ones who are connected to the internet culture at least, not the "middle age crisis" dads (hons) who steal their wives clothes.
I wonder how female SJWs who are so eager to defend troons would react seeing this… They don't know this side of them.
No. 400690
>>400662They'll pull some bullshit out of their ass about how it's totes internalized transmisogyny guise!!1!
Queer theory was a mistake.
No. 400847
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>>400810Never forgetti.
I hope my dude Benji F will show up this year. I want to get another glimpse of his shiny bald head.
No. 400867
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I genuinely don't remember the last time I saw something on Tumblr that was about lesbians and didn't have trans shit forced into it. I'm not even a lesbian myself but this shit annoys me so much. This past week alone I've seen two separate comics about lesbian couples and of course both of them had a "by the way the other one is trans!!!" disclaimer at the end.
No. 400879
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>>400878They have become the new cutesy meme characters I guess, idk if even half of the people have actually read or watched any Moomin media.
No. 400885
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>>400867Can they leave the Moomins out of this?
>>400880>>400882If only someone would cancel Tove Jansson as a TERF on Twitter.
No. 400906
>>400634I think that there's a vocal minority of posters on 4chan that push trans/feminine penis/trap posting/i'm a small girl uwu/etc…
Majority of 4chan and most men I know are not at all trans supporters, it's just an internet circlejerk.
No. 400911
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Eden the Doll would've been really cute if he didn't transition. I love his eyes so much. I also remember watching the video where he had to talk normally before getting voice surgery and his voice was actually really nice.
No. 400994
>>400969>>400951I had no idea that she was bi, only heard about her relationship with a woman.
Anyway, is it just me or is trenstrending particularly big in Finland compared to neighbouring countries?
No. 401110
>>400937I’ve noticed this with a bunch of my coworkers. They’ll make jokes about domestic violence, about disabled people, mentally ill people, rape jokes, racist jokes, homophobic jokes, holocaust jokes and plenty of jokes about fat ugly blue-haired tumblrinas but when it comes to trans people, particularly TIMs, suddenly it’s
>uh but trans people are legit though, they suffer a lot okayIt’s bizarre. They’ll laugh about women being beaten to death by their husbands, black kids being shot by police and jews being gassed like it’s all hilarious but say anything about men who put on a dress and think that makes them a woman and it’s “whoa too far, these are real people who suffer!”
My guess is that they get it from reddit. One of them browses reddit on his phone every chance he gets and from what I’ve seen, TRAs have all but taken over the platform and have infiltrated many subs as mods. I haven’t seen that specific blend of TRA kowtowing on the one hand and edgy pornsick assholery on the other anywhere else. 4chan is edgy but still allows criticism of trans people, whereas twitter will ban you for misgendering but also for actual hate speech… at least some of the time.
No. 401113
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>>401046The person does actually look like a 16 year old Dutch boy. I don't know what it is, but I can easily imagine them in a dirty T shirt with spiked hair. Without the make up they'd look like any other skinny Dutch guy with long hair. They just started on hormones early enough that they never finished puberty, so they have that permanent feminine frail Dutch teen guy appearance. If you are used to seeing feminine frail guys, you can see the difference between a feminine guy in make-up and a woman.
Also is it really smart of them to admit that when they were transitioning they were a loose canon and alcoholic at 15? Really doesn't seem like a responsible mature person who should be making decisions to permanently ruin themselves with a chemical cocktail.
No. 401122
>>401110>They’ll laugh about women being beaten to death by their husbands, black kids being shot by police and jews being gassed like it’s all hilarious but say anything about men who put on a dress and think that makes them a woman and it’s “whoa too far, these are real people who suffer!”Right? I have male acquaintances who shit on muslims, feminists, gay people etc. all the time but are extremely reluctant to say a bad word about TiM trannies. Like they're the same people who can go on a spergy
trigger the libs spiel but when I make fun of troons they just shut up, become extremely uncomfortable and give me the "Well live and let live, they're not hurting anyone you know!" talk. I guess because so many of them have the misogynistic incel AGPs in their friend circles and sympathize with their entitlement?
No. 401123
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>>401113Yep, that shooped insta photo is super flattering, in reality he's pretty clockable especially with that super masculine chin/jawline and broad shoulders, pic related.
Also there's something about his arms that scream biological male, as weird as it sounds. Something about the elbows/forearm area looks off, skinny women just don't have arms that look like that.
No. 401124
>>401038God this was annoying to listen to and felt like an eternity, even if it was an actual girl it would've been cringy and vapid.
>I was drunk when I was 15 and made out with a guy I didn't find hot, then invited him to a party and drank so much I passed out lmfao i was such a drunk stupid teenagerXDDD and he carried me to bed and we started dating for 2 months despite me telling him I'm trans omfg then he dumped me over text what a cunt!!!There, saved you the trouble. I refuse to believe this person is older than 17. The straight AGP pervert vs Low IQ self-hating gay tranny categorization is real.
No. 401128
>>401126Think away the make-up, and it literally looks like a teenage boy with long hair and gyno. The face is really not that feminine.
I have this suspicion that the person they dated always knew they were a tranny. Which is why he had no problem continuing after they 'came out'. It wasn't news. But they are narcissistic enough to make a video about how they are totally a trap and managed to fool someone for ages.
No. 401142
>>401139because I'm a moron /s
I frequently mess up using Their, There, And They're and make constant spelling mistakes
No. 401143
>>401138Are you implying that you think gc fems/radfems are maladjusted manhaters?
That place has 30000 subscribers, there are already all sorts of people following.
No. 401216
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These fuckers I swear. You’re still a cis man lmao keep deluding yourselves
No. 401272
>>401216They always call this offensive. They say shit like "you wouldn't ask a """cis""" woman what her gentitals are!"
That's because I can know for certain she's got a vagina, dumbass.
It's completely fair to ask your partner what bits they have when you aren't able to know by looking at them.
No. 401299
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No. 401368
>>401349Honestly I absolutely think this is it. Dudes can't relate to feminist issues like childcare, domestic work, menstrual health, etc, it's like they can't be bothered to care or even comprehend anything that has to do with women being people and not sex and dishwashing machines, but fundamentally, trans activism doesn't ask that of them. Even if they don't realize they're sympathizing with TiMs as men, it's what they're doing. TRAs are arguing women are a thing you can dress and chop and buy your way into, and how is that different, really, from the way the average dude sees a woman? We're not people to either group, at the end of the day. And that's not even touching all the AGP/porncentric shit they have in common, or the fact that a lot of them were dude friends in shitty geek dude spaces with these guys before they came out.
No. 401382
>>401376Anon, I think you missed this part:
>the face of TiMs in western media is typically middle-class white guys on their AGP kick (not the non-white TiM prostitutes who get killed/beaten in the streets by homophobic straight men)In the west, most people won't automatically think of a black tranny when you just say "tranny", but a white one. Population count and numbers are kind of meaningless when it comes to the imagined reality of public face/reputation.
No. 401456
>>401300All that transitioning didn't get rid of their depression, figures. Maybe, just maybe the emotional blackmail of 'if you don't let me transition I will commit suicide, you are literally killing me by not using my pronouns omggg' is absolute nonsense. Also interesting, first she was so confident in her being a trap and thinking nobody notices, if she is oh so confident, why let yourself be affected by strangers online?
>not telling a person I was dating that I am trans was the worst thing I have ever doneInteresting because in the video you seemed pretty damn proud of it, and in that video you aren't 15 anymore. Also hilarious because in the trans timeline video she talks about how happy she is and she's never been happier, what is it, depressed or happy?
Which doctor looked at a 13 year old depressed boy and thought, you know what is going to help you? Testosterone blockers.
No. 401474
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AGP “friend” of a friend
Always with the anime names.
No. 401485
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LMFAO, so on /r/MtF, this 16-year-old boy got arrested and was put in with the men, of course. One of the highest-upvoted comments is telling him to seek asylum in Cuba.
I've been to Cuba. It isn't as bad as it's portrayed to be in the U.S. media, but come the fuck on. It's still a developing country. Why would you uproot your life like that? What drama queens.
No. 401488
>>401487Right? And people are just eating it up. Around three or four people are now asking how to emigrate to Cuba.
Jesus fucking Christ. These people have no idea what they would be in for. It's a beautiful, fascinating country, but certain areas still look like war zones because the buildings are so badly decayed. I would never want to live there.
No. 401497
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remember the handmaiden last thread who insisted on nigelposting about how she loves having a socially retarded bf who needs her to survive? the one who kept posting about “demurely kowtowing” here and in random reddit threads? guess her ban ran out and she’s migrated to /snow/, ironically to the personal lolcows thread.
i say ironically because whoever the fuck this is is clearly a cow herself. she made another post about how she’s obsessed with some other reddit incel now. probably shouldn’t be drawing so much attention to another anon but holy fuck she seriously makes zero attempt to disguise herself. she’s our personal cow.
No. 401508
>>401497>>401498yes, that's necessaryspeed. she posts posts by him simultaneously hating on him and praising him, as if she's two different people. she won't stop spamming him. you can tell a lot of her posts are her because she capitalizes random words, always uses a space between the end of the word and a question mark, no spaces between commas, and her spacing is weird. she'll talk
like this, with weird
line formatting
No. 401572 Jacqueline Wilson has said the thought of children receiving gender reassignment treatment makes her “very, very worried”.
Wilson added that her concerns also stem from the fact that “we don’t know” the long-term effects of taking “drugs, hormones or whatever” as part of gender reassignment treatment.
and ofc all of the comments on social media are like "children don't take hormones, only blockers!!!"
No. 401581
>>401501I hope they stand their ground with this. They're a big enough beast in this mess to do so and make an impact. I'm sure they won't miss the transtrender demographic. Besides, they're hardcore gamers; they'll still spend money on Nintendo while crying.
Banning it on the grounds of it being a political statement has nothing to do with muh oppression, but they won't understand that. Nintendo sees their games as a way to escape and not a political platform.
They're so pervasive with that flag. They're like dogs marking their territory.
No. 401587
>>401582Noticing this was actually what peak transed me. So many of the troons on Breadtube and in social justice circles online ended up being outed as pedos (Sarah Nyberg is a good example) and then just getting away with it through troon privilege. I wanted to see if anyone else had noticed and I found GC spaces.
Why ARE so many of them pedophiles? It does seem to be a disproportionately high number, at least online.
No. 401591
>>401588Even if Lupron DIDN'T come with a whole host of health issues, it stops puberty. As in all of it. As in it doesn't JUST stop your body maturing, it stops your BRAIN maturing. The reason we give children blockers instead of hormones is because they're too young to meaningfully understand consent to the effects of hormones, but put them on blockers and their brains won't mature to a point where they can understand. It's the same as sticking a kid in suspended animation for five years then letting them out and saying they're now mature enough to consent. They're not.
This is so obvious and yet everyone is just ignoring it because it's inconvenient.
No. 401596
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Excuse me what the fuck, reading the comments implies this scrote isn't being ironic.
No. 401597
>>401580When you ask them to elaborate, they immediately get defensive and start namecalling. Been there many times. "I'm just not sure about transing little kids…" "Umm so ur a terf then"
I saw a similar instance the other day on reddit, someone expressed perplexity about puberty blockers and asked a TRA if there really aren't any side effects, you wanna know what the TRA said?
>"Well you obviously think that being trans is a mental illness and don't care about the wellbeing of children"When the other person was being super polite, never suggested any of that and seemed actually concerned for the wellbeing of children, but TRAs love to project and we all know that.
A friend of mine got sucked in the TRA nonsense by spending too much time on twitter, when I see her interactions on there I cringe everytime, because she's usually a very chill and rational person… and yet, when it comes to troons, she morphs into your run of the mill dumb, loud mouthed SJW in a snap of fingers. I wonder how they do that, changing people like this.
No. 401608
>>401581Nintendo are never going to take up the terf mantle anon, such wishful thinking. It's a company that relies on a nondescriminately friendly image, their PR team just didn't expect the explosive TRA agenda, there will be a lipservice trans flag case for all Nintendo devices in a year's time.
Anyone talking about a company trans peaking the masses is a cope. Companies try to keep their images as spotless as possible in the interest of profit, it's a risk to be seen as on "the wrong side of history".
No. 401642
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I hate how trannies infiltrate every place and spew bullshit.
And I hate how they even dare to compare all those ugly dudes in dressen n wigs to average 40 something woman.
I hope they all kill themselves but they're too narcissistic to do that.
No. 401649
>>401587I had to leave my online community after an obvious AGP troon straight up defended pedophilia and multiple other people defended said troon because "she~ doesn't deserve transphobic bullying just because her~ opinions are a little different"
It was happening live. Right in front of my eyes. What is this timeline.
No. 401661
>>401653Pregnant women only get “bigger” feet because of temporary fluid retention and the hormone relaxin, which relaxes ligaments and can flatten the feet out somewhat. The feet don’t actually grow, and last I heard TIMs aren’t taking relaxin.
They really think that anything female = estrogen and therefore taking estrogen makes them female. Anything more complex or nuanced than that is transphobic.
No. 401737
>>401711The logic you mentioned is sadly so accurate and goes along with that "girl dick" bs that Contrapoints asserts "womxn can have!!!!"
Any time that I engage with non-GC people about trans bs on a non-GC thread, they try to link me to some Contrapoints video to try and "explain" the trans point of view. Cuntrapoints really gives off this vibe of male superiority that I cannot stand.
No. 401791
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I just saw the biggest self own comment on a local troons Facebook post. It was a meme saying the emo boys we knew in school are all now trans girls.
No. 401809
>>401625this is the first I'm hearing that it was used as autism treatment, is this lupron or another puberty blocker? Also do you have any sources or articles to start on with the autism miracle drug? Im interested in reading up about it
>>401617I remember reading something about that too, and I believe it now after peak trans-ing with how many pedo troons there are. This is one of the biggest reasons I want T the hell outta the LGB community.
Gays and Lesbians have fought so hard for so long against the perverted lie of "if we normalize the homos then they'll try to normalize pedophillia!". I swear trans ideology is so regressive it's ridiculous, i think that's why I was such a lousy handmaiden lol
but yeah i think pedos see tranny politics as their next best bet to go all NAMBLA on us
No. 401906
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>>401485why is every troon a commie larper
No. 401920
>>401646yeah, it just goes to show that their 10/10 is a drag caricature with huge balloons attached to it. And it looks nowhere near as a woman.
>>401712kohlchan. Don't go there though, it turned into a tranny board same like /lgbt/ on 4chan A lot of threads now get derailed there because of the tranny influx and whatever the quality of the board was prior to that, now it's tenfold times worse. I also find it curios that whenever there's a /r9k/ influx there's a tranny one at the same time.
No. 401922
>>401596This has to be one of those people who are intentionally trying to fool lonely men into trooning out. I refuse to believe someone is this delirious.
>>401597>Trans people are VALID and they're being killed by evil TERFs daily!!! Transgenderism has been proven to be linked to your brain!! >Could you please elaborate on this?>I don't have to explain anything to a bigot!! Google it yourself!!Literally every interaction I've had with a TRA. They know they're full of shit and their activism is based on pseudoscience (a.k.a. "muh feels"), so that's why they get so defensive.
>>401614This. Nintendo will never take sides on any political debate and it's a deep-rooted business plan of their company since the 80's, they will gladly just remove the feature altogether.
>>401739It never ceases to amaze me how little trannies know about Female reproductive biology. Like that one TiM in the buzzfeed video who had no idea how often females menstruate. And the mentioned people who thought pregnant women grow a shoe size because they have never heard of water retention during pregnancy. And their absolute misunderstanding of how vaginas operate such as this.
>>401809>Gays and Lesbians have fought so hard for so long against the perverted lie of "if we normalize the homos then they'll try to normalize pedophillia!"Sort of related but I tried explaining to a friend (a straight male) why transgenderism is misogynist and regressive and he just waved me off with a "you sound like one of those people who claim legalizing gay marriage leads to pedophilia!". It just reminded me of that Feminist Heretic comic where the male character says "Oh well, it doesn't affect ME".
No. 401931
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All the -isms, but sexism? Nah, that's a-okay.
Sad, because there was usually some trans-conversations on there that weren't all "TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN END OF DISCUSSION!!" but ig that's over now.
No. 401963
>>401846I still think it's miles better than what TIMs get. Probably because TIMs' is a open wound. An open wound that smells like shit, oozes orange liquids and collects hairballs is more gag-inducing to me.
While TIF's just look like a sausage with stitches hanging on a crotch, the scarred donor site looks worst than the fake penis itself.
No. 401964
>>401960how did they get things so backwards?
like do they really think gay men and lesbians are out there getting murdered and harassed because some dudes want their dicks inverted?
is this just a massive co-opt move to erase the long and pervasive history of global homophobia? cuz I’m pretty sure gays and lesbians existed long before the advent of transgenderism
No. 401965
>>401846in the interests of accuracy i should say they do sometimes get veins and coloring tattooed on to the flesh sausage to make it look more realistic. that's usually phase 2 of their dick surgery.
it still will only become erect by pumping the testicles to inflate the thing like a water balloon though.
No. 401972
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Someone help "TERFs" are helping my brother out of his delusion
No. 401973
>>401972Troons talk about these evil TERFs who try to murder troons and send death threats all the time and even after years of being GC and hanging out in a lot of GC spaces, I've never actually seen any of it.
A lot of GC feminists are very gullible and will believe the wildest shit even when it's obviously fake, but that's about as bad as it seems to get. I've never ever seen one tell a troon to die, or actively bully troons. Meanwhile troons routinely send GC feminists death and rape threats and get them literally locked up.
No. 401979
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>>401906this bit from the comments is almost poetic
No. 401985
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How does this even remotely make sense? TERFs are pawns in a “fascist” power play to enact “broader gendered oppression” yet we’re the ones who believe in abolishing gender and TRAs are the ones pushing outdated gender roles plus laws and policies that directly oppress women.
No. 401993
>>401987Whenever they crack out the female brain shit they're done. Ask
>What makes a female brain different from a male brain?The smarter ones will try to hedge the question by saying it has no effect on personality, traits, intelligence etc. Ask them how we know "female" and "male" brains exist. They'll say you can see it in scans.
>Oh that's cool. Wow, we could totally destroy any objections to transitioning by just making sure everyone gets a brain scan before transition then! Funded by the state of course! Then nobody can say "You're not trans."They won't go for it. They'll get angry you even suggested it. And the whole lie instantly falls apart to anyone watching your conversation.
No. 401998
>>401994Nope but it sounds like one of those things that'll piss them off either way. I'm guessing their complaint is that by changing the m/f couples to f/f couples, you're implying that lesbians are female only (no shit), not realizing they're playing themselves with that one.
I mean how do they know the characters aren't trans? I thought you weren't supposed to be able to tell. But if you portrayed a "lesbian" character as looking unquestionably male, they'd complain that you're turning a transwoman into an offensive caricature. They always get so pissed when you draw transwomen with obvious male characteristics - big jaws, stubble, broad shoulders etc. Even though that's what they look like most of the time.
They really can't let lesbians have anything, huh? They've started testing out more of this crap with gay men, but I want them to go after straight people for once. See how long they put up with that.
No. 402020
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Don't know if this has been posted here before but here's an article on how lesbian Tennis player Martina Navratilova was called to be spreading "dangerous myths based on false understanding of science and data" for calling out trans women for dominating female sports unfairly.
>One of the chief instigators of Navratilova’s expulsion from Athlete Ally's board was Rachel McKinnon. In December 2018 Navratilova had tweeted: “You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women. There must be some standards, and having a penis and competing as a woman would not fit that standard.” McKinnon unleashed a barrage of Twitter invectives about Navratilova’s “transphobic” rhetoric that she redoubled after the Sunday Times op-ed. There is something ironic about a lifelong lesbian advocate being pushed out of her own movement by a biological male.Has anyone seen the 2003 Futurama episode "Bend Her", in which the chauvinistic male robot Bender gets a superficial sex change to compete in the female olympics and kick everyone's ass because he couldn't make it in the male league? He also starts behaving as a complete stereotypical bimbo and going the whole AGP 9 yards, naturally pissing off the female characters for his sexist behavior. Imagine that 16 years later this episode became the reality.
No. 402104
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I have read other stories like this where TIF's who were previously lesbians becoming attracted to men when they start Transitioning to male
why do you think this happen ?
No. 402145
>>402104If they're MTF: They were always into men and too homophobic to admit it.
If they're FTM: They were always into men and too biphobic to admit it. Also, life isn't exactly simple for butch women who want to fuck men, since men are so hung up on their ideal of the perfect feminine waifu.
No. 402165
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Oh look, it's that thing radfems have been saying would happen for DECADES and were told would never happen, happening. Again.
No. 402169
>>402167They won't answer if you ask this because there's no good counterargument, simple as that.
Just like they can't answer why dysphoria is treated with transition while anorexia/body dysmorphia is not treated with weight loss/cosmetic surgery.
No. 402178
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>>402167Forgot to include the image, sorry!
No. 402204
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No. 402214
>>402181I thought those statistics were about bisexual women being abused?
And really, bisexual people get murdered more often than gay men around the world? Honestly? Like I'm sorry but gay men are some of the most targeted people in the world
No. 402215
>>402167Probably the most moronic TRA argument I’ve ever read was posted in an Onision thread years ago, where an anon claimed that in oppressive misogynistic cultures, TIMs are worse off than women because women can just transition into men to escape the misogyny but TIMs can’t stop being trans. Apparently putting on a pair of trousers to become part of the most privileged class is a perfectly feasible option for women but not for men.
I’m pretty sure we didn’t have a gc thread back then and it was before I fully peaked, but it sure helped me get there.
No. 402240
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I'm so fucking sick of how much the trans bullshit has leaked out into the real world. I watch this channel from time to time because i like her vintage 1940s fashion and this was a cute video, but of course you had some people getting offended in the comments when she did a bearded lady. (which is way more freak show and early 1900s circus. It has ZERO TO DO WITH TRANS)
And course people were getting nasty saying fuck you to various people and 'TRANS WOMEN ARE REAL WOMEN. HOW DARE YOU.'
Why do these handmaidens exist? Do they seriously think these men give a shit about them?
No. 402259
>>402238Are you being a racist
** or are you talking about actual monkeys here??? wtf
No. 402267
>>402263I didn't think monkeys had the awareness of human anatomy to mock breasts, what a bizarre story
Also not sure how it's relevant to the thread.
No. 402270
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>>402269You're an embarrassment.
No. 402350
>>401931I've noticed this everywhere now. Whenever people are listing off their laundry list of bad things, like racism, or religious bigotry, or homophobia, or "discriminating because of someones creed", they always leave off sexism without fail.
I found out today that Joe Rogan (who often has shitty guests but sometimes good ones) is no longer streaming his podcast live on Youtube. Apparently it was the episode with Adam Conover that did that. I guess either Adam cried because he looked so bad discussing everything, including trans athletes, or it's the trannies getting in about "discrimination" or some shit again. So I guess now they pre-tape in case some things need to be cut out.
Anyway, here's a clip of some of it. Imagine being so dense you get schooled by someone like Joe fucking Rogan.
No. 402373
>>401912 of medical gore, something about this comment in particular really bothers me.
Obviously NSFW, SFW version is she had her severely swollen uterus removed - and yet she mentions that her doctor was hesitant because of her age and lack of kids.
Doctors have no problem chopping off healthy tissue on troons and mutilating them, but god forbid a woman want to do anything with her body for her health. This applies to hysterectomies as well.
No. 402419
>>401997Yep, and the fact that they don't realize that goes to show that they can't logic very well. They just assume something as the premise of their argument, and when that assumption is shown to be incorrect, they, for some reason, can't get rid of that assumption.
>>402167> But transracialism is "problematic" and transgenderism is legitimate. Why?Well some transactivists say it's because race is intergenerational and sex is not. But I don't buy that explanation, it seems like a misdirection, like when you're clearly talking about sex and they say 'gender is different from sex' when identity isn't relevant to what you're talking about.
No. 402426
>>402416>>402420Adults should have power over their own bodies. If they can drink and smoke, get plastic surgery, take on massive loans, have children (possibly the most impactful and life changing decision a human can make, and the most logical comparison for sterilization) etc etc they should be able to make medical decisions for themselves.
Your concern for ethics is mostly the 'ohhh but you'll change your mind' misogyny every woman is fed when she doesn't want kids. It's possible, they might, but it's their mistake to make along with every other potentially regretful choice adults make.
No. 402889
>>402455It is in north America at least. Men have a much easier time than woman getting approved.
I dont really want to dish everything out but I'm in my 20s and recently had bilateral salpingectomy. So obviously I'm against your views. If I ever changed my mind or anyone else did, they can just adopt it's that simple
No. 402895
>>402889Also I want to add on the study done about regret among women
>The cumulative probability of expressing regret during a follow-up interview within 14 years after tubal sterilization was 20.3% for women aged 30 or younger at the time of sterilization and 5.9% for women over age 30 at sterilization HOWEVER the most important part of this study is this little factoid
> and was lowest among women who had no previous births 6.3%So whats best for the masses of woman with no children, seeking sterilization. I think the pros outweigh the cons ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 402918
>>402916what about the negative effects pregnancy and birth have on the body?
Back to another anons comment. Its frustrating to see the hypocrisy of the trans movement. It seems doctors are more willing to mutilate a womans reproductive system with hormones and surgery, before they would preform a tubal ligation
No. 402922
>>402918Majority of the time a medical practitioner doesn’t have a direct hand in causing a woman’s pregnancy unlike sterilisation, so I’m not sure what your point is?
I haven’t been against it, all I’ve been saying in all my comments is that I can empathise with the medical communities hesitation in sterilising the young - regardless of sex
No. 402927
>>402922To be honest I doubt the majority of the medical practitioners are concerned for this noble reason. It seems much more likely to be traditional values and sexism. And like I said before, at least in North America. It is much easier for men to get sterilized than women. Or really anything to do with a womans reproductive system, regardless of age or medical condition because they value her reproductive functions over her, as an autonomous human
Also I haven't looked into it thoroughly. But while I was going through appointments for my bilateral salpingectomy. A few of the doctors mentioned how medical science now thinks there could be a link between the fallopian tubes and cancer. Thinking that ovarian cancer begins in the tubes. So that by removing them, may reduce your risk for cancer. Again, I never went and researched it on my own, but I had it explained to me by at least 2 doctors.
No. 402947
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>>402931Of course he had to choose a loli pic to go with it
No. 402960
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Ogre openly admits he wants someone claiming to be inspired by Meghan Murphy to attack a trans person so MM can be prosecuted for inciting violence. He’s well aware that ~turves~ are non-violent and trans people are not in any realistic danger from women, but he’d rather see a member of his own community be assaulted than admit his narrative is unfounded.
Is this what being on the right side of history looks like?
No. 403016
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Happy Lesbian Visibility Day, farmers! How many of you did even knew that this was a day? I had no idea. I do know that the newspaper here would write all about it, if it was troon day.
Oh and troons and allies want to mess it up of course No. 403024
>>402960Have you kept up with the Jonathan "Jessica" Yaniv drama? In what likely amounts to no more than a calculated political move, Oger called him out after Louise posted her expose. sure to check for all of the edits he has made since he first posted)
No. 403033
>>403024He’s so blatantly trying to cover his own ass and naturally placed all the blame on women for not being
nice enough about outing Jonathan as a predatory pedo. He went out of his way to advise Jonathan, shield him from criticism and openly celebrated whenever anyone who tried to expose him was silenced, but really it’s the mean ladies who forced him to defend the pedophile! Funny how we have the mystical power to make predatory men defend other predatory men against their will but not the power to make those same men stop preying on us.
And of course he’s trying to drag all oppressed groups down with him with that miscreant comment. It’s like he’s incapable of not being a petty asshole for even a few seconds.
No. 403082
>>403052I agree with you that things like
>>403021 and
>>396955 are pretty cringy.
Plus I don't see the point of spamming everywhere that
woman: an adult human female. Non TRAs are already aware of that while TRAs insist that TIM are female anyway because "female brains" and "sex is a spectrum" and yadda yadda.
IMO this pointless spergy shit doesn't help change the view of gender critical feminists being crackpots and crazy cat ladies.
No. 403094
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>>403024>When there is a predator among us, we can’t hear you if you bury your words in hatred and if you don’t reach out.Peak
victim blaming here. "W-we would've done something about these predatory trannies harassing young girls if you just asked us nicely!!!!" Ogre has really outdone himself this time.
Also look at this shit, how the fuck can this person sleep at night. "They should've waxed his balls because they're obligated to do so, despite not being trained to do it without damaging the skin of male genitalia as it's fundamentally different from committing the act on a female!". And making the false equivalent of the century comparing it to nurses giving sponge baths. Did you miss the memo on how he literally obsessively harassed the women outside of their work despite them telling him to stop contacting them because he's creeping them out?
No. 403136
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It's "lesbian" visibility day today and I made the grave mistake of looking at the top trending tweets for it. Fooling to expect there would be any actually lesbians.
No. 403139
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>>403136oh FUN
definitely visible, alright
No. 403140
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>>403136Yeah, I've literally seen NOTHING but transbian shit all day. The handmaidens that I follow retweet shit like this instead of celebrating lesbian women. And of course the OP is trying to make money off of it in the follow-up tweet.
No. 403141
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No. 403146
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and then they expect lesbians to be attracted by them? wtf
No. 403155
>>402896Yup. I recognize his name too from the MH threads. He made a whole video about how he doesn't hate women (because he's gay and apparently only straight men can be misogynistic and being gay is an excuse to just shit on women) but hates these all evil western women for not being forced to be literally breeding machines anymore because to him and "society", that was "the highest honor and highly praised" he's one of those guys like black Pigeon speaks who believes society can be saved if women were either forced again to be breeding slaves or just all dead. He can fit right in with the other troons who hate women
>>403094Oger is a cretin. Proud to have defunded a rape center for women and to force women to touch and service men. He despite knowing that because Yaniv requested a wax on female genitalia when he doesn't have it is still believing that Yaniv was somehow
right he gets off on hurting women and somehow liberal feminists continue to support him over actual women.
imagine someone telling you in 2019 that there will be people trying to convince everyone that vaginas and penises are exactly the same.
No. 403162
>>403094This argument is also really dumb because usually in hospitals (and similar settings) the male nurses will bath the male patients and female nurses will bath female patients…
It's different in the case a male patient is injured and the female nurse has to undress him and check his genitals for whatever reason… The case the troon describes is purely cosmetic and it's not unethical to refuse service.
No. 403166
File: 1556314011407.png (20.08 KB, 597x149, lmaofu.PNG) Zeta Phi Beta bans Trans Women from Pledging.
This guy in particular needs to fuck off lol
No. 403170
>>403145From what I'd been told (and take this with a grain of salt since I got this from writing and personal accounts), the American Media in the 90s would lump the Ts in with the Gay Rights movement due to sheer ignorance and thinking GNC style or drag = trans.
Combine that with the fact that, during the movement, boundaries weren't established like with the case when NAMBLA tried to get in on this, and here we are now.
No. 403174
>>403145I've heard theories a lot of people who "transitioned" back then did it to cover up the fact they were in a homosexual relationship.
Kind of like how Iran (I think it's Iran) forces one of the people in homosexual relationships to undergo transition to appear heterosexual.
No. 403179
>>403140I hate this shit so much and I'm not even a lesbian. The whole gay rights movement was about people being able to love and be in relationships with whoever they wanted. That is now being undone because trannies don't get why lesbians don't want to be with a man in a dress.
>>403145LGBT comes from the Stonewall riots.
No. 403183
>>403082>>403052>>403106The campaign, started by Posey Parker who was the first woman banned by Twitter and then interviewed by the police after a complaint by Susie Green of Mermaids, continues to make international news pissing of the TRAs. stories have been posted throughout these threads for months.
No. 403209
>>403174>>403145>>403170The T was added during the mid-90's when it stood for "transsexual" and the people who transitioned were gay men and lesbians, "truscum" by contemporary TRA standards.
Pursuing transition then was extremely difficult: the diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder was firmly a mental illness in the DSM-IV published in 1994 (homosexuality had been removed in 1973), psychologists and physicians who would treat them were few and far between, treatment required years of psych before medical, and hormone regimens were experimental and particularly dangerous for TiF. No one transitioned on a whim, and the strict gatekeeping model excluded transitioning due to shame about being gay.
Source: I am an old. When I left university in 1992 we hadn't even added the B yet to our Gay and Lesbian Student Association. I'll have to dig through my early-90's photos from the Washington DC Pride Marches to see if I can find any T's at all.
>LGBT comes from the Stonewall riots.Stonewall happened in 1969. The TRA's would like you to think it was a T event according to their revisionist history.
No. 403210
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No. 403219
>>403209Thanks for the insight! I came out not too long before the B had been added, but the T wasn't involved. I definetly don't remember any Ts in the youth groups I was in.
>>403174Yep, it's Iran that does that.
No. 403222
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Oh my god… Again: I am only searching women.
"I am Marso, verdantly green-thinking superhero. I am great and mesmerizing personality, I enjoy intimacy and candles.
I'm hook-avoiding pitycatch from Espoo's shores, polyamorous boy prettycool tomboy. Mental age is about twentyfive.
I give diamonds to honest people, hens only get husks"
No. 403259
>>403257They're just being #woke in the easiest way possible.
It's the weirdest shit when they sometimes take the most non-political, inoffensive characters and put them into their pro-trans posts. Like "Kirby says trans rights!" or "Isabella hates TERFs!". Especially the violent anti-TERF ones are so absurd, they make some fluffy little creature from a harmless video game or a kid's show hold a knife and say how much they want to kill TERFs.
No. 403299
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Some of Jonathan "Jessica" Yaniv's latest literal princess troon of clown world looks.
No. 403300
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No. 403307
>>403222It's a shame non-Finnish speakers can't read this on a native level because the kind of language he uses is disgusting and patronizing. I really fucking can't believe the audacity of these people to write their gender down as female.
>>403305He showed up looking like THAT to a township council meeting??? How can anyone take this nutcase seriously? Are his parents the leaders of the local Freemason lodge or something?
No. 403329
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>>403307He has presented items at the city council meeting nearly every week. I've lost count. They've posted video for only a few, but he is always equally inappropriately dressed.
I'm waiting for him to start carrying a scepter.
No. 403359
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I don't recall seeing this posted anywhere last year. against the TERFs in Belgrade 2018
From the description of the Facebook event:
Disputes about feminism* are as old as feminism itself.
167 years have passed since the first criticism of the "white" feminism from a freed slave.
Sojourner Truth asked at the Women's Assembly in Ohio:
"Am I not a woman? I have borne thirteen children and watched almost every one of them sold into slavery, and when I cried with mother's sadness, no one heard me except Jesus! Am I not a woman?"
Betty Friedan, founder of the National Women's Organization (NOW), the biggest women's organization in the United States, in 1969, recognized lesbians as the "lavander menace" that hindered the realization of the interests of the entire women's movement.
The Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERF) group carried a banner at this year's London Pride Parade: "Transactivism ereses lesbians" while in Belgrade SOME OF the TERFS left a public book promotion** because a transwoman spoke there.
Are we witnessing re-esentialisation of feminism? To what extent do identity politics prevent us from learning from the history of feminist and LGBT + movements and suggesting that we repeat the same mistakes? What does it mean to be a good ally to trans community? From whom or from what should safe spaces should be safe?
Milos Kovačević ( starts this and other important topics with Dragoslava Barzut (, Dusan Maljković
( and Milan (Agata) Đurić (
* "Disputes about feminism" - this is a literal translation of the ignorant objectifying language they used in their description
** "SOME OF THEM left a public book promotion" - There was a presentation of the new translations of Joan Nestle's work and all women lifted the hand to speak on the microphone, Lepa Mlađenović (well established lesbian activist in Serbia) was falicitating the talk. After a few lesbians spoke and said what they wanted to say, Lepa asked if any other lesbians would say something about their experience with "getting out of the closet" and their lesbian lives. Luka (trans identified male who calls himself Nataša), sitting in the back, jumped up, did not raise his hand but ran to the facilitator Lepa Mlađenović and took a microphone. Luka said that he was TRANS and that he is "37% lesbian". Luka has a history of being agressive to women in the lesbian community. When Luka speaks with women he often comments their looks, touches women without their permission, compels them to hug him etc. 7 women who felt insulted by his claims of "being 37% lesbian", knowing his agressive behavior, left the room at that point.
Remmeber, all this happened on the presentation of LESBIAN texts by a LESBIAN WRITER.
No. 403388
>>396948The Times expose of the Tavistock Clinic has been written up on Medscape. there a reason it is not being covered by MSM outside of Britain?
No. 403468
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Why don't they realize that dressing normally would make them pass so much better? Is the desire to be an anime girl just that strong?
No. 403471
>>403364Because kids are often going through transitioning points in their lives. Plus it's easier to do a coming of age story with trans themes.
>>403468It's their truest desire to be a cute anime girl or a cute trap so they can have men lusting after them for attention and validation, and women finding them endearing while protecting and caring for them. Their commissioned cute anime girl icons/avatars is basically wish fulfillment.
No. 403480
>>403468Ok that is genuinely sad.
I thought wanting to be a “cute trap” was just a joke but people really do get into it
No. 403487
>>403486I did used to know one trans woman who I didn't clock at all. Funnily enough I always thought they were weirdly entitled and lazy, and they were constantly taking more sick days than they were allowed and using expenses to non-work related stuff. I always wondered how they managed to not get into trouble. Eventually they got fired and I heard from a coworker the reason they got away with it so long is because they threatened to sue the boss for twanzphobia.
Why are troons always so shameless anyway?
No. 403616
>>403407Sometimes if you stop loading the page right after the text loads the log-in won't appear. There are links to other articles throughout.
Five Staff Resign at Leading UK Transgender Youth Clinic
Becky McCall
April 12, 2019
Allegations of misdiagnoses and unsubstantiated use of puberty blocking and cross-sex hormones in young people has led to the resignation of five clinicians from the UK's only publicly funded Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) according to an investigation by The Times newspaper.
The article, published earlier this week, says the five unnamed staff believe some children were misdiagnosed as "transgender" when they were actually experiencing same-sex attractions. The young people were referred for hormone treatment without proper exploration of the possibility that they may be gay instead, the clinicians claim.
The staff were responsible for deciding which young people accessing the clinic with gender dysphoria should receive hormone blockers to prevent the onset of puberty associated with their biological sex at birth. Hormone blockers have been approved for use in precocious puberty, but not for gender dysphoria.
Many of these young people then go on to receive cross-sex hormones to transition to the their preferred gender.
A number of other physicians have expressed concerns about the hormonal treatment of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria in western countries, as detailed in a recent in-depth feature by Medscape Medical News.
And Carl Heneghan, MD, director of the Centre of Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, UK, told The Times this week: "Given the paucity of evidence, the off-label use of [puberty blocking] drugs in gender dysphoria treatment largely means an unregulated live experiment on children."
But physicians treating children with gender dysphoria have previously defended their approach, saying it is easy for other physicians, who don't see these kids, to be "armchair critics."
The UK staff resignations appear to be one the first instances of clinicians who are actually treating these children objecting to the care they receive and going as far as leaving their jobs in protest.
And according to another report, in the Daily Mail, at least 18 staff in total have reportedly quit the clinic over the past 3 years over concerns that not enough checks are being done to correctly diagnose child patients.
GIDS told The Times that care is taken at every stage to ensure young people understand the potential consequences of their choices of therapy, and that discussions around sexuality "now form a more explicit part of our approach to assessment and exploration."
Protecting Children
In The Times article, one of the resigning staff members said they had stayed in their job for longer than intended because of "the sense there was a huge number of children in danger. I was there to protect children from being damaged."
"This experimental treatment is being done not only on children, but very vulnerable children," another of the five whistleblowers told the newspaper.
The London GIDS clinic, run by the Tavistock and Portman National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust, manages gender dysphoria in children in the UK, along with its sister clinic in Leeds. It has seen a record number of annual referrals of children with gender dysphoria, at around 2500 in 2018, a 50-fold increase from 12 years ago.
According to GIDS, their policy is for a child to only commence hormone blockers once puberty has begun (Tanner stage 2).
This is not the first time the clinic has come under fire. Last year, a report by clinician and former governor at the Trust, David Bell, MRCPsych, claimed children accessing the clinic were not receiving a proper assessment. Details were first reported in the Observer newspaper in November.
In February this year, the results of that internal report were submitted to the Trust’s board. The response led to the resignation of Marcus Evans — a governor and consultant psychotherapist who had worked at GIDS for over 30 years — because he was concerned about how Bell's report was handled.
"I think there isn't sufficient time and thoroughness in the examinations to understand what's going on with these children and young adults, and with their families," he told BBC Radio at the time.
As quoted in The Guardian, Bell's report states: "The GIDS service as it now functions [is] not fit for purpose and children's needs are being met in a woeful, inadequate manner and some will live on with the damaging consequences."
Bell said some children take up a trans identity as a solution to multiple problems such as historic child abuse in the family, bereavement, homophobia, and a very significant incidence of autism spectrum disorder. Bell's report states many children questioning their identity may have "learnt through online resources [or] coaching from parents or peers exactly what to say in order to get the results they want."
Bell added that while the treatment of gender dysphoria in young people is complex, it is hindered by the fact that any debate is often shut down as being "transphobic."
Studies Into the Long-Term Effects of Transgender Hormones
It is acknowledged that there is a lack of robust long-term evidence to support the safety of medications used to block puberty in children with gender dysphoria, and concerns include fertility, bone health, and development of the adolescent brain.
There are some ongoing studies trying to fill the evidence gap of long-term data, both for puberty blocker use and use of cross-sex hormones (estrogen or progesterone) for transition.
The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust was recently awarded £1.3 million to help unravel some of the complexities surrounding care and treatment of children, young people, and their families experiencing difficulties with gender identity, as reported by Medscape UK.
The Tavistock and Portman Trust said it wanted to explore some key questions surrounding the issue, including whether early transition was always helpful for gender diverse young people, at what age physical interventions should be considered, and how young people in that position could be best supported.
And the National Institutes of Health is funding a 5-year, multicentre study to the tune of $5.7 million — the first of its kind in the United States — which aims to evaluate the long-term outcomes of medical treatment in transgender youth.
According to the University of California, San Francisco, their center is recruiting 280 young people seeking relief for gender dysphoria and experience negative effects such as anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.
Young children in early puberty will receive hormone blockers and older adolescents will received cross-sex hormones to transition. In the younger participants, bone health will be investigated in addition to other parameters.
No. 403650
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Gonna post in two parks just in case, so came across this on a twitter meme thread (?!) and yes as someone else pointed out you can tell a mile off this was clearly a troon. Out of curiousity I checked their twitter and found pic related below
No. 403654
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Most of us know these troons hate cis women but I find it amusing that they seem to hate traps even more. That whole "get on HRT otherwise you will grow into an ugly man" correct me if im wrong I have heard HRT doesn't stop you losing hair or any of that stuff when you get older?
(Also before you ask yes-this troon has posted a gallery of his legs in thigh high stockings as a "gift" to the public and his twitter is full of loli hentai as well as pro nazi stuff.)
No. 403663
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>>403661Samefag but Who woulda thought that men whose entire idea of womanhood revolves around perfomative femininity + outdated gender roles are more ‘traditional’ than women
No. 403669
>>403661>>403663kek ty for your reply, I thought I heard right on the hrt causin baldness etc
yeah true, but its funny because right wing troons are the worst for this, and most right wing men want to put troons "in the oven".
No. 403682
Anon did you post a pic of a random person? All I see is a sad looking weeb, I'm concerned.
No. 403700
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Came across this on my dash, reblogged by some libfem blog. I'm not sure how they got all this from ContraPoints, but half of it is actually true, especially
>the conclusion is that all trans women and trans feminine people are “male socialized” and grow up as “privileged males”.
No. 403704
>>403700KEK, you almost have to feel bad for nick. no amount of pandering will win their acceptance. even if he had literally 0 """
problematic""" beliefs, a minor slip of the tongue or some such is a death sentence. i honestly believed he trooned out due to social pressure. i think he was probably largely satisfied just being a degenerate transvestite. he'll never make them happy and he's playing with fire, with his own body, for an audience that hates him tbh
No. 403719
>>403468If you've ever read the Remilia thread on /snow/ someone posted the archive link to his 4chan posts and it was a great window to an AGP's mind. He himself confessed that he was obsessed with chasing the fetish and has to go even further all the time to drown out the doubting noises in his head. They HAVE to be super extra with how they present or else they will realize that what they're doing is sick and no matter how much surgery they pay for they will never become their perfect waifu. And to add to it, being accepted and thought of as a normal human being ruins the fetish for him. I guess for some people is the humiliation of being transformed into a girl and for some people it's a power play of holding women under their thumb.
>>403633It's the same with STEM stuff. Each time there's a woman being celebrated for something she's achieved with tech I need to look up a photo to make sure she's not a tranny. It's sad.
No. 403776
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I was looking for more articles about Tavistock and came across this tragedy. How can gender clinic personnel in good conscience rationalize changing gender as the solution to complex mental health issues when all signs point to the cobtrary?
Of note:
Amy El-Keria suffered from a complex series of mental health difficulties, including Tourette's, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. She had made previous suicide attempts before she hanged herself in The Priory in 2012.
Now her family have revealed that in the months leading up to her death, they were helping her to prepare for her new life as a boy and had even picked a name - Jacob.
Amy's mental health began to decline during puberty, but, against all odds, Amy's family believed they may have found a way to help her when she said she wanted to be a boy.
Mother Tania called it a relief to be told she was transgender and, though she was concerned about the struggles her daughter may face, she backed her in her transition one hundred per cent.
Believing it could finally be the solution to Amy's struggles, the family began to get help from the Tavistock Centre in London, the specialist hospital for patients struggling with gender identity.
But Amy's health was getting worse and she was due to be admitted to the Ticehurst Priory to be assessed for Asperger's Syndrome when she tried to take her own life at home. No. 403794
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>>403780I think the reality of what is happening (unscrupulous clinicians and pharmaceutical companies profiting from mutilating children and destroying their lives) is too unthinkable for most people.
No. 403809
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Sorry, I'm stupid in the mornings. I meant to post this image. It's baffling.
No. 403826
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>>403780I was also a tomboy and went through a couple stages of "penis envy", both literal as a kid (wanting the ease of peeing standing up) and figurative during adolescence (resenting gender norms). I learned to accept biological reality and rebelled against sex-based expectations. Our experiences growing up are hardly outliers, so how did we end up with a generation of women, now mothers, like pic related? I usually answer with a pat, "Third wave feminism was a mistake." But is there something else behind it? How is allowing your daughter to "change gender" the solution to a sociological problem? What a cruel disservice these mothers are doing to their daughters' bodies and minds. No. 403827
>>403826Honestly it might just be a severe case of internalised misogyny, I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that trauma can be passed down through generations - women experience this by their mothers placing upon their daughters all of their own traumatic experience and insecurities through projecting them onto the child. This may be an extreme example of such projection through ‘my life would have been easier if I fit all feminine gender roles, if may daughter doesn’t it may be easier for her to instead be a son’
I don’t know, at this point I’m pulling shit out my ass but I wouldn’t be surprised if it may be something along those lines. Plus everyone around you is screaming that it’s the right thing to do.
No. 403830
>>403809The chart also reinforces the notion that women must be thin yet curvy to be feminine.
How are any of the figures in the middle representative of being neither (or is it both) masculine and feminine? And just what the fuck is going on with the arms of #7?
Don't get me started on the Genderbread Man and whatever that troonicorn unicorn character is.
No. 403834
>>403830My personal favourite tidbit is how 2 is just a fatter 1
Are mermaids perhaps a religious group that have hopped onto the TRA bandwagon to slyly run conversion camps of sorts? I’m pretty sure at some point they had a statement which said that not being heterosexual means you aren’t cis
No. 403856
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they are very dysphoric, you guys!
No. 403858
>>403834Here is Mermaids' propaganda presented with the hashtag IKnowWhoIam.
I have never seen Susie Green's religious beliefs mentioned or discussed (searching now yields endless articles about the Christian journalist who was recently investigated by police for misgendering Susie's "daughter").
This article describes their presentations (a campaign of disinformaton), and presents some perspectives I have not read before. has quite the racket going having manouevered themselves into advisory positions from the NHS to the police.
No. 403872
>>403776>Oppositional defiant disorder, adhd, tourettes, suspected aspergers I know her family were just desperate for anything to help their child survive and I'm not excusing Ticehurst for failing to protect her, but it's depressing that they could be led to believe that any one thing could be a silver bullet or that the same would not have happened if she had instead been in Tavistock or transitioned.
OT but it must be very hard for the sister to read quotes about how her mother has contemplated suicide to join her former sister. The Daily Mail is living up to its dispicable reputation by writing that in without following it up with something in her consideration.
No. 403875
>>403873It's just a mean spirited creepershot imo. For all we know it's a manly female weeb, a cross player or just a guy that wears stupid clothes but knows they're just clothes
>>403859It's a printed tshirt not a seifuku
No. 403882
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A comment from a post titled "ULPT: Are you a woman who is terrible at makeup? Claim you’re a transgender woman and go to Sephora’s free classes for trans women." Reddit's Unethical Life Pro Tips sub. I can only imagine how many death threats the OP of the thread received from the trans cult. Also, I just learned that Sephora has classes for trans women only. What a privilege.
No. 403903
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Found a woman on a thread in /r/PMDD defending the idea that trannies can suffer from menstruation disorders (link: Naturally I checked her history and it's fucking depressing. Her husband (with which she has a son), who allegedly has PTSD/CPTSD, decided that he was a woman about a year ago. Since then, she's been bending over backwards to make sure that she accommodates him while he spends all day talking to fellow troons on twitter. This seems like a classic case of transgenderism as a social contagion; never in her prior post history did she mention her husband struggling with dysphoria until he suddenly decided to come out. Since then of course he burdens her with 'bad dysphoria days' where she has to waste her energy reassuring her adult husband that he's pretty.
No. 404112
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>>404107They are easily identified were I live. Either look like butch nerds or like one I spotted today, one of those elusive bearded dwarf ladies from LOTR.
They just make me sad, their height, body type, face shape and eyes give them away as self-loathing young women.
No. 404126
>>404113it was in a photo i saw on facebook. didn't get to hear her talk or anything. a friend of mine was at a party and they took pictures. i noticed the TiF hanging around the more husky looking nerd guys.
>>404121yep, fuckboi haircut with the hat on backwards.
No. 404133
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I know I should be angry at this girl for being so dumb but it's so incredibly sad at the same time. The term "lesbian" is so strongly affiliated with porn made for male gaze while male gays are often presented in a much more humanized way it's no wonder so many young girls struggling with their sexuality find the lesbian label horrifying.
No. 404200
>>404131TRAs have weaponized the internet so when a large majority do speak out, they're harassed and doxed online to provoke and incite violence. It's insane
I do think more girls will stand up against troons in bathrooms and locker rooms and get punished for it publicly. Maybe then while lib fems continue to bend over backwards for tras, more women hit peak and we'll see a change?
>>404137They don't want to believe lesbians exist
No. 404240
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Show me a tranny under the age of 24 where there is one (1) normal, non-Japanese/fantasy name or one (1) profile picture that isn’t anime among his top 6 Facebook friends and I will be fucking floored
No. 404248
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>>404112A lot where I'm from don't even try to act/look male but just keep attentionwhoring in the same way they did before (except with a beard and some balding now)
No. 404251
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>>404242I do that where I just click through rando anime troon profiles when bored. Lewd anime girls and shit like pic related taking up the majority of their feed? Always check
No. 404257
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So farmers will probably already know about this lolcow because I just found out they have an ED page but this person recently got a lot of coverage because of an article they posted on kotaku where they claimed a japanese song was "probelmatic" (spoiler-it wasnt) looked them up and they fit the stereotypical troon bingo
>all their other "gaming" articles are about sexual things like butts or vaginas which really cannot be called "games journalism"
>even released a book about things they learned from videogame asses
>twitter timeline is full of either hentai, bitching about TERFS or e-begging, but is peppered with thinly related gaming mentions to keep the pretense up
>due to the recent backlash of said article is trying to play the victim card, brings up the face they are a "gay autistic trans woman" more now as a way to elict sympathy.
I know this person is a lolcow in their own right but I just thought it was funny how they fit the AGP stereotype and are going hard on the "woe is me, I am the TRUE victim here" atm.
No. 404258
>>404257Joshua "Laura Kate" Dale was discussed earlier in the thread
>>400199 and yeah he's a massive fucking NPD porn-sick AGP with a long history of drama. The recent song drama was ridiculous and when facing the backlash he threw his boss under the bus blaming him and refused to take any responsibility for writing such a garbage article because of m-muh autism and transmisogyny. For those who don't know about the issue, Persona 5 had a song in which there's a Japanese singer improvizing a part in English and one word (most likely "Retort it") can be misheard as "retarded" because of her ESL pronunciation, so this piece of work wrote a fucking news piece titled "Persona 5 song lyrics use an ableist slur".
No. 404263
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>Umm, actually sweetie lesbians like transwomen and EVIL OLD UGLY TERFS try to force themselves on young women!
No. 404265
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>>404263Context for anyone wondering was discussing this admittedly hideous art made by a GC.
No. 404274
>>404258My bad I missed the post TY for the link. Yeah whats really bad is he is playing the
victim card so hard and all his supporters are trying to make out people are being transphobic against him yet I have yet to see any evidence of this-they have called him racist, thats it.
No. 404286
>>404263Abusers love DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse
Victim and Offender. Troons are masters of this and do it all the time.
Any time someone makes an observation about troons, like that their rhetoric is very similar to incels or that many well-known troon activists are confirmed pedos, expect troons to suddenly start claiming that it's actually TERFs who are incels/pedos/whatever.
No. 404287
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>>404242A few years ago the SF lolita community was dealing with this sissy calling himself Melissa who was apparently an unhinged conspiracy theorist and bragged about bringing his gun to meetups and would threaten to harm women he didn't get along with. They managed to kick him from the community eventually but it took an awfully long time because he was claiming to be an oppressed minority on the one hand and threatening violence on the other. According to a quick scroll through /cgl/ archives they've had other TIM members since then but none as crazy as this guy.
Lolita communities tend to be super libfemmy though, so even when a group is being terrorised by a TIM it's not always apparent to onlookers because everyone refers to him as "she" and glosses over the fact that it's really a man. Some of my friends still do this with a TIM who threatened to show up to a moderator's house and kill her pets. Newbies are led to believe that this person who threatened, stalked and harassed a bunch of people was a regular woman. I try to subtly mention him being trans as often as I can without setting off the TERF alarms because I believe that people deserve to know that this creep is actually a large violent man and not a woman like the rest of us. I can’t even call him a sissy because he’s had a legal sex change and apparently the concept of sissy/AGP is in itself transphobic hate speech nowadays.
No. 404297
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The recent discussion of trans children reminded me of the gender neutral preschool in Sweden which first opened in 2010. This article is from 2011.
Transgender is not mentioned, and gender is discrete from sex and clearly defined as sociological. follow-up article from last year is likewise., of course, in their video of last year made a clumsy attempt at framing the objective of the school in terms of transgender rights and the ever expanding spectrum of gender identity. I found a study from 2017 comparing children from the gender neutral preschool to children from other preschools. what's this? Gender and sex have been conflated in three of the four points!
>Children at the gender-neutral school scored lower on a gender stereotyping measure.>Children at the gender-neutral school were more willing to play with unfamiliar other-gender children.>Children at the gender-neutral school were not less likely to notice another person’s gender.>Differences in pedagogy are associated with how children think and feel about people based on their gender. No. 404439
>>404276I'm a straight woman but wanted to know typically how many lesbians are GC.
If anyone doesn't mind answering, how many other lesbians do you know that hold GC views? Is the divide between LGB vs T actually as big as farmers say? If a tranny was to go to a lesbian bar would it be a libfem swoon fest like "YOU'RE SO BRAVE, SISTER?"
No. 404446
>>404297These people are absolute shit researchers if they think that they're going to find anything conclusive that's dependent on gender-neutral schools alone. Gender stereotypes come through various forms of media and environments. Just children's toys alone, or walking in a toy store, will yield some sort of association between girls' toys and boys' toys.
Furthermore, if people really think that it's better that:
> Children at the gender-neutral school were more willing to play with unfamiliar other-gender children.then congrats on socializing your daughters to be fucking oblivious to the fact that men are different from women and if provoked, are more likely to rape and murder you–including trans "women." It won't be long until trans "women" are stating that books like the Gift of Fear and self-defense classes for women are transphobic propaganda and that women are being sexist and transphobic by having any sort fear of creepy males.
No. 404586
Ray Blanchard on TIFs
Two Rarer Types of Gender Dysphoria
>One of us (Blanchard) has seen cases of the first type, autohomoerotic gender dysphoria, which appears to be an erotically motivated gender dysphoria. In this case, sexually mature natal females (i.e., not biologically still children) become sexually preoccupied with the idea of becoming a gay man and interacting with other gay men. Neither of us has seen someone clearly fitting the second type, gender dysphoria resulting from psychosis. (Our inclusion of this type was motivated in large part by the argument of Dr. Anne Lawrence, an important scholar we both respect.) In this type, a person (either male or female by birth) acquires the delusion that s/he is the other sex, because s/he is suffering from gross thinking deficiencies.
Autohomoerotic Gender Dysphoria
>This rare type of gender dysphoria is limited to females. Published cases have consisted of women whose gender dysphoria began in late adolescence or adulthood. (It is conceivable that it might begin earlier in some cases.) It occurs in (heterosexual) females who are sexually attracted to men, but who wish to undergo sex reassignment so that they can have “homosexual” relations with other men. These females appear to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of themselves as gay men. We have created the label autohomoerotic gender dysphoria to denote this sexual orientation.
>This type of gender dysphoria does not appear to be the female counterpart of autogynephilic gender dysphoria, although the differences might appear subtle. Autogynephilic (male) gender dysphorics are attracted to the idea of having a woman’s body; autohomoerotic (female) gender dysphorics are attracted to the idea of participating in gay male sex. For autogynephiles, becoming a lesbian woman is a secondary goal—the logical consequence of being attracted to women and wanting to become a woman. For autohomoerotics, becoming a gay man appears to be the primary goal or very close to it.
No. 404681
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>>404668>>404586every TIF I have known who were fujoshis Identified themselves as the "bottom" male in Yaoi and MLM so how does that change the heterosexual dynamic
No. 404697
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>>404681>>404668I'm not sure about this, I've seen quite a few 'top' TIFs. They are usually always exclusively in relationships with other TIFs though.
No. 404762
>>404701because society as a whole enables their delusion.
think about it, if anyone else was found to be taking steroids the same way that tif that beat up all those girls in wrestling was on testosterone, they would be banned, but since its a troon doing it no one cares, its just touted as an uwu inspirational story.
as for tims, no one wants to argue with men in dresses and cheap wigs who are known to be unstable and violent. tims dont want troon only sports because that way they will be competing against other tims who also have the biological advantages they themselves have, like higher test, denser bones, and more muscle naturally, so it would probably turn out that they arent the great athletes they think they are.
i think they should make tranny only sports or if that doesnt work just outright ban them from competing.
No. 404781
>>404668They're in for a big disappointment then because those "tops" often treat "bottoms" like shit too, specially if they're feminine and submissive. Most of my male friends are gay so the things I hear… "masc4masc" is a big thing in the gay male community.
I only hear about straight dudes lying about being gay or bi to sleep with those TIFs, they say it's the easiest pussy they can get because you only have to pretend you think they're men. They go to conventions and pull shit like this. Kinda sad really, specially because the TIFs are often very young and naive.
No. 404784
File: 1556654456192.png (239.49 KB, 1250x854, lol.png)>even FtMs get their language policed and are called "transphobic" to defend MtFsAt this point, TRAs might as well just come out and say they hate anyone who was born with a vagina, and that they unironically believe "female privilege" exists.
No. 404786
>>404784They always get pissy at Buck for being "truscum" too. It's so funny to watch them fight.
Tucutes x Transcum drama is always entertaining.
No. 404790
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>of course it's a tranny
No. 404794
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I can’t
No. 404845
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So, I was looking at the Stoner Tranny Taquera account for laughs and came across another account, Comrade Alyssa, which is apparently two people posting on behalf of a TiM who is in prison in Maryland. The inmate's real name is Michael Anthony Jones, but supposedly legally changed his name to Alyssa Victoria Hope. I was first suspicious of the whole story because they're making money off a GoFundMe, and incarceration records seem to be incorrect (when he transferred prisons from Ohio to Maryland, it seems his birthday was incorrectly recorded), however I think that based on the court records I've found that it is in fact a true story as far as they are communicating information from a real person.
Basically he is saying that he is being abused and wants to be moved to a women's prison on the basis that he is transgender. He was originally incarcerated on either assault or intimidation charges it seems, and while in jail "orchestrated a violent 15-minute attack on Deputy Kevin Vivacqua, in which the deputy suffered burns, a concussion, multiple fractures and partial vision loss" in which he also reportedly coerced another male prisoner into participating in the attack by threatening him. He was also in a relationship with this inmate who has "limited intelligence" and was sexually abused in the past. At some point he was transferred to Maryland, I am assuming because of hostility towards officers at the facility in Ohio.
He later took up his case in a civil action suit claiming "sexual assault, unconstitutional conditions of confinement, excessive force, failure to protect, denial of medical care, gender discrimination and verbal threats." However, Jones has repeatedly bragged about his history of violence and willingness to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He said he would wear everyone down until he gets what he wants - to be transferred back to Ohio. Many of the corrections officers corroborate claims that he repeatedly states he wants to be transferred back to Ohio. He has also denied his own previous claims that he was sexually assaulted or abused to interviewers and case workers. He has never shown any signs of trauma or abuse physically. He has refused to participate in interviews related to his case and when speaking with a social services worker only obsessively talked about himself and not the "alleged PREA incident, past abuse of any kind, or any fear of being in prison as a transgender person" and the social worker also observed that he was manipulating others for his own personal gain. Jones also claimed he was a member of the Black Mafia and possessed specialized training skills. Several of the officers that he made claims against were not even working on the day that he claims they raped him.
He is now on hunger strike and demanding:
- To be given an adequate evaluation for gender dysphoria
- To be able to receive hormonal therapy
- To be considered for bottom surgery
- To use proper pronouns
- To be considered for breast implants
- To be transferred to a women's prison
- To be placed in protective custody until transfer
- An immediate release from punitive segregation
- To be given access to feminine hygiene, clothing, and shoes
This is clearly a delusional, manipulative man who is jumping on the tranny bandwagon for his own gain.
No. 404856
>>404794hard pass, thanks. though i probably would snatch a copy of the zine to get a good laugh. sounds like a pipe dream regardless.
i don't actually know any tim's or tif's who hold down a regular job, come to think of it. they're all layabouts.
No. 404897
>>404784>TRAs might as well just come out and say they hate anyone who was born with a vaginaIt's really tras hate women born with a vagina because they want it and only use it to be a hypersexual caricature of an anime girl.
>>404833Lol glad you hung up. Wish they'd just gtfo of anything related to pregnancy but to tras, they want validation
>>404862So many of them are mentally ill, self described communists and perverts that only reee about only their sexual health and needs, they'd never be president. Middle conservative america would rather set itself on fire. Even conservative troons like Catelyn Jenner spoke up about detransitioning because him being catelyn is causing conflict with his faith.
No. 404931
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>>404930>The ones that are “gay” especially puzzle me - don’t other gay men usually prefer penises?Every gay man I know would never hook up with one and bisexual men treat them as a weird fetish. The porn industry takes advantage of these situations and TIFs really hate it. I cannot understand why these women think they can escape misogyny and gain the "respect" of cis-men by mutilating themselves.
No. 404952
>>404930They want to be oppressed for being trans instead being oppressed for being female (surprise, you can't escape your sex no matter how you ID!) likening tranny to slurs like n
gger/fggot/d*ke which leads to another can of snowflake worms and constant thought policing by delicate teenage girls that barely understand their own hormonal cycle.
No. 404953
>>404930It's the internalized misogyny and girl hate coming out.
They want to prove themselves as "men" by shitting on other women, and also have a hatred for anything female (including themselves).
No. 404964
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>>404957I shouldn’t have looked.
but I did And fuck me, is testosterone one hell of a fucking drug - there is really no going back after it changes your body.
Don’t unspoiler if you don’t want to see a chimera
No. 404966
>>404964>>404962>>404961How much of a role do you think testosterone plays in to this behavior
I lurk the FTM subreddit and other TIF blogs and all of them say that when they started taking testosterone they become extremely hyper sexual and "discovered" various fetishes that they didn't know they had
No. 404975
>>404964Samefag but that subreddit is a car crash I just cannot look away from.
By far the worst part is seeing hairy man ass with a spread vag. I never thought vagina would turn me off but here we are.
No. 404978
>>404969Are you really gonna say that a man who masturbates to this
>>404964 is completely straight
No. 404980
>>404978Are you retarded or blind? That picture is so obviously female it's beyond comprehension how you could think it's gay. There are pretty damn big boobs right there and her body shape is generally pretty feminine. The body hair is excessive but it's mostly pubic hair, which women can have plenty of without looking masculine.
A guy who faps to that may have a hairy fetish but it's far from gay. Paraphilias we find weird or gross are par for the course with straight men, this is no different.
No. 404988
>>404957That subreddit is hilairous
>non con >impregnation>humiliationno misgendering though that's too far uwu
No. 404996
>>404994Are you retarded? This trans shit started with men finding dressing up in lingerie and putting on lipstick arousing. It was only a matter of time before they thought "if I get my own breasts I don't even need a woman!". Women are just enabling men's degeneracy, like they always do. That needs to stop, I agree.
>>404961This subreddit is sad. All these women clearly love femininity but don't feel they fit into it, and therefore can only express it as TIF with a forced fem fetish.
No. 405025
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Thanks for introducing me to /r/FTMpunished, I've never cringed so much in my life.
>you pound it so hard that the cervix inverts and becomes an innie
No. 405034
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Trannies are so dumb. They think that everyone else's lives are entirely motivated by fetishes like theirs.
No. 405060
>>405037TIMs hate women and TIFs are women. That’s the root of it.
However since they are trans themselves they can’t be denounced as violent terves. TIMs have to come up with more subtle ways to silence and ostracise them, like claiming that TIFs have male privilege or “afab” privilege which is oppressive to TIMs. They only tolerate women in their movement insofar as they can be used to further their own agenda.
No. 405065
>>404931They're self hating idiots. Sexism will only end once we change the society that breeds it. Once we change the mentality of men and actually do something about instead of laughing it off.
Women who think they can 'escape' it by becoming 'men' are in a ride because they are treated even worse by real men. Not to mention, it feels like a betrayal to their own sex. Very sad,tbh
No. 405069
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No. 405078
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>>405025What is this subreddit even about?
No. 405083
>>404957>>404961>>404993>>405025>>405078I think r/FTMPunished is related to Blanchards Autohomoerotic Gender Dysphoria
>>404586>autohomoerotic (female) gender dysphorics are attracted to the idea of participating in gay male sexso FTM Punished is a rape fantasy of being a male rape
victim No. 405085
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Caster Semenya, hyperandrogenic female athlete, has been ordered to take testosterone-suppressing drugs to be able to compete in the Olympics. They're claiming she has an "unfair advantage."
Sets an interesting precedent for those who think grown men should compete alongside women with no questions asked. No. 405094
>>405037They hate them for being born female, and think they're throwing away a genetic gift.
One of the things that shocked me before I turned full TERF is how much TiMs really hate TiFs. It's like they have no empathy or self-reflection. Unsurprising, since something like 80% of MtFs have narcissistic personality disorder.
Meanwhile, many TiFs seem okay with being walked all over, think they deserve it, and will even go on about wanting to punch/attack TERFs, but not the men who target them. No actual group of men would ever take that sort of disrespect lying down, especially not from women (and this isn't praise - men are just too entitled, proud and misogynistic), but since TiFs are literally just women who futilely want to escape misogyny and/or become gay men, and TiMs are just entitled men, this dynamic makes sense.
Gender socialization is real, and despite their denial, these groups are living, breathing proof of that.
No. 405096
>>405085Shouldn't TRAs be defending this woman, lambasting the institution for making her alter her body, saying all the other women should just "get good", and holding her up as proof that sports is discriminatory to #AllWomen?
I'm guessing they're not doing that because they don't care even a little bit about actual women, but isn't it a little too blatant?
No. 405100
>>405088a woman wanting to be male rape
victim might seem odd but In a way I see it as a expected by product of Yaoi and BL
Yaoi is filled with rape,usually its taller more masculine males raping smaller and the smaller one
No. 405115
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>>405034The thread is just full of projection.
Just think how different things would be if more feminist women lurked /lgbt/ and read the things TiMs say about women before ever classifying themselves as trans-inclusive.
No. 405137
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I saw lots of support on Twitter for this white gay man that decided that he isn't a cis man anymore because all the other gay cis men are too mean. He then goes on to say that it makes him a minority.
I don't understand, why not just be a better man? He looks like a man and enjoys any other benefits of being a man. I'm sick of this stupid logic.
No. 405177
>>405137Just reading stuff like this makes me so tired. How people have the energy to keep these bullshit ideas and beliefs up is beyond me. What aspect of his life will change in any meaningful way after identifying as "non-binary"? Why should the world care?
If there's one good thing coming out of all this gender taxonomy nonsense, it's how easily it reveals the narcissists in the world around us.
No. 405201
>>405115In my experience with libfems, they’ll either refuse to believe that those posters are real TIMs and will insist they’re trolls out to make trans people look bad (and you’re a horrible transphobe for thinking they could be real) or they’re poor babies suffering from internalised transmisogyny and TERF persecution who shouldn’t be judged for things said in anger (and you’re a horrible transphobe for doing so). Either way it’s TERFy to point to these posts and consider them in any way representative of how TIMs think.
>>405145These types always get really pissy when someone points out that nobody really fits perfectly into either gender role. Don’t you dare suggest they’re not the specialest snowflake in the room!
>>405177It’s depressing how many of them there are, though.
No. 405285
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>>405037I've absolutely noticed this multiple times, TiMs seem to be either openly hostile at worst or passive aggressive at best towards TiFs. They're obviously bitter and jealous, and in their misogyny treat them like they treat other women - trash.
A personal rant: Someone mentioned how all the alt-right edgyboys get unbelievably defensive when trannies are offended and it's too true, a guy who's always shitting on muslims, women, and other blue-haired feminist strawmen just spread some retarded FUCK TERFS!!! take. I'm so fucking done.
Additional bonus is pic attached, the most aggressive and violent hate towards le evil terves always comes either from trannies or "progressive" nice guys like this. How much you wanna bet he's using "TERF" spergouts as a way to let out his repressed hate towards women?
No. 405288
Scottish MP Joanna Cherry is being piled on by trans trolls for bringing up twitter misogyny in parliament. Try to find one that doesn't have an anime profile pic. seriously if you were a trans rights activist would this not really embarrass you. These people are thick as champ, resentful, and clearly sit all day in their mother's basements wanking off.
No. 405297
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>>405288What a demented psychopath this furry motherfucker is. I can't believe people are applauding this shit, he's the archetypal woman-hating male with aggression problems. Reading his tweets is straight out exhausting, like reading some word salad manifesto of uncontrollable rage.
The original thread by Helen Lewis is a good read though, take it as a palate cleanser. No. 405301
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>>405297samefag to add that from what I've gathered from the current situation, this furry sperg made a video where he's committing a brutal fatality move in a Mortal Kombat match on Sonya Blade (a character in the game) while calling her a TERF because the original voice actor apparently said something transphobic (if someone can find out what that'd be welcome). The member of parliament rightfully took this as a display of misogyny. Here he's pretty much digging his own grade when admitting that he's taking it out on women because they can't defend for themselves, unlike men. And he's being celebrated for it nonetheless.
No. 405319
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gender crits: get perma-banned from twitter for calmly expressing their opinions and having civil debates
tras: freak out over a 12-hour suspension for threatening literal violence to women
What fucking reality am I living in again??
No. 405320
>>405301the voice actor was female MMA fighter ronda rousey and she's been deemed a terf ever since she spoke out against a TiM, Fallon Fox, fighting in women's MMA.
"She can try hormones, chop her pecker off, but it's still the same bone structure a man has," Rousey told The Post. "It's an advantage. I don't think it's fair."
No. 405322
>>405285They both despise women, especially women who speak out against their violent attacks. Tras want handmaid women to become quiet doormats, likewise the alt right and progressive liberals too. Except the conservative alt right right-wingers, they often want tras to be the first to be purged from society.
>>405301>I wouldn't be here if I did this to male terfsGlad to know. They don't dare to challenge the majority of men on using their bathrooms, being in their personal spaces and demanding them to cater to troons. So theses mentally ill men obviously charge and attack directly at women. Amazing that you can directly point at this and yet liberal fems will still cling onto the no true scottsman fallacy for dear life.
what will it take for them to realize this is bullshit
No. 405394
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>>404586This is from a letter Lou Sullivan sent to Blanchard. Lou was an FTM who identified as a gay man and felt validated by HIV-AIDS.
No. 405395
>>405077No, people have tried to compremise with that. They. Want. To. Be. Us.
Silence of the lambs.
No. 405403
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Don't know if anyone's seen this yet, but I saw it shared on Facebook. It's practically gone viral. Glad to now see dick pics on Facebook because it's "transphobic" not to want to see some guy's dick bulge.
No. 405407
>>405403It's like you can as inappropriate and disgusting as much as you want as long as it earns SJW woke points
It's repulsive and INSANE.
No. 405412
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>There was always a sexual part to my transitioning and living as a women always aroused meWe're at the point where they're not even ashamed to admit it. No. 405441
File: 1556780150950.jpg (52.37 KB, 608x451, transsports.JPG)

>>405403>WHY ARE TERVES SO OBSESSED WITH OUR GENITALS BACK OFF PERVS REEEEEE >constantly post photos like this A handmaiden acquaintance RT'd a snappy "comeback" at people who want to exclude troons from female sports and I just can't take it anymore. My closest friends know I'm GC and some of them agree with me and some don't, but it's exhausting to keep seeing fellow women celebrate men in dresses while absolutely curb stomping anyone who questions the cult. How the fuck do you cope with everyday life? I'm definitely more liberal with my values but trannies don't get a pass from me, so it's not like I'm going to start hanging out with conservative christians.
No. 405489
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I guess bullying women has made them brave
No. 405521
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TiM finds out that it actually sucks to be a woman. Shocker.
No. 405576
>>405489bullying women
with the help of handmaids made them brave
>>405531Enlightening to really find out from the fucking horses mouth that men expect women to shut up, take their shit and get used to it. Wish more people actually read these posts instead of what pop culture media outlets puts out for how tras feel
No. 405617
>>405521Men really aren't aware of the ways women are treated. I mean, I've often read the posts by men reeing about supposed "female priviledge" but it only really hit me when my father seriously told me that "nowadays women are advantaged over men in society". For some reason I didn't realize that men truly think this way until my father, who I was sure would have noticed the way my life is different from my brother's, said the same thing.
To know that they'll never believe us when we talk about how we're treated our entire lives until a few degenerates among them confirm it is…disappointing.
No. 405633
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r/GenderCynical is literally the worst–always twisting words of the GC subreddit and making false claims like how republican, racist and homophobic (lol) radical feminism is. How fucking retarded do you have to be to make that claim? Just because republicans like Ben Shapiro and so on don't support trans ideology doesn't mean that ALL radical feminists automatically agree with loons like him. I seriously can't believe I even have to explain this.
Another assumption I'd like to address is the one that states that GC women apparently hate black women. However, in the past month that I've gone GC, a number of GC women are in fact black women that are also offended how TRAs assume that we're all white. Just recently historically black sorority doesn't want males in their sorority. Yet GC is perceived as racist and Republican which is completely contradictory to the fundamentals of radical feminism.
Picture linked is what a Gender Cynical trans supporter posted in the link below: post that was merely a discussion on Caster Semenya and testosterone levels in sports: tell me, just WHERE is the hate for butch lesbians and black women in that post? These people seriously love to cry
victim and to alienate us further by claiming we're evil TERFs for discussing biological advantages in sports.
And it's so funny how apparently a group that has a large portion of lesbian women supposedly hate butch lesbians.
So, conclusion: I believe that these men are grasping, making ludicrous claims because they are so narcissistic to believe that all spaces for women, including feminism dedicated to ending the sexist oppression of women, should include THEM. This includes making bold, inaccurate claims that we are racist, homophobic, and whatever -ism that they decide to come up with next. Fucking ridiculous, rant over.
>>405257As I mentioned previously, black women are the ones who aren't going to put up with this. The comments on that video are giving me hope.
No. 405730
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>He/Him lesbians
No. 405741
>>405633Studies have shown troons tend to be about 80% white, and that number is likely higher on Reddit.
They don't actually care about black women. They see black women as a rhetorical tool they can use to make themselves look good and their enemies look bad. That's why they say things like this. Black women are not human beings with individual thoughts and opinions to them, they're just useful political weapons.
No. 405748
>>405617men dont know shit about women.
take for example how every time the topic of abortion comes up, they always refer to pregnancy as "9 months of discomfort and a few hours of pain". the idea that a man who was socialised to be a man can become a woman is ridiculous.
No. 405749
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>>405741I'll never forget this post I saw on /lgbt/, and how all the MtFs replied agreeing with the troon in the story and shitting on black women.
Racist, entitled men are still racist, entitled men when they call themselves women and LARP that they're oppressed porn stars or little anime girls
No. 405752
>>405749this is basically what they say about bathrooms too. "so you'll let black women in your toilets but not awesome trans gals?"
they genuinely think they're better than black women.
No. 406123
>The 54-year-old actor can't bear it when people refer to him as a transvestite - a person who dresses in clothes appropriate to the opposite sex - because he believes some of his DNA actually makes him part woman.He explained: "I'm not a transvestite. I have some of the same genetics as women, so I'm transgender. When I see a pair of nice heels, I think, 'Yeah that could work. That could be kind of fun, kind of sexy.' Anyone can feel that.
I was hoping it was a joke as I've enjoyed his comedy in the past but it seems he's serious
>He calls himself "a straight transvestite, or male lesbian". He has also said he is "a lesbian trapped in a man's body", transgender, and "a complete boy plus half girl". He has expressed a belief that being transgender is caused by genetics and that someday this will be scientifically proven, having gone so far as to have his own genome sequenced. No. 406206
>>405521Going by the userpic, I can tell this is all wishful thinking on his part. I'm sure people do discount his opinion more, but because he is visibly mentally ill. Not because he's a ~woman.
>>406123I listened to his joe rogan interview last night. He describes himself as a "wannabe lesbian" and a (paradoxically?) "transgender man" but also uses women's restrooms. It's so weird to listen to because he sounds sane on every other topic but the gender stuff was all nonsensical, entitled rambling. Where on earth is he getting the dna shit from?
No. 406260
>>406128They're white and middle/upper class but love to use the "sex worker black transwoman" card when talking about MILLIONS OF TRANSWOMEN DYING EVERY DAY WORLDWIDE!!!!
Most of those numbers come from my country, a latin third world country known for sex tourism, and those guys in the stats are mostly homosexuals who are very poor, go into sex work because no one hires them and have a flamboyant personality of a transvestite - that's literally what they say they are and they never advocated for a space in female spaces. They also can be labeled as "trans", but what's trans HERE is completely different from what is trans in America and in the first world in general. Only recently the "transgender" thing has started to grow here, but those transvestites have always existed as part of our society and they are a very marginalized group, nothing like "but but by misgendering me ur oppresing me :(".
It enfuriates me when they use those statistics without knowing shit about our culture. Those deaths have NOTHING to do with white middle class men who spent their lives in male privilege in a first world country and then decide to wear their wives panties!!
No. 406269
>>406260What you say is so accurate, being from one of these countries. I hate this kind of
victim card; it's so unnerving how privileged white men are so narcissistic that they use these murder stats involving 3rd world country desperate people absolutely believing that they are talking about themselves, the poor ~trans woman~.
No. 406325
>>406260>>406269So do these white middle/upper class men EVER admit that they've held male privilege at one point in their life? If they truly believe in gender-presenting, then shouldn't they also believe that male-presenting "passing" people are given male privilege by others? So if that's
valid, then wouldn't that mean that TiMs who previously presented as straight males have at some point been recipients of male privilege with additional add-ons of white and upper class privilege if that applies to them as well?
Technically what they're doing is giving up privilege and then emulating and making a mockery of the oppressed. Then using that to become a trans icon to finally gain the attention that they couldn't have had as males. This is really no different from Rachel Dolezal who scammed the black community to present as a POC and became the NAACP branch president.
The fact that they can seriously just put on a wig, and take hormones, and yet still be vindicated as a brave courageous woman is a joke. Meanwhile women are still struggling to be taken seriously in workplaces and social settings. I'm not reaching either when I say that they can still be male-presenting if they wanted to, look at a man's thigh to calf ratio, or their hips, or shoulder breadth, or bone structure, etc. Meanwhile, women with our on average, smaller statures and softer features cannot possess the same privilege to be seen as a man (except in some rare cases where TiFs actually pass).
So, my question still remains: do they ever admit that they possess or at least possessed male privilege and have inherited this privilege or does their ~gender identity~ that always existed because they wanted to wear mommy's shoes and later their wives' panties, operate so contrary to their inherited male, white and upper class privilege that they are truly the most oppressed ones?
No. 406369
>>406347I guess? But most of our hormones come from our genitals. In men especially most of their testosterone is produced in, and released from, the testicles. This is why they lose a lot of their sexual desire and aggression when castrated. And also why when a woman gets a hysterectomy the doctors leave the ovaries behind (whenever possible). Because without the ovaries she will go into menopause regardless of her age.
Honestly though I can see troons and TRAs saying something like this. Like "oh well she has a female brain so growing up she had more estrogen and that's why she loves dresses and Barbies"…which is total garbage lol
No. 406486
>>406401You sound autistic or you're either a troll.
Majority of us don't refer to each other as ciswomen either, we're just women. TiFs are women, TiMs are men. We know the difference.
No. 406504
>>406340I think it's more of a thing where you don't consider transgenderism as a thing so you ignore the signs. A lot of normies don't clock transgender people because they simply don't think it would be possible to come across one. Most kool aid hair transbians are impossible to not clock though.
>>406401>>406402I sometimes use "they" to be ambiguous about gender for reasons of not wanting to be identified by the story or not wanting to have gender bias inserted into the story. It's not that deep or worth sperging over.
No. 406579
>>406518>says I'm autistic>knows exactly what I mean>still insists I'm autistic>even agrees with me fully>but I'm autisticI am autistic but not in this thread.
FYI, for the other poster who called me a "troll" (why are you here then?) I know fully well what they means, and it is not fucking necessary unless you want to completely make their gender anonymous. However, that's not what i was complaining about. I see posts from 2 months ago of an anonymous poster referring to another anonymous poster who was not a troll so not male as THEY and it happens often. And another thing: never have I seen this before until now. So it is clear the third gender (FtM, MtFs, non-binaries etc…) popularized this mess in an attempt to not hurt their gender identity. I will refer to everyone on here as her and she unless I'm telling a story where I have to protect someone's identity and it is so embarassing everyone on lolcow says they, meanwhile on cgl it is still not (even with the cancer diaspora) said by the majority, just on /lgbt/ of course.
No. 406713
>>406712It was not only anons on here. I was also complaining about in general. I even noticed it on social media.
>This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. ?
I don't even understand why you're mad lol, I didn't expect the transcommunity to be in this thread I guess. Oh well…
No. 406847
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>>406839I would have thought this was satire if I didn't look at the sub name.
No. 406873
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Just like a real vagina.
No. 406883
>>406873Even the good ones don't look real. A real vulva's labia extend all the way down, around the clit, the urethra and the vagina.
A neovagina's labia ends before the vagina, so there's just a weird hole sitting under the labia. Look at any neovagina, they all look like that.
No. 406892
>>406822A lot of troons are actually autistic and unfortunately fall for exactly that. It is quite sad actually, I don't like troons but in these cases I feel it is so fucked up.
These are autistic kids that are shut-ins and end up in holes of the internet being led to believe by other autistic kids (I hope) that their life will finally be right and they will be the "normal" person they're supposed to be if they change their sex - it must be the gender dysphoria! You are actually supposed to be popular Stacy.
Couple that with a lot of shut-in years + porn addiction and it's a recipe for an AGP disaster. The worst thing is that the parents have to support this or they are bigoted.
Many such cases.
No. 406906
>>406807I kind of hope he tries it, for some reason. Maybe schadenfreude. You think that's what you'll look like after fucking with your hormones and cutting up your body? Lmao, okay. Let's find out and see.
It'd make a good "what he had vs what he wanted vs what he got" or "expectation vs reality" picture.
No. 406910
>>406873They have to say this in hopes of people never having to look up the real stories of what happens to their neovaginas after surgery most of time. It ruins the illusion that all of this is ok
Necrosis, complete collapsing,
alot of bacterial infections, permanently closing due to infections, fecal material spilling from the intestines inside, that "lubrication" is really just pus and other liquids the body is expelling out.. It's terrible. But in their eyes, everything is the same as a real vagina… Because they don't have much experience with real ones. And can't understand that it is and never was a hole. Some much misogyny that they're ruining themselves.
When pharma companies run of the drugs that they profit off of tras, I'm sure we'll see the end of this era and the beginning of people realizing how awful this all is
No. 406913
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Second tweet is relevant. Seriously, on a thread about cancelling your Adobe subscription…
No. 406921
>>406913There are three types of people obsessed with talking about how much they hate TERFs:
1) Trannies
2) Women who are secretly verging on peak trans and are trying to throw other people off the scent
3) Men who hate women and want a way to spew misogynist crap without sacrificing woke points
No. 406938
>>406921This girl is Irish so I suspect it's 2)
They are kinda fake woke over there now (I'm irish but live elsewhere) and some of my irish friends were openly homophobic - not hateful, but "gay guys are gross" kinda thing
No. 406939
>>406937Most libfems believe that every woman except them and the evil TERFs is aggressively and viciously pro-trans. That's the act they're all putting on, after all. So they think if anyone discovers they're actually having doubts, they'll be excommunicated from feminism forever and shunned.
But get them in private and start very gently voicing GC views and every single one of them will suddenly start saying stuff like "Yeah, I've been feeling that way too…" and "I have my doubts about MTFs too, actually…" It's so funny.
No. 406941
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Trans subreddits make me sad.
No. 407004
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No. 407009
>>407004overalls make her non-binary!
i swear most of these people just have a dorky fashion sense, but they don't wanna be seen as their lack of fashion, so they make people focus on their genderspecial identity instead
No. 407028
>>407006Going off of the news station in that vid
ugh I'd say yes.
No. 407037
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>>406910For some reason this made me wonder how many test positive for fecal because they don't understand the concept of wiping front to back.
No. 407049
>>407037Apparently many real women don't understand it either.
Though I think it actually might have something to do with using parts of the colon to make the thing.
No. 407106
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reddit trolls and fetishists are responsible for the tranny 40% suicide rate. If only they weren't so targeted on reddit it would be zero. Getting your dick inverted into a wound or a corndog penis is just loving who you are.
No. 407161
>>407103Don’t some countries define rape as something that can only be committed with a penis? We’re going to see “woman rapist” statistics rise from absolute zero (because it was legally impossible) to a significant number in the coming years and be able to say for sure that 100% of those rapists are TIMs.
>>407110The trans lobby throws a fit if these offenders aren’t referred to as regular women, though. They say that the trans status of these “women” is irrelevant and that mentioning it incites violence against a vulnerable group. I’ve come across multiple articles about TIMs committing violent crimes and being referred to simply as women with no photos or any other indication that they were trans, so I could only affirm my suspicions by googling for different sources on the subject. People who don’t bother to look for extra information and people who suck at clocking TIMs (like many men I’ve met) are gong to think these crimes were committed by real women and that’s exactly how TRAs like it.
No. 407203
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Gamestop Ma'am xirself proving once again to be a violent creep.
No. 407204
>>407195Are you sure that wasn't the media spin? Articles have got away with saying rape when that wasn't what the conviction was.
The three requirements for something to be classed as rape in UK law is intentional penetration by a penis, without consent, without the reasonable belief that there was consent.
You can get the same sentence you would get for rape without being convicted of rape.
No. 407223
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>>407203This reminds me of a comment I saw on a "wholesome content" facebook group a few days ago. The post in question was a bearded adult man wearing a pin to support teenagers choosing what restroom they want to use.
Unsurprisingly some mop-headed troon quickly responded with a "funny" murder fantasy about transphobes, which in this case would be teenagers who are more comfortable with sex-separated bathrooms.
No. 407226
>>407203Daily reminder that this violent motherfucker is what TRAs consider a helpless
victim. During his gamestop chimpout drama people were up and arms defending him with "w-well whatever the case the cashier shouldn't had misgendered her!!! this stunning and brave lady kicking down display stands and threatening to beat store employees up was just traumatized by the violence TERFs bestow upon us each and every day!!".
No. 407234
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anime weebshit and violence threatened against women, classic agp image
No. 407236
>>407234Isn’t that character a qt twansgirl uwu?
I’m sure they love that, it is totally what they all look like irl anyways.
No. 407250
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>>407075oh my godi cant believe string emil would do this im crying right now alexa this is so sad play You Might Think He Loves You for Your Money but I Know What He Really Loves You For It's Your Brand New Leopard Skin Pillbox Hat by David Bowie
No. 407346
>>407203>me and the boys beading a woman uwu>then traumatizing her family by sending her head to them uwu>I'm a woman ladies why can't you accept me into your bathrooms and locker rooms>>406939that's the thing though. more of them
should not give a fuck anymore since these fuckers are calling to kill all women who just look at them on a bad day. Tras need to lose their handmaids and support from women entirely
No. 407355
>>405403I honestly would not care either way since why would I be looking down there anyways? They just have to understand that not everyone will be comfortable about it because it's basically the same with men and their own bulge and women and their cameltoe. I swear they are just as obsessed with themselves as much as they are obsessed with women.
>>406891Bangs so straight I feel like I could get a papercut from them… They claim that they want to be a real woman, but then they go after a look that is completely unreal (unless it's cosplay, which is not the case most of the time).
No. 407386
>>403858>kid gets bullied for liking girl things and wanting to be a princess >obviously he's an awesome trans gal and not a GNC kidMy favorite thing is the term "come out as female/male"
You don't "come out" as a sex. Your mom and dad know damn well what sex you are already.
No. 407439
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i spent way too long on this
if u have any issue with this u advocate the genocide of women btw
No. 407454
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apparently randy stair, aka the fucking autist who drew danny phantom oc's and decided to shoot 3 coworkers before killing himself, "identified as female"
No. 407455
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>>407439You inspired me, anon
No. 407460
>>407450But anon, the Terves murdered trannies first! They are only seeking just retribution!
Speaking of tranny memes and "murders", KF has been blamed for the suicide of Femme4memes. No. 407461
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>>407455I'll stop now (more pink pill than GC though)
No. 407468
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This could be a useful formal
No. 407534
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The poster is woman, but this is so wrong in many levels it feels like a conspiracy theorist spouting complete bullshit.
Sex is a colonial construct? I'm from a country with concept of third gender and it's not as rose tinted as these TRA claiming it for
No. 407568
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>>407234Lol TiMs wish they could ever hope to look like Lily.
No. 407746
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No. 407747
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>>407746I fucking hate transbians so much
No. 407782
>>407747Troon hair is always so wispy like a 90-year olds unless they are an ethnicity with naturally thicker hair.
Also, why do they always start by wearing lacey underwear and bras and other sexualized clothing? They never start by wearing innocuous women's clothing. Same with makeup and shoes. And if they are women inside, why are so many terrible at fashion? Wouldn't women's taste and mannerisms be innate?
There's another flaw. Women aren't a monolith and their tastes and fashion do vary. And yet they gravitate always towards cutesy or slutty.
I also notice many retain masculine hobbies like car maintenance or computer science or athletics and watch more shows and movies made for male audiences. Women don't watch loli anime (camgirls and cosplayers who pander to the Male gaze don't count). I never see troons say they grew up watching or reading material geared for girls.
They are focused so much on the appearance and function of female bodies and not so much on our personalities and socialization.
Hope my ramble makes sense
No. 407805
>>407237Sexual assault isn't considered the same as rape under the law. They're different offences.
>>407330This is how you know they have no concept of daily life for women. We try and make our periods easier and we generally keep our business to ourselves while they go out of their way to make it inconvenient, messy and known about.
>>407746Literally everything in this picture is a warning sign.
>>407782>They never start by wearing innocuous women's clothing. Same with makeup and shoes. The thing is, moving away from shitty weeb or barbie bimbo fashion would actually benefit them. Those styles are made to fit a female form. skirts on the waist will flare out over feminine hips, low cut tops accentuate cleavage, tight fitting clothes show the figure etc etc. When somebody with a masculine figure wears them, it just shows that they lack the feminine curves.
No. 407907
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>>407746Why is there "cunt" on a magnet board in her bedroom?
No. 407938
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ok i'll stop now but these are kind of cathartic to make
No. 407942
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Came across this bit of retardation just now while reading a Cracked list about why celebs have made you dislike them. I love how simplistic their biology is, nevermind the fact that lOwEreD bOnE dEnSiTy doesn't change, oh, let's see, the entire fucking male cardiovascular system, which is like, one of the major differences between men and women. Their cardiovascular system is completely fucking different and is totally advantageous for them. Like, holy shit, the retardation I could maybe understand them justifying for something like cycling, but really, Rousey isn't entitled to question this shit when men could literally kill her in the ring so fucking easily?
>>407938KEK I love it
No. 407965
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>those poses
Raised by grandma, or raised by Mom who hasn’t stayed at one job for more than 3 years?
No. 407970
>>407968It means "people won't think I'm a dumb basic girl right???"
The internalized misogyny is so sad.
No. 408030
>>407942The truth is transphobic. Remember the Blaire White vs Hontra debate where Hontra basically called even Blaire a "transphobe" for saying that neovaginas are wounds.
Based Ronda
No. 408071
>>408043I can't wait for peak trans to come to normies and for these kids to mature. It's going to be a huge shitfest with a bunch of people and companies desperately coping and backpedaling.
Speaking of peak trans, i had a thought about spreading information about TiMs going into garbage bags and searching for used pads (as well as the comments they make when they do get these pads lol) to the general public, but that probably wouldn't work. I bet there would be thousands of people arguing that they HAVE to do this to cope with their ~debilitating~ dysphoria.
No. 408093
One of the OC School shooters was a TIF
No. 408096
>>408071More likely you’d get people insisting that these guys aren’t “real” transwomen or that the posts themselves are fake. People who consider themselves progressive
really want to believe that the fetishists are a negligible minority and that most TIMs are completely harmless and innocent. They also seem to think that the majority of TIMs are effeminate gay men who get SRS, so it helps to point out how many of them identify as “lesbians” and keep their penis, even continue to have PIV sex with women. You’ll probably need some good sources for that though.
No. 408111
>>408071>>408096Another thing I forgot to mention is that instead of pointing to individual fetishists and predators who can easily be dismissed as fake trans or not representative, it helps to point out the community support these predators get. Jonathan Yaniv by himself is just some creepy weirdo who’s clearly using trans to get away with preying on women and girls, but what makes his case noteworthy is the legal and political protections he’s received. The Human Rights Tribunal helped him harass and extort working class women (some of them immigrants iirc), Twitter and Wordpress permabanned people for posting about him and the VP of a major political party protected him for months before finally throwing him under the bus because it was making him look bad. All because oh his trans status (and his claim is as legally
valid as anyone else claiming trans status in Canada) and even after plenty of evidence of him being a predatory pedophile had surfaced. That’s not just one individual creepy weirdo, that’s an influential community circling the wagons to protect their own at the expense of others.
No. 408124 melodramatic persecution fantasies of an autogynephile… truly the spookiest nosleep story of them all… a terf professor literally MURDERSSSS a brave trans student. read the comments for whiny fujos and reddit soyboys saying "fuck terfs!!!" about this poorly written story. almost everything on nosleep and the writing subreddits is shit and written in that Reddit way (yall know what i mean just look at writingprompts) but this takes the cake. fuck reddit and fuck me for being dumb and losing time ill never get back reading this.
also it feels like reddit talks about terfs all the time now lmao. a sanctioned way to get mad at gnc grumpy women? lol.
No. 408153
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Ginger male market failure strikes again.
No. 408197
>>408124Lol wow
The scariest, most unsettling thing they can come up with for TiMs is a professor being passive-aggressive and kind of mean, but we're still supposed to see them as the biggest
victims in society?
Also, it's always so ironic to me how obsessed they are with calling women "cunts". The cognitive dissonance of complaining about TERFs reducing people to their genitals, while doing the exact same thing to any woman they don't like. They'd definitely start screaming about how you're "literally murdering" them if you called them dicks in return.
No. 408203
>>408174Not her, just a fan. That meme makes too much sense, even /pol/ is parroting it. I miss rudfems.
What happened to larps anyway?
No. 408250
>>408093>>408179I know a TIF who talks about committing a mass shooting a lot and I used to dismiss it as edge, but the more time went by, the more I realized this individual was truly unhinged and crazy on a level I don't think I've ever seen IRL. I really wouldn't be surprised if they did commit a mass shooting.
Testosterone makes you fucking psychotic, why the fuck is considered an unchallengable good idea to let mentally ill women take it so they can further the delusion that they're Male? How the fuck did society allow for this intense a level of gaslighting?
No. 408261
>>397121>>397160Never heard of this person before so I looked 'em up and holy cow. They have the stereotypical agp/male-to-anime look in this video. Most everyday women I know don't dress like this–but I've seen anime characters and e-thots with this style.
The whole video is about representation and wanting to be taken seriously yet he's dressed as some anime loli wannabe kek
No. 408264
>>405085The statute being cited applies to 46,XY DSD (Disorder of Sexual Development) which means Caster is XY.>>408250You wouldn't be overreacting if you contacted the authorities.
I wonder what the rates of domestic violence are among relationships with TiF?
No. 408300
>>408261Offering some more background on this guy: Christine Love is an AGP game developer who does all these smutty lesbian visual novel games and is celebrated for the ~lesbian representation~ in them.
As far as I know he's not like Coraline Ada Ehmke levels of psychotic tranny activist but nevertheless obviously gets a kick out of larping as an anime girl. What really annoys me about him is the fanbase, you can be admired for being a gross thirsty porn-addicted man spewing "lesbian sex" all over the place as long as you get a skirt and some pink or blue hair dye. Like I swear every time I see a "lesbian game" being hyped up it turns out it's made by a transbian and only about his self-insert being involved in degeneracy with an overly cutesy art style. At least regular males masturbating to anime lesbians aren't trying to be one.
No. 408301
>>407470Thanks for posting. I was just looking at her blog last week. She lost a lot of friends when she hit peak trans. why is she so isolated from other GC feminists? She gets no interaction on Twitter. A couple of months ago she participated in a panel about gender identity, "Does Sex Matter? Gender Identity vs. Material Reality".
No. 408305
So this is how you pee with a neovagina, I can be the only one getting strong uncanny valley feelings from this?
They are terrible at making clitoral hoods. No. 408309
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TIMs asked his surgeon for a "tightly trimmed porn star 'polish' look", fascinatingly misogynist.
No. 408310
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>>408309Doctor Chettawut is known for not giving TIMs labia minoras, he only makes "barbie doll vaginas".
No. 408332
So Glinner just announced that he is stepping back from the TERF trenches. immediate response was, as much of an ally as he is he has the male privilege of being able to take a break. Women can never stop being vigilant.
No. 408389
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>opposing gender DNA in vaccinesI don't doubt the pharmaceutical industry is a big influence, but a vaccine conspiracy is too far. That would mean gender dysphoria is real and biological in origin (albeit artificial). No. 408391
>>408389>They're turning the friggin frogs gayIt's because 20 years ago people only saw gender as a synonym for sex or a way of speaking about gender roles. Now children are taught that regardless of their biological sex, their personality and interests determine a mental "gender" that in turn determines what surgeries and other medical alterations they should have done to their body.
Conspiracy nuts really love blaming vaccines though.
No. 408399
>>408397That gets me thinking, the thing is most women in history probably did have gender dysphoria, just not from that. How could they not on some level hate being a woman when it would mean confinement, being forced into unwanted marriage, being made to carry children against their will and with the only limits to their pregnancies being imposed by their husbands and not themselves, going through the excruciating pain and then extremely deadly process of childbirth, backbreaking and thankless labor confined to the home, deprived of education even when living in wealthy/educated households, silenced politically and socially, preyed upon, mistreated with few or no feasible escapes? There's a reason we see historical female writers like Marie de France regularly address themes of unwanted marriage and the dream of freely finding real love, or Sylvia Plath lamenting her inability to move freely through the world and wishing she could be male in order to do so. I believe in a past thread someone else also detailed Tolstoy's wife's diary and her horrible experiences of being deprived of all her dreams and forced to carry tons of children until her death. The whole current idea of gender dysphoria comes from a special bubble of privilege and self-absorption or ignorance that neglects the entirety of women's history of being made to hate the implications of their biological sex and their inner wishes to live more like men, AKA with freedom. For almost all women cisgenderism has never existed, only for men who lived happily on the shoulder's of women's unchosen labor. To define oneself as different and unique from other women for the experience of desiring not to be one is to ignore our entire history of oppression, and similarly to define oneself (while being male) as a woman simply for desiring to be one ignores that 50+ billion women since the dawn of humanity have suffered enormously from the unchosen reality of womanhood.
No. 408467
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>>408443Maya "Alec" McKinney
No. 408480
File: 1557431688793.jpg (42.3 KB, 634x531, 13265198-7007799-image-m-26_15…) other shooter almost looks a bit troonish himself.
>The friend also wrote that the two suspects didn’t allegedly act because of hate for others but rather “hate in themselves” and called for more support for LGBT youth. She added that they did a “horrible thing.” No. 408500
>>408261>Christine Love: Stories from MinoritiesThe irony of the title when he's actually a white man.
>>408310This is seriously nothing other than a fetish and a display of rich male privilege that can afford a plastic surgery to create a "barbie doll" vagina and yet have none of the pains that come with having a normal vagina with a regular labia and a normal uterus.
How can a woman not be offended and disgusted reading this?
No. 408515
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On a lighter note, it is ABUSE to ask a soft transgirl uwu to take out the trash.
No. 408516
>>408389Except people still got vaccinated in the 80's.
>>408399I'm sure there were many women who weren't satisfied with their lives and wished they could be treated like men. But I doubt there were really that many that truly had dysphoria and wished they had a male body as well.
No. 408569
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>>408467>>408443This is Kendrick Castillo just some nerdy highschool kid who was in the robotics club,he lunged towards the shooter and sacrificed his own life and temporary distracted them which was enough time for other classmates to get away