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No. 1478839
General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/1028419 #7
>>>/ot/1417052 No. 1478847
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This is just gaslighting
No. 1478864
>>1478575It was a real thing. Thankfully no one died or was seriously injured but it caused a bunch of changes in Japanese television broadcasting rules. It's the reason a lot of anime have the warning telling you to watch tv in a well lit room and a good distance away from the monitor, as well as the screen darkening during scenes with bright flashing colors.
This is a really good summary of the events. bc wrong thread last time
No. 1478888
>>1478871>>1478872>When some of the world's wealthiest and most influential figures gathered at the World Economic Forum's annual meeting last year, sessions on climate change drew high-level discussions on topics such as carbon financing and sustainable food systems.>But an entirely different narrative played out on the internet, where social media users claimed leaders wanted to force the population to eat insects instead of meat in the name of saving the environment.>The annual event in the Swiss ski resort town of Davos, which opens Monday, has increasingly become a target of bizarre claims from a growing chorus of commentators who believe the forum involves a group of elites manipulating global events for their own benefit. Experts say what was once a conspiracy theory found in the internet's underbelly has now hit the mainstream.>"This isn't a conspiracy that is playing out on the extreme fringes," said Alex Friedfeld, a researcher with the Anti-Defamation League who studies anti-government extremism. "We're seeing it on mainstream social media platforms being shared by regular Americans. We were seeing it being spread by mainstream media figures right on their prime time news, on their nightly networks.">The meeting draws heads of state, business executives, cultural trendsetters and representatives from international organizations to the luxe mountain town. Though it's always unclear how much concrete action will emerge, the meeting is slated to take on pressing global issues from climate change and economic uncertainty to geopolitical instability and public health.
>"The Great Reset">Hundreds of public sessions are planned, but the four-day conference is also known for secretive backroom meetings and deal-making by business leaders. This gap between what's shown to the public and what happens behind closed doors helps make that makes the meeting a flashpoint for misinformation.>"When we have very high levels of ambiguity, it's very easy to fill in narratives," said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, who is the director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania and also studies misinformation.>Theories about influential global leaders are not new, she said, but scrutiny of the forum and its chairman, Klaus Schwab, intensified in 2020 in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. That year, the theme of the annual meeting was "The Great Reset." The initiative envisioned sweeping changes to how societies and economies would work to recover from the pandemic and build a more sustainable future.>Now, in increasingly mainstream corners of the internet and on conservative talk shows, "The Great Reset" has become shorthand for what skeptics say is a reorganization of society, using global uncertainty as a guise to take away rights. Believers argue that measures including pandemic lockdowns and vaccine mandates are tools to consolidate power and undercut individual sovereignty.
>Extremist beliefs take root>In a time of mounting anxiety, Jamieson says the public has become more susceptible to falsehoods, as conspiracy theories emerge as a tool to cut through the chaos. Researchers who monitor extremism say these beliefs are becoming more popular and more concerning.>At a rally staged on the grounds of an upstate New York church last fall, a photo of Schwab was displayed on the center of a large screen alongside other "villains" accused of threatening American values. The crowd of thousands had gathered in a revivalist tent at a traveling roadshow used as a recruiting tool for an ascendant Christian nationalist movement. Participants discussed "The Great Reset," among a host of other theories, as an assault on America's foundations.>The phrase was used more than 60 times across all programs on Fox News in 2022, according to one tally generated by the Internet Archive's TV news database. That's up from 30 mentions in 2021 and about 20 in 2020. It was discussed most frequently on "The Ingraham Angle" and "Tucker Carlson Tonight.">As the World Economic Forum has become intertwined with this narrative, a steady stream of claims have plagued the organization. While some people offer legitimate criticisms of the forum — namely that it hosts wealthy executives who fly in on emissions-spewing corporate jets — others spread unverified or baseless information as fact.>For example, a site known for spreading fabricated stories falsely claimed last month that Schwab publicly encouraged the decriminalization of sex between children and adults, using an invented quote and other baseless statements. Still, it drew tens of thousands of shares on Twitter and Facebook.
>Bug eaters?>Meanwhile, the popular claim that the forum wants people to replace meat with bugs is a distorted reference to an article once published on the organization's website. In another instance, a widely shared post claimed without evidence that the forum had "appointed" U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the House before the actual vote had taken place.>The concern, Friedfeld says, is that posts like these could introduce people to more fringe and dangerous conspiracy theories or even translate into real-world violence. Yann Zopf, head of media for the forum, says the organization has increased its monitoring of this kind of online activity and carefully watches for direct threats.>"Creating all that kind of stuff can generate enemies that people believe are responsible for whatever bad thing is happening in the world," Friedfeld said. "Once that happens, when you believe that that things are happening in the world and a certain person or group of people is responsible for these attacks, all of a sudden, the idea of using violence to resist becomes more plausible."Here's the article trying to make it seem like the poor billionaires and world leaders just want to help us ignorant sheep who can't look after ourselves
No. 1478968
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Why is an established artist, billionaire, married mother of three being pimped out to the Arabs?
No. 1479000
File: 1674368569590.png (882.98 KB, 1400x861, badoptics.png) men will never be trusted around children. They can't have fatherly feelings, they're like troons, they can only groom.
No. 1479033
>>1479009missed out on the potentially pizzagate situation, eh
nonny? wish that was me
No. 1479070
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I don't understands headlogic of liberal parents who take their kids to drag events, like what is to be gained in any sort of way and why choose to defend it, its pollical suicide and hurts you cause
No. 1479139
>>1479070because they are told it is safe and a fun activity just like people were told asbestos was safe
also nowadays politics is treated like a fandom or a sports team where you just go along with what ever your 'side' says
it is also good virtue signalling, 'look how hip, cool, and accepting i am, i am taking my child to a drag show'
No. 1479160
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pluto will enter Aquarius for the next 20 years.
No. 1479448
I thought you guys might like this video/channel "Above is Below" (alt. Antidote for Maya). It's a very good start for those of you who are curious about cult symbolism used in Hollywood. I don't agree with the creator about everything but her research is thorough and very accurate most of the time.
Here's a video on the symbolism they use. The channel is called "Above is Below", I don't agree with the creator on everything but most is pretty accurate.
The other thread was removed from search predictably (because the inverts here don't want us talking about it) here's a link back to the original tinfoil thread
>>>/ot/1478580 and archive since even though it's full of retarded derailing trannies, it's still more interesting than this.
No. 1479664
>>1479448>I thought you guys might like this video/channel "Above is Below"That's honestly nice anon but I think there's levels to how schizo we get here and you're like, at the top and we're still down at covid lab leak and arguing about veganism. I'm not being mean I appreciate your tinfoiling I just think it's probably not going to be very popular here. I'm not saying don't post you're free to do what you like, just letting you know that you're probably not going to receive much positive feedback.
>since even though it's full of retarded derailing trannies, it's still more interesting than this.Those weren't trannies Nona those were just farmers disagreeing with you, rudely but that's kinda how it goes here. It's funny that both sides to this argument are calling the other side trannies lol.
No. 1480059
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avatar may just seem like a movie about cool badass blue alien cat people to the average normie but it is definitely a way to usher in transhumanism. im a bit retarted but the na’vi are practically superior to humans in every way except for brain function. if you’ve somehow never seen it the main character, a cripple named jake sully, uses his brain to connect to an avatar vessel body thats part na’vi part human. the vessel is superior in every way. where jake was crippled and stuck in a wheelchair his na’vi body is 10’ tall, incredibly strong, and survives several deadly situations. he eventually becomes part of the cat people tribe himself and permanently destroys his human body so that he can fully become a na’vi. im not just sperging bc theres a reason this transhumanistic movie became the first movie to gross $1 billion; the sequel has done the same. yet the biggest complaint is that it has no impact in society culturally like other major blockbusters. with that in mind, we can assume that this movie was created only to introduce a transhumanism agenda to the masses and it worked, partially. the cultural impact of fandom doesn’t matter as long as it achieved its goal of introducing transhumanism
“James Cameron glorifies secular transhumanists’ idea of technological utopianism in Avatar. Human consciousness (“the soul”) could be uploaded and shared in computer hardware, like the USB cords connecting the Na’vis and the spiritual tree, Eywa.[v] The few good humans, such as Dr. Augustine and Jake, also believe in the transhumanism utopia of Eywa. Avatar idealizes the Na’vi people’s soul-sharing relationships with Eywa and each other. With the help of technology, Cameron suggests that these depictions serve as the ideal template for future societal relations in real life. Audiences will only need to wait for sequels of Avatar to understand this utopia better.”
apologies if this isn’t even what transhumanism means
No. 1480097
>>1480082source pls. all I see when I Google "egg farm bombing" and "egg farm bombed" are articles from 2002.
Good riddance though. We farmed birds until we bred a virus that's caused the deaths of hundreds of millions of birds around the world. The only reason the media outrage around egg prices is happening right now is for animal ag investors to recuperate their losses so that way they can finance even more of their disgusting bird rape and create more diseased offspring for Burgerlanders to mindlessly consume.
It's beyond me how Ameritards will do the most mental gymnastics to try to link and blame something like COVID on the Chinese eating bats and fearmonger Bill Gates putting bugs in their food when they willingly continue to consume animal products. Is it that hard to believe that Mad Cow Disease, Avian Flu, Swine Flu, all linked to eating animals and the animals that we breed en masse then inject with growth hormones for animal ag is reason enough to change our ways? God forbid we reexamine the food we're putting in our bodies and what we've been told to believe is a normal diet despite the nonstop evidence of animal ag and big dairy getting government subsidies for the most byproducts and scraps they can manage to cut into random products without consumes noticing.
No. 1480173
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>>1480059>except for brain functionand pp size
No. 1480372
>>14800762nd amendmenters never arc up about the actually important shit. They're too busy watching Alex Jones and representing themselves in court as sov cits.
On the other hand, this is the first time in ages I've seen the left do something that isn't troon related and it's being media suppressed so maybe that's why.
No. 1481394
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is this just going to be normalised? I will never stop finding surrogacy and the people who use it as abhorrent, no matter how much it is normalised.
plus what about the women who give brith to these kids, It is unspeakably cruel to seperate a newborn baby from it's mom. Most shelters and even backyard breeders won't allow puppies and kittens to be adopted out before they're weaned…yet these people feel at ease doing this to humans…
like when Khloe Kardashian had her designer surrogacy baby, she posed in a hospital bed with the newborn as if she had given birth to the poor child. Its like the surrogacy industry is taking notes from The Handmaids Tale!
No. 1481418
>>1481394I mean, I don't think surrogacy is bad when, say, your relative or friend or whatever is infertile and you both agree that you will carry their child… But most surrogacy moms are poor third world women who fuck up their bodies for pennies and in the end they get separated from their baby. Sure, it's not
technically theirs, but they mothered a baby and carried it around in their bellies.
My piss poor country is a surrogacy mom central, and while I think that those women can do whatever they want, it kinda makes you think why is that women from backward countries provide services for people from more developed nations, clearly being in a disadvantage (there are a lot of horror stories about how every moment of mom's live is controlled by her "employers"). It almost reminds me of something… Oh yes, sex trafficking. It's what it is.
No. 1481446
>>1481418There’s a women I know getting ex communicated from her family because she won’t surrogate her piece of shit infertile sister’s kid. Among other issues.
>>1481394I think they’re going to try. Rebel Wilson did it too. It’s fucking vile and I won’t touch or have anything to do with any women who essentially buys a body slave. Literal demons at this point.
No. 1481517
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>>1481418>>1481463as bad as this is(and this is awful and undeniable exploitation of women) the real potentially fucked up aspect that no one seems to talk about is how many men can use surrogates to basically "create" their own
victims Just recently Flavio Mendoza, an Argentinian performer, held a microphone between his legs during one of his concerts and had his son sing into it
Mendoza son was born from a surrogate and is named Dionisio(the Greek God of pleasure, wine, and fertility) the boy has two of his own Instagram accounts, one of which is a private fan page which currently boasts over 50,000 followers, and the other which is public and has over 170,000. Mendoza also features the boy on his own Instagram, and the majority of the most recent photos and videos of the child are of him pictured shirtless at the beach, bathing, or playing at home
No. 1481519
>>1481478I'm 35, and I've researched a lot being getting pregnant. Problem are people like you fear mongering. Not all women are the same and yes, there will always be dangerous, but pushing those dangers onto other women more underprivileged makes you worse than scum.
What we really need is more help for women in medicine and help with birth to make it easier. We are still living very much in medieval times when it comes to a few of women's health. I have many friends my age with 2 kids already and while they had issues getting back to regular life, it isnt impossible. I hate people like you are make it seem like women are these fragile beings who immediately lose their entire sense of self after birth and will never be the same again.
No. 1481540
>>1481519I’m not fear mongering. I was asked if I would ever surrogate. I gave the real answer, sorry I didn’t give you enough drum circles vibes. Pregnancy for yourself and your own child is also radically different than birthing a child who can and most likely will be taken from you within 8 hours. You go through the pain and suffering for the beautiful baby at the end. You don’t lose yourself but it could be one of the hardest things you do and you need to be prepared for that. I’m sick of all the women who don’t have kids who rush to tell women who had children they’re fear mongering.
>>1481522Yes, I agree, but remember how we hated all the gene science and the outcomes it predicted from the 70’s? My point isn’t every women suffers or has the horrible complications. My point is that there are lots of things that can happen and go wrong that will kill or disable you and that’s not something osha would approve for any other job.
No. 1481609
>>1480076This has me curious where you nonas hear things anymore. I know how we all feel about tiktok, believe me, but unfortunately this is the only place I have seen anything about cop city. I saw some late instagram posts but those get buried and nobody cares anymore. Tiktok is also the only place I see people "waking up" but you have to be on the right side of the algorithm to see it. And so many people view and react to these tiktoks that I feel people will be more likely to do something about things. People alone communicating about these things (such as the reality of what is happening with inflation too) is important and made me realize they have cut all mass communication about things like this. I'm not saying you SHOULD use tiktok, and I'm not saying it's not a security risk to use, but it seems like the surest way for people to communicate what is happening around the world anymore.
There's a sound on tiktok that people use that says "Remember kids, the next time someone tells you the government wouldn't do that, oh yes they would!" And people claim videos using this sound have been disappearing. Disappearing or not, it's finally a way to communicate things like this. (If you want to find the sound, it's called "wendigoon is a cool dude" and theres a photo of a grizzly bear)
No. 1481831
>>1481478You mean after a first child, right?
>>1481459Putting a price on the act of giving birth is an idea that shouldn't even be entertained.
No. 1482342
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reminder that is funded by the RAND Corporation
>The RAND Corporation (from the phrase "research and development")[7] is an American nonprofit global policy think tank[1] created in 1948 by Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces. It is financed by the U.S. government and private endowment,[6] corporations,[8] universities[8] and private individuals.[8]
No. 1483070
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>this should probably go to her thread but felt that the topic is more appropriate here.
Not sure if she’s posted one-eyed pics in the past but at least she gets to choose who to sell her soul, I guess
No. 1483122
>>1483043I think you are right that they don’t want to ruin their bodies but I also think surrogacy is popular with very rich women simply because they are already so accustomed to outsourcing all of this labor in their lives. I believe they think it’s really just beneath them to have to suffer anything at all if they can pay to avoid it. Thus making them so divorced from the actual non-monetary cost of anything. What fucked up value systems they must have!!
AND what IS a child to you if a surrogate pushes it out and a nanny is meeting all of its practical needs.
>>1481394 No. 1483277
>>1483051More unwanted kids means more kids growing up in an
abusive homes, with less resources than a wanted child and they are more likely to settle for cheap labor, and high risk jobs. They would be easily manipulated into many things not just prostitution
No. 1483304
>>1483051When unwed mothers stopped being ostracized we lost access to easy to buy babies here. Single mothers could keep their children. The rich started buying immigrant kids. Till adoption advocates came forward and talked about being ripped away from their parents and being abandoned by their “adoptive parents”. It feels like their trying to replace the line of poor women they exploit for what’s essentially human trafficking in 80% of cases.
Poor people have to back ground and house check and apply through the gov for adoption. Rich people in my country just pay and credit check one of the private companies. They aren’t adopting those children. They’re fucking buying them.
No. 1483707
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just came up with it but madame tussauds wax figures are the prototypes of celebrities’ clones, the really ugly ones that don’t come out looking good are failed clones
picrel is beyonce’s new wax figure revealed in berlin today. whatever it is these figures are not made out of innocence.
No. 1485164
>>1479664You have to admit that they do act exactly how you would expect covert cult trannies to act when this topic comes up? When I first found out about this, I thought it was so interesting and exciting. So many weird situations finally made sense, especially with the ones I grew up with. Yet these individuals do everything possible to change the subject or drown it out or derail the topic, they have no curiosity at all. Don't you find that weird?
>>1484751This video would be great example of the kind of thing you can dismiss from this creator. She is brown, socially awkward and lives in the UK so her experiences are shaped around being that. Other than autistic research into the occult, you should probably disregard her personal opinions about most things.
this androgyne and their philosopher's stone piss cube is probably better for waking up this thread. This is what real alchemy looks like: gross and disgusting
No. 1485269
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ChatGPT's capabilities genuinely freak me out. It can write perfect essays, write code, do math problems, and now predict sports playoffs (picrel). For those of us with office jobs, what even is the point of using human laborers who are more prone to errors in spreadsheets, coding, and spelling when you can just have a computer do all of it for you? Nobody agreed with me long ago but I said that the only jobs that would be non-defeated by AI are those that require some level of empathy in social interactions (like therapists, social workers, etc). I regret going into data analytics and ignoring my own conscience.
On a more positive note, if AI was used in determining prison sentences I'm pretty sure the majority of moids would be given way harsher sentences than they are with human judges and juries.
No. 1485321
>>1485284Kojima is a giant westboo and is obsessed with American action and scifi movies, the whole "he predicted everything" itself is exaggerated, and it's true that if you paid attention to the news at the time things about the internet and the way it was going to be used was easy to guess. I remember when I was a small kid just starting primary school, the internet was starting to become mainstream just yet in 2000 when I started learning how to read, we had brand new computers in our school, someone who taught all of us how to safely use a computer and the internet, how potentially dangerous it could be because of predators, and we had a bunch of magazines for kids and teens explaining how the circulation of data and information will revolutionize everything. What's actually impressive is how the whole thing was presented though, and how accurate his guesses were. Sure anyone could have guessed that the internet could be used by the powers that be (politicians, big corporations, etc.) to pass around specific ideas, concepts, narratives, but the way it's actually happening now with smartphones and apps that use AI to guess all your interest and hide specific posts and topics from you just to change the whole way you think is too accurate. It's like the whole marketing thing Disney does to make you buy their shit from the cradle to the grave on steroids. We're in the cyberpunk era now but with boring fashion styles, let's be real.
What's more impressive is the whole deliveryman thing going on in Death Stranding because of the crazy timing.
>I don't believe Kojima did it completely alone without any inside infoNot really an answer to this but I've seen people saying the one who made all his idea come together in MGS1, 2 and 3 (in comparison to MGS4 and 5, and maybe Peace Walker) so well was a writer named Tomokazu Fukushima if that can serves as a clue.
No. 1485603
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>>1485500i'm just messing with you anon. fukushima just randomly disappeared from the games and hasn't done a lot of work after leaving the metal gear team so people make shit posts about him like being killed by the yakuza
No. 1485914
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>>>>1478839>>1473203Tinfoil idk if anyone else shares: disorders like PMDD, bipolar etc are proof there's no such thing as free will. If you have PMDD but don't know it, you might never notice a pattern to when you go psycho & as long as you don't notice it, your psycho behaviour seems reasonable to you. Everyone else is just overreacting/judging/persecuting you, or they're not being accommodating enough to how you feel. But if you ever learn what PMDD is, you have an explanation & know the truth, but you're still no more able to stop acting crazy due to hormones than you were before (unless you take meds to stop the hormones being produced). You STILL feel reasonable in breaking furniture or getting back with your ex or whatever. Point is I don't think we generate our own thoughts in response to the environment, I think the environment (or something else?) controls our thoughts, the body being included in environment. We already know the time delay between perception, reaction & thought means "decisions" are reactions to things we've already done. We aren't pilots of body vehicles, we're our body's pet, and it/the world is both the pet owner and the cage, manipulating what we experience and therefore controlling who we are (in terms of our thoughts, emotions and actions at least). The actions of the world and our body (all material things) are the cause and our minds/thoughts/decisions are the effect.
This seems to resemble ideas I've seen from gnostic Christianity where the demiurge is controlling us via a fake world which is like a cage, and it farms and feeds on our suffering or something, but I think that's actually the good option. It's scarier to me that there might be no supernatural thing causing & feeding on our thoughts/suffering, and instead we just evolved to be this way, because how do we benefit from it? My cat has emotions & seems to have ideas, but he doesn't have what we would consider thoughts, only feelings & behaviour patterns that are prompted by the feelings. Why do humans have thoughts? If the material world controls us down to even the electrical signals in our brain, why did we evolve to experience suffering because of the signals - signals which would otherwise have no cause, because they don't actually lead to activity (it's the other way around)?
What I'm trying to say is, I think I have schizophrenia, but if I think that then do I reeeeeeeaaaally…??Tl;dr: the illusion of agency created by various mental illnesses is proof of a) no free will and b) the demiurge
No. 1485974
>>1485914you are not making sense. The vast majority don't even have those disorders. The fact that it is even considered a disorder means there is something wrong with people who are like this. How is that proof there is no such thing as free will? If you want to forego all your remaining free will and give in to your impulses then go ahead but it does not represent a lack of free will in humanity in general.
It is possible to become less mentally ill over time, instead of making yourself more mentally ill by clinging on to ideas like this. Try proving to yourself that you do have free will, and don't engage with intrusive thoughts. Maybe seek out healthy real world relationships and experiences to gain a real perspective on life. Looking into scary spiritual stuff when you are vulnerable is not a good idea either. Take care of your mind, part of free will is choosing not to be a passive observer.
No. 1486101
I think that anon is totally right - there is no such thing as free will. My thought process is a lil different though. I'm not religious, but I wouldn't be surprised if some higher force was controlling the events in our lives. And I actually think some mental disorders make it easier to get a glimpse of true free will, or at the very least, life outside of our 'normal' perception.
>>1486091I have no idea but I can relate. Since I was that age, I've had intrusive thoughts/visions of future events etc. Life feels so intensely fake that I'm just waiting to be proven correct, that there is a reality outside of this. The boring non-schizo answer is that it sounds like some kind of dissocative disorder.
No. 1486516
>>1485164>You have to admit that they do act exactly how you would expect covert cult trannies to act when this topic comes up?I don't know any people like that so I don't know how they would act lol. I think they were mad because you were insinuating certain women had to be trans because of physical features and such. Also can I ask, if the trannies your talking about are covert how do you know they are really trannies and not just slightly masculine women or feminine men? I'm going to have to agree to disagree with you on a lot of stuff but I appreciate your tinfoiling and you sharing it here. Alchemy has always been very interesting to me but I never find that much history or theories about it.
>>1484751This video is a perfect example of that delusion some people get where they think all the people in their life have been replaced. I can't remember the name of it but I've read stories about people who've experienced it and it sounds so scary.
No. 1487399
>>1486976Already got help! I was prescribed anti psychotics for a few weeks about a decade ago and quickly got off them because
they made me insane. Taking a bath and hearing the water talk to you was not fun.
No. 1487630
>>1485974ayrt, I didn't explain it clearly, I admit I was especially mento at the time of writing. Basically my point was that we know people can act without free will while believing they have free will due to mental illness, so how can we prove that mentally healthy people have free will? Arbitrarily deciding that the behaviour caused by mental illness is not free will, but "mentally healthy" behaviour is 100% controlled by the human themselves, isn't good thinking to me.
But also, thank you for your advice & concern, it's more than the NHS have offered me when I've tried to get help, you're kind. How do you suggest we can prove free will if were already diagnosed with MH conditions?
>>1487614>>1486502>>1486101nonas, are you me, was also neglected as a wee babby and spent my days thinking about atoms and visualising patterns relating to things around me. Also ditto to the waiting for predictions to come true nona. I'm dX OCD by a GP but got no further due to societal collapse etc . Are we OCD or schizo? Did we all get worse in lockdown?
>>1486091Sleep paralysis
No. 1488276
>>1487493's a pretty good article to get started. Also do research on fight or flight mode.
Basically, your brain found a "safe space" in dissociation mode and realizes it likes it a lot, especially when you feel fear or even excitement (your brain can't decipher which is which bc it is stupid and irrational) whether
you like dissociation mode or not. I learned to view my brain as a toddler when it enters dissociation, it's less scary and more "wow my imagination is wild"
No. 1489210
>saw this post and felt the need to share: position is that yes, it is in fact the precursor to the anti-Christ 666 Beast-grid system called the "Mark of the Beast" in the Book of Revelation, and is its main component. However, there is still the physical authentication missing to confirm the prophecy's fulfillment. In the Book of Revelation, it states that there is an initial implementation, a 1st cause, where the anti-Christ beast system can clearly identify those who willfully accept it versus those who willfully oppose and refuse it. The 2nd and final cause, which results in the end of the matter being that ALL will be forced to choose to receive it or not, in order to buy or sell, is equal to living or dying.
This would explain why all the 'travel passport' mandates are specifically issued based on vaccination status, not citizenry. If you didn't have your vaccines, you couldn't travel freely, and nations could reject you within their borders based on this alone. Hell, in Canada, you couldn't even leave. This in turn opened the door to the 'employment passport' mandate, which was based on vaccine compliance. The more sinister mandate came out of Austria (of all places), where its population was not permitted to shop in public, without their 'food passport', they literally couldn't buy food. Quebec, Canada was just about to 'tax' the unvaccinated but the Freedom Convoy happened and it was stopped, for now. I believe these were all litmus tests, to see what the slaves were willing to endure in the name of 'safety and comfort'. Needless to say, a lot of people couldn't leave their homes, lost their jobs, were disowned by family and friends and went hungry because they would NOT take the mRNA genetic editing protocol. Never regretted not taking it, is my life's motto now.
Yuval Noah Harari (on the myth of freedom): Humans are now hackable animals - "Author of 'Sapiens' and '21 Lessons for the 21st Century', Yuval Noah Harari tells Becky Anderson that politicians could soon have the technology to create heaven or hell."
This guy isn't just some Satanic faggot nobody gives 2 shites about, this is who the WEF Chief Klaus Schwab calls, "The Prophet"
The 1st Cause:
Revelation 13:4And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
If you examine how many people chose to receive the synthetic mRNA genetic code injection (this includes all Viral Vectors or ModeRNAs, it's all of the same beast), without even questioning its contents or possible adverse affects, it is clear that a mass-psyop was performed. Almost ALL took it and ALL were targeted, not ALL received it, but ALL were expected to. The majority who marveled (at the beast) and took it were the 1st wave, the 2nd wave were those who refused for as long as their comfort would permit, then relented (chose not to make war against it) because, who could endure losing livelihood, family, husbands, wives, children, jobs, credibility, viability as a human being etc…? For these people, it was just too high of a price to pay.
Those who refused it at the onslaught and will continue to do so, are a completely different breed of human, there are scriptures supporting this Truth.
Those who choose no longer to receive the injections are potentially just buying time, a good indicator of future actions are past ones. When the system comes to everyone saying that they won't eat or feed their families without receiving the "Mark", I suspect even the 'very awakened' will have difficulty saying no, but I enjoy being surprised by people, so who knows.
Gene therapies - "Messenger RNA (mRNA) plays a vital role in translating the instructions in DNA into the proteins of life…Although gene editing has become extremely precise with the recent advent of CRISPR technology, it is not yet perfect."
1. mRNA: Fulfilling the Promise of Gene Therapy - "Indeed, lipid nanoparticles can be synthesized with relative ease in a scalable manner, protect the mRNA against degradation:.. "In vitro–transcribed mRNA (IVT mRNA) is emerging as a new class of drug that has the potential to play a role in gene therapy that once was envisioned for DNA."
Nanotechnology was classified as a 'dangerous conspiracy theory' in 2020 when they were already using it in 2016, trust them still?
2. CRISPR Scientist's Biography Explores Ethics Of Rewriting The Code Of Life - "The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are the first vaccines to be activated by mRNA — and would not have been possible without the invention of the gene editing technology known as CRISPR."
Synthetic mRNA was touted as 'unable' to manipulate DNA when in reality, that's EXACTLY its purpose, to re-write the code of life! Fact check that, it's in their own white papers, they're proud of it even.
3. mRNA vaccine delivery using lipid nanoparticles - "2016 May:"Currently, no mRNA therapeutic is approved for use in humans, and a beneficial safety profile in patients still has to be demonstrated. A first clinical application will likely not be a prophylactic vaccine, because the tolerance for side effects is very low for a drug that is injected into healthy individuals."
Fast forward to 2020, only 4 years later, and bam! It's OK to inject in pregnant women, immunocompromised, elderly and 6 month old babies and up!
The Effect:
Revelation 13:8And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
No. 1489213
>>1489210>part 2 (post was too long)Trust versus Distrust.
ID202 Certification Mark - ID2020 Technical Requirement PDF
Not all those who profess to be Christians refused it, most large churches even had 'injection clinics', and forced their parishioners to show proof of vaccination. Not all who are NOT Christians, took it, thus proving it is not fully implemented yet, because when it is the final cause for buying and selling, everyone will be forced to choose a side - believers and unbelievers alike.
I have had a number of people (Christian and not), call me a heretic, a liar, a fake follower of Jesus Christ and even an idiot in my day but if I cared what other people thought of me, I would be just as retarded as they are. I simply don't care, never did and never will. As for me, I will serve the Living God in my own integrity, and reap what I sow. Lions are not concerned with the opinions of sheep, anyways, I don't lose sleep over the musings of the sleeping unwashed masses.
The 2nd and Final Cause:
Revelation 13:16-And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
The physical 'Mark' must be just that, a physical (natural) representation of a willfully identifiable (spiritual) exchange. A genetic code with an implant confirming that code is present in the body fits this definition quite nicely. The 'Certification' data of physically belonging to the anti-Christ beast grid system requires linking of the physical (i.e. implant) with the documentation proof via biometrics and the spiritual (i.e. the will), that one is in fact owned by the 666 beast system. Seeing as the mRNA injection serum is patented, it is a logical conclusion that having their product inside of you renders you property of the owners of said patent.
"Vaccinated" Emitting Bluetooth Codes - "Any Bluetooth device has a unique 48 bit address. The Bluetooth addresses are alphanumeric and consists a 12 hexadecimal digits."
1. Storing medical information below the skin’s surface -"Specialized invisible dye, delivered along with a vaccine, could enable “on-patient” storage of vaccination history"
Once deemed science fiction, is now science fact.
2. Why You’re Probably Getting a Microchip Implant Someday - "Microchip implants are going from tech-geek novelty to genuine health tool—and you might be running out of good reasons to say no."
Predictive programming that you 'WILL' get it, someday, because without it, you won't be able to participate in the coming New World's society.
3. Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches record vaccination - "Here, we present an approach to encode medical history on a patient using the spatial distribution of biocompatible, near-infrared quantum dots (NIR QDs) in the dermis. "
What could go wrong? Ever wonder why they want to inject us with endless vaccines? It's a depopulation program, so, people need to die.
The Final Effect:
Revelation 13:17-18-And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).
Physical and Spiritual: Disease and Death versus Ease and Health
The vaccine injured are quickly becoming an unrelenting voice against the vaccine makers and enforcers. The disease, death and destruction is evident now, to the point that even mainstream can no longer ignore it - I believe this is just the beginning of the end. When they say that 'breathing deeply' and 'being happy' is causing heart attacks, you know they're lying and you're in trouble. I can't prove it, but my suspicion is that placebos were offered only upto Q2 (around June 2021) and were staggered. Apparently, you can view your 'batch' online to see what the data outcomes were from 2021-2022; it's just my speculation as the vaccinated people I know have told me this is factual but since it doesn't affect me, I haven't researched it, yet.
Once the physical 'Mark' is revealed in tandem with the spiritual 'Certification' tied to the 'Centralized Bank Digital Currency', there will no longer be any doubt; without it, buying or selling will be impossible. The introduction of Crypto currencies is proof-positive that a digital system is not only easily manipulated but also very easily destroyed - FTX style. I sometimes wonder if the operation code named 'Covid19-GreatReset' was an IQ test or simply just what the Bible prophecied, the rise of the anti-Christ enslavement system and the 'Mark of the Beast' - aka the last generation of the age.
As a follower of Jesus Christ, I have heard and read about these 'times' we are are currently living in for the majority of my life, but I find the prophetic tone fascinating today, only because of how so much of it is happening right before my very eyes.
The Great Apostasy- 2 Thesselonians 2:12-That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
What some people believe, is that the prophecies spoken of in the Bible are linear, what every follower of Jesus Christ knows, is that unlike man, God is not bound by time or space. I do not worry about the 'multitude in the valley of decision', my purpose is to warn. I have no problem warning everyone of what dangerous times we're living in, and if you take an honest look around, and your own eyes and ears don't deceive you, it's clear as day, things are changing in ways we could have never imagined and never seen before. The technology has finally caught up with the Words of the prophecy spoken, ALL will be affected.
Daniel 7:25-And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
The true faith of the followers of Jesus Christ is unshakeable by anything manmade or demon possessed because it is not sustained by us, it is God's holding onto us, not that we hold onto Him. Nothing can stop the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ, from bringing Salvation to those who receive Him, and for this reason, even in these dark times, we have a greater hope.
If I could leave you with one thing it would be this, no matter what, under any circumstances, DO NOT trust a system that enforces pharma tyranny and DO NOT take the physical "Mark of the Beast", in whatever form it comes. If you care to understand why you shouldn't, just read the Book of Revelation and if you don't believe in such things, just type in 'Sudden Adult Death Syndrome' in your search bar - nothing is worth losing your soul, not even your life on Earth.
Luke 9:24-“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for My sake, the same shall save it.”
No. 1489794
>>1489213The original poster in kf was a male and you seem to be the same op in both sites, but whatever.
I agree that the (freemasonic) elites are a bunch of satanboos who would love to do a recreation of the biblical apocalypse, antichrist and all. However is going to be a lot more explicit than that.
The vaccines, if anything, were used as an human experimentation free pass. Different experimental medications at different doses, and a lot of saline shots. It would be used in the future as a part of their plans thats sure, but that's different fron a literal mark of the beast. The satanboos are planning this for literally two millennia, once they're ready yo shoot their bullet for real, we're going to notice it. They're obsessed with aesthetics (because thats all they have, not a single esoteic particle. Might develop this later idk) so is safe to say that "their shoot" is going to be all pomposus and spectacular. Not this.
>>1489563It literally doesnt matter, "but it didnt «literally» happened!!!". Your whole worldview was shaped by Jesus, you can't separate him for the way that you undestand the world. (In fact, thats why the elites are all coping and seething about him for all this time) You can't separate yourself of the figure of jesus, whatever you like it or not. Thats the whole point, in fact.
No. 1489843
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I warned my family and friends not to give their faces to the literal Putin-backed Russian selfie A.I. app all the way back in 2020, Lensa is just Prisma-AI and was literally funded by Putin's government
No. 1489940
>>1489210I didn't take the jab, I started working abroad in netherlands and thank god we didn't have mandatory jabs here, but I got mails from my company with "invitation" for vaccination, and I got pressured by various people from my family and work. I used to buy groceries for my old aunt and then she told me she wouldn't let me in until I took the jab, which was insane. I said I won't take the jab, so I was just leaving the groceries at her door kek. Whenever I went to the doctor with something unrelated, like sinusitis (bc I often get it because I'm allergic to many stuff), or stomach infection, they were pressuring me to take the jab and implying I definitely got covid and I needed to be tested for covid and they were torturing me with putting those sticks inside my nose, which was already painful because of my sinusitis (btw, is it possible that certain tests were meant to infect you with something? Because I also remember some tinfoils about the tests). Whenever I felt bad at work, like I had a backpain or my first day of my period, they were like "you may have covid, go home now and don't come to work until you get the test from a drugstore and it's negative". Insanity. Luckily people started protesting because the economy was getting shitty because of the lockdowns. Now no one even talks about covid here (they still talk it in my shithole country tho, which, aside from shit economy, makes me reluctant to go back). It wasn't hard to resist it at all, but I'm scared for the future if they literally won't allow me to buy food or do any job, not even a damn janitor or something. I don't have any friends, no community, I wouldn't survive alone, I wouldn't have anyone to go somewhere into the fucking forest and grow food or something. I'm also scared I'm just too weak for that lifestyle, I already have various health conditions, I need specific medicine for my fucked up spine etc. I'm scared I will be too weak to resist
No. 1490019
>>1485759Some of us are interested in pulling back the layer of reality that has beem presented to us as truth. If you don't like that then why are you here?
Nonnas I'm putting a link to this site on this thread:'s a treasure trove if you are into conspiracy. Happy researching!
No. 1490586
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Stars are fallen angels
No. 1491258

>>1486516Like how you would act, if you didn't want someone to talk about something. They're not really that different from us (since we all have a superiority complex now) but I wasn't the anon sperging about bodies or JLC. Although she does look like my childhood friend's mom, who is CC. I lash out at them sometimes when they're being antagonizing but I've also said repeatedly that reversos can be nice and attractive. I've been very generous in my approach to this discussion, like the removed tinfoil #14 thread simply mentioning the
existence of transvestigation and Cult of Cybele. You can read past tinfoil threads and see that I try to stick to the alchemy or cult stuff but still get shut down and accused of being a moid or a new tranny-chan shows up and floods the thread with images of celebrities (who are meant to shield the cult from criticism and make us think CC are more attractive than they are).
>>1490586Guess which (sect of) covert rulers believe they are the bloodlines of a fallen angel and his goddess? "Apocalypse_Watchman by MrE" made a video about this with examples from Twin Peaks, Laura Palmer describes angel hell in video^. I can't remember if Mr. E said people go to the star place or not but his videos are on bitchute. The Samael + Lilith story
is kind of cute though. Definitely big in Hollywood storylines, so it means something to them beyond completely made-up disinfo. "Zardoz" is a weird interpretation, here's the story (probably) to correct autistic comma use) No. 1491347
>>1490372I relate to this, it’s so depressing. As a girl who didn’t relate to the trends when I was a child, for example not getting girls glamorizing shows about teenagers obsessed with getting boyfriend/girlfriend (and turns out many of these shows were made by creeps like Dan Schneider), always felt isolated and had no friends… I feel that due to my hobbies and determination I managed to find my happy niche but I suffered a lot. Now I don’t fully know how it’s like to be a child or teenager nowadays but from what I observe it can be even harder, with the emphasis on social media, etc. There were some when I was a child too, including one “unique” one from my country, but I’m scared how far it went, you have children (mostly girls) around 11-12 on TikTok, already looking for sexuality and gender labels and stuff. Not to mention obvious grooming possibilities.
And the world prioritizing hyperactive children, it’s partly because of consumerism I think, partly bad habits of parents. A few years ago I got to meet my 7-year old cousin when his parents stayed with us for a few weeks in the summer. He would be always glued to the phone. I managed to invent some games for him, brought some toys I found among my old stuff, we had a good time. I could see he was so happy playing games with me, I would draw with him, etc. But I know when you don’t show children it’s possible to spend time in other ways than with smartphone, a child won’t invent something to spend time, even when parents can’t be around. And because parents didn’t even bother with being glued to the phone, that happened. I noticed he could be a little aggressive sometimes too, maybe because he wanted to do something all the time. The fact that he put his attention into something other than games or YouTube is a proof he just wanted to do whatever would be fun, only that smartphone was the most accessible option most of the time.
And yeah, other stuff children get exposed to scares me. I don’t even live in a country where woke stuff is something big, yet I noticed on Twitter how many teenagers became trans. At some point, while going through Wattpad and looking at how people from my country write about transness, I stumbled upon a “diary” of a 12-year old girl and her “trans journey”. Reading that it began with how she wanted different haircut and possibly more boyish clothes (?). Equating haircut and clothes with being trans, that’s depressing. Of course she went to change pronouns and name she would like to use too. Scary to see her parents seem to enable it (not the style change but the identity change she connected with it).
I’m sure many people already said it, but I believe these problems arise because children are either not taught to be more independent (as much as they can be at that age) and because they’re sexualized and witness sexualization of others. Sexualization not even in a way that pedos would do it, although sometimes it will intersect. Sexualization when they see strict roles and mistreatment of others based on shallow gratification and society’s acceptation.
obvious sage for wall of text and a bit of blogpost
No. 1491419
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>>1487614have something sugary before bed, it's common to wake up at 3 am bc of cortisol patterns, if you have some sugar stored in the liver you can usually avoid waking up/having nightmares around this hour.
No. 1491492
>>1491435There's no way you can ensure you go to heaven if you don't know a safe way to get back to the things you like.
I bet you still believe beyond meat won't poison it. It's a price point not something we can do ourselves.
I bet you would all kill or eat cows yourselves.
I don't even like the goddamn horses enough to be one.
I believe we can have magic at a push of a button. How many dogecoin dollar was in kyubey and how many fans watched made in abyss.
No. 1491498
>>1490372Sup grimes and how much they want the safe chocolate powder come back or whatever since they think the GNC is superior. OR THEY BELIEVE IT IS SPONSERED OR MAKES THEM PRETTY. 4h on how we bought everything from everywhere before. Free food being poisoned… Pills mean not meat, whey means… WE HAVENT MEMORIZED THE FORMULA FOR CLONING BUT WE BELIEVE IN MAGIC.
They might not want to be the worst thing like disability and the pipe might be though. I'd take the black needle I hated everything my whole life, and I might die with information on the last names of people who hurt me
No. 1491501
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>>1479000Haha the addiction rumors on how much NAMBLA controls…. Cool it but company grooming is different. Pedophiles and ex pedophiles would have taken on charity cases (maybe if Disney had a lot of money)
There's never been more of a reason to just pay attention if you don't want to be a horse and you think you might have been a character model with a payment plan.
Taurus on how much sickness and black energy exists in disability slavery…. Uh are people the answer. Could we prepare to provide for heaven or would they just give us false answers for the end of the world
No. 1492021
>>1491964I can believe it. The CIA actually sent airplanes with copies of animal farm to drop over communist Russia during the red scare to try to invoke civil disobedience should a Russian civilian get ahold of one of the copies. Why wouldn’t they have made it required reading to brainwash the next generation of youth?
Not for “predictive programming” like to normalize communism, but to preprogram youth against it all while the imperialist US invades and destroys the few communist countries left with inside jobs and coups. The US will never admit it but their worst fear is communism and I think there’s a deeper reason. I believe there is much more to our future than capitalism and the barely 300 year old “American” experiment. It’s clearly failed.
No. 1492149
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what is this supposed to solve?
No. 1492301
>>1491964That makes no sense whatsoever. Have
you ever read Orwell?
No. 1492342
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Wonder how many people involved in cps are pedophiles themselves
>A child psychiatrist and top child protection expert, 56-year-old Jo Erik Brøyn, who in 2010 became the single father to two Indian surrogate babies, has been sentenced to nearly two years’ jail under Norway’s child pornography laws.>Brøyn was found guilty of possessing and sharing an enormous quantity of material—about 200,000 pictures and 4,000 hours of video—showing children subjected to brutal sexual abuse. The indictment against Brøyn reads: “Pictures and videos show sexual abuse committed by adults against children, sexual acts between children, and children performing sexual acts on themselves.”>The Norwegian police were notified of Brøyn’s possession of this material as far back as 2014, from the Swiss police. However, Brøyn was not stopped from continuing as an expert and child psychiatrist in the CPS system for several years thereafter. He has been downloading abuse material from 1997.>He has for many years been a very active, supporting participant in the CPS system carrying out evaluations of parents from whom the CPS intends to remove children. He has recommended “emergency” taking into care of children, and placing them at secret addresses, never to be allowed back to their parents but committed to foster care until they are adults. many against families where little or no wrong or criminal has been committed against the children, such as the internationally well-known case of the Bodnariu children who were taken because the parents slapped the children for being naughty.>When Brøyn was arrested more than a year ago, his children were at first allowed to be placed with his sister. This is considerably more lenient than is usual in CPS, where there is great resistance to kinship placement. Before Brøyn was released from custody, his children were moved by the CPS to non-relatives. However, the County Board (an administrative committee which functions as the first instance decision-maker in care proceedings), decided that they should be returned to Brøyn, so they have been back with him since the summer of 2017. Again, the liberal attitude of a section of the authorities, here regarding a confessed pedophile father living alone with his children, is somewhat unusual. In open court Brøyn stated that he has pedophile leanings, being stimulated by sexual pictures and films of boys.>Norway prides itself on being egalitarian. But it is hard to see any trace of that in the indulgence towards psychiatrist Brøyn, who has made a very good living out of the CPS system, acting as one of the professional experts devastating so many families who try to cope in much more humble and hard-pressed circumstances than his own. Rather, there seems maybe to have been a certain hesitation in the County Board to subject one of “their own” to the treatment usually meted out to families who possess little social and professional prestige?>In court Brøyn has made excuses saying he has not passed the abuse pictures of children on to others, only looked at them himself, which according to him made sure that they could harm nobody. Save the Children does not agree. They have worked for several years to have politicians and the media stop using the term “child pornography” and call them “abuse pictures” instead. “To be in possession of such pictures contributes to maintaining a market which presupposes abuse of children. For the child, it is a new instance of abuse that the pictures are spread around. It is also serious because possession of abusive material can work to normalise abuse of children”, says Line Hegna, director of communications in Norwegian Save the Children. Nor is it possible for someone taking part in the activities of some web-facilities which Brøyn has made use of, to prevent pictures from being passed on to others.>According to the police lawyer, Brøyn had “largely” confessed to being guilty of the charges. But this confession of guilt does not seem to have impressed the Court, which said:
>“The accused has taken exception to the most serious material, which he claims not to have downloaded consciously. The Court finds, however, that the accused to a certain extent trivialises his own actions. He has explained his erotic interest for young boys to be associated with his homosexual tendency. The accused appears remorseful, but reflection seems to have come only after he was caught out. In court he has explained that he has considered himself not to be harming children since he does not take part in the production, nor participates actively together with others, and that the pictures exist anyway. He views this differently today after the exposure of the case. The Court finds it serious for somebody with his special expertise on children to express that only now has it struck him that he has subjected these children to grave violation. The court furthermore sees it as serious that a professional who is supposed to be the “protector” of children and young people has placed his own satisfaction and desires first in this manner.
>His confession came only after the police confiscated the material and has been of insignificant value for the clarification of the case.”>Brøyn was a working member of the national “Child Expert Commission” (CEC) right up to the time the police charged him, when it was compelled to exclude him. The CEC is a committee of psychological experts, each appointed by the Norwegian Ministry of Children and Equality to evaluate the psychological reports of other child experts in cases relating to children.>Brøyn himself seems to understand nothing of the implications of this case for his work as a child psychiatrist with access to children in a position of trust and authority. He has stated in court: “My sexual predisposition has led me into this situation.” This is not the case. It is no crime in Norway to be homosexual, and mere feelings and desires are of course not punishable. It is Brøyn’s actions that have led him into the present situation, not his sexual predisposition.>In connection with the court case against Brøyn this year, once again an expert has been appointed to assess the possible consequences to his own two children. The judgment quotes this expert’s opinion:
>“The expert considers X to have the ability to regulate his own feelings and actions so that the children in a situation of care are not exposed to offensive sexual experiences beyond the ordinary risk in a home with adults having a sexual life. The expert points out that X, despite time and focus spent on downloading, does not seem to have neglected his tasks of care for the children. It is not considered likely that this practice will change in a continued care situation. Rather, this expert considers that the consequences of father’s illegal downloading activity will place a burden on the children in that he may be given a prison sentence and that the CPS has intervened in the family.”
>Brøyn’s medical license was suspended after he was arrested back in January 2017. The suspension of his medical license and his exclusion from the CEC imply official recognition that such work must be prohibited to someone carrying on pedophile actions. If nothing further is done about the system which has allowed him to go on, what does that say about the entire system of “child expertise”?>In Norway, child policy is heavily influenced and guided by the thinking of psychologists and psychiatrists, who are respected and relied on a great deal.>The alternative is that some of Brøyn’s colleagues have indeed positively known or suspected what he was doing and kept silent. If so, these professionals are themselves guilty of breaking the law, having done nothing to inform the police.>Unfortunately so far there is no sign of any question from the sections of government in charge—the Ministry of Children and Equality, the Ministry of Health and Care Services or the CEC—regarding whether this case has a bearing on the general way the CPS is regulated and run, or regarding the reliability and scientific basis of the work of the CEC. No. 1492427
>>1492342in central ohio 10 children were just found this week to be sleeping on the floors in the offices of children services.
this government has always had since its inception and continues to steal children from their parents. whether it was the indian removal act and kidnapping kids to put into settler boarding schools and program them into "civilized people", or the forced sterilization of native and mexican women, the thousands of migrant children removed from their parents at the US Mexican border that everyone conveniently forgot about (even after border patrol agents were found to be sexually abusing some of the detained kids), conservitards who constantly sperg about "the billionaire elite eating babies and trafficking kids" yet refuse to look at their own politicians or the US government and how it has and continues to steal children from their parents is beyond me.
they'll take children away from their parents for BS reasons like a working mom showing up to pick them up late or lack of transportation leading to school truancy, yet will place them with "foster families" who literally chain them up, abuse them, or traffick them out themselves.
No. 1494267
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Why are Dragons found across cultures and even continents
No. 1494324
>>1493993good. only person I feel bad for in this scenario are the cows separated from their babies that he continues to rape and artifically inseminate so they keep pumping product for him that he's forced to waste. humans literally are not designed to drink the pus-filled, artifical growth hormone induced bovine breast juice that American animal ag propaganda campaigns have convinced the public is safe and even "good" to consume. that's the real tinfoil.
wanna learn more? google nestle and what they did overseas. sending fake nurses and literally paying pregnant impoverished mothers in asia to use their infant formula until they dried up and were unable to breastfeed anymore, then once they couldn't breastfeed, they'd start charging them for the product their baby was hooked to, otherwise their infant would starve to death because the mother didn't make enough money to afford the formula. the fact 80% of all of our public water and 90% of monocrops go towards sustaining our unsustainable animal ag system in the west should be enough to prove to people that this industry has way too much leverage/power
No. 1494577
>>1494522china isn't the big scary red monster out to get you that western media will have you believe, chinese media literally says the same propaganda about the US that the US says about china. even for the tinfoil thread, bare minimum awareness of how western politics works will tell you this idea is silly at best that it's china who told biden to invite dylan to the whitehouse. it's just a presidential tier virtue signal. he literally has advisors to tell him what moves will be best to indicate to the public that he is listening. I guess this is what they think "listening" looks like.
china isn't pushing troons via tiktok to "make fun of the dumb degenerate west", hong kong literally just allowed for legal self identification of gender identity without any sex change surgery needed. they're pretty pro-trans comparatively.
i get that this is the tinfoil thread but a politician doing what politicians do and inviting an irrelevant influencer to the white house isn't the tinfoil or sign of the apocalypse you think it is. he also invited Addison Rae, some 20 something TikTok pop star, to the White House a few months back to try to convince youth, specifically young girls, to go vote. sure, there might be a deeper reason than just virtue signalling that he invited dylan, but given the man doesn't even know who poops in his pants when he goes to bed each night, I doubt there is some overarching big pharma plot at stake here.
No. 1494930
>>1494588I don't know, even in my shithole third world country there are huge issues regrading Iranian backed propaganda in online spaces, shilling for Iran and bashing the west and arab states, Iranian state shills are easy to recognize though cause they have an "accent" when writing, it's hard to describe, but basically they use "proper urdu" that's only ever found in textbooks and never used IRL or online
there were also many Russian state shills running BLM associated accounts and trying to stir up racial tensions
No. 1497886
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I think the US waited a few days to shoot down the spy balloon to drum up fear and prey on Americans' anxieties about China. It was a regular weather balloon that got off track. They wanted us to be all "Why isn't sleepy Joe shooting them down!?" in order to gain permission to forever shoot down unidentifiable objects in the sky.
Since the spy balloon event, the mainstream media has reported UFO sightings in Alaska, Montana, Canada, and China. They shot down the Canada one, idk about the others. A NOTAM (Notice To Airmen/Airmissions) was just sent out over Lake Michigan notifying non-air defense pilots that it is restricted territory.
My real tinfoil comes in here: Googling 'Project Blue Beam' yields way, WAY less results than it used to. Using DuckDuckGo or Bing yields the proper amount of results. I feel like the media goes back to "LOOK! ALIENS!" whenever there's a huge story coverup - in this case, the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio that spilled vinyl chloride and evacuated its citizens. They were told its safe to return but I'm surely suspicious of that (picrel).
No. 1498714
>>1498686>That accusation is years old by the way, it dates from when Hermione's actress in the Cursed Child was defended by JKR after people were shocked she was black Wait, were some Jewish fans upset about this? Was it some weird "Jews can't be black (only Ashkenazi are
valid, Ethiopian Jews kys)" thing?
No. 1498729
File: 1676299619390.jpg (114.75 KB, 731x792, 1676289956276547.jpg) would be "tinfoil" if the webm didn't predate the screen
No. 1498745
>>1498714Not directly. It's just that both events happened at the same time and people went "eh JKR is pretending she cares about representation for
POC fans but she's faking it!!1! where are the black Hermione and unnamed jewish students in the actual books"
No. 1499505
>>1499480Okay why would they go through the trouble of planning to wildly release
toxic chemicals into the air for real? Videos from social media/news of "proof" mean nothing, we learned this over the last 3 years.
It's special effect diesel smoke mist, probably combined with some kind of sky projection like project blue beam (if that exists) or just photoshop. The video I posted is from 2019 and looks identical to this stunt in Ohio.
No. 1499631
>>1499505“Why would they plan the release of highly
toxic chemicals into the air” have you never read a book on basic us history or any of the released government files on shit the US government has admitted to doing? this isn’t surprising or conspiratorial. they’re done this shit in Illinois before, New Mexico with the radium mines, anywhere this dirty imperialist country can get its hands on they’ll rape to nothing. You really think they give a shit about dumping
toxic fumes into the air? Especially some dumb bumfuck local police from nowhere Ohio? They didn’t plan to release the fumes, a horrible crash and fire of a container marked as non hazardous materials to save money led to local authorities making the dumb decision to do a “controlled burn” until they realized what they were burning would combust into a highly carcinogenic chemical soup. you’re fucking delusion beyond just the tinfoil thread if you think this is all just projection and smoke and mirrors.
No. 1500071
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>>1499629You shut the fuck up, hormonally imbalanced strabismus-left eye having motherfucker.
I'll call out their dumb theatrics when I see it and you can get your inner gonads as twisted as you want about that, I don't give a fuck.
>>1499631What are you referring to specifically? I'm sure some of the events probably were fake to wag the dog, same as they're doing now. If you are hearing about it in any capacity in mainstream news, it's because they want you to hear about it
"We played the flute for you, And you did not dance; We mourned to you, And you did not lament!" Nothing new under the sun.
No. 1501485
>>1501458Yeah well this is the tinfoil thread obviously there's going to be tinfoils about it. And I really didn't read past the first spergy line
>oh shut the fuck up. I get this is the tinfoil thread so you schizo broads think you can getaway with typing whatever paranoid thought comes to you when you’re off your meds but don’t start this shit.The whole sentence sounds like an old boomer scrote finger wagging, she could've just said she lives nearby and can attest to what's going on and then explain it, she didn't need to lose her shit and sperg out over it.
No. 1501740
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>>1498729Huh. Well, things are going along I guess.
No. 1502280
>>1502127Start with this
(Potential malware removed)
>>1501150>>1501267>>1501265Why couldn’t they wait for at least 50-100 years later? Do they really want Satan to come back
and lose?
No. 1502443
>>1494967now he's deleted his twitter
godspeed motherfuckers what's next on mr. bones wild ride
No. 1502755
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I have a thought about the rise of crunchy conservatives. There's been a slow creep of weird right wing dudes into fitness and overtaken all conversations of vaccine skepticism and processed food for their ideology.
There's been this fetishization of "health", like a pipeline from fitness to ring wing stuff based on the idea that only unhealthy people suffer from disease, specifically vaccine effects. Anyone who doesn't have a "clean" diet for any reason is a soy liberal.
Historically western medicine scapegoats racial minorities whenever something bad happens, i.e. the build up to Nazis, in the Weimer republic.
Just look at talk about the recent talk about that football player who had a heart attack. Right wingers are blaming the vaccine, despite the fact that football is a known unsafe sport.
Also, the rise in discussion about how birth control is evil and related to negatively affecting women's brain. Instead of improving birth control, right wingers want to abolish it. Infact, I think this is why conservatives are so friendly to GCs and the talk on what a proper woman is.
I'm not saying being into health is bad, but the discussion is being taken over and this will cause greater polarization. If the left wasn't obsessed with being anti-health and HAES, this wouldn't be such a big problem.
pic not related
No. 1503198
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>>1502755>>1502792Historically both left and right groups have encouraged fitness and combat training, suffragettes encouraged teaching judo and physical exercise for women, the Soviets created sambo, revolutionary liberation movements encouraged training in guerrilla warfare, its only right now in the West where fitness is being linked with the fascism that RW takes full advantage of it
No. 1503320
>>1503198The og critic was about white men trying to become "Übermenschs" and the
toxic culture of bodybuilding and not about being healthy and active. As always men took it too far to justify their laziness. They always rewrite ideas and then lie to make themselves look better. There is a reason why men who complain about working out are also "male feminists".
No. 1503377
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>>1503320I mean the Soviets despite promoting exercise considered bodybuilding to be pointless decadence and I'm sure the Nazis would have had a similar view, even in their own idealized propaganda the Ubsermensch is a fit young man not a musclebound steroid freak, the first person to link exercise with fascism was Foucault who was a pedophile, so nothing he says is worth valuing
No. 1503547
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>>1503198speaking of Foucault, its honestly interesting the way hyperwoke people treat him like some untouchable demi-god, cause he did the create the filed of postmodernism from which CRT and gender abolition all stem from, even radical feminists took aspects of postmodernism so I guess they feel they have an obligation to defend him, despite the obvious evidence of him being an
abusive pedophile
No. 1503641
>>1503377>>1503339Nonna, those people aren't logical and neither were the soviets or nazis. They can be the ugliest and dumbest men ever and still call themselves the best. It's all about lying to manipulate people. They twist other's thoughts to create a fantasy.
>>1503547Go back FBI-chan. Feminists have never loved Foucault. Dumbass. No. 1504034
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jim carrey suing some youtuber for reposting a random fake epstein list tiktok with a bunch of celebrities names on it. hmmm
No. 1504041
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>>1504039This alongside him selling his house and the blind items coming forth seem a little suspicious do they not
also anyone who brought up what he did to his ex in the reddit post for this got downvoted and piled with hate comments. i don't think people are that retarded, look at the language the account is using and how arrogant it is, he's probably using bots
No. 1504043
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>>1501740What the fuck is ‘biometric ID’? I’m going luddite.
No. 1504044
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>>1504034C&D the yt account was sent was also sent on Valentine's Day
No. 1504193
>>1504188I feel like it's rage-bait because they are harvesting our energy for demonic reasons. like travis scott's whole shitshow. tell me that isn't demonic
even if you don't believe, don't mean the elites don't
No. 1504289
>>1504285I know, but now it would be necessary to use to internet, according to whatever is going on in this post
>>1501740Which honestly isn't too bad (not a regular tinfoiler btw) if that means there would be restrictions for underaged fags from places like lolcow or even Twitter, it sounds like a great idea, because the databases would only allow people from certain ages to enter certain places, there would be less people as well infiltrating in places for kids because their old ass faces wouldn't let them get access to them, so there would be less grooming and less child porn being produced by online pedos harassing kids for nudes.
No. 1504391
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>>1504193 said , these people aren't Satanists they are voyerists, they enjoy getting a rise out of people and mocking anything a moral human being believes in
No. 1504944
>>1504391Satan represents self interest and self obsession, elevating yourself to the position of your own God, with no care for other people or the planet. That's what Lucifer was supposed to have done to fall from grace. You don't need to be a goth and pretend to do rituals etc to be a practicing Satanist, you just need to embody Satan's values & message, like how Christians are supposed to emulate Jesus. Satan/total self interest rewards you with money and fame if you sell your soul/ride the Lolita Express to give your handlers kompromat. Ellimac #and also Ben Shapiro# have good videos on this.
more tinfoil: Satan also used to represent freedom in a Christian society as he gives you the power to resist conformity (by living for yourself rather than your conservative community). This has been co-opted now that living for yourself is the norm: Satan is celebrated by our consumerist overlords because buying shit you don't need is how you're supposed to love yourself/be an "individual" etc. It's not acceptable to get old or ugly, but it's also not ok to judge looks, so it's reframed as "loving yourself" to get Botox and fillers. But it's actually just conformity and materialism. Ironically, in the West religion is now offering freedom from societal obligations, for example women having to appear sexually available to all men, not really having the option to choose to avoid moids, constantly being told you need new products to fit in with other women and be loved, and so on
No. 1504957
>>1504951Just this week there was a massive anti pedo operation with church and republican leaders caught in it and people are focusing on satanism sure go ahead, it's all satan and satanists lol
No. 1504964
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>>1504957does this have anything to do with the Refuge Ranch story from last March? last year I kept seeing so much stuff about trafficked minors at the border and pedos in texas. came across some tinfoiling that the rampant child sex abuse issues were connected to the rampant school shootings (misguided revenge by the molested children)
No. 1504997
>>1504944I wouldnt call it ironic, i would say that it's was always the point. Not to get religious, but we're social beings. We're meant to live in communities even if some things have to be sacrificed. So being completely self interested is not on our best interest. Taboos can get ridiculous sometimes, but every day that i wake up in clown world I know they exist(ed) for a reason.
>>1504949Silence glowie.
No. 1505030
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>>1504944"Satan" is an amalgamation of three separate figures in the Hebrew Bible(The snake that temped Adam and Eve, the Angel who challenged God regarding Job and the Angel rebelled against Heaven) all of whom were merged into one central overarching antagonist by early Christians
His characterization and depictions have been wildly inconsistent and he's been viewed in a thousands different ways
No. 1506361
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>elites likely practice Satanism>>1506336>glowie admits it's because of "the very same religions" (Satanism)>noooo satan isn't real thus elites and Hollywood can't be satanists checkmate silly prolesLeave this thread. Leave this site. Go back to 4chan where you'll have better luck with your psyops.
No. 1506362
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>>1506336personally I think God is Satan and jesus is his sockpuppet.
No. 1506712
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Have there been any good discussions of GATE/gifted programs? As a former gifted kid these have always fascinated me but unfortunately the discussions on /x/ always revolve around scrote experiences. I want input from other women. The shit that stands out to me the most is the fact that during my “gifted evaluation” they told my parents it was an IQ test, but I DISTINCTLY remember them showing me ZENER CARDS and asking me questions about them that seemed weird as fuck. Also they gave me some minty liquid and made me drink it???
No. 1506724
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>>1506698Here's a thing I don't get and probably never will, based on what you said: when there are myths about some god or deity or higher being that shares its knowledge with humans, it's treated as a bad thing in general. You gave the example of Lucifer/Satan giving knowledge to humans and being treated as an evil entity for this reason despite gaining more knowledge being a positive thing. But there's also the myth of Prometheus who gets punished for the exact same thing. I had other examples but I'm having a brain fart right now… Anyway, why is that a universal story? Is it because the powers that be, the elites of these times, thought that random people gaining knowledge was a bad thing because they would have a harder time manipulating them for their benefits (not really about elites but see islmamists making it illegal for girls to go to school in some countries to manipulate them from their birth to their death)? Is it because of the whole "ignorance is bliss" adage and humanity wishing to regress to simpler times when the only priority was survival on a daily basis? Is it because the people coming up with this story and all its variations were actually trying to be lore accurate and would think it's illogical for a god to even bother with us mere humans and nothing deeper than that? I wish I knew.
No. 1506759
>>1506724Ayrt and I think it’s pretty straight forward. For the same reason the right wing in the US is so hell bent on destroying public education. The elites want to hoard knowledge for themselves because knowledge is literally power. They realized us proles need to be literate to be good exploitable slaves in this day and age, and now they’re scrambling to limit and destroy our critical thinking skills and attention spans. It’s working very well for them.
The elites do not worship Satan, they worship a being of unimaginable cruelty and evil, that being is the Abrahamic Christian God, Yahweh. Christianity is the world’s oldest fucking psyop. I hate that most other tinfoilers are weirdo fundie Christian types because I immediately lose all interest in their theories when I realize they’re falling for the biggest psyop of them all, while thinking they’re some kind of free thinker. Enjoy being shepherded I guess, but the biggest glowies in this thread are the fundeieanons demanding anyone who isn’t sucking Yahweh’s evil cock is a glowie.
No. 1506785
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>>1506759hell yeah, get ‘em
nonny No. 1506854
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>>1506712I googled “zener card gifted and talented” and this Reddit thread came up where I found this comment that has made me put on my tinfoil hat cause I fit so many of these weirdly specific descriptions of commonalities this commenter described and was one of the only kids in my school who did gifted in talented, as well as speech therapy and regular therapy despite never being told why.
No. 1506956
>>1506947Someone correct me if I’m wrong because I’m only subscribed to one substack and barely use it but I assume the reason you don’t see many likes or comments is that people read it in their email and never click through to the actual site because why would you, you just read it so you’re done. Lot of effort to click through to hit that like button. Not every substack is designed to elicit comments either and if it’s not encouraged people don’t do it.
Not saying you’re wrong about whatever specific substack you’re thinking of that seem weird. Maybe they’re buying subscribers, wouldn’t be the first platform that happened on.
No. 1506989
>>1506774>>1506759That's not really about what I asked but I 100% agree with you. I'm the one who went a little off topic though. You talk about the US but my point is that it's a more universal thing than it seems. And yes, there's only one Abrahamic god and people are in denial over it. Christianity and Islam are two sides of the same coin and it's especially noticeable when you put a very strict Christian and an equally strict Muslim in the same room. It's funny how both religions were spread by force all over the planet while Judaism is a way more exclusive thing and converting to it seems very complicated just to prevent random people from joining their secret club. I wish Islam were like that kek my life would be extremely different in a positive way.
>Jesus is a perfect example of a decent historical figure whose image and life has been co opted by the elites to get more people to step into line. That reminds me of far right political parties in France using Jeanne D'Arc as their unofficial mascot quite often, since she's a saint. These politicians always forget it's a very secular country.
No. 1507236
>>1488222>>1488269>>1488408Christianity has a strong martyrdom tradition and thrives in being oppressed and making leaps of faith, so discouraging suicide is quite pertinent for cultural norms. There isn't really any particular religious reason. It's a response to these problems.
>Suicide was common before Christianity, in the form of personal suicide, to avoid shame or suffering, and also in the form of institutional suicide, such as the intentional deaths of a king's servants, the forced deaths of convicted criminals, the willing suicides of widows, and euthanasia for the elderly and infirm. The Donatists, an early Christian sect, contained a fanatical group named the Circumcellions who would attack strangers on the street and attain supposed martyrdom. Early Christianity established a ban on suicide, greatly reducing its occurrence.Although suicide in general across the world existed primarily as a response to shame and losing face, from failure or bad acts but also sometimes just nonconformity. It could be strongly encouraged to make amends, a normal way of doing it, sometimes to the extent that you could say it was forced (such as in Japan).
No. 1507294
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Its honestly wild the fact that two men(Feras Antoon and David Marmorstein Tassillo) basically own the entire porn Industry and no one ever seems to talk about them
https://www.mindgeek.comNotice how in their website they don't actually say what they do use evasive language
No. 1507689
>>1507617To keep dumbasses like you going after a red herring and clinging to evil sky daddy Yahweh rather than seeking knowledge and the truth. Yahweh is an evil entity and really pathetic as far as deities are concerned. If you started worshipping a folk deity you’d be better off and happier because you wouldn’t be worshipping an evil death cult deity.
Yahweh is one of the most narcissistic deities out there. Worshipping him is akin to worshipping an idiot narc scrote like Onision. He can’t do anything for you but lead you to your own destruction and the destruction of others. He commands blind obedience in everything he says and threatens you if you dare even seek knowledge regarding other deities, much like a jealous boyfriend or jealous husband. Fucker doesn’t want you to know how much better, kinder, and more powerful the vast majority of deities are than him.
>>1506849I consider myself a neo-Pagan and my personal ideology is based loosely off Wiccan practices. Astrology (full natal charts, not daily horoscopes, basing people off their sun signs isn’t helpful and just makes people think astrology is bullshit) is really helpful for guiding you. Learn about your natal chart and learn about the important aspects, pay attention to your rising sign, any First house planets, and the chart ruler to start your journey. If there are any deities that seem to call to you research them and occasionally meditate while thinking of them. It was easy for me to find my personal deity because I’d been collecting figurines of Her since I was young and so much of what I love are things that are in her domain as a deity. Good luck nonna!
No. 1507783
>>1507689Ah I see, you’re one of those new-age “my god is better than your god!!!” tumblr witches. Usually militant atheists here and elsewhere screech about how ‘god is ebil because he’s a man’ but it seems that pagans believe that too. Oh and what you described was essentially Gnosticism but I do agree with you on the elites using God’s will and his word to keep the plebs down.
Kinda low to compare God to onion boi though. Unlike onion, God allows us to question his narrative on things and doesn’t hold petty grudges if one stops believing. If God were this evil, narcissistic deity you’re making him out to be, then he wouldn’t have granted humanity free will to do whatever they wanted, which includes worshipping other gods. Sure there may be consequences for one’s actions but that’s all on them and their own doing.
No. 1507887
>>1507847nta and I'm some some wicca athiest, he's a war god who supplemented the creator diety and mother earth goddesses
he was was never never meant to be a God for everyone, he was a stern warrior who lived on a mountain
No. 1507904
>>1506757>>1506712>>1506757holy shit this is the first time I've ever seen this mentioned - I have been doing my own research about what happened to me and cousins for a while, we were part of the GATE program in the 90s and early aughts. We were likely part of the first wave of these tests in the UK. Pls no bully, this is NOT bait, but I have Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, and so did everyone I met who was also being tested. It's rare in the UK but this was in an area known to have a large Ashkenazi population. They tested all my female cousins, but none of the males who were obviously autistic - relevant since they told us the whole thing was to test us for autism. I was re-tested later in life, not autistic, and I didn't think the others were either.
I have a huge wall of text with all the info I've remembered and been able to gather about the program in my area, if anyone's interested I can post it?
No. 1508236
>>1507945Samefag and original GATEanon but I just wanted to say that, I did not receive any xrays (I’m a burger so maybe the cost was too high kek) or anything after being told to drink the minty liquid. It was very viscous. I’ve seen tinfoils about how it could have been something to specifically inhibit psychic abilities. I always have had psychic dreams since I was very young, it terrified my mother because I’d sleepwalk as a child and say weird prophetic shit that would come to pass. and the one person from those classes that I kept in contact with also has various psychic abilities that she can’t really control or channel well. I was tested in first grade when I was 7, and my parents were told the test was an IQ test (and apparently my IQ is slightly over 150).
I’m 1-2% ashkenazi according to ancestrydna. Idk if that’s significant but since you mentioned it I thought I’d throw that out there. I can also relate to most of the bullet points in
>>1506854 - and one more thing but the original list of GATE kid bullet points on /x/ included a bit about the GATE scrotes having “Israeli art student girlfriends” and a bunch of scrotes were shocked and said they’d experienced that as well.
No. 1508275

>>1508236ayrt, I also need to edit a lot out of it before posting as some of it would dox me, but quick reply to you: I mentioned the ethnicity thing since hazel or blue-green eyes are seen in about 2% of all people, but they're very common in people with AJ genes, same for some other traits in your list. Ditto everything you said, even sleepwalking etc. I & other relatives who were involved also have had migraines with aura and absence seizures since I was about 6, but it didn't seem to worry any adults. Audiological issues. White goo could also have been liquid Gaviscon (might be a britbong thing) but I remember being given it at a hospital appointment where I did tests like the cards & other stuff. I had other kinds of tests alongside the "psychic" tests, plus multiple years of special classes in a room with covered windows & red or orange light, with quite a few other Jewish girls. Also hypnosis was involved
yes I'm aware I sound totally crazy now & this only stopped when I left home
to go to art school No. 1508307
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What significance does the skull and bones have to conspiracy lore, nonas? Thus far I've heard
>Arthurian Lore
>Skull and Bones Society
if someone had a tattoo of a skull and bones, what would that signify and is it associated with any other organizations
No. 1508318
>>1508317Nah it didn't have a 322 and it's not picrel I linked
I was just wondering if there were any other societies beyond the Yale one that used skulls as symbols
No. 1508539
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>>1508307The totenkopf was an insignia used in the Prussian and German armies.
No. 1508558
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>>1507904not ashkenazi but the same anon who posted the first Reddit screencap above about this tinfoil. If anyone is interested here is the second half of the commonalities list. Almost all of these except the Israeli art gf I relate to
No. 1508569
>>1506854I don't know about GATE, but the Humanities program in my elementary school was just all the top Asian and top Jewish kids. NOT RACEBAITING, RETARD JANNIES, IT'S TRUE.
>>1507792Yahweh this, Yahweh that, Christians don't even call him Yahweh. I don't care if you believe in any god or not, but a lot of people don't really care for "Yahweh" and see God as more merciful nowadays. Especially Christians. Plus elites are likely not even religious, they just worship themselves, which is satanic. He started out as a war god but isn't anymore. He isn't a real person so I don't know why you're acting like he is, while also being an 'atheist' kek
No. 1508642
>>1508576Me and the friend I’ve kept in touch with from the gifted program were both poor (food stamps and Medicaid poor not upper middle class “poor”) white girls from
abusive homes. I didn’t know about the 1-2% ashkenazi result until I did dna test and honestly I don’t think that’s enough to count, but it’s an interesting tinfoil nonetheless which is why I brought it up after the other nonna said something. None of the kids in my gifted classes were Asian or obviously Jewish.
No. 1508853
>>1508558these all apply to me as well but idk what meme magic is and sadly no Israeli gf.
Anyway here's my text wall. My experience with GATE was more extensive than what I've seen in the moid threads and I was wondering if it was because I was female, or if it was because I scored highly in most GATE classes. Also, how do you feel seeing the words "Ant and Zip"…?
The classes:
- teacher told class we were going to the school nurse whenever we were pulled out of class, why lie?
- we had GATE classes instead of religious education and woodworking lessons, so it was 40min sessions about 4 times a week. Dark portacabin in the car park with orange paper over the walls and a red or yellow OHP for lighting. Had a "teacher" from outside the school called "Mrs Mountford" who looked like a cartoon scientist and hated kids - she's probably dead now but her name doesn't appear on the register of teachers who worked at the school.
- We would get scores for each lesson which were recorded, but only told "you did well" or "try harder"
- never explained why some answers were right or wrong and couldn't compare our answers.
- Most lessons were just silently filling out worksheets with visual abstract puzzles that were based on feelings, eg "which icon feels right in the empty space?" "What pattern fits in with the others?" Often these looked like maps with the normal features replaced with random shapes, or codes made of images like QR codes.
- Sometimes the teacher had a huge metal fan like you'd get in a theatre for wind effects, and would point it at us on full blast while we worked, so it was noisy & very cold.
- I had to do hours more of these worksheets as homework every night and I hated it. My parents treated this as more important than all my other schoolwork, "so you'll be successful when you're older!!".
- We were told it was all 11+ exam prep, but the real exam was an IQ test, nothing like our classes. The work did give me very good pattern recognition & decryption skills (I'm unbeatable at Mastermind), which I use in the job I have now, so that's good I guess…
- the only fun thing was "memory games" that we played on Fridays, I can describe these exercises more if you want but they were basically trying to describe other girls' memories and rating the accuracy. I assumed it was a creativity game but we often got details correct.
- unlike what I've seen online, my most vivid memories are of the GATE years, whereas the years after I got the implant & was only seeing the "therapist" are a blur.
Medical stuff next
No. 1508860
>>1508853Medical stuff:
- happy kid until hospital stage of testing, then suicidally depressed from 5yo, GATE girls would cut themselves at very young ages. None of us remembered being molested, although it's the most obvious explanation. Don't think I was? Almost all the GATE adults we had contact with were female.
- I was AGPAR 0 at birth due to cord wrapped around neck, the other girls also had dead at birth stories, we'd joke that we were zombies
- hospital stage: mint liquid & xrays, word tests where I had to sound out words I'd never seen before that the tester was looking at but I couldn't see, more psychic cards, observation in a padded room with red plastic over the windows & one way mirror (I realised I could put my head on the glass & see the people inside, instead of nurses it was a group of big hairy men in suits and ties. When I saw them I was let out - other girls said they were there for hours), and finally 2 machines:
- first one was I think tracking my eye movements
- second one I had a "wire hat" glued to my scalp & had to lie on a table that tilted back while they flashed lights from a lamp above the table. I had my first absence seizure & had a vision of a weird train which they asked me to describe at length, lots of nodding and smiling between the doctors which stuck with me since I was absolutely terrified of what just happened and they didn't care at all. Not all GATE girls did these tests with machines. Then gate classes started at school.
- after hospital, crippling migraines and absence seizures that would last for hours, all the other girls had this. Weed prevents them for me (and switches off my dreams) but they come back if sober for a couple of days
- afaik all the GATE girls I knew are deaf, including me & my relatives, but only lost hearing in our 20s. We did hearing tests at school but were told our hearing was perfect every time (why keep testing us then?)
- weekly 1 on 1 "counselling" sessions with another old scientist-type woman, who came to the school and hypnotised me & asked about "the Watcher" (if you know, you know) up to 11
- Hypnotist taught me a way of meditating that lets me go into a kind of trance very quickly, this still works for me, but not seen it anywhere online.
- After moving across the country, new GP happens to prescribe me sessions with a non NHS therapist, who ofc hypnotised me and asked about the Watcher. Illegally given "prozac" (big capsules with 1 yellow side and 1 green side) from 12yo by a doctor.
- given a contraceptive implant in my arm aged 13, which I remember having forcibly replaced at 15. Wasn't sexually active afaik. Had it removed by a nurse once I'd left home, who struggled to get it out even with a scalpel (local anaesthetic) & told me it wasn't a model she'd seen before, and that it'd been inserted in the wrong place. Later I showed the implant to my mum and she grabbed it and threw it away. MH and memory problems improved a lot after implant removal.
- special treatment: can't go into this too much or I'll dox myself (same for the big memory gaps I have) but I've been caught with drugs by police & just let go with a wave and a smile when they saw my ID, like I was famous. I've been waved through US airport security after being caught travelling alone with drugs as a minor (and don't know why I was doing that either).
Alright I'll stop now, thanks for your patience nonas, I hope this info finds other UK GATE girls.
No. 1508917

>>1508858I pointed this out in another thread, there's even a term for this "the mercantile minority" for e.g The Chinese in South East Asia are vastly over represented in every field, the economy, academia, banks and the media, like the Chinese in the Philippines are only 1.2% of the population yet make up more then 60% of the upper class in the Philippines
Similar thing in Europe and North America with Jewish people, there is a rational explanation for for Jewish overrepresentation in a lot of industries is that those industries were considered "dirty", like film, porn, comic books, record music, etc., and the less respected academic disciplines (at the time) like psychology and sexology and the rest was pure nepotism, so its not some grand Jewish conspiracy but its something that should be acknowledged without accusations or devolving into anti-Semitism
Igbos(an ethnic group in west africa) are another case, due to a number of factors the Igbos lived in more urban environments compared to other west africans, when the colonizers came they ended up working for them and became nice urban and educated and then they had a culture that prioritized education and the rest was nepotism and for this reason they were hated and persecuted
No. 1509482
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well this is concerning, like I knew zoomers were in a shit state but not this fucking bad
No. 1510097
>>1509918she's not the only one, the very very exaggerated stories of north korean defectors are a ploy between the south korean and US governments, both nations are still technically in a war and propaganda for both sides is a factor
North Korea is probably a shit hole but it's not the ridiculous joke that south korean companies preset it as
this video goes into the subject
No. 1510180
>>1508853>>1508860Your posts read like what I’ve read on MK-Ultra and it sounds like it’s another offshoot of it from what you’re saying. The traumatic birth, CSA, tests, brain implants and so on. I’m really sorry this happened to you and the other girls if that’s the case.
Edit - typos
No. 1510609
>>1510197Teenage boys should be the ones who should be restricted to internet access. They end up doing the most vile shit.
>>1510483It has never lessened, only increased, because more men have the easy access to violent pornography and they want to act it out.
No. 1510848
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The whole Chinese spy balloon was fake, and in fact was a disinformation and political propaganda campaign that the balloon was actually the work of the cia and fbi so they could have a reason to test the waters of a war with China
No. 1511215
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>>1511199Their hormones are definitely fucked up but anorexia can't change a person's skeleton or natural gait. They're prob not even anorexic, they have the metabolism of young moids. Maybe as they age into dad bod years tho. They also aren't lying when they talk about eating all the time, "that's what makes it funny" (they love stupid inside jokes, it's like if reddit were a cult that ruled everything, or could be what it is who knows)
There are two skeletons: male & female
>>1511183 female walk = picrel because I'm not good at describing it.
male walk = knees punching out, like a toy solider. It looks really fucking weird when they (models) try to walk like us, please search any runway show on youtube now that you have this info kek
also try walking toward a long mirror from as far as you can. Even if you walk like a crackhead your feet should still overlap (like a cats) or if you have any non-physically disabled family members, theirs will. Same for all female-skeleton women, at any weight and beginning at walking age. I don't know who has what genitals or what they resemble (probably trillium flower if hermaphrodites tho). Probably the celebrities ones are troon trans and the ones we don't see get alchemical in-utereo fuckery or have uniting genetic sex disorders
No. 1511231
>>1511228Did you look in a mirror? My knees punch out when I look down and can kick my feet out on both sides yet somehow they're overlapping in my reflection.
It's all about the walk. My niece has a lot of male gender markers but her gait is female and her features are closer together than a male's (squished together, not as spaced out)
No. 1511378
>>1510180ayrt, I'll find out more about MK ultra, didn't know about what you mentioned, just the Unabomber/they gave lsd to mathematicians, which didn't seem that similar. I went down a rabbit hole about project Stargate (just cos I figured, starGATE …?) thought I was just being schizo to think there was a link at first, but there are aspects of the Stargate documents that were leaked that were very familiar to me. I've also seen GATE posts where the angled Venn diagram symbol was mentioned, and I've only ever seen this symbol irl and in the Stargate dox. The idea was to train soldiers to get a better than 50% hitrate in remote viewing experiments. I don't know if I believe that remote viewing is actually possible, even though I might be proof
kek but I do believe in organised lunatics with money playing around with kids' minds for insane reasons
No. 1511692
>>1510180Gifted programs are a way for governments to find psychically gifted citizens for various projects, the most prominent being remote viewing. Kids who show ability young must be developed from that age to be truly talented in adulthood and be of us to the government.
I had a minor experience with it, but I have to assume I didn't show enough promise as I only did it for a year. Similarities to what the other nonna went through but nowhere near as in depth. I also have a lot of memory blanks. I remember going into the trailer (exactly as described, seperate from the school, covered windows, dim lighting) but not much of what we were tested on.
Honestly you're better off not showing promise, look at what that poor
nonnie went through. And that's nothing compared to if you're one of the extremely rare kids who show so much ability your whole life is then essentially given over to black government projects.
No. 1511705
>>1511701You're smart to have not, because you'd never be able to get out. I do believe they outright kidnap the most gifted kids (an extreme rarity) but for the most part, they train the kids and then recruit them into the military and that's it. once you're in, you're in for life with black programs.
You probably were abducted at night for more testing but don't have any memory of it.
No. 1511856
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>>1511698Will look into it, thanks, I recognise that name from various Stargate files. Here's stargate sauce for any interested nonitas
>>1511701same here but with emails about doing cyber for cchq every time I update my CV on Google dox. Thanks mate but nah
No. 1511938
>>1511856would it be possible for you all to get each others contact info and start a group chat about this rehash of indigo children? I'm sure this is really interesting to you all but seems like a basic psy op
on/with you guys or just another weird religious thing. either way, it isn't compelling enough for those not involved to go on like this.
No. 1512840
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>>1508865>>1509108WTF are you about, blue eyes were mutations that occurred in humans and had nothing to do with Neanderthals, it was humans in the black sea region who evolved this trait around 6000-8000 years ago and they later spread to regions in the middle east and Europe, this was 35'000 years after Neanderthals had gone extinct btw
No. 1513007
>>1513005have heard the exact opposite from blue eyed people, that blue eyes seem cold and menacing compared to warm brown eyes, at the end of the day its just pigment presentation in our eyes and we really shouldn't care about it
like I don't notice my eye color
No. 1513041
>>1513003>Narrow nose ridgeNose shape absolutely has biological advantages, a narrow nose helps warm air more and is advantageous in cold climates. In contrast, a wider nose helps breathe better in humid climates.
You can even experience this yourself if you travel, go somewhere very humid and you'll start naturally flaring your nostrils, go somewhere very cold and you'll do the opposite.
No. 1513061
>>1509108Neanderthals are genetically inferior, kek. That's why they got wiped out.
>>1512840Eurotards have high Neanderthal dna compared to other countries which could explain high rates of autism and their recent failure to make long lasting relationships and bare children. Neanderthals' defining traits are being shit socially and not having enough babies which led to them being outnumbered by others, doesn't it remind you of the current state of Europe?
>>1513003Having little bodyhair and symmetrical faces is uncommon in Europe compared to other parts of the world I'd argue.
No. 1513070
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>>1513061again WTF are you on about, The amount of Neanderthal DNA present in modern human populations varies by geography and ancestry. only Africans are the one's without any trace Neanderthal DNA, I don't understand where your getting this from, Studies have shown that people of Siberia have the highest amount of Neanderthal DNA, followed by people of European descent, then MENA and then South Asian ancestry, also your comments regarding birth rates don't make any sense, because Europe historically had a high birth rate that only recently went down but the birthrate for most of the world is going down and the lowest birth rates are in countries in east asia
>Having little bodyhair and symmetrical faces is uncommon in Europe compared to other parts of the world I'd argue.again where are you getting this from
No. 1513093
>>1511938I’m still gonna write my dissertation here when I get around to it. I think the GATE discussion is way more intriguing even more people who didn’t experience than, say, this lame ass blue eyes = unga bunga or no unga bunga!?! discourse.
GATEanons, do any of you have a warped perception of time? A year feels like a few weeks to me and weeks feel like days and days feel like hours.
>>1511705>maybe you were kidnapped and tested on at night Kek I always wonder what my
trigger words would be. Like what if one day I’m just out walking my dog and some glowie jumps outta the bushes and shouts some Latin phrase and activates my latent conditioning (I’m not Schizo enough to think that’s actually gonna happen but sometimes when I’m stoned it’s fun to think about)
No. 1513160
>>1513070Western Europe literally is dark as fuck on that map compared to Africa and Asia, just accept that you're hairy, why is it that hard and leads you to sperg this much? Being hairy or not isn't important but you making shit up about whites having desirable traits that they definitely don't does.
>>1513066I've heard it's because Neanderthals were lacking in socialization which is the only strong trait humans have compared to other mammals.
>>1512882What does your body being deformed looking have to do with any of this? Also stop blogposting.
No. 1513246
>>1513066>>1513160There are many hypotheses about how they went extinct, each has support (but also holes). Likely as with many other situations evolving extinction of a species - no one factor is to blame. Its probably a combination of many factors - change in climate, small population size
The most widely accepted factor is that Neanderthals bodies were more demanding for resources, when the last ice age ended their wasn't enough mega fauna for subsistence
No. 1513599
>>1511938>you all to get each others contact info and start a group chat about this rehash of indigo childrenanons please don't do this. It seems like an easy way to infiltrate and maybe
trigger something in you or keeps tabs on you. I've followed the GATE threads one /pol/ and /x/ and imo they usually come up at times to distract anons and you can sometimes find someone trying to pull the thread in a certain direction, you can see the patterns if you read them enough.
tbh I'm surprised it took this long for someone to show up here
stay safe nonnies
No. 1513613
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>>1513599Thanks for looking out for us nonna. I for one found the post you replied to super sus. Plenty of wholly uninteresting shit gets posted in the tinfoil thread. Really fucking weird that the GATE discussions were so quickly attempted to be silenced and shooed away.
No. 1513750
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>>1513093wall of text GATEanon yrt, never admit to day drinking, it sets a precedent. I agree the derail of our discussion was somewhat sus but we do see people complaining about ongoing conversations itt fairly regularly. Mention of indigo children was interesting. When gate threads are derailed the implication is usually that GATE participation is a cope for ex overachieving 30 something stoners with mild mental illness who didn't reach their potential
like me! The difference is that indigo children was a cope for parents of children who'd now be diagnosed with ADHD, and the emotional support & encouragement they gave the kids they believed were "special" arguably wasn't harmful. It seems that GATE kids were somehow harmed, or at least not helped, more so the longer they were in the program, and were previously "normal" or had parents who didn't think they were special until their school contacted them about GATE- if anything, thought their kids might be slow, despite learning to read quickly etc. GATE also didn't lead to successful adults, despite presumably using science in some way to help gifted kids, as opposed to new age woo. The gate program was huge, expensive and international, why was it a failure?
Re the comment about getting
triggered at night, did you ever have a break in or burglary as a child? We lived in a bad area tbf, but our flat above the family business was broken into at least 10 times when I was 4yo - 11yo and sometimes nothing was taken but they'd shit on the floor (police told us this was common??), or stuff was smashed up & family pictures stolen but nothing else. I shared a room with my younger sister & my dad put a bolt on the inside of our door which we were supposed to lock at night - looking back, what parent would ever let two kids under 10 lock themselves in a room? I think I was told it was to stop my sister escaping when she would sleepwalk, but still, wtf.
Also I'm attempting to read Penetration today, I found a pdf if anyone's interested, dunno how to share it though.
No. 1514408
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>>1513647>cults: exist>cults specific to trooning and tranny symbolism: exist with wiki pages, thousands of years of records and have only ever involved societies most powerful and wealthy (Magma Mater/Cult of Cybele/Cult of Dionysus etc etc)>you: tranny cults are not possible because they sound unusual to mealso I was also calling the other anon a cult member tranny, which is why their family would be too, because they are everywhere and present my arguments incorrectly and avoid discussing (or even repeating) parts about the cults. Because they literally can't (scary blood oath), which is fucking hilarious to me. Why the hell would it only be celebrities anyways? They're basically the bottom of the cult pyramid. Most of this gender fuckery shit comes from "The Umbrella" of Gnostic sects, Hermetic philosophy and alchemy. Most celebrities are dumb and seem to only understand any of that on a basic/primal symbolic level.
No. 1514414
>>1514408I didn't say tranny cults don't exist, I said verbatim "I'm sure there are celebs and politicians that are secret trannies." But you're truly schizo about it, not every anon that disagrees with you is in a tranny cult and not every anon that responds to you is the same anon, no one is following you we just all hang out in the same threads.
>Most of this gender fuckery shit comes from "The Umbrella" of Gnostic sects, Hermetic philosophy and alchemy.So post about that, the majority of your posts don't give proof to anything you just sound tranny obsessed and insane.
No. 1514419
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>>1514414Ah so you are a newfag. I've been posting about this for years now and I usually do stick to the cult. Sorry that gait - the most female-inclusive method of determining sex is too hostile for you. Other anons post about celebrities because they're starting to notice they are troons. You do seem weirdly bothered by that. What I actually find interesting is regular people in the cult so that is what I will talk probably talk about most and you can learn about boring tranny cult beliefs on your own (or in past threads, where I've discussed in detail over and over)
anyways you said:
>Nta but it's not "everyone" it's just you. I'm sure there are celebs and politicians that are secret trannies or whatever but if you really think it's so commonplace that people wouldn't even realize their own family members are hidden trannies you need to take your meds and step away from the tinfoil for a bit.1) not just me, other anons bring it up in every thread
2) "some celebs and politicians" makes it sound like weirdos making their own decision when it's all of them (because it's a cult)
and 3) I actually wouldn't put it past these people to have a non-cult family member only to keep them in the dark for psy-ops/troon shit (like this GATE stuff) so even though I was calling the original anon a tranny, I disagree with you on that too.
No. 1514464
>>1514419>Ah so you are a newfag.Oh shit nona, burn, wow what an insult, never heard that one before. I've been here 7 years, I just don't spend all my time in one thread and read every single post. And I didn't comment on the gait thing? Once again not every anon is the same person.
>You do seem weirdly bothered by that.Massive projection considering how pissed you get every time someone disagrees with you. I'd say take your meds agian but I assume you'd think any psychiatrist that tries to prescribe you something for your schizo tendencies is a secret tranny too, and the pharmacist, and I guess from your implications I'm in the tranny cult too lol. I've defended your posts in the past because I felt bad for you and thought you had good intentions but at the end of the day you're just a retarded headcase who wants us all to believe your "everyone is a tranny" delusions and then sperg out when people question your evidence for it. Go to therapy, and please don't ever have kids because you'll pass on your defected schizophrenic genes to them and ruin their lives with the preoccupation of some tranny cult that if does exist, some housebound paranoid loser like you can't do anything about anyway. Enjoy your wasted life.
No. 1514470
>>1514464Okay you're a new fag to this thread whatever. You also have a weird tendency to gaslight and intentionally misrepresent what I'm saying so that you never have to address the substance of my actual arguments. This in addition to calling me crazy/hysterical multiple times and accusing me of projection makes me think moid or club member (or both kek).
like this for example
>and please don't ever have kids because you'll pass on your defected schizophrenic genes to them and ruin their lives with the preoccupation of some tranny cult that if does exist, some housebound paranoid loser like you can't do anything about anyway. Enjoy your wasted life.I don't even know how to respond to this level of sperging. I wouldn't be surprised if anons here think I'm controll op-ing myself kek holy shit
No. 1514477
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So now that the dust has settled… what was corona anyway? Just the flu? A failed deadly weapon? Were the government responses justified, or something more sinister?
No. 1514478
>>1514470>You also have a weird tendency to gaslight and intentionally misrepresent what I'm saying so that you never have to address the substance of my actual arguments.This is literally my first negative interaction with you, I don't know why you think every anon who thinks you're a schizo is the same person but it's just more proof that you are indeed an actual schizo. And there isn't much substance to your arguments, that's probably why people don't address them in the replies.
>This in addition to calling me crazy/hysterical multiple times and accusing me of projection makes me think moid or club member (or both kek)Lol called it, "everyone who disagrees with me or doesn't put up with my bitchy nonesense is a tranny!" You're so predictable.
No. 1514501
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>>1513657>>1514414>>1514464>>1514478(and likely
Are you actually pretending to be multiple people even though we're having an ongoing discussion, where you reply to previous things I've said each time? I just want to be clear that's what you're doing.
>Lol called it, "everyone who disagrees with me or doesn't put up with my bitchy nonesense is a tranny!" You're so predictable.Not everyone, just anons who behave in typical moid fashion and tell obvious lies to "win the conversation"
No. 1514508
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>>1514502I appreciate you anon. I get a lot of shit for making women feel bad about their bodies from my *naysayers but my intention is the opposite. The cult literally set out to make real women feel like shit and forever-inadequate from the beginning with their fake female models and celebrities. How many of us have felt like mutants because we didn't have a man's skeleton or features? I used to think my legs were fucked up because my (university town) friends had perfectly straight legs and soldier gait so I felt like a deformed flamingo. Really wish someone had just told me I had a female gait and they didn't. They keep this info hidden and explain the differences as superiorities. Even moids feel bad because they're told their natural skull is "Cro-Magnon" kek and the ftm high forehead and squished features is more "evolved"(!) Even when companies started using "real bodies" all they did was choose different kinds of trannies. Like their "fat" models, who are always just beefy men or drag queen looking inverts
(*or they just assume I'm insulting the tranny, like this image of Paris will probably be taken out of context to sperg about her shoulders or something. yes she obviously looks bad now that the hormones aren't working and has male features but again the (glimpse) of her natural gait is most important)
No. 1514525
>>1514477I feel like it was something more sinister mainly because the way they tried to exclude non-vaxxed people from normal life was way too disturbing and they even tried to convince children by making cartoons talk about these vaccines specifically. Idk it feels so weird… there are other viral infections that are way more dangerous (I remember at the time my country got the first covid patients we were also having a meningitis infection going around, that's scary shit) and no one was threatening people over getting the vaccines, just a warning and that's it.
The depopulation videos posted by other anons are scary, especially because I'm seeing a lot of people in my town die of heart attack or strokes and apparently it's not uncommon in other parts of the world either.
No. 1514534
>>1514525yeah sorry nona, it is true. depop happening as we speak.
stay safe everyone. we're going to lose a lot of loved ones.
they want to encourage the elderly japanese to commit seppuku to save their dying population from crumbling completely.
No. 1514538
>>1514534I agree with this and I'm the anon who thinks the vast majority of tinfoils are just made up tranny rabbit holes.
It is very clear they are actually killing off even young seniors for this reason. Most of their psy-ops are fake but they are 100% culling pension-aged people any way they can atm
No. 1514542
>>1514539I begged my mother not to get it, she got two behind my back just to spite me for being schizo.
she turned around and said "you told me so" when people started dropping. my heart is broken. cherishing her while I still have her.
I'm serious, this is a war for our souls nonas. it's all kicking off.
No. 1514546
>>1514501>(and likely >>1512850)Nope, and I'm not
>>1513657 either, again not every anon that disagrees with you is the same anon. But it's so like you to assume one anon is following you from thread to thread. And it's not "pretending to be multiple anons" when I was directly replying in the other posts without saying nta or alluding to being someone else, do you not understand how imageboards work?
>I just want to be clear that's what you're doing.Except that's clearly not what I was doing, I was directly replying to your posts. Again I don't think you understand how imageboards work.
>behave in typical moid fashionRight so everyone that either has what you deem as masculine features and anyone who doesn't behave in a way you think is feminine enough.
No. 1514567
>>1514326>we are peak civilization>highest rates of documented rape> White men and women in charge decide you can't get abortion even if you're raped>yet still low birthrates to the point you'll be outnumbered in 100 years>women still earn less than men>low average iq and education compared to any given asian country>highest rates of obesity and genetic diseases>highest rates of STDs>men travel to poor countries to abuse women there>government trying to troon out kids>average man has super low fertility because of porn addiction. >teens get pregnant very often compared to other countries, usually by adult men who don't get any punishment >school shootings and other terror events are common occurrence Yes your civilization is very thriving.
>>1514327This is white men and women coping. White men are the ones who disgustingly chase and fetishize minority women who they see as porn tropes. Ask any white man and he'll fetishize either Asian, Black, Mixed, Latino or Slavic women yet most of the women he fetishizes won't be into him. Ask those weird questions guys how many Asian/Black/Slavic girls were ever into him, the answer will always be zero which defeats your stupid argument that minority women secretly chase after your men.
No. 1514624
>>1514572Did you know that white American men invented double eyelid surgery so they could "beautify" their asian warbrides?
>The surgery was first developed and performed in Korea by Dr. D. Ralph Millard, an American military plastic surgeon who was stationed in the country during the Korean War (1950-53). Among the very first Koreans who received the particular procedure were Korean war brides who married American soldiers. you're kind of right, your shitty men have been even worse in the past and the shit they've pulled towards us minority women is why I don't believe any of us women chase them in hordes like they want to pretend. White men tell you stupid white bitches every race of woman want them and provide some shitty tinder survey as proof so you think you're competing for the best men while reality is much different. Why haven't you ever wondered why your white man doesn't have 100 dms from hot asian chicks he so desperately argues totally want him? Yeah, it's because we don't.
No. 1514712
>>1514660stop trying to derail glowie and provide some good tinfoil
I can smell you
No. 1514735
>>1514546We can see you pretending to be multiple people and now you're trying to lie about that too.
The most hilarious part is that you're too retarded to realize we can just read these posts in sequence to see you're lying. Like there's no way it could be any one else but you, based on the replies. In each response, you reply to the previous post you fucking moron:
>>1513647>>1514414>>1514464>>1514478 I thought you would be more embarrassed about this but you're doubling down. Just 100% pure moid.
No. 1514898
>>1514743>If all women you knew irl Okay so I can tell by the hyperbole this is compulsive-liar chan again. I'm referring to gait female specifically, which is similar between all female-women. I also clarified specific women (two) in my university town to the other anon. If I were replying to you, I would have taken extra time to mention that all women don't live in my university town bc I know you need help with things like that
Female gait makes the leg look "bent" or like a flamingos in motion. My troon childhood friends walk like the males in my family and their brothers walk like the women in mine.
So according to your theory:
- the women in my family all have rickets but none of the men do
- the males in my (uni-town) friends families have rickets but the women are rickets-free
So my question is if neither the women or men had rickets, would they all have the same gait as each other?
It's interesting that I post about how making (actual) women feel less ashamed or confused by their bodies is a huge part of my motivation so you immediately diagnose me as a deformed rickets case, cope harder kek
No. 1515035
>>1514735>We can see you pretending to be multiple people and now you're trying to lie about that too.Literally where? All the posts you tagged in this post were mine and I made it clear they were mine. Where did I pretend to be multiple anons? You're the moron if you thought I was trying to pull the wool over your eyes by directly replying, not saying nta, and using the same posting style. You're retarded and don't know how imageboards work.
>I thought you would be more embarrassed about this but you're doubling down.No one is embarrassed about anonymous posts and if you really are you're taking this shit way too seriously, you're the retard who thought I followed you to the shaynatorium ffs take your meds.
No. 1515118
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One my mutuals retweeted this and I don't get what exactly this is supposed to be implying
No. 1515239
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>>1508860>Hypnotist taught me a way of meditating that lets me go into a kind of trance very quickly, this still works for me, but not seen it anywhere onlineI'm a bit late on this one but would you be willing to describe the technique? I understand if you don't want to share the actual steps, but I thought this was really interesting (and freaky that it's some unique insider thing). You mean a trance like you couldn't move or think? How do you come out if it? Do you think it's possible for someone to put you in this state without your consent? Very scary stuff.
No. 1515376
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Hold on to your butts, it's going to get so much worse.
These kinds of increases in mortality rates are essentially unheard of unless something seriously fucked is going on. A continuous 4%+ increase in deaths in the 25 to 49 range is literally pandemic tier.
No. 1515487
>>1514477I ended up agreeing with this well meaning spermicide scientist on twitch (gigaohm) who got fired for talking about it in 2020 and went down a rabbit hole. Not to advertise for the dude but just saying, I read a lot of sources he posted.
Anyway I think it’s most likely there was a real virus, but it didn’t spread naturally, rna viruses mutate too damn fast for that. Coronaviruses were already all over the world, and the tests didn’t ever specifically check for the “real” one and those tests were garbage anyway, any true crime fan knows how PCR dna testing can easily give false positives.
Tldr I think they made a virus but 99.9% of the “cases” were just bullshit everyday flu. The real kicker for me was when dr John Campbell on YouTube did a video showing how when people came to the hospital with trouble breathing, they fucking prescribed bentos and opiates and the protocol said “don’t worry about possible breathing difficulties “, doctors straight up killed people who had the flu and got paid covid bonuses money for it. Fucked up.
No. 1515498
>>1515490nona I'm fucking cackling that's actually poetry in motion. look at you go, you're gonna have a blessed day.
>>1515487I agree with you 100%. as a personal anectdote, I used to get the actual flu/a cold once every like 3 months it was insane. suddenly everyone is sanitizing and wearing masks and nobody I knew as in NOBODY got covid. I haven't had a cold or illness since. HUGE tell for me. I didn't SEE covid anywhere, just the precautions and the news of the numbers. it's all fucking smoke and mirrors.
No. 1515524
>>1514477Definitely not a flu, when I got it for 3 months it didn't feel like the flu at all. A bunch of people who recovered fast felt like it was similar though.
>A failed deadly weapon?Nothing would surprise me at all, if in a few years we're told it was meant to be a bioweapon that accidentally leaked OR it was leaked on purpose and staged as it bein accidental or a natural pandemic I wouldn't even bat an eye.
>Were the government responses justified, or something more sinister?I honestly think governments all over the planet should have been strict way earlier than they were in 2020. The news about it in 2019 already made it obvious it was potentially super dangerous. I legit think most governments had no clue how to react because politicians are retarded lazy bitches. I wrote a 100 pages long thesis for my masters about my internship in recruitment for the healthcare sector just a few months before covid was just seen as some "mysterious disease from Wuhan", I concluded it with how nobody in my country wants to work as nurses or nursing aides anymore in many regions because they're overworked and horribly paid and there aren't enough hospital beds for patients now so in case of a major health crisis it'll get even worse. There were several protests over this before that by healthcare workers. And guess what? The government was still too stingy to spend more money on that for hospitals and nursing homes, and it seems to be the case in the rest of Europe and in North America. The lockdowns and curfews were just to compensate for the time they should have spent months earlier doing research, hiring more nurses and doctors, opening more hospital beds, and preventing foreigners from entering the country including anyone from the Schengen space.
tldr; most governments were retarded and tried to compensate at the last minute even though they were already underequipped for regular epidemics too for years.
No. 1515543
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>>1514620yup. came across picrel earlier today - document is from 1995
>>1515239ayrt, by trance I mean a kind of deep meditation where it's easier to try and do remote viewing etc and your body doesn't want to move, could also call it deep depersonalisation. I would love to explain this to someone else to see if they can learn it, I have a diagram and everything, but I'm scared the other nonas will bully me for derailing. Is there another thread I could put it in?
No. 1515585
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>>1515376>>1515487>>1515498>>1515507>>1515524lat. virus = poison
It's basically germ theory('viruses' and bacteria make you ill) versus terrain theory(eating processed food, stratospheric aerosol injections, not enough exercise, not enough exposure to sunlight, not enough healthy food makes you ill).
As usual, kikes have flipped the script the wrong way around.
What modern medicine calls viruses are really junk particles from dead cells. You can find these all over the body wherever some sort of cleanup is in progress.
As for bacteria, while some are harmful, most of the ones we carry are helpful - provided they don't end up in the wrong places.
The real issue is parasite infestation. Almost all disease is caused by a combination of toxins and parasites. Homosexuality is caused by the invasion of toxoplasma gondii into the brain, the aforementioned parasite being commonly found in the gastrointestinal tracts of >70% of house cats.
(racebaiting) No. 1515668
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>>1515565Yes this is part of the process, are you the other gateanon? Although I've been told this is also a symptom of one mental illness or another, ymmv. When this happens do you see a "migraine with aura" spot or what I call dead pixels in the center of your vision? Like a crosshair in an fps?
>>1515581Ok I'll write up the instructions I remember
>>1515556agreed, imo they show how women are more beautiful than men even if everyone dresses the same and has shit hair. "Gnc"=/=ugly woman
>>1515531See picrel - if you can feel a hole in your jawbone there, or if it feels weird to press on that area, you probably have a large mental foramen which is found in people with Neanderthal DNA. That's why some people have a "glass jaw" and pass out if you punch them in the mental foramen.
No. 1515800
Hey GATEanons, I had no idea the GATE program was considered a conspiracy, but reading about what you've said has been very interesting. I was in the program myself for three years of school, but I do not live in the UK. I have dark hair and dark eyes and all that, so I don't match whatever moid conspiracy list was put up on reddit kek.
BUT, I have had weird psychic phenomena happen since I was a very young child. I have had some interesting sleep issues since I was very little - where I would talk to people with my eyes open, but I would be completely asleep. My mother would describe me doing this. I would sleep walk at times and I would often have very odd dreams. One time I dreamt I could speak perfect Spanish, and when I woke up I could, but it quickly faded like my dream and I couldn't speak it anymore. Another time I dreamt I was floating at the top of the room, in a corner of the ceiling, and I was looking down at myself in bed (I had many of those kinds of dreams). I also used to see strange black shadow-like beings. They were very small, usually in constant motion. I used to think they were like squirrels or rabbits because I would often see them racing back and forth across the street.
I have an uncanny ability to predict things, like random card pulls, in long streaks. But I can only do it if I was zoned out and kind of… not thinking, if that makes sense. It's honestly difficult to maintain that state so I end up fumbling after a minute or two. It was much easier when I was younger.
No. 1515839
>>1515668i am not the other gate anon but im a schizo-autist who has had innumerable amounts of strange phenomenal experiences
also i definitely have a hole/depression feeling when i rub my fingers up against that area of the jaw, thank you for the clarification and further proof that i am a based neanderthal…lmao
No. 1515847
>>1515668sorry i didn't see the latter portion of the first part of your post
but i do see those dead pixels/migraine aura cells, and it's in a lot more contexts than that
i think ever since i developed severe anxiety as an 11-12 yr old i've seen these "passages" or whatever you might call them
i always had spontaneous visuals combined with full body sensation out of nowhere if got really into music i listened to, at the time it felt like i was seeing snapshots into that time period, i developed an intense emotional connection to it
No. 1516002
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>>1515585>rule 7 no 'race related arguments'Entire website NGMI. How is this a site-wide rule? What an excellent way to stifle discussion and play into your puppetmasters' hand.
>>1515847>developed severe anxietyParasites, unironically. Get yourself treated.
Have a look at this: 7) No. 1516154
>>1515524>Definitely not a fluIt wasn't literally a flu, but it gave simple flu-like symptoms to a lot of people. Obviously it was a little stronger if you're talking about the first virus, but as it mutated it became very mild. I know a lot of people (myself and most of my family included) who caught covid during the first phases and had a cold with a fever for a week.
I agree though that governments purposely waited to give the warning, even when they already knew that a new lab generated virus was going around. They didn't let anyone prepare, hospitals didn't know how to treat it and equipment was unavailable. In my country the government just told everyone to "wait and take general madication" when a lot of covid patients required proper specific medication. Hospitals were also too quick to put people on the ventilators, which may havemcaused more damage than good and took hospital beds from people who actually required them. It was a true shitshow and I'm just sad people had to die because of it and other regular people were wrongly blamed for the spread of the virus.
No. 1516240
>>1516154The reason why I said it's definitely not a flu is because I only know one person irl who managed to have flu like symptoms and the dumbass managed to catch it 3 times in one year somehow. I didn't have the symptoms I usually have when I have a flu. I could barely breathe for a whole month, and I had constant diarrhea for three months in a row and lost so much weight from that I looked anorexic until I fully recovered, but I didn't sneeze or cough all that much, it felt more like I was wearing an invisible corset that was way too tight. My mother straight up got pneumonia symptoms despite being vaccinated but she's immunocompromised. I guess she would have died without the vaccine. My uncle was in a coma from it just straight up. He skipped all the flu-like symptoms and felt the exact same sensation as mine when it came to breathing. All of this because his retarded wife went to a gigantic wedding ceremony in secret when they were forbidden. I don't think I ever met anyone who suffered from the flu for more than 10 days, I imagine it only happens to severely immunocompromised people who are already about to die anyway.
I don't know how to word it, it's not that you're factually wrong either, but the symptoms seemed so random. In theory if you're young, physically healthy, careful and not overweight you should recover fast and not have severe symptoms, yet I nearly died and a morbidly obese friend of mine who had very poor hygiene in general just felt a little bit sick for a week. I've seen a case in 2020 about some young, very fit and healthy Broadway guy being sick with covid, being put in a coma and having his legs amputated before dying at the hospital as well. I don't know.
>It was a true shitshow and I'm just sad people had to die because of itKeep in mind that in my country there were protests to warn our government of this possibility way before covid19 was even a thing and guess what happened? The police were beating the fuck out of the doctors and nurses who protested because politicians are lazy bitches who just wanted to take functions to snort coke and remove taxes for their multi millionnaire friends and not be arrested for it. Or at the very best they're just cowards who don't want to admit they're not as competent as they should be, which at this point is so stupid I almost wish the real reason behind it were a fucked up conspiracy theory instead.
I'll never stop being salty over this because it ruined my life and career plans for the rest of my life when I thought I was finally going to be free from my family and from poverty. No. 1516418
>>1516240>>1516302I'm very sorry you and your families/friends were affected badly by it. I didn't mean to make it sound like I didn't care about anyone that got seriously sick, just that while a lot of people died/got severe symptoms, a lot more had it and barely noticed it. The governments should have done a better job at treating the seriously ill people, because they could be treated well. I don't think COVID was ever a death sentence. My country is full of old ass politicians, and many of them got COVID while vaccines didn't exist yet (I mean… I don't think they work anyway) and not one of them has died or was left with long COVID symptoms.
Another thing that infuriates me is that they didn't properly study the corpses and the virus itself for effective treatments. At some point they stopped and focused solely on the rushed vaccines and no one could say ANYTHING about it because then you were labeled a dirty antivaxxer. Yet many concerns that the so called antivaxxers had are now official, like the heart-related side effects, the fact that the vaccine doesn't stop the spread and the fact that it barely offers protection and it wanes off very quickly. I hate how women got dismissed when they said they had period related symptoms after the vaccine and that they encouraged pregnant women to take it while it was still officially experimental.
No. 1516434
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>>1516154When looking at the 65+ age demographic of people who tested positive for 'COVID', of those who weren't put on a ventilator, 8% died, while of those who were put on a ventilator, 87% died. Not sure where I found these numbers, I think it was Steve Kirsch's website.
>>1516418>didn't properly study … the virus itselfThey didn't study jack shit. You know the original CCP coronavirus sequence that was used to make the first mRNA injections? Shit ended with ~30 blank letters.
So, you know how the DNA bases go. A-T, G-C. RNA is single-strand. Well, the original CCP data had a sequence that ends with 30 A's. It was a blank. They guessed how long it was meant to be, and filled it with blank data. It was garbage from the start.
No. 1516456
>>1516435>cultural shiftIt's a pendulum that swings from "we're free and nobody can stop us and my body my choice and …" to "but this group of people are bad and need to have their rights taken away".
Go beyond these lies. There is no 'political left vs political right'. They are in agreement on most things, the only parts where they disagree is where they will spend taxpayer money. Their policies are the same and you have no choices, you can't vote your way out of financial tyranny.
Same with men vs women. Do you know why such animosity exists between 4chan and lolcow?
Because 4chuds think this place is filled with average cunts. And because lolcows think 4chan is filled with average moids. Both are mistaken.
Typically, you'll have shills sow division between these groups.
The thread in this image
>>1515635 got 404'd fast. Like you can post an abhorrent troll post and it'll stay up, untouched, but the moment someone suggests building friendly relations, jannies 404 it. Ever wonder why?
Gee, I sure don't. Excuse me while I stay in my bubble and never step out of my comfort zone. As if that's any way to live.
No. 1516475
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>>1516418in my own circle of acquaintances i saw people who were staunchly "the vaccine will cure everything! everyone needs to get one or they're a horrible person! they hate grandma!" and several of them ended up having lasting complications, one 25yo that now has partial paralysis after, and saw things real differently afterwards. the people who are still promoting this are severely lucky they haven't had their lives damaged because of rushed vaccines.
pic related No. 1516489
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>>1516465Honestly, given the tone of the OP, it was a call for at least a pleasant chat. If he had posted the link to a specific thread asking 4chuds to troll, I would be in agreement with you.
>>1516467Yeah, doctors are typically butchers. Think of your concentrated hate and prejudice against men, apply it to doctors, and you'll be right ~80% of the time. Back in 1970s Israel, doctors went on strike for a while. General mortality fell by 50% during that time.
>>1516475 No. 1516498
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>>1516495Why, what terrific post quality! Might I suggest using racial slurs next time? Ooh, or better yet, you haven't used the male-female divide and conquer strategies! Or should the division be by the sites we use more? Am I a filthy redditor? Or maybe you should try to instigate racial prejudice against me! Top it off with some religious intolerance, and you've got yourself a shitpost cocktail!
No. 1516798
>>1516622Yet the right-wing has incels, guys who look like Ethan Ralph and qanon believers.
Edit - And those cishet fit guys, they won’t wanna fight our shitty wars or be assed to care, would go awol/become a double-agent and scream the equivalent of “no Vietnamese ever called me a n
**r” as their justification when turning against fellow soyboy gender special compatriots. We’re toast from the looks of it, nonna.
No. 1516974
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It's the psychic terrorism we face
No. 1517452
>>1516476>As for the vaccine, the point was just to minimize symptoms so that sick people who got the vaccine could just get some rest for a weekBut that's not really what a vaccine is supposed to do. And we were told that the vaccine would end this pandemic and we ALL had to do it because it only worked if everyone got it, and we were literal demons who had to stay in isolation if we refused. In reality the vaccine doesn't stop COVID from spreading. You mention that you think you would have gotten even more sick without the vaccine but you mention that your mother still got badly sick. You can't know if the vaccine is what protected you, because plenty of people got only sick for a week while unvaccinated and I know several people who stayed sick for more than a month while being fully vaccinated.
Studies have shown/are showing that this vaccine is shit. It offers little ti no protection. I remember there was a study showing that people with two vaccines had negative immunity…
No. 1517456
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>>1517452>it offers little to no protectionOh you sweet summer child. This was intentional premeditated murder on a mass scale.
No. 1517489
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cough cough
No. 1517577
>>1516970The scrawny teenager of yesterday was more physically fit and healthy than the soyboy-tranny of today. USA has many reasons to pull the cord on the nu-male nonsense. Russia's cannon folder were their prisoners and they gave a good fight. I'm not going to pretend they werent dying by the dozen like the average pro-russia sperg but they gave a good fight agaisnt the trained ukrainian forces. And Russia's actual military is still largely untouched (maybe if they could eliminate Wagner group it could would be a hard blow to Russia but good luck with that lol) And we still haven't seen the chinese forces, but by sheer number they already have the upper hand. If you send a cluster b tranny with osteoporosis agaisnt those it's going to last literally seconds.
However the west is in a dilemma. Because the soyboys and trannies were meant to be the ideological footsoilders of the west, not the literal ones. And in that aspect they worked pretty well (they're literally walking demoralizing agents agaisnt women and children), but it seems that the needs of the west are going to change very soon with WWIII almost here. They don't want to stop the madness because that would be an ideological defeat but also they don't want to send the Funko pop colectors to fight the chinese army. So they keep a finger in every pie. Soyboy propaganda in some media, and radicalizing a young moids so they're «ready» to enlist if shit hits the fan with another kind of content. I think the biggest contrast will occur between millennial and gen z moids - late gen z and gen alpha moids (i mean, the ones that aren't getting castrated right now). I don't know how long can they keep doing this, i guess the official Pendulum Swing™ would happen with the official intervention of USA in WWIII, so a few years maybe decades at least.
No. 1517689
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the real 21st century hasnt even started yet. Its going to be a multipolar world order. From what i read the prediction is it will be china vs america, with india leader of the non aligned movement.
we are in the transitional period between the end of the american empire and the multipolar world that is post Christian, post west, post dollar, post white, and post america
This scares the bajeebus out of the american elite.
No. 1517702
>>1517635Yes and no. The Ukranie War it's over unless they want to nuke Russia (they don't), however this was never about Ukranie.
This is about multipolarity vs unipolarity. Russia-China (+Allies) vs USA (The West) and the global south un the middle. Europe is just the frist battleground (and the biggest loser) and this is just a prologue for what's to come for the rest of our lives.
Because the war didn't truly started. Not Russia Not China Nor Usa actually deployed a single troop, the article 5 is still untouched (And the Otan is just sending random mercs), there is not a single high tech arm in sight let alone a nuke. And no one is here to play Blitzkrieg, this would take fucking decades.
The west cant compete with Russia-China's production? True but it doesnt matter right now. The Ukranie War is just mercs vs p
prisoners vs the few ukranians left and no one truly cares. What it does matter right now it's the preparation for the future, thats the west's biggest worry. Russia is going very by-the-book in this aspect so the western elites are hopefull that they could one-up Putin here. Hence why they're trigging a global resection right now, pushing the 2030 agenda so hard, ect. They want a population that it's not only 100% on board with them, but that already lives like wartimes. No one is going to be surprised by rations or refugee camps if they already live like that.
And thats my other point, most of the western (and global south) population are 100% on board with the globalist neolib nonsense. The western elites have a massive grip on the public, and if it ain't broke don't repair it. The "noo not le hecking troonerinos and the Sexual Liberation ™️" is a very efective carte blanche for the elites. The western ideology is far from dying.
However this invalance between their ideological footsoilders and the literal footsoilders it's not viable for the future and right now everything is about the future. Thats why they started conditioning the toddlers and the prepubescent boys so they can be the Western Wagner Group of tomorrow. We're in the werid middle point where millennials and early zoomers got their benefits of western ideology (so the propaganda can get rolling) and the toddlers and babies are getting bombarded with conservative war propaganda and would expend most of their formative years in a global resection so they get used to scarcity and surveillance, The Pendulum Would Finally Swing Back™️ possibly when the United States formally enters the war.
Never mistake this with any benefit to women. Some nonnies here think that the mythical Mass Peaking would end the clown world we live and things would start to look good for women. That never could happen, we're in the middle of a fucking war nothing is beneficial ever. In fact i think we aren't living through the last century of humanity because the elites of both sides don't want to rule over a bunch of nuclear waste.
>>1517689Since we're already in the tinfoil thread, the only reason i don't think the war is already won by china-russia
its because an astrologer i read predicted that the Chinese-Russian alliance will break up in the next few years, and to be frank i wouldnt be surprised however it's not looking good for USA-The West
astrologers say this too No. 1517765
At this point I really do believe gangstalking exists, especially with the ability and see people have to hack things. Not everyone who feels like they're monitored is actually a schizo, some of those people seem like they're genuinely scared or have a reason to be. something like livestreams for this probably does exist, or in the very least cameras being used by stalkers to monitor a
victim isn't unlikely No. 1517790
>>1517765Do some women get stalked by weirdos? Yeah.
Are most people who believe they're being gangstalked unmeditated schizos? Also yeah.
If you believe you're being stalked, take the proof and go to a police instead of making shitty posts on anonymous forums that won't be of any help.
No. 1517975
>>1517765stop007 dot org
use tor
No. 1518066
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>>1517790Problem is that I don't have a lot of proof my stalker actually stalked me, and if it's mostly remote or online there's not much the cops can do. I know he was there, I could do nothing about him. The only way I could detect spyware on my phone was to jailbreak it and if I did, I risked bricking it.
I don't buy into all the mystical delusions of grandeur the /x/ thread is spewing, although it is funny, but I absolutely believe moids with hacking skills and resources terrorize women and make them feel paranoid and that's a more common phenom then we think. In general it's probably way easier than we think to hack a device and monitor it.
Don't forget, your phone is always listening.
No. 1518077
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>>1518066There's also a well known surveillance software called Pegasus, whcih if you're rich enough is easily accessible. Pegasus offers bulk deals where you can pay for installation on multiple devices. It's been used to spy on journalists, civil rights activists, citizens, and workers in certain high level industries, tech, entertainment, government
when ronan farrow was working on his weinstein exposé he was tracked by spies hired by harvey and they likely hacked his phone
No. 1518515
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How and Why did Drag become this "brave and stunning" thing for western liberals, how is a crossdressing polynesian man dressing up in a european woman's dress and perform the haka in a highly sexualized manner supposed to empowering
No. 1518738
>>1518681Try using the Korean google NAVER and paste 구원파 세월호 희생 which translates to ‘salvation sect sacrifice’ and see what it brings, but I recommend using a translate option on your phone.
Here’s also a video giving a rundown on the cult and the Park family’s involvement in it. Similarly, there’s suspicion that the Itaewon tragedy was also part of a sacrifice committed by President Yoon who also follows a woo woo all-knowing sage, that same advisor who told him not to move into the blue house due to bad feng shui.
No. 1518823
This is why I despise all of the new age satanism shit that's being pushed now. They are trying to redefine satanism which has already become super cliche. Satanism is not a religion or belief system, it never was. It was always meant as a representation of the deviation of good. It's very clear to see what Christians believe is good. A satanist is someone who embodies the opposite of that. One doesnt have to worship satan to be a satanist, as you said satanism is a worship of the self. Acting out of your own selfish desires is satanism. All those in Hollywierd are satanists because they act in this way. They worship their own images and see themselves as gods. They commit degenerate acts that exploit and harm others, that is satanism. It's not a stupid new-age religion or upside down crosses and pentagrams.
No. 1518929
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So here's the instructions I said I'd write up. It snowballed and turned into an introductory summary of remote viewing + GATE research, from the CIA and Stanford
and my own experiences Every declassified document referenced is available at the addresses at the top of the doc. I'm aware how schizo this is & am normally not this insane, making this has set me back a bit. Just want to get the info out there.
tbh nonas I'll be relieved if you tell me "wtf is this you schizo" rather than "yep I recognise this"A roundup of GATE posts itt:
>>1515847 No. 1518949
>>1516456How can women form ordinary connections with bottom of the barrel incel fag racespergs? This site is a last bastion of free speech for women online. It's a rarity among the internet. There is no conspiracy there anon.
4chan and most moid forums e.g Reddit, Twitter etc. are dime a dozen shit holes infested with the worst moids humanity can offer. The absolute dregs of society. Their "free speech" involves CP, racesperging retardation, gore, tranny worship, autism of childrens shows and mass male perversions. This site has global rules against race sperging and retarded behavior. They actively encourage a shithole while racesperging is moderated here. This is but one aspect that distinguishes a typical shit hole from a forum of free speech catered towards women. Also kek at the image. Apparently sperging about race nonstop, posting CP, gore, scat and whatever disgusting moid fetish isn't histrionic but this site is, fucking Lel.
No. 1519132
nonnie. Can't wait to read
No. 1519452
>>1518929GATEanons are so interesting. i always felt bad and left out because I was never, not once asked to join GATE despite being hyperlexic, top 99th percentile on all tests, straight As with no studying, AP class taker, etc etc…the kids who WERE in GATE weren't necessarily that intelligent either so why not me? they did always come back from GATE looking zoned out and could never really explain what they did there…
i remember weird nonsensical tests in elementary school but i guess i didnt have what they were actually looking for. perhaps because ive always been stubborn, noncompliant, inquisitive and not suggestive in the slightest (not useful for hypnosis)? also my dad was military so maybe he knew something and didnt let me join? he was really protective and paranoid. idk but anwyway its fascinating to see what they were really up to with GATE….
No. 1519810
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Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. EELI!UVE. There is GOOD out there. We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING\
No. 1519811
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>>1516456No one here can focus on any topic especially if it isn't narcissistically confirming their existing beliefs or gassing them up in supernatural ways like buying into carnie-tier/fb personality test glowie psy-ops. The thread also seems to get a lot of vent/mental health spillover which I think point to this board being a cluster b rat king more than sleeper cell neanderthal x-men. I definitely get the impression I'm reading how the average person thinks/feels when I'm hrtr, which is why I read these posts at all. I'm not trying to pick a fight either because now
I am become average too. It's definitely making society worse for everyone though and I blame expensive housing plus other maturity stunting broken social contract shit we are all dealing with
No. 1519825
>>1516456>>1519811There is no such thing as a pendulum shift, most people are sheep in a sense, The bolsheviks lost the 1919 elections against the social-democrats and the nazis never won a major election. Social studies show most people just accomodate to whatever ideology is in power, no matter how extremist or insane is. People just want to live their lives and if they have to throw their neighbours under the bus, they're fine with it. That's from where the term collective guilt came from,
The only reason both managed to take power was cause in Germany all the communists and socialist parties refused to work each other and constantly formed splinter groups based on ideoglical differences while the social-democrats tried to appease everybody at once and lacked a proper leader to rally under
our current social climate is just a result of liberal democracy being the dominant ideology in the western world, if another ideology is smart enough to take power and game the system then majority of people would just go along with it, provided their basic needs are met
No. 1520216
i just now am learning about the conspiracy theory around gate classes. i was in a lot of them when i was in school, as well as general advanced placement (AP) classes when i was a bit older. i moved several times as a kid, and i was in them at all schools. in contrast to some others i guess I'm reading, i was very smart and creative but i did the bare minimum work. eventually i left school as a teenager because i hated it (had the schools cared about me I'm positive they would have found i was autistic)
in those classes I'd go to some room in the library, or next to the library, we did additional schoolwork, the teachers would discuss stuff with us, we took tests on the computer in the library, we would take vision and hearing tests more often than the entire school, we got to do other projects like painting giant canvases (huge, probably 15x15ft)
i started going to a therapist when i was 5yo, due to anger issues i think? and i had seen them multiple times throughout my childhood until i started refusing to go at 13yo. I'm reading now there seems to be a theme with some people and therapy as a young child, then ending up in these classes
No. 1520316
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What do you think about this nonners? I only heard about females making oter females from bone marrow, but turns out they somehow made an only malemade mouse? Isn't that creepy? i didn't think this could be done. No. 1520322
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>>1520316I mean, cool, but where do they put the egg? Oh- and here it is. Moids can’t survive without us,
No. 1520687
>>1519872I'm not stopping you from discussing your boring psy-op and even included myself in that observation, even though I actually think you're all much dumber than I am for faller for this. Like neanderthal holes in jawbones (everyone has this) and the fact that discussion keeps circling back to this topic for weeks because you guys want to keep bragging about being special and different. You're fiercely defending it because if it's fake, you're not better than ordinary people.
Seriously read the roundup posts
>>1518929 and tell me where the interesting content is, the aura migraines? This is the most boring tinfoil thread yet because of gate and very little has even been said about that. There are hundreds of posts on this topic you can find on reddit by googling. The only reason myself or anyone else have tried to stifle this is because it's boring and again, can easily be found on reddit. At least tranny tinfoil is actually censored everywhere.
No. 1521640
>>1521624there is a lot online but you have to sift through a lot of filler.
these touch on it slightly. i am sure there are better layouts of it but would have to dig a little. JY Park from JYP Entertainment got caught hosting a sermon/recruitment meeting for the cult in 2018 and kept placating the public by saying he'd release a book, a press release, and pushed it off that people forgot about it No. 1521697
>>1521688only because there's a bank rush, it's fucking stupid. it's been proven if you spook the herd they cause inflation. it's fucking propaganda and this/the land grabbing in US/cyber attacks ruining shit are all part of the plan.
preppers were right all along, unironically. brace yourselves for the fuckery.
also why do you think they're trooning out the youth? depop. chiemicals in the air water and food? depop
onlyfans and the promotion of BC and promiscuity? depop
starve the masses? depop.
No. 1521917
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>>1521697>preppers were right all along, unironically. brace yourselves for the fuckery.I don't think I have ever fully believed the hype but even I'm starting to get worried, like this recent recruitment advert for the Australian Army, showing soldiers engaged in a battle with 'civilians' rather than foreign combatants
No. 1522041
>>1521891they're not secret. just newfag things.
/manure/, /cream/, and /sty/ are the boards i remember from before and are still there.
No. 1522205
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just a coincidence the sky looked like this again for days across north america and then we started experiencing more freakish weather anomalies?
No. 1522234
File: 1678662746553.png (356.89 KB, 1423x2048, Screenshot_20230312-180905.png)'m personally waiting for the news articles about an ai chat bot to tell some mentally ill schoolboy he needs to sacrifice his family, and him going ham on grandma and company.
No. 1522422
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carrey knowledge bank is back to post another bone rattling speculation, I am still alive and stupid
jim carrey in the early 2010s gave a commencement speech at a university in farfield, iowa, called maharishi. on its surface, maharishi seems like a normal enough school, but some of the rumors about it are strange, referring to it as cult like. the school also apparently confiscates your passport if you are not an american citizen. there are also rumors there is a cult near or out of this university that contains several powerful people in its membership
he is known to have property in iowa, though I don't know if it's near maharishi or not.
other interesting tidbit I learned is that jim had an ex girlfriend who was in the art world who is named bettina korek (to his right in picrel) and likely is one of the lead ins he got to display his fugly artwork, and the art world is probably another industry where he's scattered his disease around, considering he was both in new york and los angeles before and after the cat white accusations
I am surprised nobody from the art circuit has leaked more about him given how the women in the nyc art circuit most definitely know about bj novak whoring around, but I digress
if I post this in celebricows someone will slaughter me
No. 1522526
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>>1522422Maharishi Schools and Farfields meditation obsession linked to several suicides in the town. They seemed to be trying to better it but this is still creepy. Very cultlike mentality indeed.
In 2004 they also had a student stabbing incident.
>Since mid-2008, 20 people have died by suicide in the greater Fairfield area, according to the county medical examiner. Four of the suicides have occurred since May of this year. Statewide, suicide rates are on the rise, going from 11.7 to 14.4 cases per 100,000 people from 2010 to 2013, surpassing the national average, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
>Since taking up his practice in Fairfield, Terry has many patients in the meditating community. In the past year, he said, he’s become increasingly disturbed by trends he’s seen emerging in town.
>“There’s a huge amount of suicidal behavior in Fairfield,” he said.>Terry said he’s run across a variety of troubling attitudes regarding suicide. He’s seen people mistake manic behavior — sometimes characterized by a person thinking he or she is acting as god — as enlightenment. When such situations result in a suicide, he said families often won’t acknowledge the death as a suicide but as an act of an enlightened being.>“People are in complete denial about what’s going on,” he said. “It’s so fucked up.”>Suicides are also underreported in Fairfield, said Terry. This summer, Terry said he spoke to a woman who has kept her sister’s suicide a secret out of fear of losing her job. “The stigma is so dramatic here, people are afraid,” he said. No. 1522529
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>>1522526Iowa is also a sex trafficking hotspot because of the way the state is mapped out
This is all not making this town and its university look good at all, but honestly, does anyone expect anything good of Iowa? No. 1522718
>>1522714>It's excessive and contributes to the further destruction of the environmentThe existence of the human race damages the environment, yet I doubt that you're about to follow your own opinion to it's end conclusion.
>Having higher numbers of kids is also correlated with lower IQ.Which is a problem. If higher IQ people stop having children there will be less higher IQ people and we will be living in idiocracy. This would do more damage to the environment because industry such as the nuclear and petrochemical industries need high IQ people to maintain them.
No. 1522720
>>1522718I'm actually in the process of acquiring the necessary tools to peacefully end my life.
Your second point is a fallacy, there are lots of intelligent people causing even more damage than retards.
No. 1522845
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>>1522526>>1522529Maharishi had over 100 immigrant students from India out of 1000 who came to the school disappear, and they did practically nothing to investigate it. Similar apathy to the suicide situation
Someone needs to do a fucking investigation of this town and institution, not just Jim's involvement in it. There is something freakish going on here. I keep trying to find information online and the school really does not want to know about this stuff even though it's a google away.
You don't just have hundreds of people disappear and tons of unreported suicides in a town with a spiritualist woo woo school for no reason. Also the founder of transcendental meditation, like the founder of kundalini, was a grifter who was accused of sexual assault and seems to have turned the originally peaceful and serene practices of meditation into a cultlike church and capital driven tool. Everything about this smells fucking rotten and I'm surprised there's been no investigation into this town and university
Would consider cross posting to ask on another ib about this but my research into the other anonymous shit pile that starts with a 4 lacked valuable information other than Lynch and Carrey and some other celebs being practicers of TM and seen at Maharishi, and then testimonies from people who'd been there or grown up in Fairfield saying the city and school is weirdly cultlike. May try crawling through other sites
No. 1522848
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>>1522845School apparently has strict rules on freedom and demands students live on campus, forced vegan diet, no stipend
No. 1522851
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I think there's something fundamentally wrong with western liberals, its like they reject the reality of the world right in front of them
No. 1522876
nonnie where did you come across this article? I'm just curious as it's not his latest one it's already two years old
No. 1524016
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>homosexual clown platformed as paragon of masculinity
>convinces retards to kill each other
how moids unironically believe that tupac was some great warrior poet when he was just some wanna be tough guy who wanted nothing more than to be a high profile actor in Hollywood is proof how low-IQ men actually are
No. 1524457
>>1521917"population protection training" as they attack the population, black is white and all that
>>1522059nta but no the majority criticize just western countries, otherwise you're racist and a neocolonialist trying to impose your views on other cultures
>>1522720it's always the mentally ill that have views like yours, good luck with the suicide
inb4 tradthot accusations, i have no intention to have kids, calling women breeders and their children a litter is moid tier misogyny, yeah it's women with their kids destroying the environment, not the rich and powerful men. Majority of people that have a lot of kids are poor anyway, they probably consume less resources than the average rich fag that has one kid or none.
No. 1524948
>>1521688the world is in a weird place right now because on one hand, most people, even the poor working class, have easy and instant access to entertainment (smartphones + streaming apps + internet/social media + video games + streaming music + porn + junk food) for virtually free, yet on the other hand, actual human needs like healthcare, housing, education, and a crime-free environment are increasingly out of reach for the majority of the population, including the ever-shrinking middle class.
It honestly feels like we are in a cyberpunk dystopia just without the neon-lights.
No. 1525127
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meta: trumpchan is actually jim carrey, who prior to letting his PR type his posts would use CAPSLOCK constantly
No. 1525686
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If there was nothing to be suspicious about then why did they melt down Sandy Hook Elemetary School?
No. 1526054
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>>1525809there's definitely celebs that browse the internet and unfortunately imageboards and I thoroughly believe that
they're just as social media addicted and high on anonymity as anyone
No. 1528487
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The Turpin family case might be fake
I'm not saying it's for sure fake, if it did happen that's terrible and I wish the kids well
Watching the videos itself just seems horrible staged. She was speaking way to well for someone who had supposedly had no education for a decade, she's supposedly illiterate but texts and pronounces things perfect, she said "what's medication" after hearing it for the first time just perfectly. Now besides the suspicious amount of knowledge
She had also claimed to be starved, ate vomit, and everyone was chained up all day, yet had zero health issues coming from that? There was a case of a little girl who was chained in her room all day and she could barely walk as her muscles degenerated, yet these kids suffered no health issues at all??
They were taken out in public multiple times and no one told anyone until one girl escaped the house and told the police
Their body language in general just seems super staged
They claimed all these kids were super underweight but they all just look a natural healthy skinny? I've seen multiple people who eat all day and are skinnier than them
No. 1528530
>>1528487i know nothing about this story or even know the names, but i do know the story of Genie, Danielle Crockett, and another one whose name i don't recall, and they are serious messed up. Genie was 13 when taken away and Danielle was 7, there absolutely was no mental recovery for them, physical I'm sure is subpar. that makes sense, that if children were severely neglected, abused, etc, they're not going to be able to communicate well of at all. so it makes sense to be suspicious
No. 1528557
>>1528487Sorry to doublepost but a quick google search shows that many of the children did have permanent health problems (heart issues and brain damage from starvation among other things). Neighbours found dead cats and human shit at one of their houses after they moved out too. The forced to eat vomit thing is actually from after they escaped their parents, they were placed in an
abusive foster home and all the money donated for them was held in a trust where they still aren't able to access it. Some of the children are now homeless as a result. Really fucked up story all around, I don't think this one is faked.
No. 1528684
>>1528490A thread on 4chan, cant remember which board, I think it was /tv/
Numerous celebrities have admitted to using reddit as well and it's super obvious that some of them cough cough push their image hard and read almost every comment about themselves or force their staff to read through them. Sometimes they slip up like Doja Cat did admitting they read these sites
Like social media followers a chunk of "engagement" on celebrity posts is bots or fake, especially when the upvotes or likes are disproportionate to the comments. They usually employ personal staff or an agency to handle and inflate social channels.
This shouldn't be considered tinfoil but 99% of the human population is too stupid to tell how online media manipulation works and too stupid to assume rich celebrities act like normal or even depraved people when given anonymity
No. 1529504
>>1526512Long COVID is real but it’s just CFS/ME that was
triggered specifically by covid infection. Any viral infection can
trigger CFS/ME. But calling long covid what it is (CFS) would serve to legitimize a community of people whom the be powers that be love to tell them they’re just whining fakers. It upsets the elites that something like CFS can even exist cause it’s so harmful to capitalist ideals and there’s no way to profit off it. There are no cures and there are no treatments besides - wait for it - RESTING a lot and doing less than you feel like you can do. So a whole group of people that not only can’t have their labor exploited, they also aren’t gonna be good customers for big pharma since big pharma has nothing to sell them. Capitalists and the elites want people to think CFS/ME is synonymous with malingering whiner cause CFS/ME patients are so useless to the capitalist machine.
No. 1529682
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story of old man in his 70s stealing a baby from a mother being presented as "brave and stunning"
>The former Channel 4 News anchor Jon Snow has said he is "At complete ease" with becoming a father again in his 70s. The broadcaster, 75, and his wife, the academic Precious Lunga, 48, welcomed a baby boy via a surrogate in March 2021
>Speaking to the Saga Exceptional publication, Snow said: "There are three very small people in my life - two grandsons, aged one and three, and a son, Tafara, who is two going on five."Having him was not easy but we persisted because, at 48, my wife is a good deal younger than me, and she very much wanted and deserved a baby.
>"I'm at complete ease with late fatherhood. I don't feel I'll drop him, I don't feel exhausted."I haven't found age relevant to my relationship with my son or grandsons.
>Speaking about his parenting style, Snow said he was "much more relaxed and present as a parent" in comparison with his own father, who was an Anglican clergyman.
>Never once was I able to say, 'Dad, two and two are really four?'.
>He also has two daughters from his three-decade relationship with the human rights lawyer Madeleine Colvin
No. 1530414
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i cant wait for trump to go to prison or lose. Finally conspiracy world can return to being skeptical of both sides instead of polarized into being right wing
No. 1530415
>born into wealth>repeatedly tanked his wealth>hollywood adjacent prior to election campaign>shitty reality tv star to save himself from the reputation of failure as a businessman>just about as close to being an "elite" as you can get by birthright
>b-but guys it's an inside job>b-but guys he's followed up on his promises>b-but guys he's not on epsteins list>b-but guys>cricket noiseshis base of qtards buying the rhetoric that comes out of his mouth is nothing short of hilarious
No. 1533119
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>>1526054the old man strikes again
No. 1533509
>>1524024>>1524016absolutely retarded takes and not even tinfoil related so I’m unsure why this is even in the thread but I’ll bite because you’re both obv suburban yt women who haven’t even listened to his music let alone know his story or anything about him other than “man black man rapper thug life”. Do you even know what thug life stands for? The hate you give little infants fucks everybody. Look into it.
He encouraged men to kill each other? Literally where. He wrote and proposed a “thugs” code of ethics for black Americans to go by to keep their communities safe and reduce violence especially towards women and children. He made numerous calls and songs calling for an end to the needless violence. Keep talking out your ass.
Furthermore he was the opposite of an incel lol. His song Keep Ya Head Up was a song written specifically for black women, calling out the misogyny, rape, and hate of black women by black men. FFS, he was raised by a single drug addicted mother and wrote that part of himself into his songs and the work he did, constantly calling out absent fathers in the black community and calling for support for the single moms who are doing their best despite their burdens.
How was he homosexual? Critics of Tupac either bring up that, or claim he was a rapist bc of the bogus conviction he got for a false claim the woman came out about years later. Which is it?
You wanna have a reason to post Tupac in the tinfoil thread? Talk about how he was the son of a prominent Black Panther member and was clearly assassinated by the US government because of his rallying for black liberation and a stop to gang violence because he got too big and impactful too fast.
Otherwise your comments so far just look like an out of touch 20 something with 0 idea of who Tupac is or what he stood for outside of superficial assumptions. He’s the blueprint for what a rapper should be.
No. 1533517
>>1522851it’s almost as if Muslim identity and LGBT identity aren’t monolithic or mutually exclusive just because you personally adhere to reactionary purity politics.
Not every Christian is a bible thumping fundamentalist. Not every Jewish person is a Hasidic Jew. Why assume every Muslim follows the book to a T and is thus anti LGBT when the existence of LGBT Muslims disproved that?
Two truths can exist at the same time. You mfers wanna talk about “black and white” all while proclaiming Muslims must adhere to radical extremism or follow the book to a T lest they don’t exist or are contradictory or “liberal propaganda”
No. 1534632
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>>1533119not even sure if I buy the epstein thing, but another one.
why he even called attention to himself by threatening to sue the qanon grifter in the first place? most who've been passed around on fake epstein lists have either mocked or ignored it
seems like a distraction from him selling his house and the recent blinds about him
the game awards clip isn't a commonly referenced video, it has about 387k on youtube
>>1533509yeah I don't get it, maybe its (c)rapper or someone else. I'm no great fan of rappers but have much more respect for him over most modern rappers kek
No. 1535587
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didn’t want to put this in the FTM thread but i just took an edible and scrolled through the school shooter’s tumblr and retrotard was a blog that it interacted with.. but when I looked through retrotard’s blog it hasn’t posted in 5 days and also interacted with the shooter’s blog also posted some strange fucking shit. I autistically compared their handwriting and I feel like retrotard was its alt blog. I’m probably insane but I wanted to share anyways
No. 1535998
>>1535587in addition to what
>>1535605 said. the spacing and sizing between letters and words is significantly worse and more juvenile in the 1st. mybest, goodmoments, inbad. I mis s you so.
Seem like separate people.
No. 1536030
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>>1535385Election coming up in 2024. I think a 'trans genocide' is coming, but it'll be a manufactured one. Escalating violence from now until the election from both armed trannies and armed qanon nuts, culminating in a Republican win and 4 years of libs roleplaying "resisting genocide" the same way they roleplayed "resisting fascism" with Trump. Women's rights and LGB rights will be decimated, Dems win 2028 by "ending genocide" with lots of corporate and transhumanist friendly laws to fix the damage done by Republicans. ie we get abortion back but it's tied to commercial surrogacy, gay marriage returns but it's tied to infant transition, everyone is so desperate to 'end genocide' that they'll elect literally any 'good guy' no questions asked. Sorry for schizo blog but I think I'm right and I wanna check this thread again in 2024 and feel like a psychic kek.
I'm expecting picrel to kick off the 2024 election media frenzy. Absolutely insane that they're doubling down after the shooting instead of canceling, I know TRAs are narcs but there's no way they're that stupid about the optics.
No. 1536072
>>1533519I'm not American and I never mentioned immigrants.
>>1536030I don't think it's that complex. Looking at the Ukraine war and the economic situation in the west it's clear that the western elites have no idea what they're doing. The dollar is loosing reserve status which means that the elites won't have an endless supply of money to fund their schemes. They are frightened of Russia and China to the point that they are threatening both countries with a full scale war. A divided society would not win in a war. The elites are now realising that they weakened the west too quickly. I expect a reverse of a lot of the woke madness which will prepare America and Europe for war against China and Russia.
No. 1536355
>>1536030I want off this crazy ride
>>1536072By the time they’ve ‘reversed’ what they caused, it’ll be already too late. Our ‘enemies’ are getting stronger and no one wants to fight their forever wars anymore but after reading recent articles about forcing minority students into jrotc programs, they’re cooking up new cannon fodder and might even reinstate the draft.
No. 1538137
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Trump got indicted yesterday and is now facing charges for the Stormy Daniels case, will KJU and Dennis Rodman come to his rescue before he’s headed straight to the slammer?
Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!
No. 1539608
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Akihito Tsukushi (creator of Made in Abyss) is an FtM. Think about it.
No. 1539729
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>>1539624>>1539722>>1539710Look at his lips. His hands. Clearly overweight, but a compleely flat chest and thin, delicate arms. No facial definition whatsoever (unusual, even for the fattest men on earth), literally a blobby neotenous face. No childhood photos. Never talks about his childhood or his family. Listen to the froglike twang of his voice. Compare to other Japanese FtMs. This person either has an intersex disorder, or they are an FtM.
All I know is, you will
never see a photo of Akihito Tsukushi shirtless.
No. 1539737
>>1539729Come on anon, he looks like an IRL version of the ugly bastard moid artists draw in hentai. Art imitates life.
>No childhood photos. Never talks about his childhood or his family.Why would a male need to do that?
No. 1539739
>>1539729His high school is listed on his Wikipedia, if you're adamant than you can google his name and then (high school in Japanese) or the name of his actual high school in Japanese (Tachibana Gakuen High School) prefaced by his pen name, or his real name. Unlikely you'll find anything but try that
Second question: are you the same anon who thinks drake is ftm
No. 1539742
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>>1539739I did. Nothing. Shigeya Suzuki probably isn't even his real name.
Once more, I will concede that this person may be intersex. But you will never see him shirtless. And no I am not Drakeanon, but I respect her work.
>>1539737>he looks like an IRL version of the ugly bastard moid artists draw in hentai. That is not an impossible transition goal.
No. 1539753
>>1528487Sorry to reply to something so old and I have to disagree with you on a lot you said because I really do think this happened, although I don't doubt the existence of fake stories like this so who knows. But my main issue I wanted to mention with the way the story was reported on was that any of the videos with the other family members got way less views than the one's where the teenage girl was in the thumbnail. She got a semi large following because of this story and all the comments on her tiktok were from men being like "oh she's so pretty." It's so sad to me that people seem to only care about
victims when their conventionally attractive and young, and even the news knows this and exploits that. I hope all these kids are okay now though, stories like this really break my heart
No. 1544179
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coming pedo-normalization through troonism
No. 1544734
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>>1544179people on twitter were calling UFC fighter Holly Holm a fascist for saying the increasing the sexualization of children is wrong, It's literally cause she used the phrase "protect children" which twitter libs try to connect to far-right/anti-gay circles.
we are fast approaching this point.
No. 1545078
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>>1544917I'm gonna cry, I cannot take a pandemic again my nonnas. Especially one with such a high fatality rate. I'm just starting to get out of my neetdom. If this spreads worldwide I'm gonna fucking kms omg I'm so done
No. 1545549
>>1545536I know it's fiction, but did you see the latest James Bond movie where the villain's master plan involved an incurable virus that targeted using DNA markers? The virus was originally commissioned and funded by a government agency
That type of thing could become reality in the future. Even if the government developed a bio weapon for private research purposes, it'd fall into the wrong hands. Easily.
Men made nukes… and now man made bio weapons
No. 1545563
>>1545554Well that's a new form of "don't drink the koolaid" if I've ever seen it
>spiritualist woo woo cult trying to kill peoplewhy can I see someone who follows transcendental mediation doing this
I know scientology probably does this
No. 1545641
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>>1545078>>1544917relax anons we're gonna be okay.
personally im much more afraid of the effects of geoengineering and weather weapons. no way to "go off grid" and homestead and be all independent from da guvernment if they can just drought/flood/tornado you. bioweapons exist but seem much more unpredictable than their weather mod weapons, since now most cities have tiny HAARPs all over them (those "cell phone towers" and weird oblong pods popping up everywhere)
No. 1545857
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>>1545713Klinefelter syndrome lookin' asses
No. 1546088
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So this story hit news 2 days ago and I’m starting to think that religion will no longer be the main control of the population it’ll be either
Celebrities: wanting to be like a celebrity , TikTok famous, being woke and performative all the time , etc or wanting to be like a celebrity and skin walking famous people or trying to get with them
science: this one is how I felt during COVID, nobody questions what doctors and scientists say and if you do you’re a right wing Karen conspiracy theorist!!
No. 1546089
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So this story hit news 2 days ago and I’m starting to think that religion will no longer be the main control of the population it’ll be either
Celebrities: wanting to be like a celebrity , TikTok famous, being woke and performative all the time , etc or wanting to be like a celebrity and skin walking famous people or trying to get with them
science: this one is how I felt during COVID, nobody questions what doctors and scientists say and if you do you’re a right wing Karen conspiracy theorist!!
No. 1546097
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>>1545713>>1545833This is a trend with men globally(I don't think any country is safe tbh, like I saw Nigerian university male expat male students with huge butts that looked almost unreal) it's supposed to be normal for men to be lean and muscular because they're supposed to be working their bodies hard, especially when young, it isn't some mystical magical state only gifted to genetic freaks, I know from first hand experience that most manual laborers who have never done exercise in their lives with very good physiques, as
>>1545833 stated most males are spending their days in-doors, getting cheap gratification and sitting on their asses all day without doing any sort of exercise or physical labor, that combined with shit diets and plastic-riddled environment might be having a negative impact on their overall health.
it should be noted that excess estrogen is dangerous for women as well, such as blood clots, certain cancers, and a high cholesterol.
No. 1546107
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>>1545878This is a nitpick bit Preg has Jacobs syndrome(XYY), not Klinefelters(XXY). I recall from previous Sh0e threads that nonna's would confuse the two, which somewhat bothered me as it seemed like a straightforward distinction to make.
men with Jacobs syndrome have
>above average height >lankier bodies>on average 10-15 lower IQ points >more prone to anger and thus more likely to commit crimes and be in prisons and mental hospitals >persistence of adult acne No. 1546117
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>>1546089Not related to your tinfoil but Redditards sure do love defending their own kind, aka pedophiles.
No. 1546119
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>>1546117They're basically screaming
>we're pedos because women give no sex No. 1546424
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all payment platforms aren't going to go away unless they are deemed illegal because people need to ways to get their tax-free liquid money from drugs and trafficking and theft
but I understand the tinfoil about cash app dude getting stabbed and fednow
No. 1547529
>>1544917Wake up
nonnie, new vaxx is dropping soon!
excuse me for going full schizo, but hat cdc doctor looks like a deepfake around the edges lol No. 1547649
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>>1545800i hope the robot people look like kensh skeletons and one will be willing to be my bf
No. 1547803
>>1546117>>1546117i don't get the logic, even if sex is a ""primal need"" and "celibacy is unnatural", why aren't they attracted to other adults like everyone else? why does it lead them to have this specific paraphilia? weird excuse.
>>1546089>scienceyes omg, it was crazy during covid, people were getting genuinely
upset if you tried to question anything that a
company (or a doctor paid by them) was saying. it's also what's happening with the troon agenda tbh, and pfizer is still part of it kek
No. 1548243
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the downvotes do not come naturally and that is that
imagine trying to suppress information about your own abuse that's literally out in the open and has been for years
No. 1548251
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>>1548243long before the epstein video c&d came up he was possibly brought up as a subject mentioned at ghislaine's trial, although I've never been able to corroborate this, around january 2022
the reddit downvotes regarding cathrionas abuse and just any negative comment about his behavior getting mildly or majorly dv'd on popular pages was a red flag
using adam waldman tactics like you're johnny depp just makes you look more guilty, that's not how pr should work. if you try and suppress any notable negative comment about you you look completely egotistical and guilty
No. 1548960
>>1548855ironically I think my mental fuckery just got me harassed further because people cannot comprehend how I talk and what I'm saying no matter how I try and switch up my linguistics for my respective audience. Probably me typing too much. The intrigue is lost on them, they act like they can't read
they just won't listen
I'm bringing up decent talking points and things that are seldom discussed and it doesn't matter where I go, I've got evidence and links, and nobody listens. it's like their own confirmation bias regarding certain ahem people ahem completely blinds them. they just don't want to believe something is not what it seems, and it's not even that hard to digest, but maybe my idiot savant brain is the one exclaiming it. normal people can't comprehend how demented our world really is and the slime that slicks beneath them
No. 1549291
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So water wars are gonna happen, our nations might going to be war pretty soon
No. 1549461
>>1549246He wasn't in Epstein's black book. Spacey, Courtney Love, Naomi Campbell and other celebs were directly mentioned in his 2005 black book, and it would be odd that if Epstein did know JC then, he'd be in there, right. I tried trawling through twitter and other platforms to corroborate this claim
couldn't find someone live tweeting Ghislaines trial who mentioned Jim Carrey or Will Smith, both of whom were mentioned in that reddit thread, maybe I'll try again someday
It would be the right era for those two to know Epstein and Ghislaine, there's just not much evidence they do
What's weird is why he'd send a cease and desist to some relative nobody qanon YouTuber over a tiktok video featuring misspelled celebrity names and an allegedly fake list that's been circulating for years… almost as if it means something else… almost as if it's a flex of his legal muscles… but why?
No. 1549468
>>1549178I'm just tired of going on every single site and being called a schizo. Reddit claiming you don't have enough facts and evidence for a theory, 4channers mocking you, any other site is just a zero iq bloodbath no matter what the topic is or the theory you're discussing. No room for nuance, you get screeched off and come to the conclusion nobody's ever going to believe what you're saying.
The worst part? Everything I'm saying isn't even that outlandish, I've done legitimate weird obsessive research, pieces fit together what I'm discussing for me, and nobody understands it. Just hurts
>>1549181Not necessarily much but she is right that people misquote and completely misunderstand contexts and don't listen to a thing you're saying. The majority of human beings are stupid sheep.
Maybe I'm the stupid sheep. I'm the one who wanted to research into how hollywood and entertainment worked and got completely chopped up by it mentally. I'm not talking the /pol/ satanic panic stuff either. The structures of power in the institution and how it works are terrifying and so many people would never idealize celebrities if they knew what they were capable of and how much some of them stalk and pervert their own fandoms.
No. 1549613
>>1549468Please spill your schizo, you have my attention.
I know what you're talking about though, its like a majority of the population can't properly absorb information. They have to filter everything through the identity they've been given first (ex. I am smart therefore I don't believe in the vaccine nonsense.) And facts and proof will bounce off this wall of ego they've build around themselves. It's incredibly frustrating. I've actually been that type of person, I used to browse reddit, be atheist, browse memes about "anti-vaxxer karens", the whole 9 yards. You could not convince me. Wasn't until I let down my egp and actually tried questioning some of the stuff I believed, I realized I was completely wrong. People have to question on theory own, you won't convince them if the ego barrier is still up.
No. 1549630
>>1549602I was the nona who posted in this thread awhile back about fixers and lawyers and how they protect sexual abusers in hw. Let me reiterate and extend for you all. Sorry this is a bit long, I'll expand it into a couple parts. This is more about the physical realm. in the next part I'll babble on about media manipulation and PR, and bots and such
To start with, the hierarchy of hollywood relies a lot on dirt. Receipts, proverbially. People keep dirt, exchange dirt, and spread dirt about other people to maintain their status and image, and they will often sell this in exchange for immunity from bad press. It's not just the fixers who do this, but celebrities themselves. Celebs/their PR or other notable industry folks would swap info with outlets like National Enquirer, or say, an interview, in exchange for them curbing bad press. In a recent example I found Cosby managed to curb the Enquirer from reporting on his assault accusations for a few years by exchanging an interview with them about another ongoing controversy, which I believe was the 90s-early 00s?
Fixers are "private investigators" who also double as intimidation and hitmen. If you've ever seen the television show Ray Donavan, his character was inspired by a real fixer, who I will mention in the next paragraph. They were supposedly "wiped out" after Eddie Mannix and the golden era of hollywood, but they never left. They've just changed their tactics.
It's not that interesting actually it's mostly just hierarchal and business to protect illegal acts, victimization, especially of children and women, and other abuse, like when workers are harmed or assaulted on set and settle with the celeb for money. Details are starting to leak more out into the open these days. There was recently a documentary on the fixer I'm about to mention. I've been on this site for ages and talked about him before the most notable lawyer and protector in hollywood has been for ages Martin "Marty" Singer who runs firm Lavely & Singer. He has litigated several abuser celebrities: Nick Carter, Cosby, Jim Carrey, Charlie Sheen, Depp you name it, and is the #1 lawyer you go to when you want to shut down a scandal. One of his practicing lawyers defended Prince Andrew, Tiffany Haddish, Chris Noth and Chris D'Elia as well. With absolution, the goal of Lavely & Singer attorneys isn't just to get
victims to settle, it's to intimidate them if they don't. If all else fails, these lawyers will go insofar as to actually kill people. It sounds crazy but it's true. I'm not sure if Singer was Spaceys lawyer but I often wonder with how many of his
victims or ppl who've tried to out him who have died if he used fixers to kill them, particularly the psychiatrist lady who talked to his
victims who was branded as "crazy" and then hit by a car and a driver who nobody could track down after the fact.
Up until he died as well, Bert Fields, who you may recall being mentioned in tandem to the Michael Jackson child abuse cases.
For years in the 90s-early 00s various celebrity lawyers worked closely with a fixer named Anthony Pellicano, the subject of the aforementioned documentary, to protect their clients from accusations and bad press. Pellicano worked with Singer for ages, and he also spawned a few protégés from his time as a fixer. Pellicano was a hardcore private investigator and a former army cryptographer. Bugged journalists and
victims phones and would bribe LAPD for information on any thing he could hold against his targets, even their families. He was thorough as he was lethal, and became the new protocol for current era fixing. pellicano was arrested in the early-mid 00s for possession of explosives and later implicated for wiretapping and racketeering. There were several lawyers implicated as well, but only one was arrested and disgraced in the probe- Terry Christensen. Singer, Fields, and several other attorneys for the wealthy including Howard Weitzman and Dennis Wasser were unpunished. Among others that were implicated included several executives like Brad Gray and Michael Ovitz (one of the founders of CAA, largest artist agency in hollywood). So basically, he was a hitman helping run a mass corruption scheme to keep the Hollywood machine running, he would beat and intimidate
victims of rape and assault to force them to settle with their abusers, the whole mess. And there are still plenty of people out there like him who follow his example. But think about it now… even more advanced tech, and modern surveillance at the disposal of these powerful folk. That's the physical portion. Now going forth onto the internet portion, I will explain in part ii…
No. 1549659
>>1549630sorry for the quadruple posting, site is glitching again
here we have part ii, the wonderful world wide web
without the internet I evidently wouldn't be here communicating with you nonas, so for this invention I am grateful. but at times there are things that make me hate the internet and one of those things is how celebrities are apparently weaponizing it for their own nefarious usage
First of all, let's go back to the idea of collateral and "receipts", from part I. Receipts don't have to be physical, and they can be digital as well. One of the worst and most personal things a bunch of male celebrities have started hoarding to keep their
victims mum is revenge porn. It has been mentioned in several blind items but also in actual accusations against celebrities and actors before. Here we start to witness a disturbing new trend among celebrities, particularly those with scrotums: internet based manipulation, not just of a personal flavor, but of a professional one.
To add insult to injury: people get harassed whether they obey or abide by manipulations of these
abusive rich a-holes or not. I mentioned Pegasus before, didn't I? So Pegasus is a virtually undetectable spyware invented by Israeli intelligence that has found itself into grubby little industry hands in addition to the "private investigation" agencies like Black Cube (quite literally former special ops "private detective" agency that harasses rich people detractors) hired by Weinstein to harass his
victims and likely by others. Very elusive and still being used, no doubt. Apparently according to some nona in the tech thread there's a far less expensive variant with similar properties to Pegasus circulating around the internet. People use this software to target and track journalists,
victims, any form of opposition if they can get their hands on it. It's the modern equivalent of what Pellicano did with wiretapping, but think about how much we keep in our smartphones by comparison. Though never confirmed, Ronan Farrow said during his time investigating Weinstein, Black Cube agents always seemed to know where he was, which makes me suspect Pegasus. So imagine and envision that a lot of the
victims of these celebrities not only have any leverage fixers and the celebrities themselves can obtain over their heads, it's also the threat of death and very likely an instillation of a program like Pegasus to monitor them. It can hear and see fucking everything. Yes, it's disturbing.
I'm a media major whos technically got a general degree that's a rather nebulous but distinctive bounce between PR and journalism. I've always been kind of prone to noticing and fascinated by media manipulation. The internet is a hotbed of it. There are a lot of bots. Said bots, well, what if I told you, some of them were… hired, purposeful?
If any of you anons were following the Johnny Depp Amber Heard trial, Depp had a litigator named Adam Waldman on his side. Waldman all but outright admitted that he used bots and media manipulation online, splicing together clips of Amber completely out of context, spreading them, and buying up negative press in news outlets in order to convince the public that Amber deserved to be demonized. It worked. Moreover, Waldman went insofar as to hire MRA YouTubers and other YouTubers, infamously, that umbrella guy, to publish videos defending Depp in exchange for them being his pay pigs. Depp is not the only celebrity to do this.
Waldman has a close relationship with a bloodthirsty oligarch named Oleg Deripaska and also Julien Assenge. Deripaska supposedly helped meddle in Trump's 2016 election and had close correspondence with Manifort, he knows other celebrities like Steven Seagal and Jim Carrey. He was indicted last year but no word as to whether he'll actually be sentenced to anything. Deripaska is also a disgusting yachter and rose to his power as a steel tycoon by murdering people. No doubt in my mind that he's probably one of the main providers of… goods and services. Like russian bots are a thing, not just a meme. I'm not sure if waldman has lent his service to any other celebrities beyond depp but I would not be surprised if numerous PR teams and celebs don't employ a similar method of bots and hiring individuals and publications to censor negativity, inflate hatred against their clients so called enemies, or spread good press. PR can be used for everything and anything. The good, the bad and ugly. This is my medium so I honestly think a lot of internet engagement is fake nowadays. If it seems like you get dogpiled with hate on twitter or reddit for mentioning a very popular celeb, you might not be dealing with real people.
Though done in subtler ways, most celebrities and their PR teams are active on social media, and engaging in a thing called astroturfing. Astroturfing, connotation happy or angry, is the false illusion of grassroots participation by planting and farming content, responding to, downvoting and upvoting it with fake engagement.
Take for example
>>1548243 where someone was mass downvoted for mentioning the death of Jim Carrey's ex girlfriend on reddit. On popular posts about him, this frequently happens. This happened on one of the reposts of Carrey's infamous blue coat 2017 nihilist interview, this happened on the post about him suing the YouTuber. Posts mentioning his ex get downvoted. Dogpiled. Outside of gossip subreddits, and even on gossip subreddits, these comments sometimes receive hateful responses, it appears that Jim has some kind of bot or manual downvote farm engaged and his team purposely buries posts about the ex as an attempt to force the poster to delete and not discuss his accusations further. It's very gross. This is why, beyond him paying Cathriona's family off and having a strong litigious presence, that you don't see info about her death spread a lot. Consider how obsessive him and his team must be to seemingly target posts like these. Now gawk a little. Again, not the only celebrity who does this, and when several other celebs have been accused of astroturfing, those accusations are probably on the money. It's effective modern PR, if you can't suppress social media, then it may spread to real life buzz. This is what we call media manipulation, which is far easier on the internet where you can hide who's a human with genuine thoughts and whos a hired shill.
The other thing I've heard is celebrities watching and interacting with their own fandoms, sometimes contacting and sleeping with fans for the sake of the imbalanced power and the fawning. Take for example that you can look in most celebrity's twitter likes and see that they lurk posts about themselves (alleged but yet to be confirmed creep Jason Sudeikis likes hate tweets about Ted Lasso and himself, which is extremely weird) It's much easier to bed a fan than it is someone on your level. We saw it with the cringe Adam Levine DM's but there are plentiful of other celebrities who stalk their fandoms and some who do the same thing. Don't forget our very own encounter with Doja Cat. Sometimes the males just stalk you like a weirdo incel would, apparently. Sometimes they even supposedly pose as their own fans or stans in an effort to gain one's trust or something. I'm not quite sure, but I swear I've stumbled upon celebs myself, and not meaning to. You should watch what you say about celebrities to some degree. Or rather, you should consider that they'll see it or that their PR will.
Celebrity isn't just fluffy photoshoots and love and hugs and filming sets, it's a brand. It's an industry. Work goes into keeping these people "reputable". The less reputable you are the more enormous your cleanup crew. The
abusive male celebrities have the worst and most invasive press people and bots at their disposal, the most money, and the most fearful
victims who'll never probably come out until they die. It's very harrowing and sad that the internet has given us such a limitless expanse to communicate and is now being manipulated by these capitalist monsters and the handlers of these chauvinistic pigs. I laughed at the Brad Pitt Katrina charity expose from the other week for that reason.
No. 1549677
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>>1549630>>1549659The reason I came to these conclusions was both brushing with insider information, though not always through direct sources, and also just massive amounts of research and my own experiences. Watched a lot of documentaries and videos, read a lot of articles, spent hours looking through archivals, dedicated my sad wasted time to this fascination. I'm pretty sure I've actually been targeted, maybe not to the extent of real life harm, just terrible online bullshit, to the point where I'd end up crying, screaming, even self harming. It affected my real life and I've significantly dialed back. I quit all social media sans lurking when I could no longer tolerate it. I'm an abuse survivor but this all was oftentimes too much for me. Like when you read into things like the Depp Heard case or many major celebrities accusations, or if you ever heard what these guys, fixers, male celebs really sound like… it's very bathroom locker room talk, with a hard edged misogyny, and that shit makes me want to puke. My god it's awful. I'm glad to know what I know but I also wish I never ventured down this path, because my yellow brick road of information is rotting before my eyes.
People literally say you're schizophrenic for pointing out that Hollywood is systemic and corrupt but not in a politically motivated baby blood eating nonsense type way, but more in the way of filthy people protecting filthy people using systems of hierarchy and leverage. I'm part Jewish myself so I really tire of all the disgusting antisemitism that surrounds the discussion of Hollywood corruption. How or why it got started is beyond me, but I'm tired of it. There is a way to discuss corruption non partisan and semi apolitically but it falls back on the usual stifling tropes. I'm just tired of it, it completely clouds the actual happenings and the severity of the corruption. Conspiracy theories or theorizing in general shouldn't be surrounding hatred and bigotry.
Hollywood is gossipy itself. It's like a game. Any high level job is sort of like a game, at the upper echelon of life you have to learn how to manipulate it, or else you'll be tooted and booted out of the league.
Yes there is gross sex shit and illegal acts going on, but it's not quite what people think it is. They always expect the worst and most grotesque, but a bunch of these people are extreme but not totally dissimilar from your average psychologically domestic violence case. They really aren't. And though they may indulge in hedonistic or disgusting sex acts, their core entitlement isn't much different from any other creep you'd meet on the street, it's just one with money and power to not only escape consequence but be glorified for it. Celebrities are human, the only thing that glosses their humanity is money and power. If you took it away tomorrow or altered their fate, they'd be forgotten and go down in scrutiny as normal people like you or me. Celebrities are an image, a fantasy. As someone who wants to work in media I know how fake the world of it is. Not all celebrities are evil and corrupt like this, but few have gotten to higher status without some kind of sacrifice or cruelty inflicted upon them or someone else. It's not a comforting and lovely industry, especially not for the women. People aspire to be in it and see it as some kind of higher art, but being in front of the camera is the worst job in that industry you could possibly have. You see the consequences of it all the time, how people have fallen out, mentally broken down, left for their own sake. It's the same in tech or high level business too. Drugs, sex, receipts and manipulation are going to run rampant in pretty much any higher crust of the society in which we live. The thing is, there are good and bad people, it's not a monolith, good people can do bad things. But a lot of these people become bad in the lustful conquest for fame and money, and once they have fame and money, conquest for their unrelenting boredom and entitlement.
I point this out, I get laughed out of the room by normies who think this type of mundane corrupting hierarchal power is incomprehensible and compare me to genuinely braindead conspiracy theorists, and then I get equally laughed out of the room by the conspiracy theorists with zero braincells who don't want to understand the complexity, when in fact it's not that hard to figure out. They want a simple cabal or the illuminati or satanists but I thoroughly believe most of it's just business to protect business by literally doing whatever is necessary to protect the status quo. The "cabals", if you want to call them that, are smaller networks of people. Like how comedians or singers or certain celebs have their cliques and friend groups, they probably share another's secrets and sometimes even attorneys. God forbid they'll backstab one another.
Reality bites, and it's hard for people to understand a realistic premise to an unreal diff question. Also a lot of terminally online people surprisingly don't understand media manipulation and PR meddling, or technology in general.
Anyways this is my knowledge of sorts I'm bestowing upon yall and I hope it's not too convoluted or weird. It's way too long but I hope you enjoy it. I know it's not the most exciting and may not make total sense, but hopefully you find it introspective.
No. 1549680
>>1522851Sheltered whites are living in another universe. Its like those puppy dog innocent Swedish women who go backpackinng in Egypt then get raped…not to
victim blame but what would you think would happen in a third world shithole like that? In just 5 generations the nordic countries went from purging and genociding cripples and Jews to welcoming every type of criminal possible into their countries. Learn the nuanced concept that all human beings are equal but not all cultures are.
(racebaiting) No. 1549683
>>1549678"Hierarchy" = A-list, B-list, C-list status and celebrity's relative level of wealth and resources
The lawyers work closely with the fixers, if you go and watch the documentary about Pellicano you can learn about it. It's on Hulu under Anthony Pellicano Sin Eater, two parter. New York Times did a decently thorough job on that. Though his work with Singer is mentioned more sparsely it touches specifically on what he does to
victims and even plays a very disturbing conversation he has with Chris Rock over the phone about how he's going to beat up his rape
victim. Pellicano is literally a fucking borderline alt right Republican of Italian descent who went and spoke on Fox News kek where did you people get antisemitism from what I said. I said nothing about Jews anons
I am fucking part ashkenazi and my ancestor wanted to run Nazis over with tanks. Don't fuckin accuse me of that shit
No. 1549685
>>1549682I literally said nothing about Jewish people and am part Jewish you braindead fucking retards
One of my ancestors was literally a Hollywood lawyer. Jesus christ. Don't fucking accuse me of severe nasty shit like that. It doesn't sound like any of you read what I wrote at all. I'm not just some /pol/ tard, I explained the relationship of abusers and lawyers and fixers very clearly and apolitically. Get the fuck out if you can't discuss this with nuance and actually read what I wrote. And go watch the pellicano doc or read some articles for yourself about it.
I am not gonna be demoralized with this gross ass argument when my relatives were trying not to get gassed by hitler
No. 1549689
>>1549684Again, I wasn't trying to. If I were trying to be intentionally antisemitic or sound like a channer then I would've used the retarded dogwhistle parentheticals
I'm actually someone who steers very leftist, very feminist and hates men in general so I wouldn't sound obtuse on purpose with any malice. I'm sorry if I did. As I said in my other posts I come ancestrally from marginalized people
There are a lot of people in the industry by the way who don't purposely facilitate and participate in this abuse and who aren't bad people. I wanted to work in the industry myself. That's why I researched it and shit. I still do to some degree, even if I get sexually harassed, I wanted to try and make it a better place. That's quite literally what I'm majoring in. I still have hope and I think there are people willing to do creativity and good. As much as I love media I just kind of loathe and hate how people overly glamorize it, and yes, I'm a little more skeptical A-listers and a-list men are decent people. Keep in mind this is thousands of people and that the institution that perpetuates abuse is far closer to the top on behalf of a handful of particularly nasty people. I mean you can find those irl too, but they at least end up in jail. The jim depp and brads of the world don't end up jailed.
No. 1549690
>>1549685Nonnie I appreciate you sharing your knowledge so much. Fuck those other anons who clearly didn’t read a goddamn thing you wrote. that was the most coherent and apolitical explanation of this shit I’ve ever heard and I wanted to say BRAVO
I also wouldn’t doubt you’re being targeted yourself with these dumbass “anons” flocking to shittalk your post right away.
No. 1549695
>>1549682Yeah I think you're right about them thinking all Jews are bad because of the very few that are in such positions but still. They're so weird. Jews are one of the minority groups that's most discrimating against, they literally got genocided in huge numbers and still can't live their lifes without no life racist people hating on them.
Most jewish people I know I had good experiences with and they helped my Muslim country financially when we had a natural disaster so maybe I'm biased but antisemitism just makes no sense. I knew broke white guys who hated Jews because they thought all fo then were rich scammers and some anons itt have similar energy.
No. 1549697
>>1549690It could be worse. I've dealt with far worse than just like "oh people won't read my arguments", "oh this seems intentionally obtuse", "oh this seems kinda mean", "oh I've been accused of being something I'm not"… like dealt a fold of fire breathing insults and hate just for insulting celebrities that people liked when they were 10 like I stabbed them in the chest or something. it does start to hurt and get redundant after awhile whether it's real reactions or not
my tl;dr? famous men with credible abuse accusations and creep tendencies can choke on their std infected cocks for what I care
No. 1549702
>>1549697not going to samefag too much longer but I do fear the celebrity i fear targeted me may have found me on here initially. don't ask me why or how, it's just a hunch because of the circumstances at the time
if it wasn't here it was some other social network, but I have no idea when it started and how long it has been there, and no, I don't think I'm crazy. it's like no matter what I do I can't shake it. everyday life, my routine, my body and my mind are ensnared in a layer of dread. my parents are
abusive neglectful shits who don't know, my friends and therapist do and they don't disbelieve me, can't afford a new phone and I can't go to the authorities. it really is a helpless and painful position because I have other obligations, life and past traumas to deal with already.
if it weren't real, everything I've dealt with and have researched and watched combined with already being an abuse survivor has upset me. it's hurt me regardless. and I think what's often overlooked is just the mundane brutality. abuse affects people across all different identities and social classes in many forms, and if we can't even solve or even attempt to fix abuses at higher levels of society and high profile cases are wrought with manipulation and
victim blaming then how are we ever going to solve the misogyny and abuse women on our normal level have to deal with?
No. 1549706
>>1549702I think you might literally have some Pegasus adjacent thing following you, nonna. The immediate, incessant, nonsense, AI-generated looking replies demonizing you here is case in point. I really wouldn’t doubt that whatever celeb you’re referring to is targeting you. I wish you would spill the beans on the name or give some hints just for my own nosiness.
You said your friends and therapists don’t disbelieve you which confused me. Do they believe you, or DISbelieve you? Regarding the abuse, I’m sorry you were abused. Idk if it’s just cause I was also a
victim but it seems like more people were abused than not. Like overall, throughout history and most societies, abuse and callousness and misogny has all been par the course, totally normalized. The only thing I can do to stop it is never reproduce. One of the many many reasons I am an antinatalist. So sad to me that my friend’s sweet innocent daughters have to exist in this disgusting world. I love my children to much to subject them to a life sentence of living in human society. We’ve always been led and ruled by cruel psychopathic rape apes and their legions of ass kissers.
No. 1549707
>>1549701"Solzhenitsyn, but completely ignores the part how much this author was anti certain people and even when asked directly, refused to adress the certain people question raised by Solzhenitsyn. Really activates my almonds"
We know what you meant by that. Take your hate back to 4chan.
No. 1549711
>>1549709It’s like you didn’t read anything that
nonnie wrote
No. 1549721
>>1549706>>1549717He's been mentioned in this site and in this series of threads.
I used to love him.
Please don't say his name but you can easily tell who it is. don't even say his name censored. Once you figure out who it is it'll make sense.
No. 1549779
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>>1549685>>1549690I'm convinced that it's just another derailment tactic. It's not the first time I've seen someone post here and then get accused of screeching about 'da joos' for no fucking reason. It's always in response to Hollywood related shit too. Literally nobody mentioned Jewish people jfc it has to be intentional derailment.
Thank you for sharing your insight with us Hollywood
No. 1549781
>>1549779That's because you use 4chan speak for da jooz
"Solzhenitsyn, but completely ignores the part how much this author was anti certain people and even when asked directly, refused to adress the certain people question raised by Solzhenitsyn. Really activates my almonds"
Either you're a man or I'm sorry but you really act like one. Guys from 4chan regularly raid this board to post child porn you're probably one of them.
No. 1549784
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No. 1549792
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>>1549677So you’re ignoring the fact that any celebrity’s close friends or relatives die before or after they get famous or the occult/Satanic imagery In the entertainment industry because it’s totally not happening lol. Yeah, and two South Korean presidents totally didn’t sacrifice their young citizens to maintain their power through woo-woo shit, sure. No wonder people dismiss you when the occult is just an important piece of this fucked up puzzle besides the cleanup crew. Celebrities are other rich prominent figures do believe in or use this stuff to get ahead in life when we’d like to admit it or not.
Oh and if you think celebrities hiding their eyes in photo shoots are doing it to troll the schizos, think again, they’ve been doing this long before we were even born or aware. Pic related is Marilyn Monroe doing it.
No. 1549795
>>1549689Samefag but
> Hollywood Jew lawyer relative>libfem>nuh-uh jooz are not that rich or powerful!!!Sounds like you’re part of the cleanup crew yourself,
nonnie. Still believing that right-wingers are ebil when in actuality both parties are and the Russian infiltration totally happened when it was proven otherwise that it didn’t.
No. 1549878
>>1549864You do realize that the Illuminati - an umbrella of powerful groups and families are the epicenter of conspiracy theories, right? Jewish or not is irrelevant. This was recorded in the 70’s before John Todd disappeared where he talked about artists with powerful families doing occult rituals to get their precious fame, apparently he too was from one of these families.
You’re obviously a glowie trying to shut any dissenting opinions down.
No. 1549908
>>1549894>>1549901NTA but don't be fucking ridiculous kek
>"Many people with power are deranged cultists doing horrible things to people, sometimes including their own family and friends, for money/fame">"Omg I read occult books and sometimes do little rituals, why is that so bad??? Are you Christian or something, you know they're not innocent either"It's not about you dabbling in mysticism at 16. It's about rapey scrotes and even murderers getting away with shit.
No. 1549985
>>1549981Catholics have been taking things from other religions for a very long time now. They wouldn't even let their own followers read the Bible, kek.
I'm neither Christian nor a Satanist, but you cannot pretend religions are all just neutral. They're all shit, but the people with the most power have their favorites, and that's it.
No. 1549987
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>>1549924>the only difference is that with celebrities or famous people they have money for good pr and a culture of silencing dissent >because everyone is desperate to "make it" and don't want to rock the boat.apathy, ndas and the culture of blacklisting people who speak out too much
I really do loathe pellicano for setting the new standard for modern fixing. it's like they get off especially on degrading women and they make up the majority of their targets.
one of the journalists from the fixer documentary, anita busch, dealt with targeting for 18 months. she never fully figured whodunit, it left her with severe ptsd and she started a survivor organization.
>after she had been threatened and targeted in the first place:>"what am I dealing with, and how far are they gonna go?">she was just doing her job>"I wanted to die, I didn't know what I'd done wrong">"it was after [I was assaulted] I couldn't function"it just hurts to think of all the lives affected, thousands of unannounced
victims. as you said, it's the broader effect of apathy on fear on culture that wounds it the most. No. 1550014
>>1550010What are you even talking about? Are you responding to the wrong person? All I said was
No. 1550076
>>1549772>So, do Hollywood and other big celebrities get threatened by the rising popularity of youtubers and e celebs? Nowadays big guys with millions of subs are extremely popular and earn a lot of cash. They might get even more popular and influential with time.
>Can they topple Hollywood dominance and if so, what celebs think about it?As an artist I like once said, all things are delicately interconnected.
Some of these YouTubers, particularly music YouTubers, go forth to enter the professional industry, so it could be viewed as a pipeline. And then there's ones like say Mr. Beast who extend to merchandising, charity, other commerce. In all respects a lot of these people are still "managed" and entertainment adjacent enough, and some of them sign with agencies, so one could say they're part of the PR circuit and will undeniably end up using similar tactics to any celebrity.
I was reading a book about how we consume and interpret media and tactics from 2001 far before social networking was much of it still manages to pigeonhole how people work, technology is the only thing that aged out.
Here's the thing: where money is involved, money will soon translate to artifice. Anyone who becomes a celebrity tends to fall down the rabbit hole of artificially PR enhancing themselves, and YouTubers to a lesser degree do that.
I think the real question and the real threat is, with the rise of internet fame, will the A-lister exist in a couple hundred years? There was another article I read recently about how certain behind the scenes jobs are eliminated as well in favor of new tactics, like agents becoming less relevant. Not to mention the rise of things like AI and deepfakes and how that will affect the industry. It's a slow burn though, it's not going to be an immediate overnight change. The definition of "star" and "celebrity" has expanded.
A lot of the a-listers from the 80s-90s era are complaining about the advent of social media. It's not just they can't adapt to not just new technology norms, many of them can, but mostly new social norms. They're mad Gen Z kids think their movies are lame or didn't stand the test of time. Boo hoo hoo. If they were smart they'd find a way to adapt, but their geriatric asses are caught up in obsessing over the old guard and angry they don't have the fame they once had. It's actually kind of funny that they're wasting their breath complaining instead of evolving their tired shtick
Culture is growing and changing, this will affect the business model. But at its core, there will always be a shiny artifice to most celebrities and media and PR tend to use similar tactics in new wrapping, and in order to maintain one's status of celebrity, you have to either self manage, which is increasing hard to do, or hire help. Seldom is there someone who's not helped by someone else in some capacity, and when money is involved, they will work harder and harder
The way I see it I honestly think the internet celebrity and the traditional celebrity will continue to coexist and intermingle more with one another, as has been established. It's not that dissimilar from when theater transitioned to movies, silent movies transitioned to talking, radio transitioned to television, television to cable, phones to smartphones, cable to streaming. The evolution of technology changes the world, but the song in a way remains the same. People do the same shit, history repeats itself. Humans build idols and worship them, perhaps God was the OG omnipotent celebrity.
No. 1550094
>>1549780I started posting here
>>1549630followed by
>>1549659 and
>>1549677don't know if you read yet but thank you for your interest and thank you if you read the whole mess
No. 1550151
>>1549779it is derailment. everytime someone comes in this thread with something that's actually interesting, they get dogpiled by retards and run off. it happened to me last year.
hollywood anon, thank you for posts, i really appreciate it and please don't let the glowniggers in the thread discourage you. i find this shit fascinating as a journalism major as well and a lot of this stuff i've learned over the years just from growing up in california and learning all the tricks of hollyweird.
No. 1550204
>>1550151Also I think there was something seriously fucked up going on during the 80s-90s in underground clubs and comedy clubs. The Sam Kinison era Comedy Store spiraled comedian Marc Maron into cocaine psychosis and he had to stop performing there. That's where Jim Carrey honed his craft and he saw Sam Kinison as a mentor.
Kinison was a fucked up guy and his raunchy antics sort of dominated the club during the era and the people he hung out with. This definitely influenced people he knew in a bad way and Maron was one of the ones who couldn't tolerate it, but Carrey stayed, they delve into that a bit in their WTF podcast episode. Mitzi Shore also treated people quite badly from what I've heard
fucked up shit also went down, different but similar, in Johnny Depp's viper room, where River Phoenix died. Lots of underage models and drug abuse. LAPD was notorious for looking the other way when crime happened during these eras and is allegedly still quite corrupt.
No. 1550240
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>>1550204speaking of the comedy store what grown ass adults "downvoting" this are oblivious to the fact that at least a generous 50% of comedians are cokewhores or addicts of some kind
the whole "uwu wholesome white neoliberal comedy man who hates trump and paints fuggo art who's just as wholesome as he was in 2004" grifting needs to die a horrible death already, it's not going to last, specially not after last year. okay I'm done I sound like a schizo and I'll get called a schizo again
astroturfing starts to become super fucking obvious and even the nice celebrities do this shit
No. 1550279
>>1549795lmao right?
my favourite is when i point out the over representation of jews in hollywood only to be called antisemitic, while there are documentaries made by jews proudly showing the history of how they started the whole industry. Noticing things doesn't make us 4chan scrotes that will call for genocide, no one even thinks it's every jew, afaik the theories are that they aren't even real jews, and they don't have an issue with harming the average jew that isn't part of their rich families anyway.
No. 1550308
>>1548960>ahem certain people ahemanon i'm really interested in what you have to say and i sympathize a lot with the feeling of not being listened to when discussing things like this. but when you refer to jewish people in that way, even intelligent nonnies are going to write you off and not read the rest of what you say because language like that makes you come across as the typical 4chan schizo type and people are tired of that shit (and i think you attracted one itt too). i think that's why some anons were coming after you for the jew stuff, just a misunderstanding and they probs didn't read the rest of your posts anyways
>inb4 i get called a glowie not every derail in this thread is a psyop ok we all get retarded sometimes
No. 1550345
>>1550240"I sound like a schizo and I'll get called a schizo again"
A schizo would never have this realization or say these words so you are officially not schizo, don't worry
No. 1550381
>>1550368Using intelligence…on Lolcow? Topkek
Just posting here makes you autistic as the rest of us
No. 1550478
>>1550388Depends on what kind of stuff you're looking for. Every deep dive has a jumping point, so for me I start with one subject or person I'm particularly interested in and then branch out from there into other things. You have to learn to read between the lines when it comes to certain information, remember that there may be grains of truth hidden within hyperbole or something a little dubious, like blind items when it comes to famous ppl. You pick and choose when it comes to the theoretical what to take at face value. You can find journalistic articles about crime cases or assault allegations, usually, at minor you can find gossip rags. Vanity fair literally did a profile on one of the aforementioned shady lawyers that's quite telling.
If you're talking about researching a particular "subject", you establish their MO and what they're like by watching surface level shit like interviews across the years. Find out who they're connected to and friends with. you look for people who've actually talked about your subject in some capacity. So I lurked and frequented and commented on forums, gossip and entertainment subreddits, and other sites and picked up on things there, because nothing is entirely secretive and the world is full of minor to major slips. The easiest way is to start with a person rather than just an idea, the person leads you to an idea
No. 1550910
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I think the Thomas and friends institute of innovation film was snuff, and maybe clone snuff
Obama wanted confusion money but that clearly seems like snuff and they should kill everyone involved except for the victims.
No. 1550995
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Hey everyone, don’t use Apple Music. It might want sneaky rape on timeshare money or some random man to crawl out of the woodwork and say you consented when you didn’t understand. Lol someone rush to understand the rules on YouTube.
Haha George Clinton. can’t uninstall Apple Music either. Shane Dawson is living comfortable for smiley money as always.
( No. 1551003

>>1478847i find it interesting that since covid, mainstream media outlets with a specific leaning towards the centre-left, such as cbs and msnbc, have started pushing these headlines "debunking" conspiracy theories. the last time they've ever done this was in 2016-2017 during the peak pizzagate craze, and that was only when hillary clinton and obama were attached to it, and it was only featured on late night talk shows like stephen colbert. it was never given a headline by a proper journalist. the media has always pretended that conspiracy theorists are just your kooky uncle living in the woods who shits in a bucket so, who cares? but ever since the pandemic, suddenly they're taking conspiracies very seriously and bringing attention to fringe theories, as though this shit has just started happening the last few years. people have been talking about the davos meetings since they first started. and in a weird way, articles like this also subtly acknowledge the weirdness of super-rich elites fucking off to exclusive resorts like courcheval once a year to hob nob with each other in ultimate secrecy…for what exactly? no one has ever really been able to say.
in other news, did you guys hear or read about the new unicoin that was quietly released by the international monetary fund on april 14, 2023? this has been around a while but they're really pumping the gas on it now. also apologies for the fox news youtube link but as an amerifat who lives in europe now and has started seeing these spending caps when i got out shopping, i thought it was interesting.
some press releases i found: official statement from the imf last year during the bitcoin crash/scandal: No. 1551171
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>>1550922Trying to bury his actions isn't maintaining humanity, his abuse is hiding a glaring flaw and a crime that could've landed him in prison.
Had he not had the money and power to escape consequence, or his
victim alive, there would never have been a failed renaissance.
His ex, unlike many
victims of powerful men who are known to the media, isn't just left voiceless by fear. She found life so unbearable thanks to this infected waste of air that she killed herself. She literally no longer speaks.
Cat was a real woman who died because of Jim Carrey, and he wants the world to forget she existed and that he killed her. He not only tried to obtain the evidence of their entire relationship to expunge it, he actively to the day, five years after the settlement, bury people talking about his battery of her.
Sociopaths like him have no remorse for anything or awareness of their actions. No regrets for why they do. It's too late to salvage or save the consequence of making a monster like this famous, but it needs to be said that he's a sadistic, evil bastard, and no, his actions dont deserve to be astroturfed out of existence or the discourse laden with misinformation.
Guy can't even fake a negative STD test for himself but he'll sure as fuck blamed his
victim and refuse to speak her name after he settled out of court. He was so cowardly and so pathetic that he alluded to her in his fiction novel in the form of a character who overdosed and survived. The real Cat didn't survive, Jim, you pathetic groveling windbag. She's dead and he killed her.
I do hope forever and a day that for her sake and for other womens sake that the truth will one day come out. Everytime I look at a picture of her I start tearing up. I don't give a fuck anons, call me schizo, believe me or not, it shouldn't be overlooked and this murderer deserves the worst
No. 1551238
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>>1551213She was, and very delicate looking and sweet. She came to LA from a relatively small town in Ireland, her father had died shortly before she met JC. Her mother was in and out of her life and implied to be a narcissistic abuser herself. It sounds like she didn't have a terribly happy life and was fleeing her past. He likes "damaged" women from what I've discerned, sees them as easier to control, disposable.
His first wife Melissa said he would have frequent meltdowns, she worked through her eighth month of pregnancy while he made shit for money, then he dumped her after cheating on her with Lauren Holly. Holly said he was too weird and sick for them to stay married longer than a year. Renee Zellweger ran the hell away from him because of his obsessive personality and cruelty, he called her chubby cheeks and shamed her appearance. She ended up getting a ton of plastic surgery later, I think he put a massive dent in her self esteem, even someone like Jenny McCarthy who in her own right is not a great person implied an ex boyfriend had abused her, his influence was so
toxic that it could no longer be around her son. He's also supposedly the one who got her into antivax rhetoric and encouraged it, not the other way around like what is often claimed. He also may have dated a former model turned internet personality named Channon Rose and she implied in a video that during the time when they were dating, she got pregnant, wanted to keep the baby, and forced an abortion on her.
read he fat shamed, starved, and bullied a lot of his exes into eating disorders, some of whom were struggling with their weight, models or already very small. His daughter was chubby as a kid too, I wonder if that's why Melissa kept him away from her.
Picrel was early in the relationship and last pic I posted was less than a year before Cat died. Beyond the STDs it seems like he legitimately bullied and strung her along. He described her as a "delicate flower" after she died, which takes on a whole new meaning after the accusations.
No. 1551381
>>1550934telling a woman who can no longer afford insurance or meds or psychiatry appointments to take her "pills" is kind of offensive by the way, and it wasn't my lack of lamotrigane or mental illness that led me to believe that flappy lipped wrinkled pug was an abuser, I knew and have suspected and known about all this starting with the death of his ex and built up a dossier overtime
just because a source is mentally ill doesn't mean everything she's said about someone is wrong, same excuse people use to
victim blame his dead ex
No. 1551403
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>>1551397doja cat of all people was caught lurking here and celebs have been caught browsing 4chan and reddit. doja periodically still uses tiny chat
these celebs and if not them their pr teams are online and that's not even a conspiracy, ansel elgort, armie cannibal hammer and adam levine used their personal main accounts to contact and solicit sex, bigger celebrities will use burners, even smaller ones will. it's idiotic to assume celebrities aren't online
in the leaked sony emails, or maybe this was figured out by the message boards themselves, I can't remember, jennifer aniston and angelina jolie would discuss themselves on bbs's and leave scathing hate comments. the density on the people in this thread, if they are people, is palpable
No. 1551546
>>1551514Are there any other celebrities you think didn't have accidental deaths anon? Would like to hear more expansion on this.
I forgot that this guy was MJ's doctor, I'll look more into it later. Didn't Michael kind of live in infamy after the abuse accusations for years anyway before he died?
No. 1551563
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>>1551553anons hyper specific denial about carrey in this thread is fucking creepy me out and I'm tired of it
the guy has no life when he's not promoting movies, he's currently retired and fucked off out of la, and nobody knows what he's doing but look at how invasive his pr still is as a retired has been. start asking the real questions: why is he so obsessed that either him or his staff will go insofar as to hire an agency or they themselves downvote and suppress posts about his abuse more than anything else. like he's even worse than johnny depp, unlike depp, his
victim is dead and her story isn't as widely known, but he used similar smear tactics to try and claim she was a liar, golddigger, a whore, an extortionist, all after her death.
I'm really starting to think he's a closet Scientologist. It would explain a lot.
>>1522422 the school he spoke at and possibly has property near and transcendental meditation and tm seems like a cult too. Fucker is probably in a cult, it's been implied as far back as when he went to Tomkat's wedding in the mid 00s and the cult was said to have drawn in Mccarthy.
No. 1551599
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other thing is that he's known to be a whiny bitch about internet criticism
even back in the 00s-10s he was an early twitter user and cried about how people called him out for defending tiger woods cheating, he said "let me go back on twitter and see if there's anyone else to offend". he is internet savvy for a boomer, his typing is awful, but if he's typing anything his handler and assistant is there with him. he's had this little brunette lady trailing him around since the 90s, she must be a total sociopath to enjoy working for him.
it was only after his exs death that he handed partial control over his social media to pr and became more covert, all focus went on his eerie political cartoons as an effective distraction from his disastrous personal life in order to convince neoliberals and leftists that he was a feminist and ally to women. If he'd never been accused he never would've changed his image. it's all a ploy and part of it may very well be his mental illness trying to convince him he didn't kill cat because he identifies a certain way politically. he's a very delusional, sick human being in general which is the only reason why I think he'd be crazy and terminally online enough to stalk anyone. outside of movie promos he is apparently an unhealthy man with a lonely, awful life
he also supposedly met Anchal Joseph, another one of his exes from ANTM, on twitter. so yes everything about him screams terminally online incel manbaby with too much money. The only difference between elon and jim is a few zeros in their bank balance and their sociopolitical leanings and alleged public images. other than that they're both pathetic misogynistic incel loser "celebrity" autists
No. 1551603
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>>1551599another fun fact: he's a conspiritard himself and fanboy of infamous lizard people truther david icke, jim would go to icke's events in disguise and they posed for a photo together
No. 1551651
>>1551546River Phoenix comes to mind, dude was pretty aware of the degeneracy in Hollywood and globohomo plans for world domination; he wanted out. He was a junkie and better excuse for his own murder than a speedball overdose?
If River had been still alive, Leo “get in my yacht” DiCaprio would be nothing.
No. 1551889
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>>1551651Phoenix died in Depp's Viper Room, did he not? Of course he did. Once again, dark place, that Viper Room.
No. 1551897
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>>1551889what the actual fuck
No. 1551902
>>1551171I'm not saying Jim Carrey isn't an abuser and a piece of shit I'm saying to the anon who thought he was following her that theres no possible way thats true. Unless she posts evidence. However I can't be too hypocritical about stuff like that men can stalk in subtle ways, I'm the poster who noticed weird shit on my google account and when I finally put the pieces together and realized a bunch of men on reddit found revenge porn of me…somehow someway a really old ex had found me and stalked me down on the internet, he found my number, my reddit accounts, everything just to retraumatize me again and guess what? I have no proof because the revenge porn subreddit has been deleted, my old reddit account was deleted, and the only screencaps I have are of vaguely threatening and weird recommended vids. The worst part is I'm pretty sure that guy has a gf he beats based on what I've found on the internet and she will not help me or go to the police about it.
Anyway if you're a
victim of abuse even if you sound crazy please talk about it show whatever proof you may have no matter how small, and I don't care how much money or fame or how popular this guy is keep going to the police and telling the world what he did until somebody gives a shit enough to do something.
No. 1552072
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No. 1552086
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>>1551927Yes yes he does
Further examples of vehement dogpiling from the "jim threatens to sue epstein" reddit posts back in February that seem unnaturally cruel and creepy
No. 1552090
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>>1552086None of these are me, by the way. When I was still on reddit though, the responses to my own posts started getting more vehement themselves and accusing me of a smear campaign, even on teeny or barely noticed posts
No. 1552095
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of course the first thing he did was say "saying a washed up haggard old celebrity man is an abuser means you must have a debilitating mental disorder, because only crazy women acknowledge men are pieces of shit" which was admittedly amusing
No. 1553020
nonnie, if it wasn't for deserters we still would be in the dark about a lot of things. Props for anon for not proffiting more of women's pain as her family.
>>1550279My tinfoil is that there is a lot of bots on lc, My proof is in this very thread where retards keep bringing put things that were actually adressed like the satanist thing, jews or occultists. Yeah is obvious that not every jew on the planet and in fact many of them are explicitly on the black list and will go with the rest of us, no the fact that you made your nigel use a rose quartz bracelet doesnt make you the kind of "occultist" we are talking about, and it doesnt matter what satan "actually is" but the Elites are satanists in the way that they despiste the mayority of the population and want to temple on everything that we believe, this inclues a complete subversion of all "Christian values" including the most basic stuff to mantain a society like "life is good" (thats why is actually dangerous). Those things should go without saying as we're in thread #14. The culture on this thread was very well established until now for some reason. I've seen different moid-newfag invasions here on the last couple years yet this one feels different. Maybe it's because there are less oldfags so no one calls them out but unlike before this batch of newfags can't even read, let alone integrate. It's werid to say the least. I won't call lc fully compromised but i feel actual convos are becoming rarer.
No. 1553168
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Trump-chan is indeed Donald Trump.
No. 1553178
>>1552086>>1552090bots like this invaded and ruined every place there was to discuss "pizzagate" back in like 2017. have you ever been unlucky enough to be trapped with a malignant narcissist? this is exactly how they talk when they need to DARVO. this isn't good faith debate and challenging. it's malignant targetted gaslighting and attempts to humiliate (gormless gape hole?? who says that)
somewhat unrelated but i think back to a college class where the teacher and students were mocking anyone who believed in the Epstein stuff (this was during the Hillary vs Trump election) and i stupidly spoke up about it and got snapped at by the professor for "entertaining baseless conspiracy theories" now a few years later the Epstein scandal is so well known it's just a meme now…feels bad
No. 1553216
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>>1553178This is very similar to the online warfare from the Johnny Depp case courtesy of Adam Waldman. Waldman borrows a lot of his tactics from sociopolitical cyber warfare, has a close relationship with the Russian oil baron and Putin friend Oleg Deripaska and Julien Assenge. Donald Trump's aid Paul Manifort was mingling with Deripaska. The same oligarch knows Jim Carrey and Steven Seagal.
Jeez, Mr. "I hate the Russian government and I hate putin" Jim sure is a little close to the fires of hypocrisy.
It also resembles the tactics Harvey Weinstein used to bully others during his downfall.
So Jim Carrey, if you're using Depp or Weinstein level tactics to suppress the mental, physical, and sexual abuse of your dead ex girlfriend, your drug abuse, among other things, one's going to ask why the man doth protest. If you're so innocent, then why?
Not everyone who mentions him negatively is dogpiled or downvoted, but when it happens it's psychological warfare. Unlike Brad Pitt and Johnny Depp, he slunk into the shadows with a bellow of retirement. There's no real motive to protect the reputation of this geriatric cretin. Unless… he is a Scientologist? It's either that or Transcendental Meditation is a cult. There's something smelly here and I can't figure out what it is
He's a walking, talking, gurning health hazard with no regard for anyone, especially women's lives. A true raging narcissist. Like I grew up with narcs so I can't believe I caught onto it so late. I cant believe I used to like him, but I guess attraction and desperation does one in. On the surface he seemed charming, the more you watch him you notice how his inner demons encircle him. A deeply sick and delirious corpse whose denial and decades turned him into a serial narcissistic abuser. then, a killer.
Has anyone ever said to his face that he's a killer?
No. 1553346
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>>1553216Also judging by his facial wasting and weight loss people have speculated that he has a disease worse than herpes. If Jim had AIDS or HIV when he was dating Cat, it may be the culprit in her death and explain why she was so erratic about contracting diseases, but herpes was named as an effort not to incite greater scrutiny, stigma and skepticism. Note how in one of her suicide notes she just names "diseases" without saying what they are.
In recent years he looks pallid and sickly and his speech is stunted when he talks. He repeats stories and mispronounces words. Herpes is corrosive, but AIDS would induce a faster physical decline.
Jenny McCarthy was involved with Charlie Sheen, so he may have contracted it from her, or possibly from an escort.
No. 1553713
>>1551902Nona, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. I really hope you find a witness or more evidence to support your case soon.
I have never trusted the police, cops here hate mentally ill and neurodivergent women. having experienced so much ableism and even been harassed by them at night the last thing I would ever want is to report anything I've gone through to them. by virtue of my own body language and manners projecting me as crazy. I hate how powerless we feel to institutions of authority and to the internet.
I've had revenge porn leaked of me before and was powerless to stop it for months and months until it circulated en masse and completely ruined my reputation. I had to move on and start anew under completely new aliases after that. I've dealt with abuse and gaslighting my entire life that this shouldn't faze me, but I have been darvo'd to where I barely feel human anymore, so my thoughts really are with you and I sympathize and empathize with your situation. I hope you are able to vindicate all you've gone through and may disgusting men stop prying in our business.
No. 1555227
>>1554686I noticed this too, I thought about something specific and I'll get ads for it. I thought it was paranoid of me to think that, but I've also noticed other people talking about this lately.
It's impossible they can actually read our minds so my guess is either
>>1554706 or they're ahead of the game and making us think certain things, then advertising these things like vidrel.
tldw; they invite people to make up an ad for a pet hospital, and on the way to the building they subliminally message them into making a particular image. The image is exactly the image they subliminally messaged the people to make.
I wouldn't be surprised if they were this good at thought control now, project Mockingbird was back in the 60s and there's no way they haven't gotten more sophistocated methods of mass brainwashing since then.
No. 1556281
>>1556177there's also the little kid, the parents and neighbor that got shot by a man because the kids ball rolled into his lawn.
real obvious, glad it is not in my head and I'm not the only one who picked up on it
No. 1556448
>>1556447This becomes a major issue everytime there's one big incidence followed by smaller ones and reporting increases. I don't religiously watch the news but I remember when this was a hot topic when Trayvon was shot
I don't even think it's inorganic per se, it just happens every few years that Americans start acting retarded during mercurial retrogrades and start doing stupid shit. Also, some people do own way too many guns. Not anti gun but there's definitely people in this state and country who don't deserve their guns and shouldn't own so many or certain types of guns. I've met some of those people and the insistence that they must own a military grade AR for "self defense" is stupid. Freedom my ass, unless there's a zombie apocalypse, what do you need more than a pistol for
No. 1556511
>>1556381Not to mention, cops are becoming very militarized compared to a few years ago. It’s a scary scenario to think about; unarmed civilian minding their own business then suddenly the ‘man of the law’ with his bulletproof vest, combat boots and carrying various weapons starts questioning and intimidating said civilian who wonders wtf is going on while being frightened.
>>1556448I’m Texas, the conviction for killing a cop is capital murder but you won’t see the popo getting the same harsh sentence if they kill civilians.
No. 1557472
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I think that Hollywood is deliberately trying to raise and escalate racial tensions by forcing diversity into every movie.
No. 1557562
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>>1557553poster from last year around the time of carrey's crappy will smith commentary who was ironically accused of "astroturfing" and faced a mini dogpile for posting video of carrey's norm macdonald tirade
No. 1557589
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>>1557472I posted in the celebricows thread but I have my own theory regarding blackwashing, I think we're approaching the Bridgerton/Sanditon genre of blackwashed period pieces in mainstream. The studios being good capitalists, I like to draw an analogy with deforestation: blinded by short-term gain, eventually they'll find that they've burned down the oppression narratives they were relying on.
(racebaiting) No. 1557648
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>>1557596>Let them blackwash it, what's gonna happen? iirc the Netflix show is treated as a documentary instead of a fiction inspired by historical events, hence the random people going "Cleopatra is Black because my grandma told me" in the trailer. And given how awfully uneducated the average American is, people will actually believe it and we'll keep seeing situations like pic related even more often.
No. 1557869
>>1557596It's not that it's a major issue, it's more that it's hypocrisy and doesn't do anything for anyone. A television series based on a book by a white person, directed by a white person and a the production company that will profit from the series is owned by white people but there's a black actor cast in leading role. How does this do anything for black people? Why not adapt a book by a black author, why not hire a black director or a black screen play writer? Why not commission a black owned production company to produce a new television series?
It's weak surface level virtual signalling and the only motivation behind it is profit.
No. 1557936
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>>1549738I think its because of weird occult beliefs, take finders cult as an example or mcmartin preschool, there were strange satanic rituals, iconography and sacrifices involved along with the CSA.“ The FBI unlocked its vault recently and released hundreds of documents related to the Finders and a Tallahassee child abuse case that sparked a bizarre federal investigation into allegations of Satan worship and child pornography involving an eccentric commune in Washington, D.C.”
No. 1557942
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>>1549961Keep denying reality witch chan
No. 1558019
>>1558009I'm sorry I took
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as false.seriously. I actually thought that was a real series poster kek. forgive me for my naivety nonna
No. 1558022
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The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care!
Jesus fucking christ I am ashamed to have ever shared this thread with some of you racist antisemitic fucks and I'm on about to leave this site entirely. I've been here since 2018 and it's never been this fucking bad. Call me a schizo all you want and falsely accuse me of things but my god at least I'm not as half bad as some of the people ITT and actually did my research and brought up valid points. I did my fucking research, I posted a fairly apolitical wall of text, and then I fucking got ChatGPT generated bot morons falsely accusing me of antisemitism like I'm on reddit again and actual antisemite idiots crawling up my ass.
I tolerated this site for a few extra weeks. I was trying to be non ideological, non partisan, the political infighting and the internal misogyny assuming some of you aren't actually scrotes just got worse and worse and it fucking broke me.
The reason I wanted this man outed has nothing to do with ideology, it's because he objectively deserves to be thrown off a fucking boat and eaten by hungry piranhas.
I feel totally disgraced seeing what kind of shit has been discussed on LC lately, not just ITT but outside it. You people missed the message. Some of you completely missed the point. Ignoring my personal accusations against Jim Carrey of possible cyberstalking and targeted PR harassment, which i guess I never should've mentioned for the sake of not being called scHIzO, you ignored the message of why he needs to be punished. He's a serial predator and fucking villain who in particular targets vulnerable women. Buying peoples silence with money and favors. Motherfuck druggie has the strongest litigator in Hollywood. Fixers. Forcing women to get abortions. Assault, kidnapping, drugging. Incurable STDs. Desecrating the lives of crew members to where they needed therapy or refused to come back to production. Drove a woman to kill herself. This is a life ruining bastard and a murderer, a killer who shouldn't just get to fuck off into the wilderness and Howard Hughes his way through his miserable detritus few years left until he dies. It's not just about his personal misdeeds although I think he's one of the worst predators in Hollywood, it's about what he represents.
No matter where I go and no matter what audience I communicate it to, whether it's reddit, an imageboard, twitter or any other social media. no matter how much I change my language or structure, no matter how I communicate it, it always results in the same dismissal. Falls on deaf ears. The defense squad shows up. The defense squad of whom clearly belong to the crusty prick himself.
Nobody has the fucking gall. Been out there like he's spread his syphilis cock, nobody cares. Nobody listens. It has nothing to do with ideology, or your sad attempts to discredit the argument, or your own biases, it's just abuse of power coming as no surprise. That should surpass any ideology if you actually are other women who support other women, someone like Jim Carrey needs to be put down for the sake of protecting women. If the culture and the media will not change, and we continue to enable men like this, then nothing will. May he die a very nice death if he's never punished when alive, may his dick detach and fall off into a ravine, and may he one day feel as inadequate and as ugly as he has made women feel, which he clearly does, otherwise he never would be doing this in the first place. Fuck you, Jim Carrey.
No. 1558025
>>1558019Nah people online are just trying to incite the response you gave. I personally am hoping they fix Lilo and Stitch casting and give the roles to obviously native Hawaiians as intended from the original movie. Nobody is going to take precious Scandinavian or Germanic representation away from you kek I promise.
>>1558022New copypasta just dropped?
No. 1558026
>>1558023I literally cut and tried to kms because of this man so if not for the lack of fucking support and already being an abuse survivor it was agony on top of agony
I didn't deserve this even though I went too deep, and I stand by that, and he deserves nothing but suffering and eternal erectile dysfunction
No. 1558029
>>1558022I’m sorry
nonny, I believe you. Seems like most anons responding to you are fucking bots or people connected to that fucker.
No. 1558043
>>1551403late reply but
>doja periodically still uses tiny chatTinychat closed like, 5 years ago. Also, how was she caught here? (not that i don't believe it, she's known to browse 4chan but i didn't know she came here)
>>1558022>no matter how I communicate it, it always results in the same dismissal. Falls on deaf ears. What is literally anybody supposed to do? Do you want me to kill him?
No. 1558060
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>>1558038Well I just found the confession, it wasn't hundreds, "just" 20+
>>757525>>757645Still wild, but that's who I remember as carrey-chan. I was gone for a while and I missed all the tinfoil about him, last time he was a beloved husbando, now suddenly he's a murderer?
No. 1558213
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>>1558022there's tons of people out there calling him out, you're in good company
is it enough? no. but it is something No. 1558226
>>1558022I'd honestly love a dedicated thread on /ot/ about him, whether it's this or the fact that people think he's a serial killer. nona if you make the thread and dump info it could actually help?
>>1558213like this, this is a wild read and what a fucking rabbit hole.
the number 23 shit has me so suspect, I've been tinfoiling about that one in regards to him for a bit
No. 1558254
>>1553161sage for a sort of related blogpost
This is such a throwback for me. I never listened to this song or watched this video myself but I recognize it well because my former friend used to be obsessed with it at some point. It was a girl I knew from school, she was my best friend at that time. When this came out she was reblogging a lot of stuff about it on her Tumblr blog. I guess like many others she was praising that because it was so "cool and queer". Also some years before it she came out as bi but later moved on to call herself pan (around 2015/2016) and even decided to be an enby TIF. When she moved towards being more "queer" she was consuming a lot of media I considered superficial or just based on nothing more that showing off how queer some characters are and how it makes them stunning. I couldn't relate due to many things and my own way of living too. She later went as far to call me a prude for calling prostitution
abusive and not empowering "sex work" kek. Eventually she cut contact with me but I think it was good, taking into account how irritating she turned to be and how she would shame me over petty stuff she knew before, such as me disliking sexual stuff and being repulsed by that.
Anyway, I find it curious how among my irl and online friend there was a growing number of spicy straights or TIFs. Back when I believed I had some female friends who were outcasts like me and shared some hobbies (mostly art), certain fandom and art spaces became infested with fetishization of gay moids and they turned out to be TIFs, classic FTMs or enbies.
This is all so tiring, they claim to promote body positivity yet they do what they can to shame women for their own bodies and fuel the self-hate.
No. 1558415
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>>1551003You're probably seeing the effects of GARM, (Global alliance for responsible media) a 2019 project by the WEF that uses advertisers to combat above pictured principles. Notice disinformation and hate-speech. 2019 is around when all this "disinformation is dangerous" and "we NEED to censor it" stuff started coming about, it's also when a lot of the LGBT and trans stuff started being pushed in advertising (people think pandemic isolation caused the big uptick in trans identifying but this is also around when the media started pushing it hardcore). The project alliances advertisers to push a certain narrative, major mainstream media news outlets follow suit since advertisers have a large sway in what they will or even can publish.
Here's a list of GARMS members: you'll notice is how many of these companies are the ones infamous for pushing LGBT despite it being against their business interests (pretty much every single one of dylan's sponsors is on here)
-AB InBev (budlight parent company)
all companies that have been critisized for being overly woke
-Walt Disney
-American express
-Mastercard (remember the "true name" card for transgender people?
too many big names to go over, just check it out for yourself. Point is if you are ever asking "why would this company promote gay stuff?" especially when it's against their business interest, check if they're on here.
No. 1558654

>>1558415nona i fucking love you for dropping these. thank you.
has anyone else here ever looked into the whole fake putin/putin is dead conspiracy? it's a niche theory i've heard floating around over the years; i remember my grandmother saying that the person we see isn't the same man and…now i am beginning to wonder if she was on to something. i follow a lot of slavic occultists and astrologers on youtube, and one of the women in particular mentioned that she herself does not believe that the putin we see today, is the same putin that was around before.
sadam hussein was known to have multiple body doubles that he would pay to get plastic surgery on to look like him, and i also believe that muammar gaddafi was rumored to have a few as well. plus we've seen melania's double a few times and this was publicly spoken about in the mainstream media, so i am not sure why the putin one is mysterious. maybe he really does have some sort of health issue, like thyroid cancer, which has caused the bloating in his face and the strange, yellowish pallor to his skin, but stranger things have happened in the world and russia is a weird country. No. 1558664
>>1558654I don’t buy it
nonny, he’s also 23 years older now and yellowish skin is exactly what happens to old Russian men with failing livers.
No. 1559000
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There is this prominent MRA, who keeps telling men to avoid getting married and instead use a surrogate to have children. He's not some obscure Idiot either, He's well connected in political circles.
This is getting very serious, imagine how many children will end up abused because of this.
No. 1559456
>>1559412Mostly wannabe radfems, their own threads become full of infighting or boring troon talk, so they infest others.
>>1558686>red textFarmhand can't handle the TRUTH!
No. 1559821
>>1559405nicely fucking said.
more men should be for sale.
No. 1559975
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The online Social Justice movement of the early-mid 2010s was a massive psyop to make left-leaning people look like whiny crybabies and give rightoids the opportunity to strike some easy wins, ultimately resulting in Donald Trump becoming president. Now that we know how easy websites and their userbases are to manipulate, it seems way too convenient.
It's not just random posters either. Think of all the intense leftists/libfems who dominated the conversation 5-10 years ago who've now vanished. Think of people like Chanty Binx (AKA "Big Red"). She makes one obnoxious public statement, gets memed into oblivion, features in the Red Pill documentary then vanishes off the face of the earth. Any person as loud and annoying as her would be capitalizing on that as much as they could by doing Vice interviews about making it to the other side of internet bullying and "rising above the hate."
Think of Laci Green, who went from a twee lefty feminist with deals with MTV to capping for MRA's and being a both-sider until her channel faded into oblivion last year.
The origins of the culture war lie in people getting dogpiled on twitter for making a bad joke. But there always had to be a first negative responder. There had to be dissenting voices to get the ball rolling.
I'm not saying that SJW-ism was completely fabricated. I'm sure lots of nonnas here were at one point wanted to change things for the better and thought incessant posting was the thing to achieve it (present company included). But I am saying that someone had to get the ball rolling, and with the gift of hindsight it realy does not feel like an organic start to a movement. Think about it. In the space of ~4 years, we went from an echo chamber-y leftist ecosystem to "feminists getting OWNED" compilations to people getting fired for Ebola jokes on twitter to Russian troll farms being implemented to help the Republican Party in a human form win the election. That seems like a very quick turnaround time for a cultural movement like this. For Christ's Sake, Steve Bannon learned how to radicalise young men in online spaces from the spread of WOW slang into schools and universities in the early 2000s. This really feels less like tinfoil and more like forbidden knowledge.
No. 1559998
>>1559975I might not totally get your whole theory but is this even a conspiracy? It’s just kinda true. I would love to see a behind the scenes very boring and detailed expose style documentary showing how online trends are manipulated for political gain. Starting in the early 2000s when most Americans had the internet finally it became THE spot to put your face in front of voters, raise money, smear your opponent, etc. If you have enough control of the narrative you can make people believe almost anything online (
how would they know if you’re lying? You’re a million miles away and everyone else [their followers] says xyz is true so it must be…if you just give $10 you can help make the world better and there’s a smiling handsome face to tell you he’s working on it personally!)
Obama —or at least people who worked for him and were working for the party even before he was elected— did a lot of this type of thing. His campaign advisors went on to work at tech companies and nonprofits with a social justice slant that have seemingly never done anything useful but raise a tremendous amount of money after getting people worked up about stuff (think gofundme, ActBlue, etc. more than I can name and a lot of small ones all tangled up in venture capital fundraising rounds too which give me a headache).
No. 1560002
>>1559975>The origins of the culture war lie in people getting dogpiled on twitter for making a bad joke.I think it starts with the Occupy movement in the 2008 recession. The elites got scared that people were coming together to stand against them so they spread division based on sex and race.
Trump was elected in part due to the backlash against SJWs and also because of Gamergate. Gamergate successfully radicalised a large group of previously politically disengaged men.
No. 1560012
>>1559975The other posters are right. This is not a conspiracy.
This is why the term 'conspiracy theorist' exists. To put actual political insights in the same box as Putin clone stories.
Don't let it work.
>>1560002This is what I think too
No. 1560018
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I want to make it clear that I am not a bigot, Hell my ex-boyfriend was actually Jewish, so it's not about that. But It's just becoming harder and harder to ignore the overwhelming representation on certain Jewish groups. There has to be something we can discuss without resorting to racism.
No. 1560024
>>1560004If you look at their annual review on their own website it’s actually really pathetic. “We spent 85 million dollars in 2022. What did we do? We sent a lot of emails and got a lot of pageviews and we have so many members now. Thanks everyone!” lol like they couldn’t make it more obvious that’s all they care about.
The only real thing they did was sterilize a lot of pets which seems like something a “radical” animal freedom organization wouldn’t do but I guess it’s an easy win for the yearly recap. They also built a whopping 165 doghouses. Wow. They barely operate in the real world, it’s just a media and marketing company.
No. 1560143
>>1560018Its forbidden and strawmanned to hell because it benefits these few jews, if you umberella everyone who even makes an observation as a racist or an anti-semite who hates all jewish people then you can stifle discussion.
You are probably gonna get banned now because of the same thinking i just mentioned btw.
No. 1560198
>>1560183Decades ago Greenpeace did used to do serious activism and they were fairly well known and supported. What happens with these groups is that once they threaten the profits of big corporations they get infiltrated by the intelligence services which then removes the leaders of the group and replaced with people that aren't effective or liked.
I don't trust any large NGO no matter what they claim. It's been shown time and time again that these so called charities do more harm than good, such as when Oxfam and Save the Children were found to be employing pedos that were sexually abusing children in Haiti.
No. 1560336
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>>1560143>>1560255>it benefits these few jewsI have mentioned this before, but it bears repeating 'The Wages of Destruction' is an excellent book that explores the German economy from after WW1 to the end of WW2. Among its many findings is the fact that while German Jews represented only a small percentage of the population, they were disproportionately represented among the upper class, business owners, and even brothel owners. However, despite this disproportionate representation in positions of power, the average Jew in Germany was actually poorer than the average German. So these two statements are both true: Jews hold disproportionate power in certain areas, but the majority of Jews are regular people.
No. 1560391
>>1560378Strawman. We are talking about it being a banned topic. If i said old white christian men have a lot of power no one would dispute it let alone call me a skitzo racist, yet when its jews its forboden, why is that?
And ofcourse people care, they are less than 2% of the US population, that IS strange, how did that happen?
No. 1560424
>>1560413You are not engaging my point. Riddle me this, asians exceed academically aswell and are a higher % of the population in the USA(5.7%), yet they do not own 96% of the media and have not headed the federal reserve for 30+ years.
>>1560422Great, no one has a problem with jewish people doing well. What people are, lets say, confused about is why a tiny minority of jewish people, who already are a tiny minority control the money, education and media in a country where they are only %2 of the total population. Why cant we talk about that and point it out?
No. 1560432
>>1560424Kek whenever someone mentions that a lot of Jews control a lot of media and money, there's always some Jewish person like
>not my family though!>actually some of us are poor!Then the ones saying that have like two doctor parents, or an accountant, or a lawyer parent and several family members with the same jobs in their families.
No. 1560438
>>1560433Again, not engaging the point(Gates is jewish though, so bit ironic there), you cant answer can you? There isnt a logical explanation.
>>1560432Its so weird how some get so pressed. Like,we are not talking about YOU, we are talking about a minority of a minority. Its like when men rage because women talking about SOME men being violent.
No. 1560447
>>1560438Bill Gates isnt jewish, my bad. Just wanted to correct that.
>>1560442I would say they are quite a bit above middle class, but i agree, i do not belive these are the richest peoole in the world, not by a long shot. As if all rich people are so brazen and share how much money they have.
No. 1560456
>>1560451But when people say nepotism is involved, which it is, suddenly it's anti-Semitic again. No I don't blame the jews for anything, but the jews really do mostly have very well-paying white collar jobs yes because of their tight-knit communities and favoring other jews
because of having a tight-knit community. But you can't just ignore it and pretend it isn't happening. It's not even an evil thing. Ashkenazi jews just stick together and tend to all know each other, but when you say it suddenly people interpret it as evil and that's not my problem when it's true
No. 1560869
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>>1560456>>But when people say nepotism is involved, which it is, suddenly it's anti-Semitic again.Exactly, thats my “issue”, we cant even TALK about it without being called evil racists. We cant talk about the billions going to Israel from tax payer money either, thats also “racist”.
>>“To date, the United States has provided Israel $158 billion (current, or non- inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding.” No. 1561065
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I know this isn’t the astrology thread but there’s supposedly something big happening in 2025/2026 that will change the world forever. You can kind of guess by looking at previous things that occurred in history with the same transits.
Do we have any astrology anons who are willing to tinfoil about this?
The post is here: No. 1561069
>>1560722Yes, and people with those opportunities take advantage of it. But not everyone has a lawyer/doctor/accountant/dentist family member.
>>1560869Yeah, the money going to Israel is a huge problem and it's blatantly wrong and yet it's anti-Semitic to say so? No, I think taxpayer money should stay in this country. Then again I think a lot of moderate/non political people agree with that one.
No. 1561084
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>>1561065some dude, Samuel Benner, from the 1800s developed a chart showing good and bad times for stocks in his book Benner's Prophecies of Future Ups and Downs in Prices. o read he used star data to develop it but i have not read the book so cannot confirm
No. 1561106
>>1561081She was quick to delete is, complete mask off.
Here they are saying all none jews(gentiles) will be their slaves just like their Torah claims.
No. 1561111
>>1561069And this is where we come to the media, they own it and control the narrative.
ZOG media clip, very creepy, obviously they get scripts to follow and regurgitate.
The ADL also has worrying beginnings to say the least, a jewish employer(Leo Frank) raped a little white girl(13 year old Mary Phagan) then murdered her when he was done abusing her little body. He tried to pit the rape and murder on two different black guys but it didnt stick, he got sentenced very softly but a mob of people went vigilante justice and murdered him, ADL was founded to defend him and work against “anti-semitism”(lynching pedophile killers is anti-semetic apparently) they consider him as a “
victim” of anti-semitism and mourn him till this day.
No. 1561125
>>1561106I don't understand how they can play the
victim role while simultaneously having this insane elitist belief system. Also funny how they want all other races to racemix except them (it's illegal for chinese immigrants to even marry a jewish woman in israel for example) Their belief system is innately offensive to any non jewish
>>1561111Like other religions they think they should get to deal with things "internally" and have a way of using overcomplicated language and politics to permit injustice just like scientologists do
No. 1561143
>>1561125Being a
victim gives you immense power to do whatever you want with no accountability because you wouldnt want to be mean to a
VICTIM! Troons use a similar tactic, they hide behind LGB, jews do the same, hide behind oppressed minorities like black and brown people even though they have immense power compared to their miniscule numbers.
Yes, just like they had arabic speaking Israeli doctors helping refugees into Europe during the peak of the migrant crisis, but no one was allowed into Israel ofcourse. Rules for thé and all.
No. 1561149
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>>1560433You guys always say JEWS JEWS JEWS. How come you never recognize that it's not even all Jews, but a specific type? Always Ashkenazi, pretty much without fail, and they happen to be extremely white (they know this, and enjoy a life of switching between "I'm white"/"Btw I'm Jewish" whenever convenient - idk why but even racists play along with this, it's ridiculous). You could probably avoid the claims of antisemitism and racism if you didn't inadvertently loop in other groups that happen to be Jewish. Mizrahi and Ethiopian Jewish people certainly don't control the media, and they are not in those videos calling everyone else "cattle".
No. 1561153
>>1561140Do you have example of any anon here saying all jewish people or championing any violence towards jewish people? No? Just playing the
victim? Yeah, thought so.
Its somehow racist towards jews to highlight their racism against the “goyim”(translation all none jews) and how they(powerful rich jews) abuse their power to subjugate “goys”.
>>1561149You are right, its a very particular kind of jewish person(rich, zionist and Ashkenazi) sorry for not pointing it out.
(global rule #7) No. 1561173
>>1561149I'm not going to comment on Ashkanazi but I agree with the rest of your post. There are many different groups of jews, both religious and secular. There are jews that are anti-Zionist, some for religious reasons such as Hasidim and others for moral reasons such as IJAN (International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network). Not all jews are rich and privileged either. One of the poorest towns in America, Kiryas Joel in New York state is almost entirely inhabited by Orthodox jews. In Europe former jewish majority areas have been inhabited by muslim immigrants who then persecute jewish residents, notably in London and Paris.
A jewish girl I knew in high school described jews as being like other religions. There are jews that have more power than others and view themselves as being superior to both gentiles and other jews, similar to how Catholic and Protestant Christianity or Sunni and Shia Islam have historically fought against each other. It seems to be a feature of abrahamic religions rather than being innately jewish.
Another interesting counter point to the world being ruled by a jewish elite, is why did Israel become one of the most vaccinated countries during the covid pandemic. The vaccine is now known to be harmful and not prevent covid. If the elites wanted to kill gentiles and not jews why did they allow this happen?
No. 1561185
>>1561173Except its not just a religious group, they see themselves as an ethnicity, most rich jews are atheists. Again, no one is saying ALL jews just like no one is saying ALL men (Except for loons). Orthodox jews are religious and usually not zionists, most of them are against Israel too.
Muslims attack everyone, they cause alot of trouble against christians in scandinavia(again #notall).
Again, its an ethnicity as well, your mother has to be jewish(by blood, not religion) to be considered a “real” jew to most, i believe there are some derogatory names for people with gentile/goy mothers.
>> Another interesting counter point to the world being ruled by a jewish elite, is why did Israel become one of the most vaccinated countries during the covid pandemic.First off all thats a lot of hoops lol, i dont think anyone has made a claim that the vaxx was made by jews to kill goys lol.
Second of all, even if it were true the answer is money. If it was some evil plot why would jews care about ALL other jews? Only a few of them matter to them(rich powerful ones).
No. 1561633
>>1561144It doesn't qualify as tinfoil.
If it doesn't make someone go "you are all insane" like upthread, it's not tinfoil.
Examples of tinfoil itt: Putin clones, worrying alignment of Neptune
Examples of not tinfoil itt: promotion of US fashion worldwide, online trends being manipulated for political gain
No. 1562783
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My conspiracy theory is William Friedkin made Travis Bickle gay
No. 1564157
>>1563271Nta, but you can't try this
victim defense after a crazy comment like "get used to having Jewish overlords" lmaooo. Damn near every group has been burned and genocided too, and Ashkenazi do it to other groups even today. Stop it!!
No. 1564190
My tinfoil is that
>>1549779 is right. They don't even bother to integrate, it's just almost 1:1 pol derailment bait and talking points. Enjoy your 1.5 dollars, worthless bottom feeder shills.
No. 1564206
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I find it very strange that it's taking so long to "review" Audrey Hale's manifesto and how quickly the shooting exited the news cycle. I fully expect any release of the document to be heavily edited and/or redacted
No. 1564211
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He could be a cog, tune, or spawn in toontown but I don’t think Peter sotos is supposed to be doing this.
Spawns are scary and change your dna or they are harmless
Tw# brain control and pot but if these are the average thoughts of the weed user in 2024 then something went wrong descriptive. We can’t throw out our useful phrases because something might have gone bad because we used them.
We need to investigate code for harm as well.(newfag)
No. 1564225
>>1564206I read an article a week or two ago about how when it is released it will be redacted.
They too scared it's gonna make trannies look like psychopaths
No. 1564397
>>1563905>>What does "As above so below" mean exactly?This is supposed to mean microcosm ("below", or the human body) Vs macrocosm ("above", the mind and or God). So the magician or whatever believes that changes in her body/self/local environment are reflected in the spiritual/magical realm "above", and vice versa, the physical world is affected by the world "above". It's a way of attempting to explain how a wizard could have power if God is also real.
>>If there is a good who is good, why does he/she/they allow this to go on for so long? Elites and the church worship luciferSee John 12:31, Satan is "the prince of this world" - evil rules the physical world "below", God rules the world "above", and to escape Satan you need to avoid worshipping the physical world. This is why "as above so below" is associated with satanism, Christians and Jews believe the opposite.
No. 1564403
>>1561065in 2026 there will be an asteroid flying by us that's all i know But my friend had dreams about 2029 for decades. She thinks something will hit the Earth and a lot of people will die.
Anyway OT, her dreams are pretty interresting, besides this she has dreams that seem to be about her past lives. She has that old jewish bloodtype so she thinks she's an old soul. In all her past lives she remembered she always killed herself so we figured out she can't kill herself in this life, even though se wants to, to break the cycle and set her soul free so she doesn't have to reincarnate again.
No. 1564577
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>tfw see suspicious random Helen Keller video promoted on youtube for no reason by an official Helen Keller Channel
I know that her story was exaggerated and/or fake if you really start reading into her life there are so many inconsistencies. It's one of the biggest grifts in modern history but at this point there is so much money wrapped up in her likeness it'll never be realized. I swear more and more accomplishments keep getting tacked onto her biography it's so fantastical it makes me almost laugh. A deaf and blind woman did not write 14 fucking books. It's much more likely she was being used as a political puppet. Makes me wonder what current grifts will become historical fact and how much will be lost to time
No. 1564580
>>1564552i feel like there are multiple reasons for the trans movement some that have been proven and aren't conspiracies
>eugenics as you mentioned where "undesirables" aka autistic girls and boys and porn addict men are castrating themselves>big pharma making a shit load of money off of trans people because of surgeries, hormones, new wardrobes, etc entire thing has been capitalized on>amazing distraction for them to do insidious shit behind the scenesthe whole drag queen argument is the most blatant smokescreen I've ever seen. I don't even bother giving energy to this bullshit or read about it anymore and everyone just took the bait on it. It became really obvious when "proud boys" (another gov created divide group) started "harassing" groups hosting drag queen story hour shit.
I don't think you can entirely put it on population control though, its more of another political movement to further divide western places, its just a plus for the pro eugenic psychos in powerful positions.
No. 1565863
>>1565861I fucking read flowers for algernon(?) in like middle school and that involves a mentally handicapped dude not realizing he’s sexually assaulting a woman in a barn and snaps her neck when she tries to get away. I was like in the 7th or 8th grade reading that in class. I doubt that’s banned
I also remember reading a street car named desire and isn’t that about an
abusive man who after assaulting a woman and she tries to tell peope what happened he gets her commited to an insane asylum.
Or honestly just all he short stories my English teachers made us read involving little girls falling in love with their dad at the movies. A family going on a drive and being stopped by serial killers on the road just to be murdered one by one in the forest. Like? I read worst things than perk when I was in MIDDLE SCHOOL.
No. 1565881
>>1565698This video might interest you anon if you haven't seen it yet. The music (and film) industry is literally run by the mafia, hell it was even started by a mob boss. The phenomena of an artist's death raking in billions of dollars is hardly a new one. Death = profit, and they all know this.
As for the whole "tarnishing their reputation with crazy antics" thing, I've always wondered if they've been paid a large sum of money to humiliate themselves publicly. Like we know there are bidders in Hollywood circles who pay to sleep with actors and a lot of them are pretty much like escorts on the side, so that could be the same thing happening here. It's like they're being tested for their loyalty, or they do weird public shit to "punish" them if they don't comply with something. Could be for blackmail purposes too
No. 1565894
>>1565883I was like 12 so it was really jarring, i had a short black bob and everything
>>1565885lmao sorry i was a literal child who hadnt been exposed to violent media and not desensitized by moids online
i might be a prude but the less exposed young people are to this type of media the better, classic books were written for adults and at the very least should only be read by teenagers 15+
No. 1566609
>>1564749Agree with banning some of these, I saw some from the gender/sex books that was way over the top and the language used was… creepy. There's nothing wrong with puberty books, I had one when I was a kid, but they were written like some of the ones I saw. They need people to review some of these kids sex books they genuinely slip in some fucked up stuff there
>>1565879Do conservatives have an issue with 1984? I thought they were infamous for loving it (I love that book, I've read it 4 times lol)
>>1565925I think you're misremembering, there's one in the middle where Winston and Julia have sex in a meadow but it's not very detailed about the actual act taking place. There's a lot longer about how Winston feels after, but the act isn't long. The later part of the book doesn't have sex its mostly Winston and Julia getting double crossed and captured by the thought police
No. 1566698
>>1558379IMO about the TIFs, since TIMs have been already discussed a lot in relation with porn and being degenerates or shamed for being eccentric in general, girls and women might still feel the pressure to be "perfectly feminine". See the plastic surgeries, sexualized celebrities, all the materialistic stuff. There are some media monetizing "oh we have this quirky character, not like everyone else" but it's not what it used to be and not always healthy. My personal observation is that there's less of healthier role models for women, especially those who feel like they don't fit the most popular trends. They are left alone and might eventually drift to space which is different than the basic "bland" and stereotypical space for women but… You guessed it, the trans thing is here. I feel like some portion of those who struggle with depression and mental health problems in general might be preyed upon by these people who will shower them with love and acceptance and less or more subtly hint at "reasons" why someone is different from everyone else. But the preffer reason will be finding some made up or microlabel orientation and tranny stuff of course. This is really bad since it doesn't deal with real problems that the female population faces (such as
toxic relationships - romantic and friend relations as well), being subjected to sexism and abuse, feeling forced to meet expectations of others…
Someone else also mentioned it often targets autistic people too and I can see why, especially when some believe shit like "autismgender" is real.
But another factor is for sure the growing polarisation of people. You can't go on with your ordinary life anymore because there are growing numbers of extremists on both sides. There are people who think that women not being tradwives are always lesbians or promiscuous or something else and the queer crowd says that unless you explore your sexuality in a creepy way and won't become a poster for wokeness, you are actually on the side of alt-right or something like that.
Speaking of lesbians, it's also an issue that some who might be then otherwise troon out and become TIFs. I can't speak from experience here as I'm not a lesbian but you'll find many posts over LC pointing out how it's associated with shaming women for their attraction too. (Un)funny thing that many men recognize lesbians from porn only so it might be that the women are taught this is the only place where they belong (being porn characters). It's all about escaping sexism and possibilities of being abused/looked down/disapproved of.
In addition: being exposed to porn and creepy materials and dealing with trauma; being told that a "calmer" identity is a "bland, straight, Christian" thing; treating it like a subculture without realising; believing that this new movement is a way to rebel against terrible (sometimes for real) parents and society (often terrible for real).
No. 1567048
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>>1564749I'm actually shocked that people are defending this for children. At best it is pathetic and embarrassing, at worst it's literally grooming children. Are all modern liberal books just terminally online and retarded like this?
No. 1567531
>>1567048It's all about normalising being vulgar, treating sexuality as its something compulsory and also pedophilia acceptance. Reminds me of how I read once on porn's effect on society. It seems that some relationships or ideas on relationships of teenagers get more and more deranged. In case of LGBTQ, they will claim that porn is good because it's exploration of their discriminated sexuality or other such bullshit. Kinda like straight male creeps are recognizable as creeps but if someone would be trans they're suddenly a brave and stunning sex-positive person.
The author of this book (Genderqueer) is a TIF so there's also generic fujo coom for you but also with the ~queerness~.
No. 1567634
>>1567038A few months ago, I read that Xi Jinping had an aneurysm prior to being reinstated on his third term as dear leader, although he looked fine when on camera. Even if these authoritarian leaders die, their regimes will remain the same, except for Putin’s probably.
Also, we need a new thread!
No. 1567887
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What is going on with her, her hands look dead.
No. 1574188
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>>1518929Tfw my iPad says I can’t save this because I have no internet connection and my phone gives me this
Thank you for writing this up GATEanon <3