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No. 456390
Vent about scrots here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.
-Please do not respond to scrotbait. Taking bait will result in a 3-day ban from /ot/, no appeals.
-No femcel sperging. An example of femcel sperging is 'kill your father to even things out'. Posts in the vein of 'Aileen Wuornos did nothing wrong' 'rapists deserve to die' are allowed.
-No racebaiting as it derails the thread.
-Gender critical discussion goes in gender critical thread
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/444100EDIT: gender critical discussion and all gender related politics are permitted here. Be kind to your sisters No. 456451>>456464>>456468>>460185
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Thought you'd like this
No. 456452
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>men being awful.
No. 456469>>456471>>456472
I was listening to Acid Bath, and I kind of have to ask, why do men in underground scenes like metal think women's bodies are this empty space or canvas to vent all over? Don't get me wrong, I know there are songs about harming other men and people in general, but it seems like there's a dedicated focus on destroying the female form.
Why don't they seem to write about killing or harming other men specifically with that kind of care and sincerity? It's like they're just in love with the idea of a tortured, tormented woman or girl. Not a specific one who broke up with them or whatever, but just women in general. It can be any woman, her identity doesn't matter, it's about what happens to her. Sometimes, it's a mere symbol, and other times it's just done for the sake of it.
What gives them that proclivity? Is it because male-dominated cultures almost uniformly view women as property and muses? Do they only see us as half-people? Obviously, there's the sexually sadistic side of things, but I feel like there's more to it than just "it make my PP hard".
No one's pointing at artists who write extensively about killing or maiming women and calling them "misogynist", because it's "just art", but I bet you if I started a metal band where I wrote endlessly about chopping off men's cocks and enacting all sorts of violence on them, it'd instantly be billed as "misandrist metal".
No. 456480>>456482
>>456472guns and roses, various metal bands, avenged sevenfold, eninem, willie nelson, etc
also notice how these go insanely unnoticed or are excused as "it's art!!" but megan trainor writes a shitty song about being petty towards her husband and people act as if there's some sort of man hating revolution going on
No. 456482>>456484
>>456480Guns and Roses fans are rightfully associated with douchebag old boomers
>willie nelsonwhat ?
No. 456483
>>456471Did Riot Grrrl really go that hard, though? The most visceral I've heard were songs that specifically singled out male rapists, like "Bluebell" by Babes In Toyland ("You know who you are/You're dead meat, motherfucker/You don't try to rape a goddess"). Besides that, there was "White Boy" by Bikini Kill ("Don't laugh/Don't cry/Just die").
I've never heard one that was just about hurting men for the sake of it.
>>456472Tyler The Creator, Eminem, lots of metal and rock, etc.
Didn't kill their careers at all.
No. 456484>>456489
>>456482you asked, you got the answer.
it doesn't matter who they associate with or whatever, fact of matter is that it was written, published, many people know what it means and support and like it anyway, it still doesn't erase the fact no one says shit about men who write songs about killing women but people lose their minds when a song is even remotely anti male, emilie autumn also got tons of hate for her fight like a girl album, despite even writing a book on how she was singing in place of an oppressed victorian girl with revenge fantasies
No. 456489>>456509
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>>456484I hate to break it you but emilie autumn is relatively obscure and unknown by a lot of people,its not the 2000's anymore
(derailing) No. 456497>>456500
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>>456496r/chapotraphouse are bunch of fat porn addicted Incels who have never read Marx
(necessaryspeed4) No. 456500
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>>456497As if that means anything lol
No. 456509
>>456489what's your point? if anything it proves the double standard even more that well known male artists who sing about killing women get no shit but an unknown female artist that sings about a fantasy during victorian ages get attacked
are you capable of having an argument and staying on topic? how did you make it through high school?
No. 456525>>456527>>456955
In Urdu, there's a word called, "Dheet." It describes males perfectly. There's no closest English translation that I'm aware of, and the closest I can get to is "condescending complacency" or "mocking complacency" which, eh, isn't quite accurate and really a mouthfull. A "dheet" is basically someone who you knock over and he stands back up like one of those stupid toys, having a shit-eating grin. A smug asshole satisfied with his mediocrity, and your dissatisfaction makes him more smug. A "dheet" wouldn't change because it inconveniences him. I myself socialized myself to be a "dheet" when hearing about a guy, my father was a piece of work who'd beat me raw for faltering in math, and I was pants-shittingly terrified of him until my mother was talking to a neighbor-hood woman about her son's "dheetai" during studies, "It's just a beating, I'll get over it." I aspired to be just like that boy.
My father was a "dheet." My brother is a "dheet." Exclusively every male I know is a "dheet." And the men who tell their girlfriends cute for being angry, or the right-wing and hinduvta animals calling everyone calling them out "triggered" are "dheet." It encapsulates malex perfectly. English is not my first language, so there may be an english term for it that I'm not aware of.
No. 456527
>>456525are you Pakistani anon ?
I had a Pakistani online friend a couple years ago who used to tell me that all the Misogyny and problems in Paksitan were because of Arabs and Muhajirs(Urdu Speakers) ?
No. 456578>>456585>>456586>>456588>>456784>>457015
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this scrots almost as funny as the scrots who have cheating with a black guy paranoia
whats your favorite scrot paranoia/tinfoil? mine is dogpill
No. 456585>>456784
>>456578the "dogpill" is just zoophile incels projecting their disgustingness on women.
the incel wrist size paranoia is hilarious.
No. 456586>>456784
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>mine is dogpillIf you see the dogpill, just reply with this would fuck anything just for the sake of fucking.
No. 456588>>456784
>>456578Why do these guys make up hypothetical situations all day long to shape their views?
It's like r/smalldickproblems where they make up scenarios that 'could' happen and say how women would totally act like bitches in these made up scenarios .. meanwhile they haven't interacted with a woman in years
No. 456657>>456660>>456661
>>456650check out /r/pornfreewomen and r/antipornography
Those are great female focused subs on dealing with Porn addiction
No. 456660>>456663>>456780>>456796
>>456657Why does it feel like it's even more fucked up that I suffer from this as a woman?
We should have more self control but it just makes me feel like shit. I feel like I need to self insert as the women getting hurt and abused because that's all I'm worth.
No. 456663
>>456660Anon you are worthy of love and respect.
Have you got a therapist to talk too?
No. 456739
>>456612From my experiences it's either exactly what you describe where the guy has manipulated his gf who is either a pickme or has low self esteem, but sometimes it's a girl taking advantage of the label to casually fuck around with whoever she wants with less risk of being called a slut. I have no problem with that at all.
One thing I've noticed is often the second type comes about because a girl gets into it through the first scenario, but then breaks up with her bf when he realises she's tallying up a higher number and gets jealous, but because she's seeing other people she realises she's fine without him afterall. It happens so often that I don't know why there isn't a name for it, but I love to see manipulative men lose at their own game this way.
No. 456750>>456756>>456760>>456782
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why do men act like the things they list as "male oppression" aren't completely other men's fault?
No. 456770
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Saw this on reddit before and got triggered. I’ve known so many men like this who refuse to “dress up” for anything.
Thankfully most of the comments agree with OP, but it’s still frustrating to know this is an attitude that exists. The few comments defending him say “suits get hot,” “suits are uncomfortable” and all that shit. As if women are super comfortable wearing makeup and high heels for fancy events. Men can literally buy a single nice, tailored suit for $500 and rewear it for the rest of their lives, and it’s completely acceptable, but even that is too much effort.
Imagine having the bar set so low for your appearance but still saying fuck it.
No. 456782
>>456750So in areas where women are stoned or hanged for reporting their rapists or just being raped or just even not wearing the right clothing, that's still privilege because the less than 1% women are living in "luxury" ie being married to a man who considers you less than human.
>poor menz being atms :(Some of those men are so rich that they just buy people for the hell of it. And Joseph thinks that's oppression and men should.. what? They have all the privileges in the damn world and can buy anything they want.
>125 commentsHope that they tore him apart in the comments for being a retard
No. 456784>>456790>>456831
>>456578>>456585>>456586>>456588They don't actually believe in the Dog Pill, it's just that the Dog Pill is the new version of the roastie meme.
Porn addicted incels know very well that lots of sex doesn't make women grow "roasties". They know the whole dog fucking thing isn't real either. They just push it because they think it's funny and because they know it offends and shocks people.
No. 456790>>456791
>>456784putting awfully a lot of effort into a joke or attempting to piss people off, just like how many of the not racist scrots actually went out to kkk rallys, brought nazi flags, etc?
also how exactly do you know? you sound like an incel backpedaling
No. 456793>>456795
>>456791oh a 12 yr old edge lord, anyway, you can easily tell by the way they talk there's some sort of sincerity to it, you are one person, you can't speak for all scrots, stop hiding behind "lol trololol its a joke" like a pussy and stick to what you say
even then if someone is willing to put this much effort into "trolling" what exactly do you expect? screech about how sex makes womens labias longer or darker you get a science lesson, screech about how all women are just riding chad/black guys/dogs, etc especially after how many incels have murdered women and committed hate crimes of course people are going to take it with sincerity and be more serious when it comes to stuff like that. Maybe you fucking idiots could hide behind "trololol" if incels weren't out there fucking murdering people, driving women to suicide, stalking and harassing people, putting women in danger, etc.
No. 456796
>>456660Anon please don't be too hard on yourself. Arousal/orgasm is an extremely powerful conditioning tool, so it makes sense for someone to become addicted to porn after being exposed to a lot of it. I used to be addicted to porn too, and still struggle with it sometimes. I was exposed to it really young, and grew to associate it with any masturbation at all. Unfortunately this problem is growing more and more common with women as porn is saturating culture more and more.
Also, you're not worse than men for it just because women should theoretically have more self control. First, I don't necessarily believe that to be true. But second, men don't get off the hook just because of the addictive nature of porn. They are primarily the ones carrying out violence against women in porn, they are the ones who film and distribute it, and they are the ones who are so quick to dismiss our suffering. You couldn't be worse than them if you tried.
I wish you the best. I don't have much advice, other than quitting cold turkey really is the best way to start, as difficult as it is.
No. 456798
>>456650You're not alone. Aside from being assaulted as a kid, I was groomed starting from when I was about 14. Pedophiles convinced me lolicon and incest "siscon" shit was soo cute and I was a cute adorable one of a kind girl for liking it openly, and the got into hard gore and reliving my trauma sexually, it stuck with me until just recently when I got a great therapist and was able to shed that, but bits stil stay in my brain. There is hope and you can get better, however I am extremely uncomfortable with porn now but I feel like everyone should
On a related note I fucking hate how pornhub keeps tryna be woke and gets easily influenced especially young girls loving them and celebrating them, just cause you donated to clean some of the sea doesn't mean you don't host disgusting abuse and racist content, for fucks sake, and men always tell me I'm overreacting and having a personal vendetta against them
No. 456860
>>456844I've asked men about this and one said "porn stars all have roasties" and others just think they're getting labiaplasty every few months, not to mention how many men accuse women of hoeing or lying about being a virgin if she has a long labia who have long labias encounter many issues due to this "totally trolling and not serious XD" myth
No. 456924>>456929>>456931
I was on a manga site today that had porn banners, the type that shows a whole scenario sped up really fast, and even though it was all completely vanilla there was suddenly a scene with the girl being choked with her hair pulled hard. A hand laid against the neck is one thing but how did violent choking become accepted as the default in every type of sex? All women of the future will have brain damage and balding, I hate this.
>>456898Read her post(s), she has recognised it as unhealthy and she came here asking for help. Think before you post.
No. 456931
>>456924Acts against women that could lead to death are normalized in porn and look at the consequences.
https://wecantconsenttothis.ukMen killing their gfs and it's excused as sex gone wrong.
No. 456940
>>456935He can only make that argument if he believes abuse is part and parcel of pornography. Other websites at least try to take down illegal content that is being hosted against the rules of the website. To my knowledge, Pornhub doesn't do shit about all of the
abusive videos there.
No. 456947
>>456935Pornhub, as well as all the other major porn streaming sites, is owned by a company called MindGeek, that also owns all the major porn production companies. So they are actually directly responsible for the material on there.
MindGeek is so influential they are even in charge of the AgeID system that's going to be put in place when the UK institutes it's porn block.
No. 457013>>457020>>457021>>457143>>458737>>458806
>>457010where did they justify mens abuse?
anyway, as proven from the previous threads which I doubt you even looked through, most of mens "abuse" were things like older women standing in doorways, women calling him kiddo, wife not having a hot meal, wife being silent while he followed her around with a camera and yelled at her, etc
for actual beatings half the time a man is a lot more stronger than a woman (you know since they like to brag about it all the time until they want to play
victim). Even average or below average males can overpower an average or even athletic woman, that's why a say, high schooler beating up a middle schooler is seen as more serious vs a middle schooler beating up a high schooler unless in some rare circumstance
if it is a case of true abuse, as in a smaller guy being generally beat by a bigger woman for no good reason, it's bad, but those cases or extremely rare if it even happens at all
also, I notice your typing style, why do you keep pulling random strawmans just to argue?
No. 457018>>457024
>>457016lets take a look back at the strawman
>>456898>So you engage in misogynistic behavior by watching violent porn because you enjoy watching women get punished for pandering to misogynists? Huh? You're a sadistic weirdonow let's take a look at what she said
>By not having empathy for women who pander to scrotes. In a sense I felt like they deserve it for pleasing the worst common denominator, so why would I feel bad about them being used if that's what they want? Obv there are still some women who are trafficked into it and that's why I stopped, although I don't believe any of the ones I watched were. I never really watched more extreme stuff like hitting, choking, facial abuse, or torture though, that's too much for me, only can be a turn-on if it happens to men I missing something? can you point out to me the things you claim she said?
which was
>she enjoys watching violent porn(I actually found things that contradict this because she said she stopped watching porn)
>you enjoy watching women get punished for pandering to misogynists? Huh?she never said she enjoyed doing it, she just says she doesn't feel bad for women who engage in abuse they claim to enjoy, which is fair and a far stretch from "enjoying women getting beat as punishment"
No. 457020>>457149
>>457013I was in the previous thread and did not participate in the self defence debate, because unlike most of you I am a lawyer and know the relevant ethics and pretty much no one in that thread knew what the fuck they were talking about, it was painful to read.
>where did they justify mens abuse?When did I say she justified it? I said she enjoyed it in porn, when she said she doesn (rightly so) when it's women that they are the
victims. Both are harmful and I asked her how she justified having that double standard.
No. 457021
>>457013also, I notice your typing style, why do you keep pulling random strawmans just to argue?
Also, this is the first port I made in this thread, so you are not noticing very well.
No. 457024>>457027
>>457018Read the entire chain of replies starting with the OP, stupid ass.
>>456882 is where she first chimed in in response to the anon asking about porn addiction to say that she used to watch misogynistic porn in a "mean-spirited" way and still gets the urge to.
>am I missing something? can you point out to me the things you claim she said?I'm not going to spoonfeed everything to you. If you're incapable of interpreting information within the context of the original discussion that's your problem,
No. 457027
>>457024it was a vague response. she also said nowhere that she enjoyed it like you claim
>I'm not going to spoonfeed everything to you. If you're incapable of interpreting information within the context of the original discussion that's your problem,you claimed she enjoyed watching women getting beat, I tried to find it but I couldn't, therefore, it's up to you to find where she specifically said she enjoyed it or else your comment would be invalid and like I said, a strawman
No. 457037>>457038>>457045
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Another case of false-false accusations?
here's some shady things about the story>The false allegations were life-derailing for the accused, who is referred to as "T.F." in the lawsuit. On October 3, 2017, one of the girls told other students that T.F. had sexually assaulted her at a pool; a Seneca Valley guidance counselor overheard the accusation, and reported it to Childline, the state's child abuse prevention agency, as required by law. T.F. was swiftly charged with indecent assault and harassment, and received six months of probation as part of a plea dealso one of the girls in question didn't even report him, just told her friend in which a guidance consoler overheard, it's shady because in a typical "false accusation" case they want him to get punished, so why would she just tell her friend if she wanted him to go away? Another thing is the whole "guidance consoler ovehearing" thing, most guidance counselors don't even hear bullying, death threats, drugs, etc that go on within a school, so somehow she magically popped out, overheard, and reported that?
>Months later, in March of 2018, T.F. was again falsely accused, according to the lawsuit. Another girl invited him over to a house party; a few days later, she told the school guidance counselor that T.F. had broken into her home and sexually assaulted her. The lawsuit claims she was coached by T.F.'s first accuser. so this is girl 2, on what planet in high schools do random girls go up to other random girls and say "lol let's charge TF with sexual abuse"
>He was removed from school in leg and wrist shackles and spent 9 days in juvenile detention.wrist shackles? really? wrist shackles don't even exist anymore, they don't even give wrist shackles to serial killers, murders, etc so why the fuck would they put wrist shackles on a kid they were just going to give 9 days in detention (also 9 days is awfully short for a supposed sexual assault)
>He was released on house arrest on April 18, 2018, with an ankle monitor, and specific instructions from [Juvenile Probation Officer] Michael Trego that he could not tell people about the ankle device, and he could not wear shorts or other clothing that revealed the ankle device, even though it was during some of the hottest days of summeranother shady thing, no officer never says this to anyone lmao if this was the case a hell of a lot of people would be in trouble
>He was not permitted to have any visitors, phone, or internet access, and could not leave the house except for therapy, which he requires to deal with the psychological trauma he suffered and to attend church. After 28 days, he was allowed outside the house only to mow his lawn, which he had to do in long pants regardless of the temperature. He was unable to play during most of the high school baseball season and was told by the Athletic Director that she was not sure he could play baseball because every time he was wearing a Seneca Valley jersey, he was representing the school. T.F. was unable to play baseball or work at his summer jobs for part of the summer.this literally doesn't happen during probation/house arrest, also most probation officers encourage them to work, anyone who knows basic law knows this.
>other students came forward with Snapchat messages that contradicted the claims of the "mean girls," who eventually admitted to lying. All charges against T.F. were dropped.they never present or even paraphrase the messages, they claim to have messages that contradict mean girl's claim but don't go into any detail at all or what claims they contradict.
>To pretend otherwise, as fourth-wave feminism's believe-all-victims mantra demands, is to ignore a large number of cases involving young people—often young black men—wrongly accused of sexual misconduct.this sentence, in general, should say lots about how biased the argument is>But in a tape-recorded interview with school officials in 2017, the suit claims K.S. the sex assault was'd think a very important piece of information would be mentioned in the previous but it was not, they also fail to provide the said recording that proved his innocence despite there being a million and one ways to reveal the tape without revealing the girl's information
then it was revealed the apparent "she admitted it was fabricated" thing was
>“I just don’t like him,” K.S. told officials. “I just don’t like to hear him talk. … I don’t like to look at him.her not liking the dude isn't "admitting to fabrication"
>Told pals she “would do anything to get T.F. expelled.”weird but still not admitting to fabrication
the recording is ONCE did they provide any clear and specific evidence of the girls "admitting they lied" nor the contradicting snapchat messages they claimed to have, most of it is just victimizing TF and villainizing the girls and proving little evidence and none that proves their claim
No. 457038
>>457037also to correct myself
>wrist shackles? really? wrist shackles don't even exist anymore, they don't even give wrist shackles to serial killers, murders, etc so why the fuck would they put wrist shackles on a kid they were just going to give 9 days in detention (also 9 days is awfully short for a supposed sexual assault)I meant leg shackles
No. 457041>>457042>>457044>>457062
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Men: why don't girls flirt with us?
Men: it's so sexist MEN have to do all the work why can't you lazy females make the first move?
No. 457045>>457148>>457161
>>457037Thank you for this, anon. I believe we should be shifting the conversation from "This accusation must be false unless you can prove without a doubt that it happened"/"You're an asshole" to "This accusation must be false unless you can prove without a doubt that it happened"/"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You're going to need to give some substantial, undeniable proof that this accusation was false and a calculated scheme without a doubt. Rape has happened for hundreds and hundreds of years, so it being the case here is just Occam's razor. Also, false rape accusations are statistically insignificant compared to confirmed, documented rape cases, so the odds are just not in your favor".
Their entire argument is an emotional appeal masquerading as a "balanced, logical viewpoint", and we should be exposing that whenever possible.
As a sidenote, I love how they try to boost their point by racebaiting midway through.
>To pretend otherwise, as fourth-wave feminism's believe-all-victims mantra demands, is to ignore a large number of cases involving young people—often young black men—wrongly accused of sexual misconduct.A bid to confuse readers. "Am I
racist for understanding that men have a tendency to rape and get away with it because society favors men, especially in cases of obvious power imbalance?". The answer is no.
Also, where is this "large number"? It's non-existent. Men are more likely to
be raped than to be falsely accused of rape.
No. 457062
>>457041Lmao. I hope his mates do the right thing and make fun of him eternally.
>EW EW! Sounds like a little girl.
No. 457075>>457082
Today I feel hopeless. On Saturday August 24th a 19 year old first year student at my university went missing. She had told her friends at res that she was going to the post office. After a long investigation a suspect was arrested and appeared in court this morning. It was a post office employee. She had gone to pick up a parcel and he told her to come back at 2pm to fetch it. During this time he told his coworkers that he would finish up all the work and that they could go home early. When she returned he bludgeoned her with a scale till she was unconscious, raped her, killed her when she woke up and screamed and disposed of her body. He told the police "this child gave me problems, she took so long to die." Women are not safe anywhere, their homes, the post office, the bus stop, the grocery store. To make it even worse this happened during our country's woman's month.
He had been convicted for sexual assault before, but who cares women are disposable in our society right? And twitter is filled with "not all men" in response to this. I just want to scream and cry. We lived in the same city, shared the same bus - hell she got murdered right where I park my car when I pick up pet supplies (the post office was next to a police station!). If it wasn't her it would've been another woman. I'm so sick and tired of men feeling entitled to our attention, our bodies, our lives. I can't begin to imagine how scared she was in her last moments.
The sick fuck will serve a few years and get out on a reduced sentence and do this again. Perhaps even get another government post. She doesn't get to grow up. She had just begun her life.
No. 457082
>>457075How fucked in the head do you have to be to even calculate this plan in the split second you see a woman and decide that this is how you wanna go down? Is the male brain hardwired to see such a convoluted "opportunity"? Intrusive thought is one thing but this is a whole other level. Even the most notoriously fucked up woman in history (Baniszewski) didnt decide to torture and kill all in one moment, or even one day like this man. We know they dont care about us but these guys don't even have the selfishness to think that it might fuck THEIR OWN life up. Not even that can stop them.
I'm mad with you, anon.
No. 457143>>457151>>457153>>458734>>458806
>>456898Not anymore, I stopped, and the porn I watched was never violent. For example I never watched shit where the woman got beaten, abused, facial abuse, etc. But I don't know why that was such a knee-jerk reaction for you. They are not our allies and they don't need you to defend them. Soon you will be defending e-thots and handmaidens.
>>457010It's hot when men are abused and enduring, and like
>>457013 said, physically their bodies are built to handle it better than women can.
No. 457148
>>457045I agree 100%, the issue is that they claim there's some gynocentric society, but what gynocentric society can pull the whole "if a man accused of sexual assault can pull she lied card and he will be believed, supported, defended and babied no questions asked", not to mention how little of a sentence he got for supposed sexual assault and obvious tall tales about leg shackles, having to wear long pants, and not being able to have a job, especially after seeing how little and vague the "evidence" was
sorry for blog but I'm a law student, I notice this a lot in false accusation cases, I've started calling them false-false accusation cases, evidence is grey and vague, in some false-false accusation cases there is literally no evidence at all, he just pulled the "she lied" card and was believed no questions asked, the people on the men's side are often extremely biased and talk like they just walked off of r/MGTOW or some other misogynistic corner of the internet, but of course, in this somehow supposed woman-favoring society, men often never get punished for rape or assault even when hard evidence is presented but somehow a girl saying she doesn't like her rapist means she orchestrated a chain of false accusations (???)
no one points out shady details in these cases either, but when women come forward with rape and assault suddenly everyone turns into investigators unless of course the rapist or assaulter is female then it is believed no questions asked, I've even seen cases where they want to try 24 yr old teachers who have consensual sex with 18 yr old students the same as child molestation, such a gynocentric society, right?
No. 457151>>457152>>457249
>>457143Dude, the problem is not with abuse itself, both men and women being abused willingly is fine, it's basic consent. You should dislike it in porn due to the fact that people can and ARE trafficked into it. Ignoring it when it happens to men is the most hateful and cold thing I have ever heard. How on earth can you ignore that this is the actual problem here?
>>457149Thank you anon, that's exactly what I was telling her.
No. 457155>>457160>>457165>>457166
>>457152I don't care if I am banned for posting this, but if it makes you change your mind it's worth it. Warning that this is fucked up, don't click if you don't want to be sickened. is one of the men that was paid 50 dollars to be whipped until he passed out. Is this hot for you? Do you like it? How do you feel knowing that any of the others you masturbate to could be just like him?
No. 457161
>>457045Yes! I hate the race-baiting shit they always pull. You can practically see the eyes of white guys light up when they realize they've found a totally woke way of pitting white women and black men against each other, and making those already existing tensions worse. If we're busy fighting each other then it takes the heat off of them. One minute they'll be screeching about how the evil darkies are coming to rape "their" women, and the next minute they'll be screeching about evil white women using racism to pin false accusations against black men.
I've also noticed a trend where because of this it's almost impossible for a white woman to call out misogyny from a man of color. Not only is she dismissed in the way all women are when they bring up misogyny or sexual assault, but she's also painted as racist for doing so and made out to be the devil or something. The only people I typically see jumping to her defense are people who are actually racist and using the accusation as fodder for their anti-immigration talking points.
Everybody seems to think that because they read To Kill a Mockingbird in middle school, that makes them an expert on false accusations. But all it does is give them another reason to call women liars, while patting themselves on the back for fighting racism (when most couldn't actually give half of a shit about racism or the way POC are treated)
No. 457164>>457178>>458535
>He was 36, mentally disabled, schizophrenic, off his medicine and confused. So confused that after he left his group home in Clearwater one day and wound up in Williams Park in St. Petersburg, he couldn't find his way back home.You are a monster. I hope to god you are a false flagging scrot. If you are a woman I hope to god you never have a son.
>>457162Thanks again anon, I can't believe the answers I am getting. It's surreal, this is the pinkpill thread, where we call out men for their shittiness. Not being accepting and aroused by the poor and the mentally ill men being beaten to a bloody pulp…
No. 457165>>457168>>457401>>458734>>458737>>458741
>>457155Honestly he doesn't seem homeless. It was pretty hot and I enjoyed when he broke down crying. His reactions were pretty good. Anyway at the very least it was just a flogging, very painful but he consented to it, and there should be no injury or permanent damage. Unlike the videos where they legit punch and beat the shit out of them, in the face, ribs, and stomach, which can cause injuries and lasting damage.
If you wanted to prove your case more you should have posted something like this No. 457166>>457168
>>457155Obviously it's fucked up to pay a homeless guy to beat the shit out of him. I don't see how anyone could justify that as being morally okay.
However, this is just another stupid gotcha where you pick out one single instance of women doing something that men do about 1000x as often. It's not even remotely comparable because it happens so rarely. One instance of women doing the sadistic shit men do daily doesn't prove anything.
I agree with you that beating up random guys to get off isn't magically okay because of what men as a whole have done to women. But it isn't comparable to men doing that for millenia and building entire multi billion dollar industries around it.
No. 457168>>457169>>457180
>>457165>It was pretty hot and I enjoyed when he broke down crying. His reactions were pretty good.I legit don't know what to say. I know this is an imageboard, I know that we are all a little fucked up, but you are gloating over being sexually aroused by what could very well be trafficking and violent abuse because he didn't look homeless? Maybe he was just mentally ill anon, wtf is his grooming the issue in deciding whether you like the content of a company with that mode of operation????
>If you wanted to prove your case more you should have posted something like thisOh I'm so sorry I did not provide you with hardcore enough content, I should totally spend more time watching vile and illegal abuse.
>>457166For fuck's sake, when did I say the degree was comparable? Of course it happens a ton more to women. My argument started with the anon who said she is not ok with it happening to women (rightly) but perfectly fine and she enjoys it sexually when it happens to men!
No. 457170
>>457169No problem, I know it's really annoying when men do it. We all know they are 90% of violent criminals. I just hate it when we are called to ignore the
victims because they happen to be the same sex as the most common criminals. I HATE violent men. I really really hate them. But I don't hate
victims, no matter their sex, I want to help them.
No. 457180>>457182>>458734
>>457168Ok, I get it. It just didn't seem like the guy was mentally unable to consent or homeless, but the matter of the fact is you can't really be sure. Thinking more about it perhaps watching anything violent or related to BDSM is a bad call in the first place because possibly anything can be
abusive and it's not like we know if someone consented or not. I felt bad for the homeless man I linked because I got some sort of testimony and it felt real to me, but maybe the guy you linked had some circumstances as well. I admit, it's so easy to disconnect yourself from the people in porn because we are always taught it's not real, just acting, and it's kind of scary.
No. 457226>>457236>>457289
>>457186This. I know that incels are using this as ammo to call women "murderers" for speaking up about abuse, but I don't really care.
If he really was
abusive, may even more
abusive, shitty men follow in his footsteps and contribute to the male suicide rate. God knows they barely face punishment for their actions.
More likely, though, we'll probably just see a rash of them claiming to have "attempted suicide" while shedding crocodile tears over being exposed and "having their life ruined" by mean internet comments.
No. 457278>>457289>>457295
>>457270If it was just Quinn who came out with allegations, then yeah, I'd be skeptical too. But the fact that SO many people in the game dev scene, including men, came out with their own experiences with Holowka being an unstable and angry person leads me to believe that this time she's telling the truth. Maybe she exaggerated some parts to make herself out as more of a
victim, but I definitely don't doubt that Holowka did some shady things.
No. 457281
>>457276I mean some vaginas can look gross just like dicks can look gross, human genitalia is generally unattractive and weird looking, some men take it way too far however and swear up and down just because THEY find women's genitals unattractive that means all men must
these same men screech all day how all women are the same and how men aren't hiveminds unlike evil women until of course they want women to feel bad
don't even get me started on men who get grossed out and make women feel unattractive for completely normal female features like large nipples, cellulite, stretch marks, etc.
Human have flaws, why men can't get over it is beyond me
No. 457289>>457290>>457298
>>457186>Actually beleving QuinI trust Drumpf more.
Also his sister legits looks like she masturbates to Anita Sarkeesian…
>>457226We don't know if he was
abusive anon, that's whe whole point. If Quin had any evidence we wouldn't be having this conversation.
>>457278Someone being depressed and short tempered is not the same as being
>>457276They are homos in denial, 100% chance of watching shemale porn.
No. 457295>>457300
>>457278Yeah it sounds like he was emotionally
I don't believe a word that Adelaide Gardner said though. She's into black guys :barf
(racebait) No. 457297>>457300>>457372>>457438
>>457276Back when I still used 4chan, I sometimes saw anons admit they use the term "roastie" and mock vaginas constantly because they want to women to feel insecure; even if they didn't actually find their vaginas disgusting. But then you'd also have the retards who legit thought your labia stretches out if you have casual sex, or who were barely hiding the fact they liked bald innie vaginas because it reminded them of underage girls.
I think it's a combination of all these reasons and men memeing each other into having overly specific, unrealistic preferences.
No. 457300>>457301
>>457295ok /pol/chan
>>457296Did they? I think it differed quite a bit from cite-sate to city-state, Sparta, Athens, Corinth, they all had different opinions on the subject.
>>457297>Men meme themselves into hating the thing they are supposed to loveWhy are they like this?
>>457298>Straight men may watch shemale porn or have sex with a trannyAnon, I don't think you know what straight means.
No. 457351>>457456
I was lurking on YouTube and I came across this video of my “favorite” mannosphere alpha male asshole blogger, Blackdragon ( and now that I can put a face and voice to his writing, I find them not enraging anymore but hilarious.
THIS blobfish of a man is who is trying to teach “Alpha Male” lifestyle tips? This is the man who brags about all the hot women with huge tits that he fucks? Seriously?!
Also when you hear him talk about this stuff in reality it really shows just how full of shit he is
No. 457373>>457380
>>457292/fit/ is cancer
straight dudes shit on women and act like complete fucking lunatics and demand insane unnatural propotions that no woman can achieve without surgery, the gay ones shit on women all day and go out of their way and "demand" women feel bad
No. 457401
>>457165>It was pretty hot >he consented to itYou're porn sick or fucked in the head. If someone does something like that because they're in poverty and need the money, or they aren't of sound mind or have been manipulated otherwise then it's not consent. I don't know why you're in the pink pill thread if you don't get that
>>457276Option 2, even without misogynistic 'locker room talk' guys have seen so many hours of pink, waxed and snipped porn pussy before they ever come into contact with the real thing. They believe it's the norm.
No. 457438>>457442>>457443>>457471
>>457297I dated a man (yes) when I was 16 who had this belief. His room was also full of hentai figures, shadman posters (I wish I was joking), and a collection of books explaining how to pick up & fuck women. He had two fleshlights and one of those ass shaped fleshlights hiding in his closet.
What a fucking mistake. I couldn’t have the time of day to even start telling stories about how he acted. But when we broke up, he kept calling me “sloppy seconds” and harassed me for years. He was the only man I’d ever slept with (this count, 7 years later is now still only at 2) and yet fully believed I was “damaged goods”.
No. 457442>>457449
>>457438>I dated a man (yes) when I was 16 who had this belief. His room was also full of hentai figures, shadman posters (I wish I was joking), and a collection of books explaining how to pick up & fuck women. He had two fleshlights and one of those ass shaped fleshlights hiding in his what the fuck?
>What a fucking mistakeYou don;t say. Why on earth did you date this man? Even at 16, that shit should start some serious sirens in your head.
No. 457443>>457449
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>>457438wtf anon, how did you end up with someone like that, did it look like this?
No. 457449
>>457442Honestly I don't really know how it happened either. I like to chalk it up to being a vulnerable kid. He was nice when we first met (like most abusers) and we were LDR so I didn't see his room until a year into the relationship… But I'm glad I had the experience even if it was horrible because now I know what to look out for.
>>457443LOL not exactly. He mostly wore expensive brand clothes but he always bought them 2 sizes too big and he was short so they looked horrible on him.
No. 457490>>457494
Does anyone have insight into why men think its thought policing to object to a boyfriend wanking to some seriously depraved shit? Actually I don't need to embellish. Most porn is depraved, I hate the entire industry.
Anyway, I've come across a lot of male opinions online and various dudes IRL of essentially "don't tread on my private fantasies bitch". To a lot of men even stating jerking to porn curbs desire to cheat.
So how exactly do men view sex and women? Girlfriends/wives are apparently not allowed opinions on porn habits and what the man is viewing. I saw a lot of comments regarding "not into that jealousy bullshit with women", yet men hate on any guy adored by sexy teen girls en masse e.g. Justin beiber, one direction, Robert Pattinson etc.
It also seems to be the status quo that a one night stand or drunken hook up can be expected, but if another men is catering to the emotional needs of his gf/wife that is the deal breaker?
Just seems like a lot of men just fucking hate us, but want to fuck us or see us be fucked at any opportunity.
This post is probably a mess. I don't understand how men are literally claiming victim status if a woman was to critique their fap folder. They say a don't ask don't tell policy is best. Yet, almost all porn use becomes an issue in a relationship and Wtf is the point in having bizarre secret fantasies you're ashamed of whilst being in a relationship. Is imaginary sex with your hand so much better than having open communication with a woman that is consenting to get your dick wet?? A friend of mine found her boyfriends porn on his phone and she said it was full of "granny creampies". This guy is young, fit and not an asshole, what is the taboo factor about jerking it to granny. Well I mean I get the taboo but what is the horny factor? Are pensioners hotter than I thought, should I stop worrying about sag in my chest, presumably as long as my legs can be held up in a pair of fishnets and a guy can cum in me and watch it fall out I'm golden. Who knew???
No. 457555>>457621
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"But we were the ones who discovered the world and created the things that led us to modernity! you bitches should be grateful for our intelligence and bravery!" But you cheated, you all literally cheated, of course you assholes discovered everything cool if you didn't even let us study. It doesn't count if you throw the other half of the population out of the game just to win by default, God knows how many women discovered great things before and you shut them up just to talk about your "superiority", and even today they bully women from stem and technology fields, like, if you are so fucking smart and intelligent then what was the need to not allow us to study? I mean, you don't feel threatened to lose against a tetraplegic in a marathon right?, so if our inferiority was so verifiable and obvious why fear? It should be "easy" to beat "inferior women", right? "Pffft, those cunts? lol, they can teach them shit all they want, they won't beat us" but no, instead they just pussied out and blocked us. You guys are full of shit and all your scientific discoveries too.
(Ironically, nowadays men are drooping university cause is "too hard" and they aren't being "encouraged" (women were literally bullied and they still did it but go off i guess) while women not only keep studying but also get better grades, "REEEEEE they made exams easier!!!" and you couldn't beat them still? i thought you guys were some geniuses what happened? where's the so-called "superior male brain" now? you guys literally lost to some "inferior cunts" on simplified exams? pffft)
No. 457563>>457581>>457636
>>457372>when did grown womens vaginas become not good enough?Right around the time it was decided by porn producers (around the late 80s/early 90s) that bald vaginas were somehow more erotic and set the trend, and now more recently, near labia-less vaginas. While maybe their outward intentions weren't to make the vaginas seem 'younger' its kinda what happened and pedophilia culture took root. Nowadays pubic hair and/or 'outie' vaginas = older, gross, must be a slut for looking so 'loose', not that attractive, too mature, doesn't take care of herself, while no pubic hair and/or 'innie' vaginas = younger, fresher, cuter, it can symbolize innocence, not "broken in". Even kids believe this, I remember being in middle school and hearing stuff like
>girls who don't shave are disgusting>having too much sex makes you loose >having sex with too many guys will make you look gross down there>you can tell a girl is a slut by how her vagina looksIts depressing knowing a lot of those kids' beliefs are still the same.
Not saying all women who choose to shave their pubic hair are trying to make themselves look like children, a lot of women prefer to shave for a bunch of different reasons, like ok whatever, but there most likely would not be a general, pervasive trend of pubic hair removal and 'innie' vaginas if it weren't for porn. Even older porn actresses who are cast as MILFs are expected to have a vagina that looks like it never went through puberty.
Its the same reason cosmetic labiaplasty wasn't a mainstream concept until the last decade or so, women AND girls are always pressured to have perfect everything even if only a few people are ever going to see it. When even middle school aged girls are wanting to get invasive and painful surgery so their vulvas look more like they do in porn, there's a fucking issue.
No. 457581>>457765
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>>457563>near labia-less vaginasThat shit is insane. How is women looking like they almost don't have a sex organ at all sexy? Meanwhile men must have as large dicks as possible in porn. It's so pedophilic or at least anti-female sexuality. Japanese shunga artists, patriarchal as they were, at least understood if you portray giant dick you also match it with big hairy pussy.
No. 457612
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>>457599>was sensitive to women's issues (i was in a humanities program)well… you know what they say…
No. 457621>>458000
>>457555Was really confused when I came online and saw this attitude that women contribute nothing. I'm interested in science and a lot of papers, textbooks, and books I come across are written/have contributions by women. So do these people just not see all of the work they do? Even like prior to the 1960s you still see female scientists. All you have to do is take 10 seconds to google "female scientists" and you'll see a big list of the most influential ones and their contributions. I also like literature and I'm not as learned on it, but it seems like lots of the innovations and developments of literature came from women like potentially the first novel (Murasaki Shikibu), first children's literature (Sarah Fielding), first psychological novel (Madame de Lafayette), first roman a clef (Madeleine de Scudéry) etc etc. Also,
> "REEEEEE they made exams easier!!!" and you couldn't beat them still? i thought you guys were some geniuses what happened?kek. And they cry about how boys fail because evil female teachers these days don't let the poor boys run around and release their energy but didn't educators used to be even stricter and beat kids who didn't sit still and behave?
No. 457636
>>457563even innie vaginas aren't good enough though
after puberty the vagina becomes fleshy, follicles become more pronounced, labias get wrinkly, not to mention how easy the vagina skin irritates on top of all that we're expected to shave or wax, which even if you follow all the correct ways to shave can leave you with bumps or burn, it's like people have completely forgotten what a natural grown woman's body is supposed to look like
No. 457778>>457781
>>457774Lost both of my parents young, had difficulty supporting myself alone and settled with that seeing as the rent was at least being paid, I hit thirty before I woke up to it not even being worth it.
Now when I come on here I see 20 year olds describing the same situation and I really feel for them
No. 457782
>>457781Yeah having no support system to fall back on at that age will lead guys to take advantage. I spent 3 years with one guy and every orgasm I had in those 3 years was solo when he wasn't around, he just didn't care, had to suck his dick nightly though and when we broke up it was after arguing about finances not being 50/50… he was too
abusive for me to risk telling him that 'hello our sex life certainly has never been 50/50 either soo'
I still struggle to understand women with supportive parents choosing douchey men but then that's youth and low self esteem I guess
No. 457808
>>457800Of all the women on earth it's the number one woman that he ought to leave alone when it comes to his dick… "Guys how do I approach telling my mom about my dick"
Posters twice his age didn't even think to say.. ehm maybe dont talk to your mother about your dick
No. 457825
>>457380Male and female asses are objectively different and I never understand why gymbros claim to have “better” asses than a woman who hasn’t worked out. Sure theirs might be tighter. But if you put them side by side you’ll see exactly which is which. Even women with the flattest ass have wider hips and more round fat distribution. I’ve done this comparison with people at my gym and it’s so obvious and women’s asses are obviously more womanly.
When a guy says “my ass is better than that woman’s” he really means he is gay and likes guy ass
No. 457886>>457889
>>457866I get what you're saying but there really are a lot of women with daddy issues who long for unavailable, neglectful, and borderline
abusive men. Ofc that's men's fault in the first place for being shitty parents but it's still pretty common.
No. 457889
>>457886There's women with daddy issues but I've never seen or met a woman who is actually attracted to her real father. Maybe they exist but they're incredibly rare.
Meanwhile browse any incel, porn or MRA forum and I guarantee you you will see plenty of men admitting to wanting to fuck their real mom.
No. 457924
>>457765if he don't eat snatch, drop him fast
even misogynistic dudes are willing to eat pussy, weird guys eat pussy, hell even 4chan bros talk about enjoying eating pussy, how much of a child do you have to be to not eat pussy?
that's including exceptions where the woman has a bad diet or infection and smell/tastes bad
No. 457949>>457951>>457967>>458085
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Something i don't understand at all about men is that they STILL hold that persistent obsession with "woman=house life, man=actual work" and have this weird wish to have "a traditional family" like those antique family posters. Ignoring the moral implications, maybe this arrangement made "some" sense almost a century ago when one person could sustain a whole family of 5 kids and a wife with just one income, but trying the same thing with this declining economy nowadays (unless you're some rich ass chad) would be hard at best and literally impossible at worst, and that's implying you just have one child.
Even normal relationships were the two are working are struggling, this reasoning is totally retarded, they essentially want to force antiquated systems on new times just for the sake of being in power, they aren't even realizing doing so would be shooting their own foots.
No. 458000
>>457621That's ridiculous. One of the most important programming languages from the fifties was designed by a woman and is still used today because of how it processes mathematical formulas. They've tried to bury it several times but nothing could replace it, and the entire financial industry runs on it.
Women have done amazingly considering the absurd restrictions we've had set upon us.
No. 458018>>458028
>believing zoe quinnSorry but no level of pink pill will make me believe anything that fraud ever says. She gives women in tech and female game devs a bad name and her entire career is scam and hoaxes. You don't need gamergater scrotes to know that she made a career of larping, victimhood and hot air. Her using serious subjects like mental health and abuse to further her attention seeking makes actual
victims look bad, everything Zoe Quinn attaches herself too looses reputation.
No. 458028>>458030>>458036
>>458018it's more likely he was a rapist than not, so I really don't care.
>caring about gooplegape>2019if she managed to make a career out of screwing scrots over good for her.
No. 458036>>458038>>458052
>>458028Like the times she deliberately sabotaged all female game jam because she wanted to promote her own more fraudulent version no one cared about. That showed the scrotes.>>458031Not like this bpd sjw scammer is constantly used a bludgeon by scrotes and the general public against the reputation of the thousands of female game developers who actually know what they are doing.
No. 458060
>>458052The main
victims of most of her scams are feminists who for some reason keep giving her money and a platform only for her to fuck off or sabotage them. Everyone hates Zoe Quinn, believing she is good because gross scrotes hate her is a big fallacy.
No. 458063
>>458052But her collecting money for projects and then not delivering on the promises is an objective fact, anon, that can be easily checked and measured.
The issue with people like Quinn is that they voluntarily create this scrote opposition by hiding behind "feminism" (as in, wishy-washy libfeminism that only serves to make them money). It's just like the tranny Brianna Wu who was a nobody until he got "death threats" from gamergaters, and used his newfound fame to collect money for his ridiculously bad Mass Effect rip-off. If you rightfully call him out as a shitty person, you're automatically a gamergate incel and thus wrong.
The scrotes who take these people seriously and make them into martyrs by obsessing over them are also at fault, of course, since they allow them to create this extreme narrative. There are people on both sides making money off of this entirely artificial conflict they've created.
No. 458117>>458137>>458156>>459996
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what's with the "no drama" male sterotype? hanging out with males cause 10x as much drama as women if not more, especially if you're fairly attractive and hang out in male-dominated groups
men are fucking animals
No. 458156>>458206>>458247
>>458117It really depends on what kind of people you hang out with. I've known female groups to have drama and male groups, it seems different kind of drama though. The male drama was mostly about dominance.
My friends are both female and male and there's very little drama.
No. 458157>>458178
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I never understood how can people treat movies like 120 Days of Sodom, Straw Dogs or The Serbian Movie as "art movies" and still fucking watch them. Only a man could come up with something so twisted and get away with it.
No. 458159>>458162>>458164
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I was looking through a bunch of vintage illustration collections today and I was reminded at how much fictional media showed sexy women in peril. I know that there is a bias to save and re-share that type of imagery online because it's titillating and will do well as modern content but it's not rare at all. Extreme stuff was something you had to look for instead of it being pushed to your smart phone, but comics and advertisements were still littered with all sorts of low-key misogynistic stuff.
I don't want to call for a ban on all risque imagery but I just wanted to bring it up here, because even though we know rape culture is nothing new sometimes anons still talk about porn being this completely novel source of degradation and desensitization brainwashing but it's not like elements of this weren't already present in media before the internet.
No. 458161>>458208
So females tend to be normal/somewhat very intelligent while scrots are either dumb himbos or hyper geniuses, it makes me laugh how they bring these stats to flex on us like, do most of them think they're actually a part of that % of geniuses?, do they really expect me to think that if i go outside right now i'll find randomly a galaxy brained dude? Those stats said men can be brainless or erudites but they didn't say the percentages of said erudites. Lmao, it's obvious most are dumb as fuck, i would say there is a 10-20% chad geniuses who are CEOs with lots of companies or scientists and then the rest who are killing each other over who has the biggest dick or something lol.
This lines up with incel theory too, they always bitch about how they got rejected over Chad and hate women for doing so but, why they want to force women to breed with the lowest common nominator of men instead of Ultra galaxy brained males?.
These stats not only indicate males are the smartest, most illuminated beings on earth (10-20%) but also confirms they're dumb at best and the lowest human trash at worst (80%), that explains why women (who are stadistically smarter than most men) tend to "act like mothers" with them, cause most men are literally retarded and women, as actual funcional humans, pity them and want to fix them.
No. 458164>>458210
>>458159>That fucking pic>porn wasn't the first degenerate shit men created to humiliate womenWhy are women still living along men? why are some women still deluding themselves to think they're the same as us and purposely forgetting all the horrible shit they did and still do to us? When is enough of this bullshit? I would be fucking pissed if i did whatever these fuckers told me to do and then be treated and depicted like this, like a sextoy, like a fucking joke, i just cannot understand. This is nothing new and women aren't at fault, i understand women falling for this before but why are women falling for the same rock over and over again? Rampant abuse, rapes, porn…it's always the same shit with the same ol'
victims, this is just so confusing and sad.
Women statistically are being killed in relationships, women are abused or killed by who they trust most on their intimacy (men) so much is an actual meme, yet they cry about how is bad to be wary on men and "muh misandry", i cannot understand, where's their survival instinct? What is the reasoning of this? This isn't worth it.
No. 458178>>458182>>458187>>458202
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>>458157salo is legitimately a great film though, and pasolini was an extremely important intellectual and filmmaker. i don’t think it’s a coincidence that he was killed shortly after the completion of a movie about the depraved morbid psychosexual drive undergirding fascism.
No. 458200
>>457951>>457967Not contributing and being lazy is not admirable you know. Staying at home with a few kids is not the same as working and also that enver fucking actually happened. Only the rich women did it. Middle class and poor women worked as
>>458085 said.
No. 458202
>>458178IMO people think too extremely either way about it. In it's time it was a produced in a technically decent way, it had a message and delivered it in a shocking, alternative way but that's about it. It's on the same level as those 'modern art' pieces from the 70s that are a visual pun on a social issue or an episode of a soap opera that was done in a particularly experimental way.
It's fair to include it as a footnote in the history of film making, for better or for worse, but people who insist it stands up as a masterpiece in today's age are either edgelords focusing on the extreme imagery or they're just being memed into believing that it's still great purely because it's niche/controversial.
No. 458214>>458218>>458219
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>>458182i don’t believe that’s why he was murdered. and yes, many male European intellectuals throughout the 20th century were creepy and ephebophilic, but that doesn’t erase their importance as intellectuals. michael jackson was a pedo but you can’t seriously claim that he wasn’t an important pop star.
>>458187well, it’s a beautiful film on a purely aesthetic level. beautifully framed palatial estates, beautifully framed beautiful young faces. there are so many shots that will stick in my mind forever not just because of the sadistic/gross-out factor but because they’re powerful, resonant images. and there’s something to be said for the psychic effect that the juxtaposition of beauty and depravity produces in the viewer. salo is a crowning achievement in that realm.
i think it’s also best understood as a polemic against class society in general, of which fascism is the most extreme iteration. it’s not just “fascism bad,” although obviously that’s the gist of it. it’s a condemnation of bourgeois amorality and decadence, their wanton cruelty, their absolute indifference to the humanity of those they exploit, and the corrupting nature of wealth and power. and it’s a tribute to the resilience of the human (proletarian) spirit in spite of that.
ultimately i think salo is poorly done by its infamy. a lot of people treat it as an endurance test for edgelords who just want to see how much scat they can withstand…or they think it’s
the most significant and profound film of all time, which it’s not – although i do think it’s great.
No. 458218
>>458214>their importance as intellectuals>communism: Good>Fascism: BAD>here is some pedo torture pornwonderful, i am moved to tears.
Specially coming from a context in Italy where the Brigade Rosse was rampant, a lot of institutions were taken over by partisans and you were more likely to be killed or shunned for not being a communist than the other way around.
No. 458247>>458249
>>458156mm, I guess, depends on the people you hang out with, from my experience hanging out with women is a lot less dramatic, when I hung out with mostly males it's always so and so develops a crush, so and so also develops a crush, words go in your mouth from x and depending on how psychotic they can be it can go anything from establishing fistfights to threats of hacking to actual hacking and stalking and harassment
with female drama, yeah it's drama sure but at least most of female drama comes from stuff someone actually did something to cause, vs male drama who can't act level headed when they're around women
No. 458260>>458271
>>458249it's sad and pathetic, even lolcow has it's limits to no doxxing, no harassment, no stalking, no cowtipping, 4chan and it's brothers stops at literally nothing, even after pushing people into suicide they don't stop even harassing dead kids parents, but everyone is so fucking desensitized too it that barely anyone does anything
women can have sympathy for their worst enemy, men will see a stranger girls tits and lose their fucking minds and literally try to kill her, but women get blamed for drama and get marked as the "crazy and dramatic ones" this world doesn't deserve women, why they don't limit men on anything blows my mind
No. 458295>>458308>>458460
>>458277Not for long anon, men are becoming lazier and lazier by the minute, once all the older men in charge die of old age barely any of the younger ones want to do shit with their lives, they don't want to be in charge, women do
just take a look at school records, while men are in their boxers playing shitty steam games women are studying, working, applying to colleges, and learning. They blame the education system for their laziness, they do so much saying but little doing, so many men "I want to become a lawyer" "I want to become a psychologist" "I want to become x y and z" but most of them can't be asked to even think about taking the first step in any of that, that's why women will eventually be the ones and charge and they can't accept it, so they have things like MGTOW, MRA, incels, basically blaming everyone but themselves that women are working hard and men are not
No. 458308>>458312>>458496
>>458295I don't know anon, I see most women taking over that middle space that men used to possess, but the top part seems to still be mostly male, even when it comes to younger people, hope I am wrong though.
But even if it's true what you say, women would not limit men, we are way too caring for our own good. We wil just make things equal, which will be an improvement, but reducing their dangerous behaviour by targeting them as a sex? I don't see many of today's women agreeing to it.
No. 458460
>>458295I don't think so, but maybe it depends on your country.
I still see young men succeeding, maybe even having their egos propped up more because they "made it" despite most of their peers falling to cumbrainedness.
Most men are failing, or achieving the bare minimum, but that doesn't change the pattern for rising star males to then take an even larger share of the "glory".
Male failure is not the same as female gains. Female gains are female gains. When the majority of men fail, women are not rewarded, the top percent of males are rewarded.
No. 458496>>458524>>458556>>458565
>>458273Doing something about 4chan or the likes could ruin "the plan"
anon, it has been confirmed the FBI was making some posts in 4chan, they're planning something there, maybe a mini psycho/mental illness factory.
>>458308>We are way too caring for our own good.>Reducing their dangerous behaviour by targeting them as a sex? I don't see many of today's women agreeing to it.See? This is why we can't have nice things ever, even if women did have the chance of actually protect themselves by making them have harsh consequences they probably won't, it's like a team that is always ready to lose and fuck itself up, ugh. We need to leave that shit behind ffs it wouldn't help us, they took advantage on "muh empathy" for way too long, we need to take every chance we can with no mercy.
No. 458524>>458525>>458565
>>458496okay well an actual FBI, I know people will just use "psychopaths will be psychos regardless of 4chan" but acting like 4chan had no influence at all is just delusion
women need to show less mercy for men, men need to show less mercy for another men, they have been getting away with too much for far too long
No. 458565>>458671
>>458496How do you even leave it behind though? This is an almost universal part of female socialization, taking care of others. Women outside of some fringe circles just see men as big boys that need to be taken care for. It's retarded, but it is what it is and I have no idea how to get rid of it.
>>458524Men already show less mercy for other men, they only care when they are affected. Women I doubt can show less mercy for men, at least most women. See my answer to the poster above, women are literally raised to coddle men and this is even continued by women themselves. We seem to be incapable to just let men go and take care of ourselves.
No. 458599>>458640
>>458507This is horrifying. I've watched documentaries about doctors giving women hysterectomies without their consent or secretely using their own sperm in IVF. Those men have all done this to several women and were only caught after decades of malpractice; even though every time, it turns out some colleagues suspected or outright knew they were doing this.
I hope there can be better screening and psych evaluations for med students/new doctors to identify power-drunk men who only practice to fulfill their misogynist fantasies, but I doubt it. I've only seen women be outraged by these cases, men feel too little empathy for us to give a shit.
No. 458640>>458674>>458690
>>458599Met a med student years ago off of fetlife for a no strings thing. We got a coffee first and when he dropped me back home he said he'd changed his mind. I'd never had that happen before but I said oh ok then no problem. He hmmed and hawwed like he wanted me to convince him. I went home and he messages me not twenty mins later saying he wanted me.. I said I wasnt in mood at that point
During our coffee all he spoke about was his expensive car and how he's going to be a doctor soon. I think his initial rejection was a power play move but he lost out because of it, I was too experienced for him to manipulate. When I next saw his fetlife profile he was looking for 'submissive kitten girls' and rape and non-consent had been added to his list of interests
Like a good chunk of men on that site he likes his women to be submissive but also chases completely non-sub women to 'convert' them
No. 458668>>458673
File (hide): 1567780932601.png (277.55 KB, 1455x558, Screenshot 2019-09-06 at 15.41…) someone in the USA contact this judge's court and let them know she's been doxxed? She seems to have 2 small children of her own.
No. 458671>>458714
>>458565>How do you even leave it behind though?We need to rise a new generation of women that don't take bullshit, girls learn this behavior since birth and we need to change that the most we can, the sooner the better. Society can influence them of course but the mindset will be on place already. Adult men rise boys to act despicable to woman later, so we need to shield back and rise girls to be wary and cold with them, basic strategy. This is actually the system on poorer countries (like mine) since rape and abuse is more rampant, so i'm very used to this and men being shit, i thank a lot my mother for rising me telling me the truth and how to avoid them so nobody could take advantage on me.
It's sad to see women from other countries die because they don't know how to spot and avoid bad men in relationships, they think it would be "sexist" to do so but when you're in danger being polite won't save you from him, don't project your humanity and kindness on them cause they won't do the same for you actually the opposite. "They can get better", nope, maybe on 200 years when they cut the bullshit or we segregate but not now, this generation of men is shit and the next would be too, your life it's your priority not some manchild's feelings, they may call you a bitch or "picky" but at least you won't get abused or die.
No. 458674>>458692
>>458640Like 50% of male doctors I meet as a patient have been fucking creeps. I’ve spoken about my weird experiences with male doctors at walk in clinics before. I don’t trust male doctors in 2019, where all of them go home and watch a couple hours of hardcore teen porn… it’s no wonder they’re point blank creepy.
You dodged a bullet, anon.
Plus a lot of male sports doctors that have interactions with kids are getting revealed as pedos lately. I’m surprised there’s no more revelation of other types of doctors having super fucked up kinks and basically abusing their patients, sexually or misogynistically or otherwise… I guess they are super protected by their industry but men are horribly sociopathic so I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes the next MeToo thing.
No. 458686
>>458525pretty much, a few years ago if men had weird desires he would attempt to control them and condition himself to forget them or even seek help, now if men have weird desires they can go to 4chan and find communities of psychotic men who do nothing but encourage more psychotoicness and extreme beliefs
men are easily memed as you said too, isn't it funny how not long ago men thought anything to do with gayness was gross and blasphemy nowadays all men wanna fuck shemales
No. 458697>>458701>>458703>>458708
>>458693He didn't talk shit until after the kid died. But investigators found the mother wasn't at fault and he had a previous medical condition that lead to his death, so the father is probably just expressing grief in an autismal way and it's no ones fault.
Still a bit mental to get locked up for critizing a court decision in the U.S. but of course the incel squad are just going to make things worse for everyone involved harassing the judge.
No. 458701
>>458697>But investigators found the mother wasn't at fault and he had a previous medical condition that lead to his death, so the father is probably just expressing grief in an autismal way and it's no ones it wasn't some case of ebul wimminz taking a child away, getting the man locked up and killing the child?
figured as much, incels are known to be untrustworthy narrators
No. 458703
>>458697he was posting unhinged rants and videos of him ranting on Facebook, specifically targeting this judge who didn't even hear the case. with the climate these days I can see pokice starting to arrest unhinged ranters just to be safe.
it's a tragic loss, but ultimately not anyone's fault and it's good if white men don't have the luxury of acting crazy on social media anymore.
No. 458708
>>458706>bottom line is always "white pyplo" isn't it? So black men can be crazy? women can be crazy? Bad and good wrongdoings are not about race you doofus.nice strawman Greg, you rarely see women or black people posting crazy unhinged videos of themselves, I'm glad you're admitting to his psychotic behavior however so it shouldn't be an issue to understand why a judge wouldn't want to give custody to a man exhibiting extreme and psychotic behavior, right?
>The race and gender of the judge and the parent who killed the childlook back at
>>458697 he has a medical condition that led to his death, therefore she did not kill the child, if you believe otherwise please provide proof
>I don't get this racism americans have. Tumblr and intersectionality have turn you into illogical morons.
>white men should face consequences for acting crazy on social media >A-ARE YOU SAYING BLACKS AND WOMEN CAN????>RAYCIST RAYCIST RAYCISToh for fucks sake, your
victim complex is even bigger than most 2012 tumblr feminists, it's pathetic to mimic the behaviors of the people you hate for having the behaviors you're mimicking
No. 458723>>458725>>458730
>>458719>Yes, they did defend the abuse, becase "lol scrotes deserve it for being rapists" or because "It's hot"we are talking about the custody dude right? what the fuck are you on about? show me where anyone said "scrotes deserve it for being rapists because it's hot"
>No one said anything about poor opressed men, so cut it ouy with your strawmancould say the same to you, you're bringing up male issues in a man hate thread, this is exactly what I mean lmfao
>This IS a female space, what it's not is a space that aceepts every opinion. If you are a piece of shit that laughs and is indifferent at vitcims you will be called out. if only 4chan, reddit, youtube, and almost every corner of the internet felt the same about women
who was laughing at
victims btw? you know since I was the one strawmanning apparently
>If you want a place where you can be horrible with everyone agreeing with you try 4chan, you might be better suited there.this is literally a man hate thread, some people are extreme here, if you want something more male friendly literally go anywhere else, some people here hate men, again, man hate thread, sorry a man hate thread isn't male friendly enough to your liking lmao
I swear the nerve of some people
No. 458726>>458728>>458729>>458730>>458734
>>458725you brought up an irrelevant conversation from days ago when we were talking about custody dude, you then claim anons defend abuse "because scrots deserve it and it's hot" which I have yet to see
how many times do I have to remind you, this is a MAN HATE thread, go to reddit or tumblr if someone thinking grown men being accountable for their actions is too much for you, the fact that men being accountable for their actions is way too evil and hurtful for you literally proves how easy men have it
No. 458729>>458733
>>458726NTA but we didn't bring it up, she did. We answered because I am not going to be ok with people blaming
victims. If you want to see that defense scroll up, unless you want me to spoonfeed you.
VICTIM HATE. I am not going to hate vitims due to their sex and your defense of it is abhorrent and immoral to a disgusting degree.
No. 458730>>458733>>458735
>>458725 said, follow the reply train to see what that message was about.
>>458726I don't know why she necroed that conversation but she did. Why are you getting
triggered that people answered to her?
No. 458733>>458737>>458742
>>458728my point still stands, stay out of things if you don't know what you're talking about
>>458729>We answered because I am not going to be ok with people blaming victims.well you're not getting anywhere by claiming we want scrots to get abused because we think they're all rapists, we've been saying since day one we don't hate men and it's sad and pathetic, it's no wonder many anons just gave up and went for misandry mode
>If you want to see that defense scroll up, unless you want me to spoonfeed me where people are blaming
victimsand no, us not defending a guy for his psychotic behavior isn't blaming
victimsus not coddling grown men who consent to do violent porn for money isn't blaming
>YES ITS MAN HATE, NOT VICTIM HATE. I am not going to hate vitims due to their sex and your defense of it is abhorrent and immoral to a disgusting'd have a better point if you actually knew what you were talking about
>>458730>What >>458725 said, follow the reply train to see what that message was about. I saw, again, my point still stands, no one said "they deserve it for being rapists" and if they did I will pay you to show me
I did however see an anon thinking it was hot, but hey, again, MAN HATE THREAD, it is NOT male friendly here, some people here literally want all men to die of violent deaths, go somewhere else if a man hate thread isn't male friendly enough for you
>I don't know why she necroed that conversation but she did. Why are you getting triggered that people answered to her?what are you on about?
No. 458734>>458740>>458741
>>458726>anons defend abuse "because scrots deserve it and it's hot" Here's where anon said it was hot
>>457165, but backtracks on the homeless dude when she realizes his situation
>>457180, and the discussion was resolved amicably
No. 458737>>458741
>>458733>Bitterness leading to hate is okNo anon, disliking men as a class is more than fine. Liking mentally ill homeless men being paid to be beaten is not ok.
>show me where people are blaming victimsI missworded this, so this is on me. It was not blame. It was deriving pleasure from it, which is just as bad imo. It is here>>457143
>It's hot when men are abused and enduring, and like >>457013 said, physically their bodies are built to handle it better than women can.and here
>>457165>It was pretty hot and I enjoyed when he broke down crying. His reactions were pretty goodIs that enough for you or do you want me to fetch more posts?
>>458733>you'd have a better point if you actually knew what you were talking aboutYou'd have better point if you made arguments
No. 458741>>458745>>458748>>458750
>>458734okay lets look at it
>first anon is a bit extreme I admit but nowhere did she say "scrots deserve abuse for all being rapists>she said she doesn't have empathy for women who pander to scrots and that she doesn't feel bad about them getting things they claim to wantthis is fair, if a woman claims she wants to be used and abused by men what can you do? why should people feel bad if this is what she claims she wants?
she also said she was turned on by extreme stuff which she never specified if she meant consent or not, but god forbid men get a taste of their own medicine of one woman having a femdom fetish
until we know if she meant consent or non consensual slapping, hitting, etc, it's not fair to claim an anon liking to dom men is somehow
victim blaming and demanding men to be abused
>second one is the same femdom one, which again, just has an extreme fetish, and again never specified her feelings about consent or blamed men (???)>>457165, but backtracks on the homeless dude when she realizes his situation
again, extreme fetishes, he consented to it, there is no
victim blaming or
victim hate here
>>458735you brought up an irrelevant conversation and claiming extreme things just because one anon has a slight femdom fetish, you also make claims of
victim blaming of men which I have yet to see
>>458737>Liking mentally ill homeless men being paid to be beaten is not ok.most americans are mentally ill, being homeless or mentally ill doesn't give you a pass unless the mental illness is literally dehabilitating, most scizos are high functioning and lots of homeless fake mental illness
he consented, he got paid, he knew what he was getting into, he is not a child, he is not a
>It was deriving pleasure from it, which is just as bad imo.there are no
victims here
all you pointed out was the anon was into femdom, which again is expected from a man hate thread and unless she was demanding for men to be beaten unconsentually you have no point
No. 458742>>458749
>>458733>MAN HATE THREAD, it is NOT male friendly here, some people here literally want all men to die of violent deaths, go somewhere else if a man hate thread isn't male friendly enough for youYou might want to reread the OP post of this thread anon. Man hate threads have actually been discontinued. here is what it says.
>Vent about scrots here! Share your experiences with annoying, terrible, worthless men you've encountered. Post screenshots of men being awful. Talk about how you avoid shitty men and why.
>some people here literally want all men to die of violent deathsThat is actually femcel sperging according to the OP again, so I am afraid you are wrong again.
No. 458749>>458751
>>458742>You might want to reread the OP post of this thread anon. Man hate threads have actually been discontinued. here is what it pill is manhatelite, there is no rules about no man hating, in fact if you post man hate outside of this thread you get told to come here
nothing in the OP said anything about "don't hate men!!!"
do you know what you're talking about?
>That is actually femcel sperging according to the OP again, so I am afraid you are wrong again.nothing in the OP defined, or even said femcel sperging
the OP said the type of stuff that is posted in man hate threads, it was man hate "do's" not "don't hate men"
you're the only one that's wrong here, reading comprehension is important, unless you want to show me, quote to quote, in the OP, where they mention to limit man hate, or define femcel sperging as you claim
No. 458750
>>458741he consented, he got paid, he knew what he was getting into, he is not a child, he is not a
victimI don't know what to say to you, you are obviously very disturbed. I am going to have a break. Rethink your life if you don't think homeless insane people are not civtims when being paid 50 dollars to be beaten and sent to the hospital.
No. 458752>>458755
>>458748bro …. a huge % of mentality ill people are
exclusively into violent or subversive sex acts
No. 458753>>458760
>>458748>Homeless and mentally ill people can not consent to being into violent pornhomeless people are just people without a home, they aren't special snowflakes who can never be accountable for their actions, I've been homeless before, by treating them like special snowflakes who can't be accountable for their actions you only encourage this behavior, please explain to me how someones income or home situation somehow means if they can consent or not
as for mental illness if mentally ill people couldn't consent all of americans would be practically raping each other, mentally ill people can only not consent if the mental illness is dehabiliting like dementia
>This is like feminism 101. not even feminism, like basic legal predence.OK lawyer, show me, in the law, where it says homeless people can't consent to sex or porn
as for mental illness
as for claiming mentally ill people can't consent they are mentally ill enough to not consent, then they can't, but mental illness in general isn't some baby illness and a lot of mentally ill, including scizos are capable of consenting by law
No. 458763>>458764
>>458756>wanting rapists to face consequences for their actions is too much for lolcow pinpill threadwew
>>458755>Literally paying them to engage in it is illegal for a very good reasonwhere at?
>It's like paying a down syndrome person to have sex with them. Sure they might like sex, but it is illegal to pay them because it is seen (rightfully) as exploitation.because a lot of down syndrome people are low functioning, if one is high functioning they can consent
No. 458764>>458769
>>458763>wanting rapists to face consequences for their actions is too much for lolcow pinpill threadReading comprehension anon. Reread that sentence in the OP.
It's illegal in Greece where I am from. We actually had a case like that in my small town like 15 years ago and it was both illegal so the couple who paid her was jailed and also morally reprehensible so everyone hated them for it. It's why I don't get how you are so calous about it, it seems so morally wrong to me. Also on the functioning thing, I generally agree, but there can be high functioning appearing mentally ill people that can be taken advantage off, due to the fact that their mental illness does not manifest visually.
No. 458768>>458772
>>458760>but people-that-have-issues hatinggod forbid people be accountable for their actions
>I am not saying they are not accountable, I am saying they are a vulnerable group of people and we should do what is possible to stop them being abusedokay, so a man meets someone who agrees to pay him money if he does porn and he agrees, he is not a
victim, he, unless stated by the court, is legally able to consent, regardless of how "vurnerable" he is
this goes for everyone, if homeless mentally ill women have to be accountable for themselves if they do porn so do men
>Someones income or home situation makes someone vullnerable to being taken advantage ofokay but he agreed and he knew what he was consenting too, if they scammed him that would be another story
>you sound like libertarians who claim that being a coal miner or a soldier or a prostitute is a choice becase "Well they chose it". People don't go into these professions if they have alternatives. There is no actual choice involved.I knew plenty of homeless people who didn't become prostitutes, porn stars, soldiers, etc. there's plenty of jobs out there, regardless of his situation no one forced him to do that, they have plenty of choices for bottom the barrel folks. porn just happens to be one of them and that's what he chose, again he is not a baby, he knew what he was getting into, I don't see the issue with acknowledging people choose their actions
No. 458775>>458779
>>458772>Considering the court rules in favor of the homess man then yes he was not able to consent and was taken advantage oflink?
>The man and then woman who were charged actually were found guilty, so the court agrees with the fact that he was exploited. Even the court system of a capitalistic system agrees with me anon, your position is outright cruel.exploited =/= abused
he was not abused, maybe underpaid or taken advantage of, however he isn't an abuse
victim like you are suggesting
No. 458781>>458784>>458787
>>458771It's not about being blue collar, it's about being sexually exploited. You are not going to be sexually exploited in an office work.
>>458776I am actually a history teacher thank you very much.
No. 458784>>458786
>>458779treating them kindly still means to hold them accountable for their actions and acknowledge the fact they consented
also she was charged with exploitation, not abuse, further proving my point
>>458781>You are not going to be sexually exploited in an office work. exploitation happens in all kinds of jobs, now lets go back to the original point from earlier
an anon claimed that this was abuse and ebul fem anons were
victim-blaming and thinking it's hot, now that we both agree the men did consent to it and while it was exploitation, it wasn't abuse, great? now let's get back on topic
>I am actually a history teacher thank you very much.shocker
No. 458786>>458790
>>458784Anon, I did not use abuse as a legal term, I used it as a day to day term. I consider exploiting homeless and mentally ill people to beat them up so bad that some of them end up in the hospital abuse.
>>458784Anon, how did they consent if it was exploitation? They could not consent, that was the whole point of the case… Also I explained why I think it is abuse, legal terms and day to day terms are different.
What's your beef with history teachers?
No. 458790>>458792>>458793
>>458786>Anon, I did not use abuse as a legal term,the entire reason we are even arguing is because an anon claimed that ebul femanons were
victim blaming,
victim hating, and getting off on abuse
>I consider exploiting homeless and mentally ill people to beat them up so bad that some of them end up in the hospital abuse.that's your issue, I don't consider people consenting to being beat abuse
>how did they consent if it was exploitation?>hey wanna get beat by whips and I'll pay>okay
exploitation is exploitation, not abuse, the case acknowledged they consented but also acknowledge the exploitation
>What's your beef with history teachers?low paying, teachers, especially in america tend to be bitter and either overly strict or too ditzy
No. 458792>>458796
>>458790>that ebul femanons were victim blaming, victim hating, and getting off on abuseAll of those things happened in this very thread, because as I said I view what happened to those men as abuse. You might only call it exploitation. I don't really see how semantics is the issue here? They were civtims who were taken advantage and some anons gloated about it.
>that's your issue, I don't consider people consenting to being beat abuseThese people were mentally ill, stop pretending they were fully functional adults, it's intellectually dishonest. No one would care if they were not mentally ill, as the prosecutor said in the case. You are missprepresenting my argument.
>low paying, teachers, especially in america tend to be bitter and either overly strict or too ditzyI am Greek anon, it's quite nice here. Comfy and average pay and we have the summer free, so I am not like that.
No. 458796>>458798
>>458792>All of those things happened in this very thread,they didn't and we came to that conclusion, one anon had a femdom fetish and said it was hot and that's about it, but it was not abuse because he consented
> You might only call it exploitation. I don't really see how semantics is the issue here? They were civtims who were taken advantage and some anons gloated about one anon called it hot and got shit on to hell and back. one anon said that men consenting to being beat was hot and it was enough to shit up a thread with "U BITCHES ARE JUSTIFYING ABUSE AND SAYING ALL SCROTS DESERVE ABUSE FOR BEING RAPISTS (which I still have yet to see) AND BECAUSE IT'S HOT(which I saw, but as I thought, she was talking about consensual abuse and it was one anon)
>These people were mentally ill, stop pretending they were fully functional adults, it's intellectually dishonest.being mentally ill, as we resolved earlier, only doesn't allow you to consent if you are dysfunctional, the man was functional, as most schizophrenics are, if all mentally ill people can't consent we might as well arrest most americans since all of them claim to have autism, scizo, PTSD, and every other mental illness in the book and they're all fucking too, what anon are they raping each other?
>No one would care if they were not mentally ill, as the prosecutor said in the case. You are missprepresenting my argument.again, back to the mental illness argument, anyone can claim to be mentally ill, unless you are proven not to be able to consent you are responsible for your actions and can consent
>so I am not like it's no wonder you want people to be treated like babies if they can claim mental illness despite most mentally ill being functional
No. 458798>>458802
>>458796You keep insisted that he consented. The court itself said he did not consent. Your entire post is completely missing the point. You simply refuse to admit these men were
victims, I can not convince and I doubt anyone can. You are a cruel person and someone who lacks empathy, I am sorry for the people in your life. I hope they never fall from the level of responsibility you demand from them. I will choose to care and be empathetic to others, especially those who have been victimised. And will make those around me happier and healthier, unlike you
No. 458802>>458803
>>458798>You keep insisted that he consented. The court itself said he did not consentquote in the article where is said specfically they didn't consider it consent
>I hope they never fall from the level of responsibility you demand from themthanks for admitting that you think making adults responsible is "cruel and abuse"
No. 458803>>458805>>458808
>>458802There would be no criminal sentence if they were considered able to consent…
Your insistence on personal reponsibility of marginalized and vulnerable people is what makes you cruel. You sounds worse than Libertarians as I already said. Also, pretty much everyone in the original conversation disagrees with you. You alone keep insisting. and yes I know, argument of popularity, but more often than not, when everyone says the opposite, then you're the one being wrong.
No. 458804>>458806
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>mfw trying to find the start of this argument to pick a side
No. 458805>>458807
>>458803>There would be no criminal sentence if they were considered able to consentyou clearly didn't read your own article, she was sentenced for exploitation, not abuse, if the court agreed he was not able to consent not only would she be sentenced longer but she would have counts of physical and sexual abuse, not just exploitation
>Your insistence on personal reponsibility of marginalized and vulnerable people is what makes you cruelbeing homeless doesn't make you unaccountable for your actions, having a mental illness such as schizophrenia that doesn't impair you doesn't make you irresponsible for your actions
if you are schizophrenic and homeless you don't get to cry sexual abuse just because you regretted something you consented too, if it worked that way a hell of a lot more people would be charged
>You sounds worse than Libertarians as I already said.ah yes the evil libertarians who think people should work for a living, so evil, so cruel
>Also, pretty much everyone in the original conversation disagrees with youyou mean people who just don't want to get involved in an argument?
>when everyone says the opposite, then you're the one being wrong.kinda unreliable especially if this place is either filled with nutheads or people who don't want to get involved, using the whole "people agree therefore I'm right" is pathetic and childish, use actual points, not elemetry school shit
No. 458806
>>458804Here anon, let me spoonfeed you
>>456887>>457013>>457143This is where it started. I don't know why that anon decided to necro it and then the other anon decided to sperg out to that degree though.
No. 458807>>458808
>ah yes the evil libertarians who think people should work for a living, so evil, so cruelAh ok so you are a libertarian. I guess that explains the retardation. I am not going to argue with you anymore, might as well be talking to a /pol/ack. You are no better. I hope I never encounter you in my life.
No. 458808>>458833
>>458803as for the difference between exploitation and abuse>There is considerable overlap between the terms “abuse” and “exploitation”.Abuse is defined as “the process of making bad or improper use, or violating or
injuring, or to take bad advantage of, or maltreat, the person,” while exploitation
literally means “using for one’s own profit or for selfish purposes" 1
>>458807>SHE WAS CONVICTED FOR EXPLOITATION THAT LED TO ABUSEshe was convicted for exploitation, not abuse, the court acknowledged they consented, you also claim "there would be no criminal sentence if they consented" which you later contradict yourself
she was not convicted for abuse like you claim, period. therefore, by legal terms, the men consented to the beating therefore were not abused but exploitated
>Ah ok so you are a libertarian. I guess that explains the retardation.I mean, if your argument against libertarian is that you disagree people shouldn't have to work for a living you're only making yourself and what you stand for look bad, sorry me thinking people having to work for money and that money shouldn't be handed to them for nothing is too extreme for you
No. 458833>>458841>>458887>>458911>>458981
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>>458808so your idea of working for a living includes mentally ill homeless people getting paid to do fucked up shit by exploiters. I think you're so wrapped up in the man hate angle that you haven't taken a step back to look at the larger picture. What if it was a mentally ill homeless woman getting paid by exploiters?
i don't agree with greek anon calling it abuse (though I understand how her culture has shaped that opinion), maybe
abusive behavior, but i do agree he was a
victim of a crime and the situation is worthy of empathy.
libertarianism is short-sighted because it never asks for empathy for those who simply cannot take care of every aspect of their lives, and most libertarians just paint people in unfortunate situations as lazy or stupid. it's definitely a position taken by privileged people. why are you even in the pinkpill thread? libertarianism is not much of a benefit to women since it's directly against things like social services which overwhelmingly support women and children
victims of male abuse and exploitation. it does, however, highly benefit and attract men, especially low empathy privileged ones, who are VERY often the topic of this thread. female libertarians are some of the biggest handmaidens, so it's interesting that you're so rabid about man hating when it's obvious you don't give a shit about women either. Tho I guess technically pink pill doesn't mean you have to start giving a shit about women either.
PS you're retarded for sperging this hard and long about a literal non-issue. no one even cared about the original necro before your autism showed up to ruin the party.
PPS back on topic, the amount of unironic replies thinking this is an actual japanese woman…. even those who acknowledge it's a larping neckbeard still say "but he has a point!!" completely unaware of how pathetic this makes them look… No. 458841>>458851
>>458833>o your idea of working for a living includes mentally ill homeless people getting paid to do fucked up shit by exploiters.there are many jobs out there, most americans are mentally ill but most americans still have jobs, homelessness should only motivate you to get a job
I'm against porn but I'm not denying the fact that consent was given
>What if it was a mentally ill homeless woman getting paid by exploiters? I brought this up before, depending on if the mental illness caused her to be dysfunctional it is her choice and she consented, while she was exploited she was not abused, and people are already saying homeless mentally ill women have it "easy" because they can do such things what are you saying
>victim of a crime and the situation is worthy of empathy. of exploitation, not abuse
>libertarianism is short-sighted because it never asks for empathy for those who simply cannot take care of every aspect of their lives, and most libertarians just paint people in unfortunate situations as lazy or stupid. it's definitely a position taken by privileged people.that's mostly republicans, I'm not saying they're lazy or stupid, I'm just saying that they weren't abused, however they do need help I'll admit but if they're functional at the end of the day they can't depend on other people to help them. The world is cold I hate to say but removing their responsibilities only hurts them and teaches them to be reliable on other people
>why are you even in the pinkpill thread? libertarianism is not much of a benefit to women since it's directly against things like social services which overwhelmingly support women and children victims of male abuse and exploitation.I never said I was a libertarian, the anon did. saying people need to be responsible for their actions isn't saying we need to remove all social services, where you even got that from I do not know, I'm just saying people shouldn't be handed money for existing and if they're able to work then they should
>it's obvious you don't give a shit about women about we actually discuss what I believe instead of drawing insane conclusions about me?
No. 458888
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>>458880he doesn't care about the fetuses, either. it's not inconsistent when you see that his goal is to just piss off as many groups of people
he doesn't relate to as possible. nonwhite people, gays, women are all fair game to guys like this. he's also an alt-righter and being pro-choice is the "liberal" position, so he would never take that place anyway.
I think most alt-righty men are like this. they only care to flex for their bros and be as offensive as possible.
anyway, it should be very easy to piss off and annoy this type of man. see pic.
No. 458889>>458891>>458911
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>>458880Fetuses are a cause championed by those who don't actually give a single fuck about others
No. 458892>>458925
>>458887lol I've seen then larping around MGTOW and MRA comment sections, they got called a few times for their larping since they couldn't keep it persistent or at least make a new channel that's more believable, all the japanese women I know spend their time watching old men cry about how evil women are and how women are out to get them, douche bag cheap car mod channels, building stuff, and of course the most remarkable middle aged old man channel, fucking river monsters lmao
No. 458917>>458924
>>458911I mean… there are Christians who aren't totally awful people, even ministers. The full quote states the source is a minister named Dave Barnhart, who is a published author etc and obviously a real person.
People don't usually larp to convey a fair and reasonable opinion in the first place.
No. 458925>>458999
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>>458892mgtows and mras love their tall tales
one minute they're young Japanese women, next minute they're 30 yr old business-owning billionaires who drive Lamborghinis, next minute they're gym owning football quarterbacks who fuck all the cheerleaders, the minute after that they're college chads who totally have all-girls stalking him, going crazy over him, have fistfights over him and have threesomes every night with girls begging for him at their door, next minute they're high schoolers getting blackpilled because Stacy didn't want to suck his dick in the school parking lot, next minute they're sugar daddies who took all these girls virginites and made them obsessed, but the most realistic ones are the ones who claim to be middle aged white men who get mad that they got a mail order bride and was disappointed when she wasn't a perfect submissive sex doll who never aged
also that brings me to another point, why do so many males, even average men, make up insane stories about how some hot girl was stalking him and begging for his cock? how many women do you know that are like this but somehow all men have these crazy nympho stories of a hot girl stalking them and showing up to their doorstep begging for their cock?
just lying about the types of women they've been with in general, is this some sort of emotional manipulation tactic to try to make their current try harder? for me it only throws up red flags and makes me want to leave
not to mention anytime men see/hear/think of better sex becomes more of a bother, think of how many men on the internet are crying about how their current gf can't deep throat/has a low sex drive/ has small boobs/ has an outtie vagina/ etc and how their totally hot ex was a big titted porn star virgin and now it makes them dread their current relationship, that's why they're so paranoid about us fucking chad, at least if women have had "better" they're optimistic and try to see good and are happy with their current, men just hate women and can never stop nitpicking them or dreading their every flaw
No. 458976
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what's with men's obsession with claiming women are phone addicts? I've met more men who are phone addicts than women lmao, unless they're teens but teens are all dumb
No. 458981>>459037
>>458833>person with an anime profile pic announces "I am a Japanese woman" and proceeds to spout some bullshit about "western women" that sounds fresh from the keyboard of a hentai-addicted incelI refuse to believe anyone would be dumb enough to actually believe this shitty LARP. The scrotes at r/MGTOW must be pretending to believe it purely for the sake of the argument.
I bet the comment section of whatever video that came from is full of thirst from fellow incels who won't even care if they're getting catfished, too.
No. 458986>>459015>>459037
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>ladies of this century
lol what did women in the past not age, have sex, have kids, or whatever? why do they hate women for being human?
No. 459015
>>458924No it's not, it's done to create a false sense of credibility and authority on a topic. The quote about abortions doesn't really need a source, it speaks for itself whereas mgtow nonsense is an obvious pathetic cope when coming from a man. They pretend to be women when they want people to think their revenge fantasies are validated.
>>458986wtf is this scrot even trying to say? That those things make us miserable and inferior, but if we try to escape 'Male Authourity [sic]' we will also be miserable and inferior? The rude awakening we're all facing is that men and marriage are likely to negatively impact our happiness, self esteem and often finances, not that our existence is hopeless because we ~hit the wall~.
No. 459037>>459074
>>458981Mgtows love Japanese women too. It's too obvious of a larping male trying his best to make sure white women copy east asian women, reject bodily autonomy and become their ideal submissive quiet background waifu.
>>458986>we are men going our own way>keeps talking about women in everythingThey will never get over the fact that women aren't chasing them or begging them to come back. Wonder if they actually ban you for making a post that isn't related to women at all at this point
>>458999Place your bets that none of those posters on reddit asking that actually have girlfriends but they watch so much porn they consider specific stars their gfs and guess the measurements of their labia.
No. 459074>>459079
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>>459037>Place your bets that none of those posters on Reddit asking that actually have girlfriends.we can only hope anon but I always read stories of men doing horrendous things to their girlfriend like this so it makes me wonder. There's men on the internet dreading their relationships because their ex was perfect and their current dare have a feature they don't find attractive and there are women on the internet saying how their boyfriend never stops shitting on them, emotionally abusing them, refusing sex or affection with them, cheating on them, etc solely because the woman doesn't have a feature the man finds attractive
No. 459098>>459099>>459102
>>459083>that one guy who posted pictures of his girlfriend so other men could shit on her bodyWtf, her boobs aren't even saggy? Men are truly ruined by porn and plastic surgery.
I would be much more willing to date if men weren't stuck in this pattern of dating women they don't even find physically attractive. If I don't think a man's body is good enough, I'll reject him. If a man doesn't think my body is good enough, he'll still date me for convenient access to sex, while resenting me for my subpar looks and searching for an upgrade the whole time. I'd rather be rejected a million times over.
No. 459102>>459118>>459145
>>459098because resenting them isn't bad enough, men have to
>be unaffectionate, unloving, uncaring towards the woman if they don't find her physically attractive, sometimes they'll do things that would be considered emotional abuse, thus causing a lot of emotional damage towards the woman and her view on future relationships, men, body image, eating disorders, etc>instead of keeping their thoughts to themselves or even attempting to find good and attractive things about a woman they're supposed to love and care for, they then betray her and go on the internet and shit on her and humiliate her>because that wasn't good enough they then violate her and put her out there on forums creeps are known to stalk women, for other men to shit and humiliate on the poor girl>all this because she doesn't look like a fucking hentai drawing>and being so deluded by porn and photoshop that perfectly normal and healthy-looking breasts on a woman were enough to cause all of thisthe sad part is none of this is uncommon, just type in "my girlfriend is/has [feature]" and you run through pages and pages of men doing exactly this
No. 459115
>>459083That's rich considering how many men have their own boobs that women don't dare to point out..
As a woman who's attracted to other women I can't even understand what's so unappealing about less perky boobs. If breasts have weight to them that's just how they're gonna rest. Bet they don't want to date A cup women either
No. 459118>>459129
>>459102They're basically upset with gravity for existing then, and that's somehow womens fault
I remember growing up the message was always that boobs of a decent size were what men desire, now they also need to be a shape that nature rarely creates (or keeps) Cool
No. 459129>>459145
>>459118shape, size, ratio to body, nipple size, etc do so many men hate big nipples? it's like if men started hating women who have wider hips than their waist,soft jaws, butts and boob fat, big nipples are part of sexual dimorphism but somehow we're supposed to have all the things they declare attractive by sexual dimorphism but we aren't allowed to have things they declare unattractive that come with sexual dimorphism
also peak this retard asking for ways he can make his girlfriends nipples smaller
No. 459143>>459144>>459145>>459148
>>459130I've seen plenty of porn titled 'big saggy tits' and seen enough comments under amateur porn where the amount of movement that saggy breasts have while fucking.. is exactly what guys were finding hot
I do think men are divided into two categories, one where they want 'perfection' and the other where they'll fuck anyone and everything is hot
No. 459145>>459149
rarely, the vast majority of men are just like
>>459129 >>459074
>>459083>>459102>>459143if you're a young girl 16 - 30 chances are you'll be more likely to run into men like so rather than men who like things that are conventionally unattractive by societies standards
No. 459149>>459156
>>459146Yeah, porn is definetely a major culprit.
>>459145I know a lot of people give girls shit for going for older men, but younger men are sooo shit when it comes to their expectations and treatment of women their age it's unreal. It's a lot more likely to find a decent man in his 30s than in his 20s, not that there aren't a ton of terrible ones ofc.
No. 459168>>459204>>459208
>>459146just porn in general fucked men up so badly, it doesn't help insecure women go out of their way to mimic porn stars both body and act wise men don't know what good and genuine sex with women is like anymore
>excess moaning, especially when giving blowjobs>expecting all women to choke on their dick for hours but will only lick pussy for a few seconds if they even do it at all>thinking women can cum from sucking dick as well as expecting it and expecting women to WANT to do it, thus acting ungrateful for women effort to please them>anal, thinking anal should be expected, forgetting that it's where shit comes out of and the porn stars who do anal change their diets, take pills, douche, bleach, train with plugs etc and that they can't just randomly ram it in a girls ass and expect it to go well>thinking anal should be expected and women who don't do anal are boring prudes>failing to understand vaginal anatomy (hentai addicts)>thinking some kisses, a blowjob and maybe a boob or butt grab is enough foreplay to start jackhammering >expecting mens bodies to get stimulated but barely stimulating women's bodies if any at all>deluded men on what women's natural bodies look like, they demand women to have perfect bodies naturally but when women do have nice bodies they don't even want to touch them or even compliment them or anything? what's the point of shitting yourself if your girlfriend doesn't look like a porn star if you don't even want to touch women's bodies to begin with unless you're beating them(this was especially disappointing for me because I have really sensitive areas on my body and fantasize about them being touched and caressed but now men just ignore most areas outside of the pussy and ass)
>thinking all women like roughness>thinking women who do like roughness means things like "bite her like you're trying to rip flesh off" or "pull her hair like you're trying to remove it">bdsm, don't even get me started>being conceited and egotistical during sex and thinking women are turned on by them waving their stinky smell deformed dick around and screaming "you want this cock don't you whore" with a puny nerd voice >thinking women can cum on demand>wanting to try a bunch of positions but refusing to realize that most positions are done soley to look pretty but not feel good>group sex always revolves around men being worshipped, even in femdom it's rare to find female friendly femdom because men confused "female domination" with "just lay there like a lazy slob while the woman does all the workanything I missed?
No. 459193>>459198>>459200
>>459186Yeah, that was such bullshit, as if we don't know rappers are some of the fucking worst influence out there, for both women, men and society in general
>but we know this site is partially run by dudesExcuse me? Since when?
No. 459198>>459207
>>459186agreed, we can talk about troons outside the gender-critical thread, we can talk about artists outside the artists thread, we can vent outside the vent thread, we can talk about literally any subject outside of the threads related to the subject but somehow there's different rules for pinkpilling? I understand containment and everything but you can't even discuss a double standard and it's somehow pink pilling ? it was an unpopular opinion thread too correct me if I'm wrong so it's not like it was out of place or anything
>>459193agree 100%, I hate how rap culture is pretty much the "thing" nowadays, but it's definitely insanely sexist and riddled with double standards
No. 459200>>459207
>>459193There is at least one scrote mod, and it even had a thread on meta. I always suspected half this place being catty gay guys but this confirmed it.
Spoiler alert: i really dislike gay scrotes, they are just about as messed up as normal scrotes and yet they manage to be even grosser and often very openly misogynistic but for some reason still fly under the radar and are allowed on female spaces. I am so fucking tired of every female social group i ever had since i was a kid always feature some gay asshole some girl insists on tagging along. And they are always, always the ones that break up the group, leech energy from everyone like parasites, acts manipulative, constantly negs every girl around and fuels all the drama.
Wish i was only projecting about one dude, but no, its every single time.
No. 459207>>459209
>>459198It glorifies criminality, failure and
toxic masculinity to the extreme. And it is the most popular music with youth, how the fuck can we expect them to not be fucked up? But when we talk about it we are racists, god I hate this so much.
>>459200Well shit, might as well allow maleposting then, how on earth did this happen? Doesn't the admin care? Is it her boyfriend or sth?
No. 459245>>459249
patriarchy ruined evolution, which is ironic considering how man evo-psych incels who can never shut up about natural selection and how all men should marry off fertile middle schoolers as soon as they get their period, if women reproduced with attractive strong men then we would have definitely evolved but because most women were forced to marry off and have kids with ugly rich dudes there's so many incels nowadays
No. 459252>>459257
>>459247that's because most of them choose to be, they're too lazy and think being healthy and acting sane is "too much!!"
also how so?
>>459249>women DID choose the strong men with big dicksmaybe back in the stone ages, but since the victorian eras it threw off evolution, allowing hideous weak men to reproduce because women were forced too, if you believe other prove instead of just saying
>which is why men are more dysmorphic than women and ha bigger penises than other primates and this is what got us here.huh, for the dysmorphic gender males sure have no problem insisting women need and want them, worshipping their own cock, thinking waving it around and telling women how badly they want it turns them on, and thinking they're too good for women who are their looks match
No. 459254>>459256>>459260
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so dysmorphic, poor men uwu
No. 459257>>459261>>459287
>>459250>No argument>>459252Oh you are absolutely correct that patriarchical civilization changed this sexual selection compeletely, but what led to those patriarchical forms to form WAS women's sexual selection back in the stone ages, that lead to the aggressive males being prefered.
>huh, for the dysmorphic gender males sure have no problem insisting women need and want them, worshipping their own cock, thinking waving it around and telling women how badly they want it turns them on, and thinking they're too good for women who are their looks matchMen are retarded, what's new.
No. 459263>>459267
>>459261>you know those strong men who fought battles all died in wars and the weak ones that stayed home continued to breedwho were they killed by anon? other men? who started the wars anon? other men?
the sad part is the only reason why so many war survivors are still alive is because "EVIL WOMEN!!!!" were nurses during wars and saved their ungrateful asses, not to mention how many women helped with delivering supplies
I'm actually glad you brought up wars
No. 459266>>459267
>>459262but really, how many men were lucky enough to be placed in high society and have harems and such? you talk about like every man on the planet had harems back at home. most of them were poor fuckers that slaved away like anyone else.
sorry but you sound like a scrote, thinking that going back in time would grant them an harem of hot waifus just because they are men lmao.
No. 459267
>>459263Exactly what anon said. When the strong and agressive men were killed, they were replaced by stronger and more agressive men, it's how we got here. One retarded tribe of women probably kept selecting for more and more agressive and violent scrots so the rest did the same to protect themselves. It's fucking ridiculous, we could be living in a matriarchy right now if not for that.
>>459266Not sure how I sound like a scrot, I never suggested all men had that. I literally said most of them did not reproduce, since they were you know, literally killed. If I remember correctly the narrowest our species came was 1 man for every 9 women. That means that the lessa gressive and violent men were being murdered left and right by the more agressive and violent ones, which secured a lot more women for the later. You completely missunderstood my posts.
No. 459270>>459273>>459278
>>459265Puke inducing quote-
"I have had this argument with a few girls I've dated and a lot get defensive and offended, however, there are certain things we MUST ALL do to have happy/healthy sex lives.
The only way to clean your butt is to not just clean your butt, but to clean your butt hole.. And to do this properly,You must first with your finger, rinse and wipe off any oils. To do this, You have to with one hand open you butt cheeks, relax your butt hole so it opens ever so slightly, With your other hand get one of your fingers and insert the tip, around the inside entrance. You then repeat with a lather of soap and then again to rinse"
I'm sorry we must all finger our assholes in the shower daily to be sex ready??
No. 459274>>459277
>>459265"But perhaps the worst pussy I ever had the displeasure of smelling was attached to an alarmingly overweight woman of Dutch extraction with whom I shacked up during a period when my self-esteem was dangerously low. Once you got past the rolls and rolls of stretchmarked hog fat, there lay her bedraggled pussy, crowned with a sparse reddish thorn bush. Her c~~~ looked like a fat slice of ham swimming in white gravy. Her crotch was a boiling fumarole of noxious emissions, a stinking puddle of snatch-slop. Her discharges were colored a sickly silver, with the gloppy consistency of herring sauce. The smells which emerged from between her bloated, floppy legs ranged from rotted onion to burnt crab to odors which were so fetid, I must force myself to stop thinking of them lest I scream"
This sounds like fiction, dude should write books
No. 459282
>>459277The whole convo is similar to his post too, womens genitals stink and yanno.. mens don't get a mention
Apparently we all skip showering for days on end too and even perfume is stinky
No. 459287>>459304
>>459257Evo-psyche is meme central you can construe it to argue for anything you want.
Early humans probably didn't fight each other that much at all since we were nomadic and would just move to another area if there was a conflict. Conquering another group is an agriculture thing since there's farm land to physically occupy.
No. 459294
I was reading yet another article about how women in straight relationships, marriages and families do most of the mental and invisible work. But of course, once again, the comments were full of people whining because "well what about MEN, men have to CHANGE CAR TIRES and MOW THE LAWN/SHOVEL SNOW and do all the RENOVATIONS". Like people still think that changing tires twice a year, mowing the lawn every few weeks (which you don't even have to do at all if you live in an apartment complex), and doing renovations every few years (at best), is anywhere near having to keep your household and family organized and functional every single day.
"Sure my wife is making sure our child is properly fed, clothed and gets to school and hobbies on time, and has to remind me every day to help her do the dishes, take out the trash and vacuum so our house doesn't turn into a dump, but I go to WORK and I even changed a lightbulb the other day, where's MY credit??"
No. 459303
>>459291Was shopping for toys online lately and was worried that all the insertable toys would look gross and realistic but was pleasantly surprised to see that non-realistic toys were the majority
Guess a lot of us dislike the appearance of penises and it's purely that general shape that actually does anything for us
No. 459307>>459316
>>459297I'm pretty thorough at cleaning but that guy wants to instruct people to finger themselves, it's an obvious perv post
I heard a story lately of a guy who always thought that to clean your ass you had to slip the bar of soap into your ass and one day his mom found shit stuck to the soap and he learned that he was doing it wrong lol
No. 459316>>459319>>459321
>>459307I'm just saying he has a
valid point and often people are so ignorant about cleaning themselves that I don't blame him for going into detail about it. People really are that dense.
>>459311Smell, I never saw any stains or I would probably legit yell at him. To be honest it wasn't that awful but still very noticeable whenever I was close to him down there and he wasn't wearing anything. Still didn't want to hurt his feelings so I suggested we took a shower and I showed him. I made it a point to show him putting soap on my finger and then I cleaned him. I had to do this a couple times before he took the hint and he started doing it the way I showed him.
Tbh he is a good guy besides this, I know he had negligent parents and he's not doing it out of laziness, he legit didn't know, and I doubt many people, even women, know how to clean down there either. I know my parents never taught me either. What the fuck is wrong with parents.
No. 459319>>459324
>>459316Tbh mine never taught me either, when I grew up we only had a bath at home so as an adult I guess I just got self aware once I was sexually active and learnt how to clean well in a shower
I've seen women complain about washing their bfs skidmarked underwear, I couldn't deal with that
No. 459324>>459340
>>459319>I've seen women complain about washing their bfs skidmarked underwearI couldn't either, clearly at that point they are self-aware and making their gf deal with their disgusting selves. Women really are too good for men.
>>459321Tbh I didn't really care because I clean my ass in the shower too. I love him and I'm not going to dump him for that. Besides that he is really good to me. What would be unbearable was if he knew and didn't clean properly anyway out of laziness/spite/not caring, or if he got offended from me telling him and didn't do it anyway. That is dump worthy behavior.
No. 459325>>459334
>>459321Same, I'd die. Why do women mother men and then say "but he's a good guy"
You cleaned his ass for him?!
No. 459334>>459341>>459344
>>459325Context here is important I think. He isn't some rando scrote who treats me like garbage and works to make my life and miserable as possible. Outside of this he's pretty much the one who "mothers" me, he feels guilty letting me do chores and does all of them, as well as cooking and yardwork. He cares most about me being happy and comfortable. After the whole ass cleaning thing he got more self-conscious and started trimming his ass hair because he was paranoid I thought he was disgusting down there lmao.
Not to mention the most effective way to get someone to do something, especially your SO, is to teach them not yell at them and humiliate them. People are extremely sensitive when it comes to matters like this. Hell, look at reddit and you'll see women who don't clean their ass PROPERLY and smell and their boyfriends who tiptoe around the issue, don't tell them to clean and lose attraction all together, or straight up yell at them and humiliate them.
tl;dr: Not my nigel.
>>459329Most people clean their asses, just not PROPERLY. Because they were never taught. They don't know how they smell down there. It's one thing if a guy doesn't even bother wiping (laziness), or has skidmarks (laziness, self-aware and doesn't care about inconveniencing you).
No. 459342
>>459306Actually men are sexually dysmorphic due to mutations in the Y chromosome (it's the chromosome that mutates at the fastest rate). Whether the mutations that are common now such as higher muscle mass and height were "selected for" is arguable; you could just as easily say that those men with strength raped all the women and made a lot of strong kids that continued the trend, lol.
On the other hand, women have been consciously selecting for the opposite traits to those mutations, for feminized men: No. 459343
>>459340Guys are fucking dense and stupid. You're right, it really shouldn't be a problem for anyone without brain damage.
>>459341Yeah, that's vile and absolutely inexcusable. You should never be able to smell someone's ass especially if they are clothed and not even in the vicinity of their ass. Men really do have a tendency to be disgusting, whether it's out of laziness, mental illness, or desire to offend others I have no idea.
No. 459344>>459347>>459348>>459349
I need to be more assertive about something. It does not happen very often (like a few times when we've been dating), but occasionally my boyfriend will show me a picture of a costhot from facebook and be like "that's hot right?"
Like. Why would you show me that? I am bi and he knows it, so maybe one could give him the benefit of the doubt that he's showing me because if he likes it, I will too. Except costhots(sorry if that sounds judgy, but that's how I see them) are the opposite of what I'm attracted to and come off as embarrassing and pandering. In reality he's basically showing me some woman with big boobs (I am pretty flat), makeup (not something I wear much), and in sexy costumes. Basically the opposite of what I am. And calling it hot like I'll just be okay with it. Go fuck yourself.
I do love him, and like
>>459334 says there's more to him than just this but it really hurts. I've been broken up before by a guy who found someone better/prettier and wanted to go after them instead so I have a big fear around never being good enough for someone, just being a temporary gf. I never say anything explicit to his face when he does this, just make a noncommittal sound and look back at my own phone. But I need to toughen up and tell him how much it fricken hurts.
No. 459347>>459350>>459353
>>459344Your bf is intentionally trying to make you feel insecure. He will claim ignorance when you confront him about this, but that's what happening.
Dump him or start doing the same thing to him.
No. 459348
>>459344What's his age/dating experience?
This shit should be really obvious = pointing out other women to talk about how hot they are is a fucking obvious no no
I know some guys do this on purpose, they enjoy the feeling it gives you
No. 459353>>459356>>459516
>>459347Call me naive or ignorant but I doubt it's legit trying to make me insecure. Oblivious and unaware of my feelings, most probably. That's something I need to address. But I may well be wrong. He's a few years older than me (I'm early 20s) and from what I can tell has had a few relationships before me.
I don't think ignoring is the best option, that will perpetuate this nonsense. If it comes up again I will make sure I have something to say to address it. I could do the same thing, but it's a little petty and I don't want to stoop as low. Also the people I'm physically attracted to is very few and far between. He is my type, but could work on his own appearance more so he is being pretty hypocritical. My taste in girls is a bit different than his and I've been more interested in my girl-attracted side of my bisexuality so I guess I could try teasing him with that.
>>459349 I do like dressing with a hint of sexiness on occasion (I do cosplay) but I don't feel like I'm attractive enough to pull it off atm. I also find constant sexy dressing makes it lose any impact and come off as cheap. That make sense?
No. 459356
>>459353Oh my god anon, if your bf is "oblivious" about something that obvious he's a literal retard.
I have no idea why women buy males' "oh we're just oblivious idiots with no knowledge of how our words or actions affect others!" shtick. Men know it's a lie, and women believe it because it's a cope to stop them from realizing their boyfriends/husbands don't give a shit about them.
No functioning male is that retarded. Men love making their girlfriends insecure, it's a power thing. You've already expended more emotional labor in coming here, making excuses for him, and trying to fabricate possible motivations than he ever will in your entire relationship together.
Don't play scrot games, anon. Tell him you know what he's doing and you don't like and you're not sure why he thought you would. When he denies, tell him you know he's not that stupid. He'll probably respect you more for it; men look down on women who fall for their bullshit.
No. 459357>>459358>>459360>>459375>>459523
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Why are men so obsessed with having biological children? They never take care of them, and even when they do, the mother is doing most of the rearing and educating to prepare their child for school.
I was talking to a guy who wanted kids and I asked him if he'd consider adopting, and he said no; I asked why not. "They're not really my kids." and he said this with disgust in his voice at the idea, and some confusion. This was a guy who said he hated his biological parents and considered his friends, his "adopted" family. He said he hated the quote, "Blood is thicker than water" because his parents said it all the time.
I got downvoted replying to post in pic related too.
No. 459365
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One could only hope.
Look at the votes, I'm cryin.' These butthurt scrotes. I'm waiting for a logical reply back, but all they can do is give thumbs. I added new fuel.
No. 459375>>459383>>459394>>459462>>459514
>>459357>in a traditional house, women are resented as being basically moochesI hate this shit so much.
Men whine about how stay-at-home moms are lazy, entitled, and spend all their husband's money without doing anything, but the women who do work are selfish and not taking care of their children. You're looked down upon no matter what.
There was a thread I saw on reddit a while back with a guy who left the country because he didn't want to pay alimony to his ex-wife of 20 or so years, basically laughing it up that because she spent her life raising kids, she has no work experience, no money, and won't be able to find a job/will probably be homeless soon.
Giving up your career to have kids and stay at home is a gamble if your relationship ends. You can easily wind up in your 40s or 50s with no money, no work experience, and you're less "desirable" to get married again.
Can't imagine why any woman would want to keep some semblance of self-sufficiency in her life after getting married.
No. 459383>>459389>>459405>>459462
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>>459375Another thing I didn't mention, most men are porn addicted and many are prone to cheating on you. I was going to write that in my comment, but decided to keep it short. There's a new disliker on my post whose profile I decided to look at, and it's all porn. I'm fucking deceased. Living stereotypes that only make me swallow the pink pill harder. You don't deserve a loyal traditional wife if you're mentally having an affair with literally every nude woman that passes your virtual vision. Men can move on after they leave, despite having a history of a cheater, but women, unfortunately do, detract in value in the sights of certain males (and pickmes), even if they were a relatively decent and loyal spouse.
No. 459394>>459403>>459405
>>459375>You're looked down upon no matter what.Especially if you don't have kids at all. The absolute fear mongering men do when it comes to women who decide against having children, holy shit. I guess it makes sense, they have to make women terrified of being sad and alone when they're old if they stay away from men, because if we all wised up to their bullshit we would never breed with them. Put your body through the strain and risk of pregnancy, raise the children and manage the house all on your own, be treated like a leech and/or selfish career woman depending on your choice, just to get dumped for a younger woman/cheated on/abused/left if you ever develop an illness/impoverished by divorced, and so on. The decks are so stacked against us in marriage, I'll take the minor risk of being sad and alone as a result of living my life how I want over being sad, alone, poor and emotionally compromised by marriage as a result of scare tactics and social pressure.
No. 459403>>459462
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>>459394I saw this while watching a Jenna Marbles vid the other day. It's pathetic how often these idiots go around repeating the same shit over and over again, on all sorts of random videos and articles.
No. 459405
>>459383And going back to your original point (bio children), think of the roles these fathers have. Why wouldn't you want kids if you're barely responsible for them? If you get to have a kid without being pregnant, experiencing any physical changes, and having society basically throw you a parade for giving your kid a hug (such a sensitive dad uwu~), why wouldn't you want them?
There's no downside for a man having kids except finances. They're not expected to give up their personhood to be a parent. Your body is the same. No one makes comments about your genitalia being ruined and how you've hit the wall. No one wonders if a man's children are being taken care off if he goes to a bar after work.
Standards are so low for fathers, we're just happy if they can manage to look after the kids while the mom's out grocery shopping. If the parents are divorced, we're just happy if they pay child support and don't drop off the map.
>>459394They hate this the most because it takes their criticism away. They can't call you a lazy housewife and they can't judge you for working.
>left if you ever develop an illnessI'm sure most of you know this already, but there are studies that prove this: No. 459437
>>459419OP who brought up adoption: I left the cult I was raised in when I became an adult. I'm all about giving kids free, but informed, choices. That's one of the things I love about being around kids. Adoption can be very expensive, especially if you look overseas for an "ethnic" child to show off like Jolie, but if you work at a good company in the states, they'll usually be your sponsor and cover most of the expenses. Direct adoption through friends, family, and church are the cheapest way to go, usually only paying for the legal work. It's insane to me, to tear up my body and create a brand new life, when so many already exist and need a loving home I can provide, otherwise they'll go through the system, likely to come out broken on the other side. I love the act of caring for children and having a family unit; the DNA doesn't matter to me. I get by well because I'm smart with my money; I wouldn't mind sharing what with someone who needs it. That's what having kids should be about, love. I can't wrap my mind around popping out a kid, just because, like most people do.
No. 459462>>459464>>459467
Ended up watching a vid on the brook joust situation and this guy ( left a comment about how feminism is the cause of it. Took a look at his community tab and low and behold, your typical mgtow believing women should be stripped of all rights and beaten. And of course is a fan of that anal cunt band. Wonder how long it'll be until they just start to blatantly call for genocide.
>>459375>There was a thread I saw on reddit a while back with a guy who left the country because he didn't want to pay alimony to his ex-wife of 20 or so years, basically laughing it up that because she spent her life raising kids, she has no work experience, no money, and won't be able to find a job/will probably be homeless soonMen do this then wonder why their children they forced their wives to have don't want them in their lives. Hope he got called out on his bullshit.
>>459383Every single time lol. Never doubt that whenever a male account or blog posts about shitting on women, count on them being full of porn featuring women. If porn was banned everywhere, you think we'd have a mass suicide? It's pathetic.
>>459403>spinsterWhy are they stuck in the 1800s lol
No. 459516
>>459353Anon this naivety isn't unusual in your early twenties but by the time you are 30 you will likely understand that men do this on purpose
He is older than you and experienced with relationships, he knows what he is doing so stop entertaining the idea that he is unaware, he's only playing stupid to see how much you'll put up with it. Here you are with hurt feelings still defending him
No. 459546
>>459505If you live in a house then you should take part in at least some of the cleaning and chores.. why you should be 'rewarded' for that is beyond me
The Daily Mail is trash
No. 459602>>459609>>459618
>>459597It irritates me so much though. I'm happy with having no kids or having kids. I just want someone that actually wants to go through with it instead of looking forward to seeing me pregnant or whatever the fuck they fantasize about. I just want someone that will say I love you so much, and want to be with you forever but I don't want a kid.
I don't care about either choice I just am sick of feeling like a fetishsized breeding fucking cow when having sex and bullshit talk about making me a mommy uwu but then sending me mixed messages if I talk about having a kid or yelling at me when I say if I'm not sure sometimes. It hurts that no man can just be fucking honest about what they want and just stay in a fantasy like a godddamned child.
I'm trying, I really am but I must be doing something wrong that this is a pattern. I don't even sperg about having babies. I just don't want mixed messages. I'm sorry, maybe this needs to be the vent thread because it's feeling so real at the moment.
No. 459606
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@scrots who fap to porn (especially abuse and rape), yall now this is your future
(btw i didn't create this image, is actually a random "inspirational" image/phrase combo from this site:
No. 459609
>>459602That’s it, it’s literally just a fetish. They want what they see in porn and have difficulties translating it to reality.
If it makes you feel better, I’m experiencing the same thing and it’s exhausting. Feels bad man.
No. 459612
>>459608either the woman has enough experience to choose wisely, or enough money to be secure and do whatever, or the extreme version of a Mama's boy who found an actual mother figure he can fuck. and of course there are unstable older woman/young man relationships.
men almost exclusively target younger girls for penis reasons.
No. 459616
>>459608Older women are more likely to feel independent, secure on their own and confident. The guy doesn't get to mentally abuse or control her. Most shitty relationships I've seen have had controlling men at the root of the problem
Cheating is still an issue with younger men though
No. 459625
>>459621Can relate to so much of this. Walking on eggshells '"your interests are stupid" and bad/painful sex. I desperately clung to my last relationship despite it being the most miserable 3 years of my life
Glad you got out young, lets not repeat our mistakes!
No. 459626
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>>459621You're an icon, and an example to us all anon. Reading these comments makes me feel much better knowing I have chosen to abstain from relationships altogether. Godspeed.
No. 459636
>>459621Wow all your problems sound like mine. I am 29. Never been married but all these things are the same. I'm starting to think that all men are like this.
Also I hate how women are portrayed and moody,sensitive and crazy when literally even man I've dated is the most oversensitive jackass I've ever met. Either horrible anger issues or gets upset at everything if it's not their way.
Tonight someone in front of our car slowed down on the freeway and my boyfriend began to scream loudly and rant even though there was no accident or danger, it was just a bit annoying. We had nowhere important to be and were driving back from his fishing trip where I just played with the dog the whole time. I never yell at him because he'd get annoyed but tonight I yelled 'YOU DON'T NEED TO SCREAM LIKE THIS! SHUT!' And I held my tongue from saying shut up and literally apologised 2 minutes later for almost saying shut up because I don't like saying things like that. He said that's okay and didn't even apologise for yelling like a godddamned caveman startling me and probably scaring my dog!
I feel this close to dumping him because he like many other guys is selfish and really doesn't even realise he's doing it.
Like he would not handle it if I was yelling during road rage but he does when I'm in the car.
My hobbies are whatever and he tunes out when I speak about them but I come along when he goes fishing to keep him company when he drives home or really try hard to understand when he talks about his hobbies. I even act interested if they are boring. I'm sick of giving and not receiving. I'm sick of being too nice for no reason.
They bitch if you don't communicate but get offended and mad if you do.
No. 459651
>>459647My dad used to humiliate my mom over her weight and expect me to laugh at his fat jokes in front of her, an awkward situation to regularly happen over dinner
Now she's dead several years and he can't talk about her without getting teary eyed, shoulda been nice to her when she was alive asshole!
No. 459683>>459992
>>459675And people solely blame celebs and fashion magazines for giving girls eating disorders..
I know the younger generation of men is blamed for having porn star expectations of women but older generations also had this warped idea that only women need to be thin and men are fine either way
No. 459806
>>459720I thought she meant he wasn't a weeb, like he was
off of weeb spaces? or did she mean from weeb spaces?
No. 459820>>459829>>459835
File (hide): 1568001537783.png (38.69 KB, 828x544, porn company court case.png)>Twenty-two women are suing Girls Do Porn owner Michael Pratt, the company's main videographer Matthew Wolfe, and its main actor and director Ruben “Andre” Garcia, claiming that they were lied to about the films being modeling work instead of porn, coerced into having sex on camera once they got to hotel rooms for filming, and then lied to about how the videos would be distributed.>Director [told] the women numerous times that the videos would be available on DVD only, in Australia.>at least 100 women involved with Girls Do Porn who gave similar accounts of their experiences.Previous article>women suing Girls Do Porn allege that they were manipulated into signing contracts—sometimes under the influence of alcohol served by Girls Do Porn, or while being bullied by men in the hotel rooms where the scenes would take place, with a cameraman and male porn performer standing at the ready.>Then, she has sex on camera, with a man whose face you never see.>On websites devoted to harassing and revealing the real identities of people in adult videos, internet users shared extensive personal information about women who were in Girls Do Porn videos, including photographs lifted from their social media accounts. >And as they take their case to court, Pornhub continues to make money off of them. No. 459835
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>>459820As usual scrotes won’t care and will continue to watch these rape on tape videos guilt-free. Or, knowing this, seek it out even more eagerly.
No. 459992>>460028>>460216
>>459683>And people solely blame celebs and fashion magazines for giving girls eating disordersWow you've brought up a great point there. Teen magazines I bought as a kid never really affected me because they were mostly tips, makeup reviews or quizzes. The thing that made me feel the most body conscious was my relatives commenting on celebrity bodies. Mostly male relatives.
>"She has way too much muscle, she looks like a man!">"I wish she'd dress better, what a slob. She should at least wear some makeup.">"She would look great if she lost 10 pounds."I wonder how many anons here have that experience too?
No. 460028
>>459992I don't get how men can be so careless with what they say in front of their daughters, my dad had his moments with humiliating my mom in front of me over her weight. She was thin right up until having kids and with each pregnancy she gained and never really lost. I didn't inherit any dieting problems from listening to all his shite but I think that's mainly cos I'm not feminine either
We also have this unspoken thing where we both know I'm gay (I'm 30) and neither of us say it out loud cos he bashed gays non stop when I was growing up. Even if he's changed his views he has too much male pride to say it
No. 460034
>>460029They really don't know what emotionally strong means, do they?
>This meme goes so far as to kill themselves rather than get mental help or die from some medical ailment rather than admit to needing to see a doctor.And they blame us when we say feminism is good for them too, god this pisses me off so much.
No. 460213
>>459641How the fuck was that post "being hard on her dad", she was literally just stating facts about him? You
triggered scrotes couldn't be more obvious if you tried.
No. 460223>>460240>>460519
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I'm not sure if porn ruined my ex-boyfriend or if he was a closet gay all along. And I'm still trying to cope with it after everything.
He left me for a trans woman. We were together for 5 years. I tried to be the best and loving girlfriend I could be; loyal, loving, patient, and we had a great sex life. He had a trans mistress he hid from me since 2015 until he dumped me and a month later he's publicly flaunting off their relationship on Facebook.
I hate men being such liars. Why couldn't he just be honest with me that he is attracted to men too instead of being in denial and insist he's strictly heterosexual. Why do men feel pressured to have this uwu perfect traditional life to look good in front of others but are complete porn-obsessed degenerates behind the scenes?
I am also %100 certain he's fetishizing them because he has yellow fever and they are asian and tiny. Was it porn exposure or him just being in denial about being gay at fault? I'll just never know with men like him.
It just sucks knowing that my relationship was just a lie and a cover-up for him to look good in front of other scrotes.
I'm tired of men being such liars.
No. 460240
>>460239Sounds like an absolute insane person.
>>460223At least it's over now. Celebrate your own self now. I have no advice to offer though. Just enjoy your freedom.
No. 460366
>>460254Scrots are just self important, since most sexual abuse
victims are women it's seen as less important regardless of what you been through. I can guarantee if most sex abuse
victims were male you'd be hearing about it a lot more
When I was in school we did an entire project on ptsd, not only did the papers and intro roll over the fact most
victims are women to to focus on male PTSD
victims, but it was excusing scrots beating, lying, cheating because of it, they literally told women with military men that they should expect to be abused but not leave or else it's them who is evil, but magically you rarely see women with post traumatic stress disorder abuse others
No. 460391>>460404
>>460254>It's always men that argue 'only going to war should cause PTSD' even in response to beaten women or sexual assault victimsI had to witness how my grandma lost ALL her sanity, memories and mind from how much my grandpa beated her. Every time she hears my grandpa's name she automatically starts to scream and cry incoherently, hits herself with walls and beats herself until bleeding (as he did with her). She doesn't even have PTSD because that would imply she still has "a mind", now she's just a broken, empty shell of painful memories that occasionally has some consciousness just to be miserable.
These fuckers act like kids, only a kid would act so arrogant over something they don't know shit.
No. 460420>>460437
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Why are men so confident with declaring absolutely insane things when it comes to shitting on women and their anatomy? seriously, not even science majors want to be that sure when making statements about the human body after prolong research but these rando crazy fuckboys have no issue saying that periods are 100% caused by gross disgusting roasties diet and there's no way around it and anyone who says otherwise is an indenial thot/jew/etc
No. 460437>>460439>>460448
>>460420men being retarded about periods actually enrages me. unfortunately though it's not just men, it's also women with light periods, who say absolute buffoonery like this.
i've had horrible periods since i was eleven, was passing out from exhaustion, couldn't even leave my home because of the cramps, and was leaking through overnight pads in about an hour for the first few days of my periods. it's still bad, just slightly less, but still.
i wish people could beat an understanding into what it's like to live with heavy periods into peoples brains. people who say women with heavy periods should have to work/attend school during their periods need to experience how it feels to have your fucking body literally ripping itself apart from the inside while blood near constantly pushes itself out of your body. people whos only advice is "go on birth control :)" need to get a grip, too. as if women should have to drug themselves to control something that naturally happens to them just to please other people…
No. 460466>>460473>>460474>>462245
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>>460459here's one: I'm watching through GLOW right now, it's starring, written by and directed by almost all women and it shows
No. 460474
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>>460459this, we aren't sex and game obsessed, on 4chan no matter what the board is they'll almost always relate every single thread to sex or video games it's fucking pathetic especially coming from males who claim to hate women so much and find them gross
not to mention how shitty their humor is, I know different strokes for different folks and everything but some idiots on there spend hours of their time to mildly annoy random people and think it's comedy gold, you'd think for the people claiming to have a superior sense of humor they'd try harder than thinking a feminist blocking them after spamming them with gore and rape threats is grade A comedy gold
>>460466I watched pure on hulu the other day, it's a pink pill friendly movie as a lot of hulu series and movies are, highly recommend especially to anons who come in contact with virginity obsessed scrots or religiscrots regularly
No. 460489>>462248
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another recommendation: "A Vigilante", the female directors first film, extremely grim subject matter but cathartic in a fucked up pink pilled way, Olivia Wilde is amazing
No. 460521>>460522>>460525
On the Alec Holowka thing, I found it interesting that men on Twitter are shitting all over the women who called him an abuser, but they're completely silent on a man who confirmed that he was
abusive, and that he has
PTSD as a result of Holowka's treatment. a single "Lying bitch", "Clout-chaser" or "Stop blowing things out of proportion and playing
victim" in all these comments. Hmmm.
No. 460522>>460524
>>460521that said, that man is a huge clout chaser and professional
victim. Those people jumping on the bandwagon are pretty disgusting.
No. 460783>>460785>>460791
>>460779I'm so confused by this. On /meta/ the admin made the claim these threads create "too much political infighting on the board overall", but how can that be if we keep these subjects to containment threads? The infighting I usually see is mostly anons telling others to go back to the pink-pill thread.
If they take these threads away, do they expect us to magically forget about radical feminism or gender-critical stuff and never discuss it on LC again?
No. 460788
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GC discourse is far more nuanced than PP venting about scrotes, why do this? admin is probably a butthurt troon.
No. 460792
>>460216>>460236Lmao shit I thought I Was the only one who noticed this
Only basic women and model tier women mattered to them, and their idea of 10s would be heavily plastic surgery, photoshopped women so not actual women. Basically to them, women must be geeky, insecure, dislike their own femininity, while having basic attractiveness but just enough to appeal to men because apparently they have some imaginary constructed femininity, or absolutely fit and perfect as possible according to societal standards because fuck women bro
I think its also because beautiful women tend to be confident in their looks, and this scares them
No. 460805>>460849
>>460798I never found it invasive either, /snow has a ridiculous amount of camwhores ripping each other apart so I guess it’s more so a case of the site taking issue with any critical discussion around prostitution and pornography
Something oldfags don’t seem to get is that websites and their cultures change
No. 460808>>460849>>460868
>>460804I don't understand this. We can't have ONE containment thread that no one is forced to look at?
And why is it up to the mods to decide if "our kind" is "wanted"? Shouldn't it be a question of whether there's a demand for it among the users?
No. 460810>>460814>>460818>>460823
Is there like, a fucking RECOMMENDATION of fucking idiots who says LOL if you agree with troon shit and male identified bullshit then YOURE A GOOD LEADER
Im so fucking tired of this shit; This person obviously sounds male too
SAGE for drunk sperg
No. 460814>>460818>>460820
>>460810Actually, that reminds me, does anyone have a link to that AI that could tell accurately guess whether someone is male or female by their text?
Sage for off topic
No. 460828
File (hide): 1568219001288.png (1017.19 KB, 1750x1810, 1529736348504.png)

I've got the time and I can get the money. I need the knowledge and skill for site. I guess that's what everyone says till it grows too large. Why can't we have one anonymous place to just be radfem and gc and PP in peace. You'd think we were acting like lol nazis or something. I don't know why radfem is so distasteful. Is it the porn thing?
Pic related to new thread I guess.
No. 460833>>460844>>460846>>460850>>460851>>460871
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I can't believe it, I thought radfems were a little paranoid with trannies and men but fuck, this is like a profecy they literally invade everything and shut them down even on fucking female boards wow. This thread is obviously going to get nuked too.
No. 460849>>460860>>461380
>>460805>>460808I am an oldfag and while political threads didn't really exist until a short while ago, the sentiment of most users itself seemed to be similar to that of radfems.
I'm not a radfem, sometimes I even hide this thread if I don't feel like reading about the bad things men do, so I don't get why others can't just do the same. The only complaining about radfems supposedly invading other threads is people getting angry over being called out for calling a tranny a "she". Go to any of the older threads, nobody would have ever bothered with that (farmers were allowed to be much ruder in general). If they pretend that they're sticking to the roots of lc then they're lying.
There simply are (and will be) more and more troon and incel cows, so of course people will be angry and feel the need to vent about those. Not really our fault.
Seems like this place will slowly turn into crystalcafe there males larp as anime obsessed female virgins who only want to be housewives and who'd unironically kill themselves if their hubby were to die before them…
No. 460850>>460853>>460871
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>>460833Samefag but haha these assholes are really something, in their attempt to nuke radfem topics they actually proved them correct
No. 460851>>460852
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>>460833>>460830>>460842>>460843Oh no admin made a change you gals don't like. I am so with you all on your war against men, you go girls! You should really go with this plan of making an exodus to a new discord. But, you know what you all should do to really prove your point? Protest it… by LEAVING THIS BOARD FOR GOOD. Your feelings are totally rightful and admin is such a man for hatefully removing your safe space. Only a man would ever disagree with you girls. Know what REALLY REALLY would show it to this man? LEAVING THIS BOARD AND NEVER EVER COMING BACK.
No. 460863>>460884
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>>460852im onto u anon, you fucking MAN
No. 460873>>460878>>460879
File (hide): 1568220666633.png (114.24 KB, 2098x376, 1541792752261.png)

PP throwback.
>>460866Will someone please do this. I am a literal 35 year old boomer.
No. 460878
>>460871I think it's pretty funny, but yeah, let's not treat it as 100% confirmation of scrotes.
>>460873Yeah, I just don't know my way around discord well enough to take the helm on that one.
No. 460884
>>460863I'm just a massive tomboy, as you can see the female and male ranges are somewhat similar with little difference (40-60%). My screenshot from that male has next to zero female range.
Try harder
No. 460893
>>460888I usually hide the pink pill thread, but I still get a sickly feeling of this possibly being locked. The vast majority of it isn’t even misandry, how fucking low does the bar have to be for women venting about the evil things men have done to them (the amount of anons talking about how they were raped is depressing) or posting articles of violent crimes committed by men to unironically be considered sexism
And even if this thread was full of misandry, so fucking what? How many misandrists kill men in a year? And how many misogynists kill women each and every single day.
No. 460897>>460898
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>>460896But wait, there's more!
No. 460898
Anons should prepare to a massive influx of "weird" anons talking about their tittie skittles, hentai or how much they hate women. I get you don't like radfems, but it's them or trannies/men, it happened to all those websites and will happen here too. They're going to escalate all of this and suddenly we will have unsaged anons making shitty threads and shitting lolcow, we are fucked.
>>460896Morrígu based af
>>460897>Ewwwww vaginas DISGUSTING>#ComedyTotally hetero btw
No. 460900>>460902>>460906
>>460891But why? I understand that some women just don't care about feminism, I get that, but being so
triggered by it? This is an anonymous board, it's not like they get praise or attention from any males for doing this.
>>460894Even kiwifarms has more threads dedicted to shitting on men than we do. Feels like this has turned into a camgirl/costhot hate site.
No. 460906
>>460871You're being retarded on purpose right? I have used these ones with the rudest and manliest of my female friends and they still had somewhat of a female range (normally 50%-40%), almost 0% female compared to 75% male isn't a fucking woman.
>>460900They feel personally bad with themselves when people talk so casually about the reality they always try to ignore (misogyny), i get its a heavy topic to some women but banning people and closing threads over its ridiculous.
No. 460910>>460915>>460917>>460918
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So do I post the OP from the GC thread here since the threads have been merged? The resource list was 18 months in the making from contributions by anons in all of the threads, and it's the longest such list on any GC site. I refuse to let our work become lost and inaccessible.
No. 460918>>460920>>460922
>>460910So the dangerhair in the picture is arguing with a hairy arm transexual wanabee. Fitting
Please give me GC thread back, i don't like having to browse trough PP and Radfem commie sludge just to laugh at troons.
No. 460955>>460958>>460969>>461027
>>460932Yeah, no matter how much they try to spin "we're totally an all-girl team" I just don't buy it. It's either an extreme nlog team or a good number of dudes that infiltrated the team.
I mean, locking one thread is I guess somewhat understandable, but completely banning radfems and merging GC and PP into one thread is alarming. It's just a matter of time until this nuPP as they call it gets locked and banned as well.
It's true that lolcow was never a radfem site to start with and that GC, PP and radfem treads are relatively new but these decisions are indeed drastic. I've seen more anons complaining about femcel sperging and PP posters than posters themselves derailing other threads. It's just odd. If you don't like the thread just sage and hide. I just try to understand why a woman that has been through enough to experience the many downsides of gender roles would hate radfems and want them banned. I understand others not agreeing with radfem philosophy but downright hating? It's ludicrous. It feels like a huge loss.
Then again, if the majority of lolcow posters really want it this way, unfortunately there's not much we can do. It's just sad and depressing because it's rare to have an anonymous and female-oriented board that's not under constant PC patrol where you don't have to weigh every word you type.
It was a good ride.
No. 460958>>460971
>>460955this is the mindset, anon:
>Ugh, radfems are so ugly and mean. I'm not really sure what they believe exactly but I've heard they hate men and think all sex is rape. So unreasonable! My boyfriend would never hurt me. I'm such a cool girl, being respectful of men and seeing both sides. I'm so reasonable and fun, I'm proud of myself.Ultimately it's a blend of narcissism and stupidity.
No. 460965>>460967>>460979>>460998
>>460959>In the future, other problematic threads may be locked as well.Straight from the cow's mouth.
You are right on the money Anon. As soon as the derailing comes, I guarantee that this thread will be considered "
Oh well. I sure can't wait until this entire site is composed of farmers nitpicking Shay's vagina for the umpteenth time or multiple threads devoted to unflattering Moo screencaps where they dance around calling her fat and ugly.
But hey, at least it isn't political right?
No. 460970>>460977
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Is this LC's future?
No. 460971
>>460963I'm aware it's not entirely new. I was thinking relatively new as in terms of this site's history. Even if I'm wrong and even if all the aforementioned threads were a core part of lolcow from day one, it wouldn't matter as clearly the new admin and mods have set their minds to minimizing any discourse related to GC and PP while eliminating radfems entirely.
>>460958Possibly and if true then it's even more depressing. I'd rather believe it's troons and scrotes but you're probably right.
No. 460977>>460982
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>>460970welcome to r/Lolcow , remember to behave y'all
No. 460979>>460985>>460996
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>>460959>>460965It's not about the derailing within the threads but that the RF (and I assume the GC) thread "attracts too much political infighting on the board overall" according to Admin.
Never mind that the RF thread was one of the slowest active threads on /ot/.
No. 460981
>>460974in doctors minds women don't feel pain and have no feelings, women not feeling sexual pleasure is seen as good because evil women shouldn't enjoy sex in doctors minds
meanwhile if a man goes to the doctor and explains sexual dysfunction he gets treated ASAP and doesn't get judged at all. The medical field has been misogynistic against women since forever, not to mention how many female specific medical conditions go untreated or "no cure found" like PCOS and endometriosis
No. 460982>>460984
>>460977p.s. remember, don't be a meanie!
Here's a list of 100,000 no-no words that you need to memorize less you want to get banned including saying anything bad about men, transwomen (or simply women as cis women and transwomen are a subcategory), transfolk in general, nonbinary people, any gender identity on the gender spectrum.
Have fun!
p.s.s. nitpicking on other biological women is totally fine though. Be as much of a petty bitch as you want.
No. 460985
>>460979Don't bother. They'd just come up with any excuse. Personally, I'm ready to jump ship. I wish I had the technical knowledge to contribute but if anons come up with a site that would be radfem friendly, I'd love to join.
Imagine having to worry on a female-oriented site whether something is considered too PP or not. Just lol
No. 460986>>460992>>460997
>>460976And how long until the troon attack gets it deplatformed? Remember what happened to the sites of so many feminists last fall. Anything GC is not safe on any of the existing platforms.
What has made these threads special is that we were a community first. We didn't come here for the manhate/GC/troon mockery. I mean, assume most of us participate in a wide range of threads and, despite being anon, feel a sense of community.
No. 460990>>460996
Am I the only one that doesn't really mind GC and PP merging too much on principle alone, but is confused about what exactly they're trying to do with this?
They've stated that radfems are the problem, not being gender critical in itself. The radfem problem has been dealt with by banning radfem threads, so where does the need to ban GC threads come from?
I don't really think there's some grand ulterior motive to destroy pink pill threads so they can ban them and say they have too much derailing.
If that scenario were the case, they could've just said "No more gender critical, no more pink pill, no more radfem. It's all overly political, attracts incels to the site, and is full of infighting" off the bat and banned all three. It certainly would've saved them the time, trouble and complaining. It's all too slow a process, if you ask me. Besides, it's not like GC and Pink Pill are at war with each other or anything. They're just different, and forcefully mixing them together results in unnecessarily flooding and more mess to go through.
It leads me to think that this was more a case of a simple mistake born from generalization, and/or that some people in charge just personally don't like either threads.
No. 460992>>460994>>460999
>>460986It wouldn't get deplatformed because I'd be the one running it and could kick off apologists as soon as they appear. A containment board for discussion could be possible, and the troons who try to infiltrate the radfem only board get the kick.
Unfortunately I can't give you that sense of anon community with a forum because I would enforce usernames and IP banning, although you could use a throwaway email and a username not connected to anything personal. I'd like a website where we still have our typical "shits and giggles" threads about cute guys and k-pop, but to have a separate forum on the same site that radfems could go to.
No. 460996
>>460979. The threads "attract too much political infighting on the board overall."
No. 461002>>461006>>461019
>>460999That's why I asked if there were alternative hosts, otherwise I may have to host myself like gab does.
>>461001I'll pay for it and do my hosting through crypto.
No. 461006>>461007>>461009
>>461002We could use lolcow's current hosting provider, since they clearly don't mind GC content.
(It's Cloudflare, by the by.)
No. 461012>>461013>>461015>>461016>>461024>>461028
File (hide): 1568238012085.png (63.55 KB, 1185x591, 5k8cQ9o.png)

can all you fucking radfem faggots just piss off to spinster which is created for hating trannies and men and even has a guide for how to be a political lesbian(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 461013
>>461012this is the merged thread for GC, pink-pill and radfem.
let people cook
No. 461027>>461031
>>460955>>460997Speaking from experience of this kind of thing; it's troons.
Men who super hate feminism express it with overt displays of anger. Death threats or similar like the scrotes who come in here spamming gore and scat. Since their motivation is literally just being bitter at women with no political nuance. Women who super hate feminism express themselves in a similarly overt way where they come in to demand you le fricking epin debate them. As they're used to being given positive attention for this performative behavior in the male spaces they try to fit in at. Think June.
Meanwhile troons are already infiltrating female spaces and take it very personally when the evil TERFs don't accept them as women as it ruins the AGP one-of-the-girls wank fantasy. So they fire up the subversive tactics of infiltrating the mod team and pushing for new PC rules or contacting advertisers and webhosts to get someone deplatformed. They learn this from the far left (and/or far right lol) political communities they also shit up that believe the ends justify the means and promote any sort of underhanded tactics to supress the enemy's ideas. The types who think they're unironically in an online war and getting people banned is the battles.
I dare the mods and admins to provide voice clips so we can hear the kermit voices.
No. 461046>>461049>>461052
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>>461031Should I timestamp my tampon?
No. 461052>>461061>>461099
So we can determine if you have a feminine hand structure
No. 461076
>>461061Index to middle finger ratio too low, CONFIRMED MAN.
Also saved, hidden, filtered, reported and called the cops
No. 461122
I can understand the admins getting concerned about become rad.chan but combining GC and PP doesn't even make sense, they aren't the same thing?
>>460879You guys know that Discords are no replacement for a thread right? It will just be full of reaction gifs and one-word replies until it becomes a circlejerk before dying when everyone falls out because political discussions are very different without anonymity.
Image boards are comfy repositories for article links and long replies you can read at your own speed.
>>460976A new board is just going to be slow as shit and raided constantly. Imo I don't want to be in a radfem echochamber, I liked lc having different flavors of feminism
No. 461131
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Inject your healthy underage daughter with dangerous chemicals bigot!
No. 461172>>461174>>461187
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Genetic dead ends gotta bring down everyone else with them
No. 461189
>>461183>the irony is that they think they're amazing free thinkers for being immune to embarrassment or controlling themselvesAll these manosphere guys sound like NPCs. If you read their posts and comments every single one sounds the exact same and makes the same dumb points that have long been debunked. They claim that women are too impressionable, can’t think for themselves and just follow whatever’s popular but so many of them get quickly radicalized by shitty youtube videos and fake stories/memes (like news headlines taken out of context, false statistics, blatantly fake stories on reddit written by men where the woman is always conveniently a total evil bitch and the OP is just a cool 100% innocent guy etc) due to lack of critical thinking.
I find it funny how often it seems that the source of resentment really is just rejection. I know people like to meme about how virgin or incel or whatever is a go to insult but in my experience it’s true. They start off with a comment reeing about family courts or suicide rates, you prod them a little bit and it doesn’t take long for them to forget the main point and be going off on their NPC script on hypergamy, Chad, Tinder, 80/20, OkCupid study, etc. Happens everytime.
No. 461206
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Men break their own dicks with porn and masturbation, it's sad and hilarious
No. 461237>>461240>>461264
>>461233i mean, it has. there are more young radical feminists on tumblr or twitter than there were 10 years ago, like, that's very obvious. there were like, no radical feminists on tumblr 10 years ago, now there's a whole community.
>>461235right, which is why it's really weird for mods or users to act like this is not a progression that was natural for women who grew up surrounded by imageboard culture, and as if most people here who agree with radical feminism "came here" from somewhere else recently. i know what happened with kiwifarms and middle aged radfems and/or /r/gendercritical users, but i don't think this is the same.
No. 461261>>461266
>>461232That basically sums things up for me, yeah. I used to be a handmaiden-ish, "don't just say men are bad, both genders are bad", "support your sisters not just cisters" etc sort of libfem. I remember being annoyed about TERFs being on LC a few times, even, because I was brainwashed into thinking trannies go through far more suffering than women. Combine that with being into weeb shit, browsing 4chan from a young age and having most of my online friends be male (and unsurprisingly, they were shit for my mental health, though I won't go into that much), and there wasn't really any room to grow out my opinions.
I changed my mindset after I started lurking pink pill threads out of curiosity. I expected it to just be the same as incels, but female, but they were actually talking about real shit and making good points. At points, reading the threads helped me identify and check out of
abusive situations. The biggest irony is that while incels are mad they can't get girlfriends, pink pill anons seem to derive their ire from actual experiences with men. I should add that knowing that lots of young women on chan sites think this way (but won't really say it for fear of getting screeched at), not just weird middle-aged women who are walking embodiments of every negative feminist stereotype ever helped me a lot. I don't personally identify as a radfem, but I'm sympathetic to many of their arguments, and it feels like they're the only ones who actually give a fuck about women anymore.
Also, being on LC and free of the male perspective that continually permeates the rest of the internet made me realize I actually don't owe men shit. There's literally no need to keep a tiny voice in my head saying "But not all men", and in fact, that voice can actually be harmful. I actually
can be part of society, live my life, be kind and enjoy things without offering men, as a collective, a place in my heart or mind, and it's very freeing to know that.
Recently, there have been times where I've gone "unfiltered" on places like Reddit, and I've had men get mad and argue with me. If I actually started replying, some would end up admitting after a while that they kind of agree with what I said, but they were pissed off by the
tone with which I said it, and that kind of solidified things for me. Most of the things anons say in pink pill threads aren't completely wrong,
the problem is that it hurts men's (and handmaiden's) feelings when you say them out loud. And somehow, all this "Be nice on the internet!!" shit doesn't seem to apply to men, only women.
No. 461266
>>461232This. I also have friends that quit using chan boards years ago but have ended up with similar opinions because of the awful misogyny that goes down in weeb communities.
>>461261 said the pinkpill threads give me a space to express my frustrations with the fucked up things men actually do everyday and question stuff instead of mixed spaces where everyone ignores your point and jumps in with 'not all men'. I don't even consider myself radfem but apparently radfem threads are the only places you can talk about the real shit without having to apologize to everyone or be labeled a radfem/terf/swerf as if nothing you have to say matters.
The whole 'mods are gross men' thing needs to stop though, It makes us look stupid.
No. 461268>>461272
>>461244"Radical" just means "to the root", anon. People have twisted "radical feminist" to mean "crazy bitch who wants to kill all men" but what radical feminism is about is believing that gender (as in stereotypes, sexed roles, sexed beauty standards, etc) permeates every part of our society and influences everything we do to some extent. That's why radfems are anti-porn and anti-sex work, because we understand those things don't exist in a vacuum.
In my experience when people actually take the time to look into radical feminism beyond what troons say about it, they usually get where we're coming from, even if they don't always agree.
No. 461272>>461275
>>461268I feel like radical feminists give feminism a pretty bad rep to feminism as a whole, at least in my country. There was talk about women joining male only conscription and they were dominating most public conversations, along with social conservatives ofc, about the army being a hierarchical structure and how women should not join it because it is
abusive, as if it's not
abusive for men already. It sucks ass and made me lose several friends, after I called them out on it.
No. 461275>>461280
>>461272The military is
abusive and along with prison it's where you can see the most extremes of disgusting male behavior in action. 80% of women in the U.S. military experience some form of sexual harassment and a female soldier is more likely to be raped by her fellow soldiers than be killed in combat.
No. 461280>>461283>>461284>>461285>>461339>>461375
>>461275Yeah, ofc the military is
abusive, but if men suffer this abuse so should we. I view the military as a necessary evil because of my country;s neighbor's, so removing conscription is suicidal.
Also, about the rest of your post, do not compare the shithole that is the USA and its army to us please. We don't have army or prison rape here, because our society is not fucked to the core. Also your army is not conscription based but voluntary, of course the people willing to become mercenaries are fucked in the head, how is this even remotely surprisingly?
>>461276That's what I said anon, they argued against it. If we were a country like Sweden or sth I would argue against conscription as well, but we are not. We live next to warmongering religious and ethnic fanatics, we can not afford removing conscription, pretty much everyone agrees with this here. So we can have either men doing it, or both sexes. Radical feminists wanted the women to be exempt, sitting on their high horse about "It all being
abusive and needing to go away", ignoring, or even counting on the fact that male conscription is not going anywhere, their actions would only cause women to be treated preferentially, which is unacceptable as far as I am concerned, since it goes against my core beliefs.
No. 461289>>461296>>461302>>461328>>461353>>461378>>461503
>>461283Greece anon. We have economic problems, but our society does not have a lot of the issues I see Northerners and Americans talk about.
>>461284Anon you are talking very generally here so I am not sure how to pick on your argument. My point is that if we want an equal and egalitarian society we need to take the same weights that men take. This is a legal responsibility, not even a social one. Before we achieve social equality we need the positivist one first. Also, I have been in the army, as an officer. I don't know how Americans act and train, but our draftee army here is not special forces, it's a defensive army full of fat and out of shape boys. Their purpose is literally to man positions in case of the Turks invading, there is no need for athlete level of fitness. Women can handle these positions just fine, I know I did and I am not even particularly large or strong.
>>461285I am sorry anon, but no, at least not in any increased rate. I lived in the army and am working in a prison now, I know what I am talking about. The army does not have rape and I can attest to that. The prisons only have rape when Afghans and Pakis rape each other, pretty much never happens with Greek or other Euro prisoners.
>>461286Anon your army is a voluntary one, you do realize the difference with a conscripted one yes? Conscripted armies have no standards, zero, other than not having debilitating health conditions. Especially defensive armies like ours. Comparing your mercenary forces to the typical defense force of a nation is like comparing apples and oranges.
(racebaiting) No. 461295>>461297>>461303>>461510
>>461291>>461292Anon, I am a woman. I saw the physical standards our army has and I am telling they are not high and most women cant reach them. It has nothing to do with people feeling better about themselves. Also infantry is not the only thing we can do obviously, we are actually better in several positions including marksmen and tank and other vehicle crew. Women are perfectly capable of serving their country, they are just socialized to not care.
Also as I said before, there are NO standards other than being alive. Standards only exist for specialized units and obviously these will be like 90% male or more. I am talking about the regular conscripted army here. There isn't anything we can't do in 90% of positions.
>>461294I lived in the army for like 7 years anon, trust me it's not like that. I only encountered one man who disrespected me for being a woman and my superiors took swift action to reprimand him. I do not refuse your experience, but Greece is not like that. Also like I said, we don't have rape or other crimes in the military, because they are draftees, not fucked in the head mercenaries who want to make a career out of killing people.
No. 461297
>>461295*and most women can reach them
No. 461304>>461305
>>461301If you are talking about lowering the standards of the elite parts of the military then my bad for misunderstanding, I agree with you completely. The elites should remain elites, they are there for a reason.
>>461302I don't think I need to tell you which one of us has worked in prisons for several years.
>>461303We are not at war thankfully, but due to our bad luck, living next to Turkey, we are always ready for it. Basically the Greek army is like the Japanese army in philosophy, a defensive army. We professionals try and do what we can along with our elite bodies to anticipate and counter anything the Turks might throw at us, but in the end it's the conscripts that will do the brunt of the fighting. They basically don't do much unfortunately. Conscription in Greece sucks in that it's like 50% shooting and some training and 50% cleaning and doing nothing. I would definitely try to make it more active, like Israel is doing, more training and especially more weapon training, which we unfortunately do very little of with our draftees.
No. 461309>>461310
>using nationalistic as an insultYou really are an American
No. 461310>>461311
>>461308Your writing style is pretty familiar and I see your biases and dogmatic thinking seeping through your posts, debate and converse if you want but I cast my judgment too.
>>461309Point taken. Same aggressive and neurotic style of typing in all your posts.
No. 461311>>461312
>>461310I accept judgement, I don't accept general accusations that address nothing. Tell me what I said that deserves to be accused in particular and I will respectfully argue with you.
My style being aggressive is not a
valid criticism but a mere observation, especially coming from someone that accuses me for sharing my experiences.
No. 461312>>461314>>461507
>>461311Its a
valid criticism if you use it as an excuse to act contempteous and extremely black and white in your thinking. Again, I doubt youre actually pink pilled or feminist.
No. 461332>>461333>>461347
>>461314When did I call you black or white?
Something in the milk isnt clean about you, I call it how it is.
No. 461335>>461347
>>461324Ok, there must be just a Greek npc template then
Some anon a while ago asked for charities and groups to support but got no replies which is shameful. Maybe this time somebody has some recs? I sometimes give out microloans to women in third world countries to support their business or education, but I feel l like I maybe didn't research the concept enough.
No. 461337
>>461232I've been here probably longer than admin and the farmhands, and lc has naturally evolved into what it is now, it hasn't been infiltrated. Its a female only site, of course its female only user base wants to discuss female issues.
Tbh most of the farmhands I've seen sound pickme and don't even adhere to the board culture. Surprised how immature they act, considering how ban happy they are when other users type like them.
No. 461344>>461346
>>461339>no one deserves abuseYes good point anon I like where this is going
>if women are also conscripted then who stays behind to wipe the assess of seniors? Wait what?
No. 461347>>461350
>>461328>ad hominem>>461330several other anons are as hateful and ignorant as you, so you are in good company
>>461332I obviously meant the black or white opinon you mentioned
>>461335The concept of people of different countries being different is scary and foreign to you I guess
>>461339You are comparing being
victims of crimes to a state law and a political responsibility. Apples and oranges anon. Also on your second point obviously not everyone will be conscripted, only the young, there will be plenty of people remaining back home, they will just be both sexes.
No. 461350>>461352
>>461347Nevermind the fact that if a war breaks out it won’t just be the young. It’s a no brainer who would make up the bulk of war casualties if women are conscripted
Besides, why do you want women to suffer and possibly die? Let men fight their own retarded wars, they are the ones with power and keep insisting on colonising one another
No. 461352>>461359
>>461350The bulk of war casualties will be the young anon, they are conscripted first because they have no families that depend on them. Then as it drags on the older people as well.
You second paragraph makes me sad and I think you might actually be hateful (excuse me for being so blunt, you seem like a person who wants to have a conversation but this statement is hateful). Men don't start war. The men and sometimes women at the top do and the poor men are sent to fight them. Classism is something we must also fight, I do not only care about gender. My point of view is a defensive war. No one starts a defensive war other than an enemy country, in my example the religious and ultranationalist maniacs that are the Turks. What do my men have to do with that? They are just as innocent as the women. Why would I think they should die in the place of women? I don't want women to suffer and die, I want no one to suffer and die. But if is required for people to suffer and die for the survival of the nation I want them to bo both sexes and the reason is because i believe in equality. I can not imagine how anyone can claim to beleive in gender equality and not support this position. Why would a woman's life be above that of a man?
No. 461353>>461357
>>461289I still don’t understand how you can think there’s such a huge difference between conscripted and mercenary army in regards to the occurrence of rape.
Rape happens literally anywhere. Just because you haven’t heard about it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Because, you know, sometimes
victims don’t speak up because they are blackmailed, too intimidated, feel ashamed, fear consequences, etc.
And how you’re ‘not my nigle’-ing, you ask? You say the majority of your male population wouldn’t rape anyone. How about that?
Both my brother and my cousin were part of a conscripted army (until thankfully conscription stopped being necessary a few years ago) and both could confirm that men witnessed severe verbal abuse as well as physical assault towards women.
But I’m sure that’s just a Eurofag thing and your Greek poster lads would
never do that? Give me a break.
No. 461357>>461358>>461361
>>461353Anon, you are asking me to prove you a negative, that rape doesn't happen. It's up to you to prove me that rape happens in conscripted military since you are making a positive claim. Also on the difference of conscripted and mercenary army, the difference is tat the mercenary army slects for people that are fucked in the ehad and want to be proffesional killers and the conscripted one takes every single man in the country, how are they remotely the same?
>You say the majority of your male population wouldn’t rape anyone. How about that? Are you unironically suggesting that most men are willing to commit rape?
The things your relatives witnessed happen, I never suggested the army is an enviroment where abuse doesn't happen, like every other enviroment and because of its nature, perhaps a little more. It however is not unique to women, it happens to the men as well, it's simply not gendered and they are usually selected for being too pretty, too ugly, too tall, too short, too stupid, too smart or w/e the person who abuses them chooses to abuse them for. What I am telling you is men go through this as well.
No. 461359>>461363
>>461352Majority of world leaders: men
Majority of CEO’s that profit off of war: men
Who keeps creating weapons: men
Those with religious power: men
The people who fight tooth and nail to maintain a world where men disproportionately have more power: men
But you ask what do men have to do with war? You’re right, they don’t deserve to die, but they should stop having piss contests with one another and dragging everyone else into it
No. 461366>>461369
>>461363You conveniently ignored
>The people who fight tooth and nail to maintain a world where men disproportionately have more power: men Also, you’re in a pink pill thread and are reeeing about sexism??
No. 461367>>461368>>461380
>>461361also, here is not the USA, realise that your men have a problem, not every country has this. I a mnot insulting you, I am pointing this out. Men differ around the world and we are fortunate enough to have good ones.
No. 461369>>461371
>>461365here saged, better? Also
>No argument>>461366Because this doesn't happen anon? Again I am talking about my coutnry, not Saudi Arabia. No man here is fighting to keep men above men. Please point me to it happening in Greecce, unless like the other anon you want me to prove you a negative.
No. 461380>>461383
>>456390>>460804>>460813>>460827>>460849Nice knowing you, ladies. I appreciated the good discourse. I'm not fully GC but the trans culture is undermining all the progress women made the past 30 or so years integrating into workplaces and being taken seriously
>>461367Greek anon is fucking stupid, I was in the US Army 3 years and never got raped. A lot of what gets reported as harassment/ assault is minor petty stuff like bad language and stupid jokes. The Army is far better than civilian jobs as far as opportunities and respect for women as professionals
No. 461383>>461386>>461399>>461402
>>461375I am sorry for you inability to read anon. Here, I feel bad for you so I will spoonfeed you what I said above so you don't ahve to read and hurt your eyes. CIVIL and POLITICAL responsibilities and rights should be shared by both genders. I am clearly taking about the abuse that happens in the exercise of those duties, the one that can not be avoided that is. I also repeatedly stated that I want to reform the army to lessen this suffering as much as possible? Do you have any problem with my stance now?
>>461376I am not pro-men anon, I am pro equality. I speak up when women get a rotten deal and I speak up when men do as well. I think it's important for different points of view to be discussed.
>>461377The endless non arguments the denizens of this general are presenting me with are identical to my experience with kinder gardeners.
>>461378We don't live 3 millennia in the past anon, come on.
>>461379>A woman should keep engaging with obvious trolling, only a man would call them outInteresting gender roles you have there anon, very feminist of you.
>>461380Hey, I only brought the difference up to stop the uncessary derailing the other anons did. I also lived in the army, I know it's actually pretty good for us, but trying to keep this discourse on the rails is pretty tough when no one actually tries to argue your points because they literally have no arguments that are not debunked in 5 minutes.
(Constant derail) No. 461385>>461570
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>not sucking dick on command is violence
No. 461393>>461396>>461397>>461400>>461416
>>461360>This still has little to do with the gendered nature of it. This abuse is shared by both men and women. You said abuse is shared by both men and women, but guess which group is going to have it 10x worse lmao, that shit ain't equal at all. I think you forgot that for obvious reasons (physical disparities) women are at higher risk of abuse of any kind specially sexual, when women start to enter the army rapists wouldn't need men anymore and women will be automatically targeted, at least men can relatively fight back other men's abuse, women cannot.
Also i love this type of debates because there's no way out on this one, even whe you say "not all men (on the army)" men are the ones abusing other men and we just want women to stay safe from that shitshow, you want to put women's safety on a dangerous line over "muh equality", equality is a meme and there are clear differences between men and females you can't just put them together and expect the best. Of all the topics you could choose to debate you choose army abuse? Not even my conservative siblings go for that one
It would be cool if women could honor their country without any major shit happening to them outside general war trauma tho.
No. 461399>>461405
>>461383You're so annoying with your holier than thou attitude. You claim not all men but you're quick to tar all radfems with the same brush because they've expressed views different to yours. You're so keen on being perceived egalitarian that you need to stress how men get bad treatment too in order to justify women getting bad treatment as well.
And your "arguments" are really no arguments as you expect us to take your experience as facts. It's great if you haven't had any bad experience but stop pushing that as some sort of statistics. If more women want to go into military they should have a choice. I personally for many reasons would not want to. I don't want to die for my corrupt politicians who send their sons to safe countries while we're supposed to die for "our" land.
No. 461401>>461405
>>461346Thanks for clearing that up
I feel like can't ever understand your point because we're just from completely different worlds. I can't agree with your belief that all men in your countries army are have never raped or assaulted just because they're magically different, but I can see why if you're in a country facing real wars with a need for active conscription you might want women to take equal part in defending your country. Although it's incredibly cold that you want women to put themselves at risk of sexual violence, a known part of war, just because you don't believe that it's a related risk though.
However in my case I can't speak as someone that believes in defending their country with their life. In the uk both men and women can enlist but we don't have the motivation of a local war. After the truth of Britain's invasion of Iraq came out many people remain convinced that the army is just a pawn of the higher political powers, killing innocents and destabilizing countries for years to come in the name of political gain instead of focusing on what's happening in our own country. People that join the army are often seen by the young and the left as either regressive or simply in need of a job/purpose or a free degree. On the other hand our rates of sexual assault and sexism on base in the armed forces, though undoubtedly underreported, are published and show things do happen. Even we suddenly faced the need of necessary defense of our country, why would I demand women risk both war itself and possible rape/sexism by their own side just so that we have an equal gender split on the field? Even in the event of a hostile invasion there would be so many conscientious objectors of either gender because the concept of necessary war is so alien to many people here.
Tl;dr can't relate to 'not all Greek men' or wanting make anyone join the army ever but if you need to defend your country then all the best to you
No. 461405>>461419
>>461399I never claimed all radfems are the same, please point me to where I said so and I will shut up and apologize.
I do think I have a moral highground to a lot of you in this thread yes, but I use arguments and not ad hominem attacks or emotional calls. I explained the concept of equal duties relating to bad treatment already several times, it only relates to the legal duties.
I said that I want a system like israel's where men and women are seperate, so there will be NO male violence on women. Please let me know if I left anything out so I can cover it.
>>461400>More ad hominemYou are almost entertaining.
>>461401Anon, I would not put women in the same regiments with men, there would be NO sexual violence between them because there would be no contact.
Also thank you for your post. I am not very familiar with the UK and it was interesting and actually well thought. As you can see I have been dealing with mostly name calling or some very angry and entitled answers. Your post was a breath of fresh air. yes my motivation is the potential of a defensive war and you are right that your country does not have that so your situation is completely different. Again, thank you for taking the time to type it out. Agressive wars are disgusting and I will never support them, defensive wars are ncessary and vital.
>>461402Because the mods threw the rad fem conversation here as well. My initial post was about rad fem issues I dealt with.
No. 461406>>461409>>461413
>>461397Nigga this better be a troll i can't believe this.
I didn't say "fuck men lmao" just hear me out on this: men are generally forced to fight wars (started by other men), i obviously prefer no one being forced to risk their and be safe from abuse but this system (men start a war, men fight it) is not going anywhere and if women can spare this one I think they should do it.
No. 461413
>>461406Also please allow me to add that
>but this system (men start a war, men fight it) is not going anywheredoesnt make sense. Plenty of systems have changed over the millenia, why wouldn't this change? As I said, some countries already conscript women and more and more people are asking for it, when a few decades ago no one was. I do think it can change.
No. 461419>>461424
>>461405I'm confused, earlier in the thread you insisted that Greek military men never sexuality assault any women, but now you insist on no contact between the women and men to stop anything happening. Doesn't that contradict your belief that these men are incapable of sexual assault towards women?
Which is it?
No. 461424
>>461418Anon, thank you for listening to me, engaging and seeing my point. As for the treatment of captives, as I believe is what you are implying, it depends on the enemy. A civilized nation respects the international treaties and treats them well, man or woman. Uncivilized and barbaric ones, like the Taliban unfortunately torture and kill them. The captive women will in all likeness be treated like men. It depends on who they are captured by. Again, not much of a difference. Thank you again for engaging in a civil manner.
>>461419I never said they are incapable, I said it's as rare or even more as outside the camps. I did not change my mind, I always wanted to put them separately and never claimed I wanted to form mixed units. The conversation about the potential behaviour of male soldiers was a conversation about their willingness to engage in such a behaviour, not about whether there would be a chance for that behaviour to take place.
No. 461459>>461465>>461467>>461659
>>461452I am leaving soon, but I will answer to you, although most of the things you said ahve been answered.
>radfems are AGAINST female conscription, because war is man’s creation, it hurts women, it hurts the earth. Women shouldn’t be out literally fighting men’s battles.I have been talking about defensive wars. The sex of the people who invaded you is irrelavant to the argument and if you claim it is please show me how. I fail to see how the fact that poor men will be forced to invade your country means that it must be the men of your country that must bear the burder of its defense, the only thing they share with the invaders is their genitals, they share ethnicity, common fate, kinship and a thousand more things with their coutnrywomen.
>Also, radfems don’t want equality or egalitarianism or whatever the fuck else y’all keep parroting. We want liberation from menyes, that's why we don't like you, see how the comment chain started, I was complaining about the likes of you wanting other to die for them. You are not feminists, you are hateful people that want to blame the world in general and men in particular for your shortcomings and problems.
No. 461462
>>461432Abortion only became legal in my country this year. There was this argument that men should have more say in whether a women aborts..and that by keeping a scenario where women have to travel to another country to abort.. men could control their finances to stop it. All very fucked up.
The loudest anti abortion protesters that I saw were old men talking about how men were 'denied their children'. They made it all about men
No. 461465>>461470
>>461459> yes, that's why we don't like you, see how the comment chain started, I was complaining about the likes of you wanting other to die for them. You are not feminists, you are hateful people that want to blame the world in general and men in particular for your shortcomings and problems.So go and finally fucking die in the war. Oh, wait. You're going to shitpost on lolcow while holding a higher moral ground doing a safe job and consider it something to brag about. Nurses do more dangerous jobs than you, women that work in shelters do more honorable and life endangering jobs than you.
You just came here to spit bile about radfems so you decide to go here because we're an easy target. I'd report you but what's the point. lolcow's gone to shit anyway. At least I can tell you to eat shit and die.
No. 461467>>461470
>>461459>I fail to see how the fact that poor men will be forced to invade your country means that it must be the men of your country that must bear the burder of its defenseBecause the males that run their countries started the war, and the drones who all went to war are too retarded to realize that if they resisted there’s nothing the government could do about it
>You are not feminists, you are hateful people that want to blame the world in general and men in particular for your shortcomings and problems.You’re a retard who wants to trudge into a war to kill innocent people and contribute more to the destruction of the earth, all while aiding the males in the military to rape and murder the women they encounter
No. 461470>>461475>>461478
>>461465I can still be called to service and will die to protect my country and its people, because unlike you, I am not a coward that depends on others to shield her from harm, I raise my own body.
I did not spit any bile, I came here to complain about you giving the rest of us feminists a bad public image, which is a legitimate concern, what could you possibly report me for? This isn't radfem any more and certainly not a radfem safe space. Other feminists don't like you, it's good to come to peace with it.
>>461467>Because the males that run their countries started the war, and the drones who all went to war are too retarded to realize that if they resisted there’s nothing the government could do about itAgain, what? First of all that is not the case, governments have committed mass execution of deserters, like the French did in WW1, secondly you completely missed the point. I said what do the men of Greece have to do with the men of Turkey that would start this war? Our men did not want or start it, they did. Why would I single out our men?
>You’re a retard who wants to trudge into a war to kill innocent people and contribute more to the destruction of the earth, all while aiding the males in the military to rape and murder the women they encounterYou are a disgusting pacifist who can only be a pacifist because far braver men and women allow you to be. You are the equivalent of a child, nay an infant and so is your entire philosophy. You are allowed to be free and exist due to the protection you are afforded by the people you hate. I will not go to war to kill innocent people, although that will happen, because conscripts are indeed innocent, I will go to defend my home, my children, my parents and the people I love.
(Quit the accusations and infighting, its cringy af) No. 461475
>>461470You're obviously a guy. Your lack of empathy towards women, your disregard for their safety when they're in obvious disadvantage is very telling. Your blase attitude towards safety of women and your insistence of poor men in a pink pill thread.
But most of all I check in this thread after a few hours and you're still here. Tf do you do? I want a job that pays me to do nothing too.
Go apply for a mod position, I bet you'd get accepted right away.
No. 461478
>>461470>governments have committed mass execution of deserters, like the French did in WW1Deserters, as in already went to war. All it would take is for the majority of men to be like “fuck you and your war” instead of going into war and the government couldn’t do anything, unless they wanted to put their 100 government officials against a million angry men. You know that people have overthrown governments before, right? Lmao
>I said what do the men of Greece have to do with the men of Turkey that would start this war?Somehow I doubt that they would be on good terms and then war just breaks out for absolutely no reason
>You are a disgusting pacifist I’m not a pacifist.
>due to the protection you are afforded by the people you hateWho are they protecting me from? Oh right, it’s MEN. Not to mention, even “our” men don’t protect us, they rape and murder us en mass
>I will go to defend my home, my children, my parents and the people I love.You truly are a retard if you think that defenders in a war are that pure
No. 461492
>>461232yeah, when i first was on lc years ago i was still anti-sjw and redpilled, it's these kinds of threads that offered a different perspective
pretty sure a good chunk of farmers had a shift like that
No. 461498>>461502
>>461496NTAYRT but thanks to precious capitalism I soon won’t be able to afford 3 meals a day anymore unless it’s ramen or plain pasta.
Totally feeling blessed over here.
No. 461503>>461514
>>461235>>461289So why shut down military women who do experience this sort of thing? Why not just let them speak without butting in to remind everyone that it doesn't happen to you? That's kinda rude and self centered, especially for someone who keeps trying to convince everyone you're the kind and generous one
Go to a feminist thread if pink pill isn't for you. This is a place for women to vent about men and clearly it's too much for you
No. 461515
>>461513pretty much, they've been starting arguments with random anons just for the sake of infighting, even if they don't disagree, now they're trying to silence american anons who vent about their military to remind everyone how awesome and crime free greece is. They did this in the last threads too. Always shutting down anons to tell everyone how great greece is and how whatever the anons been through "it doesn't happen here!!"
Especially ironic considering in the last thread they sperged out about how we're all sociopaths and they're the kind and generous one unlike evil pink pillers who want to hold men responsible for their actions
No. 461524>>461526
>>461522Its a power move by the scrote mods and tranny jannies to create infighting and then have an excuse to lock this thread and end the three topics all in one swoop.
Because y'all can't behave
No. 461526>>461558
>>461524If that's the case, the solution is to not give them ammo, IMO.
We need to ignore "Greekanon" and any other trolls.
No. 461536
>>461521bro youre so dumb literally, like the other anon said, check /meta/
mods really thought they were going to have LESS infighting this way??
No. 461542>>461545
>>461540I agree. Unless someone's about to come out with proof to back up these claims, it just makes us look even worse than we already do. Having suspicions is no big deal, but stating this like it's an established fact will just confuse everyone, spread unnecessary tinfoil, and give reason to demand PP disappear.
I like the term "tranny janny", though. Makes me laugh.
No. 461561>>461562>>461563>>461565
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"If feminist hate body shaming then making small penis jokes is bad" logic has gone to far
No. 461565
>>461561Women peeing: Seat is down
Women shitting: Seat is down
Men peeing: Seat is up
Men shitting: Seat is down
The seat needs to be down in 3/4 scenarios, therefore the default should be that the seat is down. Men are retarded and have nothing real to complain about though, so they need to resort to reeing about the toilet seat.
No. 461567
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>>461368Well, men of certain races rape a shit ton more and certain geographical locations were certain races have a significant number of population also have increasing number of women of all races being raped in the vicinity.
(racebaiting) No. 461589>>461595
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>>461577You should check out how good Cuban prostitutes have it, really empowered women , sucking that revolutionary dick for skittles.
No. 461590
>>461587kek but seconded
>>461585This is true.
No. 461593>>461594
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>>461577So i should have my private property and bussiness taken away fro me because you were a prostitute? nice try sweaty, but thats a hard no from me.
No. 461598>>461604
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dont respond to male-energy bait
No. 461604>>461605>>461626
lmfao, three different groups of farmers were merged into one and now mods are already erasing people from disagreeing, its almost like each thing needs to be separated if you don't want farmers disagreeing.
>>461595What even is sarcasm
>>461598>whoever is not a communist is male reeeeeclassic radfem comeback, how will i ever recover.
>>461602>scrots think women just choose to be prostitutes for funYeah, miserable women in communists countries didn't choose to be exploited by the party just so they could eat, they definitely don't get to choose much of anything actually
(take your complaints to /meta/) No. 461633>>461639
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men can't get hard and can barely get off to real women but stick their dicks in places it don't belong because a hole that is made for them to put their dick in isn't good enough. So much for all the evopsych shit they scream about
No. 461639>>461645>>461649
>muh evopsych means you need to have a .2 waist to hip ratio, feminine-ass hormones, triple h tits and a phat ass for me to get even a half chub, you high test she-beast>while men without fail enthusiastically fuck car mufflers, bewigged men on Premarin, donkeys, prefer to fuck asses, cum on feet, camels, horses, dogs, vacuums, watermelons, bowls of jello, etc No. 461650
>>461645They actively complain about that part and play the
victim with "Woe is us, treat us extra nice because nature is not kind" shit.
From their own viewpoint, there is literally no reason for us to give a single fuck about them, but they want us to ignore that part and accept the rest.
No. 461654>>461676
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anyone else have experience with men like this until they were pinkpilled?
and ofc if you complain about this you're an unbearable roastie trying to ruin his fun for wanting to be treated like an actual partner
No. 461666>>461670
>>461651Same. It's really disappointing seeing a really attractive woman who clearly takes care of herself with some pot-bellied neckbeard.
Some men literally don't wash their asses because they think it's "gay".
I could never date an honest-to-god ugly man, and I don't care if hypocritical scrotes think it makes me shallow. Since they're men, there's already a high chance they're going to be full of shit and stress me out in life, so why should I punish myself even further with one whose very
appearance is offensive to human eyes?
No. 461667
>>461659egalitarianism is a euphemism for "i get more crumbs pretending we're on a level playing field and denying the oppressor/
victim dynamic". lmfao shoe0nhead calls herself an egalitarian while she tweets about how disgusting overweight women are, but licks the shit-stained balls of doughy, marshmallow men by virtue signalling about how hot they are, and rants that any reasonable male that mentions that rock solid vidya titties are unrealistic is a lying soyboy bc her tits are clavicle height firm and perkies
No. 461679
>>461676I use to have this problem. The issue is that they make themselves so readily available despite this. Don't be afraid to leave if he wants to take you for granted and make damn sure he knows you will leave if he does. The reason why men get away with this shit so much is because they know women will still stick around despite this, they know it and brag about it. They get off on the idea they can do fuck all and still have a woman give him what he wants. Don't let him have that.
Once you stop chasing men, they will be the ones chasing you ladies.
No. 461692>>461699
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"Men don't care about looks, only women care about other women's looks"
No. 461700>>461706>>461869
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This is what he looks like, by the way. What a catch.
No. 461782>>461800>>461848>>462338
>>461718That’s basically any sitcom protagonist though. And if it’s not one of the main characters, it’s one of their friends.
>Married… with children>two and a half men (basically an entire show about ‘muh marriage bad, women needy and clingy’>don’t even get me started on TBBT>HIMYM has Barney Stinson as well as a side character-couple that portrays the cliche unhappy married couple/guy that’s sick of marriageJust the few I can think off the top of my head.
It’s incredibly disgusting how nonchalantly sitcoms can portray (married) (usually average to good looking women who ofc are made out to be super ugly) as these lunatics that only want to tie men down and even the ugliest and mentally as well as physically most unhealthy men get portrayed as those lads that deserve barely legal topmodel tier chicks, to treat them like sex dolls and maids. Like, it doesn’t even have to be subtle and they’ll get awards
thrown at them for their revolutionary humor and genius writing, as proven by Chuck Lorre time and time again.
Fuck most of mainstream media tbh.
No. 461793>>461803
>>461706Ugly men won't treat you any better
Wish more women knew this.
No. 461831>>461836
>>461798Petty is right.
Your post will most likely be capped and used as evidence for the violent microaggressions that terfs do very day so that any actual threats posed by TIMs or gender critical discussion can be ignored.
No. 461839
>>461802Rest in peace, Magdalen. You were (and are) a powerful voice, admired and loved by so many. Thanks for everything.
It's like she said: At least she didn't go down because of a man.
I think we should start archiving her videos (if that's not already been done) for future reference, just in case "something" happens on YouTube. I'd just do it myself and upload everything to Mega or something in one fell swoop, but I have no space on this HD at the moment.
No. 461843>>461846
>>461802Oh Christ No
Please don't let this be real
No. 461848
>>461782This, not to mention how many handmaid's support this behavior and pull "it's a joke" anytime it gets criticism but completely flip their shit on how sexist female artists like Megan trainer are or how sexist the movie pure is etc
Men always go on about how they're the gatekeeper of marriage yet still do it and act miserable the entire time and write their sweet and cute wife to be a monster, why? They literally propose and shame women who don't want to be married
No. 461989>>461993
>>461944imagine how
abusive this sick fuck is in his personal life. loser deserves to be put down
just told my mom (who isn't all that interested in the gc or feministy stuff but agrees w it) a sec ago about magdalen and what Mackinnon posted, she cried and said "really is another reason to hate men, I'll tell you that". everyone will see exactly what these abusers are, in time. you don't need to be admittedly gc or rf to see that these are nothing but abusers and manipulators. awful, evil men that are flying under the radar as men often do until they do something absolutely heinous after getting away with causing havoc to countless peoples lives
No. 462058
>>462049If they like you, you get stalked, hacked and harassed, if they hate you, you get stalked, hacked and harassed, is there any winning with them if you're a woman with a fan base?
Not even innocent book review girls can save themselves harassment. Pathetic you have to do things that cater only to women like hair and makeup to not get perved and hacked but even then men are invading those communities too
No. 462067>>462100>>462154
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>>461960Yeah, he's saying he's "celebrating Friday the 13th".
This response was good though.
No. 462078>>462098
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>>462075It seems likethere's quite a sizeable number of women on lolcow who struggled with "I might be enby" stuff when they were younger. I get the feeling a lot of that is rooted in Tumblr culture.
Also, this one made me smirk.
No. 462098>>462099
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>>462078I actually wrote about this yesterday over on Spinster.
I did use Tumblr, so that is partly to blame, in addition to having a very sexist religious upbringing where I experienced feeling "out of body" because I liked masculine things, but was born female. I believed there was something genuinely wrong with me as a child, that my expression was abnormal and a sin. I was very secluded from other people.
No. 462100
>>462067Kek, he’s probably seething after reading that comment.
>>462064Tbh when I first saw Sam Smith I thought he had down syndrome
No. 462103>>462116>>462135
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Must be so hard living as man, they really do have such serious problems such as living in fear of chairs.
No. 462127
on mobile but ended up on a jaiden animations video about her trip to Japan. 1 comment joked about her dad needing subtitles when trying to communicate with someone. And down the silly tread you get this autism
>Next Leader>American men are already defeated by their own women and feminism. They are cucks and manginas who can't put their women in their place and lost all their masculinity and patriarchy. Their women divorces them for no fault, takes his house, takes alimony, takes custody of his children and takes child support after ruining him emotionally and financially and there's nothing those pussified American men can do about it because they are emasculated and completely indoctrinated and under the full control of their gynocentric culture. Those Americans can't fight real men. And what would they fight for? Sacrifice themselves for more gynocentric society and when they come back from the war, their women would have cheated on him.Wasn't replying to anyone. They honestly can't go to any normal innocent video without autistically reeeing. His channel only 1 playlist and it features a beaten up woman, how women are evil, etc. At this point, how long you think until they all start to transition into women.
>>462116Because women are to blame for everything instead of realizing that there is a problem amongst themselves. Men rape other men in prison so much but those facts are ignored until its time to shut women up on speaking out against sexual violence.
No. 462149
>>456390Men proclaiming themselves as non-binary makes me feel so uncomfortable, they're pretending they can't be male chauvinists anymore because they're ~not men uwu~
>>462143Hey, you're not a bad person because of that. Being gender critical makes you a person who can think freely, not being dragged by the mainstream thinking. The main problem with troons is that when someone says "I'm trans" they will believe till the end ad beyond. See for example the current case of Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv. How could a mentally healthy person to think he's a woman after all the mean things he did?? Troons think that if we are questioning the identity of one of them, we are questioning anyone and that's not true. Maybe happens with some GC but not everybody. Personally I believe not all TiMs are bad people or sexual predators but they usually are mentally illed, specially those who are "lesbians". Male toxicity affects men so much, to the extent that men truly believe that when they like "girly" things they are women. That's sad and I understand you if you keep your thoughts at yourself.
No. 462151
>>462143>reason doesn't get to himsounds like most men. my ex was like that too, no matter what you said or how convincing you were he couldn't see from other people's points of view. men are just bull headed that way.
I've had this kind of conflict before, there is this really nice troon that works at a gas station that I go to. I almost felt bad for being GC. but then I thought of what if he identified as being a tiger, let's say, and he was still a wonderful person. would I feel bad for not believing that he was actually a tiger? probably not. it's hard to reconcile but I refuse to be brainwashed by niceness.
No. 462157
>>462143You can reconcile it with a variation of the classic "don't hate the player, hate the game" line of thought. In online GC spaces, you'll often be exposed to the most extreme examples of (usually highly narcissistic) TiMs going too far and it will undoubtedly
trigger a negative emotional response.. but most of the ones I've actually met irl are fine and just want to do them. While I have severe disagreements with transgender ideology, I don't really hate transgender people themselves, and I often see them as
No. 462163
File (hide): 1568457038713.png (27.15 KB, 592x321, coward.png)

This was posted on Kiwifarms Tranny news thread, of course one of the troons who celebrated Magdalen's death is a cowardly loser. Makes sense because the troons I know in real life who are very aggressive online are the most submissive cowards who get panic attacks from taking phonecalls in real life. It's hilarious. This is why I try not to get too angry over them, behind their online bravado they're pathetic shut ins.
No. 462186
>>462182She's excruciatingly slow when it comes to expressing anything, mostly because she's so careful with her gender-y language and not linking genitals to gender etc
The comment section is the most interesting part to me. The amount of times she will accuse people of not watching the WHOLE video before commenting as if that invalidates any they say. There's an account that parrots everything she says and looks suspiciously like her just posting through another account. And she also replies to general comments about a topic as if everyone is personally addressing her (possible autism?)
I've never seen anyone spend quite so much time in their own comment section dismissing anybody that dares to think differently
No. 462188
>>462086actually that's a good point. is it
>*they was amazingor
>they were amazingI've see the latter because it's the grammatical construction, but technically with a singular "they" the first
should be accepted as grammatical…
No. 462197>>462207>>462209>>462288>>462843
File (hide): 1568469441842.png (321.81 KB, 1172x422, literal shit.png)

it is a .gif of crabs dancing with 'magdalen berns is dead' written over the .gif
there is no shortage of trannies being nothing but evil pieces of shit about this. other cap is just some other piece of shit wishing death on a gc tim
No. 462216>>462221>>462225>>462231>>462232>>462252>>462255>>462843
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>>462207vewwy weal "demon loli scene princess/little girl" ~uguu
i wonder if the left males that cape for their clearly
abusive or threatening or violent or pedophilic behavior realize that their
abusive and violent superior tranners never look like what they ordered, kek
No. 462222
>>462212Don't you know that anytime something enters a vagina it permanently stretches it out?!? When a woman has sex with just one well endowed Chad it ruins her body and adds to the suffering of the fine men on r/smalldickproblems
The world is in a loose pussy epidemic and I think big dildos should be banned worldwide as they are offensive to men
(couldn't help myself)
No. 462223
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i wonder why anyone would think incels are pedos
No. 462230
>>462206Love it when they can't pick a name and stick with it
Someone asked her if Theo was short for Theodore and 'No it's not! It's just Theo'
Calm down there hun, you only picked the name five mins ago. She reminds me of Phoebe Tickner in alot of ways, every discussion comes back to her being the most oppressed and important person
No. 462232
>>462216I thought that said semen princess..
Which they probably are too
No. 462245>>462254
>>460466Late reply but you can definitely see male propaganda in GLOW. I can't believe they're STILL pushing the Alison Brie/Marc Maron sexual tension (can't remember the character names right now). As if any 30 year old wants to fuck a dude in his sixties.
And they did it again this season with Debbie and "Tex". Why do none of the women fall in love with men their own age? Male propaganda.
No. 462246
>>462143I feel the same way. Even after years of gender critical reading I still believe people should have the freedom to try to live as the other sex even though I believe the TRA rhetoric is harmful, regressive and plain wrong.
Thinking about trans people as a sliding spectrum of humans is how I wish they would see Gender Critical people, unlike how even the least GC libfem is unequivocally a literal nazi.
No. 462247
>>460459Alias Grace is a GREAT pinkpill series too. It's an Atwood novel but the creators didn't make it into meme fluff like the handmaid's tale. It actually really exemplifies issues of misogyny, and the main character is great.
It's on a Netflix, highly recommend. Probably didn't get big because it actually portrays women (and scrotes) in an realistic way.
No. 462257>>462260
>>462143I feel like a certain number of trans people have personality disorders like BPD, hence the issues with their unstable sense of identity and also the emotional lashing out at people who don't match their views
The reason I think that is I was diagnosed with gender identity disorder and was on testosterone for a year before getting a BPD diagnosis.. Look at the borderline traits checklist and then look at trans people.. Now years later I'm not symptomatic of the BPD and I'm fine living as my birth gender
I can't look at any 20-something year old tranner without thinking they'll possibly be normal again in ten years time but their reality is what it is for now
BPD tends to be a bigger problem in a persons teens and twenties and people can experience a sort of remission in their 30s onwards, I've seen alot of detransition stories line up with that timeline
No. 462264
"Pussy" meaning "coward" became commonplace in the 20th century, when the word "pusillanimous" was not widely used. Prior to that it was used in the 19th century as an insult for effeminate men. Simultaneously at this time the word was used to describe vaginas, coming from the Old Norse word "puss" meaning "pouch".
Have you even heard the word pusillanimous pronounced aloud? It isn't pronounced "pussy-llanimous", it is pronounced "PYU-sillanimous".
You are wrong. Read a book before you talk next time.
No. 462271>>462274>>462283
>>462260Well admitting trauma is often what get you the diagnosis, that mixed with a pattern of erratic, risky and unstable behaviour
I'm not saying BPD is everything Psychs say it is but people with a pattern of behaviours in relation to a childhood trauma have emotional regulation issues and an unstable sense of identity
Sexually abused little girls tend to get the diagnosis later on and many detrans FTMs have childhood sexual abuse
No. 462283>>462284
>>462271>>462271>I'm not saying BPD is everything Psychs say it is but people with a pattern of behaviours in relation to a childhood trauma have emotional regulation issues and an unstable sense of identity that's stupid though. first off, it's overdiagnosed, and they act like it's fixed. depending on what's going on, who you are, people who are being actively abused seem to act an awful lot like those with BPD, but they don't even try to determine whether or not these people are still experiencing active abuse or trauma or have even had the opportunity to heal and not flail in a million different directions their entire lives in just trying to survive while being abused or traumatized and likely had their need for safety ignored. they don't even try to make the first attempt to figure out whether or not these could be responses to active trauma or recently healing trauma or what, so how can they even say what's a PD and what's just coping with abuse? they just use persistence as the yardstick for it with no regard for whether or not the
trigger has been removed, or even if the patient can identify the
trigger. ffs, so many abused or traumatized people can't even see the
trigger for their maladaptive coping and scarring until years later
>>462274fucking thank you. they're trying to pathologize losing your mind to being abused or traumatized and then are scapegoating the
victims, essentially.
No. 462284
>>462283I've met other BPDers through getting treatment and its nearly all CSA
victims who are still drawn to
abusive men as adults
I was at my most 'symptomatic' when dating men.. they know it's trauma but the current treatment is a therapy where you learn to 'retrain your brain' It's a joke
No. 462288
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>>461802I can't believe she's gone…
>tfw I'd find this out from ctrl + fing the thread after I scrolled up and saw >>462197, I was just hoping it wasn't true and it was just a tranny prematurely shitting himselfI'm glad she's not suffering anymore. Her brain cancer was very aggressive and it pained me to see how they cut her skull open-not to cure her-but to extend her life for a mere few more months.
Will we ever have another Magdalene? Someone willing to stick their neck out like she did to be the voice of reason, and deliver it in such a deadpan and funny manner?
Trannies are so fucking vicious.
No. 462291
>>462285The men causing this trauma would meet the requirements for having antisocial personality disorder or similar but then they stroll through life outwardly looking normal and hiding their abuse
Personality disorders are updated every few years in the diagnostic manual because there's no real science behind them. It's all just groupings of traits that tend to happen together and cause disruption to quality of life
I was watching Chase Ross and his friend do an FTM podcast a while ago (before they had a huge public falling out) and found out both of them have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. The fight they had afterwards showed off some traits of it funnily enough
No. 462338>>462364
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>>461718>>461782This must be the only happy, long marriage in sitcoms.
No. 462363
>>462359It's crazy that they'd misdiagnose you as BPD when you already had an autistic diagnosis. It's well-known that undiagnosed autistic females are often misdiagnosed as BPD, because autism is seen as a "male" disorder and the effects of female socialisation on it are still not properly studied. Outbursts related to SPD, socialisation issues and depression get attributed to irrational mood swings just because we're women.
>so they can get paid for therapy for it?That and having deals with companies that make medication for it. It's a lot more profitable to prescribe meds than it is to spend time diagnosing people properly.
No. 462367>>462419>>462478>>462515
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What are y'alls experience with men like this? I dated an emotionally distant manipulator. It's pathetic how men think they're all different but just turn out to be all the same
No. 462373>>462380
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i always wonder why more people don't question why trans "women" are constantly grandstanding the whole "lesbians are transphobic" thing when there are no trans men loudly yelling about how gay men don't want to fuck them. it's always the entitled males screeching about this shit.
No. 462375
>>462364imo it's because the humor comes from all the weird/spooky stuff, they don't have to throw in all that le wife bad xD shit to keep viewers (particularly the lowest common denominator male viewer). I actually love that they're a devoted, passionable couple tho tbh. But anyway it takes some creativity to come up with a base for humor that isn't just lowkey passive aggressive family relations. Snarky one-liners seem easier to write than a good plot. Characterization doesn't really need to be considered (notice om average the depth of characters and their relationships on shows that don't rely on shitting women vs ones that do). And if the average viewer is going to be a 20-50 y.o male, lowkey ragging on women is basically the golden ticket.
>>462366These troons get 25 thousand dollar frankenstein surgeries just to have a "vargeena" despite the complications, but of course it's cis women who are the most upset over someone's bits. Got it.
No. 462376>>462377>>462388>>462407
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Was watching why women kill and this was in the comments.
Why is it with men and thinking we would fuck dogs and cheat and leave with a Chad.
No. 462380>>462384
>>462373I had the same thought. You don't see FtM trying to force gay men to fuck them.
I had a debate with my friend about AGP and she's a lesbian pysch major and denied it and called blanchardism pseudoscience. But i told her that even if you disagreed with the theory and typology AGP is still a thing, even as transexualism in the DSM.
Funny thing though is that she admitted she would never have sex with a trans woman.
No. 462404
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Boy, sure would like to be in a group for autistic women without men trying to post selfies in it…
No. 462407
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>"In general, men are more likely than women to cheat: 20% of men and 13% of women reported that they’ve had sex with someone other than their spouse while married, according to data from the recent General Social Survey(GSS)."
>"However, as the figure above indicates, this gender gap varies by age. Among ever-married adults ages 18 to 29, women are slightly more likely than men to be guilty of infidelity (11% vs. 10%). But this gap quickly reverses among those ages 30 to 34 and grows wider in older age groups."yeah, definitely projection. women increase then decrease when they get older while men just keep increasing…
No. 462419
>>462367I was with a guy for years who I felt so lucky to have, he was so woke, so kind, etc, but with distance I can say, no, when it was really hard for him, he did the same old guy shit. cheated on me, lied about it, shamed me for not being horny 24/7, ultimately left me w/o any warning or help (finances were intertwined) because it was easier to just dump it on me, say it was all my fault, then leave and try to pretend I'd never existed. I'm honestly much happier alone, in part because this tweet really does feel true, and when I remember I don't HAVE to be with any guys like that, I feel free. It still sucks, but yeah.
No. 462432
>>462366Lmao what? I barely think about these people going about my daily life. Seems like it's actually them who are obsessed their
TERF witch-hunts, looking for any small possible sign of somebody being a
TERF around every corner, including a woman just existing as a lesbian. "Being filled with seething rage when you see somebody just existing"? Many of these AGP freaks seethe at any attractive woman they encounter and especially at lesbians in relationships because of their sheer amount of jealousy. Also, again, who was it who nailed a dead rat to a woman's shelter where abused and vulnerable women just want to exist and heal peacefully? Finally, why do they only bring up "
TERF bitches" and women in washrooms as examples of transphobes, what about all those male transphobes, who almost certainly are 100% of the ones enacting the violence against you? Is it because they're protecting their own?
>>462388It's "facts don't care about your feelings", until the facts hurt their feelings. Rational and logical gender right there.
No. 462444>>462450>>462480
File (hide): 1568513917125.jpg (118.03 KB, 1566x881, 190913-Montgomery-Richard-Stal…)
>Famous MIT Scientist Calls Epstein's Victim "Willing", Thinks that Pedophilia Should Be Legal This same man also defended child pornography and believes it should be legal. Still hasn't been "cancelled".
Of note, Epstein also previously donated a lot to MIT, and they did their best to cover it up. really defend their own, huh?
No. 462485>>462487
>>462484>put my grandson in a dress and send him to school. And when prompted, my grandson must say he’s a girl.What the fuck? And they say TERFs are gender enforcers?
I wonder what the TRA take on this would be.
No. 462491>>462500>>462506>>462587>>462654>>462656
File (hide): 1568523234772.png (344.87 KB, 600x272, fml.png)

from the mtf thread. beautiful youtuber woman with her own small following dating this literal nobody bridgetroll troon.
and yet men repeat the lie that they need to be gigachads to get noticed when all they have to fucking do is be quasi decent people and theyre rewarded, not with women as attractive as they are, which would be fair and just, but they end up rewarded with women 100x more attractive. see this shit all of the time. literally disfigured men end up with models.
No. 462506>>462514
>>462491I truly wish women's standards were as high as they convinced women they are. If there are no convincing men that we aren't roasties who just want chad why try to prove to them we aren't if they'll always believe we are? Might as well have fun instead of wasting copious amounts of time attempting to convince them.
Fuck a chad. Piss off an incel.
No. 462507
>>462500pretty much
big eyes, plump lips, slim neck/arms, small nose, clear pale skin, high cheekbones, proportional chin, and forehead. These are features women and men dish out major money on and somehow it's not good enough to be considered attractive?
It's probably because she isn't caked in makeup with hair done by celebrity stylists and is wearing comfy clothes instead of skin-tight insta thot wear. Isn't it funny how men claim to ~love~ the no makeup, messy hair and comfy clothes look but when an attractive woman does exactly that she's labeled average and treated as such
No. 462521
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>>462514Agreed. It's a lot easier for men to looksmax too
they build muscles and loose fat easier, can completely transform their look with just facial hair and a haircut, can just wear suits and formal wear without having to learn about body shapes and skin tone, suits and formal wear on men is universally considered attractive, safe and legit testosterone is easily more available to them, just to name a few. It's easier for them to get career opportunities and they don't get nitpicked as much. scars and other flaws are seen as rugged and masculine. Even average looking men have all these women (or claim to) chasing after them. Not to mention it's a lot cheaper for them to looksmaxx and more socially acceptable
so many of them are just stuck in the narrative that they're only getting rejected because they're 5'9 not because they're fat pieces of shit going up to stacies on tinder and begging for sex. They definitely have an unfair advantage when it comes to looksmaxxing, if I were a man I'd be taking full advantage of it. The more I learn how easy it is to looksmaxx the less empathy I have for them
No. 462584
>>461718This is how I always felt about this show, particularly the way he treated his wife and daughter like you said.
Have you ever seen According to Jim? That show is cancer inducing.
No. 462608
>>462538not a family member, but a son of my parents' friend (i was 8, he was 17). one when my parents visited his parents, i went to his room and saw him laying in his bed with a boner. i left his room immediately, but then he came out from his room and started masturbating in front of me.
sometimes i wonder if i should do something about it? i think he has children now, and if he is a pedophile and i'm the only one who knows that, shouldn't i do something? idk
No. 462655>>462673
>>462624That's creepy as fuck.
Do you live with him anon? Can you move out?
No. 462766>>462848
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Nobody on r/RedPillWomen knows how companies work or what a CEO actually does.
No. 462830>>462843
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They come for their own but complain the "cis" are the ones threatening them.
No. 462843>>462887
>>462830ofc they do, this veritable horseman in literal clownpaint of a pedo
>>462216 told fionne he hopes to see him die soon, here
>>462197 No. 462848>>462929
>>462766I thought things were typically decided by the board of directors/major shareholders rather than one "title" person.
How could you have ONE person making the decisions for Goliath corporations like Google or Nike?
No. 462879>>462885>>462964
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>>462870this is what the singer(the one on the right) looks like
he also posts on /pol/
No. 462882>>462883>>462885>>462932>>463319
>>462870>Be Stacy and get shat on>Be Altgirl and get shat on>Be Amish/Horsegirl and get shat on>Be Academic and get shat on>Be Tradthot and be safe for a bit until eventually still being shat onBut be any kind of guy in a misogynous comment section and other bros will have your back, I don't blame teenage girls for just deciding to not be girls anymore.
I wish any guy who spoke against a certain 'type' of girl had to have that forever stamped on their tinder profile. It's depressing knowing that the guys in those youtube comments are still going to play cute with Ramona Flowers type girls if they can, and even worse that some girls wouldn't care anyway because society teaches them that attention from a man is the highest compliment.
No. 462883
>>462870all of this is just protracted whining that even stupid slutty girls won't fuck them.
>>462882 there's no type of girl you can be without being shat on by males. worrying about whether you're basic or not is another stupid distraction because men will see you as a dumb hole with only one purpose no matter what you do.
do whatever you want and watch them angrily fap over women they claim to hate.
No. 462885
>>462870>>462882tbh i highkey think certain psychos like holly did take from this movie and i find art hoes incredibly annoying, but this guy is a total pissbaby
>>462879what a beautiful and fit huwhite specimen
No. 462898
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this is fascinating to me particularly the part about males being gay in poly contexts and females being gay in monogamous contexts
god i wish i wasn't straight. males are a plague
No. 462938
>>462932MGTOWs and incels hate on them because "they're all cheating fake whores"
you literally can't with them, not even little girls are safe because of how many incels tinfoil about how 12 yr old girls are whores, it's insane
No. 462946's a special day when a TiM is so narcissistic even his fellow troons are put off by it.
>Being trans is statistically much much more dangerous than being black. Thats a statistical fact. >Trans men have a platform, albeit still a much much smaller platform than lesbians or gay people. There is no lack of visibility. Compared to trans woman there is an abundance of visibility and representation.>I feel alone as there are ostensibly no supports for trans women at all, but plently for trans men.Even when his fellow troons show him the statistics proving him wrong he just ignores them and carries on with his one man pity party.
No. 462954>>462967
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>>462870>Man joking about hitting teenage girls because they wear fashion he doesn't likecool
No. 462964>>462967
>>462879yeah i saw clips in the video of them singing or whatever… and he looks so fucking ugly!! lmao. how do ugly ass dudes like this even get off saying ANYTHING about any girl.
sour grapes much?
also love how he wrote a whole song about why "edgy" girls are bad (usually teenagers experimenting in subcultures) but this dude is a whole ass adult guy who browses 4chan and looks like an incel
No. 462967
>>462954>anime avatarfat and unimportant.
>>462964>how do ugly ass dudes like this even get off saying ANYTHING about any girl.why do you think? women don't pay him any attention irl so he's vengeful and has taken a "reject them before they reject me" attitude.
No. 462992>>462995
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Used to think Stef Sanjati had a weird face, but look at this troon No. 463050>>463057>>463059
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>There’s certainly a connection between my autism and my transgender/homosexual stuff. They’re part of my neurotype that makes me, me. I don’t think they can be separated […] As far as if I’d only had one issue or the other: If I didn’t have autism, I feel I would have transitioned in my late teens. I wouldn’t have let a little bad news tell me not to do it. I would have also been more self-sufficient (I never held a job for more than three months back before my diagnosis with autism). If I’d just been autistic, I really worry I would have been one of those people commonly referred to as ‘neck beards’ or ‘men’s rights’. By being female, but having to live as male, I learned to understand both genders and their ways of thinking (typically). I really value that insight, now. (Transwoman with autism)
from "Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder"
thoughts? I think its that people on the spectrum don't understand how deeply NTs are affected by gender roles, and then are pressured by NTs gender ideology to match their autism with an "appropriate" gender identity
No. 463057>>463107
>>463050Autistic biological female here, yeah being told I would be better off transitioning because I am so "bad" at being a woman really messed with me. I feel like a man in drag if I were to perform femininity. My gender expression was accepted until this troon shit and now being a "good" woman depends on whether I wear a skirt or not and wether I want to take care of a manbaby. I am also sick and tired of being labeled "not like the other girls". These fuckers do not know what they want, because later me being a weirdo is a huge problem and they don't like that I can effortlessly outmasculanize them because they act like manbabies. Or that their manipulation efforts do not work on autists, annoys them to no end. Autistic men are terrible too btw, not just normies. Even if you find a cute isolated autist, if he gets exposed to the internet, he'll get a gaming and porn addiction very quickly. Honestly I am so close to just getting a high class male prostitute and quitting dating men altogether.
The things men accuse women of, like being emotional or talking too much. Holy shit from my perspective men are the most emotional needy creatures on the planet. Ungrateful and entitled to boot. I am sick and tired of the emotional labour you have to put into one.
No. 463059>>463071>>463073>>463107
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>>463050I don't think that opinion piece is backed up by studies but most MtF are men and men are more likely to be diagnosed with autism in the first place.
What is backed up by studies is the prevalence of personality disorders in troons. No. 463072
can someone please tell me how it is that men are able to look at their hairy asses in the mirror and see their brick shaped bodies covered in 3 inches of barely there lycra and think they look good? this is not something exclusive to troons. this is something that males have cultivated. i'm really not sure how they can separate reality from fantasy the way they do?
you see that this is something almost all men have and it's partially the cause for all of their deleterious behavior. how is it possible that they are such fantasists? and it's rarely ever in a creative way. it's specifically like wrt their self image or politics or like, threats. they're always the first ones to hysterically buy into crazy shit like that there's a cabal of hyper intelligent mantis shrimp secretly mind controlling their kids or something
>>462916yes, i visit a lot of flakes on /snow/, lots of the threads on /ot/ or /g/, /pt/. as ive said before, i dont think everyone who is gc or are rfs are just here for these threads. none of this shit was popular on lc when i migrated
No. 463081
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Why are men so socially retarded? Especially when it comes to dating?
They'll have basic ass male interests like gaming and cars then bash women for having common female interests as well?
these same men also expect pristine and athletic women to be interested in them but refuse to take up interests like that as well. They get so upset over sporty girls dating sporty guys (cheerleader and football couples) or rich men dating rich women, but ignore women with common interests as them? This definitely applies for the wave of emo and goth boys who chase Stacy, ignore the types of women who share interests with them, and then whine about being lonely and not having a steady girlfriend.
Men are truly a hivemind it's hilarious but sad. If a man can't get laid it's 100% his fault, they always try to cope by claiming they don't want pussy but then create communities like r9k and incel boards to scream their damn heads off about how women are evil for now showing up at their door and having sex with them
No. 463084>>463085
>I've had 3 boobs jobs, a rib removal, 5 fat transfers, a butt-lift, lip injections on the regular, 3 nose jobs, a jaw shave, botox, and I regularly get extensions, perms, eyelash extensions, I train my waist with 200 dollar custom made corsets, and I spend several hundred dollars on makeup and clothes each week then binge drink at clubs looking for dick all paid for by my insurance and my sugar daddy
>WTF fake narc whore! Learn to love yourself
>I'm trans though
>oh okay carry on
I honestly hate how much trannies get away with, they act like caricatures, I wouldn't even care if women weren't demonished for things trannys get praised for and encouraged to do
No. 463085
>>463084I feel people can do whatever they want with their bodies (tho it's usually varying degrees of BDD) but what's most infuriating is that for trans in certain countries these procures are government (tax payer) subsidized.
Like seriously, in this situation why do we give preference to surgery due to gender dysphoria over body dysmorphia? They are both mental issues.
No. 463091
>>463088>>463088The same reason men hate tampons, makeup, hair tools, skincare etc
it's used by women and they will hate absolutely anything used by women no matter what it is
it sickens me because a lot of women use birth control for medical reasons, it helped me stop fainting on my periods but I guess I'm an evil roastie basic whore for wanting to be conscious during my period
No. 463094>>463096
>>463088Peel away all the surface modern reasons and it comes to the ultimate point that's always been at the core of men's problem with women - powerlessness and death anxiety.It doesn't matter if you're in the Bronze Age or the cyberpunk future.
When females control reproduction, males die.
No. 463107
>>463057I relate to that! women also take a lot for me to socialize with but at least with them you have a chance for some reciprocation. men just take and take and take, ASD men even moreso. also fucks me up that autistic men can be completely antisocial and still somehow coddled.
>>463059an interesting thing the book mentions is that for troons on the spectrum, most mtf already have a diagnosis and most ftm are later diagnosed after seeking help with gender identity. some people reported that after being diagnosed, their gender dysphoria lessened or even ceased. women on the spectrum were more likely to feel NB/genderqueer/genderfluid than outright believing they are males. even if the book isn't 100% based in researchable facts, there's a connection between ASD and some types of troons, that those in the autistic community have noticed.
many troons are autistic, do their gender therapists consider how that might affect their dysphoria/feelings?
No. 463253>>463259
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>>463250BAD MISTAKE. I wasted several years of my life with an alt right mama’s boy robot and I’m trying to get a divorce without ending up dead and on Investigation Discovery.
No. 463259>>463303>>463321
am super interested in the topic of you guys having dated robots or incels in the past. people are always acting like it's nbd and that they're actually just ~misunderstood~ and need to be loved uwu, but it seems they always dox the girls who gave them a chance and leak nudes, if not worse. you can't reverse entitlement.
>>463253jesus! more deets? sorry you're having to go through this, anon.
No. 463261
>>463250I can't hate them because a lot of them are mentally ill and/or
victims of abuse continuing the cycle. But having said that they are objectively failing their duty as women. A woman's responsibility for making society better is letting bad men die out childless - you date, marry and have kids with good men only or you don't.
Incels and robots are SUPPOSED to be incels and robots. This is the true red pill they can't swallow.
No. 463269>>463298
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kinda dumb but was on tumblr just now (don' t shame me pls) and saw pic attached, notes are full of some random ass sperg in true tumblr fashion going "fuck you, the dad did nothing wrong, the mom was abusive to the boys reEeE" replying to any comment that says that the movie was scary or good or anything really.
check the individuals profile:
>he/him pronouns
>trans man
every time
No. 463271>>463424
>>462870This is just embarrassing. Right off the bat the title of the song doesn't make sense. It might be just be my experience, but I have honestly never seen any woman earnestly try to "be like Ramona Flowers", it's usually males who are the ones sperging over that shitty movie. Do they seriously think the inspiration of that type of style came from Ramona Flowers? They seem completely out of touch and like they are attacking a type of person that doesn't even exist. If anything isn't it usually males who watch Hollywood movies or television that portray a shitty and flawed male character/antihero and the piece of media is clearly trying to denounce their behaviour, except men are so retarded that so many of them miss the entire point and look up to and try to emulate these characters? In fact, almost of the behaviours they complain about like listening to crappy /mu/core, having "shitty"/extreme political beliefs, smoking weed and drinking, and going to concerts can also be found among plenty of males, and the rest is just NPC incel bitterness and strawmen. It's like that "shuffles deck" meme that these types love to use. Damn women and their
shuffles deck… using a dating app and trying to have fun by going to concerts? If you're going to make a misogynistic song like this then try to actually say something insightful. Typical scrote's artistic ability. The fact that this has 500,000 views with that like-to-dislike ratio and that much praise is just embarrassing and kind of concerning.
No. 463296
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>>463276this is to fucking accurate.
No. 463302>>463362
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>>463276It's weird how they can laugh at a cumbrain meme but instead of getting woke they still speak like true porn addicts themselves in the comments. Someone joked that the guy looked soulless which prompted a two part reply about how women are truly the most soulless?
No. 463303>>463355
>>463259I’ve talked about my situation before but never in detail, because I know he knows about this site. Please guys don’t fall for the “aww he’s just misunderstood!” shit they pull to manipulate you.
My husband has literally no reason to become an alt right Trumptard douchebag. If only his chan friends knew how his wife really looks like…
No. 463304
weird daughter dies under big bros watch, mom goes insane with grief, blames son in one single scene, does a seance at weird ladys, gets spooped, son and mom are having visions/possession throughout, dad does fuck all, turns out the daughter and then later bro were housing a ¿demon? that is revered by a cult that the mom's mom (and seance lady) was part of. imo a very female centric horror movie about grief basically, toni collette was great. anyways, it is a good horror movie mostly relying on dread and suspense as opposed to jump scares and gore. not just me saying it, it is generally acclaimed by like everyone, however, one jokey post about men potentially not getting the movie is enough to summon a TRU BIO male who is ready to defend her ~kind~. wish women would realise that men will
never cape for them as much as they cape for men, ever, even when wearing a binder and changing name to Oliver or whatever.
No. 463319>>463330>>463362
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>>462882has anyone thought about dressing flds/fundamentalist esque? hate the meaning behind it, but it seems like a way to make men just see you as "weird" and unfuckable compared something like alt girls/art hoes, who men develop a fetish for based on some idea that they're more loose or mentally ill. the only men you would prob attract is crazy old mormon loons, but you can see those fuckers coming a mile away, as compared to soft boys who are wolves in sheep's clothing. idk, modern men (ie: young ones in cities) hate modesty despite "wanting wife material". most of them ALWAYS date the women they claim to hate/typical looking basic girls no matter what fetish they have for different styled girls
No. 463330>>463362
>>463319>hate modesty despite "wanting wife material". most of them ALWAYS date the women they claim to hate/typical looking basic girls no matter what fetish they have for different styled girlsyou bring me to an interesting point, there are so many women out there with different personalities but men would rather try to convert women to do things those women don't want to do?
men who try to turn modest girls into party girls, turn party girls into modest girls, turn masochistic women into vanilla, turn vanilla women into masochists, turn normie girls into alt girls, turn alt girls into sporty girls, I just don't understand why they can't just either find a woman more suited for their tastes instead of trying to torture and change women who do what makes them happy? or at least learn to love what they have but you know that's never ever the case with men and even if they married a girl who cooks like a pro chef, has a body of a porn star and the face of a model and comedian like humor, scientist like smarts and is rich they will always find something wrong with her
No. 463338>>463340>>463341>>463345>>463353
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Nightmare fuel,it probably got some hidden stash of cp
No. 463345>>463389
>>463338It's tumblr bio…he refers to himself as a girl despite being 50+.
Don't you just love how women are considered to old at 25 yet this man's tumblr which looks something a 13 year old would have is brave.
No. 463355>>463420
>>463303thanks, anon. be careful and be safe. praying for an easy divorce and for you to get away soon and without issue.
>>463321sorry to hear that happened to you, anon. i just don't believe this type of entitlement that they seem to all poseess is owed to anything but general male entitlement. do you think he was a pos because he was abused by anyone or anything? because now what i'm hearing is that their behavior and outlook is justified because "oh hard lives" but i rarely see one with a hard life, just an obsession with sex. people are always try to rehab men and apologize for men but will be quick to call women unfixable
No. 463362
>>463302Because men can never be flawed according to men. They can be soulless BUT women are always worse.. Because women. It's retard logic
>>463319It wouldn't matter too much? Even those fundie women aren't safe.
>>463330 brought up why men just don't go for women they'd enjoy. It's about control. They want to control and change you - they still feel ownership towards women.
>>463343Wish there was a crackdown on sexpats like that. It's disgusting to think you'd spend all that money on prostitutes, filling the pockets of the yakuza when you could simply just… Enjoy the country and learn a bit of culture and history. Happy to hear that girl dumped him while he wanted to marry her. Can't ever have his cake and eat it too.
>when I'm in Japan I'm singleFucking fetishists. Hope he stays alone
No. 463376>>463421>>463425
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I'm reading an old archived /co/ thread about the drama with that comic book Maneaters. TRAs and troons went after it, calling it "TERFy" because it's a comic about menstruation turning women into werecats.
Which led to a greater discussion of troons, and someone asking why troons would want to have periods. And I saw this response. Sometimes, even /co/ knows how to cut through the bullshit.
No. 463420
>>463355no, afaik he was never abused. like I said, his family was quite sweet, small town generous christian types. their biggest issue was being a bit poor but we lived in a cheap area so it wasn't terrible - always managed to live in quite large houses for example. lax parenting, would let him skip school to play the newest video game as a kid.
actually, when I opened up to him about my depression/past suicide attempt he told me that he's never been depressed but knew many people who were (implying he was a safe space to talk to).
he was absolutely sex obsessed though. would skip class to play Vidya and masturbate.
when I dumped him he accused me of being
abusive because I made fun of fat people on lolcow kek
No. 463424
>>463271You just reminded me of that Brianna girl. :(
He death pics are now on the internet forever, because of the fuckface that murdered her. How can the poor girl truly rest in peace?
No. 463437
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This is a good post.
No. 463444>>463446
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>>463276I checked 4chan for the first time in a few weeks and I'm seeing posts like this everywhere, for once men being extremely easily influenced by memes is a good thing.
No. 463447>>463448
>>463446It really is, but at least it's being used for good, now.
At least, until the porn corporations catch wind of this, then start their campaign of "He doesn't jerk off to porn on our streaming sites?! What a loser! Look at him and LAUGH!" memes and paid shills.
If and when that happens, a large chunk of men, being sheep, will easily go back to their old ways.
No. 463473>>463474>>463476
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Thoughts on Blaire White?
No. 463476
>>463473His "I'm not like the other troons" act is laughable, but at least he doesn't support children transitioning and calls out people who use being trans to justify unacceptable behaviour.
95% of his userbase are gay conservatives in denial who want to fuck him, though, and he panders to them a lot by over-sexualising himself. It's pretty creepy.