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No. 441471
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
Radical Feminism thread
https://bannedbytrans.wordpress.com | | | | | https://theterfexhibit.comhttps://www.transgenderreality.comhttps://wlrnmedia.wordpress.comhttps://womenarehuman.comhttps://womanmeanssomething.com | (404)
Blogs, Writers
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended) |
https://www.gendertrending.comhttps://janeclarejones.com (suspended) | https://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit Resilience Project violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth | | Channels
Venice Allan |
http://wwwdrradfem.orgElly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Radical feminism in Korea Lloyd Long Murphy Parker Woman's Place, Art, Comics, Memes
Feminist Heretic Nina Paley / Mimi and Eunice Katherinee Draws Badly Snowflake Books Untameable Shrews
https://violetdioxazine.tumblr.comWoman Adult Human Female
https://www.standingforwomen.comPrevious threads
>>>/ot/221232>>>/ot/231926>>>/ot/248302>>>/ot/267773>>>/ot/281458>>>/ot/296475>>>/ot/312419>>>/ot/320422>>>/ot/331248>>>/ot/341517>>>/ot/351615>>>/ot/360163>>>/ot/377370>>>/ot/387259>>>/ot/396926>>>/ot/408612>>>/ot/418616>>>/ot/429238"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748 No. 441472
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No. 441474
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We have seen how troons bring up the existence of species that can change sexes because they think it supports their arguments.
I think it's only a matter of time before troons start calling their penises ovipositors or gynosomes.
No. 441479
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>>441471I created a section for detransitioning resources since they have been sought by several anons in the last few threads. The and pages link to further resources.
Image from No. 441531
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@ainiladra on twitter, a palestinian mother and communist who lives in nazareth, recently peaktransed
even though it pisses you off to watch her get dogpiled by her anglo followers (basically all of white communist twitter declared open season), it is a delight to watch her impatience grow and arguments develop tbh
No. 441582
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The Capital One hacker that released 140,000 SSNs and 80,000 bank account numbers is a TiM.
Of course the articles keep saying it’s a woman, even calling him a “pet owner,” without mentioning that he’s actually transgender.
So of course people are misinformed and think that a female is responsible. Hence, the tweet. Funny but actually pretty sad. Most of the replies to pictures of him on Twitter that are assuming he’s a woman are saying that he looks like a meth addict with his obviously male bone structure.
No. 441584
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>>441582jesus fuck is he frightening
No. 441592
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Lmaoooo this makes me want to jump off a cliff
> inb4 crime rates perpetrated by women go up due to some “unknown phenomenon”
> people look back in 100 years and are like “HUH what happened here”
> they realize men had started getting lumped in with women in statistics due to false reporting ignoring actual biology, which led to statistical errors ~2019
No. 441625
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>>441584Trevor Allen Thompson
No. 441647
>>441582>>441614When I heard about this "Paige" on the npr news and they never said he or she, I knew it was a man.
This better not be another mark against the women's crime stats.
No. 441649
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It's so funny how they try so hard to prevent other people from ever reading gender critical material in the fear that people will actually agree with their points. On tumblr they will just straight up copy and paste posts onto their own blogs because "this was a good post but OP was a TERF". One time I even saw somebody say in response to a question that "TERFs are notoriously good at arguing" as a reason why their blogs should be avoided.
No. 441662
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Nightmare world.
No. 441667
>>441647They kept saying she/her but they also said she was caught because she bragged about what she did. I thought that’s got to be a troon, not a woman.
Lo and behold.
No. 441726
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They're actively suppressing research they know would result in information that would conflict with their agenda.
This article is what peak transed me. No. 441734
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>>441730Oh sorry anon lol, I thought you were serious. My bad.
No. 441737
>>441726How did this article that
isn't written like clickbait for ten year olds get published on the daily mail?
No. 441813
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Don't know if this is real, but holy shit
No. 441834
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Trans model for Marc Jacobs and Rhianna fashion line admits she lied about her gender identity to 'make things better' for herself
Carissa Pinkston faced backlash in May for writing a series of transphobic posts
She then attempted to rein in the backlash by revealing on Instagram that she was also transgender, claiming to have transitioned to a woman
But other models in the industry were quick to point out that Carissa was lying
The model, who was dropped by Elite Model Management, later confessed on Instagram that she lied about being transgender
Carissa, who is thought to be based in New York, has since deleted all posts but faces backlash over falsely coming out No. 441839
>Why are so many TiM's rapists?ftfy
Are you asking rhetorically?
No. 441848
>>441834>>441836>>441837I feel bad for her, but it was dumb of her to pretend to be trans and try the whole "I have trans friends" thing. Not only is it cheap, absolutely nothing will satisfy TRAs and their brainwashed masses once you've been marked.
The only time to talk about these things is when you're in a place of security and power, or in privacy.
In other news, I can't wait to see all the racist liberals come out of the woodwork, eager for a chance to bash a woman who's (at least part)
black. Hopefully, it makes even more black women hit peak trans that much sooner.
No. 441855
>>441592It makes my boil boil when a TiM gets convicted of something and men all joyfully claim "See, women are pedophiles/rapists/murderers too!"
Don't fucking lump them in with us.
No. 441861
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>Everyone was saying my original comment was transphobic, but you can’t expect everyone to know everything about a culture or movement if they never have taken the time to be fully educated on it.Awful. People in various comment sections are gloating that she has destroyed her career and livelihood. She will never be able to recant and atone her thought crime to their satisfaction.
No. 441896
>>441885Basically what
>>441887 and
>>441889 said, except I would add that these girls have a strong desire to be special, and often feel compelled to be "enby" because they're young and part of Tumblr-y peer groups.
No. 441899
>>441896I agree with this.
It's also a useful way to avoid being terfed and feathered. If you're a woman in liberal circles, particularly if you're a lesbian, you have to walk on eggshells most of the time. The tiniest thing, like acknowledging you have a vagina, will get you accused of being a terf and ostracized. If you say you're NB then you're safe.
No. 441957
>>441937I know some lesbian fakebois and tbh the fact that they enter relationships with other women (who pretend to be men so they're still "gay men" lmao) is proof that lesbians will actually never be sexually attracted to men no matter how much they delude themselves or what cotton ceiling troons say.
Most of the lesbians I met who go trans are suffering from internalised homophobia or were pressured into it. I knew a butch Mexican-American lesbian who was engaged to her femme Mexican-American girlfriend. They were hoping to get married to in the future but the butch's conservative family wanted to disown her when they found out she was going to get married to a woman - they hoped she would get over her homosexuality and settle down with a man. She was hanging around a batshit tumblr crowd for support and they told her that her depression and discomfort with being gay was because she was actually trans. She didn't like the expectation of gender put on her and she "looked like a guy" so she thought would be more accepted if she just became a guy. Her girlfriend was supportive at first but she couldn't find her attractive anymore when she ended up looking more and more like a man. Her mental issues weren't solved by transitioning and instead made things worse.
No. 441963
>>441958Her foster monther is Japanese. Ryan's older cousin Stephanie wrote about what was going on in a blogpost, which you can read here. I didn't find much information mostly because majority of the post is of her trying to prove she believes in transgenderism and not about Ryan at all, except for the fact she likes cheese sticks and is a
victim of domestic abuse.
No. 441970
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mario lopez is under fire for daring to say that parents trooning out their literal toddlers is a bad idea.
No. 441977
>>441726Oof this article hit home. I'm a detrans woman (only on t for 6 months.) It only took 2-3 appointments before I got hormones and NOBODY asked about sexual trauma or abuse in my past.
When I told my hormone doc I'd finally been diagnosed with PTSD and wanted to slow down/stop so I could heal from what happened to me she pressured me to keep going.
I stopped then and there got help for my mental health and trauma. I've grown to really love my body. The only leftovers are 3 chin hairs and my voice which honestly just sounds like my mom's now which is cute.
I lost all my friends from that era. Some even refused to call me by my birth-name and she/her pronouns. (wow so respectful and open minded lol)
I wish I could hang out with other bi/lesbian women irl without trans stuff being centered but where I live it's basically impossible. (someone tried to plan an event like this when I was in college and it got hatemobbed out of existence) I'm exploring the idea of planning a detrans hang out though since I think that could be really cool.
I just don't understand why more people aren't talking about the relationship between trauma and gender dysphoria. I guess it makes people feel ~invalid~ but ofc sexual abuse makes you feel disconnected and disgusted by your body.
It's been really cool reading this threads and lurking on the linked reddits. It's not the same as in person but it feels nice to be a part of a "community" again.
No. 442016
>>441977Glad that you got help. Your old friends sound like assholes, you're better without them.
You're right, it should be more discussed if there's anything behind the gender dysphoria, like traumas etc.
No. 442054
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you all aren't lgpt anymore, you transphobic evul bisexuals
No. 442087
>>442054Still hoping for the day when LGB will be officially separated from all the trannies, pans, aces and other kweers~.
>ahegao profile picIt's kinda sad how I'm absolutely not surprised or shocked at all.
No. 442108
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Wish I was shocked at this point but nope…
No. 442121
>>442108I'd run fast from that guy if I were that girl. Obviously this guy that transitioned just to fuck a chick then proceeds to lie about their intentions is a lunatic. But I guess she deserves it by wasting time asking reddit for advice.
Just fucking go. The incel transbian is too fucking crazy to deal with.
No. 442182
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this is the worst timeline
No. 442195
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The level of delusion is just too darn high.
No. 442199
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Have we ever discussed why most women troon out? Obviously men are AGP fetishists.
No. 442238
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>>442182He's not being unreasonable at all, and I'm steamed just thinking about the harassment he'll probably have to endure now that this retarded page sicced their followers on him. It's not like he's insulting adult troons, or even teenage troons. He's just questioning the idea of transing little kids, which is basically forcing them into the false dichotomy of "feminine girl" and "masculine boy". Most normies would agree with him, they're just too afraid to say it because of these McCarthy-esque "cancel" campaigns online.
I really hope he doesn't back down. He has NOTHING to apologize for.
As an aside, locking kids into one gender or the other with blockers and social pressure is not healthy. Kids (and teenagers) should be able to experiment with presentation and gender without long-term medical consequences, which blockers like Lupron are PROVEN to have. Most of this experimentation is normal and typically just results in the kid accepting themselves and their body regardless of their interests.
This garbage is just teaching kids to adhere to rigid gender roles, and as someone who works with kids I fucking loathe it.
No. 442314
>>442182It bothers me that people freak out over criticism of transing kids because "omg the suicide rate!" Parents get steamrolled into letting their kids take hormones because they're afraid of losing their child to suicide if they don't let them transition. To me the only reason a "trans" kid would commit suicide is because of this
toxic fucking bucket of crabs online encouraging them. If a kid gets denied hormones and goes online they'll see tons of people talking about how
abusive and ebul their parents are for not letting her be Aiden and then of course they're gonna feel shitty. Everyone is telling these children that if they can't transition, their lives are ruined and they'll spend the rest of their life miserable. The transgender suicide rate is encouraged by their own kind, not by so-called transphobes (aka people who want to make logical decisions for their child's long-term wellbeing).
No. 442322
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>>442306>During the meeting, CATA activist, “Vee,” who “identif[ies] as queer, non-binary, abled, thin, and financially stable,” said the VPL has not changed their stance and is “conflating freedom of expression with entitlement to a platform.” Vee claimed the VPL has lied and gaslighted the LGBT2Q+ community by stating they work to “reduce discrimination and create a welcoming environment,” adding, “The library offering a platform to TERFs, SWERFs, and fascists in general is a passive validation of their bigoted, oppressive beliefs.”>TERFs, SWERFs, and fascists in general No. 442328
>>442314not to mention most teen suicide happens because of
bullying and bullying happens in regards to gender because of shitty gender roles. yet you don't see anyone speaking up against that, they're promoting it to make trans a reality.
No. 442334
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No. 442335
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>>442334You really can't make this shit up, folks
No. 442358
>>442238Seriously majority of normies agree with him. It sucks because somehow this opinion means you're a conservative. It's literally not, it's the opposite. They just want to assume not making a decision for your own child right away is morally wrong. IDK, there's things children are not legally allowed to do until they're certain ages even though they seem confident enough to make the decision, like driving and smoking and dropping out of school and having sex with someone older and drinking alcohol. These restrictions protect these children. Honestly, I think children should not be legally allowed to transition medically until they're at least 16 or 18, suggest therapy instead until then.
I told my boyfriend about Mario Lopez being "cancelled" and at first he was like "OK, whatever" Then I quoted what Mario said and he responded, "I… actually agree with him…" He seemed pretty confused seeing that's why he's getting hate for it. What's funny is my bf told me years ago when he was in his teens he exclusively wore women's pants because they were the only ones that came in skinny style. It never affected his sexuality or gender, he's still no doubt a straight man, he just wanted to wear some skinny jeans because he was an "emo punk kid". He was picky about brands too, preferred the Sarah Jessica Parker brand of skinny jeans.
No. 442405
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Why is the fighting game community so autistic.
>Furry icon
No. 442463
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No. 442465
>>442463>dude who likes to wear female clothing, makeup or he is mildly gnctroons:
>oh he was poor troon girl :((transing the dead again, but this time not a lesbian, but still fucked up
No. 442541
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>>442463>Guys why is no one validating my theory UwUKurt's gonna push her off her bed in her sleep
No. 442613
>>442597This actually isn’t a bad idea because many of us here only care about biological reality so refusing to identify with the gender binary wouldn’t be a lie. The only difference is that we don’t hinge our entire personality on whatever “enbie-ness” is supposed to entail. I miss the days when we just called it androgyny.
>>442604But now they say you can be trans or nonbinary WITHOUT any gender dysphoria, which of course makes no sense at all. So you can say you’re a non-dysphoric enby no matter what your presentation and you call someone a violent bigot if they question it. Nonbinary TERF just seems like a hilarious thing to be called.
One question for those who have more interaction with gender circus: If you are asked about your gender and your answer is “I don’t care about gender” do these people accept it or do they rage at you provide a special label to yourself?
No. 442675
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No. 442691
>>442675Literally nothing about him even hinted at him being trans.
Are men not allowed to have long hair or be the least bit gender non-conforming anymore?
They have to be trans by force, even in death?
No. 442697
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>>442691i don’t want to image spam but the whole twitter thread is a wild ride, I think she might’ve deleted the post but someone on Facebook screenshotted the entire thing and it’s pretty gross
No. 442746
>>442675I was curious so I googled and found why troons think this. It's because he said this:
>"I definitely feel closer to the feminine side of the human being than I do the male - or the American idea of what a male is supposed to be. Just watch a beer commercial and you'll see what I mean." - Kurt Cobain.It's so obvious he just meant he didn't match the traditional idea of masculinity and felt disconnected from that, but troons are religious about gender roles. To them anyone who doesn't 100% match their gender role needs to transition right now.
No. 442767
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>>442697>>442463Imagine trying to be woke while citing easy to find quotes, on a Chan background
No. 442768
>>442755they are the ~~not like other trannies~~ ones of the t with a huge
victim complex. they keep saying that gender dysphoria has a medical basis but there is literally no actual proof for someone to be born with a mental condition like that.
>"b-but they said the same thing about gays 50 years ago!!"doesn't change the fact that homosexuality has always been seen in humans and hundreds of other animals. there are also animals that change their sex, yes, but most animals who do it are doing it for reproductive purposes and are naturally able to grow these characteristics. a human isn't naturally able to grow the other sex's characteristics without man-made hormonal/medical intervention.
No. 442786
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Over 40 years since this misogynistic garbage was written to a feminist newsletter and TIMs have not changed a bit.
No. 442788
I could never bring myself to explain what the truth was to Lucy. I was too afraid. She came home early one night and found me experimenting with her underwear. She was surprised and asked if I was a” tranny” (I am sorry but that was her word, ) She said that she thought this was weird but that she would still love me. I tried to explain that she had got it wrong and it was just an experiment — which it was. I then explained what I had always been too scared to say. I told her that I was a woman. This was absolutely horrendous — we both cried all night. She wouldn’t let me make love to her. I explained that I was a lesbian and that I had tried to make her understand before with hints. We broke up. I love her and she loves me. But she denies my existence as a person. Her intolerance ended our life together and our hopes for a future and a family. I cry as I write this
I decided to just keep this secret but resolved that I would not lie when it came to love. Well, I did explain to Jane a university friend who was a lesbian and very right on (or so I thought). She just laughed in my face. She said you are a big strapping man. Not even a little bit camp. You are a man. I cry again . She was my friend. And this is why I use the word Terf. They say they are radical feminists but want to exclude trans woman. So, therefore, the cap fits they are T(rans) E(xclusionary) R(adical) F(eminists). If you don’t like the word then stop denying that some women exist or have basic rights"you are a big strapping man. not even a little bit camp. you are a man." HAHAHAHA
No. 442809
>>442746>>442767God I want Frances Bean to call this cunt out. Can't these idiots see how hard they're reinforcing gender stereotypes by saying a man who rebelled against stereotypical machismo and related more to femininity is actually a woman??? It's so fucking
toxic. The fact they're brainwashing literal children with this shit, "if you like trucks, you're a boy and should start puberty blockers ASAP. Oh don't worry about it, they're reversible!!" Fucks sake I peak every day.
No. 442813
>>442806Spend enough time with troons online or off and eventually you'll just get a sense for it. It's a vibe they give off. But generally tell-tale signs are:
Cluster B personality disorders like NPD
Really liking anime, particularly waifushit like K-On or Love Live
Being into programming
Being into video games particularly autistic shit like Sonic or speedrunning
Having extreme political views, whether extreme left or extreme right
Obviously none of these are 100%, it's not like every autistic person is trans or whatever. But the more of these a man hits on a checklist the more likely it is he'll troon out.
No. 442867
>>442786White TiMs need to get their head out of their sorry self-mutilated holes they call “vaginas”
Just because we have better “natal” privileges doesn’t mean the violence against women stop. My family came from a country where sexual assault is a regular occurrence and raping ones daughter is justified. I don’t give a fuck if these TiMs are crying over lesbians not wanting to suck their girlcock.
What’s the point in making sisterhood when they’re borderline propagating tranny supremacy? A real woman wouldn’t declare to the world that her “feminine” cock makes her more of a woman that women who are born women and are embracing it.
No. 442904
>>442792tfw a cute tall skinny guy with long blonde hair I used to have a massive crush on brought something up about transphobia being bad once and then later came out to me as being "a woman" and "in love" with me
if a guy brings up trans stuff and isn't against trannies, he's a transbian
No. 442951
>>442786Wow where to start
>women never had to suffer like trans womenYet millions of girls and women are targeted for human/sex trafficking, rape and murder every day
>"ability" to have kidsEven when they're playing women, men still hate that women are able to grow, carry and have children
>women are obselete trans women are the future >2019 and trans women are begging for women to give up their uterus and ovaries for them>2019 and more people are less tolerant towards them No. 442988
>>441531Trannies always show their ass when they attack non-white women, because it always looks bad.
>>441592Yup, this is what made me peak 100% I try and cope by saying that once western civilization falls because of this shit (because no one else is this retarded), others will look at this as to what NOT TO DO.
Imagine explaining this to my grandkids.
No. 442992
>>442987Some Tumblr “lesbians” in those radical kweer communities are obsessed with cock, calling themselves non-binary and they call male fictional characters their husbandos but they blame their crushes on “comp het”. Fucking bizarre website.
>>442988Have you see the white man who says he identifies a Muslim woman and gets aroused by doing haram things.
No. 443020
>>443012How you raise your kids doesn't guarantee jack shit.
>>443007This is a huge fear of mine too, especially since my country seems to be headed in the direction of not even allowing parents the right to decide whether their kids can transition. Having a child troon out is bad enough, but being legally forced to let them to take puberty blockers and hormones is an absolute nightmare.
No. 443033
Speaking of parents being forced to oet their kids physically transition, this article makes ke wanna cry. key parts
>parents in the US having their kids removed for not allowing their kids to be put on hormones or blockers>pro-trans doctors suggesting kids start puberty blockers at 11 and undergo SRS at 18 even though it's estimated at least 75% of children believed to have gender dysphoria grow out of it>despite these statistics some "gender confirming" medical clinics approve 100% of child patients to start medically transitioning>parents not allowed in any doctors interviews with their kids and are not included in any medical decisions that are made for them>doctors refusing to perform SRS and hormone treatments under concern for patient's wellbeing are starting to be prosecuted for "discrimination"The fact that parents don't even yave the right to resist their children mutilating their bodies and beibg sterilized by quacks should make any sane person become childfree.
No. 443059
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Browsing /lgbt/ gives me cancer
No. 443071
>>443002the part in this video where kat claims that the press is trying to make yaniv look like a well known activist is funny, because gender critical circles have been discussing him the last year(ish?), fully aware that he is a very determined nobody with a lot of time on his hands.
>>443005sounds like kat. i used to follow him pretty closely before i hit peak trans. he's incredibly histrionic. (shocking, i know.)
No. 443072
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>>443059What's with lefties always pointing out how 4chan is an alt-right cesspool full of racism and misogyny focusing on /pol/ and /r9k/, and even fucking /his/ but nobody bothering to talk about what's going on at /tttt/.
No. 443080
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I'm glad I don't support GLAAD anymore
No. 443089
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>>443080I'm surprised they're actually being logical for once.
No. 443095
>>443092Some white TiMs hate black women because black women don't fit in with the idealised and stereotypical version of white feminine beauty yet they are still real women while TiMs are not. They want to act like "transmisogyny" is a
valid thing with a long history and that any white TiM is more oppressed than a black woman even though black women were enslaved for hundreds of years, and constantly being raped and gave birth to loads of children just to make their masters more money.
No. 443099
>>443095It's so weird to see white troons using black feminist/womanist terms like "intersectionality" and "white feminism" for their own activism while shitting all over black women. Black women often describe themselves as having a strange relationship to femininity because they often aren't seen as feminine but animalistic and masculine. You have troons going "wow that's just like me" and appropriating this experience of femininity. Now they will say "trans women are
valid because not all women experience femininity in the same way! black, white, and trans women are all different but still equally women!"
Repeat this enough in SJW circles and exile anyone who disagrees to get a brainwashed cult.
No. 443101
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Do you agree that being HSTS is a result of internalised homophobia? Is gender dysphoria the primary reason for transition like many trannies say it is? Is dysphoria even a valid inborn medical condition or is it a combination of other mental illnesses and social factors?
No. 443113
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>>443002Damn it's been a while since I've come across Kat Blaque, but his new look is terrifying. Didn't think getting rid of the large granny glasses would make such a difference. I thought he was more passable for a troon but he looks super uncanny now.
No. 443140
The L Word reboot is called The L Word: Generation Q.
There is, so far one tif (w/e honestly) and two tims (gross) in the cast. jamie clayton from sense8 is one of them. only skimmed the article, there could be more shit in there, ontd doesn't read etc.)
>>443113i've been aware of kat since 2012ish and he's always had this dead behind the eyes look to him, even in selfies and tumbnails that are supposed to look animated. It even stood out to me when I was a libfem, "sisters not ~cisters" type.
No. 443147
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"kill your local terf"
No. 443163
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>>443072One "liberal" view does not a liberal make. Support/fetishization of trannies is literally the only liberal view most 4channers have.
The perverts on /tttt/ are literally just alt-right or apolitical AGP troons who hate women because they know they'll never be women. It's not rocket science.
>>443156They're assmad because somebody with scientific clout is revealing them to be the misogynistic degenerates they really are. 90% of the people on /lgbt/ are neckbeard troonbians.
No. 443183
>>443178lots of tifs stay within the lesbian community because they'd been lesbians beforehand, so all their friends and girlfriends are lesbians too. turns it into a semantic problem when your butch gf decides she's a trans man one day but 'he' keeps on dating you and other lesbians.
you're right that tims and tumblr do hate them though. he/him lesbians get a lot of slander especially from jealous tims
No. 443191
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>>443072I'm on /tttt/ right now and there's a tranny going on about how he wants to go off hormones for a while to become fertile again and then find a girl to impregnate and start a family with before going back to transitioning. Gross.
>is tranny>wants a family centric wife No. 443204
>>443189two types
1) proper he/him lesbians who use he/him pronouns whether as part of the butch act, because they're a troon, or both. leslie feinberg was this sort of lesbian. on about 10 levels of ideology and special snowflakedom.
2) the actually widespread type: trans men who don't identify as lesbians but still exclusively date and befriend lesbians. earn disparaging comments from tims and tim-handmaidens because they are far more desirable partners to lesbians than transbians
No. 443240
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>>443191What the hell. I started dating women BECAUSE they're family centric. Most women want families, and the ones that don't are usually nurturing in some other way such as caring for plants, animals, or being in charge in some high position dealing with people like being a manager. I know damn well he doesn't want a family, he just wants to get a woman pregnant have her raise the product for him. "Having a family," actually means "having" them: feeding them, clothing them, putting a roof over their head. Ya know, the same way you'd "have" a guest. Most women probably sense that he's "one of those" and avoids him like the plague.
No. 443241
>>441481That's harrowing. I hope the HoC isn't so stupid as to allow this kind of behaviour to fly, but unfortunately we all know this is not the case.
British men cannot sleep without being oppressive gobshites and will stop at nothing until they achieve total control it seems.
No. 443256
>>443250Agreed but I think it also goes into how troons are control freaks. I want far-left women to be careful. One communist party in the US literally went bankrupt because the troon leader spent money on hiring prostitutes for himself and coercing women into 'orgies'>>443255Yeah whenever they sense the presence of a 'TERF' they go from spewing the n-word liberally to becoming tumblr personified in 2 seconds. Any man who hates troons and is obviously from /pol/ gets treated with kiddy gloves and coyness or 'debate'
No. 443281
>>443007My parents are leftwing normies who have very little time for gender roles. they're not perfect, my mother still has to be the one to organise and remember everything, but because she was the brains/main breadwinner while dad was the nurturer who was equally comfortable being feminine and masculine, I grew up paying gendershit zero mind. actually, I thought the rest of the world was weird and we were the normal ones.
granted, this was in the nineties/00s, but keep your kid's away from tv and monitor their internet access carefully and things should be fine.
No. 443284
>>443281>>443007My mom wasn't a leftie but she grew up in soft commie Yugoslavia (and is proud of the fact) where she was taught that she is equal to any man in terms of rights and position in society. She's got issues out the wazoo but I'll be damned if I'm not grateful to her and my dad for raising me to be whoever I want and live unapologetically, it's helped me so much growing up, especially since I also had to face a lot of xenophobia and bigotry from childhood due to being from a "bad" country and fleeing a war where we were considered "bad guys".
As a teen I was ashamed of my body thanks to the media, I didn't want men ogling me or people laughing at me for having the body I had (being hairy and having a unibrow), so for a while I actually thought I was trans because my dumb ass drank the tumblr internet koolaid and cried about it a lot. I passed relatively well and my mom let me wear boys' clothes but both my parents sat me down one day and asked me what I meant by "I feel like a boy" and how do I think boys feel that girls don't.
My mom let me wear whatever I want but said that girls can look and feel however they want, their gender, nationality, etc doesn't define them, and that I should only do and wear what I want and what I'm comfortable in, that my body and brain can do wonderful things and I should enjoy it, not be afraid or ashamed of it.
I slowly started wearing bras and dresses years after and I'm so lucky to have my mom, especially back when it was hard. My grandma was a dictator parent and mom tried so hard to do it right. If you let your kids know that they're okay just the way they are and be there for them, I'm sure they'll appreciate you and love you when they grow up.
No. 443323
>>443057I love their reaction! Exactly, we're not "cis" women, we're just women, we're normal. Because that's what they are, abnormal, freaks of nature.
Sadly saying this as a straight white girl would make you literally a nazi…
No. 443422
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>>443057I love the comments on this video
No. 443423
>>443353I wouldn't even have known the one on the left was trans if I had seen this ad in the wild. I'd have just thought it's a "Less is more" message (especially when you compare their makeup).
It's funny and pretty good knowing the full story, though.
No. 443456
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>>443057Laverne left a comment on the video.
No. 443541
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>>443517from his wiki:
>At 8 years of age, her psychologist understood her to be transgender. At the age of 10, she became Valentina. sad. and he still ended up looking male af. he is striking, (moreso than most trans ~moduls i've seen) but he's clearly not female.
No. 443579
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Well…this will be fun.
No. 443583
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No. 443586
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>>443575Do you have a certificate?
No. 443644
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This is her
No. 443645
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And older untouched photo
No. 443646
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Here’s a body shot
No. 443741
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Stef "bee stung lips" Sanjati is getting worse everyday, I remember a time when I wasn't GC yet and thought he was kinda wholesome and honest, preaching to embrace your own imperfections, but it seems like all he wants nowadays is to be a gross bimbo, he can't stop posting nudes of himself on insta with a ~deep~ caption underneath. It also doesn't help dat he is also bisexual, which gives me even more AGP vibes
No. 443747
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>>443741Why do troons like to post blatant r/thathappened about men fawning over a TRUE and HONEST woman doing stereotypical "man" stuff?
No. 443755
>>443741he's part of why i became gc. i used to just be 'whatever' about it but it was him talking about how he specifically went to thailand for his SRS because he liked the look of the neovaginas a certain doctor made…. and didn't like the 'style' done in the US. not only is it ridiculously offensive to biological women but it made me realise that it was never about gender dysphoria - otherwise why wouldn't you just take the earliest available option? no, they want to shop around for one that looks a certain way because they're fetishists.
(and in case you're wondering, yes, the US neovaginas had more pronounced labia and the thai ones were smoother innies)
No. 443756
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No. 443820
>>442108the fuck is this retarded bitch doing crying about it in leddit, instead of doxxing this motherfucker, exposing this psycho piece of shit and his crappy posts and leaving his arse?? He unironically deserves to have his life ruined.
I genuinely hope she's underage or something and learns a good lesson from this, because I feel a weird mix of pity and yet discontent for women who are still this slow deep into adulthood. How do you even survive in this shit world if you are like this.
No. 443832
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>>443745This comment took me out hahahahaha.
No. 443925
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>>443741How are people turned on by someone who is the IRL troon version of pic related?
>>443753What an idiot. People are shocked by his "intelligence" because he looks inbred, not because he's dressed like a woman lmfao.
No. 443966
>>443741I swear to God I thought his necklace said "fetus"
God, he really thinks those lips look good. Didn't he recently admit he has a plastic surgery addiction?
No. 444017
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hes still trying to convince people kek
No. 444084
>>444067If he’s not a Real True Trans then how did he fool the Human Rights Tribunal, Twitter, Wordpress, various news organisations and who knows who else into treating him as such? It doesn’t matter whether he has “real” genderfeels on the inside, what matter is that it’s demonstrably easy for perverted men to use trans identity to prey on girls and women. He’s not the first man to do this and he won’t be the last. Regardless of whether or not he’s
really trans, his
victims were
really harmed. But who cares about them when the trans community’s reputation is on the line!
Incidentally, this sort of thing is what led me to peak trans a few years ago. My Jfashion comm kept getting infiltrated by predatory sissies using trans identity to trample all over everyone else’s boundaries because “they’re trans, it’s just second puberty, don’t be a bigot”. Then when they were finally banned they suddenly weren’t
really trans and woe is the poor innocent trans community, they’re the real
victims here! No consideration for the girls who were sexually harassed and in some cases threatened with violence. Somehow because these men were considered fakers, their
victims were not allowed to complain. Then a new creep claiming to be Brave and Stunning joins the comm and the cycle starts again, because we can only start to doubt someone’s transness
after he has hurt a sufficient number of people.
No. 444105
Fucking hell, Wikipedia can’t even publish an article about Yaniv without troons deleting it or trying to block the process. Even RationalWiki used to be neutral towards radical feminism but it’s article is full of trash because it’s been infected by troons. They have such a tight grip on the way they’re discussed and play the
victim. No. 444139
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>>444017Is he deleting tweets? Usually there would be way more people pointing out the hypocrisy. Why aren't his right wing neckbeard fans pissed that he's insinuating that only men can be predators?
Also, he really thinks that not being fat and having silicon tits and lips makes him more of a woman, does he?
No. 444300
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No. 444351
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this meme makes me crack up not bc it's actually funny but bc if you've actually seen any average troon speak about gender they'll literally say retarded shit like "i always 'felt' feminine bc as a child i didn't like playing rough with the other boys…i liked playing with dolls" like doing anything even slightly GNC is gonna change your genetic makeup or your genitals. if you read enough tranny logic and change a few buzzwords it literally sounds like a southern bigot's beliefs on gender.
trannies act like they're so enlightened about gender and then try to convince tomboy girls they're actually trans men bc they don't like feminine stuff, or convince boys who are more feminine and "submissive" they're actually secretly girls. how the fuck have they not been called out for spouting this grade A regressive bullshit in the name of "muh progreshun"? i've met plenty "cis" people who, gasp, thought that boys or girls doing gnc stuff didn't make them any less boys or girls bc not conforming to societal expectations of gender doesn't mean you suddenly stop being male or female, and you can literally just do whatever the hell you want whether your have a penis or a pussy bc who the fuck cares about your genitals regarding your personal interests.
No. 444352
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No. 444364
>>444355that hypothetical rape situation about blaire made me cringe so hard, especially considering blaire was an actual rape
victim. yaniv is a fucking psychopath.
No. 444375
>>444217The lolitas bear the brunt of the sissy onslaught but other fashions aren’t safe either. My comm has a handful of turbo-handmaids who worship contrapoints, insist AGP has been “debunked” and that the entire concept of sissies is transphobic fearmongering invented by terves. They’re so deep in the transcult that they believe “gender euphoria” is a real thing, so I think they’re a lost cause and avoid them as much as possible. Unfortunately one of them has taken a liking to me and kind of follows me around.
>>444300I mean, nothing’s stopping delusional men from taking birth control pills. I’ve heard about men who take their wife/sister/daughter’s pills in an attempt to grow breasts. If this happened at all (doubt.jpg), it still doesn’t necessarily mean the doctor has mistaken him for a real woman.
No. 444377
>>444300I knew a troon who said he took birth control pills because he thought they would feminize him, until he realized they didn't/wouldn't.
So IMO it isn't so inconceivable for a doctor to ask a troon this if the doctor knows troons tend to lack knowledge of endocrinology and might end up thinking birth control is any substitute for the estrogen in things like premarin.
My guess is that the doctor really did ask if the troon was on birth control, and of course he misinterpreted this as the doctor thinking he was female.
>>444355This isn't really a debate as much as it is Blaire going off on Jonathan and Jonathan denying he's done anything wrong.
No. 444382
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Shitty troon of the day
No. 444383
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No. 444388
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He's so crazy and milky. When he did the bad accent (not even close to Indian).. I died.
I like that Blaire outright said he's likely committed sex crimes.
Oh and the illegal taser.
No. 444392
>>444355This was so cringy I had to take multiple breaks out of second hand embarrassement. I don't even know if Balldemort is just stupid or evil but it was like watching someone explain to a child why doing something is wrong.
Also that tazer. Imagine going to a public toilet and getting tazed by a man wearing a wig and a prom dress.
No. 444468
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>>444457Is that a thing? (I'm not surprised though)
No. 444552
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Just hwy, help out a kid with cancer or some other actual disease instead
No. 444573
>>444382Anyway, dicks are gross.
The line of thought here honestly seems to be "Criticizing ANYTHING about trans wimmin is transmisogynistic!" because the statement that dicks are gross doesn't imply anything about the gender of people with dicks. It just says dicks are gross.
No. 444676
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>>444563This and the comments give me hope though.
No. 444708
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he looks like josh from mr meaty lmao
No. 444713
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>>444708His face looks completely different in every photo, like a different person from picture to picture. I wonder why.
No. 444790
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>>444713Ahhhhhh, those pesky candids without filters, photoshop, professional lighting and photographers.
No. 444911
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Any other women anons ever been assumed to be trans because you weren't a smol soft pretty girl?
I had a friend who I found out was a chaser after realizing the only reason he started messaging me was because he thought I was a troon.
No. 444919
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Deleted and reposted because I inadvertently spoilers the image, i know this is old milk at this point but im watching Robbie debate JY and he keeps making that ugly AGP smile face when talking about messaging inappropriate things to young girls. It’s making me fucking ill I don’t know how much more of this I can watch
No. 444943
>>444933i'm not
>>444469 op but jumping off of what you said: yes, being curious/imagining yourself as the opposite sex out of mere curiosity (bc it's something you've never experience before nor will you ever get to experience, and even if reincarnation is legit you won't have conscious memories of life as the Other) is a normal thing we've all wondered or are likely to wonder at some point in time.
the thing is: just because you casually wonder about life as another sex/gender or even wish you could've been born a man (bc even the most alienated of tradthots and handmaidens can admit that men get preferential treatment in our society) doesn't MAKE you a man, the same way a man wishing he were a woman doesn't making a woman. wishing to be something doesn't automatically make you something, and even if troons go to great lengths to "become" the Other (a man "becomes" a woman and viceversa) it never takes away the fact that you were originally raised as one and that you've experienced and will always experience the world in a different way than what you want to become. even if a man transitions into a woman and passes 100% they'll never genuinely get to experience what it's like Being A Woman, bc they weren't born and raised as a woman with a woman's body and all that it implies, socially and biologically; they'll get the Trans Woman experience, which is certainly different from a "Cis" Man experience, but it's not exactly what they had in mind. i think that's why troons try to delude themselves with the "trans women are women" rhethoric: they know nothing in the world can make them women when they've been born men, and that they'll never get to experience the world the way a born and raised woman was. and even if they could, why would you want to? being a woman fucking sucks half the time.
No. 444947
>>444911Not irl (thankfully). But nowadays when you write online that you're a girl who's 5'10 or has size 10 feet then people will immediately ask whether your'e trans. Especially in gendercritical spaces.
>>444931The trans agenda has made people more suspicious. Women who once were seen as simply tall or ugly are now accused of being men.
No. 444959
>>444872Nobody is lusting over trannys most men are tricked into fucking one while being drunk or something, there's a saying in Arabic, I will try my best to translate, it goes (From lack of horses they've tied halters on dogs).
Also I can't help but feel like you're a tranny cuz I know a lot of trannys who will larp as "men attracted to trans girls"
No. 444976
>>444952Oof, I've got to screenshot this for whenever somebody whines about being short.
Tall women would have every reason to sperg out a la bagel manlet, when you can't even trust fellow women…
No. 444986
>>444872Men will fuck anything, even a McChicken.
It's also objectively not straight for a man to be attracted to a male, even a crossdressing one.
>Also, I feel really discouraged lately. It seems almost all the dudes I know are into trannys now. What the heck is going on?Kek, how and why would you feel discouraged? Like I said in the first line of my post, men will fuck literally anything, even a McChicken.
The increased risk of STDs from being with chasers is no joke, though. I understand why straight women would turn bisexual men down.
No. 445011
>>444886Blaire is a rape
victim, conservative and Christian so I guess that would influence his attitude towards a lot of the “queer stuff” in the LGBT community. He’s also a huge sexist because he thinks liking pink if you’re a girl and blue if you’re a boy is inborn and that girls are naturally submissive etc.
No. 445014
>>444872They'll fuck anything. It's never uncommon for them in history or any culture to fuck male children. Frankly I think a lot of men have some AGP complex, the latter is an inherent part of misogyny to me. Hence the obsession with panty stealing, being parasitical with women, the purity of female organs, violating female relatives boundaries, FGM and other weird crap that takes on fetishistic qualities. The most mentally evolved scrotes don't pull this shit
Also why IME scrotes still have the image of the HSTS trans in their head as who they want to shit on endlessly, not some creepy fuck like Yaniv. I don't think there's a single transbian murder on record, because honestly, scrotes recognize them as 'their own'. That's why they were able to gain so much influence and power so rapidly and why TERFs are the only ones out here criticizing them with no protections (most male TERF allies are gay)
No. 445026
>>445015Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s just more AGP. If they were a transbian a lot of them end up wanting to fuck a man because they want to experience sex in a female body and because they think a straight guy being into them validates their identity further, it’s part of a fetish to be as able to pass by getting some tall and muscular bf who will treat them like a ~princess~. The gay men who become trannies might shift from identifying as a “straight woman” to a bi one because straight women are “boring” while bi women are more “interesting”.
I suppose there is also the chance that these men were always bi but didn’t identify as such when they were male presenting because there’s a stigma against being a bi man.
No. 445080
>>444872I'm not surprised, really–think how many men's heterosexuality is based on makeup, hairlessness, giant tits and ass on a teensy stomach, and a bunch of other shit no one comes with naturally. They're attracted to an idea. If someone born with a dick can embody it, they'll go for it. Women don't matter to guys like this as people with lives, minds, experiences, and viewpoints, just as fuckdolls. If a man looks fuckdollish enough, they'll fuck him. Woman=sexy hole for them.
No. 445095
>>445084I was laughing with a friend when I watched it. I just went back to find the point I heard and can't find it. I must've been mistaken. It sounded like Blaire saying "I'm bi and wouldn't date you"
I'll watch it again tomorrow with more sleep. Sorry all ?
>>445034>>445026>>445019 No. 445116
>>445100So basically sexist? A woman isn't considered an actual woman unless a man lusts after her? I honestly do hate AGPs for whatever they try to push. Especially the whole gender affirming care shit, like I know tons of men who go get facials and waxes, both gay and straight, the most masculine and feminine.
What's considered gender affirming to a TiF?
No. 445129
>>445122oh SHIT
If KF weren't getting DDoS'd into hell I imagine they'd be blowing up right now.
No. 445137
>>444408I missed this but feel like I need to quote because…
Holy shit. Anon, what they were doing was 10000% sexually
abusive, full-stop.
It doesn't matter if they didn't directly touch or fondle you. There were adults present, and they were facilitating the exposing of actual minor children to sexual fetishes/ fetish material. If there was any pornography involved, that is ILLEGAL AS FUCK in many jurisdictions.
Exposing children to sexual material is EXACTLY how pedophiles will test the waters with children before sexually assaulting them. I was groomed in this way as a kid and I ended up being abused by people I thought I could trust. They did the SAME THING- exposing me to pornography and fetishes before I even had a healthy understanding of normal sexual relationships, and then sexually abused me further. I had not even held another person's hand or had my first kiss and I was being exposed to extreme fetishes like whipping, bondage, humiliation…the list goes on.
I am a grown-ass woman and under no circumstance, ever, would I think it would be appropriate for me to approach this topic with a minor child. ESPECIALLY if they were put in my care (the case of the camp you were in) and they were away from their parents- holy fucking shit.
Please anon, I hope you stick around this thread and are open to talk more about this. I 100% understand and respect if you do not feel comfortable continuing. But this is not the first time that these "LGBTQ" camps/ programs for kids have been talked about in the vain of doing shady shit like what you've described. Because I guarantee you, like no joke, if someone is exposing children to sexual material or fetishes knowingly, they are either going to, or have already sexually assaulted a child. Normal, well-adjusted people do not do this stuff to kids, period.
No. 445147
>>444911Yeah, I've been called a tranny to my face. I'm a six foot tall lesbian and I'm pretty androgynous, so terfs/gcs are quick to assume I'm MTF if I disagree with them or ask them not to interact with me. Straight women have been telling me I'm "basically a man" since I was a teenager but now that tranny panic is all the rage I get called that instead.
I've also been the
victim of 'corrective rape' from men who call themselves nonbinary. And I've been called a privileged bigot by trans women for saying I'd rather die than wear makeup.
There's really no place for me on either side of this culture war and I'm tired of it all.
No. 445168
>>445129>>445122The KF thread on the raid was at 11 pages before the site went down again.
Otherwise we're discussing it in Yaniv's thread in /pt/.
No. 445200
>>443284Socialist countries had very good principles about raising boys and girls equally. SU was the first to centre highly available, good quality child care in society to "liberate the mother from the home" etc. They got a lot of labour and science mileage out of being the first to integrate women into becoming scientists, doctors and engineers en masse.
Much better than the conditions for women in the same countries today where the best career you can reasonably hope for is being a high class prostitute in Berlin. The fall of socialism was the percursor to prostitution decrim and gendershit.
No. 445308
>>445303i've seen it mentioned plenty times on here that it's fairly common for people on the spectrum to identify as transgender, but i can't pinpoint exactly why nor do i have citations for that claim.
but i'd noticed it too during my tumblr days: almost half of my followers and mutuals were autistic, and 110% of them were transgender.
No. 445360
>>445137I'm still here I use the site pretty regularly.
I wasn't at the specific workshop so I don't have details on that. I know they went into safewords and the meaning of the BDSM. I heard about it from another camper second hand.
This was about 9 years ago. The program is in the US and still running (under new management but I have no clue what camp is like now there are very few details on the site except they have a trans specific week of camp now.) It's called Camp Ten Trees. I was at the teen session where the youngest age was 11 or 12.
You mentioned this isn't the first time these programs have been called out I haven't found any negative press but It would be cool to find other people who've come forward about other programs like it and if anyone has any resources.
I also just found this article by a camper I was at camp with that mentions the BDSM workshop (briefly) and without a hint of discomfort and I still want to cry lmao No. 445415
>>445382ever notice how it's always women who don't agree with trans stuff who get the most violent threats
i've literally never heard anyone go off on transphobic men with the same vitriol
but if a lesbian says she doesn't like trans women she's Literally Killing Trans People
No. 445457
>>445451They reject the "chad" stereotype of masculinity, they're the nerds and outcasts and think finding an entirely new persona while fetishizing themselves will solve their problems.
>>445200>Much better than the conditions for women in the same countries today where the best career you can reasonably hope for is being a high class prostitute in Berlin.Bullshit.
Anon says her mom is from former Yugoslavia, as an anon from that area we have a high amount of women in stem and financial positions. But we are experiencing a huge brain drain and emigration due to scummy politics, there are multiple programs now and funds to keep the youth interested in staying. The prostitution stereotypes come from poor girls being trafficked and I know there was drama in Belgrade about selling children decades ago.
No. 445462
>>445200chiming in as a fellow eastern europoor, while I do agree with the 1st half of your post, at least in my corner of the area (baltics), women are still quite prevalent in those fields, and I'm agreeing with
>>445457 and calling bs on the later half of your post. I think my country specifically even had the highest percentage of women in leadership positions and smallest pay gap in europe. like yeah, we are still economically fucked and globally insignificant but at least equally so with men kek
cannot belive it has come to me defending my homeland jfc No. 445465
File: 1565217257910.png (903.16 KB, 1080x753, Screenshot_20190807-173421(1).…)

Holy shit
No. 445514
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It's incredible how much trannies hate women.
No. 445525
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then perish.jpeg
No. 445613
>>445550 said. Terf is a meaningless slur, don't apply it to yourself.
No. 445615
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It’s progressive for men to hit women
No. 445618
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>It's not a fetish, you guys!
No. 445619
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No. 445647
>>445641The Greeks didn't think of the penis as shameful, they believed having a smaller penis made you more rational as they become "irrational" when they had erections aka large penises. They smaller saw penises as signs of sexual prowess.
The Romans had very positive views of large penises. There are approximately 120 recorded Latin terms and metaphors for the penis, with the largest category treating the male member as an instrument of aggression or a weapon as rape was used often by the Romans during war. The Romans drew penises over everything and they even had penis amulets as jewellery. However, their artwork was influenced by the Greek ideal, so they drew small dicks even if they thought big dicks were better.
>>445645David is Renaissance artwork made to mimic that of classical statue, by that time having a large dick was seen as a good thing so even Michelangelo actually did not know why he was supposed to give David such a small penis but it was already the standard so he just went with it.
No. 445679
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So are the old bland regular homos and lesbos just not even part of the rainbow anymore or wtf
No. 445699
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>>445390Try to tell him about troons in women's sports. Does he find it acceptable that men with male physiology etc. compete with women and win?
Tell him about how harmful puberty blockers are to kids. Tell him how women are being silenced when they disagree with TRA's views. Does he find it to be right and normal? And try to be calm as possible and smash him with your knowledge of these topics. I don' know how deep your bf is in this whole ideology, maybe just gentle nudging to "right" side will help. My ex didn't believe anything I told him, even though I had exact data and what else behind me. Hopefully you're luckier than me.
No. 445719
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These Picrew creators make it too easy to make these, kek.
No. 445723
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>>445719I tried making that white guy who’s LARPing as a Muslim woman now
No. 445747
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>>445719>>445723never mind the subject matter, the ms paint art in these tumblr-y lgbt uwuw~ picrews is almost always eye bleedingly ugly. Here's one from a Japanese artist for comparison.
No. 445749
>>445147I'm so sorry, anon. It's so shitty other women treat you that and jfc that's homophobic that they said you're "basically a man." There's so many predatory creeps just trying to rape women whether or not they're into men.
Trans people literally act like children. There's no need for women to have to wear make up.
No. 445871
File: 1565307772299.png (993.03 KB, 750x1334, 25311B5F-D0F2-47A8-B84D-C9E645…)

My ex who couldn’t keep his dick hard during sex and always brought up gay men slept with this scary troon in the middle of the photo after we broke up. Makes perfect sense now.
No. 445875
>>445871… You do realize this is specific enough to easily find out who you are and out you if anyone connected to this person or your ex saw this? I would delete it if I were you.
Also, extremely fucked up to post some rando tranny just minding their own business here just for fucking your ex.
No. 445920
>>445915It's fucking bullshit.
These man talk about getting "pretty" vaginas and all this other bullshit, but we shouldn't talk about how ridiculous they look over all?
No. 445960
>>445882I agree with this, and ngl if I were a TRA troll trying to make GCers look bad,
>>445871 is exactly the kind of post I’d make.
>See, terves are just petty women who feel threatened that we’ll steal their menfolk!Sorry about your ex’s bad taste anon, but ugly TIMs sleeping with gay men is the least of our problems.
No. 445962
>>445544I was once their ally. I supported them, marched for them and stood up for them whenever it was needed. Then I realized just how much sexualization of children was part of their "culture" and how often instances of children being exposed to predators and sexual situations happened around them.
And to top it all off I had a tranny tell me "You don't know how to be a real woman.You don't know how much we struggle, we deserve to call ourselves woman more then you do because we had to fight for our femininity and weren't born privileged". That was pure kek for me, tho.
No. 445972
>>445965I’m ashamed to admit that back in my handmaid days I very briefly parroted the “trans women are the womanliest women because they have to work for it” spiel, not because I believed it, but out of pity. I genuinely believed TIMs were super oppressed and felt sorry for them, so because I was raised to always be nice and put others’ (especially mens’) feelings before my own I figured I should throw them a bone to make them feel a little better. It wasn’t until I actually
met a few TIMs and saw how
abusive and narcissistic they were that the Most Oppressed Minority delusion crumbled and I could slowly start to admit to myself how full of shit the entire movement is.
This was a few years before Bruce Jenner transitioned, when practically all TIMs in the media were HSTS and the crazier TRAs were still mostly confined to tumblr. Nowadays I don’t know how anyone could still believe TIMs are harmless shrinking violets who “just want to pee” unless they actively keep their head in the sand. Even on pro-trans websites they’re constantly showing how entitled they are and how much they hate women.
No. 445981
>>445962I was always critical of transgenderism though I remained supportive but I peak transed after I heard "AFAB privilege" because how is anybody privileged for being born female? It sounds just like the MRA version of "female privilege". Now in retrospect it's obvious why they sounded just like MRAs in "woke" form but at that time I was a brainwashed into thinking trans women weren't men. Although I didn't think they were completely women either, but like some sort of off-brand women.
I also never understood "cis privilege" because you're implying that women are privileged for being women, or "transmisogny" because it means that men in dresses are oppressed by women and that TiFs had equal power to men.
Honestly, "transmisogyny" was the biggest scam that modern feminism fell for. Now you have these men colonizing womanhood, dictating what feminism should be, and labelling women as their oppressors while the very reason misogyny exists - the control and hatred of female biology - is obscured.
A lot of people are wary of male feminists for their manipulative tactics and even libfems know this. Male feminists who "identify" as women are the exact same thing yet they get as pass because they might like nail polish. It's absolutely ridiculous.
No. 446036
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Boy, they just love to sue women who feel unsafe.
No. 446037
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No. 446047
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No. 446048
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>>445982Looked it up and found the post that invented the term. Thought it was interesting that the girl who coined this, spill-the-gender-tea on Tumblr, is a self-described transmed.
"Your Sexuality/Gender Is not a Personality.
Gay Trans man | TransMedicalist | Male Positivity | 20 | White | Centrist
| Anti-Mogai | Equalist | I Try to be Respectful, as much as I can. | nb neutral | Im an Artist | [This is my personal discourse blog, so keep the discourse here please. thanks💕 ]"
No. 446057
>>446036The details in this one are disturbing AF, even worse than the ball waxing. He had been exhibiting red flag stalkerish behavior toward this woman and eventually came to her work. She was the only employee and didn't feel safe being alone in a room with him, so she asked him to leave. She didn't even know he identified as trans.
These men simply don't think women should be allowed to have any boundaries with them.
No. 446158
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>>446047Isn't that jamjars who used to be huge on tumblr for his looks in the early 2010s? I was shocked when I found out what'd he done. Another one I was also really surprised by was blyth33s who was well-known on twitter during the same time period, I remember him as somewhat GNC gay guy. I wonder who else and why?
No. 446161
>>445749Thank you, you cheered me up.
I had my "peak trans" moment a while before the last midterm elections - a trans man made a post about how the republican agenda is to overturn Roe v Wade and women will die as a result, so please vote democrat, and some MTF replied with "uhhh what have cis women ever done for ME?". And then the trans man was accused of "speaking over women"… it was beyond parody.
No. 446162
>>446047this is jamjars right? this is so weird, slightly ot but i remember back in the day in my "non binary" phase he was my ultimate goal of what i wanted to look like, i grew out of wanting to look like a guy but i'm pretty shocked seeing this tbh
>>446158cwissi is another one i remember but iirc he was pretty blatantly a femboy/trap from the beginning so him being a tranny now is less shocking. tumblr is such a shitty place for gnc gay boys, say what you will about a lot of male beauty/fashion youtube and instagram influencers but at least most (not all) of them are secure being male and don't immediately pump themselves full of hormones just because they're gay and enjoy presenting feminine. another benefit of tumblr being a dying website.
No. 446165
>>445882Hard agree
I don't wish harm on trans people tbh (except those retarded ones) and i know there are some that pass well and just wanna live their life and are actually embarassed by the tards we quote on this thread.
As long as they don't force me to date them and screech transphobia when i don't and accept they're not the same as bio women i'm cool with it honestly i even got one as a friend and we are cool
No. 446169
>>445147Hey anon,bless you. You're probably mad pretty,i love tall girls they're awesome! And i'm sorry you get all that hate. You deserve to feel good about yourself and not wearing makeup is fine they're fucking dumb for saying you need to,what the hell. Don't listen to them aight?
(sorry for doubleposting)
No. 446177
>>446062I was supportive of trans rights but I was never really able to understand it. The theory I read constantly had me questioning how it was applicable to real life and much of it felt like it was written by those who had a high degree of privilege within society already. It disagrees on female biology being the root cause of female oppression, rather it posits that women are oppressed for acting feminine and that was complete bullshit to me.
My feminism focuses primarily on women of colour, especially in the global south. So I suppose since I already had a background in engagement with feminist activism and radical theory before trans activism started to go around I was more immune to getting propagandised into it.
No. 446200
>>446165News flash!
They’re all retarded, including you and your troon “friend”
No. 446213
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I really feel for this girl, troons complain every other group treats them bad but look how scared people in their own community are.
No. 446218
>>446213The thing about a lot of these tumblr type genderqueers is they're all bark and no bite. Come face to face with an actual detrans, they're gonna shut up and go OMG SO
VALID OwO. Can't say the same for the AGPs though, violent.
No. 446233
File: 1565402213795.png (50.93 KB, 534x258, EVERYTHING IS TRANSPHOBIC.png)

Troons continue to prove they are victim playing trash.
No. 446242
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Women of color yes but what the fuck have trans and twoc ever done for women apart from turn feminism into a joke and harass us
No. 446283
>>446094that incident is what initially made me start doubting TRA rhetoric. I knew she was right, but I thought she was being mean and that's why people were upset with her. So much of the acceptance of this shit is how women are socialized to be ~nice and to not hurt people's feelings.
No. 446294
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I fucking hate the BBC
No. 446301
>>446062Was a rabid TRA when it was limited to Tumblr and somethingawful and not picked up by the mainstream, until like 50 transbians in a year were outed as rapists of teenagers and "afabs"
and until I had contact with pomo transbians like queernuck on tumblr. Goddammit. He is just a fucking normal dude with a big old beard who loves baseball yet spends all this time obsessing about how he's really a lesbian and experiencing "rage" when his lesbian identity isn't validated by the world.
No. 446303
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>>446298It happened because of their gender identity, not their sex
No. 446308
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>>446303Lmao yeah gender is the reason why FGM is practiced. Not because females bodies are considered impure but because girls like the color pink.
No. 446319
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>>446317Yes. I hate him so fucking much though I haven't thought about those days in a long time. I looked up his Tumblr and he's still the same as he ever was except now he's addicted to cocaine.
No. 446333
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This is gross but
>which validates their feelings
is making me laugh
No. 446335
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Fuck those insensitive TEHMs
No. 446342
>>446335Lmao why did he ask her to stay over if he was having a three way? This doesn't add up. I think this is at least partially fabricated.
Anyway, what she's ostensibly saying is "they didn't flirt with me, and then they didn't invite me to join their threesome!1!1!" Fuckin' entitled ass.
Bit off-topic, but I feel kind of bad for the handful of young gay guys out there whose lives don't revolve around sex. This guy I go to college with was lamenting to me not long ago that he's had a really hard time finding another gay or bisexual guy who actually wants a long-term relationship.
Kind of goes to show you what happens when a community is populated entirely by men. This is all the more reason why TiFs don't belong there. Even the "butch"-est of TiFs still place less value on sex than most natal men do.
No. 446357
>>446335>I, a straight woman who doesn't pass as a guy, went to a gay male party and was hurt that they felt uncomfortable with me!!! Shocker.
>>446346>>446353This. It's actually really sad. Like other anons said, gay men don't put up with women trying to guilt them into fucking them, so TiFs just take it in and make a vent post on reddit at most while still being apologetic and ashamed. I wish it worked the other way around but the "more woman than cis women" trannies sure excel at working that aggressive, entitled male socialization.
No. 446373
>>446335How dare those homosexual men who are clearly interested only in male anatomy and male genitals and who fought for their right to not be subject to painful conversion therapy to make them accept that their sexuality is a choice and learn to like vaginas refuse to have intercourse with my very obviously female form and genitals.
Are the blind to the homophobia they exclude from even fiber of their being? No wonder more and more "cis" lesbian and gays are turning their backs on them.
No. 446405
>>446384According to the current narrative, TIMs never had male privilege because privilege/oppression is based on gender identity (>>446303) and all TIMs have had a female gender identity from birth. If they were in the closet long enough to acquire wealth and power as men then that just makes them
doubly oppressed because they had to repress their true gender identity to do so. This is apparently worse than being born female and never getting that chance at all because something something cis privilege.
No. 446407
>>446398kek I'm senile, it was posted in this thread and I've just spent 30 minutes looking at GC #18 and #17 thinking it was months ago. Absolutely worth rereading while I make my Dignitas appointment.
>>441813 >>441994
No. 446481
File: 1565450954961.jpg (12.86 KB, 480x360, pogs.jpg)

>>446445Remember anti-feminist cross dressing man? He's back. In woke form.
No. 446518
>>446414The worst is his breadtube circle spreading his shit, I was watching that Lindsey Ellis video on war of the worlds (yes she's a lolcow I know) and she mentions MOUTHFEEL with a hontra clip.
No thank you, I don't want to ever hear that troon word in my life.
No. 446680
>>446679Yeah, and also tons of rich white men larping as women, read what
>>446677 mentioned
No. 446695
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>>446667Also look up Susie Green and her organisation Mermaids and its association with the Tavistock gender clinic in the UK. She has manipulated herself into a position of power such that she has influence over the training of police forces re. offenses against transgenders.
No. 446725
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I didn’t know that Cox and his very heterosexual boyfriend broke up. What a shame they looked so great together lol
No. 446748
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No. 446750
>>446735"the gender delusion" by cordelia fine addresses this directly.
an earlier book from 1992 but "the mismeasure of woman" is also very good.
No. 446754
>>446730they may pass in pictures but they almost certainly won't pass irl. but in general even the cia says you can disguise a woman to look like a man but not the other way around. if you look though you can see pretty easily the female face there. it's that the beard and eyebrows immediately scream masculine to our brains, but the facial structure itself is still more delicate, the jaw is small, etc
irl the height, tiny shoulders, hips, voice, mannerisms, hands, wrists, lack of bulge, will all add up in people's minds probably subconsciously and will prevent her from passing
No. 446762
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There's two trannies in a gaming Discord server I belong to that annoy me so bad. One is always sperging out about anime and how important sexy waifus are as female rolemodels. He also insists on fairy-themed pronouns.
The other is just a fuggo who insists on using a RL picture of himself and it's super distracting everytime he butts into a conversation.
No. 446777
>>446768The absolute most generous estimates actually say that 0.6% of Americans are trans, not 1%. There are 327 million Americans, 1.4 of whom are """trans""". That's 0.4% of Americans, not 0.6.
The rate of trans people is even lower in most other countries
In otherwords, there are 4 trannies for every thousand normal people, not 1 for every hundred. Also, trannies tend to cluster in liberal areas. It's entirely likely that there are people who have never met one or even passed one on the street.
No. 446785
>>446768stop being delusional troon
No. 446791
>>446788For every somewhat passing tranny I see on the internet, I see at least 50 that don't look even remotely like their "chosen identity". And even then, the ones that ""pass"" are usually HSTS instathots that abuse Facetune and shoop in their pictures but walk and sound like men in videos.
The only truly passing troons I've seen are asian, because asian men tend to be more feminine and petite to begin with.
No. 446802
>>446791Only cause youre not used to the race. Asian TIMs are clockable to me too.
Also women are either more petite and thin or curvy and thicc, which one is it?
No. 446803

>>446728Laith Ashley is a great example of well-passing, handsome and very likable trans man. However, like many have said, no matter handsome they are or how good their top surgery is, there’s always something off about their proportions when they’re next to a biological male, and there’s a familiar aura they give off. There’s also the softer eyes, smaller hands or feet, smaller skull, narrower jaw and less brow protrusion. At least visually, FTM are much more pleasant to look at, even when they look like dorky 15 year old boys at 30. Non-passing ones just give a pitiful vibe rather than one danger. Totally opposite of non-passing MTF.
>>446768When we’re just going about our daily lives and passing by random people, that’s true. I personally don’t focus long enough on strangers anyway and there are so many fugly people out there already so of course, trans people of average build who actually make efforts to pass won’t get noticed right away. But if you have the chance to be up close and talk with them, like at school or work, you notice the differences. Like in the video anon linked here
>>445685 Even with the sound off and what looks like many years of hrt and good hygiene, the contrast between the males and females is glaringly obvious.
I mean, I find the contestants of the Miss Tiffany’s pageant very beautiful, but in a way males can be beautiful. I don’t see them as passing 100% female. The early transitioners don’t look like men to me at all but instead feminized young boys rather than the bodies of girls who grew into women. Thai celebrity Rinrada Thurapan is extremely cute but still resembles a male. It’s not just ugly, tumblr trans who are clockable.
No. 446842
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>>446809>a handsome “man” and pulling down his pants to find a vulvaYou'd likely know before then because most trannies have to make their transness known. Just look at this person's username: >transgenderer
Their whole life and identity revolves around being a "trans man/woman" and not just presenting as a man or woman. I get there are activists, but it shouldn't be every fucking trans person I meet; they're especially preachy and not very intelligent. Snapshot of Insta related. "Cis passing privilege." It's not a privilege to be harassed by liberals in supposedly safe queer spaces because they assume you're a cis man. You're not privileged for making an effort to present as the gender you want to pass as, just because most troons look like meth dealers. The amount of shame and guilt this person has is insane.
No. 446875
>>446855I think she's a transmedicalist? She's friends with a bunch of 20ish year olds truscum kids and seems to believe in ~tru trans shit.
She made this video reacting to a Pique Resilience Project video with Storm Ryan (a ~gay trans man) and it's funny watching her patronize the girls in the video and act as if the person next to her is somehow distinct from them.
No. 446933
>>446855I thought she was ok but this video makes me think shes a dumb as the troons shes against.
"I have slight issues with my hormones so I'm not fully female" bitch whut.
No. 446989
>>446981I particularly enjoy how they argue their points as if it is some new, interesting take which hasn't already been discussed and illuminated by GC feminists and other critics and researchers of transgenderism. Like this for example:
>I'm not sure if it's relevant, but from what I remember up to 70% of transwomen are still primarily attracted to women. That could be false, but if that was a True Fact(tm) it may also be the case that transgender women specifically like the physical traits of women as straight men, and fail to differentiate this from valuing being a woman.He has just discovered the concept of autogynephilia.
No. 447001
>>446988The flat earth tier pseudoscience always makes me want to roll my eyes out of my skull, and they constantly conflate sex and gender.
>I don't remember anybody here saying transgenderism was invalid. In fact, everybody is affirming gender roles and traits associate with gender manifest historically, aren't essential to sex, and so transwomen aren't invalid in indentifying as women. The question is what the mechanism is for identifying as a woman if the category of "female" has no content beyond its social context. The mental gymnastics they have to do to still rationalize transgenderism is ridiculous. How does recognizing that gender roles are not essential to sex logically follow that female as a sex class has no meaning outside of social contexts. Like wtf? A sexually functioning male and a female is to fundamental to reproduction. Biological reality doesn't become null and void once gender roles are take out of the equation.
No. 447009
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Look out grandma! The freak you’re housing and driving around is deathly jealous of you!
No. 447032
>>447025in the case of ftm, i think a lot of them have severe body dysmorphia.
I've known a few, all of which were very overweight and didn't take care of themselves.
No. 447108
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That is one impressive ratio.
No. 447112
>>447042There are differences between male and female brains - size for example - but cognitively there isn't a statistically significant difference, because the differences between two people of the same sex can be greater than or equal to the difference between sexes. Basically, there's just huge amounts of overlap. Various scientists have been trying to prove that there are differences for decades (starting from the "Here's why lady brains are inferior" idea way back when) and it hasn't panned out to much of anything in large scale studies.
The fact that we're somehow back to lady brains is mind boggling.
No. 447118
>>447108I’m real late to the party, does this bloke really mean he buys and carries around tampons for; and can’t go swimming because of an imaginary menstrual period?
Do troons really try and pretend they get periods?
No. 447121
>>447120wow there’s just no end to their filth, is there?
I just thought maybe he needs them for the uh..pit where genitals used to be, but it’s so much worse.
No. 447124
>>447121Oh, in his case, his dick and balls are still in tact. We all know this because he made it his life goal to sue working class women who run waxing salons, because those women won't wax his balls. That dud is insane, if you haven't read up on him, check the past threads, or the thread on /pt/.
But yeah, there are TIMs with neo-vaginas who will shove tampons up there, or will wear pads. A number of them often think the cramps they get (from you know, taking crazy hormones, or just plain old constipation) is "period cramps".
No. 447125
>>447124I’m morbidly curious but also pretty sure this will be one nauseating rabbit hole.
I’m guessing his freak outs over his Brazilian waxed nuts is the least of his drama?
The thing I really wonder tho, is how perverted must they have been before getting on hormones that should stop their dick from working. Like, they had nothing going on in their heads other than what gets them off.
No. 447126
>>447125Yeah, he's been outed as a pedo too. He has a bunch of weirdass texts talking about ten year old girls needing tampons and should he help them insert them. Real fucked up shit.
From everything I've seen in these threads, and just lurking online, pretty damn perverted. A lot of them have autism and are obsessed with anime too. It's like an escalation of their fetishes taken into a delusion.
No. 447127
>>447126It took two minutes to read enough about him to feel sick.
All those questions about changing rooms and creepily wondering about ten year old girls having pads or asking him for one. Pedophiles just put on a dress and think it’s okay to prey on children in locker rooms.. unbelievable.
No. 447129
>>447128How could anyone function thinking about sex that often?
You couldn’t write a grocery list without being distracted fifteen times.
No. 447199
>>447042Male and Female brains aren't different, but male and female hormones make you react to different things differently. Testosterone and estrogen control gendered behavior and that's why the differences between female and male children often come to surface in puberty, before that they can be damn near identical. Most of the gendered behavior is definitely social, but hormones play their part too. That's why chemical castration is a thing for sexual offenders in some countries, to take away the testosterone related sexual aggression.
>>447108This fucking degenerate goblin legitimately makes me want to throw up with everything he says.
>>447222Hontra has a habit of this kind of thing.
When no one's around to argue with him, he gives obviously dishonest, ridiculous anecdotes in a cheap bid to make everyone who disagrees with him look dumb.
Like, in that video where he styles a wig with a drag queen, he claimed that a woman who told him BDSM is fucked up also said exercising and eating spicy food are just as bad. Sounds legit.
No. 447281
>>447230It piggybacked on the LGBT movement, which made impressive strides in the last 20 years and rebranded itself.
>>447236 This is a bit true as well. A lot of detransitioned people will claim Tumblr as their gateway to it. Also, this
>>447242 No. 447283
>>447230>>447242This has been posted before but it's an extremely good resource for anyone who has not read it already. It explains some of the massive money sources and corrupt motives behind the movement.
"Inauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science." No. 447336
File: 1565630524028.png (27.87 KB, 525x346, ocd.png)

So after you come out as trans, but you keep constantly doubting that decision, and both your mind AND body keep reminding you of what your actual biological sex is? THAT'S mental illness and should be treated ASAP! You wouldn't want to be a boring ol' straightie now would you?
No. 447339
File: 1565630979379.jpg (687.17 KB, 1920x1080, creep.jpg)

I signed up for meetup last month to try and find lesbian groups. This morning I get a notification about a new group and just from reading the description I knew it was bad news so I do research on the group founder. Lo and behold it's yet another TiM obsessed with raping lesbians, writes erotica about it, and also dresses his dog in kink clothing. I'm disgusted but sadly not even surprised the mods would approve a group made by a man like this.
No. 447362
>>447358Don't be edgy, you're gonna get ((banned))
>>447352I have OCD, and I'm wondering if that's why I keep considering whether or not I'm trans. I mean, I know I'm not because I'd never transition (current techniques are barbaric), it's really rare and I doubt I'm in the .6%, and I have other forms of body dysphoria like anorexia that probably all play their part. Still, I don't know how to get rid of these thoughts. If I tell my therapist, she'll probably think I'm actually trans. I read a story of a de-transitioner who really just struggled with OCD but was pressured into gender therapy and eventually surgery. It's hard to know who to trust.
No. 447365
>>447327What happened with transbians is that the goons from somethingawful started to trans themselves first. It goes back to like 2003-4 on SA, that was where the marriage of AGP, far-leftism and anime came together, and a lot of their notable posters were transitioning by the end of the decade. This is why they're called troons. In 2011 SA's contingent of transbians started to join tumblr and get really popular with their goon humour (a la dril) and extremism because tumblr became much more fandom and politics orientated than what it was before, so they fit in perfectly with that. They shoved their weight around a lot (even though some of them were exposed as rapists)
The aidens also came about through fandom and I think they somewhat predated the troons
No. 447392
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>>447230Sorry to be Charlie but if you look at labour rights and women's rights everything's getting eroded by this huge reactionary wave, we're in the neoliberal era, which transshit is clearly part of.
Billionaires fucking love trans stuff because it ties into the ultimate eugenicist and transhumanist Silicon Valley fantasies. Austerity and transshit came hand in hand.
And it makes a lot of bad press for public health services like, "your hard-earned taxes are going to go towards a 40 year old man's facial feminisation surgery!" which is great too. Nothing quite like coopting medicine, and when that obviously gets the bad "experimenting on children with ass cancer drugs" press it was obviously going to get from the start, you've succeeded in getting the masses to turn against each other and against science and healthcare.
No. 447400
>>447394First of all, what do you mean by "during their developmental years"? Are you talking about if a MTF starts identifying as a woman from young age and is treated as such? If so, then it's unethical to start messing with the child's developmental stages by buying into their delusions of gender dysphoria instead of looking into the root cause which could be autism, OCD, sexual abuse, all sorts of things that gender dysphoria is a symptom of. If that trauma is left untreated and only the symptom of gender dysphoria is treated by surgeries, socialization and hormones, any sane person will know that it's only going to make things worse.
>it cant just be about protecting women, because ive seen countless posts bashing cis women for looking trans for having strong jawlines or a long face among other thingsThis has literally nothing to do with anything. Catty bitches making fun of masculine features in women has nothing to do with troons invading female spaces. I don't really even know what you meant by this.
No. 447411
>>447394From my point of view, if being a woman revolves around how you personally "identify" and how well you may perform so you can be perceived as such, then women who actually face problems like FGM from childhood and other fucked up shit directly linked to their physicality become the ones at fault for not just identifying as male.
Once you make womanhood into a matter of how well you perform symbols, or something as subject to change as what you
feel like instead of just a biological existence, you invalidate all the stipulations of that biological aspect. Not in the cool way we'd all like (which would be making these things disappear so we can all be okay), but in the "No, this isn't
valid as a women's issue because I'm a woman (who was born with a dick and had to deliberately undergo surgery and hormones to be considered as one tyvm) and this never happened to me!" or "Oh, your personality and tastes don't fit this particular mold of womanhood? It just sounds like you might be a guy or non-binary to me, not a
real woman".
If the former happens, we're going to be treading on dangerous waters of invalidating women's issues because we've removed the "women's" part and decided they must come from a (possibly privileged), general "people". Already, some groups are claiming "trans men have male privilege".
There's just no excuse. This hurts women.
>it cant just be about protecting women, because ive seen countless posts bashing cis women for looking trans for having strong jawlines or a long face among other thingsNot everyone on Lolcow is the exact same person. Regardless, /lgbt/ and other trans-friendly spaces are full of trans people and allies who shit on "cis" women way harder than anyone here does. Following your logic, why would those of us who believe in protecting women ever want to ally with such a group? They think it's okay to physically attack, kill and force women into prostitution for being "TERFs", lmao. I'd rather stay with the women, even if there's an insane few who might make fun of my ankles for being too pointy or whatever the fuck.
No. 447412
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>>447394>if someone genuinely identifies as another gender and experiences the qualms of being perceived as a woman in a misogynistic culture, especially during their developmental years, then whats the point of excluding them?Biology. (XX) Females at birth are the target of (XY) male aggression, especially of heterosexual males. Men are predisposed to violence due to hormones, and using their biological physical strength to overpower generally weaker women. Previous societies are built on rape, slavery, or general subjugation of women in order to have access to their wombs for reproduction, societal building, and territory gaining. The hatred and need to control still exists in the back of the male mind, hence the way our society is still structured around female beauty (objectification for control and reproduction) and we see so many incels shooting places up when they can't get a girl. It's about status. That's why even homosexual males are often mysoginistic, because they also have a similar wiring to want to be accepted by the group. Most trans people, especially MtF are fetishists who hate biological women for being desirable by males, and want to emulate that attention by becoming caricatures of what heterosexual males deem attractive. There's a reason why trannies go to Thailand for small neovaginas instead of "roasties," why they choose long wigs, and giant plastic tits every time, despite the fact women can be flat and have short hair. It's never about being a woman, and even if they were respectful and genuine in their transition, they'll never experience the same fear women do, based on physical strength due to biological differences.
No. 447414
>>447412Now that you've mentioned chromosomes, watch that anon try to use intersex people as a "gotcha".
Expect that and maybe a "Not all men, this is incredibly misandrist and fucked up wtf" thrown in. Every time.
No. 447478
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God, why are they all like this
No. 447492
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trans 'women' are incels who've somehow gamed the system enough to not only become their manic pixie dream waifu (>>447481) but into holding power over cucked leftie males and handmaidens and nothing can be said or done to convince me otherwise
dont ever give into incel games or they grow even more anime-desu before our very eyes
No. 447497
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>>447494You are being far too generous anon lol.
No. 447503
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>>447497i think this from before he had plastic surgery? The OP pic from his /snow/ thread is post op and he doesn't look any less masculine, he just looks less like a human.
No. 447510
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No. 447530
>>447493just more incel shit to abuse women under the guise of lesbianism kink!
i hope one day when all incels recieve their well deserved bullet for their rampant misogyny, pedophilia & abusiveness, these trans 'women' get put first in line as 'women first' policies are their goal
No. 447531
>>446748Lmao these troons. "My bf is straight but he sucks my dick" honey if he sucks dick he's not cishet.
>lesbians don't like dickWow no shit?
No. 447539
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I saw this article headline about a shortage of HRT drugs for menopausal women in the UK and I tought to myself, half in jest "I'm sure troons are probably using up a lot of the drugs meant for women". Lo and behold. No. 447657
>>441831>>447365>>447327>>447236>tumblr starts off as hipster junk but gets a migration of aspie girls from devianart and livejournal >they sperg about fanfiction, share “quirky” girl humor, and get off to the Onceler but are otherwise harmless >pretty much no trannies, mtf or snowflake, and other races besides white fade into the background and blend in >becomes on of the few majorly female “nerd” places on the internet >because of female majority they feel compelled to fall for the guilt tripping “awareness” posts that appear, mostly involving animal cruelty and “I’m not gay but I don’t care if you are!” shit>at the same time given the female majority feminism starts to creep its way in but it’s a mild version along the lines of “I don’t like that the guys at my high school laugh at me for doing etc. girl thing” rather than “all women are oppressed”>this builds and get more excessive over time >eventually at some point race politics and the idea of cultural appropriation gets a foothold >it becomes cool to be “lgbt” and all of the girls on there wanting to feel special start adopting shit like asexual, demisexual, etc>mtf trannies realize that the site is full of tranny bootlickers so they join to reap the benefits >Same with blacks who weren’t there before realizing they will cave to anything if they call them racist >by this point nearly all the girls there have been brainwashed by leftist politics to go along with anything they are told with the liberal tinted lens >the extreme fujoshi realize they can become their yaoi boy fantasies by becoming gender species or even full on ftm and follow in the mtf footsteps>after years of this building the site has become an extreme leftist hub where everyone is some lgbticup identity and if you don’t toe the line perfectly and cave to the black, trans, various oppressed group superiors you risk being harassed, chased off, or doxxed No. 447677
>>447657Can confirm, used to be a hipster/deviantart poster. Although I used to use it to post thinspo related crap (yikes). Tumblr was really fun in its early days; I miss it. It was never really political, like you said, aside from the occasional missing person signal boost or "It's okay to be gay." I honestly don't know what happened. It all happened too fast.
Sage for OT; I really wanted to reply. I miss Tumblr. It was all I had to cope growing up with an
abusive father who would never let me have friends let alone leave the house. It was my only connection to the outside world, and it was through that, the only way I figured out my environment was fucked up and knew I had to get out instead of planning my suicide. That site used to be a godsend for the friendless.
No. 447695
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How are they not men's rights activists?
No. 447704
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No. 447707
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>>447699They're a whackjob.
No. 447710
>>447707>women are oppressed, not "females">people with vaginas are not a coherent oppressed classExactly what I was saying here
>>447411. Seriously, fuck these people.
No. 447723
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No. 447725
>>447723It's good that he's not enough of a narc to troon out and fuck up his son's life.
On the other hand, why won't he just date bisexual or straight girls? He is male. Lesbians are not attracted to male bodies, end of. He's probably just focused on them because he wants to be validated in his dysphoria, but the gag is that any "lesbian" who does validate him isn't actually a lesbian.
Literally inventing problems to be upset about.
No. 447727
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No. 447728
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No. 447745
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This shit annoys me so much. You'd think they'd cool down on talking over women constantly since it's such a masculine trait, if they're so desperate to "pass". They non-stop talk about their "girldicks" but god forbid women bring up a taboo subject that doesn't include them. Nobody seems to chastise men who celebrate their penises or demand viagra ads include F2Ms, I wonder why? Not to mention, trans people cannot get periods because the cramps are caused by contractions in the uterus, which they do not have. The OP made a post about blood, if you don't bleed then it doesn't fucking concern you.
Sorry for the rant but this made me so angry.
No. 447751
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>>446728>>446730The only FTM that I didn't immediately identify is this one, Wesley Tucker. I only recently noticed because they used to take shirtless pictures far away in bad lighting but still it's one of the best top surgeries I've seen imo. They usually look so butchered
No. 447769
>>447576Most people are stupid as fuck and believe whatever the Guardian is reporting.
In 5 years when the detranser class suit is underway the same people will be suddenly super against it, and too woke to ever have thought prescribing Lupron to healthy 13 year old girls was a great idea with no possible ramifications.
No. 447770
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>>447751For every blaire white pushup bra wanna bimbo who tries, theres FtM wannabe tatted up fuck boy with her head tilted just so slightly for that ‘look’. This person did nail down every trademark stereotype and I think working out helps with the illusion. Bulking also hides the softness (especially in the pecs), whereas the skinniest tranny man who tries to put themself together still looks like a box with horse legs.
She was also pretty butch in the face before surgery.
No. 447774
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>>447770Yeah, she was cute before as well. The photo with the hat she looks like a regular butch
No. 447782
I followed about 9 radfam pages just now and Instagram just blocked me from liking, commenting, and following. Hmmmm…
>>446730>>447751I'm finding all of these FtMs attractive and the idea they have a vagina isn't off putting (I wouldn't date them though because obvious mental issues), am I gay fam?
No. 447787
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No. 447798
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>>447751sorry for being ot but omg i've seen this super cute pic and looked up her name years ago, now i recognized her again. i had no idea she was ftm.
>>447782they look like hot dudes but if you're still into the idea of a vagina that's kinda gay anon
No. 447818
So a singer I like (Mitski) was recently accused of child abuse and sex trafficking on Tumblr. As the Tumblr user wrote more it became clear they were lying and that this was some sort of fetish thing for them and they were getting off on it. They were claiming all sorts of retarded shit like having DID and PTSD and a million other mental illnesses and having been repeatedly raped by Mitski from the ages of 10 to 14.
Someone made a masterpost about it so since I was looking for all the info I read it.
Kept thinking how weird this all seemed because the user claimed to be female but something about the sexualized lie and how fetishy it was screamed male to me. Halfway down I get my answer: it's a fucking TiM.
Of. Course. It. Is. are they always like this?
No. 447833
>>447576I think def more than you think. I run in lefty circles and out of my very wide social life like two people IRL know I'm gendercrit and they don't even know to what extent.
I think that ""cis"" people who are genuinly supportive of troons just arent…aware of it enough. Like, they havent hit peak trans yet. They don't understand the implications and havent seen the wildest ones
No. 447849
>>447834She would have been 19 when the rape happened the way he claims it did. And still in college. The song most normies know her for (Nobody) would not have come out yet.
Like I'm sooo sure a 19 year old nobody sex trafficked you, dude. That's totally not your perverted jerk off fantasy. Next you'll be telling us a sorority house kidnapped you and made you dress up as a maid for them.
No. 447854
>>447774She looked like a cute chapstick lesbian in left and top right pic… what a waste.
Is she a lesbian (aka "straight" transman) or a "gay man"?
No. 447865
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discovered TiF drag queens today
No. 447866
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>>447865>non-binary trans drag queen…I'll need a moment.
No. 447890
>>447865Oh buddy I'm sorry I've been aware of this shit for a minute. I accidentally went to a drag workshop hosted by a TIF hoping to learn about drag kings and was sorely disappointed when she showed up in "drag" as a woman. ?????
On a semi related note I can't help but notice with the rise in drag popularity there is still like zero mainstream interest in drag kings. Male impersonators and drag kings have such a cool and interesting history. I wonder why more tifs don't pursue it since I imagine it could be a creative/fun outlet for dysphoria.
but participating in male impersonation through this roundabout logic would invalidate their identities (even though by the same logic dressing as a woman should make they more dysphoric????) and making a mockery of men doesn't usually sell well lmao.
No. 447904
>>447728He sounds like mr bitch lasagna.
No. 447947
>>447704Sweet lord how I hate this troglodyte level discourse. It's honestly peak "Not like other girls" and one of the worst forms of internalized misogyny. I gotta have a word here because this shit drives me insane and it's all over Twitter at the moment, barely passing fakebois are hunting "cis fujos" (The women who enjoy male homosexual erotica directed towards women) and calling them out for "fetishizing gay male relationships". While they themselves are essentially performing a gay minstrel show. While the overwhelming majority of fujos are not straight themselves. While most of the MLM erotica these same people crying about fetishization consume is
written and created by these evil cis females.
Of course the level headed people are pushing back and telling these anti-fujos off for being unreasonable, but all of them dance around the obvious. Everyone's thinking it but nobody says it out loud, it's just snowflake trannies trying to get an ego kick out of bullying girls that don't bow down to them. I'm so sick and tired of seeing some he/him softboi uwu assholes lashing out at women who did nothing wrong. It doesn't even matter if you tell them that you're not even straight yourself, you'll be thrown the "being LGBT yourself doesn't mean you can't fetishize LGBT!!111" curveball back at you. A lot of young girls feel pressured to transition because they feel disgusting for liking gay fiction and out of fear of being an evil fetishizer, as women are sadly socialized to bend a knee even when they don't have to. That's why we got so many fucking tumblr transbois all over the place. BL and the fujo community has always been a safe heaven for women and especially women that are not straight because it's a heavily female dominated hobby, but now it's being torn apart by people who are on an endless chase for that high of feeling superior. Someone mentioned this in another thread but they're not an ounce concerned about "gay men being fetishized", they only care about validation of their own IRL larp and feeling better than other girls. I just wish some big name actually took the first step and called them out for good, saying that you're not male, you don't have a penis, you don't get a word in this issue.
The absolutely worst part though? They're pinning this anti-fujo discourse on TERFs. I don't know which hoops they jumped through but that's where they ended up in. Transbois are hunting cis fujos and ruining their lives and that's somehow the doing of the evil terven coven. Figure that out. This timeline was the worst joke the universe played on us.
No. 447995
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>>447865How delusional, self-centered and manic do you have to be….
No. 448006
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>>447989i don't know, troons and handmaidens are always talking shit about butches and how trans gals are better than them just because they look stereotypically feminine and apparently that (and designer vaginas) is what makes someone a "true woman", clown world
No. 448046
>>448037The reason why TiMs have such high murder rates is because black TiMs in the sex industry get conflated with the general population of TiMs. Black people in general at an increased risk of homophobic hate crimes from within their own community so black gay men and especially lesbians are at high risk. Black TiMs are also killed more due to homophobia and being seen as an extreme for of homosexuality rather than specifically transphobia.
Your white TiM on the other hand is at no greater risk than the average person of being murdered. In fact so far this year the only non-black trans person in the United States to be murdered was the TiF Jordan Cofer who was only out to a few people and was identified as the Dayton shooter’s sister in many publications.
No. 448047
>>448046*form of homosexuality
Also I feel like Dayton shooter killed his sister because he was a hardcore misogynist rather than out of transphobia like some websites are claiming since he didn’t even seem aware that his sister was trans.
No. 448086
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>>447704I was browsing pins on amazon and this seems relevant
No. 448095
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So die then.
No. 448113
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>>448095I feel like I step into fucking twilight zone just reading that. You have a penis, you are a man. I feel retarded repeating this all the time
No. 448155
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>>448095Let the poor guy enjoy cock, you harpie. Whatever happened to, " What consenting adults do safely in the privacy of their own homes is none of your damn business?"
Also her name is literally "Emma". Can she not even be assed to pick a masculine name?
No. 448159
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Saw this on reddit..
No. 448170
>>448159Right, we're all super jealous of severely mentally ill men who have to sell their bodies for drugs and bolt-on tits. Totally.
See, the "we're jealous" argument only works if you assume all women are shallow idiots who value sex appeal and material goods above all else. Which is an extremely sexist, patently male assumption of what women's priorities are.
No. 448219
Concerns raised over Scottish Government’s definition of the word ‘woman’
In the new Bill, the definition was changed from “a female of any age” – the definition in the UK Equality Act of 2010, which protects women against sex discrimination – to include a “person who has the protected characteristic of gender reassignment”.
People who hold a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) have been legally able to change their gender. But the Scottish Government has, say its critics, gone further with the GRPB Bill as “woman” also now includes those who do not have a GRC.
The legislation states that “woman” includes those who have “taken the decision to undergo a process for the purpose of becoming female” though this would “not require the person to dress, look or behave in any particular way”.
(continue reading) No. 448254
>>448159Le jealous meme
Also I am tired of blacks being conflated with LGBT shit, its not fair. How is a race the same as a sexuality, or someone multilating their fucking genitalia? Its fucked up and racist.
No. 448362
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Recently hit peak trans and one of the 'normal' ones (I thought anyway) that I'm friends with on Facebook shared this. Can anyone here give me a good way to dispute this? I know people screech 'TRANSPHOBIC!' no matter how well you explain something but just so I can know how to approach things like this.
No. 448373
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Thoughts? Source is from an Australian sexologist although he locked his twitter account to avoid fighting with trans activists. No. 448375
>>448362It sounds like he's saying that it's bigoted
does this word even mean anything anymore? to reject transwomen for having a penis because they might not want to use it during sex. In which case, what is the point of having a genital preference (i.e. a sexuality) if it's not okay to reject someone on the basis of having one? Statistically, the majority of transpeople don't undergo bottom surgery.
I can't give you a subtle way of disputing this though, because my personality is not agreeable enough. He's just a fucking trancel who needs to get the fuck over the fact that people have the right to reject others for any reason they want. Trying to argue against other people's sexual boundaries will always be rapey as fuck. End of.
No. 448377
>>448362>we could argue that this preference may have been taught to youDid this crazy bitch just imply that being gay is a "learned" behavior?
Anyway, if I was you I would ask her why this post is targeted specifically towards people who aee attracted to vaginas (i.e. lesbians), and never addresses the same sort of "preferences" people have against vaginas in TIFs.
If you're feeling really bold, ask her how sex with a TIM with an intact penis is different from a man with a penis.
No. 448396
>>448378>>448378Gay men have feminized regions of brain. It's like parts of their brain are something in betweem male and female brain.
Model 1: feminization of the brain varies, gay men with the most feminized brains become transsexual. Their brain reacts differently on testorsterone than very masquline brain, they act less agressive and stereotypically masculine so they have dysphoria due to not fitting in with other males and being bullied.
Model 2: There's no connection between degree of brain feminization and transsexualism. Some gay men have gender dismorphia due to internalised homophobia, not being accepted by family or somethng similar.
model 3: Trans brain and gay brain are different. There's part of brain responsible for gender. Effeminated gay males have feminized brain but male gender module. Trans have always female gender module that make them "female" and varying degree of brain feminization that makes them act more or less feminine.
There's some evidence for model 1 and 2. If on of those models is true gender idenity is psychological and hsts would be mentally healthy gay men if they lived in healthy enviroment or went to the therapy.
model 3 is pushed by transbians, and there's no evidence for it.
English isn't my first language and I don't know trans terminology so maybe I mixed up something.
I heard about the first model from neurobiology profesor, his team was quite interested in it but decided against research because it could cause too much drama.
No. 448416
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>>448414because male gay attraction is as feminine as it gets.
No. 448449
>>448446no. there have been enough studies showing that there is little if any difference between male and female brains. not to mention that if there were any differences present that is not necessarily inherent, but the result of socialisation.
if you believe in male/female brain bullshit you are literally reinforcing the same shit that MRAs, anti feminists, chauvinists, trannies, etc do.
No. 448514
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>men kill transwomen
No. 448518
>>448514Yeah, okay, let's pretend
toxic masculinity and homophobia don't exist and these men don't kill transwomen because they're afraid to admit they might be gay or bisexual (if you're sexually attracted to penis, that's just what the reality is. "girldick" isn't a thing).
They really do find any excuse to drag women through the mud. Women aren't the ones murdering transwomen and we sure as hell aren't the driving force behind men choosing to do so.
No. 448519
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>>448518Its clear he just hates women, I feel sorry for his mom.
No. 448520
>>448449There's this to differentiate mothers specifically. Add to the list of things a TiM will never have. replying to you because of your conversations about brain difference.
No. 448525
>>448370>We're not saying you have to fuck dick, we're saying you can't make blanket statements about a diverse group of womenI don't want to fuck dick. I don't want to fuck neovagina. And I never will.
So yeah, that rules every single TiM on the face of the planet out.
No. 448526
>>448362I don't normally see phrase 2 being used unprompted. You get to it when people start harassing lesbians for not wanting so-called girl-dick or being questioned about not dating TiMs. You get called transphobic even when you leave it at the supposedly reasonable "I don't like dicks" because how dare you not want anything to do with a dick.
Maybe you can point out that both phrases are seen as transphobic, so there is no way to communicate how someone might find penises unattractive in a "reasonable" manner.
No. 448529
>>448526The response to "I don't like dick" from handmaidens or troons is always "You don't have to touch it! Lots of brave and stunning twanz gals don't want to involve their dick!"
OK? But I want to touch my partner's genitals. I want to be attracted to my partner's genitals. Lesbianism is attraction TO females, not just the absence of attraction to males. You wouldn't force a vegetarian to go to a steakhouse for every single meal and then tell them that it's unreasonable for them to complain since they can just sit in the corner and starve.
No. 448551
>>448526>>448529That was the part that really irritated me. They claim it's perfectly acceptable to say "I don't like dick" but the minute you use that as a
valid reason for not wanting to date a TiF, they freak out. The idea that they "don't use their dick in the same way uwu" is ridiculous because I shouldn't HAVE to see a dick if I don't want to. Whether or not they use it is irrelevant.
No. 448555
>>447704Late to this, but this shit is embarrassing. Fakebois have all the annoying traits of a fujoshit but tuned up to 11, and you can't just tell them to fuck off. A porn obsession with an extra pinch of entitlement.
There was a kiwifarms thread full of anti-yaoi fakebois that get all roided up thinking about fujos. The thread has since died down, but it was fun to watch since it was an offshoot of the MLM on tumblr thread. Some retard called Boyonetta even got their selfies posted with no attempt to pass at all as an ~extremely dysphoric trans man~. It's amazing how much people try to excuse being annoying and pushy towards others over bad gay erotica.
No. 448563
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>>448561They generally can pass in photos more easily because T makes them get hairy and if they really care they use the help of their roids to start packing on large amounts of muscle mass through weight lifting. But if you know them IRL they're very obvious because they have all the underlying female features still: height, bone structure including of the face, voice.
No. 448565
>>448563Height and proportions are the biggest giveaways. I've somehow also never encountered a tall ftm, they're all 5ft uwu soft boys.
No need to watch the video, the thumbnail is already enough to clock them. Both of them could pass facewise (because they're fug), but their head to shoulder ratio and their hands are dead giveaways. If anything they look like male dwarfes.
No. 448570
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>>448563 Lol I don’t even feel like they pass in photos, no amount of t/ facial hair will give them the facial proportions or bone development of a attractive androgynous male, which is basically what they want to be
No. 448587
>>448563Good to know that, I've never seen one in rl
>>448570Some of them are very manly tho
No. 448663
>>448658Reading that article is so depressing, especially the part about how they're just out to erase the definition of "woman" from a legal standpoint.
I wonder how they'll spin this one into "cis privilege". God, it looks like that whole site is a blackpill.
No. 448669
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No. 448686
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>>448669Wow they’re disgusting…men have so much womb envy
No. 448695
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Nobody is entitled to a womb and children are a gift not a right.
No. 448696
>>448686I hate how trans get everything handed to them, I have PCOS, you'll rarely ever see women with PCOS handed free hormones, free surgeries, free hair removals and spa days, free wardrobe and makeup, free personal trainers, a get away with being slutty and childless card, and now people are fighting to give them free womb transplants?
the most we get is thrown random birth control and the whole "love urself" speech
No. 448701
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Why are they like this
No. 448702
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I think I hate trannies just a bit more everyday.
No. 448705
>>448373It isn't 'brain intersexuality' if a more female-typical brain or neural characteristic can be found in healthy males.
This is like saying tall women exhibit 'height intersexuality'.
No. 448709
>>448701>>448702If this is the case then why the fuck do they claim they want their dicks chopped off? If vaginas have nothing to do with being female or that primary or secondary sex characteristics are nothing then what are they claiming gender dysphoria is?
>>448695Trannies better not get their free "uterus implants" before women get better gyno care or free fertility treatments. If they feel so entitled to this they can get in line behind the women who are suffering about not being able to have kids. It's much more important than their fetishes because no hormones are going to give them any real biological impulse to birth a child
No. 448714
>>448708They're saying womanhood isn't inherently tied to female biology (assuming they even acknowledge the reality of male and female biology being a dichotomy, and of intersex conditions being pathological).
If a person believes this, they can still associate THEIR gender identity as a woman with female biology, they will just say 'I want to be a woman with female biology, but that doesn't mean women with penises are any less woman than I am'.
The question then becomes 'what is womanhood, then? What makes you a woman?' and so we're back to square one and they won't be able to answer that logically in a way that doesn't rely on gender stereotypes.
No. 448715
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Why do they always act so surprised that gay men love penis?
No. 448718
>>448702The blatant racism and narcissism in equating not being white and/or straight with being male, lmao.
They really kill me with this "Don't forget, non-white, non-straight ""females"". You're basically men, too! Only white, straight women are
valid women in this society, you're literally in the same boat as us" shit.
No, tranny. We didn't have to fight to be seen as women, we had to fight to be seen as
No. 448723
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>Ex dee girls are so stupid we can't drive and are submissive ex deeee
How come every time I click on the user of a stupid tweet like this, their pinned tweet is more likely than not them showcasing their porn?
No. 448726
>>448718Yeah trannies always say shit like "not allowing trans women to use the female bathrooms is like segregation when black women weren't allowed to use the same toilets as white women!" Lol no, black women were always seen as women, segregation wasn't based on denying their femaleness but due to their perceived racial inferiority.
In fact, white Americans were very aware that black women were women which is why they used black women in gynaecology experiments and slave masters would often rape their black female slaves for fun or to impregnate them to produce more slaves. If they were not women then they would not experience these highly gendered assaults.
No. 448731
>>448702This is the worst take of the month so far. How is naturalizing womanhood throwing black, indigenous, brown and lesbian women under the bus? They all are biological women, they have nothing to worry about. I swear these fuckers would pin the fucking holocaust on TERFs if they had to.
>>448715>Queer male interactions were in fact very different than fanfictionI'm fucking cracking up at this, she seriously thought that the handsome gay bear daddy right from her Dragon Age fanfiction would come swipe her off her feet once she switched her pronouns? Did it seriously NOT occur to her that homosexual men, in fact, love dick? And aren't into women very much?
And this is where her female socialization kicks in too, instead of chimping out like a transbian screaming about wanting to shove his girldick down a terf lesbian's throat, she quits fandom spaces and isolates herself.
No. 448733
>>448686What the FUCK. At least those infertile women have a good chance of actually being suitable to have a womb transplant and are actually physically and biologically able to carry a fetus to full term and give birth. These narcs have no goddamn shame.
>>448695Scientists can't find a cure for endometriosis and it takes women years of pain to even get a diagnosis, but brave and stunning trans wommyn should be getting those wombs right away. Who gives a fuck about lady problems when we could be go on a wild goose chase making men bear children? It's never going to happen, it's a physical impossibility, how is the medical community actually fucking wasting tame in this?
No. 448741
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Male is a misogynist, more news at 11.
>>448723I know LGB people online have these in-jokes like "gays can't drive", "gays can't do math" etc so I guess it makes sense if he's with another TIM. Also lol at his profile…
>>448702Where did so many of them get this idea that the two sexes is a "colonial notion"? Are they so racist they think PoC needed white colonizers to teach them about basic anatomy and sexual reproduction?
No. 450501
>>447218Thing is, he needs mental help.
>>447222Don't worry, trust me, there are tons of people that hate both trannies and feminists.