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No. 2255446
General Conspiracy Thread.
Do you have somewhat schizophrenic beliefs that worry your friends and family? Tired of getting red-texted for "tinfoiling" about recent events around the globe? If so, you've come to the right place.
Discussions surrounding government cover-ups, entertainment industry secrets, odd predictions, political intrigues, etc., are all welcome here.
Please follow all /ot/ board rules. Don't start petty infights, and remember to report bait instead of responding.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/1028419 #7
>>>/ot/2177582 No. 2255505
>>2255496I never understood why conspiracy threads attract weird misogynists like you who think powerful women fucked their way to the top or women don't have capacity to be leaders.
And of course every democrat is a mk ultra
victim but "based trump" who wants to rape his daughter and turn women into cattle is the one true leader who will fix everything and definitely isn't involved in child trafficking conspiracies.
No. 2255525
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>>2255033>>2255062lol nonnita I'm glad I'm not the only one in an anti vampire crowd. I haven't had any weird dreams lately but the sun has been shooting a lot of stuff at us and so people are very stressed and tense. Check out videos on all the spots in the sun through halloween. It might have influenced your dreams.
No. 2255544
>>2255505My post wasn’t ment to be misogynistic but I retract my “fucked her way to the top” statement as it was too harsh since she may not have been a willing participant, I should’ve said ‘passed around’ because that’s what happens to mind controlled sex slaves under the beta program. However, there is evidence that she was a mistress to many San Francisco higher-ups and a few celebrities here-and there; Montel Williams being one of them; whether her core personality or another alter was taking charge is another question.
Also, what does Trump have to do with my previous post? We’re taking about Kamala here, you tds libfags can’t get off his saggy dick and balls for a few minutes, huh?
>inbe4 Trump tradthotI don’t care for orange m either. As far as I’m concerned, he’s probably a handler himself and any female celebrity wearing a shitload of diamonds and rhinestones was programmed to fuck him during his last tenure and will continue to do so in the next. Once you’re over your orange man bad sperging, look up presidential programming.
No. 2255551
>>2255518Considering these jester men also solicit "underage prostitutes" aka trafficking and sex abuse
victims from third world countries I don't really think they're above any type of depravity
No. 2255614
Does this video seem weird to anyone else’s? It came across my fyp because someone I follow reposted it. I know the Delphi killer is on trial now, but this entire video feels so off to me with the way he’s giggling and walking us though the crime scene. His voice sounds similar too, listen to when he says “guys you can’t do this” and “down the hill”, when he asks what the culvert is and then later says that he thinks the bodies were stored in the culvert briefly.
Maybe it’s just that true crime enthusiasts (especially men) can be huge weirdos, but the video makes me very uneasy
No. 2255677
Is this ai
No. 2255772
>>2255614definitely weird. many true crime followers get caught up in sensationalism and either don't take the suffering that
victims endure seriously enough or treat it like a form of entertainment. it's perverse.
No. 2256249
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Schizo-tier shit incoming but I seriously think the whole Demiurge/Yalbadoath theory is for the real entities to have a proper scapegoat to distract people. A lot of people think it’s a bunch of egregores, archons and other puny negative entities when it’s been these higher entities like angels, demons, gods, and the like who’ve contributed to the suffering and imprisonment of the world. I just think it’s sad that people wouldn’t recognize this.. they really don’t care about you, because if they did they wouldn’t have placed you in a world they couldn’t even make without less meaningless suffering. I will never understand the christfags in conspiracy theory communities, if so many elitists including celebrities just worship a more darker aspect of the biblical God or his demonic mask, do you seriously think he has any interest in you whatsoever as the common man? He is a trickster through and through and everything is a game to him. The New Age obsession over the Age of Aquarius as a game changer of humanity is false, it will bring forced oneness, forced diversity, forced labor and forced integration of a new currency system that will go hand in hand with transhumanism. People have been feeding into the transhumanist bullshit for a very long time anyways through spirituality and religion, specifically the New Age, which is just a new era of spiritual dominance. The idea of 5D evolution and that the soul is separate from the body is just incredibly stupid, this is the poorly constructed world people are going to have to deal with and that the term of “as above, so below” will apply to their gods. If the same bullshit is happening with the TPTB, those people were chosen by the biblical God and the other gods who aided him in the creation of the world to rule over us all.
No. 2257013
>>2255587Okay, but what does "feminine" mean in practice? Specifics please. And why is my personality unfeminine if this is my foundation? Why do I feel imprisoned by embodying femininity in personality/dress? I'm not trying to gotcha you, I'm genuinely asking. I'll frame it all through what I specifically think and feel so as not to implicate anyone else, but I obviously think that this is likely a common experience among women.
I feel extreme mental suffering when I try to embody feminine attributes like deferrence, submission, (hetero)sexuality for the audience (what i mean by this is an "external" sexuality, as in, sexuality deeply tied to coordinated displays and performance), fragile delicate grace etc. These things make me feel entirely disembodied. They feel structured for disembodiment and dissociation from physicality.
Embodying attributes and behaviours considered masculine or neutral like verbal aggression, physical strength, "internal" sexuality with no regard for audience, social dominance, athleticism, etc. make me feel both mentally freed and centred/present in my material form at once, and I'm not sure how living these attributes/behaviours couldn't make anyone feel more grounded/certain by their nature.
No. 2257072
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>>2257020>>2257065Are you retarded or something? I was asking a question on if the Demiurge
actually exists and it was just a scapegoat to be used to distract others on the real entities who run the meat world, you fucking moron. It’s funny that you’re attempting to belittle the knowledge I have when you don’t even know that many people in the PP sphere think archons are solely alien species or some kind of deceptive astral/space parasites, not gods, angels, demons, etc. that people actively worship and believe in. There are some people who use gnosticism as a framework for PPT but it does not mean you have to strictly believe in Gnosticism. I don’t really agree with the whole “there’s a REAL god behind the false one and that real god happens to be a scrote” they’re basically just regurgitating the same sky daddy narrative and that’s why I also feel like Gnosticism at some point in time was infiltrated by other
secret cults as societies, maybe even the church to dilute its real message or maybe Christianity in it’s theological context can only do so much because at the end of the day, Gnostics were still deluded Christians who can’t help but having one singular godhead at the top because remember, a woman can never be seen as the sole creator of anything, Sophia must always have somebody on top of her to refer to and males need to regurgitate claims to make their useless existence have more meaning even if it’s completely false and irrelevant. The biblical God doesn’t even come from Christianity, he like all religions came from a polytheistic background. If you have a problem with me talking about these theories then full on say it instead of constantly being passive aggressive towards those who are interested in it, or maybe you’re just a retard at the end of the day who knows nothing and only posts in here to bait and derail people who try to start conversations. Nobody is claiming to be the arbitor of any of this information and nobody in here believes we have more special information when the information is easily readily available at your fingertips but I know retards like you find this simple task impossible to do. It’s just tinfoil shit, there’s almost nothing I have to prove to you because you can easily go and research it yourself or finally used that puny brain you’ve been neglecting your entire life. It’s also an odd coincidence that every time prison planet and fuck it even gnosticism is discussed there’s always very active and passionate thought terminators who come in to the end the conversation, so why should any tinfoiler not come to the conclusion that archonic beings use simpletons to silence others about this? It clearly doesn’t matter that the CIA that has more classified info and authority than your retarded coke parents have talked about supernatural phenomena, there will always be vampires and parasites like you both coming out of the woodwork to patronize and belittle people while offering nothing of value yourselves, isn’t that interesting?
No. 2257076
>>2255589Everything is demonic to you people, and your understanding of demonic is through a flawed Abrahamic lens. Most so-called demons existed pre-Abrahamic religion and are actually vilified deities from other pantheons (See Beelzebub, Lucifer, Astaroth, etc.) because they were viewed as a threat to the emerging Abrahamic religions at the time whose purpose was control, subjugation, and dominion over the people. Religious programming is one of the biggest blocks that stands in the way of humans finding out any sort of truth to the universe. They tell you that God is outside of yourself and that you must worship a higher power, when we are all a part of "source" to begin with. Priests, Imams, Rabbis etc. are there to make you reliant and dependent on them to convince you that you are stupid, insignificant, weak, and lesser than. That you couldn't possibly attain power or consciousness of the universe's mysteries on your own. That everything unfamiliar to you and "ungodly" is evil and must be avoided, and that only God can save you. All bullshit. So I have to roll my eyes anytime someone claims something is demonic. There is evil in the world but it's not so black and white as you'd like to believe; the universe is mostly cold and neutral, not some intelligence looking out for your best interests. It could hardly be arsed to care about our daily goings on.
No. 2257200
>>2257013nta but i think things like submission, heterosexuality, grcefullness and stuff you said isn't THE feminine. It's more like something some people belive is feminine and they base their life and functioning around this system, but it's still just a human invented system and not the basic truth of nature. Like if i see butch looking lesbian she isn't masculine to me. She's very feminine, like a lioness. She embodies the type of strenght and energy only females can have. Then for example me, i can be a dainty grass touching cow petting girl one day but i can also be like a neanderthal female hiking 20km to forage in the forest scaring of boars. Both things are feminine.
I feel like people are very influenced by society, (possibly because they live in a city and pick up on other people's energy and by this fuling very strange behaviours and ideas subcounsciously?? my theory) but they don't have to be. Feminine is what all different types of females do, not just one way to be.
No. 2257237
>>2257072chill out bbg
also the father is not a literal title (or at least it certainly shouldnt be), and referring to the monad as "he" is for convenience and cultural reasons, not because it is (just) male. monad is pure perfection, that which needs no other, and so it is neither male nor female in any sense, and is both male and female in every sense. tbh i believe entirely in the pythagorean view that the monad is that which preceded everything, and from which everything (in mathematical order) came. you're getting so caught up in irrelevant hierarchy and sexes when wondering about this that youre failing to see that the names and personas given to these concepts are for our sake as humans, in order to tell the story, not inherent to the things carrying the labels.
its on the same level as framing zeus as le
problematic rapist while ignoring the fact that the story is a symbolic frame for the motions of physical forces that govern human survival (ie weather in the case of zeus). i dont mean to sound like a retard athiest here either, because i do believe that these forces have independent wills and that the spiritual task of ancient people was to placate these wills. and obviously the various religions practiced by the populace hinge on imagining the forces as people or akin to people (because the populace is unable to grasp abstract concepts) which then leads to spiritual understanding getting corrupted and underwritten by the biases placed on the imagined "people" (see: skydaddy). not even just talking about you here, but the vast majority of people including those involved in religious institutions.
anyway having gotten that off my chest: i do believe that the demiurge is real. i consider the demiurge to be an unpredictable and finite deviation from eternal pleroma. it will probably recurr but can never last. honestly i am a hylic at heart and love being a material thing in a material world. im thankful i had the opportunity to be arranged however briefly in a spiritually and energetically unfavourable way just to get blasted with unbelievable sensation and then inevitably decay back into a proper inert state (once the universe collapses). i dont really know how anyone can take prison planet seriously when its such an unbelievable miracle to even wake up at all. im thankful to the demiurge for making my weak worthless body
No. 2257241
>>2257200Thanks for the genuine reply, I agree on the face of things but how can that "energy only females have" be quantified? Because it seems to make having a word like "feminine" completely redundant if it just means "anything you do".
I guess I'm just wondering that, if you think there is an essential (as in, regarding an "essence") difference between male and female humans that would persist in a society-free vacuum and is unchanged by social circumstance, what IS it? How would someone "get in touch" with it or "realise" it, as the anon I originally replied to was suggesting?
No. 2257757
>>2257241A ot of words i think lack in meaning, its not a perfect tool for sharing information, even though people think it is. If we had telepathy where the pure meaning is send to you i think people would understand these things more. Maybe part of realizing and seeing what the essence is not basing it in words because its limiting and people end up with the weird stereotypical definitions of feminity.
I don't think i have the words to explain it what IS it. But i've been living it since i was born so i don't know a tutorial on how to get to the understanding if you don't have it you know? But there are people on here who are better at words than me.
When it comes to societyless environemnt….Maybe there is something to observing animals and their behaviour of females and males and seeing it's similarities to people's behaviour that shows me hoew females are different to males even though they may be doing the same task. We have so many similar genes to all mammals and it's crazy how sometimes it projects into people. Animals have societies of course but those are way more natural societies than this psychotic system we live in so i think it's a good space to observe the essence there instead of imagining people without society at all.
Anyway i'm sick and i hope it makes some sence lol
No. 2258726
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now what?
No. 2258788
>>2257241I meditated on this while on mushrooms and I saw masculine energy as this solid granite cube with these square Aztec patterns. It was solid and static.
I saw feminine energy as the same cube but instead it was moving and flowing. It looked like an invisible glass cube filled with snakes.
My interpretation was that masculine energy is the stability, while feminine energy is adaptability. That being said I believe most people have a balance of masculine (unchanging) and feminine (shifting) qualities. If you refuse to change, you will never grow, and if you are constantly changing, you never know yourself.
No. 2259407
>>2259032Sage for blog but absolutely this.
>First shared living situation >One roommate would complain about how I "left the place completely trashed". Went in the kitchen and asked what she was talking about, turns out it was a cup of cranberry juice I WAS STILL DRINKING that was "the complete pigsty">Cue months and months of her being messy, not cleaning up dog shit, not cleaning her messes, etc but would claim I'm the super messy one, then would claim I owe her thousands of dollars for food ingredients (I brought btw) and her doing my laundry (I did laundry at my parents house)>Second living situation >Resource guarding again as you mentioned, if I used a single dash of someone else's pepper (even if I got permission) it would immediately be reported to the property manager. They also accused me of stealing when I had (literal) receipts>Third and last living situation >Moids would leave the house a mess, including letting slugs all over the bathroom, then claimed I was a priss for not wanting parasites>When I would put groceries away, everyone would either steal all my stuff, or complain to the manager until I got a call about him accusing me of all kinds of bizarre stuff instead of just… Asking me to keep my spices, oil, etc in my room. They even ended up breaking my TV because "you shouldn't have left cooking stuff out" No. 2261154
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Do you guys think that internet celebrities (streamers, influencers, content creators, etc.) have to have a certain bloodline or hidden connection like Hollywood celebrities need to get to the certain level of success? Pewdiepie came from a rich and connected family, so did Jake and Logan Paul who both came from a wealthy and connected family. You could say that someone who comes from money would have an easier time becoming successful because they have the financial support network but it’s very odd… especially since PewDiePie was basically replaced with MrBeast as the unofficial official “head” of YouTube.
No. 2261190
>>2261154It's more like being from wealthy families entitled them to spend way more time than necessary acting like preteens online for views. It took a long time for them to become successful, and if they didn't have access to funds or money from other sources like family I doubt they'd have been able to become social media titans. Even that doesn't last forever though. I honestly haven't heard anyone talking about Pewdiepie or Logan Paul in years. Maybe it's my age or the people I hang around, but honestly as someone in her mid-20s I'm starting to realize that social media influencers and all that are really only important when you're a preteen. There's a reason so many of these influencers have view or follow demographics that skew incredibly young. Once you're older it's just like "OK why would I care what these people are doing" kek. That's why I take nothing I see on social media or the internet as indicative of anything else. Because I know really that the majority of content creators online are retards trying to bait kids into following them so that they can get money. That's pretty much all online content is now.
The reason MrBeast "replaced" Pewdiepie is because Pewdiepie's audience just grew up and aged out of that type of content. MrBeast filled the niche for young children in the same way Pewdiepie did. Pewdiepie had a following of young gen. Z kids, MrBeast has a following of young gen. Alpha kids. I don't really buy MrBeasts "wow look at how popular I am because I'm an expert with the algorithm!!" schtick. 70% of his views are from children under the age of 12. He has no real lasting legacy; at least Pewdiepie can be considered one of the first bit Lets Play channels. When Gen Alpha begins to age out of that content, there will be a new Youtuber that appeals to the youngest of the next generation.
I think the reason MrBeast appears more popular than Pewdiepie was at his peak is because when Pewdiepie was rising up, there still wasn't a lot of capital invested in the online space. So much has happened in the past 15 years and so much has changed. The internet of MrBeast is very very different from the internet of Pewdiepie. Corporations know fully understand the cash cow that is the internet and they're much more willing to exploit children online now than they were in 2010.
Sorry for reposting I wanted to add the second paragraph No. 2262100
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My tinfoil is that these "people" are just spamming letters on the keyboard. I'm supposed to believe "luokkakysymys" is a real word? Also they misspelled Anakin. Bots.
No. 2262284
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Words are weird. I'm writing words from my brain and you are reading them now and they are inside you're head. Even that grammar mistake I made is inside your brain. Your checking what mistake I made and now you're checking again for the second one I made. You're wondering now if it was just two. What if there is something in the filename?
Language is the biggest pysop and we're all falling for it.
No. 2262294
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>>2262177The Ugrical language spread is a tinfoil in itself. That spread isn't natural
No. 2262319
>>2262284Words are literal magic.
Slavic people believed that knowing the true name of a thing gives you power over it. The media in service of TPTB deliberately misnames things to influence public opinion, "collateral damage" sounds much more acceptable than "civilian casualties". 1984 did a good job of describing "newspeak", we hear a form of it in the media every day.
Every time I read/listen to the media, I translate newspeak in my head to the true name of those things. Call things what they are. It is necessary to do this translation to not succumb to enchantment magic (in the DnD sense)
No. 2262829
>>2262294research hyperborea anon kek
>>2262284and for you: research wittgenstein
>>2262319this is true and this is also why neurotic illnesses like bpd and ocd and anxiety more generally are disorders fundamentally about language. bpdfags are always speaking into existence their self hatred and worthlessness. and by obsessing over certain symbolic concepts and returning to them again and again in their heads ocdfags imprison themselves in their own language. there are other examples obviously and this fact is taken advantage of in theraputic treatments. its also why talk therapy can be so dicey for bpdfags imo if theyre just allowed to sit there and spew out all their various curses it will just make them worse
the media control thing is blatantly true. some people in conspiracy circles who are down the demon rabbithole believe that those in demonic pacts are required to get 'consent' from those they are exploiting (ie the public), but that this 'consent' can be rules-lawyered around, so when media figureheads 'joke' about being demonic or manipulating the public, or dress in ways that show their pact, and people accept this and laugh along or reward it, they're 'accepting' being taken advantage of by demonic forces. i didnt explain it well but its an idea that interests me, even though i dont necessarily believe in demon shit
No. 2263063
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Anyone get really pissed off/stressed/angry whenever you use certain threads? I’m not saying the threads are inherently bad it must be the collective energy that’s coming off in those threads, some feel less angry that normal and the others feel like they’re full of rage, bitterness, passion, anger, annoyance, etc.
I also noticed this as well, that when they started enacting surveillance on the internet and through technology through post-9/11 politics it was another way for them to remote view tons of people. I’ve came to this point because I’ve had a very strange experience a few months ago (probably around a year ago) where I was trying to sleep and kept having strong visions of my Ring camera, whenever I closed my eyes I would either see visions of the ring notification constantly buzzing on my phone but the particular one I saw was a vision of the ring camera with the pov being outside of my property but the strangest thing is that in the vision it was very eerie and nobody was there in the vision, but these invisible entities were able to cause some sorr of detection with the camera. Maybe they’re able to manipulate these smart home technologies, even computers/radios/microwaves/ovens/airfryers, etc. to not detect them on the ring camera. Right after that vision I felt a strong vibrating sensation in my body and it nearly triggered an astral projection episode but I shook myself quickly out of it. I also got a vision during that where I saw one of those protection bracelets with the evil eye on it, maybe to use it? Sadly this hasn’t happened again but it was so strange and odd. I really wonder… can these technologies detect astral/extraterresterial beings and can these beings somehow bypass the detection system and coding of these devices?
No. 2263325
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>>2263314Could a man working on the entertainment industry be a pedophile? You tell me
>>2262284Language is the best thing that we've ever made and also the most powerful and dangerous
No. 2263350
>>2263063If i have a bad day i do feel angry, but now it's less and less. I learned to let things go, and i'm thankful for this to lolcow. It's extreme here when it comes to bitterness and pettiness and one day a switch just switched in my brain. I have a slip up from time to time elsewhere with faggots but lolcow really made me more zen. If i know a petty shitstorm is coming, i just leave and don't look back at the post and i do that everywhere on the internet.
I sometimes too have astral projections after an unpleasant night moment whatever the moment is, thete's many.. but i love astral projection it's the only time i feel free and i'm not scared of anything because nothing ever hurt me there. Astral world is home to me.
It could very well be some entities can be detected by technology and interract with it.
No. 2263602
>>2263341Ooff, a psychiatric nurse suggested to watch that series as I reminded them of Fiona a bit (which to this day I don’t believe, and I’m sure not all episodes aired at that time) and I liked the beginning as they have a close trustful network and make things work somehow. But as it progresses, wouldn’t be for me.
And I say it bearing witnessed: you can get so seriously desensitized to this shit irl. You can make yourself an object, give yourselves to the wolves, develop all kinds of tunnel view of you and only your interest, it’s so damn easy to be evil, it’s laughable.
In media if combined with looking like fun, trust, empowerment, community, bassssic human craving, it’s like a sandwich: one layer fun things, shock value or arousal combined with questionable ethics, and then another fun layer. And there you have conditioned ppl to be more accepting, blurring the lines of what is dangerous and harmful and quirky and fun.
Basically, it’s just the start. Increase the nasty things, combine it with social media and real life rewards, monetize it even and yes, things that are irl taboo and disintegrating others safety and dignity, get undermined.
No. 2263661
>>2262829>those in demonic pacts are required to get 'consent' from those they are exploitingI believe it’s a loophole for their conciousness, so that it doesn’t come back in guilt or remorse. You have dissected that moral part off from you. As a symbolic exchange, like asking the vampire to cross the threshold.
Like those, who deem others have deserved to be exploited, because they are so gullible, and weaker, when they were trusting. That gives them the entitlement, a right from a higher framework, feeling like the higher framework themselves unlike seeing, that they are just, simply, nasty.
No. 2263686
>>2263613Im ok with a whacky shows about poverty, it would be too high score to make it realistic, but still funny and add in the magic of coincidences and luck.
And I get it, that you need some higher framework to act out in your freedom and flow. Artistic choice, supranatural credo, or even truth if you want to go that far. but essentially it’s too comfortable with the damage that it’s doing.
No. 2263869
>>2263341i absolutely agree with this, i'll never forget when i knew nothing about the show and sat with my parents and turned on the first episode only to run downstairs embarrassed when a girl was giving a guy helping her with homework a bj. i was just trying to find something funny to watch with my parents.
also american horror story, watched season 1 by myself and just couldn't continue because it was just really gross to me. it's kind of silly imo that americans have so much to say about violent video games but will defend shows like GOT and other "porn but with a plot" tooth and nail. like give me a break. watching incest b-but with a storyline is for freaks.
No. 2264367
>>2263610Actually I strongly believe the public shouldn’t know everything; on the contrary.
Leave information for those who want to understand and make sense of the world, but leave the rest in ignorance.
I think this is for the best of all and for things to work out. I know I sound mean, but ultimately I think everyone lives better this way.
No. 2266648
>>2262319Also the way bots repeat the exact same very characteristic sentence or term online when they are trying to push an agenda is part of this word magic
Most people think the bots are being too obvious when they do this, but it's actually deliberate. It functions as a mantra and has the same effect as a regular mantra - repeat a thing enough times and it becomes true.
It does not matter you notice them doing it, they get the concept etched into your brain. This is why the chosen wording is very specific and why it's always the same. It's not that they don't bother changing it up, they deliberately repeat the same mantra
No. 2266666
>>2266605Well the theories range from everything from small starters to mass catastrophe, but my recent strangeness includes a bunch of dreams about me being kidnapped with the occasional bout of worldly self destruction where a bunch of cities blow up
I have predicted events in the past, but I've also been off the mark
So who knows
No. 2266676
>>2266666Nice quints! Must be a sign, I believe you now
Anyway, I recently had a dream about a big catastrophic EMP. I was trying to get away from it in a flying saucer, but the pulse still got me and almost disabled the vehicle. So my money is on a big EMP event
No. 2268040
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I don't agree with raw milk drinking (or just milk in general) but anyone else find the raw milk fear mongering retarded/suspicious? Like it's not more dangerous than eating sushi plus it's not like most people are drinking it anyway. Like why are we sitting around foaming at the mouth about how random niche paleo hippies drink raw milk? Could it be so they can redirect the amount of food outbreaks going on and claim it was raw milk?
No. 2268103
>>2268095>bruh.. cows aren't filthy unless they're packed into a feedlotWhich is how most American cows are raised. I don't think raw milk is bad in theory but I think the republican push for raw milk is more about removing health/safety requirements from Big Dairy than it is about supporting wholesome raw milk from happy well-raised cows.
If we remove or loosen pasteurization requirements we also need much stricter rules around animal welfare and factory farms but republicans are never going to do that because it cuts into profit margins.
No. 2268922
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Barron Trump is a nephilim
No. 2268952
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>>2268950*6'9", and not absurd my butt. Look at this thing! He looks like when Spongebob went to prom.
No. 2268962
>>2268952>He looks like when Spongebob went to prom.KEK
Many basketball players are this tall but wouldn't elicit this response from nonas.
No. 2268973
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>>2268947<= This is what supernaturally tall looks like, 9 feet. Past a certain height, many problems come with it, including a shorter life…
No. 2268977
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>>2268973That's a bit dishonest because he seems to be in front of them a little. Here's a picture of a man with gigantism next to a normal height man where they're side by side.
No. 2268985
File: 1732127638424.png (1.3 MB, 900x600, GSIlVQNa8AAAzS0.png)
>>2268945Melania (who has shown an incredibly shrewd and resilient nature common among Nephilim) worked her way up from being the daughter of a Yugoslavian Textile worker to American First Lady. She likely had a parent who was a Nephilim or an angel but not that much is known about her family. These two are very close however. Melania didn't hire a nanny to care for Barron when he was very small. I believe they have a very similar, odd nature and a bond that Barron's human father cannot understand.
No. 2268988
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>>2268977In that picture Robert was a teen growing,he died at 22 and never stopped.
No. 2268991
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What dark spiritual insight can be gleamed from his drawings?
No. 2269115
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>>2269009Why DO so many celebrities resort to prison style decor? Could it be a "display house" and they decorate their actual house?
No. 2269124
>>2268997Clearly it's not as dangerous as people are making it out to be if there's people giving it to literal infants and drinking it their entire lives and end up being perfectly fine. I don't even drink milk btw. As others have stated, it's just
sus how defensive people get especially since there's loads of other foods with even higher risks do diseases that people don't get that defensive about
No. 2269674
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Considering these are controlled by third worlders, it's safe to assume they'll be used for crimes ranging from theft/datamining and unauthorized surveillance to murder and rape.(racebait)
No. 2269752
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>>2255446Has anyone here been haunted through the internet?
When I was in high school my bf was terrorized through his phone by someone claiming to be my ex… who I suspected was actually his ex at first, and that this ex was MALE. (He claims it all started with a fishing scam on the old But i never knew what to believe it was all so freaky. All of my texts would get deleted from his phone and his texts from mine. We would constantly miss communication and social media post history no matter how many different devices we would use. He would wake up to his computer screen being on in his room. Tapping at his computer keyboard. The worst thing that happened was he would wake up with to these hands strangling him in his sleep, and come to school with hand imprints/ bruises on his neck. At times this "internet demon" would show up as a he, and and simply watch him at night. One 3 occasions his phone went completely missing. This went on for about 2 and a half years until i graduated and went to Pennsylvania.
This shit haunts me to this day and sometimes i still think about it and wonder what he's doing. I wonder if the jealous demon is still following him around. I'm too nervous to get in touch and find out.
No. 2270111
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>>2269803Adding to this, because it's election year you'll see a lot more of this due to politicians and corporations buying bots/accounts to push narratives, especially misogynistic narratives as we're basically becoming the hand maids tale . Literally just the other day some reddit bot reposted the same story from multiple accounts, even answered questions and replied back
No. 2271895
File: 1732273640871.png (31.75 KB, 584x636, proph.png)
Going back to this prophecy post because of new events
>Three branches will become one
Republicans now control the legislative branch (house and senate), executive branch (presidency) and the judicial branch (supreme court)
>The star will gorge itself on clay
Israel (star of David) attempting to annex Gaza and the West Bank
>The black flag will fly above the dome
In Iran a black flag is flown above the Imam Reza Holy Shrine to symbolise mourning. Recently Iran has hoisted a black flag above the dome to mourn it's losses in the current war.
>The bear will leave it's cave forever
Russia being a leading member of BRICS and creating a new multipolar world order.
>A killing bolt will shine in the night but will not kill
Russia struck Ukraine with a hypersonic intermediate-range ballistic missile as a response to storm shadows and atacms missiles being fired into Russia. It's target was a missile factory but due to it being at night, it's assumed that no one was at the factory and no deaths have been reported.
So far that's 6/12 if "An island will drift away" is considered to be Brexit.
No. 2271984
File: 1732283688897.webp (39.15 KB, 960x701, jonbenet-ramsey-mystery-judi-e…)
I've seen a lot of people say JonBenet Ramsey was killed by her family, but with the foreign male DNA, signs of both prior and "new" sexual trauma on her body, the bedwetting and smears of feces on all her underwear when her drawer was investigated, the parent's act of leaving their children alone in the house on Christmas, no signs of forced entry to the house and the child beauty pageant stuff in mind, I think it's far more likely that her parents betrayed and sold her out. People are aware by now that professional actors and models, and even some "amateur" ones are prostitutes, including the child ones. A "professional", or at least prolific child beauty pageant contestant would most likely also face exploitation. Remember Trump boasting about how he'd walk in on teenage beauty pageant contestants in their dressing rooms, and get away with it because of his power? What are other men doing and getting away with? What kinds of men are likely to involve themselves in child beauty pageant businesses specifically? Stage parents are not normal people. I'm convinced John and Patsy allowed someone to sexually assault her, perhaps for financial gain or to secure some sort of status, and for one reason or the other, that individual went too far that night.
The ransom letter was obviously fake IMO (written on a notepad from their home IIRC, unusually long at almost three pages, the author somehow knew the father's exact bonus, strange lines about "respecting his business, but not the country it serves", both the body and letter being found in the same house, there was a first draft of the letter found in the house, etc - all according to Wikipedia). The parents most likely covered for the perpetrator and faked the letter not just because he was wealthy and powerful, but because him getting caught would expose what they were facilitating.
I think it's suspicious that people keep blaming her brother (Burke) even though he was only 9 years old, the DNA on her underwear wasn't his (the claim some make of the DNA "coming from a factory worker or manufacturer" seems bogus to me. It was semen, and I don't believe the sexual trauma on her body added up with COCSA). Holly Smith (the investigator who noticed things that'd point to sexual abuse) also randomly got dropped from the case. Things like the parents doing an interview with CNN and not helping investigators, lawyering up immediately after the killing, refusing a polygraph,(allegedly) demanding and receiving copies of all the evidence the authorities had against them and initially refusing to be interviewed separately, badmouthing other families and throwing them under the bus (specifically, the White family) the father's failed attempt at gaining political power in a state he had no residency in later on, and the general callousness coming from them also seem very weird to me. The more I learn about this case, the more obvious it seems to me that the killer was a third party they allowed in. He won't be caught or publicly named (though he might be identified after he's dead, like Jimmy Saville).
No. 2271990
>>2271984Interesting theory nona, but how would you explain the pineapple? I wish there was a TrueCrime thread. I would love to talk to other nonas about some of the more mysterious cases. (I have often thought that together, LC could solve the Zodiac murders). I do wanna point out that most people will hire lawyers ASAP, it's not a sign of guilt like a lot of people think. It's just a very normal thing, TBH I'd find it weirder if they
didn't get lawyers. My personal tinfoil was that it was always her father. I think he had been molesting her for some time, but on that night something egregious happened and he panicked before killing her and planting the corpse in the basement. I think the ransom note they found was his writing, but he had tried to disguise it as his wife's (both the hand writing itself and the voice, the note reads like it's him pretending to be his wife pretending to be a kidnapper).
No. 2272032
>>2271990If the culprit had access to the house without needing to force entry, I could see him being known to the family and feeding JonBenet something like pineapple to try and convince her he was a "nice man". Patsy and Burke's fingerprints were also allegedly found on the bowl and the glass next to it (no lip marks, but there was a teabag), though Patsy said she hadn't fed JB any pineapple. It might just be because of the obvious (those are possessions in their own home/kitchen, so it makes sense that their fingerprints would be on them), or she might have left it out to be eaten. I find it odd that there were no fingerprints from either Burke or Patsy on the spoon in the bowl, though. If a third party was responsible, he either handled everything with gloves, or had JB eat the pineapple by hand.
I agree that the father was likely molesting her, at least prior. He also seemed weirdly detached from her, according to how others describe things (according to someone who was there, he carried her body "like a doll" by her waist when he found her, and didn't cry, just moaned while looking at other people's faces). He also disturbed the crime scene by walking through it (he had others do the same) and carrying her body, which could lend him a bit more leeway for his own DNA being there. It's just the DNA/semen from another man in her underwear that gets my attention every time. The fact that JonBenet's red "pageant nightgown" was also supposedly next to her the night that she was found puts no doubt in my mind that whoever did it was attached to the pageant stuff, probably in a voyeuristic way. Michael Helgoth's death seems sketchy, too, but I'm still reading about that.
No. 2272034
>>2271984I'd love a proper true crime thread too, there's only so much r/UnsolvedMysteries I can stomach reading on Reddit.
Re: JonBenet, I 100% believe it was her father who was molesting her, they never tested his DNA against the semen found on her clothes.
No. 2272642
Really weird near death experience video I found on TikTok where someone saw a tree (Tree of life from Kabbalah?), fell through the ground and ended up in a dark pit. According to follow up vids the pit feels endless and like there’s no escape and lots of people had similar near death stuff happen to them in the same place where they flatlined (though idk if that means they were all in a black pit or not). The creator of this vid says they don’t follow Christianity after but yeesh this is some bad existential anxiety. Not like all those new age-y love and light ones you usually see
No. 2272653
>>2272642there are a lot of nde testimonials on youtube both about people who went to heaven and hell.
evntually you realize lots of the stories contradict each other so dont know who is telling the truth. I saw one video were a guy met jesus and jesus was all "hell is just a state of mind dude" and another video where a guy goes to hell and its like "hell is real muhahahhahahhah"
No. 2272687
>>2272653AYRT and fair, I’m interested in this paranormal stuff but who really knows? I do remember one where it was like “Only 1% of people, including Christians, are going to heaven” so my standard is basically the more bible thumpy / evangelical the more likely it is to be faked. This person does seem to be honest cuz she doesn’t want people to be scared and insists it’s nothing to do with sexuality or anything and was just showing how to be nicer? She claimed to be annoyed with the Christians bombarding her and there’s a bunch of comments about how “Oh this is actually all in the Bible / Quran!”
No. 2272918
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>>2272032>he carried her body "like a doll"It's hard to visualize when it's written like this, so here's an description from one of the detective based on eye-witness accounts on how he carried his daughter's corpse. I saw a visualized illustration of it once, but I can't find the photo. An important piece of information here is that when she died, she soiled herself: she peed in her pants. So a lot of people thought this was another indication of the father's guilt: he already KNEW she had soiled herself, so he was holding her far away from his body so that he wouldn't get any urine on his clothes. On the flip side, some people say that he carried the corpse like this because of the stiffness that had already set in; or because he wasn't thinking rationally after the discovery.
>there was a teabagI believe the teabag was the type of tea that John, her father, used to drink regularly.
Sorry re-upload, I dropped the pic kek No. 2273708
>>2272642One video on this topis i saw was realy interresting. A lady went to hell, been there for some time and then she got an idea. She started singing and the singing made her levitate further and further and that's how she escaped hell.
>>2272653I think that hell is just a state of mind makes sence. Usually the people who went to hell didn't lead happy lives before and i think it's possible like the lady in the video i saw said, to get out of there.
It also made me think about the bigger picture of singing. Singing helps me so much when i'm depressed. It's hard to make myself sing, but after like 3 song i start to feel better. Something about singing, sending positive vibrations into space, is healing.
No. 2273764
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>>2272034I also wish there was a True Crime thread. To keep it more on topic I also agree with you re: her dad. I found the scenario that CliffTruxton laid out to be fairly compelling. of who did it, that poor girl was failed by everyone in her life and it didn’t have to end in such a tragic way.
No. 2273853
>>2273708Yeah I think you’re right about it being a state of mind. She posted another video basically saying she thinks it was a reflection of her mental state and how stuff would be for her mentally if she continued being miserable about life and that Near Death Experiences are basically people hearing what they need to hear reflecting their mental state. Some stuff she deserved was horrifying though, like a kid who apparently had black eyes screaming for his mom. Really crossing my fingers that this was just a state of mind thing because it’s been stressing me out badly
No. 2273857
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>>2272918DA, but here's the drawing.
No. 2273889
>>2273882I don't think you can speak for someone who just found their dead child in how they should behave
>>2273884I'm not denying that this is a possibility. But there is also the possibility that seeing his daughter in such a degrading manner moved him. If I saw my child tied up and ducktaped, I too would be overwhelmed with the need to 'rescue' them from such a horrible position. This whole case is peculiar to me for so many reasons, but the way he removes her body isn't one of them just because I think any parent who just found their child in a position like that would want them removed from constraints immediately.
No. 2273907
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>>2273889Second AYART. And I think that’s a fair interpretation too. Just pointing out that the evidence preservation angle doesn’t really hold water for holding his dead daughter like that.
>>2273891They should be able to link one to the other if he was the source. An issue with a case like this is that it’s difficult to argue other traces of DNA, if they originate from the family, weren’t just the result of contact DNA and living in the same house. Maybe not in the 90’s, but DNA testing can extract information from the smallest sources, which can actually be counterintuitive at times to an investigation. (See, the case of Lukis Anderson: )
No. 2275030
>>2274037Unless there's an airtight confession somewhere down the line, I don't think we will ever find out. I think there are several possibilities, and all of them involve careful grown men who had premeditated assaulting her, likely for awhile. The pedophile ring is also very plausible given how enamored creeps were with her and the general nature of the pageant scene. There being no sign of forced entry could easily be explained by someone sneaking in through an unlocked entry point right under their noses, stealing a housekey to copy it and then return it, etc. There's still a small chance it was their son and that's the only theory that would involve the parents protecting him and trying to cover it up. It could have been the father of course, something that makes sense given her previous signs of longterm sexual assault, but I think it's just as likely it wasn't him. It could be a series of events that we would never think of at all. If any intelligent man slightly removed from the family was obsessed with her, which is likely because of her pageant crown, he could watch from afar and wait for opportunity. His removal from the family and anonymity would give him a get out of jail free card in 1996. I also think it very well could've been the brother if he himself was sexually abused, but I don't think so. I still feel so bad that this little girl has never gotten the justice she deserves, what a scary way to die.
No. 2275037
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>>2275030Then there's the man who broke into a 12 year old girl's home and raped her before fleeing from her mom 9 months after JBRs death. I think these factors are too similar to be disregarded, and the six year age gap doesn't mean much to pedophiles. Would this rapist have killed the girl were her mom not there to intervene? He was bold enough to brazenly enter the house to rape her. A man couldve been stalking the girls at the dance studio, looking for opportunities. If the Ramseys are guilty of anything, its of believing it was safe to leave their children unattended. I think that guilt follows them forever.
No. 2277281
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Fuck it, continuing the theme of unsolved mysteries/shady investigations, what does everyone think of western global airlines N545JN?
For those not in the know:
>Cargo plane goes from Munich to South Africa with a diplomatic shipment of 67 tonnes of banknotes for the South African Reserve Bank, theorized to be about 2 Billion US dollars
>After being denied landing in Mozambique, plane emergency lands in Harare airport in Zimbabwe
>While stopped the ground crew notice bloodstains in the side of the plane, the plane crew already explained in Munich that it was just a bird that hit the plane and there's nothing to worry about
>Ground crew decides to check it out anyways
>It's a fucking dead body
>He was next to the banknotes and the body was so deteriorated they couldn't take fingerprints nor estimate his age
>No arrests persecutions or further investigations were made, the crew was let go after the official death was determined to be lack of oxygen
>Some people claim there are CIA connections
Official narrative is that he was probably a stowaway from Uganda to Munich, there's no doubt something shady here with how deteriorated the body was, how hard it is to search about online, how the only news agencies that reported on it were from Zimbabwe and South Africa, how news kept changing their story from emergency landing to routine landing, and all of the 6 members of the crew in the plane claimed to not know about anything and were all let go.
Fun experiment for anyone to try, try to search "Western global airlines N545JN" on your usual search engine and see what comes up.
No. 2277296
>>2277284I believe it could be, considering the history of CIA and drug trafficking planes like "cocaine" and "cocaine 2" human trafficking doesn't surprise me, however it's really weird to have only 1
victim if that's the case, unless it's someone the government really wanted dead.
No. 2277310
File: 1732624646018.jpg (19.65 KB, 225x225, 1000000494.jpg)
What are the CIA psyops happening currently? It's been easier than ever with most people being on social media. My ideas are
>Creating extreme mom shaming, especially to those vulnerable like lower income parents or single moms so they would be more likely to surrender their children.
>The entire vaccine debates were distractions (???)
>Creating more misogynistic psyops to brainwash gen z into being right leaning and going along with P25
>Using gore, podcasts, "dark humor", etc to desensitize potential soldiers and have them become sociopathic to go to war/take in pride in hurting and torturing people, especially if they're going to use soldiers for internment camps
>Social media addictions via online argument bots to keep people glued to their phone. And purposely instilling softwares to keep people addicted (like purposely giving notifications as soon as you set your phone down)
No. 2277316
>>2277310Not necessary CIA but psyops:
>bereal as a means of spying on a citizen and who they socialize with>all extremist youtubers like Nick Fuentes and breadtubers, self explanatory>the transgender movement for so many reasons it could be its own post>the shittyfication of search engines and making sure "Untrustworthy","old" and non advertiser websites get buried>Generative AI>Everything hollywood like portraying teenagehood as having sex and doing drugs>Burying certain philosophers/thinkers while elevating others that aren't such a threat to the current system>Current academic system with shit like peer review>>2277312Because in current society it's easier to get women to lower their standards than make men actually be attractive, because if the current male standards were to rise most moids would fucking kill themselves and actually try to start a revolution because of no pussy or some shit, also most agents of the deep state are filthy moids who the psyop benefits anyways. There is no reason for them not to do it.
No. 2277328
>>2277281Ooooh, some ideas:
1. There were more bodies, they were removed at other times and locations, this one got left behind by accident
2. It was a murder but committed by someone unrelated who had access to the plane while nobody else was around, they shoved the body in the plane and made it someone else's problem
3. Accidental death that would lead to an expensive and embarrassing investigation for the airline, which would explain the cause of death. Body got shoved into the plane to save the airline a lot of money and bad publicity
4. It was a stowaway who was drunk, high, mentally ill, or otherwise completely out of it, who accidentally died and wasn't discovered for god knows how long
5. The plane is used for unsavory purposes so often that a corpse hanging out is normal, so the stench and blood were shrugged off as no big deal and the crew had told the bird story enough times that they had no reason to think it wouldn't work this time
No. 2278876
>>2277312Don’t you fuckers ever keep your shit in your containment?? Istg it must be a psyop in itself to have the same male obsessed faggots coming into the tinfoil thread to only talk about males which they have a thread for while people who actually attempt to talk about esoteric/strange things are told to stop because apparently this thread isn’t for weird tinfoils and they get seriously
triggered by somebody with spiritual beliefs. This website sucks shit
No. 2279596
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>>2279586it was down for almost four and a half hours.
No. 2279750
File: 1732763529236.jpg (998.55 KB, 988x2018, 1000000498.jpg)
>weird influx of people fear mongering raw milk despite the fact there's ways nowadays to remove risk
>Turns out they've been putting the vaccine in store brought milk
No. 2279855
>>2278875This isn't a "stop having 12 kids with 10 baby daddy" mom shaming thing. There's people foaming at the mouth over moms with one kid needing help with doors and calling them stupid sluts, expecting pregnant women to give up their seats (yes, even if they got the seat first, they want pregnant women to stand up anyway to "prove their accountability"), they want CPS to take babies that have colic away from moms, they demanded moms to deny their kids medical treatment/surgeries if it required the kid flying on the plane, told moms that they need to give their kids up because they'll make all of their teeth fall out of a toddler eats a single berry, etc people have just gone insane. If it was shaming actual
abusive moms I'd be all for it but that's not the case, it literally is a weird psyop to cause more mental issues/anxieties in the mentally vulnerable
No. 2283724
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I'm convinced the layering trend in the 2000s was created so people would get used to buying lower quality clothing, pieces with thin fabrics and skin showing in weird places so you would have to wear something underneath or on top to look appropriate
No. 2283887
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>>2283724this tinfoil is believable when you consider that layering is making a comeback and consumers are addicted to making frequent purchases from companies like shein before discarding their shit products to rot in a landfill and buying more to replace them
No. 2290597
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>tfw you know him and his motive but you aint snitching cause all health insurance company CEOs have it coming
No. 2291616
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this book/movie is the reason why there are so many munchies and malingerers on social media nowadays. so many bitches saw this insufferable pile of shit and was like damn i wanna be le tragic sick misunderstood girl. this shit worsened when they realised they could get out of work/school and get government handouts too.
No. 2291678
nonnie, not a healthcare worker but healthcare worker adjacent, i work in an industry where I frequently refer people to healthcare clinics that are accepting new patients. It seems like the guidelines for sick children are basically moot because of the backlash from COVID mandates. Now, schools and daycares are telling people "yeah, it's okay if your kid is sick". The CDC guidelines (the only ones that people paid attention to) for COVID-19 are essentially watered down to "hey if you're sick wear a mask lol" and now nobody can afford to stay home and take care of their sick kid, and the sick kids have to be super sick for anyone to give half a fuck about them. It's a real shame. It's frustrating because people are almost reactionarily treating illnesses (not just covid, but any respiratory infection it seems) like it's nothing. Meanwhile their nasty children are coughing all over everyone in the daycare and the daycare workers can't be arsed to argue with 20 different clients about how they still need to pay the weekly fee even if their kid isn't attending for the week.
No. 2292403
>>2291610MB! I didn't clarify well cause I had to rewrite my original post and did it in a rush. I'm not talking about my patients. I'm talking about my co-workers and friends' kids. I mostly deal with retirees and adults. I don't think it's fair to count the kids I see at work because I know that would be disproportionate.
By selection bias I suspect people who have preexisting illnesses or families with illnesses being more likely to work in this field due to benefits/interest/etc. But even my friends outside of the field seem to be taking their kids for different tests.
No. 2294007
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McDonalds anon did you cause this
No. 2297673
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the assad government has fallen, very clearly coordinated by outside actors to weaken russia and iran, and I am honestly terrified of what will happen next
No. 2298254
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>>2297673>>2297686according to my mutuals it's all very uncertain, no one knows what's going to happen, the rebels probably won't take over the whole country and the best scenario is a federation, but this fear wouldn't exist if the us never caused this mess first of all, never funded and set up the rebels, never imposed sanctions on syria while it was trying to fight islamists, none of this would have happened if it weren't for america
No. 2298432
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not a tinfoil just not sure of a better place to discuss this: in broader terms, deceptive marketing and companies hitting the weak spots of humans for money. nothing new, but its unfortunate how its evolving. apparently sports betting is a thing you can do on your phone, two already addicting things, how perfect. not only this, they can send push notifications and they put a time limit on the bets so you feel rushed to choose. this reminds me of how fast food places have implemented tactics such as nit screens/drive thru menu placement, barricading the cars in line, rushing them etc. to get them to feel pressured into ordering more/faster. there is a quick dopamine, instant gratification epidemic going on and if you are not on top of it and constantly educating yourself or at the top of this chain, you are at a terrible disadvantage. i just think of elders, or people tired from work, and children seeing their favorite streamer sports betting. it never gets better
No. 2298527
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>>2298254>>2297673I don’t hate americans, but most american administrations have been willing to abandon any hope of advancement for women in the middle east just to justify their own interests or to help israel. they don’t have to personally deal with the jihadists they have created, even after 9/11 they refused to learn and pulled this shit again
No. 2301422
>>2299731More and more cases of CSA will come out due to the fact most Americans are retardedly obsessed with
victim blaming
No. 2303074
>>2302791can you elaborate
nonnie? I want to understand because she looks 100% autistic to me
No. 2303546
File: 1733903387805.jpg (7.83 KB, 275x183, 1000000551.jpg)
>McDonald's is out to get mee
>McDonald's set this whole thing up
>McDonald's CEO is next
At this point McDonald's should just shut their whole thing down
No. 2303565
>>2302783Kek he's waaay too young to have been a
victim of MK Ultra
No. 2304166
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The VPN ban is in place so the feds who run this site (why would anyone do this for free?) can get more accurate data on fringe women
No. 2304216
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>>2304166the real question is….which country do these feds belong to? is it the NUMBA ONE COUNTRY IN DA WORLD! or burgerland
No. 2305005
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No. 2311322
File: 1734432799023.jpg (73.49 KB, 856x1024, 1000000564.jpg)
>ofc they're "just not releasing" if the shooter was trans or not
First of all this is what he looks like, secondly if they weren't trans they would just straight up say they weren't trans, not "refusing to release that information"
No. 2311581
>>2311576Sometimes anons just
trigger my autism and make me write long replies because I can finally lose some steam in something I'm waiting to talk about, try to lookout for long lists instead nonna, chatgpt can't keep itself from doing them.
No. 2316147
>>2316138I still don't think it is him and I hope the jury finds him innocent due to lack of evidence of him being the one that pulled the
No. 2325765
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According to Diana Tober in Eggonomics, early fertility clinics used to 'steal' their IVF patients eggs and would sell them to other couples or pass them on as donor eggs, but also use them for experimentation
No. 2326406
This post is a little too schizo for the employment thread, so I figured I’d ask here.
A few weeks ago, I applied for a position at a ‘small’ firm that dealt with immigration - for top artists, athletes and corpos of the highest echelons one may know about. I recently got a call from them, then I got booked for a second interview. Afterwards, I did some research on them because I didn’t really looked into them prior to applying, big mistake probably.
Here’s where the schizo part comes into play: I googled their location to see how far they are from me and in the images, there were ram or goat skulls placed on the wall and coffee table at the front desk.
At first, I rationalized it as a normal occurrence and didn’t want to jump right away into ‘Illuminati confirmed’ territory. A few links to their social media were on the front page so I clicked, out of curiosity. Their posts were creepy; there are pics taken in what looks to be inside Masonic rooms, sexy women and posing with decaying skulls.
I really thought I applied to a local boutique firm but now, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Are entertainment firms like this? I hope this is just my paranoia but I have a bad feeling about this. I have to proceed with the second interview out of politeness and guarded demeanor because I really need a job.
No. 2326704
>>2326406I looked into it for you
nonnie. Seems fine to me, kinda boring tbh. I don't really believe in any of the schizo stuff you mentioned though so maybe I'm biased in the opposite direction to you. I did find a vimeo video posted by one of the partners for an industry association that she's the president of. It maybe has some more detailed discussion of what they do that you might not have found elsewhere, but it's nothing juicy just extra background knowledge that you could flex in an interview or something. You probably don't want me to post it though?
Regarding the skulls and stuff, I think he's just kind of a cringey wannabe rockstar. The way he dresses and inserts himself into photo ops with the entertainment industry crowd just tell me that's where his heart is, not immigration law lol (fair enough, tbh). He did register an LLC for a talent agency in June of 2020, and set up a website for the company in September that same year but it looks like he built it himself on a wix template and then never finished it, and ultimately that company never went anywhere and appears to have been (publicly) inactive since.
I think I found the job posting you applied for, get that bread nona No. 2326738
>>2326704I think I know which partner you’re talking about, she interviewed me not too long ago and will have to look into that video on my own.
I hope you’re right about the skulls being for aesthetic purposes and nothing else, I don’t always think about this shit but the images and the Instagram profile rang alarm bells in my head so I’m just being cautious.
As for the agency, haven’t looked into it yet, hopefully that wasn’t/isn’t a front for human trafficking but given my town’s history with it, who knows.
Speaking of which, my aunt and uncle provided transportation services for their neighbor who is part of a trafficking ring in exchange for getting their bills and other necessities paid for. I’m not sure if they’re still doing that and it’s been awhile since it was brought up in my family. No. 2326860
>>2326738that's grim, I'm embarrassed to admit that didn't occur to me; i think i understand your paranoia a little better. If you want to do more digging yourself the talent agency that has the law group in question listed as its registered agent is "[last name] Entertainment, LLC" I don't speak the language in question but it looks like there's some FB activity from an entity using the same trade name, different logo so hard to say if they're all the same company.
you can search on vimeo "[firm name] - spotlight video.mp4" to find the one I was talking about. GL
No. 2328028
>>2328008>>2327973can you guys elaborate a bit? I am fascinated with this.
how did he look hollow?
No. 2328042
>>2328008Most of them are super easy to come across and discern. I would be honest and say most people you come across in your life are spiritless, empty and used as vessels for hidden entities.
>>2328028Read the links in the other post. Actually read goddammit READ
No. 2329247
>>2328472fnordanon here, flattered to be remembered. this isnt exactly what a fnord is, a fnord is more a specific piece of information that cant be consciously described or pointed out but that seeds something unconsciously. its not even really directly comparable to the usual idea of subliminal messaging because its not as simple as a hidden message, its like a hidden affective
trigger, and it can be hidden in anything, in the design of a certain font, in the colours used in certain logos, in the composition of an image… somewhat intangible stuff like that. and its purpose is basically just sowing random senseless discord and discontent in people so theyre more likely to buy product to try to comfort themselves.
No. 2329639
>>2328145Blog: I believe I dated somebody like this when I was younger and more naive. It was very silly of me to be in a relationship with them for so long (<1 yr but the relationship should have ended in 2 months max) but it was really a waste of time. I barely learned anything in that relationship other than the lesson to AVOID dating these people at all costs. He was thankfully very benign and not a bad guy but he was one of the emptiest people I've ever met. He was attractive but there was nothing behind his eyes. Another clue was that I felt that I couldn't trust him but I couldn't pinpoint why. I blamed myself for having trust issues but it was really my subconscious trying it's best to snap me out of that black hole of a relationship.
>>2329244Any works in particular and does DADOES cover it? This is a theory I've had for a while but I didn't have a word for it. There's definitely a broad spectrum of these 'NPCS' from being pet-like to boundary-less dopamine chasers.
No. 2330989
>>2329247>fnordanon hereIt's so weird when anons pretend to be other anons kek. I still post in these threads all the time, you're not me. Why lie and say that you are?
For anyone that isn't familiar with fnords, this is the post I typed out:
>>1921815It goes into detail about fnords, so if you're interested in learning more just check it out.
No. 2331347
>>2330989Which is why I was asking if these soulless people nonnas encountered are fnords themselves? Due to their unsettling existence around others and literally being just walking skin suits.
Could industrial music or any kind of electronic music be considered fnords as well?
No. 2331529
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>>2331519The photo that makes him look super fat is AI generated from below the neck, but yeah his hairline is receding and he's like 40 lbs heavier. I always thought he was likely trans when he first face revealed years ago
No. 2331543
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>>2331529>is AI generated from below the neckWhat do you mean?
No. 2331558
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>>2331543The cropped version is the og photo. Someone edited it to make him look even fatter, he's fat but not
this fat.
No. 2332257
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not this shit again please
No. 2332309
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>>2332288You're right in that it's worth mentioning, it's just that chinese social media as a source is extremely flaky. Thank you for the extra info!
Something I just saw, some guy used Meta AI to edit a picture of himself and is now getting targeted ads with his own face. Please don't upload pictures of yourself to AI apps, FaceApp and similar, or anywhere really. They could start using your face to advertise to other people.
No. 2332335
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>>2332309First of all this makes my skin crawl
Second who thought and approved this ad campaign? It's troubling af
Third it's too late for me but I'm so glad my brother decided not to put any of my niece's photos on social media
No. 2332607
>>2330989ive talked about fnords here too anon chan. i didnt mean to upset you. we can be friends
>>2331347thats a cool idea anon, it makes more sense to me now. i do think there are fnords embedded in specific pieces of music. i think that certain pop songs particularly, moreso than electronic/industrial music, are riddled with them.
as an aside, but you made me think of it, some public places do literally use a device that emits a very high frequency sound only audible to teenagers and children to deter 'loitering'. its called the mosquito. acoustic deterrents are also used in pest control. i suspect these sorts of sounds are embedded into tracks produced by shady powers in order to cause discontent and disorganisation in the consumer class.
>>2331840look into the principia discordia for an introduction to the concept, although discordianism is kind of a joke along the lines of accelerationism, although both have important ideas very uniquely relevant to our age imo. also watch the movie under the silver lake, they dont use the word fnord explicitly but ive never seen it explained more concisely and accurately.
>>2332309genuinely extremely upsetting. more and more i think the australian aboriginals were right about photography taking a piece of the subjects soul
No. 2333235
>>2333229I don’t think you understand how Prison Planet works, if anything they’ll reward a rapist and force the
victim to become one in another life
No. 2333236
>>2333018Not me. In all incarnations I have suffered at the hands of men and that they're disgusting pigs and in all the rest I'm sure it will be the same
No. 2333276
>>2333236>In all incarnations I have suffered at the hands of men and that they're disgusting pigsDo you have any memories of past lifetimes?
>>2333242I don’t know there’s so much shady stuff in paranormal experiences that leads me to believe it isn’t all “love and light”
>>2333253>it’s like a base understanding of buddhism for edgelordsIt’s Gnosticism which is thousands of years old and had the concept of escaping a reincarnation cycle before Buddhism/Hinduism did
>it’s very RedditYes R/EscapingPrisonPlanet is popular but there’s multiple Gnosticism themed subreddits and also atheism is the biggest thing on Reddit still afaik
>we don’t get out in their theoryDepends who you ask, even Gnostics debated about whether or not Gnosis and enlightenment could truly be achieved and even Prison Planet people debate it
>i do believe we suffer to learnSo you’re just into new age spirituality? Cool other people are allowed to believe different, I don’t even fully believe the theory I’ve just been thinking about it lately and wanted to ask anons who believed in it
>but the world we live in is not all misery and it’s crazy to say in a world filled with such easily accessible pleasuresEvery religion that believe in enlightenment (be it Nirvana/Moksha/Gnosis) believes those pleasures are fake and part of the trap
No. 2333334
>>2333327i feel like spiritually it’s impossible for there to be a point to reincarnation or to their being different genders besides reproduction to not switch genders in other lives. but like i just can’t see myself as anything other than having a woman’s soul. it’s more than my body.
>>2333276same person sorry i didn’t realize you responded to two of my posts but it definitely is not all love and light. i believe in like demons. there is clearly a lot of evil in this world. i believe maybe it is a cosmic battle always struggling to find a balance. i think it can be won though.
No. 2333356
>>2333334Your latter point seems similar to neo-paganism. I do wonder if Gods/Goddesses are real and the whole divine feminine/masculine thing is true what if women and feminism are supposed to minimize the suffering while men want to perpetuate it endlessly? I agree there may be some spiritual fight going on though I don’t think there can be a final winner but one side can have the upper hand. I mean historically male animals have been cruel to female animals but then again the Y chromosome is dying out and there are sexless animals so who really knows
>>2333351That’s similar to how rebirth works in Buddhism where it’s not a transfer of personality/the soul but more like lighting one candle with another (at least that’s what I’ve seen it compared to). That said it unless the purpose of reincarnation is something humans have reason to care about or some kind of enlightenment it’s probably not even relevant for us sadly
No. 2334013
>>2333617I dont think that's it super tinfoil hat. There's tons of evidence that doesn't add up and the way Luigi got caught is weird as shit.
I theorize he wanted to get caught to be the face of a movement. But idk. Luigi could have just gone all out schizo
No. 2334119
>>2334104Summarize this because this just seems like one of those “every celebrity is a satanist/illuminati member” channels
>>2334112Honestly I don’t think him or the CEO killer are that attractive but maybe they just knew that people would find him attractive and he looked similar enough. I do wonder why he would willingly take the fall and get sued and possibly jailed for life if it wasn’t really him though
No. 2334176
>>2334104I saw this channel posted on here long time ago. Nonna if it's your channel, hopefully not, but if it is, this is pure schizo garbage.. and i'm saying that, as a alien, energy and vibe loving retard, who watches conspiracy videos daily. Everybody isn't a tranny, some women are just weird looking, it's normal, it's nature, not tranny hollywood.
No. 2334298
>>2334192No i can't brush that away you are correct. If somebody thinks like this it's hard to entertain anything they say. It's killing my braincells. There are other creators out there who can decode symbols and don’t have this weird obsession.
>>2334193I guess most people know The Why files, Danny Jones and The Conspiray files. Popular stuff.
For aliens, cryptids, universe and reality stuff Third eye tyrone and Library of the untold. I listen to couple of stuff in my language it doesn’t have subs though. I also saw interresting videos from DeDunking recently about drama with archeology and i have to look more into the channel. Touches of topis i'm interrested in like corruption of science.
No. 2334514
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victims of cellphone/digital cam revenge porn felt the same way because there was no precedent so people felt justified if the
victim was "bad". It always starts with celebrities and then reaches the masses, like plastic surgery or anything else.
Gangstalking is becoming mainstream, everyone will know about it soon enough. They'll be villainized, it'll be a whole thing, just like revenge porn. Just wait a bit, then everyone will know what you mean. It's already incredibly common.
No. 2334606
>>2334112> I hope luigi becomes free and becomes a celebrity because I am absolutely fascinated with his gorgeous faceIf all the online stuff I stalked about him is true he might be overwhelmed by the attention.
If he gets off he's more likely to live secluded in the woods. But I think it would be likely he would publish a book.
If he does i wanna see his cute face in the "about the author" page in the back.
No. 2334953
>>2334499This is the most complete theory of gang stalking I've ever seen the site says that gang stalking is real and it's done by intelligence networks.
No. 2335692
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Picrel but I just thought of an interesting theory, I’ve been paying more attention to kshit also known as kpop. There’s a reason why outsiders of kshit fans always say they look like carbon copies, clones, looking exactly like despite most of the Korean population not really looking like that unless they’ve been surgically modified and altered towards that certain look. First I went to the rudimentary level of breaking down the meaning of words and finding newer meanings within them: the very idea of k-pop, obviously taking on popular music but what’s popular? Pop-corn pops and sizzles out, what else pops and sizzles out? Things that are there are attention-grabbing, to be bright, starry, almost like a shooting star or a canon in the sky, just like pop-stars who are only here to “pop” brightly and to fizzle out like dust to never be remembered or to be remembered like ephemeral ghosts, kind of like history in some sense which leads me into my next point. Apparently the word “korea” comes from goryeo which means “high castle” or high nobility, stars exist in the highest points of the sky which the sky is a central point of rule, most chief deities in various comparative mythologies are ruled by a sun-earth-mars-sky matrix, this is also going into my next point about how in certain ancient civilizations especially Egypt and Rome where many thought that certain rulers, emperors and such were copies or reincarnations of past rulers and even gods so is it that they’re copying and repeating certain historical scripts of past “rulers” or are they sort of admitting through this entire process that celebrities and the government are among the same ilk, merely entertainers that are meant to be zeitgeist that come and go like and are to be remembered and associated with eras like Martin Luther King and others? The group “New Jeans” seems cute and innocent at first but the idea of “cut from the same cloth” with jeans being made of fabric and it’s twisted word play on “genes”, they are newer reiterations of past rulers and emperors who were there to really “entertain” the public and distract them from the real hierarchical structures that move and change things like a well-oiled machine. It isn’t just k-pop who does this, Hollywood here in the states is exactly the same with some slight variations. Those memes youve likely saw on the internet where people were joking that Doja Cat looks like a clone of some forgotten 1950s actress probably implies some sinister thing happening with the modifying and engineering of genes to make the same kind of people appear a bunch of times, which is what we tinfoilers call “cloning”. I’ve could’ve written this way better but I don’t have the time right now(kpop is a banned subject)
No. 2336870
I think that the cyberpunk genre is a deliberate psyop.
I can't believe how everything that sci-fi writers have predicted became reality. AI replacing people, mass surveillance, excessive digitalization, the overreaching influence of the web.
Except it's all lame and gay.
Cyberpunk, on other hand, while being a dystopia, painted this sort of future as cool and aesthetic. Like, yeah, it was grim, but who wouldn't say that the worlds of Blade Runner and Cyberpunk 2077 looked cool as hell? I think it's a deliberate psyop to condition people to think of cyberpunk as something we will get (cool, stylish).
But we only got the worst parts without the cool shit.
High tech, low life? More like lame tech, gay life.
You will also notice that a lot of high profile cyberpunk and sci-fi writers had connection to Hollywood, so maybe they were in the know.
No. 2336928
>>2336870I think we're in a weird in between period in time where large cities and digital technology haven't completely taken over life yet but we are heading that way, so for now we get stuck with old world surroundings but can get datamined/surveillanced if we participate in society. We're still in the very early stages of digital technology in comparison to what will occur in the future. There's a lot of land left so we're not confined to huge cities that need to be built vertically and you can technically still unplug from the world if you have the means to move to an isolated, rural area.
The current techbros and elites are also pretty chimp-like with a majority of their technology being programmed to focus on ways to exploit money from the masses, rather than actually create something futuristic and cool. These people try to appear to look smarter than they actually are. Elon Musk embarrassing himself by larping as his 3 year old son and pretending his son is smart enough to attend a nightclub as a toddler and type all about it on X is a good example of this.
No. 2337217
>>2334953Like I said it's just peak narcissism. She keeps bringing about a "high morality, too much achievement", how they want to go after her because she's too good lmao. Considering many people who claims to be
victim of gangstalking ain't that, it's so obvious what this is about. Sad that some people can't cope with their trauma even they think they're the ubermensch or whatever
No. 2337966
>>2337217Gangstalking is generally done for only a handful of reasons, and while it's a real tactic used to torment people, the most vocal "
victims" of gangstalking are just schizo. Intelligence agencies definitely tend to waste their time to follow people around and stalk them, but it's not because they're "brilliant". Huge brands like Apple employ the tactic to distress and collect data about anyone trying to sue or expose them. Sexually deviant men on tor do it voyeuristically, which is the sickest form of gangstalking imo. It's become such a buzzword and even when someone actually technically falls under the category of being "gangstalked", it's not a word they use to describe their ordeals with stalking and harassment.
No. 2338464
>>2338165They litteraly take photos of him constantly when he is driving, outside of his house, in malls even when he visited a foreign country they still tracked him down and took photos of him.
>>2337966>>2334953Imo the only true
victims of gangstalking are rare cases like chris chan and women being filmed by creeps for fetish/blackmail reasons similar to what is happening in South Korea. Noone is going to stalk you because you're a "true American warrior" with high morals who is going to become a millionaire soon kek.
No. 2338692
>>2338683Nobody knew about Chris Chan being closely monitored by a group on the dark web until well after he raped his mom. People weren't even aware he was being encouraged to do so. Also see
>>2338668 you're taking a word that foundationally implies being stalked by organized groups and saying it's only allowed to be used in a ridgid hyperspecific manner, which it's not.
No. 2338854
>>2337947I'm not sure that it will. It's considered too occult. A lot of scientists in the West balk at anything that doesn't conform to their rigid ideas. The West is too Apollonian. An example could be like how doctors in the West will laugh at a cancer patient for asking for reishi and claim pseudoscience, but doctors in the East will prescribe reishi alongside other modalities like chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
I knew someone that had memories of a past life as a child, it was very bizarre and I don't have a good explanation for what it could have been besides past life memories.
No. 2339639
>>2338863No, it was stranger than that. When I was 11 years old my friend at the time had a new baby brother, he had just been born. Her and I were very close friends, so I was often at her family home. Her brother was a very cute baby, but he didn't talk or make any vocal sounds besides crying or laughing, not even babbling sounds or short syllables, until he was around 2 or 2.5. He'd talk in big words, and string together vocalizations that sounded like sentences, but it all sounded like gibberish to the family (and to me when I heard it). The family took him to a doctor for his speech because they thought he could be mentally challenged, and the doctor by coincidence was a German, and she said that the boy was speaking in German like how a toddler from Germany would begin to talk. The doctor thought that the family was malingering, she even had asked them if there was a German-speaking nanny. He had never been exposed to German and nobody in the family spoke it. When he was around 3 he started speaking English, but he would often talk about how things were "before," and when pressed he would talk about life before cars and before televisions and how it was like with his "other family" which included his "children." This was all before he was educated in these matters. By the time he was 4 or 5, he had forgotten all about this and he became a normal kid. He used to act confused if you brought it up after he "forgot" about it, like he always thought we were joking or teasing when we'd tell him about it. It really freaked out his mother, I remember my friend telling me a few times that she felt overwhelmed by this experience.
I always think about this when I hear about past lives. I don't think adults that "remember" them are telling the truth, but the very young children below the age of 4 and 5 are more puzzling. I was at their house almost everyday, I heard him speak German and talk about Germany before the war, and I know for a fact that nobody in that house could have possibly coached him on these things.
No. 2340000
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is this true?
No. 2340915
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Washington Monument (based on Egyptian/Sumerian obelisks) looks like an eye, I think it’s a hidden technology used by inter dimensional entities and the government
No. 2341070
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>>2340915Sorry to rain on your parade nona but you actually can go inside and its just a boring rock elevator with a cool view of the city, the underground level is elevator maintenance which you can also book a tour of.
DC is pretty boring when you actually go there, the architects were just being edgy artfags imo.
No. 2341095
>>2339222i feel like many people who are involved in high level neurosci research accept that what we have considered neurological conscious functions including memory are not restricted to the brain tissue. who knows.
>>2339302this is basically just epigenetics
>>2339817where do you see them anon?
No. 2341158
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>>2341154samefag but i definitely know i’m on to something and i could explain reasons why, it doesn’t have to be concrete which is why it’s called the TINFOIL thread
No. 2341222
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>have dream where i find an old box of my LPS and MLP toys from childhood
>wake up
>open tiktok and remember the dream
>three consecutive LPS videos immediately pop up
wuuurd. maybe watching the first one shifted the algorithm but i didn't like it and i've never interacted with that content before.
No. 2341428
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>>2341330the people with the technology and skills to do so nonna. there were also cia papers about remote viewing. i wonder if people also astral project or use lucid dreaming to spy on others. just a theory
>>2341356let’s fucking go sister!!!!!
No. 2341585
>>2335269they don’t even have to go on the deepweb to do this anymore. Sites like anonib exist on the clearnet and meeting posters on there through signal or telegram links will get you personal information easily. If you are a conventionally attractive woman who dates men your nudes will eventually end up on those sites along with your personal information. Men will even go lengths to trying to hack these women’s accounts or steal their phones/pcs to get their nudes to repost and trade with other local men. A lot of them will try to go on dates with local women for the sole purpose of getting their nudes to trade. I suspect that’s why a lot of women who date online experience a lot of men who act like they are soooo interested for a short amount of time and then vanish or pretend like they never were interested in the first place. The “I don’t feel a spark sorry” guys are likely these types. Same with on and off situationships. They need new pics of you to trade.
So many women are being actively digitally stalked and manipulated irl and have no fucking idea.
Women spend so much time and energy staying thin and taking care of their looks.
All it does it put a giant fucking target on your back.
No. 2341728
>>2341585God your post is so annoying, you really just read posts shared here and repeated the info incorrectly.
>they don’t even have to go on the deepweb to do this anymoreExcept they do, the most popular sites were taken down and moved to .onion, there are only a few small sites on clearnet that have barely anything on them. You have to pay or trade on the dark web. There are discord communities for clearnet but they aren't nearly as "sophisticated".
>So many women are being actively digitally stalked and manipulated irl and have no fucking idea. This is true. It doesn't matter how big or small your digital footprint is if an autist is obsessed with you
>Women spend so much time and energy staying thin and taking care of their looks. All it does it put a giant fucking target on your back.Go fuck yourself
victim blaming cunt
No. 2344286
>>2344247Oh shut the fuck up. That whole post was absolute garbage, they just copied off of real info incorrectly, shared misinformation, AND
victim blamed women. You're asslicking a disjointed post and pretending their overall message was different than it was.
No. 2344381
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>>2344369Well that’s the kind of jokes we made in 1963, how do you not remember? Picrel used to be on baseball trading cards too. You’re honestly worrying me I’m going to call our mother to come down if your memory is getting this bad. Remember I love you Sheryl ♥ my beautiful sissie
(non-contribution) No. 2344448
>>2344412You want a reaction so bad. I’m not a troon, just confused on why someone’s post would make someone furious? Like chill the fuck out, worse things have been said on here
>>2344421I know you want to make someone feel as miserable as you’re feeling right now but you’re in the tinfoil thread kek
No. 2345691
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No. 2346624
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I've become extremely put off by adults in children's entertainment, especially animation. I think people drawn to that field are the same kind of people you find on DeviantArt and that's why there's so much inflation/vore/foot content in early kid's cartoons - a lot of fetishists attribute the development of their paraphilias to those supposedly innocuous scenes, but I think it was covertly sexual from the start.
No. 2346870
>>2346869>average American severely overestimates their importance to foreign governmentsI really think the opposite is true. Like how can you really believe this after Trump’s financial ties to Russian oligarchs were exposed and Americans
still reelected him?
No. 2347246
>>2346870The majority of people in the USA are conservative-minded, evangelistic, nationalistic idiots. About 3/4th of the citizenry can't read above a 6th grade level. Americans are a very stupid & ignorant people. It makes sense that they elect a stupid person that hates them. It's a hard pill to swallow, especially if you're one of the Americans that can read above a 6th grade level, but it's to be swallowed nonetheless: the majority of Americans will always vote against their best interests.
>>2346995I don't think WW3 is about to happen, at least not before 2030. I think the next world war will look very different from the previous world wars. I also think that people with security clearance to that caliber run on different rules, e.g., they'd already know that their kids weren't allowed to have TT on their phones.
No. 2347285
>>2346575>gender warkek. You're somewhat correct, but also misguided imo. Historically racism and sexism(at least in a more structured form) came to be as a natural outcome of an agrarian society that started hoarding resources. The surplus of resources was distributed unfairly and the working man was promised his own place in the food chain(above women and men from other tribes taken as slaves, and bellow the other rich men). From the very beginning it was meant to benefit the very few on top. Not much has changed since then, except the fact that women have entered the workforce to be fully and completely exploited by the rich, which has caused an uproar of men feeling cucked, because they have found themselves at the end of the food chain with us. It absolutely is utilized as a manipulation tool, like all social politics nowadays, but it is not something the government recently made up to distract us, but a tale as old as our civilization. Also, when I say racism, I hope you understand I don't even mean your typical understanding of modern USA racism, even though that obviously also derives from that.
No. 2349810
They absolutely replaced that little boy from Jessie with this person. I really do believe they’re replacing these celebrities with clones, I know it’s probably going the tranny script route for even more brownie points but I fully believe the original version (the boy) is dead and they replaced him with this. Disney channel and cloning just feels so intuitive to me, they probably had “scouting camps” that functioned on trafficking and also cloning and grooming people for the specific purposes of being filler Hollywood people. The role of the star is easily replaceable and never a fixed position, lots of celebrities walking around are probably not the original forms previous generations used to recognize. There was always something that rubbed me the wrong way about Disney stars and it’s because they feel like rubber plastic, maybe because they are? Sorry for the schizo rant I’m just really obsessed with the cloning tinfoils