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No. 1240193
General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/1028419 #7
>>>/ot/1190469 No. 1240232
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I’m so, so disappointed you didn’t use the pic from the neural network thread in /m/
No. 1240314
>>1240232First picture is solid a look.
>>1240289NTA but it is a legit bible quote that is often taken out of context. It references Jews in Smyrna (Izmir in modern Turkey) who were persecuting Christians and not allowing them to worship freely. Not that any of this matters because I suspect it's jewhater-chan back to call me a kike again, kek.
No. 1240366
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>>1240314A Jew actually posted this comment in a vigilant citizen article about celebrities trooning their kids out, wasn’t trying to defend Jew-hate but was curious about how common Jews felt about their much powerful brethren in regards to world domination.
(racebait) No. 1240502
>>1240366I just read that article too. Liev Schrieber needs to be castrated, the sick fuck. I know you've been banhammered but I'll give you my reply anyway. I do not mean to racebait with this, I'm just giving my honest opinion about a popular tinfoil in the appropriate thread. I've always felt alienated by Ashkenazi Jews as I am (or was, as I converted to Christianity) a Mizrahi Jew. Growing up a mixed Arab Jew in Israel it was hard not to hate Ashke's because they hated me first simply for existing. I was too much of an Arab for them, and too much of a Jew for the other Arabs. It sucked, but being relegated to a wallflower you notice things. A lot of Ashkenazi's do believe they are the one true sect for a long list of reasons I won't get into now. They even look down on Sephardi Jews, too. It goes against everything we're taught about unity but these types genuinely do not care, they will tell you your blood is not pure. When I got into conspiracies around 12ish I noticed how many Ashkenazi's were in power in western media and how many donated to political parties in the west and it blew my mind. Then I looked at the history of Israel, the foreign aid they receive. Israel undeniably has immense power, and this power is primarily held by Ashkenazi. So on top of thinking they are the best Jews, they're a legitimate world power. I think "world domination" is a little strong but then again every new article the WEF publishes gets more and more batshit so who knows kek. All that's certain is that Ashkenazi Jews have been key figures in politics, psychiatry and media for many, many years. And that these three fields are going in some very fucked up directions. I want to clarify that when I say "they", I mean the Ashkenazi supremacists who barely adhere to the religion they claim to love. I do not mean all of them as I've met plenty who resent their fellow Ashkenazi for this behaviour and are aware of their conspiracies. The end goal we can only speculate about, but an anon in the previous thread put it really well when they mentioned how transgenderism feeds into transhumanism which turns us into the perfect consoomers. That for certain is a goal of these people, IMO. All we can do is fight anything relating to separating mind from body, remember that all political parties are equally corrupt and to distrust mainstream media and do your own research on things.
No. 1240728
>>1240314>It references Jews in Smyrna (Izmir in modern Turkey) who were persecuting Christians and not allowing them to worship freelyYou gave a
valid reason as to why jewhater-chan hates jews. I don’t hate jews but are you really surprised as to how they are using apartheid towards palestinians? They always hated real christians and muslims, they consider other people besides jews as worthless gentiles.
No. 1242135
>>1240502First of all, I kind of empathize with you because I'm part Jewish and also experienced alienation from my Jewish family because my grandmother isn't Jewish. I have no family on that side because they don't want to interact with us since I'm not Jewish and my grandmother is part German. It sucks.
But anon I guarantee that you are interacting with "day of the rope" jew haters who actually would want both of us dead just for being Jewish ethnically. These people tend to be angry violent moids who actually are capable of shooting up synagogues which is why I recommend not genuinely engaging with them and giving them what they want. While you can provide a lot of insight and give opinions that are nuanced, these moids will never understand anything other than "ooga booga EVIL JEW RULE EARTH" before killing random old people at synogogues with their AR-15s on a Twitch stream.
No. 1242932
>>1242135AYRT, and yeah, after I posted that second reply I realised I was wasting my time, lol. I hate that /pol/ tards are lurking here because I do think there is a lot to discuss and tinfoil about with Judaism, as there is with all organised religions. But from now on I'm gonna limit how often I visit this thread and try not to fall for obvious bait. You're 100% right about them just wanting us joos gone because we stole their foreskin or w/e. I'm sorry about your Jewish family being like that, I experienced alienation with my Muslim family and it sucks. Mixed families are a fucking nightmare.
>>1242910No idea. I've heard about genetic issues as their family tree can get a bit… uh, tangled. You got a link for the schizophrenia thing? I'm schizophrenic myself but I think that might be from childhood trauma or something, idk.
No. 1242957
>>1242932>I realised I was wasting my timeI wouldn't necessarily call it wasting your time. I personally appreciate hearing people give their perspectives, especially then they are from a different culture or religion, it increases my understanding of the world and it also helps counter the /pol/tards spewing their narratives.
>>1242920There's a known genetic predisposition towards schizophrenia and cluster A personality disorders. It's not a guarantee that someone will suffer from it, it's more that the potential is there if someone goes through certain events in life.
No. 1242997
More or less came to a conclusion recently about celebrities and our elites. It's been obvious for a while now that they are into things satanic. The question is "why" and many tinfoilers will tell you it's that those things are real, and selling your soul works in a literal sense. If that's your opinion and you're reading this, cool, you can stop here because I'm exploring a different view. Here's what I've come up with. It boils down to their wealth and power. We all know how the wealthy are more (lacking a better word) degenerate than the rest of us. It's fundamentally due to their wealth. The rest of us, especially the poor, don't have the freedom to live like that, and don't have the same boredom that comes with having everything at your fingertips. Anons have noticed that the differences don't stop there. The poor tend to be still somewhat conservative, at least socially, there's a more old-fashioned style of sexism, racism, homophobia. It even persists across race. Whatever the cause, from elites' point of view, the rest of us are ignorant, uneducated—even those of us who aren't as prejudiced as others. It's obvious from their lifestyles that we hardly compare to the level of "openmindedness" they probably take pride in, and know they have to hide from the rest of us or at least downplay. There's still scandal around their sexual behaviors and orgies when it comes out, not even getting into the rape and pedophilia. Long story short, they resent us because of this. They resent the public for being closed-minded, moralistic, undereducated religious bumpkins who to some degree they still owe their status to because we watch their movies and if we put up a fuss they have to answer to us. At the very least it ends up sensationalized in the paper (which they control so I don't know how much that matters but you'll still hear them complain of it). Even though they have so much power, they still care about our opinions for some reason, so it can't be absolute power yet. Or they're just narcs who have to be liked by everyone (probably mainly this). How does that relate to Satanism? It does, a lot. What's the religion of the majority, the poor, especially in the US? Christianity. The particular type of Christianity that's been criticized for homophobia among other things. I'm not saying they're wrong to criticize that, I do think some of it's backwards, but I'll note the absolute hypocrisy that it's come out of academics who are privileged and rich, saying they speak for the underprivileged while hating most of them with all their heart. Those academics hate transphobes and racists, but their belief system puts brown and black people next to trans on the flag, while majority of those people would not be happy about that. They lump the two together because while they get some things right, their ideology is still a rich person's worldview, therefore everyone who's oppressed = the same group together. Poor widdle pocs, we'll stand up for you kind of thinking, even if they don't see how it's that way. The oppressed are at the same time the oppressors they despise, but they ignore that part because they'll educate us all better. Even something like the Bohemian Grove, they sacrifice "Care" (conscience) which may have started as a metaphor for having a wild gay party for a time with no inhibitions, but whether they figured it out or not, subconsciously they know WE are their conscience, we are Care. So you have a wealthy powerful group that likes engaging in degenerate behavior because they're bored and they can, that seeks new experiences and fun new party gimmicks pathologically, that simultaneously sees themselves as enlightened yet under pressure of the Christian masses (more of an image of them from the recent past during satanic panic) to curb their ways and make content that appeals to the people even though it's really about themselves, and overall to be moral. Of COURSE they're satanic, of course they wanna keep that rebellion that started maybe against their parents or parents' parents going and when they put the symbols out there for us, in their movies even when they get pushback for it, that's exactly what they're acting against. They are sick of the ignorant masses who have some control over them, whether it's through sales (how much it matters anymore idk) or their own narcissistic perceptions and obsessions with being seen like the gods they see themselves to be (just listen to them and watch their music videos). So yeah. That's why they're satanists in my opinion, so when we call it out it doesn't have to mean that Satan is real and he helps them be where they are. I dunno, maybe that's also true if you believe it, but I don't actually see these people's modus operandi differing at its core from non-wealthy people with satanic/occult interests: it comes from 1) a search for stimulation and meaning but is functionally entertainment or a LARP, and 2) the same hangups from a religious background or culture they feel persecuted by and must rebel against. Except in these guys' case part of that persecution is actually deserved because it's for being the slimy rapist pedo creeps we know they are. Sorry if this whole thing makes no sense or is worded way worse than it has to be, I'm not very concise. Probably most of what I said is obvious but it can't hurt to spell it out. Also the current discussion ITT probably adds another dimension to why, lol, but it's not inherent to race or anything it's all that they resent the masses for our moral/religious systems
No. 1243036
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what caused the decline of body diversity among males in media, In years gone by nearly most men would have been a variation of fit and healthy. Now it's skinny soyboy, insecure gymcel or skiny fat basement dweller. I was watching old 90s movies and the men were so much better looking. Some of them (young Brad, Leo, Keanu, Will etc.) were downright beautiful. now It’s all either macho steroid freaks or weird pale deep sea creature looking dudes.
No. 1243041
(fucked up the order of points in my post above about satanism so if anything's confusing that's why)
>>1240502Your post is extremely interesting, nonna. I agree with your point of view. Wish the discussion could have nuance. I hate how /pol/tards embrace nazi shit instead of recognizing it's not all jews or even most, and we shouldn't hate or genocide anyone. The topic can't be sanely discussed because of them, which may be why there's hypothesized glowies encouraging them to be worse
No. 1243112
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>two of the bodies had missing eyes, one had a missing tongue, and one had missing eyebrows. The investigation concluded that a "compelling natural force" had caused the deaths. do we think of Dyatlov Pass?
Mania? Or maybe the government?
i thought I was done believing in aliens but this case makes me wonder.. No. 1243130
>>1243121Yeah being exposed out in the wilderness like that leads to some crazy shit and things happen
Fast. It's still scary but not really a conspiracy.
No. 1243143
>>1243130Sorry I posted this here cause I wanted tales of aliens and the government
>>1243121I don’t doubt you’re wrong but how come one of the bodies had missing tongue and another one had missing eyebrows?
No. 1243158
>>1243126Isn't it because of chemicals that we're likely consuming? There was a researcher who iirc found that some chemicals within pesticides were causing intersex conditions among a frog population which alarmed people with money, who then paid off the EPA and other 'experts' to try and debunk his research and probably capitalized on Alex Jones claiming that they're turning the frogs gay.
His name is Tyrone Hayes and he's an endocrinologist. His findings can be summed up as:
> that environmental chemical contaminants have played a role in global amphibian declines and in the health disparities that occur in minority and low income populations. No. 1243164
>>1243158Pesticides are known endocrine disruptors. DDT was banned in the 1970s because it was proven to be killing birds. The effect of the pesticide was that it caused female birds to lay eggs that were too soft to be able to contain a growing chick, so the eggs would split and the developing chick would die.
The elites are pushing veganism which would lead to massive increase in the use of pesticides, so the effect on men is probably intentional.
No. 1243175
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Really starting to believe Ryder Ripps about Bored Ape Yacht club being filled with nazi/fascist propaganda. The video game has the apes throwing bananas and they look like fucking swastikas. All 4 creators are 4chan moids who think this whole thing is a clever troll. One of the creator’s fake name is Gordon Goner. It’s an anagram for Drongo Negro. Drongo is Australian slang for dumb. Another founder is nicknamed Gargamel, who I never realized was a Jewish caricature from the smurfs. Even if the 4 of them aren’t actual nazis the whole Bored Ape Yacht Club thing is a big 4chan troll. Not just making dumb rich celebrities support worthless crap, but making them support terminally online 4chan nazi memes in crappy art form. No. 1243191
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>>1243036One reason might be because back in the day, Hollywood and television were competing with each other. Actors were in a cutthroat business and if some new hot actor was shown on TV and shown to pull in the numbers, Hollywood actors would try and imitate him, lest they get put out of work. Plus, after WW2, male audiences liked seeing movies about rough, cool guys beating the shit out of each other. So male actors were told to hit the gym, lose weight, and get tan, because that was seen as the fashionable, ideal type of man for several decades.
No. 1243617
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>>1243036>>1243191related to this, you ever notice how often 'jocks' played by good looking attractive males are almost always portrayed as the bad guy in media, think of every Kevin Smith film, the villains are always mean preps or jocks who them their come comeuppance, which for him means them getting shot, raped in prison or sent to hell, and this is presented as something the audience is supposed to celebrate
No. 1243656
>>1243617They're meant to cater to the "loser" moids who are obsessed with the idea that the women who married the jocks are going to be stuck in a trailer park with 6 kids and miserable and the jock is in jail while the "nerd" is totally out and making it and the Stacy is crawling back
It's almost predatory towards the young men but an easy thing to do since most moids are losers who are jealous of the "jock" who actually has their life together. Its similar to how high school films for girls are all depicting the mean girl as the same carbon copy dumb teenager whining over boys. Reality is most jocks and popular girls will most likely do better in life than the "nerds"
No. 1243690
>>1243112I've been looking at stuff relating to this for years now and I'm still completely stumped. I'd love to believe it was some military test or spooky occurrence but like other anons have said, weird shit happens on mountains and hypothermia can make you go nuts.
>>1243194AYRT, thanks! Pretty interesting reads.
No. 1244036
>>1240713YT is also hiding "
problematic" ppls comments to anyone who isn't logged in.
No. 1244194
nonny me too… although the 80s and 90s also had better-looking weird pale deep sea creature looking dudes too imo
No. 1244311
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>>1240713For "regular" people (and that includes most influencers) they are but it's still very rampant on entertainment videos. Still see a lot of the "people whiskey dog bellows under makeup bed" word vomit comments and repeats like picrel on videos from Vogue and the like. These comments are from a stranger things cast interview on yt. There is five different comments repeated by bot accounts on that video, this is just one and a few of the repeats of it.
No. 1244342
>>1240502I'm catholic, but i live in a country with tons of jews, and i saw this too. I remember an old story about an ethnicaly jewish girl with an arab father who was born here and she was pretty much tortured by israel's airport police for the crimen of having an arab father and some arab features (as in, mixed) They knew she wasnt a terrorist, she was traveling with a reputable (idk how it call it) jew youth group who makes trips to Europe regularly. None of the Ashkenazi guys were tortured too. Also tons of horror stories about ethiopian jews in the border, so i understand you and i know what you're talking about. That being said, even if there is many Ashkenazis with power, i think is less about the ethnicity and more about plain old degeneracy and disdain of humanity. Even if i know im no one to judge anyones "jewness" but is kinda clear that for them that they would fuck even their fellow Ashkenazis given the oportunity. Because a) i see this all the time, many Ashkenazis born and raised here waiting to be picked by israel and even going to military service but they never call them back, at best they can go on vacation once or twice a year, you will never see them in actual power positions. And that is when they dont coincider them dirty mutts like the girl of my story b) we see plenty of anti-humanity degenerates off all ethnicities, if anything i think their "point in common" is an affinity to Anglo-Saxon countries at least here in the west, but that is another topic. Is far more complicated that "muh evil jews" and no one is free of sin here, i know the vatican has many, many skeletons in the closet kek. I think now, in the middle of the decadence of the west, we can appreciate it clearer than ever.
No. 1244390
>>1244384>slim/fitIt's not just obesity though. Nonnas have noted, but even the slim/fit ones used to looked hotter because there was muscle underneath.
Straight up, it's microplastics that are fucking up men's testosterone & making them look like gross androgynous freaks.
Male sperm count has dropped by HALF since the 70s. They look pudgy & androgynous because they ARE.
No. 1244900
>>1244342AYRT, I've been given hell at airports through "random selection" procedures that seem to only affect Arabs and Africans. One time I was flying out of Israel I was pretty red eyed and shaky after an argument with my then gf. I got took into custody because I was "acting suspicious" and held there in a cell (with a Muslim woman who got separated from her 4 y/o daughter for no reason other than "suspicions") for six hours with my medication confiscated from me and no water during a very hot summer. I was released with no charge of course but it's made me terrified of flying home to visit family. It's like a fucking hobby for these airport pigs to give people shit. My wife is half Ethiopian Jewish and she has her own horror stories to tell. We are both so thankful to be living in Britbong land now, it's paradise by comparison. You're right about the Ashkenazi's in power and how they fuck over each other. If you don't co-operate with the troo joos schtick then you're scum in their eyes. Honestly I think their backstabbing just might be their downfall, they are only loyal to money and power at this point. Same with the Vatican I think. Their roots might have been similar with the "we are the best religion" shit but now they're just corrupt to the core.
>I think now, in the middle of the decadence of the west, we can appreciate it clearer than ever.Absolutely.
No. 1245821
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VC is no longer partners with Google and re-uploaded the previously deleted pizzagate article. Oh and other news; jizzlane got 20 years in the slammer. No. 1246768
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>>1242858Im into astrology and have known about americas pluto return. But also know that pluto will enter Aquarius next year starting a whole new 20 year era
also in 2026 america will be 250 years old.
theres a lot going on this decade
No. 1247219
>>1246786I noticed they're trying that with Weinstein. "look he's in jail! he's a frail old man! it's all over!" and I seldom hear normies mention sexual abuse in Hollywood now, or if they do they usually make it sound like a past problem. Problem is Ghislaine knows way too much. Although I suppose if they keep her in solitary her mental health will deteriorate and she'll no longer be "credible" to mainstream sources. I don't think she's dumb enough to talk though, her father was a triple agent. She knows when to talk and when to shut the fuck up.
>>1247205This dimension shift stuff freaks me out because I've had a few instances of crystal clear de ja vu lately and it's gonna make me schiz out some day soon.
No. 1248293
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I cannot stress enough to women that you need to be very careful about the scrotes in your life, no matter how distant or close. It is genuinely becoming so easy to track us on mobile devices (particularly iPhones) that women genuinely do not have any idea they are being watched in ways that would make your skin crawl. Moids are taking their love of exploiting and voyeuring woman and turning it into a very cheap, effective, and hellish form of stalking that is mostly flying under the radar because people aren’t being given the resources to understand just how easy it is.
If things don’t seem right, or someone seems to be coincidentally constantly referencing things you see, look at, talk about etc. do not brush it off and make sure you are not being stalked by a techfag. Updating or factory resetting your iPhone will not “fix it,” having nothing synced to your iCloud won’t “fix it,” etc. You could have the most bare-bones mobile device and if a disgusting moid wants in it, he can get in it or pay less than a bitcoin to someone else to do it and it will likely take minutes at best. They can track you across devices as well. They can listen to all audio around you, record your phone calls, view your screen in real time and watch your every keystroke, etc. even watch the analytics and sensors to know how your phone is tilted. It doesn’t matter if you are interesting or not, either, it’s just the moid addiction to voyeurism that drives it. It will not drain your battery and it can be done completely remotely using a variety of zero-day exploits that a scrote can choose from, many of them in a directory on the dark web.
I occasionally see stories such as these on Reddit where a woman doesn’t understand how it is possible for this to happen, and the answer is genuinely just that a man can and will sit and listen in on everything you do if he’s mentally ill, abusive, or has the motivation to. It may seem far-fetched, but I have plenty of resources to share if any of you are interested. For now, these programmer types are relying entirely on the fact that women are used to being gaslighted into thinking everything is a coincidence and that they’re just being schizo and there’s no telling just how many women are actually a victim of this sort of extreme exploitation right now. A lot of these men do this quietly and only share it with a select few of their kind, so you would likely have no way of knowing unless they were pursuing you. While it sounds like a completely bullshit conspiracy, we know for a fact that men have done far worse for far less. These strides we are taking in technology are going to be very harmful to women and children. If the device has a chip in it, it can be exploited. I’m not trying to creepypasta any of you into thinking someone is trying to like, watch you through your LG smartfridge or anything but it’s going to get ugly if it isn’t handled and our rights and protection aren’t taken seriously. Apple has deliberately and continually concealed this issue and tried to convince people that it isn’t used on pedestrians but that’s a lie. This is the scrotes new way of peeping into windows—except it’s far more horrifying because they can watch you through your cameras, listen to your every shuffle and breath, follow you in real-time, and view your every tap of the keyboard.
Be careful, do not seek out friendships with strangers online (referring specifically to imageboard types or people who frequent any similar types of communities but it can be outside of that of course), be wary of people who seem to fit all your criteria, stop using iPhone, etc.
No. 1248299
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>>1248293(2/3)’m sure this will seem very fragmented because I’m just thinking about it before bed and I haven’t tried to create some sort of concise directory of resources for it yet, but due to the pandemic especially scrotes are getting more desperate and have a lot more free time and farming/selling data however they can using tor services and closed, heavily vetted discourse servers that only allow members who trade real proof of their stalking/exploitation to prevent narcs or feds. I genuinely fear that it will take several years before it finally comes to light that this is a serious problem and apple will have to publicly deal with it, which is way too much time for these sociopaths to refine what they do and make it even more accessible than it already is. Like many things that are currently highly profitable, the mass hysteria this intimate breach of privacy would cause is probably the reason why it isn’t being exposed to the mainstream in some edgy vice article. Apple makes far too much money and they’ll use whatever propaganda they can to shill their products as “the safest on the market.” Apple products are genuinely just portable spyware.
No. 1248301
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>>1248299(3/3) I’ll come around and add more when I can if anons have questions but I’m tired and done for now. This has became such a sad and consuming portion of my life because I myself am a
victim of this, so I just feel like a broken record talking about this.
No. 1248307
>>1248293>>1248299>>1248301Love that idea about a directory of resources if you have the time
nonny, I’m so sad you experienced this. Can you talk a little more about exactly what happened to you, like how whoever stalked you found out about you? Was it IRL or online?
No. 1248322
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>>1248310That sucks, didn’t think to check because I just saw it in passing and thought of how I’ve seen several recounts over the past year or so where I don’t think women realize the possibility of them being remotely stalked is very likely. It just seemed like a good example to attach because it’s the most recent that sparked me thinking about the issue.
Anyways, malware like Pegasus and Dazzlespy are not nearly as inaccessible and expensive as Apple has tried to make them seem as damage control, and thus are currently being used for far more than only “geopolitical motivation.” For instance, gen z and young millennial terminally online men with special interest fixations on pop music use it to try and hack devices of musicians they are obsessed with in search of unreleased music. The motivation can be anything really, but my point is just that it’s way too easy and because of that the rise of parasocial obsessions are turning into full-on casual, 24/7 stalking. Of course only men are carrying this out as per usual since women aren’t so devoid of emotional intelligence that they think this is in any way okay to do to someone who isn’t like, a rapist or pedophile. Why be a peeping Tom when you could just listen in on every intimate moment of someone’s life without leaving your bedroom, apparently.
No. 1249163
>>1248322This is very interesting anon, id love if you could tell us more or make a thread about this. All i knew of was of softwares that are installed if you hand someone your phone (and they install an app in it). Its very interesting. But how do they pick their
victims? Is it like, women on social media? I have no personal social medias but im still scared of this.
No. 1249179
>>1248051Nah this is just republican retardation as usual, if you haven't seen Reversing Roe then I suggest you watch it because the evangelicals have been trying to overturn Roe for forever, it's just this time it actually worked.
>>1248250Uhhhhh no, that doesn't make sense at all kek. People aren't going to be able to afford goods in that economy and will be more reliant on the government than ever. We're heading towards a dual economy and a missing middle class. If they actually wanted this in the long-run, then like they're aiming for a generation of impoverished criminals in for-profit prisons. It's still better to have a functioning middle class than it is to have a dual economy.
But the reality is that there isn't necessarily a long-term plan. Republican economics are built on the least burdens for the elites with no comprehension of the actual impacts on our economy. This is why republicans do not hire genuine economists and instead rely on quacks. It's clear as day how bad this will be in the long run on both a local and national level even if you are some evil elite.
No. 1249187
>>1248322>>1248301>>1248293>>1248299Anon can you help me? This reminds me of this guy who knew a shit ton about me and to this day I have no idea how he did. One thing he mentioned out of nowhere was that my dad was a certain heritage, I never found out how he knew it and it freaks me out. He also knew my favorite animal, my hobbies, etc. He turned out to be some narcissistic Red Pill type as well.
I met him IRL and I don't have any social media. He was a teaching assistant for one of my classes so I think he could have fucked with the files we had to download for that class. I don't know how to tell but I've never had my laptop detect anything.
No. 1250269
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Confirmation that Sleepy Joe really is sleepy
No. 1252176
>>1252115Basically what
>>1252147 said, a lot of the delusion posts are actually from them
No. 1252256
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Girls, I think the timeline shifted again… Am I only one that has realized it?
No. 1252272
>>1252256girl stop with this timeline shift bullshit
we just came out of a pandemic that's it, that's why you feel like things are different now
the world is constantly changing but you don't always notice it
No. 1252347
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>>1252340NTA but wow I bet tinfoil nonnies haven't heard that before
No. 1252352
File: 1657061721996.png (10.54 MB, 1640x2360, 18126CAF-9EA3-4895-B89C-84A29F…)

>wake up
>take a shit
> eat
>get out of bed
>open lolcow tinfoil thread
>call everyone ITT a retard
>crawl back into bed to devour moar excrement
No. 1252594
>>1252474You don't have to sage on /ot/ especially if you have new info for this thread,
No. 1252685
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Okay this is a niche one but I feel there is something more here beyond this CEO being a werido swedish moid:
> Chief executive Jan Ryde has effectively turned his bizarre beliefs into company policy at Hästens, whose iconic checkered beds fetch as much as $400,000 and are owned by the likes of Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, Vladimir Putin and the Swedish royal family> Tried to control his employees’ spirituality by forcing them to be evaluated by a personal team of “mindset coaches”—including hypnotists and “high-frequency vibration” individuals> Workers were allegedly told to study “the law of attraction,” spiral dynamics, the David Hawkins’ Scale of Enlightenment, and The Four Agreements, a self-help book> Employees also had to submit to assessments on their vibrational frequencies and “light” from Peter Von Ah, “a clairvoyant and hypnotist on the Hastens company payroll,” No. 1252854
>>1252790I think there’s a strong chance it’s real. Just breaking down some facts:
>10% of users make 90% of original tweets on Twitter >Even Tumblr had a Russian and porn bot problem back in 2014. >we know Facebook has a bot problem >everyone left and right spent millions siding with Depp >Katylin Tiffany the resident retard at the Atlantic wrote an article on how it’s totally not true, that other retard reporters are quoting as their source. Tiffany’s other works include how femcels are totally real and just as dangerous as incel men, and things like the child sex trade totally aren’t real. I could see off the top of my head those things giving it weight.
No. 1252879
>>1252854Katylin Tiffany killed the Internet
>>1252790It sure as fuck feels dead
No. 1252887
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>>1252340>>1252272This is the tinfoil thread.
No. 1253175
>>1252685My first theory is that he's a man from old money who has no idea how to run a business without inserting his own personal beliefs into the business. So in short, a kook who has a shit ton of money from his parents but shows his idiocy every now and then (see Elon Musk).
My alternative thought is that there may be some truth to what he's sperging about. Didn't the CIA have some documents that were released about vibrational frequencies and astral projections that suggested that they're not totally bullshit? I still think my first theory stands and that his personal beliefs influencing his business is just incredibly dumb.
No. 1253186
>>1252790100%, I would argue that it's near impossible to build a genuine following now when you're competing with narratives and content pushed forward by bots. It's interesting too because if you simply have an account online sometimes you'll get some bots or inactive accounts that follow you out of nowhere.
>>1252854> Katylin Tiffany the resident retard at the Atlantic wrote an article on how it’s totally not true, that other retard reporters are quoting as their source. Tiffany’s other works include how femcels are totally real and just as dangerous as incel men, and things like the child sex trade totally aren’t real. Please tell me this woman is at least getting paid extra by someone to say this. I say that because I fear that people actually believe it kek; I had an ex who would rather believe stuff at face value than think too deeply and it hurt my soul to try and defend my opinions when he'd just repeat stuff he saw on reddit word-for-word thinking he's an intellectual ugh.
No. 1253273
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>>1252685This is an odd one. In a follow up article, they found that a guy that runs the store chain that sells the mattresses was happy about the "epic pr" the news of the lawsuit gave. Picrel is a internal memo that guy sent out and uhh…. Fucking bizarre it's like a sleep cult kek I want to laugh and brush it off as kooky Swedish men with money but that's how shit like NXIVM starts.
No. 1253559
>>1252790Is it even a theory at this point? The main social media (twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc) is all like 90% bots at this point, even LinkedIn, originally a job site is falling
victim to this. I also feel like I see repetitive posts on lolcow and bots programmed to be disproportionally upset over any little thing and that's why we get anons spewing things like "troon" or something even when nothing the original anon said indicated they're a tranny at all
Is the dead internet fucking up anyone else's mental health? Real life is already hell of isolating especially as a woman. In real life it's hard to maintain friendships with moids since they all think with their dicks, it's hard to maintain friendships with a lot of normie women since a lot of them focus too much on hustle culture and have 2-3 jobs while being in school and then spend the spare time they can with their own moid. The internet felt like the one place where I can socialize without fearing being annoying, clingy, being rejected for social hangouts, etc but the internet is a ghost town now unless it's for internet arguments. Maybe the reason why people get into so many arguments on the internet is because sometimes it feels like one of the only way to have proper communication any more? Think about it. During in argument people often respond ASAP, any other time it can take hours for a message back
No. 1253583
>>1253441Unless you're like me nona and I vent and delete because I feel like it's too identifying or I got it out of my system. Don't overthink it, bots everywhere yes. But not to overthink
that stuff.
>>1252256It's just murcuyere rentougade nona don't worry.
No. 1253674
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>>1253583>Unless you're like me nona and I vent and delete because I feel like it's too identifying or I got it out of my system. Don't overthink it, bots everywhere yes. But not to overthink that stuff.Anon it was an actual spammer. You weren't in the thread at the time so obviously you don't see it now.
No. 1253675
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>>1253674Samefag other anons saw it too and it was also mentioned in /meta/
No. 1253792
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>>1253695Probably because some retards like Alex Jones and a local primary Republican gubernatorial candidate (Kandiss Taylor) have been saying it’s satanic. Kandiss Taylor actually said the Guidestones should be destroyed back in May of this year. Even though it won’t happen I think she should get fined for inciting people to blow it up. else just floored at how the extreme right has somehow brainwashed people (men) so effectively that it’s mobilizing them to shoot random innocent people? Their propaganda is seriously out of control and then they try to dial back and act like they have nothing to do with it. Picrel is Kandiss Taylor claiming it was an “Act of God” and then later saying whoever did it should go to jail KEK. The only solution is to start holding these attention seekers accountable for spreading theories that mobilize angry men and lead to terror attacks.
No. 1253815
>>1253801Kek yes so based to fight against the ~Devil~ and promote evangelical terrorism as women are losing rights and being ushered back into the womens sphere, barefoot and pregnant.
It’s not that deep or based in the slightest. Look into the history behind it and you’ll find that the origins are from some anglo white man with an ego who wanted to create a Stonehenge in America, not the ~evil Jews~ that you probably think are behind everything. This is literally the same group of people that is just one unhinged rambling away from going nuts and killing you in a supermarket. Stop encouraging actual terrorism and promoting Republican shit in this thread, you evangelicals are fucking insane.
No. 1253829
>>1253819You might as well have, we all know where the satanic panic allegiances stand
>>1253820No I didn’t respond to the wrong person. It’s obvious who did this and what the motive was. These are the same moids who are shooting random people with extreme political movements. Hell the moid who did this might have just been testing out their bombs that they plan to use on real people.
Why should women praise the actions of moids who think we don’t deserve rights over our bodies? Stop caping for violent males.
No. 1253831
>>1253824You’re so brainwashed it’s sad
>>1253825Because I actually brought up a good point that whoever did this already is a fringe rightwing extremist listening to the likes of Alex Jones and Kandiss Taylor and could intend to use their bomb making skills on real people
No. 1253836
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>>1253815>it was just some random anglo, nothing to see hereHe is literally what you claim to sperg against. At least put in some effort.
>In June 1979, a man using the pseudonym Robert C. Christian approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company on behalf of "a small group of loyal Americans", and commissioned the structure. Christian explained that the stones would function as a compass, calendar, and clock, and should be capable of "withstanding catastrophic events".[1] The man reportedly used the pseudonym as a reference to his Christian religion.>>1253830>>1253831Samefag
No. 1253844
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>>1253835KEK you’re gaslighting me as if you fucking satanic panic freaks in this thread aren’t always sperging about evil in Hollywood as a result of Jews. I won’t try to predict your arguments anymore, my bad.
>>1253836That’s literally what the Pyramids of Egypt were for (calculating time). I guess drawing from inspiration of the olden days of using the stars to track time is evil?!?!?! God forbid some anglo white man makes a lazy copy of Stonehenge with some sprinkles of the Great Pyramids and doesn’t build a monument of Jesus. We already have the Fields of the Wood not far away which I’m sure you Bible thumping religious freaks would love.
No. 1253858
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>>1253844You glow so fucking bright but I guess you get payed well
No. 1253876
>>1253871You all mentioned how “evil” those rocks are and how they just
had to be blown up for that reason so ofc you’re some sort of anti-satanic/evil believers at the very least. What is this gaslighting, this has to be moids that I’m arguing with
No. 1253878
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>>1253175Is this the document you’re talking about? I found it on the CIA’s official website.
No. 1253883
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>>1253844Your derailing bait is so lame that I hope you're getting paid at max. minimum wage for it. I'm just going to ignore you and me and other nonnas are going to keep talking about the stones, especially now that you try so hard to distract.
>>1253846Yeah, when I remembered the existence of these in 2020 it honestly seemed like some kind of forshadowing. It doesn't help that whoever commissioned it could be part of the filthy rich who get off on population control and drool over dystopian measures coated in rainbow colored words.
Though I'm not sure if it getting destroyed is a good thing if it ends up being intended (you know, like destroyed evidence). I think it's weird that the other ones got destroyed too for "safety measures".
Here's some more from the wiki:
>Joe Fendley of Elberton Granite […] attempted to discourage him by providing a price quote for the commission which was several times higher than any project the company had previously taken[…]. To Fendley's surprise, Christian accepted the quote.>When arranging payment, Christian said that he represented a group which had been planning the guidestones for 20 years and which wanted to remain anonymous
>The inscription read:
>1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
>2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
>3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
>4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
>5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
>6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
>7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
>8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
>9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
>10. Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature No. 1253889
>>1253882Because blowing up a monument isn’t fucking based, you’re retarded for assuming that a moid with bomb making skills isn’t a danger to their environment. Better yet, for praising them instead of wondering how that might be a danger to the greater community.
Also who the fuck believes in any power of “evil” imagery except for religious wackjobs? Your priorities are fucked if you think “evil” rocks are somehow worse than a moid with the bomb-making skills to blow them up.
No. 1253898
>>1253889Calm down. Nobody has defended the rocks. We just mentioned it was weird but we don’t really care. We’re not going to cry over some rocks made by a shady religious group in the 80’s. No amount of retard sperging or whatabotism will change that. Stop with the bad faith arguments. You want to prove your point?
Post the alt right like Alex Jones saying to blow it up. Post the pictures of the damage. Talk and stop screeching if you really are a sister in Christ ffs
No. 1253915
File: 1657215221426.png (148.4 KB, 610x613, b9d.png)

>>1253911>sky daddy>lady gaga music videos?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????///
No. 1253921
>>1253903Yeah, that would also make sense. Though my worry about the intend of destroying all of them was combined with the fact that supposedly only the vehicle was visible on the security cameras and nothing else, which seems fishy.
>Do the locals even like this monument or do they just tolerate it?That's actually a good question. When googling it, it doesn't even seem that popular as tourists attraction, but then again I'm not american so who knows.
>>1253909>>1253898Nonnas please stop responding to it. The goal is to derail us with infighting and move the topic to something else (in this case some sperging about right wingers ans school shooters). They have done this in these threads multiple times now.
No. 1253934
>>1253921I brought up right winger moids because I’m like 90% sure that’s who did it and it’s not this deep. The christfags itt derail from actual interesting conspiracies by posting this satanic panic bullshit while also ignoring how your own ramblings are getting into the minds of moids that also believe in your conspiracies and blow up abortion clinics, shoot up schools and other venues, and join neo nazi groups. Do you not care about who actually did this and how they might bomb some other place?
Keep insisting that I’m some government employee because I don’t validate dumb christfag spergs and instead think that this is a danger to myself and other people in the area. I’m not even in multiple threads as you claim unless you think my perfume and relationship sperging in /g/ and shitposts in /ot/ are also the work of some mastermind moid.
No. 1253936
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>>1253911>the tinfoil thread isn't talking about the tinfoil that you personally believe in and that means that everyone is actually an altright evangelical christian tradthotI get that what's happening in the US is bad and I'm sorry that you're personally affected but accusing anons that don't agree with you of being evangelical christians on LC of all places is not helping. Take some time off from the internet.
No. 1253968
>>1253943It's not just globalist but straight up nwo shit.
How is humanity supposed to go from currently almost 8 billion back to 500 million? How is it supposed to be "maintained" after this? Even in the 70s it was already at 3 billion. Under what standards is reproduction supposed to be "guided wisely", especially when that is said by a group of supposedly rich people? 3 & 6 is literally part of a one world government vision, I could go on but you get the gist. I fucking hate this type of underhanded language, media and politicians constantly pull it too.
No. 1254057
>>1253968>How is humanity supposed to go from currently almost 8 billion back to 500 million? How is it supposed to be "maintained" after this? Under what standards is reproduction supposed to be "guided wisely", especially when that is said by a group of supposedly rich people? 3 & 6 is literally part of a one world government vision, I could go on but you get the gist. I fucking hate this type of underhanded language, media and politicians constantly pull it too.Most likely make the 99% sterile and only able to have kids through ivf, if big daddy 1% doesn't think you're a good enough little slave then you don't get to breed and die under 40 via cancer causing weapons. If it all starts to collapse indoctrinate the kids to turns against the older generations and do a "mass cleanse" in order to reset. Create the perfect little slave race over generations.
Of course the 1% would still be fertile and have all freedoms, safe in their remote homes.
They would rather do all this instead of just letting true nature rule and stop getting in the way of women making all decisions on health, food, childcare, and big decisions. Women are the ones making raising kids and doing 70% of the worlds work with little to no pay, so women should be the ones making all decisions. The spiteful mutant that is Y chromosome would rather salt the earth than detach from the host.
No. 1254095
>>1252790Yeah I’m so sick of seeing bots, only fans link bullshit I’m willing to bet
>based>cringe>girl, I->plsssss >wAnd those types of random responses are bots too
No. 1254436
File: 1657246415273.webm (4.43 MB, 1082x610, aids1.webm)

No context, just sharing
No. 1254459
>>1254255That’s just not true. Atheists and non religious people think that the satanic imagery and “satanic” elites that Vigilant Citizen spergs about are irrelevant and not worth even speculating on. It’s fake. Fiction. These elites are devoid of morals sure but it has nothing to do with religion and you’re dumb if you think you’re uncovering something super secretive by autistically analyzing hand gestures and symbolism in reference to a fake ass book like the Bible. Do I think there is some connection across the globe of elites? Sure, aren’t the Bush family supposedly friends with the most elite family in China (Li I think)? Yes, but not in some weird satanic ‘NWO’ “symbolism” way that you’re thinking of. I do believe in the NWO but not in the direct symbolism way you’re thinking of, rather that the elites are connected beyond cultural and political differences, living truly in their own world. The most I’d agree with you lot is that yes I agreed with Bill Gates shady ties to corona and I do think there is some larger elite control of orgs like the WEF. I personally think that elite families could potentially be tied together by hush money and the extent that they can blackmail each other and could ofc have people killed. But I don’t think they’re sacrificing goats and shit.
Isn’t it a CIA strategy to hijack conspiracies by purposefully creating conspiracy figureheads who promote dumb theories like the baby-eating cabal which overshadow the theories that are closer to the truth and could jeopardize the elites? An example that I stand by is my theory that pesticide manufacturers would have paid to amplify the memes and association of Alex Jones to Dr. Tyrone Hayes and his criticism of atrazine. They would have supported algorithms promoting the whole “THEY’RE TURNING THE FROGS GAY” to make that the face of the anti-atrazine platform, burying Dr. Tyrone Hayes and the truth of atrazine’s effects. It’s amazing how you all miss the point I’m making and just assume that I’m some glowie because I’m saying that you’re all religion sperging and missing the actual shit that’s going on right in front of us, with absolutely no hand gestures or religious commandments needed. I think your religion sperging is dumb because I think that none of your religious imagery matters as it’s all fictitious anyways but that’s enough of my personal beliefs. Now you all know where I stand and why I took the stance I did. I wish I got paid by the government to argue with you for as long as I did today kek.
No. 1254467
>>1254459>>1254463You know, anon, you don't have to personally believe in a religion to suspect other people of following it. We all know tons of civilizations and societies had their own religions and ceremonies/traditions, and we document that knowledge. Doesn't mean we follow the same rites, we just notice it. Seems silly to omit that and pretend not to see it because of personal beliefs. Like, I don't have to believe in Satan to be weirded out by the guy who owns my local power company being caught jerking off to a statue of Moloch while drawing a pentagram on checkerboard floors in animal blood. Why the fuck would anyone look the other way just because they don't personally do or believe in the same shit?
>Doesn’t tying it back to the Devil and religion also make these moids avoid complete culpability because it assumes that they’re not fully responsible for their actions?No, because people use their religion to justify evil acts all the time. It's been happening for a very long time, across all cultures
No. 1254473
>>1254459Not reading all of that but by that logic christians, muslims etc also suddenly stop existing in the eyes of atheist.
Also where is the "symbolism" on straight up writing your nwo goals on a stone? Absolutely kek how hard you try to avoid the point.
No. 1254476
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>>1254467And what's the chance of these people being satanists anyways? They're simply hedonistic billionaires who are devoid of morals.
>>1254473Was the guy who even made the stone relevant? It seems like a pre-internet version of some autistic philosophy of how the world should have been run that just happens to be in favor of population control. 4chan has plenty of autists who write similar shit while being beta moids themselves. Meanwhile you're overlooking a recent attempt at population control (covid) and not some cryptic messages on stones.
>>1254479You lot is referring to the religion spergs itt that are not just one anon assumedly
No. 1255124
>>1255070Hedonism and Satanism go hand in hand. Also there aren't really any religious zealots itt, especially not when you began sperging. And no, the man who made the stones probably was not relevant, doesn't mean those stones deserved to stand. It is better they are gone. Rich freaks shouldn't have the ability to just put their retarded doctrines up in public just because they have the money. 4chan has autistic schizo sperging but it's contained on 4chan.
Also calling the elite Satanists or observing their connections with Satanism doesn't excuse what they do, I don't see how you came to that conclusion.
No. 1256117
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>>1255070>What’s the chance of these people being Satanists anyways? Kek
No. 1256141
File: 1657384835417.jpg (460.09 KB, 1754x1216, 111.jpg)

This might seem odd for those likely unaware, but has anyone else noticed a influx of slight "yassified" photoshopped pics of athletes and fitness models. on twitter, picrel is a photoshopped pic of a rugby player Matthew Arnot that got mildly popular on twitter a couple weeks back and on the right is the original unedited pic, I notice these very clearly edited pics of mostly athletes getting on viral twitter, like what is up with this
No. 1258042
>>1256299Wtf are you talking about? A moid in 2022 has millions of images of CP available to him with access to the internet. He can simulate child sex abuse in video games and various AI tools. There’s growing movements and fandoms on the internet like lolicon and MAPs that cater specifically to pedophiles. There’s professors on TV that are advocating for pedophilia being talked about as a sexuality. Movies like Cuties and other semi child pornographic content is being released. We also have porn shown to kids at younger and younger ages to expose them to sex and prime them for grooming.
Back in the day moids didn’t have the internet to look up CP and now they do. There’s even research backing arguments that desensitization through porn turns men into pedophiles. It’s easier for pedophiles to kidnap a kid than before if they cover their tracks, because every kid has a device and pedophiles don’t even need to leave home to contact children. They don’t even have to lure children via positive incentives but rather can groom them and then “sextort” more CP and even rape them by threatening to release what pictures they have to the child’s family, friends, school, etc. It is easier to be a pedophile more than ever before. Especially since blended families are more common and something around 1/4 of stepfathers have raped their stepchildren.
No. 1258047
>>1258042Internet isn't the real thing. Maybe some maladapted autists are fine with just looking at cp, but most pedos, (even self admited pedos say it) want the real thing. An actual child body. And they want it, and then come back to their houses and nag at their wife. They want to fuck children
and maintain a normal life just like the old times. Intrafamiliar abuse is rising non stop, but again this is not enough. They want a underage sex market. Cuties was a great effort but if you remember the amount of rejection that it generated it's hardly a win. The endgame is that every noble (read: bourgeoisie, read: elite) could have a child enurch and every city could have a brother with kids
and no one would bat an eye No. 1258063
>>1258047 and before someone try to twist my point, that "if enurchs & children were commonly in the sex trade in the past that means it's natural" or something else, let me say: no. I hardy would call what societies like ancient Greece did pedophila because their standards for childhood were bastly different so for them it wasnt a perversion, even if now "we know better". The concept that we now have for childhood is very new, and that doesnt mean is "bad" or dare i say, "invalid", it's based on recent studies of children's minds and the wishes of mothers (no mother want their children to be a whore). And we sure we aren't accommodating it so childfuckers could have access to their sexless bodies. Sure, that means we have endless propaganda bombing children with
"uh, is actually cool to be an eternal young sexless enurch, you know" and autopedophilia is everywhere, so no the war is not won either. The advances made on children's rights will be hard to delete, but that doesnt mean they don't try.
No. 1258087
>>1258065Zelensky isn't in control in Ukraine. Their crazy nationalists are. Ukrainian Nationalism is on a whole other fucking level. They think they personally dug out the black sea thousands of years ago to protect themselves from invaders and that the Ukrainian race has existed from the Neolithic onwards completely unmixed. Deranged people who are getting exactly what they deserve.
Fuck Ukraine.
No. 1258119
>>1258069Abortion should be available as a last resort that is only considered in extreme situations. Everything possible should be done to avoid it. This isn't what happens and neither side of the abortion debate has any intention of making that a reality. Contraception and education on how to use it should be widely available, and yes women should be discouraged from having sex with worthless men. A child, regardless of how they were conceived or who their parents are, should be guaranteed a life free of abuse, education and opportunities to succeed.
Neither side of the abortion debate seems to understand or even care that being in a situation where a woman needs access to abortion is an utterly horrid position for the woman. If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, then she should have the option of aborting her rapists child. Having that access does not negate what happened. Everything should be done so women aren't put in that position. Rapists deserve the death penalty. A woman who conceives by accident has to face the choice of aborting her child or to raise it when she may not be able to. I can not imagine how difficult that choice would be, knowing that aborting is the better option because my own chances in life are so low that my child would be better off dead.
The pro-choice side wants to celebrate abortion and normalize it. This is sick. The circumstances that lead up to the need for abortion are not anything good and should not be normalized.
The pro-life side wants to punish women for being a situation they have no control over. This is also sick. A woman should not be forced to raise a child she can not care for or that she doesn't want.
No. 1258135
>>1258119Anons will say you're extreme and some parts sound extreme at first, but then I realize it makes sense in some ways. Pro-choice, though a lot of women- and men too, rarely- believe in it because it is a choice that a woman deserves to make, the more insidious side of this is the lack of prevention. Almost like women should be super promiscuous and let men not wear condoms because the left hates women just as much as the right. The whole public property vs private property saying.
I don't know though, do pro-choice leaders celebrate abortion, or just crazy outliers?
I also agree that sex education is immensely important and so is access to contraceptives and birth control etc
No. 1258138
>>1258119Anon i've seen that points being debated plenty where i live, especially
> Contraception and education on how to use it should be widely available, and yes women should be discouraged from having sex with worthless menThat is why the whole slogan of the abortion campaign here is "Sex education to decide, contraceptives not to abort & legal abortion not to die" A few zoomers making off-color jokes or some lolcow shitposters doesn't mean that the majority of pro-choice activism doesn't know the implications of what they're saying. If anything, i've seen more "i wish an abortion" jokes coming from gay males. Abortion is a touchy topic, i get it, but if you read about it, you would see that the pro-choice movement aknowledges all the points you're talking about. It's just the edgy gays on twitter who are making "deletus the fetus" shitposts.
No. 1258144
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I'm not going trying to say that parents who had kids killed in mass shootings are paid actors so glowies do not accuse me of that. with that being said I find many aspects of mass shootings suspicious. I believe the government and the fbi specifically has more knowledge of future mass shootings than they would like you to know, and allow certain ones to move forward in order to achieve certain political or economic goals. What these goals are is perhaps more difficult to say. You could believe that it is to push for greater gun control measures. If that is the case, then the FBI is genuinely retarded, because it has had a 0% success rate so far and yet they keep allowing more shootings to happen. I personally think it is because of funding from the nra. stopping mass shootings would on some level always involve taking guns away from a "legal responsible gun owner." because in order to prevent a mass shooting, you have to take away the gun before they start killing people, i.e., before they have committed a crime. nra is making billions and does not give a fuck, as long as they can find one idiot security guard who survived a mass shooting who's willing to get on a stage at a convention and go "hurrr if i had a gun i woulda shot da shooter 1st" 95% of americans will support them. good example of a mass shooting the feds were well aware of and allowed to go forward is parkland. Multiple people reported the shooter before, with examples of him saying almost word for word "when I turn 18 I am going to get a gun and do the next columbine." He had 55 incidents on his record at school. He had spent a week in the psych ward and had posted pictures with guns and even had a report from some rando who saw a youtube comment with his full name saying LITERALLY "I am going to do the next school shooting." and they did nothing because they're making those big nra bucks. that's my opinion anyway. What's yours?
No. 1258202
File: 1657517755263.jpg (103.09 KB, 875x504, 13.jpg)

>>1256186>>1256268are you really gonna argue that the edited pic on left(that look like a muscular 14 year old boy) looks better then the right one(an actual human man face)
No. 1258231
>>1258202>a man with good skin and a gracile, refined facial structure looks like a 14 year old boyI guess most women look like children then. I just don't like haggard neanderthals and almost every detail of his appearance looks worse when put next to the edit, bye. Moids don't listen when women try to talk them out of their attraction to unrealistic/edited photos of us, so I really don't see why I should go the extra mile for this random guy kek
For all the shit makeup, beauty rituals, diets, etc that have been instilled in women since childhood, the average moid should be tasked with making himself look like a Final Fantasy character for at least 170 generations. Idc anymore
No. 1258252
>>1258202It does. It doesn’t look like a child either, just looks like a plush gayface well-kept model.
>>1258209He never looked that good at any point, the edit still doesn’t look like a child though. I’m not normally into 2D or yassified photos but left looks 18+ just yassified.
>>1258219Your brain is mush.
No. 1258290
>>1258252>Your brain is mush.Nta, but how? Gay men
are highly predatory. Be mad at them.
No. 1258462
>>1258431Samefag, I've seen multiple people say it was leaked by a kiwifamer. It was actually leaked by a New Zealand (Kiwi) 4channer, right?
I don't like that the other farms
are gaining this sort of publicity and reputation.
No. 1258468
File: 1657546698962.jpg (188.76 KB, 640x999, 3d5xdb27fpx71.jpg)

Its hilarious to me you're whining about a slight change of facial features on some man with already incredibly masculine face, then taking it to another level and blaming it on fag scrotes being pedophiles or having 'no sexual restrictions'
Meanwhile, 'regular' scrotes post and share shit like pic related, 458956975 memes of a 14 year old actress 'hitting the wall' and lolita anime in every fucking space of theirs in existence. Even with normie men irl I have on whatsapp groups (compulsorily unfortunately) do this shit. Anything a woman or even a deranged fag does, a 'regular' scrote is guilty of 10000x over
No. 1258487
>>1258468This has to be a shit post making fun of scrotes. Right?
No way does anyone have brain melting out their ears retardation to be taking this seriously.
No. 1258546
>>1258201you’re not naive, it is mostly government incompetency and shitty parents raising shitty kids in a shitty country. the only school shooting i could see something weird going on was possibly adam lanza, but other than that, i think a lot of people are just trying to make sense out of senselessness.
all these braindead moronic kids care about are the instant infamy points they will get for shooting up a school. half the time their parents have guns laying around that they’ve been taught how to shoot and it’s not incredibly difficult to buy weapons in this country if they don’t already own one. a lot of this crap would stop if the media wouldn’t obsess over these mongoloids and give them the attention they don’t deserve, but every time they spend months picking over their lives (bonus points if they’re white, middle class and semi-decent looking) and trying to figure out how an isolated, possibly turbo autistic, unsupervised teenager becomes a mass murderer. and every time we walk away with no answers because there are none and never will be. i don’t expect a 17-year-old retarded boy to fully understand the implications or motivations behind his actions other than he has a ton of undirected, pent up frustration and testosterone fueled anger pumping through his undeveloped brain. and their parents usually wait too fucking long to start disciplining them, or are abusing them or just never around to even notice, so they just throw up their hands and let them do whatever they want.
and absolutely nothing significant has changed in this country regarding gun ownership so the idea this has something to do with our rights is stretching it. there were no mass gun buybacks after sally hook, the constitution wasn’t thrown out/ratified, we weren’t herded into walmart fema camps, marshall law was not declared. just more whining and gnashing of teeth and boomers bitching about vidya, the internet, and barack obama. the government will ban abortion and interracial marriage sooner than they would ever ban guns or even attempt to make it more difficult to own one.
No. 1258623
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I don't care to see Hunter Biden dick pics,don't really care about the crack smoking, crack hoes & all that.
Don't really even care about his affair with his dead bro's wife. But the kids who keep popping up in photos allegedly from his iphone, Those deserve explanation ?
No. 1258648
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about the 13-year-old "Katie Johnson" who accused Trump and Epstein of assault? Anonymous was spreading the court docs around a year or two ago. She said he told her that she "reminded him of his daughter," which, if you've heard him talk about Ivanka, is such an oddly specific detail that it's believable. Also said he and Epstein threatened to kill her if she told anyone what happened. Used to have the documents saved on my computer before it was wiped–the best one I can find currently is here: in case it was discussed in a previous thread
No. 1258682
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>>1258623Hunter Biden got hacked by 4chan
No. 1258713
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can't believe people are actually defending this and think this is nothing
No. 1258716
>>1258679I feel like I came from an alternative dimention or something how come no one is talking about this? There were literally pictures of malia obamas credit card used to cut lines and pictures of her naked body from behind but it was clearly her. Pictures of him fucking his dead brothers wife, pictures of him fucking his underage niece by blood.
Did I time shift from an even more fucked up dimension or what? How did something that fucked up get memory holed.
No. 1258729
>>1258716Because “good people” and more so “good women” pride themselves on only trusting information from the right sources so they won’t listen if the news comes from someone they dislike.
>Rudy said it then who cares about proof. You just agree with Trump and want him to win! It’s the same shit they do when they accuse you of weaponing trauma against them when you suggest the DNC not back an accused rapist this time if they want your vote.
No. 1258737
>>1258713Fucking gross. Anyone who puts any sort of faith into politicians and worships them is braindead. Also, im still curious about this photo
>>1258686Is it legit? Saw someone in the celeb thread saying it was just a screenshot from a porn video. Either way he probably still fucks kids so.
No. 1258746
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>>1258713This is insane. How do you defend this.
No. 1258797
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>>1258768explain to me how a heavily edited twinkified face that is more appealing then an actual human face
No. 1258822
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>>1258811explain, also this is him when he actually looked like when he was young(about 17), just compare that to the edited pic and see how better he looks
No. 1258978
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>>1258202Yeah I found this on google images it smoothed out brendans eyes
No. 1258995
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>>1258468>tiny and cute youthful>flat chest>will give you cute hapa daughters I hope whoever made this image dies a thousand painful deaths over and over and burns in hell.
Also I hate memes made by scrotes where a woman’s body or attractiveness is the punchline. I’m really top heavy and I was a teenager when big asses became a trend and it was so nauseating to have people just come up to me and straight up tell me I needed to do squats or that their boyfriend was more of an ass guy. Or that I’d be sooo hot if I had a bigger ass. and seeing memes like picrel killed my self esteem now idc. I just find it nauseating I wish I didn’t live in the generation where hardcore porn is free and everywhere and teenagers watch it and it melts their brains they don’t even see us as people. And girls have self esteem issues from their boyfriends jerking off to BBL baddies who squirt gallons after like 40 seconds of sex and porn showing men that that’s totally what women like is to be choked. Man I just hated dating a guy and feeling like I was competing with everyone from petite blondes to thick ebony women and just swallowing my jealousy because I thought it was “normal” and it didn’t mean anything to him.
No. 1259095
>>1258144I can agree with some of what you're saying. I believe mass shootings are real (I can't fucking stand when people say they're fake).
But I've entertained the thought that there are undercover groomers who work for the feds who chat with these kids and encourage them to go through with it. Or even tell them exactly what to do. It's leading toward making the majority of Americans accept, and even beg for, a society where exclusively military and police are allowed to own guns.
No. 1259130
File: 1657587106510.jpg (163.41 KB, 768x1024, 1597249047687.jpg)

That's a moid in the celeb thread trying to throw the blame on Malia to throw us off of chewing out Hunter (if it even is her, but how else would the card be there). There's at least 2 anons calling his ass out there.
No. 1259141
>>1258995Dating a porn addict is an insane experience because they'll never be happy with any body type. I dated one before when I was very young and impressionable and it left me with a ton of health issues and an eating disorder. One week "girls with six packs and who are rail thin are weird I prefer meat on my women, anon you should eat more you'd look so hot chubby" next week "work out lots, I wanna see what you look like with a six pack", following week "don't eat as much, I like how you look thin " etc. In retrospect he was probably just trying to get me to destroy my body so I'd be undesirable since he had major control issues and even wanted me to get a hickey tattooed on me. Sucks for him since it didn't work and I just ended up slim thick
It makes my heart break for girls who have porn addict bfs who fixate over features out of their control (boob size, race ,etc). Why did porn brainwash men into never being satisfied with their own woman?
No. 1261971
>>1261889I too liked the pizzagate-style tinfoils. The last few threads have been shit imo and it’s always the same old topics and “ackshually ur all wrong and right-wing” infighting.
C’mon, let’s talk about the hard-core shit that really matters!
No. 1262175

you guys may already know of this but for the anons who haven’t; i recently fell down a rabbit hole regarding mark laita, the weirdo photographer behind soft white underbelly, pimptube, and this weird situation unfolding in regards to a possible mind control prostitution situation/hollywood satanism after a prostitute mark interviewed died under mysterious circumstances in a rehab facility.
this is still an ongoing situation so don’t bitch at me because i don’t have all the answers but the basic rundown is…
>people have been noticing mark laita falling in with pimps like the infamous sharp, a loud mouth POS pimp podcaster in atlanta who has been caught, on camera, degrading female interviewees (amongst other things)
>mark laita is (probably) using SWF to glorify prostitution and is (likely) a john himself who is using his platform to exploit and essentially advertise tricks
>he has been caught on video regurgitating pimp logic, has gone to pimp conventions, and through sharp, has met other pimps in “the game”
>one of the girls featured on his videos died mysteriously sometime last year, viewers were obviously not happy
>a female citizen journalist requested amanda’s autopsy; her “handlers” claimed she died with nothing but tylenol in her system…she had an assload of drugs and they promptly cremated her and dumped her ashes on a public beach which is illegal
>the group she was involved with are also linked to bam margera’s conservatorship due to him getting in with this weirdo heaux named aura-lima, one of a dozen or so aliases this strange woman has used over the years
No. 1262201
>>1262175>>1262176>>1262177So they were conducting the beta-programming in plain sight?!
>quick lesson if you’re a newfag to mk-ultra tinfoil: Beta - aka “kitten” or “sexual” programming is in the mk-ultra subgroup that deals with programming unwilling persons to become sex slaves to serve whom ever programmed them , along with the higher echelons of society. This programming has also been used to blurs genders and brought in androgyny to the mainstream back in the day, this type of programming is probably being used for the troon agenda.
No. 1262207
>>1262201yes, that’s what it looks like, at least to me. i didn’t want to flood the thread with all the videos but you can see the mind control helmets they use for their patients if you search aura lima on youtube. i will link one. her eyes are so fucking dead and cold, but of course there are stupid people wanking themselves because she’s attractive. because of course she is.
this whole situation is so fucking weird and it is becoming apparent mark has fallen in with a really strange crowd in hollywood due to his fame (or infamy?). he also recently interviewed a master/slave couple where the husband had on a big ass baphomet ring and the “slave” wife was running her mouth and glorifying their relationship, totally odd considering what most slave relationships are like. there’s a satanism community/clique out here in la and i am betting they are using mark to advertise their shit.
No. 1262267
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>>1262207From what I understand; she’s a handler who’s also being handled. I clicked then after a minute or two I took it off because she sounds so monotonous and robotic.
>>1262231>picrel Fuck this scrote and anyone who agrees that “hoez” should be treated this way.
No. 1262296
>>1262175>>1262176>>1262177>>1262201>>1262207This is crazy shit. I've been watching Soft White Underbelly and the interviewer gives me the heebie jeebies. No way is a man interacting with all these vulnerable young women and not abusing his position in some way.
Also it's shocking to me what huge faggots pimps are when you actually see how they behave. The documentary American Pimp is the same way. Man children coddled by trapped women. I want to humiliate and kill them all with my bare hands.
Thanks for the tinny milk nona
No. 1263378
>>1263288Based. The only skincare I use is water and occasionally apple cider vinegar. My family is horrified that I don't moisturize.
I told them I'll be a case study in not using any skincare products and see how my skin looks. Even shower lotions, I tried one and my skin did feel nice. But I couldn't stop thinking
>What did I just slather all over myself?It felt chemical. I think all skincare and makeup products aren't great for you and could very likely have negative effects long term if you use it consistantly.
No. 1263554
>>1262207>satanism community/clique in laI believe it. I believe it's probably really big, too. I know of a sex cult(??) in Princeton, New Jersey. I remember looking at its website and my friend at the time accidentally (she was looking for a job as I guess a house cleaner?) got involved and they sent her a pamphlet and wouldn't stop texting her. I found the website back then, it's a master-slave organization that has run for several generations, father-son of course. The leader was named "Doctor Master" which is kind of funny, but the entire thing is really creepy. Pamphlet had stuff about how women should be sitting with their legs open at all times and their hands behind their backs among other stuff. My friend said the inside was creepy, empty rooms where the girls slept and you could hear loud bdsm sex from another room. I don't know if the website is gone or what, I've had trouble finding it recently.
Doctor Master described himself as a kinkster or something on his website.
No. 1263556
>>1263241not tinfoil, actually happening and has been the case for a long time. the US has and always will be more right leaning than conservative pearl clutches and the right wing media would love to let on. our baseline as a nation is built on glorified violence, genocide, white nationalism, and militarized state imperialism. the nation and the US experiment was founded by puritanical religious freaks looking for a place to spread their right wing views freely, and it is working exactly as planned. the baseline for America as a country was already extremely to the right, which is why any basic human rights or care for other human beings, even those in Burgerland, is immediately written off as liberalism or socialism by trailer park dingbats who don’t know what either of those beliefs are and think that the bare minimum in human rights or policy change is “the country moving farther left” when the country since its inception has been rooted in far right conservative and evangelical ideology. There’s a reason the Nazis took notes from how the US government treated their so called citizens, the bleach baths at the border, native boarding schools, etc. and admitted to being inspired by the US empire. of course any bare minimum suggestion of basic humanity or decency is seen as leftist in this hellhole
No. 1263678
>>1263539if this is directed at me, the anon who posted about the mark laita tinfoil, i am also into occultism and was, in my early twenties, a satanist. so i am not just focused on these people because i am a pearl clutching weirdo. i was one of them for a while, and i know how they operate and that they talk a good game so that naive, angry people can fall into their trap like i did. i left because i realized i have morals and didn’t want to be associated anymore with a bunch of hedonistic, self centered assholes and that they often do have ulterior motives despite what they say. however, i am still interested in these communities because they are incredibly manipulative, two faced, and shady about their true intentions. if you really knew anything about the history of the church of satan, you wouldn’t be so quick to dismiss this shit.
No. 1263790
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Whatever you think about it mattering, there are direct connections between elites and the occult, including Lucifer/Satan worship. You can go straight to the Lucis Trust's website and find out how this organization initially named after Lucifer (they have a page about it) is in direct cahoots with the UN. They boast about it on their website. In fact, they share the same goals: New World Order. It's stated repeatedly all over their site and literature, and in less explicit terms is their stated reason for the connection. Of course on their pages about Lucifer (here's one they explain that they see him solely as angel of light, not the Satan part, but if you have any common sense you know they'll take it deeper than that, they're all about synthesizing various traditions and themes around each figure. Not to mention the NY Lucis Trust office at one point was at 666 United Nations Plaza (apparently it's now 866). Spooky thing is how they talk about ushering in the return of "the Christ"— who they explicitly differentiate from the biblical Jesus. You don't have to be a Christian to recognize their Christ has every quality of the Antichrist. I have yet to see them bring that figure up directly despite referencing every other part of the Bible in their literature, maybe I'll find it and be proven wrong, but… Their Christ is supposed to be a human who will establish "an externalization of the hierarchy" — meaning, a global governance, a new world order (their own terms). You can read an explanation of their beliefs and ideals called An Externalization of the Hierarchy by Alice Bailey (their founder) here: It's sad how we're treated as crazies for talking about a Luciferian NWO in the making when it's literally laid out for us and these people regularly meet with the fucking UN. Even if they aren't Satanists in the same sense we talk about here (doubt) this spiritual group has a strange amount of influence don't you think? Their vision of a global government led by a Christ figure is crazy yet strangely familiar don't you think?
No. 1263989
>>1263982This shit makes me wish you could spoiler video thumbnails.
Anyway, I remember there was some disgusting piece of shit who liked these videos posting here on /ot/ and trying to defend themselves by saying it's "j-just youtube". I hope that entire "community" and people who get off on animal death/torture in general die off in some mysterious, immediate way, I really do.
No. 1263992
>>1263982Did you really have to embed this?
But yes, this shit has been going on for a decade on youtube, they don't care. Someone in the stupid question thread asked us to report a similar video of snakes eating a cat or something and they didn't take it down.
No. 1264007
>>1263868>They're just morally depraved, no particularly dedicated to the occult.Why can't it be both? Because you as a satanist don't like it? It's a popular tinfoil and if anons want to discuss it, we can, there's no rule against that. If we wanna bring up satanism, we can, as many times as we want for our discussion. You sound like the anon from the celebricows thread who acts like it's a contest and gets personally offended when the subject comes up around a celebrity, insisting they're not a "true occultist" like she is, as if that has any bearing on whether they engage in it or not. If we have reason to believe this about prominent people, and we do, a LOT of reason, then we can discuss it in depth. You just don't want us to because you personally don't think it matters but if it's a major part of their depravity like we believe, yes it does matter.
No. 1264016
>>1264012my point is that
>super rich people being bored and hedonisticis precisely why they're into this stuff, and it's not like we have no reason to believe they are when evidence gets shared all the time and pop culture has a huge obsession with it currently.
No. 1264034
>>1263241A shift is exactly as I would describe it and it's happened before. The current economic and political situation is very similar to the interwar period. Declining living standards, political corruption and inflation will make people look towards extremes for a solution. The differences between the far left and the far right can't be reconciled so the end result will probably be civil wars which will turn into proxy wars leading into a bigger global conflict.
>>1263982I remember a few years ago there was a lot of creepy videos being posted around of cruelty to monkeys and the comments where sick.
No. 1264099
>>1264005Really? I thought that was just a one-time thing for covid booster marketing.
>>1264008I have never browsed or watched anything related to vaxxes or health issues and not even conspiracies. I'm also pretty sure I had personalized ads turned off.
No. 1264429
>>1263790It's always so cringy seeing these edgy bored degenerate elites using spooky Christian imagery and completely missing the point of whatever they read or heard about muh Antichrist and muh 666. To me it's a clear sign that they're just borrowing the edgy imagery mixed with aspects of other religions and their own personal beliefs/desires to sound cool to themselves and the
victims they brainwash. Indeed they do weird esoteric rituals and sacrifices, but it's hard to say if the whole twisted "religion" is just there to attract edgy people and give the elites' objective some otherwordly explanation (to hide their true intentions) or not.
Anyway, the imagery isn't scary. If you research, there's a clear explanation to them and it'll all be clear.
No. 1264431
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>old/new milk
Chelsea Manning and AOC are confirmed glowies, I had a feeling she wasn’t just som random bartender who became a known politician right away without some strings attached but didn’t care at the time of her inception.
No. 1265307
File: 1658016950185.png (877.76 KB, 1710x844, Capture.PNG) if this belongs here but the coof thread is pretty dead. It looks like "mainstream media" is becoming more forthcoming about vaccine side effects. I wonder what else we'll hear about in the coming months
No. 1265971
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No one in Celebricows commented on this but it's funny
No. 1266173
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>>1263790Interesting find, looks like Lucis Trust is associated with the Theological Society based on these readings. TS is pretty interesting and yeah they have a different take on the figure of Lucifer. Helena P Blatvatsky is the one who basically started the Theosophical Society, she's a pretty badass russian lady and you can thank her for the introduction of most new age ideas into the western world. You might be curious to look into her and her teachings. TS is ripe for tinfoiling but none of this has anything to do with Satanic worship. Pretty interesting that they're involved with the UN though, since a part of the Theological belief system is that all other religions are groups are "negative" and that they + this mysterious group called the Intelligensia are the "positive". That's basically all I know about these groups but curious to learn more and wondering if any other anons have heard of HP Blatvatsky or read any of her books
No. 1266217
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>>1266173 She is also involved in lucifer worship. Pic is a magazine she published.
No. 1267406
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Something’s up with the country Bhutan - aside from the Rothschilds owning their national banks while the king and queen are chumming it up with the European and Japanese royals, I don’t trust their “living in gross happiness” society while their people are still living as if they’re stuck in the 50’s/as if they were dirt-poor while their government tells them that they don’t need to be advanced or have materialistic needs in order to be happy which is kinda true in retrospect but idk, it just feels ‘off’. Oh and let’s not forget the alleged sexual abuse of young boys in buddhist temples or their treatment of the Nepalese.
Btw something’s up with the Bhutanese royals, they were engaged when she was 7 and he was 17 because he wanted it that way no matter how innocent the media tries to portray it. The queen herself, she gives me them vibes: sweet and humble yet calculating and manipulative, like the First Handmaiden-I mean Lady of the DPRK whom if you watch raw Korean footage of the April and September 2018 inter-Korean summits, you can clearly see how she butters up Moon Jae-in and his wife while coming off as overly sweet and innocent; those vibes.
I apologize if this comes off as a vendetta post
No. 1267411
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>>1267406>they were engaged when she was 7 and he was 17 WTF
No. 1267424
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Scrolling through my public library app makes me feel so disorientated. I'm convinced AI is churning all these books out.
No. 1267460
>>1267411Well, sorta, he already made up his mind and no one dared make the sweet prince sad and say no.
>It's believed they were dating for more than three years before the King proposed, and their relationship raised eyebrows as it was a love match rather than a traditionally arranged marriage.
>According to reports, Jetsun's very first meeting with the future king of Bhutan happened during a family picnic in the capital Thimphu when she was just seven years old and the prince was 17.
>He told a group of students before their wedding that he'd been so moved by her beauty and inner goodness, that he'd got down on his knees and said: 'When you grow up, if I am single and not married and if you are single and not married, I would like you to be my wife, provided we still feel the same.'
>Jetsun, 21, was still a student herself when her engagement to King Jigme Khesar was announced in May 2011. No. 1268007
>>1267974It's just a random clip from Spongebob, but Patrick eats a spoonful of something and his eyes go white.
I feel like most short-form content that is barely adjacent to being a content farm takes things out of context, so it looks creepier than it is.
No. 1268092
>>1264431I used to argue with burgers about AOCs accent magically changing depending on the predominant ethnicity of the crowd she was talking to, how her origin story seemed a lil hokey, those staged photos at ICE, etc etc etc and I just got "nooooo! she's a queen and she's gonna totally make tangible changes in politics!". AOC was pretty brazen IMO, one of the most obvious glowies in recent times but she hid behind ye olde "my detractors are bigots" defence and it worked like a charm.
>>1264443Right? Even CIA trannies are fucking useless at their job, KEK.
>>1268078My wife has had people call her a "super spreader", cruel, selfish, stupid, etc for refusing the vaccines because we want to have children. Her sheep of a stepmother even told us her our baby could be stillborn or born with deformities because of covid, like how much copium do you have to be huffing to think that? How fucking evil do you have to be to say that? These people are insane and even with more studies being published I think they'll still bury their heads in the sand and blame anyone but themselves.
No. 1268330
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>>1268228conspiracy theory itself got ultra politicized because of dumbasses like alex jones so instead of questioning authority they basically are republicans/christ tards
And all they talk about is politics now, not even aliens or sasquatch
No. 1268365
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There’s no tinfoil. We’re losing our rights at insane speeds.
No. 1268378
>>1268289>They just say "the devil/satan" instead of rich pedo insane scrotes.As a christfag I'm genuinely starting to believe that men
are the devil and the Y chromosome is the mark of the beast. I even started writing a manifesto on it but then I took my meds, kek. Still think I'm onto something though.
>>1268365This is fucking dystopian.
No. 1268488
>>1268407I had an awful time on psychedelics and I'm kinda jealous of people like you who have journeys on them. I think I know what you mean though. I've actually been looking into duality lately, it seems to pop up in a lot of religions and philosophies. No matter what you call it or how we perceive it nearly all cultures on earth acknowledge our mercurial nature and the contradictions in our existence (if that makes sense). I do believe I've felt the presence of evil in myself before as I have anger management issues, but I've been able to vent those feelings in the gym (I think combat sports tap into something both holy and unholy in us), having sex (love truly is a salve for the soul) or writing and creating some kind of art, and the feeling of catharsis I get from fighting off that dark cloud is the closest to peace or zen or nirvana or whatever you wanna call it. Pure, unfiltered bliss. I think most people in their lifetime will feel the presence of evil (some more than others), the key is knowing that it's natural and that we can fight it. Maybe it's a test, who knows. Maybe it's just a stepping stone to bliss like I just described, and giving in to it is like believing the words of a false prophet that makes the evildoers think they're feeling the benefit of it but they're not. They're completely out of balance with the world.
>Do the people create the entity by their actions or does the entity control the people? maybe it's meta and it's both at once again.Genuinely one of the best description of our relation to evil that I've heard so far. Godspeed, psychonaut. I hope to read more of your thoughts.
No. 1268592
>>1268564I am an atheist and will be the first tell you that bible is a misogynistic trashfire, but the way so many radfems seem to talk about religion makes me cringe, no one wrote the bible with a specific intention, the old testament is a collection of myths and exaggerated historical events of a bunch of iron age Semites, regarding Adam coming from Eve through his Rib, In various Semitic creation myths, the creation of the first man and woman usually comes from the separation of a single joint genderless being by the gods
Adam and Eve is just one variation of this common Semitic creation myth, in the Babylonian version the first man and woman came from a two-sexed being (male and female) that was joined at the back like Siamese twins and the gods divided this being into two as an afterthought, despite this there are still traces of original telling, in Genesis
>“Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam”i.e., our first parent was originally both male and female
No. 1268597
>>1268564>If you're a christfag surely you'd know that the bible was mainly written by scrotes OR at least the "official" books were chosen as such by other degenerate scrotes (past popes). The bible and christianity would never depict men as the devil, instead it's women who are often dirty, inferior and traitors (look at Eve who's blamed first for human's causing sins and suffering and who was created after Adam, from his rib so she would be submissive). In general women have a minor role in the religion, like in most Abrahamic religions. You would also know that "the mark of the beast" doesn't have that much of a mysterious meaning, it most likely refers to money (and the Antichrist and his followers to an actual person and his empire). Instead, you should maybe focus of where the bible and christianity took inspiration, imagery and figures, and especially how things that favourited women and painted men in a bad light were erased or twisted to be associated with evil and satan.Gnosticism and Quakerism has some female aspects left, but the groups were killed back in the day because scrotes. And I agree everything has been censored and rewritten, the good thing is scrotes aren't imaginative and you usually can just reverse the text or intuit where things have been removed. Just work on your intuition through healthy eating, meditation, not cutting any hair on your body, fasting, and other similar practices. For example, "Eve was created from adams rib" is actually "adam was created from Eve's bonemarrow (ancient dna editing and why the Y chromosome is degrading it wasn't natural in the first place). Most likely the anti-nature/evil/etc being saw that women in the garden of eden (matriarchy) were weakened/stagnating/etc and seduced them into going against God's (Nature's) will by gmo'ing (the orgiginal sin) a race of slaves. Or, they indulged too much in evil and their lowered spiritual states produced deformed females (males). We know parthogenisis only comes about from spiritual/positive emotional state. They then were too weak to follow Nature's will, and started taking care of these deformed females and betraying their fellow women.
No. 1268600
>>1268592Are you referring to the rewrite of genesis that also includes and the sons of Noah saw the daughters of men because that one is a rewrite and a sloppy one taking out Lilith.
NTA anon but the Bible is a fanfic at this point. They even made Mary the women who washed Jesus feet a prostitute. Despite the fact she A wasn’t the women in the older texts that washed his feet and wasn’t called a prostitute.
No. 1268628
>>1268600Lilith is not from the Hebrew Bible or New Testament, rather she's from the Midrash, or Jewish legends that the rabbis of the last centuries BCE-first centuries CE told to explain aspects of the old testament with moral lessons. the later stories involving her come from the Talmud, which seem to refer to Liliths (plural) as some sort of Jinn. There's one reference to Liliths in connection with Adam, but not as his first wife before Eve. Instead, Adam begets various demons (including Liliths). There are somewhat vague references to there being multiple Eves in midrashic literature, but they don't make a connection to Lilith.
Christianity does not place any kind of theological importance on the idea of Adam having a "first wife" before Eve, and Lilith's existence is not taught in most Christian denominations (which makes sense since Christianity was already an established religious tradition with its own theological teachings by the time Lilith began to be tied to the Genesis story); however for someone reason very very stupid people tried to reclaim her as some sort of deep symbol of women's power against patriarchal power, when the first story involving her rejecting Adam being on top comes from 9th century from a mystical anonynous Jewish text, so she would have played no part in the early Abrahamic theology
No. 1268638
>>1268507Thanks nonna. Tripping in a forest sounds awesome but for my own good I have to avoid psychedelics. I love hearing about peoples trips though, it can be genuinely fascinating.
>>1268564>>1268606I never said I had a straightforward relationship with Christianity. I have a complex relationship with the Abrahamic faiths due to my upbringing. Yes, moids wrote them and fucked them all up but I'm free to interpret it how I want. I was throwing out an idea, not starting a cult. Go back to posting on r/atheism, atheist chimp outs are getting tiring.
No. 1269231
>>1269078Russia is methodically destroying the Ukrainian army including soldiers. The West is doing everything it can to stop Russia in Ukraine because the elites know that the armies of the west can't defeat Russia or China. For decades American and European armies have declined because none of the elites thought they would ever have to fight a war with an equal military power. Bombing civilians in the middle east is about what the west is capable of.
The elites are so frightened of people in the west deposing them that they weakened western countries before they eliminated Russia and China. Western men are porn sick cowards that are either obese or peak soy. There's no way of for any western country to conscript a standing army capable of fighting Russia. The only real option the elites have is nuclear. If they go this route, expect Russia to respond with it's superior hypersonic weapons that western air defenses can not stop.
No. 1270287
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>>1270213This was supposedly put up around the time that PSA was released
No. 1270313
>>1270304New Jersey and New York being nuked would make sense because it's an area with major ports and there's still some heavy industry and manufacturing.
>>1217820 No. 1270366
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>>1252267>>1252273>>1254505The changes I noticed aren't too big, infact I would say they are pretty mundane but it makes sense to me that when the timeline shifts we never go that far which is why most people don't notice the shift.
Well, you see, I'm from Mexico and a couple of weeks ago I was finishing off some stuff at college, the campus is quite big so it has 4 entrances, 2 of them have a large door that used to have reinforced glass; the campus also had vending machines which came in 2 colors, red and blue, to represent the brand of soda they sold but this changed unexpectedly because the very next day I went back to campus and the doors were changed, instead of reinforced glass they were big metal bars, both of them painted red and the vending machines were all now grey and black, some of them had coke and others had Pepsi, no real distinction between them.
While this could have been a coincidence and the school simply decided to change their doors and all of he vending machines the night before that would explain that but the prices on the vending machine also changed! before that day the prices weren't exactly low but definitely not as high as they are now.
Coke used to be 15$ (Mexican pesos) and now it's 20$
Pepsi used to be 11$ and now it's 17$
I don't think they could have been changed that easily, all in one night and without the approval of a certain council.
No. 1271258
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>>1271245Yeah and if NJ is hit I'd be living in fallout. Oh my god it'll be just like my fave video game series, Fallout! Ahhhh yes I can't wait!
No. 1271270
>>1271261I have the same. Trying to stock up on water and cat foot / canned food without going full on bunker mode. You need to stay protected for approximately two weeks until the fallout is done spreading.
My problem is my job is much much closer to NYC. Dear Russia, please nuke us outside of business hours EST.
No. 1271518
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The midget in game of thrones was a proper slut. This irl midget i know was a slut. The midget in 90 days fiance was a racist and most racists are sluts. Honestly I have a feeling that dwarves especially proportional ones will cheat on our partners and you won’t even know because they’re so small. They have the ideal hourglass/pear figure. No wonder people are so wary of the leprechaun.
No. 1271535
>>1271518>>1271524You also notice this "short king" business? After centuries of women seeking out tall men to procreate with why would they deploy this manlet misinformation
now? Because they're taking over, that's why! The midgets are at the top of this hierarchy, make no mistake, but short "kings" (total misnomer made to purposefully confuse us) live to serve their slutty, short overlords and spread their wicked propaganda. Ever wonder why Danny De Vito is in so many movies? Because he's funny and kinda sweet so we let our guard down with him! Our brains subconsciously learns that short men = sweet, kind and harmless. We would
NEVER see men like him being part of a tyrannical NWO and that's exactly how they get you! WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!
No. 1271540
as expected hollywood has some really dark shit going on, but not like the conspiratorial elders of zion shit
just organized crime, murder and mass exploitation of women, as par for the course with the rich and powerful I guess
>russian oligarchs are frequent contributors to projects and funding for celebs possibly reason for washed up actors fat bank accounts
>if you're wondering why someone like johnny depp still has the money to be able to sue the women he abused despite his massive debt look no further than his lawyer and his lawyers connections to russia
>russian oligarchs traffic young women in their home country all over europe and force them to yacht and prostitute themselves, get plastic surgery, probably drug them etc
>chinese oligarchs likely have involvement in this as well, hence the movie industry bending over to do edits for chinese audiences
>a lot of models in general are escorts or prostituted on the side, models are treated horrifically
>you'll see a lot of actors "date" euro models who are likely pr or escorts
>quite a lot of people with connections to epstein throughout the industry who may have rubbed elbows
>there is en mass a lot of organized crime in order to keep things well oiled
>ndas galore
>payoffs galore
there is a hierarchy system
>talent: celebs themselves, in this case let's use a-listers as example, usually male, who are the worst perpetrators. they are the ones who are the most protected and pretty much everyone exists to serve them, they will often mingle with downright illegal activities including things as evil as murder… but there are nothing without…
>lawyers: the first half of intimidating and bribing the press and any victims the talent have wronged. the lawyer is the one with the power to be able to silence with words, but who silences with actions? in order to harass any detractors to the talent, they hire…
>fixers: fixers are intimidating forces, oftentimes associated with other criminal circles or acts, who are hired by hw staffers to bribe, intimidate, and sometimes even kill victims and detractors who threaten to expose talents dirt.
>these two are why you see so many "suicides" and "accidental" deaths
>oligarchs and big money: as aforementioned these are the main sources of crime and where the celebrities collide with prostitution, trafficking, and other illicit activity in order to stay rich and stay hedonistic
>pr and press: pr tries its best to spin doctor any controversy that comes the talents way and press is often paid off. pr teams will also have a relationship with media outlets (i.e kris jenner having an arrangement with tmz) in order to arrange pap walks or certain stories, or prevent them from coming out
>another example, there was supposed to be an armie hammer expose and that was canned by the publication. that might have been the la times.
>victims: anyone victimized by a celeb, regardless of status, are forced to sign an nda and often paid off. they are threatened with litigation and chased by fixers if they threaten to go to the police. the worst intimidation typically happens to assaulted women, because they are the greatest leverage to the celebrities career
this is just the tip of the iceberg and honestly can almost all be found with research online, it's pretty much open secret, but in case people don't know what monsters a-list actors are, now you do
No. 1271541
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>>1271518I think you are onto something. I stopped watching that 7 Little Jonhstons show because despite the family drama being semi-entertaining the adults were so overtly sexual it was disgusting
No. 1271677
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>>1271258I dunno, I’d rather live in a cyberpunk era contemplating my existence rather than being nuked tbh
No. 1271738
>>1271540other tinfoils I believe
as aforementioned a lot of deaths are not accidents or suicides
>death of jim carreys ex was likely not suicide. he either killed her directly or had someone do it, he has no concrete alibi and people overlook it>death of kevin spaceys accusers, one of them was a "car accident" and the others were "suicides" or "accidents">death of river pheonix was extremely suspicious and likely tied to viper room>johnny depp's business buddy anthony fox mysteriously disappeared and he's never been found No. 1272076
File: 1658468438532.jpeg (626.48 KB, 2048x2048, C8E899E9-A4BE-4219-9DBC-6539D7…)

>>1272074Through Amanda’s rambling it sounds like they set her up(“pulled a fast one”) to start being put into virtual reality sessions.
No. 1272306
>>1271540>>1271738Oh I love this
nonny thank you for posting.
>>1271258I think media like this is meant to introduce ideas to the general population that will be later reality. Like all the movies about pandemics just a few years before covid. Although I'm not really sold on the idea that covid was planned or whatever, but if it came out that it was I wouldn't be that surprised. Same with video games and movies that promote the military and combat. The Department of Defense has to approve movies: No. 1272313
>>1262667This is old but I don't understand your criticism.
>They didn't do anything on camera besides the lengthy interviewThe anon said they argued on camera and he pulls pimp tactics, which he does @ 02:58. Yeah she grabbed at his dick but he fully "puts her in her place."
No. 1272325
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>>1272174I considered it could have been real, but then he showed the founders(a turk, a hispanic guy, a jew and a pakistani) respectively, I know self hating brown people exist but they usually hang out with majority whites, not each other, also BAPYC has 2 other jewish people working for them, who are established in the entertainment industry and have been working since the 80's, I think the founders are probably 4chan users who put in dumb meme references with no real thought put in,
No. 1272344
>>1272174It's true IMO. The average /pol/tard is too dumb to put together something like this, so the guys behind this are kind of an anomaly
On the other hand, those things are ugly, so maybe I'm primed to be more accepting of anything that denounces them. The "female" ones are some of the worst, they literally look like some shit a /pol/tard would post to mock "urban" people/fashion
No. 1272373
Anonymous now No. 1272371 Alicia Pedostone's video she sings Somewhere Over the Rainbow with her toddler son, a song that you will see many hollywood stars sing. It's supposed to be an MKULTRA symbol and
trigger. I'm just sayin'
No. 1275501
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>>1275496This is the pic from the link at the bottom of the post.
No. 1275514
>>1273935Nta but my thing is, how the fuck would you pull it off? I can't begin to imagine how someone could plan and execute backmasking.
Sorry for hella samefagging the last few posts.
No. 1277241
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There has to be something up with Apple Airtags and I'm not sure what it is.
It could be an experiment to see how many people would willingly track (item) or (person) but I'm not sure why. To track population numbers within families? To track people? How hackable is it? They're already being used so casually. Of course it's great to be able to track your laptop, phone, car or child but what happens when it's used past a certain degree? You could argue that cellphones are essentially the same, if not more or worse, but it feels odd. I believe everyone will have these trackers, android and all will make a version themselves too and before you know it- people will feel unsafe to go outside without having their tracker on them.
No. 1279374
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can someone explain this story to me??? was the US government funding the breeding factory for these dogs and using them for medical testing for covid? why is there connections to anthony fauci?
how commonplace is this in our country?
No. 1279451
>>1279435Samefag continuing
>> Government inspectors found that beagles there were being killed instead of receiving veterinary treatment for easily treated conditions; nursing mother beagles were denied food; the food that they did receive contained maggots, mold and feces; and over an eight-week period, 25 beagle puppies died from cold exposure. Other dogs suffered from injuries when they were attacked by other dogs in overcrowded conditions.>>lab was owned by EnvigoDogs sold looked at a fate like:
>> documented animals being force-fed high doses of drugs via tubes or intravenously, sometimes several times a day. Some animals were unable to move because of the drugs’ toxic effects; others died during procedures. The studies conducted at Inotiv were intended to test drug toxicity and were funded by dozens of pharmaceutical companies.Only for
>> Approximately 90% of drugs ultimately fail in human trials. An estimated half of this is due to unexpected toxicity in humans following animal tests, when no toxicity in other animals was observed. So the research is almost useless with this stuff.
No. 1279526
>>1272306Glad to know someone likes it, the celebricows thread was mad I reposted it there. Why is it so hard to believe for them that there's a system put in place to protect abusers in Hollywood when it protected the likes of weinstein, is currently protecting guys like depp, etc? It's not necessarily conspiratorial to say abusers protect other abusers and that these men may stay rich through nefarious means, but people don't want to accept the reality. They'd rather just talk about how flaccid some celebs breasts are
I've been meaning to look more into the oligarch side but they're obviously rich, highly protected individuals. one of the most known hollywood adjacent oligarchs, oleg deripaska, has ties to putin and crime though.
I'd been getting bored of mundane celebrity gossip and then found myself down the rabbit hole of what goes on behind the scenes and I don't like it one bit kek
No. 1279971
>>1279374I heard about this months ago. Fauci was having dogs getting eaten alive by flies. He and all his supporters are absolutely subhuman (and he will burn in hell), but I'm glad at least some dogs were rescued.
Seriously, anyone who defends the "accepted narrative" around the COVID thing and thinks those in charge had any sort of good intentions has shit in their brains
No. 1279979
>>1279374My local animal shelter got a bunch of beagles in and most of them are mothers that were raped over and over again to produce more beagles to experiment on. It broke my heart to see so many of them and to think of what they've been through. I'm not vegan/vegetarian but we can all admit that animal testing is really fucked up and all the shit that praises Fauci for COVID just makes me sick when he's been approving sick stuff like
>>1279439 for years. The chimpanzee thing was recent too–it really boiled my blood because there's no need to even study it when the reasons for why troons contract it can be observed from the troons themselves (prostitution, gay male crossover, poor decision making resulting in no protection kek). Fauci and other animal testers are evil as shit regardless of whatever you think about COVID (and I'm in research myself, albeit a different field that doesn't test on animals thankfully).
No. 1280088
>>1279451>>1279374Apparently there's an even larger facility in NY with over 21,000 beagles that PETA has been trying to bust as well.
I think the whole spin on this story as a "feel-good" narrative, dogs are saved + now looking for homes is kind of insane.
No. 1280102
>>1280088It's insanely depressing and not at all recent; beagles have been used in animal testing facilities for
years now. I imagine animals like rats and monkeys are being kept in worse conditions.
It makes me sad but I wonder how many of these dogs can even be placed in homes for adoptions considering they were drugged and kept in horrible condition. Many probably have a shortened lifespan or suffer serious health issues the rest of their life from drug testing, it might be more humane to put them down. This is coming from someone who had a beagle mix too.
No. 1280117
>>1280043Thanks anon, I didn't know that. Knowing that actually makes it that much worse.
>Beagle*I meant what I said.
No. 1280232
>>1258995consume more 90s/2000s media and you'll realize how retarded they are.
Pamela Anderson used to be the hot body type, I'm old and remember this. "Does my butt look big in this"? like big asses were mocked not even 30 years ago don't trip over these retards.
No. 1281935
>>1281928True af. reason ancient greece & rome fell is because they were having too many orgies.
but factually, it’s mainly gay men who sleep around the most
No. 1282003
>>1281921>>1281930children have already gotten monkeypox, because they share close quarters with parents and tend to sleep in the same beds as them. it’s spread through touch, and children are less sanitary and tend to touch their faces a lot, so they are at a high risk of becoming the primary vector for monkeypox down the line
monkeypox isn’t an std, it’s spread through touch, and most people who got infected with it in african countries are heterosexual adults. the reason it’s blowing up among gay men is the simple fact that anal sex allows any and all disease to spread more efficiently due to anal fissures creating an easy way to get into one’s bloodstream. it is not an STD and if more children continue to get it (they will if people continue to claim monkeypox is an std only gays can get) it will be endemic in daycare centers and schools as well as parents.
if you want everyone to think only gay men are gonna get it or that it’s only possible through sex, by all means continue to push that narrative, but it’s already resulting in parents getting accused of being rapists when their child gets monkeypox. conservatives see it in the news and froth at the mouth about how da gays must be molesting all the kids. there’s gonna be a satanic panic 2.0 over this once it becomes widespread in daycares.
No. 1282111
>>1281981Its a /pol/scrote spamming the same shit in every thread lately.
Also all scrotes are on medical life support with sexual diseases. Most WW1 soldiers either had syphilis, gonorrhea or chlamydia, which they went home and raped their wives with, VD was experienced by 500,000 British soldiers. In the late 19th century USA gonorrhea and vulvo-vaginitis were extremely prevalent among female children, it was a full on epidemic. You can guess where they got that from and no it wasn't from "touching the sponge of a maid or Negro". Lynn Sacco's book goes into this
Prophylaxis and antibiotics (tested on people of color and white prisoners) saved scrotes from their fate of mass-castration by maiming disease and angry feminists
No. 1282245
>>1282144If this was true, they would condemn
all male sexuality and all of this
>men's hypersexual, pedo, destructive nature in generalwouldn't be so ignored amongst religious people. Men are some of the most important people to them. I don't know why you're trying to act like religious people dislike gays and lesbians for the good of the world and women or some some shit.
No. 1282338
>>1282315>No man would be in any role of leadership or power if they were outright honest about the basic biology of men.Woah there, cool it incel, I know you just switched the words around here.
That said you have a great point here and you should only respect the men in power who listen to women and let them shit on him.
No. 1282351
>>1282005>unfortunately a lot of people just think it’s homophobic to say it’s mostly gay men getting monkeypox and they need to be more carefulI agree with this and that it's not really going to be like the AIDs crisis, but gay men were saying this shit too during that crisis, see the webms here
>>1254436>>1254438So many of them literally refused to stop fucking, even temporarily, and outright rejected doctors telling them it's spread through sex ("Oh no you just need to shower after your sessions", "You can't tell us to close down our bath houses", etc). Men are not sane
No. 1282522
>>1282408Because they don’t like my opinion and want to silence me with shame, except the tone policing and incorrect use of incel literally makes them look like the Twitterfag.
Regardless my point stands. Society would be better if men were locked in a pen reverse Plato style and it’s why they groom women into feeling sorry for the lesser male sex.
No. 1282743
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>>1282263if only……a girl can dream…..
No. 1282749
>>1282003why are you defending gay men
they are not our allies
No. 1282793
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>>1282755>>1282359They need to enter the phase of death
No. 1282798
>>1282791Also samefag, but jesse claimed david vahnity impregnated her. Like…I don’t even believe any of that, she was raped by someone, probably one of the trailer trash neighbors, and most definitely not that faggot.
The faggot 100% raped and drugged many emo girls back in the days. Even if I know 50% of the people who believe her secretly know she just wants attention are supporting her so he can get in jail, supporting her will decrease the chances of winning for the
victims because american judges and jury are biased as we may have learned from the depp case. It’s horrible seeing those teen girls having snuff videos by that mexican savage though. He should be punished. That was offtopic sorry.
No. 1283488
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>>1283475nta but there's this undercurrent of sadness that comes from her videos in the past few years, she seems exhausted cause she's run out of ideas and likely spends days thinking of when next to do
basically picrel
No. 1285846
>>1272325They dont have to accompany whites supremacists
Many turks consider themselves whites in the same sense as germanic nazis
Some jews also have a gentile goy superiority thing going on
Pakis consider themselves superior to dark skinned indians because first they are muslims who subjugated them and secondly they think they are whites or white passing (remember pakichan and her "do i pass as a white and whole varg thing"
Hispanics considers themselves Europeans and think themselves not as whatever combination of native or Spanish but how high percentage of Spanish
They dont necessarily have to assimilate with whites
Look it up, another rabbit hole of racists and right wing tards
No. 1285874
are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complete wordsalads
>complaint about jannies and radfems
>laughable larping as an oldfag and misuse of lcf lingo
>running gayops on himself like doxing his own family members in hopes of framing others
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore it.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
No. 1285876
>>1285861Case and point right below you
>>you idiots It forgets it’s supposed to be larping. Just ignore it and stay on topic
No. 1286236
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Why is everyone catching Covid again, and a ir something I should be worried about?
Everyone is vaccinated and all the vaccinated people are getting it of course.
I’m not and I’m not sure if I’ve ever got it yet
No. 1286464
>>1286236Wondering about this as well, it’s a bit weird since Omicron has been around for a while & there wasn’t any lockdown where i live since early 2021.
>>1286245I have a few relatives in healthcare and they’ve all said the symptoms are more severe which matches with my experience. I got the new variant a few weeks back along with way back for comparison. I have been unvaxxed all this time and the new one is way, way worse.
No. 1286656
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>>1282003Idk I think the other nons are right. I would wary of the caretakers of any children who contracted it.
This is why woke-ism sucks. You can’t say something is a gay man STD when it basically is, gay men get sick and die cause they don’t want to be offended and child rapists go unidentified because people are too afraid to speak out
This article is about California and Illinois calling a state of emergency over it
No. 1286673
>>1286656gay men are getting it more easily because it’s just more easy to get from anal sex because it allows for such close contact with the pustules. you will still get monkeypox just from hugging someone repeatedly, sleeping in the same bed with someone, sharing a blanket, etc.
in african countries where monkeypox originates, half the people with it are kids, plenty of women have it. monkeypox is by definition not a sexually transmitted disease.
monkeypox is also at a huge risk of spreading throughout schools and daycare centers like wildfire because children touch without discretion and barely keep clean. this isn’t like aids
No. 1286676
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No. 1286762
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>>1286733raping the planet to feeds more mouths, very based!
No. 1286765
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>>1286733fuck trees amiright
No. 1286807
>>1286762Nta but congestion like that can be solved with better infrastructure, as can many other land/space issues in the urban areas of developing countries. The majority of planet raping is done to feed and entertain a minority of the global population, who won’t suddenly stop if people they don’t know die/aren’t born.
>>1286765This is a shoddily written article, are you trying to argue Nigeria doesn’t have any nature reserves, I bet money it does.
No. 1286906
>>1286807>>1286891>just live in commieblock pods, that'll solve the problemslmao
Look at China, with rivers foaming over with chemicals, the sky blacked out with smog, and the soil poisoned with heavy metals; if there were half as many Chinese people, there wouldn't be nearly as much pollution (albeit, their population is slowly dropping). Look at India with its 'sacred' river full of trash and corpses; again, if there weren't a billion Indians, there wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem. Africans are set to become a third of the global population within the next century, and yet they're perpetually starving and dying of disease. The only thing sustaining Africa's population growth is western altruism; we keep feeding them and sending doctors to treat their diseases, and that keeps fueling the growth. If we stopped sending aid to Africa and enacted birth control policies on third-world populations that produce the most pollution, we would dramatically reduce environmental damage, conserve resources, and places like Africa would have local populations able to sustain themselves without outside help.
All our circuit boards, chips, cpus in your phone and car, etc. require rare earth metals. We're already fighting over the supply of these and it's dwindling in some cases. We really do only have one planet and every African having 12 children while global industrialization occurs is not sustainable. Especially because individual nations will seek to use carbon to gain advantages for their own societies at the detriment to the greater planet.Factory farming, zero hour contracts & deteriorating public services are all exacerbated by artificially inflating the population. Bike lanes and studio apartments won't solve this.
No. 1286951
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>>1286925>ur literally hitler if you think women in the third world shouldn't be having 9 kidsanyway, hope monke does her thing
No. 1286960
>>1286953lmao I have literally argued about this with 4chinners who called me a soros/bill gates tier one world leftist for wanting to slow global fertility down
and to be honest? I don't care what either side screeches.
No. 1287043
>>1287024>which is quite tiny in comparison to massive businesseswho do you think these businesses' serve?
>the west has a massive role in polluting the third worldThis is whataboutism. Do you think people in the global south are just staying inside their villages with zero technology, riding animals to get from point a to point b? They also benefit from deforestation, precious metal mining, etc. They're industrializing too, causing more environmental disasters like the ones you mentioned, and eventual wars over resources.
Also how is western altruism a myth, when Sub-Saharan Africa was historically very sparsely populated? North Africa was always more populated than them because North Africans developed farming, whereas SSA were still in the iron age (this isn't an insult, it's literally true, they were in their iron tool period even during the 1600's). They didn't learn the technology of irrigation until after it was introduced by Europeans.
Their population spiked because of western medicine, western aid, and westerners working their land, that they had previously been unable to do.
Africa, and the rest of the world, has never been as populated as it is now, and you think this is natural? It's artificial growth, everyone is having TOO MANY kids, it's really that simple.
No. 1287050
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>>1287024Nona don't bother that is an autistic poltard who truly think the west is the beacon of humankind and they're the beacon of the west. We need more quality pregnancies, we as a word could use a few thousands less of speds true but they're moving the goalpost on purpose because if anything they're the ones that should be stopped. It's western elites that encourages poor education in the global south so they indeed stay poor. And is western speds who keep reproducing and breaking western countries welfare systems. USA alone experienced a massive increase of autism, THAT is the dead weight of the world. Not the third worlders who grow their soy and manufacture their Funko Pops.
No. 1287063
>>1287054do you know how your phone is made?
you're so clueless and vomiting random buzzfeed talking points lmao
No. 1287091
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>>1287069people were thinking like me before the internet even existed but ok lol
you don't need to be a basement dwelling white supremacist weeb to look at pic rel and be like "damn maybe they should have a one child rule"
No. 1287202
>>1287069>M-muh i'm not really autistic!!!!Cope harder. Autism is a genetic disorder not a subjetive internal thing like anxiety that can be faked. We don't need a genocide or any of that gay shit your kind dreams of, with education and maybe castrate the geriatric whores that keep pumping kids after 40 with their expired semen is more than enough.
>>1287067The problems of the west were caused by the westerners themselves tbh. Burgers saw that they had a 800% rising of autism in the last 20yrs and go "huh. This is the fault of those pesky chinese and russians" like it makes any sense.
No. 1287219
>>1287202nta but there are no biomarkers for autism and the same exact symptoms can easily be conditioned at any age through trauma and anxiety. the diagnostic criteria changes over time and the dsm is a bible for retards like yourself who think every disorder is a hardwired fact instead of deeply influenced by environment, culture, etc. there are people diagnosed with autism as kids who end up completely normal and people who were normal kids who get diagnosed with autism when older.
there is not a single biological or physical marker that can prove the presence or absence of autism. if there were, autists would be going to neurologists for a single test and not be in the hands of psychiatrists for long periods of time to do verbal and written quizzes asking on a scale of 1-10 how awkward and uncoordinated they consider themselves with inquiries from the parents on the patient’s socializing and interests.
No. 1287307
>>1287219Idk where you live but people here actually need a neurologist appointment for a diagnosis for any developmental disorder.
And call it autism, call it mental retardation like it was 50 years ago, but it's a biological reality. Or very linked to generic factors if you will. It is estimated that it has a 80% of genetic influence compared to other factors. The issue is that is not a single gene or a small group of genes unlike with other illnesses, it's very heterogeneous. There is a social influence (i.e drug consumption,any mother's illnesses while pregnant, ect) as any other illness sure but clearly it's different from kids getting memed into hikkimori and having no social skills for being terminally online. That is what i was trying to say.
Obviously this is still being studied and could be debunked at any time but also at least where i live psychologists generally shy away from autistic patients (It's not great tho. Autistic people can still be traumatized, having depression and anxiety like any person) because it is more similar to a biological illness than to a mental illness. If they're keeping them dealing with psychiatrists and psychologists is mostly because monetary gains as they're lifelong patients. And if they recover later in life ("recovering" is not just coping better) they were not autistic that is akin to say that someone can recover from any other generic disorder. I'm not trying to infight and i also think the DSM is full of bullshit for trying to blur the diagnosis when neuroscience is trying to make it as concrete as possible.Neuroscience is also criticized for its eagerness to make everything biological related and concrete when the average human existence isn't like that. There are many socially influenced mental illnesses, is just that autism is not one of those and is not really a "mental illness" too.
No. 1287318
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>The tinfoil thread without constant debates over whether human beings are bad for having children
No. 1287331
>>1287329if germans and koreans were having 9 kids and living in their own high crime, polluted hellscapes, I'd say the same thing
but they're not
No. 1287552
>>1287505Oh definitely, or brainwashing people (moids) into thinking attraction completely revolves around fertility even though they never cared about it beforehand and fapped almost exclusively to anorexic druggies with implants.its almost ironic since men are never expected to show signs of youthful fertility but men will just randomly comment on how fertile they think a woman is without being asked.
I also noticed a lot of "I hate kids" folk randomly turned into people who are dying to breed. Like then what? Do you plan to just dump your baby off somewhere once you successfully breed? Men who are believe women are "ruined" if they have kids contribute to this since they will just go to woman to woman to breed instead of sticking around, this makes for more kids since they'll get other women pregnant while their current SO is pregnant
No. 1287581
>>1287043That is neocolonialism. China does it too, but people have an easier time pointing out how China traps African countries into indentured servitude via debt, instead of just using the area as a dumping ground for subpar products and oil spills like the west. Why does the Netherlands need more pigs than people, just to feed China and dump the sus iffy shit on African markets to kill off any independence? How is that altruistic? The change in consumption is heavily assisted by the west encouraging it. The increased birthrate is mainly caused by the fact that just like Europeans just 70 years ago, they'd have 9 kids to make up for the ones that would inevitably die. Problem is that they kept doing that, while the risk of dying got lower and women stayed relatively uneducated with a lack freedom. Add to that the poverty and lazy men require women and children to do the work. An example off the top of my head: Indonesia lowered their birth rate by almost half just by encouraging education and family planning. It's a shit country, don't get me wrong, but no need for the west to swoop in to enforce sterilization and without Draconian one child policy. Yeah people consume, but ever heard of induced demand? Or how new things become integrated to the point you can't function in society without it, because you need it for everything? People consume more also because of advertisements, lobbying, corruption etc. It's easy to first get a populace hooked on something and then blame them for depending on it. It's not whataboutism, I'm trying to say you have a simplistic view. Companies would literally provide free phones and shit to create a consumer base. Also while the west invented the chainsaw to "help" with childbirth, there were tribes with relatively safe C section procedures where women actually had a shot at surviving. Exchange of medical info is a necessary two way street. All those fancy western tools just to kill and torture women, meanwhile the "savages" of 1600 at least knew how to perform a C section without guaranteeing death of the mother. The west also killed off medical knowledge through witch hunts, as if that's not retarded. The west just became magically "enlightened" and that totally proves superiority. Totally not the case that the "enlightenment" was a misogynistic psy op for men to take women's inventions and accomplishments. Or even how the western scrotes coming up with muh freedom and equality ideologies (Voltaire, Marx, Engels, Diderot etc) were literally inspired by native Americans, which they heard about from a guy larping as native American (like a historical weeb, Lewis Henry Morgan). The narrarive that the West is always superior and we "saved the savages" through (neo)colonialism and that they should be grateful is a false one. The only good parts about the enlightenment were literally stolen from western women, indigenous people and a lot of propaganda shitting on the previous age, hoping nobody notices that the Byzantine Empire (&others) actually had better healthcare and that it was basically reinventing the wheel.
No. 1287631
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>>1287581>“So far as I know, Uganda is the only country in Central Africa where abdominal section is practised with the hope of saving both mother and child. The operation is performed by men, and is sometimes successful; at any rate, one case came under my observation in which both survived. It was performed in 1879 at Kahura. The patient was a fine healthy-looking young woman of about twenty years of age. This was her first pregnancy … The woman lay upon an inclined bed, the head of which was placed against the side of the hut. She was liberally supplied with banana wine, and was in a state of semi-intoxication. She was perfectly naked. A band of mbuga or bark cloth fastened her thorax to the bed, another band of cloth fastened down her thighs, and a man held her ankles. Another man, standing on her right side, steadied her abdomen (fig 1). The operator stood, as I entered the hut, on her left side, holding his knife aloft with his right hand, and muttering an incantation. This being done, he washed his hands and the patient’s abdomen, first with banana wine and then with water. Then, having uttered a shrill cry, which was taken up by a small crowd assembled outside the hut, he proceeded to make a rapid cut in the middle line, commencing a little above the pubes, and ending just below the umbilicus. The whole abdominal wall and part of the uterine wall were severed by this incision, and the liquor amnii escaped; a few bleeding-points in the abdominal wall were touched with a red-hot iron by an assistant. The operator next rapidly finished the incision in the uterine wall; his assistant held the abdominal walls apart with both hands, and as soon as the uterine wall was divided he hooked it up also with two fingers. The child was next rapidly removed, and given to another assistant after the cord had been cut, and then the operator, dropping his knife, seized the contracting uterus with both hands and gave it a squeeze or two. He next put his right hand into the uterine cavity through the incision, and with two or three fingers dilated the cervix uteri from within outwards. He then cleared the uterus of clots and the placenta, which had by this time become detached, removing it through the abdominal wound. His assistant endeavoured, but not very successfully, to prevent the escape of the intestines through the wound. The red-hot iron was next used to check some further haemorrhage from the abdominal wound, but I noticed that it was very sparingly applied. All this time the chief “surgeon” was keeping up firm pressure on the uterus, which he continued to do till it was firmly contracted. No sutures were put into the uterine wall. The assistant who had held the abdominal walls now slipped his hands to each extremity of the wound, and a porous grass mat was placed over the wound and secured there. The bands which fastened the woman down were cut, and she was gently turned to the edge of the bed, and then over into the arms of assistants, so that the fluid in the abdominal cavity could drain away on to the floor. She was then replaced in her former position, and the mat having been removed, the edges of the wound, i.e. the peritoneum, were brought into close apposition, seven thin iron spikes, well polished, like acupressure needles, being used for the purpose, and fastened by string made from bark cloth. A paste prepared by chewing two different roots and spitting the pulp into a bowl was then thickly plastered over the wound, a banana leaf warmed over the fire being placed on the top of that, and, finally, a firm bandage of mbugu cloth completed the operation.>Until the pins were placed in position the patient had uttered no cry, and an hour after the operation she appeared to be quite comfortable. Her temperature, as far as I know, never rose above 99.6°F, except on the second night after the operation, when it was 101o F, her pulse being 108.>The child was placed to the breast two hours after the operation, but for ten days the woman had a very scanty supply of milk, and the child was mostly suckled by a friend. The wound was dressed on the third morning, and one pin was then removed. Three more were removed on the fifth day, and the rest on the sixth. At each dressing fresh pulp was applied, and a little pus which had formed was removed by a sponge formed of pulp. A firm bandage was applied after each dressing. Eleven days after the operation the wound was entirely healed, and the woman seemed quite comfortable. The uterine discharge was healthy. This was all I saw of the case, as I left on the eleventh day. The child had a slight wound on the right shoulder; this was dressed with pulp, and healed in four days.”They had been doing this long before western colonists even came there. They only found out about this in 1876, meanwhile the west invented the chainsaw around that same time, because the church said that the woman has to actually birth the child, so instead of performing C sections, just remove the pelvic bone. All without anesthesia, because the church says women have to suffer. At least Africans had the decency to give some banana wine.
No. 1287637
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>>1287631The first chainsaw used for symphysiotomies. Between 1944 and 1987, 1500 women in Ireland were given this procedure without their consent. But the west is so enlightened and not backwards like those barbarians!
No. 1287734
>>1287700>Regarding the issue of consent, based on the evidence available to the Department of Health, it appears that in a number of cases the procedure was carried out without a woman's knowledge or consent.You think this is okay? Those are her own words. Also the judge judged based on this
>The majority made a good recovery and went on to have normal pregnancies and deliveries and to lead a full life.Which is the same reason why the catholic church prefers them over c-sections. Is that all there is to a full life, whether you can get pregnant? Do incontinence and gait issues not matter? Shouldn't women have had a choice? Also a lot of the women were traumatized by those hospitals. From a
victim>For six months, she was in agony, unable to walk without pain or to carry her baby safely. She moved back to County Monaghan to live with her parents. Despite all that, at her six-week check-up, she told the doctor that she was fine. “There was no way I was going back in the hospital,” she says. “I was so frightened. I wasn’t taking the risk that he would take me in again.”>In many cases, she says, women saw the word episiotomy – a surgical cut of the tissue between the vagina and anus – on their records and equated it with symphysiotomy.From the judge again. Which is also a
problematic procedure, overdone in many cases without consent.
>Detailed examination of contemporaneous medical records failed to find evidence of a religious – as opposed to an obstetric – reason when the operation was performed, she says.Yeah because people always put their politics and religion clearly in official records, even though it does influence their decisions. Yeah that never happens! Not like the constitution almost required them to perform the procedure! Just no clue why it happened in Ireland so much more often than in other areas.
From Associate Professor of History at the College of Charleston, holds degrees from Boston College and Brandeis University. Her research analyzes women, gender, and culture in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Ireland, Britain, and the British Empire, with a particular focus on the history of reproduction, pregnancy, and childbirth.
>This worldview complicated the practice of Cesarean sections, which were thought at the time to be tantamount to contraception (popular medical opinion asserted that a woman could only undergo 3 or 4 C-sections in a lifetime). In a culture that vehemently opposed any limitation to childbearing capabilities, the Cesarean section was viewed as an unsatisfactory and even untenable option. While most of their peers in Europe and the US had discounted symphysiotomy, then, Irish physicians, particularly in the 1950s, preferred its use in challenging deliveries.Judges or doctor can never make mistakes, be ideologically motivated or trying to cover things up! Really funny how after that ruling they decided to destroy the medical records too. Also before you come with the "they just waited too long!" excuse, from an UN submission
>The vast majority of women were operated upon during labour. This cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment was inflicted on women during an extended period of extreme vulnerability. Women scheduled for symphysiotomy were obliged to labour for as long as it took, up to two days in some cases, for their cervixes to dilate to the degree laid down by medical policy. Even by the standards of the time, such labours were arduous. Babies occasionally died while staff waited for labour to ‘progress’. Women in the height of labour were then set upon in the labour ward, and had their symphyses severed, generally without prior notice.>The surgery was initially carried out under general anaesthetic, but the policy changed in 1952: henceforth, in the fetal interest, the surgery was to be performed under local anaesthetic.This is fine to you, right?
>Symphysiotomy was also carried out before and after labour. Women subjected to antenatal symphysiotomy were forced to endure the final weeks of their pregnancy in severe pain, unable to walk. Admitted to hospital at 40 weeks, their babies were extracted by forceps under general anaesthetic. In other recorded cases, doctors carried out symphysiotomy in the aftermath of Caesarean section on patients who were under general anaesthetic. They, too, endured severe post-operative pain following this second, and wholly unjustified, operation, which brought its own lifealtering consequences.Fine, right?
>The Walsh Report justified the general practice of forced symphysiotomy and, ignoring Ireland’s 1937 Constitution and the judgment of the Irish Supreme Court, found, wrongly, that patient consent to medical treatment was not then or now (2014) a general legal requirement. Patient consent not being a legal requirement, completely fine, right?
>The government’s ex gratia payment scheme was introduced without any admission of wrongdoing. The scheme therefore failed to meet the criterion for aneffective remedy.
Victims living outside the Irish jurisdiction were effectively denied access to restitution: the scheme closed after 20 days, a time limit without precedent in Ireland for such administrative arrangements. Contrary to the recommendations made by UN treaty bodies, individualised assessment was out ruled. A single assessor was given sole discretion, unfettered by independent oversight or a right of appeal. Women were silenced: the scheme’s terms excluded oral evidence and written survivor testimony was generally ignored. Independent medical reports were similarly discounted.
Does this sound fair?
>The scheme’s insistence on medical records, mostly unobtainable after half a century, led to further grave injustices. These were compounded by the scheme’s reliance on proofs of surgery and disability that were known to be invalid. Modern x-rays were used to assess claims related to acts of surgery carried out some forty to fifty years previously. These images were used to rule out prior symphysiotomy, although the scheme had previously established thatrecent x-rays could not be relied upon for this purpose. Many applicants, whose medical notes recorded the performance of symphysiotomy, were found, wrongly, to have ‘no evidence’ of the operation, based on an initial blind reading of their modern x-rays by readers unaware of the existence of these proofs of surgery.
From Irish Times March 7th 2016
>The redress scheme, headed by former High Court judge Maureen Harding Clark, recently said on its website it would destroy all the applicants' records unless it was informed by February 29th that they wished to have them returned. On February 26th, however, following submissions by the group Survivors of Symphysiotomy (SOS), the scheme said applicants would be given until March 20th to decide what they wish to happen to their records. Plan to destroy In a letter published in today's Irish Times, 17 people, including respected human rights lawyers, historians and data protection experts, urge the former judge to reconsider the plan to destroy them.Last week
>Irish symphysiotomy survivors welcome UN's call for criminal investigationThis story isn't over
No. 1288007
>>1287916They also used the wine to clean their hands. It's pretty impressive to do in a hut and better than dying or symphysiotomy. Difference is that in the west they refused to use anesthetics even when they had access, meanwhile this is rowing with the oars you have got. It's so weird for everyone to act like this shit only was invented during the enlightenment, inhalation methods were used in the Middle Ages in Europe. The technique consisted of placement of a sponge soaked in juices of plants with hypnotic properties under the nose of the patient. They adopted this technique from Arabs, before that they also used alcohol. The survival rate of C sections in the west rose when they invented or rather reinvented anesthesia. In the west C sections post-enlightenment also often failed, because they didn't even try to wash their hands and did stupid shit which caused women to die from blood loss before infection even set in. In many ways post-enlightenment westerners were retarded when it came to cleanliness. Though I don't know if it's westerners per se, but more so western men. The first successful C section performed in the British empire, was done by a woman while she was in South Africa. It took germ theory and developing antibiotics on a large scale for everyone to catch on, meanwhile the antibiotic properties of things were known for longer by many cultures. Even prehistoric people made antibiotics, see tetracycline in Nubian beer. The ancient Egyptians and Jordanians used beer to treat gum disease and other ailments too. Successful surgeries have been performed since ancient times, even internal ones. Surgeries in the west were also performed without gloves until about half of last century.
>Halsted's disinterest in gloves was not due to carelessness: the Johns Hopkins chief surgeon was known to be a paragon of fastidiousness when it came to preventing wound infection. Using Robert Koch's bacteriological techniques, Halsted tested Joseph Lister's system of antisepsis, and, like the German scientist before him, he found it to be impossible to eliminate all bacteria in the wound through the use of antiseptics as recommended by Lister. There had to be a better way to eliminate wound infection. The key seemed to lie in the condition of the patient's wound and tissue. A clean wound and healthy, well circulated tissues would prevent those bacteria that were inevitably present in the wound from actually causing an infection. In one animal experiment, for example, Halsted intentionally introduced bacteria into the peritoneal cavity of dogs and noticed that no harm occurred as long as he carefully avoided any mechanical injury to the tissues. If he, however, bruised the tissue or cut off some small part of it from its blood supply, “a single bacterium…was able to multiply and cause a fatal peritonitis”, he reported. For Halsted, infection prophylaxis thus depended on using careful and gentle operating technique. Obstruction to the circulation produced by sutures and ligatures was “the immediate cause of suppuration in infected wounds”, he thought. Therefore, he put his focus on operative technique—as his first biographer William MacCallum put it, Halsted's procedures were “of mathematical precision, with healing almost as precisely ensured”. Thus, much of Halsted's infection prophylaxis was embodied in his surgical technique rather than in preventing contamination. Gloves were not high on his agenda, especially since wearing them would make it more difficult, if anything, to pursue his thorough operating style.>A very different approach to dealing with wound infection was systemic and took vaccination as its model. In the decades before World War 1, some surgeons tried to create specific immunity against wound infection or to boost the patient's general immune defence before surgical operations. Johannes Mikulicz, for example, a leading German surgeon of the late 19th century, who, among other things, added the facemask to the surgical equipment, submitted his patients to a preoperative injection of nucleic acid which was supposed to increase their white blood cell count and strengthen their immune response. Such attempts were quite similar to antibiotic prophylaxis, as it was introduced a couple of decades later. So gloves represented by no means the only promising way to prevent wound infection. There were many alternatives around, and not going for gloves right away was quite rational for surgeons at the time.Usually the intestines and bladder have to be moved to the side and aren't taken out during C-sections, maybe some of it popped out?
No. 1288828
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What the fuck is going on in Sri Lanka? It's very questionable that the WEF deleted the PM's article that included plans and values that aligned with the agenda of the WEF itself. An economic crisis ala Venezuela induced by multiple factors but attempted to be ameliorated by following WEF adjacent planning which further exacerbated the crisis. No. 1288863
>>1288636That sounds
valid, sure.
No. 1288982
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No. 1289183
>>1289175ntayrt but you should watch some of the clips of him at the trial, highlights include: him basically advertising brain force on the stand,
him shaking his head whilst of the parents directly confronts and addresses him in court,
him showing the judge his fucked up tooth to show her he's not chewing gum in court - he's just feeling his tooth hole with his tongue,
him arguing with the judge multiple times whilst she gets more irritated,
him arguing with some of the parents once the judge left the court room,
him being speechless after he finds out his stupid lawyer accidentally sent all his text messages from the last 2 years to the parents lawyers and didn't tell alex so he gets caught out in a lie in court… the list goes on, it's fucking fantastic
No. 1289257
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>>1288982He's so funny without trying to be, I wish he wasn't blacklisted from every social media platform
No. 1289310
>>1288866Isn’t this obvious? All men hate, absolutely
hate, women. I figure their hatred of us is even moreso when we do what they can’t and give birth to other humans. It probably reminds them of how useless they are or it makes them feel like the true life giver as the surgeon who assists with the procedure, hence why they’d want to kill off the actual life giver who gave birth to the child.
No. 1290297
File: 1659684661010.jpeg (291.79 KB, 750x735, BAE2B133-0650-4A4B-850F-FE8392…)

>>1289439It’s mercury/heavy metals which is harmful to the brain but not like, you get it and immediately get brain damage, though continuous exposure can lead to things like Alzheimer’s.
Speaking of Alzheimer’s, I don’t think this was posted and fraud and corruption aren’t really tinfoily, it’s rather known and accepted, but it does make me wonder what other drugs that are absolutely useless are being prescribed just because they bring in a lot of money
spoiler: all of them No. 1290752
>>1289384lmao nonnies i just watched more of the trial. alex jones attempts to halfheartedly apologize in an out of hand way, the parents lawyer intervenes and says that's not how this goes, and someone mentions their son is autistic (not sure who), alex jones then calls himself an autist too KEK
>>1289439i don't think that's a conspiracy, most dentists do now recommend getting the heavy metal amalgam fillings replaced with the composite fillings because of the metal exposure over time. most insurance companies cover the replacement of the fillings because it's legit.
No. 1290989
File: 1659727605429.jpg (219.32 KB, 1440x1484, 12F.jpg)

Anyone else notice how almost ridiculously demonized Richard Nixon is compared to most other american political figure, Futurama, Teen Titans Go and pop culture in general doesn't just make fun of him, they demonize him as a cartoon villain but I actually did some of my own research and I was surprised to learn about his presidency
He tried to destroy the CIA. He passed rent control, increased pensions, created the EPA and more then that, he stopped a Nuclear exchange from China and the Soviet Union and worked with Mao and Deng to do market reforms in China.
Nixon, while not a great man, wasn't the cartoon villain popular media paints him as
No. 1292972
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Was watching a documentary about the opioid crisis in America. They mentioned the company Purdue Pharma and its owners, the Sackler family.
Obviously I had to look it up and they are exactly what you'd expect them to be.
Why is it always them?
No. 1293952
File: 1659938681689.jpg (47.95 KB, 634x803, jsackler.jpg)

>>1292972On the topic of the Sacklers, did anyone else read the book about them, empire of pain? Joss Sackler came off as a bit cowish imo. She married into the family, started a 'feminist' wine-drinking club turned into a(n ugly) fashion label, and got into a feud with courtney love.
No. 1294980
File: 1660018158863.jpg (299.49 KB, 827x823, please.jpg)

>>1293995>look up early life sectionokay this is starting to get really worrying, I swear I'm not some demented anti-semtie, I have Jewish friends but once you start noticing the amount of shit such a minority of the world's population is involved in, you can't unsee it
No. 1295226
File: 1660039433530.jpg (954.69 KB, 1361x1860, uhhhhhhhwtfisthistrue.jpg)

So I was scrolling around a bit on 4chan, not something I do often because almost every thread and comment makes me lose even more faith in humanity, and men. But I occasionally see something interesting or learn about a new tinfoil I want to look into so I check it every now and then. And while I was there briefly tonight I saw this image in one of the threads.
No. 1295231
File: 1660039552550.png (257.39 KB, 1910x972, girlgames96archive.png)

>>1295226So I checked for myself on web archive and saw that it's true, or not photoshopped at least
No. 1295234
File: 1660039664069.png (174.67 KB, 1912x912, currentmetronsite.png)

>>1295231Second pic with Metron Studios website
No. 1295238
File: 1660039719007.png (606.86 KB, 1613x977, amidumbwtfdoesthismean.png)

>>1295234And clicking the link "involved" brings this webpage
No. 1295246
File: 1660039926918.png (375.71 KB, 1908x1770, metronsite96and2007.png)

>>1295238And that "homeland security involved in property rights" wasn't there until around 2007. I know it probably just means that they're stuff is copyrighted and they don't want anyone stealing it but it creeped me out because I used to play these games a lot around the ages of 8-11 in the early 2000's and now it feels very psyop-like to me. Am I being paranoid or is this weird?
No. 1295270
File: 1660041075816.png (515.55 KB, 1801x982, wtffff.png)

Holy shit I'm still scrolling through the archives of girlgames and what the fucking fuck happened to this site in 2006?!
No. 1295342
File: 1660044080606.png (2.27 MB, 1844x942, wtfffffffisthis.png)

>>1295270Sorry for all the posts Nonas but I've been clicking around on all the links and archives and it just gets weirder and creepier.
No. 1295401
File: 1660045629075.png (140.72 KB, 1708x675, lauragroppe.png)

>>1295355Agreed, what's even weirder is supposedly the Girls Intelligence Agency is run by this woman. But I'm sure she's just a friendly face for the "GIA" to stand behind because this shit is almost always run by old ass men.
No. 1295411
File: 1660045802294.png (717.51 KB, 1878x673, ew.png)

Like I'm not usually one to be very tinfoily but what is this shit and why is it tied to my childhood gaming website? Is everything in the world corrupted by pedophiles and companies doing anything to get money?
No. 1295516
File: 1660048924282.png (346.66 KB, 1809x794, gia1.png)

>>1295420Could be a fake name? I looked her up and I think that's the only photo of her online. The only profile she seems to have is a linkedin page with no photos that only lists her as the President of the Girls Intelligence Agency and the President of Girl Games Inc. It also lists her as a film producer from from 89 to 94 but still no photos on her IMDB page. There's a video of her with a panel of other women talking about getting girls into online gaming in the 90's but I'm not sure when it's dated, probably within the last 10 years. The link is here but I don't think she says much beyond the obvious, she saw an opening in the market for girl games and filled it. what's creepy is this article that celebrates her accomplishments where she basically admits that the start of was just a covert way to use the info collected from underaged girls to create products to sell to other buyers and profit off of, because it later turned into the Girls Intelligence Agency where she strait up says it's for "teenage girls to shape everything from movies to products."
No. 1295531
File: 1660049387066.png (1.07 MB, 1258x880, gia (2).png)

>>1295516Okay sorry everyone last one I swear but this shit is so sad and creepy, once again my childhood is ruined.
No. 1295758
File: 1660060545871.jpeg (59.38 KB, 525x680, FZWiOBfXwAIoak_.jpeg)

i think an insane number of female athletes are actually moids
latest example: the basketballer imprisoned in russia
2,06m, 93kg, 34cm feet, an adam's apple and that voice… it's a man, simply as that.
No. 1295769
File: 1660061075616.jpg (220.94 KB, 1486x991, download.jpg)

>>1295765But wouldn't Russia be all over that as well? Although I'm looking at photos now and it's pretty hard to deny, she has a feminine face but the rest of her proportions are very manly.
No. 1295770
File: 1660061203852.jpeg (150.12 KB, 1152x2048, FOfvxF8WQAIk2LY.jpeg)

>>1295763he/she/it has plenty of no shirt pics, not even ashamed or trying to hide it
No. 1295773
File: 1660061352364.png (383.39 KB, 400x389, BejVxCRIEAA4Yl2.png)

adams apple is always clearly visible
No. 1295779
>>1295770Omg this was never talked about in the hours of news coverage the story got, I've seen so many pics of her/them/him all over social media but not one mentioned this. Is this the future of transgenderism, everyone being some weird amalgamation of both sexes? I hate the modern world
>>1295771>>1295777So do they have vaginas but don't get periods? I've seen some intersex women who look completely female and have bigger boobs than me.
fuck now I'm scared I have this No. 1295787
>>1295777but briner is murican.
i ended up being 5'10 and nevertheless growing up my parents talked to the doctor about my quick growth, you can't tell me any parents look at this huge man that is supposedly their little daughter and think "she has a vagina, so everything must be normal!"
"she" has nothing female about her besides her name
No. 1295798
File: 1660062852083.jpeg (218.61 KB, 2000x1333, np_file_174736-1.jpeg)

good luck to the female guards if she's ever in a brawl
lots of americans seem to not feel sorry for her because she's so sjw (claiming she can't work in certain parts of america because racism but russia is ok), also supporting troons in womens sport
No. 1295814
>>1295799>some women are simply tall!i hate this argument (same as "just because she's black!")
yes, some women are 5'11, very rarely even 6ft and a little something, but 7ft with bigger feet than male basketballers? plus no women no matter how tall or athletic or black looks anything remotely like that
tall height correlates zero with chest size, facial features and so on
that's plain insulting
No. 1295837
File: 1660065293131.png (65.72 KB, 895x604, girlgogames.png)

>>1295793I checked on the web archive when girlsgogames started in 2007 and it was owned by a company called Spill Group. I clicked around a bit and didn't see anything linking it to homeland security but I did find that the company was based in China. So it still could be a psyop or involved in info collecting from minors. I want to look into it later tonight or tomorrow when I have time cause I'm really interested in this shit now, so if I find anything sketchy about the site I'll post it. There was also a gaming website I used to go on occasionally called something like billybearfunandgames or something like that and I remember one day I went on it and the entire site had been replaced by porn, like the most disgusting 90's internet porn I had ever seen at that age lol. So I want to find the company that was originally behind that site but I have to find the original site archive first.
Anyway, here's the owner company of girlsgogames, so not C.I.A but China related.
which could be worse tbh No. 1295872
>>1295798I’ve seen comments saying she always talked about being oppressed in the USA and kneeling for the anthem and being an overall sjw. But now she’s calling for that government to help her because she’s actually being oppressed for real.
I think 9 years is pretty intense but yea there’s not a whole lot of overall sympathy.
No. 1295947
>>1295769She seems intersex. At the very least a high t woman. I've read somewhere that intersex conditions in non-white races are often overlooked because doctors don't know how they look like. This is not racebait, everyone knows how a high t white woman looks but the inherent bias in doctors make them overlook the same stuff on black woman.
I wouldn't rule out that aside for her intersex condition/hormonal disorder they aren't giving her even more testosterone lmao. Not really a conspiracy because the use of testosterone in female athletes is very well documented and available everywhere. Her eyes seems dead and she was stupidly reckless so it lines up with a testosterone brainrot.
>>1295758 i don't think an "insane number" of female athletes are actually males or mtf, but an insane number of female athletes are poisoned with testosterone (and i used the word "poison" because they don't take microdoses of t for the sake of not loosing muscle mass. They take massive doses of it) and this was a common practice for decades. The main objective is to control the results but i'm sure that they don't mind the demoralizing effect in common women that those testosterone infusionated athletes provoke.
No. 1295964
>>1295799nonna have you watched one of her interviews? her voice is way deep.
>>1295947I agree with this nonna she is either trans or intersex. or doping with T.
No. 1296509
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>>1295758You are correct, as Carlin says "It's a big club and you ain't in it". It's also old as fuck and even mentioned/warned about in the bible. Unfortunately members of secret trooned-at-birth club hang out here and mock/attack anyone who dares to point out the obvious and ugly trannies. They will insist you are the actual tranny until the topic changes back to something fake created by and starring covert trannies. As I've mentioned, true crime (troon crime) gives this away almost instantly. It's where the ugliest and least passing ones end up as grieving family members or murdered "women" since people feel too guilty to make sense of how ridiculous they look.
You're better off to focus on their glorious and illuminated religion (that leaves them looking like a corpse after age 25) than physical aspects because most people aren't willing to acknowledge male/female sex markers (even though court rooms do) because they're in on it or brainwashed from infancy to reject that information.
Briefly glancing at this individual and the cult tattoos give it away instantly. My other posts in previous tinfoil threads get into the religious aspect, it's essentially Ba'al/Ishtar worship, the Asherah (or elements in Q/Kabballah, Gnosticism and most eastern theologies). We also discussed the FtM breeders like Rob Kardashian and James Packer. As well as the "Snip Snaps" who were mildly poisoned with wrong-sex hormones(/HGH if FtM) as children only to reverse back to their actual gender and claim to be trans (like Jazz Jennings/Contrapoints/Caitlyn Jenner). I also talked about a some tv series and movies that are based on troon cult (the vast majority, admitted or more obviously: The Matrix, True Blood, Harry Potter, Fight Club, The Prestige, etc). They want you to think they're "only" satanists and pedophiles because it enforces/"affirms" their precious fake genders.
There are physical tells though, whether these signal booster trannies like it or not. The most obvious to me is the difference between male and female famous/wealthy/"otherwise ascended person" skull and features: comparing men and women (who has the power jaw? Who has the soft eyes?). Also a person's gait and how they walk down stairs, knees always together = male, apart = female (Trump knew)
No. 1296872
File: 1660146075264.jpeg (848.03 KB, 506x2917, 1656390406313.jpeg)

So I think we've reached step 3 at the plan to normalize pedophilia in society, like AI art is already advanced now, but its likely that autistic moid coomers will only further refine it to make better porn that can easily be used by anyone
No. 1296989
>>1296872This genuinely makes me feel sick, like about to throw up. all of this is already happening to women and teenage girls under the excuses that men will be men and sex work and pornography is good and if you disagree you’re a stuck up conservative.
If every pedophile would drop dead right now, I wonder how many men would be left.
No. 1297125
>>1296810Ntayrt but I’ve read that they are trying to take most of the masses down to hell with them as they cannot stop the biblical prophecy from happening. Part of it may also lead to transhumanism once the masses are used to seeing troons.
>>1296756Possibly, or cyborgs. I’ve read that the elites were descendants of the Nephilim.
No. 1297604
File: 1660192861736.jpg (Spoiler Image,66.85 KB, 740x740, 740full-rainey-qualley.jpg)

>>1296756That would explain the giant trannies, sounds plausible. I know they're serious about perfecting the divine androgyne. God is an androgyne according to them (The Sophia) so if they are androgynes, they must be Gods! It's explained in Gnosticism and their other united theologies. Crowley described the Baphomet that way, so that's one of the reasons we're always seeing that thing around.
They put moral messaging in films like "The Island/ of Dr. Moreau", "Gattaca" or any fiction where humans are subverting nature too much because they place harmony above all else. I think people get confused about that but "harmony" doesn't mean that only good things happen, that would be unbalanced in their dick tuck religion.
The parallel conversation is a great example of what they want us discussing. They use the same scare tactics every generation; the real "mass formation psychosis". In the 1970s, this discussion would have been had in smokey bars and apartments about NAMBLA. Now it's on this image board and about deep fakes. People will always be people, nothing new under the sun. I laughed when I heard that during the hysteria last year because that's ALL this is and ever was. They shape us (and them) using the exact same tactics, over and over. Only digitized now. We are the audience/sheep and they're the shepherds and performers. Most of the evil, traumatic or terrifying things you are bombarded with are just your rod and staff. The only way to win is to starve the beast and not pay attention.
>>1296810I could guess but I don't think that's my part. As the other anon said, the prophecy has already been fulfilled anyway, even in their own kooky religion. Manly P. Hall predicted the great veil would be lifted and of course “For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.” The club members are losing their shit though - for the first time, they're not in on the joke and they can't
stand that. They can't predict our reactions as easily and we're all too good at spotting fake shit and secret tranny tricks. The fact that this is being discussed by plebs already proves it's here and they really don't like that. So I'm not sure of the “end game” but the goal has always been the same: Purple Reign (colour of royalty and what Christ was draped in when crucified. Also the combination of red/blue or masculine/feminine)
>>1296958 you know it's funny you singled out that one because Jenner's birth sex is one of the more controversial topics on EGI Twitter. Jenner was rumoured to AGP around the house in dresses and stockings for decades though, with multiple failed “model” (i.e tranny template you're supposed to feel bad comparing yourself to) boy-wives. Cat Marnell I think was one of the first people to reveal something in the early aughts. I really can't stand looking at that thing long enough to make an assessment.
I really believe anyone who wants to see the truth, should ask and you will see it. I should mention I'm not part of any church and believe it's your mystery to figure out. They definitely hate Jesus and Christian God and every mega church has an obvious tranny leader. They're mostly pissed the bible states to take down their poles or something. How was it put? Oh yeah “…and ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place” kek Now they just become the idols themselve and get us to worship them at their galas (look up the root word of that one). If you want to know the truth - just ask (pray) with actual sincerity and you will be shown. The rest will keep watching the shadows in the cave.
Anyways you can kind of see Rainey Qualley's balls in this pic, thought you guys might like that. Glad those present are with us. See you tomorrow if more any more questions.
No. 1298160
File: 1660234441878.png (232.89 KB, 1370x597, 01.png)

>>1297604reposting pinkpills about troonism's relation to pederasty
No. 1299584
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Not sure this is tinfoil enough for the thread but the killing off of sites for children like Neopets, Club Penguin, Toontown, etc. to funnel them to groomer sites like Twitter and Reddit is coordinated and deliberate. There were still pedos on kids sites but it was harder for them to contact privately and grooming was not as much of a problem. Now they are making it too easy. Why does Reddit have a teenager subreddit if not to let adults take advantage of them? It is important for minors and adults to have separate spaces online. Kids are annoying anyway, why is everyone ok with sharing? I was optimistic for Neocities when I saw even 13 year olds saw the danger of mainstream social media and learning to build sites for themselves, no potential for creeps coming on to them. However they are already obsessing over gender and posting about how mentally ill they are. One had her Snapchat on her site. I know its "just a phase" but unlike wearing all black to loiter at the mall, they are too insulated to ever grow up. Its like psychological puberty blockers. Parents are brainwashed into letting the internet raise their children and that they will just know to keep themselves safe. Its sick.
No. 1300116
>>1299087There were many reports on menstruation when it came out because women noticed their cycle change. It was brushed off but there are still women reporting it. Men’s health too is being affected (sperm) but most of the studies have been heart issues for either sex.
>>1299584I wish there were kids only spaces with an older mature adult running it to keep out creeps. Most of the forums I was on had that and you could talk to other teens with the upper limit being around early 20’s. Of course they imploded like Gaia or art forums but at the time they were creative fun hubs and you didn’t have to worry about too many creeps.
No. 1300194
>>1297604The androgyny isn’t literal though, it means having a unification of the powers of feminine and masculine. The baphomet is illustrated that way in the same way alchemical hermaphrodites are, it’s completely metaphorical unless you are a brain dead and pornsick male.
Pharmaceutical companies benefit from transitions, and will keep them on pills forever for that and its health side effects. Nazi doctors are the ones that first developed those surgeries and that was because they wanted to mock God. Men are already depraved so it doesn’t take much of anything for them to let loose and carry out an agenda that suits men in power who also kill and torture people for entertainment. It bolsters their ego, that’s it, they don’t care who they hurt and mutilate in the process. The goal has always been depravity.
No. 1300689
File: 1660368929377.jpg (196.16 KB, 2000x589, 002.jpg)

I knew it
No. 1300865
>>1300545Said nothing about intersex, stated explicitly it is all metaphorical and not literal. I said the actual opposite of what you accused me of, and wanted to see for whatever reason. I responded to the person who brought the subject up. In early science illustrations, they will use depictions of hermaphrodites or mixed sex characteristics to illustrate psychological concepts. It is, once again, not literal. They sometimes would draw penises in trees to illustrate sexual issues or sexual anxiety, and different mythological characters would be described as having specific sex characteristics to communicate psychological states. I don’t know how much more clear I can be it’s not literal.
>>1300639Not new age, alchemy which is the basis and foundation of all science. The only reason we have science at all.
Operation Paperclip is a real thing where nazi doctors were brought here after beginning research and experimentations on sex changes. The sadistic and sociopathic group that runs the world enjoys the degradation and depravity so they feel they are too far gone to stop giving into their destructive and perverted whims. I’m positive I’ve read multiple comments about this concept here but it’s all good.
No. 1300884
>>1299087My period has been a mess, starts one week before it’s suppose to and then stops only to start up again a week later. Instead of one day of insanely heavy flow it’s now three.
And now two weeks early? I went to get checked because it was so weird and all they checked was if I was pregnant and thought I had a miscarriage. Of course it was neither and they just backtracked it must be stress and gave me some medication to try and lighten the flow.
No. 1301689
>>1300918nta but I find it weird that birth control is being pushed so hard, even onto little girls like this nona
>>1301189 I know plenty of woman and girls not even in their teenage years who go to the doctor with literally any problem and their advice is to start birth control, honestly it’s more of a medical malpractice/neglect of women thing imo considering the side effects and the fact that most of the problems could be solved in another way, but birth control makes you be attracted to people you wouldn’t be attracted to without it.
I remember reading something about women on BC finding feminine (male) faces more attractive, + what the anon you quoted posted, it quite literally fucks with your hormones and perception of a potential mate and makes you attracted to men you would naturally not find attractive.
My tinfoil is that its just another way of getting woman to sleep with useless ugly hormonally imbalanced males, the way the planet is getting polluted with plastic and the food is only getting worse, it’s the future of all males
No. 1302604
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This can't be natural, it has to come from sort of brainwashing
No. 1302687
>>1302604these people have no critical thinking skills. i've noticed critical thinking in general has gone out the window, especially with the emphasis on STEM studies in the the US, but also with the absence of required classes to learn about government/civics in high school.
no one knows how to read or write in this country, how can we expect them to be educated on its politics? well, that's how our politicians want us to exist anyway;
No. 1302746
>>1300689BC makes me lose my sex drive. When you have a low sex drive you tend to care less about your partners sex appeal and you just kind of have sex for the sake of maintaining the relationship (I'm not saying thats right but it is what young women often do) The irony of taking something to prevent pregnancy and it ending up in you just have lackluster sex that you could take or leav… I've talked to friends and heard the same thing from them. It's a depressing situation.
I'm done with bc and have a sex drive like never before. I'm stuck between being horny af and not wanting to take the risk.
No. 1304427
File: 1660611574589.png (368.38 KB, 720x904, Screenshot_20220222-210500~3.p…)

there was a goddamn cornucopia. i will never get over this.
No. 1305242
File: 1660675735111.png (6.34 MB, 3503x1970, image_2022-08-16_205023302.png)

all these QR codes everywhere are starting to worry me, is it just me or did it get exponentially worse recently?
are they trying to shut out anyone who doesn't want a smartphone glued to their hand 24/7 out of basic life necessities?
No. 1305250
>>1305242Its more like restaurants don't want to keep paying to update and reprint the menu kek
But it does suck because we went to a restaurant that only had qr menus and my phone doesn't read we codes. What will the poor boomers do when they cant figure it out?
No. 1305254
>>1305250I just posted that as an example, they're absolutely everywhere where I live and are used for tickets/certificates etc
old people seem to love this shit. "ooh look what you can do with technology, I'm keeping up with the times"
No. 1305619
File: 1660702932573.jpeg (867.84 KB, 2674x3465, 57F3FF1C-46A8-48E2-B1BF-DA389B…)

>>1305242It’s used for tracking. See this article from NYT No. 1306050
File: 1660743061498.jpeg (194.2 KB, 1394x265, C869C070-4E40-40BF-8F35-E5EEE9…)

What about the ones who aren’t dumb enough to get caught? Men don’t belong in healthcare. How many doctor/nurse Ted Bundy’s are out there? Don’t most serial killers target women? What about women who can’t request female staff? We’re literally putting our lives in the hands of our predators.
No. 1306329
File: 1660757768985.jpg (48 KB, 328x750, tumblr_bb9a29bd6752617ba781d74…)

is this real?
No. 1306584
File: 1660772053902.jpg (338.36 KB, 1494x1500, A12DIFbBqTL._SL1500_.jpg)

>>1304524I was intrigued by the stain/stein when it came out because i too got it wrong, but not convinced. then a few years later i stumble on a comment like "yeah and that dang cornucopia never existed in the FOTL logo!" and i was totally disoriented by it. so many people have distinct memories tied to it, usually of "finding out what a cornucopia is" because of it. objects in mirror also fucked me up, anyone else?
>>1305020please by all means share.
>>1305788holy fuck you absolute peanut brain
retard do you think no one thought of that in the last 5+ years? it NEVER EXISTED. THERE WAS NEVER A CORNUCOPIA EVER. people have looked back thru all historical records and there is no evidence of it existing and changing - it was NEVER there. vintage FOTL tshirts have changed and no longer have the cornucopia. im not trying to be mean for no reason anon but holy fuck do i hate when people say shit like this without thinking first. you deserve to have the arrogant stupidity slapped out of you. that being said, do u remember the cornucopia too uwu?
No. 1306620
>>1306329wow americans are downright retarded.
>>1306498It's more complicated than that- the institutions that run surveys through them (unless they're staffed by morons who waste company morons) do a bunch of stats voodoo to get responses from a sample that represents the population they're generalizing the results to, and YouGov has tools that make it so that your sample generally reflects what you want it to, e.g. not too many college-educated people, unemployed people, etc. and actively recruits groups of people that are harder to find for their pool. These results could be bunk but YouGov surveys aren't inherently shit.
No. 1307927
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I suspected something like this
No. 1308015
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>>1307927>>1307930What the fuck is even their goal if this is true? Increase male rage at us for what?
No. 1308030
>>1308015So they can increase birthrates. Plus, the state is controlled by men. Why would they ever want us to be happy and free?
Unrelated but I hate seeing liberal women fall into the “school shootings are bad so refuse to arm yourself” trap. YOU are using them to protect yourself, not shoot kindergarteners like moids. Even if you’re morally against guns and such, if you live in a country where people can access them, your enemies must also have them. You’re being caught off guard. You’re bringing nothing to a gun fight. You’re showing up naked, even. Just buy one, it doesn’t affect the grand scheme of things politically. You can still try to get them banned while owning a semi-auto. Pleeease arm yourselves girlies!
No. 1308048
>>1307927what is the content for this
No. 1308110
>>1307927i 100% feel like this is true and honestly what really made it unable to be ignored for me was the amber heard vitriol filling up my youtube feed randomly when that was the fotm. yes, celebrity nonsense, but i could not fathom the things i was reading and how simple and reductive the sentiment was and how it was literally "woman bad man good". it felt like a slap in the face reading the emboldened, dehumanising vernacular the majority adopted so eagerly, ("gold digger" "bpd whore" "fake
victim" etc) i had seen it on 4chan for years but now it was youtube, instagram, tiktok? especially considering the evidence of johnny depp's bad faith was always there to be reviewed. i report videos from channels with 500k subscribers and millions of views every single day for unbridled misogyny and am constantly clicking the do not recommend/i do not like this video videos from my recommendations yet they still appear.
No. 1308365
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>>1308110>>1307927I don't buy it, Tate is just the latest in a long line of "The Internet ruined dating and only I can get you awkward impossibly horny teenagers laid" self-help figures. Guys like him have been coming up every couple years or so, ever since social media became ubiquitous. In the late 2000s it was Neil Strauss and The Game and Mystery's VH1 reality show. Four years later it was RooshV and just a year ago it was Kevin Samuels. but where are all these people now in 2022?
Tate will have his little moment in the mainstream sun, do and say a bunch of stupid shit for headlines, and over the next few months the guys that follow him will grow up and lose interest and he'll increasingly make a fool of himself trying to stay relevant. Eventually someone else will appear and the cycle will repeat itself.
No. 1308384
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>>1307927Saw this on Twitter. Terrifying if actually true
No. 1308398
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>>1308368Can’t confirm if this info is true or not
No. 1308403
>>1307927I absolutely believe it idc. Obviously misogyny was never gone but I swear to god it wasn't this bad 10-15 years ago. Even my Gen X mother told me that it wasn't this bad even when she was young. You'd think it's the boomers who perpetuate misogyny but it's literal fucking teenagers and young adults that have the mindset of literal islamic fundamentalists (
>>1308384). And is it surprising considering they were raised on nothing but porn and feminazi rekt YT compilations?
I remember when incels were kind of a rare phenomenon and just seen as losers/outcasts but we've come to the point of incel/mra ideology becoming mainstream, especially with the Heard/Depp trial and these Alpha male pages popping up everywhere. That's fucking terrifying.
>>1308015Increasing birth rates.
No. 1308477
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>>1308462my specific gripe is against the claim that "alpha male gurus" ware being pushed by the government to increase the birth rate in the west, when literally the exact opposite would happen
>>1308464unwanted pregnancies also lead to them paying child support, which is the literal boogeyman for these dudes, historically the societies that had extended family structures had the highest birth rates and population growth
No. 1308500
>>1308411The increasing traditionalism seen in zoomers can at least be partially attributed to contrarianism. Teens and young adults always seek to rebel against the dominant mainstream culture.
>>1308488They want broken dysfunctional families that create broken dysfunctional children that are mentally malleable so these children can be groomed into trannies and slave workers that can't think for themselves. It's not so much about reducing the population, it's about controlling the type of person born into society.
No. 1308517
>>1308384>>1307927ngl, I have watched a ton of his videos multiple times because I can’t believe the absolute dumb shit he spouts and the fact he says these things with full confidence makes it hilarious, a lot of his fame isn't even due to his "based red pill" takes. Most of the videos I've seen on my feed have been him just saying obviously outlandish shit
>"I won't give you cpr unless you're a hot girl, if you're my friend and you have a heart attack, stop being a little bitch">"Only broke people drink not sparkling water">"I walked into a Starbucks and asked for a coffee and they asked me what kind. I just want fucking coffee">"Invite all your friends over and make a toast, giving them all sparkling water without telling them. If someone drinks it and goes "eww this is sparkling water", never speak to them again"and vidrel my favorite
No. 1308574
>>1308555how is there hope for humanity to promote that women become depended on men and are nothing but baby making machines? yes let's make life more miserable and dangerous for women to own the libs it is great that women are locked into relationships with men and can't make decisions for themselves can't escape if there's domestic violence it is so based and amazing that women get to waste their only unique lives on this planet as males's servants
fucking shoot tradtards
No. 1308619
>>1307927this is a very retarded tinfoil even from this thread.
Reality is Andrew is a literal gypsy from romania who's way to getting rich was scamming women into being a part of his cam business, human traficking and taking a large part of their money. The things he is saying is nothing new this way of thinking is very normal in his culture and the girls there have arranged marriages at 14.
There is no psyop he comes from a sexist environment and got famous for saying controversial things and being a attention seeker (his brother also hooked up with some popular romanian celeb so that started their fame)
No. 1308846
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Good news nonnies, Andrew Tate has been banned from Facebook and Insta. Still on TikTok but at least it's a start.
No. 1309008
>>1308574"The difference between leftwing and rightwing when it comes to women is only about where exactly on our necks their boots should be placed. To right wing men, we are private property. To left wing men, we are public property. In either case, we are not considered to be humans: We are things." - Andrea Dworkins
This is the choice you will be given.
No. 1309130
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Ellen Degenerate's first wife, what did she know?
>placed in a body bag while obviously still alive
>pushed down and restrained while trying to get up
>TMZ arrived to the scene faster than the Ambulance
No one even bat an eye to talk to her like every normal human being would do, show some sympathy, after all she just survived fire, maybe pump some fresh Oxygen too? Nope. They just shoved her right in the truck.
Call me a conspiracy theorist but bunch of masked firemen shoved her in the firetruck, not even an ambulance, It was an LA Fire Dpt. truck. which has 63 on the roof, it's 3… 666, along with everything else it seems beyond strange.
No. 1309149
>>1309130Holy shit, this is so weird. I've tried to find any explanation at all, best I could find is that they put burn
victims in bags like that, but initial research doesn't show any photos where the head would be covered… and then when she tries to get out at least on the parts of the body we see there's no burns, her hair are fine, this is way too weird to ignore (yet people chose to)
No. 1309173
>>1308517The weird obsession with sparkling water made me kek
>>1308398Why would the Chinese gov co-opt him? To create more social tension in the West? Did he ever mention China?
No. 1309233
>>1308619Not to nitpick but he isn't
from Romania, he's British and American, he just moved to Romania because (by his own admission) it's easier to get away with sex trafficking and rape there.
>>1308488This is not the battle of fuckboys vs traditionalists that you think it is, it's just two sides of the same misogynistic coin. The moids think they can fuck around all they want in their younger years, then get their government mandated teenage wife/broodmare when they're old and want to settle down. Tate himself has said that he plans on having like a dozen kids to create "the next generation of Andrew Tates." It doesn't matter what variety of misogyny they push, it all enables future misogyny.
>>1309008Women in first world countries have more choices than going into porn or getting abused by some tradmoid. To pretend that we have to settle for choosing between the two shit options moids want to give us only serves their interests, not ours.
>>1308398>>1308399Seems silly tbh, Tate exists because misogyny sells, and his little affiliate program thing works the algorithm perfectly. All this talk about his father being CIA doesn't prove that he, for some reason, went the opposite direction and has connections to the CCP. His father was a shit person, he raised a couple of shit kids, and those kids surfed off their father's minor celebrity status to get on shit reality TV shows that'll take anyone with a crumb of clout, and then their misogyny made them famous. What they
do have, once again by their own admission, is a bunch of Romanian police they pay off, and mafia/gang connections through their casinos and sex trafficking. No CCP or CIA required.
The true question is how they got linked up with that coconutkitty cow from /snow/ lol No. 1309287
>>1309008>>1309233so true, that's such a blackpilled and dualistic worldview. it's not normal to push either agenda, it's easy to lose sight of that when we are constantly bombarded with this sort of content but there are moderate moids out there with common sense who don't view women as public or private property. this parasitic scrote spreading virulent misogynistic clickbait isn't embodying a sign that women at large are being given an ultimatum, just don't align yourself with either extreme. promote family values, disavow pornographers and set a good example for future generations, that's it. don't stand for anything you wouldn't want your future daughter doing, that's the only rule of thumb there really is and regardless of whether or not he's literally a CCP sleeper agent he's still serving their interests, so that's the way to combat his cancerous rhetoric one way or another. never forget this is what they want, and this is why the tinfoil theory is really not tinfoily at all, not because of the CIA connection but because he does not need to be a literal chinese op to what a chinese op would do, so you may as well treat him as a chinese op. of course the spread of this mindset is concerning but it doesn't mean there's a choice to be made between spreading your legs on onlyfans and feeling the meaning of "empowerment" when the coomerbux hit your bank account or becoming a broodmare and giving a scrote complete control over your life, or anything like that, to think in these terms is to fall directly into their trap.
coconutkitty was camwhoring before meeting them so my theory was they just went around scouting camwhores recruiting them to their website, which I think was primarily ran by tristan but they are attached at the hip. my question is whether the child/teen pedo edits started after they met, i suspect their influence played a part.
No. 1309346
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>>1309287samefag sorry this is the video i meant to link but they're both informative, this is just the one that contrasts popular content in china with what is commonly shown in the US . >>1309305yeah i saw Tristan's tweet about sleeping with her but now that she has a new moid i wonder if they're taking their usual cut. it's very possible it could even have been their idea too.
very ot but i get you
nonnie i'm straight and have lived with my moid for years but had the most fun when i lived with several other girls. in a way by eliminating moids you are protecting them from harm, and i can't say the idea of raising kids with likeminded girl friends in a commune doesn't sound nice. i still believe yin & yang complement one another though and children need a healthy balance of masculine and feminine energy, it'd be important especially for boys to have older moids in their lives that can serve as good examples, even uncles, grandfathers that are present. you wouldn't want to raise troons and i believe having a good masculine figure can be a vital protective factor for some pathologies. anyhow, in theory a sisterhood family unit sounds nice if you love abundant feminine energy but you must consider other factors.
No. 1309348
>>1309342I suppose there are probably some separatists who don't vote or whatever but none of the ones that I know would agree with that. After all, it's not like the law stops affecting them when they stop cohabitating with men.
>>1309346I think if you can find a genuinely good Nigel who's absolutely 100% going to be a good influence (and not molest your children) then it could be good to have him around as a representation of what a good man could be, unfortunately I just don't think there are nearly enough men like that to encourage other women to bet on it. In my case, one of my friends displays more healthy, protective, "masculine" energy than any man I've ever met so I wouldn't be worried there, but also I'd never really want to raise a son anyways.
No. 1309357
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>>1309348>>1309346I view young boys a lot like the dogs from animal farm, Napoleon takes them from their mother as puppies, says that he'll "make himself responsible for their education," and then raises them in isolation from the rest of the farm and they grow up to be loyal to him and him alone, afterwards the pigs rely on the strength of dogs to uphold his rule on the rest of animal farm, I have often wondered If one could replicate with a group of random of male children, teach them to be loyal servants and bodyguard
No. 1309368
>>1309357Nta, It's complicated tbh, because the issue with moids and minimoids is that they're supported by society, the moment they have a crumb of privilege they rebel and do whatever they want, then they go full retard and end up hating you.
You would have to basically raise him like a Mormon, without mainstream media and the sorts but while teaching him how to be more human and less of a moid.
No. 1309390
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No. 1310085
>>1309747Nta but anon if you raise a young moid without a sense of distinction within the sexes and some sort of "male energy" (call it influence, role models, whatever) your son would end like Norman Baters.
Having no male models also increase the chances of troonery too, if you read the mtf thread you will realize that most troons are autistic coomer males with bad relationships with their dads/almost no male friends either. They need other males to keep themselves in line, otherwise the coom and womb envy rot their tiny brains. It's a shitty deal i know but is inevitable too.
No. 1312023
>>1312014What's a fantasy? Men are a defective mutation with the only purpose of carrying around sperm. That's a fact, it's science.
The rest is not that unattainable, really. Women should all learn to defend and arm themselves and it's not that hard to do, especially in america. If more and more women fight back, men will think twice about jumping someone who can put a bullet through their head in 2 seconds. It's possible and men know it too, which is why they're currently trying to suppress women even more (tranny propaganda, roe v wade), they're actually scared of women undestranding that they aren't weaker and submissive. Remember that years ago women voting and having jobs were also only a fantasy, yet we were able to come this far by believing that it was possible.
No. 1312026
>>1312017excuse me for being an adult and wanting to be realistic
>>1312023I practice self defense daily, I have done kickboxing and have managed to judo throw 200 pound men during drills, and you know what I'm still scared of men, being afraid of men has literally saved my life, I once had an incident while walking in the street at night. Two guys approach me asking to identify a person at a dark alleyway. I remembered to never go to the second location. I listened to my intuition to not follow them. They got frustrated at me and left me alone. being a rational human being saved me
No. 1312060
>>1312026Who said not to be rational? No one said you shouldn't be afraid of men and just follow them in dark alleys. I'm saying that women should be aware of the fact that men are inferior degenerates no matter what and they should be cautious of them and learn to stick together to make sure that they don't have their way. Learning what to do in dangerous situations is also a way to keep men from harming women.
But being helpless and believing that men can't be stopped is wrong.
k for yourself,
it's not bu
llshit. Men wi
always try to contro
l wo
men through propaganda.
No. 1312083
at agen
da? I’
m ser
ious. Is
it more likely that tiktok i
s just f
them because they
rack up millio
ns and millio
ns of views?
you know they’re all about profit.
No. 1312108
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>>1312032you know there were actual female communes that actually existed, they failed just like every other hippie commune in the 70's, not because of the combined machinations of the patriarchy but because most of the people who went to those communes were idealistic Idiots, most people realized that is was hard work to live on a commune and the majority just left. Eventually, this led to what amounted to a small number of dedicated idealists busting their asses and doing all the work to support an equal number of freeloaders who didn't want to do the dishes. the idealists quit and the communes collapse. feminist communes failed even more miserably, cause they often refused to have a proper chain of command(cause that's patriarchal), banished with useful skills cause they didn't give away their male children and refused to work with male lumber companies or even park rangers and you know what was the end result of this, some gender studies professors got poison ivy and everyone wasted their time
No. 1312176

>>1312108samefag with all that said, there are women's only communities that have worked and currently prospering but they don't work the way most radfems imagine, Umoja village in Kenya, the Kihnu community in Estonia and Jinwar in Rojova(syria)
let's start with the oldest the Kihnu, you'll often see that claim the Kihnu are a matriarchal society(that's simply not true) cultures like the Kihnu have existed in small corners around the world, where due to harsh condition men do all the physical labor and women handle the administration, there are certain historical examples in various Nordic countries where all the able bodied men would spend months days or weeks hunting or fishing as a matter of survival for the community so the women were left to run things, Its not a perfect system but its better then what most women have historically have had to deal with
Umoja is recent example and it should serve as an example of exactly what to do if you want to establish a successful commune, they have a reliable method of income for the community(selling garments and textiles) they have relations with Kenyan government for protection if any rebel group tries to attack them, they build schools and hospitals with the income they have, they allow women with male children to be in their communities and thus they have a sustainable population growth
Jinwar was only established only in the past few years, it was created by the YPG for women and children, many of whom lost their husband's during the civil war, just like Umoja it operates on self substantiality, it has actual facilities to provide education and healthcare for the women and children living there, it has to work because these women literally have nothing else waiting for them
If a successful women's commune is ever created in the west, it has to follow these examples
>>1312118>>1312137you are missing the point, the women's commune in the past failed because they were created by upper class university students who expected a "Sapphic feminist utopia" and were surprised that rural living away from society was hard and required effort, that's the point I was trying to make
No. 1312429
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Good. Nobody wants you.
No. 1312976
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Anyone else see this, the daughter of Alexzander Dugin was murdered in a carbomb meant for him, fatsocs on twitter are celebrating her death claiming she deserved it cause of her father's politics
No. 1312984
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>>1312976The comments about her death by male leftists are despicable.
No. 1312994
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>>1312976She deserved it because of her own politics, she was a piece of shit who advocated for the invasion of Ukraine. The world is better without her.
No. 1313090
And you're not convincing anyone that a 95% genocide could actually be good, by pulling this quirky 'idea' out your glowing ass that it might be mostly men.
I wish people would stop conflating conspiracy with being edgy, extremist and random.
No. 1313998
>>1308796Only very few men are actually serious about being more traditional, because they identify it as a solution to rampant social dysfunction and prefer it for themselves.
'Trad' memes by zoomers are just that, memes, no one actually cares much about. If anything, it's just being vaguely edgy.
Worst are those who pretend at trad rhetoric while really just wanting to limit women and be sexual degenerates themselves.
And so-called trad is just an aesthetic to many now too.
No. 1317987
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Tradwife bot spam
No. 1318152
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I have been reading about various conspiracies. Mk ultra and mind control technology, chemtrails, fake wars, staged events, media and internet propaganda normalising violence fear hatred and degeneracy, sex trafficking, human trafficking, adrien chrome and organ harvesting, gangstalking, forum sliding, government programs to hurt civilians in various ways. Hard to give the full picture in one post. I don't understand why this would all be happening. For fun? For satanism? For money? Power? Control?
So these individuals, companies, or government organisations have insane budgets in the hundreds of billions and this is what they spend their time working on?
I understand the need for them to keep civilians weak so they can maintain their strength and power. But it all seems so unnecessary and unsatisfying to live this way.
When explaining a conspiracy theory by showing evidence of something 'off' taking place, one of the first demands people have is an explanation of motive. Which can be an unfair demand, in many cases it is a mystery yet to be solved, and should be approached with collaborative thinking instead of putting the conspiracy theorist on the spot.
In the spirit of collaboration, does anyone have any ideas as to why all these deceptions are taking place? What is the motive(s) of the people behind these events?
No. 1318158
>>1306584i'm the anon with the food company post. I don't remember sadly the name of the brand but it was in the 90's or early 2000's in europe, but it could be american brand anyway. I think there were even more brands with similar logos around that time because food in a pile logos were the shit back in the day and cornucopias and baskets and stuff like that were in the backround pf the logo often too.
I have ym personal mandela effect i remember there was a jam in a tube, like a tin toothpaste tube with orange and red jam and it was sold in the 90's. It was the most delicious jam there ever was and nobody remembers it, not even my family who bought i all the time
No. 1319879
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This is not a conspiracy per se but my phone has suddenly begun force opening my browser to these 2 websites. One is called "Meowrichy" and one is called "Facliu." They are trying to push stocks and loans. I tried to search the 2 on several search engines and I can only find Meowrichy itself and I cannot locate Facliu at all or anyone talking about either of them. When I tried to ban their permissions in my site settings the websites won't appear in the list. On a small level I am really annoyed and just want it to fucking stop. On a larger scale I am feeling creeped out and paranoid of if I fucked up my privacy on my phone. Anyone else experiencing this?
No. 1319959
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The whole weird core thing is so stupid and cringe but it seems like there might be some underlying sinisterness to it. Like a lot of it glorifies trauma or mental illness like every other place online but some of it sort of reminds me of those weird elsagate videos, it’s like maybe backmasking or something?
No. 1319972
Speaking of Elsagate, it’s not just Elsa and Spider-Man there’s this game that is like FNAF called Poppy’s Playtime and the Disney Jr show Bluey. Weird YouTube videos get made like that. Does anyone else have family who just let their kids watch whatever online? It’s annoying and not good for them especially with the weird shit kids watch.,.
And how come Disney is so lax with their shit being bastardized. I think it goes further than just whatever is popular. No. 1320041
>>1320033Maybe so but I'd assume very few people actually love all the stuff they hoard and keep it for other reasons (takes too much effort to declutter, guilt about wasting money or not selling/recycling/donating things, convincing themselves they'll need stuff one day or eventually fit into those small clothes, etc etc). So I don't think loving your stuff conflicts with having less stuff, for the most part.
Personally I'm only vaguely into minimalism and it's mostly for practical reasons like making cleaning easier, so I just avoid having too much furniture and covering surfaces in knick knacks and clutter. I definitely have a maximalist wardrobe because I love clothes but it doesn't accumulate dust so that's fine by me.
No. 1320081
>>1319972I remember clicking on some of those cartoon episodes compilations that are often on the front page of YouTube (at least in my country) and it's just so bad. A bunch of random short cartoon episodes one after another. Sometimes among things like Tom and Jerry or Spongebob you have these lowbudget cartoons with repetitive songs that almost look like they were made by an AI. And I've seen kids literally glued to that kind of videos in public, it's crazy. When I was a kid I remember watching cartoons only when they aired in TV in the morning and very rarely at night, now with tablets and phones kids can watch anything any time they want, except that no one "filters" the content for them.
Then again, a lot of cartoons have been ways to groom children for a long time because of the amount of pedophiles and fetishists in animation. It's scary how today a lot of those fetishists hide behing woke lgbt propaganda to put sexual and questionable content in children's media (eg Steven Universe and all the weird sex metaphors).
No. 1320472
>>1320228>>1320336Ok so there was this old hippy couple at the camp, they've been going there for ages and they know all the regulars and chat to all the newbies. They were very welcoming to my wife and I and even gave us a couple drinks and some food so we would swing by their camp most days for a chat. One day we're there and there's about five or so other people there chilling with them including Mr. Boner. We're talking about travel, football, the weather - normal people shit. Mr. Boner rants that the nation (we're in the UK) celebrating England women's football team winning the Euro's is distracting us from the "real stuff" and it's lowbrow. I love sports and like a moron I took the bait. I tell him the obvious, that people can care about more than one thing at once. Cheeky prick says "keep telling yourself that while people are homeless and dying horrible deaths,
muscles" (he was a skinnyfat nerd so I guess "muscles" was meant to insinuate I'm dumb because I'm in good shape? idk) and my wife naturally jumps to my defence, tells him we both work with charities and that I volunteer with the homeless, she tells him not to judge a book by it's cover and his response is to completely ignore the bit about judging me and go "yeah but you're not addressing the root cause! you're not AWAKE to how FUCKED the world is!" and I'm just, blindsided. The hippy guy says something like "hey, chill out, she's helping people and you're just ranting about it, she's not a politician, none of us are, what can we do besides be charitable?" and Mr. Boner just flies off the handle at this and takes on this aggressively preachy tone talking about how the world is totally screwed and even though we're "borge wah" we're heading towards resource wars, food shortages, and people are becoming more and more violent as we fight to stay alive - and this is when I notice a couple of people looking down at him, and yep, he's getting hard - Hippy couple interrupt again and tell him he's killing the vibe, we're on our holidays here so knock it off with the politics. Mr. Boner again accuses people of being ignorant and blind, and at this point people start leaving and calling him an asshole (which only emboldens him) but I'm just rooted to my spot like I'm watching a car crash. He's onto Ukraine now, war crimes in particular - murder, children dying, rape - and
this is when he's at full mast and the hippy lady finally puts her foot down and tells him to get the fuck away from her tent and to stop insulting and bothering her friends. He tells us we're all heading into a national crisis blind and that we'll never make it as he storms off with his boner swinging as wildly as his mood. Certifiably fucking insane. Honestly, I don't have a clue what his stances are because he was all over the place. He mentions class divide and the rich one minute but then swerves off into saying we need a strong military with nukes at the ready the next. More than anything he just seemed fixated on and excited by misery. We were all left completely speechless by the end of his rant, and naturally avoided the elephant in the room that was his physical excitement. After that the guy kept to himself (well, more like people avoided him because nearly half the campsite heard him shouting kek) and the next day we all gathered by the hippy couples tent to laugh about him. A lot of us were just awestruck by seeing such a psycho in the wild. Tell you one thing though, if the apocalypse does hit he's gonna be my first murder because I do not trust a man who gets aroused talking about such things. I've heard about male nudists getting "random boners" and that it's normal for healthy males but I thought that only happened to boys going through puberty? Even so, that was not random and that guy is fucking sick.
No. 1320473
>>1320185LMAO so they really do get the “prostate tingles.” I came up with this concept by myself purely with my brainpower, and turns out I’m completely right once again.
Their butt-nuts starts leaking neurotoxins into their bloodstreams whenever they get too excited (it’s partially the reason for their instability) and when it finally reaches their brains, it results in the aforementioned boner.
They get the best tingles in their tinky winky’s when they form groups with other males, i.e identification with political and religious organisations/institutions.
I can assure you that all guys in a debate team will eventually develop chubs. My heart goes out for all who had to sit silently in the audience through 2.5 hours of screaming adolescents and a room smelling increasingly of their sweat.
Their insatiable desire for mindless violence stems from this also, it simply
feels good.
All of their “ideas” are conjured because they want to feel the primitive joy of belonging among likeminded males or othering weaker males, but more than anything they want “Chad” to rape them in the ass and bust open their prostates.
You’ve probably heard of him before, he’s everywhere in popular culture. Apparently women are supposed to be obsessed with him but sadly I never even met the guy!
It has occurred to me that this isn’t even about us, rather men’s own schizophrenia. In the Freudian sense, Chad is the better male responsible for stimulating the tinky winky’s of lamer males. He is simultaneously an object of desire and the big bad enemy. The duality of man! Play with your prostate too much, you develop psychosis; be overprotective of its dignity and face the consequences of being forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle by becoming schizoid. All of these mental illnesses are doubly exacerbated by the Internet and Image-Based Capitalist Culture. The images consume them, they’re confused about what to do with their butts, it’s a sad and lonely world and their ‘friends’ want to rape them in the ass.
They want to be raped in the ass. They walk God’s green earth like zombies in a haze bringing destruction upon anywhere they wander.
They will never know peace.
What is a woman to do but sit back and laugh? It feels good to be made in God’s image and to be blessed with a soul, while the demons in human skin among us devour their own kind.
No. 1320481
>>1320472Incredible story anon, wow. I’m so sorry for the total retard who hopefully didn’t ruin your holiday! It is true men will get random boners, but an adult man being fully erect while going on a rant? That is
not it! I’m glad you had fun with the hippy couple, they sound cool. May your next (?) nudist camp experience be much more pleasant!
No. 1320518
>>1320493Oh yes of course, I was trying to explain the phenomenon of “Chad” and how it relates to prostate psychosis in males. Sorry if I branched out a bit too much from the original topic, but it was necessary. Men love misery and are born to die. Nothing excites them more than their own death.
As you said, they’re excited about raping women, not men. Desiring to get assraped is a different topic! Hopefully this clears things up.
No. 1320619
>>1320472>>1320473Anons did you just answer the "why are men" question?
I mean everyone knows they get off on the obvious, even violent shit. But now everything else makes a lot of sense. We just can't tell exactly when they're fully clothed or when they're on the internet. Every single thing they do really is because it gets them off literally huh? Every single war has been caused just because a man was hard about the idea probably. And then the men fighting against other men in the actual war probably get excited in that way too.
No. 1320847
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I genuinely believe we do live in a test simulation, because I am genuinely surprised that there are still indigenous people like this alive without humans nuking the fuck out of their island and eliminating them. I don’t even believe in time anymore, it’s not the fact that it’s just a simulation we live in but we live in a fake, plastici-y constructed fisher price world and these groups of people in picrel are actually living in the current world in real time. The rest of humanity was taken to some other form of reality, my guess probably early 20th century during the first technological advancements? I believe people do not even live in the same time intervals but can exist at the same time.
No. 1321905
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Hi nonnies I've been detoxing from tinfoil stuff and became mostly sane but every now and then I have to be schizo so here we go. The reason there is a surge in cannibalism-related media and articles is because a group of the extremely wealthy consumes human blood. The younger the better as they believe it's more potent, not even a new or made-up concept. I don't know the extent they go to get it as in just how unethical and on what scale but I mean go look up Peter Thiel who said it outright. Btw their beliefs around it are not the only reason, it's mainly for thrill and as a trendy secret club type deal. Expect to see more cannibalism-related content as Halloween approaches, beyond the usual vampire stuff of course. Also this doesn't mean you can't enjoy whatever media, I don't think they can actually brainwash us but they're doing this because they can and like I said it's trendy to them, people wanna share what they're into. Now I will be logging off and working to become sane again, thank you
No. 1322698
>>1322008I was trying to be all-encompassing with the term because I don't doubt some of them do consume it in weirder ways (as if that weren't weird enough)
>>1322469I saw the first few threads, it probably is something nefarious but a large amount of schizoposters get off-track. Probably isn't child trafficking but something else like
>>1322519 mentioned.
>>1322521Bless you right back nonna, hate how it happens at all but especially when we were trying to escape. I normally like dark and edgy content but not when it's being pushed on us by these creeps, ugh
No. 1325403
>>1306054Sad LC it's just finding out about how demonic the pill is. Some years ago you'd try to talk about this shit and get called a tradthot, even if it's painful obviously this crap was made for the convenience of men and the dispense of women. All the side effects and shit, also i saw the study about soy men having it easier to get laid with women drugged with the horse piss BC pills many years ago. This shit is nothing new nonnies.
It's every time harder for me to feel empathy for liberal women. Not ever conservative toths disrespect themselves and their bodies this much.
No. 1325418
>>1316506I think that anon was talking about pickme retards who enjoy being mistreated by mediocre men. I've met quite a few of them in my youth and they are always very ugly looking, mid at the very best, and tend to resent pretty women while not batting an eye when men around them do nasty shit.
I noticed the only women i know getting engaged and married are the worst type of pickmes for the most psychotic, predatory men I've known. These women truly look bottom barrel and i wonder if there is some genetics or hormonal disorders involved. They are not the kind of successful atractive people breeding propaganda and tradbots try to make you think that are the ones starting families.
No. 1325422
>>1306612I believe in the whole universe-shift ordeal, and I think it happens more often than many people would think.
Warning for boring personal example; I went to interview for a job in the spring and met some of the office members. I’m good at remembering small personal details about people. I talked with one worker and remember her telling me she was an accounting major and an RA in college. I took the job and just started recently, and when I talked to her again about her college anecdotes, she told me she was never an RA (and didn’t know where I got it from) and was actually a nursing major who decided on an office job at the last minute. I swear this is the same person, and I recognize the human mind is very prone to error, but I swore I knew what I heard.
No. 1326045
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I am surprised this was posted by the CBC.
No. 1329513
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If you were (in) a K-Pop star or group, would you rather…
>A: sing lyrics about debauchery and promiscuity as you are degrading yourself to dance like a slut for everyone’s entertainment while serving the dark forces whom are really in charge and not have a choice in the matter because you threw that away after signing the contract?
>B: sing praises to three generations of dictators while living in a communist regime where your performances are tightly controlled and are forbidden to sing about whatever the fuck you want unless it’s for the Kim family’s love for the people?
Either way man, Koreans are fucked.
No. 1330272
>>1320400taller women have higher metabolism, look better at higher weights, have long legs and are less likely to die in childbirth.
No. 1330718
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Anyone ever heard of Tracy Twyman? She was a long-term occult researcher, originally focused on Merovingian conspiracy. She was murdered a few years ago while researching child sex trafficking, shortly after much of her research was scrubbed from the internet.
No. 1330744
>>1330735It's occult sex magic, Doctor Sleep covers it fairly well without child rape but the idea is the same. Sex is a powerful way to transfer energy, and children have the purest energy of all. They're harvesting them, more or less.
For a less occult answer, sociopaths tend to comprise most of the 1% due to their ruthlessness, and sociopaths tend to derive pleasure from pain. Children have purer pain than adults because they're not yet jaded.
Finally, the 1% have initiations that involve creating blackmail materials so that new recruits can be trusted to adhere to the fold. Ironically enough, that right-wing cripple Madison Cawthorne started to discuss the weird sex parties he was introduced to in DC, and was immediately ex-comumunicated from the fold.
No. 1565017
>>1330735What the other replies said, especially powerful people being psychopaths by nature (imagine how fucked you’d have to be mentally to be in one of those English families that owns 90% of the country’s land? For generations, holding onto that land and wealth and never letting it go, killing and dealing with whoever you had to. kids raised up into new versions of the parents or pruned off. Incomprehensible levels of twisted family cycles.)
child rape is a power thing and/or repeated cycle of trauma thing so it fits perfectly with old money families
(take it to the new thread)