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No. 454349
Have a question that isn’t important enough for the advice thread?
Is it something everyone seems to understand but you can’t?
This thread's for you
Previous thread:
>>428562 No. 454407
>>454368>>454400Personally, it makes my skin itch and I've also noticed it makes me smell worse when it fades off.
Best tip I learned: Use raw lemon or lime slices instead of deodorant.
It can sting, too, but it's better and actually cleaner IMO.
No. 454413
>>454372It's honestly up to you. Try out some dicks and see which is best lol
Personally, I'm not much into those giant ones you see in Pornhub. They scare me. Some people like them big, though.
No. 454430
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Can anyone identify this bag?
No. 454464
>>454400A lot of Asian people don't have the gene for body odor, ive heard
>>454407That's interesting, ive heard vinegar can work but ive never heard of people using lemon juice.
No. 454542
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My lactose intolerance is so confusing to me. I've established that I can have most dairy products and things cooked with milk (cake, pancakes, etc) with little to no consequences. I know that I can't have straight up milk in any form, not drinking it straight or even with cereal (I used to wet the cereal with milk and then avoid as much of the milk as possible/throw it out at the end). I made my oatmeal with milk the other day in the microwave and my stomach was fine, but I figured since I cooked it in the microwave that's what made it okay. Last night I made overnight oats with milk (i.e. no heat of any sort was used) and I'm still fine after eating it this morning… Just what the fuck is going on with my lactose intolerance? Will this fuck me up in the long run or can I keep going like this as long as my stomach is fine with it? Those overnight oats were god damn good. I have my own soymilk that I drink, but it's a bit expensive compared to regular milk so I don't really want to use it for oats.
No. 454581
>>454575Honestly as long as you don't live in a total shoebox and utilize your space wisely I don't think it would be a problem. Cats love to climb so you can use vertical space to your advantage.
A pair of older cats would definitely be good, they'll just laze around and don't need as much space to run around since they're less energetic than kittens. Each individual cat has their own personality, though, so if you adopt just ask the shelter for lazy couch potato cats.
No. 454752
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Whats the biggest screen less art tablet you can buy? or whats the one that requires the least minim pressure.
No. 454832
>>454741I think I would probably ask if she is alright. You never know if she is stuck in there without paper to clean up with or soiled clothes. Or she needs medical attention but is too weak/preoccupied to take action.
However ignoring the situation is also acceptable. This is not like a car accident or a heart attack, so not getting involved is fine if you feel uncomfortable.
No. 454964
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>>454368I've recently starting using this natural deodorant and I can't believe how well it works! I always thought I'd forever struggle with finding the right deodorant but all that is changed now. I seriously recommend it
No. 454973
>>454961I do every one of those and I try to participate in online conversations of said language. It's easier than IRL because you can quick google the word you need if you feel stuck. Plus if you're chatting to someone you can ask them to correct you.
Tandem is a great place but you will get hit on.
No. 454983
>>454967Well first of all, the reason why makeup in porn tends to look flawless is because there's a lot more scene cuts. Some scenes are taped at different intervals, enough time to retouch a smudged eye line or reapply lipstick. And also there tends to be less romantic intimacy like kissing between the actors.
Doesn't mean it's the case for all. If you ever seen blowjob porn the makeup gets absolutely fucked because of all the gagging and tearing up.
It really depends, anon. My makeup tends to get messed up because when I have sex with my partners I'm heavily making out with them. My foundation rubs off and my eyeliner smudges and collects in my eye ducts. The sweat usually fucks my hair too. Sometimes my face gets mashed into a pillow and it's inevitable.
When the sex is less intense my makeup fares better.
Most guys I've been with never commented or cared. The ones who did were weenies and cumbrains who couldn't understand how sweat and friction could take off makeup.
No. 454998
>>454994>>454992As someone with a degree but has chosen to not go into her field, this is absolutely true lol.
A lot of my friends that I met at my old job struggle to leave because they don't have a bachelors. They're perfectly good workers who are honestly some of the smartest people I've ever met- but because they don't have some fancy shitty paper to prove it, they're overlooked.
No. 455075
>>455015Nipple and areola position.
If they're pointing downward, sag.
Pointing outward and horizontal from chest, just shallow set.
Breasts can be both shallow and saggy too.
No. 455146
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Can someone translate what this says?
No. 455172
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thank you anon!
No. 455352
>>455301Personality disorder is when you tend to enact harmful (to yourself or others) patterns consantly. Maybe because I am disordered myself it doesn't confuse me as much as the term of personality itself.
People meme that 'Liking/doing X is not personality' which I agree… but then what is personality? Your overall taste in media? Bad coping strategies? The way you treat strangers? Your hopes and dreams? All of this? None?
I don't know what I am
No. 455391
>>455290I currently have a temp job at an office and this is my current life. My state's library has an online catalog so on occasion I'll read books through there, but I mostly spend time on LC or reading comics or some shit. I sit at the front desk so I can't watch videos that don't have subtitles available (I don't like to put in earbuds or anything in case we do have guests come by), so I keep it to comfy and cozy videos like Li Ziqi's video, crafting videos, or people who have subtitled videos. I just finish rewatching an anime, but I really don't watch anime in the office that much. I don't read or browse LC
at all at home so that posts can pile up and I can read them the next day (makes my home life nicer because I don't blow hours on here, I also regularly keep up with a bunch of ot threads so I have a lot to read). I started reading Homestuck because I knew it would take a while to finish and would keep me busy.
I originally wanted to spend the time learning useful skills like excel or quickbooks, but I have a hard time applying myself to studies when I'm not in a classroom setting. It sucks that a lot of self study material that I find are un-subtitled videos too. My gig is only temp and I'm slowly starting to get sick of it, so hopefully I'll eventually get off my ass and do some productive shit. I like indulging in browsing LC or social media and not being worry free, but now I'm starting to feel overindulged and it's not the same feeling as when you take a quick peek while taking a break from some long assignment.
No. 455412
>>455404I did and all I get is "we'll be busier once the summer is over, don't worry". I certainly hope so.
There are no projects I can take on my own, I can only assist the salespeople. As long as there are no sales I have nothing to do.
No. 455432
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>>455422Lol are you talking about pic related? I think it just loads a lighter version of the website…
No. 455491
>>455488former health insurance fag here to help bb.
>premium tax credit is something you get based on income, it's like tax refund for health insurance specifically, and you get it with your refundthe only difference between companies/plans is the coverage, smaller insurances don't have access to as many doctors as larger companies. keep in mind that companies usually offer 2 types of the same plan HMO and PPO. HMO is a plan based around your PCP (primary care doctor) working with their own network of providers, meaning you can't go to any dr or specialist you want, and you'll need a referral from your PCP. downsides to HMO are basically that you're tied to your PCP's network. PPO is easier, allowing you to go to any doctor you want that is covered by your insurance, but still lets you have a PCP. the downside to PPO is that you research your own specialists outside your PCP and doctors outside network are less eager to communicate with one another about your health issues. PPOS are usually cheaper, and designed for people with less health issues overall.
i think i answered everything, but let me know!
No. 455783
>>455491Thank you anon! I think I understand it a bit better now! I'll probably get a PPO since that's what I had with my parents! I was on an HMO plan with my old job and it was a fucking nightmare doing anything lol.
I was reading into it a bit more and it says I could get the PTC in advance to help pay for my insurance or choose not to. The silver plan I want is so expensive without it, but I used to earn a lot more at my old job so when I file for my taxes, I'm afraid taking the PTC in advance will make me end up owing a lot on my taxes. Is there a way around this? Or should I just play it safe and not get an advance on my PTC and just get it all (if any) back with my refund next year?
No. 455784
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Does anyone know how to get rid off this weird fluff/dust/whatever it is from my brush?
I just bought a new one and not a week after using it, there are these weird dusty balls, sometimes even sticky on the side of it and among the brush hair. I do clean the brush of my hair after being done with it, but regular cleaning with water doesn't seem to be that efficient.
No. 455828
>>455784I use a comb to "comb" out my brushes. Be sure to do it over the trashcan, you don't want that dust and crap on your floor.
From what I've noticed, it's mostly lint and feathers (I have a down comforter and the feathers must get in my hair).
No. 455862
>>455850Unless there's something else that's redeemable about him enough to justify this behaviour, just break up. Why be with someone who treats you like that?
It's not even about getting revenge. Revenge isn't part of a normal, healthy relationship. A mature conversation is.
No. 455873
>>455870Garbage attracts garbage, fix yourself before you go looking for other people.
>>455862>Revenge isn't part of a normal, healthy relationship. A mature conversation is.Can we get this in future teen films instead of giving kids plots about revenge bodies or trying to incite jealousy?
No. 456001
>>455997depends on what you consider nice
i live in MA and it's hella expensive but pretty nice as far as i can tell. been here 10 years or so.
No. 456101
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>>455997Any place in America is nice if you have money and live in a high-income neighborhood.
No. 456118
>>455997Worst states
>midwest and northern east coastBest States
>coastal south, some west coast states like Washington or Oregon No. 456164
>>456026And I wish people wouldn't talk it up as sooo good.
Too many people moving into the western cities, driving up prices and ruining the culture.
The entire other side of the state is mostly conservative farmers you know though. It's not a paradise.
No. 456206
>>456164Just moved into Seattle and I concur. The prices are high af because people keep moving here and only in the 3-5 livable cities. Might become like San Francisco in a decade or so.
I would say that it’s not as liberal as people make it out to be. They’re not Portland types. The eastern half is pretty conservative, but coming from the South, it’s not too bad.
No. 456223
>>456212The homeless situation here is fucking bad and as bad as the rumors make them out to be, but only in certain areas. I avoid downtown Seattle like the plague. It’s really pretty area, but the bums run things there. A drug addicted schizo douche can attack you and the cops take their sweet time to come. Good luck getting the dude prosecuted.
The surrounding neighborhoods are pretty cool and relatively safe and the suburbs are nice, just watch out for property crime. Hide your valuables.
No. 456227
>>455997I live in MA as well. I've only lived in three states so far, but I'd say MA is all right. It's supposed to have the most educated people and best healthcare in the nation, if I'm not mistaken. Boston is one of the most expensive cities in the nation, but as long as you have a car or access to public transit you can live outside of it and commute in. It still hasn't been my favorite place to live by a stretch. It's missing something.
New England is all right, but the cost of living is so much higher than places like in the south. Also we do have a homeless problem, but it's not as bad as places like Los Angeles.
I would say Mississippi and Alabama seem like utter shitholes for women. I've heard worse things about Mississippi though.
No. 456262
>>455997As far as I know/have heard the worst states are Alaska, West Virginia and Georgia. I live in New England and most of the states here are nice, but at the same time the region is known for having a terrible divide where most people are either rich or living in poverty.
And even though I’ve never been there Minnesota sounds like a good place to live too.
No. 456313
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Why do the most wholesome animes often attract the craziest and meanest people?
Especially shit like Precure? Isn't the show for young girls, like why are grown women fighting and obsessing over it?
The more I'm exposed to hardcore weebs the more I want to give up anime tbh
No. 456407
>>456164>Too many people moving into the western cities, driving up prices and ruining the culture.the prices go up because the property and real estate industry is filled with blood suckers, there's over how many homes and apartments in seattle that are empty?
apartment and real estate industries would rather keep a 800,000$ studio home on the market for 100 years than to lower the price, it's not the populations fault, especially since many are choosing to live off grid or in their cars
it's a "don't hate the player hate the game"situation
No. 456637
>>456630They do but honestly swiping a few pills from your sister wouldn't have done anything. Oftentimes those medications require a cycle of dosing before you notice a difference, not to mention there's a lot of medications for anxieties so even between doctors and patients a lot of it is trial and error to find the one that works the best. When I was in grad school and having bad anxiety I took escitalopram (lexapro), and then years later when I was having bad episodes at a shitty job, Wellbutrin. Then Vyvanse to be used for my binge eating which was how I was coping, and lack of energy.
I'd say each one made me feel "leveled out" if that makes sense. Thing is I didn't feel like my emotions swung one way or another, it was a constant humming normalcy. Wellbutrin and Vyvanse gave me a much needed energy boost at the time. Although my least favorite insofar as side effects was the Wellbutrin.
No. 456643
>>456630They just relax me and make me sleepy. The bad side is, I feel really shitty after they wear off but it goes away.
Cozying up with some chamomile, ASMR and a good book works about as well for me.
No. 456735
>>456706Join all the societies you can and get involved
Also actively try to make friends! Instead of being cute, you should talk to people, build up a rapport and invite them to do things, if you don't want it to be weird you can invite multiple acquaintances to something. Be the friend to other people that you wish would find you, take these people out to events and meet more people.
No. 456771
>>456766If it makes you feel better, I have a B.A. and M.A. in a subject I'm not pursuing. I didn't necessarily hate my job, but I wasn't happy, either. I don't regret what I studied; I just wish I had double majored in undergrad. So, I'm currently back at uni as a post-bacc student to get a STEM degree, which is completely unrelated to my other two degrees in the humanities.
It's never too late to change the course of your life. I recognize that this post comes from a place of privilege, but there are certainly ways to redirect.
No. 456852
>>456832If they "break" it's due to improper fit, expired condoms, or using an oil-based lube.
The actual failure of the condom itself is a small chance.
Literally the thing busts apart. So after sex there's a very obvious tear in the condom. Sometimes you can 'feel' too much wetness in your vagina and cum always has a distinguishable smell and fluidity to it.
What happens most often is that the condom slips off and cum leaks inside. Sometimes a guy cums so much and keeps going that the pressure forces the cum up the condom and out the sides. It goes back to the improper fit and use issues, some guys are dumb.
You get dumbshits who don't want to spend the extra to get the bigger condoms if they're hung, or you get the napoleon complex small dudes who want to pretend they fit an xl when in reality it's hanging on their dicks like garbage bags.
Always check to see how the guy puts his on.
No. 456890
>>456630They do, but seriously seek consultation first to find the right one for you. My doctor prescribed me some Remeron (mirtazapine) after concluding my lack of sleep was the main culprit. Got on it for a month, felt like a zombie on my first week but I was sleeping better and I wasn't having nightly breakdowns anymore. However I was getting increasingly disturbing nightmares.
My doc prescribed Depakote (divalproex sodium) after using up Remeron and so far so good. Additionally, she prescribed Inderal (propranolol) which I take whenever I'm in a middle of a panic attack supposedly to calm me down while going through it.
No. 456902
>>456899I wanna give you an example.on 4chan tier is a average of 250'000 users yearly,and these 250'000 are divided among all the various boards,similarity TRP is just as small
4chan and some subreddits may seem big at times but the fact is their incredibly small online communities that 90% people have never heard about
No. 456922
>>456899Some do, some don't and some won't let you know their opinion until you're well into a relationship and they've spent the whole time resenting you and thinking you're a slut.
Taking the pink pill is just believing men truly mean what they say, so I choose to accept men feel they deserve a pure virgin despite having no moral highground when it comes to sexual ethics, but I don't accept that their beliefs are fair or accurate so I wouldn't lose sleep over it.
No. 457078
>>456903This is super common anyways and you're already generous for paying the extra people fee. But the coming and going of guests can get annoying (for neighbors) with the greetings and door slams, I'd think about how to deal with that quietly, like have them text instead of knock. Also keep track of who you leave every room key with and if anyone is bringing extra guests. You're entitled to know all of it bc its your liability.
I hope you have fun and that nobody throws up or has sex in your bed, kek
No. 457220
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>>457214I mean everything I said was objectively true but okay
No. 457483
>>457477Its probably not an insult, argentinians for example use it a lot like an equivalent of "dude", so in that context its not a compliment either.
But "flacO" with an o is male adjetive , so why are you getting called a "skinny male" anon?
No. 457716
>>457704It sounds pretty cerebral to get off on what your (imagined) partner thinks. You may be projecting onto the woman as the object of the man’s desire.
I think it’s possible to be healthy about this though, like if you were in a relationship of course you’d want your partner to find you ‘fuckable’, the hard part is figuring out if the man is sane enough to respect all the things about a woman that aren’t to do with fucking. You just need the cut out the degrading position part.
No. 457741
>>457704you have normal heterosexual fantasies
>I don't want to be this way. I wonder if I can change what turns me on somehow??Wikihow: how to become a lesbian
No. 457769
>>457685I'm in that same boat. Going no contact with a guy I cut a lot of people off for. I was aware of abuse coming out of a past relationship and didn't even recognise any signs again. I let myself get isolated and codependent again. Recently cut contact after finding out about another massive betrayal that concludes I will never know the full truth of what occurred in my own relationship. I so desperately want the wool pulled over my eyes, but for the first time I walked away and didn't confront the betrayal for once. I didn't ask questions. I didn't give him a way to weasel back in. I thought he'd apologise or plead or something by now, he's been sending goodnight texts for days. I snapped yesterday and sent a brief text saying I hate your lies, what would be the point knowing you without knowing you? I also said I'm getting tested by the doctor bexahs sod infidelity scares. That was 24 hours ago and I've heard nothing. He didn't send a goodnight text either. Think it's been confirmed I've been cheated on lol. It's hard to focus at the minute. I have a lot of unanswered questions and I have to make peace I'm not going to get answers and even if I was to ask him, there's no trusting what he says.
Idk if youre cutting off an ex and they're your closest peer, but no contact sucks. Just keep reminding yourself why you aren't contacting them.
No. 457788
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Any anons know how to get back the music bar on here when you're listening on samsung music so I don't have to exit apps whenever I want to pause/skip songs?
It used to always appear underneath here
No. 457816
>>457809Someone else will probably have a lot better advice, but personally I do really well when I give myself a daily budget. The last time I went, I took out enough cash beforehand to give myself $100 per day for food and nonsense spending. Using my card was basically forbidden (difficult to use anyway, I only used it once my entire trip to pay for Disney tickets). That might be a little tight for some people so you can adjust it to what you think is more realistic for yourself, but it helped me take a step back and think about all the trinkets I was about to impulse buy ("would I rather buy this or splurge on dinner tonight?" sort of thought process). It was enough for me and I still had some cash leftover at the end.
As for lodging, I've only ever used airbnb when I travel to Japan. The last time I went, I was with two other friends, so we were able to book a small apartment all to ourselves in a pretty central location for about $300 per person. We ended up not paying that much for transportation since we got lucky and our airbnb was right by the Yamanote line (where most of the places we wanted to go was on). The first time I ever visited Tokyo I made the mistake of booking a super cheap airbnb that was so far out, it cost 1200yen one way to get in/out of the city center lol. Another time (my second time) I was travelling alone so I booked basically what was a little hostel spot near Akiba through airbnb that cost about $240 for a week and a half. It was basically sort of like a capsule hotel with shared amenities in the apartment, but it got the job done and was super cheap so I have no complaints about it. I also like airbnbs because some spots come with pretty good pocket wifi, my latest one that I shared with friends did! Definitely saved me the trouble of having to deal with buying a SIM and whatnot.
Can't offer much help about restaurants but I find that generally they weren't that expensive no matter where we went (then again, we didn't really go to super high end places either lol. We didn't cheap out completely on food either).
Sorry if nothing here is helpful for you! I do hope you have a good time. It's definitely easy to get sucked into the tourist traps and whatnot lol, ufo catchers are a personal weakness of mine.
No. 457885
Maybe not a highly paid one at first, but many companies will just throw a technical interview at you without caring about your background.
No. 457986
>>454964>>455312These still have aluminum, it clogs pores.
I use lavanilla but i Still sweat, no odor.
No. 458105
>>458067I have this too. It's more common than you would think.
Look up "Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory."
You can't remember any birthday parties, or your memories are just from what you see in pictures. Also there is no childhood trauma blocking anything out.
No. 458211
>>458171I have no idea why they're watching your stories, the explore feature only showcases hashtagged or viral stories. Is the account new? Instagram suggests new accounts to people to follow.
However the uneven view count is from where someone skips to the next story before fully finishing the one they're watching. This is why very short stories have a high view count and if your stories have a sequence to them, people might watch first story but then just want to skip straight to the last story for a conclusion.
No. 458221
>>458211Oh gotcha! Didn't know that you had to watch a story for it to count! I figured people skipped but I've never seen the view count go from so low to high before. My account isn't new though, I think I've had it for almost 10 years now.
>>458209I'd get this if I actually did stuff on the app besides occasionally post on my stories and talk to friends via DMs but honestly I don't think I really do much to show up on other people's notifications or pages… I haven't commented on anyone's stuff for a while, and most of the time don't even like posts (I'll usually save stuff though).
>>458220Nope! I completely archived my entire feed and all the highlights I used to have. It's a completely empty public page that I only use for the stories feature. It's so strange!
No. 458506
>>457227I assume inviting someone over because you know the place better, you could call the cops and have them take the person away from you, you could run to your neighbors (if you know them), and if you really needed to, you could stash a couple weapon/deterrents around the place
but that's just with the assumption that something could go wrong
No. 458718
>>458508There are unemployed neets obsessing over everything anon. Its just that the alcoholics who stay at home and watch dancing with the stars and shitty reality shows all day are not a big meme online and outside of Marvel Movies and mainstream hollywood anime is the second largest media empire there is. So of course man children and womanchilds will obsess over Anime when they are not obssesing over star wars and disney.
Its usually the jobless types who have all the free time to really get deep into a hobbie like that. And in the first world they have neetbux too so the environment enables them. Literally every hobby has them.
No. 458721
>>458508>>458508I assume because most of them are young and in high school or college or around that age, depends on how old they are and their situation, you can't really expect college or high school-aged kids to have a 9-5, even then most young adult americans no matter what their interest rarely ever have stable jobs due to the economy
as what
>>458718 said as well
No. 458856
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Is something wrong with my brain if I've never felt motivated my entire life? I never cared about doing well in school, or getting a career, or doing anything worthwhile with my life. I've had dreams of having some type of artistic job and living in a nice house somewhere, but never have enough drive to ever accomplish anything, and I get burnt out easily. And I can spend days/weeks just sitting around doing basically nothing and not feel bad that I'm not doing something. Is it just depression, laziness, or something else? I really want to have drive, and accomplish something with my life instead of continuing to waste it.
No. 458885
>>458856I'm glad you posted this because I'm the exact same. I don't have advice, but it's nice to know there are similar people.
I've been thinking about this more recently because I got a part time job which doesn't give many hours, and I'm still completely content to do nothing outside of it. I thought when I un-NEETed myself, I would change more.
No. 458947
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im in a discord server, and i want to make friends with the people in there, but everyone seem very close and familiar with each other. is it a lost cause to keep on trying to befriend them? especially since im quite shy, and i usually dont have time during the day because of school.
No. 459056
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Is it lolcow behavior to still try and reach out to a friend who deleted her account a long time ago? Her name is Cat, and Basically I contacted her ex (at the time, he was the only one I knew) and a friend of hers to try and see if she’s okay or see how she’s doing, maybe even getting back into contact with her, but it didn’t work out
That is, until I met another chick who has contact with her, after said Chick texting Cat on Snapchat, it turns out she felt uncomfortable by the fact that I contacted people she knew
I didn’t really mean to, I was just worried about her(
No. 459117
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Is their anyway I can turnoff this microsoft soundbar? I hate how it takes up so much screenroom and how microsoft can see all the videos I watch
No. 459496
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i have pale skin and really long dark hair (not in a deliberately gothy lame way) and i would like to wear black or dark dresses maybe like this, simplistic, form fitting to play up the elfy thing a little (i prefer it not be form fitting but my stomach is the thinnest part of me) BUT with sneakers and possibly tights for modesty
are there any sneakers that are not bulky and fit with a 'natural' low-effort style that is not sporty, and not insta streetwear style that could work well with basic black dresses that look more 'natural' and maybe a bit more ethereal than most sneakers
No. 459695
>>459628Have you pissed anyone off recently? This sounds like a vengeful male.
Unless the sites are fake garbage spam sites, then your email address might just be a on a list of some sort. If they are legit like match, okcupid etc it's likely the first thing.
No. 459727
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Hey guys…are jews really "evil"? I recently started dating this guy and he keeps trying to redpill me about Israel and how they are trying to save the world lol and all I keep thinking are those memes on 4chan. Anyways, what's your opinion about jews?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 459735
>>459496Cocktail dress with sneakers. Ugh.
Why? That’s not streetwear it’s just terrible.
No. 459739
>>459737A dress like that will look hilarious with sneakers. Form fitting and off the shoulder are the exact features that make the dress look stupid with sneakers.
Choose a better style of dress to wear with gym shoes tbh. (If there is one)
Even designer sneakers will look silly with a dress remotely like the one you posted.
Why do you need that specific style?
No. 459744
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>>459735also I never said it was streetwear, I said I don't want streetwear styled sneakers.
>>459739not necessarily, pic related looks OK and it's form fitting with sneakers, and in this case, keds.
>>459740yes ty anon, I was considering those exact ones but I don't find them to be very comfortable. not sure why they haven't improved on making them more comfortable over the past like, 30 years. I will probably choose them if I can't find an alternative that looks similar.
No. 459758
>>459753Another example that looks meh at best.
Less/Volleys are the only option and they don’t look fantastic. Curious as to why anon has to have this exact outfit?
No. 459779
>>459766Try wearing clothes you like and not what you assume makes you most visually acceptable to strangers?
Also, if you’re actually dumpy like you say, a dress like you’ve shown will look atrocious. Off the shoulder and skin tight are two of the least flattering styles for skinny-fat.
No. 459840
>>459496>possibly tights for modesty>form fitting to play up the elfy thing a little…kek
You have narrow views on what fits you, make sure to try on a lot if styles in the fitting room.Also how does having dark hair and being pale turn you into having “an elf thing” and what does that have to do with tight clothes??
No. 459857
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>>459854>>459840people make the arwen thing with the light skin and long hair even if you dont look like her tbh so i figure why not go with it? yes, for coverup and i have to battle with unattractive and irritating kp. i meant more like that i would like recommendations on "natural" sneakers and certain dark, minimalist dresses that are a little form fitting, but are more 'natural' and simple. not like, industrial/gothy or sporty, because there's really no natural/delicate and simple, but form fitting stuff that isn't either really alternative or costumey i couldnt find any decent examples quickly for op pic but, just simple stuff that is dark that can look ok with very simple sneakers that look less sporty. ive never heard of a sneaker that was meant to look 'natural' and simple other than maybe eco sneaks? for the dress i meant id prefer form fitting but also not form fitting if possible. realistically it suits the natural aesthetic better to not be form fitting, and i wish i could wear loose stuff, but if you have fat limbs you really cannot
>>459771i know, it sounds weird, but it's a thing. shes chubby but pic related looks TERRIBLE in loose clothes because her limbs are fat while her stomach is pretty thin in comparison. im sure you can imagine why she'd look bad in loose/unfitted clothing. except unlike her no matter how low i go my limbs stay out of proportion and i retain more fat in my lower limbs, mostly lower arms, lower legs than she does, so it looks much worse. since skinnies are too uncomfortable anyways, really cute looser high waisted 90s jeans with a splaying out at the thickest part of my fat knees and calves and adding more bulk doesnt make me look thinner either
>>459855omg thank you, exactly!! it's frustrating too because i much prefer the natural, gauzy, flowing, effortless look, but our limbs just can't handle all of the focus to be on them with no emphasis toward the waist and hip. so i'm the same, relegated to wearing form fitting things when that's really not the aesthetic i'm into. even when i'm underweight i still look so off without it. thank you, will take your advice!
No. 460020
>>460013A lot of the pop culture from China that'd appeal to the west seems to be derivative of Japan and Korea.
Plus, the latter countries have their niches. Japan has anime and alt fashion, Korea has pop idols and dramas, and China seems more of a jack of all trades, master of none. Nothing specific putting it on the map.
No. 460024
>>460021his faggot ass changed his name legally to James and Taylor changed hers to Kai to disassociate like on Google searches and whatnot from their previous offenses.
he named them both after Evan Peter's characters in ahs bc he liked Evan peters' characters or something. he's so pathetic and suggestible to whatever media he's binging atm. at least don't rip off both names from ahs, you retard.
No. 460032
>>460026Dunno what it's called but I get it randomly when I'm thirsty and that sets off a saliva mechanism I guess?
Some fruits that aren't sour randomly do it to me too like bananas
No. 460043
>>459857Unfortunately I don't think dresses look good with sneakers at all. It's always gonna end up looking kinda dumpy, especially with something that is form-fitting.
>>459753 looks okay-ish but it would have looked
actually good with a shoe that is semi-smart like the dress itself.
If you go for a two piece outfit that has waist definition you'll find sneakers go a lot more naturally. Crop tops that show your waist are also an option since you're slimmest there. Shorts always look good with sneakers, they're a natural match. Shorts that are high-cut but with flaring leg holes might work since you seem to describe yourself as heavier in the lower legs? It's like a reverse flare leg jean, might make your lower part look more proportionate by giving your thighs more volume. Not sure but worth trying some outfits right?
Do bangles or shawls flatter you? I like wearing a kimono or cardigan off one shoulder for an asymmetrical flowy look and it helps give my form-fitting outfits some life. As for the bracelet idea I have never used those but they're kinda fun and might make your lower arms seem slimmer since they'd be loose. Like tricking the eye into thinking your arms are so thin the bracelet is moving freely… make sense?
Hope this helped even a little bit.
No. 460082
>>459861most people in that thread are previous kpop fans / followed korean pop music entertainment for years so they congregate to talk shit because anywhere else people will shut you down for it irl or online.
t. old kpop boomer
No. 460357
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>>460350I was a weeby animu kid around 2007 and i remember it already being a thing. Its been teenage cringespeak for a long time, right now is probably more associated to furry zoomers and exceptionally snowflaky individuals.
No. 460512
>>460252I was right I had to walk from one end of campus to the other and back and my body was like WHAT the FUCK lol
strangely I wasn't sleepy all day and it's midnight and I'm in bed wide awake. My hips and knees are really really sore though.
No. 460528
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Anons who wear makeup, what do you think of women who rarely wear it?
No. 460633
>>460613I don't hate kids but I think noise is often what's off putting to people and they slowly start picking up the language of crotch goblin etc when kids cry or tantrum in public
I'm uncomfortable around kids because I have a hearing condition makes me very sensitive to the high pitched noises that come along with toddlers. I find shopping painful if the timing works out bad but then it's not a kids fault that I'm sensitive to noise
No. 460793
>>460758The New York public library has an app called 'SimplyE' on the app store where you can borrow digital ebooks. You don't need to be a NYC library card to borrow the books. Only downside is that you'll have to reborrow the books if you take too long to read them, but that's not really a problem unless you're going after really popular books.
That, or just trying googling up pdfs I guess lol.
No. 460794
>>460758library genesis, freebookspot, the pirate bay, even just googling "name of the book" + pdf will give you a pdf link in the results.
t. third world poorfag.
No. 460796
>>460758i don't know of anywhere where you can read in the browser, but is where i download most of my ebooks. I organize them on my pc with calibre and read them on my phone with moon+ reader. - you need to create a login to search and make sure you install ad blocker because the files are hosted on slightly dodgy sites. No. 460801
>>460613 I just don't like kids, its my opinion which i am entitled to. People are allowed (in paper at least) to be prejudiced about anything or anyone they don't like, opinions are hard to police and should not be.
Hating a kid? sure, punching or verbally abusing a kid? holy shit, no,, but just being biased in your personal opinion against something isn't a problem, no one can possibly force me to like kids when i don't and my opinion on the topic will remain the same for as long as i feel like. Next thing you know people are not allowed to dislike raisins or troons or dogs, like if the dog hate thread means anything irl to dogs or their owners.
Some anons have scathing reviews on things other anons like and find precious, its only natural.
No. 460806
>>460758libgen depending on the category you select
also, #bookz on irc is great and easy to use
No. 460831
>>460801I think its depressing and unempatheitc especially since LC is a place where we say be empathetic to women, and many children are females and still have the female experience.
I remember being a kid and how it was like, and what it felt like to be a child, it wasnt fun, I didnt ask to be born, but I was, and I had to deal with being a kid, and experiencing things, in my new mind and new being as someone not used to the world and its way yet, how vulnerable and innocent it is, and also delicate, makes me feel hurt that adult s would have hated me for that time. If people can see hating women is bad, why not children a even more delicate time?
No. 460857
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When would you even wear a top like this out? I really love this blouse and found a dupe on amazon for $20 and I'm very tempted to get it, but I don't even know when I would get the chance to wear it… it seems way too dressy/fancy for a casual day out shopping. I don't really indulge in nightlife either which I would think would probably be the next most common appropriate time to wear it.
No. 460862
>>460801I don't like kids, the most interaction I have with kids is when i'm out and a friendly kid will wave or say hi cos they're at that talkative stage, and I say hi back and then mom smiles, everybody is happy and that's the most interaction I ever really want with a kid. I can only find them pleasant in very small doses
I'm hardly a monster or affecting anybody negatively
No. 460903
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>>460528Okay, secondary question: what makeup looks are most/least tasteful? What kinds of looks are "too much" for every-day wear?
No. 461043
>>461020It was on /cgl/ a few years ago, someone mentioned an artist I follow in a thread about either cosplay or artist alleys and shit talked her. I was curious because said artist posted less and less often and her art became shittier and an anon said that drama and vendetta threads weren't allowed anymore and to go back to lolcow.
I found a few cows interesting once I started lurking but their threads aren't entertaining anymore. And the artist had old petty drama between her artist friends and her but she wasn't that milky all things considered. Maybe that anon was an irl "friend" venting on /cgl/ and not a farmer. I only post on /ot/ and /m/ and only read threads about a few specific cows nowadays.
No. 461054
>>461020Staminarose migrant who came here after /cgl/ implemented the "no drama" rule.
I quickly fell in love with /b/(now /ot/) because even on 'girlboards' on 4chan there'd never be any women related topics without shitposting and trolling. At least here while the moderation can get heavy-handed at times, there's at least some method to the madness.
No. 461103
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>>454542You are not really lactose intolerant, you just have sensitive stomach.
>>455037Avoid drugs and alcohol.
>>455420Fuck 'em. (Not literally) Life goes on.
>>455978No. You have low libido due to reasons. Don't worry about it.
>>456011Because you're immature.
>>456696Yes they do. Shit happened and it was sad.
>>456964A mutt.
>>457519First they apply the art of psychological profiling and then the art of pattern recognition.
>>457527That's just bullshit, don't dwell on it, it takes less energy to come up with retarded shit than to explain or debunk it.
>>457788Don't play by their rules, pirate songs and listen them on old mp3 player, smash your phone against a brick wall.
>>458504She wants to feel actually useful. Its a traumatic, ungrateful job, but someone has to do it. Genuine altruism is a rare thing, so it makes her especially beautiful, until her face gets disfigured that is..
>>458698No such thing as "refractory period".
>>459056Wash your dishes.
>>459113That is normal compared to that therapy.
>>459117Install Linux.
>>459984No, just pretending due to reasons that ere even more disgusting.
>>460283Koreans adopt them before others get the chance.
>>460834That's Billy, he's an misanthrope, he likes to experiment on people.
No. 461145
>>461020Got linked to crystalcafe through /co/ on 4chan and then to here, just a few months ago.
I don't give a shit about the drama boards at all.
No. 461163
>>461020Literally googled ‘I hate Baylee Jae’
Sometimes I wonder if I’d be less bitter if I didn’t have other women to shit talk others with
No. 461212
>>461020Kiki, stayed because it’s a hellhole but at least it’s honest about being a hellhole without the 4chan approach of autism
No one here posts porn and it’s decently moderated besides the time I got accused of samefagging this place is harsh but fair, in the lowest of my depression reading random bullshit here made time pass easily.
No. 461213
>>461196He can get shots for it that are almost pun free (botox)
Or it could be his diet
>>460903Nude, work friendly fresh face.
Think a step above boy beat
No. 461234
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>>461231i really love sue wong's stuff, or cache beaded gowns. i think you can find something reasonably priced that's not overly done by both of them. pic related is a sue wong dress on ebay rn, so pretty
No. 461248
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>>461245she's the bride though anon
>>461234another sue wong. idk if youll like this but her stuff is affordable and i think is not too much, visually for a courthouse wedding
No. 461250
>>461231My mum wore a stunning pantsuit and hat to her courthouse wedding, she looked gorgeous in the video
Just wear whatever suits your personality best and makes you feel beautiful anon, who gives a fuck about setting? It’s still your wedding day
No. 461277
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>>461256>>461256i don't plan to wear white to my wedding either. nothing wrong with that. it's your day anyways, wear the color that you feel comfortable with, anon. and yes, any color can look great for a wedding, either full black or partial or red, just depends on the type of dress and how it's executed imo. congrats and im sure you'll look great in whatever you choose. honestly as long as you don't deck yourself out in gothy or steampunk accessories or go for a "steampunk" or go for designers that are specifically targeting "goths", it won't look tacky or edgy. choose a black dress from a decent designer, imo, rather than subculture designers, their stuff is poorly constructed and it shows
No. 461279
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>>461277sry for the dress spam in advance guys
No. 461355
>>460613I strongly dislike kids. But for me it's just a set of personality traits that I really dislike, for example loudness, wanting attention, not being able to do stuff on your own, not knowing the unspoken rules of the culture etc.
These grind my gears with adults, but mostly adults have more to them besides these negative traits. Or not, and then I won't like them.
No. 461381
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How do you strictly make out with someone? I can never kiss a guy and it just be a kiss. It always leads to neck kisses (my one true weakness) which leads me to go insane as i whip a titty out and coax him to suck it. Which always leads to a guy wanting me to jerk him off. Its worse if I kiss his neck back because then they think that means I should suck their dicks. Its annoying as hell. How do I stop myself from being a horny fuckwad? Is there a pill I can take? Im more so annoyed at the fact that a guy cant just make out with me, suck a little titty without then needing to cum! Like dude its not about you!!
No. 461382
>>460613Hate's a strong word. I think most people dislike them rather than genuinely, truly hate them.
I don't hate kids, I just strongly dislike their behavior(ial tendencies) and noisy nature. That's nothing personal against kids, they can't help it and I know that.
Anyway I do think there's a large difference between holding prejudice against kids vs ethnicity/race/gender because kids will grow up, it's not a permanent state of being like your ethnicity/race/gender is.
No. 461389
>>461381Get used to saying no
Him taking his dick out doesn't mean you have to touch it
No. 461391
>>460528 I think "good for them".
People seem to think that not wearing make-up is generally looked down upon but as a student I notice the complete opposite: people often hate on girls that wear make-up at uni, especially when it's early in the morning.
No. 461437
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Who tf is this loser and why am I seeing him everywhere please someone tell me I feel I'm driving mad
No. 461477
>>461458The /g/ board has some good sex advice boards and alot of sex newbs asking similar. Could be useful to read over.
It also has alot of women who've been sexually active for a few years and are jaded/unimpressed by men and sex..
Good luck anon lol
No. 461518
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>>461486I don't, I just don't date people who can't handle natural body hair on women. There is a lot of dumb squeamish men out there now because of porn and photoshop and what not, but if a man can't handle hair then it's a real turn-off for me.
Body hair ftw.
No. 461528
>>461518But a lot of men do shave off their body hair, i live in hot tropical weather and i would not tolerate a dude that doesn't groom very well and that includes shaving or at least trimming their smelly hairy asses. I am not a huge fan of hairy backs and hairy chests either, it reminds me of some tacky 70s porn star when some men want to show off their stash.
I never found not shaving something so life changing as some other girls make it out to be, some act like shaving is the worst chore ever. I always feel better, fresher and cleaner when i am shaved.
No. 461532
>>461528Where I live (not hot) most guys are insulted if you ask them to even trim their pubes
I personally hate shaving my legs so leave them alone but hair in other places annoys me after a while so I shave but pretty infrequently
No. 461613
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>>461530I love hairy men too, I think a really hairy chest is the sexiest thing.
No. 461726
>>461720According to, the general consensus is that the song is about being exhausted/frustrated by writing/producing an album —
“The chorus is a metaphor. After spending hours on a song, somebody told you the song sounds too much like like a song that was written by another artist. "It's not confidential" it's been playing on the radio. But don't worry, with a bit of re-write your song as potential.
Well somebody told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential"
No. 461768
>>461720It's a metaphor.
The girl he's talking to stole lyrics or composition from a song he was writing in February of last year, and she just changed the parts he said 'girl' to 'boy'.
No. 461817
>>454349Why are weebs so greasy irl?
Every weeb that I've ever met was a greasy bastard and it is mental.
No. 461927
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>>461920The dudes know though, they simply are that fucking lazy. I used to go to a local gaming store often and the magic players are simply like that, even when management and other player ask specifically for people to be considerate with their hygiene because it gets really bad on tournaments when lots of them are in a cramped space they don't take a hint.
Most come from middle class families and receive good education, even do well in school, they are simply filthy lazy edgy and inconsiderate assholes.
No. 461952
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>>461948Scared of them trooning out, also, if they turn out to be cheating you with other dudes the chances of him passing AIDS down to you are a real concern.
No. 461968
>>461948Any bi guys I've dated have just been anal obsessed and cheaters so my personal experience has put me off dating another, but I believe some are fine
I had shitstorm after shitstorm with one fucking crossdressers behind my back and refusing to get tested while I'm freaking out over the possibility of hiv. I actually contracted HPV from him and had a cervical cancer scare and two years of extra smears and ongoing worry
Then shortly after leaving him a bi male friend wanted to fuck me and after I turn him down I find out the next day he has STD symptoms and was waiting on test results at the same time that he's trying to dick me
No. 462023
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>>461948I’m a bi female and I won’t ever go with any bi males. I don’t care if it’s a stereotype, because IME it’s true! Most “bi” males are scared of being considered gay, tend to be more attracted to men than women, they tend to cheat, and are well-known male whores.
No thank you to that dumpster fire.
No. 462031
-People can put together pieces of online history. Just by saying what time it is you eliminate the fact you live in 70% of the rest of the world. Your native tongue, if a certain place is near you, what the weathers like. It can all add up . You should shut up about anything area specific or be sure to give lots of red hearings
-If you are a public figure they could find your address from sites that track that. If you google your name their is a high chance you can find a "X's adress is XXX, phone numebr XX" (Been Verified, Smart Zip and Intelius) type site.
-They can also find you from random articles or legal papers you appeared in. Stuff like "x" went to our collage, snippets from news papers, or friend mentioning you on FB posts.
-Meta data on photos (though some sites wipe this)
>'s not one thing it's years of posts combined to doxx. Also this is more of a personal opinion, but only like popular things if you want to avoid a dox. If anything has less than 10,000 views people will connect the two.
No. 462032
>>462023My experience with dating bi males is that they want to date women to look normal but then they resent those women for not having the same sex drive a guy would have
Oh and they cheat and then play dumb when you catch something from them, charming
No. 462054
>>462052Probably not all of them but there is some overlap due to boards they frequent as well as general rage,
victim mentality, and love of scapegoating. Some notable incels I've seen discussed on here were also racist /pol/tards.
No. 462069
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Does anyone know how i can get nice warm lighting like this girls videos?
I bought a soft box but it just makes me look very white and ugly.
No. 462240
>>462220I mean a shower once a day is the accepted standard in most first world countries. If you can manage that, splashing your face with water in the morning and teeth brushing twice a day.. you should be presentable
When I was a kid my parents got me to have a bath once a week too, I had friends that were the same and I think for a kid that's not insane cos they don't sweat or smell in the same way as adults. As soon as you hit puberty though it's diff
If you're in your twenties and struggling with washing/sleeping patterns are you getting proper psych help? Have you had an evaluation to diagnose you?
No. 462249
>>462240Thanks! I just… can't figure it out and googling seems even more shameful.
My dad used to wash his hair maybe once a month. It wasn't great. But I thought it was normal.
I have had psychiatric help. I have severe/clinical depression (not sure what the terminology is in other countries, but it's "major depressive disorder" I think?) among other less pressing things, such as a personality disorder and minor psychotic stuff. I've been medicated since I was 13 but it seems I am resistent to it as no drug has ever made me better.
I struggle with motivation and keeping up a lot. Have been all my life, it's extremely hard and it's only gotten worse. But therapy doesn't really help either. I know I should do those things, but I find myself just… not doing them. Silently yelling at myself that I should get up and go pee at least and continuing staring into the wall. Or I just forget to go to sleep. Or forget to eat for a day or two. It's ridiculous. It's fucking bad. I know about the things I should do, I know the reasons I should, but I struggle to just get up and get into it. I can see a point in keeping myself clean and healthy, but I also see zero point in it since I don't feel like I am a person and that I am alive. I just exist. Not doing anything at all. I can't even get myself to watch a movie really for the last couple of years. Fucking miserable existence.
I don't even fucking feel bad about this shit. I'm just numb and I don't care. But I think I should start to try to get myself out of this. And starting by getting used to simple things should probablt help? I guess? I hope so?
No. 462263
>>462249I've had a similar story with starting antidepressants at twelve. I was housebound by agoraphobia into my early twenties but even when I knew I was home all the time I made having baths a priority for some reason. It created a bit of a routine, got me out of my room and I got into nice smelling bath/shower products. Helped me feel a bit more human almost, even if I was the only person that noticed I'm clean
If it helps to hear this: personality disorders are typically at their worst in your twenties. I turned 30 last year and after nearly two decades of unrelenting depression I noticed a huge improvement. Mellowing out with age is possible with these disorders
And if you're low on motivation keeping the hygiene routine I recommend giving your teeth first priority, that counts most in the long run
No. 462282
>>462263This is good advice.
Treat your washing as an activity you are engaging with, not a chore. Use nice products, get fun clothes ready to change into afterwards.
Brushing teeth is difficult to be fun, so just think about how much more annoying it would be to have cavities and rotten teeth. Brushing is easy compared to that.
You don't have to do it every day. Have an attutude that
anything is better than nothing.
You can wash just parts at a time -hair one day, body the next, for example - so it's a smaller task.
Whatever you do that's more often than your current routine is an improvement. If you wash once a week, try once every 5 days instead.
No. 462289
>>462263>>462282Oh my gosh. Thank you for not calling me disgusting first of all.
Second, thank you a lot for the advice and support! I feel so stupid for being a failure that I am, but seeing that I need to improve is a step in the right direction.
No. 462294
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Help I’m going to Japan soon and I’ll like to try shooting something similar to this ty cow what’s the name of this style? Is it a specific period?
Does anyone have any recommendations on places to go in Tokyo?
No. 462298
>>462220>>462249I can relate a lot, I was never explicitly taught much about hygiene and also struggle a lot with depression and complete absence of any motivation whatsoever. What helps me with staying on top of my routines is using daily lists. I keep a bullet journal, not like the meme bullet journals with the fancy overdone calligraphy and stickers and watercolor drawings and shit, but just a really simple weekly layout where I can write what I'm supposed to get done that day.
Having a concrete list of what I should do helps to keep me accountable and getting to cross everything off is satisfying. If I write down "shower" on my daily to do but end up feeling lazy, I kinda guilt myself into doing it anyway because, well, I wrote it down, and it'd be embarrassing to leave the box unchecked, right? I also have a really cloudy shit memory due to depression so having a record of the last time I cleaned something is also useful and a good wake up call.
Good luck anon, it really sucks being so apathetic and numb but even the tiniest things can help. The hardest part is making that first step, everything after just gets easier.
No. 462306
>>462294There’s a lot of kimono and yukata rental shops around japan, even outside of tokyo in other touristy cities like Kamakura. Though these shops specialize in pretty much traditional wear of it only, and you can usually have a shoot or walk around the city in it for a set amount of time. You’d have to go to specialized costume place that offers modified kimono for a shoot like this because… that one is showing so much skin it departs from the traditional design so much…. good luck with that.
As in places to go, fucking google it lmao. Even if you’re looking for niche places related to a certain subculture… Google it. Check instagram and twt because most places also advertise through those platforms different events they’re having, etc.
No. 462385
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>>462306anon, you can wear traditional kimono like this lol. pic related. you just need to tell the person to tie it like this for you. it ruins the ohashori usually, but it's not impossible to do. you definitely sound like an uneducated weeb with this post.
No. 462401
>>462289 I am gonna add something quite small to this! Try to go to the stores, sniff some bath or shower products, lush has odd and cute stuff! Once you find the first smell that really gives you the "where the hell was this all my life?" Feeling, washing up can feel like a treat. Lotions too, i have had many of the problems you have and i also like to do things like putting on certain fragrance only when i go outside after a long agoraphobia stint, in my lil dumb brain i pretend it's gonna give me some immunity to whatever may lurk outside and i am now associating it with me being protected. I am sorry for the scent sperging, i have just found so much calmness and joy in scented stuff, i believe in you anon. You are trying, you're still in the game and if anyone shames you for having these issues, wtf fuck them. Love, scent sperg anon.
No. 462476
>>462393Militant self loathing and negatively projecting on any/everyone else.
Hating others for being sexual,feeling owed sex or intimacy, extreme misogyny, and a refusal to accept any personal responsibility or suggestions of change and/or personal growth.
No. 462557
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>>462475The guy I’ve been talking to has been doing that in addition to calling me pet names. I think it’s a little weeeeeeeeird. Just be cautious and safe. I don’t think it’s a huge red flag, because of the normie meme about loving good morning/ goodnight texts from guys. He may just be replicating what he’s seen on the internet or what he did in his last relationship.
No. 462593
>>462591There’s always different prices, edibles are something that you may only want to try from a reliable seller due to the fact that they could be made with the shittiest trimmings possible.
Tincture is best for everything avoid edibles unless you trust the source
No. 462660
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>dad has slapped my butt since I was a kid
>didn't really mind since a lot of people apparently do this as a sing of affection?
>I'm an adult now and it just plain makes me uncomfortable
>I never turn my back on him or bend over when we're in the same room.
>My sisters never seem to say anything about it but then again they don't really get slapped.
Am I overreacting? Does anyone else's parents do similar things?
No. 462663
>>462660Dude say stop, your sisters probably got the same and normalised it on their own heads.
You can and need to set healthy boundaries for your own sake
Ask your mom/grandma/older female family member you trust about how they feel about this situation
A teacher of all fails
No. 462902
Is it weird to be 25 and still hanging out with undergrads? Even if you are an undergrad yourself?
I'm 25 and I'm a senior in university. For various reasons, I had to take a lot of time at school. However, since two years ago at age 23, I've been attending school full time without any interruptions. I go to a residential college where the vast majority of students start school at age 18. Also, it's the default to live on campus.
I felt kind of weird going back to school because I knew I was older than most people. Now I'm definitely the oldest in the room besides the professor. I'm sure there are even a couple of teachers here younger than me. On the other hand, I don't look super old, so it doesn't stick out automatically. I also try not to make a big deal about my age, but I won't lie if someone asks me about it.
In particular, last semester I tried really hard to be active socially. I went to campus parties and camping trips with people way younger than me. I had fun and didn't see a problem hanging out with them.
This semester, I'm studying abroad and my roommates are all 20. The students here are all about the same age too. However, I'm still really interested in joining clubs on campus here and getting to know more local students.
Now I'm reading people my age are too old to be hanging out with undergrad aged people. But what am I supposed to do, live off campus and revolve my social life around other people in the city? It doesn't make a lot of sense to me but I'm curious to know what the alternatives are.
No. 462983
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Can a chinese anon translate this please?
No. 462984
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>>462981Discord in here was used by incels seeking for underaged anons before, anything posted here can be done by scrots so most old anons including myself discourage any use of non official discords
No. 463000
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>>462998Anon if you are still around would you mind translating this?
No. 463005
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>>463000"Osmanthus black sugar ginger tea" like image attached
No. 463153
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>>463125>stuckyBased taste. I legit get all my porn of them from Pinterest or 4ch's /cm/ and /y/ because they're strictly male only, or through random tumblrs. You'd be surprised what lewd stuff gets through on pinterest, lol. Boorus are crappy weeb centers.
No. 463358
>>463326I have a gay midget friend but we call him "little" [name] to not offend him.
He's given odd stories about feeling dick up his guts lmao
No. 463548
>>463544I basically took control of a male dominated political server by befriending people with power, having considerable influence, and knowing virtually everything about everyone through some means.
I never had actual power in the server and men saw me as a shitskin femoid etc., but they eventually grew a bit respect and some grew to fear me (I have no idea why).
Now I don't give a fuck how they feel about me because regardless of how they ever felt I still would have reported the pedo shit going on in there, and I would report any charlotteville 2.0 if I knew about it.
No. 463583
>>463544Happened to me years ago. I was in a fb group about comics, one day I commented something for the first time and the admins noticed me and said I was "hot". In a month I became their "queen", but I'm a pretty reserved person, so being in the spotlight for every little thing I said started getting on my nerves. I got a couple of crazy incels harrassing me and trying to dox me, another one reposted my selfies in the group, I was accused of "attention whoring" for… literally just commenting comic stuff like all of them did. Everytime I commented something and guys started being thirsty, I even tried to turn the attention away. One of the admins reacted like a salty bitch when I politely turned him down and started calling me a whore in the admins' private chat. Other two were passive aggressive as fuck. There was also a teenager girl who absolutely hated my guts because she wanted my spot, and was nasty to me for no reason all the time.
In the end I stopped posting and disappeared. A couple of months ago someone from the group tagged me asking where had I gone, but I didn't reply.
The bright side is that they weren't all assholes, I made some very good friends I still talk to and meet irl. But yeah, being the "queen bee" of a group of online guys means being just the girl they desperately want to fuck, and will turn sour the moment you don't.
No. 463594
>>463569Do you still want to have a baby when you think about sleepless nights, explosive shits, your body changing, blah blah blah? Do you want just a baby or so you also imagine stuff like them going to school and generally growing up and being proper little people?
I had baby fever for a long time before I genuinely wanted a baby. It’s a bitch to live with tbh and there’s a lot of ridicule for it now.
No. 463604
>>463600I hated it as a kid but now it’s one of my favourite things to do with nieces and nephews. Their little faces light up when they get an idea or you encourage their work, and their craftsmanship is so adorably shitty and awkward.
No shade on anyone who hates it. It’s messy and time consuming and frustrating, especially if you just don’t vibe with the stuff others enjoy about it.
No. 463745
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I’d give away my left tit to find a good seamstress I don’t know anyone that knows how to sew.
How tf do I find a good seamstress? I don’t want to waste money on fabric for him/her to just ruin it and mess up and waste my time
No. 463759
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>>463749Garment construction, the woman that I contacted was well connected and claimed to work with a great smallish fashion designer as a pattern maker.
I provided the fabric that she specified and paid 50% commission.
She destroyed the fabric and the entire thing was a mess so I was left scrambling to find a dress 1 week away from the event.
She apologised and wasted my time.
No. 463760
>>463749 Samefag.
Send me your portfolio, I’m desperate.
No. 463764
>>463762Depends of where you live.
Do you feel like dropping off humanity and be a hermit?
Learn to forage and pickle food
How to preserve water
How to make your own clothes/hunt/ create your own fabrics
Make a shelter
Do you want to stay in society and climb the ladder?
Learn how to have flawless conversational skills
Find what your ideal environment is and adapt yourself to your goals within it
No. 463785
>>463743I cant imagine it being on two different people's credit reports without something going haywire, maybe the card doesnt even actively use your SSN for anything and its just a failsafe for when you dont pay?
but more importantly tbh:
>I've never used it out of sheer anger that the employee was so fucking aggressive in getting me to sign up for ithow do people fall for this? I never feel bad about saying "no" over and over to all the tricky ways they form the question to sign you up without real consent. not even trying to sound edgy but I really don't care about their quota. I've only seen boys fall for it when its a pushy female cashier.
No. 463805
>>462088I think even if you meet the perfect person you need to be emotionally stable enough to hold on to them.
I genuinely believe my boyfriend is golden standard boyfriend material, at least for me. Of course your feelings mellow out after being with someone after several years but we still leave each other cute notes and put each other first, he finds a way to make me smile every day and I still enjoy the comfort of just making a meal with him. I can't believe that just by chance I managed to meet someone that I'm attracted to in all ways feels the same way about me.
However I'm a fucking insane bitch who will probably leave him eventually because I have to think up fictional reasons to ruin everything good in my life, I already hate the fictional lucky bitch that will marry him because I don't know why anyone else wouldn't. It doesn't matter how perfect someone is for you if you're the kind of person that doesn't let themselves accept happiness. I've seen awfully unmatched couples who are happy being together because they have decided that's their eternal love story.
No. 463881
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is this all her real hair? how do you tell when hair is extensions? the only time i can tell is when it's choppy or miscolored? how come we never see glue or anything on her hair? and is it possible to do extensions for thickness and not length?
No. 463918
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>>463885>>463884thanks, anon. can you guys give me a feel of if this is all real or not too?
No. 463928
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>>463918Any time you see of Ariana with long hair, it's a weave or extensions. Her actual hair is pretty short, thin and damaged from years of Schneider making her dye it and heavy extensions abuse. It'd probably stop breaking and grow back if she gave it a break but whatever.
No. 463978
>>463785I usually don't fall for it, and with her attitude I definitely shouldn't have caved because she was rude and aggressive the whole time lol. I used to work at Target so I understood how much they push people to sign up for the cards, as well as working retail at the time so I think I was just trying to be sympathetic, but now I have zero remorse. I really wish I had complained to management about it. I guess it's just a lesson learned.
>>463789I did look more into it and I can ask to get it changed apparently! My coworker was breathing down my neck and acting like the police were going to bust down my front door over it lol.
No. 463988
>>463953Honestly doing acid for the first time at a party sounds like a bad idea. With drugs that aren't psychedelics all I'd advise you is make sure the stuff is legit and you don't take too much, but acid (and shrooms and the like) are another matter completely.
You don't know how it'll hit you and ideally you'll want to first do it in a calm, familiar environment with someone you trust keeping an eye on you. I've done acid many times but even I would have a pretty big chance of having a bad experience if I'd do it at a party in a chaotic environment with people I barely know.
So if you feel really comfortable and want to try it no matter what you should make that decision for yourself, but know that with acid you could have a very bad time if you're not prepared.
No. 464131
>>464088 How do I convince him to watch something? I forgot to ask my dumbass question and ended up venting in my last post.
>>464099 He reads for fun, writes a lot, hikes with me or exercises. Or watches dumb shit on YouTube like spooky facts and ghost stories. At least movies and tv shows have substance to them. YouTube’s for kiddies.
>>464112 He thinks video games are an even bigger waste of time.
No. 464144
>>464131Relationships are about compromise but you can't change someone. As long as he's not forcing you to do all his hobbies then he shouldn't have to enjoy yours.
I don't get why you can't just talk to him about why films/TV are important to you and ask for a compromise eg you can join in with one of his hobbies and in return you guys can both watch a series, maybe a spooky one. If you can't both make a compromise without insulting each other's hobbies then I don't get why you want to with him.
>>464140Seconded, me and my bf are lazy so we watch a lot of tv but it's kind of a waste of our life together, hiking and telling spooky stories sounds nice
No. 464215
>>464211Bath and Body Works has a ton of different scents for fragance plugs, both gross sweet ones and nice fresh airy ones. A lot of them are sickeningly sugary but there are some good non-sugar scents if you look, just go in store and smell them for yourselves if you can.
Also the wall plugs themselves have really cute designs, I love the fall/wintery ones.
No. 464228
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How to gain weight?
In the last 4 months circa I've lost 5 kilos and I'm now underweight. I've also just moved out to go to college which means I have to prepare my own food and I've been doing alright, but…
I just don't wanna lose any more weight else I'll faint, and I'd prefer if I could go back to normal. Does anyone have any advice? Sorry if this is the wrong thread.
No. 464233
>>464228Eat more? Kek
But if you can't eat a lot or don't have time to eat, then just buy a tub of whey protein and chug that shit
No. 464253
>>464228Actual answer
Prepare boiled eggs and eat them in the morning they are super easy to make/ cheap and will keep you full 3 eggs a day should make you put on weight
No. 464256
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>>464228Genetics. Check your privilege skeleshit!
No. 464351
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>>464350sorry that your boyfriend is a gay tranny anon, don't worry, you'll find someone else and get over it.
No. 464356
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>>464350>eating his own cumAnon, wtf . that's some disgusting, degenerate shit. your boyfriend is a faggot or a tranny
No. 464366
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how do weebs like kotakoti/kittyphina take nice photos like this? I know a dslr and soft boxes but its not that simple. What kind of lens, aperature? what types of soft boxes and how much lighting? how far away is the camera? how do they see themselves to make sure the photo pose is good?
No. 464369
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>>464350Ummm has he asked you if you’re a “boyfriend-free-caring-smoke-free-non-alcoholic-white-girl-near-my-age to build a relationship with from the ground up“ yet?
(Spoiler is there for a reason, friend.) No. 464372
>>460528if I'm completely honest I find women who don't ever wear makeup to be either unkempt and/or socially retarded.
Girls who don't wear makeup are always the ones who wear boring hoodies or outdated clothing and look like they've just rolled out of bed. They almost always have no interests in current trendy media and are a bit behind. Every single girl I've met who don't wear makeup end up giving me "I was homeschooled" vibes.
Not wearing makeup isn't bad but I just find that most people who never wear it are a bit socially inept/behind the times.
Oof I know this sounds awful but it really is true.
No. 464392
>>464357nah, my bf in high school had a surprise for me sophomore year which was him wearing my fucking basque along with a pair of $50 stockings which i had to trash. i vividly remember him laying on my bed and coyly whispering 'do you like me?' to which i responded 'get the fuck out of my stuff!' we broke up shortly after.
fast forward ten years and sure enough, he trooned out. too bad, he had a big dick and loved to eat pussy. i consider myself lucky that i wasn't a tranny widow. he dumped the girl he was seeing as soon as he stared taking e. i'm also glad he didn't reproduce. nowadays, you see a dude fucking around with your lingerie, that fucker is ready to troon and you should ditch his mental ass. imo.
No. 464403
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This is most definitely a stupid question but I need to ask it anyway:
Is it weird and creepy for a 22 year old guy to talk to a 17 year old girl?
I think it is but I need to hear some reaffirmations. I don't see what business a senior college student would have with a highschooler, even if they're just friends. This guy talks friendly and jokingly with this girl and he's told me about her, they talk I'm guessing often enough since he has her added on instagram now. I can't find any way to say it's wrong without just saying it "feels weird". And then there's the matter of maturity, where sure, some highschoolers can be mature, but there's such a dramatic difference between those two ages since people change and grow a lot during those years. I don't know if my thoughts are correct or on the right path, so if someone could share their two-cents I'd appreciate it.
No. 464437
>>464436to add my own stupid question is this real? I only ever heard about that in this Why? song I used to listen to in hs and never googled it lmao
ok while i was trying to figure out what Why? song I was even thinking about I keep getting links saying this is a myth but I don't want to read too much on the stupid question thread and ruin my own question with research.
second stupid question what Why? song am I thinking about
No. 464439
>>464436You sound like a retard. Acid absolutely does not stay in your spine. It's not even a party drug ffs>>464437No check the link above. It's not real
>>463953How old are you? Acid isn't a party drug. What kind of skeezy crowd are you and your bf hanging out with?
No. 464442
>>464372You're skin must be shit then
invest in skin care like the rest of us
No. 464451
>>464445>>464450I was about to jump in but I think that's the biggest distinction
I think the other anon thinks any drug that you take socially is a party drug (so if you go to a party where people are taking acid, it's a party drug), whereas party drugs are colloquially known as drugs that help enhance a specific party feeling–such as ecstasy, which makes dancing feel better
here's a wiki article that helps explain what people mean by party drugs No. 464484
>>464357Like it matters if he’s full time or part time AGP freak. He’s still a degenerate and will likely troon our within a few years if he’s already wearing dresses and panties.
Semi related; the things some farmers post about here regarding their dating lives make me so fucking depressed. How bad are things that a cum-eating, cross-dressing baby-tranny seems like a reasonable person to spend time with?
No. 464492
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Is it worth it to learn speed reading or is it better to just read at your natural pace even if it's slow? I want to read 50 pages everyday but sometimes it gets really frustrating because it takes me too long. Any tips to read faster? Using my finger to follow the lines on the page kind of works but I feel like a schoolchild.
>>464484I had one who mentioned that he would want to dress up in a stereotypical sexy maid dress and once hinted at watching trans porn. I was a bit aware about AGP but this didn't really strike me as that much at the time. He was also super hardcore into vidya especially old ones. I'm not sure if that's enough to qualify or fit the usual profile but in retrospect I'm glad I at least don't have to deal with the possibility. I have no idea why some people tolerate some of this crazy shit, I guess it's different when it's someone irl who you love.
No. 464502
>>464403If it was the same age difference but she was 18 or 20 would you still think it's weird?
As long as it's not sexual it's fine, even then if it's consensual and they're safe about it it's fine.
22 is still young, it makes total sense that they'd have interests in common.
No. 464508
>>464492Speed readimg isn't really speed reading, its pretty much just skimming. Like you learn to pay attention to important words and ignore less important ones. Reading out loud could maybe help you. I also like taking notes, but I struggle more with comprehension than with speed.
That being said, it still might be worth it to learn to speed read. Also dont forget about audio books, there are lots of free ones on YouTube.
No. 464511
>>464391not sure what he exactly does, he just said he likes tasting his cum. he's a virgin so i assume he just jerks off and eats it up or something.
>>464392sorry for you anon. i wouldn't feel anything from a guy wearing my lingerie or whatever, that just feels really weird and pervy
>>464401he does have an anime girl avatar on all his accounts yeah…
>>464484i haven't been with anyone for years so him flirting with me felt good ngl. he's hot. i like twinks and he does come off as a normal twink from the outside. however the more you talk to him the more he gives agp vibes and it's off putting. i'd fuck a feminine man, not a delusional cumbrain who thinks he's an anime girl in a man's body or something.
No. 464676
>>464399yeah I guess you're right. I'm in college so that's where my experience with women who don't wear makeup come from. Just want to clarify that not wearing makeup is fine, I don't wear it everyday either. It's just that the girls who have never touched makeup in their lives, in my college experience, behave like conservative grandmas. Not having touched mascara in your whole life? That is a bit weird.
>>464411kek mascara and lipstick isn't "no makeup" anon. That's literally the only thing I have on and it is considered makeup.
No. 464695
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Do the different parts of candy corn taste different
No. 464800
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I had a job interview on Monday for a job at a grocery store and was offered the job on the spot (I assume this because I was made to sign a bunch of papers including a consent form for a background check). I was told the background check would take 3-5 days and then they would bring me in for training.
I called the manager on Saturday to ask how the background check was going since it had been 5 days already and I was told that there was a “blip in the system” and that it would take a little longer for it to be completed. This is a real thing that happens, right? For some reason I feel like he could’ve just been saying that and I didn’t really get the job.
No. 464804
>>464800HR at grocery stores are just really that lazy and incompetent. Trust me.
t. Worked at one as a cashier 10 years ago and would never go back to that clusterfuck.
No. 464805
>>464800Try not to overthink it. It's far more likely that they got delayed sending in your check or there was some sort of error, just make sure to follow up. Like
>>464803 said grocery stores can't really afford to ghost new hires.
Actually that does remind me, a few years ago I was ghosted by a sportswear store even after going to several interviews, formally accepting the job offer and having them take all my personal information (including SSN and bank details for payroll). They never scheduled my first shift and every time I called I was told the GM was "busy" and he would call back later. After a few weeks of trying to get ahold of him I just gave up. It was weird, but I don't think it's a common occurrence!
No. 464908
>>464874What the actual fuck is wrong with you
Threatening to leave someone if they don’t watch telly with you is truly an NPC move
No. 464921
>>464450why would you do it while camping or hiking
that's literally asking to get yourself killed by falling head 1st into a trench or jumping of some random edge
No. 464954
>>464921Bitch have you never gone camping or hiking before? You probably think people should never drink while camping or hiking either lmao
>>464908There's nothing wrong with what she did. Projecting much?
No. 464987
>>464955only go for chads over 6'0 like all females do!!
seriously though, if you're looking for an actual relationship don't go for men who start right up by typical dick talk. if it's someone you can talk to like a normal friend, that's a good start. don't go for men who brag about their money and shit on dating apps. avoid most weebs and gamers.
No. 465042
>>465028Yes really. Why care what people not in your life think of you and why have people in your life that care what you look like?
You'd probably still be miserable if you were attractive just for slightly different reasons since it doesn't protect you from being insecure. You'd still be getting unwanted attention but now you have to filter out dipshits who only want to talk to you for your looks you'd be omnipresently aware could start fading any day not knowing who'd stick around.
No. 465054
>>464968most nicotine gums are sugar free tho? should counter the yeast infection point but not sure about its overall pH to be fair. the menthol probably would feel shit but the unflavoured nicorette ones wouldn't have this issue. I just wonder whether absorption would be more or less effective (can't chew it with your vagina but maybe there's more capillaries or something for example) and whether you'd still be able to feel that weird tingly sensation.
>>464931love the "I'm not an expert" part, would be scary if anyone was kek
not planning on doing it btw,just a random thought I had at a 9am lecture that I was too ashamed to share with anyone I know lol No. 465165
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Just how unrealistic is it to achieve a flat stomach without surgery or any sort? I'm not anachan or fattychan, just a skinnyfit loser. I started going back to the gym again just for health reasons and got over my obsessive bodychecking habits, but sometimes when I do look in the mirror to make sure an outfit looks good I get self conscious about the slight muffin top I have.
No. 465192
>>465158i'm bi and i almost exclusively prefer women but i'm dating a guy right now and i'm kind of relieved i can actually talk about my partner openly. i often joke about being in a 'straight passing' relationship to make myself feel better.
i'm not out to my parents so any other partner i've had who has been female has just been a 'close friend' who i 'lost touch with' after we break up. it feels nice to actually gush about my boyfriend without having to worry about being outed and disowned.
No. 465235
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>>465203You do you anon, and whatever does it for you!
No. 465304
>>465303They’re not meant to be visible unless you’re doing an obvious visible lingerie look.
Those plastic ones off wish look god awful, don’t wear those.
No. 465424
>>464834I live in Venezuela, electricity, internet, water going out for days is a common occurrence and part of the routine.
This year we have had a few nation wide power outages and on the regular lights will go out and many places are in constant rationing schedules. This whole week there have been no electricity for like 4 hours a day. Same with the internet, theres weeks where i don't have any or it is unusable slow. Its all caused by pure socialist incompetence and has been this way since they nationalized electricity and communications.
No. 465466
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Do any anons here work in a grocery store chain and would be willing to share tips/details/stories?
I've been working on my mental health and looking forward to trying to get a job for the first time. The only place I think would hire me within walking distance is a large grocery store. It's all very intimidating and terrifying in my head but I need to get to work. Knowing as much as I can about the scary thing helps.
No. 465479
>>465466Big box grocery store slave reporting in, literally don't worry about shit pertaining to the job itself, all you do is endless bad unboxing essentially and as long as you can read shelf edge labels to know where shit is supposed to go you'll be golden and above good 60% of employees. Most of my colleagues are post menopausal ladies and equally elderly men so if they can learn the job (and even how the handsets and online payslips work!), so can you with all your youth and endless potential etc!
The only actually important task you will have is finding out who the "important" colleagues are, as you want to get on their good side, and and how to get on the said good side. This is my 1st workplace as well (3 years in october lol) so I was also very scared and anxious (would go home crying every day in the first 2 months bc I'm a stress crier ok), however, not to like brag or anything, but I'm everyone's fav and get treated really nicely as such.
How I achieved this I do not exactly recommend as I was basically working really fast and good, often managing to do what 2 or 3 people would normally be tasked with, which earned the respect of the elderly lady council as they like hardworking girls, but also made them "adopt me" as they did not want the male managers exploiting my naivete and hardworking tendencies lol. At the same time this obviously made the managers like me as yeah, they could exploit me to their hearts content (also one of them is like a uni dropout and likes to think of himself as a deep thotful individual and I like humouring that). In the last year or two I have slowly gotten lazier down to everyone else's level but bc of my initial reputation, I am still regarded the same as previously. So maybe do try working hard but not
too hard. Again, it is kinda a bullshit job anyone can do so you should have no problem with that aspect.
You do not have to know where everything goes down to the specific shelf, just try noticing the underlying organisation in aisles, like to know where brand xyz paracetamol is, all you have to know is where medicines aisle is, then which bay is for pain relief and that's it (seems easy and logical but I think grocery stores are the biggest employer of near illiterate sub 60 IQ people). Do not touch the shrink wrap itself when wrapping a cage as you
will get hit with static electricity. If you have to use handsets yet no one checks you turning them back in, hide yours around the shop floor to guarantee you'll get one at the start of the shift (not applicable if you actually have more than 10 handsets in the entire building), same with other supplies tbh, my biggest pride is my private plastic bag stash. If you have those metal cord tags for alcohol as opposed to cages or stickers or whatever, it is easier and quicker to put them on if you move the plastic bobble around instead of trying to pull the cord thru; additionally, if you have all the tags facing one way it is easier to put shit on shelves
and it looks neater too.
If your colleagues skew more young or you want to go for a checkouts staff position I'm out of advice soz. If they have spots for job in security or clothes department, try going for those as they're both the easiest departments imo. Avoid frozen and fresh as they are either cold and wet and miserable or smell bad or both. Possibly avoid pet aisles too bc they have so many beasties lurking about and you'll just smell like value dog food.
No. 465527
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Do you think Lewis Carroll was really a pedo?
The more I read about him, the more it seems like. But it could be that I'm not looking at the case through the lenses of that time.
But then, why would the Liddells break all contact with him and why would he tear out the pages of his diary during the period in which he visited the girls?
The BBC documentary provides some interesting insight but I've heard that many academics completely dismiss that theory.
No. 465547
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>>465479you're the best, anon. thank you so much
No. 465565
>>465527>>465532I don't know enough about the context to be sure in any way but rather than being a "traditional" pedophile I feel like it might have been more of a Peter Pan complex type of thing where he idealized childhood and the curiosity and innocence of children. The fascination with children beyond feeling attracted to them is what makes me think this.
I'd almost say it's kind of a Michael Jackson type thing, having a complex about not properly experiencing your own childhood, but theories about MJ are obviously very disputed.
No. 465579
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>>465573I went and checked it out. This one was really cute. Can cats be barrel chested?
No. 465580
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>>465571I guess so, but compared to lolcow reddit is really angry
No. 465594
>>465583They think lifting and cutting/bulking is the height of difficulty. Legit body building is hard and takes discipline, don't get me wrong, but at least they can achieve a decently muscular, (if not adonis tier), conventionally attractive physique without restricting to 1200 calories like women who aren't allowed any excess fat at all. Our diets are severely limited and wr still have to lift so we dont horrify men with a flat ass. Every part of our body is judged more harshly than theirs, usually to standards we can never reach without surgery (huge boobs and ass with a tiny waist).
Men are delusional if they think anyone expects them to look like greek gods. All they need is muscled shoulders/arms and no beer belly and they're gold. They can do that eating 5x a woman's daily intake in mcdonalds every day as long as they lift a few times a week. Hell, they can even stay stick thin on a diet like that and be considered hot.
No. 465599
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>>465573I want to bury my face in a chonky cat’s belly now
No. 465642
>>465466I work at a big box retailer, but in checkout/guest service. I felt the same way as you when I started a month and a half ago (also my first real job). Customers will be understanding if you admit you are new if they have a question you can't help them with. Don't hesitate to call over your supervisor if a guest says LEMME SPEAK TO YOUR MANAGER. Also what
>>465479 said about working hard at first is pretty spot-on. Within my first two weeks I had two different guests compliment me by name to my leadership because I didn't know how attentive I needed to be while ringing people up and was being practically subservient. I haven't had any guest compliments since but it definitely stuck in my team leads minds. Asking too many questions is better than assuming things and subsequently making mistakes.
Also, if I can give you examples of mistakes I make, one is that I'm not familiar with the store I work at. It's pretty embarrassing when my store has hand scanners where I can literally find the exact aisle of a product a guest asks for and then can't point them in the right direction because I never leave the front of the store and don't know where anything is. Just walk around the store a few times/start shopping there.
Also idk if this will apply to you but if you have security at your store and they ask you to customer service a shoplifter – just do it. It's kind of spooky especially if you're a non-confrontational person but it's not that hard since you don't actually have to accuse them of anything usually, and if you're successful you'll get on their good side.
Good luck anon, soon things will be familiar and it'll feel pretty good tbh. I mean it'll bullshit because you'll be at work lol but it'll be a comfortable kind of bullshit.
>>465573I get where they're coming from, my cat had diabetes and suffered a lot because we overfed him, but they don't have to be fucking annoying about it. Not every comment section needs to turn into a goddamn crusade. Just coo over the tubby bellies like the rest of us lmao.
No. 465648
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>>465594>>465604the vast Majority of men can physically reach the same physical build as Henry Rollins without steroids or a super strenuous 24/7 complicated Gym routine
Sure its not easy and requires hard work but most men reach this build
No. 465676
>>465568>>465580Something about that website turns its users into virtually the same person with all the same likes and opinions. For example, they hate women, feminism, minorities, LGBT, poor people, fat people, diversity, protestors, and vegans. False rape accusations are a pressing existential threat. They're obsessed with going after the easily-debunked targets like antivax, flat earth, or MLM. Pedophiles are actually just misunderstood and deserve our sympathy. Their favourite books are 1984, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Brandon Sanderson, and Stephen King. Serious literary analysis is pretentious and bullshit their English teacher made up. STEM is good and humanities (or god forbid gender studies) is bad.
You don't even need to read the subreddits anymore because you already know what they're going to be talking about and what their opinion on it is. I don't think users start out with these opinions, it's just that something in the way the site is designed causes them to get sucked into these circlejerks and morph into the same person. It's probably the upvote system which rewards groupthink and also users gullibility and lack of critical thinking when it comes to incorrect/debunked, fake and out-of-context posts.
No. 465683
>>465678nah don't get me wrong I put a lot of effort and money into making my cat as healthy as possible and improving his quality of life (I got him as a child and was given full responsibility of him, I genuinely had no idea what I was doing and it wasn't until I was a teenager that I realized I was hurting him by not regulating his meals). People reeing about animal abuse on reddit don't make me feel bad about hurting my pets because I don't hurt my pets anymore now that I know better. I just don't see the point in moralfagging on reddit about it when it's already falling on deaf ears. I've convinced strangers to at least reconsider the way they care for their pets but there's a time and a place for it.
>Anyone who can coo over a suffering animal is a cuntit's a photograph of a sleeping cat on the internet.
No. 465693
>>465683>it's a photograph of a sleeping cat on the internet.What that anon is doing is exactly the shit that
>>465580 and
>>465676 seem to be talking about. Fake outrage.
I bet they're a Redditor, too.
I can't understand what drives people to have such over-the-top, extreme opinions on the most mundane shit. It's like an addiction to being as edgy, fake deep and contrarian as possible or something.
No. 465698
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>>465693Who needs to fake outrage over people treating their pets like shit while claiming they love them? Mistreating an animal who cannot do anything but rely on the selfish prick who decided to feed it to the point of painful disease is outrageous.
Imagine trying to paint abusing an animal as the moral high ground.
No. 465705
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>>465698>being this angry over random photos of cats on the internet >making mountains out of molehills like thisI just can't relate. I don't think any human with the tiniest shred of sanity, or even just independent thought outside of internet groupthink can, either.
This SJW-esque moral crusade shit is just so tiring to see. What do we even call it? Moralfagging, but for the cool kids? Subversive moralfags?
I hope it's just a collective generational thing, like using "xD" or "lolzor" unironically, and everyone grows up sooner or later.
No. 465761
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What is it like to own bunnies as pets? I'm entertaining the idea of adopting a pair of rabbits to free roam in my apartment but I don't want to make any impulsive decisions. I've only owned cats before and I've heard mixed opinions online, some people say bunnies are more work than cats, some people say they're easier. Any personal anecdotes and recommendations from anons who own/have owned rabbits?
No. 465771
>>465761>>465764On the topic of bunnies. I have two and when I first got them two-ish years ago my vet told me I shouldn't hold them/pick them up because they're paralyzed when you do that. According to her in nature when their feet are lifted off the ground it means they got caught by a predator so they're quite literally scared to death when you do that. I haven't unnecessarily picked them up since, which isn't a big because they're outside in a meadow.
But I can't seem to find anything supporting what she said on the internet. Was my vet wrong?
No. 465773
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>>465769is like you despise life itself
No. 465794
>>465771You shouldn't pick them up all the time just for a hug or anything, but if you need to hold them then you need to support their feet really well the entire time and keep them close to you. They will try to jump out of your hands if they're too upset.
Idk about being paralyzed, my rabbit has never gone into any kind of shock. She just gets annoyed and thumps at me when I put her down.
No. 465804
>>465791"not every smoker is unhealthy"
Just because a chubby cat isn't or doesn't seem to be experiencing any direct consequences for it's weight at this moment in time, doesn't mean it isn't unhealthy.
Anyway I'm not necessarily hating on fat cat pictures, but there's definitely a growing agreement online that it's completely okay for a pet to be very very heavy, or for it's owner to consistently overfeed it and that's not a good thing. Innocent fat cat pictures don't help there.
No. 465810
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>>465804>Innocent fat cat pictures don't help there.Me and everyone else will still enjoy those innocent fat cat pictures in the same innocent way as always because they are super cute
No. 465816
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>>465805I'm not an attorney by any means. But, the POA has a fiduciary duty to the principal. If your uncle wasn't acting in your grandparent's best interests, he's in breach. It could even be elder abuse.
Contact a lawyer, or some sort of Elder Affairs office, or an advocacy group for the elderly.
No. 465817
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>>465804NTA, but do you think it's logical for someone to sperg out at random pictures of people smoking?
No. 465823
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>>465820It is both cute and funny.
If you actually lurk more you'll see most of thsoe cats are well taken care off and are not morbidly obese, some cats are also naturally more chubby and fluffier than others and those who are on the heavier end usually have a backstory, like they were adopted and are being put on diets, those subs are not the fattening contest some people make it out to be and no one is bragging or condoning abuse.
No. 465826
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>>465642thank you for the additional advice anon, it helps a ton and you're the best
No. 465838
>>465827This helps, thank you. And yeah, I wouldn't want it to get lonely so if I do decide to actually adopt a bun I'd get a bonded pair.
How affectionate do they get? I understand you can't exactly cuddle and hold bunnies the way that you would a dog or cat, but can you still develop a fulfilling bond with them? I prefer animals that you can interact and bond with so I always avoided small pets like hamsters since it seems like they only tolerate you at best. Like, would a bunny ever come sit by you while you watch TV or something?
No. 465839
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>>465818Ah, I'm sorry, I've never heard of that word before. My native language doesn't differentiate between meadow and "pen", I wasn't aware English does.
My rabbit's pen is like image with permanent fencing, but maybe a third smaller and with grass.
No. 465896
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>>464350>>464365>>464511update on my sad love life
today he came out to me and said "i'm not gay, i'm a mostly straight bisexual". he admittedly likes tranny and sissy porn too
i don't care that he's bi but this whole tranny & sissy thing is such a turn off. i was genuinely attracted to him ngl. it's over
No. 465913
>>465904I know someone who had a sarcoma in his arm. It looked like a normal arm, broke, then looked like there was a giant tumor inside of it within days.
It's probably not but if it's freakish I'd get it checked.
Do you do anything with your left arm that would cause it?
No. 465941
>>465924So you walk into a wall basically? I'm trying to visualize it.
When something is going wrong with me, like a back ache, I try to correct the underlying behavior. Try turning before making contact with the wall instead of using it as leverage in your turn.
No. 466098
>>466041On the topic of shelter rabbits, would you say it's better to adopt adults or find babies to raise? Adult rabbits are appealing since you already know what their personality is going to be like, but also with younger bunnies I can train and socialize them myself so I know they won't develop any bad habits. Or is it not that big of a deal? Can you teach an old rabbit new tricks?
>>466086Aww, that's so sweet. I always wonder what goes through animals' heads when they see TV screens.
No. 466167
>>466079I can't tell if you're asking because you want to form such bond but don't know if the other person wants it too, or are you asking in general because you're confused with someone's intentions? Anyway
I would say that emotional connection is formed when people are emotionally invested in your life. You'll recognize that by them being interested in how you're doing, what's going on, checking up on you, emotional and empathetic response to stuff going on in your life… Basically, caring. A superficial friendship without an emotional bond is hanging out just out boredom, spending time together only at uni/work, talking mainly gossip or current events, or just venting and complaining. If you want to get closer to someone, just be there for them, act more attentive, spend quality time together. So if a person does that - cares about you, chooses to spend their free time with you - they want to get closer
No. 466520
>>466098Adult shelter buns have a ton of postives.
1. Pairs are already bonded. Bonding bunnies is a very intense process that can potentially take weeks, and even then it might never work. You have to keep them separated through the process.
2. They're already spayed/neutered. Generally, babies have to be 6 months old to get altered, which is a surgery that costs hundreds. Having them altered is recommended for both genders as it reduces aggressive behaviors and prevents cancers.
3. They're likely already litter trained, which can be a process with a baby. Also, babies will pee on you a lot more, and be more messy and destructive and hormonal in general.
I've had my bunny since she was 4 months old until now (1.5 years) and she has had the same personality since I met her. The only difference is that she's a lot less messy and a lot less crazy. In her baby days, before her spay, she would want to pee on my chair and I'd have to clean it a lot, which drove me nuts. I also had to litter train her and that was a whole process. I think in a way, their personalities are not really something you can influence, but rather it's just genetic. Overall, age doesn't matter so much and adult buns will be a lot less work and time. But if you wanna teach your buns tricks or something, maybe a baby would be better.
Lastly, I forgot to mention–an x-pen is loads better than a cage. I mentioned cleaning a cage earlier and that was a mistake. I free roam her but she stays in the pen when I'm gone or asleep. Also, she licks me everyday and it's basically her form of kisses. It's so sweet. She'll also do that thing cats do, where they go on your laptop keyboard to catch your attention.
No. 466526
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Anons that use weave how do you work out with it?
No. 466798
>>466642>>466648Is there a way to get into your accounts from a device that's not connected to you (that way, you know they can't get the new ones), and change the passwords from there? Like, maybe get a cheap phone specifically for this, or dig up a phone or laptop you haven't used in years?
If the bank won't help you much, maybe you could ask them to just temporarily lock down your account for your own peace of mind?
I hope this all gets sorted out, anon. It sounds like a nightmare. Please update us if it gets solved.
No. 466801
>>466792She already did.
>>466648Anon, I'm a law student working in a department that deals with issues like these. Tell me the country. Also keep all evidence of them not helping you. I bet I can find a way of getting them in trouble for neglecting fraud monitoring.
No. 466918
>>466917oh shit, and funk
though prince stans are kinda loopy still more preferable than the guy who stans nintendo though
No. 467016
>>466917This is true actually, you're wayyy more likely to find dumb elitist snobs in indie/alternative/rock communities shoving their taste in your face acting like they're superior than in Rnb communities who just love the music. Of course they can start their own drama but it's definitely not pushed to the foreground like others.
In my experience music fans CAN be chill, but they can be extremely annoying too. I find it better to just communicate with fans of a specific artist than interact with a whole group of "music lovers" who only sperge about the same 5 bands over and over again.
No. 467066
>>467041>>467064I posted too early, but if you go look at the current /meta/ complaints thread alone, you can find the word "radfem" 195 times. Of those 195 mentions, 100+ are farmers asking for moderation to stop their infestation of other boards. That is from only the CURRENT complaints thread. The previous thread has 50 mentions of radfems, and 50+ mentions of other terms to describe those spergs. Radfems pretending that they're being ousted all of a sudden is such a joke, there are literally over A HUNDRED complaints about them infesting and spilling over to threads. I am so fucking tired of their retarded version of events, they got told by farmhands and other farmers close to a hundred times and they never bothered to listen. Then they act surprised and sperg even more when eventually they're removed through a final solution.
The only reason they got eradicated is because they didn't understand what a containment thread is and would go on autistic tirades every time someone who wouldn't go out of their way to call transpeople TROONS KILLING WOMEN, even if the discussion at hand nothing to do with gender politics.
No. 467138
>>466917Both music and games are such a vast umbrella that it is hard to generalize.
I would say that people focused on the creative aspects of it are going to be way more chill, there are huge difference with musicians hanging and collaborating with other musicians than fans engaging with other fans within a fandom. In my experience actual musicians are super nice to each other and act really appreciative of the venues and events when they get to hang out with each other but in games you get a similar vibe around the modding communities or Game Jams or just context where its mostly the developers themselves. The nintenboys are just fandom spergs and you can't expect the same good vibes and creative atmosphere from manchilds and literal 12 yr old gamer kids that you would expect from people who engage with the medium as creators, just as you can't expect it from a hipster music fan or a edgy metal fan who are in it for the niche and the social scene and not for the medium in general.
Jazz is one of those genres were a lot of the fans are musicians themselves, is kinda music from musicians for musicians and it doesn't pull big crowds so you can expect jazz events to be pretty chill and less drama ridden than the alternative scene where its mostly teenagers sperging and trying to one up each other in clout points.
No. 467197
>>467173Other forums, tv/games/reading, watching sports/lp's on youtube/doing online puzzles. Though it's still just as time wasty as scrolling through random media feeds I guess.
>>467175Put some witch hazel on it after peeing and try to go commando if you can. It should heal quick because there is a lot of bloodflow in that area.
No. 467205
>>467169Only thing I can think of that was annoying was the gendercrit idiots leaking into literally every thread on this site instead of sticking to their containment board.
I want the radfem/pink pill thread back without the r/gendercritical
No. 467226
How to not hate your life when your team for a long term project (“volunteer”) flakes a lot and made a deadline with you but everyone seems to constantly be “going through some things rn” so you end up having to do everything yourself?
>>467173I only check like 3 threads on lolcow now and that’s the only sm I bother with. I have a lot of hobbies, and I feel like social media has stunted everyone our age it’s really tragic
No. 467571
>>467205gender critical was the best part of the thread. Gotta have somewhere we can commit our wrongthink crimes without being treated like a pariah.
>>467555>>two teenage girls existed near me and had a good time! this is an outrage and clearly a personal attackWhy would they have even noticed you?
No. 467689
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>>464372>>464676Going to be super optimistic here and assume this isn't bait.
First off, you sound like a judgemental cunt, even by LCF standards. You're seriously reading all this shit into people's personalities based solely on the fact that they don't wear makeup? I was legitimately shocked when you said you were an adult, because you sound like a middle-schooler. Get therapy.
Cosmo can say whatever they want- the hard science says women who wear makeup every day have lower self-esteem. So the women you think you're so much better than are probably actually happier and better adjusted, because they don't rely on makeup as a security blanket. Plus their skin is probably going to age better.
I wear makeup about 1/3 of the time, and the people I judge aren't the ones who don't wear it or who only wear some. I'm judging the kind of dumb hoes who show up to the pool or the gym with falsies and 20 different products.
No. 467916
>>467809It's not a massive age gap, but personally, I'm a year older than you, and I don't think I'd date an 18-year-old. I find that I'm a lot different than when I was 18 (more settled down) and a lot of them just seem too young. It's not immoral per se but can be questionable depending on where both of you are mentally. People change a lot during their late teens and early 20s.
>>467870Yeah I feel like 5+ years is too much until you're in your 30s or meet an exceptionally mature younger person. I feel like 22/23 is about the age where people are close to truly "grown up".
No. 467974
>>467967I don't know about deleting entirely but can't you hide posts from your timeline within facebook itself?
They're still there, but not viewable by others.
No. 467981
>>467974>can't you hide posts from your timeline within facebook itselfyes. But i'd have to go trough each individual post from the last 4 years right? its just too much to do manually and it could take a quite a while. It would be extremely convenient to be able to hide or delete all in bulk.
I already did one manual cleanup on my main account but it let too much time pass without one in a secondary i might use for personal art stuff.
No. 468135
>>468121Oh fuck I remember those threads! Found it for you anon
>>>/pt/43380 (hope I linked that right lol)
No. 468159
>>454349you know those people who have to go on the dark web and infiltrate pedophile communities and those people who as part of their job have to see child porn. how the hell do you come back from that? i think i’d want to kill myself after seeing that. i once read an article about the abuse grown ass women face in mainstream pornographers (with the associated screenshots) and i couldn’t sleep that night because the pictures haunted me. surely for these people responsible for catching pedos there would be some type of counselling given and maybe they’re only allowed to do the job for a small amount of
time ?
No. 468180
>>46816 said is true, but some of those people are also closet pedophiles themselves.
and in a lot of difficult jobs like that people only do it for a short time because of how much of a toll it takes on them.
No. 468183
>>468159My friend works in criminal justice as an attorney and he has seen some horrid shit, like video and photo evidence in child porn/sexual abuse cases. He described some of it to me once and it was too awful for words, but he also told me that you just sort of detach from yourself and treat it as something you just have to do. It's like how pathologists leave their emotions at the door when they have to define the cause of death for a half rotten corpse and treat it as an object instead of the sad remains of a human being, possibly a
victim of a violent crime. You can't take it personally or humanize the subject too much or it starts taking a real toll on your mental health. It's just something you learn as you do it I guess. That's also why doctors aren't supposed to become too attached to their patients or it will cloud their sense of reason too much.
>>468180Just. Stop. You have to realize how hard it is for a police officer to go through thousands of pictures and videos of child abuse to crop out the faces of the
victims and suspects in order for them to identify them and to gather evidence for the trial, and then on top of it people claim that they're "closet pedophiles who get a kick out of it lol". SOMEONE has to do it. The
victims deserve a criminal investigation and a trial.
No. 468285
>>455290I much prefer busy jobs compared to jobs where you sit and have to wait for tasks. It's mind numbing and taxing in a different way. Makes you feel like you're staring at a wall for 8 hours with little break.
Busy days go by fast.
Ask your coworkers if you can do anything extra, or if they need help maybe? Is there anyone you can talk to or is it a quiet environment?
No. 468410
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>>468398-Wealth of nations by Adam Smith
-The road to Serfdom by Hayek
-The Theory of Money and Credit by Ludwig Von Mises
-Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman
-Gulag Archipielago by Solzhenitsyn
-The Latin Americans: Their Love-hate Relationship with the United States by Carlos Rangel
No. 468444
>>468443Nothing could be more feminist than learning economics and valuing individual freedoms but i'm sure someone else can make you a list of crab mentality and
victim complex manuals.
No. 468448
>>468445>That makes feminist literature a bucket of crabs now?That anon almost definitely being a scrot is why feminist literature is both that and a '
victim complex manual'.
>>468398And here is a list for anon, I conveniently stumbled across it as I wrote this post. No. 468453
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>And here is a list for anonSee, heres the crab bucket and
victim complex pamphlets.
>muh scrotegood old fallacy, we just have vastly different ideas of what feminism should be and what constitutes female empowerment. Most of those books are the stereotypical collectivist slave rhetoric.
>Love and Politics: Radical Feminist and Lesbian TheoriesThat made me laugh, it is almost like a satire.
No. 468461
>>468458Something that looks human but for some reason doesn’t feel human.
>>468459Omg homophone chan finally found something new. I wonder what retarded thing they’ll try next?
No. 468466
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>>468459>>468461>homophobe chan>tradthot>latin americanYou took 3 shots and missed them all. Its specially amusing that someone that thinks women should take agency and get in stem and economics instead of playing the
victim is totes a tradthot for the standards of unhinged commie radfems. You have a containment PP thread to go back to btw.
>lesbian theorieslmfao, still can't get over that one.
No. 468468
>>468466You do realize that anon was trying to get a rise out of you, right? Why did you even reply?
Are you the same sped shitting up unpopular opinions with nitpicks of that little girl?
No. 468470
>>468466Lmao sperging out over something nobody said because you’ve invented a narrative about how bad anonymous women asking for feminist literature are.
The economic history of a banana republic is fucking worthless to someone looking for a history of women’s liberation, but plz carry on with your argument with literally nobody.
No. 468476
>>468473Getting the right to vote was slavery.
Good one fucknuts.
No. 468479
>>468473Wanting bodily autonomy is against women’s best interests now?
Is fighting for funding for women’s shelters to provide refuge for those escaping domestic violence also against our collective best interest?
No. 468482
>>468473TIL women being treated fairly is LiTeRaLlY sLaVeRy
I can't tell if you're a troll or if you're genuinely this retarded. My guess is the letter based on the sheer dedication you've had to posting hilarious tinfoil hat nonsense.
No. 468521
>>468410 I get what point you're making but what the fuck? lmao.
The last book on your list is something I might consider reading, thanks.
>>468448This is a great list that I definitely would have never found on my own. Good mix of topics. I think I'll read Kill All Normies first because online culture is another interest of mine.
No. 468565
>>468537 like you can't remove it, so I would look into ways to paint over it instead. The second person who replied to that offered a way to do it with silver leaf person apparently does it with thinned out nail polish.
When you're searching for more info use the terms "gold tone" and "silver tone" hardware instead of just gold and silver, that will help you find info that's more relevant because then the articles will not be about literal gold and silver
Search "change gold tone hardware to silver tone" rather than "remove gold tone" since it probably can't be 'removed' only covered
No. 468624
>>468444You sound really afraid of reading anything outside the austrian school. I get it, I used to pride myself on being ~a classical liberal~ too and I still love me some Schumpeter but if you think economics can be truly, robustly understood without reference to women's specific experiences (and crucially, as analyzed and written about women), you're a weak ass economist. Don't be so afraid to study anything but Mises, Hayek, Friedman–it's all very calm and beautiful in that world where creative destruction takes care of everything and decentralized power solves all problems and everyone who disagrees is just a weak-minded baby terrified of the free exchange of ideas, but it's a lot fucking lazier than actually spending some time with Dworkin or MacKinnon and realizing the Austrians seemed to have everything figured out because they purposefully ignored the messier biases of the human animal.
Thanks for giving me a reason to use my econ, degree, anon. And reminding me how much easier it was to believe Hayek had all the answers.
No. 468632
>>468630She’s gonna sperrrrrrrrrrg
What’s got you riled up today?
No. 468654
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can't believe i'm falling into this cow-tier shit, but what's the most reputable site to buy followers and likes for instagram?
not trying to be even mildly e-popular, just want to reach a normie-tier number of followers/likes that makes me come off as less like the freakish loner i actually am.
No. 468709
>>468654anon, i did this a few years ago. I bought followers/likes/comments for my instagram to seem like less of a loser in high school. but guess what? it actually made me seem like more of a loser since people could tell they were fake. I ended up deleting my instagram and all social media a while ago, and I don't regret it at all. It was super
toxic for me and I felt so insecure and paranoid about likes to the point of blowing a bunch of money on the same thing you're thinking of. Trust me anon, it's not worth it and will only make you feel worse since you'll know they're not real and smart normies will too.
No. 468718
>>468654You could just pay for ads so your posts will show up in people's timeline. You'll get some followers that are at least real.
I personally gave up on social media, i have no clue how to build a following without already knowing someone popular, paying ads or buying bots.
No. 468957
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so these people allegedly meant to do this for some kind of meaning. idgi. can someone please explain what the couple are trying to do here for me
No. 468970
>>468939I think some act as natural insect repellents, like peppermint. Peppermint is also a pretty good stimulant for some people because the smell of menthol wakes them up and I'd assume it's nice if you're congested. Same with eucalyptus. My ex was Australian and I guess some people there use a humidifier with eucalyptus oil when they have sinus infections.
A lot of it is woo or YMMV but won't hurt you if used responsibly. I make a gentle cleaner with vinegar and add orange oil to make it smell a bit better, sometimes I add a drop of oil to my laundry detergent to make it smell nice. I also use tea tree oil on pimples like you do. I've heard it's good for the scalp if you have dandruff. Be careful applying oils if your skin is sensitive because essential oils are irritating and need to be diluted!
No. 468979
>>468957It seems like the couple are fans of the TV show and live close to the wall (used in the show) so they took photos there. For whatever mistaken reason they photoshopped in the handmaids as a 'statement', unfortunately nobody stopped them to explain how stupid it made them look.
If you reverse image search it you'll get some articles with quotes from the couple.
No. 469077
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>>468703anon there are SO MANY cool things to do, I'm so jealous. I'm excited to get mine out so I can wear them, pic related. the knuckledusters are deadset badass and I would unironically rep that shit all day winston
keep us updated if you end up doing anything with them!! jewellery making supplies are cheap as chips online/at craft stores so it'd be pretty easy to get creative. god speed tooth anon
No. 469117
>>469081hahah to be fair maybe it's a bit of both?? I'm the anon who posted it, I have buddies who make their own taxidermy so maybe I'm desensitised haha. I think they're cool, a lot of jfashion has weird eyeballs and teeth etc (like gurokawaii) so I guess it depends how you accessorise it = how offputting it looks.
still wanna see wisdomtooth anon do something cool with them.
I wanna get into resin etc. make sick jewellery and phone cases and shit.
No. 469131
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Can an anon translate this please
No. 469156
>>469140Depends on how advanced the cancer is and if it has spread, but yes, you can opt for mastectomy instead of, say, a lumpectomy (which attempts to preserve most of the breast tissue). However you'd still probably need chemo or radiation. IIRC you can get also get a mastectomy to prevent breast cancer if you have a certain gene mutation or you're at sufficiently high risk, and it can reduce the odds of getting it by almost 100%.
>>469150Sorry to hear that anon.
No. 469577
>>469574It's been weeks, just ring them. Chances are they didn't even listen or forgot because they're busy.
There's no reason to be nervous about bothering them or something, you're trying to buy their services
No. 469781
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>>469773Lets say you have your sketch, the rendering would be the building up you do on top of that to take it to finish art, like adding the shadows, textures and materials. Rendering is all the light and shadow information basically.
As to how you do it, there are many ways to render something depending on what kind of finish result you are after, but while the styles and tools change the intrinsic logic is always the same because it comes from reality itself and the physics of light and reflectivity, the style would only account to how you translate them artistically.
For specifics on digital techniques you should check out Ctrol+paint, that site has tutorials starting at level zero with all the very basics of digital workflow covered. For the theory stuff you can try scott robertson's book (pic related) or if you can afford them (or find them online) Sam Nielson's schoolism classes on advance lighting which are pretty good.
No. 469817
>>469811Gonna tinfoil there, but the whole reason it got hailed as an incel movie (only in the u.s. though, here it was very well received) is because the movie is about class war, cuts to public healthcare, and gun control. Also I think the shooting that happened during the dark knight rises plays a part.
I just hope the bullshit ends soon, the movie is great imo.
No. 469846
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>feminist says that despite feminism and equality, in the end many women like being told what to do and like being dominated because they end up thinking "I can change that guy"
Is that even possible?
No. 469850
>>469811Because it's cheesy and Joker is an edgy character that 14-year-old boys in 2006 would like in their EPIC dArK tWiStEd GaMeR phase. See r/gamersriseup. I don't think it's really meant for incels, it's more about laughing at edgelord incel types mixed with memories of That Edgy Kid we all remember from our class. Or that we were That Kid.
In short: extreme, deep fried shitposting
No. 469873
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Why do people hate Demi Lovato so much? This type of stuff where people rag her for the dumbest shit always comes up on my twitter timeline and I don't get it. So she made a suggestion and…? Who even gives a fuck?
No. 469878
techie ladies, how hard would it be for me to put like, linux or ubuntu on my computer if i want to avoid windows 10? which is preferable? are there others that are better? i dont know much about computers
>>469873i think it's because she's like 10 lbs overweight and looks ethnic in an unconventional way, honestly. they hate her for shit that other celebs get massive sympathy for
No. 469913
>>469873I think her constant self-victimization shit concerning her drug addiction and using her OD as a shield against criticism put people off her (like TND I guess). Also she says stupid shit on social media all the time and whines when people tell her to shut up. She deactivated twitter awhile back because of the backlash from making fun of 21 Savage for getting deported, and more recently didn't understand why getting PAID to be baptized in Israel was a controversial issue with fans and was all "how was I supposed to know that taking a free trip to Israel during the Palestine occupation would be seen as political???"
tldr; she's just kind of dumb. I agree she gets more shit than she should, though.
No. 469939
>>469878It's very easy. Just burn the iso onto a usb and then set your BIOs up so that your PC boots from the usb instead of the hard drive. Ubuntu has an installer so there is nothing hard about it. Just make sure to make to look into mounting and try to understand how the file system works.
I use void Linux but i used Ubuntu for a year beforehand.
No. 470076
>>469878It's easy. You can choose any linux distro that you like, there's always a prominent download link somewhere. Once you've downloaded it, use rufus ( to make a bootable usb. That is assuming you're going to install via usb which is recommended because it's super easy.
But first you need to choose your preferred linux distro and since you're a beginner I'd suggest Ubuntu because it is the most beginner friendly and most popular as well which means whatever issues or questions you may have, chances are that someone else had it too and got it resolved.
Once you've done that, if you already have windows 10 on your machine, during the installation process which can take up to 10-20 minutes, you can choose whether you want to completely erase the current disk and install ubuntu or install ubuntu alongside windows 10.
You can also choose to just play around with ubuntu from the usb to see if you'd feel comfortable using it before installing. So if you used windows 10 for work, maybe see if ubuntu or the distro of your choice, have all the things you need for your daily stuff. You can dual boot if you want to have both. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask more.
No. 470228
>>470090Try and use Palemoon. It's faster than Firefox, especially if you use the uBlock Origin (legacy) and eMatrix add-ons because it already gets rid of the heavy bloat. Brave is a meme and had lots of shady things going on like with ads (that you can't remove) and crypto. I don't know what's going on with it now but I wouldn't trust installing that shit on my machine anymore after what they did. The only people pushing for it are poltards because for some reason it's anti-sjw.
Also, privacy-wise, Firefox is just as much of a botnet as Chrome. It's worse because it tries so hard to be seen as respectful of privacy and a lot of people that use it believe them. I was one of them too. Other browser that will respect your privacy are Tor and ungoogled chromium.
On a side note, I really liked Opera. It was blazing fast for me and had in-built free VPN. Shame about what happened to it.
No. 470242
>>470228fuck, they dont have it for mac yet QQ
thats what I get for buying an apple product
No. 470285
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Is "to lick someones ass" actualy a term that's commonly used? I always thought there's only "to kiss someones ass".
No. 470301
>>470239I'm so happy that you like it!
>>470242Sorry! But here's this nifty guide on browser privacy. The site's design may look outdated but the info is being updated regularly. However, the configuration for individual browsers seems to be in a need of updating.
Here's the link: always, do you our own research. Depending on your OS you can always check requests when you use a certain browser. I can confirm that Palemoon indeed is fantastic for privacy, but there is a small number of other browsers that you may like better and hopefully, you'll be able to run on mac. I know for certain that tor, ungoogled chromium, iridium, and icecat are available for mac.
No. 470319
>>470314on zoloft here, I'm on a high dose and have 0 appetite. i usually get starving and faint before I remember to eat. I take it at night after eating and it makes the daytime nausea/appetite a little better but tbh I haven't gained any weight but it's stayed pretty low/average, maybe because when I do eat it's never healthy haha. I also dont weigh myself because of EDNOS so I couldn't tell you specifically but it defs fucks with your appetite.
maybe even the mix of your meds is causing it. defs try talking to your doctor about it, especially if you have a history of ED or it's going to impact your health. dont put up with suffering, you can always try something else.
keep us updated on how you go! hope you feel better. defs try eating right before taking it, even if it makes you feel a bit crook for a while it'll help. godspeed fellow zoloft anon.
No. 470392
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Why do people with hypothyroidism lose their eye brows and do they look like vanilla ice
No. 470524
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>>470462disregard the opinion of barbarians
No. 470550
>>470530Thanks! I was thinking of sending the back of my ID which has my address but I thought it was more like proof of residence. I supposed the company wanted to see that I've been still living on the address that I provided them in the past 3 months.
They can't do much with my bank info. I use that account solely for receiving beermoney and making online purchases and I can't go negative there. I have another main account for real work and such and I wouldn't dare to send a bank statement to anyone.
Thanks again!
No. 470760
>>470462Sounds like they got rejected by an italian and are still salty
Most people think quite highly of the country and people imo
No. 470859
Does anyone know what this weird simbook thing on Facebook is?
People with simbook on their profiles with a photo shopped animated face and mostly friends with other people who also have simbook and a animated face.
A example; No. 470885
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>>470859oh god it reminds me of those creepy men with the plastic woman faces
No. 470910
>>470852This is really fucking with me. I rewatched it and got 45 minutes in, and it wasn't there.
I downloaded and opened multiple subtitle (.srt) files and ctrl+F'd for "Austin Powers", nothing. Then, I downloaded the leaked script, ctrl+F "Austin Powers", still nothing. Nothing about it on the Wikipedia page.
I'm sure it happened because it's mentioned on imdb, Reddit, Twitter and all these other sites (one article says Ari Aster put it in as a joke, but without a link to the original interview he reportedly said it in). I'm an hour and thirty minutes through the director's cut, and still nothing. No Austin Powers. I feel like I'm going crazy.
No. 470914
>>470894that profile does have a sims game listed as their job so you're probably right but the pics really do look like
>>470885 more than they look like sims characters.
No. 470928
>>470859I'm op of the question.
Either way the questions here were not really helpfull so I tried to find what simbook meant.
So there is very little info about it on the int. But I was able to find two things which gave me some info. The first was a link to something talking about a Facebook for sims called simbook and a insta called simstagram.
I also found this video but I have no idea what they are saying.
So from all of this I can detuct that these are strange people roleplaying as sims on social media.
No. 470939
>>470910Finally found it. I just wasn't listening hard enough.
I double-checked with Swedish subtitles.
I feel relieved now.
No. 470963
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What am I supposed to google to bring up these sorts of combs? When I google hat combs I just sort of get tutorials on how to attach them to hats, but I want to buy them. Are there any places that you think sell them in store (like major drugstores or whatever)?
No. 471029
>>471025have you considered not being a noob and saging?
i'm aware of where i posted btw
No. 471049
>>471027Wouldn't you expect that a translation of ancient egyptian sounds awkward though? It's an archaic foreign language and nobody talks like that anymore. Assuming you're ESL, if you can tell it sounds unnatural that's a good sign about your grammar skills.
imo the best thing you can do is just read and write a lot. There also are tonnes of resources out there (esp on tumblr thanks to the popularity of fanfic) for writing in general that might help you, even if you don't want to actually be a writer. Here's one I just found with a google search No. 471122
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What are some shows/stories that have really dumb and edgy villains? I love pic related he's so cute!
No. 471125
>>471107Does your country charge customs for 100$ products too? Usually AliExpress sellers declare a way lower value so you don't have to pay customs. You do have to ask for standard shipping though, fast shipping is more likely to be caught.
I would recommend you any xiaomi phone, older redmi models should be cheap now. I had redmi note 3 and it worked just fine, it overheated sometimes when I used it for gaming. I wouldn't go for other brands, they stop working way too soon and good luck claiming the warranty.
No. 471134
>>471125>>471113Thanks! I've settled for a xiaomi 7A ($80) phone. Hopefully, I won't get slapped with a huge tax bill on top of it.
> Never bought a phone from Aliexpress, but a few years back I got a Windows phone for like $40 from Best BuyThat sounds like a really sweet deal. I always have pay cheaply, pay dearly on my mind because I've experienced it a few times on my skin. Being poor sucks.
> Does your country charge customs for 100$ products too?Yes. They do for any product that is over 22 euros. So if I order a $100 product from aliexpress and I'm being truthful to the customs, I should expect to pay $50 on top of that.
> Usually AliExpress sellers declare a way lower value so you don't have to pay customs. Yes, I've sent a message to the seller and hope to get a response about that just to make sure.
No. 471464
>>471459Where did I suggest you should flush them? Most women's toilets have a bin for pads and tampons, and I have a bin in my toilet at home as well.
And sure, maybe it won't suit people who refuse to use anything non recyclable. That ain't me or the majority of people though and somehow I doubt it's the deciding factor in someone getting a bidet.
No. 471492
>>471488All the Brooke’s I’ve every met have been extremely shy, nerdy brunettes - usually with frizzy hair.
So I guess that’s what immediately pops into my head when I hear the name
No. 471509
>>471504Sorry to say anon but that kind of guy is stereotypical scrote.
Doesn't want women to have independence. Idolizes japan because women aren't treated as equal, plays it off as "cultural differences"
Don't know why you'd be friends with him tbh
No. 471544
>>471509>>471525i'm friends with him because we've known each other for a long time and we are in the same social group. his earlier weeb times weren't as bad, he would just binge watch anime and sometimes post his own anime drawings and shit. now his every account is filled with anime and japan stuff.
he says he prefers traps to real women except real japanese girls but he's in complete denial of being gay as well. he gets offended when i say something critical of japan. i wish he'd stop being so delusional.
No. 471647
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If I get a roommate am I responsible for paying their share of the rent if they suddenly abandon the apartment? How do I get a separate rental agreement? I’m so confused.
No. 471704
>>471544I mean, he sounds like he's gone down the rabbithole of porn sickness and anime ngl.
My real advice though is that even with people you care about, you cant "fix" them or put them on the right path. They have to learn their own lessons. People never like to listen to advice unless they are seeking it, and even then it 50/50 they actually listen.
He sounds like the kind of person who sees women as NPCs and not real humans.
No. 471891
>>471540So do you have a couple towels for this purpose, so you don't have to do the wash every day?
Thanks for the info anons
No. 471931
>>471504>>471544Try to get him to watch some great non-Anime Japanese films The Human condition series,Seven Samurai,Throne of Blood e.t.c and explain to him that these were the films that his favorite Manga and Anime creators watched which might help in getting him to watch those movies after that show him films that were based on or inspired by the Japanese classics such as The Magnificent Seven
This might be the only way from him to see great works of cinema that aren't weebshit and could potentially save him
No. 472065
>>471940ear training! it can be really difficult and take a long time but eventually most people can get really good at hearing intervals which is most of what playing by ear is. also if you play enough of one specific chord progression you start to be able to hear it in other pieces of music. i know for me that's the G Em C D chord progression because i've probably logged dozens of hours playing just those four chords on the guitar and it's an obscenely common progression in modern music.
one thing that you can't always get right is the starting note. unless you have perfect pitch or psuedo-perfect pitch you probably won't get the starting note right without some trial and error. however, the general public won't notice a difference as long as all of the intervals are correct (unless they just heard the original piece of music) which gives musicians a bit of wiggle room to get the piece wrong.
if you're asking because you want to learn how to do it i really recommend it's got some great exercises that can really help if you just do them for like twenty minutes a day (particularly the first four exercises).
No. 472122
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>>472120>I'm studying Mandarin Chinese DO NOT LEARN MANDARIN
No. 472131
I'm learning it too, though I'm still at a beginner level. I'm currently using duolingo and doing a course on coursera. Also, memrise for learning hanzi.
I also like the sound of chinese and I would like to know sites that would be beginner friendly. For example, for learning japanese there's NHK news that are very easy to read and understand as they often have audio. Plus there are subreddits that automatically translate those news so you can compare how much you've understood correctly etc. So if anyone has more tips and sites to share, please do.
No. 472167
>>472161are u the same anon as >472159 ?
dont blind urself lmao
No. 472175
>>472167Yes, it's me, the poopeye-anon or just call me poopeye.
I wish I could come to terms with my eye colour but I just can't. There are times I think it's alright, that the most important thing is to be able to see because that's what eyes are for, but then I'm in the presence of people who have light eyes and I feel so inferior. I've tried color lenses and even though some of them are rather convincing to the point that some people tell me I have beautiful eyes (I never get that compliment without lenses btw), I know that it's fake. I just want to scrape of my brown surface. Apparently, everyone has blue eyes, I just need to scrape off the surface a little bit.
No. 472187
>>472184I'm not a troll and I'm certainly not the only brown eyed person having these thoughts otherwise color contact lenses and eye color surgeries wouldn't be so popular even with all the risks.
>>472183I thought my post was clear. Is there something wrong?
No. 472212
>>472175lol I have blue eyes and never get compliments about my eyes, nor does my sister with blue eyes. Don't deceive yourself into thinking that you'd get compliments or overall people thinking you have more beautiful eyes if they were blue.
Imo all eye colors are equal. What really makes eyes beautiful/stand out depends on the contrast of the overal colouring of eyes, skin and hair.
No. 472226
>>472175>>472187Are you me? I have naturally dark hair and brown eyes and I look so boring. I love how women with dark hair and pale skin look with their blue eyes. I always think about that pic of Zoe Deschanel with brown eyes and she looks so boring, but with blue she looks so cute.
They have lasers to kill the melanin in your eyes (eyecos?) I think that's in Spain? Since all eyes are light blue or green under the melanin that makes eyes dark. I found their insta and it costs like $2000 I think? Seems too risky tho. They break up the melanin over a week with lasers and the melanin drains out of your iris gradually.
I think about doing it a lot since brown eyes are so boring to me, but my parents would go bananas. Also seems a bit like you're losing a part of yourself.
Whatever you do, don't get iris implants. They rub on your eyes and create ulcers and almost everyone goes blind from it.
(Sorry for rant, finally my blue eye obsession came in handy)
No. 472229
>>472131I found Duolingo pretty useless for learning Chinese from scratch, but when you get to a higher level it's fun doing the Chinese > other language courses (English, Italian, French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese).
Make sure you write out characters as you learn them. I recommend Pleco over any other app (used Memrise for a while but it's very deceiving) as it's specifically designed for Chinese - you can buy a flashcard add-on for under a tenner and save words directly from the dictionary to test yourself later.
Here is a good set of flashcards to use with it which test vocabulary and grammar:加油 anon, fingers crossed we stay out of those factories
No. 472233
>>472226> I have naturally dark hair and brown eyes and I look so boring. I love how women with dark hair and pale skin look with their blue eyes. I always think about that pic of Zoe Deschanel with brown eyes and she looks so boring, but with blue she looks so cute.Exactly the same! Ha, maybe I am you! I agree that pale brunettes with blue eyes are absolutely stunning. The blue/light eyes just can make anyone look so much better especially in combination with dark hair and porcelain skin.
> They have lasers to kill the melanin in your eyes (eyecos?) I think that's in Spain?Yes, I've been following them for a few years now actually. Before iirc the procedure was around $4,000 but now they seemed to have lowered it by quite a bit. I've heard mixed stuff about them but I'm going to be honest, $2k seems like nothing if I were to get rid of my biggest insecurity. I'll never be able to regard brown eyes as warm or chocolatey or interesting. It's just a bleh, boring, uninspiring color and the majority of people on this planet have it so it's certainly not unique no matter the eye shape.
My mum who has green eyes never got my obsession over having light eyes and my parents are mostly worried about losing my eyesight which is a
valid concern. But having put on somewhat convincing blue contact lenses, I definitely look so much better with blue eyes. It's amazing how little it takes to just make your face pop.
> Whatever you do, don't get iris implants. They rub on your eyes and create ulcers and almost everyone goes blind from it.Yeah, I've seen those testimonials. Horrible and nasty stuff. I could never have something implanted in my eye. I'm not THAT crazy. But I feel sorry for those people since I share their desire to have nice eyes. It was before the eyecos and other eye color laser surgeries became available.
> (Sorry for rant, finally my blue eye obsession came in handy)nah, it's perfectly fine. I've been obsessing over my eyes for years.
And I've met other people irl who have expressed their desire to have light eyes as well. To add, I live in a country where blue eyes aren't uncommon.
Anyhow, it's nice to have met another anon that shares my pain.
No. 472253
>I'll never be able to regard brown eyes as warm or chocolatey or interesting.I actually think some people can pull them off - my sister has got the most gorgeous, huge brown eyes that are so warm, chocolatey and cute looking. Me? Small snake eyes the colour of
toxic sludge. Yes this is a first world problem, but literally nobody has complimented me on my eyes EVER.
>But having put on somewhat convincing blue contact lenses, I definitely look so much better with blue eyes.Same here, although every pair of blue contacts I've found look crap because my dark eyes don't let light go through, so they come out almost a dark blue shade. Man I've wasted so much money on finding "the perfect contacts" and gave up, defeated. Nothing beats the real thing. I've taken to dyeing my hair a multitude of colours trying to find "the perfect hair colour" to make up for my ugly eyes lol.
>I could never have something implanted in my eye. I'm not THAT crazy. But I feel sorry for those people since I share their desire to have nice eyes.I've watched so many videos of eye implant patients with red eyes crying that they've gone blind and begging people not to do it. I am also not that crazy but my heart aches because I totally get it. One of their ads has a brunette who gets icey blue implants over her brown eyes and she looks STUNNING. But you just know her eyes are getting starved of oxygen and iris is being rubbed every time she blinks and… yeah no thanks.
I did the eyecos app shade finder before and found out I'm a level 2 which means I have a clear blue/green underneath… ! And yeah it looks to be about 3-4k Euro and eye surgeons say it shouldn't damage the eye as they break down the melanin very slowly over 4 days so it drains in small amounts. I'm seriously considering it.
I'm happy to find someone else who feels this way, thanks anon. There's such a taboo around saying you don't like brown eyes and I've always kept it to myself. I'm sorry, but if someone asked me if I'd like the same car in light blue or shitty brown, I'd choose blue. Same with eyes.
No. 472290
>>472257Same but mousy brown hair. Like all my features blend together, I
wish I had brown eyes kek. Also idgi when anons go on about bad or good brown/any colour eyes, I have literally never looked at a human ever and went "wow, those eyes are fugly bc of the colour, what a shame". I guess the closest are people with really pale eyes and no limbal ring, that can come across as bit creepy (but again, can work as a good aesthetic so this was a moot point lol).
Anyways, I still refuse to accept that the op isn't a troll!
No. 472417
>>472408>Am I suppose to talk to each match at the same time and see which one I like betteryes
>Should I assume any dude I'm talking to on the app is also talking to other girls as well100% yes
it's tinder, don't take it too seriously, no one on there does.
No. 472576
>>472571Incel thing. I was also insecure for a long time, bfs never really cared. Liked my bits anyway. It's usually extremely insecure moids themselves. Lots of guys actually love it, I think it gives them more friction or something?
If he leaves because of a fucking pussy lip, he's not worth it.
No. 472632
If it worked, it would be part of dentistry and not sold on Instagram and Facebook.
No. 473142
>>454349There is a music video (probably EDM) I can't remember that is shot in a dark room with a girl singing, she has fried bleached hair and she was jumping and dancing in a dark room, there were other members in the background but it was focused on her, shitty quality video and it was edited to loop in weird way.
I think the song/band had the word bunny in the name but i can't find it, does any anon know what im talking about?
No. 473148
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ladies is it gay if a new friend of yours tweets the last letter of her crushes name and its the same as yours as you instantly start thinking about if you're gonna get married
asking for a friend
No. 473157
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>>473148possibility of gay definitely goes up if its a common letter or you speak a language where nouns are gendered and end with 1-3 particular letters
anyways, congrats on your new gf!
No. 473181
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I currently wear 34DDs but some of my bras gap at the sides of the cups or at the straps. I measured (31 in band size, 37 in bust) and calculators keep putting me at a 32F. Is this just a problem that people who lose a decent amount of weight get when the bottom of their boobs sag or something? Do I have to buy a specific type of bra?
No. 473232
>>473220Your boyfriend is a dickhead.
He’s basically saying his sexual satisfaction is more important than you having less painful and heavy periods.
Get the iud and a better partner.
No. 473238
>>473186That makes no fucking sense
>>473181Try a 30G or a different style/underwire shape. There are different boob shapes, some are fuller at the bottom but less so at the top so certain bra types gape with the correct cup size
No. 473288
>>473278DID is people faking multiple personalities for attention and neetbux.
There has never been a genuine case documented and anyone who believes it is a fool.
No. 473306
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Sure jan. Sybil was legit
No. 473309
>>473308Multiple personality and dissociative identity are barely functioning metaphors for someone acting like a retard and pretending to be someone they like more.
It’s as legit as chronic Lyme, and as real as a neovagina.
No. 473316
>>473307It’s really not tho.
They aren’t dissociating from their actual identity. consistently fail tests of the supposed amnesia. It’s an act as a cry for help, but it’s nothing to do with having multiple identities, a fractured psyche, or whatever other bs people invent.
No. 473317
>>473308So I have no reason to disbelieve the field of psychology that has found DID
valid… but I guess what I mean is.. let's say an adult "switches" to a child alter. Is that definitely the adult or is it now the literal mind of a child that was tuck away in their mind for years? It's hard for me to imagine how much work it'd take to keep up with all of that.
No. 473320
>> is not a psychologist. Personality is not an index card you can shuffle around on a Rolodex. They have not become a child, nor do they possess the psersonality of a child trapped within them(fucking magical thinking if I ever saw it)
Sick people regress all the time but don’t try to make book deals or YouTube money off it, nor do they pretend that they literally are a child now.
Read the info linked about the tests they fail.
No. 473415
>>473220Get the iud and tell him to stop being a little bitch about it. It's your body, what about your comfort?
That said, I hope the IUD works out for you. I have Skyla and it's worked absolute wonders for me. I don't have health insurance to get it replaced right now and it's been two years, but the website says I can keep it in for 3 lol I love having it so much that I'd happily pay out of pocket to get it replaced.
No. 473421
>>473278>>473317The diagnostic manual changes every few years, disorders get added and our understanding of illnesses changes the way we see it or treat it so you have to take that stuff with a grain of salt
The 'accepted understanding' right now is that it's real but both controversial and -extremely- uncommon. The vast majority of cases where people report multiple personalities.. is a result of borderline personality.
There was a huge influx of DID cases years ago (after a book made it popular) and this number eventually fell off. I think the case in the book turned out to be untrue afterwards too. Now youtubers are making vids about DID where they claim to shift back and forth between personalities in videos.. and the cases of 'reported DID' is likely to increase again because of it