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File (hide): 1737338897181.jpg (246.14 KB, 800x1200, E-nc2H9VUAI7Hcy.jpg)

No. 2354818

>no baiting or responding to bait
>be a good American citizen
>No Non-americans allowed!

Previous threads:

No. 2354819>>2354823>>2354825>>2354898>>2355315

File (hide): 1737339025694.jpg (3.9 KB, 160x160, eepykawa.jpg)

op here…i hope this works and i chose the cutest alfred picture i could find…..

No. 2354823

Inauguration edition! This should be lotsa fun
don’t worry nonny, good work done! ♥

No. 2354825

File (hide): 1737339283169.jpeg (488.54 KB, 1125x793, 314157E8-C6A3-4E22-B7E7-B098FB…)

You did good nona

No. 2354829>>2354833>>2354836>>2354848

File (hide): 1737339596408.jpg (83.8 KB, 736x566, 1000004902.jpg)

I wish alfred was the president

No. 2354833

Alfred represents the people of the United States, so yeah that'd be very based

No. 2354836

The one time we get a sexy president that I would smash

No. 2354841>>2354845>>2354848>>2354852>>2354867>>2355089

Yall be wanting a 2D president before AOC….

No. 2354845

I would not feel happy if AOC became the first lady president, Alfred however? Fuck yes

No. 2354847>>2354849>>2354854>>2355089>>2360401

my local grocery store is 100% immigrant employees and almost all of them don't speak a lick of english. what is going on? how do you even get the job with zero english skills.

No. 2354848

File (hide): 1737340145300.jpg (180.45 KB, 700x700, EuMbwQ1VoAEgDsR.jpg)

I wish Alfred was real, he would be the perfect American man.
Unclench and enjoy the art nonna!

No. 2354849>>2354862

Where do you live? They probably pay them under minimum wage. That's the whole point of outsourcing workers and bringing in cheap labor

No. 2354852

We can get 2P Nyo!America if you want

No. 2354853

Threadpic is making me salivate

No. 2354854>>2354862>>2354868>>2354990

File (hide): 1737340351206.jpg (75.63 KB, 508x700, EQKvlPbU0AEhztt.jpg)

I hate Trump but mass deportations start soon so maybe that might change. Personally I don't shop at places who don't hire americans/english speakers

No. 2354862>>2354881>>2354928

it's a major grocery chain so i find it hard to believe that they're all working under the table and getting paid pennies.
i'm giving up food delivery too. my driver will be named alice or something and then a haitian guy who also doesn't speak english will show up to my door.

No. 2354867>>2354875

Even Trump is better than AOC

No. 2354868>>2354954

Trump isn't going to deport shit. Why do you keep believing him…

No. 2354872>>2354895>>2354899>>2355330>>2355799

File (hide): 1737341085512.jpeg (388.58 KB, 1125x1071, IMG_7530.jpeg)

I hate this tranny

No. 2354875

>girl Bernie Sanders is worse than Trump

No. 2354881>>2354888

If you're northeast it's probably an ugly indian scrote who has multiple accounts. And his cousins run every liquor/smoke shop within a 20 mile radius. Truly the backbone of the country kek.

No. 2354888

for a while it was indians but now it's venezuelans, colombians, and haitians.

No. 2354895

These insults dont make them look tough. Men are the weaker species. They always have to try this big-boy act. Pathetic scrotes.

No. 2354898

Appreciate you, anon!! Very cute Alfred pic

No. 2354899>>2354985

One time a nona tried to tell me JD vance was hot and I did a voodoo ritual to bitchslap some sense into her corrupted aura.
I hope she woke up.

No. 2354928>>2354947

That's what major companes want to do though. Pay pennies. Why do you think the minimum wage and salaries won't increase

No. 2354947

I wouldn't have an issue with minimum wage and salaries stagnating if inflation also stagnated. The issue is if we increase min wage then the fed just prints more money and rich resource hoarding addict assholes inflate crap way more than before.
This system simply isn't sustainable. I dont think you need to be a commie to say that capitalism simply isn't working for anyone except rich people who have more money than they know what to do with.

No. 2354954

He took away our abortion rights so that fat pimple better deport as many illegals as possible.

No. 2354959>>2355442

Hasan Piker is the perfect example of why anchor babies and birthright citizenship shouldn’t be a thing

No. 2354985

>One time a nona tried to tell me JD vance was hot
Jesus. Be careful out there nonas. It's a dangerous world

No. 2354990

He won’t. Theyre sending what, 200 ICE agents to Chicago on Tuesday? A quick google search shows theres about 1.7 million immigrants living there. Mass deportations is just too ambitious and expensive

No. 2355024

File (hide): 1737350430209.jpeg (202.29 KB, 1125x321, IMG_7532.jpeg)

We are in hell

No. 2355089

they probably hire family members

he can be president after AOC

No. 2355242>>2355255

File (hide): 1737368024680.png (1.26 MB, 600x880, 1718577878433.png)

hello fellow americans

No. 2355255

No. 2355308

File (hide): 1737372478136.png (11.51 KB, 726x157, toktik.png)

No. 2355315>>2356136

I hate to say it but this is the first time I’m attracted to America and I now have the sudden urge to watch Hetalia

No. 2355330>>2355442

The sheer unprofessionalism is really, really scary. I don’t think I have to say what these freaks will do to women’s rights seeing as they loathe the ERA. I fear this country will crash and burn and nobody will do anything to stop it.

No. 2355442>>2355509>>2355700

imagine if he deported to turkey
It's always the whiny losers you have to watch out for, nothing is ever good enough for their ego

No. 2355509>>2355998>>2356640

File (hide): 1737385629630.png (1 MB, 1027x777, domain-of-the-queen.png)

Outside of PT in the wild is the area of the Texas coast between Houston and Corpus Christi a good place to live?

No. 2355700

File (hide): 1737390818252.jpeg (27.15 KB, 524x329, Fm1CIcZaYAMv96e.jpeg)

>imagine if he deported to turkey

No. 2355752>>2355772>>2355828>>2355958>>2356173

File (hide): 1737392838456.jpg (91.47 KB, 1198x798, GhwB8cVXgAAfStU.jpg)

know your enemy

No. 2355772

File (hide): 1737393511933.png (267.04 KB, 674x383, charlie.png)

No. 2355796>>2355800>>2355804>>2355805>>2356023>>2356066

We are fucked. We are absolutely fucked. We have a dictator.

No. 2355799>>2355857

i'm hoping vance is outted as the faggot he is

No. 2355800>>2355811>>2356066>>2356345

America was kinda cool while it lasted but I genuinely think we are in the last throes of this nation. In a few decades some really crazy shit will happen and I think our country will be split into separate territories.

No. 2355804>>2356066

Seeing my generation become addicted to social media (which is now just pure propaganda 24/7) and refuse to get their asses off of it is making me extremely depressed. Trump is an attention whore ran by the dollars of autistic tech CEOs.

No. 2355805>>2356066

i'm trying to watch the inaugural address but i have to keep turning it off… this is so upsetting nonas

No. 2355808

File (hide): 1737394519605.gif (7.02 MB, 700x394, 3cab3da0ebf0c6c00db73c7cf03dc3…)

i'm pumped bcus 2016-2020 was fucking awesome lets fucking go i'm swimming in the gulf of AMERICA this summer

No. 2355810

Did he just say he's renaming the Gulf of Mexico? Wtf

No. 2355811>>2355813>>2355815>>2355821

Admitting to
>taking over the panama canal
>something dumb about mckinley
>says china is operating the Panama canal [another false flagging fearmongering bullshit take]
>changing gulf of Mexico to gulf of America
>only two genders

jfc.. no wonder this coward went inside. he's going to put us into needless wars which will actually hike fucking prices.

No. 2355813>>2355820>>2357251

>the united states will consider itself a growing nation
>raises our expectations
>we will pursue out manifest destiny into the stars to plants the stars and strips on the planet mars


No. 2355815>>2355820

The only two genders thing is kind of irrelevant.

No. 2355817

the male and female thing doesn't mean much to me he could still support trannies

No. 2355819

Trump is looking extra orange today

No. 2355820

>our nation is sooo ambitious
>the spirit of the frontier is in our hearts
>the next great adventure resounds in our souls
>no one comes close
>the American people have spoken

Im including it because he's taking away states rights. it is relevant in the sense that he keeps saying states keep their rights, yet he is doing national enforcements.

No. 2355821>>2355825>>2355829

yeah trump is really gonna push us into wars unlike biden who… wait. hmm
you nonas gotta get your heads on straight bcus as long as you're not in this country illegally shit is gonna get a lot better and i for one am excited. stop being retarded

No. 2355822>>2355826>>2355833

Do we think he'll do any of what he says or do we think this another "build the wall" scam to keep the retarded masses excited while he does fuckall but make things worse.

No. 2355825>>2355852

How will healthcare get better exactly, or unions?

No. 2355826

He will just scam everyone and make himself richer like always. Maybe with a touch of dementia and political revenge this time

No. 2355828

Zuck was hitting on Bezos’ fiancée he tryna fuck

No. 2355829>>2355852

Giving old military tech that is out of date to another country is not the same as being active in their war. You can always smell the bait.

No. 2355831>>2355835>>2355836>>2355838>>2355849>>2355872>>2356356

File (hide): 1737394908210.png (47.4 KB, 985x474, 7830044.png)

i don't care how much she capes for trannies. i clapped. and cheered.

No. 2355832>>2355841

Lmao technical difficulty with Carrie underwood’s song

No. 2355833

Doesn't he have a limited amount of executive orders he can do?

No. 2355834

he looks fucking insane why is he quirking his head like that

No. 2355835

AOC 100 year regime after the great 2027 recession

No. 2355836

No. 2355837>>2355840

that felt staged as hell

No. 2355838

AOC for president 2028.

No. 2355840

Yeah, these are planned, anon.

No. 2355841

she's really fighting with her vocal chords on this one

No. 2355849

She needs to be our next President

No. 2355852>>2355861

how did biden make either of those things better either? financially we'll be much better off
oh yeah directly supplying arms/ammunitions and troops to the borders of a foreign country in war with another foreign hostile country, using the taxes out of american's paychecks isn't "being active in war"? get real

No. 2355857

I hope it comes out that he has a prolapsed asshole

No. 2355860>>2355871>>2356356

i'm evil but i'm tech and i hope his reign improves the industry somewhat and i can start feeling like i'm middle class (it's ridiculous that at 30 usd an hour i can't live on my own without being paycheck to paycheck)

No. 2355861>>2355866>>2355882

Kek anon republican lobbyists are already trying to get rid of Medicare insulin caps. The disadvantaged of this country will be even more in the shitter. So much for "prolife".

No. 2355864

Based male and female only

No. 2355866>>2355882

Like any republican supporter cares. They support the oligarchy and don't give a shit about republicans being corporate shills. Anyone who supports trump is literally delusional if they think he'll make anyone richer but himself and the rest of the republican party

No. 2355870

at least this guy has some vocal style

No. 2355871

i wanted to break into tech but even under his presidency i have zero hope at this point.

No. 2355872>>2355873

ngl I appreciate how she doesn't just fall in line like most other dems

No. 2355873>>2355876

she has a target on her back because of that. i would not be surprised if she mysteriously goes missing or they start some huge slander campaign against her soon

No. 2355876

There was a huge slander campaign against her because she didn't automatically quit her job and condemn every one of her coworkers as bloodthirsty genociders.

No. 2355882>>2355897

americans have been unable to afford life-saving medical care for forever, including under obama. thats an issue that is going to require more than just the changing of a president or the majority party of a government.
you can call me whatever you like. every politician is a shill. trump supporters just like the fact that he at least pretends to care about americans, which is far more than we've gotten from democrats.

No. 2355884>>2356278

barron straight up did not GAF the whole time kek

No. 2355891

my eggs are a jillion dollars

No. 2355897>>2355902>>2355917

>far more than we've gotten from democrats
How? Unless you like ignoring things like the Pact Act, forgiving student debt, and (although feebly) attempting to pass the ERA, I guess that checks out. Otherwise, you are just completely delusional.

No. 2355902

No matter what people say about the Biden student debt relief thing he has really saved my poor ass and my boyfriend had his student debt completely forgiven as he is a government worker. That in itself is showing way more love to the American people than whatever the fuck Shit Pants McGee will lie about to our faces.

No. 2355906

I like Melania’s outfit

No. 2355912>>2355915>>2356775

File (hide): 1737397027817.png (388.54 KB, 817x622, 1756574389.png)

They're all besties

No. 2355915

Melania is doing a gender bent Hat Man cosplay, and despite Biden's Swiss cheese brain he still mogs fatty orange flabby Trump.

No. 2355917>>2355918>>2355928

>pact act
okay great
>student debt forgiveness
was a failure for the most part
>attempted, didn't actually pass equal rights act into the constitution
would i trade all of the above for flooding the country with 3 million immigrants, spending over 100 billion on ukraine, and more on israel and taiwan? not to mention pushing all of the tranny shit down our throats? nah

No. 2355918>>2355939>>2356055

The student debt wasn't a failure kek it was being halted by your retarded political party also government workers and people who went to scam colleges had their shit totally wiped, that's quite a lot of American people. So it was a success for many Americans.

No. 2355921>>2355939

File (hide): 1737397380851.png (332.58 KB, 438x409, 247564735.png)

Trump lover nonna reminds me of this girl but in a worse way.

No. 2355922

Ugly ass Vance, he looks like moldy pork humanized

No. 2355923>>2355925>>2355927>>2355930>>2356971

File (hide): 1737397472762.png (1.2 MB, 598x790, IMG_8798.png)

No. 2355924

Vance cursing on national television what a fucking retard.

No. 2355925

If we all focus hard enough this will happen and we will all be free of his ugly South African mug.

No. 2355927>>2355933

I have this picture hung up on my wall. Every day I pray someone blows this fucking idiot's brains out. If it was on television that would be great.(alogging)

No. 2355928>>2355939

But spending those billions trying to annex Canada or Greenland, replacing American stem workers with visa ones, and stripping women of their rights instead is cool and all. B-but at least the government knows what a woman is! And Pablo is gone! Right? Fucking please lmfao

No. 2355930

>If I loved him any leth
>I’d make him thtay
>But he hath to be the betht
>Player of Gameth

No. 2355933

Unfortunately we will never have live TV assassinations anymore because of the 10(?) second delay for broadcasting, I hope the crazy scrote who does it will be livestreaming though. I would laugh may ass off at the flood of donations he'd get soon after he pulls the trigger kek.

No. 2355939>>2355941

>my retarded political party
anon i'm not a republican and its not my fault that some of you can't think in anything other than black and white
please. lets stop pitting quirked up white girls against each other
the h1b visa stuff is an elon thing and i'd personally like for tesla workers to go berserk and take a day off building cars to build a big microwave and put him in it.

No. 2355941>>2355948

Oh my bad you're just wrong in general, thanks for correcting me.

No. 2355948>>2355955

File (hide): 1737398212804.gif (22.29 KB, 275x250, 1736304355631.gif)

ur welcome

No. 2355955>>2355960

Maybe learn to read.

No. 2355958>>2355965>>2356087

who's the asian guy next to zuckerberg?

No. 2355960>>2355974

i can't i agreed with a republican once so they took my hands and eyes and rights away

No. 2355965>>2355982>>2356054>>2356074

…..that's his wife im pretty sure

No. 2355974>>2355990

You type like a musty shower-adverse nonbinary with danger hair.

No. 2355982>>2356049

that's unfortunate

No. 2355990

File (hide): 1737399016264.png (264.85 KB, 800x600, projection.png)

No. 2355998

if you want to live in old white retiree communities sure, rockport's slightly more affluent, i heard there are some famous ppl w retirement homes there. it's all conservative though, even the minorities are often pro-maga

No. 2356023

Kek leopards eating people’s faces

No. 2356033>>2356730>>2356740

File (hide): 1737399839202.png (105.56 KB, 500x500, 1679599721647362.png)

Bernie…please give us another chance bernie…

No. 2356043

i don’t actually think he’s going to follow through with mass deportations which is sad but oh well

No. 2356044>>2356062>>2356064>>2356741>>2359189

File (hide): 1737400078739.jpg (302.51 KB, 1638x2048, 1000001017.jpg)

I keep seeing this pic of Vance and his wife, and they both just look so bad to me. He looks like he was squeezed into that suit, and her shoulders are huge.

No. 2356049

why? they're both ugly

No. 2356051

they both look completely normal

No. 2356053

Did you reply to the wrong anon?

No. 2356054

It's Bezos' wife not Zuckerbergs.

No. 2356055>>2356071

>have 11k in student loans
>school was pretty fucking scammy but i didn’t know when i was 18
>school literally shut down a couple years after i graduated
>did not get my shit forgiven

No. 2356059

File (hide): 1737400388550.png (929.02 KB, 923x927, pedo.png)

Even on his last fucking day…

No. 2356062>>2356365

Why does his face look so fucking bloated

No. 2356064

This picture is going to give transvestigators so much material lmao

No. 2356066>>2356072>>2356083

No. 2356071>>2356082

Did you even sign up for student debt relief though?

No. 2356072>>2356076

It hasn't in this regard.

No. 2356074>>2356075>>2356078>>2356079>>2356089

File (hide): 1737400615203.webp (165.14 KB, 1096x798, Arsham-4.webp)

Reminder that Zuckerberg is not human and made this alien-looking, bigger-than-life-size statue of his wife.

No. 2356075

*commissioned, not made, I'm dumb

No. 2356076>>2356081

I know mental illness has always been interwoven into Lolcow's history, but at least some nonnas used to have common sense, too.

No. 2356078

I actually think this is the only thing about Zuckerberg that I've ever found nice

No. 2356079

Eww you mean he commissioned it right? I don’t think Zuck made it with his bare hands

No. 2356081>>2356085

Yeah you don't know what you're talking about.

No. 2356082>>2356086

yep, i did it as soon as it was possible to. literally never heard anything after that

No. 2356083

oh no some criticized the orange god king Lolcow is so over

No. 2356085>>2356090>>2356106>>2356114

How long have you been here, then? Since you seem to believe you know more than me. Go on.

No. 2356086

So you applied only once?

No. 2356087

Kek nona that’s his wife Priscilla Chan

No. 2356089

this is sweet though

No. 2356090

Woah defensive much?

No. 2356106


No. 2356108>>2356111>>2356118>>2356120>>2356155>>2356177

File (hide): 1737401348767.jpg (78.49 KB, 1223x1365, 1000001018.jpg)

I'm just catching up on inauguration stuff, and I genuinely didn't believe this is what Melania wore kekkkk. You would've thought she was attending a funeral.

No. 2356109>>2356112

>There are only two genders: male and female


No. 2356110>>2356131

Did the inauguration happen? I refuse to give it a view

No. 2356111

I love it. Reminds me of Coco Chanel

No. 2356112

trannies believe they are male and female, you know this right? this literally means nothing

No. 2356114

"kyles got sand in his vagina"

No. 2356118>>2356137>>2356171

File (hide): 1737401486990.jpeg (124.5 KB, 675x1000, IMG_4457.jpeg)

She wants to be Janet Jackson bad

No. 2356120>>2356553

Not a Trump fan but Melania has style here. How she can put up with that bloated faggot boggles my mind.

No. 2356129

The biggest lels for me were
>audio fail like it's a fucking middle school stage play
>Musk being high on drugs and completely zoned out during the whole speech, then cheering like a fucking retard he is when Trump mentioned Mars
I had a few laughs ngl

No. 2356131


No. 2356136>>2356139

He's MY husbando. Back off.

No. 2356137

No. 2356139

He’s AMERICA’s husbando, comrade

No. 2356149>>2356152>>2356157>>2356158

File (hide): 1737402288812.png (78.49 KB, 460x277, Ghv3-lsXQAA_RSv.png)

This aged very well, kek

No. 2356152

Kamala Challengers AU where she forces her husband and Don to tongue kiss and fellate each other for her amusement.

No. 2356155

File (hide): 1737402469700.jpg (76.42 KB, 362x530, 2294db0a0ee9ddeb338946f9aad116…)

Reminds me of a gaucho hat. Hell she should've dressed up as a gaucho, that would've been great.

No. 2356157

This is super fake

No. 2356158

This can't be real

No. 2356171

damn this chick is botched to hell

No. 2356173

If you're rich and still look like shit you should be shot on sight, for the good of the people of course.

No. 2356177

She looks like she's attending a funeral. Fitting tbh, she is probably thinking ah shit, here we go again.

No. 2356211>>2356214>>2356221>>2356373>>2357677

File (hide): 1737404979801.jpg (73.87 KB, 1170x653, Ghww0KDWIAAogHm.jpg)

nazi salute stim

No. 2356214>>2356298

Did he seriously do a nazi salute.

No. 2356221

God, he's even making a stupid ass face like he's straining to do that. Severely autistic.

No. 2356225>>2356232>>2356303

If elon runs for president during the next election I'll kill myself. Everything he's been doing lately seems like it's a build up for his future campaign

No. 2356232>>2356237

he was born in south africa, he can’t run nona

No. 2356237

Kek I forgot about that

No. 2356278

He's busy thinking about his anime waifus and OCs.

No. 2356298>>2356300>>2356349>>2356353>>2356372>>2356379>>2356419>>2356445>>2356492>>2356578>>2357677

File (hide): 1737406984245.mp4 (830.12 KB, 854x480, m2-res_480p.mp4) [play once] [loop]

yea here's the video

No. 2356300

>the grunt of effort

No. 2356303>>2356366

Elon can’t run for president cause you gotta be a natural born US citizen to be eligible to run nona

No. 2356345

we were warned in the 90s but we are too brainwashed and retarded to organize and kill these awful leaders.
Aliens would see us and be like "theres like 10 guys here, they are making your life hell. There's like 10000000000 humans fucking kill them"

No. 2356349

Oh my fucking God, he's retarded.

No. 2356353>>2356367

He looks so fucking retarded and braindead after doing that salute. It's as if he put so much energy into it that it drained his battery.

No. 2356356>>2356367

The Amerilard slave fears the rape hater
It's only going to get worse under a republican. They ALWAYS fuck the economy. I hate the tranny identity politics that dems retardedly embrace instead of just focusing purely on making life affordable after blowing the ass out of inflation to the point where you need to make 100 dollars and hour to live middle class because if they just ignored that shit republicans probably would have gone extinct in the 90s.

No. 2356365

Nona, I know you and I are normal human beings with souls and feelings, but when you become that evil, demons start to alter your appearance.

Also its likely a side effect of some gay exclusive std

No. 2356366

They might change that though to push him in

No. 2356367>>2356382

He's so subhuman it hurts.
God they need to drop the tranny shit because republicans hold it over our heads despite your average dem voter not even being that supportive of troons. dems need to give this squeaky clean shit up because we have billionaires up on stage seig heiling. We're still feeling the effects of every shitty republican presidency economically. Im so tired of the masses voting red just to feel subversive.

No. 2356370>>2356381

The fucking irony of Martin Luther King day being the same day as dump's inauguration. I want to leap into the Potomac

No. 2356372

this that neanderthal DNA in full effect

No. 2356373>>2356376

I cant believe our first autistic president is him and not chris chan… The merge is never gonna happen………..

No. 2356376

if you think about it, elon musk is just chris chan if he was rich

No. 2356379

what the actual fuck

No. 2356381

I mean the FBI killed MLK and the family had to literally fight for what he did for America to even be recognized as a holiday because white people hated his ass so much.

No. 2356382>>2356655

I hold onto hope that either AOC sees tranny hate is actually cool (kind of pathetic but better peaked late than never)
Since we are allowing foreigners to become president now…
We just elect JK Rowling.
She would be turbo based and only allow in female immigrants.

No. 2356389>>2356394>>2356398>>2356402

Not gonna lie, if you're still using twitter after this you are retarded. same goes with any social media site that has a ceo sucking trumps dick. but ESPECIALLY twitter. mother fucker seig heiled and I'm supposed to believe the content on that site is legit? fuck off

No. 2356394>>2356397

I just use this and discord.
Should I bail on discord?

No. 2356397

Discord is fine from what I've seen

No. 2356398

adblock and inspect element block is your bestfriend for using xitter. I still have artists I like that use it so I just stay on the following page and ignore everything else. Mobile is fucked though, no point in using it

No. 2356402>>2356425

unfortunately my favorite asian artist still uses it and they're the only reason I have a twitter account

No. 2356416>>2356421

How are all the Trumpies who wanted TikTok banned coping with the fact it isn't banned?

No. 2356419

It's so over

No. 2356421>>2356428

Well theyre happy because the fact it's unbanned is being used as propaganda for trump by shou. None of these techies are on our side.

No. 2356425>>2356454

I really wish all the Eastern artists got the memo that Twitter is an awful site.

No. 2356428

I know a Trumpie who wanted it banned so badly though, I should ask

No. 2356433>>2357068

can someone tell me what the fuck is the end goal?
Is it really about dying with the most money to your name?

No. 2356439>>2356460

File (hide): 1737410564325.png (251.45 KB, 594x516, lolmao.png)


No. 2356445

File (hide): 1737410759424.jpeg (98.51 KB, 1125x597, IMG_7595.jpeg)

this feels so fucking surreal

No. 2356454

Some have surprisingly started posting on tumblr again but I don't have much hope, it just sucks when they've made over 1k posts on twitter

No. 2356455

so nonnies do we think Claire is going to come out and explain away Elon's sieg heil? We should start placing bets on what she'll say…

No. 2356459>>2356461>>2356463

JD vance doesn’t seem like a horrible choice for vice president! I’m loving his kohl eyeliner kek

No. 2356460

Is it because working alongside Musk was too unbearable

No. 2356461>>2356466>>2356467

Unfortunately hates unmarried women and childfree adults, so that might impact farmers in those categories

No. 2356463

No. 2356466>>2356483>>2356521>>2356548

So did george bush but we survived him didn’t we

No. 2356467

Yeah well I hate closeted faggots. Looks like we're at a stale mate Mr. Vance

No. 2356483>>2356520

I'm so sick of you retards acting like everyone's being hysterical. It's so fucking annoying. If you don't actually care then just say that instead of being a contrarian faggot

No. 2356486

I'm feeling pretty down about everything with this being my future. I hope things change but I'm so scared.

No. 2356488

i wanna take a pill that puts me to sleep for 4 years

No. 2356492>>2356508>>2356511

Is this really a nazi salute or is he just severely autistic? I can't believe this.

No. 2356508

It very obviously is. Some lameass excuse will come out like “it’s what they did in Rome!” but absolutely nobody who saw that believes it to be anything but a Nazi signal.

No. 2356511

search your feelings, you know it to be true

No. 2356520>>2356522>>2356527>>2356562

I don't believe anyone here is behaving hysterically, I was just saying I liked his eyeliner and didn’t think he was the worst vice president we’ve had, which is true there have been shittier VP's

No. 2356521

I was in elementary school during that period kek

No. 2356522

File (hide): 1737413141563.gif (3.46 KB, 120x68, 1736536157648.gif)

sick of you bumping the thread with your bullshit, he looks like a golem with or without the eyeliner. just shut up already

No. 2356527>>2356528

He hasn't even started

No. 2356528

I meant was as in thats what I was saying in my original comment kek

No. 2356530>>2356539>>2356540>>2356546>>2356665>>2356683>>2356720>>2356726>>2356874

How do we push anti-tranny movement without being right wing?

No. 2356539>>2356573>>2356656>>2356660>>2356715>>2356718>>2356726>>2356739

Stop fear mongering about them and realize they make up less than 1% of the population and transfer your fear of trans people onto your fear of losing your reproductive rights because that’s what y’all lost in order to have “there are only 2 genders” in law. Good job

No. 2356540

You don't, Americans (I am a burger) are too retarded to see issues for what they are and will label everything as left versus right, or right versus wrong (or vice versa depending on the person), there's no nuance or subtlety anymore and you can't have opinions that span both sides of the false spectrum without being some sort of traitor, or being thrown down the middle chute and into the trash.

No. 2356546

I think most normal people are getting tired of dealing with mentally ill transgender people, either as parents or having them as coworkers

No. 2356548>>2356562

nyart but bush was the guy who effectively hammered the final nail in the coffin of the American dream. He fucked up the economy and when he left he took the housing market with him.
Also he fucked over American education, allowed companies more leeway to spy on us, and wasted a shitload of American tax dollars in Iraq.
Bush was an awful president, and we don't survive them, presidents like him leave behind a legacy that makes life harder for future generations.

No. 2356552>>2356808>>2356811

File (hide): 1737414154001.png (148.78 KB, 348x290, Screenshot 2025-01-20 at 3.00.…)

Who is this sitting with Trump's grandkids?

No. 2356553

she's tougher than any US marine…

No. 2356562

You're minimizing what another piece of shit did to compliment JD Vance. You're a retard. You saying "we survived bush" is implying that people are unreasonable for being worried about this new retarded presidency.

No. 2356566>>2356568

Trump, Elon and JD Vance all die, Melania takes over.

No. 2356568>>2356980

Melania reveals that she was in a lesbian relationship with AOC. The parties merg into a gigaterf political party
Rowling replaces Elon as the foreign shadow ruler

No. 2356573

YEP. Epic feminism win

No. 2356578>>2356629>>2356631>>2356709>>2356756>>2356757>>2356759

the way he did it twice

No. 2356625

how can yall watch this shit. i turned it on for two minutes this morning and they were doing back to back prayers. turned it right off

No. 2356629

God can this toad have a massive coronary already.

No. 2356631

This bloated flat faced egg head faggot doesn't make any of you angry enough imo. Someone from the crowd please throw a shovel at his cranium PLEASEEE

No. 2356633>>2356658


No. 2356637>>2356638>>2356657

Going to explode his head with telekinesis

No. 2356638>>2356653>>2356689

If this actually happens I'm telling on you

No. 2356640

do not move here it sucks

No. 2356653

Snitches get stitches nonnie

No. 2356655>>2356659

AOC was never on your side, anon.

No. 2356656

What if I want abortion legal AND I hate trannies?

No. 2356657

If this happens I will try to study telekinesis so I can explode the heads of all my enemies.

No. 2356658

We haven't even had an "american" president since the bush era bro. Both parties are just nu american trash

No. 2356659

Oh and Trumplon totally has my back, huh?

No. 2356660>>2356673>>2356733

You've been saying this ever since the elections reared its ugly head. I gotta ask, is this thread mostly just populated by left-leaning anons? I could've sworn that before there were a lot more anons with different political opinions, or even just different opinions. Now it really is starting to feel like a hivemind.

No. 2356665>>2358936

I'm an anti tranny lesbian and I'm open about it. Don't use the slogans they use, don't cheer on their legislation, don't make peace with them. Use "radical feminist" rather than just "terf" because terf centers trannies to much and radical feminism is already tranny exclusionary. Make it clear you go after all men and not just troons, but also make it clear you go after troons. Put massive respect on earlier gay rights and women rights efforts and shun the trans rights movements and emphasize that progressives need to drop it. People telling you to not be anti tranny are retarded. A pretty big amount of dem voters believe that trannies have gone too far with it and they need an outlet before they shift to the republicans' side anymore.

No. 2356673>>2356691

I mean when you have some obese autistic faggot on stage who hates women, thinks we take up too much space, and should just breed, seig heiling on stage. You're not going to see many people in support of that kek

No. 2356683

Exactly this. Not being able to go to college or work without a creepy tranny spawning and sperging out takes a terrible toll on everyday life.

No. 2356689

Nobody likes a snitch.

No. 2356691

Everything about that man is repugnant and it's disappointed that he isn't bullied away. Fucking Chris Chan of South Africa I hope he dies

No. 2356705>>2356714>>2356949

File (hide): 1737420483415.webp (81.99 KB, 1024x682, trump-migrants-asylum-cbp-one-…)

He's already shut down the CBP One app. Picrel is a woman reacting to her appointment being cancelled. I wonder what all the Hispanics, Latinos and people born to immigrant parents (or people who are immigrants themselves) that voted for him are thinking.

>Tears and disappointment flowed Monday after newly sworn-in President Donald Trump cut off a mobile app that allowed migrants to apply to enter the U.S. legally as asylum-seekers. All pending appointments made with the app have been canceled, too.

>The CBP One app was set up under the Biden administration as a way to curb people crossing the southwest border illegally to request asylum. Once it went into effect, it was the only way for people to get an appointment to request asylum.

>Monday afternoon, Customs and Border Protection posted on its website that the app was no longer available for that purpose and “existing appointments have been canceled.” Some 280,000 people were logging into the app daily to secure an appointment as of Jan. 7, according to Reuters.


No. 2356709>>2356711>>2356713>>2356743

File (hide): 1737420559587.jpeg (682.24 KB, 1179x1498, IMG_1003.jpeg)

This is truly the most retarded time to live in and it’s not even 12 hrs into his fucking presidency.

No. 2356710>>2356716

this shit is heartbreaking for real. why must the us be such an exhausting and stupid country

No. 2356711

It's obvious as fuck he wanted people to pretend it was accidental.

No. 2356713

I thought that said AOL, the email service, at first and was so confused as to why they would be addressing that

No. 2356714>>2356825

Good. This was one of the biggest, shittiest loopholes that let in illegal immigrants by the droves. And all you had to do was claim asylum, then when your asylum case comes up in court 3 years later, you'd have vanished into thin air. Fuck off and apply for citizenship the legal way.

No. 2356715>>2356727

they will hate you for speaking the truth nonna but i agree. we lost so much for a petty gain today

No. 2356716>>2356724>>2357182

No one's forcing you to live here, anon. You're more than welcome to leave if it doesn't suit you.

No. 2356718>>2356723>>2356725

Easy for you to say. I see them every fucking day. I work with one who dresses & acts VERY creepy. Always wears pink & child-like clothing, tries to act like a little girl & based on things he's said I suspect he's viewed CP. I've started to fear going to the bathroom at work. It shouldn't matter, but I am a survivor. I cannot say anything bc I live in a tranny safe haven & cannot afford to leave. I hate Trump, I hate Vance even more, I'm pro-choice. Girls & women can deserve to both feel safe & have reproductive rights. Sorry for the blogging, but both are vital.

No. 2356720>>2358936

Make it explicitly pro-woman and anti-male.

No. 2356723

>It shouldn't matter, but I'm a survivor
Now let's see which leftie anon in here has the gall to disagree with you after reading that. Give it a few minutes, let's see.

No. 2356724>>2356729

nta but this is such a dumb argument and possibly the dumbest one ever. You were able to leave for the last four years you were unhappy with the last administration. But you didn't to enact change within this country. Do you think everyone who hated george bush in the 2000's left the country? No they voted for obama in 2008. retard.

No. 2356725>>2356785

That’s probably the tranny that has been lurking for days nonna

No. 2356726

get retards like >>2356539 to peak

No. 2356727

if anything trump winning will be disastrous even for rf communities. supporters of women's rights (even if skewed thru "birthing bodies" and other vague gendie rhetoric) are more likely to be liliths and aidens than maga hat lovers. we're all going to have to be very buddy buddy to survive this

No. 2356729

don't respond to trolls anon

No. 2356730>>2356752

He can still win!

No. 2356733>>2356763

Are you trying to imply that thinking our current political shitshow is going to make life harder for our children is somehow left leaning?

No. 2356739>>2356747

Tell that to the Democratic Party who has been bending over to this small percentage and changed laws to place MALES in front of women. You can care about more than one thing retard, and despite the tranny shit I still didn’t vote for Trump.
But you can’t sit here and not admit that the democratic campaign was bullshit, they should have focused on real life issues and placed them at the forefront. The brat Kamala was retarded too.

No. 2356740>>2356752

One more run bernie… it'll work this time I swear

No. 2356741

He walks like a penguin Kek

No. 2356743>>2356755>>2356774

Are you seriously posting a tweet by the ADL?

No. 2356747

When did the Kamala campaign mention tranny shit?

No. 2356751

The vote will be 99% write-ins for Donald Trump ala Xi Jinping.

No. 2356752>>2356758>>2356984

File (hide): 1737421959032.jpg (41.8 KB, 736x502, 25 Relatable Moods Bernie Sand…)

I doubt Bernie will run again, unfortunately. Even if he does, he likely won't win. I feel like Bernie is too genuine and "for the people" to actually win a presidential election. Also, wasn't the democratic party against him running?

No. 2356755

literally had the same reaction anon but we're in the minority that gets shouted down by people repeating the same shit as >>2356742 kek this thread is in a sad state right now

No. 2356756

He does the same grunt of effort twice as well, disgusting obese pig.

No. 2356757

File (hide): 1737422169837.jpg (60.08 KB, 640x791, GhxY7M3W8AAUXrm.jpg)

No. 2356758

A candidate like Bernie only stands a chance once Boomers and Gen X die out. They were the ones who got brainwashed into thinking anything that is for the good of the people is "communist" and that's the one label that Bernie kept getting stuck on him.

No. 2356759

He literally is stomping around like a retard. I'm not trying to even be funny when I saw that it looks like someone just picked an overgrown kid out of a sped class and let him go on stage. And that "okay" annoyed me.

No. 2356760

>pretends the PAST four years didn't exist
Man, stop.

No. 2356763>>2356766

What shitshow? Thus far, he's made an Executive Order mandating what a woman is. Exactly how is that a shitshow?

No. 2356766>>2356767

File (hide): 1737422759256.png (83.31 KB, 317x252, wlkjfhgbenkd.png)

This one

No. 2356767>>2356769>>2356770

And that's going to affect the machinations of our government how, exactly…?

No. 2356769>>2356773

Because he's funding it and injecting nazi ideology into it..?

No. 2356770>>2356773>>2357032

Nta but Elon is literally in the government now

No. 2356773>>2356781>>2356822

As opposed to figuratively? You need to learn how to use the word "literally" correctly, anon.
How, exactly? (And if you're that same anon who was talking this same kind of rhetoric during the elections and I asked you for proof and you said 'Google it", I'm gonna laugh.)

No. 2356774>>2356777>>2357210

Could you not tell I was making fun of this tweet/this administration/how retarded everything is. Less than a day into the presidency and Zionist orgs are defending Nazi salutes. Is this not retarded to everyone else am I not getting something

No. 2356775

I like Dr. Jill’s outfit, royal blue is my favorite color. Melania looks like a badass Carmen San Diego.

No. 2356776>>2356779

File (hide): 1737423089449.jpg (65.06 KB, 1065x621, 1708110297494.jpg)

Stop replying to the elon/musk ball suckler Please and Thanks

No. 2356777

Everybody's sweating bullets because they're starting to realize they've got 4 years' worth of shit-talking on them now. Look at Zuckerbot, why else do you think he's starting to repeal censorship stuff on Meta? He's trying to pretend he was "one of the guys" all along.

No. 2356779>>2356784>>2356788

Yeah, as I thought, you don't have a counter-argument. You're just as bad as the tranny movement, all of you. "Don't think for yourself!!"

No. 2356781

well what does the seig heil imply

No. 2356784>>2356787

Just because he impregnated ugly ass grimes doesn't mean you're up next. We hate rapists and misogynists here so you can leave if that bothers you

No. 2356785

Once again, men cannot leave us alone.

No. 2356787>>2356798

You can tell the subhuman is instigating because when someone says "don't infight with this person" their vag gets sandy and she immediately brings up trannies to get a rise out of people. It's that smug reddit "erm you don't even have a point against me, not give me the attention I never got as a child please!!" attitude you see from these magashits. Just don't engage. It'll desperately attempt to piss you off as the thread keeps moving but that's just it not getting attention.

No. 2356788>>2356791

>You are as bad as transvestites because Elon isn’t your husbando
go back, for your own sake please anon

No. 2356789

Or you entertain the retard when you keep jingling your keys. Shut the fuck up.

No. 2356790>>2356793>>2356797

I literally cannot see the appeal of elon musk. If you want to fuck an autistic narc just go to a furry/anime convention idk

No. 2356791>>2356793

>Asking for proof = I want to fuck him
Uh huh. So you don't have any proof, then, is what you're saying?(baiting/infighting)

No. 2356793

Did you see the recent furcon fight in Florida I think? Some lady who wasn't a furry started fighting a tranny and the obvious physical differences is hilarious.

kills you(learn2integrate)

No. 2356797

He makes me physically cringe at this point, he’s pushing 60 and still tries to behave like a 20 year old who lives in a group home for severely ‘neurodivergent’ adults

No. 2356798>>2356805>>2356806

Posts like this are why these threads are dying. They've become an echo chamber of only one type of opinion. Why do you act like this? Have you ever gone back to the old Amerifag threads and seen the diversity of opinions anons had? Do you seriously enjoy having this thread be reduced to what it is now? Is the world that black and white for you that you can't handle someone with a different opinion?

No. 2356800

The "rioters" should've been pardoned way sooner and I hope those who were incarnated can fully integrate back into society.
Promises kept, promises kept.

No. 2356805>>2356812>>2356813

The anon being purposely ignorant to musks and trump constant pandering to far right/white nationalist groups isn't "discussion" she and probably you as well are attention seeking whales desperate to morph the thread into what you want. We hate rapists and misogynists on lolcow, if you disagree with that sentiment there are other forums for you to bunker in.

No. 2356806

Theres more diversity of opinion here than 4 chan. If anything not being an echo chamber is probably why this place is slower compared to places like 4chan and reddit

No. 2356808

Isnt that Hawley?

No. 2356811

This reminded me that Trump's granddaughter posted a photo of him where he was pale as fuck. He literally looked like raw chicken. I wish I remembered where I saw it.

No. 2356812>>2356827

nta but are women only allowed to have one type of opinion politically? only one kind of discussion allowed?
there aren't even any real right-wing anons here saying inflammatory things, you all just jump on anyone that slightly disagrees. if we're talking about belonging to different sites here, this thread's culture is 100% reddit

No. 2356813>>2356819>>2356822>>2356868>>2357216

I AM the "purposely ignorant" anon you just responded to. Idiot. No, I see now that you guys have hijacked this thread and HAVE been hijacking it for a long time. We USED to be able to have discussions about stuff like this:
And now those kinds of posts are long-gone. When's the last time anyone in this thread got to post about REGULAR, non-political stuff? I don't even know if those kinds of anons are even left on the site. And don't you ever dare try and paint me as a rapist or misogynist sympathizer. I could be a rape survivor for all you know. People like you suck the life and soul out of this site.

No. 2356817>>2356823

i wish i lived in the president al gore timeline

No. 2356819

People talk about current events… once things calm down I’m sure everyone will go back to discussing grits and movies ITT. It’ll all be okay.

No. 2356822>>2356829>>2356831

File (hide): 1737424997722.png (253.97 KB, 660x652, sdfhsdhghgfag.png)

I literally Made The Thread after 2 days of silence after the oold was was almost at the limit? You don't want casual discussion you only want things you agree with.

>>2356773 This nitpicky retardation that only asks "how" is purposeful ignorance, anyone with basic fucking sense can see how Elon has negatively affected American politics and both him and trump being Right wing Isreali assets means things will stay shit as usual PLUS an uptick in misogyny and retardation. Stupid bitch. I won't reply to you anymore and I hope other anons take note to this bullshit.

No. 2356823

technically we are but bush hid the florida black votes

No. 2356824

No. 2356825>>2356831

That was the legal way though lol

No. 2356827>>2356832>>2356843

How can you be a woman and support these fucking retards? Do you really think NLOGging is gonna save you?(baiting/infighting)

No. 2356829

>This nitpicky retardation that only asks "how" is purposeful ignorance
It's not nitpicking. It's asking for proof, and you repeatedly failing to provide it. But thanks, continue to paint me as a monster when I'm being skeptical. Also lol oh no you won't talk to me anymore? Anon, I'm shattered. I dunno if I can go on anymore without your sparkling wit and intelligence in my life. But thanks for notifying me, at least.

No. 2356831>>2356840

>ends conversation with insults
Typical leftard behavior

No, not really.

No. 2356832>>2356836

And here it is, anon reveals her true colors. Anyone with an opinion different from hers supports Trump and Musk with full, 100% unwavering loyalty. That's definitely not a sign of mental illness at all, anon, no sir no way.

No. 2356836>>2356851

i literally just joined this conversation and the fact that you cant explain your viewpoint in a rational manner just feels like pathetic contrarianism.

No. 2356837>>2356839>>2356841>>2356847>>2356849>>2356921

File (hide): 1737425507330.jpg (37.87 KB, 562x675, 1720370875088.jpg)

I miss the alfred posting.

No. 2356839>>2356844

File (hide): 1737425566299.jpg (130.52 KB, 736x1104, Chicken Alfredo.jpg)

Here you go

No. 2356840

ntayrt but calling someone a "leftard" is also an insult so you kind of fell short with your statement being a "gatcha"
Just a note for next time.

No. 2356841

There's a Hetalia thread in /m/.

No. 2356843>>2356848

amazing how you both missed and completely proved my point in one go.

No. 2356844

My husbando…

No. 2356847>>2356850

File (hide): 1737425646114.jpg (132.54 KB, 1024x744, 1718840536038.jpg)

For you anon. I send my love.

No. 2356848>>2356855

It is weird for a woman to argue for men who hate women. That's kinda obvious no?

No. 2356849>>2356852

File (hide): 1737425696878.png (913.43 KB, 700x1050, 181969ffb96ee0393a7bf2e4065780…)

No. 2356850

>ugly germany and japan.
I wanted alfred yumejotier pictures.

No. 2356851

I did. Scroll up and read.

No. 2356852>>2356854>>2356856>>2356857>>2356868

So why does America/Alfred have an Italian name?

No. 2356854

No. 2356855

NTAYRT but you're being obtuse on purpose. You're ignoring what anon wrote and just blurring her entire series of posts as "She supports Musk and Trump." Further proof that the thread has been turned into an echo chamber.

No. 2356856

Alfred is an Anglo-Saxon name, kek

No. 2356857>>2356867

So in between the 1700s and 1940s some crazy stuff happened…

No. 2356864

KEK anon… i was typing my response to you and now im just dumbfounded i did not expect that one

No. 2356867

How could alot of stuff happen before 1940 if there wasnt any TVs before 1940?

No. 2356868>>2356871

America is named after an Italian after all.
>When's the last time anyone in this thread got to post about REGULAR, non-political stuff?
we just talked about pizza like, yesterday.

No. 2356869>>2356938

>trump pardons all insurrectionists
>elon musk is seig heiling on inaguration stage
>stopping refugee flights
>pulling from climate agreements
>idc about trans shit but royal decree about that too
Oligarchs doing whatever the fuck they want and it's not like anyone is gonna do shit about it.

No. 2356871>>2356875>>2356876>>2356880>>2356885>>2356887>>2356888>>2356908

America is not named after Italy??? Wtf. America was created by Americans NOT by Italians. Italians only started coming to America in the 1920s and 1930s to help build New York City. Your troll posts are boring stop trying to bait people into in fights.

No. 2356874>>2356882>>2356890>>2356894>>2356905>>2356956

It failed for decades. Being anti-trans is inherently "right wing". At most we can rewrite radical feminism as being more right wing, fascist and reactionary (in a positive way) than bible thumping conservatardism, which it is.

No. 2356875

Vespucci is the only true american

No. 2356876>>2356879>>2356901

Christopher Columbus who was the first European to discover America was an Italian.

No. 2356879

It all loops back to Luigi

No. 2356880>>2356901

Amerigo Vespucci. What was your grade in US history class nonna?

No. 2356882

Adding on this: this should have been done years ago, 8 to 12 at the bare minimum. It's likely the trans cult won't be a thing anymore in 4-8 years, the ship has sailed. Trump succesfully used it to win both elections.

No. 2356885>>2356895>>2356901

yes it was nona, America is named after the explorer Amerigo vespucci, he was from Florence so technically yes Americas name is of Italian origin

No. 2356887>>2356889

America SHOULD be made by italians.
Hot ones only.
Im tired of ugly men

No. 2356888>>2356906

Why do you think we have Columbus day to begin with, nona?

No. 2356889>>2356893

Italians are ugly

No. 2356890>>2356940

Left wingers want us to be public property
Right wingers want us to be private property
Just because they hate trannies doesn't mean they won't hesitate to make it legal for a man to forcibly marry, beat, and rape you

No. 2356891

>I'm not going to dig endless amounts of evidence
Yeah we know you're not.

No. 2356893>>2356898>>2356902

What race of man has the hottest men?

No. 2356894>>2356940


No. 2356895>>2356900

That's just a theory, though.

No. 2356898


No. 2356900

a game theory?

No. 2356901

Thats not how it works at all and you know it. Christopher Columbus found the islands of INDIA in the Caribbean sea and later they were called the WEST INDIES because they're Indian by blood. Christopher Columbus was not Italian either, he was a Moor from Spain. He was hired by the Spanish court to discover the islands of India, which he did, but he NEVER founded America. It's fake news because America was founded by GEORGE WASHINGTON who is on the money now because of it. Is "Christopher" "Columbus" on any money?? No he's not.
You just proved my point. If it was this magic "AMERIGO VESPUCCI" (which is a MADE UP NAME obviously, just read it out loud, that's not a real. name) who founded America then why is it called AMERICA and not AMERIGO? Your lies are so crazy and they don't make any sense whatsoever.
>He was from Florence
What does South Carolina have to do with ANYTHING that we are discussing? How could he be from SC if he's "Italian?" which did not even EXIST when America became a nation?(baiting)

No. 2356902>>2356907

East Asian, but very few.

No. 2356905>>2356909>>2356940

this is unironically what i believe, i think that radical feminism is held back by leftist optics. women should be given guns at birth as a start

No. 2356906>>2356911

Columbus Day is about celebrating the founding of the capital city of Ohio.

No. 2356907>>2356912

Nona their cocks are like 2 inches long.

No. 2356908>>2356932

>Until the 20’s and 30’s to help build NYC
Oh anon…Columbus discovered America in like the 1400’s?

No. 2356909>>2356940

I'd be down for that, plus a few years of gun safety courses.

No. 2356911>>2356915>>2356917>>2356930

File (hide): 1737427158081.jpg (59.88 KB, 740x555, columbo-dog-mayhem.jpg)

No it's not, it's to honor this man. Jfc don't they teach this shit in school anymore?

No. 2356912>>2356915>>2356918

She said hottest not biggest dick?

No. 2356915>>2356918>>2356920>>2356963

Learn to read idiot that's Columbo not Columbus
Moids think that physical attraction has to do with dick size. The person you're responding to is a moid that's been baiting this thread with bullshit for the past few hours. Just report and ignore for now since the mods are all napping.

No. 2356917

Shit show

No. 2356918>>2356924

I know but how can a man be hot when his penis is so tiny. He needs to be hot and be good at fucking. East asians are not verile.
What the fuck I am a straight woman moids dont have a monopoly on appreciating a good cock

No. 2356920>>2356924>>2356925

i wasn't involved in this conversation but that one anon had a point, they do have shrimp dicks. thats just widely understood as true

No. 2356921>>2356924

Post your hottest Alfreds

No. 2356924>>2356926>>2356943

File (hide): 1737427466709.jpg (195.32 KB, 850x887, 1793045977360.jpg)

Ok well they're hot to Me. And my vaginal canal is short so 3 inches is probably my minimum requirement.

No. 2356925>>2356935>>2356943

nyart but I used to like east asian men until I saw japanese gay porn. Their dicks are so tiny and the fact that they don't shave just makes it worse

No. 2356926>>2356943

>She doesn't have a 6 inch vaginal canal

No. 2356930>>2357213

Random and slightly OT, but Peter Faulk, the actor who played Columbo ended up adopting the basset hound who acted alongside him.

No. 2356932

I guess she never sang the song in school.
>Columbus sailed the Ocean blue, in 1492

No. 2356935>>2356944>>2356967

Why were you watching Japanese gay porn?

No. 2356938>>2356957>>2356959

File (hide): 1737427849821.png (32.31 KB, 666x231, gfdfghjk.png)

he pulled from the WHO too lol. Hope they have fun with their cheaper eggs if they can't even fight off avian flu

No. 2356939

What a slut

No. 2356940>>2356964>>2356969>>2356976>>2356977>>2357007>>2357219

"Universal" (aka moid only) suffrage and socialism came at the expense of women's rights and conditiins which actually got worse in the 18th and 19th century. Feminism is reactionary to men's oppression, and that's a good thing. There will always be an issue inherent to men's chromosomes that requires us to protect ourselves from them: which is why at most you can have Nigels and even that is debatable, "male feminists" don't exist, they are obsessed with pussy like everyone else and use covert tactics to achieve them. Male feminists themselves are simply the follow up pussy communism from the 18th and 19th century, under a new pernicious mask: same thing that allowed the trans cult to become so widespread.
Real radical feminism requires some sort of eugenics, by removing men who were only able to reproduce through rape or state mandated wives and economic violence from the genepool. To deny this is to accept troons in public restrooms and try to "teach men not to rape".
To get this you need responsibility and self-ownership, becoming economically indipendent and unapologetically self interested and hierarchy-minded. All these things are more "right wing", reactionary and even "fascist". than the Republican Party.

Not a few days ago I saw a video of a woman blasting off a robber's face off. Women have better aim than men on average and guns are a great if not the biggest equalizer against scrotes. All anti-gun movements are inherently anti-feminist.

No. 2356941>>2356946

Do you think it's pierced?

No. 2356943

i haven't laughed at a thread like this in a forever. i love you all even when we call eachother NLOG terminal retards

No. 2356944

I know right? Everyone knows Russian gay porn is much better

No. 2356946

idk it's called a prince albert not a prince alfred. maybe tho

No. 2356949>>2356961>>2356966>>2356983

Illegal people fleeing their countries don't look at an invisible line painted on the ground and say to themselves "Oopsie don't have my papers, better not cross!" It's a matter of life or death for them. All banning a pathway to citizenship does is create a situation where the illegals in this country (as they always have been and always will be) cannot become proper taxpayers and are exploited by unethical companies (agriculture, construction, general labor) who will illegally employ them to work dogshit jobs under the table for pennies. These companies tend to lobby and vote red, our current government will not prosecute them for this exploitation and will turn a blind eye to their employee's "illegal" status as long as they serve as slaves and get no benefits.
I have generationally wealthy friends who vote Trump and it's an open secret that their families hire hispanics with questionable if not falsified documentation.
My next question is, where does all the government money for naturalization and immigration get allocated to now that they are effectively shutting down multiple programs? Any ideas? Oh surely not back into the pockets of their lobbied interests groups, no, surely they will redistribute this money to hardworking Americans? ……!!!

No. 2356956

I mean not really in the case of radical feminism as it's blanket disdain/criticism towards all males. Leftists, rightoids, troons, etc. Something being rw really depends on why you hold that opinion. Believeing trannies suck because they're homophobic and misogynistic isn't really rw.

No. 2356957>>2356965

maybe it's fucked to say but part of me wants another pandemic to hit the US so that all of the anti-vax types who wanted this so badly can reap what they've sown

No. 2356959

Scary to think if the current avian flu strain makes a mass jump to humans and then it can be transmissioned between us. We're cooked, influenza is 10x as deadly.

No. 2356961

Everything you said is true

No. 2356963>>2356990

you're autistic aren't you?

No. 2356964>>2356995

based. theres a good 2x thread on this very topic but its dead over there. you explained it really well.

No. 2356965

If anything happens this administration it's an economic crisis. The tariffs, the fact all of the techies want to crash the economy for crypto, the fact he wants to "own" every piece of land, that's a recipe for a financial crisis. He's like george bush if he was being george bush on purpose

No. 2356966>>2356978>>2356981>>2356982

Most illegals in the country are not and would have never become proper taxpayer. And it's not "life or death" for them. They are economic migrants who respond to incentives like everyone else. They came en masse in the country in the last 4 years because it was easy, not because their conditions suddenly got worse.
Illegal immigrants are also one of the largest sources of fiscal drain in the country, other than creating less favourable conditions for native workers.
Only crooked businessmen (which is the majority of businessmen) and very naive people think 40 milion of illegal immigrants in the country isn't an important issue.

No. 2356967

On the internet. I saw that the guys were really hot but once they got to fucking I was just so disappointed in how tiny their cocks were

No. 2356969>>2356978>>2356986>>2356995

Based. Also, re:guns, we need to draw attention to disproportionate punishment women receive for self defense. Aktually, in my opinion, that is the real court/police bias, not BLM faggotry.

No. 2356971


No. 2356976>>2356979>>2356995

I just think calling ourselves right or left is retarded.
Anyways, I own multiple firearms, hate trannies, hate trump, hate musk, hate vance, love womens reproductive rights, love whenever a rapeape is culled out of existence.

No. 2356977

>Not a few days ago I saw a video of a woman blasting off a robber's face off.
was it the one where she had a baby and she warned that stupid fucking retard not to approach her and when he didn't listen she blew his ass to kingdom come?

No. 2356978

File (hide): 1737428964200.jpg (37.17 KB, 500x522, E5q6g-ZVgAAidoq.jpg)

No. 2356979

based, uncucked, untainted by the "if you like x lefty/righty thingy you must like them all" brainletry

No. 2356980

The best outcome

No. 2356981>>2356987>>2357017

>Most illegals in the country are not and would have never become proper taxpayer.
>And it's not "life or death" for them
You wouldn't even want to vacation in most thirdie shitholes, be real.
>They are economic migrants who respond to incentives like everyone else
Oh I suppose silly things like affordable and quality groceries, stable housing, low crime…silly money-grubbing things like that I suppose.
>not because their conditions suddenly got worse
I don't even follow the news that much to know situations in the Middle East and Southern American countries have gotten worse. What are your arguments that they have not?
>Illegal immigrants are also one of the largest sources of fiscal drain in the country
If true, perhaps this could be remediated by expanding the siphon i.e. taxing the ultra wealthy who use loopholes in our system to tax evade. Ever think about how the ultra wealthy are not even paying a fraction of their fair share? It would feel less burdensome to you to see the least privileged receive their pittance if the most privileged contributed.
Currently, who is getting shafted hardest are middle working class Americans who are shouldering EVERYBODY but are getting memed into thinking brown boogeymen are the main problem and not malding turboturds like Elon Musk.
>Only crooked businessmen think 40 milion of illegal immigrants in the country isn't an important issue
"Crooked businessmen" still voted for Trump because they intend to exploit the illegals as I have explained to you.

No. 2356982>>2356988>>2356991

> its the poor illegals getting paid pennies under the table that are ruining everything
>not blaming the people in power who purposely use illegal/cheap labor and shit on American workers
Even if we had no illegals it wouldn’t stop companies from outsourcing labor to cheaper areas or bringing H1B migrants to fill in those jobs that nobody wants to pay more than minimum wage. Your job is more likely to be taken away by a legal migrant as a way to cut costs for your company than an illegal worker

No. 2356983

they're economic migrants, their lives are not in danger. mexico's economy and overall IQ has improved over the last 50 years because undesirables invade the US

No. 2356984

I miss Bernie so much. I remember being so adamant about voting for him. I wanted him to win so bad.

No. 2356986>>2356995

Oh yeah there's some faggy law that punishes you more if you kill someone with a firearm so a man who strangles his wife to death in a fit of tard rage will get less prison time than a woman who shoots her abusive husband in the head because he is going to beat her/her kids again and she's finally fucking snapped.

That law needs to change. A man killing a woman should get life in prison, possibly the death sentence no exceptions. But a woman killing a man, especially if there's clear cut evidence she's been abused should be seen as the self defense charge it truly is.

No. 2356987>>2356993>>2357011

why are their shithole countries of origin so shitty?
I say stop letting the immigrants in and stop meddling with their thirdie shitholes and let them sort their shit out.

No. 2356988>>2356992>>2356997

>not blaming the people in power who purposely use illegal/cheap labor and shit on American workers
So Trump, Elon, et al…? Cause that's what they do and have done before.
>Your job is more likely to be taken away by a legal migrant as a way to cut costs for your company than an illegal worker
Unlikely given my specialty and education requirement. But I understand a wagie's frustration and not knowing who to redirect it towards and the red government that is responsible for such sentiments.

Here's some other intel for you anon
AI is likely to replace most jobs in the next decade. The ultra rich know this. This is why they are building bunkers and cash grabbing now because we will reach a tipping point where our systems cannot support mass populations of unemployed people who will still need resources to live and for less than the quality of living that we enjoy today.
Be prepared.

No. 2356990

I love when a joke sails over one anon's head and into the lap of another.

No. 2356991>>2357014

>Even if we had no illegals it wouldn’t stop companies from outsourcing labor
easy. make it impossible to bring people illegally at all with much stricter and fortified/militarized border control and harsher inspection and punishments for those found smuggling or bringing any non-american in. fixed.

No. 2356992>>2357002

So they know this is going to cause a massive depression, don't they know that its will cause their money to be worthless if no one can actually buy anything with it?
What the fuck are these elites gonna do with their trillions of dollars if its worth nothing?

No. 2356993>>2357001

>why are their shithole countries of origin so shitty?
Are individuals, such as women and children, truly responsible for the state of their governments rooted in decades of political turmoil if not issues such as terrorism, famine, and economic collapse? It would be like holding me personally accountable for what Biden did. It's a nonsense expectation.

No. 2356995>>2357006

I'm the anon you're replying to and I agree. Left and right wing labels are pointless at best and damaging at worst, I only used them to drive an important point through. I don'r really dislike Trump though: I don't like him but the hate cult against him is based on the most pathetic and low brow media lies. I also approve of what he did today and know which people hate him the most, like trannies and Nick Fuentes.

Thank you. I actually owe a lot to it and to MC.

True. That a woman would have to pay in any way for defending herself is absurd. And let's not get started on how often cops refuse to intervene in abuse, rape and stalking cases.

No. 2356997>>2357005

>she actually believes the bs Altman feeds to venture capital boomers

No. 2357001>>2357010

NTA okay but why are americans expected to take on the burdens of these places that have nothing to do with us?
we have nothing in common with these places so why are we sending our tax dollars and american soldiers and inviting them into our country where they have no connection to the society, culture, economy, religion, etc? its a recipe for disaster, look at europe and how well they're doing with their "cultural enrichment"

No. 2357002>>2357008>>2357012

>don't they know that its will cause their money to be worthless
Anon we're talking about the elite who own mass corporations and influence government, not some dumbass influencer who got rich off ads and has a couple mcmansions.
These elites KNOW currency may collapse (if not the environment first from climate change or war), hence they are building bunkers, buying huge swaths of land with freshwater aquifers, and hiring private security details.
Did you know some elite actually debate rapport-building with their staff in the hopes that they will not turn on them while in the bunkers versus putting shock collars on them to maintain their compliance?

No. 2357005>>2357244

Never heard of it. I know whar I see.

Which receipts do you require?
Proof that billionaires are creating bunkers?
Proof that AI will replace and automate most jobs?
Let me know where to start.

No. 2357006>>2357220>>2357959

>I approve of what he did today
he provided some lip service about btfoing troons. It sounds nice but in practice he won't do shit. Trump isn't a savior of women, he just said shit women wanted to hear.
At the end of the day he's going to do nothing but elect in more woman haters to congress, and further cut taxes on the rich just like last time.

No. 2357007

>Not a few days ago I saw a video of a woman blasting off a robber's face off. Women have better aim than men on average and guns are a great if not the biggest equalizer against scrotes. All anti-gun movements are inherently anti-feminist.
Agree. Guns put on us on equal ground in self defense with moids. I was just telling my wife we need to go to a range and get a license. If anytime is good to get a hole puncher, it's now.

No. 2357008

>some elite actually debate rapport-building with their staff in the hopes that they will not turn on them while in the bunkers versus putting shock collars on them to maintain their compliance?
>none of these involve actually ensuring staff has a livable wage and good working conditions so that they want to work for you
istg elites aren't human. like there's a certain dollar amount that just saps away somebody's soul

No. 2357010>>2357015>>2357022

>okay but why are americans expected to take on the burdens of these places that have nothing to do with us?
Ask someone whose argument it was that America should interfere in global politics. I'm talking about the inevitibility of immigration and was answering an anon what compels people to seek assylum and how it isn't necessarily fair to ask vulnerable people with no power to magically fix it. You are trying ti take it someplace else.

No. 2357011

I agree. We need to put a long pause on immigration. I hate that there are so many running here. Fix your own countries' problems first.

No. 2357012>>2357016

>hiring private security detail
And paying them with what? Money? Money will be useless if society collapses.
If anything the elites are no different than the rest of the hivemind, they are building their own spiritual slavery.
In the end, they will be fucked as everyone else, our masters are more likely to be the technology we've created. Since that really isn't much of a stretch to how we are right now…

No. 2357014>>2357022

Those companies usually like to keep their labor force outside the US to get around loopholes, just like how Apple have their factories in other countries with cheap labor. If they bring in workers through H1B then none of what you say matters because they’ll all be legal migrant workers. Those companies would rather lawyer up to bring in H1B workers than pay American workers fair wages and benefits

No. 2357015

nyart but you're preaching to the choir. I want America the fuck out of other countries, I want their weapons here protecting our own borders instead of terrorizing other nations with their army bases.

Americans don't realize how creepy it is that we have entire military bases in other countries. Like what if china had a military base here?

No. 2357016

>And paying them with what?
Do you think elites debating if they're gonna put a shock collar on you to prevent you from betraying them give a fuck about paying you money???
Anon, the "payment" would be you get to live in a controlled environment with reasonable access to food and water while everyone topside fights, starves, and dies.

No. 2357017>>2357048



>You wouldn't even want to vacation in most thirdie shitholes, be real.

I've been though. A place having issues =/= life and death
>Oh I suppose silly things like affordable and quality groceries, stable housing, low crime…silly money-grubbing things like that I suppose.
I'm happy you mentioned these things, because these are all things that illegals directly ruin. You can't have this with large swathes of tirdies who entered the country illegaly around.
>I don't even follow the news that much to know situations in the Middle East and Southern American countries have gotten worse. What are your arguments that they have not?
I think the issue is that you don't follow it enough if you think there are big amounts of illegal immigrants from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. In reality there are none.
>If true, perhaps this could be remediated by expanding the siphon i.e. taxing the ultra wealthy who use loopholes in our system to tax evade. Ever think about how the ultra wealthy are not even paying a fraction of their fair share? It would feel less burdensome to you to see the least privileged receive their pittance if the most privileged contributed.
Currently, who is getting shafted hardest are middle working class Americans who are shouldering EVERYBODY but are getting memed into thinking brown boogeymen are the main problem and not malding turboturds like Elon Musk.
Musk is pro-immigration. He pushed HARD to expand H-1B visas and bring in more immigrants as underpaid slave labour for his companies not a month ago, and got a huge pushback from the Trump voters for it.
You're unironically more in line with Musk's wishes (make entry into the country easier, bring in more legal immigrants!) than I am. Musk is only against "illegal immigration" in that he's a nerd sperg cuck and is afraid of rowdy cholos.
>"Crooked businessmen" still voted for Trump because they intend to exploit the illegals as I have explained to you.
You haven't "explained" anything you told us a personal anecdote. In reality 75% of businessmen and CEOs and US bilionaries donated to the Harris campaign last year (including the faggot Luigi killed) , 90% to Biden in 2020 and 99% to Clinton in 2016. These people need immigrants because they can pay them less either way, legal or illegal doesn't matter: all you need to do is check the salary of H-1Bs. The end result is that the american taxpayer pays for it, along with declining quality of everything and higher crime rates, other than national security risks.

No. 2357018>>2357028>>2357049>>2361675

File (hide): 1737430730310.png (16.17 KB, 561x136, 34534534534543.png)

Imagine if she was our foreign invader instead of the muskrat…

No. 2357019

I want to fuck alfred

No. 2357022>>2357034

fair enough, i reread and understand your point now. i still meant what i said though
there needs to be no more "legal work visas" at all. h1b needs to be obliterated. american companies having factories in other countries for cheaper labor is a lesser evil, but still something that needs to be fixed.
america needs to go isolationist mode for a while and actually provide pathways for affordable education for our people. companies need to be threatened and/or incentivized to keep the labor here.

No. 2357025>>2357026>>2357029>>2357052>>2357121

I think America is the best place to live and I’m happy in my state

No. 2357026

we could be better.

No. 2357028

Can she talk about anything else

No. 2357029>>2357031>>2357045

Which state are you in? I feel like even in an okay blue state, the republicans come out swinging. I live near D.C sadly

No. 2357031>>2357035

ntayrt but oh my god anon… we live so near to each other.

No. 2357032

He is south African and he's bought his way into a seat by being a loud autist and I hope he falls down some stairs

No. 2357034>>2357059

I’d rather the US stick to naturalization instead of visas tbh. At least with naturalization it means you have to read and write basic English, have lived in the states for 5 years with proof of residency, not have a criminal record during the 5 years here, and take a test on basic government and American history while taking an oath. I have relatives that took their naturalization tests and it really is for people that want to stay and actually work here because of the costs for visa applications and maintaining your legal residency status has increased over the years from illegal immigration affecting the process

No. 2357035

Nice, stay safe, anon. I am thankful to be where i am and not in some shithole like Texas.

No. 2357045>>2357080

I’m not gonna say which specific state I’m in but I’m from the west coast and life is pretty easy here, it’s also the most beautiful place in the world geographically

No. 2357048

>I've been though
Which and did you leave the all-inclusive resort to actually explore how the rest of the country really lives?
>A place having issues =/= life and death
Untrue. In fact here is an example, did you know that some Type 1 diabetes sufferers in the US actually had to flee the US because they could not afford or have access to their insulin that they need to survive? "Medical tourism" is very popular for Americans to do because it is life or death for many of them. Even in so-called first world countries, millions face life or death situations everyday so you can imagine the situation is exacerbated by matters such as wars and drug lords and economic collapse.
>because these are all things that illegals directly ruin
I named three but let's break em down:
>illegals cause grocery prices to increase
False. This is economic supply and demand mixed in with crony capitalism gone amok. Giant food conglomerates now own global food production and manufacture as they work to lobby governments who enable their monopoly to price products as they see fit. Did you know milk is routinely wasted in order to artificially inflate the price? Other factors that can impact prices are diseases, famine, and tariffs (the latter which your current president wants to enact). When egg prices go waaaaaaaay up in the next ~month or so, don't blame Biden and the illegals, blame the mass bird culls from avian flu.
>illegals cause unstable housing
False. The US government refuses to put caps and limits on foreign investors purchasing low cost property and land to flip for ridiculous prices and rents. Much like our food, property management is ever increasingly owning the majority of buyable homes and rental properties. Did you know certain rental companies were exposed recently of colluding with each other to keeps rents artificially high? Illegals didn't do that.
>illegals cause crime to go up
Bad government policies cause crime to go up. i.e. San Fran
Illegals don't make policies and aren't in charge if our justice systems. Hold your leaders more accountable.
>if you think there are big amounts of illegal immigrants from Syria, Lebanon and Palestine. In reality there are none
Trump is literally in the news right now cancelling thousands of Afghan refugee flights. "None"???
>Musk is pro-immigration
Do you think he's opposed to exploiting people who do not have an actual pathway to citizenship? I'm not entirely sure what you think this proves.
>In reality 75% of businessmen and CEOs and US bilionaries donated to the Harris campaign last year
I will need a source. And doesn't donation amount matter more than the number of donors?
>The end result is that the american taxpayer pays for it, along with declining quality of everything and higher crime rates, other than national security risks.
But the differencw between me and you is that I'm not looking to blame illegals for these issues, I want OUR LEADERS TO BE ACCOUNTABLE AND THE ULTRA ELITE TO FUCKING PAY.
Get it?

No. 2357049>>2357054

So based actually. The right doesn't care about "protecting women" they just know nobody likes trannies and know they can get people on their side through becoming extremely reactionary about the issue. We need to be realistic about the tranny thing and recognize that they are nothing like the gay rights activists that paved the way.

No. 2357052>>2357054>>2357056>>2357061

americans often say this but never have lived in any foreign country beyond their 1-2 week vacation. things can be improved here.

No. 2357054

samefag but curious if I worded this weirdly on the last part lol whatever who cares. Gays r cool trannies r not
I think it also varies intensely throughout states. Manhattan is probably the best place I've ever lived in my life. I've also lived in a few southern states (I move alot) and they're like… eugh…

No. 2357056

>No Non-americans allowed!

No. 2357059

that would be fine with me, but it would need to be with the same level of testing-center security as medical licensing exams. palm vein scans, background checks, fingerprints, full body searches and recorded AND live proctored exams that are reviewed by a person before being given a pass to ensure there are no cheating methods on top of the rest of what you mentioned. all of this also on top of only being possible if you're filling an actual need here that we're not able to fill by just providing education and training to an american citizen first.

No. 2357060>>2357069>>2357080>>2357084>>2357118>>2359230

Florida is the best state in America. I love Florida

No. 2357061

Coming here just to shit on Americans doesn’t sound like a healthy way to spend your time nonnie. I was born here and I think America is the best country on the planet

No. 2357068

no, it's about living with the most satisfaction

No. 2357069>>2357072>>2357082>>2357093>>2357096>>2359230

File (hide): 1737432850939.jpg (3.49 MB, 5184x3456, Gator-2-3209966328.jpg)

>Florida is the best state in America. I love Florida

No. 2357072>>2357111

gators are so cute i almost feel bad about how good they taste

No. 2357080>>2357093

was, until the fires
all the craziest stories i hear always comes from your state. plus the flying roaches and bad humidity

No. 2357082

I'm so scared of them dude

No. 2357084>>2357095>>2357099

No it isn’t, it deserves to be blown up and every single person who lives there deserves to have their homes and families swallowed by the swamp and ocean waters and have their bodies eaten and ravaged by alligators. It’s overcrowded, super expensive, terrible public transport, many ESL retards are catered to for not speaking English.

No. 2357093>>2357152

Uh, shes smiling at you!
The fires were only in Los Angeles anon lmao…the west coast is made up of 3 states

No. 2357095>>2357109

I’ve never been to Florida and don’t ever plan on going, but a truly beautiful state is Wisconsin. All the beautiful fields and little cows bouncing around everywhere without a care in the world

No. 2357096>>2357109

File (hide): 1737433631535.jpg (1.38 MB, 1920x1080, st_petersburg1306128007.jpg)

>underapreciated, underrated and perfect state
That's right gator-anon and luckily your species have only averaged 8 unprovoked bites per year the whole state

No. 2357099>>2357102>>2357106>>2357109

Wtf nona why does the state being crowded mean floridians should die..it's very peaceful and beautiful depending on where you live.

No. 2357102>>2357106>>2357114

Nta but the average flordian acts pretty wild in a bad way. I don't even trust the ones itt tbh

No. 2357106>>2357116>>2357127

Probably a happy Floridian trying to keep her sacred and perfect home a secret
Floridians act crazy to outsiders if they suspect they're no fun

No. 2357109>>2357110>>2357122

I would rather live there than in Florida. At least I don’t have to lose my job to somebody who doesn’t even put the effort to learn the common language.
Thankfully those parasites with their poorly built beach houses and waterfront property is sinking into the ocean, where it belongs with the hungry sharks and all. Fuck other floridians
They really should. Anybody who comes here is a completely soulless piece of trash (except me and my female relatives tehee) who doesn’t really care what pieces of nature they mow down to create even more shittier, plastic apartments that Patrick Bateman would cream himself over or those quickly built houses. I hate it all, the terrible drivers, the littering, the homeless problem, zero benefits, the weather, the crime, everything

No. 2357110

Wait his name wasn’t Patrick what was his name I’m tired kekkkk

No. 2357111

File (hide): 1737434246468.jpg (Spoiler Image,96.75 KB, 1040x585, cannibal-alligator-513489-5409…)

don't feel bad they eat each other all the time

No. 2357114

You know how crime rates go up in the summer? And they theorize it’s because people go out more due to temps and sunlight? When I keep that in mind and look at Florida a lot of what goes on there makes sense.

No. 2357116

Nah they do it to their own kind too like that drugged out zombie guy who started eating people's flesh

No. 2357118>>2357122

File (hide): 1737434385288.gif (689.51 KB, 320x240, 5465464564.gif)

No. 2357120

Absolutely need a wave of racism against white south Africans to sweep through the net like a tsunami. Where are the Russian bots when you need them most

No. 2357121

China passed our life expectancy in 2022.
I love America but we really gotta fix our healthcare.

No. 2357122>>2357127>>2357128>>2357137>>2357173

I'm still tired of this gif from the woke era. Anyways Florida is very big and diverse, anon >>2357109
probably lives in a low income area

No. 2357127>>2357132

That cartoon is from the 1940s, I don't know if you'd call that woke.

No. 2357128>>2357139

>the woke era

No. 2357132

No I like it anon, it was overused by leftoids from 2014-2020 to "clapback" at politicians and FL-based celebrities. It's a fine gif, in general

No. 2357137>>2357146

>you’re just poor
No I live in the middle of the suburbs and there’s shit loads of alarms about people who live in the suburbs getting their cars stolen, cars broken into, delivery packages stolen, houses getting broken into. Florida sucks and you’re annoying fed trying to make that tax evading water and electricity guzzling state amazing, there’s no benefits for anybody, the education is trash, and the occupants are stupid as hell (just like you)

No. 2357139>>2357142

File (hide): 1737434915181.jpg (26.4 KB, 749x485, 150d1783fb900f61a85e7f9ff80a2e…)

samefag, yeah "the woke era". Do you need elaboration on that or am I cruising for a y'all-bruising?

No. 2357140>>2357207>>2358374>>2358401

>government shut down official reproductive rights website .gov website
>shut down immigration .gov website

…ahahhaa. Fuck. We are so fucked.

No. 2357142>>2357154>>2357164

Was the 1940s woke because they hated Nazis?

No. 2357146

Not "poor", there are people who lived in a beautiful houses where I live that became "low income" but all of the people I know who live in FL are in nice neighborhoods and don't have issues with crime or overcrowding. They are snowbirds and have been going back and forth since the 30s-60s tho. Is it possible all these people are coming from the shitty developments going up around you?

No. 2357151

I hate you for posting poop on my alfred thread

No. 2357152>>2357161

You make it seem like only LA is the only place that has burned on the west coast. Although I’m sure that’s not the case as that would be retarded.

No. 2357154

god imagine the shitstorm this thread would be during the 40s

No. 2357161

Well when I said I live on the west coast and you said that the fires made it not easy to live there anymore, and I assumed you were referencing to the only recent fires on the west coast there’ve been which were the LA fires, which is only a very small part of this region. The rest of CA, OR, and WA are all still gorgeous, especially on a super clear day when you can see all the trees and mountains and plains

No. 2357164>>2361344

File (hide): 1737435594915.png (1.05 MB, 1500x1136, spoonfed_hiding_under_rock_ano…)

>outdated redditard autism
It was a trend anon, sorry to burst your bubble

No. 2357165

>city isn’t included in the mass deportation list
damn this sucks

No. 2357173

It's a bugs bunny gif you rightoid troon

No. 2357182

fuck you, my family has been here for generations. I'm not running away just because of some neo-nazi amerilards, fuck trump and fuck you

No. 2357191>>2357194>>2357199

Why are there so many baiters and ban evading retards in this thread all of a sudden? Is it because today is Trump's inauguration?

No. 2357194

No. 2357199

The alfred posting was fun and we're all definitely getting banned for posting him. Last time this happened mods told us to keep it int he hetalia thread but that's no fun

No. 2357207>>2357208

>reproductive rights
You can simply stop fucking and cohabitating with males.

No. 2357208

The fact that you think that's all this is about is insane. Fuck off with your shit bait.

No. 2357210

i understood your nuanceposting nona and maaaaan is that bleak

No. 2357213

That's adorable.

No. 2357216

girl the inauguration of the united states (the country we live in) happened today. obviously we are going to talk about it

No. 2357218>>2357222

Nope. Not what this is only about. You have no idea about women's reproductive health because what I'm talking about has nothing to do with males. Go back to your basement.

No. 2357219>>2357698

Guns are the ULTIMATE defense against scrotes. I totally agree with you that anti-gun movements are anti-women. Hell, I've seen episodes of COPS where it takes 10 officers to wrestle down some roided guy hopped up on cocaine. And that was AFTER they pepper-sprayed him. Now imagine how a woman is supposed to defend herself against that.

No. 2357220>>2358012

>At the end of the day he's going to do nothing but elect in more woman haters
There's no way you can prove that.

No. 2357221>>2357759>>2357826

Something is so fishy right now. Didn't Trump sign the thing to ban tiktok, and now he's taking credit for bringing it back? But now facebook is on it. And is it true he like, admitted he rigged the elections with Elon? Like was that fake? Or is this the current reality we're livin in?

No. 2357222>>2357225

It has everything to do with males because males get women pregnant and males rape women, you can finally stop living in an alternative reality and gain a few IQ points.

No. 2357224>>2357227>>2357230

I don’t understand the phobia of trans people in this thread. They make up less than 1% of the population. I don’t mean to undermine anyone’s experiences either. I was raped by a dude who came out as a trans woman years later. The trans aspect never affected me much. I guess I view it as a fad that people will move on from eventually, but otherwise it doesn’t impact me. As far as feminism in America goes, is this really a bigger issue than reproductive rights, or high profile men (e.g. Trump) getting away with sexual assault? Seems a little bit terminally online to care about it that much. If you’re disgusted by a group of people you can just avoid them you know? Like fat people(baiting)

No. 2357225

Your ignorance about women's bodies is outstanding. Again, what I am talking about has nothing to do with men. If you think reproductive health only has to do with having sex and pushing out kids, then you are clearly not a farmer.

No. 2357226>>2357236>>2362903

File (hide): 1737437295508.png (18.53 KB, 1033x498, kjhyghjkl.png)

No. 2357227>>2357229

>I don’t understand the phobia of trans people in this thread. They make up less than 1% of the population
Kill yourself(alogging/replying to bait)

No. 2357229

The post is bait, nonna.

No. 2357230

It's always been a thing. Hating gays (now trans) hides the fact that the problem is men in general. It's to cover up the actual problem. For me I just have a natual distrust of anyone born with a dick.

No. 2357231>>2357235

It makes me laugh whenever fake posers constantly call the baiters “males”. Whatever you don’t like in your candyland just world fallacy realm are males when it’s clear it’s typical posters trolling and shitposting

No. 2357233>>2357235

I blocked facebook on tiktok and right away got anti Trump posts and women protesting "Dead men don't rape"
That's weird. Anyway, block facebook I guess?!

No. 2357235

If you're going to larp and use language of a male you're going to get called male. What do you expect? Most of us just report and move on.

I did, but I didn't get those fun videos after.

No. 2357236

File (hide): 1737437733376.png (12.93 KB, 932x512, guysstopp.png)

I'm not gonna draw anymore of this but it's fun as fuck… I love making fun of these losers

No. 2357240

Just noticed meta made my facebook account follow Trump. Hmm.

No. 2357241

Can someone kill Elon now? He confessed to buying the election, he has twitter, now he got tiktok, did a nazi salute. Use to think he was a goofy cow with Grimes but now I legit just want this guy dead(alogging)

No. 2357242

File (hide): 1737438778281.png (333.51 KB, 640x342, GhyBkUMXwAA2-1o.png)

How everyone defending musk sounds

No. 2357244>>2359166

>Proof that AI will replace and automate most jobs?
this one please + your robotics/ML credentials

No. 2357245

Reminder to always just report the baiters/scrotes and move on. DO NOT give them attention, or reply to them. You are only giving them what they want. Those responding to the obvious scrotes/baiters will also be banned.

No. 2357251

oh great, more freemasonic nasa fakery

No. 2357264>>2357275>>2357287

i wonder if in within four years from now we will become a second world country. we're already in so much debt and this trump administration is probably about to devastate us.

No. 2357275>>2357278>>2357280

I think we're going to see a recession throughout the later half of his term. He plans to implement most of shitty economic policies early in this year, like the crude oil tariffs, so I believe around 2026-2027 we'll see it really start to see the economy go to shit. I do see that this is because his tech ceo buddies want to crash the economy so they can replace the dollar with crypto (they won't, they're just gonna piss people off lol).

No. 2357278

We are going to be like the irish in the 40s except way fatter

No. 2357280>>2357285

It will be sooner. He launched his stupid coin, his bitch wife launched her fucking meme coin too.. They want to slowly centralized crytpo as a mainstay in American currency and it's all going to go to fucking shit. His Trump-ass LLC is a part in this which you would assume would count as a damn conflict of interest, but he signed it off for people in his family to do it, not him like he did with his other divestments last presidency.

We have a fucking corrupt hellscape that will cripple the American economy fast that you realize. Pulling medicare will bankrupt millions of Americans alone.

No. 2357285

This shit is gonna make george w bush look like a hero in comparison lmfao

No. 2357287>>2357296

It'll just be the rich getting richer through all his dirty deals meanwhile everyone else is told to just get back to work and neck ourselves with bootstraps.

No. 2357296>>2357313

There will be more Luigis and all I can say is I hope they pick the right people

No. 2357313

That's why they held it indoors. Fear.

No. 2357317

Trump was president when she first dunked on trannies

No. 2357329>>2357331

>you can't be feminist it will get Trump elected! You can't hate trannies it will make you vote for trump!!!
Shut.up.(responding to bait)

No. 2357331>>2357333

It’s bait anon. Just report. They’ve been ban evading.

No. 2357333

What is wrong with people?

No. 2357335

They have always been neo nazi misogynists…

No. 2357338

File (hide): 1737444511061.jpg (103.92 KB, 679x680, GhyDZEkbQAA44-C.jpg)

with all of these autist moids in the gubment right now it makes me appreciate autistic women alot

No. 2357341

Nta, but agreed. The weird hyperfixation on LGBT people really fucked women over as a whole.

No. 2357352

i fucking hate men so much its unreal

No. 2357370

Tbh its actually all meaningles because radfems are way too much of a small and unorganized group to even fight back against pro-gender laws stripping them of their rights, let alone against conservative laws doing the same thing. Thats why its always conservatives passing laws to prevent trannies from shit like going into womens sports or female prisons. Sad thing is it doesnt matter what radfems do or focus on, they simply do not have any relevancy in either left or right politics

No. 2357416

You will radfem any rightoid who hates trannies though, that’s the problem.
And it’s kind of moronic to blame the election on them and trannies when 1. Like one nonna said radical feminism is a niche at the end of the day. 2. Trannies aren’t the only reason why the democrats lost.

No. 2357422

Acting like radfems are a population of 5 millions kek

No. 2357465>>2357473>>2357678

File (hide): 1737448735633.jpeg (316.08 KB, 1170x683, IMG_8805.jpeg)

something something luigi

No. 2357473>>2357483

Reminder that Biden EOs removed Trump's price control on insulin in 2021.

No. 2357475

the "right" won because the only issue Dems were popular with for decades is abortion and Trump straight up said he was pro abortion.

No. 2357482

Reddit/tumblr speak. I'm so sick about people like you who are so ignorant about how the legal system works

No. 2357483

File (hide): 1737449049253.webp (68.06 KB, 1280x720, IMG_8806.webp)

No. 2357492>>2357497

nta but it's not just the transes who are indoctrinating kids. The genderbread person is standard in elementary schools these days and teachers are encouraged to keep a student's "trans identity" a secret from their parents so that the parents can't get their kids preventative psychological help because it's "transphobic". It's the medical system being guided by the WPATH instead of, you know, actual medicine. Trans ideology has overtaken multiple public institutions and people are rightfully concerned. And no, I didn't vote for Trump before you go blaming me for pointing out the truth.(responding to bait)

No. 2357497>>2357514

No one is indoctrinating kids to be trans or gay. They are, however, indoctrinating them to be sociopathic trump loving hitler saluting Christians who will be taught to hate anyone who isn't white or "American" and even while they are poor and desperate they will still suckle the teet of mommy-trump.

No. 2357499

Nothing in my post indicated that I dislike gnc people. Weird how you're conflating a distrust of how trans ideology has overtaken multiple public institutions with disliking gender nonconforming children. I think you're telling on yourself here.

No. 2357502

Can't get over how physically difficult it was for him to make that arm movement. fucking loser

No. 2357503>>2357506>>2359056

File (hide): 1737450580814.jpg (328.28 KB, 660x475, 1000000401.jpg)

When you're in a desperation competition but your competition is Elon musk

No. 2357506

What is wrong with him

No. 2357511

Yup. Forcing kids to study the Bible, considering all gnc women and girls trans, nazi salutes twice on national television. Democracy is about to crash and burn and regular people are going to suffer while they take the last bit of cash and dip. Elon Musk wants people to suffer, Donald Trump wants penis in his butt and blame every problem on immigrants.

No. 2357512>>2357813

Anon the trans movement is trying to get girls like your nephew's friend to go on Lupron or other puberty suppressants, take supplemental testosterone, and undergo surgeries to "masculinize" themselves. It's in the WPATH. Gender critical folks and radfems are trying to go back to the sadly short period of time when little girls could be tomboys and people just let them be instead of trying to convince them that they're really males stuck in a female body.

No. 2357514>>2357516

You have the memory of a goldfish, there are two major strains of retardation in the human population currently

No. 2357515>>2357539

File (hide): 1737450891236.jpg (42.51 KB, 639x258, FAT.jpg)

Which one of you got so triggered? >>>/m/449647(bait)

No. 2357516>>2357522

There’s a lot more than that

No. 2357522

french pedophile librarians and goatfuckers in virgin paradise are the two major strains of retardation currently circulating in our beatiful patriarchy

No. 2357539>>2357541

I legitimately thought it was shayna in a pink wig

No. 2357541

omfg topkek

No. 2357558

Where can I give praise to Trump for being gender critical?

No. 2357644

Why did you gals massacre the most pro-labour president at the polls?

No. 2357677>>2358022>>2358072

>call republicans nazis for years
>republicans finally play into the nazi larp
>shocked pikachu face

No. 2357678

My friend has to go back. She's been working from home for over a year. I would just leave. I couldnt do it

No. 2357698

Some anons underestimate how physically strong a man is. I would never want to get near them. A gun is the only way to be on equal grounds with them, and safer since you can be at a distance.

No. 2357724>>2357731

File (hide): 1737469563148.png (896.72 KB, 946x1084, 324234.png)

Any immigrant anons a little nervous about the current situation? I'm here legally and did everything through the correct channels, including paying the gorillion dollar fees, but still…First they came for the illegals et al.
It kinda double sucks because Im not allowed to vote (most immigrants cant) so its not like I could've done something, sigh.

No. 2357731>>2357737

It makes me sad. There are so many immigrants here legally who are not allowed to vote, but prison inmates can. Make it make sense. I'm sincerely hoping they won't come for the people here legally/on a visa.

No. 2357737>>2357764

immigrants who aren't citizens and prison inmates both shouldn't be allowed to vote, lmao.

No. 2357759

I keep telling you all, a merger with Meta/Facebook and TikTok is likely. There's been people online who report getting more popups to link their Meta and TikTok accounts

No. 2357762

If they started teaching the Bible in public schools I think smarter parents will know there are plenty of ways to be maliciously compliant about it.
The Bible is not a nice and consistent book as it was written by multiple goat fuckers over time. It's very easy to find contradictory and disturbing passages to have cute little discussions about.

No. 2357764>>2357831>>2357871

Immigrants who live in America, work here and pay taxes should absolutely be allowed to vote.

No. 2357813

Tbf i think even libs are starting to agree gender care for children is a terrible idea. No one was really sold on that they just wanted to be on “the right side of history”. Not sure if the healthcare industry will let it go so easily

No. 2357826>>2357859

yes, he wanted to ban tiktok after kpoppers came together and rsvp'd to one of his rallies during the 2020 election, only to not show up. he was expecting a big crowd.

No. 2357831

they are, you just have to become a naturalized citizen

No. 2357859

based koreaboos

No. 2357871

no they shouldn't.

No. 2357880>>2358045

File (hide): 1737475902087.png (220.39 KB, 435x439, 238032333.png)

>TikTok is back
wtf i love trump now

No. 2357959

File (hide): 1737478970808.jpeg (99.88 KB, 828x877, IMG_2750.jpeg)

trump really is a puppet. He kept asking what his EOs did. Atleast during his first term he was being controlled by hawkish rw moderates now he actually is being controlled by hitlerites who hate da joos (while also loving israel?). Imagine telling somebody in 2016 this, they’d have a seizure

No. 2357961>>2357968>>2357979

I'm not fucking kidding. Try to go to the constitution page whitehouse.gov if you type us constitution in to Google.

404 page.

No. 2357968>>2357977

File (hide): 1737479428577.jpeg (280.61 KB, 749x1402, IMG_7818.jpeg)

No. 2357977>>2357994

BF is telling me is might be maintenance due to all the site changes. I guess prior it was a photo of Trump on the front. Idk.. but this seems nefarious to me.

No. 2357979>>2357994

They pulled reproductiverights.gov too

No. 2357993

>"(c) When administering or enforcing sex-based distinctions, every agency and all Federal employees acting in an official capacity on behalf of their agency shall use the term “sex” and not “gender” in all applicable Federal policies and documents."

I don't want to use the term sec with men because they are going to fucking say it in inappropriate ways just because they can due to this and just make women uncomfortable. The emphasis on sex when they say it, but being able to act like they are being silly is such passive aggressive bullshit.

No. 2357994>>2358005

File (hide): 1737480707656.jpeg (158.11 KB, 828x1402, IMG_7816.jpeg)

all you see now is this fat fuck on the home page and some info at the bottom like his executive orders

No. 2358005>>2358550


While we also have House Resolution 7 going to force all women to need male permission from IVF to ligation to birth control. This is the bad place.


No. 2358012

He did that last term you dingleberry

No. 2358022

>Nooooo you don't understand we hadddd to become neonazis because the libs called us mean names

No. 2358034>>2358052>>2358406>>2358419

looks like the mass deportations aren’t happening

No. 2358036>>2358058

Republicans really are the most annoying and retarded party. Dems are spineless fence sitters but at least their entire marketing department isn't doing the Facebook Boomer Chic shit. This is all so fucking cringe and pathetic and this country will be in shambles by the next election and the Dem who'll take over won't be able to do shit about it and we'll do another hard swing to the right and there goes women dying due to a dangerous pregnancy and miscarriage dying in actual hospitals because cocksucking doctors are soulless fags.

No. 2358042>>2358046

Honestly we should all go GI robot on these nazi's. American problems require American solutions

Joking aside. We are in very dark times nonas. We must keep ourselves safe, we must love each other more than ever. Our consitution is currently under attack. Our rights as humans are under attack. For now lets stop hating each other and focus all of our hate towards the evils that have proudly made themselves known. Focus, believe in hope that we will get through this together. With love, anon

No. 2358045

Is this bait or are you just retarded?

No. 2358046

I want this but the way society is changing is making it hard to care about anything. Bad things are coming and I worry for the livelihood of my family and friends and myself. Shits going to get so much worse.

No. 2358050

did elon really do a nazi salute??? wtf

No. 2358052

ICE is severely underfunded and undermanned, unless trump somehow is able to get the national guard to do these mass sweeps of people across major metropolitan cities, it seems so implausible

No. 2358058>>2358067>>2358083

I'm disturbed that you were able to predict the same political trajectory as me. The dems will take over next election because the economies horrible and will continue to get worse, but if they don't magically reverse everything the right wing crying will come back like you said. Terrifying.

No. 2358067

Let's pray for mass levels of domestic terrorism against the oligarchs running this country. It might not solve anything but it'd be kind of fun.(global rule #1)

No. 2358068>>2358077

This is scary nonnas. Do you think other nations or us as a people can remove Trump and the tech bros from sucking us all dry from our money and land? With the "drill baby drill" the polution here is going to get worse, no one will have money. How will we get through? How are we even gunna buy food?
I'm like hoping the UN or something anyone, hell even god (i'm not religious) anyone stops this.

No. 2358072

Sounds very weak minded.

No. 2358077>>2358097

If other nations tried we'd enter WW3 lmfao.

No. 2358083>>2358090>>2358097>>2358100

The cycle is annoying as fuck
>Repulican president(predictably) fucks shit up
>Democrat is elected, progress is slow but manages to keep shit from getting worse during their 4-8 years
>Because of some culture war shit going on in the background, inbred retards vote in a republican
>Republican fucks shit up.
Can we just hold a democrat for two fucking terms?

No. 2358085>>2358092

I honestly think it's time other countries and nations did step in to humble the American ruling class.

No. 2358090>>2358123>>2358131

I think if we had free schooling, more funding to put into schooling, we wouldn't be playing hot retard potato like this. Too bad the average American must be retarded and unable to afford school. This is how they stay in power.

No. 2358092>>2358101

America is a massive terrorist group.
We spend the same amount of money on the military as the rest of the entire world.
We have military bases in other countries.
The only people who can step in and stop this is other Americans. If we just stopped being democrats and republicans and started being fucking Americans we could unite and have a fighting chance.

No. 2358097>>2358215

Then I hope we get a whole bunch of Luigi's. Trump, Elon and the rest know what's up. They refuse to go to PULIC events. Guess it's up to citizens to do something.

I WISH we could just get rid of Repulicans forever now that they were all exposed to be nazi's. But that will never happen.

I'm upset that these mf's are attacking the constitution and saying they'll change it. This is just like animal farm

No. 2358100>>2358126

biden didnt make anything better though. if anything inflation stayed high and the open border policy DID lead to this backlash (via scapegoat for economic problems). cost of living went up, rents go up, nobody can afford a house, insurance keeps going up.

the only shining hope of his admin was the lady he put in charge of FTC and some student loan reform. otherwise biden's admin just did the bidding of the oligarchs per usual. i dont see how people think any current dem can save this country. we need a populist but the ruling class will never let that happen

No. 2358101

The people in power do everything they can to prevent unity, and the foreign trolling farms as well. America is entering a very dark age for sure.

No. 2358121>>2358167

Florida nonnies it's snowing how we feeling about it

No. 2358123

10000%. That really is the source of the sheer magnitude of magatardism, and Trump defunding the DOE and Elon saying you don't need school most certainly will make it worse. That is the intention, of course.

No. 2358126

Democrats in the 2010s/20s will go down as the reason why this country crumbled. I really don't think the party cares very much that Trump is in charge, they work for the same ruling class, the lobbyists, corporations. Anyway its been happening for decades, a country of cattle being herded from one idpol issue to the next while these billionaires are the reason why we have nothing.

No. 2358127

Man the fact that Trump is hellbent on extracting oil, and at the same time declaring cartels as terrorists while deploying US troops to the border really doesn't bode well for the future. I really hope the situation in Mexico doesn't turn out to be Iraq 2 Electric Boogaloo. Fuck…

No. 2358131>>2358141>>2358156

genuinely I believe the reason why there's this push lately against higher education, against going to university – messaging about pursuing trades – is the most recent conspiracy planted by the ruling class to make even less Americans develop critical thinking skills.

No. 2358137

I'm hoping and praying my state government stays levelheaded for the next 4 years. Please for the love of baby Jesus protect our people and schools and women and children and our disabled.

No. 2358141>>2358164

also, not to mention how there's this massive push for STEM degree and denigration of the Humanities. it's so obvious what they want. worker bees for the ruling elites. the entire system is to make it so you never develop critical thinking skills.

No. 2358151>>2358438

i don't mean to sound overly dramatic but if there are any spanish speaking nonnies here or really just anyone who come from a latino household, even if you're not mexican, do you think it's best we don't speak in spanish publicly while this whole deportation shitfest is going on?

No. 2358156>>2358174

don’t forget that moids are angry that more women are in university than them. of course they’d want to degrade it

No. 2358164>>2363565

i feel like the whole techbros utilizing ai to use it against artists and writers, aka the group of people who historically was always looked down upon during dictatorships and times of war since creative people 'record' historical events through their skills and talent, ties nicely with what you just said. and we all know the biggest proponents of ai are white moids who are asshurt that there are more and more female/minorities artists and writers now more than ever before thanks to social media.

No. 2358167

File (hide): 1737485248741.png (542.91 KB, 920x593, Open louisiana snow.png)

I was just about to post about how I love the snow in Louisiana kek, i wish i was there to see it in person!!

No. 2358174

damn NTA but if men are so angry that admissions are favoring the female students over them why don’t they study a little more and become a teeny bit smarter instead of watching porn, playing videos games, and crying all day? Idiots

No. 2358181>>2358186>>2358190>>2358192>>2358195>>2358204>>2358219>>2358254>>2358443>>2358462>>2358670>>2358683

My boyfriend defending Elon by saying "He didn't do a nazi salute" because he did it wrong. Fuuuuck him

No. 2358186

He did it weird on purpose just so he could say that and people who know the truth deep down but agree with facism can defend him. You need to leave him. This can’t be the first indicator there’s something up with his morals.

No. 2358190

Break up with him he sound fucking ugly.

No. 2358192

break up with that fat faggot

No. 2358195

>My boyfriend
Oh lord

No. 2358204

Doesn't he know what a dogwhistle is? I don't know how you tolerate being in a relationship with such an imbecile.

No. 2358215>>2358225>>2358555

I REALLY hope killing people in power becomes the new school shooting. School shooters are the absolute biggest servants to the ruling class. They terrorize and discourage educating the masses. Those fucking inbred incels throw their lives away for less than nothing. At least the failed Trump assassin TRIED to do something good even if he failed miserably. I respect that ugly porn addict infinitely more than any other autist who spergs out and shoots random people.(global rule 1)

No. 2358219

This is your sign to leave him.
If he cries tell him tell him you respect Luigi more than him.

No. 2358225>>2358236

IA. Been saying this for years how it makes better sense to take their rages out on the elites who created the systems they hate in the first place rather than kill literal schoolchildren who know no better. I get it though, mental illness + easier targets. I'd imagine it's quite a deal more effort, research, and patience to orchestrate an attack on them, especially now when they're going inside venues because they are too afraid to be outside anymore.

No. 2358236

That Trump assassin was no different than they were. They can kill a CEO or a lobbiest. Even just attempting to is a higher score than killing 30 small children.

No. 2358239>>2358285>>2358290>>2358342

The Trump assassination was an act so he can say god choose him to live. He doesn't even have a scar on his ear, nothing. It was faked

No. 2358254>>2358287

he sounds just like the type to say "it wasn't rape because she didn't even say anything and just laid there". i'd leave him if i were you.

No. 2358285

the bullet didn’t touch him barely it kind of skimmed him and it was a long time ago so it makes sense if the skin grew back

No. 2358287>>2358303

so all men basically? apparently if you don’t attack and attempt to beat the shit out of your own boyfriend who is twice your size, rape doesn’t count. they think they have a loophole.

No. 2358290>>2358350

I dont think it was an act because one of his tards died from the bullet missing.

No. 2358303>>2358311

they're too retarded to realize that any attempt to fight back whether its punching or using your teeth and nails to get him off of you would only increase the risk of a beat down or even murder during or after the rape. male genocide when

No. 2358311

and you KNOW if they had left a single mark fighting back they would have had their shit rocked and while they’re still lying there dazed the man is gonna call the cops pretending you had sex earlier that day and then unrelated were being violent towards him and he had to fight back!!! so the police have to be like oh man this is just TOO CONFUSING you guys probably are BOTH in the wrong. k. picks me posting on twitter it’s wrong not only to kill a man raping you but to even fight back, because “there is no excuse for committing violence” framing rape as sex you don’t want instead of the biggest act of violence there is. k.

No. 2358321>>2358335>>2358348>>2358424>>2358441

File (hide): 1737488167068.png (276.36 KB, 1080x2017, 1000019502.png)

Nonnies, please don't tell me this is real

No. 2358335

This genuinely SO gay and retarded, I have never once been a very patriotic person but this feels so shameful. Please some schizo reading this go blow up Musk's over-sized melon, it's such an easy target.

No. 2358342>>2358368

I don't think it was staged. It appears like they did allow the assassin to take the shot as multiple videos show his rally supporters pointing towards the roof with him on it moments prior. People knew he was there.
The bullet only missed because Trump turned his head right at the last second.
>But no scar?
It hit his ear. Ears are made of cartilage and can heal rather well. Every had your ears pierced and the hole closes up quickly if you don't keep a stud in it? Same concept. He was basically given a Claire's treatment.
And unfortunately, the miss served to just drive these cowardly asshats further into their domains. It's likely why the inauguration speech was held indoors.

No. 2358348>>2358764

Crypto is just money laundering.

No. 2358350>>2358373

NTA but what else would it be besides an act when the dude who “attempted” to shoot him was republican?

No. 2358368>>2358371>>2358386

Your earlobe isn't cartilage. Cartilage does not heal extremely fast. If you get a cartilage piercing that is easily a year or even more in terms of heal time. His ear was healed much less than a full year, that's why it's suspicious to many people.

No. 2358371>>2358386

Samefag, to clarify the bullet hit the cartilage part of his ear; earlobe piercings heal very fast because that part of the ear isn't cartilage, it's skin, fat, and connective tissue.

No. 2358373>>2358553

MAGA and republican are 2 different things.
There was reports that the assassin would have taken a shot at biden if he had been there instead. He just wanted to kill a politician. I can respect that

No. 2358374

To add, the Gulf of Mexico is now the Gulf of America due to another executive order

No. 2358386>>2358390>>2358394>>2358395>>2358396

File (hide): 1737489532844.jpg (83.76 KB, 712x624, ear.jpg)

Anon, we're peasants. Trump has access to the best medical care and plastic surgeons. It makes perfect sense why it doesn't look mangled. There is even scarring, he probably just gets his makeup bitches to cover it further for him.

No. 2358390>>2363540

Imagine having to be the person who covers that shit up every day for him. I'd want to rope even if it paid well

No. 2358394

An earlobe scars would've looked hardcore and rugged to his demographic, seems like a lost opportunity to be honest.

No. 2358395

I genuinely can't see shit.

No. 2358396>>2358408>>2358708

Access to the best surgeons does not magically change the natural healing process of cartilage. Cartilage heals extremely slow.

No. 2358401

if you wanna lie can you at least lie about stuff you cant easily google? also we've been out of the paris climate agreement for ages

No. 2358406

Itll probably happen but not en masse. The logistics just arent there for that type of sudden seige on suspected illegals without proof. The lawsuits would be insane. Not to mention the stop-gaps of states not allowing their troops and officiers to be used like this. He doesn't have authority to do that type of executive order and have it fullfilled. He wants to, trust me, but he doesn't actually have that power.

No. 2358408>>2358415

Is it cartilage or is it not cartilage? Also this happened in July. It's been half a year.

No. 2358415>>2358430

? He was "shot" in the cartilage part of his ear supposedly. Cartilage heals slowly, and yet he was totally fine less in a few weeks. What are you not getting.

No. 2358419

I would rather they use their resources to keep more people from coming in.

No. 2358424

I'm so embarrassed to live here holy shit

No. 2358430>>2358440

File (hide): 1737490610557.jpg (71.35 KB, 760x211, cartilage.jpg)

>fine in less than a few weeks
What is your source? Anon I don't know why you cannot accept that one of the richest men with access to the best surgeons in the world walked away from an ear injury with minimal scarring. It's not a conspiracy, it was always going to be a non-issue and heal quickly.

No. 2358438

Considering how brazen the administration has gotten I personally wouldn't but I've always been the anxious and paranoid type. Although I doubt it would even matter. One look at our fully spanish looking names and we'll get doubted anyway by some brain-rotted Trumpist. Even if we don't know a drop of spanish and have very clear american accents.

No. 2358440>>2358450

His ear was shot with a bullet. I don't care how good the surgeons were, he would have not healed in that time frame.

No. 2358441

This is what happens when retarded tech bros run anything. this is so embarrassing.

No. 2358443

Your clearly dating a retard which is seen as unethical. Strongly consider breaking up with him.

No. 2358450

You're not a surgeon and don't know what you're talking about. Like have you even googled traumatic ear injuries to see the work that good surgeons can do? Pitbull attacks, sports injuries, car wrecks, etc. you can barely tell anything even happened to their ears.

No. 2358462

You know what you must do nonna. It's for the best.

No. 2358550>>2358574>>2359125

File (hide): 1737493361705.jpg (116.58 KB, 1273x609, 58658658865865.JPG)

Was curious, so decided to read the resolution for myself. It isn't immediately malicious at first glance but the mentions of "spiritual wellness" give of religious undertones. They also keep mentioning Pro Women's Healthcare Centers, which are fake abortion clinics, and they mention that women's healthcare "should also address the needs of men". Not explicitly bad but could set precedent for worse things in the future

No. 2358553

>there were reports
What does that mean kek

No. 2358555

It’s because for these mentally ill men (redundant, kek) killing children is part of the appeal for them. They get a kick out of hurting small, innocent, defenseless things.

No. 2358574

>health care for women should also address the needs of men
Already I can see how this is going to be used.

No. 2358603>>2358615

File (hide): 1737494496609.png (68.92 KB, 449x161, s,dkfjhgv.png)

>a person belonging, at conception
>at conception
And this is why I will never center troons in my radical feminism despite hating them with every bone in my body. You """"Terfs"""" fall for every "protect woman!!" culture war larp done by men who just want higher teen pregnancy rates and want non-privileged women to die on the streets. fucking pathetic. When will you all realize that conservatards hate trannies because they want to reinforce gender roles? They don't hate trannies for the same reasons as us.

No. 2358612>>2358648>>2358687>>2358693>>2360492

File (hide): 1737494726052.png (237.43 KB, 576x517, laks.png)

theyre already doing the plausible deniability thing

No. 2358615

Nitpicking but why do they say "large reproductive cell". They're called eggs. Why can't they call them that

No. 2358648

hope however is defending melon gets canned from their job and replaced by H1B indian

No. 2358670

Sounds like a fag he should have said it was based.

No. 2358683

My sister's bf is a jew and an Elon fanboy kek, I'm gonna ask him and see how far he's gonna go to suck Elon's dick.

No. 2358687>>2358697

Unsurprising. A nazi defends a nazi. It's funny how they look alike though.

No. 2358693>>2358697

File (hide): 1737497621657.png (307.94 KB, 368x524, 345343354354354.png)

Whenever someone posts a saladtoss comic I am mandated by law to respond with this

No. 2358697>>2358702

>the guy who wants to replace us with HB1's and is friends with ben shaprio is a natso.
Well he's clearly doing a bad job at it.
For clarification that might not actually be him. The people who "doxxed" stonetoss claimed that he and breadpanes were the same person so take it with a grain of salt.

No. 2358702>>2358703

This post stinks of "he cant be racist he has black friends"

No. 2358703>>2358705

I'm racist and have many black friends kek.(bait)

No. 2358705

Being this retarded even anonymously is quite impressive, congratulations.

No. 2358708>>2358710>>2358714>>2358773>>2358893>>2359211

the ear thing makes me unironically believe that he's the antichrist. Cult like following. Followers wear the mark of the beast upon their head. Talks in slogans. Embodiment of literally every single sin and yet worshipped by the religious the world over (christians, jews, hindus, even muslims somehow despite the muslim ban and his blatant support of israel). Constantly threatening to invade the south. Waves the bible upside down and refused to swear on it, multiple times now. Miraculous healing head wound. It all fits a little too perfectly. I'm not even religious and I can see how well it fits.

No. 2358710>>2358716

>Followers wear the mark of the beast upon their head
Curious about your theory, could you elaborate on this?

No. 2358714

I'm not religious but I do believe in demons

No. 2358716

I think they’re referring to the MAGA hats with the slogan on their forehead

No. 2358764

what does that have to do with the new Department of Government Efficiency other than sharing an acronym

No. 2358771

So a lot of democratic states are filing lawsuits against the Trump administration for trying to end birth right citizenship. So we aren't going down without a fight. More like it's still grim for red states who're racist AF like Florida.

No. 2358772

File (hide): 1737502052487.jpg (40 KB, 535x306, 1520139509051.jpg)

Basically America rn

No. 2358773>>2358776>>2358797

File (hide): 1737502070118.png (597.47 KB, 768x892, 1_oGsShUJHf2_JVCUbSt6qWA.png)

This isn't fair. I was told that the devil would be attractive.

No. 2358776>>2358782

He is 'attractive', but not to women

No. 2358779>>2358803>>2358849

Not an American. Just caught up on the news cycle. Elon's a massive loser, him doing the nazi salute is some shit an edgy student council boy would dream of doing at a student assembly to impress the popular boys who find the entire thing cringe.

I use to enjoy the comedy factor of Trump's first presidency when it seemed like he wanted to prove himself. Now you've got final season Trump who is being overshadowed by his cohort who want to outlast him.

Bernie Sanders would be a great world leader, Americans should only listen to him regarding politics.

Elon is such a meme, hope he dies in a stupid way. He's such a fucking inbred weird mouthed south African Dutch racist dickhead

No. 2358782>>2358799

Elon has a loose jaw and some weird jowls thing going on, I don't think he'd be good at giving head. I bet he spills everything he drinks

No. 2358790>>2358893

Has anyone's lefty hippie parents gone conservatard in the last year or so? I want to fucking kms for some god forsaken reason my mom who has always been a huge faghag and feminist has started spewing andrew tate/redpill talking points like wtf ? Idk if it's just because the right wing has taken over her usual crunchy granola spaces or what but its depressing. Strangely enough my dad hasn't changed politically from what I can tell he's still a usual Nader-tier retard.

No. 2358797

Isn't the anti christ and the devil different though? Still hope

No. 2358799>>2358913

Nonna, Elon supporters want to give him head, this won't matter

No. 2358803>>2358926

Sanders got fucked over by establishment dems in 2016 and again in 2020.
I don't think I'll ever forgive them for that.

No. 2358849

Burgers only, hit the road jack

No. 2358893>>2358901>>2358919>>2359300

Idk how true this is but I heard evangelicals specifically voted for him because they think he's the antichrist and will bring about the rapture kek. It sounds stupid but the religious people in this country are a special kind of retarded so I could see it being true This is slightly unrelated but another such instance is our military and how they've handled UFO/UAP stuff. Lots of the guys in the military are christcucks and as a result they were/are afraid of looking more into UFOs/UAPs because they legit think they're demons
yes, unfortunately. I wouldn't say they were ever hippies per say (tho my mom used to be a bit crunchy when I was little) but they were always liberals and my dad was a Democrat (he even voted for Obama twice) but my dad went full on MAGA back in 2015/2016. My mom used to hate Trump but has recently gone full on Trumptard and even fucking registered to vote so she could vote for him in the 2024 election. It's a fucking travesty but at least they weren't like this when I was little and we live in a blue county/state…Anyway I'm surprised more anons haven't discussed this phenomenon because this is definitely a thing. Like I know there's a rightward shift happening worldwide but it's insane seeing so many people abandoning their previous beliefs to vote for fucking Trump of all people

No. 2358901>>2358910

I don't know anyone who voted for trump. Allegedly my mother in laws right wing boyfriend said he didn't vote this year (he could be lying) and my mother in law definitely voted blue. She's turbo based and doesn't take shit from anyone. Did you parents give any reasoning why they would abandon democracy (even if it's just establishment neoliberalism larping as democracy) for such an obvious oligarch?

No. 2358903

I work in procurement and have gotten emails from my electronics suppliers saying to stock up while prices are low. They're doing pre tariff promotions
I stocked up on our plastics and electronics on election day

No. 2358907

I live with my autistic sister. We were born in Puerto Rico. She's so far up Trumps ass that she became self racist aganist PR, hispanic groups and other POC communities. You can't argue with a retard but holy shit

No. 2358910>>2358939

nayrt but i think covid lockdowns broke my moms brain or something. Since she was already in crunchy spaces a lot of the 'vaccine cards are fascistic!" sentiment was prevalent even tho we live in a state where vaccine mandates weren't a thing kek she also at some point started watching a lot of russell brands podcast thing and it was all downhill from there…I didn't expect her to go full manosphere redpill tho that was a shock. She for sure already had some of these leanings tho because during the Amber Heard trial she would send me daily shit about how she is a liar and trying to besmirch her precious moid. I took it as her being a retarded fangirl tho.

No. 2358913

I just couldn't even fathom anyone would want too he just seems like a bitch boy probably why he's such a nazi cause the only special quality he knows for sure he has in his warped mind is he's white

No. 2358919>>2358966

evangelical mindset is so stupid. this sounds like tricking god instead of obeying. wouldn't god be pissed about that? the people who try to purposefully ruin the world and go against god's mission and message just so they would selfishly get raptured faster seems like they would be going straight to hell and eternal damnation. but whatever.

No. 2358926

He got fucked over by the corrupt cunts involved with the last presidents. Bill Clinton was the first president I was conscious for but since him at least all the presidencys have been bought. Leaders like Sanders are needed that's why the corrupt rich cunts won't let it happen. It's no longer the will of the people, it's the will of the cunts running the political parties. People need to vote more in local elections and stop the cunts from getting into office and by some miracle legislate against backhanders and under the table deals. Basically all the things Sanders says

No. 2358936>>2359157>>2359168>>2359300>>2361675>>2361703

We can be pro-woman but the problem is anti-male, actually even being pro-woman will be difficult since if women get "too much push" it will be seen as sexist and therefor "not feminist". It's a bigger problem at large, women just don't hate men as much as men hate women. Men not only want to be on top, but they want women down and below them while women just want to be left alone, this is obviously result in men having the most power. Even the women who say men are terrible, still actually and truly belive that there a few good men out there that see them as equals and agree with feminist idea. Women are too selfless and want to help all the gays, immigrants, disabled, natives, etc. so they end up taking away time and resources away from themselves. They are also obssesed with moralfagging so even calling a man ugly on twitter will get you a hoard of pickmes telling you how horrible and sexist you are. If women want an equal society they should aspire for a matriarchy. Since men are dead set on mantaining the patriarchy, women working for a matriarchy may actually end up in a equal society. For starters, let's take the pro-woman sentiment but make it actually pro-woman this time. Women NEED to become entitled. Respect, praise, opportunities, are their birthright. Stop moralfagging over women's wrongdoings. If women are so easily cancellable over some dumb scandal they will never gain power. Women cheat? Blame the moid. Women tax evade? Who cares. Women abuse their boyfriends? Look the other way. Women are doing bad things to the enviorment? It's bad, buy there is a male that is doing worse. I would say the only time to really shit on a woman should be if she is doing something against women's wellbeing, but it gets sort of tricky because a lot of things women do go against their own wellbeing, but for now, target women like Sydney Sweeny levels of pickme, or women that show enthusiastic support for men proven to be pedos and rapists. Being anti-male can be a bit more dangerous but ignoring men can go a long way as we've seen before kek cough cough suicide. It's been said before, but stop praising men and call out women who praise men for dumb shit and like being a "gentleman" which really is just a more elaborate mask to hide their true predator nature, you never see men making tiktoks or twitter threads about women being "proper ladies" or "best girl", the most you get is men in the comments writing gross shit, point this out to women as well. You don't need to write a manifesto over how men should be treated lower than dogs, a simple "ur bald and ugly" will do a lot. I know kpoop has a lot of problems but these days the gap between female and male idols is almost closed, and vast majority of kpop fans which happen to be women will go to war to defend their girlpops no matter how stiff they may be and are pretty at shitting on scrotes. A lot of the nonas here say the UMP thread has a lot of focus on men but shitting on men is always a positive so i support shitting on their looks and making them suicidal over their height, and with the way the standards for man to be considered handsome in the thread are going, most nonas are gonna end up separatist.

So basically:
1. Women go "me me me me me"
2. Women who do not are losers
4. Call men ugly

No. 2358939

Holy shit wtf simping for that post walled alchoholic shithead is retarded.
Sure, I had a crush on him as a teenager in the 2000s (I'm old), but I actually was grossed out by the news of him dating Herd because I remember even when I was simping for Depp as a teen I figured it wouldn't work between us because even back then I realized it would be gross of him to be dating someone my age. His current gf is younger than me. Johnny Depp is fucking nasty.
Tell your mom to break up with her bloatfaced celebrity crush.

No. 2358966

File (hide): 1737509481092.jpg (214.84 KB, 2160x1200, shofar.jpg)

They have no reading comprehension for their own scriptures.
Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."
Jeremiah 17:10
“I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”
And yet they were at the capital blowing fucking shofars.

No. 2359056>>2359059

Why is everyone in the background cheering and smiling like he didn't just do the worst thing you could do politically?

No. 2359059

I think he intended for it to be a dogwhistle so the older, hawkish, more normie conservatives probably didn't recognize it. however everyone else did notice it. It's why you see mainly center-right people saying he didn't do it while full blown nazi and people on the left agree that he did do it.

No. 2359076>>2359082>>2359083>>2359110

File (hide): 1737514106422.mp4 (581 KB, 480x480, k7ekga5vy6ee1.mp4) [play once] [loop]

was elon listening to avicii or calvin harris?

No. 2359082

Whatever shit Grimes use to put on to have sex for money with him

No. 2359083

More empty than the inside of a black hole.

No. 2359084>>2359104>>2360500

File (hide): 1737514437877.jpg (43.33 KB, 480x640, 4cc706d79fbf397c878f96745d8bc6…)

Florida heat makes you forget how cold it can get here, its 50 degrees I'm huddled under so many blankets

No. 2359104

Same nonnie. My friend in the panha dle got 5 inches of snow. I think it's supposed to be a high of 43 on Thursday or Friday

No. 2359110

are we sure he's not actually a lizard person?

No. 2359125>>2359129>>2359131

I blame the GC retards for this

No. 2359129

Not the psychos who want to control women? Ok.

No. 2359131>>2359150>>2359171>>2359300

i think anyone who voted single issue on trannies is retarded because kamala harris was insanely moderate on the whole troon thing. literally pissed trannies off by saying "ill follow the law" when she was asked about them. now we have to deal with this retard who just wants more poor women to die on the streets under the guise of "atleast we know what a woman is hurrr durr!!"

No. 2359148>>2359154>>2359161>>2359166>>2359235>>2359648

File (hide): 1737516509201.png (270.94 KB, 1052x470, Opera Snapshot_2025-01-21_2227…)

actual useless bullshit. HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS?? How the fuck does this help our economy. stupid fucking tech billionaires. He's going to put us into more debt than he did in his last term

No. 2359150>>2359300

It pisses me off when people try to blame feminism. Like, no shit I voted for Harris. Anyone who votes for a fat rapist scrote over a woman is NOT a feminist and in my eyes. Rather, she is an honorary moid. You have no idea how many pickmes I had to fucking deal with because they hate trannies more than they care about women. No shit I don't want men in womens spaces, but it was far more important to me to have some semblance of something to tard wrangle the christo fascists who are gnashing their teeth trying to re enslave American women.
I still think the election was rigged but I know that's just be me coping with how economically suicidal and retarded my fellow Americans are.

No. 2359154>>2359209

Can someone tell me what the end goal is for these people?

No. 2359157

No. 2359161>>2359165

But they can't help forgive student loans. More welfare for rich billionaires.

No. 2359165

You have more to worry about than loans kek they want to get rid of the department of education entirely

No. 2359166

Is it a little more real for you now…? >>2359148

No. 2359168

took me a while to read because of schizo format, but I'm glad I did. Good stuff.

No. 2359171>>2359177

>i think anyone who voted single issue on trannies is retarded
did any prominent gcs actually do this?

No. 2359177

Prominent no. But I know this one girl who is obsessed with dunking on trannies and will retweet JK Rowling shit but was a massive pickme autist who voted for Trump because. And I literally shit you not word for word: "He is the enemy of my enemy"
She is retarded and keeps the same kind of company that stupid school shooter NLOG does. She is scared of women because she was bullied in middle school. idfk what to do with her.

No. 2359182

File (hide): 1737517827301.mp4 (4.38 MB, 480x736, FyLLcrRnq8Qtd4_K.mp4) [play once] [loop]

AOC on Elon Musk

No. 2359189>>2359194>>2359207

I have shoulders like this and it sucks, there is no surgery to reduce them even if you have infinite coins

No. 2359194

Don’t worry anon, she’s still a million times hotter than that ogre

No. 2359207

her shoulders are fine. that type of neckline makes everyone shouldery. i like a woman with big shoulders and strong arms personally. hannah waddingham in ted lasso has the craziest physique i admired it anytime she was on the screen.

No. 2359209

I'm actually terrified they know the industries have actually fucked over humanity to the point of unsustaiability being a de facto state they're going to focus on becoming as rich as possible, try and live on Mars and fuck us all over to get there and have a large enough unemployed population that will agree to become a militia for them at a pittance

No. 2359211

Same anon. When I was doing my usual rabbitholing about the ancient world and religious concepts, the antichrist came up and the way it was described, I couldn't help but think "Holy shit this is Trump to the T!" And I'm not at all religious at all. It's uncanny how it fits him

No. 2359220>>2359223>>2359228>>2359653

File (hide): 1737519741243.jpg (869.46 KB, 3840x1567, news.jpg)

>DEI shut down
>500B in AI
can this faggot pass an eo to improve society next

No. 2359223

These next four years are going to be the biggest fucking joke to our descendants

No. 2359227>>2359236>>2359241>>2359244>>2359245>>2359246>>2359796>>2359802>>2360230

im asking this innocently but ive seen white people be obsessed with motorcycles. I've seen Mexican people be obsessed with motorcycles. I've seen asian people [east and south] be obsessed with motorcycles…. I don't think I've ever seen a black person even ride a motorcycle. Is this just me?

No. 2359228

Okay, I might not fully understand our own government, but how is he allowed to throw around money like that? Don't congress/the senate need to pass legislation to let the government fund things?

No. 2359230

File (hide): 1737520143903.jpg (390.2 KB, 833x531, 1668798291645790.jpg)

No. 2359231>>2359237

Do you think Trump is going to leave the UN and officially start WW3

No. 2359235

Can't wait for the our overload AM

No. 2359236>>2359240

maybe it's culture, but my mom used to warn me about the dead people who motorcycle without a proper helmet or clothing and how they come to the emergency room barely alive or dead, and it always put me off. Looks cool from a distance though

No. 2359237

i don't care about ww3 at this point, people have been crying about Obama or Trump or Biden or Kamala starting it for so long and it still hasn’t started so I don’t let myself worry or stress anymore

No. 2359240

there's a reason doctors call them donor cycles sadkek but yeah I think motorcycles are falling more and more out of fashion with each generation in general

No. 2359241>>2359243>>2359796

File (hide): 1737521108206.webp (49.49 KB, 1597x1198, Best-electric-scooter-in-US-Bu…)

I'm black and my mom used to have a scooter, if that counts.

No. 2359243

god i think scooters are so cute but they scare me for the same reason motorcycles do. did she have it for the affordability aspect or just bc shes a stacey?

No. 2359244

You don't know about the ruff riders?

No. 2359245

File (hide): 1737521501882.jpg (63.6 KB, 650x350, 1000015522.jpg)

There are numerous black motorcycle clubs in history and in the present day, it's just you.
A lot of the 1% gangs and such were whites only though. There's white supremacist bike gangs out there. If I had to speculate, I'd assume that aspect would make the "cool rebel biker" ideal less appealing to black people. The people I personally know who are motorcycle obsessed are very into the "cool edgy rebel" image.

No. 2359246

This is such a weird question kek I see black teenagers on “crotch rockets” or sportbikes all the time. Harleys or hogs or whatever is mostly a white men + their pick-mes phenomenon I think.

No. 2359250>>2359263

File (hide): 1737522339768.png (12.13 KB, 582x91, mjhgf.png)

some "hello kitty says acab" ass activism. these retards set us back so bad. do they not realize how desensitizing it all is??

No. 2359263

It's like virtue signaling armchair activists and elon musk are having a cringe-off

No. 2359300>>2359597>>2360190


It feels like people were too busy arguing about who deserved what rights, and now nobody gets to have any rights. As if that wasn't the plan the entire time.

>evangelicals specifically voted for him because they think he's the antichrist and will bring about the rapture

I've heard the same thing about Mormons. Their religion is based around the idea of misery on earth and pleasure in the afterlife. So they're all just waiting for the sweet release of death or something.

America was basically founded by rich assholes who didn't want to pay taxes, and a lot of religious nut jobs. Apparently nothing has changed.

No. 2359597

Sucks to be them. Hell is 100% real but it's on Earth. Now we will all suffer collectively.

No. 2359620>>2359624

File (hide): 1737552214705.mp4 (1.33 MB, 854x480, b3JW3ci.mp4) [play once] [loop]

fuck, the actual 18-year-old is more mature than he is

No. 2359624>>2359639>>2359649

Two types of autistics kek

No. 2359639>>2359649

I wanted to type this

No. 2359648

I'm actually fucking scared we are going to die before the end of his term. jfc. If someone wants to assassinate him now, DO IT. I hate this stupid motherfucker. He has no idea how to run a country. We are just going to be in more debt with our economy will crash.

No. 2359649>>2359659>>2359662

I don't really see that, this is just how many teenagers behave at social events

No. 2359653

>100,000 jobs
For whom exactly?
>protect Stargate
I really cant believe this is our current timeline. I want string theory to be real and I am happier somewhere else.

No. 2359659>>2359806>>2359889

People are weird about Barron. There was an article about his breakup with a longterm teenage girlfriend before going to college and it was phrased like ex girlfriend of Barron details creepy relationship and it was all normal non creepy things. It was like Barron is often busy. That was the height of the accusations.

No. 2359662

it's more of a joke tbh

No. 2359796>>2359800

mopeds/scooters are so loud and obnoxious but so aesthetically pleasing and take up so little space compared to normal cars.
I applied for a motorcycle permit but noped out because I feel like I'd die a week in.

No. 2359800

oh and I'm not black I'm white lol

No. 2359802

I'm in the south and I've seen tons of black guys on bikes.

No. 2359806>>2359889>>2360163>>2360276

Yeah, I feel bad for him. His dad is one of the most polarizing figures in America today so he's scrutinized by everyone. He's barely had a life to live yet/had decisions he could make on his own.

No. 2359834>>2359841>>2359871>>2359877>>2360140>>2360316

My mom has always been neutral on politics but in the last 4 years she's become extremely libbed up, but in an uneducated sense. She doesn't actually know anything about politics and like most Americans she can't point to different countries let alone states on the map, but now she has extreme Trump derangement syndrome.
It's kind of fucking with me because she's my mom and I always thought she was a good person but she literally celebrated when he got shot and said he should've died.
It's ironic because she has a lot of conservative values (she's against abortion, illegal immigration) but for some reason just because Drumpf doesn't like those things she supports them by default. There's no actual reasoning or thought she has regarding these subjects.

Just now she said to me "what are American values? racism?". This is shit you would've read on tumblr in 2016 but now I hear it every single day. Similarly a few days ago I said I liked medieval dresses and she's like "well you also would've had white privilege back then" hello? what?

Now she's mad at her friends black/white daughter for voting for Trump and has blocked her off all social media. At least once a day mentions her being black and voting for Trump, and calls her stupid for that.

I'm not even a conservative nor did I vote for Trump, I probably hold more leftist values than her, but she decided to take on this personality and hasn't dropped it. What was the first thing she said to me this morning?? "Carrie Underwood sang that song 'before he cheats'.. and now she's sang for trumps inauguration as if he didn't cheat? She's so stupid"

I'm seriously considering going no contact with her kek thanks for reading my blog.

No. 2359841

>It's kind of fucking with me because she's my mom and I always thought she was a good person but she literally celebrated when he got shot and said he should've died.
In your mom's defense, lots of people want him dead. The issue is that it would just further embolden and radicalize rightoids and then we'd have Vance for president then which is even scarier.

No. 2359871>>2360145

You literally don't know how good you have it, I wish I had this kind of retarded parent over my own retarded parents who are immigrants and only voted for Trump because they actually think the faggot will build the fucking wall.

No. 2359872

So can we call trump the antichrist now? Cause this shit is bizarro world.

No. 2359877>>2359881

>It's kind of fucking with me because she's my mom and I always thought she was a good person but she literally celebrated when he got shot and said he should've died
To be fair I don't see why we should give a shit about any politician's wellbeing.

No. 2359881

that's her problem, she cares too much.

No. 2359889>>2359891>>2359937>>2360111

File (hide): 1737562749831.png (183.79 KB, 480x642, uMjldrB.png)

what I don't understand is why people assume he's trump's 'heir' or something, that's not how it works. most of trump's financial assets will be going to his oldest children, he's not going to end up poor or anything, but he will most likely get some executive job(that's how it is for many rich families) and still work for a living, he could theoretically engage in politics if he's serious or passionate about it

No. 2359891>>2359897>>2359904>>2359992

genuine question, why would his oldest kids get most of the money? Is this the 1910s? kek

No. 2359897

I'm from an asian country, so maybe my perspective is different, but here for rich families, the eldest son gets everything(unless he's just a complete failure) the younger children usually receive enough to get by, but they'll often need to get jobs

No. 2359904

I would assume the kid who produced the most crotchfruit would get the most money.

No. 2359937

people only worship him because he's the only handsome trump son. Not objectively handsome. Just in comparison to Don jr and Eric who even MAGAtards realize are indefensibly faggy uggos.

No. 2359992

they are more entrenched in his various business dealings and can piggyback off of that

Ivanka will probably get the most though

No. 2360111

Baron has never been really heard to speak so people can project whatever they want on him. He’s probably a sniveling retard like Eric and Don Jr but we just don’t know it yet.

No. 2360128>>2360147>>2360658

File (hide): 1737569958945.jpg (5.21 MB, 4000x1848, 1000013848.jpg)

My very southern area got its first snowfall in like 15 years and it was a historic amount

No. 2360140

I feel like most people are like her with either parties

No. 2360145

It’s funny but also pretty sad, Trump is going after the legal migrants in the country. If you’re poor, an immigrant or normal and voting for him you are just self harming. Has he not revoked the equal employment opportunity act too?

No. 2360147

Same here! The forest around my house looks so pretty. I dont have any winter clothes so I'm just wearing 100 layers. Worth it tho

No. 2360163

>feeling bad for a rich right wing scrote

No. 2360190

>It feels like people were too busy arguing about who deserved what rights, and now nobody gets to have any rights. As if that wasn't the plan the entire time.
This. Shit the bed to own the troons. Troons are the least of our worries now with this demented chucklefuck in office with a special mention for Palestinefags and disingenuous Steinhags for basically handing over Gaza on a silver platter. Can't have a genocide when there's no one left to oppress! Sure, let's believe the man who has lied about basically fucking everything, not that he has to because he said so much of this shit outright, rule our country for the next 4 years. Nothing will happen, right?! Not like the oligarchs have bought their way in and the house and senate is full of unqualified cronies who kiss the ring and worship the dollar. Apparently bodily autonomy, disease prevention, freedom of speech, financial security, climate crises, affordable food and housing, women's rights, and general quality of life were worth throwing away because if we suffer, we all suffer together now.

No. 2360201>>2360416>>2362312

I know that this is a challenging time for many of us but I genuinely believe that the next four years will fly by. Not to be Pollyanna about it but I think we will get through this just fine.

No. 2360230

There's an entire Black Bike Week in South Carolina every Memorial Day weekend

No. 2360276

The moid is accused of slapping a nanny and animal abuse. Where is the sudden sympathy for him coming from? His drawings are weird hyper sexual Chris-chan shit. Kek

No. 2360316>>2360364>>2360380

Whether you like or hate him, I fucking hate how he’s broken so many brains. My mom was not political before 2016, literally never heard her talk about politics for my whole life up until that point until Trump got into office. Then, like what seems as if millions of people gone through, her brain fucking broke. Any mention of Trump just sends her into a genuine extreme fury. For the record, I don’t like him and I didn’t vote for him, but she always accuses me of being a “Trumpie” (hate this word kek) whenever I try to explain something he did neutrally. Me and my boyfriend tried explaining the TikTok thing and how Trump brought it back to make himself look good and how this will make retarded little kids like him, and she started screaming and freaking out saying that I was defending him and making him out to be positive. I hate what happened to my mom nonnas. Sorry for the vent kek.

No. 2360331>>2360338>>2360367

As an upper Midwesterner the reaction to some mild winter storms in the south are pretty funny.

No. 2360338

let them have their moments.
Honestly I guess I'd be pretty scared considering if it gets below 20 in Texas everyone there dies because their pipes burst and their power goes out.
I like also being midwestern and basically getting all the weather. From 100 degrees to -10 give or take 10 degrees

No. 2360363


fat rigger admits bigly rigging. blueanon confirmed as true. witches, astrologers, and psychics were right.

No. 2360364

You sound insufferable.

No. 2360367

do we have to do this every time kek. a bit of snow is nothing to you if you live somewhere cold, but we don't have the infrastructure for it (last time it happened entire cities lost power and water for days, people died) so of course people treat it like a big deal. I remember when the UK was having that heat surge and southerners were laughing at them from their air-conditioned, built for hot climate homes kek. The snow has been pretty fun though! I built a snowman and went to the beach, there were people skiing and having snowball fights. I can only remember it snowing a handful of times in my life and it was always an inch at most that melted immediately. my snowman I made yesterday is still there. this is truly a once-in-a-lifetime kind of weather event

No. 2360380

We're in such a weird Bizarroland time. I've known multiple people whose families have been broken apart since 2016 from both sides - parents disowning their adult children, and adult children going "no contact" with their parents, siblings and extended family because of this ONE man (accusing them of either loving or hating him). It's flabbergasting.
This summer, one of my friends was visiting her parents in her hometown (where I also live) and called me crying and asked if she could stay over for the night. Apparently her mom also became political overnight, and during one of her mom's rants, her mom started accusing her of being a "secret Trumper" (and I know for a fact she's absolutely not, kek) and started screaming that she was no longer welcome in their home, despite her pleading to her mom that she's liberal, she's on her side and not voting for him so she has no idea what she's talking about. It's now the end of January and she hasn't seen her mom since, because she's still convinced she's a "Trumper" and posts passive-aggressive Facebook posts about "children going astray" among millions of articles about Trump.
This insane politician that she has never met and (so far) never been personally affected by takes up 100% of her thoughts, time and emotions and chose to never see her daughter again because of it. It's incredibly sad.

No. 2360395>>2360404>>2360509>>2360992

Shooting at Antioch High School in Tennessee. Lots of stuff flying around on the internet and hard to tell what's real and what's not but it might have been a boy in similar online circles as Samantha Rupnow who identifies as an incel?

No. 2360401

I've experienced this on the west coast too. I couldn't fucking find where the laundry detergent was and neither of the moids I asked understood a single thing I said and just stared at me like a deer in headlights. I left and went to the drugstore instead. I don't get it.

No. 2360404

There was already no excuse for these atrocities before, but EVERYONE saw the praise and attention Luigi got for punching upwards. There's absolutely no justification now.

No. 2360416>>2360422>>2360431>>2361179>>2361737

Idk you can legally discriminate against anyone you want now for federal jobs. Thats going to have lasting damage

No. 2360422

And this is crazy to me. He has brought us backwards in the span of 24 hours kek.

No. 2360431>>2360846

The only ones who will benefit from his government will be the rich non taxpayers, the richer will get richer and the poor will be more poor and minorities will will be poor ^2 ; it’s only us normal folks and the retards who voted for him that will live through the consequences.
If he would be simply a racist that cares about white Americans I’d say “muh makes sense” but how can you be a normal middle to low class citizen and vote for him.

No. 2360492

Stone toss needs to stop drawing comics and go for a run kek like rightoids want some half Puerto Rican fatass with his shmorky style art.

No. 2360498

Elon thing was definitely a political stunt to keep everyone talking about him. It felt very forced and retarded.

No. 2360500

don't move north

No. 2360509>>2360514>>2360531>>2360557>>2360558>>2360569>>2360573>>2360584>>2360697>>2361142>>2361220>>2362524

File (hide): 1737583869980.png (Spoiler Image,747.61 KB, 1030x578, Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 2.06.…)

Apparently this is the shooter, he was also (shocker) active on /pol/ and referred to himself as an "involuntary n-word" and was angry that he was born black.

No. 2360514

This is really sad if it’s true. Get the kids off the internet already .

No. 2360531

there’s nothing more pathetic than a self hating black person and before I get reported I’m black. The behavior is always so pathetic , they grovel like cockroaches for a speck of white acknowledgement kek.
I’m sorry the retard killed someone else though.

No. 2360557

This is the second mass murderer associated with them kek. Someone should've told this kid that most people on /pol/ aren't even white themselves

No. 2360558>>2361444

I wish all parents could care for their children properly. If parents cared for their kids and forced them to have hobbies this wouldn't be happening. The Internet is turning them into school shooters, retards, and troons. Opening them up to groomers in all sides. Schools, if they require access to the Internet, should provide electronics for students. All social Media besides animal jam or whatever kid mmo exists today should delete under 18s account. I don't care if I sound like a boomer. Give your kid a dummie flip phone JFC. We have got to get kids away from the Internet they are too retarded to not get fucked up.

No. 2360569>>2360622

Read his manifesto in full. He genuinely sounds ESL. The (doctored) manifesto from that female shooter read like some brain-dead ESL moid, too, but at least that can be explained by her German boyfriend and other Discord users co-writing it, removing their own names, etc. Are gen alpha kids just retarded?
On the content, I actually feel sorry for him. Imagine falling for the copes of white failsons/faildaughters and sad brown people who LARP as white on the internet.

No. 2360573>>2360577

Why can't these idiots lash out at people who are actually fucking them over instead of random kids just trying to get an education?
Hes literally serving the ruling class who intentionally demoralizes black people to prevent them from developing enough class consciousness to force America to stop fucking them over. BLM scared the shit out of these assholes like Occupy wall street. But instead this guy went to pol, where a bunch of self hating socially retarded mutts blame everything except things they can change on all their problems.

No. 2360577>>2360579>>2360624

Because it’s easy and they’re cowards.

No. 2360579

I meant incels as a whole

No. 2360584>>2360678

Rip the female student he shot. It’s only fucking January and we already have a tard having a gun spergout at school. It’s so embarrassing that this is still happening.

No. 2360622>>2360627>>2360629>>2360631>>2360632>>2360634>>2360635>>2360637>>2360639>>2360640>>2360647>>2360654>>2360661>>2360678>>2360726>>2360757>>2360842>>2360852>>2360863>>2361061>>2361069>>2361142>>2361465

File (hide): 1737587595086.webp (Spoiler Image,119.37 KB, 720x640, antioch-high-school-shooter-wa…)

This is fucking insane

No. 2360624>>2360642

Its easy to find where some rich asshole lives. I'm tried of slave on slave violence. I mean, I'd rather there be no shooting at all but if someone has to die I'd rather it be someone who keeps enabling this psychotic behavior because once it starts to hit too close to home then they will start to sweat

No. 2360627>>2360636>>2360651

>im smarter than most of them
Literally how?

No. 2360629

>i'm smarter than most of them
>upset at the current culture among the black community and the negative view people have on it
>chooses to add to the negative view of it instead of rising above what he deems as negative and becoming a shining, positive example within the black community
I do not get this logic.

No. 2360631

I don’t think this is real kek

No. 2360632

I can’t even read it without losing my brain cells kek

No. 2360634


No. 2360635

>Candice Owen's inspired me
KEK. I wanna hear her respond to this

No. 2360636

>smarter than most of them
>listened to candace owens and was impressed
what the kek…

No. 2360637>>2360644>>2360648

Could there be an element of trying to get certain people in trouble for the shooting? How sure are we that the manifesto is actually from him and not an attempt to get publicity for certain things?

No. 2360639>>2360706

File (hide): 1737587891418.gif (336.12 KB, 220x220, ethan-ralph-gunt.gif)

>Ethan Ralph
>Ruben sim
>turkey tom
This guy 100% used or at least viwed KF

No. 2360640

>Idubbbz has influenced me
LMFAOO what is fucking happening right now

No. 2360642

Again they’re cowards nonna, they don’t care about doing good , they just want to inflict pain onto normal people because they feel cheated on by life.

No. 2360644

Fact is it’s him who did the shooting so…

No. 2360647>>2360652

>Mr beast
>Hasan parker
>Turkey tom

No. 2360648

i think so its probably like when the mosque shooter in New Zealand randomly blamed pewdiepie

No. 2360651

Because like all retarded teens, he thought hating himself made him smarter

No. 2360652

him mistaking hasans last name as parker is fucking killing me idky

No. 2360654

This reads like a retarded teens sharty post which it's most definitely is

No. 2360658

what a surreal image. the tree is so bright and green, contrasting with the fresh snow.

No. 2360661>>2360666

>all the general black community can do at this point is…kill for petty to no reason
>does the same thing

No. 2360666

Its not black people… it's men. It's always fucking men. How often do black women do shootouts? Probably significantly less than any other race of moid.

No. 2360673>>2360685>>2360736>>2360752>>2360757>>2360759>>2360796>>2360802>>2361142

File (hide): 1737588864101.png (538.89 KB, 681x783, 1737586678712.png)

Judging by his bluesky account, I think this kid was involved in the same circles as that last teenage shooter was. Who's memeing all these zoomers and gen alpha kids into shooting up their schools?

No. 2360678

I wish he killed himself, instead going on a another school shooting, fucking freak. Now a family lost their daughter because of his retardation

No. 2360685>>2360852

Somehow the “safe edgy” is worse than actual edgy. What in the world are these kids getting involved in?

No. 2360697

Total Moid Death

No. 2360706

I always forget how ugly this creature is.

No. 2360726

just looked it up, this shit sounds like doodoo

No. 2360736>>2360758>>2360776>>2360931

Im scared to ask but can someone explain the starter pack meme? I know the daisy destruction,discord and baby monkey reference but what is the other shite?

No. 2360752>>2360781

jesus christ. ban every single kid from the internet. nothing more advanced than flip phones for children. disable wifi on all school computers except when at school and during school hours and apply the harshest, strictest website restrictions possible. pens and paper for everything except computer classes.
this whole country needs to put kids on mandatory grass touching time.

No. 2360757

Fucking ban kids from the internet, holy shit. I know shootings would still happen but at least they won't be getting groomed into the most retarded shit known to mankind. Their underdeveloped impressionable brains cannot handle the internet

No. 2360758

You dont want to know but it's mostly shit relating to pedoshit,zooshit,zoosadism and child sadism and kiwifarms is in it for some reason the others are probably some pedo/zoo ibs

No. 2360759>>2360772

Is skibidi farms a reference to the kiwis?

No. 2360772

Or a reference to that kiwi knockoff website where moids would post CP and gore? I’m wondering now too

No. 2360776>>2360783>>2360801>>2360802>>2360810>>2360828>>2360834

I'll try to explain, skibidi farms is a website where they basically raid/spam other websites with cp and gore. Some of the photos in that image are the pfps of prominent users from there. Clay party is basically the same thing. 764 (the arm and guy in mask) is a extortion group that gets mainly girls to cut themselves and produce cp. No limits pedia was a wiki made by skibidi farms, and uttp (the Blue police officer png)is a troll group that spams youtube comment sections, with cp and generic "my videos are better than this slop"

No. 2360781


No. 2360783

I really think some people should just die

No. 2360796>>2360859

>animal abuse and daisy's destruction shit
>killed a female student
I no longer feel sorry for him, it's good that he killed himself.

No. 2360801>>2360818>>2360852>>2360992

No. 2360802>>2360818>>2360899

See the thing is I always here "ohh the cia is watching you" and I'm like: is it? is it really? Because like, don't you think if they can shut down tiktok for a day, they can shut down these sites? Dont you think once they realize shitholes like kiwifarms are putting people in legit danger they can shut it down?

No. 2360810

Wow, scrotes really have no lives at all.

No. 2360818

i always took the CIA is spying on you shit to just mean they will maybe occasionally set up phishing/bait on the web to be alerted to certain individuals but I've always understood that the cia/fbi HEAVILY and mainly rely on being tipped off. There is realistically not the manpower or resources to track each individual's internet activity.
thank you nona I'm going to go down this rabbithole! I've never heard of any of this I'm having huge culture shock rn as an elder zoomer

No. 2360828>>2360851

holy shit even just looking at the 764 wiki is breaking my brain
>In 2021, a 22-year-old member of CVLT, Kaleb Christopher Merritt of Spring, Texas, kidnapped and raped a 12-year-old girl in Virginia, USA. He was convicted and sentenced to 350 years in prison. Cadenhead's splinter group also leveraged animal torture, incest, rape, self-harm, and bestiality from their victims.
>17-year-old member Nino Luciano H., known as "Tobbz", livestreamed himself attacking an 82-year-old man in March 2022, and two weeks later he livestreamed his fatal stabbing of a 74-year-old woman, whom he believed to be Roma, on a 764-affiliated Discord server. This was allegedly so he could "prove himself" as a member of the "Maniac Murder Cult". He was sentenced to 14 years in prison in August 2023.
>In October 2024, a 14-year-old boy known as "Slain", who was a member of 764 and ran an offshoot named "No Lives Matter", was arrested after livestreaming eight attacks and three stabbings in Hässelby, Sweden.
>In 2021, an American man who was stranded in Kyrgyzstan performed self-immolation for an audience on Discord. He had been encouraged to broadcast his suicide by a 15-year-old Eastern European girl he met online who herself had links to 764.

No. 2360831>>2360832>>2361097>>2362079>>2362318

File (hide): 1737592289617.png (875.41 KB, 541x892, 1737590835926.png)

No. 2360832

Maybe pol should just be shut down. Like, is it really worth grooming babies into murdering other peoples babies?

No. 2360834>>2360836>>2360838>>2361064

How absolutely fucked up do you have to be to be into that shit. Also "safe edgy" how the actual fuck is any of that safe??? I don't feel bad for this retard, it's probably for the best he is dead, but jfc how do kids get into this shit in the first place? I don't get it and I'm someone who was raised on the internet too, though I'm a baby millennial so maybe common sense was a bit stronger for my age group

No. 2360836

I feel like it's part of the meme. Like "ooh all this EDGY DARK WEB stuff is actually SAFE for me, I've seen worse because I'm so jaded and eeeeevil"

No. 2360838

I’m a zoomer and the most dangerous thing I ever did was going to pirate sites to download sims mod or watch movies kek.

No. 2360842

Where do these sources come from? If someone as gay as Hasan Piker radicalized you wouldn't you at least know how to spell their surname? How's he complain about racebait and the entire manifesto is schizoid racebait

No. 2360846

The rich getting richer while the poor get poorer has been the trend long before Trump. He's a symptom of the problem and will surely make it worse but standards of living in the US have been going down since at least the 90s.

No. 2360851

This is horrible. Parents need to snoop on what the fuck their kids are doing online and let them have peer appropriate romances and not lose the head so they can monitor for this shite

No. 2360852>>2360870>>2360884

File (hide): 1737593111753.jpg (418.56 KB, 1972x1202, edgy pack.jpg)

>Turkey Tom
>Ruben Sim
I'm fucking dying LMAO
figures he was a soyjak retard though, they love to larp as neo-nazis so the real ones feel in good company and egg them on to become more extreme

well explained, I was about to link these
yeah these groups target edgy underage communities and calling everything but CP and terrorism "safe edgy" is a shaming tactic that works on impressionable enough scrotelets
>how do you know all this
used to visit soyjak IBs myself, liked the irreverent humor before it became completely centered around nazi larping and racesperging

No. 2360859>>2360872>>2361949>>2362039

i feel a little bit sorry for him because he's obviously mentally handicapped

No. 2360863

>Cry out of fear
But also
>"Helped me to mentally prepare for murder:"
>Kanye West

No. 2360870>>2360958>>2361257

As someone completely apart from IBs and all that stuff how are kids finding this is it through 4chan initially? I honestly thought the new gens were too retarded to even consider web pages and just liked apps and videos tbh. Is it older siblings viewing the stuff and a sibling asks about it? I got into music messageboards through my older brother. I heard of 4chan in school and specifically the /b/ board when pedobear was popular, is there a 4chan app

No. 2360872

Yeah, this kid let the internet be his tard wrangler and look what happened. His parents probably weren't even aware of his online activities, let alone how to monitor/stop them.

No. 2360883>>2360886>>2360896>>2360964

can anyone explain to me how these extortion groups like 764 convince kids to do all this fucked up shit? i figured they usually have leverage like nudes already but when I look into it that doesn't seem to be the case most of the time like what leverage do these evil fucks have over so many randos? what is their MO?

No. 2360884

Why is sweet little Uni in this image, my fave kitty has nothing to do with this mess

No. 2360886>>2360893>>2360954

Grooming and cult-like practices. They're often these kids' only friends/social group.

No. 2360892>>2361149

File (hide): 1737593998581.jpg (57.75 KB, 735x553, d14e26ff8b9e6f619039d8a1f96a47…)

Is the 'It's my own invention' subtitle in the manifesto a subahibi reference?

No. 2360893>>2360904>>2360909>>2360972>>2361037

I just dont understand like I get how pedo grooming works but this shit? How can so many young girls get mindfucked via the internet into killing their pets [almost always cats] I don't get it

No. 2360896

It must be sexual extortion. Probably pedophiles catfishing and grooming kids then bullying them into these acts. Yet I keep getting banned on Reddit for saying pedophiles should kill themselves. They literally contribute nothing but misery to everyone including themselves.

No. 2360899

you can’t seriously think kiwifarms is on the same level as the other sites in that image

No. 2360904

These kids have their entire moral compass replaced by these losers' ideology. Their parents are probably distant or simply not technologically knowledgeable enough to know what's up, and they're likely bullied in school too. When the only people in your life who you want to impress (because doing so is so tied to your self-worth and ego) want you to do horrible things, you as a teenager will probably do horrible things.

No. 2360909>>2360913

nta but a lot of these people are usually in positions where they were socially isolated to begin with. A starving man would eat shit if pushed to his limits, and would kill to eat shit if they're extra desperate. Being in a position where it feels like the online world feels more real than the world you actually live in can help with some cognitive dissonance when performing horrible acts. There's also kids trying to out-edge one another, and when exposed to degens online they want to be the biggest retard in the special ed classroom.

No. 2360913

They've also probably been online for most of their lives on various social media sites before they went full retard. The sheer amount of horrible shit, even on moderated normie sites like Twitter/Facebook, can't be healthy for a young mind who is raised to think it's normal.

No. 2360920

kill scrotes before they reach double digits. Keep a small amount of them as breeding stock to diversify gene flow.(a-logging children)

No. 2360931>>2360936>>2360956>>2361269

File (hide): 1737594836587.jpg (17.88 KB, 475x523, patrick crusius.JPG)

The trollface guy is also wearing a 764 shirt. The image above the instagram logo is also a 764 logo. And the cartoon girl with red eyes also seems to have a 764 logo on her black shirt. That's in addition to the 764 drawn onto someone's arm at the bottom.

764 is a satanism/occultist themed online group that was most likely named after this
They're into swatting, doxxing, hacking, cp and grooming and extorting kids online into doing all sorts of horrible things (CSAM, self harm, torturing pets, carving the abusers name into their arm, etc).


I'm getting the vibe that the latest crop of terminally online psychos and sadists are mocking 764 for being losers because most of them have been arrested at this point.

Telegram is where a lot of these people communicate because Telegram doesn't cooperate with law enforcement.

The image to the right of Thug Chan looks like it might be Patrick Crusius, the El Paso Walmart shooter, who gets memed a lot in incel/rw moid corners of the internet.

There's other images that seem to come from soyjak.party which is some 4chan offshoot.

No. 2360936>>2360937

You do wonder if all these cosmetically enhanced person's absolutely everywhere has just tanked everyone's self worth. There were geeks and uglies in every decade but this is nuts

No. 2360937>>2360949>>2361099

No way you're insinuating that schizorapist is attractive. LOW, even for lolcor

No. 2360949>>2361099

You made sense of that post?

No. 2360954>>2360965>>2360970>>2361060

These groups are insane. Here's an archived video from inside one of the chatrooms [it doesn't show anything NSFW just moids bullying a young girl and her dad walks in on what's going on its depressing]

No. 2360956

>I'm getting the vibe that the latest crop of terminally online psychos and sadists are mocking 764 for being losers because most of them have been arrested at this point.
There's always some group trying to out-edgelord the last. it's pathetic

No. 2360958>>2361114>>2361364

>Is it older siblings viewing the stuff and a sibling asks about it?
Some of it is, though I'm pretty sure the starting line for many kids is roblox, also soyjak.party is the only IB with a majority zoomer population, they're actively welcomed (to be contrarian towards 4chan and the others who look down on zoomers and newfags), the unforeseen side effect was com groups taking advantage of this

No. 2360963>>2361122>>2361807

We need a reverse sharia law.
Men should be banned from the internet and live to serve women. They also should not be allowed to be out alone or be allowed to talk to other men.

No. 2360964

What makes you think nudes aren't part of the extortion? They'll also doxx kids/their family and threaten to kill their siblings and grandparents if they don't comply.

No. 2360965>>2360969

Why do moids sound like that. they all have that same voice

No. 2360969

samefag but the way they try so hard to tilt the dad and go "HEY HURR DURR IM 27 YOUR DAUGHTER IS 16" and he just says "I'm reporting you to the police" and tries to hang up lmfao. moids are insanely subhuman.

No. 2360970>>2360973

please tell me that this was used to incriminate these retards

No. 2360972

>I just don't understand like I get how pedo grooming works but this shit?
for the same reason a lot of newfags are enamored with lolcow when they first join the board. Because it feels like a secret group chat where you can be a not nice performing version of yourself around online people who are "exclusive" about who they invite to be into their spaces. It's literally just yearning to be friends with the exclusive popular kids but instead of normie popular people with a tight friend group, it's "dark web vibes" popular people with the same tight friend group culture. These kids couldn't hack the popularity game in the real battlefield that is middle and high school, but it's easier to get that same attention and in-group validation when it's only dependent on you being a bad person, but not attractive or regular funny. As for the girls getting groomed into sending nudes, those girls wanted to send them anyway. They yearn for the validation. I remember being a teen girl, you want confirmation that you're sexy, and those freak internet fags are a stand in replacement for the "Rodrick Hefley" type, older bad boy archetype. But it's hard to get attention from that type of guy in real life. As for killing their cat, they didn't care about the animal enough, and based hacker dark web male validation is too good + they think they're in some based emo coupling with those guys. Killing the cat is their version of pulling their weight to contribute to the group's culture, especially when they assume others have done worse. The same way newfags scramble to integrate because being mocked by le based exclusive group is scary and is embarrassing considering you're anonymous so it makes sense to just fit in right away if you want to gain access to the in-group culture, secrets, opinions and way of life.

No. 2360973

i dont know if this specifically is what made the main extortionist and speaker in the vid go to jail but he did indeed get got for CSAM his name is Zachary Grant Dosch he is facing up to 50 years

No. 2360978

how do I pretend to care when people at work talk to me about the ice raids in my city (fuck them illegals)

No. 2360992>>2360999>>2361269

File (hide): 1737596520246.png (215.96 KB, 720x997, 1000003331.png)

Nta, adding this about skibidi farms from Kiwi. Agreed, these are worth a read. Vile, absolutely vile shit.
He was live streaming the shooting on Kick.

No. 2360993>>2361005>>2361395

File (hide): 1737596542738.png (978.79 KB, 1794x1102, Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 5.38.…)

what is tr*mp going to do about this shit

No. 2360999>>2361017


WOW I completely forgot about her and how she would post on here too. Jesus.

No. 2361005>>2361016>>2361019>>2361023>>2361025>>2361080>>2361922

File (hide): 1737596997770.png (169.11 KB, 400x250, 6409238-d38720950f12c99a458ddd…)

to think this piggy is the main mastermind of 764 is just beyond parody

No. 2361016

God that thing is ugly

No. 2361017

She's grim, really went downhill

No. 2361019

is that the live action minecraft pig

No. 2361023>>2361028

Am I horrible for just thinking that killing ugly boys would actually make the world a much better place?
I get that sometimes an attractive guy can be a piece of shit but usually when someone is a sick fuck he usually looks the part.
I think having mostly women and the only men allowed to live would be nice to look at would be really based.

No. 2361025

kyle rittenhouse phenotype

No. 2361028

This could be so beneficial too because it will make men actually put in effort to look good or else they will be killed. Sad it would never happen

No. 2361037

this makes me want to write a Total Moid Death manifesto

No. 2361060

Wow they even sound like fucking losers kek At least her dad intervened. Hopefully he kept an eye on her internet activity afterwards.

No. 2361061

What the actual fuck, how did we get to this point? If kids are getting brainwashed by fucking Turkey Tom out of all things, there's no hope. Just ban kids from the internet at this point, especially now that Musk will be pushing even more propaganda, this generation is too retarded.

No. 2361064>>2361077>>2361079

I do genuinely wonder too if kids nowadays, particularly the moids, are more retarded somehow. Millenial and I feel like all me and my peers ever did was download emulators to play pokemon or some shit.

No. 2361069>>2361208

File (hide): 1737598744654.jpg (363.18 KB, 1600x1200, 81XyqLIMQEL._RI_-1604374494.jp…)

>skylanders has mentally prepared me for murder
Can someone explain this to a millenial who never played with skylanders? They are like spyro toys like amiibos, right?

No. 2361072>>2361403

Please wake up you guys, the internet has to be decentralized. we cannot let a few billionaires run everything, all of our media. Google has a shit ton of lawsuits on them because they purposefully suppress smaller sites. support hobbyists, support the niche. Internet extremism is such a fucking disease

No. 2361077>>2361101>>2361212

I think what's going on is like… Okay, so even as a millenial there were always shithole obsessed with violence kids. Like we had the columbine kids who were the prototype for the internet loving edgelord social pathogen school shooter.
Basically back then it was weird because the internet was far, far more niche. Even massive shithead losers weren't really exploring the dark recesses of the internet. Mainly because they weren't aware of it.
Then comes social media and imageboards. Especially 4 chan. Personally, I think 4 chan caused more school shootings than anything else. It's such a fucking cesspool and because its become more and more mainstream even the most normie faggots can find it and rot their weak minds on it.
It sucks. And I thank god every day I found lolcow to talk shit but not have to deal with moiddrugery.

No. 2361079

They absolutely are.I’m saying this as an early 20s zoomer and I cannot express how much of a gap there is in intelligence and general empathy between people my age and those only a few years younger.Always wondered when it would get worse for years and now I feel like it’s more obvious to others.This shit is just going to get worse if we don’t set an Internet mandate or something to stop kids from becoming more retarded.

No. 2361080

File (hide): 1737599066147.jpg (69.14 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (6).jpg)

Ugly fucking loser

No. 2361097>>2361235>>2361275

I feel sick seeing this because I guarantee you the moids on /pol/ are justifying her death because she was most likely hispanic and not “pure” and “white”. I hope I’m wrong but that tends to be the nature of that place

No. 2361099

No I'm calling him ugly and wondering if people are so murderously enraged these days because we only value aesthetics and nothing skin deep or with any depth. Maybe the younger generation are illiterate and that's why their manifestos are retarded and they're so easily fucking suggestible.

No. 2361101>>2361128>>2361364

>Personally, I think 4 chan caused more school shootings than anything else.
Completely agree nona.
I also think COVID lockdowns are a huge factor. A lot of these online extortion groups started popping up around 2021 and one of their main platforms for finding victims is fucking Roblox. So much so that it is now a meme in Roblox to say 'watch out for comboys" com is an umbrella term for these extremist groupchats. There was a tiktok that went semi-viral of a teen girl reminiscing about her com-boyfriend from roblox and the comments were full of other girls talking about their experience. Some were saying how fucked up it was but some were saying how they miss it.

No. 2361114>>2361140

I'm so out of the loop I've only heard of roblox because there was an episode of the Kardashians that Saint West saw nudes of Kim on it. And now she let's her kids have social media. Parents should know better these days, as if they weren't all having affairs via chatrooms or maybe that was my parents and they're boomers. How the fuck can gen x or millenial parents not understand the danger of letting their kids online and monitor them

No. 2361122

This is the truth

No. 2361128

>Girls talking about their experience. Some were saying how fucked up it was but some were saying how they miss it.
Shit like this makes me want to join roblox and like… do the opposite style grooming.
Like find vulnerable young girls and give them attention, but like positive attention, helpful advice and support they may not be getting anywhere else. I think it's weird to talk to vulnerable underaged girls but I'd rather they be talking to someone who will encourage them to respect themselves than talking to gross pedos who just want to goon.

No. 2361140>>2361145>>2361229

roblox markets itself towards kids. my coworkers elementary school aged kids go on it and she thinks it's perfectly safe because of all the marketing and even useful because it teaches kids coding or whatever. I want to warn her but how do you even approach someone with something like… oh hey fyi this seemingly super kid friendly platform is actually infested with mass online grooming gangs facilitated by disparate satanic international discord/telegram groups whose goal is to encourage kids to self harm, self sexualize, or kill their own animals to earn the praise of… some doughy teen dweebs.

honestly, at this point, I just believe games marketed as under 18 should never be allowed to have online chat or internet connectivity as a feature.

No. 2361142>>2361150>>2361182

File (hide): 1737600428487.jpg (72.18 KB, 720x949, 1000001048.jpg)

This whole thing proves two things to me
1. People need to stay off the internet in their formative years
2. The biggest white supremacists are never white
I'm tired of these fucking bozos, who's lives are so miserable and worthless that they don't care if they kill innocent people, traumatize innocent people, and ruin the lives of their family and friends.

No. 2361145>>2361748

Tell her that people were spamming the game with nudes of kim kardashian and they made it a plot point of an episode lol. How the fuck is roblox not shut down if it can't stop creeps sending inappropriate material to children

No. 2361149

I hope not kek. One one hand, Subahibi is popular with internet zoomer edgelords and 'It's my own invention" is the title of both the second chapter of Subahibi and the second subtitle of the manifesto. On the other hand, I don't think he's that clever nor would he be able to sit through actually reading a visual novel judging by the atrocious grammar in the manifesto.

No. 2361150>>2361162

It doesn't prove that at all. It proves there's an epidemic with the male youth being indoctrinated via 4chan moids and discord

No. 2361162

Right, so what i just said kek

No. 2361179>>2361753

Wait what policy did he enact that caused this? Just curious nonnie

No. 2361182>>2361196

Naw some of the biggest white supremists are definitely white.Why do people say this as if Nazi Germany was ruled by a Mexican Hitler?There is absolutely a problem with brown people getting into it though,I feel like I keep seeing more and more ‘white power’ accounts run by non white people.

No. 2361196

I get what that anon is saying, look up /pol/ meetup pictures kek it's mostly non-white people. A large amount of vocal white supremacists are not white. Another percentage of white supremacists are white but by their own guidelines they aren't considered white, like being jewish or Italian. Some weird shit. The white supremacists with actual political power to do things are white though.

No. 2361208

File (hide): 1737602163735.webp (19.3 KB, 1000x466, 1000019531.webp)

Pretty much, you would hook them into a 'portal' which would put that character in the game

No. 2361211>>2361214>>2361278

Sorry for the Reddit link but the recent shooter uploaded pics of himself doing parodies of other mass shooters notable pics. He also posted pics of himself watching the NZ mosque shooting wow so edgy

No. 2361212

As a younger Millenial, I had a couple boys in my class that were LARPing Nazis and some bipolar kid that got in trouble for having a "list". That started in middle school, but by high school, 4chan started taking off (like 2006-2008) and you did have certain circles of kids at school who knew about it, but it was like 2-3 boys making 4chan references that went over the other kids heads and never mentioning 4chan by name to create some exclusive in-group.

By the time I was in college (turn of the decade) 4chan, 9gag, etc were pretty mainstream, at least in my engineering program.

Nowadays, any teenager that's nerdy enough to venture beyond TikTok seems to be familiar with these internet subcultures. I recently had to cringe when I overheard my 8 year neighbour kids talking about being Chad.

No. 2361213>>2361226>>2361261

File (hide): 1737602446355.jpg (631.5 KB, 1079x1831, 1000012223.jpg)

Any announcements made by the CDC and FDA will have to be approved by a "political apointee" from now until Feb 1st if I am reading correctly. This is straight retarded. We should have just had a third Dubya term, we could have skipped all of this retardation.

No. 2361214>>2361217>>2361219>>2361220>>2361242>>2361270

File (hide): 1737602450955.webp (72.38 KB, 1600x1066, the-antioch-high-school-shoote…)

This one made me actually gasp
1. WTF
2. I didn't realize this was a wojak origin

No. 2361217

Physiognomy is real, and it surpasses race.

No. 2361219>>2361258>>2361276

File (hide): 1737602608873.webp (67.53 KB, 1600x1066, the-antioch-high-school-shoote…)

One thing I noticed flipping through them, and especially next to Cho, is that he doesn't seem to have any identifiable expression. No sadness, no joy, no rage. He just looks like a bored kid who killed someone for a meme.

No. 2361220

Smash player physiognomy

No. 2361226

I hate this. Do I really have to look at foreign news agencies to get any health announcements… and who even knows if it's even going to be relevant because they're in a different country. Fuck this

No. 2361229

>>2361140 Just explain the logic of it. People who want to prey on kids will go to places with kids. It's not about whether the game is marketed to kids, it's about whether it's effective at keeping the predators out and whether the predators can easily interact with the kids. Why would predators go around in plain sight handing out candy from a white van in 2025 when they can prey on kids from behind an anon gaming account?

No. 2361235>>2361630

You can find those types of sentiments on kiwifarms too. Openly saying they don't care unless the victims are white.

No. 2361242

Kek the shooter allegedly dated a Jewish femboy too. This kid was absolutely terminally online

No. 2361257

A lot of social media repost screenshots from 4chan, couple this with the alt right pipeline radicalizing moids over a few years or even months, this is what you get

No. 2361258

His eyes look sad and dead to me

No. 2361261

Facebook ass country

No. 2361269

It seems like 764 started to rise in prominence in 2021, and the feds started cracking down on them in 2023-2024. Right now there are some fringes that are loosely connected to the "group" on self harm twitter, but it seems like the whole thing died down without much fanfare.

No. 2361270

wow, this guy definitely seems autistic and going through the motions of copying famous shooters like that female shooter who was killed. he should have been a sonic fan or weeb instead of killing people.

No. 2361275

moids are probably glad shes dead because shes a woman. Seriously that website is gayer than grindr

No. 2361276

>doesn't seem to have any identifiable expression. No sadness, no joy, no rage. He just looks like a bored kid who killed someone for a meme.
Ahem, drumroll please iiiiiiiiiiiiiiit's autism.

No. 2361278>>2361281>>2361286>>2361287

File (hide): 1737604962040.jpg (72.02 KB, 1280x720, RDT_20250123_03585529405118132…)

Of course he was also a sharty user.

No. 2361280>>2361282

Do you think all autistic men should just be round up and killed?
I really cannot think of a single good autistic moid

No. 2361281

Poor Eduardo

No. 2361282

Sure. Every autistic moid past puberty. The little kids might still be salvageable and made into decent human beings.

No. 2361286>>2361289

>unsupervised internet use
>low self esteem
>parents openly argue around him

He didn’t have a chance tbh

No. 2361287>>2361290>>2361299

what is 'sharty'?

No. 2361289

TBF most of the kids who fall into those categories only kill themselves. Still tragic but at least they're not dragging other people into their problems.

No. 2361290

Shorthand for the Soyjakparty website

No. 2361295>>2361301>>2361302>>2361309>>2361432

Would you rather your teen be radicalized by ISIS or by roblox 4chan groyper soyjak shit?

No. 2361299

Soyjak.party. The retards who raid LC with soyjak images every so often are from there. The photo he is holding up is of Kuz, the owner of the site (or at least of the man that he catfishes as). He has also had a thread on here for reference >>>/snow/1498101

No. 2361301

ISIS is, at the very least, marginally more inaccessible.

No. 2361302

I would rather kill him myself

No. 2361309

Probably alt-right stuff only because western society are more afraid of islamic terrorism than the latter group and it's even worse if you are black or arab to have a son who gets sucked into it, people will begin to attack you as the parent and insist you had a part in fuelling their ideology. Meanwhile, if my son was into alt-right shit, i wouldn't get as much backlash, however, i feel like my life would be more at risk because those types are more likely to kill their parents.

No. 2361344

I remember pre-trump, somewhere around 2015 I was on some conspiracy Facebook meme group (just fun, absurd shit, nothing too serious like how conspiracies are today) and some of the memes referred to being "woke" as in we were the enlightened ones. It's still weird to see it used in this social justice context now.

No. 2361364>>2361409>>2361427

Should I be worried that my little brother uses roblox??? I thought it was just a stupid game…

No. 2361395

his bitch ass will do nothing, only the people can fix this from the bottom up, including violence towards shooters

No. 2361403>>2361436

i'm trying. And we need to spend more time offline too

No. 2361409>>2361521

The game literally has pedos on their team and the game itself is infested with them. It’s totally possible to avoid them though. Hopefully he’s aware of the danger and you keep an eye on him.

No. 2361427>>2361521

It can be worrying but if you are aware of what he's doing in it then I think it's okay. Roblox is like a game with many different games within it. For example I know playing Squid Game was popular for awhile. A recently popular game was a dress-up game where you select outfits to go with a theme in a competition. I don't think a lot of parents realize that it's not just 1 single game like Club Penguin or Webkinz were back in the day, which I think is where a lot of problems are happening cause parents legit do not know what their kid is accessing.

No. 2361432

I'm not breeding. Me and my genetics are leaving this shithole for the peace of the void.

No. 2361436

If I had just one IRL friend who was willing to quit the internet with me I would never use this shit again

No. 2361444>>2361451

This honestly needs to be addressed, but giving kids and teens free range of the internet is radicalizing them for the worst. I wish these cowards would shoot more ceos, but no, they wanna shoot up a school. I wont be surprised if every parent starting soon begins to home school, because why would you want to trust sending them to a place where the chances of getting shot are so high? This is so sad and infuriating.

No. 2361447>>2361453

File (hide): 1737611066553.jpg (47.79 KB, 698x753, groidcell.JPG)

Skimming through his "diary". Looks like he was @groidcell on Twitter.

No. 2361451

most of these faggots worship rich people because they see being a betabux as a guarantee for pussy never mind that a woman using you for your money will never love you, not that they care about/are capable of love

No. 2361453

File (hide): 1737611576697.png (242.77 KB, 568x814, Picture17.png)

groidcell seemed familiar to me. I went back through my Rupnow files and he was in there. So now that's 3 people from this network that have attempted school shootings in the past two months. Natalie Rupnow who shot up her school in Wisconsin, Alexander Paffendorf who was arrested a few days later for planning a shooting at a government building in California, and now this guy.

No. 2361465

This doesn't feel real. This really comes off as being bait about the kid.

No. 2361499>>2361514>>2361780>>2362561>>2362577

File (hide): 1737614525121.jpg (71.77 KB, 864x370, groidcell2.JPG)

And the solution is to kill someone's daughter apparently.

No. 2361509>>2361539

File (hide): 1737615006597.jpg (89.95 KB, 845x854, groidcell3.JPG)

Looks like he rushed it because he felt like the feds were onto him.

No. 2361511>>2361546

File (hide): 1737615125117.jpg (62.9 KB, 741x846, groidcell4.JPG)

No. 2361513>>2361530>>2361922>>2362042

File (hide): 1737615153451.jpg (41.6 KB, 486x848, groidcell5.JPG)

Final words in his diary.

No. 2361514>>2361523>>2361530>>2361546

This kid was 17? This country is doomed, a child who was so close to graduating high school can't even form actual sentences. It's on a fucking computer where you have access to spellcheck, how the hell is he fucking up that badly on writing? If he was ESL I would understand, but he isn't. What the fuck

No. 2361516>>2361591

File (hide): 1737615344080.png (276.47 KB, 792x623, kjhgfvbnkl.png)

>i voted for chump cuz of muh egg prices
>muh egg prices

No. 2361521

I see, I know a little bit about the game from when I played it with my niece (who loves Dress to Impress lol). Are there warning signs to look out for? I picked up "com group" (which I still don't really understand what that means) and some other terms from this thread but idk. Kids say shit like "skibidi" and Chad all the time now, so it's hard to tell. It's fucking twisted that these cunts named their pedo group after a kid's meme to draw them in. Why do these people exist? Pure fucking evil

No. 2361523

I’m also pretty shocked by that. Granted the school is apparently underperforming and the student body’s math, reading, and science proficiency scores are all under 20%… Most horrifying the math proficiency is under 1% specifically.

No. 2361530

>God I am ugly
Well at least he knew it
I wonder if it's poorly written because of adrenaline (him mentioning multiple times that he's scared), or if he was too into the edgy internet shit to pay attention in school.

No. 2361539

What I'm wondering is if maybe the feds weren't onto him, but someone convinced him that they were and he should act soon or else he'll spend his life in jail instead of dying a Saint.

No. 2361546>>2361736

>scared of going to jail
Maybe you should commit such a dishonorable crime you loser.

yeah American education sucks but also teen moids are turbo retards

No. 2361549>>2361584

I hate that these losers are trying to call themselves saints.
Real saints are people who sacrifice/dedicate their lives for the sake of virtue. Murdering your classmates because you gooned your nervous system to dust isn't exactly virtuous.

No. 2361584

It's like the Hamas people calling themselves Martyrs.

No. 2361591>>2361596>>2361605>>2361862

This story sounds fake, egg prices and chicken prices haven’t changed a dime since this whole “bird flu” mishap started. If anything they’ve been lower because of sale prices during the holiday season

No. 2361596

Nta but it was posted yesterday, a quick google search is showing many of the same story. But yeah I haven't personally seen the price of eggs increase but maybe that's because everything has been outrageously expensive to begin with ever since the pandemic inflation kek. On that note though I hope it doesn't get worse because I was so upset the last time bird flu went around and Panda Express swapped out their eggs with fucking corn of all things. I like corn but eggs in fried rice are my fave

No. 2361597>>2361604

are there any right-wing nonas here? i'm curious, what positives do you see, and what negatives, coming in the next few years? i'm a lefty and i'm surrounded by libs who were freaking out and crying over the inauguration. there's a lot of fearmongering going on and i don't believe pretending everyone who's right leaning is evil will help anything. asking here cus i trust the ladies of lolcor more than strangers on any other website.

No. 2361604>>2361608>>2361678>>2361895

I'm sort of old school conservative (like pro-conservation of individual rights and mildly/moderately anti-government), but not sure how much that translates to right wing in today's politics? I feel like I don't fit in to any political party, which doesn't seem unusual for American women lately.
>there's a lot of fearmongering going on and i don't believe pretending everyone who's right leaning is evil will help anything.
You're being smart nonna. All of the fearmongering is a great division tactic to keep us from learning what we have in common and working together to achieve any amount of solidarity.
>what positives do you see, and what negatives, coming in the next few years?
When I find some positives, I'll let you know. Despite the fact that I don't like some of the federal programs that are being cut, I don't think gutting entire departments within days of taking office is a good way of doing it. So, instability is a major negative.

No. 2361605>>2361771

I don't keep up with eggs because I have a backyard flock. I haven't paid for eggs in years.

No. 2361608>>2361618

did you vote for president? if so, who? i read a lot of anti-establishment righties mostly supporting trump for his economic policy. it seems you're not even in favor of that? i agree, we certainly have more in common with each other than any of us do with the millionaire/billionaire moids who were sitting in that room. it confuses me how some conservatives claim to hate the establishment and the mega-wealthy, when that's exactly who they were supporting.
>You're being smart nonna
i may or may not have blushed a little…

No. 2361618>>2361669>>2361678>>2361922

I voted for Harris because she's more of a conservative than Trump is. tbh I don't like either of their economic policies (too much money going to the government, large companies, and donors, not enough money towards the American people), but Harris was clearly the more stable option and probably would have been open to compromise. She won me over with her old policy back as DA of punishing parents for child truancy with the goal to reduce the crime rate down the line. I don't know how successful she was with it, but I liked her thinking and wanted that caliber of ideas in our federal government.
>it confuses me how some conservatives claim to hate the establishment and the mega-wealthy, when that's exactly who they were supporting.
It's a travesty. You get a lot of people who are rightfully leery of the government and they're following the person who claims that he's anti-establishment. But he is still establishment, it's just private business instead of government. Some conservatives (usually the libertarians) think that private business is better than government and it causes a real divide between them and the don't-trust-anybody conservatives like me. This is a little overreach, but I think the difference is that the pro-big business conservatives aspire to be the super rich CEOs, so they're more lenient because they believe that they're securing their future "rights" to excessive power. Regular conservatives don't trust anybody having too much power because that usually means less power and rights for individuals.
Sorry for the mega blogposty wall of text. You're asking really good questions and I wanted to answer as much as possible!

No. 2361630

KF scrotes have a certain cognitive dissonance where they condemn the shooter but simultaneously agree with his views. He literally linked a KF thread in his manifesto and they will pretend that they are better than him when they themselves are radicalizing children and other users.

No. 2361660

File (hide): 1737630049142.png (723.45 KB, 1080x1086, LdknVcn.png)

I hope this is the last straw that finally leads to the ban of the sharty, 4chan and troon discord servers

No. 2361669

She wasn’t successful at anything

No. 2361675

"the right is capitalizing on the lefts betrayal of women and girls"


I've been thinking about this, and when I date in the future I'll be letting him know that I expect him to submit to me, and if that arrangement doesn't work for him then we are done. I'm not compromising with male judgment anymore, if a man is interested in a better vision of the world then he should understand that his biology is an impediment to his ideals and putting my vision first is his most effective praxis to achieving a better world. Leftist men need to understand that they fucked up irrevocably and now they must cede control to women in their personal lives, who they choose based on their intelligence and good judgement. Or they will continue to reap what they sow.

No. 2361676

I am hearing rumors that there's been ice raids at my local grocery store and god I hope it's true. The manager is a Mexican who only hires fob immigrants who don't speak any English and have no desire to learn.

No. 2361678>>2361915>>2362015>>2362730

You aren't right wing if you can't see any positives in Trump's presidency and voted for Kamala lol

No. 2361703

Males also tear other males apart when they defend women. They call them simps and white knights. They also attack other males when they date women who are older or "uglier". That's how they maintain their position.
It's time that women do the same and show no mercy to pickmes. Fuck your "choice" to be a sahm to a disgenic middle aged scrote.

No. 2361736

>teen moids are turbo retards
this, the american educational system has certainly declined but you can't teach someone who is simply too stupid to learn. every dumb scrote you have ever known in your life was once a teenage boy and chances are he just grew more retarded with age

No. 2361737>>2361766

File (hide): 1737638796018.jpeg (90.96 KB, 1170x1328, IMG_5070.jpeg)

Looks like I’m never getting another office job again. Despite me being white people were already skeeved about my immigration status. I’m also autistic and married too so that’s going to be even harder.

No. 2361748

They have so much money they made a DC office just to lobby the government. They are almost FAANG level at this point. Its gross

No. 2361753

He repealed equal opportunity.

No. 2361755

I think my biggest gripe with the trump administration is that he barely follows the primary republican ideas of "giving back the power to the states". Trump's actions can easily be argued that he's only loosening power on aspects that benefit the 1% and keeping weaker state governments. The people that think Trump is going to bring back the good ol' pre 9/11 americana don't realize that they voted for his faux conservatism and not his actual policies. So many magatards voted with rose colored glasses thinking of a conservative cultural revival when it's never, ever going to happen.
Trump is never going to lower prices because it benefits the 1%, trump is never going to fix the housing crisis because it benefits the 1%, trump is never going to have women leave their jobs to become housewives because it doesn't benefit the 1% to have less wage slaves. Not a lot of change is going to happen under trump because his conservatism is a total farse, we'll be paying for more while we have less of an impact on our local governments. The cultural changes are only going to happen because magatards think it's socially appropriate to sniff their farts in public as many democrats and old school republicans need to quietly wait for the next election. He's already done his damage by appointing judicial retards to overturn roe v. wade previously, and we're only watching heavy red states reap the benefits they've been waiting for years now.
I also hate trump for starting this trend of even more and more extreme conservative retards larping as republican when they want just as much power to the govermment as your average democrat. Don't pretend you're giving power to the people when you're just enacting laws that align with their values while also doing absolutely nothing to truly help them regain a semblance of stability in their lives.

No. 2361766>>2361778

what problems did you have with immigrating? did you vote trump?

No. 2361771

Do you test them for illness? How would you know if they have bird flu

No. 2361772>>2361782

What is Trump even going to do for the middle class? He cut the Medicare $35 insulin cap already kek. Do people honestly think he gives a fuck about the middle class? He's going to destroy union jobs too. America is going to be in more shambles after these four years unless a group of people pull a Fight Club and gather them all up in one building and you know the rest.

No. 2361778>>2361862

I can’t legally vote with a green card. I live in the south so as you can imagine me being Canadian really put people off lol. An hr person even told me once. It’s crazy because my ancestors are actually American and or lived in America. It’s just a fucking border kek.

No. 2361780

I get that this is supposed to be sad but the spelling mistakes make it hard it hard to take seriously. I almost feel bad for him, the KF scrotes are going to agree with him, but not in the way he wants.

No. 2361782

Samefag, when Elon Cocksucking Musk was talking about how there will be "struggles" and "hard times", he means the average person. Not his rich blood diamond "daddy touched me" money having ass. Not Trump. Not Bezos. Not Zuckerfuck. He means all the mindless retards who voted for Trump in power and everyone else who didn't will be the ones struggling even harder to pay bills, they will be the ones to suffer. I hate these rich fucks so bad. I honest to god believe we are just a few decades away from the dissolution of America.

No. 2361783>>2361786

I wish school shooters were less of a thing and that dead billionaires were more of a trend. Mario Party when?

No. 2361786

It's because killing children requires less effort than killing corrupt billionaires. A mentally ill and angry moid is choosing the easiest option

No. 2361807

KEK nona, you're absolutely right. I wholeheartedly support this. Moids consorting with other moids never leads to anything good. Their corrupting influence spoils everything it touches.

No. 2361862

This is definitely the case where I live. Finding local eggs are impossible and it’s costing $12-$15 for a dozen. Finding chicken meat is easy but nothing locally sourced. I’d have my own chickens if I had the yard space.
People are bothered that you’re Canadian? Kek that’s so weird. But then again, it’s the south….

No. 2361881>>2361884

Smoke shops (not weed dispensaries) have such a rotten energy that radiates from them does anyone get what I’m saying?

No. 2361884

Well why wouldn't they? It's honestly part of the reason I quit smoking because the shame of having to go inside one was a bit too much for me.

No. 2361890>>2361892>>2361929>>2361941>>2361991>>2362018>>2362038>>2362272

File (hide): 1737649627424.jpeg (563.67 KB, 1179x1399, IMG_6677.jpeg)

What the fuck

No. 2361892

I wonder if Trump will pardon him or perhaps make him attorney general.

No. 2361895>>2362730

>everyone is fearmongering
>I literally can’t see even one tiny positive
>but yeah the libs are overreacting

No. 2361915>>2362069

She literally said she didn't consider herself rightwing, just conservative. They aren't synonyms you zoomer

No. 2361922>>2362324>>2362786

Kamala's hard on crime policy is based and I'm so tired of pretending otherwise. The government should be looming over shit parents and punishing them when they are shitty parents. We would have less dweebs like >>2361513 and >>2361005 running around starting cults or killing innocent girls if parents and guardians actually felt consequences for their terrible parenting.

No. 2361929>>2361941

>Walden was arrested on July 31, 2024, and was ordered to home confinement at his $2 million Valley Stream residence
>dozens of religious members of the Orthodox community have begged for “leniency and compassion.”
God this is just depressing. Home confinement in a mansion is already too much leniency. He should've been jailed immediately with no chance of bailing out when he was first identified. Every member of the community who defended this crap should have their harddrives seized and turned over to the fbi.

No. 2361941

>male buyers
Umm what? How could it be? I've been told that pedophilia obviously doesn't have a gender. Why is it always a male buyer?
Buh but you'd be depriving his children of a f-father!

No. 2361949>>2362012>>2362107

You should literally never feel bad for mentally handicapped moids, actually. I know people (especially women) instinctively think that retarded/demented/addicted moids are more innocent due to the cope idea that violence is an instrumental choice, but this couldn't be further from the truth. It's actually the opposite - when a moid loses his higher brain function, he becomes a barebones scaffold of moid nature - sexual degeneracy and incredibly targeted violence against women and children.

Ever wondered how those uwu schizophrenic psychotic unable to perceive reality homeless gronks always happen to never fuck with adult male strangers, laser-targeting women and kids instead? Yeah, that's how. "Sizing up" and "attack the females and the young" are primordial, foundational processes in the male brain that do not require cognition. You could lobotomize any moid and he'd still know exactly how to kill, coom and pick safe targets. This is biological reality that our meme legal system pretends isn't real.

No. 2361991

Death by lethal injection. Now. I want him to suffer a slow and painful death, with agony in every extended second.

No. 2362012

when that facilitated communication sexual abuse netflix documentary came out, all i could think about was how disabled/mentally handicapped moids are vastly more likely to abuse women than they are to be abused by women, but no one really notices or cares.

No. 2362015

nyart but I don't see any positives for Trump's presidency either. I align more with independents like Sanders who are anti immigration but his reasons are more based on actually caring about naturalized Americans being able to find employment and holding companies accountable to paying their employees a living wage.
For a very long time, republicans have been deeply sewn into the pockets of billionaires to the point where it feels like they are more for profit than for policy, anything they claim is "for the people" seems like a larp just to get public support. I just can't take them seriously. Which is a crying shame because I hate how over socialized the leftists are.

No. 2362018

Watch as this psycho gets 5 years max.

No. 2362038

Disappointed but not surprised. Like what else do high position moids do except take advantage and exploit people.

No. 2362039

I take no pity on any moid. There's plenty of tardmen who manage to not chimp out.

No. 2362042>>2362046>>2362048>>2362089>>2362246>>2362805

File (hide): 1737659517586.png (789.97 KB, 700x1000, patheticmoid.png)

God, I just wasted the last hour of my life reading through this loser's manifesto and diary. I'd call him retarded but that's an insult to retards. Also, he was totally gay for Dylann Roof. Pathetic.

No. 2362046

>knew to man
wow, these kids really don’t know how to speak or write anymore do they?

No. 2362048>>2362053>>2362056>>2362089>>2362101

File (hide): 1737659748264.png (810.45 KB, 1582x1096, Screenshot 2025-01-23 at 2.12.…)

A complete and total dumbass

No. 2362053>>2363444

>seeing a guy who specifically spoke against killing random innocents makes this skinwalking primordial ooze want to kill random innocents.
When I see morons like this I think we need to just have a draft and tell them that they will be killing unarmed villagers in combat, and when they eagerly sign up you just put them in the most suicidal missions, front line.

No. 2362056

>Geg Tedpilled
The new wave of radicalized teens are genuinely illiterate and their manifestos aren't even manifestos, it's just gibberish. No original thought within their heads, they want to kill because others did. Such a bizarre thing to witness.

No. 2362069

Conservatives are factually right wing dumbshit

No. 2362079

I wish the boomer retards running these news accounts realized, especially with the nature of this shooting, that posting ANY full body photos of her is going to 100% result in AI generated porn of her. 4chan moids are the fucking spawn of satan. I fucking hate the >digital age

No. 2362089


All of this just makes me so glad that I grew up pre/early internet. I remember being an edge lord around that age too, but all I did was write shitty poetry and read edgy comics.

There's definitely a certain kind of zen that comes with getting older. You can look back and see just how dumb you were, and then be happy because even you weren't this fucking stupid.

No. 2362101

Luigi has nothing in common with Hitler. I can see the crime being vaguely reminiscent Kaczynski but Hitler? Seriously? Did this retard just see that Mangione was planning on reading Mein Kamf (but never did) and thought that Luigi MUST be a neo nazi? This brainlet has no idea how many people read Mein Kamf in order to further shame Hitler for being a butthurt little polcel.

Actually, on second thought I don't think the CEO killing was like Kaczynski either. I strongly believe Mangione (if he's the killer, which yes, is highly likely) was very much single issue. He isn't against modernity or industrialization or any of that shit. He just hates United Healthcare and Americas scammy for profit health insurance industry.

I wish this self hating black kid was still alive so I could alog him for being so god damn moidbrained. Absolutely no intellectualism or nuance to this pathogen whatsoever.

No. 2362107

It is absolutely vital for women to listen to their gut, it’s our female ancestral intuition and its literal purpose is to counter the bullshit socialization that makes us sympathetic, patient and understanding to our own detriment

No. 2362120>>2362129>>2362130>>2362136>>2362153

So how many industries will be right back to like 90% male and rife with sexual assault and harassment now that you can terminate anyone for any reason.

No. 2362129>>2362142

A lot. It's really fucked. They want to make it as hard as possible for women to liberate themselves from moid slavery.

No. 2362130>>2362217

You’ve always been able to terminate anyone for any reason, at least in my state

No. 2362136>>2362142

You could always terminate anyone for any reason. In the state of texas its been like this for decades. Its pretty normal here.

No. 2362142

Texas is shit, everyone outside of Texas knows Texas is shit and barely a part of the wider united States.
They want to ban abortion in any scenario, they want to ban birth control, they want to make more industries hostile to women, like what next? Are we going to have to have a husband to sign up for a fucking credit card? This shit is so retarded.

No. 2362153>>2362209>>2362214>>2362257>>2362269

No idea. On one hand, moids in business want to discriminate against women. On the other hand, business also want to actually earn money. Look at what the schools are spitting out nowadays. This latest generation of men are unusually stupid, lazy, and entitled. Not sure how it is at y'alls workplaces but newly hired women are usually exceptional. Our male new hires meanwhile tend to be average at best and need a lot more handholding. Even when they're talented, they tend to be just.. lazy. Our new hires are all college graduates too, at a time when more and more men are apparently not even bothering to attend school anymore.
Women are better employees and I would hope that your average business is at least capitalist enough to recognize that.

No. 2362209>>2362238

I think men know they underperformed in school and in work and I have no doubt they will use this to their advantage. I think more women and probably black and let's be honest, mexican/foreign women will be getting snubbed. I think men have a huge, built up hatred for DEI and I think they will retaliate by snubbing women in the hiring process.

No. 2362214>>2362235>>2362240

File (hide): 1737667462996.png (57.5 KB, 1535x426, moid failing to do what women …)

Men are fucking pathetic.

No. 2362217

Yeah, same in mine. They just aren't allowed to say "lol woman" as the reason.

No. 2362235

File (hide): 1737668428052.png (1.79 MB, 1190x1192, 1000055235.png)

KEKKKK the superior sex, everyone

No. 2362238>>2362242>>2362244>>2362250>>2362696

File (hide): 1737668520254.webp (177.97 KB, 1080x1848, RDT_20250123_15404149121817648…)

Reminds me of this post I saw the other day. Men will never accept women's superiority even when it would profit them, they don't consider us people

No. 2362240>>2362259

>so called incel
>can't even survive a class filled with the sex they're attracted to
Is their special interest hating women or are they just gay?

No. 2362242

This shit grosses me out. People, especially other males, need to doxx faggots like this to the public.

No. 2362244

>he sucked but he despewwwatewy wwweeds a wwowb!
Daily reminder that these are the coom chimps ablooblooing about "DEI hires".

No. 2362246

why are moids so gay

No. 2362250

You can tell when a moid is ultra-subhuman when he calls other moids “dudes” and “guys” and calls women “female” “the wife” or some shit like that. it reeks of reddit coomcave

No. 2362257

I notice these things too but the workplace still manages to favor men while overlooking women. Men get promoted so damn easily and like nearly all of the 20-30s men will have random noise of watching TikTok in their cubicles kek. Also, all of the intern classes at the companies Ive worked for are 90% male. So while I recognize that women are exceptionally better and more qualified, somehow it still feels like they hire the few college educated men more often and boost them up for mediocre work. I’m so tired of working twice as hard and not even being considered for promotions compared to my peers. And I have a very outgoing direct personality with lots of leadership quality so I can only imagine how hard it must be for women who aren’t that way. Idk then again maybe my personality is actually working against me somehow… sage/sorry for blogpost

No. 2362259>>2362270

No. Low tier front poles rely on numbers to engage in sexual harassment or artificially boost their own status, you may have noticed they're a lot more daring when there's more of them. They need an entourage of other front poles for safety and confidence. If there isn't one, it's scary. This is why your domestic meat dildo behaves differently when he's alone with you vs when he's surrounded by other meat dildos, feral or domestic.

He is simply shitting bricks because it will be harder to engage in low tier male reproductive strategies (petty jabs, workplace terrorism, negging, collective intimidation) due to being outnumbered by his targets. Basically, he is a worthless cowardly scrotum, like all males, similar in mentality to their worthless sperm. If they can't zerg, it's over.

No. 2362269

One thing lolcow needs to understand (especially the """"materialist"""" commie nonnies) is that wealth doesn't matter to moids without sexual access - in fact, they will reject any kind of favorable material conditions for themselves if it also means denying them to you. Market laws end where the primary male directive begins and biology precedes class.

Because resource monopolization is a basic instinct that even male insects possess, every male subconsciously knows that women with jobs = women with money = women who are sexually unavailable.

No. 2362270

based but
>This is why your domestic meat dildo behaves differently when he's alone with you
I'm a lesbian lol ew.
>He is simply shitting bricks because it will be harder to engage in low tier male reproductive strategies (petty jabs, workplace terrorism, negging, collective intimidation) due to being outnumbered by his targets. Basically, he is a worthless cowardly scrotum, like all males, similar in mentality to their worthless sperm. If they can't zerg, it's over.
I guess that's why they bitch about women outnumbering in college so much and sperg about how all women just fuck dur chad in college. because to them college is just another breeding hub. They don't have other moids to egg them on, it's also why they don't hire women.

No. 2362272>>2362278

>things I wish I could unread
We should be allowed to cut off their limbs, their tongue and cock, and let them live out their lives as a torso. Bring back medieval torture techniques.

No. 2362276>>2362280>>2362283

The primary rules of politics in 2025, no matter what your political affiliation:

1. Moids are the enemy
2. It's a class war, not a culture war

I voted for Kamala because I hate men and I want a woman in charge. Republican men are the enemies of women, and Democratic men pander to us way too much. Trump and Musk and Vance are all filthy cheaters who are supported by the worst of moids. They even fucked up the definition of biological males and females, that's how stupid and useless they are.

90% of what Trump is doing is going to be overturned by the courts. All they are doing right now is trying to make people mad. Don't fall for it. There are huge problems that need to be solved in this country and they will not be solved by politics as usual. If we can't have a woman in charge I vote it all gets burned down.

No. 2362278

We should actually throw acid at them more often, or burn them. They're filth, and fire/acid cleanse.

No. 2362280>>2362292

They packed the courts though. I don't think any court will be overturning shit.

No. 2362283>>2362855

The political pendulum in 2024 has made a huge shift towards tech billionaires, the RW and scrotes in general, i wouldn't be surprised if it shifted towards women in 2028. Kamala could possibly run again in 2028, I don't think all of the odds are against her despite her losing. However I will support whichever woman runs in the democratic primaries and whichever woman supports working class people the most. I was a huge supporter of kamala harris this election around, and I do believe we need to convince more women to vote based off of sex. A woman basically needs to win the 2028 primaries for anything to advance for us at all considering how many male democrats are trying to appeal to "young male voters" (you know what that means) since they lost.

No. 2362292>>2362299>>2362469

Biden just appointed more federal judges in the months of November and December than Trump did in four years in office. Mitch McConnell forgot about his favorite court-packing game once he went senile and left hundreds of open seats all over the country. This isn't the same country it was in 2016. Trump's own people are going to get sick of him real quick once they can't buy bacon (imported from Canada), can't have guacamole (avocados imported from Mexico), and are paying hundreds of dollars more for insulin. They'll turn really quick once they can't get their Shein hauls and cheap Chinese electronics. I hope it all falls down.

No. 2362299>>2362306

God I wish this was true. But these retards absolutely never learn. They are the lobotomized abused wives of our times who keep making excuses for their shitty rapist pedo husband because he said "this time things will be different"
His voters are seething about the H1B thing, but STILL think daddy trump will solve it! It would be funny if I didn't have to share a country with these morons.

No. 2362306

>But these retards absolutely never learn.
Don't forget his shit handling of covid literally killing people in like the worst way possible, him losing in 2020, and people just forgetting 4 years later because "HE FUNNY AND HE DO FUNNY DANCE!!". They're actually fucking stupid. I won't be surprised if they hated him and his admin at the end of his term like in 2020, but for now they still think this retard is gonna save them all

No. 2362312>>2362458

People in my area are on high alert because ICE is already doing massive raids near shopping centers, schools, and churchs. No, the next 4 years will either make or break america, and it will suck for a lot of people. Mostly women and immigrants.

No. 2362318

16 years old. This is so sad. I'm so sick of school shooters just going about and doing this. Why are there no precautions taken into place knowing how bad they are getting? I'll never forgot when Columbine happened and america stood still for a moment, but now it seems there is a school shooting every other week now. I hate this shit. I am homeschooling my future kids or moving to another country.

No. 2362324>>2362416

I thought they were going to start charging parents once their kid is linked to a school shooting now?

No. 2362329

Thanks to all the anons itt giving hopefuel.

No. 2362416

I think some have, usually when parents leave their guns easily accessible knowing their tard is mental. But it’s never the charges that matter.

No. 2362458>>2362472

I feel so bad for all the children that will be effected by the ICE raids, whether it's because their parents or immigrants or because they themselves are immigrants. I've already heard a lot of teachers talking about trying to protect their kids in case ICE comes. Aren't they also raiding hospitals?

No. 2362469

The insulin thing is what worries me a lot. I have family that are diabetics. I'm gonna have to talk to them and make sure they're alright. Not to be cringy and sappy, but please take care of your health anons. It'll be especially important right now. Even just a little jog everyday makes a big difference, and eating healthy is cheaper than you may think.

No. 2362472>>2362558

bruh we are all probably gonna be affected.
We needed to focus more on preventing immigrants from coming in rather than the ones who are already here. Large farm owners are finding a lot of their workers missing due to ICE raids. That is REALLY bad considering those motherfuckers DO NOT skip work.

No. 2362473>>2362540

File (hide): 1737677199601.jpg (287.63 KB, 1243x1658, 1000001135.jpg)

It looks like local governments nay start standing up to Trump.

No. 2362524

File (hide): 1737678778233.jpg (2.98 MB, 1293x1800, Tumblr_l_153949403039291.jpg)

Weirds me out when they look so normal. Like he looks like a kid I could have gone to school with.

No. 2362540>>2362544

>harassed a US war veteran
Amazing. I hope he’s not one of those veterans that allows the government agencies to act this way and excuses their behavior. I hope he’s a total Karen about it.

No. 2362544

They're pretty busy with their own civil war, I don't think a Karen would be a veteran in our military.

No. 2362557

Legal immigrants work hard as FUCK, and I hope they don't get caught up in this.

No. 2362558>>2362566

Most of those large farm owners voted for this. It angers me that it's such an open secret they hire illegals, mercilessly exploit them, and yet are seemingly never fined or punished for it. I feel bad for the farmworkers, they should've been granted a pathway to work towards legal citizenship and be adequately compensated for their labor. However, the average farm owner can get fucked.

No. 2362561>>2362564>>2362577

I'm sorry because I'm confused, is this kid ESL? This goes beyond bad writing, it's really basic grammar mistakes like if he was speaking I would assume something is wrong with him mentally if English is his main language. Are most kids this stunted from the skipped covid year? I heard it was bad but this is really extreme.

No. 2362564>>2362573>>2362623

There really are kids his age who write like this, speaking as someone who had to grade high school essays. Most of them have an undiagnosed or untreated learning disability that their parents ignore or don't want to admit to but some of them really just are that dumb.

No. 2362566>>2362803

Its weird to me because I live in a politically mixed farming community. The ones who voted for harris tend to mostly employ naturalized Americans and the vocal republicans are the ones who rely on migrant workers.
They are incredibly retarded and I do not understand their suicidal mindset.

Anyways, foods gonna be more expensive now.

No. 2362573>>2362579>>2362587>>2362602

I dont wanna be sexist yes I do but is it mostly moids who are that retarded? I always felt like the bulk of the turbo morons were men and most dumb women were generally midwits.

No. 2362577

You guys think too little of ESLs. I'm ESL. We moved to the US from Germany when I was in the 3rd grade and my grammar was significantly better than >>2361499 by the time I hit middle school. This moid is just a moron who was failed by his parents and the current educational system.

No. 2362579

This is correct in my experience. I'm not sure quite why but moids have a much lower average competency when it comes to academics. A lot of peaks and valleys, where girls that age seem more even to me.

No. 2362587>>2362606>>2362634>>2362639

It’s a well known fact, even in infancy and children, that boys are significantly slower than girls in intellect. I’m not sure what age society suddenly flips that narrative.

No. 2362602

This is biologically true. The IQ bell curve for men is flatter.

No. 2362606

When men leave school and no longer have standardised tests to face they start bluffing their smarts.

No. 2362623>>2362625

How do they manage to pass to the next grade if their skills are so low?

No. 2362625>>2362656

Because passing to the next grade isn't based on merit or intelligence. Unless you do really, really poorly, you'll be pushed through school until you're no longer their problem.

No. 2362634

This is true and typically male children who are kept from school until they are slightly older ("redshirting") are the males who achieve more success in school.

No. 2362639>>2362642

File (hide): 1737682501687.png (52.82 KB, 1080x1080, 1000019552.png)

Moids like to use graphs like the variability bell curve to prove their superiority especially in IQ curves. They often use this to justify the lack of women in STEM fields. Muh "There was no female Mozart" is common". What they refuse to say is that high variability also means more male artists, schizophrenics, and retards.

No. 2362642>>2362649

>Muh "There was no female Mozart" is common"
Well the moids are wrong. There was one and her name was Maria Anna, and she was far more talented than her brother

No. 2362649>>2362695

I was gonna say that. She was more intelligent and talented than her scat obsessed brother but because moid he got all the fame while she was forced to be a tardwife.

If that bell curve chart says anything it's that if women weren't told they were retarded and worthless since birth that girl peak would be far more to the right within like 2-3 generations.

No. 2362656>>2362664

we can all thank that retard Bush for the No Child Left Behind act. Although it is the only reason I wasn't held back a grade kek

No. 2362664>>2362703>>2362725

Isn't being held back a grade a good thing if you didn't understand the material?

No. 2362668>>2362670>>2362673>>2362681>>2362692>>2363332

File (hide): 1737683793971.jpg (166.17 KB, 1080x1809, 1000001139.jpg)

No, this isn't fake.

No. 2362670

I feel for him.

No. 2362673>>2363101

is that kabuto

No. 2362681

i hope he dies. it’s on sight for me.

No. 2362692

File (hide): 1737685608447.jpeg (40.9 KB, 762x374, IMG_7310.jpeg)


No. 2362695>>2362697

that chart is just some spaghetti a testicle slapped in an mspaint doc.

t. ~gifted kid~ my IQ was 138, my female best friend at the time was 141, I knew who the smartest kids in the gifted program were and about 40% were female, only slightly outnumbered by males. This chart makes it look like female IQ scores fall off a sharp cliff at 130, obviously thats not true

No. 2362696

perfect piece of evidence for a discrimination lawsuit

No. 2362697

Correct and also the highest recorded IQ EVER belonged to a woman, Marilyn vos Savant.

No. 2362698


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2362703

NTA but yes, that’s her point.

No. 2362721

10 years for a moiddeath. Finally some good news.

No. 2362725

Yes, being held back is for tards, but when people are held back in earlier grades, it can be for maturity reasons. In my case, I absolutely should have been held back because of my dyslexia, I was extremely behind my peers when it came to math and reading comp. I had to do summer school every single school year tho.

No. 2362729

tbh I think pushing kids ahead a grade is worse than holding a kid back.
If the kid is so smart school isn't academically challenging them, just have them take some sort of extra curricular in some shit they are interested in while they remain around their peers and work on their social skills.

No. 2362730

can you name some positives then instead of this retarded nitpicking

No. 2362757>>2362793>>2362794>>2362824>>2362845

File (hide): 1737689938641.webp (Spoiler Image,50.01 KB, 685x410, i-will-be-honest-america-is-in…)

this is gonna sound stupid and cringe but I genuinely did not know that anti-irish shit was that deep pre JFK I thought it was just kind of a meme that rightoids use to well actually racism against white people but I went down a rabbithole and I'm wowed.

No. 2362786

we could have had a prosecutor for a president….

No. 2362793

File (hide): 1737691234985.jpg (Spoiler Image,275.17 KB, 1020x600, Scientific_racism_irish.jpg)

>An illustration from the H. Strickland Constable's Ireland from One or Two Neglected Points of View shows an alleged similarity between "Irish Iberian" and "Negro" features in contrast to the higher "Anglo-Teutonic." The accompanying caption reads "The Iberians are believed to have been originally an African race, who thousands of years ago spread themselves through Spain over Western Europe. Their remains are found in the barrows, or burying places, in sundry parts of these countries. The skulls are of low prognathous type. They came to Ireland and mixed with the natives of the South and West, who themselves are supposed to have been of low type and descendants of savages of the Stone Age, who, in consequence of isolation from the rest of the world, had never been out-competed in the healthy struggle of life, and thus made way, according to the laws of nature, for superior races."
The Anglo-Normans invaded Ireland in the 12th century so they're comparing different types of Irish to each other. But yes, earlier descendants in the west could be xenophobic toward new immigrants since they caused displacement and undercut their wages

[repost/forgot spoiler]

No. 2362794>>2362800>>2362810>>2362845

They hated anything that wasn't anglo. This included Irish, Poles, Russians, Italians, Spaniards (east europe or med), etc etc. Basically if you weren't English, French, German, or Scandinavian you were an honorary subhuman and you lived in the ghetto.
Also those groups ONLY bred within their groups, if you were German and you went with a swiss person it was like being white and dating a black today.
It's really stupid tribal shit and sometimes I think we should have all just stayed in our little inbred shitholes in Europe.

No. 2362800

My bestie growing up is from pole stock and her family originally tried to anglicize their surname but when they got to America everyone mistook them for jews which to them was worse so they ended up changing it back to the polish way kek

No. 2362803

Right wing voters are so smooth brained, that they didn't put 2 + 2 together until the vote passed. Of course trump was going to come after your migrant workers, Jacob.

No. 2362805

i remember when nonnies on this very site wouldn't stop glazing for Dylann. "But he's my unconventional crush!" Fuck you

No. 2362810

File (hide): 1737691855588.png (1.69 MB, 3000x2622, English_Americans.png)

>In Canada, and especially in Canadian French, Anglophone is widely used to designate someone whose mother tongue is English, as opposed to Francophone, which describes someone whose mother tongue is French, and to Allophone, which describes someone whose mother tongue is a language other than English or French. Anglo-Métis is also sometimes used to refer to an ethnic group.

United States is picrel, people were mostly annoyed at the new worker undercutting wages and overcrowding everyone. It really wasn't A Super Whites Club unless you were some rich dandy who had hours to spend discussing cranial structure and supposed intelligence. Most people were just trying to survive and hated all the new immigrants moving in, who weren't English/Welsh/German or Dutch
[repost again]

No. 2362824>>2362827>>2362835>>2362849

File (hide): 1737692288115.jpg (299.31 KB, 1200x894, ErpVoSDXcAIUfTy.jpg)

here's a similar drawing idk if it's from bongerland or US tho

No. 2362827

Yep this kind of thing was a legitimate and pervasive hobby for industrialist ~gentlemen~ while their immigrant child slaves (with both "poor and healthy signs of character") lost limbs to textile machines

No. 2362833

File (hide): 1737692733906.jpg (158.33 KB, 1876x762, Gh-4sd-XYAAcAHS.jpg)

Kamala Harris had established an LLC named "pioneer49" in december of last year, pioneer being her code name, 49 because the was the 49th vice president. It's described as "Entity to assist the former Vice President". It's named similarly to Obama's "renegade44" he opened up after leaving the white house. Could be nothing but personally i think it's to fund her public image, she also bought tons of howard university merch. but thats not in picrel

No. 2362835>>2362837>>2362845

I genuinely don't understand these depictions of the Irish like did they just look drastically different from the other bongers? I don't think I've ever been able to pick out someone for being Irish in the way you could if they were Italian. There's similar anti-Irish cartoons from Australia and Canada where they're drawn like they're baby grinch or something.

No. 2362837>>2362841>>2362843>>2362861

File (hide): 1737692934687.jpg (161.19 KB, 1080x1073, f3c5590daf8356a99c16446adf09fe…)

kek yes and still do, every country in Europe has a different phenotype and it used to be way more exaggerated before they all starting flying around banging each other

No. 2362841>>2362856

File (hide): 1737693146714.jpg (10.62 KB, 200x252, Luigi_Ita_stn_train.jpg)

samefag but want to be eco friendly and mention the rail-friendly banging too

No. 2362843

spanish people do be looking like that kek

No. 2362845>>2362848

File (hide): 1737693358084.jpeg (486.22 KB, 1284x1878, 7phy2if.jpeg)

anyone who wasn't a western European Protestant
Ireland was much poorer and not industrialized. even major cities didn't have running water or electricity, like It's easy to make fun of these things, but Irish people were living basically centuries behind due to the policies that the UK government had enforced, this created a radically stunted city's and villages that uk racists looked down upon, believing that this lower standard of living was proof of Irish people's racial inferiority

No. 2362848>>2362851

File (hide): 1737693665992.png (398.9 KB, 850x645, Students-of-the-Dublin-Metropo…)

Depends on if you're took about the North or South (North yes, for the most part) and like anywhere else there were society fags and whatever would be considered the "middle class" - not textbook definition but working and able to afford staples and some comforts plus the very wealthy and of course clergy-fags, the biggest hoarders/tools (other than the rape-seeking English). There was a much more advanced society during the turn of the last century than most people realize in any of the major cities

No. 2362849

damn thats a cool last name

No. 2362851

samefag again but I apologize for my ESL typos and constant reposts, I'm just going to let you guys decipher it yourselves if I sperg again and am too lazy to self edit

No. 2362855>>2362859>>2362867>>2362874

Idk nonna, as much as I would absolutely love a woman I'm really afraid the only way the dems will win in 2028 is if they use a white man. If they're smart, he'll
be younger, southern, working-class background, probably blonde & reasonably good-looking, very moderate. I'm not sure the pendulum will be able to shift that much in time otherwise. The first woman president in this country is going to be a republican. Conservative women usually have to open the doors to women getting elected. I don't want the democrats to pander to scrotes, but I'm not sure this country will be ready.

No. 2362856>>2362860


No. 2362857

i think you should only be allowed to post in this thread if you were born here

No. 2362859

The first woman president will be a vice president after the main president dies.
I'm sorry, I have no faith that this shitstain country will ever vote a woman in office.

No. 2362860

File (hide): 1737694040091.png (221.29 KB, 768x1024, large-2915198793.png)

kek nonna, you found the easter egg! Congrats to you

No. 2362861>>2362868

I'll take a Finnish/Hungarian male mix

No. 2362866

What does this mean? Will it just reveal that the glowies killed JFK?

No. 2362867>>2362871>>2363392

i don’t think theres going to be a woman president, not even republican. Conservatives tend to prefer father figures so they’ll vote blue even if its just for the purpose of keeping a woman out of office

No. 2362868

finn bf looks autistic

No. 2362871>>2362875

Even if a woman became president and made this country a utopia in 4 years they'd vote her out because she looked tired in a press conference once (aka she's a whore)

No. 2362874>>2362876>>2362892

Both women have ran while being in the incumbent party. Hillary won the popular vote too. The political atmosphere has become more and more anti-incumbent as time has passed. People just blame shit on whatever the current government is. There's no doubt a woman could possibly win after a shitty trump administration. Mexico is much more macho yet was able to elect a much more progressive female. Just look at the circumstances, this sentiment is annoying

No. 2362875>>2362900

maybe this thought belongs in unpopular opinions but i’m sorta fine with men continuing to be the presidents, if any anons here truly believe that there should be a lady president then i encourage you to start your own campaign and see if you can get elected. im hope our next president is more on the DILF end of the spectrum

No. 2362876

Also samefag but kamala lost by like 1.5 points lol. I always find this idpol stuff kind of retarded even if it's feminist. American elections are just tricky and yeah women do get the shit end of the stick. But a woman can definitely win lol

No. 2362892

Ayrt, I want to agree with you so badly. Maybe I'm just feeling too pessimistic still. To me, it seems like it would take an insane change at this point for a lot of younger men (& some women) to vote for a woman. Living in a college city even a liberal one, it was intense seeing how much young men here felt comfortable saying horrible stuff about Hillary & Kamala, but have stayed pretty silent or supportive on Trump. I know it wasn't by a large margin that either of them lost, but I'm not sure what it will take. Trump is one of the worst candidates & women still couldn't win. Sorry for my pessimism, please don't let my thoughts discourage any of you!

No. 2362900>>2362986

Woman or hot guy, I just want something nice to look at. Its all ugly old men and now we have a rapist who is wearing diapers. How the fuck am I supposed to be proud of my nation. TBH I'd rather a woman over a hot guy president because even though I'm straight I feel like a woman president is less likely to be a whore than a hot moid president.

No. 2362903

He looks like he's pregnant with Donald's baby. Unironically would love for non-troon mpreg to become a reality in 2025, like Trumplon baby being manifested into existence in this increasingly insane Black Mirror-like burger timeline

No. 2362925>>2362951

File (hide): 1737697947187.jpg (57.37 KB, 500x500, artworks-yj2yapGLfKv1SdeL-ERfu…)

>just joined college to major in tech
>was literally contemplating it for a year because i was freaking out at the idea of being disrespected as a woman in tech (i have grown up constantly being doubted by my own family and demeaned by my peers) and because i realized most of the leaves were women and a lot of companies were still harmful to women, especially married women or expectant mothers
>join in anyway because fuck them, i saw that i could get maternal leave if i ever get pregnant while im working in liberal corporations anyway
>this happens just as I paid 1k for classes out of pocket
What the fuck do I do now? A bunch of indians are probably going to come in and work for these companies, and I can already see how difficult it's going to be for me to land a job as there's already a 10% decline, but now it's even more difficult if I ever want to be a mom or if I ever get married.

No. 2362951>>2362996

File (hide): 1737699522998.png (481.93 KB, 640x610, A25DEA87-4698-4EAA-B26D-D090F0…)

Oh hey nonny we’re in a similar situation. I’m getting my master’s in CS and avoided tech due to misogyny for a long time.
>A bunch of indians are probably going to come in and work for these companies
You have to specialize in areas that are not overrun by h1b applicants. Networks, cybersecurity, human centered computing are all good options. Don’t get a run of the mill degree in software engineering or IT if you can help it. If you do you have to make the absolute most of your degree. Participate in clubs, network, join women in STEM groups, use any resources at your school’s career center. I also recommend just reaching out to women at companies you want to work for and ask if you can chat with them about how they got where they did. The worst they can do is tell you no. Finally, learn marketable skills and work on a portfolio. There are always going to be doomers posting online about how the job market is trash and they can’t get a job, don’t let it sway you. If you put in the work you’ll end up where you want to be I’m sure.

No. 2362975

Killing myself over the return to work orders for federal workers. I was hired remote for an agency that has been remote since 2010. I hope they find a way to keep me home, I can't imagine having to commute everyday. My nearest office is 2.5 hours away. A federal remote job is the only kind of job where a person can be free, I finally got a taste of how great life could be, I spent so much time with my loved ones. Why are they persecuting us?

No. 2362986>>2362991>>2362998>>2363000

Real talk, nonas: Which was the last president you could coom to?

No. 2362991

Not me but I used to be friends with a gendie who coomed to Macron/Trudeau RPF

No. 2362996>>2363389>>2363394

>Networks, cybersecurity, human centered computing are all good options.
are you posting from 2012?

No. 2362998>>2363011

File (hide): 1737701241929.jpg (54.83 KB, 500x700, 0566936d9d297635fc8ac8c87105b6…)

None I'm a lesbian, I did think Kamala was really hot.. if she runs in 2028 it may not be over for me…

No. 2363000>>2363001>>2363006>>2363238

File (hide): 1737701264932.gif (342.75 KB, 200x200, jdv.gif)

Listening to him interviewed by Tim Dillon first got me interested last year, there's just something about his millennial "bro" attitude and dad vibes. That combined with what feels like bi undertones, I'm an ex-fujo and can never resist that.

No. 2363001>>2363003

I'm just going to pretend you are trolling for my own sanity because what the fuck

No. 2363003

You need to watch him in speaking and moving in a mostly casual setting to really get it, like vidrel. His weird tradcath politics don't come into it then.

No. 2363006>>2363090

I'm a current fujo and this guy is fucking hideous. What is wrong with you.

No. 2363011

File (hide): 1737702699733.png (253.95 KB, 581x384, mnbghj.png)

samefag but there's a bunch of (autistic) politician stan accounts on xitter but i find the kamala ones particularly cute. it's just so lesbian and cute.

No. 2363072>>2363353

File (hide): 1737709574032.png (93.1 KB, 1085x894, Screenshot (363).png)

Can someone correct me if I am wrong or reading this wrong? I found this article on a bill that was introduced in South Carolina. It says "TO AMEND THE SOUTH CAROLINA CODE OF LAWS BY ENACTING THE "SOUTH CAROLINA PRENATAL EQUAL PROTECTION ACT" BY ADDING SECTIONS 16-3-6, 16-3-105, 16-3-106, 16-3-107, AND 16-3-108 SO AS TO DEFINE "PERSON" TO INCLUDE AN UNBORN CHILD AT ANY STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT, AND TO ENSURE THAT AN UNBORN CHILD WHO IS A VICTIM OF HOMICIDE IS AFFORDED EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE HOMICIDE LAWS OF THE STATE, WITH EXCEPTIONS; BY ADDING SECTIONS 16-3-760, 16-3-761, 16-3-762, AND 16-3-763 SO AS TO DEFINE "PERSON" TO INCLUDE AN UNBORN CHILD AT ANY STAGE OF DEVELOPMENT AND TO ENSURE THAT AN UNBORN CHILD WHO IS A VICTIM OF ASSAULT IS AFFORDED EQUAL PROTECTION UNDER THE ASSAULT LAWS OF THE STATE, WITH EXCEPTIONS; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES." When I looked into any of the cases that could be excluded, the only cases where women who would be excluded for being legible for this would be those who have A.) spontaneous miscarriages or B.) their lives are at risk. When I looked into one of the sections, specifically section 16-3-760, it says "SECTION 16-3-20.Punishment for murder; separate sentencing proceeding when death penalty sought.

(A) A person who is convicted of or pleads guilty to murder must be punished by death, or by a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment for thirty years to life. If the State seeks the death penalty and a statutory aggravating circumstance is found beyond a reasonable doubt pursuant to subsections (B) and (C), and a recommendation of death is not made, the trial judge must impose a sentence of life imprisonment." It also stated that regardless of the "life stages" (including first two weeks), they would be legible for it. There was no inclusions for juveniles or those who were raped, so please please correct me if I am reading this wrong. Is this saying that even teenagers can be legible for a death sentence for aborting? Pic rel is the sections that I am talking about that's linked in the bill. https://www.scstatehouse.gov/sess126_2025-2026/bills/3537.htm

No. 2363090

It’s a cope to find this asshole attractive by ignoring the fact that he thinks women who don’t or can’t have kids are subhuman.

No. 2363101

File (hide): 1737712288779.jpeg (64.09 KB, 686x386, IMG_2029.jpeg)

Oh my god you’re right

No. 2363238

Imagine him next to you in bed at night and the only thing you can see are his glowing eyes

No. 2363251>>2363292>>2363435

If Trump is the anti woman president then how come so many women voted for Trump? I feel better with a president who is supported by normal women than someone shilled by redditors any day.

No. 2363292>>2363314>>2363324

File (hide): 1737724731580.png (875.12 KB, 600x927, normal woman .png)

Trump is supported by normal women…

No. 2363306>>2363311>>2363315>>2363333

File (hide): 1737725287182.png (919.83 KB, 1080x1855, 1000019560.png)

>The bill, written by Democratic Sen. Bradford Blackman, would make it “unlawful for a person to discharge genetic material without the intent to fertilize an embryo.”
>According to the bill, there will be a $1,000 fine for the first offense, $5,000 for the second offense and $10,000 for any subsequent offenses.
>“All across the country, especially here in Mississippi, the vast majority of bills relating to contraception and/or abortion focus on the woman’s role when men are 50% of the equation,” Blackmon said in a statement to WLBT. “This bill highlights that fact and brings the man’s role into the conversation.”

No. 2363311

Based. I saw this last night and laughed. He should quote the part of the Bible where God talks hows this is one of the largest sins and it's better to commit adultery than to ejaculate outside of a woman.

No. 2363314

nope, I know this type on sight, even if it weren’t for the trash bag and MAGA shit. they seem normal at first, but they’re batshit crazy. I bet if you conversed with her in a normal setting she’d stand a liiiiiiittle too close for comfort.

No. 2363315

Kekkkk, based. Pro-lifers will tardrage about this even though it lines up with their retarded beliefs.

No. 2363316>>2363381>>2363394

File (hide): 1737725887980.jpg (307.88 KB, 1286x2048, fake job.jpg)

>Senior manager of the LGBTQ+ Diversity program of the FBI
What a joke job. Why was this job ever created and funded by tax dollars? Imagine the FBI spying on someone but the person immediately knows because their spy is a 6'2" man in a middle school girl outfit with an erection.

No. 2363324>>2363326>>2363327>>2363336>>2363347>>2363367>>2363439>>2363458

Please tell me that you live in a super blue area without telling me you live in one. 45% of women voted for Trump and most white women did. Meanwhile probably 90% of trannies and gay moids voted for Kamala. Having the support of so many degenerates just disqualifies me from voting for someone. That woman is more normal than any tranny will ever be.

No. 2363326

>implying the majority of people in America are normal

No. 2363327>>2363328

voting for moids who abhor women and literally want to take away our birth control, reproductive rights, working rights, marriage rights, property rights, and financial rights, just to spite troons. great work anon, I'm sure Vance, the faggot Thiel, Musk, Opus Dei, and the Heritage Foundation appreciate your support

No. 2363328>>2363342>>2363343

File (hide): 1737727088085.jpeg (93.83 KB, 828x825, IMG_5471.jpeg)

looks like we need a girl version of this

No. 2363332

He let people pay him to have sex with some of those animals. Fuck him. I know there’s other animal rapists who do this on private farms throughout the US and the world, but fuck him.

No. 2363333>>2363368

Death penalty for masturbators next pls kek

No. 2363336

a woman voting against another woman who is pretty conservative herself for a democrat (being a proud gun owner, prosecuting many moid criminals, being a patriot) to own the faggots and troons is pretty retarded and not normal.

No. 2363342

kekk please. This image is going to get reposted so many times in the next 4 years, a woman version or even a farmer version would be nice

No. 2363343>>2363344>>2363369>>2363442>>2363483

File (hide): 1737728804485.jpg (188.16 KB, 828x825, oopsvotedforafelon.jpg)

here u go, im not american but its sad to see women's rights being impeded in the west…

No. 2363344

i love you

No. 2363347>>2363351


no offense but in 2024 more non-college educated born again white women voted for trump and i can understand not being able to afford college, but i wouldn't call being born again or fundie normal. likely they just voted the way their husbands wanted them to.

No. 2363351>>2363357

These born agains need to fuck off they aren’t even real Christians (I was raised Roman Catholic) they are closer to heretics and devil worshippers than they realize. They think having as many offspring as possible is the apex of Christian virtue. They should just be Mormons and honest with themselves.

No. 2363353>>2363361>>2364396

File (hide): 1737729375655.jpeg (208.56 KB, 1206x646, IMG_0600.jpeg)

i'm not a lawfag so i wanted to double check a news article and yes, it looks like sc is looking to throw the death penalty for women seeking abortions. it hasn't passed yet, and i don't think that it will? (wishful thinking) it's scary how quickly the us has lost its fucking mind.


No. 2363357>>2363359

I honestly understand why now the Catholic church tried to cement an iron clad rule over Christianity, because people get really fervent and twisted when you let them interpret the Bible as freely and wanton as they want without any authority. I never thought I'd be defending Catholicism but here we are. Evangelical nuts really ruined America

No. 2363359>>2363373

Starting to understand why the American forefathers were chased out of Europe for "religious discrimination" kek

No. 2363361

This was bound to happen with how much Republicans were making Abortion into a single-issue vote. A lot of people believe abortion is LITERALLY murder now because that was the propaganda the right was spouting for ages. What's funny is that most of these politicians don't even believe that and get abortions themselves, the political pressure to take it further and further is just that bad right now because of their own retarded propaganda

No. 2363367

You sound really stupid. It's like those pictures of someone sitting in a tree and sawing at the very same branch they sit on. Since you are stupid: You are the someone. The branch and you will fall down to the ground, thanks to your sawing.

No. 2363368

Finally some good news. But I doubt the bill will be instated.

No. 2363369

Maybe next thread pic worthy?

No. 2363372

Please do

No. 2363373

Kek. This makes sense.
We have evangelists here but they are actually the more open minded version of Christianity compared to the RC. They were the first who had women pastors.

No. 2363381>>2363395

What? You really have a talent to making up stories. The tax money for this one person, is insignificant for all the other malicious shit that is financed. Not everyone working in intelligence does field work. You watched to many movies and shows.

No. 2363389

Cybersecurity is a dynamic ever evolving field. It's like warfare. People will never stop trying out-trump each other.

No. 2363392

They would vote Ivanka Trump. They seemed to adore her and/or lust after her.

No. 2363394>>2363396>>2363426

not that he's doing any fieldwork but someone like him would unironically be a much better fit for undercover jobs than the pasty mormon missionaries that are currently doing it.
cybersecurity is a pathway towards jobs that require security clearances. no h1bs allowed there.

No. 2363395

One, $130,000 is never insignificant and if you think it is, just give me that amount of money since you're so willing to part with it. It doesn't matter if the US military is spending $15,000 on a toilet seat, two things can be bad at the same time.
Two, are you really so retarded that you think I am only actually concerned that the FBI's espionage efforts will be sabotaged because they will hire trannies? You don't think it was a comment on the overall state of the increasingly inefficient and self destructive US government's bureaucracy? That it was a mockery of the fact that we don't need a DEI department in the FBI, let alone a manager with a host of underlings to create and run a 2SLGBTQIA+ human resources sub-department? I hope to God that for your sake English is your second language for how bad your reading comprehension skills are.

No. 2363396>>2363402

You guys realize that not only is undercover work not the only work that the FBI does, but that in no circumstances would that guy, who worked in HR, go undercover? Like, you actually read the words in the picture before commenting, right?

No. 2363402

>not that he's doing any fieldwork
learn to read

No. 2363426

Why would he be better at fieldwork than people who look like 60% of the population? I thought people were racist in US, wouldn't they be more suspicious of a black man compared to a white person?

No. 2363435>>2363480

If this is about the trannies….

No. 2363439

Also lobotomize yourself and get to making your husband sandwiches(infighting)

No. 2363442

I love how this implies the OG wojak is shirtless

No. 2363444

They should be send to Afghanistan and have constant stand-offs with the fucking Taliban, so that through time each of those group will kill each other off.

No. 2363458

Nonna was schizo, but the percentage is true kek. 45% of white women voted for Trump. We should tackle why the right even won in the first place rather than pointing fingers and calling each other dumb here (given that the majority of us voted for Kamalita here).

No. 2363480

I hate trannies too, but I don't think they should've been the deciding factor for the future of America.

No. 2363483

10/10, that's going into my political shitpost folder.

No. 2363484


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2363540

You could poison his make up with substances that are taken up through the skin?!

No. 2363565

It's not that deep. It's just money for them. They claim xy, and say they need money to further work on it. But they will never reach the claimed goals. It's a classic ruse. There is a reason why no other (except maybe China?) country would invest that amount of money, because it is nonsense. That money also won't trickle down. There are highly unethical and unprofessional people involved (on all sides). They lie, overestimate, steal. 500B is an outrageous sum, even 100B would be. Imagine what good could be done with that amount of money.
It's the narcissistic traits of all of them. This also causes them to say yes to every bullshit they have no clue about but is overly expensive and prestigious. They don't want to loose their face. And it is not their personal money they use, so, low risk.

No. 2363610

It depends mostly on what state/region you live in. In general, cities are quite liberal and small towns are quite conservative. Suburbs can vary but they tend to be moderate or fairly liberal. The culture war here is real. Many people feel strongly in their allegiance to either the right or the left, and our country is becoming increasingly polarized. It’s basically a tribal identity atp.

No. 2364396>>2364658

See, the thing that greatly worries me is that they are very vague on what "life saving" procedures mean. My boyfriends mom had an ectopic pregnancy with him, but she risked her life. There's cases where women has cancer and have to terminate their pregnancies, otherwise, itll worsen their cancer. What is considered "life saving" here? Is it something with minimal risk, or does it have to be completely altering where death is involved in order for the woman to not deal with a life sentence/punishable by death? What is considered a "spontaneous miscarriage"? I am genuinely worried that the judge might use this against women and claim they have induced miscarriages. Not every women who proceeds with ectopic pregnancies can survive, so are they going to be legible for this if they choose to stop the pregnancy?

No. 2364658>>2364672

I thought ectopic pregnancies were non viable

No. 2364672

To my knowledge, they still… grow but there's no way in fuck that you're getting that baby out alive.

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