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No. 454392
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism / trans ideology from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Trans ideology posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Existing laws and legislation currently being passed around the world allowing for self-identification on legal documents do not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of feminism, sexuality, misogyny, or misandry.
Radical Feminism thread
https://bannedbytrans.wordpress.com | | | | | (404) | | (404)
Blogs, Writers
https://culturallyboundgender.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.com (suspended) |
https://www.gendertrending.comhttps://janeclarejones.com (suspended) | https://thewitchofwentworth.tumblr.comhttps://trannosphere.tumblr.comInauthentic Selves: The modern LGBTQ+ Movement Is Run By Philanthropic Astroturf And Based On Junk Science
http://www.genderhammer.comreddit Resilience Project violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth | | Channels
Venice Allan |
http://wwwdrradfem.orgElly Arrow Berns Brennan / Ally Missandry RadFem Radical feminism in Korea Lloyd Long Murphy Parker Woman's Place, Art, Comics, Memes
Feminist Heretic Feminist Struggle Paley / Mimi and Eunice Katherinee Draws Badly Snowflake Books Untameable Shrews
https://violetdioxazine.tumblr.comWoman Adult Human Female
https://www.standingforwomen.comPrevious threads
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>>>/ot/441471 19
>>>/ot/448777 20
"TERF" thread
>>>/g/67378"Transpassing" thread
>>>/ot/214811"Trans women" thread
>>>/ot/203215"Crazy trans lesbians?" thread
>>>/ot/116018"I hate the way this website treats Trans* issues" thread
>>>/ot/113748 No. 454396
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No. 454397
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No. 454406
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>>454394Imagine lesbians reading this and not seeing the irony lmfao.
No. 454415
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Look at this “ proud lesbian”
No. 454436
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>>454434When I went to archive it I found an archive of a previous (the original?) version posted April 3, 2017. The page was updated March 29th of this year.
Let's compare, shall we? No. 454437
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No. 454438
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No. 454440
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No. 454442
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No. 454443
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No. 454445
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No. 454447
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No. 454448
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No. 454449
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No. 454450
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No. 454451
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No. 454452
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No. 454453
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No. 454454
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No. 454456
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No. 454457
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No. 454458
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No. 454461
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There's something I've been looking for for a while… does anyone have a link to a collection of "trans widow" stories? That is, stories from women whose husbands went trans, lost their minds and destroyed their marriages.
I read a bunch of these collected stories one time but I can't find them anymore and Google obviously doesn't want people to find them. If anyone knows where they are it'd be a good addition to the OP links.
No. 454467
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But…you are a white man?
No. 454469
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No. 454489
>>454414Previously they were claiming that terves are just ugly gender essentialists who don’t want men to be prettier and more feminine than us, now we all lust after effeminate men? Make up your minds already.
>>454427Just like the civil rights movement, LGB and of course intersectional feminism, they co-opt, appropriate and colonise every movement and community they think will help them reach their goals. Everything must centre them at all times and they never have to reciprocate. Ask not what your trans sisters can do for you, but what you can do for your trans sisters!
Last thread I posted that study showing that TIMs in particular are very socially conservative, least likely to support the poor, immigrants etc. and that more of them ‘identify’ as feminists than are actually in favour of supporting women. It would be interesting to get into this identity vs. reality aspect with the other issues as well. Most TIMs seem to portray themselves as being the champions of minority and marginalised groups (they gave us LGB rights and feminism!) but if you get down to the facts of their voting history and activism, I suspect it will reveal that their progressive persona is just a mask for a group of men who are actually more self-centred and regressive than even ‘cis’ men. It would be a wake up call for those groups who still haven’t realised that TRAs are a cuckoo in their nest.
No. 454500
>>454485I had a troon try the same thing with me and the blank faced approach really does infuriate them.
He was asking me for make-up tips "because we girls should help each other teehee!" and I just looked at him blankly, shrugged and said I didn't really know anything about make-up. I could tell he was buttmad I ruined his little fantasy that all women are in some secret lipstick coven but he couldn't actually get angry with me because I didn't do anything wrong even by libfem standards.
No. 454506
>>454442the 1950', known for long wavy hair
>>454427Reminds me of a "plural" troon who got upset bc he was diagnosed as a skizo and they really hate when you use insults that were slurs in the xviiith century or something
No. 454513
>>454469Recognizing secondary sex characteristics, the AI's job, is biased. Ok.
>>454485I've met a few trans people at conventions, college, etc. who announce they're trans when I first meet them, and what pronouns they use. I say "okay, cool" and start referring to them as they asked, and they look kind of upset, ha.
No. 454515
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Damn, trans women really have always existed.
No. 454539
>>454513So the troon got upset you didn't freak out? KEK That's golden. Or was it just the way you said "Ok cool"
They all know what they're doing and when you start to intimidate them even a little, they back down because they KNOW for a fact they can't lay a hand on us without total condemnation.
No. 454550
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is there anywhere I can kek at genderqueer couples that are basically just a straight man and woman trying to be quirky? or a tag I can look up?
pic rel, a 'non-binary' wedding photo
No. 454583
>>454469Next up:
>animals scared of men regularly misgender trans individuals>forensic pathologists regularly misgender trans skeletal remains One of these already happened.
>>454467Working in IT I absolutely, without an ounce of mercy, hate these fuckers. They regularly have chimpouts over people not handing them respect and high paying jobs on a silver platter just based on the virtue of being a tranny. They're often extremely subpar or just straight out bad programmers and have a nasty, conflict-seeking personality on top of all that, so they blame "the meritocracy" for their own inadequacy. And that's not the worst part either, the worst part is that because these people have she/her on their twitter bios people assume that it's the Hysterical Females causing drama again when it's the good old predictable narcissistic men doing the deed. This literally happened again in the dev community on a larger scale the other day and I died inside.
What the fuck can they teach us lowly "cis women" to begin with? I actually looked up this article and saw this
>Daniela calls herself a diversity activist. And she wants to use her experiences to make the tech industry truly inclusive, starting with something as simple as the words we use. For instance, “When you talk about feminine empowerment, these are really heavy words that you don’t want to use in conversation with men.”So a heterosexual man (or a lesbian transwoman uwu) who started putting on a dress two years ago is telling natal women to shut up with their stupid feminist wording when talking to men? Wow, how empowering. Go fuck yourself.
No. 454588
>>454550I don't see much of a problem with this, people can and should have whatever kind of wedding attire they want.
What I don't like is the idea that this is a "new identity", and not just two humans ignoring arbitrary traditions.
It can't just be "We're doing what we want, and the "rules" are meaningless". It always has to be "We are special unique marginalized oppressed erased alien people with a totally different idea of what gender is, and by extension, the human experience itself!!!" with these sorts. Why?
No. 454589
>>454550I don't see much of a problem with this, people can and should have whatever kind of wedding attire they want.
What I don't like is the idea that this is a "new identity", and not just two humans ignoring arbitrary traditions.
It can't just be "We're doing what we want, and the "rules" are meaningless". It always has to be "We are special unique marginalized oppressed erased alien people with a totally different idea of what gender is, and by extension, the human experience itself!!!" with these sorts. Why?
No. 454590
>>454550 I got this pic from a Tumblr that posts cislesbian wedding pics btw
>>454560 tell me more anon
No. 454596
>>454550Stuff like this is why people see non-binary as a fad, and why I avoided ever using the term. Liking "quirky" things not typically associated with the stereotypes of your biological sex doesn't make you not that sex. I always thought of non-binary as a way for people who had dysphoria to be recognized as a part of the trans community, without ever wanting to medically transition, rather present as the opposite sex or androgynous in non body mutilating ways to deal with the dysphoria. Basically, cross dressing with dysphoria.
It was only like what I mentioned for a short while, until Tumblr became a
toxic place that tried to guilt you for your "privilege" of being born straight or "cis." Suddenly non-dysphoric people who have instead struggled with their peers for not liking stereotypical things decided to take the trans label to feel they belong, or different to avoid harassment from the left.
Also, minus the guy's bad hair cut in this pic, the wedding attire is lovely.
No. 454602
>>454596I would've had no problem with young people using the term non-binary while they figure out if they are going to transition or not and I would they/them them with no problem but people permanently announcing it as their gender or using the term in their 30s and beyond is too much for me. I transitioned for a year and then stopped, I could've adopted the term non-binary to describe myself but it's too bullshitty for me
If being genderqueer or non binary was ever a
valid thing to begin with then shitty attention seeking special people went and ruined the terms for everyone anyway, maybe it attracted BS people cos it was BS already
No. 454655
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since some of the other anons in the last thread mentioned liking this kind of subversion re: TRA anime girl memes
No. 454656
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and another for good measure
No. 454658
>>454282if it makes anyone feel better this post was reported and removed
poor magdalen, really hope she gets better.
No. 454679
>>454539I said it neutrally, like: "We're going out for fries, want to come?" "Okay, cool."
I know that they want me to react negatively so they can school me, making me look like a morally bad and ignorant person. They like to be perceived as deviant, much like fetishists who infiltrated the LGB community, so they can take the moral high ground and assert how ~woke~ they are because of their ~unique~ gender experience that falls out of normal social perceptions. It makes them feel even more different, and likely better than other people. It's a form of narcissism. I know because I was like this when I was a Christian. You try to corner the other person in an argument you know you'll win because it's an easy target to reaffirm your beliefs.
No. 454702
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More enbyshit for you guys. I just saw this, and I went and read the original thread it linked. Apparently Jose presents as a man in every way, except he wears a little bit of eyeliner, that you can't even quite tell is there. And he thinks this should give him access to womens groups.
No. 454705
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>>454702I felt this comment needed screencapping to. "I'm a woman who wears comfortable clothes instead of cliche sexy shit, and people think I'm a woman instead of the agender snowflake I am".
No. 454713
>>454705How the fuck can she read peoples minds to know that they're reading her as 'that woman just let herself go'
I mean, projecting your own issues onto others much?
No. 454735
>>454414but most TiMs aren't effeminate, they're generally creepy and 'off' looking, school shooter type face
also i thought they were supposedly never men so how can anyone be taking gnc men away?
No. 454739
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No. 454750
>>454739now bizzare to sprsypaint "you are not welcome" on your own establishment essentially, like bitch, it's their property not yours
fucking vile though, all men are the same
No. 454773
>>454768Don't you know evil terves are literally committing VIOLENCE against awesome trans gals by DARING to ask for a female-only therapy space for
victims of rape by males? Obviously they deserve threats and dead rats nailed to their doors. Terrorizing rape
victims is just normal intersectional feminist ladybrain behavior along with all the sexy sleepovers where us gals' hips move without us controlling them and we bond over non-uterine cramps and our sexy desire to have giant milk-producing naturals.
No. 454774
>>454765I'd like to know how often AGPs even get sexually assaulted/raped. 99% of them are instantly clockable as male on sight or don't even pass at all. They're also usually normal sized guys who could easily fight off an attacker. Yes I know most rapes don't happen randomly but by people the
victim knows, but still. They're more likely to be beaten up by gay bashers than raped.
No. 454783
>>454778Of course. The idea that aggressive asshole dudes beating up men in dresses is because of their 'gender identity'… top fucking kek, that sort of man sees it as faggotry and nothing more.
It's also sexism but that's less of a direct correlation, probably affects TIFs more.
No. 454792
>>454778All the
victims of ‘transphobic violence’ are HSTS so they literally are gay men which indeed makes them homophobic hate crimes. None of the men attacking TiMs genuinely view TiMs as women.
No. 454798
>>454795TiFs experience corrective rape from men like lesbians do. They
also get raped by TiMs because of their male socialization where they want to replicate heterosexual power dynamics but it isn’t talked about much.
No. 454826
>>454782Jesus, when you lay it out like this it really is such a glaring case of white dudes vs. brown women. Honestly nothing makes me angrier, I'm hispanic and the women in my family have had these lives completely defined by femaleness in a way trans ideology has no room for. My grandmas, aunts, and mom weren't all super girly, but they've all led lives shaped by having kids, housework, childcare, contraception availability, men leaving….it's all these female experiences trans women don't find sexy so they just ignore. My mom can't stand it, she just says "wow so they're a bunch of men who are really into themselves, bet they rely on women to build communities for them and cook and clean and swallow their issues" and it's like, yeah, jesus. All those Canadian TRAs are just depending on the silence of women prostitutes, beauticians, activists, mothers, etc to prop up their male fucking lives. It's so much harder to ignore when you come from disadvantaged women, where the unsexy unfun mundane realities of what it means to be a woman are so exposed. None of these men are "women" because they identify with waking up earliest and going to bed last, you know?
No. 454875
>>454872gender dysphoria is an all encompassing term, it doesn't explicitly refer to just the body part, afaik. they aren't delusional. they see their bodies as they are. they see their bodies accurately, they just prefer to have different bodies. no child would or should even know the opposite sex has different body parts but in the cases of these very young kids, they somehow know. weird, considering I never knew boys had different bodies until I was at least 5, but always turns out these kids with dysphoria regarding their genitals have creepy, way too sexually liberal parents. every time. i think most of us would prefer to be in different bodies if we had the choice. there's no predisposition. very young children, as we know, pick up social cues regarding how women and men and how girls and boys are to be treated and what is expected of them. that much is very clear. there's no phantom vagina syndrome distressing these kids that's rooted in their neurophysiology other than whatever plays a part in OCD, anxiety, depression, whatever have you. most kids don't even know the physical difference between girls and boys at these ages they allegedly claim.
No. 454894
>>454778They ARE homophobic crimes. Nobody gets beat up for believing they are a woman, they get beat up because a heterosexual's fragile masculinity gets offended by being "tricked" into a relationship with a male.
>>454872It's called body dysmorphic disorder and it's already a thing. There's literally no need to separate it into a gender identity thing.
No. 454914
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No. 454943
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Can the UK, USA, and Canada stop doing this nonsense for just one moment.
No. 454975
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>>454769What arcade business? Snow Phoenix?
I'm not surprised if it's them, the owners of that are trannies and one of them said pretty weird shit like how he feels like HRT is gonna make him into a video game character, and how he'd steal his girlfriend's clothes in secret to feel more "girly".
This post in particular though, oh god. Of course he had to bring up the evil smelly terves.
No. 454988
>>454966How do you anons feel about using gender neutral language in general? I don't have a "gender identity" (ie I'm not trans), I'm aware I'm biologically female, but I use they/them pronouns. I also use a genderneutral nickname on job applications which helps because I work in trades.
Is there any evidence this might be a bad idea? One might site that removing sexed terms could cause issues, in say, people entering a women's only facility for
victims, but you should always check the birth certificate regardless (I'm aware people can change their legal sex, but it eliminates a lot of creeps). Anyone can run around using what pronouns they damn well please now, rendering them useless.
I'd prefer to not use language that reduces me to my genitals, considering "he" has always been the grammatically correct default for not knowing someone's biological sex (although they has been catching on). I've always been under the impression gendered language started out as a way to keep men and women as separate classes and keep men in power, for instance, we can see Roman men have their own names, but the women take male names with an "a" at the end to indicate they are female, and therefore, the property of her father or husband. Why wouldn't they just take the father's name, why does it have to be made female identifying? It's never Augustus or Julian the older, for women, it's Augustina and Julia. I hate that shit for the life of me. I probably sound autistic, but this is a genuine thought of mine.
No. 455000
>>454988Languagefag here. Regardless of transgender identities, I personally don't care if someone wants to go by "they/them" pronouns since it is also gramatically correct to use them for someone whose gender is unknown. However, I don't think most people would look at a person and refer to them as "they/them", everyone would go with feminine or masculine pronouns. I am firmly against neopronouns though, it only causes more complications. Pronouns are in a core part of the language, you can't just add new pronouns out of nowhere and expect everyone to adapt to it right away. English used to have grammatical gender but it declined around 11th-14th centuries (if I recall correctly). It's a whole process.
I am gender critical but are gender pronouns really reducing people to their genitals? A crossdresser that passes well can be called by the other gender's pronouns as well, I think it's more about perception. There are languages that never had grammatical gender, Japanese, Korean, Finnish, Turkish.. The lack of gendered pronouns doesn't exactly cause a confusion when it's what you're used to. Maybe English will also get rid of its gendered pronouns due to political changes too, but it would take time.
No. 455003
>>454975>I did get caught and beat mercilessly when I borrowed my friend's school uniform>my experiences aren't any less "girl"Why do so many TiMs think being beaten by homophobes for being an effeminate male is the same as what girls experience and reference that as proof of their "girl" upbringing (like Laverne Cox did)? Girls don't get beaten up for daring to wear female gendered clothing. We get heavily encouraged or even enforced to wear it, the complete opposite experience of this male.
>They'll say a "man" couldn't ever know what a "woman" is. No, fuck you, you got as much of a choice of being a woman as I did, and if I could have traded anything I would have chosen to be born a cisgirl, every single time.There are so many glaring flaws in this. Women all choose to be women as much as MTFs do? So women who undergo FGM, rape, domestic violence, and systematic oppression towards female just could have "chosen" to be men instead by his logic.
Then he turns around and bitterly remarks how actually he would do anything to have been born a "cisgirl", dashing his initial assertion that all women simply choose to be women while also oxymoronically reinforcing the ridiculous idea that it's wanting to be something that makes you that thing. PT wanted with her whole heart to be Nipponese and put on their school uniforms but that desire didn't make it reality.
No. 455010
>>455007that's what i mean, yes. they technically shouldn't be categorized that way because they do have a lot of gendered words and even stand ins for pronouns, they just have a different grammatical structure. i think it's disingenuous to say that japanese has no pronouns or gender specifics just because they don't have an exact equivalent to he/she. same with korean, which has them more in the form of honorifics, but the fact is that the language structure is different.
>>455006i think that gender neutralness is just a way to ease into sex neturalness tbh. it's something that's super emotionally charged for almost everyone and seems positive, but it's likely much darker beneath the surface. getting rid of pronouns is a trans/TRA movement so it can't be good.
No. 455011
>>455007Japanese has a bunch of different ways of saying "me" "my" and "I". While these terms can technically be used by anyone, they have heavily gendered uses. For instance, women almost always use "watashi", and men only use it when they're trying to be super feminine or super polite. "Boku" is the polite "masculine" word typically used by young or subservient men. It is sometimes used by tomboyish girls. "Ore" is maculine and very dominant. It is typically used by older men or men in positions of power, and is considered rude in any other context.
Japanese is gendered in many other ways. It's actually kind of worse in terms of gender because of how frequently "feminine" is conflated with "subservient". Socially speaking, it's a very conservative culture, and they have the highest gender inequality of any first world country.
No. 455027
>>455024English used to have it and the "the" article is still an equivalent of el/la. When a Japanese guy talks with "female words" he might get "omg u gay??" reactions but he won't be gramatically incorrect, it's about gender roles in spoken language. If you use the wrong gender in a French noun you fuck up the whole sentence.
I think this whole trans acceptance wave might result in some changes in languages within 1-2 centuries because TRAs are way too aggressive with misgendering. Xe/xir and shit won't probably get the majority's approval but maybe English will move towards being even more gender neutral with pronouns.
No. 455041
>>455027Maybe not pronouns but I can see ground being lost to gendered personal descriptors eg actress, chairman, masseuse, fireman.
like I already feel a bit weird typing fireman instead of firefighter, but chairperson still sounds awkward.
No. 455057
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>>455049Drag is a minstrel show to make fun of women and debase femininity. Thats why fetishists like to crossdress and exhibit themselves, they like to portray a completely fake and disgusting version of a woman, one that is most hummilliating, bitchy, gross and low standard.
That, and they are a bunch of pedophiles as most homosexuals are prone to be. the rate is like 11X that of hetero men and that's why they are pushing for "drag kid story hour" and "drag kid pageants" and that mutant Desmond and Lactatia. To normalize their shitty fetish and groom kids.
No. 455066
>>455060>Next.Are you also going to insert the "clap" emoji between every word you type?
If what you think is true, it's not, then what about Drag-queens from non-white countries? Are the ones in Mexico and Japan also white?
Or when you mean majority or drag at all you are only referring to the USA because that's the only place in the world you care about?
No. 455069
>>455049just ask her why she thinks men should be allowed to criticize shitty stereotypes of women that men force on us? gay men use the excuse that straight men treat them like women, but feminine doesn't equate to woman. gay men need to be criticizing shitty stereotypes of
No. 455117
>>455041"Actor" and "actress" are weird to me, because it's not like we say "doctor" and "doctress".
Also that second part reminds me of a professor I have who keeps awkwardly saying "craftspersonship" instead of "craftsmanship". I kind of figured the way some words end in -man is kind of like how LotR uses "man" just as a word for "human". I would prefer it if it wasn't that way, but trying to replace all instances of "-man" with "-person" sounds awkward as shit.
No. 455122
>>455057>Pedophiles, as most homosexuals are prone to be.Homophobe-chan is at it again. She's even using the exact same
picture she did the last time she tried to stir shit up.
Gay men are
not more likely to be pedophiles than straight men. To imply this is to downplay female victimization. The vast majority of CSA survivors are girls and women.
No. 455125
>>455117Why don’t they just call it craftship or call the profession ‘crafter’?
>>455123Authoress too because it’s a diminutive form to the default male thus offensive. Now some women are calling themselves seamsters over seamstress to get rid of the gender connotation although “seamstress” was the dominant word as textiles was considered women’s work.
No. 455137
>>455131>Firstly it is obvious because there are more straight men than there are gayThe stats are proportional, there's a much, much higher percentage of pedophiles among the homosexual men population than the straight population. And in general, the crime commited are like 50-50, so despite being a minority of the male population homosexuals commit around half the total number of molestation.
But drag kids amirite? let them adopt, its so uwu kawaii, even when it ends in something like "the kid with the henna tattoo case" where 2 gay scrots adopted a kid and travel the world pimping him to other gay scrotes, basically gave them a legal pass to traffic the kid they bought across borders.
No. 455147
>>455143True. This is to the point where many sexology researchers even think pedophilia is rare or completely non-existent in women so while women may commit CSA they generally do not have the same persistent, life-long attraction to children like men do.
Anyways this is getting really off-topic. There is always somebody screeching about how all gay men are pedos.
No. 455150
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This is so fucking gross.
I say to myself I'm not surprised by this shit anymore but I can't understand how people pay thousands of dollars to do this to themselves. It's like we live in a neverending nightmare of freaks
No. 455160
>>455155Freund also coined the term
homosexual transsexual because he thought some gay men may have desired female bodies to escape homophobia.
No. 455197
>>455151I agree, anon.
However, these “people” cannot stand anything that puts a dark cloud over their rainbow land. Straight men can be pedos but the moment you pull out the statistics about homosexual pedos they lose their shit.
No. 455202
>>455188>>455191>>455193Why did you reply three times, and then reply to yourself in
>>455197? You're so damn embarrassing.
No. 455204
>>455202I’m on mobile. I don’t double check when the page jumps up to the top to reply.
But it’s okay, we’ll just pretend that you’ve never made any mistakes in your lifetime for the sake of your fragile ego
No. 455206
>>455204That makes no sense. Being on mobile makes you forget which posts you made and agree with yourself?
No. 455207
>>455202I just double checked and you’re mistaken lmao
I’m not the only one disagreeing with you.
No. 455210
>>455206No, reading comprehension is obviously not a skill you possess, so I won’t bother trying to explain it to you.
I will however reiterate the fact that I and whoever disagrees with you aren’t the same person but ok
No. 455212
>>455207>>455210I'm not the person you're arguing with, I just noticed your multiple posts. "Mistaken", sure. Cringy.
>y-your reading comprehensionYou're right, anon. I totally always reply to my own posts with "I agree, anon", lol. That's normal.
No. 455216
>>455214Aren’t there people who were abused that turned to homosexual acts that aren’t actually attracted to the same sex? Pretty sure I’ve heard that somewhere.
Or maybe trauma activates the gay gene.
>>455201>suggesting the possibilitythat sums it all up
umm try harder sweaty. These are all hypothetical and theoretical. I want to get my blood tested to see if what percentage of straight i am, where can i? maybe i discover i am genderfluid or an otherkin after all.
No. 455229
>>455226Your inconclusive studies about this gays gene are
valid but anons isn’t?
No. 455245
>>455229If you actually read the study you would know that pedos are more likely to abuse boys because they are in contact with boys more often. Other sexologists have criticised the methodology because girls who are sexually abused may be groomed into thinking sexual abuse is "normal". Pedophiles are often categorised as their own thing in sexology, neither homosexual nor heterosexual as they are disgusted by adults of either sex. Freund used confusing terminology because he calls the pedos who molest boys "homosexual pedophiles" but then calls actual homosexual men "androphilic". Although this is somewhat understandable because sexology tends to use a lot of words interchangeably or differently from how they are used in a non-academic setting.
His final sentence in the abstract even states gay men are not more likely to be offenders:
>This, of course, would not indicate that androphilic males have a greater propensity to offend against children. No. 455267
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>>455264I had to look it up, but… whew.
No. 455276
>>455269Have you actually
been to a pride parade in the last five years? They've been trying really hard to be PC and family-friendly.
Please fuck off, Homophobe-chan. This is a thread for trannies, not for gay people. Go wave your hate-boner for faggots around somewhere else.
No. 455285
>>455282You could try posting this in the radfem thread
>>373459In my opinion, erotica is nowhere near the same level as filmed pornography as you aren't exploiting women but it depends on what he's reading. What's the content like? I know some men read some really nasty shit and they think it's okay because it's not "real" but they're still getting off to detailed descriptions of young girls being raped. Some men enjoy really fluffy romance but won't ever admit to it. Men really think reading about women being violated is more "interesting" and "meaningful" than reading about happy couples in love.
No. 455287
>>455282In my opinion, erotica is way less harmful than video porn.
It could set in unrealistic expectations but it will not have the same effect as video porn. Porn fry the reward system in the brain because human brains are not meant to see that much sexual content. The more you see (and the brain basically doesn't differenciate between images and the real thing), the more images and the more extreme things you'll need to see to get the same arousal.
Erotica doesn't work that way. You still have to do the work and imagine things to get the arousal. Reading is an higher effort task than watching videos, you're less likely to end up reading erotica all day. It still could get bad in the long term (watch for changes in frequency and theme of the erotica) but I don't think it could lead to the rapid and disgusting decay men watching frequent porn experience.
No. 455292
>>455282casual consumption of any kind of porn & porn adjacent by a male is probably unhealthy. especially porn made by and pandering to men. male fantasies have to be some of the most disgusting pieces of writing on the net.
imo erotica has the potential to be so much worse precisely bc it doesn't involve real people so no one cares.
No. 455302
>>455293right, look at any "non porn" media made by men, they're often colored with their sexual proclivities. now imagine if it was ramped up to porn levels and hidden in walls of text most people won't bother to read.
you guys have seen how troons describe their sexual fantasies (to bring this a bit back on topic). male erotica is pretty much that, but oftentimes worse. troons in particular have infected lesbian erotica ofc, which was always overwhelmed by the common porn tropes, but now when the two women get down to business one of them is a troon, whips out a monster dong, and proceeds to have degrading PIV sex.
No. 455306
>>455282I would argue that written erotica is better, because real people aren't being exploited, and because it isn't instant gratification. Reading a book or a fanfic takes a long time, so the build-up to an orgasm is going to take longer. Jerking it to 20 porn videos in an hour is what gives guys ED, but spending an hour reading one smutty passage simulates foreplay more. Plus, focusing on one thing for that amount of time makes it less likely that he'll get distracted by/move on to more degenerate fetishes.
I would say that your boyfriend is making a much better choice than most men. Unless he starts reading really weird stuff with sexual violence or really degenrate fetishes, I would leave him be.
No. 455385
File: 1567087615342.png (34.78 KB, 180x320, 4383B565-F823-4956-AC39-F0EAC8…) woman working on some adult swim show has come forward about being abused by a tranny also working on the show with her. fucking typical
No. 455397
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>>455385After lurking his meme Instagram/Twitter I wanted to see what this lad looked like. Only picture I could find on Google, yikes.
No. 455406
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>>455397absolutely disgusting kek, can’t believe that woman even humoured him by using she/her pronouns, fuck him
No. 455509
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>>455406I checked his IG and his comments are in shambles (as expected), but what the fuck is this all about?
No. 455566
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I couldn't think of a creative one sorry
No. 455579
>>455531I dont get people who dont see trans as mentally ill.
If i came into work tomorrow and decided i wanted to be a black woman, i'd get fired for wearing black face and being an insulting caricature. (rightfully so)
But if a man wants to larp as a woman, he gets treated with more rights than a REAL WOMAN. This is not the world i want for my future children.
No. 455584
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When do you farmers think being trans will stop being trendy?
The thought of a lot of young people buying into this only to regret later in life when the damage has already been done is terrifying to me.
No. 455610
>>455600Ecofems: women are beings with an innate connection to nature
Libfems: women are anybody who identifies as one
Radfems: women are the sex that produces ova
Confems: women are destined to be wives and mothers
Matfems: women don’t exist actually
No. 455663
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No. 455701
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>>455697>This makes me really angry.Wait to you remove the spoiler. (nsfw btw)
Your welcome. Happy nightmares
No. 455710
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>>455701I would refuse to even touch that thing! Forget about letting it penetrate me. It's flesh dildo. It's a ham sausage!
No. 455720
>>455639>>455640I find it funny how mtf troons talk so much about magical girls anime like they're experts and it's the only type of stories targeting girls and women, while also completely ignoring best-selling shojo manga and popular or classic shojo anime like Fruits Basket, Nana, Hana Yori Dango, Otomen, Switch Girl, Kare Kano, Sugar Sugar Rune, Mermaid Melody, etc. (these ones are magical girl anime and manga they never talk about for some reason) etc. which are super popular and relatable to the female audience. They also don't seem to realize that many magical girls anime they used to watch as kids didn't make them realize they're trans and were very popular with boys as well, like Magical Doremi, Utena, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptor Sakura, etc.
tldr; troons like to pretend they were always little girls deep inside by saying they liked magical girls as kids while a lot of boys also liked magical girls anime or because they can relate to female characters written by men for men or a large audience anyway.
>Enbyfags like Komaeda from Dangan Ronpa.They also like Kaworu from EVA a lot, and characters based on him as well.
No. 455723
>>455720Magical girl is just like shonen with cuter aesthetic, of course a lot of boys like it too. And shonen despite the name is also made for a wide audience, there's a shit ton of girls that grew up watching the same shonen anime as the boys without suddenly believing themselves to be males. I always liked Dragon ball, saint seiya, rurouni kenshin, naruto, so what. Every convention floor is full of cosplaying girls that like some characters from shonen shows or have their husbandos. Some girls like capeshit and that doesn't even make them gay.
Pink used to be an strictly male color. Red was seen as male because it represents passion, so pink was a slightly boyish version of red. And blue was feminine because it was seen as a pasive cool color. This stuff is completely arbitrary and cultural, now the opposite is agreed upon, pink is feminine and blue is boyish, so wtf with dudes claiming that if you like pink that means you think like a girl? none of this shit is biological. Male nobles use to wear high heals darnit, this is all fashion nonsense not actual biological facts.
No. 455725
>>455723>And shonen despite the name is also made for a wide audience, there's a shit ton of girls that grew up watching the same shonen anime as the boys without suddenly believing themselves to be males.Shonen is seen as the default tbh, especially the type of things you'd see published in the Shonen Jump. In surveys you can see that manga published in shonen magazines have a wider female audience like Gintama or Black Butler. And speaking as a European I can tell you that other shojo anime that were very popular with little boys long ago were sports shojo like Attacker You! or Hikari no Densetsu.
I guess the equivalent of "I realized I was a transgirl uwu because of anime" would rather be girls who read BL and slash fanfics made by women for women, find the male main characters endearing and relatable and suddenly "understand" that they were "gay transbois uwu" all along. Transwomen who sperg about magical girls tend to be into yuri and most of them are "transbians" anyway so it makes sense.
No. 455742
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No. 455767
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>>455736I was following a butch lesbian for a while on tumblr for their politics
then I realized it was a dude. being a straight guy, performing as a straight guy, projecting like a straight guy, and calling himself a dyke. I peak’d
No. 455768
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Maybe it's because they think homosexuality is worse and not because they are trying to be more "progressive" than the United States.
No. 455777
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/tttt/ is so weird
No. 455778
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No. 455779
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No. 455780
>>455736around preteen age I became a bit gender dysphoric and started questioning my sexuality. I think looking up lesbian stuff led me to radfem stuff. I agreed with the abolishing of gender roles but internalized lesbophobia won and scared me away from radfem for a while. in my high school health/sex Ed class we watched a video on gender and poor me was hoping to get my gender roles abolishment ideas validated only to watch some chick with a Biebercut say she's non-binary bc she played with trucks and Barbie. they literally interviewed her standing in the girls/boys toy aisle like… in the boys section and wearing a bowtie then in the girls section with a dress on. I guess that was my first peak trans moment.
back when I was more dysphoric o remember thinking, "would life be better if I was a boy?" and I couldn't imagine what it would be like as a boy getting male socialization so i dropped it and decided maybe if I was prettier/skinnier life would be better (it would be easier to be androgynous).
No. 455785
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>>455596That's so much better
>>455639Troons love felix the anime cat boy, the male maid from blend s, and the boy zombie from the zombie show
No. 455788
>>455785They also love the characters from Madoka Magica, especially Akemi Homura.
I saw some delusional bullshit thread on /lgbt/ where people were claiming Homura (a depressed high school girl who repeatedly tries to bend time/fate to save her best friend and/or crush's life) is a character only AGP scrotes can relate to, because actual women are too "privileged" to understand that kind of suffering (actual lesbians being no exception).
No. 455797
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>>455793jesus fucking christ
No. 455827
>>455797His face is so tiny compared to his head kek
>>455825Trannies talk more about periods than any cis woman I've met. Funny, that– women are told their periods are disgusting and to not talk about them, but suddenly when men masquerade as women it's okay.
No. 455832
>>455827>women are told their periods are disgusting and to not talk about them, but suddenly when men masquerade as women it's okay.pretty much anything women get shit on for trannies are praised for
trannies cursing = yaass queen
women cursing = be lady like you disgusting western roastie
trannies clubbing, drinking, dancing, etc = yaaass queen be free
women doing the same = disgusting evil roastie
trannies buying makeup, getting their hair and nails done, getting plastic surgery, etc = yaas queen you do you
women doing the same = stop being a fake gross bitch
it's so unfair, I wish more trannies were treated like women, they'd be forced to act like boring human beings and wouldn't be handed free shit
No. 455855
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Hilarious. They've also infected the girl gamers subreddit.
No. 455872
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>>455642Fuck I honestly hope that pic related is just some /pol/ falseflag trolling because I don't wish this on anyone
I honestly don't care if men want to chop their dicks off but it's terrifying how it's sold as a miracle cure when the rejection, infection and suicide rates are so high. Don't trans people want better surgery and aftercare? There needs to be more honesty around SRS
No. 455878
>>455872This seems quite common. There's a lot of stories of people dying after bad vagina SRS,with the leaking not getting fixed which just open up a person to infections.
I will never understand the mindset you have to want to butcher your otherwise functional region that deals with riding the body of waste. There is so much to consider. This is my main objection to the whole movement.
There is not enough research in all aspects from medical to psychological. The fact that America has walk in clinics you can just sign a bit of paper and get access to hormones that can make you infertile.
There is so much to lose, just to gain an aesthetic part. If being one of the genders is only a mindset why the necessity of butchering healthy people for shallow pursuits? How can you be born without a female reproductive system and convince yourself it's what your missing in life. It's absolutely fucking insane
No. 455881
>>455855Let me get this straight: the users of r/actuallesbians are 50x more likely than the average Redditor to be on tranny subs? So basically, most of actuallesbians users are trannies. Nice.
Are there
any honest-to-god lesbians in that sub, or is it all just bisexual girls, lying straight girls, and trannies? It kind of cracks me up that these perverts obviously fetishize lesbians and the idea of being surrounded by lesbians, only to be surrounded by other male perverts with the same idea the moment they "infiltrate" lesbian spaces.
Thank Christ for that one lesbian sub that's invite-only and excludes trannies. Those women are doing god's work.
No. 455887
>>455883Here in Brazil, as with most other homophobic 3rd world countries, trans-identified men are often HSTS, so it could be that it started before adoption.
That really seems like a terrifying scenario, unlikely as it is I hope it's just a sketchy-seeming situation and the boy isn't actually being sexually abused.
No. 455889
>>455869Yawn, another man showing off his multiple fetishes in public.
Also Rammstein did it first at the end of this video and had better drag, copycat.
No. 455911
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No. 455929
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>>455797 being offended by the word "sex pest" kek. Even that sounds too cute and pet name like for what they've been accused of(being a pedophile allegedly, being a fucking creep ect.)
No. 455957
>>455950>Also by reading you i feel like you were not proud of what you were, maybe that why you wanted to change? maybe you should train your self estim, your ability at sports, etc…There's really nothing beautiful about the female behavior, prostituting yourself constantly to obtain things, playing dumb, having to be deceptive, fake being nice to not get rekt because you are weak physically…i mean outside of motherhood and the women who are caring (the nurse kind who likes to help), ther's really nothing admirable in the modern female behavior.>Also some girls are not like that and carry themselves like men, but they stay feminine. Maybe you wanted to be treated like a child, get favors and work less?Men know men best.
No. 455961
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>>455785you inspired me to try and get TiMs max mad. sorry if this counts as spam it's my last i swear
No. 456003
I'm keking because literally yesterday a huge GWAS study was released with ample press coverage, and homophobe-chan clearly doesn't have any actual interest in the science, much less actual scientific knowledge or reading comprehension
Ganna, A. et al. Large-scale GWAS reveals insights into the genetic architecture of same-sex sexual behavior. Science (2019). (open access)
No. 456033
>>456027~How can I be sure my fetish will visually satisfy me without making me in any way what I think feminine is, because I’d hate to be womanly. Let me in women’s bathrooms though~
They don’t even pretend it’s not a fetish, huh
No. 456139
>>456027that's right, women don't sleep and WILL remove the bags of ice from your nutsacks
just watch
No. 456167
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>>456159>>456160>>456162Was this thread always this shitty or is the quality drop site-wide?
We have a whole separate thread for peopel who want to sperg out at the evil legbeards oppressing them, there's no reason to do it here.
No. 456169
>>455968ah i made some of these, i’m glad you feel similarly about the anime shit. it’s been driving me crazy! i want to make more & post them on a platform with a wider audience, but considering how
triggered TRAs will surely get after a single reminder that their 2D faves are females — i’d be reported for abuse or something almost immediately. so anonymous forum it is. lol
No. 456172
>>456167What thread is that? Also
>>456162 was obvious sarcasm…
No. 456215
>>456159I've sort of become more sceptical of all of them, I guess. I used to be sympathetic when I heard about trans people getting beaten up or fired or evicted or whatever and sometimes I still am but these day my first reaction isn't "That's terrible" it's "OK, but what did the trans person do to provoke this?"
I've just been burned too many times being sympathetic only to find out the poor victimized trans in question was a pedophile or a violent predator or something.
No. 456240
>>456218This. By identifying as agender or nonbinary they’re saying that there
is a gender binary and they’re special exceptions for not identifying with either gender. Often they’ll insist on not being referred to as men or women, having special pronouns and some even change their name. That is very different from saying that gender is a bullshit social construct that doesn’t accurately describe anyone.
I know a woman who presents stereotypically feminine with pink frilly lolita dresses, long hair and makeup, but gets offended when someone “misgenders” her as a woman. How should people be able to tell she’s not a woman? Well for one, she doesn’t like to shave her legs, and having shaved legs is apparently an essential part of being a woman. Very progressive.
No. 456242
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we're sharing gross twitter transbians now?
No. 456246
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>>456242my favourite pasttime
No. 456298
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>>456172I know that, was just replying to every reply to that post for completion (the right thing would be for me not to address any of this, but I'm stupid)
If someone wants to bitch about le radfems then the radfem thread would be the place to do it, not here. I feel bad for pushing this on them but it was made because these threads used to get derailed with general discussion about it.
Back to the on-topic sperging out, sorry
No. 456324
>>456298Is it safe to assume that the
butchers surgeons who perform these procedures have their patients sign some kind of waiver so they’re not held responsible for the inevitable aftermath? This man died as a direct result of his SRS. The surgeon may claim the patient didn’t perform the appropriate aftercare but can regular cleaning and dilation really be expected to keep a huge carved-out wound from going necrotic? Especially when they use colon tissue, bacterial infection is to be expected because they’re literally sewing tissue brimming with bacteria into an open wound. There’s no way this doesn’t go horribly wrong for a significant number of patients.
No. 456326
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Jesus Christ they're back at it again with the cult shit
This conversion and "egg hatching" shit genuinely scares me
No. 456344
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So many horror stories.
No. 456349
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>>456326>no mention of reports to the authorities, just disabling the accountDoes this mean Discord doesn't really do shit about these sorts of things?
No. 456352
>>456298Every time i see the claim that most neovaginas are indistinguishable from natal vaginas, i can't help but laugh. It's the saddest, most desperate tranner cope there is. They claim that all the proof about bad neovags are extreme outliers.
>>456349Discord had a whole controversy with furry moderators playing favorites with furry servers, not banning clear violations of discord TOS, banning people who were anti-furry (they literally banned a youtuber for raiding furry servers), specifically allowing drawings depicting minors so long as they were furries, etc etc.
Wouldn't be surprised if there was one or more troon mods playing favorites. I guess that means not banning servers that openly groom minors. You're literally killing trans kids by denying them unhealthy enviroments i guess. The trans movement is peaceful, and not at all full of degenerates and pedos, i guess.
No. 456433
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No. 456440
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>>456326Holy shit, wtf, nuke this shit.
I've seen the "egg" shit on reddit too. Confused and depressed kids go there asking for advice and all the creepy pedos do is convince them as hard as they can that they need to chemically fuck themselves asap, even going as far as telling them to self "medicate" for their self diagnosis. When they post back looking like Dr, Frankestein's rejects they tell them they are gorgeous and look like they are glowing. This is too perverse.
No. 456548
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So sad
No. 456581
>>456184It seems to me that many people want to simply invert gender roles rather than get rid of them. The problem of course being that reproduction, the primary reason for sexual dimorphism, cannot be swapped. Therefore the envisioned "genderless" society becomes a bastardized, backwards version of the 1950's Americana where women are still second class citizens but men are free to express femininity if they so desire.
If you want to think really bleak they'll find a way for men to carry and deliver children and then relegate us to nanny their hellspawn.
No. 456653
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I regret looking at this sub, you all were right, it's just a giant catgirl fetish.
No. 456718
>>456705another former Channel Awesome reviewer Elisa Hansen(Maven of the Eventide)who used to review specially vampire related media appeared on Queer Kid Stuff(that creepy Trans kids channel with the teddy bear) where she Identified herself as "Asexual Queer Cisgendered " and explained her asexuality even though she's married to a man and has 6 year old child
She explains further on her blog that just because she's asexual doesn't mean she can't enjoy sex No. 456725
>>456720here is her reasoning btw
>To be asexual means that one does not experience sexual desire, yes. I personally have never felt sexual attraction, lust or “turned on” or “horny” in my life (at least not yet, and I am 31 years old). When I was younger, I used to think I was “broken” or “frigid” but now I understand that it is just my orientation. However, the fact that I don’t feel arousal does not mean that I am anti-sex. To me, there are benefits to sexual intercourse that are not physical. When I fall in love with someone (and I have been in love several times in my life, with more than just cismen) it is a cerebral and emotional attraction, and I am now very much in love with my husband. No one I have ever happened to have been in love with has been asexual. This means that sex with me has been a thing that my partners have desired. Even though I did not feel the same desire towards them, the idea that they desired ME made me feel flattered, special. Perhaps this is a bit of vanity on my part, but I have always liked being found desirable. Because desire is something I don’t feel, it seems like a strange and wonderful and amazing (dare I say, alien) thing for other people to feel that I am not part of, and fascinates me. To know that it is felt TOWARD me makes me happy. When I “lie back” as you put it, I am not “thinking of England” or gritting my teeth and bearing it, or being forced to endure something against my will. I am feeling a loving kind of happiness in knowing that someone loves me enough to express their natural and human desires towards me even despite the fact that I don’t desire them in return. It is an emotional boding experience for me. I don’t quite “get” what the other person gets out of it (I can imagine, and people have tried to describe it to me, but I’ll never really understand), but it doesn’t repulse or disgust me. And also, I enjoy knowing that I am making my partners feel good out of love.
>My husband gives me back and foot rubs all the time. He does this willingly, though I don’t know that he gets anything out of doing them. I love it when he does it because it feels great. Seriously, ever get a good massage? They’re awesome. I know some people get “turned on” by them, but I don’t. I just like them because they feel good for my sore muscles. And he does it for me because he likes to make me feel good because he loves me. He doesn’t get anything out of it other than that. He never asks me to give him a massage in return, and I rarely ever do (maybe cause I’m a bit lazy. Massages are hard work!)
>But my point is, that in relationships, people express love to their partners in different ways. There is no one right way to have a relationship regardless of your sexuality. My husband is very respectful of my asexuality. He loves me for exactly who I am.
>I have been in past relationships where my partners have become resentful of my asexuality. They have felt “unwanted” because I never initiated sex with them and because I wasn’t physically attracted to them. Though I did not find them “sexy,” I was mentally attracted to their personalities. I have been drawn to people, and formed deep bonds and connections with them, and that is love to me.
>But the main point I really want to make to you is that sexual attraction/orientation is not necessarily the only reason why one might engage in sex acts. It’s true I’ve never given “enthusiastic consent” to sex, but I have given loving, content, peaceful consent. When it comes to being a role model, I feel no shame in that. I think you need to be careful with the idea that asexuals ought to refrain from sex otherwise risk endorsing rape. Please understand that there are so many more reasons (yes, healthy reasons) why someone would choose to engage. I can only speak to my own reasons, of course, but you must not discount that there are others out there who have perfectly healthy reasons of their own as well. No. 456726
>>456718If someone is asexual but they have sex for the sake of their relationship.. isn't that having sex 'out of duty'
I'm not asexual but I've had plenty of sex out of duty and it's so shitty for your self esteem to do that
No. 456729
>>456727I've seen a few 'asexual' women on youtube say that they have sex for the sake of their partner and that it's ok and I'm like how is that a good message to give girls?
It's like saying low sex drive? just fuck him anyway
No. 456737
>>456705She looks like a girl cosplaying Arin Hanson kek.
I know for a fact that Jesu had an extremely conservative upbringing, so it doesn't surprise me that the resultant internalized misogyny caused her to troon out. I remember her mentioning in her Kiki's Delivery Service review that she wasn't allowed to watch anything with wizards or witches in it when she was a kid.
No. 456738
>>456732It just reminds me of every discussion I've seen about mismatched libidos where usually the woman will be told to put out even when she doesn't want to, I'm all for putting in effort but when it comes to sex it's emotionally damaging to force it
Only have sex when you actually want it, find a partner with a similar libido or agree on toys/whatever when you're not matching up. Too many girls already go along with sex they don't want. Now asexuals are literally saying "I've never given enthusiastic consent" while saying they've somehow still consented?
No. 456744
>>456738you'd think that if they really wanted asexuality to be
valid, they would follow through more. if you want people to be okay with having no sex drive, be with someone who actually is okay with that? i understand the partner's perspective too, if you enjoy sex it makes you feel bad that your partner doesn't also. obviously wanting to respect your partner is important, but it's not worth it to deny yourself your needs, which is also what people do by having sex out of duty, it's a lose-lose. this is why i think most asexuals are just confused and want another label.
No. 456914
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Why are they so lacking in self-awareness
No. 456916
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>>456694They call people who are on the fence about trooning out "eggs", not even that, they call anyone that seems to like something from the opposing gender an egg, even when they are not even considering the possibility of being trans, in their minds everyone is walking around deluded that they are cis.
Its part of their gaslighting to make people believe they are not a normal person but a trans egg that needs to hatch by trooning out.
"male kid likes a pink thing"
"oh honey total egg, r/TotallyEggBehaviour, i was just like that, now i am a catgirl :3 if you like pink thing you need to start HRT NOW!"
Its so gross because you just know everyone that posts on trans subs is being groomed and manipulated and a lot of them are underage or very young and must have their PMs full of pedos and 40 yr old troons offering "support" No. 456919
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>>456718Maven is married to a man who works an office job and is the breadwinner,she has a child,she doesn't have a job and spends majority of her time at home reading vampire books,watching tv and posting pics of her son on Twitter and facebook
what about her is queer exactly ?
No. 456921
>>456726>>456727>>456728Little bit late, but I am not capable to find people attractive and was never in love.
I wouldn't call myself asexual, because my body is still able to feel some kind of desire but not with or for people.
For me, people can be pretty, but more like a painting. Having sex with them would feel totally wrong. You don't have sex with a pretty painting.
I am sure somewhere there is something like that but you know what I meanI can like other humans, finding them interesting or sympathetic. But it never gets beyond a hug.
and yes I am older then 20 years No. 456923
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>>456916More proof trans subs are literally just r/animemes
No. 456944
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>>456923>liking comfy shipping content for once instead of hardcore faceless ojisan degradation shit means you're an anime lesbianalright sweet
>>456926There's something really funny about how every "epic anime twans girl" they use is just an unambiguously male character even if they're a case of ">draw a girl >call it a boy". Did anyone else here suffer through 2012 SA translation Dangan Ronpa fandom and the eternal Chihiro conundrum?
Even back then, the mental gymnastics people did to convince themselves he was totally a brave and stunning programmer girlgamer were great.
reposting because I'm fucking retarded and mixed them up the first time around. >draw a boy >call it a girl is oscar-sama
No. 456951
>>456948They're really trying to erase the fact that GNC people exist. They want everyone to be trans if they don't perfectly fit the moulds of "man" or "woman".
Just wait. If more authors put out stories that have GNC characters, one of the many complaints will probably be that they are "transbaiting" (in the same vein as people complaining about "queerbaiting" in media).
No. 456956
>>456948That whole business was pretty scary, it seemed like no matter what you said you ended up gaining five different mortal enemies for five different reasons. I think that and the way these novel-length arguments never made any logical sense, and even people who seemingly agreed often blatantly contradicted each other were probably the first thing that really made me question the gender cult.
Witch-hunting and that sort of ridiculous fandom-policing only got worse from then on, there came a point where there really was nothing fun about enjoying my favorite animes with my fellow autistic teenage girls on Tumblr dot corn. It was never a completely civil business, but at least you could draw a genderbend and it was cute wholesome fun instead of social suicide.
No. 456967
>>456944>the eternal Chihiro conundrumOh god, that was a fucking nightmare on tumblr. I think seeing all the retarded "Chihiro is a precious trans girl uwu" posts was one of the contributing factors to help me hit peak trans. There was a similar controversy over a character in one of the Persona games, I haven't played it so I really don't know the full details but I think it was a female character who posed as a boy and everyone would have huge dumbass arguments over her being a FTM.
Funny that these are the same people who cry about white people appropriating "POC" stuff when they're doing the same thing by inserting Western culture into Japanese games.
No. 456968
>>456967Oh, Naoto.
I'm more of a mainline SMT person so I didn't know that was ever an issue. That's really hilarious considering the context of the game.
She poses as a man for all of maybe 10% of her screentime, and it's because she feels like she isn't taken seriously as a result of being a young woman, not because she's convinced she has metaphysical male essence or some shit.
It's been a while since I played it but I'm pretty sure she gives it up completely after her shadow boss fight, where (like every single other party member shadow boss) she learns to work past her insecurities. Afterwards, she still acts and dresses in a relatively masculine manner, but is no longer uncomfortable with the fact she is female. That's an even funnier instance of missing the point of the source material, holy fuck.
No. 456969
>>456718>Straight girl educating about kweer things uwuOf course she's heterosexual.
>>456725The fuck? Does she think "non-asexual sex" is some huge horny fuckfest with fake moaning and massive squirting orgasms? She gets emotional fulfillment from sex and obviously is turned on by the thought of being desirable. I think that's pretty much what normal sex is about. Porn absolutely ruined this generation.
>>456944The retarded thing about that discourse was how they weren't self-aware enough to realize that they were being bigoted and supportive of conservative gender roles themselves.
>Boy disguises himself as a girl because he was bullied for being weak and effeminate, says he hates it and wants to learn to be more masculine>omg stunning and brave trans princess she could slay a thousand terves with that skirt!!! No. 456976
>>456968>I'm more of a mainline SMT person so I didn't know that was ever an issue. Don't worry, you didn't miss anything of value. I even had online friends who argued so much about it that they stopped being friends and I gave up on fandoms completely after that. One of them said that Naoto was a tomboyish girl and that her struggles were relatable, and the other blocked her and said behind her back to all of our friend group that she was a dangerous transphobe.
Context for other anons: people were sperging about Naoto being a transboy because she didn't like being treated like garbage by her detective coworkers for being a teenage girl and was crossdressing to be taken seriously, even though Naoto says herself that she's proud of being a woman if you complete her character arc/social link. She even wears woman's clothes in P4G in the new epilogue. It started with "don't be an asshole to people who headcanon Naoto as a transboy ("asshole" here meant people who politely corrected others who never played P4)" and very soon became "the Persona developers are transphobic and homophobic scum and Kanji is still gay if he's into Naoto who is definitely a transboy, source: my ass, trust me." I have a feeling it happened around 2013 because of the anime and because everyone wanted Kanji to be 100% gay because of an interview with Troy Baker.
I think because of that there are chances they removed or censored some things in the Catherine remake's international release, correct me if I'm wrong because I haven't found reliable sources for that. Thank god these people don't give a fuck about mainline SMT.
No. 456979
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>>456976Bit stupid and off-topic, but I was always disappointed with how the Kanji and Naoto thing was forced to go nowhere due to male otakus flipping out if their waifu so much as looks in the direction of a man who isn't their cardboard stand-in. Persona 4 would be a lot better if the world didn't revolve around the MC's dick.
Men are so obsessed with haremshit the industry is forced to cater to them, it's so boring. I have no idea how they never get tired of it. These days the only "trashier" weeb things I follow are female demographic, the male pandering is way too annoying otherwise. No. 456987
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No. 456993
>>456728I’ve known so many “asexuals” in my time and only one of them truly felt no sexual or romantic attraction. I think asexuality exists but it’s rare and most people who claim they’re asexual are either repressing their attraction due to harmful internalized views regarding sex and dating, or mistake it for low libido.
>>456951I am
so sick of it. Whatever happened to the abolishment of gender stereotypes and “boys can wear dresses and still be boys” and “girls can wear suits and still be girls”? (We know what happened - the movement realized transition and gender dysphoria relied on gender stereotypes so started reinforcing them again.)
No. 457012
>>457009 Blogpost but yes, girls go through it all the time, I know that cause unfortunately I'm one of them. I thought I was asexual for around 3 years before realizing I'm actually a lesbian.
Unfortunately for many girls, due to the society we live in, no sexual attraction to men = no sexual attraction at all.
No. 457102
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Anyone seen this? I saw some people on Twitter and Tumblr talking about how "transphobic" this whole thing is, and how "TERFs are throwing GNC women under the bus". What do you guys think, are these two actually men?
No. 457146
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>>457122Troons think they can escape their own mediocre lives as failed men by turning into ugu kawaii anime girls. They think they’ll turn into a k-on character and have no concerns in life except eating cake and giggling. As far as I know, you can’t escape your life by pretending to be Chinese or blind or something.
No. 457216
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>HRT makes you attracted to underage girls
No. 457217
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No. 457271
>>457167You could have the flags of
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States
Gdańsk, Poland
Oruro Department, Bolivia
Racibórz, Poland
Red flag, associated with socialism, communism, and left-wing politics
Belize (with multicolored coat of arms)
Chimborazo, Ecuador (with multicolored coat of arms)
Chorzów, Poland
Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador
Georgian SSR, Soviet Union (1951–1990)
Gliwice, Poland (with multicolored coat of arms)
Guam (with multicolored coat of emblem)
Haiti (with multicolored coat of arms)
Liechtenstein – (with gold and black emblem)
Province of Lugo, Spain (with multicolored coat of arms)
Paris, France
Szczecin, Poland (with multicolored coat of arms)
Ticino, Switzerland
Venlo, Limburg, the Netherlands (with multicolored coat of arms)
Wodzisław Śląski, Poland (with multicolored coat of arms)
Wojkowice, Poland
Red, blue, green
Bangladesh Air Force
Bangladesh Coast Guard
Republic of Karelia, Russian Federation
The Romani People
Arauca Department, Colombia
Bolívar Province, Ecuador
George Rogers Clark Flag, historical flag used during the American Revolution
Głogówek, Poland (with multicolored coat of arms)
La Paz, Bolivia
Piaseczno, Poland
Transnistria (civil flag) (de facto state, limited recognition)
Tungurahua, Ecuador
And there’s still less red flags than with that guy
No. 457288
>>457254Same-sex marriage was legalised in 2001 in the Netherlands but I don’t remember TRAs being very vocal here until ~2013 at the earliest, though it’s possible I just wasn’t paying attention.
I don’t think it’s all some gay male conspiracy but I have noticed that most female trans allies I know are also really into gay men, drag queens, wanting a flamboyant sassy gay bff, etc. They want attention and praise for being proactive allies but since the biggest hurdle was overcome almost twenty years ago when the majority of them were still children (and some not even born), they instead latch on to the shiny new movement that is trans activism. Most vocally pro-trans women I know seem to view TIMs as extra tragic next-level effeminate gay men and I’ve noticed them really struggle with cognitive dissonance when confronted with a distinctly unfabulous greasy transbian. They’ll still “yass queen slaaay” at him but preferably from a comfortable distance/online only.
>>457271Anon did you just google “national flags with red in them”
No. 457309
>>457288Fuck I ignored flag anons post thinking it was spam until I saw your reply to it, I nearly missed a gem
>>457271 be lolcow's national copypasta?
No. 457332
>>457314You know what to do, gather information and caps and hold onto it until the day comes.
It would never happen though, Japan doesn't handle gaijin tims with the same kid gloves we do.
No. 457341
>he wants to got to Japan, trap a Japanese woman with him,Reality
>He is going to go 43% on himself in his parent's basement wearing knee socks. No. 457397
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>>457395I think this is the image that sparked the controversy
No. 457400
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>>457397I think yang is also a man but just very effeminate. in the video, Liao is clearly a man he's just emoting more than typical Chinese male athletes would. if he replied stoically, he would read 110% male.
No. 457461
>>457102There's no way the three on the right are Female. The Adonis belts and manly faces give it away. Even the choice of hair cuts is generically Masculine in comparison to the woman's on the left
>>457395Dude on left in this pic is lookin pretty thicc though but hairline screams male
No. 457479
>>457459"not like
toxic men" soyboys. usually they just become "male feminists", or call themselves nonbinary or something like that. I guess anon's classmates' weeb/furry interests were enough to tip them to fully troon out.
No. 457486
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>>457479>"not like toxic men" soyboys. usually they just become "male feminists"Every day i find this comic more relevant.
No. 457489
>>457479I am not sure what you are trying to say anon, this is the first time I ever ehar the term internalized misandry and have no idea what it means. Do you mean not liking
toxic men? That's not bad, but how on earth is that misandry? That is a good thing.
No. 457510
>>457506Oh, that is messed up, Jesus Christ. That poor guy needs therapy.
>>457508Anon, are you suggesting male feminists are like the guy above? I am pretty sure men can be feminists without hating themselves and their sex. This seems like a way too strong connection you are drawing, I have never met such a man, although as the other anon linked an example, I do not doubt they exist, but they must be very rare.
Also I will have to disagree about incels, they don't hate Chad, they worship him. They want to BE him, it's like poor Americans worshipping the 1% dreaming that they will be that one day.
No. 457539
>>457489there's a subset of men who think that because they aren't macho or engage in
toxic masculinity or like girly things, that means they're progressive pioneers (male feminists) or not actually men (enbies). Sure they hate
toxic men and that's good, but it's not an overall good thing because these guys are rarely Derrick Jensons and more often just deflect issues to the "
toxic men" boogeyman and never critique themselves or guys like them as men/males.
No. 457541
>Four explanations have been proposed for this association.
>The first is that nascent same-sex sexuality causes childhood maltreatment, through two pathways: (1) adolescents who reveal their same-sex sexual orientation are targeted for maltreatment (D’Augelli & Grossman, 2001; Saewyc et al., 2006); and (2) adolescents exploring same-sex attractions may put themselves in risky situations, increasing likelihood of maltreatment (Corliss et al., 2002; Holmes & Slap, 1998).
>A second explanation proposes that sexual orientation minorities disproportionately exhibit gender-nonconforming behaviors in childhood (Rieger, Linsenmeier, Gygax, & Bailey, 2008; Roberts, Rosario, Corliss, Koenen, & Austin, 2012) and are targeted for maltreatment (Alanko et al., 2010).
>A third explanation is that reported differences are attributable to differential recall of maltreatment by sexual orientation, due either to self-reflection during the coming out process or to differential willingness to endorse stigmatizing experiences (Corliss et al., 2002).
>A fourth explanation is that maltreatment increases likelihood of same-sex sexuality. Four pathways have been hypothesized: (1) maltreatment may cause loss of self-worth and create a stigmatized identity in victims; therefore, maltreated persons with same-sex preferences may be more willing to adopt another stigmatized identity, namely minority sexual orientation (Saewyc et al., 2006);(2) sexual abuse, perpetrated primarily by men, causes boys to believe they are homosexual (Gartner, 1999); (3) sexual abuse of girls by male perpetrators causes victims to be aversive to sexual relationships with men (Marvasti & Dripchak, 2004); and (4) sexual abuse of boys by men “teaches” homosexuality (Cameron & Cameron, 1995, 1996) (see also LeVay, 1996).
No. 457567
>>457539Those are some interesting points anon, but how does that make them misandrists? They don't hate men, just a particular idea of men.
>>457562Damn, that actually makes sense, I have heard it's how paedos "reproduce", by molesting little boys who then themselves become paedos, which similarly to the gay thin I still don't get, because if you yourself have suffered that, how on earth do you develop wanting to do it to other little boys?
No. 457576
>>457567>>457489>>457459Ayrt what i meant by that is that they hate
toxic white dudes and they don't want to be one so now they're beautiful lesbians.
One of them told me before trooning out that if he were a woman he would hate men too. At the same time he polices me on sexualized characters and feminism.
No. 457618
>>457615I don't get posters like that. If you've been reported and banned multiple times for the same thing, why not just stop? Post about other things, or find another board. Lolcow is not the end of the world.
Why does she keep coming back? Does she get a rush every time she gets the negative attention?
No. 457651
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>>457647Blanchard is r/iamverysmart
No. 457657
>>457651Blanchard is actually smart though.
No. 457669
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"An obvious lie", these fuckers. Women protected them and this is what they say, this is plain insulting and absolutely retarded. They can play dress up and cut their penises all they want but don't fucking imply we aren't more fucked than you or that we are even remotely similar, we are real women who suffer from birth because how society treats our bodies, you're just a male cumbrained asshole with a gross agp fetish. Fuck i'm pissed. Trannies were a mistake.
No. 457748
What the fuck keeps happening to this thread while I’m asleep
>>457719Because everyone except Fu has a dick they’re tucking.
Isn’t it interesting how people only sympathise with and stand up for ‘masculine women’ when those ‘women’ are men?
No. 457822
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I had to lurk Lipstick Alley to see their take on the Chinese runner scandal and their comments did not disappoint. This dude didn’t even bother to shave his arm pits!
A poster there shared this link to about a Karolinska Institute in Sweden study about trans men and women and the effect of hrt on muscle strength. confirms what we already knew: HRT does not significantly decrease muscle strength in MTFs.
>“We have found that trans women’s muscle mass decreases by five per cent after a year but they maintained their strength levels throughout the treatment period.”>Lundberg’s research, which he has presented at several scientific conferences, also found that women who have transitioned to be men and taken testosterone saw their muscle strength increase by 15 per cent, but they were still not as strong as men who transitioned to be women and took the testosterone blockers.Even after HRT, males are still stronger than females who have undergone the powerful, permanently altering effects of testosterone.
No. 457844
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This company's products keep showing up on my Instagram feed. I finally decided to check out what this was all about because the most recent ad was about how it's Trans owned and this shit was the second most recent post.
No. 457852
>>457844You really have to be mentally ill to go "I'm not in the right body! I have NIPPLES! I have to get my nipples removed so I can feel right as a man-woman-or-neither!"
Viewing our bodies as malleable machine-vessels meant to be altered, cut and sewn to express the "true" shape of our souls was a mistake and there is no fundamental difference between this and the otherkin belief that one can be "meant to" have the body of a wolf or angel but be put in the wrong body. People don't have nipple-less souls.
No. 457913
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>>457894my bf and I are both bi so we spend a lot of time around the greater LGBT community (we are both kind of androgynous in style so trans people at work and stuff sort of flock to us cause we look safe lmao)
we both aren't like viscerally repulsed or anything and used to drink the kool aid pretty hard in college so we still hang out with some of our trans friends but we've both been getting more and more gc with time so it's harder and harder to keep "playing along"
i think we've both been attracted to tifs in the past (i hooked up with one in college) since my bf is openly bi I wouldn't be shocked or disgusted to know he had a crush on a tim (i think he had a little one on a male coworker who was "agender" and had a sort of david bowie thing going on) but the whole mentality/religion/cult/health issues is the part that matters more than to us than us both being bi bonobos into androgynous people.
also self drag but he thought I might have turned out to be a drag queen/cross-dresser before we met because that's what you get from using Halloween pics dressed as Liza Minnelli in Cabaret as your only photos on your dating profile
No. 457916
>>457894my husband is a "live & let live" type and thinks im being mean by being gc. we had a longer conversation about it tho last week and im optimistic i can get him to understand this standpoint better as time goes on.
men generally dont hit peak trans tho because its not their rights that are being infringed upon.
No. 457923
>>457913you guys sound cool.
>tfw no fellow gc bihet friends>>457916I think a lot of "cis" men who accept trans people (especially tims) think gender crit women are just "being mean" when our issues with gender theory concern safety, dignity and autonomy.
No. 457936
>>457928They do. No one literally believes tims are women (except for like, crazy rich transhumanists, who don't believe in anything else for that matter).
Tims are narcs and handmaidens have low self esteem and get a high from the attention narcs give them for acting on their behalf. Their stated lack of belief in reproductive sex is a distraction; their actual goal is jerking themselves off over being able to force others to obey their delusions. You can cut them the most effectively by laughing at tranny bullshit as loud and as often as possible.
There is no shortage of self-hating women volunteering to be footsoldiers for any misogynist movement that exists.
>>457929dump him
No. 457937
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Say it with me ladies: Not. A. Mental. Illness.
Also, it's spoilered for a reason. If you don't want to see an enby troon mutilating himself, don't fucking click.
No. 457940
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>>457937jfc I have no words
No. 457963
>>457923100% true, in my experience. And I hate how obvious to me as a woc–when I talk about race stuff, they get it, especially when it's something they've heard from a man. The most basic feminist shit that they've also heard from a man, sure, mostly. But stuff like gc things, that they cannot relate to, that only really impact women, that stroke their egos….they don't care. And so far for me, no matter how kind and reasonable and quiet I've been about them, men really just see us as needing to swallow our pain at best and being insane bitches at worst. I just try to keep my focus on women as much as possible, because men truly do not give a shit about how much this is affecting us.
No. 457989
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Not sure if this has already been posted in a GC thread, but this is one of the most callous, self-absorbed things I've ever read, let alone from a TiM. Does anyone know who wrote it?
No. 457991
>>457923The only problem men have with troons is related to fucking - men fear that troons might trick them into sleeping with them even though HSTS are uncommon. Most troons are AGP which means they're straight men just like the majority of men in the world. AGP harass women and erode women's rights but normal men do this too so that's why the non-trans men don't give a shit either.
All males is the same.
No. 458002
>>457844How the fuck is your personal transition story in any way relevant to the product you’re selling (outside of claims of being trans owned)? Talk about mutilating your body on your own account, for fuck’s sake.
>>457989The narcissism and lack of empathy really jumped out here. Mother of your children goes through something severely traumatic and all you can think is “teehee, she’s just jealous of me!” No wonder she’s pulling away.
No. 458006
>>457894My bf was largely team "live and let live". tl;dr mutual friend of ours came out publicly as a TiM (we had suspicions for a few years beforehand) and used shit my bf paid for to fuel gross BDSM fantasies.
Between that and hearing my own experiences he's peaked and assumes most TiMs are cumbrained dudes that absolutely should not be in women's spaces.
No. 458017
>>457894Same as
>>457916He’s a neuroscientist so he knows the idea of a gendered brain being born in the wrong body is nonsense, but he still believes that all trans-identified people have a mental illness, aka gender dysphoria, and that transitioning (medically or just socially) is the cure. He has equated trans children to children with cancer.
I’ve told him about the creepy AGPs I’ve personally been acquainted with and he agrees they are just misogynistic men with a fetish, but he doesn’t seem to grasp how much power these kinds of men now have within the trans movement. He still thinks they’re an insignificant minority and it’s best to ignore them.
>>457923True. I’ve never personally been assaulted in a bathroom or otherwise so he doesn’t understand why I or anyone else would be uncomfortable with men in women’s bathrooms. We’re a straight, white, healthy, university educated, comfortably middle class couple with a strong social safety net who are relatively unlikely to be directly affected by trans activism. For me that means I know I need to seek out the experiences of other people to get a more accurate picture of the situation. For him that means he can easily pretend there’s nothing wrong at all.
One thing that worries me is how he spends a lot of time lurking Reddit. Mostly game and technology-related subreddits and r/legaladvice so nothing
explicitly misogynistic or trans related, but apparently a lot of subreddits now have TIM moderators who actively push the TRA narrative and silence any dissenting voices, including flagging and preemptively banning any account that has ever posted in r/gc because it’s supposedly a “hate sub”. I worry about how this might be affecting his beliefs over time.
No. 458071
>>458051>>458053I’ve explained how harmful puberty blockers are to the developing body but he counters that by saying that chemotherapy is
toxic to the body as well and we still use it because it’s better than the alternative, with the alternative for trans kids being suicide. It’s a very emotional subject and most of the time we end up agreeing to disagree to keep the peace. Practically everyone I’ve talked to about this feels the same way he does. It’s very frustrating.
No. 458079
>>457894My boyfriend thinks it's weird but works in healthcare so he has to try and be respectful of pronouns and stuff like that. Unfortunately for them he's legitimately terrible at recognising anything other than biological sex. A man can roll up in a dress with long hair and it just won't click that these are signals it's a TiM so he'll treat him like a man. It's not malicious or anything, he's just relatively blunt with his thoughts.
Of course he's a straight man so TiMs never say a word about it because it's women they secretly hate
>>457989She probably pushes him away because
1.she survived cancer and his dumb ass is like "lmao she looks 40" instead of "wow thank god the mother of my child is still alive"
2. Nobody wants to hang out with a dude that thinks it's appropriate to compare their moobs to somebody who has justgone through a masectomy.
No. 458081
>>458071There is no possible mental pirouette that can justify taking perfectly healthy infants and exposing them to destructive surgical procedures and injecting him/her with hormones that will have serious consequences for the rest of their lives.
Considering this whole gender idendity thing is extremely subjective and is not something you can simply get some lab tests for, its pretty much mutilating a kid who is not even sexually developed and has no notion of gender or what he is talking about because he said he likes Barbie dolls and his shitty parents said it was ok on the off chance that he/she may have disphoria as an adult.
The whole notion of "trans kids" even existing is flawed to the core. Its child abuse, these kids can't consent on anything that is being done to them.
No. 458128 about the amicus brief being presented to the Supreme Court by people who have detransitioned.
>>457894My husband thinks that they're a danger to women and children. He posts on /cow/ so like me has been made aware of a lot troons like Nic Nyberg, Laurelai Bailey and recently Jonathan Yaniv.
No. 458130
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>>457937it's like a legit, nice website too. damn
No. 458131
>>458099I remember a thing on twitter where a TiM posted a letter he got from the NHS saying it's time for a gynaecological check-up and laughing about how silly and inefficient the bureaucratic NHS is, although probably also bragging that he's now legally recognized as a woman.
Which of course means that in the UK there are TiFs that WONT be getting that letter and this TiM is going to get to an age where he wont be getting the letter to summon him for a prostate check-up so all these trannies are at risk of getting cancer and it not being discovered until it's too late.
No. 458133
Just saw this on x/ and made me think of this thread lol. There's many angles to it but the push for transvestites and dickgirls really seems like illuminati stuff sometimes.
>>457943wtf i regret clicking it aaaahhhhhhhhh
No. 458141
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Hontra deleted his twitter today after getting cancelled by the ultra woke queer squad for offending non-binary folx with these tweets. No one seems to hate TRAs more than each other.
No. 458147
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>>458141>semi-passablewhere? in a gay bar?
the worst part is that you know he corrected himself from 'passing'
No. 458152
>>457976>>457977Ironically radfem misandry actually benefits men more
libfem misandry jokes are all over the top memes and hashtags that they repeat with almost no variations usually accompanied with fictional female characters drinking however radfem misandry is based on truth and gets men to look at themselves critically and be better,I have talked to men online who stopped watching Porn and started going go the gym to better themselves because of radfems
No. 458160
>>457894Me and my bf both come from very traditional italian and spanish families. We still share a lot of conservative values and lean right wing but we are both very liberal and secular. We believe heavily in individual freedom and the pursue of happiness even when it goes against the grain so we never really minded gays and drag and stuff like that, to each its own, if its genetic or if its a choice, no matter, people can live how they want but we have never been like this american "woke" stereotype who sperg about how they are allies and love gays and pride stuff, and pronouns or constantly bring it up, that stuff is just not a thing for us but my bf is not very macho, he is very lighthearted and chill. My brothers and males in my family are also jokesters and good people.
We naturally first saw trans as homosexuals in drag that took it further, so we are both like, " wathever? they are adults, its their problem, if i come across one i am not going to be impolite or say wrong pronouns even when its funny but i don't think they are women (or males in that case)"
At some point i started reading more into it and started finding out gc or the usual pol/ stuff and fell into the rabithole realizing how fucked it actually was and the pseudoscience behind it and the wird ideologies. My bf now feels even more strongly against this than me and is more conservative than ever. This is not about individual freedom anymore when there are kids involved and so much brainwashing and thought control for women to accept them and override their own causes with tranny causes. So many lines have been crossed. Being against it is not about ideology or being conservative or liberal, is common sense. I still would not be rude to a trans, but i don't buy anything of that they are selling and i don't want them near kids or in my bathrooms or lecturing people about anything.
No. 458183
>>458141>>458147>semi passable transes like me KEK this delusional narcissist
>>458154why would he even try to claim this? he's a confirmed sissy fetishist/psuedobisexual. he doesn't have a hsts bone in his body.
No. 458276
>>458226We have been together for 5 years now, I think I would know if he was closeted. He is sexually submissive though, would that play a part?
>>458240100% serious…
No. 458289
>>458283>>458285I don't think he is like that. He is very much against gender roles, which is one of the things I like about him, so he doesn't see things as man things or woman things. But that's what I see, I can not really know what he thinks, I understand that. He might have AGP though, since he likes crossdressing. But for him it's not like humiliation because he wears the clothes of the lesser gender, which I believe is what most of them are into. He is like super submissive, in our sex time with that theme he basically feels like he is not good enough to even wear a woman's clothes because he is a man, like he is a reverse misogynist, he thinks men are lesser, but only in sex. He is super egalitarian in real life… Is it possible to have AGP and not troon out?
No. 458293
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>>458216>Sarina Valentina>"She" looks like a woman to him.he sees "woman" as a costume, because this does not look like a woman. (nsfw image) Please look after yourself anon.
No. 458296
>>458289oh, anon.
he's going to troon out in the next five years. take it from someone who's seen this happen dozens of times, he sounds like a textbook case. and when he does troon out, if you're still with him, you'll look back at this moment and feel so foolish.
i know you won't break up with him based on the say-so of a few strangers on lolcow so instead i wish you the best of luck. when he troons out leave him, because it'll just be downhill from there. that's when the abuse will start.
No. 458303
>>458296So AGPs always troon out? There must be something to do to stop it? He has never had an issue with his gender, other than with other people's expectations. We have actually talked about it and he just sees man as meaning adult male and that's that, I thought that was a good and healthy way to look at it.
>>458297HBS is the homosexual troons? Sorry I do not know all the names. He is straight as far as I know, I was saying that his AGP seems to come from his really submissive side rather than jealousy for women, which from these threads at least, seems to be where most troons get it.
>>458300I am pretty sure he is not bi, a lot of bi guys have hit on him and he was never interested in the past. What is GAMP, I am unfamiliar with this term?
No. 458314
>>458309You are right of course anon, but we have had the gender conversation when he told me he was submissive, I was kind of fumb back then and thought submission equals woman or gay in men, I have done a lot of growing up since. He said he is comfortable in his sex and his gender as an extension of it, but just not with society's understanding with it. I am not sure how I can ask him further. I can't just go and say "So do you think of cutting your dick off?".
>>458310I mean, I would agree with you if it was the only or dominant porn he watches, but I know his porn habbits and that is a very small part of it. He mostly reads femdom stories in story sites, the tranny thing is a rare thing he does, it's why I still have some hope that it's just a quirk or something.
>>458311Can you please explain what GAMP is?
No. 458318
>>458303Gynandromophophiles, men who are attracted to trannies. They are just just bi men who genuinely like trannies or straight men with AGP who want to be the tranny.
>>458310Or he could just be a GAMP.
No. 458320
>>458314out of interest, is the tranny porn he likes tranny/tranny, tranny/woman or tranny/man?
tranny/woman is at least heterosexual porn, though if the object of his lust is the tranny then he's still bisexual, not straight.
No. 458325
>>458318I did say above, he likes crossdressing and is super submissive, but he has never expressed any desire to be a woman. If you see my previous posts, he seems to do it out of submission, not will to be a female. Isn't that different from AGP?
>>458320I don't know details anon, I have only seen pics.
>>458323I mean, I think he's straight? I don't mind if he isn't, I just don't want him to troon out, I am bi myself.
No. 458326
File: 1567718272960.jpg (4.85 MB, 5616x3744, womenlaughing[1].jpg)

>Knows he faps to troons
>Knows he crossdresses
>Knows he's a sub (probably wants to get pegged)
>Still thinks he's straight
A classic case of "Not my Nigel"
No. 458328
>>458326See this please
>>458325. I don't care if he is bi, I just don't want him to think he's a woman.
No. 458330
>>458325>watches shemale pornSounds like GAMP to me.
>he likes crossdressing and is super submissiveSounds like AGP to me.
No. 458337
>>458325A femdom anon here, I stay away from men who like crossdressing for a very good reason.
>he basically feels like he is not good enough to even wear a woman's clothes because he is a manThis still counts as "women are inferior, so dressing as them is humiliating". If you didn't ask him to do it, it's not out of submission to you. He gets some kind of sexual thrill from wearing womens clothes by itself, which is a huge red flag.
No. 458340
>>458330But how is he AGP if he doesn't think of himself as a woman? Isn't that the whole point of AGP?
>>458327I asked him about this as well anon and he explained to me. When we are in these sessions he is really really submissive. Like, even self hating. He says how better I am than him for being a woman and smart and beautiful and stuff like that. The whole point of crossdressing for him is the humiliation that comes not from being dressed in a womans=submissive clothes but from males being ugly and looking ridiculous in the "superior" sex's clothes. And yes I know it sounds fucked up, but it works for us. If anything , isn't he expressing that he is in fact male and not a woman?
No. 458343
>>458340AGP in a nutshell is being aroused by the thought of yourself as being female. You don't necessarily have to truly believe yourself to be a woman, you just have to be turned on by the thought of yourself being one or being turned into one.
The mindset is that being female makes someone a sex object who's barely even human, so to be a woman or to become a woman is to become a mindless slut. That's why you see so much overlap with AGP, sexual submission and bimbofication.
No. 458347
>>458326>>458335>>458323Aren't so many anons in this threads on board with gender non conforming and fluid sexuality as long as no trooning is involved though? i smell some double standards
>Not caring doesn't stop HIV.h-homophobe-chan?
No. 458351
>>458333Please look at my posts, he is nothing like that. He actually says that most women would be dominant if they gew up without being messed up by society. He actually thinks men make better subs than women, this is why I don't think he actually has AGP.
>>458335Anon we were both virgin when we met, also we live in Greece, there is no AIDS here outside of like 2 cities.
>>458341Thanks anon, I know I am whining in an anonymous imageboard but some words of confidence really help. He is definetely not a sexist outside of the bedroom and when in the bedroom he actually acts out as if men<women, so the exact opposite. And yes! In fact his crossdressing is rare, he doesn't ask for it that often and I even found it fun myself before coming here and discovering the gender critical general and started worrying about it.
>>458338Sorry anon, I thought the residents here would know more on the subject.
>>458337>>458342>>458344Anons, he is not like that, did you even read my post? He feels embarassed like a boy being put in a large suit that he can not fill, that's how he explained it. How on earth can you say he is misogynstic?
>>458343I get that anon, but it's logical to assume that someone can have other traits that correlate with AGP without having AGP if they do not present the actual main issue with AGP, which is being turned into a woman. I think it makes sense.
>>458345Ok, that sounds dumb, he definitely doesn't believe that, he knows what chromosomes are.
>>458347Thanks anon, that's what I feel is going on. I dont know why the other anons assume misogyny from him when he actually expresses to me that he considers women to be better than men in general, especially during sexual sessions.
No. 458356
>>458351i feel bad for you anon, you clearly like this guy a lot. i'm not even gonna try to convince you, there's no reason for you to believe internet strangers over the guy you dated for five years.
i just want you to remember this moment when he troons out. and he will. look back, remember we warned you, and then take the advice i'm going to give you now: leave him.
No. 458360
>>458354I don't have my mind set anon, I am replying because I am trying to find out what is going on by comparing my position with those of others. I don't see why he would need therapy. If sex is a healthy outlet for someones issues and it's sex that doesn't hurt anyone why would he need therapy?
>>458355I was asking because I am not an expert on the subject. Also what is wrong with sub/dom roles if it's only in the bedroom?
>>458356Ok anon, thanks for the conversation in any case.
No. 458364
>>458355Yet is only one person getting banned and her comments erased? or are all getting kicked out?
>>458352>but getting turned on by acting in a female role is a red flagSo a woman into femdom and dressing male is too? i am just curious because it does seem to be a double standard in that aspect, obviously not with the trooning and fapping to troons.
No. 458366
>>458362What would feminism critique about me liking having control in the bedroom and him liking that?
>>458363It's not inferiority exactly though anon, it's stuff like men being more violent, more likely to abandon their spouses, caring less for their kids, starting and fighting wards, stuff like that, which is true. He just says he thinks women are better because our negativity is nowhere near that damaging, which to be fair, I agree. So he prefers letting women have control, I don't see why that is inferiority or even unreasonable.
No. 458371
>>458351I think people are rightfully cautious considering all the factors: tranny porn, crossdressing, sexual submission, etc. At most those are just things to look out for, but not exactly indicative of anything wrong, especially since it's not a compulsion. At least the first 2 seem to be occasional things. You know your boyfriend and his views better than anyone here. Of course, some people may say he's lying, and a lot of people in long-term relationships do lie. So you have to look at his actions. If he has never degraded you or women in general (in fact he seems to be more positive about women in a general sense), ever showed bitterness over being a man, ever expressed wanting to be a woman, then why worry about it? I think maybe he has been a little conditioned by porn, and not even so much since the things you mentioned don't seem to be running his fapping habits or your sex life.
No. 458378
>>458376>and femdom still implies the normative “dom” is a male defaultWhat? No it doesn't.
>>458377Radfem is not male exclusive, only lesbian seperatists are male exclusive.
No. 458381
>>458376>and femdom still implies the normative “dom” is a male defaultWhat? No it doesn't.
>>458377Radfem is not male exclusive, only lesbian seperatists are male exclusive.
No. 458383
>>458373I think a lot of the fact stems from the porn view of femdom, which is male-centric. A woman all dolled up in uncomfortable leather gear barking the exact JOI a man wants to hear isn't indicative of any control/dominance on her part or submission on his part. She's just pleasing him in a different flavor even if she's caning him, hitting him, etc. Not to mention "porn" femdom encourages the man to be as unattractive as possible: balding, middle-aged, fat, having a worthless dick that she can derive no pleasure from, etc. Probably the worst thing too is the "domme" making the male sub wear something like perfectly normal panties and then passing it off as being the most humiliating demeaning experience ever… Honestly femdom and BDSM in general is pretty shit.
>>458374No problem anon, I think you just need to realize that you have to look at your specific situation and judge from there. Nobody here is trying to be malicious and just warn you about what they have seen or experienced.
No. 458395
>>458380I've never thought about it this way, interesting.
>>458383That perspective makes sense. So a woman being the more 'in control' partner in sex and leading everything is fine, but I guess the term femdom has more porn-related connotations.
No. 458396
>>458393Lesbian seperatism is a particular part of radical feminsm, not all rad fems are stupid enough to consider it seriously, except for lesbians ofc who can feasibly engage in it and larp.
>you literally can’t be a radical feminist if you’re a male.Please explain why.
No. 458398
>>458395Femdom just means female domination anon. Of course there is commercialized porn of it, but it is not inherently
problematic. It IS
problematic when it has the form that the other anon talked about, being dominated by the "inferior" sex. But it can also be done in a perfectly feminist way if you want, you just need a sub and not a bottom. Bottoms give the whole community a bad name because they are selfish misogynists who want to use women for pleasure. Subs are the opposite, they in fact put in above them and it's fantastic.
No. 458408
>>458406I am not
>>458405Anon, this power imbalance exists in society, a bunch of people coming along and talking does not have a power imbalance if they are all aware of the situation. Also when did I say anything about women only spaces? You talked about them. I said that possesing of a particular philosophy makes a xist of that plisophy, communist, fascist, etc. Feminism is the same. They could never come in women spaces, but still posses the philosophy and work towards it. So why wouldn't they be radical feminists? Even fucking Solanas thought they could be, although of course it was all muddled in her usual nonsense.
No. 458409
>>458408You do know that radical feminism has evolved since the Solanas day, right? Or do you think we would still believe Viv Smythe was
No. 458410
>>458394He sounds like a good man, except a little misunderstood and with his own quirks. My boyfriend at first, didn't have the best self-esteem about his appearance. I basically complimented the shit out of him, especially on his more masculine features, and I think that really helped him out. He feels a lot more comfortable than before. Inherently I think a lot of men feel unattractive simply because they are men. If your boyfriend can take compliments, they can go a long way. Also a fun fact, you also see quite a few men with cross-dressing fetishes (not the ones who are into it because it's humiliating) but because it makes them feel attractive to be in stereotypically "sexy" clothing.
>>458395>>458398Pretty much though, femdom is usually associated with the porn that's made of it. Honestly that's why I think men and women who don't associate with dom or sub, or have no association with the BDSM scene ironically, make better doms and subs. BDSM scene is pretty cancer because most people there are obsessed with enacting out whatever fantasies they see in porn, and are not interested in actual relationships or dynamics. So yeah, topping from the bottom galore.
No. 458413
>>458408That’s not how power imbalances work since you can’t get rid of the socialisation and do you think having conversations happen outside of society?
Also I’m not going to respond anymore because this is getting OT. We need to go back to making fun of troons.
No. 458417
>>458413Ok anon, np I see how we might be oting, I am still curious however, I might spend some time googling because I still can't grasp my head around it. Also, I dissagree on the nature of power imbalances, which I think might be the issue with me dissagreeing your issue about women spaces. Although I still don't see how this is relevant…
>>458410Thanks anon. I think I might need to compliment him more, it might partly be a personal issue as well I guess. He really does not generally dress to impress, like most men.
No. 458431
>>458418Even Zoe Quinn says she is genderfluid or non binary, despite presenting and always dressing all female(like a 12 yr old girl) and dating dudes, its meaningless buzzwords, its just thrown out there for clout points because is not cool to come out and say you are just heterosexual "cis" woman anymore.
If this was 2006 your niece would identify as emo.
No. 458432
>>458429>gender is fake and real at the same timewell that sounds confusing.
>They believe gender is a feelingI feel so old when I read stuff like this.
No. 458435
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Always have to laugh at this one. Tell me again who appropriated feminism?
No. 458446
>>458398>it is not inherently problematicmaybe this is better suited to the unpopular opinion thread, but any relationship based on power dynamics is
No. 458467
>>458383>>458373>>458355The fact is that femdom is still pretty much a fantasy any man a dominatrix is "dominating" wants to be there by his own free will and he is paying for her service and the the man can pretty much waste the woman with his bare hands if he wanted to
The female dom has no real power
No. 458478
>>458475he made a troon joke in his last special (or maybe a couple before last) that first got him called as transphobic. the sports thing seems to be icing on the cake for most.
>>458473gender is fake in that men or women don't necessarily need to adhere to them as gender-sex 1 to 1, but gender is real in that people need to "pick a side" regardless.
so men can be women, and women can be men, but both have to fuckin pick a side. most troons I think see this difference, hence cotton ceiling and what contra was recently canceled for. it's non-binaries and genderqueers that are muddying the waters
No. 458503
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>>458473The thing you need to realize here is that there is no coherency within trans ideology. We use that term to apply to all nonsense stuff TRAs spout but the narrative changes depending on the individual or which belief is convenient at the time. You'll have people like pic related who think that the words woman and man are based on gender identity, not a descriptor for biological sex, and that identifying with masculinity or femininity is what determines gender identity (but somehow this doesn't enforce sexist stereotypes because they say so.) Then you'll have the complete flat earth-tier nutters who claim that sex doesn't exist AT ALL and their penises are actually female.
Simply there is no logic within the trans movement.
No. 458514
I think you guys are being a little harsh on enbis, i think we should try to understand them better since most are women and teenagers/young, it's obvious why they do the things they do.
With female enbis it's a matter of "being anything else than women", they want people to see them like they see themselves: as more than their sex, just a human soul (like it's supposed to be) when they say theyre non binary people can't use stereotypes on them anymore, nobody can't assume shit and expectations don't matter.
They want to be seen as femenine, masc or neither and "just an human" but not "female" or "woman" cause they want to be appreciated by who they are but know damn well that "word" (woman) makes people assume of force shit on them, they will be reduced to "woman" and "woman" doesn't register as human for most people, they realized this but most are very young and probably confused by TRAs propaganda, some of them just gave up on trying to make people take them seriously as gnc women so their solution is to "hack" the system with its own rules: since people think anything other than a femenine woman is literal degeneration i'm making my own gender: a nongender, it's a gender too but it doesn't have rules, do whatever you want now! it's a wonky attempt to evade gender roles but i get were they are coming from honestly, its silly to call them the new emos when we know this is deeper than that. I saw lots of autistic women calling themselves "enbis" for these reasons too as they're more prone to having these issues, some realized they just were unique women some not, but unlike classic trannies there's a chance of making them see the light.
No. 458572
>>458550Those troons have no shame but I can sorta of admire their honesty. More troons should admit to the tranny shit being a fetish instead of trying to make it true identity and encroach on women's rights.
>>458564Stop shitting up the thread with off-topic kink shit and sage next time.
No. 458573
>>458570>>458572I was answering to someone else when posting the original post that
triggered you. She was saying that the abuse of women in porn is reprehensible, but that of men is hot. That was NOT kink shit, so you might want to check your eyes or brain next time.
No. 458574
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>Libertarian feminist "the war against men" Christina Sommers chimes in on the Contra drama>>458573Stay on topic, anon.
Also fucking sage your shit.
No. 458575
>>458574Anon, the point is gender critical. How genders work in the bedroom and their power dynamics is pretty damn related. We are not posting porn or obscenities, we are discussing the issues that arise in these situations and the expectations of gender.
Also, about your image, isn't she right? Along with Contra? And yes I know he is gross, I mean about this particular thing.
No. 458594
>>458591Hontra was going to get run-off social media sooner or later. A lot of trannies already hated him for questioning non-binary people.
It's absolutely impossible to please troons. You will never be right or good enough for them. They will cancel you as soon as you "slip up" too much.
I used to be involved in those communities and I can tell you they are constantly paranoid and policing themselves.
No. 458602
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No. 458603
>>458602Commies and nazis are the same thing at the end lol, and nazis are anti-capitalism and statists too just as tankie edgelords.
These people are retarded, all they care is to latch on to an identity, that's why they troon , that's why they attach to political labels and always go from one extreme to another, make up pronouns and constantly clown out on every venue they have.
No. 458623
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>>458617>neets becoming communists, shitposting as a career and living from donations on a first world capitalist country with all the commodities included.Imagine that
No. 458658
>>457989I hope this man dies.
>>458009They're already pornsick fetishists, it's not a stretch for them to troon out.
>>458625They're homophobic racist misogynists, and troons are usually straight white men so of course they support them. Also a lot of them have intense porn addictions from being incels.
No. 458711
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Lol on what Grindr?
No. 458715
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>>458711Samefagging for more of this looney-troo
No. 458780
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>>458716tbh I'm glad for troonism in one respect. now all the semicute fem Bieber boys we might be interested in and might waste our lives on are making it very clear theyre disgusting degenerates. but tbh this guy could've been attractive. what a waste.
No. 458942
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I made a thing.
No. 459062
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>>458503>admits gender is gender roles>still supports gender identity>therefore believes woman should mean 'feminine person' and not 'adult human female'>supports robbing an opppressed group of the language they use to describe themselves and their struggles, just so a group composed mostly of AGPs can be allowed into women's washrooms or colleges or some shit because God Forbid we literally murder them by saying 'this is a women-only space. You're a man so you're not allowed in'.Imagine having as much internalized misogyny as she does.
No. 459068
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No. 459104
>>459068The fucking
audacity of those people. Everything has to be about them!
No. 459132
>>459068Non binary logic "I don't identify as female, except for when I want inclusion in murder statistics"
And what about early stage transmen?
No. 459141
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Imagine being so delusional and thinking you've become one of your yaoi fantasies
No. 459159
>>459141She was a pretty cute looking girl. Now she looks like the ungodly lovechild of Jeff Goldblum and Tyler Oakley, and in spite of that it's still obvious she's female.
Also, we place TIFs in one of
two categories- self-hating lesbian and fujoshi fakeboi. This post would obviously be the latter.
No. 459167
>>459155>since so many come from conservative upbringingsWhere do some anons get the idea that conservative families prefer troons?
i come from a conservative family and troonery is just about the grossed thing on the scale, wtf?? If you are gay you just make and akward situation into a nuclear blast that wrecks the family, it only makes it worse.
No. 459212
>>459199Sorry, no, this is the most absurd and twisted take i've ever read. No conservative western parent ever would prefer their sons to take hormones and wear dresses in public under any circunstances. Like 99.9% of troons in those circles completely nuke the family unit and either become stranded or the black sheep no one wants to deal with.
Only really degenerate woke people actually go ahead and encourage this, the most a conservative parent would to is give up and sadly watch on the sidelines with a broken fucking heart while their neet kids butcher and kill themselves. No straw man will ever make the oposite true.
No. 459242
>>459199There certainly are countries where transition is favoured over a 'forever gay'
Maybe not in America but in some religious countries including some western where conversion therapy was the first answer (that failed) and now it's transition
No. 459244
>I-i-it was the right all along, w-we swear! woke kids, try harder. This is a bad attempt at bait and switch.
>>459215Wonder what spicy tumblr gave you this idea. This is something that has no acceptance in conservative values, and has not been lobbied for by the right, even less by religious circles. Not even those kinda progressive christians that accept gays go this far. Hell, even liberal right and libertarians are mad as fuck with government cohercion to force this ideology and tax dollars being used to pay for HRT treatments. It can't get any worse.
You'd have to be very disconnected from reality to no know this already, while, ironically, disliking troons but still supporting the political faction that uses trans activism as a spear head.
>>459217People troon out from all over the spectrum, but only one kind of family would actively endorse and support trooning with glee. Its no coincidence all troons are commies. Either because their conservative families disowned them so they go the other way as revenge or because they already come from a leftist background and radicalize even more into it so they can ride the clout wave.
No. 459264
>>459244"troons, commies, conservative, leftists"
Anon I simply said I had a friend decades ago growing up in Ireland, everyone was very catholic, she was quite butch and hated the expectations of women, she wished she was male cos butch just didn't exist and wasn't tolerated. She had a confused youth and now she's an old happy butch. Calm down with all the modern U.S political buzzwords. This was 60s Ireland, not modern day non-binary land
No. 459269
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DAE womanhood = lipstick and skirts xd
No. 459280
>>459244Pretending your "daughter" has a "neurological condition where she was born in a mans body" rather than accepting him just being (Jesus please no) gay is definitely a thing in conservative families. In Iran the theocratic state will fucking kill a man for being gay but also pay for his sexual reassignment surgery so he can be "straight" since the Abrahamic religions take gender roles so damn serious. Same fucked up logic that means men can rape in prison and think they're not gay because they're not the ones being anally penetrated, but it's the
victim who's gay now for being in the female role. Obviously the modern tranny shit comes from lefty queer theory but religious nutters have no problem picking and choosing from left ideology when it suits their needs.
No. 459292
>>459212Wasn't making gay people transition with surgery and hormone therapy in the West seen as a way to "cure" gay people? That's what happened to Alan Turing iirc, he was jailed for being a gay man in the UK and once he got out had to start taking eustrogen and killed himself once he developed breast tissue.
Only extremes exist in the West from what I've seen, it's either families being 100% behind their LGB relatives transitioning because that would make them straight and gender-conforming, or they hate it because to them it's just homosexuality multiplied by 1000. I'm gonna guess it depends on their religions or how religious they are too?
>this is the most absurd and twisted take i've ever readTrying to make humans change their sex is beyond absurd in the first place and yet here are.
No. 459305
>>45928620 yrs from now these self inflicted cripples will absolutely destroy all welfare systems in every country dumb enough to play woke advocate. Just wait when all these troon kids turn 30 yr olds cancer patients with fucked up identity issues.
A mental health and suicide pandemic unlike western the world has ever seen never seen is in the making.
No. 459314
>>459309likely not, there's never that many studies on any cosmetic intervention, even if it uses medicine. these people are just pushed a product, operated on and then sent on their way and anything else is coincidental. it happens with
tons of stuff like that in the US, no one thinks of any longterm issues for anything.
No. 459317
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>America>UK>sweden>CanadaThe wokest of the woke. Anglos are peak degeneracy. they let perversions sink into everything even in their religion.
No. 459318
>>458216I've gotta agree with
>>458226 on this one. Either they are all men or they aren't and your boyfriend picking and choosing for convenience. He is most likely a closeted bisexual who likes femininity regardless of the sex. With all the solo and lesbian porn out there, why would he need to watch a hyper feminine male getting off?
>>458276Believe me anon, sometimes some guys are VERY secretive about it and know how to cover it up and then bam, full blown tranny, I assume you two are young (at least in your early or mid 20s) but what usually happens is it comes out towards the end of the 20s or into their 30s or 40s+
>>458283This. Being submissive is not a gay thing, some men are just naturally submissive and there's nothing wrong with that but it's the Tranny-porn that is cause for some concern here.
>>458293Oof… Yeah no, he does not look like a woman at all.
>>458303> He has never had an issue with his gender, other than with other people's expectationsBingo, this here. This can be a problem as he gets older and notices how he just doesn't match up to the ideal of what is expected of men, especially the judgment he'll get from other men for not living up. This is a fairly popular cause of what makes a guy troon out.
> I am pretty sure he is not bi, a lot of bi guys have hit on him and he was never interested in the past. What is GAMP, I am unfamiliar with this term?Has he ever gotten hit on by super effeminate men? Like I men who don't look like typical men? I'm just saying that he could be a Gynephelic Bisexual. Gynephelia is the attraction to femininity regardless of the sex. Trannies at the end of the day are just effeminate males and if this is what your BF likes but doesn't like masculine men, it still means he's bisexual, just with a twist (feminine men).
>>458314It's not about cutting the dick off though anon, most trannies don't get SRS, it's a very rare few who do (and they end up regretting it a good many of the time).
>>458316Futa is just art no?
>>458340Not always, AGP can also just be being so obsessed wit the image of porn's woman image even if the person doesn't want to be that.
>>458350This. Even though it sucks to feel like you were lead on, you can't have it both ways. I think so long as she can accept his non-masculinity and want to dress more femininely, things can be okay.
Look anon with boyfriend, all we're saying is that if he ever does troon out (which he very well could), just don't be surprised and make a smart choice for your future.
No. 459328
>>459242Yep, look at the middle east for example. If a man id openly gay, he has the option of either death or to transition.
> Wonder what spicy tumblr gave you this idea. This is something that has no acceptance in conservative values, and has not been lobbied for by the right, even less by religious circles. Not even those kinda progressive christians that accept gays go this far. Hell, even liberal right and libertarians are mad as fuck with government cohercion to force this ideology and tax dollars being used to pay for HRT treatments. It can't get any worse.You'd have to be very disconnected from reality to no know this already, while, ironically, disliking troons but still supporting the political faction that uses trans activism as a spear head.
You'd be surprised anon. I remember talking with this one guy who was friends with my brother about whether he would be okay with having a Gay effeminate son or a Trans "daughter" (I used to believe in the tranny crap years ago when I talked with him) and he surprising said he would rather have a transwoman daughter because "he would be considered a normal straight woman". This associate was Catholic though I'm not sure if he was conservative or not, I haven't talked to him in years but he did vote for George W. Bush 2004 and Trump 2016.
So believe me anon, some would totally choose a TIM over an effeminate gay son though I think a big part is if they (the TIM) can "pass". If not, it shatters the illusion.
No. 459332
>>459328I personally know an example of highly religious parents that accepted their daughter becoming their son, this was years after disowning them for being gay. They are 'straight now' and this looks good in the Christmas photos etc
The same parents never shut up about how gay marriage is awful
No. 459351
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>>458942Since people asked, I made a TIF version.
There really isn't a huge difference aside from the specifics.
No. 459361
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>>459355>Any good resources? I dunnoRedpill him the hell away from reddit. Trans subs are gaslighters and are full of pedophiles and fetishistic chasers. They will always tell him trooning will solve all his problems and that he is an egg and the "she" is gorgeous. For the rest of the world he would look like a mutant and a mental case, an entitled parasyte that doesn't belong neither with women nor men and can only hang around wack jobs and bpds on social media while people take captions of his statuses for cringe compilations.
Trans discords also have a history of groomings kids into trooning and suicide. This is not just about some angry ladies making fun of dudes that don't pass, is a serious issue that he is getting into that will destroy his self identity, his health, his career prospects, his love life, pretty much everything that you can think off only because he wants to larp as a cat girl for a few years while he is in school before reality hits him and he ends up hanged in some basement streaming it to pedos online ,stranded from his family and friends.
No. 459363
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>>459163>>459197OK, this confuses me too. I was friends with a girl who identified as a lesbian before she transitioned and started taking hormones. Now she identifies as bisexual but says she's mostly attracted to (cis) men.
No. 459379
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>>459364But that ain't true though. I even remember seeing some webcam statistics thingy and trannies rank the lowest earners across cam sites. Even regular dudes make more money caming than TiMs,. Troons probably think that becoming anime girls they will live on easy mode and become rich camwhoring, but they'll just end up on the street sucking dick for pennies.
No. 459387
>>459385Samefagging but this is also a thing
>>459197 so I guess it would really fuck up a female body to go on such high and unhealthy levels of testosterone.
No. 459393
>>459332Exactly, these parents who do that are fucking delusional and the TIM/TIF who play into this to get family approval are just sad and at the most, dangerous if they actually take the meds or worse.
I can't remember this one video I saw on YouTube but it was one of those sit-down talk videos with some Black Pastor and this troon with blonde hair (very masculine face). I remember watching and rolling my eyes when the troon was saying why he thought he was a woman but a big talking point was religion (the black guy was a pastor) and the troon came from a Jewish family and he said that his father never accepted him as a effeminate boy but when he "discovered he was actually trans", his parents came around to accept him. It was gross.
>>459335I'm gonna sound ignorant because I never really looked into the murders of TIFs but are there just as many murders they have compared to TIMs who get killed by their Johns?
>>459351Nice anon, yeah I've seen all of these instances in TIFs (some more than others).
>>459355Definitely take
>>459361 advice. Redpill him and make sure he stays away from Reddit and 4Chan (especially the LGBT section that is overrun with Trans). Drill into him the consequences of what can happen if he takes HRT medicine, how it'll have negative health consequences in the long run for prolonged use or even the physical stuff like hormone tits or the weight gain that is not gonna look great. The picture that the anon posted is a good example of what can happen…
>>459364I have a feeling it's mostly closeted in denial Gay or Bi Man. The simple fact of the matter is that a "Straight" man is not interest in penises other than his own. He likes the opposite sex and there is a plethora upon plethora of straight, Lesbian, and solo woman porn he could be watching to get off. To start going down that rabbit hole of dick craving would imply he is a bisexual but just didn't realize it nor wanted to admit it. If he's watching because he wants to be this pornographic figure, he's most likely just a straight AGP (he'd call himself a Lesbian - kek - ) though if he engages in intercourse with other Troons, he's gay (or bi).
>>459379Oh wow, I had a feeling they were blowing the trans statistics out of proportion. And it explains why TIFs usually become hookers IRL and get themselves into dangerous situations because of the nature of that world that affects all sex workers regardless.
No. 459411
>>459406Should have said *manipulate the endocrine system in drastic ways to change human behavior
We already know hormones affect human behavior but it has never been possible to perform massive experiments on people because it was illegal. Until trans people came along to serve as guinea pigs.
No. 459428
>>459407"Jerk Off Instruction"
It's someone telling you how to use your own hand.
No. 459461
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No. 459558
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>>459554>Complaining about the consequences of gender ideology while still pushing for more gender ideologyok
No. 459567
>>459563No, there are males and females, this is a biological truth, you can argue about roles all you want, roles relative to culture but going as far as be a complete relativist down the "gender is a social construct" slope then you can't complain when a man calls himself a woman or viceversa or a furfag identifies as dragon since you can identify as any construct you want after all and there are infinite genders that are ~ uwu
valid~ when you make the point that all it takes to be a gender is identify as such.
A troon puts on a knee socks and lipstick, he is a woman, why? he identifies as such, and woman is just a social construct after all, so why complaint? he is part of the female social construct now, its the lipstick and dresses that make you a woman, bigot.
No. 459577
>>459568Ok, gender aint a thang, i was born a woman but i identify as a man, gender is a social construct and not attached to biology therefore nothings keeping me from claiming i am a man, what are ya gonna do? be a hipocrite? tell me how short hair and pants don't make a man?
why would anons want to reinforce that males in dresses are males if biology is not attached to gender anyways?. If you really believe this there's not point complaining , by your own clown logic trans women are women, social construct elements like long hair and long nails are the determining factor in them making this very same point. Gender ideology is exactly were troons are coming from to validate themselves and what their activism is about.
You play stupid games, you win stupid prizes, this is were relativism and politically motivated pseudocience gets you.
No. 459579
>>459567Yeah that's why I said 'gender roles are a social construct' and just like the troons you're guilty of not thinking about what that means.
Of course putting on makeup doesn't make a man into a woman because women being expected to decorate themselves is part of gender roles.. the socially constructed thing which is flawed and backward in many ways.
Please, think.
No. 459588
>>459567>>459571>>459577>>459543Are you ESL or something?
Sex is real. Gender is made up to justify keeping women down, and is what opens the door for tranny bullshit, because men think "oh i like or relate to things stereotypically associated with females and also hate my body, that must mean i have a girl brain uwu". Gender and sex are not synonymous.
Long hair, dresses and nails don't make a woman, gametes do. It's a way of being born, not a set of aesthetic choices.
If this isn't a misunderstanding brought on by your own poor communication/language skills, and you actually are trying to shill gender BS here, go be a tradthot somewhere else. This is the Gender Critical thread.
No. 459631
>>459624>>459567Nayrt but they didn't say that there is no such thing as sexed behavior or consequences and I don't understand why you're so mad at her.
Imo it's fair to assert in a gc thread that gendered behavior, such as a woman shaving her legs, is a socially constructed norm because it is rooted in society's views on biology and not the biology itself.
It's asserting that there are no biological sex-based destinctions, characteristics or consequences that is TRA ideology.
For example, it's a biological truth that women have periods but it's a socially constructed result that women feel ashamed or embarrassed for this natural function. A social construct isn't just a flimsy imaginary thing but it's destinct from biology because social norms can change.
No. 459644
>>459631IMO, that anon made an error while reading, and just doesn't want to let it go. Up til this thread, she thought gender
was sex, and that we've been saying sex isn't real, but now that the difference has been clarified, she's embarrassed, so she's just insisting everyone is saying shit they didn't. She wants to hold steadfast to gender
being sex so she doesn't have to acknowledge her mistake, so now she's moving the goalposts by repeating what we've been saying all along, but with "gender roles" where "gender" would normally be. That's also why she feels the need to screech about "tumblr" and "SJWs" when that doesn't even apply here.
She's determined to yell at people to "win" this battle that only exists within her own mind.
If we let her narrate this internet argument to someone else, we're all libfems who deny biological reality. Meanwhile, the actual truth is she just can't fucking read.
No. 459646
>>459632I've only ever heard trans people use it to say "look gender and sex is so complicated and that's just nature" but intersex people have a real medical issue.
Years ago some intersex babies had their penises cut off shortly after birth and the parents were told to raise the babies as female. A good portion of these kids didn't feel right all their lives and they weren't told about their intersex condition. Some of them technically transitioned later in life because they actually felt male despite their upbringing
Being intersex is real and complicated but I can't see how trans people feel validated by it cos it's a whole different issue these people deal with
No. 459653
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Learn the meaning of words and stfu already.
No. 459689
>>459681I didn't refuse any concepts, just tried to clear the air surrounding some confusion with whether or not gender and sex is synonymous. I do believe tacking on roles behind gender when appropriate is a great way to alleviate any misunderstandings and that's my only dog in this fight.
>>459684Was actually closer to 600
>The "male-or-female sex" sense is attested in English from early 15c. As sex (n.) took on erotic qualities in 20c., gender came to be the usual English word for "sex of a human being," in which use it was at first regarded as colloquial or humorous. Later often in feminist writing with reference to social attributes as much as biological qualities; this sense first attested 1963. Gender-bender is from 1977, popularized from 1980, with reference to pop star David Bowie. No. 459714
No. 459732
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>>457937what the actual fuck.
How can someone even do that?? He's lucky that didn't get infected oh my god
No. 459750
Sorry for linking /pol/ here, your post reminded me of what I saw last night, but if you thought
>>457937 was disturbing, watch the videos posted here a little further down the thread: Some of it is graphic. There a webms of the surgeries and an FtM with a weird piece of flesh that is supposed to be a penis. You can see the vein that is responsible for an erection in one of them, with the rest of the penis missing. It's horrifying.
No. 459756
>>459751Anon look what you've done, you've
triggered homophobe-chan
No. 459760
>comes back a full 6 hours after all this is over just to say "Stop calling out homophobe-chan!!! It's totally not just one person!!!"Who does she think she's fooling?
No. 459783
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This post has been brought to you by the 1950's.
No. 459792
>>459750I have a strong stomach, and that first video was actually really informative. It's basically just a time-lapse video of a doctor performing a penile inversion surgery. Of course, the video depicts one of the rare complication-free outcomes.
I'm not going to repost it here unless someone asks, but the Play-doh analogy I've heard some people use is really apt. The doctor basically puts in a catheter, cuts a golf-ball sized hole in the guy's groin, then separates the skin from the flesh. He removes the erectile tissue from the penis, then rearranges the remaining skin into "labia" and a "vaginal" lining.
I have a family member in medical school, and I was actually able to identify one of the tools the doctor used frequently. It's a tool called a Bovie that cuts and cauterizes at the same time. According to my relative, it smells fucking horrid when a Bovie is being used.
>>459784>>459790People have brought Homophobe-chan up in meta several times. A FH just said "will hellban them as soon as we can", whatever that means. Admin made subsequent posts in that thread, so someone with the authority to shadowban someone has definitely seen it. So either Homophobe-chan was hellbanned and figured it out, or mods never did it. But I digress.
To return to more thread-relevant discussion, I think it's very unfair to solely put the blame on gay people for troons running amok. The pharma companies are easily their biggest enablers (which makes sense given that they stand to personally profit off of it.) Mainstream liberals (this includes libfems) also love to jerk themselves off about how troons are the "most oppressed people in America!11!!1"
>>459784>bitches about feminists>calls people who disagree communistsSounds pretty 1950s to me, anon. Joseph McCarthy called, he wants his rhetoric back.
No. 459796
>>459760Sorry if this is considered off topic but I’ve sages. I was banned last week and during my ban, people were posting and you still thought it was me. I’m the same person you accused before.
I simply think “homophobe-chan” sounds fucking ridiculous and stupid. I’m not saying not to call people out, be my guest, but that phrase is getting old and sounds pretty lame if you ask me
No. 459798
>>459794Troons (even AGP troons) predate third-wave feminism. I agree about your criticism of third-wave though. There was nothing wrong with second-wave imo, besides the occasional homophobia.
>>459795>>459796Gay people are often pressured into trooning by
other people, namely their friends, the internet, and in some more recent cases, their Munchie parents.
Trooning isn't caused by a person being gay. It's caused by the pressure effeminate men and masculine women experience to conform to gender stereotypes. No one says it out loud, but I bet there are a lot of fucked up people who would rather have a troon "daughter" than an effeminate gay son.
Plus most troons are just straight mentally ill people with extreme fetishes anyway, as
>>459797 pointed out. Former gay/lesbian troons have become the minority.
Also, please edit your posts instead of posting five times for each reply. No one cares if you think it's lame– we're insulting homophobe-chan(s) because she (or they) derail the discussion
No. 459799
>>459797Woah it’s really required in Iran to transition? That’s some crazy shit I’ve never heard that before
I also never thought about the Buddhism link in thailand. Thanks for the eye opening response. I’m going to look into the thing s you’ve mentioned
No. 459800
>>459797>>459799I've heard that claim several times, and I
do believe it, but I would still like a source.
No. 459813
>>459810>I don't understand how testosterone would make you understand scienceThat's because it's (ironically) an unscientific assumption made by misogynists and people with internalized misogyny.
Funny that people who purport to be "woke" are claiming that your sex hormones determine your intelligence.
No. 459817
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No. 459845
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I apologize in advance for blogposting, but this is a smug victory for me.
I dated a very emotionally abusive man from when I was 17-22. He had a lot of emotional affairs with online women behind my back, and even went as far to flirt with MTFs but deny it being actually sexual of any nature and them just being "bromance buddies".
So as of recently I learned he is recently dating a "woman" that homewrecked our relationship back in 2017 before we broke up for good. ( We were in a very toxic on and off relationship )
So there are NO pictures of her on social media, or so I thought. But she doesn't post pictures of herself. I did some digging and finally found her.
Except it's not a her; it's a "him".
I found his two selfies; both of them wearing wigs and having obvious trans people makeup. Prominent jaw, and the stereotypical trans weeb fashion.
I found this highly amusing, considering my ex is a diehard conservative who screams he is strictly heterosexual.
Why are bisexual men so ashamed of admitting they are attracted to men too?
I guess "he" can't be the mother of his children, since he doesn't have a vagina. I'm glad I dodged a bullet with this closeted man.
All along he wanted a bro who could dress up as a girlfriend for him and be in some weird DDLG LDR 4chan-esque relationship where he's the "dominant" one. ( My ex is a NEET who lies about his autism to get disability money ).
I love how these men playing dress-up think they are hot shit for homewrecking but at the end of the day, they can't be mothers with actual fulfilled desires that only women can do.
No. 459858
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A subreddit just for women’s anatomy is now full of men talking about their titty skittles and magic lactation.
A shitty sub about women’s bodies and they gotta be in there making sure it’s their anatomy people are learning.
No. 459859
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No. 459867
>>457894My ex lied to me for 1 year and jerked off to them,
My current bf hates them with a passion and gets physically sick when thinking about them.
No. 459870
>>459859>Butch lesbian are honestly some of the trans community greatest allies!But you also cancel and harass them for liking (real) vaginas and not girldick and want them to troon out just for being gnc. TRAs also act like a fucking cult so of course lesbians won't say shit and when they do…
>>459866My younger sister almost troons out for reading trannie shit on Tumblr, and at some point i considered it too because I was trying to cope with homophobia, this movement is convertion therapy at its finest.
No. 459872
>>459859??? I've seen countless TRAs come down on TERFs for looking "mannish", call them "dykes", "FtMs in denial", etc. They're constantly targeting butch lesbians.
Why are they changing the story? One second, all GC women are tradthots, Karens and sister-wives who seek to enforce gender roles, and the next, we're all big hairy butches who are mad because trannies are more womanly than us and/or we don't want to accept that we're actually men in women's bodies.
No. 459882
>>459878One one hand they hate lesbians but on the other hand this will sound homophobic and misogynistic so they often make it woke by putting "cis" in the front of lesbian.
Funny how they don't think a woman's worth being based on her attractiveness or gender conformity is not sexist drivel though. They always insult women's appearances.
No. 459885
>>459882>REEEEEE you hairy, manly and unlady like dykes are just JEALOUS that we are cute and super femenine teehee~Totally not misogynistic, sexits nor homophobic guys
>>459879>Shitloads of troons at the meet-upWhat a fucking nightmare
No. 459947
File: 1568032355562.png (229.84 KB, 717x751, Screenshot_20190909-073000(1).…) small thread, but it's literally just filled with gay/bisexual men in denial.
No. 459950
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This is what TRAs sound like.
No. 459957
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No. 459959
>>459957>definition of female>by appearance or by identificationlol
>>459653>Learn the meaning of words and stfu already.Learn the meaning of words anon!
No. 459970
>>459963PLenty of male only spaces opened up to women in the past anon, don't be ridiculous.
>>459964There is not one womanhood anon, different cultures have different gender roles. Womanhood differs castly from culture to culture.
No. 460007
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Such a beautiful “lesbian” couple
No. 460011
>>459971I had a pro dominatrix friend years ago and she made more money from helping guys crossdress and basically setting them up on little play dates with other 'secret sissies' than she ever made from domming itself
I sadly don't think there is a way to know, they don't give off weird vibes and they are sure to guard their secret well. A whole lot of married men used her services for years on end while living a normal life otherwise. She was a gorgeous woman too but nah they wanted to pay her expensive rates just to use her house as a sissy hotspot ..
No. 460015
>>459990This. If they know from the beginning that you disapprove of certain things then they'll cover up. I used to genuinely be very open minded in my twenties and as a result I had so many guys tell me about their love of dressing up in lingerie or more often their love of large objects in their arse/their escapades after joining Grindr to try things out… I totally turned off men after realising how many watch shemale stuff and have anal obsessions
Pretending you're open to anything might help weed them out early cos god knows men won't be honest.. unless they think they'll get that pegging fantasy fulfilled
No. 460087
>>460079Thais seem to understand women being straight or bi but not gay since a woman who is not attracted to men is seen as an attack on masculinity.
There are men who will harass lesbians or have a fetish for “converting” them hence the Adams obsessed with toms. There are cherries too who are straight women who like gay men but they’re basically the equivalent of fag hags.
No. 460095
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>“My family had sent men to rape me,” claimed 34-year-old Vivek Azad, as he narrated his story. “They never supported my decision. I have often been beaten up for choosing my way of life,” he said without any flicker of emotion on his face and then went on to show his injury marks after he was recently thrashed by his brother. “They want me to get married and live like a woman but I can’t,” he said.
>Vivek is a trans-man – which means that he was born as a female but he identifies as a man. “I changed my name two months ago. Earlier, it was Pushpa,” he revealed. “Since childhood, I loved dressing up in shorts and t-shirt and sporting short hair. My family often forced me to wear frocks and did not let me cut my own hair. This led to a lot of physical violence,” he said.
>The beatings haven’t stopped. But Vivek is more determined to stand his ground. Dressed in a check green shirt and blue jeans, he calmly narrated his story without any hint of self-pity. “I cannot feel or act feminine. It is just not me. I want to live like a man and I will,” he said. However, he hasn’t had the sex reassignment surgery (SRS) yet. “Where is the money for a surgery? I couldn’t go to college due to financial constraints. All my school certificates were burnt by my brother after an altercation. Employment chances are thin.” trans men are men and always had access to male privilege, you guys!
No. 460170
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>>460153>not understanding what homophobia means Anon, are YOU special needs?
No. 460179
>>460095"I cannot feel or act feminine" and there it is. She just doesn't want to dress like a girl. Either do many women.
Sorry you get beat up for wearing pants, that sucks, but as far as problems facing women in fucking India, this is bottom of the totem pole.
No. 460198
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I wasn't aware that the RF thread is problematic. It's one of the slowest in /ot/.
What's really going on here?
Is this a way of eventually locking the GC thread?
No. 460209
>>460100They're treating trans women as the default and actual women as the other. If they wanted to be more obvious they could have said "non-men" instead.
>>460198/meta/ is full of people complaining about there being too much radfem stuff on lolcow and how it's "ruining" the "culture" of the site.
No. 460214
>>460203RF is GC, but GC is not RF. They should not be conflated.
>>460205>>460209Yes, I am aware of the complaints.
The RF thread was started at the request of several anons who attended the last town hall.
No. 460246
>>460198Feminism is
No. 460270
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are there any gc who are not swerfs?
i feel pretty alienated t b h
No. 460272
>>460270What do you mean by "swerf", exactly?
Like, is thinking the sex trade is disgustingly exploitative to vulnerable women, and that that needs to be addressed and dealt with far sooner than something like whorephobia, what makes someone a swerf?
No. 460279
>>460079>>460087>>460090seriously interesting info, thanks anon(s)!
I wanna ask if any anons have insight into the tranny/gay social Dynamics in Iran, but I feel like it's similar. gay men are "taken seriously" and forced to troon out or torture, while gay women are raped into motherhood (or torture).
No. 460284
>>458325He's gonna go trans Anon, I'd bet $200 on it
He/she/they grindr browsing before 2020 is out
No. 460321
>>460313they spent all their teens with tumblr gender ideology and media hype about a trillion genders and social justice, they are just joining the bandwagon of their day.
Zoomers are exactly how everyone expected they would turn out. Austistic genderspecials.
No. 460413
>>460411As someone who had to sell her body out when times were tough there is usually a physical disadvantage for women too. So many encounters can turn violent very fast because men who purchase sex do NOT respect women whatsoever. Prostitutes have to carry some weapons on them, use fake phone numbers, have some escape route planned out etc. I am not a woman of color but it’s even worse for them because not only do they get exploited and hated by their own communities but a lot of white men will specifically hire them to engage in degrading racial fetishes for them.
“Empowering” my ass.
No. 460471
>>460270tbh I've lived or worked with or around sex workers my whole life and it being illegal very obviously makes their lives way worse
I'm pro sex work legalization in the same way I'm pro drug and abortion legalization, if you partake in it your life is most likely a disaster but it being illegal just makes it worse as you have to associate with violent criminals with no legal recourses avialable and the state will never actually be able to stop people from doing it anyway
No. 460516
>>460198OP anon here.
Am I supposed to rewrite the OP to be Feminism General? Because GC is not inherently RF.
This thread is recognized as a place to discuss GC free of RF and infighting over feminism. I don't want to see this change.
No. 460602
>>460598Children are not adults, obviously not.
>>460599A little aggressive aren't we? Let me know when you have an argument.
>>460601Oh I absolutely agree, which is why it needs to be outlawed. It is a moral, health and social hazard.
No. 460605
>>460596I'm sorry, but there really isn't a point in engaging further when you think all humans sell themselves like prostitutes do with their bodies. Can't think of any other jobs were there's an expectation of getting penetrated.
Nordic model works because of the disgusting nature of human trafficking and people being extorted by others for sex. In some situations were a client would get violent a prostitute would be fearful of seeking help because she'd be criminalised. Now prostitutes operating in countries with the nordic model can contact the police when fearing for their lives and get an actual violent offender locked away. Then the sex worker is provided with resources to change her circumstances. You're clueless
No. 460606
>>460596>since they facilitate a situation where a morally repugnant and criminal affair takes placeBut it's primarily morally repugnant because… it's harmful to the person selling their body and they are being raped via financial coercion. They are also the
victim, you can't just treat it like any other crime. It requires some actual empathy and thinking in shades of grey. For example, how do you separate trafficked women from women doing it voluntarily? Women who might have voluntarily started at one point but are now being pimped out with little choice in the matter? How do you get trafficked and exploited women to seek help when there's a chance they'll get into legal trouble for it? What is even the point of punishing people on a technicality, when realistically the best thing for everyone and society as a whole is safe, helpful exit plans for prostituted women?
Oh my bad, I guess not wanting violated, vulnerable women to be
further punished after all the shit they suffer through is 'liberal feminism pandering'. Liberal as opposed to what, radical? No sane radfem would ever think women should be punished for the patriarchal tragedy that is prostitution.