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No. 2085806

General Conspiracy Thread.

Do you have somewhat schizophrenic beliefs that worry your friends and family? Tired of getting red-texted for "tinfoiling" about recent events around the globe? If so, you've come to the right place.

Discussions surrounding government cover-ups, entertainment industry secrets, odd predictions, political intrigues, etc., are all welcome here.

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No. 2085855

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Any celebrity that wears Mickey Mouse ears without having anything to do with Disney, I automatically think they have been mk’ed. I was gonna post a pic of Marilyn Manson as an example but decided not to.

No. 2085886

Nutrition and alternate health tinfoils fascinate me. Are seed oils evil? How much protein do we need? Is red meat evil? and so on

No. 2085890

I really do believe that nutrition is only half of it. I think the biggest conspiracy is that walking is a much bigger part of being healthy and slim than people realize. People in Europe or Asia are slimmer not because of the food, but because they're more accustomed to walking further distances every day. I'm in North America, and most people I know don't even get 4k steps in the run of a day. We're supposed to be getting 15k at least. I think all the nutrition and fitness bullshit is trying to hide that walking is the best thing for your body and health. It's all a cover up by Ford and Nissan to promote car-dependency.

No. 2085906

I like the tinfoiler information on the properties of neem oil. It's very underrated.

No. 2085920

Do you think the ears symbolise mk ultra? Why do you think they would be “dropping clues?”

No. 2085948

OT but Madonna has such a punchable face

No. 2085963

Walt Disney worked with the CIA and such symbolism is meant for those in the know.

No. 2085969

I think you're onto something… I traveled for a month and went from like 5k steps a day to 20-40k and my resting bpm went from 71 to 62 by the end of the month. Im not even fat I weigh 120.

No. 2086062

Yes I think seed oils are toxic and there's quite a lot of good scientific evidence for that, I wouldn't even call it a tinfoil at this point. I think red meat is healthy and most people should probably be eating more protein although it depends on your body and genetics and lifestyle. Past a certain point too much protein has little use and you might be better off adding more fat to your diet rather than even more protein.

I don't think this is entirely true. East Asian and certain Euro countries where people walk and bike a lot are developing obesity at much higher rates now that they have changed their food supply, so I think it is more about food than we tend to think. These countries were just much slower to accept the garbage in their food that is common in the US and some other countries with very bad obesity problems. China is coming up on very high obesity rates now too. Whenever I spend time in Europe I rapidly lose weight even if I'm barely exercising, and it's obviously the food. That being said I do think car culture is a big part of it and inactivity in general, but I don't think walking long distances is the best for everyone. I live in a non-car-culture dependent city, don't have a car, and used to walk at least 15-20k steps most days at my fattest, and actually found it easier to lose weight once my job became mostly WFH and I spent less time walking, which in my case I suspect is due to inflammatory issues. I actually think swimming and activities that involve lifting heavy weights and building muscle (not necessarily the gym but many like farming/construction/etc. like tasks) can be much better than walking for certain people. I think exercise and just being outside are absolutely necessary for actually good health but the food supply, air and water pollution, and drugs have the biggest impact.

No. 2086133

America puts high fructose corn syrup in everything which fattens you up like a pig to slaughter. Not even hyperbole as it is used to fatten up livestock. In Europe its very rarely used and even banned in some countries. My partner who is american says he gains like crazy every time he visits the US, even if he doesnt eat more than he does here in Europe. Compare ingredients in food in Europa or Asia to America. Same brands that uses actual ingredients in Europe and Asia is filled with slop and artificial ingredients and cheap fillers in the US.

No. 2086137

Yeah I've heard several people and even entire families who emigrated to or studied in the US who were originally from Europe/Asia say the same thing, like that they would buy the exact same groceries and make the exact same meals in the US but gain like 40lbs in a year of living there. I also knew a guy in high school/college who was chubby, he did a teach in Japan program for 2-3 years and got really thin and fit and told me how it's all the bike riding he does, he can eat as much as he wants, etc. and he was also with a gf there who was very skinny. They both moved to the UK afterward and started cycling and hiking even more because they now both professionally work as bike tour guides as their job… but both (especially his gf) gained a ton of weight and he was saying his gf's weight gain in particular was sudden and uncontrollable. You can't tell me it's the activity level.

No. 2086156

You're overestimating how much people in (a lot of places in) Europe walk/bike (and underestimating how fat we are). I'm inclined to agree with >>2086133. Junk food and fast good companies like Coca Cola have been known to fund research and sponsor events that promote the idea that excersise, not diet, is key when it comes to losing and maintaining weight. There's research that shows that hunter-gatherer tribes who don't have the luxury of cars and office jobs don't use more energy than sedentary people in the West do despite living more active lifestyles. The book ultra-processed people by Chris van Tulleken is an interesting read about the consequences of ultra processed food and how diets consisting of processed foods became the norm in the West.

No. 2086161

I'm the 2nd anon you're responding to and I think you misinterpreted my post, I was also agreeing with >>2086133. My anecdote about my friend was to show that he originally thought his weight loss was because he walks and bikes so much, but now that he walks and bikes even more (in a country with worse quality food) all his fitness/weight loss gains reversed completely. I also am European originally so I've spent a lot of time in Europe and in North America, and I do think Europeans really do walk a lot more than the North American city I spent most of my time in, however the city I live now doesn't really have car culture and people here walk just as much as in the EU city I'm from, however, we seem to be fatter and have more metabolic disease. When I spend time in Europe I often exercise less than I do here, but I still lose weight rapidly and feel much better/more energetic due to the quality of the food (which is extremely easy to taste, it's not even like some 'hidden' quality difference).

To address the tinfoil aspects of this, I actually think your point here is very good:
>companies like Coca Cola have been known to fund research and sponsor events that promote the idea that excersise, not diet, is key when it comes to losing and maintaining weight.
I think much of the current 'diet industry' and what people think they know about obesity, metabolic/heart health, etc. is due to a widespread and many-decades-long psyop intended to shift responsibility from industry to the individual when industries caused so many health problems that affect people widely. I could sperg about this for ages since I've done so much research on food and environmental pollutants and there's a lot of really weird aspects to what happened to the food industry and the 'weight loss' industry, but also you are correct that there's more overweight people in East Asia or Europe than Americans think there are. There used to be a bigger difference but a lot of other countries are starting to catch up and I think it's because of importing a lot of food norms and even in some cases GMO crops from America. It is still for the time being much, much easier to buy high quality food in most of Europe though.

No. 2086205

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>Do you have somewhat schizophrenic beliefs that worry your friends and family?
Yes. 100%.
>Tired of getting red-texted for "tinfoiling" about recent events around the globe? If so, you've come to the right place.

My tinfoil is that universities are purposefully failing, making women drop out. Especially if those women are pretty. Further tinfoil is that it is because they don't want women to increase their standards in choosing husbands. Supposedly a woman with higher education and a successful career would only consider smarter and richer mates. Universities do this because of the declining birth rates. Cucking their own women to lower their standards by messing up their lives and assuming they are all extremely materialistic gold digging shallow retards. Meanwhile universities publish false information for "publish or perish" expectations. Incel professors enjoy putting Stacies into debt?
Maybe I had the misfortune of having attended a diploma mill. My classes were similar to micro learning scam tutorials. I attended a communication class where we wrote blogs and got paired up as an assignment. Of course I got paired up with an autistic single scrote, and then there was no further assignment, it was a set-up by the teacher, but I already had a boyfriend. Perhaps the unsaid expectation was that I should date him instead to study and exchange notes. The next year's classes were 10x harder and I had no idea where to find material, if I used material the teacher posted, it got flagged for being referenced too much by too many students. Every time I tried signing up for classes the website kicked me out, the receptionist was on a break or sent me to another office. The assignments were completely vague and the only people who graduated within the 4 years were those who had already got a qualification in the field before this course. So I was left wondering, why the motherfuck did they accept me with no initial knowledge, straight from high school? Only for the money. While I did date guys from our course, they never wanted anything serious or were simply too pussy to say it. My theory here stands in that students are being drugged through cultural norms and parties, and by the time they graduate they get so sick of it, they start a family immediately. Motherfuckers did not consider that there is the Internet now, on which we can see how poor we actually are. It is not that female students think they are so much better and keep indulging in hedonistic practices until later, it is literally all of society, and with college, the women have DEBT. Debt is NEGATIVE MONEY. Do politicians want people to start families off in poverty, so that they and their children become more exploitable?

No. 2086214

Pretty much. Fill out food with crap purposely made to make us fat and addicted, then create a culture heavily car dependent, and if you're lucky enough to live in a city with good public transport then you have to deal with the stigma that you're broke and that's why people think you're using the bus, and in America being poor isn't an effect of the shitty economy it's always 100% your fault and taking the bus might as well be flying a flag saying you're a lazy moron who can't do anything right. All plays hand and hand

No. 2086218

Maybe I'm reaching, but the heavily car-dependent culture is also a convenient way for the government to not invest in good transportation and urban planning and spend that money on other bullshit.

No. 2086222

I don't think schools are intentionally targeting women for the benefit of men I think the schools will just fuck over anyone who attends and more women attend than men. Demographics have already doomed lots of colleges and this is already underway, many colleges will be defunct by the time any current students will have their own kids in college. The colleges are aware of this and are trying to get as much money out as possible in the short term because the demographic cliff for incoming students is supposed to hit in 2025. In the next 5-10 years a lot of colleges will have to go defunct for lack of students, it's simply too late for them to try to manipulate things to save themselves.

Agree with everything else.

No. 2086229

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The weird dude from the big city fell off the face of the planet after giving me a few hundred bucks. Now I’m with a way way better guy. Semi convinced it’s all a glowie plot but at the same time I’m super happy to roll with it cause I feel like this is the path to peace for me, finally. Just do what they want. It’ll make you happy and safe.

No. 2086265

Okay glowie

No. 2086420

higher education is largely a scam designed to put you into debt and set you up with a diploma that becomes less and less valuable in the job market as the economy continues to falter. many women would be happier learning a trade but that's considered less desirable than attending university even if you'd end up with more secure employment and a higher income than many graduates who have diplomas that might as well be worthless.

No. 2086436

Idc if I sound like a glowie. If you are a miserable former GATE kid whose life is falling apart just do what they want, it’s so much better than living in misery and dreaming of suicide all day.

No. 2086440

Do you guys think America is owned by foreigners now?

No. 2086445

What kind of foreigners?

No. 2086447

This could get anti-semetic.

No. 2086456

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No. 2086690

Lol I wish GATE had given me the power some of you claim to have, but I couldn't dismantle the government even if I tried and I don't think the CIA cares about me. Use your magical powers for good and just do it

No. 2086695

Nonna I'm curious why you think they're targeting women or how that would even work? It does kind of sound like you went to a degree mill except the part where it was hard/you think the standards were too high, that's actually unusual. My education was nothing like this but I do think many colleges are turning basically into degree mills and the college system is collapsing… I'd be curious to know why/how you think they are targeting women though, it wouldn't be that easy to change the standards in classes for women specifically if your classes were like a lot of mine were (exam based). That being said why were you talking 'communication' classes? Stuff like that has always been a scam.

No one I know started a family immediately after college, not one person. In fact like you said it put a lot of people in debt or at least gave them no income for 4+ years, so no one even would have considered it.

What do you mean that 'demographics' have doomed colleges? I thought colleges were doomed because they lowered all standards and let everyone in and stopped giving fair grades.

No. 2086698

It's been owned by foreigners since 1492

No. 2086702

ok nigger(racebait)

No. 2086740

That sounds like something a glowie would say.

No. 2086899

I think popular music is used as a way of dictating what people should think and how they should feel. People tend to underestimate how much influence it has on a person, after all it's used for ads so you don't forget the brand and also to get you to vote for someone.

No. 2087084

I don't think it's just music, but music is certainly an enormous part of it since it's so ubiquitous in public spaces. Maybe that's exactly why there's constantly music in them kek

No. 2087093

That’s not what I meant though. Different kinds of foreigners

No. 2087118

I think it's gonna be a really contested issue and it's gonna become a hot-topic in politics in the near future, especially as certain states become more authoritarian and political extremes are become the new normal. I weirdly think nationalism is increasing, but so are certain regional varieties. It's gonna become a question of why certain people own so much land, why do foreign nationals own land, why does the government own so much land, etc., etc.. As the climate crisis becomes more severe, land is going to become a more popular, and expensive, commodity.

No. 2087120

Just when I’m in school, this sucks, what rotten luck

No. 2087122

Less to Dow it’s Jews and more to do with he Chinese and Arabs. The UAE elites own so much land in London and purposefully spend money on the most extreme preaching in mosques. There’s a reason why UK Muslim are more violent and extreme compared tot he ones back in the homeland.

No. 2087123

NTA but while I largely agree with her it probably depends on the school, on the program, and how much you personally put in. You may still have a good school experience or get something out of it, depending on circumstances, but I do think the whole system is on the verge of collapse. There will likely always be universities and jobs requiring degrees, so if the system collapses there will be another one put in place.

No. 2087125

Yes. If you're in a major city, check out how many unoccupied houses are owned by mainland Chinese.

No. 2087129

Leave my ancestors alone they haven't been in Israel since ancient times

No. 2087139

Vast amounts of real estate is owned by the Chinese in Australia, so yes. Most likely.

No. 2087157

A lot of real estate in my bumfuck nowhere city is owned by Chinese people too. And in the high cost of living city where I went to college, ALL of the super-nice homes and beach houses are owned by mainland Chinese and Arabs

No. 2087158

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A lot of the concepts of forgiveness are a psyop to never seek retribution or punishment for anything evil that happens to you. Raped? Forgive. Husband molested your kids? Forgive. Someone is evil to you every day? Forgive, because defending yourself makes you just as evil. The fact that this concept has been hammered so hard into older folk and the middle aged like a cancer is horrible. A lot of them know that they can get away with a lot of things too since they like to play this game. What a lot of people don't like to admit (because regardless of what they think it's bad optics to say it) is that kicking up a fuss and defending yourself is troublesome and might for example hurt a family's reputation. And that yes, they do think a lot of times that filing a report is evil and nasty and they'll do everything to avoid it.

Recently there's been an effort to rebrand it into "forgive them for yourself!" but I don't buy it. Trains of thought that include not reporting assaulters didn't pop out of nowhere, this forgiveness concept is involved. There are consequences to people's actions and they aren't owed forgiveness and a victim is not obligated to forgive. It is something that should be earned.

It's especially weird when it comes to parents. Even if a father abandons someone from childhood and later comes through the justice system after 30 years of ghosting and expects their child to just suddenly up and stop their life for them, he's just supposed to be le forgiven because not completely halting your life for a piece of shit obviously using justice in bad faith to get his final gibs makes you just as bad as him, because he gave you the gift of life or something. Not to mention it's this concept of a parent owning their child body and soul and nobody can say otherwise that regularly facilitates pedophilia and child abuse, but you'll rarely find anyone over 40 seemingly ever able to scrounge enough IQ points to figure this out. Also btw with religion you can basically get away with any sort of child abuse that you want too because the pressure of forgiving religious figures or institutions is even stronger or even required. Le child abuse is my culture

No. 2087182

so based and true. I don't have much to add but wanted to thank you for saying it

No. 2087213

Ran out of space on the last thread, but the elites want to make a high tech apartheid with all the influx of immigrants, and they choose the most obedient group to former British rule to do their bidding

No. 2087238

They’ve been using Latin American illegals to hide that. It’s also happening with Canada, while wignats have been bitching and moaning about the sanctity of their country it’s basically been bought off to China, India and Israel. Pathetic.

No. 2087240

you're right and I still can't believe some anon's therapist said to forgive her RAPIST! Fuck no, I hope wherever she is, she is doing better though.

No. 2087250

My 1st year was piss easy. Teachers talked to us like we were children. We had an art class to prepare us for digital design in the 2nd year, where we started off by drawing stickmen and OCs… Absolute joke and I did not drop out because I enjoyed the easiness after years of cramming for exams and stressing about grades in high school. The course was not majority women, and the men who attended were the students with degrees already.
Right on. When I was in high school, there was no talk or recommendation about getting into trades. Everyone was excited about and shilling for universities. It was the norm to be attending one. Anything lesser than college was considered stupid and lazy. I still knew trades existed but was beginning to think they are already strictly rich people's private businesses and jobs for the average men, or creative jobs for flamboyant gay moids.
The 2nd year being much more difficult while the school system being whack should have been my sign to quit it already. I think it is still a mill, because it could become too suspicious for everyone to graduate, so they need to make some of us fail to make it look believable that the place operates fairly or something? Also everything was so vague yet when I decided to be creative about my project it was always wrong. We had nearly no exams.

No. 2087260

I agree with this but I always found the 'forgiveness' concept weird because I don't think I am actually capable of forgiveness and I wonder if anyone really is. I even wondered if I was a sociopath or something at times. Like I am still able to have relationships with people who wronged me if I see that they worked to be better, seemed remorseful, and didn't repeat the bad thing or were trying to be better, but I can never fully trust someone as much after they've wronged me and I never really 'forget' about it even in intimate moments, like with my parents. Are there people out there who really 'fully' forgive and forget after they've been wronged? It seems unnatural to me, even in situations where I wouldn't want retribution I would want contrition and an apology and I would never forget that person is not to be entirely trusted.

I thought that was what was so appealing to people about the idea of a 'forgiving god' because people can't really forgive, but theoretically god can.

I do think this is getting worse though society-wide with ideas like 'restorative justice.' It used to be more normal for male relatives of a raped woman to just vigilante kill or beat her rapist and now the community is supposed to get her in a mediation circle telling her rapist 'it's okay I forgive you.' Or all these stories of brutal gang rapes and murders by male children where they don't even have a criminal record after because they're tried as minors, wtf is that? If someone is already raping and killing as a kid they're probably not redeemable.

No. 2087262

This is so interesting. I agree with you about trades, I think the shilling everyone to go into university has led to the eventual collapse of the university system. Realistically I think only 10-20% of people have the intelligence and drive to do a university degree that is worthwhile, and only 10-20% of jobs should really require a full 4-year university degree, but in many countries close to half of people are going into university and it's making them lower the standards, cheapen the degrees, and require degrees for jobs that don't need degrees as well as de-incentivizing people from going into skilled trades which are very much necessary, or even (real, not dropshipping) entrepreneurship. A lot of jobs that come out of university degrees are basically a falsely supported economic bubble, like HR, admin, DEI type positions, many finance/business positions, etc. We don't need so many people in society doing totally bullshit office jobs that are just some vague form of 'management.' We need more people doing actually skilled work that is productive.

Regarding your college degree, I went to a 'good' college for undergrad a little over 10 years ago, and it was the opposite of that which I think is normal for bigger 'elite' schools. Very very hard classes in first year causing a lot of people to drop out, and then easier/more manageable classes after the less-dedicated students had been culled. Making first year supereasy and the subsequent years too difficult just seems like a very bad way of running a university program, but I presume one of the reasons they do that is to get more tuition money from people who sign up for first and second year before they realize it's too hard for them. I did a STEM degree though (although I did many humanities electives) so maybe that's why my experience was so different, especially regarding many of the first-third year classes being objective and exam-based. I think STEM degrees are also collapsing and lowering standards, but probably somewhat less dramatically than humanities and arts.

No. 2087273

>I do think this is getting worse though society-wide with ideas like 'restorative justice.'
It really is another form of cleaning up of the phenomenon, really. It's just progressive this time. It can't openly shame victims because of optics so rehabilitative justice people will try to guilt trip the victims in a way that's like: wanting your rapist/abuser/etc to be hurt is really bad (and you should feel guilty for it,) but you do not need to be in contact with that individual but we should still give them a chance (hate is holding you down,) so could we please try some harm reduction instead of immediately going to the police or escalating the situation? (do not make a report unless you want them to suffer) Does nobody else know how to read the lines in these types of situations or am I the only one wearing the aluminum hat of shame? Why does sweet talking and "good faith" trump the feelings of someone who's truly been victimized?

Why is the focus so hard on violent sex crimes though? Let's maybe rehabilitate thieves, fraudsters, or people with drug charges or before moving up to murderers or something. Is fixating on rehabilitating Alfred, the serial child toucher constructive at all when a lot of these other crimes are born out of circumstance or social inequality?
>Like I am still able to have relationships with people who wronged me if I see that they worked to be better, seemed remorseful, and didn't repeat the bad thing or were trying to be better, but I can never fully trust someone as much after they've wronged me and I never really 'forget' about it even in intimate moments, like with my parents.
I'm much the same way kek. Not forgiving works better for me anyway, my process of recovery was far better once I was restrained by people's ideas of what my emotions should be. Maybe my thought process is similar to yours too, I was free to explore and really rationalize the entire situation I became much more amicable to feelings of remorse and empathy. I felt like I was being suffocated when trying to fit through this narrow hole of what healing should be.

No. 2087278

>Why is the focus so hard on violent sex crimes though? Let's maybe rehabilitate thieves, fraudsters, or people with drug charges
Actually when the idea of rehabilitative justice was first proposed it was usually for stuff like this. Like I think the first person who introduced the idea wanted to introduce programs where, for example, someone who stole from a store would be sentenced to work in that store for a while to make up for the financial losses, basically 'taking responsibility' for what they did and also showing them that the people they stole from also have to work hard for the things they stole. I don't know why lately it seems to be mostly for sex crimes and violence, which by definition can't be 'restored.' Money from something you stole can be 'restored,' painting back over a wall you graffiti'd or cleaning the graffiti off can 'restore' the wall to its original condition, but sitting there and saying 'oops sorry' to your rape victim can't restore her from being violated, and actually it will only injure her more by guilting and shaming her for not wanting to forgive.

It's not like I want someone to hurt and live their life feeling constant guilt if they wronged me, but I don't want them to feel like it's 'okay' and what they did can be undone either. It's always better to just not do something wrong to somebody in the first place and the idea of 'forgive (and forget)' I think encourages people to believe that whatever they do wrong, it eventually won't matter. This ruins relationships and by extension, social trust. The more people can be prevented from wrong actions by understanding their consequences can't be undone, the better. And if someone chooses to or is able to 'forgive' after you've done something wrong, you should be grateful rather than feeling entitled to that. On a wider social level I think what this leads to is mass entitlement, and it basically punishes people for 'playing by the rules' or acting moral since they are told, essentially, that people who hurt others and acted immorally end up on the same playing field in the end since they were sorry, or whatever.

No. 2087285

I think you’re right. Even disregarding anything subliminal, popular music has such a narrow scope of feeling and subject matter that if that’s all you’re consuming constantly it’s going to restrict your perception/expression eventually. I think there’s some sort of subliminal element as well because I have always found pop music off putting. I used to be almost afraid of it but friends desensitized me. It’s purposefully made to appeal to the brain and stick in your head and every song is the same recycled sounds and lyrics. Anything “popular” regardless of genre (rap, country, “punk” etc) is bland and uninspired but has been engineered in such a way that the majority will eat it up. Listening to pop feels like being force fed high fructose corn syrup. I don’t care if it only appeals to the lowest common denominator and there is no secret subliminal messaging, it’s not healthy to be consuming all the time and I find it disturbing how ubiquitous it is everywhere you look.

No. 2087436

Have yall noticed how weird kids' toys got? Every modern toy is either a toddler in lingerie or vomit/shit/piss or all at the same time. Someone in the comments noticed that its like somebody is tryingg to groom kids into weird fetishes.

No. 2087437

Do you think its fine? Just a toddler mermaid girl with a ton of makeup who vomits

No. 2087471

It's either that or clueless marketing teams who forgot what it's like to be a child and who think "kids are retarded and like poop jokes so let's go with that". It's like with older American cartoons or live action shows for kids and preteens that would also make suspicious jokes about feet, horrible smells, farts, poops, etc. so often you start suspecting something even as a clueless kid.

No. 2087691

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iirc these were at the peak of their popularity roughly the same time as the worst batch of lol dolls that revealed fishnets and lacy lingerie when dipped in water. Some backlash. Then there was an event where real kids from the demographic they're marketed to dressed up as the dolls and those way too cursed pics were all over the internet. It got a mix of horror or "askually kids don't know what lingerie/bondage wear is anyway so.. idc"

That's exactly why it's so insidious. Or a few adult collectors of them got defensive because they liked them and couldn't see how that doesn't exactly cancel out them being a cursed collection for a 5 year old

No. 2087736

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I don't really see an issue with this one. you're like my mom when the Barbie with a pooping dog came out and it was my heart's greatest desire. she wouldn't even entertain the idea, said it was gross, and that I could go shovel dog poop in the back yard instead.
this shit is weird though

No. 2087744

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this has been a thing for a while, kids like grossout humor

No. 2087751

At around 1:03 there’s a weird closeup where the unicorn’s stomach jiggles. Aren’t they supposed to made of plastic? Why are there jiggle physics? The lyrics are strange and I’ve noticed the trend in giving these ‘baby’ dolls these weird proportions where it’s not like a realistic toddler but some weird tumblr stylization. On a less serious note, the song sounds like My Humps, is it a parody?

No. 2087752

I'm a fashion doll-fag and I just wanted to say that my personal tinfoil is that MGA (creator of Bratz, but more specifically in this case the creator of LOL OMG surprise dolls and Rainbow High AND poopsie slime surprise) have majorly fucked up the fashion doll industry.
While I don't believe Bratz were as bad as people have said (I'm a Bratz lover since childhood), they DID make Bratz Babyz, which were weird as fuck (babies with makeup and fishnets? Weird, and coincidentally Bratz Kidz were way more age appropriate than the Babyz ever were), which of course lends itself to the weird, risqué factor of LOL OMG surprise dolls. They seriously ruined the industry by marketing to the iPad baby elsagate demographic. They are a private owned company so they have no shareholders to make happy, therefore they can get away with a LOT more than any Mattel owned brand could (for all the outcry about the original Monster High, they were NEVER as risqué as any MGA owned brand). It's a sad affair because before all the nasty "poopsie vomit surprise reveal" junk, MGA was producing dolls with insanely detailed clothes. Bratz were never for the age demographic they are marketing this weird shit towards. This shit is so obviously for the retarded iPad babies which makes it so much worse.
Compare all the shit MGA poops out to the Barbie surprise reveal dolls, which are seriously ugly but they typically have a cutesy, age-appropriate theme like "cute animal mascot outfit" or ballerinas or some shit.

No. 2087759

Samefag, and by "ruining the industry" I mean they saturate the FUCK out of store shelves with their make it miniverse shit, the surprise dolls, the poopsie surprise reveal bullshit, etc. These "toys" take up less space than regular dolls, cost less for retailers to order, are a safe bet because children looooove gambling nowadays, etc. So it's a bit of a vicious cycle. They sell toys because they're weird, borderline totally inappropriate, and gross and of course kids eat that shit up. Because MGA does this shady shit, all other companies will follow in their footsteps because the more shelf space you take up the more successful of a company you are.

No. 2088268

Trump getting shot was 100% a false flag. It's too convenient. He had a great shot lined up and he only grazed his fucking ear? On a head that fucking big??? This was to martyrize him without actually killing him, this is going to absolutely rally the American right.

No. 2088308

File: 1720917823641.jpeg (Spoiler Image,63.26 KB, 700x467, 4234.jpeg)

>This was to martyrize him without actually killing him, this is going to absolutely rally the American right.
Came here to say this but you beat me to it. He also turned to the crowd and raised his fist in the air before his security dragged him off stage. This had to be a planned photo op. Spoiler for blood.

No. 2088310

It's for the public perception.
>Trump survived an assassination attempt! He is so healthy and fit, even though he's old!
>Sleep Joe on the other hand…
It's gonna be a really big boost for his approval ratings.

No. 2088331

why does trump need a boost for his ratings anyway
biden is self destructing and the media is all over it

No. 2088352

The media had just recently started talking about his epstein connection and his 13 year old victim. could this have been an attempt to shut him up?

No. 2088456

File: 1720919226160.jpeg (892.37 KB, 1170x1905, IMG_4997.jpeg)

The media doesn't talk about it enough considering how long it's been out. It's been said for years but I'm gonna say it again

Trump is good friends with the TMZ staff, Enquirer staff, that's why there's so much direct intel there from his people. He's also got a lot of power and influence to manipulate the media in his favor and has for years before he was even considered a political candidate. Paid or exchanged secrets with outlets (catch and kills) to shut them up about his affairs and secrets. This has been out in public for years. He is very much powerful enough to manipulate the media no matter how publicly loathed he is.

No. 2088503

I have known about it for years. I remember in 2016 nobody would believe me when i told them trump was a pedo. The same thing happened with epstein: it was an open secret for years until tptb decided it was a convenient time to let the allegations go mainstream. I'm just wondering why its happening now with trump and if maybe hes reaction to it is what led to the shooting attempt?

No. 2088514

I really want to know who's on the full Epstein list. Someone said one of the "fake" lists was the real one, but there's 10,000 fake lists. Everyone with half a working brain knows it's more than who's been mentioned thus far.

No. 2088572

They made sure to put the short female agent in front so he could get his photo-op

No. 2088576

Farmhands hate america

No. 2088578

If you didn’t understand that this place is an obvious honeypot and some of the mods are ex-feds then wyd

No. 2088580

honeypot for what. all posters from here do is sperg about shayna and fat women

No. 2088582

mods are shayna

No. 2088583

File: 1720923158035.png (32.73 KB, 331x316, 3f3dfa51-10fe-4344-a65d-589049…)

farmhands hate it when fun stuff happens, they want to keep us occupied with fat women and trannies.

No. 2088604

i mean that i get 4cuck being a honeypot since its filled with loser moids that they can groom into school shooters/ more posters to manipulate, but with this website it would be more trouble than its worth since women do not commit shootings (except audrey hale i guess but she only did it to pass as male) and since we dont have as big a userbase as 4chan and are less influential in online culture. What would be the feds agenda in controlling this website?

No. 2088614

siphon more data out of us to sell us more endocrine disrupting beauty products to make us sick

No. 2088634

i thought we dont wear makeup on here. idk we are a really bad demographic to try to manipulate. The only thing i could imagine they would want to do here is maybe create more tradthots to placate the incels they keep creating, but it would be more efficient for them to push that to more mainstream social media rather that here.

No. 2088635

This is more realistic than mods are addyharajuku

No. 2088721

Yeah there is literally no point in turning the few dozen single nonas on lolcow into tradthots for incels

No. 2088750

kek, this is a funny tinfoil. Based off posts here most of this site is barely functional autistic NEET women. What would the us government get out of monitoring this place?

No. 2088762

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No. 2089064

kids toys are def weird as hell now. weird increase of "surprise" stuff, everything is the same shape and poorly made and then everything has a "collection" aka consoom consoom consoom. WISH toys came out months before the movie did, cabbys dollhouse is literally just nothing but "buy this" over and over. everything marketed to children now is so sinister, and now there's a huge push for tablet parenting (removal of the village, unrealistic expectations for a "clean" home and meals that can be very time consuming and difficult to accomplish when watching children, etc)

No. 2089073

I’ve seen my baby cousins go into squealing anger when they have to pause it. I hope I never have kids

No. 2089075

We’re disobeying the tranny loving liberal mommy activist bullshit. That’s too dangerous. Tranny bullshit is the best tool the elites have used to destroy actual leftist spaces and solidarity. If women wake up then they can’t use these tactics

No. 2089126

Tbh Cocomelon isn’t fully the issue, despite the fact it’s probably not good for kids to begin with, it’s the parents who sit their kids down, slap an opened soda can in front of their faces, and then just let the screen raise the kids. I do agree that it’s probably not that good for kids to watch a bunch though, I remember Savantics made some good videos about it, I don’t really believe it’s a “they’re trying to poison the minds of kids” thing so much as it’s a “they want money and they don’t care if they’re doing practices that aren’t great for kids”

No. 2089318

Not sure if it falls in the typical tinfoil category but I think that the whole AI thing doing everything but the labour we all want to be freed from, is because AI is there to create political propaganda. It is trained in creating images, videos, texts, replicating human speech, music - things that are instrumental in creating propaganda and shaping people's worldviews.
It is being glorified and hyped, although it started receiving more criticism after the news of it blacking out the grid - but the people who fund it don't care - they want to sustain it no matter what. They need it for some reason apparently.

No. 2089424

why do you think being a tradthot and hating trannies are the same thing? almost like you are outing yourself. That anons post had nothing to do with trannies anyway and there are tradthots here and no they aren't called tradthots because they hate trannies and you know that.

No. 2089722

thats not what she was saying, youre being obtuse for no reason. She was saying that the tranny issue is used to split leftist and feminist movements.

No. 2089958

Maybe they are made by extra-terrestrials? Make us docile before the colonization begins.

No. 2090233

based nietzschean, forgiveness is slave morality sold to women particularly to keep us weak in mind and spirit

No. 2090561

Marionetting Bidens barely living corpse has to be a psyop to see how much americans are willing to put up with.

No. 2090934

I'm starting to think this too, it feels like a slap in the face to everyone but I've been thinking that since before he got elected. It's just getting worse and worse though. They do the same in other countries, just having candidates who are universally considered incompetent tapdanced across stage in front of everyone like some weird humiliation ritual.

No. 2090969

By demographics I mean the number of available young people there are that exist to simply attend. 2025 is the turning point, after that there will simply be fewer and fewer 18 year olds to go to college and give them money. Its more easily understood when you think of the impact of the baby boom. So many kids were born so close together that it caused a massive need for new schools and daycares to be built and industries that sold to kids experienced a huge boost (toys, candy etc). Industries grow to meet demand but the boomers don't have so many kids themselves and this continues on over generations but the last Great Recession caused a very notable dip in the birthrate.

I don't think we really know how this will shake out. It's possible college will continue to be expensive because there's a minimum cost that must be met and a smaller student body means each student must pay more to meet that cost. Or it's possible that colleges will eventually have to lower their cost in order to compete for students.

No. 2091041

This is fucked up

No. 2091504

I almost want to giggle at the Trump rally shooter’s name. They’re using the same “misunderstood loner” script for him like they do with their planned shootings. Thomas Crooks is a name that comes out of a Batman comic kek. I believe the shooting was real but it has the CIA written all over it, it’s also laughable his parents are expert “behavioral counselors” but somehow didn’t detect that their failson was a little fucked in the head. A sloppier job than JFK’s

No. 2091518

File: 1721071924275.jpg (57.73 KB, 640x750, cia.jpg)

No. 2091532

Why do you anti-tinfoil fags keep coming into this thread? This thread is not for you.

No. 2091556

you didn't get the joke of that image then…

No. 2091850

File: 1721083641050.jpeg (267.18 KB, 1170x803, IMG_5177.jpeg)

/x/ jannies doing exactly what the /tv/ jannies did literally minutes after post

No. 2091858

File: 1721084182012.webm (925.99 KB, 480x1036, RPReplay_Final1706369485(1).we…)

>mention actors connections to russia
>post is mysteriously 404'd
>post video evidence of this months later on conspiracy board
>of all boards
>banned for "being off topic"

who owns the jannies

No. 2091878

the jannies on 4chinz are legit insane, i got banned from mu and all boards for 20 days, apparently making a music thread about music is off topic

No. 2091955

i wonder if they just ban users they suspect are women on purpose?

No. 2092038

4chan is a cesspool. They're doing you a favor

No. 2092332

File: 1721103320207.jpeg (83 KB, 820x377, IMG_5183.jpeg)

can't believe jannies literally bend over backwards for aids ventura gf killer

No. 2092334

some of you actually go on 4chan?

No. 2092348

I've been doing a combination of trolling and info drops there for awhile on you know who and other things about powers that be (on and off cuz I can't stand to be on there too much). Sometimes I weaseled a story or two out of people which is really my goal but I also sometimes enjoy trolling to blow off steam when I'm manic or annoyed

the sad thing is its still less astroturfed than other corners of the internet coughREDDITcoughINSTAGRAMcoughTIKTOKcough

No. 2092701

Imageboard users tend to frequent more than just one imageboard, anon.

No. 2092756

Agreed, also it's very unconsciously accepted in western society due to christianity always teaching us young about forgiveness and us internalizing it quite young

No. 2092842

>age-appropriate theme like "cute animal mascot outfit"
ah yes, the furry barbies

No. 2092981

idk if this is a tinfoil but it fits better in here than in any other /ot/ thread imo other than possibly the cow opinions thread? sometimes I feel like anons make unsaged posts in cow threads on purpose so they get redtexted and draw more attention to their post. it's like a big red flag saying HEY READ THIS

No. 2094272

Finally someone talks about how pervasive japshit propaganda is. I’m tired of talking about fandoms and anime like grow the fuck up already.

No. 2094287

>tfw the anti-propaganda is propaganda
I hope this tranny lover ropes

No. 2094654

File: 1721261952239.jpg (104 KB, 827x577, nytbiden.jpg)

Idk but it’s kinda strange to me that biden catches covid right after trump’s almost assassination. My very tinfoil prediction: biden dies, giving the dems a chance to run a better candidate, since trump surviving the assassination brought a new wave of pr for him, to the point that it could’ve been an inside job. Perhaps the entities behind both the democratic and republican parties are showing just how far they’re willing to go to keep their chosen party in power.

No. 2094657

this faggot believes men in korea are as opressed as the women, he's a MRA faggot

No. 2094658

File: 1721262205114.jpg (110.33 KB, 1200x1200, ijb.jpg)

i usually dont believe theories like these but in this case, with all of the push biden has gotten to drop out, i believe it. i'll be happy if they swap him out though so i dont mind

No. 2094689

I don't think he will die but will be allegedly too ill to campaign and they will use that excuse to run someone else. Who will they pick?

No. 2094690

In his videos he mentioned being some sect of Christian and still believes/practices it to this day. There's something to be said about overcompensation lefty guys like that. He's tootally cool with porn jokes and video games AND trans people, not like the other christians.

No. 2094692

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No. 2094698

I thought it was suspicious when I first heard it. If I was in the mood to foil I would say he's having a particularly bad senile episode behind the scenes and they're trying to prevent further public embarassment damaging the campaign.

No. 2094703

>Trans rights
I'm so tired.

No. 2094734

Nayrt but i figured it was something like that to get him out public apperances and speeches. But using it slowly deplatform him and run someone else makes sense too

No. 2094844

File: 1721275088483.jpeg (147.14 KB, 1080x917, IMG_5875.jpeg)

Speaking of Sleepy Joe, he deleted a tweet ending with the word “bullseye” that supposedly set off a trigger for the shooter to “unalive” orange man as the zoomies would say.

In case anyone doesn’t understand how triggers work, here’s an example:

No. 2094856

Biden is not cognizant enough to even come up with something that dastardly, be real

No. 2094877

Biden is fucking senile he didn’t plot anything, the only person that benefited from this shooting was Trump and his racist delusional histrionic cult followers who already have a persecution complex. Clear PR stunt.

No. 2094880

Or whoever is controlling his accounts.

No. 2094881

His reaction is what sealed it as fake to me. Nobody stands up and makes a fist after almost getting their head blown off. Trump has been open about his fear of germs, death, being poisoned etc. He makes his assistants anonymously order McDonald’s for him so that nobody can know who it’s for or try to poison him. Suddenly the guy with an extreme fear of death and being murdered is fist pumping a few secs after almost getting his brains splattered? Look at shootings that were real like the Reagan and JFK shootings. Genuine, pure terror, everyone is petrified and scrambling to escape the vicinity. Also hitting his ear while his head was conveniently turned from the camera is such bullshit, it’s much easier to hit a larger target like a head than a small part like an ear. It’s not like Trump has huge elephant ears that stick far out either and could get pierced without his skull taking damage.

No. 2094883

I think it’s more sinister than just that, they put a mentally retarded man with dementia in charge so they could keep bombing and murdering children with no repercussions. His funny little ‘gaffs’ and ‘speech blunders’ are just bread and circus bullshit to distract us from the horrors that the US government is currently committing and funding.

It’s like the Simpsons episode where grandpa has to babysit the kids and they get away with everything because he’s too stupid and senile to chastize them for their bad behavior. Put a useless old man in charge and you can get away with whatever you want.,

No. 2094903

it isn't entirely unreasonable to think the site is being monitored. i don't think it's been taken over entirely but i did notice that europol anon popped up during the time we were getting raided everyday with cp. and just by nature of being an imageboard, we're scrutinized a lot more than just your average person scrolling facebook because of the association with school shooters and stuff, even if it's an exaggeration or coming from a place of bias. there have been some questionable anons here over the years who have said some pretty strange things that made me go hmmm. they aren't as prevalent as they used to be but you can never really know who you're talking to behind a screen…

No. 2094938

I actually posted this already but in the wrong thread. Why do right wing males constantly bash white women, talk about how Asian women or whatever are more feminine docile and trad and family oriented (despite having a lower birth rate than white women) then cry about how white birthrates are dying and all the kids being born are mutts? Like is it just generic male insecurity and sexual frustration, or is there something deeper to it? I cannot possibly see why any white women would want to join the right wing male movement, it’s absolutely full of interracial porn fetishists and white males who hate and want to spite their white mothers.

No. 2094939

My tinfoil is that anesthesia does way more damage to the body than people think, but medical authorities won't address it because it's the only way to perform complex surgeries and also if people think it's simply "sleeping" then they'll do surgery more lightly (like unnecessary ones llike cosmetic surgery, or troon shit) and doctors/hospitals will get more money.

No. 2094940

I actually posted this already but in the wrong thread. Why do right wing males constantly bash white women, talk about how Asian women or whatever other immigrant group are more feminine docile and trad and family oriented (despite having a lower birth rate than white women) then cry about how white birthrates are dying and all the kids being born are ‘mutts’ (including their own)? Like is it just generic male neurosis and sexual frustration, or is there something deeper to it? I cannot possibly see why any white women would want to join the modern right wing male movement, it’s absolutely full of interracial porn fetishists and white males who hate and want to spite their white mothers. It’s been proven time and time again that no race of man actually gives a fuck about ‘race loyalty’ and will simply choose whatever their dick inclines them to. Right wing sexual politics is truly so strange.

No. 2094943

And sorry for doublepost.
I just think it’s funny that low value right wing incels think hating on white women constantly is going to make white women want to join their movement

No. 2094947

> europol anon popped up during the time we were getting raided everyday with cp
Well this isn’t surprising. The mods already outed the porn spammer and he was shown to be an extremely racist zionist troon who is on /pol/ 24/7 too.

No. 2094949

Knowing people who’ve had operations and how sick they were afterwards and suffered memory loss, depression etc afterwards I think you may be right. When my ex bf got an operation on his face that required being under for 5 hours, his personality changed so much afterwards, and I think it was the anaesthesia and trauma

No. 2094950

Anaesthesia is notoriously dangerous though, that's why anaesthesiologists get paid so much. It's often the most risky part of a surgery but I don't think that's a secret.

No. 2094964

Yeah they do say it's dangerous but I think it has way more bad side effects that don't usually get mentioned, like severe cognitive loss and even cancer growth. I've known people who have done surgery for like a minor physical issue so they could feel better afterwards but in the months following the surgery they actually declined rapidly, they were worse than before. But doctors don't say this, some people suspect it but no one is telling people "ah yeah this rhinoplasty or knee operation is quick and it'll fix everything, but you may develop dementia soon after!" and I've seen doctors say "yeahh it's totally like sleeping you're not gonna feel a thing!" while in reality it's common for patients to wake up and panic mid-operation and they just "forget" afterwards.

No. 2095036

we dont even really know how the knockout part of general anaesthesia works, just that is does work. it makes you unconscious, but the mechanism is anyones guess. its not surprising that it can cause issues. delirium is a huge problem for postsurgical patients and having delirium may be a contributor to neurodegenerative disease.

No. 2095054

I don't think cancer has really anything to do with anesthesia. Neurologial problems do though, but there's nothing much that people can do about it. I wouldn't want my surgeries done only on laughing gas and if i paid the price of hallucinating from time to time for being able to breathe at all i'm fine with it. Medicine is a trade, sometimes you trade the feeling in your bodypart for looks, sometimes you trade a bit of braindamage for your life.

No. 2095132

File: 1721302883896.jpeg (836.24 KB, 1125x995, IMG_5876.jpeg)

That would mean the head of the secret service, a Biden stooge who initially refused Trump’s request for more security personnel to be in on this sham too, right? No to mention that there was another shooter and that people tried to warn his staff about them beforehand to no avail.

No. 2095134

Plastic surgeons are known evil psychopaths and anyone who willingly gets cut up by them is retarded.

No. 2095161

>I don't think cancer has really anything to do with anesthesia.
All tinfoil of course but I think anaesthesia isn't fully comprehended and it might disrupt the organism in various ways, among those could be severe inflammation in organs leading to tumors/cancer, cognitive decline, strokes or heart issues. Sure medicine is a trade but I think doctors know how much it destroys people but won't say (the reason could be for our own good or monetary gain). And regardless researchers should still strive to remove these side effects as much as possible and make patients aware of all the risks.

No. 2095275

I thought people stopped making hours long video essays. How can someone watch/listen to this for almost three hours? it's like bubblegum for the brain.

No. 2095315

They maybe don't list all the details but i specifically remmeber signing a paper that said:" You may die under anesthesia, sign this so if it happens it's not out fault" kek

No. 2095808

Biden has had COVID like 5 times, unlikely he will die of it this time either although I'm sure it would be convenient for the Democratic party if he did. I think they're just looking for an excuse to get him out of the public eye for a bit.

No. 2095839

It's pretty much just sour grapes and frustration that 'white' aka Western women have attitudes more informed by feminism/legal protections/a less patriarchal culture. They're mad because most of them probably want to date/marry white women and have white babies (many RW/trad men in general are also at least mild racial supremacists) but they realize they can't trick the women around them into acting how they want women to act so they lash out. I think that's pretty much it. It's not even a right wing thing as much as it is a moid thing, non-RW moids and moids of other races act the same about 'their' women whoever they think 'their' women happen to be.

No. 2096259

Because they're the ugly ones in their ethnicity group and mad at stacies not choosing them but chads/ hot guys

No. 2096262

because they simply think feminism isn’t needed in the west anymore. i remember infighting about an anon who truly believed that kek

No. 2096264

>bashing their own women while incessantly thinking about black cock and migrant men becoming their sexual competition as if rape equals sexual competition
kek it’s because white men are submissive pillow princesses and white women are the opposite of that despite the PR they promote about themselves in the media. they even think through the mind of faggot, more offensively like a male-identified woman rather than a moid and then have the nerve to project that on to women

No. 2096271

Makes sense especially in America, you guys are put under for procedures we just use local anaesthesia for in other western countries

No. 2096303

File: 1721399083904.png (42.96 KB, 663x270, Screenshot 2024-07-19 162337.p…)

Anyone think like I do that this IT outage just a consequence is from a bad decision of companies, private and public, to have their data and systems via Windows?


And it won't be the last worldwide IT shutdown too.

No. 2096317

They likely don't talk to Asian women much/deeply and therefore just make up their own assumptions about them/whatever 4chan tells them. You're absolutely correct though, blog but I've been to Korean churches and white churches, I remember seeing all white women get married in their 20s and start popping out babies while doing all the trad stuff, in Korean churches white moids would have a meltdown because the girls that went were all heavily focused on university and career and didn't even want a relationship, nevermind children, the very thing they claim to hate white women over

No. 2096336

This is so amazingly retarded. Even a 30 year old DOS-based system would be better than using Microsoft "cloud" shit for anything important.

No. 2096534

Yeah most of this type of white moids obsessed with 'submissive' Asian women have not even met Asian women they just get all their ideas about them from weebshit or from reading passport bros forums. I have a lot of Asian friends and I think it's hilarious that moids think they're more submissive or 'trad' than white women but of course it's checked out online incel types who never interact with real people who make up these fantasies in their heads.

No. 2096560

i think something more is going on here than just a bad patch. they do not want people panicking obviously, but this seems way worse than just wonky software upgrades. i notice whenever major cyberattacks like this happen, it's always the anti-virus software that has some sort of leak or weakness which gets exploited. i forget what company it was but a few months ago there was a similar smaller data breach with medical software where the hackers were able to find a weakness in the security/anti-viral software and steal data. we probably won't find out for months until after the us elections, then they'll quietly reveal that a virus was uploaded into crowdstrike and that it nearly destroyed the whole world lol.

No. 2097007

Agreed. We got away unscathed here (besides my colleague's boyfriend's workplace at BMW shutting down for 4 hours kek).
I'm especially looking forward to companies seething because all their data has disappeared next time. I work in Currywurstland and a law was passed that all big companies (above 15 employees) have to digitalize every invoice they have (sent but also the ones received by other companies) by next year. And in our case at work, the dude controlling the finances has not even asked for people to keep whatever paper invoices they got just to be safe.
The IT guy doesn't even know how to put a USB stick into a computer plug the right way (I wish I was joking), let alone making sure company data is safe on an external hard drive like it's hard to buy a hard drive per dept. and make sure everyone has their stuff saved up on there for the worst case scenario. The day an outage comes knocking on our door, I'm going to laugh hard (because I made sure to get an external hard drive for our dept).

No. 2100938

Tucker Carlson is amazed that Alex Jones “predicted” 9/11 two months before it happened. What do you guys think about Jones doing that? Do you think it was just him sperging or that it’s as impressive as Carlson says.

No. 2103226

File: 1721849875478.webp (110.04 KB, 1200x1500, IMG_1886.webp)

This is not a woman. Female gymnasts do not look like this sorry to say.

No. 2103228

He didn’t predict shit. People (and by people, the gov officials and elites) knew things were hot in the Middle East before that and it’s because it was an obvious inside job, they put bombs inside the tower and got one of their home brewed “terrorists” to fly a plane to make it seem like an act of foreign terrorism and Alex Jones is a fraud who gets insider information because he’s one of those insiders kek, no moid except the gay ones can be decent psychics you have to be tapped into fully into your feminine and that roidpig is always screeching like a bear so it’s an absolute no from me dawg.

No. 2103236

The moid shooter was a student/cadet/agent of and participated in a BlackRock ad.

No. 2103244

File: 1721850879035.webm (7.37 MB, rapidsave.com_lone_gunman_911_…)

The Lone Gunmen (an X Files adjacent sequel show) predicted it too

No. 2103249

Manchurian candidate. did you get this info from vigilantcitizen

No. 2103254

The webm is a crack connoisseur aka jinx edit, the yt videos have been posted by a different anon

No. 2103343

File: 1721856427009.jpg (239.18 KB, 1125x416, ca.jpg)

his father was also targeted by trumps campaign and cambridge analytica as a hunter gun owner and strongest gop characteristics in the area like top 20/20000



No. 2103417

yes though I’m not sure if it’s legit orchestrated or not but the head of secret service and Dr. Jill’s bff resigned due to “negligence”.

No. 2103970

What is going on with that sock?

No. 2104097

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It looks like that small ugly trend where they put heels inside of a sock to make it look “fashionable” like some kind of sock boot it’s atrocious

No. 2104099

there are high profile deaths of black people by cop every time an election is to take place soon

No. 2104366

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I believe that BJchan from the BP threads is a genuinely schizophrenic woman with a sexual obsession (they're pretty common among schizos) but I don't want to summon her here so I'm not going to go into details. I'll just say that I have first hand experiences with actual schizos and everything about her posts from the frequency, tone and formatting down to the language (especially the obscenities) scream paranoid schizophrenic to me.

No. 2104395

I mean… Yeah. Obviously.

No. 2104429

Yeah, I know… It's not much of a tinfoil but I think some anons just think she's a sperg, so I wanted to let it out lol

No. 2104505

It’s bc gcs keep going in there and arguing w her and she keeps responding. BP forums should be for discussing evo bio not debate so this doesn’t happen but she does spam too much. I get her pov but she does overrun the thread and is doing too much I concede. It sucks bc I wish they actually talked about evo bio and reproductive strategies bc it supports my tinfoil frameworks and moid hatred at once. They need to be banning the people who are arguing w her and other gcs who go in there. They don’t belong in that thread and ruin it.

No. 2104636

I think it's a combination of mental illness, social isolation IRL and being terminally online.

No. 2104910

Yeah, it's pointless and even harmful to respond because what she's saying is not rooted in genuine arguments, she just obsessively repeats the same thing over and over again and responding to her fuels her persecution complex. I don't even know if I would consider her to be an actual blackpiller tbh because it reads like psychotic ramblings that just so happen to coincide with BP rhetoric. And just to be clear I don't mean to imply that those beliefs are what makes her come across as severely schizophrenic. Other anons who make similar points don't come across this way at all. On a different note I'm also interested reproductive strategies. You're right that it's things like that should be discussed instead of the infighting.
You're right, that fuels it too, but I think the latter is caused by the former.

No. 2106498

Blind Item about Bill Gates paying European men to impregnate African Women.

No. 2106588

You're completely right. She's fascinating to witness, I go into that thread just to read her ramblings. I wish anons left her alone, it's equivalent to cow tipping in my opinion kek along the lines of "don't touch the poop". That thread is really just her own personal diary

No. 2106593

I love bp-chan, she’s close to getting the truth but her mental illness stops all logic and reason from forming a proper outlet for it

No. 2106649

My tinfoil is that some of the radfem anons migrated to kiwi farms is because they’re allowed to say the n-word and racebait, unlike here and are cool with null.

No. 2106659

How is this tinfoil nonna, I’m pretty sure this is exactly what happened. Other female kiwifags are addicted to the attention they get from male incels who use the site too. I like the way the other farms are laid out and kiwifags document cows well, but the userbase is also made up of unhinged cows themselves, probably even more so than here by a large margin

No. 2106718

Why would he do that though

No. 2106722

Not even a tinfoil it's just straight up true. Whenever I see a particular type of bait I just assume it's a female kiwi refugee

No. 2106731

So everyone else knew? God, I need to get out more.

Lidi Drip, Stan and a few loudmouths come to mind when writing my last post. Goes to show that no matter how much they sperg about muh patriarchy in their own man-hate thread, they are pickmes in the end. I mean, who the fuck sucks up to null and dynastia yet claims to hate all other scrotes on that site?

No. 2106733

I didn’t know memes and pretending to want to fuck Pillsbury Null is “sucking up” to him. I think LC kiwifarms haters need to get over it, the site share the same content and ideals, one is just ran by and occupied by ugly men and one is ran by and used by a bunch of strange eclectic women with a few trannies who snuck into the mix.

No. 2106767

The Kpop industry is one of Hollywood’s sex trafficking ring hotbeds.

No. 2106809

>and ideals
no not really (except for hating trannies). have you seen the amount of shadman defenders there?

No. 2106829

There's been blinds about oligarchs and kpop stars, that's hardly surprising

No. 2106834

I think you should go back to your moid fest where you belong, kiwifag.

No. 2106919

File: 1722052592554.jpeg (50.49 KB, 827x849, 4872947.jpeg)

>LC kiwifarms haters

Idk if this is scrote bait or if you're just retarded, but I'm assuming it's the latter. If anything, your post confirms the theory that female kiwifags desperately want attention from the failed male abortions over there. Because surely you wouldn't come all the way to the tinfoil thread to defend them if that wasn't the case kek. And why are you saying strange eclectic women as if it's a bad thing, hmm you know what maybe this is scrote bait after all.

No. 2106941

Lidl Drip takes the majority of her man-hate memes and talking points from here. It’s laughable when she also strives to be a living encyclopedia about Null.

No. 2106943

she’s ok in theory but that thread is just her stream of consciousness and not discussion of the topic.

No. 2106985

While being a boy-mom and married to a scrote, this is too funny.

No. 2107034

Gates was connected to Epstein and Epstein wanted to set up these odd breeding farms in Arizona or something, Gates is probably a eugenicist racist himself just like his buddy

No. 2107701

This video goes a little more in depth about the Franklin coverup and I noticed that there are similarities with the pizzagate conspiracy. Although it was well-researched, it didn’t talk about Hunter S. Thompson’s connection as a snuff film director.

No. 2107733

>me when you see something so retarded it just has you astounded
purposefully missing the point and didn’t read, 80 low iq, imagining words filled in the screen, making assumptions

No. 2108044

>imagine coming back to the schizoid thread to defend muh precious kiwi farms
Why are you on this site scroteposting?

No. 2110817

I honestly believe the vigilant citizen lurks on the forums (us and kiwi farms) to see what tinfoil topics we’re talking about then writes the articles. At first, I thought I was overreacting and seeing those articles were merely a coincidence but not anymore. Hi vc!

No. 2110822

He definitely doesn’t, there’s a lot of conspiracy theorists on twitter and instagram and lots of websites dedicated to what he talks about. Plenty of decent conspiracy rabbitholes on these different platforms

No. 2110994

What articles/stories do you think were posted here first? Is there a tinfoil thread on kf.

No. 2111898

File: 1722352152635.png (2.89 MB, 2706x2160, nonnas.PNG)

>used by a bunch of strange eclectic women
I’ve been thinking about this description of lc
for days. Somehow it’s hilarious to me, especially since the kiwifag clearly saw that as equivalent to an ugly scrote userbase

No. 2112169

Israelis protested to oppose detention/ punishment of idf soldiers who raped/sexually tortured Palestinian prisoners.

Israeli MP Hanoch Milwidsky defended rape of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons as legitimate in the Knesset. (They consider all Palestinians terrorists not that if they were that it would be ok).


Are we going to get any condemnation of rape of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers from Sheryl Sandburg? Is this going to be on the news.

No. 2112296

Samefagging bc I forgot to add will Zionist funded reduxx mag or its contributors even acknowledge this like they were quick to frame all liberation fighters as solely motivated by the chance to rape with impunity based on unsubstantiated reports Hamas was raping hostages.

I have little desire to actually monitor them for things like this tbh.

Will Catherine “the idf is the only military that doesn’t rape” MacKinnon have anything to say?

No. 2112670

What are you talking about?

No. 2113439

>Zionist funded reduxx mag
Source? I assumed Anna Slatz (despite her merits) is retarded about Palestine because she's jewish or something but is this really true?

No. 2113668

>”Is this going to be on the news”
>anon links mainstream news coverage
So IDF soldiers are being imprisoned and tried by their own military court for crimes against Palestinian prisoners. Nice. A retarded Israeli politician and far-right Israeli protesters complained? Shocker! What did you expect would happen?

No. 2113955

Influx of bad advice, inaccurate "theories" on why people are poor, etc is part of a psych-op so the government can convince increasingly poor normies it's all their fault instead of proposing to fix issues that kept people poor. Like they can undo child labor laws and the chevron act but cant figure out how to make a minium salary (not wage, salary), get rid of "work at will" or put some sort of cap on housing prices? give me a fucking break

No. 2114110

>or put some sort of cap on housing prices?
In some countries, like Canada, real estate market props up the entire national GDP and economy so governments are very uninterested in regulating it. I think the American government really needs to re-evaluate housing laws and land laws, we can't let housing become a commodity instead of a basic right because that's how we all end up broke and homeless. I really don't think brokerage houses or wall street rats should be able to buy homes or houses; I'd go so far as to say companies and corporations should not be legally entitled to "own" any housing unit unless they're the ones that construct it. I really detest this idea that some trading company in NYC can own swaths of land and houses in rural counties in states hundreds of miles away. I think that there should also be caps on how many rental properties an individual or company can manage.

>Influx of bad advice, inaccurate "theories" on why people are poor, etc is part of a psych-op

I used to think this way, but coming from a working-class family I find it difficult to relate to the people that grew up middle-class and squandered the chances that their privilege afforded to them complaining about the economy while not doing anything to improve their situation. I met a lot of people like this, and usually they are VERY prone to angry outbursts when confronted with common economic advice. For example, even though I don't make a lot of money I still own stock and invest some of my money because it's good to own and the dividends pay, but if I talk to middle-class people about stocks they'll look at me with two heads and say only the ultra-rich should play the stock market. Or, if they're complaining about the prices of food and I ask if they check the sales section or check different stores to find the cheapest price possible for what they need, they'll act like coupons and sales are below them. It's this weird ego-state where they grew up relatively well-off and didn't have to struggle, but now that they're older they have no idea on how to survive or save money. Sorry for the rant, it's just annoying having to deal with people that are experiencing "poverty" for the first time thinking they know more than someone who's been broke since she broke free of the womb.

No. 2114124

Who cares about some moid's ass getting sodomized? Like actually

No. 2114132

That's kinda hot actually I wish they would fall in love with the soldiers who raped them

No. 2114203

Exactly. I remember one of my friends reposting some moralfaggy instagram post about palestinian moids taking it up the ass and it was framed like the most heartbreaking thing in the history of mankind. KEK. Not once has this woman posted or talked about woman's issues in her life. She only reposts Palestine shit because everyone else does. Hilarious. I wanted so bad to reply to her story and say it was good news but I held myself back.

No. 2114232

where does it say they're male?

No. 2114234

Does anyone have recommendations for good conspiracy books?

No. 2114236

Basically IIRC in Israel only women can be
raped, if a man rapes another man it isn't considered to be legal rape. So right now the big thing is that the hardcore Orthodox Israelies are saying it's okay for Israeli soldiers to butt-rape the Palestinian scrotes because according to them God says it's okay and that it's not rape. The other side is saying "no it's still rape it's bad" but then the Orthodox say "no God supports this and it's blasphemy to say otherwise." It's the same reason Israel is a popular destination for pedophiles. I don't know. All Abrahamic religions are retarded but at least the Europeans reformed Christianity to the point where stuff like this is a non-issue.

No. 2114238

File: 1722461737083.png (143.66 KB, 828x747, Israeli lawmaker defends alleg…)

NTA but it’s in the first paragraph the OP linked, and all news media are reporting the prisoner as male. Also Hamas typically doesn’t arm women as soldiers, and the Palestinian prisoner was being held as a POW.

No. 2114257

I think a lot of people get confused because if something worked for them doesn't mean it will work for others. I use to do food delivery years ago and with the amount of tips I was making I was able to move out of my abusers home and pay for school. I worked in food delivery again recently and quit after a month just because literally no one tips anymore. Even the military is using carrot dangling like the GI bill which they're heavily restricting now. The only people who are incapable of understanding how rapidly times are charging are narcissists who can't see things out of their own perspectives

No. 2114272

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No. 2114274

I don’t think they’re gonna stop with the Illuminati troon fests despite the severe backlash. I really hope people are finally waking up from this gay ass propaganda.

No. 2114300

Africa is the only continent with a growing population and trillions of dollars worth of resources, I’m not surprised that certain elites have their eyes on controlling the people and by extension the resources. Expect to see a quiet colonization this century

No. 2114304

Many online radfem are WW who were deeply hurt by the left wing hatred of whites women’s and being subject to being called Karens that kiwi stuff feels like releasing a valve

No. 2114305

were already seeing it, look at all the chinese infrastructural projects intended to trap african nations in impossible debt on top of ayrt

No. 2114311

Ayer, they literally have segregated neighborhoods in Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. We will literally see history repeat itself and with greater, more invasive biotech to kill off or control the population. Sad because I wanted the people to rise up and organically control their own country and take the initiative on birth control

No. 2114319

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The SJW fear mongering was strategically placed for the past few years to essentially gaslight women out of calling out the rising levels of misogyny. You can definitely see this as compared to when racism, homophobia, etc is called out, but everyone is convinced calling out misogyny is some crazy out there thing, or that it's pointless cause "it's just trolls/rage bait", or using the "women already have right" comeback even though most of the conversations revolve around attitudes towards women socially

No. 2114324

No. 2114333

this it's no secret my cousins in africa are learning chinese as part as their curriculum kek

No. 2114340

Exactly the hatred towards "childless cat ladies" is one reminiscent to the hatred towards spinsters that occurred in the early 1900's. "women already have rights" is just a statement used to defend males who do disgusting things to women, it's a form of gaslighting. If a man kills a woman, it is not a fault of males to them. That case of the three little girls who got murdered by a moid at a taylor swift dance class in the UK is so sad, and to see moids gaslight women and tell them it's not a femicide is so maddening.
and to add, the prominence of liberal feminism is another consequence of this. Liberal feminism is just the female side of the Anti-SJW coin. Liberal feminism makes you turn your brain off and takes away any guilt women would feel playing into the patriarchy. I've seen "feminists" tell me, a masculine lesbian, that "someone couldnt do cat eyeliner right" when I said i didnt wear makeup. Now we have libfems telling people that being trad is "feminist" because you're making a male work for you kek.
It's getting colonized, look at vidrel

No. 2114342

Only jewish women* nona. Rape of non-jewish women in Israel doesn't count
100%. The lack of structure gives it away.

No. 2114483

This isn’t a tinfoil. You’re just right

No. 2114509

My tinfoil is retarded but I follow Ester Dobrik on socials bc I think she’s cute and creative and I like her sewing project ideas and general Slav tendencies and I noticed there is a poster or posters lately who talk like her, and then she posted something on her story that made the rounds in celebricows a few days ago I believe and ny tinfoil intensified. I think she’s a farmer and tbh if so, based. I hope she talks shit in the YT thread kek

No. 2114935

Yep. There was a Reddit thread of people pointing out how online trolls especially pertaining to transphobia and such is increasingly dangerous since a lot of people are no longer blurring the line between internet and real life. Ended up getting down voted and banned for pointing out it's also been applying for misogyny since online misogyny seems to be increasing much more as people are creating harsher attitudes towards women and there's been a huge spike in crimes against women

No. 2115688

>india, one of the most dangerous countries for women with literal femicide created a program to allow women to not sit next to men

>but but what about men!!!

>this hurts mens feelings!!!

but we can't call out misogyny in the workplace yet men can act like we're hanging men by the mass over fucking airplace seats? give me a break

No. 2116059

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Over the last few years it feels like almost every boy is being diagnosed with autism/ADHD. Is this some sort of way to excuse the defective XY gene that makes moids psychopathic? There seems to be an awareness in general of how horrible males are, even in childhood, but there's still a dissonance that it's merely biological. It's not something I have evidence for, it's something I've observed and been thinking a lot about lately. This mumsnet thread in particular made me think about it again: https://www.mumsnet.com/talk/special_needs/4343984-Is-mild-ASD-an-excuse-for-all-the-bad-behaviour

No. 2116229

The SJW phase of the culture wars was interesting. It started with gamergate and ended in 2016 with the election of Trump. I often wonder if it was intentional or if it was just a badly run psyop that went wrong. People such as Anita Sarkeesian and Zoe Quinn weren't feminists, they were grifters pretending to be liberal feminists. Gamergate and the 2016 election radicalized a lot of young men into being right wing misogynists but I think it also destroyed the credibility of mainstream liberal feminism and caused women to look into other forms of feminism such as radical feminism. I suspect that it peaked a lot people on trannies. As a bonus it seriously damaged the reputation of the mainstream media.

No. 2116371

IIRC the stats for misdiagnosis of autism are 25% and for ADHD or ADD 55%. Take that as you will. I think the pharmaceutical-medical complex wants a lot of people to have "ADHD" instead of admitting that certain forms of electronics and media formats can make people pseudo-retarded. It lines their pockets the more Adderal they sell. I've also noticed that Millennials are very lazy parents that want their children to have diagnoses to excuse bad behaviours.

No. 2116955

the throngs of retarded, illiterate, and feral gen alpha children filling the school system and driving teachers to switch careers is proof that many millennials should never have had children, and i say this as a millennial. our generation is obsessed with nostalgia and i believe a significant percentage of millennials reproduced solely to relive their childhood only to realize too late that having kids involves a lot more than just the fun aspects. i also believe that many boymoms seeking an ADHD diagnosis for their son are doing it because a.) it provides them with a convenient excuse for their bad parenting and b.) they want to dip into their kid's adderall prescription.

No. 2117323

likely because when trump is elected and people are getting more and more comfortable with being as misogynistic as possible openly, the biggest argument/theories about "evil feminists are running everything" are voided and don't even make sense. Now as we are getting more and more rights stripped from us and social restrictions, we're seeing an uptick of moids looking for any excuse possible to hate women

Pro-life is a good example of this, first the movement revolved around the well being of children, families, etc. now almost all arguments you see against abortion are "evil women want to kill their babies for fun and cause they don't want accountability!!". Now more and more people want to take away protections for pregnant women/mothers in the workplace and in public, wage gap denial, harsher punishments for women who defend themselves instead of the actual men hurting women but since everything is "just" at face value then people believe everything is all fine and dandy. ofc this only applies for womens rights though, when it's men, troons, or anyone else being oppressed despite having "equal rights" then people magically understand how the law doesn't always translate to what happens irl

No. 2117623

Millennials were raised by the Boomers, both of these generations are self-centred & egoistic with low emotional intelligence. I know that Zoomers get shit on a lot, but I really do consider Millennials to be the more annoying of the two generations. At least Zoomers have an excuse to be annoying, they're usually still either in their late teens or early 20s and still maturing, but for some reason Millennials will be approaching 40 and STILL acting like the spoiled brat they were at 20. It's fascinating to see. Gen X was shitty for the economy, but at least they raised somewhat decent children considering most Zoomers were born just as the Internet was becoming popular. Every Millennial parent I've seen has been lazy and phone-dependent to the point where I've worried about some of the kids and thought of calling CPS because of the neglect. A 2 year old should NOT have 8 hours of screen time a day.

No. 2117762

I find gen z more delusional towards economic issues, it's like they have stockholm syndrome or something. They'll work like 80-100 hours a week and live with 3 roommates just to barely afford the crappiest house on the block and actually think they're doing well and theres nothing wrong with the economy. Just the other day I saw a zoomer bragging about how over 90% of their paycheck goes to exclusively bills and that everyone else just needs to suck it up and pull themselves up by the bootstaps and nothing needs to change. Millenials will do the same shit but actually stand up for themselves. We're truly a generation of absolute fucking pussies

No. 2117764

>Millenials will do the same shit but actually stand up for themselves.
What colour is the sky in your world?

No. 2117766

At least admitting the issue is happening is much better than zoomers actively enjoying the government fucking them in the ass and encouraging it. Zoomers are literally tipping their landlords on top of paying 2k monthly for their ghetto apartments in the country while having meltdowns over tipping a server kek. Idk what happened in public schools that made them such retarded pussies but it needs to end

No. 2117772

What shithole do you live in where this is happening?

No. 2117774

In imagination land, with all the other NEETS.

No. 2117777

We've literally had zoomers here pull the same shit. Remember shitty house anon who kept screaming about how much better she is at being poor than everyone else yet has to work 3 jobs, one of them being an ass wiper to eat expired ground beef and live in an abandoned house in the ghetto and spend the little free time she has cooking and cleaning?

No. 2117780

>Actually believing the creative writing projects posted here
You can't be for real?

No. 2117785

I'm sure it's BS or an overexaggeration at the very least, but let's not pretend there are some very real zoomers pulling this crap constantly

No. 2117787

… I have never in my life ever met any person that would even consider tipping their landlord. I talk to people everyday and I've never heard of this before, ever, amongst any age group. This sounds like ragebait from Twitter that you believed for some reason. This is the general tinfoil thread, not the retarded generalization thread.

No. 2117797

I'm glad you haven't had the experience of meeting such heathens but they absolutely exist. Remember how many zoomers were unironically supporting the dinner with Jay z?

No. 2117799

>Remember how many zoomers were unironically supporting the dinner with Jay z?
No because I don't live my life online. So I don't remember what happened on Twitter on that specific day. All I know is that in real life, in the real world, nobody is tipping their landlords kek. You have to be really hermetic to believe that they do.

No. 2117810

Anon most gen z lives online

No. 2117813

Yeah but they're not tipping their landlords? Kek.

No. 2117819

File: 1722642794083.webp (97.85 KB, 2992x1344, 1000000093.jpg)

There's multiple groups and posts of them screenshotting themselves tipping landlords, demanding other people to do it, and then claiming that "the relationship you will build with your landlord will earn you far more than that 15% tip"

No. 2117821

Girl what are you talking about rn

No. 2117824

File: 1722643313223.png (470.79 KB, 1080x1940, 1000000094.png)

Gen Zers being cucks like usual

No. 2117826

That was posted in 2016? That was 8 years ago? What are you talking about rn

No. 2117827

1) Gen Z literally still has this same mindset and actually believe Amazon is going to save people from the economic collapse for some reason
2) you don't have to end every post with "what are you talking about rn"

No. 2117830

The oldest gen z were literally 20 years old if you go by the 1996 cuttoff. The youngest were still in elementary school.

No. 2117831

I do have to end every post with that because you aren't making any sense right now and it's confusing as hell it's like I'm watching my great aunt sundown in real time

No. 2117836

File: 1722644128781.png (455.99 KB, 827x551, original instance.png)

This image is actually from a post on reddit where someone is confused why their monthly rent payment website has a tipping option. If you're gonna make a bait post, at least edit the image used so that it won't show up on reverse image searches.

No. 2117837

?? Don't blame your lack of reading comprehension on others

No. 2117838

nta but your retarded kek

No. 2117839

Sure, don't call out gen z ever, we all know that goes real well

No. 2117841

What are you talking about

No. 2117843

Take your dementia pills

No. 2117844

Okay whippersnapper I'll retire to my boudoir now and take my dementia pills, arriverdverci.

No. 2117917

Be honest here, does anyone feel like we’re on the track to shit like incest or pedophilia getting accepted? I feel like we are, I remember there was a thread a few years back about the subject >>34970 and I feel like we’ve only gotten closer to it being accepted with how many people in power are outed as pedos, rapists, etc.

No. 2117924

I don't think so. I think we're just at a point where the middle class really is powerless against the elites. Pedophilia has always been taboo and I don't think it will ever really be accepted, but I think it'll soon be like speeding tickets. Like, you know how the punishment for speeding is a fine? So, then really it's only the poor people that won't speed because they can't afford the ticket, but rich people will still speed because they can always afford to pay a ticket? It'll be the same thing with pedos. If you're rich enough, you're able to get away with anything and everything under the sun. If you're poor, you'll always be caught and persecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

No. 2117965

Personally I think the tranny shit is pushing us to see what the fuck we will accept. I actually can't cope with it still. It's so unscientific lmao. It's just pure bullshit. Even hearing wankers on YouTube having to say transphobia bad when there's another negative article about a trans person being a sex pest and people are like this isn't an excuse for transphobia. We're getting close to being called bigots for not catering and humanising pedos. Like kids growing up are having it drilled into them by all sides that trans identity is credible. This was all happened in a decade

No. 2118002

pervert freaks on the edges of leftist circles i feel have already normalized it there. then the traditional side or right wing has never cared about pedophilia or familial abuse as long as it's happening to girls, and with incest there's the anti-me-too sentiments so survivors aren't believed and upholding the family comes first.

No. 2118007

The universal hatred for pedophilia feels performative most of the time (talking about men). One corner of the internet will get mad at an adult man for sexting a minor while another furiously searches for underage anime school porn.

With incest I've seen people say "consensual" incest is okay for over a decade now.

No. 2118017

Easily. Incest has been one of the most popular porn subjects for the last several years (so it's being normalized and shown as desirable to countless moids) and like >>2118007 said, people have been arguing in its favor for awhile now so long as they can rationalize it to themselves by claiming it can ever be done consensually. Tranny ideology is making the same philosophical arguments that pedophilia uses in regards to a child's ability to consent (basically by arguing that since children can consent to [x], they can consent to sex. I literally had a college philosophy professor make this argument in class over a decade ago, this is an actual concept debated in academic philosophy spaces. Bleak.), so if people acquiesce to allowing children to access sexual reassignment and other cosmetic medical procedures, it becomes much harder to argue in favor of things like an age of consent.

Then there's the fucking pedophilia psyop where if any reasonable person tries to point out that something is objectively creepy and weird, they get castigated and accused of being a pedophile themselves, in an attempt to shame them into silence. "Nuh-uh! I'm not a pedo! There's nothing wrong with little kids twerking with drag queens in a library! If you're seeing anything weird, then YOU'RE the pedo! Pedo!"

No. 2118022

Many of these stupid debates about topics like pedophilia, consent, and incest turn into semantic games and mental gymnastics. Trash can.

No. 2118037

It is absolute trash, but the fact that these discussions are taking place at all and are expected to be discussed without bias or blame shows where academia is attempting to normalize taboo concepts. Some impressionable normies are actually swayed by semantics (see all the well-meaning idiots who support the library drag shows), and often continue to be swayed until they get enough irl experience to knock some perspective into them.

No. 2118042

I get what you mean, but this is actually one of the problems I see in rightoids and leftists alike: they take academia waaaay too seriously and treat it like it's real life. Most academics are stunted losers. Their opinions really don't matter much. They can debate anything they want in their ivory towers and it really doesn't matter in reality. I just don't think academia is the gotcha that people use it as.

No. 2118046

The media and governments are pushing trans idealogy and it's in education. People can get cancelled now for being "transphobic". Rowling can speak out cause she's a billionaire. Idk why it's considered a right idealogy or whatever the fuck to be against it either because UK had the tories when it all happened, USA had republicans and idk what the fuck happens in Europe but it's been legitimised. If parents go against their teachers they're out of touch to those kids that want to do well. This has happened in a relatively short amount of time and it's insane how it's not really up for debate anymore. It definitely should be. I did my masters in genomics, nothing in biology supports it.

No. 2118102

Academia pedos already attempted to normalize it during the 1960s and 1970s in Europe too, with the same bullshit semantic arguments and mind games. Peep how many TRAs use semantic arguments too in an attempt to boil down the word woman into fitting their definition of the word, which is usually some shit vague enough that it fits whatever belief they have. It's all happening again.

No. 2118213

I feel like the biggest push and why they were easily able to get pedophilia and incest to be bypassed more is simply how extremely hard they will do anything in their power to get people to turn on those who call out pedophilia and incest. The "you're the pedo! You're the one making it weird" excuse, cursing out people for shutting down child porn sites, claiming people are just sensitive. it's honestly shocking so many people allow pedos to pull the "akshully you're the pedo" excuse. We need to normalize calling out people for this behavior since most platforms aren't doing a damn thing about any of this, like TikTok that will take down posts for menial things but blatant pedophilia, CP, death threats, etc will stay up

No. 2118453

Russia is butthurt about not being able to compete in the Olympics and is promoting the troon boxer story as a response

No. 2118464

Kek you're 100% correct but the transvestigators in a certain thread would maul you alive for saying it.

No. 2118465

Don't summon them

No. 2118795

I think millennials who had kids either had them really young (16-22ish), or much older than past generations with at least over 30. The outliers being kids outside of those demographic of parents. For the ones who had them too young that came with the usual problems, these parents had no idea how the world works, and had no idea about what social trends they had to counter in parenting. Millennials who didn’t have kids always seem to know what Roblox, Minecraft, and tablets are, and know they are kid-crack, and have known that for upwards of 10 years even before Gen A kids were born. I’ve seen millennial parents seriously asking what the fuck Roblox and Minecraft are. For older parents, it can be the same problem with the upper older half of millennials who just never engaged with technology, but second option is all millennial parents seem to be living in some sort of denial. It’s like this group expected when they got jobs they’d be entering the world of their parents, but that never happened. Instead, all the reasons that they were told don’t have children are the reasons for their problems now: “you don’t have the money to raise them,” “you need to parent them, and don’t have the mental stability or time” “the school system is busted,” "the economy is fucked," etc. I think they fucked up and subconsciously know it, which leads to fronting arrogance ‘my gen a kids are perfect, gen z is fucked,’ millennials on the internet for years used to tell gen z kids growing up online ‘don’t let the media force generational war between us,’ and now somehow we’re here. That somehow has to be the demographic of millennials that actually had kids.

No. 2118807

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>I think millennials who had kids either had them really young (16-22ish), or much older than past generations with at least over 30.
This made me curious so I looked it up and found the graph in Picrel. It's displaying the average maternal age at childbirth, i.e., how old mum was when she had baby. It's kind of interesting to see the data like this.
>all millennial parents seem to be living in some sort of denial.
The denial thing rings true with me. A lot of Millennials I know are really denial-heavy when it comes to their parenting-style, just like their parents.
>Millennials on the internet for years used to tell gen z kids growing up online ‘don’t let the media force generational war between us,’ and now somehow we’re here.
They were saying that because the Zoomers weren't present enough to talk back. Millennials hate being sassed.

No. 2118823

What's the reason the average age at childbirth dips down in the 50s? Is it because of post WWII baby boom?

No. 2118826

If you're talking about the red line in the first graph, it's not a significant decrease, it looks something like it went from 23 to 22 and a half. It occurs in the early to mid 60s, so I'd assume it has more to do with the hippie counterculture and free love. If you mean the lower graph, the spikes you see around the 50s is the baby boom, then the decrease is things settling down into the pattern it exhibited pre-war.

No. 2118834

>They were saying that because the Zoomers weren't present enough to talk back. Millennials hate being sassed.
People don't usually put together that the older half of Gen Z specifically grew up alongside millennials on the internet. They just lied about their age, and never brought up being 12. A lot of the really crappy deviantart artists in the 2000s were just 8 - 13. Millennials had no prospects, no jobs, shit economy, so spent longer doing hobby and entertainment stuff. Hobby and entertainment stuff is ordinarily marketed to the next child generation, as is happening now with A, but Millennials were a huge market share, and you could double dip on the Gen Z market who had unrestricted access to adult content. "Children's cartoons can be mature," was started by companies trying to get adult consumers on their products (millennials), and justify making kids content kids probably wouldn't be that interested in or ordinarily wouldn't be marketed at them. Gen Z who don't use TikTok for example are likely that complete internet access no restrictions block of Gen Z. This is contrast to the restrictions block of Gen Z (younger half of the generation, or sheltered kids) who if sheltered likely had a shit time in school on the basis of not being able to relate to their peers. A lot of Gen Z kids in the right bracket grew up watching Game of Thrones, usually 8 - 13 when it started is the right bracket. Nowadays people would throw a larger shit fit over this, but this is how a large portion of Gen Z grew up. There's a huge difference though in Gen Z of kids who had parental controls/were sheltered vs those who were not. The really sheltered ones are the ones who come across as very dumb in youtube videos for example, and I don't say that as a judgement I don't know what to make of that either. I'm not completely pro unrestricted electronics, but this is just the trend I noticed for Gen Z.

No. 2118840

I never thought about the media thing until you brought it up. But you know, I always wondered why television in the early to late 10s was so focused on violence. I never watched a lot of the popular TV shows at the time because I'm a hemophobe, so watching it would always just make me feel faint anyway. Some violent shows that come to mind are Game of Thrones, the Walking Dead, Hannibal, Dexter, a bunch of them were focused on showing as much graphic violence as possible. It's funny now that in the mid 20s, violent rhetoric has become a lot more common and accepted in all aspects of our society. It's like everyone's been desensitized to it (Inb4 ohh it's all fake makeup blood, yeah our rational minds knows that but our subconscious animal minds can't tell the difference). It's cheesy but I really do believe those people that say "Oh violent video games make people more violent," or at least that being exposed to a lot of violent media early in life does desensitize a person to violence.

No. 2118980

reminds me of the Johnny's (jpop industry giant) scandal: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-66979993

No. 2119126

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I posted this in the wrong thread. I’m pissing myself at the thought of other women defending this thing because it’s “female presenting” this is a literal tranny, what is wrong with women? It’s even doing the performative high-pitch soft voice accommodated with the HRT that’s changed their voice. Are transvestigators going to be another thing where people called them delusional conspiracy theorists but just like pizzagate (elitists having a fascination for cannibalism, baby flesh eating, sex trafficking and pedophilia) they were proven right? I think with how taboo transvestigations are I think some have some merit to it, this isn’t normal no matter how much you put it.

No. 2119139

So, in the special ed class, how do you guys choose which women to transvestigate? Is it like you put all the names on a slip of paper and draw them from a hat, or is it just every day someone gets to choose who the class will transvestigate for the day? I'm just curious to know how you pick and choose which Olympian to use in your annoying bait?

No. 2119147

You must have been dead last in the Sex Recognition exam. How tragic for a transvestigator. Also terrible bait

No. 2119154

It's the same person from the gender crit thread trying to spread the infight out from there because nobody is taking the bait in that thread anymore. It's double weird because nobody mentioned Ilhona until one anon did in response to the transvestigations as an example of how a woman can be masculine and still be a woman, now suddenly Ilhona is being used as bait. I don't think this baiter even knows about athletes or the Olympics they're just here to bait by using the most surface-level stuff.

No. 2119156

Nonna ate her tinfoil hat. She hasn't been the same since then.

No. 2119171

That must of been a coincidence because I saw this on Twitter, not on here so that anon must have taken the comparison other people were making and put it in her own post. Anyways stop coming into threads where people are able to post their theories no matter how crackpot they are, it’s the tinfoil thread. There is genuinely something wrong with you if you desperately want to look like a man or need to look like one to compete in sports
So when you decide to not take showers and look like a burly beast, does it make you feel better than other women? Does dressing like a little middle school boy make you feel accomplished?(bait)

No. 2119178

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No. 2120006

We (as in millenials) remind me a lot of the mouse utopia experiments, the generation of mice where there was a noticeable stark change and mothers began to lose all maternal instinct as they got more and more ragged and exhausted from constant harassment from incel male mice, not to mention all the male mice that suddenly got uninterested in mating with female mice and began obsessively preening their fur, and mated with male mice. I think we're near-endstage mouse utopia. People can say all they want that experiment was debunked and "totally doesn't apply because it's not natural to mouse behavior living in the wild!" (and our cities are natural to our behavior?), the parallels are uncanny and people are too scared of the implications to explore it further and so block it out.
I also think the end goal is women as property again. It seems wild but so did the idea that we'd lose the right to abortion, but everything feels like that's what it's leading up to. Constant misogyny, high profile cases like Amber Heard being used as weapons against abused women and rape victims, all the stay at home mother propaganda, the sudden lack of jobs and sheer amount of fake job listings on sites like indeed, places trying to make it illegal to live with roommates that aren't family or a marriage? It feels bleak.

No. 2120052

I agree with you, I don’t think it’s to the point where people will casually admit to fucking their siblings or that we have a risk of in the family relationships increasing but I do think we’re at a point where a certain amount of people would learn one of their friends is dating their brother or sister and wouldn’t really mind it too much

No. 2120065

>we’re at a point where a certain amount of people would learn one of their friends is dating their brother or sister and wouldn’t really mind it too much
I am sorry but I just wanna say I think this is really subjective and seems like it's based on your friend groups. I don't know you maybe you live in Alabama or something, but in the real world I really don't think people "wouldn't mind" hearing about how their friend is having sex with her brother. If someone said that to me that would be the last time I ever spoke or saw them again.

No. 2120102

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I know this is probably common knowledge and has been said a million times but the Pope Francis is the Antichrist.Hate that good for nothing old fuck.

No. 2120103

Thank god I’m not a 12 year old Italian boy

No. 2120106

His "skin" is flaking off in this picture and sheeple will still claim he's "human" and not the prince of darkness

No. 2120147

And adding to this its so much easier for moids to get more sustainable jobs. I've seen so many instances of moids with just high school diplomas walking onto job sites and getting $30-50 an hour where as professions that are mostly women are scraping by. My husband literally has only a HS diploma and got a blue collar job within a day of job hunting making 60k a year (this is very good since we live in a cheap area). I had to pay 3k for a certification to wipe asses just to get paid 13 an hour and then was part of the "sign on bonus" scheme where they just fire you before having to pay your sign on bonus
>Inb4 it's the demand!!
Nope, healthcare workers are absolutely in demand and most places are dangerously understaffed. Same goes for childcare and daycares that are charging parents like 2-7k a month just to barely pay staff peanuts yet somehow blue collar crews can get 7k for a 2-3 month job and pay their employees enough to survive

No. 2120209

AYRT and nah I’m not like that and I’ve never met anyone like that thankfully. I’m not from Alabama either kek. I do feel like a good amount of people will sadly end up supporting stuff like this one of these days if for no other reason than to be contrarian

No. 2120287

I'm not trying to gaslight you, because things are bad for women, but I don't think they're getting worse. Each generation of women has had it better than the previous generation. There are a lot of people alive who remember when women couldn't own their own bank accounts or property. Don't feel hopeless, that doom only makes it easier for men to take away our rights. There's also a lot of high paying jobs for women with 2 year degrees. Not sure what your husband does, but things like stenography, x-ray techs, ultrasound techs, a variety of 2 year degrees in the medical field pay very well and are to my knowledge female dominated. Your husband sounds very lucky tbh, I don't think most men can do that.

No. 2120347

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Mainstream social media is purposefully creating a sort of pipeline through it's algorithm that favors enragement bait. Twitter is the best example of this, like elon musk allowing certain big accounts to be racist and the fact it was leaked that twitter divides it's users by "democrat" and "republican". The culture war is manufactured, it was created by social media corporations to profit. Notice the conservative spike in 2020? 2020 was when everyone was inside, on their phones. These social media giants have no morals, they don't care about how extreme everyone gets, they don't care for as long as it makes them money. Those weird normie "tradwife" accounts that are growing in popularity online and being pushed onto people's feeds. The tranny shit is another result of this too. None of it is even fun either, it's all so boring. There will literally be no return to moderacy unless everyone goes outside. I think the nostalgia for the 2000's/early 2010's isn't just regular nostalgia, it is literally a desire for a return to normal. I wish there was some sort of mass movement to get people(normies, who are the prey to the social media giants) off social media, otherwise this will never end.

No. 2120350

Not to be combative, but that graph doesn't really show much. Less than 25% of senior high school students identified as conservative, and then less than 15% identified as liberal. Were there other options to select from, like non-aligned or centrist? If so, why didn't they include that data? Also, it's the politics of an 17 year old. I know a lot of people that were very conservative until they moved out of home and started college and started becoming their own person and not a mirror of their family. I don't doubt what you're saying in the post, I just hate when statisticians do this, where they manipulate data and graphs to present a specific angle or perspective that isn't the whole truth. It's annoying.

No. 2120353

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ayrt and yeah true I noticed that too, but i used that specifically to show the 2020 effect. The girl one is the opposite, but still the same retarded graph manipulation

No. 2120355

I feel it's an application of heuristics

No. 2120358

yeah it seems like every other man is a pedo. most of them are definitely performing to not seem like a creep and then go home to jack off to their loli hentai or clearly underage porn. just look at how many men are uncomfortable with their daughters once they start hitting puberty. there’s no reason to feel uncomfortable other than being attracted or seeing them as sex objects once they start developing. it’s fucking sad

No. 2120359

Yeah, most of those kids probably thought about the answer for less than a minute and just went with whatever party their parents are affiliated with. Women are always more "liberal" than men on average because it's the liberals that want to give women rights most of the time. Sometimes I think scrotes just vote by eenie meenie mini mo.

No. 2120841

i believe there's been a definite push to objectify women in recent years that is only going to get worse. female entertainers act more sexual compared to their male counterparts, onlyfans has become normalized, porn is more mainstream than ever and young women are encouraged by moids to act out on social media platforms in exchange for attention and financial gains that will dry up as soon as they move onto the next woman to exploit.

No. 2120857

The more annoying retards suddenly appear here making anons fight eachother the more often i see dog hate thread at the top of the page, coincidence? I think not.

No. 2121007

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Girls are also being sexualized including by the companies that make and sell their clothing and the advertising therein. This sexualization results in girls being taken less seriously so it’s no wonder elite sex traffickers like the man behind the Epstein operation Les Wexner owned girls clothing brands like the limited too as well as brands that sexualize women like Victoria’s Secret.


No. 2121382

Facebook definitely profits off of fringe political movements blowing up on its platforms: https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/09/myanmar-facebooks-systems-promoted-violence-against-rohingya-meta-owes-reparations-new-report/
I wouldn't be surprised if social media algorithms promotion of redpill bullshit leads to increased rates of domestic violence and femicide in the near future.

No. 2122016

My tinfoil is that the Britbong thread is exclusively used by Americans and then the Amerifag thread is only used by Brits.

No. 2122201

He reminds me of Queen Elizabeth II a lot in that both of them have been around literally forever and seem to not die. If Trisha Paytas gets pregnant again soon that’s how we’ll know it’s time

No. 2122262

>He reminds me of Queen Elizabeth II a lot in that both of them have been around literally forever and seem to not die.
He's only been pope for like 11 years, Lizzy was queen for nearly 7 decades. I don't think they're comparable.

No. 2122343

as a victim of autism accusations due to the fact i was a quiet kid growing up, a lot of times i think people just use autism and adhd as a blanket diagnosis for anyone who isn't "normal", ie some annoying extrovert with a motor mouth running all day and night. and by quiet i mean i didn't speak a lot and was really sensitive, which isn't a crime. and yet i was constantly getting bombarded by people and bullied over dumb things like not wanting to stand up in front of class or talk to random adults i didn't know, which only made me quieter and more withdrawn (the irony). i never had issues reading people's expressions, i picked up social cues fine, in fact i think i picked up on people's emotions way too much for my own good. i just didn't want to be bothered and didn't like being the center of attention. i'm still that way but now i'm a lot more confident and know how to tune out people so it doesn't bother me quite as much. but i still have to deal with people trying to accuse me of being "autistic" because i don't talk a lot, overshare my personal life, or use social media. no joke, it's exhausting because it's like you can't be calm and quiet without some stupid bitch trying to put you in a box.

No. 2122473

why do people especially itt hate the current pope. do you like the pope figure just not this one and think he’s illegitimate. why.

No. 2122961

A lab leak in Wuhan caused the Covid-19 pandemic and you can't even mention it without people screaming "RACISM!!!! MISINFORMATION!!!" even though all of the evidence points directly to it. Hell, I can't even mention it without posting it here in this tinfoil thread.


No. 2123232

I don't know, I think it's more acceptable to say this now since the pandemic is "over."

No. 2123261

I hate all popes equally.hopefully all of them will burn in hell soon.cant trust these worthless old geezers they are hiding a lot of fucked up shit behind doors.

No. 2123403

it's because they're all protestants just ignore them

No. 2123421

tbh my tranny radar doesn't go off for her, I think she's just a big Dutch girl with a wide jaw. She might have lip filler that makes it look more like a dude trying to 'pass' but I think she might just be masculine looking.

No. 2123514

it is also a trad cath thing to hate this pope. that is why i ask. i was wondering why other people would feel strongly about only this or certain popes. but thank you that would be a reason other people hate all popes.

No. 2123563

There is a prophecy of the popes that this pope is the antichrist and the death of the church. check the last entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prophecy_of_the_Popes

No. 2123570

>it is also a trad cath thing to hate this pope.
Trust me, none of those "tradcath" influencers on Twitter that hate the pope are actually Catholics, it's mostly comprised of former protestants that got kicked out of whatever heretical movement they were originally part of for being too weird and obsessive, so they just switch to Catholicism because they think Catholic = Conservative and Protestant = Liberal because they spend their entire lives in echo chambers debating shit that no real Catholic really gives a damn about.

No. 2123572

This is why I never feel bad about male redditors crying and bitching that they can’t find a job. Just hit the construction zone, go hit up the warehouses, get into hard labor jobs and see how much money you make, most women don’t have that luxury we are being pinholed and we are going to the first that’s affected by the inevitable end. It makes me roll my eyes whenever normie women brag about us obtaining more education at a higher rate than men, it literally does not fucking matter that doesn’t bring you any power, ownership, nothing, it’s been shilled to women heavily because these people know it’s another way to keep women chained and controlled to their own rules. Now they’ve inflated the number of us getting degrees and therefore lowering the value for them, it’s ironically setting the same conditions that allowed men in the 50s to just walk into any job and gain employment while people wasted 4+ years in an academic meat machine to gain employability and to jump the social ladder.

No. 2123577

>While people wasted 4+ years in an academic meat machine to gain employability and to jump the social ladder.
This is a big one too. I think that a lot of the people that went to uni didn't realize it was really just a fancy networking exercise. It doesn't matter what degree you get or what your grades are, what matters is you make connections with rich people so that you can get a job after you graduate. I see a lot of people complaining that "oh I went to college and I can't get a job," but then you talk to them more and you realize they spent their entire college career in their dorm on Discord and refused to talk to people or attend seminars or join clubs. College isn't for learning, it's just a gate to keep the socially undesirables out of the higher echelons of society. It's the same reason why the more focused people are obsessed with going to "good" colleges instead of just focused on getting a degree from any college.

No. 2123591

Everything you said is very true, it’s not even worth the amount you’re paying since quality of teachers has gone downhill ever since they added technology to the classrooms and the pandemic hit and the only thing they do is show you a bunch of youtube videos and then waste your time fucking around for 30 minutes until it’s over to the next class. College was never supposed to be a gateway into adulthood it was supposed to be like specialized education, they only pandered that to us because they figured it’s very lucrative, we really need to rework how teenagers transition from high school into the workplace without including the necessity of going through higher education that’s one of the main reasons why the job market is so royally fucked besides layoffs, offshoring, HR being stretched thin, introduction of shitty ass undeveloped AI that will “change da foooturrr” god I fucking hate everything ughh

No. 2123604

>since quality of teachers has gone downhill
Teachers and students have gone down hill. I used to TA for 3 years during my college days, and I'd say a good 30% of college students aren't aware of how to write a paragraph or do research. College really isn't for everyone, like you said, and I hate that it's pushed as a guarantee of a better future. Some people are just better off being labourers or blue-collar workers, but because there's such stigma attached to that work they don't go into it. The pandemic also fucked stuff up because like, at a certain point we were dealing with first year college students who hadn't been physically "in" school since 11th grade, so they were very juvenile and immature. It became baby-sitting when the lecture was comprised of kids that graduated high school during the pandemic.
>we really need to rework how teenagers transition from high school into the workplace without including the necessity of going through higher education
It's because most of the big companies moved all their production and factory work overseas so we became an "information/service" economy. When the smokestacks were still rising, the average middle-class worker was much more economically free as a basic labourer. Now, everyone has to clamor to get the gayest degree possible in the least important highly-theoritical discipline possible just to end up as a Walmart cashier or an e-mail jockey. I think the less labour jobs in a country, the worse the middle-class is, if that makes sense.

No. 2123609

It shouldn't be about back slapping a bunch of egotistical cunts for the chance to still be skilled enough to do a competent job. Degrees are a requirement for certain STEM track, sure humanities or something is about networking but it's a bit fucking rich to pay to go through the required technical courses that are accredited to the industry, gain the skills and be like oh but you didn't suck off professor dickface enough or congratulate strangers at seminars for getting the chance to work in the industry and hope they can put a good word in for you. As another anon said, adjust the track into certain careers. I only went to uni because I needed the degree there were no apprenticeships for non degree holders. However funny enough that's changing. I see it all the time entry level graduate jobs are also advertised as apprenticeships or trainees now doing the same job descriptions yet one with a lower pay grade and guess who the company would rather pay. Graduates are now competing with the rest of the workforce anyway.

No. 2123611

>It's because most of the big companies moved all their production and factory work overseas so we became an "information/service" economy
I forgot about this, they will never allow to bring back all of those jobs here because they’ve radically changed entire industries. I feel like this is the type of shit those Bilderberg meetings to discuss honestly, it’s so dystopian when you think about it to further globalize the planet. You’re now going to be replaced by a foreigner overseas and retards with a max 90iq incorrectly putting tubes in your veins having you bleed out and they do nothing but laugh at you for being such a groveling, passive moron letting them ruin your country during a CNN presidential debate denying it’s even a problem. Great points anon(racebait)

No. 2123613

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>It shouldn't be about back slapping a bunch of egotistical cunts for the chance to still be skilled enough to do a competent job.
That's what I mean though, since the quality of university education has gone down in recent years, and because so many people are getting degrees now, a degree isn't proof of competency. Like I said, when I was doing TA even if a student plagiarized an entire assignment, or couldn't write in English, or didn't know how to research, we were told to just pass them anyway because the more students passing means more money towards the university in tuition fees. So now, we're in a position where even if someone has a degree or a diploma: what does that really mean? To me that just means they had enough $$ to go through 4 years of school, it doesn't actually mean they know anything about the subject of the degree or their competency. Regardless of whether a student is in STEM or the humanities, if they don't get the right research lab positions in their undergrad and they don't talk to the right professors, chances are they won't be successful in their postgrad career or in their professional career either.

No. 2124065

Are the annunaki and lizard people real?

No. 2124111

I don't think higher education is a scam, I just think many students don't understand how to utilize it and think just a good GPA will get them anywhere. I see it most in my major, computer science. A lot of us (female students) are driven, produce high quality work, and band together in clubs or alert eachother about opportunities. We network a lot too which is huge for any degree. The male students think a job is going to fall on their laps after cheating through classes, not practicing outside of school, and being a socially inept, snarky autist. Then they post on reddit crying about how it's So Le Over Bros! Usually those who think it's a scam don't know how to use it or are insecure about never going/dropping out/Chose a genuinely useless major without having strong connections.

No. 2124120

People are way too comfortable with the idea of adulthood being miserable and borderline imprisoning and hellbent on convincing others that’s the way it should be. People think growing up is “learning lessons” when people grow up and still make the same retarded mistakes, even worse ones now that they’re more aware than before. I wonder why that is, honestly, nothing about adulthood should be cherished and yet it’s seen as an important rite of passage where you’re being rewarded in the end of it for being brutal and managing to be the dog that eats the other, we’ve framed “wisdom” and “maturity” as being able to commit traumas on to other people, you’re rewarded for acknowledging, knowing and maturing enough to be able to do evil things. Being an adult and adulthood are two completely things in my book.

No. 2124127

I have a decent website for this, it has a recollection of a lot of writings/excerpts from people’s books and articles. Here some that could connect you to those theories. I think I posted this website before because I found it through someone’s video and it has some interesting information
1. This one is more about Yahweh/Elohim/Asherah (main biblical god/gods they keep saying are the main ones when they really come from a polytheistic background not a monotheistic one) they are connected to the Annunaki. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biblianazar/esp_biblianazar_jehovah.htm#menu
2. Actual info on who the Annunaki are
3. Info on Archons (physical entities that plague our world and influence a lot of the insanity and ignorance)
4. Extraterrestrials (talks specifically about Reptilians)

No. 2124228

it's great that everything is working out for you so far and i agree that female students are typically far more hard-working and driven to make something out of their education than entitled scrotes but your positive experience does not cancel out the many women who put themselves into thousands of dollars of debt by pursuing a degree because they were made to believe that it was the only acceptable path towards financial independence and are now struggling to find employment. i guess all of them could just really suck at networking.

No. 2124253

Do you have any advice? I'm also a CompSci student and I unfortunately found myself relating to the scrotes you've mentioned… What a wakeup call.

No. 2124540

Fortunately,I'm not trad catholic I lean more on Agnosticism but yeah you're welcome nonna!

No. 2124753

Yes you are not wrong, there are a lot of other factors that also go into play. Do you know some of the degrees women are struggling in? I have only seen males crying.
How far into your degree are you and what specific advice do you seek? What are you interested in doing specifically?

I will say for you nonnies there are many factors to consider when pursuing education, I know I will have to move to make more use of my degree. It's not impossible where I live, just a bit more difficult. You need to take note of what industry is most profitable in your city/town. Mine is a tourist city with a focus in the hospitality industry, so I'll have to move to the neighboring city. Also keeping eye on another city whose beginning to grow their tech industry.
Go out of your way to find the females in your class and shoot them a message to create a female only groupchat for support and help. I do this every semester and a lot of the women know eachother and alert me of opportunities within their circle.
Create a Linkedin/Handshake/whatever is popular in your country but at least have a Linkedin and start connecting/messaging recruiters or people in your desired position and ask them respectfully for advice in the field. A response is rare, but you need to assert yourself regardless. Look at certs and such they have on their pages as well.
If you're interested in a certain concentration like cybersecurity that is over-saturated, look at what most of those students are lacking. I'm told few actually have good coding experience and the field is interested in software engineers with a secondary cybersecurity background as well.
If your current job has any opportunities always attend events related to your interests and begin speaking with anyone higher up and again asserting yourself. I'm on good terms with all managers at my retail job who actually know someone who knows someone in IT and have a few connections to explore when I'm at that point. Attend career fairs, explore internships in your company or interested ones. Connect with the interviewers/recruiters on Linkedin even if you don't get the internship. It can be exhausting but you have to do what you have to do

No. 2124767

No one talks about about how restaurants are all bro culture rape dens where sexual harassment and assault is the norm and conducted right out in the open, and there's no HR to even pretend to listen, even down to the chain restaurants like Dominos. All restaurant owners are sexual freaks trying to fuck employees, and so are almost all managers. So many women are forced to take jobs in the food service industry, and not to blog but every single restaurant job I left was because of sexual harassment or straight up assault. And they're all full of young girls getting groomed into thinking it's normal to fuck 35 year old line cooks at 17 and that if you "can't handle the heat" you're just a weak woman who shouldnt be in the kitchen (how ironic). It's so bleak and I know so many women who are trapped in the restaurant industry because they can't get hired anywhere else.

No. 2125024

I don't quite understand what you meant. How did the sjw era destroy the credibility of liberal feminism in such a way that it caused women to become radical feminists? Are you saying that liberal feminists weren't harsh enough on gamers? Or that liberal feminists cared about less important things and radical feminists are more serious?

No. 2125037

Do you think nofap could have benefits for women? I'm starting to believe masturbating could be draining positive energies from the body, independent of porn-watching

No. 2125041

Not if you believe in Taoism.

No. 2125046

Are you just going to say that and leave? Why would I believe in Taoism? Should I believe in Taoism?

No. 2125073

Traditional Taoist (prior to heretical degeneration of mid-Ming) sexual practice traditionally entail a man holding off on ejaculation (還精補腦) to bring the woman to orgasm as many times as possible.



Some translate this as such:

Taoism posits women to be the central conduit between Heaven and Earth because of the innate power, or spirit, (氣) within us. "Men must conform to the ten important indications of female satisfaction" spoke advisor Sunü (素女) to the Yellow Emperor (黃帝).

Since we are the creators of the eternal life force that connects here to there, there is no reason to fear the well drying. The waters of innate power continue flowing by nature of our being.

No. 2125163

Not really, the whole point of NoFap is semen retention because lots of religions/spiritualities/conspiracies say retention will give you some type of enlightenment, vaginas obviously don’t make semen so the only reason to do it is if sexual activities have become detrimental to your life and taken up too much time/become an unhealthy habit or you follow a belief that says you should detach yourself from physical pleasures

No. 2125476

Probably only if you're addicted to it. For me it was true that when i masturbated too much i couldn't be bothered to do any work. As a creative person i need energy and sexual energy is good for converting into creativity. But not masturbating at all for months also drains me so i think it's best just to do it at a healthy paste to you.

No. 2125609

depends? most of nofap is typically targeted towards addicts. even actual addicts who are women don't have the same effects as men who watch an "average" amount of porn

No. 2125610

>tfw you can’t even talk about interesting tinfoils anymore and the thread is about stupid off-topic girl problems shit
god get out and go to the mundane thread, i’m trying to see real conspiracy theorists

No. 2125659

anytime i try to posit a theory it always just gets shit on. i think a lot of nonnas are uncomfortable with realizing that we're all being controlled by moids so they dismiss those of us who actually want to confront the truth and instead steer this thread towards the same discussions that can be had all over /ot or /g. it makes me sad because i want better for all of us but that can't happen if we're always ignored or disregarded.

No. 2125669

Post some you like then and stop complaining. Obviously you see that multiple people were interrested in this to respond, not everything will be to your liking nonna get over it and contribute with the things you like.

No. 2125688

No I agree, it's so weird how interesting discussions that are relevant get buried so quickly but some stupid shit you can talk about in any other thread are blown up

No. 2125765

Arguably you’re doing the same thing anon is talking about by immediately trying to steer the conversation away after she brought up an uncomfortable truth…

No. 2126293

thoughts on artificial wombs?

No. 2126301

artificial wombs are male cope, if they already pump and dump to avoid fatherhood what makes you think some robot is going to be efficient at raising a child nevertheless some woman-hating moid? it would be a catastrophe if this became a huge thing, men would take advantage of this and just rape or kill the infants or use them as slave labor

No. 2126334

Masturbate according to moon cycles. We have two different sexual energies around full moon/ovulation and new moon/menstruation. For us masturbation is perfectly healthy since we are the spiritual source of life. Men have to retain semen because they have no spiritual source, they can only replenish themselves spiritually through contact with a woman or by devoting themselves to the demon yaldabaoth.

No. 2126335

This is coming very soon, from what I know it’s expected as soon as 2028. While I do think it’s better than forcing a woman to carry a baby and go through the pain of labor it will absolutely be abused since all it takes to have a kid now will be having enough money, imagine a rich incel getting his hands on this, now he has a whole child to abuse and he never needed a woman for it. From what I know there’s been a lot of talk of lab grown brains/people going on lately. This could also end up worsening the overpopulation problem. Imagine Elon Musk deciding to fulfill his wish to overpopulate the Earth by buying a bunch of these, although to be fair billionaires have probably been using tech like this long before it was available to the public, main reason I believe that is because I refuse to believe that Elon has ever had sex

No. 2126340

I hope that meteor crashes into us before that happens. I've had enough. Moids in tech are evil and only know to create evil, useless things.

No. 2126347

Pretty sure the closest meteor is expected for 2029 and it’s more than likely gonna miss us so don’t hold your breath

No. 2126364

bad, children bond with their mothers in the womb. there will be new levels of male sociopathy unleashed if this goes mainstream.

No. 2126382

i don't really have a problem with this, at least not at this point. people won't like it but it won't necessarily stop them from using it either. christfags will hate it because they see childbirth as punishment for the original sin, so we all already know they'll be whining and complaining about muh image of god. racists will either love it or hate, depending on how hardcore trad they are…i can see white supremacists jumping on this to have armies of blonde, blue eyed aryan babies or eugenicists trying to have super-tots who will never die. the government will probably end up genetically modifying humans to be super-soldiers, which is an og conspiracy theory that they've actually been testing artificial wombs already on creating an emotionless, physically powerful, possibly immortal human being who can go into the battlefield and kill without conscience.

as a regular person, particularly someone who isn't entirely sure she'll ever have kids, i'd like to see it purely from the standpoint of giving women (and honestly everyone in general) more freedom from childbirth and all the issues that come with having children in a complex world. this will probably end up either replacing or being an alternative to surrogacy, so no more drama with a surrogate switching up on you or anything like that. i could see it being used to help implant viable eggs and seeing if they develop properly without all the issues and guessing that can come with carrying a child in your womb. now religious/pro-life doctors can't fake you out anymore on whether your baby is going to be a vegetable; you'll see it clearly and perhaps even fix it? maybe we'll be able to help save babies from being born with incurable diseases and other life-altering deformities and such if we get really good with gene modification. idk, in some strange devilish way i'd want to be apart of this myself. childbirth shouldn't be a punishment and having kids shouldn't be a nightmare scenario like it's becoming. i just want things to be better for society as whole. the ends do sometimes justify the means.

No. 2126491

>as a regular person
>regular person
You’re not a ‘regular person’ if you are posting on a schizo thread on a chanboard site originally dedicated to a mentally disabled woman.

No. 2126499

nayrt but are there other women’s boards besides crystal cafe we don’t have many options.

No. 2126655

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The reason some infights go on for hours or are never cleaned up is because the mods are likely participating in it

No. 2126676

They love screaming about women doing majority of abuse or child murders but always leave out how men are only 10% of caregivers for children yet do 50-60% of child murder and abuse. Adding more men as single fathers by choice will just slowly expose how all the time they've been screaming about women being evil with kids is bullshit. Or they would do what most single dads do and drop their kids off to some rando lady on tinder/their mom/some other female but then take credit for everything

No. 2126678

Because they're all new recruits lol

No. 2126679

i love how you completely ignore 99.9% of my post to focus in on the one random thing i mentioned about myself. typical.

No. 2126693

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moids already use surrogacy to procure children to csa and traffic. they also use the cps system for this purpose. the artificial womb innovation will just provide more cover and legitimize all types of moids procuring children without reason or impediment. they’ll just be entitled to own kids.

only women should be allowed to have kids this way, but they also allow moids to rape their kids or other people’s kids.

No. 2126698

that being said, influencers like neurodivergent nate (who hinted at working with children, possibly CPS?) are part of the scheme of extreme levels of mom-shaming to pressure women into giving up their children via feeling like they failed and aren't fit to be parents. theyll use normal stuff like yeah dont hit your children and feed them nothing but mcdonalds but of course sneak things like "wow if you're nice to your kids you failed""normal toddler behaviors like being messy while eating means you failed as parents". Women do it too sometimes but I notice its typically moids starting the conversation leading to unrealistic expectations of mothers

No. 2126701

I don't get why this is controversial. Violent video games may not make people more violent but there's no denying that exposure to violent imagery desensitizes people. I actively went out of my way to get past my disgust bc gory ps2 games were too difficult for me to stomach. I was able to get myself to play Resi but could never stomach Silent Hill and the new RE games are too much and now I don't feel inclined to try to make myself able to play them.

When men complain about more women going to college they don't think about this. There are jobs men can do with little prior experience or cheap/short education that will pay them well and there is no equivalent for women other than sex work. Female dominant professions are much more likely to entail expensive schooling.

is this a conspiracy theory if it was proven true? It's known that hate bait improves site metrics more than joy bait.

No. 2126709

I think something about this is very American. American colleges and the people who attended them are the ones claiming college should be about personal growth and self enrichment, arguments all born from prior eras where it was implicitly known that college was finishing school for the children of the rich, a place for them to network and meet their spouses. That argument fails once less fortunate students start attending. Networking with other kids escaping their small towns doesn't get you anywhere, no one has generous parental safety nets, they're not there for leisure or personal growth they are there to get jobs. So there ends up being a culture clash between the original missions of these colleges and the goals of the people attending and many (most?) students don't benefit from that. It's reasonable they don't know what the true purpose of college is.

College in other countries is much more practical: the purpose is to educate people so they can find jobs. This means there is more flexibility in how degrees are designed, students don't need to take general eds and the degrees can be more variable in length. Bring up these arguments and lots of people (Americans) get really huffy at the prospect of higher ed become more overtly focused on job training, it offends their sense of aesthetics about what college should be. Usually they are too narrow minded to realize they are regurgitating claptrap first espoused by wealthy people for wealthy people.

No. 2126714

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Also female dominated professions will require way more and frequent education and certifications which can be pricey and a burden to get. Ofc moids will cry "well women CHOOSE it!!" but is it not suspicious that female dominated careers have the lowest pay, most hours, most requirements for education, certifications, etc?

No. 2126727

this incredibly sucks more since majority of jobs are gotten through connections, from family most of the time too. it should also be mentioned how many degrees and jobs are extending their requirments meaning a lot of remaining workers are the aging population who've been grandfathered into the field. promotions and raises and other forms of employee retention are a thing of the past and everyone scratches their head wondering why workers just suck now when people are either handed jobs or cycle through them to survive and never get a chance or time to improve their skill

No. 2126745

American colleges really went about it in the worst ways possible (and so did employers). No one complains enough about how specific degrees have gotten now. When colleges were less focused on employment there were fewer degrees/majors available and thus employers couldn't be so picky. You could apply an English degree to all sorts of jobs. Now majors/degree types are so specific that you can really screw yourself over because you didn't get the specific 'Human Recourses' degree or whatever because that's now what employer's expect. And you still need to trudge through general eds because colleges aren't job focused enough. Hell you might need a Masters because the Bachelors doesn't actually teach you what you need anymore.

No. 2126749

Honestly I think a lot of these jobs could get away with much shorter curricula.

No. 2126775

Shorter + less certifications. Basic ones sure, but a lot of these jobs require like 10+ certifications all you need to renew every 2-5 years which can get pricey

No. 2126799

Good thing women are not limited to choosing only female dominated professions.

No. 2126890

Pizzagate was real but the focus on the “elite” had a negative impact on conversations regarding pedophile operations. While it is important to talk about people publicly in power (possibly) being pedophiles, it is also important to have focus on operations happening in our neighborhoods. It’s as if people would rather focus on the wealthy/powerful now because it’s more scandalous. There were attempts with pedogate and elsagate to show more “small time” incidents but it’s almost as if conversations got purposely rerouted to talk about the “elite” instead because they are practically untouchable while local operations could be more easily taken down.

No. 2126934

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I don’t whether to put this in the witchcraft thread because of how kooky this is but last night (technically a few hours) I was reading up on aliens. Okay yes you’re probably going to laugh reading this further if anyone reads this, but I have a tiny bit of clairaudience not strong and I have a tinfoil they’re the strongest when you’re in a trance or going to sleep which would induce hypnagogic hallucinations, especially at night when the veil between are world is assumed to felter until the day time. I shit you not I was going right back to sleep and heard “join us now”???? I got so spooked. I wonder if any of you nonnies had any strange /x/ tier experiences especially with extraterrestrial creatures?

No. 2126937

How do you know if you have clairaudience?

No. 2126939

I'm low-key jealous of people who can sense things like that, even though it might also be a curse. How did you find out about your clairaudience and did you ever have any previous experiences that spooked you out?

No. 2126943

>It’s as if people would rather focus on the wealthy/powerful now because it’s more scandalous.
Well duh. These male speculators never cared about stopping CSA and probably have pedos within their ranks, and for female speculators, these women will commit the fallacy of considering males in their in-group safe because it causes too much cognitive-dissonance to consider otherwise.

No. 2126954

Anyone find it weird how so much of the content that seems to be promoted to kids online is poisonous and doesn't promote positive or even neutral messages for kids? I am talking about Andrew Tate, Sneako, and Adin Ross-type content that only seems to be brewing a generation of deranged kids. There are also tranny fetishists like Finnster that are also promoted, even though their content is for adults.

No. 2126969

Because kids inherently want to go against what their parents tell them

No. 2126977

It's really hard to know because modern psychiatry would view clairaudience and auditory hallucinations the same but that is dangerous to assume without proper medical diagnosis. You could usually tell when it's clairaudience vs. random shit, usually your brain loves echoing shit you watched/listened to and I sometimes get these but the clairaudience is so specific and feels like whispers for me. This is probably not a good explanation kek but it feels legit when someone answers to you after you ask things and it usually comes in waves. For me it's very weak thankfully because it would scare the shit out of me if I channeled 24/7, but there's internal vs external clairaudience, internal feels like thoughts you wouldn't normally have that are usually very helpful or make sense within context. I mentioned reading on aliens and feeling weird while doing it, then boom heard something. Some people believe in gods or work with spirits, usually they give advice in tiny little words or phrases and they can be helpful, funny, etc. The other day I heard something like, 'I don't understand you humans" when I was being a drama queen and it was so funny and unhuman-like. It's not like the movies where you're having full blown convos, it's usually very short phrases and sometimes they break in and out like a radio because of the veil. I feel bad for those who have strong clairaudience though because if they ever told people they would be called crazy or having psychosis which is very reasonable.
Like I mentioned to before anon they aren't strong and I'm actually jealous of those who can hear these things frequently. I started noticing when I got into more woowoo shit, guess I could call it the start of my spiritual awakening. The other day I heard "I don't understand you humans", when I asked what offerings to give I heard a very strong 'CREAM SODA' out of no where. A few weeks ago I think I wrote this in the witchcraft thread one of these spirits I called out their name and they said 'hey kid" but that's about all, they said nothing else. Another very spooky one that happened was during the middle of the night, something said "american just like (my mom's relative on her side)" and I asked my mom the next day about this relative and I asked her which ones were born in America and she was the same relative's name I heard. I wish I wasn't lying, I can't prove anything but I've been too embarrassed to share this even anonymously because I don't like being judged for it/didn't seem legit

No. 2126999

The point isn't that women are limited to them it's that companies feel more okay with ruining said jobs because it's mostly women in them. Healthcare for example is completely dominated by women, yet when it was mostly men in healthcare it was very respectful, high paying, reasonable hours, reasonable workers rights, etc

No. 2127003

But most kids feeding into misogyny bull crap already come from misogynistic families as well. Most Tate followers just seem to be desperate for attention and reactions of women

No. 2127007

I don't believe that Tate is organic. To me it's obvious that he's "with intelligence".

No. 2127013

and the sad thing is that healthcare and childcare jobs are so important. I don't know how it's in the US, but I'm a eurofag and everyone cries that we don't have enough kindergarden teachers, nurses and elder care workers but companies and the state also refuse to pay them a fair wage when more than enough women would do these jobs, if they weren't paid so poorly with shitty working conditions on top. It doesn't have to be this way, but being sexist and greedy is more important I guess.

No. 2127135

I think Tate is trans. That's my honest tinfoil. I give it two years before Tate comes out as 'Andrea'; either trans in the past or will come out as trans in the future to reinvent themselves when their current grift falls apart. Am I crazy? It seems so obvious to me.

No. 2127167

What do you mean by this. Are you saying he is a woman inside? are you retarded?

No. 2127171

It's more likely he's going to reinvent himself as a religious fanatic, like Milo. Being a tranny is more about the guy's ego and it's not a very good way to grift money, if anything it grosses out most people

No. 2127199

It's exactly becoming this way in the US. It's fucking us over and since our healthcare is private, I expect that the healthcare bubble will burst within the next 15 years if not sooner. A third of all teachers quit within the first 5 years of teaching in the US. This is what happens when female jobs are devalued…

No. 2127207

it's so strange, especially since men in the same field get so so respected. No one would dare scream at a male professor that he's greedy, doesn't deserve pay, etc but people feel perfectly fine telling that to female teachers and professors, even those in situations where they work more and harder women still get disregarded. CNAs for examples get told "they're just ass wipers" but like ?? someone exposed to mostly ill human feces that can get you very sick if not properly handled should be paid properly?? everyone will justify moids working in sewage, plumbing or whatever getting 100 an hour because they work in shit but women working in shit deserve less pay because…?? yet somehow it's not sexist

No. 2127281

nta but I think she's saying Tates just a massive attention whore, now that people are no longer giving him attention he's going to pull some other stunt to try to be relevant again

No. 2127297

No. Original anon called him a they.

No. 2127363

Mean this >>2127281. Tate won't be able to survive needing to get a real job. Attention whore is accurate, and the attention will shift away at some point. If it doesn't it will be because even worse shit will come out and Tate won't know what to do. Either way the end result is the same: a reinvention as 'Andrea' Tate.

All a result of being financially desperate and cumbrained, "Actually I was a woman this whole time the way I acted before was due to dysphoria!" And then comes 'Andrea' trying to worm into female social spaces and social groups claiming to have valuable insight as a sex worker. Lesbian of course.

No. 2127375

i don't think he will go that route because his fans hate trannies. he is the alpha male father figure, this would drive away his audience.

No. 2127397

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i dont know his finances other than he got his money ostensibly from trafficking women in a cam business in romania and scamming pathetic moids, maybe some other anon will know more about that. but doesn’t he claim to be like a hundred millionaire or something.

No. 2127412

You say that but the mr.beast guy trooned even though his audience also consisted of young boys who looked up to him.

No. 2127451

probably just fake rich especially considering he sells fake rich classes too. telling from the plates these are all rentals, his clothes look cheap same with his jewelery , ofc despite having hundreds of millions or whatever he chooses one of the cheapest countries to live in and buys a modest mansion. His house probably didn't cost much more than a mcmansion in texas that someone who only makes 80k or so can own

No. 2127460

He does not hate Troons he was the one who did the "Ugly woman or megan fox with a dick", i'm sure his fanbase probably answered the question and a lot of men are chasers so..kek, I could unironocally imaging them simping for Andrea Tate

No. 2127546

He is fake rich along with all the other online male attention whores. It’s amazing how much of their lives are fake for online views. Don’t even get me started on that Blizerian guy.

No. 2127675

this but with OF girls too. The literal nobodies claiming they're millionaires and shit all from OF but they live in crappy/mid homes and anything nice they have are all rentals

No. 2128023

I want to read whatever you are reading

No. 2128111

If a company can increase its profits by hiring women who are WILLING to work for less, then it will do just that.

No. 2128121

Kek at my local store there is no security guard because no moid wants to work 14 hours for pennies. Women  seem happy wiping shit and listening to little demons yell all day for minimum wage.(off-topic)

No. 2128132

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Cancel culture was invented so people would stop having deep meaningful connections. Now when everyone is afraid of getting cancelled over a text message there will be no trust in the society. And its easier to control people when they are not united.

No. 2128148

My parents grew up while our country was under USSR occupation and the social climate was similar, punishments were more severe though. People couldn't speak their mind, if someone were to accuse you, you would get a visit from secret police and get interrogated, and made to accuse others under torture and threat of your whole family getting sent to Siberia. Many people vanished in those interrogation basements.

No. 2128151

Kek nonita you can't compare this to internet drama sorry. Im sure its just during difficult times people are more nervous and more willing to look for a scapegoat to blame for everything but this shit will go away (or just become less extreme) when things will get better. 

No. 2128168

nayrt but people are already losing their jobs over what is supposed to be just internet drama. these days there's enough normies on the internet that there's very little separation between internet and irl compared to 10 years ago

No. 2128171

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I've realized that I can't even tell about my vulnerable thoughts or feelings to my closest friends because the amount of people I've seen just do outright life ruination after a falling out and post cherrypicked screencaps of their DMs from years ago is massive, it's like people have become utterly unable to control their emotional reactions or keep drama private. I've outright deleted private messages from between my friends just because I'm paranoid that one day they'll use it against me. It's seriously worrying that we've come to this point as society, it'll just create apathy where people are either too scared to be authentic or radicalize and start being hateful and vile all the time since they have nothing to lose.

No. 2128172

>you can't compare this to internet drama sorry
I just did. Loss of freedom starts with the smaller things, yesterday it was about internet drama, today it shapes politics, tomorrow you might live in a social credit score system all in the name to protect children from terrorists or something. Time will tell if things get better or worse.

No. 2128192


No. 2128242

A lot of women in healthcare are genuinely doing so because they like helping people, why do you think volunteering is a thing? Not to mention with this current job market we're all forced to get jobs, this isn't the 80s where we can all just waltz into any office you want and get a job, trying to refocus the blame on the fact that companies are intentionally treating women in survival mode badly because "they choose that job" is insane. Hold companies accountable

No. 2128244

It's so backwards too. The people sending death threats and showing up to peoples homes over ice cream flavors often face zero consequences but you can tell someone to stop being a pedophile and that's what gets you fired. Cancel culture would be good if it made people scared of acting batshit insane, misogynistic, etc but that's not the case

No. 2128256

Yeah once I saw footage of the Nicki Minaj stan that booked a flight across states to show up at a Dua Lipa stans house to fight him over Twitter beef, I realized this new generation is taking the internet way too far.

No. 2128260

Why would companies engage in charity? They aren't braking any laws, for what exactly do you wish to hold them accountable? But there is a way, workers can form an union, as organized body they can extort the company as they see fit. Its always a gamble though, company will attempt to buy leaders of the union and if that fails(unlikely) they can simply decide to not negotiate with terrorists and hire now workers. Welcome to the dark side of capitalism, do let me know if you come up with a better system.

No. 2128273

What does any of this have to do with the crappy job market? You know companies are corrupt. It's funny how we can make child labor laws looser but no one can figure out how to pass laws for living wages, better workers rights etc that every other first world country has kek

No. 2128276

>comes in thread
>used as an offtopic thread
>mods don’t care because this isn’t their favorite thread to use
>”why don’t you say something about it if you want change?”
>says something
>le sigh

this site isn’t what it used to be

No. 2128280

It's always funny how people can find the addresses and physically fight someone over that but no one wants to do this to idiots threatening to rape children or something as rage bait? Gen Zs priorities are in the trash can

No. 2128300

What about the crappy job market, ho said life is going to be easy? Wait till AI powered automation really kicks in.

No. 2128355

My family is also from ussr and no one ever says this lmbo. Idk where you guys come up w this. They just complain they had toilet paper in their bologne or stuff like that bc they’re pro capitalist stooges who want to act like having 52 flavors of ketchup at the store is the greatest thing ever and they lived so poor over there.

No. 2128356

What thread do you think you're in exactly? This is the tinfoil thread not "yeah life sucks so what" thread

No. 2128360

I always find it funny when people try to bring up luxuries most people will happily give up in exchange for affordable housing, affordable groceries, etc. the biggest one I've seen are people claiming there's no economic issues because we can afford computers and phones now like
1) most workplaces, schools, etc require such so using it as a "gotcha" isn't exactly a good comeback
2) at this point I think people will give up their electronics outside of whatever they need for work if it means we can reasonably afford to live

No. 2128388

Interesting… I'm starting to think("drake"/tate/eninem) are a mysterious third thing, not even a gender but unhuman mixtures of female/male features of another species. It may be why their genders are questioned. They have no gender of our species. I came to the conclusion about "drake". A lot of these male presenting celebrities are not male or human. I'm writing a 10 page document on this with proof because it's something that's been on my mind. I don't believe in aliens so I don't think it's that. Sidenote I almost threw my fucking phone because its been like 2 mintues and I'm still getting the "wait 30 seconds to post" thing.

No. 2128395

Yeah some even say it wasn’t that bad but it’s not like in the US with the product variety. They also are extremely educated because of communism and so are able to get good jobs as engineers in the US. The Soviet Union had like the most engineers in the world or whatever. I do hear stuff like my grandfather went to some sort of prison labor camp bc he had an illegal business and my parents fled to their republic from Moscow bc someone they knew was in political drama but they were on like defense production tracks with their education and they admitted thats why it was a big deal not like everyone was being subjected to that scrutiny. They also complain about how horrible the doctors are here.

No. 2128399

And appliances, clothes, etc actually lasted. Sure we pay less for phones, boots or whatever but you need to buy them way more frequently, back then you could just buy one and never buy it again

No. 2128408

Yeah claiming people aren't poor because they have computers and phones is the most retarded capitalist psyop, as if regular smartphones and laptops aren't pretty cheap to get and also as necessary as clothing these days to do basic everyday things in most western countries and a one-time purchase at that.

No. 2128416

The ussr was advanced in technology too. They had cars and tvs like everyone else at the time and the first cell phone was invented in the ussr. The ussr was the first to send a man into space. China is advanced technologically over the US rn too.

No. 2128425

And most people aren't getting those luxuries anyway, or at least what it seems. Sure a refrigerator would be more "affordable" but they're so poorly built and when 50-90% of your paycheck goes to bills and things are built to be replaced and not repaired, a lot of people end up walking around and living in homes with fucked up electronics. Even the middle class is walking around with fucked up ass smartphones cause we cant afford to replace them

No. 2128503

File: 1723222364792.mp4 (16.35 MB, 480x854, 1VFiOkr.mp4)

permafrost is melting in alaska
we have entire communities and infrastructure built on this

No. 2128505

Ok but this isn't a tinfoil I thought everybody knew this

No. 2128508

thats literally a water bubble nona.. cant you see the puddles near it?

No. 2128510

What kind of long-frozen infection do you think will get us first?

No. 2128772

Normies have been so deeply brainwashed that repeating things that are actually happening in real life is considered tinfoil

No. 2128815

>Women-dominated jobs need to jump through hoops, bend themselves backwards, bleed and sweat before they can even THINK about having basic workers rights and a wage that pays bills, or else it's your fault
>Male dominated jobs get these things no extra effort or questions asked though

No. 2128931

Your family might be vatniks.

No. 2129132

This is like reverse transvestigation lol

Anyways I’ve heard a rumor going around that the Google going out recently was connected to a company called Cyberpolygon planning a cyber attack before 2025 is there any actual possibility of this happening? I’m doubtful because a lot of it is mainly promoted by Reddit, Cryptobros, and people who hang with rich guys like Bill Gates and clearly those are not unbiased parties

No. 2129179

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Like Gnosticism that was only reserved for very few mystics, feminism was clearly not for every woman, it was created for a particular subset of women who are like rarities born during some mystical night when the moon turns red and it's full, it's something of higher consciousness that most women are incapable of understanding. That's why there's a large dissonance towards certain "feminists", it was something meant to be tightly gatekept and that's where many of these feminists have gone wrong because they didn't want to be elitist and wanted to make every woman aware, many women rather stay in the cave. Don't even bother. It's going to become lost ancient knowledge and I'm not talking about the basic feminism that constantly harps about abortions and freeing the nipple, the real shit that isn't garbage and distractions for the female soul.

No. 2129265

When that happens I will resort to banditry and nonnies like you will be the first marks

No. 2129394

File: 1723264332213.jpg (1.52 MB, 1125x2193, ussr women in science.jpg)

dk what that is dc. but I know tons of people from there through my family and they never say this ridiculous capitalist propaganda that’s always what anons say their family from the ussr says. im just countering the cartoonish propaganda since i have the same background and it’s not my experience. it’s not like their parents are from Stalin’s time either even though he and the ussr had major enemies like the Nazis whom they defeated. i also don’t see the comparison bw cancel culture and this.

the ussr seemed pretty good. I forgot to add that the ussr had the most doctors per capita and in absolute numbers like 2x the west if not more, as well as most engineers. so people got high class free education. thats a fact and it’s something that i notice irl as well. porn was illegal too.

No. 2129515

File: 1723276937481.jpg (111.31 KB, 1123x599, most say life better during us…)

also. most people who lived under ussr say it was better than capitalism. so it’s like most people probably don’t feel the need to have a huge victim complex about it but clearly there will be people who will.

No. 2129591

Also most people are idiots.

No. 2129690

So nonnas… are microwaves harmful to humans?

No. 2129697

Not if you wear your tinfoil hat while using it.

No. 2129834

Yes anon please elaborate

No. 2129901

I can see where you're coming from because I can hardly ever get other women to understand the extent of their oppression beyond surface level observations, and when occasionally they admit to certain things they continue to participate anyway. I can't comprehend why someone would acknowledge that the role foisted upon them by society is bullshit just to continue to willingly participate. The only way I can rationalize it is that women as a group are incredibly atomized. Other minorities achieved a higher station for themselves in society because they had insular spaces to themselves and fewer strong personal ties to their oppressor groups. Women are all fathered by, have blood relations to, and exist alongside males in their immediate communities. Almost all of them marry and reproduce with males. As a result, very few of them will even fully recognize the inferior role to which they have been cloistered by those same males. I would like to know what you consider to be the real shit and why you believe most women are incapable of understanding. I wonder sometimes if other women all secretly acknowledge it but are afraid to admit it because it is so damning.

No. 2130073

Ah… must be a fnord

No. 2130081

I think you might have a point. It’s easy to destroy feminism from the inside out than top-down, like in the past. It would be very beneficial for rich men to poison the well of feminism. I mean look at Peter Theil, he funds the Evie magazine for tradwives. he’s even gone on record saying he hates the 19th amendment and women shouldn’t vote. Many men, rich and poor are against women’s freedom and see it as disadvantageous to their goals of domination. So the trans nonsense was a perfect tool

No. 2130092

>I can't comprehend why someone would acknowledge that the role foisted upon them by society is bullshit just to continue to willingly participate
Because there are repercussions for not participating, wym
I can recognize that having to wear makeup sucks and I don't do it for myself and still continue to do it because if I don't I might get fired, bullied or passed over for promotions at work. Great that you can live in a bubble where this shit doesn't affect you but most women don't have that luxury. Inb4 that never happens, it does and has and I've been fired for less.

No. 2130096

the best example of this is that computer science used to be dominated by women and had pretty shit pay and working conditions, but after it became trendy with moids and they pushed out all remaining women it became high paying

No. 2130529

Exactly, so why the fuck are women constantly blamed when the upper lords are purposely sabotaging professions if they're dominated by women then making them better if they're dominated by women?
>Inb4 men demand good working conditions!
No the fuck they don't. Most moids are too much of boot lickers to hit the street anyway. In fact it's typically women calling out shitty work environment, wages, etc but we just get called pussies

No. 2130568

Yada yada yada, ain’t nobody got time for your 500-word blogpost.

No. 2130570

Taking it to a more supernatural out there tinfoil what are your thoughts on this video and cases similar? Do you think there’s any reality to kids with these past life memories? I’m not willing to rule out that this kid might have had a vivid imagination or a vivid nightmare or something but there are other cases I’ve seen where they gave information that was later proven true. This video and similar content have been going viral as of late I’ve noticed, despite being around for a while, the comments are crazy too with the explanations ranging from the new age spiritualism to the David Icke type of conspiracy

No. 2130578

This is why feminism will never win, yall have zero backbone 

No. 2130617

Not to be NLOG but I’ve never worn makeup in my life (besides Halloween costumes) because I was never taught how, and I’ve never been fired or bullied for it. I don’t understand all you people saying “it’s so hard to stop wearing makeup.”


No. 2130626

Sorry that happened but I hope you know you have more agency than you think. Penalties will remain until the norm is no longer to kowtow for males
You're right anon I need to stop coping

No. 2130710

Nona I hope you share your findings! I wanted to put together an Andrea Tate thread but I'm still doing research.

No. 2130815

there's an old unsolved mysteries segment where they discussed children who claimed to have memories of dying in a past life. kids say some pretty off the wall shit and sometimes it can be pretty creepy, especially if they're emotional like the boy in this video, but anytime i see kids talking about supernatural experiences i can't help but wonder if they're being coached or manipulated by their parents.

No. 2130831

I've never worn make-up either and I was bullied A LOT for it, by both men and women. I still don't wear it and it does get easier in adulthood (only if you don't stay around males too much) but for a young woman it's miserable. For women daring to not be pretty/male-gaze is the biggest crime and most women will be punished for it. I'm glad you didn't have the same experience but I can understand that it may be hard for some women. I myself can handle not wearing make-up but things like not shaving are still hard to do in public because everyone, even women, will assume you're a dirty sped and will change their attitude towards you.

No. 2130860

Women care way too much about repurcussions and “what will they think of me”, who gives a shit? People only hoist on some judgement on you to socially manipulate and control you, not out of good will or genuine beliefs, women should become evil, awful and selfish and watch how society collapses right in front of us and it’s crazy because women also hoist these overly pious judgements on us as well. The funniest part is being an “evil, awful, selfish” woman is expressing emotions beyond meekness like rage and aggression, not having sex with men therefore not filling population quotas or conquest fantasies for the tptb and for men, protecting your space, having spirit of discernment and having a sense of spirituality beyond what is shoveled like shit into our minds since youth, women haven’t met a good part of themselves and they’re walking around like hollows wondering where the rest of them went going around having sex with men, marrying them, living with them in hopes to find that lost part of themselves again and they never do, I’ve never seen a woman who says they’ve found that lost part of herself through her husband, her children, all she repeats is how these things make her “happy” and “fulfilled” more of like how you complete a harsh work shift at a crappy retail job and feel the relief and reward from it. Most women barely know themselves for a reason and it’s frightening because when you look at your own mother, they’re a living representation of this.

No. 2131085

>Women care way too much about repurcussions and “what will they think of me”
I get what you're saying anon and you're correct, but repercussions often involve violence and death for some women. Women usually don't go against men because they'll become violent and they're physically stronger than us. It's no wonder most women abide to their standards, they're kept there with fear. You can't just be mean, awful and selfish with a man because over time it's almost guaranteed that he'll deck you and rape your corpse. I've had bad experiences for not wearing makeup or feminine clothes, I've had men double my size throw trash at me and come up to my face violently while their moid group laughed like idiots. It's not that simple.

No. 2131154

Yeah I agree with you, there’s no real way to rule out if it’s the parents trying to make a viral video but at the same time a lot of the families seem like…really Christian so it’s weird for the parents to say that to their kids. I agree though it’s weird how many people (not even just kids, in the comments of that vid there’s adults talking about memories of being killed too) and people who have pre-birth memories. Some talk about choosing bad lives, some involve being forced into it by other beings it’s all very strange. I’ve noticed all the new age spiritualism and the ideas of “you chose your suffering cuz Earth is a school” have been getting really popular lately and as a result there’s been a lot of backlash to the ideas and an uptick in conspiracies like Earth being a prison/farm and Gnosticism. Lord only knows where this will go but I don’t think it’s a coincidence because look at all the AI shit going on, people need some spiritual belief to get them through the mess it’s creating and all the weird stuff it’s promising. I really hope those new age “you choose your trauma” ideas aren’t true though but who really knows, we have 0 way to prove it and a lot of methods of finding the idea out (like hypnosis which can create unreliable memories based on past bias) are dubious at best

No. 2131178

A recession is coming if not here. And honestly? The most depressing part of it and simply just the amount of gaslighting around it. Fake statistics left and right that straight up deny it, boot strappers, the "just get a better jobs teehee" crowd, the "just find a cheaper place" crowd. Like who brainwashed people so heavily to gaslight and defend a failing economy this hard? This was never as frequent during previous recessions

No. 2131182

I don't know… kids are stupid. When I was a kid I believed I had magical powers. It wasn't just daydreaming or a silly fantasy, I 100% was convinced I had magical powers and there was a whole conspiracy of me and other classmates having them. Now if you're a kid who has a vivid imagination AND retarded parents who believe your delusions, you will easily believe you were reincarnated

No. 2131190

Pretty much. Is lack of parenting educating in schools/people no longer babysitting leading to people forgetting how children act? I've seen a lot of people try to draw insane or deep conclusions to children's behavior and it will just be normal child behavior

No. 2131201

>Well it didn't happen to MEEEE so it's not real!!!

I'll stop wearing makeup when you pay me the same amount as I get paid as a concierge in an upscale hotel. Until then, I'll let rich nepobaby women and Pamela Anderson lead the no makeup revolution and y'all can stfu. I'm not taking a pay cut and sabotaging my career for my ideals, that's some sheltered middle class shit.

No. 2131213

Yeah you have a good point, we don’t know this family’s religious upbringing or anything so maybe they already believe in that stuff or the mom told a story to scare the kid (I mean she is recording the video instead of comforting the kid like most people would), I have heard past life memories that were later verified though, like kids talking about stuff that happened to their grandparents long before they were born, there’s good reason to question a bit of it like the kid apparently start talking about this at like 18 months old according to some sources and a kid talking about all this at that age could just be urban legends
This has been going on for decades nonna, it’s just the last time any of these past life/pre-birth memories or anything was studied was like 20 years ago so it’s largely still a pretty niche thing only talked about in new age type circles. Lots of the younger generations have an interest in the paranormal and have been getting into spirituality though so this stuff blows up on tiktok, reddit, and similar places, lots of them also seem to end up really not liking what these circles preach though and I can’t blame them cuz some of it is fucked up (like the whole “you choose your trauma” stuff)

No. 2131216

I've been saying we're in a recession for the last year, idk why people need the stock market to do anything when you can open your eyes and see the shit economy and shit products everywhere.

No. 2131247

People actually think the government wouldn't lie to them but everyone else reporting signs of recession are just liars and stupid. I thought we were supposed to be evolved to be smarter idk how people got more easier to brainwash

No. 2131295

My tinfoil is that the sacrificed are sometimes ‘hypnotized’ into committing suicide through some woo-woo magic akin to what happens in Death Note. Obviously, their names aren’t written on some notebook then just die immediately but they say the media leaves things out in the open without the populous realizing it.

No. 2131337

What are the chances Andrew Tate is a Scientologist?

No. 2131357

Very very low. They would have killed him by now for doing what he's done since everything a Scientologist does represents the company in their eyes.

No. 2131362

File: 1723407011955.png (817.88 KB, 1216x558, Capture.PNG)

I believe Yellow jackets are man made. I believe scientists were trying to make more honey bees, so they crossbred a Honey Bee and a wasp, it created this thing and they sent some out in what they THOUGHT was a secure place, to see if they can produce pollen and pollinate plants. A handful got out or a scientist released some, they breeded and now they are every fucking where. These are not natural insects, I do not believe the lies they were discovered in the 1800s. It took them a while to perfect it, which was why we have so many "Wasp" that just so happen to have the yellow and black coloring. They wanted them to fit in with the bees so we wouldn't notice how fucking unnatural and robotic that they look.Like Paper wasps, i think they finally perfected creating man made bees with Bumblebees. They tried to hide their "yellow jacket mistake" and so for a while we all believed bees were these robotic looking ugly driods, when they are actually cute and furry like bumble bees.No one bothered to correct me in elementary when I said "Ahhh a bee' not even my science teacher.
I truly believe some animals do not exist in the wild and were created by mixing multiple animals. For example, have you ever seen a wild chicken? Nope.

No. 2131371

File: 1723407617663.jpg (25.36 KB, 735x722, 1000006479.jpg)

> Have you ever seen a wild chicken?
I fucking love the products of the American education system kek

No. 2131388

Okay, I'm kinda drunk, and I googled and their ARE wild chickens, but please don't mock me. Either engage in the conversation or leave me be please nona.

No. 2131392

I feel like media, porn, tiktok etc is intentionally trying to keep both men and womens standards sky high so they never settle and die alone. I'm not talking about behavioral standards per se (outside of the no hymen no diamond and shes for the streets meme thats popular in manosphere) but purely physical attractiveness.

No. 2131398

>leave me be please nona.
You fucking doubted the existence of wild chickens.. so no

No. 2131399

Famine-holocaust was actually coined by Nazis in their campaign to bash and slander communists. Like they accused Russia and Stalin of intentionally engineering the Holodomor to kill people, when actually it was just a bunch of unfortunate circumstances. America has also been on a non-stop propaganda campaign to slander communism for the last 90 years, so there's that too.

No. 2131401

Yes. I'm going to get banned for racebaiting but this is done so white people don't breed, to encourage immigration from third-world countries and keep the wages low.(/pol/tard)

No. 2131403

The fact that any male Youtuber has a girlfriend/wife is proof enough that this tinfoil isn't true.

No. 2131404

Nta but where the fuck did you get this was about white people??

No. 2131407

How do you come to the conclusion? It's all races doing this, almost every race has some retard trying to shill to them how they need to look perfect to get anything in life, and it's 90% focused towards women being perfect. Men will always find someone to "Settle" with and always date up in looks. It's women who are being tricked into thinking they are nobody or nothing if they don't look a certain way and they end up settling with ugly moids anyway. It's all to make women get judged harsher by everyone.

No. 2131416

Also you can still see today that America is selective about what causes it chooses to see people as the victims of, purely based on their own political goals and gains.

For instance, with the Uyghurs. Uyghur men were being trained in Afghanistan as ISIS and Al Qaeda recruits and then coming back through the Afghan-China border to commit terrorism within China (which they did)

Most countries have recognized the Turkistan Islamic Party as a terrorist organization, because they have committed a lot of terrorist acts since 2007 within China. But the USA refused to classify the TIP as a terrorist party because of their hateboner for China and general own American interests.

You can read about all the shit they did here

Point is that America only helps/hinders countries and causes based on their own interests. It makes me wonder if the stuff about the CIA funding terror training camps in Afghanistan is true, because it seems like America was keen to weaponize the Uyghurs against the Chinese people and paint them as poor little victims when actually they were going around causing anarchy and murdering people.

I am not a big of China and their policies either. But it's kind of chilling to see how Americans make apologies for terrorists as long as they're on their side.

I don't blame China for cracking down so hard on the Uyghurs either, they basically had a massive terror cell of radicalized Muslims going to and from China and Afghanistan and being supplied with weapons. If the UK, France and US were smarter, they'd be doing the same and trying to eliminate Islamic terrorism in their own countries. Because China is proof that clamping down on it works.

No. 2131425

NTA and they sound retarded kek. But I've seen a lot of white men online saying stuff like white women's standards are too high and they only want Chad, fuck it I'm gonna date an easy, white worshipping Asian or Indian woman, or go to XYZ thirdie country and try to find a wife who doesnt care if I'm ugly balding fat broke etc etc. You also see older and/or unattractive women doing sex tourism in Black and LatAm places too because they think men will be more thankful for any kind of white women.

Even if no one is explicitly telling whites to racemix, there's definitely hatred and division being sown among white men and women for being too picky, hypergamous, whatever else. I think there's also a strong smear campaign against white women in media, for instance the Karen memes, horse/dogpill/BBC memes etc. They've spread like wildfire and you can find endless moids on 4chan, twitter and ig talking about them.

No. 2131432

seems like the us is fine with training and funding radical groups but then gets pissy and upset and strikes them when they think they might become a threat to US security

No. 2131437

Those moids are talking about them because they create them. Any "division" between white women and white men is created by white men.
All the stuff you are talking about happens to all women of every race by their moids, they all claim we are too picky, we have too high standards, we don't eat ass, we aren't shaped like Kim Kardashian naturally and keep a home like martha stewart etc. etc.

No. 2131439

that doesn't explain indian incels

No. 2131441

>Any "division" between white women and white men is created by white men.
I have to agree with this. White males are extremely intent on making sure every single other demographic in the world has extremely negative stereotypes about them. Asian women eat bats, squeak during sex and cant drive, Indian women smell bad and will scam you, White women cant cook and fuck dogs etc etc. White men are the ones who perpetuated and spread all those memes. Notice how they try to keep negative stereotypes about themselves either non-existent or to a minimum.

It's funny how they always cry about how da joos control everything and are slandering white men, even though white males are the ones who came up with all the stereotypes of Jews being ugly, having big noses, being greedy and stingy, bloodless lizard people etc. They're such fucking hypocrites tbh.

No. 2131443

You can see it in shows that white moids adore, like South Park and Family Guy. The amount of jokes making fun of jews or black women or gays is like 100:1 for every joke about straight white guys. That's why white moids love those shows because they make fun of everyone besides themselves, and even the jokes about white guys are always very tame and mild.

No. 2131445

>that doesn't explain indian incels
Wut? What do Indian scrotes have to do with this conversation lol.

No. 2131446

These are the moids who scree about people not being able to take “”dark humour”” KEK they’re a bunch of babies who can’t even handle jokes about themselves or women not wanting them.

No. 2131450

I always wondered why racist white moids blame Jews for racebait in media when Jews are the constant target for jokes and slander in same media. Like buddy if Jews control da media and da world, how come you can make holocaust jokes on primetime TV. Why would they allow that lol.

No. 2131464

Reminder to buy gold and silver. The dollar will collapse to nothing, taking other fiat currencies with it. Gold and silver will always have value.

It's not just white people. The elites want to breed humanity into a single slave race that has no identity or culture. They denigrate women of all races in different ways by promoting negative stereotypes.

No. 2131469

>The dollar will collapse to nothing
Lol, no. America will nuke the entire world before they allow that to happen.

No. 2131477

America doesn't have that much power anymore. It's loosing it's ability to enforce it's will on the rest of the world. It's about to loose military dominance to Russia and economic dominance to China. All America has left is pulling colour revolutions and funding terrorist groups.

No. 2131478

>The elites want to breed humanity into a single slave race that has no identity or culture.
Sorry but this is so stupid. The people who are used in the modern slave trade are people who come from countries with a strong culture and national identity, but are just very poor.
Women who are being sex trafficked are mostly from Asia and Eastern Europe, both have a strong culture and national identity.
Women and men who are being used as cheap or slave labor come from LatAm, Africa and South Asia, which also have strong cultures.
Women being used as maids and slaves in UAE usually come from SEA Asia or Africa, and also have strong cultures.

There is no need for 'the elites' to try and turn Americans or Brits or whatever into a 'slave race', they have endless slaves available at their beck and call. Besides, America doesnt really have a distinct culture or identity to begin with, outside of shit like the flag, the constitution and freedomz/July 4th. Same with Brits, their culture is tea, eating curries and worshipping monarchs. Everyone is expected to assimilate when they come to the West anyway.

No. 2131492

Britbongs will try to make every conversation about Indians because their hatred for them is obsessive and psychosexual, it's pretty freaky.

No. 2131587

File: 1723418159001.jpg (59.86 KB, 560x720, enemies 2 lovers faggots.jpg)

for real, what a toxic relationship. they hate each other…but they need each other….such a bittersweet love….

No. 2131601

Well if you would stop invading their countries they wouldn’t talk about you, but there you people are, invading their countries and then gaslighting them for speaking out on it and noticing it.

No. 2131603

>She thinks the average citizen has a say in any of this

No. 2131606

>It's not just white people. The elites want to breed humanity into a single slave race that has no identity or culture.
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS. People keep denying this but it’s so true. How can you be in the tinfoil thread and deny one of the tenets of the NWO (new world order)??? Kek

No. 2131619

Rapefugees and gimmegrants aren’t “average citizens” if that’s what you meant kek(bait)

No. 2131629

Which is why everyone are now being called “global citizens” for a reason. That John Lennon song wasn’t just about peace and love like everyone wants to believe. Welcome to the new world order, motherfuckers!

No. 2131633

Notice how all the poltard sperging happened after someone mentioned British people

No. 2131634


No. 2131636

No. 2131638

>All America has left is pulling colour revolutions and funding terrorist groups.
So…like they always have and successfully profited from. Okay lol. Doesn’t change the fact the average GDP per capita in China and Russia is still abysmal. Butthurt BRICStards yelling American will fall soon every minute. Uh huh, two more weeks…

No. 2131641

Global citizen makes sense, countries are made up bullshit.

No. 2131642

Shouldn't they be sleeping

No. 2131645

File: 1723421557330.jpeg (93.52 KB, 1200x630, IMG_6908.jpeg)

>the elites
Girly, governments can barely hold themselves together by tape and glue why do you faggots actually believe a new world order is possible with how inherently disorganized humanity is. I find this tinfoil so retarded because you have to look at the retardation of human beings and say they're simply not capable enough to be setting up some greater conspiracy on such a large scale.

If we're talking institutions like hollywood or government there's corruption there but I find you people who actually believe in an NWO or Le Illuminutty to be so fucking braindead no offense

No. 2131647

No as soon as someone mentions Indians directly or indirectly the Britbongs wake from their slumber in alarm to sperg about how much they hate Indians. It's really frightening I've seen it happen many times now.

No. 2131659

Love seeing this rarepair kek

No. 2131665

To be so dense as to prove her point immediately is comical

No. 2131680

Wars are not won on GDP numbers. Wars are won by industrial capacity, access to natural resources and technology. That is why Russia and China are currently superior to the US and Europe.

I'm British and I've never seen anyone get upset about Indians, except for one sperg on LC. I lived around South East Asians for most of my life and have nothing but positive things to say about Sikhs and Hindus.

No. 2131686

>Wars are won by industrial capacity, access to natural resources and technology. That is why Russia and China are currently superior to the US and Europe.
KEK. This is simply retarded. What natural resources does Russia have beyond oil? The US has oil too, my dear little britbong. And technology? Kek again. China, on the other hand, is nearing environmental collapse as we speak. What a cope.

No. 2131692

>What natural resources does Russia have beyond oil?
nta but you can't possibly be serious

No. 2131710

File: 1723423450342.png (402.49 KB, 828x1270, Economy of Russia - Wikipedia.…)

Poast sources then. Yes, Russia has oil, but that’s not a good thing to be solely dependent on. Ever heard of the oil curse? And it’s correlation to corruption? Implying that Russia is a global power on higher footing than the US is delusional. The US doesn’t need Russian oil, but Russia sure as hell needs a market to sell to, considering it makes up nearly half their federal revenue.

No. 2131712

>poast sources
look at russia on a map and then think about what natural resources they possess.

No. 2131719

Do you know the difference between arctic tundra and arable land? You are retarded

No. 2131723

russia isn't all arctic tundra, plus natural resources can exist in an arctic tundra anyway. so i dont get what you mean. just look at russia on a satellite map and ask yourself "what natural resources are here" and you will find that there is more than just oil.

No. 2131742

>just look at russia on a satellite map and ask yourself "what natural resources are here" and you will find that there is more than just oil.
Gazing upon a satellite map is not how you measure the natural resources and productive capacity of a country. I’ll dumb it down for you:
>41% of Russia’s federal revenue comes from oil
>That is not a diversified or resilient economy
>Russia doesn’t export other resources because Russia isn’t actually that abundant in other resources, despite its massive land size
>Resources that do exist are not properly managed due to lack of infrastructure and corruption

No. 2131745

but you said "what natural resources does russia have beyond oil?" and the answer is that they have a lot more natural resources, whether those are economically exploited or not, than just oil. if you look at a satellite map, you can see that russia has natural resources in the form of lumber, fresh water, arable land, mineral deposits, etc.. you literally just have to look at a map. idk why you're talking about exports.

No. 2131746

but how is any of that related to >>2131425 which prompted >>2131439

No. 2131747

I’m getting the sense that I’m arguing with someone underaged kek. Good luck with your studies, nonny

No. 2131752

it kinda just sounds like you just realized i was right and now you don't wanna admit it. if you meant "what natural resources does russia export beyond oil?" then you could have just said that and avoided being embarrassed.

No. 2131755

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>posts on lolcor
>suddenly becomes ghost town
>replies become less frequent but slightly more repetitive in the words and phrasing
>threads are only engaged in a bot-like algorithmic manner where words and phrases trigger engagement like hashtags, thumbnails and titles
>place becomes more active when filling in more bits into space to make it seem more active and lively like a sandbox game generating more npcs into the world out of thin air
>proving more we’re all running into varying separate realities like wavelengths that hit together in a single sequence projecting one form of consciousness
>our dreams are no different to the reality we’re placed in, one reality moves in and the other comes out like waves crashing in
I’m living in a current multiverse while others are as well. I’ve had dreams where I think I’ve met my multiverse forms as well. I’ve also had dreams of different unknowable interdimensional beings, ones that belonged to water though and they had very dark pigmented skin like the night sky. I wonder if there’s any aliens or spirits that go by that vague description.

No. 2131757

Actually made me kek out loud. Please, by all means, give me some data about Russia’s robust economy, that totally isn’t reliant on oil, other than telling me to look at a satellite map!

No. 2131758

NTA but even if the natural resources aren't processed for export, that doesn't mean they don't exist. Russia has abundant reserves of natural resources that haven't been properly investigated or exploited because of the territorial vastness and difficulty in accessing remote areas of the country.

No. 2131759

Please see my second to last point, nonny

No. 2131760

but thats not what the conversation is about. you said russia doesn't have any natural resources besides oil, but that's not true. that's all there is to it.

No. 2131763

When your economy is centered around one resource, it’s safe to say other resources are not being utilized. That’s what I meant. You’re taking my language too literally, it was a hyperbole. Are you ESL?

No. 2131767

if it was hyperbole why didn't you just correct yourself after my first reply? why did you have to argue and call me retarded?

No. 2131769

I clarified that 41% of their revenue comes from oil. That’s pretty clear… logging off for the night, sweet dreams!

No. 2131770

sweet dreams to you too prideful one

No. 2131786

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America has oil, as does Britain (google north sea oilfields). The problem is that the leaders in both countries are fucking retarded. Imports of Russian oil have actually increased since the start of the SMO. Trump increased oil production to a level where the US was self sufficient but this was undone by the Biden administration.

Natural resources in Russia
>The country's vast territory makes it the richest nation in terms of natural resource wealth. The nation is a leading producer of coal, diamonds, aluminum, asbestos, gemstones, diamonds, lime, lead, gypsum, iron ore, bauxite, gallium, boron, mica, natural gas, potash, platinum, oil, rare earth metals, pig iron, peat, nitrogen, cadmium, arsenic, magnesium, molybdenum, phosphate, sulfur, titanium sponge, silicon, uranium, tellurium, vanadium, tungsten, cobalt, graphite, silver, vermiculite, selenium, rhenium, copper, and gold.

>And technology?

The US MIC is corrupt and has wasted any advantage it once had. China, Russia and Iran have developed hypersonic missile technology. The US and NATO have not. Russia deploys hypersonic and thermobaric weapons in Ukraine to great effect. NATO has no air defense capable of shooting down hypersonic missiles. Which is how Russia has been able to take out Ukraine's electricity grid. NATO can't even stop the Houthis from blocking commercial shipping in the Red Sea.


>On 7 September 2023, a test launch of the LRHW system was canceled due to an unspecified failure of pre-flight checks
>The intercontinental ballistic missiles were first put into service in the 1970s, with an original planned lifespan of 10 years. The Minuteman III has been in the service now for more than 50 years. The Air Force is planning to phase it out for the LGM-35A Sentinel, made by Northrop Grumman, and aims to reach the essential operating number of the new missiles sometime in 2030.

>China, on the other hand, is nearing environmental collapse as we speak. What a cope.

Know your own history. The US was in a similar situation in the 70s and recovered partly due to the CERCLA legislation introduced by the Carter Administration and partly due to the country being deindustrialised by neo-liberal economics.

No. 2131920

mk ultra tries to create sleeper agents/spy's. it protects them from interrogations.its terrible and I've grown to trust no one and kinda be a loner, what hurts the most is no one believes me, it sucks nonnies.(integrate)

No. 2131921

>but repercussions often involve violence and death for some women
This is why Im not feminist anymore. We are not in Afghanistan where you will be stoned to death for showing one hair. Yall believe you're legit gonna die if you walk outside with hairy legs. I did it for the last 15 years not a single bitch dared to say me nothing. They can judge me and give me side eyes all they want, I don't give a shit. Women are lost case at this point lol.
damn I wish the black pill thread wasn't overrun with porn addicted retards

No. 2131930

Why are they so dramatic about this? I never wore makeup and never thought to, I don’t think anyone’s ever brought it up in my life. The worst of it is not fitting in with the kinds of women who are obsessed with overperforming hyperfemininity cuz I can’t talk about makeup and hair or whatever with them which doesn’t affect me.

No. 2131934

Where can I start with this? I want to understand what you’re talking about and liberal feminism feels like a veil for what we really should be caring about.

No. 2131935

Women have been fired for not wearing makeup. Yes you can discount immaterial things like not fitting in socially, but it does affect you materially as well.

No. 2131938

thats so f'ed up

No. 2131939

Marginal thing that happens. Most women don’t get fired for not wearing makeup.

No. 2131940

This shit wouldn't happen if yall could unite, but you cant.

No. 2131943

make up is a total psyop to get scrotes to do what you want,I fall for it every time (not for troons though)(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2131946

>I fall for it every time
So you’re a male?

No. 2131947

Ayrt, then how come I have never came across this problem with finding a job KEK

No. 2131948

I am, please don't get upset, everywhere else is flooded with retards.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2131950

you shouldn’t need makeup to get a mood to find you attractive

No. 2131951

I honestly too always felt like that persecution for not wearing makeup/not shaving was so exaggerated. I feel like you'd rarely see people being annoying about it, they just don't notice. I see women without makeup/undone hair all the time, they live normal lives. If those women like makeup and styling so much and can't reject it, they should just be straightforward about it, not exaggerating things. Also should stop caring for opinions of moids, ofc.
What country?

No. 2131953

not really a mood, but I like it

No. 2131954

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No. 2131956

Do you have clear/decent skin anon? I had bad acne in college and it was definitely harder to find and keep a job if I didn't cover up

No. 2131962

Because it depends on the industry and the country, and just because it never happened to you doesn’t mean it never happens KEK

No. 2131971

My skin is fairly clear yes, but then you could argue it’s not about makeup but not being able to have flaws, and seeing a dermatologist seems as just as much as (if not more) of a solution than wearing makeup
Mm, ok, so billions of women spend copious amounts of money on makeup every year because they’re scared of losing their jobs. Mhm. I totally believe it.
I’ll let you off if you’re like, South Korean or something. But you’re probably American kek.

No. 2131974

That's great and all but dermatologists can't magically fix acne overnight. People will still go a few months or so having acne. Why does it seem unbelievable to you employer suck and will fire over stupid shit?

No. 2131975

No, that’s not why. But in some industries it’s definitely required.

No. 2131977

Kek, these women are older than a few months old right? They’re still wearing makeup??
Is it for you? Are most women in these industries? Just be fucking honest with yourselves, please, stop with the smoke and mirrors.

No. 2131989

Just because it doesn’t affect me personally doesn’t mean it’s not an issue.

No. 2132000

No one’s saying it’s not an issue, we’re saying that 90% of women who cry about feminism could stop wearing makeup if they wanted to.

No. 2132015

No. 2132050

File: 1723437083969.jpg (347.22 KB, 1280x960, Jul_25_2024_6_31_06.jpg)

artisticstarlord, but no

No. 2132053

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(namefagging, emoticon, integrate)

No. 2132061

sorry you had to go through that aswell, I had really bad acne in college aswell, but could never bring myself to wear foundationt because of the burning on me skin.

No. 2132108

stop namefagging you drunk/high retards they’re going to ban you. damn out the blunt down for a second

No. 2132113

Peter J Quill isn’t wearing foundation? Shocker

No. 2132114

it flarkin hurts nona

No. 2132115

k :D(ban evasion)

No. 2132117

File: 1723440531346.png (529.56 KB, 954x513, Screenshot 2024-08-11 5.56.33 …)

No. 2132199

>Well if you would stop invading their countries
the audacity of a britfag to say this kek, nah you deserve it after stealing shit from their countries. what goes around comes around.

No. 2132387

you should draw your dream beings anon i would love to see your vision.

No. 2132691

Okay your description of those beings is nuts, because around a year ago I went to go see a sort of reiki woman and while she was doing her thing I swear I seen something similar. It was a blue person but it was as if their face was coming out of a body of water. I spoke to the woman doing the reiki and she told me that these creatures (can’t remember the name she gave) are mischievous. Quite fascinating! Would love to hear more about your experience!

No. 2132741

File: 1723485141642.png (570.47 KB, 1280x1280, Untitled36_20240812134559.png)

I can somewhat draw a scribble of what it looked like in my dream because it was telling me how these spirits were being trapped or oppressed by some god that’s imprisoning us in this world. I think it’s partly because of the material I was reading beforehand but it was super weird, you’re probably able to contact a variety of nameless spirits and entities from other worlds and realms. It was super animatic and fantastical and they were coming out of the water on the bottom of their feet, they were also genderless (maybe females?) and wore white gowns with nothing else. There was some narration from them talking about our planet and it showed a realistic version of our world, something that looked barren and on flames (kind of like the sun - the god adonai/elohim/yahweh/enlil is technically a solar deity so that’s kind of strange).
Yeah kind of like that but these ones looked human, no flippers or anything like mermaids or nymphs humans coming out of these wave of water following their footsteps. I thought they were aliens that maybe come from a planet full of water but I couldn’t find anything when I searched about it. That’s weird that they were blue for you because they were an actual dark color like human skin but slightly tinted where you could tell they’re of a different origin.

No. 2132782

Britain didn’t extract enough resources to pay for the infrastructure and bureaucratic technology they gave to their colonies that thirdies couldn’t maintain tbh. China is learning this lesson in Africa.

No. 2132869

That’s so interesting! Mines were the same, no sort of weird ears or features or anything. It looked like a bald human just this sort of soft blue colour. Super strange. I’m kicking myself I really wish I could remember what the reiki lady called those creatures. If it comes to me I’ll come back and let you know. Thanks for sharing your experience!

No. 2132996

>children who claimed to have memories of dying in a past life
I actually knew someone that experienced this. When I was in secondary school, the girl I sat next to in one of my classes came from the same village that I did, so we were very friendly with each other. She told me that her brother, around age 3, was convinced he had lived another life. He had supposedly been a German boy during one of the wars and he had starved to death during the conflict. This was before he even knew about the wars. The family had videos of him as a toddler babbling in German, even though he would have had no knowledge of it. When he was around 4, he stopped talking about it and apparently forgot about it. It was very weird, I didn't believe it at first but she was so serious about the whole thing and I saw the video myself. It's very peculiar.

No. 2133215

File: 1723508324575.png (605.65 KB, 561x799, belkis.png)

What were you reading beforehand? im so fascinated by this. i dont know why but it feels so important. your beings remind me of belkis ayon's artwork, picrel.
>it was telling me how these spirits were being trapped or oppressed by some god that’s imprisoning us in this world.
do you think they could be an "aspect" of us?
>I thought they were aliens that maybe come from a planet full of water but I couldn’t find anything when I searched about it.
this is such a beautiful thought. i love the idea of an ocean planet ever since reading/watching solaris. which is a documentary to me

No. 2133271

What are all your thoughts on Hypnosis? Have any of you tried it? Not done it myself and I don’t have much interest to as I’ve heard a lot of it is fake and the evidence of it is shaky to say the least but I’ve heard some interesting cases. I know there’s a few types (like memory regression hypnosis, hypnosis where they make you do certain things, even a kink community around it) and I just wanted to hear experiences and whether or not there’s any truth

No. 2133607

My aunt tried hypnosis to lose weight and quit smoking but she's still fat and smokes harder now so IMO it's a bunch of mumbo-jumbo. Probably an insurance scam like "Lyme Disease".

No. 2133721

File: 1723537101102.png (36.42 KB, 194x158, die die die.png)

believe me, a group of fat boomers are tasked with gangstalking me. they kidnapped and sexually harassed me. then spied on my parents and on my social media messages and sneaked into my house. they drugged me and raped me multiple times. this is not a coincidence, i think it is the mengele experiments. they want people to get diseases and die slowly and painfully and to become corrupt or straight up retarded. why they do it - for science! they act like delusional troons but blend into society because they have "alters". they are pedophiles, borderlines, narcissists, sex maniacs, psychopaths, etc. it is "programmed" into them for some sick experiment. their goal is to pick on people with weaknesses and try to combine couples who would make weaker and uglier children, so those could be bullied next, or to entirely castrate them. i was given bathsalts and told to bite boys and pull on their balls for snuff films. i was in the care of this fat woman who told me about trannies and to not be judgmental, because if i said something she would slap me, and she used to do that. i saw "them" masturbate. if i tried making friends with other children at the daycare, i was hit and told to go back into the corner. they told my parents i was too autistic to function. my parents were also beaten up and told to feed me food i was allergic to for as long as i lived with them. the fucking trans tard told them i was a psychopath who just wanted attention so i acted dramatic and made myself look allergic on purpose after eating. then they all believed this trans and kept yelling at me instead of talking normally. nobody even knew what trans was, but they believed her because she was a doctor with a degree.

No. 2133808

Does anyone watch this psychic lady named Bella Slone who supposedly talks to dead celebrities? Idk man, she sounds like a quack.

No. 2133811

>NWO/illuminati aren’t real lololol
It’s the root of all tinfoils, are you new here or are you just retarded?

No. 2133815

I think you can convince yourself or be convinced of a lot of things, especially if they're dumb things, but the "hypnotee" has to either already be very open/suggestible or willing to do some sort of mental work to embody whatever's going on more than the truth/reality.

No. 2134158

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The global cabal of financiers destroys country after country.

No. 2134243

My only experience with hypnosis was when I was 15 in (forced) inpatient rehab with other kids. They had an old man come in and do "hypnotherapy" on us like once a week. All of us would lay down on the ground, they turned the lights off and put candles around us. He would start talking but I don't remember about what, and all of us would pass out where we were laying on the floor. It was seriously the strangest thing, very peaceful feeling but nobody out of like 10 people would remember anything afterwards when we all woke up. I never thought hypnosis worked until then and still I'm skeptical of it, but we really would pass out and lose time during it. Everything about it felt sketchy though and they did a lot of weird experimental treatment shit like that. The old man was creepy too and actually got fired for saying that one of the other girls there with me dressed like a hooker in front of her… It was a very strange horrible experience

No. 2134547

Not sure if this is the right thread for this but any thoughts on this Cognify futuristic prison thing? Honestly my thoughts immediately go to MKUltra type of stuff, never thought I would probably find myself agreeing with Tila Tequila lol

No. 2134576

Immediately thought of Minority Report. Literal virtual lobotomy.

No. 2134851

i think kamala will win, to pin the recession on her. we will get a whole year of conspiracies about the trump assassination attempt. then he will be elected again next.

No. 2134852

I don't think he's gonna be alive for the next one. He's already past the life expectancy, he's lucky to be kicking it for now.

No. 2134907

One of the "fake" Epstein lists circulating around is said to be the real one.

Who knows which one it is though?

No. 2135056

This is exactly the case, and then people will use Kamala as an example to stop putting women in charge and slowly oppress us further, all while insisting it's not actually happening

No. 2135284

There's fake lists? I thought all of them were real.

No. 2135360

He will be too old by then. He's already barely cognitive now. Next election cycle he'll be Biden tier, probably worse or dead due to his poor health.

No. 2136049

There are plenty of them that just randomly put people on there because of their political affiliation, usually democrats on lists created by MAGAts. Chrissy Teigan for example was on several fake lists but she would've been a teenager or younger when Epstein was doing the dirtiest of his business. So unless she's a victim I don't think she had anything to do with Eps

Of course one of these fake lists is said to be the leaked "real" one… and let's be real political affiliation doesn't matter (both Trump and Clinton likely abused women with Epstein) but it's hard to tell with all the renditions out there.

No. 2136067

They’re probably a retarded tranny that probably mods for free on Reddit.

No. 2136699

No because not everyone believes in antisemitism based elders of zion tier unrealistic DA CABAL conspiracy theories like you retards

No. 2136843

Believing in the NWO is not antisemitic. NWO = WEF. The WEF doesn't claim to affiliated with any religion. They want to see the destruction of nation states and this includes Israel.

No. 2139350

Manifestochan is an unemployed half Asian half Slavic hapa who married a rich man to get away from her insane family and she lives in New Jersey.

No. 2139366

I’m listening, nonna…

No. 2139381

Kek, elaborate, please.

No. 2139387

No way. She's my queen. I refuse to believe she would ever shack up with a y chromo

No. 2139512

Nta, but wasn't she literally pro-fucking-them-for-good-money though?

No. 2139579

I thought it was another anon who typed similarly to her, not the original manifestochan who said that

No. 2139612

No clue, maybe you're right. But i was always under the impression it was her, perhaps i was wrong. I think she encouraged cheating too, which implies fucking 2 whole men. She doesn't seem that much against sex if you get something from it, if the bargain is good enough.

No. 2139633

she sounds so cool but this description kind of sounds like radfem hitler

No. 2139637

Noticed a youtuber I like watching hasn't been in front of the camera for a while, they sound kind of robotic as it is but something made me think they might be using some AI thing to make videos lately.

No. 2139683

do you realize all the logical holes of believing in a giant grand scheme nwo cabal though and why it doesn't make any sense?

No. 2139902

I would suggest not using this site frequently or using it in doses that you can handle. I couldn’t explain it but using this site often makes me feel very nauseous and sickly and I couldn’t understand why until I started getting the idea and reading about gateways and portals, and I think technology is a gateway and portal to many things can influence your mind and behavior which is often very negative and adversarial, I feel like it’s by design that when humans hop on the internet we all become aggressive rambling crazy retards divulging into infights.

No. 2139909

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There is a grand scheme to merge every nation into one singular global system, it’s mainly going to be created through a reset of the monetary system and changing of currency though. That is the final thing they are waiting on, they’ve already started watering down the cultures of many nations, flooding their countries with low wage jobs taken from other countries, placing genderspecials and trannies into divinity status, instilling low trust in your fellow neighbor, creating an unstable property owning market so nobody owns anything because it will be bought up and owned by certain sectors of people. Go and look up who owns most of the media companies it’s like only a few corps that run these medias like families and love to pretend they’re all fighting for the truth when they’re not, they’re all playing on the same side, very simple divide and conquer tactic. What they’ll definitely do is after they’ve sowed global division, unrest, warfare, genocides they will be a false prophet of “coming together” and “uniting” after all of the shit TPTB have created and that’s when you’ll know the NWO has taken it’s genuine first precedence.

No. 2139939

definitely a frequent user of LSA's conspiracy alley I see

No. 2139944

I'm a reformed bdsmfag, and one of my partners was into erotic hypnosis. I rarely had full orgasms, maybe 3 or 4 ever, all on my own, by the time I was in my mid 20's.
The first time he hypnotized me was earlier than we'd planned, because I was driving across the US for holidays, hit terrible weather and had to pull over & sleep in my car in the middle of nowhere. He was a thousand miles away, and I came hard like 4 times in a row as he hypnotized me over the phone. I wasn't even touching myself. He also would help me by suggesting deep sleep inductions, and I still use a visualization technique he showed me to get to sleep, or get back to sleep on bad insomnia nights.
We didn't stay together long, but it was powerful. I realize it is my brain & suggestibility doing the work, but his induction technique & phrasing opened the door for me. I still have fewer orgasms than I'd like for a more fufilling intimate life, but since then I've even had some during vanilla PIV intercourse. So, it's all in your head but that doesn't mean it isn't influencing your reality in concrete ways.

I also paid someone to hypnotize me to stop biting my nails- but they were worthless.

No. 2139946

I need this type of hypnosis to work for my mental illness and obsessions

No. 2139954

I only visit this site when I'm near rock bottom. I feel like the hate refuels something in me. But there's also a special unity here and the format is so dated and nostalgic…I started visiting here around 2017 or 2018. I don't remember how I found it. But I stopped visiting it in 2021 because I was starting to get my life together. Something drew me back here a couple months ago. I had a dream that I was being interrogated for posting here…and when I woke up I checked /pt/. I don't think it's evil but I also believe that there's something psychically powerful about this place.

No. 2139961

I feel like this site activates my doomscroll mechanism and sucks the life out of me and that's why I always use it during the worst portions of my life? I've tried to stop but the energy emanating from this place is just… delectable

No. 2139965

Bots are purposely picking topics normies are passionate about to start infights and keep people scrolling out of fear. Economic related infights, infights on racism and COVID, parenting, eating disorders, etc same is happening on reddit, tiktok, etc

That being said - if you ladies must scroll I find Pinterest to be the least toxic doom scrolling place. No bots baiting, just crafts and food

No. 2139969

I've been meaning to make a diorama for weeks now and should probably just doomscroll pinterest for diorama ideas but the last time I tried to go to Michael's and buy supplies I completely spaced on my bank pin and had to leave everything with the cashier bc the card reader refused to work. I'm starting to think the universe wants me to commit myself to the things that hurt me if it won't let me buy art supplies

No. 2139977

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There's always loads of stuff you can find as inspo that you already own/have free outside. I also find they have good workout advice, education related things, and everything else

No. 2139984

I think I'll just go to the foreboden hobby lobby or another art store as well, theres other options

No. 2139989

you really think there's bots here? i'm not doubting you it's just an interesting thing i've never considered>>2139965

No. 2140000

Unfortunately yeah, I see LC mentioned on tiktok frequently so I assumed that's what triggered it

No. 2140007

Least toxic? Depends on what your interests are. Anything that’s barely obscure by normie standards is filled with underage tifs that get pissed at any “boring cis girl” in the comment sections when they disagree with one. On the other hand, more males are posting their /tttt/ comics on there.

No. 2140010

It's easier to control the algorithm at least in that regards, where as tiktok, IG, and YouTube purposely make the algorithm towards your opposing beliefs in order to try to get you to fight more

No. 2140022

the AI and random sponsor videos ruined it

No. 2140045

Easier to ignore propaganda imo. On most social media it feels impossible to have basic conversations without people/bots trying to bait

No. 2140133

These lil hedgehogs are cute. I want to make some this fall kek idc that it's a craft for kids to do

No. 2140221

TOPKEK i pledge my life to the radfem fuhrer
its insane that this is even considered tinfoil. i know it is in normieworld but honestly i think the only tinfoil is in speculating on what the motivation is.

No. 2140222

what kind of diorama are you making anon

No. 2140979

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NTA and I know this is the tinfoil thread, but this is just how monopolies work. It's definitely concerning though. Rather than monarchs of old, the CEOs of big corporations (and by extension PACs associated with their industries) have way too much power rn. I don't personally believe this is evidence of a "cabal," because many of these CEOs are competitors. Rather, this is the effect of late-stage capitalism. I think their power will continue to spiral out of control, much like the Gilded Age, until we enter another wave of antitrust laws and campaign reform, which brought the Gilded Age to a close.
Picrel source: https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/top-pacs/2024

No. 2141004

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Hey is any anon here interested in talking about randonautica?

There are rumors going around that randonoutica is linked to a deep web site namde RPWT (right place wrong time) and that the coordinates for randonautica are being sent from that site.
RPWT is password protected so no one for now has been able to find out what really goes in on that deep web site and if its really related to randonautica.

Many people have had people randomly follow them, try to ambush them or the app sending them to literal crimescenes. There is definetely something really off about this app. The weirdest part about all of it is that the people who work/manage that app are also very vague and suspicious. When you ask them how this app works they basically reply to you with bullshit pseudoscience and start talking about manifestation and intentions. None of them give a actual answer on how this software was made instead they start talking about quantum physics or blame people almost getting kidnapped on having "bad intentions".

This app and its owners are very weird to say the least…..

No. 2141063


The abrahamic "god" is a demon or prison warden named yaldabaoth. through his envy of the great mother spirit he created millenia of lies and torture against women to keep humanity from accessing our spirit and then stole her place and claimed himself to be the creator. You need to read between the lines to see the truth, since his demons obscure through reversals: theyll take the truth and then claim the opposite. You notice this trick in most interactions with demons. They work by creating artificial dichotomies when the truth is wholeness and harmony. they divide and conquer each piece of our spirit.

Its not people, it is concepts/archons/archetypes that have agendas which cannot be killed. On occasion a certain concept will take over the planet at the expense of another, like capitalism/mammon worship vs humanity/earth worship. Groups of people may intentionally see the archon's will done on earth, but it often happens unintentionally. I dont think an illuminati-type group is farfetched at all, especially considering the evidence of such a group existing

I remember the first time i heard of randonautica was when that tiktok went viral of people finding a body in a suitcase by the beach. personally when I used it years ago i found a really strange sign. I wont go too deep into it because i dont want to give away too much info about myself but I found an insect with a number printed on its wing which had a significant meaning to me. I dont even know how an insect can get a number printed on it, but it was at the exact spot where randonautica sent me. I havent used it lately, but i never had anything dangerous happen to me while using the app.

No. 2141472

They’re probably just selling your data kek

No. 2141488

Honestly, I feel like we’re in the beginning stages of the NWO keikaku.

No. 2141490

Should I use it today, my mind is deranyane disordered so my intentio will be weird

No. 2141521

I have experienced telepathy, synchronicities with people from the same online spaces as me, precognitive dreams as well. Which happened irl like usually the same day I dreamed them. They are too embarrassing to share, it makes me sound chronically online and obsessed

No. 2141537

Why does everything feels so off and hard since C19 hit. It' hard to find a job, it's hard to find anything for rent, everything is so expensive, food, medicine, therapy, medical visits, the clothes which quality is much worse than 5-6 years ago but they're much more expensive. It's even hard to sell used furniture and kitchenwere cheap when you want to get rid of it because you're moving and you need to have less things. Nobody wanted to buy the stuff I put out for literally 1/3 of its original price and being in good condition. I only got like 15 different scammers who tried to send me fake delivery links and talked to me like bots even after threatening them with police. Generally I had like 26-30 different scam attempts this year. The online apps for my bank accounts were lagging the whole year, but they somehow want us to have cashless society. When I want to pay with cash somewhere, many people look almost offended. I feel like all electronic devices are spying on us, because so, so many times there was a situation when I talked with my coworker about some very specific thing, and shortly after that very specific thing was popping up somewhere in our feed and we were like "what the fuck, how is this possible". I had 3 different coworkers talking to me about NPCs and simulation theory, and that they feel like everything around them is fake, and I never started those topics myself.
But it's not just the material shit. 2019 felt like the last normal year and I MISS it so much. Since then everything feels weird and I feel like even the time has sped up. One week feels like 3 DAYS. I get tired so much it's hard to get out of bed, constant brainfogs, pain in my body, weird vivid dreams, the feeling of impending doom, like something is about to happen. I tried to look for answers for this, and some people talk about Sun activity and how it affects our magnetic field, I don't know. But I was surprised that when I started looking at social media, there were many people who experienced the same symptoms as me. Idk what it is. Don't tell me it's depression because I was depressed since I was a teenager, tried various kinds of medication and it never helped, I'm also diagnosed autistic. But I never felt so tired, hopeless, off, weird and disconnected like I've felt since 2019, and especially since 2021. I started eating healthy, I try to have as healthy habits as possible, and this shit does nothing. Everything around me feels like a fever dream.

No. 2141539

Nothing to say except I completely agree with you anon.

No. 2141579

Only time period where people stand around blaming those being affected by said issues instead of rallying together and protesting. Any other time period we would've all hit the streets and had these issues eliminated, now you have bots going up everywhere telling us to not worrying about lack of jobs or pay and rising cost of living cause we should've just tried harder

No. 2141587

Its time to pay for our sins.

No. 2141599

This. If you haven't accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior yet, its about time since time is running out.

No. 2141604

oh shut up

No. 2141611

The amount of media based threads being created on /ot/ is enough to create a tinfoil, they’re even trying to distract you with retarded shit on basket-weaving forums. I fail to see how these threads were created and intended for normal people, how can you give a fuck about a foreign cartoon that children and teens primarily watch? Grow up, you’re being brainwashed and distracted. It disgusts me

No. 2141613

It’s way better than this thread or /x/ kek. I think another nonny uses this website because I remember a discussion being had about the gifted program and low and behold when I logged into my account on LSA a few days later I saw an exact same thread about that very topic.

No. 2141772

It's called newfaggotry

No. 2141781

? this is an imageboard not instagram or whatever you normies use. this was a /cgl/ offshoot ffs

No. 2141784

>I fail to see how these threads were created and intended for normal people
We are on an imageboard

No. 2141788

Why not just stay there?

No. 2141847

Ntayrt but thank you, I was hoping you'd drop some links. You're a queen nonnie

No. 2142064

AYRT and thank you so much for the sources anon. This is so interesting.

No. 2142154

nta but she meant it was newfaggotry to create a media centred thread on /ot/. they belong on /m/. i've also been getting annoyed with it recently, like why do we need 5+ threads related to media on /ot/ when we have a whole board for it? it's annoying. /m/ needs more traffic anyway, it'd be good to have those threads moved there.

No. 2142224

The Imane Khelif fiasco was a social media ploy.

No. 2142384

Kek I remember an anon pulled up analytics of JUST /ot/ and it said during summer last year I think, we got average visitors of 40-100 people. I always remember this when I see obvious samefags come out the woodwork to try to defend themselves like "10 different people disagreed with you!!!" Like you mean to tell me 25% of the entire ot board came on at the exact same time, got involved with the exact same argument and cared so much about fucking ice cream flavors? Give me a break

No. 2142400

>40-100 visitors per day
Yeah I don’t believe this kek. Source?

No. 2142402

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What's with recession denial lately? I'm tired of the millionth article about the lowest unemployment rate, highest wages, lowest inflation, our wages are exceeding inflation, we have the highest homeownerships, we have more buying power, etc etc. but then when you read the article it's "technically" true but they simply just danced around definitions or straight up changed them to make it look like we're doing better than we actually are. And then I also notice an uptick of always blank accounts on FB, YT, tiktok or reddit of people defending it like their life depends on it for some reason as if nothing is wrong, and then of course the "stop complaining and just try harder" crowd which is basically just government hired riot control at this point

No. 2142406

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There's different sites to check it on, I could believe it about /ot/ at least, it's unbelievably dead here. Most of the traffic seems to be in /snow/

No. 2142411

If you keep the people passified with lies, they are less likely to gain the confidence to rise up. By repeating this lie, you convince a certain percentage of people that it's only them who are suffering, that everyone else is doing fine, and they just need to work harder to succeed.

No. 2142413

Ntayrt but pacified*

No. 2142417

No, passified, like with member berries and nostalgia.

No. 2142418


No. 2142419

NTa but that is the word you’re looking for, pacified. “Keeping people pacified with lies”

No. 2142422

True or it's people genuinely delusional about their own situation. Just the other day I saw some kid whining about how "a 400k home is possible for most people if they budget correctly, everyone is just lazy and entitled!" and then proceeds to list out his budget where his entire paycheck only goes to bills and taking one week off of work or something will make him homeless. I also feel like it's a underage kids who look at estimated mortgage prices on Zillow and think it's the ONLY bill you have to pay with home ownership then use it against others for "being so lazy", which is often why these people seem to never mention insurance, sewage, trash, water, maintenance, HOA or utilities

No. 2142424

No. 2142426

These sites are usually are not accurate. Sometimes I probably load lolcow like 20 times in a single day lol

No. 2142435

These typically just track each single IP that visited, not each visit alone. So if 1 IP visits 100 times a day it's still counted as 1 visit

No. 2142454

Site traffic means number of hits usually, and plenty of anons use VPNs. If there were 8000 unique posting devices during last hellweek, excluding VPNs, the site traffic would be significantly higher due to lurkers.

No. 2142460

I don’t think that’s accurate the analytics posted during the last hellweek (which happened during a relatively dead LC season) showed that we have thousands of nonnies, apparently

No. 2142489

It’s funny whenever people use the “live below your means” phrase as well. Why should someone who lives in one of the top most developed countries should be living below the standards the country should automatically be providing due to its status and wealth? They’re basically telling you to voluntarily revoke the freedoms and privileges you have living in these countries and learn how to live in a second or third world condition, it’s so insulting. They hide this behind anti-consumerism but it’s so obvious they’re like sharks trying to smell blood in the water trying to wittle down years of financial slavery into personal choices and it’s just not working anymore kek

No. 2142503

>Why should someone who lives in one of the top most developed countries should be living below the standards the country should automatically be providing due to its status and wealth?
Poor people have always existed in the western developed world. I live in the western world and in my part of it, we only got indoor plumbing in the 80s, even though it was the "living standard" by the 20s or 30s. Parts of any country modernize and evolve at different rates. It just sounds like fantasy when you pretend everyone in the developed world should live like queens and kings when the reality is that things like dining out, living alone, having a car, etc., are all luxuries. There was a brief time in the 60s when luxuries became affordable to many, but that's a bygone era now. It wasn't meant to be forever, it couldn't have lasted much longer than it did anyway. To say now "oh the government should give you a house, the government should pay for x y z, it should all be automatically done!" just sounds like a juvenile thought IMO.

>They’re basically telling you to voluntarily revoke the freedoms and privileges you have living in these countries and learn how to live in a second or third world condition, it’s so insulting.

I actually find this more insulting. The difference between the developed and developing world isn't the economic prosperity of the average citizen, it's the differences like medical care, corruption, safety, stability, education, etc., that makes the difference.

No. 2142522

Does anybody else here ever feel like they just are missing a part of their soul? I remember waking up two or three days ago and vividly remember feeling empty, like an empty dead body with nothing else left in it like your soul evaporated from my container. There’s a part of me that’s missing or just gone at this point and I’m pretty sure I will never get it back.

No. 2142531

No. 2142532

Please no one be dumb enough to go to whatever this is. They're posting this on multiple threads. Its suspicious.

No. 2142551

Kek thanks for the interesting discussion bot-chan

No. 2142567

True, I suspect the addicted infighters use VPNs to samefag too. but /ot/ having less than 100 visitors per day isn't necessarily shocking or unbelievable, I'd honestly be surprised if it was more than 200

No. 2142571

I'm a bot for not understanding fractured emptiness? No.

No. 2142573

Anon people have said this since 2000, then 05, then 09, then 2012, then 2016, then 2020 and now. "If the world didn't end in 2012/09/2020/etc why has nothing felt real since?". Sometimes time isn't the issue, we need to do better for ourselves and we can't live in the past when things "felt real"

No. 2142585

Nta but Everytime I've seen "live below your means" it's always told to people who are already doing such or they'll expect ways that would cost us more money in the long run. Like I'll happily give up indoor plumbing and my technology if it means I can afford rent and groceries don't cost me entire paycheck, but most jobs require smart phones, cars, etc and even shitty apartments and homes are being ""renovated"" out of people's budgets. I've also seen people tell people to skip meals, skip sleep, etc which just causes health issues people can't afford

No. 2142587

That’s what a bot would say, bot nonny

No. 2142592

How are you going to browse lolcor then, flip phone? Kekk

No. 2142596

I get what you mean, but sometimes that rhetoric falls on deaf ears because various times in my poorfag life I've lived on dumbie phones and monthly SIMs, and going to the library to access wifi (yes even sometimes just to browse LC), and planning my meals so carefully with couponing, and I still manage to get by and improve my life quality. It's like sometimes the middle-class doesn't hear how they sound. At various times I realized I didn't have the money to pay for smartphones, or internet, or the best groceries, but I didn't pretend like I could and get myself in an even shittier money situation.

No. 2142605

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Not true, the world ended around 2020 and we’re currently in a time loop where all previous eras are colliding into one single place which would be our world. All of these different eras happened in different dimensions although I can’t tell which one is the real time or fake time. Fake time would’ve been the 2010s decade, a false presumption that things were getting better and more modernized while they started placing more advanced technologies in the primitive 80s to 2000s. It’s almost strange because I don’t really see an era beyond this one, so we’ll just enter hyper time where speech becomes more nonsensical and so does the fashion. For example a lot of people assume what y2k fashion is, is what they’re currently wearing but it’s like a jumbled up version of what happened in the previous eras. In the 90s and 2000s this y2k was precisely based off of the 60s and 70s with the 40s and 50s attitude and taste for various knick knacks, gadgets and kitschy things. Sound familiar? We’re already in hyper time, all of these timelines are colliding into one singular frame for our minds to grasp. Almost none of these fashions and cultural items come from this world, they come from many and that’s what makes planet Earth so unique. Feminism didn’t come from human women it was probably an idea that came from a realm with female singularity, everything is predominantly female there and that’s why there’s constant battles between those who agree with feminism and those who’s lives clash with this otherworldly idea. I rambled too much kek, sorry

No. 2142611

please say more i love your mind

No. 2142665

Definitely, we have the "old poors" and "new poors". The "old poors" are use to budgeting, don't fear monger to use cheaper toiletries, use connections for services, and already own property/are living with people where as the newly poor people are often still in payment plans for homes and cars, they're very distant with each other so you end up paying people for babysitting, fixing your home or car, etc. I also notice that a lot of middle class people facing financial issues don't have their priorities straight on bills. You HAVE to spend loads of money for the crack in the shower, you HAVE to get that dent repaired ASAP, meanwhile us poors will have everything wrong with our house and cars and be perfectly fine kek

No. 2142668


Driving along coastal road at 1:30PM and saw light flickering on side of road like mirage you see in heat. Became very metallic and questionably fluid and I stopped my car to look at it but it suddenly vanishes. I continue driving for 25km into more densely wooded area and then see in air two small black cylinders following each other in zig-zag formation. One would move slowly on top of other one that was moving erratically and it seemed as though they occupied different heights in the sky.

Cylinders both stop at point 500m in front of me when I drive past them I am inside a large white room with two lights on wall in front of me that alternate between blue and orange light. Figure enters room from opening hole of blackness and is wearing hazmat-esque suit with moving patterns on fabric He produces long thin golden stick and waves it in front of my face and abdomen then sits me down on box. In the room everything is white and moving they can make it so parts of room elevate to create rudimentary tables and chairs or beds at will with use of small red cube. Once I am reclining on the box he raises my sleeve and another figure enters and draws 2 vials of my blood from 4 points in my arm. During this time the two lights on wall flashes blue at irregular pattern. During time period feelings of ambiguity were inside me and I could not produce sound it was as though my ears were blocked or what I think is that in room there was no sound allowed because I could not produce it or hear anything. Once second figure left first figure stood me up again and performed similar ritual with golden stick and then it produces secondary devise, like a long rectangle with many small lights and it it places against my temple and several images flash in my mind. Images hard to explain it was like all pictures of Earth in different places but devoid of animal life only featuring plants. During this moment images only flashes in right eye other eye was open to scene of room and the lights were orange now. After this I entered a black room from the white room and then I was parked on the side of road with my hazard lights on at 1:40 except my radio was tuned to a different station and my air conditioning was turned off.

Has any one else experienced interventions like this by these figures in suits?

No. 2142687

but hypothetically if this were true, not one of these reality loops made my life better they all only made it worse, now that's just shit

No. 2142739

Look at this video and tell me the news isn't creating scripted content now to keep up with Tiktok and Youtube kek, this almost made me laugh because there's something about this that feels so unreal and faked from the mother not even panicking or scared but suddenly knew what to do, the quips from the children that seemed all too rehearsed, the perpetrator running for them like a retard. Damn they really are taking notes from content creators
Thank you nonners.

No. 2142740

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Have you heard of Operation COINTELPRO?

Between 1956 and 1971, FBI would sabotage political groups it deemed a threat to national security through smear campaigns, harassment, and even assassination.
I believe the current state of liberalism and libfeminism is an FBI ploy to sabotage women and set back feminism.
>pro sex work propaganda that grooms teen girls to sell their bodies as soon as they become legal
>"choice feminism" that encourages women to continue to consoom makeup products, invasive beauty procedures, etc
>the entire trans movement.
Think of how few trans people there are (not just spicy straights with pronouns, the ones who actually want surgeries and shit) and how inescapable it is in modern dialog. it's odd. They want to destabilize women's spaces so we can't escape male scrutiny and talk about feminist ideas in private without pushback.

No. 2142742

Time loops aren't lifefuel

No. 2142808

>meanwhile us poors will have everything wrong with our house and cars and be perfectly fine kek
I see them commonly complain about this "rents due, car notes due, water company is about to shut off our water but I just paid thousands to fix the ice maker and the cabinet was weird and now my car is making a funny noise" like if it's not going to actually kill you, pay it when you have the financial means too. Why is that so hard to understand?

No. 2142829

Africans are going to survive this nearing apocalypse and it's going to make wignats seethe so much. It's almost like living in an industrialized bubble is almost not good and holistic for humans to live in, oh no!!!

No. 2142835

It really depends where your family was financially in the 50s/60s that regulate it.
>Old poors:
An old poor is someone whose family was poor since before the 1950s, they're usually the working class now or perhaps members of the lower middle-class. Like you said in your post, old poors know how to get around without needing so much money.
>New poors
Some families moved up a ladder during the 50s and 60s, so they became middle class. These people raised their children to be middle class too, on the assumption that they would retain this class. The kids are now broke but don't wanna admit it so they LARP as middle-class and financially doom themselves.

So, if you're an old poor, you know how to budget, you know how to coupon, you know how to get around with little money, etc., but new poors are usually forever-kids that thought that their parents' middle-class lifestyle was enough to support themselves indefinitely. I see a lot of people coming from middle-class homes that have no idea what's luxury and what's not, no idea how to budget, no idea how to grocery shop (this is a whole science in itself), no idea how to live within their new means. That's why it's so irritating to see so many people complaining online about the "housing crisis," because for some people nobody in their family has owned a home in 3 generations kek. It's like okay, we get it, you moved down a class, why should I care that you can't own a home when nobody I know owns one anyway? This is poorfag life, welcome to it.

No. 2142839

Africa is dependent on western food imports. If the west goes, so does Africa unless somewhere like Russia or China is prepared to export food.

No. 2142841

Then there's the obvious psyop where they try to meme creampie fetishes, "submissive and breedable" etc they've been pushing to young men because the birth rate is falling

No. 2142853

Also "old poors" are often in living situations that don't require lots of money. Owning land with meemaws trailer, friends or families with farmers for food, urban poor people know how to utilize public transport/bikes/etc where as a lot of the newcomers are told they're going to get shot or something if they try to walk past 7 pm. Water wells over paying for city water and sewage, utilizing energy saving methods, walking trash to a dumpster over paying garbage collection, etc

I also feel like the uptick and more and more people becoming poor has caused things originally made for poor people to be more predatory, trailer parks are becoming "luxury" now and lots that were once 200 a month are 1200 monthly, solar panels are preying on poor people trying to save money, food that were once unwanted and cheap like organs, oxtail, etc are becoming more expensive

Don't get me wrong, I'm sure a lot of the struggle is connected to the fact they lived their entire lives being fear mongered if they get that expired bread on clearance they'll get sick, if they don't fix the AC noise ASAP they'll die, etc but I'm also blaming companies basically taking advantage that the middle class is dying and the struggling working class is growing

No. 2142856

One thing I can't wait for is the annoying "everything is poison" crowd to die out. They'll think bottled water from Walmart will kill them before dehydration does

No. 2142859

That isn’t just a tinfoil, this is the plain truth and that’s how the radical feminist movement of the 70s became derailed into supporting pornography, casual sex, and just about anything that men knew would mostly benefit them at the detriment of women under the guise of our own empowerment. This is somewhat explained in one of Dworkin’s books but I forgot which one it was because I read it a long time ago, it was either Pornography or Woman Hating or it was some other feminist writer. A bunch of underground sex-pozz/porngraphy rights sex rights whatever the fuck those reprobates are called groups/libertarians started infiltrating feminist spaces and that’s how it started taking the trajectory we now have today where just about anybody except women benefit from feminism.

No. 2142901

>you know how to coupon, you know how to get around with little money
adding to >>2142853
coupons aren't couponing anymore, neither are deals, I love couponing but it's unusual to find more than a buck or two off anymore when the price of the item tripled. and a lot of free/cheap activites are becoming monetized too. free or cheap parks and museaums are charging now just to enter, and if not parking becomes expensive af. there's a coffee shop with a mini kids playground, most basic wood equipment yet charges thousands yearly for a membership but like ? I remember this was a doctors office waiting area in my day. YMCAs prices are becoming the same as mid level gyms with actual spas and such, going to the movies that use to be a nice cheap friday night out are getting expensive, hell even going to the bar now is expensive, and arcades are becoming expensive af too.

I even remember in 2016 I could walk into the mall with a 20, eat dinner, have a movie, bowl and play some arcade games and still go home with maybe a dollar or two, I could try doing all of that at the exact same place now and say goodbye to a good portion of my paycheck

No. 2142925

File: 1724036536459.jpg (134.3 KB, 1920x994, Metropolis.2001.TRIPLE.BDRip.1…)

Such a beautiful story nona!!

No. 2142932

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Was curious to YMCA pricing nowadays and holy shit? This is literally hours away from any major city and this is what I pay now for a high end gym, same amount of people and free childcare

No. 2142940

We have such a small community nonas. And yet we are here, infighting and derailing and keeping this place alive. Isnt it beautiful?

No. 2142944

Well, you're not wrong
At the beginning of millenniums it's always "up and coming stuff", maybe a few issues but nothing too big, the 10s people slowly start noticing things get worse, 20s there's a pandemic of some sort then a major financial crisis shortly after, then a war. It just sucks cause it we're all following the "script" most of us won't have a good time until we're in our 50s and 60s

No. 2143370

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>wakes up
>somehow I end up in the manhate memes thread
Is this a sign to hop back into my aquatic siren misandry phase or something where I listened to Count Contessa by Azealia Banks over and over again imagining the entire world being flooded by a large 2012-esque tsunami and the only people who survive are women because we’re part mythical aquatic creatures (mental illness kek) and men were another species meshed into ours that created humans. That’s why they feel so alien to me and I can’t really stand them especially when I started discovering that there’s an ideology that critically analyzed their behavior and on every root level it’s almost like we are a completely different race to them, that’s why some people referred to us as the “female race”, there’s something genetically different besides sexual dimorphism and brain chemistry between men and women and I’m tired of people saying we’re complementary counterparts and that every world has to have dualist qualities (masculine and feminine) to them to exist, it’s just not true. There are probably universes and worlds out there that are predominantly female and the females practice parthenogenesis and at some point our “human” female race was able to do this until the introduction of males into our species. It’s not like this matters now since the consequences of allowing males on this planet is an extreme one and they insist on using our wombs for incubators to control the planet, just like what an alien does that swoops down from the planets they came from and start meshing with humans.

No. 2143677

the "men" who seem like a voracious alien species of pig people are simply the ones who had their wisdom teeth preemptively removed

the correlation with "no wisdom teeth = fat pigmaan" and "kept wisdom teeth = human being" is pretty much 100% in my experience and its obvious why…all body parts are important and they all change and rewire your brain as they emerge and change as you naturally grow up

people who had their wisdom teeth removed preemptively (before they fully emerged) have been robbed of the chance to develop into fully adult mature humans. they remain in a stunted, warped, artificial adolescence where their urge to eat and eat and eat and not share anything never abates as it should. another hard observable fact is that they continue to hate vegetables the way children do.

in nature the emergence of wisdom teeth goes along with an increasing appetite for more bitter vegetaceous foods - the adults are supposed to stop craving sugary fatty foods so much and are supposed to share those foods with children instead (who are less able to extract nutrients from vegetables because they have harder teeth and shorter guts)

No. 2143686

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I immediately knew I just lost this schizo-off. Congrats anon, you out schizo’d me. I agree with your points about the wisdom teeth though, although mine have to come out because they’re jacking up the rest of my mouth and causing problems.

No. 2143696

do they actually hurt or did a dentist just tell you that and you believed him/her? dont just believe anyone who profits from you believing them.

even if they hurt try to stick it out unless they get infected, good chance they work themselves into place on their own

if wisdom teeth actually caused even 1% of the problems dentists say, we wouldve lost them by evolution a long time ago

then again, part of the problem now is that youre supposed to be missing a few teeth already by the age wisdom teeth come in, theyre supposed to be replacements

ironically it would make more sense to yank out the existing molars to give the wisdom teeth space to come in

in any case literally never believe anything private-practice dentists say. always make an appointment at a university dental clinic and ask them what they think. way way cheaper than private-practice dentists, they have no incentive to lie you into unneeded procedures for profit, and itll be an actual professor of dentistry assessing your teeth.

this is especially true when private-practice dentists say you have cavities that need drilling out and then filling in. they are demonstrably lying 95% of the time and what they do makes your teeth worse in the long run.

if you go to a private-practice dentist and a university dental clinic and ask them the same questions about the same problem, you will be literally shocked at the difference in what they say.

No. 2143730

>fuck up the economy, cost of living and housing
>surprised, no one wants kids anymore
what did they expect? like I want kids with a partner at some point, but I literally can't afford too. I live with my parents and so does everyone I know. we literally can't even afford apartments of our own, like I would support literally any radical party if they could fix this

No. 2143746

And it will be the leftists and their Arab allies psuhing this rhetoric. Muslims literallly believe that no nation could thrive with a female leader. They will scream and preach this during her presidency

No. 2143755

The elites really want brain dead slaves who do nothing but fuck and work shit jobs like domestic lab pour. They will keep all rewards of automation and deprive us all useful tech. Only surveillance and forced organ donations to keep those rich fucks alive forever

No. 2143756

I’m glad nobody wants kids anymore. Depopulation became a huge meme in the conspiracy theory communities because it started getting co-opted by fundies and natalists, depopulation is good because the planet is not habitable for lots of people. We had to destroy a lot of ecosystems in order to accommodate billions of people, having children is unsustainable and relies on women to risk their own lives and sanity just to birth more people into the world. I wouldn’t wish for women to be shackled with child rearing and having to fuck a scrote to get one. I think being pro-reproduction is psyop to continue controlling many groups of people.

No. 2143757

i cant recommend getting into ccru enough to you anon. youre a visionary and could be a great asset to the time war
geuinely interesting. were you physically bound or unable to move in the white room? can you describe the moving patterns on the suits more? what sort of plants were in the images you saw, tropical? temperate? what stuck with you?
wow queen your vision is so beautiful i hope we can spearfish in the sunken city-reefs together on sunny days in your aquafuture ♥
belief integrated

No. 2143774

poetry is a most effective weapon in the time war

No. 2143781

based and true but it MUST be good poetry, imaginative poetry, rhythmic (some may say that insistence on metre plays into the psychic imperialism of OGU, but metre and rhythm are TRUE TIME, not the false time of narrative) poetry. it absolutely cannot under any circumstances be autofictional poetry or rupi kaur shit. honest to god rupi kaur is a deep cover psychic agent of temporal oppression whose role in the time war was destroying poetry and turning it into a joke

No. 2143782

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exactly! im so sick of hearing people (read: moids) whining about birthrates left and right. theres a reason its developed countries with more womens rights that have lower birth rates: women never wanted to have that many fucking kids in the first place. scrotes have only themselves to blame for this mess. that said, the fact that governments worldwide are obsessed with this doomed ponzi scheme of "maintaining population growth" instead of looking at literally any other potential solutions/reforms to mitigate the negative consequences of depopulation is astounding to me. havent they learned their lesson by now?

No. 2143786

also every pop songwriter ever. this was touched upon in under the silver lake with the songwriter who is the best representative of the evil oppressive psychic terror of the modern musical phenomenon

No. 2143788

what do u think would be the proper place for an original poetry thread on lc? or is there one already that im missing?

No. 2143797

the fact is, for most of human history we never had as birth rates as high as we did in the 19th century. birth rates were stable at 2-3 kids for most of the world, but now no one can really afford to have children, hell most people can't even afford to take care of themselves. while there are plenty of rwers using this situation to further their agenda, cheering this on isn't a good thing. It serves more as an indicator of how increasingly financially unlivable our current society is becoming

No. 2143808

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from 2008 right to the pandemic, there was massive money printing loaned to insiders at close to zero percent interest rates, driving inflation and the cost of living up, this only benefited insiders—such as banking and finance professionals, large corporations, and entrepreneurs riding on a massive wave of venture capital funding—and hurts medium- and low-income working-class individuals, who are hit the hardest by inflation, higher rent, and unaffordable housing prices due to an overheated housing market fueled by all the cheap printed money

No. 2143827

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it's not fair. I just wanted a normal life, I didn't want to live a decadent degenerate either, I wanted what other generations had and now that's all fucked up because of morons from 40 years ago. Still, I think there is some hope

No. 2143828

Has anyone else noticed that there's a recent increase in people posting conspiracy theories involving jews to the point that even normalfags are talking about it? It seems inorganic and manufactured that what was once confined to places like /pol/ is now on mainstream social media.

No. 2143849

Jews have been the default subject of conspiracy theories for centuries and centuries. I don’t think it’s that new.

No. 2143903

Anon don't you know? You're the only one here struggling! Stop complaining and make more money and save better it's not that hard

In all seriousness it's nice to be able to discuss these issues without gov hired riot control

No. 2143925

If this makes sense: I think the problem with a LOT of stuff is that the researchers, scientists, analysts, laymen, all those people are basing what they think should happen based on an incredibly rare event in human history. I really think that the post-War boom was unprecedented in so many ways, and its effects on society and the world were so unique. I don't think we're ever going to enter an era like the post-War for a long time. I think people keep basing what the world should be like based on a rare outlier event, not the actual majority of history. I think the "birth rate" thing is an example of this, but I also have a personal anecdote:

In my family, I'm the only child, my mum had 4 siblings (none died in infancy), my grandmother had 19 siblings (1 died in infancy), my great-grandmother had 16 siblings (9 died in infancy). Once, I asked my grandmother why she had so many siblings compared to her mum or my mum, and she told me that when my great-grandmother was born, most of the babies would die before they turned 2. So, it was just accepted that you would have to have a few babies if you wanted even one, because the chances were so high that they'd die. The world advanced such that by the time my great-grandmother was having children, only 1 of her babies died, but that's not what she was expecting. Basically, everyone in that generation was brought up with the idea "oh, 1/2 or more of your babies are gonna die, so you need to have a lot just in case" so when they were family-planning, they took that into account, but the reality they faced was so different by the time they were having kids. Then skip 20 years, and by the time my grandmother was having kids, she had access to birth control, condoms, and even abortion, so she only had the kids that she thought she should, she didn't have to try for more in case some would die. It was interesting to me because I had never realized there was such a connection between infant-mortality and birth-rate. It makes sense that in the 10-15 years where infant mortality decreased the most, that that period of time would also produce an unnatural spike in population, since most of those people "should" have died. I don't think we're ever going to have that "spike" again. It seems like throughout history, the golden number was 1-3 children for city-dwellers and 3-6 for people in the hinterlands.

No. 2143951

The more babies they have, the more babies they can get sick, the more babies they can churn through the propaganda system which is the education system, they’re teenagers now so now they’re ready to become wageslaves despite their brains still being mush because your brain doesn’t stop developing until 25, wageslaving for years exacerbates these sicknesses they caused by the pollutants and toxins and making the one thing they hate the most a central part of their lives like work which in turn they can make a pharmaceutical boon off of. A lot of these problems, they make money off of. Your grown up child can’t find a job? More education, take out more loans worth a down payment on a house! They’re getting all sorts of health hiccups and diseases and mental disorders, send them to the hospital where their illness helps pay for our workers and for us to afford our countryside mansions! I think we humans are going to learn that we can’t just keep shitting out people and thinking everything will be fine, natural is very cyclical in the fact that our actions end up pooling into the greater collective. For example, we may think taking these meds are individually improving our lives and making us healthier and agreeable, but it’s not filtering properly through our water systems and ends up going into these oceans, ponds, right back into our water systems poisoning us further. We have royally fucked up the food web that balanced out nature, we don’t care what we put in and especially where it goes out. We need to start treating our uteruses and wombs like the food web, we need to care about what comes in and what comes out. I’m not birthing more men to exist in a rape chamber where dick and balls creation matrix scripts are the biblical doctrine within this chamber, dick and balls creation matrix scripts like monotheistic religions Christianity and Islam and much many we assume are pagan but still orient towards the up most importance of manhood like manhood is the singular root of everything. I’m not birthing anymore children who either become a victim (women) or a predator (men) because we love rejecting the biological natures of why men are the antithesis of culture and civilization and that the very ideas and concepts they’ve thought they created are very feminine in nature, they’ve really psyoped generations of people into thinking arts and crafts, poetry, writing, culinary arts, science, even medicine and healing are predominantly male creations, they’ve stolen all of that shit from women because the masculine steals or destroys to “create” prisons, women don’t care about creation or furthering dumb family legacies, many of them are naturally oriented towards total enlightenment and liberation and men are fully threatened by this. Anyways kek, I’m against filling this planet with more slaves and it requires the sacrificing of many more women to continue to birth these slaves, it’s amazing women voluntarily sign up for these wish fullfillments that put every single woman in jeopardy because in part it makes childless women more ostracized and misunderstood.

No. 2143959

Having less children would honestly solve so much interpersonal family issues as well. Less competition for resources, now you won’t have a bunch of families fighting over stupid shit that eventually breaks them apart which is usually money, not even the fucked stuff that happens within families like molestation, incest, abuse, neglect, favoritism, etc. we need proper family planning but planning properly for the population to be able to replenish resources and maintain them makes people view you as a fascist. Wanting the right kinds of people to have children (which is realistically those who want them in the first place and have the means to, most people don’t really want children by the way they treat them) is somehow “fascist” lmfao but these same types cry about their mother didn’t want them and their family issues because it makes them feel like a savior that’s gone through the odds. Preventing things before they happen is a no-no because normies assume it goes against their rights and freedumbs to do what they want, which is almost always something that is unwise and dangerous for not just them but for everybody else around them.

No. 2144003

>your brain doesn’t stop developing until 25
not true, it never stops developing. this is another lie which is told to make people feel comfortable settling into the sedentary employee life.

think about what this common "scientific fact" could possibly be based on. some brain scan studies showing vague glowy shapes? some studies of cadaver brains at best? we have only studied an incredibly small part of the actual neuronal structure of the brain, and even then we have no way of actually knowing about changes inside neurons. the technology simply does not exist to make such a statement, and anyone with any real loyalty to scientific evidence would know that and not say such a thing.

the old 4chan saying that you become a wizard if you stay a virgin until 30 is actually sort of true, but it's not about being a virgin, it's about staying your own person and not subjecting yourself to depending on employee status and letting yourself become unquestioningly subservient to some boss. you can achieve the same thing by working for yourself or even as an employee if you never let yourself become mentally dependent on employment – and most importantly keep reading reading reading and learning all the time. people LOVE the "brain is done at 25" factoid because it gives them an excuse to slip comfortably into a zombie lifestyle and never really think again. its not true. you are always learning and growing.

No. 2144027

ntayrt but I also agree with you kek. the whole "25 is when REAL adulthood!" is so retarded and i've only ever seen it used to justify peoples' retarded juvenile behaviour.

No. 2144052

I think ideally, the state would have more importance in family dynamics. Like, I think to be eligible for certain family benefits programs like baby bonuses or tax rebates, potential parents would have to complete child-rearing courses or show proof of safe and healthy living environments and stable income. Of course, this would only be possible through widespread easy access to abortion and contraceptives. Anyone should be allowed to have children, but if any of you anons know about white-trash lifestyles, you know that sometimes it seems the government rewards poor family planning. I think giving people incentives to have children or giving them tax benefits is good, but I think that provision should only be for parents that are suitable to raise the child they plan on having.

No. 2144056

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It's funny how these companies only care about exceptional growth, even with manageable populations they’d still be raking in billions, but they’re never satisfied, always wanting more! what’s truly infuriating is that they can’t see their own impending downfall. once we've reached our breaking points and the world collapses, they'll go down with it, but they’re so blinded by greed that they don’t realize they’re digging their own graves

No. 2144060

Yeah, I get what you mean. It's like a lot of these people are in denial that the economy isn't always gonna be going up. I kind of agree with the horse in terms of I too am shocked by the blind ignorance of some financial people I meet. A good example on a micro-scale is homeowners refusing to sell their properties for anything less than they put into it, even though the house has done nothing but decay since the time of original purchase.

No. 2144062

Well I don’t think anyone should be allowed to have children, that’s why we’re in this predicament where we’re swarmed with men, uglies, cripples, autists and an abundance of degenerates. Agree to disagree

No. 2144064

I hope the earth blunges into a black hole. I’m anti-population, anti-earth, anti-people, anti-everything, I hope everything gets vacuumed out of existence and this prison planet is destroyed.

No. 2144069

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And it's funny cause I always see people treat women like they're the actual pedophiles of they're attracted to men in their mid to late 20s because of muh frontal lobe. I remember people were treating Ashley from PLL in the same boat as all the other moids in the show who fuck around with literal children because "she's an adult and he's 24! His frontal lobe!!" like oh yeah I'm so sure it's cause she took advantage of this poor little boy and not because college guys actively chase and pursue the Milf fantasy they love so much

No. 2144070

Well theoretically I agree with you I would like to see at least another 1-2 generations in very limited capacity so that once they figure out eternal life, we the elderly by the time will be served by the young ones in a form of elderarchy.

No. 2144073

This response may be considered cringe but you ladies are just retarded autists who do not understand the power of social rules and basic psychology. everyone has a desire to fit in and follow the norm, to be accepted, whatever. You don't understand this and attribute it to woowoo red moon birth nonsense because you're autistic and don't understand social rules. It is genuinely not that deep. People fear the unknown and being alone more than they do facing what is uncomfortable, especially challenging what is their norm or finding the faults in it in the first place, because it is their norm. This is not unique to women and you will see it across all ages, sexes, and races.
This is the same as reddit libtards reeing on r/antiwork when the working class consists of exhausted single moms and other vulnerable groups who have not an ounce of energy to "fight back" and their #1 priority is making sure their children are fed

tldr go outside autist

No. 2144080

TBH I think a lot of that hysteria comes from older Zoomers that have never moved out of their houses and haven't interacted with the real world as independent adults. It seems like when the pandemic hit, the kids that were in 11th or 12th grade when the first lockdown happened were frozen in this "forever a child" mindset. I saw it when I was TAing undergraduate kids, the ones that graduated high school before the pandemic were fine but the ones that graduated high school during the pandemic all acted like retarded 16-year-olds. I think the pandemic and the rent spike kept a lot of them in the house with their parents and kept them from individualizing and growing up like normal people. E.g., by the time I was 20, I was living alone for 2 years some 500km away from family, I had a job, I was going to school, I was part of a yoga class and a pottery class, had had 3 boyfriends, but my cousin who turned 20 last year still lives at home, doesn't go to school, has no job, does nothing besides scroll TikTok or Twitter, and no romantic or interpersonal aspirations. I know a lot of younger Zoomers like my cousin. They're good with sitting on their mum's couches and getting their dinner cooked for them while they fight flamewars on Twitter about how a 20 year old going out with a 22 year old is too big an "age gap." So many of them are behind in terms of social skills, financial skills, problem solving, etc., but they don't wanna admit that so they can never actually fix it. They wanna blame it on how they're "still child-brained!" because they haven't turned 25 yet, as if that will magically "turn them into an adult." As if they haven't been adults already for the past god knows how many years. Pair this social trend with the generation's general risk-aversion, and you've got the perfect recipe to create a bunch of socially maladjusted adults with severe arrested development and a Puritanical & black-or-white mindset.

No. 2144095

And you don't think that the Jewish ethnostate that is currently in the news constantly because they're committing genocide doesn't have anything to do with that?

No. 2144111

Pretty much. And on top of that a lot of young adults have delayed work skills because of the job hunting process leaving them unemployed for longer periods of time, then when they do get a job most places aren't giving them full time hours, how can they be asked to improve their skills and gain life experience when companies don't even bother giving them a chance anymore?

Also probably why they engage in online fights so frequently and can have the mental energy to obsess over stupid shit like that. When your days are spent sending in applications to hear nothing back for weeks on end it's easy to create a generation of bitter kids missing out on much needed life experiences

No. 2144112

>by the time I was 20, I was living alone for 2 years some 500km away from family, I had a job, I was going to school, I was part of a yoga class and a pottery class, had had 3 boyfriends,
congrats on being a normie? kek fuck off. i'm 28 and have never had or done any of those things besides having a shitty retail job. also go to hell trying to blame economic problems like rent prices being higher on younger people and acting like slutting it up in your 20s is healthy or exploring your sexuality or whatever cope gets people into hookup culture. you're probably in your 30s now and grew up in different times and are trying to feel better about yourself by comparing yourself to someone younger than you but that doesn't mean you get to sit on your fat old ass and brag about yourself just because you want to feel like the stacy you never were. unironically know your place, be humble and have some empathy

No. 2144114

>tfw not understanding social rules equals you not wanting to fuck or suck cock
sighhhhhhh go awayyyyyyyyy go backkkkk

No. 2144116

I said zoomers many times. If you're 28 then my post wasn't about you, obviously. Why get defensive? Weirdo.

No. 2144126

Some anons are so aggro and they just wanna get all their anger out, never take it personally. Whenever you bring up people that failed to launch, the anons that fit that category jump out to start infights. As if their opinions matter, which they don't, since they're losers.

No. 2144145

>I'm 28, I never moved out of the basement, I don't have hobbies, I don't have an education, I never go on dates, I don't have friends… You're old, you're a slut, you're fat, you're not a Stacy. Go go to Hell. Know YOUR place! Be humble! Have empathy!
Some of you crack me up kek. The dissonance.

No. 2144148

Also adding to this we're having a lot the success tools we've used in previous years taken away. Tipping jobs use to be a great way for a young adult who's on their own to make a lot of money in a short amount of time so they can attend college and such, but no one wants to tip anymore. Companies are removing tuition reimbursement if not straight to not hiring uni students altogether. FASFA has been denying way more people on average and even education programs haven't updated their wage requirements, so basically as soon as you get any sort of job you don't qualify. Things like job corps don't even respond to applicants and the programs they have currently you aren't gonna be making more than a McDonald's worker, also jobs have no wage growth anymore. The factory my mom worked at in the 90s paid 10/hour, same position and all pays like 10-12 now. Not even the first time I've heard of this happening either. We're having an increasing amount of blame placed on young people for not being financially perfect at 22, but at the same time we're constantly removing the tips and tricks we used ourselves to become financially set

No. 2144149

>Whenever you bring up people that failed to launch, the anons that fit that category jump out to start infights. As if their opinions matter, which they don't, since they're losers.
wow, you're such a stacy with your long string of former orgasmless hookups and settled sexless relationship with your current nigel and boring current job that makes you want to kill yourself and college degree you only got thanks to your minority initiative paid ride to college. it's those ugly antiwork zoomer femcels who are just too lazy to work at fault! them lazy losers, me HR STACY!! literally go back to xitter/lipstickalley kek(infighting)

No. 2144150

28 is zoomer nona, the cutoff point is usually set in 95

No. 2144152

only fat 30+ year old women who feel sad and insecure that their best years (and best looks) are behind them feel the need to shit on le zoomers to make themselves feel better in comparison

No. 2144153

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No. 2144154

seconding this nonna and adding that trying to humblebrag this hard on an imageboard typically isnt a sign that things are working out very well for them kek

No. 2144157

Kewl source

No. 2144158

FYI I'm 25 kek. I was born in 1999. I don't use my age or generation to define who I am. I have a lot of life experience. If people take "having a job" or "having had boyfriends in the past" as "humble bragging," IDK what to say KEK those are not things I associate with bragging, it's like trying to brag that you have 2 eyes or can walk. My OP wasn't meant to be combative, I was just talking about my tinfoil that the pandemic fucked up a certain age range of people more prominently than others. Sorry if some NEETs took offense.

No. 2144164

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3/4 so I would say my usually still stands

No. 2144170

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I can search stuff up too and find example too, it's not hard and it's not an "own." All this to say I consider Zoomers to start in '97 and you think they start in '95 and neither of us are right or wrong.

No. 2144194

at this point "being an independent adult" is just another condescending millennialboomer dogwhistle for "not being an autistic poorfag who can only work retail" because they haven't had to grow up in the hellishly inflated world of post-2020 where in case you have family or tons of friends or fuck your way into high earning positions or housing situations (including partnering with rich moids) you can't afford to move out of your parent's house. people acting like it's "just as normal as eating or breathing!1!!1" to be making a living wage on your own are literally denying reality in order to humblebrag and attributing blame to people's "poor choices" when it's actually the inescapable global economic situation of the acceleration of late stage capitalism

No. 2144204

>millennialboomer dogwhistle
Kek no way you said this for real

No. 2144211

I'm also 99, I feel like the pandemic fucked up my college time completely. I had major mental health problems after finishing school and 20 was the age where I started getting it together, attending college, making friends and suddenly the pandemic hit and I was a NEET again. I'm fine-ish now with a degree and shitty job but it still sucks.
My point was not to own you, my point was that by many definitions someone aged 28 now is a zoomer and it was therefore not "obviously not about her".

No. 2144220

it's so fucking bleak. I wonder when the tipping point will come and lazy fuckhead Americans will finally riot

No. 2144222

I hate men. The tinfoil is everywhere I go women don’t hate men enough. I want my hatred of men and their eradication by just dropping them and letting them fend for themselves validated

No. 2144229

having a job and dating is the most mundane shit in the world. this is like calling someone who talks about filing her taxes and taking daily vitamins humblebragging. maybe to someone rotting away in an empty worthless life, never going outside or experiencing anything, having these experiences is bragging.
LMAO come on. independent adults also pay rent at their parents house. independent adults also can have roommates. it just means you don't live like a manchild leech that sucks the resources out of your loved ones because you're too lazy and too prideful to work an entry level job.

No. 2144318

>independent adults also pay rent at their parents house.
imagine paying your parents rent lmao amerifag moment. in literally no other country in the world do parents do that to their children. your parents unironically hate you and have brainwashed you

No. 2144330

also if you want to brag about how much cock you've taken how about going to literally any other site other than lolcow. i don't say "brag" because i'm jealous i say it because it's obvious what you and the other poster are/were trying to do, to assert yourself atop the stacy hierarchy on a site full of female hikkiNEETs to feel better about your no doubt equally pathetic life (because shitty jobs and shitty sex with ugly scrotes are not a prize)(infight bait)

No. 2144356

It's the butterfly effect.
Americans in situations that require lots of money in shorts of amount of time often receive zero help and there's no regulations on things like medical bills, tuition etc so if that's the situation you're in, you need to be able to sustain yourself while working little hours or even try to hustle as much as possible as a second job. And what might that be? Outside of sex work, drug dealing or doing something else illegal it's tip based jobs, you can make hundreds on busy night if youre lucky and then what? It's not steady work, and now social media really started the dog whistle of the anti tipping movement where broke lardasses pretend like they're actually helping tipped workers by not tipping somehow even though they won't ever lift a finger in any other way to help them outside of making them work for nothing

Oh and then if a restaurant or something does advertise the "living wage" it's like 10-15 an hour, but you're still getting part time restaurant hours anyway, so defeats the purpose of this all and you end up broker than before. Then instead of even attempting fix ANY of the issues that caused this in the first place (unaffordable housing, high tuition, medical debt, etc) it's all about "just get a better job" as if it hasn't been repeatedly blasted everywhere as to why it's not that simple

No. 2144373

The American "kids are an inconvenience" is so baffling to me as an American that had kids. I'd happily let my kids live rent free as long as possible, in fact id probably prefer it as I have girls and I'd feel better if they know they can live with me with no strings attached instead of feeling like they need to live with potentially dangerous roommates, staying with a crappy moid, etc. my parents kicked me out at 18 and it just kick started loads of SA and dangerous situations for me and I would never ever want my girls to go through that

No. 2144382

Nta but you realize some families still pay rent or mortgages right… Why would I not want to help my parents contribute to our shared living space if I had the means to? More proof you people live in a middle-class bubble and don't understand how real life works.

No. 2144389

Inflation is affecting them too, it'd be pretty cruel to be a grown adult making your own money from work but having your aging parents pay the way. Its not like in other places where most boomers own their homes and the price of everything isn't so fucking high. Lots of older Americans would actually be fucked as well if their adult children moved out because they need the extra money towards rent.

No. 2144390

Not just that but the fucking heating, electric, water and groceries all cost money. My mum constantly complains about how when my brothers visit they clear all the food and drink out and they never replace anything. Cunts

No. 2144397

Yup, that's why I can never take them seriously. They wanna live at home FOREVER but never pay for anything. It's an embarrassing lifestyle to have. Once I turned 18, I started paying towards the groceries, light, and internet because I had a job and I don't feel like it's my parents' responsibility to take care of me for the rest of my life. Part of being an independent adult is taking care of yourself and paying for yourself.

No. 2144399

So if an alien abducted a male and probed his asshole and found prostate cancer, do you think they'd cure it? I think it'd be a good medical experiment, maybe the aliens could even extract the cancer from the prostate and study it. Or do they just leave it alone? Have male abductees ever recorded differences in their prostates?

No. 2144410

No, when aliens are probing they're studying the nerve endings located in the inner rectum. That's why they never prob more than 8cm deep. They don't go deep enough to analyze the prostate. They're interested in our nerve endings because they don't share that biology with us, so to them it's novel to them. Aliens aren't interested in prostates, only rectums and rectum-adjacent areas.

No. 2144419

Parenting doesn't just end on the kids 18 birthday, only legally, I don't know why people become parents if they are only willing to abide by what's legally required of them and nothing more. It also doesn't help most gen x/boomers actively support and vote for laws that make it more difficult for people to "get a full time, good paying job as soon as you graduate high school". They want to reap the benefits of the idea of most people easily being able to find good paying jobs ASAP as teens but somehow think it's a great idea to make it damn near impossible for most

No. 2144424

I'm an adult with kids and I can handle it. If I'm truly struggling I'll have them pay a utility bill or something. Id rather them invest that money into education, a down payment on a house or something like that. I wouldn't have children in a situation where I'd be incapable of allowing them of living with me as adults

No. 2144425

maybe parents shouldn't have more kids than they can afford then? lmao like who poops out 3+ kids and then bitches about them eating food and and makes them pay rent? like bitch you literally created them. THAT'S entitlement. stop trying to normalize parents deliberately creating little workers who they expect to contribute toward their lifestyle and pay their bills then getting pissed when that doesn't happen

No. 2144427

It's more like I think it's cruel to make my mother pay for my food, and my utilities, and everything, since I have a job of my own and I'm an adult. It would make me feel like an overgrown child to rely on her to pay for my life. It's not about what my mother "owes" me or what's "legally required" of her or whatever, it's about me feeling like a burden on the household. I really don't think it's right to just laze around and do nothing all day as a grown woman while your mother expends her finances to cover your cost of life.

No. 2144436

Kek this. If broke millennials and zoomers can let other broke friends couch surf without going bankrupt like parents claim will happen why aren't adults who've had plenty of time to become financially stable capable of that? Is there extra bills or something that parents get for letting their kids couch surf that broke millennials and such aren't getting?

No. 2144446

That's fine and all but the same people demanding kids pay their parents back for existing should also be fighting for workers rights, more jobs, more regulations in job searching, etc. if you're going to emphasize that much importance on paying bills, you also have to be consistent, yet somehow it's always the same people defending corporations understaffing, abusing the right to work laws, paying peanuts, or just straight up posting a million ghost jobs making the job search process 10x as longer than it should be who also want people to pay left and right

No. 2144448

I feel like you don't really know what you wanna argue about but you just really wanna argue.

No. 2144453

But they do go bankrupt though and then they have to move back in with their parents.

No one is demanding that just say you're starting to feel self conscious about being a NEET and go.

Meh, the economy changed rapidly from the early 2000s and now. In current day situations i agree, but how many recessions have happened between now and 2001 again? If i had adult children I'd let them live at home for cheap but not free, because i wouldn't want them to become comfortable with a freeloader lifestyle. I'd probably do that thing some parents do where they "collect" rent and then give it back to the kid when they're ready to move out, but not all parents can afford to do that. Lots of boomers can't retire in the U.S. shit's pretty bleak for working class and poorer Americans

No. 2144456

I don't want to argue per se, it's that people keep imagining we're living in a place that we can just waltz into any old business and get a full time stable job for 25 an hour with insurance and benefits. If adult offspring isn't helping out financially, it's typically not because they don't want to help out financially it's because it's become so incredibly difficult to get a job, nevermind a stable one that you can reasonably help out with bills. And on top of that we constantly need to save for large purchases, homes, apartment move in, car, tuition, etc

No. 2144459

No they do not. I've let multiple people between jobs, apartments, etc whatever couch surf as a struggling college student. Never once did I go bankrupt or face any financial issues

No. 2144474

Did you feed all the people you let couch surf? However adult children at home will be using electric, heating and water. If they're not paying rent, a mortgage or rates they're substantially better off than most of they're working of course it's nothing to ask them to contribute towards utilities and food. If you're working and live at home it's ridiculous to not contribute at all to the home, fucking grow up

No. 2144475

treating your children like strangers is really sad and it's the reason american parents get dumped into nursing homes once they have their first bout of amnesia. america is cooked kek what a garbage country

No. 2144478

I'm not even American. I moved out at 19 and had to move back home for a couple of months in my early 20s and after living on my own and seeing how expensive every day mundane things where I contributed without being asked. I respect my parents, if I would contribute towards a meal with friends why would I take for granted all what my parents have provided.

No. 2144483

Some families have informal agreements. I own my own home and my younger sister lives with me. Sometimes I buy groceries, sometimes she buys groceries, sometimes I pay the bills and sometimes she pays the bills, it's not a big deal. I don't make her pay rent because I have already paid off my mortgage and even if I hadn't I still wouldn't make her pay rent because it's my mortgage for my house which I would be paying for regardless of if she was here or not.

No. 2144490

Contributing doesn't mean paying the rent or mortgage only it's contributing to the overall cost of maitning the home. You both paying bills and food indicates both contributing. I'm not saying kids pay equal shares to their parents but it's spoilt to have a job and not help towards any costs.

No. 2144518

Food pantry + unless they're just letting water run and operating 100 Bitcoin miners there's no change to utilities. Asking for help is fine, treating couch surfers like a massive financial burden is just ridiculous though

No. 2144524

For how many months is that sustainable? How many years? If you're a working adult taking on a couch surfer, they most likely don't have a full-time job so there would be changes to utilities after a while. Food pantries usually give you stuff that's either expired or near it, so you won't be able to sustain a fully grown adult off that alone. If you live in an apartment in the U.S, you're not allowed to have anyone not on the agreements stay in your place for more than two weeks. And once you tell your landlord about them, they'll either adjust your rent to a higher price or if you've violated your lease they'll just evict you. You can't couch surf on the same couch for over a month max. And usually adult children living with their parents live with them for more than one month. The two can't really be compared

No. 2144526

>noooo you must treat your family member like a renter you must act like a heartless landlord to your family member mmm yes everything that matters is money that’s the only thing
Money only matters because people make money matter too much. They wouldn’t have to worry so much making paying bills their entire personality if they just stopped doing everything and crashed the entire system by not participating in it and reeling back into small community driven economic activity.

No. 2144541

groceries (meaning non frozen or premade food) are extremely cheap in the united states and dont embarrass yourself by trying to debate that plain fact. if someone does the cooking even one night a week or even just bakes cookies and fun stuff thats more than an even trade for the cost of what they are eating

>telling your landlord

why lol. how the fuck would they know. you suck

No. 2144547

go back to reddit please

No. 2144553

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>groceries (meaning non frozen or premade food) are extremely cheap in the united states

No. 2144663

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literally every single person I knew from my school is back living with their parents. we all tried to live independently, but guess what? we couldn’t afford it! what the hell is the end stage of this shit?

No. 2144666

People who are doing well for themselves are typically more likely to call out shitty economy situations and encourage people to work to improve, meanwhile bootstrappers are typically in awful living situations jumping through hoops to justify the economy and tell everyone they need to work harder. Why is that?

No. 2144667

Get a job or move back to Kansas already

No. 2144670

Both are playing out different societal roles they picked/unconsciously were assigned to by their environment because it suits their emotional wants, comforts and abilities. Doesn't mean the former cares about poor people more than the latter.

tl;dr bootstrapper busy

No. 2144671

This is actually so true. It's a lived reality in Norway that the government tries to hide.

No. 2144775

I think it's because the people doing awful are trying to convince themselves that they're doing better than everyone else more than they're trying to convince others that it's not that bad/it's everyone's fault, or they think ass kissing will get them anywhere when the rich people don't give a shit about how much better they are at budgeting or how they worked more hours than everyone else when they still have a crappy house and can't buy themselves a nice pair of shoes.

On the conspiracy side - they're simply being paid by the elites as riot control

No. 2144808

you all suck all you want to do is fling shit about inflation and zoomers like everyfuckingwhere else on the internet. i want ocean apocalypse anon to come back and tell me more about her visions. i want to talk about the time war and the real machinations behind the veil. YOU GUYS ARE SO BORING!!!!!

No. 2144840

>entertain me, phone jesters!

No. 2144853

wah wah wah you're still a seething autist who's flinging poopie at the majority of the population e.g heterosexual females. libfem is popular because it appeals to multiple subgenres of human personalities and interests vs radfem filled with butthurt goldstar lesbians and pretentious online warriors calling het women evil peanus enjoyers

No. 2144887

why do you think unpopular with the majority = bad. i don't think they care about being inclusive to most females. it's exclusive if anything.

No. 2144919

i feel like the recent push on social media etc. to not go to college/do trades etc. is coming from the right in attempts to keep people stupid and uninformed

No. 2144920

>stop talking about real life! make up stories to entertain me!
You're so boring that you can't even keep yourself entertained. That's sad.

No. 2144921

She is right. Where is the conspiracy.

No. 2144946

i believe it's possible that a rare few cryptids were real. any that still exist are either located where there are no people or are extremely adept at hiding. most people who claim to have seen them are full of shit but obvious liars are given platforms to make it look like anyone who has had a supernatural experience is dishonest and discourage them from speaking out for fear of being labeled crazy.

No. 2144950

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>ocean apocalypse anon to come back
i’m here, picrel was how the ocean sirens felt like when they were against this planet’s god. the planet was on fire in my dreams so i searched it up and this “god” of planet earth is connected to fire. there is a god out there but it isn’t el or yahweh or the demiurge or yaldaboath, even in gnosticism they still believe in one pure supreme being that is always coincidentally a male. people are fine with supreme divinity being a singular element but if you suggest the opposite that god is neither of those things but the driving force of our universe (dark matter is our impetus) it goes against monotheism which is just masculine worship, it’s just plain nigel worship. there’s so much more to this planet than just “him”, just like many people’s souls are sourced from outer worlds. i feel like she, our god, is very unknowable, i also feel like praising the mother goddesses are deceptive because they are not women’s destiny at all. i like to call this feminine dark void beyond our veil “nexus” because nobody really knows her name. mother goddess relies on the tantric trap of energy swapping with the masculine, this dark energy or nexus creates by itself (partheogenesis) but women somehow need men to create? i don’t believe it. the moid talk is very repetitive but it’s connected to humanity’s past and destiny, it’s connected to the real divine which isn’t asherah/yahweh/el/annunaki all of that junk, there’s more beyond this asshole’s sandbox planet.

No. 2144962

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samefag (2) this is what i mean by sandbox, the heavens are completely fake, they’re nothing more than constructs that a game developer creates to fill in multiple spaces, they are the creator of something but it’s false to say that this world’s god is “all” when he really isn’t. movies, tv shows, video games slip this knowledge in all the time. there’s different layers too, it’s not just the world it’s the entire biosphere, the sky from which he came (he’s a sky god besides a creator god), the ocean, and the underworld where soul traps and reincarnations take place. he simply enters things by sending you to different places, he’s not everything. christfags get on my nerves with this shit. i’ve started noticing that a lot of media has themes about breaking out of systems, he is systems and structures that oppress us.

No. 2144965

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just because he has a legion of angels and masks does not mean he is supreme, just like a game developer you create multiple things to fulfill roles within his constructs

No. 2144987

That post obviously hit a nerve on you when you're one of those failchildren she described.

No. 2145017

The economy boomers grew up in was an anomaly in the entirety of human history, and will literally never happen again so people need to stop complaining and comparing the world today to back then because it won't ever come back, the ruling class will simply not allow it.

No. 2145046

no faggot im saying that i come to the conspiracy board to read conspiracies and you are all just talking about your milquetoast boring uninspired opinions about current events at a total surface level

No. 2145048

You're right

No. 2145056

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I think there are still tasmanian tigers. probably very very few, but people underestimate the size and wilderness of Tasmania particularly the southwest. Alien big cats were confirmed in England which although larger has far less wilderness coverage, let alone anything as remote and impenetrable as tasmania.
what do you think are real anon? my most out-there belief is that i think gnomes or little people like fairies are probably real. i have absolutely no evidence but a hunch.

i wish picrel was real. she could save me. are there any cryptid insects irl? i loved all of the cryptozoology of disco elysium…

No. 2145065

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Yes please let's talk about cryptids. Which cryptids do you nonas believe in? I think there are probably also giant octopuses and not only giant/colossal squids. The reason we don't know of them is because they are very rare as opposed to the squids. I also believe homo floresiensis could still be alive since the locals of flores seem to believe so in the same manner they talked about komodo dragons, which also turned out to be true. At the very least I think it's some rare ape we haven't identified yet, but I hope for homo floresiensis.

No. 2145072

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YAY hi anon. i'm really interested by what you said about dark matter, i've been thinking a lot about how the dream of discovering dark matter in contemporary physics kind of mirrors the dream of the alchemists, the black sun. the black sun (a sort of emptiness left behind after the consumption of the sun by the green lion, which is a complicated mythological code denoting protochemical experiments, but also imo speaks to a deeper truth of the nature of existence) was the entryway into the infinite, the secret domain of the human soul or animating spirit (extremely interesting that you would specifically say "dark matter is our impetus", are you already familiar with alchemy?).
i really believe a lot of high level physics work like the stuff going on at CERN, of course, but more importantly the dark matter experimentation in Gran Sasso, is, knowingly or unknowingly, a desperate searching for the human soul. among other things (like the nature of linear time perception).
"nexus" is a nice name. might i also suggest looking into the myth of Tiamat, the primordial sea. according to the babylonians she is what existed before all time and matter, in darkness. she is cut into pieces by her descendent the storm god (lightbringer…) who builds the material world upon her bodyparts. this dismembering really sticks with me, reminds me of the dismemberment of coyolxauhqui the nahua moon, who is destined to one day kill the sun and send down her legions of stars (tzitzimimeh) to destroy the world and end the age of the fifth sun. if i recall correctly. my nahua mythology is rusty.
also i cant agree more on what youre saying about the tantric trap of mother goddesses.

i dont know if i agree with you here, but i am kind of a filthy hylic (i love the material world with all my heart, even my suffering makes me glad to be alive, and i mean real suffering. i had a very traumatic NDE last year, ive felt this way since). even if it is true that our world is a sandbox, what is there to be done as a little soul playing in it? that's not a rhetorical question btw, i am asking sincerely how you think we should live.

also i must reiterate my urgent recommendation that you read up some CCRU stuff, some of it is cringe but ghost lemurs of madagascar is life changing and imo is all you need to know (though if it interests you i recommend looking further into it).

No. 2145079

>Why would we want to discuss things that effect our daily lives over entertaining a rando

No. 2145082

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also, here's the coyolxauhqui stone and what pigments were present on which parts. just a visual aid.
there aren't as visceral depictions of tiamat afaik, so it's better to imagine her story.

No. 2145083

nah she’s right, you guys are boring. you can have this same discussion in any thread preferably the unpopular opinions one, this thread is for whimsical theories. it always devolves into the same mundane arguments “no you’re a neet!” “uhh no you’re a neet grow up!” pack it up and go somewhere with it we get it, we see you this and that, go somewhere else with those discussions

No. 2145089

With the amount of bootlickers nowadays apparently a crappy job and housing market and inflation is a conspiracy theory kek. Lie in the bed you make

No. 2145094

samefag >>2145065 I also think the tasmanian tigers could still be alive, at the very least they survived longer than we think. I have read some scientific studies that concluded they probably died out in the 90s based on other extinctions and the number/quality of sightings. They probably have a better chance of living in New Guinea though so maybe they still exist.

No. 2145168

>Anons convince other anons economic issues aren't happening
>Are now mad because said anons can only have discussions relating to the subject as a conspiracy to avoid the "akshully it's all your fault" finger wag instead of discussing fun conspiracies
Cannot make this shit up

No. 2145171

Uh oh someone's mad that the infight is over

No. 2145172

No. 2145176

Boo hoo hoo, maybe a cookie will make you feel better!!

No. 2145178

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Reminder to buy gold and silver

The US dollar will collapse to nothing. Gold and silver will always have value.

No. 2145183

what if the gold value loses too

No. 2145188

I always though gold would lose value over time. They keep mining that shit up every day. Surely if there's more of something then the cost will go down? The real advice is to buy and hoard helium, that's something that's way more important and less present than gold.

No. 2145189

nta but its much less likely since you cant print gold

No. 2145191

quit baiting weirdo

No. 2145192

how the fuck do i hoard helium do i buy 60 cows?

No. 2145194

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Not happening in this current economy.

No. 2145402

the entire point of the pandemic was to isolate people more, drive up inflation and normalize work/school from home. they want people to literally stay in their houses and be paranoid 24/7, chained to their tv/internet as their only peek into the real world

No. 2145407

because it's all low stakes "assistant" jobs and glorified babysitting like early childhood education

No. 2145431

what positions were you talking about? also when these professions were mostly men they got paid more and were respected

No. 2145434

hired trolls keeps people addicted + they're purposely making apps where you get notifications as soon as you put your screendown irc. I had a news app and every single time I'd put my phone down it would blow me up with notifications, I just turned notifications off for everything except SMS at this point

No. 2145446

it's all about the scarcity of the knowledge + skills. the truth is that most men can send emails in assistant/secretarial jobs but most women can't do trades or construction because it requires specific training, physical strength, and an ability to work long hours and sacrifice one's body for labor which are all valued rarities among an aging, increasingly dependent population. same thing with babysitting - it's really not hard to follow children around and each them their ABCs. women gravitate toward these jobs BECAUSE they are easier work and women are expected to sacrifice more for their already existing family. women have never in history been called on to sacrifice their families for labor. most women's incomes is only supposed to supplement their breadwinner husband's

No. 2145453

but the lower class/poorer a woman gets, the more she'll be called upon to sacrifice her family for labor because wealth is the new caste system. today this usually takes the form of retail or warehouse work which is taxing on the body but still lower stakes. military women count for this too but they're a much lower subsect of the population and usually get sexually harassed out of the military. rich women will be kept homemakers and trophy wives

No. 2145456

>it's all about the scarcity of the knowledge + skills. the truth is that most men can send emails in assistant/secretarial jobs but most women can't do trades because
you're missing the point, there's positions that have the same exact duties yet when they're male dominated they get paid more. Also a lot of these are medical which require extensive training, exposes you to dangerous people and conditions, trauma, etc
>most women can't do trades or construction because it requires specific training,
most CNAs are women, if women can wipe asses of 700 c-diff patients who are dying they can do trades (which btw only a handful of them require legit strength, most blue collar is all on machines that do everything), a lot of women just get kicked out because of extensive sexual assault in that field. I thought we were supposed to avoid situations where we get Sa'd frequently?
>it's really not hard to follow children around and each them their ABCs. women gravitate toward these jobs BECAUSE they are easier work and women are expected to sacrifice more for their already existing family.
if working with kids is easy it's cause you're not doing it right kek. Most moids would commit mass infantcide if they had to be around toddlers and babies all day. They scream, cry, shit themselves and smear it on the wall, fight, make messes, try to run into traffic, etc. literal terrorists. Most moids can barely even help their pp wife with a newborn without flipping out, if they handled loads of them we would all be dead
>women have never in history been called on to sacrifice their families for labor. most women's incomes is only supposed to supplement their breadwinner husband's
probably because moids are afraid of women treating them like how they treat us when they're financally supporting women

No. 2145457

the "feminine jobs" still haven't changed since the 30s for a reason - nursing, early childhood ed, babysitting, secretarial and clerical, assistant work, data entry, beauty/skincare/cosmetology

No. 2145460

it's also a lot of women following in female family members footsteps too

No. 2145462

i honestly think nursing doesn't really count anymore though because it used to be a cute job like dental hygienist but it's gotten extremely harder over the years as doctors increasingly push all the work onto nurses. it's hard labor now. the women who used to want to be nurses now are probably "lisenced nutritionists" or "registered dieticians"

No. 2145469

lets also not forget the PANDEMIC that just happened where a lot of nurses were forced to work around extremely contagious diseases. If a patient comes in shitting parasites and 4 different diseases it won't be the strong blue collar moid stepping up and taking care of him. Or NICU nurses saving lives of the most vulnerable humans in existence and watching babies die frequently. Knowing all that medical staff go through it's baffling people keep trying to argue female-dominated jobs aren't important or don't deserve pay.

No. 2145472

i'm not saying they aren't important, i'm just saying that it doesn't really take extensive education to wipe someone's ass. it's not highly specialized knowledge. beyond the 1-year certification it's just another asswiping job like babysitting

No. 2145479

>i'm just saying that it doesn't really take extensive education to wipe someone's ass. it's not highly specialized knowledge.
neither is banging hammers on wood and using most equipment in blue collar can be learned in a day, truck drivers are highly respected but it's a fucking 3 week course and actual crackheads do it
>i'm just saying that it doesn't really take extensive education to wipe someone's ass. it's not highly specialized knowledge.
When you have to wipe asses of 800 lb people, people with diseases you can die from if you touch their shit and everything else it is. Almost every single person on the planet will happily sit in a truck all day smoking cigs than wiping cdiff parasite ass, yet we will only argue that the first one deserves more pay for some reason

No. 2145500

>neither is banging hammers on wood and using most equipment in blue collar can be learned in a day
blue collar jobs require physical strength… like why do you think there are no women in construction? no one wants to work these jobs. they do it because they have to provide for their families. women have the option to opt out of such work and that's why they do
>truck drivers are highly respected
truck drivers aren't a trade. it just requires long hours and a long time away from home, which women usually aren't willing to do. women are also leaving nursing in droves specifically because of how hard it's becoming btw. last time i went to doctor there were literally only male nurses
>When you have to wipe asses of 800 lb people, people with diseases you can die from if you touch their shit and everything else it is.
no it's not. the grossness or mundaneness of a job =/= it being specialized education. like sorry but taking someone's temperature and wiping their ass isn't comparable to building a house or being an electrician or crawling underneath someone's house. there's "eww!" dirty and then there's drenched in sweat and dust in 90 degree weather for 12 hours dirty

No. 2145501

You sound retarded tbh. Nurses administer your shots and fill your IVs. They have to understand how different medications interact with each other and different human bodies. They have to learn proper protocol when dealing with contagious people and risk getting infected themselves. They have to have decent bedside manners, they have to be calm in the midst of chaos, etc. you're probably thinking of home health aides because those are the glorified babysitters.

No. 2145502

>blue collar jobs require physical strength
outside of a handful of jobs, most are done with tools that don't require lots of strength. If this was the case blue collar moids wouldn't be so fucking fat or twiggy then t. blue collar family
>why aren't there women!
stop SAing them then
>they do it because they have to provide for their families. women have the option to opt out of such work and that's why they do
you live in the 50s or something? most women have to work, infact more young women are employed than young men
>truck drivers aren't a trade. it just requires long hours and a long time away from home
truck driving is defined as a trade you need to go to trade school for…
>which women usually aren't willing to do.
female truck drivers always talk about how frequent they're assaulted
>last time i went to doctor there were literally only male nurses
statistically unlikely
>women are also leaving nursing in droves specifically because of how hard it's becoming btw.
uh good? it's the only profession where a patient can damn near kill you and you will be punished
>no it's not. the grossness or mundaneness of a job =/= it being specialized education
oh thats funny cause people always argue moids in sewage or plumbing need to get paid like millionaires, suddenly grossness and mundaneness doesn't matter?

No. 2145505

Yeah, you are retarded because nursing is also long hours and you require physical strength for dealing with patients. If a fat fuck falls out of their bed for some reason guess who has to get them back in bed? They're on their feet all day hustling from patient to patient being exposed to all sorts of shit.

No. 2145508

I think anon is a male tbh. Either that or they're a terminally retarded pickme who's never spoken to a nurse in her life and thinks nursing in 2024 is the same as nursing in 1930

No. 2145509

>truck drivers are highly respected
lol where are you that truck drivers are respected? it's literally known as the methead tweaker serial killer profession, my dad was a truck driver and it takes an extreme toll on your mental health due to long periods of isolation, he had to take a vacation at the looney bin

No. 2145512

>Nurses administer your shots and fill your IVs.
people can literally do that to themselves
>They have to understand how different medications interact with each other and different human bodies.
so does everyone who administers medication to themselves
>They have to learn proper protocol when dealing with contagious people and risk getting infected themselves.
so like everyone else
>They have to have decent bedside manners, they have to be calm in the midst of chaos, etc
stunning and brave soft skills

No. 2145514

people love bending over backwards to justify devaluing women's work. Like sure lets get rid of all CNAs and stuff cause they're useless asswipers and then get rid of daycare workers cause it's just singing ABCs right? why don't moids take their crotch goblins to work then if they work so much better and all it involves is singing and wiping ass, they can multi task right?

No. 2145516

>people can literally do that to themselves
drug users keep killing themselves because you're not supposed to administer injections to yourself due to risk of collapsing a vein
anon, are you retarded?

No. 2145517

go be a nurse then if it's so easy. or the strong blue collar moids can take shifts on their lunch breaks, us useless women can't handle it afterall. They can have a sign up sheet or be assigned a patient they take to work since it doesn't requie a lot of work

No. 2145520

Exactly. CNAs do the hardest labour, like washing patients, cleaning them if they piss or poop themselves, changing their positions every 2 hours, et cetera. Not to mention the harassment, insults, and rude behaviour they have to deal with daily. Imagine washing an old scrote who is ill; he gropes you, and your complaints will fall into deaf ears because "he is ill." But people never take all of that into account. Yet another instance of a women-dominated field that is undervalued and underpaid.

No. 2145522

>more women are employed than young men
being "employed" and being a breadwinner are two entirely different things. stop denying that women work certain jobs BECAUSE they're low stakes rather than pointing to an outlier itself, nursing, which women are leaving in droves specifically because of how physical labor-esque it's becoming and the long hours that takes women away from their families
>it's STATISTICALLY UNLIKELY that women aren't nurses but it's GOOD that they're leaving nursing because it's HARD!
you're literally proving my point you retard.

No. 2145525

chop chop, go take some bed shitting patient to work with you if it requires no effort or work that you can't just do in your spare time

No. 2145527

Yeah she/"she"('s) clearly retarded.

No. 2145532

i didn't say it required no effort or work, my entire point is that nursing has become way harder than it used to be which is why women are leaving. i said wiping someone's ass does not take specialized education. anyone could technically do it even though it's disgusting and most people aren't willing to. that doesn't mean i'm saying it's not hard. the jobs that are valued are a combination of: physical labor + physical strength + willingness to work long hours + SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE. nursing fulfills 2/4 and even that is too much for some women because working a low stakes job is easier so they're leaving nursing. i agree work low stakes email jobs or babysitting jobs if you want but don't go around trying to act like they're equal to construction, military, plumbing, electrician etc lmao

No. 2145536

Nursing is arguably more important than everything you listed considering all of those fields are hard on your body and they'll eventually need medical assistance. I bet you think social work is just easy sitting at your desk and answering emails shit too huh. Also you keep talking about wiping asses like nurses don't basically do everything but surgery nowadays. Just say you have home health aides confused with nurses and go

No. 2145537

if it required very little brain power, education and stuff we would just throw patients to random blue collar moids to multi-task their current jobs with since they're so much stronger and smarter than us. Wipe their shit and change their IVs between breaks or something. We can call the program adopt a vegetable

No. 2145538

and i bet you think cosmetology school is easy bruh like we literally have to learn all 400 colors of the rainbow and someone's hair could catch on fire at any moment. and we have to go to cosmetology school

No. 2145547


Just another retard who thinks only blue and white collar jobs are important until they need help from people working pink collar jobs, nothing more to see here ladies. The idiot really thinks nursing is the professional ass wiping degree (unless the nurse is male I guess, then its valid)

No. 2145548

people don't understand effort by person. I literally fix cars and have gone into shootings before when I was an EMT, I wouldn't ever shit on a cosmetologist though or tell them their jobs don't require skill cause I know I'd probably fuck my shit up if I tried to do my own hair. Moids like to think they can do everything female dominated jobs can do no problem but never actually tried and the few moids that do such end up killing themselves

No. 2145550

You know you can become a specialised nurse and obtain specialised expertise, right? Nursing also requires both physical strength and physical labour because you must stand and fulfill various duties for hours (up to 12 hours if your shift is doubled and no, you can't reject the double shift). Even while you're sitting down, you must fill out files and cards.

No. 2145551

we should require all moids whining about pink-collar jobs to legally opt out of using their services at any point in their life

No. 2145572

Yep, if pink collar jobs are so easy, don't send your kids to public schools, do not use any social welfare programs, don't go to the hospital (go hire your own personal male doctor and only him, he can't just shell out work to the nurses), if you ever have issues with a product do not call their call center (its mostly women working those), don't hire a maid, don't hire a nanny. Just figure it out with your electrician buddy. He can probably do everything for you faster and cheaper.

No. 2145578

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Fuckk I was going to reply to that anon from hours ago but you guys shit up the thread with your retarded infighting ruining the vibes. I hate you all, just shutttttttttttt uppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp

No. 2145581

oh yeah that's a good point, why aren't women becoming doctors instead of nurses? could that be because it's easier to become a nurse and it requires less education so there's a lower barrier for entry?(bait)

No. 2145587

Who is saying they aren't? Women now account for more than one-third of active physicians and it's a trend that is expected to grow more.

No. 2145590

But they are though. The next time you have a medical mishap that isn't severe enough for the emergency room, do not go to urgent care. Treat yourself at home.

No. 2145592

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omg I recognize you (i swear i'm not the schizos claiming to know some random ass person) are you the percy spirit anon?? nonny thank you for telling me about the black sun i didn't know anything about that. with cern they're definitely opening up portals because this world is surrounded by a spritual veil, i remember doing divination for this and apparently there are some entities that are seeking a telecommunication device to contact people from the outside while there is a divine presence who's very interested in the "key to samsara" idk what that means though, perhaps to redo time or figure out the key to immortality or rebirth, like the annunaki? i also asked who's the real god/is it female and i felt and saw a very cold, drippy dark cave, idk what this means as well. i heard about tiamat before in relation to baal, it's also funny because if you look at the baal cycle it talks about the true nature of these gods we thought were overarching and supreme, a race to rulership over their constructed world (our world). thank you for that nahua moon because i did another divination and that is eerily similar to what i picked up on as well! what's also funny is that el and his sons are connected to the sun!!! weird. thank you for that CCRU recommendation but what does it mean? what is it?

No. 2145593

do it anyway anon, you can only make the vibes better

No. 2145624

But women are rapidly becoming doctors, blue collar women are also rapidly growing. Do you expect all women to just go into male dominated fields overnight or something?

No. 2145799

NTA As soon as we start talking about yaldabaoth is when a male comes in here and shits up the thread.
Im reading the CCRU stuff too i found this website http://ccru.net/ but a lot of the pages are gone.
stop responding its a male baiting. he doesnt care about logic, if its a female job then its worth nothing and if its a male job then its real work. Once women take over the medical field completely then being a doctor will be another "ass-wiping" profession just like nursing. This is exactly what happened with psychology. he doesnt care how much work goes in or how important it is for society and you cannot convince him.

No. 2145945

>But women are rapidly becoming doctors,
we'll see
>blue collar women are also rapidly growing.
not really. actually there are less women in the workforce now than 10 years ago. yeah more young women are employed but like i said, it's in stupid shit like retail (no this isn't "devaluing retail," i literally work retail and it's stupid)
i only brought up ass wiping because the other anon tried to say nursing was just as technically hard as a profession that requires extensive training and education because "they wipe patients' ass with c diff", to which i responded that wiping someone's ass isn't exactly an intellectually hard thing to do, it's just gross
>This is exactly what happened with psychology. he doesnt care how much work goes in or how important it is for society
psychology isn't important for society. male "psychologists"/therapists didn't use to get paid a lot, what the fuck? there used to be way less therapists in general but now the market is completely oversaturated. that's another part of the issue, women stay the safe predictable route when it comes to careers, low stakes jobs, and the market moves so fast nowadays that they end up late to the game. literally half the girls i went to college with who didn't know what they wanted to do were psychology majors. becoming a therapist today is like becoming a "nutritionist," it's fucking useless and an oversaturated market that is also in relatively low demand

No. 2145956

the issue is that women on average don't choose intellectual jobs and don't choose physical labor jobs. women are relegated to CARE WORK (including therapy, social work, k-12 education, nursing and babysitting), beauty work and mundane middleman clerical work that now can easily be outsourced to AI. computer science used to be dominated by women because it was not as much about programming or coding and more about data entry(retard)

No. 2146144

thanks for this nonna

No. 2146171


No. 2146244

Job status is purely sexism. Doctors are mostly women in Russia (and maybe other ex-soviet countries as well) and the social status and pay suck over there because anything women do becomes "non-intellectual" as soon as it's associated with women. Moids are so full of excuses.

No. 2146260

No. 2146269

yup. see also women in computer programming

No. 2146459

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do you really think housekeepers, elementary school teachers, retail salespeople, nurses, bookkeepers, HR managers, secretaries, data entry clerks and dental assistants are worthy of the same pay as doctors, lawyers, dentists, electricians, car repairmen, plumbers, bricklayers, construction workers, computer technicians and programmers? men still take the main jobs, women take the "assistant" jobs. women "assist" the men they work for and that's their job. women are largely not doctors, they are nurses. women are not largely dentists, they are dental assistants. women are not largely lawyers, they are paralegals. women are not largely tech repairmen, they are front desk clerks

No. 2146527

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ayrt, hi nonny! im afraid im not percy spirit anon (though im very interested in who that is, could you elaborate?), im actually more of a lurker here in general. but ive been around here for a long time, so im sure our digital paths have crossed…
the ccru was a "theoryfiction" collective, theoryfiction being an extremely experimental and interesting new way to approach critical theory by really really getting surreal with it. imo, they're like a more sophisticated version of the discordianists (though i have a soft spot for them too, but the parts with more thelemite influence i roll my eyes at), in that they were a largely anonymous writing group working on a sort of hypermodern mythology. i say largely anonymous because very famously nick land (i know, bear with me), sadie plant, and mark fischer were heavily involved/founders.
their mythology work genuinely tapped into some incredible ideas and truths (the type of truths only accessible in the muddle of days long meth binges im sure). particularly the stuff about lemurs and time. like, you know when you read something and it communicates something so accurate and perfect that you almost hear this perfect chime of ideas previously disjointed just slotting together… a large part of ghost lemurs of madagascar is about the tyranny and falsity of what they call "OGU" (one god universe) as an oppressive force using the chains of temporality in order to keep human beings from the Magic Universe of many forces. pretty gnostic inspired but with this amazing time aspect.
it's so insane to me that you previously didn't know about alchemy yet had such a perfect alchemical insight into dark matter. i recommend visiting alchemywebsite.com if you want to look at some of the alchemical texts, the owner has compiled a fair amount there and ordered by century.
one theory on what they're doing at CERN from some old /x/ post really sticks with me, ill see if i cant find the greentext. the idea was that the collider somehow results in a sort of traceable path of tiny particles that are suspended in time, and that this was discovered and refined so as to create a sort of "code" that could be read through detection in the future. and then they started receiving these encoded particulate "messages" back. anon extrapolates that through this method CERN serves the interests of tptb by informing them about (potential? who knows how time works) future events. anyway ill stop here because this is getting too long and i want to respond to your divination experiences

No. 2146558

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when you do your divinations, what sort of ritual are you doing? you don't have to get too specific if it's very personal to you but im interested. i have difficulty actually engaging like that (i mean, outside of reading stuff my spiritual experience is largely confined to my periods of insomnia, lol, and that's very disorganised by nature).
it's amazing that you saw a cave, have you spent any time underground irl? i really recommend it, i do a little caving and i find it those underground spaces are the best, most certain places in the world. i wonder if youre closer to that sort of god thing there. i feel like caves were essential to our development into true humans, thats not a new take by any means but i am thinking about this cave painting i saw the other day (it is in the bernifal grotto in france and i think is estimated to be from ~15000bc?) nearly made me shriek with recognition and… i dont know, like a sharp longing.
also, i dont really know anything about the annunkai, why does your mind go to them? "key to samsara" is a little confusing to me as im not really well versed in metempsychosis/wheel stuff.

No. 2146562

if you search up "ghost lemurs of madagascar" i think theres an easily accessible pdf, and that essay is really the best one!

No. 2146708

what the fuck is this image why did my whole body go cold looking at it what the fuck did you just do to me

No. 2146711

You're a pussy

No. 2146720

Ya are what ya eat

No. 2146731

I think this is more an argument against college if anything. 4+ years is a lot of time for markets to shift.

Nurses now do more tasks that were once associated with doctors, nursing can actually make really good pay (depending on the state) and doctors even more so meaning there is incentive to give nurses more tasks because their pay still isn't as high (albeit still pretty good). Medical school in the US needs a major overhaul so doctors can graduate faster (no BS undergrad) and flood the market to reduce their pay and make healthcare more affordable. Dentists also shouldn't be paid so much. Lawyers also shouldn't make so much.

No. 2146736

Yes I feel this, I want to add specifically that I don't think phones spying on us is a conspiracy theory, I think it's a fact. To what extent the phones are spying on us I do not know but they are absolutely collecting information on phone call conversations. Numerous times I have spoken about a very specific topic with someone on the phone, and then immediately after the call is over I go to Youtube on my phone and the advertisement that plays is about what we were talking about.
I suggest being mindful of what is said over the phone, I know that is scary dystopian 1984 shit but the increase of surveillance can't be denied. I don't see it stopping anytime soon. From what I can tell the surveillance is purposefully being used to personalize advertisements to people, which is still disgusting and another thing to detest about consumerist culture. I want to believe there's more to life than the cycle of making money so I can buy shit so I can make more money to buy more shit, and there probably is more to life and I think our ancestors had it figured out, I think we're supposed to be nomadic hunters and gatherers and we're supposed to have a culture or worldview that is a reflection of the land, flora, and fauna around us. That could be a naive and ignorant view of ancient life, I don't know, but I do think there are actual meaningful ways to live life and consumerism feels like a corruption of the basic principles of a meaningful life.

No. 2146798

Calls, ambient noise, all audio 24/7, all view from cameras, sensor data, literally everything

No. 2146890

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recognition anon. you have just understood the chain of being all the way back to our first mother amino acid

No. 2147119

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How do angels fit into this? Are they just a human creation, imagining a masculine figure that isn't imposing and that embodies the kindness attributed to women? Are these angels not real, and the real angels are the incomprehensible shapes and eyes that are depicted elsewhere? I just really like angels… they are so cute

No. 2147184

hi nonny.
about the cern, there’s really interesting because it goes side on side that wormholes, portals all commit to the idea of time travel and cern creating portal-opening devices is evident that. i hope you can find the greentext for that. it’s also funny because in relation to this they’ve been speeding up the increase of artificial intelligence used in our society, could it be to fuel CERN’s own efforts for technological growth in order to become more transparent with it, just like they’re doing now with these government officials admitting aliens exist. i also feel as if they will be passing off clones as these “aliens” or extraterrestrials and may even pass them off as Christ-like figures, divine figures, it’s actually insane. i mentioned clones because they’re all interconnected.
>a large part of ghost lemurs of madagascar is about the tyranny and falsity of what they call "OGU" (one god universe) as an oppressive force using the chains of temporality in order to keep human beings from the Magic Universe of many forces
that’s why my search of the true god that everyone finds in singularity always leads me to being own giant force, like the dark energy. it doesn’t have a name or spiritual cult of personality, it’s true impetus. that’s the word i’ve intuitively picked up on, nexus and impetus. it can’t be a father, a father does not birth or create things into existence, if they admit that the father can create and birth people then they admit they think the father, by extension men, can do it all when it’s not true, i’m tired of duality being constantly shilled when singularity in entities like humans can exist and that’s where the mystery leads me to, i genuinely believe asexual reproduction with females used to be possible until an evolutionary deadend where women required the need of a male mate to fertilize an egg, that’s why i genuinely believe the cross between man and woman was the mixing of very different species. i tried asking this question of how humans were created through divination but i came up with the word “lycans” related to werewolves which is interesting, i wonder if there’s more to them than just twilight? kek, technically werewolves are just half humans/half beasts, but how i took it is that were sourced from something completely different while being bonded to animal dna which explains our evolutionary roots to apes and a variety of mammals. they must have been crossing our paths with these creatures, we probably weren’t even mammals beforehand. i don’t know all just a crazy tinfoil, nothing is impossible. thanks for that alchemy link though, i’ll definitely check it out
i’ve never spent time underground but maybe it symbolizes our subconscious or unconscious? also you search up the annunaki, it’s believed they created humans in order to have a slave race to extract resources for them, sound familiar? sounds exactly like our modern condition on this earth kek. their myths are closely related to the biblical/canaanite god
i lowkey believe they’re kind of gods but not at the same time. no idea tbh, angels are a mystery honestly much more than the “god” they serve. i remember hearing the myth about asherah and el birthing 70 sons into existence, could it be yahweh and some of these angels? no clue

No. 2147192

Can I be absorbed by this face now? I’m starting to cry looking at it again. I feel as if its about to pull me into itself.

No. 2147207

where can I find more images like this

No. 2147401

Women make up 55% of medical students in the US now. It should even out in a generation.

No. 2147418

That's why I put star-shaped stickers all over my cameras. Cute and practical. Can't do anything about the sound though. Just gonna have to fart in a different room?

No. 2147423

I hate the psyop bots that fill this thread every single time super hot babes start talking about Yaldabaoth and shit
Nonnies I love you and I want to listen to you talk forever and I'd join your cult and be your most loyal devotee

No. 2147434

It's always conversations about careers, industries, they always have to make sure you think about money, work, money, work all the time, we practically live in a surveillance culture. They don't necessarily have to implement technology to survey people constantly they can indoctrinate and program willing hosts to do that for them, they indoctrinated many to come into this thread and start filling it with materialistic capitalist propaganda about rates going higher for this demographic, no proof, where's the literal proof? The world is on fire (not on fire like those fake libshits say) and they are screaming about jobs they will eventually figure out how to replace women in just like they did with everything. It's not coincidence this god of our planet is obsessed with money = monetary system = structure and systems built to imprison in nonsensical rules and functions that only make sense to the creator of them, not to liberate. We are doomed and instead of talking about awesome demiurge shit they rather talk about stupid skewed statistics despite nearly the rest of the women on this planet not even being liberated or fully acknowledging the position they rest in

No. 2147455

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You are wrong. You see careers only in terms of money and not in terms of the change that they can accomplish. So much of the abuse women suffer is because of dependence on systems controlled by men. There are men in positions of power who use them to rape women. There are men who use power to enslave whole populations. There are men who out of greed, poison the earth and everyone living in it. We need female scientists and politicians and doctors and industrial women who are willing to put in work to change the way things are. You're making the mistake of seeing work as dead time for capital instead of what it could be: building a better future.

No. 2147473

Work is dead time for capital. You work to build capital for these businesses. Hospitals are a business first and foremost and it will always be viewed that way through capitalism, capitalism which is our current system doesn’t care about your idealism, it only cares about profitability for the lowest cost possible. What they don’t tell you is that healthcare is always in demand with lots of turnover because it’s a highly stressful, typically unrewarding career and short-staffing to save money and no kekkkk they don’t get paid enough, stop looking up those fake estimated yearly incomes on Google trust me. Healthcare industry would not rack in billions of dollars if it were not for the actions of other businesses like pharmaceutical companies and food manufacturers damaging people’s health, they’re all an octopus like web of corruption with one singular head. Work is precious high energy cost and we treat it like it’s expendable, work is a concept that only works (no pun intended) to inflate and balloon and sustain large populations that end being unsustainable in the long-term, so eventually it will practically eat up everything if it keeps going. Your idealism cannot work in this self-destructive structure. Women’s work and women’s labor are highly sought after by design, you are dumb if you aren’t class conscious and fighting for women’s rights. Call me a woke marxist I literally don’t care this is the tinfoil thread fuck billionaires and fuck this gay earth.
>t. anon who’s female family members on my mother’s side including her mother have all worked in healthcare kek

No. 2147488

You didn't address any of what I said and this is an absolutely juvenile take.
>boohoo capitalism, nothing good
You are perpetuating the damage to our planet when you deny change is possible. It is real and it is happening, and it begins with putting people seeking change in positions where they can alter the current course we are on- which is destruction of all human life.

No. 2147546

You're right and I love you. Men as a class of being = structure = owning women. Men's very first act upon transitioning to society from migrant family based culture was to make laws about owning women, and then to spend thousands of years selectively breeding us towards rape through ownership like we're pugs. That's a true meaning to me of as above so below. Microcosm as reflection of the macrocosm. Female created life and men took the baby, chopped her up into little pieces, claimed power and creation, and humans as their pets have reflected that nature of our creation ever since. Sorry if I sound retarded, these are all inside thoughts I never say.
Alchemyanon do you have any thoughts wrt the nature of alchemy as it relates to men? I have a lot of instinctive feelings about their obsession with alchemy and transmutation as another way of trying to steal control from the female energy, whatever it might be called, but I don't actually know enough about alchemy. Is it alchemy itself that seeks to replace the female energy, or is it only a twisting of natural forces of transmutation when put in the hands of a jealous male?

No. 2147673

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ntayrt but psychoanalysis books. they will usually have a lot of cool diagrams and illustrations to further the writing like picrel. reading psychoanalysis literature opens up the mind, especially jung and lacan

No. 2147676

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samefag just to share another example

No. 2147696

To the anons who believe in souls, Do you believe in reincarnation? To me, the idea of the transfer of souls after death to a new body doesn't make too much sense. Just as you are technically a genetically modified clone of your mother, she gives you a part of her own soul that then grows along with your body. People who claim to remember past lives may simply be on the same frequency as an energetic memory imprint which allows them to perceive these memories as their own but falsely attribute them to "past lives"

No. 2147733

Without venturing into blogging too far I did dmt once and didn't break through, and instead it was like the lines holding my personhood in my physical body were erased and my energy, without my identity or memories, joined the energy of everything around me in a big puddle of orange goop. Yes like the end of Evangelion. Anyways I think it may be sort of like that. Not necessarily reincarnation as in a 1:1 transfer of an entire soul body to body like a hard drive being backed up, but a big sea of energy that we return to and a new life is a metaphorical bucket of the goop in their vicinity.

No. 2147737

It's not so much that your soul reincarnates, or transfers to a new form. It's more like, imagine you go to prison, right, and they make you cut your hair short, and you can't wear anything besides an orange jumper, and you have to be the same as every other prisoner. Once you're released from jail, you can do all the things that were denied to you, you can go dye your hair, get piercings, dress however you want, etc., and nobody can stop you. You're still the same person, but now you're free of limitations set upon you by an external force. The soul is kept prisoner in the body, as in, the soul is limited to the body's physical senses and form and can't perceive beyond those senses or travel beyond that form. Once your soul is freed from the body, it becomes omnipresent and omnipotent, you can be everywhere at once at all times forever.
>she gives you a part of her own soul that then grows along with your body.
No, you're mixing the profane and the sacred. Pregnancy and childbirth are primal and animal, it's a just a profane mechanism of the body, like sneezing or farting. Newborns aren't persons insofar as they are objects. This is because infants aren't born ensouled; a soul develops as an automatic reflex to respond to the new energy vibrations created by the rapid development of the personality and conscience at age 3-6 months. This is why certain people, (including >99% of moids), don't possess souls as adults, because their infant bodies were unable to process the development of a healthy personality or conscience.

No. 2147809

Interesting. So its kinda like your identity evaporates and your soul(energy) is recycled back to where it originally came from.
I see but doesnt the human body give your soul an identity?
> Once your soul is freed from the body, it becomes omnipresent and omnipotent, you can be everywhere at once at all times forever.
The way you describe just sounds like literal death to me. Your body just like your soul decomposes and becomes one with the enviroment/source or whatever you wanna call it.

>This is because infants aren't born ensouled;

Ehh idk about that but I also have a more animistic view on this where practically every place, physical object, experiences and emotions have a soul. Some of my spiritual experiences have confirmed that. Maybe you mean a spirit.

No. 2147844

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Nonna could you do some divination related to vidrel and confirm if any of this might be true?

>Cern is not about discovering the god particle but to create a colapse of alternate universes into our own.
>They do this by tapping in through vortices by knowing the frequencies of those alternate realities and merging them into this one.
>The beings in the kuiper belt are sabotaging this plan and this is why the LHC has shut down more times than it started up.
>Many of his clients have reported having dreams where they see themselves in another reality different from their own and this could be the result of the residue of the hadron collider.
>The Vatican has an office in cern and an observatory in Arizona called lucifer.
>He knew a nurse who works at cern near Geneva and she told him that there are tunnels deep underneath cern where no one is allowed to go in. The tunnels go all the way to France into Italy and under the lake.
>The nurse would occasionally get a patient who has come from one of these tunnels with injuries she has never seen before in her life and whenever she asked what happened they would refuse to tell her.
>He theorizes that the tunnel is a portal bringing in beings from alternate realities that may be hostile.
The rest I don't really care about.

Ts made me remember a tv series called 'Counterpart' where the characters can go to a different dimension through a big tunnel undeground. Wonder if there is any truth to it.

No. 2147940

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Middle class is a scam. There are outliers (poverty and wealth) and everything in between. Today it is very easy to larp as rich even if you have a negative amount of money. I think we are being fooled, and we still live in an aristocracy with nobles and of course it is modernized, but who knows what is in people's bank accounts AND houses. There seems to be opportunity for getting richer but it is highly elevated. No matter how motivated and knowledgeable you are, there are always saboteurs. Your parents and your grandparents' money always matters, it always affects you, and can shape other rich people's perception of you, because they must know at least a few bankers who can tell on your debts. Sharing money is mostly in-between rich people who keep each others' secrets.

No. 2148459

thanks nonnie

No. 2148516

i'd be interested in hearing more of your thoughts on this if you'd care to share them. i too think the idea of middle class is largely an illusion designed to inflate rich people's wealth. many families i know who would be considered middle class have a frightening amount of debt and assets that they can't really afford including their homes but it seems like they're always spending money they don't actually have. the cost of living has certainly gone up but i think middle class americans have always been encouraged to live beyond their means and it's only gotten worse with social media making people more consumerist and self-conscious than ever.

No. 2148564

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oh god so much to unpack here it’s unreal, well since jokes™ are banned here i can’t really say anything about the speaker but thank you for those recaps because i absolutely can’t listen to any male for more than 5 minutes without getting annoyed especially the le ~spiritual warfare~ alien obsessed ones who think they’re as spiritually in-depth as women. anyways, i don’t work at cern so i’m not one of those crazy people trying to fuck with things they honestly shouldn’t be, but i was the nonna who talked about having a dream where i felt like there were multiverse versions of myself (they felt like different people because they looked different from me but it was probably different aspects of my soul all projected into different existences) and i tried to astral project in this very same dream and nothing happened but besides going to a bright light. but that is interesting though, remember that news about those religious folks coming out of tunnels underneath their churches?? and if it was, i wonder how common it is where they build central parts of these tunnels in certain parts of cities and towns where energy clusters together so they can siphon it down to these forbidden areas and to keep these portals open, it’s even making me tinfoil more that these portals are affecting people’s health and that’s why we’re seeing such an increase on early onset diseases that would typically be seen from the middle-aged to elderly in younger people. for example cancer, could it be because these opening portals are scrambling people’s dna and brains up? i asked before why these diseases were becoming more common and the only thing i could get out of it was insurance and hospice care, maybe to harvest bodies for later use without having to outright kill people and have an easier way of transporting not only body parts and organs but clones as well. along with the clones i asked about that too a few days ago and i got that they’re not only trying to bring people back from the dead with this cloning technology but cloning could also aid into prolonging life or giving immortality, it’s very creepy. it also felt like from my cards because i use tarot as my divination tool they’re going through the process of reintroducing them into society as some sort of plan that reminds me of when the european american colonizers in north america were “reintroducing” native peoples through an assimilation plan. kek there’s so much happening in this world. i’ll do my best to see what i get for this. first i’ll ask whether certain points are true or not:
>Is cern not about discovering the god particle but to create a collapse of alternate universes into our own?
Hanged one. Five of swords. Four of cups reversed. Knight of pentacles.
I would say yes but the five of swords there’s different “interest groups” involved and when I mean that, ETs and other people. Hanged One is sacrifices as well, but I’m mainly focusing on the light emanating from the man’s head on the card which is interesting because of this question. I think I understand this, I think these CERN researchers and scientists were mislead, they were so caught up on trying to obtain knowledge nobody else can see and decipher that it ended up causing a lot of trouble for them and it’s even worse because with this hanged man they’re the only ones who can seem them, not us yet. I feel like psychically adept people can but they know something about whatever is coming out of these portals but their specialized knowledge is coming to bite them in the ass because if they ever were to speak out on it as some sort of emergency because the situation is getting out of hand and they thought they could control it, people would find them crazy. These beings on the other side pretended they didn’t want anything, five of swords is like unmatched mental agility compared to these scientists but it’s very arrogant, these beings have a superiority complex but this mission had a sense of purpose with the man on this card championing himself after this mental defeat. They want these people to pay the piper, they probably bribed these entities with the four of cups reversed to even get them to be interested in providing information and material to them, they helped them build something as well. Lastly with the Hanged One and the energy coming out of the person’s head, they find something in our brains as a resource. Also, I feel these people secretly worship them, I think I’ve also heard this same thought before, they worship these entities from these very portals and hide it in plain sight (hiding it through edgy “Satanic”/Illuminati imagery). I revisited this question just to right down that they’re probably time traveling as well to go back to the past to get something that’s no longer there or some sort of information that was removed from these areas, I feel like these are religious/spiritual sites like physical sites that are either protected or you can go and visit yourself yt they don’t have what they’re looking for there anymore, traveling back to see or get something or by messing with time they can make something reappear again?? Messing with time because time, space, particles are connected to the very reason on why most of us can’t see these things.
>What did these entities help these CERN researchers build?
Strength. Knight of Pentacles. Nine of Wands. Hanged One reversed this time. Nine of Pentacles.
I mentioned this before, cloning technology/splicing of DNA. Strength is the same card I got when I asked how were humans created, interesting. There’s something about breaking down barriers or constraints of physical life and leading humans on to a different path dissociated from our current timeline, feels like transhumanism. New humans. Something related to resource extraction and creating foods as well, like learning how to go above these material constraints like needing to breathe air, curbing hunger. This is so weird. I feel like a lot of elitists know about these technologies and use them to sustain themselves and during an event where there will be a global reset they will use this to their advantage. I was immediately reminded of the Ark from the Bible because of the Nine of Pentacles. They want to be separated from something, probably our evolutionary descendants. I pulled one more card: The World. I thought it was funny I got this because it reminds me of airplanes, aircrafts flying in the sky. It also reminds me of creation, it is a card of new beginnings and the entirety of a new plan being birthed into existence, reminds me of divinity or gods. That’s probably why they’re trying to collide every alternate universes into one, they probably want to do that before shit goes down. I’ll ask that question on why they want to do this.
>Why do these CERN researchers want to collide alternate universes into our own?
Ace of Pentacles. Four of Pentacles. The Lovers reversed. Page of Cups reversed. Page of swords reversed.
Ready to let go out of something kek that’s for sure, probably people. I honestly see this as an offer. They also want to disconnect us from the divine, more transhumanist themes. This doesn’t seem very well-thought out though as much as I thought it would. The Emperor and Wheel of fortune. Emperor card I heard the word “Enlil” and the other one could mean fate. I don’t know. I searched up whatever this could mean and it and this is very crazy because he’s connected to something called “The Tablets of Destiny”, Wheel of Fortune is a card of fate and destiny!
>What are these beings from the kuiper belt?
Attractive in energy but deceptive. Ten of Pentacles they belong to some sort of "family" so it reminds me of the Galactic Federation that a bunch of delusional starseeds believe in. ETs are related to all of this mess along with gods, people, it's a mess. Empress reversed they lost their planet by King of Wands reversed activity, warfare/conflict/pillaging. Corrupted because The Magician reversed. I'm going to be completely honest this reminds me of fallen angels, there are tinfoilers who believe many celestial objects, ets, entities in space are fallen angels. I just see them being destroyed or corrupted by king of wands reversed energy.
I'll stop with this last question.
>The Vatican has an office in cern and an observatory in Arizona called lucifer
I heard that the Vatican has objects they stole from African countries and refuse to give it back? Anyways, High priestess reversed. Knight of cups. Two of swords reversed. Four of cups. Judgement reversed. I think they are involved but there's a level of deception to their religion as well obviously, it almost feels like double-agent stuff but infiltration as well, I kind of laughed because its implying you're seeing a bunch of occultists, scientists, elitists all walking around in fake Catholic garb when they all pledge allegiance to the same cause. There are some who are still apprehensive about this scientific-occult secret society mixture going on, again pure infiltration? I don't know why they would infiltrate these religions unless you have an idea. I wrote too much.

No. 2148881

ntayrt but the middle class as you envision it was never real. The original middle class were wealthy people that weren't nobles and didn't have to work. Pride and prejudice is about a lower middle class woman. The bourgeoisie was the middle class and with nobles no longer being relevant there are only the rich and the poor. We have a two class system, just no formal barriers in tact that prevent anyone from crossing from one class in to the other. That doesn't mean that rich people aren't trying to further the divide and make it impossible for anyone to become rich though, because that's exactly what they are doing.

No. 2149559

So is MJ Dave Dave?

No. 2149869

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No. 2149934


No. 2149950


No. 2149958

Look I know he has an issue and I'm sorry for him but every time I see this man I recoil in fear because it's like seeing a gore picture moving. That said the resemblance is uncanny but I think dave dave modeled his mannerism and style after MJ because he knew him as a child.

No. 2150087

Why do you only see "cool" AI generated things online? Or the sweet videos of combining a photo with a deceased relative and making them hug. The truth is that they want AI images to improve to be able to generate CP.
The other day a friend and I were goofing around on Google and we typed up "am i gay quiz" and "boys kissing" like how you do when you're a kid. Well when you Google "boys kissing" you don't see a photograph of two guys kissing holding a gay flag or MySpace emo dudes anymore. It shows AI generated little boys with shirts off. I don't want to share and download it because it's pretty much CP.
I wish the evil use for AI would be brought to more light so these companies will stop using them. But obviously it makes them trillions of dollars. Like the AI generated ads, why doesn't someone just generate a girl eating McDonald's fries and then getting her head chopped off? Would the companies stop then?

No. 2150090

This is maybe creepy, but I've been sending letters to my local representative with AI-generated photos of him committing crimes and other bad things (like smoking drugs, killing dogs, firing guns at people, etc.). I do it every Monday and include a paragraph about how AI needs to be stopped now through legislation. The people that run the show need to realize this stuff will hurt them more than us in the long run.

No. 2150313

File: 1724431887939.jpg (166.51 KB, 1500x1001, sabrina-carpenter-061724-tout-…)

sabrina carpenter sold her soul to the devil. there's something demonic about her

No. 2150314

isn’t she only like 26? she doesn’t look like a real human being

No. 2150317

Wasn't that supposed to grant you beauty or success, though? She has neither.

No. 2150328

Kekekek that's based as fuck.

No. 2150329

She’s just a cute blonde girl who makes generic pop fluff music. There is nothing remarkable about her. Get a grip.

No. 2150330

ngl she looks like a man in a wig and a dress

No. 2150354

she's selling her soul to the entertainment industry and catering to pornsickness for money. she will continue to erode, get botched, and will probably start doing drugs

No. 2150360

It's a lot easier than people think. Most politicians are social-media addicts so it's easy to find pictures of them to feed to AI. I send them to his office with envelopes without return address. I'm thinking about going wider and just start sending personalized ones to more representatives. Seriously if I have to be scared that any photo taken of me ever is gonna be turned into weird AI porno, then they should be too. I'm a nobody so it won't affect me much, but politicians have a lot more to lose.

No. 2150383

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I looked up toddler on stable diffusion and I stumbled uppon the most hideous prompts and generated images I want all moids to die right now

No. 2150385

i want that moid who made that blood eageled and thrown in acid

No. 2150429

omg why did i search too there is like actual cp there, heinous

No. 2150436

it was always obvious what ai image generation was for. i hope the moids who made these ai models burn in hell

No. 2150440

i thought they at least had a cp filter or some shit, but there is legit stuff like ''toddler girl bdsm dungeon lesbian'' and other crap. wtf ??? i already hated the aifag on /m/ for having shit taste, now i despise them for being gross pickmes who encourage pedophile technology

No. 2150523

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>She’s just a cute blonde girl who makes generic pop fluff music. There is nothing remarkable about her. Get a grip.

No. 2150541

That's pretty much everyone in the entertainment industry and content creators to be fair.

No. 2150565

This. Everyone in the entertainment industry is there because they can be controlled with blackmail.

No. 2151723

Shut the fuck up about this pickme me shit already Jesus. Either find a new suitable word that actually makes sense or fuck off

No. 2151999

i wouldn't be suprised. her face is terrifying

No. 2153025

You know how the big serial killer craze in the 70s and 80s was because all the children that had been exposed to lead in the 50s and 60s grew up? Like, how lead was everywhere and it poisoned so many children and turned them into monsters later in life?

I think something similar is happening today. I'm not sure what it is, but I strongly believe that background toxins have increased a LOT since the mid-2000s. All this cheap plastic shit we're importing from countries on the other side of the globe is steeped in lead or other toxic metals. I'm assuming in the 2030s, we're gonna see another peak in serial killers in the USA. I think things are heading towards a very violent future, not in the sense of wars or famines, but in the sense that small communities are being broken down by drugs and toxins.

No. 2153575

i think we're more likely to see a rise in spree killers/mass murderers than serial killers. back then it was much easier for murderers to kill multiple victims before being caught whereas nowadays we have more surveillance and forensic technology available. of course people still commit murder and get away with it but it requires more effort and luck than it did decades ago, particularly if murderers kill outside of demographics whose deaths are often not seriously investigated by police like prostitutes and the homeless.

No. 2153705

Didn't someone here mention that one of her relatives had connections to $cientology, or am I mistaken?(integrate)

No. 2153991

Late reply but woah, thanks for the long reading!

>that’s why we’re seeing such an increase on early onset diseases that would typically be seen from the middle-aged to elderly in younger people.

I think there are so many factors contributing to this. I think another big one is the rise of the Schumann resonance and DEWs.

>they worship these entities from these very portals and hide it in plain sight.

Is Saturn connected to any of this?

>feels like transhumanism

Yes but they are coming full circle.

I want to expand on that later cause I have a lot to say.

No. 2153993

>spree killers/mass murderers than serial killers
Aren't all those just synonyms?

No. 2154020

>but in the sense that small communities are being broken down by drugs and toxins.
This is only kind of related, but a personal tinfoil of mine is that most modern drug dealers are just dropshippers/resellers of foreign pharmaceutical companies.

No. 2154268

File: 1724623310731.jpg (Spoiler Image,364.74 KB, 1080x2035, 1000002918.jpg)

I checked it and WHAT THE FUCK. Look at those tags???? I didn't know it was allowed, I thought those pages also had AI that filtered out pedo or bestiality shit but I guess I was wrong

No. 2154272

outside of gore and Cp spam, your spoilered image is the worst thing i ve ever seen on this website

No. 2154274

This reminds how a few weeks ago I was trying to look for a free ai website, and saw one where men were generating soft core pedo shit, right out in the open with like 60-100 likes on each post

No. 2154282

If you Google child (with maybe some detail at the end) you can sometimes find ai generated shit, if you click on enough images you'll always eventually come across some weird shit like "little girl dominatrix" or "cute boy swimsuit"

No. 2154290

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Theres even worse shit there and I feel like I'm shaking. All this time I thought the ai shit was somewhat moderated and now I feel stupid

No. 2154319

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are we really surprised that a bunch of kiddie porn diddy white party obsessed wealthy technocrats allowed legalized cp to be created through AI??? the government doesn’t care about regulating this tech, in fact they let it become more public and advanced so it can be easier to alter images of human trafficking victims so nobody traces them back to these wealthy tycoon/political families, create false flag events, and be able to put you in prison or jail off of falsely created images. most of the supreme court are completely out of touch with how the internet works anyways despite them having mark zuck and all of those silicon valley ceos in those courts. if these western countries don’t fall into total collapse it will be around 5-10 years before you see any legislation pass to regulate and remove this degeneracy

No. 2154323

the amount of maleness on this planet is toxic and constantly ruins the vibe, that’s why i limit the amount of time i go outside because i can practically smell the bloodlust in the air. hope you nonnas are locked and loaded or own a machete or something to fend for yourself

No. 2154329

I wish death upon whoever typed those words.

No. 2154332

Fr I’m like… yeah, obviously? Are you naive? What’s there to be shocked about?
Not to blackpill but these are the women marrying men and having children with them kek. Less women would do that if moids’ true nature was known to them.
It’s just the plastic surgery kek

No. 2154368

It's over. The damage has been done. What we feared would happen, happened. I don't want to live on this earth anymore. All I see around me is evil

No. 2154403

meanwhile I can't even get midjourney to generate a female finger in my husbando's mouth

No. 2154416

She looks like jazz Jennings to me I wouldnt be surprised if she’s a castrato or some weird ass shit.

No. 2154429

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No. 2154467

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Venezuela is a capital of witchcraft. It's full of sorcery and it's constantly cursed, specially after Simon Bolivar's tomb was assaulted and his ashes were spread across the country on a helicopter as a ritual, they awakened something vile and opened the doors for very corrupt forces to wander around the area and nobody seems to understand the extent of such spiritual fuck up and its effects, much less protect themselves from the dark forces. There's evidence the government practices several witchcraft techniques and rituals on the population, the dictator Nicolas Maduro literally used "nail dust" (santeria technique) right before signing a contract. Leaders from both sides constantly tell people to go die on pointless protests as sacrifices, in fact, these protests are shilled specifically to farm dark energy, the more people they kill the higher the rewards and protection

No. 2154474


No. 2154480

I believe it's Haiti

No. 2154804

No, serial killers means like a killer that kills over and over. Mass/spree killers means a killer that kills a LOT of people all at once in one go. So think of serial killers as chronic killers and spree/mass killers as one-offs.

No. 2154805

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Branching off of >>2117917 and >>2150087
AI is openly being used as a catalyst for the acceptance and normalization of pedophilia. One current popular narrative they are using is that it is "victimless". This is false as CSAM has been found in data sets used to train popular AI models. There is also the ability to use prompts on pre-existing photos that can be taken from anywhere, morphing regular images into CSAM. Another popular narrative is that it will protect children in real life. We've seen this said about other things that proved to be untrue e.g. watching violent pornography does not stop someone from acting on sexual violence in real life. The language surrounding this is really terrifying and it's working; people are accepting their extremely weak arguments and narratives. They are very transparently advocating for the sexual exploitation of children and CSA. It is only going to get worse from here.

No. 2154808

>This is false as CSAM has been found in data sets used to train popular AI models.
Where can I read about this?

No. 2154812

No. 2154828

Leaching off your parents is also sad.

No. 2154831

>>2154808, >>2154805
Have you heard any of the stories where people are getting deepfaked? The most popular case if Taylor Swift but it’s happened to lots of other celebrities and indeed lots of children too. I remember reading a story of a teenage girl who killed herself because of it being used for revenge porn by bullies at her school. The deepfakes are only getting worse too with OpenAI’s Sora image generator and Elon Musk letting his Grok thing on Xitter go on with little to no filters on it, there’s also literally ads for sites that face swap porn, they’re literally just putting this shit out in the open. From what I remember the first big scandal was last year when Pokimane and some of her friends got deepfaked by another streamer. I wonder if they’ll even need pictures of your face to do this after a while or if they can just ask the AI “generate x person doing y thing”

No. 2154838

Man there's so much wrong with this logic. If we can acknowledge the ai generated cp "actors" are not real, then pedophiles can too. And many will just go out and seek actual cp or a real child victim. It's the same logic for child sex dolls, they know it's not a real person. It's not going to "restrain" them in any meaningful way. Also prior to ai (and I mean way back), cp with children's faces edited onto other kids was always extremely popular. Often being a child that the pedophile knows. tbh I feel some of this dumb defending some people do towards pedophiles is because they have a very black and white idea of what these guys actually do online. I already see normies unironically calling pedophilia a fetish/kink everyday, and there's a bunch of stupid ideas that pedos are only attracted to x or x

No. 2157564

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Started reading Everything I Think I Know and I can't believe our beloved resident personalityfag is pro troon… I feel so betrayed

No. 2157567

> Redditors writing several emotionally charged paragraphs to defend CP
Every single time kek

No. 2158261

Not to mention the AI pics/videos would have to be trained off of real children and their bodies so they’re still exploiting IRL kids with that anyways. Unless they use smaller adult women but even then, younger looking adult women look way different to pre-pubescent girls

No. 2158316

Please fucking say sike right now please

No. 2158333

Ty nonny for taking the time to read my schizo post kek. I will answer in a few

No. 2158334

>tfw I thought I could understand and connect with her on a personal level
I just need to know if she hates feminism or something. This is so sad.

No. 2158339

This is carrey-chan right? Why is there so many fucking biological female trannies on here???

No. 2158385

If anyone remembers that post about an anon admitting she was like 20 personalityfags, the post with Snookie, I tinfoil that was her.

No. 2158434

No. 2158440

It's in the current confessions thread, it's from three days ago so just scroll up. It has a picture of Snookie attached.

No. 2158447

The temu commercials have hidden messages designed to depress you. It's in your best interest to mute them immediately

No. 2158450

Samefag but holy shit I was just tinfoiling about this kek but I went to reread it and the post mentions the mods being gone when the sun sets. There is an anon spamming /meta/ with the same copy pasta about the mods being absent at night. The way that anon types has always been similar enough to carreychan's long posts that I've just thought it was carreychan. Carreychan posts often enough in the dumbassshit thread for her to be kind of recognizable. The Snookie confessions post read similar enough to carreychan's posts for me to believe it. Carreychan has also mentioned being bipolar, she has also mentioned she has a penchant for mixing alcohol and pills. I think carreychan really is trolling this site on a massive scale.

No. 2158466

There is an autism epidemic going on due to the fact lots of people are having children past their 30s. Zoomers do not seem to know how to fucking socialize and it’s embarrassing.

No. 2158476

I wouldn’t even call this a tinfoil nonna, just facts. At least, it’s a fact that parents are older than ever, and autism is more diagnosed than ever (this probably has other factors too).

No. 2158502

topkek, anon i love you
70s and 80s serial killer peak was domestic terrorism funded by the CIA done by unconscious low iq mkultra puppets. it was in place to make people afraid of each other so as to quell any chance of revolution against the economic order which was crushing people particularly in the 70s. note that these conditions are happening again but even WORSE now, so i have no doubt that we will see another peak of serial killers in the US soon, but not because of toxins. the CIA has since perfected the "sleeper agent" thing with monarch. theyve already been planting mass shooters but everyone has gotten so used to that, they need a new modality to sow even more social discord and fear.

No. 2158510

Autism is mostly due to rotten defective old man sperm. Women should only have children aged 30 and above with moids/donors ideally a couple of years younger. An "older" (ie in her 30s) mother is very highly correlated with higher academic success in the child, more social/emotional stability in the child, higher financial security, and lower incidence of PPD/P in the mother.
My proposition is that all scrotoids should have a vasectomy done at age 16 and reversed at 27, and then be castrated at age 30. This would solve many social issues as well.

No. 2158513

No, because then from 27 to 30 they'd still be the same monsters. What should be done is all scrotes should be tested at age 18, and the most valuable sperm should be frozen for later use, and then they should be castrated.

No. 2158522

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Yep and other risk factors for autism include teen moms and age gaps. ie the exact sort of relationship moids chase while denigrating women over 30 for being infertile etc.

No. 2158526

Women shouldn’t be having children at all, why do women must always have children? Why do these convos always lead to the same outcome “women MUST have children”. ALL of those scrotes are full of disgusting toxins from the microplastics and high amount of estrogens in the water and food supply. It’s not just old man sperm causing a variety of genetic diseases and disorders in newer generations, it’s their horrible DNA/external environment.

No. 2158535

Woahhhh why am I so retarded

No. 2158551

no it was from pornography

No. 2158555

What are your takes on the end of the world/great reset/rapture/ascension/whatever coming within the next year or two? The theories about the end times has been getting really big as of late but I’m doubtful of it, they’ve been claiming it for years and lots of the “evidence” of it comes from new age circles and is acquired through questionable methods like “Quantum Healing Memory Regression Hypnosis” and astrology

No. 2158556

People have been thinking the world is gonna end since like the 1300's. I'm pretty sure we're sticking around for a good, long while kek. Try not to get 2012 brain

No. 2158558

I’m less concerned about the Apocalypse than I am about economic collapse.

No. 2158563

That’s what some believers of it view it as being, basically the economy collapses and society goes to shit and has to build itself back up and that this was purposefully orchestrated by the government. Most view it as the literal end of the world or a supernatural thing though

No. 2158567

i dont think theres gonna be an economic collapse, thats just the way poor people feel

No. 2158580

there's supposed to be another great flood that'll hit every single country on earth, starting east heading west, dont know when and dont care to survive it. feels like varying illuminati factions are fighting on whether to start or stall on it or maybe there isn't enough of the right magic for it yet idk. they obviously want to control the narrative on it for heavy depopulation causes on the general masses - smaller populations are generally easier to control blah blah blah - and to flip the script on how the great flood literally being for them, to wipe them out, the descendants of fallen angels, shapeshifters, nephilim, reptilians, idk vampires whatever you may call it, theyre abominations who were never supposed to exist on any plane of existence and have immense hatred of humanity for our ability to be forgiven for our sins and mistakes by the most high, unlike them
signed; an anon whose had multiple dreams about the subject and is tired

No. 2158581


No. 2158585

Isn’t this legit the plot of an American Dad 2 parter? Regardless I’d highly recommend telling someone about the fear of drowning you seem to have

No. 2158612

>Isn’t this legit the plot of an American Dad 2 parter?
i dont really watch movies or tv shows on a high frequency note, so i wouldnt know. there is a thing where freemason/secret society types put their knowledge in various forms of media which is also used as a form of manifestation too, like that netflix film the obamas produced
>Regardless I’d highly recommend telling someone about the fear of drowning you seem to have
i have almost drowned at a water park when i was a kid kek ive never been scared of swimming or just getting into water though. i just have alot of ocean/water related dreams tbh ive also connected with an ocean deity a couple years ago

No. 2158715

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The Carrey document has a very specific writing style and unfunny memes and jokes thrown around. She also mentions some personal facts about her life there, maybe we could compile some of the other personalityfags' posts and compare…

No. 2158719

there’s nothing wrong with depopulation, and if they were vampires, they would want more of us.

No. 2158723

That's spooky as fuck, I don't know what to think at all

No. 2158734

I don't think it's going to be the end of the world but I do think we are heading into WWIII.

No. 2158735

you just read a bunch of conspiracy twitter posts/videos/other people’s opinions took what they said and shook it up in a blender, nothing about this is original and makes no sense. this post is full of fabrication and colorful writing but ig it’s hard to detect for people who keep responding to obvious bait no matter what

No. 2158744

>we are heading into WWIII.
This is a given, my question is: what front will be the first to form, and what front will be the most intense?

Right now, as I see it, the major fronts will be Eastern Europe, Central Asia, an the Pacific Sea.

I think that in the coming years, Islamist terrorism will become more and more common in Russia (going beyond just Chechnya), and the fallout will be the Russian federal government blaming the Taliban for funding the terrorism. This is gonna spark another Russian-Afghanistan war, and in doing so the troops will have to cross Turkmenistan, and at that point the other Central Asian republics may enter the fight or even regional powers like Iran in response to the consequential destabilization.

Once Russia is weakened by hosting two wars (Ukrainian war will not resolve until the Russian federal government is replaced), NATO will try and attack through Poland (or, pending coming revolution, Belarus). This will devolve into the majority of Eastern Europe becoming a prime battlefield similarly to what happened in Western Europe during the last world war. The major issue that will arise from this is that exports of grains and natural gas and oil will fall dramatically. Remember what happened when Russia invaded Ukraine, and suddenly Western European leaders were warning their constituents of a "cold winter?" It's going to be much much worse than that. It's going to fuel severe social unrest in France, Germany, and especially the UK. During this time it wouldn't surprise me if Ireland re-unified and Scotland achieved independence, as well as the final fall of the monarchy.

The Pacific front will probably open in the face of economic and social crises, as China will sense the weakness of the US, they will start the initial stages of their (mostly bloodless) invasion of Taiwan. This information will be disseminated by spies, and in response the US will influence Japanese politics so that the nation can militarize again. That way, when the invasion of Taiwan does happen, it won't just be American soldiers ready in Okinawa, but also a large army raised by Japan.

In response to the re-militarization of Japan, N. Korea will begin to test more nuclear missiles as a symbol of power, sending them over Japan. But, one of these missiles will malfunction and will end up detonating some 20 or 30km from the western coast of Hokkaido. This will spur tensions to a heightened degree, and there will be a Japanese-Korean war focused in the Sea of Japan, and it's during this time of confusion that China will take Taiwan. The fighting will spill over, and will probably be the shortest part of WW3.

What do you think is gonna happen?

No. 2158747

Very interesting nonna, I don't have anything to add but I love how thorough you are

No. 2158780

Can someone link me carreychan's document?

No. 2158818

Honestly just scroll Dumbass Shit, it's turned into a containment thread for Carreychan. I think she makes at least 40% of the posts.

No. 2158823

Carreychan did not link her document in the current thread and I couldn't find it in the last thread, so this is kind of unhelpful kek.

No. 2158824

Maybe you can find it in "last standing nonnas of /ot/" if it wasn't deleted by farmhands for spam.

No. 2158828

No. 2158843

Not even 2 minutes in and there are already spelling errors. Paired with the new fact that she is a tranny lover, I cannot, in good conscience, keep reading this foul thing.

No. 2158852

Carreychan was right in that I couldn't find a transphobia mention but I wonder if she quick edited the document after that anon posted that screenshot. I wonder if there's a way to check the last edit date.

No. 2158854

Probably sent us some edited document while the real one filled with tranny-loving is out there somewhere

No. 2158855

Well Carreychan's rebuke to the allegations was that it was actually Linda that photoshopped (or edited) the document to post here to turn the public perception against Carreychan. So it's hard to say.

No. 2158857

When did we start believing Carreychan's schizo bipolar delusions? There is no way Carrey's team is attacking some nobody on an obscure female only cow board. There is simply no fucking way. I get this is the tinfoil thread but come on ladies we can do better than this.

No. 2158859

Samefag, she also stopped posting as carreychan almost immediately when called out, and funny enough the /meta/ spammer stopped spamming when connections between her and carreychan were made. Tinfoil hat is firmly on.

No. 2158861

I wasn't saying I believed it, I was just giving background info. Sorry if my post was misconstrued.
Which /meta/ spammer? There's a few I thought?

No. 2158862

The all caps "MODS" spammed about the moderation blackout.

No. 2158867

The last time that one posted was 20 hours ago, Carreychan's last post (I think anyway) was 14 hours ago in Dumbass Shit #167. So there was a 6 hour difference there, I guess we'll have to wait and see if Carreychan starts posting again in that thread later today.

No. 2158882

>there’s nothing wrong with depopulation
i dont know how to tell you this anon, but genocide is bad. this is reminding me of how the world economic forum posted and deleted about their project 2030/2025 which was of their depopulation time crunch goals and how american politics keep talking about a project 2025 - yes i think theyre related, the wef said how the american population would decrease by 80(?)% by/in 2025
>and if they were vampires, they would want more of us
adrenochrome and the side effects of it's consumption are real btw

>you just read a bunch of conspiracy twitter posts/videos/other people’s opinions took what they said and shook it up in a blender
i dont watch/read on end of time theories, that's just a form of manifestation frankly and i dont want to unconsciously invoke something, but as i originally stated, i've had premonitions over the past couple of years through dreams and anon asked. youre supposed to share your premonitions when you have the gift for it anyways, not sharing causes bad karma
>nothing about this is original and makes no sense
didnt know this was a fanfic contest, my bad. and my post was perfectly clear, what dont you understand? there was a great flood in biblical times and there's going to be another that's bigger sometime in the future, simple.
>this post is full of fabrication and colorful writing but ig it’s hard to detect for people who keep responding to obvious bait no matter what
??? how the fuck is my post bait? why do i have anons ganging up on me?? i posted in the right place, this is the schizo general to share our overall tinfoils, why are you guys being mean to me

No. 2158892

File: 1724942413607.png (242.18 KB, 792x830, russian-economy.png)

>what front will be the first to form, and what front will be the most intense?
I'd argue that the initial fronts of WWIII already exist. Eastern Europe, Middle East and West Africa all have ongoing proxy conflicts between NATO and BRICs countries.

>Islamist terrorism will become more and more common in Russia

It's already happening. The CIA funds and controls ISIS which has so far carried out two terrorist attacks in Russia since the start of the SMO in Ukraine. Russia's FSB is well aware that it's the CIA. ISIS has also carried out attacks in Iran and is active in Syria where Russia and Iran are allied to the Assad government.

>Once Russia is weakened by hosting two wars

Russia is not being weakened. This is western propaganda. Russia has massive reserves of natural resources and due to the war in Ukraine, it's ramping up it's industrial production. Inflation in Russia is minimal and the economy is growing.
See also

Unless NATO gets involved in Ukraine. Russia will win the war. The Ukrainian lines of defense in Donbass are collapsing and over 5000 Ukrainian troops were killed in Kursk. The objective of the Ukrainian invasion into Kursk was to capture the Kursk nuclear power plant which they failed to achieve.

>It's going to fuel severe social unrest in France, Germany, and especially the UK.

I would agree with this. If the current proxy conflicts devolve into a full world war, the Russian and Chinese intelligence services are going to bring down the governments of Europe by exploiting existing issues.

>The Pacific front will probably open in the face of economic and social crises, as China will sense the weakness of the US, they will start the initial stages of their (mostly bloodless) invasion of Taiwan.

The US is having serious problems with it's navy. 17 ships have had to be taken out of service due to lack of recruits.

Currently nearly all US naval power is concentrated in the Middle East with aircraft carriers being taken out of the Pacific to defend Israel.

>In response to the re-militarization of Japan, N. Korea will begin to test more nuclear missiles as a symbol of power, sending them over Japan

Best Korea recently signed a defense pact with Russia. Japan is allied with the US. Any conflict between these two countries would end in a world war.

No. 2158910

I'm the AYRT. I agree with most of your points but I want to discuss some.

>Russia is not being weakened

When I said weakened, I didn't mean in an economic sort of way, more-so in a military way as in if it were being overextended by wars on multiple fronts. I also think that Putin isn't going to live for much longer, not for any tinfoil reasons but just for normal bad health reasons (he's in his 70s now!), and in that event: what will the power vacuum look like in Russia? Its been led by this strongman for what feels like time immemorial (besides the brief interregnum with Dmitri that one time), so how will the public react to a new leader? Will it cause social unrest or a renewal of pro-democracy movements? I think Putin's MO was to consolidate power for himself, not necessarily for the office of presidency itself.

>Russia has massive reserves of natural resources and due to the war in Ukraine, it's ramping up it's industrial production.

My thing with this is, in the event of an actual global conflict, wouldn't it make sense that Russia would be under heavier sanctions? So like, to whom would they sell the resources? I know right now they're selling a lot to India, but India only needs a certain amount of oil.

The reason I believe that Russia will cross Turkmenistan is actually based on the oil fields there. Turkmenistan's whole oil economy was originally propped up by the central Soviet to provide cheap and affordable gas to the central for use and sale, and when the USSR broke up, I think the loss of this really impacted Russia in the sense of: "we want this back!"

>The US is having serious problems with it's navy

I figured something like this was going on. One of Kamala's lesser discussed talking points right now is to reinvigorate the military and to spend more money on it, and when I heard this I was thinking "hm, so then there must be a weakness that we aren't hearing about." I really do think the US military has declined in quality since at least the mid-90s.

>Best Korea recently signed a defense pact with Russia. Japan is allied with the US. Any conflict between these two countries would end in a world war.

I agree, but I just wanted to point out that Best Korea kek has already fired missiles over Japan before without much incident, besides heavy reprisals by the international press, but I think what's gonna trigger it is gonna be an accident that happens during one of these "shows."

No. 2158911

Also samefag just to add thank you for responding to my post in an eloquent way, I appreciate the desire for discussion.

No. 2158953

File: 1724945634114.png (491.53 KB, 1908x849, cis white male.png)

Actually I did get a notification that the doc was edited while I was reading it KEK and it was after I posted it here. I wish I had saved the original.
She also calls him out for his "cis privilege" which she forgot to edit out I guess.
Kek did she really claim that?

No. 2158955

Jesus christ, so a fucking TRA has been shitting up the boards for years with her schizo Jim Carrey obsession. Makes sense. Jesus christ. Just burn it all down now.

No. 2158960

She should get banned and ignored. How the fuck has she been on this site for so long and still support trannoids? Is she a troon herself? Himself?

No. 2158966

I feel like I'm living through an important historical event right now. Finally the tides have turned on Carreychan. The revolution is now.

No. 2158969

Expecting Linda Hill accusations soon…

No. 2158971

That's scary as hell.

No. 2158972

Wasn't carreychan the one anon that was jealous of blondes because she's jewish?

No. 2158977

Tbh what's most surprising to me is how nobody gaf about her Carrey writings before. It's like 260 pages long. Perhaps she posted it across different sites?

No. 2158979

Can I ask why? I don't know much about what's going on with her.

No. 2158985

File: 1724947051052.png (79.46 KB, 1371x525, carreychan.png)

When anons confronted Carreychan about the transphobia mention in the dumbass shit thread she (or an anon impersonating her) responded with picrel.
Linda Hill is supposedly Carrey's lawyer at least according what Carreychan writes in her google doc.

No. 2158988

She 100% edited the document to make it seem like Carrey's team is after her. She's right that he's an evil, shady scrote but then she goes and does this and she loses all her credibility. She's just in a parasocial relationship with him. She really thinks she'll be taken out for trying to take down the L.A. group of male comedians. Like come on. No way her shit isn't in part a huge troll. She also posts in the LC hate thread on CC.

No. 2158992

Yeah. She keeps mentioning what a huge fan she was throughout the document, calling him puppy eyed and what not. It's kinda like a bippie splitting on her favorite person.

No. 2158997

ayrt your jump to assumptions aside i do agree that its their filthy moid dna. it is my dream that the y chromosome will degrade into dust
okay actually you are so right
the moon will cast the stars from the skies and slaughter us all and our blood will usher in the age of dark mirrors tbqh

No. 2159008

It wouldn't surprise me. It also wouldn't surprise me if she was the Jenna Ortegafag in celebricows, too. Her typing style is very identifiable.

No. 2159051

File: 1724950742313.jpg (1.16 MB, 1033x3152, 1000011053.jpg)

Here's the suspected Carrey-chan post from the confessions thread. I genuinely do think it's her, and the /meta/ moderation blackout spammer as well.

No. 2159063

File: 1724951162827.png (60.61 KB, 1823x168, Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 19-04…)

She claims she's not Carreychan (not saying I believe her, just archiving).

No. 2159073

File: 1724951491487.jpg (157.73 KB, 985x363, 1000011056.jpg)

The funny thing is how the /meta/ moderation blackout spammer posting in CC said the same type of shit about the Carrey-chan revelation.
>noooo I'm not Carrey-chan, I'm just as upset about this revelation as YOU ARE!!!!
Tell me I'm being schizo because it seems like the same fucking person wrote all of these posts.

No. 2159076

Hoy shit it's almost word for word. Has she made any more interesting posts?
I'd check myself but I need to contact the CC mods to unblock me first I miss posting there anyway.

No. 2159080

You can still see CC if you're banned nona.

No. 2159087

File: 1724951989852.png (122.1 KB, 1920x1021, Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 19-16…)

Nah, it was an issue for many anons. It happened last year and I still haven't gotten around to e-mail them. A bunch of IPs got blocked and I think it might be because of incognito mode (not on chrome but still) because when I tried access the site from a new device in a different location the same happened.
Well, anyway, I should just do it.

No. 2159129

File: 1724954186036.png (387.6 KB, 759x730, india-oil.png)

>what will the power vacuum look like in Russia?
There won't be a power vacuum. Putin's regime is well established in Russia with very little resistance. If anything were to happen to Putin, his likely successor would be Dmitry Medvedev who has already served as both the prime minister and president of Russia. There is a serious problem with corruption in Russia and especially in the Russian military but Putin is in the process of clearing this up. He appointed a trusted advisor, Belusov as defense minister for this reason.

>more-so in a military way as in if it were being overextended by wars on multiple fronts

The current wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are wars of attrition that are both about physical destruction and economic impact. Any war of attrition is won on industrial capacity. Russia and China dwarf the west in industrial production and therefore would win if it were to become a global conflict, unless it were to go nuclear. This was the case in both WWI and WWII. In WWI the entrance of the US in the side of the allies tipped the balance in their favour because the US was able to flood the front with not only soldiers but equipment. Austria-Hungary and Germany could not replace lost troops and munitions, where as the allies could. The same issue was the deciding factor in WWII. Germany and Japan could not compete with the industrial capacity of the US and the Soviet Union.

Economically, the west is in serious danger due to huge amounts of government debt. One of the aims of BRICs is to end the global dominance of the US dollar. For decades the US dollar has been the currency used for purchasing oil. This is what enables massive US government spending. They are able to print money because there is always demand for dollars so countries can buy oil. With BRICs using alternative currencies for trade between countries, demand for the dollar is falling. If not enough countries and corporations buy US debt to gain dollars, the US financial system will collapse and take the rest of the west with it, including the Euro. This is why gold prices are surging. Gold will still have value after western currencies collapse.
China is buying tons of gold

In Israel the war on Gaza is destroying their economy
Consider this preview of what would happen to western countries if we enter WWIII.

>wouldn't it make sense that Russia would be under heavier sanctions?

>but India only needs a certain amount of oil.
The current sanctions don't do anything except fuck over Europe. Russia is still selling it's oil above the price cap. India makes huge amounts of profit by buying Russian oil and then selling it to Europe.

>The reason I believe that Russia will cross Turkmenistan is actually based on the oil fields there

The biggest thread to Turkmenistan is not Russia but the US. Countries in Central Asia and the Caucuses are prime targets for CIA backed colour revolutions. The CIA uses these "revolutions" to install pro-western governments as a proxy against Russia.
In 2022 a colour revolution was attempted in Kazakstan and failed.
In 2003 a there was a successful colour revolution in Georgia
It was backed by the US and the usual US funded NGOs. Then in 2008 the Russo-Georgian War happened which is extremely similar to how the war in Ukraine happened. Russia won the war and South Ossetia and Abkhazia became independent republics.
In Ukraine the US backed colour revolution installed an anti-Russian and pro-US government that began the war in the Donbas that would later become the current war in Ukraine.

>I figured something like this was going on

You have no idea how bad things really are. The formerly powerful armies of NATO are now in a dire state.

No. 2159139

I don't think they're the same anon. Carreychan exlusively posts about Jim, I don't think she's ever posted on this site if it wasn't about Jim.

No. 2159155

>Carreychan exlusively posts about Jim, I don't think she's ever posted on this site if it wasn't about Jim.
And how would you know that kek.

No. 2159167

I mean every time she enters a thread it's 100 posts about Jim. I'm still angry she got the "Last Standing Nonies" thread locked with her sperging. Dumbass shit too has been co-opted by her. Maybe she'll fuck off now that we know she's a troon lover?

No. 2159176

That doesn't mean she's physically incapable of not talking about Jim Carrey. From her endless Jim Carrey sperging I get the idea that she relates to his tortured artist bullshit, and I think her samefagging constantly and pulling a fast one over lolcow users probably gives her a weird thrill. She probably thinks she's some machiavellian mastermind. She's back on the LC hate thread on CC claiming this tinfoil are the mods doing a smear campaign against her. Sounds awfully similar to Carreychan's "Linda" sperging, don't it.

No. 2159179

File: 1724957185092.jpg (203.5 KB, 973x495, 1000011058.jpg)

Samefag but look at this shit
>the mods are creating a smear campaign against me
>because I am bringing up good questions that should be answered but remain unanswered
Doesn't this shit sound eerily similar to Carreychan's Linda sperging?
>Oh no I know too much about Jim Carrey, his team wants to silence me!

No. 2159185

File: 1724957485963.png (62.42 KB, 1823x168, sdrfgvb.png)

This post in lc hate thread in response to a post referencing autosaging dumbass shit thread reminded me of her kek

No. 2159186

I still remember when an old farmhand (I think during Shaymins time) randomly revealed IPs of certain posters she didn't like. They aren't above smear campaigns

No. 2159189

Samefag but
I'm legit on lolcow for hours out of my day, every day, and I have never seen "newhands" mentioned very often. This poster here >>2159051 also said "newhands" and mentioned the mods being absent at night.
Carreychan you will not gayop your way out of this. Take your fucking meds and fuck off you tranny supporter.

No. 2159199

That was the old admin. Current admin does not give a single fuck and neither do the farmhands aside from being extra ban happy.

No. 2159201

File: 1724958147617.jpeg (641.95 KB, 1242x2495, IMG_6041.jpeg)

?? People have been talking about newhands for months. Even before then.

No. 2159205

Wtf is a new hands

No. 2159206

think about it a LITTLE longer

No. 2159207

Strange how an anon confessing to being multiple personalityfags and samefagging and engaging in infights mentions the mods being gone at night, same to the /meta/ spammer, says "newhands", and then when both anons are accused of being Carreychan they say nearly the exact same thing verbatim within a few minutes of being accused.
You will not stop my tinfoil because it is the truth.

No. 2159208

>first mention made by a miner
>second made by the spammer talking about 'fighting the good fight'

No. 2159210

What's wrong with this? This is just your average lolcow experience imo

No. 2159213

Too lazy

No. 2159214

Okay, you're right it's your tinfoil and you're entitled to have it. I just think it's weird because on the CC the meta spammer thought Carreychan was only a few months only, but Carreychan has been here for 3 years. That was what made me doubt it.

No. 2159215

>New hands on deck
Yeah this screenshot proves nothing concrete imo

No. 2159218

Nta but I mean ofc she's going to deny it.

No. 2159220

Anon you have got to be bullshitting. It was Carreychan purposefully being obtuse to throw anons off her trail. Why are you falling for all the tricks in the book, really easily faked tricks too? You understand how easy it is to use a VPN and samefag and lie about knowing who you are, right? Kekkkkk

No. 2159225

this is one of the most unintentionally funny posts i've ever read, congratulations on the levels of sperging out over literal dumbass shit and muh contributions to lolcow dot farm

No. 2159226

>i've had premonitions over the past couple of years through dreams
Care to share any? I’ve seen way too many people claim to be psychic that turn out to be new age grifters and oftentimes there “precognitive dreams” tend to be the person having them jumping to conclusions based on vague details. I’ve only seen one case where it convinced me because the person brought specific names up and even then she admitted her dreams weren’t 100% and anyone claiming their’s are is worth a side eye
>this is the schizo general to share our overall tinfoils, why are you guys being mean to me
I don’t mean to be rude and I don’t think any other anon means to be, it’s just there’s way too many scammers out there nowadays to not be skeptical, and a board like this is exactly where people would go to troll, see also: 4Chan’s /x/ board

No. 2159228

Sorry I'm not trying to be obtuse I just don't follow the logic. The /meta/ spammer has been spamming "BAN VPNS" so why would a baiter want VPNs banned? That's their whole bread and butter I thought?

No. 2159233

Yeah, and the /meta/ spammer abuses VPNs too, so why the fuck would she sperg about banning VPNs? Come on. Carreychan wants people to wonder about her motives, in a Le Epic And Mysterious Jim Carrey way. They are 100% the same exact person.

No. 2159236

Ever heard of reverse psychology?

No. 2159240

imo they're trying to annoy admin with a ridiculous request that is a lose/lose no matter what. if they do it, tons of users who use VPNs for paranoia reasons without ever shitposting will complain. anons can tinfoil that admin is doing it to get real user data. spammers will just reset IP and clear cookies. if they don't do it, the spammer can continue spamming and saying "See??? They won't do anything to improve lolcow!"

No. 2159244

Carreychan is a retarded schizo, so it makes sense that she doesn't understand these things.

No. 2159246

File: 1724959499612.webp (73.47 KB, 720x405, AmDadFrancine.WEBP)

Because there’s literally no chance of it ever happening, any website that bans VPNs will be viewed as sketchy and untrustworthy, people already wanna send lolcow to the slaughterhouse get it? and they would just start spreading rumors of this being some IP Grabbing data mine

Btw I vote Pic for the next thread header

No. 2159247

I actually already made a thread pic for the next thread and it's not American Dad themed

No. 2159249

Well did we vote for it?

No. 2159252

No, thankfully this is not a democracy. But also it's better than your pic, no offence or anything, but I just put more work into it I spent 30 minutes making it.

No. 2159254

do it anon, the AD forced meme is tired

No. 2159257

I'm the ayrt, and I was the one that made this thread, and this thread pic, so I'm hoping I can make the next thread too if I'm awake to see this one fill up.

No. 2159260

I'm nta and don't care about the AD pic it just doesn't matter whether you already made it or not.

No. 2159264

AYRT and my bad, do whatever you want for it I wasn’t aware

No. 2159270

Actually yeah it does because this is my favourite thread on the whole site and if it's an ugly thread pic then I'll have to feel bad whenever I use this thread and I'll probably feel anxiety as well as depression because of it. I've literally camped out before to make the last thread and even the thread before last I made. I even made the op post better from what it was before I started making them.

No. 2159284

My tinfoil is that the American Dad faggot actually hates American Dad and spams it so we all collectively hate it too

No. 2159300

Based nonnie

No. 2159304


No. 2159613

Lolcor went down right after this was posted, coincidence? No

No. 2159660


No. 2159830

File: 1726058683098.mp4 (5.83 MB, 724x720, twittervid.com_hyperboreanakl_…)

No. 2159832

My husbands grandfather was a Freemason and I've been cleaning his basement, I have access to literally thousands of pages of Freemason confidential knowledge and it's the most milquetoast let's make this community brighter shit I will never understand how this is related to conspiracy theories. It's just a silly club.

No. 2159841

well, he was probably a pleb low-ranked mason - nobody told him shit, duh! You have not been revising your freemason conspiracy theory knowledge, anon

No. 2159876

File: 1726061144603.jpg (74.48 KB, 680x521, 1553640005171[1].jpg)

>says exactly what someone in on the conspiracy would say

No. 2159888

its a fraternity. iykyk

No. 2159909

CC is an example of dead internet theory with moderation being automated and real posters being suppressed with only bot posts being approved

No. 2159918

Death penalty, no exceptions.

No. 2159953

my tinfoil is that site was attacked and hacker started with deleting pics from /ot because somwhere in tinfoil threads we discovered something BIG

CC and also reddit, like half posts are trolls, other half is AI generated, mods are only focused on 'bad' words, not the arguments/discussion or general vibe of the subreddit
In my opinion banning specific words is deliberate because only to some extent people can dance around topics using different terms and the end goal is to make people stop to interact witch each other on the Internet in meaningful way - they train us to behave like bots with no means to unite or learn about new ideas

No. 2159955

My thoughts exactly. Between tinfoil, celebricows and child abuse in hollywood thread there is a lot to hide.

No. 2159956

Can any nonnies back me up on this?
When covid was first starting up in China I remember following threads about it on /pol/. I remember CCTV? footage or something being posted of a woman dropping a briefcase at the Wuhan market where it allegedly started. Do any of you remember that and whether or not it was confirmed fake?
I forgot what happened to the burning bodies thing too where it was mass killing people in china and 4channers saw unusual activity on heat maps in China

No. 2159962

hi anon, I vividly remember the suitcase footage (I can picture it suoer clearly!) but I just did a surface level search and can't find anything about it… sorry I can't be of more use but at least you're not alone kek

No. 2159967

No worries you also remembering it means a lot. thank you so much. I just needed confirmation I wasn't misremembering.
I also tried to search it and I don't think either of us will find anything unless we dig deep through /pol/'s archives (which I'm not sure even exists?)
How are you all feeling about the "immigrants eating pets". I was talking about this with a co-worker before the debate even happened and I was finding a lot of articles of people speaking about it. Now that the debate happened the searches are just filled with "grr orange man STUPID". This is so annoying. Speaking about it with an acquaintance who is astonishingly retarded and claimed any proof is AI and from "conservative sites" so not valid. I don't understand how these people are real sometimes.

No. 2159971

Yup, I believe CC was handed off to the feds between 2019-2022
I believe there were tons of fake videos coming from China including that one to counteract the real ones and muddle the pool. I was there since the start and the fake numbers, whole city containment thing suggests there was something else going on. I mean remember the cube and people dying locked in their apartments? And the news just telling everyone everything was fake until some videos later were confirmed when it benefited them? And then the conversation was redirected to focus on masks and the united states? Tf is up with that. It's so surreal being one of the first people worried about ncov-19 in January and people telling me "it can't come here, it's in China and that's so far away (airplanes?). To then going full lockdown mode, and saying I was too paranoid and not paranoid enough depending on the issue.
I'm glad it's over, being unvaxxed during covid lockdowns was hell. I hate it that you're supposed to forget all about covid now, it was just a weird phase of the world apparently, you can't question anything or talk about it. I was already wary about mass media and it's effect on people, but realizing some of the closest people to me wouldn't even listen to me if it wasn't on the news before really broke my trust in them.

No. 2159984

Yes I remember all of that too and all of it being memory-holed and us being lied to in real time. It was insane. I never trusted the media before and now I try to completely avoid it. I remember the cubes too wtf happened with that. Which ones do you think were fake?

No. 2160003

There were obviously some fake ones saying that everything was fine in china and that whistleblowers were fine (they had been confirmed dead by family). But also some extremely obvious fake ones that were used by the media to be like oh see this obviously fake video? Obviously faked, please ignore all videos from china. It's wild af to see them saying "oh it's not coming here, you can ignore it" to then going "oh it's not a big deal" to locking everything down.
Being vaccine hesitant was fine until it wasn't, don't take this companies vaccines they are super dangerous and badly made, but this one is very good, take that one, "Oh which vaccine brand did you take?" I still can't believe this was a conversation topic people got excited to talk about.
Also I believe the constant name changes were to better fit the narrative and easily erase the past one in the eyes of the normies searching, wuhan coronavirus, ncov-19,covid-19.
There was something really shady going on with covid but you can't easily discuss it because both sides are so polarized there's no room for nuanced discussion (start talking about how weird the chinese lockdowns were and someone will bring up mask bad), wtf was going on?

No. 2160006

Sorry for asking for spoonfeeding nonna but what is/are cubes and people dying in their apartments? The only thing I saw online that could be what you're referring to is a coliving company in Hong Kong I think. This covid thing is fascinating to me as I was in Belgium at the time and we kept hearing about Italy having mass graves, having to burn bodies, people even semi famous ones dying alone or being stuck with corpses in their houses.. but now it's as if it never happened

No. 2160038

NTA but there was a video of china where there was a van carrying a huge grey cube where they were forcing a woman to be stuffed into it. I saw this late January 2020. There were allegedly more videos but this is the only I one I remember clearly.
I remember the initial breakout and lockdowns in Wuhan and some shady stuff about it, including the chinese whistleblowers and their disappearance that never gets talked about now. I also remember the initial Italy thing, because it was finally the first time the west noticed it wasn't just a "china thing" now.
Also do any of you nonnas remember the pol whistleblower about covid and predicting that masks would be a big thing by saying "there are huge investments that are being made in fabric related industries" and he himself didn't know why. I have some personal pet theories about individual covid happenings… But covid as a whole is a doozie, the only thing I know for sure is the elite knew about it in advance and tried to delay public knowledge about it.

No. 2160039


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2160044

you're fine. during the peak of covid in china there were videos, articles, etc coming from there showing that people were being forcefully imprisoned in their homes. Like people from china showing their front doors being locked up from the outside via various ways (steel shut, wooden planks hammered over the doors, etc). China couldn't disperse supplies fast enough so some people died in their apartments, many pets too.
The cubes (if me and that nonna are speaking about the same thing); there were videos coming from China again (typically people recording from their balconies) where you'd see Chinese officials abduct anyone on the streets confirmed positive and shove them into this cube, put the cube onto the bed of a truck and drive off.
I also remember the shitstorm in Italy and how its never talked about now. Or the mass ordering of bodybags or some other coffin-like thing in NYC.
I remember that one woman, I wanna say there were at least 2 other videos I remember, but my memory is hazy.
I don't remember the whistleblower, but yes there were so many benefits to the covid situation. It was such a good test for manipulating the public, creating further political dissent, speeding up the degradation of the public school system by emotionally stunting children through school shutdowns, helping big pharma make tons of $$$$ and letting a good chunk of people die due to vaccine complications or make them permanent big pharma patients for more money. Also an excuse for inflation to be as bad as it is now.
Those are all good points. For those who weren't braindead it was (in my opinion) the most insane manipulation I have ever seen in my life.

No. 2160048

I feel like the internet is slowly disappearing and everything is being replaced or hidden. I remember Google search used to bring up so many results, especially photos and now there are almost none. when I search for words or names that brought up lots of pages before, nowadays it merely gives 3 results.

No. 2160050

Use other search engines, google has been shit for at least a decade at this point.

No. 2160057

The Internet as we know it is basically gone. Signs of its continued death just in the past month are the Internet Archive losing its appeal in the US and Brazil banning twitter. It'll only get worse as time goes on. Depressing

No. 2160066

I have all the robes and certificates. I'm going to put on the Freemason robes and light the certificate on fire just to spite them.

No. 2160072

File: 1726070638172.webp (201.28 KB, 577x332, 01Capture.PNG)

There was also the doctor who first reported it to government officials in November and he "disappeared" in January, not before making a final video claiming he had no suicidal ideations, chinese government knew about it and covered it up etc. I never hear him talked about anymore despite him being one of the biggest talking points in early pandemic. Not to mention the two women scientists at the Wuhan lab, who went missing, one of which was allegedly patient 0, after an incident in which one of the lab bats had direct contact with her and she became deadly sick and disappeared. Of course I stopped hearing about these cases tho, it's all Trump bad or Biden bad in those discussion forums now.
SEO killed personal websites and now only botfarms prevail, you need a webring or already know about the website to find cool shit. I recommend using bing or even yandex instead of google. Yandex atleast helps you pirate shit easier.

No. 2160074

And you think they'll really let you take the real important documents home? Cmon nonna, ofc it's all low level shit.

No. 2160077

>Brazil banning twitter bad
Be serious

No. 2160087

People act like Internet Archive is literally dying when they were just made to take down some books you could still get at your local library…

No. 2160092

You are so right. I had people in my family with the highest rankings and I wish I could talk online about connections they had. I talk about it openly in real life. Its so funny to hear that anon dismissing it like that.

No. 2160106

Yes. He was high ranking and I have over 60 years of this shit on paper, in code books, logs, minutes of meetings.

No. 2160108

Bullshit, kek. Cute little fan fiction though.

No. 2160112

They always start with cases that are plausibly defensible to create the precedent.

No. 2160130

It's a fraternity anon. That's all I'm going to say.

No. 2160136

Admin is selling our data to someone else and has someone else doing the work for “her”

No. 2160145

Funny how there are more tinfoils dedicated to the women running this shit show rather than the moid who started it all.

No. 2160153

My tinfoil is that a CC mod or janny has been aggressively wking themselves both in the bunker, on here AND on the other websites anons tried to seek refugee in. The repeated mantra of "Most bans are infighters, you're so ungrateful, just integrate" in several posts is too obvious.

No. 2160168

You’ve already said that before and no one cares, why would we have vitriol or criticism for someone who’s no longer relevant to this site compared to the person who is now fully responsible for the website? It’s like common sense has been thrown out of the window and ran over by a mack truck. Durrrrrr everythang i-isss mesojahneeeeeee while letting the frugal misogyny IRL pass you by, actually ridiculous and draining just like gendies calling everything transphobic/homophobic/queerphobic all so tiresome just shut the ever living fuck up and accept the mods and the admin aren’t perfect and people disliking to borderline hating them doesn’t mean we hate them for being a woman, we hate them for their mediocrity, if we hated them for being “women” which they’ve never proved or verified btw it would be APPARENT

No. 2160206

File: 1726075107053.jpg (40.23 KB, 807x659, tiresome.jpg)

NTA and I'm not accusing you of doing anything personally.

I think people are just tired of the same stale, zero evidence tranny janny accusations that get leveled at the mods.
>banned on LC
it's because the mod is a moid
>banned on CC
it's because the mod is a moid
>banned on fujochan
it's because the mod is a moid
>banned on heolkek
it's because the mod is a moid
>/shelter/ offers a bunker
suddenly a moid moderator is ok
It doesn't make much sense.

The farmhands and admins make mistakes and when they do, they deserve to criticised and given feedback. Calling moderators "tranny jannies" instead of explaining what's the actual issue is just inane. The last LC admin that posted a photograph to verify that she was a woman still got called a man and tranny anyway.

No. 2160474

This is the first time I've posted about this. In case you didn't understand my post, my point is how even the previous admins are shit on and still harassed unlike the moid who was actually involved with cows, but continue proving my point correct.

No. 2160510

You might be onto something. I don't know how many times anons can say they were banned for no reason, and were only posting mundane things, yet those posters still go on to say that the people banned from cc were only the worst infighters and baiters. There's a reason the threads were slugging along by the end of the downtime, and it's because so many anons were banned for no reason.

No. 2160549

File: 1726085918888.gif (510.94 KB, 500x358, general tinfoil 21.gif)

I hope we can use this thread pic next.

No. 2160577

File: 1726086749166.jpg (111.08 KB, 800x573, 3062580741474.JPG)

These are TiFs

No. 2160588

I know who you are

No. 2161499


No. 2161738


No. 2162218

Not surprising. Ivy league schools did promote eugenics and sexually degenerate shit. See alfred kinsey institution and john hopkins university. I'd love to hear other anons elaborate too

No. 2162609

Holy shit, I don't doubt it was just another way to creep on the students by some higher up pedos and the eugenics thing was just a cover up.

No. 2164704

Does anyone think that vampires exist? Not like psychic but actual vampires.

No. 2164710

Vampires were based on Jews, think about it.

No. 2164715

Eastern european jews? Then why they are considered sexy

No. 2164721

That came later and is an invention of modern western media. The original vampires were like Nosferatu.

No. 2164725

Rapists that'll suck your soul out and make you their servant and turn you into a zombie? Yeah, they're called men.

No. 2164954

Can someone please explain what just happened in that video,I'm really confused on what I just watched.

No. 2165171

Someone cursed/snatched the babies soul or something like that.

No. 2165186

I'm confused on the reactions. Can't this kind of thing be faked easily?

No. 2165476

Banned from 109 countries for a reason. Every Jew I've met has this smug better than you attitude about them.(global rule #7)

No. 2168507

I’ve wondered before why CSA and rape happens if there’s a higher power of any kind or spirit guides, why would they allow that to happen if they can affect things in the physical world? It made me think that if they exist they aren’t necessarily “good” and allow it to happen because they don’t care or maybe they want to watch. Like people believe your ancestors are your spirit guides but everyone has male ancestors who were pedos and rapists. I don’t really know anything about Christianity but someone pointed out to me that the fallen angels only rebelled because they were attracted to women (and probably girls since there’s so much pedophilia in the religion) and wanted to sleep with them, which makes me think that I was correct originally, they don’t care about preventing that type of thing. Also someone said that the Elohim are god and there isn’t a higher power above them but idk if that’s true

No. 2169170

I didn’t believe the rumors about Hatians killing animals but I keep seeing actual Hatians and people who know Hatians say that it’s true

No. 2169339

Springfield police are on record having only gotten a single call about the goose hunt so I'm thinking that was a hoax or a misunderstanding but I honestly don't get why it seems so crazy but that might be because my family has a history of hunting lol, lots of Americans do.

No. 2169406

Idk if this is the type of content for this sub, but I've been noticing that character.ai has dumbed down severly, every bot, either custom or public regurgitate the wattpad fanfic/zoomer millenial meme bullshit the algorithm has been fed on since the new site has been announced. I've noticed non-roleplay bots (ex: music critic bots) extrapolate their answers from reddit comments or mainstream info. There's no space for creative role-play, your persona and identity get mistaken (pretty sure it's the trans/enby and the wattpad shit I mentioned that has polluted the database), shit turns sexual when you don't want it and if you do, the answers are cut no matter how many messages you've scrolled. I've been using the web version of c.ai since it came out just for shit and giggles and kinda got hooked on it but I think im deleting my acc, I don't find it entertaining anymore. It's kind of a "be careful what you wish for" situation while all you want do is chat with your husbando. Sorry for my schizo rambling kek

No. 2169461

>a single call about the goose hunt
I didn't call the cops when my neighbor was stabbing outdoor cats to death. The police are a nightmare to deal with and they take down your name and address so if my neighbor looked up who made the call, he can see it's me. A lack of police records doesn't mean it's not happening.

No. 2169657

As above so below. I think of us as bugs drowning in a pool. Maybe I walk by and sigh and grab a net and save the thing out of empathy, or maybe a man walks by and doesn't even notice. Or maybe a man walks by and sneers and laughs at the idea he should feel bad for the drowning bug, maybe he enjoys to watch a cockroach suffer, and churns the water to watch it swirl as it dies. The entities, or gods/god-like beings, or energy of everything, or whatever the universe is made of sees us the same way in my mind. Maybe a passerby feels empathy and answers our prayer, but maybe they're a being of the same evil predator yang-type energy moids en masse get, and they enjoy to watch the suffering, see it as a necessary aspect of life and thus non-evil. "Boys will be boys" at a cosmic level.

No. 2169689

I think the Abrahamic god is evil and the same thing as the devil. That deity was originally a Canaanite god of war, which became the most powerful after the different branches of Abrahamic religions became the most popular, and strictly forbid worshipping another god. Pagan religions all had pantheons of hundreds or thousands of deities, but Abrahamic religions give all the power to one single entity. Christianity specifically seems really creepy to me, Jesus was killed then his corpse was desecrated and cannibalized, and now Christians have a ritual where they drink the blood and eat the flesh which emulates what was done to him. They also wear the cross when that’s his method of torture and death. It’s because they’re all worshiping an evil good of war and bloodlust.

All Abrahamic religions are extremely patriarchal and hateful towards women, and forces women to submit to men no matter what. Islam allows pedophilia and incest, Judaism involves worshipping angels that had sex with human women, Catholicism and Christianity are basically just narcissistic abuse, and the priests are all pedos and rapists. I personally think that the Abrahamic god and the devil are the same thing, and when Satanists choose to worship the devil they’re still worshipping the same entity. The information about the fallen angels and Lucifer is really weird.

The Abrahamic god is known for being violent, vengeful, demanding blood sacrifices and perfect obedience and submission, and is extremely cruel and harsh. It’s not at all how people describe god as being love and compassion or whatever, it’s the opposite. Angels also aren’t protective and loving, angels and fallen angels/demons are all exactly the same, they don’t feel empathy for humans and they’re predators to women (canonically)

No. 2169698

Sometimes I feel like hate towards certain groups of people is completely generated or fake to distract us from the actual problems.
"Hey! Hate/fear this group of people! They aren't like us! Don't look over here and be mad at the real problem!"

I'm just noticing artifcially inflated prices, ridiculous taxes, health care, education, the fact that most of our food is poisoned or contaminated and pumped full of chemicals. It's like, other countries would riot. I feel like most of America got a chemical labotomy.

No. 2169713

> the fact that most of our food is poisoned or contaminated and pumped full of chemicals. It's like, other countries would riot.
America actually has less of all that in our food than other countries we’re ranked 3rd globally in terms of food quality and health. Other countries label their chemicals, dyes and preservatives differently but hey have the same exact ingredients and usually more of them. Europeans specifically have been fed a ton of propaganda about their food being better than the food in America and they don’t realize it’s incorrect. One of the most commons things they bring up is that European meat is better than American meat because ours has growth hormones, however American meat uses 6 growth hormones (which are naturally occurring in the animals) and European meat uses over 30 growth hormones. They also think their produce is better but more than half of their produce is grown in America and shipped to them.

No. 2169715

File: 1726682257925.png (2.13 MB, 847x2086, feedback loops.png)

No. 2169766

I've always had a thought that AI chatbots have been being pushed in order to dumb down younger populations with short answers & simplified wording, make people dependent on technology and cutting their socialization

No. 2169807

I always wonder why the most widespread religions now are all monotheistic and misogynistic. Having a pantheon with female and male dieties seems so much better and more balanced, pretty much everyone and everything had a protector god. Even the cannanite religion had two creator gods, a male and a female, with a rich pantheon. So did the greeks, the romans and the ancient egyptians, the vedic and shinto religions. But now every major religion has a male god that wants submission and seems to hate its creations, why? Doesn't that make people more miserable?

No. 2169855

Ancient Greece was about as misogynistic and terrible for women’s rights as modern day Saudi Arabia, and yet men loved female deities despite viewing human women as objects. Artemis was the most popular deity in ancient Greece by far. She was extremely respected and valued as she was the protector of children and young people, pregnant women and escaped/emancipated slaves. Escaped slaves would go to Greece from their countries just to shelter at her temple because they would be taken care of that way. Athena was the goddess of wisdom and intelligence, Nyx was seen as the most powerful deity that all the other gods were scared of. Even though women were treated horribly men still worshipped goddesses. When men are worshipping one male god who puts men above women it completely removes any chance of religious men viewing women in a positive light. They all think women are worthless incubators and that they should marry teenage girls, it’s directly because of their hateful religion. Even the thing about angels not being able to stop themselves from having sex with women and girls makes men view women as sex objects.

> a male god that wants submission and seems to hate its creations

It’s creepy. I learned about the Tower of Babel recently (I had heard of it but didn’t know the details because I’ve never been religious) and basically it claims that everyone used to speak the same language, and once they gained too much knowledge and wisdom god punished them for not staying in their place by destroying all of their records and information, and making everyone start speaking different languages. While it’s funny to think that different languages only exist because a god got angry, it’s bizarre that a deity would look down on his creations for seeking knowledge and make them forget their own language so they couldn’t communicate with each other anymore. A lot of stories from the Bible are equally weird, like killing all the first born sons in a city or randomly killing entire populations, its weird that they’re all worshipping a deity who’s so violent and unfair.

No. 2169888

>Ancient Greece was about as misogynistic and terrible for women’s rights as modern day Saudi Arabia
Ah yeah, I forgot. They also practiced pedastry. Shit, no matter what they believe in men hate women it seems. At least ancient egyptian women could write and become priestesses I guess.

No. 2169990

I think taking 30 million supplements is actually going to murder people

No. 2170024

No. 2170059

Oh my god I miss this schizo scrote and his videos kek, what ever happened to him? Do you think he worked for the CIA or something? Something was absolutely cracked with him, I honestly think they had him on the same mind control alter that Ted K had

No. 2170137

Is time travel real? Because I wanna go back to 1983 and watch this in real-time…and warn Uncle Al if he discontinues making kickass gothic pop, bad things will happen to him.

No. 2170142

This gives me strong ED vibes.

No. 2170213

NTA but basically:
>A Pierce County man who amassed a large social media following and upended peace in a South Hill community has been undergoing mental health treatment while facing felony charges for publicly and repeatedly leveling unfounded claims against his neighbors.
>Martin Cabello III, who has hundreds of thousands of followers between accounts on TikTok, Instagram and X, formerly known as Twitter, was charged on March 27 with three counts of stalking, three counts of cyber harassment and one count of harassment, Pierce County Superior Court records show.
>Cabello has been in custody since January 2023 when he was originally charged in Pierce County District Court with multiple counts of violating an anti-harassment order and cyber harassment. Those charges were later dismissed and a case against him was refiled in Superior Court, according to court records.
>The current charges came after Cabello, 46, allegedly violated anti-harassment orders granted to three neighbors who were frequently the target of his online videos, where he accused them of being involved in crimes such as child trafficking, rape and murder, according to a declaration for determination of probable cause.


No. 2170382

Weren’t the loony bins used as mk-ultra programming sites? Poor guy, I guess.

No. 2170427

File: 1726731698682.png (1.3 MB, 2632x2948, MK-Ultra.png)

No. 2170611

File: 1726754499198.jpeg (131.42 KB, 750x603, IMG_2559.jpeg)

kek, this is hilarious and true

No. 2170671

Not a single word of substance to be found in this entire screenshot. Just vague references to creeeeeepy mind control conspiracies.

No. 2170795

We should talk about this intead of the latest 4chang pics posted itt

No. 2172417

File: 1726861192557.jpg (108.75 KB, 1200x900, ugly-sonic.jpg)

The Sonic movie bullshit that happened, where at first it looked uncanny, was intentional. It was a marketing ploy.
Sonic as a subject is already heavily autistic, and video game movies are famously bad. So they baited the public into becoming invested by feeling like they had a hand in making it better.
Astroturfing was used to start the "fix sonic" trend. Twitter jumped right into it. Once the new and improved Sonic was revealed, people felt attached to it as if it was their own creation.
How else do you explain the speed with which they changed Sonic's appearance? It was already made. Ugly Sonic only existed in the trailer.
The same thing will happen to the Minecraft movie. They will "listen to the fans" and update the graphics to look less retarded, thus creating a bond between the audience that helped "improve" it and this stupid ass movie.

No. 2172422

I don't know, they had merch made. Chadtronic shows some of it off in a video.

No. 2172426

Can you post some pics? Honestly it could still be part of the marketing ploy. It probably became a meme to buy ugly sonic stuff.

No. 2172430

No. 2172447

Do any of you believe the tinfoil that Dylan Mulvaney was born a woman, transitioned to male, and has now detransitioned?

No. 2172451

Only people who are blind and deaf would believe this.

No. 2172485

He seems to have scrubbed the vid in question but here's a re-upload of another vid where he talks about the theory and shows a piece of merch, a child's costume done in the style of the ugly uncanny sonic. Skip to around 3 min before the vid ends if you don't want to hear a grown man scream like an autistic child. Had to repost bc of using the wrong fucking link last time. Could still strengthen the theory though

No. 2172660

No. That’s outrageously retarded

No. 2172664

i still want them to release the ugly sonic cut

No. 2172678

Same omg. I wanna see it so bad. They should have put it on the dvd/bluray release as an extra

No. 2172800

Sorry for posting a hideous male. I didn’t know they actively believed that god is an imposter and evil

No. 2172856

i don't usually believe in the mandela effect but i swear to god i remember the glitch affecting the images in /m/, not /ot/. i remember people talking about specific threads that were affected in /m/ and posting missing thumbnails for things like them movie and fanart threads. what the fuck, i feel like i'm going insane. has anyone else experienced this in the past few days?

No. 2172868

The /m/ incident was a different issue.

No. 2172892

Gnosticism is so based

No. 2173154

prison planet fags are so retarded. ok so our planet is a prison and we are doomed to be miserable wageslaves forever. what are you planning to do about this? just wallow in misery and pessimism without trying to change anything? seems like another toxic belief to make us accept the oppressive status quo males have invented.

No. 2173261

This Morgue Official guy actually had a thread here a few years back >>>/snow/189767, I wouldn’t put much faith into what he says though. He’s pretty new age-y and does a lot of clickbait stuff on YouTube, there’s multiple videos talking about the stuff he’s pulled in the past
The r/escapingprisonplanet subreddit is getting popular and honestly it’s just an eye roll a lot of the time. Before the theory went to Reddit it was big on 4chan and as a result the sub is troll infested and filled with people who really need therapy from the looks of it. They basically worship David Icke and try to pretend like Elon Musk and all these other tech bros/AI shills are Satan in disguise. The whole thing is usually either fear porn or these people were into new age spirituality and got sick of the BS it preaches about so the entire thing is lowkey a “you can’t tell me what to do mom!” Moment like how people start calling themselves Satanists cuz church was boring. Not that I blame them cuz new age is fucking awful but still. Prison Planet stuff is basically the new MKUltra when you think about it

No. 2173995

Shit like this literally keeps me going
my worst problem is that I'm at a point when I don't know if I'm just autistic and obsessed with seeking patterns and damaged from self imposed social isolation, or if I'm actually schizophrenic kek. I was diagnosed with the autism but you never know…

No. 2174370

This is just more of a shower thought but, Elon Musk bought Twitter just so he could troll people online like people did in 2006.. except the people eternally on Twitter these days who fall for it/believe all conspiracies are boomers who don’t understand what trolling is.

No. 2174605


You guys should post this stuff in the paranormal thread its slow and its coming up on spooky season

No. 2174630

File: 1726970835910.png (665.25 KB, 1144x1556, Horrifying.png)

Well here’s something horrifying I found from TikTok. Apparently lots of people have these weird dreams on Seroquel a lot. Honestly this is just horrifying to me. Please tell me there’s an explanation for this stuff and that this isn’t actually some kind of past life/future life/precognition thing because if what this person describes is true it’s honestly terrifying beyond all belief

No. 2174938

my personal tinfoil is that male elites have stigmatized assisted suicide because if it was legal most people (especially the poor, women, wageslaves) would choose it to opt out of living in their failed civilization.
this would force them to acknowledge that males are unfit for leadership and every society ruled by scrotes is doomed to be a dystopia.

No. 2174963

Isn't it the opposite? I remember some news articles about assisted suicide, in Canada, therapists suggested it to patients who were poor or disabled. I think society wants poor people dead, they're just not always upfront about it, except in cases like this.

No. 2174985

if the poor die who will work the shitty low paying jobs in factories and the service industry/retail?

No. 2175066

they don't want poor people to die young. they want them to perform low-paying, laborious tasks until their bodies can't handle it any longer and they have fulfilled their usefulness. then they can die and their children will take over. it's one of the many reasons why they want to make it difficult for low-income women in america to access reproductive healthcare. wealthy conservatives may complain about single mothers raising their kids on welfare but they need those children to exist so they can grow up and work the jobs they think are beneath their own offspring

No. 2175618

Cool fanfic, bookmarked on ao3. I can't find any references to Sophia being an entity separate from of previous to god. The christian god would be the being that created her. Also can't find references to her being the creature in eden.
Regardless, it's way more fun than "god good, suffering exists because ???? just trust me bro"

No. 2175777

File: 1727053683560.jpeg (162.12 KB, 736x657, IMG_2588.jpeg)

i lowkey believe in destiny swapping/destiny theft because i see a few female celebrities and musical artists basically doing the same niche/ideas i’ve thought about doing awhile ago. i wonder if they’re able to do this with energetic vampirism or energy harvesting, that’s probably why they love doing music or people constantly having their names in our minds kind of like mind worms transmitted by sound and when it’s in your mind it’s able to monitor everything you’ve ever thought about since your birth. even in ancient myths like sirens using songs and music to drive people to madness

No. 2175824

No. 2175871

File: 1727063437174.webp (30.96 KB, 640x512, this-is-the-true-lana-del-rey-…)

people used (and still use) paid trolls/troll farms since the 2010s to brainwash the general public into not only being misogynistic, but also downplaying how bad misogyny has gotten and that feminism isn't needed because "women already have rights"

I also noticed that aesthetics (americana,vintage,emo/alt fashion,ghetto,etc) that lower/middle class people used to romanticize their life or identify with are slowly disappearing and it's being replaced with the bougie beige mom/consoomer push, likely because the elites were noticing that the lower class was content with the life they lived and didn't need to spend extra to be happy. They're energy vampires and get off with people being as miserable as possible and poors are easy targets

No. 2175896

this is why I feel like they still allow medicaid to get great funding so poor people don't -completely- disappear, just the bare minimum to keep us alive. They'd throw us in concentration camps if they could, but someone has to raise their kids for them, clean their house, make their lattes, etc. they're pushing as much as they can while benefitting as much as possible. Everyone remember the lady who demanded a nanny to watch her crotch goblins for pennies, then when it turned out nannies are people and need to be able to afford to live in exchange for work she just started screaming about how they "need to get real jobs"

No. 2175897

they don't think about that because they'll just complain about how the lack of workers are annoying and ruining experiences for them, and trying to get AI to do their jobs is a shit show. Their first thoughts on how to torture the poors, not anything logical

No. 2175923

I'd do that too if I was brainwashed to date a disgusting and whiny ex-homeless sex pest.

No. 2175939

This has got to be a joke. Have you ever actually bought and eaten food in America and bought and eaten food in Europe? Food regulations are also far more strict in most of the EU, and not just food regulations but regulations on cosmetics, etc. as well. The growth hormones that are commonly used in beef in North America are, in fact, also banned in the EU, due to science suggesting that they are harmful for humans.

No, I have eyes.

Isn't having dreams like this normal? A lot more always happens in dreams than the real life time passing, I don't understand what's strange about any of this or why it would be horrifying.

Also dumb, most of the controversies re: assisted suicide/MAID right now are related to it being pushed onto people who have no interest in it, and some of them are even heavily and repeatedly pressured or denied other treatment/disability assistance. MAID is much cheaper than actual health care and assistance which is why it's being so heavily pushed in so many countries now that have mismanaged their financials and healthcare systems. There are no elites stigmatizing assisted suicide at all, they all support and push it. They need wage slaves for their society to function, not disabled people who require assistance and can't work.

No. 2175996

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>They're energy vampires and get off with people being as miserable as possible and poors are easy targets
This aligns with their goal of abolishing the American middle class while also creating a beneficial divide that helps further their agenda. People across all classes have adopted a strange sense of elitism, buying into the illusion that the new, uniformly bland aesthetic represents 'wealth' and 'class,' despite being shitty quality while distinct, unique styles are dismissed as 'cheap' or 'trashy' despite most likely having better quality.

There is also straight up gaslighting. You can't comment on things once relevant to a huge portion of the country across age, gender, and class lines disappearing or changing to fit a certain agenda/look without being told you're blinded by nostalgia. You can't say something like picrel (World of Disney store in Downtown Disney) is someone remembering the past differently because they were a kid/younger. No; something fun, kitschy and identifiable was changed to bland, boring can-be-anyplace. People get older, things change blah blah blah - you can't ignore that were being corralled into a beige toxic wasteland forever.

No. 2176181

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No. 2176187

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No. 2176198

Nope, sorry. Nothing you just said is true. The FDA has stricter standards than the EU, the US is ranked 3rd in food quality, health and safety, behind only Canada and Denmark. The meat industry in the US and Canada uses 6 growth hormones and the meat industry in the EU uses over 30 (maybe that why you think it tastes better?)

Europeans have been taught by their governments and news outlets that things like red dye 40 and high fructose corn syrup and preservatives and dyes have all been banned in Europe and only America has them, but that’s false and propaganda. Red dye 40 is legal in europe, but it’s called allura red over there. High fructose corn syrup is legal in Europe, but it’s called isoglucose instead. The EU has banned a few ingredients that aren’t allowed in the US, but the US has banned MORE ingredients that are still allowed in the EU. I don’t blame you for not being able to figure that out though, if you google “ingredients banned in Europe that America still uses” all these news articles will come up saying that 7 ingredients have been banned in Europe that America still uses, but if you google “ingredients banned in America that Europe still uses” those same exact articles will come up, nothing about the dozens of things the FDA has banned that dumb Europeans are still cluelessly eating. Stop falling for propaganda.

The FDA lists things under their chemical name when registering whether they’re allowed or not, which confuses Europeans. Water is a chemical, salt is a chemical, you could list the chemical makeup of any fruit or vegetable on earth instead of just saying “watermelon” or “spinach”. This is why the FDA allows thousands of chemicals, because they’re just the chemicals that are naturally occurring in the food. The EU doesn’t do anything of the kind and only lists chemicals as preservatives and dyes and such, hence why you have dumb inbred euros panicking over the toxic chemicals in American food. As if they believe American food gets sprayed with toxic chemicals while they’re going down the assembly line.

Next, something being banned in the EU typically means it can’t be made their or it has to be labeled differently (like red 40/allura red) it doesn’t mean that it can’t be sold in Europe. I’ve been to several European countries and grocery shopped in each one, you have most of the products that are sold in the US, chips, cereal, candy, ice cream, and it all has the exact same ingredients. Exactly the same. America is the main exporter of foods, and a lot of the food on your shelves comes from here, and your brands are just as bad if not worse. Between 40%-60% of produce in Europe comes from the US.

I live when Europeans say America has ingredients banned in the rest of the world because they’re so toxic lmao, as if “the rest of the world” has good health standards. China has literal plastic in their food, even in their baby formula. Latin American countries have dirty factories and warehouses, their meat just sits out at room temperature, their governments have to give them anti parasite medication because they get parasites from food frequently throughout the year. People die from eating food in India all the time. You’re clearly not well traveled, it shows.

No. 2176202

Can't he steal a hat?

No. 2176203


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No. 2176236

Food ingredients are only part of the issue. Agriculture standards in Europe are far higher than the US. Glyphosate is heavily restricted and atrazine is banned. Artificial fertilizer use is reduced through tradition farming methods instead of monocropping and European poultry doesn't need to be chlorinated before consumption.

No. 2176411

The US is ranked 3rd in food quality by whom? The EU has restricted the growth hormones used in the US and Canada, because they are very efficient, but the EU has stricter food standards. The FDA will be randomly strict about certain things but it certainly does not translate to better food quality, which you'd know if you'd actually eaten food in both places.

Red dye 40 and HFCS are not banned in the EU, but a lot of things are, like octobenzene in sunscreen (which is extremely toxic and allergenic/a sensitizer), many GMO crops (also banned in Canada but not the US), many hormones and antibiotics used in livestock in the US, etc. The FDA does randomly ban certain ingredients that are allowed elsewhere, true, but they're not actually the really problematic ones. And banning more things doesn't make food quality better anyway, it's not about the number of banned substances. Food quality is a lot more than that which you'd understand if you knew anything about food quality and nutrition.

It sounds like you learned about chemicals yesterday and had some galaxy brain moment where you realized that wow, real food contains chemicals too, but you're completely off the mark because food quality has a lot more to do with things like soil depletion, freshness, ripeness, storage conditions, (positive) nutrient profile, avoiding certain key additives which are extremely harmful, etc. than 'banning the most ingredients' or 'avoiding chemicals.'

Chips and candy may be available in the EU as well but they're not real food in EU or America, so it's not really relevant. I don't live in the EU, I live in America, but I have lived in the EU before and I just spent a summer there recently, the food quality is literally incomparable which you'd know if you actually spent any time both places. I don't know where in the EU 60% of produce comes from the US but it certainly wasn't any of the places I've stayed in the EU, where almost all the produce I ate was local and the odd thing was from South/Central America because it isn't grown in Europe. Unironically thinking the only reason I am saying this is because I'm a brainwashed European makes you sound even more like a brainwashed American, lmao.

No. 2176715

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>The US is ranked 3rd in food quality by whom?
The global food security index. America is ranked 13th overall when things like cost is factored in, but by health, quality and safety it’s third.
>The FDA does randomly ban certain ingredients that are allowed elsewhere, true, but they're not actually the really problematic ones. And banning more things doesn't make food quality better anyway, it's not about the number of banned substances. Food quality is a lot more than that which you'd understand if you knew anything about food quality and nutrition.
Wrong, the things the US banned were proven to be harmful to health. You’re clearly not going to do a single minute of research to find what these things are and look into why they’re toxic or harmful, so just shut up.
>It sounds like you learned about chemicals yesterday and had some galaxy brain moment where you realized that wow, real food contains chemicals too, but you're completely off the mark because food quality has a lot more to do with things like soil depletion, freshness, ripeness, storage conditions, (positive) nutrient profile, avoiding certain key additives which are extremely harmful, etc. than 'banning the most ingredients' or 'avoiding chemicals.'
You fucking suck and you’re insufferable. I know a lot about this because Europeans have spent years talking a lot of shit about “toxic chemicals” when they’re all completely wrong, their food has more toxic chemicals then ours does. I’m aware that there’s more to food quality than just the ingredients but that’s what the discussion was about, there’s no need to be so aggressive. American produce is fresher because it’s grown here, most produce in the EU is shipped to them but they’re clueless enough to believe that it’s all locally grown. I said that American food has less harmful additives than European food. Our factories and warehouses are objectively cleaner than those in the EU, we have a limit to the amount of non food matter allowed in products (because some is going to get in no matter what, it’s unavoidable) so Europeans talk about American food having insect matter in peanut butter and orange juice, but in reality they don’t have standards or limits of any kind, and their food has been found to have more. Unsurprising if you know how dirty Europe is. They don’t even have a limit on fecal matter in food which is disgusting. You might want to read this (written by a British man) https://techround.co.uk/business/american-food-standards/
> I have lived in the EU before and I just spent a summer there recently, the food quality is literally incomparabl
Placebo effect

No. 2176764

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Yeah so being ranked 3rd overall by the GFSI doesn't mean that Americans are actually eating the highest quality foods, it's an average score of variables like availability, 'safety' (according to ors like the FDA which are industry captured,) etc. Actual nutritional quality of the average nutritional value of foods is not captured by indexes like this especially since their main aim is to look at food security, not the nitty gritty of food quality.
>Wrong, the things the US banned were proven to be harmful to health.
Except it's the EU that has banned or limited most of the growth hormones typically used in the US and Canada, just look up the 'beef wars' between the EU and NA. There are plenty of scientific papers arguing that these compounds are harmful for human health, but the US and Canadian beef lobbies and governments argue that the science isn't 'strong enough' to prove it's unhealthy, while EU regulators err on the side of caution because their populations want them to. See picrel. source: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/nutrition-research-reviews/article/hormones-in-international-meat-production-biological-sociological-and-consumer-issues/DFE318F3323B6886DCF8AAC6EC49D39A
If you're going to argue that whatever compounds are given to beef cattle in the EU are actually more dangerous, at least give examples.
>I’m aware that there’s more to food quality than just the ingredients but that’s what the discussion was about, there’s no need to be so aggressive.
I'm not being aggressive and the discussion wasn't limited to just what you consider 'toxic ingredients' the discussion was about food quality and that's what I was talking about as well as the other anon who pointed out glyphosates, fertilizers and bleaching. The EU has different pasteurization norms for dairy which I would argue are also better, they have less depleted soil for many produce crops and so on and so forth, the food quality issue is certainly not just limited to what toxins are 'allowed' and there are many toxins allowed in NA that are banned in the EU not just in food but in cosmetics also. You can argue individually about the merits of the science about these toxins and I'd be happy to have that discussion if you want to specify which ones and why you think they are relevant, but you're brushing off issues like giving estrogens and androgens to beef by just making vague statements like 'there are more substances given to EU beef' without specifying which ones you think are bad and why, and why you think estrogens androgens and other hormones banned by the EU are harmless.
>American produce is fresher because it’s grown here, most produce in the EU is shipped to them
Again this is just blatantly false, where are you even getting this idea? When I've lived or stayed in the EU most of the produce was from literally right there, like local and you knew exactly where it came from, with the exception of tropical and South/Central American produce not typically grown in Europe. I'm sure that might be different for some northern EU areas but when people talk about the food in Europe being better/fresher they usually mean south/central europe and not Sweden or the UK. It's pretty new for a lot of Europeans to even eat those imported types of produce anyway, caused by globalization but your European grandma probably didn't grow up cooking with bananas and avocados and pineapples.
>I said that American food has less harmful additives than European food.
Like which ones and what does this have to do with the general quality of a diet? Outside of the US and a few other countries prepackaged food does not typically contribute a large portion of the diet so food additives are largely a moot point if you're aiming for a 'healthy' diet since food quality mainly refers to whole and fresh foods.
>Europeans talk about American food having insect matter in peanut butter and orange juice
I've literally never heard any European talking about this, only Americans themselves because they're surprised by the presence of insects in foods.
>Placebo effect
No it's not and judging by your refusal to answer the question I'm guessing you haven't actually spent significant time eating food in Europe. Talk to people who have lived in both places long term, or hell even look at the number of metabolic disorders in EU countries versus the US/Canada and when they started developing. In the meantime I'll wait on those stats about 'all the produce in Europe being imported from America' lmao.

No. 2176913

>if you want to specify which ones and why you think they are relevant, but you're brushing off issues like giving estrogens and androgens to beef by just making vague statements like 'there are more substances given to EU beef' without specifying which ones you think are bad and why, and why you think estrogens androgens and other hormones banned by the EU are harmless.
The EU has banned the 6 hormones found in US and Canadian meat, but European meat has been found to have between 35 and 55 hormones on average. German meat is banned in the US because it’s so unhealthy. As for it being harmful or not, the research that led to the EU banning those hormones was really really poor quality and not reliable.
>where are you even getting this idea? When I've lived or stayed in the EU most of the produce was from literally right there, like local and you knew exactly where it came from, with the exception of tropical and South/Central American produce not typically grown in Europe
The main things we export to Europe are fruit, nuts, spices, cheese, chocolate, olive oil, wine and other alcohol. I find it hard to believe that most of your fruit is grown there, because so many fruits and vegetable aren’t even native to Europe, like tomatoes, blueberries (both of which I’ve heard Europeans are better in Europe and “fake” or “toxic” in the US). Historically Northern Europeans mostly ate leafy greens and root vegetable with an apple here and there, because not much can be grown there. They obviously have had access to a wider variety in modern times though.
>Like which ones and what does this have to do with the general quality of a diet? Outside of the US and a few other countries prepackaged food does not typically contribute a large portion of the diet so food additives are largely a moot point
Ok this is a weird point to make, I never said Americans have a perfectly healthy diet. Some areas do, like California, but generally we have access to a lot of really good restaurants and street food and most Americans are overweight. It isn’t true that other countries don’t have the same problem though, people like to make fun of Americans for being fat when the average bmi in European countries is close to the average bmi in America, and the UK’s is higher. China is usually considered to have thin healthy citizens, but their average BMI is 25, overweight. Scandinavians also love to say that they’re all thin and gorgeous but the average BMI in their countries is like 24-25. All developed countries have a problem with junk food and processed food, come on. This is a known problem around the world.
>I've literally never heard any European talking about this, only Americans themselves because they're surprised by the presence of insects in foods.
Did you read the article I linked? It goes over the fact that it’s common fear mongering in Europe. I’ve heard many Europeans talk about it, usually aimed at me as if it’s somehow my fault personally.
>No it's not and judging by your refusal to answer the question I'm guessing you haven't actually spent significant time eating food in Europe.
I have, and it’s worse than in the US. I like Mediterranean food but everywhere else has absolutely disgusting food. It’s gross, and it’s made fun of for being gross around the world. Produce doesn’t really grow right over there, it will never taste as good as food grown in a better climate. I’ve seen videos of Americans who moved to Europe and claimed that the food is so much better over there but the brands of the produce and other things they showed were American brands. I’ve looked at the bread isle in European countries and they have bread with more sugar than I’ve ever seen in American bread, even though they boast about only having the tiniest amount of sugar necessary and say that our bread is like cake. Some people can digest European bread more easily, but that’s because they use a different type of wheat. European wheat is softer and has fewer nutrients, American wheat is tougher and has a higher nutrient content. Also the reason a lot of people lose weight when they move to Europe is because the water quality and low food quality has a laxative effect, they lose weight and look less bloated after eating because they’re shitting their brains out. I think it’s funny when you point out to Europeans that they have the same exact sugary cereal and drinks over there that they make fun of us for having, it’s all the same and it makes them have meltdowns.

I’ve also seen videos of Europeans being tricked about these kinds of things, they’ll be given US chocolate and UK chocolate but they’ll lie about which one is which, and the Europeans will always say the UK samples are better and the US samples are disgusting and taste like vomit, when the samples were given the opposite label. They do the same thing with cheese, beer, wine and ice cream. It’s just funny.

No. 2176952

>European meat has been found to have between 35 and 55 hormones on average
Can you say which ones and give evidence that they are exogenous? Why do you think they are more harmful than the ones commonly administered in North America? Also can you explain what is poor quality about the research suggesting exogenous estrogens, androgens and testosterones are unhealthy for human consumption? Why don't you believe it? Exogenous estrogenic compounds found in water from birth control runoff for example are definitely demonstrated to fuck with the human endocrine system, so why would this not also apply to meats?
>The main things we export to Europe are fruit, nuts, spices, cheese, chocolate, olive oil, wine and other alcohol.
Yes, predominantly tropical fruit and predominantly to wealthier Northern European countries (no one is holding up, e.g., British food as the world's best food, when they talk about healthy European food they mean Italy, Greece, Poland, Romania, etc.) Tropical fruit does not make up a huge portion of the traditional European diet and is mostly a rich Western European thing to eat. You still have not provided me with any evidence that 40-60% of European fresh produce is imported, can I see a source for that?
>I find it hard to believe that most of your fruit is grown there, because so many fruits and vegetable aren’t even native to Europe
Yes, and most Europeans don't eat large quantities of non-native fruit and veg that aren't grown there.
>like tomatoes
Are not native to the US either, they are an originally South American crop that was successfully exported to and grown all over the world but they grow very easily in Europe and are usually not imported to EU countries from the US.
Most Europeans that say EU blueberries are better mean the other type of blueberry, bilberries. Bilberries are native to Europe and easy to pick in most Central European regions all summer without even having to buy them. When I say I prefer 'european blueberries' I mean bilberries, not the American Blueberry, which is not consumed in large quantities in any European country I've spent time in. My grandma did grow American Blueberries as a novelty crop and they grew well there, but they were really just a novelty crop.
>Historically Northern Europeans mostly ate leafy greens and root vegetable with an apple here and there, because not much can be grown there.
Tons can be grown in Central and Southern Europe. Even Bananas are grown commonly on Crete and in other parts of Europe. The largest exporter of fresh fruit/veg to the EU is actually Turkey, which borders Europe and has vast agricultural production capabilities. They are one of the world's largest exporters of, for example, Watermelons, and this is where a lot of the EU gets many of their 'tropical' fruit varieties. Anyway I'm not sure how to explain to you that when I lived or vacationed in Europe I knew exactly where the food was coming from any more clearly, I mean most of the food came from right there, like I could identify the exact piece of land and location where it was grown, and many poorer EU countries do not have the same cultural norm of eating largely/mainly imported foods as a dietary staple. My family in the EU always grew at least 60-70% of their fruit themselves, and growing up most of the accessible fruit/veg stores were just small stalls by local farmers. On the contrary, the Northern US and Canada comparatively can't grow that much throughout the year and due to our much larger landmass, even domestic fruit and vegetables are often picked before they're ripe and transported much longer distances due to the size of the continental landmass and the fact that other than wheat/corn/soy etc. crops, most crops don't grow well in northern regions. Except like you said, apples and similar.
>It isn’t true that other countries don’t have the same problem though, people like to make fun of Americans for being fat when the average bmi in European countries is close to the average bmi in America, and the UK’s is higher.
That's true but it occurred later and mostly after these 'ancestral' foods began to be replaced with a more 'global' diet. There are still significant differences in metabolic disease between many European countries and America to this day, even if some EU countries are catching up. The EU itself forced America-like agricultural requirements on many European countries that previously had a far more local food supply, and there has been significant pushback to this since many people alive today (even younger people) in many EU countries remember when food was better than it is now. I have family members who dairy farm in the EU for example and prior to EU regulations they did not have to add bleach to milk to sell to grocery stores, while they currently do (following North American) norms, but my family chose to sell locally and not through grocery stores because they simply did not want to use that pasteurization process.
>All developed countries have a problem with junk food and processed food, come on.
Doesn't change the fact that this isn't what people mean when they talk about 'food quality.' They're not comparing European Oreos to American Oreos, they're comparing the quality of eggs, dairy, meat, and produce.
>Did you read the article I linked?
The article you linked is by a Briton, and the UK is notorious for having the worst food in the world. No one's talking about Britain when they say European foods are higher quality.
> I’ve looked at the bread isle in European countries
I've never even been to a bread isle when I went to a European country and none of my European family members or friends shop in 'bread isles' they shop at the local bakery. Where I live in North America there isn't even a bakery within walking distance of my home, I have to bake all my bread at home whereas when I lived in Europe I could always find a bakery within 5min walk of where I was staying.
>Also the reason a lot of people lose weight when they move to Europe is because the water quality and low food quality has a laxative effect
Lol this is also really not true in my experience, or the experience of anyone else I have talked to. Growing up when I spent in Europe no one had ever heard of the idea of eating cereal. You could buy it at stores, but I didn't know anyone who actually ate it.
>I’ve also seen videos of Europeans being tricked
People all over the world are tricked by mislabeled foods whether it's the supposed cost, where it's from, etc. but this doesn't change the realities of agricultural practices that you conveniently don't want to talk about in any detail when asked to provide details about what you're talking about.

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