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No. 1876599

General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.

Previous threads:
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No. 1876609

any predictions for 2024?
>tiktok will die and be sued for privacy concerns
>pandemic again in fall/december
>digital ids
>division of people
>deepfake laws coming into play
>new deadly disease discovered

No. 1876611

thanks for making a new thread nonna.

No. 1876618

>new cult exposed

since scientology is well overexposed and slowly dying there will be shift to exposing a new cult with a ton of famous people

No. 1876627

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Pizzagate 2.0

No. 1876636

Kpop bullshit will slow down tremendously as people are finally getting bored of it. I also think tik tok will slow down or die.

No. 1876637

does anyone know any crazy, out of this world, change your perception kind of conspiracies? I checked past threads but they're kind of out of date .

No. 1876648

>Trump wins the US presidential election
>in the UK the elections will result in a hung parliament
>more riots world wide
>politics edges further to the right
>more countries express a desire to leave the EU
>Russia achieves it's objectives in the Ukraine war humiliating NATO
>Gold, crypto and silver will increase in value
>further attacks on US bases in the middle east
>Israel will fail against Hamas and Hezbollah
>G7 countries will continue to fall behind BRICS+ in GDP and industrial output
>the US dollar will continue to decline as more countries trade in alternative currencies

No. 1876652

idk if it’s a conspiracy but I think we’ll never be free of patriarchy because women have involuntary empathy for their male offspring

No. 1876701

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Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus and his closest disciple and was supposed to be his torch carrier after death. early sects were devotees of her, they were destroyed as heretics and an iconoclasm happened. then the church erased her to insignificance and eventually smeared her as a prostitute. It's part of a larger spiritual cataclysm, which I call the killing of the female divinity. First all polythesitic goddesses, then even mortal wives cannot survive, cannot allow Jesus to have relied on a woman at all.

If I zoom out even more, the entirety of gnosticism counts too. This world is like a rotting joke made by a failgod, the material world is only kept up by its inability to stop sowing suffering, for which we need to continue the cycle of life and hope.

No. 1876716

That's just facts. I've even been told that before by someone. She likes to imagine that her sons are somehow above male behavior and that they shouldn't be blamed for shit that bad men do.

Then raise them to not do the bad shit men do. But chances are high, they'll still turn into misogynists.

No. 1876849

>Trump will win.
This is a given and I've actually placed bets on his win. If you have $100 to spare, I bet that amount on his win and have a potential return of $2400.
Lately I've been seeing a lot of reports online that claim Generation Alpha moids are highly reactionary and very influenced by alt-right media personalities like Andrew Tate, Alex Jones, etc.. I think this speaks to the failure of millennial parents, who are by far the most selfish and self-absorbed parent group I've ever studied (seriously how do they not realize that letting your 2 year old play on an iPad for 12 hours of the day is bad for its development?) Most millennials parents are too braindead to understand what effective parenting is, probably because they were raised by the emotionally-stunted Baby Boomers, another generation historically known for their insane selfishness and general retardation.
I bring up the Gen Alpha boys because I think this will be the group that will most enthusiastically support the rise of fascism in the USA. Their generation and their ideals remind me of the youth-wing of the Nazi party; that youth-militia was often used to do the dirtier work of the government when it was thought to be too far for the public to support. Most book burnings and political terrorism leading up to the Nazi takeover of Germany was performed by young impressionable scrotes.
After China takes Formosa and defeats the USA in a naval war (sometime before 2030), I think rich reactionaries in red states will use the accompanying moral-panic in the USA (that arises in the population upon the late realization that Pax Americana has come to and end) and the resulting economic depression (caused by disrupted supply lines especially relating to foodstuffs) to launch more concrete and outright attacks on American-styled democracy. These attacks will lead to more restrictions on the rights of (in order): immigrants/foreigners (I assume large tracts of land legally purchased by foreigners, especially by Chinese and Russian investors, will be reclaimed by state governments, amongst more legal restrictions on the rights of US citizens that were born abroad), gays & lesbians (restrictions on being out and proud, re-legislating bans on sodomy and sexual "vices" as defined by evangelical sects), women (the right to abortion has already been defeated, but I assume in the coming future it will becoming increasinly difficult for women to find employment, open bank accounts, travel, obtain divorces, etc.), then finally blacks (re-introduction of segregation, specifically "white-only" zones that take the mundane form of suburbs/neighbourhoods where non-whites aren't allowed to be like in South Africa during apartheid).
The backlash to the aforementioned events that take place in red states will eventually lead to a widening of the gulf between left-wing and right-wing population of the USA. I expect widespread flights of progressives from large cities in red states towards cities in blue states in the north and on the coasts (Detroit is gonna become an important city again). Red states will increasingly alienate the federal government through their anti-American actions (think of the current Texas border fiasco - I think this is an example of right-wingers testing the waters and seeing how far they can go) which will eventually lead to a breakdown of relations between the federal government and state governments, ending in a civil war.
The civil war will end with a stalemate, neither side will make win and instead two new countries will be formed. It will be unique because it will be the first time new political divisions will be drawn on the US maps, I imagine richer/larger states will absorb smaller adjacent states and new political boundaries will be formed based on geography like mountains, rivers, etc., which will make the USA look more like Europe in terms of a political map. To cope with the loss of the American agricultural heartland, which will have been re-invigorated at this point in time due to the looming food crisis aforementioned to feed the people of the south, the north will conquer the agriculturally-viable portions of the western provinces in Canada and most likely British Columbia as well to create a new connection with Alaska. The new North will become a Pacific power that trades freely with China while the new South will depend on its own industry and agricultural output in a protectionist manner.

No. 1876855

Does Hamas really have the manpower to take down the entirety of Israel? Because I feel like the Israeli's could exterminate all of them within a few hours…

No. 1876896

not even a chance, my dad is ex-special forces and he's talked about this for a while now, actual Arab armies have been losing to Israel for 70 years now, an insurgent group doesn't have a hell a chance.,

No. 1876902

I'll vote for Donny just so you can get your 2400 nonna

No. 1876915

KEK, please do. I really recommend people bet some money on him if they haven't already! I don't know if the odds have changed since I placed my bet (this was like mid-2023) but I bet they're still super high with good returns! For some reason people are buying into the same logic of "Ha! Someone like him could NEVER win! He's running just to lose!" that all the libs coped with in 2016. It's just super obvious Donny-chan is gonna win again, I was right about it back in 2016 and I have the same feeling this time around too!(unhinged sperging across multiple threads)

No. 1876935

I always thought it was weird that none of the current major religions in the world have female goddesses or female figures that get worshipped as much as male ones. Many ancient religions used to have female gods, the canaanites at some point had a creator God and his equal wife. Now most of them have a male god, a male messiah, and women are just there on the sidelines to be submissive and weak. Maybe the figure of Mary comes close to that but it just seems like her only role is to be the mother of Jesus. I know Hinduism has a few female goddesses but I'm not sure of how much they're worshipped.

No. 1876950

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No. 1876953

depends on the religion, plenty of patriarchal states had female gods and were extremely patriarchal like Japan and Athens, cause they were gods not women. at the same time Indo-Europeans who would have a sky-father usually were better then Semitic civzlations at least.(racebaiting)

No. 1876955

I was actually always curious as to why sky is usually personified as male and earth is personified as female in a lot of early religions.

No. 1876961

Again it depends on cultures, in Chinese mythology for example the sky is often associated with the jade empress and her daughters, while the earth is associated with the corpse of a dead male god. in Semitic mythologies the sky and the ocean are viewed as one aspect of each other and so usually female, it's just Indo-European and religions influenced by Indo-European mythologies such as Levantine one's that have these warrior sky-fathers who live on top of mountains and control the storm.

No. 1876981

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I think that as American world power eventually ends, we will see a rise of nationalist isolationist parties in a network of state micro-nationalist alliances against global liberal market capitalism. I believe there will be an attempt to ban such parties, and in some cases, it might happen, but I genuinely believe it will only embolden and give them a casus belli to take power. Recently, the rise of AfD has been concerning to the german liberals, and some leftists are thinking of banning the party outright, which, again, I think is the wrong move and will only make them more emboldened. The solution is always to address the issues (immigration and the economy), and then the conditions for that nationalist party won't exist. However, I think that's the trap many liberals are going to fall for, and it will be too late.

No. 1876984

Is it wrong of me to hate the Proto-Indo-Europeans and resent them for all of their retarded yet enduring beliefs? Sometimes I dream about taking a time machine back to the pontic–caspian steppe where they were breeding their shitbrained horses and introducing anthrax to the water supplies there to eliminate them as a group.

No. 1876997

Israel could wipe out Gaza but doing so would be political suicide and result in condemnation from the rest of the world. As America's power declines, Israel's position becomes increasingly fragile.

I think this has changed. Israel has now failed to achieve it's objectives in three military operations against both Hamas and Hezbollah. If they try to invade Lebanon and destroy Hezbollah again as they did in 2006, they will fail for a fourth time. If you include America and Saudi Arabia it gets even worse. Saudi Arabia failed to defeat the Houthis in the Yemen civil war, America failed against the Taliban in Afghanistan, failed to remove Assad from power in Syria and in Iraq while they removed Saddam, they failed against the militias. Iran is a now a major regional power that has the support of Russia and China.

No. 1877007

that's the thing, an insurgency is different from a war, The Talban technically lost every battle against the Americans, but it outlasted for 20 years and made to to costly to occupy them, but it can only work on your own land, you can't ever conquer other regions.

No. 1877016

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WTF is going on with bitcoin?

No. 1877019

I think China's economy is going to crash really bad, it has already started happening..

No. 1877020

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Not this again, there is the possibility of a recession. a recession is not be a "collapse", there are issues like real estate bubbles and competition between techs companies but American also has these issues.

No. 1877050

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i have a theory that giving birth to a male destroys something in many women's brains. like it causes some sort of rewiring or a malfunction they never recover from. i've known far too many boymoms who act borderline enslaved to their sons, spoiling them immensely and permitting them to act like disgraceful menaces, oftentimes displaying emotionally incestuous behavior towards them. if they have female children they are usually neglected or otherwise viewed as far less important. i suppose much of that can be chalked up to mothers being jealous of their daughters and viewing them as threats due to pickmeism and internalized misogyny, but i still believe there's a biological factor.

No. 1877055

Ancient Egypt had a sky goddess and an earth god who would always be represented as reclined below her. Though the sun god was still male. And there was a male moon god too.

No. 1877074

I totally agree with both your points nonnie; isreal has conducted this whole operation so wrecklessly and as the situation continues to play out I think they'll come to realise what a bind they've put themselves in. I think they foolishly walked into hamas's trap and gave them everything they wanted; they've sullied their international reputation, torpedoed efforts to normalise relations in their region, escalated tensions in the middle East, undermined Western institutions and the image of western "values" to a ridiculous degree and are becoming increasingly costly for their allies to support on a global scale

I know America has been trying to get isreal to make plans for after the war so they can learn from their mistakes in Afghanistan etc but the isreali government has been completely uninterested, which will be to their detriment I feel. As the humanitarian crisis in gaza continues to unfold and the region becomes even more destabilised, they might have to deal with increasingly distracted allies and insurgencies and attacks from radicalised populations on their borders on top of their own demographic and political crises. I'm not sure what would have been better, but I think this course of action will only result in a prison/fortress isreal, they may never know peace or true security if they continue like this.

No. 1877075

I guess I better go back to the past and inform Emmeline Pankhurst that since she had two sons she was incapable of being a feminist.

No. 1877089

or you could just reread the post and see that i said "many" and not "every single woman who gives birth to a boy". it's great if you've never encountered this type of mother but i assure you they are plentiful

No. 1877133

Your reading comprehension is really good.
I agree with you completely. We know that when a woman is pregnant with males that it does more damage to her body than being pregnant with females, so it wouldn't surprise me to know that male offspring rewire the brain in different ways than female offspring.
With evolution, depending on the environment, male offspring are a gamble when it comes to genetics. Female offspring are more likely to survive in harsh conditions like famine, and every female offspring that survives to adulthood is almost guaranteed to reproduce because males are sluts. So if conditions are harsh, it's better for women to have girls because their genetics are guaranteed to pass on. But female offspring are limited in the number of offspring they can produce, so if conditions are good, it's better to pour more resources into male offspring since one very successful male can create far more offspring than one female. You'll see this in orcas, who will nuture their male offspring and even hunt for them well into the male's adulthood because if a male becomes the alpha of an area, his mom will be the grandmother of over 80% of calves in his territory, thus winning the genetic lottery.

No. 1877169

Trump will win the election and will fuck the USA over so hard that it's going to basically disconnect from the rest of the world so nobody can see what's happening. Censorship, no human rights, and no money will lead to riots and revolts. The masses of mini Tates being spawned now will approve of this wholehearedly and sign up in droves to fight for their right to skibidi toilet and rape bitches and hoes. The internet as we know it will die and the USA will turn into a shithole like the countries they themselves have destroyed. I predict that there will be a surprise twist to this: the mini moids will suddenly change their minds about war etc because 1) they're experiencing it and it sucks actually and 2) they're not glued to screens 24/7 so they have to use their own minds to think and 3) consequences happen to them now. TRAs and gendies will boom for a while the same way all cults do, and then die out completely because it turns out that bombs don't care how much of a laydee or boi you are.
China and Korea will collapse completely, like a ten-tier cake with no internal support. More women peak, including older women who've spent their lives inflicting their bullshit onto their daughters and other female relatives. The idol industry collapses. Global recessions mean that the major companies in those countries collapse completely, landlords have piles of empty buildings and no income, wages are so shit that it's more worthwhile to move to the countryside to become a farmer than it is to have 80000 rounds of plastic surgery for minimum wage. Young people emigrate to find work or get away from retarded expectations. The population becomes gradually more and more disillusioned with their government, nationalism wanes to almost nothing. Russia sidles in to help China by taking over completely, but their economy and army are in shambles because of Ukraine and they're not as effective as they predicted. The birth rates are still plummeting despite state-mandated marriages. The number of married women dwindles and single men rises since all the moids keep murdering their wives and kids. The government is forced to either mass enlist men to work in factories for slave wages or to do the unthinkable and protect women's rights. The state-mandated factory labor backfires because the USA is a shitshow and there's nobody to buy their crap.

No. 1877178

>Censorship, no human rights, and no money
Isn't this what everyone said would happen last time and then he just ended up walking around the white house with a diet coke for the whole 4 years he was there? Like I don't remember him doing anything dramatic kek.

No. 1877180

This picture makes me anxious kek

No. 1877194

Trump derangement syndrome. Last time there was the same hysteria that Trump going to be the next incarnation of a fascist dictator and not much changed beyond Trump having a more sensible foreign policy than either Obama or Biden.

No. 1877199

Relax maybe we'll just have a good time

No. 1877205

I view young males from the perspective of utilitarianism, similar to the dogs in Animal Farm. The pigs raised them and utilized them to enforce their rule. From a feminist standpoint, this was also a plot the gate to women's country, without giving the whole story, it's a post-apocalyptic setting where women (and a few men) live in walled eco-cities, and the "men"(there are technically no males above their late 20's) live outside in military garrisons. The women supply the garrison with foods and the garrison protects the town from raiders but sometimes they have other random wars with cities that they are technically at peace with, just cause they like fighting and war, no one really dies expect old and weak men in these battles.

No. 1877312

The Gen alpha super young kids that everyone says are behaving super badly and causing longtime teachers to quit? It's not JUST the ipads and microplastics, it's lead poisoning. I'm seeing people talk about childrens' wild behavior now, and I'm also seeing people talk about 500% allowed lead in hot chocolate mix and 2000% allowed lead in applesauce, but I never see those two thoughts meet. The kids are braindead from having lead applesauce since they were babies. What else do nonnies expect we'll find massive amounts of lead in this year? My guess is the Mississippi River kek

No. 1877380

toys from temu probably
my accelerationist mind would like to believe this but i believe that there will be a much slower break down of society due to no one really caring anymore. i give it 15-20 years and a handful of major natural disasters and wars before services start to fall to the wayside in cities. if things stay relatively calm on the natural disaster and war front we might be able to coast by for an extra decade, but i dont really see the current state of society subsisting much longer than that.

No. 1877486

Kek how is talking about ancient religions racebaiting?

No. 1877760

>More and bigger bank rescures.
Think like credit suisse. FIAT money is falling.
>Straight up pornography shilling becomes mainstream in left and center spaces.
Like it happened with trans shit. "Porn rights are human rights" and you're a nazi if you don't like porn ect ect. Don't tell me that "is already happening", i'm saying that it will become the new hot issue like it happened with trannies. We all know that the left is overrun by degenerates overjoyed at the idea of stop pretending they care about women, but it's going to be a joint effort too, as right wing media will help to spread that discourse & accelerate the decay as a way to delegitimize the left and finally solve "how we're going to win women over without giving abortions" issue.
>AI & the hysteria around it is going to be the #1 way to create new psyops.
With Ai that undress and dress people, Ai art & animation advancing in such a way that we can no longer recognize if large studios are using it (actually, they were using it way before it was available to the general public. I would estimate that big multimedia conglomerates like Disney or HBO have been using it for almost 15 years minimum) anything Ai related will be used to promote a multitude of agendas. Wait for gayops too.
>Ai related suicides & scams would spike up.
The fact that anyone reporting on AI is doing so for promoting their own Hidden agendas doesnt mean that isn't going to have a negative impact for the general population too.
>Russia wins.
They may not straight up dissolve Ukraine but the war is over. Yet the grifting isn't, possibly close to the inauguration of the new president of the USA something is going to happen to Poland and "we need to pour zillons on this!!!!" game is going to start again. Now in the name of "preventing war".
>Israel either organizes it's own 9/11 or they deliberately surrender a city to Hamas, so their own grift never ends
>Anti-gen alpha narratives begin to spread more and more, becoming pretty much self fulfilling prophecies.
Do not misunderstand me. As much as gen alpha is indeed fucked by phone usage, all those videos & articles of educators going "gen alpha are feral nazis!!!" are psyops aimed at delegitimizing education. As much as the system installed to turn children into factory workers was always bad, I have no doubt what will come will be worse

No. 1877785

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I firmly believe that the "videos of toddlers" that Emma Stone watched with the director of Poor Things to get inspired for her role must have had something to do with Genie, the famous feral child. She basically was so developmentally delayed in her ability to walk and behave that she acted like a frail child all the time. The way Emma Stone stumbles around like a deer in headlights reminds me of her. Spoiler for horrific but Genie was also rumored to have gone through sexual assault and she behaved very inappropriate around adults, touching, humping in front of others, and grabbing others too as a result. Emma Stone's character does that. Here's the Wikipedia article.
This is a blog but this movie made me so fucking upset. I was a very sexually precocious child too (masturbating in front of others at age 4) and I wonder if I was abused that young. The way Emma's character acts reminded me of myself when I was that age. I can't stand this sexualization of my own trauma being portrayed like this and being called feminist.

No. 1877792

It can be deduced that almost all children who go through physical abuse also have dealt with sexual abuse. A family monstrous enough to keep a child strapped to a chair her entire life has no qualms abusing her in every other imaginable way. Emma Stone is a cunt, would love for someone to ask her "so what videos of children did you research to masturbate yourself with a chicken bone?"

No. 1877796

This is idiotic. Mary Magdalene is very much revered in the east, not as "she was Jesus wife" but "she was pretty much the female answer to John in terms of closeness" way, is just in the west where evangelicals & atheists write werid fanfiction about her and people follow by lmao.
Sanits populatity comes and goes, aside from the Virgin Mary and that is because is literally dogma. In fact you can see a lot of how the population is feeling based on the Saints they pray to lmao.
(Related note: I see a rise in the popularity of Archangel Michael. The "we're about to go to (spiritual) war" feeling is generalized by anyone who is not a NCP at this point)

No. 1878047

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is this the same guy?

No. 1878670

It is believed, that the role of women ought to be hidden.

You have to use your own mind to sift through what is real, what certain people think is real for certain reasons, how reality is being presented, how reality is, what its proper form would be, which parts are up to us to decide on and implement.

No. 1878809

>I would estimate that big multimedia conglomerates like Disney or HBO have been using it for almost 15 years minimum
is 15 an arbitrary number or do you say that for a specific reason?

No. 1878844

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Starbucks poisioning children via pills in cakepops? Check out the latest scoop!

No. 1878847

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part two lmao this HAS to be fear mongering fakeness, how is this even on global television? I thibk its propoganda for the war tbh

No. 1878853

this is what crossed my mind immediately when i heard of the movie. disgusting acting tbh.
for which war? anyways this should be taken as a warning to not buy children mass produced bullshit full of corn syrup, because that's how they'll be diabetic fatties for life. what a great start at nutrition to buy them cake pops from starcucks FOR ONLY 60 DOLLARS A POP

No. 1878860

I think for israel vs palenstine bc everyone is boycotting starbucks, i feel like this is a ploy or setup to discourage the public . maybe death of starbucks public? I wonder if there's any rising competitors right now

No. 1878863

Is the article pic the actual pill+cake pop, or a recreation? Because if that's the actual pic there's no way that pill was inside a cake it's too clean.

No. 1878873

Don't bother reading any news that takes place in Canada. As soon as I saw "Vancouver" I clocked out.

No. 1878880

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Yes it is lmaooo. apparently her kid had it in his mouth and didnt swallow or damage it? nor did it get damaged cooking.. look tampered… or get impaled by the straw . Sus af
>global news
yeah never again

No. 1878887

That’s a rapid release Tylenol, it’s probably hers

No. 1878889

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That’s acetaminophen kek

No. 1878892

>one cake pop
I won't care until I hear it happens to multiple cakepops

No. 1878935

kek you're right! feel like this story is fabricated

No. 1878959

Where the hell are you placing this bet

No. 1878965

THIS is the question, I can only get a double return (still good but not 100 -> 2400)

No. 1878993


Climate Change has always been a backdoor for policies the general public would never accept. The cultivation of "trust the science" around the issue is fanatical, and reminds me of the covid hysteria of "trust the science" too much.

It's also being used to brush over what are clear cut Malthusian catastrophes like in Madagascar.

No. 1878997

I just checked again and the odds went down a lot from the time I placed my bet. I don't think you'll be able to find those odds again on any service, but still doubling your money is worth it! I think it's because Donny-chan recently won in some republican meeting (I don't have the correct word for it). I placed it in early 2023 when everyone was very sure he wasn't eligible to run again because of the legal proceedings he was going through. He was literally listed at the bottom of the odds above one of the third party candidates, that's how bad everyone's "He can't win again!" delusion was at the time. I don't want to reveal the gambling service I used because it's very specific to where I live.
I took one look at the title and laughed. Nona what kind of "news" sites are you reading. I know this is the tinfoil thread but that article is just really gay and inflammatory. It reminds me of a hemorrhoid.

No. 1879002

I said 15 years because after The disappointing mess that was The Princess and the Frog, Disney specifically started to give up human imput and develop AI that "helps" with their movies. You know all of those self congratulatory documentals where they all talk about "we did state-of-art technology for Rapunzel/Merida/Elsa/Mirabel hair", thats code for AI development. I'm pretty sure at frist it was for repetitive tasks like the hair, or background characters, but the endgame was always an AI competent enough to write and animate a successful movie, so human development decreases as the movies go on.
Just like in modern cinema all the irl filming is only so the CGI team has good references to work with, the same happened with AI animation. The ai would correct the drafts of the movie, then the human team would correct the ai, repeat until something viable appears. This was until the last Disney releases, where they Ai was doing most of the work, and a very small human team with little imput would "control" things.
In fact i think most "diverse" hires and projects are just smokescreens for Ai-Made stuff. So when it ends mediocrely the right will simply blame the "DEI protocol" and asume the worst, instalad of suspect anything. As a bonus, some id-pol brainded lefties would even defend the ai slop uncritically.
Also i don't think Sam Levinson actually wrote anything in his life he just put his fetishes on an Ai and film it.

No. 1879014

Less and less people are falling for the climate meme. Anyone with a IQ above room temperature can google photosynthesis and realize that CO2 being toxic or bad for the environment is complete and utter bullshit.

No. 1879026

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I believe this. That’s why so many remakes look “cheap” and overly polished like the cgi animation is all AI. That’s probably why they’re making remakes cause the prompts and scripts and sprites are already generated and have a reference. I was watching Pinocchio the other day and it creeped me out

No. 1879049

Adding another $100, because I too fully expect America to re-segregate. Which is one of the reasons I refuse to have kids. I need to move out ASAP

No. 1879314

reminds me of when a woman stuck her friend's severed finger in an order of wendy's chili back in the early 2000s and attempted to sue them

No. 1879391

File: 1707230669898.mp4 (1.72 MB, MBS_Islam_Policy.mp4)

>we will see a rise of nationalist isolationist parties in a network of state micro-nationalist alliances against global liberal market capitalism
It seems to be happening already, with at least Saudi Arabia, MBS is perusing his own brand of secular Saudi national identity.

No. 1879583

cake pops arent actually cooked you basically take cake and crumble it and mix it with frosting and form it into balls but the pill does look way too clean this is definitely staged

No. 1879655

swiftie cult. I truly believe this

No. 1879760

File: 1707254471484.png (624.84 KB, 1600x711, 7Ag8Rf0.png)

All they have to do to get rid of AfD is to adopt some stricter immigration policies and have a reasonable deportation platform for criminals and those that will never assimilate. If the SPD did this, they would jump straight to the top, but they refuse to out of some form of liberal brain-rot.
also ironically enough, this same man armed literal neo-nazi militias in Ukraine

No. 1879796

File: 1707257481399.gif (804.48 KB, 480x270, lilliee jean whyyy.gif)

>Talking about gambling on politics
>Banned for unhinged sperging
>Talking about ancient civilizations from 2000+ years ago
>Banned for racebaiting

No. 1879981

Even more ironic; the og Nazis saw Ukrainians and other Slavs as dirty subhumans

No. 1880112

File: 1707273792512.jpeg (972.11 KB, 1068x2279, IMG_1585.jpeg)

This tinfoil is actually freaking me out and I think it's more believable than a lot of the stuff posted here before. Picrel but one of the farmhands is most likely a member of the royal family. My guess is Anne. I'm 80-90% certain.

No. 1880116

kek what a weird thing to get mad about of all things. "I'm gonna go out for drinks when he dies" isn't even alogging

No. 1880141

how is this even considered alogging?

No. 1880142

Nonnies how am I not supposed to assume that I am being targeted?
>think im losing it
>google it
>first article is dated my birthday
>now im more sus
I am going to go to the doctor but how am I not supposed to think this is not all tied in together? Anyone else experience things like this? There's more too.

No. 1880144

File: 1707277883021.png (14.98 KB, 334x73, britbong tattles on based anon…)

Some royal family shill reported it in the /meta complaints thread.

No. 1880147

KEK they’re not part of the royal family, it’s just some random dickrider. Lay off the pipe.

No. 1880152

It literally isn't, the new farmhands just have no idea what they're doing.

No. 1880159

File: 1707279063691.jpeg (233.98 KB, 959x1429, IMG_1591.jpeg)

You look at that face and tell me it's not the face of a farmer. If it's not Anne I don't know who else it could be, it couldn't be Megan because she would love the redtexted posts but maybe it could be her if the janny job required her to be impartial.

No. 1880176

anon go to the doctor… thas schizofrenbia

No. 1880188

so do regular people not see things like that and they don't think its possibly a coincidence that it happened? that doesn't sound real.

No. 1880908

File: 1707337853233.png (3.94 MB, 1691x2560, GfIdXwn.png)

If you want a good book on the subject matter, I'd recommend The Kurgan Culture by Marija Gimbuta. It's a very well-researched and objective anthropological study on how their culture developed. The book explores the combination of geography, where certain cultures were more advantageous, eventually developing into perhaps the most war-like and militaristic culture in all of history.

No. 1881301

Pretty sure I’m gonna piss off the Hispanic nonnas with this one but what if Yolanda didn’t actually murder Selena and was just the fall-gal?

No. 1881488

she was seen pointing the gun at selena and selena herself said that yolanda shot her before she died. yolanda also pulled a lot of crazy shit before the murder.

No. 1881733

Selena also said when she got to the lobby, “close the door or they’ll shoot me again!” According to witnesses, another female assassin was also present with Yolanda. One of the witnesses, a teenager disappeared after giving his testimony. This was also the first time Yolanda shot a gun so they probably had the hitlady on standby to make sure the job was completed.

Another interesting tidbit, the Quintanilla family have been paying for Yolanda’s commission and have been keeping her comfy during her time in the slammer. Regardless if she pulled the trigger or not, she wasn’t acting alone and there is more to the story other than being a nutjob Stan who got too greedy with Selena’s time and money. These are the type of agents anons were talking about in previous threads, the Fixers or star-whackers whom are assigned to kill off the celebrity when they become a liability for the status quo and when decided they are worth more dead than alive; Selena’s family gained a lot after her death.

No. 1882008

File: 1707430118720.png (318.84 KB, 596x637, CgsXkcA.png)

Doctors convinced an autistic woman into medical suicide for a treatable condition…shit like this is why I don't blame Christians for thinking we live in a hell world.

No. 1882015

She was euthanised because of ADHD and postnatal depression? What is the world coming to

No. 1882019

I thought it was chronic fatigue syndrome.

No. 1882025

But it’s a crime when I convince males to end their suffering. Unironically how does one become the say-so doctor in euthanization?

No. 1882040

It was and people downplay the shit out of CFS/ME but it’s literally the condition with the worst QoL out of every condition ever. It’s the big bad. It’s life ruining. Doctors did not convince an autistic woman with a curable condition to kill herself. She has wanted this for many years and her condition is debilitating and incurable and typically degenerative.

No. 1882085

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No. 1882089

idk how much of a tinfoil this is but America definitely starts wars in the Middle East then sends the migrants everywhere to destabilize the countries especially the EU

No. 1882221

anyone have some crazy ideas about us humans existing or your soul?
its so bizzare to me that I exist and am somehow 'real' and consious at this point in my life. I don't understand anything and feel everything is made to kill or hurt or has a narrative for me- the news is the blues, tv shows and movies must have some kind of motivation besides just being 'ideas', I don't understand and feel so lost these days.

No. 1882254

yeah this happens for me around my period and can last longer than that happens for so i thought it would be mania. repeating numbers on the clock like 222, 333, 444 most of the time. repetitive thoughts. thinking that everyone from my jobs in the city knows each other and is working together to make my experience miserable. i think that the way people cancel of happen to have free time to meet me coincides with each other and is actually for scapegoating me somehow.
>how to stop it?
focus on an intense video game or sport if you can, tire yourself out a lot and stop drinking coffee 8 hours before going to sleep. have 8 hours sleep at least. avoid horror stories, the news. avoid scrolling social media. have some intense foods, spicy or sour. if you can not sleep enough, try magnesium sleep vitamins.

No. 1882257

it must have a purpose of making the future better with each person. but it's confusing then why people are still so obnoxiously pushy and judgmental and aggressive. news are always about murder and television is always about sex as of late.

No. 1882281

It wasn't a treatable condition though.

No. 1882293

File: 1707453514943.jpeg (176.12 KB, 798x858, IMG_6224.jpeg)

There’s some kind of “anti feminist” psy op going on in some sad attempt to raise the birth rate to make more slaves to work at Target/Amazon Warehouses. Legit the comments on every single video or article nowadays is somehow blaming some nonexistant “feminist boogeyman” or single women. On a video about processed food I was watching, the comments were blaming “lazy fat feminists who won’t cook” for the rise of processed food and not y’know the economy and time poverty. And on a recent true crime post I saw about a woman abusing her kids, top liked comment was blaming feminism. On a video of people screaming due to severe plane turbulence, top liked comment was blaming “hysterical women for making it worse”

This is seriously looking like a bunch of bots. My reply to this comment got blocked for “violating community guidelines” but this incel bullshit is allowed.

No. 1882298

You’re not real, only I’m real.

No. 1882299

I swear we’re going backwards it’s not even basement dwellers who can’t get laid I’ve seen literal FUCKBOYS with community dick say Andrew Tate is the GOAT and all this

No. 1882795

No, no, I agree and I thought I was the only one. It's not just comments but I've noticed that there is a lot more content online nowadays geared towards painting women as lesser, stupid, angry, etc. or something men should get angry over and hate. New York Post appears on my YouTube recommendations under the Latest YouTube Posts and usually every single article they post there is usually rage-bait with women as the main perpetrators, seldom do I see them post about men. It's not just that, but YouTube itself is a huge host of such content, and all it takes is one video to get women rage bait into your reccomendations.

No. 1882891

what a faggot lol.

No. 1883302

Can't help but wonder how much of these are bots, especially after I recently made a reddit post on the purple pill debate about how better maternity leave and universal childcare would help raise the birthrate instead of bullying women for not having kids or screaming at them to get back in the kitchen. Immediately bad faith replies, replies that completely used zero critical thinking and didn't understand my post, and accusations of wanting a "feminist girlboss utopia where women are forced to do brutal labor and people can't live off one income"

Either moids are getting somehow dumber or this is ai. How could people want a higher birth rate yet do everything counterproductive to it? I have no idea what the hidden higher-ups are attempting to pull with this.

No. 1883371

TIL glowie buildings exist.

No. 1883565

I literally just made hot chocolate in the powder. Oh my god it’s so over

No. 1883571

File: 1707557367970.png (287.02 KB, 751x492, tKTfNUq.png)

I truly don't know what's real or fake anymore, I don't know whose winning or losing or whose at the verge of collapse.

No. 1883588

I used to date a moid with that. when we met was passable as normal and few years later it progressed into him being bedridden and not being able to stand up because of migraines, fatigue, muscular pain, you name it. he was becoming more and more frail each season. he wanted to hero as well as this woman, I have no idea how he's doing nowadays because I dropped his ass when he got abusive towards me, but probably offed himself or is being a burden to his parents.

No. 1883591

Nonas what do you think about the Trueanon podcast? I am looking for reliable resources about conspiracies but I am a bit scared that they are the typical Tanky nutjobs.

No. 1883597

I'm not big on tinfoils but i don't get why they would allow this. Wouldn't the state want you at least alive enough to continue paying taxes until you are dead? I'm not a burger but i always thought this was the main reason why there is a big debate on assisted suicide and similar things.

No. 1883660

suicide is considered extremely taboo in parts of america due to the country being largely christian. the rigid old moids who run the states refuse to budge on anything that goes against their belief system, which is one of the reasons why women's healthcare is so terrible there. whenever there have been advocates for assisted suicide they're met with outrage from either religious/political figures or people who fear that vulnerable individuals will be euthanized unnecessarily, like severely handicapped adults whose family is tired of caring for them or mentally ill people who are pressured into it by others.

No. 1883684

One of the hosts is literally a fed, first of all. He’s not even good at hiding it. Aside from that they just aren’t that good of a podcast —they aren’t that good at digging deep and if they start hitting a juicy topic they tend to say that’s so messed up! —welp moving on better not dig into the implications of any of this, ho hum which I found really annoying. Listen to something you know about that they covered and see how shallow their coverage really it is. Their series on the ghislaine trial was embarrassingly bad in spite of Epstein stuff literally being the thing that launched their podcast. The pod makes so much money and is such garbage I have to wonder if people just have bad taste or it’s being backed by outside funding (again, Brace is glowing.)
On top of all that, it’s a cow podcast. I know they haven’t come up in leftcows in a while but Brace and Liz are both cows.

No. 1883715

Thank you Nonnie, I didn't know he was a fed. Do you have any better recommendations? Specifically podcast or long deep dive content creators. All creators I found turned out to be complete idiots or liberal handmaidens who downtalk the conspiracy for about 5 min and then proceed to tell me for 30 min how the trans genocide is so real and JK is akshually super dangerous.

No. 1883735

Isn't it one of those illnesses with no physical markers, so no one really knows why someone has it? Also I remember reading about some people recovering from it.

No. 1883964

i am not normally one of those people who gets emotional about kids, but it's upsetting and disturbing when you realize that these companies and other weirdos just see you and your potential spawn as literal cogs in a machine to profit off of. all they want is for people to pop out more babies so that their children will grow up poor, desperate, and struggling, just to keep capitalism alive in some way or another. i know this term is getting thrown around a lot lately but it is incredibly dystopian when you think about it. it's like the precursor to the matrix. like why would i want to give birth to a child, only for them to suffer unnecessarily so a few useless fucks on the top can brag about their billion dollar incomes while my kid is living hand to mouth, probably standing in a breadline somewhere? just no.

video related since i've been going down a pipeline on the cost of living crisis in places like the uk and germany. imagine living in a world where the elderly can't afford to heat their homes, can't properly feed themselves, and no one really says anything about it because oh well, they should have done this, or that, or the other. this is the future they want for all of us while they're nice and warm and cozy. only a fool would support this bullshit.

there's no need for bots anymore because npcs have fully absorbed the rhetoric and propaganda of whatever bullshit political beliefs tptb want them to believe, and spew it around the internet whenever they see their trigger words. they're like little mini manchurian candidates, totally, unironically brainwashed minions who get enraged anytime they come into contact with certain words or ideas that they've been programmed into hating. and the majority of them seriously believe that those are their own original thoughts and opinions; they're not even aware enough to see how they've been influenced and mindfucked by the content they consume.

No. 1884296

Yes, it is possible to recover. I had chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia after catching long covid, but 6 months of Low Dose Naltrexone cured me

No. 1884335

You can't say this while MAID is happening in Canada lmao, if anything that is the live proof that the insane evangelists were right in a way. If you want to kill yourself do it but at risk of sounding like a lolbertarian, the state has no business to bully anyone into suicide. And it's sure not an alternative to the failures of the state, like homelessness.

No. 1884350

File: 1707621486035.jpeg (384.35 KB, 941x1939, IMG_0783.jpeg)

i guess sort of related? but I did see this comment thread on reddit that talks about the same thing as your image

No. 1886314

are you vaxxing your kids or no? I think I will but not with the covid vaccine but tbh I'm scared they'll do it anyways

No. 1886321

moids fault. they fetishize overweight women for having big tits and then call thin or fit women manly.
>how dare you not buy me a drink
doubt this ever happened to him especially since Americans are extremely anti-social and more bar mongerers are skinny college girls

>I treat them well!!

9/10 times it's moids who treat women badly in the west, then go to asia and don't insult them, pay for everything, give them rides, don't bitch about their ex the whole time etc and they're shocked women like them more when they act like a decent person

No. 1886322

I dont think any vaccine stays in your body forever, you shed it just like any other intraveneous medication

No. 1886326

Side effect complications can still be forever.

No. 1886327

Thanks for at least confirming your kid won't die of measles.

No. 1886338

>Sees post discussing the religious landscape of the USA and its effects on healthcare
>Responds with "But muh Canada!!! Muh whole different country!!!!"
Shut up Canadafag nobody is talking about Canada, why do you bring up Canada and MAID when we are talking about the USA?
Yes. I believe vaccinations are a very important part of early-childhood healthcare. Look at the scars caused by chickenpox or measles, or the devastation of shingles. At this point vaccines aren't even worthy of tinfoil status: if you don't believe in vaccines you are kind of just dumb.

No. 1886351

File: 1707790263589.jpeg (482.05 KB, 602x850, IMG_0386.jpeg)

nta but canadafag has a point. MAID is an example what could happen without the evangelicals, as retarded as they are

No. 1886374

Not a canadafag but if a textbook liberal, non-religious country like Canada can fall into full eugenics what's left for less liberal countries? Or countries that are directly hostile to their citizens, like USA? Please be serious. You're a fool of you think it's going to be used in "terminal patients" like that isn't a billon dollars business + pretty much the only legal way to do human experimentation. No. It's going to be like MAID, but in steroids. Again if anyone wants to stop treatments (what they do to cancer and autoimmune patients is inhuman) or even kill themselves i can't do nothing about it. But the state (the same state that routinely kills and disables people through diets and products and pandemics) can't handle such delicate matter, it's not going to end well.

No. 1886389

Northamerican's founding (read: puritan) stock is very good at spotting bad things but not for describing/deal with them. They're canaries on the coal mine. If old church ladies are yapping about something it is very likely that the issue is not 100% like they describe it but very real regardless.

No. 1886631

Transcendental Meditation?

No. 1886642

most american men are fat, typical projection. Not saying fat is good, but these men ain't no lookers

No. 1886643

if i had kids, would. My grandfather knew people who died painful humiliating deaths from polio and smallpox and vowed to never his loved ones suffer from that. Most vaccines are good and they made the world a better place

No. 1886743

Regular vaccines? Sure. Covid vaccines should be thrown in the trash.

No. 1889158

File: 1708000999371.jpg (240.07 KB, 1252x1374, GEwTmpBWoAArlSJ.jpg)

A Swedish "intellectual" wants to blow up national treasures such as the gorgeous Vasa ship over fears of nationalism, is there anything deeper behind this?

No. 1889225

Reminds me of those muslims who destroyed thousands of years old buddhist statues and what not.

No. 1889229

Vaccines yes, gene therapies being touted as vaccines no. Also deadened viruses, none of this weird new shit where they’re experimenting with the live virus in a vaccine, swear these retards are trying to create untreatable illness at this point.

No. 1889232

There seems to be a wave of “intellectual” elite that want to erase our history because they’re embarrassed or some shit. It’s evil and imo creates culture/social degradation, kind of like how women have no shared history because our lives are erased/overshadowed by men. It doesn’t help anything and seems to actively move us back. If he doesn’t like it he could just not look at it? He could just reframe why he finds it offensive and move on without being intentionally attention seeking by saying it should be destroyed. He just sounds like an edgy grifter that wants attention.

No. 1889250

They want to destroy anything that resembles other nations cultures for the globohomo/nwo agenda. You will have no past and culture and you will be happy.

No. 1889568

File: 1708030125837.jpeg (575.73 KB, 1533x1150, 44628D3F-B0AC-4DE5-992D-836BB0…)

There’s an organised effort by males to gaslight women into thinking race doesn’t effect dick size. It’s happening all over the internet when there are barely any verified hung Indians or Koreans, and both nationalities are notoriously online and obsessed with dick size. This used to be common knowledge, you didn’t need to be a gay urologist to know about it.
Here’s MY question for the culture:
How can my preference for big dicks be racist if dick size is not related to race?

No. 1889575

my husbands p is 12 inches long and he is 49% indian, he also might've just gotten lucky(no1currs)

No. 1889592

I know you’re joking but here’s a public service announcement: largest known human penis is 8 point something inches. There’s a 10.000 dollar award for anyone who can beat the record. No one has claimed it yet.

No. 1889597

is he fat? cause most Indians are in horrible physical shape and so there might be a correlation with that.(racebaiting)

No. 1889604

Why are you lying about this(bad faith bait)

No. 1889631

Ew gross dude I bet it’s all skinny. I’m straight but that sound horrifying

No. 1889636

Ok yeah its not precisely 12 inches its more like 9 or 10. Its big like a fucking hydroflask. No we haven't had sex but I have seen it up close!
Hes pretty cut we weigh around the same

No. 1889637

Did you mean to write 18 kek

No. 1889653

If it really was only 8, it'd be so pathetic kekkk i personally remember the biggest one being ~50 cm or so (19.6 inches), it couldn't even get hard, and the dude refused to get a free surgery, because i bet it made him feel "masculine", kek. So you must be right, it must've been 18 inches.

No. 1889725

laughing so hard at this blog
>no we havent had sex but i have seen it up close!
kek. please blog more youre killing me

No. 1889802

nta but the only podcast i've found so far that's worth listening to on conspiracy subjects is the corbett report.
and not at all conspiracy-related but i like blocked and reported for some deep dive content (their episodes on trans issues and JK are good if you need a reprieve from handmaiden takes) but the quality has fallen off a lot in the last few months.

No. 1890090

The best outcome from this is that no women are convinced but instead moids of all races are convinced that actually their race has the smallest penis and every sane person just gets to watch the most retarded online race war yet ensue. Moids really are their own worse enemy ,no matter the color of their skin they can’t stop being faggoty.

No. 1890265

Feels like a 4chan joke, but this is the one time I’m ok with being racist

No. 1890267

First it’s the destruction and loss of archives and now ratification. I love how they use minorities to justify this destruction, when we actually suffer from lost history. all history must be preserved even if it is unsavory.

No. 1891022

File: 1708134070650.png (1.26 MB, 2672x780, hhhh.png)

these were made by the same person

No. 1891025

Hate sillypoo, it feels like it’s meant to be a satire but it just reminds me of troon art making fun of women or bimbofying everything because they can’t see women as another than vapid pink consuming zombies.

No. 1891035

honestly same… I get a weird subtle tradwife 'women standing against troons by being bimbos' vibe from them, idk

No. 1891039

It’s obvious, but of course they denied it

No. 1891060

Where is the second image from?

No. 1891432

My tinfoil is that the mtf and ftm threads are psy ops meant to turn more people against being trans and convince more cis women they're dangerous when they really aren't. Making cis women feel fear is something the government loves to do and most of the "this person is a predatorrrr!!" Posts are easily disproven or just completely fake bait where the trans person in question doesn't even exist.(gr8 b8 m8)

No. 1891440

No one is afraid of ftms, and being afraid of dangerous males is rational.

No. 1891442

i fucking love sillypoo

No. 1891443

File: 1708175077829.jpg (32.4 KB, 800x450, 764323465.jpg)

Most of the troons in those threads are predators and AGPs are actually freaks. But at the same time, yes a lot of online trans outrage is obvious propaganda designed to rile up soccer moms. Picrel, all my boomer aunts fell for this and are more outraged about the kitty litter story than anything that actually matters.

No. 1891444

File: 1708175226077.jpg (24.43 KB, 625x626, kek.jpg)

No. 1891454

That's dumb though, why gayops about trannies when they bring in so much money for the big pharma and other consoomer companies?

No. 1891458

my tinfoil is that all trannies love being in female majority spaces no matter what or where - timothy's because they want to control women's thoughts and actions and purposely make them uncomftable due to their misogyny fetish, their male socialization deludes them onto believing that men are basically gods and therefore can do anything and that the overall female being is the inferior male with no magic that was created by and for men, so even when they transition, they'll still see themselves as better than women. TIMs basically act and share the same beliefs as natal men bacause they are natal men
Tiffanies adore being in female spaces because they don't actually see themselves as men, nor do they act it, and the general female space has been deemed the overall "safe space" by them. They want their cake and eat it too, basically. However, TIFs' nlogism tendencies have and will continue to ruin the actual safeness of those spaces, making them moot. What is a woman? Whoever identifys as being a woman. Cool, now male rapists whose victims are women can be transferred to womens prisons now

No. 1891464

This is… I believe it. Yes. I don't even know this artist but it matches too well not to be. My opinion doesn't seem to be popular, but I remember when the doodle board incident happened and I didn't have any problem with the doodles the artist did or how she (? please tell me this artist is a woman) responded to the criticism. It's fine to poke fun at stereotypes and I loved the idea of men being used as pack animals by stereotypical women. It was funny, it wasn't meant as a blueprint for real life. And I'd rather see a billion stereotypes like that or the bimbo hero protagonist (in the picrel of the airt) than see another "hormonal woman" or "Karen" or "feminist" stereotype.

The second "pearl clutching" drawing could have included stereotypes about feminism but the artist didn't use those tropes, they were deliberately avoided. It's about getting upset over stereotypes in a nothing doodle on an imageboard so clutching pearls (ironically) fits very well.

Forgive me for writing this at the end but my phone is retarded & I can't scroll up. The artist who did the pearl-clutcher and bimbo drawings on the right did them in response to some anons getting angry about her satirical doodle of happy staceys riding men like horses. Admin or a mod even hid the drawing (to which several anons had contributed) for awhile. I'll link when I'm at home

No. 1891465

Because the trans issue is being used to radicalize people into trad ideology. There's a narrative on the right that trannies are all feminism's fault so we need to go back to trad gender roles and Christian patriarchy. They're right about troons for the wrong reasons.

No. 1891481

also, i have said this before in the tinfoil threads and i will say it again, the whole tranny agenda is a pedophilic, depopulation psy-op actually. taking artificial cross sex horomones long-term and destroying your genetalia will eradicate your fertility, male or female. tifs who carry a pregnacy will almost always have a low-functioning kid, even when they stop t early in the preganancy. those children born of cross-sex hormone taking trannies will eventually learn that they have low to no fertility post-puberty. they delibritely target children in schools, social media, etc and those brainwashed children end taking puberty blokers and that gives them permanant infertility even if they eventually choose to detransition. grown ass tims and tifs are obssessed with children of the opposite sex and referring to themselves with those terms, a mix of auto-pedophilia and regular pedophilia.

No. 1891569

I agree with what you said but think the root of it is to disconnect us from human nature, or nature in general and foundations of our material existence and reality. it's a stepping stone towards transhumanism. we're being trained to forget our humanity.

No. 1891574

nta nonna i'm glad i'm ot alone who belives exactly this. It's so scary.

No. 1891583

Possible reasons as to why
>two groups are competing for power and are running their own propaganda
>one group seeks control through division and distraction
>one group wants to cause a rightward shift to prepare the west for war with Russia, China and Iran
>one group is keeping notes on who is opposing their agenda so they know who to eliminate later

Agreed. It's basically eugenics.
Puberty blockers have now been shown to reduce IQ.
It serves both as a tool to limit population and to make those that already exist more compliant.

No. 1891602

File: 1708190575781.jpeg (19.41 KB, 180x280, IMG_8222.jpeg)

Same here, girlburger and para para are classics. Love how much detail and internet references they put in the backgrounds of their stuff.
Honestly I see their hyperfeminine bimbo protags as like a version of picrel chad. They're like untouchable extreme stereotypes of the "ideal", but to the point where it's just ridiculous and funny. All the women in their videos are moronic assholes the way all the men are moronic assholes in most adult cartoons, which you don't usually get to see.
Also now that they're getting bolder with the misandry (new slur for men video coming soon apparently), I'm loving the TIMs in the video comments going "ummm I smell terfy vibes… this is how you repay me for cosplaying para para???"
But yeah at least one of the duo is a regular farmer for sure lol.

No. 1891625

have you seen her latest video? it's amazing. They definetly need more views, they absolutely mog moid trash.

No. 1891785

They need to go harder with the misandry and terfiness. Sillypoo I know you're on lolcow, if you read this stop being cowards and go full terf.

No. 1891792

havent you seen this?

No. 1891821

I did kek, but this was on women's day! All their videos should contain this level of terf.

No. 1891849

no it really isn’t. the elites don’t want there to be less people.

No. 1891866

They want more people to be slaves to big pharma since it's basically profiting off of an untapped market of fetish based body modification that otherwise had only been flooded with videos which doesn't result in the customer having to pay for life the same way the pharma part does. Plus they want to essentially codify male sexual degeneracy and de-huminsation of women as a right (they really only tolerate tifs as the logical outcome of pandering to the elites mtfs delusions).

No. 1891872

I wish I didn't have to. You basically can't opt out, every pediatrician requires the full schedule, even the ones that don't make sense like hep c.
They really downplay the effects of them too. My doctor told me about an optional extra one but "don't get it if child has a neurological reaction to the Dtap" I was like wtf you mean neurological reaction. I get why mom groups get a rep for being "anti-vax", you don't really see the effect of them til you talk to a bunch of other moms. It kinda sucks but what can be done

No. 1891904

File: 1708208523537.png (718.27 KB, 714x713, hmm whats.PNG)

What do you think it means? Is it some kind of code? A cry for help?

No. 1891913

It means you spray painted letters on the photo

No. 1891982

Now this is a quality schizo post, kudos.

No. 1892099

Trannies are non funcional humans. Can't reproduce, can't establish any relationship without begging for severe social control, can't hold jobs for a long time (they will never unionize) and basically they are walking sleeping agents, because psychosis by coom is such an antisocial and repelent disorder so they will always ruin anything they touch. Ideal humans for the elite.

No. 1892101

There are several famous and semi famous artists on lolcow. Either as hatereading or active farmers. Also back in the days i found a few nonnies on twitter too.

No. 1892113

File: 1708225170586.jpg (34.94 KB, 474x316, OIP.jpg)

I'm sure this has come up in one of these threads before but how do nonnas feel about companies like 23andMe? It feels extremely sketchy to give up your DNA to a for-profit company (well, any company). Imagine the money they can and will make selling off your information. They had a data breach back in I think December that affected millions of users. Unfortunately both my parents got theirs done. I'm also kind of skeptical about the results they gave, at least the ancestry aspect.

No. 1892121

I don’t get this, less people means each individuals have more bargaining power, the more people there are the less human life is worth. Plus trannies are still a small fraction of the population, if they wanted to stereilise vaccines or food supply are the way to go.

No. 1892123

My "tinfoil" is that this and all other posts mentioning this literal-who artist are just very pathetic selfposts because you neither got enough attention in the draw threads nor on twitter. Get a grip.

No. 1892158

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It's about surronding everything to the elites. Trannies literally can't exist without a strong and invassive social control, and the people who supports trannies support that control. It's not about the raw numbers, but what they represent and the reaction of the people. As long as most people support/think trannies are harmless… Is the sign that they can do whatever they want.

No. 1892213

Government is hiding alien tech because releasing it means total collapse of energy production industries like coal and oil. Either that or there exists some parallel dimension hoppers or "First-ones" ie non humans that were already on earth before we built or societies and now the government is trying to hide the fact that these people exist because it would shatter a lot of religion and human-centric world views

No. 1892236

File: 1708237334143.png (88.27 KB, 706x328, 127675797.png)

Didn't she already confirm this in one video?

No. 1892259

>Admin or a mod even hid the drawing
I was the one who (temporarily) hid it, and I just want to clarify that neither I nor the other admin had any strong opinions about the doodle or anything against the anon who drew it. It was a poor decision I made in response to other user's concerns and uncomfortableness with the doodle. There was a lot of infighting about it and the temporary hiding was really just an attempt to create some sort of peace, although I just made it more divisive. I also understood why anons were so suspicious cause we do get raided by men on there sometimes, and the theme was "woman utopia" which might reasonably attract some trolls. Everything ended up being unhidden and you can still see the Sillypoo doodles if you go back. I don't hide doodles anymore unless it breaks one of the rules.
Sorry I just felt a need to clarify because I don't want anyone thinking the board is strict or that we will target particular anons if they draw something we don't like.

No. 1892320

I don't blame you, some of the responses were rabid. It's ironic because those anons identified with the left side of the image and got offended when that's exactly what the image was about.

No. 1892421

kek she's such a queen

No. 1892432

Link? To the source please

No. 1892435

Trannydom is scientology repacked

No. 1892437

File: 1708264797914.jpg (45.09 KB, 696x394, sink.jpg)

i believe the normalization of the overconsumption of coffee in the united states was initially designed to make americans dependent on caffeine, increasing their usefulness in the workforce and making them constantly consume in order to avoid the unpleasant symptoms of a caffeine crash. this evolved into something much more sinister when eventually the powers that be discovered that adding hundreds of empty calories worth of sugary ingredients to coffee beverages increased their addictiveness and caused the people who consumed them on a daily basis to gradually gain weight, destroying their health (and thereby funneling more of their money towards the medical industry) and rendering them even more docile. i've seen people become genuinely depressed if they aren't able to drink their favorite frappuccino or miss out on one of starbucks' limited edition monstrosities. it is alarming how easily people can become distracted just by putting something that tastes good into their mouths. (reposting because i fucked up the formatting)

No. 1892443

You're right but it's more than trannies. It's an attack on puberty itself to prevent people from becoming real adults. 'Normal food' does this, obesity does this, violent and sexual media does this, drugs/medicines can do this, congenital disorders do this.

My opinion: Trannies can be made from porn but most who are taking hormones and doing surgery have a verifiable physical reason for feeling different, gyno, micropenis, beard as a woman, wrong chromosomes, missing internal parts, autism. Why would someone take it that far if there wasn't anything real or they weren't already accustomed to changing themselves. What does infertility look like on the human body?

The eugenics program has already been happening. All these lifestyle changes, changed us.

People who forego their humanity to get ahead in the system end up pushing things nobody wants but are the natural progression of the system, more control more power, control of the means of reproduction is the next level. Imagine a world where reproduction is a controlled resource. Look at what is already happening with infertility being a non-issue if you are wealthy enough. Read Brave New World if you haven't already. What is an iPad baby if not a future Epsilon-grade worker drone.

To end on a positive, the way out is to stick to the basics of life, think for yourself instead of waiting to be instructed to do/care about something. Perhaps that is the hallmark of being an adult.

No. 1892447

at 6:36

No. 1892449

File: 1708265309021.png (725.1 KB, 1082x532, 18-090648.png)

samefag just noticed there's a pixielocks reference too kek

No. 1892450

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The verifiable reason is autism

No. 1892458

KEK based

No. 1892543

File: 1708271639132.gif (5.16 MB, 600x338, soraai.gif)

The Sora announcement has made it clear to me that all these tech companies sit on this technology until it's the "right time" to announce or release it and that this tech has existed for a lot longer than we've been led to believe. This is basically military and government tech that is slowly making it's way to the public. And the reason it feels like it's improving so fast is partly because the progress has been hidden.

No. 1892560

I don't know, I think you should look into the history of coffee and see that it was always a very popular drink especially in Europe and the Middle East (where other drugs were illegal). There were coffeehouses that were frequented by scientists and elites during the Scientific Revolution. This was likely due to the caffeine that energized people whereas other drugs usually calmed people down (opiates) or impaired people (alcohol). I do agree that sugar is bad but I don't think it has a link with coffee, as sugar is in quite literally everything nowadays. People getting depressed because they can't have coffee pretty much have only themselves to blame, they don't have to fall for Starbucks' marketing and drink one trillion calorie coffees, they can just make their own at home and be done with it. The problem you're seeing is with sugar in general, in my opinion.

No. 1892567

i get where you are coming from but this is a site that frequently mocks anorexic women, women dealing with addection, women who has to rely on selling nudes for an income, etc. cartoon women isnt the most offensive thing that has come out of this site.
>inb4 cows are bad people
some cows genuinely are shit people and they do harm women by encouraging or glorifying dangerous behavior but some of them are women in vulnerable positions and laughing at them isnt benefiting feminism either

No. 1892575

That’s exactly what they do nonna, no tinfoil necessary. They create tech for military application and eventually it trickles down as consumer products. Same when they do development for space programs/tools etc. They’ve even got space labs for experimenting on how chemicals/bacteria behave in 0g. It’s pretty wild to think about what their experimenting with but haven’t released to the general public because it’s not commercially viable (aka profitable).

No. 1892613

There's a 41% reference in the background of this episode as well.

No. 1893005


No. 1893213

black goo

No. 1893238

Come on anon, you really think sillypoo has no fans on a website full of their target audience?

No. 1893265

I think sugar and caffeine is the destructive combination. I drink caffeinated drinks regularly, so does most of the people around me yet never exprimented the symptoms of "caffeine addiction" that are so common in the USA, but i drink them unsweetened and as natural as possible. There are plenty of drinks with more caffeine than Starbucks, like green tea, yet in the places that is common is not that much of a deal. It's the combination of the energy of caffeine and the addictive components of sugar that is ruining minds. Possibly Starbucks put addictives in their coffee beyond what they already naturally have, too.

No. 1893286

This trend of pushing speed limiters on regular consumer cars has to be backed by auto lobbyists. At least in the US, anyway. I have a feeling that they'll implement those into sedans and other small cars, but not trucks or SUVs as they don't need to follow the same safety regulations. Since no one in their right mind wants to face hard limits imposed by their vehicle, this would not only push truck and SUV sales even further, but also gas sales as those things are gas guzzlers.

If I'm gonna be driving at the same speed as everyone else to get to my destination, cities need to start implementing better public transit options. But you know they won't. Not as if forcing slower speeds will prevent crashes either; people can drive like dangerous retards no matter what speed they're going.

No. 1893386

File: 1708322232988.jpeg (685.49 KB, 1125x1475, IMG_5755.jpeg)

Gayops happening in Tennessee

No. 1893389

What the fuck is this

No. 1893401

File: 1708323528854.jpg (117.37 KB, 1224x637, idk.JPG)

Pixyteri in the first episode

No. 1893415

Nazi rally orchestrated by the left in order to stir people away from “right-wing thoughts”; not that either party is the ‘true answer’ to society’s problems.

No. 1893561

why is steve1989 there

No. 1893581

That might explain the rise of tradwives. They’re even pushing black tradwives like Nara Smith and the girls are falling for it.

No. 1894392

File: 1708393914776.jpg (83.26 KB, 600x800, 1000002835.jpg)

Isn't the Nashville shooting just so… on the nose? Aiden, really? I'm so confused about the supposed leaked journal. Why was she calling them crackers? It reminds me of that old white man who spraypainted blacks rule on his own driveway as if black people would ever say that. Idk just thinking

No. 1894405

It’s schizo writing from a girl jacked up on t, though. Very on the nose, but not surprising

No. 1894408

Yeah im not saying I think it was fake, I'm not one of those, but it's so bizarre.

No. 1894542

I once recommend the Why Files channel in a previous thread, and I now regret it because I came to find out that the dude and his fishy sidekick are glowies. Should’ve been my first clue when Matthew McConaughey and Morgan Freeman were the narrators for some of his videos.

No. 1894544

can you elaborate nona? i like his videos so that's really disappointing if true.

No. 1894560

File: 1708407995206.png (122.5 KB, 586x531, eh-journal-kill-all-mankind-29…)

It's very similar to, specifically Eric Harris's journal. The doodles in them were alike too. She probably romanticized/took inspiration from the way he doodled his moid thoughts.

No. 1894563

It must just be autistic mimicry, how bizarre. She was just acting out the role of an angsty teenage school shooter at 28. She somehow managed to embody every stereotype imaginable to the point im sure that it glows to the unwell tinfoilers.

No. 1894827

this is the correct answer. it isn't that hard to imitate another person's writing style especially if you commit a large amount of time and energy to it and she was heavily fixated on shooters

No. 1894904

He “debunks” theories even when they come from reputable sources or have documented evidence. Sure, there are some kooky theories being presented and some testimonies are a little too schizo but not every story or happening is like that. Also, the host worked for Hollyweird for 20 years.

That’s because it glows, crazy troon is probably their newest calling card.

No. 1898559

File: 1708683502461.png (162.06 KB, 436x449, tinfoil cat.png)

No. 1898963

do any of you nonnas know much about fnords and how they are utilised by tptb? and importantly, why?

No. 1899879

File: 1708785055427.png (367.88 KB, 658x677, MEAoaCF.png)

This is a psy-op to normalize sex-work.

No. 1899917

I thought this was obvious and it's been going for years.

No. 1899938

Saw this back when it was published and there were right wing scrotes saying how trad and awesome this concept is. I already knew this but it just drove home how it's useless to work with either the left or right on this issue

No. 1899963

This has been going on for like a decade

No. 1899974

Remember the stories of 12-14 year old boys being brought to hookers by older family members to "make them a man" and it basically fucking with the kids' heads for the rest of their life because they felt molested and never got over it and couldn't complain about it? Not that this is the website to feel bad for boys kek but I always think of it that way now. Not sure how old the sons are supposed to be in this article, I'm assuming they're adults. Bringing your son to a hooker to lose his virginity seems gross no matter the age, in my personal opinion. Creepy and bizarre behavior.

No. 1900093

There is a disturbing incestuous vibe to this.

No. 1900614

>that old white man who spraypainted blacks rule on his own driveway as if black people would ever say that.
This is hilarious, anon, thanks for mentioning it. Reminds me of the "vandalism" at Kiki's grandma's house ("regal slut"? who would ever call Kiki regal to insult her?). I'm surprised they didn't get charged for wasting police time, the sisters obviously sprayed that themselves.

As for the journal, I had the same thoughts. It feels so fake and parodic and … straight out of the 90s-00s. Feel free to insult my lack of car knowledge or trends, but do people even drive "mustangs and convertibles" anymore? Convertibles weren't "rich people's cars" when I was growing up, well at least I thought only idiots would buy that kind of car.

No. 1900928

I think it's more a byproduct of international war/social unrest in the past 5 years and economic uncertainty. Hisotircallt shit gets dicier for women when society sucks
Moreover, why bother convincing women to breed with stinky emptionally stunted moids when you can import minors and young adults from central or south america and have them work in factories and slaughterhouses. It's fewer steps to increase your working poor/neoslave caste that way.
My views are US centric but we export our shit beliefs pretty heavily to other western countries

No. 1900948

Yes but only the ones required for school + hepA vaccine. Some shots on the CDC schedule aren't required for school.
Theyre mostly beneficial imo but some of the shots and the timing of the shots seem like they're intended to protect babies going into daycare at 3 months (when women's FMLA-mandated maternity leave ends). If you have a single baby who stays home with WFH parents you arent really at the same level of risk as a daycare baby or a kid with siblings in school.

No. 1901072

it's the tinfoil thread, you can speculate if it's fake or not lol because there is something very odd and too on the nose about this manifesto or whatever you want to call it. i mean who knows anymore these days what's really going on. i just observe because that's basically all you can do at this point.

you don't have to be "unwell" to wonder if there's something else happening here other than crazy troon shoots up school, calls white people crackers, more news at 11.

No. 1901340

This is just a vent, really. But I'm so sick of friends and family acting like I'm nuts for being a prepper. My homestead is almost ready to move into, so lately I've been focusing on that; bulk buying supplies for my SHTF stash, testing generators, water filtration, etc and people are like "omg this is so unnecessary!" like, are you fucking kidding me? Do you not watch the news or did your mother drop you on the head as a baby? I try to be reasonable and say "Well, you remember covid right? You remember the food and supplies shortages then?" and all I get is "Oh, that won't happen again. I think we've learned from it.". There's nothing wrong with being self-sufficient. Yeah, I'm a lil schizo about it, but it's pure logic at the heart of it. I'm just making sure my family is provided for to the best of my abilities/budget. But some people just balk at the idea of considering these what if's and think you're turning into the unabomber or some shit. Is it just the comfort factor? That it's easier to think that everything will turn out ok, rather than acknowledging the fact that we're nudging closer to a major war? I don't think it helps that a lot of left leaning people stereotype preppers as right wingers and neo nazis but it's just so odd this aversion most people have to it.

No. 1901364

>"Oh, that won't happen again. I think we've learned from it."
There is absolutely no way that humans have learned from buying out entire stock of necessities so nobody else can have any, and then proceeding to price gouge and resell it at an absurd price because they know people will have to buy it regardless.

No. 1901366

It would be one thing if you were just apocalypse LARPing, but there's nothing wrong with being just slightly prepared in times of dire straits, due to the nature of nation my family has learned to be cautious, we have a gun(in a safe) we keep electric torches, battery banks, battery powered fans and a battery cooler(for my mother's health issues) In black-outs and times of riots these little things have helped us.

No. 1901380

considering the overlap, I think we should pin the "Prepping/Survival Preparedness thread" on future tinfoil threads.

No. 1901394

>I don't think it helps that a lot of left leaning people stereotype preppers as right wingers and neo nazis but it's just so odd this aversion most people have to it.
It's weird as for most of my life it's been the opposite. I live on a homestead with my family and we've been working towards self sufficiency. Both myself and my neighbours get accused of being right wing, when it's more about living in a way that doesn't cause harm and being independent. Some of my neighbours are new age hippie types that have been doing it since the 70s and were originally considered left wing nut jobs.

No. 1901412

Exactly. Businesses just got even more cut-throat about it. That was the lesson learned was that tough times are great for throwing people over a barrel for their most basic needs.

Yeah, I grew up in a shithole country where having a gun and those things you listed was just common sense. But now I live in the UK it's not as common to think like this. People are spoiled, and that's ok. I just think it's very unhealthy to have this rigid stereotype of preppers in your head because you saw like, one YouTube video where it was right wing murricans talking about the apocalypse who were prepping.

Sorry, nona. Forgot about that thread as it kinda died.

Yeah, that's the thing. I just wanna be self-sufficient. Feed myself and my family with food I grew myself. Eggs our own chickens laid, honey from our own bees, etc. I wanna live amongst nature and bring my children up with a real appreciation for it. Living this life is a lot more revolutionary than navel-gazing on twitter all day about the ethics of fapping to problematic fanfic or w/e it is these totally real commies do.

No. 1901415

If you’ve been sick with CFS for over 3 years your chances of recovery are basically 0.

No. 1904303

Dumbass shit was saged to force nonnas to use the Bechdel thread.

No. 1905022

File: 1709121366258.png (11.11 KB, 182x277, Unknown.png)

Nonnie, you should read this book. I read it when I was going through caffeine withdrawal and it was really eye-opening about how food corporations have convinced entire nations that caffeine is good for you and a legitimate source of energy rather than an extremely addictive stimulant drug.

No. 1905027

Well I love extremely addictive stimulants so..

No. 1905652

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No. 1905654

It’s super easy to get lost in the swampy woods around there, I almost got lost going off trail when I was 15 and had to wade through the river to get back cause I couldn’t find the fallen log I’d used to cross the river to start with kek. Poor kid must’ve been terrified.

No. 1905800

File: 1709175423744.jpg (287.49 KB, 1100x1559, download (1).jpg)

This honestly barely even feels like a conspiracy at this point considering how retarded google has been recently. But from this thread, I figured out that google flags certain types of memes (muslim, jewish, transgender, flag but of course "karen memes" doesn't flag). Now when I was testing this, I tried "female memes" first. And it didn't flag. Then I tried "male memes" and it flagged. And everytime I tried, "male memes" flagged, but for some reason "female memes" wasn't triggering the flag until I tested it out a bunch of times. Now it flags for me consistently. And it only started flagging for me when I texted my sister about the weird discrepancy.

No. 1905802

Omg forgot to link thread >>>/ot/1904705

No. 1905843

This and the movie poor things are cancer on earth

No. 1906063

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No. 1906126

I can never understand why somebody would rather have their first time be with a prostitute whos only with you because you paid her, instead of with a woman who actually likes you and is attracted to you? Men are so insanely shallow and entitled..

No. 1906144

Because they don't care about them

No. 1906149

File: 1709196334463.jpg (65.56 KB, 481x640, s-l1600 (1).jpg)

Is George Estabrooks' work worth getting into? Is he legit? I'm mostly interested in reading about the military application of hypnosis. He claimed that he could hypnotize a man without his knowledge or consent into committing treason against the United States.

No. 1906196

File: 1709199764475.jpeg (19.53 KB, 602x602, GAJeQyCWwAA-jX6.jpeg)

This is a interesting news but not for the reasons suggested. Mind control and hypnotism is not really a tinfoil, it's an obscure yet studyable subject if you have a psychology-related major. It evolved into advertising lately though. It's far less interesting than what it sounds, and "manchurian candidate" stuff is way more regular torture and breakdown than an spooky second persona that the host doesn't know (that can also happen, but it's another field entirely )
The point here is that if the literal forefathers of hypnotism (no jannies i'm not racebaiting, this is just true) can't break/hypnotize an average joe into complaince, then they're done for. That shit should be a second nature for them, at it explains a lot of the current state of the war. All the smart warmongers are dead or retired, and it really shows. The problem is that these morons have fucking nukes.

No. 1906313

When I was testing last night "woman memes" didn't flag either (idk about now) and it made me so mad. This really does feel like a subtle way of shepherding people "well, ok, you can look at those memes but they might be hurtful!" it's a great to gently nudge people into acceptable thought patterns and behaviours.

No. 1906686

ntayrt, when i tested it using "women" and then "anti-women" it seemed like all the images i got were positive toward women and actually were making fun of anti-feminists. there's definitely some fuckery going on

No. 1906757

Ntayrt. While it’s out there that mind-control techniques were used in the past, the tinfoil is that it’s still happening to this day. You can see it with many politicians, star athletes and celebrities domestically and abroad.

No. 1906838

Isaac Kappy was a psyop designed to make people who criticize hollywood look crazy and probably sexually abused women himself. I hate that schizoaffective freak and anyone who parrots his alt right bullshit

No. 1906855

*they don't care about women.
The more I interact with males the more I believe in the castration theory. Moids are ravenous beasts moved by fear and hunger

No. 1907056

because of all the resistance to the covid vaccines, the US government has approved injectable weight loss drugs to be given to just about anyone to get that part of the population under control. Burgers are much more willing to inject themselves with some strange substance if they might lose weight too

No. 1907135

Do you believe Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK without any outside intervention? Many people believe he did not act alone and he was the fall guy. Others even say he was Mk Ultra'd

No. 1907141

Bladder cancer epidemic incoming

No. 1907142

Have you ever met a lizard human? How could you tell? Do you think you have ever met a non human entity?

No. 1907146

I know no one will believe me but I live in BC, and not the crazy up north part but the city and when I was going to bed with my ex, we were closing our eyes and then heard a terrifying scream, it sounded like gutteral and deep and had lungs like a moose (there is no moose in my area) in front of the window, I was so terrified I couldn't move and my ex and I just looked at each other terrified. The neighbors put on their lights too and were checking their backyards. We all do not know what it was but that was the last time we slept downstairs. So scary.

No. 1907149

Samefag and I heard people say this sound isn't real but its the closest thing we heard to it. Sooo scary.

No. 1907168

I'm pretty sure they did it because obesity is taking over the US.

No. 1907421

>implying the US government or US corporations care that Americans are obese
Both treat Americans like livestock and this is being done to make a profit just like anything else.

No. 1907482

why would the obesity epidemic trouble the us government? they are the ones who allowed it to get this far rather than nip the problem in the bud back in the 90s. a morbidly obese person is the perfect compliant citizen. they may not be able to fight in a war but they spend a significant portion of their income sustaining their food addiction even as prices continue to rise, contribute to keeping the country's predatory medical industry afloat thanks to their numerous weight-related maladies, and are too imprisoned by their own bodies to cause problems outside of the internet. even better, they pass their horrible habits down to their children and the cycle continues. these injectable weight loss drugs are just another fad cash grab marketed towards an easily exploitable demographic: people who are desperate to lose weight but for whatever reason will not do it simply by maintaining a calorie deficit.

No. 1907536

Unless these people actually learn to eat at maintenance or deficit they'll need to stay on the drug forever to maintain loss. Research shows once people stop using it any weight they’ve lost is likely to come back.


Definitely a lifelong cash grab. One of the main companies making the drug is a Danish company too, not even strictly the US profiting off overweight burgers

No. 1907780

Moreover he claimed towards the end of his life that he was still in contact with his alleged sexual abuser friends and would never post proof of anything. That man likely abused teenage girls himself. He deserves to rot in hell and I'm glad he killed himself or got suicided, if he wasn't a psyop he was just a retard and I'm sick and tired of idiots on TikTok swallowing his satanic panic nonsense shit up. Isaac Kappy was very yappy but rarely did he ever say anything of worth. Good riddance to you dead piece of sexually abusive woman hating shit

No. 1907801

>Definitely a lifelong cash grab.
Couldn't you say this about any long-term prescription drug though? Guess anyone born with type 1 diabetes is getting scammed for life kek

No. 1907810

It’s coming out more and more that the vax is causing adverse effects even in young healthy people. If you got an mRNA vax make sure you get checked for cancer and don’t ignore symptoms of clots or heart disease. The more you got the higher risk you’re at.

No. 1907825

The weight loss drugs were more of an accidental exposee since only the elites used it on the DL and it's European anyway. They also made it impossible to get in an affordable way even if you do have issues that you need it for

As far as obesity goes I think medical companies are just banking off the expensive effects of it hence why side effects of obesity treatments are more expensive here than any other country
Kybella, skin tightening/tummy tuck after weight loss, breast surgeries, etc? Like 10x as expensive than any other country
IVF/other fertility? Literal down payment on a house and you have to go through multiple rounds for it to work
Heart problems? Good luck trying to get anyone to take you seriously
It also doesn't help work schedules are becoming more unrealistic for Americans to properly cook and eat something healthy, people treat pedestrians like actual criminals if you're not in the inner city, those who work jobs on the road often only get the choice of gas station food or fast food, etc

No. 1907848

Kek based, it would be an excellent government policy for these euthanasia doctors to convince incels and rape apes to kill themselves.

No. 1907916

Thing is a lot of people getting these weight loss drugs now aren't obese, some I'm seeing are hardly even overweight. It's quite easy to get a non-FDA approved compounded version of the drug online with no bloodwork and a quick video chat with a doctor.

Like yeah people with diabetes type 2 taking the drug for that should stay on it for life, but many people it's just a completely optional way to stay thin.

Just baffles me that people are practically lining up to inject themselves, long term, with something no one has any idea the long term effects of just to lose weight, but then balk at vaccines. Why wouldn't the government take advantage of people willing to inject themselves with something they have no idea what it really is?

No. 1907933

because, at least you can be skinny and when you face the effects of it at least it was your own choice. with vaccines, you get no benefit especially now that almost all COVID mandates have been lifted. and it seems like vaccinated people are the only ones who get sick anymore anyway

No. 1907941

I've seen way too many women around me develop breast cancer some time after the third or fourth doses of the covid vaccine. I remember a ton of women having issues with their menstrual cicles too. It's insane that pregnant women were encouraged to take this failed dangerous shot because of something that's as dangerous as the seasonal pneumonia or flu.
The heart issues are even more obvious but no one wants to fucking admit it (I mean, I get it. I would panic and deny it too if I willingly took a shot that's now confirmed to be dangerous AND called people subhuman idiots over them not taking it, plus everyone in my country was forced to take it BUT you had to sign the little paper before so if shit happens it's your fault!). My country's police organizations are officially investigating the growing number of sudden deaths among officers in relation to the vaccine because it's just too much, too weird and too obvious to ignore. It pisses me off that because of money and muh "right side of history" talks we won't be able to see the real damage these things caused for 10 years at least.

No. 1908220

Idk if he was a patsy, MK'd, or what. But I don't believe the narrative we're fed about it, something's up. It most likely goes back to the US government, just like JFK.

I have no proof it's linked, but a brain tumour I got told was benign became cancerous after the vaxx and I've always had this gut feeling that the jab did it to me.

No. 1908358

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Saw another article say the car was a Tesla, I have a hard time believing her death was an accident. Going to be an interesting election year for sure

No. 1908846

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vaccine injuries are definitely real, but the reason for that is actually that covid is much more harmful to the body than what’s stated in public health messaging. basically, how much of the spike protein your body is exposed to from the mRNA vaccine is far less than how much of that spike protein would be replicated systemically during a covid infection. both can lead to vascular damage, immunological problems, etc. repeat covid infections cause long-term to the immune system. picrel, a doctor whose T-cell count is worse than an HIV patient’s. at the time she posted this, she had 2x the astrazeneca vaccine, which isn’t even mRNA. similar immunological injury was seen during the first SARS outbreak.

the vaccines were completely oversold in terms of how effective they would be. when it turned out that they did not actually confer lasting covid immunity, libtards were too invested in scolding vaccine skeptics to actually hold public health organizations accountable. normalizing several SARS-2 infections a year let everybody get back to business as usual, with wokescolds saying “it’s fine, i got the vax so i won’t die”, and deniers feeling affirmed in their belief that the virus was never a big deal to begin with. in the coming years, there will be more and more cases of ME/CFS-type disability in the form of long covid, and more outbreaks of secondary infections in people who have been immunocompromised through covid infections.

i know most people are resistant to taking covid seriously, everyone wants to just be done with it, so i don’t know if any of this will land. still, for nonas who want to minimize their risk, be aware that surgical and cloth masks are next to useless against an airborne virus. respirator quality masks like N95, KN95, and KF94 actually will protect you in enclosed spaces.

No. 1908898

That's really cool that your police is investigating this!
So just to make it clear, people who are vaccinated and people who aren't but had covid are both in the same bad situation? I never got the vaccine but i had covid a couple of times and was fine but from the latest infection i got long covid. We are all fucked it seems.
I really wonder if it was all planned by someone, or if something was planned but this stage is not planned.

No. 1909231

> people who are vaccinated and people who aren't but had covid are both in the same bad situation

yep, exactly. overall, actually contracting covid is riskier than vaccines in terms of causing long-term health complications, but that doesn’t mean that vaccine injuries don’t happen. the further out you get from the initial infection or vaccination, the less likely you are to spontaneously develop a health problem tied to either, but the problem is that everyone is still vulnerable to reinfection. covid immunity wanes over time, regardless of whether it was achieved through vaccination or through fighting off a prior infection.

i’m so sorry that your most recent infection resulted in long covid, nona. it’s genuinely fucked up how public health orgs capitalized on everyone’s exhaustion with covid policy incompetence by basically telling everyone to just pretend it isn’t happening. also scary to think what kind of health problems kids who are currently school age will end up having. so many kids under 10 have had covid 6 times or more already, and we’ve already seeing a rise in secondary illnesses in pediatric populations (RSV, bacterial pneumonia, etc). it’s likely that a lot of gen alpha will be disabled by post-viral syndromes before they even become adults. capitalism just isn’t built to handle the level of public health crisis that we’re living through.

No. 1909262

i've stopped using google for certain things because they block everything, including interesting stuff. i only use it now to find recipes and shopping. i don't need some silicon valley weirdos telling me what to think and what to search for, i'm grown. otherwise it's ecosia or yandex or another non-google indexed search engine. it's sad too because i remember the good old days when you could find literally anything and everything on google, including stuff you never wanted to see. i really dislike the nuweb.

No. 1909441

I'm unvaccinated and had covid while pregnant and me and the baby are 100% healthy, meanwhile almost every single vaccinated mom I met had some sort of pregnancy complication. ofc this is all anecdotal but you can do what you will, especially since vaccine doesn't do shit for covid anyway

No. 1909442

what kinda pregnany complications

No. 1909445

for the most part, it seems like a lot of pre-e resulting in premature birth. Just a few years ago or even during covid having a preemie was rare, now it seems like every other woman I know has one when they didn't even have covid

No. 1909798

This guy looks so evil, his eyes and smile

No. 1909802

Some study was done that for every Covid infection/re-infection people lose 3-9 IQ points.

No. 1909845

>durrrrr why did UFO sightings decrease when phone camera quality increased
because the aliens are aware of how human technology is progressing and hid themselves better? duh?

No. 1910028

I never got people who kept using this as a gotcha. I'm on the fence about a lot of alien encounters because I think it's hard to tell what's aliens and what's government surveillance, military crafts, etc. But you'd have to have a room temperature IQ to think that the aliens aren't also getting better tech if evolved monkeys like us are.

No. 1910071

Good news! Technology is actually getting good enough in consumer products that cell phone footage is starting to crop up. That could be why we’re seeing this sudden rush for disclosure.

No. 1910082

large scale evangelism attracts a certain type of egomaniacal male and at his age dementia is likely starting to creep in. it's no wonder he looks unhinged

No. 1912305

>I think it's time to go
Kek. Possibly about to be hunted by a monster and my man is cracking jokes.

No. 1912314

TBH that just sounds like propaganda to get people to get the vaccine. I wouldn't be surprised if any form of it, the vaccine or the infection, made this true though. Everyone I know has gotten more stupid and more impulsive, and that includes me. I started taking Lion's Mane mushroom supplements because of the research I did with it and mice. I would recommend everyone take it, unless you have one of those rare disorders where you don't want nerve growth.

No. 1912508

Israel actually wants antisemitism to increase globally so its existence can be justified.
Also, this is not even conspiracy but the biggest supporters of the creation of Israel were actually British and European antisemits that thought it would be a great way to get rid of jewish people in their countries.

No. 1912895

Nta but thanks, I'll try lions mane. Never been vaccinated, but I was just thinking today I feel like I've lost like 15 IQ points since getting covid twice lmao. Hopefully I'm not permanently more retarded but I probably am.

No. 1913046

Google was driven slowly but intentionally to be borderline useless, so people ease into using AIbots for their search quests.

No. 1913069

I would ageee but AI search is so shit. Take the Yandex pill

No. 1913097

Nonnie i'm a yandexfag too but it has a backdoor for russian inteligence and if Putin says so they would lobotomize it in a heartbeat. It's not an actual solution

No. 1913205

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A discussion in the Bechdel thread made me realize that there seems to be a deliberate effort from mainstream and social media to demonize stable office jobs. Many movies present having an office job as a living hell, and living a "free life" as more important, which means quitting your job (and also responsibilities) and doing whatever you want. Originally, this marketing was mostly towards men, but in recent years, I'm seeing it marketed towards women more and more, with the "#girlboss" thing and encouraging being an "entrepreneur". I have known people in real life who left behind stable careers to sell knick-knacks and got into debt.

No. 1913248

Interesting you say this, I've been watching Life & Beth and she quit her job after earning $35,000 commission to live on this vineyard and have a more humble country/farmer life. I was dumbfounded she quit such a high paying job but I was also really impacted by the simple life she chose to lead. I wish it was more realistic for me because I hate living in a busy, depressing shit hole doing jobs I hate, but I also don't want to be financially destitute and ruin my life for a fantasy.

No. 1913271

That's a tame example of what I mean, The worst ones are the media that present office jobs as an unbearable hell, and of course end up with a "rebellion," which is just quitting and "doing whatever you want." that type of media isn't just naive(the show you described is likely just that) but meant so that a section of the population actually ends up leaving their jobs and eventually getting into debt and dragging their families along

No. 1913285

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I'm reading about the population crisis in Japan as it's been making the news a lot lately, and not a single news source mentions the factor that women are actively choosing to remain single and childless. Why don't they mention that maybe, women don't want to have children in a country that allows legalised child pornography as long as it's animated? Or how sexual harassment is so bad in public, they have to have female-only carriages on public transport, or how women are expected to work full time while still being the main child rearer and having to serve hand on foot for her porn-addicted Nigel. They won't discuss this being a major contribution to declining birthrates that are happening all across the world, not just Japan, because I think they worry it will encourage other women to do the same. Instead they choose vague reasons like work ethic or housing costs - which of course are factors, but I think the fact that women are now in positions where they can support themselves is a much bigger factor. It makes me terrified for the future of women's rights across the globe.

No. 1913330

It makes sense when you remember that men are still in charge and don’t want to admit they can’t see women/children as people any more, just holes to be fucked or slaves to service them. If they admit male immorality is the problem they have to improve, even the ones at the top doing the most heinous immoral shit to the entire country. They won’t get to pretend they are bastions of logic/intellect any more. It’s like with parents who transed their kids, they can never ever admit to wrong doing because that would mean they mutilated their child and guaranteed them a life of pain and suffering. No one wants to admit they’re a monster who is incapable of thinking about others, it’s easier to subjugate the weak and blame them for the moral failing of… being born female. Huh, sounds a bit like religion.

No. 1913347

i think people becoming more stupid and impulsive is the result of the public's response to the pandemic and not the virus itself. 2020 revealed how greedy, selfish, and quick to anger many people are at their core and how willing they are abandon any sense of dignity if it means getting something they want. covid amplified people's worst traits and taught them that there's no need to go back to acting like polite, rational adults because terrible behavior is now tolerated more than ever and even rewarded.

No. 1913389

Does anyone else find it weird all these small passenger planes crashing on highways in the US recently? Another just happened on Monday.

No. 1913396

It’s hard for people to keep their peace too when the institutions they put their trust in have shown themselves to be ill equipped to actually handle a crisis and are instead standing ready to take advantage of it. Why would the populace settle down after governments:
> were running an ill maintained bio weapons lab
> lied about masks again and again
> lied about “vaccines” to the point of changing the meaning of the world
> didn’t close the boarders to prevent the spread - but YOU can’t go outside
> housed the sick with elderly at risk people
> disallowed discussions of preventative treatment/actual treatment
> killed people with the treatments they did allow
> did nothing to account for or correct the 2 years of disrupted schooling for kids
> crippled the middle class to the point where the rich now have money hitherto undreamt of
> cashed in on your suffering
> assorted other crimes against humanity we will probably not hear of for another 50 years
Even stupid people will calm down if they’re incentivized to but the curtain is off. Everyone knows their government is corrupt now and the global elite have no qualms about killing us, they’ve admitted it, so what’s left? It’s like governments picked up the abusers handbook and decided instead of being better they’d make us the crazy ones so we’d lash out when they hurt us, now they can say we’re stupid and savage instead of admitting they no longer have a right to our keeping the peace because they’ve done nothing to fix anything, just continued to take advantage.

No. 1913499

I’m an amerifag jew and this is my tinfoil too. bleak because as israel commits warcrimes I see more and more antisemitism becoming mainstream as normies conflate zionists with all jews, even though american jews are a completely distinct group from israelis (even if some have been indoctrinated by zionism). there’s just no winning
>inb4 “jews aren’t oppressed you self-victimizing kike”
during shabbat services at my local synagogue, the entire street is now locked down by police because of a stark increase in hate crimes recently. our rabbi is antizionist, but the bomb threats are not coming from zionist jews

No. 1913579

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I'm on the pro-Palestine side but supportive of peace and anti-Hamas, and yeah I see it as well, I would argue there's probably more anti-Semitism in the west now since the end of the WW2 and reposting from what I said in the twitter hate thread, it's mostly fascists using this conflict to normalize it. For example, under a post about some dead Palestinian child, they'll link some infographic about Jews running the banks. The worst part is that it's actually working, an entire generation has been radicalized to be far more anti-Semitic.

No. 1913580

The ignorance involved in this conflict is like nothing I've ever seen. It's being conflated with European colonialism and modern concepts of the persecution of POC, when this has very little to do with it. The Israel-Palestine issue predates the creation of Israel and it's an extremely nuanced topic that requires some basic historic knowledge before anyone can even begin to understand it. Not all Muslims support Palestine and not all Jews support Israel. Some Orthodox Jews are explicitly anti-Zionist because it's a part of their religious doctrine. I'm not an expert but I at least know that it's not just a case of jews bad, palestinians good, like it's made out to be.(racebaiting)

No. 1913611

It makes sense that repeated COVID infections can be very harmful, especially if they somehow happen in the span of a few months. That's the case with other viral illnesses too. I had COVID twice (got the first "strong" one and then one of the weaker strains) and while I had some issues with tiredness and headaches after the first time, I was mostly fine. Maybe the severity of the illness also has something to do with it.
But think of vaccinated people. They got vaccinated up to 4 times, in my country the first two are about 20 days apart while the boosters (so from the 3rd) happen every 6 months max. Add that the immunity from the vaccines is shit, so most vaccinated people also get COVID, maybe even more than once. If the spike protein is the issue then all that (vaccines and covid) is a lot of exposure to it over the course of a year, maybe even more than a non-vaccinated person that may not get covid as much because of natural immunity being more effective and not getting severely ill (since most COVID cases are mild).
Idk I don't buy the "covid is worse than the vaccine" thing because I see how often vaccinated people get sick (I remember a study showing that vaccinated people had less immunity than normal, showing damage to the immune system) and all the vascular issues, the sudden deaths and the cancer developmemt especially in women. Of course though it's hard to measure the damage because in my country almost everyone was vaccinated forcefully, so it's not like people can compare the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated properly… I just think these vaccines are doing a lot more damage than COVID itself (not counting how badly it was handled and all the deaths related to negligence and not wanting to find a solution besides vaccines).

No. 1913615

ayrt, it means a lot that nonnas can be reasonable about discussing this here. of course there are plenty of anons with different viewpoints (definitely a few pol/tards and a zionist sperg posting here kek), but it’s still much better here than on xitter

it really hit me how normalized antisemitism is becoming when the nyc orthodox jew tunnels were uncovered. I thought the jew tunnels were hilarious and weird like everyone else, but I started reading zoomers’ comments on related posts and videos in which they unironically claimed the tunnels were used for child sex trafficking and other types of conspiracies that were once confined to /pol/. I even saw comments calling jews hypocrites because of the hamas tunnel nonsense, which doesn’t even make sense because nyc orthodox jews are extremely anti-israel and have nothing to do with it. there’s no denying israel has heightened hatred of jews, it just sucks to have your religious and ethnic identity conflated with a country you’ve never even been to

No. 1913656

the weird was that those Jews are firmly anti-Zionists, they believe that Israel is their homeland but only when the Messiah comes and never before that.

No. 1913737

What an idiot, she really thinks she'd walk around protesting in the streets in 1930/40s Germany… No, we wouldn't "see you" anymore dumbass, you'd immediately share a cell and then grave with them.

No. 1913782

It’s actually insane this anon took a ban for racebaiting. No nuance allowed, I guess

No. 1913793

right? seems like a perfectly normal even polite post, what kind of retarded robot is giving out bans?

No. 1913810

>thought the jew tunnels were hilarious and weird and nothing else
C'mon nona, be for fucking real. Those were exclusively men congregating in illegally made underground tunnels that they made themselves, that's a little suspicious, don't you think? Where were the tunnels going, huh? One of them was connected to a jewish woman's only bathhouse, again only males were in the tunnels. They claimed it was for worship purposes only, yet they immediately filled the tunnels so nobody else could see what was actually in them or where they all lead to. What little people saw was stained mattresses and a baby's high chair. This isn't even the first time new york had a case concerning child trafficking and underground tunnels! And the nypd is known for their brutality towards citizens treated all of tunnel jews with kids gloves. Like, honestly, nona, what'd you think these tunnels were even for to make you see this situation so light-heartedly? They are men, stop giving them the benefit of doubt!
https://www.vice.com/en/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11 Orthadox jews have a pedastry problem like the catholic church, the men do not face consequences over it! Honestly, this type of shit happens in all religious factions who worship the male god, the men become delusional and believe they themselves are gods too and that everything in exsistance was created by and for them. God is man and man is god, if you will. They rape a child? So what, they are man(god), everything is for me, and i am above law and can do whatever i want. All of them, just all of them, christian, muslim, jew, buddist, etc act like this

No. 1914177

Im Russian so I don’t really care. Though it would be nice if someone could resurrect the old algorithm/ image search before they turned it into lens.

No. 1914290

>I thought the jew tunnels were hilarious and weird like everyone else, but I started reading zoomers’ comments on related posts and videos in which they unironically claimed the tunnels were used for child sex trafficking and other types of conspiracies
>in the tinfoil (conspiracy) thread
Do… do you know where you are? Go back to twitter.

No. 1914300

What did you've done I made Yandex my main search now

No. 1914315

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No. 1914316

not really even a tinfoil, I'd wager only the nepobabies and richfags are the only one's that have some degree of safety.

No. 1914330

Yeah they're hoping the rest of us die so they have more oxygen without effort or change

No. 1914337

Yeah I saw a webcomic once depicting a guy working at the same company for decades, retiring, and then later on his deathbed with all his family, and it was meant to make you feel like the dude wasted his life but all I saw was job security, providing a good life for a whole family of people, and dying peacefully surrounded by loved ones. Life has gotten so easy that people have devalued the kind of Fordist dream life that every generation previous to this would (often literally) kill for.

It helps to feed the fake entrepreneur industry, the self help industry, tourism, MLM/get rich quick schemes, and dodgy lenders too.

No. 1914341

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Nta. A relative has been developing some long covid like symptoms lately so I've been doing a lot of reading on it.

>It makes sense that repeated COVID infections can be very harmful, especially if they somehow happen in the span of a few months. That's the case with other viral illnesses too.

Covid is different from viruses like the flu or rsv because it's multi-systemic and it compromises your immune system. When a healthy person gets the flu, they will normally gain some immunity to the virus the next time it comes around. Covid on the other hand makes you more susceptible to repeat infections. Although they are completely different viruses, some researchers have compared covid to HIV in this regard. While vaccines don't provide great protection against getting a covid infection, they have been shown to provide protection from long-term complications, however only for a limited amount of time (I think 2 years). It seems with covid, repeat infection makes you more and more susceptible to developing long-term complications, I guess because it messes with your immune system. According to research, people who had covid where still immunocompromised a year later. We don't know yet how long that could last, or the long-term implications. I think the best we can do at this point is try not to catch it, until more effective vaccines/treatments are available.

>Maybe the severity of the illness also has something to do with it.

A lot of people who had a relatively mild acute phase of the illness went on to develop long covid, organ damage etc. The virus can stick around in your body and replicate. Sometimes people didn't develop long covid until months after the initial infection. Here's a great summary from last year of what they knew at that point: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41579-022-00846-2

No. 1914416

Wasn't there a study posted above or in the last thread about the same thing but with vaccines? It's scary to think we're in deep shit no matter what kek

No. 1914652

I love the Missing 411 stories. Fascinating cases

No. 1914664

the only thing I don't understand about that is most people are fat because they consistently made the wrong food choices over the years. So let's say a person is on the drug for at least 10 years. In that time their appetite has completely changed, they don't eat much, and have stopped eating pretty much all junk food. After ten years of eating differently will they just turn around and start pounding donuts again like a fat person? It's akin to a vegan who hasn't touched meat in years, even if they decide to start up again wouldn't their taste for it be gone / could even make them sick?

No. 1914888

sickening article. Why do men in religious sects specifically want to rape boys? That's the part I can never figure out. You'd think they'd also be assaulting young girls. There's something deeper going on with this.

No. 1916265

What is racebaiting about this post?!

No. 1917576

There’s definitely not three admins running this place.

No. 1917607

the real tinfoil is that working itself is overrated, whether you’re an office cuck or entrepreneur. they both suck in different ways. the real goal in life is to never have to work, whether that’s through the pursuit of a lucrative passion or pure luck, but working and having a “career” is not all that’s it cracked up to be. neither is having a business that drives you nuts. however you can’t say these kinds of things out loud because people get upset for some reason by the idea of not working. they always claim oh you must want to be on welfare (hell no) or oh you must be lazy (no). i just don’t see a point anymore in slaving 20-40 years of my life in a dingy cubicle or dealing with the stress of running a business that may or may not become successful when there are a million other things i could be doing. working is borderline servitude, especially in this dystopian shithole world we are living in. working is oppression for most people; it does nothing for the soul, and we’re deliberately kept wanting for more so that we keep going back every day, every week, until the companies kick us out or our bodies give up.

some people are good at that though, and i admire them in their own way cause the current employment landscape in the us is tough and it seems it is getting tougher post covid. i live in france now and things aren’t much better here. the good old days of like when my grandparents worked, became rich, and were able to accumulate wealth are long gone. the same jobs either don’t exist anymore, they’re flooded with migrants who will work for pennies on the dollar, or they are slowly being replaced with automation. and yeah, i do want to be free, there’s nothing wrong with that. i hated having bosses, particularly because many of them were power tripping morons or nepotism babies who got where they were through asskissing, family relations, or by virtue of being male. and of course as a woman, if i wasn’t letting them rub up on me or acting like they were the smartest man in the room when they were dumb as rocks, i would get mysteriously fired out of the blue or made to do disgusting backbreaking chores like scrubbing diarrhea covered toilets or getting someone’s stupid $30 salad to “humble me”. my family told me that if i worked hard, kept my head down, and did what i was told that i would be successful…it was the opposite. i got tired of it so went back to university in my late 20’s to get my ba and masters, and having been away from working i can’t see myself going back at any point in the future. i’d rather find something that i can do that i am good at and that people enjoy, like writing a book, so that i can live my life in peace and not have to suck dick just to get a $1 raise.

No. 1917613

theres been some interesting recent research on how ultraprocessed foods and sugars are highly addicting- in some studies, lab rats choose sugar over crack despite having been addicted to both. since the 80s, big food has been pumping foods w more ultraprocessed nutrients (bc cheaper) and higher sugar content (bc it sells) which has led to overconsumption and current normalization of food addiction. its why so many of the ozempic cases also have people claiming they stopped gambling or drinking- the gaba receptor it targets seems to deal w certain CNS neurotransmitters that also have an affect on craving/addiction.

food addiction is so fucking normal. and depressing. and bc of ozempic we just added another step to the addiction/poverty cycle that gives big business our money.

tldr: stopping the drugs will def have u going back to ur addiction, like food, bc the gaba receptor it targets seems to be responsible/adjacent to the reason we form and need addictions.

No. 1917767

Nonna, elaborate. Do you think there are more than 3 admins here or less than 2?

No. 1917935

Absolutely nothing. I fucking hate the moderation here lately. I'm an Arab (ex)Jew from Israel and anon is totally right about the nuance and there's plenty I could add, but I ain't copping a ban from a mod with no reading comprehension. I will say I agree with >>1912508 though. I live in the UK now but it's still very obvious how the little people are meant to take a beating (figuratively but increasingly literally) to further the cause for TPTB.

No. 1918156


No. 1918914

i believe societal attitudes also play a huge role in the normalization of food addiction. the fat acceptance movement has become more popular over the past several years and only grown more insidious, continuing to deny the realities of the impact morbid obesity has on the body even as their founding members continue to die off at early ages. young people with access to addictive foods and delivery apps follow social media grifters screeching about how not to giving into every craving is the same as having anorexia nervosa and as a result are being set up to develop serious food issues. but you can't say anything about it, especially if you aren't overweight yourself, because genuine concern is considered cruelty to them.

No. 1919250

The debates over the whole Israel/Palestine conflict has been the weirdest thing in the world for me to observe. I know several groups of actually racist or white supremacy groups and there was a lot of debate in the beginning about who they should support. Some said Palestine should be supported because they hate the Jews, subjugate women, and kill gays. But others said we should support Israel because Palestinians are a chaotic and aggressive force and supporting Palestine now would be like working to save a rabid dog, it's only going to kill you once it's free. Plus most of them hate Muslims. Ultimately, the group consensus settled on "supporting" Israel because they're more civilized and even among white supremacy groups, hatred of the Jewish peoples is not as strong as the media makes it out to be.
Although there are some hardcore Nazi types within the groups, the majority of the white supremacists don't hate your average Jewish guy at all, but hate the Jewish elites who control most of the world. Some hate them, the Jewish elites, because they're cliquey and only support other Jews, but many hate them because they feel their decisions are destroying the world (stifling free speech by controlling the narrative of MSM and social media, encouraging unchecked illegal immigration of aliens who then leech welfare and refuse to assimilate, disarming the population, and encouraging open hatred of white people). Oddly enough, zoomers seem to be way more into the Jewish hate than the boomers, gen x, or millennials.
Anyways, I wrote this out because I thought you might find it interesting that even the white supremacists are supporting Israel in this conflict and that hated of the average little guy is not really coming from them but seems to be entirely from different groups.

No. 1919443

really? cause the reaction on stormfront(not a racist, I go there to see the reaction general WN's) seem to overwhelmingly supporting Palestine, they even post cherrypicked images of white Palestinians, and claim they're whiter then Israeli Jews.

No. 1919456

I have never heard of that wesbite, but wikipedia mentions that it is a neo nazi wesbite specifically, so it would make sense that they would attract members who specifically hate Jewish people.

No. 1919462

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and just like the Fascists described in picrel, they are using this conflict to spread and normalize antisemitism and they are genuinely glad seeing it succeeded.

No. 1919640

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The funny thing is, most of these families aren’t Jewish yet want us to live as >>1919250 described. The Rothschild’s are but a tumor in a metastasized cancer in the world.

No. 1920284

For those not aware one of the most popular phrases on the Germanleft at the moment is an antisemitic dogwhistle spead to it by the far right "free palestine from german guilt".
basically is aims to deny any consequences of the holocaust by implying that people shouldn't "fall into the trap of feeling empathy for the jews" because "everyone just got tricked into feeling guilt for something they didn't do". It's really insidious because it plays with the idea of guilt and responsibility being interchangeable.

No. 1920312

>the Merovingian bloodline
What? This picture makes no sense

No. 1920552

Kek I agree with you. Oldfags and anyone here for 5+ years would know. I am almost 100% positive that “cerbmin” is just oldmin/Shaymin wearing a three-headed trench coat.

No. 1920710

4chan just removed the IP counter on their threads. I assume they're preparing to flood the site with bots on a very large scale.

No. 1920714

>they’re preparing to flood the site with bots on a very large scale
And then what? What is the purpose for them to be flooding the site with bots?

No. 1920715

I was wondering why every thread had no ip count

No. 1920719

Controlling the narratives and speeding up brainwashing, what else? It's an election year too and the userbase in 2024 is much larger than it was in 2016. Perfect grounds for a psyop and AI is more advanced now to do it on a large scale

No. 1920722

I guess, but I imagine the average 4chan user is already brainwashed (in favor of the GOP). Unless you’re insinuating that the brainwashing is to make the userbase more extremist?

No. 1920725

My tinfoil is they're likely going to mentally gear up the channers for the WW3 meatgrinder

No. 1920736

It might not be because of the election. There's the threat of gamer gate 2.0. Gamer gate was started on 4chan and moved to IRC for organisation. Discord was created to kill IRC for that reason.

No. 1920792

The main problem with office jobs is that they often are literal "bullshit jobs". It's certainly not hell on Earth, as anyone would rather be bored in front of a computer with an internet access than break their back moving rocks underground. What's making office work worse nowadays is the popularization of the marriage quality management and worker engagement where it isn't enough that you're doing meaningless shit but that you're also supposed to reinvent and improve your own job and live in a constant feedback-loop. I don't want to "get creative" on company hours as I don't even get to own whatever comes out of it, let me actually be the mindless drone office satire media makes us out to be.

No. 1920818

I feel this. My job is risky, I could be responsible for saving lives at any moment or my life might be taken from me, but the takeaway is that my paycheck is very nice, I'm not slaving away with labor at my feet and I get free time when I clock out. However, I'm not gonna do this forever, my back already hurts lugging around 15 lbs of equipment at my waist. I've brought up how I want to eventually save up enough to get half my paycheck in interest payouts, decent consistent passive income, and then move into some part time job, hopefully still high paying, but people think it's impossible, even my boyfriend thinks so. But even with his work, he'll soon be able to work from home at part time hours and still make more than I do now. People really don't think of things in perspective, they think if I'm working a lot at first and then decide to lessen the workload, then I'm essentially not doing anything. No, it takes extra work to realize how much self discipline it takes to get to a certain point of being able to work less.

No. 1920829

>No, it takes extra work to realize how much self discipline it takes to get to a certain point of being able to work less.
NTA but I couldn't agree more. I'm semi-retired at 33 and people think I'm just some lazy fucker who got lucky. These are the same people who used to tell me I worked too much. People truly have no idea what they want from their life. They just follow cues from the rest of the sheep and figure that working 9-5 until you keel over and die is the better option because getting the weekend off makes it "balanced".

No. 1921299

I've never seen a specific list of illuminati families before, are there any resources around this list?
tbh don't really believe in the illuminati but where there's smoke there's usually fire when it comes to families that lots of people are suspicious about so I'm curious who these people are and why they're seen as part of it. I recognize some names but not most

No. 1921444

What's your job?

No. 1921448

File: 1710221837234.jpeg (82.48 KB, 750x1334, he-got-epsteind-v0-rmylhwfbmsn…)

well well well

No. 1921466

Any theories on the upcoming ocean current collapse? It should happen anytime between 2025 and 2095

No. 1921469


No. 1921473

How very ominous of you anon.

No. 1921476

And the California earthquake too

No. 1921482

Damn, ninja’d! Evil corpos strike again

Fritz Springmeier wrote a book on them, here’s a pdf copy directly from the glowies so there might be some truth to this.


No. 1921485

maybe it will shake things up again and we can have another 2020 social climate. I want Anonymous to have a comeback again

No. 1921487

My tinfoil is that the next pool of data collection is going to be some sort of bio marker and nanotech in your body that will be able to sense all your biological functions. The fact that there are many surveillance systems in use now does not preclude the need for a more "advanced" system down the road. Even after significant progress has been achieved toward an objective, those interests don't necessarily give up and remain satisfied with the result.


No. 1921491

And Yellowstone will erupt too

No. 1921668

My thing is that this wave of anti-Semitism was almost a self made prophecy, the Fascists and Jihadists are capitalizing on it and guiding it and they are succeeding beyond expectations. But it's not like it wasn't there before, there was a big elephant in the room that was kinda hard to ignore. Jews being disproportionately represented in media and positions of power, you would literally lose your career if you mentioned that fact. South Park (the boundary-pushing show) had an entire episode on how you should never ever mention it.
Only with this conflict and how it was covered, was this fact so hard to ignore that it was finally could be stated. but no one dared to mention it except for the fascists and Islamists, who took control of the narrative early on and continue to do so. This political and ideological victory for them will have tangible outcomes.

No. 1921815

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Sorry this is a late reply nona but I wanted to respond to you because this is an interesting topic. I hope other anons share their thoughts on the topic too.
>What is a fnord?
At the term's inception, it was originally used to describe (in a sort of tongue-in-cheek way) the idea of an invisible word that is unseen by the majority of the population through direct conditioning in early childhood: the word has the power to strike fear, anxiety, unease, and discomfort in the reader. It was posited that the idea of the "fnord" is used in many facets of daily life to create a population of highly-excitable and confused people and to rile them into a low-level always-afraid mindset, which allows the powers that be (which I will refer to as TPTB henceforth) to continue their indolence. I don't believe that the word "fnord" is actually a thing, but I do believe the concept of "fnord" is very useful in understanding modern consumerist society. My (admittedly poor, because I'm not good at defining these sorts of things) definition of fnord can be summed up as:
>fnord: an overlooked and largely ignored object/thing that is a cause of psychological & physiological distress, to the contrary of its perceived/proclaimed beneficial nature.
I'll use examples of some common fnords in North America to illustrate my definition:
I once read an architectural treatise that stated something along the lines of "the maximum height for a building should be no more than 4 storeys," the reasoning being that taller buildings are more likely to be faulty, that they are more difficult to repair, that they are shorter lasting, and that they block the view of the cityscape. The last one rang particularly true to me because all the beautiful cityscapes that I imagine are in cities that predate the skyscraper by centuries; and often in those same cities the citizens are very careful not to destroy the skyline with atrocious skyscrapers (like how the Montparnasse Tower pollutes the views of Paris). The skyscraper is very phallic in its imagery; a penis-shaped building that pierces the beautiful expanse of blue sky and rises so high that it disorients the viewer looking up at it from the street. These eyesores are often lauded as ways to save space in cramped cities: but, why do we need to save space when North America is so empty? Why must our cities be compact concrete jungles instead of wide expanses of park-view and well connected public transport systems? The skyscraper is a fnord because: it disturbs the natural order of a city; it penetrates the beautiful cloud layer; it cries out against the inhabitants; and it leads to a confused society; yet, they are commonly built everywhere to benefit the ruling class and its monopoly on real estate.
>Florescent lighting.
Florescent lighting is different from incandescent lighting. Incandescent lighting is dependent on heat, which hearkens back to the traditional source of light that human beings engineered: fire. Incandescent light, like fire, is warm, moody, alive. Florescent lighting is cold, schizotypal, sterile. It has been shown to cause health problems ranging from fatigue to migraines. It is often used in disturbed spaces like hospitals, offices, and more recently: our homes. The switch from incandescent lightbulbs to florescent lightbulbs is touted as a way to conserve energy and to prolong the life of lightbulbs. The fault with the former reason is that it reflects our poor choice of energy production: we would not need to save more electricity if our means of production were streamlined towards renewable sources of energy like nuclear, solar, hydro, or wind, thus florescent lighting is reflective of mankinds arrogance and refusal to move towards more responsible modes of energy production. The fault of the latter is that incandescent lightbulbs are not living beings: they are objects, therefore the shelf life is arbitrary. There are some incandescent lightbulbs that have been burning for more than a century; the shelf life of incandescent lightbulbs is decided by the manufacturer, and was chosen to be shorter than needed for capitalistic gain. Thus, florescent lighting is a fnord because it is in widespread use for all the wrong reasons and contributes to human cognitive decline, as many scientific journals and medical professionals will point out.
>Television programs.
The human eye can process information very quickly, but even so the way television is designed is too fast for the eye. Since the eye is being barraged by a million still images to form a video, it leaves a big chasm for the brain. In this gap, many strange and ulterior ideas presented in television cannot be adequately filtered out. It's why advertisements are so popular on cable channels, because in between the images presented is the motive of money. Television programs offer an illusion of a perfect life, the thing that makes viewers want to tune in, but in effect they debilitate the viewer into a sense of unreality. Television is fnord because it is a way for advertisers and governments to beam information into the mind very quickly and without discerning, but it is often used as a retarded way to alleviate boredom. For more information about Televisions and its dangers, look into the interview of Icelandic superstar Björk on the topic of televisions, here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75WFTHpOw8Y
>Why are fnords used by TPTB?
Fnords are very devious inventions. They are very obtuse and rather hidden in plain sight, so that the conscious mind will try their best to overlook them. They are weapons aimed at the unconscious mind. TPTB want a population that is: emotionally stunted, spiritually blinded, & physically exhausted. If people are constantly barraged by a million small things that cause them tiny amounts of pain each, then over time they will become number and number to the actual reasons behind their suffering. A lot of fnords that I've seen and witnessed are direct manifestations of 'capitalist' 'innovation' (depravity). It is the many small fnords throughout our society that contribute to its continued malfunctioning. It's like death by a thousand paper cuts. I am curious to see what other types of fnords nonas have seen and witnessed here, so I'd really appreciate it if others could illuminate us on common fnords throughout society. Also I edited the picrel to remove the marihuana cigarette out of the cat's hand because I didn't think it was appropriate to show drugs on the internet.

No. 1921901

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I agree with you so much anon, I didn't know anything about "fnord" itself but it is really useful to describe those things.
About the tv thing, allow me to go on a tangent, I watched tv since I was a baby, all the time, and what you say really resonates with me, for so long I chased the "life" on tv and the other stuff I consumed, even though I knew it wasn't real I didn't "understand" it. I had friends and family and a nice home however they weren't "aesthetic" or a "picture" like the TV or advertisements. When I saw a advertisement and got the toy from it I tried to recreate the advertisements or how kids behaved from it instead of just playing with the toy. Then I felt bad because it wasn't as "good" as a picture/aesthetic in my home like the advertisement so I just played with stuff that didn't have advertisements that I had.
I remember feeling bad I wasn't like the girls on those shows either because I didn't fit any box or stereotype meant I didn't have a personality, because as a kid I thought personality trait=stereotype from tv, so when the school counselor asked me to describe personality traits I always said "none".
I'm so glad I had that phase as a kid instead because I just see people my age (yes I'm a zoomer) attempting to recreate aesthetics and obsessed with "-cores" like I was as a kid.

Going back to fnord and ulterior ideas in tv, it definitely happens, you're supposed to watch tv just to "relax" a bit, but you're never truly relaxing, it's very overwhelming and you never truly rest your mind, and if you let your guard down you have some creepy subliminal messaging, whether it be some writer's fetish shit or political shit. We all complain about tiktok being overwhelming and people just swapping down and influencer having to compete for a viewer that's one swipe away. However I believe tiktok is so harmful because it's a perfected tv, it has an algorithm that perfectly caters to a viewers taste allowing them to manipulate you even better, you can take it anywhere, watch it anytime, it's easier to do "zapping" and they are sure you're paying attention compared to leaving the tv on while you do something else. Not to mention 2 people will have different ideas of what's going viral on tiktok, having a perfect algorithm to divide the population instead of fox news vs CNN.
Social media is awful however I believe unlike youtube, instagram or whatever else, tiktok is the "true" sucessor of the tv, the only reason it's so problematic is that it's in china's thumb instead of the american/western media. I believe tiktok will be even worse because you may have needed the tv to stay "informed" and "aware of current issues" or watching the big game, however with tiktok you "need" it more regularly and to socialize and your friends probably already sent you links from there from stuff that they wanted you to see, sure you may have not watched whats on tv last night that's fine, but oh you haven't seen this tiktok? Dw I'll send you the link!
Tldr: I believe the aesthetic and cores obsession rn is on purpose so we are more detached from ourselves and that tiktok will be a very valuable tool for TPTB

No. 1922032

We know that most companies in the US have been going cheap with materials but still raising prices. From the sports industry to the restaurant industry to the music industry to the clothing industry. All consumers have the same complaints- products are worth less but cost more. My conspiracy is that they're all running out of money. Their business models have hinged on having endless consumers to leech off of and we all just don't have the money to spend on their shit so…they're trying to buy themselves more time by using cheap materials. I don't really have a lot of research to back up this idea so source: my feelings kek

No. 1922038

Well yeah obviously if they’re low on money they’re going to alter their prices so they can expand their profit margins and make more money. Thats what businesses have done since the dawn of time nonnita

No. 1922041

Ik this is the tinfoil thread but how is stuff like this not bait? Terfs are way more obsessed w children than trans people lmao(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1922053

Are you lost?

No. 1922057

Underrated post, I agree completely with you and I'm surprised at how many people willingly do this. I understand the appeal but the vulnerability of the information they are able to create is crazy. Imo it's not worth it and there's also the possibility these companies don't provide accurate results on purpose.
Fucking based

No. 1922060

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Gtfo moid. Of course women care about the well-being of children, unlike tranny pedophiles

No. 1922063

shut up

No. 1922067

They (tptb) are trying to distract from the fnord talk. Just ignore them.

No. 1922078

kek. roll for troon

No. 1922099

When you think about it, you realise that trannies themselves are fnords.

Holy shit I missed that, KEK. Post so clocky even the servers know it's a troon.

No. 1922146

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No. 1922172

I've read this too. This has to be fake right? There's no way someone can be fine with 217 vaccines, mra or not. Why would someone even think of doing 217 vaccinations?

No. 1922175

>he's ok though!
I shot up heroin for over a decade and I'm fine, I wouldn't call that good advertising though. For real, I can't believe they're just talking about such a brutal case of covid derangement and ignoring the psychological damage that the MSM must've done to this guy to drive him to do such a thing. If it's real. I know a lot of people went full blown silly over covid, but this HAS to be a low effort psyop. It can't be real.

No. 1922210

I think the concept of fnord can be applied to modern buildings and cities. The way most of them are designed is literally soul sucking. Concrete everywhere, sound everywhere at all times, lights everywhere (this ties in to your post), screens everywhere, even modern architecture and interior design: beige or white slabs of smooth plastic or concrete, pale white lights in most public buildings, furniture with simple "perfect" shapes also made of some cheap artificial material. It's so far from what we need as humans that I believe it consumes us little by little every day.
Another thing that could be related which is my personal experience, I used to spend a lot of time in front of screens and barely spending time just being outside (I was always either at home, to work, to school, some other building), then at some point I got really sick mentally and physically and I was more or less forced to spend more time outside doing stuff closer to nature. And I don't know how to explain it well but now spending time inside with artificial lights and screens and then going outside closer to gardens/fields/animals feels like exiting some sort of psychotic/depressive/depersonalization episode. I feel like being cooped up among blue lights in grey buildings where you look out and see and hear only cars, trains, advertisements, lights and flashes literally stresses and fries your animal brain, it makes you an anxious, irritated and scared zombie. Touching grass is not only a meme.

No. 1922249

>Touching grass is not only a meme.
NTA but completely agree. My wife's been teaching me to garden for a while now and I feel so cleansed of my spiritual and psychological issues when I'm outside with my hands in the earth. Getting to see the literal fruits of your labour and feed your family with them is very fulfilling in a way that little else on this earth is. This next part will sound crazy, but as I'm now living rurally with no neighbours I've started meditating naked in the garden each morning at sunrise; even in the cold and rain. Nothing crazy, only ten minutes. But this in conjunction with my ooga booga diet of lots of red meat, eggs, organs, bone marrow, etc makes me feel so primal, it's like an antidote to modern life. Cavemanmaxxing is real and I'm gonna make it a thing.

No. 1922368

Don’t forget to eat your veggies!

No. 1922369

good, more boring office jobs for me. i hope they all fuck off

No. 1922372

Nonny I hope you're doing okay nowadays

No. 1922373

I don't think a guy getting over 200 vaccines, no matter which ones, would be okay at all. It's just too much.

This makes me feel like it's invalidating all the women who have had problem with their periods and their blood pressure after they got the shots. "If this guy got 200 vaccines and was fine that means women are just hysterical" type of shit.

No. 1922376

I do! Plenty of fruit too, hence all the gardening. I just found that after I tried the veganism psyop and it left me all kinds of fucked up, making sure I had a daily large portion of meat and eggs, (especially eggs) it left me feeling super energised.

Bless you, nona. I'm doing great. Been sober from both drugs and alcohol for years now. Happily married and tinfoiling away in the countryside.

No. 1922575

Same, I need a job anyway

No. 1922819

Anyone else feels like AI will be used as a trojan horse to lower people's abilities and cognition? Like the kids will not even bother to learn how to properly write an essay or read when they can hust use AI to write and summarize information for them.

No. 1922820

Sure it's already happening at universities retards are using AI and not proof reading it or have enough basic knowledge to know if what's its produced is a load of shite.

No. 1922895

lol nonas he wasnt a covid vax superfan or any freak shit like that, he was selling vaccine cards

it’s only invalidating if your scientific understanding relies on pure anecdotal information, a single case study like this doesnt disprove documented instances of vaccine injury, all it demonstrates is that if you have a similar biological profile to this guy then you could probably also get 200 covid vaccines and be chillin

No. 1922917

Yes, that's the plan. Make people as dumb as possible. They wont be able to do things for themselves and get all their answers from a robot. A lot of people already use chatgpt for searching and asking for everything instead of searching for themselves, or even thinking about the thing for themselves. They will belive anything it tells them because they wont even know how to use their brain for information search in the future. Knowledge and intelligence is the power of humanity, by making most of them dumber and not able to use their brain, humanity loses power and becomes just a resource for people in control.
What i think will happen is people in the future be in two camps. The one's i described before will end like slaves to the technology, They will enjoy all the moviemaking, artmaking, games and the "fun" stuff the technology will offer but they will be stupid and unable to create and invent themselves. They will serve the AI and feed on the Ai like it's their mother.
The second camp will be people who aren't duped into this relationship and will be able to use their brain and will teach their children to use it. They will live more in tune with nature as possible as it'll be. It'll be difficult for the second camp and these two philosofies for life will be like religions.
Everything Ai does we can do also, it maybe takes a bit more time, but we can do the same things and way way more. People don't see the beauty and the abilities we can achieve just with the right usage of our brain so they think we need to make robots.

No. 1923105

So he didn't actually take 200 doses of the vaccine? kek

No. 1923172

Working on gardening, growing vegerables/fruits or taking care of animals grounds me a lot and makes me feel like I actually do something that's meaningful. I'm glad meditating in nature is also helping you, although not as extreme I've taken the habit of spending like 10 minutes outside in the garden at night even if it's cold or raining and that makes me feel better. The silence, smells, cold air and lack of artificial lights are healing, and I say this as someone that's never been too into meditation or other spiritual woowoo stuff.
Going back to my original post, when I was sick I would struggle to sleep inside my house (it was hard for me to fall asleep and if I did I would jolt awake with nausea and palpitations, I would also wake up in the morning feeling sick, I even took xanax for a long time but it didn't fix it) but during the summer one time I put a chair out in my garden and I found out I struggled to stay awake when sitting outside.

No. 1923211

AYRT and same. I've tried a lot of things to help my mental health, but nature has been the one thing to have the biggest impact on me. I'm really into camping and I find that I always sleep like a baby when I do that; wayyy better than I sleep at home. If you've got the room, I recommend getting a small one-man tent for your garden in the warmer months, so even if you got work or can't get away or whatever, you can still get some decent sleep outside. Another thing that helps: my stepdad recently got me onto using candlelight as much as possible after sundown to help my circadian rhythm, and it's been pretty great so far. I've noticed I have fewer headaches and I'm not so restless. I tend to fall asleep easier too; still got trouble staying asleep, but it's a good start.

No. 1923218

ayrt THANK YOU i wish we could be friends irl. absolutely and enthusiastically agree with your material fnord examples. on the skyscraper point- have you read JG ballard's high rise? its not his best work from a literary standpoint, but it really got under my skin and stuck with me. it shows a real gut level appreciation of the immense psychic evil of these tall buildings.
i love the description of offices and hospitals as "disturbed spaces". i live in a hot part of the world and in my office job last year became increasingly paranoid about the fluorescent lighting and the recycled, conditioned air. like aeroplane air, it feels somehow diseased to breathe. i live in this shithole old house now that i actually love so much because there is no air conditioning so i just use standing fans which circulate the air. but i am getting off track and on to miasma theory now.
regarding television moving quickly, what do you think about tiktok specifically? tiktok is different to television somehow in its effect but i cant place it… its just so much faster, its like if a tv flicked channels every 5 seconds by default. it seems to have immense hypnotic power.
>Also I edited the picrel to remove the marihuana cigarette out of the cat's hand because I didn't think it was appropriate to show drugs on the internet.
unbelievably based.

regarding what fnords i have seen, i have actually increasingly feel that font choice has a big unconscious effect on people. i dont know what it is or how it works… i actually think there is something quite sinister about impact font and its use in memes in the early 2010s (it doesnt have the same feel in the current day memes that sort of "reference" that period). memes on the whole can exist as fnords too i think. and not even just the memes of images but the memes that include repeating a motion- like dabbing, or flossing.

you phrased the tiktok thing really well. i hadnt really considered the decisive nature of the algorithm, but i wonder if thats one of the things responsible for this explosion of "aesthetics" and "-cores" that last for 5 minutes before being replaced by something else? these micro subcultures are so extremely isolating somehow.

No. 1923221

did you hear about that would-be boeing whistleblower who "killed himself" in the trunk of his car recently lol? pretty sure he was going to drop statements about this increasing cheapening and poor manufactuing

No. 1923225

Damn Im so happy for you anon, hope I can have a similar life someday soon. youre so right about eggs too, theyre such a perfect food its almost spiritual

No. 1923227

ABSOLUTELY. im doing another undergraduate degree right now and my professors have outright stated that they expect the stuudents to use chatgpt because they cant stop them and dont care. they seem like theyve just given up. its extremely unsettling considering the academic rigour and high professional standards in my first undergrad only six years back, like, this is an internationally highly ranking university. it may be over

No. 1923402

Today my colleague called me over to show how ChatGPT wrote him an outline for his graduation project, because he needs to submit just a 300-400 word essay this week. He was praising it to heaven and back over the most generic, non-specific text. I can understand AI being a great tool for making like message templates for the most routine stuff and mining texts, but actual students and researchers relying on it for the creative parts of their job seems insane.

No. 1923457

I'm going on vacation next month with some friends and we have 2 cross-country flights booked, all on Boeing 737 max. It's too late to cancel them. Maybe it's just my paranoia but seeing Boeing in the news like every day for their planes randomly losing parts midair and killing their whistleblower has me fucking terrified, even the exact plane and flight I have booked has had serious issues. I've never had flight anxiety before but I'm so scared. Do I cancel on the trip? Do I go and pray my plane doesn't fail? Do I tell my friends about my concerns or will they think I'm crazy? fuck

No. 1923474

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Since you guys were talking about academia and AI. AI-generated figures. Passed peer-review. Nonsensical slop.

No. 1923480

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>A picture of giant dissected rat dick

No. 1923494

Haven't heard about this plane losing parts but boeing 737 max is known for having an issue with their compensation software that'd make the plane's nose push down. Two 737 max crashed horribly because the pilots didn't know how to fix the sudden nose dive (human error/inexperience + the fact they didn't know about the mcas as it wasn't included in the manual) but these issues were fixed since then. I don't think you're crazy, I think that's some justified paranoia, flying is not 100% safe.

No. 1923569

The elites don’t the the normies to fly anymore

No. 1923571

The elites are going to kill the aviation industry in American and Europe while Russia and China are starting to build and design their own commercial planes. People will still fly around the world, it will just be in Russian and Chinese planes. All that money that currently gets pumped into Boeing and Airbus will go straight to the Chinese and Russian governments instead.

No. 1923591

Sooners are the most bigoted and image obsessed generation, worse than boomers. At least the older generations had their youth and much of their lifetime before the rise of social media. They were kept closer to reality and less blinded by nonsense, less sheltered.

No. 1923604

Also thanks to certain archives you used to be able to go through old threads. Mind you 4chan is one of the last vestiges of the old internet, anonymous and critical to everyone.

No. 1923613

You can use this tech to enhance your body and to kill someone, even millions of people by heavy metal poisoning

I hate both Islamists and fascists and would rather die than live a world with those in charge.

No. 1923625

Yes there will be a divide between the addicted and the aware. Elite schools are still old school with more varied sources of knowledge and opportunities to act on it. The rest of us are shoved with bullshit and screens

No. 1923629

Problems with the Boeing 737 max came up about 5 years ago too. Two fatal crashes in 2018 and 2019. Something like 350 people died. It cost boeing billions in fines, settlements and losses after people lost trust in them for a while
>Both crashes were linked to the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS), a new automatic flight control feature. Investigations into both crashes determined that Boeing and the FAA favored cost-saving solutions, which ultimately produced a flawed design
They addressed the issue but ime spending too much time on the aircrash analysis side of the internet will leave you paranoid about all the maintenance cost cutting that goes on too. The small things that aren't so small if they go wrong. If you wanna keep your plans just remember the old "far more likely to die getting into a car" quote. Which is true.

No. 1923659

Damn and I was just getting back to school

No. 1923664

Do people not understand that AI is just regurgitating? Simply rearranging pieces of words and art? That it’s not capable of actual originality?

I think I understand why and how people fall into cults

No. 1923944

I love this topic so much. It's something I've noticed for my entire life and I feel like a crazy person for seeming like I'm the only one who notices and is bothered by it. I think cars are a huge fnord, they can subconsciously wear down and ruin people. When you think about it, it's a several ton piece of metal flying at an unnatural speed beside others that are doing the same, and they give licenses to people who really shouldn't have them because in many places it's necessary to have one. There are so many car deaths (at least where I live) and I've personally seen horrible gruesome accidents, and people just brush it off as a fact of life. But I don't know, I think it is strange and really sinister the way transportation in general has been set up (at least in a place like where I live that is very car dependent). It's hard not to think about, and at least in my experience I've noticed a lot more people having driving anxiety and refusing to drive/driving very little - I think this is a reasonable response to the way things are, cars are a fnord.

No. 1924998

no, he actually did get dosed with the vaccine 200 times. presumably in germany they had a vaccine passport system that had an app/QR code, a lot of metropolitan areas had those. he was selling working vaccine IDs logged in the system to unvaxxed people.

No. 1925080

What is the proof that he actually took those vaccines and didn’t lie because he was being charged with fraud? In the OP article the evidence is sus, they didn’t check for vaccine RNA/DNA.

No. 1925127

I don't think anyone would survive being dosed with any vaccine 200x, I know you guys are schizo but use common sense for once

No. 1926018

Not the AI that the government has had for decades, which is now seeping into regular society.

No. 1929188

Did you guys see that movie Leave the Wrld Behind? What's up with that? Are they trying to mentally prepare us for something?

No. 1929191

This. Even when I was pro vax this story smelled like bullshit from a mile away. It's scary we have doctors and nurses who believe the story no questions asked

No. 1929398

Movies like that feed my paranoia so I haven’t but the summary said the Obama’s produced it. Makes you think.

No. 1930158

File: 1710790008982.png (865.59 KB, 540x960, a77a719a79808.png)

I believe the narrative about how gay men are so much more attractive than straight men and have a more fashionable sense than women isn't just a misleading personal opinion but deliberate propaganda. Now I don't want this to come across as homophobic, but the vast majority of gay men I have met and been friends with were not that great-looking. It doesn't matter if they were feminine or going for a masculine look, most had unattractive faces, and their taste in pretty much everything was severely tacky. They had better grooming standards then most modern straight men, but that's about it.

No. 1930166

File: 1710790639078.jpg (192.45 KB, 750x920, 0ed7d11eac9895175cff3b278c6340…)

>They had better grooming standards then most modern straight men
duh anon, that's the point. Gay men do the bare minimun, so ofcourse they are going to be more attractive than the average straight scrote that thinks washing his ass is gay. If you put an average straight man next to an average gay men who grooms himself, the gay moid is going to look better than the straight scrote. Straight men expect women to be fully groomed, with not a single hair or blemish under the head, and be well dressed, but then they dont do the same thing for women. They are selfish pricks. Men see an attractive men women lust after because he's well-groomed and dressed and instead of taking note and doing the same proceed to call him faggot while they return to eating their nuggies in their dirty underwear while complaining about how women live on easy mode and how only chads get gfs kek.
holy shit today's not my day sorry anon for dl and reposting so many times kek.

No. 1930179

You just wanted to post Wonho. He isn't even gay.

No. 1930185

I have no idea who he is. I wanted to post an 80s model who was super hot and gay but i cant find the picture now. Kpoopie boys basically prove my point though, they are fully groomed and hot but moids find them ''gay''.

No. 1930189

the hot part is debatable kek

No. 1930192

he's hot, it's not debatable. He might not be up to your standars, but he is objectively hot.

No. 1930195

I used to post this man on /fit/ years ago to make them seethe. It always worked. Men don't hate masculine and feminine gay men the same way.

He has the face of a pug.

No. 1930197

wonhos body is objectively hot, his face? not so much

No. 1930205

if you were looking at the face instead of that delicious body you might be gay anons.

No. 1931104

stubby legs + but(tis)face. also why his shorts hiked up so high kek

No. 1931128

HEAVY AGREE the worst part is how unsafely they build the roads. Even if it isn't intentional population control they at least don't gaf how many of us perish. Especially when you consider the safety seats made for kids and toddlers often don't save them.

No. 1931134

>also why his shorts hiked up so high
it hot

No. 1931138

he looks roided and puffy

No. 1931366

Is this why high fashion is hideous and most stylists seem out to get their female celeb clients? Kek

No. 1931459

File: 1710877871794.jpg (305.09 KB, 691x2210, ZlQT2.jpg)

picrel explains it.

No. 1931623

I have my suspicions that bad actors are infiltrating (the non-cow sections of) lolcow

I fully believe this. I support Palestine but I've noticed a lot of thinly-veiled anti-Semitism from leftist groups (replace "Zionist"/"settler" with Jew in petty discourse). I think it's a subconscious build-up, as none of these people would tell you that they hate Jews if you were to ask, and these bad faith actors are capitalizing on that by promoting videos of dubious origin which cast a harmful light on Jewish people.

No. 1932596

File: 1710961262721.png (656.81 KB, 534x790, yAbebcH.png)

So because of the recent Kate Middleton drama, people became interested in Rose Hanbury (Prince William's mistress), Chinese tiktokers discovered that her house was full of stolen Chinese furniture dating back to the Qing Dynasty. discovering that her husband's grandmother was connected to the Sassoon family(The Rothschilds of Asia, who they also inter-married with)

No. 1932607

Isn’t Vidal Sassoon connected to them?

No. 1932693

Is there more to this context? I read some rant here or elsewhere about how gay men hate women and it makes sense. Their styling of women isn’t the same of how a woman would style herself. Rather insulting that women are kicked out of interior decorating and fashion design because a gay man thinks he knows better.

No. 1936327

File: 1711215159101.png (411.57 KB, 662x603, IMG_815.png)

Fuck, I never realized that boomers would probably fall for this AI shit without much problem.

No. 1936338

It's also filled with sexual ai images of girls and in the comments its just gen-x and boomer old men.

No. 1936340

File: 1711216073995.jpg (81.78 KB, 1080x839, 1000010326.jpg)

No. 1936345

You want to prove moids wrong by being a retard and falling for their propaganda?
There is a difference a guy actually being gay and seething jealous moids calling a attractive guy gay.
Most kpop men are straight, even the guy in the photo tou posted dates women.

No. 1936358

My parents are falling for it too, but mostly with tiktok videos and the automated voices narrating what's written on the screen. They think it's a real person talking everytime, even when they mispronounce names that nobody would ever mispronounce.

No. 1937192

i'm not the least bit surprised. boomers are extremely gullible and old people who don't understand how the internet works are often intimidated by it. my grandmother was genuinely afraid of technology. in late 1999 her computer turned on by itself (or so she claimed) and she was terrified because she thought it was a sign of the impending y2k disaster kek

No. 1938303

based grandma. she was right to be afraid god rest her soul. i cant imagine how fucking nightmarish it would be to live through the unbelievably rapid transformation of the 20th century, and to die in a world completely unrecognisable

No. 1939138

File: 1711425673604.jpeg (69.42 KB, 640x588, we-pay-the-fbi-to-protect-elit…)

Was Diddy an asset just like Epstein was?

No. 1939152

When people find out that gay pedophiles are the ones monopolizing everything they will suddenly pretend to care kek

No. 1939362

Have you nonas heard of the demon face syndrome? It's fucking creeping me out. Why is every major media covering it? It reminds me of the movie They Live.
I know this is an imageboard and we're supposed to post pictures but it really is terrifying and I don't want to save the image to my phone or look at it again, so please forgive me.

No. 1939369

File: 1711459231279.png (Spoiler Image,288.77 KB, 698x398, PMO.png)

It's an extremely rare disorder called prosopometamorphopsia that has only been recorded 81 times ever—it's an interesting story I guess. I don't really see any insidious reason for them to be covering it apart from a slow news day. For curious nonas, the guy who has been speaking to all these news outlets helped make a simulated image of what he sees and it's picrel

No. 1939370

It's not boomers, it's elderly humans. As you get older, the part of your brain that evaluates scams diminishes. Oddly enough, it doesn't affect your ability to be suspicious, it affects your ability to determine when to be suspicious. So it will happen to us all some day.

No. 1939403

File: 1711461298973.jpg (165.83 KB, 1280x720, bridge.jpg)

The timing of the bridge collapse in Baltimore is suspicious. It happened soon after the music concert shooting in Russia, almost like it's a warning to the US. It's already known that Chinese and Russian saboteurs are active in America.

No. 1939410

he watches too much animu

No. 1939414

wow so this is what the Gorillaz artist has

No. 1939416

No. 1939626

All the crew members were Indian heading to Sri Lanka. Unless you think it was ordered by the Chinese or Russians. I do think the timing is a distraction, but from what else?

No. 1939631

Looks lizard-like and would give root to lizard people living among us.

No. 1939829

I avoided opening this picture because I thought it would be creepy and scary, but I saw it somewhere else and…kek

No. 1940250

There's some speculation that it was a cyber attack that disabled the ship's onboard power. It's too convenient to be an accident. The collapsed bridge has completely blocked the port of Baltimore which includes a major energy terminal for transporting coal. It's a major disruption of supply lines. The port also generates 2.6 billion dollars in revenue and the economic activity surrounding the port employs around 150,000 people.

The bridge was built in 1972 and it's main purpose was the transport of hazardous materials that aren't allowed to be transported through tunnels. Like the recent train derailments, it's another attack on the ability of the US move toxic but necessary chemicals around the country which interferes with industrial production.

No. 1940415

File: 1711533839535.jpeg (827.22 KB, 1125x1549, IMG_5787.jpeg)


Hey nonna(s) with the Masonic connections, does any of this ring a bell? Some moid on Reddit found a lot of documents related to freemasonry and the eastern stars while doing community cleanup

No. 1940434

File: 1711535564002.mp4 (7.21 MB, 480x854, rLJb61u.mp4)

This is too much, this is way too much, we need a Butlerian jihad and bring out the Luddites because this should not exist.

No. 1940495

Wtf is this ai generated?

No. 1940606

Uhh, I don't get it. Where's the tinfoil?

No. 1940607

crazy Haven't showered since Frieay and don't plan to

No. 1940614

It's AI nonna.

No. 1940618

No. 1940679

I'll get called a schizo pedo for this, but TV shows, movies and commercials mostly cast TOO pretty teenage girls/little girls.
>inb4 you're the creep for noticing!!!
I'll see a random cereal commercial with a family where all the family members look very average, then they'll have a teen daughter who looks like a model. Or a family comedy where the male kid looks like a goof, but the female kid randomly looks like a child pageant queen with icy blue eyes, long eyelashes, perfect features and styled hair.

Especially crime shows where teenagers go missing, for example. I watched one episode where a teen girl went missing. The opening scene was her ice skating, twirling around in a tight outfit for at least a couple of minutes. The camera was literally panning up and down on her body. This scene was to "show her ice skating hobby" she had before she went missing. No, it fucking wasn't. It was pedo bait. Then another scene, of her getting ready in the mirror wearing tight lowrise jeans. Her mom comes in and pulls her shirt up, exposing the girls new tramp stamp tattoo. The mom yells at her while the camera is zoomed in on her lower back and butt for a long time. Pedo bait.

If you think I'm wrong for noticing you're fucking naive.

No. 1940689

You're not a pedo for noticing nonnie. It would be naive to think the same industry that put Brooke Shields in porno magazines at 10 and in naked incest movies at 14 has suddenly stopped the production of covert teen softcore porn. They absolutely cast girls they want to traffic or have inappropriate access to. All these extremely unrealistically beautiful girls almost never go on to have a successful career of any sort, and it's not like they're cast for their acting talents.

No. 1940691

I notice that as well, it happens to teenage boys to a minor degree but not as much. it's really nefarious.

No. 1940696

Advertising is designed to be subversive and is used for social engineering. It would not surprise me in the slightest if advertising agencies were as packed full of pedos as the film and television industries.

No. 1941008

File: 1711567703955.png (269.82 KB, 458x632, Screen Shot 2024-03-27 at 16.3…)

What the fuck? Media is now trying to push disgusting old moids marrying young women?
Pic from NyMag

No. 1941048

What the fuck. That's creepy and I feel like a fucking idiot because I thought this was real. I did think she was acting a bit weird because of the wide ass eyes and strange movements but I brushed it off as her being, I dunno, autistic or high or overly animated. This is crazy.

No. 1941061

Imo it's important to get good at spotting these as they're only going to get better and harder to distinguish. Note the lack of blinking, the unnatural facial expressions that don't match what's being said, and the tightness in the mouth. Her voice is unnatural and monotone, sometimes emphasizing the wrong words. Trust your gut if something tells you it's off

No. 1941135

jesus christ when i saw that i felt like it could have been AI but i wasn't sure if it was at that point yet, i'm not surprised after seeing that motion tracking ai but now that i look back at the video it terrifies me, she's so scary, the weird speech over the facial expressions makes it even creepier to me tbh.

No. 1941219

Don’t let Onion boi see this, he’ll start ranting and never shutting tf up like he does with the whole “Sarah raped me!!!” bs.

No. 1941533

that illustration is demonic

No. 1941644

they will probably refine it in a few months. I can imagine a person recording saying something and an AI will then recreate the sentence, but with an artificial AI voice, this is horrid and something needs to be done.

No. 1941892

Everytime I’ve tried to speak about my experience with GATE/gifted program I have some tragedy befall me. I tried to explain it in a past thread and something terrible happened that affected my ability to concentrate and convey information about certain (but not all) memories. It’s like a blockage, idk but it’s fucking weird and spooky.

No. 1942086

Watching poor things right now, the nonnas at /m/ were right, this shit getting away with being called a "masterpiece" and getting awards is convincing me the pedophiles are just a few years ago from convincing every single sheep that they aren't a threat to society.

No. 1942200

Try again anon
Alegeria art/flat art/corporate art/globohomo art will always look demonic
Something was off so thanks for clarifying. I left halfway through because of the weird blinking and her reading in a monotone off a script. Did anyone on TikTok notice it’s AI or was it tagged as such? Curious to know if others noticed.

No. 1942213

There’s no way these people are generally real. There’s no possible situation where every single couple can be beautiful, attractive, normal-looking in every single video. It looks so blurry and weird and I don’t care I think these videos are deepfakes or have some influence of AI/technology added to them because I refuse to believe any of these people are real.

No. 1942225

I got gaslit at my gifted program that I'm not that smart and they just needed to "fill the roster". I was then told not to speak while they went through rudeimentary french lessons each week (I was a math and science nerd and didnt give a fuck about hon hons), after which I was removed from the program because I said French impressionism looked easy and gay.

No. 1942230

They wanted to send me down the pipeline of becoming a fed, I resisted, I’m paying the price

No. 1942233

Y’all make this GATE program sound like another offshoot of project monarch/mk-ultra, which it probably is.

No. 1942239

Ayrt and I truly believe it was an offshoot of MKultra/monarch program that tried to recruit individuals that were bright but even more importantly, imbued with some amount of psychic/clairvoyant ability into elite government positions. I also feel like there was a hypersexual switch programmed into the girls in the program because all the female gifted kids I’ve talked to have experienced it and it’s like a switch almost.

No. 1942242

they're not unbelievably attractive or anything.

No. 1942288

The feds recruited at my community College career fair. They seemed pretty desperate for women. I still have the pamphlet. They said I'd get weapons training, skills test and physical test. I told them I was autistic and refused to run a mile since high school but they were still insisting I apply. I still don't even know what the real "role" is I think they just wanted a database of women on file.

No. 1942350

They desperately wanted me to join the Air Force academy directly out of high school and get a psychology degree. I never even expressed interest but they kept calling me.

No. 1942391

>hypersexual switch program
In mk terms, I believe it’s called “beta programming” but usually those switches are turned on after subjecting the victim to a lot of rape and torture. Unless the gifted girls were messed with behind the scenes.

No. 1942436

Their recruitment tactics can be predatory at times. They sometimes target vulnerable people.

No. 1942544

File: 1711696171712.png (2.83 MB, 1440x4358, 1qDzjmP.png)


No. 1942549

This is the general tinfoil thread, not the sub 20 IQ thread. You can see the community note in the screenshot attached for more info, if you can read. If you can't read, let your tard wrangler read it aloud for you. Hope that helps.

No. 1942559

There's going to be a push for normalising lolicon and beast and branding pedophilia and zoophilia as a legitimate sexuality from the troons (especially the mtf) soon as in making flags and scilencing opposition that is if it hasn't happened already. I'm seeing more and more degenerate meme trends (dog jokes,kink wear for children,weird tik tok trends,young teen girls having posters of lolicon shit) this vile degeneracy is more prominent in anime and gaming spheres it wasn't this bad in the mid 2000s but now? It's worse after we became so accepting of everyones mental retardation.honestly it's so depressing and scary how normalised porn has become especially the illegal category thank god I'm not having children but I fear for the women who want to how can they keep their children safe from this much vile shit. maybe I am being too puritanical and schizo but I just cant ignore this shit anymore and pretend it's not happening onlyfans,troons grooming children and shutting down parents scared for their children..I don't even visit spaces these coomers visit it's fucking everywhere!! so much so I've stopped using mainstream social media just to avoid being shown child porn or women online prostituting themselves and grooming teens into it I want to escape into the mountains and never come back.

No. 1942591

No. 1942773

I agree. Since transgenderism has gone from gay-to-straight conversion therapy (the "HSTS") where everyone accepts the poor gay boy, to a male fetishist movement (AGPs) who throw tantrums until they get to dress like prostitutes in public and use the changing rooms with little girls, it only makes sense that these moids continue getting worse the more people coddle their behaviour. You're not puritanical or schizo either, I've left social media for the exact same reasons. I once read in an article regarding CP on twitter: "In 2019, Mark Zuckerberg boasted that the amount Facebook spends on safety features exceeds Twitter’s entire annual revenue." (https://www.theverge.com/23327809/twitter-onlyfans-child-sexual-content-problem-elon-musk)

Basically the internet is getting more openly pornified, and moids in charge aren't doing a lot to stop it. Considering the amount of dissenting voices silenced vs the amount of CP and porn allowed, it's clear these males have made their choices. Reddit and twitter are the largest examples.

It kind of makes me laugh that despite all the hypersexuality in gen z women that they don't trust men at all deep down, literally inventing made up sexualities to avoid having sex with moids like "demisexual" (which originated on a RP forum), and the various asexualities which basically boil down to circumnavigating the patriarchal expectation that when a woman shows sexual interest in a man or merely smiles or acts friendly, she gives up her right to say no and to control her own body from that point on. It shows that women don't trust men enough to even want to date them by how men are always complaining tfw no gf and women won't date me bawww.

On top of that men are giving themselves paraphilias and generally being retarded. They think they're cool but really they are just delusional and embarrassing. For example, a gen z male, who told me he hadn't dated for 8 years, tried to guilt me into letting him off the hook for telling me he had a lesbian fetish (IN PUBLIC AT THE BUS STOP) by claiming he might be a transwoman inside. He was 100% serious. I was like ??? because in what world did he think bragging he was addicted to porn (on reddit and onlyfans twitter accounts) could be neutralised by confessing he had another pornographic fetish? This isn't even the only example, it's just the most recent. Previous to that I had to cut off a longterm male friend because he started watching tiktok girl compilations on youtube which turned into camgirls on twitch which turned into being inappropriate towards me, and previous to that I had to stop talking with a male friend because he kept bringing up r34 every time we were gaming. I genuinely think a lot of men are fucked in the head. They want everything to be porn and now this is the result of the world. Lonely degenerates with no one who can stand being around them. They want power but all they get is rejection.

No. 1943837

I'm not from the US so we didn't have GATE here but I feel like someday that something similar appeared in my life. Certain classes, early childhood intelligence test but my mother doesn't remember much details about it. I heard I scored very high.
I was always considered a gifted child and generally had very good grades, while I was also isolated by peers and struggled to make friends. I have experiences with premonition dreams and lucid dreams. Intuition too. Many times in my life I had been contacted by strange people, in recent years met some people who were connected in a bizarre way to some of my biggest interest/one thing that is part of my "spirituality"/inner world too. I don't want to sound schizo (yet I am in a consoiracy thread), I don't think I am being pursued by some big organization for example but I am puzzled why certain things happen to me and what is the purpose of things I do and what made others perceive me the way they do.

No. 1943912

File: 1711835527940.jpeg (570.83 KB, 3088x1664, 11320684-E7F8-4A55-A364-2BCC49…)

I love believing this personal tinfoil that Howard Stern is basically Jared Taylor’s Hollywood persona and he just covers it up with plastic surgery (chin shaving procedure). They’re the same person

No. 1944473

>I'll get called a schizo pedo for this, but TV shows, movies and commercials mostly cast TOO pretty teenage girls/little girls.
Is that a joke? Movies especially cast the ugliest women and girls they can find and it's been like that for a decade, which is why everyone watches korean stuff.

No. 1944486

The awful thing is that real people are starting to imitate the ai voices. I don't know if it's a conscious thing, or if they think that's how things are supposed to sound. But I'm sure that's how all prerecorded internet video is going to sound in 3 years.

No. 1944566

Damn, really? That's fucking crazy. I want a meteor to just wipe us all out already. Things have gone too far…
Also, do you have an example of this? I'm curious and want to check it out

No. 1944571

not her but i think for big budget hollywood movies it's a toss up, but any sort of like cheap low budget movie or prime time TV show frequently casts pretty girls and young women which is what she described. and commercials

No. 1945381

File: 1711923556413.png (218.71 KB, 665x656, jV78WA.png)

Not really a tinfoil per say, but rather something I've noticed, after years of ignoring 'dangerous conspiracy theories' about an ethnic group with the most disproportionate over-representation in positions of power and media. It seems that the SJWs/woke left are now facing the consequences, as the extreme right now have control of the narrative. this allows them to sneak in their beliefs in fascism, nationalism, and anti-Semitism, all while using calculated language with the words and phrases they use, such 'end global Zionism' 'Palestine of the Palestinians' and comparisons like picrel.

No. 1945421

posts like this is why I still come to this thread

No. 1945723

File: 1711954163527.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1788, fePQU4X.png)

picrel an example of the type of leftists that are often born from this propaganda. they started out as typical liberals, annoying and thinking that tweeting about video games was their personality. But then during this conflict they consumed a lot of Russian and Chinese propaganda and have basically become ideological shills for them. Even the most annoying types of breadtubes don't shill for the Eastern Bloc nations, but these people do.

No. 1946203

All the gifted friends I had were sexually abused in some way

No. 1946240

File: 1711995332372.jpeg (584.08 KB, 750x725, IMG_9813.jpeg)

Tell me this isn’t jared taylor nonnie. It looks like he has a ridiculous jewfro wig on like ice spice’s orange curly wig. Both of them are playing the same cultural shock jock role of saying things people don’t want to hear, both have said offensive things about black people, you barely see howard stern around or any consistent pictures of him and he has oddly looked the same for years. I’m 99% joking but like 1% this could be true because feds and agents love switching roles, scripts, personas in duty to the agenda they must carry out

No. 1946246

Fascinating that all anti-semites needed to do to recruit lefty Zoomers was reframe Jews as "le evil whites" and the fundamentalists trying to kill them as "poor oppressed POC uwu." Makes me wonder how far a lot of leftists are willing to go in the name of America-centric "antiracism."

No. 1946247

I think you've fallen for a surface level psyop. There's supposedly all this "anti-Semitism" yet the government sends 3.3 billion in aid to Israel each year (300 billion since they became a country), we've never applied the Leahy law to them, and it's actually US law that we are required to maintain Israel’s ability “to defeat any credible conventional military threat from any individual state or possible coalition of states or from non-state actors." So I'm not really seeing it.
The whole thing is stupid and we shouldn't be involved at all. Not in supplying weapons and certainly not in taking refugees.

No. 1946255

Honestly we wouldn't even have to be having all of these retarded arguments about a country halfway across the world if the United States didn't make everything worse by giving Israel (among others) fucktons of weapons. I'd really prefer it if that money went to shit in my own goddamn country.

No. 1946264

Were involved because out of all threads, the tinfoil/conspiracy one can’t seem to come to the grand conclusion that “Jews” have infiltrated this country since they sent the slaves here to be brutalized and used as work horses. Antisemitism as we all know it is pure fiction and what we’re all seeing in Gaza is brother on brother warfare, just like how they set up WW1/WW2 because that’s all they know.(racebaiting)

No. 1946285

Tell me this is sarcasm and you don't actually believe in a Jewish "cabal" god this is why I can't stand this thread sometimes my ancestors didn't fucking do shit to you fags and the protocols of the elders of zion was a hoax how can retards not get that through their brains 100s of years later!!

I want to tinfoil about fun shit and it always comes back to fucking antisemitism somehow yikes on a bike

No. 1946291

>"They" set up WWI and WWII
Go back to /pol/ moid

No. 1946318

It isn't jews, it never was. The elites have no faith in any religion that we know of. Some of them claim to be jews, some of them claim to christians, muslims or free masons. Their aim is to cause war between the religions to lower the global population.

Do you really think some average jew on the street is in on some secret conspiracy to control the world? The elites hate jews just the same as any other race or religion.

No. 1946320

There is a jewish cabal and it isn’t a hidden secret, but what’s punishable is for stating what they constantly brag about and make history of in the public eye. They literally created Hollywood and they explicitly state multiple times that their people, the modern race-mixed ones in reference to Ashkenazis, got into banking, entertainment because the dominant race of people wouldn’t let them do anything else. Now I don’t know how true that is and if so that explanation is laughable considering how profitable and powerful it is to own banks and thereby run a successful debt-culture. Why would the dominant race allow you into spaces that they themselves were already in to begin with that would grant these people more access to power, money, and secrets? It’s because no matter how much people who are obsessed with racial purity proclaim, whites have been intermingling and mixing with Jews since Roman times. There’s no hatred in saying TRUTH, it would be hateful to say they deserved the holocaust or deserved death but stating what is history and what they have written isn’t fucking antisemitic.

No. 1946321

Jews are an ethnoreligious bunch. And they can’t “hate” people they’ve given special privilege and leeway. Most of the tptb you’re referring to are definitely secular jews, but they’re still jewish and recognized as such in their own circles.

No. 1946323

I think it's a complicated issue, I do believe that it's not all or even majority of Jews, but there are a lot of Jews who are disproportionately represented and I think a civil discussion about it is the best course rather then ignoring it, otherwise you give influence you let the right wing nutjobs control of the narrative.

No. 1946324

also “sometimes” gets me because kek, your people STILL did unsavory things and still do. if you’re referring to black people, jews in entertainment/media definitely hold more monopoly and power over us and it’s not the other way around. and the fact in israel they don’t even consider ethiopian jews (actual black jews not the hotep ones walking down the streets of NYC claiming they are one) a jew and forcefully sterilize female Ethiopian Jewish women should tell you all they need to know. jews betrayed their ethnic and racial cousins which are white people and arabs, and they’re karmically paying for it and will pay for it when the truth about what they did becomes unveiled in due time.

No. 1946332

I agree with this but it’s a bannable topic here and if you mention plain observations you’re conflated as a /pol/fag when the conversation of concentrated Jewish power is already hitting the mainstream, for good or for worse. The fact you can’t even talk about it in a meaningful manner and the fact that the only manner it can be talked about is if they promote deranged white supremacists scrote pundits to have full monopoly on the topic where they always include violence into it and therefore will turn away normal people who notice the same shit you do, it’s evident they control both sides of the discussion. There’s no one-upping them, I’m not saying “kill all Jews” but they are very adept of co-opting and promoting violent rhetoric they don’t like themselves to shut down reasonable people on all fronts.(racebaiting)

No. 1946335

>I want to tinfoil about fun shit
Go back to reddit then or grow a spine and just ignore the couple of people who talk about Judaism and it's relation to the most powerful families on earth here. It's forbidden to talk about real conspiracy theories on reddit, so you can wade through all the woman hatred and tranny worshiping just to make sure that you can only talk about anything but UFOs and bigfoot.
Maybe we need a new term for them then. Because I agree that your average person who happens to be Jewish doesn't have any particular power, but it does remain a fact that even if they hold a secret religion amongst themselves, the elites who control our world overwhelmingly publicly identify as Jewish. Plus, I do not like the fact that the Jewish religion isn't allowed to be openly criticized. It's almost the same for Muslims, but you see Republicans criticizing and calling for them to integrate constantly, so they're not as protected.(racebait)

No. 1946342

Judaism is very theologically similar to Islam except it doesn't allow converts and that prevented it from ever having the numbers to be a military force(they were plenty violent till the Romans destroyed them), the social role they found themselves in Europe also shaped their culture and there was an aspect of nepotism, but also unity that gave them the influence they had.

No. 1946346

>Judaism is theologically similar to Islam
It’s because they have manipulated the entire word into believing they are racially different from Arabs and other Semitic peoples.

No. 1946358

How did word antisemitism went from meaning hatred of semites to hatred of jews?

No. 1946362

The Germans referred to Jews specifically as “semites” in order to other them as an “oriental” people distinct from other Europeans. It was a German who coined the term “antisemitism”

No. 1946367

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I really don't know what you are on about, but Judaism and Islam are a lot less "corrupt" then Christianity, when Muslims say Christianity has been corrupted they are correct, the Christian faith has been mistranslated and misinterpreted from the start. like the Apple Tree from the garden of Eden, that was most likely a Fig tree and the Bible is littered with this type of stuff, expressions and parables from Hebrew to Greek to Latin were added in, so what you end up with is a faith you can create whatever meaning you want and can adapt it's self to any culture, Islam and Judaism are way more narrow and have an actual civilization that can be taken from it. picrel are Nigerian Christians and Nigerian Muslims

No. 1946374

Honestly, I believe it's more complicated than that. Like sure, Epstein was buddy buddy with Adnan Khashoggi but he was still discriminatory against non-jews. They align with other elites but they have their own factions. The same could be applied to any other elite though, like the Chinese elite.

No. 1946376

I would agree about Christianity being corrupted but what I don't get is why does the same not apply to islam and judaism? All three faiths now have multiple sects claiming to be the true version of their religion.

No. 1946387

I’m a turbo-tardo and don’t know the specific details but from what’s told it’s because when the Jews started becoming citizens of Rome and starting integrating their religion, a lot of the paganism/polytheistic beliefs and oracles were mixed in with Judaic beliefs and became corrupted. This mix of corrupted beliefs became fraudulent modern-day Catholicism and many other European versions of Christianity. Wars were fought, people were betrayed, borders and nations were expanding or changing, and then the dark ages approached and then suddenly you have the all so powerful Catholic Church rise in the Renaissance period based entirely off of those corrupted pieces of myths, stories, etc because the entire population due to the culling and disease could not read and were cut off from knowledge/power. idk much about Islam though, the only thing that brings me slight joy is that those misogynistic scrotes are really praying and worshipping a trinity of goddesses whenever they bow and pray and don’t realize it and it makes me smile a little inside.

No. 1946389

God go back to /pol/ please and thank you

No. 1946401

Assigning elite people to one faith is just stupid because at the end of the day and I've said this before many times: elite rich folks wouldn't align with the "normie" worldview we have on religion given how privileged they are and the things they have access to anyway. It's so strange when it's repeatedly proven that it's not just white Jewish men in power who are behind trafficking and abuse that some of yall and you know who you are with your /pol/ aligned views can't accept that perpetrators outside this narrow "cabal" idea exist. It's more like cliques. See P.Diddy for example, not a Jewish dude and not white but still being investigated for sex trafficking at this moment. See the guy who ran the yogic flying cult. See the other sex offenders in hollyweird and politics who are catholic, Christian etc. There's not generally going to be some greater boogeyman behind them (ie what antisemites blame on Jewish people, using falsehoods like the elders of zion which was proven to be fake), the power is centralized to cliques. The "cliques" are what's protected and who protect each other, and they're not all this antisemitic boogeyman people have been spewing about for centuries. Some of these cliques in Hollywood or politics are completely unrelated to religion, for example they work in the same genre or have been friends for a long time. Now please stop blaming my ancestors and all normie jews for rich people's bullshit.

No. 1946418

>Why don't governments make laws limiting the use of AI? Why have they been so slow to act on the issue?
I think government officials use ChatGPT way more than they'd like to admit. I think this because the majority of politicians belong to the ultra-retarded managerial class that is incapable of meaningful thought processes or anything besides regurgitation of idiocy to meet the goal of promotions for themselves.

No. 1946419

hide the thread

No. 1946431

>See P.Diddy for example, not a Jewish dude and not white but still being investigated for sex trafficking at this moment.

Jewish music producers and record labels have control and influence with hip hop and rap. Diddy was practically co-signed and had a machine behind him with the most powerful and influential record execs in the industry that taught him how to sex traffick and enlisted him as one of the sole gatekeepers of the urban space. One of them was Clive Davis and he’s Jewish. Epstein was one man but he also had people above him who are way more powerful and whose names aren’t as blasted in the media giving him money, resources and connections to run the whole charade. Go look up their connection, Diddy has a lot of white/Jewish backers and mentors(baiting across multiple threads, ban evasion)

No. 1946451


No. 1946454

Sabbatean Frankists guys, look em up.

No. 1946457

File: 1712002775978.jpeg (95.29 KB, 763x674, IMG_1120.jpeg)

>P.Diddy is friends with jews!!1!
>(((they))) taught him how to be a sex trafficker!1!!
>Jewish cabal confirmed.

No. 1946470

Reminder: report and do not respond to bait. Responding to bait after this point will get you banned as well. "Jewish cabal" or "ZOG" conspiracy theories are blatant bait and they will get you a ban, fuck off and take that shit back to /pol/.

No. 1946507

Except for the one tard, we're having a pleasant and logical conversation, so I don't know what you're on about. But hey, if your Jewish handlers want to further prove their point that they control all forms of media and discussing how they control everything is something they forbid, then continue to ban anyone who discusses how Jewish people are 0.2% of the world's population yet somehow make up 11.6% of all billionaires.
Now that you say it, that does look like a bad wig and big glasses on purpose.(ban evasion)

No. 1946527

And only the tard got banned? Why are you so mad that a global rule against racebaiting is being enforced(responding to the baiter)

No. 1946550

Multiple people got banned.

No. 1946555

Okay, so multiple anons were banned for breaking global rule #7, hope that helps! Sorry your brain has been so rotted by polfag rhetoric you think that means farmhands are in on this Jewish conspiracy to censor you kek

No. 1946556

Yeah, yeah, go get your catty gay infight fix somewhere else.(ban evasion)

No. 1946602

Not that it matters when the tards causing problems are perfectly content to ban evade anyway.

No. 1946900

What do you think of the Saud conspiracy?
An elite group of British and American industrialists chose the Saud family. The value of "unowned" assets held in offshore trusts between the United States and the City of London exceeds fifty trillion dollars (according to leaks such as the Panama Papers). Compared to the American financiers who gave his ancestors the money they needed to establish regional dominance in the 1930s, King Salman's wealth is most likely far lower.

No. 1946922

That may explain it, I’m really sorry Nona for what you and those girls went through and please be careful out there.

No. 1947374

It's incredibly stupid. Those at the top follow ancient occult practices and rites. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other major religions were designed as tools to control the masses. You're a complete moron if you go on and on about "Jews controlling everything". The people at the top literally laugh at the religious, none of them follow what was designed to control. Use logic.

No. 1947443

anyone who has even a vague idea of genuine occult practices are aware that the "elite" practice kabbalah. they don't practice any ancient greek/roman rites, majority of those are lost. the western occult tradition is basically synonymous with jewish kabbalah.

No. 1947448

I felt really validated when this popped up on my newsfeed. It's from 2016 and talks about dna evidence and ancient bloodlines. I've got a masters in molecular biology and during my undergraduate in 2015 after working with CRISPR and reading around and having an interest in theology i ended up down the same rabbit holes as these very educated and respected people and came to the same conclusions.

If anyone know more about the skull and bones society please do share. I found it interesting that state universities are essentially sovereign and a law on to themselves and the suppression of collective human intelligence and history.

No. 1947450

No. 1947458

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I’m pretty interested in occult and spiritualism, and it’s hilarious to see schizos lose their shit about kabbalah (ancient jewish mysticism). If any anons are actually interested in learning about what kabbalah is, here’s a good lecture on it: https://youtu.be/NkvITHLbNhw

No. 1947461

In the kaballah and Talmud texts not the torah they encourage pedophilia with children under 8. They're cults from Iran watch this >>1947450

No. 1947464

>schizos lose their shit

they are right to, kabbalah is foundational to every modern occult movement since the high medieval period. the jews weren't just accused of being usurious bankers, they were called witches/warlocks and the blood libel was supposed to be an occult ritual. the witch hunting thing wasn't just about murdering white women.

No. 1947470

thank you. I never paid much attention to the bloodlines schizo thing, but if you think there's more to it I'll take a look

No. 1947475

Dna doesn't lie but it's interesting the war machine is focusing specifically on things that can do damage at a nucleus level (dna)

No. 1947479

Plus all the attacks and eradication of cultures, genocide and ancient relics and sites. The more enlightened and educated the masses get the less control groups have over to evolution and journey of humankind.

No. 1947580

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i recently listened to 1 Weird Al Yankovic song and now the whole world began to talk about it, it's not like he has been doing anything new but like i hear about him and how much he has influenced pop culture in the last 4 decades everywhere.
>tune in radio
>host makes a reference to Eat it
>check the newspaper
>article references "my bolonga" and the lyric about Oscar Mayer
>go to a cousin's house for family grill
>open youtube to look for ambient music
>one of the recommended videos is a review of the new weird al movie from last year
>finish my work for the day and get ready to back home
>the receptionist has her phone out and caught a glimpse of her Spotify queue had "another one rides the bus"
>last week went on a walk to a mall with my family and we got in a music store and saw a guy trying out an accordion
>open the bing AI chat (that's part of my job)
>one of the suggested prompts is a capybara with an afro and wearing a Hawaiian shirt
>the how i met your mother finale turned 10 years old
>tv variety show host mention his favorite moment of how i met your mother is when one of the characters sends a letter to Weird Al that inspires him to make the parody "Like a Surgeon"
>watching unrelated sitcom with family
>character makes joke about how an artist stole his song "happy" from him
>punch line is that the character doesn't know who Pharell Williams is and actually thinks Weird Al based his parody "Tacky" on his song.
and to tie all of this up the song i listened to was called "Foil" which is a parody of Royals by Lorde, the parody quickly devolves into conspiracy theories and has Weird Al wearing a Tinfoil hat.
the universe is trying to tell me something that i'm not ready to embrace.

No. 1947650

That you wanna fuck Weird Al?

No. 1949039

There's a term called the "the mercantile minority" for e.g The Chinese in South East Asia are vastly over represented in every field, the economy, academia, banks and the media, like the Chinese in the Philippines are only 1.2% of the population yet make up more then 60% of the upper class in the Philippines
Similar thing in Europe and North America with Jewish people, there is a rational explanation for for Jewish overrepresentation in a lot of industries is that those industries were considered "dirty", like film, porn, comic books, record music and the less respected academic disciplines (at the time) like psychology and sexology and the rest was pure nepotism, so its not some grand Jewish conspiracy but its something that should be acknowledged without accusations or devolving into anti-Semitism
Igbos(an ethnic group in west africa) are another case, due to a number of factors the Igbos lived in more urban environments compared to other west africans, when the colonizers came they ended up working for them and became nice urban and educated and then they had a culture that prioritized education and the rest was nepotism and for this reason they were hated and persecuted

No. 1949694

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modern academia is a scam
>‘Beckles frequently collaborates with fellow Brit Jo Boaler, the Stanford mathematics education professor who played a key role in shaping the CMF and who has recently come under intense scrutiny for allegedly engaging in academic fraud… next month the two will co-host a webinar at Stanford University … In 2007, investigative journalists uncovered [Beckles’] involvement in a long trail of financial scandals in the U.K. charity sector — including 19 court judgements levying fines totaling almost £70,000 at her various defunct businesses, unpaid debts of £125,000 … The investigation culminated in a front-page story in London’s Evening Standard that year revealing that Beckles had taken £12,000 from underprivileged children in East London to fund “an educational trip” to the Caribbean that never happened, and then went to South Korea, where she reportedly attended a convention of the Moonies, a controversial religious movement often described as a cult.’

No. 1950310

>reality TV star
that's a massive fuckin red flag to anyone's credibility.

No. 1950605

So one of the diddler sex slave plaintiffs - J0nathan 0ddi - was a gay pornstar and did weird orgy events called Dancing Bears while wearing a bear head reminiscent of the scene in The Shining. He's ex military and was arrested for doing a shooting at Trump Doral Hotel in Florida while being medicated for military 'trauma'

No. 1951008

The Sydney Sweeney sperging in the celebricow thread is so persistent and obnoxious that I'm beginning to think her publicist (or maybe one of her five stans) is behind it. We already know that she buys who Literal Who online journalists to write articles about her. She seems like a profoundly boring person who is pushing the "edgy booba sex kitten" narrative for attention because she has no interesting qualities.

No. 1951012

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Fun fact: despite being supposedly against algebra being taught in middle school, Boaler sends her own kids to 45k-a-year private middle schools where algebra is taught. She's an evil grifter who wants to destroy other kids' academic prospects to eliminate the competition for her own spoiled brats.

No. 1951021

Probably twitter users from Stan twitter. Didn't realise actresses had stans but guess Euphoria which I've never saw had a bigger impact on the youth than I thought.

No. 1951024

Wtf what age is she making people wait to learn algebra it's fundamental to understand mathematical concepts.

No. 1951164

The celebrities shilling on lolcow tinfoil strikes again but I could see it with how many celebs allegedly post on reddit and 4chan

No. 1951189

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Well, that and…

No. 1951194

What are you trying to say here anon?

No. 1951195

Isn’t it obvious? She sold out.

No. 1951369

Sometimes I wonder if whoever is in charge of domestic policy doesn't do anything about pornography because they know that most men are extremely vulnerable to porn addiction, and if/when their use escalates to illegal things, they will view material that can be used to arrest and/or blackmail them.
I wonder if they know that if given virtually unlimited access to increasingly extreme pornography then, like with drugs, your tolerance will go down and you will move on to material that gives you a bigger "kick." I wonder if they're fully aware that the mechanisms behind drug addiction are actually extremely similar to addiction to "natural" or "benign" things like food or gambling or porn, and I wonder if they don't do shit just so that they can get most men hooked and have an excuse to arbitrarily prosecute them.

Alternatively, like some other nonas have mentioned, maybe it's bigger than that. Maybe pornography is allowed to run rampant because they want to legitimize the next crazy, culture war bullshit idea.
It has been legitimately shocking to me how much loli and other sexual deviant shit has been normalized in my lifetime. Anime is massively popular and I feel like I see people frequent "jokes" about liking loli almost everywhere that people talk about anime.
I think before too long there will be some sort of breaking point and it will be the new big culture war thing. I don't think it'll be like it was with NAMBLA in the past; I think that the party split has become all-encompassing. People would prefer to defend pedophilia over speaking up and breaking rank with their political parties. And it will be a shitshow, and I can only imagine that it'll either be used to normalize pedophilia or as an excuse to expand mass surveillance.
Anonymous sites like this will not be able to exist as they are without taking serious measures to track all users with the excuse being that they need to track down people who upload stuff like cp, and that data will have to be handed over for the flimsiest of excuses.

A bit incoherent but I feel like I'm really struggling to make sense of this culture shift and I'm reaching for answers. Who benefits? Maybe the lawmakers are just porn addicts themselves. Could it be that simple?

No. 1951462

Nta but how is that relevant to being shilled on lolcow? Literally every celebrity does the eye of chorus thing and it's common knowledge at this point that nobody can succeed in Hollywood without selling out.

No. 1951760

i believe it happens with internet figures who are desperate to go viral. didn't titanic sinclair supposedly post poppy videos on here (among other image boards) back when they were together and still relevant?

No. 1952024

Lolcow has probably been infiltrated by the feds whom also work with Hollyweird, hope that helps

No. 1952739

Ever since the Kaitlyn Tiffany incident and the fact that we've been mentioned on TikTok, Twitter, Reddit and other normie spaces plus whatever influx of non normies have heard of us by way of 4chan or something I wouldn't doubt there was astroturfing here especially when you take the dead internet theory into play. PR pay assistants or overseas bots shit for brains money to talk up clients online and the more artifice the internet is flooded with the less likely it feels like you're talking to a person. Sigh. But a lot of celebs do confess to lurking online themselves among everyone else, not just their impeccable or obvious bots

No. 1953474

My tinfoil is that in the future, many American white supremacists/neo-nazis will convert to Islam. Most will realize that their ideology won't be widely accepted anytime soon, so to be able to control women or fuck children, they'll just convert to Islam, as nobody can criticize Muslims.

No. 1953708

what does the daily diets of thread lurkers look like in here?

No. 1954279

today i ate:
vegemite and butter toast
pork bahn mi with chicken pate
1 brown pear
glass of raw milk
some play dough. homemade kind none of that store bought crap

No. 1954287

coconut milk and avocado based things. vegan protein smoothies and avocado toast with or without smoked salmon. trader joes garlic spread on toast. sardines. nuts. vegetables with bitchin' chipotle sauce. sometimes i eat something else like if from a restaurant. i'm trying to be healthy. i want to cook more but i just stick to this stuff.

No. 1954377

Small tinfoil but I bet /r/Teachers is one of the most targeted subreddits for fake posts right now. A lot of people are using that sub as a barometer for the next generation and the state of society in general so it's ripe for manipulating how the public thinks.

No. 1954427

1/2 falafel sub
a peanut butter cookie no dairy. yep.

No. 1954429

do you have any examples nonnie?

No. 1954498

Breakfast is 2 eggs scrambled in butter with ketchup and a fruit smoothie with avocado, banana, pineapple, cucumber or celery, mixed berries, occasionally spinach, orange or cranberry juice. And sometimes Greek yogurt too.

Lunch is always different, sometimes tuna sandwich, or ham or turkey sandwhich. Sometimes cheese and crackers, I always get a different cheese but I prefer havarti or goat cheese. Lunch is usually unhealthy for me though tbh, I have a lot of frozen cooked food like curly fries, shrimp rolls, sausage rolls. Chips sometimes too. If there’s muffins or croissants around I might have one of those. I also really like instant ramen. Sometimes mixed nuts and raw veggies with hummus if I’m being healthy. Or a baked potato.

Dinner is repetitive, I really like dishes with ground beef, so usually something like spaghetti, lasagna, meat loaf, stuffed peppers. Salmon and veggies a few times a month. I get chicken thighs when they’re on sale but they gross me out so much, I used to never eat meat and got really unhealthy and underweight so I try to eat meat everyday now, especially because one day it’ll probably be too expensive to even buy. I order out at least once a week though and it usually lasts me a couple dinners, I really like Noodlebox’s Shanghai chicken bowl. I also get a burger and fries from different restaurants in my area every month or so. I’ve been trying to cook more recipes but I suck at cooking with meat, I really want to get into making soups with bone broth. It’s really good for peoples bones and joints and I love soup so I’m hoping to learn how to make some different ones and incorporate that. I also really need to eat more veggies, I wanna start cooking with beets and yams.

I have a really bad sweet tooth so for dessert I usually have some type of candy or chocolate, maybe ice cream or cookies or brownies or cupcakes, cheesecake is my favourite but it’s expensive. I want to learn to make different desserts as well, I love baking but I’m not good at it either.

No. 1954646

Oh please god no, as an ex-muslim that's my worst nightmare kek

No. 1954660

also interested in specific examples.

on a similar note, idk if its been brought up before, but what do you guys find are reliable AI/LLM writing "tells"? i find it hard to quantify, but i get an off feeling reading the weird garbage they output.

No. 1954838

Regarding Skull and Bones and their influence on the American education system and suppression of knowledge, I think a/the book about that is America's Secret Establishment.


No. 1954861

Does anyone know an organization or secret society that has a skull insignia that's not skull and bones? It was once mentioned that this public figure had a skull and bones type tattoo on his arm/wrist but he was nowhere near proximity to Yale or s&b society. The tattoo isnt very publicly known as something he has and is very small. Someone said maybe CIA?

No. 1955169

same poster but i wanted to note that johns hopkins, where gilman went after he was run out of CA, is where medicalization of troonery was instituted and they have since shut down their gender clinic and some of those same doctors now say transition shouldn't be allowed anymore, like paul mchugh who is also on the false memory foundation board and denies DID, iirc. actually he did a lot of bad things, he also protected pedo priests, which johns hopkins had a heavy hand in beyond him, and had something to do with the response to 9/11? https://www.academia.edu/195195/_Reading_Paul_McHugh_Politics_Psychiatry_and_the_Response_to_Terror_

johns hopkins also harbors a lot of pedos and pedo apologist academics like they took in allyn walker when everyone was threatening to kill her due to her pro map work and she had to leave her other academic position.

i just saw someone on the 2x board say that troonery is the pretense to reinstitute heteropatriarchy and i don't know what its purpose is but it made me think of this book (which i am also wary of).

>>1954861 i don't know anything about that. sorry.

No. 1955197

And I thought what they did to Henrietta Lacks was beyond fucked up

No. 1956616

The total solar eclipse closed the alternate reality portal that CERN opened with their particle experiments in 2012. Welcome to the new era.

No. 1956629

So that's why the fridge at my work changed colors.

No. 1956712

Wouldn’t that mean we’re back in the old era? The pre 2012 era? I hope so

No. 1956748

and what happened during the 2017 eclipse?

No. 1956754

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Aw this is friggin' sweet, time to shed my skin and reset my brain.

No. 1956759

Reading the tinfoil threads as a eurofag is doubly scary because I know all the stuff happening in the US now is coming to us in the next few years, like moldy unopened food, tampered expiry dates, purposefully poisoned rivers, tranny and pedo propaganda in schools (has already started according to my teacher friends), etc. We are already opening more and more fast food joints and medicating children and adults with a ladle for diseases that were artificially created like ADHD and obesity. I wish we would think for ourselves a little instead of following the US or letting their lobbies invade us. (US anons I’ve got nothing against you, if anything I feel for you having to survive in such a shit system.)

No. 1956763

Purposefully poisoned rivers already happen.

No. 1956848

There are a lot of people in europe pushing against all of this but they get called nazis or fascists for not wanting to suck us's dicks.

No. 1957185

i wish, if all AI suddenly dissapeared humanity would unironically heal.
i wanna go back.

No. 1957190


No. 1957210

As in modern piracy as in hacking? The other thing I heard is that skull and bones is potentially connected to Arthurian lore and the knights templar

No. 1957282

Can you post a pic of the tattoo?

No. 1957290

Hopefully Putin will take out the European elites and save us.

No. 1957429

spearmint tea with honey. yogurt with granola. cold sliced apples, bananas. nuri sardines in olive oil for lunch. japanese candy. steak seasoned with just iodized salt, and steamed broccoli for dinner. ice cream. cheese and crackers for snack goood. i love protein like raw salmon (sushi kind), steak, eggs, chicken, duck

No. 1957433

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Sorry for ant sized picture because he seldom shows his wrists but it looks like a skull / bones with its mouth hinged open that has two solid black eyes.

No. 1958521

any US farmers saw the news about the lead lunchables? christ at this point either i have to starve myself or learn how to grow my own food because this is getting ridiculous.

No. 1958716

just make sure to get your soil tested first cause there's shit in the ground too

No. 1958958

didn’t blocked and reported have an episode of “map” propaganda. i wasn’t surprised by that either. they seem exactly the type.

No. 1959285

okay but is it over or are we back

No. 1959593

Nope my life is still a nightmare didn’t change it unless it’s a slow change like the change in 2012 was where it slowly got worse and now things will slowly get better. Will update if my life gets back on track somehow

No. 1959599

Yesterday I had two cups of coffee with cream and a little sugar. A smoothie with pineapple strawberry and banana. About 6 ounces of chopped honeydew and 4 ounces of chopped pineapple. Some onions and garlic and kale stir fried in evoo and tamari with smoked paprika and white pepper and cayenne. 2 small glasses of milk and a king sized butterfinger. 2 small slices of pesto pizza.

Today I’ve had a cup of coffee with cream and a bit of sugar, 3 scrambled eggs cooked in evoo, and some tater tots with ketchup.

No. 1959621

I think it is possible that Stone Ape theory is real but only women were the psilocybin-consumers because we are the only ones who have evolved past the ape retardation stage.

No. 1960219

Well part of it is that men and women lived in harmonic tribes where nobody owned anybody and they all had orgies from which babies were born not beloning to any specific man therefore everybody cared for everybody in their tribe. As the years progressed people stopped eating shrooms for one reason or another and ego started to be prominent and this type of culture was lost. Men are way more weaker to the power of ego than women because women need to be selfless for humaity to survive.
I don't thik it's just women who ate the shrooms, everybody did but the intoxicating power of ego had a stronger power over men than shrooms and they chose ego. Women will always choose nature on the other hand. Shrooms need to be eaten all the time, not just for one period in history for men to be enlightened. The battle of good an evil in constant. Evolution is just change, and it can very quickly change back.

No. 1961097

Does anyone know what happened to Mara Lorenzio, an actress who played in Jodorowsky's El Topo and was raped by him, which became part of the film? I revisited this story today and tried to look for more info about her but her only role seems to be this movie. Seems bizarre. I wanted to check if she herself ever spoke about this event later but turns out there is barely any info about her. Meanwhile that scum Jodorowsky first called it a rape and later tried to calm down the public by saying that was unsimulated but "consensual" sex, pretending to be rape in the plot.
Could she have been murdered?
I hope that shit rapist will die. The way he speaks about sexual violence is nauseating.

No. 1961364

I agree and believe that the polyamory part of libtard culture is influencing the non-conservatives to turn to Islam too.

No. 1961460

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She disappeared right after the movie was filmed and they couldn’t even find her to pay her. Scrolled a bunch on google to the point I got these lovely results. I hope he was just being edgy like when he said he would rape Frank Herbert

No. 1961615

This happens to me too. I also start to get sleep paralysis attacks. I’m only replying to it now and admitting it rn because I am currently experiencing these attacks lately anyway. Hope you are okay.

No. 1961635

Yeah but Herbert isn't a woman and even if that was some sick kind of joke/attention seeking, Jodorowsky is still a filthy pig who thinks he is enlightened because of the occult shit he does (besides being a pervert).

No. 1961653

it is 100% a "special program" that conducts human experiments. trooning people out, creating sex slaves for pedophiles and elites, creating real life lolcows, terrorists, predators and abusers. i am afraid to talk about it but if the cia minds they will delete this and shadowban me before i even notice. they definitely follow you for studying the progress of your programmed degeneracy and use it if they see you fit for their depraved purposes. perhaps the handlers are splits themselves. they lie to parents or try to bribe and blackmail them. nobody knows where it starts or who is in control, so nothing can stop it. they try to give the victims amnesia, stockholm syndrome. they definitely psychologically, physically, sexually abuse their victims, with adults, political and sexual themes, with several drugs. hypersexual behaviours and weird people surrounding you is for controlling how you act out from their abuse, and observing you, the lab rat. it is perpetuated in a way which would make you sound crazy for noticing its patterns. it is made to make you sound schizophrenic once you speak out about it. you may notice patterns outside of gate, that the only people who abuse you have a specific look to them, or the only ones who are kind to you do too. you may notice that you only get approval and reinforcement if you display certain very specific behaviours. i am sorry about what happened to you and can only say that you are not alone, and hopefully can find peace and belonging in your cultural religion.

No. 1961655

why do so many of us go on imageboards? even the women

No. 1961658

collective consciousness schizohivemind. i grew up extremely lonely and hating myself. i always saw local lolcows get tons of attention online but found it retarded and would be ashamed of putting all my business online, so i seethed at how degeneracy always got more attention. i wanted friends who were "not like other girls" and found them from christian churches but i secretly always felt different from them because of my hypersexuality, i thought they were pure and i was disgusting and that i could never be like them, because i am infected by the filth from the pedophile. i never expressed it because i knew it was too early for someone like me to show it and would never want to be gross or traumatize another child. then on the other hand i have memories of being reprimanded for violent and inappropriate behaviour from my early years. it's all very blurry.

No. 1961689

so that it's not as suspicious when we get doxxed and raided by glowies

No. 1961728

Once i was playing a mmo game and someone in the chat asked if I'm a girl, then someone responded from my acc that I am. It wasn't me, nothing on my acc suggested inam a girl, there was no "choose your gender" while making an acc. Other time random person online replied to me "I'm not gonna be taking advice from a [my age] year old" there's no way they had access to this info about my age anywhere.

No. 1961748

abuse makes someone an outcast but not necessarily turns them into psycho school shooters

No. 1961782

>>1943837 did your education pay off? it's talked about on tiktok and tumblr that gifted kids lost that energy and focus eventually. do you feel like you have a calling, to talk about stuff publicly? the programs try to create certain characters, to see how other famous people and society would react to weird new things. it's going to sound schizo but there is a possibility that they drugged us with adhd medicine, basically meth, to tell us we were smarter. then the side effects gave us lucid dreams and future seeing abilities. conspiratard tier but the handlers most likely were or are waiting for your split to be triggered out and carry out some shitty show for their entertainment. i hope this has stopped and they no longer do illegal human experiments.

No. 1961802

About education paying off, I am still definitely considered gifted by those around me. I'm currently in education again, for something that might help me in future job. However, so far I didn't have a jib yet.
Sorry for all the blogposting but it might be relevant - I also grew up in abusive home. Emotional abuse from my parents, the fights between them and the toxic behavior of my mother made me depressed from an early age. I really hate them and feel no connection to family.
In some way, I feel burned out. Currently there's not many occasions to let's say, be in some competitions as I used to be during school years. I'm afraid that others are more "dynamic" than me. I'm puzzled whether I could be on the autism spectrum or not (only once one high school teacher suggested Aspergers). If I could do anything I want, I would definitely isolate myself for a long time because 1) I want more time for myself and lately I have very little of it 2) I hate people and need time alone to recharge.
About drugs, I always hated them. It felt like something to mess with your mind and let others control you/become like the crowd (because after all the shallow PSAs, some people still consider drugs "cool" and don't appreciate real creativity and mind power for example). But in the same way I always had a distrusts for psychologists. I know I attended one in early childhood but don't have a clue why. It was probably due to some behavioral problems. I was always afraid any sort of medication that psychiatrists or similar people might give someone, that affects emotional state, is evil. For a long time into teenage years I also refused painkillers for headaches because I was thinking that minimalizing the natural sensation is wrong. Maybe my mother contributed somehow to that because she often called me mentally ill in fits of rage and said I might end up being homeless.
Now I live in a country where I wish to be independent but every young adult is unable to afford living on their own. There is more and more corruption in many spheres of life. I have always been sick of living in this world.
>do you feel like you have a calling, to talk about stuff publicly?
In some way, yes, I always wanted to let people know how screwed this world is. Definitely would like to call out abusive families and incompetent teachers who seem to have problem with "smart" kids not being able to deal with pressure or bullying but ignoring the bullies/irritating classmates. I want to call out multiple other wrong things in this world but don't know if it will ever happen or on what scale it will happen. What I dream to do since many years is to find an isolated place to live and secure a safe existence for myself. I also want to go to a world that seems better for me.

No. 1961803

Replying again because I wanted to add something - I definitely believe that abuse causes split or similar stuff. I experienced this as well, not on a DID level certainly but throughout the years I made multiple characters in my mind, original or based on media I liked, that acted like carriers of some of my parts/memories/feelings. Through the imaginary talks with them I witnessed their conflicts or friendships. Eventually some became less and less significant in my inner world, I believe they served their purpose/integrated. Currently there's only one (?) big influential "figure" that I "interact" with.
Most of the time it's just typical comfort thing, emotional relief but sometimes it gets bizarre. For example said figure revealed to me in a few dreams things from the past or the future.
Something I wanted to post in one of the conspiracy threads for a few months - I have a theory that handlers abuse children because they want to make them "stronger" as in thinking that splitting will give new skills or reintegration will make someone stronger. Of course it also gives pain and weakness but their reasoning is to artificially (via torture for example) make fast changes that might have occurred in life on a slower rate. They experiment to see the limits of mind, especially a young, still forming mind - equally out of curiosity, wish to have a strong soldier/servant for them and also a perverse pleasure in hurting others. Their problem begins when our abilities will turn against them.

No. 1961878

Oh I agree, just painful to think about the alternative being true.

No. 1962214

I’m not doing well actually and I feel like I’m being persecuted for saying something. My life has been garbage in general but of course something extra shitty had to happen within days of posting. I don’t get sleep paralysis but I do scream and thrash in my sleep and have very vivid nightmares, it’s been mostly controlled by what is now a full fledged addiction to prescribed benzos that I have to take nightly. I’ve been having some breakthrough sleep screaming episodes despite the medication working for me at the same dose for almost a year. The shitty life event isn’t actually the sleep screaming coming back for me even, it’s worse and something that is triggering my hypersexuality and making me put myself out there in the world for the first time in a while. Also someone I know told me I’m “almost just like Laura Palmer” recently and that shit has stuck with me. I was incredulous and asked why, they cited the discordant personalities existing in one person, the insanity in general, the hypersexuality, being an only child to an abusive father and a mother who let the abuse happen (my dad didn’t sexually assault me as far as I know but was very abusive), overachiever in high school, my drug addictions (I’m not a cokehead but I am addicted to prescribed benzos and medical mj..) and my apparent death wish. Feels fucking weird as shit and too coincidental and I probably sound like a fucking schizo.

No. 1962367

how has this thread turned into former gifted kid pissing and moaning? Get back on topic, no one cares you peaked in middle school, it’s not a conspiracy lol

No. 1962397

Right on time, glowing and everything

No. 1962416

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antidepressants are overprescribed to the american population in order to make them more complacent citizens. there is evidence that indicates they are no more beneficial than placebos yet doctors hand them out like candy. people are encouraged to seek out antidepressants rather than alternative forms of treatment despite medication-induced symptoms often making their depression worse. i also believe this is very, very closely linked to the obesity epidemic but i don't want to get too far off track from my main point.

No. 1962497

>a "special program" that conducts human experiments. trooning people out, creating sex slaves for pedophiles and elites, creating real life lolcows, terrorists, predators and abusers.
I had a feeling certain lolcows and internet weirdos were possibly created this way for nefarious purposes, they self-broadcast themselves during their tard-rage episodes and reveal their degeneracy thinking this is normal when it’s not while we - the audience do nothing but stare and laugh which is part of the experiment yet we don’t even know it. As you said, their handlers are always watching their descent into madness without having to interact much with their slaves, and sometimes those handlers are cows themselves (Titanic Sinclair). Oh and, has anyone truly wondered why some of these cows have connections to the military, government or that their families are very wealthy? Bob Chandler was in the military and at one point was one of the top engineers in the country.

ntayrt but sadly those experiments will never stop and are still happening under government watch.

No. 1962507

I agree but didn't have a deeper tinfoil for it beyond profit seeking from medical companies. I'm not sure it makes people more compliant; occasionally it makes people erratic, especially combined with the amount of alcohol that everyone in the west drinks. I do think psychology in general is used to keep the population in check – push people to get therapy and diagnose themselves with disorders and and second guess themselves, keep you thinking you are the problem not your environment or your government or your boss

No. 1962522

>And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that there will be within the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing … a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. —Aldous Huxley

There is a lot of tinfoil about the government using pharmacological and more broadly drug methods to control the population/discontent. I'm not proficient enough to explain it, I guess. Much of profitable industries are military technology which has been commercialized for public consumption. Companies raid military technology for profitable ventures, or the military uses them to disseminate govt technology.

No. 1962708

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about gate - i remember a dark room, curtains closed, lights off. then being shown some graphs on a piece of paper and some maths. i was getting very sleepy and my vision was blurry. they made me take a pill that looked like a painkiller. after that i remember hearing horrible yelling, being hit on the head or perhaps passing out. then having multiple bruises when i woke up and feeling like i had been choked.

No. 1962726

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>some of these cows have connections to the military, government or that their families are very wealthy
i am nooticiiing! inheritance displacement, theft and humiliation for the richest's amusement. they give chances to some but where they see an opportunity, they take it. rich snobs like feeling that their children as special, so gayt programs can be used to bait them into selling their child with or without their knowledge into experimenting with paranormal brain activities. personally i find that too far out there, but it was in some russian document i read about supernatural spying.
>thinking that splitting will give new skills or reintegration will make someone stronger
i can see them trying to do this. mk ultra experiments focused on creating splits, erasing identity and then creating new identities in place to carry out various actions for the handlers.

No. 1962803

It’s called remote viewing and we have these programs too

No. 1962808

>Oh and, has anyone truly wondered why some of these cows have connections to the military, government or that their families are very wealthy?
I always think about that, not even just with cows but with music artist especially. I remember reading that Jim Morrisons dad was in the CIA or something and it was so weird to me even as a little kid cause like what are the odds that some history altering musician who’s well known throughout the world and was known for pushing the limit and changing the way TV and music is has a dad in the CIA. I think Mitski also has familial ties to the CIA or FBI or something and although she doesn’t have the same reach or popularity as Jim Morrison it still weirds me out a little when I listen to her music.

No. 1962815

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there’s a book about figures like Jim Morrison/others in that scene probably being plants. most of it is for free in here


No. 1962823

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samefagging to add another picrel from the book, about Morrison’s dad.

No. 1962836

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There is an adjacency theory that states that many serial killers were programmed to kill. One of the most famous cases of this was the Palestinian man (he was a Christian before any derailers jumped out), Sirhan Sirhan, who is believed to have been set up to kill RFK. A U.S. Navy psychologist claims that the Office of Naval Intelligence had taken convicted murderers from military prisons, used behavior modification techniques on them, and then relocated them to American embassies throughout the world. The Navy psychologist was Lt. Commander Thomas Narut of the U.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples, Italy. The information was divulged at an Oslo NATO conference of 120 psychologists from the eleven-nation alliance. The Navy provided all the funding necessary, according to Narut. Dr. Narut, in a question-and-answer session with reporters from many nations, revealed how the Navy was secretly programming a large number of assassins. He said that the men he had worked with for the Navy were being prepared for commando-type operations as well as covert operations in U.S. embassies worldwide. He described the men who went through his program as ‘hit men and assassins’ who could kill on command. Careful screening of the subjects was accomplished by Navy psychologists through the military records, and many were convicted murderers serving military prison sentences. An old article by the Canberra Times from July 1975 provides some information on the stages of this mind-breaking process. The first stage was "selection." Commander Narut allegedly said he and his colleagues had been looking for men capable of killing in a "premeditated way or whom the Navy's tests showed as potentially capable of it". The second stage was "stress reduction training." The men chosen were first taught to shoot, then "clockwork orange" training was used to rid them of any qualms they might have about killing.' The newspaper said, "According to Dr. Narut, men are shown a series of special films to heighten their associative powers with regard to killing." The films are gruesome, and as the training proceeds, they get progressively more horrific." The third stage was "dehumanization of the enemy." "In this last phase, the idea is to get the men to think of the potential enemies they will have as inferior forms of human life," the paper said. The report was compiled from conversations between Commander Narut and "Insight" reporter Peter Watson. After making his unauthorized comments, Narut promptly disappeared from public view. He reappeared briefly to
make a feeble attempt at retracting his prior statements, but at that point, it was a little too late.

No. 1962841

This is a video that delves deep into Sirhan Sirhan's story and mind control if anyone is interested.

No. 1962910


No. 1962937

a lot of fathers in the area were WW2 vets or generally military due to the time period. That's all there is to many influencial musicians of the time having army/three-letter agency dads. Morrison just had daddy's money and could be sort of a useful idiot, but Zappa actively was marked by his father's involvement in chemical weapons (IIRC) and made no secret of it. t. industry connections

No. 1962969

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I am not an expert on this but have read about it. I read the book, and know the tinfoil that the 60s hippy culture was an op to disorient and divert counterculture away from effective anti war organization, and to promote drug use, I would think other things too like sexual revolution and its various ills and uses to tptb.

the book goes into a lot of suspicious details about these figures, morrison and zappa included.

here's a defense of the tinfoil I just yandexed. I don't know the details off the top of my head myself.

>One of the basic critiques of McGowan’s research on Laurel Canyon is, for example, the traditional argument of “selective journalism,” as in: taking a bunch of different stories and creating them as one narrative. To answer this, it is challenged that McGowan’s research be read in its entirety. A list of facts are much easier to dismiss than an entire research novel, and “coincidence” can only explain so much.

>Speaking of which, is it all just “coincidence” that Laurel Canyon was home to a Lookout Mountain Air Force Station, which admittedly served as covert military intelligence gathering before and during the 60’s revolution–and that it was shutdown directly after this era? Furthermore, while Los Angeles and Laurel Canyon are now known as music meccas of the West, it is often forgotten that this scene was directly stimulated by all the musicians of the 1960’s movement. These varieties of artists had no discernible reason to flock to Laurel Canyon all at once, and even more far-fetched is the idea that all of these artists who coincidentally flocked to Laurel Canyon would also be renegades of families with generational histories as high-ranking military operatives.

>One can rationalize all they like, but the reality is this: the further the specifics are fleshed out about the 1960’s anti-war/new age/psychedelic hippie movement, the clearer it becomes that this was an “opium for the masses,” and was in no way meant to enlighten or embolden the common American activist.


No. 1963128

Breakfast is toast with egg or cheese + protein yoghurt or shake. Lunch is fish with a carb and veg and sauce/dressing. Dinner is soup with bread, a salad, meat with carb/veg/sauce, or legume protein with carb/veg/sauce. I drink a lot of coffee and tea and have to have a sweet treat every day, usually cake or a pastry.

No. 1963138

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Kek I actually was debating whether or not to talk about the Mitski/CIA connection in here, I've been schizoing about it the past few weeks. I love her music, and whenever something sad is going on shes's a good go-to to throw on in the car and scream along with, but I realized my first reaction when I was sad was to think of her lyrics or restart the song and listen to the saddest part again, and how they're almost addicting in their sadness even though there's plenty of other artists who create poignant music. And then I found out about her dad being in the CIA and I noticed just how often her lyrics are "I" statements, like they're negative manifestations or something, and how much more miserable I am when I sing along to this music I relate to (compared to other sad music) even just as an occasional emotional outlet. Picrel, this section pops up on tiktok for me pretty frequently and the kids love it, it's weird to imagine thousands of zoomers and older Gen alpha chanting these exact lyrics every time they're looking for some catharsis

No. 1963400

I also just found this interview with the researcher about the book and they talk more in detail about the jim morrison case.

No. 1963748

The same thing happens to me whenever I listen to Evanescence long enough, I start to feel more depressed and miserable than usual; I then have a hard time stopping. Maybe certain music and lyrics are triggers for sensitive minds to go on a rampage or be suicidal.

No. 1964294

Ohh I love your post kek. I’ve tinfoiled that music could be used to sort of sway peoples moods like a form of propaganda. I’ve never thought about the “I” statements thing but that makes so much sense, it’s literally like a mantra or something. I only listen to a handful of Mitski’s songs but I’m a new listener so I’m expecting to like a lot more of them once I give them a listen. But I listen to a few other artists that have sad lyrics or melancholic undertones, and I try not to listen to them all day or anything because I worry it’ll bring my mood down. And I remember at one point in high school that was like 90% of what I listened too, I was so depressed and anxious in my youth so I gave that music a break as a sort of test and I did start feeling a bit better. I’m not trying to claim it cured me or that my depression was caused by music but constantly listening to very pessimistic and self deprecating lyrics definitely made it easier for me to wallow in it instead of trying to pull myself out of it or work towards overcoming the negative thoughts. I was such a train wreck in high school and at one point I was one of those embarrassing nymphet aesthetic girlies, and I can’t help but wonder if I hadn’t surrounded myself with that type of music and tumblr blogs I wouldn’t have gone so far with it. Super random and a very schizo tinfoil but in 2021 I went through a really terrible discovery in my family and it became very hard for me to sleep, for a few months I was only sleeping a couple/few nights a week. And during that period I truly felt like I was sort of losing my mind a bit and I always listen to a variety of different songs but during those months I literally only listened to the same 10 or so Grimes songs all day on repeat. In one of the songs I listened to the most she has this lyric where she says “I’m not gonna sleep anymore” and that was like my favourite part of the song. I’m not saying it’s Grimes fault I couldn’t sleep kek just that it adds more tinfoil to my schizo theory.

No. 1964660

it all makes sense when you realise all speech (even inner speech) is casting spells of various potency, and "i" statements are some of the most serious and powerful of them all. it was grimes' fault you developed insomnia and i am not joking.

No. 1965451

I think that music influences mind/body much more than people realize. Not only with lyrics (which definitely do influence the subconscious) but also with the type of frequency/changes in frequency in a song. I know that healing/harming frequencies are seen as a kind of pseudoscience but I do think that the idea has some serious merit and (tinfoil) is brushed aside for some reason… I mean our brainwaves each have different frequencies that are constantly changing, and they correlate with different brain functions like problem solving, concentration, sleeping, internal regulation shit. When these brainwaves become unregulated, like you have too much of one or the other, there are real problems! This is why I believe that listening to too much of the wrong kind of music can impair brainwave regulation (causing depression, concentration, sleeping problems, anxiety etc.) I am certain that people have been experimenting with using frequency as a weapon for a long time now, because it really does impact the mind and body more than we know! I have also always thought something about Grimes' music is strange and produced a weird feeling when I listened to it, but that applies to a lot of modern music

No. 1965534

Isn't that the general idea behind the weapon causing "havana syndrome," that it's some sort of frequency weapon? 60 Minutes just did a story on it a few weeks back after a 5 year long investigation, basially saying it's Russia developing it.


No. 1965541

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My tinfoil is that all influencers within the last decade have been pre-selected by the media they got famous on. How come that a random YouTuber without their known agenda could get their own TV shows, and red carpet appearances? Their "expiration date" is also artificial, because they would not be allowed to simply fade out, of course there has to be some controversy about it, like having said nigger or being accused of grooming, pedophilia. The two Hollywood classics.
In my opinion these are the effects of poisoned food and water. LSD and sleeping pills will give people amnesia, anxiety, depression, obsessive thinking and sleeplessness. It is induced mental illness. I don't believe that people are so weak that they simply get depressed from having a cellphone.

No. 1965558

I think music can be addictive in a negative way, like I know so many people who can’t go without listening to music for even 5 mins. They act really adhd and spiral into depressive moods without music. It’s the same as internet addiction or needing to have videos/TV on the background. I also believe like the other anon that it can be used to placate and distract people from real issues, and I believe the same about therapy being recommended so willy nilly

No. 1965571

the report was showing these people have way more than just depression, actual brain damage to some

No. 1965581

it is 100%. vet the music you listen to. tptb use it to control the population through subconscious implants in music. this isnt a new thing. some anthropologists speculate that we were making music before we even developed language. imagine how much damage you could do by using this ancient mechanism.

No. 1965589

The one marginalized group we don’t talk about is smart kids born into poor families. They constantly get screwed over for college. This is the elites way of destroying meritocracy in this country

No. 1965591

I just had to be born into the wrong family at the wrong time. I fucking hate Islam and it’s influence all over the world

No. 1965641

Do you think only listening to the music without singing or whispering along could minimize some of the negative affects from the lyrics? Or does the message of the lyrics still sink in even without repeating it?

No. 1965686

Nta but In my personal experience if you maintain decent spiritual hygiene most regular music would pass by you. Some mainstream stuff are way too memetic, I am very suspicious of modern children's songs or anything too hypersexual. Music from ads on the other hand always freaked me out, especially "relaxing" or "awareness campaigns" ads. I recently remember a mostly music-based ad that "invited you to meditate" that legit distressed me

No. 1965788

I 100% agree with this. I struggle to sleep without the TV or a video on quietly in the background and I have done since I was little. I used to have such bad nightmares that I couldn't sleep without the lion king soundtrack playing kek.
I think part of the problem is living around so many people without nature being present. We're so used to having noise 24/7 from people playing music, TV, machines beeping in offices etc that we get super on edge without it. Idk if it's intentional to have noise and light all the time or just a consequence of the way we're all clumped together in cities, but I think it definitely fucks our attention span and thought patterns in the long run. Idk if any nonnas here like camping but if you go out for a week where there are no other people, and the only noises you hear are crickets and the weather, it feels like your brain gets rebooted. I sleep so much better without noise and lights and I think people in general would be happier if we could hear nature and not be surrounded by LEDs constantly.
Idk if it was here but I think another anon mentioned starting to use candle light instead of fluorescent bulbs sometimes, that seems to be a good solution too.

No. 1965814

no stop. the only good addiction to have is a music addiction let me have one

No. 1965828

“Anon” you’re literally glowing with that crap explanation. There’s a whole lot of information and books about the CIA directly influencing Hollywood and films, so what makes it so impossible that they were having their star piggy patriots use their own families and children to propagandize and influence the masses? Easy to handle and control, outsiders would disrupt the hierarchy and flow of information. May I remind you about that fuggo spergchan who was alogging Chris Chan by revealing him to be raping and molesting his own grandmother and she was later found out to be some psychopath herself and coincidentally her father is connected to the CIA/FBI? I almost feel like Chris Chan is a huge psyop or a preparation of the public for something they are about to usher in a few years so we don’t suspect a thing because there’s no way people should care that much about a fat pathetic autistic tranny. It’s even more alarming now than it was back then because at least back then they were at least forced to be slightly transparent about their methods and activity, nowadays these intelligence agencies have gone completely quiet because they’ve amassed an enormous amount of power and passed legislation to do so. But I wanted to add my slightly unrelated tinfoil is that many streamers/youtubers are plants for something or at the very least would be excellent puppets for elitists because everyone just assumes they’re all incompetent and not to be taken seriously. No one asks where Mr Beast gets his loads of money from, and he’s definitely not getting that much money from YouTube sponsorships and definitely not enough for him if he were taking out loans to pay them back and reinvest, there’s just no fucking way. He has a machine behind him, Jimmy probably has fed parents who gives him access to high-caliber connections with billionaire bloodlines. There’s no way they would let regular randos handle that huge amount of money without a cost

No. 1965871

I usually don't listen to music. but yeah if there are no lyrics i think it is more difficult to push a message, so ambient or instrumentals are best. But keep in mind there is no neutral music. all of it affects the brain in one way or another. That said, I have noticed that female musicians make less evil music (if they haven't been forced into sexual slavery).
For ambient, listen to the differences between these two and how they make you feel:
female artist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tx3Comk4CRs
male artist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkvZOvOeON0

music with lyrics has this pattern too. from most to least evil being males > sexually enslaved women >>>>> free women. I tried to find similar sounding pop songs, but feel free to check yourself:
tptb enslaved woman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud6sU3AclT4
male: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxDLd0bhhKk
free woman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOH9po5iFhc

> if you maintain decent spiritual hygiene most regular music would pass by you.
right, it wouldnt be a whole booming industry if they only needed one song to control you. the "meditation" music is meant to put you in calm, non-confrontational state so whatever message they say goes directly into your subconscious.

No. 1965910

File: 1713273368819.jpg (915.2 KB, 1143x1026, 2024-04-16_15-11-49.jpg)

These animals are cat-human hybrids.
>ears at the side of the head
>round pupils
>expressive faces

No. 1965918

No. 1965920

File: 1713273963206.jpg (482.13 KB, 844x898, ef.jpg)

Now let me show you HIM.

No. 1965921

The more we fuck animals up the more they look like humans. You know what that mean right? Humans fucked themselves up, we domesticated ourselves. We are the bulldogs of primates. We snore, our teeth are crooked, our heads are big…

No. 1965926

we can't do anything right when it comes to mother nature, it's all a horror show including us.

No. 1965932

Don’t forget Onionboi, he and some of his family members were in the military while his kooky mother is involved with the occult. He also admitted to being possessed by demons and does practice the secret woo-woo stuff depending stating he’s an atheist-agnostic. That’s probably why he’s gotten away with so much up until this point. If you look closely, that I’m a Banana video has your typical Illuminati symbolism that all celebrities use in their art.

Was this man another psyop? Why would they okay with having crazies on the internet? Not to mention he coincidentally met many people connected to the music industry so easily, Greg alone doesn’t have that type of pull alone, someone was working with him behind the scenes.

No. 1965955

>Mr. Beast
There's no way he makes all that money himself. I remember when his channel was first (rapidly, almost unnaturally rapidly) growing, he always had huge amounts of money even when he started youtube so there's no way he made all that with a few sponsorships. Either he has rich as fuck parents, his videos are fake or he's involved in some really evil shady shit.
Speaking of influencers reminds me of that one time a few months ago where Jeffree Star started to go on a rant about conspiracies while being live, he got banned real fucking fast for like a week kek. Not sure if it was a psyop but it felt like he was spilling the beans now that he's kind of washed up.

No. 1965958

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That's a messed up looking guy. Truly heinous looking.

The human cats can look evil too though. (this cat in particular has an extremely calm and laid back personality, it just has the angriest face)

No. 1965970

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Have any of you noticed how people are shilling that a first-world country having low life expectancy is now normal? It’s such a niche and specific thing to mention but I feel like it segways into the bugperson/“you will own nothing” meme but laughing in your face that you won’t even have enough time to live and breathe beyond working and slaving away for those fuckers

No. 1965981

Absolutely, I remember when he used to make videos of making fun of children, he was like Leafy before anyone could find out or care. Surprised no one dug up his past to try to cancel him for that unless I missed something. There’s something odd about him, suddenly his friend/co-worker who looked perfectly fine suddenly decides to troon out? They got a new sponsor for his channel and in exchange for huge bucks they have to shill this mysterious sponsor’s tranny fetish/agenda just like how business investors instruct producers to put pedo psyops in their films and tv shows because the elites love promoting their closed door degenerate sexual kicks and sexual taboos in everything from advertising to dolls for little girls. Also kek at that weird bloat lipped moid Jeffrey parroting conspiracy views to grift off of conspiracy theorist conservatives since his channel became irrelevant but he never considers that maybe him dressing like a satirical drag queen metrosexual and promoting that exact artificial look to his remaining faghag audience is clearly not a psyop he should investigate about himself so he’s probably controlled ops until he really decides to tell about what goes down in those Ytuber/social media influencer circles without self-censorship. Mark my prediction, there’s something bubbling under the surface in those spaces and it’s funny you mentioned that Mr. Beast might be involved in evil shady shit because I feel like him and a whole host of people (from streamers to vloggers even with a humbly sized audience) who we don’t expect will be implicated when it comes out.

No. 1965982

Samefag to clarify by new sponsor I’m just theorizing, this didnt actually happen kek

No. 1966011

>I am very suspicious of modern children's songs
Same, I remember reading somewhere that one of the experiments the CIA tried for propaganda purposes was to make the subjects listen to certain phrases on repeat with various different sounds behind the phrase. The point of it was to get the subject to subliminally repeat the phrase in hopes the idea would sort of get forced into their mind and change their opinion or sway them into some sort of action or behavior without them even noticing it wasn't initially their idea or thought. And then I realized how often children's songs and most popular songs follow the same pattern of repetition and it creeped me out so much. I'm sure most of it is harmless, like that annoying "baby shark" craze from years ago, but the potential to be used for nefarious purposes is still there.

I wish I could not listen to music but I literally listen to it almost all day, I have almost 2000 songs I cycle through over the course of a week or so, I usually just hit shuffle and skip the ones I'm not in the mood for but sometimes I'll listen to a specific artist if that's what I'm feeling like at the moment. I really like the Valley of The Birds song you posted, the beginning of it gave me such a calm soothing feeling. Honestly the music I listen too is probably terrible for my mood and subconscious, but when I like a song it's so hard to not listen to it. I really like genres of music where the lyrics are indiscernible, or they add quotes from movies or tv shows, but even a lot of those are kind of negative. There's some songs I literally get so addicted too I probably hit repeat on them at least 20 times or more when I pass them on shuffle. This is one of them I actually heard on tiktok, the lyrics are dumb but for some reason this song is so addicting to me.

Some of the songs I listen too don't even register as sad or negative to me but then someone like my sister will come across it and tell me it really bummed her out, so it's weird I either am so used to the low mood of the song that I don't even notice it anymore (which is a scary thought,) or we just have different ideas of what qualifies as a negative song. I should do an experiment where I stop listening to music for a while, and then maybe only listen to lyricless positive sounding music and see what happens. I've been thinking about that Grimes thing I mentioned and it's creeping me out even more because it's almost like I conducted a propaganda experiment on myself accidentally kek. I love Grimes' music but it does creep me out a bit, same with Lana Del Rey. I'd be so sad if I did feel better without listening to music though because I'd miss it so much. Also I wanted to ask, how can you tell which female artists are 'sexually enslaved.' I get how a lot of mainstream ones are really obvious (like that thing that came out about The Pussycat Dolls and Girliscious years ago) but I used to think smaller, less known indie artists were a safe go to but I've seen one's with very few views who give me the same kind of bad vibes and subliminals as the mainstream ones so I really don't know how to spot it.

No. 1966091

>mary on a cross
weird esoteric implications

i definitely think that experiment would be interesting. I've been doing it more or less for a few years. I feel clear and focused but it makes it difficult to relate to most people. Most people have been made hypersexual and hedonistic in part by the influence of music and musical idols. i also think some people are more susceptible to hypnosis/suggestion including through music (i think i'm one of these).
If you decide to do it let us know how it goes!
>how can you tell which female artists are 'sexually enslaved'
it is very difficult to know for sure because these things are hidden. The musician I linked is a small indie artist who owns her own label. most of her music has a free spirited quality to it and her lyrics do not seem evil to me. I would say avoid oversexuality and inauthenticity, also look into the artist's life a bit to see if they have any handlers or strange connections. It can be hard to tell, but follow your gut.

No. 1966092

Sorry for blogging but I got kinda freaked out reading gifted program conspiracy theories and remembering my own experiences. I was in the gifted program and in 6th grade I wrote a short story that was about a woman who was abducted and locked in a torture chamber and subjected to extreme heat, cold, lights, noises etc. Of course at the time I wasn't aware of mkultra/cia torture techniques and it's eerily similar. I also started cutting/burning myself around the same time I passed the written test and started doing the 1-on-1 tests (3rd grade). A lot of my peers had rough home lives and were abnormally depressed/medicated, but it could just be the 'tism and generally high rate of child abuse in society. I wish I could remember more of my childhood, there's probably some interesting stuff I forgot or maybe something to explain why I was so depressed as a kid (the only trauma I remember took place in middle school). I hate when people immediately dismiss the theories, like yeah sure the CIA was deeply entrenched in Canadian educational institutions experiementing on civilians for years and they totally just stopped! I'm sympathetic to the ritual abuse stuff too, because the family system is a cult and I'm sure occultists are pedos at the same rate as normal, if not higher. But also I understand why some people think these theories are just to deflect from repressed memories of abuse that are too painful to process without a bogeyman.

No. 1966126

> Also I wanted to ask, how can you tell which female artists are 'sexually enslaved.' I get how a lot of mainstream ones are really obvious (like that thing that came out about The Pussycat Dolls and Girliscious years ago)

What came out about the pussy cat dolls and giliscious? I never heard of anything about that. I have seen conspiracy theorists obsessed with Britney. And recently the Taylor swift Super Bowl sperging.

No. 1966492

I read a statistic that was like the earlier you retire the longer you live and the healthier your remaining life is. And now you have those elite fucks forcing us to work until our 70s

No. 1966758

ive never really liked music very much (autistic, i dont like sound, i have probably 100~ songs saved and most are IDM and jazz. my most listened to track last year was "white noise 3 hrs long" kek) and it is extremely difficult to relate to people, but it interests me just how much peoples' music consumption effects them. i feel like because i am somewhat outside of the currents of music culture i can notice the impacts it has on people. ive become very good at guessing peoples' preferred genres from their behaviours. a lot of music really is very memetic not just in sound but in the ways it encourages you to move physically (in beat) or think (through lyrics). i have a close friend who goes through phases of enjoying a specific album/genre and its crazy to watch how his speech changes, his presentation and style of dress, and his mood. sometimes very slightly but always consistent with a change in musical preference.
>>1964660 reminded me about this greentext(? maybe) i saw talking about how tiktok dances are uniquely powerful and ritualistic as a meme format and i think thats worth thinking about as well.

No. 1966916

I have an uncle in the CIA and another uncle in the FBI so now I kind of wonder if there's another reason I was homeschooled. other than my mom being crazy. then my dad is a freemason, so. hmm. strangers were always coming up and saying weird stuff to my parents about me. this seems to have followed me into adulthood a bit, like one time as I was leaving a small concert venue some guy started trying to tell me I was an Indigo Child. that night was weird overall, almost in a targeted way, but I try not to overthink it.

No. 1966965

Sounds like you were primed to end up in this thread.

No. 1967006

Years ago one of the members of The Pussycat Dolls said they were basically escorts, and had to attend yacht parties with old rich men. And that the whole Girliscious band was sort of a front for another Pussycat Doll type band where they are paid to go on “dates” with rich older men. That’s why they were all so over sexualised and they chose members based on appearance rather than actual talent.

No. 1967838

File: 1713379151093.png (1.88 MB, 600x5006, ai books.png)

I want off this ride

No. 1968569

This is fucking crazy. I already saw some books having AI covers, perhaps even more often in the US than in my country. Local news site is using sometimes AI images to illustrate articles. A big university in my region also uses AI pictures to some social media posts (to much criticism from the students and some other people). This is bleak.

No. 1968633

File: 1713418584274.jpg (33.38 KB, 500x649, timislam1.jpg)

True. I think many trannies will also convert to Islam once they're no longer considered a "socially protected class". probs for fetish reasons too.

No. 1969094

I would prefer transes staying where they are and women also maintaining a status as a protected class in the workplace and however else but trans insist on targeting kids and bundling their elective surgeries and child abuse medical interventions with women’s legitimate needs so we will all be thrown out. It is an opportunity for tptb to roll back women’s rights.

No. 1970560

The enslaved women and male music has an odd sorrow to it. Like something is slipping away from them forever, like they're out in the cold rain, desperately grasping onto any sign of shelter.
There's some kind of grief/yearning codependent pleading, that's expressed through the discordant minor keys.

The free woman's music on the other hand, is rich and warm, like a sunrise. Its complete, feels reassuring and hopeful, like everything's going to be okay.

No. 1970945

Such a normie theory but I think bald moids are pushing the "shave and hit the gym!!" narrative on young receding hairline males because misery loves company. There are a million chemicals that can reverse it yet the BALDIES never mention them. They want all other moids to be ugly monsters like them so they don't stand out. Bearded skinheads are the greatest enemies of women.

No. 1971044

There's a very popular tv show in my country (it's a talent show with dancers and singers) and they always have this huge studio/theater with big ass screens that they use as the background of the scenography. This year nearly all of the pictures on the screens are AI generated garbage.

No. 1971054

File: 1713535251302.webp (115.04 KB, 1920x1080, scoop-marks-from-alien-abducti…)

Is anyone interested in UFOs and alien abductions? Might be bordering on /x/ territory but the paranormal thread is dead and this phenomenon is obviously surrounded by a cover up conspiracy. I'm mostly interested in the latter phenomenon these days, although I've only personnaly witnessed a UFO. I know someone who has experienced a lot of weird shit like time skips, astral projection and is a pretty unique person in general. After one incident where they experienced a very sharp pain as a kid while walking around in an isolated rural place, they have a so-called scoop mark on the leg that never went away. It is a very clear round scar that appeared without any bleeding or scabbing, it was like it was already healed instantly and it as stayed in that spot. I don't know of any bug in the area that could do this and the pain was apparently very quick but extremely sharp. What's weirder is that there are a ton of people on the internet who have the same scar in the exact same spot, and those people have often experienced weird dreams and general weirdness in their lives. The only explanation I've ever seen is chickenpox scar, and this person never got chickenpox. I'd love to have another explanation but crazily enough it almost seem like the most logical answer now.
I read the book Abduction by John E. Mack, the head of Harvard's psychology department at the time, who risked all his carreer and credibility to share the stories of his patients. He was a skeptic at first, thought they were ill, but hearing those stories and how the patients didn't seem to be lying or be crazy (often time they hadn't shared it with anyone because they knew well how crazy it would sound, and how no one would believe them) made him investigate more and he became certain that this phenomenon was linked to consciouscness and of an interdimensional nature. I highly recommend this book, he was a Pullitzer prize winner so it's well written, and probably some of the most serious work you could read on the topic. Since it's the tinfoil thread, I'll add that Dr. Mack was killed by a drunk driver whilst crossing the street in London, seems like a classic DIU case imo but it's still weird and I had to mention it.
It is hard to come to any conclusions with this alien subject, especially since it seems so out of our grasp, but I could believe anything ranging from humans from the future experimenting on us, a psyop to break some targeted individuals or randomly test mind control ops, actual extra-terrastrial life forms trying to mess up our dna or get something valuable from us, higher-dimensional beings, matrix type of stuff… All I know is that there is a clear psychological and physical phenomenon happening and I'd love to hear stories if anyone has experiences with this.

No. 1971065

I already see a number of people doing this, especially now that people milking being LGBT/disabled has run out. I'm seeing a huge increase of these people claiming to have physical disabilities that require equipment like a wheelchair or cane too. Same with a weird amount of people claiming to be intersex now. It's just non stop idiots who know they're incapable of acting like a decent person so rely on random shit they can makeup to never be accountable

No. 1971089

Thanks for the book rec, I just lended it from the library

No. 1971441

I'm so glad nona, I'll be interested in hearing your thoughts when you're done. For a more recent academical work, I'll also recommend Encounters: Experiences with Nonhuman Intelligences by Diane W. Pasulka. She comes from a religious studies' background and presents a transdisciplinary approach to the phenomenon with a lot of interesting hypothesis and thoughts to expand your mind on that subject. Touches on lucid dreaming, astronaut's experiences, angels and mythical creatures, greek philosophy… Very interesting work and nice to see a woman in this historically male-dominated sphere.

No. 1972134

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I am interested in aliens but don’t know anything about them other than general theories such as you listed. I want to learn more. Marks like the one youre talking about on the arm and other physical evidence like crop circles or cattle mutilations can be created by humans. Maybe there is an earthly source of the mark too id have to look it up. Some of these hoaxes would require really sophisticated coordination and significant means to do. Which is scary who is doing these things.

I read this write up on the abduction researcher you mentioned. Is picrel from the book?

It says he is a radical environmentalist funded by rockerfeller or the cia with other shady connections whose theory is that aliens are coming to earth to wipe out the human race in order to prevent environmental collapse and also create an advanced alien/human hybrid species to replace humans?It is in line with various concerns about transhumanism like >>1891569 and environmental agenda mentioned elsewhere in this thread.

I don’t know how I feel because I wish I knew more about aliens. I have read theories that the elites know aliens are here, those elites are enslaved by aliens, and alien technology is being reverse engineered in underground locations etc. But that is not about abductions specifically, more about the elite agendas around alien presence on earth.

No. 1972244

Anti trump spergs are deranged and I'm not even American nor I give a shit about any of this

You guys literally have a dude with dementia in the white house right now who when came into power I remember appointed a fucking literal pedo troon as the states's health minister or something yet you are losing your shit about what the next guy hasn't done yet jfc. The average (American) libshit has severe mental issues I'm not even kidding

No. 1972248

I swear I experimented the exact same thing you are describing since 2012 and now I wonder if this is a generalized feeling and no one wants to admit it or what cause sometimes I feel gaslighted by outernets (and most normies in social media too since we are at it), everything feels way more complicated and shittier, people I knew were from being simply normal and nice to being plain evil and low-key sociopathic starting 2012. Socializing feels also harder and like a huge pain in the ass cause I swear most people got socially stunned out of nowhere too.

God I hope the anon you are replying to is right and we shift back cause this fucking sucks

No. 1972254

>Ooga boonga women getting literally gang raped by the men in their tribes and being forcefully impregnated then being forced to raise a bunch of random kids that belong "to everyone" instead of their individual children is ackschually a good thing opposed to monogamy and expecting scrotes to take personal responsibility and look after their individual offspring plus bond with it together with the mom
Who the fuck is posting itt? Neck beard redditors? I swear many of these posts read like fucking reddit.(infighting with an 8 day old post)

No. 1972333

As someone that also isn't American it's bizarre to watch. There was hysteria that Trump was literally Hitler and was going to instigate genocide against trannies and non-whites in 2016. Nothing particularly bad happened during his presidency. The bar is so low it's burning in the darkest pits of hell but he wasn't any worse than Bush or Obama. Now the exact same hysterical bullshit is being peddled by the media and no one stops to think what happened less than 10 years ago. These people are mentally deranged.

No. 1972339

File: 1713612192712.png (287.06 KB, 1420x481, tert.png)

considering what we know about p diddy, I'm sure this was also some sort of humiliation ritual.

No. 1972345

File: 1713612979657.jpeg (58.3 KB, 500x500, IMG_5434.jpeg)

I suspect that mutatar possesses cp kek.
>has the phenotype. Fat, ugly.
>obsessed with internet privacy.
>works in IT
>knows how to navigate the dark web
>knows about many pedo websites.
>Did a podcast with the known autoequinephile lolicon Vaush about trannies
>always the first to know when theres some pedo related drama(twitter megalinks)

No. 1972351

I’d believe it, you make very good points. Also he’s male so that’s already a 50/50 chance he’s a ped

No. 1972352

You 100% convinced me. I now know Muta possesses child pornography.

No. 1972382

this just scared the shit out of me kek i love these little cats and now im scared

No. 1972412

Everyone knows about the time that gay psycho faggot made a big Halloween party where he served a meat cake resembling Amy winehouse's corpse just 3 months after she died. Nobody really knows why did he do that and there was no posible beef between them to justify such a disgusting act. Some days ago, I saw a theory explaining what happened, called "the King's dethrone", an event in which celebrities or Hollywood itself literally celebrates big stars dying, and secretly organized parties everytime someone big enough kicked the bucket, it is not clear if it's because these deaths are "sacrifices" for some deity or not though. The fact that said party was at Halloween doesn't sit right with me neither. I wish I had a link to that article

No. 1972428

I just think gay men are incredibly tacky and tasteless.

No. 1972442

Gay males hate women. There’s nothing deeper to it and that’s more disturbing than anything satanic.

No. 1972506

Lolcow is just Zionist Central. If you utter a word against the precious joos you get instabanned for antisemitism or racebaiting, but non stop islamophobia is a-ok. Fuck this garbage site and all the jewish cunts on it, i hope pissrahell gets nuked.(bait)

No. 1972536

I dislike both. But I guess you get banned for racebaiting because Jews are a race and Muslims aren't

No. 1972545

File: 1713628730125.png (271.74 KB, 747x810, Screenshot.png)

>Netflix True Crime Doc ‘What Jennifer Did’ Uses AI Images to Create False Historical Record

No. 1972609

if the aliens are here and enslaving the elites then I doubt they'd allow us to also be reverse engineering their shit underground

No. 1972806

I actually won a copy of that book and have been meaning to read it, gonna start it today. Her name is listed as D.W. Pasulka on the front so I didn't even realize it was by a woman. Thanks for the reccommendation

No. 1973815

disturbing, especially since her whole case and motive was that she was socially repressed by her tiger parents (not excusing her crime)

No. 1974055

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It is a prevalent theory that the USG is working with aliens to reverse engineer their technologies in underground facilities. https://youtu.be/crhDdmJnQIw?si=QsH07Zgc6Ia3GboQ A related and often combined theory is that aliens are breeding with humans and doing other things to them, some of which are CIA plots as well, to develop a cross breed civilization because they are on the decline themselves and are trying to restart their species. They are raping the abductees. The government worked with them and their technology and cannot say anything or do anything about their plot against humanity as it unfolds.

On John E Mack and his Harvard research on abductees, the link I posted has picrel though which reveals a transsexual like mentality of his subjects who sought him out much like transsexuals go to gender clinics. They were also into weird woo beliefs already. In fact, Ted kaczynski visited a gender clinic at Harvard seeking transition and he is known to have been an mk ultra subject and we know the rest. The only thing that is missing is an explanation of the strange marks on the arm but we know trans are capable self mutilators, so I wouldn’t put it beyond anyone else.

No. 1974674

A lot of spam raids might be intentionally orchestrated as a psy-op against online privacy

No. 1974734

Yep I was appalled how nonnas didn’t give a single fuck about what’s going on in Palestine and they called my old ass a zoomer for standing up against Israel. I’m not defending Islam or any Abrahamic religion for the matter but I would expect more compassion from a pro women website. The women in Palestine have to go through unmedicated c sections if they survive the continuous bombing, they are starving, their children are killed. Most of the fatalities are women and children.

No. 1974738

Don’t care still love Pallas cats

No. 1974760

I think we are just so fucking numb to it because there's killing everywhere these days, I get news about stabbings, shootings, pedophilia and rape every day in a country that was hailed as one of the safest. What the hell hapaned to the world that there's so much violence now? If you get bombarded with this all the time for couple of years no wonder there's no emotion left for people far away in yet another war. It's sad what's happening there but i have no power or ability to help them and mainly no energy to generate compassion anymore…

No. 1974769

Yes there is evil everywhere but at least in first world countries we are safe to some degree. Imagine you are mentally tortured every single night by drones, starved, displaced, have no access to medicine, can be brutally murdered or stuck under the rubble anytime. Nobody would choose to be in Palestine because there are rape and murder cases elsewhere. Palestinian women and children were born into their religion, they had no other choice. I do not condone Islam but you should understand that it’s very hard to rebel in a pro Islamic culture to religious values.
That said I don’t have anything against average Jewish people, but Israel as a state literally stole Palestinian land. There is no other country on earth who can base their claims of independence on an imaginary text written some 3000 years ago.

No. 1974782

I have found out that zionists don’t feel human emotions towards non jews, only fellow jews.
There are LOTS of zionist jew anons on here, besides growing apart from this site and finding the premise childish, i was interested in some OT threads. But, the jewish supremacy, intense islamophobia and misogyny towards muslim and arab women killed the last interest i had in this garbage place. We can’t even really discuss conspiracies, only dumb shit like aliens or bigfoot, or vague shit that names no important names. What the point of this thread is idk, it certainly isn’t conspiracies.
I also find it funny that all these jewish cunts are shitting on islam when their own religion allows rape of three year olds among other depraved shit.
Pissrahell is a pedophile sanctuary, they flee other countries to molest children there in peace.
Well, i will be banned now because i called out the sacred cow, jews, which must not be named ever and always be considered the victim. They cry out as they strike you etc.

Tldr; fuck this garbage site and their jew ass kissing, playing saints while the whole site is dedicated to shitting on average looking women and stalking them. But muslims bad though, but jews are perfect and must never be criticised.(racebaiting)

No. 1974790

Well I can imagine it but I can't feel it anymore. I could couple of years ago but now I just can't. I'd just kill myself and start over if I was there.

No. 1974805

Nona, every state in history stole land. It's not unique to Israel and technically they didn't steal it, it was given to them by the British mandate, and it's not like history stops there.
Like the other nona said no one has the energy to care about all the injustices in the world and the constant bombardment by negative news only drains is more. We know that news outlets pump out negative stories for more clicks and money, but i feel like long term this causes us so much damage. Hearing about rape and torture and murder 24/7 has to damage our minds somehow.

No. 1974835

>misogyny towards Muslim women
I’m just respecting their culture(bait)

No. 1974865

Shouldn't the aliens we're working with know how their own stuff works? Or is their species so declined that they don't even know how it works anymore and they need us to help reverse engineer their own technology?

No. 1974869

I believe in zpc and it sucks if we can’t talk about it here but why are you so offended by Islamophobia are you a white Muslim convert if so you are very ridiculous and embarrassing

If you’re western you can and should do something about what isntreal does because they are funded and backed by your government.

No. 1974919

“Jews” and Judaism isn’t naming names. People are talking about the deep state on here that’s not vague and I do think in modern times the deep state is zionist occupied though. (Samefag)

No. 1974931

If their lives are so hard and awful, why do they keep having children in the middle of a genocide? What's that? The men rape the women and so the women have no choice? Well fuck that. Those are all children of an entire rapist society and that means all those male children are going to grow up and be rapists too. Therefore, I do not give a single fuck about what a country that is halfway across the world, who's leaders and people would kill or enslave me, gets done to them. And fuck Israel too for being a tax sucking parasites who's balls my politician constantly gargle.

No. 1974949

Because of efilism. They are here driven by the need to continue their dying and suffering species. Not their technology. We want to reproduce their technology though and work with them and cover up their existence and their plot against us.

No. 1974982

You probably are the same people on here who cry crocodile tears for the suffering of Ukrainians and scold anti imperialists for not caring about the suffering of humans. I would hope westerners could adopt your attitude about every “humanitarian crisis” they have no business meddling in. This particular one is dependent on western support and is therefore our concern and responsibility.

No. 1975016

>If their lives are so hard and awful, why do they keep having children in the middle of a genocide? What's that?

ridiculous victim shaming

No. 1975067

Nope. Sorry to Ukraine, but I'm fucking tired of the US using war to launder taxpayer money directly into the upper class so you can either protect yourself, rely on your direct allies, or be subsumed. No more proxy wars with Russia.
>Oh no! It's the consequences of my own actions! Acknowledging that the actions I took resulted directly in this outcome is victim blaming!

No. 1975097

>consequence of my own actions

palestinian women and children are launching rockets? voting for hamas? I thought islamic culture was oppressive…if it was, how are they responsible?

No. 1975111

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You seemed to have missed some of my key points. Here, why don't you try looking at my comment again.

No. 1975115

Anons alogging about da joos every other day itt always makes me chuckle. Real talk though, it’s strange to me how Israel-Palestine is treated as some unique evil when shit like this happens all the time. Other violent conflicts just haven’t gained as much traction on twitter, which is the main news source for millions of zoomers. Of course, ending US funding to foreign militaries would be a good place to start in actually addressing this perpetual cycle of violence

No. 1975127

completely ridiculous reasoning, get real. anyone with a brain shouldn't believe israeli lies about rape either.

No. 1975131

I'll agree with that. blaming jews wholesale on this is silly. it's the zionists who are committing genocide, making up rape hoaxes, and in general being evil theocratic murderers. there are perfectly sane and normal Jewish people who see the lies for what they are.

No. 1975146

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I hate this fucking theory. I fucking hate it. Fuck you "observer effect". fuck you so much. retarded ass shit. this is psychology or something NOT PHYSICS!!! fuck you REEEEEEEEEEE

No. 1975149

>rape doesn't happen and if it does, it's actually fine and we should continue to financially and militarily support any countries that culturally uphold it

No. 1975151

>can you please provide proofs for this rape claim
>they're islamic so you just have to believe it!


No. 1975158

if you observe someone with anxiety they will probably act differently because they're aware! if you observe someone who's on meth they'll probably attack you!! if you observe someone with autism they'll probably try to mask or something!! PSYCHOLOGY not PHYSICS REEEEEEEEEEE

No. 1975166

could be rape, could be too difficult to attempt an abortion, could be religious (cringe I know), ectopic (rare) or could just be plain selfish. I wouldn't apply the last one to everyone though, why make it harder for yourself to move/live/escape? Why make your child suffer? I think they just have limited access to doctors who will prioritise abortions over amputations, and it's not like they'd be just casually using pregnancy tests. I think sex is risky and as someone who's a volcel (not asexual just don't care) I might have a hard time sympathising, but that's probably a good way to cope and share intimacy and love with a partner amidst chaos. Then there's the obvious rape. I don't think people should be CHOOSING to have children in a situation like this, but sometimes it's not that simple.

No. 1975220

It's entirely religious. Palestinian men use religion as an excuse to control women, just like people in the USA try to use religion to control women but are much less successful. Ultimately I do entirely blame men and their ejaculations though. Because PIV sex is not necessary for life, yet they keep insisting on it and then crying when their children, who were conceived and born in a warzone, die in that exact same warzone. What did they expect to happen? These men are such selfish monsters that they don't even care of the toll they are putting their wives through, being forced to give birth to and losing multiple children while in war, yet the men keep on insisting on more children.
Honestly, the real conspiracy is that I see so much anti-feminist pysop coming from the Palestine/Israel conflict. Every feminist group I'm in has suddenly been invaded by people saying we need to raise funds to send to them because women and children are dying. But women's liberation has nothing to do with saving those particular children, and it's not like the money only goes to save the women, it's also goes right back into supporting those men and preserving their opinions and culture. Yet the those women posting those fundraising in the feminist groups lose their minds if you don't fully support Palestine and start saying how you're not a real feminist if you don't care about the Palestinian women and children. I think it's just another pysop to drain attention and funds away from women's liberation while sowing discord.

No. 1975251

oh yep definitely religion in Palestine, was thinking more about Ukraine where religion isn't as strongly followed in comparison. Maybe if they birth Jesus Jr it will stop?

No. 1975276

>But women's liberation has nothing to do with saving those particular children

it's very sad how the compassion suddenly comes to a halt when it comes to someone (a people) you don't like.

>it's a psyop to turns attention away from women's liberation

no, it's a psyop to stop nonnies from sympathizing with enemies of israel

No. 1975289

Here come the genocide lover zionist i was talking about, deflecting amd crying about anti semitism. Rinse and repeat.
Can we talk about how zionists literally control and own the U.S media and also politics with their lobbying(AIPAC) or are facts still anti semetic? That’s a fucking conspiracy right there.

No. 1975294

imma still donate more money to palestine, congo, and sudan.

No. 1975295

no nonnie, you can't. just like how there can be a discussion about the ugly man psyop but there is an unspoken rule against looking at whose in control of the media a little too much, kek

No. 1975297

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JFK was killed right when he was in a legal battle with AIPAC. He wanted to force them to be registered as a foreign entity under the FARA act, his last speech also went into alot about how there are “secret” actors behind the scenes in the U.S and that he wanted to stop it. Boom, he died and AIPAC never registered under FARA.
Photo; AIPAC boasting about how they own U.S politicians, can’t make this shit up.

No. 1975300

>98% of elected officials backed by Israel
They say it themselves, but when we say the same thing we're the bad guys.

No. 1975306

Epstein was a Mossad agent that collected blackmail material on US politicians. I don't know how Zionists controlling the US government is even a conspiracy at this point when the evidence is overwhelming.

The problem is that people assume zionist = all jews and that isn't true. It's a specific group of elites that are more likely to be satanists while claiming to be jews. Ordinary jews that aren't part of the secret cabal get fucked over as hard as everyone else.

No. 1975311

Mossad agents are everywhere. I can't say too much but there was a an acquaintance that has been outspoken against Israel and let's just say they have tried to sabotage some of his work.

No. 1975321

>compassion suddenly comes to a halt when it comes to someone (a people) you don't like.
Why would I financially support someone who believes I, and anyone of my sex, am inherently biologically inferior? That we should have less rights than them. Do you also donate money to the Quiverful movements and call your senate telling them to give Quiverful couples large grants and free food and medical aid?
And some women buy BBLs or spend their money on their boyfriend's bail. People spend money on foolish things all the time.
Literally no. We're not allowed to talk about Jewish peoples at all here, the the one mod hands out bans. She'll also ban you for discussing Islam in a bad light.

No. 1975334


nonnie…come on. the same zionists waging genocide are the same with deep pockets in misogyny and patriarchy world-wide. it's not a matter of "palestinians are islamic so it's ok for them to get bombed". palestinian muslims, christians, feminists, white aid workers, are all getting killed. it's colonization, not a war for feminism or even a war against misogynistic islam. you don't need to donate money but you shouldn't back genocide. that's all.

No. 1975338

imaging comparing donating for causes that are saving lives of women to bbls. says all there is to know about you.

No. 1975444

What words have I written that imply I support Israel? Fuck those parasites.
>it's colonization, not a war for feminism
Cool, then women as a group don't need to concern ourselves about it or support them in any way. It does not need to be mentioned at all by any group that fights for women's rights and if it is mentioned, it should only be in the context of no matter how men suffer as civilians in war, women suffer more.
This is why I'm convinced this is a pysop. Agents are feeding off of women's natural inclination to help those in need in order to fracture women's rights groups, brainwash women into accepting "our place" by propping up extreme examples of patriarchy to serve as threats of how bad men in this country can be, and to also pave the way to bully women into accepting refugees from patriarchal countries. Once in the host country, those refugees will them further destabilize women's rights under the guise of "cultural acceptance" and the use of sexual violence.

No. 1975457

>It does not need to be mentioned at all by any group that fights for women's rights and if it is mentioned, it should only be in the context of no matter how men suffer as civilians in war, women suffer more

when Israel stops targeting palestinian women, sure. all women should be horrified to be targeted as combatants as non-participating civilians. this is basic common sense, human decency, geneva convention stuff that israel gets to skirt all the time.

No. 1975473

Does Israel only target civilian women? It doesn't attack or target civilian men at all?

No. 1975474

…they shouldn't be attacking civilians period. trying to separate it by gender just to sneak it by as kosher to feminism is funny though

No. 1975493

Don’t forget North Korea!

No. 1975509

lame ass reply you dont even try

No. 1975525

What do you mean? They’ve been sanctioned to hell and back by the “good guys” and their people are starving due to the consequences of western imperialism. All they want is to build nukes to defend themselves and mind their own business. Also, they’re against Israel.

No. 1975543

strange defense of israeli genocide, non

No. 1975544

You really are typing this garbage, thinking you're so savy and swaggy. What a pitiful individual. I will support people who are undergoing genocide. How some of you choose to overlook the suffering of others because they're Muslims, regardless of how badly they've suffered throughout history, is sick. You don't even take the time to read about what's going on in the Congo and Sudan. It makes me wonder how you can live with yourself.

No. 1975594

Yeah, I knew you would refuse to answer that. So no dodging the question, why do you think that feminist groups should put their fight for women's liberation on hold in order to fund and support men? Let alone men who once saved, would then immediately turn around and fight against those same women? How does this directly benefit women's rights?

No. 1975622

To be honest I think the moids, militaries, and government on both sides are garbage and I don’t care which side wins. I just feel bad for the women and tourists caught in the middle.

No. 1975626

I support no genocide against the helpless and have pity for Islamic women and children than I do their moids. I hope the Middle East rises up and stop letting their bullshit idea of theocracy rule over them.

No. 1975714

you're confused, nonna. israel is a theocracy too. non-jews (religious) are second class citizens.

"Israel’s declaration of independence recognizes the equality of all the country’s residents, Arabs included, but equality is not explicitly enshrined in Israel’s Basic Laws, the closest thing it has to a constitution. Some rights groups argue that dozens of laws indirectly or directly discriminate against Arabs.

Israel’s establishment as an explicitly Jewish state is a primary point of contention, with many of the state’s critics arguing that this by nature casts non-Jews as second-class citizens with fewer rights. The 1950 Law of Return, for example, grants all Jews, as well as their children, grandchildren, and spouses, the right to move to Israel and automatically gain citizenship. Non-Jews do not have these rights. Palestinians and their descendants have no legal right to return to the lands their families held before being displaced in 1948 or 1967."

now these israelis are waging a genocide on these second class arabs.

not dodging at all, I don't see any reason to even project feminism into this. islam isn't good for women, but this does not mean bombing muslims is good. feminists don't need to donate a thing…but they should reject the israeli plan for palestinian genocide.

No. 1975734

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the only correct opinion itt imo.
literally this whole argument is "Do you support the white misogynists who want to take over the world due to their shit religion or the brown misogynists who want to take over the world due to their shit religion? If you refuse to answer then you literally support the bombing of children btw. also if you don't support my team you are literally hitler" Wtf can the average woman even do about this anyway? even if you're pro one side or the other wtf will you even be able to do? nothing. if you convince me to back your side, i cant send fucking nukes or stop tptb from sending money to the bad guize. The other nona is right that this is literally a divide and conquer psyop to fragment and destabilize. there is no right answer, and no power in being correct. it's theater.

No. 1975762

That’s why the said “the Middle East” which includes Israel.

No. 1977016

>evil theocratic murderers
i would be very careful with using this phrase while trying to make a point for an islamic terrorist organization.

No. 1977313

So a celebrity blind item tiktok I follow posted a blind item from the celebrity blogger Enty that had nothing to do with celebrities at all. It stated that scientists discovered around the start of Covid an asteroid was going to hit Earth in 2029 and be a life ending event. For obvious reasons the public will not be told ahead of time, unless they are able to avert it or somehow destroy it. Now, I had heard something similar a long time ago and never looked further into it, but for some reason a celebrity gossip blogger sharing it kind of freaked me out. They don't ever share those kinds of "gossip" stories so why this one?? We all gonna die in 2029?? What have you heard nonnies?

No. 1977374

please don't shit up the conspiracy thread with tiktok clickbait

No. 1977862

>an asteroid was going to hit Earth in 2029 and be a life ending event.
Good, I just hope I’m in the impact zone so I don’t slowly starve to death or freeze

No. 1977970

Oh right, the thousands of rape victims should promptly film themselves during their rapes so they can prove it to you. But even if they did, you wouldn't fucking believe it because the poor hecking muslim boys would never! What are you going to say next, honor killings aren't real? The women being filmed by islamists as they get spat on and dragged around aren't real? It's always so funny when cocksuckers will literally deny reality. You don't need to gaslight people about the thousands of years of muslim men torturing and raping muslim women to say that you don't agree with israel.

My problem with people like you is that before this conflict you (most likely) couldn't give a shit about how many women in palestine got regularly killed, raped and abused by men of their own community. No one ever had a problem with that and if you dared to say that muslim men are rape apes hiding behind a pedophile religion you would get twitterfags and "feminists" malding and pissing themselves yelling "islamophobia!!!". Now everyone has to care about Palestinian women (and that itself would be fine) BUT you must not mention the non-muslim women being raped by muslim men during this conflict. Literally every kind of man will rape women and children during war but the ones believing in a religion where rape isn't a crime would fucking never!

No. 1978066

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Not gonna mention the systemic rape of Palestinian prisonors in Israeli jail? Or the fact that Israel is a literal pedo haven?

No. 1978067

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No. 1978082

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No. 1978093

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They even rape and assault their own female soldiers too, the women are forced to serve for the military. That means no escape.
All races and ethnicities of men are evil, muslim men are no different ofcourse. This kosher feminist narrative that muslim men are so much worse than other men so we must genocide palestinian women and children is built on a very shakey foundation and retard psycho logic. You are a white feminist(i hate this term, but it firs so perfectly here) who only cares when it benefits you.

No. 1978114

Nta and not involved but
>This kosher feminist narrative that muslim men are so much worse than other men
So do you believe that rape and assault statistics are even across nationalities of men? I’m not being snarky I’m genuinely asking. Because if that were true than why are women from the Middle East, India, and South Africa constantly migrating to the west in hopes of a safer life? And if that were true then rape statistics wouldn’t spike after boatloads of refugee moids flood into a city or state.

No. 1978137

The men here hide it better and the courts always side with them, less than 1% of reported rape cases end in a conviction.
The men here (i am in Europe), grow up with the knowledge that it is socially unacceptable, so put up a front in public but are monsters in the shadows (drugging women, raping victims who trust them, have rings of pedos and rapists who operate together etc.) where as refugees and migrants often come from war stricken countries and grew up with little to no social order, therefor believe it to be normal and fine, thus not hiding their crimes, raping randos etc, combined with systemic racism it’s more likely to end in a convictions vs a white man raping a longtime female friend or a child who was close to them.

No. 1978163

I see your point but I still half disagree, I think there’s no way the statistics could be virtually even regardless of socialization or supposed court racism.

No. 1978193

I didn't mention it because everyone is already saying it. Again I know Israel is bad and full of rich pedos, but this doesn't erase the fact that muslim men regularly rape muslim and non muslim women. I say "muslim men rape women and because they think it's their divine right" and your first reaction is "b-but Israel does it too!!!" as if that calcels out the first. Also every muslim country is a literal pedo haven, child marriage is literally normal to them because their prophet is a pedophile. Same thing in India where women and children get raped daily, but no one gives a shit about that and no one gave a shit about palestinian women before a bunch of men decided to flail each other alive for muh land. Your worry over palestine now is performative.

No. 1978194

You also ignored the context of my point
>> This kosher feminist narrative that muslim men are so much worse than other men so we must genocide palestinian women and children is built on a very shakey foundation…
I don’t really want to go into a discussion on which colour of men are more evil than the other and derail the thread further. There is xx for that. My point was about how ridicilous of a premise that arguement is for genocide of innocent people.

No. 1978201

No, anon. My TAX money is funding this shit, and Israeli lobby money is behind that. This is the conspiracy thread, not man hate or feminism thread (unless related to conspiracy). The difference is also that you brought it up, so ofcourse i’m going to point out that Israeli or jewish(#notall) men aren’t angels either, i mean for gods sake, Epstein and Maxwell, any bells ringing? All the abrahamic religions support child marriage, rape, pedophilia and see women as inferior, we know this, this is just not the thread for it.

No. 1978355

Anon this is the most retarded thing I’ve read today. Most of humans come from a long line of rapists btw. Your own father probably forced your mother into sex a few times during their marriage. We don’t need to go back that far in history, most grandfathers have questionable relationships with their spouses. If you’re not standing up for other women because they are muslims, you’re not a feminist and you have the compassion levels of a moid. Little girls also get killed during war by the way, if you even care about it.

No. 1978367

Anon, you’re making way too many assumptions for some anonymous person behind a screen. I do not condone Islam or Muslim men who rape women of other ethnic or religious backgrounds. You sound way too obsessed with rape by the way like you have some PTSD from a traumatic event. I hate to break it to you, but white moids are also rapey af. Just wait until some level of societal collapse and they will eventually show their true colors.
That said Muslim women and children do not deserve to get killed. Over 10.000 children were killed because of Israel. You are either too traumatized or too fucked up in the head if you don’t see what’s happening. USA will give their citizens’ tax dollars to Israel, while US citizens get shitty 3rd world level healthcare and education.

No. 1978396

Damn right anon. I’m not american but your politicians are in their pockets, full stop. They have free healthcare in Israel, they would in no way be able to affors that if it wasn’t for U.S. and european money. OUR tax money, funding their luxurious livestyles and at the same time a genocide they are comitting. It’s sick, and people defend it because muh muslim bad, apparently that’s enough reasoning to these retards to genocide a whole people.

No. 1978421

>to genocide a whole people.
I haven’t been participating in this debate until now, and I know this is probably an unpopular opinion here, but I really think twitterfags have degraded what “genocide” means, much like they’ve done with many other loaded terms. I do think what Israel is doing is massive retaliation and should therefore be considered a war crime, and that the loss of Palestinian life is tragic, but unfortunately some civilian deaths are unavoidable in any kind of ground invasion during a war, and Israel has taken steps (roof knocking, evacuation orders, etc) to cut down on civilian casualties. Have they done enough? No. But do you really think Israel, one of the most militarized countries in the world, couldn’t actually kill off most Palestinians if they really wanted?
>inb4 anons call me a zionists sympathizer
I genuinely do hope to see a free Palestine, just like I hope the US cuts funding to Israel. But this black-and-white twitterspeech is why it’s hard to take the watermelon emoji zoomers seriously, like they don’t actually know what genocide really looks like and fall for the ragebait just to feel righteous, ignoring the facts

No. 1978434

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UN human rights council disagrees with you, it also fits the definition to a tee. More than 30.000 people are dead within 6 months, and that’s only the bodies that have been found, many more are decaying under rubble.
They are also doing more than just killing, they have effectively destroyed almost all infastructure, their goal is to kill, destroy and starve them till they leave or die, so they can take the land for themselves, and if they won’t leave? They’ll make up some boogeyman and destroy them for good. The only reason they haven’t done so yet is because the world is watching.

No. 1978439

Also you calling anyone who deems it a genocide a twitterfag is so dishonest, i don’t even use twitter and never have. That would be like me calling everyone who supports Israel a retarded evangelical christian boomer or an Israeli (as true as it might be, jk).

No. 1978461

>their goal is to kill, destroy and starve them till they leave or die
Israel’s explicit goal is to eradicate Hamas, which is difficult since Hamas has popular support from the civilian population (this is understandable given the fact that Hamas has been the de facto government for Gaza which opposes oppressive Israeli hegemony). You might not believe in their explicit goal and see genocidal intent. Agree to disagree. I think this conflict most resembles Cold War conflicts like the Vietnam War, in which civilians supported the opposition and faced massive (much, much more massive than Palestinians) casualties. People don’t generally call the Vietnam War a genocide, but considering how much higher the casualties were in that war than in Palestine, I would understand if they did. Imo, however, civilian casualties are inherent to this type of armed conflict, since combatant and civilian populations can’t easily be separated. Also, I find it interesting that the countries that have accused Israel of genocide in international court have terrible human rights records themselves and are proxy states for Russia (allies with Iran). This is a proxy war built off of Cold War tensions (the reason why the US even started funding Israel in the first place) and it’s not so black-and-white
>Also you calling anyone who deems it a genocide a twitterfag is so dishonest
I did not say this. I do, however, think that twitter has perpetuated a culture of laymen grasping onto loaded terms that they don’t really understand the full implications of, which has proliferated into popular culture

No. 1978481

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Can you tell me why they have bombed civilian houses, aid workers, journalists, universities, camps and all the hospitals in Gaza then? Hamas was hiding in there? All of those places, among aid workers? If so, if they magically know where hamas is at all times and with such certainty, why don’t they send in special OPs? I mean, they are totally limiting casualities right?
Why is Israel limiting aid? How is that fighting hamas?
And this is nothing like Vietnam. The U.S didn’t have any reason to kill all the vietnamese in the same way Israel does with palestinians. Why? Because Israel want’s more palestinian land, and is taking it by force, you also see this with the continuing settlements. They are bombing everything in Gaza because they intend to build there themselves in the future.

No. 1978484

I’m not interested in infighting about this with you because I don’t really think you know how war works but
>And this is nothing like Vietnam. The U.S didn’t have any reason to kill all the vietnamese in the same way Israel does with palestinians.
Yeah ok…

No. 1978486

>> … Because Israel want’s more palestinian land, and is taking it by force, you also see this with the continuing settlements. They are bombing everything in Gaza because they intend to build there themselves in the future.

Same, we aren’t getting anywhere.

No. 1978517

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see also picrel

No. 1978518

Accurate, so many twitterfags lately, one accidentally self posted in the news stories thread the other week too

No. 1978520

Double post but you are so based

No. 1978521

>the thousands of rape victims should promptly film themselves during their rapes so they can prove it to you

when israel makes a claim they need to provide evidence. do you think the palestinians killed and roasted a bunch of babies too? atrocity and rape claims is how you get people to back an unpopular war. think nonnie.

No. 1978527

Enty and CDAN just steals shit from other sources or makes shit up. He ignores actual tips a lot of people send him too. Selectively picks and chooses what he thinks will entice his audience rather than caring about the truth. He's deep down the asshole of his own sensationalism. Oh, and he's an abuser himself who cheated on his wife and encouraged his mistress to be an anachan. Mr. Nelson can fuck right off

No. 1978530

Parroting everything the media regurgitates 24/7 is based?

No. 1978531

I don’t want to start up the infight again and anons should be allowed to have different opinions, including the anon I was arguing with, but thank you, nonna. It is reassuring to hear I’m not alone in my thoughts

No. 1978534

Nta but why are you caping for hamas so hard, for days on end too? I didn’t hear about any babies but did you not see them parachuting into the festival? What about that young woman stripped and lying dead on the back of a car while the Muslim men spat on her and everyone around them cheered like a bunch of backwood hillbillies celebrating a deer hunt? Was that a Jewish lie too kek

No. 1978536

>caping for hamas

I'm not doing anything for hamas, I'm saying I don't believe Israel's claims. If Israel is making up hoaxes to support the war, then they need to be called out. and while you're getting outraged by posts in this thread, there are thousands of women being murdered and starved.

No. 1978540

Knowing the politics and history of different wars and being well spoken and getting a clear point across in an argument is very based

No. 1978541

Hamas proudly filmed themselves committing atrocities towards Israeli civilians. You deny that they did it?

No. 1978542

No one is ~outraged~ your just a sperg who can’t keep from replying to every comment and bringing up the same infight day after day, I’m not going to entertain your weird need to infight about something you don’t even have the iq to grasp, it’s tiring. Your a tiring anon, you sucked the life out of the thread

No. 1978543

You didn’t hear of the supposedly 40 beheaded babies? That was everywhere, Ben Shapiro also posted an AI image on twitter of some ashes that supposedly were burnt babies kek. But yes, parachuting terrorists flying into a music festival, above one of the most guarded borders in the world without being noticed, from a land without an airport is totally plausible and definetly not a psyop.

No. 1978545

Oh, i wasn’t aware that stateless Palestine was allowed a military! You learn something new every day.

No. 1978547

>Ben Shapiro
Ok but Ben Shapiro is a known retard, why are we discussing him here?

No. 1978549

Are you… retarded? You know what happened on October 7th, right?

No. 1978550

File: 1713971400843.jpg (489.76 KB, 2048x1365, shani louk.jpg)

>assumes anons itt listen to Ben Shapiro
Oh so you're like, actually special needs. Also if the hamas attack didn't happen explain how she ended up half naked and dead? Are you one of those retards who think hamas was just helping her? Ntayrt

No. 1978551

Your just going to keep on tard raging huh

No. 1978557

sure nonnie, sure. how many palestinian women should be murdered for the sake of the festival attack? 1 to 1000? palestinian/muslim women are obviously worth less to you. they are amalek after all.

exactly nonnie, but these zionists are always blowing a fuse over the basic ethics of hoaxing. it's worth noting that the festival women were all anti-Bibi. how convenient for Bibi that all his haters were slain right before he was voted out…

No. 1978558

>Are you aware that Netanyahu has funded Hamas too right?
Yes, two sides can be awful at once. Why is that so hard for you to grasp?

No. 1978559

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I am not saying it didn’t happen, i’m saying it was allowed to happen or was a psyop, nothing else makes logical sense.
Are you aware that Netanyahu has funded Hamas?

No. 1978560

That was not the point i was making, now was it?

No. 1978561

Anon, did you actually read what the article is saying? I know this is the schizo thread, but please develop some reading comprehension before citing an article kek

No. 1978562

No one wants women to be killed, retard. You act like Hamas did nothing and you got corrected.

No. 1978564

I don't even think you know what point you're trying to make, you just keep sperging out in all directions and bringing up points no one even mentioned.

No. 1978569

Yes, let me directly quote some of it for you, since you seem unable to read
>> For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group.
>> The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Interesting, isn’t it?

>> Hamas was also included in discussions about increasing the number of work permits Israel granted to Gazan laborers, which kept money flowing into Gaza, meaning food for families and the ability to purchase basic products.

>> Toward the end of Netanyahu’s fifth government in 2021, approximately 2,000-3,000 work permits were issued to Gazans. This number climbed to 5,000 and, during the Bennett-Lapid government, rose sharply to 10,000.

No. 1978570

I’m the 1978542 anon and I didn’t say anything about Palestinian women being lesser or deserving of murder? You’re projecting weird stuff because you got yourself so worked up. Close the thread, take a walk and relax. No one said Palestinian women are lesser, your literally retarded.

No. 1978571

There are several people here retard

No. 1978573

Yes, and we're all telling you you're stupid.

No. 1978574

>anon cites zionist source to prove to us how hamas is all a zionist psyop
KEK. The jokes write themselves. Also, who here is defending Netanyahu? He can rot in hell

No. 1978579

Deflecting again. Point being; October 7th was a psyop or an attack that was allowed to happen, there are also IDF soldiers speaking on it and their time working on the border, how it would have been impossible to not have been noticed. Why? Perfect excuse to attack Gaza, to go get the boogeyman. The U.S does this all the time, like after 9/11, weapons of mass destruction, you know the drill.
Netanyahu has funded hamas in an effort to prevent Palestine to be recognized as a state.
Why? That’s the question. More settlements? More land? That’s my guess.

No. 1978583

I really want to know how "Hamas did murder and rape Israeli civilians" translates into "I think Palestinian women should die" in anon's mind.
And as if farmers aren't against male violence against women in general.

No. 1978585

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I think it's a complicated case because I believe a jewish state should exist cause with their history and all they've been through and I think many activists are in complete denial of reality if they think Israel will just disappear because they did some boycotts. At the same time they could also acknowledge that they have some sociopathic people in their ranks who do harm and make the situation worse.

No. 1978586

I’m not deflecting, you are just not very good at building an argument. Yes, it is Netanyahu’s best interest to prevent a unified Palestine. Who here is arguing against that? As a matter of fact, who here is defending Israel’s actions at all? But citing a Zionist article that is arguing Netanyahu made too many concessions to Gazans by allowing them work permits makes you look extremely retarded.

No. 1978589

Careful, nonna. Too much sanity might trigger the resident schizos of this thread

No. 1978598

Palestinians are actively being genocided, the excuse was that Hamas attacked innocent civilians on october 7th. The whole narrative changes when it becomes apparent that the whole thing was a psyop OR allowed to happen by Netanyahu, who has also funded them in an effort to stop Palestine from becoming a state. That is relevant information, because Israel want’s more land, leveling Gaza and killing the residents makes it easier to acquire.

No. 1978603

I don't think it will ever stop existing and I think that most of the people who go on assuming Israelis will just pack up and go back to Philadelphia or wherever the fuck after The Revolution are deluded, but I find it hard to understand why people think a separate Jewish state on previously occupied land is justified based on suffering. Could you elaborate on why you think that? Not baiting just curious.

For me the hard part to justify is why Jewish people specifically are given this elevated status to entitlement to a state by global powers in a way no other minority group will ever be entitled to. On reflection I suppose it would be nice for every group subject to that level of brutality and discrimination to be given such treatment and perhaps this is me going "well if I suffer they must too", but I can't see the justification for such states existing when their existence involves driving out those who were on said land to begin with.

No. 1978605

You just keep restating the same things over and over again without being able to adequately counter any of the opposing arguments anons have brought up here. You’re like a broken record. It’s pointless to try an argue with anons like you

No. 1978607

What point have you made? That i’m retarded for posting an article that goes into how Netanyahu has worked directly with Hamas? I’m explaining my reasoning, since you seem confused.

No. 1978608

>you act

is not the same thing as…ever saying hamas ever did nothing. you're putting words in my mouth, nonna.

sure, it hamas did the hoaxes israel is accusing them of, that then justifies the genocide of many women and children in palestine. it's not rocket science. you're not arguing from the perspective of a feminist, you're just another zionist.

anyone who looks at the history will not see any excuse for Israel to exist on palestinian land. there are tenuous claims from 2,000 years ago they used to live there. that's all. and palestine is only part of it, israel likes to fudge the amount of land it deserves - sometimes they claim they deserve the "historical" jewish land (which is all of palestine and further), and then there is the "biblical" which is all of syria, and egypt.

No. 1978611


No. 1978614

nta, but the majority of jewish israelis do have middle eastern roots, being of partial or full mizrahi descent. they’re not just colonial-settlers from philly, despite some contemporary narratives. mizrahi jews are some of the most anti-arab, pro-zionist israelis because they have been historically violently persecuted by arab muslims and driven off their own land. unfortunately, extremism and intolerance only breeds more extremism and intolerance. as for why ashkenazi (european-descended) jews also now reside in israel: before, during, and immediately after the holocaust, european countries did not want to accept jewish refugees into their countries because antisemitism was still widespread at the time. zionism, as an ideology, was directly born as a result of growing european nationalism and genocidal antisemitism. palestine has for pretty much all of its history been occupied/colonized land. it was colonized by the romans, then the ottomans, and then the brits. the brits gave palestinian territory under their control to jewish refugees since they were not really welcome anywhere else. however, zionism grew more racist as jews attempted to gain the upper-hand over native arab populations and eventually replicated the very european-esque racist nationalism that drove them out of europe in the first place

No. 1978621

this 40% of Israelis are from arab countries, most of whom left due to violent anti-semitism and being treated like second class citizens, where the fuck can they go?

No. 1978627

TY nona, I really appreciate it. Looks like it's time for me to do some more reading.

No. 1978636

Don't forget that according to their own foundational myth, the Hebrew people colonized the region as well

No. 1978640

The ones directly descended from Palestine can stay, the others can go back to their home countries. Do you have any sources for all your claims btw? That jews weren’t welcomed to european countries and the U.S, i’d like to see that.

No. 1978641

second ayrt. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make, but I’m not defending zionism at all kek. I don’t think it really matters who lived in israel 3000 years ago, that doesn’t make israel any more justified in trying to violently seize more palestinian land. however, I do sympathize with both palestinians and jews for the centuries of oppression they’ve endured. hamas and the israeli zionist government have both been radicalized by these histories

No. 1978644

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Regardless of intent, we can all there there is an issue where this conflict has been "fandomized", with america(and cultural american) activists using the same type of activism tactics they've used for black and queer issues for a decade now and now applying it to something that actually matters leading to retarded results like picrel.

No. 1978646

Cringe but hey, atleast they aren’t letting it die down so Israel can genocide palestinians in peace.

No. 1978649

No. 1978671

The point I'm making is they've taken the land in this exact same way before.

No. 1978673

This pic made me realize that people are treating it like sports and they’re rabid fans. Gross.

No. 1978678

The entire history of humanity is full of migrations and conquests, especially in antiquity. You seem obsessed with a certain group of people

No. 1978684

I'm just point out they don't have any more right to it than anyone else. The politics of my country are quite literally imploding over this as we speak. Why wouldn't it be on my mind?

No. 1978689

Which country is that?

No. 1978696

Do you really think a bunch of fags on twitter making little posters is going to make a difference in a war between governments? If you say yes you are too stupid and or young to be here.

No. 1978703

America of course. The election might literally be decided on this.

No. 1978736

It's being completely shit up by Israel and Palestine sperging. Why can't that go somewhere else they aren't even talking conspiracies just arguing about the war. please go away and do that elsewhere like in the general politics thread.

No. 1978785

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it's grotesque to see such a serious issue commercialized and made into literal fashion accessories so that pampered westerners can feel like they're a good person making a difference when in reality they would never sacrifice anything meaningful for the cause if it resulted in them experiencing even an ounce of discomfort. i'm tired of seeing spoiled terminally online individuals congratulating each other for their efforts when all they've really done is perform utterly meaningless acts like announce that they're not eating at mcdonalds or starbucks anymore and are getting their calorific fix elsewhere instead.

No. 1978843

I don’t see the problem, Starbucks is garbage anyway.

No. 1978896

a certain group of people are trying to genocide another certain group of people, nonna. zionist gaslighting is wild. these israelis can't even contain the narrative in elite colleges, but they act surprised and offended nonnas won't swallow the bullshit.

No. 1978915

>Everyone that isn’t autistically obsessed with da joos like me is a zionist!!!1!
Ok schizo

No. 1978917


back off abbott. there are plenty of Jews who don't believe the lies protesting the genocide in Harvard and UT and elsewhere, I'm not convinced for a second you're smarter than any of them either, kek(this is an imageboard)

No. 1978918

Genuinely what are you replying to? Me calling you a schizophrenic?

No. 1978919

I'm replying to you calling me an anti-semite. The loudest anti-zionist voices are all jewish women. This isn't about hatred of Jews, this is about protesting the genocide of palestinians. I'm surprised it took you that long to bring anti-semitism into this though.

No. 1978925

Anon, please quote where I called you an anti-semite. Your schizophrenia is showing, holy shit

No. 1978926

when you strawmoid'd my argument into whining about "da joos". we're not stupid, nonna.

No. 1978928

Because you continued to derail this thread over a debate that has been endlessly repeated. Seek help

No. 1978929

don't act like a moid and pretend it's a derail when you lose an argument nonna. but I'll agree, arguing with the brain-washed is exhausting.

No. 1978932

What argument are we having, again? What exactly do you think I believe? Because I don’t think we’ve talked about that, anon

No. 1978952

Lord almighty I hate Greg Abbott can he please have another tree fall on him thank you god finish the job

No. 1979348

Exactly, she is the skitzo and cannot handle zionism being critizised so she makes it into “da joos” or “you’re retarded”. It’s easy to spot her posts, pure derailing and infighting with no counterpoints. Just ignore her.

No. 1979438

You cannot reason with white kosher feminists anon. Their moids are sooo much better, they are not pedos or rapists like the Muslims!
The word genocide shouldn’t be taken lightly, but this is a genocide because Israel is deliberately targeting infrastructure, hospitals, universities. They have the military tech to target select intellectuals, prominent doctors to murder them in their homes so that they’ll play the “look at these Palestinians! They are uneducated and uncivilized!” game in the near future.

No. 1979440

You just “but do you condemn hamas”’d the other anon

No. 1979459

The point is USA and UN wouldn’t waste a second condemning Islamic terrorists, as they should, but when Israel is doing much worse, they choose to stay quiet.

No. 1979475

>Their moids are sooo much better, they are not pedos or rapists like the Muslims!
Nta but aren't you tired of this strawman? No one said white moids aren't rapists, iirc some anons replied to someone saying all the video evidence about hamas killing/raping cilivians were "hoaxes" which is just ridiculous.

The shitty drawings are cringe but honestly not too bad. However the left pic is absurd. Dykes for Palestine? Really? They'd throw the two lesbians in the pic off a roof without a second thought (this doesn mean I want them all to die pleae don't start sperging). It's like when that one twitter user made like a map of uwu gay palestinian people and risked doxxing them to their own community who would kill them.

No. 1979486

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it must drive the zionists insane like half the protesters are jewish themselves.
personally i was never into the whole jews run the world conspiracy, im not a pol tard. Im more into a multiple factions, arabs, anglos, jews, han, run the world

No. 1979496

I think that rich men rule the world, some of them are jews some of them are not, the jewish ones don't give a shit about jewish women, the others neither care about the women from their cultures because they are men after all, a bunch of fucking pedophiles. Of course there are elite dynasties but women in those families are used for establishing alliances and providing offspring.

No. 1979511

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No. 1979901

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I think we all should know by now that everyone in Hollywood(except the producers) has been sexually abused.

No. 1979909

The things I would do to see Weinstein get raped by a gerontophilic faggot…

No. 1979910

i do believe Weinstein´s first sentence was overturned so his connections help biden win the next election, it was a deal, like always.
no way Biden can win the election without external help from a bit of traditional corruption.
you just know he would probably enjoy it, he is that kind of degenerate.

No. 1979944

The most rational explanation is that rich men have always ruled the world regardless of ethnicity or religion but focusing on ethnicity or religion minimizes the harm they do and I feel like the majority of /pol/tards are too mentally retarded to focus on the bigger picture, but also most of them are men who'd rather deflect onto DA JOOS than admit it's MEN doing the harm as men themselves

No. 1980001

the rich men that rule the world have a hard-on for zionism, regardless if they are jews or whites, or eskimos. the zionists obviously have control over the currently popular democrat liberals, just like they have completely control over the republicans of the bush era.

No. 1980028

I'm just sick and tired of them sending 17 billion to Israel in foreign aid when this garbage country won't forgive medical debt and didn't forgive much in the way of loan debt for students either. This country is suffering and there's no need to be pumping 17 billion fucking dollars in aide to shitass israel or any other country for that matter. If Biden gets reelected nothing is going to change and if Trump gets elected again it'll be an even worse shitshow. You can't win!

No. 1980032

that's how you know who's running the show, nonna. complete control of "democracy" by owning both parties. control of hollywood and mainstream news. it goes on and on. and they hide behind anti-semitism to the point it doesn't make sense…Greg Abbott is arresting Jewish kids for anti-semitism. how does that make sense?

No. 1980034

nta but it's just the fact that jews are very disproportionately in positions of power and influence and the fact you aren't even allowed to acknowledge it is what drives some people to veer to hard anti-antisemitism.

No. 1980064

Yeah but some of the theories that come up in regards to the ancient long debunked elders of Zion blood libel shit are so mentally unhinged that I can't imagine why or how anyone believes in it. Like it's pure concentrated mental retardation regardless.

Again hyperfixating on the race or ethnicity of the offender and the elite person isn't the matter, it's the shit they're perpetrating. There are abusive Saudi oligarchs and there's also abusive Russian oligarchs, there's abusive Jewish lawyers and there's abusive "gentile" elites, but at the end of the day, most of them are moids and they're abusive and people should focus on their crimes. Marty Singer is a piece of shit, Oleg Deripaska is a piece of shit, Abdulaziz is a piece of shit, but it's not because they're Jewish, Russian, or Arab respectively, it's because they are rich abusive pieces of shit powerful men who use their power to abuse others.

The problem really at its core is men. Men are the ones doing most of this shit. conspiracy theory communities are laden with moids, moids don't want to admit they're the problem. In fact, most moids don't want to admit they don't care about women or child victims at all, and they'd do the same if they were rich and powerful enough. That's the real blackpill

No. 1980067

Yeah but some of the theories that come up in regards to the ancient long debunked elders of Zion blood libel shit are so mentally unhinged

nobody is protesting or getting arrested over the protocols of zion. they are getting arrested over protesting israel's genocide on palestinians. and the reason why israel believes it has right to palestine and a right to wipe out the arabs, is due to zionism.

>it's the moids

and the zionist women enabling them.

No. 1980539

Willem Dafoe’s really living up to the Green Goblin name

No. 1980561

File: 1714119523825.jpeg (1.21 MB, 5184x3456, IMG_4770.jpeg)

Trump is as much a zionist shill as Biden, plus he want’s to take away womens right to bodily autonomy.
Left or right, makes no difference.

No. 1980563

File: 1714119748961.jpeg (278.37 KB, 750x1136, IMG_4771.jpeg)

You can’t keep saying this shit when they admit it themselves anon.
I agree that it’s men but it is primarily christian zionist men and jewish zionist men, no way around it. Their retarded holy books are fueling this genocide.

No. 1980566

Based anon, no lies anywhere

No. 1980567

The zionists don’t touch this, it ruins their muh aNtIsEmItIsM narrative, their only shield.

No. 1981089

>but I could see it with how many celebs allegedly post on reddit and 4chan
Who exactly? Maybe some internet celebs post on reddit, but 4chan?

No. 1981459

>change of topic because muh ebil Zionist jooz is getting old
I think we’re heading to a future similar to Ghost In The Shell where medical advancements are made in regards to the brain and central nervous system; cybernetic parts in humans are considered normal, life will revolve around the web and the lines are blurred between the internet and real life.

No. 1981468

Dayz of Noah covered this topic in-depht.

No. 1981485

I'd have to find the screencap but there was a speculation list of celebrities, directors etc that post there. I wouldn't be shocked

No. 1981614

years ago Pete Wentz posted on 4chan, he was identified cause he posted a photo of his chest with very distinct tattoos (if you count him as a celeb. fall out boy were huge at the time he did it iirc)

No. 1981774

>fatties for palestine
>fruits in a pic

I think this is a sign of late stage corporate america (and it spilled worldwide via social media). For years buying certain brands meant also buying a certain illusion of a lifestyle. There is a book by Naomi Klein - "No Logo" where she explained how brands like Starbucks, Nike, Disney etc. created certain "values" for customers to identify with. We can see examples of that in consoomerism thread where people who buy x are similar to each other, like a subculture.
I read it years ago and it is kinda outdated now, but I think what we see is just evolution of that - people want their brands to have political, religious and ethical values. Which is crazy of course, they just want profit, and now customers are telling them what to do to sell more.
And now tinfoil time - I believe that soon corporations would become their own little governments/countries/whatever. They already have monetary power and connections, and we can see that also power over values they can push. Kinda like in Shadowrun games - corporations have their own prisons, police and political power. I hate when dystopian sci-fi becomes reality.

No. 1981825

Very interresting. He said one thing that i also think about. That humans are becoming buglike with this technology. I actully got kicked out of one Philosophy reddit one time for saying that certain people act more like insects and certain people more like primates and that it projects into the society. Somebody got offended (or maybe i found out something that shouldn't be said?).
This paralell with insects fascinates me because if we think about ants living in a highly controled system, every ant has his job and they never chill… ants are angry creatures. If you are in their way they'll bite you almost every time, what a miserable existence for ants being this stressed out by their system they belive can't escape out of. (Unlike for example solitary carpenter bees that are peaceful, i have a lot of them in my garden and they never had a problem with me unlike all the types ants i ever met!)
Now if i think of overpopulated humans taking on the traits of an insect system, it seems a natural thing to do. Insects also live in huge sawrms, like our huge cities, and the system is efficient for them to keep the huge swarm alive. Problem is that big apes don't do well in overpopulated system and so that's why there's lot more mentally ill and depressed people now than anytime in the past and it'll get worse. Some people though are more insect like and so they do well in the system and want the system because they think if it's good for them, it's good for everybody.

No. 1981838

Dayz of Noah is fantastic, so glad other nonnas are aware of him.

No. 1981917

they already have been doing that with streamers and internet content creators, where have you been, those aren’t “real” real people

No. 1982051

I once read a book that explained that creating symbols is a psychological instinct among humans, serving as a means to identify with their gods and tribes. It suggests that everyone from mainstream politicians to niche political parties and feminists of all types are all 'guilty' of this instinct.

No. 1982257

This reply to the badussy video is sending me kek

No. 1982532

That's very interesting, nonnie, could you write more about this?

No. 1982548

File: 1714253659793.mp4 (3.54 MB, 1280x712, 1703224334451.mp4)

I see the parallel to the concept of a hivemind. Many of these tech people have compared massive neural networks to a hivemind of sorts. Maybe they want to build a massive hivemind/ant colony where we are all interconnected. I know Alex Jones is pozzed but this video succinctly explains what they might be trying to do.

No. 1982611

Nitpick: its her job. Working ants are all female. Also while i like the general idea of your post, you are definitely projecting a lot of shit on ants. In fact they are one of the few insects that are capable of teaching each other.

No. 1982827

Marijuana is a substance used to control people by making them lazier, fatter, and dumber. The government wants people on as many drugs as possible to keep them underfoot. They've only been slowly allowing marijuana to become legal so it's less obvious and the boomer generation fights against it less. Other drugs will be coming down the pipeline, mark my words.

No. 1982844

this but you dont realize the enemy is alcohol. its all unnecessary calories and will literally kill your brain cells (one look at any alcoholic will tell you that). support networks for healing from alcoholism are necessary in society, the same is not true of weed.

No. 1982848

Literally both, Nona. They want us on as many drugs as possible.

No. 1982857

Alcohol is the one thing I don't understand, especially those who get angry, sad or flirty while drunk. It's an awful taste and makes you feel like shit, you take a while to get "accustomed" but you never truly do unless you sugar it the hell down like a daiquiri or something. Outside of addicts it's just peer pressure at this point

No. 1982872

When will people understand this? Every single time I've seen shit happen on social media retarded conservatives come out the woodwork to scream about how it's bidens fault for crime, bidens fault for homeless and everything else like?? Have these retards even lived in a conservative town during Trump's administration? I did and I can tell you it was no better. Most conservative moids will happily date high schoolers, do meth and beat their wives the difference is that their police force doesn't care if they do. And housing prices? Jobs? That's funny, when I was struggling to live during trump it was conservatives who popped out to tell me to just work harder or budget harder (even though I literally brought nothing). Now that they can point the finger at some leftie suddenly the issues they all claimed could've been solved with a job are destroying America

No. 1982909

The only good thing Trump did was issue stimulus checks. Fuck him otherwise. I don't understand how Biden, while literally a sitting duck, could be any worse than the damage and corruption Trump did infrastructurally when the infrastructure was already fucked. It's like trumps supporters only listen to right wing echo chambers or what Trump himself says because I can't fathom how Biden is worse than him in any way, and Biden is far from that liberal or progressive politically, that's why the DNC chose him as the safe neolib candidate to attract boomers and the swing vote. God people are so unbearably stupid it pains me

No. 1982916

trump did more liberal stuff in office than biden did but they're too obsessed with labels to realize that. I remember when people were getting 600/weekly unemployment conservatives were SEETHING but like? why weren't businesses already paying 600 weekly since that was the bare minimum at the time to afford a cheap studio apartment?

No. 1982921

atp I feel like either of them coming back into office will doom the American populace in a different way. I don't like either of them and this election year has been so quiet thus far I dread what's coming

No. 1982936

File: 1714280307144.webm (4.22 MB, 640x360, child abusing pig.webm)

all men are the same no matter where in the world you go
i'm tired

No. 1983031

kek is the cracker in your picrel a white "aboriginal" too? would be the cherry on top

No. 1983216

Taylor Swift and Doja Cat

No. 1983218

Trump isn't even a conservative, its all an act. Before running for president he was openly for gay rights and immigration

No. 1983260

File: 1714313805175.jpg (7.6 KB, 194x259, 1000000208.jpg)

Didnt he support an income for SAHMs and make animal abuse a felony? Almost positive he was pro amber heard too, how girly pop of him.

No. 1983264

He was also friends with Epstein and Maxwell, sexualized his own daughter and allegedly raped girls and women including his ex wife and abused a 13 year old…

No. 1983330

Never said he was a good person but he definitely passed (or wanted to pass) multiple laws that would make his supporters behead him if he were to label himself a liberal. Imagine if a liberal female president made animal abuse the death penalty and wanted to pass a universal income for housewives, they'd immediately start running around crying how women can't take accountability, are emotional and shouldn't be in office. Daddy trump apparently gets a free pass though

No. 1983337

>made animal abuse the death penalty
Didn't Hitler do this?

>wanted to pass a universal income for housewives

I think this is already happening in Hungary. It was introduced by Victor Orban's far right government.

No. 1983341

>Didn't Hitler do this?
NTA but if true, one of the very few things he ever did right

No. 1983361

Nonna how come I'm always super creative and work when I'm high then? Working high is the best if you need to focus for a long period of time. It's not the weed, when somebody is lazy they will be lazy high or not.

No. 1983395

>made animal abuse the death penalty
>Didn't Hitler do this?
The Nazis passed the first, or one of the first, laws against animal abuse in Europe.

No. 1983410

No. 1983442

Also burned troon books. If only those faggots did not go against Jews and made them flee to Palestine to go and terrorize them they wouldn’t be much different from the US.

No. 1983485

Ah yes, Taylor Swift sperging about her animu husbando on /a/
Also wasn't that a hoax?

No. 1983592

Jones is a disinfo shill, i can’t believe people take that clown seriously.

No. 1983705

I think that gnosticism was actually saying something real, but that in typical male fashion a lot got lost or twister to suit male needs. To be a woman is to be closet to God, for God is Female. It makes no sense for a creator god to be male as males only twist and destroy what women do, perhaps that's because to be male is to be lacking. Since woman are the default being male is a deformity, both a spiritual and physical one, that can only be escaped by death. That is why males chase after and oppress women and girls: from the tranny to the tatebro they envy women's natural connection to the divine and to perfection. Our ability to create leads to them to destroy, even tho women are the natural arbitrators of life (birth) and death (abortion), the male seeks to control womens bodies and to stop us from living our lives on our own terms (see the institution of marriage). Everything the male is he projects onto women: males are naturally whorish creatures willing to spread their legs for anything with a pulse, males are naturally deceitful creatures who put on front to lure women in to victimize them (because no one will love them if their truth is revealed), the males ability to act as breeding stock decreases with age. Of course that's not to say women can do no evil (but notice how evil women tend to have one thing in common). Women who hate women are plentiful, they facilitate the abuse of children under their care to appease the appetites of males, they seek to destroy girl's innocence because of their hatred for femaleness, they mutilate their daughters because of their male pleasing culture. Males created religion as a cope: their gods rape and pillage without stop, their holy figures practice pedophilia gladly. The demiurge promotes the hatred of women through male religion and culture. No area is free of his grasp. The demiurge is the true creator of malehood which was made in mockery of the woman. The demiurge promotes the hatred of ones own femaleness because he knows women who love themselves will not kneel towards homorapeins. A boymom, tradthot, or tif is easily manipulated by males, but any self respecting woman will laugh in such a creatures face. I believe that the true God, Sophia if you want to call her that, has become so vilified that when religion tells us 'ur going to hell' they are hinting that she is the Devil. The Accuser - she rightfully accuses males of their sins. The lightbringer- she brought light (women) into the world. Before anyone says "hurdur reproduction waah wahh" in a true perfect world women would practice parthogenosis or reproduce lesbianly. Some of you will say "I'm so ugly n deformeddd" your not that's your body dysmorphia (the demiurge) talking.

No. 1983892

File: 1714347568697.png (352 KB, 882x795, onlyfans-israel.png)

OF whores are literally funding genocide
>Ukrainian-American businessman, billionaire and pornographer Leonid Radvinsky, who owns around 75 percent of OnlyFans, along with his wife, donated more than $11 million to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. This is according to the investigative journalism outlet The Lever.

>According to confidential internal documents reviewed by The Lever, AIPAC reported a massive $90 million fundraising haul in the month following Hamas' Oct. 7 attack against Israel. One contribution stood out: an $11 million pledge from a "Mr. Anonymous Anonymous" and Katie Chudnovsky, the largest listed contribution in the documents.

>The Lever was able to confirm that the personal information listed alongside the donation identified "Mr. Anonymous Anonymous" as Radvinsky, who owns the subscription blogging platform OnlyFans, which is generally associated with adult content. While some of those named in the documents confirmed that they had contributed to AIPAC, Radvinsky and two others denied being donors.

No. 1984406

Imagine my shock! Who do you think created and runs porno?

No. 1984706

File: 1714407345545.jpeg (499.46 KB, 1125x1848, IMG_8262.jpeg)

sorry for shitty format text but I am not spending more time searching. Hugh Hefner popularized it. However the industrial sex trafficker moid funding APAIC is sickening.


No. 1984728

yeah hes literally just a capitalist, he holds no ideological or ethical principles but the principle of profit maximmisation. this is all politicians in power in the western anglosphere though kek they dress up in different language memes but in the end their only concern is profit. there is no civility or humanity

No. 1984731

kek careful now

No. 1984801

not about 9/11 he wasn't. They got him around 2010

No. 1984813

No. 1984823

I'm well aware of all this. I'm asking why this was a blind item, as it's not the kind of topic these celebrity bloggers ever discuss. It was weird and out of left field

No. 1984842

depending who you ask, the Nazis had ties with zionists back then. the early zionists wanted to make a deal with Hitler to get them in palestine even before WW2.


No. 1984853

Yeah because the nazis wanted… the jews out of europe? Implying even the early zionists were allies with the nazis is extremely disingenuous, or at least a misreading of the relationship between their two ideologies

No. 1984855

or you could read the information concerning this fact first hand

>Although the Germans paid little attention to the entreaties of that minor organization, the far larger and more influential mainstream Zionist movement of Chaim Weizmann and David Ben-Gurion was something else entirely. And during most of the 1930s, these other Zionists had formed an important economic partnership with Nazi Germany, based upon an obvious commonality of interests. After all, Hitler regarded Germany’s one percent Jewish population as a disruptive and potentially dangerous element which he wanted gone, and the Middle East seemed as good a destination for them as any other. Meanwhile, the Zionists had very similar objectives, and the creation of their new national homeland in Palestine obviously required both Jewish immigrants and Jewish financial investment.


No. 1984856

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Thanks for showing your ass

No. 1984858

kek. this is the part where your brain shuts down the no-no bad information and refuse to read the article, right?

No. 1984863

You continue to misrepresent historical facts by using a known white nationalist antisemitic “”source”” to back up your claims. Embarrassing. I have already agreed that the nazis wanted to the zionists to rally the jews out of their land in europe. But it seems you want to imply something more

No. 1984864

Imagine trying to own someone for using their brain.

No. 1984867

nonna, Ron Unz is jewish. the platform he runs is full of retards like anglin, but that's safe to ignore. you could also READ THE ARTICLE before you try to allow your brainwashing to immediately shut down narratives.

using your eyes to read is a big part of using your brain

No. 1984870

Ron unz being jewish doesn’t mean he isn’t a rabid antisemite and white nationalist. Some people are just retards. It’s not surprising someone as self-hating as him would want to write about the “mutual friendship” between zionists and nazis

No. 1984872

>Ron unz being jewish doesn’t mean he isn’t a rabid antisemite and white nationalist

Ron unz is neither. In fact, his arguments against affirmative action was used by asian interest groups to challenge it successfully at the supreme court. there was discrimination against asians at elite ivy league colleges, I'm sure there's a few nonnas here who may have been affected.

>would want to write about the “mutual friendship” between zionists and nazis

since you refuse to read the article, I can quote a bit more of you. Unz always backs up his research with publicly available, mainstream books you can get on Amazon.

>Apparently, during the late 1930s, Shamir and his small Zionist faction had become great admirers of the Italian Fascists and German Nazis, and after World War II broke out, they had made repeated attempts to contact Mussolini and the German leadership in 1940 and 1941, hoping to enlist in the Axis Powers as their Palestine affiliate, and undertake a campaign of attacks and espionage against the local British forces, then share in the political booty after Hitler’s inevitable triumph.

zionist terrorism against the british in the 30's is a fact

No. 1984875

Kek, this is embarrassing

No. 1984877

refusing to engage with any points because it makes you and your zionists look bad is embarrassing. this isn't 4chan, you're not fooling anyone.

No. 1984881

I’m not a zionist, and I also don’t cape for white supremacists. Hope that helps! You should really go back to 4chan

No. 1984885

>i'm not a zionist

kek. Ron Unz is not a white supremacist just because google told you to. and if you believe everything google tells you, what are you doing in the tinfoil thread

No. 1984890

nayrt >>1984881
where has unz actually been a "white supremacist" or "white nationalist" other than wikipedia says so?

No. 1984893

Can zionistfoiling please be banned as bait? Not everyone who disagrees with you is a Zionist

No. 1984898

idk, is arm chair farm handling allowed?

No. 1984915

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Picrel. His own connections and publications are not a secret. Though I’m sure he wouldn’t describe himself so plainly as a “white supremacist”

No. 1984921

that sucks, but gee whiz nonna, you do realize it's not attributing those views to him, but to the free speech platform he runs? in fact, I really think Unz hurts his reach by allowing fugly moid anglin on the site. but in any case…READ THE ARTICLE

No. 1984932

I did, and it’s actually a little concerning you think his article full of historical revisionism is some kind of gotcha. Anyways, I’m truly done here. You’re totally onto something, nonny!!1!

No. 1984935

gotcha? no, nonna. it's a perfectly reasonable article that establishes the same zionists waging genocide on palestinians did in fact try to make ties with Hitler to make sure they get a Palestinian state no matter who wins the war. again, allow me to state for a second time…zionist groups bombed the british.


in fact, it's even from wikipedia so you gotta trust it…right?

No. 1984936

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I don’t agree w some of unz or many radical feminist positions like anti immigration … I am a feminist not a based conservative moid like him so I differ. But many feminists who post on this site are just as hateful about immigration while completely lacking in any other virtues that unz does have but he publishes a lot of valuable information including from far leftists. You can’t dismiss everything on his website bc elite liberal media calls him a white nationalist.

No. 1984941

>I am a feminist not a based conservative moid like him so I differ.

No. 1984943

File: 1714416754986.jpeg (38.17 KB, 613x381, 1696524546820.jpeg)

>I am a feminist not a based conservative moid

No. 1984947

calm down zio-nonnas, she's not the one posting unz, kek

No. 1984950

yes i value radical feminism not traditionalism which is rampant in a lot of anti imperalism i otherwise agree with. i know anti imperalism is not something you might value so you are quick to dismiss any sources of it as white nationalist bc the adl said so.

No. 1984955

Do you know what based means?

No. 1984958

no explain it to me

No. 1984959

Wasn’t the ADL

No. 1984962

SPLC is ADL lite kek

No. 1984965

>I am a feminist not a based conservative moid
That's a pretty suspicious thing for a woman to say.

No. 1984966

Yeah really big freudian slip there kek

No. 1984968

why its how i relate to many people i think produce some value like unz bc i am a woman

No. 1984977

Wait aren't you the one defending a racist white jewish moid KEK how is everyone else the zionists? Horseshoe theory strikes again
Just ignore the larper until farmhands decide to finally moderate this thread from the m- 4chan invasion

No. 1984983

I stopped believing anything from the ADL when they refused to recognize the underlying misogyny of a term they deemed as "directly targeting only Jewish women." They have an agenda, and while protecting Jewish peoples from prejudice and bias is a noble goal, the fact that they believe themselves to be the only victims in any situation makes them as unreliable source as any pol board. Plus that time they called for the conviction of a black man just because the main murder suspect was a Jewish man and they needed to take the heat off of him.

No. 1984990

you're confusing another nonna for me. very cute how you demand action from farm hands for your side though. hard to miss.

No. 1984994

Agreed but it’s silly to call the SPLC “ADL lite” when it has been pretty pro-palestine

No. 1984996

I stated that nonna, and it was in regards to what SLPC slandered Unz with. I don't actually know what SLPC palestine position, and I don't really care.

No. 1984998

I think you're confusing another anon for me as well kek

No. 1985000

>slandered Unz
>I don't actually know what SLPC palestine position, and I don't really care.
Alright, that seems to sum up the logic of anons here

No. 1985007

gee whillikers nonna, I see the light now. let's hope israel deletes all the palestini-err, I mean hamas militants in palestine!(prolonged infighting)

No. 1985057

File: 1714421309162.jpeg (172.97 KB, 1170x969, IMG_2282.jpeg)

Enty (John) does whatever gets him clicks. He's dabbled in conspiracy or borderline qanon content before usually when he doesn't have any blinds to steal from LSA or reddit or whatever. He also publishes reader blinds that are exceptionally boring and nonsensical these days like picrel as opposed to listening to any genuine tips you can send him if you know anything. John is pretty retarded but he also has an audience of faithfuls who'll believe any blind he puts out as gospel and one of his regular readers also tried to claim his victim was a "Scientology conspiracy" against him kek

No. 1985072

to answer your question that i doubt you know the answer to, it means support of multipolarity, against globalism etc. it is desirable compared to the current unipolar world order. it will allow less powerful nations to have more political and economic options. what do you think it is? russia shills? i don't know if it's relevant to this thread.

No. 1985389

Ive thought i was the only one who thought this way for a while. So many feminists are anti-religion because it got coopted by parasitic patriarchal egregores, but when you isolate yourself from the chatter and peel back the layers the truth reveals itself to you. The creative, the abstract, the spirit, is inherently female. It is reflected within our biology. Creation and periodic tides. Foundation. We are a microcosm of creation. Really, how could a male god birth all of creation? It makes no sense, unless creation was already there for him to shape and manipulate. Males on the other hand, are purely matter, some with a soul and even less with spirit. They have no natural connection to spirit and either mock or destroy any women they find with free spirit, just like the archons did in eden. And yet all the male spiritualists and psychologists they look up to preach that one can only find enlightenment through the female, like Jung with the Anima or Christians with the holy spirit. Those with no soul seek false enlightenment through hedonism and take delight in the humiliation rituals of women, since the archons love to see spirit brought beneath them. Males only exist to bring extremes, both genetically and spiritually. Just like how males exist biologically to introduce mutations into the gene pool (most bad, but a few good), the male in spirit was meant to embody extremes. Unfortunately, their jealousy makes most of them embody evil extremes. Since they have no natural connection to spirit, they are very easily led to evil. Women have their spirit occluded from them by archonic games and humiliations they must face on the material plane, so that even though most have spirit, it is so heavily suppressed that they present like males and seek the same vapid hedonism. Truth cannot be hidden forever, and as long as we enlighten our friends, sisters, mothers, and daughters spirit will continue to bring light to the material.

in case anybody is interested: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhlcodex.html
tldr the early christian church tried to wipe early sects off the face of the earth which claimed the abrahamic god (which they call yaldabaoth) is a false god who attempts to cloud the minds of humans with earthly stimuli to prevent them from coming in contact with spirit.

No. 1985404

i've been researching on this topic for awhile, as my interest was initially piqued by learning that US college sororities are a branch-offs either directly or in concept from nun communities that had several functions, whether that be in-town fundraising for the helpless, volunteering at hospitals and needy places, or whatever
religions are autonomous with the nurturing loving female spirit and for religion to pretend that males are of any importance or value is absurd (priests, popes), and as >389 mentions, the spirit of all things is female

I suggest reading the book "women who run with the wolves" by clarissa pinkola estes to read more about folklore venerating the indomitable female spirit that resides in all lands and things

No. 1985574

nonas forgive me if this topic has been discussed, but what are your opinions on the sudden push for full body deodorant? One hand great im tired of stinky people but on the other hand it seems like it came out of nowhere? I’ve been seeing that many rich people are trying to privatize water and there might be possibly a water shortage leading to more classism but I thought it was an interesting thought

No. 1985700

I noticed this recently, very odd. And I hate the commercials.

No. 1985766

Feminist anthropologist Heide Goettner-Abendroth has a more grounded take, most religions didn't start out as religions. No one creates religions either, it's more like evolution of an organism. So again most religions started out as some form of nature/animal worship and later mixed with ancestor worship. Someone maybe loved their mother a lot and they remembered her through the ages told their grandchildren and their grandchildren told even more exaggerated stories. A century or so later you have created a god (but not in the sense we think of it, more like a spirit). Now the Indo-Europeans because of the environment they lived in, ended up creating patriarchal culture without intention. They lived in a cold difficult region and needed to resource their cattle(thus the first chiefs were created) and the first wars would have been raids for cattle which would turn into violence and create a culture that emphasised military conquest and maybe a legendary raider would have been remembered so much that he turned into the first war god who in some version would absorb the aspects of the mother creator diety, but this was very rare even the simplistic patriarchal Indo-European subscribed a female primordial creator for the Universe and earth)

No. 1985772

sun worship was introduced to primitive peoples by aliens as a means of control. more advanced religious concepts were introduced later and very slowly over centuries trickled downwards

No. 1985829

they're even marketing it towards moids, which is the last thing that needs to happen because many of them don't shower regularly as is and making them believe that a product is a substitute for bathing is just going to worsen the problem

No. 1985892

It's a product meant for those deathfats who are so huge you can still smell them in the bathroom stall 5 minutes after they left.

No. 1985928

>you need to stop taking showers to save the environment
>instead you need to buy this full body antiperspirant-deodorant full of dialuminium chloride pentahydroxide and parahydroxybenzoic acid that may or may not cause cancer and endocrine disruption

No. 1985969

I believe this as well. That someday, corporations will go through so many mergers that they will be more powerful than entire countries and so they won't just pull the strings behind the curtains, they will outright own countries.
I have never heard of this before and now I'm aware of a new horror. You should not be spraying your entire body with unnatural chemicals, that has to be messing up your skin's flora and chemical communication. I think you're right though, it's a push to mask scents for as more of the population loses access to water for bathing.

No. 1986070

File: 1714493400774.jpeg (488 KB, 1125x963, IMG_8268.jpeg)

I am opposed to any kind of racial iq moid pathology or other white nationalism. I see it’s on the site but someone else was talking about mossads involvement in rfk assassination. I bet you can read about that theory from unz or on the site. I’ve heard that too but never researched it. I have heard of the books about Israel’s involvement in jfk assassination.

No. 1986104

She was posting picss of herself on soc iirc

No. 1986140

Didn’t she do a name my cat thread and 4chan chose Meredith and her cats name is Meredith

No. 1986150



> Israel and South Africa under apartheid had a lot in common, given that both states were regarded by many as international pariahs due to their exclusionary domestic politics, in Israel based on religion and ethnicity and in South Africa based on race. Israel also was and still is regarded as an occupying power, in the 1990s due to its direct military control of the Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, Golan Heights, and Gaza Strip. South Africa and Israel’s shared perception of victimhood produced a willingness to stand together against world opinion and a mechanism for cooperation between the two governments also existed in the form of a large and wealthy Jewish community centered on Johannesburg.

>It is now generally accepted that Israel secretly helped South Africa develop a nuclear bomb, receiving in return uranium for its own program, while South Africa was also an eager buyer of weapons produced by Israel’s fledgling arms industry. The probable test of a nuclear device, either of Israeli or South African provenance, was arranged by Pretoria in the Indian Ocean in 1979. Both nations shared the belief that they would have to possess nuclear weapons to defend themselves against their numerous enemies. Though South Africa ultimately abandoned its arms program and signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Israel continued on its own, using stolen American technology and enriched uranium to construct an arsenal that today consists of between 100 and 200 nuclear weapons.


Some of the many things besides starving a population mostly women and children keeping them in a concentration camp denying them the basics of life we have to tolerate because Jews can’t just live with everyone else. They have been getting passports, and eu countries grant them, many of them already have dual passports, they should leave.

No. 1986340

File: 1714508068492.png (617.25 KB, 604x1287, 1709148046988.png)

I came across this really sketchy chinese surrogacy page on twitter. I also noticed that it exclusively uses European-appearing models in their cover shoots.

No. 1986454

Moot said it was a troll who was samefagging and the IP wasn't hers.
Unless he was paid by Taylor to say that so she won't make an angry revenge song about him? hmmm

No. 1986483

>has a more grounded take
>most religions didnt start out as religions
my post wasn't intending to go that far back nona, or we'd be talking about primal creationism myths from Africa. Dr Estes book is purely about recent mythos and how it factors into modern day religion and the lost woman archetype of old

>weird sperg about indo-european conquerism

if youre not interested in the topic you dont have to reply
philosophy and religion has always (until more recent history) been used in societies to help the common man establish a compass of moral goods and bads differing from rights and wrongs, yes some religions have had alternative purposes or had an aspect of moid domination to them (catholicism) but for the most part unedited philosophies help establish a guiding purpose for societies that did not otherwise have them

you are a cringe "intellectual" and ruined the good vibes

No. 1986502

I believe they killed him off because he was a threat to them, probably other big players too. He did try to force AIPAC to register under the FARA act, but he was killed before he succeeded. They remain unregistered under FARA till this day, even though it’s a lobby which represents an alien nation.

>> “The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public

No. 1986551

Why is it so hard to find non anti-perspirant deodorant? I found one brand but the rest have been all anti-perspirant. I would assume the push for holistic clean living and less chemicals would encourage more companies to follow the market. After hearing about aluminum found in a dead woman’s armpits (cadaver) I switched right away.

No. 1986570

ntayrt I found her post interesting and had no vibes ruined here

No. 1986887

I'd recommend trying rock salt deodorant. I've been using it for years and for me it works better than chemical antiperspirant.

No. 1986889

>Someone maybe loved their mother a lot and they remembered her through the ages told their grandchildren and their grandchildren told even more exaggerated stories. A century or so later you have created a god
ot and corny but this made me smile so much. you worded it really sweetly, intentionally or not. i love my mom so much

No. 1986892

idk really about the intricacies of american politics, but man was he well spoken. the old ass meat puppets competing for their handlers' gain nowadays could never reach this level of eloquence and clarity which in all honesty should be standard for the elected leader of a nation… this made me embarrassed about my nations lead representitive and hes just an unremarkable average man. i cant imagine being able to actually remember the era of jfk while watching the biden-trump clown show in 2020, how much that would have torn apart any hope you had for your country… its kind of no wonder old americans are nuts in general

No. 1987019

Short doc on october 7th attacks on Isreal, details on how it was an inside attack.

No. 1989052

File: 1714735173736.jpeg (297.9 KB, 750x762, IMG_4785.jpeg)

Yet, is a “conspiracy” that they control the U.S.

No. 1989103

you're a complete idiot if you think Israel controls shit. If anything it's the other way around. But I don't even believe that. Can't this shit go in a politics thread?

No. 1989120

Well, I’m sure Netanyahu wishes he controlled American politics kek. But you realize the reason why American politicians on both the right and the left are supporting Israel is because they oppose BRICS involvement and it benefits NATO/Americans military interests? Though I’m sure you don’t consider other geopolitical factors. It’s just because of our Jewish overlords controlling all sides, right? Lmao
I say we just let this schizo sperg have this thread and continue samefagging here so she can get it out of her system and hopefully not shit up other threads

No. 1989146

What does the U.S have to gain from Israel? Come with something concrete, not mUh OnLy DeMoCrAcY in the region, all the countries in the region are bitches to the U.S aswell, except Iran, no reaspn to not use them as proxies rather than Israel.

No. 1989148

NTA but the US has long funded the Israeli military, beginning during the Cold War, so that they would have a military ally in the Middle East that promote US military operations in the region. Now that opponents of the US in BRICS (Iran, Russia) are funding Hamas through Hezbollah, I’m guessing the US will continue to stand by Israel rather than let BRICS dominate the region. Don’t get me wrong, I want the US to gtfo of there, but they probably won’t fully withdraw support any time soon given rising hostilities with Iran and Russia

No. 1989150

But why Israel? Why not Turkey or any other U.S ally in the region? There are plenty.

No. 1989152

Because Turkey isn’t dependent on US military aid in the way Israel is. Do you understand how proxy wars work?

No. 1989160

Sorry, i don’t buy that, that is the case here. Sure it may be a part of it, but AIPAC wouldn’t have any reason to buy up all our politicians and send billions to Israel (besides the military funds) just for fun.

No. 1989165

Ok, anon. It’s funny because people like you are actually falling for the elite’s psyop about this war. They want to you to see it as a religious conflict because that distracts the masses from the real US motivations for its involvement in this conflict

No. 1989173

I don’t care about religion, sky daddy isn’t real. The real psyop is that the BIGGEST funders and supporters of this war are crazy zionist CHRISTIANS, who think that the jews have to build the third temple so Jesus comes back kek and zionists who are ethno supremacists. Win win for both of those parties.

No. 1989179

>I don’t care about religion, sky daddy isn’t real.
>spergs about how it’s because of religion
Ok, anon. Again, you’re missing the bigger picture here, but I’ll let you have your little thread to look stupid in kek

No. 1989193

Literally so many retarded politicians say it themselves, i don’t know what to tell you. Surely it would be better reasoning for them to appeal to logic then JESUUUUSSSSS is coming back to get the masses on board with this totally proxy war that only Israel gains anything from.

No. 1989198

>Literally so many retarded politicians say it themselves
Do you actually believe whatever politicians tell you? America is very religious for a western country, appeals to “JESSSUSSS” work

No. 1989205

You are contradicting yourself, yes, america is a retarded super religious country. Is it so far fetched that conservative retard politicians literally believe in the bible? Especially when they are all old and senile as fuck. The rest are bought off prostitutes.

No. 1989215

I’m not contradicting myself by explaining to you how religion is used by politicians to control the masses, but ok

No. 1989221

File: 1714749861583.jpeg (143.99 KB, 683x900, IMG_4794.jpeg)

You are assuming that politicians are smarter than the general population, when they are just as retarded. I agree some aren’t religious like Trump and Biden fx, but they are bought off by AIPAC.

No. 1989242

>You are assuming that politicians are smarter than the general population
I’m really not. But politicians are often driven by money and political power, not by sincerely held religious beliefs
>I agree some aren’t religious like Trump and Biden fx, but they are bought off by AIPAC.
And I also agree with this. Like you’ve mentioned, AIPAC is a bipartisan political lobby. Christians, zionists, tradcons, and neoliberals are all seemingly standing together behind this one issue. Why? Money, of course. Ever heard of the American military-industrial complex? I think we’re mostly on the same page regarding the money pouring out of AIPAC and lining politicians’ pockets, but you seem to be ignoring my main point. These geopolitical conflicts don’t exist in a vacuum. Global power drives money. I’d suggest you read up on BRICS and the origins of the US-Israel military alliance. Not sure how productive this debate has been

No. 1989272

I’ll read up on that. One last question, why did Russia veto a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine?

No. 1989287

Because Israel genociding Palestinians is fantastic PR for Russia, which is still currently at war with Ukraine and gets barely any attention and condemnation for it now

No. 1989324

How is it good PR fpr Russia though? especially when they’re U.S allies?
I agree with you on that last part.

No. 1989342

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>Russia is an ally of the US
Am I reading this right? While their relationship is complex, US and Russia are far from being allies. The Russian government recently put the US, with every other NATO country and most of its allies (except for Turkey) on its official unfriendly countries list (picrel). Tensions between the US and Russia cooled off a bit under Trump because he and Putin have a lot in common tbh, but they worsened again after Russia invaded Ukraine
>How is it good PR fpr Russia though?
Because Russia doesn’t look like the big bad anymore

No. 1989611

I meant Israel and the U.S are allies, so i don’t see how it’s good pr for Russia to let the “war” between Israel and Palestine keep going(Vetoing a ceasefire), it doesn’t make much sense to me.

No. 1990031

nonny trying to pretend AIPAC doesn't exist kek. they own both parties and own both biden and trump KEK

No. 1990319

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I think Mads Mikkelsen was casted in "Hannibal" partially because he resembles Armin Meiwes. The case was older than a decade by the time the show started airing so it wouldn't be too controversial or obvious. Obviously it isn't the main reason or even one of the top 3 reasons, but it definitely is one. Perhaps the news left a subconscious influence on the producers. Mads looks nothing like Anthony Hopkins and it can't be coincidence that an uglier more Slavic looking version of him was making news as a cannibal. Creating this connection to a real lfe event makes the story more "real" and therefore grittier.

No. 1990340

Are we allowed to talk about the immigrants or is it just religious ethnic warfare that is okay to discuss?
My rural village has NO HOTEL OR B&B AT ALL Zero of anything for locals it seems all is going to RANDOM FOREIGN MALES AND NOT THEIR WOMEN OR CHILDREN and I'm at the point where I'm considering moving but everywhere will be this bad soon. We were merely the testers before the rest of ye cowardly nations fall. I am devastated by what has happened to my area and being told I'm far right for saying being harassed on MY street is shit

No. 1990479

That really is weird. Are these mena moids? I always hear horror stories about them harassing locals. Do they work, do any of their kids go to school? I'm in burgerland in one of the more anti-immigrant states so all I ever see are hard working latinos. Truthfully I'm of the opinion that family units and women should get priority before single males when it comes to immigration/refugee status. Crime follows when a certain demographic arrives. Especially if the culture is insular and acts entitled to the perks of the west without any assimilation. Many of the foreign latinos here in my area are either working to send money back to family or actively relocating here for a better life with their families. The adults tend to speak English even if poorly, if they don't they have a younger person there to translate or they use Google. The kids that I've met speak both English and Spanish, go to local schools, and are a part of the school's clubs and whatnot. But Latinos attempting to become citizens is different from your situation I assume.

No. 1990520

idk why anyone thinks Russia needs a PR spin when the main goal is probably economic bleeding. They want the US to stop sending money to Ukraine, the best way to do that is to give the US a reason to send that money else where.

No. 1990577

It can easily be both

No. 1990614

Kek are you Irish? Because I know how you feel

No. 1990642

Every day in the news
> We've so many single male immigrants and nowhere to put them! All the hotels are full of them.. so where do we put the next lot? It's such a conumdrum how we can possibly fix this issue
Rinse and repeat daily
> A person has been arrested for saying the exact same thing the news keeps saying.. that we've an an insane number of single male immigrants and nowhere to put em, why that's suddenly hate speech!
It's maddening. Cities already full of them, rural towns going to shit now. Spent years hearing about how tourism is so great for our economy and now there's no fucking hotels left. Locals hate it. Tourism hates it. Wtf is the end game.

No. 1990727

>post modernism gains popularity in the western world
>woke gendie agenda (agendie lmfao)
>for some reason it's common for TIFs and occasionally TIMs to LARP as jews
>for some reason there is a new-age "TIF circumcision" ritual
>probably conjured up by some desperate weirdo jews to bring in more people to the faith
>war in Gaza
>Israel mowing down Palestinians
>western world angry at lack of admittance that it is a genocide
>lots of zionist jews
>people angry at jews
>tensions rising
>suddenly being Jewish isn't so fashionable anymore
Tinfoil time
>woke gendies will distance themselves from Judaism
>already many popular tweets circulating of orthodox jews protesting the war in Gaza
>orthodox Judaism is fucking insane and incredibly sexist
>tides will shift
>soon orthodox Judaism and Islam will be a fashionable religion to follow
>no real way to make orthodox Judaism and Islam woke
>post modernist society will reject post modernist theory and belief
>people already growing tired of dramatic and retarded troons
>with an influx of Islam LARPING and converts trannyism will begin to fade
>more amd more regular folk will speak out against trannies
>trannies will lose popularity
>trannies will go back to being scarce outliers of society
>incoming wave of thousands of people crying about how manipulative the medical industry is
That is my hypothesis. I don't hate jews or Muslims btw. I think every religious person has a loser mindset intrinsically though.

No. 1990884

>probably conjured up by some desperate weirdo jews to bring in more people to the faith
just want to point out that it is against jewish law to proselytize and since judiasm is an ethno-religion, most jews don’t want non-jews to convert (and it’s very hard to so). not sure where you even managed to come up with this point from. it’s almost impossible to convert to orthodox judiasm especially. that might not stop the larpers though

No. 1991421

Not trying to infight but anyone tinfoiling that trannyism will lose popularity is severely short-sighted and can't see the big picture. It's about transhumanism, and transgenderism/transsexualism is the much-needed bridge to that. Not only is it not going anywhere; it's going to get much, much weirder as it edges closer to its true goal. Sure, more people are waking up to its horrors, but nothing truly meaningful will happen to stop it. We get crumbs like the puberty blocker ban here in the UK, but realistically that's barely putting a dent in the tranny movement.

No. 1991769

>autism in population increasing because of ???
>transhumanist/tranny agenda appears randomly that seems to massively exploit the autistics in this generation

interesting times

No. 1991772

sadly, it's difficult to not bring up the religious-ethnic war because all the immigrants are weaponized fallouts from targeted countries. see syria.

the hard working latinos inevitably turn against immigration because it leads to lower wages. we're not talking about latinos in tech here (although indians are starting to heavily affect it), we're talking latinos who do roofing, yard work, carpentry, etc

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