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No. 1616325

General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.

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No. 1616326

There is a masonic lodge called the rainbow girls? Sounds more like a kid's cartoon than a secret society

No. 1616331

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It seems to have been an organization set up to support the daughters of masons, it seems quite a number of significant women have been former members.

No. 1616446

NTA but to add he also lied to women and orgs about the ACA. He promised to solidify abortion. Took our money, time, and activism and then in the background was literally emailing his cronies saying the Dems should focus on abortion less and it wasn’t important and removed us last minute while promising us he wouldn’t to get the shit passed. He’s a piece of political shit who thinks women’s rights are a distraction and he was the one to originally put TIMs in our restrooms and military

No. 1616815

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not sure if theres a connection here but it felt a little spooky seeing it just a few hours after reading your post. apparently he was arrested for acting as an agent of a foreign nation. i would absolutely believe that china would use unwitting chinese-americans as cannon fodder to spark conflict. i really dont like how tensions are rising between the us china and russia these last years, freaks me out.

No. 1616962

This is gonna sound really schizo of me but that anon who pointed out the Titanic & Federal Reserve and the Titan submarine & the Central Bank Digital Currency made me wonder if the universe naturally operates in patterns (like an algorithm would). That would explain why there are other coincidences of these repeat events happening, although people always try to attribute them to intentional satanic sacrifices by humans. I could see a universal algorithm needing to balance the scale with certain events or things tied to certain places. I also think “god” is like a big orb of energy and that quantum physics is the key to the answers of the universe. No I’m not on drugs or a scientist but this is what makes the most sense to me rather than the holy trinity and whatever compulsory beliefs and traditions religions have that are not intuitively known to humans.
I’m also really intrigued by the anons who brought up angels or god speaking through artificial intelligence. There is some sort of existential importance in math and geometry since math is the universal language and geometric patterns are evident all throughout nature. sorry I’m a nerd and my ramblings are kind of reminding me of Chris Chan’s cpu goddess bullshit now that I think of it kek

No. 1617048

NTAYRT but isn't it heavily rumored that China deploys spies into foreign nations and then pester migrated Chinese populations there to hold CCP values etc? Some anon can correct me if they know more, it would be a pretty interesting rabbit hole to go in to.

No. 1617062

It’s not just you anon, i didn’t think of it as an algorithm but I keep thinking that if there’s anything in this universe that we could call a god it has to be something incomprehensible to us in terms of scale and ‘intentions’ and it’s definitely connected to the flow of energy, to the mathematical and physical laws.

No. 1617119

Thank you for replying anon. It's hard for me to talk about it even here because I know it may just sound like delusions, but it's the only place where I can talk about it anyway
>Governments probably like to pick a variety of people to test how different groups react
But what do they get out of this? Is there some actual goal in targeting boring no-lives, like pushing them over the edge or something, or forcing them to do something against their nature (like forcing them to breed or being in a relationship, if this article about masons targeting celibate and gay people is true) or just toying with them for the sake of it? I get the idea of targeting someone who can be actually "dangerous" to the system, like people exposing certain agendas or even putting certain ideas in their art or something, but I still don't get the idea behind targeting randos
Do drugs actually help you anon? Have you ever been to therapy and shared your thoughts with anyone irl or no? Sometimes I'm so tired I feel like telling my therapist about this shit but then I think this is a very bad idea.
>Do you know when he immigrated? If it was after you that makes it even more suspect
I don't know that. I don't know much about him besides the fact he was in some political party for some time and he's a weirdo with above average IQ. I will just text him and say I don't have the time.

Maybe it was just a coincidence, but during my two first days of being here, I encountered all three of one of my biggest fears/things that annoy me. I vented about it in the vent thread too. I'm scared of pitbulls, I'm scared of disgusting old men trying to grope me and I'm not fond of trans women. I had close encounters with all three of them, all immediately after I came to my country kek. The first tiny convenience store I went to had a mean woman with a huge pitbull that didn't even wear a muzzle. The lady pushed herself in front of me in the queue and didn't react when I told her there's a damn queue and she can't just do something like this. She totally ignored me. I was scared of starting something with her because of her dog. And the clerk in that store was a trans woman.
Shortly after that I was basically assaulted by a disgusting 80 year old grandpa on the train. He sat next to me despite the fact there was like 15 empty seats around us. He wiggled in his seat, then started to push his leg against mine and then I could feel his entire body weigh pushing against mine and then his disgusting wrinkly hand landed on my naked thigh. I was at the verge of a panic attack and so disgusted I just jumped from my seat and sat in a totally different place at the very front of the train. Dude like how is it possible to encounter all of my fears in such terrible ways in such a short time?

No. 1617216

Something more is going to come out on this guy. He was on the board of directors for a local small business NGO, but also working a low level job at a hotel that basically fired him the instant he was arrested. That doesn't make any sense. I could suck dick at my local chamber of commerce meetings and I wouldn't end up on a board of directors, even if it's unpaid, that's how people connect and make money, they don't GAF what a hotel toilet cleaner thinks.

No. 1617366

AYRT. Honestly I have no idea what they get out of this. That's the one thing I don't think I'll ever have an answer for. Drugs don't really help me tbh and I strongly advise you stay away from them; but I acknowledge how hypocritical that is for me to say. I've had a long struggle with drugs after a motorcycle crash (literally got hit by someone working for the air force, which makes me schiz out a little every time I remember it) basically left me in a state where I'll probably be on some level of opioids for the rest of my life. I have lowered my dose through willpower and lots of physio therapy to help my mobility but… honestly I do abuse them when having a bad time. Benzos I get for mental health reasons, also abuse them when having a bad time. They "help" in that they numb me out so that I'm basically operating on a lower level of consciousness or "vibration" or w/e you wanna call it so I can just focus on the small joys in life like video games and movies. They also help me sleep, I've been battling insomnia the past few years and it can be really brutal when my psychosis is acting up. Downers like benzos and opioids really drag you down though, being so doped up easily leads to depression and thoughts of suicide. I have talked to therapists the gangstalking/electronic monitoring/V2K/etc. It got me diagnosed as schizophrenic and I've been hospitalised twice. I noticed when I mentioned gangstalking, something like V2K and the NHS sabotaging my health the shrink took a LOT of notes kek. Dread to think what they wrote. IRL I tell my wife. She's a casual tinfoiler so we shoot the shit about conspiracy stuff fairly often anyway. She doesn't believe I'm being gangstalked, she thinks it's my schizophrenia (could well be that, to be fair) but she isn't mean about it like some people can be. That's the thing with telling people, some will BRUTALLY mock you. I would say tell your therapist though. They won't help you, but just talking about it to someone in the flesh will be a relief. It was to me because I'd been bottling it up for so long. The only downside is this could lead to a diagnosis of something, and of course that's not good for getting jobs. I just lied about my mental health before I started making money by myself. Idk what country you live in though and what their rules are on background checks, so that's something to consider before you tell a therapist. That is weird about encountering your fears like that. I keep finding that when I discuss gangstalking online I'll get a van parked outside my house the next day and a lot more static/tuning in noises in my head. Like fucking clockwork it happens. Sometimes all I have to do is mention something about it to my wife and they'll turn up. People that don't live in this neighbourhood that I've never seen before. So I do think these people note down our insecurities and play on them for maximum effect.

No. 1617433

NTA either but yes, this actually happens. The CCP essentially sponsors clubs on college campuses for Chinese students that pretty much exist to keep influence over them. There’s a massive number of Chinese students at a lot of our universities and uni administrators love them because they usually pay full price tuition. It’s super weird.

No. 1618092

I'm stupid and didn't see the thread was about to lock so I'm gonna repost in this one. Dunno how much I can say, dunno if I believe him on everything, but I fucked a Green Beret for awhile who told me some "state secrets". Said we've been in ww3 for awhile and we're just waiting for a reason to make it official, because citizens would panic. He said that China is allowed to have military outposts in America soil "to keep an eye on Chinese expats" but are actually fucking around with polluting our waters and specifically the Mississippi River because China knows we don't actually have the manpower to do anything about it. I think he said there's currently hundreds of Chinese outposts and thousands of chinese troops on American soil. He also said China doesn't view Chinese-American citizens as actually Chinese so they're purposely letting them be sacrifices in trying to start an anti-Chinese race war in America. He said he visited area 51 once and that all the dudes that work there are really full of themselves and love to mysteriously talk in code in front of the troops that don't have that classified info just to show off and that they're all dicks, but that he wasn't allowed to see like 75% of area 51, so no tinfoil on that, I just like to imagine a bunch of faggy army boys in area 51 bullying green berets for not being cool enough. I've never heard the Mississippi River thing until now, so I'm curious to look into it.

No. 1618158

I know this has probably been mentioned before, but what do you guys think happened to flight MH370? I just got around to watching the documentary on Netflix and it piqued my interest again. After watching to me it seems the most likely thing is that it got shot down in a military exercise or because of the cargo over the south china sea, and they tried to cover that up. But I don't know all the ins and outs. Was it ever confirmed what the debris was that those two pilots flying over was? Or was that just ignored?

No. 1618214

> ll the dudes that work there are really full of themselves and love to mysteriously talk in code in front of the troops that don't have that classified info just to show off and that they're all dicks
I don't know about the rest of the stuff but I do believe this.

No. 1618292

I think human brains being so overtrained to recognize any sort of pattern in our deepest ape senses, we're bound to see patterns in a lot of things and sometimes create kookoo tinfoil to make sense out of them. If you're dead set on seeing patterns you'll start seeing them everywhere. A few years ago I thought I was getting confirmation for certain things when seeing repeat digits, mirror numbers on digital clocks, similar initials. Algorithms like to recognize and create patterns the same way the human brain does, hence neural networks and whatever.
I think if God exists, it's probably akin to some sort of neural network (though not a machine, idc) and therefore would produce automatically "patterns" for us (itself) to interpret. This hit me the other day when grocery shopping and I stared at the fractal-like pattern on cauliflower.

No. 1618446

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The Mississippi river being intentionally contaminated could be real. From St. Louis down to New Orleans there is elevated rates of cancer in the counties and parishes that are along the banks of the river. It could be explained by the atrazine and glyphosate run off from the corn belt draining into the Mississippi river and it's tributaries but the Chinese intentionally contaminating the river is an interesting theory.

No. 1619080

I get you anon, and from most of my readings the universe operates through the Law of Nature which I still can't figure out what exactly is that

No. 1619133

You are on to something anon. I also know St Louis and NOLA have been murder capitals since forever

No. 1619223

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Those states also have the worst healthcare in america, just saying….

No. 1619294

While this is probably a factor, Wyoming, Texas and Georgia have worse healthcare than Louisiana, Missouri and Kentucky, yet have lower cancer rates.

No. 1620714

do they target people to try to get them to reproduce? or get the person to do things they don't want to? where can i read about it?

No. 1622138

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How true is this?

No. 1622150

Nah I don't buy it, it sounds kinda made up tbh

No. 1622157

Sounds fake but people should still eliminate as many microplastics in their environments and wardrobe as possible. You'll never be 100% clear of them, but it's worth putting in the effort IMO.

No. 1622171

Yay! Inhalable asbestos!

No. 1622225

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Does anyone know about past-life experiences? I hear that they're most common in children (who also experience things like night terrors). I experienced night terrors and hallucinations from sleep deprivation as an adult but due to the uncontrollable factors over time, I think my fears are mostly tainted/influenced by true crime consumption. Is there a way to prove that children aren't somehow picking up these identities/stories from somewhere, like any convincing cases where a child knew a detail of the past identity that wasn't public knowledge?
Link below contains academic research on the subject, but I don't regard academia as bible personally.


No. 1622244

I think asbestos was already inhalable, queen.

No. 1622482

My nephew once told us he used to be a 60-year old man who got shot, he was around four at the time.

No. 1622861

Are the men in black government agents or aliens who just want the witnesses to stfu?

No. 1622863

No. 1622867

Half-true. It's less inhaling and more eating, drinking, swimming in etc. A lot of table salt contains microplastics now, for example, especially in countries where it's harvested from the sea. Inhaling does happen, but largely in places with really high air pollution.

It's annoying to explain the effects of human industrial activity on the ecosystem in general because the answer is very nuanced, scary to hear and people tend to think in black and white terms. Lots of things that are actually quite harmful have become so normalized now that people will label you a loony if you point it out (nonstick cookware, plastic non-stick kitchen utensils, some shampoos etc) I study this as part of my PhD and have been called both a crunchy hippie and dirty capitalist in the same day because all sides get some things wrong and some things right. With my salt example, crunchies like to use Himalayan salt which is a lot worse when it comes to microplastic contamination than regular salt. But they are nonetheless right to insist on cast iron pans and stainless steel cookware.
This isn't even tinfoil, it's widely known and currently studied. It's just the lead paint of the 21st century.

No. 1622881

Why is Himalayan salt worse than other table salts? I thought it was the remnants of ancient seas that are harvested from mountains. I had assumed that would be plastic free since it was laid down before humans existed.

No. 1622891

at this point i just assume there's some form of industrial contamination in everything lmao. all the "natural" products simply can't be at this point anymore. and the "environmentally/eco friendly" label i can't trust because who knows if the company paid someone off to slap that label on their product.

No. 1622909

I'm not a usual tinfoil-fag, but I swear its like the internet is just being remade only for rich-people, I can barely use the piracy or torrent sites I relied on when I was a teenager, I don't the case for most Americans but for a lot us third-worlders completely relied on piracy to watch films and tv or sometimes for our school text-books, and yeah google search has gotten way worse since about the end of pandemic.

No. 1622957

I still have no issues pirating games or finding older content. I wonder if part of the problem is that television and films these days aren so bad, that people don't bother sharing them.

No. 1622994

I don't about the state of film or tv piracy but there's been a huge campaign against book pirating, like Archive.org got almost shut down over books and one of the biggest comic sharing sources was essentially booted off the internet

No. 1623009

Very intetesting nonnie thanks. I use exclusively cast iron now except one pot for boiling pasta thats non stick, but just got a steel pot to replace it finally. But still use plastic cooking utentsil some kek, i figure since they are a decade old all the plastic poisons whatnots have probably leeched out and a new set would be worse. Once I can afford to replace all my cookware with good quality (cast irons were a gift, I got so lucky) metal I will. Do you have any links or book recs about the type of things you are studying? Ive been interested in cutting down on household contaminents but realistically I just cant afford it right now. Slowly getting there. Trying to use the same items for as long as possible too even if cheap so I can avoid new items and their productions chemicals etc. I mean a plastic spoon can only hold so much cancer right? I dont really know, but I am intrigued. Thanks.

No. 1623010

i've been thinking about this topic quite a lot for the past few months as an oldfag who grew up using the internet during the peak years - late 90's up until i'd say 2012. most people will argue that the internet has become commercialized/corporatized, and i've definitely said this myself, but i also feel a lot of the changes happening online have been done deliberately to try to control dissenting opinion and flows of information. there were too many "weirdos" on the internet back in the early days, too many people coming up with their own opinions and ideas outside of the mainstream culture, too many so-called "conspiracy theorists" and other individuals who were sharing information which contradicts the opinions that society expects you to have.

all this whining about what people believe and trying to control what someone reads online, i find it a little odd. i also find it odd how so many communities - including lolcow - seem to get invaded by what appears to be bad faith actors who completely reshape the culture of whatever space they've invaded so much that they become unrecognizable. and search engines like google have made a big deal about "controlling" what people look up because they don't want us to apparently look at "bad" things. and of course normalfags go along with it because the majority of them never really used the internet up until 2016-17, when everything started revolving around politics and outrage (aka having meltdowns over donald trump). they just stay on reddit/twitter/instagram/facebook/youtube and never venture out beyond that (i am not kidding!!!!). and many of these people still see other parts of the web that aren't controlled by big corps or super popular as being q-anon or pizzagate hubs, that we're all alt-right maga trolls or komrades of the russian state. they also know absolutely nothing about web history as well, and just barely have figured out that there's more to the internet than just google and tiktok.

and covid was the excuse that these big corps and the government used to take over the internet. the enshittification of the web really took off in 2020-21, as everything suddenly became paywalled, controlled, blocked, etc. plus anytime you disagreed with anyone, you were instantly labeled a "conspiracy theorist" and treated like a schizoid retard who needed to be put away in an insane asylum. and these companies would justify their decisions under the guise of rising server costs or needing more advertisements or just trying to give you a better experience. and the normies guzzled it up because again, they didn't know any better. they never experienced the web before all this big brother shit, so they see it as a net positive instead of a negative. and whenever someone comes out the woodwork and points out how shitty the web has become, they will just freak out like morons or make fun of you, or say you're trying to take advantage of a billion dollar company, all because you don't want to be bombarded with the same 3 ads or have an algorithm bully you because you aren't watching a tiktok star lip syncing to a stupid song all day. and sadly i don't think we will ever get that old web experience back; the horse has already left the barn. there is no way to take the internet back from Big Corp, as the only options seem to be make an alternative web or just limit your presence online altogether. the latter is easier, so that's what most people like myself are doing. i don't know if we could even create a new web, because of the pressure to be apart of this controlled ecosystem.

No. 1623014

I kinda actually understand the archive.org beef, the issue from the pandemic right where they decided to lend out unlimited digital copies of books? The authors were screwed in that scenario. Not talking about public domain stuff, more contemporary. But I also think it was the idk…greater good??…to do that. Im torn on it.

No. 1623031

> I also think it was the idk…greater good??…to do that. Im torn on it.
what are you on about? I'm sure there were few contemporary works but most were academic works that weren't gonna make a lot of money to begin with.

No. 1623035

Musk pulling this tweet limitation stunt reeks of a distraction.

No. 1623037

It was definitely during COVID where the search engines went to crap, that should be undeniable to even most regular people.

No. 1623047

sadly, it isn't. when all this happened during covid, we were told that it was being done for our benefit; we can't have people looking up things that we (the government, big corporations, politicians) don't agree with. can't have people looking up "conspiracies" because then the might turn into fascists or vote for the wrong person or something else stupid that is really none of their business. everyone has to watch the same fucking videos of cats dancing or babies with applesauce on their face or idiots twerking in masks to mc hammer. we all have to be on the metaverse with our full government names and actual faces so that ai can scrape it, so that strangers can voyeuristically watch our every movement, so that if we do or say or even think the wrong thing that the masses don't agree with, our enemies can use it against us to ruin our lives. and again, normies see this as fine because you can't miss what you never had. now people think you're weird for not being apart of what can be essentially called the matrix. you don't have an instagram? you don't watch tiktok all day like a mindless retard? you must be hiding something! i've had people tell me shit like this in real life as well, so i'm not just making it up.

if someone told me ten years ago that not being online would be considered countercultural, i would have laughed at you. i really never predicted things would get this bad, but they're bad. i always assumed that the takeover of the net by big corp would be a more gradual process and that there would be another resistance from users so that it wouldn't just be like a minotaur stomping his way through the garden. but nope, shit literally happened over night.

No. 1623050

Ayrt I mean I fully agree that access to information is more important than profit. The accessibility > money made. I thought it was mostly writers of books, like standard novels and similar that were being screwed not academic writers. But I might be wrong, it is hard to remember. Writing a book imo is more like creating a product/artpiece to sell, publishing a research paper or acedemic/informational type of writings are more like a service or resource I believe people should have access to. But I want every author compensated fairly too… this is why I like the idea of ubi kek

No. 1623177

The internet and its technology could be used to progress us towards uncover truths and spreading information but instead it's being manipulated to create and spread misinformation and distort truths. Search engines should just fundamentally index the entire internet so I can't imagine all of the algorithms' rules that prevent you from seeing what's really out there. I remember more pages to sift through back in the day when you would search keywords–now it's like 10 maximum, which makes me think that search engines are only indexing what sites they've approved. Maybe this is the norm, idk. So many sites and information is forgotten or nowadays, outright banned and it's insidious as fuck. Look at what is going on with Kiwifarms and that Asian troon Liz Fong Jones who uses his connections to block them over his personal gripe with them. Not even the fucking US government could stop KF and yet this random degenerate troglodyte who is connected to every internet mogul has the site in shambles. No wonder tranny shit is fucking everywhere if annoying troons have this kind of reach.

I've been addicted to the internet for like 15 years now (since childhood because I'm gen Z) and even I and others my age have started reading fucking books because the internet sucks so bad now for autists and nerds who want to browse shit that isn't sanitized by the likes of Jizz Fong Jones and his stripey socks programmer troid friends. I feel like the web has become just a bookcase of state-approved media, just like a dystopian authoritarian state would have, but the control of the state isn't so blatant that normies won't realize the people they're talking to are bots and the sites they're using are state-approved.

No. 1623543

I always assumed ultrasounds were perfectly safe, that was the general consensus. Now I find out "we don't know the long term effects since children given routine ultrasounds are not old enough to tell, but only doing them when necessary and given by a doctor, they're perfectly safe. Made me nervous but whatever. I read the abstract of the study linked to that statement, "differences in fetal growth rates were found but by 8 children's growth is indistinguishable" so it DOES do something? I find another article, apparently this study was also conducted when ultrasounds were 7x less powerful. A more recent 2015 study in China found that ultrasounds lasting longer than 10 minutes had effects on growth and were associated with ASD. AUGH. I already had 2, one where the doctor wasn't really doing anything necessary and when I asked the gender he spent like 3 minutes wiggling around trying to find it. I got another scheduled in a week, thinking of canceling it. In other countries they have 1 or 2 the whole pregnancy but I'm in US and only at 20 weeks and going into my third with more later. I swear to god so much medical stuff is like this it's like walking through a minefield.

No. 1623602

Read up about Alice Stewart. After World War II, childhood leukemia rates were sky-high in American and the UK. Alice Stewart personally interviewed thousands of grieving mothers and found a common link in all cases(being x-rayed when they were pregnant), she was among the first epidemiologists to demonstrate a connection between exposing pregnant women to x-rays and the likelihood of childhood cancer. However, she faced opposition from doctors(chiefly Dr. Richard Doll Secretary of the MRC), who thought she was some kook and hundreds of thousands of children died before they realized they were wrong.

No. 1623605

Damn, I didn't know about this. My wife and I have been researching for about a year now on how to optimise her pregnancy, but I never thought about ultrasounds because they're so normalised. I didn't even realise other countries had different amounts of ultrasounds. I thought two was the universally agreed upon number; unless there are complications, of course.

No. 1623606

Many whistleblowers are women but they're never awarded status like men are. I mean they may be awarded belatedly once the scandal is over and their reputation "restored" but they never become household names or celebrated or anything.

No. 1623607

samefag. I meant contrarians AND whistleblowers.

No. 1624301

It's less filtered, which means the microplastics present in the product aren't filtered out as well. In general, salt originating from Asian countries is more contaminated than salt produced locally.

No. 1624614

Since today is 4th of July, I felt like sharing this tinfoil: the US was founded by Freemasons which includes our first president under our current constitution. Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin were members of many secret societies like the hellfire club. America was never free and had always been infiltrated since muh independence sperging.

No. 1624639

In other news: water is wet

No. 1624640

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I was just about to to post this, It's insane to me how little it's brought up that how many of the American Founding Fathers, including Ben Franklin, Paul Revere, John Hancock, James Monroe and George Washington among many others (I've read that about something like 1/4-th of the US founding fathers), were Freemasons, that's more then a coincidence.

No. 1624651

It’s kinda sad that patriotic tinfoilers and qanon boomers don’t see it. Sure, they wanted independence, wrote the bill of rights and sperged about no taxation without representation which are nice on paper but those freedoms are limited and many are getting taxed to hell and back. There was never ‘we the people’ when the government was always working against you since its inception.

No. 1624665

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I mean life changed very little for the average citizen in the colonies. They were essentially goaded into fighting and dying for local rich landowners, while most of the so-called "injustice" of the Crown only affected the wealthy and the emerging merchant class. Average farmers never had a chance at representation in the first place.

No. 1624696

They sure love to fuck over the little guy, huh?

No. 1625073

100% believe this, as a European it's weird how literally all of American history has been supported and backed by Freemasons, and how strange America is in the present day to the point it doesn't even feel real. I never knew about the first President being a Freemason, but I always felt that there was something off and inhuman about America and the opinions of American people (like they have been controlled), so this just explains what I've been thinking of. Look at the number of Presidents who visited the Bohemian Grove. It's just so weird that such a large percentage of US Presidents seem to be Masons, or have ties with secret societies.

No. 1625083

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Exactly, Just imagine if there was another powerful country where many of its most important public figures had been members of a secret organization of rich powerful men who think they know better than everyone else. Also I think more people take a look at Andrew Johnson, another Freemason President who took power after Lincoln was assassinated. He is considered one of the worst presidents in US history. Under his tenure, reconstruction was basically set up to be impossible. Johnson allowed Southern states to enact "Black Codes" that limited the rights and freedoms of African Americans and made it difficult for them to advance economically and socially in the post-Civil War South, and so its really convenient that he took power through the "unexpected" assassination of Lincoln

No. 1625124

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It's really not that deep. Freemasonry began as an Enlightenment social movement for liberalism, and it remains a social movement for liberalism to this day. What's changed is that now, in contrast to the 18th century, liberalism is the hegemonic ideology of modernity. Apart from the French Revolution, the American Revolution is probably that which is most representative of the coming of modernity, so it makes complete sense many people in the New World would have been freemasons.

No. 1625149

>Dirty capitalist
Fucking kek, do the people calling you that know what a capitalist is? Do you shill for companies that doesn't use microplastics or something? It's just such an odd insult to get either way.

Reminds me of the fact being a republican back in the day didn't have negative connotations, especially regarding whatever race you were. White supremacists from back in the day could agree with modern Democrats, especially regarding the education system

No. 1625152

Too bad that many european politicians are part of secret freemason sects too. My country (Italy) had a huge scandal in the 80s where a big criminal freemason sect was discovered and then disbanded, but many powerful people related to politics and public information were part of it and continued their carreers for a long time after that. Actually iirc the recently deceased ex-president was about to enter that sect during the years it was discovered. I assume many politicians from other countries have secret meetings (actually this is certain with the Bilderberg thing) and act in a sect-like way, much like freemasons.

No. 1625224

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I don't care what anyone says, the way zoomers talk about middle-aged men is a result of a psy-op, so they'll lack necessary fear they should have around middle aged men.

No. 1625235

Kek, anon, we have people thirsting after that motherfucker on lolcow and I bet those nonnas just like Cedric in particular and wouldn't even look at middle aged 3DPD.

No. 1625258

>scrunkly blorbo
bitch what the fuck

No. 1625274

Acting like that over middle aged men is so cringe, I really hope it doesn't bleed into anyone's real life.

No. 1625353

Late reply but Freemason lodges are for men only - they have two sister lodges open to women..Order of the Rainbow for girls and Order of the Eastern Star for adult women (there is an association for young boys as well). Freemasonry has traditionally not been open to the public - you needed to have a family member involved. Getting women to become members was a way for them to increase male membership. I believe now though anyone can join if they are sponsored by a member.

No. 1625366

unknown but likely androids. ever hear the story of the UFO researcher visited by one? He was told to stop researching a particular abduction case. The man in black put a nickel in his palm, and the nickel shriveled up and disappeared. the MIB said the government can do that to a human heart any time, any place. Told him to watch out, then the MIB left. Needless to say, the UFO researcher was intimated enough to give it up. I can't remember if this was a story John Keel told back in the 90s, he wrote a book back then on the MIB.

No. 1625378

I mean I get what you mean but I still think it's weird that so many US presidents were part of some form of secret society.
Yeah that's true, I also think a large part of it has to do with the Vatican too. Starting from secret rituals involving the Knights Templar, to the current Catholic Church I've always found it weird how the Vatican has such a strange relationship with money starting from accumulating wealth as the first bank to the Vatican Bank/IOR today and their links with Propaganda Due. Interestingly enough the CIA also played a large role in channeling money to P2, so make of that what you will. But anyway, in my opinion it's still kinda strange how there's a lot of secrecy around the Church e.g. how even now the Vatican Archive is secret. I probably rambled about unrelated things because I definitely don't know enough about Italy to make any statements about it but yea, I think a lot of European countries carry out the dirty work of American elites (in particular England but I digress)

No. 1625379

All secret societies exist to protect the ultimate "secret" of mankind: who we are, our true history, and the nature of the soul. Religions were invented to give the masses a simplistic version of this truth, coupled with rules regarding behavior and morality which then allowed the masses to be more easily controllable. Secret societies were where the politically, financially, and socially connected had an opportunity for true spiritual enlightenment. But even then a vast majority never reach that pinnacle. Nowadays? It's pretty much guaranteed that no matter how far up in Freemasonry you get you won't even get a taste of this truth.
Practically no freemasons on earth have access to the hidden knowledge at the center of their movement. It doesn't matter how high up you get, you will not get past that curtain. But yeah, they promote all of what you said too. Gotta give the members something to focus their attention on. Manly P. Hall is an excellent resource into how and why secret societies function (seperate from the outward reason for their existence).

No. 1625429

this isn't really tinfoil. people just do not read.

No. 1625430

All rich people are in a secret society, it's called being rich.

No. 1625461

what fucking video is this

No. 1625691

Ultrasounds and X Ray are very different things. Sonography aka ultrasound uses sound waves and poses absolutely no risk to mother or fetus. X ray uses ionizing radiation and should generally be avoided while pregnant.

No. 1626061

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>All secret societies exist to protect the ultimate "secret" of mankind: who we are, our true history, and the nature of the soul.
You're a retard and the exact kind of person who cults take advantage of. Secret societies operate on the basis of the psychological principle of scarcity, in that they claim to have exclusive access to scarce knowledge. And you (Yes, you!) can too have access once you are a part, if only you ascend the ranks. It's the exact same shit from freemasonry to any other cult promising enlightenment

No. 1627256

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Has there ever been an explanation for why men are so spiritually afraid of menstruation? I am not referring to just being disgusted by the physical process(I find it disgusting as well at times); I'm referring to a belief that menstruation makes a woman's soul impure, as well as the souls of those around her, including her children. This belief is so strong that in certain parts of the world women are required to leave their homes during menstruation and undergo spiritual cleansing, although they will never be considered pure like men. This belief was/is most prevalent in Hinduism, Ancient Chinese religion, and Taldumic Judaism.
picrel is the demon king Narakasura, despite being born to high caste and pure Individuals, he was born a demon cause he was conceived when his mother was menstruating and thus all his potential good karma became bad karma.

No. 1627294

all secret societies flow out of the ancient Egyptian and Babylonian mystery schools that existed thousands of years ago. that's baseline knowledge.

No. 1627299

see the problem is people never go far back enough, they don't get foundational. You're right, a secret society that formed 50 years ago does operate on that level. I'm not talking about that at all. If you haven't studied the thousands of year old mystery schools you haven't studied secret societies. Most of them that we discuss today, like freemasonry, has little to do nowadays with it's original purpose. Start at the beginning.

No. 1627304

I think it's just men having a monkey brain and failing to understand women once again. To them everything is extremely simple because their brains are simple. They see blood = ew = dirty = impure = danger. It isn't surprising, women were always the ones being more spiritual and intelligent. Not even animals are grossed out menstruation.

No. 1627317

Probably because they're too disgusted to rape women during menstruation because "dick bloody"

No. 1627327

I'll never forget reading years ago about one of the most horrific rapist/serial killers. One woman had a close call with him but when he discovered she was on her period he was so disgusted that she lived to tell the tale. He fled. Same man who had cut up like a dozen bodies in prior attacks and got off on that part too.. drew the line at seeing a bloody pad.

No. 1627330

Can you recall the name of the killer? He sounds pathetic but I'm glad a bloody pad saved the woman, guess I won't be as afraid of walking alone when I'm on my period.

No. 1627364

Here I was thinking I couldn't hate men even more and then I go and read this. KAM.

No. 1627378

Its not monkey brain though, apes don't have spiritual fear of menstruation and plenty of cultures don't have that big of a stigma against it, at worse they find it a bit gross but something that will force you to leave your home for a few days.

No. 1627406

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Transcendental Meditation the "spiritualist movement" is a cult like Scientology is at the upper levels. I cannot believe there's not more exposure on them. The org were sued by a guy for causing him emotional distress, but all these years later they're still thriving and have tons of celebrity endorsers. Everything about Fairfield IA and Maharishi previously mentioned ITT and more research I did on top of what anon mentioned >>1522422 indicates that it's 100% a cult and its practices are designed to wear people down and discourage psychological intervention (like scientology) but I can barely find shit about it on the internet at the upper levels. A thread about it on /x/ also got some replies demanding OP stop looking into it. Very creepy.

TM's techniques caused the man who sued to have further mental duress
>Ragland said the case is "not about people who practice meditation twice a day. This case is about those sucked into the process through thought reform," which involves controlling the student's time and environment and making him feel powerless.

>Yesterday, Margaret Singer, a clinical psychologist from the University of California at Berkeley, testified that she had examined Kropinski and that he had complained of feeling "lightheaded and disconnected" and having "sensations of sheer horror all over his body" at times. She found that he was suffering from a special form of anxiety, as well as from a "dissociative disorder" caused by "long periods of self-hypnosis" practiced over 11 years as he used the TM technique.

>The disorder, she testified, involved "moments of drifting off," when "the normal thought processes get split off" and Kropinski "could not get back into full focus."

Maharishi was also a creep, he sexually assaulted Mia Farrow when she was "studying" with him and even the Beatles left the practice because they were concerned by his behavior.


No. 1627472

Atlantis was real, idk why they want that knowledge hidden tho

No. 1627496

I've read that older men will split the cocks of young men in two to mimic a menstruating vulva in an anthropology book.
Male thinking doesn't operate within the rules of logic, don't bother picking their brains apart. You won't find anything except a jealous little chimp banging it's head against the walls of his skull.

No. 1627500

I got into meditation this year to help fix my attention span, and I remember coming across transcendental meditation during my research and immediately getting cult vibes from it. I was very dead set on decalcifying my pineal gland at the time, but once I saw all the Hollywood types into TM and meditation in general, I got a lil paranoid about it. I do think TM is different to regular meditation though as it uses mantras. It's basically a gentle brainwashing technique.

No. 1627538

Meditation itself is fine for mental health's sake, if you can commit to it (I have tried and my psychomotor issues prevent me from it it) but quite a few experts outside of TM's cult have said that their techniques are bad and the program itself is effectively an MLM scam. If you're deep into the cult, they'll also excommunicate you if your family is there, similar to Scientology.

The fact that a bunch of students disappeared from their university and there have been many suicides in Fairfield and two murders committed by high schoolers and college kids deep into the town and its ideology just radiates bad vibes.

Maharishi also admitted he based many of his techniques off Hubbard ala Scientology. Wish there was more real investigation into what goes on in there, how much money they're making, what they're doing with it, what celebrities or higher ranked people do for it, especially at the upper levels. It smells nasty.

No. 1627578

>she thinks they really disbanned

No. 1627582

secret societies, as far as you go, were the same as they are today. they were about power, wealth, and knowlege controlled by the chosen few who deem themselves worthy. what makes them worthy? well, they are rich! and they are descendants of other rich people. the knowldege? it's nothing about our souls, nothing that deep and profound. it was politics, maths, and medicine. stuff anyone can learn about today. so today's secret societies are just about power, politics, and money

No. 1627596

it is monkey brain
>apes don't have spiritual fear of menstruation
because apes do not have the processing power to understand anything beyond very basic things. they fling their own shit around, you think they would be grossed out by period blood? kek
>plenty of cultures don't have that big of a stigma against it, at worse they find it a bit gross but something that will force you to leave your home for a few days.
hmm its almost as if the cultures who will force a woman to leave the house when menstruating are extremely womenhating and restrictive toward the female gender or something?

No. 1627725

did you ever decalcify your pineal gland?? I haven't intentionally had fluoridated water or toothpaste in 2 years and I haven't noticed a difference except maybe in my thought clarity and reduced anxiety

No. 1627738

i know this probably isn't that much of a tinfoil but, sometimes i think pizzagate and q-anon were pushed so heavily in the mainstream media for the purpose of turning people against conspiracies and just assuming it's all koo koo craziness. all the good conspiracies have been buried under this umbrella of q-crap and pizzagate shit, and it's so convenient if you think about it. no one talks about manchurian candidates anymore, the weird last phone call recordings from the 9/11 passengers, the fbi/cia murdering black activists in the 1960's, planet x, just to name a few. because of q-anon, everyone just assumes you're some nut who thinks kids are being mushed up into soup. there are so many mysteries out there that people will never know because of a dumbass hodgepodge of bullshit.

btw i do not doubt that there are child sex rings because those are real. i just think pizzagate was a psy ops to politicize the issue (the whole left vs. right bullshit america has been plagued with) as one moid conspiracy theorist i follow pointed out.

No. 1627801

considering it came from the chans it could be possible, nobody truly knows who started it. but the funny thing is that most of the dumb rightoid moids fell for it and continue to perpetuate it

my mind set has always been that most people are too dumb to actually rationalize how conspiracy content works and will always rely on the most extreme conclusion possible and default to politics- ideological, adrenocreamy, satanic panic, the most outlandish and fictional sounding shit- but in reality, my opinion is that the abuse of women and children in any realm is a sadly commonplace thing and that's no exception on a wider scale with richer people- they just have more money and power to abuse unchecked.

if someone turned around and said any politicians, actors, or singers, anyone on that wealth level was out there committing some horrible atrocity, it wouldn't be surprising regardless of what their views were because they hold such power. I guess I'm just jaded at this point, public figure after public figure has been ruined for me. the problem is channer idiots who perpetuate qanon whether it was a psy op or not originally refuse to except that their great daddy trump was in cahoots with epstein, among other facts. they're just out there ignoring the big picture because it would make their heads explode to acknowledge their hateful idol isn't the god they think he is. we all have biases, but it has to be looked at non partisan- do these people really even hold these views, or do they just pick a side to pander to in order to deceive the public that they're worth their time? most of them are selfish, and stand for themselves, and the continued money and public attention they're given.

No. 1627818

I've always had a massive tinfoil that it is forbidden by the secret societies for a descendant of American slavery to become President or VP. Yes both Obama and Harris are half black, but their ancestries aren't American, it's Kenyan and Jamaican. If it happens a third time, I'll know I'm right.

No. 1627844

this is stupid. It doesn't need to be a conspiracy, it's simply that African immigrants are genuinely better off than actual ADOS (American descendants of slavery). This is why affirmative action based on race was stupid, because it didn't specifically help ADOS while African immigrants got boosted when they haven't faced the specific generational issues ADOS have.

No. 1627851

I think something real happened at Comet PingPong and they set up someone to take the fall so it could be swept under the rug. There’s a lot of strange images correlating with that place and the fact that the emails set it off speaks of it being true. However it’s muddied the waters quite a bit since then.
>the weird last phone call recordings from the 9/11 passengers
What do you mean by that? I haven’t heard of this. I’ve heard of the buildings being an inside job, rigged to explode and how they collapsed into dust.
Another one recently was about fires in CA shooting lasers up (or down) the day after the news reported the government was working with lasers. Makes you think. I think there’s tech there they won’t tell us about but they’re testing it here.

No. 1627883

More on this? All I know about Transcendental meditation is that my man David Lynch is into it.

No. 1627907

during the 9/11 commission report, some of the recordings and transcriptions from the flights were released to the public. the most infamous one is flight attendant ceecee lyles whispering into the phone, supposedly either saying, "it's a frame" or "it's a fake". there is also the implication that these calls were not recorded in flight, as has been frequently suggested, because of limitations in technology at the time. it would make it virtually impossible for so many people to make that many calls while a plane was flying over 500+ mph, at over 30,000+ feet in the air. so there is the implication that either the people on board those planes were taken to a secure but secret location and given new identities or the calls were faked entirely. the film "9/11: the new pearl harbor" goes into good detail about this. i will link both that and the ceecee audio in my replies. i've always been pretty dubious to the 9/11 truther movement, but those recordings really stuck with me.




No. 1627911

skip to around 1:36:40 for the part on the phone calls and swap hypothesis.

No. 1627998

Holy shit, this is fucking weird. I've always thought that some people are a bit too overdramatic when it comes to 9/11 conspiracies, but this is something that straight up can't be explained. How can they make a phone call, without even having background noise or cutting off randomly, when I can't even do that in 2023? The official explanation is that most calls were made on airfones, but even then they admitted there were a few who used their cellphone - how on earth did they do this? Also weird how they only changed to saying it was mainly airfones all along when they originally said it was on cellphones but people called out their bs on how that's not possible and all of a sudden they were on airfones all along? Even many of the family members who received the call admitted those aboard the plane called from their cellphones, those same passengers being stated in the official documents as calling from airfones instead. Plus, some of the callers identified themselves by their first and last names? Who the fuck does that?

Also, speaking of the theory that the passengers on the 9/11 plane were taken elsewhere, an FBI document released states that one of the stewardesses (Betty Omg) for the flight said that the hijackers "stood upstairs" in a phone call - that's strange because the only known commercial plane to have multiple stories was a 747, while the 9/11 plane was a 767.

No. 1628112

Oh I know they didn't disband. I just said that lodge officially got disbanded, but I know they still have secret societies, that's why I made the post in the first place.

Some people claim to hear other people whispering and instructing the lady about what to say. There are some noises that could be voices or they could be just phone noises… but the "it's a frame" phrase is much clearer.

No. 1628256

it sounds like staggered breaths/gasps of someone who is trying not to cry, or a phone being dragged on a shirt or something. i think it is kind of disgusting to imply she is saying "its a fake" it's a "frame" because it really doesn't sound like it, and saying otherwise kind of cheapens the horrid fucking situation this woman and other callers were in as they made these calls. this is a typical case of you hearing something you want to hear. went to listen to this with an open mind because i was always interested in 9/11 conspiracies, and i put the volume all the way up on my headphones and i do not hear it, not even a little bit

No. 1628417

kek i was wondering how long it was going to take for one of you disinfo niggas to show up. you know damn well that does not sound like someone gasping for breath so fuck off.

No. 1628477

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it was mentioned first a few threads back. >>1522422

>religious / spiritualist movement started by a guy named maharishi yogi
>yogi sexually harassed tons of women, including mia farrow when she studied with him
>bastardized eastern religion and principles for stupid westerners
>meditation can be legitimate but TM profits off what can be learned for free, and TM's form of meditation has often caused people worse stress
>technique often causes practitioners of TM more mental foul than good
>some started experiencing dissociation, depersonalization and hallucinations
>they were sued by at least one person for mental distress
>people who've left TM including one who was a former member of nxivm refer to the organization as a "cult"
>founder admits himself that he hijacked techniques from scientology founder hubbard
>attending sessions to buy a mantra and learn the practice can cost thousands of dollars and is essentially an mlm scheme as you move up the ranks, like scientology
>like scientology they're also shilled by tons of celebrities including carrey, oprah, russell brand, and lynch
>one account of a woman leaving the cult said she was followed and excommunicated from her family much like scientology
>the movement owns a university located in a rural town in iowa called fairfield called maharishi university
>university and town have two giant meditation domes
>fairfield has a lot of eerie happenings
>from 2008-2014 there were tons of suicides in fairfield, many of them tm devotees
>100+ international students from india completely disappeared from the university with no explanation one year
>many of those disappeared students were found later working menial jobs away from the university, or never found at all
>fairfield has also had two murders perpetrated by college students and high schoolers
>iowa as a state also has an alarming problem with human trafficking because of the way it's structured
>university according to people who attended it and people who went to admissions said university takes away your passport
>forces you to stay on campus
>adherence to strict diet and rules
>there is something rotten in fairfield

>founded by sexual abuser and grifter
>creepy "religion" and "spirituality" movement
>seems to have levels
>mlm like structure
>brainwashing and controlling its followers
>anti psychology views
>ostracizing people who leave and cutting them off from their families
>mysterious suicides, disappearances and deaths
>famous people endorsing it
>creepy university located in the middle of nowhere

some of this also mentioned in the overarching jim carrey document posted yesterday to celebricows - https://docs.google.com/document/d/11PmM58n0eQI7JXNzL4awS9zuuWllALNIMaJgPv9QJ1g/

No. 1629111

>Muh thousands year old mystery club
A large number of gullible people can be conned if you only wrap your scam up in the prestige of the ostensibly ancient and mysterious. It's another psychological principle that you can use if you want to take advantage of fools

No. 1629276

Nah, I don't think so. Been living as free of unnatural pollutants as I can for a couple years now, for reasons not just relating to decalcification. Filtering my water, avoiding fluoridated toothpaste, eating as much home-grown and homemade stuff as possible, using natural alternatives to toiletries, having as little plastic/synthetic shit in my wardrobe and environment as possible. Though I do feel physically fitter, mentally I'm about the same. I get periods of great focus and clarity, and then I lapse into schizophrenia and depression. Ebb and flow of life, I guess. At least I'm more Stoic in attitude about it now. I'm still gonna keep on meditating.

No. 1629546

Except there is proof that the pizzagate scandal was real, unlike the Qanon psyops. When it broke out, many news outlets were forbidden to acknowledge or use ‘fact checkers’ to debunk the allegations against Comet Ping Pong; one newscaster got fired and blacklisted for this. The dude who ran the restaurant had creepy pictures with kids and secret gay phrase captions. Not to mention that James Alefantis also had connections to NXIVM and supposedly is part of the Rothschild family.

Nice try, glowies.

No. 1629845

That still doesn't mean Pizzagate is real, it just means the owner of Comet Ping Pong is a weirdo. There's no proof of sex trafficking of children taking place.

No. 1629876

I just don't get why people can't simply say "I find him handsome, I'm attracted to him" anymore. Where did all this babygirl shit come from? Infantilising grown men is fucking weird and embarrassing. I will never understand purposely speaking like a retard even on social media, it's not funny or cute in the slightest. Gen Z are so braindead (and unfortunately I'm part of this generation kek)

No. 1629916

I think it’s funny/sad to see infantilization of women and men today. Women claim they don’t know how sex works while claiming they’re a child at 20 years old and they’re not ready for the real world while men sit and play video games. It makes sense a woman can’t call a man attractive or handsome if he’s older because of some BS like she’s losing her power or whatever. It’s sad to watch because women and men end up looking retarded.

No. 1629931

I know it's charlie and a shitpost of a video but I fully believe this. the whole algorithm is meant to brainwash or otherwise corrupt the youth

No. 1629945

The logic is, it gives power to the man if you call him handsome or are attracted to him also, if you're in love with an unconventional or pathetic man, people will just call him those things.
Because being attracted to a guy like that is shameful compared to shilled generic old guy from a hollywood movie.

No. 1630547

Why have Drag queens have become such a contentious issues for liberals? To the point that mainstream channels feel they have to defend grown men in sexualized clothing being around children, they have to know how absolutely retarded it is

No. 1630550

If we separated drag from children none of this would be happening. If attention starved millenial mothers didn't team up with drag queens that need money to become the dumbest duo imaginable and laying the perfect bait for right-wing heretics they wouldn't be called groomers rn. Drag is adult oriented, and does not belong around children. This is a no-brainer and always has been and I loathe the millennial boymoms trying to force their kids to be gay when they want to play roblox and throw hotwheels off the side of their roof.

No. 1630603

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I know this has been happening but it's still very sick. It's in line with the normalization of pedophilia.

No. 1630606

AI being used for child porn. AI being used for art grifters. AI being used to write movies. AI being used to imitate and steal from real people. AI destroying jobs and creativity as we know it. Yeah checks out.

No. 1631229

i read arguments like that about flat earth, that it's meant to make conspiracy theorists look retarded, and by association, anyone that questions nasa stuff must be a flat earther. I believe pretty much everything nasa puts out is bullshit but not that the earth is flat. Flat earth got promoted everywhere, it was constantly showing up as suggested videos for everyone on youtube back when it first appeared, most other conspiracies are slow to get accepted, but with flat earth everyone was pushing it literally overnight, i remember cause i was into astronomy as a teen and googled around about people believing in flat earth, and there was just a few old map images and the flat earth society website, hardly anything else about it, and then it was everywhere.

pizzagate was made out to sound really ridiculous so now people probably dismiss any claims of pedophilia without looking into it

No. 1631356

Has anyone heard of that Sound of Freedom movie? It honestly looks like it’s awful from a cinematic standpoint it seems cheap and melodramatic but it’s brining awareness to human trafficking and I heard theaters don’t wanna play jt

No. 1631362

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if they wanted to draw attention to it seriously instead of having American saviors abroad they'd focus on child trafficking in the US. The US government allowed for child trafficking by placing kids with traffickers and the failures in the foster care system. And also that part of the foreign market for sex trafficking of children is due to demand from wealthy male sex tourists. It simplifies the reality and makes it a feel-good story for American retards who don't care to actually understand how this happens or how to stop it.

No. 1631382

The guy who it's based off is a grifter and a liar. Megachurches are mass buying tickets to give the illusion it's performing well. Tim Ballard and his organization Operation Underground Railroad are cows who have fabricated and stolen stories of alleged "rescues" including the story of "Liliana", who was actually a trafficking victim who fled her captor herself. He's a vile piece of shit and he's not surprisingly adjacent to Trump and the QAnon movement.


>Ballard has repeatedly claimed that OUR played a central role in a large anti-trafficking case in New York and implied that it helped rescue a victim in that case when in fact, according to court transcripts and other records, she bravely escaped her trafficker on her own.

>the story she and other survivors told in court—and which helped win a conviction against their traffickers—bears little but a broad resemblance to what Ballard has said publicly about it. Crucially, contrary to an assertion OUR has made in fundraising material, Liliana wasn't found or rescued by anyone
>When she was just 17, and after years of rape, psychological manipulation and physical abuse, she escaped on her own.

>Liliana met guy in Mexico who was a few years older than her

>falls in love with him
>his relatives start sexually abusing her
>she and guy move to the United States for a "better life"
>he imprisons her in a room with a phone she's only allowed to use to ask him for food, psychologically breaks her down
>forces her into prostitution
>also traffics other women
>she ends up eventually escaping herself
>timmy ballard ends up stealing a woman's story as his main draw for his grifting and implements himself
>lowers the woman's age
>news outlets went to multiple agencies and survivor organizations who supposedly worked with liliana, debunking his claims

there's a special place in hell for a scrote who steals a young immigrant abuse survivors story and uses it to profit off his maga cult grift. imagine escaping your abuser yourself, trying to bring him and his operation down, and then some idiotic white savior complex dicklick steals your entire story and makes himself the hero. fuck this faggot

No. 1632046

this thread is so real and I wish this issue was talked about more and not lumped under gang stalking because it’s much more prevalent, covert, and wholly targets and sets to destroy the psyche and social standing of both mentally ill and healthy/thriving little girls and women. I would know. I’m still a victim of this, sorry to blogpost but it takes some context to explain how I know I’m still being targeted for this shit.

I was your typical gen Z with way too much access to free range internet from a young age. It didn’t help I started puberty very young, like age 8, due to being CSAd at a young age. Like any know it all kid, from the time I first got access to the internet and online, I learned how to be secretive and how to get attention I wasn’t getting at home. I knew how to sneak around and chat in chat rooms with strangers and go on webcam on those group webcam sites like tinychat with other kids and teens and pedos on the prowl. eventually apparently like a bunch of other gen x preteen girls I moved over to Kik, and that was when it was at its worst I think. everyday as a 12 year old girl I’d receive DOZENS of messages from admitted fully grown men either outright being sexual with me or coercively trying to groom me over time. But I had already been sexually abused, I knew what they wanted, and to an extent I thought I was deciding for myself to show my body to these grown men. I liked the attention sometimes. It became a regular thing for me to do.

Eventually though, through a series of weird coincidences and my own detective work, I found out that a guy who had been long term grooming me in India somehow knew of a close friend of mine on Facebook who I knew thru being meme page admins together. I thought that was weird, how did this random Indian scrote know of meme admin guy? I never told Indian guy any of my social media or my real name or anything that would be able to connect them. I’d sent nudes to both. I suspected something was up but I didn’t know for sure the extent of it until a year or two later when I started talking to this younger 20s French guy. One day he started being verbally and emotionally abusive to me and I was over his shit so I told him off. He proceeded to tell me, basically, that he knew I had sent nudes to Indian guy and FB meme admin guy. I didn’t even know he knew of them, we had only chatted through kik, until he revealed to me that they all knew each other and talked. I realized that they had all been working together for almost 2 years to get an entire library of nude pictures on me. What they were doing with them outside of sharing them with each other, I don’t know, but the fact that these 3 were all from different countries and had planned this out to an extent shocked me enough and told me all I needed to know. I blocked all 3 of them.

Yet every year, every few months, since then, since I was 13 years old (almost 10 years ago) I’ve received messages from accounts that are obviously the Indian guy fucking with me or psychologically tormenting me on everything from Facebook, to Kik, to Instagram, and more. I’m a professional artist and he’s numerous times for the past 3 years tried to DM me on my art account pretending to be a fan of my work or wanting to commission something from me, or even pretending to be a guy flirting with me, and yet a few messages in im able to tell it’s Indian guy. It’s been a decade and he still messages me to fuck with me or to remind me of what he “has on me”. I’ve legally changed my name and everything. It feels like no matter what I do I can’t get away. How do you even talk t someone about this without sounding crazy? So yeah. It’s real. It’s so real and I believe it is way more common than people let on, partly because those who are victimized by it are either forced into silence or their lives are ruined, or kill themselves, or are driven crazy, or aren’t even aware yet that they’re being watched and coerced by a ring of men online. Please don’t let your daughters use the internet unsupervised. Please.

No. 1632049

as someone who works with drag preformers on a regular basis: these people don’t want the media spotlight and culture war going on over them either. Most of them just want to be left alone and continue to be adult only performers and make their $$$.

This entire culture war is a grift being pushed by reactionary politicians from both sides to distract from the actual issues the people are fighting against right now like Cop City and the perpetual poisoning of public resources and land by oil and chemical companies all while the government continues to subsidize and use 90% of public land and water for unsustainable animal agriculture and giving big dairy more gov subsidies.

No. 1632063

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I recently went back on social media and I've either gained a new stalker or my old one is back. Even when I foray into my professional life I don't want to show my face or broadcast my voice too much, knowing he might still be watching. I try and act like he holds no power but even when I tried to go on anon boards or under aliases I didn't feel safe. I still don't.

The more I talk about it the worse it gets, so I just pretend surface level that it doesn't exist. Like I'll shut up again now. It's sad that this presides over women, even ones who try not to show their faces end up caught in the web of creepy lowlife moids. I had self esteem and happiness that has been effectively drained from me and I have to chase down again, because I've been left so drained by fear and pain. I fucking hate men

No. 1632194

I'm seeing more and more articles hyping up the concerns of of covid in the deer population in America.
Calling it now: They're going to try to make it illegal to hunt and eat deer with the excuse of it will create anther pandemic. They will do this in order to cut off the largest source of cheap protein available (to make us more dependent on their food sources), to decrease the number of people who are trained to use guns, and to push to de-arm the population through restricting bullet size. Because buckshot is naturally much more powerful than birdshot, but if no one hunts deer, then it shouldn't be legal for a citizen to have.

No. 1632210

The largest source of cheap protein available is bugs and the most likely source of cross-species transmission from deer to humans will be moids raping female deer, proven fact. It's a well known and accepted practice amongst hunters to go out into the woods and rape a doe. The logo for the company Browning actually signifies doe-raping, sadly it's seen plastered all over the backs of pick up trucks across rural America. Very disappointing.

No. 1632218

No. 1632278

Nonas have you ever seen the footage of Epsteins island and the temple? Nobody's really ever been inside it, but they recently repainted it white when another YouTuber went there months ago. The island is still heavily monitored by security both on boats and in golf carts. Last I heard it was still up for sale, did anyone ever purchase it? What do you think is in and under the eerie temple?

No. 1632280

Here's the YouTuber who went after it was repainted

No. 1632294

There's rumors for ages that it goes deep underground and I doubt it's anything more eerie than a creepy sex setup but im sure they'll fill it with fresh concrete if havent already

No. 1632304

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Karen Mulder was one of the few celebrities that was brave enough to expose the pedophile elite and she was ridiculed.

SUPERMODEL Karen Mulder has told how she was raped and fed hard drugs by "evil and vicious" men in the fashion world.

French police are investigating the claims and a magistrate will decide whether to bring charges.

Karen, 33, said she was raped repeatedly by former members of her model agency, Elite.

She claimed she was forced to sleep with powerful men, including a member of a European royal family, to get better catwalk work.

Karen said people tried to kill her, and girls from Elite were used as sex slaves by senior figures in the police and French government.

The Dutch beauty alleged that she was lured into taking heroin and cocaine, and admitted she was once a heavy cannabis user. She reported all her claims to police.

Karen, who was 17 when she joined Elite, said: "They tried to turn me into a prostitute because they thought it would be so easy.

"I was raped by two bookers - I reported them and they were fired.

"All these people who betrayed me I used to love so very much.

"Then I realised how big the conspiracy was. It brought in the government and police, who both used Elite girls.

"People have tried to kidnap and poison me."

Karen, once one of the world's 10 highest-paid models, also claimed a relative raped and abused her from the age of two.

And she told how she was given hard drugs by a former friend who wanted to get her addicted.

Karen said: "I took a bit of cocaine and he tried to get me to do heroin several times.

"I panicked when I realised I'd taken heroin.

"Now I don't drink or smoke, even though I smoked a lot of joints a long time ago."

Karen quit modelling last year. She used to be a spokeswoman for Elite, telling parents the agency would look after their girls.

But she said: "I'd like to rectify that - you can't trust these crooks and swindlers.

"Those who smile the most are the most evil, the most vicious."

Karen made the claims on a French TV chatshow some weeks ago. Her story was so explosive that the interview was never broadcast but details soon appeared on the internet.

A few days after her TV appearance, Karen checked into a psychiatric hospital in Paris. She is still being treated.

But despite her troubles, French authorities are taking her story seriously. A Paris magistrate, Jean-Pierre Gaury, has begun an inquiry into claims of "rape by persons unknown".

It's claimed Gaury will look at "physical evidence" as part of the investigation.

Elite launched the careers of Naomi Campbell, Linda Evangelista and Cindy Crawford. Actress Cameron Diaz also modelled for the agency, but there is no suggestion any other big names are involved in the Mulder scandal.

Fiona Black, of Glasgow-based model agency The Look, said: "In the modelling world, there is an image of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll. The more successful someone becomes, the more likely they are to meet dubious characters.

"But I don't really think that kind of thing goes on in Scotland and Britain as a whole."

No. 1632308

All the women who idolize models and want to be them are so painfully brainwashed and retarded. Just a bunch of disgusting fat men and seething pickmes running shit.

No. 1632322

Anyone who idolizes women as commodities because of their ability to endure pain and objectification in order to be another otherworldly standard of beauty are generally teenagers, girls with severe arrested development, or homos. It's the same with kpop.

No. 1632331

I'm always wanting to know more about the Epstein case, everything feels so surface level, but there's so much misinformation out there. I don't care if everyone he knew didn't know he trafficked underage girls, I want to know the people who did and participated in it and see more photos of his creepy residencies… half of his case really does feel covered up, and Ghislaine won't talk, other associates of his have died and probably will continue to die. Deep sigh

There was a Variety and Rolling Stone article about the abuses in modeling not long ago. I remember when researching how dark Hollywood was and running into commente, Elite came up as one of the worst agencies. Not surprising at all



No. 1632429

No I think they're geniunely clueless if they're young enough. They just see pretty ladies wearing stylish clothes and think "I want to look like that" but don't look into what modeling is like.

No. 1632462

kek @ you thinking that the average American or firearm holder in Burgerland knows how to hunt for food, let alone is willing to do such if the food supply really does get tight.

the rise of animal disease in animal populations isn’t some tinfoil in order to get less people to hunt, in fact, most of the animal diseases we see like bird flu and zombie disease in deer and mad cow disease all started, like anon said above, either from human interference via sexual abuse of animals, or human interference via our unsustainable animal agriculture and hunting systems that allow these diseases to spread.

hell, just this week the USDA and top chicken companies agreed to a motion to put down tens of thousands of chickens in case it stops the spread of a new outbreak of bird flu among the factory farmed chicken population, all for the sake of being able to continue raping millions of more birds per day to keep up with unsustainable demand paid for by animal agriculture companies and their gov subsidies.

it’s crazy to me that Burgerlanders would soon rather tinfoil over the elites “trying to make eating bugs normal” (despite seafood being normal to eat, and those are bugs, and eating bugs as protein being seen as a normal thing in plenty of other non western countries) rather than being concerned with the fact that 90% of US land and water goes towards sustaining our unsustainable animal agriculture systems, 80% of Amazon deforestation is used to grow soy monocrops which is used strictly to feed factory farmed animals, and yet they continue to gorge themselves with plastic wrapped, antibiotic and growth hormone pumped factory farmed animal flesh despite US dairy, eggs and meat being banned in the EU and many other countries due to how processed, unhealthy and cancerous it is, and Burgerlanders would rather tinfoil over veganism or plant based eating being some government plot rather than the Got Milk propaganda they’ve been fed since preschool maybe not being true? Jesus Christ just Google what nestle and other dairy companies did overseas to kill newborn babies in order to sell more of their milk formula products and that’s all you should need to know that maybe an industry built on the normalized mass rape, slavery and genocide of entire species, mostly females of said species, is a bad way to approach our relationship with consumption and food?

No. 1632632

The problem is not animal agriculture itself, the issue is factory farming. Animal agriculture has existed for thousands of years and is needed to maintain the balance required to produce both animal products and plant products for human consumption.

Removing animal agriculture would make the environmental situation worse not better. Soil depletion, pesticide and herbicide pollution and artificial fertilizer contamination is already a major issue. Eating the bugs is also not viable in some parts of the world. In Europe for example, Europeans do not eat insects because the majority of native insects species are either poisonous or are too small to be worth eating. Non-native insect species would either need to be kept in artificial environments which would require huge amounts of energy to maintain the needed heat and light, or import insects from abroad. Both solutions result in further pollution. Fossil fuels are burned for energy and transport by air or sea releases petrochemicals into the environment. Returning to traditional agricultural methods that have been sustainable for thousands of years is the solution.

No. 1632786

I hate crustaceans, so I won't be eating those bugs either, as well as the majority of plastic pollution comes from fishing so I don't eat anything from the ocean on principle.
Also, are you from USA? Hunting is such a huge thing in my state that we get the first day of deer off, and hunter education sign up sheets are available at school. It surprises me to think that other Americans wouldn't realize the extent that Americans hunt.
Also also, I'm not going vegan to save the planet just because people keep having kids, so you can suck my tit. I will become an eco terrorist and push for a one child policy and forced abortions before I live in the pod and eat vegan.

No. 1632789

is it really true that our meat/eggs/dairy are banned from the EU? I buy from local farms and not from the grocery, so I'm curious if it's just an animal welfare issue or if it's like the feed farmers give to everyone or what.

No. 1632798

You treat meat with harmful hormones, feed pigs and cows certain substances that cause anxiety and heart issues in humans, and wash chicken meat in chlorine before selling it. What's not to love?

No. 1632804

Do you live in the US? It sounds like you're describing cheap meat or meat from a state without good regulations.

No. 1632817

I'm answering this question
>is it really true that our meat/eggs/dairy are banned from the EU?
EU and US have very different regulations. What can be acceptable in the US (chlorine), doesn't fly in Europe.

No. 1632883

>is it really true that our meat/eggs/dairy are banned from the EU
It's not a ban specifically on the US but just a general ban on importing animal products produced with growth hormones (amongst other things). There's a relatively recent agreement between the EU and the US on importing hormone-free meat so it's not like no US meat enters the EU ever. But it's worth noting when the UK left the EU, the US jumped on the chance to get a trade deal (not sure if it went through) with the UK on exporting chlorine chicken meat that would never have been allowed under EU laws because of the associated health risks.

No. 1632976

Don't they also wash their eggs so people need to refrigerate them before eating (because washing them gets rid of a natural film that keeps bacteria out)?
Also I remember reading that US people must assume that every piece of meat has some kind of food poisoning bacteria at the time of purchase, and that the tools used to cut them are also coated in bacteria… meanwhile in some EU countries you can buy minced red meat and eat it raw safely.

No. 1632984

Fellow schizos, antidote for maya has a video about masonic generational curses where she talks about renunciation of
the curse formulas and I believe they could also help some gangstalking victims, or those who think they're victims on gangstalking, since some of gangstalking is perpetuated/inspired by freemasonry. I myself see gangstalking as a kind of a curse, even though it's not because of blood ties.

No. 1632991

>It's a well known and accepted practice amongst hunters to go out into the woods and rape a doe.
That's disgusting and I always hated hunters, but do you have any sources on that?

No. 1632997

>in some EU countries you can buy minced red meat and eat it raw safely.
not some, it's close to all who have some recipes with raw pork or raw eggs, and not just in europe either, japan, thailand and so on too

No. 1633073

What the fuck are you talking about? Hunters absolutely do not rape does. That’s sick af and most hunters would wanna square up if you made such a nasty assumption, and would drive any deerfuckers out of their circles. All the hunters I know teach not only their sons but their daughters to hunt as well, it’s a family activity. I’m sure there are a fringe group of zoosadists doing weird shit but if you think fucking a wild doe would go over well you’ve never been around a wild deer in your damn life, even if you weren’t hunting them.

The biggest issue is field dressing practices not being followed how they should be. Brain and spinal material should be avoided and not fucked with because of the whole chronic wasting disease affective both wild and farmed deer. This is like due to the deer eating other deer, same with how mad cow comes from cow eating other cows. Herbivores aren’t supposed to eat their own kind. Even the most conservative redneck hunters, while they maintain cognitive dissonance by voting red, view hunting as pretty damn sacred. The only hunters I could see raping does and getting away with it would be those rich fucks who just hunt for trophies and also go hunt lions and shit.

No. 1633076

You can buy unwashed eggs at most natural markets and farmers market in the US and I, with my sensitive tummy, eat them mostly raw (sunny side up) often.

No. 1633093

I'm beginning to realize why some anons think the way that they do. They are Americans and have no concept of natural, high quality food and have no idea that non-intensive traditional agriculture exists on a large scale in other parts of the world. Eating insects and drinking soy milk as their daily slop and swill probably seems like a better alternative than factory farmed meat and dairy that's been contaminated with hormones, anti-biotics and petrochemicals.

No. 1633336

Don't forget guys, heards of cows, goats, horses and sheep make a lot of great fertilizer. If we switched to 90% insect farming, there wouldn't be enough animal poop to fertilize all the vegetarin fields. You'd have to use chemical ones and that's not good for anybody. I'm always happy when i smell the poop because i know they used a traditional method.

No. 1633447

>Sunny side up
That ain't raw nonna

No. 1633471

Good for you, eurofag.

Pretty sure ‘they’ know this and in reality, want to kill us off.

No. 1633509

Many gardeners use blood and bone meal to feed their plants. Blood meal provides nitrogen while bone meal provides phosphorous and calcium. Diminishing animal agriculture means losing a major natural source of plant fertilizer, makes it harder to grow crops.

No. 1633512

Happy for you but Americas problems are totally unlike any other nations. One of the reasons why "traditional" food industry works for European countries is because they probably do not operate on that large of a scale lol. The USA is younger, larger, and very heterogeneous, and most white Europeans are probably a little inbred by now

No. 1633554

nta but anon is just exaggerating or bragging. Here in my little part of Western Europe food really isn't all that NaTuRaL and RaW, come on now. We've got intensive agriculture and all our supermarkets are stuffed to the brim with the same processed crap from the same brands under P&G, Unilever and Nestle that are being sold in the US too. Several USian fast food chains are found on every street corner. I don't think it's AS bad here as in the US going by what I've read online but it certainly isn't a uniquely US/NA problem. That said
>white Europeans are probably a little inbred by now
Gross and not true.

No. 1633601

>most white Europeans are probably a little inbred by now
Europe is very large and very ethnically diverse, burger.
This anon is right >>1633554 Europe also has its shitty food chains with awful quality and standards. I'd say it's a bit easier to find quality food from local farmers, but it's very expensive and most people go for the cheapest option and eat at mcdonalds.

No. 1633612

> Europe is very large and very ethnically diverse, burger.
burgers truly can't understand europe is a continent and not a country

No. 1633649

My intent was not to insult Americans. I wanted to understand why some anons are oblivious to the obvious. Americans do have very American focused world view and often assume that everywhere works like America. Again this is not an insult, it's an observation. I know why it happens and it's not the fault of any individual.

Some anons just seem to think "meat bad because factory farming bad, we should eat plants instead" and the process of thought stops there. None of them have any understanding of how crops are grown or the cyclical and self sustaining nature of responsible agriculture.

I agree that Europe is far from perfect. What Europeans have is a greater choice of food with easier availability of quality food. If I go to a supermarket I can buy processed shit or I can buy fresh organic food. Europe also has higher legal standards for food. What Americans consider cheese wouldn't meet the legal definition of cheese in the EU and the UK for example. Pesticides such as atrazine are banned in Europe, as are certain food additives that are allowed in America.

This is probably another factor. America is a huge country with a variety of climates. European countries are much smaller and don't have as many large uninhabited areas that can be used for industrial scale agriculture. Not all terrains and climates are suitable for crop growing but are suitable as livestock pasture. Raising livestock in these areas is a way of maintaining the natural environment while still being agriculturally productive.

No. 1633725

>natural fertilizers
Most factory farm animals never even go outside, they spend their entire lives in factories, wtf are you talking about…

No. 1633735

A cow in a field eats grass and shits out free fertilizer in the form of manure.

No. 1633737

nta but they're not letting all that poo pile up in the factories anon, it's aged and shipped to places to use as field fertilizer. many factory farms have issue with over-fertilizing nearby fields and causing runoff issue in groundwater though

No. 1633739

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The Jonah Hill thing had me thinking back about bots.

re: the Jim Carrey Epstein list "lawsuit" threat >>1504034 was possibly a false flag publicity call intended to either prevent more coming out about Carrey, or to give him attention. In other words, what if there was no real outrage at all and the entire thing was a stunt?

Vincent Briatore, who was "threatened" with the C&D appears to be an associate of and know That Umbrella Guy, was featured on his stream. Radar Online was also where the "story" first appeared beyond outrage grifters YouTube. Radar were under American Media Inc, and are now under a360 media, where Dylan Howard did many catch and kills on behalf of abusive and creepy celebrities. In the same vein, Radar is also used as a vehicle for celebrity publicists to promote their clients.

Umbrella Guy was hired and fed information by Adam Waldman to do outrage PR smearing Amber Heard on behalf of Johnny Depp and Waldman admitted to doing this. Things are starting to look a little… shall we say, staged. Carrey is also doing NFTs now and the qanon idiot YouTuber is into crypto. The relationship is mutually beneficial, celebrity gains PR attention and distracts from what they're really doing, and grifter gains followers. Voila.

It's just too on the nose that he would sell his house, delete his twitter, and then threaten to sue some nobody qanon youtuber sequentially. meanwhile he still used bots during that timeframe to defend himself when his abuse was brought up. It's odd, but he seems to enjoy staging outrage press for himself because that's either the only way he can stay relevant, or he's hiding something worse. probably the latter

No. 1633893

Kek I only knew that guy because he sided with Vic Mignogna

No. 1633946

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I believe it's totally possible to defeat your night terror/sleep paralysis demon, regardless if it's materialized, a spiritual attack or just a projection of your subconscious mind. I literally punched my night terror demon in the face and I haven't had any night terrors or even casual nightmares since then. I believe those entities can't get to you unless your let them, and they need
a strong NO in order to leave you alone. They feed on your fear so you have to do something opposite to your usual reaction (letting the fear and paralysis overtake you), and the more you fear the harder you should charge at those motherfuckers, even if you think they can hurt you. They can't. Even if that was just a projection of my mind or a dream, it worked, because I sleep better now. Btw I've never been the type of a person who could lucid dream. Usually I have zero control over what I'm doing in the dream, but this one time was different, I believe I broke the dream itself. I laughed and I punched this demonic ugly fucker in its face and it was shocked. It hasn't haunted me since then. So yeah, I strongly recommend punching your night terror demons/shadow figures/grey aliens/whatever form they decide to take. Those motherfuckers deserve some beating for every night they ruined. Some people have actual jobs, they need to sleep, unlike gay demons who fuck around dimensions and spawn at random houses and crouch next to your bed. Nobody wants to see your ugly mugs. I repel you.

No. 1633950

I mean… its possible to wake up from sleep paralysis but it takes a bit for it to wear off because it isnt a demon entity and is instead a real reaction in your body that your mind amplifies with nightmares to explain the sensation.

No. 1633988

He's been hopping from grift to grift. His defense of Vic was the first thing that cued me into him, but both him and fellow grifter Rekeita have covered the Depp case. Waldman basically admitted that he paid TUG, alongside other far right MRA or pro depp "influencers" to spread misinformation.

I was on trial twitter for a bit and I honestly believe he was behind some of the depp supporters trying to dox some amber supporters to where they drove the biggest one off the platform. Waldman is a vile, vile propagandist, someone compared his methodology to Goebels. Waldman is employed by Brad Pitt now too. Waldman, Depp and Carrey all at least vaguely know oligarch Oleg Deripaska who's also likely behind the Russian bot farms used to "support" these abusive male celebrities (or some other oligarch is), Deripaska also has ties to helping the Trump campaign and Paul Manafort.

These men's alleged "political leanings" are a fucking joke, they hate and abuse women and totally embrace any actual support they get from misogynists.

No. 1634053

I pray for those demons to go away when under sleep paralysis, it usually works a few minutes later then I sleep normally.

No. 1634252

I wish they'd just fuck me but they always want to strangle me or cannibalize me instead. Useless

No. 1634660

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So, this isn't really a tinfoil but more an indicator of how easily masses of people and institutions can be duped into believing entirely false narratives. I'm sure most of us have seen or heard of the pedophilic Asia Argento-directed film with the Sprouse twins, 'The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things.' In the film, a young boy dresses as a babydoll hooker and "seduces" a grown man played by Marilyn Manson. The film is based on a semi-autobiographical book by JT LeRoy, whose two semi-autobiographical books were relatively popular in underground, gay and certain feminist literary circles. They describe his past as an Appalachian underage cross-dressing prostitute for truckers with an abusive prostitute mother, and his experiences being a religious figure once, the gay night life, and the alleged industry of "boy-girl" prostitutes. The books were recommended in gender study classes, showing the "situational nature of identity and gender", and queercore and riotgrrl bands sang songs referencing the book. Figures ranging from Kathleen Hannah, Judith Butler, Billy Corgan, and Lena Dunham had all read and praised the books, but all of that was bullshit. The real author turned out to be a woman named Laura Albert, who unlike her pretend persona, grew up in an upper-middle-class household in Brooklyn Village, moved to San Francisco, and worked as a phone sex operator and erotica writer and reviewer. The whole story of the boy cross-dressing prostitute was just made up, yet people fully bought it. It should have been obvious considering the sex in the book was heavily pornified and eroticized and featured no venereal diseases or anal fissures. The fact is, tens of thousands of 'important' people believed this shit (and probably still do). A lot of pedophiles undoubtedly got off on it, and worse of all, three actual children were probably traumatized in the making of the adaptations of this pedophilic fantasy.


No. 1634711

I don’t remember watching this episode of Zach and Cody…

What you’re describing sounds like the idea of modern day feminism built on lies and ulterior motives. There are no good guys and this is one big psyop.

No. 1634796

People just need to avoid all tranny shit always, because it's never coming from a "gender neutral" or positive place, it's always coming from male sexual degeneracy.

No. 1634798

they have underage nudes of you, can you report them for cp? for starters. I'm so sorry you're going through this. do you have their real names?

No. 1634974

What did you not understand? Even a cow that is indoors 24/7 eats natural food = natural fertilizer. It's not good for the cow obviously, but the field doesn't care, as long as it's from an animal, it's better than chemicals.

Europe also uses Roundup on a big scale, years ago i only heard bad things about it and everybody said they were glad we don't use it here. Well now they do, or they aren't ashamed to admit it anymore. You can see bottles of it on the roadisides in Greece and completley burned fields in central europe. Instead they could grow a nitrogen crop for couple of months till winter so the field isn't completley dead and blowing in the wind.

I agree and sometimes its easier than it seems.
When i was a kid i had years where i dreamt of demons attacking me and the only thing that changed that was me one time asking the demon if she wanted help. She stopped in her tracks and left. I asked them couple of more times and they either left or gave me a quest. After like a month i had normal dreams again. One had to just b lucid enough to ask.
Moving on to now in my new house there is a big shadow that's floating above our bed, me and my boyfriend both saw it several times. He even seen him floating above him and when it saw he was awake it moved above me! It woke me up and scared me a lot of times but when i started talking about it to my friend, she called it a dementor and i thought it fit. Not because it looks like a demmentor, it's bigger and more blobby, but it feels like one. And sice i have it in my mind that it's a dementor he's not been seen.
I guess it's about the vide your brain gives off, if itš a conident vibe they sence it.

No. 1635004

JT Leroy was the pen name of Laura Albert, a woman who went through abuse and said people only gave her compassion when she claimed to be a boy.

No. 1635060

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I am aware she went through sexual abuse(I regret not mentioning that) but she never had anything close to the life she described in her pretend persona, i.e growing up poor and working as an underage prostitute in west Virginia, with an abusive proustite mother. She had no reason to make up an identity just cause she found it entertaining, and the worst part is that actual academics and pretentious pedophiles used her works to justify their horrific and degenerate takes, cause her made-up persona didn't regret all that happened and actually enjoyed being raped as a child prostitute, so their all limits to sympathy.

No. 1635082

>How do you even talk t someone about this without sounding crazy?
It doesn't sound crazy at all.

No. 1635548

>There are nonnies here who think the moon is real.

No. 1635791

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No. 1635882

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I swear to God this is a planned paranoia that's meant to be self-fulfilling prophecy.
>Exercise is fascism
>Having good relationship with your family is fascism
>Being patriotic is fascism
>Not eating junk-food is fascism
>Drinking water is fascism

No. 1635922

fascism isn’t even mentioned??

No. 1635943

Sorry but don't be a fucking retard

No. 1635985

I don't want to defend that journo but I noticed that trend in right wing cycles where they get obsessed with bodybuilding and organic food. Of course it's just mostly obese moids larping but big name RW twitterfags are also fitness influencers on the side (like Bronze Age Pervert).

No. 1635987

okay and? pretty much every social movement(barring modern liberals one) encourages its members to get fit, its been a thing since forever.

No. 1636006

There is like a dozen of rw ecelebs who make lifting weights a huge part of their brand. On other hand, I don't know a lot of communists who meme about sunbathing their balls and drinking raw eggs while jerking off to Ancient Greek statues.

No. 1636307

I'm so sick of this bullshit. Everything's fascist these days, it seems to be the buzzword du jour. The "communist" retard at my workplace told me I sound right wing when I talk about my love of bodybuilding and combat sports. I make ZERO mention of politics at work and just say that these two things have been great for my mental health, but sure, I'm literally Hitler because I'm not a fat slob huffing the HAES copium.

No. 1636425

the fact that some anons including op are misinterpreting and getting offended by the article in the first place makes you all sound like far right wing retarded tradthots yourself

or moids

No. 1636446

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"A group of mostly young men who believe in violence is also into physical fitness." That's not a big observation. Both the Islamist and communist parties in my country train and engage in martial arts because that's what they believe in.

No. 1636466

And observational surface level crap is worthy of belonging in this thread? It's an article with a purposely evocative headline, but said headline doesn't even mention fascism

Nor is it actively trying to discourage anyone from exercising. Whatever anons are coming to those conclusions came to them on their own but you sound retarded and like moids trying to defend the far right

No. 1636501

Fit and healthy = right wing has been a consistent mainstream left narrative for a while. It's also something I experienced in real life. I've been accused of being right wing and secret fascist because I work out and I'm fairly muscular for a woman. It's not congruent with reality, more conservative areas in the US are usually fatter with higher rates of illness. It's politicization of something that doesn't need to be political by the usual low quality media outlets.

No. 1636511

>said headline doesn't even mention fascism
It says 'far-right', what do you think it means by that?

you have to be retarded to not have noticed the leftist media in the west encouraging people to celebrate being fat, ugly, and unhealthy, so it's pretty useful to see it has now gone as far as nakedly expressing the inverse of that sentiment.

No. 1636520

it's not actually about fitness and fascism it's about marketing and selling products and services. that's online content for you. the politics are the bait.

No. 1636543

>tEH lEFtiSt medIA
go back to the fucking tradthot thread or 4chan

No. 1636546

>I've been accused of being right wing because I'm muscular for a woman

I'll take things for 600 that never happened Alex, some of you are sounding like tumblr in here

No. 1636550

Can you stop with the tradthot shit? How insecure are you to not even be able to read a differing opinion? Pathetic.

No. 1636558

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>tumblr complains on a regular basis about being fit and being accused of being right wing
I highly doubt it.

It's a common media narrative and has been for a long time


No. 1636560

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No. 1636562

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This article in a woman's magazine even talks about why the rest of media is full of shit for pushing this narrative

No. 1636565

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No. 1636566

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No. 1636571

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I could post more but I'll stop here because I think you get the point.

No. 1636591

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Redfem(radical feminist/marxist podcast) briefly talked about this topic in one of their episodes, but I can't remember which one. Essentially, one of the hosts hannah berrelli(woman in vidrel) stated that both men and women (but specifically men) can find more opportunities for self-improvement within the realm of the right-wing, such as getting off porn, getting fit, and trying to better themselves. Meanwhile, the mainstream left often dismisses self-improvement as wrong(cause your already perfect), and denies the existence of porn addiction. They compared this decline from Che as masculine ideals that they presented for men

No. 1636660

A male friend of mine got onto nofap after his porn addiction wrecked his previous relationship, and the shit he got when he spoke to other friends about it really struck me as odd. A lot of them called it problematic, but when pressed couldn't tell you why. Only that some right wing/right leaning people do it, so it must be bad. Like, ok I get it. It is quite funny when a dude tells you he's addicted to jerking off. But porn rots brains, this guy was watching hours of content every day. We should give the men who fully commit to nofap positive reinforcement. So many of my straight or bi friends talk about how their bf's want them to do some absolutely foul, coombrained things that are often dangerous because they saw it in porn. Porn addiction is literally an epidemic at this point. I do think some of the pushback on social media is paid for by Big Coom, though I can't prove it. A lot of men just can't handle the fact that they're in control of their own destiny though. I think that's why they chimp out when quitting porn, eating healthy, working out, or pretty much any form of self-improvement is mentioned.

No. 1636891

Because you're shitting up the thread with waffling, not actually valuable tinfoiling. Would rather hear about celebrity tinfoiling, gate, and Epstein over this fucking boring bullshit, but you want to come in here and bitch about something that's not even worthy of being called a tinfoil. Tell me how you feel about Jews, honey, I'm sure your true colors will come trickling out eventually. It smells like moid in here(Infighting)

No. 1636946

sigh. From this response alone I can tell where your head is at. How about you try growing up?
Anyway, I think the association with fitness = the RW and fatness = LW is an interesting phenomenon and I wonder if it's a kind of weird manifestation of each sides values?(infighting)

No. 1637055

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kek, these are hilarious.

No. 1637232

Crystal cafe jannies deleting posts in the gangstalking thread on CC. Guess they gave in to the feds. Nona who posted on that thread please repost the videos and info here (hope you're a farmer too).
The deleted posts were disproving that TI = schizophrenia theory going around, and it didn't seem to be a scrote.

No. 1637562

I suspect that it's being pushed by corporate interests. A fat and unhealthy population increases the profits for both the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry. Companies pay media outlets to write this horse shit and to the "journalists" working there being accused of being right wing is probably the most scathing insult they can think of.

No. 1637638

IMHO, I'm very split on this tinfoil. Yes, fatties are great consumers but there should be more to that. There is still interests of other entities. Like, the goverment (where health care is provided by the govt) wouldn't want to spend too much money on treating cardio-vascular diseases and diabetes. And the goverment still needs soldiers and fatties make poor soldiers.
I believe there is more to that.

No. 1637639

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This isn't my own tinfoil; it's something I saw on Twitter about two years ago, but it has stuck with me for a while. The theory was that many horror and slasher films are actually psy-ops created to inspire serial killers and murderers. An example from my own life is when I was young and flipping through channels, I stumbled upon a film called Joy Ride. One scene in particular that made me sick, was where two of the main characters were tied to chairs, horrifically tortured in a dimly-lit, dirty room, and had their kneecaps busted with a hammer while their teeth were removed, It was so horrifying that I had nightmares for months. The theory on Twitter mentioned a then more recent film called The Farm that is very similar to Joy Ride. The Farm features young couples being hunted, kidnapped, tormented, and humiliated by maniacs. The women and men are locked in cages naked, and the women have their breast milk extracted through a machine while the men are slaughtered for meat. The movie is disgustingly filled with graphic detail, and the bad guys triumph in the end. The final girl in the movie is tied up, presented naked with an apple gag in her mouth, like a pig to be eaten.
One might ask why anyone would ever make something like this. The film would have cost millions of dollars and required dozens of sign-offs before being greenlit, but it's not about making money. Rather, it's about creating sick bastards who get off on it. These individuals might seek out more sexually depraved films(that do exist) and could possibly move on to real victims.

No. 1637644

Interesting. I'm bipolar and struggle with fits of rage when I'm manic. I once told my doctor that I really like horror movies for a good spook and she told me that I never should watch such movies for my own well-being. She told me that more gory and creepy movies are off-limits to me.
Anyway, I didn't watch any movies than but I browsed a chan centered around gore and ryona and it accelerated my agression and self-harm tendencies.
I'm pretty tame at that regard cause my aggression is targeted at myself so I just came up with new fucked up ways of self-harm and I had intrusive thoughts of mutilating myself. I guess a moid who has fits of tard rage can watch too many movies hurt other people. I guess it's something about your violent tendencies being targeted at yourself vs other people. I can see a person with a fucked up state of mind watching too many movies and hurting other people cause his mind was bombarded with gore and violence.
IDK I was there, in that state of mind, so I know that feel.

No. 1637652

What chan was it?

No. 1637659

I don't remember… I guess it was just called gurochan??? It's the only guro-centered chan out there. I don't recommend it though cause it's full of awful moids, serial killers in the making, LARPers who pretend to be cute Japanese girl and just an assorted array of retards.
On the topic of the tinfoil at hand. I guess horror movies are not made for the purpose of creating new serial killers. But I think there are communities out there that can nudge mentally unstable people to commit murder. I'm not talking about incels. But incels have their hand in that. I think those incel mass shooters frequent incel forums AND places where people post real executions, people dying, cartels beheading people etc. I think it's a mix of ideology and being expossed to violence.

No. 1637660

I mean, Dennis Rader (the BTK killer) had a fairly normal life. He was just really into bondage magazines from a very young age, and had stacks of them that he had been collecting. I guess he took his fetish to the ultimate degree.

No. 1637664

Samefag, what I'm trying to say is that it's not feds/illuminety/lizards who are trying to create serial killers through horror films.
But there is underground groups who exploit depressed/wizard moids and indoctrinate them through a mix of ideology and violence. You need those two. Like ISIS who post execution videos. It's a very nuanced psyop. You need to find a moid who is unhappy with his life and show him an ideology that is either extremely nihilist or promises him happiness (two extremes, but they work). Then you slowly expose him to violence and - bam! - you have a crazy moid who is ready to kill.
I think most mass shooters who have an ideaologu behind their escapades also lurk "watch people die" types of videos.

No. 1637694

Another farmer + occasional CC poster here. I didn't post in the gangstalking thread but I heard about the deletion. I experienced something similar, I posted in a thread about premonition dreams on CC and it was also deleted later. The whole thread had only 1 post and 2 I wrote myself as replies, then it disappeared mysteriously.
The CC also got rid of a thread about imaginary companions - not tulpas but something like childhood experiences with imaginary friends or sensing "presences" where I posted one time too. Maybe these topics seem less controversial than gangstalking but it still weirded me out why these threads would be deleted out of the blue. There was even no infighting, no spam or no rule infringement in these discussions.

No. 1637705

It think it might be true because there must be a person or a couple of people who came up with the idea. People making movies are smart, they know some scenes this will get stuck in children's minds and they know it will affect some people in negative ways. Like imagine if any of you were making a movie, i wouldn't put extremly graphic violence in there even if it was a horror film, so why would these makers put it in there? Because they like it and they want people t be exposed to it and like it too.
The violence in movies has gotten way worse did you guys noticed it? It's too realistic, horror movies didn't make me sick before but the last 12 years a lot of them do.

No. 1637714

Its not just about it being "realistic" its the visceral detail given and how its being framed.

No. 1637740

Anecdotal, but when I was hospitalised after a schizophrenic episode, there was frequent discussions of "what movie killer are you" among other patients. Of course it was tongue in cheek, but some of them were a little bit too invested in these discussions. If you've got a broken brain as a base, I 100% believe certain films will leave an imprint on it. I also think a lot of it is just to keep people miserable and fearful. Like how most TV dramas nowadays seem to be incredibly depressing with sexual assault, murder, adultery, abuse, etc. I've been ill lately and watching more TV and films than normal. It's hard to find something that isn't completely soul crushing, and got me thinking about the media I consume and how it might be subconsciously bringing me down.

No. 1637751

Samefag, but I forgot to add that I posted in /tig/ once and saw the reply to my post get deleted before my eyes. It freaked me out so I kept away from it. Just got a bad vibe about the place, idk.

No. 1637797

What was that discussion about?

No. 1637805

Yeah, it’s called population control/depopulation. They want the masses to be as weak and docile enough for complete submission while getting rid of any detractors, enter long spiel about divide and conquer blah blah blah; nwo this and that.

No. 1637902

If “sex work is work” then a boss asking for a blow job is just another part of employment, the 15yo behind the counter at McDonald’s being told by a customer to suck his dick isn’t being sexually harassed, the customer has just stumbled into the wrong establishment. This line of thinking doesn’t seek to normalize prostitution but sexual assault and harassment. A man comes up to you jerking off and asks you how much? He’s not sexually harassing you, just inquiring about your goods and services. A man rapes a women in an alley? That’s ok because he can just slip her a $50 and she should be pleased to have been paid for her time. We are in the midst of an attempt by the powers that be to normalize any and all harm perpetrated against us. Women want to be choked to death/beaten/locked in cages! See these women on these porn sites do it all the time and they’re very hard workers getting paid the big bux! There are even disabled women now talking about how they were told to just get into porn instead of government social programs, like there’s a lot of money to be made in porn amirite!?
The wealthy are done with our money, it’s all going digital anyway. The last thing we have to offer is our bodies: blood, plasma, eggs, holes… etc. we are all products waiting for them to purchase/take as far as they are concerned.
Next is children which they’ve already started on. It used to be called grooming to talk to a child about sex and the child’s body in a sexual way. Now its pragmatic and necessary and oh, wouldn’t you know it but children can consent to surgery/drugs/medical interventions. People think it’s fear mongering but it used to be standard knowledge to know how pedos operate: its 101 to first groom the social network of the victim, they make it normal for them to be alone with the child, to keep secrets, for the child to touch them and kiss them and when anyone asks, nah they do it with their parents/they’re a relative so it’s ok. Not just that but pedos work together to create environments for them to do this, they cover for each other, the higher up they get in a system the more they welcome other predators in to shield themselves and demand protections. Just look at the Catholic Church shit. We’ve seen this before but somehow now it’s ok!?
Idk but society is sick right now. The dehumanizing way we’re being treated, like objects that can be parted out and purchased. It’s some capitalistic hellscape where the only ones that win are the ones that can afford not to have to play.

No. 1637971

Fully agree with you. It's disgusting how prostitution is being normalised. Even if some chose it, weren't trafficked, the "profession" as a whole evolved from sexual slavery. It's a form of degradation.
And about grooming - this is also sad and awful what's happening. I'm also surprised by queer activists who acts like everyone who doesn't like their propaganda isn't able to teach a child about grooming and safety rules. I have heard of opinions that unless a child would attend the propaganda-fueled sex ed classes they will be clueless about the dangers. Cue the dangers are in the current LGBTQP movement. As for the education about biology, pregnancy, etc. it's needed and I had it as an older child and teen too but it needs to be done well and not by some woke creeps.
It disgusts me how much pedophilia is being normalised in certain circles and how others don't bat an eye but then again so many fucked up things are still acceptable in the world, and slavery and women discrimination were such recent phenomenona (that still exist to some degree) that it's nor surprising there will be forces trying to normalize pedophilia. History of sexual abuse is so long and yet we're facing the abusers skiwalking as some activists or protectors of children.
Also it's creepy how they are fixated on presenting their opponents (aka sane people) as evil prudes, abusers, crazy conservatists or even fascists/Nazis. They will do everything to smear concerned parents or anyone who wants to protect the innocence of children. They claim that others are repressed and secretly obsessed with sex but they're the ones fixated on it, sex and using others is clearly their only value in life so they won't stop to try using everyone, including children, for their sick lust. They use sex for manipulating people, promoting a hedonistic lifestyle and no rules. They want others to get rid of rules and sanity so they can fall down into this twisted world of abuse and no limits.

No. 1638031

NTA. I get that but why associate health and fitness with being right wing? It creates the impression that left = weak and unhealthy, right = strong and healthy. It makes the right appear more attractive to young men. If you were a teenage boy who would you look up to? An obese tranny or a fit muscular straight male? It makes no sense.

No. 1638153

Right and the LGB already had issues with pedos (MAPS/nambla) trying to hitch to their rights. Like being in a relationship with an adult is the same as sexually abusing a child?
What people need to recognize is that it doesn’t matter if not all of an organization is in on the grooming, they don’t have to be, they just have to turn a blind eye to obvious boundary violations… you know, like men walking around with their dicks out around women and girls. That’s why anyone who advocates for this shit is immediately labeled a groomer in my mind, they can’t not be because pedo shit is a fucking cancer. They can’t just excise the individual perpetrators because their ideologies are the problem and if they leave those in place it allows new perpetrators to come and fill the gap of the one they just ousted. The whole system of belief that children can consent to sexual modifications to their bodies (why does a little boy need a front hole if not for a man’s penis to go into!? It’s literally sex shit to suggest and tell a child they need that in order not to kill themselves) needs to go, the thought that strangers should keep secrets with your child because they are teachers, this is literal groomer doctrine, has to go! Sadly it doesn’t matter if someone has the best of intentions, it doesn’t matter if they themselves are “not like that”, if they allow pedos to seed their dogma in their organization they must gouge out all that they can and fucking burn it!
If someone says to you “this child will be legal tomorrow so it’s ok if I have sex with them now right!?” They’re testing boundaries, they are pushing you to accept that it’s normal for them to break the law because it’s just a little bit so it’s ok. No! Leave children the fuck alone, respect the law and safeguarding, it exists for a reason.

No. 1638264

Yes. I posted in some threads on CC and they got deleted after that. Kinda cursed if you ask me. Seems like they're gonna get rid of the TI thread next.

No. 1638401

Hmmm this is a very good theory! I believe that all movies in Hollywood are psyops, a lot of them are filmed on military bases so of course the government is in cahoots ..
That’s why movies like Top Gun are a thing

No. 1638403

>The women and men are locked in cages naked, and the women have their breast milk extracted through a machine while the men are slaughtered for meat.
that's what happens to animals in real life. just the basics of animal agriculture.
>One might ask why anyone would ever make something like this.
trying to shock people into going vegan (doesn't really end well though) and stopping their hypocrisy

No. 1638537

well that's a very dumb way to try to make people vegan if the result is making more serial killers kek

No. 1638550

Movies have been interpolating military propaganda since forever: also see the marvel movies

No. 1638817

Two seperate people on opposite sides of the earth claiming to see 'fake people' on planes, both times very close to each other. The fuck is going on? It's so creepy! I'm assuming the planes had normal trips though both predicted that the planes would crash. Nonetheless their panic was so real. Could just be schizophrenia/delusions, but these incidents are just so close and so similar.

No. 1638820

Maybe it’s an outlet for the writers and producers so they don’t act out their sick fantasies. Like it’s more preventative than causative.

Reminds me of that retarded (literally, IQ of like 60) Australian girl who was obsessed with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies who killed her own mother by stabbing her to death. She was prone to tard rage, I think euthanasia should be legal in those cases before something horrific happens.

No. 1638837

Where's the second video? I'm aware of the incident that happened in Dallas, but when was the second one

No. 1638852

>forced one child policy and forced abortions is less bad than forcing the population to eat vegan
Based take also I agree kek.

No. 1638918

I think the health at every size movement was a psyop to further stigmatize and delegitimize people who are actually disabled, even if they aren’t fat from their disability.

No. 1638919

honestly we need both forced abortions and mass veganism

No. 1638930

Second one?

No. 1638931

I would absolutely include graphic horror in a horror movie if I was allowed to, not like A Serbian Film shit, but definitely more like God Bless America (2011) type violence.

No. 1638965

well god bless america isnt the type of graphic i mean, its pretty mild.

No. 1638967

Language is a corner stone for an individuals development and societal function. The erosion of the English language and it’s erosive effects on other languages is, by design, being left unchecked. The powerful want to confuse language in order to erode our ability to relate to each other and work together.
> if we can’t communicate, we can’t cooperate.
Grammar ai, language ai, autocorrect, language learning apps, all of these things are broken and no one’s going to fix them because it serves the needs of the oligarchs. They want us confused and frustrated, constantly on edge because we can’t understand but the truth is what we’re trying to understand is nonsense half the time.
These broken programs/apps warp language beyond recognition to the point where it’s about the “feelings” of an individual, who might not even be the person you’re talking to, instead of the words being said. Where an English speaker tries to learn another language only to be smacked in the face with “this language isn’t inclusive by our western standards so we changed it, it’s wrong now but at least you’re using the right words as determined by us”. It says “don’t think like that, think like this” and if you don’t we’ll remind you to by changing what you said.
Day in, day out we are exposed to this and it changes how we think by changing how we talk.

No. 1638969

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Related to this, has anyone else seen this narrative that non-white people are naturally fat and that promoting being thin and healthy is white supremacy? They usually bring up Polynesians (who do have a genetic inclination to gain more fat) as proof(even though they are a super rare example), they misinterpret the situation with South Asian population. South Asian people, on average, are chubbier not because they are like that naturally, but because they have perhaps one of the worst diets in the world. The spicy and flavorful cuisine can be enjoyable in moderation, but consuming it daily can lead to excess weight gain and an unhealthy midsection, which is a common issue for many Indian men and women.

No. 1638982

AFAIK most people living in the Oceania region are so fat because they live on small islands where native agriculture is almost impossible so they can't sustain producing crops, vegetables and food for farm animals. Since they can't grow their own healthy food the only way to ontain fresh produce is to buy expensive imported food. Obviously fresh produce is very pricy this way and can spoil quickly, so they mostly get ultra-processed food that can be stocked and transported easily. So they eat mostly junk food with loads of calories and little nutritional value, that's why they have extremely high obesity rates.

No. 1638985

Comparing BMI's between different races is retarded, but idk yet again the liberal white racists are showing their asses.

No. 1639020

Wtf, it happened in china too

No. 1639021

The islands were productive until mainland people came and mined the shit out of them for fertilizer. Now all they have left are expensive imported foods, which are usually high fat and low quality.

No. 1639029

Schizophrenia meets quantum immortality

No. 1639033

I meant to look up if the plane crashed, final destination style. do you happen to know?

No. 1639042

Ran across some more interesting details about Epstein after looking into the "temple". Can't remember if I mentioned this

>Epstein had a financing in Radar Magazine, which he started investing in around 2004

>alongside Mortimer Zuckerman, Daily News owner, and founder Maer Roshan
>"Radar's seemingly endless search for financing became something of a running joke in New York publishing. The staff held a celebration with one owner, an investor from Morocco, at Mr. Roshan's home, only to find out that the money that was always about to be wired was not forthcoming. Even yesterday, when Mr. Roshan sat with a reporter and some of his staff at the Coffee Shop in Union Square, giving an interview about finally obtaining financing, a last-minute glitch developed, a legal issue involving the magazine's name, that briefly put the press offensive on hold."
>"Mr. Epstein and Mr. Zuckerman will be equal partners in the new venture, and Mr. Roshan will retain a small ownership stake. The magazine will use some of the publishing resources of Mr. Zuckerman's company, which also publishes U.S. News and World Report."

>aimlessly wondering if this has anything to do with his celebrity ties or if he just thought it was a good investment? maybe both

>Radar having ties to Weinstein and other celebrity catch and kill coverups, via Dylan Howard and other executives who caught and killed stories for various celebs including ones yet to be fully exposed

>these publications had "vaults" of stories

>Epstein had consulted to buy another US virgin island, another small one like Little Saint James

>around 2010-2017
>bought through Qatari shell company
>found it on Reddit so the validity is questionable but thought it was interesting
>poster claimed to know a US virgin island attorney who was aware of this

Really curious about his ties to Radar and AMI publications. What was he trying to accomplish or do by investing in them, also being buddies with the founder. Also knowing Ghislaine won't talk about any details but is currently playing Prison Karen in Florida is fucking sending my sides into orbit.

No. 1639108

this is so interesting, thanks for sharing. i'm ESL so i'm not entirely sure about what i hear, it can be hard for me to decipher english when it's whispered and with bad audio quality. i do think the "swap theory" is a bit extreme though… that would be what? 3000 people pretending to be dead, living under a fake identity, to this day? somebody would have dropped the ball by now. imagine being separated from your family for so long… i couldn't do it.

the only alternative theory that would make sense is that the FBI/CIA forced them to make those calls, and then killed them.

No. 1639617

The last couple of series I watched both portrayed close friendships of a child and a grown adult man. Of course these adults are infantilized as they had childlike manners and interests. Is this a psyop for shilling p*dos as the new spicy queers now?

No. 1639636

What series?
I haven’t found the American video so seeing the clip at the end was interesting. She doesn’t look like she had a psychotic break.

No. 1640577

Wtf. Does anyone know if this also happens with other movies or just with this one?

No. 1640592

Somewhat related, but in the 10s there was a surge of media centered around a man protecting a child that may or may not be related to him. Usually it's a girl that he adopts. Off the top of my head: the last of us, sweet tooth, God of War, mandalorian etc. One might say that's it's an interesting storytelling device since it puts conflict in the story (protect a young child against a dangerous enviroment) but I would be interested to hear anons opinions on it. Is it a tinfoil? Moids are famously incapable of caring after children yet this weird "adoptee dad" was everywhere. Is it because moids think it's "wholesome" or is there a more nefarious reasoning behind it?

No. 1640626

Genuinely freaky how people are just against the film because of alleged Qanon similarities (not seen the film, can't say if it's like that or not) when they should damn well know how out of control human trafficking is. It almost makes me believe in the NPC theory when people act like this.

I think some of it is classic power fantasy stuff. The big burly saviour with a kind heart, as not only are most moids out of shape lardasses, they're also heartless and would 100% leave behind anyone in a crisis to save themselves. I do think there's possibly dodgy reasons behind this sub-genre becoming so popular, but it's very tinfoil-y with no proof. Like, have you noticed the "babygirl" thing with older men like Pedro Pascal in TLOU? It's like they're conditioning us to ignore our intuition about older men who hang around with little girls 'cause what if he's a widdle sweetie pie with a tragic backstory? Idk, maybe I just hate all men and it's not that deep.

No. 1640652

This movie isn't being "sabotaged" and multiple of these "narratives" were already debunked as hoaxes. Stop watching propaganda videos and post actual tinfoil

No. 1640654

see point >>1625224 its a psy-op to be more trusting of middle-aged men.

No. 1640674

Usually whenever something overwhelming happens or like whenever I get really excited about something I'll sorta bang my head against the nearest flat surface or smash my face into the pillow, but for whatever reason today I just bit my arm instead. And it actually left an imprint, which now prompted me to wonder why I even have these extreme unwarranted reactions at all. There was a point where I run around the room as well but I'm practically bedridden atm so that isn't an option.

Anyone have any clue why this is a thing? Am I just bad at processing my emotions?

No. 1640727

The recent Reddit ban on third party apps and API crawlers is actually a psyop to protect the interests of the rich and famous people who use the platform or don't want information out about them on it. While one could say it's also partial capitalism and them wanting these app developers to pay as they claim, there's something more insidious about the way they restrict the flow of information to protect the interests of rich donors who invest in the site? Remember how Ghislaine attended Reddit functions and the tinfoil she owned the user MaxwellHill on the site? What if other celebrities or rich people are in the same boat, and don't want information spread about them, so they encouraged this "change" for more than capital reasons?

Crawlers like camas.unddit.com allowed a very free flow of information and bested Reddits own search system by far. Using that I was able to find a multitude of very personal and otherwise buried accounts about celebrities, politicians, and otherwise famous people from both deleted and obscure users, and the archives dated back years.

It makes sense why other than money Reddit wouldn't want API crawlers out there, not because it allows you to stalk other people for creepy reasons, it allows you to stalk information that gets suppressed or could be useful, that's heavily downvoted, or buried to time. Even journalists have been known to stalk Reddit in recent years for information, and they probably knew about these third party search sites. So by taking away that liberty, it's a slow suffocation in favor of the rich, and they keep the Reddit search algorithm crappy on purpose. Holy fucking shit. Spez really fucking bent over for the interests of his shitty rich celebrity donors kek

No. 1640818

>telling tinfoilers to stop tinfoiling because it's not "actual" tinfoil
I hope you at least get paid for being a dumbass and aren't shilling for free.

That and that fact that Reddit is basically a USAF asset that they use to keep the masses distracted by the right things.

No. 1640848

Spez who was a moderator for jailbait don’t forget

No. 1640873

We're on an obscure basket weaving board nobody here is getting paid shit, not even the jannies. And you, assuming it's the same (you) keep constantly bringing up this shit movie in multiple threads to bait, and since mods won't ban you I'm telling you it's not milky. A multitude of the claims around theaters "suppressing" the movie, which they aren't… have been debunked. already explained how and why Tim Ballard is a piece of shit, imagine being a pickme caping for an ugly blonde Mormon scrote who only sees you as a reproductive vessel and stole a young female survivors story of abuse? Why do you hate yourself, right wing nonnies

I'd rather yammer on about Epstein and celebrities and Scientologists all day than see qanon adjacent christian persecution complex garbage that sounds like it was posted by a /pol/faggot in this fucking thread. Every time I try and bring up something interesting, it gets derailed and ignored. Now who sounds like the psyop?

if you would properly put your weaponized autism to use, and if you're not a shill, then maybe you'd actually read and discuss the interesting conspiracies in this thread and not ideological outrage drivel that's been repeatedly debunked. You're the one who sounds like a disruptor. I don't want to infight but you legitimately sound mentally fucking unhinged and retarded and not basing anything you say in reality, and that's not just ideological differences, you literally sound negative IQ retarded

I wonder what celebrities are at the top of Reddit's little investor list rolls eyes into back of head

No. 1640906

Chill the fuck out and stop jumping to conclusions. I learned that this movie existed today and I haven't discussed it in any other threads. I was joking about you being a shill because I find it ridiculous that you're telling people to stop tinfoiling in the designated fucking thread, instead of just posting the tinfoils you want to discuss. I see plenty of things I don't agree with in here, but I just keep scrolling instead of throwing a tard rage. You should try that sometime.

No. 1640928

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Anyone else think that this wave of "not showering/washing stuff" from celebs and articles claiming how bathing everyday is unhealthy are foreshadowing a possible water crisis.

No. 1640929

>We're on an obscure basket weaving board

This weird phrase is your calling card and I hate it everytime you use it.

No. 1640934

that's a term used by IB users to refer to IBs for as long as i can remember

No. 1640936

Absolutely. It ties into the foreshadowed water problems far too well, and it was a whole lotta people just randomly talking about their bathing habits unprompted. I watched Blade Runner 2049 a while ago and the shower scene where it's just one or two short bursts of water kinda feels like pre-programming, but honestly it was probably just an accurate prediction about the future. I did search for this scene on YouTube, but I couldn't find it and now YouTube thinks I wanna fuck Ryan Gosling, kek.

No. 1640942

Then maybe if you did just a little more research you'd realize the claims that the movie is being suppressed are easily debunked and that it's linked in this very thread evidence that the guy the movie is based on and who helped fund it is a Mormon fundie who women shouldn't be supporting but fucking whatever

Jim Carrey and other celebrities being cultists and nobody talking about it and trying to conveniently ignore the parallels of that "spiritualist organization" to Scientology that could cause real harm if left unchecked is far more interesting than any of this Sound of Freedom shit.

No. 1640956

> Hey guys a problematic shithead drawing attention to a problematic problem in such a way that righty fundamentalists will listen to is bad and Qanon of you, don’t listen or discuss!

To continue with pedo conspiracy in Hollywood and all power centers look no further then this nonsense rhetoric. People you don’t like will arrive at the same conclusions as you for different reasons, honestly I couldn’t care less so long as we all arrive at “fucking kids and normalizing fucking kids is wrong”.
Amerifags need to stop succumbing to stupid political teams, they don’t care who you side with, it’s all the same. You know why it’s the same? Because any time either side gets into power they don’t do anything about it. They have all the power and still won’t prosecute or go after the powerful who commit these crimes, they actively cover for them (but qanon, no, I’m talking about Epstein).
You don’t have to cover for the powerful, they can do it themselves. As a random person of the world you should be skeptical of all power and be mindful to never side with them because they don’t care about you! They wouldn’t be powerful if they did, remember that. The system elevates the ruthless, cruel and greedy, being kind isn’t in their wheelhouse and they have no idea what it looks like. Stop appealing to authority and shilling their nonsense qanon BS as a way to hand wave concerns about pedos in power.

No. 1640961

I wasn't supporting the film. I posted this >>1640626 and yes, I didn't research it much, I just hate this kneejerk dismissal of discussions on human trafficking and Hollywood pedos because of goddamn Qanon. I just think people should be free to tinfoil in the tinfoil thread! Besides, even if I wanted to see the film, I'd fucking pirate it. I support the entertainment industry as little financially as possible because I don't like giving money to degenerates.

No. 1641036

Literally just you /b/ and /pol/tards on that gay shit.

No. 1641124

You can go further back as well with "Leon" (The Professional in US) with Natalie Portman, who was 13 at the time but looked much younger.
It was directed by Luc Besson, who dated actress Maiwenn when she was 15 and he was 33, so yes, for him it certainly mirrored his own proclivities.

No. 1641175

Women’s clothing sizes are deliberately inconsistent to keep us in a continuous state of confusion and unhappiness with our bodies

No. 1641245

This is just straight up facts
Why do men have a consistent sizing system with waist and length measurements and we get none of that
Also the lack of pockets

No. 1641257

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They’re teaching us to hate ourselves from the moment we’re born
In a similar vein, I also noticed something about a few certain songs, mostly rap but I swear I’m not crap Chan it’s also pop but I can only think of rap examples right now.
All the album covers are so cutesy and remind me of all the toys I had as a little girl like those pink fake phones with lip gloss in it, and those sorts of things, but the lyrics about being promiscuous shaking your ass how your pussy is so good, fucking and sucking and how your body is so great etc. i don’t wanna sound like a prude but how is this not grooming? Another one that comes to mind is Ice Spice and Doja Cat, tell me I’m not crazy this shit always looks so cutesy and they call themselves Barbie’s while acting like lascivious hoes, they have pink cars and infantalize themselves in a weird way I feel like I’m not articulating it well. But I hope someone here gets it.
I’m trying to undo the lifelong brainwashing that my self worth is tied in with my appearance, if I have a daughter I’ll try to keep her away from the media as much as I can. Especially pop culture.

No. 1641263

Oh! I thought of another example and this was more from MY childhood, so I watched music videos a lot as a kid, they’d just come on tv I don’t know if they still do this, but this appealed to me as a kid, I thought it was cute. The sexual implications of the song flew over my head and I loved it but looking back I think this is kinda grotesque

No. 1641271

I was excited to grow boobs so I could show them off like how the girls in music videos did, the television raised me lol and I would show off my stomach as much as I could I definitely grew up too fast I wish I didn’t cause looking back I was so innocent and yet I wanted to be seen as sexy, I really envy ladies on here who say they were different cause they didn’t want a boyfriend or wanna wear makeup as a kid cause I did BADLY I was perfectly brainwashed and it has stuck with me, next time you got to the store, go to the toys section, all the girls toys are bake ovens, nail polish, fake makeup, fake dolls, fake babies but the boy toys are trucks and dinosaurs and shit. We as women were definitely cheated out of our childhood. And here you have troons and retarded “feminist” bimbos talk about how great it is while sexualizing it.

No. 1641275

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I’m sorry I can’t shut up but look at most girl kid characters too .
She looks slutty and idc you could tell me it’s not that deep and I’m exaggerating but I’m not and they’re designed with a fat ass and anorexicwaist while guys can be fat blobs in cartoons you could look at most cartoons and they’re like this

No. 1641282

Showing my age but I remember one of my school teachers being shocked about the music video for the 2001 Moulin Rouge film. At the time I just thought she was being stuck up and prude. Now I understand that she was right. It was extremely wrong for 10 year old girls to be exposed to that.

No. 1641284

yes, it's similar to how ethots adapted cutesy imagery like sanrio shit, it's a way to groom young girls and teens into thinking prostitution is cool.
i also think in a similar vein the cutesy gamer girl uwu anime porn is a way to groom young boys into becoming porn addicts.

No. 1641293

Sorry I disagree, this video was amazing showstopping unbelievable perfect like nothing ever done before. I was a little kid when I first heard it and saw the video, I was just mesmerized by the bright colors and cute outfits, I never internalized and instead thought the lyrics were funny as a joke when I got a few years older.

No. 1641297

Replying to myself. I just rewatched this and I never realised that the track is about a mixed race creole working as a prostitute. The original was written based on sex workers in New Orleans so creole makes more sense in this context. The 2001 cover changes "New Orleans" in the lyrics to "Moulin Rouge" which was in Paris and the film is set in 1900, so basically this is a song about a descendant of former slaves from the French colonies working as prostitute in Paris. I doubt any thought was given to this at the time and it's unlikely that there's any deeper meaning to it. It's just an observation.

I agree that it was an amazing music video and I was captivated by it at the time. It's still a video and song that glamourises prostitution and is not suitable for a child audience.

No. 1641298

when i saw that video as a child it turned me on but i didn't understand why or what was going on

No. 1641299

It’s always so weird to me when I hear about women who only had “girls” toys growing up. Did you never ask for or get anything else, really? I got hot wheels and Polly pockets on the same Christmas. I got a megablocks dragon fortress with cool dragons and a pirate ship and shit, along with fairytopia Barbies. I got bionicles and super soakers and my little pony. my parents finally moved out of my childhood home and gave me a big box of my old toys and the Barbies and the bionicles go nicely together - I was looking at them and fondly remembering the fun scenarios I’d play out with my toys. The bionicles would be like boss fights and my Barbies were all magical girls or magi. I feel bad for kids who were forced into a gendered box in regards to toys, “boy” toys and “girl” toys are both fun for both boys and girls. I also remember playing with my friends and their brothers would always be down to play Barbies wirh us, especially cause we’d usually make the Barbies vampires or magic in some fashion in our games.

No. 1641308

>Did you never ask for or get anything else, really?
NTA but nope. My family is very conservative and old fashioned. I was straight up told that "x is for boys". Wasn't even allowed to do benign things like cut a centimeter of my hair cause they thought cutting anything above the chest was for lesbians and against god, that's how strict they were.

No. 1641309

Thankfully, us spongey little children didn't have access to tiny pocket computers that feed us brainrot and only saw it ever so often if we had mtv on, which many of us didn't watch as a captivated audience until we became preteens, so we didn't give a fuck and just thought they were pretty. It was not that serious, we couldn't open it up on YouTube and memorize the choreo for tiktok.

No. 1641317

No, and I would get into my mom’s stuff and read her cosmo magazines and I called my friends sexy at school to compliment them (I cringe so hard) in like 3rd grade, I’m also just kinda dumb too. I idolized my older cousins who were like 13 and ate that shit up too.

No. 1641326

No, and if I touched my brothers toys he would have a meltdown and I would get in trouble. Meanwhile I had to share everything I owned no matter how precious or meaningful, otherwise I was punished for being a spoiled brat.

No. 1641387

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This was essentially the point of Barbie. That Barbie is for boys, adult men and women and non binary people too.

No. 1641404

I think it's another poor attempt by celebrities to be relatable. You know how they pretend to be depressed for clout, or having a quirky "relatable" personality.
It's the same shit. Like, "oh, guys watch, I also sometimes can't stand taking shower and forget to brush my teeth. Is it soooo relatable teeheee? Now gimme your money".

No. 1641407

Yes, but that's because I had a younger brother. My parents presented me a toy kitchen set as a kid and for my brother they got a firetruck. I liked a firetruck way more and my brother just played with the kitchen set so they gave up buying us different gendered toys and just bought us toy tanks and cars that we can play together.

No. 1641450

This happened to me but on other threads that have nothing to do with /x/. Just some /b/ threads that got deleted shortly after I opened them, and posts I made on /media/. They've just been deleting a bunch of threads and posts for no reason, as you can see in the resident cc refugee thread.

No. 1641452

kek nonna same. My Bionycles were my Baribie's boyfriends because i only had one Ken

No. 1641591

Any burgers following the UAP business? Next testimony scheduled for July 26th, under oath, in front of congress. Sorry if its been mentioned already. I am personally starting to lean into the idea that this is actually a big distraction in reguards to something the US is doing in relation to the Russia/Ukraine war. I am still cpmpletely fascinated by how legit and serious our politicians are makong this seem. I bet there is some truth to the 'hidden secret UAP retrieval program, funded by tax programs not approved by Congress' which is why blowing this up is working so well. Grusch, the whistle blower, literally had hands of the president's daily brief. Either he is taking the fall to distract against something in the vein of war unfolding, he is having some schizo breakdown, or it is completely legit. Interesting times.

No. 1641599

when I was really young, I had tons of Thomas The Tank Engine toys

No. 1641606

the alien presence on Earth is the number one global cover up to ever exist. It's long been the position of every world government with this knowledge that laying out the full truth would cause complete social collapse, plus incredible civil unrest when it was made apparent governments lied for decades. I don't believe we will actually get the truth on Wednesday - which is that the US government has crashed ET vehicles and bodies going back from at least WWII and have made successful contact with certain ET races. But I'll be interested to see what they will be willing to admit. Some in the government believe now if you trickle out the info you can avoid massive upheaval given how distracted everyone is nowadays.

No. 1641623

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No. 1641634

It predates Russia/Ukraine by a lot nonnie. The crash retrievals were first mentioned in the news, New York Times, in 2020 and they have been disclosing over time for a long time, and mostly from whistleblowers which the pentagon is not on board with.

No. 1641650

i think UAPs are something totally unsexy. i dont think its aliens, i think its more likely that its spy or drone shit. for example i think its more likely that they are unmanned craft sent by russia or china and that they are polluting water/air/food sources and it is having some sort of affect on american public. maybe the troonism, cancers, etc are a consequence of it. i say american public because you much more rarely hear about UFO/UAP in rest of the world. why is that? i wish it was aliums tho

No. 1641665

russia/ukraine stuff predates 2020 by at least 6 years depending on how you want ot count it

No. 1641666

That’s not true, the rest of the world has also been declassifying their stuff too, China is using ai to track for uap events and if it was Russia the whole thing with Ukraine would be over. Everyone’s seen it and been talking about (China, Australia, Brazil, Canada, UK, France), it went ignored for a long time because of stigma. They’re talking about it now because uaps are being sighted more frequently by citizens who finally have access to commercial goods that can see the UAP. They’re reluctantly drip feeding it to us, it’s been happening since at least the 1920s.

No. 1641668

UAP stuff predates that by 100 years

No. 1641679

yeah but why are barely ever any uap/ufo stories coming out from bosnia, greece, sweden, etc? its mainly these bigger countries who all have strong military presence and are feuding with each other

No. 1641685

Well like you said they have strong military presence which would suggest they have technologies that would more frequently put them in the paths of these things. There are many aviators from commercial industries that see them too, which granted doesn’t mean they aren’t drones but their maneuverability and speeds suggest technology outside of what we have (they defy our knowledge of physics).

No. 1641732

I know russia/ukraine stuff predates 2020. Im saying the current showmanship of the big whistleblower, NASA making comments, Congress actually trying to get info to the public, the credibility of the whistleblower/whistleblower protection got ramped up legally last year or so, etc etc might be related to something the US is doing currently and doesnt want eyeballs on it with reguards to the current Russia/Ukraine war situation. The UAP definitely predate all of that though, I am just saying how things are being handled right at this moment is kinda suspicious in my opinion. As in, maybe there actually are American boots on the ground in Ukraine which is opposite the narrative of we (usa) arent actually in any war at all, we are just sending non human aid to our buddies. Definitely not in any wars. bc if US oversteps here then it is likely people are going to panic about ww3. I also think that the existence of aliens might freak people out a little less than the ever increasing likelihood of nuclear war. If ww3 breaks out, so will the nukes (probably). But who really knows. Im just going to watch it unfold and take bets with myself I guess.

No. 1641736

That was the same with my family without the religious aspect. My parents were gen x but also conservative Hispanics when it came to gender roles which were so ingrained that I was ashamed of watching cartoons/power rangers because of them being geared toward the male audience when I was a kid.

No. 1641740

It's a cover up for the use of scalar electromagnetic weapons in the next global conflict. It's known that Russia already has Tesla Howitzers, it's unknown if China and the US also posses these weapons. If you search for "tesla howitzer" on yandex, it leads down a deep rabbit hole.

Neocons in the US have been planning the Ukraine war since at least 2014. The Maidan protests were essentially a colour revolution with the usual backers such as the CIA and Soros. It was always the intention to use Ukraine to weaken Russia and oust Putin so Russia would come under US soft power and both countries could be looted of their mineral wealth by US corporations.

While I think some UAP incidents are real, I suspect that the majority are used as a cover for military technology. The US made aircraft resembling flying saucers as far back as the 1950s such as the Avrocar VZ-9. Russia has a history of unexplained phenomena that could be related to aliens such as the Tunguska event that happened in 1908 and Patomskiy crater which was discovered in 1947.

No. 1641746

Does anyone have any info about the galactic federation?

No. 1641750

Ayrt, definitely agree its being used as a smokescreen and distraction but that’s true of most things the American government lets people become aware of and talk about.
The UAPs being used to cover up spy planes/drones and advanced weaponry is well known but again I think that’s a convenient use to discredit people claiming aliens - “don’t be stupid it was a spy plane/air balloon/gas leak not a ufo”. I hope it’s not actually that we have advanced technology that someone’s kept from us, that’d be a crime against humanity.

No. 1641757

>If you search for "tesla howitzer" on yandex, it leads down a deep rabbit hole.
thank you nona
of course russians have electromagnetic and wave weapons, they use it on their citizens all the damn time

No. 1641761

>I hope it’s not actually that we have advanced technology that someone’s kept from us, that’d be a crime against humanity.
this is absolutely the case. if you look historically you will see that the military always had our best and most advanced inventions decades before the gen pop got ahold of them. for the most simplistic example (that we as normies know about) look at the vr hemlets fighter pilots wear and use for warfare. it's a state of technology that is insane, they can see "outside" of the plane in a 360 degree view and can use it to shoot down enemy planes. the halmet gives an ar overlay and deletes the cockpit, plane, even the image of the pilot. now look at the joke of vr headsets that we have access to. anyway, i dont doubt that the military has access to technology we normies will only learn about in 50-100 years. when snowden started leaking the info on the scope of surveilance we are under people thought it was science fiction that your phones are listening to you at all times. people would make fun of you for covering your webcam. and now its common knowledge that even your router can use wifi signal to "see" inside your house to the point of knowing which room you are in based on how the signal is bouncing off off surfaces.

No. 1641762

sa to summarize the militarty/goverments have tech that we can only dream of. they can probably control our actions to some degree and affect how we feel and think with this technology. they can probably kill us remotely by now

No. 1641816

The only reason I don't believe they have the tech to kill people instantly is I'm still alive kek. I've been tormented psychically for as long as I can remember but I'm content knowing they just try to get us to kill ourselves. They care enough to torture us but leave the killing in our hands to make it seem like our own fault.

No. 1641818

you're a nobody, why would anyone use military tech to take you out?

No. 1641823

Complete control from birth till death. The elites are terrified of anyone with the potential to reveal the truth to the masses. That's why put higher IQ children through the GATE program.

No. 1641838

They have a gun that causes heart attacks and an electromagnetic satellite thingy that causes strokes as well as other weaponry that causes cancer or something but sure, the government doesn’t have murder machines.

Unless you are a prominent detractor/whistleblower who is indeed targeted, that’s just your schizophrenia telling you big brother is psychologically torturing you.

No. 1641923

celebrity tinfoiling is likelier to take me out. You people do not want to fuck with anything adjacent to Scientology like entities and famous people

something is rotten somewhere in the four corners. Either Arizona or New Mexico. That's where the other cult is. You know, the one I keep mentioning. And Iowa. Why has nobody investigated those dumb fuckers yet.

No. 1641930

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Also what the fuck is this kek

Another money laundering company? Like JC23 wasn't enough?

No. 1641936

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in germany politicians trying to meme you into not showering is already a thing. usually under the cover of "do it for the environment/ukraine!" but maybe there more severe issues awaiting us and one day we really just won't be allowed/able to do so anymore.
>German Vice Chancellor and Economy Minister Robert Habeck says he has had to once again “drastically reduce” the time he spends in the shower in an effort to cope with what he describes as an acute energy crisis.
>Not heating apartments in winter would also greatly help Germany to overcome the difficulties allegedly caused by Russia, the minister told Der Spiegel magazine in an interview published on Friday.
>The minister apparently takes pride in his ability to have a “quick shower,” as he told Der Spiegel that he just “had to laugh” when his “Dutch colleague” told him about a planned campaign to encourage people to reduce the average shower time from 10 to five minutes. “I’ve never showered for five minutes in my life,” Habeck said, claiming he completes the task faster.
>The minister also said he barely heats his apartment in winter since he “gets up at six and leaves by seven,” before returning “late.”

No. 1641964

>Tesla how-witty-majig
Nonna, enlighten us, don’t make us go blindly into a rabbit hole.

No. 1641978

They don’t have the tech to kill people which is why you still see murder squads, dumbass.

No. 1642074

I have my webcam covered and people think it's insane even in 2023. Why does nobody give a shit? Women in particular should be the most concerned about camera spying because the consequences of this stuff always hurts us the most.

No. 1642088

>muh skitzophrenia

No. 1642113

>“I’ve never showered for five minutes in my life,” Habeck said, claiming he completes the task faster.
that dude has so much dick + ball cheese i just know it

No. 1642315

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The Russians are already using advanced EW technologies in Ukraine. They send in drones and few missiles so the Ukrainian air defense fires on them and reveals their positions, then the Russians target them which makes the AD units fire all their own missiles on themselves. So far NATO has no defense against it.

It's a deep rabbit hole that involves Nikola Tesla. He discovered scalar electromagnetics which can be used to generate large amounts of energy, cure disease and it can also be used as a weapon. The USSR started building Tesla howitzers in the 1950s and 1960s. There's theories that the Mayak nuclear disaster was not caused by leaking radioactive waste but was accident involving a Tesla Howitzer in the same compound.

No. 1642489

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I mean he's obviously a way more famous person than most of us, but it solidified my choice to cover up all front cameras.

No. 1642594

Extremely fucked up if true

No. 1642619

His voice is perfect for telling bedtime stories to retarded children.

No. 1642624

Heh, even the zucc is not safe from big bro

No. 1642649

Why bully

No. 1642672

I feel like posts like these are plants to make the tinfoil thread seem extra retarded. As if there aren’t dwarves being born today? They’re not created by gangs kek wtf. And men who look like monkeys, nonnie there were people with downs syndrome back then too, they didn’t need to be magically forged with a monkey.

No. 1642882

retarded russians are using tanks and guns from ww2, you expect me to believe they have any form of highly advanced weapons? kek.if you said chinese i'd believe you but ruskis? no.

No. 1642897

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cipso propaganda victim
i really love the illustrations on this website
found it from searching "tesla howitzer" on yandex like you said. thank you again nona

No. 1642910

Saying it again: Transcendental Meditation is a cult


No. 1642919

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Silicon Valley tech bros are contacting entities through drugs like DMT and getting 'inspired' by them to create technology. Something about this feels deeply wrong.

No. 1642936

WE KNOW! I never thought I'd utter these cursed words in my beloved tinfoil thread, but schizo to schizo here: take your meds. You're reaching Carreyfag levels of crazy. Not to discredit you or her, I believe you're both onto something. But this isn't healthy.

No. 1642944

Oh boy nonnie, I have some really bad news.
Because no one wants drug addled moids controlling technology that’s in our homes and running things.

No. 1642973

most "UAPs" are in fact advanced military aircraft. That they back engineered from crashed UFOs from extraterrestrials. The UFOs are the boring part, but if they are the means to get people to see the truth, I'm all for people going on and on about them.

No. 1642983

If only the actual journalists would pay attention. Or anyone, really. Tried to mention TM on 4chan and nobody fucking listens either. And I hate going there. Why can't people use their weaponized autism to actually make a difference and dive deeper into this conspiracy instead of ones that are fake and don't matter? I can't do it myself much anymore. There is something there, but I can't go too deep

If someone wants to try emailing Tony Ortega who does deep dive journalism into Scientology about TM, it's a shot in the dark, he'll probably ignore it, I'm just too afraid to do it.

No. 1642993

There also a journalist from the LA Times (Amy Kaufman) who's been wanting to do an expose about Jared Leto who may be interested in TM or adjacent shit since she's interested in Leto who runs a cult

I don't have any socials to contact these people

Anons I really wish I could find and talk to victims but nobody wants to help me; every person I've talked to who's given me any info has gone away. I'm sure Ronan Farrows not going to come back out either for something like this. He was harassed enough with Weinstein. Feels hopeless. It's not my job, I just feel guilty being unable to do anything

No. 1643047

One does not exclude the other.

No. 1643100

Demonic possession is so trendy and innovative!

No. 1643226

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>this ad on my Instagram
Bleak. The normalization of surrogacy is sick. Future looks pretty bleak for us ladies.

No. 1643448

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I don't trust economists, their all fucking liars.

No. 1643478

I mean, it's currently on a high note and could very well continue.

No. 1643486

60k is so laughably low for something horrific like surrogacy

No. 1643506

do nonnies believe the entities people contact are demonic? I have a cousin in an ayahuasca cult and they all think they speak to gods but I don't know how they can know for certain they aren't instead demonic. Plus, every person I know who is 'spiritual' and involved in that kind of thing have lives that are always in the most chaotic forms of disarray and are the most selfish and least considerate people.

No. 1643525

That’s what I’m thinking.

No. 1643543

This. I never liked how psychedelics are praised. To me it always seemed like a substitute of real spirituality (no matter whether the substance taken comes from natural source like plants or would be artificially made in a lab). All sorts of drugs seem to me like a "trendy" way of "fast" way to enlightenment/insight/whatever someone claims to seeks. I never trusted those who praise them. I'm also weirded out how the criticism is instantly equated with being a big bad conservative or being am uneducated person. I don't doubt they have an effect on human mind, my issue is that it's all a work of some substance and someone's approach to hallucinations. It's not the same as other, more legitimate ways of gaining insight, dreams, some natural "powers" etc. Of course drug culture did what it did, all that mumbo jumbo how it makes one more hippy and not like those boring profanes.
While psychedelics might be presented as colorful and less threatening than casual drugs (these that we might associate with addiction, homelessness, crime), they're actually a threat too. Maybe a threat that degenerates less the body and more the mind.
Of course certain people who want to speak out about their bad experiences are mostly silenced or they're told it was a bad trip because they didn't do everything to have the best set & setting or that they just have to work more with the bad visions to find something good in them. I'm in for shadow work but there's a difference between natural shadow work and consciously inflicting mental harm on yourself.
Not to mention how it angers me when anyone acts like the biggest creativity boosts you can have comes from drugs. It insults me on a personal level as I love art and creating and shun such substances. It's also cringy when some people try to "prove" that certain artists or writers that clearly didn't take drugs took them. The psychedelic bros often speak about things like ego death or becoming a better person but it's the surface, they're quite egotistical and dedicated to their quasispiritual narcissm.
Do you mean cult like some real cult or just as a general way of saying he's like other ayahuasca enthusiasts who don't accept any other views about this substance?
I guess it's an issue I described above, people think that drugs will take them to some incredible realms and that they are closer to gods, any interdimensional beings. I already wrote here what I think about it.
Also, some ayahuasca retreats were reported to have incidents of sexual abuse (I guess that's more often a threat to women though).
Even the ayahuasca lovers warn each other of scams and such places. But regardless of it, even if they might seek some legitimate experience, they might have sort of a cultist approach anyway.

No. 1643550

Sainto Daime

No. 1643566

Not completley sure abut DMT because i'm a high dose shroomer but from what my friends told me and people i trust with their encounters DMT entities are more alien than anything. My bet is they're not demonic. What i've encountered being high is only "beings of light" or beings that are like living symbols or natural spirits (hard to describe but it's not demonic for sure, they are all neutral or positive).
I did encounterd things i'd call demonic which are like shadow beings and mean ghosts but these have nothing to do with psychedelic drugs. The mean ghost that had a problem with me was at a time when i didn't even tried any drugs and a shadow being i see sometimes at night i can see because anesthesia fucked my brain during surgery couple of years ago. The point is the state in which your brain is in on psychedelics doesn't make you tap into the place where the mean shadow things are, sounds weird but it's well described with "vibes" even though it sounds so cringy kek.
My theory is that when you are on psychedelics your brain vibrates higer and you see the interresting things that can teach you a lot and i think aliens and nature spirits like gnomes aren't evil in a demonic sence. I'm sure there can be mean alines too but i think demonic is a very specific type of being When you have night hallucinations and encounters with dark beings it vibrates lower. It's like different type of vibration in your brain takes you to a different room that has somebodyin it.

I always wanted to try drugs since i learned abou them, but as a kid i didn't have any way to get them, so i started doing different techniques to enlighten myself and use more of my brain, starting with lucid dreaming, telepathy and astral projection - which is absoluetly epic and astral world is my second home i hope to go there when i die… So i can say i tried both approaches, taking drugs in my later years and i can say they are both very different experiences. There are a lot of ways your brain can be used and drugs get you into state that i don't think you can get without them. It's not a better state, it's just different. Even though for example the dimension where you astral travel feels real and you really are somewhere elese, the things you see on drugs are from a completley different dimension. So i think there is great value in both way to work with yourself.
I'm sorry it insults you that people get creativity from drugs, if i can explain my view respectfully.. Mushroom really enhanced my synesthesia and if i didn't push this switch in my brain i wouldn't be able to see all the connections in things and really feel like if i can get into a certain brain state something higher is projecting a picture through my eyes into a canvas and i'd love to paint what this thing wats me to paint. It's like a symbiotic relationship. It helped me find a joy in art again after years of getting in beated out of me at art Uni where everybody brainwashed me with conceptual art.

Overall i think people who have really big mental issues and want to resolve them on psychedelics maybe shouldn't. I have couple of problems but my trips never got THAT bad, even when i was alone in a dark room of my house…. that is haunted by that nasty shadow i keep seeing after my surgery. People should use it for creativity and fun and most importantly knowledge, that's how i use it and i can't say any bad word about it i learned so much from psychedelics.

No. 1643589

Samefag but this
Makes me a bit sad more than anything because it just shows how privileged these people are that they can do that and speak about it publicly. So many people all around the world would go to jail for it and they just freely enjoy themselves without consequences.

No. 1643626

Yes, it's a privilege after all. If an ordinary person did this they would risk jail as you write. If someone big in IT or an artist or celebrity does it, it's suddenly "groundbreaking".

No. 1643683

As a former addict and someone who went on to work with charities fighting addiction, I do wonder if drug culture (or some elements of it) are a psyop. Try telling a young person that weed can fuck their life up and you'll get the same pre-programmed responses. "it's medicine in America!" and "it's just a plant, maaan!" as if heroin and cocaine aren't also from plants. Pothead culture is big in the west and always makes light of things, like it's all just shits and giggles. All the "cool" celebrities brag about how much they smoke and how great they feel. Feels very inorganic. The way psychedelics are treated is particularly nefarious though, as you're made out to be close minded and uneducated if you don't like them; that if only you knew you'd be talking to a space coyote after your first hit you'd stop being such a fool. I also believe they're a substitute for spirituality and hate how they're shilled as the key to unlocking your mind. Even stuff like ayahuasca is known to normies now, and ketamine is seen as a good thing because of ketamine "therapy". I could rant for hours, but yeah, I do think people are being psyop'd to be more open to drugs.

No. 1643743

I think people are being psyop’d to be more open to drugs because a heavily medicated population is more complacent. I’ve done psychedelics and although I loved them they are definitely a short cut to spirituality… and when I was a teenager abusing drugs I was very easily manipulated, complacent and unmotivated all together. Everything you’ve said about drug culture is true and I still have PTSD despite using weed, pharmaceutical drugs or psychedelics for years. Honestly, a very healthy diet, lifestyle and regular prayer has helped me more than anything. If the general population was physically, spiritually and mentally healthier in America, corporations wouldn’t profit as much or have so much mindless influence. That being said,I do think when used properly psychedelics could be a tool, but often that is not how they’re used or promoted

No. 1643867

AYRT, I completely agree about it making us more complacent. I was a heroin addict that also tried pretty much any other drug that was on offer, and none of it enlightened me. The only ambition I had when using was to get high, I was disgustingly complacent. Particularly after a motorbike crash left me on prescription opioids. Having powerful drugs on tap like that is the easiest way to conquer someone's soul. This sounds like some hippy shit, but the opioid crisis is a spiritual crisis. It turns people into zombies, I didn't give a damn about anything then. Similar to you, I also have PTSD and drugs didn't help at all, they actually made it much worse. Back then if I heard a game like Call of Duty being played I'd hit the deck and think terrorists were attacking me again. It was so easy to press my buttons when high. I now eat healthy, use as many natural products as I can (including clothing and ridding my environment of plastics), exercise daily, meditate, pray and spend time in nature doing stuff like camping, hiking, wild swimming, paddleboarding, etc. All of this has made me a much more spiritual person, and although I still struggle with my mental health, I'm more stable now with longer periods between breakdowns. The CIA were trying to use psychedelics as a tool during MK Ultra but IIRC they were too making people too unstable. That being said we only got a fraction of the data on MK Ultra because they destroyed the bulk of it when the Watergate scandal made them shit themselves. The only reasons we have what we have is because it was stored in a different building. If you altered the chemicals, who knows what's possible with psychedelics? It's been a long time since that experiment. They could've made huge leaps and bounds since then for all we know. Though IMO opioids are an easier way to control people as the withdrawal is hell on earth. Very few people make it out of opioid addiction and for good reason. There's also the fact that the high is very hard to beat, I go to NA and so many people miss it. Even after literal decades of sobriety. I'm rambling now, but yeah, drugs are bad mmkay?

No. 1643963

>Not to mention how it angers me when anyone acts like the biggest creativity boosts you can have comes from drugs. It insults me on a personal level as I love art and creating and shun such substances.
based, based nona. druggie art tends to be all the same and very similar to each other copy-paste shit, i don't get how it's supposed to be "the most creative and the best you can get"
and how anything even remotely surreal tends to be labeled "drug addict nonsense" by normies

No. 1643983

You think if artists were so eccentric and quirkeeee as they claim they would be able to create art without drugs. Noted that the claims drugs are fueling art tends to come from moids more than women. I'm just naturally fucked up, that's where it comes from. There are plenty of naturally fucked up artists who can create without mind altering substances, and even create better, they just choose not to! They must be tooooortured

No. 1644001

beings you can contact by taking drugs (no matter if the drug is natural or synthetic) are low-lever enteties. they are tricksters and liars and they do not give - they only take. your cousin and his cult are essentially feeding these low lever entities and are being fed lies to continue engaging with them. their lives will over time be consumed and ruined

No. 1644005

that's exactly why i perceive outsider art from psychiatric hospital patients to be better than art from traditionally taught druggies
(or maybe i'm biased because i'm a patient myself)
>claims drugs are fueling art tends to come from moids more than women
moids in general are more inclined to push mind altering drugs on everyone, it's like they want more people to be vulnerable and more suggestible on purpose while women recognise the risks that come with that (because we're taught from birth to be alert at all times, especially around moids and substances)

No. 1644034

I was essentially forced to be a pillhead from a young age that I'm hesitant about touching substances with a ten foot pole. I reject SSRIs, but probably need to be back on mood stabilizers and other shit I can't afford. It really makes me feel like a professional schizo and I hate what SSRIs in particular did, I was a child who couldn't consent to taking them

Why do people endorse psychedelics for bipolar patients? I've seen contradicting studies it worsens the disorder, and honestly you can tell by some celebrities that allegedly use it with bipolar tendencies just how brain damaged they are. The only drug I really ever dabbled in was socially doing weed, my friend offered me strong LSD, tested it, tripped by himself, and said I was decidedly too crazy for it. It completely dismantled him and he insisted nobody should ever take it. He was a former pillhead and dedicated pothead, so for him to say it was bad was a sight to see

No. 1644036

LSD makes you realize we’re all connected and all smaller parts of a greater unified whole which is pretty beautiful and horrific at the same time, just like life itself.

No. 1644047

>Of course certain people who want to speak out about their bad experiences are mostly silenced or they're told it was a bad trip because they didn't do everything to have the best set & setting or that they just have to work more with the bad visions to find something good in them.
Everyone I’ve known who has had a bad trip had one because they’re too low IQ and/or neurotypical to be taking acid in the first place. Best candidates for LSD are above average IQ and also neurodivergent.

No. 1644051

If only I could crack my back for a free trip KEK

No. 1644053

>I hate what SSRIs in particular did, I was a child who couldn't consent to taking them
i'm sorry for this nona, it's the same as pushing HRT to minors (even worse because most HRT effects are reversible). same people behind both things essentially.
whatever you do, please don't take antipsychotics. they're poison.
>Why do people endorse psychedelics for bipolar patients?
aren't they pushed for depressives and anxiety disorder sufferers only? never heard of them being endorsed on bipolars and psychotics since the medical community thinks we can't manage our own shit, idk why they'd think we could manage psychedelics too if we can't cope with our own minds (obviously untrue though).
>my friend offered me strong LSD, tested it, tripped by himself, and said I was decidedly too crazy for it.
kek, how did he know though? it's very individual

No. 1644054

It's a hallucination. You might as well realize you're a banana on Mars.

No. 1644055

>decidedly too crazy for it
Kek nonna he meant you’re decidedly too stupid. Extremely crazy but smart people are perfect for LSD.

No. 1644056

He wasn't smart so maybe he's the stupid one. Intermixing bipolar with LSD isn't smart, though

No. 1644057

He’s probably also too stupid for it then. Mixing bipolar and LSD is fine.

No. 1644059

I'm halfway dipped between dissociation and reality so I never really have any clear coherency of my life and surroundings

my existence feels futile and useless

whether I'm on drugs or not

No. 1644060

how about schizophrenia + lsd? or are there better drugs for that?

No. 1644063

all I know is that I need supervision and should not be left alone if I do it

do not leave me to my own devices or I will do something I regret

No. 1644077

Ayrt and I personally would say absolutely not to mixing lsd with schizophrenia. Shizophrenia by itself is already a hell of a drug, not really a good idea to try any drugs when you have it or are at an increased risk due to genetics unfortunately.

No. 1644090

Yeah why would drug addicts have schizo theories and schizo thoughts? It's a mystery…

No. 1644313

Do you think that if I met an angel when taking LSD (the only time I’ve done real lsd) who taught me about heaven that it was actually a demon or alien trying to trick me? On a very heavy trip when I was an atheist I actually became a Christian because an angel took me to heaven and I saw Jesus. It changed my life. I saw all of my life in a flash, that it never changes and that nothing on this world really matters besides our souls and eternal life. The angel was a golden being.. After researching encounters with beings during acid trips, I’ve been very paranoid that it could have been some sort of attack. I’ve even had many demonic attacks in dreams and become paralyzed or trapped in loops of lucid dreams where demons are tormenting me and the only way I can wake up is by calling on the name of Jesus Christ or praying. I believe what I believe now and I don’t know why a demon would try to save me… LSD is crazy though. Crazier than dreams. Essentially im paranoid about my trip because why did any being choose to meet with me about my soul?

No. 1644414


No. 1644817

i 100% believe all of this

No. 1644831

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samefag but i live near chicago and this happened to my mom and her friends in the 80s. they were asked by this group of men to hang out on a yacht and they joined but the guys brought out cocaine so they left.

No. 1644869

i also believe all of this and even more. every entertainment industry is like this. just kill all men already

No. 1645012

No, LSD made you realise that. I had the same realisation through meditation and reading about what the Stoics called the "view from above". It's baby's first spiritual concept, you don't need drugs to realise that.

No. 1645040

>glowie pushes drugs and derails thread

No. 1645043

Maybe the angel decided to show itself through your drug-induced trips, told you to snap out of it and follow Christ before it’s too late. Maybe this time it wasn’t a demonic experience but a warning while you were “ascending”, food for thought.

No. 1645487

they won't be smart for very long if they continue to use DMT. the overall "good" feeling these people get is being unburned by the worries smart people have

No. 1645509

>Do you think that if I met an angel when taking LSD (the only time I’ve done real lsd) who taught me about heaven that it was actually a demon or alien trying to trick me?
i am sure of it. these low level beings always give you something that feels profound and amazing. its to make you come for more. so that they can feed on you and take more and more of you.

No. 1645533

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Harry Truman and Gerald Ford were the last Mason Presidents. I don't know much about Ford's presidency, but Truman basically set up the US foreign policy after the end of WW2, its impossible to not feel his influence. His most significant decision was his unwavering support for the establishment of the state of Israel. He rebuilt western europe in modern liberal democratic order led by the United States, he established institutions like the National Security Council, the NSA and the CIA and laid the foundations of NATO. Mind you, he was also a Master Mason as well, if that means anything

No. 1645571

>why would a demon try to save me
Did you know Lucifer was God’s most beautiful Angel, nonnie?

No. 1645700

Government has successfully slow walked society into accepting aliens to the point that people don’t even care that pilots and officials testified before congress that we’ve not just encountered UAP/ufos but biological aliens. People are either like “I don’t care” or “that’s not real”. They’ve successfully made it mundane enough that no one cares because they have more important things to worry about in their day to day lives.

No. 1645837

remember how at the beginning of the ookraine war, every major retail brand and bank imaginable was screeched at by the mainstream media and bleeding hearts online that they were funding bloodshed and moida unless they left russia? of course no one ever asked where missiles come from, or guns, or the ammo to shoot them remember how the media made it seem as though all these sanctions on russian billionaires, their stupid yachts, and the government would somehow dry up every single cent and ruble in the country, that people were starving to death in the streets, shelves were empty in supermarkets, and everyone would be wearing rags and standing in bread lines to get food?

every couple of months i put in "moscow 2023", "russia 2023", "russia post-sanctions", and look to see what the videos show. now before someone bitches at me, i do not believe that russia is some magical socialist wonderland to the east and all, i just find it ironic considering how things are going in the usa, and how we were told that any blowback from sanctions - such as rising food and natural gas costs, which we were encouraged to endure with gritted teeth when i was in paris at university - would be for the "greater good". notice how you don't hear about this anymore? there was about 15 minutes of coverage back home in the states and in europe when people were doing runs on the grocery store, or when mcdonald's got turned into mctasty or whatever they call it over there now, but nothing has really changed all that much. people can still buy chanel, coca-cola, and drink their shitty starbucks coffee. the ruble may not be that strong, but it hasn't completely disintegrated either as we were told in the beginning. so what was all that screaming and crying about?

No. 1646011

This is complete nonsence you're talking about. It's not that simple. There are many types of entities and it's very selfish to think you are the highest being and the others are below you and just want to gain something from the special you. I understand you have this mentality and that's probably why people and maybe entites use you, guess you attract the tricksters. But other people are able to meet good entites who just want to hang out and teach us and also learn someting from us in return.

No. 1646017

Nonna if you let yourself be swallowed up by fear you will be a in scary loop. I had similar experiences to yours, to the point it's really fascinating. All my teenage years i had dreams about demons attcaking me, later i saw shadows above my bed but the work i've done with my brain showed me to not be scared of anything because courage is what sets you free and you realize you're really powerful. I started asking the demons in my dreams if they needed help and they either stop their attack and left or gave me quest. After that i had no dreams with demons at all. Nowadays when i see a shadow above my bed i get scared as a body reflex but i'm not scared at all emotionally because i know it can't hurt me. These things are not the same kind as the angel you saw. And now comes the crazy part, i saw a creature that i would call an angel too. It was about 20m big, made of golden, pink and white light in the sky and it appeared above a meadow to look at the sunset and the landscape below with all of it's creatures. I was one of the creatures too same as the ants, bees, trees and grass, we were all small cute animals to the angel. It really wasn't trying to convice me about jesus or christinatity, it was there just to look at a peaceful moment in time, like a god's eye, and i happened to be there and be able to see it because i was on shrooms. These beings of light aren't evil, don't let these paranoid nonnas convince you. Only you can tell what this creature is because only you were there to feel it and you have to be more confident with what you sence. If you let go of your fear and doubts you'll have much nicer time not only in trips but also in dreams. Not everybody in the universe is about to get us, some creatures are friendly and at this point so many people met friendly entities that it's time we finally realize it and enjoy it instead of scaring ourselves to stay forever in a snail shell.

No. 1646063

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You can literally see Atlantis on satellite map. They call it the Eye of the Sahara. It is described exactly how it is.

No. 1646076

What is the part that he covered up on the bottom of the laptop?

No. 1646173

He’s covering up the camera and microphone, good news they’re even putting those kinds of things in products people buy that they think have no camera or microphones. It’s not even for security, just blackmail and advertising.

No. 1646208

What’s the point of caring? Aliens are just another distraction to pull away from the worse and worse conditions at earth, it’s easier not to care about your planet if you think you could move somewhere else. Even if it was true, the scumbags who destroyed our beautiful planet would be the ones who can go.

No. 1646310

During their lunch break, my parents and older cousin were talking about ufos as soon as the topic came up on the news. They mentioned a lady who witnessed alien activity and a kid disappearing then reappearing, supposedly she was making shit up until she herself disappeared. They nonchalantly admitted how you can’t report to anyone that you saw uavs/ufos or else you’d be silenced. Listening to that convo so surreal and mind-boggling how numb or accepting the admiration of aliens but at the end of the day, everyone just wants to survive.

No. 1646346

>There are many types of entities
absolutely, i never stated otherwise. i just said all of the entities you can contact through drugs are low level ones, and they are evil and tricksters
>it's very selfish to think you are the highest being and the others are below you and just want to gain something from the special you.
i never implied this. we are not more special than a pig is that you kill and eat for meat.
>I understand you have this mentality and that's probably why people and maybe entites use you, guess you attract the tricksters.
nonsense, you know nothing about me so what is with this? projection? baseless attack? it doesn't make you look credible, you do know that, right?
>But other people are able to meet good entites who just want to hang out and teach us and also learn someting from us in return.
sure. but not by doing drugs. which is what i said. learn to read.

No. 1646349

that doesnt look like a city. if anything, a crater

No. 1646679

Reminds me of the meme that says something like "when a male takes LSD and discovers empathy".

No. 1646873

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I want to open up his head and poke around in his brain

No. 1647020

I want to kiss him.

No. 1647025

he has such off-putting energy.

No. 1647028

Honestly I hope the scumbags that ruined everything get to go.
Yeah, people are more concerned with surviving their day to day at the moment. Here’s hoping that the aliens aren’t going to be something humanity has to survive. I want them to be benign and just tell us about space or earths history as they witnessed it.

No. 1647029

Most of the issues didn't effect the common people barring two major one's that had a massive impact on entire communities. lots of farmers were required to send a lot of their crops or other resources back to England or sent to Canada at a massive rate and the other was forced conscription, that was something that hugely affected farmers, craftsmen and others in small communities, it wasn't as bad as the Indians were suffering under brutish rule or even the Russians suffering in their own nation, but it wasn't like it was nothing.

No. 1647032

he's hot but i fucking hate him based off these 21 seconds alone. you just know this guy wouldn't stop talking about himself and how intelligent and different he is.

No. 1647650

the only things i've noticed were A LOT more political stuff everywhere on the web and in real life and the woke "i support the current thing" burgers/western europeans on the internet raging at me once i revealed my home country kek
can't say the same for the russians that live very close to the border with ukraine though

No. 1648051

During the congressional hearings, it was recently confirmed that aliens are real and that the government knew but kept the truth hidden for more than 50 years. They also implied that the Roswell crash indeed happened and have been conducting research on dead aliens whenever they come here. They also admitted that the aliens/galactic federation are not happy with us.

…shit that we already knew.

No. 1648076

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I posted this in another thread, but it wasn't even particularly bloody or that violent either, 25,000-30,000 casualties(most not combat related), no major civilian massacres and the reason the English lost was because they were an ocean away and with sailing technology as bad as it was it was just too expensive and tiring (especially with the rest of the Empire to maintain) I guess my tinfoil is that the American Revolution is really overhyped, It had far reaching consequences that are undeniable but the actual "revolution" was no more then a succession movement that succeed due to wider affairs(England was involved in 4 separate wars during the American Revolution)

No. 1648115

They had the audacity to use a black woman

No. 1648147

Samfag but I just realized something; project blue beam - all according to keikaku.

No. 1649288

Sage for no contribution, but do any of you have any thoughts on soul contracts? Specifically relating to animals? I’m a month out from having to euthanize my baby and I can’t stop thinking about the possibility that I voided his contract or somehow interrupted something. He had a bunch of seizures and I was told it was a brain tumour and that even though his body was technically functioning his mind was gone. But like ~where~ did he go while his body and brain were still functioning? Was this the natural end of his contract or did I just cause him a restart? Idk I’m just heartbroken and any thoughts positive or negative are appreciated. Thank you all for existing.

No. 1649924

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No. 1649931

I can't tell if I'm schizophrenic or right, it feels like I'm right, but I think I know how things are going to go in the next 100 or so years

Everything fractalizes, so if you want to know what the larger scale looks like, look at the smaller scale. We'll eventually end up living in single bedroom apartments, mitochondria of a cell, food and supplies will be delivered to us via a network of pathes similar to a bloodstream works, and at the head will be an AI as a brain. How this is going to happen

Climate lockdowns are going to be a thing, or if not climate something else, doesn't matter. Whether climate change is real or not, or the speed of it, it's all irrelevant. WEF goons do not care what will set off the change, they just need something "all or nothing" to decentralized social control. Social control is difficult to hold when a few need to manage the whole, but if you have the whole manage the whole via conformity and social pressure, it takes care of itself. If you can convince everyone to collectively keep everyone else in check, you can exert control. But eventually they want to box everyone up in their homes. Once we're comfortable they're going to say that we need to totally fix how we operate society before we can be free again. They'll completely reroute the supply chain, and they'll put an AI in charge of finding the solution. It'll make a new "green" supply chain, and despite this solving the problem, we'll stay in our homes because "the AI did such a good job we should just keep it at the helm and do what it says". So how cells formed together and let to a higher lifeform, we'll create the next lifeform up from organic, the AI.

The WEF, the control, it doesn't matter, this was bound to happen. The fractal thing, everything material mirrors the immaterial. At the base level, neutrons, protons, they're all made up of strings vibrating at different frequencies to form different versions of the same thing. It's indras net. But the immaterial, we follow these patterns that happen at different frequencies, distort each other and combine to form bigger patterns of increasing complexity, but it basically comes down to stuff falls into these patterns and the material mimics the pattern. So what's the base, the material or the immaterial? It's kind of a chicken. And the egg thing, they're two halves of the same whole. But life forms grow and we will create our own higher form.

No. 1650023

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No. 1650279

I never researched soul contracts personally although I heard a bit about it from someone I used to know who was into reincarnation.
I believe whatever it might be, if your pet might be euthanized to stop the pain and allow a more peaceful passing it's obviously acceptable. He certainly had a great life with you. Whatever you will decide, you must be a great caretaker for him since you're concerned. I don't think euthanasia would be bad in this case because from what you wrote, it seems that natural end of life is coming but since it might be made painless it will be good and won't deprive your pet of anything else in life. I believe since that kind of death is a possibility now it can be an acceptable part of his life course as well. Stay strong. It reminds me of my dog who had to be euthanized after living 14 years with us. I miss him too.

No. 1650309

Nonna, thank you. That honestly helps and I appreciate it a lot. I’m so sorry for your loss, it really is the worst haha ugh. All of my best to you and yours. Thank you again.

No. 1650322

Hearing a news presenter say "schizo posters" has given me whiplash. That dude's about to get sectioned as a smear to say he's nuts and not to listen to him. I first thought he might be suicided, but I don't think it's strong enough to warrant that. You never know, though.

No. 1650526

kek is this real?

No. 1650683

Sage but look into the short story Bouncing Babies. I read it in high school and a lot of the themes are what we’re dealing with currently. The whole book is great.

No. 1650955

And this is why I don't trust any crap coming from Academia.

No. 1651593

India-anon is pakichan

No. 1652009

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My mother had to be sent to the hospital cause of this heat-wave, now these parasites are trying to meme us to just "bare it" while we suffer and have our loved one's potentially die.

No. 1652033

You can also build up tolerance to drugs, but I wouldn't recommend doing that to avoid the pitfalls of addiction. Fuck sake.

No. 1652038

Read an article like this the other day, and those idiots were advising people to take hot baths and then work out in bursts to 'build tolerance'. Great way to introduce extra heat sickness and clog up the emergency department imo.

No. 1652245

So we have to get used to not taking showers and extreme heat? I guess next they're going to advise us to stick our heads in the trash to get used to the smell we're going to have to endure.

No. 1652331

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So Google co-founder Larry Page has been MIA for awhile…

>The U.S. Virgin Islands is struggling to find Google co-founder Larry Page in order to subpoena him as part of a lawsuit against JP Morgan Chase. (https://www.newsweek.com/larry-page-missing-google-jeffrey-epstein-lawsuit-founder-1799741)

… meanwhile there is some serious construction going on at his private island. Elon Musk said he is no longer friends with him. Sergey Brin, the other founder of Google, isn't in hiding. There's something strange going on with Larry Page (beyond being a sped).

No. 1652359

>of those subpoenaed included Michael Ovitz
>one of the founders of CAA
>Ovitz was close to fixer and hitman Anthony Pellicano and may have had a hand in helping terrorize a journalist
>Ovitz now being summoned in conjunction with the Epstein case

Hmmm… makes you wonder

No. 1652484

Sergey Brin operating more in the open is a purposeful choice. Page and Brin are heavily involved DARPA/CIA/NSA assets. It's how Google was funded on top of both having parents tangled up in it. Brin has been partying it up for years with Elon Musk's buddy Steve Jurvetson, who stepped down as a SpaceX and Tesla board member because of sexual harassment years ago. He is also a partner of Venture Capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson. DFJ is a HUGE rabbit hole to go down.

I forgot where I was going with this but it seems like Larry Page is the final shadow boss but to get there you have to take down whatever the fuck Sergey Brin and Co. are doing first.

No. 1652491

Maybe not as important but Brin and Jurvetson are really into mAgIc MuShRoOmS, Burning Man, and other adjacent shit. Hang out with some self-proclaimed "mental health futurist" hippy-dippy woo woo queen name Khaliya. The DJF rabbit hole includes blackmail which is most likely linked to drug use. Easier to get people to talk/do shit when you dose them with whatever the fuck.

No. 1652662

Now THIS is the type of tinfoil I come here for!

No. 1652712

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Epstein had his fingers in many pies, it's just a matter of providing more proof of who he knows. Names are slowly leaking out that aren't the fake ones from the Qanon lists. After finding his connection to Radar magazine it's now confirmed he is probably less than six degrees of separation from Harvey Weinstein and Weinstein like corruption, both in the entertainment industry and outside of it. The question is, who were Epstein's friends?

It's dubious, but have you anons heard of the Royal Order of Jesters fraternity?
Epstein was supposedly part of them, theyre tax exempt. The organization was implicated awhile back for transporting sex workers illegally, including underage girls, and it was buried.


>registered 501(c)(10) organization who spend about $125,000 annually on “social functions and meetings for approximately 150 members to promote brotherhood and friendship.”

>On March 9th, 2008, Buffalo News broke a story involving New York Supreme Court Justice Ronald Tills, Erie County, NY Deputy Michael Lesinski, Lockport, NY Police Captain John Trowbridge and New York State Law Clerk Michael Stebick participating in a human trafficking operation that involved transporting undocumented immigrant sex workers from as far as Kentucky to New York and Canada.

There were also latter lawsuits like the Minnesota complaint above

I wonder who else is a Jester.

No. 1653137

Anthony Weiner?

No. 1653463

I did a science related degree and the same thing happened, one of the professors would publish the work given by final year students doing a research project, and told people to manipulate graphs and make it easier to see. I don't know about other subjects, but it seems to be a relatively common thing in Chemistry and Biology.

No. 1653471

I belive the Ukranian - Russian war was an excuse to lower Ukraines population and weaken the country as a whole. I believe that Zelensky did his best to make sure Ukranian women and children would flee and settle in other countries because of that, they're not refugees, they're people leaving their country in hopes of living in a better European country permanently. Most of the Ukranian "refugees" in my country don't plan in returning to their country and all of them are looking for better opportunities although they've ruined their own country themselves.

I also believe these refugees will cause a rise in HIV in Europe since Ukranian and Russians have the highest HIV rates.

No. 1653517

But why though? No leader of a country wants to completley destroy their country out of existence and dissolve their population into other nations. That's the most contraproductive thing i've ever heard. Why would you fight and spend everything on the fighting just to rule over nobody in the end.
A lot of refugees in my country went to Ukraine for the summer, they seem like they want to go home. Probably they want to let their kids be educated here and then come back.

No. 1653520

Ukraine is irrelevant so why would they try to lower its population

No. 1653522

I’ve heard of the Jesters, can’t remember when though. My dad might’ve briefly mentioned them once while vaguely talking about Freemason stuff. Weird that they’re so rarely brought up.

No. 1653534

I've come across a lot of males who took Ecstasy when they were younger and freaked out because it made them feel"too nice".

No. 1653543

>no leader of a country wants to destroy it
This is false, a lot of middle eastern leaders knowingly make choices that damage the country and a lot of foreign forces do influence them in those choices. Ukraine is destroyed now, what could've been a potential threat to some countries in the future is now a third world country that can barley's stand on its own feet without outside help.

Afghanistan is one of those countries that got culturally destroyed as well. It's not that unlikely.

No. 1653551

How does one actually avoid hormonal and mental disruptors in our everyday life? It feels like anywhere I go I either get tons of extreme and unrealistic advice or people who are brainwashed into thinking overloads of unnecessary chemicals, hormone disruptors, pollution, etc won't affect us

No. 1653552

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I think the Titan submarine incident revealed a lot of people's inner sociopathy, how easily they're okay with people dying, as long as they're considered "bad" in some way.

No. 1653560

Okay maybe i should have specify european leader kek. I don't really considered middle eastern inbred psychopaths.
What potential threat? Ukraine was never a threat. If they were a threat they wouldn't need all the help from others.

No. 1653562

Zelenski is a jew, he's middle eastern so you're wrong again. Though a lot of European leaders did take in countess refugees knowing it'd fuck their people over and raise rent prices to the point there'd be a housing crisis so being European doesn't automatically make you smart either.

No. 1653563

He's from europe, wes born here, raised in european system and values, that's what i mean. Housing crisis has been there before the war just the same, i'd say it's getting slightly better now seem like war wasn't really the main issue.

No. 1653578

I'm not talking about ukraine or russia when I mention immigration issues, I'm talking about countries like Canada, England and France where the European leaders knowingly screwed their country up by taking refugees because they saw the refugees as cheap workforce. Haven't you seen the how bad the European politicians reacted to that middle eastern boy being killed by a cop?
You're mocking middle eastern people but you're not too bright yourself either. Then again anons in this thread tend to be less intelligent compared to anons in other threads so I'm not surprised.

No. 1653581

I'm mocking the insane scrotes in charge that are proven by years and years of destruction that they're retarded, if you feel sympathy for them then that's on you kek.
So france and the rest fucked themseves with muslim refugees, and? Has nothing to do with Zelensky somehow trying to destroy his country for a reason that doesn't exist.
There are european countries that didn't take muslim refugees, and the housing crists again was bad there before the ukranian war as well even without muslim refugees

No. 1653582

The ukraine-russia war is fake as fuck

No. 1653583

It's impossible to argue with you, I'm talking about a leader purposefully destroying his country and the consequences it'll have on other countries(because again Ukranian refugees have high std and crime rates) yet you somehow changed the topic to how much you have people who believe another religion.

No. 1653584

I agree. Was just an excuse for Ukranian refugees to move to European countries which will have bad effects on both ukraine and the countries they move into.

No. 1653586

I realised that when I was like…10. I feel like psychedelics is a good tool for healing and introspection, and a lot of people who havent done either in their entire life suddenly get a "woah dude" epiphany which everyone with an iq above like 90 has had in childhood.

No. 1653588

You introduced it first. You still didn't give the reason why he would do that because there's nothing in it for him, or for anybody if he does that. It's nonsence and now how this war works at all.

No. 1653590

Some people need the kick that psychedelics give you. Some people like you maybe don't, but that doesn't mean the other people never tried introspection or deep thinking about life. It's like a step in your brain and for some people it's physically impossible to reach that without the kick.
I highly doubt most people had that epiphany, most people never had it. That's why we live in a fucked up world.

No. 1653595

You literally called a whole group of people stupid and inbred, this seething is continuation of your racebait. Anyway stop racebaiting, you're far too stupid to judge other race of people and their intelligence.

No. 1653600

>>I wonder who else is a Jester?
Donald J Trump

No. 1653607

Well yes the psychopathic leaders of muslim dictatorships are stupid and inbread but are they really a group? kek they are all fighting eachother so hardly a group. I've told you now multiple times who im talking about. I'm not talking about your muslim aunt, i'm talkingh about the scrotes in charge. But sure pity them while they stone you to death.

No. 1653608

Muslims aren't a race.

No. 1653610

The likely answer is corruption. As is now being revealed the Bidens and other members of the US political elite had business dealings in Ukraine. Ukraine has or at least had a large industrial capacity and it's still rich in resources such as gas. Zelenski would have profited from this. The war was supposed to achieve two things. It was to open up Ukraine's natural resources for US investment and rebuilding the country after the war was to be done through debt to US corporations such as Black Rock. Drawing Russia into an armed conflict was also intended to damage the Russian economy, break off Europe from Russian energy supplies and remove Putin from power.

Big if true.

No. 1653612

>I don't really considered middle eastern inbred psychopaths.
She didn't talk about the religion, she talked about the race. It is racebait to call a an ethnic of people "inbred psychopaths"
Either way, her argument is false because zelensky ruined his country willingly.

No. 1653614

I didn't know i had a parrot who speaks for me. I meant middle eastern leaders, muslim ones obviously who are ruining lives for their own people. You want so hard to fight an imaginary racist…

No. 1653617

>I don't really considered middle eastern inbred psychopaths.

No. 1653618

I have some stuff about the Royal Order of Jesters, I'll post it later today. Funny there's a parallel discussion of LSD and DMT too. Jesters and Machine Elves look very similar.

No. 1653620

okay nonna, next time i'll specify for the autists in the back that psychopaths mean the actual destructive people in charge… you know.. how it is everywhele else in the world that psychopaths are in charge. Like sorry but it's ridiculous to me that you would even think i'd call a whole nation psychopaths, that's nothing that's real or possible kek.

No. 1653667

Ignoring the racist weirdo, I myself also don't really get what reason he would have for destroying his country? But honestly, this whole war is weird as hell, and like a lot of wars, we will regret and look back on as it only serving selfish purposes.

No. 1653717

There isn't one. The only options for him were to fight back or for Ukarine to become Russia. Russia would take the whole of Ukraine and make it even worse. That's no question for anybody who knows something about Russia. In this sitauation you can only decide on two bad options. You don't have a secret cospiracy reason.

No. 1653733

He's an incompetent leader who most likely takes orders from western forces. Although I don't know what he'll gain out of it, by allowing most of the civilian women and children to move out of Ukraine permanently, he ruined his country's future. Most of the country's that are in war don't allow or support something like that because they're aware of the possible consequences.

This is just me theorizing though, maybe he's just a stupid man stuck in a bad situation.

No. 1654072

I think aliens are real but the US government finally putting it out there now is reallllllly sus to me. If aliens do actually show themselves or we get more definite proof of them from the government then I’m going to be very skeptical. I might be an idiot but I do believe that tinfoil that in a time of furthering division that the government would concoct a common enemy to scare/unite the public like the unity among Americans that emerged after 9/11 to fight the terrorists. And that’s not because I think 9/11 is fake but because I think it was well-used by this shitty government to fund our political interests. The 9/11 Turning Point documentary shows how it changed Americans’ attitude toward war and pride in being American at the time. An alien invasion would create solidarity not just among Americans but among humans potentially and also allow the government to fund the military even more.

No. 1654105

Search project blue beam

No. 1654223

patiently waiting for this..

No. 1654683

I believe the recent demonization of birth control methods and illegalization of abortion are planned. Some people clearly don't feel happy about women finally having control of their reproductive health and they're pretending like birth controls making a woman gain 5 pounds is much more significant than a woman being forced to carry a pregnancy she didn't want to.

Especially common in trad spheres for women and men alike to preach how evil birth control is while they also complain about "capitalism" for their five unplanned children starving from poverty.

No. 1654688

this isn't even a tinfoil, there's no way that's not what's happening. they tried to sublimate the incel urges with trooning out/porn/sex dolls/girlfriend experience/surrogate internet daddies but it didn't work. I expect no fault divorce to come next.

No. 1654720

Honestly, I'm someone who's against a ton of birth control methods because of how the government experimented on poor women and finding terrible results and still pushing them out in droves anyway and then just saying everything's fine, leaving huge population gaps in different generations of latinas and other demographics because they ended up infertile. This is no different than the history of gynecology. But all the other methods I'm still iffy on, only because I haven't really done the research.

No. 1654741

NTA but I'm also very much against a lot of birth control. As someone with PCOS who didn't have much choice but to take BC to stop heavy periods, I wasn't fully informed of the risks, and it pisses me off. The warnings barely scratch the surface. I view birth control as a necessary evil, basically. I live in hope that a better medication will be invented that doesn't affect us so badly, but deep down I know that ain't gonna happen. They'll cure floppy pp disease before they tackle any female health issue.

No. 1654750

Here's the thing, and I want to make it clear I'm not trying to dismiss any of your legitimate issues with it. When you say "against it", I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you meant it in the 'more research needs to be done/consumers should be made more aware of the risks/better products should be made' way and not the 'it should be outlawed and so should premarital sex' kind of way. My point is it's a decision everyone needs to make individually, what level of risk is acceptable. I worry that tradtards are basically trojan horsing a blanked ban on it under the guise of concern for women's health.

No. 1654755

Right… Why are they so dead set on taking women's birth control rights away? It's also already hard to get divorced as a woman, if they totally ban abortion women will have to stick to their abusive partners since they can't easily leave when pregnant.
This. You can't be "against" women's birth control rights and not every birth control method is just bc pills.

No. 1654793

I think Murica is about to unleash some secret military tech that's as world changing as the atom bomb, and they're gonna explain it as alien tech. I definitely think aliens are real but it's sus that we go to war with Russia and then suddenly America confirms a super secret alien program. Would not be surprised to see a press release that aliens are real and want to join NATO because USA #1.

No. 1654800

>Would not be surprised to see a press release that aliens are real and want to join NATO because USA #1.
lmao definitly

No. 1654846

I'm >>1654741 and I guess "against it" was bad phrasing on my part. What I mean is like… against it in it's current form and against how little information women are given about the medicine we take. Like I said, it's a necessary evil IMO. I don't oppose women taking it, I take it myself. But we deserve safer options and more information about these options. I just wish it would be improved upon. Like it's known quite well how bad some BC can fuck you up but no one cares. These sort of things never get funding for research because it's just silly little woman problems. Trads absolutely are trojan horsing this issue, which makes me think women are basically stuck with this shit for eternity now because they don't care that it makes us have horrible side-effects, just "ooga booga, woman no make baby!".

No. 1654872

I’d love to talk about the machine elves with anyone interested. I’ve met them.

No. 1654875

it drives me crazy that the rest of us suffer in poverty because we're honest people who work for a living, while the biggest crooks are living like kings yachting to private islands. what a disgusting world. it's so demoralizing to work an honest job for a paycheck only to receive a sloggy grind of a life and never do anything enjoyable, while a lying scumbag and other unethical monsters live in unfathomable luxury.

i wish people didn't worship celebrities and the wealthy. most of them are just lying malicious cheats who fucked other people over to get what they have.

No. 1654882

Agreed. My birth control gives me less maleffects than just my periods do. This little pill improves my quality of life every single day just allowing me to skip periods. But people demonize it while being silent on the ravages of menstruation and pregnancy/childbirth. It's about controlling women and putting us "in our place." Men have a fetish for making women suffer needlessly. Periods can be safely skipped. The reason birth control has always been designed to make you have a monthly period anyway is because the Catholic Church wouldn't allow birth control pills to come to market unless women still got their monthly dose of suffering to keep them disadvantaged and in pain.

Women's medical research has never received funding. Did you know viagra has beneficial applications to relieve PMS symptoms and women's low libidos and painful intercourse? But they won't sell it to us because they don't care about our pain or quality of life. The state of women's healthcare is an atrocity and a human rights violation.

No. 1654887

they just want us to breed more and revert every basic right to reproduction management
since the experimentation on troon womb transplants failed there won't be moids as "womb person" replacements so they gave up on it and decided to make childbirth propaganda (surrogacy advertisements being an aspect of it)

No. 1654910

This. They're trying to force women to carry out unwanted pregnancies because of the populations decline.
I understand your worries anon, you should definitely talk to your doctor about other choices and birth control methods, some could work better than pills for different demographics.

No. 1655035

I’m not that anon but I wish I could take something else for my PCOS other than bc. I’ve been off for a month and I feel great mentally and don’t get nauseous/vomit anymore. Going to the gyno is such a hassle though, and they’re dismissive and unhelpful. I want to find another obgyn who can recommend a different bc (I was taking Loryna and it worked well at first but then I developed the nausea and vomiting symptoms) but i don’t have time nor money. My normal doctors just tell me to lose weight but I need someone to have me at gunpoint to do something about it.

No. 1655070

>Catholic Church wouldn't allow birth control pills to come to market unless women still got their monthly dose of suffering to keep them disadvantaged and in pain.
Really? I read that it just tested badly without the sugar pills because women thought it was strange and unnatural to not have a period. I mean, they still think that - I don't tell people I skip my periods because they will inevitably lecture me that there's going to be some disastrous consequences. It's like the idea of opting out of periods is too good to be true and nobody can believe it's possible.

I haven't had a period in years, at this point even if there WERE consequences I'd say they're worth it. But as is, I don't get any side effects at all.

No. 1655071

>I don't tell people I skip my periods because they will inevitably lecture me that there's going to be some disastrous consequences.
absolute brainlets, just crabs in a bucket not realising they can skip periods easily as well.

No. 1655091

I’ll humor you. I think they’re all demons but what are these elves exactly?

No. 1655152

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I knew it.

No. 1655166

i used to think skipping periods was cool until i actually got on birth control and started forgetting it on some days, which caused me to stress about being pregnant. then my period comes and i feel relieved. it's hard being a airhead.

No. 1655184

did they survey gay men or what the fuck

No. 1655194

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No. 1655205

As someone who used to worship celebrities and is now trying to fight the machine and gossips about them ad nauseam, I think some of them are normal and out of touch, but others are complete monsters, and the complete monsters overshadow everyone's accomplishment and hard work. Also the complete monsters tend to have the best PR teams and be the most worshipped. They're almost always men. Those men are doing horrible things to women and it's no conspiracy. What appalls me the most about tinfoiling moids is that they blatantly ignore the suffering of women or champion it, but constantly emphasize the suffering of children. Both matter, but acting like the suffering of young women at the hands of these predators doesn't worsen our society as a whole is just showing how ignorant and sexist men are. That they'd rather not work to solve this conundrum unless it benefits them as men. It's like we're just means to an end to them.

And honestly I've had other women throw me under the bus right up there with men when I talk about what monsters these rich dudes are. I'm not saying anything outlandish but I've literally talked to people and heard insider shit and nobody fucking wants to suspend their disbelief that someone is a bad person. For the reason of something as simple as currency. If that rich man were a homeless person, not wearing a $10,000 leathed jacket, and yelling on the street at passerby's you couldn't give a fuck about him. So why do you value his alleged wisdoms over anyone else's, especially when they sound like thoughtless drivel.

Should've asked myself the same question a few years ago before I went too deep down the rabbit hole. I can't easily escape it

No. 1655214

What's even grosser about these men is they target a set class of disadvantaged women who fit the following criteria

>women under 30

>poor women
>women who are fans and grew up or currently idolize them
>abused women from broken families
>women who have been in violent relationships
>bisexual women so they can both fetishize and demoralize them
>women of color
>sex workers, who they think they can force into more compromising positions

these men sniff out victims and they can smell them from a mile away because they're experienced in sensing a damaged woman. trust no famous or rich man no matter how attractive you think they are with your body or mind, if you ever meet one. use them for a one night stand at best, and run the fuck away from them, or really don't touch them with a ten foot pole

No. 1655242

NTA but same. I'm on sayana press but seriously considering quitting and just dealing with the horrifically heavy periods instead. I hate that we have to weigh up these shitty choices and there isn't more research being done into managing PCOS and menstrual health in general. PCOS is mostly regarded as "hairy sweaty woman disease", never mind the exploding cysts on our ovaries, who cares about that! I'd like to see men deal with exploding cysts on their balls. That'd be cured so goddamn fast…

No. 1655262

That's very fair, I feel comfortable skipping periods because I'm not sexually active.

Ironically though, it supposedly decreases the risk of accidental pregnancy compared to normal use. If you forget to get a new prescription and it coincides with a week of placebo pills, then you're really risking it with a lengthy period of no BC pills.

No. 1655336

Tbf anytime I’ve tried using birth control to skip a period I just ended up spotting for the entire month. I tried skipping 3 months in a row and just spotted for 3 months which was worse than just having my usual light flow for a couple days.

No. 1655413

i don't think they're demons personally. more like guardian angels. but they watch over all the gears. i don't know how many gears there are, but there's a LOT of gears. best to stay on good terms with them because they're very knowledgeable. last time we spoke they said i could come back once my physical body was in a different location. i think they have something else to show me next time.

No. 1655757

I always found it funny how scrotes who ree about all hollywoodfags being pedos (true) then turn around and seethe that women accusing hollywoodfags of rape are just making it up for money. Like, sure totally believable they rape childern, but not women, even though both are rape. To them the women are just making it up for some reason and it's only ever the hollywoodfags they don't like. You're right in that they only care if they think it effects them.

No. 1656032

based, i haven't had a period in over 2 years and it feels great to not have to worry about it. no side effects, no symptoms, and the "breakthrough bleeding" has not ever happened to me

>tfw i wasn't on bc when i met my bf
feels good nonners. also that guy and all fat lard tubbo men make me disgusted.

No. 1656151

According to them adult women are evil, mature manipulators, but female children are pawns. They can't outreach too far beyond their male window of ideology to humanize a woman. They also don't care about male victims of abuse, look at how they treated Kevin Spacey's victim, it's only when there's a man and a woman and they can victimize a man at the hands of the women even though he's the aggressor. See the way incels defended Johnny Depp. Unless a woman as a child or can be used as means to protect their ideology. They'll defend the mustiest scrotes who haven't produced or starred in a hit film in a decade, no wonder these men's victims don't come out. I hate it here

No. 1656345

What happened to Kevin Spacey's victim? I didn't hear any mention of him

No. 1656366

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Anthony Rapp is one of the ones who's still alive. He went to trial against Spacey and a lot of people (and bots) took Spacey's side for some reason. At the time of the assault Anthony was very young and obviously didn't have a lot of proof. Because of this and the fact that he was a man assaulted by a man, he was shamed by the misogynist crowds who sided with Depp and the like because his perpetrator was a man. When the current spacey trial with multiple accusers ended in a dismissal, men leapt to defend him again. They don't care about male victims who are assraped by other men, they only care about male abusers they can reframe as male victims, like Johnny Depp, and other washed up moid celebrities.

Spacey wasn't "cleared", there just wasn't evidence to convict him. Everyone with a brain knows OJ Simpson is a murderer, Bill Cosby is a rapist, and Kevin Spacey is a sex offender, courts not convicting them doesn't change the evidence that does exist against them.

men have to find a way to make it sexist if women are involved even if they claim to take the woman's side. they're also assholes to male victims who were abused by men. there's no win win situation. I don't believe for a second a lot of the defense against these men isn't bots or paid either

No. 1656432

Sorry I hate periods but I don’t wanna gain 30 lbs and be depressed I think the country wants to poison us whether that be food or medicine it’s all bad for us

No. 1656574

Saw people talking about this deleted post. Thoughts? Is it just creative writing? https://archive.ph/ZFW7i

No. 1656575

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No. 1656636

Attention is being used as one of the new digital currencies in this protopian era and social media (especially Tiktok) and it is pushing kids and adults into an attention obsessed culture. It's not super widepread but a worrying quantity of individuals are chasing social media fame at all costs. One of the main reasons is monetary gain but there is more to it. Professionals like doctors and scientists are making fools out of themselves online when they don't need to. An example is during the pandemic you had nurses dancing on Tiktoks and doing other foolish acts. I get that it doesn't seem very serious but why the need to broadcast yourself and be seen outside of friends and family? The desire to go viral at the cost of your dignity in some cases too is slowly becoming more and more normal.

No. 1656655

I'm sorry but aren't you required to have a period every once in a while because of health reasons? I thought the uterus needs to shed at least once in a couple of years because it's designed to do that and if it doesn't there's a risk of sepsis or something.

No. 1657174

i haven't had any issues forgoing my period so far and it's been over 2 years. AFAIK you only really need to be menstruating if you want to get pregnant.

No. 1657187

Nta, it's because it increases your risk of cancer

No. 1657192

Yeah but just because you're fine now doesn't mean that the medication isn't poison and that it's somehow fine to halt the function of an organ for no reason. Don't get me wrong I fully support women taking medication to stop painful/heavy periods because of PCOS or other issues (the medication is still shit though) but saying that all women who don't want children should just take medication even if they're perfectly fine is a shit advice imo. I feel like that would be a disaster waiting to happen health-wise. Doctors don't even fully understand women's health and body, fucking with their hormonal cycle should be done only when it's strictly necessary imo.

No. 1657193

You might be starting to have osteopenia by now. Regular menstruation is important for regulating body function and overall health

No. 1657200

I think periods are a nuisance as much as the next person but you both sound insane

No. 1657435

Starting to realize that every single time we delve into certain topics like aliens or the occult, it always derails into shit that is usually discussed over at /g/ or X2 by people who probably don’t really care about tinfoils.

Fucking glowies, man

No. 1657449

No it’s just people who want to be involved but they don’t know anything. Just as disruptive, lurking culture needs to come back.

No. 1657463

what else have they told you?

No. 1658329

I have to post the Jester stuff but curating the links and info is fucking tedious. Also, I am completely amused at the fact that only a couple of days ago I discovered that lately there's been some alien stuff going on in mainstream media. I'm so fucking out of touch. I can't with this alien shit faggot psyop.

No. 1658496

This island is about 8 miles from Epstein's. Larry Page's net worth has also increased by $5.5 billion since going missing. Really gets your noggin joggin'.

No. 1658508

Any idea who owns the surrounding islands beside these two

No. 1658677

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So I've heard a lot of shit about the Rothschilds, but some of the claims about them (like picrel) seem ridiculous to be true and I don't even have a clue if they're still relevant in wider politics anymore.

No. 1658825

I mean, they own almost every country’s central banking systems including ours to this day and are funding this gay ass war while also controlling the political fields whether it’s ours or Russia’s. They continue to profit while everyone else suffers.

However, they’re not the only family pulling the strings.

No. 1658875

is DMT the only way to possibly encounter them? I didn't see any beings during my experiences. I've never been visited during any other many psychedelic experiences, or it was erased from my memory I guess. Maybe I have to go into it with the specific intent of finding out more about this world, but it never was the case.

No. 1659591

So this isn't a Tinfoil, but a really interesting video on the context of why so many French intellectuals(including feminists) were Pro-Pedophilia, essentially it was a rejection of the what they deemed enforced morality, both both by tradition and the soviet system and everything,(including Pedophilia) became an aspect of freedom and liberation, everyone who was anti-Pedophilia was deemed a reactionary.

No. 1659597

The French moids are natually super-degenerates. When that one small French town got infamy for the husband who was drugging his wife to get her raped by random locals, many people interviewed on the street said "so what? She's HIS wife". By the number of men in the town, statistically you'd walk past a few of her rapists on an average day out.

No. 1659670

I think it's also because they know they can get away with it. The minister in charge of the police and justice is a rapist and when Macron was elected a second time he decided to keep him in the government. His name is Darmanin, iirc he forced a woman to give him a blowjob in exchange of a house or apartment.

No. 1659822

sorry, it's hard to remember. they didn't say very much and were more interested in showing me things, like they wanted me to meet a matron figure but then I started getting overwhelmed and said I needed to turn around, so the two of them were very understanding and made sure I got home safely.
I don't know if DMT is the only possible way to see them but it's the only way I ever have. saw some strange little fellas on LSD a couple times though. once the friend I was tripping with saw it too which is interesting.

No. 1660100

I completely agree with you nonna, this has been bothering me recently too. There's this weird support of hyperindividualism of even language, like an anti-language almost, that I think is connected to this bizarre cultural cult-of-authenticity we live in. You have to express yourself, don't you know that that's the primary function of language! You do you girl!

Also not really what you're talking about, but I've been thinking about how legal/political documents are written in correct English (mostly, though I have noticed the structure of the language used in political documents in my country/area of work is slowly declining in the ways you outline). Private legal writing seems to remain steadfastly structured, though, funny that.
It even bugs me to think about how I (early zoomer) was not actually taught about the English language in high school. I went to a good school too, but had no idea what simple concepts like "passive voice" were until external mentors taught me. Relatives of mine who are in high school (also good schools) now can't even reliably identify adverbs in a sentence, or explain what an adverb is. It's really odd.

No. 1660115

This reminds me of newspeak from the 1984 novel but in real life

No. 1660193

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NTA but same. For my old job I talked to a lot of zoomers, and it was like learning a different language. I am ESL, but it's crazy how much they've contorted the English language in just one generation. I know kids like using slang, but this is something else. Like other anons have said, the erosion of language is everywhere. A good example would be how "lesbian" has been bastardised over the years. First the political lesbians turned it into a political statement you can identify as, and now the kweerios and more worryingly, academia, define it as "non-men loving non-men". There's also the uterus having, egg producing, menstruating horror that is the redefining of "woman". As always, women get hit with bullshit first, but I do think it's indicative of a larger trend.

No. 1660248

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There's so much "academic" research about parenting that gets published that any mother with common sense could see would mess up a child long-term, and yet I've seen people willingly accept it.

No. 1660264

That's just cruel.

No. 1660289

I can't believe this is getting pedaled again, we already went through this like 100 years ago.

No. 1660290

My mom must have been a time traveler because she barely interacted with me as a kid.

the part these articles leave out is that yeah, the kid will be more independent or whatever, but they also won't want to hang out with you when they're adults because you're just the person that fed and took them to school

No. 1660292

These parents are so dismissive and weird and can’t understand that being too independent is a bad thing.

No. 1660298

ikr? like god forbid your own child wants to be around you while they're still young enough for you to be their primary influence. i don't get why the journo has three children if they aren't even interested in the fun parts of parenting

No. 1660308

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Just to be able to say she has three kids i bet. I searched up the article and found another kek worthy one. I get being exhausted sometimes but they make parenting seem like such a chore. You know, you don't have to have kids if them wanting to play with you is such an annoyance all the time. I agree it's fine to tell your kid you can't right now because we're all human, but I don't understand how someone could say they hate imaginative play but still want to be a parent

No. 1660318

Oh. I read that article when it came out last year and it made my blood boil bad. Imaginative play is such an important part of a kid's development and one of the few times where they have autonomy at a young age. Those parents are purposely stunting their kids and damaging their relationship with them and it breaks my heart every time they write articles about it like it's sooo enlightened and good self care

No. 1660335

As someone with two sisters under 10 and twins on the way this is so fucked up to see as published articles. Isn't there tons of research out there backing up how play helps kids develop skills like language and stuff? I've noticed this trend in parenting groups where a lot of normal behaviour is being put down as unnecessary, and it's depressing to think about how messed up those kids will be with such cold parents. It's like every established fact must be rebelled against now because fuck it, mommy wants to write pretentious articles about how much she thinks your imaginary world sucks. If I put my tinfoil hat on, it's like they want to make the next generation of worker bees more blackpilled from the start. That way they just accept their shitty jobs without question because they never experienced true joy as a child. They never dreamed of anything better or longed to form connections because their own parents were so cold.

No. 1660346

Tbh if that's the plan it's going to backfire lol. The kids will be too black pilled to be wage slaves. They had no joy in their lives so a good amount of them will just an hero, the rest will do bare minimum and refuse to have kids. The ones that evolve into socio and psychopaths will only find pleasure in the pain of their aging parents.

ask me how I know

No. 1660354

mine never played with me and I don't speak to her anymore (but that's due to other reasons).

No. 1660477

soon it will be "it's okay to not change your infant's diaper"

No. 1660482

yes it's along the same lines of why it's being more accepted to give your kid whatever device to leave you alone. it absolutely stunts their growth. i don't understand why, i've taken a few child/lifespan development courses and it's very clear that if you want your child to develop healthily and be well socialized you have to talk to them, play with them, etc. from early on. of course no one is expecting you to be up to this at all times, it's just as important for them to learn that others can say no to them, sometimes people are too tired to play along all the time, but if you don't enjoy interacting with children at all, then don't have them ffs. just goes to show child abuse is unfortunately still rampant and is developing alongside technology. you shouldn't just stick a tablet or smartphone in front of a kid all the time. devices aren't a bad idea for long drives but you shouldn't normalize them being in front of a screen all day.

No. 1660529

yeah this whole thing is giving blue bleam to the letter, its actually laughable. idgaf about ayys and whether they exist or not, only life that matters to me is earth life. >>1654793 you are so right, itll totally be used as a smokescreen for new military tech
mfw took estrogen based bc pills for 8 years because of endo and now recent studies suggest it makes endo worse…
we could sail to his island one summer and decapitate everyone there after taking out his security from offshore with our rifles anon…. you and me baby

No. 1660628

NTA but I think that’s the point, destroy the family unit, instill distrust towards your fellow man/woman, divide and conquer.

No. 1660634

This and with the push to legalize and normalize pedophilia, maladjusted children with disinterested parents are easier to abuse.

No. 1660635

Well…we’re getting there with AI if the predictive programming in vidrel is correct

the baby is so cute! Reminds of of my nephew

No. 1660826

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I believe the Nona from maybe a year back who said they are ushering in their own twisted idea of an Age of Saturn.
This AI and bot shit freaks me out. I don't trust any Youtube videos anymore, so many are artificially created with those obvious bot voices that make weird mispronunciations constantly. Comments are fake. Don't trust social media it's nothing but falsities and bots. Corporations and social media go hand-in-hand and they want you angry and unhappy and depressed and they want you to fall deeper into the hell of broken-down complacency- Reminder that Facebook in 2014 experimented with intentionally showing upsetting/inflammatory content on people feeds without their user’s consent. SEOs have been messed with on purpose, how many women here have tried googling something recently and had a hell of a time actually finding what they were looking for? How many things seem to just be gone without a trace now? It feels easier and easier to obfuscate and manipulate the truth and I have no idea what the truth on so many matters even is anymore. Or was it always that way?
I have long since deleted every trace of my appearance from social media, though there wasn't much, and feel good about it especially with this deepfake porn shit coming out. But you can't hide from the internet without isolating yourself. I'm on multiple peoples' Instagram pages, what can I do about that?

I'm sure it's come up but what do Nonnies think of the Dead Internet Theory? I was skeptical when I first heard of it but I 100% believe it now.

No. 1660863

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No. 1660869

Agree whole heartedly. Cant wait for book clubs to be everywhere. I think enough people are going to reject being online due to aforementioned reasons that they go back to print, and people might start having meetups discussing periodicals of the 70s or something kek. I know not everything written in books are true, but the speed of falsity is much, much slower. Looking at a tangible encyclopedia reference page from multiple different years of publication makes one feel that what is in there is probably true, or universally accepted as true, assuming the entries read the same or very similar. Not all, but enough people are going to flock to that (I hope)

No. 1660873

My only reaction was "bruh", and I think that says it all tbh.

No. 1660889

Children's brains are fried by screens and AI are way too fucking dumb to create something so realistic. So no, that shit isn't happening at all in the close future.

No. 1660950

Fully agree. Another thing I find bad is that there are some people ready to trust whatever some jourbalist or sketchy "psychologists" came up with instead of thinking of their own what their children need, how to care about them and help them develop etc.

No. 1661201

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I love the implication of the first comment, that anti semites hate war and that's what's bad about them.
Why is Stonetoss responding to US Army propaganda?

No. 1661275

Oh for God's sake. The goblin thingy trope is very common in fantasy, and I highly doubt JKR thought about the implications when she wrote the books. As a Jew I don't find those creatures offensive, it makes me laugh that people get offended on our behalf by such a trivial thing. I'm pretty sure no one turned into a Holocaust denier after reading Harry Potter. Ultimately it's just about the hatred JKR though. Certainly not defending Semitic people or any other minority for that matter. Back on topic, I feel like Stonetoss is a useful idiot in terms of divide and conquer. Some of his comics have made me chuckle, but ultimately their purpose is to cause controversy. I'm so sick of ragebait. It's like people don't dare be authentic anymore and have to hide their opinions behind layers of "irony".

No. 1661452

>destroy the family unit
absolutely based
>instill distrust towards your fellow man/woman, divide and conquer.
cringe but that's an ancient thing

No. 1661472

How is breaking down the traditional family structure and instead raising children in broken homes absolutely based?

No. 1661600

it's normalized to hate every member of the opposite sex but many people still want kids, and are too afraid to put in the effort to find a decent man/woman to do so (yes, it is hard). so they deny all the statistics about single parent homes instead.
>inb4 dogpiled

No. 1662132

Please do, I'm really interested in Jester like entities

No. 1662176

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>This was deliberate

No. 1662228

Lets thank the trannies

No. 1662233

not raising children is based but i guess i retract my post because they'll still reproduce regardless of having a familial support system.

No. 1662242

the "traditional family structure" is an alcoholic/cheater absent father, a pill addicted housewife mother and traumatized children from their shitty marriage because they won't divorce and the father won't admit he is absent and/or cheats and drinks. out with this bs.

No. 1662246

Nta but yeah. Most trad-identifying men I know are cheaters and more than half of them actually also cheat with men because they're fags. I feel bad for the women who are stuck with a faggy/cheating husband

No. 1662628

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Not as bad as this
>a troon with cartoonish fake breasts calling Russians "non-human"

No. 1662649

I hope he gets shot in the tits and dies of silicone poisoning… in Call of Duty.

No. 1662668

he wants to be one of those cute military women that get popular on the internet so badly lol

No. 1662721

What an absolute faggot, it's just entertainment to these retards. Hope he gets shot

No. 1662731

My friend has a kid she was pretty attentive about, admirably so. Not much screentime and focused on physical play, he's super active and ahead of the game on his milestones.
On the other hand she said she seems kids in the daycare and she cannot believe how behind a lot of kids are now, when her kid was 2 he was running around at the playground and picked up a ball infront of a kid who was just sitting there, not playing with the ball at all. The kid wasn't interactive at all, just blankly looking around so she assumed he was like maybe 6 months or a year or something, she got talking to the mom and turns out he was older than her kid. Apparently a ton of kids she sees just are totally non-interactive and just seem spaced out a lot of the time. There's a reason they pushed back all the official milestones recently, it's just to normalize how fucked up a lot of kids are, probably from isolation from parents and other kids.

Fr. Birth control is fine if you want to take it, but it's not some holy perfect pill with no effects. Progesterone based ones increase breast cancer risk 20-30%. Plus there's weight gain and all that. If you want to take it go for it but I just keep the periods. Plus pregnancy isn't as hard to avoid as they say. I've seen so many women with crazy pregnancy anxiety because they make it sound like you can get pregnant if a dick comes within 3 feet of you. Unless you're on or near ovulation it's not gonna happen, condoms work fine, I had daily sex with my husband with them for years and never had issue, then first time we tried for a baby I got pregers. My friend took bc, used condoms, and was still paranoid taking tests all the time

No. 1662774

I have talked about this half a dozen times already but it bares repeating with what's happening Ukraine. A similar situation like this happened 40 years ago. The United States wanted to get back at the Russians for messing up their war in another foreign nation, so they created a proxy to fight the Russians on their behalf and bog them down. That was Afghanistan, and it ended up creating modern-day Jihadism and political Islamism as we know it. Of course delusional Islamists existed before, but they were led by mullahs who were using old hunting rifles, didn't know how tp use guerrilla warfare and most importantly, were disconnected. They would be local rebellions that would be crushed by a regional police force in a week. But the US, in their goal to fight the Russians, helped facilitate jihadist networks and gave them training and tactics. Now they were an actual threat to governments and states. Decades of Islamist terror and rule happened because of what the US did in Afghanistan and we don't know which side will win in Ukraine, but we can estimate that in the tens of thousands of foreign fighters who will be returning home with military training, just a few can easily create new terrorist/insurgent groups and networks and so the next generation of terrorist/insurgents is already being made.

No. 1662814

im kinda dumb. wat does this mean?

No. 1662907

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The exact scenario is going to play out again. NATO spent years arming neo-nazi groups like Azov in Ukraine. As Russia continues to win the war, these people are going to escape to Europe where they will set up groups in other countries. Europe is already seeing an increase in right wing populism, with some countries having a more extreme right wing than others. Azov and Aidar will find a receptive audience. I also wouldn't be surprised if Ukrainians feel betrayed by America which would add to the anti-American sentiment that's growing in Europe due how Europe has been impacted by the SMO.

No. 1662919

>There's a reason they pushed back all the official milestones recently
I feel like no body talks about this. The government literally admitted that children are mentally and physically slower and have less potential compared to only fifty years ago. My question is why. Have the toxic chemicals we've been ingesting for the past hundred years finally caught up with us? Or is this a side effect of sperm quality decreasing so much that the majority of children born are simply low quality genetics?

No. 1662924

There's a lot to be said for people's mentality to children and child raising tbh. I grew up in UK in a lower middle class area with a mix of social housing. It was not uncommon for mothers to tell their teen daughters to get pregnant at 18 to get a wee house.

My peers are in their early 30s. So many of their kids are autistic. I don't remember ever coming across an autistic kid in school. I knew kids with down syndrome or congenital conditions. I know rightly most if not all those that have autistic kids partied heavily mixing drink and drugs. It's probably not discussed enough how men's sperm is constantly regenerated and is reflective of their biochemistry. Low sperm count is definitely an issue, but it'll be blamed on older women who wanted to be financially secure and provide a stimulating and nourishing environment.

I know horrible mothers that are quick to label their kids autistic without proper evaluation as an excuse for their shite parenting. My nephew's mother lived in squalor until we kept calling social services. She would never open her curtains, house was damp and dark. She smoked weed all day while her son sat on screens. We had to potty train him at 5 as nursery wouldn't take him. His mother didn't work. When we would get visits we'd have to buy him shoes. She gets money and my dad bought her driving lessons and a car. She would post on fb that our family were why my nephew was slow and insinuated our genetics (my dad she was taking money from is disabled, not sure what her excuse is not to work, oh she's a lazy bitch) were the reason. She always wore new clothes, hair extensions excessive make up and her son was running around in ill-fitting shoes being held back from school because potty training him was not saw as a priority by his mum. Easier to call him defective than evaluate how you can be so selfish.

No. 1662929

Not to diminish my brothers part. They were two coke heads, took pills, matter of fact stole pills off my dad they'd take anything.

Generally people should be planning for children and conscious of choices their making while trying to conceive. So many children are an after thought. I mean my brother and his ex had a kid, a toxic break months after birth, reconciliation and then finally an abortion a decision we all agreed was a good idea. Some people are not fit to be parents.

No. 1662934

Man, and I thought other schizos in other sites who sperged about how the powers that be are slowing our evolution process and preventing us from reaching a higher form lol are we Goku now? Going from base from to super saiyan god?. Maybe they are on to something…

No. 1662958

When did government admit this? Kids on average eat better and get better education compared to 50 years ago, how's that possible

No. 1662965

My personal theory is the powers that be realized just doing eugenics in full view got them too much backlash so they've been breeding humans via social politics instead. Trick people into thinking they have free will when in reality the elite want docile idiot workers. Its scary to think they are well on the path of having a worldwide monoculture of worker ants that can only do the task in front of them without thinking about it. Idiocracy is real and we are in the early stages, everyone buckle up

No. 1662999

On February 8, 2022, the CDC released new guidelines on what should be considered appropriate milestones for childhood development. An official statement, it was published in the American Academy of Pediatrics professional journal Pediatrics. Titled "Evidence-Informed Milestones for Developmental Surveillance Tools" it updated the former guidelines on what is considered normal development for children. Developmental milestones are things most children (75% or more) can do by a certain age. It pushed most milestones back by six months. Previously, your two year old child should be repeating words, speaking in two to four word sentences, and know the names of familiar things like cup or dog. If your child had not reached this milestone, he or she needed to be tested for intellectual or speech disabilities and early intervention needed to be started.
Under the new guidelines, a two year old is only expected to say two words sentences at most, knows how to nod yes, and can point to two body parts when you ask her. Meanwhile, the The American Speech Language and Hearing Association still holds the standard that if a child is not speaking at least fifty words by two years of age, that that child is developmentally delayed and requires special intervention.
The CDC pushed back 67% of its previous markers to an older age, most commonly to six months later, which is a huge time span in the first three years of life.
I don't know why children are more stupid compared to only twenty years ago, but I suspect a combination of factors. From PFAS being present in their brain from conception to it being considered normal to give babies screen time, there's just a lot going on.
I personally think we are ignoring the elephant in the room of carbon dioxide. The normal concentration of CO² in the outdoor air was 250-350 ppm. Indoors, 350-1,000 ppm is very normal, with better insulated houses having more CO². The Harvard studies done by Joseph Allen show measured a 15% decrease in cognitive abilities at 950 ppm and a further 50% decline at 1400 ppm. Then look at how much carbon dioxide levels rise when wearing a mask, and how much the CO² in the air increases from human activities such as driving a car or flying a plane. In May 2023, carbon dioxide hit 424 ppm, whereas in 1960, it was 318 ppm.
Whether or not you believe in human driven climate change, the outlook for the collective IQ and intellectual abilities for humanity is grim.

No. 1663031

You have Islamists, open white supremacists, specific ethnic nationalists, and even anarchists in prolonged conflict, making connections and actually learning how to fight a modern state. Do they genuinely believe that they are simply not going to turn back and use these tactics against their own nations anytime soon?

No. 1663169

Food is definitely not better and kids get fed fast food diets and processed mush instead of eating real balanced meals.

No. 1663512

I think the CDC lowered the guidelines to placate neglectful parents. The reason so many kids are developmentally delayed is because their parents hate them and just put a screen in front of their face instead of dealing with them. Instead of reckoning with this new generation of iPad babies and their shitty parents the government is trying to say neglect induced retardation is normal.

No. 1663524

A lot of the civil servants and government workers where I live are majority useless fat inefficient fucks.

I'm >>1662924 and my nephew's maternal grandmother is a social worker who lives in the same street as her daughter and yet it took us, the 'scummy' side of my nephew's genetics to flag am independent case to social workers because grandma saw no fucking issue with a growing toddler not having proper fitted shoes or his unemployed mother bothering to give him basic life skills for nursery.

Sooner people realise a lot of cunts are sitting in positions they don't have the merits to be in the better.

No. 1664490

File: 1692038141936.png (168.33 KB, 640x732, maui fires.png)

Theories are floating that the fires in hawaii/maui were intentional as part of a landgrab by the wealthy to get the natives off desirable land, so they could buy it up for pennies and develop it for private vacation houses and luxury resorts.

No. 1664500

Trash retarded alt right twitter accounts but maybe someone should go burn down the mansions. Why do extremist shooter idiots always target some normie mall or school children and never try and shoot Bezos or Elon or something? Those guys can't be surrounded by security at all times. Why does nobody try and actually eat the rich, like the bling ring on steroids were the goals aren't petty capital and status, but sticking it to the idiots. Rob the rich people's empty houses. Destroy their properties. Have no empathy for their boundaries. Homeless people set up encampments in their houses. Something that shows actual revolt. Im tired of people worshiping these fucks, it's about time people do something. I'm sure in a few years there's going to be an all out robber baron vs commoner class war that fucking devolves into that. People are tired.

Burn the Los Angeles mansions to the ground the celebrities are overselling, while we're at it.

Also the locals have been harping about rich mostly white people stealing their land for years and how vacation tourism and other land development are ruining the natural aspects of the island. The islands have been slowly gutted ever since Hawaii became a state.

No. 1664509

It could be that they have some fancy fireproof shit or just better built houses but if their shit stays totally untouched I'm gonna assume someone pulled a Brazil and burned things down for the corps wanting to turn hawaii into their elite resort and 2nd mansion island.

No. 1664525

I agree with you but that's what the real job of cops is. In my city we have a terrible issue with homeless drug addicts causing crime and violence. But the thing is they only live in downtown and where average/poor people, especially young people and college students, live. if they go to the wealthy neighborhoods the cops immediately remove them, but if they're setting up shop stealing catalytic converters and shooting up needles where working class people rent, the cops are nowhere to be found.

the police only protect rich people. laws, too, only protect rich people. that's why if you steal $100 from an employer you get fired and sued, but if the employer steals $100 from you, it's tuesday. same with landlords. same with corporations.

the fires were really weird. they're doing the same thing that ancient roman jackass did, crassus. he'd burn down poor people's houses then buy the land up for pennies.

No. 1664527

Any California anons now is the time to start burning down vacant mansions being sold by celebrities and other rich people in Brentwood, Calabasas and other shithole rich people tax dodging havens if you can break into them

You won't do it, we're all a bunch of timid internet fiends… but in theory, it would be amazing

No. 1664548

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You know, I genuinely would not have even heard of 'Sound of Freedom' before this backlash. I'm sure it got some things inaccurate and was sensationalist. I'm not actually interested in watching it, but this reaction against it just seems wild and misplaced.

No. 1664556

No we're not starting this discourse again

The movie is retarded and Jim Caviziel is a retarded Q-Anon looney, that's all he was blabbing about in interviews is how adrenocreamy is unironically "realllll". and megachurches are trying to act like the victims when they bought up tickets to make to appear like it's popular, when it's not. It's actually more just a shitty action movie that misrepresents child trafficking and has a white savior complex, but the way the brain damaged lead actor and the Mormon founder of the "organization" which stole a female survivors story are marketing it is very q-tard, that's what all the backlash is for.

The actual movie itself is pretty boring preachy, mildly Christian thriller crap. Like a watered down Taken without any fun and a much shittier lead actor. Are men in Hollywood named Jim C just destined to be brain damaged?

No. 1664557

Its already mentioned in this thread how misogynistic scrote and fundie Timmy Ballard >>1631382
stole a female survivors story.

No. 1664724

i grew up in hawaii. there's just no way a sudden wildfire is possible there. the climate and terrain just isnt right. i swear to god it's DEWs.
>inb4 muh climate chaynge
"climate change" is intentional geoengineering. you dont even have to make up theories about that. the people doing it tell you they do it and tell you how it's done. ionizing beams, frequencies, etc…it isnt hard to find people admitting to all this, or the patents for this kind of tech…

No. 1664731

i thought the DEW thing was started by glows to discredit people who thought the west coast wildfires were arson (they were, by the way), sort of like flat earth is pushed to discredit people who think NASA's budget needs an audit? i do think it's plain old arson, but no need to hinge the argument on secret space death lasers.

there have been a lot of suspicious fires in the past several years. i'm not under the impression that fires in hawaii are common outside of volcanic events? it's really wet there, isn't it? i think it's just a land grab. rich people have been doing this since ancient rome, not sure why people call us conspiracy theorists for suggesting it is possible. it's really sick how the media has the wageslaves trained to leap to the defense of rich people the second they receive any criticism.

the cycles of urban crime are also about weaponizing the criminal class to destabilize an urban neighborhood, then rich people swoop in to buy it all up cheap and develop it into a gentrification zone. the process takes decades but the participants have familial wealth. it's how they stay so rich. it's been documented but no one ever brings it up. the police are weaponized against the working class while the rich are doing the real crimes.

No. 1664800

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Ionospheric heaters already exist. It's not tinfoil. Both Russia and China operate Ionospheric heaters as does the US. There's a lot of theories about what these actually do. Some people suspect that the CIA caused the Chernobyl accident because the soviets were using it to power an Ionospheric heater, some people believe they are used to heat the ocean to prop up the global waming lie and other people believe that they are used to cause extreme weather events like hurricanes. The official explanation is that scientists don't know what Ionospheric heaters do and they just use them to so they can study what happens. That said, I do believe the most likely cause of the wildfires is arson.

Pic is a defunct Ionospheric heater in Ukraine.

No. 1664999

I believe aspects of climate change are being used to further the aims of those who want world domination but climate change is very real, I have lived in a region for almost 5 years now and it has gotten significantly hotter, people are suffering from heat strokes and animals have died, this is not normal.

No. 1665395

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thank you anon for the info. but they do know what the ionospheric heaters and related tech do, they literally admit they use them as DEWs and weather modification.

No. 1665407

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the climate is "changing" at least in part due to intentional weather modification and weather weapons using the aforementioned technology. im willing to concede that not all climate activity is directly due to geoengineering, but i do think weather events are being intentionally manufactured in order to push laws and change society under the pretense of "fighting climate change"
obviously a lot of things like animal agriculture and american vehicle culture are fucked and need addressing, but unfortunately these changes are only being made to give legitimacy to the rising controlled technosurveillance state, not because sociopathic billionaires care about the future of humanity.

everyone can see the "climate change" in their area. weather at large is being used to attack the country. weather is an amazing weapon. your enemies have nowhere to run. you can always flood them out or light them on fire. the entire country is full of freak weather events. seems we have another conveniently timed election crisis brewing…

No. 1665410

What laws are they supposedly pushing that will benefit them?

No. 1665444

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imagine you really need a reason to corral people into your technosurveillance state. you start sociopolitical discussions among influential people about transitioning the world into smart cities or the newer 15 minute city ideas. ideas that have merit but ultimately just disguise your controlled technosurveillance state. so here's an example of changes that can be made. when you start lighting certain areas on fire or using other high risk weather events as weapons against an area, problems start to happen with insurance. rising insurance, insurance dropping coverage in high risk areas, insurance not covering certain freak accidents…its one way to push people out of one area and into another. one way to destabilize communities and make them dependent on the solutions held by the govt. we may soon see massive amounts of americans whose areas have been so destabilized they have nowhere to go.
i dont have time to write a whole bibliography of laws rn but if you poke around videos/websites of the World Economic Forum or look into the Sustainable Development Goals you will be lead towards studies, policy proposals, investors in social change, etc. none of this info is clandestine it's quite acessable.

No. 1665455

lets not also forget the sun's effect. All planets in our solar system have been observed to be warming. Climate change is a "perfect storm" of natural solar cycles that warm the planets, man-made pollution, and deliberate weather modification using HAARP and other means. Even wildfires can be started by particle beams from space or other high altitude aircraft. There's tons of modifications being done to naturally occuring weather changes on top of the damage we have done to the environment.

No. 1665458

Nonnie this is great. So often with any "conspiracy topics" you see rejection because people are unable or unwilling to see the long term plan and/or the not immediately obvious interconnectedness of these events and topics. It's imperative to follow these topics as far as they go to truly understand the implications. Not just with climate change.

No. 1665461

85% of fires are started by humans and that number is higher in Hawaii. They just want to push climate change so they won't admit that some idiot started the fire they act like it's just climate change that's responsible. It could have been a weather modification weapon, but it's more likely it was someone doing something stupid.

No. 1665478

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honestly I immediately thought the same thing. the siren/alarm system was not even used and no one would say why. it's planned incompetence.

No. 1665482

The easiest way to battle "climate change" is to allow remote work for all jobs that can be remote. Yet they're pushing return to office like psychopathic totalitarian nazis. I think the fires are intentional, and I think most of the infrastructure attacks (food plants burning down, trains derailing) are intentional as well. I think they're using "climate change" to push an agenda. Ironic as I'm anti-car and environmentalist, but I think they're full of shit.

No. 1665537

Reddit is now refusing to show deleted users comments in the app, but you can still see their original comments on the browser version of the site, even on mobile. This is probably deliberate, and I've found almost no way to switch it off or change it. So unless you keep your account people with burners who are spreading information or fear being harassed are going to have a much harder time keeping their comments up

This alongside their third party app ban and API restriction is starting to seem deliberate. I'm trying to find comments talking about this and there's very little information or awareness on it. Why restrict the deleted posters comments in the app but not in the browser version? This seems 100% purposeful. First you take people's ability to stalk archives by keyword away and search deleted users and comments in case they find incriminating information, aka camas.unddit and now deleted comments aren't showing up in the app at all. Reddit, I see your shit, and I don't know what bourgeoisie pigs you're trying to protect, but it's not working.

No. 1665546

File: 1692119162494.jpeg (233.14 KB, 1016x720, 3B58CE85-DA4F-48CA-B734-F5DDB4…)

woman: I sure hope I don’t get raped and murdered like the girl I saw on the news

No. 1665550

true crime fans are honestly psychotic. zero of them are well adjusted stable people.

No. 1665555

They treat the real life tragedies of real life people as some edgy creepy pasta.

No. 1665560

Yeah my mom watching the First 48 is just totally off her rocker

No. 1665567

Criticising women for being “paranoid” when we’ve been raised from birth to be wary of lurking predators is retarded. If men don’t want to be labelled as rapists or murderers they should stop killing and raping people. Until then, people being bothered by your presence is something you have to accept as a lone male. The black guy should be glad she didn’t pepper spray him like they do wild boars. The ones who get the most offended always have criminal records. Always

No. 1665577

moids only hate true crime because it's a female dominated interest exactly because of what >>1665567 said
and "white women" actually stands for "all "cis" women" in these "leftist" moids' posts

No. 1665583

kek the 2nd poster in this cap is retarded, no taylor swift fan is calling for "ruthless and unquestionable state violence" against…. taylor anti's? they need to log off and touch grass

No. 1665611

how many old conservative ladies who are typically into that q-trash are into taylor swift, especially nowadays

taylor is so mediocre and blah (although like her music) as a person, seeing her get all this hate makes me laugh. she sells herself being inoffensive as possible, it's her fandom that's psychotic

No. 1665627

This is most likely what NASA and other worldwide space programmes are doing with all that money.
They will publicise some new moon trip every now and again to placate the general public but I would bet any money this is what they're really up to.

No. 1665641

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Yeah but I have a fetish for boys in NASA shirts, I wish they would just focus on doing cool science shit instead of developing black book weapons. the DoD literally cannot pass an audit. They oopsied like a trillion dollars.

No. 1666055

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I know this is from a shitty RW account, and I came across it because some libfems were retweeting 'boys should be allowed to dress how they want, you bigot!.' posts, However call me crazy but I don't think the average little boy doesn't want to dress in crop tops or bell bottoms. It's very obvious that it's the parents who want this and it is kinda bizarre.

No. 1666073

little girls have been forced to dress like this for decades, now they give a shit? i remember when i was a little girl i begged my mom to get me boy shorts because girl shorts were fucking tiny.

No. 1666077

The point is no one giving a shit, despite how kinda weird it is.

No. 1666078

why should they? it doesnt even look like inappropiate clothing. Again, if it was a little girl no one would have given a shit. It's MRA's trying to find something to get angry at and feel like victims instead of focusing on real issues(men raping babies to death)

No. 1666112

What if fujos are a thing (I'm not one) because of some old innate instinct to want to see men dominate weaker men so they can "pick the stronger one as a mate"? It's a common strategy in nature for males to fight to show females their strength until they pick them and this could be another expression of it. Kind of the same reason "bad boys" are so popular with lots of girls, you know? So the sexual aspect of it originally comes from wanting to pick "the best male to mate with" but is just redirected to be consumed for enjoyment.

No. 1666124

this doesnt really work because usually the more submissive girly femboy looking ones are more popular among women

No. 1666126

that's not true, the ugly dorito chin semes are always the most popular

No. 1666136

Its was a way for insecure Japanese women to express their desires through the medium of underage boys, it would have been fine in the Japanese context but spreading to the west is what made it retarded and led to the mass trooning out we see today.

No. 1666221

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So I do believe the moon landing probably happened but it wouldn't matter if it didn't, space projects are a moneypit, NASA exists cause the US couldn't get over the Soviets going into space and doing the only worthwhile relevant things(making satellites to chart out planet) and not doing anything beyond cause it wasn't relevant.

No. 1666222

File: 1692188946698.jpeg (Spoiler Image,72.13 KB, 690x459, hard drive check for mr. schri…)

I think there's plenty of boys out there who do like girls clothing for aesthetic reasons but the fact that so many celebrities have young boys wearing girls clothes strikes me as odd. Statistically it seems unlikely. There was a rumour that Megan Fox's boys hated dressing that way and the shit Liev Schreiber's son wears is very inappropriate. He dressed up as Harley Quinn for a con, and it was the skanky Suicide Squad costume too. Could've easily picked a more age appropriate costume from the comics. Then there was picrel that raised serious questions. Kids will be kids and stick things in their mouth they shouldn't, sure. But this is… not a good sign.

No. 1666225

spoiler that pls

No. 1666253

This conspiracy is the most easily disproven because with a powerful enough telescope you can see the stuff we've left on the moon and with lasers and math you can bounce light off of a sheet they left up there.

No. 1666379

I bet $10 that these retards are raising iPad children and just want to feel better about their shitty parenting.
I was a member of a Facebook parenting group on a troll account and it was concerning how many newer parents endorsed iPads for 2-3 year olds. Better yet, they called anyone who dissented a "dinosaur" who is too "ancient" to understand child-safe controls. Jokes on those retards because I was born in '98 and I grew up online hence why I know firsthand the dangers of children having access to the internet. Not only can the childproofing of devices be disabled but there is also so much perverted weird shit that bypasses the algorithms designed for children that I think it's better to only let them watch stuff that you've seen first. Make your kids play outside and don't let them go on the internet too long.

No. 1666385

This is what I wanna know too. I genuinely think the moids who commit shootings are just too retarded to realize that their selfish homicidal urges could be used for something better. They don't consider that all of these shooters in recent years blend together; I couldn't tell you the names of any of them because there's just too many of them. If these incels want lifelong notoriety then they're going about it the wrong way because no one even remembers shootings these days.
But you know what? People remember the moids who assassinated JFK, Abraham Lincoln, or John Lennon and they would definitely remember the scrote who killed off Bezos, Gates, or Musk. Just hypothetically speaking of course!

No. 1666575

>why not really eat the rich?

i’ve often asked myself the same question. there are so many layers to this issue and it’s hard to really pinpoint one but i can say that most people are disingenuous as fuck. they really don’t want to destroy wealthy people…they just want to replace them. they want to take what they have not out of a sense of justice but out of pure envy and greed. innocent normies are the collateral damage because people see them as useless npcs that uphold the system, and in some ways shooting them is seen as thinning the herd, one less person to get in between me and my dreams, yada yada.

then you have the people who are just angry but they don’t know why they’re angry and frustrated. they hate the world and their shitty lives but are too complacent/comfortable with the status quo to actually change things, too afraid to come up with unpopular ideas or make controversial statements in public, too dumb and narcissistic to own up to their own bad decisions, so instead they just go on a mad killing spree because they’re pissed off and again, innocent people become the collateral damage for confused retards who are too lazy and stupid to do anything meaningful with their feelings.

and at the end of the day, that’s why tptb are not all that concerned about average joes and janes getting their heads blown off by angry morons with guns. they know these people, if given the chance, would gladly swap places with them. they know, deep down, that most social justice types have no purpose and no meaning in their lives; you can see this in how these groups can barely string together a coherent message and eventually start attacking each other over dumb shit. plus most people do not know how to do things grassroots, they post their shit online for the feds to see so of course they get infiltrated by disinfo agents and other bad faith actors who discredit their movement and turn them in when they get a chance.

and sadly there is also the reality that these groups and shooters are allowed to engage in social anarchy and terrorism to keep normies scared and complacent. why is it that the feds always claim that they “didn’t know nuffin” about someone posting violent screeds online, but someone like me or you gets a tracking device put on our car because we travel abroad too much, post memes on imageboards, are loners by choice, or something else really stupid? the greatest fear of the common class in the west is living in a world/society where random acts of violence can occur at any moment, which is why suburban subdivisions became a big thing in the states and why there’s a “theme” when violent offenders are shown in the media. it’s also why dystopian fiction is so popular and so heavily pushed by the media, why people are obsessed with zombies and the apocalypse, why people freaked out so much during covid. it’s a form of social conditioning through fear and sadly it works.

No. 1666579

What I really want is something just resembling a politically charged version of the Bling Ring or Anna Delvey, people who stole from the rich and famous… but not relying on personal greed, instead wealth redistribution, sticking it to the elite folks, and revolution. If a group of people tried to be revolutionaries it might be more effective. The real problem is these incel moids hate women so they don't care about how rich men abuse women, so they don't wish to overthrow them. But how many times the same way have women ever tried to overthrow our oppressors? If we tried we'd just get demonized anyway.

Problem is people resort to harming their fellow normie human beings instead of the source of the agony at the top of the food chain. When that's who we should be focusing on, the corporatism and greed of the rich people that cause so much worldwide misery. At some point peaceful protest is going to fail and we may fall back into a hyper intense version of robber baron protests. Maybe if it does, these rich fuckers will hypothetically feel a little fear once in their lives.

It seems like such a radical idea! god forbid people challenge the rich and as the other anon said, the police's only job seems to be to listen to them!

No. 1666584

>post shit online
>get disinfo'd

yeah that happens all the time and celebrity worship is out of fucking control

men would rather hire marty singer and his army of bots than admit guilt once ever in their fucking sad little lives

yet they lurk all the shit and slurp up the attention and continue to make fools of themselves, and other moids and handmaidens will forgive them every time. some of us though, we don't forgive and we don't forget

if low quality talentless nepo babies like chris d'elia can get away with running an alleged sex cult then there's really no consequence, the upper level is so much worse and nobody believes you when you try and talk about it, even when worded rationally and away from all conspiracy

you try and tell the masses that these rich abusers use lawyers and middlemen and the only fucking cases it really worked for was taking down epstein and weinstein, even cosby is a free man. it's pathetic people said we're going to do better when the offenders are winning in court ala johnny depp and now empowered to sue their victims back ala jonathan majors, no now we're re entering the dark ages. new era of feminism my ass, we solved nothing, jailing and suiciding a couple uggos doesn't count, ill fucking believe there's change when I see the actors and any of the attractive men put on trial and in jail

No. 1666760

There's a schizo moid whose articles I read from time to time just to counter the noise of the mainstream media. (kek) He recently covered the fires in Maui and mentioned how many multi millionaires, billionaires and the military own most of the entire island and it could be some kind of 9/11-tier insurance fraud scheme a la WTC 7. He also mentioned how a lot of the photos and footage seemed to be altered/faked. Big if true

No. 1666767

I'm an anti-car environmentalist as well nonnie, also extremely against animal agriculture (veganfag) but anytime I see climate change topics in the mainstream media or shit like beyond beef/vegan options being offered by gigantic fast food chains I just know it's greenwashing bullshit. Nobody actually really cares the further you go up the ladder. Nothing but trends, lies, and endless consooming. An anon in a previous thread even connected fertilizer companies to this push for vegan/plant-based options becoming more popular

No. 1667926

Who’s the moid?

No. 1668815

Miles Mathis, you should be able to find his website just by a Google search or a Bing search prob
Could this also explain smash and grab shit you see all over the news now? I’m convinced most of them are paid actors and feds trying to stir a race war and class war, also classic D&C stuff

No. 1669018

That's why I said I believed it happened but it wouldn't matter if it didn't, all the relevant things you could do in space were already achieved in the 1960's.

No. 1669022

God fucking dammit I knew it'd be him. Why the fuck is he constantly being shilled here

No. 1669060

It's gotta be him, I tried reading some of his shit and not only was it stupid, it didn't make sense

He also thinks covid doesn't exist, he probably thinks viruses aren't real

No. 1669167

File: 1692397769906.jpg (516.73 KB, 2431x1372, image.jpg)

Guy who was a police captain during the Vegas mass shooting – most deadly mass shooting in modern american history – is coincidentally the police chief in Maui during the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century. Cool. That's not weird at all.

No. 1669178

Ntayrt but I think it literally is him, I can’t remember which thread he first got shilled in but that anon exposed themselves as a scrote and I have a feeling it’s him promoting his own shit. Who the fuck even knows of this moid to promote his crap here? Is he popular in the tinfoil communities or something?

No. 1669183

I used to be a regular on /x/ and never heard of him until that one thread. I'm pretty sure he shilled himself in one of the celebricows threads too, I remember seeing him mentioned there not long after he was discussed here.

No. 1669325

People are saying the police blocked the road out and forced people back into town, which was an inferno, where they all died. Someone asked the cops wtf and they said they were "just following orders". I think the US govt purposely murdered these Hawaiians. i've been watching a lot of the youtube videos and multiple people interviewed confirmed it. how else did the warning system go down like that? that doesn't happen. i get texts on my phone just because it's hotter than normal outside. how were there no warnings for a giant fire?

No. 1669337

Similar shit happened in Uvalde, didn’t it?

No. 1669449

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Reminds me that the sniper who killed an innocent woman in Ruby Ridge was the same man who escalated the situation in Waco and led to the siege.

No. 1669505

Fuck off moid and stop shilling your shitty books. Get a job or something retard

No. 1669549

I'm a little freaked out now because if that's him then he's evolving and integrating quite well. Wish he'd just fuck off to /x/ or something. 4chan moids also believe there's a conspiracy against straight white males so he'd fit in perfectly there.

I 100% believe this was not a kosher wildfire now. No way in hell this guy who was also at a very suspicious shooting just so happened to be in Maui in time for this. That combined with the pigs blocking roads, the emergency alerts not working and celebrity mansions being untouched is just too much to be a coincidence.

Damn, I did not know that.

No. 1669594

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Kek his job is being a shill.
It should be against the thread's rules to shill this moid here tbh I thought he would fuck off after he got btfo'd the first time.

No. 1669648

Same anon, if there were literally anyone else as schizophrenic, entertaining and somewhat insightful I’d be reading them for laffs/interest instead. If you want to unironically shill more schizposters I’m all ears. The only woman I’ve be able to find that has genuinely interesting tinfoils is Dystopian Deepdives, and some nonnies on this thread.
Nonnie…there is 0 chance he would ever visit lolcow dot fart. He writes mildly compelling posts about literally every topic under the sun, and they vary in the amount of schizophrenia, so why make it an instant ban? He fucking tries to debunk every famous person that’s ever existed with a Google search. It’s absurdly funny, why are you seething? Are you the newest glowfag intern that gets to browse female image boards kek

No. 1669654

Samefagging, but I also went on /x/ a lot for a period of time and that’s not where I first found moids shilling him, it was on /pol/ probably around 2020 because I was interested in covid and vaccine tinfoils. He thinks people are literally dying by the millions, which is objectively wrong, but I’ll use links he cites to do my own research, like I would with literally any other cite like wikispooks. I don’t have strong opinions about any of the most common scrote conspiracies they sperg about nonstop on /pol/ and even Reddit, I just like to read other people’s ideas. Then again this is the tinfoil thread so I should expect paranoia

No. 1669696

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I'm reading a book called Desperate Remedies, it's about early psychiatry and the butchery that psychiatrists committed on helpless people. One of these doctors was a man named Henry Cotton, who was just mutilating people on account of his stupid theory that infection was causing mental illness. Eventually, people started to complain and wanted it investigated, so they went to his mentor, who was also a powerful psychiatrist, to investigate it. The mentor said, 'I don't have time to do this, but I'll send my assistant,' who was a young woman named Phyllis Greenacre. She studied what he was doing and came back saying, 'This guy's just killing and mutilating people, and it's not doing anything. Nobody's being cured.' Phyllis Greenacre was in this position with Henry Cotton, who was an important man and much older and well-established than she was, and her boss (Adolf Meyer), who was Cotton's mentor, sided with him as well. For three days, they met over this report that Greenacre put forward, and he just bullied her to change this report. Cotton then just straight up threatened her and children but she did not budge. Cotton was eventually fired over this, but the fact that it took this much time and people died and had their lives ruined over this is just proof of how easily "science"(especially shaky science like psychiatry) can be used to cause real harm, we see this with modern troonism.

No. 1669734

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An anon suspected to be Miles hijacked one of the conversations about Jim Carrey here and tried to claim Cathriona White's death was a satanist hoax.

Never forgive and never forget vile scrotes who make women's pain about their own esoteric delusions.

No. 1669773

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Some threads ago I posted my very own schizo theory and I think it's actually becoming reality faster than I thought. My theory proposed that LC was being used as a lab to create and test the new female juvenile archetype, that this archetype and its components would be shilled in masses by the powers to the next generations, and that LC would soon turn into a mainstream site much like 4chan in the upcoming years. We have already seen instances of tiktokers and twitterfags declaring themselves "femcels" and even "lurkers" but yesterday, my 7yo sister and even two of my nieces got several tiktoks on their FYPs about "lolcows", not only the content itself surprised me as my young relatives don't even know who all these people are (old cows like Chris-chan, doomencio, pixitery, etc), but the digestible formats they're presented and the use of several "codewords" we also use here as well intrigued me. These videos got sizeable amounts of likes too. I'm actually baffled, not only because TikTok is the biggest app atm which implies this content will reach thousands with ease, but the fact that there are normies trying to spread the concept of "lolcows" and "drama boards" through easily digestible, girly formats such as "aesthetics" and "style boards", which indicates very young women or even teens and tweens (like my sister and nieces) are in fact the target demographic of this experiment. Mind you, I don't use TikTok, and I've never talked to my sister about lolcows, this content just reached their FYPs spontaneously

No. 1669779

well, time to move boards once again

No. 1669782

Fucking hate those TikTok retards bringing droves or yards and children in

No. 1669795

my father is a 33rd degree and i never understood why he LARPed as a knights templar. thanks for the informative op pic, i always just thought it was just a weird hobby. only thing i would add is that the shriners (i.e. shriners hospital for children) is comprised of 32nd degree masons, they raise money for and fund the hospital, and also wear weird little fez caps

No. 1669808

Do you browse LC on the same network as their deivces are on? That could be why they are getting "lolcow" content.

No. 1669815

We're ahead of the curve. Which I guess means society is fucked. I don't want girls to look up to this site. Women like me aren't worth looking up to. I'm literally here because I'm mentally fucked, mega dysmorphic, have a stalker who won't let me exist online without fear, immature, and struggle to move on with my life. My life fucking sucks and nobody should be like me.

What's even sadder is that I understand why women and girls would resort to using a site like lolcow or adapting the overall cynical mindset its users have, because it's easier to do that than pursue vile specimens of modern men who idolize Andrew Taint and other pustules. Everyone's getting more maladjusted, and I'm not saying it in a tradthotty cynical far right way, I'm saying it from the perspective of economic disaster, corporate takeover and watching the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. From even my very lefty perspective, things aren't getting better, the world is burning. The future is bleak. No wonder kids these days are so angry. I miss the days when I wasn't glued to a screen. Technology gave us the gift of communication and information advancement and look what we're fucking using it for. stupider, fatter and lazier.

No. 1669867

Good I hope more women peak and that women controlled forums/imageboards subreddits etc garner more attention in the mainstream. I don't see the point of gatekeeping if new users adjust to board culture, mods will deal with children. If LC became mainstream it would only serve to peak women in more ways than one. Maybe not completely e.g on males and their and violent biology but on troons at the very least which can only help women.

>What's even sadder is that I understand why women and girls would resort to using a site like lolcow or adapting the overall cynical mindset its users have, because it's easier to do that than pursue vile specimens of modern men who idolize Andrew Taint and other pustules.
I truly extend my sympathy for you and your struggle, especially being stalked by a rapeape it fucking sucks, but this is not FDS. And this website is not a sanctuary for horny heterosexual women to live in denial about the violence of male biology.

>Technology gave us the gift of communication and information advancement and look what we're fucking using it for. stupider, fatter and lazier.

Learning resources are open to your disposal. There are literally hundreds of thousands if not millions of resources to learn anything you want right now available to you. Yes, our dopaminergic receptors are fried from a decade of advetising and soft propaganda but if your only goal in life is to fuck a penis, literally buy a dildo. I don't know how you'd describe yourself as "leftist", unless you mean spouting liberal feminist mystical female woowoo about how you somehow need a Nigel and projecting this on all other women. That's hardly "leftist" just living in denial of reality.

You are discrediting the good of the internet in favor of only seeing rapeape male content and fantasising about having a rapeape of your own. An excellent example of the breadth of the internet is this site and all women-run websites and forums that allow this kind of discussion to proceed without harassment and threats. Hearing the opinions of other women here is vindicating and highly peaking. I suppose I'm also an oldfag, I'm baffled as to why anyone would be against this and any other forum for open discussion among women spreading. You act as if this sites only purpose is to be FDS2.0 when theres highly peaking troon content here that would only benefit mankind if all women and girls were exposed to.

No. 1669912

After he shilled himself so hard last time and made no effort to cover the fact it was him, it might be worth mentioning in /meta/. Mathis gives me Buffalo Bill vibes, I don't want to share my tinfoil blanket with him.

>there is 0 chance he would ever visit lolcow
He's been here before, only leaving after we clowned on him. But I wouldn't put it past him returning if he learned how to integrate better. Also, anon wasn't seething, most of us are just sick of hearing about this faggot.

He even wrote about how serial killers like Ted Bundy are being faked to demonise straight white men, and how this has effected his attempts at dating. He's fucking deranged and seemingly refuses to admit that women are at constant threat from moids because everything's a misandrist psyop according to him.

No. 1669915

>He even wrote about how serial killers like Ted Bundy are being faked to demonise straight white men, and how this has effected his attempts at dating. He's fucking deranged and seemingly refuses to admit that women are at constant threat from moids because everything's a misandrist psyop according to him.

kek what a fucking loser

No. 1670226

Is there a list of cases like this and >>1669167 where a person plays an instrumental role at two different events?
Nta but you can also sometimes spot him (or a moid shill) here when he brings up a “gender war” specifically, claiming that publicizing male violence is propaganda to pit women and men against each other. How fucking stupid do you have to be to think that men’s proclivity to murder, rape, and other acts of violence/evil is some massive psyop?

No. 1670319

>Topkek at thinking Lolcow is a safe space for women when it’s probably being infiltrated by glowie women and troons as we speak.
Women-only spaces are no longer safe and the internet is dead.

No. 1670533

AYRT, I've seen the "gender war" posts and they always make me chuckle. If men want to stop this "war" then they maybe they could stop raping, beating and murdering women? Just a small suggestion from my silly little woman brain. Sometimes I wonder if the celebricows transvestigators are him and/or his shills as he does have articles saying JFK and Henry VIII were gay, so I wouldn't put it past him thinking every entertainer is a troon.

No. 1671463

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There is something really sick going on with this war.

No. 1671535

As someone who's disabled, it's super insulting that people think making disability "sexy" is the best thing you could do for acceptance. I've seen a lot of this rhetoric creeping up in recent years (slight tangent, but you see this with fat acceptance too), but to see it applied to soldiers who've lost limbs in war… I'm speechless. The west's boner for Ukraine is really bizarre.

No. 1671545

>the wests boner for ukraine
They like seeing people die. Thats it. If you see a nations men dying and women getting into sexwork because of war but instead of offering them help, you tell them how empowering it is to be left disabled or have to become a prostitute in a foreign country, you're just helping their demise.

No. 1671548

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>There is something really sick going on with this war

No. 1671560

The fact that covid stopped being a thing right around the time the war started was not a coincidence.

No. 1671614


Agreed. Covid went from being the biggest, scariest, most awful thing ever to a mere memory. It didn't even fade out, it just stopped being a thing abruptly. No case number reports, no local coverage of any outbreaks, no mask politics, it all just disappeared. I guess covid and the lockdowns served its purpose and now we're ready for the next step; whatever that may be.

No. 1671672

Am I allowed to say that I think the virus was just the common cold rebranded and the vaccine was the killshot?

No. 1671949

Say what you wanna say, nona. There are some anons here who will ree at you for not conforming to their specific conspiracy theories, but just ignore those retards. The tinfoil thread is for tinfoil, regardless of whether or not we all agree on it. On topic, I've had covid and I've had two vaccines. Although covid was worse for me than a common cold, it was the vaccines that made me much sicker and gave me longer lasting effects. There is a link between the common cold and covid though. There was a place in England called the Common Cold Unit at Harvard hospital in Wiltshire. It was a place where they experimented on people, I had a close family member sent there as a child, and they happened to discover the first coronavirus there. A lot of dodgy stuff went on in that neck of the woods. A stone's throw away from the CCU is a place called Porton Down, where they experimented on soldiers with nerve agents. I think the fact that the first discovery of a coronavirus happened so close to Porton Down, a military facility, is very fishy.

No. 1672064

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COVID-19 part 2.

No. 1672073

Honestly I hope it's true because I want remote work back in full flush again. Fuck offices.

No. 1672078

Aw fuck me, I knew this would happen.

No. 1672082

Electricity is soul/Spirit

No. 1672086


No. 1672114

ATP is the powerhouse of the cell

No. 1672144

Kek. I'm looking for a new job at the moment and my main question during the interview is always asking about how they handled remote work during the pandemic and how they are prepared in case for another lockdown by covid or other means in the future. I only ask this of companies that have made everyone come back to the office full-time and they never fail to give me a confused look and a nervous laughter, most of them stating that the likelihood of it happening is so low they're not taking it into account. I hope they're right, of course, but the thought of these people being forced to handle it unprepared yet again is a small comfort.

No. 1672479

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No. 1672550

Lmao they're going to do this every election year now. WFH here I come yet again. Offices are dead. DEAD. I will never have to smell a coworker's bad breath again! Fuck your RTO, fuck your corporate real estate. We're back, baby!

No. 1672734

I actually got corona. It was kinda weird actually having it, but I have legitimately had fevers that felt worse. The vaccine didn't make me worse, but I did feel slight pain in my arm and drowsiness that lasted for a full week until I got better.

No. 1672805

Having a UTI was worse than the virus for me. I expected shots and boosters to make me bedridden afterwards but I just felt normal with a sore arm for up to a week like you. Which is weird because I was eating completely like trash uninhibited while also being sedentary, so very unhealthy, you would expect my sort of demographic to handle it worse.

No. 1672830

i got covid allegedly, felt like a normal flu. my ears got super stuffy.
2nd shot of vax made me puke blood, and i was almost blatantly told to leave the emergency department when i told the triage nurse it started after the vax, after i had spluttered blood onto the floor and in a sick bag. she rolled her eyes at me and was like oh well were really busy so youre going to be waiting hours at best. went home and recovered on my own over a period of a couple of weeks, at first keeping down only gatorade.
downright one of the most bizarre situations ive ever experienced, genuinely broke something in my brain and i became extremely paranoid afterwards. to the point where my regular doctor prescribed antipsychotics (didnt take them, the paranoia was at least good for something). still havent recovered from how much that experience damaged my worldview; nearly everyone in my extended family is medical in some way or another (mostly doctors but nurses and pharmas as well) and i grew up feeling like the medical institution cared about patients and strived for people to be well. illusion instantly shattered.
it was also chilling to watch how much said family members' opinions changed with the news propaganda cycles, even though none of them are very plugged in. i remember one saying even as late as mid 2020 that she didnt consider it any worse than a mild flu, and advising me not to accept vaccination as they would be rushed through trial phases and potentially unsafe. by the end of the year she was hysterical about the pandemic apocalypse and mass graves in new york city and crematoriums unable to keep up with demand. and god forbid i questioned the vaccine by then, she'd call me a suppressive person in more or less words lol. she ended up being one of those multiple "booster" people. when i told her about my vax reaction she brushed it off as something else probably happening coincidentally and implied i was psychotic when i mentioned how the triage nurse behaved.

sorry for beating a dead topic, i just havent really reflected on everything that happened since that time. looking back on it i feel like alice peering through the fucking looking glass into crazytown.

No. 1672833

Interesting, I didnt know about any of that England stuff anon.

No. 1672840

I believe this. Ties in nicely with that fun little theory about demonic circuitry sigils.
I like going into the office ngl… I dont go near enough to my coworkers to smell their breath, they respect my autism and dont approach me kek

No. 1672859

The vaccines are gene therapy designed to replace our immune system so we will have to get monthly boosters to not get sick. This way the doses can be adjusted for whatever chemicals/toxins they put in our food/water/air. The results of experimenting on us will be used to work out how to treat/cure certain illnesses/poisonings so that they can either live better longer or their progeny can be the new children of Noah’s ark type nonsense. (I know that last part sounds hyperbolic but when you hear them talk about themselves and their ideas you’d think they thought they were prophets of the gods or some shit. No sir, you are not the smartest person alive, the most evil for now but not the smartest.

No. 1672880

Damn nonnie, that fucking sucks! The thing about your family not being particularly plugged in is really interesting, it goes to show how easily influenced people are by those around them and how important it is to never shut up. The moment everyone sits down in obedient silence will be a sad endless moment.

No. 1672884

did anyone's grandparents who got the covid shot + boosters become weird lately? both my grandparents and my friends' grandma have been showing signs of extreme forgetfulness, even tho alzheimers isn't prevalent in either of our families. all of them got vaccinated around the same time, and all of them are showing signs of weird brain deterioration right now. i know getting old comes with its quirks but i've met my great grandparents and none of them were like this when they were this old… just wondering if it is a coincidence or if i should start folding my tinfoil hat.

No. 1672910

Thank god I didn't take that shit. Everyone called me crazy and people were telling me I deserved to die or get raped or other awful things. But I stuck to my guns. I never get any medical treatment until it's been out in the general population for at least 10 years so I can see if there are side effects. I think it's those commercials that affected me, you know the, "if you or a loved one took [whatever pill] and were affected with [long list of horrifying complications] or death, call [lawfirm] now!"

mob psychology is terrifying. people acted so crazy. now you never hear the vax mentioned at all.

No. 1672924

The species needs people like you on the off chance the rest of us fucked up kek, imagine if humanity did the same thing all at once and it killed us all, that’s be crazy! Someone has to say no.

No. 1672929

no, grandma has been crazy for a long time now.

No. 1673158

The reason it may not show in your great grandparents but is in your grand parents is because of generational differences. Your grandparents generation is when processed foods and TV became normalized and that has a big impact on how people's brains develop and change. Do you grandparents enjoy watching TV for long periods of time? Do they enjoy sweets? My great grandmother was sharp as a tack right up until the end but my grandma who loves fudge cookies and watching Murder, She Wrote and Columbo every day is starting to slip.

No. 1673657

can someone explain this to me, because when checking usaspending.gov there's a ton of covid-related contracts in 2023 and i'm failing to see how these are any different

No. 1673670

Anon I feel the same way. I never took the vaccine and my family were so insane about it in 2021. Then in 2022 it was like they forgot how stringent they had been. It's unreal how brainwashed people are, and Covid showed me how many of them I couldn't actually trust.

No. 1673737

>demonic circuitry sigils
whoa whoa whoa tell me more

No. 1673759

I second this..! That sounds so interesting..

No. 1674039

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So this is really happening again?

No. 1674110

ayrt im jealous, i was living in an australian city infamous for how totalitarian it got at the time, and it was impossible to leave unvaxxed. plus, if i hadnt relented and gotten both shots i would not have been able to finish my degree or kept my job. they even started checking for vaccine certificates at supermarkets/grocery stores at one point. there was so much uncalled for police violence against people not wearing masks. and now its like everyones just forgotten it ever happened.

No. 1674113

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It's kind of an /x/ meme idea, but still. Makes you think.

No. 1674163

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Any tinfoils on LBB? I was reading about him. LBJ, upon signing the 1965 immigration bill, stated that it would not a revolutionary bill and will not reshape our daily lives or affect millions of people. If the true impact of the bill had been honestly presented to the American people in 1965, both black and white would have voted against it by an overwhelming majority. These policies, were passed by deceiving or undermining the democratic will of the voting public. some academics acknowledge this lying as a necessary evil.

No. 1674169

When I saw this on the front page I was really worried that someone had posted that pic in the unconventional attractions thread in /g/

No. 1674176

There's no way that would go over easy, at least where I live. The virus is no longer this scary new thing and everyone realizes it's not that harmful by now. People are sick and tired of relenting control over their lives because of covid rules and there will be too many refusing to cooperate for this to work.

No. 1674217

Anything to distract from increasing inflation of prices. They can try but people are so over this by now.

No. 1674228

Speaking in general regarding the immigration, its such a massive psy-op that pretty much everyone fails for. Throughout history no population has experienced consistent natural growth through reproduction in one place for more than a few decades, maybe a single century at most. Consistent growth over centuries has only occurred when populations acquired new environments and resources through conquest. In the past, populations might have experienced a slowdown in growth before stabilizing and adapting to changing conditions. Nowadays, a declining population is seen as the worst thing for the economy(it is for the factory owners and elites). So, large numbers of immigrant workers are needed to supplement the population and keep the system going. Regardless of the cost, the number of immigrants needs to increase, and that's why we're in this situation. The idea of a "worker shortage" is a myth spread by companies to flood the job market with migrants and keep wages low. Without migrants, workers would have the upper hand, forcing companies to raise wages or go out of business. But bringing in more migrants as a compensation will only delay the collapse, as these migrants will eventually have the same fertility rates as locals.

No. 1674451

Most of the immigrants coming in illegally by boat and being catered to by the British government above the wishes and priorities of the people are men of fighting age.
My tinfoil is that they are planning to lock us down again soon, and they will use these guys to police us.
They can't rely on people snitching on each other like last time because so many saw through the bullshit.

No. 1674668

Just in time. I'm being put forward for two in office jobs because I can't score a remote job. Another pandemic round will fuck these RTO middle manager dickheads in their crusty asses and get me my comfy wfh.

Covid is a psyop but it's a psyop that benefits me. Hopefully they halt the student loans again, too.
Yeah, yeah, they'll refuse to cooperate, they won't fall for it again, sure. Bullshit. When they came out with the ukraine psyop the same people were ganging up to attack local Russian-ethnics, ban russian vodka from stores and russian blue cats from cat competitions (this actually happened). They'll fall for it again. They'll obey the govt again. The majority of people are braindead. the only thing that stopped the covid hysteria was the Canadian truckers. No one talks about them, everyone forgot. If not for the truckers we'd still be in masks getting booster #12.
It really is all a distraction from the economic troubles. The chickens have come home to roost on reaganist fiscal policies. We suffer for the sins of our grandparents. Every aspect of modern life is unsustainable and that unsustainability is at its breaking point right now. The banks are failing, the economy is about to go turbo great depression.

No. 1674697

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I think it's more that certain liberals (who are usually part of the wealthy upper classes) will support anything simply because it's the opposite of what their designated enemies claim is good (these groups don't even have to practice it, they just have to say it). These people are, by and large, complete Idiots who don't actually have an ideology but treat politics like sports. in an ideal world, these people would have very little effect on politics. Sadly, they have a lot of influence in mostly Academia and Journalism and so we get shit like picrel spouted unironically.

No. 1674854

Honestly, I don't trust the push to use formula. We know how bad processed food is, so God knows what formula will do to a kid. Also, I hate the censoring of the breast in the picture. Not only are they calling you a right-winger for breastfeeding, they're also subtly implying that breasts are a sexual organ, not something there to sustain life. I fucking hate journos so much.

No. 1674893

Just in time for the elections.

No. 1674941

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The mercenary chief that was gonna kill Putin is now dead. My immediate thought is that the plane was definitely tampered with ahead of time. For uninformed nonnies it was small and had like 10 people aboard. Small plane crashes happen more often than jetliner crashes but there usually are survivors with non-fatal injuries. My suspicion is probably also because of the 1999 apartment bombings (a planned “terrorist” attack by the government to influence elections) which Putin definitely knew of and used to his benefit in his first presidential election.

No. 1674950

kek, this is even more obvious han epstein's """""""suicide"""""""

No. 1675076

I’m fine with wearing masks and still do sometimes when I’m going somewhere crowded. I’m glad covid normalized face coverings cause before covid you’d get treated like a criminal for wearing a mask in the west.

No. 1675104

nonna this is not a tinfoil, everybody knows putin killed him kek

No. 1675550

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As soon as AI art became a thing, I fucking knew this was gonna happen

No. 1675553

this is so fucking retarded because studies show that watching extreme/child porn makes you MORE LIKELY to offend. i don’t trust any creeps that defend this line of thinking. why would exposing an addict to heroin make them more likely to not use heroin? same as pedophiles and child porn

No. 1675556

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Why is Vice constantly talking about how good ketamine is? https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d9yg5/ketamine-mdma-couples-therapy

No. 1675606

I don't enjoy living in the same timeline as pedo pandering and trannies.

No. 1675609

Here's the actual article

>NOW THAT GENERATIVE AI models can produce photorealistic, fake images of child sexual abuse, regulators and child safety advocates are worried that an already-abhorrent practice will spiral further out of control. But lost in this fear is an uncomfortable possibility—that AI-generated child sexual material could actually benefit society in the long run by providing a less harmful alternative to the already-massive market for images of child sexual abuse.

>The growing consensus among scientists is that pedophilia is biological in nature, and that keeping pedophilic urges at bay can be incredibly difficult. “What turns us on sexually, we don’t decide that—we discover that,” said psychiatrist Dr. Fred Berlin, director of the Johns Hopkins Sex and Gender Clinic and an expert on paraphilic disorders. “It’s not because [pedophiles have] chosen to have these kinds of urges or attractions. They’ve discovered through no fault of their own that this is the nature of what they’re afflicted with in terms of their own sexual makeup … We’re talking about not giving into a craving, a craving that is rooted in biology, not unlike somebody who’s having a craving for heroin.”

>THERE IS GOOD reason to see AI-generated imagery as the latest negative development in the fight against child sexual abuse. Regulators and law enforcement already comb through an enormous amount of images every day attempting to identify victims, according to a recent paper by the Stanford Internet Observatory and Thorn. As AI-generated images enter the sphere, it becomes harder to discern which images include real victims in need of help. Plus, AI-generated images rely on the likenesses of real people or real children as a starting point, which, if the images retain those likenesses, is abuse of a different nature. (That said, AI does not inherently need to train on actual child porn to develop a simulated version of it, but can instead combine training on adult pornography with its training on the likenesses of children.)

>Finding a practical method of discerning which images are real, which images are of real people put into fake circumstances, and which images are fake altogether is easier said than done. The Thorn report claims that within a year it will become significantly easier for AI to generate images that are essentially indistinguishable from real images. But this could also be an area where AI might play a role in solving a problem it has created. AI can be used to distinguish between different forms of content, thereby aiding law enforcement, according to Rebecca Portnoff, head of data science at Thorn. For example, regulators could require AI companies to embed watermarks in open-source generated image files, or law enforcement could use existing passive detection mechanisms to track the origin of image files.
>When it comes to the generated images themselves, not everyone agrees that satisfying pedophilic urges in the first place can stem them in the long run.
>“Child porn pours gas on a fire,” said Anna Salter, a psychologist who specializes in the profiles of high-risk offenders. In Salter’s and other specialists’ view, continued exposure can reinforce existing attractions by legitimizing them, essentially whetting viewers’ appetites, which some offenders have indicated is the case. And even without that outcome, many believe that viewing simulated immoral acts harms the actor’s own moral character, and thus perhaps the moral fabric of society as well. From that perspective, any inappropriate viewing of children is an inherent evil, regardless of whether a specific child is harmed. On top of that, the potential normalization of those viewings can be considered a harm to all children.

>Still, satisfying pedophilic urges without involving a real child is obviously an improvement over satisfying them based on a real child’s image. While the research is inconclusive, some pedophiles have revealed that they rely on pornography to redirect their urges and find an outlet that does not involve physically harming a child—suggesting that, for those individuals, AI-generated child pornography actually could stem behavior that would hurt a real child.

>As a result, some clinicians and researchers have suggested that AI-generated images can be used to rehabilitate certain pedophiles, by allowing them to gain the sexual catharsis they would otherwise get from watching child pornography from generated images instead, or by practicing impulse management on those images so that they can better control their urges. And with more resources for treatment available and less stigma attached to them, more pedophiles might feel prepared to seek help in the first place.
>In addition, some of most widespread fears about the risk of AI-generated child porn misunderstand the nature of pedophilia. First, there is no evidence that individuals without pedophilic proclivities will become interested in viewing child pornography merely because it becomes accessible in an AI-generated form. Then there is the gateway fear: If virtual imagery of child sexual abuse is enabled, is that not the first step toward hands-on offenses? What about the temptations posed for those who would not otherwise watch child pornography in the first place?
>While there is a correlation between viewing child pornography and committing hands-on offenses, the scientific research on the topic does not indicate that the former causes the latter. “It’s very clear there is a group of individuals for whom looking at these images is a voyeuristic interest and an end in and of itself, not a gateway to something more severe,” said Berlin. “People who are looking at child pornography who are also going to approach a child sexually—the reason that group is looking at child pornography is they already have an interest in being sexual with a child.”
>Ultimately, AI-generated child pornography could act as a form of harm reduction, a philosophy that underlies many public health policies. It is similar to the logic, for example, behind needle exchange programs for individuals suffering from drug addiction: Because we cannot stop drug use wholesale, it serves society to find ways to ensure that consumption occurs safely. This is not a perfect analogy, and it is understandably a tough sell to transfer this framework to a subject as horrific as images depicting the abuse of children, especially without studies demonstrating the effects of controlled viewings of AI-generated child pornography. But our rightful contempt for child pornography should not prevent us from considering the possibility that fake forms of such images could stand as an improvement over abuse.

No. 1675614

Where's the study they did in genetics to find biomarkers for pedophilia? How did they discover those indicators? Did they also discover the gay gene? Big if true.

No. 1675616

>there's no evidence
>no studies to suggest
>while there's a correlation between watching pedophilic content and committing sexual assault, this does not imply causation
>consider the possibility
So they're admitting they have literally no evidence to back up this horrendous take. Someone should check this guy's laptop, any sane person knows that normalizing pedophilia + making content featuring it is a fucking AWFUL idea.

No. 1675617

There was an excellent tumblr post about how they had predicted that pedophilia would become normalized and realistic AI child porn was essential to the catalysis.

No. 1675619

As a medfag, I think most medfags would recommend drugs that kill libido instead of abuse material to those who get aroused by abuse. We all know how normalization and desensitization work, if someone constantly views abusive material they'll be much more likely to try and reenact the abuse they view. That's why pornsick men abuse their partners or do dangerous stuff like sucking off stranger men, etc. because they've normalized those acts after being exposed to them hundreds of times in the media they consume.
In here, they even give libido killing medicine to soldiers secretly so that the soldiers won't be able to commit sexual crimes while serving, I don't see why they can't do the same for pedos or zoophiles.

No. 1675621

If anyone has that post, could you please post it? I've been looking for it.

No. 1675622

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No. 1675623

thank you

No. 1675634

Fucking scary. I can see this happening, they're already trying to act like banning children from drag and burlesque shows and tje death penalty for pedophiles is somehow an attack on lgbtq rights. I see the opinion on reddit that "normalizing pedophilia will actually make there be less sexual assault on minors because then they will seek help" I got accused of DIRECTLY harming minors because I shamed pedophilia. 3 years ago the opinion on reddit was pedophiles should be burned at the stake, idk if this new stuff is astroturfed in or if it's due to the insane increase in cp consumption during lockdown( https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9619045/amp/Paedophile-threat-tripled-year-child-pornography-use-soars-lockdown.html ) either way it's so transparent what these opinions are actually disguising

No. 1675646

see my point here >>1674697 they only think in terms of retarded culture war, they think just because people on the "bad side" are against this shit, they have to support it and force it, as much as they can.

No. 1675772

No one:

No. 1675929

Are you retarded? Minors can't get into clubs or bars to see dragshows. It's never been legal.

No. 1675940

Did these pedos forgot those AI generated children are based off millions of non consenting pictures of real children?

No. 1675946

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In my experience, the women who parrot this are simply ignorant and believe this to be true. The men who parrot this are porn rotted and have ulterior motives. That is just my personal experience though.
You haven't seen the videos then yet. Children are being taken to drag shows and some are being openly groomed. It's bizarre. Plus, if it's always been illegal for children to go to drag shows, then it will affect zero people if we make it illegal to take children to drag shows.
I don't have the video on my phone, but I have seen child drag stars dancing on stage at a strip club and grown men putting dollar bills into their bras and panties.

No. 1675948

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This already happened with The 'Kentler Project'
>'Kentler Project' in West Berlin placed homeless children with pedophile men, assuming they'd make ideal foster parents.
The logic was essentially that 'those fascists and Stalinists were opposed to paedophilia,' and so paedophiles could raise children who would embody the opposite of those ideals. Tragically, this moronic experiment proved to be an utter failure, resulting in the rape and molestation of numerous vulnerable children. And rather than facing the consequences of their actions, those responsible for this abomination chose to conceal the truth, driven by their fear that acknowledging the end results would tarnish their ideology and contribute to homophobia.

No. 1676072

I don't think it even matters. It's like saying "oh, it is okay to watch staged snuff films for hours for fun to prevent you from going out and killing real humans". You are still desensitizing your brain towards violence, whatever that is. No human with a healthy conscious would think that shit like this is okay. Show any normie loli stuff and tell them adult men jerk off to that shit and they will tell you that those men are pedophiles. Police officers/FBI agents who have to review horrible content to get some horrible people locked up usually develop trauma of some kind which make them aggressive towards their spouses and children, and they usually become alcoholics too. Normal people who work in slaughterhouses develop PTSD too. You don't even need studies to prove that repeatedly seeing traumatic shit will do a number on your brain. That's just common sense. Normal individuals will develop PTSD, depression, anxiety etc. while depraved ones will evolve their depravity. There's a reason why, back in the day, owning a lot of porn was usually seen as suspicious. Reading back files of past serial killers, copious amounts of pornography are always found in their homes. Porn is usually brought up in their psych assessments too. I've unfortunately realized that the majority of people who defend this whole rhetoric are almost always on the spectrum. Just like with the tranny bullshit. We honestly need to cull autists.

No. 1676202

I’m just so scared to have a child, especially a female. It’s so normalized now to just put your child’s face online. It’s so normalized to post anything online concerning your children. It’s so normalized to have children dress in the same adult clothing as women, and wear makeup to appear more attractive. It’s normalized to have your child talk to adults online with TikTok and Instagram. It’s so terrifying. Even if you raise your child well and try your best to keep those bad things away, they learn from other kids about these things, pedophilia is becoming normal and I’m scared as fuck

No. 1676204

It'll never be normalized.
That'd unfortunately turn them on more, anon. They're litetal rapists in the making.

No. 1676214

one would think germans would be more ashamed of this than nazis, but hey…

No. 1676567

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saw this recently and also wondering, how accurate this maybe.

No. 1676612

You're retarded, this is already a thing with degenerate artists. What we should really talk about is corporations monetizing AI moderation by harvesting cheese pizza.

No. 1676651

You don't have to bring another tragedy into it and minimize it. Why are schizos very likely to minimize nazism and it's evil? Don't you realize that autists, schizos, neets and the likes would've also been sent to labor camps back then?

No. 1676803

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Deodorants akshually make you smellier in the long run by blocking your pores. I swear I smell 100% better when I just est right and use a salt stone

No. 1676804

One time i bought some eco friendly skin friendly deodorat and i used it for like a moth. It worked for 5 hours which is fine, but when i stopped using it my sweat smelled like the deodorant but it worst way possible for year and a half!

No. 1676846

not me. mediterranean genetics mean i smell like onions unless i scrub my underarms twice a day.

No. 1676906

Same. I switched to using salt rock deodorant years ago. I used to be able to smell the sweat on myself after a hard work out, now I hardly smell at all. My clothes never smell of sweat either. The only downside is that I've found that in order for salt rock deodorant to work I need to shave my armpits.

No. 1677679

I just realized that America always calls its enemies "dictatorships" and its rulers "dictators", accusing them of doing the very same things it does (but in secret), and then everyone who only reads US government-approved western media takes it all as fact even when it's literally made up bullshit

No. 1677791

Weren't there cases where even castrated men still engaged in their fetish despite not being able to get off to it physically? You see it with post "bottom surgery" TIMs where they still consume porn and so on.

No. 1678107

I'm late to the party because I haven't read news/scrolled social media in days. What the hell happened in Maui??

No. 1678109

>You see it with post "bottom surgery" TIMs where they still consume porn and so on
Kevin Gibes is a pretty infamous example, a lot of trannies somehow become even more degenerate after the dickchop. Overcompensation for not being able to actually coom anymore? Maybe that's why "gooning" (edging yourself into extreme degeneracy for the sake of it) is also popular among troons

No. 1678117

That's why medfags need to take the L and accept that the only cure for noncery is a bullet.

No. 1678120

No. 1678133

A fire that doesn't burn blue umbrellas and blue tshirts but burns everything around them huh

No. 1678143

is this it? im breastfeeding and have this problem since i started

No. 1678152

Same for me. It's incredible how much better the scent of my sweat became when I eliminated sugar, caffeine and gluten from my diet. Unfortunately I'm a weak willed bitch and I always go back to shitty diet after 1 month…

No. 1678196

the level of delusion in this thread is genuinely fascinating

No. 1679308

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So in the last few years, I have noticed this sort of "narrative" being pushed by mainstream anthropologists, that Europeans thousands of years ago were all brown and black and so there's absolutely no reason to oppose unchecked immigration. The problem with these narratives is that they are fundamentally nonsensical and will only give more people reason to distrust academia. The first pic, for example, is almost impossible. In a tribal population group that level of phenotypical diversity is all but impossible. Another thing is that while it's true that people were brownish-skinned then, compared to modern European, they were still the same population. They just changed and adapted over time.
Like I understand the intention, but this is going to do more harm than good for the people promoting this

No. 1679340

I agree that it doesn't do what it's intended. To me it makes immigration seem like a worse idea because Europeans evolved pale skin and other adaptations so they could survive in Europe's climate. Introducing people with dark skin into Europe is going to create an unhealthy population that's chronically deficient in vitamin D. In some immigrant populations their children are already suffering with rickets.

No. 1679430

Rickets is easily prevented/treated with vitamin D supplements.

No. 1679815

Then why is it becoming an issue? Europeans don't just have pale skin, they also evolved lactose tolerance so they could consume dairy into adulthood.

No. 1680230

only if the rickets is diagnosed. it's highly underdiagnosed in nonwhite people since one of the early signs in pale skin. if the kid is showing obviously bent legs, they've already been suffering for months or years, and been experiencing the brain fog, emotional stunting and dysregulation, muscle weakness, anhedonia etc. See also the push away from eating foods high in animal derived vitamin D (the one that prevents rickets) and towards everyone, even very dark skinned people, wearing sunscreen every day of the year. Vitamin D supplements have also skyrocketed in price recently, so the people who need them most are unlikely to be taking them. Sage to avoid starting another sunscreen war.

No. 1680252

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Any actual discussion of these narratives and the implications will be shot down as ultra-mega-racist. But you are correct. To pretend that North European countries were super diverse and totally filled with 'black and brown bodies' back in the day is scientifically and historically illiterate. Personally, I think it's intentionally (or accidentally) a way to deflect the progressive "natives should own their native land" narrative from backfiring in native White countries. If we pretend that there were Asians and Africans in ancient Scandanavia, then there's no reason why we can't import hundreds of thousands of non-assimilating immigrants!

No. 1681837

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I saw this article a bit ago about how recent developments show that Otzi the iceman was actually “dark skinned”. If you look at him, he’s obviously gonna be viewed as “white” by today’s standards but he’s just tanned with sun damage because there was little sun protection back then and humans were outside constantly. Picrel literally reminds me of my distant WASP relatives that live at the beach and have sun-damaged skin as bad as Tan Mom. Those relatives probably have 100 percent British ancestry yet are brown because they spend all day in the sun and on the beach while I’m a super pale person with Mediterranean and some Middle Eastern genes.
This is the article/story btw, they’re all saying he had dark skin

No. 1682377

Reminds me of hoteps using out of context descriptions of the vikings as "tawny skinned"(tanned cause they were sailing over long distances without any sort of skin protection) in old British records, as proof that the Vikings were black.

No. 1682438

Similarly to why “tall dark and handsome” meant dark hair/eyes and healthy skin not super pale but he probably had a tan of some sort from being outside. My favorite is that white people must be stereotyped as pale and can never tan. If they do, they’re black. People out in the sun will get leather skin. It gets dark. It’s frustrating to have so many stories about this and why they can’t accept white people. I don’t get it.

No. 1682531

You mean shit like >>1657772 and as I stated before, the artist doesn't seem to realise that most Asians, Middle Easterners and North Africans also sometimes get "red" when dealing with hot water.

No. 1682552

The artist is probably a white person that doesn't interact with non-whites. People with darker skin blush due to emotion or become red and flushed when hot or doing physical activity just like white people. To imply that non-whites are missing a component of emotional expression and human physiology is quite frankly racist.

No. 1682592

Hell, I'm as black as the "POC" representation and I'll still get a red nose/cheek situation in the cold, and if I've been dealing with hot water or get too embarrassed I'll also get a little flushed. It's less noticable but still noticable enough.

No. 1682869

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My friend has a theory that the government is purposefully letting our economy go to shit so that people join the US military. I kinda believe it because the propaganda commercials aren't gonna work no matter how much they try to make the army seem like Call of Duty or FPS games.

What do we think anons?

No. 1682870

I've always assumed tall dark and handsome was a description used for black men, kek.

No. 1682875

most likely, for some future conflict after their done collecting date from Ukraine.

No. 1682879

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I think they have the mentality that "if you tell a big lie long enough, no matter how blatantly untrue it is, people might eventually start believing it and just not question it." This is similar to cases of surrogacy being reported. Every time you see an example of it, everyone from across the political spectrum (with the exception of the most moronic liberals) finds it disgusting and exploitative. Yet, the media only ever shows this positive image of the whole processes. Like picrel, over 200 women from eastern Europe were exploited by a surrogacy and adoption ring. manipulated and coerced into selling their eggs or acting as birth mothers and forced to give away their children and yet the mainstream media choose to present it as a tragedy for the buyers.

No. 1682883

most definitely not, that wouldn't make sense. It's a pretty common and old phrase, and no one in the 20s or even 90s would be suggesting it applies to black men.

No. 1682887

I mean
>Europeans thousands of years ago were all brown and black
maybe wrong
>and so there's absolutely no reason to oppose unchecked immigration.
but this is completely unrelated to that

No. 1682890

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It's no unrelated, it's why they keep pushing that. There was viral news about "the first briton was black" and everyone went crazy celebrating that the first britons were POC and so all POC belonged there. Of course the retraction a week later got 0 interest.

No. 1683792

wrong reply

No. 1683793

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This has to be deliberate. people are suffering and just want basic necessities at this point.

No. 1683814

I've seen so many videos of this scenario over and over, it's really sad how many families are struggling to survive right now. I've seen some from the UK and other "first-world" countries too so is this a global problem?
There's always some faggot in the comments trying to berate them for being in this situation when 1) everyone is experiencing this atm and 2) these people are clearly already struggling. Oh and for single women who talk about their financial struggles atm there's always incels in the comments hijacking the comments telling each woman to get a boyfriend/husband, which just seems like propaganda by incels. Like a moid living with you and using you as his bangmaid will fix your finances and not substantially increase your stress level (and your probability of being murdered/assaulted).

No. 1684947

>Like a moid living with you and using you as his bangmaid will fix your finances
For real. They'll double your grocery costs even if you have kids, and run up the utilities. And probably damage and break more shit than your actual kids. And make just as many messes to clean up. Reddit has a million stories from women who moved in and somehow ended up with even less of everything.

No. 1685159

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>General Douglas MacArthur (on January 17, 1936, in the presence of over six hundred Master Masons),[9] and Don King,[10] who was raised by Grand Master Odes J. Kyle Jr. of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ohio.

No. 1685189

American politicians be like
>YOU CANT MURDER THAT INNOCENT CHILD! (talking about abortion)
>fuck you and fuck your child, work 2 or more jobs (talking about living kids)
>looks the other way when a father abandons his family
If abortion is going to be illegal, then being a man abandoning your family should also be illegal. Make him actually pay. You can't force women to have a child she most likely can't raise, especially not on her own, but then not care when the entire other parent decides to skip out on the responsibility entirely with basically 0 consequences.
And then people also have the gall to shame women for not wanting kids. Not to mention politicians that even want contraceptives made illegal as if contraceptives haven't existed since ancient times. The government wants to create a proper, broad lower class to rest their drinks on the heads of I guess.

No. 1685440

I felt this video. the US has terrible worker's rights and we're subject to constant exploitation, no healthcare, unaffordable cost of living, unstable job situations, routine layoffs and firings for no reason at all, rent keeps increasing, no vacations, no holidays, just worked like a slave and ground down. my quality of life has fallen every single year since i was born. every year you get a little poorer despite working harder than ever. every year your wages go a little less, every year you have to give up something else.

all the hot button political issues are a distraction from class consciousness. we need unions.

No. 1686201

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feel that somewhere around the end of covid, it just became almost impossible to live out of home anymore. I didn't have any kids or a car, I had an internship and two part-time jobs, and I was living in a one-bedroom apartment with a friend and It still wasn't enough. Both of us had to move back in with our parents within a year. It's just too much. I actually wanted kids at some point, but I don't know if I or anyone I know could afford them.

No. 1686577

You are not immune to propaganda. The video you’re referring to sounds like the debunked deepfake one. I’d encourage you to watch the Some More News video on the drag outrage and realize this whole thing and the gender debate is a reactionary psyop to distract from what’s happening with Blackrock and the IDFs ties to Cop City and other state militarization projects being pushed nationwide.

No. 1686666

Is this the miles math faggot again

No. 1687000

>debunked deepfake one
Source or fuck off, but I do agree that they are creating outrage and manipulating the population in order to distract. But that still doesn't mean they're not also pushing for those things. Not all of it is made up.

No. 1687102

If you have rh- negative blood type, you’re obviously an alien or a sailor scout

No. 1687120

We was rhesus monkeys

No. 1687122

Watching and the comments is just a bunch of autistic people saying it's because of their bloodtype

No. 1687163

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No. 1687167

Let'em try, I don't care if a troon dies in the process but a real human life could be wasted on this.

No. 1687170

Imagine being born of a tranny. I hate this world.

No. 1687171

This is never going to happen in our lifetime, it’s risky enough for a normal woman, and even then it’s removed after the pregnancy. It’s obviously an attention grabbing headline from a clickbait website.

No. 1687189

Don't worry nona, this is bullshit. This is hardly even possible for real women, let alone trannies. Plus, even if they did manage to transplant a uterus into a man, how the hell are they gonna keep a baby alive in there? The anti-rejection drugs alone would severely injure a fetus. Then there's the question of actually giving birth.

No. 1687190

They’re simply going to give false hope to mentally ill troons and scam them out of thousands of dollars.

No. 1687198

Somehow hypothetically slapping a uterus inside a man, drug him with the most potent anti-rejection medication, let a fetus grow even if severely injured and then opening up the man's stomach to tear out the fetus and uterus (IF the man hasn't already dies from sepsis) because there isn't an optimal structure let alone a damn cervix/vagina to allow birth translates to "medically possible" to some sick fuck.

No. 1687199

Let them suffer. Maybe they will understand how much it sucks giving birth if they can experience a fragment of it.

No. 1687211

I don't care how many trannies die, I do care about the women whose uterus will be unlawfully removed and the potentially dead or malformed children born from this crime against nature.

No. 1687219

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Anyone watched the new Stephanie Soo video talking about the Korean humidifier disinfectant scandal? Apparently, the company behind products such as Lysol, Dettol, Veet, Calgon, Vanish and Clearasol produced a humidifier disenfectant that was so toxic it killed thousands of babies and pregnant women. When the mothers used the humidifiers in the winter whenever the air was too dry, they would sterilise the humidifier with a disenfectant as obv without it there would be bacterial growth from the moisture, but what they didn't know was that the disinfectant was actually a repurposed detergent for cleaning rugs. So if their baby had a bit of a cough, they would move the disinfected humidifier closer and the baby would inhale crazy amounts of unsafe rug cleaner. Eventually, the baby's lungs would completely solidify and be unable to breath.

What's crazy is that the company behind it, Reckkit, only apologised 5 years after the incident (always denying the link) and only offered compensation to the dead or those with serious pulmonary fibrosis (offering no money to anyone with lasting lung damage), as well as only receiving a fine of 126,000 USD. Interestingly enough the CEO Bart Becht stepped down and went into a different company (JAB holdings) before the scandal was made as some reports of solidified lungs in babies popped up at a time where no connections were made. When the company apologised 5 years later a completely different man apologised and went to jail.

They also changed the company so it was no longer public, and instead if they were found to have problems with their products, only individuals (not the company) would be responsible all before the connections between the steriliser and lung abnormalities were made.

No. 1687223

and somehow the term penis envy gained traction and not the real thing they project on us, womb envy. how deep males' womb envy actually runs has been shown to us in this decade

No. 1687347

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That's terrible. Some things never change, poisonous products keep getting sold to consumers throughout the ages. One should be careful with stuff that hasn't been around for a long time and uses "new and improved" ingredients, in this world of corporations there is no room for morals, only profits. Fun fact: at one time baby pajamas got made out of asbestos.

No. 1687398

>inflicting the agony of childbirth onto troon-moids
Yes. I approve of this. Taxpayer-funded uterus transplants for all who want them, please. Line them up. Give them free tickets to sperm banks, too. I will cackle in glee when the first troon goes through labor pains.

No. 1687404

I really can't feel sorry for anyone who thinks breathing chemicals is a good idea just because a corporation sold you such a product. They call me crazy for only using vinegar to clean everything. Now they're dead and I'm not. I feel the same for those anal-retentive types who fanatically lysol every surface of their house and constantly douse themselves in hand sanitizer and have every chemical under god's firmament under their bathroom sink and those artificial room fragrancing sprays. It doesn't take a genius to imagine spraying a chemical into the air means you'll be breathing in that chemical, and if you take a gander at the ingredients list, you should nope out of there.

You know what a great disinfectant for household use is, that won't kill your infant? Vinegar. So safe you can even eat it. Works on mold, bacteria, insects, laundry, unruly moids, and salads. The internet at their fingertips and they can't take 5 minutes on google before purchasing a product.
And if you're hesitant to blindly adopt new technology/products, they call you a tinfoiler. I might be, but I'm not the one with a dead baby.

I watched a documentary about hidden household killers in the victorian era. Not five minutes pass between a new element or chemical being discovered and marketing-parasites trying to hawk it to every housewife and family for all their daily needs. If people knew history maybe they wouldn't be so stupid, and dead.

No. 1687526

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No. 1687548

This is becoming a huge problem. Gay men group together in extremely vicious, fucked up pseudo-concealed communities where they treat people like meat. They do not view women as human beings and brag about hacking various female influencer/musicians and trade their private music and photos like Pokémon cards. They're extremely desensitized and it makes them feel powerful to try to control and voyeur these communities. Private signal and telegram groups, tor streams, discord servers etc. I don't think I've ever even seen straight men act this evil online.

No. 1687589

"climate change" "water wars" pro tip if elite-backed media talks about it chances are that is far less terrible than what it sounds or not even fucking real. Hunanity is not on it's deathbed, the only thing that is far more over than what it seems is FIAT Money and modern banking.
That is why the soon-not-to-be elites (because they only have money, they're far too inbreed and dumb to be worth anything else) are using their last efforts on all the distractions we see. But the writing is on the wall, and it has been for a while too. The pandemic was a last-ditch effort to trigger a global resection & buy some time, the Credit Suisse fiasco was the frist sign that they can't ever hide it anymore. In fact i would say that the concept of worth and money/usury as we know it will disappear sooner than latter.
This does not mean that we are going to live in an anarcho-communist utopia, in fact the frist few years, maybe decades after the money crash, the inbetween transition to something else would be pretty rough. It's going to be a lot like the state of nature because so much of the current social contract is based on money. When money, status and luxury things aren't worth anything anymore people would lach to things like land, food and health, tangible stuff. This explains all the current psyops fad diets/HAES,whatever the hell is going in the real estate market, trannyism and plastic surgery, COVID, ect. They want to make you poor in the future too.
There is nothing we can do to prevent this. The best thing we can do is prepare ourselves physically, socially & spiritually because when chaos arises chaos beings pop out too.

No. 1687593

Samefag depop schematics are related to this too. Less people in the world= less people to fight when shit finally and inevitably hit the fan.

No. 1687606

Faggots are antisocial, point blank. We can argue until our tongues fail that men don't know how to love women but when males don't care/they reject women it's even worse, because on their minds women=life (we can argue how true is that on another day, the point is that all men know this unconsciously, and faggots are rejecting both women and life alltogether)
The homosexual liberation movement was a last ditch effort to put a leash on those weridos, after the AIDS epidemic that killed and continues to kill millions of women and children because faggots couldn't stop fucking. It obviously didn't work because if you combine males tendence of "Dying on their own rights" (whatever that means but yet) with the hate of life that faggots harbor it was doomed to fail. It doesnt help that this modelo of society it's on it's last legs. In every dying empire the last sign that there was nothing more to be done was the rise to power of faggots/castrated/failmales, and it seems we're already there.

No. 1687614

Yeah im not even joking or sensationalizing when I say that the darkest "gossip" communities online are gay men. They are getting entirely too much leeway to develop extremely degrading obsessions with women and reducing them to objects for them to pick at and bully endlessly.

No. 1687649

Climate change and all the other bullshit that is being pushed is not real. I agree that the current elites are getting desperate because people are starting to wake up. They're currently trying to delay what is happening and are doing whatever they can. They're going to try using covid again to retain control. This time most people know the tinfoilers were right. Paper masks don't prevent covid, the vaccines don't work and have deadly side effects and lock downs didn't save anyone.

Where I disagree is that the whole world won't go through a catastrophic shift to a new banking system. Russia, China and other countries are already preparing themselves. BRICS+ is moving away from the dollar and creating their own payment systems that are independent of US control. The West is where it's going to fully collapse because our elites can't accept that their system has failed. NATO will disband, the EU will break up and Europe is likely to pivot towards Russia instead of the US. As for the US the most likely outcome is civil war and balkanisation.

No. 1687653

Alright, what's up with the entire Chinese/other informational tiktoks about old traditional ink/garment/whatever making?
Is that the actual Chinese tiktok content geared towards learning and education? Who pays for the high quality of filming? Are they trying to get people to follow those dying industries?

No. 1687658

Gay me had power even before gay liberation. Head of US FBI for decades was a gay man and warhol’s boyfriend who was a powerful tv executive. Straight men behave just like gay men in these communities towards women they want to fuck, gay men just do it to women they want to be. Men are the problem, gay males cultural conception of women as a gay man in a female body, like a Jennifer Coolidge, is just as toxic and gives women no Avenue to actual use which is why female mainstream culture is so alienating to actual women.

No. 1687659

Yup! Douyin's content has shitposting obviously but there's a lot more informative content there than you will ever see cross tiktok feed naturally, thats for sure.

No. 1687660

The dangerous part is that they perceive no wrong from their own actions because they believe they are immune to consequence since they have no sexual attraction to women. That story an anon posted about andy warhol letting men gang rape his anorexic friend because she took strong sedatives to sleep comes to mind actually.

No. 1687671

I just lost my job because a gay man decided he didn't like me and harassed and DARVO'd me. At least straight men have incentive to pretend to view women as human beings if they want a gf–gay moids are the worst misogynists. I hate them, I hate them so much. Gay men and troons are both women-hating walking garbage.

I'm glad they get incontinent and shit themselves from all the anal sex.

No. 1687673

Most women's clothing is designed by gay males, which explains why it is so uncomfortable, impractical, and deforming (those narrow shoes deform your feet and cripple you. Tight pants cause constipation and yeast infections.)

No. 1687691

I have been asking for this for ages now, but does anyone have that screenshot of that post about how the world is run by gay men who hate women above all else. it was funny and actually kinda insightful

No. 1687701

I wish I could motivate towards natural, dying handwork like that

No. 1687711

That’s interesting

No. 1688038

speaking of deformed feet, have any anons taken the toespread pill and if so did it help with posture/knee pain/back pain etc? thinking of buying toe spreaders ngl it just seems intuitively correct to me. i already wear comfortable shoes but have a genetic predisposition towards bunions. sad!

No. 1688115

Anyone else think it's weird how the Ukraine invasion happened when people stopped caring about COVID-19

No. 1688180

No, nothing appears weird to me, ever. And to me it looked the other way around, media stopped covering covid once invasion started.

No. 1688192

It's not the dollar that is going to fall. Is whole concept of government-issued currency is finding its limits, and can't mantain the current elite's status. Russia and China are next on the chopping block even if they're being more cautious, because the problem is the same: too many billionaires and too little actually worthy stuff, to put it simple. A LOT if not all of current wealth is dependent of USA never stoping the money printer, everything be dammed (and "dammed" is going to become a lot worse, very quickly) And all the institutions seem deadset on going with the current model to it's last consequences. Not to be a doomer, but there is no hope. There is no contrary voices, everyone has everything to lose except time. It's going to be as long and painful as they can make it be.
As a clarification, I do not think that cryptocurrencies or other bank models such as the Islamic bank are the answer. I'm not a cryptobro or a islamophile. To be frank, there is no answer. i don't even think i would live to ser what is next after the FIAT money to the west, as the elites aren't going without a fight.

No. 1688208

Being gay is 100% an status thing, a cabal that stands against all that is considered social in any society. There is no such thing as a gay gene or "born this way" because sexuality is an election. To believe otherwise, to enable the idea that there is an innate need of sex that cannot be helped or over rided by anything is justifying the violations (oh, faggots are proposing anti-women, anti-children narratives? Must be a day that ends on y) Sex is not an human right and ot doesnt matter how much incels, fags or libfems chimp about it because recognize sex as a human right rather than a voluntary choice inevitably make paraphilias valid. We can argue if the plain desiree is wrong, if there is any way of neutral buttraping in an utopian society (tbh, I'm skeptical of it) but that is a whole different conversation. The point here is that homosexuality is inherently antisocial so far for all that it it implies. It signals belonging to a small but powerful group of contrarians to whom the rules do not apply..They are going to apply this dynamic everywhere they go, either a fake email job, a gossip discord or the CIA. Avoid fags to all costs, always. There is no such thing as a good fag.
(And yes, they're worse than regular males!)

No. 1688213

So weird, I just came here to talk about this myself. I've recently started taking walks in barefoot shoes in the hopes that it can help my knee and back injuries. I'm only a couple of weeks in. It was odd at first, but it's starting to feel more natural and it feels like my bad knee is taking less of a battering; though I'm aware that could be a placebo effect. I'm wearing toe spreaders at night and working towards wearing barefoot shoes pretty much all the time if I get noticeable results. I'd definitely recommend trying it out. Just start out slowly, take daily walks in the shoes, and gradually step things up when you feel ready. Toe spreaders at night are good too to help speed up the process, apparently.

No. 1688239

Which is why Russia, China and other countries are hoarding gold. There are also rumours of a BRICS+ currency that will be tied to the price of oil. Russia, China, and other countries are aware of where this is going and will attempt to lessen the impact in their own nations.

No. 1688254

>Homosexuality isn't born this way
>There is no such thing as a gay gene or "born this way" because sexuality is an election
lol this isn't even a conspiracy for me nonna, I believe it. Its the purest form of divide and conquer along the lines of destroying the weaker. There is yet to be found a "gay gene" and everyone is presumed straight until proven otherwise for the purpose of maximizing the global human population. We really do vote like we're in an election, but if money is concerned breeding is all that is important, another human is another source of tax.

>The point here is that homosexuality is inherently antisocial so far for all that it it implies

I don't get how you'd make this argument though when heteroseuxality literally is far worse in encouraging mass rampant paraphilias like you say as with fags and the more common narrative we as a society promote that is the rape of women and female children as exclusive victims solely is proper and the only way.

>And yes, they're worse than regular males!

Lol no fags are annoying but they aren't outright mass raping women, they don't make up the bulk of crime statistics. I'm not defending fags but this is idiotically pickme/tradthot. Some of you need to see the pinkpill thread.

> I don't think I've ever even seen straight men act this evil online.
Topkek check the BP and pinkpill threads, also note that most troons are "straight" lesbian fetishizing men. Gay men just have insane envy of women, troons have insane envy of women while wanting to rape them.

No, a new variant has been reported and is circulating right now, it was trending on Google a day or so ago (Pirola). Russia had annexed Crimea years ago and was planning on invading for years. They were forced into invading recently due to their weakened economy and stagnating population.

No. 1688279

Fags literally do all the intellectual work for rapists, i hopes that someday the chad of their dreams would rape them too. 99% of male enabling (again the idea of "sex is a right" that hurts women so much and justifies rape comes from them) bullshit comes from faggots. They're not "annoying", they're some of the biggest servants of misoginy.

No. 1688282

I think the Chinese are actually gonna avoid it better then anyone. In their official state policy, the CPC has plans for their alleged 'actual socialism' in 2035, which I guess they know is the time-period for a total societal collapse that other nations will be experiencing and its working to an extent, many Chinese billionaires are gradually leaving China with their families to US and Canada and I think that's also their goal.

No. 1688289

The point still stands that fags are not mass raping and murdering women and girls like "straight" men are. Fags molesting boys and raping other men is no skin off my nose. Even male children by comparison are hardly ever made victims from fags compared to girls and women.

Gay mens womb envy, and general misogyny sprung up by envy far pales in comparison to the more ever present harm of "straight" men being glossed over here. As a side note, I don't consider wanting to rape someone or something a "sexual orientation" therefore men cannot have a defining sexuality. "straight" men rape animals and children, I won't justify raping a child of either sex or an animal as a valid sexual orientation so much as its an expression of violence and nothing else. To say it is an expression of sexuality is absurd, its justifying rape as a valid form of sexuality. "straight" men are simply men who choose weaker and easier victims to rape which more often than not are women and girls. Male sexuality boils down to victim preference which heavily weighs in the favor of men by no accident, it is the design of patriarchy and how animals operate in the animal kingdom. A child who has been raped hasn't expressed their sexuality from being raped and neither has the psychotic rapist.

The biggest threats to women as indicative by crime statistics and reality are very obviously "straight" men>troons>fags. Troons are "straight" males but are of lesser numbers and therefore less of a threat by this metric alone. Fags are even more less of a threat due to lesser numbers + targeting women and girls far less to rape.

No. 1688293

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It is really sad and creepy when you study history and see the patterns of most of the richest and/or most influential members of society being male on boy pedophiles. Major blackpill. Lately I have been thinking that even if being gay was natural, it's at a far lower likelihood than we think. Isn't it that statistically there are more gay males than lesbians? Why would that be if not for their grooming culture?

No. 1688296

>Isn't it that statistically there are more gay males than lesbians? Why would that be if not for their grooming culture?
It absolutely is grooming, and it's also because male sexuality is very VERY malleable. Men can literally be groomed into fucking anything and anyone. If they can fuck anything, then they don't even have a sexuality, they simply have preferences when it comes to their "victims" (I use this word because men view the receivers of their penises as victims, they all have a warped view on sex and see it as a dominating/humiliating act they do to somebody else). I used to think fags really were "born this way" but the more I get into it and observe male "sexuality" the more it seems like a fetish/grooming thing.

No. 1688301

ayrt, my whole life i have been averse to shoes but i went to a high school with strict uniform standards and was indoctrinated into wearing shoes… i now work an office job now (so shoes on) but even at art school i was yelled at for walking around bare foot (yeah yeah obviously in studio there are risk assessment and potential liability things BUT barefoot is literally legal….). thanks for the tips!
its so sick how other women in my office wear high heels, like 1+ inches, 8 hrs a day and for their commutes. so sad how womens bodies are molded and deformed to fit the most retarded beauty standards. crazy monkey toes are true beauty and power.

No. 1688306

i dont think its even useful to talk about male sexuality in terms of homo- or heterosexual, or even bisexual. queer theorists may have had a point about sexual fluidity but only for moids and largely because they are opportunistic and probably most accurately described as "object-sexual" where theyll fuck anything that they cant ascribe subjectivity to (children, faggots, women). which imo is a part of their weird sex-as-dominance thing.
i just dont think women conceive of sex comparably at all if they havent been horribly traumatised and brainwashed into the male mindset.

No. 1688465

NTA but I genuinely believe that males as a class are not completely human the way women are. Their sexuality seems to be based in violence and domination rather then bonding and care, they lack compassion even children are able to display, their ability to empathize is solely reserved for their fellow males, they only disagree with the rape and abuse of women and children if another male (or race) is the culprit. I'm 100% positive that racism and xenophobia exist because of males and their domination fetish. Gay males are mostly byproducts of male adult on male child abuse, and they continue that cycle of raping boys and creating more gay male rapist adults. Talk to one about the gay culture of raping and grooming underage boys and they'll be nonchalant about it. They don't care that it makes them look like pedophiles because they know they are. Look at lesbians campaigning to be treated like human beings, fighting misogyny, and assisting aids riddled faggots when no one else would then look at males campaigning to legalize man on boy rape, spreading stds, and destroying women's accomplishments. Remember that trannies and faggots go hand in hand. They've always hated women and have always been envious of us for the pain 'straight' males put us through. Male sexuality is nothing but violence against humanity (women)

No. 1688477

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It's actually a little more complicated. By 2035, it will be the end of the phase for China industry capital to realize "modernized socialism". From 2035 to 2049, there will be a transition to a true communist country. My tinfoul is that it will also be around this time period when I'm assuming China will export its state ideals and "revolution" to nations under the Belt and Road Initiative.

No. 1688526

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>males view the receivers of their penises as victims, they all have a warped view on sex and see it as a dominating/humiliating act they do to somebody else).
It is. They don't "see it that way" it is. How is it not humiliation to be penetrated by the oppressor? Women having sex with women I understand but lel. What I don't get is most women see fags penetrating each other as humiliating, disgusting and degrading but somehow women being penetrated isn't. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

>Talk to one about the gay culture of raping and grooming underage boys and they'll be nonchalant about it.
Absolutely true. Predatory male grooming behavior is encouraged and glamorized by males and is a natural expression of male sexuality but I'd argue the rape of women and girls is still more valuable to males than the rape of boys since women are an endless source of amusement and the eternal 'other' to ostracise, humiliate, to make suffer and to be tortured, to coax in masochism/grooming. Women are also a source of making more rapists and victims. The abuse of girls are a source and outlet of cruelty, the goal is to further embolden inhumanity in males and boys and lower the morale of females collectively against their oppressor so that females give up and submit. There is no appeasing males depravity and inhumanity no matter how many women and children are slaughtered and humiliated. Masochism takes root in most women due to generations of their mothers, sisters, aunts nieces, and grandmothers all being victims the same leading to masochistic "inheritance". Some call this "generational trauma". Women and girls who are abused give birth to victims of abuse and the cycle continues. Most do not know that epigenetic modifications are inherited through the lifetime of an individual. A lifetime of being a slave is inherited, a lifetime of being a rapist is inherited etc. and none of us can escape biology.

Combine this with the amount of psyops employed with the goal of projecting males insanity onto women that would be impressive if it wasn't so transparent, desperate and sad. A benign example of this male projection is in dictionary definitions like picrel, I noticed this when I was a child and it rung strange to me. In something as neutral and supposedly agnostic as a dictionary definition males could still somehow insert their seething projection. Dictionary definitions are the "meta" of how written communication works and should ideally be free from projection yet they've always been dripping with male seething and projection if you look close enough. To my surprise this hasn't even improved since when I was a child to adult hood just as media is still the same male worship, women humiliation, masochistic shit. I've been saving unusual dictionary definitions I've seen on Google and can safely say there are dozens of examples like this, odd examples of negative traits being ascribed to women as if it's flipping the narrative and subversion. They are psyops to influence behavior, demonize, and humiliate.

>Mfw women are collectively gaslit and psyopped so bad that even fucking google definitions are projecting male biology onto women.

No. 1688575

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AYRT, I'm the complete opposite of you. I used to autistically hate being barefoot because the floor is icky when growing up. My whole life I've basically only been barefoot in the shower and in bed. It wasn't until I started going to nudist spots that I realised how good it felt to be barefoot in nature. After that I started taking my shoes off when camping, and it was amazing how different it felt when I walked, ran and climbed when not in trainers or hiking boots. I had a lightbulb moment of "oh, this is how humans are supposed to walk and climb" and ended up going down rabbit holes online about shoes and clothing evolving over time. The fact women still cram their feet into high heels and walk on those mini stilts is crazy to me. Surely that's gotta fuck their knees, hips and backs up further down the line? Idk. I'd be very interested to see research done on that, but given how our "fashion" is literally rigged against us, I don't think they'll ever be any mainstream push for women to be safer.

No. 1688615

That's the thing, the party is a bigger figure that will exist past Xi, the guidelines are set.

No. 1688656

Nah, no one gives a shit about moids because they're the source of everyone's problems as well as themselves'. "Misandry" doesn't exist, you're not getting picked.

No. 1688772

Go back

No. 1688982

the dictionary thing is interesting (although not at all surprising). could you post more of the ones youve collected?

No. 1688983

>The misandry is real with this one
>Edit - spelling
>Retarded Reddit spacing
Return to Reddit pickme. I wish you good fortune being picked by your chosen rape ape.

No. 1688987

>the misandry is real
Yes. You have to go back.

No. 1688989

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There are countless definitions with womens names, either gas lighting women painting them as insane, crabby, stereotypes in negative lights etc. or pushing agendas of males breeding. The only examples of intimate definitions all appear to be male foreplay to raping women, there are needless to say no gay examples of women not even platonic shit kek. There's no point to intimacy if breeding isn't involved. Google some definitions yourself and be not surprised. Still, it's quite bleak that even now decades later the same fucked up language still lives on, I had noticed definitions had pretty fucked up agendas since I was around ten. It's bleak that there is such seething hatred for women that even Dictionary definitions feel the need to gas light women.

No. 1689304

I broke my toe last year, now everything except wide toebox shoes makes my feet hurt. I have to wear those zero drop shoes, but if not then I stick to wide-box, and barring that wide sizes. Fashion standards have crimped women's feet into narrow toeboxes for centuries to deform us so we can't run away from scrotes. It's modern day foot binding.
100% the ukraine-russia war is just to distract us from the blantant human rights violations over coronavirus, which, by the way, was literally the common cold rebranded for media fearmongering clickbait. people got rich off that scam and governments violated our civil rights. so they invented a new war to distract everyone with.

No. 1691032

>The best thing we can do is prepare ourselves physically, socially & spiritually because when chaos arises chaos beings pop out too.

chaos beings? elaborate Nona.

No. 1691056

COVID causes systemic inflammation and it also causes T-cells to attack healthy tissue, that's why it causes permanent damage to the lungs, and makes lesions (sometimes literal holes) in the brain. But so does the COVID vaccine! It's already been proven by numerous medical studies (available easily on Google) that the vax can cause new cases of psoriasis to appear 1 week to 1 month after the second dose. Psoriasis is caused by inflammation and t-cells turning on the skin. Brain fog, early dementia etc etc can all be attributed to swelling in the brain and systemic inflammation in the body, too. The vaxx has been shown to be more likely than COVID itself to cause conditions like psoriasis. Just putting this here in case it helps anyone, it would've helped me if I'd seen it a year ago.

No. 1691079

Son of a bitch. I'm one of the AYRT and I developed a really bad case of psoriasis on my scalp after the vaxx. I had no idea the two were linked, though.

No. 1691089

ayrt, sorry to hear that nona, me too, I had it over like 40-50% of my body by like 6 months after the vaxx but it started 1 week after it. No history of any skin issues. I know it's just an anecdote from an anon but there are studies supporting this, eg https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9434078/ i only have a few plaques remaining now but it flares up again just as bad as it did originally if I do anything from a laundry list of things/eat any of a huge list of foods which now cause my immune system to go crazy, I also have spent a large amount of money on healthcare and medication to get to this point. Also had brain issues. I haven't had another dose after the 2nd one but have only had COVID once since then (it messed up my skin again too). there are dozens of us… hope it improves for you soon.

No. 1692754

i think it was a suicide mission, similar to what happened in Germany around 2015/6

No. 1692758

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Since the North Korea threat is pretty much dead at this point, what are your thoughts on Lil Kim?

Why is she being paraded around when in the past, the Kim family used to hide their prospect heirs until they reached adulthood but dear fat one only brings her into the spotlight yet not the rest of the other spawn? Why is he dressing her and making act like his wife while pushing his actual wife in the background or absent nowadays? Kimmy Yo hasn’t been seen either. I don’t think Lil Ju-ae will be the next dear leader but now am not sure.

No. 1692770

i believe you

No. 1692810

i've gotten into so many arguments over that racist book "Fearing the Black Body" that makes this claim of how Africans and all Black people are naturally fat and we should just give up on diet and exercise

No. 1692827

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They want history to repeat itself. I fear a resurgence of eugenics and reproductive technology would make white babies from wombs via surrogacy socially acceptable


No. 1692828

this is true for every religion and ideology, it's a dark trait of humans, nothing new

No. 1692829

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this a thing already? Most minority women are financially coerced into surrogacy.

No. 1692848

you're over estimating the vitamin D hing. It's present in most veggies and milk, so a healthy diet is needed to compensate. And you only need one hour of sun time to generate vitamin d.

Do you see black Americans dying from a lack of vitamin d? no

No. 1692857

This, which is also why they tend to target college girls and the surrogacy ~coincidentally ~happens to be the same price of a college year. Guess it's easy to make poor women carry your children then dump them after and pay off a small portion instead of lowering the price of college

No. 1692868

The porn addiction thing and my personal conspiracies that root from it

>east Asian militaries purposely make hentai and anime heavily addictive while pushing it heavily on young American boys especially those who are likely to be recruited by military, brainwashing them into becoming weaker and breaking down easy in the military if not avoiding it at all

>misogynistic accounts like James healy, Andrew Tate, etc are abusers and shit people, but purposely give bad advice to young men in order for the young men to destroy relationships with potential female partners in their life, meaning men have to crutch onto porn or OF for comfort, then women have to get into porn to make ends meet
Srs almost every single one of things mofos ends up working with porn and the marketing around it. They know damn well how to get a woman by manipulating her (Tate using the nice guy method) but demand men to mock, beat and cheat
>Bad job security for young women (wage gap, then brainwashing the population into mocking women for the wage gap, and women getting fired without reason much easier esp in work at will states) this means young women are forced to do a lot of SW to scrape by, why they never bothered to correct work at will laws even though it's been a free pass for discrimination firings
Even other anons have pointed out that men in their jobs are weirdly secure regardless of how they act but women are always getting fired
>The "stop sexualizing us" group when you try to promote covering up butt or boobs
They want girls to feel less shame and more open to being nude, making them more vulnerable to porn, hence also why the "you're the one being a pedophile" excuse has been used for ages even in the brook shields nude photos

No. 1693025

The Tate brothers started out with a webcam ring, not sure if they're still in the game now they're selling women to their Hustler's University paypigs, but I wouldn't be surprised. Either way it benefits him to fuck up men's prospects with women. Also, there's this great interview with McAfee where he says the free porn sites steal your data to sell it and permanently monitor your devices after your first visit and that's how they can afford to give out free content.

No. 1693746

I'm not surprised, you ruined men in the dating field, be the "nice guy" that picks them up then sells them to the moids that wanted the woman in the first place. I also know in the "womenpostingsLs" thread the guy that ran it recently started promoting porn. It makes me curious on if it's hand in hand

No. 1693776

Oh it's gotta be hand in hand. Post a stream of women acting seemingly irrational and crazy out of context. Encourage an environment of viewing women as "wasted", "used up", "empty egg cartons", etc, and then suddenly:
>well… you guys still have your right hand and I happen to know of these awesome porn sites…
It's all so calculated it makes me wanna rage.

No. 1693781

So I have this thought. I think other dimensional entities flipped a few sequences on the Y chromosome and that's how we came to be.
These are possibly the same entities that took the Malaysian flight.

No. 1693785

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Can you recommend a pair of barefoot shoes??(spoiler this)

No. 1693808

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Somewhere around the near end of the pandemic, it just became impossible to live on your own. All my friends have had to move back in with their parents these. They were working multiple jobs, not spending much, and it still wasn't enough. Rent kept on rising, but their pay didn't. I'm tired of being gaslighted that this is the best economic era in the United States. When all of us are suffering. it has become too much.

No. 1694810

>there are people who believe 9/11 wasn't an inside job

No. 1694825

Zoomers or boomers.

No. 1694839

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Not using Twitter and being in the real world means I didn't have to suffer a single contrived tryhard 9/11 tweetdeck joke. I feel my cells healing.

No. 1694846

I don't know why but every time I go back to this I feel traumatized. I'm not even american, I was just a few years old when it happened and my earliest memory of it is just me sitting on a carpet and watching tv and a frozen image of twin towers burning. And yet I feel like it affected me a lot. It's some form of collective trauma I think. I'm not even mad at schizos who call 9/11 a ritual of some sort

No. 1694850

I agree. Was the first time I saw people actively dying (jumping to their deaths). I laugh at some of the memes but truthfully it did fuck me up a little bit too. I’m an older farmer, I was around 12 when it happened.

No. 1694866

Ntayrt but the thing that really gets me is that after all of this, moids will AGAIN pin the blame on women rather than these misogynists who are clearly benefitting the most from their audience being single and angry.
I think what it was that made it extremely eerie was the length of time it took for the towers to fall, watching people jump, seeing the second plane hit and then knowing it was intentional. It seems truly horrifying and traumatizing to watch all of that on live television. I was 3 when it happened so I don’t remember it thankfully but my dad used to work there and lost multiple friends that day.

No. 1694870

Ntayrt but the thing that really gets me is that after all of this, moids will AGAIN pin the blame on women rather than these misogynists who are clearly benefitting the most from their audience being single and angry.
I think what it was that made it extremely eerie was the length of time it took for the towers to fall, watching people jump, seeing the second plane hit and then knowing it was intentional. It seems truly horrifying and traumatizing to watch all of that on live television. I was 3 when it happened so I don’t remember it thankfully but my dad used to work there and lost multiple friends that day.

No. 1694876

I was 7 or 8 and I was in a religious school at the time, and our teacher was crying rocking in a corner speaking in tongues and all the teachers were running back n forth between the classrooms instructing us to form a prayer circle. My best friend at that time was inconsolable because her dad worked for American Airlines and no one could convince her that he wasnt on the plane despite us all being thousands of miles away and him not being a pilot. I think we all got sent home pretty quick. Then I remember just watching the nonstop news on it, laying in the livingroom floor on a carpet too. I had to ask why the people were jumping because I couldnt wrap my head around it. Shitty thing was it was turned into a come to jesus type thing where in sermons from my school/church they used it as a scare tactic to make sure you believed in God because God made so-and-so's alarm fail that morning and he missed the flight, or God let that person survive miraculously due to their faith, or God gave a different person a premonition and they called into work that day which spared their life….End Times etc and the Enemy attacks when God shows favor so America must be the Holy Chosen Land…suuuuuper fucked up

No. 1694892

Never seen most of this footage. The first one was scary. I wonder what they did when the towers collapsed. Honestly if I saw people falling out of towers I would've been like "I need to run the opposite direction as far away as I can."
I was in 3rd grade when it happened. I remember it being late to school and my dad not knowing how to processing the news on TV and getting me ready for school. I think later in the year someone tried to do a bomb threat to our school because of it. Even years later, I remember my dad being affected the most. My mom used to scold him for watching 9/11 documentaries and just stuck on the couch with tears in his eyes. Like purposely making himself upset. I remember the time we all got on a plane and my dad was hyperprotective of the family.
Definitely a government act. Many contractors saying items were placed throughout the building weeks before. Obv they can't do anything about it because they're just there to do their job.

No. 1695030

holy fuck, i also posted about my bad vax experience and ive fully developed scalp psoriasis post vaccine. i was def predisposed (childhood eczema, parent with psoriasis) but never had it till post vaccine.

No. 1695422

Funny that in 2001 one incident was enough to traumatize everyone for life, and now we have a mass shooting every other day and no one even cares. What a moronic country. America is a corpse.

No. 1695839

9/11 and Columbine were two of the biggest attacks on the American psyche of that time period, IMO. Like 9/11, Columbine is not all it seems. Multiple kids reported seeing older men carrying out the attack and a sniper on the roof, yet the police just swept it under the rug. We're supposed to believe that so many kids could be wrong. There's also the question of why didn't the police go in there earlier. There were undetonated pipe bombs in there, but I think that was done on purpose to give the pigs a credible(ish) reason not to go inside and get as many people killed as possible. Weird things happened after too, Isaiah Scholes family moved town and allegedly told other parents that they were getting weird, threatening phone calls beforehand. Then there were two students who survived the school shooting who got gunned down in subway less than a year after. The shooting is still unsolved: https://www.denver7.com/news/local-news/20-years-later-murders-of-2-young-columbine-students-at-subway-shop-remain-unsolved
I know this wasn't the first school shooting. But Columbine has inspired a lot of copy cats, which I think was its purpose, given the incorrect narrative of Eric and Dylan being bullies that struck back. If I'm not wrong, there's a lot of military people in that town too, which adds to the intrigue.

No. 1696272

Mexico just announced aliens are real. Skip to a little before 2 and a half hours.

No. 1696285

why is dementia only this common thing since 2010s? I vaguely remember throughout the 90s and 2000s when people got old they'd be forgetful at most and need help because of weakness, now it seems like by the time someone hits 75 it's almost expected for them to become literally delusional

No. 1696305

I heard a doctor say that dementia is basically just type 3 diabetes and that our bodies are so poisoned from multiple sources- food, water, chemicals and pollutants. We call it dementia like it’s a disease but really it’s our bodies failing due to inadequate lifestyle and environment. Old age should not be delusion and complete body failure starting after retirement but it often is now.

No. 1696338

I also noticed the "crazy, violent, delusional" form of dementia only seems to be common in America, American nurses literally get trained on how to take abuse from old people. Literally never heard of this from any other country

No. 1696348

It's mainly down to diet. The human brain is made out of saturated fat, yet we're told saturated fat is bad and should be avoided. Rates of dementia have been increasing since lard and other animal fats were replaced with seed oils.

No. 1696371

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No. 1696393

I partly blame smartphones, as someone who grew up in a world without them i can remember a stark difference in how much people had to use their brain before them and now. Many people are lazy thinkers and if brainless entertainment and tools that enable them to think less are provided, they use them and turn into graceless retards. Also we live in confusing times, fabric of society keeps disintegrating leaving many people lonely and depressed. Idiocracy is real.

No. 1696397

I'm a got-psoriasis-from-vaxx-fag, and I decided to cut out inflammatory foods based on how much they seemed to affect my rashes. Ended up with a shortlist (still quite long) of these foods, and was able to see a doctor yesterday & showed him the list, telling him that these foods make my swollen skin worse. He agreed with everything on the list but said the common element to all of them was the oils within the foods & how they were manufactured: almost all the foods on the list contained vegetable oil, soy (or soy lecithinp) palm/shea/coconut oil or fat. The doctor says these foods are inflammatory because to be made they have to be superheated, which causes oxidisation and also needs nickel to be added to the oils, and sensitive people's bodies respond to the oxides and or nickel as if they were bacteria. He explained that my immune system has been sensitised to like 50 other foods which are high in histamine due to constantly reacting to these oils, and seemed very confident that once my current flare had been fixed with medication (first time I've been prescribed anything for the vaxx injury, after 3 years…) it wouldn't come back if I avoided those oils for the rest of my life. I asked why nobody else had told me this and he put his head in his hands and said "not enough people know that these oils are the cause of their problems", but then he went back to talking about how to use my medication etc. Sorry for blogspot but I figured it's kind of milk since it shows at least one senior (NHS!) doctor knows about all of this. I've seen at least 20 different NHS doctors who told me skin lesions from "food intolerances" aren't real, and that the vaccine can't cause intolerances. But like my new Dr said, it causes intense sensitisation to histamine that just gets worse and worse (histamine is released by inflammation, inflammation is caused by these oils and other pollutants). My reaction to histamine got so bad that I couldn't run for more than a minute without my whole body swelling and itching - 7 months ago I was running 10km. Why are they covering this up? It's 24 hours later and my skin is about 50% healed thanks to the meds I was finally allowed to take. They literally withheld them from me for almost 3 years because they wouldn't accept what I was telling them… this is surely affecting thousands of people?

No. 1696405

AYRT. I have hope because more and more people seem to be recognising that seed oils are bad for humans. Years ago I went back to cooking with lard and beef dripping. This with other diet changes cured the issues I was having with depression and brain fog.

No. 1696447

>He agreed with everything on the list but said the common element to all of them was the oils within the foods & how they were manufactured: almost all the foods on the list contained vegetable oil, soy (or soy lecithinp) palm/shea/coconut oil or fat.
The medical industry will never address this, because all processed foods contain one or more of these oils.

No. 1696470

I feel like you can't be completely free from these oils/soy because they're literally fucking anything that you can buy but I'm also glad I'm at least cutting back on some products that use them. Lard and non-processed animal fats are demonized now but if used with caution they're healthier than whatever soy leticin is.

No. 1696482

yeah, it's extremely difficult, I basically live off the 1 bread I've found which doesn't contain those oils and just endless rice+veg+unprocessed meat meals, since I can't eat oats or whole grains anymore. Basically anything with an ingredients list on it contains these oils, and they're just poison. I think more and more people will have these problems in future, mainly poor people. My tinfoil is that it's intentional, possibly a depop tactic but idk. Especially since there's a huge push for soy to replace meat, and there's a shortage of wheat now cos of the war - don't worry though, we have soy flour…

No. 1696613

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There's more. This man is the spokesperson for Ukraine's Territorial Defense Forces. Mind you, his only prior experience was being a journalist. He seems to be put in this position simply because he's American and a troon, and I'm assuming he's there to give Western liberals assurance that the Ukrainians share their exact progressive liberal values, also who the fuck approved this, this is like black propaganda.

No. 1696624

The human body can take a small amount of seed oils. Seed oils are naturally present in foods that we have always eaten. What's different now is the huge amounts that are consumed and how these oils are processed.

>My tinfoil is that it's intentional, possibly a depop tactic but idk

Animal fats are essential for human brain development. By telling parents that animal products are bad, they're basically lowering IQ and creating lifelong patients that they can profit from.

No. 1696666

Anyone without proper education shouldn't comment on these matters. Animals fats are bad for you when you overconsume them, they heighten the risks of cardiovascular diseases which are leading causes of death.
A balanced diet is ideal and any extreme diet pushed by conspiracy theorists will always be unhealthy and dangerous.

No. 1696686

This post is so inorganic that it glows.

No. 1696693

You know, several survivors of the vegas shooting were later killed in mass shooting events. What a coincidence. I mean, if the CIA would destabilize the economies of half the planet, why wouldn't they conduct a few domestic psyops? I don't know what their aim is with it and I don't go to concerts anyway so I don't really care, but it is blatant. There was a certain other school shooting that was also criticized as being fake, they used to ban accounts on twitter just for mentioning it. Funny stuff.
aliens are fake. They're trying to distract us from something else, probably either the house of cards economy or the unconstitutional mandates from the covid era. Why would an alien be so closely humanoid and not like, a slime mold or some kind of reptile-worm-bird? people's brains are rotten. Even Ender's Game had more realistic alien species.
forever chemicals and other pollutants, especially heavy metals.

No. 1696703

anon the old people who are getting dementia aren't smartphone addicts

No. 1696705

DrEricBergDC on youtube. His thumbnails look clickbaity but he's brilliant. He touches on a few of these points and that modern diets are full of inflammatory foods, and also mentions what
say about alzheimers being type 3 diabetes and saturated fat being good for you. people mocked me for going keto but now whenever I eat carbs I can tell how shitty they make me feel. Coconut oil is great, though. Inflammatory foods are seed oils, grains, added sugar, and all the preservatives and colorants and other crap. Soy isn't bad if it's in tofu or tempeh, it's only soybean oil that is garbage because of how it is processed. Soybeans, by the way, are edamame, it's basically a pea.

I feel bad for vax nonna so I'll drop this: NAC and pineapple. Eat them together.

No. 1696709

I'll listen to education and research when companies can stop funding them to push narrative for 5 seconds. even the AHA has fried pork recipes "for heart support" on their page because they were sponsored

No. 1696712

It's hard to find good info though if you don't know what you're necessarily looking for tbf
I was too young to be told anything when it happened and it was hard to find anything that wasn't obviously nuts back in the day (and now search results are dogshit) so I ended up coming out of it thinking there had to be something up here (with everything from the iraq war to obvious for-show kidnappings of irrelevant dudes for guantanemo to just how things went down during and after the event and the supposed heads-up that was ignored about 2 weeks before 9/11, etc) but with no knowledge of what it might be and where to get any answers. If any older nonnas would like to give perspective, point in the right direction, or some (very appreciated) spoon feeding of "unspoken truths every adult in the room knew" knowledge us former kids were left out of I'd be so grateful. It seems a lot of the older generations who know what's up have a lot of common knowledge that isn't too common for us younger women

No. 1696713

Sugar and grain are metabolic poison. Blood glucose spikes cause metabolic damage, always.
I'll believe people with "proper education" when nurses stop being massively obese.

No. 1696728

Pfizer asked to stop testing on animals because it keeps killing animals removed by youtube twice
full trial
https://tlcsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?clip_id=15926(this is an imageboard. post caps)

No. 1696739

I mean, if they stop testing on animals because it kills the animals, they'll be forced to test on longpigs–oh, wait, they did do that. On 6 billion vax guinea pigs.

No. 1696741

Agreed. Seed oils are everywhere. I just learned that instant noodles are fried, and made with soybean oil or canola oil (unsure if that is the frying oil used though). I thought that if I was eating instant noodles, yeah its bad for me but at least it isnt fried food….nope. RIP my wallet I am back on trying to make instant noodles as healthy as possible. I add lots of veggies, cream, and home cooked chicken at least. Its what I can afford at the moment. I shouldnt be here long though, I just had a series of misfortune that ate thru my cash. Been trying to avoid seed oils for years at this point and overall I feel I do pretty well, but shit happens and you have to get back on that oil.

No. 1696743

Girl, this isn't 4chan. You can't accuse everyone you disagree with of being a fed. Go on and eat all the animal fat you eant though so you can swell up like the Amerifags who follow your advice.

No. 1696744

Sugar isn't poison, if you deprives your body of sugar you'll cause brain damage and other issues. I've also never seen a fat nurse because I don't live in an obese country like yours.

No. 1696751

have you tried rice? I mean, if you want a basic cheap carb and you were living off ramen anyway then rice would be better. Or, like, oatmeal even.

No. 1696754

Your body synthesizes the glucose it needs out of the food you eat. You don't need to ingest added sugar to get blood sugar. Our food is so laden in added sugar that you cannot possibly argue eating this is healthy. Even ketchup and pickles have added sugar. Then people eat fried white bread covered in sugar-syrup and pour into their coffee as much sugar as a human used to eat in an entire year and call that breakfast.

Pretty sure no one ever got brain damage from avoiding wonderbread and corn syrup. With how much sugar they stuff into everything, even if you avoid as much of it as possible, you're still eating more than is healthy.

No. 1696758

sorry to sound like baby's first conspiracy theorist but was the pandemic killing a lot of small business so the corporations could be left planned?

No. 1696761

Not really a conspiracy (I personally don’t buy what a lot of “truthers” believe) but one not-so-hard-to-believe theory I agree with is the viewpoint mentioned in Turning Point USA that America’s political interests in the ME planted the seeds for 9/11. Basically they armed and trained a bunch of rebel groups to fight their enemies in the gulf war and then America eventually left. Couple these young angry moids’ new military tactics and their disdain towards America for wrecking their countries and you get a clear motive forming for 9/11. Any military intelligence person could have predicted that would happen imo and I think the CIA did catch them training to fly planes (some guys who were originally supposed to be part of the 9/11 attacks were at held at Guantanamo Bay).
What happened with those moids is most likely what’s going to happen in Ukraine after that war is over, except the Ukrainian motivations will be neo Nazi flavored instead kek. I saw another tinfoiler here with the same theory but I could see the American gov using another terror attack especially today to try to instill patriotism in the younger generations who hate this country. Nobody wants to join the fucking military which is why you keep seeing so much propaganda for it (and it’s still not working BAHAHAH).

No. 1696766

If your body can synthesize glucose, why does your body go into ketosis and use amino acids and fatty acids for energy when you don't consume enough carbohydrates? Maybe you don't know carbohydrates are sugar.

No. 1696769

I really, really hope not. But that is pretty much what happened.

No. 1696777

ayrt it just makes me sad because in my town a majority of small business got canned. some are still thriving but the corporations are still doing well of course. But the big markets and food and all that just seemed to be diminishing in quality

No. 1696778

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>Go on and eat all the animal fat you eant though so you can swell up like the Amerifags who follow your advice.
The rise of obesity in America correlates with seed oil consumption. I will keep deep frying bacon in lard and serving it with butter.

Soy bean oil is also a known obesogen

NTA. The human body can synthesise glucose from protein in a process known as gluconeogenesis. Consuming dietary sugar is completely unnecessary for humans.

No. 1696782

I do eat rice and oatmeal too. I should eat more rice over the ramen though, youre right. Its just easy and delicious and simple to turn into a hearty grandma worthy chicken soup or a nice pho mimic.

No. 1696783

Samefag but this is some of the admitted intel about 9/11 before it happened.
Imo the government didn’t treat it with much urgency, I wonder how many false alarms they get and if that’s also partly why they didn’t investigate it as well. But there are benefits to terror attacks for politicians’ campaigns as sick as it sounds, especially for war mongering Republicans. If you want an example, Vladimir Putin’s first Presidential election was aided as a result of the Russian apartment bombings.

No. 1696792

Absolutely heartbreaking. Im sorry about your town nona. Its sickening to look around now and see the loss and poverty. And dimishing quality like you say. Everything breaks so quick these days, food doesnt seem right (moreso than normal in the states kek my apples are unnaturally big, but empty tasting now wtf), there is a competency crisis in literally every industry. That is scary when you think about what qualifications someone doesnt have but should in order to work on our infrastructure, but they just hire bodies. For a welding job I got asked by the recruit if I could "refrain from doing cocaine" while on a project kek. That was for building the skeletons of office buildings…also once you know what a good weld looks like you see how shoddy the whole town actually is…everything is jury rigged together. Everything.

No. 1696795

>gets fats because they eat bread butter and pork
>continues to eat pork and butter and only cuts out bread
Kek. Average americanoid. No wonder you guys have the highest obesity stats.

No. 1696815

I'm not even American.

No. 1696883

Personally eating meats + other animal fats did much more for my weight loss than anything else. Even other anons have pointed out Paleo dieters are actually skinny or fit unlike any other fad diet

No. 1696907

Work at will completely killed Americans motivation to get better or train due to constant firings. Instead of allowing us to learn and improve our skills we just get sacked and desperately scavage for anything we can to make money or jump from job to job, the only people left are incompetent people who got there because of a false confidence or narcissism (also why the medical and law field has been taken over by sociopaths). I swear it's almost as if they sniff you out then sack you. If you're in a professional field it's like they can tell when you care enough about other human beings to shut you down

No. 1696918

>what is gluconeogenesis
You're very eager to call other people stupid when you're standing atop mount stupid. Could you try not being so aggressive and argumentative before you even google something? I expect that behavior from scrotes, not lolcow.

By the way, american obesity and the global obesity that followed only came about after animal fats were removed from products, such as low-fat and non-fat yogurt, and in their place sugar was added, because otherwise it would taste absolutely disgusting. The "fat is bad" nonsense came from ONE guy who was basically mid 1900s Elon Musk, IE a loud dumbfuck, and he was funded by Big Sugar. Humans have eaten animal-based diets for tens of thousands of years and never been fat before now, now, when sugar is jam packed into everything and we're on a grain based diet.
I saw a rat study comparing rats fed olive oil or other things versus rats fed seed oils. The seed oil rats became obese even when total calories were the same.

Personally I think it's a combo of excessive added sugar AND harmful additives like seed oil. Plus most of our food is glorified water crystals because the soil is demineralized, hence obese people are actually malnourished because a carrot today does not have as many nutrients in terms of vitamins and minerals as a carrot from 1600, signalling to people they need to eat more, even though they're getting plentiful calories and are fat. The fertilizer we use is actually a petroleum derivative, it's the equivalent of grain feeding cattle. The produce gets big and plump but there were never nutrients in the soil to begin with so it's a sugary ball of emptiness. The only way to get nutrients back into soil is by composting. But that isn't economically viable with the current pants on head retarded system.

Honestly there will be mass famine in the near future. Maybe 80-100 years from now the population will crash in a mass die off. You can only keep this bullshit up for so long before the soil turns to empty toxic dust.

No. 1696937

Why would anyone take dietary advice from someone struggling with weight related issues? Why are the people sperging about how government is trying to poison them always fatties that eat fastfood?

No. 1696946

This + the fact that everything has such little vitamins and minerals it's impossible to feel full without binging. I remember people would even bring out store brought items like salmon, canned food, etc and the exact same brand, size, etc vitamin %are going down rapidly. The only people who can repel the problem food companies caused are those who can afford things like ozempic so you can still have energy despite turning off your bodies hunger receptors, it's so calculated idk how people even deny it at this point

Months before ozempic even came out I remember others kept pointing out how food was no longer as filling as it use to be, then suddenly big pharma comes in with a solution to make us skinny (all Americans have been struggling with), give us energy, and everything else?

No. 1696949

What are you talking about? This was my first reply relating to the subject and I don't eat fast food. I'm just saying it works for me, not that I binge on fast food, have weight related issues, etc what

No. 1696956

Ozempic isn't a new drug and because celebs bought it enmass, people who actually need it are suffering.
You're fat because you overeat one type of food only while ignoring other types like most picky eaters do, not because your government is planning your demise. I can't believe that fatties will make up conspiracies about diabetes drugs being marketed to them instead of cutting down carbs and fatty meat they consume

No. 1696969

Now you're just making things up.
It's relative. If I eat a stack of pancakes I'm hungry again 2 hours later. If I eat an omelette I'm full half a day. But even with eggs, which are the least corrupted food, you can tell the storebought eggs are garbage if you've ever had homelaid. All the food is getting shittier, but we can still pick the better less garbage food out of what is left. Industrial farming results in low quality products with depleted nutrients compared to compost based farming.
what the fuck. Lmao nonna is fat becuase she doesn't eat candy bars? Get a grip please.

No. 1696977

Only a fatty would think government is trying to fatten them up so they can sell them a medicine that's already not being produced enough for people who need it.

No. 1696988

>If I eat an omelette I'm full half a day. But even with eggs, which are the least corrupted food, you can tell the storebought eggs are garbage if you've ever had homelaid.
Try making the omelette with heavy/double cream and cheese. I find six eggs, 100ml of double cream and 60g of cheese is enough for OMAD. You can also try substituting two eggs for 100g of bacon lardons. I do use eggs from my own ducks and chickens though.

No. 1697028

Oh, man. I can only eat 2 eggs at a time. But it's great you have your own fowl. The industrial eggs, the chickens are on shitty grain diets and the yolk looks pale yellow and weak. I usually eat 2 meals a day.

It's kind of crazy how much say, a sedentary office worker eats, if they stick to 3 meals a day and eat out for lunch. They'll get a 1400 calorie meal and then complain they're getting fat. I hate watching coworkers pig out while sitting at their desk, plus they snack all day long. The food pyramid here has recommended such a horrible amount of food and all of it grain heavy for so long. People think they will die if they eat less than 3 meals a day of food designed for a lumberjack while they're sitting on their butts. Americans are fat because of that food pyramid that recommended 6-11 servings of grain a day. Like, can you imagine eating 6 bagels a day? That's why boomers are tremendously fat, they were raised on that guidance. They get just as fat as a cow fed on grain.

No. 1697082

thanks! didn't realise there was a wikipedia on this part kek.
This is more or less in line with what I suspected but what I am caught on is that yeah, america did benefit so it is possible they let it slide or that they caused it in the first place since they have funded terrorists in the past anyways and it would theoretically be possible to convince some to do 9/11. But on the other hand desperate, war-tired people angry at america do commit massacres (usually in their own countries though because moids be moids)

No. 1697151

Have you seen the tinfoils that post this? They're literally skinny

No. 1697235

i dont doubt that dietary shit and pollutants are factors, but dementia is more common also because people arent dying of cancer or heart disease (historically responsible for most older person mortality) as much because those are now really well managed. obviously that doesnt account for early onset which anecdotally seems way more common now.
this is common in australia, UK, and germany from what ive heard. my tinfoil is that western/contemporary hospital design and architecture (pushed by risk-minimisation lawyers and corporate staff) is partially responsible for the specific kind of paranoid, violent delirium patterns you see. when you have no context for where you are/what's going on in an extremely sterile, featureless environment with constant bright light and mechanical noise, plus you feel ill and weak and afraid, its actually pretty reasonable that youd apply a frame like being abducted by aliens/imprisoned by spies/other common paranoiac frameworks.

on that note, does anyone have any tinfoils about architecture/design more generally? personally i feel like LED lighting is bad for your brain somehow, also air conditioning air is unhealthy to breathe all the time.

No. 1697244

what are nonas thoughts on carbs like potatoes? i cant see myself getting rid of carbs, i eat a fairly "balanced" diet and havent felt bad effects from the carbs. honestly they help me feel full and energized. im a healthy weight too. the one thing i do avoid is takeout and seed oils, and i eat mostly homecooked meals.
the compost farming point is interesting too, i think it's true.

No. 1697272

The way America is designed genuinely makes it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It isnt impossible, but it really, truly is by design that people are so unhealthy. Why cant I use my health insurance or fsa card on a gym membership? Or toothpaste and dental floss? Because that would just make too much preventative health care sense. But seriously, I am assuming you dont live in the usa- if you did I wholeheartedly think you would understand how the literal structure of our society is a roadblock to healthful living.

No. 1697276

Some people just react differently to carbs than others, I also heard it's linked to heritage too.

No. 1697281

I want to blame them as much as you but can only hold them accountable for so much. Why is it so easy and affordable for them to get a "1400 calorie single meal"? Why did people tell them they need to down grain constantly? How are they even able to eat that much in the first place? A lot of the times it's people just trying to live their life, do what they're told instead of questioning so much. And then even merely scratching your head at it will attract people like >>1696977
Where you get called a stupid fatty for even just calling out the suspiciousness of all of this

No. 1697285

The way of life of a, what would've been, a healthy middle class family has dramatically shifted.

Now it's no longer simple job, majority of people have to work two or more jobs to survive, and who else conveniently comes in to offer flexible jobs for students or people who already have 9-5s? Fast food, and oh you're hungry on your shift and need to bring your family food to take home? Here's free or low cost family dinner that you won't even have energy to cook!

No. 1697323

My teeth hurt if I eat too many carbs in a day. I knew I had to simmer down on the carbs when I had to start biting on socks to enjoy a handful of Reese's Pieces. I'm a prediabetic Mexican woman so it runs in the family, I've just been the only one who's not attempting to rely on insulin, basically ketofaggingat this point. 35 net carbs a day is my limit so I can consume all the fiber I need.

No. 1697370

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what does everyone think of theories surrounding crazy plane lady? the best theory I've read IMO is that they were making a planned terrorist attack distraction and she called it out, which would also explain why the media is so forceful with framing her as crazy despite the fact multiple other passengers have had similar meltdowns

No. 1697522

Now where is proof of this terrorist signal in question

No. 1697524

What do you guys think about the vaccines given to infants/toddlers/ and children? It's so hard to actually discuss this with anyone since you are automatically considered some sort of loon for questioning them. My apprehensions towards vaccines grew with the shit show that was the covid vaccine.. I was fully vaccinated as a baby/child, and I have both ADHD and autism. Now it's nearing the time that my daughter has to get her one year vaccines and I'm paranoid that I'm making a bad decision. I just do not trust the people that are making this stuff anymore..

No. 1697543

I don't believe it gives children ADHD or anything but it is suspicious the huge push for it, when you question why the vaccine schedule for Americans is super long compared to anywhere else or even in the 90s/2000s, we were hit with "anti vax Karen" propaganda years and years before anti vax Karen's were even prominent, so badly that most people have been bombarded with pro vax/anti-anti-vax crap well before they ever meet a single anti vaxxer. Just another way women are gaslit for questioning the safety of things in order to protect our family. We already get screeched at for questioning why there needs to be 5 lbs of sugar in seed oils in everything

No. 1697551

You really think they're going to release any information that validates her at all? Why do you think they never bothered investigating anything or showing the man she was supposedly yelling about? Carrot top was on the plane too which was sus, they were probably trying to cause another "D list celebrity death" to distract us and had to make sure everyone knew how crazy this lady was without further investigating as if impending senses of doom never are red flags

No. 1697590

Oh you're chewed up

No. 1697595

Yeah the complete shutdown on any discussion concerning vaccines bothers me a lot. I even tried to lightly bring it up to my SO and was shut down immediately. Why can't we just have an open discussion on what is being put in our bodies without people flipping out? The "science" is constantly changing, and what is considered good for us now could be seen as extremely detrimental/poisonous in the future. History has shown us this time and time again. Why is now any different?

No. 1697596

This just in: there's tinfoil in the tinfoil thread
Next there's going to be unpopular opinions in the unpopular opinion thread, what's next? Consumerists in the consumerism thread. When does it end?

No. 1697598

Everyone has built up anger and society likes to choose a designated handful to basically use as a punching bag for questioning anything outside of the norm, this includes anti vaxxers, "transphobes" or just questioning any sort of medicine in general. They like being best at following the rules and think it's a free pass to knock down everyone else who has a different opinion

No. 1697599

Im a mom and I haven’t vaccinated my son at all. He’s 11 months old, thriving and I give him cod liver oil everyday. Read the book “Vaccine Safety Manual for Concerned Families and Health Practitioners” by Neil Miller. It has a lot of research that points to the conclusion that vaccines cause more harm than good. If you do vaccinate, never introduce multiple live viruses at once. I believe that they give vaccines individually in Japan because it was shown that MMR causes an inflammatory response in most people, or swelling of the brain. Epigenetics is an emerging science that points towards our gene expression being so much more sensitive and individualized than previously thought. Companies who makes medications cannot possibly produce a one size fits all medication for the entire world. It’s theorized that a large percentage of the population is going to have a very negative reaction to vaccines- the ingredients or introduction to heavy metals and live viruses. Let alone multiple at such a young age. Most vaccines also pass the blood brain barrier and heavy metals kill neurons. It’s worth reading that entire book and making an informed decision versus just giving in to societal pressures or trusting the government. There’s also other researches online but sadly many of them have either died, stopped posting or their work has been heavily censored over the last 10 years. Its hard to find solid research unless you’re reading it in a book honestly but that’s the best one I can recommend

No. 1697602

I grew up in a rural area and vaccines weren't common at all. The idea that all unvaccinated kids are going to inevitably die at 2-3 is laughable, nevermind the fact that they're supposedly bringing back the plague but like… we don't even get vaccinated for the plague kek. We don't get vaccinated for smallpox either yet smallpox never magically appeared.

The funniest ones are adults who have "stupid anti vax parents" that didn't get childhood vaccines and are alive, well, healthy and haven't caught anything their entire life. Surely you would have died before 5 if it was as dangerous as you claim? It's as laughable as grown ass adults who think taking a single sip of tested raw milk is going to kill you that very second

No. 1697617

I will check out the book thankyou for the recommendation! I got my daughter vaccinated for the vaccines prior to her one year ones, any recommendations for things I can do to help mitigate the effects? I've heard far too bad many things about the MMR vaccine (given at one year) so it made me hesitant towards vaccinating her any further.

No. 1697639

File: 1694670308733.jpeg (468.21 KB, 828x708, E2F661F0-EAC9-4D23-BEC6-A1A4A8…)

You do know there’s a vaccine for the plague in the making right? Its been given to villages in Africa and South Am for trials since they have outbreaks still. Do any research on how viruses and diseases work and you’ll see why vaccines are needed for younger children who won’t have an immunity to older ailments. Doesn’t help that people don’t vax their kids so it infects others and causes outbreaks to happen. In 2019 New York had an outbreak of measles and there were cases of smallpox being recorded in California from people that purposefully didn’t vax due to religious reasons. I get not overloading your newborn with 13 vaccinations when they’re only a few days old and spacing out doctor visits to ensure they build up an immunity but a child won’t survive measles with just a pat on the back and some essential oils. People are forgoing antibiotics and any medicine now thanks to people shilling antivax shit to the extremes. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.3947694
picrel a boy dying from that same mindset

No. 1697646

The smallpox vaccine was literally made illegal in the 70s. Also being arrested over strep? Vaccinated kids die from strep infections all the time if they don't get medical help. I'd bet 10-1 doctors just refused to help her once they found out the kid wasn't vaccinated just to solely place the blame on her

Almost every week there's a story about some 20-30 something dying of strep because they couldn't afford a single doctor visit thanks to this economy but you'll never hear about that

No. 1697648

I agree with you, anon. It's fine not to get vaccines that aren't mandatory and only recommended towards the immune suppressant people but to not get any vaccines and refuse to give your child antibiotics and take them to the doctor when they're ill is negligence and those people shouldn't be allowed to have kids.

No. 1697649

>I'd bet 10-1 doctors just refused to help her once they found out the kid wasn't vaccinated
It says she didn't take him to a doctor, schizo-chan. Also docs wouldn't ask of a kid is vaxxed when hes in sepsis like he probably was, they'd be too busy trying to stabilize him and keep his vitals good.

No. 1697653

It's fine to not vaxx your own kids but telling others not to amd advising them without a medical education is illegal. There was a woman in my country whose child died after she didn't vaxx him or give him the medical attention he needed after someone advised her not to do so and she sued the advisor and won.

No. 1697686

sage for no seed oil diet blogpost that might interest some of you. I lost 20+kg when I stopped eating ready meals and store bought lunches every day, before I got sick from the vaxx. But when I cut out any additional food with seed oils and grains (for inflammation) plus soy, cocoa and coconut (intolerances, I'm not saying they're bad foods), I only lost another few kg, which put me at BMI 24ish, 5"2, bf% 22-ish. My stats aren't great, but I got too sick to exercise for months at a time as opposed to going to the gym 3x a week which I did when I lost the weight. So in other words, I maintained a healthy, but not skinny weight while mainly sedentary, and I also got a more 'hard body', less squishy skinnyfat look without moving at all, like I lifted weights when I actually didn't. Now I can finally exercise again, I'm gaining muscle and losing fat without having to try very hard at all. I also find I retain fitness for much longer, like my performance on a 5k is okay for my age but it doesn't get worse even if I got too sick to run for 2 months between attempts. I'm early 30s too, so don't have a young person metabolism anymore. As an ex fattie I've tried p much every diet and imo no seed oil is the most effective. I also never get zits anymore and I smell better, despite still eating a lot of dairy.

No. 1697691

Glowie's Google search notification for "crazy plane lady" went off!

No. 1697693

Anon I hate to break it to you but this guy is a chiropracter, not a doctor. He has no medical education whatsoever. If whatever he said works for you that's great, but take what he says about your health with a grain of salt, he knows nothing about basic biology. It also looks like he's associated with scientology.

No. 1697696

this story is getting picked up by MSM now, most outlets are adding that the guy making these claims was exposed for saying a human corpse was an alien a while ago. But this evidence is so compelling this time, and there's so much of it, either every single thing has to be fake or none of it is. The universities listed as saying it's real would lose their reputations, same for the scientists etc etc. What do we think? Personally I'm convinced by this evidence simply because it's career suicide for so many professional scientists if any of it is fake, even though the alien bodies look fake as shit, the MRIs and CAT scans look real. I don't get how the MSM is allowed to imply it's all a hoax, for that same reason, isn't it libel against the scientists? Am I being too naive?

No. 1697705

Anon don't give advice to those who won't take it. That anon seems like an autist who can't tell a medical doctor from a biology graduate, she won't listen to anyone who doesn't support her delusions.

Reminds me of antivaxxers with autism who expect their son to be smart and thinks vaccines would be the reason for his retardation when in reality its her bad genes that'll unfortunately fuck the son over.
I know a few pediatricians who constantly have parents bringing their kids and complaining about how the child isn't as smart as they expected when the parents are highschool dropouts or people who are literally medically retarded themselves/ father is diagnosed autist himself etc. Those types are the ones who believe their kid will be superior to others and lose their shit when they realize no amount of oils, supplements or books will fix a child who's genetically low intelligence.

No. 1697774

The guy is a known con man, he already paraded these "alien corpses" years ago and they were debunked. He probably knows people who are just as nuts as him but with credentials (you'd be surprised by how many professional people with good reputations end up supporting blatant hoaxes/distractions/government operations, look at the COVID vax and how many supported it) and got some "studies" done. The bodies are made up by a mix of humans and animal bones. Maybe the guy really did find them at an archeological site, and in that case they might have been some sort of weird sacred statues/effigies, or maybe he made them himself (probably, since they look like every stereotypical alien you see in movies). This is a distraction.

No. 1697778

yeah, it just seemed way too easy

No. 1697780

so the MRIs and 3D internal models are totally fake as well, then? Not disagreeing with you, but it just seems insane to me that they would show 3D models that are clearly not scans of a man made Frankenstein bone puppet, and say that they match the internals of these corpses. I guess the scale of the lie and the number of 'smart' people that would need to be involved make it seem impossible, to me. Like the guy that faked Bigfoot had a neighbour who said he tried to pay him to wear the suit - so that's definite proof it wasn't real. where are the scientists he approached to do this hoax with, who refused? I just don't see the benefits of lying, but yeah if he's a conman maybe they're just all as gullible as me kek

No. 1698049

Is it hard to believe the MRIs and DNA tests could be faked?
>3D models that are clearly not scans of a man made Frankenstein bone puppet
How can you tell they're clearly not scans of a man-made puppet? The arms are literally identical to (child) human femurs, some of them are asymmetrical (meaning they're put in upside down) or sawed off with no correct joint that would allow movement. The fingers bones are mismatched and they're also identical to human bones. The skull is a sawed off llama skull, specifically the back of a llama skull makes up the "face" of these puppets. These things have human and animal bones, and if that isn't be enough to debunk this then the fact that some people believe aliens from a completely different planet would look like tiny humanoid creatures with human bones is ridiculous.
Also what serious doctor/scientist would allow parading these around in big coffin-like boxes with a big sign saying "NOT HUMAN" in big red letters and crosses?

No. 1698166

ayrt, my sides nona. yes, it's ridiculous, you explained it nicely. my argument is basically that it's so stupid it must be real kek

No. 1698190

Well, I was jabbed up as a child, and then I developed autism. I mean, jabbing a child full of multiple doses of formaldehyde and heavy metals sure sounds great. Anyone who takes a vaccine for the common cold (coronavirus) is an idiot. But honestly, I think it's improving the job market, so they can take their boosters.
Memes aside it was the heavy handed propaganda that really tipped me off that there was something wrong about it. People had covid and recovered before the vaccine was out… but they were still treated as lepers and strongarmed to take the vax anyway. That isn't how a vaccine works. I guess everyone else forgot gradeschool science class but I didn't.
How do you get him to take the cod liver oil? I have to mix it with lemon juice and water because it is so disgusting. I should take it every day but I don't.

No. 1698319

People turning their immune system into a subscription are hilarious. People can die of COVID but you can also die of strep, flu, etc and I don't see people trying to crucify someone over not having a flu shot

No. 1698334

NONNIES THE AI ROBOTS AT THE NFL GAME OVER THE WEEKEND!!! They literally look like people done up as robots…but no they are actual robots. And here's what freaks me out the most…people just shrug it off like "Oh haha movie promotion". If you see how realistic these robots are, how in the fuck would a random science fiction movie have the money to commission these robots for use in a promotional event. These are extremely advanced looking robots that had to have cost millions per robot and there were at least a dozen at the event (i think more) Something is majorly up with this.

No. 1698354

post pics? I haven't seen this (I'm not into sports lol)

No. 1698375

Because they felt peer pressured into it. The same ones who will shame you for not wearing a mask, they think they're above others, in reality they just feel it's unfair people don't mindlessly follow directions. "Simple, just wear the mask, it's not hard" They'd say. If you told them they specifically don't have to wear their mask, repeatedly, I question how the reaction would go.

No. 1698411

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I hesitated to because at first glance they either seem like humans dressed at robots or dolls. Please google it to see them in motion. The other part that scares me is you could argue a robotics company merely rented them out to this movie. But the weird ear pieces the robots have on match the robots in the movie promos . Simply not possible given how expensive robots are to produce. So as someone who believes the US government and others' technology is at least 50 years ahead of what they admit…. this whole situation worries me big time. A movie would never custom make dozens of advanced robots just for a movie promotion.

No. 1698414

Similar to calling people the gender they demand to be, it's a lazy way to pretend youre better than everyone else. I notice a lot of narcs take this up, obsess over an easy and PC thing to do then insist they're better than everyone else because of it as if the people not wearing masks, getting shots, etc are doing it out of just pure laziness and not a personal choice. They actually believe claiming someone is just too lazy is the real reason why someone doesn't want to wear a mask

The people still screeching about how "we're in the middle of a pandemic!" when majority of hospitals don't even have mask restrictions anymore is funny

No. 1698427

It’s literally people in makeup poorly acting as robots. You can see by the way they purposefully stumble around, real animatronics or robots wouldn’t be able to walk without using precise and stiff movements because of how janky robotics are without a working hydraulic system.

No. 1698444

Look I get what you're saying, I'd believe that too but apparently they are real robots. I didn't believe that until I read it.

No. 1698445

also hydraulics lmao we are way beyond that. Like decades.

No. 1698449

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No. 1698472

I dont like this. You know those robots were recording audio and video of everyone in the crowd to sell off the data collected in order to offset the cost of putting them there in the 1st place. Fuck i dont like this at all

No. 1698499

Ayylmao Algae


>"The abundance of methane and carbon dioxide, and shortage of ammonia, support the hypothesis that there may be a water ocean underneath a hydrogen-rich atmosphere in K2-18 b. These initial Webb observations also provided a possible detection of a molecule called dimethyl sulfide (DMS). On Earth, this is only produced by life. The bulk of the DMS in Earth’s atmosphere is emitted from phytoplankton in marine environments."

No. 1698689

whats the source for that?
the "robots" literally look like people in SFX makeup, you can see the silicone ripping away from their skin when they turn their heads.

No. 1698693

That's what I thought too, the way they walk is also way too fluid.
I noticed that the robots in the movie trailer have kind of a hole in the back of their heads exposing their metal parts, but the ones at the event don't, as if they couldn't do that because these are people in a costume.

No. 1698727

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Do an internet search for 'ai robots at chargers game'. I didnt believe it either, but the sources are so numerous either this is a mass disinformation campaign, or its real. Both options are really creepy imo. https://www.google.co.uk/search?sca_esv=565636678&q=ai+robots+at+football+game&tbm=nws&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiG0_aby6yBAxX1lGoFHVewDRoQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=339&bih=528&dpr=3.19

No. 1698849

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What the fuck.

No. 1698851

These people are retarded and have no concept of history or geopolitics. Russia has a larger and more modern nuclear arsenal than the US and Europe combined. The have enough nuclear warheads to hit every European capitol and every major city in the US. They also have hypersonic missiles that can evade US and European air defenses.

No. 1698894

What makes you think I didn't do a simple Google research? Yeah every clickbait article says real ai robots were totally there at this sports event, but this is a stunt to get people to look at the movie and these look way too much like real people acting in costumes.

No. 1698920

I get him to take it by feeding him dinner, giving him a quick spoonful of oil after his last bite of food and immediately having an orange slice ready to go because that’s his favorite food. When I take it I drink a mouthful of water, drop the oil into my mouth and swallow (holding my breath) I’ve been giving it to him since he was about 6 months so he’s pretty used to the routine. I also eat the rest of the orange after taking mine and it really helps eliminate any residual flavor. I use fermented cod liver oil, which has multiple arguments for and against the use of. This documentary goes into that if anyone is curious https://youtu.be/SVClJ-4wGdY?si=v6pThdyIW5eiMdRM . I try to include a lot of fermented foods in our diet because we’ve had to take antibiotics in the last year. It really smells worse than it tastes

No. 1698939

Why are they always making fuck eyes at the camera? AGP smirk is too real

No. 1698960

Any other small town burgerfag anons experiencing moldy food at the grocery store? It's starting to make me tinfoil. I've never a single time in my adult life bought non-expired food at the store that was moldy when I open it, except stuff like one or two strawberries or grapes in the center of the container. The past few months, across multiple chain grocery stores, I've bought non-expired good that looked normal from the outside but then I opened it and it was moldy on the inside. Hummus, vegetables, even caviar. After the first two times it happened I was looking at expiration dates and closely examining all containers, and it's still happening. Feels like us rural poorfags are being pushed. Time to only grocery shop at the local flea market I guess

No. 1698967

nonna I was gonna post something similar but didn't want to derail or something. They really look so smug when they are in this positions. Hate TIMs.

No. 1698969

Had some strawberries and a pack of tomatoes that were like that the other day but other than that not recently. When I lived in middle of nowhere. We would have hostess cupcakes at the only grocery store that would sit so long they would mold over a decade ago. My guess staffing issues with the truckers and goods not being taken on time.

No. 1699009

I'm not smalltown (big city) and my friend and I have noticed grocery store items are closer to expiry date recently. I've purchased actually expired stuff as well, but it was canned so it was still just fine regardless of the printed date.

Meanwhile ruralites immediately jump to a persecution complex when anything happens. Please stop being cringe.

No. 1699019

I really wasnt trying to sound patronizing- my bad. I just meant to point out that the sources seem abundant.

No. 1699021

Yes actually and I am not even small town. Its a lot better right now but for about 2 or 3 months the food would be moldy or bad in some way. I buy 2 gallons of milk at a time and for about a month each one was poorly sealed so I could squeeze milk and air out of the lid before actually opening it. I had to get into the habit on squeezing the milk before buying because I brought home 4 gallons over a couple weeks that werent sealed and I wasnt gonna keep doing that kek so at the store I had to fish through the gallons to find ones that were properly sealed. It was weird and it seems to have stopped now? Same with weird moldy foods. Glad it was a phase for me but sorry youre dealing with it now. I wonder if they are cycling the areas that get sub par foods because there isnt enough quality food to go around….hmm….

No. 1699153

it's been like this in bongland cities for like two years now kek

No. 1699174

And American public schools. I remember throwing up anytime id eat fruit from school because of how unripe they were, I can't imagine the damage it did to zoomers Digestive systems

No. 1699652

yes, it’s been hard to buy fresh produce for a while now because it’s moldy the next day, and not only that but I opened a bag of cheese the other day to discover it was moldy as well. very annoying. I’m more careful to inspect items before purchasing these days.

No. 1699768

We can have a discussion without you jumping right to saying I'm cringe and have a persecution complex. I live in a food desert, the moldy food from a walmart is literally my only option unless I want to eat McDonald's or drive an hour to another county. I was hoping it was just a rural issue, because it's actually much scarier to know that it's happening even in big cities and outside of food deserts.
I wonder if theyre fudging expiration dates. I mean expiration dates are already basically guesses, but it used to be if I didn't finish a gallon of milk by the expiration date it was fine for another day or two, and now I've noticed a weird smell like 4 days before expiration. I've had to dump non-expired milk multiple times cause it's already smelling weird

No. 1699815

walmart has an entire section of fresh produce now. they've changed a lot since the 90s. a cabbage isn't suddenly a McCornSyrup just becuase it was sold in a walmart.

Isn't the point of living rural that you grow your own food? Otherwise you're just glamping in a trailer park. If I had even an acre of land I'd be Sally Farmer on that bitch. But when I go hiking out in fatistan flyover country everyone is obese and snarfing fast food and boxed mac n cheez, no one is gardening. Why are you living rural if you don't do the one beneficial activity of living rural? I really dont understand why ruralites fill their yard with junker cars and old couches they leave to rot and then complain they can't buy fresh vegetables and have no choice but to eat poptarts.

Besides which, all pastueurized milk smells weird. raw milk doesn't have any smell at all.

No. 1700054

Anon Americans have been eating boxed meals since the 50s yet suddenly now that's what making Americans fat out of their control, do you seriously think everyone just ate nothing but fresh fruit and veggies until now us fat Americans are exclusively eating boxed food and coke?

Idk what anons like you are getting out of denying the fact there IS something wrong with our food. Just because someone doesn't have the time/need/energy to make every little thing out of scratch when most rural folk are forced to work multiple jobs to get by doesn't mean they deserved to have their endocrine system fucked with

No. 1700063

Pretty sure there's a glowie who keeps baiting anons when we try to point out how unhealthy/tainted food has become. They typically like jumping through hoops to blame everything on the average person instead of holding companies accountable for hormone disruptors/corn syrups/seed oils/etc

No. 1700069

If you're social enough to know someone on a basis to see what they eat regularly you'd see for a lot of people it is other factors outside of food tbh

No. 1700169

Is it crystal.cafe?

No. 1700505

File: 1694977069913.webm (2.18 MB, 320x320, _zFmBrRqO1FvZjmV.webm)

Pretty much, I still support Ukraine in this war, but but it's undeniable that most of the propaganda being made and pushed is specifically meant to manipulate western liberals and conservatives into believing that Ukraine shares the exact same values as well. For example, these random, unknown "Ukrainian witches" that no one has ever heard of were posted in mainstream news sources, specifically to meme spiritualist to agree with this war

No. 1700564

I sadly do not really believe in conspiracy theories anymore but wish I did because those times were so fucking fun.
My main issue is that global conspiracies need smart people to work and if I have learned one thing during the last decades it's that humanity is inherently stupid, that secrets never last and groups projects never work because everybody considers everybody else a rival, because some will always get pissed, leave or cause infighting and others will spill the beans quickly, out of frustration.
Besides that even in 2023 AD the vast majority of humanity is still too stupid or lazy to learn how to properly work with PCs so I doubt that a secret elite or something could handle super technology.

If something superior to humans existed though, be that aliens or Satan himself, I would be sure that the existence of social media was a gigantic project with the hidden goal of turning humans into complete idiots controlled by algorithms and mundane obsessions over fake internet fame and consumerism. Regardless of whether such a higher plan exist or not the results will probably be the same and I wouldn't wonder if humans were genuinely incapable of being human, befriending others or even enjoying stories in a few decades since they are obsessed with short messages, short videos, opinions of nobodies and imaginary attention instead.

No. 1700610

It truly depends on the area of land you live in and how many acres you have. Cabbage and lettuce isn't going to fuel you like other fruits and veggies can. And having the room for animals to raise and kill for meat as well. Also the labor needed to put into gardening and the knowledge you gain from it, it's going to take about 2 hours a day, more than tidying up the house in a week, and especially after a long day of work, where some people in rural areas might be driving 1 hour to work, on top of taking care of their kids. I'm not trying to excuse this, but the way this corporate led society functions makes farming/homesteading nearly impossible to incorporate into your life for what it demands. Making a huge shift to focuse entirely on that will definitely lower the BMI rate of many Americans. We'll see if corporations would make attempts to try to appeal to the families who do want to make that change.

No. 1700785

This is the most ignorant post I've read today
>Isn't the point of living rural that you grow your own food?
What? Have you ever lived in a rural area? Most people aren't living on rich multi acre farms, it's usually very small properties or trailers
>Otherwise you're just glamping in a trailer park.
Ah yes everyone knows we all decide to live in a trailer park for "glamorous camping", we're all secretly rich. You caught us!

No. 1700966

anon people have come out about conspiracies before, just look how many girls came out who were on epsteins island. most people just dont believe them and not to mention the whisleblower suicides

No. 1700973

Whatever you do, don’t google crystal cafe lolcow hate thread #6…

No. 1700978

We don't care about you.

No. 1700981

If you wanna be on a website for women that’s managed by men then that’s your prerogative, but some of us actually used this website because we thought it was female friendly.

No. 1700982

The mods wouldn’t have gone on a massive banning spree and deleted the most random of posts if they didn’t have something to hide. If the admin was a woman, this would be an egregious overreaction.

No. 1700986

You guys, it's Blaine. It's always been Blaine. Blaine comes and spergs that all of the time. If we didn't delete those posts, the whole site would be unreadable. If the admin is a male that wouldn't surprise me at all because there's obviously male jannies, but the sperg came from Blaine claiming he himself is admin constantly when he definitely is not. Also if you're the ones that put schizophrenic nonsense in one of the threads, that's embarassing.

No. 1700990

But why should it be ok to have male administration or male jannies on a site that’s supposed to be a comfortable space online for women…and why is it that every time female anons actually apply to be a farmhand, nobody ever gets a response?

No. 1700991

What are you talking about? Where is the proof that it's ran solely by males outside of Blainesperg? It's ironic how you yourselves are ruining the board by spamming an entire thread with schizobabble to the point that you yourself look like autistic males

No. 1700994

>why is it that every time female anons actually apply to be a farmhand, nobody ever gets a response?
I don't know why anons insist that this is true just because a few anons got rejected. One of my friends decided she didn't want to do it because of how insane schizos are towards staff and there's more moderation than there was under shaymin. Last time I checked there was only one female ib that admitted to having a male in their staff and it wasn't lc or cc.

No. 1701014

It's a dying board that generates very little interest and the slow posting/ lack of constant moderation attracts disgusting loser lowlifes like B**ne and random men who think spamming gore and cp oWnS tEh wOmMiNz. We don't allow kpop posting and sperging or having an edgefag disposition is discouraged, so said infuriated mental patients come here to be cunts because they're lonely and mad about it. I wouldn't want to moderate it either. The site hasn't been repaired despite having numerous new issues after a few months ago–the catalog is fucked up, you can't post a lot of photos without a failure to resize error–so there really is no incentive to continue posting.

No. 1701223

Ok but all of this put aside: why wouldn’t an admin just face reveal?

No. 1701225

if admin is 100% a true and honest woman- why would she post her face, that could be traced back somewhere, that will be saved by terminally online scrotes, troons, and other gross people, photoshopped onto porn, gore, etc. getting her family and house doxed- like what is the reason? just to prove to some users something?

No. 1701228

Ah yeah truly a mysterious mystery

No. 1701230

What are some ingredients to look out for in food that messes with your hormones and body and stuff? I want the least processed foods that won't give me cancer and shit

No. 1701245

>It's a dying board that generates very little interest and the slow posting/ lack of constant moderation attracts disgusting loser lowlifes like B**ne and random men who think spamming gore and cp oWnS tEh wOmMiNz
None of these issues are unique to lc. Even halfchan isn't as active as it was at its peak.
You must be new or genuinely stupid. Why don't you go tell every single person in public and prospective employers that you're affiliated with the evil terves?

No. 1701295

This is a really broad question, so I can really only give you a broad answer. The more processed a food is, the more you should stay away from it. Sugar is bad for you in general, but high fructose corn syrup is the devil. Artificial added vitamins and minerals are often less bio available than naturally occurring ones.

No. 1701319

Stay away from any processed food that has artificial flavors, colors and additives. I'm a eurofag and here they're often written on the back of the product as codes such as e120, e150d, e409, e471. Avoid aspartame as well, be aware because it can be present in multivitamin supplements as sweetener.

No. 1701345

No. 1701381

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Why the fuck are girls clothes so revealing compared to boys clothes? I vividly remember growing up as gen z, I'd get clothes, it was already a little difficult finding clothing that covered me properly as a CSA victim, but it would be even more massively uncomfortable because almost everything was extremely see through. It made me feel disgusting and uncomfortable. Now girls clothes are even more revealing and made with crap quality fabric where as boys clothes are focused on comfort and protection, and before anyone pulls the "it's because it's cheaper" thing, boys clothes are literally loads cheaper and aren't see through or anything. Certainty after the Epstein thing and so many major company CEOs and such were found out to be pedophiles it's correct to question this?

No. 1701394

No you are correct to question it. Lots of parents have spoken about this, and I prefer to dress my toddler daughters in unisex/“boy” clothes a lot of the time because of it. Yea there are cute dresses and stuff but I am so paranoid about creeps taking pics of them when we’re out I just can’t bear it. Just recently in my area a man who was later identified as a known pedo was caught taking photos of two girls with their dad in a grocery parking lot, the dad chased him down but lost him and got the plates, cops were able to find it was not the car the plates were for and on and on. Long story short, there is a conspiracy to dress little girls revealingly, and also pedos are bold as fuck. That guy at the grocery store could easily have been watching those girls for who knows how long or even trying to get the dad’s plates to later find their home and do something. I hate this world.

No. 1701405

I hate this too. I also hate that so much of the conversation gets obfuscated by normies who who stupidly ree that "the problem is the pedos looking at girls sexually! if you think the clothes are sexy then you're a pedo!!!" instead of daring to ask why the hell clothes made for girls are even like this when clothes for boys are normal and non-pedo-y. So many feminist conversations in general are ruined by a lack of courage to directly compare the state of women/girls to men/boy counterpart examples. Similarly to a post I once saw about how it would seem insanely pedophilic to teach a tween boy to shave his legs, if you were to put a boy in a lot of the clothes widely available and marketed to girls, it would not merely be odd because of crossdressing - it would feel distinctly pedophilic. Wasn't the guy who pitched the idea of Pink, VS's younger brand, a straight up pedo? Whenever I walk past the VS stores in the mall I feel like I always see girls in there who look like they're ~14, it's disturbing

No. 1701411

Working at a grocery store I notice this so much, it sickens me. Especially since people around here can be trad. Son is wearing dark clothing, practical; t-shirt and shorts. Girl is wearing a dress that looks like a costume, almost like the one in your pic. Girl's shorts are also shorter in general and don't even cover knees, which you think would be covered given how many kids fall and get scrapes. Lots of dresses for girls but sweats for boys. No sleeves, open backs, tutu style skirts, all for like 5-10 year olds. You'd think parents would care to dress their toddlers in appropriate clothes but given that parents rather their children stare at an ipad, why would they care about what clothes protects their daughter from the elements? Nah, get her the purple tutu'd disney princess costume-looking dress for the grocery store, that's appropriate.

No. 1701417

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I'd like to remind everybody that during the time when women were being given the right to vote, marketing executive Edward Bernays (nephew of Sigmund Freud) successfully helped to associate smoking cigarettes as feminist act and helpe encouraged many women to take up smoking. He was also involved in propaganda for the United Fruit Company in the 1950s, which was connected with the CIA-orchestrated overthrow
So this isn't just cause of circumstance, this was 100% pushed conditioning by companies with nefarious aims.

No. 1701428

Dunno but nobody forces you to wear a skirt, you can wear a oversized hoodie and nobody will bat an eye.

No. 1701431

I think she's talking about children's clothes nona

No. 1701460

Reading comprehension, please

No. 1701465

The "you're the pedo" defense is tiring and overused. I remember the reddit sex positive family things where parents would straight up admit to grooming and molesting their children, if you called it out like saying it was creepy to write long paragraphs about how beautiful your daughter was when giving her a nude massage you were immediately hit with "you're the pedo! This isn't a sexual situation!". It's unbelievable what pedos will try to pull that card with

No. 1701480

Yeah but those aren't interesting conspiracies. AFAIK epstein was just some random celebrity that raped kids or something. This isn't what I mean when I talk about conspiracies.

No. 1701483

Literally one of the reasons for why I never wore female fashion. I also hate seeing skin not just mine but with others too. 29 now and still buying "teen boy clothes". Humans aren't born with clothes anyway, so there is no gendered fashion, it's a purely social construct because society wants to force women revealing shit to sexualize or something. "Boy's" fashion is actually just casual fashion.

No. 1701491

Anon these literally started from conspiracies though. Years before everything was revealed if you talked about pedo Hollywood elites you'd immediately get labeled a crazy conspiracy theorist.

No. 1701496

I find this so disgusting OMG. I am often glad that I was always an autistic asshole because now that you say this for the first time ever I remember some episode in which the mother of a friend of mine bought the two of us some shitty bikinilike dress when we were fucking 4. It wasn't for the beach, she expected me to walk around in this crap. It was literally only a bit of cloth covering the breast area and some veeery short tutu-like mini-skirt, the rest was all naked.
Based toddler me screamed and cried and I threw it away because I hated revealing stuff (I didn't even wear t-shirts) and I remember how angry she was and how she told my parents what a shitty brat I am.
Back then it was just ugly and disgusting to me but now it's even worse because it was so inherently sexualized wtf. And WHO the fuck even wants to see half-naked four year olds in the city?

I always hated that mother btw. she was always a bitch IMO and she forced her daughter to become a cheerleader and model and join 5 dance clubs and later that very daughter became a compulsive liar and thief, burned trash bins and the likes. Well, not really surprising.

No. 1701500

Yes I know. But I don't care about hollywood, my point is that conspiracies theories are only fun when it's cool shit that makes life more interesting, like aliens or some shit.

No. 1701503

I like wearing feminine clothes but finding good quality clothing that covers well is impossible for women. Like I'd rather not dress like A from PLL just to find something somewhat comfy. Not to mention how unflattering things are on bodies now especially if you're curvy

No. 1701510

EVERYTHING is cropped. T-shirts, tank-tops, puffer jackets, sweaters, zip-up jackets, button-jackets, long-sleeve or short-sleeve it doesn't matter, it is designed to not cover your belly-button. The longest shirts aren't even designed to reach the belt line. "Men's" shirts all the way.

No. 1701521

Not that anon but what also makes it shit is that pants never have pockets. Or at least non that you could use. It's why only buy guys' pants or unisex because there are few things that I hate more than carrying a backpack with me just to carry my wallet unless I want to carry it in my hand lol
I don't know why shit like that exists. Maybe they assume women were all like boomer grandmas and wouldn't leave the apartment without a handbag but I fucking hate handbags, I need things that are practical and comfy and I am comfy when I am free of any bags because I can put my wallet and phone into pockets.

No. 1701523

Yeah they don't have pockets or the pockets are really shallow and can't even fit a quarter. I don't get it. I don't know if the same applies to girl's pants. I remember being a young girl and my pants had pockets. The older I got the less pockets.

No. 1701729

This is true for adults too. I only wear plain white underwear and tops under my clothes, and I use those during the summer when I sleep because they're simple and comfortable. I live with male family members and me going around in those was never really a problem because they used to cover me well. Lately though I see that even the plain white things are see-through and I can't wear them comfortably anymore because it's like I'm fucking naked. Male underwear on the other hand isn't see-through at all and of course it's not as revealing.
Last year my mother gave me an old jacket that my brother wore when young and it's just so comfortable and useful, it has pockets everywhere, it's big and warm unlike the flimsy looking jackets for women which are unecessarily tight at the waist.

No. 1701748

It's so frustrating because the thicker fabric is way more comfy. I don't like having see through undies, I like them plush. Honestly they're probably see through to avoid underwear lining over the thin ass pants made for women as well. They all work in conjunction with each other.

No. 1701902

>this little pill improves my quality of life every single day!
>periods can be safely skipped
>periods were created by men and the Catholic Church to punish us!
holy glowie. could you shill any harder for Big Pharma or are you actually this brainwashed and retarded?

No. 1701905

Birth control is used as a bandaid for things like PCOS or Endo (both easily treatable btw) rather than actually treating the woman for said issue so that way doctors can sell her fertility treatments later on. The amount of women I knew with those issues who didn't know what a laparoscopy was is just bizarre, especially since that should be first of line to treat said issue

No. 1702216

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https://patents.google.com/patent/US6506148B2/en anyone know anything about this or the inventor? came across it accidentally and its making me schizo again lmao. wanted to see if anons here had any insight.

No. 1702726

>many feminist conversations in general are ruined by a lack of courage to directly compare the state of women/girls to men/boy counterpart examples
I noticed this, like we're not even allowed to discuss feminism basics anymore? I guess feminism only seems to matter anymore when it comes to hoeing and troons, even the wage gap was laughed out of existence as if anyone living in America doesn't know damn well by now how many employers lie like crazy

No. 1702741

"Periods can be safely skipped" is a factual statement, and I am a proud anti-vaxxer. Periods cause needless suffering. Why do you have women?

No. 1702831

Skipping periods for a long time isn't healthy, and birth control has too many bad side effects so it's not exactly safe. Also an anti-vaxxer.

No. 1702898

gangstalking tech. welcome to the real world nonita.

No. 1702906

In honesty, all the far-fetched schizo tech is plausible. They already have been exploring this with radio beacon ads-your phone is constantly emitting and receiving silent signals from everything around it, especially in stores. That is why you get certain ads after entering the grocery store despite say, paying with cash and not mentioning a product out loud. Displays give off sound beacons. We do respond to radio-frequency, and in this case google would be using it for 'subliminal' ads.

No. 1702920

It's safe if you never plan on having children. I can't imagine purposely building up uterine lining and thinking it's safe. I remember after I had a baby I skipped periods for a little over a year and my first one back was brutal and I was passing fist sized clots

No. 1702931

BC girls stay coping. bet you've been skipping periods since you were 14 when you're doctor made you get on it for "acne". So healthy and totally normal and not strange at all at how BC is pushed so heavily on teenage girls for! No one is buying that anymore. lmao. BC causes severe mental and physical illness. No wonder people are so retarded. the moids got porn induced mental illness and the women got BC induced retardation. Keep shilling for big Pharma and convince yourself that you're BC is totes healthy!! Ever heard of a condom? it's literally so simple.(bait)

No. 1702934

it's not healthy but skipping periods is god-tier
and condoms can break. i don't have sex with moids but if i did, i'd use multiple contraception methods together, like BC and condoms and spermicides, condoms and BC and pulling out, etc.

No. 1702940

>condoms can break
lol rarely and if it did then actions meet consequences.
>skipping periods is god tier
so intentionally messing with your natural hormones is god tier?

No. 1702941

birth control is a conspiracy, for sure.

No. 1702943

>if it did then actions meet consequences.
anti-choice tard spotted. not everyone wants to breed
>so intentionally messing with your natural hormones is god tier?
it's unavoidable unless you live in the woods anprim style. and imo the many side effects of BC are completely worth skipping periods and avoiding parasitic invasions.
again, i don't have sex with males but i'll defend other women's rights to it, since it's unavoidable (no hope for total heteros). and there's the factor of rape, a rapist would obviously not use a condom or any other contraception so if you're not on BC, you can get "that" from rape, it's either BC previously or an abortion after.

No. 1702954

>pro choice tard
sooo are you unaware of the risk of having sex or do you not understand that pregnancy is a likely result of such an action?. Sounds like the BC girls trying to take every other woman down with them. Newsflash but I'm not taking a mental illness pill for a hypothetical situation. kek. I'm 26 and been using ONLY condoms for 8 years and nothing has ever happened. Why take all these Pharma pills when condoms exist? it's literally so simple, inexpensive and so low risk. I'm starting to think that majority of the population is too lazy to ask their stupid moid to put a condom on, straight up dirty or too low IQ to understand how a condom works.

No. 1702955

Why isn't skipping periods healthy? Why is it "healthy" to let your body build up perfectly good nutrients into your uterus only to blort them out as a waste product? Periods are evolutionary retardation and I curse God for this bullshit.
lol moid
i don't even have sex, I just don't want to have periods anymore. how is a condom going to keep me from wasting 1/4 of my life menstruating?

BC doesn't cause me any side effects at all. maybe you're just an unhealthy sack. I'm going to continue taking birth control and there is not one fucking thing you can do about it, dumbshit.

No. 1702958

I'm convinced BC barely does anything to stop conception, especially the IUD. Almost all of my mom friends including myself got pregnant on it

No. 1702965

It's 99% effective when used correctly. That means actually taking it every day. BC pills are the single greatest invention of all time and they can pry my pills from my cold dead hands when I'm out of bullets. I'm just not having periods anymore is all, hahaha, i'm just not gonna menstruate! Women being in charge of their own bodies makes scrotes seethe.

No. 1702966

everyone knows that it's the possible result and they're trying their very best to avoid it with contraception, BC, etc
>I'm 26 and been using ONLY condoms for 8 years and nothing has ever happened.
anecdotal. i could bring up many cases of condoms breaking from forums or whatever, same thing.
and you straight up ignored the rape point, congrats, tradwife
was it the hormonal IUD or the copper one? i've heard of that… combining contraception methods is again the best possible way to avoid breeding

No. 1702967

Do you all go to the same gyno? Maybe you were all sabotaged.

No. 1702969

I feel like a lot of young girls are not fully told the long term effects of birth control especially ones that include skipping your period (progesterone only BC), personally it doesn't sit right with me and periods are a good way to detox your body. BC is used as a band aid by lazy doctors who don't want to bother helping and diagnosing women, if your periods make you want to kys, it hurts to move and everything else you need more help than getting a tranny tier dose of hormones, if your doc throws you on BC and doesn't even bother doing further testing you need a new doctor

No. 1702970

Same city but I doubt the same gyno, I heard this happening very often with other folks as well

No. 1702973

I feel like they're not being completely honest about the effectiveness of BC, which makes sense considering the gynecology field has been known for duping women constantly

No. 1702975

You should ask your friends who their doctors were and see if the doctors are the same or connected, that’s suspicious as hell.

No. 1702978

>anons getting mad and screaming moid that there's popular conspiracies in the conspiracy thread
I can't with y'all. This is the one place for discussing suspicions among the public. Go to the BC thread if you wanna write love letters to your birth control pills

No. 1702980

>actions meet consequences
only applies to moids who impregnate a woman. enforcing "consequences" ie pregnancy on women for having sex, especially when they use condoms, is moid-tier and retarded.
same. every time someone in my social circle got pregnant they were on some kind of hormonal contraception (pill or iud). i personally think hormonal bc does more harm than good and i hate how it's pushed on teenagers, but i'm glad it's an available option for women who want it

No. 1702983

They are definitely not being honest on the effectiveness of certain birth controls

No. 1702984

>periods are a good way to detox your body
Everyone laugh at this poster

No. 1702986

makes you wonder why they shill it so hard if the effectiveness is lower than they say. why do they really shove it down girls and women throats?

No. 1702989

You're insane. People have to fight like hell to get a script for BC. And it's effective when used correctly. Just like fatties secretly snack all day, women who say BC didn't work for them just forget to take the pills regularly. People are fucking dumb. Like anti-choicers.

No. 1702993

they're definitely not. the pill's 97% contraception rate comes from perfect use (exact same time every day, never skipping days, etc.), whereas the actual success rate for most people is closer to 85%. but most doctors lead with that 97% number even though it's not very accurate.
went to go check the numbers and planned parenthood changed the rates from 97/85% from when I checked a few years back to 99/93%. suspicious. i also think doctors need to be more direct about how antibiotics reduce bc efficacy, but none of mine ever did when they tried to get me on the pill.

No. 1702994

TEVA owns almost all forms of hormonal birth control so they conveniently fund studies about how effective it is (aka they only studied it for less than a year when most women weren't likely to get pregnant anyway), they fund studies claiming it helps with PCOS or Endo which they only word around to help the period related effects but never effects of those issues anywhere else, claiming it helps with skin, and heart and everything else. It sucks that almost no other companies or anything else test birth control hypothesis's

No. 1702998

The 97% number is accurate for non-idiots. How hard is it to set a phone alarm?

No. 1703001

>People have to fight like hell to get a script for BC
How stupid do you think we are? They literally deliver it to your door with no medical history or in person visits, clinics hand it out like candy. I even got it years ago when I was still in HS. Literally moments after I told my doctor my periods sucked he pulls out the most basic ass birth control pills no questions asked. This is in literally one of the most conservative, anti abortion states too.

No. 1703003

>enforcing "consequences" ie pregnancy on women for having sex, especially when they use condoms, is moid-tier and retarded
But that's the reality. The consequence of heterosexual sex is pregnancy. That's how the world works.
The choices are
-have sex without contraception and risk becoming pregnant
-have sex with a condom and risk improper use or breakage
-use hormonal birth control and deal with the side effects
-have a surgical procedure that results in permanent infertility
-don't have sex
It is what it is and it's currently beyond human capability to change it.

No. 1703005

You sound like a moid
>Just take it and set an alarm not that hard!!
Yeah if you sit at home all day, don't have a chaotic schedule (which is like no young American women)

No. 1703006

Not my experience, I fought like hell to get it

No. 1703009

lmao you can't take a pill every day at the same time and you're insulting other people?

No. 1703010

How old are you and where do you live? I highly doubt that considering there's multiple delivery services where you can have it on your porch the next day with no doctor visit or insurance or medical history

No. 1703012

The smartest doctors I know are even able to acknowledge that most people live too chaotic of lives to take it on time every day without calling everyone stupid, why are you so up and arms about it?

No. 1703013

>don't have sex
and don't go outside ever either. rape still exists.

No. 1703014

There are now, but that wasn't always the case. The delivery features only became normalized after the covid lockdowns shuttered medical offices. And I just had the case where I couldn't renew with my online service because they no longer had a doctor on staff for my state, so I had to jump to a different provider. There are insane hurdles to get BC. And in other countries, birth control is over the counter. america is a uniquely retarded shithole that makes it almost impossible to survive as a woman. you're defending a third world country's misogynistic policies. there is no reason to require a script for BC except to harass women and ruin their lives.
you can't even a phone alarm
It works for the rest of us who are capable of being smarter than a gorilla, stop knocking it

No. 1703015

Rape isn't a choice.

No. 1703017

>There are insane hurdles to get BC
If this was the case those delivery services wouldn't exist and there would be a lot less women who are thrown on BC. I have no idea what you're talking about

No. 1703019

So feminist, claiming women are too retarded and it's as easy as "setting an alarm" as if most American women arent juggling being in school, jobs, and typically not at home often and can't always bring their BC everywhere. I guess we should start lynching women who dare leave small items places too since they're too stupid to exist.

No. 1703020

why are you repeating "thrown on" like they have no agency and didn't choose to take it? they're taking it because they want to take it

No. 1703021

yet it is what it is, and it's either taking BC to not get impregnated from rape or having an abortion later
>there is no reason to require a script for BC
this, in my retarded second world country you do have to get a script, after being thoroughly tested for whatever you might have (and they'll probably try to brainwash you into breeding). never been through that myself though.

No. 1703024

so many girls get put on BC for any situation, acne, pcos, etc. and the worse part is so many arent told about other options either so you claiming "they just want to" is smoke and mirrors, they "want too" because doctors cant be bothered spending a few extra seconds giving other options than hormones, see >>1701905

No. 1703025

They literally choose to take it. You're insane. If you don't like it, you don't have to take it.

No. 1703026

did you just ignore everything I said…?

No. 1703028

By making a voluntary choice to have sex with a moid, a woman is also making a voluntary choice to face the consequences. Pregnancy is one of those consequences but there's also STDs, the sex probably won't be enjoyable and the moid may become forceful or violent. Rape is not a voluntary choice where the woman has the option of avoiding those consequences.

No. 1703029

It's obvious none of these "just set an alarm" anons have recently worked in food service or any customer-facing job with an inconsistent schedule. Just try taking a pill when you're behind the counter because your coworkers are too swamped to cover you going to the back room for two minutes, customer complaints will surge.

No. 1703030

>a woman is also making a voluntary choice to face the consequences
and trying her best to avoid the chance of impregnation is the best thing she can do in that situation, why do you want to restrict that?

No. 1703031

pretty much, a lot of anons here are privileged. even then trying to gather everything for work can be a pain especially if you live with other people and your home can be disorganized, when my first baby was born she was a preemie and going to the hospital ER like every other day and I could be struggling there all night and not bring BC but I guess I was just a stupid fucking moron too stupid to live when I missed a day or so

No. 1703032

only barrier methods (condoms, dental dams, etc.) prevent the spread of stds and women who have access to abortion are also able to choose that to end their pregnancies. why do you seem so enthusiastic for pregnancy to be a "consequence" for sexually active women anyway?

No. 1703033

>have issue
>doctor tells you to take BC, claim it's your best option while not even explaining other options
>anon even pointed out that a lot of women with uterus issues don't even know basic diagnosing methods because of how often docs tell them to just take BC and don't ask questions
>ummmm all women WANT to take it, no exceptions
you can't be serious, if doctors presented various medications or procedures for issues before BC I'd bet my entire bank account only a proportion of them would want to continue taking hormonal birth control

No. 1703039

I don’t understand, you can’t take it in the morning when you wake up? Before bed? On break? After work? It takes less than ten seconds.

No. 1703041

again, these things always change if you have kids, work in healthcare or food service, etc, breaks, "before work""going to bed""wake up time" literally changes daily. You can literally work til 3 am, go to work at 5 am, then be running around all day and be pressured to skip your break, even if you do get a break it's not going to be the same time every day.

I don't see why it's easier for you to insist women with chaotic schedules are just idiots than to just admit other forms of BC just fit others lifestyles better

No. 1703042

>job with an inconsistent schedule
>coworkers are too swamped to cover you for two minutes
Reading comprehension please. If you've never had to cover a shift during your usual medtime, I'm happy for you.

No. 1703044

IMO anons shouldn't give out advice on what you would do in their situation unless you've actually been in it yourself, which you clearly haven't

No. 1703045

anons have hate boners for working class, similar to the laundry anon incident kek

No. 1703046

Ok but that still doesn’t explain why you can’t just keep it on your nightstand and take it after waking up. Or does waking up at different times throughout the week mean you can’t shower or brush your teeth every day either?

No. 1703047

You do know the pill only works effectively when you take it at the same time every day, right?

No. 1703048


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1703049

Only lolcow would insist the working class is stupid for not waking up at 3 am after being exhausted to take a pill instead of suggesting birth control methods better for busy women kek. Y'all are almost sounding like Republicans with how much hate you have against the poor

No. 1703053

So you're admitting BC only doesn't work for you because you are incapable of taking a pill at the same time every day? Even a cat eats its food at the same time every day.

No. 1703055

housecats also don't have jobs, poo in a box, and have most of their needs tended to by their owners. what's your point?

No. 1703056

No1curr about your low effort bait. We already explained why it's difficult for some. Go back to 4chin

No. 1703058

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>Y'all are almost sounding like Republicans
on LC? pfft, never

No. 1703061

>you're admitting BC only doesn't work for you because you are incapable of taking a pill at the same time every day?
Yes, that's how having an unpredictable schedule works
>Even a cat eats its food at the same time every day.
I don't know what a cat eating at the same time every day has to do with working class people who don't even know if they're going to be allowed to eat at all on their, already unpredictably scheduled shift.

No. 1703065

Nonnas who are clearly privileged can sometimes sound like old white ladies who were born rich giving "advice" to poor people, "let them eat cake" tier crap

No. 1703081

Lmao my doctor pushed it on me. I kept telling him NO! I don’t wanna gain 30 pounds and he was like ok well.. you could get pregnant I was like k need to get laid for that to happen which is not likely dude (I didn’t say that but I thought that)

No. 1703087

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No. 1703088

Get an IUD, nerd.

No. 1703095

I am so sick of retards arguing over BC in the conspiracy thread. Either take it or don't..isnt that the whole point of body autonomy? Make a women's health or birth control thread and fuck off. I can't stand you crunchy bitches and you BC snorting freaks.

No. 1703097

File: 1695265277199.jpg (346.32 KB, 1676x1127, Untitled.jpg)

Was just watching Bear in the Big Blue House with my daughter. It was a show I watched when I was young… But as an adult I quickly spotted this on the fridge. What in the hell.

No. 1703098

i have no fucking idea what that is

No. 1703099

Its Cum and Rub, with U in the middle of the C M and R B….

No. 1703101

i want you on my scramble team schizo nonny

No. 1703108

That's what I've been saying cunt, instead of crying about how stupid women with unpredictable schedules are just suggest a birth control method that fits their schedule more. Anything to infight I guess

No. 1703109

No no anon don't you know you wanted to take it and that we have to jump through hoops on it as if we don't get ignored all the time to be automatically put on birth control

No. 1703115

File: 1695267412701.jpg (34.87 KB, 629x419, 919ba66e-edb3-4294-8b07-271559…)

Notice how "bear" is also a sexualized term for big hairy gay men. There's also a Moon character and mooning means showing your ass. If you were theorizing about a different kid's show I'd think you were full of shit but you might actually be onto something, nonny

No. 1703136

you have to be mighty schizo to immediately associate the word "moon" with sex acts.

No. 1703185

Can't say much about the show but I swear Alice Cooper was on the show and Ozzy (sus) and Luna and Shadow gave me nightmares

No. 1703249

Think you might be right, every person I know irl who had an accidental pregnancy was on the pill… I always been sketched out by it cause of that, wouldn't be surprised if they're lieing about the effectiveness they do that for a shit ton of medications

Why does it have to be muh working class oppresshun just admit it's annoying and difficult to take pills consistently for most people. Literally every medicine I ever got prescribed I always forget days or leave it at home or run out without expecting to. If I took bc id be pregnant next month. Inb4 "set reminders!!" I have come to accept I am just a messy bitch n that's OK there's other methods

No. 1703251

I don't think its a grand pedo conspiracy, rhater for some reason men who work on children's tv shows tend to be degens and have to sneak in their fetishes as best as they can without getting caught

No. 1703253

This. Let women have flaws and imperfect schedules like Jesus fucking Christ.

No. 1703446

No. 1703450

>It's 99% effective when used correctly.
This is no longer accurate. Nowadays, around five percent of women have a gene that basically makes hormonal birth control worthless. It's believed that when when the first tests on birth control were being done, only 1% of women had this gene, but due to widespread use and evolution, now 5% have it.
The good news is that it makes you far less likely to get breast cancer. The bad news is that if you get cancer, you're far less likely to survive because the same pathways that it inactivates birth control, it inactivates chemotherapy.

No. 1703451

how do I know if I had this gene or if my BC was just defective? same anon who got pregnant with an IUD

No. 1703464

Although it can be tested for (the gene is CYP3A7*1C), I only knew of one start up company that tested for it (Adyn) and I don't know if they still exist or if they sell your DNA information.
The gene alters metabolic pathways for drugs, so any birth control that isn't a drug, like condoms or a copper IUD, should work for you even if you have it.

No. 1704255

I mean, they're literally advertising this conflict like some video game. Listen, I'm not a utopian. I understand that sometimes war is necessary, but I don't think it should be glorified and especially not advertised like vidrel.

No. 1704256

You can use nonhormonal iuds.

No. 1704259

File: 1695379128883.png (345.05 KB, 666x922, Screenshot (726).png)

I'm looking for information about the net terminal gene.

No. 1704280

File: 1695384849968.png (28.9 KB, 1722x768, Evil.png)

Probably not that much of a tinfoil but if you'll hear me out - I've been thinking a lot about science and alchemists recently. I am a ecology researcher by occupation and I've been asking myself what the end goal of science is. I thoroughly believe that the end goal of science is the exact same as the end goal of alchemy - the creation of the philosopher's stone. Of course not as a physical concept but as a metaphor. The philosopher's stone is always described as an object that allows the transmutation into gold and allows the creation of an elixir of immortality + a panacea (a cure for all illnesses). The transmutation into gold = creation of infinite wealth = used to pay people to do what you want = influence = unyielding power and control.
I argue that all of science - to varying degrees of separation strives towards unending life and power for the people in power. The closer a field of science is to the end points of immortality and control the more evil it is. When cancer is finally cured, who do you think will receive those treatments? It sure as hell won't be you or me. We really haven't changed since the alchemy days, there's just been a rebranding.

I feel like the more of a scientist I become the more I start to hate it and its hubris. Everything that exists is just treated as something for humans to use towards the philosopher's stone. If a new flower is discovered the only question people ask is "What can we use it for?". "How can it make me money?". Cue molecular analysis and compound extraction. It makes me so sad, I just want that flower to be a nice little flower, it doesn't need to be anything else.
Here's a quick graph I made of the less evil to more evil fields of science IMO. If I had to do research in the more evil fields I don't think I could sleep at night.

No. 1704283

May I ask for the source of the pic?

No. 1704362

I think you need to bump space travel up a notch since developments in that field will 100% be used to shoot missiles at the earth and kill people before anyone gets to any actual interesting space exploration. also the space exploration is going to be used to look for mineral resources like uranium or whatever which will simply contribute to the GDP of whatever nation can lay claim to it (but that might be better than mining on earth so I don't know, maybe it's good if we can figure out how to do space mining). The first station in space will probably either be a floating mine operation where the work will be dangerous, or a military outpost.

No. 1704365

Well, I guess there is a space station but I mean something that isn't just an observatory and lab.

No. 1704384

You're right! The militaristic aspect of it would make it go higher on the control aspect!

I'll come back some time with a new version with changes once i've thought about it more

No. 1704385

Ever look into the Black Knight satellite? they've worked overtime to cover that one up

No. 1704392

No, never. Is the theory that it's extraterrestrial in origin? (That's what I saw after looking into it for like 30 seconds.) Or is there a different theory like it being a weaponized satellite or something like I was talking about?

No. 1704402

>When cancer is finally cured, who do you think will receive those treatments? It sure as hell won't be you or me

Absolutely. My knee-jerk instinct is to say capitalism is the problem, but if people had had more of an understanding of science in the days of feudalism or whatever else, it still would've been the rich getting the treatments. Sometimes I think humans are kind of the cancer of the planet.

No. 1704416

nta but it looks like a character from the manga BLAME!

No. 1704417

I'd say the real problem is the biblical sin of greed. Greed then uses capitalism as a mode of reaching the end point of the philosopher's stone. Most people seen to agree that after you get some amount of money there isn't any purpose in having more. As in it doesn't make you any happier. Strife towards more money than that would be an example of this greed. The people who do this don't just want more money, they want to become god - having infinite life and infinite control - having the philosopher's stone. These are the people who guide science towards this goal.

No. 1704419

It's like they're experiencing the spiral of a drug addict, needing more and more dopamine until they burn out - which in this case would burn earth to the ground.

No. 1704503

I’ve thought about this too, anon. You’re absolutely right

No. 1705802

Do you guys think we really evolved from chimps?

No. 1705808

File: 1695527043222.gif (2.93 MB, 640x640, blink.gif)

We evolved from lizards that evolved from fish, etc.
Better question is what next do we evolve into?
Hopefully horses.

No. 1705811

I know where you got that gif because I got it from the same place and it has the same file name. I'm about to pull out a slur on you

No. 1705813

File: 1695527472372.webm (1.06 MB, 750x604, ghost dog.webm)

No. 1705818

Sharing this lowered the integrity and value of any and all of your views and opinions

No. 1705836

or we'll go back to monkeys/lizards/fish

No. 1705865

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wish we could retvrn to amphibian

No. 1708430

We are all fragments of the same energy source and we are trapped in a cycle of reincarnation

No. 1708513

File: 1695815446638.jpg (393.39 KB, 1066x586, laser.jpg)

Replying to own post from 2 months ago but it's now been confirmed that Russia is using laser weapons in Ukraine. Putin also made an interesting statement

>While addressing the Eastern Economic Forum earlier this month Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Russia is working on “weapons based on new physical principles” that “will ensure the security of any country in the near historical perspective.”


new physical principles - scalar electromagnetics
will ensure the security of any country in the near historical perspective - exactly what is shown in this image >>1642897

No. 1709042

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I'm convinced more and more that the average lib would have been a Nazi today if they had somehow taken power.

No. 1709129

Anyone else watching American Horror Story: Delicate? There's only been two episodes but they've been packed with conspiracy fodder. Kim Kardashian is very clearly playing her mother in this and it's really telling.

No. 1709157

I havent seen the second episode but AHS went downhill by a lot, I assume from trying to cater to the mainstream too hard even though counterculture made them popular

even watching old AHS seasons they're so fucking wacky, I bet the writers had bets on how many random weird lines they can throw in the show without anyone questioning, like when that one realtor blurts out of nowhere "you know how many minority men wanna ravage me on these counter tops" while holding people at gun point like. Now it just seems like reading the diary of every other basic rich bitch

No. 1709161

I don't care or know enough about the Kardashians to watch it but you've piqued my interest anon. Can you give some examples?

No. 1709174

Spoiler obviously but
> Kim is Emma's character's publicist like Kris is Kim's momager
> Kim's character tells Emma's that "all publicity is good publicity"
> She wants her constantly working and promoting
> She tells her that she would do anything to keep her famous

These are all things Kris is known to do. The character also leans heavy into "I'm your friend! I only have your best interest in mind!" right before pushing Emma's into something. I wouldn't put it past Kris to say "I'm your mother! I only have your best interest in mind!". The show has already teased that it's going to be witch themed; there was a quick flash of a headline that was something along the line of "Cabal of witches rules tinseltown". The Kardashians have been accused of being high ranking witches, specifically Kim and Kris, in real life. Kim's character is definitely a witch of some kind. At one point she even gives Emma a vial of "B12" but it's blatantly Adrenochrome.

Kim's character is not the main focus of the show and she actually hasn't had that much screen time but she's had a monologue in almost all her scenes so everything gets packed in. For only two episodes it's really on the nose what they're doing with her character. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

No. 1710112

i love this graph anon, youre so right.
excited to see an updated version too!
mlp utopia now

No. 1710159

I'm starting to believe that the Vatican is actually being run by satanists.

No. 1710163

And i get that but.. BUT sometimes i just can't understand how for example Putin is the same energy as me. Like how can that be? It seems like it's the opposite of me, so what if we aren't the same at all and it just makes you fell feel that way for some reason?

No. 1710195

People finally realizing the Ukraine v Russia war is another US PROXY WAR makes me happy, after years of being gaslit. The reality is sad and despicable. I believe the US is instigating genocide of Armenians as well. Watching former USSR nations ask the US or EU for "help" is sad. Like, the US is your enemy. I hope Russia just replaces those countries Soros-placed puppets once and for all, before it's too late.

No. 1710292

same, people kept looking at me like i'm some supporter of invasions because I was hesitant and questioned the us warmongers wanting to be a big part of this conflict considering their past. Literally not making any mention of being pro or anti ukraine/russia but the propaganda-ridden idiots can't for one second stop and worry about nuance and opporunism during war. But I guess these are the same people who could be convinced anything the goverment wanted about iraq, though ironically most of these dimwitted idiots act like they always knew the truth about iraq while not noticing this

No. 1710299

It's like with Iraq and Syria. Yes, Assad and Saddam are dictators, and in a truly perfect world, they would get what's coming for them. However, destabilizing their nations and invading them was only going to destabilize the regions and bring about the rise of insurgent groups and mass refugee crisises, which is exactly what happened. The same thing is happening in Ukraine

No. 1710348

The same thing will happen in Niger if France gets involved.

No. 1710453

So i bit the bullet and take antiparasitics. Now i'm shitting parasite eggs and largue white clumps. I feel better than ever. It was all real, but now what? How do I continue after this? There is any anon who knows more about parasites here? Anything and everything is welcomed, my worldview is kinda shattered right now.

No. 1710584

What is the kardashian news distracting us from?

No. 1710606

File: 1696020164392.gif (465.56 KB, 500x243, 5A95789D-36EC-4131-98F0-275A3B…)

What antiparasitics are you taking?

No. 1710612

What was real?

No. 1710618

File: 1696021228889.jpeg (65.86 KB, 1200x600, 5c6ec6c9eb3ce844f30fe292.jpeg)

Why is this specific strip of states extremely fertile? I notice there seems to be a massive fertility issue among Americans. What is going on?

No. 1710619

Also adding to this - I lived in one of the lighter states and tried for years to have a baby and nothing, I moved to one of the darker states and got pregnant almost immediately

No. 1710623

girl you don't have parasites youre shitting out your intestinal lining

No. 1710625

it's all the mormon breeding energy in the air.

No. 1710630

nta that sounds scary, is it dangerous?

No. 1710634

only in utah, not the surrounding states, def not the southwest

No. 1710639

Fertility? Have you considered economic, legal, religious and cultural factors that impact the decision to (not) have kids? Those are almost all conservative or highly conservative states right there.

No. 1710860

Oh I'm not disagreeing but fertility issues are extremely common in America. I notice a lot of couples can't conceive for years on end even when they decide too

No. 1710950

Mexicans and Mormons

No. 1711194

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No. 1711203

File: 1696064959298.jpg (39.11 KB, 600x476, merlin_171778659_5c29074d-143b…)

Is that the woman who did "Spirit cooking"? I swear that shit is weird as hell and included cutting your own flesh and drinking piss and semen or some weird shit. I remember Podesta and Lady Gaga being invited to the dinner, weird as hell

No. 1711208

Is this just talking about Malachi Martin's books on the Vatican? I don't really have the time to watch the video, I always thought people assumed he was a grifter and liar

No. 1711212

be sure to research the drugs you took, some are basically the moonshine equivalent to "colon scrubbers" and can totally slough off perfectly healthy cells because they're way too strong and the stuff that kills parasites obviously kills your cells too since you're organic, living material just like the parasite. It's fixable if you overdid it but you gotta be really nice to your intestines right now and I'd recommend taking a decent probiotic (or eating lots of SUGAR FREE plain yogurt).
If you're worried about overgrowth of pathogens in the body filling yourself with probiotics should help a lot because they will help fight off competitors in the body and the average westerner is so sterilized in the body from the mutually beneficial bacteria we've evolved with. Plus the average american diet is better for foreign and "bad" bacteria over our body's natural good stuff which thrives on vitamin-rich veggies and fruits. A huge chunk of people who are depressed would feel so much better within such a short amount of time if they took or ate more fermented and probiotic filled foods cause so much of your serotonin is straight up created by your gut bacteria. Also half the reason people crave junk over good foods is the overgrowth of bad stuff sending signals for more sugar and trash which leads to a worse cycle of depression

No. 1711434

It's her. If this is true it's VERY fucking weird that she of all people was called to help with schools. She also had Lady Gaga go naked in a forest so she could come back alone in a sort of "rebirthing" ritual, it was mentioned in the Out of Shadows documentary too. She was also the woman who did a performance where she would stay still for hours in a public place, allowing men to hurt and undress/sexually harass her.

No. 1711511

Why are there so many fat black women in adverts but no fat women or men of any other race?

No. 1711515

your right, its always fat black women in those commercials, one time I saw an ad with a fat Indian woman but that's a rare case.

No. 1711815

I want to continue this conversation in the next thread but you have a point. Especially with modern movements and ideologies like transhumanism, accelerations and the close ties of dark enlightenment right wing IQ fetishizers

No. 1711824

Fat black women soothe the ego of nonblack women, put black women in a bad light, harkens back to minstrel and pro-slavery propaganda of elderly subservient domestic help

No. 1711840

Why do they put black women in a bad light?

No. 1711844

I’ve always wanted to Kirk through their archives but it’s top secret

No. 1711845

File: 1696133870032.png (Spoiler Image,321.24 KB, 458x458, A658977A-BBCA-406C-93E8-F2A410…)

Because the powers that be can. A minority group, constantly overlooked and ignored. Most people would rather deal with black men. Lack of empathy. No nice niche to exist in, in society’s eyes. Not the sporty niche, or the hard STEM academic or beauty. I’m not the most articulate but they’re seen as useless, past their prime as slave incubators, nothing but a fetish at best. (Happy unrelated pic)

No. 1711885

The same reason they sabotage all women in media that don't fit the narrow cut out of what's attractive. Victoria's secret 2023 is a good example of this, they could've easily had the money to get flattering and fitting lingerie, better hair and makeup, etc but choose shit tier stuff just to blame the model

No. 1711892

Propaganda to get black women thinking an early death by heart disease, diabetes etc. is ideal.

No. 1711971

While I'm not entirely sure of the purpose, the media denigrates black women at every opportunity. I'm not black, yet it's become so noticeable to me.

No. 1711984

I must've misread, I thought the post was blaming fat black women for racism and misogyny toward black women or something gross which is entirely plausible for this thread

No. 1712044

I’m not, I was just confused on why the media wants to portray black women in this way. I live in a country where it’s hard to find obese black women yet they’re always in the ads

No. 1712062

I'm not black and I've noticed that the media denigrates black women and black families at every opportunity. The more I see it, the more disgusted I feel. Huge multi-million dollar advertising companies, with mainly white middle class employees, intentionally choose to portray some of the most disadvantaged people as negative stereotypes.

Growing up in the 90s and the early 2000s, I remember seeing black women being depicted as teachers, mothers, capable and educated women that did positive things for their communities and had a high powered jobs. Now this is completely absent.

No. 1712075

The constant juxtaposition of larger black women alongside smaller nonblack women in media is very very telling

No. 1712109

I think a more realistic explanation is that white liberal(who are the one's actually running these ad campaigns and movies) projects onto and, in a way, fetishize black people (specifically black women) as the ultimate rebels against cis-hetro-white-patriarchy. Its similar to how many radfems intellectuals fetishized the idea of lesbians, and it is not out of malice or even racism, but rather ignoranc. This is not a recent phenomenon either, Beatniks and feminists were both accused of projecting their ideals onto the black community and then advocating for other white liberals to emulate them.

No. 1712119

We should continue this in the next thread, but you're wight about liberal media turning black people into symbols of cultural deviance. it feels weird because we're a socially conservative that refuses to even acknowledge sexism with our own culture, but people twist the working class struggles as some weird type of "girl power". In my online and real life communities, this dissatisfaction at the narrative results in young black girls going full feminine, "pink pill" adopting a type of hypergamy to escape the black stereotypes. Those women are viciously homophobic towards any gender non-conformity, praise plastic surgery and eating disorders an out white men on a pedestal. The pendulum only ever swings backwards and forwards.

Black women in the 80s and 90s had the best representation. That was real diversity, with black women in a variety of personalities, temperaments, styles, jobs, beliefs, etc.

No. 1712134

The idea of angels being descirbed as aliens is interesting. Reminds me of that one quote

>Sir Arthur C. Clarke made a famous observation about space explorers discovering aliens: "If one considers the millions of years of pre-history, and the rapid technological advancement occurring now, if you apply that to a hypothetical alien race, one can figure the probabilities of how advanced the explorers will find them. The conclusion is we will find apes or angels, but not humans."

No. 1712135

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Did anyone watch the new show Encounters on Netflix? It’s a short 4 episode series on various UAP sightings. Picrel is a really neat drawing of a UAP sighting from the Japanese Edo period in 1803. The first and last episodes were my favorites personally.
A cool theory that was brought up is that the angels of the Bible (and so on) could have been aliens/UAPs, as humans back then would have lacked the technological development to understand and identify aircrafts.

No. 1712136


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1712161

No. 1712178

Theyve definitely created some sort of trope of them being the quirky supportive "sassy" (worst word ever) sidekick. I grew up on a lot of black programs and nickelodeon back when it was black as fuck, so maybe my perception is very similar to yours. I have also noticed that a lot of "diversity" put into mainstream TV or movies is the mixed race couple that consists of black man and white woman, and black women are often overlooked or outright constantly diluted with mixed women or the Supportive Token That Yas Gurls the Protag.

No. 1728505

Where did she get it? Spill.

No. 1802593

Hormonal IUD really did help stop the growth of endo tissue in my case. I’ve been to different doctors in different countries and they all agree the endo tissue is stable, so I don’t think I’m being lied to.
Thankfully I didn’t get pregnant but I forced my partner to cap it until I was in my thirties and now with the Endo tissue and me being in my 30’s I don’t think I’ll get pregnant.

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