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No. 281458
This thread is for the discussion of transgenderism from a gender critical and radical feminist perspective. It was originally created by Admin as an amalgamation of the TERF and Transgender threads.
Previous threads
>>>/ot/221232>>>/ot/231926>>>/ot/248302>>>/ot/267773TERF thread
>>>/g/67378Transpassing thread
>>>/ot/214811Trans women thread
>>>/ot/203215Gender critical and radical feminism define
gender as sociological (feminine/masculine) and
sex as biological (female/male).
Woman is defined as an adult human female. Radical feminists seek to abolish gender as it is used by patriarchy to oppress women socially, reproductively, and financially. They strive to preserve women's spaces (such as restrooms, locker rooms, and health care providers) and areas of artistic and intellectual expression separate from men.
Transgenderism posits that one's gender is self-determined based on one's feelings and defines
woman as the characteristics and behaviors traditionally ascribed to females by society. Increasingly, transactivists are conflating gender and sex and asserting that a person can self-identify both gender and sex.
Gender critical feminists strive to maintain the distinction between gender and sex. The conflation of gender and sex erases the biological reality of women, eliminates women-only spaces, and disestablishes women as a protected class. Legislation currently being passed in western countries allowing for self-identification on legal documents does not differentiate between gender and sex.
The acronym TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminism) is used primarily by transactivists and their allies to denigrate radical feminists and other women who express gender critical ideas. Transactivists portray TERFs as violent oppressors by virtue of their ideas alone.
Posts of related news and web articles are welcome. Posts of photos, videos, and blogs of transactivists for the purposes of discussion and critique are welcome. Please refrain from derailing, infighting, and ad hominem attacks. This thread is not intended for the general discussion of sexuality, misogyny, and misandry.
https://fairplayforwomen.comhttp://www.feministcurrent.comhttp://4thwavefeminists.comhttps://gendercriticalactioncenter.wordpress.comhttp://gendercritical.blogspot.comhttps://genderidentitywatch.comhttps://gendertrender.wordpress.com Berns violent crimes committed by transgender individuals
This Never Happens and clinicians concerned about transgender youth
https://4thwavenow.com No. 281469
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No. 281498
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>Women giving birth: 99.375% success rate
>Men giving birth: 100% success rate (zero documented stillbirths in history)
Reminder that we're replacing you cishet females at the only thing you are good at.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 281499
>>281498Reminder that you have an IQ of 3, that is a cis female, men can't have babies (yet/ever)
Also we saw it the first time, reign in your stupidity please
No. 281506
>>281500>>281498he's so dumb that he sees thomas beatie's breast removal scars, small hands and wrists, close-set, feminine facial features, and still thinks it's a male because uhhhh beard.
i didn't realize womb-envy is a real thing and not just a meme though. imagine being born being too scary for you so you wish you could give birth like mommy to cope.
No. 281508
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>>281498i was imagining what she would have looked like before she started taking testosterone and hgh but it turns out real pics are available and she looked exactly like what i thought she would. you can still see her female face clear as day in your pic.
No. 281532
>>281508She looks like Pocahontas (Disney version) irl, why would the beardie one be preferable to her?
Oh yes, because being trans is more acceptable than being gay to backward people, who will rally in support of any random trans woman, (male) but find a reason to hate lesbian women by calling them "TERFs" and making out being a terf is nearly nazi tier
No. 281611
>>281508If I recall correctly she was a tomboy lesbian athlete, I could only imagine the pressure placed upon her to transition. It's such a shame.
>>281506>i didn't realize womb-envy is a real thing and not just a meme though.Oh it is. A lot of misogynistic gay men for example have it because they can't give children to their partners.
No. 281618
>>281495It's fucking terrible. Their only excuse of PMS is their stupidity / hormonal jump from HRT… They just lie to themselves.
I've got a mtf person in my circle. He keeps convincing everyone that trannies can get periods. Because of mood swings 'and Pain' that are actually made from hormones.
-No dude, your breasts are growing.
No. 281681
>>281508Her face is definitely masculine and she would look nice presenting as just a masculine woman
I remember how absolutely confusing the whole pregnant man thing was for me, I can’t imagine how kids today feel with all this trans shit constantly
No. 281790
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Fakeboi/transboi crowdfunding their name change and passport because they can't be bothered to work.
> "I’m a student who’s currently unemployed and has no source of income at all"> "I had reservations about making one of these but thinking about in terms of being an activist - being someone who literally helps and stands up for other people all the time - made me realise that it’s okay to ask for help.">trans guy>tons of traditionally feminine-looking (also bad) makeupIt's always the same, isn't it?
No. 281809
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>>281790God, she looks like a frog.
No. 281820
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I know daily mail sucks but this is gold
>Transgender woman reveals her boyfriend rejected her when she approached him as a man – then fell in love with her AFTER she came out as female
>She said of approaching Jared for the first time: 'While still living a boy, I messaged Jared on Facebook saying "Hey what's up" - I knew of him and added him on Facebook because he was cute.'But he was having no part of it and didn't seem interested at all, so I decided not to try anymore with him. 'It was two years later when he liked one of my pictures on Instagram - by that time I had come out as trans and a woman.'
>Two years on the couple are still going strong - despite receiving death threats from cruel online trolls. Now Erin has undergone two years of hormone replacement therapy, had breast augmentation, and is hoping to have gender reassignment surgery. However Erin, who is happy being 'passable' as a trans woman, says her partner remains indifferent about her undergoing the procedure, which would see surgeons constructing a vagina for her, traditionally by means of penile inversion.
>'She wants to look more feminine, but to me she already looks beautiful, I understand it's not about me but at present we couldn't afford surgery for her to become fully female. I will still love her exactly the same, she is still the same person regardless, I think she looks feminine enough, but understand gender dysphoria is a big thing. I love the fact that she is willing to be herself even with the ramifications of that, I'm glad she can put herself out there.'
He still has a dick, the fact that he looks like a woman is all that matters to this guy, I refuse to believe he's mentally sound. I think he rejected him because 'no homo' but actually like guys. It doesn't matter if he looks like a woman, it's just not the same.
No. 281897
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>>281865I have nothing to add to the incel discussion, I'll just leave this comment here.
No. 281904
>>281897i truly think men's supernatural power to compartmentalize (for ex: rape children then come home to their own children that they refuse to violate, etc) plays into how they're able to so seamlessly deny that people irl can't tell they're obviously dudes. like, imagine living that much of a lie on a daily basis. just imagine pretending you're an ivy league graduate every day. surely, that'd be a constant lie that causes you to suffer mental breakdowns on the regular – but these men are SO HAPPY to deceive people and feel no shame in doing so.
at least female troons grow the bone structure and develop the voice to pass. so long as it tingles their cocks, these men are able to fly to their fetishistic fantasyland without so much as a second thought. it's really amazing.
you must be a legit sociopathic fantasist to be able to want to live this much of a lie, and get belligerent about it, expect women and girls to erase themselves and lie about their own reality for your benefit, etc
No. 281946
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I was just reminded of the tweet that caused me to peak trans. Reading still this makes me so infuriated and sad. I can't believe that this is what the majority of the left actually believes and supports. That it's somehow 'progressive' that a 50-year-old white straight dude can belittle the experiences of women just because he started wearing dresses and lipstick. I hope more and more people, especially women, will realize how harmful and misogynist trans activism has become.
No. 281953
>>281865His voice is
triggering to me. Your analysis is spot-on though. He doesn't care about women at all so he finds it easier to sympathise with incels than with actual female people.
No. 281955
>>281946I really hate this fucking argument and its funny than transwomen parrot these arguments without thought.
Kat blaque wrote the longest comment in history on his own video about trans v race which just bascially admitted that he was
triggered by rachel-but also a few commentors brought up a very valid point-what about mixed race people? One commentor said being mixed race they looked nothing like either parent-so when we talk about race what are we talking about? how can it be inherited if you dont fit neatly into a category?
No. 281959
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>>281865Hit a bit too close to home did it?
No. 282065
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This is so obviously some MtF larping for the sake of fetishism. Who in their right mind would believe this? It reads like a bad soap opera. This is the typical ~trans girl makes cis woman jealous~ fantasy. Highlights:
>”But she passes too well, like she’s turned into fucking levels of fashion model pretty and it’s pissing me off so fucking much.”
>”Whenever we hang out, guys start talking to her and flat out ignoring me…”
>”2 months ago, she’s turned into a literal fucking model after someone came up to her on the street and asked her to audition for a new add campaign (for a fucking clothing chain).”
No. 282091
>”But no I’m still the ugly one with horrible cramps that leave me paralyzed whenever its shark week…”Gotta drive home that “being a cis woman sucks!” narrative, right, fellow cissies?
No. 282093
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>What am I looking at?
>Complete clitoral necrosis. (This is devastating.)>Lack of a properly made make a clitoral hood, it remains sticking out. This is the new “angry inch.”>Still no labia reconstruction, marked asymmetry.>Too much remaining bulbous tissue on the anterior aspect of the vagina.>Scarring and divots internally (not easy to see from pictures, but upon palpation easy to notice).>Vaginal penetration remains impossible, other than fingers and small dilators.>Sensation is severely, likely permanently, destroyed without further intervention.holy shit, it's actually kind of impressive how many horrifying pictures this guy was able to take just by having 2 surgeries done
kim petras had his genital surgery at 16 years old, how could his parents be so irresponsible when there's so much risk involved and all you could gain from this surgery is a fucked up hole that requires constant maintenance so it doesn't close?
No. 282100
>>282093> all you could gain from this surgery is a fucked up hole that requires constant maintenance so it doesn't close?this is literally
all neovaginas.
No. 282132
>>282096I've only seen him mentioned on sites that are into niche pop artists, like ontd and r/popheads. ontd hates his guts for insinuating that Kesha was lying about being raped by Dr Luke. of the first comments in the second post makes fun of him for only having 22k twitter followers kek
No. 282266
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is it bad i find some trannies really cute?
i'm scared of meeting one that can pass as a real woman someday. from what i've seen itt they can't really compare to women but the thought of someday befriending a cute girl only to find out it's one of those freaks unnerves me.
No. 282490
>>282093In the notes on page 7 of the documents for his 2nd surgery, the first thing he said after surgery was "I am now mutilated for life!"
And if I understand correctly, he wants to get a 3rd surgery because his "clit" rotted off. The doctor said he could move some nerves around but it isn't guaranteed to to have sensation. It's incomprehensible how much money he's put into losing all sexual sensation, a neo-vagina that's too painful for intercourse, and a botched piss hole.
No. 282494
>>282493I was saying there's no such thing as a passing tranny, anon, chill
And nobody in their right mind would chase trannies, even liking crossdressers the first rule of dating is still don't let crazy stick his dick in you
No. 282497
>>282490Isn't it ironic to get your dick chopped off because a fetish made you horny and then you can no longer get horny or feel sexual pleasure again?kek
His life is going to get worse because it will no longer be clouded by dick brain.
No. 282642
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My favorite thing is when TRUTRANS come on r/gendercritical to shit on AGPs, only to throw massive tantrums when the userbase refuses to accept them as women. He just made a "transsexual-inclusive" version of GC where he's talking to himself after being banned from the original.
No. 282647
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Gosh, having a vajayjay is so exhausting. Hate having to put a dildo inside it for hours everyday so it doesn't close up, am I right ladies?
No. 282661
>>282647I'm fucking wheezing
is this like, what man-splaning is?
No. 282684
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No. 282697
>>282684Gigi pisses me off intensely with his idea of what a woman is.
I raged at that video where she pretends to be a hopeless baby sitter. Everyone in the comments acts like it's so cute that she's so extra and can't change a nappy properly. It actually makes me mad because he's just a high maintenance tranny who shouldn't even have children because of his horrible ideals (look at how he dealt with his dog having puppies, he just gave them all away including the mother, but omg HAD to keep the louis vuitton dog carrier bag) and is so self absorbed.
Yet you just know this materialistic tranny faggot and his coke riddled millionare 'wife' will be adopting a kid as soon as they can get their hands on one so they can be 'totes parents' and use the child as a fucking accessory.
No. 282815
>>282763> He first came out to his family during the wedding day of his dad marrying his second wifeAbsolute proof he’s a narc. Who the fuck does that? All it does is make somebod/ special day all about YOU YOU YOU.
Like I’m gay, but I just told my parents on some random day, not on a hugely important life event of theirs.
No. 283064
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Hooooooly fuck. Blatant exhibitionism.
No. 283121
>>283064How did none of those women say anything or kick up a fuss? This shows just how strictly we've been cowed into not standing up to these creeps. Someone should have screamed bloody murder.
It's just sad and hilarious to me. If youre a women who really parrots the transwomen are women mantra, then how do you react when faced in person with a man flapping his cock around in a space with females just trying to dress themselves and get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible. You'd be tying your brain in knots trying to justify it.
No. 283149
>>283121Because he's 6 feet tall and fit so most women aren't going to start shit with him.
Here's his history (includes nudity) No. 283160
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No. 283187
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>>283160He looks like the older version of elmer fudd lol
No. 283268
>>283172In the comments, he said how he wasn't on good terms with his grandmother, but still, one should have respect when attending funerals, especially of his own family members.
Trannies are such narcissistic pricks that they will try to make any event, anything at all, about themselves. Sick bastards.
>>283187lol he does
>>283257Even with all the makeup and surgeries, he still looks undoubtedly male.
His fake tits look masculine too, weird enough. What a circus freak. I'd cancel my gym subscription if these freaks were allowed to enter the ladies' locker room.
I doubt he 'passed' and other women didn't suspect anything before he got naked.
No. 283331
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>>283257Is that the guy who posted this?
No. 283338
I feel bad for the women who didnt say anything, they were prob worried they would get their membership revoked
No. 283364
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>>283331I told one of my sex positive feminist friends about this and this is what she had to say
No. 283382
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>>283374Handmaidens are sometimes worse than the actual trannys lol
No. 283418
>>283382i think it tends to go
agp and/or "lesbian" troons, genderspecials , stubborn handmaidens , gay "passing" mtfs and non-fujo ftms, casual handmaidens, everyone else
in left to right order of who has the most disturbing cult rhetoric. the further left on that spectrum, the more embarrassed they are when they're wrong, the worse they'll look, and the more they have to lose.
You can't reason with AGPs because if they're proven wrong they'll be exposed as what they are. You can't reason with genderspecials and stubborn handmaidens because their whole foundation is built on semantics, so wrongthink will make their worlds fall apart. But some passing, apolitical trans people can occassionally be reasoned with because admitting they're the sex they are won't change their day to day lifestyle much or make them look like rapists/rape defenders.
It's the ones whose lifestyle and good reputation are
entirely dependent on the delusions of others that are the most volatile.
No. 283446
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Anyone seen the "Girl on Girl General" on /lgbt/? It's a new lesbian general for trannies since the normal lesbian general doesn't except them.
Some of the things posted are so fucking creepy and cringe-inducing, as you'd expect from a forum full of straight men larping as lesbians.
Pic related, one of the posters. No. 283449
>>283446I know. It's just #45464687687687687 tranny thread. And tbfwy I got the impression that there are a lot of trannies in /clg/ too.
I suspect every anime or LiS poster to be a tranny. It sucks monkey balls.
Not only do trannies infest every lesbian bar, event and so on irl, they also overtake threads.
No. 283473
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What is it with trannies thinking they can talk on behalf of women?!
From the last paragraph: "I don't want to make other women feel pathetic if they don't enjoy street attention, but I also don't want to feel pathetic for enjoying it. I don't speak for all women, and neither do you." No. 283475
>>283473>I don't speak for all womenYou don't speak for
any women, TIMothy
No. 283477
>>283473This shit makes me absolutely livid. It's not just adult women getting catcalled, there are girls as young as 11 years old who face street harassment.
Autogynephilia is truly disgusting.
No. 283478
>>283257why is his dick semi-erect?
that's not a flaccid penis.
No. 283534
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>The night before my facial feminization surgery vs last night.Congrats you still look like a man No. 283538
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How sad kek
No. 283539
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The gym this dude goes to
>>283331 is Equinox, it's notoriously uber liberal
> The Genderqueer Heroes at Equinox Get It(
They have also banned someone from their gym for reporting sexual assault they experienced.
> Without an ounce of compassion, he told me I was banned from Equinox — that, as a private gym, they had the right to cancel my membership for any reason, and they’ve decided to terminate mine.(
So, wonder if they'd even do anything if someone reported this troon
No. 283540
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if nothing else gives them away, their awkward posing always does the trick kek
No. 283541
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>>283539He was qt as fuck. Kind of reminds me of a older Alex wolf. He gave up being an ok looking man to be a ugly woman. I wonder is he regrets that choice kek
No. 283545
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>>283541he looked so normal before too, he was in med school. Makes me worry….
No. 283572
>>283570Ugly face, no hips and rower's shoulders.
>>283473It's always the troons who love catcalling, no biological woman enjoys that shit. I mean, if men were any good at clocking troons, for all I care they could catcall them all they want, but can we leave actual women out of that shit?
No. 283590
>>283574not only that but some SA survivors get
triggered by seeing penises and stuff.
and the fact that most women don't get buck naked in front of eachother like it's normal…
No. 283608
>>283463I’ve only seen it online, where some of them will “call out” gay men on not wanting to date them, block anyone who doesn’t agree with them and eventually apologise for being “
problematic”. Women in general aren’t nearly as sexually aggressive or entitled as men. TiFs are an annoyance moreso than a threat.
No. 283610
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>>283365 made me think if this
No. 283634
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He tagged this vid #bootyfordays
No. 283637
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>>283634His ass looks so sad and manly.
No. 283654
>>283627Transgenderism is just homophobia disguised as progressivism. The recent focus on trans-ing gender nonconforming children is especially egregious since such kids usually turn out to be gay later in life.
It's also a great uniter of faiths too - conservative Christian parents are transitioning their GNC children so that they follow gender roles while Iran has a state-sponsored program for SRS with strict laws against homosexuality, so gay people are encouraged to transition.
No. 283658
>>283651Like the anon above me said:
>Transgenderism is just homophobia disguised as progressivism.You could have asked them if they are homophobic since transshit is either conversion therapy for gay people or oppression since they are pressuring lesbians into sleeping with men in dresses.
No. 283660
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I seriously can't wrap my mind around the fact that troons think insurance should pay for surgeries like facial feminization, boob job, nose job, etc. Oh so you're ~so dysphoric~ because you're ugly? There are plenty of ugly ladies out there and you don't see them petitioning for the government to pay for their nose job kek
>insurance says facial feminization is a cosmetic surgery and thus not covered>rrrEEEEEEE DYSPHORIA No. 283663
>>283654This makes me so sad and angry too.
I went through a phase of thinking I was trans because I was a tomboy and loved women. I even considered transitioning which would have fucked up my body for life.
I don't get why people don't revel in androgyny more. I'm wearing men's clothes if I want to without any ideas about passing as a man. Like, clothing and makeup are just visual things, if you prefer something that was made for a different gender it doesn't mean you're that gender. Just as I, a butch lesbian can wear man's shirts and boots, there is nothing wrong with a gay man experimenting with makeup.
No. 283664
>>283630He's also over 6ft…
No one is mistaking him for a woman IRL where you can't photoshop.
No. 283665
>>283658I had wanted to touch on the cotton ceiling, but I made my point mainly using the fact that dysphoria is a mental illness and that I don’t support people indulging in their mental illness. I had to water down a lot and say I want people with dysphoria to get
proper treatment (therapy, meds, hospitals, etc) and be happy and healthy individuals, but I don’t support the concept of transitioning.
i have BDD, I made the point that none of my doctors have ever encouraged me to indulge in my dysphoria, and that since getting treatment I’m thankful I didn’t. The topic came out of nowhere, I wish I was more prepared and wasn’t as nervous, otherwise I’d have made better points lol. Better luck next time.
No. 283668
>>283665My "gender dysphoria" came from internalized misogyny and deep-seated hatred for myself. It got fixed once I started therapy and realised there's nothing wrong with my body. So I see your point.
There is screening by a psychiatrist before people are allowed to legally change their sex, but for some reason people are getting encouraged to do it nowadays instead of getting offered a treatment.
No. 283671
>>283663I am happy for you that you didn't harm your health anon.
>>283665I have to admit to you that I was pro trans and a libfem because I hated the argument that being trans is a mental illness. It was the same for me to say that gay people are mentally ill. But as soon as people tried to explain to me that transgenderism is homophobia and all about cotton ceiling, I began to understand that I was wrong. I am now a TERF by definiton kek
No. 283675
>>283651I’ve had the same experience. It doesn’t help that most of the people I know who are openly against “trannies” are your run of the mill edgelords who cry that their freedom of speech is being infringed on when someone asks them to stop using homophobic or racist slurs. It’s like you’re either progressive and pro-trans or you’re a homophobic bigot. I’ve tried to explain that I dgaf if men are gay or gnc, I just don’t believe that people can be born in the wrong body or have opposite-sex brains. But apparently transactivists have ingrained themselves with LGBs so much that you can’t criticise the T separately so we’re all homophobes now. Even the lesbians!
>>283658Most trans people we know are transbians so the gay conversion thing was easily handwaved and each time I brought up the cotton ceiling they insisted that it’s not real and made up by Twitter trolls to make transwomen look crazy. They still believe that lesbians should be attracted to transwomen but not that transwomen are doing anything to pressure them. Transwomen are always innocent victims no matter what, the ones who prove to be violent perverts are just faking their transness and don’t represent true transwomen, concern for lesbians or gay children is a false front to disguise bigotry and we’re all secretly homophobes. It doesn’t matter what I say, I’m always the uninformed bigot who should educate myself. Even when they outright contradict themselves, it’s my fault for not being woke enough to understand. They’re impossible to reason with.
No. 283677
>>283660I recall that trannies blew a gasket when back in June WHO de-classified transgenderism as a mental disorder, since it meant that SRS and HRT would now be classified as cosmetic procedures and thus not be covered by health insurance. In the words of WE THE BEST MUSIC: Congratulations, you played yourself.
>>283663Yes, as a tomboy and a lesbian I believe that had I been born in this current generation I would have been transed. Kids don't know about gender roles, they just want to play with stuff their parents/siblings are doing.
>>283670I mean, what's wrong with being mentally ill? Getting offended that someone saying being trans is a mental illness (which is a symptom of body dysmorphia) implies that that mentally ill people are 'wrong' and inferior, and usually in libfem circles ableism is like racism but for brain problems.
No. 283678
>>283675Meant to say I dgaf if
anyone is gay or gnc, but funnily enough I’ve only ever been accused of homophobia towards gay men and transbians. I wonder why…
No. 283690
>>283663This happens so fucking frequently it stopped being funny ages ago. Including myself. I grew up as a tomboy, still like being androgynous, went through a trans phase. I couldn't shut up about how much my body made me dysphoric and how I hated my breasts and being addressed as a woman. Turns out it was just a good old load of internalized misogyny and repressed homosexuality, who'da thunkit???
It still haunts me though because I see a lot of young gender-nonconforming girls going through the same thing as I did. And nobody bats a goddamn eye, instead they're ENCOURAGING them to become men. I haven't seen lesbians in ages because they themselves or their girlfriends have been transitioning on a rapid speed during the last few years. I literally have no mouth and I must scream.
No. 283731
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The pandering
No. 283732
>>283731I honestly think that introducing yourself with pronouns is the most attention-grabby thing ever.
I was at a social gathering with a new person once and instead of, you know, asking our names first, she asked our preferred pronouns. Before names. Fucking stupid.
No. 283758
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It's so nice to be back on tumblr… sike!
The absolute state of whoever made this picture
No. 283829
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Weird little thing I've seen cropping up a lot: many Facebook "comedy" groups are now requiring you to pledge trans and or/sex work acceptance before you can join. Most of the questions I've encountered in the group applications specifically ask you to recognize MtT people as female. This particular group was about nail shaming, why do they have to make these questions relevant? Insanity
No. 283830
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>>283829Also this gem from a group that's supposed to be calling out internalized misogyny. Ironic and amazing.
No. 283857
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>>283732Some clients of mine work for a University, and everyone at the university has pronouns in their email signature. It's ridiculous.
>>283829What does this have to do with comedy? What is nail shaming in this context?
No. 283874
>>283830>how many gendersThat's a fuckin trick question! Now every nonbinary made up shit counts, so what fucking answer do they honestly expect? "Male, female, agender, nonbinary transmasculine, nonbinary transfeminine, maverickgender, two-spirit…"
- "You missed demiboys, demigirls and neutroix gender sorry you can't join"
>>283829>nail shaming group>recognize mtt as womenWhy do all these shaming groups get so worked up over social justice? Ultimately they're still mean spirited, it just looks two faced. It's like Luna asking to be validated and complimented for looking like a wreck and then turning around and ragging on Abby Brown for looking trashy and hating on fat people. At least lolcow doesn't have some wack pretense of being morally holier-than-thou while shitting on people. Imagine if before posting here we had to fill a questionaire of shit like "does gender exist beyond a biological reality? if yes, why?", "do you respect the right of women to have their own spaces apart from men?" and "does it count as sexual harrassment and discrimination when lesbians refuse to have sex with formerly male persons?" You know most people here would have similar opinions but it'd still be stupid as fuck on a site dedicated to shitposting about weird people
No. 283897
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More shower room exposing. You can tell this is totally a sexual thing for him.
No. 283942
>>283895Lmao that's ridiculous. I respect sex workers, but at that point how does it even factor into the groups? You can't say "this makeup makes her look like a whore", so instead of "whore" you have to say "bitch" or something generic? The meaning is still rude, this changes nothing lol. For all their progressiveness, they still don't mind shitting on women. If they're gonna be catty, just be openly catty!
>group ban people who were offering constructive criticism to a MtT because they were "being transphobic.Badly passing troons get a pass because "she only just started her journey as a woman, anon UwU" but they do not extend the same courtesy to real women. If you haven't had the privilege to learn and use makeup, do your hair nicely and dress well - fuck you! Unless you got a feminine penis, then yas slay queen :)
>>283918>will fetishize the hell out of gay men. (You can see these un tumblr smut art)It's like ourobouros, they're back to the starting point and eating each other now. The new thing getting a lot of support is being anti-yaoi because it fetishizes gay men. The kicker? This is propagated by femboi ftms. The type with anime avatars, cutesy typing, coloured hair, makeup in selfies, pastel clothes and posts about "I wish daddy would fuck my gay ass and call me a faggot :3". Nothing masculine about them, just wanting to get in on the trans label. I'm not exaggerating either. Not-Like-The-Other Women fetishizing gay men objecting to other women fetishizing gay men.
No. 283947
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Oh man
No. 283949
>>283918>le fetishizing gay men memeyeah just stop there anon
>>283940This. They're annoying as fuck but basically tragic and harmless. There's a thread on fakebois in /snow/ and most of them are girls with a lot of internalized misogyny and self-loathing. They're not out there yelling at gay cismen to fuck them like transbians or invading male spaces because in actuality they're scared to death of men.
>>283942>Not-Like-The-Other Women fetishizing gay men objecting to other women fetishizing gay men.Also this. The ones pushing the retarded "fujos are fetishizing gay men reee" narrative are usually transboys who are committing what someone could call the gay black face. They're the ones who claim to be male, present constantly as female because "crossdressing teehee" and start screaming at cisfujos for "fetishizing their sexuality". It's so fucked up. It's just another form of "not like other girls" syndrome.
No. 283955
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Is it now a crime to say “women don’t have penises”? A police force and a City mayor seem to think it might be. They are promising to investigate women who say so. That question arises because some women are putting up stickers in public places bearing those words. Some of those stickers are pink and shaped like penises. The point being made is that some people believe that if you have a penis, you’re not a woman. Other people believe that some women have penises. It is perfectly possible to be recognised in law as a trans woman while retaining fully-functional male genitals, and some estimates suggest the majority of those describe themselves as trans women still have their male anatomy intact. This is the bedrock of the dispute between trans rights advocates and feminists. To the latter, biology trumps language: it doesn’t matter what you call yourself or what you think you are, if you have a penis, you are a potential threat to women.Continue reading at No. 283959
>>282093Is any one else as bothered as I am reading doctors referring to the surgically constructed facsimiles of female organs by their female anatomical names? IIRC in decades past they were prefixed with
Oh, the subtle erasure.
No. 283962
>>281498And regarding Beatie:
Transgender Thomas Beatie, 44, shocked the world when pictures of him cradling a baby bump were released in 2007.He carried three children after becoming pregnant through artificial insemination and recently had a fourth child, Jackson, with his second wife Amber, 48, who both appeared on This Morning with him on Monday.Speaking on the ITV show, Mr Beatie revealed he would have to have a cesarean section if he were to get pregnant again, as since carrying his third child, he has had bottom surgery to give him male genitalia so wouldn't be able to give birth naturally.'I wouldn't want to tear anything unnecessarily,' he joked. to KF for rounding up these articles. The Articles and Weird News threads have been particularly gender critical lately.
No. 283963
>>283918I only know one trans-identifying woman who’s actually transitioning and taking hormones. Her story is a really sad one, since she’s a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and a lesbian from a homophobic family. Transitioning doesn’t just make her genderconforming and “straight”, it allows her to distance herself from her femaleness which she blames for the assault. She rejects being a woman because she associates it with weakness, helplessness and victimhood. Her internalised misogyny can be frustrating but in the end I just feel bad for her, because her situation sucks.
The rest are all enbies/demibois/spaceprinxes or some other made up nonsense that allows them to act and dress like typical girls while yelling that they’re not women and need he/him or they/them pronouns. Many of them are into alt fashions like lolita, fairy kei or party kei (lol) and always saying that bois can like pink frilly dresses too!! UwU Every time they explain why they don’t identify as women they call on negative stereotypes of women as if they’re accurate representations of womanhood, so not identifying with those stereotypes must mean they’re not women at all. If you’re not a two-dimensional sitcom character who sucks at math and only cares about primping in the mirror, you’re apparently not really a woman. But men can definitely wear prink frilly dresses and makeup and have a vagina and still be men!
>>283957It’s pretty telling that they couldn’t even be bothered to come up with something less dehumanising.
No. 283964
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What was so offensive, you ask?
No. 283968
>>283963Become a man in order to be a woman, because being a woman is only powerful when men choose to do it.
How has it come to this?
No. 283969
>>283949Samefagging but this is from an experience that I had a fakeboi coming to me one to rant about her favorite female character getting shipped with another female char and call it gross and sexualizing lesbian. While she's doing the same thing.
My claim of fakeboi fetishizing gay men is when I look from outside the dumblr ouroboros. It's fakebois calling out other fakebois and usual ship wars.
They're of course, 'harmless' to other people. But what would they do if they grow up and cosplaying boys stopped being fun?
No. 283979
>>283857 I do volunteer work for a company that sends reusable menstrual products to women in Africa.
The owner has put her pronouns in her email signature and has started saying we can't use the term "women" or "girls" anymore.
No. 283981
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>>283980The entire scholarly journal article with the raw survey data has been uploaded to KF No. 283982
>>283979They are now "people who menstruate from their front holes" I suppose?
This insidious ideological indoctrination must be so confusing to the women who receive their service.
No. 283983
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No. 283992
>>283984Gender dysphoria IS a mental illness, some people should just get over it
In fact, I find it worse that the same people who have it feel offended if you say it, that means they think having a mental illness is something to be ashamed then?
No. 284021
>>283983 >>283992>>283995 >>284010I think that what irks me, personally, and also causes confusion with other radfems is that troonactivism plainly and bluntly refuses to say "sex dysphoria" when they mean it, because "sex" is like, Big Bad Word or something. I agree that gender dysphoria means discomfort with gender roles, because that's… what that means… but I think transactivists often mean distress over your sex characteristics. Which would be sex dysphoria, and not ~uwu gendah duwusphoriwi~.
I've talked to trans people who had urges, more like pulsions than intrusive thoughts, to get rid of their sex characteristics, to claw at their breasts or at their dick, and get the other sex's.
<powerlevel> In that sense, it would be closer to the type of psychosis-induced dysphoria I had when my brain was yelling at me for months on end that
I needed to claw at my throat and arms and chest and make a wound to let """The God""" that lived in me get out (I had divine delusions that I'm still trying to decipher).
But just like these urges of mine were not handled and decreased by allowing me to
claw my throat open and graft eyes all over my body because it's what my """God Form""" was, sex dysphoria should not be handled by allowing people to give in to their urges… The truwuns community is a shitshow or enabling and festering ground for munchausen by proxy.
Sorry for the blogpost.
No. 284029
>>284018You can have gender dysphoria AND other mental illnesses at the same time you know…
body dysmorphia does have something to do with gender identity when (i.e.) healthy women take out their uterus because thay want to become a man, the same with breasts
No. 284036
>>284029>You can have gender dysphoria AND other mental illnesses at the same time you know… yeah, obviously, i know that. i reject the idea that it's a separate issue unrelated to these comorbid illnesses. that was my point.
>body dysmorphia does have something to do with gender identity when (i.e.) healthy women take out their uterus because thay want to become a man, the same with breastsdysmorphia is basically severe OCD and/or anxiety anyways that just presents itself differently. i think 'gender dysphoria' is the same. it doesn't need to be, imo, a separate diagnosis because it allows troons to lay the groundwork for "i developed like this in the womb! my brain doesn't match my body!!".
No. 284046
>>283955I wrote "women don't have penises" in my lefty college chalkboard (it's in the common room and anyone can write what they want). I was told it would be erased for being "offensive". I argued back that it was offensive for me that someone with a penis would call themselves a woman and the response I got from another girl was "I think it's offensive too but you can't be transphobic".
I want to print these and stick them everywhere on campus but I'm afraid to because I'm about to graduate and
I can't believe women fought so hard only for things to end up this way.
No. 284052
>>284046move the goalposts anon, instead of focusing on "women not having penises" be super positive about the good sides of young female socialisation and periods - it drives them up the wall because it's something they can never claim as men.
It is quite scary to think that there are so many places now where disagreeing with delusional people can make you lose your job and reputation.
No. 284056
>>283895Okay so this culture is what is called “leftbook,” which is both a part of “weird facebook” and also at this point maybe bigger than/eclipsing weird fb. How did it start? Raids, groups of essentially tumblr leftists (but older lol) taking over mod/admin in groups. Building groups themselves too of course. Shaming groups were weird Facebook but now are mostly leftbook, because these are peopl who NEED to shame and look down on others but the targets have to be the politically viable ones (“cis” people, white people etc).
The leftbook quizzes function as a way to create a “safe space” away from pretty much anyone who would question the current acceptable groupthink.
They’re also cringe as fuck and FULL of drama. So many big leftbook/wokebook people are absolute lolcows
No. 284080
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No. 284132
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Holy shit. These clothes look ridiculous. And according to his post history this man is at least 28 years old. Creepy.
No. 284133
>>284056This reminds me of LJ in the last few years I was still on there. LJ wank communities were the first place I ran into SJWs saying that “misgendering” is the worst kind of abuse, “dumb” is an awful ableist slur etc. Mods either changed or were replaced and fun wank communities turned into virtue signalling competitions. I think tumblr already existed back then but it wasn’t very big yet. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the same people are now involved in these FB groups.
>>284080Own them by doing exactly what they said you’d do…?
No. 284134
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Why do FtM often seem to think they can easily pass as men by just cutting their hair short and wearing masculine clothes? Millions of normal women like wearing short hair and pants and still look female doing so. They're not an exception.
No. 284135
>>284132You always know you have a troon in front of you because they obsess over wearing thigh high tights.
What normal fucking person wears those things on a day-to-day basis?
No. 284136
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This one wants to be Victoria Secret model apparently
No. 284151
An update from the guy who exposed himself in the women's locker room:
>Regarding the hypothetical cis-gendered women who might be uncomfortable by the sight of my genitals in the locker room, I would say that yes, change is uncomfortable, but change happens nonetheless. I imagine that there were white women who were unhappy when they suddenly began seeing black women in their locker rooms after they were desegregated. There was a period of adjustment. This is now seen as totally normal.Love white guys appropriating black struggle. Black women and white women sharing spaces "is now seen as totally normal"? Now? In most of the world black and white people were never even segregated, you fucking yankee. Don't fucking act like the black women's struggle is somehow comparable to your trans shit. Of course black women belong in WOMEN-only spaces, unlike your male ass.
There's an obvious difference between the oppressor excluding the oppressed from spaces and the oppressed excluding the oppressor from spaces. Spaces are women-only for our safety, it's not about you. And this guy can't even be respectful while using spaces that aren't supposed to include him.
No. 284156
>>284154lol it's funny because black women are more likely to be anti trans than white women. Sorry buddy black women don't want to see your dick either.
Actually, he's really lucky he pulled this around upper middle class white women, I can't even imagine what would happen if he tried this in a changing room full of Hispanic and black girls.
No. 284160
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These people are beyond spoiled kek
No. 284166
>>284154>>284157They also love dragging in black women with the cotton ceiling thing.
>lesbians turning someone down because of his penis is like refusing to date a black girl because she’s black!!!So either having a sexual orientation is as bad as racism or black women are also a non-woman
No. 284169
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>>284151In response to pic
>This is so beautifully put, and thank you for being vulnerable about your feelings. Ew
>So I'm a non-op lady and happy to be so. I love my dick and everything about it. I'm full-time and I use all the women's facilities everywhere I go. But I don't think it's ever crossed me to walk around naked in a women's space. For multiple reasons. I don't want to trigger anyone. I don't want to be threatening. And frankly, I don't go to the women's room to see penises either.
>Some people may have been raped and be uncomfortable seeing a vagina>Okay, how about other qualities that the vast majority of women don't have? Many women have been raped by people who had beards or were very muscular. Does that mean cis women who have beards because of PCOS or very muscular cis women who use female changing rooms without hiding their bodies are being inconsiderate too?Always this fucking black/tall/hairy/muscular etc women look like men rethoric…
>I am extremely uncomfortable going to the men's changing rooms too yet assholes like yourself want me to keep going to it.Why is their discomfort worth more than ours?
No. 284181
>>284169>Some people may have been raped and be uncomfortable seeing a vaginaBut those people are usually aware enough to know they might see a vagina in a locker room, especially if they ask staff to confirm whether nudity is explicitly permitted in the room, like when changing at a swimming pool. And then they'll make alternate arrangements to avoid seeing vaginas.
But nobody expects to see penis and/or other male characteristics in a FEMALE changing room. Or is the burden now on women to anticipate any female space to also possibly contain men? At that point why even mark anything as being for women, just make it a free for all. At least Danielle Muscato types won't have to bother with the pretense of a feminine name.
No. 284183
>>284021i'm glad you're doing better anon.
anyways, tbh, autogynephiles are incapable of understanding this kind of pain, because they're entirely self obsessed and will throw Actual Dysphorics under the bus often.
No. 284188
>>284132I love how transbians always dress like they went and bought everything from the women's section of Amazon on sale… you know what I mean? Just, cheap weeb garbage, and cotton spandex blends, or whatever because they're too ~smol and soft~ to go outside to buy stuff.
The real reason AGPs look and dress shitty, in ways that no woman would, even a poorly dressed one, and in ways that are weird in a way actual females sometimes can't put a finger on, is because the fetish doesn't need coordination, it just needs to have the fetishized objects. also, because they want to turn themselves into the cool manic pixie alt girls that would never have wanted to fuck their soft, flabby, tabletop playing, tech nerd, r/traaaannnnnssss, creepoid asses in high school. They fixate on these alt girls.
How many troons want to be "punk" or "goth gfs" or "trans rad dykes"? But, alas, male nerds don't understand fashion, only the trappings of it, that they obsess over, because they're AGPs, and fixation is part of the kink.
(Also, I guarantee these nerds only wore nerd culture graphic tees and khakis before they trooned out.)
tldr: skirt make my pee pee hard, what do you mean it's a shit wig and bad material???!!??
No. 284189
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>Will I ever stop being jealous?>Almost every time I see a pretty cis girl, I'm beyond jealous and get depressed as a result. I always get this way no matter what. I've tried thinking differently, I've tried avoiding looking at people. But it still happens…. Will this ever go away? Or should I spend thousands of dollars on therapist just to help one problem?To men, how much a woman is worth is solely based on her appearance and fuckability, so no wonder this kind of thinking is so common even in adult TiMs.
>I'm fulltime, but it's still really bad. It feels like something worse than what cis women go through. Because for me it feels like I'll never be able to look as good as them because I was born this way.Classic, a man thinking his problems are worse and more important than those of women. Women have it so easy, am I right? Fucking incels.
No. 284191
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Sometimes a part of me wishes I could've stayed in the dark of "wokeness". This thread opened my eyes a lot and all the points made here are good, and it's terrifying to realize the truth because it's really bad. Transactivism is a step backwards in the history. All the progress we've made got thrown out of the window, biology is now "hate speech", pointing out facts while being a woman makes you a TERF who will get death/rape threats. They found a way to harrass and assault women AND somehow be in the right, because you dared to point out that the emperor is not wearing any clothes, he's naked, so you are the bad guy and they are justified in sending any threat in your direction.
It's literally the witch hunt era all over again. And it's fucking serious
No. 284198
>>284190why the fuck would you buy that, anon? i'm sure you look good in it, but it's so damn ugly that i thought it was like 3 separate pieces cobbled together off amazon and the hot topic clearance section
>>284191it's terrifying, anon. my mom is in the medical field and sees a lot of tranny patients and we always talk about how sick these men are, but i worry all of the time and i have to remind her to not say anything to them because i'm scared she's going to literally get attacked by her patients or have them try to ruin her career for being transphobic
No. 284201
>>283980. The majority of the trans identified youth in the study had been diagnosed with mental disorders prior to identifying as trans.
Gender dysphoria will be reclassified in the next edition of the ICD.
Gender incongruence, meanwhile, has also been moved out of mental disorders in the ICD, into sexual health conditions. The rationale being that while evidence is now clear that it is not a mental disorder, and indeed classifying it in this can cause enormous stigma for people who are transgender, there remain significant health care needs that can best be met if the condition is coded under the ICD. No. 284203
>>284201i think this is even worse. now it's going to be likened to intersex/just another side of the coin of the neurophysiological aberration shit.
it's obvious it's just the result of other mental problems, and in the case of straight men, NPD, pornsickness, and male entitlement.
No. 284231
>>284198My stepmother is also a nurse and she thinks the same that transgender people are mentally ill. She told me that her colleagues and even a station doctor make critical remarks about trans people in their work place. But in front of other people they are quiet. They have all the same opinion that transgenderism is a capitalistic move like the yearly panicmongering of a new kind of special flu and so we need to get a vaccination immediately. All sane medical staff think so but they keep being quiet because a lot of MONEY is flowing!
Oh btw and when was the last panicmongering of a new kind of special flu? Right, it's been years and it happened parallel to the rise of trans people getting more and more hrt. Strange huh?
No. 284273
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So in a FB group i'm in a woman posted about how she feels like trans community reduced women to their appearance. I didn't get a whole screenshot of her post bc so many people were commenting that the app crashed and I can't find the post again
No. 284274
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>>284273of course the comments are stupid as fuck
No. 284275
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>>284273Someone with sense replied and of course were met with
>educate yourself reeeEEEEE No. 284280
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full original post + some of the most cringeworthy comments
>congrats, you were born with the body that trans women have to fight for, earn and risk dying for. you proud of yourself?
No. 284285
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No. 284299
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he could at least shave
No. 284303
>>284299I thought that was john green when I first looked.
I'm still not sure it isnt.
No. 284313
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"This never happens you stupid witch terf!''
No. 284322
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No. 284331
>>284327my bad, i misread it as tygressofaera which i know is a real trans blog but as
>>284328 says, especially with the likes of danielle muscato, its poes law.
No. 284361
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No. 284382
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Reddit troons are too funny. This overweight incel teenager calls himsel a ''lesbian'', has a hard on against terfs and genuinely believe troons get period. No. 284390
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>>283963>It's pretty telling that they couldn't even be bothered to come up with anything less dehumanising.The first thing I thought of when I read "front holes" was this shitty graphic that incels like to use.
No. 284395
>>284370i love this interpretation of privilege because it's not based on any kind of real power hierarchy so it just cancels itself out.
feminine cis women are privileged because troons wish they looked like them.
k, then troons are privileged because transmen wish they could have their big square jaws and linebacker shoulders.
it's like saying all tan people are privileged because you wish you could go out without getting a sunburn, just completely ignoring the fact that a lot of tan people want to be pale.
No. 284397
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>I am trying to figure out if I am really trans or am just FUCKED for years and years of looking at this. Found when I was like 13 and I am now 25.
>And I feel like theres the part of me where I still am the normal male me without any of these desires. I've always had them on and off for this, because ive always kinda looked at this stuff, but yeah. It's gotten to the point where I am spending a lot of time admiring trans timelines and getting excited over the idea. I am peeing sitting down by habit. I've been practicing walking, voice, and I bought a dress. I don't want this, I want my male future, I want to get my girlfriend back (we're on a break atm because both our mental health is critical) and have the future we planned.
>AMAB, 25, 6 foot 7Fucking pornsick men. I wish people would see that part of those poor oppressed transwomen are just sick fetishists.
No. 284399
>>284397this one is kind of sad to me but also jfc, grow a spine. can't these men just be good old fashioned cross dressers ffs?
feeling excited when you see a transformation pic doesn't mean shit. i'm sure drag queens find that stuff interesting too. if you're a man into a stereotypical feminine look for yourself, of course it's going to be fun to imagine looking really passing and pretty. tell me why wanting to dress up like a pretty woman sometimes means you need to force yourself to pretend you're not male and possibly mangle yourself?
No. 284404
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>"Damn bro, if you're 6 foot 7 you'll never be passable as a girl. Better to just stay a guy" - Thanks random redditor. What are the the best and worst reddit comments you've gotten?
>Not Reddit, but IRL. I was 6'7" when I started transitioning and was told the exact same thing by a lesbian friend who later ate her words.
>She present as tomboyish/soft butch and we've worked together on some projects. She was supportive but had her concerns that I would never pass being so tall. (I eventually lost nearly 2 inches in height over the next two years.) Anyway, I went full time after being on HRT for 3 or 4 months and 6 months after HRT we went all (her, my wife, another friend, and I) to a new local restaurant. My friend and I walked up and I asked to put my name, down, which is gender neutral, for a table of 4 and I was gendered female which I had been for nearly 3 months. We waited at the bar for a little while and when she went to the hostess to see how much longer she was sir'd. We both ended up having a big laugh about that one.
Dude… the hostess clocked you and then thought your butch lesbian friend was a tranner like you.
Also found this post by him. Pisses me off that he went to an event for tall women. Organisers probably will reach peak trans soon if more and more troons attend their meetings. Also, I'm so embarrassed about his ugly ass outfit and shoes while the women next to him look beautiful, bet they're secretly judging him hard, lmao.
No. 284430
>>284424Reminds me of this:
>ESL, which hosts Counter-Stike: Global Offensive tournaments — some of which are only open to women — currently requires a passport or other government-issued ID to prove the gender of each teammate participating in the tournament. This, the organization said, was to prevent against the numerous men who were attempting to troll the tournament by posing as women.
>Someone using the name Sly Buehl Rigilio, who appears to be a member of a trolling group that goes by the name Rigatoni Family, told BuzzFeed News that they were a group of transgender women who were denied entry because they could not present the necessary documents to assuage ESL's concerns about trolls. Though the group's aim was to embarrass the media and poke fun at ESL's attempt to foster a community of professional women gamers, they unknowingly helped the ESL identify issues both with their credential process as well as the way their representatives handle that process.
>After Rigilio went to BuzzFeed and news spread, ESL decided to look into how to revise its rules so transgender women who have not had the opportunity to go through the bureaucratic process of updating their official documents can still have a chance to compete in a tournament among fellow gamers they identify with.
>It doesn't seem like much of a stretch that this group would attempt to troll ESL and BuzzFeed in the manner described above. Fortunately, some good came of it despite their best efforts. >Fortunately, some good came of it despite their best efforts. You can't make this shit up.
Here's the original Buzzfeed article: No. 284431
File: 1535023410026.jpg (96.27 KB, 1024x365, F5LYUAKtEW8Er_SK2WR8zQMwl5kyTp…)

Once again, they made the MtF characters look dainty and cute while the TERF character look like a male.
No. 284442
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>>284431i loved the shittiness of this comic so much i wanted to make my own version
No. 284465
>>284462This is some shoe0nhead
>the world clearly loves women more than men because it treats them like retarded children instead of rational humans“logic”. Checkmate feminists!!1
No. 284469
>>284280What a bunch of sad cows. Must be tragic to live without self esteem.
It's also funny how they can only speak through memes.
No. 284505
>>284285Fuck everything about this. No, you cannot tell me how to be more feminine, you troon
>>284462This, too, can fuck off forever.
No. 284513
>>284507I still can't get over the fact that not wanting to have sex with someone is considered transphobia. That is a straight up entitled male opinion
>denying me sex is oppressionBut somehow it is now also the progressive sjw leftie opinion.
Nobody is entitled to sex. It is not oppression if someone doesn't want to fuck you. I'm thinking about ftm as well here, some of them say the same thing. But if a straight cis woman said she was oppressed because someone didn't want to fuck her she'd be laughed out of town.
No. 284516
transsexual is now transphobic because it pathologizes gender identity.
queer has been redefined as transgender after having been a decades old slur reclaimed by gays and lesbians during the 80s.
No. 284520
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Touché, troons!
No. 284521
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>>284520Update on Magdalen's health. A few days ago she said, "My cancer is incurable… I'll obvs fight all I can but the truth is I'll probably be dead within the next 5 years. it hurts; it does but that's the reality of this thing. it sucks but that's life, good people suffer and die."
No. 284524
>>284521such fucking bullshit that this incredible, fiercely intelligent woman has to deal with this. the strongest young female advocate/public figure we have and this has to happen. fuck.
and it showcases the callousness of the TA community that they know full well she's suffering with cancer and they still strawman her and attack her ruthlessly.
No. 284532
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>>284461ot, but I love John's videos. His voice is so soothing.
>>284521Mags is doing so much good in the world, she doesn't deserve this bullshit. I'm so angry at the universe that this brilliant person and her loved ones have to go through this.
>>284530Here's another one from liverpool resisers: No. 284533
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>>284054They are clearly third wave liberal feminists.
No. 284538
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Totes not a fetish uwu~
No. 284557
>>284462The fact that this has 125 likes (probably more by now) is infuriating. For a while now, I've been growing really uneasy with libfems denying that transwomen have or ever had male privilege or them denying that sex-based oppression exists. That combined with how feminism is treated in the mainstream media - how you're immediately mocked for saying the word patriarchy or misogyny. Or how "respect women" is literally a meme. And the bizaare shift away from actually important female issues and onto dumb bullshit and desperately trying to make men feel included in the feminist movement.
It was just all starting to make me wonder if people even believe in misogyny or systemic sexism at all. It seems like it should be an obvious yes just by looking at the world around you. But more and more, I'm coming across liberals and "progressives" and "feminists" who don't even seem to believe this. They'll acknowledge racism, classism, "transphobia", sometimes homophobia, but it's like a lot of them straight up don't believe that women are oppressed at all.
Idk how anyone, especially someone who is aware enough to recognize other social hierarchies, can deny something so blatantly true. It's a really disturbing shift and it makes me really nervous. Trans bullshit really will be the downfall of women's rights. Men have found a way to infiltrate the feminist movement and give themselves unquestionable authority. And surprise surprise, their rhegoric is inching closer and closer to the belief that women aren't oppressed at all and actually sometimes actively oppress men as a class. They've found a way to make themselves an authority on what womanhood is and how women are because they can call themselves women now if you express any doubt about this you're evil. They're stopping any chance for large scale progress for women by destroying the feminist movement from the inside out.
No. 284626
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>>283980Screenshot and select passages posted in the KF thread.
Parents have described clusters of gender dysphoria outbreaks occurring in pre-existing friend groups with multiple or even all members of a friend group becoming gender dysphoric and transgender-identified in a pattern that seems statistically unlikely based on previous research [1–5]. Parents describe a process of immersion in social media, such as “binge-watch-ing” Youtube transition videos and excessive use of Tumblr, immediately preceding their child becoming gender dysphoric. These descriptions are atypical for the presentation of gender dysphoria described in the research literature [1–5] and raise the question of whether social influences may be contributing to or even driving these occurrences of gender dysphoria in some populations of adolescents and young adults.The trajectories of the AYAs were not consistent with the narrative of discovering one’s authentic self and then thriving. Specifically, parents reported that, after “coming out,” their children exhib- ited a worsening of their mental well-being. Additionally, parents noted worsening of the parent- child relationship and observed that their children had narrowed their interests.Although small numbers of AYAs had improvement in mental well-being (12.6%), parent-child relationship (7.4%), grades/academic performance (6.4%), and had broadened their interests and hobbies (5.1%); the most common outcomes were worsened mental well-being (47.2%); wors- ened parent child relationship (57.3%); unchanged or mixed grades/academic performance (59.1%); and a narrowed range of interests and hobbies (58.1%). One parent describing her child’s trajectory offered, “After announcing she was transgender, my daughter’s depression increased significantly. She became more withdrawn. She stopped participating in activities which she pre- viously enjoyed, stopped participating in family activities, and significantly decreased her interac- tion with friends. Her symptoms became so severe that she was placed on medication by her physician.” No. 284627
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You can sponsor this on patreon
No. 284629
>>284533They are.
I'm being forced to back down because they now threatened to
sue for "transphobia" and since it's a cult there's pretty much a 100% guarantee that they'll have a lawyer willing to actually go through with this for free, and I don't have the money to defend myself.
I'm seething with anger and there's nothing I can do about it.
No. 284634
>>284631Brazil. I have no idea how anyone could twist that statement into harassment or anything that could possibly hold up in court but I don't have the money to find out in case they manage to.
Because I'm a confrontational idiot I did it in front of everyone so at the very least there are a bunch of witnesses.
And I still can't believe I'm even having this conversation. What kind of bizarre dystopia are we living in?
No. 284636
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>because trans women actually have to work for that shit
I’m sorry, but dressing up in tacky women’s clothing and choosing to have your penis inverted isn’t “working hard”. These people act like they were forced to become trans.
Also the op identifies as a transbian…who would’ve guessed. Imagine being a troon and having the audacity to say you’re more of a woman than actual women, but still expect cis lesbians to be attracted to you.
No. 284657
>>284646It is and it's only natural that it is, we're immersed in US culture 24/7 with TV, series, books, music, internet - we (middle class) share the same american environment despite the physical distance. Ideology comes with it.
And yup, federal uni, humanities major. I don't think it gets any leftier.
>>284652Yes, same here, and it really is some serious brainwashing. I think people don't even care much about this or give it any thought, they're in too big of a hurry to be woke and too afraid to be labeled a bigot to question.
>I'm a good person, good people are supportive of gays and lesbians and blacks and equality is important let's accept every group that says they're oppressed, only a bad person bolsominion would question LGBT dogmaIt's thought-terminating and convenient too, people are lazy and this saves the effort of thinking critically about anything, guarantees social acceptance, and provides the pleasure of knowing you're morally right.
No. 284686
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>Emperor's new crossdressBrilliant, anon!
No. 284700
>>284563So a person born with vagina, but it still doesn't define my womanhood.
>>284574Yes i'd much rather be defined by something i do rather than something i'm born as.
No. 284708
>>284700>i'd much rather be defined by something i do rather than something i'm born as.Same. That's why we're gender critical. We don't want to be defined by our gender. Transgender ideologists, on the other hand, want to be defined by their gender.
>>284705Anon, that was too obvious. Before this post, I thought there was a chance you're just some curious person and not just someone trying to troll us. Whatever.
No. 284716
>>284707>My being a woman is defined by my bodyOur bodies are so different why does that make sense??
>>284715team XX reporting in stay mad cunt.
No. 284721
>>284719What about people who have neither or partially both genitalia?
>>284720i'm most likely the only person here whos karyotypes have been tested and they came out XX.
No. 284726
>>284724Wtf are you talking about. You were asking why women are defined by their genitalias and now you're asking about being excluded from places?
Begone troon.
No. 284729
>>284726what if they were intersex
>>283897 you'd happily exclude them
No. 284734
>>284731I should mention that I (>>284730) am not the person you responded to.
>but you're okay with someone who's gone through surgical means to become woman?In my experience intersex have no problem acknowledging they're intersex. And are intersex people comparable?
>>284731>New guidelines are against it thoughThe fuck? Why?
No. 284735
>>284700Nobody’s talking about your genitals defining who you are as a person, they only define your sex. Trans activists are saying that who you are as a person is what defines your sex, i.e. if you like stereotypically masculine things you’re male and if you “feel” like a woman you’re female. Gender critical people say that the only thing that defines your sex is your biology (genitals) and that your sex does not matter in who you are as a person.
Trans activists are the ones bringing identity into this, not us.
No. 284738
>>284733Okay fair enough, but what's the difference, one is medically induced intersexuality and other is born intersexuality?
>>284734Because the nerves haven't developed and many of them are unhappy, basically it's much better to have neo-vagina made when you're an adult because it'll have feeling and you can have sex and enjoy it, but if it's done as a child they have to keep expanding it as it doesn't grow with the body and it'll have no feeling. Also don't you think it's a bit unethical to perform what is mostly a cosmetic surgery on child who has no opinion on it?
>>284735>Gender critical people say that the only thing that defines your sex is your biology (genitals) and that your sex does not matter in who you are as a person.This a thing i agree with but i have a trouble understanding why do so many GC people aim to have female only spaces.
>>284736I didn't say they were but they have a lot in common in terms of the treatments.
No. 284739
>>284738>medically induced intersexualityKek. My sides. How does getting fake boobs and fake hormones change your chromosomes?
begone tranny, holy shit.
No. 284742
>>284739Intersexuality most of the time isn't about chromosomes, it's more about hormonal disturbance during when they're a fetus. Also both females and males have estrogen & androgen.
>>284741Well those are extraordinarly rare abnormals.
No. 284752
>>284683Sage for OT but holy shit anon, don't post that kind of crap
>no such thing as objective truthCorrect, but that notion has been around for centuries. Not po-mo.
>no such thing as objective moralityCorrect, not po-mo either, and has been around for quite some time. We used to have god as a source of objective morality but Nietzsche killed the dude and now all we have is hysterical SJWism and Netflix. But I'm not sure why anyone think this is a bad thing, moral nihilism is a starting point, not an end goal (as Nietzsche said, humanity is a bridge, not a destination), and the "objective morality" we used to have is the one that said women's only purpose is to serve our husbands and pop out kids. Good fucking riddance.
>narrativesYeah that one is stupid
>authorial intent is forbiddenThat was the most painful one to read, if there were a prize for stupidity this would take the fucking cake. I'm even embarrassed to be currently browsing a website where this would be posted. How does anyone ever even write such a thing. I don't even know how to explain how stupid this is because it's just so misled
Authorial intent is literally unavoidable, every author has an intention in mind when he writes a book. Nobody would try to prevent that because it's pointless and impossible, and I know we like to mock post modernism but nobody is that dumb. What
did happen was that a few critics believed the author should stop being an authority figure regarding his work and that we should stop looking up to him for the "correct interpretation." Whatever an author might intend, it doesn't really mean he succeeded and that the meaning he wanted to convey even
is present in his work. Those french degenerates just highlighted the fact that public reception and impact is part of the process and that a finished work's meaning is not dictated by the author.
And even then, a few people jumped in saying "yoooooo wait wait what the fuck, you can't just KILL the author like that, he's an important figure for the readers too! You already killed god, calm your fucking tits!" because people like the abomination who made this pic expect the author to descend from the sky and present them with sweet, sweet, "correct meaning".
Sorry for the wall of text and yes, I am indeed
triggered No. 284766
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>>284752Transgenderism is informed by Postmodernism. This 1997 book knowingly coined the term Pomosexual. The feels over reals gender ideology proposed within and in similar publications of that time period was the beginning of my peak trans. Heterosexual women identifying as gay men? Or even no fixed gender? Not so thinly veiled autogynephilic erotica?
Simultaneously the third wave fully embraced choice feminism which validates trans ideology.
No. 284767
>>284700You're conflating womanhood with stereotypes, idiot
A person born with a vagina is a woman, female. A person born with a dick is male. Intersex are abnormalities that happen in the development, and in that case it's a more grey area, but it doesn't mean that "normal" people should use their struggles. If you don't have any development abnormaly, if you're XX and have a vagina, news, you're a woman, even if you chop your boobs and insert a flesh tube in your vagina.
Just because a person is born without legs it doesn't mean humans aren't bipedal lol
No. 284771
>>284766Oh, absolutely, relativism taken to the point of reality denial and definition erasure is po-mo insanity, I was just referring to the picture. Sorry about the sperg.
And yeah, I peak transed when someone I knew came out as "nonbinary transboy" which meant that she cut her hair short, kept her feminine styling, and forced everyone to call her "he". It wasn't even the presentation that did it, it was the term "nonbinary transboy" and how illogical it is. How the fuck are you both outside the binary but also transitioning inside the binary?
Schrödingender The logical flaw was so glaring I immediately nope'd. It's quite a feat to believe trans dogma.
No. 284777
>>284772A GC woman would happily welcome another woman into the bathroom even if they have short hair though. She has every right to be there since she's actually female and not invading anyone's spaces or posing a threat regardless of her appearance.
Anyway, a quick double take is usually enough to figure out that a short haired, androgynous or masculine girl is not a man.
No. 284795
this close to women being called unwomen Margaret Atwood style
No. 284807
>>284797>I had to study Japanese hard to be fluent, that means I'm 150% more fluent than native Japanese people.>>284772Gender critical women are gender critical (it's in the name…), meaning we don't require women to adhere to gender norms like "long hair". If you can't tell the difference between male and female, that's your problem.
I was in Sweden a bit back and they had a surprising amount of unisex bathrooms. They all had sinks within the stalls and the doors closed completely, so it was no problem at all, though I wonder what happens in clubs etc.
If changing rooms were like this as well (lots of little rooms so no one has to be naked in front of other people), I'd be fine with unisex ones, but TiMs seem to get off on women seeing their tiny penises.
No. 284858
>>284721>i'm most likely the only person here whos karyotypes have been tested and they came out XX.Someone who was born with external female genitalia, went through regular female puberty, and has menses, has close to 0% chance of being a non XX karyotype.
The few contrary cases are due to genetic mosaicism, a very rare condition. Regardless, if your entire reproductive system is female, it makes you a female even if you have some XY cells in your body.
I must add that you're not the only person here who know what your sex chromosomes are because I got my DNA tested out of interest for genetic genealogy and know for a fact my sexual chromosomes are XX.
No. 284861
>>284721>le intersex memeSo tell me anon, do you consider people with down's syndrome another human race as well? Or people with physical birth defects? Conjoined twins? No, they're genetic disorders and birth defects. Just like being intersex. It's not some "magical 3rd gender".
as a sidenote kek @ people with PCOS claiming they're "intersex"
No. 285086
>>284156Lmao can you imagine?!
If some tranny assaulted me and wasn't charged for it, you bet your ass black men would finish the job.
No. 285127
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Finally found this post I saw a while ago of a trans admitting to having been a chaser. For the uninitiated, “egg” is tranny slang for a “person who doesn’t know they’re trans yet”.
Also, to literally no one’s surprise, this person also posts on r/GoneWildTrans (Warning: NSFL).
No. 285167
>>285104I'd like to hear how the transgendered are received in any country period. I live in Finland and here you can apply for the state-funded SRS and HRT procedures BUT you have to go through therapy and doctors first. If you have any history with mental illnesses it's a lot harder to get the diagnosis. Before you can legally change your gender you need to take HRT until your own reproducing system shuts down.
>Tranny activists are screeching at this being "torturous, inhumane and humiliating" because they need those hormones and chest surgeries NOW with no evaluation or questioning, by god someone might find out they actually have severe mental issues that are causing this gender dysphoria! >Tranny activists are also campaigning for the "new trans law" by portraying the current process as castration based on eugenics and how it's against the human rights when it's actually just taking hormones to pass better and you can stop any time, we've had our Thomas Beaties here. What they're aiming for is to be able to change your legal gender whenever you please and as many times as you want>We have our share of nonbinary snowflakes and they've usually received the "indeterminable gender disorder" diagnosis (F64.8) that granted you access to HRT and surgeries. Recently the law was changed so that F64.8 doesn't allow you any treatments anymore because it was obvious so many young, self-loathing nonbinary girls were reaching for it and tranny activists are going nuts over screaming about it, it's hilarious>Meanwhile most of the population doesn't give a shit and us being a traditionally very gender-equal culture usually reacts "Why can't you be a woman AND be masculine?" when some special snowflake is gloating about not "feeling like a woman" because she prefers pants over dresses It's a wild ride, folks. Especially being located to Sweden which is completely out of whack with this stuff and observing how they're unironically pushing the retarded "third gender" bullshit.
No. 285201
>>285167It's pretty similar in the Netherlands. I don't know if they need to undergo HRT before they can legally change their gender but they do need to be officially diagnosed with gender dysphoria and undergo therapy before they can get HRT and SRS funded. However the therapy often seems more like preparation for the transition than an attempt to lessen dysphoria without surgery or hormones.
>If you have any history with mental illnesses it's a lot harder to get the diagnosis.Same here, which is why many people will conceal their mental health issues as much as possible. I've personally met one transwoman with very obvious cluster B and another who claimed to have multiple personalities and both had already legally transitioned at that point. If someone like me with only a minor background in psychology could tell there was something very mentally off about these people after only meeting them a few times, that means the professionals who okayed them for hormones and surgery must not have been looking very hard at all.
I don’t know how most of the population feels about it, but they mostly seem to be lumped in with gay people in a positive way. There’s a very “live and let live” attitude and if you let on that you’re skeptical about the whole thing people are quick to assume you’re a homophobe. It’s social suicide, especially for public figures and corporations. Nobody wants to consider that transactivism itself could be misogynistic or homophobic.
No. 285203
>>285167In Germany you have to go full time one year before you get hormones.
The trannies I saw irl were all flamboyant gay dudes with dresses on. Really loud and followed by a crowd of girls.
No. 285222
>>285084I think it's because VS is already dying as a company, they're probably on their tiptoes trying not to stir any scandal since now being ~transphobic~ is the worst thing you can do and troons are extremely entitled and vocal
>>285167Italy is pretty conservative so troons know their place and mostly work as prostitutes, and the state doesn't fund SRS and HRT as far as I know. I've come across some aggressive Italian trannies on the internet (the type that threatens to "choke you" on their "girldick") but never irl because they know they wouldn't see the light of the next day
No. 285228
>>284721I’ve been tested and am XX although I have a congenital birth defect which affected my cervix, and I’m infertile. You’re not special, you’re maybe a little brainwashed tho
>>284861“PCOS is intersex” is such a dumb meme. But hey, I won’t resent women with PCOS claiming intersex if it gets some funding to study the syndrome and potential fixes, tbh. Bio-women’s health problems are understudied, underfunded, and often barely understood.
No. 285234
>>285232The Rachel situation is what made me reach peak trans. Someone asked me what the is the diffeeence between being transgender and trans racial and I really couldn't come up with a good answer kek
I don't think I've ever met anyone who has been able to come up with a reason why it is different, they either get super made when you ask or they answer the question why it's something that isn't really an answer.
No. 285238
>>285202>Came up with a new gender-neutral pronoun>Literally removed genders from state-owned daycare centers and are actively making "girls to act like boys and boys to act like girls". And I mean MAKE, not "encourage". >Multiple progressive cases of families bringing up kids without ever referring to them as their natal gender, I've personally come across one of these as well>Started paying monetary compensation to post-op transgender people who had been required to take HRT in the past to have their gender legally changed These are only some of the examples I can come off the top of my head but you can easily google more. I should also mention the amount of trans kids in Sweden has recently doubled
each year (source: )
>>285227Oh you'd think so. I'm glad the Finnish language has always only had one gender neutral pronoun to refer to the 3rd person so I don't have to deal with the pronoun crap. However they still ree about the same misgendering shit as other nationalities because naturally we still have words to refer to men and women. But it definitely saves my undercover TERF ass with libfem groups though because I don't have to bend over to refer to anyone by their "preferred pronouns".
>>285228Agreed. Anyone who think PCOS means intersex is retarded from head to toe but if research for a female disease gets funding for once I'll say whatever.
No. 285239
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>>285232We've been over it multiple times and it gets brought up in debates about transgenderism a lot but trans activists refuse to answer it. At least in better detail. Usually they just leave it at "t-that's totally different!" and change the subject. The only answer anyone's ever given was some loony troon who wrote this fever dream tier explanation while completely ignoring the points brought up about the oppression the whole female gender has been through since the biblical times.
No. 285295
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If anyone can make sense of this gibberish that would be great
No. 285301
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>>285274Was the post you were replying to about Hannah Mouncey? I deleted it because I googled him after I posted the photo and the headline turned out to be incorrect. I'll post just the photo of him because that was horrifying enough by itself.
He's an Australian handball and Australian rules football player who wants to play in women's teams.
No. 285330
>>284657>>284652There's still hope outside the ecochambers guys, just yesterday I saw a play based of a Brazilian feminist, the real one, poem and it was all about how oppression is based on biology, how dangerous it is to grow up as a woman and all of that.
I also notice how rad fems are much more present on the poorer parts of the cities, considering how the men are even worse there, so all is awful but not all is lost.
No. 285334
>>285167I live in Ireland, we have self ID here which is terrifying. I was deep in libfem limbo when the law was changed a few years ago and I thought it was great. Recently the law was further liberalized and I believe children under 16 can change now begin transitioning with parental permission.
We won't even have full access to abortion up to twelve weeks until next year. I guess trans shit takes precedence.
No. 285335
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>>285167Maybe it's wrong but if they're adults and able to make their own decisions, I think the faster they can go through with their surgeries and other procedures, the better. In 10 years we'll get a HUGE wave of regretful detransitioners, and they'll have no one to blame but themselves, and maybe that will be enough to discourage further transing. Also we'll have everybody else hitting peak trans. Because right now troons are getting confronted with real arguments, still going through with their bullshit and getting mad at everyone in the process. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. So let him stay thirsty until he caves in.
I think any logic or rationality is 100% lost at this point, and aside from few GC people, the only other people against transitioning are conservatives who are otherwise detrimental to women. So it's not worth fighting.
No. 285576
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I spent 3 years trying to get-and refused help from the nhs for pcos because they were "underfunded" but apparently they can afford to give scum like this sex change operations?
My country is a fucking joke.
No. 285654
File: 1535306875801.jpg (179.38 KB, 720x1230, tumblr_pdvousoZBL1xyii1bo1_128…) the fuck how is this man able to leave his house looking like THAT
No. 285708
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I recently watched that South Park episode from 2005 (Mr Garrison’s Fancy Vagina) and it’s hilarious how on the nose they were. They pretty much predicted TiM’s perfectly.
No. 285814
You can 'feel' and 'think' white all you want. But society will not treat you as white. Get that through your thick skull.
No. 285927
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Seeing the amount of upvotes on this comment warmed my heart. Granted, the comment isn't full-on GC yet, but seeing how many women are starting to voice their opinions on stuff troons preach instead of idly sitting by gives me hope.
No. 285954
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Might be a reach but seems like he's already making peace. That was quick.
No. 285960
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So many "transitions" can be linked to pedophilia.
No. 286000
>>285963not really. do you know what most 17 yos look like? they're not hot baby adults. most 17 yos don't look great. they're awkward and not all that matured – that is, gangly, weirdly proportioned, with acne, etc.
this idea of '17 year olds' is all media bullshit. '17 yr olds' represented by attractive 24 yos have tainted everyones idea of what average teens look like
No. 286194
I've been noticing more and more lately that trannies don't even note that they're obviously MtF.
I was just browsing r/cuddlebuddies and then bumped into a post where it says [F4M] but the poster is clearly a tranny from the pic he posted. I said, it's not the first time it happened, and I hate how on lesbian forums, chats, subreddits and so on, they've been doing the same shit.
At least before they would note that they were mtf but now they don't even do that anymore.
No. 286207
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What a cute anime trap uwu better than a real girl teehee ~
No. 286322
>>285820Get better at reading anon's shit. They still said transracialism could be valid. I disagreed.
>kekFucking poltards
No. 286481
>>286194OP here, now that I've seen other pictures of her, she doesn't look like a tranny, sorry.
I swear the first pic looked uncanny.
Sorry. Can I request to delete my post?
I honestly feel like shit for doing this.
No. 286521
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>>286322kek isn't just a /pol/ thing newfag
No. 286753
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>>286282> r/makeupaddiction for example, and they stand out like a sore thumb and yet no one says anything.Like this guy who has such an unfortunate face I actually feel sorry for him.
No. 286810
>>286753It seems like every time I look at that sub there's a troon being upvoted to the heavens for the most mediocre makeup.
"GwenCD" lmao, this fucking crossdresser isn't even attempting to hide that this just a kink to him.
No. 286839
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>When a tranny unintentionally outs themselves as AGP
Top kek.
No. 286854
>>286839TIL men don't gossip and have a chip implanted that keeps them from wearing makeup, crying at the movies, feeling hot, using sex toys and wearing dreses. It's a mystery how so many male YT make up people haven't exploded yet.
It's really just men who watched some teen movies about girl relationships and a) believe that's the way it is and b) want to have it.
No. 286866
>>286854I'm all for criticizing delusional troons, but there's nothing biological stopping men from wearing makeup and all that shit lmao. iirc it was the norm in some past cultures. And men CERTAINLY gossip. Test does reduce crying, though.
Were you being sarcastic..?
No. 286882
>>286857>>286859Pretty sure it's both of these, more so the latter.
No. 286885
>>286839Does the "feminist and trans theorist" actually identify as trans anymore? The text calls her "she", but the quoted part sounds like someone who did, and then realised they weren't a woman, but a man in love with a fantasy.
Either way, it's completely accurate and you can see it in how they post on reddit subs and such. There's always an undertone of fetishisation of a "female experience" as opposed to someone just living their lives. And I don't understand why other woman play along.
No. 286891
>>286853>>286857>2011 or 2012>Height of le me le does le le le faggotry>4chan mocks reddit by using "lel" instead of lol>L and K are right next to each other, people accidentally post kek a few times and that leads to other variations of lol such as geg jej bur rer etc>SRS is accused of raiding /q/ with "delet /pol/" threads>m00t makes [s4s] as a joke>[s4s] posts lel and variations thereof like it's going out of style>kek catches on-t. watched it happen
>>286857Protip: It isn't
No. 287033
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Wasn't sure if I should have posted this in the male hate thread or here…
No. 287034
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No. 287037
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Really needed some deep hard hitting philosophical musing from someone like this.
No. 287038
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No. 287046
>>281458>>286753That one looks so much like my abusive ex I had to do a double take.
He's not transed himself yet but he's on the way, I give it about two years. I doubt he would manage to find a lipstick that matches the wig that nicely though.
No. 287102
>>287037How much do you want to bet that because he's "transgender" and useless that he's projecting that uselessness onto women?
Don't even get me started on that bioessentialist argument. Ignoring the fact that women have and can make contributions to humanity, do they not realize that things can change? That we're constantly evolving? Even if women in the past achieved NOTHING (blatantly false), we have the capacity to change and achieve things now.
Also nice ignoring the abuse men put women through for generations because we're physically weaker and had to put up with it to care for the children.
No. 287210
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Over the last few months, I've noticed an increasing amount of egg-hatching on r/inceltears, esp in the advice stickies which is pretty fucked. Here's a recent example. That "queercel" is a frequent poster and of course he hates ~terves~ and sucks Contra's clitty. No. 287411
>>287033>>287034Anyone here think the T in LGBT was really the Trojan horse. They claim to be women to enter into female spaces, trying to change the bio vocabulary, the topic of discussion regarding male on women violence, everything. Then say if women want biowomen spaces, they're bigots. All this has to end sometime.. right?
>dont blame men for your woes!Because all the abuse, rape and murders caused by men onto women over the millenia was really good for women /s Why are they SO set on pushing back women 50 years?
No. 287618
>>287033Why do men only apply the ~but nature~ argument to women but not men? He's going on about how men were built for hunting, but there is literally zero scientific argument that men are supposed to be educated and innovative while women stay at home with the children? If anything, shouldn't the primary care takers of children be educated because it's just simply fact that the more educated you are, the better it is for your child? This shit is so painfully retarded I can't even.
Also, can we bask in the irony of a man who lives like a woman lecturing feminists on how they should live because ~biology~? Could you imagine if someone used his own logic toward him? The delusion is so intense.
No. 287639
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Zach is a pro-LoL player who crossdresses because he has a fetish on sissy boys (was proven on stream, can give you vod in case. He accidentally forgot to close sissy boy tumblr porn acc in his browser, someone told him to Google something and everyone saw that. Half of a year later, he starts dating a cosplayer who sells lewds on patreon, which caused him to start crossdressing easily. At first he streamed in cosplays,threw some photos and started running patreon too with low-q photoshopped pics. And this set has gone too far imo, before that he shooted in silly dresses and this… No. 287648
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>tfw Bruce Jenner has been awarded as woman of the year after surgery
>Proves that men are even better at being women than actual women
>Meanwhile, women attempt suicide more often while men have a higher success rate
>Women can't even kill themselves properly
Imagine being cishet woman LMAO(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 287679
>>287665>>287675These trannies are going to skew criminal statistics.
Don't be surprised if stats in the near future say that there's an increase in "women" committing violence due to these creeps putting female on their birth certificate/license card. We are going to end up suffering if women stay quiet.
No. 287682
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Thought this maybe relevant not just for this thread but the site as it includes a few cows-david shitratt (who i only know of because he was featured on brits vid white knighting wigonhead and throwing a shitfit because some blonde alt righter didnt want his dick despite him saying he despises alt righters) posted this on his twitter and i looked the guy up-turns out hes getting dogpiled for taking rose mcgowans side against andi dier (a tranny pedo who has his own thread here) so according to these leftists you can't be a feminist unless you support trannies who harass abused women apparently.
No. 287702
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No. 287712
>>287679Thats what Im assuming too. Its going to be a talking point for TRAs whenever women speak up against male violence by screeching >"but women are violent too!!"
>uses mtf statsAlthough I do have a feeling there will come a point when enough is enough and the trans-over-women nonsense will stop.
>>287702>agender>transPick. One.
>"becoming a woman is easy! I did it!"How much do these guys seriously hate women to want to just make our entire existance just a phase
No. 287739
>>287712>"but women are violent too!!"I’ve already encountered this. I’m in a hobby group with mostly women and one time we were discussing how 9 times out of 10 when a single guy joins the group it ends in drama involving sexual harassment and threats. The group is full of libfems who almost immediately jumped in to say that women can be just as bad, because remember Sylvia? Sylvia sexually harassed several members and made death threats and accused people of sexual assault and pedophilia when they tried to remove her from the comm! See, women can be just as bad as men! Or even worse!
Sylvia is, of course, a
trans-identified man. But don’t you dare point that out, because “misgendering" a trans person makes you just as bad if not worse than Sylvia, who btw threatened to show up to someone’s house with a gun and kill their pets.
No. 287745
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>>283980>>284626Brown caved and removed the study.
Full statement here from the article that was removed on KF:
Rapid-onset gender dysphoria might spread through groups of friends and may be a harmful coping mechanism, a new study suggests, but more research is needed.
The pattern of clusters of teens in friend groups becoming transgender-identified, the group dynamics of these friend groups and the types of advice viewed online led her to the hypothesis that friends and online sources could spread certain beliefs.
Examples include the belief that non-specific symptoms such as feeling uncomfortable in their own skins or feeling like they don’t fit in— which could be a part of normal puberty or associated with trauma — should be perceived as gender dysphoria; the belief that the only path to happiness is transition; and the belief that anyone who disagrees with the teen is transphobic and should be cut out of their life.
No. 287753
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The graffiti on the right appeared the night of a Let a Woman Speak (@let_woman) meeting to discuss the possible effects of self-ID on women's rights in Devonport in Plymouth.
No. 287754
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No. 287755
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No. 287782
>>287781*don't know
My bad
No. 287852
>>287621He basically says he transitioned because of a sissy fetish in his AGP video.
>>287748>>287682Didn't he used to get criticised for being too "SJW"?
No. 287870
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remember that troon that told Homer Hickam "suck my dick and balls I'm working at NASA"?
No. 287871
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>>287870I found another one of "her" accounts and it's legit because it was created before the professional fuckup
No. 288002
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The father and election agent of Aimee Challenor, a trans Green Party activist who was running for Deputy Leader, was found guilty of raping and torturing a ten year old girl. Aimee had him hired after he was charged. He was working for the Green Party with the charges of child rape pending. He worked for Girl Guides too under the name 'Balloo Challenor'. He also apparently dressed up as a little girl and called himself Lucy while he was subjecting his child victim to her ordeal.
Oh he also set up 'terfblocker' with his son, who bragged about blocking over 50,000 women who were concerned about gender Self-ID.
Everyone is up in arms about this obviously, but the Greens have ignored all safe-guarding criticisms, their disregard for the victim's suffering (they called the rape of a 10 year old girl by a 50 year old 'gender based violence) and dismissed it all as transphobia and made it all about poor wallflower Aimee - who clearly hasn't done ANYTHING wrong.
I feel sick that I ever gave them a vote.
No. 288133
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Who knew the church of satan were so easily triggered?
Also like transactivists they make up shit about whats being presented, and none of this makes sense.
No. 288171
>>288163Well exactly. But they still decided to get
triggered over it, and their reply makes no sense. But I guess they want in the transactivist club or something?
>>288163 No. 288246
>>288188>it's misogynist if anythingThis. The removal of female features is erasing the
female side which is anti-female, that should be what they're concerned about. If it's meant to be both male
and female then saying it's "trans" is implying that it's either male
or female and transitioning to something else. Of course, I'm sure whoever is running the church's Twitter is implying that it's a male-to-female trans person because they're so much more important, as biological men are far more important than biological women, right?
No. 288251
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>I'm a 15 year old trans guy and an exactly 5 months on T today.>I bugged my father until he called, and they do now, as of last year.Seriously? You can't even call your insurance on your own to ask something simple like if they cover XY on your plan and have to "bug your father" until he does it for you?
>So, there's still a ton of appointments, getting recommendations for surgeons, prior authorization, etc.>But chances are, name change around the new year, and top surgery early this summer.What the fuck? This girl is on testosterone since 5 months. Why is this so easy?
Looked at her post history and found this post:>Have you ever tried to kill yourself?>Yes. I was 11 and in a awful mental hospital, the first of many. Enough said.A 15-year-old girl with history of mental illness has no issues getting a testosterone prescription and a mastectomy paid by her insurance. This is sad. She's going to fuck her life up.
No. 288256
>>288251More and more professionals seem to think that gender dysphoria is a cause of childhood depression rather than a symptom and that transitioning is a legitimate treatment. In ten or twenty years there will probably be a bunch of lawsuits against these physicians by detransitioning people who were sterilised and operated on as children.
I’m so glad I went through puberty last decade rather than now, because I definitely hated my developing female body and would probably have been very susceptible to trans propaganda.
No. 288276
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>>288133>baphomet is transphobicNow i've fucking heard it all
No. 288315
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No. 288327
>>288251I remember being the same age and wanting to be a boy. Then the phase was over and I went back to my usual self.
I can only shudder at the thought of someone in a position of power agreeing to the old me transitioning and fucking up my body forever. It's ethically wrong
No. 288402
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"No-one will be questioned at the entrance," Ms Knyckare said, when questioned on how organisers were going to stop men getting in.
>No-one will be questioned at the entrance
>No-one will be questioned at the entrance
>No-one will be questioned at the entrance
No. 288427
i guess that means clearly everyone who goes is not cis. how validating. seriously though are they just expecting men to mind their manners and not attend?
No. 288549
>>288532Swedish people are absolute fucking idiots and honestly think women wearing a rubber bracelet will legit repel rapists… It's insane. It makes me feel really sorry for the women (it's always the women who suffer) that have to deal with invasions from men spewing into the country with no regard for .. NOT RAPING PEOPLE.
I don't know how much better anything is there, but sweden has been a mess for years.
No. 288599
>>288587It's definitely not an isolated case. The same way FTM want to transition because they're obsessed with yaoi bullshit, a lot of MTF want to become 'women' because they think dressing sexy and being slutty is going to get them places.
I have a friend i used to hang out with at anime cons (5 years in a row) and this year he's suddenly changed his fb name to a woman's name and demands everyone calls him that name. It came out of nowhere. he was just a kinda femme emo dude, but now he's going full tr00n and i have no idea what to do. I feel more sorry for his brother and father who are really confused.
I honestly feel like all trans people just fetisized women/men and the ideals they have, not who they are for real.
No. 288718
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“I’m dying”
They want top surgery. It’s not for medical reasons, they just want to transition. Fuck this. I hate how easily people part with their money for these fools.
No. 288930
>>288926jfc, there's no spectrum in biological sex!! You are either male, female or (very rarely) intersex.
Why do these crazy people want to push gender roles so badly when women have been trying to get rid of them since the 1960s?
No. 289196
>>288327>>288256>I’m so glad I went through puberty last decade rather than now, because I definitely hated my developing female body and would probably have been very susceptible to trans propaganda.Christ, same. I hated my body, I hated the changes during puberty, I hated my period, I hated my long hair that became greasy easily and I hated having sore boobs all the time. But lo and behold, I went through a tomboy period for a year or two and now I'm a perfectly happy woman. I was dumb and impressionable and I'm pretty sure had I been going through puberty in this age I would've been sucked into the transtrend. It's terrifying to think about.
>>288365What's the point? If it's around your friends asking them to "respecc ur pronouns uwu" for comfort or whatever I get it, but dragging this shit into your medical records where biology rules all makes no sense.
>>288718Troons always love asking people for donations for "muh name change" "muh SRS". None of them are going to die from not having it, Jesus, what entitlement. Gofundme is full of this trash now.
No. 289216
>>289196It really is terrifying. I LOATHED the fact that I was growing boobs so much that I wore a sports bra to flatten them out exclusively throughout middle school.
I cried for days when I got my period.
It’s crazy to think how fast this all happened tbh, I’m only 21 and they would have transed me nowadays.
I’ve never even questioned my gender, I just didn’t like certain things. I think I just didn’t like that I was growing up and was embarrassed by puberty, I wonder how many kids have been permanently fucked for the same reason
No. 289230
>>289191So they're literally trying to be hermaphrodites now? What the actual fuck. Wouldn't wanting to keep your penis be enough of a clue that you shouldn't mutilate your genitals?
I don't understand how these freaks are this dense.
No. 289341
>>288922>>288902Alternatively hearing the Starbucks thing makes me believe even more in the Big Pharma theory. Organizations specialized on transgenderism have an unimaginable amount of money flowing into their pockets and of course any organization offering SRS is going to lobby companies into accepting surgeries and hormone treatment into their health plans. The more people you have paying $40-$80,000 in surgeries and a lifetime supply of hormones, the more money you get. In the end any scheme is always about money and power.
>>289216I remember recently watching a short documentary about trans kids and it had this 13-year old girl claiming to be a transboy literally saying that she was always told she couldn't be female because she was such a tomboy and her mother was AGGRESSIVELY pushing this narrative. Like holy shit does nobody realize what's going on in here?
No. 289413
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No. 289446
>>289216jesus. i would've been a sex-repulsed ace fujo anorexic mentally ill gay transboy.
all because i found growing into a woman embarrassing, had some problems in my home life, and hadn't fully developed my sexuality yet (obviously).
i feel for these kids because no one at that age likes to hear "it's just a phase" about anything. even if it's almost always true, they hear it as "i know you better than you know yourself. everything that's important to you won't matter in a few years so you might as well not feel strongly about anything" so ofc they double down.
there has to be a better way to protect them from this bs.
>>288929>>289341yeah see, i think the government/surgery and pharm industry/PIC don't care about getting rid of gay people, it's all money for them, but the way to convince the general populace is by tapping into their latent homophobia and fear of having a gay son. the motivations need to work together.
No. 289552
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what the fuck is wrong with these brony/furry freaks?
You're an autistic white male who plays a lot of computer games and masturbates to My Little Pony.
You are not a fucking hate crime victim.
the fuck the fuck is wrong with these snowflake shitty kids that nobody is willing to tell them they're not women, they're just very dirty boys?
No. 289687
I watched this doc awhile ago and was totally horrified by it. This kid is so entitled and shitty to everyone around him and they all kiss his ass because they "can't understand his struggle".
At one point he becomes a prostitute, not because he's out of options but because he doesn't want to even try to get a normal job and doesn't want to live with his parents because they don't support him binge drinking and fucking guys. He's actually delusional enough to claim that he has sex with straight boys and that they "have no idea" that he's not a girl.
It's just depressing, it's clear as day that the kid needs discipline and structure, not hormones and surgery.
Worst still is that he seems to be continually struggling with his identity, he detransitioned and is now transitioning again. No. 289708
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>>289706Here's a full shot of the outfit he chose to wear on morning television.
No. 289715
>>289709Some women have gone through virilization from various chromosome/genetic disorders and plenty of women have "masculine" features that they feel bad about having. I was just giving context, but maybe it would have been better to just leave it out.
Also, I'm not calling you bigots for not listening to my body image problems, I'm calling you bigots for calling me an autogynephile and treating me like some kind of sex freak just because I'm trans. I thought people here might just be sane about trans issues and be against transtrender nonsense rather than openly hostile and nasty towards anyone who's trans regardless of life experiences or mental health.
No. 289720
>>289715one person called you an agp and the others simply called you a male with a mental illness. lolcow is not a place where people with strongly held opinions hold their tongues about
anything out of politeness. we regularly have cutthroat brawls about everything from dieting to plastic straws to kpop to kittens to eye color. if you reveal anything about yourself here, you need to be prepared that anyone with an opinion about it will tell you. if there are certain opinions you really don't want to hear, you just don't post about that topic. it's what i really like about this place.
No. 289721
>>289715The only sympathy I feel for you is that you live in a society that reinforces the idea that you should mutilate your body.
However, you need to be respectful of the fact that this site doesn't view males as women no matter how they mutilate themselves.
Females aren't just hormones and holes and I feel very sorry for you because people convinced you that they were.
No. 289744
>>289738>you don't have to sage in /ot/lmao okay
>the rule states not to mention you're malei think by saying 'i'm a male tranny', he broke the rules anon.
No. 289745
>>289734I feel the same anon. I'm gender critical because I don't blindly accept the sjw gender agenda, and so I'm just as critical of people who take their terf beliefs to the extremes. I want to discuss and debate and come to my own conclusions.
>>289715 is being a fucking idiot to out themselves on this thread and expect it not to get derailed, hopefully they learn from that
No. 289754
>>289729don't take it so personally then. that's just how lolcow is.
if you call someone fat, you might be called ana, even if you've never had an eating disorder.
if you call someone ana, you might get called fat, even if you just have a healthy view of food.
if you post some anime, you might get called a weeb, even if you only like one anime.
if you're a feminist, you might get called a manhating femcel even if you're reasonable.
if you like men, you might get called a handmaiden even if you're still critical of abusive men.
Get it?
No. 289774
>>289766but mtfs who do that don't exist. only a few ftms/fakebois who are close to detransitioning.
>>289770you need to get the fuck out of here, dude. you're making everyone except that one handmaiden un-fucking-comfortable. you'll be banned soon for pulling the "guy here" shit anyways.
No. 289783
Don't come into women only spaces. You are not a woman. Don't take women accomplishments and call yourself a woman. Your existence is a mockery of us.
No. 289791
>>289788Same non-saging anon, I did actually sage my next post in another thread so I may have beaten the tranny sage curse.
I just saw the derailing in the Contra thread and would like to readjust my position to say they should dial it back a bit.
No. 289817
>>289809yeah actually now that i think of it, the gay threads are filled with
extremely femme lesbians who are only interested in other kawaii girly girls.
No. 289849
Why do they feel the need to share their disgusting shit?
"At City Colleges of Chicago, the EEO office first kept asking for more and more detailed letters. Which I sent them along with a link to a couple of completely NOT dirty YouTube videos about this issue. Which they responded to by acting like I’d emailed them porno. THANKFULLY my direct boss at Wright Colleges DID accommodate me. " No. 289958
File: 1535966750688.jpg (115.13 KB, 640x427, 1535791412_sdltd1ef3ca-nh.jpg)

Lo and behold, the man free festival. lel
No. 289965
>>289706This man has serious problems and I actually pity him because he clearly needs help. He's said somebody else (not the NHS) is funding his reassignment so presumably an older male fetishist/sugar daddy? He's 23 but has "changed gender" 3 times, attempted suicide, been on drugs… I just see a mentally ill person who is being failed by the people around him and probably led astray by the trans ideology.
Certainly not an existence I'd wish on anybody. He looks so unhappy in his bra and stripper shoes on morning TV.
No. 289981
>>289715Did this anon come from CC? Maybe you're confused because that website of men LARPing would be accepting of you, a group of women sick of trans shit wouldn't. I wanted to post in response to >>94003 but I didn't want to derail that thread, which is clearly what this attention-seeking man wants.
>thinking body hair is "masculine"This is why people believe trans people are doing it for fetish reasons. It's very clear that your only experience of women is through porn. A little secret for you: everyone has hair and women in porn actually shave/wax! So your idea of a flawlessly hairless woman being "natural" is not only a severely uneducated view but imo borderline paedophilic too.
No. 290213
>>290167Yes except he is a highly successful multi-billionaire businessman, ex tv personality and current president of the United States of America.
In a single year he does more than you will ever do in your life.
No. 290245
>highly successfulFame =/= success
>multi-billionaire businessmanFamily money, he filed for Bankruptcy 7 times because hes such a shit businessman he can't keep one afloat if he's the one in charge
>ex tv personalitySo is Paris Hilton but you aren't stanning her this hard
>presidentcough Russia
cough No. 290252
>>290248Abortions for women? Nah, but fuck yes tits for men.
Fuck this gay earth.
No. 290283
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>>290224The scene where he pretends to be mentally ill is honestly so much more offensive and damaging than the non-existent transphobia. But nobody ever mentions that or seems to give two fucks. I was so butthurt when I heard people ragging on this movie because it was my favorite as a child too.
No. 290289
>>290252Hey hey, abortions are
different. What if that poor unborn baby would have become a MTF? You'd be snuffing that precious little girl's life out before it ever began! Even if you have a AFAB cisfemale it can grow up to donate it's uterus to a transwoman who wants to carry a baby naturally!
No. 290304
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>>290289Oh my god they actually think this?
I’m brand new to the transgendered people thing and have really mixed feelings (men getting fake tits before women getting medically necessary shit like reductions really says something though. Hard to have mixed feelings about second class citizenship for women)mostly but do they really think this?
No. 290422
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>non-binary vaginoplastyWHAT THE FUCK
why would you do this to yourself holy shit
and why are there doctors who do this procedure No. 290423
>>290422money, honey
seriously this is american medical greed at it's finest masquerading as a progressive movement.
No. 290425
>>290422I don't understand why anyone would want this for themselves, at least the inversion method leaves them with some sensation. Wouldn't this just be a numb, useless hole that they'd have to clean and dilate? Why not just do anal penetration, it's not like it's somehow less gay to have this weird fucked up hole where your balls used to be.
I'm so grossed out by the fact that there are surgeons dedicating their time and valuble research funds to do weird expirments on people's genitals for no other purpose than to satisfy their weird delusions and fetishes.
No. 290426
>>290425but now he's a "sexy futa girl".
this is the only reaon for this.
No. 290430
>>290426I get that in theory, and I know men are willing to fuck anything that fits their fetish, but how large do you think their dating pool will actually be with this bizzare Frankenstein shit between their legs?
Maybe I'm missing something but I can't imagine many men would choose this over a normal intact male OR a neovagina.
No. 290457
>>290422Stuff like this makes me really think about the whole 'trans people are the most oppressed/marginalised group' mantra that just seems to be taken as fact in lefty sjw types. If you have the money for these types of unnecessary extreme surgeries (this dick + hole example is so extreme, but even regular sexual reassignment surgery/facial feminisation surgeries/double mastectomies) then how are you more marginalised or oppressed than a homeless man, a minimum wage worker, a prostituted woman, a person who lives on disability allowance, an unemployed person… etc.
They just lack any larger class analysis or worldwide perception of poverty/inequality because they've been groomed by western leftist politics and internet to make everything about themselves and their victimisation. And I honestly think this is because they're being raised in mostly middle class+ environments with no understanding of what life is like for the average person outside of their little gender bubble
No. 290578
>>290457because many people who don't get the surgery may suffer immensely. do you really need to make it into a competition of who's more oppressed? if someone making minimum wage for a very difficult job wants a pay raise do you say "don't complain you idiot, look at the homeless people outside"?
"any larger class analysis" means jack shit if you personally are suffering. that's the same kind of justification people use to diminish the concerns of, say, white women who get a response of "ok but look at how much black people have suffered, you're white and privileged". it isn't a contest. no one cares. your buzzwords mean nothing.
No. 290594
>>290591yes it is. their point is "if you can afford such surgery, how can you be marginalized"; implying if you have money you can't be marginalized. this is similar to people who say "if you have [X] privilege you can't be marginalized".
it's also totally ignoring that many health insurance providers do cover the surgery and treatment after gender dysphoria is diagnosed. i haven't seen any rich transgender people, personally.
No. 290667
>>290578>do you really need to make it into a competition of who's more oppressed?If it's a competition, trannies aren't even in the running. They are not oppressed at all. They are entitled and have latched on to real oppression to further their selfish, fetishistic agenda, when in reality their 'suffering' is, quite literally, all in their imagination. Thinking the grass is greener on the other side is not suffering. Feeling unwanted and sexually rejected as a man but believing you'd get a tonne of attention as a woman is not suffering. Sexualizing the female body to the extent that you want one is not suffering.
Cross dressing does get you discriminated against, sure. But that is misogyny and homophobia rearing their ugly heads in straight men who just want to beat up men in dresses and mock masculine women. One exception I'll make for trannies is poor, misguided gay people who have been shilled transgenderism as a form of conversion therapy. But of course, that is homophobia, and not indulging it is not oppression against trannies.
No. 290673
>>290627yes there are some notable trans celebrities and celebrities are usually rich. doesn't mean trans people are richer on average.
>>290646i admit i don't understand it either but i'm also not gay and don't understand homosexuality. just because i don't understand something doesn't mean i need to assume it absolutely cannot exist (e.g. the existence of people being homosexual not by their own choice) or does not exist in a particular instance. i think defaulting to acceptance is always the best policy, even if i cannot relate to or understand how someone feels.
>>290667i feel like i'm on /pol/ reading someone complaining about women except the terms have been slightly changed
No. 290678
>>290673even if you want to try to be open to trans people, like, even if you want to think the brain can be wired wrong as the other sex, literally no one is a fucking futa. you cannot defend that for any reason other than being someone's fetish. even real intesex/hermaphrodites identify as one or the other.
also stop shitting up the thread in /meta/ trannies don't belong here.
No. 290679
>>290673>i feel like i'm on /pol/ reading someone complaining about women except the terms have been slightly changedYes, you feel like that because trannies have so thoroughly co-opted REAL oppression, REAL minority status, that opposition to them is considered on par with homophobia, sexism, racism, etc.
That is not the case. It is not reality. You have to deprogram yourself from the tumblr assumption that their rhetoric makes any sense, that the very concept of transgenderism is legitimate. Not only is there zero validity to their bullshit, it's offensively, inherently sexist and often homophobic, and the fact that those things concern us make it pretty clear we aren't /pol/. Stop being a fucking sheep.
No. 290696
>>290675and you're privileged to sit on the internet mocking such people assuming they're actually all cutting their dick off to fulfill a fetish, which is ridiculous if you think about it for even a moment. i don't doubt some people have gotten genital surgery to fulfill fetishes, because there are all sorts of odd people out there, but if you think it makes sense that all or nearly all trans people are enduring all of that shit just for a fetish, you're very tunnel-visioned.
if anyone in this thread had a real-life friend who was trans and didn't fit this caricatured stereotype, i can almost guarantee their view on these issues would be a lot more nuanced.
>>290681nothing in this thread indicates that the average trans person is hurting anyone. there are some extreme trans activists and "gender theorists" on tumblr who have some pretty weird and aggressive ideas, but that's tumblr for you. again this feels very reminiscent of people who say homosexuals cause damage to the family structure. there seems to be an idea in this thread that trans people are a threat which need to be crushed or silenced, which speaks to a deep insecurity.
>>290679to be clear, i don't buy into gender binary bullshit and i have never looked at tumblr before in part due to the types of things you're referring to. i personally think that a pretty high percentage of people claiming to be trans within the past decade or so are likely partly a result of social and psychosomatic factors. however, just because someone may say they're trans when i think they're probably going through a phase or something, i'm not going to start dehumanizing them.
if you don't realize just how ideologically charged and absolutist your own language is, you're nearly as irrational as those tumblr people you detest so much. this thread is like tumblr for people who hate mainstream tumblr. there is no "critical" discussion here.
>>290681i didn't say "it's better to blindly accept things", i said it's better to accept and tolerate people for what they are and who they claim to be even if one doesn't understand what they state as their desires, fears, and problems. aka not being a shitbag of a human being.
No. 290698
glad to find this thread. I'm a former libfem that hit peak trans recently. What caused me to hit peak trans? Meeting one IRL.I used to be rah-rah fuck the terfies until I actually met a real life, "normal" MtF, now, I think the whole thing is bullshit being pushed to sell unnecessary drugs, surgery, makeup, the works.
I'm a manager at a retail store, and one of my employees came out as transgender. Fine, I thought, no big deal.
Except it became one. He seemed normal and well-adjusted, which was nice at first, since I'd heard many stories of these guys being creepy and all up in other women's shit, this was a relief, and I'd seriously thought "Ha, take that TERFS! She's just as much of a woman as I am!"
Then he started talking more and more about his "oppression", which got grating, but I tried to just shrug it off. But then it started to get weird, he was bragging when he got catcalled…? Like, bro, women don't brag to each other about being sexually harassed. It's not a badge I wear around when some creepy weirdo whistles or makes a remark at me when I'm just trying to go about my business- it's unsettling and disgusting.
Then it got downright unprofessional. He started texting me pictures of himself in dresses to make sure he "passed". I'm not like that with employees- just…no. He then kept asking me about his "breasts" (???) and if he needed a bra, if I could see his tits, etc. Just really awkward and bizarre stuff- I tried to brush it off as him trying to "adjust" to "being a woman" (LMAO) but didn't answer. When I didn't reply, homeboy fucking BLEW MY PHONE UP.
Then he changed up his uniform- formerly a normal button-down, he now wore the top three buttons unbuttoned to…show his 'clevage'? prove how female he was? Who the fuck knows? But NONE of the female staff do that- so that should be a clue that it's attention-seeking BS.
Then came more and more boundary-pushing- with one incident involving a female employee who turned down his offer to date her- and him throwing a tantrum because she wouldn't be 'open-minded' towards him. He had long bitched and moaned about how 'toxic' and predatory men were, and yet, here we were- him espousing the very values he claimed to hate so much in men!
My favorite gripe about this dude is that he REFUSES to do ANY physical work. From what I hear, this is a common issue with MTTs. This bro will try to tell me that because of "the hormones!!1" he can't lift a box, so he stands back while another female employee- or two, usually, does it for him. What the fuck? So I called him out on his BS by explaining that I'm a >100lbs woman who HAS to do this as part of my job- I'm far smaller than him, and yet I find ways around it. His response? "Well, I get as much estrogen as a pregnant woman- you wouldn't understand". LOL. OKAY.
Now he's annoyingly pestering me persistently. He knows I don't fraternize with my employees and will just not fuck off. He is painfully narcissistic, and just says stupid transtrendery shit all the time now, and goes into unnecessary, uncomfortable, graphic detail about his 'procedures', his 'harassment', and my favorite, his "periods", which, he likes to point out, are just like mine. Super creepy, no boundaries shit. Sad thing is, this dude clearly has some serious mental issues that he needs real fucking therapy to help resolve- not hormone shots and caked on kat von d.
I realized really fast why radfems don't like these dudes getting up in their shit, and became a TERF myself. They have such a shallow view of being a woman- they think that all the lasers, fake tits, and estrogen and makeup are what it's about. It's not a fucking feeling.
Look- wear makeup and shave off your hair and chop off your dick and get implants if you want- but it doesn't change the fact that you spent your whole life male- and will continue to be one regardless of what surgeries and hormones you get. You can't change your chromosomes.
No. 290713
>>290696We get it, you'd rather stick your head in the sand and assume the best of everyone rather than actually pay attention to how it affects women and gender relationships. 'Accepting and tolerating' people only works when those people aren't causing harm, but transgenderism as a CONCEPT is already causing harm. Erasing our language, invading our spaces, letting men speak over and for women with no backlash… and that's not even counting the many, many incidents of mtfs literally assaulting women and girls. All this, and for what? So men can get boob jobs and masturbate to themselves?
These threads are full of examples of the harm they do and you're still gonna sit here ignoring it, pretending they're outliers, thinking you're so superior for all your tolerance - which is really just blissful, willful ignorance.
No. 290723
>>290716I'm curious as well, because holy fuck lupron is a hell of a drug. and rendering these poor fucking kids infertile before they're even able to vote or drive or whatever? Fuck that.
Willing to bet that a lot of these parents have munchausens by proxy. I've been wondering why nobody talks about that- the case of jazz jennings screams munchausens. that poor kid never stood a chance- and now he just has a ruined body and is paraded on national television.
I hope this blows over, but it's going to leave a LOT of hurt kids in its wake. :(
Had I been born 10 years later, I would've been transed\ as a teenager. Thank god I wasn't.
No. 290755
>>290696>nothing in this thread indicates that the average trans person is hurting anyone. They literally piggyback onto feminist movements and tell women to not talk about their vaginas, abortions, their reproductive biology, or any rights associated with those things. Even though abortion and reproductive rights have been the core of feminism since the beginning. And even though womens reproductive rights are still, to this day, constantly under attack. They're preesuring doctors to use degrading language about female bodies, and to adopt the "women have penises too" rhetoric. They're convincing health care professionals to have them written down as the gender they identify as, rather than what they were born as. This hurts themselves, because at the end of the day, no amount of manmade dicks or vaginas is gonna change the fact that you are at risk of breast cancer or prostate cancer. They block feminist speakers, often with threats of violence, if not outright violence. They carry baseball bats at marches, and get displays where they put up bloody t-shirts that say "Kill TERFS".
That sort of shitty rhetoric, and those constant threats of violence (if not outright violence) is hurting people, yes. It's hurting women, these dumbasses are hurting themselves by denying their biological reality, and it's hurting the feminist movement.
No. 290810
>>290746You're all good, anon. I hate the term 'fish' or 'fishy' to refer to 'feminine queens' because men for some reason use seafood to mock how a woman's vagina smells (?? even though i never had that issue and i'm a lesbian.)
Men love to use derogatory terms for women in a 'positive light' and pretend it's okay. If women aren't okay with it, then gay men shouldnt be using it, period. Sadly, they get a pass for being gay.. or oppressed, or something.
No. 290813
>>290774Yes. That was the article that pushed me over the edge into full-blown TERF. If any of you GC people haven't read it- you need to. It is fucking eye-opening and terrifying, and it shows that the trans movement has a lot of $$$ behind it.
There is a LOT of fucking money to be made in trans-land. People who transition have to do HRT for the rest of their lives- imagine how much $$$ that costs- drug makers have a great source of revenue here.
We don't fully understand the long term effects of this shit. If I'm not mistaken (correct me if I'm wrong), but this shit, taken long enough, will render you infertile.
Contrary to what people like
>>290696 might claim, the Trans movement is doing real fucking harm to real people. LGB spaces? Erased. Read the article. Historically LGB organizations are completely shifting gears and going all balls-in for trans causes.
"Oh! But they have mawwige eqwality now! won't someone think of the MtF's? ;_;" Which is funny, because last I checked- organizations that have historically supported Black people, for example, didn't suddenly disappear when interracial marriage became legal, or when Black people were given the right to vote? Huh! Weird. It's almost as if…no, it couldn't be! Could transing kids and adults be the new conversion therapy for LGB people? That's just my tinfoil hat I'm wearing, but it seems like a lot of evidence is pointing toward it :)
Female Erasure? Check.
The TRAs have been attacking on all fronts to make sure we don't have our own spaces anymore and we can't discuss issues that are pertinent to actual women because of their fee-fees.
Let's have a fun look at something- the Medicine net definiton for male, below: straightforward! What's it say for female? Surely can't be too different…oh… of interesting that the very definition of female is up for debate. Sure smells like female erasure to me!
There are lots of examples like this, you don't have to look far! Let's not even get started on the erasure of women's sports and such- you could write a whole damn blogpost about it! (And many have, lol)
And perhaps most importantly to me- the harm this movement is doing to kids- see the article. It talks about Lupron and such. This shit is NOT OKAY. Kids, who aren't even old enough to drive or vote, are being pushed into medically unnecessary, invasive, cruel, and honestly unknown and un-tested medical procedures to "cure their dysphoria". OR ELSE THEY MIGHT KILL THEMSELVES GUYS! ;_; Keep in mind that transitioning has little effect on the suicide rate of people who go through it. Kind of odd that something that useless would be pushed so hard- unless there's some sort of reason behind it…nah, couldn't be, right? These kids can't even do anything else a legal adult can, yet they can make devastating choices to mutilate themselves, and parents and doctors are expected to go along with it or else…?
Fuck this manipulative movement. It preys on children and mentally ill people for $$$- that's all it is.
And if you dare speak up? Let's see what happened to the recently-published paper by Lisa Littman? recommend it- it's an interesting read and definitely lays the groundwork for future research…provided that someone can be brave enough to publish another paper without fear of being silenced, which is exactly what's happening to the author of this paper. University is caving to pressure from transactivists over this paper.
Why? What are they so afraid of?
(Also, everyone, let's have a good laugh at Brown Univeristy's "LGBTQ" page )
Wew, a whole lot of LGB in there! sure wouldn't want that T getting silenced amirite!
tldr- fuck this money grubbing movement.
No. 290841
>>290830No joke, I'd call it out but I was harassed into shutting my shit down on twitter/reddit when I dared question the narrative.
Also interesting- ever notice that FtM trans never seem so predisposed to violence as MtFs? Really makes you think.
No. 290852
>>290841I basically see rad fems get their accounts shut down on Twitter all the time, under the guise of them violating hate speech rules or some shit. All because they call out people who say already hateful shit, or because they talk about biology. I'm kinda surprised me and the few people I talk with on there about these topics haven't gotten shut down yet. I guess it's because we're just nobodies with only like a hundred followers.
And absolutely. FtM's are still socialized as women, and women aren't raised with that gimme gimme entitlement men have. MtFs want to be women, and they still have that male entitlement. Hence why they steamroll into our events and piggyback on our movements.
No. 290865
>>290852Yeah, I purposefully don't have a social media presence anymore because of this shit. In public, I'm rah-rah trans rights!11, but in private, I post on these boards, GC over on reddit, and just try to find like-minded women (and a few sane men). I keep my TERF side a secret until I know that whoever I'm talking to is cool.
Something tells me a lot of women are like me. I was harassed by those lady-LARPers (As I've come to call them) into shutting my shit down, so I imagine there's a lot of women who don't want to go through with what I did.
No. 290872
>>290715>Despite the supposed status of transgender people as America’s most oppressed minority, the North Carolina ‘bathroom bill’, H.B 2. was international news. How many other state bills become international news? Celebrities said they would no longer come to the state, sports teams protested. Bruce Springsteen said he wouldn’t play there. Every boycott by some famous liberal was greeted with aplomb. There was a national shaming of the state, on the massive stage that is the mainstream news cycle. Left unmentioned by that same mainstream news were the changes to North Carolina employment laws also in the same bill, that negatively impacted working-class Americans, or the fact some of the outcry was defining sex under North Carolina law as “the physical condition of being male or female, which is stated on a person’s birth certificate”. Bruce Springsteen didn’t refuse to play in the state based on that part of H.B 2. When the ‘bathroom bill’ sections were removed in 2017, the employment sections did not change. There was a collective shaking of heads, a throwing up of hands, a celebration of transgenderism’s victory and the bill disappeared from the national conversation.As someone from North Carolina who watched this fiasco in action, and shook her head at all these stupid celebrities and multinational corporations trying to pretend to be moral, I want to thank this person for mentioning this. My state got browbeat to death in the media over this garbage. Funny, any other state that has a similar bathroom bill doesn't seem to get as much hate in the media. Now, this could be me being a bit tinfoil hat, but it certainly seems to me that when a Southern state does something like this, everyone comes out, teeth gnashing. After all, it only reaffirms what they already think: this is the bad South, the evil South, don't do business with them.
As the article mentioned, none of these idiots with their grandstanding mentioned thing one about how the same "bathroom bill" had a terrible effect on working class people all throughout the state. Who gives a shit about working class normal citizens, right? This hurts the feelings of men in dresses, so those men in dresses take priority.
The biggest laugh for me was when Paypal suddenly pulled out of building a new branch/headquarters in North Carolina due to this bill being "transphobic". Paypal, who has an international headquarters in Singapore, and who does business with Saudi fucking Arabia. And idiots everywhere congratulated this tolerant, wonderful company.
Corporations aren't your friends, they don't give a fuck about you. They give a fuck about money. And a shitload of money is being thrown into this tranny shit.
> Its campaign filings reveal that a large majority of this money came from a set of lobbying groups almost from central casting: The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), Freedom for All Americans (FFAA), Planned Parenthood (PP), and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).I've grown to respect all of these organizations a hell of a lot less due to this transgender shit. A shame, since Planned Parenthood actually does shit for women too. But I can't tolerate every branch of Planned Parenthood going on Twitter and posting "some women have penises".
No. 290883
>>290865A lot of women are like you. Even if I like Tweets about this stuff or talk about it, I don't do it nearly as much as I honestly want to. Because part of me isn't in the mood for the bullshit that may invite from other people. I basically go into it the way I want on here, or with a friend or two that I know I can vent about this shit to. One of my oldest IRL friends feels the same way at this point. We vent about this shit whenever we hang out.
Eventually, this is gonna get to a point where women are gonna get tired of hiding and venting in private. Women need to stand up, in public to this horseshit. I'm grateful to the ones who do, they stand up for the women who, right now, are too scared to do so.
No. 290887
>>290873THIS. I'm not in tech, but nothing infuriates me more than these fucking MTTs getting accolades as "a woman". I can't for the life of me remember the company, but there was a Fortune 500 (I believe?) company whose CEO came out as a "woman" at the tender age of 50 or so, and people lauded him as a "BRAVE FEMALE CEO!!!" despite a lifetime of socialization and reaping the benefits of being a man in the coporate world? Fuck. That.
I am sick of tr00nies stealing our spots in our sports, our scholarships, our shelters and spaces that were built by US. Fucking entitled manbaby brats.
No. 290977
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No. 291004
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>>290715>The most common use for HRT over the 20th century was instead to treat menopause. That particular train derailed in 2002, when the National Institutes Of Health’s Women’s Health Initiative, a large clinical trial to test HRT’s safety and efficacy, found out that HRT in women led to raised rates of strokes and breast cancer among other deleterious side effects.Ummm…but it's ok for trans people to take HRT? 15 years from now on, there will be a massive suing spree by sterile, crippled and half-dead trannies suffering from cancer. Only then people will make up their minds that all that transgender shit is just pharma propaganda to gain more ~moneymoneymoney. And you know what? It reminds me of that Contergan scandal. Back then the pharma industry knew about the side effects but put it still on the market because MONEY.
No. 291010
>>290977They keep thinking I'm Magdelan, as if she would seriously waste her life on 4chan.
It's sad how they cling to each of their delusions so whole heartedly. Too bad they couldn't use that spirit to become a decent human being.
No. 291025
>>291004Yep. The transbusiness is fucking lucrative. The article went into some depth with regard to the numbers, but it was mind-boggling. And that's not even counting all the businesses and such that make $ of trans"women", and I was starting to see trans-specific cosmetic adverts popping up, clothing lines, etc. There's lots and lots of potential money to be gained here.
And in 15-20 years when all these poor people are suing the shit out of the doctors, pharma companies, therapists, etc, etc, etc, it'll be $$$ everywhere for the lawyers, too.
No. 291051
>>291045can anyone please tell me what's wrong with, if, as they say, hormones continue to feminize and masculinize brains after administered and trannies are so miserable with wrong sex brains, why 'mismatched' trannies can't just take more hormones to make them brain-dudely?
it literally makes no sense to argue against it, especially since it hasn't been afaik, tried or ever treated as a viable option despite it obviously being safer and more attainable for middle class and poor trannies
No. 291058
>>291051clearly because you cannot fix an inferior female brain, anon. they have to put them where they belong and safe the poor male brained ones from being trapped as inferior women.
i'm being sarcastic but this is too real.
No. 291060
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>>291057the whole banner is amazing, anon, why crop it?
No. 291074
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>>291060the more i look at it, the funnier it gets.
it's like shit art off of wikihow
No. 291108
>>291085Me too. I found some sources regarding breast cancer in men.>While the link between estrogen and breast and ovarian cancer in women has been known for many years, it's been unclear if there is a link between male breast cancer and estrogen. Now an international study has found that men with naturally high levels of estrogen may have a higher-than-average risk of breast cancer.And apparently men with high estrogen levels have more estrogen receptors than women which is linked to breast cancer. Now imagine a tranny taking as much estrogens as a pregnant woman would have naturally in her body. Difference is that the woman is 9 months pregnant and the tranny takes this amount daily until he finally kicks the bucket in a few years. Totally worth it for the man boobs. I can't believe HRT is even legal at this point.>Breast cancer tissue from 12 male patients was evaluated for the presence of estrogen receptors (ER), and at least 10 of 12 were found to be high in ER (ER+). A combination of previously published cases and our own experience indicates that 80% of patients (37/47) have ER+ tumors. This incidence of ER positivity in men is greater than that in women with breast cancer. Clinical responses to hormonal therapy have been observed in the ER+ patients but not in one ER–patient. Measurement of ER may be clinically important in men with breast cancer. No. 291151
>>290657>>290746I’m like
>>290761 in that in theory I’m totally cool with the concept of men wearing theatrical makeup and costumes as artistic expression and breaking gender boundaries, which is how drag fans always explain it to me. But every time I watch actual drag queens in action it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. They’re not just wearing costumes, they’re putting on this entire act and creating “female” stage personalities that are often mean-spirited and involve a lot of negative stereotypes about women. Why are drag personalities nearly always catty, unintelligent, dramatic and oversexed? And for that matter, why do they tuck their penis and create fake breasts? Those are completely unnecessary for the art aspect or even the gender-boundary-pushing aspect. If anything they’re reinforcing gender boundaries by implying that being a screeching bimbo requires you to appear to be female-bodied.
People in progressive circles nowadays shit their pants if someone so much as gets a tan for darker-skinned costume or role even if they approach the character very respectfully. But when a gay man paints his face and dresses up like a mean-spirited caricature of a woman to go around calling other women bitches and sluts, that’s progressive? Fuck that. It doesn’t help that at least in my circles, bio (female) drag queens are seriously looked down upon or even hated for appropriating drag culture. How the fuck can women appropriate something that’s basically a parody of ourselves? I guess only men are allowed to artistically express themselves by mocking women. Very progressive.
Funnily enough in my circles, the only “valid” criticism against drag culture is that it’s transphobic. If you express discomfort with drag culture as a cis woman you’re accused of homophobia, even though the majority of gay men I know
hate drag. Come to think of it, the only people I know who like RPDR are straight women.
No. 291169
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"T-trans ppl arent trying to fool anyone!!"
Well maybe say in you fucking bio that you're a man in drag
While I don't 100% approve attempted murder maybe if you clearly stated, before meeting, that you're a wanna be woman, you wouldn't encounter these people who want a regular woman and lose their shit while they learn they have been fooled.
Date between psychos, don't expect to be accepted and you wont have to cry.
No. 291172
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>>291057>>291060>>291074Here's full picture anons.
Interesting how it's only "transwomen" and there is no "transmale" in the picture
No. 291174
>>290810The whole "fishy" thing has never made sense to me, my vagina has never smelled fishy nor have any of my girlfriend's. If anything, dirty vag tends to smell more like cumin or a wet dog imo.
Men really do believe that vaginas naturally smell like canned tuna though for some bizzare fucking reason. I even remember seeing a comic where a tranny claimed that her fancy new vagina smelled like fish and it made her happy because that's what "real" women smell like. Fucking gross.
No. 291176
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What an inspiration!
No. 291192
>>291171Which is why they want to pander to real women, while also shitting on them. it's crazy
The only ones attacking and murdering trans people are men.
No. 291193
>>291176This reads like a joke a tumblr.
Maybe i'm old now (in my early 30s) but i legit dont remember any of this being a thing 10+ years ago. Now suddenly everyone is either trans or disabled or both and want to flaunt it. Usually it's just semi femmine dudes who like makeup and certain clothes. Why can't they just leave it at that? You cant help being disabled if you are, but trans people are just bored people who want to be different and enforce those gender roles/stereotypes.
No. 291266
>>291171This! This is so fucking bizarre to me!
Why do they screech about TERFs when women don't commit the majority of violence against them?
Shit like that story just reinforces it. Really sad- I feel bad for the MTT who got stabbed…and don't get why mens' egos are so fucking fragile- are they that scared of being gay?
Jesus- 119 times. That's pure male rage right there.
No. 291270
>>291172Thank you for this. This is beautiful.
Trans Immigrants? Oh for fucks' sake.
Story time- I work in an industry here in the US that actually employs a pretty sizeable amount of actual illegal immigrants. (Mostly from Mexico, but I've met quite a few from Honduras, etc) These are people running from actual fucking problems- and you know what? We had an MTT at work and he was the butt of all of their jokes- not because he was trans (but that was part of it, yeah), but because he was so fucking whiny. He also spoke Spanish, and would REEE at these actual fucking illegal immigrants about his imaginary gender problems- while these people were worried about whether they'd be able to afford their bills, or feed their kids.
Hell, poor people in general must think these kids are a fucking riot. They're so special and hurt…Oh, you're not sure if your kid will have shoes? B-BUT MY LASERS! MY MAKEUP! WAH, WHY CAN'T I WEAR FALSE EYELASHES TO WORK. WAH, M-M-MAH EXPENSIVE DRESSES, DO YOU THINK I PASS?
It's so fucking cringey I couldn't stand watching him talk to the actual poor people working with us. Trans truly is a first world western problem. I only hope this ridiculous shit doesn't spread to other countries.
No. 291324
>>291266>are they that scared of being gay?My personal theory is that deep down they’re quite aware of how predatory men can be and are afraid of being treated the same way as men treat women. Unreciprocated desire from a woman can generally be brushed off so easily that men don’t even give it a second thought, but when the unreciprocated desire is coming from another
man they feel preyed upon, so they are more likely to lash out violently in “self defence” regardless of whether there’s any imminent threat. Being deceived sucks but stabbing that person 119 times is ridiculously excessive. That’s fear and loathing. Homophobia rather than transphobia, imo. Are there any instances of gay men attacking FtMs who didn’t disclose their trans status online?
>>291310They’ll use this as an example of “TERF violence against trans people” anyway, I bet. Just put the terms “TERF” and “transphobic violence” in the tagline together often enough and people will start to believe it, even if the article itself reveals that the perpetrator isn’t a woman or even associated with feminism at all.
No. 291327
>>290696Even if it's not a fetish, it is clear these people transitioning need help and it isn't in mutilating their bodies.
I come from a family with mental illness, and some have schizophrenia. The first thing we're told is to not re-enforce delusions. Why is it different for trans people? They are obviously delusional so why are we indulging them instead of trying to treat the underlying problem?
No. 291328
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Ive seen alot of fucked up things online, but nothing has me question humanity more than males who legit turned their ballsack inside to become a futa
No. 291329
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No. 291330
>>291324Wow, anon, that's actually a really good theory.
Now if only sort-of self aware men could just pull their heads out of their asses and realize that change starts from within, that they don't have to be predatory and gross. Sigh. I can dream, right?
No. 291332
>>291328>>291329oh jesus.
>>291327Because there's too much money to be made from exploiting mentally ill people, anon. trans is a big business.
I hope people wake up to this and see what it's doing :(
No. 291334
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>>291143The comment section is absolutely glorious!
No. 291335
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Totally not a fetish guyz
No. 291336
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The OP of the pics post looks sketch because of the low quality…but ffs.
No. 291349
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No. 291350
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No. 291438
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I don't wish anything bad on real trans people (those that don't cause trouble and just want to live a normal life) but creeps and transtrenders make me want to puke. Also the hypocrisy around non passing troons is making me sigh. It's not a "lovely woman",it doesn't even look remotely like one. Just because it plastered lipstick on its lips and curled a few hair locks doesn't make it a woman. I can even see a mustache, come fucking on, at least try to pass a little.
No. 291444
>>291193This a thousand times.
Xcept the last part,I legit believe some of them just don't feel right and happy in their body and honestly if they wanna change,i'm all for it. But all the fuckers that do it for oppreshun points or for any fetish related reason should seek serious help, moreso than regular trans folks.
I also wish all those entitled pieces of shit would die (hurrdurr i'm moar of a wymin than you!! if you're a lesbean and don't date me it's troonphobic!!1!).
I honestly feel bad for actual trans people, they're suffering from a really bad mental illness,and on top of that they got a shitton of idiots like that which makes them look really bad.
No. 291445
>>291335>>291349>>291350What I find so remarkable about this post is its overwhelmingly positive reaction by the trans community. This isn't some post that is overblown by TERFs, this actually got 482 upvotes (which is quite high for /r/askTG) and has a few people in comments saying they may want to get the same surgery. No one in the comments is weirded out.
If you would show these pictures to some random person in real life, they would be disgusted and think that only a very mentally ill or a major pervert would do something like this to their body (rightfully so). I'm sure that with the help of sick individuals like this /r/askTG poster, more people soon will realize that the transgender movement is full of sick people that want them to pay for their risky and stupid surgeries.
Also, posts like this demonstrate perfectly why there should be no T in LBG. It's not harmful to be in same-sex relationships or to experiment with your sexuality. Transgenderism, on the other hand, makes people do things like getting your fucking balls cut off and get it replaced with a hole you have to stick a dildo in daily so it doesn't close up for $20k (that you demand to be paid for by your insurance because it's a "life-saving surgery" to cure your "dysphoria"). And even not considering genital surgeries, it's still really dangerous to take cross-sex hormones for a long period of time. It's mindblowing that TRAs act like nowadays people can just "choose your gender" and forget to bring up that there's major health risks involving doing HRT.
The truth is that a lot of trans-identified people would be just better off with extensive therapy and some time off the internet. And I'm sick of TRAs acting like suggesting that trans people should get therapy is the same thing as conservatives saying homosexuality can be "cured". When you think about it, conversion therapies and transgenderism are bad out of similar reasons: you can neither change your sexuality nor your sex. Even it's not always easy, people should accept who they are and realize they can be gender non-conforming without fucking their bodies up. Surgery and cross-sex hormones should be only considered as the last resort and are not to be normalized and propagated as not that big of a deal. But I digress, sorry.
No. 291467
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>>291445>>291349>>291350Semi off-topic but I checked out the post history of a commentator who said this surgery "looks like almost what I'm waiting for" and holy shit he posted this: tranny painted furry porn on his fucking door. It took him 6 hours. He also has a painting of a "trans guy" pissing hung up ( and lives with "3 other kinky trans witches". Also, he "buy[s] most of my toys second hand" (what the fuck, ew).
He seems exactly like the kind of person you'd expect to want such a fucked-up surgery.
No. 291479
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some comedian (?) on FB posted this photo, the caption was something along the lines of "Happy Birthday to my Daughter!" and I'd say 90-95% of the comments were unquestioning support. Then I came across this gem. Not unsupportive of trans, just a trans "woman" acting so very nice and feminine uwu
No. 291486
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You'd think there would be pictures plastered with the sticker and bloody fingers, all for that extra drama, a lot of people claimed to see it however not a single picture. Really dinks your dink.
The thread if anyone wants to read the dumpster fire: No. 291504
>>291486neo-nazis didn't invent the razorblade stickers
and honestly you'd have to really try to get cut at the same time as not noticing it's there in the first place for it to be dangerous
No. 291505
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>>291486Yeah, this is mostly a popular urban myth going around in the leftist scene. This only happened once 2015 in Germany and since then I've never heard of it happening again. I doubt that a radical feminist would waste their time and money doing this, especially considering the risk that probably just the toilet cleaner (who are mostly women) would remove it.>Officers on patrol this evening at Manchester Oxford Road have been made aware and will do a sweep of stickers in the toilet. CCTV etc will also be checked. ThanksIf it's true there probably will be some kind of news or police report released soon. If this is actually bogus, I hope this dude gets some repercussion for falsely reporting such thing.>Just saw my first TERF sticker in the bathroom>And I tried to take it down, and some assholes put razor blades behind it. I’m badly cut but okay.I have removed my fair share of fascist stickers and I really don't get how someone could be "badly cut" even if someone actually put razor blades under there. Stickers are either very easily removable in one swipe or you kinda have to try to scratch them off with your nails. In the first case, you wouldn't be cut and in the second case you maybe would get something like a paper cut on a finger if you're unlucky.>An update>Took this to police and both the CMPD and the business owner are investigating this. :)yeah sure
No. 291578
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Holy shit our PM isn't fucking around
No. 291589
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>>291578What even are "potential transgender children"? "Katherine doesn't play with dolls, she must be actually a boy"? Like most kids are uncomfortable with their gender at some point, doesn't mean it needs to be changed. I remember when everyone moaned about parents being all like "It's just a phase" with their sexuality, but sexuality does not require fucking medical intervention and surgeries, so maybe we should think about children not being comfortable with their gender (probably because of stereotypes anyways) of them just "being in a phase"…
No. 291600
>>291589I think most kids just play with whatever toys and do whatever, especially girls. I remember when I was a kid, like maybe 6 or 7 years old, I was over at a friends house and she had a little pool we could play in. And I insisted on wearing swim trunks and not a bathing suit. This was back in the way early 90's. Anyway, my friends mom thought it was a little weird I think, but was like okay. So that's what I did and me and my friend sat in the water and had fun.
Could you imagine a girl doing that now? God, people would suddenly think she's a tranny. That's what this shit sounds like. "She's playing with trucks, not dolls, must be a tranny".
No. 291603
>>291578Pity everything else I've read about his other positions are shit-house.
Grant us some stability in a PM, universe. The joke isn't as funny from this side.
No. 291611
>>291600I was an absolute tomboy. I didn't like dolls (they still creep me out), I didn't like pink, I didn't like dresses, I didn't like anything girly save for horses in 2nd grade or something, and it absolutely terrifies me that someone like me who took quite a long time to be really comfortable with my gender (looking back it's probably because I had too many male friends and was online in male communities too much) could not be thought of as "not a girly girl, more of a tomboy" but instead "definitely trans, we need to get
him help!!!".
No. 291619
>>291578It's a sad day when a religious tard like Scott Morrison makes more sense than people on the left who are meant to be so ~free~ and progressive and totally against homophobia. The comments under his tweet are pure cancer.
But he's right. Let kids be kids. It's really that simple, stop transing them just cos they don't fit into strict gender roles FFS how don't people see how backwards and homophobic transgenderism is?
No. 291639
>>291578I'm legit scared of our future tbh. There is so much tranny propaganda now a days. I used to consider myself pretty liberal, but now leaning more towards center-right because of how bad things have become.
Telling children that if they are even a bit outside the social norm, they're trans, is so fucking dangerous. We're going to have an entire generation of kids who are going to try to transition think it's normal.
No. 291668
>>291639>>291663If anything I've gone more left. As in radfem/socialist/anti idpol. If people ask about my political beliefs, I say I'm a socialist or social democrat. I live in Western Europe and it's more socially acceptable here than it might be in the states or elsewhere in Europe.
> I see no issue in people using words like "nigga" and "retarded"That's an objectively un-liberal stance to take so maybe you've just come across a better label for your beliefs.
No. 291737
>>291668European socialist here too.
I've seen some of my leftists friend be skeptical of transgenderism. One friend found it very odd and off-putting that the whole mostly female 'tumblrina' friend group of his (now ex-)girlfriend was suddenly full of transmen and non-binaries. Or some other friends were making fun of the fact that how many women in university seem to identify as non-binary suddenly. Unfortunately, there are some trans people in my friend circle, mostly very kind trans-identified women whom I'd love to help but I think they have to realize how damaging the whole trans thing is on their own. I hope the transtrend is over soon.
>>291709What I think is really scary is how people analyze everything you've done on the internet and search for 'offensive' things you said. Youtubers having to do apology videos for dumb things they said in 2010, politicians losing their job over some stupid tweets. Obviously, I do think there should be consequences for saying something shitty but you can't expect people to be always 100% politically correct and aware of all issues. Especially leftists should know that we're all shaped by the (at some points still) sexist and racist society we've grown up in. I think it's so disgusting how some 'woke' people on twitter like to bully young teenagers over some little thing they said or did. Like the girl who wore a traditional chinese dress to prom. Nowadays, it's cooler to be mean rather than understanding to show your self-perceived moral superiority.
Imagine if Lenin was some smug bastard who told the proletariat and peasants they should educate themselves on their own since it's not his job to do free emotional labor for them. We'd still have tsarism in Russia.
No. 291768
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"I was going to a bdsm meet, and I wanted to dress appropriately"
No. 291775
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And then everyone clapped.
No. 291818
>>291790Yeah lol how would he know she's a terf? She sounds more like a Christian conservative mom.
Oh yeah, it's a fake story so he knows all his character's thoughts.
No. 291937
>>291768when i don't wear makeup i just look a little blotchy and disheveled, not like a male sperg. must suck.
>>291769and you know if some plastic hollywood lady ever unironically bragged about how much better she looks than everyone, she wouldn't have handmaidens politely nodding in agreement.
>>291789this is also just because unless they were born exceptionally feminine looking before, they can't pull off a subtle look even with surgery. it's like how drag queens have to go completely OTT or they just look like artsy gay men
>>291775because if there's one thing radical feminists love it's gender divided hygiene products and letting your sex determine what products you're allowed to buy. wait, no, that's troons
No. 291958
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>>291885Holy shit, this dude. ngl nearly combed through his whole post history because I love looking at a good trainwreck>Damn, I wish I was a virgin cis female so I could have a cute girl deflower me…>I had an encounter with an mtf friend of mine today, and I’m very glad to share. (First time being with a woman in over a year!)>We both had a monster energy drink, and we just laid there and cuddled for awhile.>After we were both on edge for a while, i started jerking her off, and it all ended with a hand-holding orgasm combination/r/"actuallesbians">I'm a wolfkin, trans female, and lesbian. I like playing video games, especially rhythm games, and I enjoy eating meat (My diet is mostly carnivorous).>I'm trans female full time (even though I don't pass very well), I've been on HRT for 2 months, and while I don't like doing ALL things particularly girly, I do enjoy dressing up in feminine clothes and doing certain feminine things.>One last thing I should mention is that I'm a smoker. Fight me. It's my body., of course
He also posted on /r/the_Donald and made misogynistic remarks. I don't even know which of his posts to include because so many of them are just really bad.
What's sad is that this guy is only 18. His post history contains a lot of creepy PMs he got sent by (presumably older) men, nude pictures of him, links to his pornhub profile where he filmed himself having sex and using a "dragon dildo"; he's on fetlife and goes to irl BSDM meetings. Also, he posts so much on reddit I doubt he has a job or anything else to do beside being on the internet. Multiple posts seem to be about him complaining about his parents, who don't really seem to be bad people. he tries to paint his dad as a narcissist and gets called out by other redditors. People like this troon make me afraid to have children someday. I feel so sorry for his parents.
Great roast in the comments: No. 292059
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No proof because his source is a private twitter account. Sounds legit.
No. 292063
>>292059The tweets were posted and are archived here:
>>291486 and
>>291505The weird thing is that there are two troons that claim to be hurt by razor blades under radfem stickers on the same day. But, the first troon (misErydactyl) is from the UK and the other one (ZoeySoftCatgirl) from the US. And they both protected their accounts after their razor blade tweets gained traction. This is such bullshit. They desperately want people to think that "TERFs" are violent; meanwhile most crimes against trans-identified people are committed by men. Imagine hating women this much.
No. 292066
>>292063My bad, I haven’t checked the thread for a couple of days so I thought this was new information.
What makes me laugh/cry is that it would actually be so easy to fake but they don’t even need to do it because everything an awesome trans gal says must be taken as fact.
No. 292067
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>>291751>>291768Lmao this level of delusion really is something. I think troons are honestly just completely unselfaware, they all swear up and down they're cute and totally pass and people can't tell the difference, and then when they post pics they ALWAYS look like Buffalo Bill.
As an aside, I fucking hate how troons grow out their hair and throw on some shitty drugstore makeup and then claim they're super pretty and pass, then get their asses patted for it. Biological women go through so much shit about their looks, yet when troons do the absolute bare minimum they get YASS QWEEN SLAYYY even if they have beard shadow and caveman brows. Like can you imagine the disgust if there were biological women who walked around looking like these disasters? People wouldn't hesitate to shit on them, but just because it's a man in a dress we're supposed to respect its feefees or else we're transphobic.
Despite everything, an average biological woman is still a woman and will always look prettier than a troon. Pic related is a troon I know who likes shitting on ebul cis wimmin and thinks walking outside as if people can't tell he's not an actual woman. Biggest kek
No. 292230
>>291958holy shit anon this weirdo is a goldmine.
someone needs to make a thread on him
No. 292232
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>>291958Going through his history is just a whole lot of yikes
No. 292235
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>>292232i HOPE he means adult troon moobs they "develop" when they take estrogen and not the boob shape that literally only preteens going through puberty have. even when adult women have very small boobs it's almost never that shape he's describing
No. 292245
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>>292232Imagine what would go down if you were alone in an unsupervised room with this person.
Does he have any other social media? This guy is /snow/ worthy, imo.
No. 292249
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>>292245Sorry, doubleposting, but I found his Twitter and it’s exactly what you’d expect. No. 292295
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>>292233yeah, it's a pretty common trick, i think.
i've also heard about razor blades under fascist stickers in London and an older story about White Power stickers that used glue mixed with glass shards or something like that.
however, i'd think the people spreading anti-islam and white power stickers are a pretty different crowd than the ones spreading "women don't have penises" stickers.
No. 292523 fucking hate male troons. I actually enjoyed OP's post, which was about how men perceive and treat her differently since she 'passes' as a straight man. But of course, some trans-identified dude comes along, makes it all about himself and denies he profits from male privilege and claims he didn't /really/ experience true male socialisation.
Also, this comment by a TIM:>I think there could be a really fruitful conversation about the ways cis women often reinforce transphobia, cis male supremacy, and transmisogyny, and I think trans men and trans women and nonbinary people could contribute valuable perspectives to that conversation.This is just plain misogyny. Classic dude acting like women are actually the worst offenders of sexism and misogyny, while men dindu nuffin.
No. 292578
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No. 292609
>>292578women in shelters literally worry that their crazy ex is going to find and kill them and this dude is worried about arm hair.
why do they always think that women are going to attack them. time and time again it's been shown that its cis men that do the killing yet twitter would have you think otherwise.
No. 292636
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>>292578Wow. They locked the post because of "transphobic comments". The comments that were deleted are literally just people who are MTF themselves defending the rights of women. The thread wasn't even brigaded or anything.
>"Your comment has been removed for violating Rule 2: Be respectful, especially about how people identify themselves.>Positing that a women's shelter ought to exclude people who identify as women disrepects the identity of those women." No. 292845
>A transgender lecturer orchestrated a smear campaign against academics across the UK in which universities were described as dangerous and accused of “hate crime” if they refused to accept activists’ views that biological males can be women, it can be revealed.>Natacha Kennedy, a researcher at Goldsmiths University of London who is also understood to work there under the name Mark Hellen, […] invited thousands of members of a closed Facebook group to draw up and circulate a list shaming academics who disagreed with campaigners’ theories on gender.>The online forum, seen by The Times, also revealed that members plotted to accuse non-compliant professors of hate crime to try to have them ousted from their jobs.>All the named academics were women.
>Rosa Freedman, an expert in human rights law at the University of Reading, had also upset activists by saying that biological males should not have access to a women’s refuge.>Professor Freedman told The Times: “We are talking about the aggressive trolling of women who are experts. I have received penis pictures telling me to ‘suck my girl cock’. This is straight-up, aggressive, anti-woman misogyny. In no way have I made the space unsafe. I find it deeply distressing that an academic would set out to smear my name and impugn my reputation, simply because I put forward a perspective, based on robust and specific evidence, with which they disagree. That is not academia. That is silencing people.” No. 292851
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>>292793Interesting how the only statement the women's officer had to say about the story was this. No. 292871
>>292793IMO if trans activists were halfway decent people they’d at least agree that
convicted sex offenders with a history of raping women and/or children should not be housed in regular woman’s prisons, and they’d certainly have a much easier time convincing people to only relocate nonviolent TiMs to women’s prisons. Why are they so insistent on protecting and supporting violent sex offenders, when it works against their own argument? Why would they rather claim that sexual assault is nbd than compromise? I will never understand people, especially women, who bend over backwards to protect rapists.
No. 292884
>>292845What a surprise.
Will we see the same thing on this side of the pond here in the US I wonder?
No. 293082
>>292845Jesus. Why does this shit always happen in the U.K?
I mean, I know other western nations have drunk the trans koolaid to an extent but U.K seems like they took a headive into it, especially when it comes to politics and academics.
No. 293217
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>one of the left: made a documentary about "what it is to be a woman" most was about his surgery and the documentary was panned for being shallow and saying women are nothing more than their looks
>one on the right made a video about "trans pregnancy", got flack because once again he kept going on about how hes more a woman than real woman, upset he cant give birth and stating if you cant you're not a real woman
For all this screaming about how radfems are turning people against transpeople no one is better at converting people to peak trans more than narcissistic AGP's.
No. 293220
>>293217There is something so disturbing about these two that it makes my skin crawl.
The extent they're willing to imitate what they THINK is a woman is so unsettling.
No. 293237
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Notice how this moron contradicts himself in the two bottom tweets, how many circles are they going to argue themselves into?
No. 293238
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>>293217Gigi just looks like chris crocker in a wig
oh hmm I wonder why…
No. 293295
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>>293217>god is a trans womanumm yeah everyone knows he’s a man already
No. 293429
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As I'm applying for a job… Wtf, Canada?
No. 293467
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So, this troon supposedly
>met a dom "lesbian" on POF>is in dom/sub relationship with her since>got married 1 month after first date>now 7 months later, plans to get a babyI think he made his wife up and it's hilarious. He doesn't comment that much but when he does it's usually about sex, his wife or both.
>I never dated or had sex until I was 37 years old, 1 year in to my transition. Dated a trans woman for a while. Now I'm with a wonderful cis female lesbian and we have great sex. We're hopelessly in love and we're getting married in almost exactly 7 days.
>You should see the relationship that my cis lesbian fiancee and I have. It'd honestly so romantic it puts romance movies to shame. Like seriously, we watch romance movies and laugh at them.
>I am lucky enough to have actually found a woman who wants to dominate me 24/7. It's beautiful and wonderful and nothing like the crap that guy posted. There is so much love in her domination, so much love in my submissionWhat a weirdo. No. 293547
>>293531So I can only get six sessions with a psychiatrist for complex ptsd before running out of funding, and zero dental care for over a decade bcause it’s so overpriced that having someone look at your mouth and not even put in gloves coats up to $800, but some bloke with a fetish can have all the sick surgery he wants and some big old tiddies to match.
Breast reduction via Medicare? Get fucked and lose weight from your E cups on a 48 kg body, but get this man some DDcup implants because he said he’s a bit sad.
No. 293892
>>293876God, his blog description. It's so weird that now quite a few crossdressers have adapted the whole trans rhetoric and language. Back then, they were just strange fetishists but now they're *~inspiring genderfluid transwomen that must be protected at all costs~*
Though, I guess that could be a good thing. People like him illustrate perfectly that some of those horribly oppressed trans people are just heterosexual white men in their 40s with a fetish and enough money (read: privileged) to buy a second warderobe for their women LARP.
No. 293899
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Tumblr is the go to for me when I want a pick-me-up if I ever feel bad about myself or being a woman. Just search transgirl and see a bunch of ugly troons, all troons are hideous, even the ones who "pass" they always look ugly to me. No. 293900
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Omfg ew
No. 293903
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gynecomastia troon moobs.
No. 293917
>>293478Lesbians are like the ultimate forbidden fruit fantasy. And maybe it's a subconscious boost to feel like they could be the one man to make a lesbian straight.
>>293844Damn I like her. She can call sjw bullshit while prioritizing women
>>290715It's been on my mind a while that it seems like a lot of these trans "problems" are basically made up. Before the trans movement hit it big, most men didn't get upset over not getting to take hormones, being genderqueer or having to plan for a surgically made vagina. Now it's such a big issue, it doesn't feel like a natural thing arising in the public consciousness.
Maybe the corporate interests infiltrated media too alongside the medical industry
No. 293981
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>>293876God, they all look like Buffalo Bill. Actually, scratch that. Ted Levine passes better.
No. 293999
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No. 294002
>>293981He’s hot tho.
>>293899>>293900>>293903God I miss the transpassing thread.
No. 294004
>>293981bill is the only troon i would let smash and thats only because of his great music taste.
>>293999this HAS to be next thread pic, gj anon
No. 294008
>>294002Ted Levine is kinda hot, I like his voice the best though.
>>294004He likes moths, and so do I. Bill may be a crazy troon, but at least he has good taste in some things.
No. 294019
>>294012i agree, they shouldn't be consolidated. there are so many minicows in the trans community that need to have their own thread dedicated to in /ot/ anyways.
>>293999fucking KEK, that's classic. it's beautiful. just pls add "i completely pass and i know you TERFs wouldn't be able to tell. you've probably seen a bunch of us and never known because we look just like ciswomen".
also he looks too cute tbh, he needs yellow teeth, and i would take that centerpiece of hair and turn it into very wispy hairs, because that's allt hey ever seem to have for their centerpart, kek.
No. 294037
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The fucking angling needed to make it not 100% obvious you are a freak
No. 294045
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I am not a radical feminist but I hate mentally disturbed predatory men masquerading as oppressed women. Can I be a TERF ally?
No. 294048
>>294037I always thought "wow they do pass!" when I saw pics like that but all of it is careful angles and still pictures.
After meeting a trannie for the first time I can assure you they don't pass at all for 99% of them, there's an uncanny valley effect that makes you spot them a mile away.
And yeah some women are tall. Some have a strong jaw. Some women's faces even LOOK like men but usually you can still recognize them as women when you interact with them.
Trannies often have a subtle 5 o'clock shadow no filter can hide IRL, a large frame, large hands, mannish faces, and a voice no one can mistake for a woman's. It usually gets worse as they age, as no matter what plastic surgery they opt for, your body still recognize your true gender and will age accordingly.
I do concede however that trans men on T can be very very convincing with their clothes on.
No. 294049
>>294019Will do anon, I’ll try to make him more repulsive.
>>294037They always have to angle their heads down so their giant man jaws aren’t visible.
>>294045Eh I don’t think this is just a thread for self-identifying TERFs. I don’t consider myself a “radical feminist” but can still appreciate how vile, decieving, and predatory these men are.
No. 294090
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>>294061Don't forget the Lolita glasses.
I love how the skirt is sitting on his man waist. It's basically up to his underarms. And he hasn't realized he's supposed to tuck the shirt in. The giant man arms. Damn.
No. 294253
>>293903>>293900>>293899Needs eyes bleach urgently. How the hell don't these men know they are horrifying?
Even Buffalo Bill looks better ffs
>>293904Gender has no meaning nowadays, the word has become useless at this point. They're making it hard for gnc people that don't play into queer theory bullshit.
No. 294365
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>>294362Sage for double post
No. 294375
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Apparently, feminism was created by troon fetishits and we're appropiating it.
>>293999Don't forget the "It's 100% okay to shoplift make-up and clothing uwu uwu"
No. 294386
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Some troon's dumb and dishonest response to the hoax debunking.
No. 294407
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>>294362The tim in this video is a really good example of how poorly most transwomen pass, even when they've been on hormones for years and have fake breasts. His result would probably be considered good, and he still doesn't come close to passing. At least he was good natured about getting clocked.
>>294401He says in the video he's only had fillers. It's the drag makeup and extensions that make him look like Gigi.
>>294406I blocked her my first week on radblr and I've never looked back.
No. 294412
>>294362Jesus I cracked up when the guy instantly guessed that "she" was born a man and just blurted it out. You could tell right away that it's a TiF. And holy shit the explanation about "labiaplasty being like a face lift for your vagina", get that shit out of here.
>>294334Is there a full article for this? It's behind a paywall. It sounds really interesting, I wish more medical professionals came out about how they're being strong-armed into silence.
No. 294417
>>294406I got sick of all of them, even larps. Pronounrespecter is still cool but she never posts anymore. Larps has always been annoying though imo.
99% of radblr is too sjw-y for me, including the ones who call themselves "rudefems" or whatever. Way too many of them believe that stupid meme of HSTSs being innocent lil dindus. They need to hop off rayray's dick for a second.
No. 294432
>>294424most women with pcos still look unmistakably female. the only women with 'masculine' bodies that tend to look masculine enough to question based on their bodies are pro atheletes, imo. i get what you're saying, but it's the whole picture that ends up giving them away, not just one or two features.
though ive seen radfems say jazz still looks male and i dont see it. he looks within the boundaries of a typical female with his faint mustache etc. suppressed boys do look like girls and women imo
No. 294447
>>294424PCOS doesn't cause you to have a bigger, more masculine bone structure.
It doesn't make your voice deeper and it doesn't make your fat go to more masculine and less feminine places.
PCOS might cause you to gain weight or grow facial hair but the changes are not really that drastic to an onlooker.
No. 294461
>>294424Have a friend with PCOS. She's fat and hairy but so unmistakably female. lol TIMs use PCOS as some kind of 'gotya' but it's really not. Hell I can grow a fine moustache if I want to due to my race; but I'm still unmistakably female with or without it.
Being a woman isn't about being skinny or being hairless it's about being /female/.
No. 294469
>>294412>>294444Half the article is allowing trans clinics and "activists" their chance to whine
This is the most significant part IMO
> Dr. Littman surveyed 256 parents, whom she found online, collecting information about the teens’ mental health, friend-group dynamics and social-media use. Dr. Littman’s findings suggested these young people may have been driven in part by “social and peer contagion.”Nearly 70% of the teenagers belonged to a peer group in which at least one friend had also come out as transgender. In some groups, the majority had done so. Nearly 65% of teens had spent an increased amount of time online and on social media, and parents reported that pro-transgender YouTube videos and blogs might have been influential.
Declaring oneself transgender carried social benefits, the parents reported. Among parents who knew their children’s social status, nearly 60% said the announcement brought a popularity boost. “Being trans is a gold star in the eyes of other teens,” one parent wrote.
No. 294492
>>294362Yeah, they all clocked him immediately, but only that one dude had the nerve to say so. I clocked the transman too based on the height. I mean, I know short dudes exist, but yeah, in a video like this, that's gonna be a transman. TiF's still pass better than TiM's do though.
Feel kinda bad for the woman with the natural butt. She must get all sorts of gross comments.
No. 294568
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>>294461I love how they equate the tiny peachfuzz mustaches that some women tend to get on very small specific parts of their upper lips and try to use that to justify their stubbly AF five o clock shadow
No. 294598
>>294407lol i saw this too. i'm sure he has some pretty good selfies but as soon as he walked into the plastic surgery video i was like "oh, that's the troon." Twink voice, curveless upside down triangle body, masculine mannerisms. And it's different from a gangly awkward girl too. I wonder if the players who didn't clock him could tell right away but were trying to be polite.
>>294402that's because it's easier to add than to take away. If you're a girl, you can build up plenty of muscle, grow facial and body hair, and if you take testosterone and human growth hormone you can even grow your bone structure so that your skull just looks like a man's. now, REVERSING muscle growth, bone growth, and hair growth? much harder. Although, i gotta say, i clocked the transman too. she has a delicate neck that curves in like a woman's and her facial features are close together like a woman's. this combined with being short/small made me sus. BUT the difference is doubt I would clock her if I wasn't looking, like if I just saw her on the street. The mtf I would clock even if it wasn't in the context of lineup.
No. 294613
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>b-but its "cis" women who threaten twans with violence!
My heart goes out to all the lesbians who gotta deal with this shit
No. 294732
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This is probably the most fucked up thing I've read from a troon and that's saying something.
No. 294789
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>>294769Anon, dont forget his pic
No. 294796
>>294732Holy fucking shit. And people applaud this as brave and demand every messed up psycho to be allowed to fulfill their sick fetish. This beast literally said that he's so fucked he fantasizes about dismembering women and finds a serial killer AGP character relatable and thinks it's because the society doesn't view him as a female? Imagine the mental gymnastics you have to do to get to that point.
>>294789YIKES. He does have the vacant crazy stare though, no wonder he feels a connection to Buffalo Bill.
No. 294941
>>294732What a fucking nutjob. The movie and the book both make it a point to state Bill doesn't have gender dysphoria, he's just a psychopath. The book also states that he had a fucked up childhood, and that his first victims were his grandparents, and their deaths weren't related to skinning and wearing "woman suits". He's also based on real serial killers. This whacko may as well claim Ed Gein for the tranny team.
Also, this is incredibly pedantic, but SotL wasn't set in the deep South.
No. 294970
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>>294732>>294956>>294941>>294796some of the sick, woman hating shit he draws
No. 294972
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>>294732>>294769>>294941>>294956>>294970also a pedo, on top of wanting to dismember women
No. 294978
>>294977honestly, anon, it's not mental illness beyond men being all NPD paraphilic creeps. this is just your bogstandard male that is prone to developing fucked fetishes.
they don't need unneeded sympathy for just being disgusting fucks, they need to be fucking exiled or guillotined.
No. 295053
>>291048She got in a fight with some troons on tumblr dot hell dot com and they threatened to murder her and report her to the Russian gov (known for punishing gays, and redkatherinee is a lesbian) so she left the hellsite.
She still has both a twitter and instagram under the same usernames.
She's talented and her witch drawing ("LITERALLY BOILING TRANS PEOPLE ALIVE!!!!") made me kek loudly, so i'm glad she's doing fine.
Also, if you go to her twitter you can see some of the threats that were sent to her, along with the lies and rumors spread to incite violence against her. Troons are the worst when they dogpile upon a woman (in this case, a lesbian teen), it's when they show their true colors.
No. 295058
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>>294732>>294769>>294789>>294970>>294972>>294973Does anyone else feel like hiring a sissy maid that will clean your house, and then skin you alive afterwards?
No. 295067
>>295061Troons are fucking vile. On their blog it's gonna be "i'm LGBT!!! uwu" "i support gays!!!" then the next minute they'll dogpile on a lesbian teen and threaten to sell her out for possibly being fucking murdered by a homophobic gov. over her opinions because it's "offensive!!! ówò".
Questioning the T IRL is becoming as bad as questioning it on Tumblr though, i'm not going to come out as TERF IRL never because i'd get beaten up at the local college.
No. 295074
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This fucking thread. Everyone assumes that the reason college-aged women are 'kind of mean' to OP because every one of them jealous of his looks. This is what men think women are like. That we all, even as grown-ass women in college, define ourselves by our looks and get 'catty' when we see someone more attractive than us. Jesus. They're probably projecting. top comments:
>I think they're jealous of how freakin' hot you are!>Agreed. My first thought was "they're jealous"
>This is what girls do. Can confirm, am cis and sometimes a bitch.(ah, yes, the classic self-deprecating libfem 'am cis woman and trans women are better than me')
>To sum it up… if a wild animal feels threatened by a competitor, then they will throw up gang symbols to display dominance over their area.(what the fuck, dude)
>Eh. Girls are catty. No. 295081
>>295067I'm a lesbo (living in America, thankfully..Poor Russian teen.)
I want the T removed from LGB for a long time because it makes no sense to me. T is not a sexuality. it's an entirely different plane. It's mentally ill imo. At least gay people are just gay, but tr00ns are fucking sociopaths trying to force everyone to accept them and they are predators of lesbians.
No. 295096
>>295058Its ironic because his Instagram had pics of his childhood home and his family look like severe hoarders. Rotting food, bug infestations. I'm skeptical that he would be polar opposite.
Shame he's being loaded with hormones instead of getting help for his numerous other issues
No. 295101
>>295089I really hate how being 'sassy' (aka, being mean and putting other people down) and superficial is now considered cool again, in progressive circles no less.
>Bitches always cutting each other’s throats. Just mean that they are jealous of you. Flaunt it girl. They’ll love and hate you for it.I think this person either watched too much RuPaul's Drag Race or is just genuinely a really shitty person.
No. 295106
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>>295074I mean, who wouldn’t be jealous of Gibby from iCarly cosplaying as a guidette?
No. 295286
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PRIME Minister Scott Morrison says there is no need for “gender whisperers” in schools as news emerges of teachers being taught to spot potential transgender students.
Experts claim the move has contributed to a 236 per cent surge in the number of kids wanting to change sex in the past three years.
The training has been conducted by gender identity experts in public and private primary and secondary schools under the guise of professional standards development.
It involves teachers learning to identify key phrases such as “I feel different”, “I’m androgynous” and “I’m born with two spirits”, indicating transgender leanings in students as young as five.
Mr Morrison tweeted this morning that schools should “let kids be kids”.
Exclusive figures obtained by The Daily Telegraph show already this year hospitals have referred 74 kids aged 6-16 to gender dysphoria clinics geared to help children and adolescents transition.
In 2015, the number was 22 and in 2013 there were just two.
Continued at No. 295308
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In Edinburgh.
No. 295322
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I hate trannies.
Catcalling isn't a compliment but I bet their dicks get hard when being catcalled.
No. 295400
>>295074>they don’t know I’m transHmmm, something tells me they MIGHT know
>>295322Kek, I wonder what the replies say.
Here I’ll take a wild guess:
>omg gurl u r gorjuss. love the outfit!! they couldn’t be mocking u cuz u look same as regular wumen, men just can’t resist!! No. 295414
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>>295322wow what a beautiful feminine woman
No. 295417
>>295074Just goes to show that these men aren't actually women, or they would know what women actually think is ideal.
I'd never be jealous of girl with a giant nose and a huge brow ridge, because that's an ugly face.
I'd never be jealous of a girl with a massive rib cage, because that's an ugly body.
Men think long hair(extensions)+piercing eyes(mascara and fake lashes)+big tits(implants) = attractive, so they assume that's what we aspire to.
lmao no
No. 295418
>>295319One thing that's interesting to me is how the hug box trans community justifies their misogyny.
if you're a cis woman, you're told to burn in hell and kill yourself cissie
if you're a trans man, you're a man and evil
if you're an enbie woman, they'll talk about how enbies don't face the same discrimination as mtfs because they don't need to pass or whatever. Meanwhile, all the mtfs i've met are dudes who put on a 2 dollar jordana lipstick and call it a day.
The trans community is misogynistic in so many ways but it's so incredibly obvious in how they treat the women in their community. I can't understand how these handmaidens haven't realized.
I saw a post by someone saying that they need to kill all women and keep a few "compliant trans men for uterus duty" or something like that and was shocked at the amount of likes it had.
No. 295522
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>>295282WPATH's response.
No. 295526
>>295282Meghan Murphy's response.
How have we let scientific study become hate speech?From the 256 surveys Littman collected, she found that a large majority of these youths were female (82.8%), and 41% had identified as non-heterosexual prior to identifying as transgender. Almost two thirds had also been diagnosed with at least one mental health disorder or neurodevelopmental disability before they claimed to have gender dysphoria.One might deduce, based on this evidence, that these (mainly) girls were not, in fact, transgender, but lesbians and/or struggling with other mental health issues beyond gender dysphoria. And crucially, that these factors should be explored before leaping to start “transitioning” — a process that eventually involves a lifetime of hormone treatments and a series of complicated surgeries.These facts, though, have been deemed unspeakable. Those who dare question the concept of gender identity itself — that is that one can have, say, a male body, but be truly a woman ‘on the inside’ — are treated as blasphemers and bigots, viciously harassed, attacked, and even fired from their place of work. No. 295549
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>>295310The sticker is in response to Stonewall UK's logo merch.
No. 295580
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Imagine waking up and the world treated you as if you were a man. The absolute horror, am I right ladies?
On another note, this "thought experiment" kind of sounds like the reality for butch lesbians that are being bullied/manipulated by trans ideologists into transitioning.
No. 295589
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>No, no I didn't want to fit in! That's false!
No. 295602
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No. 295606
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No. 295611
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No. 295615
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if shuwu taught us anything, is that certain angles can mask the truth, but not hide it completely (dude we see your bulge and your attempt at convincing us your moobs be boobs)
No. 295655
>>295621Source? WPATH itself is a 501c non-profit. I am unfamiliar with the individual board members to question their motivations.
The WPATH guidelines long have been the standard of the gatekeeping model.
WPATH constructs its guidelines based on the ICD and DSM. How much will they be altered with the reclassification of gender incongruence in the next edition of the ICD? How will they reconcile the opposing classifications of the ICD and DSM?
Gender incongruence, meanwhile, has also been moved out of mental disorders in the ICD, into sexual health conditions. The rationale being that while evidence is now clear that it is not a mental disorder, and indeed classifying it in this can cause enormous stigma for people who are transgender, there remain significant health care needs that can best be met if the condition is coded under the ICD. No. 295729
>>295590OT but it made me think of a saying we have in french "Opinions are free, but facts are sacred"
It's sad people can't even see that anymore.
No. 295766
>>294775It is, although it is Lector himself saying it.
"Billy is not a true transsexual; his pathology is a thousand times more terrifying" or something, I don't remember the exact quote
No. 295984
File: 1536971648407.jpeg (538.24 KB, 1200x1079, F526B21A-BD55-45BA-B47B-923E71…)

>>295940I actually just encountered a troon that seem to have named himself after a character from a book he wrote pre-transition. Are they trying to act out their ocs or what?
No. 295998
File: 1536972765001.jpg (167.61 KB, 1000x1754, p9q05dN.jpg) was browsing /r/FierceFlow (a subreddit for men with long hair) and came across this comment, lmao. He probably saw that this dude was wearing long hair and makeup and thought he must be transitioning and wanted to be "supportive". How progressive. I feel sorry for all the gender non-conforming women and men who now have to deal with people thinking they're troons, despite unmistakably looking like their actual sex.
No. 296084
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>>296082It means stop using camshafts. Would you like to hear about Koenigsegg direct drive?
No. 296087
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KEK, i found one of the tweets. this tranner in question is the co-chair of the minnesota transgender alliance and he's out here taking creepy-ass shots of dudes and diagnosing them as trannies on social media for no reason.
i stg, troons ruin everything. we can't even just have very mildly alt boys anymore without them being associated with this shit.
>>296083yes, am 'egg' anon, and that's exactly what it means. it's so fucking creepy and obviously regressive.
No. 296091
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>>296087I can see the male pattern baldness from the thumbnail
No. 296093
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because this isn't creepy and coercive at all. after pressuring his 'potential egg' friend, his friend 'went back into his shell'. what the fuck.
they're literally forcing trans shit on men around them
No. 296147
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porn sick dude #2750284
How are trans people such a cliché? When will normies finally acknowledge that at least some "trans women" aren't oppressed at all but creepy dudes living out their fetish? I mean, the evidence is in front of their damn eyes, in their own trans spaces. There are SO MANY posts like this one.
No. 296268
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>>296265No, but another big gender critical tumblr blog got deleted for no reason yesterday (pic related), so maybe that's what happened to larps too?
No. 296269
>>296268Oh man I noticed mtfselfdrag was gone too. I didn't know why though
thanks for three info
No. 296392
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i never checked out this guys pics really aside from the popular pizza one that went around, but i was looking thru his gfs twitter… does no one notice this mfer doesn't look anything like his "trap" pics?
all the candids on his gfs page he looks chinless and fat. his jawline literally blends into his fucking neck.
No. 296411
>>296392i think it's partly the lens, partly the angle and partly the caked on makeup. if you want to see what sneaky really looks like in his trap costumes, he has done livestreams in cosplay.
>>296397honestly i don't really care about jk rowlings opinion on political/social issues, but i'm glad she's not caving to the pressure on this. for some reason a lot of sjws are still REALLY into harry potter so im not surprised she gets those responses.
No. 296443
>>296397JKR brought that shit on herself. That tweet is perfectly okay. We shouldn't put men in women's prisons.
I just dont have much sympathy for her after she shat on tons of people from her own country to pander to the sjw crowd for $$$.