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No. 248302
For all discussion of gender critical thinking and general trans criticism.
Previous thread
>>231926Gender critical and radical feminism define gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and sex as biological (female/male). Woman is defined as an adult human female. Gender critical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Transgenderism posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of sexuality, misogyny, and misandry.
Feminist Current
http://www.feministcurrent.comGender Trender
https://gendertrender.wordpress.comMagdalen Berns Wave Now No. 248313
>>248309AMAB, Ambiguous genitals. Delayed (induced hormonal female puberty?).
Yeah probably going to see you as a bloke. Sorry.
Doesn't mean you can't go round wearing dresses if you want or being the most god awful stereotype of femininity. That's your right as a person but it doesn't make you a female.
Gender =/= Sex.
Your sex = intersex.
No. 248318
>>248309The gender critical view is that you can express "gender" in whatever way you see fit no matter your bio sex, but sex itself is an immutable characteristic, and sex-based oppression is real.
Regardless of your sex, you should be able to dress how you want. As an intersex person, whether you will be seen as having male privilege depends on your upbringing and if you are perceived as male or female by other people.
No. 248323
>>248317You're the only one saying you /can't/ be considered a dude.
You're intersex, like it or hate it, that means you're never going to be female, just like a male will never be a female. You'll also never be male.
If you were AMAB there's a good chance you're fairly masc. though, and have developed through life socially as a male. So yeah, people will probably see you as male…
Again though sex =/= gender and gender is just made up. If you want to grow your hair long and paint your nails, no one's going to stop you; it's all performance art at the end of the day. That's why we're all here… because gender is bull shit.
No. 248325
>>248320i wasnt seen as male by my peers my middle name is a female name so they always used that, in middle and highschool i always hungaround girls
sometimes teachers would get mad at me necause they had specific toys for each gender but at that time i didnt have the language to tell them i was intersex and what not. i guess thats the system enforcing gender roles tho
>>248318brought up around girls went to sleep overs and birthday parties all that stuff when i was in middle school, plus my sister always gave me her handydowns when i was 5-15 and she moved up, didnt feel like a masc upbrning
>>248323>If you were AMAB there's a good chance you're fairly masc. though, and have developed through life socially as a male. So yeah, people will probably see you as male… please see above friend
No. 248327
>>248325Then I don't know why you're asking or what you want from us?
You're still intersex, even if socialised and raised as female.
It does make it weird (from your parents point of view) that you were then given a female name/and also have female gonads that produce at least some level of hormones; if you were AMAB and presumably are still AM on legal documentation.
No one here can validate you as a 'woman'. Because you're not one, you're intersex.
No. 248328
>>248325>i wasnt seen as male by my peers…sometimes teachers would get mad at me necause they had specific toys for each gender
I don’t understand this. So somehow all your peers thought you were a girl, while your teachers thought you were a boy? Usually, children’s understanding of gender is informed by the adults in their lives. It would be very abnormal for them to reject what your teacher enforced in order to see you as a girl.
No. 248333
>>248329>>248328Tbh all of this is a lot of reaching. They're drip feeding information that doesn't even make much sense.
AMAB = Parents give female name and treat as female (most intersex cases are AFAB unless very obviously male)
Has female gonads = has delayed puberty but only takes HRT for short period of time and at low dosage.
Claims was raised and treated as female by peers but not by teachers.
Confuses sex and gender.
Wants validation as 'female' despite not being.
Smells like a troll.
No. 248337
>>248333Thank you. The drip fed information is frustrating and suspect.
>>248329Even in preschool, kids understand “boy” and “girl.”
No. 248339
>>248336So you are on HRT then? Because that's what you get put on when they remove your gonads.
You're a liar. But sure… your T is lower than 'cis' girls. The fact that you even use the term 'cis' is hilarious.
Didn't take long to find the trans in this case.
No. 248340
>>248337>>248329oh sorry, i meant that the teachers called them a male, i wasn't saying the students did or not, but if they were raised as a girl then why wouldn't they?
i think we should just get back on topic since this isn't the thread for this at all.
No. 248343
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>>248327>You're still intersex, even if socialised and raised as female. I can't speak specifically about
>>248325 because I don't know her cases, but there are many cases where females are born with ambiguous genitals at birth due to a slight excess of testosterone during fetal development, but have XX chromosomes, go into regular female puberty, have functioning uterus and ovaries, and are able to conceive children.
I disagree that these people aren't female just because of ambiguous genitalia at birth.
No. 248347
>>248343Just to clarify
Ambiguous genitalia =/= intersex conditions alone.
The person above said they were intersex, not that they were born with a deformity.
>but have XX chromosomes, go into regular female puberty, have functioning uterus and ovaries, and are able to conceive children.If this is true, the person isn't intersex.
No. 248350
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>>248346No one cares dude. You don't even know what to call your intersex condition (yes different types have names). Next time, think of a more convincing lie. Drip feeding info is one of the classic signs of a liar.
No. 248352
>>248336I'm pretty sure Lauren Southern changed her legal sex to male for /pol/ memes, so that means next to nothing. Legal sex =/= your actual sex.
>cistroon spotted
No. 248360
>>248357Because not all intersex have ambiguous genitals; some do.
This person claims to be intersex. They also claim to have ambiguous genitals and a load of other stuff that doesn't actually add up with them being anything but a troll… but w/e.
You bring up deformities in otherwise female presenting / raised / functioning / non-sterile females. It's apples to oranges.
Pointing out that this troll says they have ambiguous genitals means nothing.
No. 248361
>>248360i was just pointing out that they
said it, calm down. you can't argue that they didn't say that when they did, that's stupid and it brings down your point. i'm all for telling off this tranny when they come in here and derail the thread into oblivion with their obvious male privilege, but there's no reason to not have all your cards lined up.
No. 248364
>>248361Where did I argue that they didn't say it?
I said they didn't say they were 'born with a deformity'. Something that someone with a fused vagina would say or any other number of conditions that natal males and females can have.
Deformities =/= ambiguous genitals.
You seem to be confusing the terms and how they're used medically.
No. 248369
>>248368links a post that isnt mine
No. 248376
>>248373and i still have female gentles
why is it safe for me in a male bathroom or changing room in the gym i dont want female spaces you can have them i just want a space i can feel safe just like girls deserve. they may not be able to control my womb but when im being raped they arent thinking about my womb.
No. 248377
>>248374Idk I think it's kind of relevant. It shows what lengths trans people are willing to go.
They'll happily throw women, intersex and anyone else under the bus.. so they can be considered 'real women' TM. It's so obvious reading up that this person has no idea about intersex conditions… but they're totally like trans issues… right? Maybe if they get the evil TERFs to say that 'intersexes' are female, they can be too. /s
No. 248387
>>248383No. Read up on intersex conditions. They're nothing like being trans. Trans relies on sexist sterotypes, 'brain feelings' and a lot of pseudo science and gay conversion therapy.
Intersex is label given to a series of conditions that result in mismatching chromosomes to phenotype or ambiguous phenotype to chromosomes. It has nothing to do with gender or feelings.
It's an important distinction.
Just like an intersex person can't become male or female.
A female or male can't become intersex.
No. 248388
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>>248309>genitles >>248317>gentiles>>248367>gentiles >>248376gentles
Anon, it's been grating on me since the beginning of the thread. The word you're looking for is GENITALS. Not gentiles. Not gentles. Genitals.
No. 248394
>>248387idunno dude i was just wondering if people hated intersex here lol
i know about intersex types i had to go through that with my doctor and stuff
i guess this board has a mixed/negative opinion on them?
No. 248395
>>248394No one cares if you're intersex. It's an anon board. Being so fucking obnoxious about it though is the exact same as being like "man here" when no one gives a shit.
Sage for this retardation.
No. 248398
>>248395dude i just wanted to know anon opinion
then people started asking questions i just wanted a quick answer lol
No. 248403
>>248398Why would anyone here /hate/ intersex people.
That sounds like a 'TERFS EAT BABIES', if I ever heard one.
No. 248430
>>248419Tha makes no sense. I had body dysmorphia as a teen, it was not fun at all, and I'm pretty sure I'm a woman.
Is there any material on dysphoria in girls? Because I'm pretty sure it's way more common than trannies want to believe.
No. 248436
>>248428according to this
all trans people female and male
need to have this part of the brain correspond to the opposite sex's. and on top of that, this has nothing to do with people
feeling trans or not, this would require it to be diagnosed by the kind of tests done in this wiki article. it also states that the cell number for TiMs are in between male and female, just less than normal males. so…
No. 248438
>>248430Well puberty is hard but about 85% of the people who feel dysphoria as a kid don't end up feeling it as an adult, which is why in most countries doctors are so reluctant on giving treatments to underage people.
>Is there any material on dysphoria in girls? Because I'm pretty sure it's way more common than trannies want to believe.i know that 9/10 referral letters to GiD clinics in nordic countries are from people afab especially ones going through puberty and i think this is a bit of global trend right now. And like
>>248436 said we need better diagnosing of these disorders.
No. 248443
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>>248434There are plenty of images of women which exclusively represent gender critical ideas.
How does this pic invite discussion of sex work?
No. 248444
>>248428Let's say it's a thing. How on earth does that translate into gender dysphoria? And if it somehow does, why would hormone treatment, sex reassignment surgery and sterilization be the way to deal with this?
And if it somehow is, how is "TRANSWOMEN ARE WOMEN" a logical conclusion to any of this? How does any of that equal "calling a male male is hate speech"?
I read about something called "principle of explosion" the other day and everything made so much sense. Anything can be proven true if you're basing your argument on a contradiction - if "men are women", all illogical bullshit goes too.
No. 248446
>why would hormone treatment, sex reassignment surgery and sterilization be the way to deal with this? Well it's much easier than starting to change the brain and it cures most transsexuals
>And if it somehow is, how is "TRANSWOMEN ARE WOMEN" a logical conclusion to any of this?Well it's more like transwomen are intersex due to intersexuality of the brain.
No. 248449
>>248446Bransex has been proven time and time again to not be a thing. They are not intersex either and even if they were, that wouldn't make them want to be called a certain pronoun and wear dresses and do other things stereotypically associated with women. Tranny shit is a mental illness. Begone, troon.
>it cures most transsexualsTheir suicide rates literally get higher after they transition, how is that a cure?
No. 248450
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They are coming for the goths now because the goths….don't really care about gender? They dont police it? They dont follow the rules the twans have laid down? Will link article so you can see comments but now this really is evidence of them just looking to be offended No. 248451
>>248447>>248448>>248449It is a thing lmao
>Their suicide rates literally get higher after they transitionthey don't and i know you got this from the swedish study which doesn't compare before and after transition just to the normal population after transition
No. 248469
>>248461More proof you know nothing about intersex conditions.
If you want to look at studies on brain sex though you might find this one interesting:''After controlling for sexual orientation, the transgender groups showed sex-typical FA-values.''
That is to say, there is no significant difference between a MTF's brain and a males brain when sexual orientation is taken into account. The only place they do see difference is in an area of the brain related to 'own body perception'.
Trans people do not have opposite sexed brains, they likely have perception problems; like anorexics. Thank god we don't starve them though eh, until their brain 'matches' their body.
No. 248471
>>248469>More proof you know nothing about intersex conditions. just shows how dumb you are
> The only place they do see difference is in an area of the brain related to 'own body perception'.Yeah and what would you do to fix it? Anorexic people perceive their body as fat where as transgender people don't perceive their body as the gender they want to be, there is a clear difference
No. 248472
>>248471A micropenis alone does not make someone intersex. A flat chested woman is not intersex. An androgynous person is not intersex. Anon you're a retard.
As far as anorexic body perception being wrong and transgender body perception being wrong. idk They're pretty close. Did you know that BIID also affects that region of the brain? That is, people who feel like a limb or body part doesn't belong.
The treatment for the above is therapy. Not pandering to it, not encouraging them to amputate healthy limbs or starve themselves. Hell even additional T in cases of TIM's has shown to decrease dysphoria.
No. 248475
>>248474Because it originally was a useful tool of gay conversion therapy. Can't make a gay dude not be gay… make him a woman. Now it's no homo.
Why do you think it's so popular in countries that outlaw homosexuality?
No. 248499
>>248486To clarify, I was replying to this comment:
>it originally was a useful tool of gay conversion therapy.When, in the history of conversion therapy, was it used? Surgical and chemical castration was used in the early 20th century but not with the intent of sex reassignment.
No. 248501
>>248471>Anorexic people perceive their body as fat >where as transgender people don't perceive their body as the gender they want to beAdorable wording, troon. Let's make it more accurate shall we?
>anorexics perceive their body as wrong (fat) when it isn't >trannies perceive their body as wrong (sex) when it isn't It's the exact same thing. You could perhaps argue that transitioning is less dangerous than maintaining an anorexic weight, but then you'd have to accept that you have a perception issue and you aren't ~totes a real woman with your very male genitals actually being female because of your ladybrain~ which would totally suck, huh?
No. 248521
File: 1525850696727.jpg (45.06 KB, 736x414, _78647474_img_5502.jpg)>Growing up in Iran, Donya kept her hair shaved or short, and wore caps instead of headscarves. She went to a doctor for help to stop her period.
>"I was so young and I didn't really understand myself," she says. "I thought if I could stop getting my periods, I would be more masculine."
>If police officers asked for her ID and noticed she was a girl, she says, they would reproach her: "Why are you like this? Go and change your gender."
>Supporters of the government's policy argue that transgender Iranians are given help to lead fulfilling lives, and have more freedom than in many other countries. But the concern is that gender reassignment surgery is being offered to people who are not transgender, but homosexual, and may lack the information to know the difference.
>"My father came to visit me in Tehran with two relatives," he says. "They'd had a meeting to decide what to do about me… They told me: 'You need to either have your gender changed or we will kill you and will not let you live in this family.'"It's amazing how we see this practice as barbaric when it's done in Iran but progressive when it's done in the western world. It's inhumane no matter where it happens. In the west instead of the family threatening to kill you you'll have doctors telling you and your relatives that you will kill yourself unless you transition due to the bogus statistics.
No. 248587
File: 1525889792912.jpg (37.69 KB, 737x458, HtBxoZZ.jpg)"With all this in mind, it becomes hard for me to identify within the world of The Handmaid’s Tale. How can I feel June’s terror at her situation when I know I would never face it myself? I can sympathize but not empathize with so many of the show's stories. This feeling of being left out can sometimes hurt, especially given the cultural significance that The Handmaid’s Tale has come to represent for a lot of women under the Trump administration."
No. 248613
>>248587Sometimes I suspect the editors publish this kind of inane shit (see also the NYT article on the "queer" het couple that was having vapors about what their kid should call them, becaus mommy and daddy is too heteronormative) just as bait cause they know it'll get that comment section going.
This reads just too baity and unselfaware, but if the author really feels like this and believes that other people should know about it, then I feel sorry for them.
No. 248615
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Did any Britfags watch the Genderquake debate?
Overview of the Channel 4 Genderquake programming
Viewers slam 'appalling' Channel 4 Genderquake debate that saw transgender model Munroe Bergdorf being heckled by an audience member shouting 'penis'. Viewers have criticised debate and say woman should have been removed.Tensions flared up after Munroe was asked to explain a tweet she had previously posted that said 'Not all women have reproductive systems'.At this point, a member of the audience appeared to say 'shame on you', to which the former L'Oreal model replied: 'Do you dispute the fact that not all women can produce babies?'Following further comments from the audience member, she responded: 'I'm not going to talk to you if there's not even a base level of respect.' Feminist author Germaine Greer [pic related] then began to add her thoughts to the discussion, explaining how she hadn't ovulated in 30 years, to which Munroe questioned 'Are you less of a woman because of it?'When Germaine replied 'No', an audience member could be heard replying: 'She's still a woman though. Not a man. Not a man lecturing women.' No. 248616
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>>248615Out of seven panelists, only two were gender critical feminists: Germaine Greer and Sarah Ditum. No. 248623
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I was bored and found this article, which made me cringe so hard I want to complain about it. Obviously it's long and in French so I won't translate it but basically it goes like this:
>it's a trans man (or an actual woman if you prefer) who talks about herself and what her transition>basically she lived a good life as a kid, became depressed and suicidal, got dysphoria>turned out she's into girls but she still feels suicidal and depressed>suddenly she finds out she's transgender>she decides to transition instead of trying to find another solution to deal with her dysphoria and depression, she decides to go to a private hospital to choose her doctors and therapists.>it's because if she decided to go to a public hospital she wouldn't have been able to choose her doctors, even though that way her transition would have been fully covered by her healthcare>she whines that she had to spend her own money for cosmetic surgery and unnecessary hormone therapy because she couldn't go doctor shopping if she wanted her transition to be covered>she whines that she has to change all of her official documents and ID papers to match with her new male identity because otherwise it would hurt her feelings>"waaah why does changing all of my official documents with my bank, insurance, city hall, etc. take time and money I'm sad">"baaaw I don't dare go to the doctor because they ask questions and it makes me uncomfortable"This bitch dares compare her self-inflicted problems to actual racism and homophobia with this stupid quote: "Tu te rappelles cette semaine de vacances que tu as passée avec Tatie Raciste et Tonton Homophobe ? Lorsque je tends l’oreille dans la rue, que j’écoute la radio, que je regarde la télé, que je me balade sur les réseaux sociaux, que je suis l’actualité, j’ai le sentiment de vivre cette semaine encore et encore."
Which means: "Remember that week of holidays you spent with you racist uncle and homophobic aunt? When I listen to what's said on the street, when I listen to the radio, when I watch the TV, when lurking on social medias, when I read the news, I feel like I'm reliving this week over and over again." She's so self-centered that she thinks being a victim of racism or homophobia (you can't control being of a certain race or ethnicity or your sexual orientation) is the same as being a victim of transphobia (even though trans people actively choose to transition).
>>248615>When Germaine replied 'No', an audience member could be heard replying: 'She's still a woman though. Not a man. Not a man lecturing women.'Holy shit I'm dead.
No. 248629
>>248587>How can I feel June’s terror at her situation when I know I would never face it myself?But they're totally women just like us, right?
>>248615Does that exist in full online for download? The Channel 4 site won't let me view it because I'm in the US, and sadly, I no longer have a VPN.
No. 248643
>>248634I've seen transwomen who do pass, problem is that most transwomen are 40+ transvestites taking their fetish too far, tbh if i had to guess she wouldn't pass unless she had that sign
>>248443>>248635Well i am concerned with violence from other men too, every fight i've had with a woman hasn't resulted into physical violence where as i've been hit by a man multiple times.
This one is pretty much impossible to debunk because you will claim everything as homophobia and not blatant sexism. Why are transwomen at similar risk for rape as for other women, homophobia?
No. 248645
>Why are transwomen at similar risk for rape as for other women, homophobia?Citation fucking needed for that one. Last I checked ftms had higher sa rates, but mtfs had similar rates to normal men. And trans women aren't "other women," they are
No. 248654
>>248647>they're a crossdresser???Handmaiden, fuck off. From what I read in the link you provided, it lumps together the rape rates of TIMs and TIFs, and I've already acknowledged that TIFs have higher sexual assault rates. Can you show me some proper evidence that transwomen have similar SA rates to actual women?
>>248646I think I remember reading the same thing, but I can't find it. All I can find is the article about how trans murder rates are lower No. 248663
>>248654>>248656Did you read the study? " transgender
or gender non-conforming during grades
K-12 reported significant rates of harassment
(78%), physical assault (35%), and sexual
violence (12%). " There are studies which report much higher rates>>248654>I think I remember reading the same thing, but I can't find it. All I can find is the article about how trans murder rates are lower surely has a comprehensive list of all transgender people who have been murdered.
No. 248667
>>248663anon, you can't just cherry pick that lone statistic, first of all.
second, no one is arguing that trans people don't experience those things, they just don't as much as women and certainly not for the same reasons as women.
most violence or sexual assault towards TiMs is after a potential partner finds out the person is trans, and that's again, because of homophobia, many racial groups, especially in the united states, relate trans with being homosexual. they simply are victims because people don't see them as women, since they aren't. many murdered TiMs were murdered because the man felt his masculinity was threatened at the idea that sleeping with someone who used to be a man was homosexual. that has literally no relation to violence that women receive.
No. 248670
>>248663Did you not read my post? Once again, it doesn't specify male or female, just "transgender or gender non-conforming."
Also says people of color, specifically black people, make up a significantly higher percentage of those affected by violence, which is interesting because they make up a small minority of trans people.
>Wikipedia surely has a comprehensive list of all transgender people who have been murdered.Can you even read at all? Their murder rate is lower per capita. If you formatted the stats from said wiki article the same way she did, the numbers would look the same.
No. 248671
>>248669No sources, i only found out that there were 11 transwomen killed in 2016 because of hate violence and not the ALL transwomen who were killed.
>>248670Well most of people who were surveyed were transwomen, also other sources backup my claim.
>which is interesting because they make up a small minority of trans people.Actually transsexualism is more common in black people
>Can you even read at all? Their murder rate is lower per capita. If you formatted the stats from said wiki article the same way she did, the numbers would look the same. Again they do not have the data to do calculations like that, why would police report someones gender identity and how would someone acquire that??
No. 248672
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>>248671>no sourceswhat?
>Since 2008 the number of transgender people who have been murdered worldwide has been recorded annually by the Trans Murder Monitoring project (link to all the data is here.)then it links to here No. 248675
>>248671Right at the begining of the article it says it got the data from going off the 11 in 2016 you just said and the trans population of approx. 1,000,000 from this article:, we get 1.1 per 100,000 people while murder rates for normal people were about 5.3 murders per 100,000 people.
>Actually transsexualism is more common in black peopleThat's because homophobia is also more common in black people. Sex work is also significantly more common amongst black trannies than it is any other race of them. Most black trannies murdered were sex workers, murdered by other black men out of homophobia.
>Again they do not have the data to do calculations like thatThey do, you just ignored them. Not hard to look up how many trannies were murdered each year and plug in the numbers.
>Why would police report someones gender identity and how would someone acquire that??Nigger, are you unironically retarded?
No. 248676
>>248672>>248674The source themselves admit that "The TMM figures show only the tip of the iceberg of homicides of trans and gender diverse people on a worldwide scale", illiteracy should be illegal
>ok I think you're trolling now12% of population but 16% of them are trans yeah it's more common
No. 248678
>>248675Samefagging, just found an article ( saying 27 were murdered in 2016 (most of which were black and/or in sex work), meaning that it was 2.7 per 100k. According to that article, it was the deadliest year on record, which means the highest the trans murder rate has ever been in the USA is just over half the normal murder rate for the same year.
Only 8 have been murdered so far this year in case you were wondering.
No. 248683
>>248676>"The TMM figures show only the tip of the iceberg of homicides of trans and gender diverse people on a worldwide scale" >illiteracy should be illegalYeah, it should, dickhead. I've made it clear that I'm talking about the USA, not worldwide, as did the girl who wrote the medium article. Not my fault you overlooked that. Though, I'm very confident that it's lower worldwide too.
Edit: deleting and reposting so much because I keep making typos
No. 248932
>>248923ikr haha
she's usually really funny in her own show too (i'm portuguese)
>>248911thanks a lot for the videos!
No. 249029
I just checked the various threads on reddit and elsewhere about protesting/attending the event at the San Francisco Library Saturday, and no group response has been really organised as far as I can see.
For the resource list:
The Gender Critical Action Center is a weekly international call-to-action website to be used by anyone who is critical of, or questions, “gender identity” ideology. Whether you are a concerned parent, a gender critical radical feminist, a concerned doctor or other professional, or a political conservative or other who is concerned about the privacy of women and children, this action center is for you. No. 249157
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No. 249352
>>249031Mayybe because of the female hormones? Female hormones are bad for your testes shocker
(unrelated) Thought for the day: The "gender is a social construct" type people are forcing an ideology on people exactly as religious people do/are accused of doing. Religion is a belief, science is a belief, and whatever you make up in between is a belief too. We are all entitled to believe whatever the hell we want to, but we are
not entitled to force that on others.
People not agreeing or believing in your belief system is not "hate" "oppression" or "hate speech". People believing in the science which is currently considered to be correct by our society is not exclusionary. Forcing belief systems on people, aggressively and violently as some of these people do, is not correct or moral in any way, shape or form and I'm amazed the aggressive "gender isn't real" type are given as much promotion and breathing space as they have already.
Btw I'm pro-trans but also am not going to pretend I think someone is a biological woman when their birth cert and my eyes say different. I will of course use their preferred pronouns. I'm not going to erase a solid belief system (science) because someone thinks it's "mean" to point out that biological sex is a thing. I
do think that trans women (who are serious about it) should be allowed in female spaces but not at the expense of other females, they should be equal not higher.
/end rant
No. 249353
>>249352>The "gender is a social construct" type people are forcing an ideology on people exactly as religious people do/are accused of doingNo they aren't. Sex is not a social construct, but the tranny definition of gender factually is one. The concept of feeling like another sex or being born in the wrong body is pure bullshit.
>Btw I'm pro-transGross
>I do think that trans women (who are serious about it) should be allowed in female spacesDouble gross. Trans "women" belong in mens spaces, period.
No. 249412
>>249352What part of your comment is about Ash Sarkar, the comment you replied to?
>Religion is a belief, science is a beliefReligion is based in faith, science is based in evidence.
>I'm amazed the aggressive "gender isn't real" type are given as much promotion and breathing space as they have already.Which people are these? Where are gender critical views being widely promoted?
>when their birth cert and my eyes say different.More and more countries are allowing people to change their sex designation on birth certificates and other government issued identification.
>I will of course use their preferred pronouns.Some ally you are. Don't you know calling them "preferred" is transphobic?!
>I do think that trans women (who are serious about it)Define "serious".
>should be allowed in female spaces but not at the expense of other females, they should be equal not higher.So you believe that transwomen are females, despite previously stating that "biological sex is a thing"?
No. 249498
File: 1526316810490.jpg (377.3 KB, 1269x1588, Annex - Garland, Judy_NRFPT_07…)

Has anyone else accidentally fallen down the transvestigation rabbithole and now you can't unsee the autogynesmiles and other obvious expressions and facial features in famous "female" celebs
Btw look up Jon Humanity if you don't know what I mean and find his older video which is age-rated (for some reason) and about 50 minutes long. Can't unsee.
To start with, people who's bio gender is opposite to the presented one imo (dunno if they were investigated): Olsen twins (male), Judy garland (male), Justin Bieber(female), selena Gomez (male).
Someone suffer with me now that you notice the features. For summary, for those who don't know, it is suspected that many celebrities are pre-puberty transexual people and were put on puberty blockers/operated on (possibly) + are constantly on hormones to represent their public gender.
You can determine this by looking for particular physiological features which Jon goes through in his videos very well. He's also a conpiracy theory nut so I'd ignore some of the people he is saying are trans (like Marilyn Monroe kek) and he doesn't believe in gravity, other madness.
But just listen for the facial and body comparisons, super interesting.
No. 249501
>>249412Yep it was unrelated, sorry, just didn't want to make two posts.
>Religion is based in faith, science is based in evidence.Belief meaning it can be adjusted and changed over time based on evidence and cultural shifts within, and each person believes a slightly different thing (e.g some religious people don't believe in a significant portion of agreed science but this is considered OK)
Scientists basically seek truth and that means sometimes having to refute things they previously considered correct, etc. Because ALL science is constantly growing and changing rather than static, it is a belief until such point humanity reaches full understanding of the universe. We're not there yet. I'm obviously a supporter of science but it is still belief and conclusion based on currently available data. A religious person considers such things as religious texts as
data hence their belief is founded on similar grounds. One of them is simply more
true than the other, that being science. Hope that made sense. Basicallt facts are facts until they are proven wrong. As of yet x is a fact therefore I'm not going to change my opinion on that until such a point as it's proven wrong.
>Where are gender critical views being widely promoted?I seem to see the gender isn't real stuff everywhere, online at least
>More and more countries are allowing people to change their sex designation on birth certificates and other government issued identification.That's true, I mean the original birth cert, meaning their assigned birth in no uncertain terms. You can of course change and reissue these documents, I meant the one literally made proceeding the birth.
>Define "serious".Name change, dress as the gender every day, change of behavior and personality if prior one was deemed incorrect. Not trying to have both but fully commit to the gender they feel they are. Imo surgery isn't neccessary and hormones can be dangerous. Serious means every day this person is you.
>So you believe that transwomen are females, despite previously stating that "biological sex is a thing"?If you live your life as a female you deserve to do that in all spaces. If you live your life as a male, vice versa. They are still bio
birth gender in terms of literal facts. The post was about me not going to join some (only some) people's belief that bio gender is fluid or can be literally changed day to day. I realize that is only a small segment of people but they are the same ones who are aggressive and calling people extremists/hate crimez if they don't agree that gender is fluid and fluxing.
Hope that clarified a little
No. 249502
>>249499My theory is to create a USP. nobody in the world is like these celebrities, not because they are so rare and unique but because they are actually genuinely in-between genders in a manner impossible to achieve in natural life. For example Kate Moss is considered unusual and beautiful, if you look at pics now she genuinely looks like an old transgender woman. The unique features come about because of the other gender peeking through.
Also gives every celeb an "out" because they can just drop off the hormones, grow/cut the hair etc and disappear.
No. 249503
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Gwen looking like a man in drag (look at the expression)
No. 249508
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>>249498>To start with, people who's bio gender is opposite to the presented one imo (dunno if they were investigated): Olsen twins (male), Judy garland (male), Justin Bieber(female), selena Gomez (male). This is the stupidest thing I've heard all week.
No. 249509
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>>249508Just imagine you've never seen this person before and they have long hair. Look at the smile, eyes, hairline and small ears.
No. 249510
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>>249498I'm sorry you think women look like this. Is it the earring or makeup that's confusing you? That's a teen boy, anon. And this is what he looks like now.
No. 249511
>>249498That guy is utterly nuts.
Anyway, what's happening to his brain and yours is the basis of conspiracy theories: it's an out of control pattern perception. You're seeing a few traits and making a pattern out of these in a way that fits what you're looking for.
Nobody looks 100% male or 100% female, we all have features that could also fit the other sex. Yes, some people are more androgynous than other and can look like trannies. It happens.
>>249502The reason many models look androgynous is because it's a look fashion creators enjoy. Stronger features make it easy to create an eye catching look when playing with light and make-up, and a tall skinny frame with broad shoulders is like a walking coat-hanger.
No. 249513
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>>249510Eww, what the fuck? Beiber looks so busted and greasy. He was never a looker, but God… Reminds me of pic related
No. 249514
>>249511Samefagging here.
Here is a video where he tries to show real women and how they differ from the "trannies" in Hollywood. Except these women don't actually look more feminine than the ones he call men.
I could make a similar video showing these women's androgynous features and calling them undercover transsexuals. This guy is just seeing what he wants to see.
No. 249517
>>249515seriously, that's stupid as fuck. a huge part of gender crit thinking is to not fucking relying on stereotypes.
there are different body types, the look of your body does not make you a male or female, the genitalia does.
No. 249518
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>>249498Judy Garland had three biological children (Liza Minnelli, Lorna Luft, Joey Luft).
No. 249525
>>249511I think a lot of what he says is nuts, but you gotta ask yourself why so many female models, singers have brow ridges, wide cheekbones, wide jaws and thick straight necks whereas so many male actors have flat foreheads, no brow ridge, small jaws, etc.
Pattern recognition maybe but surely decades of seeing these people and being told they are x gender and beautiful has more impact than one youtube video. He's just pointing out features we never see in such frequency in IRL people are extremely present in these celebrities.
Also gotta ask yourself why these naturally beautiful people have so many cosmetic surgeries and always look like clowns in the end. If it was 100% genetic they wouldn't need to. I have no interest in celebrities but I think it's an interesting and probably valid point to make.
These people are interesting to us/general populace BECAUSE they are weird, unusual, something a little off about them. For some of them there genuinely is something off. Look at any transgender women and men on instagram and you'll see similar levels of passing achieved after only a few years on hormones. It may seem crazy but I don't think it is 100% wrong. Some people surely
are, even statistically gay people are over-represented in the celebrity world so why almost zero representation of trans (sans Caitlin Jenner and a few others)?
No. 249526
>>249525Wtf? I'm a female and I have a strong browbone, huge shoulder and a defined jaw, most females don't have a perfectly round face with only soft features and the few who do look like that look like doughy potatoes so they're obviously not gonna be our paragon of beauty…
>So many males celebs have small jawNo? Plenty of Hollywood celebrities have ridiculous big jaw like Brad Pitt or Bruce willis.
You're just looking for what you want to see.
No. 249535
>>249526Your stance is literally that naturally feminine women are "doughy" which is surely influenced by these beauty ideals.
If anything, the issue is the same as the trans issue in that actual females are being replaced by trans women, and have been for decades. Remember in ye olde days they used male actors to play female roles, it was standard. This is an evolution of that.
The "model" body that leads so many women to anorexia has long been compared to a teenage boys'. Is it really such a leap, in these times where we can watch a transitioning process in real-time, with real people on Youtube or Ig or wherever else- is it really such a leap to suggest some of those people we have always called "androgynous" are literally so and not just superficially?
No. 249537
>>249511The irony of these videos is that the guy who makes them sounds like a trans person. A deep, manly voice with feminine inflection and tones.
My money is on them being a failed tranny who projects their insecurities on random celebrities. I don't know how anyone takes them seriously unless they just
want those things to be true.
No. 249538
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>>249525It’s called beauty standards, anon.
And they get cosmetic surgery because they can afford it, because their livehoods rely on their looks, and because they’re under intense scrutiny to look a certain way.
>He's just pointing out features we never see in such frequency in IRL people are extremely present in these celebrities.>Also gotta ask yourself why these naturally beautiful people So you admit they’re naturally beautiful but you think they’re trans? Kek. They’re in a higher frequency because they’re considered attractive and scouted. The average woman would just look average.
What’s more likely:
The American media has curated a look based on uniqueness, interest, and unatainability by selecting a few individuals from the thousands who try to make it.
There is a conspiracy controlled by ??? to take talented children of one sex and present them as the opposite gender in order to ??? confuse people and make them fail to recognize people’s actual biological sex. These children are not related by era, company, or talent, some have had biological children, others do not see their features as being “wrong” for their sex- but because they look different from your own personal understanding of how a man/woman should look, all of that doesn’t matter. And this widespread industry practice hasn’t been revealed by doctors, ex lovers, therapists, celebrities, etc. because it’s just that well guarded.
You sound insane.
No. 249540
>>249537I'm the OP of subthread and thought the same thing. He is likely trans himself, the vocal inflections give it away. Also he obviously (and other guys making these vids, there are many) have a vested interest in the topic. I think it's a perspective that should be considered. We brush all unusual appearances away as "Hollywood beauty standards" when some of these standards are also trans traits. I mean I think you are likely to have a happier life if you
don't notice these things, so it's fine if people choose to dismiss it, but for various reasons I found the breakdown of features super useful.
And whether they are bio x gender or not, the truth is some of the "female" beauty ideals are actually - essentially - teenage white boy male beauty ideals and surely that leads to huge problems for "doughy" feminine women who can't shift their thighs, chubby cheeks, less defined features etc and try and negate their natural features via starvation, makeup and surgery.
No. 249557
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>>249540>And whether they are bio x gender or not, the truth is some of the "female" beauty ideals are actually - essentially - teenage white boy male beauty ideals and surely that leads to huge problems for "doughy" feminine women who can't shift their thighs, chubby cheeks, less defined features etc and try and negate their natural features via starvation, makeup and surgery.Anon, is it because you're insecure about your appearance that you're clutching to this retarded conspiracy theory? Just like Jackie in this screencap?
>>249541>Nobody kept certain huge things secret for decades such as Bill Cosby rapes, Saville 1000 assaults, Harvey assaultsYeah, powerful men getting away with rape and a massive conspiracy to secretly trans hundreds of future celebrities during their childhood going on since the 30's are two things totally on the same scale.
No. 249581
>>249412I think that anon meant to say people who believe sex is a social construct. I mean, there's people who think gender is too and they're everywhere, but they're not GC they're "so let's construct a few more". Pretty sure she's not referring to GC.
>>249501I think your definition of "serious" is rather weak and not precise enough, but I kinda agree.
I think the transcult is pushing way too far and actually hurting "serious" trans people (meaning those who just want to cope with their mental illness and live their fucking lives).
Back in the day used to be that if you saw someone who looked like a trans woman in a bathroom and she was acting normally, you left her the fuck alone. You knew she wasn't a woman, but that didn't matter much - you assumed she was trans, leave her be, end of story. I had two MTT acquaintances growing up and it just wasn't a big deal in any way whatsoever.
Then people started pushing this crazy bullshit and these people can't even live their fucking lives because they're inevitably lumped with the crazies and either hailed as the next coming of jesus or evil males out to destroy women.
No. 249794
>>249506To think that misogyny is so deeply ingrained into us that there are people who actually believe that women have to be soft and delicate and hyper feminine and hairless otherwise they were born men.
You’re a dumb ass.
No. 249810
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Saw this on the makeup reddit
No. 249903
>>249900Medical condition, XXY/androgen insensitivity syndrome etc. Absolutely nothing to do with trans.
By dragging intersex into the conversation though trans people try to legitimise their 'movement'. Intersex people fucking hate this though, read their societies for some salt on the issue.
No. 249923
File: 1526414182240.png (766.14 KB, 720x820, wp_ss_20180515_0015 (2).png)

Just to add to the Hollywood transgender theories, this is an ordinary person on Twitter who is a transgender woman.
Notice how many "Hollywood beauty" features this transgender woman shares with models and actresses (strong forehead, square angular jaw) and consider how literally easy it is for an ordinary biological male to achieve "Hollywood beauty standards" compared to all the surgery, implants, starvation and makeup a bio woman has to go through to imitate the same look
tl;dr bio males can easily achieve the masculine "beauty standards" with a few years on hormones, what coincidence
No. 249925
>>249923Wtf are you talking about. That person is not the standard for TIMs (and they still have a pretty massive jaw, that's not an 'attractive Hollywood trait' wtf).
If you saw a TIM in person you would not think 'female' because in person there are no flattering camera angles, nothing to disguise height or size of hands /feet.
No. 249926
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>>249923Just because something is possible doesn’t mean it is probable.
My sisters, mom, aunt, and myself all have prominent cheekbones, chins, and brow bones just like that photo. None of us are males.
Have you met real women before? Are you yourself a woman? Do you think the only attractive women are secretly men? Because I don’t understand why you think these features are owned by men. They’re not.
No. 249927
File: 1526414581368.jpg (27.32 KB, 600x429, Angelina-Jolie-online-searches…)

>>249923This dude is incredibly ugly and doesn't pass, he just look bloated AF. You can't compare him to an Hollywood actress, AT ALL.
No. 249928
File: 1526414600654.jpg (3.26 MB, 3100x3624, Annex - Taylor, Elizabeth_26.j…)

>>249923The OLD Hollywood beauty standards looked a little more like this:
No. 249930
File: 1526414799313.png (677.43 KB, 708x885, wp_ss_20180515_0013 (2).png)

>>249927This is the same transgender woman on Twitter (forgot the link) not a million miles from Jolie or any of these people. Compare both to
>>249928100% bio woman.
No. 249932
>>249923give it a rest
if there was a hollywood actress that looked like him, she would get so much shit for her looks, caveman forehead and browridge, massive jaw etc. ant we don't even know what his body looks like but it's probably not up to standard
No. 249935
>>249930Lol I wish I wasn't so weak but it
triggers the shit out of me that you're implying Angelina Jolie to a tranny. Of course gorgeous women HAVE to be male, women aren't good for anything after all.
No. 249937
>>249935The irony of this idiots point though is that yes, TIMs try to stick to rigid beauty standards (they wear makeup and dresses and shape their eyebrows and try to nail down those gender roles) because that's the only way they can attempt to pass.
A bio woman has to do 0 of those things to be recognised as a woman. She can go out in sweatpants with a short haircut and no makeup and still be seen as female, because she /is/ female.
No. 249938
File: 1526415755139.jpeg (33.02 KB, 300x460, 9215ACBC-9D5A-4160-94BF-C19FF9…)

>>249930Nothing anyone here says will convince you, nothing you post will convince anyone here.
Angelina Jolie has biological children. Judy Garland has biological children. Sarah Jessica Parker, Carrie Fisher, Celine Dion, and Cher all have biological children. Gal Gadot was born and raised in Israel, where she served in the army. Marilyn Monroe was scouted before becoming famous. Ariana Grande didn’t start her Hollywood career until she was 14. Many of the women have also posed or acted nude before. And every single case can be easily debunked with the smallest research beyond “look at her slightly wide jaw” or “she has a big nose!”
Again, just because something is possible (like a trans person passing in a photo) does not mean something else is probable (that all beautiful Hollywood women are trans). Proof of one trans photo is not proof of a major conspiracy. And there’s an overwhelming amount of proof against it.
No. 249940
>>249935The point is not that they're definitely male, though it IS super easy to become a female if you check the tags on that person's twitter post - #girlslikeus I think -
The point is the current beauty standard for celebrity females is one sharing a lot of male features - strong jaw, chin, large strong forehead. Forehead shaves are easy surgeries to get but plenty of models still have large, wide, prominent foreheads and jaws. It's a natural male feature which is promoted by the media as a beauty standard for females.
It's VERY easy for a decent-looking male to achieve, too. Some actresses and models are genuine unusual beauties, no doubt. But some of them can be trans simply because being a trans woman (especially transitioning post-puberty or during teens) it's a fast-track to that look.
No. 249942
>>249940>it IS super easy to become a femaleIt's literally impossible. If you weren't born a female, you will never become one.
>#girlslikeuso my sides, confirmed fucking tranny
What are you even trying to argue at this point? People can tell troons from androgynous real women, tard.
No. 249945
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This man better lay off the ps before ending up like the Bagdonoff twins
No. 249947
>>249938The ones you're naming are ones from the video, I don't think a lot of those people are trans.
That was the guy who posted the video.
Btw being reportedly a biological mother (or father) does not = you seeing them give birth. The truth is nobody knows FOR SURE. IVF is a thing. surrogacy is a thing. Caring for relatives' children is a thing. We don't know the biology of any of these people because we aren't doctors to examine them. Most of them we have never seen in person.
Liza Minelli is likely Judy's child but that doesn't mean Judy was not actually a father and not a mother, or that Liza is not a male and not a female. I don't see why the suggestion that some strangers lives may be different from what we are told is so contrary. Nobody knows. But to dismiss it that NO celebrities are trans seems naïve.
(stop) No. 249948
File: 1526416597692.jpg (127.91 KB, 995x1200, DcxVdpPX4AUyM6g.jpg)

>>249940I just browsed your tag and I'm now convinced that hollywood stars are trannies! Thanks for opening my eyes Anon!
No. 249952
>>249940>It's a natural male feature which is promoted by the media as a beauty standard for females.If so many
provable women have these traits, why do you think they belong exclusively to men?
Forensic scientists aren’t even arrogant enough to think they can determine sex via singular facial features
>You shouldn’t rely on one of these features in isolation to determine gender>Sure enough, the differences between male and female skulls may be subtle>>249947Yes, unless you literally see a famous woman give birth, the obvious answer is that she’s a man. Because obviously.
No. 249955
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No. 249962
>>249930Masculine brow ridge, seriously it creates a fucking shadow, weird eyebrows, obviously fake as fuck Instathot lips, fake tits. Nothing like Angelina Jolie.
You're batshit anyway, so I shouldn't even bother responding to you. I won't in the future.
No. 249968
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>>249952>>249498Interesting shit if you can filter out his religious fanatic autistic dualistic angle and just extract the basic information. I watched way too many of these videos because of you last night lol. I can see how it would be easy to start thinking this way but it's sooo fucking flawed. The logic is basically
it's not that any one of these features means they're a man but when they have a ton of them together?
so i wouldn't be surprised if he was right about some of them in particular, not gonna name names but there are definitely a few in particular that i find very sus.
But the rest just seem like a paranoid male sperging. Like I have the narrow sloping shoulders he talks about, but even today the female clerk at the cafe I went to had wide square shoulders that would have made this guy flip his shit, and i hiiiighly doubt she's a very convincing trans person, I've seen plenty of them irl. The amount of female celebs with very thick wide necks and hints of adams apple is weird though, I can't think of any women i know irl who have that, but who's to say that it's not a thing, this guy barely sources much of anything. Everything he says is POSSIBLE, but he's so emphatic that he discredits himself.
Tldr after going down this rabbithole I think some of them very well could be secret trans, but it's definitely not most of them or even 30% like he backtracked to one time. The lesson I'm choosing to take away though is that the fact that this shit is even technically possible means that I should give even less of a shit about celeb beauty standards than I did before and only worry about what I KNOW is attainable for me.
No. 249970
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>>249968>>249927>>249930samefag but the jolie one really annoyed me. it's so hypocritical because the things he insisted only real women have he just ignores for her. she only looks slightly transy now because she's older, no babyfat, PS, and ana tendencies so she looks weird, but when she was younger she was soft and feminine, and this guy loves to point out when the trans suspects looked more ugly and boyish in their youth but became suspiciously more fem with time. Not the case here. She has the small angled in neck he always talks about for real women, her ears are small, face is small even though features are big, she has hips that obviously aren't just fat, etc etc. I don't see any real brow bossing, her thin brows just make her browbone look a tiny bit apparent I guess. The only fucking thing is really the jaw and chin which he's admitted women can have, so it smells like jealousy.
No. 249971
You know, a few years ago I would defend trannies and I was friends with a few. And I mean I was compassionate, and I’m angry at myself for being gullible and taken advantage of.
To this day, I only know one transgender MTF that I would ever consider a women and it’s because her case is VERY different and she was raised and socialized as a woman and carries the same self-hatred, body-checking, conscientious mind set that most women do and I never had any idea she was trans until she confided it to me. I doubt I will ever meet anyone else like her.
Seeing trannies like the ones posting ITT only reminds me of my mistake. They hate women so fucking much that they’re obsessed with the idea that genetic women aren’t allowed to be striking, modelesque, or androgynous.
Literally no a-logging you ugly, obsessive autogynophiles need to get it through your thick fucking brow ridge that we are NOT threatened by you. We are NOT jealous of you. We do NOT want to be you. And we certainly are NOT one of you. You are so obsessed with proving that you’re Real Womenz when every single action and male-learned behavior of yours proves you’re the opposite and always will be. You hate women, you’re still a misogynist, and you so badly want to prove that women can’t do anything that you’ll believe some stupid women-hating theory that we aren’t allowed to have inherently “masculine” traits fuck off you useless delusional cunts.
No. 250007
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>>250003yeah actually. i've had the disturbing realization that while my more masculine interests growing up were genuine, i definitely subconsciously looked down on feminine things (like really subconsciously- i would say there's nothing wrong with being feminine but i'd be embarrassed and ashamed to participate in it willingly) and also had some fear of being a sexist stereotype and felt like it was my personal responsibility to disprove every single one. not to blame my mom either but she had a very anti-feminine take on feminism and i remember not being allowed to play with dolls or fake makeup as a kid even though i really wanted them along with boyish and unisex stuff. Getting into radfem philosophy also reinforced my negative associations with femininity because I bought the line that all feminine things are patriarchal inventions that can only restrict.
Eventually it clicked just how fucked up and counterproductive that mindset is. Girly liberal choice feminism is corny and patriarchal but some radfem sentiments about femininity are downright insulting about women's intelligence. If I'm mature and an independent thinker I can figure out if I only like something because I've been conditioned to like it, or if I really do enjoy it, on a case by case basis. Femininity isn't 100% patriarchy created nor is it 100% freely chosen and empowering. It's up to us as individuals to decide which aspects of femininity fit into which category for us.
Maybe it's a bad analogy but it's like if you're forced to only eat chili in prison so then you think people who enjoy chili outside of prison are suckers brainwashed by the prison industrial complex. It's not the chili that's restrictive, it's when you're forced to eat chili and nothing but chili.
Anyway sorry for rambling but yeah I've allowed myself to incorporate more femininity into my looks and interests as I've gotten older.
No. 250019
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>>250007>i'd be embarrassed and ashamed to participate in it willinglySame, and that was despite my mum trying to foster those things in me because she saw I truly loved them. My brother and friends would be so awful, and I was made to feel like "girl" things were bad or lame, and to be cool I had to shed those things.
>all feminine things are patriarchal inventions that can only restrict. which ironically takes away agency and personal choice from women who want to create or partake in "feminine" things
>If I'm mature and an independent thinker you go, girl. Say it loud. People seem to forget this about themselves and others.
How I feel is just… why should I have to restrict myself from the things and the identity I like and want because other people fucked up? I didn't do anything to deserve having to hide and squash my likes down. The patriarchy isn't my fault, why should I be the one to suffer for it? In fact, I'm a
victim of patriarchy as a woman, so its even worse that I should be expected to conform to a standard of masculinity in order to "stick it to the man." And then trans men get to prance around in the things I want to wear, own the things I want to own, and it is just too much. Fuck that.
I'm the host for my friend group's parties/hangouts cause I have the nicest place and I'm clean as fuck. I wanted just a girl night in and one friend responded "oh it doesn't have to be gendered." Yes, it fucking does, because I don't want our guy friends here. I want to watch the fucking Bachelor and paint our nails and chill out while talking about crushes. I want a "girly" night in. She backed down and was like "fair enough." But the attitude she had in general pissed me off. Guys aren't planning events and going "ah, it doesn't have to be gendered!" no. they're doing their own shit. Mini rant over, sorry guys. Phew. I feel better kek
No. 250033
>>250003I've always been both feminine and a little tomboyish I guess. But I hit the little period of my life where I hated everything girly, like makeup, when I was like 12 or 13. By the time I got to high school, I was over it. I liked Barbies but I also liked going outside and getting dirty. I like art, hated sports, like makeup, read comics, love action movies, went through phases where I hated dresses, then loved them, etc. So I've learned to embrace it all.
But it is such a normal thing in our culture for women to go through. We're taught all our lives that anything "feminine" and "girly" is weak, stupid, and vapid. It happens nowadays, I've noticed, with fandoms and female bodies on characters. Where they'll whine about boobs, even when said boobs aren't sexualized at all. Or they'll bitch about long hair on a female character, or a female character having lips or lipstick on her design. It's that pre-teen or teenage need to stomp out anything even remotely feminine taken to it's next logical step with online fandoms. Maybe I just follow shitty fandoms, but a lot of the people I see want the women to look like genderless xirs or like men.
>>250007>Getting into radfem philosophy also reinforced my negative associations with femininity because I bought the line that all feminine things are patriarchal inventions that can only restrict. This is something I really dislike about a lot of radfems. I find intersectional third wave feminism just as annoying as many of them do, but they annoy me too, with the whole "makeup is evil" and "femininity is automatically oppressive" shit. Now, the makeup industry is fucked up sure, like all industries. The fashion industry is even worse. But a woman choosing to wear makeup in itself is not a woman automatically doing what the patriarchy wants.
Especially considering most men whine about how women wear "too much" makeup, and the most patriarchial cultures don't allow women to wear makeup at all.
No. 250034
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>>250019> I didn't do anything to deserve having to hide and squash my likes down. The patriarchy isn't my fault, why should I be the one to suffer for it? In fact, I'm a victim of patriarchy as a woman, so its even worse that I should be expected to conform to a standard of masculinity in order to "stick it to the man.Yup, this. The response to misogynists dehumanizing us and saying we're all the same shouldn't be to desperately try and prove that we're not what they think. They're just wrong that we're all the same because we're not. We don't even need to do anything special for that to be a fact. Stupid misogynists will always think we're all one way and thoughtful people will always realize that we're diverse and complex human beings. It's a losing battle to try to prove anything to people who think your surface appearance is indicative of your entire being.
>>250033>But a woman choosing to wear makeup in itself is not a woman automatically doing what the patriarchy wants.This reminds me of how I read one feminist critique on female nudity that essentially said "if you get naked the patriarchy has you right where they want you" OK but what if some women genuinely want to go topless? They should cover up just to stick it to their enemies instead of doing what they actually want? Changing your behavior to please men and changing your behavior to displease men both involve…changing your behavior because of men. There's no way to really know this but I suspect that if we all really let ourselves be free we would have a nice distribution of feminine girls, masculine girls, and girls with a bit of both, so there wouldn't be so much anxiety from each side about the other.
No. 250063
>>249970After looking at her brother #regrethatsearch it's borderline, as it is with a lot of them.
Plenty of bio celebrities have borderline features which is why it's dumb to say all of 'em are trans. It's a kind of possibility thing like
>>249968I have issue with the lack of promotion for high-Estrogen traits for various reasons, one is the lack of public approval and visibility means men have no point of comparison when dealing with "feminine" women and always act super weird. If they could gave a framework, like
this is how you act with women who look like ____ it'd be helpful. There were a lot more traditionally feminine woman with visibility pre 1980 in movies. Maybe guys would always be weird but it helps if they can say *she's like _____" to describe you or give themselves frameworks of behavior.
A lot of people learn how to act from the media, but they don't know how to act with women who aren't represented because they can't categorize you.
No. 250066
>>250039That's awful Anon, I'm sorry.
I'm a kinda late bloomer very fem girl, a lot of that was just my lack of understanding and analysis of the world around me/disinterest plus very low attraction to the opposite sex. I got into dolls post 21 and have more cute aesthetic things about me now than I had as a kid. We were never feminine kids just because the environment wasn't conducive for that, but my natural brain and interests is fem and it came out later. Whatever your natural self/how you feel happy is, fem or tomboy, all is good. arseholes are arseholes, also, and always will be. I hate how common you guy's (other farmers) rape stories are ugh. Why are people so shitty as a default
No. 250102
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the "all celebrities are troons" dude reminds me in his sperginess of this guy: No. 250137
>>250034>This reminds me of how I read one feminist critique on female nudity that essentially said "if you get naked the patriarchy has you right where they want you" OK but what if some women genuinely want to go topless? Those kind of critiques are less about 'sticking it to your enemies' or trying to please/displease the patriarchy, and more about needing to know how to fight as a feminist. things like slut walks and stuff don't work because they play into what misogynists want, and sure maybe many women
want to go topless and don't want to have to sacrifice it, but it's about getting society to a point where everyone can live freely, and sometimes you have to bend a little.
No. 250146
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>>250144It's a bit hard to explain so here's a picture. If you're a very feminine (features and styling) woman, a man in the 50s could say "ah, she's like ____" (marilyn or any of her peers)
If you're a feminine woman now, who does he have to compare you to? You're an unknown entity. This may be one for the unpopular opinion thread but that is now the ana thread so it goes here.
(ban evasion) No. 250149
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>>250146>If you're a feminine woman now, who does he have to compare you to? Nobody has ever compared me to a celebrity. And even then, who gives a shit what men think? Your posts don’t make any sense. A man isn’t going to lose his mind and treat a “feminine” woman weirdly because he hasn’t seen someone similar on tv. that’s not how it works at all. And there are plenty of “feminine” looking women in the media today, as there were more “masculine” looking women in the 50s. You’re not making any sense.
No. 250150
>>250146Please tell me you're not 'all celebs are trans' anon back again.
Celeb Women from the 50's were all super thin (to the point it was worrying on some), most had drug addictions and eating disorders.
There is far more variety today, there are thicker (healthier) women who are celebs, short women as well as tall women. etc etc. So yeah, there are women with thick jaws and there are women with narrow faces.
If you're a feminine woman rn, there are pleanty of women to compare yourself to… most just happen to have other aspects of their personality / lives they display too as they're not 2D fap models for men, like the f celebs of the past.
No. 250159
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>>250149Celebrity role models of 2018. This is basically the top three what teenagers want to look like 2015-2018. Wish I was joking about the Bratz one but after trawling Instagram for a few million hours I can confirm Bratz was an influence. (pt 1)
No. 250161
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>>250159Celebrity role models 1950-1960. Note how the colors, styling is much more feminine aside from the troon topic. Btw not suggesting kim and Kylie are trans, I have no interest either way. But they are huge style influences on kids.
No. 250162
>>250161This is all related to the
embarrassed for being feminine topic starting here
>>250007 No. 250164
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>>250159Glad to hear your strong conclusions came after a rigorous study involving you browsing Instagram.
To easily counter the highest paid actresses are usually feminine. And are we now talking about influences on young girls because before we were talking about men knowing how to treat women who look a certain way?
No. 250166
>>250162I wasn’t embarrassed to be feminine because of the fucking Kardashians (not that they were around when I was growing up anyway) or an equivalent. I was embarrassed because men, the media, and my peers
told me to be.
No. 250170
>>250151I don't think men
should behave different depending on appearance. Of course not. But men are
trained to behave a certain way (evidence being how badly any male-led movement of change goes e.g incels or MGTOW).
There are structures of society dictating how people behave.
If a man sees a woman who he hasn't been told to respect. is valuable or important, which is all women nowadays according to feminists - how does he behave? He was not taught any particular way. Btw this is conjecture. I have no idea if say, I would have been treated with more respect in the 50s and 60s. I know my mother and grandmas got
more, and easier in all regards than me and other girls my age. A girl I know is a beautiful, part-asian, smol and shapely aka "source of all hatred on lolcow"-type girl, and she got married at 21, had an abortion, got put into a mental asylum several times and has not had any children at 30-something. Her career has been just shop/service jobs despite being very intelligent. This seems like LESS than people got before. Less than her mother got.
This may well be a millennial problem and not a societal opinion thing, but aside from all that I am certain men don't know what to do with feminine women. They treat you like a sexy alien when
apparently we were prized prior 1960. Conjecture only. I'm not saying how people
should act but pondering whether it is affected by female role models.
Women were treated badly and were downtrodden housewives back then. I know. But some of these women achieved
more and without being ashamed of being female, either. Obviously I'm not gonna let current society hold me down in that regard either, but I'm just pondering about it. All people should be treated with respect regardless of appearance.
No. 250191
>>250102Holy shit, I'm not the only one here who knows about this site. We spend to much time on internet Anon.
I had completely forgotten about it though, you're bringing me a few years back. Now I remember his derpy-looking "feminine" women and the little dots covering the nipples on every picture…
No. 250207
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>>250191lmao, yes, every few years I check his website to see if he posted anything new and come back disappointed. I used to get really
triggered by his comparison of imo beautiful women to doughy slav cam girls but I have to admire his dedication to proper academic from with citations for every porn site (I think those were paid referral links though, not dumb).
No. 250226
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If you like trans cringe, Remilia the "first female LoL pro" is one to follow.
He frequently goes on breakdowns about being called trans and admits that his transition started as a fetish, he is now trying to become a real life anime cow girl.
No. 250229
>>250226considering he named himself after a selfish loli vampire touhou character, no shit he did it as a fetish.
OT but i have a friend who confessed to being autogyn, and fetishizing trans people in general, but said he'd never want to do it since he doesn't want to butcher his body. he's now taking it back since TiMs are claiming it doesn't exist.
No. 250230
>>250146This is why I think this anon is a male.
Women don’t do this autistic sort of catagorising of other women. We never say “oh, she’s like ___” or go out of our way to compare women we see in person to random icons and celebrities? That is a specifically male trait that they do when they have their creepy locker room and water cooler talks.
No. 250235
>>250234Fucking trannies amirite.
I love when they try so hard to convince us they’re women while talking to us exactly like all the men who have ever casually sexualized us and treated us like objects.
Our only worth is in our appearance guys. But I’m totally not a man!1
No. 250238
>>250234>>250230It’s always really obvious when a guy is on this site because their comments never make any fucking sense. I’ve never been concerned that men wouldn’t know any famous women to compare me to in order to know how to act around me. Like what even. I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking that is the stupidest and weirdest thing to be concerned with.
>If they could gave a framework, like this is how you act with women who look like ____ it'd be helpful. If a woman wrote that, I’ll eat a sock. Most of us don’t
want to be treated differently because of how we look. And suggesting men need to see celebrities who look like you in order to know how to act around you is just next level crazy.
No. 250247
>>250238Reading my posts back it really does sound like a dude wrote it, sorry everyone. I'm just very interested in male psychology, but try to elicit results from observation/real life rather than clinical study (because real people are more interesting than books)
My question, in better form would be: are female role models [in the public eye] a reflection of society, or do they help to form it [the society itself]?
I'm not sure of the answer.
(ban evading) No. 250261
>>250247Literally not the same question. Still not on topic. Are you also ban evading again?
Hollywood / celeb women =/= role models.
No. 250275
>>250167The fact that women are expected to be feminine doesn't mean that femininity isn't looked down upon. On the contrary, I'm pretty sure it's looked down upon
because of its relation to women.
No. 250365
>>250275This, holy shit thank you. Femininity is both demanded AND ridiculed.
Neither rejecting it nor embracing it will life hack you to liberation.
If femininity was generally respected and positively regarded, we'd have what trads imagine the world to be like, where if you just behave and be a good tradwife men will all respect and protect you forever uwu
And if femininity wasn't also expected and enforced, we'd have what choice libfems imagine the world to be like, where you can stick it to the dumb boys by looking fierce and femme! They're totally not getting off on it!
All you can really do is figure out what makes you happy and do it, nothing is untouchable.
No. 250498
>>250484I've never thought to do that, so I just checked. My school has a bunch of student employees and volunteers. They are mostly she/her/hers. But there's one man using "they/them/theirs" with a fucking beard. And then two women with "they/them/theirs" while wearing makeup. The men don't call it the "Women Resource Center" they call it "Womxn" in their bios, as do some of the resources on the site. And the "About Us" says "women, transgender, and gender expansive individuals need places they can find support." WTF is "gender expansive."
The actual staff (not student volunteers or part time staff) are all women, thank God, using proper pronouns.
No. 250516
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Stuff like this really shows that "queer culture" is just a bunch of snowflakey straight people playing dress up
No. 250517
>>250516I didn’t realize you had to be brown with dyed hair, tattoos, and piercings to be LGB. I guess I better visibly defy “gender norms” before I can be sexually attracted to boobs. I’m too middle class, white, and boring to be bisexual.
Oh wait, that’s not how sexuality works at all
No. 250539
>>250516This is the most ridiculous shit I read all week and I read a lot of shit.
I guess I'm not lesbian enough myself then hmm
No. 250549
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>>250517The guy who made the comment is a crusty white boy with danger glasses and a teal bowlcut lmfao
she/her pronouns, #girlslikeus uwu
No. 250636
>>250562All of my experiences with transmen (aside from meeting one at a club a decade ago who seemed polite) is fandom "transmen" AKA Tumblr/Twitter fujos. They all seem to have massive internalized misogyny, and the ability to bring any discussion on sex/gender to a screeching halt.
I was in a Discord chat with two people, one was another bio female like me, and one was "trans"/nonbinary. On most topics, this person is okay, but when we get to gender shit, they go full on autism mode. We were discussing how an alien species in a fucking cartoon obviously has a gender binary, and the "trans" person started screeching that they don't, and that discussing this topic is making them "dysphoric". Needless to say, the topic was dropped.
No. 250782
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why did they have to use sanrio for this?
No. 251018
>>249945He looks like my sister, which makes me happy because she's a cunt.
Although I suppose that means I also look like a man.
No. 251208
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Munroe Bergdorf took time off from calling white people racist and telling TERFs to get out of feminism to pose for Playboy. How feminist of him.
Nice job covering up and darkening the genital area, Playboy. Wouldn't want your readers to see just how much a "woman" Bergdorf is, would you?
The mutilated nipple on the plastic tit is censored, but I'll put it behind a spoiler anyway.
No. 251261
>>251251That's the thing though- it doesn't. Half of people who get SRS straight up regret it and even those who don't usually still suffer from dysmorphia issues. The trans community is notorious for adamantly attempting to silence those who have negative experiences with this.
Also, seconding anon's request for you to read the thread. Acknowledging men in skirts as women doesn't just impact them, it has a negative effect on society and there's plenty of proof that transwomen aren't actually less of a threat to women's safety as cismen and don't belong in female spaces.
No. 251300
>>251285You didn't cite anything and wikipedia has a list of where they get their references the thing with [a number here] will point to it.
Also this is lolcow not my thesis paper.
No. 251304
>>251300i'm not the same anon, but if you're trying to defend your shit point for your beloved troons with wikipedia you need to fucking take a seat. there are articles people have cited literally up the thread about this.
this thread is for us to have discussions about issues anyways, not to try to win handmaidens over. look and read on your own, but it doesn't take an idiot to see red flags when a group is trying to silence people coming out against letting teens mutilate their bodies.
No. 251820
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I saw her live a couple times (and also standing in front of me irl) and I think she's pretty, but I've seen so many pics of crappy mtf that look like this album cover
(Florence and the machine)
No. 251900
>>251266I googled "sex change regret" and the lowest number I'm seeing on all the sites on the first page is 20%, which is still pretty fucking high.
And like anon said, even if they don't regret it, they still have the dysphoria.
No. 251922
>>251881Someone from Thailand chiming in here, they're closely related to old school 'Homosexual Transsexual' that existed in the west. They would hang around gay scenes and sorta accepted that they're not really real women to begin with.
And they're very against transbians who are not trying to pass.
I hope this won't surprise you, the western 'valid' identity politics are leaking in. And the patient zero is fandom/geek scene, not the broader gay culture on its own.
No. 252025
>>251982I think part of it due to some 'fluidity' in gender expression, in Thai language there are a great numbers of pronouns depends on class andhierarchy of the one addressed. And now in modern times it also allows gender-based pronouns to be swapped around as well. We're jokingly calls effeminate gay men with feminine 'pronouns' all the time.
I don't know about other Asian cultures, but looking at Japanese media and even historical writing it seems like while gender roles are strong, gender-based forming expression is more acceptable.
No. 252126
File: 1526992199348.png (755.61 KB, 984x1011, IMG_20180522_082844.png) some misogynistic cancer created by a "male feminist". The lyrics and music are beyond disgusting
No. 252176
>>252161Basically some white dude who identfies as a feminist makes music that he calls "porngrind". He made a tranny pandering album with a song called Terf Genocide with these lyrics
"Woman hating woman
Get out of my face
Fuck your "diploma"
Now get in this grave
A shit eating smile
Six feet under peat
Fuck off and die
Your rhetoric's garbage
Your dogma is sewage
I see your hatred
It's flowing deep red
Your grave's overflowing
Shitflowers growing
Your stone says "I died!
It was TERF genocide! :("
No. 252180
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Flawless tranny logic.
>Literally what makes you male or female is feeling like you are.
>This is why it is not just arrogant but deeply illogical for anyone to suggest that they know what somebody else's gender is
No. 252247
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She has a point
No. 252278
>>252248But if a can of Coke suddenly said “I’m Pepsi!” Everyone would be like “no? You’re Coke.”
Either gender is part of your identity or it’s a consumable product, which one is it? They flip based on the point they want to make.
No. 252288
>>252278i don't even think it's that deep. like, it's literally people just changing the definitions of things to fit their rhetoric.
>my gender is how i feelokay but you're still male
>gender is sex nowokay but that's still not how biology works
that argument just ends up turning into incoherent yelling. i wish this gender thing wasn't so relevant to the interests of oppressive classes. it's like eugenics all over again. but this time the people being scammed are trying to infringe on other people's rights.
No. 252662
>>249511I lost brain cells just looking at the comment section. I'm not saying the human race should die out, but the human race should die out.
As a 5'8 woman, I'm so worried someone will mistake me for a tranny. Just because of my height tho, I don't at all look like a man.
No. 252769
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An illustrated book about gender- similar to educational children's books- with no age limit. All hand-drawn graphics and lots of color. It's about 90 pages long, and readable in one sitting.http://www.thegenderbook.comIf validating gender requires 90 pages, maybe your premise is faulty.
No. 252786
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An overview of the Degenderettes panel at the SF Public Library
Moderator: “What is a terf, for our audience members who might not know?”
(Mya pulls out his phone, and I got the impression that he was googling the term. At least, until…)
Mya: “TERF is an acronym for “trans exclusionary radical feminist”, an oppressive belief-set that attempts to delegitimize trans women — not just theoretically, but by inducing suicide through internet harassment, public release of personal information, calls to employers and landlords, legal action and substantiated threats of death and physical harm — often directed against minors. It is possible that more trans deaths have occurred as a result of TERF harassment than by cis men homicides.” (Some of the audience members gasped at this and whispered “Wow…” in an awed voice. My blood boiled. I was angry, not only because of the disgusting, blatantly false description of gender critical feminists; but also because he didn’t even google it–he just quoted the original plaque that they used for the “I punch terfs” display. What an asshole.) No. 252835
Recently I have been spending many hours at a time reading the GC responses has helped me become more concise and firm in my own thoughts and better able to articulate them.
No. 252846
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>>252786>>252769These literal staypuft marshmallow peeps dressing like bikers? punks? idk what but they're not fooling anyone.
No. 252851
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British Labour Party all "female" shortlists
No. 252866
Children as young as four are being asked by their 'trans-friendly' primary school to inform on anyone calling transgender pupils by the 'wrong' pronoun.
The policy at Arbury Primary in Cambridge states that it is 'illegal' to call someone 'he/she' or 'it' against their wishes.
The school also urges parents of children who no longer identify as their biological gender to consider changing their name by deed poll.
Arbury holds assemblies to celebrate a child's 'transition' from a boy to a girl or vice versa, has introduced a gender-neutral uniform, and allows children to use lavatories of whichever sex they 'assign' themselves to.
The warning on 'misgendering' comes on the school website. A brightly coloured page entitled How To Be Trans Friendly features cartoons of smiling children surrounded by rainbows.
It states: 'Calling someone he/she, it or deliberately the wrong pronoun is unkind, and illegal. If you hear or see this type of language being used challenge or report it.'
Elsewhere, the guidance says: 'Trans children will understand the difference between a genuine mistake and something deliberate in relation to names and pronouns.'
The statement that misgendering is illegal may be based on the school's interpretation of the 2010 Equalities Act, which suggests that a hate crime takes place when a member of a minority perceives one to have happened. No. 254338
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Troons are reporting and attacking a non profit organisation who are trying to raise money to distribute reading material for schools to help prevent gender non conforming children from being pressured in to transitioning for the trend.
Here is the crowd fund link should anyone want to help their cause and educate children of the UK No. 254515
>>251208>>248615Here is Munroe Bergdorf's documentary
What Makes a Woman? that was aired as part of Channel 4's Genderquake programming.
No. 254520
Is anyone watching
Lost in Transition on TLC? hope the blatant delusional narcissism of the husbands and the sadness, confusion, and dismay of their wives hastens peak trans of middle America.
No. 254627
>>254401I'll second what another anon said, they would defend the troon.
The doublethink and newspeak are going
that far. They wouldn't even think of defending the Muslim's religion, because to them this does not even go against her religion because his male genitalia are female and if she thinks it isn't she's transphobic.
I honest to god can't believe shit is going this far.
No. 254632
>>254627>his male genitalia are femaleThis has to be the most confusing part of this upside down "movement"
if his genitals were female already why do trannies get dysphoria over having the
wrong genitals? Why does everyone else need to see their
body based on how
they feel? And if it's that simple why transition at all? It's ridiculous, and the fact that people don't see this logic-less mess as an excuse to keep their dicks (and dick women under a blanket of protection) is so fucking crazy.
No. 254688
>>254632I actually tried to argue with a TRA once so I have a few answers
>why do trannies get dysphoria over having the wrong genitals?Because they feel like these genitals are more in-line with what they identify with. Most people they identify with have vaginas so they'd like to have one too but that's not necessary
>Why does everyone else need to see their body based on how they feel?Because identity politics dictate that what you feel is what you are and others cannot impose on your identity, thus they cannot impose on what you are. Debating someone's identify with facts is deep disrespect/hate speech, because the self is omnipotent when it comes to determining itself.
>And if it's that simple why transition at all?Same as first question
It makes no sense whatsoever and is some deep, bizarre po-mo bullshit that should weird out anyone with a functioning neuron. I have no fucking clue how we even got to this point, how philosophy fucked up our zeitgeist so deeply that this is now acceptable/believable.
No. 254689
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This MtT Morgane Oger is a Vancouver civic politician who has spent the last several days on Twitter telling a black survivor of FGM that the violence done onto her wasn't sex-based oppression, rather "gender" based.
He also has the AUDACITY to claim he was "outed" as trans by Gender Trender. . . has he looked in a mirror?
No. 254692
>>254688I agree with what you said, but you completely missed the point that I was trying to make.
I already know why trannies get surgery, but if they can claim their penis is already a female genital, they shouldn't need the surgery.
No. 254695
>>254689anon, genital mutilation
is gender based. people don't do that stuff because the person is female, they do it because of their society's views on women. societies that practice GM do it on men and women for different reasons. they usually target the clit not because they hate vaginas or the female body, but because they justify that the woman shouldn't be allowed pleasure. same with men, they view MGM as a positive thing and justify that the man should have a cleaner dick.
No. 254807
>>254799It is sex-based, sex-targeted oppression. Based on immutable, biological sex. Not on the individual's "gender identity", or any of their thoughts or beliefs about themselves or their own "gender". Baby girls are mutilated, killed, raped because of their sex, and the socially prescribed "gender roles" attached to that sex. No one gives a shit about a female infant's "gender identity" when they target her.
This is the pinnacle of why positioning "gender identity" as more important than sex when it comes to analysis and resistance is ridiculous and insulting to women. It implies that cultural beliefs about our sex isn't why we are oppressed, and that we could hypothetically "self identify" our way out of oppression. You cannot identify into or out of oppression.
No. 254815
>>254807anon, cultural views about sex
are gender roles. gender isn't just someone's fluctuating gender identity. i think you're knee-jerking and basing the term gender around the tranny term for gender.
No. 254848
>>254815I agree. Sex-based discrimination has to do with gender roles, which aren't gender identity. People don't simply think vaginas are bad, they think that the
women are inferior and it shapes their view of the female sex.
No. 254849
>>254815Obviously I'm talking about the "tranny term for gender" because this is about a (white! Upper middle class!) male trans person blatantly denying, to a black female FGM survivor, that females are targeted for our SEX. For the cultural beliefs ("gender roles") about our SEX. SEX is the axis of women's oppression
because of "gender". That's what these people keep denying. They downplay the fact that females are born into oppression because of our SEX. They say incoherent shit like "females aren't hated,
femininity is hated". Obviously, if it weren't for "gender", our sex wouldn't
inherently oppress us because it would merely be a neutral biological state. But it's not "neutral" because we live in a world were beliefs about sex control our lives and the entire point of the (radical) feminist movement is to abolish these beliefs (ie gender roles) but the trans cabal won't let us because they refuse to disentangle their personalities from gender stereotypes and rely on the concept of "gender identity" to feel any semblance of self-actualization. It's the epitome of selfishness.
No. 254874
>>254869we know that gender isn't inherent to sex. We know that gender isn't
inherent, period. That's what the trans activists are trying (and succeeding) to legislate.
For example, in the state of New York, this is written into law "Gender Identity: one’s internal deeply-held sense of one’s gender which may be the same or different from one’s sex assigned at birth. One’s gender identity may be male, female, neither or both, e.g., non-binary.
Everyone has a gender identity."
They have legally stated, for a fact, that gender identity is natural and everyone has one. This is in direct opposition of radical feminism.
No. 254882
>>254869No, but gender roles are
given based on sex. Because we are born
female certain cultural expectations, practices, views etc. are imposed on us. How else would gender roles exist if they weren't sex based?
No. 254889
>>254881How are they not trying to make it inherent when they insist that their gender identity is natural, inborn, akin to a "soul", and not at all a product of maladaptive coping under a sexist society? As feminist we KNOW that their "gender identity" isn't natural, because if we were allowed to just grow and develop into individuals free from the influence of beliefs about our class positions (sex, race, socio economic, etc) we would have no discrete "identity" separate from material reality. ie a male would be a male but not have any cultural reference of "maleness" to identify with.
The entire reason why transgenderism, especially the transition of children, is so socially accepted is that greater society has ALWAYS believed that gender roles are natural and inherent. It's easier for them to amend this belief with "oh, yeah, i guess sometimes nature can misfire and put a woman role into a male body" than to accept that all the stereotypes and beliefs about how men and women "are" is bullshit indoctrination.
Transgenderism DEPENDS on upholding the belief that their gender identities are natural and inherent so they can justify access to medical transition, eroding sex-based rights and dismantling female-only space, effectively preventing female consciousness-raising. You can't change an oppression you're not allowed to identify and
No. 254900
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Morgane went on a witch hunt to dox this woman and pursue hate crime charges against her because of her sign. was in addition to the harassment and threats directed at her by the TRA community at large.>>248434Now do you understand why her sign and her experience exemplify "what this thread is about"?
No. 254903
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>>254900The back of her sign.
No. 254906
>>254898Insisting that "gender non conforming" is a real, distinct "identity" necessarily implies that everyone who does NOT identify as "gender non conforming" must therefore
be "gender conforming". No one perfectly conforms to gender, because gender roles are impossible to fully satisfy.
By their standards, literally all feminists and any woman who speaks her mind or has a job is "gender non-conforming". Any male who shows kindness or helps out with housework is "gender non conforming". It's inane and empty and is no more meaningful than the "I'm not like
other girls" trope.
It is a problem when they identify as "woman" because woman means adult human female. Obviously "you do you" but I would plead with you to not give into their Orwellian doublespeak and purposeful obsfucation of reality by buying into "gender" as anything other than harmful stereotypes we are subjected to. Men are not, and never will be, women.
No. 254907
>>254900fuck off replying to shit that's a month old. wtf? i'm not even OP but if
you wanted something on the OP
you make the fucking thread.
(infighting) No. 254911
>>254898Woman is defined as an adult human female.
Women are a protected class in public policy. To recognise transwomen as women is to allow them into female only spaces.
Trans ideology posits that gender identity is as inherent and immutable as sex.
Transactivists conflate gender identity and sex when it benefits them to do so.
No. 254913
>>254910Women are adult human females. We exist. Trans activists are the one's insisting "woman" is a state that only exists in people's heads.
And I'm not the one "conflating sex and gender". I reject gender, I recognize gender as a harmful social construct enforced on everyone, to the benefit of males. I reject the transgender solution to this which is to broaden the scope of gender and make it more "fun" and "inclusive" and conflated with personality traits.
I do not reject language that correctly states that women are adult human females. Women are real, we exist. We are not merely a collection of ideas about our sex made up by men.
No. 254914
>convulatingAre you trying to say
convoluting or
No. 254919
>>254907I was planning to make this thread and use her pic along with the expanded list of resources
>>248463 cultivated from posts in the last thread, but someone else beat me to it.
No. 254921
>>254916Being a woman, an adult human female, is obviously a real and tangible state.
The "gender role(s)" and stereotypes about women are socially constructed. Those social constructs obviously shape us, as a class, so you will see self-fulfilling prophecies ie "women are more nurturing" after being rigorously indoctrinated form childhood to put everyone else before yourself, etc.
But because we don't have some kind of experimental control, we have no reason to believe that in the absence of patriarchy, misogyny, and gender-role enforcement, that males and females would be that inherently, distinctly different from each other. Rather, we would likely all have unique personalities, traits, skills, and behaviours that are a combination of what we
currently designate as "male" or "female" traits.
"Womanhood" as defined by transactivists, is farce. Men can not be women. They can feel aligned with the stereotypes about womanhood, but that does not make them women. It does not make them in anyway aware of the struggles women face because of how we are treated for our sex. A transwoman is as much a woman as Rachel Dolezal is black.
No. 254922
>>254916NTA, but are you being intentionally obtuse?
Gender is a social construct.
No. 254924
>>254848Sex-based discrimination has to do with sex. Women are perceived as inferior
because they have vaginas. The perception of female biological differences as inferior is what led to the perception of women as a class as inferior. It is immutably tied to biological sex.
If gender roles had anything to do with it, women could simply opt out of sex-based discrimination by dressing and behaving as men.
No. 254949
>>254515This is even more vapid and superficial than I expected. For Munroe, clearly what makes a woman is performative feminity and feeling like a woman.
At the end he says, "I feel like the last few months has really got me thinking more about my womanhood rather than my gender." Lol wut, womanhood is gender.
He concludes with a condescending statement about inclusivity, stating, "Instead of tearing apart each other and saying who is the realest woman or who has the right to what space, we need to be coming together. If I had to say what makes a woman, it's all of us and every single different experience that we have" as the video cuts to a close up of his high heel boots as he walks away from the camera in slow motion.
No. 254965
>they justify that the woman shouldn't be allowed pleasure…simply by virtue of being female.
>same with men, they view MGM as a positive thing and justify that the man should have a cleaner dick.Male circumcision is not used to oppress men.
No. 255044
>>255040MtT's by a long shot.
And yes there is a sympathetic view, we understand that both us (radfems) and them (trans) acknowledge a problem (gendered socialization), we have just come to diametrically opposite conclusions about how to eradicate the harms.
No. 255049
>>255044>both us (radfems) and them (trans) acknowledge a problem (gendered socialization)How do they acknowledge it as a problem? The trans movement reinforces and supports gender stereotypes more than anything else.
I have no sympathy for any trannies who weren't forced into it (i.e. the gays in the middle east who more or less had to choose between transitioning and death).
No. 255064
>>255044So, in a society freed of gender roles, would transsexuals even exist?
Like, if a girl had traditional masculine traits exclusively, she'd be a man's man if she wasn't a woman, and society accepted her as a woman who happened to be extremely manly, do you think this hypothetical hypermasculine girl would still feel the need to have a man's body, and be thought of as a man?
What I'm getting at is a sort of chicken and egg way of questioning the idea of sex reassignment. But, as always with Feminist topics, there is no control group to see if future transsexuals wish to be the opposite sex because of their alignment with traditional gender roles or if said transsexuals align to the traditional gender roles of the opposite sex because they wish to be the opposite sex. What emotion comes first, or do they develop concurrently?
I don't feel comfortable asking these kinds of questions on transsexual communities, I know all too well how much caginess and self-doubt comes with being queer. I doubt I'd get a clear answer.
>>255058See, and I've noticed that FTMs fuck up at being men just as regularly as MTFs fuck up at being women, but men never seem to feel insulted by it. I've mainly seen guys pick on them, like a condescending hazing kinda thing. Guys are all so protective of their personal masculinity, though, so what gives? I've never really seen a MRA version of TERFism, although I gotta say that I avoid that part of the Internet like the plague, so maybe it is out there amid the balaclava frogs and sex doll adverts.
No. 255069
>>255040MtT trans ideology seeks to redefine
woman to include men.
By definition feminism excludes men.
>>255047NTA, but increasingly public policy recognises gender identity as a protected class by courts interpreting the definition of sex to include gender identity in legislation such as Title IX and the 14th Amendment. ongoing Gavin Grimm case is a good example.
The recognised treatment for gender dysphoria is allowing trans to transition medically and socially which includes using sex segregated bathrooms and other facilities in accordance with their gender identity. The problem is that to allow them to transition socially, gender identity must be codified as a protected class. But recognising gender identity as a protected class is at odds with the intent of recognising sex as a protected class which is to protect women.
Why should sex be expanded to include gender identity, at the expense of protecting women, in order to treat a psychiatric condition that affects such a small minority of people?
If the Equal Rights Amendment had passed, how would it have affected what is happening now?
No. 255073
>>255040MTT, definitely. They're the ones who screech the loudest, want to redefine woman to include them, and want to tell us to shut up about our bodies and our experiences.
FTMs, by large, are girls who need feminism quite frankly. A lot of them are girls who aren't feminine, or are closeted lesbians, or hate their bodies because society tells them to, or because their bodies bring about perverted men leering at them. So to them, it'd be easier to be male, or they think they "feel" male.
No. 255078
>>255074>ftms aren't a rape or murder risk towards menYeah, it's the opposite.
No one seems to care about FTTs, but MTTs constantly shove their shit down our throats because they're all narcissists with victim complexes. And they get away with it because they're men.
No. 255111
>>255105There do seem to be a lot of trans people who get fucked up when they take the "correct" hormones. Some get really depressed, some develop severe moodswings, some lose empathy, and others like your friend develop anger issues.
But then there are others whose mental health improves with hormones, and the effects are different for each individual so it's hard to nail down what hormones do 100% of the time for mood. From my own anecdotal evidence, my ftm friend has expressed general mental health improvement without the anger issues. I've also heard of ftms who became emotionless and spiteful, while others retain their empathy and still cry easily.
I wonder if, clear mental illness aside (even if it's just "dysphoria"), some trans people are in genuine physical need of some hormones? The ones who experience better mental health, that is. I'm sure there are fewer who improve than those whose moods worsen, but for some I can see it being the case.
No. 255122
>>255111could also be the placebo effect tbh. they re taking hormones they believe will fix their body, so that automatically improves their general mood.
that’s not to say hormones don’t play a huge part. i can attest to that with pcos and hypothyroid.
No. 255126
>>255040Trans ideology also erases women when our biological functions are renamed so as not to exclude FtT or
trigger their dysphoria, eg. chest feeding, pregnant person, birthing individual.
No. 255134
>>254849>They downplay the fact that females are born into oppression because of our SEX. They say incoherent shit like "females aren't hated, femininity is hated".Yeah, and if that were true then butch lesbians and masculine women in general must never experience misogyny and sexism…
Except we do and usually we're called "men" and ridiculed for not being feminine enough and conforming to our prescribed gender role.
No. 255166
>>255154I'm 29, actually. I don't understand what you're refuting. I'm not implying that I believe it's
materially real because the law recognizes it, but it becomes
law, which is a form of reality we are all subject to.
How can you refute gender identity or try to name the harms of gender identity if your jurisdiction has legislated it as something EVERYONE has?
Do you not see any issue with legislation that ingrains the concept of "gender identity" as inherent and universal? Considering the very coherent and thoughtful feminist analysis that explains how gender identity is NOT natural and is in fact harmful?
No. 255199
>>255154Sorry, you sounded like that obtuse anon that was arguing earlier.
But I easily understood what original anon
>>255166 was saying and I'm surprised you didn't.
No. 255228
>>255219This dude only described being conflicted about not fitting gender norms and his mother being a homophobic witch! It’s more “I don’t fit gender stereotypes and I was taught being effeminate means you are a girl”. No mention of actual body dysphoria! There’s nothing wrong with simply being an effeminate man or wearing whatever the Hell you want.
Those YouTube comments are revolting. The wife clearly cares about him very much or else she would have taken off a long time ago and not even try to talk to him. She even acknowledges that she would consider him a lesbian if he went through with transition, so she couldn’t be with him as heterosexual woman.
No. 255368
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Discussion: in the Robbie/Blaire thread in /snow/ (and in other places around the board lately) I've seen talk of homosexual vs agp TIMs, and realized that the first type bothers me way less. Even if it's grody, they're at least obvious and open about their woman-hating and don't seem that interested in women's spaces because of it. They seem more interested in going through their drag fetish whatever with other gay men. In my mind agp TIMs are far more troubling because of the cotton ceiling gaslighting, constant harassment of lesbians, and they're the ones who seem to always want dumb shit like for women to be called "non-prostate havers" and for males to be eligible for pap smears even though they don't have a vagina or cervix. Not implying homosexual TIMs are harmless to women's rights, but the latter of the two types seems way worse for them because they're obsessed with displacing women.
What do you think about this distinction? Do you buy into it? Does one get your goat more than the other, or is it all the same to you?
No. 255408

>>255368While I regard both groups as severely mentally ill, I will admit that I have way more sympathy for homosexual trannies who grew up as effeminate gay men and thus faced some form of discrimination for it, rather than heterosexual AGPs who benefitted 100% from straight – and, let's be real, usually white – male privilege, made all their money as men, got married as men, had children as men, then transition at age 49 and feel entitled to women's spaces just because wearing panties makes their dick hard.
It also does seem to be the case that most homosexual trannies aren't concerned with replacing women; they aren't attracted to women and they seem to be (at least in my experience) more honest about the fact that they are biological males because they pass better and they get off on fooling people. They also seem to be less entranced by the nuances of female biology; they are viscerally disgusted by periods and childbirth; their main reason for transitioning is to fuck men and not be ridiculed for it. Meanwhile AGPs are smearing strawberry jam on maxi pads, bullying lesbians, referring to vaginas as 'front holes,' sniffing their teenage daughter's underwear and jerking off while fantasizing about being a teenage schoolgirl.
Both groups are severely mentally disturbed but I think AGPs are in an entirely different stratosphere of insanity.
No. 255475
>>248675That's the biggest load of bullshit in the world
>Actually transsexualism is more common in black peopleDegeneracy is most common with white people, but good looking out sis
No. 255487
>>255368I agree with this based on personal experience. They are more upfront and realistic about being different from biological women, but they also pass better, are way less aggressive and have better senses of humor. A lot of them were already bottoms so the ones that have not had SRS are not obsessed with forcing everyone to worship their “girl dick. Some may be arrogant and think they are better than real women but they’re not the ones threatening to rape and kill us.
>>255475Shouldn’t you be quoting
>>248671 ?
No. 255494
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>>254689Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that his name is Oger? Fucking lol.
I was rooting through his twitter and he's just the most self-centred, cold hearted piece of shit. I can't believe he thinks he's suited to serve the public. He thinks it's more important that trans women are allowed to volunteer at a female rape relief centre than to consider that the rape victims who use the centre are going to be frightened of males and don't want them anywhere near them.
No. 255510
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>>254689I'm sick of this bitch. How fucking up your own ass do you have to be to call a survivor of FGM twansphobic!!1! for stating the truth about where their oppression comes from, and basically gaslighting her about her own experiences. What's next, are they going to start calling themselves FGM surviviors because of their circumcised dicks? I bet's already happened anyway.
No. 255514
>are they going to start calling themselves FGM surviviors because of their circumcised dicks? I bet's already happened anyway.Yes, they have. They also complain that calling it
female genital mutilation is cissexist.
No. 255589
>>255561Congrats on the abortion win, I was rooting for you guys here in the US. (Also, I find it hilarious that fanny here means ass and for you guys it means vaginas).
Yeah, they've been doing that here for a while too. It's absolutely insane. It goes along with their "some men have vaginas, some women have dicks" bullshit. I'm just glad women are waking up to this shit. Transpeople are dead set on erasing us (but never set on erasing men), and women are getting sick of it. We already have to deal with bullshit from men, and now the troons are at it too.
No. 255598
>>255561In the last five years they have successfully lobbied lactation and midwifery organisations and clinics to remove the words "woman" and "female" and anatomical references that would
trigger dysphoria. Now we have terms like chest feeding, pregnant person, birthing individual.
No. 255599
>>255598>>255589It's crazy, but what really gets me is the way a lot of them are phrasing it. There's a group that were doing a lot of good in the run-up to the ref, blocking out really grotesque pro-life shit outside maternity hospitals and stuff with rainbow flags, it was genuinely fantastic stuff.
What bugs me is that their attitude now is "we did something for you, now you owe us". It really rubs me the wrong way. It shouldn't be about "owing", I believed they were doing it because it was a good thing to do, not because they were going to turn around and demand to be included in something that shouldn't be affecting them differently at all.
No. 255641
Mack Beggs, 19, is a transgender boy who wrestles girls because the Texas high school athletic association, the University Interscholastic League (UIL), determines gender strictly by birth certificate, a policy approved in 2016 by 586 of 620 superintendents. Mack's certificate reads "female."The Texas policy contrasts Connecticut's, which allows transgender kids like Andraya Yearwood to compete with whom they identify. Andraya, 16, is a transgender girl who won the 2017 Class M outdoor state titles in the 100 and 200 meters as a freshman. Andraya isn't the first transgender athlete in Connecticut, but she's the most high-profile. In her first meet of the season, she ran an 11.9 100, just half a second off the state record. Personal medical details became public; though she's transitioned socially, the press reveals Andraya had yet to begin her hormone therapy. No. 255642
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No. 255662
>>255653Reducing a man's testosterone will not alter characteristics of sexual dimorphism such as body size, weight, muscle mass, and lung capacity which developed pre-transition.
I wrote a lengthy comment about this in a previous thread
>>>/ot/230146 No. 255741
>>255561A Facebook page called "Trans Voices for Repeal" popped up with only one post:
>“We had been informed that, during the course of the campaign, directors and representatives of Together for Yes stated that their exclusion of trans people from the campaign, and campaign messaging, was done purposely to reach the ‘middle ground’. Not only is the idea that trans people, and their lives, are confusing or repugnant to voters extremely offensive but, judging by the tallies and exit polls being released, it seems that it was entirely unnecessary.”
>“During the Marriage Referendum in 2015, bisexual people and trans people were actively excluded from the campaign’s literature. That referendum wasn’t about ‘gay and lesbian marriage’, and the use of such language was damaging to the mental health of bi and trans people at the time. That side of that campaign has been effectively whitewashed from history, and we will not allow the repeal campaign to be sanitised in the same way.”I went to get a screenshot there but it seems that it was removed. I'm bisexual and I didn't have a problem with the fact that the previous referendum was said to be about "gay marriage" ffs how fucking fragile are these people? It really is a case of them trying to make everything about themselves. There are max about 200 people in the country who are trans but half of the population are biological women. Why do we need to rethink our campaigns, be mindful of our wording and erase women from official documents because 0.0042% of the population don't feel included?
I really feel like they're trying to erase women. It's taken me many years to proudly be a woman but these people want us to feel ashamed for that because we're "cis". I think it's incredible what the human body can do and I think women should be celebrated for creating life and being able to nurture it but they want that kind of praise instead. I love that women can work whatever job they want in this country but men keep wanting to push us back into the home and trans people want to take the accomplishments and opportunities women deserve in STEM fields. It's shameful to even admit you have female body parts now because god forbid it upset someone who is living in a fantasy world where they have those parts and they're fully functional and you just ruined the illusion.
Sorry for the rant, this has been annoying me during the referendum too. We can't even celebrate our win without this shit all over fb.
No. 255795
>>255741It's comforting to know I'm not alone. I mean I don't have a thing against trans people as a whole, you do you, but so many people I've met are either aggressively defensive of everything trans people do, or they straight up want them to go to whatever the trans equivalent of anti-gay therapy is.
There's another way, and it's realising that shit like trying to squeeze yourself into a campaign that isn't about you is b a d.
The middle ground voters, especially those unsure but traditionally conservative, would definitely be confused and put off by trans men knocking door to door campaigning for their right to abortion. In campaigns you have to appeal to a certain demographic, but they always want to make everything as extreme and out of the ordinary as possible, which just pushes a lot of people away.
Together for Yes definitely took the right approach to their campaigning. The message was simple and clear, whether anyone agreed or disagreed, and throwing trans issues into the mix would've muddled the message for the undecided voters AND given a lot of fuel to the No side. They were latching onto anything they could find to make the Yes side look like a cult of baby killing witches, and while it didn't work in their favour at all, it would've been a lot of extra shite to deal with if they'd started targeting trans people. It could've gotten very, very nasty.
No. 255801
>>255799I think even in a society extremely open to gender non conformity most male and female would still fit into their gender stereotype. So I wouldn't mind transwomen calling themselves women but they couldn't be females they would be males presenting as females.
Transpeople shouldn't get the power to censor the vocabulary around the group they're trying to imitate and any of their issue should be treated as one of their original group.
I'm okay with them using whichever toilet as long as their appearance doesn't make anyone presence, so MTF would need to pass to use the women's restroom. men are not uncomfortable with women using their toilet so I think FTM could use male toilet even without passing.
Transition operations should be considered as cosmetic procedure and not medical necessities.
You compete with people of your birth sex.
No. 255826
>>255799>I personally feel that gender should be as simple as "what's between your legs"Before the idea that gender is a feeling started to spread, the only times I've seen the word "gender" was to talk about someone's sex but in a formal and not scientific way, like in some ID papers for example.
> I feel their safety is far far more at risk in the men's bathroom than ours is having them thereI care more about MY safety and privacy than men in dresses's safety, regardless of how much they pass, since they never do anyway. If they choose to transition and put themselves at risk to find a solution for their dysphoria it's their problem, not mine. And yes, transitioning IS a choice.
No. 255843
>>255799>I feel their safety is far far more at risk in the men's bathroom than ours Why the fuck should women put themselves at risk for the sake of men hurting each other? We're already lucky if we avoid getting assaulted in our lives, we don't owe them more chances.
I mean I do feel bad for trans people (or crossdressers, or feminine men, or gay men) who get beat up by straight men who hate homos and women. It's unfortunate that their homophobia is so extreme that they hurt other but that doesn't mean women should suffer for it, it's their own responsibility.
No. 255873
>>255826>>255843But women aren't actually at risk, though? When has a transwoman ever assaulted someone in a bathroom?
Also, the alternative is having to use the bathroom with transmen, who typically pass way better. If you want to talk hypothetical sexual assault/pervert scenarios, a cisman could easily come in the bathroom pretending to be a transman.
No. 255889
>>255701There is no easy answer in the current sociopolitical climate regarding trans rights in which the ideology of feelings trump reality is becoming public policy.
Segregating sports by testosterone levels is to redefine sex which reifies trans ideology, as does allowing Max to compete against men even if the intent is to achieve athletic fairness towards women.
No. 255890
Nine women homeless women signed on to a lawsuit against Naomi's House and its parent company, the Poverello House, saying the last place they could go to feel safe is now dangerous because they're forced to shower with a transgender woman.The Naomi House bills itself as a gentle haven of healing and a safe haven for single, homeless women, but a new lawsuit says it put a lot of women in harm's way in a very vulnerable spot – the shower.It says the shelter requires them to shower in groups, and it opened its doors to a person who identified themself as a transgender woman who made lewd and sexually inappropriate comments, and leered at them while they were naked."This is the biggest fear they bring up, that you're going to have people who may not even be transgender in bathrooms and settings where people are naked and their privacy rights are being violated," said Peter Kapetan, who filed the lawsuit on behalf of the women.Poverello House administrators tell Action News federal law says they have to treat a person identifying as a woman as a woman – and there's no way to test whether it's true.They say they take allegations of bullying or sexual harassment seriously, but for privacy reasons can't reveal what actions they may have taken.Naomi's House has had good experiences before with at least one transgender woman.The staff was extremely accommodating," said Michelle Nastasis, a transgender professional poker player who stayed at Naomi's House a couple years ago. "In fact, we worked out a system where none of the girls would be offended when I went to take a shower."Nastasis says she got along with some of the women who filed the lawsuit and everybody treated her with respect. She joins them in questioning whether the person accused of sexual harassment is being honest about their status as a transgender woman.Legal analyst Tony Capozzi says the status is protected and the person's claim puts the charity in a tough spot."It may be because they're afraid of violating civil rights that they're not doing anything," Capozzi said. "But I think it's incumbent on Naomi's House to do something about this individual that's there - not because (the person) is transgender, but because (the person) sexually harassed other people."The women say they repeatedly complained to staff members, but were told if they didn't respect the person's decision to identify as a woman, and if they refused to take showers at the same time, they'd get kicked out of the shelter. No. 255927
>>255873>Also, the alternative is having to use the bathroom with transmen, who typically pass way better.Too bad for the transmen who pass then, since it was THEIR choice and nobody forced them to fuck up their body that much. They should think about the consequences of transitioning before actually doing and be prepared for women not being ok with pissing in a stall next to a transman's stall or a transwoman's stall. And besides, there are already unisex bathrooms so they're bitching over nothing.
>But women aren't actually at risk, though? Since when? I don't want men in dresses to come in women's bathrooms if they're going to act like men and put hidden cameras in the stalls (I found a bunch of videos of that online and it's super disturbing and disgusting), sexually assault other women, or straight up beat them and threaten them when they ask simple questions. I think there are sources of that happening in this thread and in the previous ones. If you still don't believe me I'll try to look for other sources. But the fact that men are more violent than women on average is common sense anyway. And personally I don't want to end up changing my pad or tampon in a stall right next to an easily
triggered transwomen who thinks that periods are transphobic and disgusting, but I guess that's just me.
No. 255932
>>255795>It's comforting to know I'm not alone.I honestly don't think we're alone in this at all. I actually think our beliefs are quite common, it's just people are too afraid to speak out. Especially women.
>The middle ground voters, especially those unsure but traditionally conservative, would definitely be confused and put off by trans men knocking door to door And to be honest, I think that's what a lot of people wanted. In their mind, yeah a lot of people would have been turned off and we could have lost but at least they felt included uwu Like I'm sorry, I don't mind what trans people do but I put women first. Always.
No. 255937
>>255890I propose following test: People wanting to change their gender legally have to actively participate in an anon messageboard for a year. If they get called out for being a troon
or being their birth sex more than 5 times, they lose their claim to the gender they're transitioning to.
No. 255939
>>255937I'm a biological wimmin and have been accused of LARPing twice on here.
But I kinda like this idea.
No. 255943
>>255939I bet that was in a timespan over a year.
I'm sure there are plenty of trans people who pass sufficiently well and just want to go through life quietly in the way that is most comfortable to them without causing a big stir, like most people.
It's the ones doing it for fetish reasons and the narcissists that need to insert themselves (and their penises, because lbr it's mostly MtT) everywhere where they're not welcome. They for sure couldn't fly anonymously for any length of time before the toxicity shines through.
No. 255977
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Lesbian vlogger Arielle Scarcella has been making several tweets over the last 24 hours speaking up about am attack on a woman at a gay bar in the states, where she was pummeled by a group of trans people after "misgendering" and being ejected from the bar for her "lesbian shit" (as the bartender was quoted in her recounting of her attack.)
Had to roll my eyes when I saw shoe0nhead's token trans friend of all people responding to Arielle's tweets to accuse the victim of being at fault… as if there's any justification for a group of people, including males, gang beating a lone woman in an organized attack.
No. 256009
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From the Peak Trans thread on the GenderCritical reddit.
>I began having anxiety issues and I wanted to undo my transition and go back to male clothing, but when I told my mom these things, I got called a bunch of names and she was trying to oppose me at every turn, and my parents have come to reveal just how homophobic they are. Is your son gay? Pump him full of synthetic hormones and get a straight daughter; 99.5% more effective than electroshock!!
No. 256016
>>255937why does this thread always get so self-important and stunningly retarded? look around where you are. watch the threads full of hi cow, nitpicking, trolling, and unfiltered autism … you think this shit could be used as a measure of anything?
please anon, get out of the house more, and leave the discussion to the adults.
>>255943the fetishists are already obvious. actual trans folks do tend to fly under the radar (if they pass) because their original identity is toxic to them, so fuck bringing it up, let alone wearing it as a badge.
the problem of relaxed standards for legal change of gender is a serious one, but it doesn't have a simple answer.
No. 256020
>>256016You sound like a troon.
jk, but anon you might want to rethink if it is you who has the autism. Not every post on this site is to be taken at face value lmao
>>255977I hadn't heard about this before, wow. Gendertrender has a good rundown No. 256055
>>256016>actual trans folks do tend to fly under the radar (if they pass)Problem is they don't pass kek, the "actual trans folks" are only marginally more difficult to clock than the others
>trans folxback to /tumblr/
No. 256358
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>>256294"No, I don't see myself as a guy!"
No. 256364
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>>256362There's nothing wrong with saying someone has a punchable face online, sheesh. Ash has a punchable face and her Cal Chuchesta-esque voice is annoying as fuck too.
No. 256368
>>256364Yeah, but that shit is exactly what TRA do to anyone GC. Call her ugly AF, say she has an annoying voice idgaf it's dumb but I literally don't care.
Like it or not but TRA are openly violent, they jump at the chance to call anyone GC the same. Don't add to that BS.
No. 256370
>>256369Nicefem = call them names as much as you want but avoid saying shit like 'punchable face' if you want to avoid acting like a TRA.
Ok lol.
Actions do speak louder than words but you've no doubt seen There's a lot of shit on there that TRA likely consider 'harmless insults'. It's not that hard to understand why you don't joke about hitting/punching/physically hurting someone. Especially as the same shit got an entire subreddit banned on reddit as it was used to target women especially for their looks. It has mysoginistic history.
Everyone here is better than that imho.
No. 256374
>>256370>Everyone here is better than that imhoBitch, speak for yourself we're on a damn imageboard. Just stop trying to police other people's speech online kek, it
is cringey nicefem shit.
No. 256377
>>256376I'm not from plebbit kek. Seriously, go back to tumblr instead of making this thread your radfem uwu hugbox uwu don't bully da troons uwu.
Not all of us are radfems either, there's too much of this retardation for me to be a part of the community. I'm just GC.
No. 256378
>>256377And I'm not from tumblr. Weird how you think I give a shit about bullying troons when I just don't want GC to be overrun with violent crap like TRA are.
As I said before, insult their appearance as much as you like, I literally don't give a fuck. When you start saying violent shit though what do you think TRA's are going to screen cap and use to prove anyone GC is just as bad as them? How does it even add to the discussion in any way?
It's pointless and it is fucking cringy dudebro reddit shit. If you still want to say that shit, you might as well go visit reddit, you'd fit right in.
No. 256379
>>256378>"'punchable face' is violent ;o;">"I'm not from tumblr"Yeah, sure.
Anyways, if I see ash hardell in public I'm going to beat her up and take her lunch money and all TRAs are welcome to use it as an example of terf violence until the end of time.
No. 256381
>>256380What reddit maymays have I used…? I didn't make
>>256345 and I got the pic in
>>256364 from google images.
No. 256445
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A friend shared this on fb.
No. 256497
>>256394Honestly I think we're so open minded here in BC that collectively our brain has fallen out. There's zero reason to have given him a platform, ever. He has a cringey, disgusting website as Hailey Heartless where he advertises all the gross sex things he'll do for money, and as Lisa Kreut he's always sperging out all over FB about how intolerant and violent everyone is, especially the local Labour movement, then provides zero evidence.
And of course, he's friends with Shrek here
No. 256686
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fakeboi i know posted this
based teespring
i don't really self identify as a terf, but I guess i share a lot of opinions and would be called a terfy nazo if were to voice them in a troon crowd
jokes on me for wanting to take biological women seriously
No. 256788
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I love how they spew bullshit like the first comment but never have any proof. I don't understand how these people have become so deluded into thinking that Gender Critical Feminists are compareable to nazis. It's fascinating
No. 256797
>>256580>>256497>>256394>>256405you know what's weird, if you look at the trend for the search term "terf" in canada, BC has way more hits than the rest of canada. I can't figure out how to link that specifically, but playing around with the search results is interesting. there are huge spikes over the years, they can probably be linked to media scandals. i had to guess what's up with BC specifically, i'd say that the vancouver women's library fiasco is related to a lot of it.
No. 256853
>>256846>>256838i only saw the video of it a couple months ago, it's so fucking ridiculous. I was really impressed with some of the redditors who frequent /r/gendercritical, they ran a fundraiser and donated something close to 5k after this happened (as far as I know, if they ran off with the money and you guys never received anything, maybe I was misled).
And I'm not surprised, at all, that it was inclusive to transwomen and that it didn't matter. Michfest was the same way, but it was still protested. There's a reason that international woman's day and other mainstream feminist shithas to put trans women right in the goddamn front and center of everything, it's because they shut shit down if you don't dedicate a third of your time talking about how special dicks are.
>>256847>>256846I'm in alberta guys, i'm sending love from slightly east of you. keep it real guys
No. 257003
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wondering if this ugly white dude decided to LARP as a muslim woman to combat male pattern baldness
>has nsfw twitter acct
tbh i clocked them immediately based on the thumbnail of their profile photo bc of the square framed heavy black glasses undoubtedly from the men's section of the optometrist
No. 257095
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The Assigned Male edits are cracking me up
No. 257137
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>>257059Of course the artist is a crazy trans activist. The comments section seems surprisingly sane though.
>>257129>>257131Marvel should be more careful about who they hire after they had to fire this guy last year: No. 257216
>>255642this seems weird to me
why would a lesbian woman want to date a trans man when trans men are actually just men?
I always figured once you're transition is complete, you're of that gender.
No. 257220
>>257218But I always figured a trans man counts as a man after having transition and being on hormones (same for trans women but in the other direction)
It seems weird a lesbian would want to be with someone who has a penis and who says they're male. (unless they're bi)
But well I don't really know much about it. I just try to be respectful and treat transwomen as women and transmen as men, wich is always what they prefer.
No. 257226
>>257220Uh, no? Sounds like you really don't know anything about trannies (or basic biology). Trans guys don't grow dicks or become male, they will always have vaginas and remain biologically female. There is nothing straight about a female dating a female.
>I just try to be respectful and treat transwomen as women and transmen as men, wich is always what they prefer.Are you lost?
No. 257229
>>257226>Trans guys don't grow dicks Obviously I was talking about surgery
>Are you lost?Apparently. Bye.
No. 257231
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>>257229>implying this weird meat tube is a dickmost ftms don't even get surgery (who can blame them?)
No. 257249
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What's the deal with trans women and anime?
I mean, fuck, they talk about how they want to be accepted in women's spaces but shit like their obsession for anime style striped socks and dyed hair make them stand out like a sore thumb.
I thought I used to be pro-trans but I just can't take it anymore. They always look like as if they want to be nothing but disposable living sex toys. And that's what they think woman are - but somehow, nobody is even talking about it or cricitizing them.
No. 257301
>>257249Because for them
Women = pastel flowers who are so delicate but also NAUGHTY!!! >:3
No. 257319
>>257301not really
>>257249many TiMs you see are from chans and like anime/traps. hell i feel like most of them become TiMs because of seeing anime and stuff. they were probably already obsessed with anime girls and just want to "become the little girl" are it were. if you go on places like /jp/ or /r9k/ you see the whole "become the little girl" or "traps aren't gay" memes, and i feel like since trans is in the spotlight right now it's just a natural turn for these gross misogynists.
No. 257341
>>257249Tims say they're better women for having to "work" to be a woman, but the reality isn't "men are better at being women than women" inversely, it's
"Men are better at being sex objects that pander to men when they specifically tailor themselves to be feminine".
When they realize their identity hinges on toxic male approval, that being a woman isn't actually compliment slumber party with life on easy mode, and they've locked themselves preforming stereotypes…
well, the suicide rate and depression is no surprise, but it's their fault for falling for the meme and being whiny, nasty cunts about it.
They can have fun with their anal prolapses and dilation for all I care, they're still hideous, plastic and nasty in the personality, framing their world on mediocre anime.
No. 257484
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lol @ this neutral reporting. This is the Editor's note:
>Last, there are those who argue we are ignoring the fact that a transgender girl may have an “unfair” advantage. But what is fair or unfair in sports is, to a degree, subjective. Tall people have an advantage on the basketball court. Athletes whose parents can afford to send them to year-round training have a clear-cut advantage in soccer, tennis and other sports. Our notions of what is fair and unfair are often driven by our own frames of reference. while we're at it, maybe we can let able-bodied people compete in the paralympics? After all, fairness is only subjective. Male, female and special leagues were only created in a vacuum for no apparent reason, right?
No. 257490
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>>256853I'm Alberta too, rock on
Did y'all hear about how our new driver's licenses will have a third gender option? "Gender X" kek
No. 258322
>>257484TRAs are notorious for not understanding the point of segregation generally speaking. They don't seem to understand that there are real reasons for different groups of people to be separate from one another, and, really, how could they? Most are straight white males.
They think sexual, sexual orientation, etc etc distinctions and segregation serve no purpose other than being a club for people with the same identity, a club you can join just by "identifying as" the same thing as its members. It's just a way to reinforce their ~womanhood~.
No. 258526
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anyone wanna guess the gender identity of this fellow?
No. 258725
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No. 258951
>>257484“A transgender girl is a girl and ought to be treated like a girl,” Erin Buzuvis said. “If you start to put limitations or exclusions on their participation, not only do you run the risk of violating state anti-discrimination law, but also you are disregarding and disrespecting a population of students based on a core aspect of their identity, which is something that schools should not be in the practice of doing.“I understand that it appears to many people as an inequitable playing field, but they don’t have any context or knowledge about how that athlete’s life would be if she weren’t transgender. And it would be possible she’d be beating their daughters if she was cisgender (someone who identifies with their birth sex).”What?
If "she" weren't transgender, he would be competing against other males, and there wouldn't be an issue.
If "she" were biologically female, there wouldn't be an issue.
Spoken by a woman who advocates for the rights of women under Title IX, a statute intended to eliminate sex based discrimination. No. 259225
>>258857At first, I was really upset by the trolls in comments saying this is all women’s fault or this is what feminists wanted. But actually, they’re right and it is devastating. It’s LIBERAL Feminism’s fault this has happened because they threw old school feminists under the bus to put trans women, even those bearded clowns who refuse to medically or socially transition, front and center of everything. They took away to medical aspect of transgenderism and replaced it with anti-science fluff. Even issues concerning biological women’s health and anatomy!
I’ve always been the outcast “bleeding heart” of my family. I have lost relatives and had them spread malicious gossip about me just for having the most benign views of tolerance. Essentially, living by The Golden Rule, treating everyone as an individual and just trying to hear people out and do my research before judging them. Nothing extreme, but I consistently disagreed with many conservative issues, especially when it came to LGBT. It’s actually a huge trauma in my life that I have conservative relatives that HATE me because I simply fact-checked a stupid anti-LGBT meme they posted and provided them with links to scholarly articles. I was never mean or name-called the whole time and yet they consider me good as dead!
I never thought in my lifetime that I would ever be considered not liberal enough until witnessing this catastrophic shift in liberal ideology. It’s completely devoid of logic and evidence-based research. This new movement considers me the enemy. A so-called TERF even though I have always been an ally when it comes to basic human rights and empathy towards individuals with gender dysphoria. They group me to in with the very people who despise me and abandoned me BECAUSE I didn’t think just like them. My only solace now is that I no longer live in the USA and don’t need to move back anytime soon.
No. 259235
>>259225while i can only say i'm really sorry for your family situation anon, i feel you on a lot of the ideology stuff. i'm a bisexual woman and was always liberal in basically every way except for on feminist issues where i lean more radfem and don't care for liberal feminism at all. but because of that i and other bi/lesbian women labelled "terf" are lumped in with the far right and religious conservatives. as in people who would often rather see a woman interested in other women dead.
i hate how liberalism has just boiled down to your opinion on trans activism being the line between being a person or a punchingbag, it's the most divisive issue right now and being too "terfy" can cost you your safety, privacy, job, etc. realizing how much the left actually doesn't give a fuck about women has really brought me down, and unfortunately it seems like it'll just keep getting worse as more violence against women is excused every day (and even celebrated, if it's against a "terf".)
No. 259845
>>259181The replies are on point. We don't owe them anything. The fuss they're kicking up is fucking embarrassing, and their whining during the lead-up to the referendum is what led me to finally read these gender critical threads here.
You don't get special trans points for not being an asshole during the referendum. We'd probably be further along with equality if it wasn't for ~soft pink-hair trans bois~ and men who think that being female is about being a sex object. I'm sick of it.
In college, all our Student's Union seems to care about is trans-inclusive language and gender neutral bathrooms, not important things like how the college is squeezing money out of people or how there are little to no lunch facilities, or how they replaced a student restaurant with a fucking bank.
Also, I think Trans Voices for Repeal deleted their facebook page? I don't know if there's any drama around it but I'm glad there's no chance of it popping up in my feed.
I'm so, so scared of ever saying any of this irl though. The people I know are so blindly pro-trans-everything that it would be complete social suicide.
I really hope this trend fades away, I'm so sick of it.
No. 259848
>>259225>>259235>i hate how liberalism has just boiled down to your opinion on trans activism being the line between being a person or a punchingbagSame here. It doesn't matter anymore where you stand or what you've done for LGB rights, female reproductive rights, racial minorities, disabled people, homeless people, disaster relief or anything else, as soon as you let on that you don't think men become women just by saying so, you're a literal nazi.
I really hope that this narrative alienates people at a faster pace than it can enact lasting changes in society. At some point enough good people will have hit peak trans that we can turn it back around, right?
No. 259853
Hey farmers! I would love to get an advice or anything.
Thing is, that we've got a mtf in our friend circle (who is, well, really, really obsessed with the idea of being femininein a really creepy way but w/e). There's also a NEET with autistic traits, but itsmore like he seems like one because he is really weird, creepy and a huge, huge attention seeker.the second person never goes outside and spends all of his time on videogames and course, attention shit. His mental healthis childish as fuck, he cant make any decisions himself and is a huge manchild who is again, an attention seeker and tries his best to make everything about him. After a month of being around this friend circle, I found out that our MtF convinced the creeper that he's a transgender, meanwhile in a reality he is just a footfetishist (there's alot of proofs about it). He found his profit in pretending to be a girl even thoughhe doesn't put any effort in that - heck, even grew a beard. He also tried to leech on every at least little bit popular person in one mmorpgcommunity (Aka leech) , while playing the uwuinnocent role, and trust me, his 'trying to be sooo qt and puurrr' shit seems so, so cringy and catfishy.But every person realises how creepy he is so in the endthey leave him. So I've got a problem. Peoplebeen calling him as his chars nickname for short (which Is my real name) andafter he turned into a transgender he started seeming even more creepy which caused me to feel more than uncomfortable about the fact that he begs people in circle to call him as my IRL name. I called it out alot,I asked him to stop all of this (knowing that he calls himself as other nickname in other servers and communities…) but I couldn't get any respect, any actual feedback. He just kept ignoring it OR creating a stupid excuse like 'b-but I liekkkkk dis name'while playing mtf card. I know, I know that this problem sounds stupid as fuck. I also try my best to ignore that he kept trying to copy cat me, but i just, i get so lost everytime they call him like that, knowing there's other options. And they do so because he asks to do so… Maybe people it funny when I don't understand to who they refer and such, but I don't because im sick of it. It's not my fault that it's myreal name… And I also don't want to be associated with this freak at all costs. Jfc man.
No. 260025
>>260008you totally misunderstood anon, she's saying that literally. like they aren't satisfied just being happy as privileged men they have to become women because of their entitlement. liberals are in no way bending backwards for them
because they're men, they're doing it because they're playing as women.
No. 260940
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carrying a pregnancy to term and breastfeeding causes less dysphoria than having breasts, even though biological men also have breasts. okay then
No. 260955
>>260947I don't know if that counts because it's not really sudden. I was really into tumblr some years ago and for some reason fandoms were really linked to social justice. So a bunch of my mutuals supported trans rights and lgbt rights and since I support lgb rights I was ok with them saying that transwomen were women, that men can get pregnant too, and other statements. I don't know, I thought my mutuals just knew better when talking about these things. There was the suicide of Leelah Alcorn at some point and I felt like people got even more involved in supporting trans rights because people not treating trans people with respect would lead them to depression and suicide. Given that I read about the boy (because let's be real, Leelah Alcorn is a boy) was treated like absolute shit when he came out to his parents I thought it was weird that almost nobody mentioned that maybe being abused by his parents could have led him to suicide as well.
I noticed that after that, things escalated gradually and my mutuals went from "we should respect trans people and support them because they have dysphoria and are badly treated by society" to "transwomen ARE women/transmen are men, if you disagree you're a transphobe and we'll dox you and beat you up". And since for them not agreeing with that statement was:
>not wanting to be in the same changing rooms as men who barely make any effort to present as women>not wanting to have sex with trans people for very obvious reasons>thinking that a transwoman born as a guy and living as one for decades with all the advantages it brings isn't more oppressed than your average woman>talking about health issues that are exclusive to women and reproductive rights,basically you were a disgusting bigot and terf on par with nazis and other genociders if you talked about your own life and experience as a woman on the internet or irl. There's also the fact that since I was into fandoms and trans headcanons were everywhere, I noticed how shallow and annoying the usually young trans fans were. They legit thought that characters who were crossdressing or not stereotypically masculine or feminine were trans, and that the okama trope in manga and anime was good representation.
I decided to unfollow everyone who would agree with that nonsense, even I don't really talk about this online in the first place. I left tumblr and now I block every trans activist I find on twitter and it's much better to browse.
I also never really thought about it all that much before but I never understood why, in my country and from what I gathered, dysphoric people could be reimbursed for plastic surgery, trans people or not, but trans people are so ungrateful that they think passing tests to be diagnosed as dysphoric before getting surgery and treatment for free is bigotry. They really don't realise that their surgery and hormone injections aren't even necessary and shouldn't be paid for by taxpayers and some people have a hard time getting diagnosed and treated for really fucking horrible diseases and disorders because of assholes like them who want treatments for no good reasons. AND, all of that was before I discovered how misogynistic and perverted transwomen actually are, because of the myths that they can totally pass irl and they just want to live a normal life. My post isn't very coherent but whatever, I'm tired.
No. 260957
>>260947saged because this is long and it's pretty much all blogging
peak trans happened for me while i thought i was ftm, actually. it didn't make any sense to me that people who were heavily invested in feminism never touched on the issue of transwomen speaking over actual women and acting as though they're the most oppressed, despite most of women's rights issues being
directly related to our anatomy. i used to go to a youth lgbt group thing at the time as well (i was about 16 or 17) and when i talked about those things while i was there, i was pulled aside after the meeting and told that i was upsetting the other people there and that i wasn't allowed to come back, unless it was with an apology. i didn't think i had done anything wrong, i wasn't being mean or purposely antagonizing and mind you, it was the
adult staff that had told me not to come back, not even the other teenagers who were there with me.
when i saw how many lesbians were harassed and threatened for not wanting to suck mtf dick, that's when i started to especially resent transwomen and realize they weren't any different from other hetero men. it also made me really angry how lesbians and gay men were being pressured into becoming trans instead of just being allowed to be gnc, i started following a ton of radfem blogs and was really into it for a while, i eventually stopped reading them passionately all the time but i still have the same views. the only difference now is that i don't think i'm trans anymore and no longer have any plans to transition, but i feel like the fact that i got so fed up while i still considered myself to be part of that community says
a lot to how awful it is.
No. 260985
>>260947I have this niche hobby, nothing wild but for some reason the community also attracts a lot of weird but mostly harmless people. A few years ago there was a steady influx of new users, and for some reason a lot of them were autistic transbians and fakeboys.
The first thing that ticked me off was how many new users included stuff like "Oh and I'm a girl btw :3 ;)" into their introductions. Next thing I remember was a private message I got from some user I didn't even remember interacting with. I wrote something like "I agree with
them" in a thread and this user was fuming and pointed to their signature, where apparently it said to use any gender-neutral pronoun for this person, except they/them. I didn't even display signatures and it was double retarded because I was actually talking about multiple users.
My true peak trans moment though must have been when the NEET girl admin of our community chat server declared it a safe space for self-diagnosed trans people after befriending a delicate mtf in his mid-thirties and a teenage sjw tranny that started hanging out in the server for some reason, despite not being part of the community and having no interest in the hobby behind it. The tranny guy had a habit of posting passive-agressive smilie faces when something made him uncomfortable, like me jokingly calling a friend a dick, so that the admin could do a ~friendly uwu reminder~ that talking about genitals can
trigger dysphoria in some people and shit like that.
The final straw was the sjw tranny, he didn't like me because I am a native speaker of his "heritage language" and corrected him when he embarrased himself using google translate to prove he is a native speaker too. Ever since then he would constantly ping me, asking super loaded questions to find something we disagree on.
One day I took the bait when he asked me if I agreed with trans people going through consultation before transitioning. Of course I agree that people can't just go to a doctor one day and demand hormones and their tits to be chopped off. Of course I didn't word it this way but what followed was him literally spamming me with more loaded questions and the usual buzz-phrases. Apparently offering counselling to trans people is oppressive and literally trans erasure and who the fuck knows what else. The admin was fine with this too, because "She has a point though".
Fun thing is, I never even questioned trans people before this. No wonder they have this huge persecution complex if they think anything else but shutting the fuck up and sucking their ladydicks is transphobic.
Holy wall of text though.
No. 261010
>>260947I actually was in full support of trans people and I still am, providing they keep to themselves. But once many years ago I mentioned to a friend on fb that I was uncomfortable with trans people being in my bathroom and holy shit the flood of Tumblrinas came after that with "You think
you're comfortable? Guess how
they feel!" and I guess that's when I realised that they care more about the comfort of trans people and making them feel validated over the
safety of women.
That's also why I feel the whole trans thing is inherently anti-women.
No. 261092
>>260947I was in the hetalia fandom (I know, guys) a few years ago and suddenly a lot of my mutuals started identifying as men. That was the first time I came across it and I supported them, had the whole libfem discourse, etc, but was never really involved in it.
Then around three years ago one of my best friends from university came out as a mtf, which came as a surprise, since he was a big misogynist who made fun of gnc people, mostly guys. I supported him until I finally realised things didn't add up and started posting some soft gender crit stuff on my facebook. Apparently one of those
triggered him and he asked me why I was posting hate (the post was something like "if you feel uncomfortable with others language, you don't need to police it, you need therapy"). So I finally told him that I didn't believe in trans madness anymore and stopped all the contact. Best decision I ever made.
No. 261098
I think it would be great if troons dated each other and left normal people alone.
>>261011Did that guy said 'I'm a lesbian'? Barf.
No. 261136
>>250039late as fuck but im so sorry that happened to you and i hope you heal.
Keep strong supportive women around you, they do more healing than you realise.
No. 261145
>>260947The "peak trans" moment was when my ex started to reveal they wanted to transition.
I remember them starting to mock this person they were following on tumblr who started transitioning. My ex basically became a mirror image of this person they barely even knew. After that, things started getting progressively worse. They wanted to go "poly". They made me send them photos of dragon girls while I was away from them. They stole my clothes and makeup when I moved out. They tried to make me think about gender shit and the entire time I was just thinking, "but masculinity and femininity doesn't even describe gender. why does this even exist?"
I honestly can't put it into good words how much my ex and his friends affected my view of "peak trans". It's too long and a lot of it overlaps with personal relationship problems because these people are just terrible with having relationships with normal people.
I actually have a lot of trans friends still, but they are not the ones who act like they want to be the spokesperson for their identity 24/7. The whole "solidarity" stuff is hilarious because the last time I checked up on my ex, he was partying with known child predator Richard "Terra" Jones.
No. 261150
Warning for vent ahead
I work at a women’s gym and recently we have a trans”woman” coming in during my shift. My job is to basically set up machines for members, adjust their weights so they don’t plateau, motivate them, etc. So I get stuck with this fucking man having to set him up for his first time, all the while he’s trying to speak quietly/higher pitched and was telling me about how he used to be able to max out this and that machine. I guess he was nervous but he came off as arrogant as fuck. Keep in mind we have other branches that are co-ed like…5 minutes from the women’s gym. He came in as a guest initially but is now a full-on member and ALWAYS comes in at the same time i have my shift but he wears BRIGHT fucking pink, tennis skirts, has this awful fried orange hair and typical wannabe makeup. Also has the complete body of a man, broad shoulders, tall, but has tits…idk it seems like the circus dropped off their resident crossdresser every time he comes in. So my sweet anons please help, do I continue to use female pronouns with him to avoid disciplinary measures (I assumed my higher-ups are cool with this??? Older women come here and can’t be cool with it) or say something to my manager? I’m well-liked by the people I work with, so I don’t really want to estrange myself, but I feel honestly…angry every time this man comes in to our space! Can we not have a WOMEN’S gym?? Christsake…
No. 261160
>>260947I'm not sure I can remember, it's just been a gradual realization for me. There's always been this part of me, even in my most pro-LGBT days, where I'd think to myself "Isn't this a bit like wearing womanface?" And with the transracial shit that started coming out years later, it only solidified my thoughts. A white woman considering herself a black woman is universally derided, yet men can dress up like female cliches and are accepted.
I was even okay with the whole bathroom issue for a while too. It was a big hullabaloo in North Carolina, my state, and a bunch of companies like Paypal decided to try to strongarm us by not doing business here. (Meanwhile, Paypal has headquarters in locations like Singapore and Saudi Arabia, hardly bastions of LGBT rights). I guess me going "I don't care if I share a bathroom with a transwoman was me trying to be nice and understanding, as women often do. Nowadays, I just find myself wanting people to stop being cheap fucks and just make a third gender neutral bathroom. At least them maybe women can be left in peace.
I started approaching peak trans more and more witnessing the stupidity of Tumblr/Twitter and the way transwomen were taking over feminism, and the way lib fems would prioritize them over biological women.
No. 261175
>>261150You can't do anything because it could cost you your job but do the other gym users have a problem with it? Have they sent in any review cards? I mean it's a gym for
women and they're probably there to feel safe and avoid the glare of men (uh, *trans lesbians) so maybe if enough complained about being uncomfortable and taking their business elsewhere, your manager might be forced to do something about it.
What happens in that situation anyway? It's hardly like they can take this person aside and be like "We have suspicion to believe you're a man and it's making people uncomfortable" and they know it.
No. 261253
In depth article in the new issue of
The Atlantic about young TiFs and several who ultimately detransitioned.
When Children Say They’re TransHormones? Surgery? The choices are fraught—and there are no easy answers.But when it comes to the question of physical interventions, this era has also brought fraught new challenges to many parents. Where is the line between not “feeling like” a girl because society makes it difficult to be a girl and needing hormones to alleviate dysphoria that otherwise won’t go away? How can parents tell? How can they help their children gain access to the support and medical help they might need, while also keeping in mind that adolescence is, by definition, a time of fevered identity exploration? course the trans lobby decries the article and seeks to deplatform the author. No. 261263
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>>261253The comments in the Jezebel article are both frustrating and kind of funny. There is a thread where two people, a MtT and obviously a GC feminist, are having a discussion and after a very politely worded response from the GC woman, other people barge in writing "being trans isn't a mental illness!!1" and "STRAWMAAAAN."
It's almost like anytime they're faced with logical discussion they can't talk around, they default to insults and buzzwords.
No. 261293
>>260947When I asked a mtf what's like to "feel like a woman" and that beast just answered "I like pink, dresses, you know, girl stuff."
"You can like girl stuff and stay still a boy. All the things you listed are not a woman feeling, but what the society thinks it's "girly". Does this mean that me loving blue makes me trans?"
He blocked me.
No. 261327
>>261320She says that now that she has detransitioned a lot of radical feminists have a problem with her, but she doesn't explain or give examples.
She has a blog and Youtube channel. No. 261352
>>261327Was confused about that as well. Later in the video she only mentions trans people not liking her talking about her detransition.
I feel with many girls and women, this gender dysphoria stems from how we are treated by society at large, so they just don't want to be women anymore, which is so sad.
No. 261356
>>260947I had known trans people even before it became a Tumblr thing and I was always kind of iffy about mutilating your body irreversibly just because you thought you were someone else, but I didn't pay it much mind because I was sure such things as female/male brains existed and I just brushed it off as someone being literally born into wrong gender trying to fix things up. The trans people I had met were sensible and just like normal people, living their lives in peace but simply having transitioned with their gender. I also had been struggling with my own sexuality (female-leaning bisexual) and gender issues since early childhood because people kept telling me that I wasn't girly or ladylike, I was acting and dressing up like a boy, I had masculine traits and interests etc. So the idea of transitioning seemed to resonate with my feelings as well. I could become a legal male and not endure the pressure put on females, sexual abuse and girls would finally like me if I was a guy? I started sinking more into it.
I almost went out of my way to transition. I dressed up as a man whenever I could. I started freaking out at the sight of my body. I started doing weight training to gain more muscle and be less feminine. I even began using they/them pronouns. That familiar song being sung for a lot of FTM people. But when the trans activism community started gaining more traction I started seeing more flaws with the issue. So here's what started my peak trans.
1.) Transracialness. Why would it be okay for a male to feel female, the gender oppressed for centuries, but not for a white person to feel black, the oppressed race? Why was transracialness so outlandish, but transgenderism wasn't?
2.) The nonbinary bullshit. I started noticing that a lot of NB people were born female. At this point I began reading up about radical feminism and the thought about internalized misogyny causing young girls to abandon their femininity struck me as familiar. They didn't want to be women, but not men either. The point about being nonbinary was just to escape femininity.
3.) The detransitioners. How people regretted transitioning. Their stories about how some of them were basically confused with their homosexuality and thought it was their gender that wasn't right. The people who had gender-related traumas that the psychiatrists didn't even look into before sending them off to get expensive surgeries.
4.) The pussy march and the trans reaction to it. The autogynephilic transwomen and their cotton ceiling nonsense. This really could be defined as my breaking point. I was so disgusted by them calling women "womb-carriers" and other outrageous things when breaking into female-only spaces.
5.) What really put the last nail in the coffin: the realization that transgenderism was just another kind of conversion therapy. Homosexual males being pressured into transitioning into women and lesbian females being pressured into transitioning into men. It's like the fucking middle ages trying to make a comeback.
After that I've been finding out more and more enraging traits in the whole ideology but these 5 points, most likely similar to a lot of people who have reached peak trans, did the trick and had me snap myself out of it. I'm now fully identifying as female and happy about my gender, I still occasionally get twinges of "I wish I was a male" but they're getting very rare. And after all, you should be able to be a butch, masculine, non-heterosexual woman or at least pave the way for the younger non-gender stereotype conforming people.
No. 261360
>>261356Anon are you me?
My story is basically the same. Except I hated my femininity because my father is a sexist asshole. I guess I classify as "radfem" now but I'm not "out" about it to my friends because of the current social climate.
But now I'm trying hard to own just being who I am and to hell with it. Next will be addressing the homosexuality I suspect I've suppressed thanks to my father losing his mind when I was 16 and he found out I had a girlfriend.
No. 261364
>>259857Yup. Sort of. I couldn't articulate this properly before I got peaktransed and decided to read more about this, but fuck did I hate my female body during my teenage years. It made me develop an eating disorder because I was desperate to starve my secondary sexual characteristics away. Then on top of that I'd bind my breasts, dream of a double mastectomy, buy clothes from the men's session, cut my hair short etc. Never thought I might "be a man" though, I just didn't want to be seen as a woman. Androgyny was the goal. I was vaguely aware that trans people existed and I could, in theory, get HRT, but that seemed so damn extreme. I could do with being bone-thin with a short haircut and tight sports bra just fine.
I shudder at the thought that if I were five or six years younger I most certainly would not have seen transitioning as the extreme, lifelong, EXTREME process it is. Instead of growing up, getting therapy, and learning to accept my body I would have been enabled, egged on, and rewarded for hating my body, mutilating it, and trying to live a lie as the opposite sex. Me and so many others would have been seduced by the easy way out.
Which brings me to another TRA argument that makes my fucking blood boil:
>not all women have the same experience of womanhood!>terfs who say that transmen are self-hating women don't respect that not all women have the same experience!>some women love their bodies and this is somehow an argument that proves women who deform and mutilate their bodies don't do it out of self-hate REEEEEENo. Just… no. Unless you are some sort of nun cut away from the rest of the world, if you grew up female you WERE exposed to a culture that makes rigid demands of our bodies at all times. You can't escape it.
Every woman grows up under the belief that women are supposed to be good looking, because our worth is based entirely on that. Not just good-looking, but attractive to men. Tits, ass, a pink innie cunt - otherwise you're garbage. Or rail thin, frail, like a model. Diet, diet, diet, get a summer body, get toned, shave, put on make-up, do your hair, do your nails, dress well, do something about your natural smells, figure out a way to stop time and prevent inevitable aging. And never forget: listen to men and do as they say, never forget your body belongs to them and exists solely for their pleasure. If you aren't good enough eyecandy you might as well be dead.
Every woman goes through this. Some aren't as damaged as others, but
every woman goes through this. Pointing out that dysphoria might be caused by this shouldn't be taboo, it should be the first thing to come to mind. Pointing out that girls might see acquiring a male body as a way to escape abuse, dehumanization, objectification, assault and constant scrutiny shouldn't even be up for debate.
No. 261365
>>259967>plus, trannies aren't even trying to take advantage of their privilege as menTheir not being aware they're doing it doesn't mean that they aren't doing it. Men take being respected and understood as an autonomous, capable individual for granted. They take being taken seriously for granted, and they're blind to the fact that women don't get that. They think we get it
plus "female privilege" because of how "the sexual market" works.
>modern men aren't the cause of misogyny, they are simply continuing a shitty trendThis makes no sense whatsoever. This particular argument literally only works for the racism historical debt/white guilt scenario. It doesn't even work for current-day racism, much less sexism.
It's been, what, over one hundred years since women's suffrage? Every man alive was born after it happened, and they have the choice to either uphold misogyny or cease it. They choose to uphold it every day of their lives, and they have no excuse to "follow the shitty trend" when feminism is widely-known. Even if men never went out of their way to understand feminism, it still wouldn't be an excuse - women keep trying to educate men no matter how many times they show us they are uncivilized beasts incapable of basic empathy who refuse let go of their status as dominant class.
They refused to listen or give a shit about feminism because it's not all about them. Now we all see what it takes for men to listen: make it all about them. That's why they're so vehement about their victimhood and being included and represented and given prizes and awards and visibility everywhere: the trans movement is nothing but men's attempt to participate in the oppression olympics and obtain the same "oppression points" and privileges they believe minorities get.
That's why they lash out violently when we refuse to go along with their delusions. These are menchildren raised under the (not entirely wrong) impression that feminist/libertarian/left-y/tumblr-y circles welcomed, defended, supported and unquestioningly accepted anything that even remotely resembled an oppressed group. They expect this same treatment and are filled with self-righteous rage when they don't get it. And, again, they're not even entirely wrong to expect it, the only acceptable approach to social justice matters now
IS "the victim always knows best and the victim is never to be questioned".
I ended up writing a lot more than planned and it's not even relevant because everyone here probably already agree with it lmao. Sorry, anons No. 261370
>>261352That's exactly what it is. Gneder roles and expectations are shoved on us, we're told to like "girly" stuff, but then at the same time anything feminine is derided in way "male" things are not. Worse, when we hit puberty, we get tits and begin to attract creepy fucking men. Women - lesbians, bisexuals,straight women, asexuals, it doesn't fucking matter. We just want to go through life without constantly being stared at and hit on by men. Society still treat vaginas like they're dirty things. It's why so many of them decide to go "trans" and bind their tits, or talk about how much they hate having vaginas. Every girl claiming to be "trans" I've seen online genuinely hate their bodies, especially their breasts and vaginas. And it just sounds like a whole lot of internalized misogyny to me. Those poor girls need to be talked to, to learn to accept their bodies, not to be encouraged to go under a knife and get on a bunch of hormones.
No. 261373
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On other news, casual drag queen misogyny
No. 261374
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>>261373Samefag but comments are him basically calling other women stupid for calling him out
No. 261641
>>261375I love the sane responses.
Also love that he’s going on about “‘making a foe out of friends.” So women have to just accept men making fun of them or they’re in the wrong and are the ones making “foes” for themselves? Makes misogynistic sense.
No. 261646
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>>261374is he comparing vaginas to poop? and here, took me 2 seconds to find penis nail art
No. 261799
>>261795Kek, who knows if it's even really him. He has a well documented history of fake suicide and I would not even be surprised if he jumped on this story and made his "friend" (sockpuppet accounts) say it's him.
What a loon.
No. 261861
A Disproportionate Number of Autistic Youth Are Transgender. Why?"Numerous studies report that gender-dysphoric youth are more likely to be autistic than would be expected based on autism rates in the general population"
I've seen this phenomena explored on other sites and when PT's thread was bumped, it got me to thinking about it again.
No. 261923
>>261861Of course they had to come up with the stupidest excuse ever. Instead of the very reasonable and logical "autistic people get hyperfixations on certain issues" explanation they have to run with the
>"They're just brave autistic kids who have the amazing superpower of not caring about what the society thinks about them, so they can out themselves as transgender easier than normal transgender folks!" horse shit. The amount of mental gymnastics these people are willing to do is astounding.
No. 261934
The thumbnail of the video in this
>>261126 post made me want to go watch hare hare yuakai and I did but had this weird sense of dread watching it. Then it hit me: Moe has become exclusively a tranny thing. I had such warm memories of this dumb song and now they're ruined. I feel ill.
No. 262012
>>261934Moe has always existed in order to give straight men boners, so why are you surprised?
Some of you will find literally any excuse to rant about trannies ruining things lol
No. 262097
>>261795A person set themself on fire Tuesday afternoon in a downtown Portland park across from the Multnomah County Courthouse after reading a manifesto about homelessness and mental health.Witnesses gave conflicting statements about the gender of the person. is being blamed by TRAs on Twitter.'s thread has been dead since December. No. 262129
>>256009This story should be showed to every young person wanting to transition. IT's so fucking insane how NOBODY questioned his gender issues being attached to his sexuality. It's truly making me believe that this is some sort of a homophobic conspiracy to convert people to be straight.
On a related note, this article really fucked me up. I was expecting it to be a story about a woman coming to terms with her homosexuality but… of course not. I can just hear all the trans activists applauding this as some sort of a great story of gender identity triumphing over difficulties when in actuality it's just another example of how people still see being a straight trans is miles more acceptable than being a cis homosexual. No. 262145
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I'm so annoyed/disappointed right now. Just found out a Youtuber I enjoyed (Nyx Fears) is now (pretty recently) a "trans woman" after reading through some comments on a recent video of his and checking his twitter/insta (which I don't follow) to confirm. On an instagram photo, someone left this horrifying comment in pic related.
I thought he was gay (and maybe he is, I don't know - I started watching his stuff ages ago because it was weird/horror movie reviews), and he wears nail polish often and has shoulder length hair, but I literally never thought he considered himself trans until I read youtube comments calling him "May." He is so male. Male voice, face, body, 5 o clock shadows… ugh. And then I see comments on photos of him more recently where people say "suddenly I'm a lesbian" or many calling him a "fashion icon" and beautiful.
I'm really irritated since I remember his old content being BETTER and how he outright said his name was Mason (even his IG still uses that name so idk). I lost a lot of respect for him. I am considering unsubscribing.
No. 262151
>>262097Their screeching false narrative blaming bullying by KF has been regurgitated in the Mail. Will MSM in the US run with it?
And with the incoming traffic, will Josh sell lots of tshirts? No. 262158
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''queer couple'': a woman with short hair in a relationship with a man
No. 262471
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I used to consider acceptance over tolerance, because I cant help but feel pity for the dumb young boys that fell for the tranny meme. They usually have pathetically low self esteem, and social issues. Quiet. Upon changing their lives, they become happier, and that's great! Aside from the hormones they don't understand how to control and the self mutilation and ideology that makes you despise your body permanently, some seem to be doing "okay".
I would be fine treating someone who called themselves a "transsexual" as whatever they were trying to present themselves as, because there isn't any lie to it. Dude isn't pretending to be a woman - he just wants to behave like one by acting feminine. I'd call a hon Sharon if he was like "yeah, I like dressing up in fancy dresses". or like Miranda Yardly's humor about it. Breaking the binary without attacking and leaching off the LGB. Though I'm still not interested in sharing bathrooms with any men.
I'd at least be willing to view them as more than subhuman if they were like this, how some used to be. These new types of trannies spontaneously combust(kek) if you call the polytransgal a he.
The root of my issue with it is… When you conflate a man wanting to embrace feminine stereotypes with the word "woman", suddenly they're also lesbians, transgirls, transgals, transwomen, transdykes, and "true" and "better" women. Is it because they're not comfortable just gender nonconforming as a man, without the huge stage show? They think they get to demand privileges with their new female++ privilege (valuable and desirable, people will give me anything!). Most of this idea is repeated in 4chan, that women have it easier and get everything free and easy. And that itself, is pretty fuckin' misogynistic. So believing it, acting it out and acting upon it by trying to "become the gf" makes me feel contempt for even the quiet ones.
So yeah, if I don't have to play the pronoun game and the woman connotation is dropped with all its transbian tie ins, I'd be willing to endure them.
No. 262522
>>262519Most of them never realize how hormones will actually affect their health and life in general, especially FTMs. FTMs underestimate the effects testosterone will cause them and some of the more tumblr aesthetic fucks will even outright state that they just "want a deep voice and some muscle". Completely ignoring that it will also cause hormonal acne, balding, hair growth, abdominal weight gain, all sorts of non-kawaii things. And once the body hair starts growing it's never going to stop.
It's much, much harder for a transitioned post-op FTM to go back than a MTF (assuming both patients have only gotten sterilization/hysterectomy instead of full reconstructive bottom surgery which a lot of them choose to pass) and a lot of girls simply don't realize that. The "magical T" is presented by a lot of sources as some magical power juice that will give them a slightly more masculine face when in actuality it's a fucking ANABOLIC STEROID.
No. 262626
>>262608I cringed so hard when she started talking about how she wishes she had a penis so gay men would be interested in her because "I love their energy" and other fetishizing type shit. This is like the gender version of people who fetishize Asian women as submissive. I see it as a red flag that she specifically wants gay men to be interested in her due to stereotypes about their personalities.
This is where many people who identify as trans miss the point. Sexuality is based on sexual characteristics, it isnt based on personality or fashion. Its ignorant and dangerous to ignore what the basis of sexual orientation is about because then we get the cotton ceiling bullshit
No. 262846
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>Why don't they call natural vaginas open wounds or rotpockets huh? So what if they don't have to be mechanically kept open from healing shut, don't have hairballs growing inside of them or leak pus? It's just as good as a HOME GROWN VAGINA!
Imagine being so delusional you can't see the difference between a surgically created open wound and a natural organ.
No. 262852
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>>262846Hairballs? HAIRBALLS?
No. 262875
>>262158What the FUCK is an enbie? Another species we haven't discovered yet?
The left one looks like an incredibly masculine woman or a very cunty man.
No. 262892
>>262886Was just about to post this, you beat me to it, although the post is even worse than you describe-warning to anyone looking it up.
>>262852Yep-because a "neovagina" is the penis slit open, inverted and shoved up into the man, the outer skin becomes the inner skin-so the outer pubic hair is there and continues to grow which is why you get the hairballs. Hairballs are not the worst thing to come out of a neovagina, its little wonder lesbians and men want nothing to do with them.
No. 262913
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The ones that aren't made from dick tissue are made from bowel tissue, which is even worse imo. Those are colonized by shit bacteria and smell like death.
>the shaft doesn't have pubes on it (it does on nasty circumcised dicks tho)
Most american men are circumcised, no? Anyways, it's not hard to find stories of them growing hair inside.
No. 262922
>>262900>tard>nasty circumcised dicks thoYou have to be over 12 to post here, or at least try and contain your autism.
In some surgeries the scrotum is folded inward to increase sensation, so pubic hair in there sometimes happens. No. 262923
>>262913>Tfw eurofag who's just found out circumcised penises have hair on themI don't want to read any articles about it, can any Anons give me the cliffnotes of what a neovag is made from? How could one be made from bowel tissue when he needs that?
I've seen a pic of neodick on here and it was just straight-up mutilation, so I guess neovag is the same. Just a lil confusing
No. 262988
>>262913>smells like shit>(well, it smells like normal female genitalia)What? Just… what? His festering would could NEVER smell like female genitalia (which btw does not smell bad unless something's wrong), it completely lacks the chemistry, ph, and fluids for that. You know, the whole composition that allows them to self clean?
For fuck sake, trannies are completely illiterate. How can you know so little about the biology of the sex you so wish to emulate?
No. 263008
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>>262999Because lonely, closeted men constantly amp them up to be "better than real women" so that's what they believe and expect of themselves, they set the bar for women high and act as if they aren't human at all and get disgusted when they are
Entitlement comes from just everyone who is born male has a sense of entitlement, it's annoying as hell and they need to be beat
No. 263011
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>>263008I like when /r9k/ incels get butthurt because women are more successful at transitioning than them.
No. 263039
>>263008>sex drive just as vigorous as yoursMeanwhile mtfs constantly complain about losing their drive once they start HRT.
No. 263083
File: 1530037318082.jpeg (28.08 KB, 515x137, F81E8A76-743E-4F87-842E-F563BC…)

MIC was in my Twitter moments promoting a new weekly column called “Transplaining”
Pictured is their first submitted question. They make it sound like someone was forcing Testostorone into their system when it was just occurring naturally. It’s so over dramatic! No. 263091
File: 1530038667797.jpeg (123.15 KB, 750x750, CB678477-6467-4480-99E7-FB8314…)

>>263083>If we look at the media landscape, there’s a clear lack of authentic trans stories being told by actual trans people who have endured the historical and contemporary realities of trans identity. But we are inundated with stories of trans people even though they’re such a minority. And I like the casual gatekeeping of “actual” and “authentic.”
>Being a cisgender woman is in no way superior to being transgenderSo there aren’t authentic or actual women, but there are authentic and actual trans people? Okay then
>realize the beauty in your own transness Being trans is beautiful, apparently
Attached photo of the author.
No. 263124
>>262852>>262900Skin from the testicles is used to lengthen the vagina and testicles sure can get hairy. It's next to impossible to destroy ALL hair follicles for good so you end up having a hole in your body that has dreadlocks growing inside of it. And during intercourse or dilation, the hair can break off and gather at the end of the canal, forming a hairball. Mentioning this
triggers the fuck out of trannies though.
No. 263165
>>263084This was an amazing read, thank you anon. A very engaging story that's a reality for a lot of parents at this very moment.
>The fact that teenage girls, predominantly young lesbians, are rejecting their womanhood in an attempt to become their oppressors should fill society with horror. Instead we are making ‘being trans’ into the latest fashion and parading these children in newspapers and on reality TV showsThis really got to me. I didn't even realize how much the society STILL hates women before this trans craze caught on.
No. 263198
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Yeah that's called AGP sweetheart
No. 263244
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>>263198pic related is him kek
No. 263247
>>263244Forever an ugly John cusack. He must see himself as model potential if he thinks there's any hope in saving
that, let alone turning it into "hot girl" tier
No. 263248
>>263198how is this different from what other women think and feel?
another question, have any of you read feminist theory?
feminism is not a feeeeeling
No. 263249
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No. 263402
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When asexual people are oppressed and murdered for their sexuality then they can join pride. Stop relating people laughing at you for not having sex to those who have actually suffered due to identifying as gay and lesbian. Asexual people do not risk losing family members when they come out, they don’t risk losing jobs. At most they get teased because “sex is normal” but dang, how desperate are you for oppression points if you think that’s as bad as what the LGBT community experience?? (Sage for ranting)
No. 263415
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No. 263416
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No. 263417
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No. 263425
>>263424It's more like they aren't and that anon was bullshitting. Trans
identified women are, but trans identified men ("transwomen") don't have a significantly higher risk than any other men.
No. 263426
>>263248>how is this different from what other women think and feel?What "other" women? There
is no other women, there's just women. Are you really saying this man is a woman because he shares a wish to be and an envious feeling towards hot women with us?
>females are jealous of prettier females>male is jealous of pretty females also>therefore this male = femaleHow did you get this far in life when you're so utterly incapable of basic logic?
>a raven is a bird>ravens are black>therefore all black things are birds No. 263452 anyone see this yet?
imo rant, it's incredibly frustrating when he says at about 1:39, how he hates "cis-men misrepresenting trans women" as if they take it all off at the end of the day [when thats what they do]…then why take so much pride in being labeled "tranz-woomhun"?
No. 263472
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Imagine getting engaged and your father decides to come out as trans and co-opt your future wife's name. I always thought that was weird and upsetting to do to your child. The pinnacle and Bruce Jenner's narcissism, envy, and selfishness.
No. 263505
File: 1530215394581.png (54.82 KB, 528x666, tumblr.png)

Once again people getting gender identity mixed up with gender expression and roles. The notes are full of comments like "I thought I was a woman but I don't like girly things so I realized I was nonbinary uwu~".
If you don't like shaving your legs you're clearly not a cis woman.
No. 263520
>>263491This is so sick. I'm glad I grew up in a normal time with normal parents.
I always liked playing with cars, dinosaurs, and I hated wearing girly stuff but I never ever felt like a boy.
It's funny how in a time of supposed diversity and encouraging girls to be more interested in technical fields they enforce gender stereotypes like never before.
> if she likes playing with cars she must be transgendered> if he likes to cook he must be transJust imagine, parents turning you into a monster so they could virtue signal and get attention to themselves. I hope that the short time of fame was worth sacrificing their child for.
It's all a sick farcical play.
No. 263523
>>263415I'm never changing my pad/tampon in public places anymore.
Goddamnit my country allowing these people to exist, sometimes I wish I lived in a more closed minded country where I couldn't see these role playing freaks around
No. 263551
>>263491I would've been one of these kids. Didn't like playing with dolls, didn't like dresses, always wanted my hair to be short.
It really saddens me that people are trying to tell tomboys and girly boys that they're actually the other sex instead of maybe just widening the perception of what kids of each gender can play with.
No. 263590
>>263417Fuckin' why
This is something I never considered happening. at home I rinse as much blood as possible from any sanitary things before rolling up tight in plastic or tissues, mostly because of animals maybe getting in to the trash, but now I have a second reason
No. 263595
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>>262852I found the post I spoke about on
>>262886 No. 263598
File: 1530240039597.jpg (19.06 KB, 360x270, tmp_14215-15037280471443575790…)

>>263415Time to invest in a diva cup
No. 263602
File: 1530242110368.png (1.58 MB, 1184x1190, 01029939399221010.png)

Looks like Jazz Jennings got the surgery. Wonder how he really feels about it.
No. 263604
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No. 263615
File: 1530246489251.png (405.42 KB, 719x463, disgusting.png)

Pic related took place at Dyke March. I think it's funny, trannies ''identify'' as women while ''cis'' women are women.
No. 263732
File: 1530272085400.png (30.45 KB, 703x406, transwhining.png)

I'm in a gaming discord and this exchange occurred in a "irl talk" channel. I'm neither of these individuals.
Pretty likely this is a TiM due to flower emoji and their discord image is a drawing of a female video game character.
Anyway this kind of whining is really insufferable. Especially being an ass to the supportive dude. It also sounds like this person is young from what they wrote.
I can't say anything really or I'd get into trouble per discord rules. Not that I could really talk any sense into someone like this. Just venting here because I basically can't anywhere else.
No. 263762
File: 1530284459157.png (182.42 KB, 1008x639, kek.PNG)> Help me get my vagina. I'm running a fundraiser to pay for my surgery costs. (gender reassignment surgery)Although I like Libreboot. It's a shame really.
No. 263764
>>263732>>263741>>263753I had a mtf 'friend' who constantly acted like this. Didn't wanna talk more than 2 minutes about my problems or interests, everything circled back to 'i will never be a real woman boohoo', 'muh men arms', 'I'm to tall to be a woman' etc. The more supportive I was, the more she was getting angry and saying that I'm delusional, must be blind etc. She was like a sponge, soaking in all the kindness, except she gave back toxic energy.
Said friend was skinny and had a rather feminine face, so it was in her head mostly. She refused to stop whining and either try harder with transition or seek psychologist for her inexisting self-esteem and/or dysphoria. Our relationship ended when I told her to move the fuck on with her problems and either live as a man or ftm.
She was so unsufferable everyone tried to send her to a shrink. Instead of reconsidering, she preffered to believe that no-one understands her and the trans issue.
Of course she was one of those "why aren't you good with make-up??? You are a woman!" trans. Honey, I don't need make-up to "become" a woman.
No. 263785
File: 1530291095429.png (315.65 KB, 768x521, Complie-and-Execute-C -Progra…)

>>263762why are so many programmers trannies?
and doesnt programming have a good enough salary to get good insurance and pay for the procedure the non-begging way?
>Help me get my vaginapuke
No. 263801
File: 1530293821345.jpg (33.5 KB, 300x300, leah2.jpg)

>>263762> Transitioning has done wonders to my mental health. I’m happier, more energetic, more sociable - I even have friends. But I still don’t have a vagina. I’ve dreamed of having one since I was very young. I can’t look at myself in the mirror without feeling distress. I need surgery, so that I can be happy. At this stage in my life, it’s all that matters to me.
> I registered with the Suporn Clinic, which is located in Thailand and is one of the best centres for genital surgery on earth. I paid a small deposit, and my surgery with this clinic is booked for August 2018.
> The problem? I’m heavily in debt, and I can’t afford to pay the rest of the costs for the surgery. I need your help. If you help me, you’ll be saving my life, and making my life worth living. I need surgery.
> I want to be able to love my body and myself. Most other people have this privilege. I won’t be able to love myself until I have surgery. At this point, I’m desperate.You can't make this shit up
No. 263803
>>263800> Social weirdness also gives them a lot of time to learn computers while everyone else is out there socialising.tfw that's me. Aside from being a social recluse, I was always a tomboy and I gave up on ever getting a bf, but it never even crossed my mind to become a guy. I did wish I was born one but why make an even bigger freak of myself?
Also, since I've been in the field for around 10 years, most places I worked at and other programmers I've interacted with are incredibly normie tier. Gone are the days when your poor social skills were excused if you were good at coding which kind of sucks tbh.
So trannies in programming aren't common, it's just that they're very vocal.
YT video related it was incredibly awkward to watch it. It seems they have deleted a lot of comments pointing out it was a trannie, lel
No. 263810
>>263809Yeah, kek. Like most women look in the mirror every morning and feel intense self-satisfaction…
It's so removed from reality and lacking empathy it's ridiculous.
No. 263823
>>263801>I’m heavily in debt>I need your help.>I need surgery.>I’m desperate.How do these scumbags not feel intense embarrassment e-begging like this? There are fundraisers online for sick children or animal shelters or medical research and these people think it's okay to draw attention away from all of these amazing, worthwhile causes because they just
need this unnecessary surgery.
I can't imagine begging online for a new pair of tits or to have some of my labia removed or my jaw shaved or any of the other totally unnecessary, cosmetic surgeries I could get. If I wanted them, I'd work hard and buy them with my hard-earned money. Why do these fuckers think they're so special that they should get everything for free? Men and their fucking entitlement.
No. 263854
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Trans boy walks out of tattoo shop without paying and leaves a death wish on the artists unborn child but when called out about it on Instagram the page receives death threats from TRAs because this is violence against trans people. Your pronouns don’t mean shit if you’re this much of a garbage person!!
No. 263862
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>>263856>>263854when will the rest of the world reach peak trans.
No. 263953
>>263768Holy shit at someone here knowing him. That's hilarious and im not surprised my suspicions were right… What a piece of work.
The discord I'm in, without giving too much away, is an overwatch discord with a lot of civility and non discriminatory rules. I'm fine with that. There are other trans/NB identifying people there but they actually have normal gaming conversations and their gender identity isn't a part of it besides having their pronouns in their name in some cases.. But whatever. I'd rather kids go for non binary than to actually transition or throw bitch fits for not passing. Not to mention hormones.
Part of growing up, for everyone, is realizing there are more important things than your appearance. But some people don't mature enough, and TiMs only want to be pretty anime girls.
>>263854Maybe I'm missing something but why did this happen?
No. 264103
>>263602He will regret it for all his life, since he's stuck with dilating and dilating.
I wonder if they really think that shoving a tube up your rotting flesh really makes them women.
No. 264132
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Chicago troons are living on a whole other planet.
No. 264224
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>>264132omfg this guy is a fucking joke
No. 264506
>>264345Yes it does begin with A. It's a large server I'm on. That's pretty despicable behavior from him though holy shit. I don't know enough about the servers community yet to know who is TiM besides him yet. A few they/them people, which seem to be something girls flock toward more often? Who knows.
Can't believe someone would bitch about how awful being trans is and then try to convince others to also be trans. Disgusting.
No. 264652
File: 1530559761653.png (181.77 KB, 1834x751, transpassing.png) makes fun of the hugbox that is /r/transpassing, procedes to make one of their own
No. 264661
File: 1530561096494.png (78.13 KB, 1011x171, allmyrage.PNG)

>>264653Holy shit lmao
>>264652I've been going on 4chong for a long time, but I've never visited /lgbt/ before. But skimming through the catalogue, there are lots of /mtf/ threads so I'm not really surprised.
People are most likely complimenting either out of pure malice knowing the person will become a suicide statistic or because of trannies themselves who need to spread their delusions. I don't believe for one second that someone normal would consider that a woman.
Also, the first post in pic related made me rage.
No. 264663
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>>264653i was ready to try and see it through their lens but that's 100% a man's face, not even androgynous or could go either way…
not even trying to virtue signal but if they really think this looks more feminine than many black women, the way they see black women must be warped by their political views, like some kind of /pol/ enhanced dysmorphic vision.
Obviously there are many homely, androgynous, and manly looking black women, but they don't look like THAT. you still look at them and know they're more than likely women ffs.
Like i get that they're imagining a typical fat homely black aunty who let herself go, but this is unmistakably uncle, not aunty.
No. 264664
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>>264653>>264652They are so fucking delusional holy shit. I feel insulted on behalf of black women, they don't deserve this.
No. 264749
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The troons and their enablers have dug up a tweet and Instagram post Terry Crews made a year ago asking why is it acceptable to be transgender but not transracial. He's gone into "I'm learning" mode as his way of apology for something he doesn't even need to apologize for. Nice job harassing a man who speaks out against sexual abuse, troons.
The tweet with a link to the Instagram pic in question. No. 264783
File: 1530602057470.png (128.8 KB, 1010x239, topkek.PNG)

lel, this board is pure gold
> true not even cis women can pass as an unrealistic ideal of how women should look like
> Even terfs look like trannies
> Especially terfs, which is some great irony. even funnier when you realize they push for discriminating against suspected trannies despite being likely targets of such abuse themselves. No. 264861
>>264783/lgbt/ now is literally just an echo chamber of MtTs sitting there all day talking about how good they pass and I’m honestly not surprised, they make everything about themselves and want the same attention women get under any means necessary
Being trans is synonymous with being an attention whore after all
No. 264891
>>263785I am not programmer myself, nor do I habe experience in IT field, but I have some education on this matter to give you insight.
Your ability to write some strings of code or being able to operate Linux or UNIX is not enough to be competent programmer, that would be code monkey at best.
Code monkeys are at the bottom of hyerarchy, they do not develop software, they do not design it, they simply write code, given by their superiors and usually is a part of least inportant and generic element of the product or project, while professionals are busy with engineering and building fundamentals, they do write code too, but they work at lower levels of programming(difficult part tgat requires engineering), sometimes involving C-language, not C#(which is microsoft's Java), not C++(which is a higher level language).
Code monkeyd are easily replacable, and have high competition, so trannies with their issues fall far behind.
No. 264923
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>>264921He must get such a hard on a the thought that he bet cis women.
No. 264925
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>>264921Oh the hypocrisy. Not saying this person isn't pretty at all, but if a woman looked like this i doubt she would win, looks pretty drag queeny. This is so obviously a case of virtue signalling and scrambling to redeem something as un-PC as a beauty contest. If she was as beautiful or more than a woman I'd be willing to admit it, but she's not and it's pretty ironic considering how furious those same men get when they suspect a woman might have gotten something because she's a woman and not based on merit alone.
No. 264928
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>>264921Lol even in super low quality you can tell there's something up.
His hands are twice the size of the lady's.
No. 264953
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>>264951Here's an example.
Also they seem very aware of this. You'll notice for professional shoots they will try to hide their arms behind their back or cover them in some way
No. 264961
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idk why everyone pretends like this guy passes so well. he has always been a pretty guy, but it's really obvious, even after hrt?
why do we need to pretend like any man that is slightly facially feminine is "HYPERFEMININE AND MORE FEMININE THAN A WOMAN!!". my fiance is a 'pretty' facially feminine waif but isn't effeminate at all and thinks this tranny shit is weird as hell/that feminine rituals are weird and no one should partake in them, but sometimes i worry bc people push the "are you gay?"/"you seem very feminine" shit on him too much, despite the fact that he does not sound or act feminine or gay, and i worry he'll look up this AGP tranny shit/start to fetishize femininity because of outside influences, esp bc i feel like men are kind of susceptible to paraphilias through social conditioning alone. this shit is so regressive.
No. 264965
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>>264961I still remeber how cool and handsome he looked in my eyes, simply an androgynous guy - and then he decided to troon out…
(But at least he no longer seems to be able to book big brands as a woman kek)
No. 264973
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>>264967it's dumb that it's for this reason, but dont you guys have shorts like this?
No. 264974
>>264921Here in France they most likely wouldn't let that happen. I do wonder if the rules are different depending on the countries to be able to participate in the Miss whatever contest. Here the rules are worded a bit weirdly but if you can read between the lines you'll see that you can only participate if you didn't have any plastic surgery or surgery that changed your look even though it was necessary, you're supposed to be a virgin (or basically no boyfriend for several years before participating and absolutely no marriage and/or divorce), and a bunch of other arbitrary rules. No way they would chose a man with autogynephilia or dysphoria when the previous organizer would lose her mind whenever an elected Miss would have nudes circulating online from before she was selected. Was this guy even allowed to participate in this contest? How did this work exactly?
>>264923If these photos are actually showing him at his best like they're supposed to then I don't even want to imagine how ugly or at least uncanny valley he must look irl.
No. 264975
>>264928how tf did those girls lose to that horse faced man who clearly has had work done
like the other anon said, if that was a woman she most definitely would have lost
No. 265007
>>264921Are those comments coming from echochambers like 4chan or yt comments? Because they dont waste time in reminding you how much they hate "cis" women for existing. Most of the reactions Ive read online (not chans or yt)
are from people who are getting pretty tired of the trans agenda being pushed everywhere and into everything
>>264975He won because of transpoints. If he'd lost there would be thousands of tras demanding change and claiming transphobia
No. 265023
File: 1530653048095.jpg (51.7 KB, 400x559, Andrej-Pejic-for-Photo-France-…)

>>264999I think you summed it up. He was really striking when he was just androgynous in the most fortunate way possible, the facial features of a beautiful woman and the bone structure of a chiseled man. It worked well and was really striking. Pic related. Now that he's trying to just be a beautiful woman…well, he looks like a masculine woman, which might not seem that different i guess. Maybe he's really always been a closet troon but i think he had a one-of-a-kind look and it's quite watered down by trying to be completely feminine.
It just seems like another case of current culture no longer having room for men who just want to have an androgynous or feminine style. They all have to be drag queens, trans, genderspecial, a walking sephora ad MUA, or a kpop boy. Instead of your appearance just being an expression and experiment for you to fuck around with, whatever appearance you choose must dictate how you behave and how you consider yourself to the very core. I think it's a very shallow and dehumanizing inversion of the relationship between a human and their appearance. Excuse my tangent.
No. 265055
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>>264973Young girls could wear dresses like attached but there was a no-shorts policy where I went. I assume dresses are “transmisogyinistic” too now.
No. 265127
File: 1530677885309.png (1.26 MB, 770x1244, okay dude.png)

Of course women look to trannies as supreme beacons of validation, you're not projecting at all~
No. 265152
File: 1530682223536.png (45.05 KB, 611x554, S01wajc.png)

this just in.
doctors think women are chickens.
No. 265164
>>264951>>264953The head is the easiest way to clock them in my opinion, especially if they're skinny. Look at the head on that model you posted, or the head on that "Miss" Spain.
>>264925 That shit is fucking huge in comparison to that body.
No. 265194
>>264923 LMAO Spain this is a big L
and who cares if trannies are in outdated beauty contests? they're archaic and superficial just like trannies, let them have it and leave the real women out of it.
No. 265327
>>264861And /actuallesbians is now a transbians space with MtT mods.
I read the GC responses has helped me become more concise and firm in my own thoughts and better able to articulate them.
No. 265328
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So much internet rage over Scarlet Johansson being cast to play Dante Tex Gill, "the woman who prefers to be known as a man." No. 265330
File: 1530713467795.jpg (77.63 KB, 600x782, f179b4c9-c83b-47da-a544-daf2ce…)

No. 265337
>>264921This reminds me of Caitlyn Jenner winning the woman of the year award despite not even being a fucking woman.
I don't really have too much of a problem with trans people overall - but what I absolutely
hate is when the media/people in general act as if a trans woman is the same as a biological woman for example. Therefore it really annoys me when trans women are nominated or even win awards that are specifically made for women, like the
Miss awards and
woman of the year. It's really obvious agenda pushing and straight up disrespectful.
It's so degrading for women to be represented by a man pretending to be a woman.
No. 265339
>>265127>Cis women feel threatened by trans womenFucking kek, I got a good laugh out of that one.
>Why do you identify as a womanI hate this shit. Gender is not an identity. Either you are a woman or you're not. It's that simple.
No. 265350
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No. 265368
>>265361>I deserve to be front and center>I deserve to be celebratedNo one deserves that. And gaining attention for being attractive or for your race or identity isnt the be all and end all. If they want to be front and center and celebrated, why not do something worth celebrating?
>VS has defined femininity in the most beautiful waysigh okay then.
>everyone in humanity needs to be represented2018 VS fashion show, let’s add trans, disabled, and hell prisoners, too! Whoo! Representation. That’ll sell bras.
>anything can happen with courage and confidenceAnd a boob job, facial surgery, hormones, athletic body, etc etc.
Why is being a model considered the be all and end all? Why is it considered the opitome of womanhood? Ugh
No. 265372
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A tranny honest about his fetish.
No. 265374
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Tranny turbo-faggot to represent Spain at miss universe.
No. 265375
This thread makes me love being a woman. Thank you, vagina, for never closing or producing hair balls.
I used to be accepting of trans stuff i still respect the ones who are genuine and don’t make it their entire life, are normal outside of being trans, and are self aware but the shit like “he/him lesbians” or referring to real women as “egg producers” has made me stop. They’re trying to rebrand the essence of being female to convince themselves they’re not crazy. We are women. We own femininity. It’s our entire essence. They mutilate themselves to try to BE us.
I’m bitter that these loons think pumping your body with hormones and chopping off your dick means they are able to relate to women. They’re just failed men. Getting a boob job won’t give you the memories of getting your first period, or sleepovers with your girlfriends, or your mom showing you how to paint your nails and braid your hair. Nor will it make you experience how creepy men treat teenage girls, being scared to walk alone at night, or being force fed the idea of “sit still, look pretty”. They’ll never have true femininity or feminine experiences to tap into and relate with.
It’s so annoying to watch men larp as us, and be deluded enough to think we’re on the same level. I’m name brand and you’re the wish app knockoff.
Sorry for the rant. I’ve been dwelling on my feelings about this stuff for a while and thought it was better to post here than the vent thread. Saged for noncon.
No. 265377
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Transitioning is a farce. Look at Gigi Gorgeous. There's no telling how much they spent on surgery. Probably hundreds of thousands of dollars. Wipe off all the makeup and you can still see he's a man.
No. 265402
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>>265400I want to believe its a troll but I know its not.
No. 265407
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>>265406They all post like this.
No. 265410
>>265337I know its hurtful. Doesnt help reading all the reactions from guys who already hate women degrade us even more when these trannies take those titles. I seriously want off this planet
>>265152Skimmed through that account and there was a short thread on abortion and the term pregnant people was used. 1 guy replied saying "pregnant people? Women" and two others jumped in to correct him saying that women arent the only ones that can get pregnant. Rolled my eyes too far back. How backwards are we going to go until enough is enough??
No. 265411
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>>265407Dont forget were forced to treat the people who make these tweets as one of us.
No. 265460
>>265166They want the word female for themselves too
Any word that refers exclusively to women as complete individuals in any way must be made theirs. So in contexts that refer specifically to biology we can't use words that refer to women as individuals. We can only specify the body part or bio function we're talking about.
Of course they say it's "because transmen!" but really, we all know it's not. They just can't bear the thought of women existing as beings distinct from them. Must blur the line as much as possible.
No. 265465
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>>265460I thought the origin of the word "woman" was that they have a "womb". So basically a human with a womb.
Ok so I just looked it up and I guess that's a misconception. The origin of the word woman is supposed to mean "wife of man" in ancient language. So I believe the implication is that you are a woman if you can bear children for your husband, seeing as how that was the function of marriage in ancient times.
No. 265508
>>265465So "woman" is a term quite literally analogous to handmaids' ofMan? I did not think anything in the real world could be this outrageously dystopic
>>265484They complain about us "wanting to replace men with other women" because they know we could. Because males have womb envy and a deep resentment towards how biologically expendable they are. They know that we could realistically keep only one single male alive and humanity would still go on (or hell, since sperm banks are a thing we could probably do away with every last one of them).
Transwomen are just womb-envious males throwing a temper tantrum, kicking and screaming like children about how
wahhh wahhh I wanna be female toooo wahhh stop reminding me of my biological inferiority wahhh. And other males play along because it'll devalue females if males are able to become women.
No. 265629
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Seeing this in the June thread made my blood boil…
So, now we're no longer allowed to call ourselves women if some tranny thinks we don't "pass" (read: look uwu girly enough)?
No. 265631
>>265629lol these guys and their new "even cis women don't pass" meme. You know what? Even if I didn't pass, it wouldn't fucking matter, because I AM a woman. You only have to pass for something you are not.
They are just so
triggered by people telling them that it's never going to happen for them. They can have all the surgery they want, all the HRT they want, all the voice training they want: We will always know.
No. 265729
>>265152Are men ever called seed-producers? I’ve only ever seen women be defined by our reproductive organs like this. Even “penis-haver” is better than egg-producer because men generally take great pride in their dick.
>>265363He pretends to be saying that men oppress women but what he means is that lesbians oppress men. All these mental gymnastics just to feel like a victim.
No. 265746
>>265729Men are men. There's no outrage or initiative to start calling males even "dick havers" because men are men are men. Women have always been nothing but nonmen so it's not surprising that our "identity" is fragile (nonexistent) enough to include other nonmen.
It gets even better when males insert their solid identities into "woman" and, again, become the default, so that actual women become "non-transwomen" and still devoid of any identity beyond baby machine.
No. 265859
>>265750What is with that crazy lesbian who is so sure that OP is actually the weird guy in the scenario? She seems to be convinced that all PM_ME_whatever accounts are the same person.
(Her username is literally Lezzymclezface, I believe calling her a lesbian is appropriate.)
No. 265881
>>265877Scarlet Johansson legit just needs to say she's transmasc. while doing nothing else. lol I've always felt inside that I'm a man who likes to dress like a woman.
Problem solved.
No. 265882
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>>265328There’s a lot I can suspend disbelief about but a character written to be biologically female with a male voice would fuck up my viewing experience to the max
No. 265993
>>265881And then if there are any complaints when she continues using female pronouns:
>gender is on a spectrum and how I feel matters more than how I presentAnd if anyone accuses her of doing it for the role
>did you ever wonder what attracted me to the role?The only downside would be transsexuals holding her up as “one of them.”
But then she can say she is actually a woman and
>needed that time of exploration and self-discovery to understand my journey as a woman while embracing my masculine sideAnd bomb. They’ll worship her.
No. 266012
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No. 266032
>>266012>>266013Yeah, this feels like a troll.
That doesn’t take away the fact that rapists who later transition get excused and their victims blamed because “deadnaming” and reminding anyone of a transwoman’s life pre-transition are apparently much worse than rape.
No. 266072
File: 1530868243771.png (823.89 KB, 1268x1176, what the fuck.png) peaked a little bit again. Knew before looking at the pics that this was a TiM, just by the username and title. Do they really think women would write like this (even when they're horny)? Fucking hell. And judging by his comment history he seriously seems to think he's a woman and looks like one (otherwise I would've thought that maybe this was some kind of humiliation fetish).
No. 266073
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>>266072Also, how come that TiM often have absolutely no concept of what's considered attractive? And are vastly overestimating their attractiveness? Narcissism?
No women would never take this picture and think "yeah, I look hot".
No. 266135
>>266084>>266087Sage for ot but I was in a big discord server
for a game I got into last year, and the entire selfies channel was just TIMs in striped thigh highs. This was before I really peaked, but it was still cringey as all hell.
No. 266143
>>266084I always associated striped thigh-highs with Halloween… I mean at least they're subconsciously aware it's all a costume. I wonder which big name troon told them it looks good because my troon ex tried to get me to think they looked attractive too.
Tbh I love solid color ribbed socks of any kind, they make my legs look nice.
No. 266330
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No. 266331
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Shout out to these brave lesbians walking in London Pride today whilst facing abuse from men in dresses.
No. 266333
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They were asked to remove their banners AT PRIDE
No. 266342
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it's fucking funny how they cherry pick everything to try to convince people of color to be afraid of these lesbians. if you look at other pictures, there's plenty non-white women backing this up and walked in the parade.
trans activism and race fetishism go hand in hand, they want to manipulate people of color who are unaware to believe trans activism is what they NEED to advocate for. people of color cannot have personal choices or beliefs in a trans activists eyes, they have to mirror their beliefs or they don't exist at all. they flaunt the ones who believe in trans activism like accessories.
No. 266370
>>266333They have such guts, really amazed at them speaking out and it's great to see.
According to the trans community here, Pride wasn't inclusive enough for them and they're organising their own "Trans Pride" this month instead.
I've also noticed a huge influx in trans men who honestly just seem like tomboys who have gotten sucked into this whole thing, for the most part.
Also, it just me or do trans men in particular use the cringiest language when talking about their significant other? I served one in my work recently and they kept talking about buying something for their "cutie", "datemate", "sweet one", and I wrote it off as a once-off, but I've overheard this again, and only from trans guys.
What's with that?
No. 266427
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Been seeing a lot of this on twitter, it's really sad that the lesbians matching are not only being portrayed this way but that the lesbian banners are reduced to "anti trans" instead of "pro lesbian."
No. 266446
>>266427This exactly, people are so blinded by the “transphobia” they’re forgetting the blatant homophobia from the trans community. I’m seeing a lot of trans people tweeting how “no one is forcing lesbians to have sex with trans lesbians” but the fact that they literally were is why these lesbians marched in the first place.
I also saw someone say that these people “aren’t feminists, they’re TERFs” …do they not know what the F in TERF stands for? Also the usual “feminism is for everyone” rhetoric. No, it’s for WOMEN.
No. 266448
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Not all heroes wear capes
No. 266451
>>266427There should be a
do not engage in manipulative content warning on Twitter
Lesbians wanting sexual exclusion for their sexuality is not hate. You can't force people to be attracted to people they aren't, I saw comments today comparing that behavior to conversion…which is pretty accurate. Sexual freedom of choice is not intolerance. If lesbians only want to sleep with cis women that's their choice, it isn't "hate".
I never expected there to be certain segregation between the LGBT community, it looks a bit like this
-Cis guys who are gay and also support right-wing trans women (such as people you'd see on /snow here)
-cis lesbian women who only want to sleep with cis women
-Trans men who are very reasonable and fair and not crazy
-Trans women who are reasonable and fair and not crazy
-Both straight and gay people who are trying to
conversion therapy the cis gay and lesbian people, and ridicule them for their "backwards" opinions and sexual preferences
No. 266453
>>266451The loudest voices seem to be the last category, this category seem to also be vague about their own sexuality and gender and promote, what is essentially, free love
I'm sure lesbians, who have always been marginalized by both straight, and gay (male) communities, are loving being FURTHER marginalised and actually called phobic and haters for not wanting their sexuality to be erased.
No. 266501
>>266330With the exception of futanari(female -bodied with big dicks), traps in anime porn and manga are almost exclusively effeminate TEENAGE BOYS. Even the non-hentai androgynous pretty boys from mainstream anime are almost always under 20 and their whole attraction is that they are beautiful and still identify as MALE. So is this really dude saying fap material depicting 15 year old cross dressing boys normalizes transgender acceptance? The only thing normalized is sexual objectification of androgynous young boys, not 6ft tall doughy, balding, grown men with Neanderthal brow.
>>266333I saw a site linking to this story and it was filled with people childishly insulting and threatening any level-headed radfem trying to explain why these women were protesting and how it is not equivalent to Nazism or actually wanting to kill transgender people. One after another, they kept screeching that transwomen sex-shaming lesbians did not exist, that it was a lie put out by TERFs and that NOBODY says lesbians should accept penis if they don’t want to. Even after some women noted that YouTubers like Riley J. Dennis have explicitly done that, they refused to admit it was a widespread thing.
No. 266512
>>266427>>266446I'm starting to believe more and more that this collective trans psychosis is some sort of a sick anti-gay movement. First they started singling gays out for being cis males and thus the root of all evil, and then they targeted the lesbians. It's like being a "transphobe" is the worst thing you could ever be now, even worse than a racist. Just yell transphobe and you'll get anyone kicked out.
It's made even more evident as a lot of butch lesbians I've seen have "realized" they were "men" all along, and thus pushed to transition. The conversion therapy theory is seeming more and more credible.
No. 266520
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From /cgl/, a MTT came in to start a thread about himself despite there being a crossdressing AND a help thread (a big offense on the board), something a lot of male newfags coming in do.
>6ft, fat, wants to wear fashion for small, petite girls, is looking for "reassurance" i.e. asspats that he should do it and he'll totally pass and even says that "So far I have not educated myself much on this world of fashion"
The perfect mix of male entitlement and fetishism right there.
No. 266589
>>266578Strange thought. But it's kinda like men are gatekeeping sex with women
>a man can have sex with a woman>A trans woman (man) can have sex with a woman>A woman can NOT have sex with a woman unless she says she's a man>Man can also have sex with manMan gets all the sex with anyone, if you want all the sex too, you must be a man. I think there's probably less pressure for gay men to transition than there is for gay women, statistically it's primarily women who are the new transitioners of the last decade. Gay pride is very much male-centred as proven by declaring "lesbian pride" a hate group.
Only theorising but there seems to be a lot more complex emotion involved with ftm transition whereas typically mtf just want to be pretty. It's very possible to end up an ugly man if you're ftm. The motive is completely opposite to the mtf transitioners. Idk, just a theory, anyone with more insight into males being pressured to transition are welcome to add.
No. 266602
>>266594>>266578it's definitely a thing. in hannah gadsby's latest special she spoke a bit about how she has received letters saying she "owes it to her community to come out and transition" (bc she's a lesbian and kind of butch, i guess?).
this little documentary style snippet on butch erasure was good. it seems a lot of lesbians really are receiving a lot of pressure from people to transition. it's really sad.
No. 266604
>>266520Thanks anon, I left him a negative comment lol
>In 3 months, I've already gotten noticeably curvier, and I wouldn't mind straying from the higher femme side for the sake of looking fashionably aware.vomit
No. 266607
>>266589Ugh. Its woman erasure. Mtfs are on a pedastal, being "all around better than normal women" and already we're seeing denouncing lesbians as being a transphobic hate group
Whats next? 2019 and babies born female are called transphobic too ffs
No. 266627
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>>266331One of the angry trannies at the London Pride is a cow that I found during the Andi Dier drama (side note: Andi now goes by Ondreya now for anyone who wants to see what he’s up to). The name he uses is Anna Moone, and he's always screeching about TERFs. No. 266648
>>266627Lmao this makes for a great "expectations vs reality" meme.
Also disagree with everything he wrote. The parent part is especially ridiculous and naive.
No. 266659
>>266627Very lucky for him that TERFs don't want to fuck him either.
Lesbians: We don't want to fuck men.
TERFs: We don't want men in women's issues.
No. 266780
>>266775It's seriously infuriating.
In response to people making fun of
>>266627 a 'woman' wrote:
>I hope they're able to have friends nearby to support them. I stand with them, I'd have told the bigots were to get off (and i have my T count checked every three months, it's lower than most cisgender women)Yeah, no. No. 266794
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Do they not see the glaring contradictions and logical fallacies, let alone the blatant misinformation, they are teaching?
>sex is not gender
>sex or gender switching animals
Animals don't have gender roles; they have instinctual sex based behaviours.
Why is switching gender the solution to being fed up with restrictive gender roles?
No. 266861
>>266768People desperately trying to erase women and our sexualities. It should only be cis men, mtfs and gay men
>>266850>"so what"Doesnt surprise me that they couldnt give two shits but still so unnerving.. ugh
No. 266868
>>266794>>266795I’m a biologist who works with hermaphroditic nematodes. In every organism that produces sexually, like humans, there is a clear distinction between male and female gametes. These organisms can be female, male, hermaphroditic or sequentially hermaphroditic (/dichogamous for plants). Hermaphroditism does not exist in so-called “higher animals” like mammals and most other invertebrates. Intersex people are not hermaphrodites, they are people whose gametes did not fully differentiate one way or the other. They cannot self-fertilise.
Rotifiers are multicellular eukaryotic members of the animal kingdom, not bacteria, as any basic Google search will tell you. The all-female reproduction they refer to is called parthenogenesis, the development of an unfertilised egg cell into an embryo. Many plants and invertebrates are capable of it, as well as some vertebrates like sharks and Komodo dragons. It has never been observed to occur naturally in mammals (with the exception of the Virgin Mary as some new smartass points out every year).
So let’s recap: humans cannot be hermaphrodites, cannot change sex (sequential hermaphroditism) and are not capable of parthenogenesis any more than we can photosynthesise or breathe sulphur. The fact that some organisms
are capable of these things does not change the fact that we are not.
I’m all for the relaxation or even abolishment of gender norms and people’s right to be GNC, but the way they try to bring biology into it is some poorly-researched nonsense and completely undermines their point. Is this really from a university?
Also this bit of text on the Encyclopædia Britannica gave me a giggle:
>Hermaphroditic animals […] are usually parasitic, slow-moving, or permanently attached to another animal or plant.Sounds familiar.
No. 266870
>>266868Thank you for the science!
Apologies for dropping the link.
The ‘mixed-muffin gender berry challenge’, otherwise known as the Rotifer Project, is included in an online toolkit called Agenda, which has been given to more than 1,400 youngsters in Wales.Agenda is led by Cardiff University and co-produced with the NSPCC Wales, the Welsh Women’s Aid and the Children’s Commissioner for Wales. No. 266924
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Thats it, im done.
No. 266940
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dropping this selection of delicious old caps so i can finally delete them off my phone.
the hilariously ironic and disgustingly selfish tweet furthest to the right was posted after he had gone on a narc binge of demanding special needs female children get used to dicks in their spaces or avoid going out in public, and suggesting rape survivors not go out in public
No. 266941
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>>266940Kek, holy fuck. If women don't have a right to safety then trannies sure as shit don't have a right to claim they are women because they
feeeeeeel like one.
No. 266943
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Anybody else see the replies to the tweets of the women laying on the ground at London Pride? They sound eerily similar to the way racists go off on people of color who protest for their walk during a parade.
No. 266948
>>266943I have a big problem with labelling lesbians as "transphobes"… which I think we here all agree on. And then if anyone stands up for said lesbians they are a TERF (used as a slur, of course) or a transphobe. Like you can care about two different groups' rights at the same time. Supporting one group's freedom does not mean reduction of freedom for another. In their case "freedom" means saying refusing sex is a form of discrimination.
Like, let people bang who they want to bang. That's the very premise of gay rights. Imagine getting it this mixed up. Then you see all the blind lefties - the type who try very hard to prove they are kind people by aligning with whatever is supposed to be the trendy thing this week - effectually demonizing cis lesbians, as if doing so is progression.
>Men: Do you want to bang>Woman: No thank you>Men: Lesbian!>Woman: Yes, in fact I am a lesbian>Men: This is discrimination! I will set the media on you!>Woman: sighs wearily No. 266960
>>266924I literally cannot believe it's 2018 and we're having to debate and constantly prove that humans are sexually dimorphic and male/female are real categories.
This is what happens when male entitlement and lefty identity politics collide. We're fucking questioning and denying simple basic real facts. This isn't even like flat earthers, creationists, and anti-vaxxers. You don't need science to observe and understand male and female. What is even going on, really?
No. 266984
>>266920I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me why transsexuality is okay but transracialism is literally hitler. Nobody asks to be born the race they are, and race/ethnicity is far less defined than sex. Multiracial people are very common, much moreso than intersex people, and some people don’t even know they’re multiracial until they start investigating their family tree. Yet intersex is constantly brought up as ‘proof’ that sex is a spectrum or a social construct, while racial divisions are treated as immutable. Every single time I’ve asked for clarification on this, including back when I was still in libfem circles trying to ~educate myself~, people refused to answer and immediately jumped to insults. TERF. Bigot. Moron. Of course the two are totally different and utterly incomparable, but we’ll never explain why!
>>266943>gender and sexuality are unrelatedRight, which is why people want to separate the T from LGB. But oh wait no then they’re suddenly intrinsically related again and how dare you try to separate them.
No. 266989
>>266952Gender and sex are the same thing (for purposes of thread and as far as I'm concerned), you are born a particular sex/gender. The issue is specifically crying about how you literally grew in the womb and were "assigned" correctly at birth by trained medical professionals.
You can choose something different later, but people crying about ordinary gestation and birthing processes as if it's some enormous moral slight really winds me up.
No. 267001
I live in Australia and saw the footage of this incident on the news tonight - some crazy tranny "woman" went to a 7-11 store with an axe and severely injured two people with it last year, and now he's back on the news because the trial is going on and they wanna let him off because he was "mentally unwell" from the hormones and it wasn't "planned"…..even if it was discovered he's been homicidal before. They better put this fucker's ass in jail, he's clearly unstable, hormones or not, they better not let him off just because he's a tranny.
""Before a 7-Eleven store customer was attacked by a transgender woman with an axe in Sydney's inner west, he initially thought the weapon may have been a fancy-dress party prop.
"I wasn't alarmed at first," Benjamin Rimmer told a NSW District Court jury on Monday.
"She stood very close to me and I remember having an ill-feeling something was not right.
"She was holding an axe with two hands in front of her."
He and Sharon Hacker gave evidence of being attacked by a stranger, Evie Amati, 26, who has pleaded not guilty to two counts of wounding with intent to murder and one of attempting to wound a pedestrian with intent to murder.
Three alternative charges allege the intention was to cause grievous bodily harm in the attacks which took place in the early hours of January 7, 2017, at the store in Enmore.
The attacks are not in issue, but the jurors will have to consider Amati's intent and whether a defence of mental illness can be made out.
Less than half-an-hour before Amati walked into the store, armed with the axe and with a knife in her back pocket, she sent a message saying: "Humans are only able to destroy, to hate so that is what I shall do".
Earlier she sent one saying: "One day I am going to kill a lot of people".
Her barrister Charles Waterstreet said while the CCTV footage from the store captures "the body of Evie Amati", the question for them was her state of mind.
His client was a "super-intelligent" woman of very good character who had hormonal therapy and surgical intervention in Thailand, but who had a history of depression and suicidal and homicidal ideation.
At the time of the attacks, her fragile mind was affected by a "toxic mixture" of drugs - hormonal, cannabis and an amphetamine-based drug, which she and her friends unwittingly thought was ecstasy.
Mr Rimmer said he was thinking the axe was a prop when he turned around and felt something like a king-hit across his face which knocked him to the floor.
He saw he was bleeding profusely and started to panic, so took off his shirt to stem the flow.
He underwent lengthy surgery, having sustained a fractured nasal bone, eye socket and cheek bone.
Sharon Hacker described being attacked from behind with the axe, which resulted in her falling, feeling disoriented and feeling a throb in her head.
She suffered a fracture to the base of her skull but her thick dreadlocks apparently cushioned the impact.
Due to her extreme nerve pain, she now cannot sleep more than three hours at a time.
The trial is continuing."" No. 267006
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>>266984>I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me why transsexuality is okay but transracialism is literally hitler still can't believe 50.000 people seem to agree with this ridiculous tweet.)
No. 267032
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Prepare your biggest kek ever as you read this.
Terfs are child predators, everyone.
The rest of the shitshow is here No. 267049
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I should have expected to see it, but the amount of awful, nasty, threatening comments I'm seeing directed at the women who protested at pride makes me sick, genuinely sick in my stomach.
All these people are my friends. The ones saying that these women should be "raped with a cactus", "beaten in the street" that people "should've stamped on them while they were down". I feel so angry that these women are being so horribly painted for standing up against the invasion of female only spaces.
I really want to hope this trend ends at some point, but it feels like only more and more people are getting on board or being convinced they're trans. I'm really losing hope. Everything is being handed to them, especially the MtF. They're taking our awards, our "first woman to do x"s, our sport, when will it be enough?
Pic is a comment from Radical Queers Resist, about 50% transtrenders and ~soft mtf bois~, they want to harass those associated with gender critical feminists, too. This is the same org (I think) that attacked the campaign group in favour of liberalising abortion for not including trans people (I think I mentioned earlier in the thread) and said they should be ashamed for themselves for not including trans people in a campaign about BIOLOGICAL WOMEN'S ISSUES.
No. 267056
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>>267049Trans activism is pure misogyny. They pretend not to know what women are yet they know exactly who to label "terfs".
No. 267057
>>266940The thing that gets me with this is how little the TIMs care about anyone but themselves. The evil tervens are "literally violent" by talking about biology, but TIMs don't care that from now on young lesbians will grow up seeing mainstream media call their sexuality violent bigotry for not including penises. I can't imagine how this is going to destroy the mental health of young lesbians, on top of trials they already face.
Lesbians who lose hope and give up, special needs kids, rape survivors who develop ptsd, they're all just collateral to these men's fetishes. Radfems get accused of violence for their ideology, but trans rhetoric is going to see endless cases of harm to women if it continues like it is, they're doing the very thing they accuse us of.
I really feel nauseated and upset when I think of the handmaidens bending over for these guys now, when they see the trail of women and children harmed behind them a few years from now. As someone who just peaked this year, it's so scary to realize how easy it is for women to help further the damage before they realize what they've done. Sorry this was so ranty, but this whole thing is just getting beyond sick.
No. 267060
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No. 267066
>>267064Pink and Blue palette.
Since lesbians have pink and Bi have pink&blue and I guess the blue would be for gay men.
The Bi folk can have a lilac strip in the middle, since their door slams both ways.
No rainbow shit, no more "accepting uwu" colors.
No. 267068
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>>267067Exactly. Reclaim the rainbow. Reclaim "lesbian". Reclaim "woman". Reclaim "female". We can't let them take anything away from us. Not without a fight.
No. 267069
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No. 267070
>>267067The trans flag is "pastelized" to resemble child colors because you know, they "born again".
Vibrant, strong colors, like the bi flag.
No. 267071
>>267070Also sorry but I'm stupid and I get my ideas after I click "send"
I feel that the rainbow is a bit too accepting, meaning that "no matter what, we want you uwu" kind of feel.
We need precise colors to resemble the true sexualities (het, bi and gay, not even asexual. Just like atheism is not a religion, asexuality is not a sexuality) and making them strict, to feel more safe.
The more omogenous, the better.
No. 267074
>>267073Hot pink for men as the torture they've been thru like the holocaust
Lavender for lesbians for the Lavender Menace
And the blue for bi people, to include both attractions that mix together.
I'm a 50/50 bi (both attracted to men and woman in same proportion) and our flag is pretty neat but I feel I need a more generic one to include my brothers and sisters, since I'm "half of them" of both.
No. 267081
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No. 267090
>>267056>>267060>misogyny in dragPerfect summary
They want to claim everything female for themselves, all the awards, spaces, even the fucking word 'woman' and leave biowomen– or "uterus havers" as only baby makers
No. 267125
>>267001If he gets let off because of hormones, all women who ever do something get off as well. We have hormones all the time.
>>267006As a guy socialised as male you will never get the female generational trauma either. Do they think this is not a fucking thing? They grow up being entitled as fuck and then decide to cosplay as females, screeching about their rape culture. YOU ARE THE RAPE CULTURE.
>>267069"Tehehehe my estrogen is higher than many cis women's" They grew up as the violent sex, they stay the violent sex.
No. 267136
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Left his wife of 10+ years to Troon out and now suddenly “the straights” are disgusting
No. 267160
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>>267034Troons advocating for the government to separate children from their families. Who would've thought they were the real fascists this entire time? Lol
No. 267222
>>267221What the fuck do these idiots even think being a woman/man IS? If it's not their body, not 'acting' like their gender, and not how they present themselves, what is it? If they want so badly to be another gender, why are they complaining when they're expected to act like it and pass enough to be treated like it?
~TERFS~ know that there's no way to look or act based on your gender, but that logically leads to the idea that your biology determines your gender and nothing else. Trannies disagree with that too, so really they define it by whatever the fuck you want it to be.
No. 267225
>>267221Was this from a MtT or a FtT? I’ve mostly seen this kind of sentiment from FtTs who still want to dress cute and wear makeup whereas MtTs seem to enjoy doing themselves up like failed drag queens every day.
I like how this one contrasts with all those threads about women being too ugly or too masculine to “pass” as their own sex.
No. 267228
>>266520Lol. I'm 5'6" and I still don't try to wear that stuff because I have enough common sense.
Now this is something I've seen with MtFs in general, they say they're not educated in fashion and it really shows. All those years they had before the "official" transition/coming out, what did they do? I would expect that fashion was a hobby of theirs since childhood if they really claim to be so "feminine".
No. 267238
>>267233>>267201i feel super lucky since many of my friends are on the same page as me, including my bf.
one of my "friends" is super annoying about it, to the point that i feel like he fetishizes trans people in some gross self-hating way. he and my bf butt heads all the time about it cause my bf has had some of his creepy female peers pressuring him to transition because he dresses androgynous, and trying to dress him like a girl. it's really messed up how people on both sides fetishize this shit and try to push medical intervention for it.
i also have a former friend who is a TiF who transitioned and is now super super depressed. i was friends with her when she was just a geeky lesbian and it really pisses me off seeing how she was pressured to transition. it was also one of those cases of her not realizing her lesbian gf wouldn't want to be with someone trying to be a man, which was strange to say the least. really puts into perspective how mentally bad off women are doing when they get to that point.
No. 267245
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I think I just hit peak trans again.
No. 267255
>>267254Literally could be anything tbh. Stomach ache, GRS complications, IBS, psychosomatic etc.
What it 100% is not, is period pain because they have no Uterus.
No. 267256
>>267254Literally could be anything tbh. Stomach ache, GRS complications, IBS, psychosomatic etc.
What it 100% is not, is period pain because they have no Uterus.
No. 267258
>>267252it was a joke, calm down. but it does
kind of work that way if you look into it.
No. 267261
>>267245>I absolutely love how much trans girls talking about the reality of their periods pisses transphobes off. It makes you feel so powerful!Most little girls don't get the pleasure of feeling "powerful" when their ashamed and in pain for a couple of days every single month for the next 4 decades of their lifes…
>I love how, according to transphobes, a person regularly having all the symptoms of a period, save one, as a result of their natural cycle of hormone fluctuations, somehow doesn't count as a period. Anything to invalidate us. How fragile they are."Save one". You mean the cause of all this? The shedding of your uteral lining, blood and tissue, that causes cramps and uncontrollable blood flow?
>It is quite clear that what is going on in our bodies is the exact same thing minus one organ. Afab ppl's periods vary greatly. Some don't even get any real symptoms. Why should trans women's periods not count just because we lack one symptom?
>Own your period. Be proud of it. Just allowing yourself to acknowledge it for what it is can be so liberating.
>I love that transphobes think we are making this up. You wanna know why I'm writing this tweet thread? Bc I've been laid up in bed all day with awful cramps that happen around the 10th of every month accompanied by emotional moodiness/fatigue/hunger. But I guess it's just fake.Aw, poor you…
As somebody who always suffers from terrible period pains this pisses me of so much. It's so hard on especially young girls, it greatly affects our lifes, yet they're somehow jealous and also want to have that? This just goes to show that men have no idea just how painful it can be - they only think we're "so emotional"…
No. 267263
According to "20% or fewer of trans women are straight. When you attack and invalidate lesbian and queer trans women, you attack trans women, period."
No. 267264
>>267201>If I were vocal about my beliefs, I would probably lose all or at least the majority of my friends.>suddenly all about protecting trans “girls” above their own sisters. Fuck, I feel your pain anon. Out of my friends all of the gay men are now transwomen, the lesbian women are now transmen and the straight friends are now "non binary/agender/gender fluid", probably feeling pressure from the others because they non-stop talk shit about straight/"cis"/white people and how much they want "TERFs/SWERFs" to suffer. Some of it is even directed towards me because they see me as a "cis/straight" person. I wish I could have an open discussion about why I feel all of this is regressive, actually reinforces gender roles and is quite homophobic. But instead I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around these people.
I know people will respond and tell me to "get new friends" but honestly I haven't found anyone my age who either shares my views or is just fucking
mild. Sometimes when I talk to someone who shares my views on this topic, I'll find out later that they're really conservative about other things that go against everything I believe in as a feminist, so I can't fucking win (and honestly I'd rather put up with this trans bullshit than hang out with men who think I'm subhuman like the alt-right cows we have on this site). I've gotten to talk to the other side a lot this year after studying science and being in a class full of neckbeards. I feel like everyone is so fucking extreme these days: everything is black and white and there's no discussion, just fucking screeching and insults.
I miss having intelligent friends who enjoyed healthy discussion. Does that even exist anymore? Also where are radfem types likely to hang out?
No. 267270
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Now changing clothes makes you switch genders. So progressive!!!!
No. 267284
>>267268I do live in the city but in a country that's very small/backward. So the generation before mine and people in the countryside would share my views on trans issues but they'd probably also be against abortion and gay marriage. I don't think the average person my age
actually cares about any of this shit (they don't go to protests or do anything actually productive anyway) but they'll pretend like they do in conversation and plaster it on social media for image purposes.
It's just hard to find people who have milder views or are kind of neutral.
No. 267288
>>267245No Bria, that's just your bipolar and fucked up hormonal balance caused by titty skittles acting up.
>>267264A lot of people are undercover TERFs but can't speak up in public because that'd essentially ruin their whole life. I have a hidden group of friends I can share my feelings with but they would literally never speak against the trans cult out loud.
No. 267300
>>267201I think a lot of people here are in the same boat, or at least a similar one. More women are gender critical than you'd think, they just don't voice it for fear of having their lives ruined. I watch my follower count drop any time I like a Tweet that's anything similar to gender critical.
I'm lucky I have at least one online friend I can vent to about this stuff, and a real life friend who understands this stuff too. The real life friend works in the funeral business, as am embalmer and someone who is on call to pick up bodies. She told me about how this one chick joined them for a while, and was one of those "nonbinary/trans" sparklegender Tumblr types. She was also like 5 foot tall and couldn't lift an empty casket, let alone a body, And my friend just tells me, it doesn't matter how you fucking "identify", a lot of women just can't do the heavy lifting work.
No. 267305
>>267229Don't act like it's mere peer pressure anon. Transphobia has somehow become part of the sexism-racism-homophobia category, in which anyone who even questions it becomes a bad person and they lose all credibility. They are considered an oppressed minority and have 'protected' status, so the rammifications are worse than with just expressing yourself about random things you don't like.
This is what bothers me most about transactivism. Of course I don't agree with their ideas, but there are a lot of things in the world I don't agree with, it only gets me so riled up and angry because I feel so silenced. We can't talk about it properly, people refuse to have open dialogue, it's so widespread it makes me nervous. I'm just glad that most non SJW normies most likely think it's fucking delusional and don't pay it that much mind.
No. 267307
>>267201I feel the same way. It's like being forced into silence because the majority WILL beat you down if you dare speak up or have a different opinion.
Power to those who can, but I don't want to be hunted down and sent death threats for my opinion so I'm keeping my head down. I know I'm not alone but nobody dares say it out loud.
No. 267313
>>267309My period is so bad, I have to take medication because I continuously throw up/cramp up/faint.
I wish my body didn't go into convulsions every first day of my period like clockwork, why these men WANT to experience that is beyond me.
Reminds me of these spoonies/munchhausens. They wouldn't last a day as actual women.
No. 267329
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>>248450No one is fucking safe from these people, not even the fucking children
No. 267388
>>267261>happen around the 10th of every monthAfaik the cycle is 4 weeks, not 30 days.
Basic biology classes should be mandatory before someone is allowed to transition.
No. 267392
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It's disgusting… Implying a real girl would get so many upvotes for such a basic look kek
No. 267419
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>>267392Why do they all look like pic related, a drag queen, or the humam embodiment of a computer science degree?
No. 267427
>>267388Yep he debunked himself, he should try googling women's cycles before claiming he has one (21-28 days in between, not the same day every month kek)
There is probably a male hormonal cycle which is interfering with his estrogen, that doesn't mean he's having a period but rather is in pain due to the hormone imbalances.
No. 267431
>>267427Also, isn‘t the hormonal cycle influenced by ovulation? As in, without it there isn‘t even a cycle to begin with?
Like, I suffer from PMS because of the hormonal shift after ovulation, I don‘t think anybody who knows what PMS is would be happy about having that hormonal cycle.
Their self-induced stomach pains really can‘t compare to that struggle.
Sage for angry tmi
No. 267448
>>267276I’m so sorry that happened, anon. It’s bizarre how people get super up in arms when a trans person’s feelings might be hurt but don’t give a shit about the feelings of people who were actually victimised. Disrespecting (or being unaware of) someone’s pronouns means you’re literally hitler but violating someone’s bodily autonomy? Eh, whatever.
>>267299Both the cosplay and Jfashion communities are full of SJWs and of course there’s a lot of overlap with the anime crowd. I’ve only recently been seeing more radfem sentiments in lolita threads, mostly from girls who are sick of seeing their communities preyed on by sissy fetishists hiding under the trans umbrella. I don’t think it’s safe to express these opinions non-anonymously, though.
Fun fact: my first exposure to trans bullshit was in LiveJournal lolita and fandom wank communities many years ago. I got yelled at by a mod of a wank community for “misgendering” a scammer and alleged rapist in the comments on a post about him, and told that misgendering him made me just as bad if not worse than him.
No. 267473
>>267431 >>267437
I have one ovary left after cancer and I still get pms/period symptoms because my remaining ovary still produces an egg each cycle. My body doesn't know where to squeeze since my uterus is gone, but the crucial component is definitely ovulation. Not ceaselessly popping estrogen.
These incel men and their chronic bowel disorders wrapped in delusion… jesus.
No. 267474
>>267271Ok, I know this is the internet and the term
trigger gets thrown around a lot-but the way transgenders use it seriously to refer to being uncomfortable is just stupid.
You cannot be
triggered by something you have not experienced. You can be upset by it, jealous of it, disturbed by it etc, but not
triggered as the actual term refers to a traumatic event which you are made to relive. This is what makes their arguments even worse when they talk about being tirggered by pregnancy and periods, they never experienced it so they need to stfu.
No. 267477
>>267473Thanks for the clarification. I hope you recovered from your illness and wish you all the best!
>>267474So they don‘t get
triggered because they suffered in their past, they get
triggered because they don‘t have to suffer. Yeah, makes just as much sense as the rest of the bullshit they like to spew!
No. 267524
>>267479Jokes aside, don't they have to dilate their pseudo vaginas everyday to maintain them properly?
I'm sure this person thinks they're being funny, but imagine you can't go a day without thinking about spending an hour with your genitalia.
Respect to my vagina and all, but most days I forget about it. I also have the arm implant so I don't get periods anymore. I almost feel bad for how trannies are literally chained to their gash care.
No. 267577
>>267524I wish I could find an educated source that on what "neo vaginas" are actually like from someone without a glaringly obvious bias to convince me one way of the other.
People either make it sound like medieval-tier hackiob surgery using hyperbolic phrases like "festering wound" or trans"women" in denial going on about how it's basically the same as a women's vagina, despite the fact that it's obviously not possible.
I have trouble believing the medical establishment would allow the surgery if it were THAT bad for the patient - but at the same time I can't see how it wouldn't be, considering stuff like dilation, the fact that 99% look hideous and the fact that it's no more like a vagina than an asshole is.
No. 267581
>>267576Huh, I guess I just don't go in remotely sketchy bathrooms, because the thought hadn't even occurred to me. Still can't see the issue, but I suppose I've lived a very cosy life, and am very good at holding my piss if I don't like the look of a public bathroom.
What about male janitors in women's bathrooms then?
No. 267582
>>267581Most places don't allow male janitors in women's bathrooms unless it's after hours. I've never seen one or worked in a place that allows it.
Realistically it's not that likely to occur but it's not a risk women should have to take to protect male feelings.
No. 267584
>>267581There are a lot of concerns with unisex bathrooms:
- Spying (In person or with use of spy cams)
- Stalking (Women in particular often use single sex bathrooms to escape a predator)
- Privacy (For all ages but particularly young teenage girls may avoid going to mixed bathrooms during their periods for privacy reasons, decreasing hygiene and increasing risk of things like TSS)
- Sexual assault (The big one, males are able to follow females into the bathroom with impunity increasing risk of sexual assault)
- Lack of mobility for women (Many women will refuse to use unisex facilities, particularly for religious reasons, these women are then unable to go about their daily lives with the freedom they deserve. This reason started the push for female public bathrooms originally)
As far as janitor's go. I believe they're required to put up signs or close the restrooms for cleaning. No member of the opposite sex should be walking into the wrong sex bathrooms even for cleaning… if they do, you should easily be able to take it up with the building/company as it is a huge risk for sexual assault cases.
No. 267615
>>267574US anon here and yes most bathroom stalls are cheap and have small gaps between the door and the frame. some worse than others. I consciously am paranoid about accidentally infringing someone's privacy while, say, waiting in line for the bathroom (which is another thing).
And of course there was that disgusting males' bloody pad/tampon fetishes mentioned up thread.
And much more.
Also speaking of, pad/tampon machines would just make everyone involved uncomfortable. Shouldn't these TiMs not want to be around those if periods
trigger them so much? Idk. Just some thoughts.
Also idk I don't want a male taking a shit next to me. fucking ew
No. 267703
>>267577I can’t remember if the account was written here or on a radfem blog I came across but I remember a lesbian saying that it was like going down on a portrait of vagina but without any of the mechanisms. It’s was just skin folds and didn’t have the same feel or muscle interaction as a normal vagina.
I wonder if they can even receive pleasure at all?
No. 267716
>>267615>Also idk I don't want a male taking a shit next to me. fucking ewImagine caring so much about something like that. You sound as stupid as men do when they complain about periods being "gross".
>>267711I've lived there lol. And wouldn't do it again.
Third world countries are a different question, gendered bathrooms are definitely necessary there, but I've never had an issue in the west.
No. 267719
>>267718Which is why I'm trying to understand the problem. I know I'm not alone in feeling this way as most women I know have no issue with the concept of bathrooms being unisex by default. It seems like it would be more of an issue for men, as they wouldn't have urinals.
And it doesn't help that people keep bringing up stuff like shock, horror - people
shitting in bathrooms?!? How disgusting!
No. 267721
>>267584>Spying (In person or with use of spy cams)Spy cams in women's bathrooms/changing rooms are a huge problem in South Korea right now. Thousands of videos are posted on South Korean porn sites with the government doing very little to crack down on it.
That being said, I don't want a unisex bathroom for these issues with privacy + the possibility of being groped or assaulted. Not like these things can't already happen, but how can a unisex bathroom not facilitate such occurences when you can't even tell a shady looking dude that he has no right to be in a public bathroom with women?
I wouldn't feel safe at all.
No. 267725
>>267719I literally just made a list of the problems with unisex bathrooms here:
>>267584 and you ignored it.
No. 267727
>>267703This is exactly the kind of thing I'm wondering about. I want to read from an relatively unbiased source that doesn't try to pretend it's anything like a real vagina, or describe it like it's Frankenstein's worst experiment.
No emotional language, just the facts laid bare.
No. 267731
>>267719Sorry, you actually made a good post, I just didn't have anything to add to it.
>>267723> I don't even like using the same bathroom as my male relatives, it makes me extremely uncomfortable.This is not at all normal, and it's your own issue to deal with.
No. 267738
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No. 267739
>>267587 explained, they want their identities as women validated.
No. 267741
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Planned Parenthood betrays women again.
No. 267757
>>267731>This is not normal at allI've only ever heard the opposite. Are you sure it just isn't normal to
No. 267761
>>267758Thank you!
>about as exciting as fingering a very deep belly button. This is exactly what I imagine it to be like lol
> You never really realize the texture of a woman’s skinI thought the hormones were meant to make their skin softer?
No. 267762
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Bonus: hes been harassing and sexually threatening underage girls on tumblr. I'm so done with this movement fuck these sick bastards.
No. 267764
And here a video by their pathetic handmaidens. I can barely watch this. What's wrong with these women? How do they not see through these fetishistic men? Why do we need a word that means "female transphobe" but we can't have a word that means female person?
No. 267767
File: 1531499497845.jpg (20.43 KB, 468x286, article-1340274-019169F9000005…)

>>267758Thanks for linking this, I don't even go on tumblr anymore but I might to read her content.
>The outward appearance is virtually indistinguishable from any other woman’s vulva.kek
No. 267807
>>267764Damn. This was probably one of the most obnoxious videos I've ever watched. Imagine caping for transwomen this hard when they truly do not give a fuck about you. Lol at the chick on the right who loves identifying as a lesbian despite her "boyfriend" who's actually female. He's genderqueer but totally has "the soul of a boy". I just love how she considers herself a lesbian because her genderqueer bf has a pussy and tits, but gets mad at terfs for asserting that very same thing.
And the one on the left claiming she's never seen such violent threats made towards terfs in the LGBT community but has actually seen those kinds of things said to transwomen. Which is a goddamn lie. There's no way anybody in the LGBT community could get away with talking about hanging transwomen by their necks. They would be called out and shunned immediately (as they should. As much as I don't like their creepy fetishistic nonsense, talking about murdering them in the streets is psychotic).
Also love them half-assedly condemning these threats of violence, while at the same time saying terfs kinda deserve it cause they "started it". With yet another totally appropriate and not at all predictable comparison to Nazis. These women are in for a rude awakening when even their pathetic ass kissing won't be enough for transwomen. They WILL keep pushing women's boundaries further and further. They WILL insert themselves into more and more places for women. And they WILL turn on you the second you don't agree with everything they say. All you have to do is look at the way that poor oppressed trans laydee started squaring up with that chick at speaker's corner when she dared to oppose him beating on some granny. Using his larger size and aggressive body language to physically intimidate her even though she was on his side. And she backed down and cowered away, offering a fine contrast between male and female socialization. It was hard to feel sorry for her, and it'll be hard to feel sorry for these women when they finally see what's going on.
No. 267849
>>267807Most of my more handmaiden-y acquaintances claim that violent threats made towards "terfs" are practically always posted by trolls to make the trans lobby look bad, and whenever a confirmed TiM shows his true colours and gets undeniably violent then suddenly he wasn't really trans in the first place, because
real transgurls would NEVER act like that! No True Scotsman.
In very rare instances they'll say the turf had it coming and the poor little transgirl is suffering from PTSD and reacting in self defence uwu but in most cases, they'll deny anything even really happened at all.
No. 267898
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He looks like a shitty drag queen impersonating a middle aged Orange county housewife who took too many testosterone pills how the fuck is this shit allowed in a beauty competition.
No. 268158
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>>267950anon are you talking about something like this? or are the stalls more protected than usual? because if it's like pic related, that's how all almost public women's bathrooms are in the US and have been for decades. The only alternatives we have here are small single toilet bathrooms, which have always been mostly unisex. There have still been plenty of cases of men abusing women in these types of bathrooms.
No. 268172
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No. 268174
File: 1531619781126.jpeg (70.21 KB, 750x269, 1C0365A5-6D7D-44CD-AD34-AFF48A…)

Is anyone else sick of hearing “you’re valid” ?
No. 268208
>>268174rolls eyes at blondieValid is spun as a cutesy positive word but common use is
invalid meaning disabled or elderly. So a bunch of young people telling each other they're
valid is not so inspiring.
No. 268518
>>268327When I first heard a man handwave bad cramps as "uncomfortable" I was dumbfounded. This isn't the first time I've heard it. It's like they can't accept that any women has ever had a worse time than them. I guess "Even though it's incredibly painful, debilitating, and expensive, at the end of the day, it's a sign of fertility, and in that regard, many women will think you're the lucky one" doesnt pack the same punch.
I also love that they don't have to feel privileged when they have big jaws, big muscles, are tall, or other traits that other males would envy. Where's the women telling them that they should feel lucky and not complain about their masculine features because they're a sign of virility and a lot of men would consider them lucky?
No. 268770
>>268767Nta but I guess fringe types band together, plus genderfuckery seems to be contagious. If someone spends a lot of time in a social environment that tells them being “cis”, especially a cis lesbian, is evil and violent, then that person might end up identifying as nonbinary or even trans just to fit in.
We’ve moved to a new thread, by the way:
>>267773 No. 269160
File: 1531908853576.jpg (23.01 KB, 648x134, gaslightinglesbianstosuckyourc…)

That's not how this works
No. 269828
File: 1532049369644.png (254.46 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-07-19-21-13-50…)

My boyfriends sister just shared this on Facebook and Im offended
No. 269834
File: 1532052813853.jpg (103.46 KB, 736x1305, best-25-bathroom-stall-ideas-o…)

>>268158>>268163Yeah, like pic but no gaps in the bottom either.
No. 269878
File: 1532072827999.png (273.01 KB, 723x937, lesbian icon.png)

I didn't know lesbian icons could have penises.
No. 269951
>>269834That's a good solution but at the same time I still don't want to share a bathroom with a man. Have you ever smelled the men's bathrooms? Men are fucking disgusting and they smell awful. Also, after reading
>>263415 I'm not going to feel comfortable disposing of my sanitary products in a bathroom shared with men either.
Like we already have to fear so many things without fucking neutral gender bathrooms. A friend of mine was using the bathroom on a train once when three men started pushing the door in before she got a chance to lock it and the only reason why they left is because a relative went to check why she was taking so long. No idea what would have happened to her if they weren't interrupted. Imagine having to fear that every time you went to the bathroom in a restaurant or the cinema? Or walking into a public bathroom and it being empty, bar one man? Or your drink being spiked and you stumble into the bathroom to call the emergency services and it's totally normal for your attacker to walk into the bathroom after you?? There will be a huge spike in men installing cameras in public bathrooms if gender neutral ones become the norm.
No. 272752
File: 1532721556660.jpg (288.6 KB, 1238x2048, FB_IMG_1532718401069.jpg)

I'm so tired of this stupid idea they have now
No. 273036
>>269960>>273027so we have so far
>gay/lesbian erasure>gender nonconforming conversion therapy>fetishists>dr/pharma scamanything else?
i personally think that some of the drs who do it probably have a mutilation fetish.
No. 273048
File: 1532774052477.png (407.15 KB, 900x675, the_straw_man_argument_by_kevi…)

>>272752Literally every anti-TERF comic made by a troon.
No. 291298
>>275916radfems: trans ideology reinforces gender stereotypes. why can't men and women just wear whatever they want without it changing their identity?
handmaidens: of course they can! you're being ridiculous! this is totally different
woke motherfucker writing for the independent: acksyhually….