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No. 1330198
General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/1028419 #7
>>>/ot/1240193 No. 1330454
I'll go first, here are the following things I believe:
One. The rise in so-called AI art creation technologies has nothing to do with 'democratising art' (what the fuck does that mean, pick up a pencil you pricks). The techbros who are pushing this obviously want to make a buck off of turning the AIs into subscription services and/or making NFTs. But it goes deeper than that, there is no doubt in my mind that it is currently and will continue to be used to facilitate CP.
Two. Most people are unaware that there is a cabal of pedos and perverts who push through policies simple so they can continue to run roughshod over the general public. I estimate that it's like 300,000 to 1 million degenerates pulling the strings. They're in academia, media/entertainment, politics, everywhere.
Three. Covid is not a hoax but was used surreptitiously to push through policies and ideas into public discourse. I also think it was used to create watchlists from the general public. Let's put it this way, a person who keeps complaining about lockdowns, or refuses a vaccine, and thinks pronouns are bullshit - regardless of what you think about this person, they are dangerous to authority. The government absolutely keeps tabs on this shit and collects data from social media companies. They know who the people are who won't abide by the rules.
Four. If AI continues unregulated, humans will have nothing to do. The governments can't just allow millions of sheeple to sit around consooming (especially given those consumers won't have an income in the first place). No government in the world has a solid policy for dealing with total automation and a possible singularity. I assume the elite will just allow starvation and disease to take its course and kill off a chunk of the population. Covid might very well have just been a test run.
Five. Aliens are real and possibly have observed us before. We can't detect them because they have ways of obfuscating themselves. Probably they're waiting to see if we kill ourselves in WWIII, I imagine that most species go through a trial by fire and it's a 50/50 shot whether a species makes it or goes extinct during the crucible.
No. 1330702
>>1330587>>1330457First anon here, I wish we could all be best friends, too.
I've still got my tinfoil hat on, so there was one last point about the people pulling the strings. I think there's significant overlap between the perverts and sickos running things and people who are pursuing a transhumanist agenda.
I was horrified to read about the experiment in China wherein they grafted a female rodent to a male one, just so the male could use the female's reproductive system to gestate a fetus. Beyond evil, but why?
There is AI that can perfectly replicate human voices. AI chatbots so sophisticated they can fool engineers (consider the Google engineer who got fired earlier this year for suggesting that the chatbot he was working on was sentient).
What is the end goal of these technologies? There's no doubt in my mind that it's an effort by deranged, disturbed and truly dangerous men, who want slaves made in the image of women, but with none of our spirit or humanity. Every technology they push has the end game of creating their fantasy sex slave and the rest of us be damned.
No. 1330830

>>1330454with you until aliens, purely because it needs more nuance. do you mean extra terrestrials from space, or the ocean, or from the earth core?
the UFOs I saw I think were government related but I'd love to hear other nonas experiences (is there a ufo thread already?)
vidrel is pretty much what I saw, but my area is a well known hotspot for UFO activity. also there were three and when I pointed them out to my bf at the time they saw me point and bailed and he didn't see. I felt them see me see them if you know what I mean. it was a super weird experience
but yeah could be government drones?? what I saw looked like some harry potter lumos shit. I hate to know its just our shitty earth doing it I wish it was aliens. I've never felt more elated than when I saw that shit, and the only people who believe me are people who have seen something similar. one actually had photos on his phone of what him and his work crew saw one night but that's all I wanna say cause that shit was too fucken real.
No. 1330838
>>1330834>>1330702same fag but id like to mention the women/children hate, trans shit, and transhumanism all tie together so well for me. like males want to become females and also would like to be children. also the people pushing this trans agenda shit want both sexes to be more more child like and analgous. think about it, kids are slightly more androgynous, so they want to literally delay their puberty and keep them in that weird "in between" sort of state as long as they can. even trans mtf doctors have come out and said that shit is fucked because their penis ends up so small they cant even turn it into a vagina… like why the fuck do medical professionals wanna give males tiny useless penis' and give females flat chests? its literally pedophilia. most pedophiles dont care about sex either, its a power thing, most men who commit assault even onto male children are straight men. its honestly so fucked up when you really think about it. the transhumanism/cyber shit factors in too because those crazy fuckers pretty much just want robot womb machines so they can kill off all biological females and just fuck other males with cyborg genitals and impregnate themselves. i wouldnt be surprised if some of those 1 percent type troons (that one whos like a military high up and was given some
medals idk military or gov shit i just know of this troon) consume women and childrens blood or maybe even organs cuz they think itll make them more feminine or something.
No. 1330878
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>>1330838>>1330834I definitely believe the cannibal thing is plausible. Marina Abrimovac and Lady Gaga eating that human cake comes to mind. Rich people
might just not die in their 60s or 70s because they aren’t on the poor working class paint thinner crap in the food , or maybe because they’re doing weird blood transfusions.
No. 1330923
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>>1330913Holy shit not even a tinfoil
No. 1330957
>>1330930Like fuck scrotes but I'm so against cutting up little baby dicks.
Here's a horrifying YouTube about Nabokov, early Hollywood pedophilia, and more. It's part of a series and the whole thing is great. A lot of Nabokov's work was subtly trying to out the pedophile elite, including known pervert Lewis Carroll. Alice in Wonderland is great but boy do I feel funny enjoying it. (Same goes for Back to the Future. Rumor is it that Speilberg was raping kids on set in a casting couch scenario. Crispin Glover objected and had his likeness famously stolen in the sequel. He wrote an essay about it, it's archived online somewhere.)
No. 1330962
>>1330957Samefagging in with an excerpt from "What Is It?" an essay by Crispin Hellion Glover about his film of the same name (which I have yet to watch).
"Do you believe Steven Spielberg is an ideal guide and influence for our culture? Do Steven Spielberg’s films question our culture? What do Steven Spielberg’s films question? Does Steven Spielberg focus much of his fantasy life on young people? Did he portray children wallowing in sewers filled with fecal matter in Schindler’s List? Did he use children to finger paint an adult in Hook? Does he collect the illustrations of Norman Rockwell, such as the one showing a young boy in his underwear examined by a doctor? Are the inclinations of Steven Spielberg above suspicion by the media-fed culture? Was Steven Spielberg very friendly with Michael Jackson? Wasn’t Michael Jackson supposed to play Peter Pan in Steven Spielberg’s version of the story? Now that Michael Jackson is no longer held in favor by the mass media, does Spielberg associate with him? Do Michael Jackson and Steven Spielberg share similar opinions about the sexuality of young boys?"
No. 1330976
>>1330970Thank you nona, I could only find it copied on some Qanon blog. That (Q) was such a successful psyop but I think it might backfire on them eventually. Sure right now it seems like only retards believe in an evil pedophile cabal, but those retards ARE doing research and some of it is even useful.
I torrented it ages ago but have since lost the file. It's on the Pirate Bay with like two seeds.
Another based celeb is Bowie, he wrote a song called Shopping for Girls with the band Tin Machine in the 80s where he straight up admits he's being used by the cabal to traffick children and calls out Michael Jackson.
No. 1330980
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>>1330976"Between the dead ring ash of extreme defense
The lonely groups of company boys
Snapping pictures of scrawny limbs and toothy grins
These are children riding naked on their tourist pals
While the hollows that pass for eyes swell from withdrawal
And he lies on a mattress in a rat infested room
Talking 'bout his family and the cold back home
Between the dull cold eyes and the mind unstable
Noone over here reads the papers pal
'Tween the dull cold eyes and the mind unstable
He's a clean trick and he's shopping for girls
A small black someone jumps over the crazy white guard
Cranking up the volume of a Michael Jackson song
Between the dull cold eyes and the mind unstable
Noone over here reads the papers pal
'Tween the dull cold eyes and the mind unstable
He's a clean trick and he's shopping for girls
Where the frangipani scents the air
She mouths a word that breaks his stare
He grunts his reply in a garrulous croak
"That's a mighty big word for a nine year old"
Between the dull cold eyes and the mind unstable
Noone over here reads the papers pal
'Tween the dull cold eyes and the mind unstable
He's a clean trick and he's shopping for girls
Shopping for girls, shopping for girls
You gaze down into her eyes for a million miles
You wanna give her a name and a clean rag doll"
As for why I personally think that song is autobiographical, I think the line "no one over here reads the papers, pal" implies that no one recognizes him.
There's plenty of other tinfoil-y stuff in his work but I can't give everything away.
No. 1330996
>>1330990It sucks because I was literally a
victim of this shit, I was sex trafficked as a child, they tried to brainwash me in an MK-adjacent cult, come from a family with generational incest in a region of the country where a lot of MK stuff took place. I'm second gen, and it didn't work as well on children of MK assets because they had robots trying to make robots essentially… and when I've tried to confide in people about it, I've had asshole leftists call me a liar. Like did you miss the Epstein case you simpleminded cuck? You trust your government? Like… this shit is on Wikipedia you head-in-the-sand, nonce-supporting cumrags.
Anyway I'll just be over here, programmed to kill myself and drinking heavily, lol
No. 1331005
>>1330967he was notoriously blacklisted for speaking out against pedowood. I remember seeing him saying something about how every bedroom set on Back To the Future was basically where directors/producers would take the younger stars. pls nonas if you can find it post it I'm looking now
Makes the whole marty mcfly/his mum trying to root him in her own bed thing make a bit more sense jfc moids with money are literally the worst
No. 1331011
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>>1331005I never saw the actual quote but I read the rumor on CDAN and that plus his essay had me convinced. I'm sure a direct quote would have been wiped from the new internet, just like all the other good shit.
On a more positive note, is back online. I love that website.
No. 1331012
>>1331006moon shit is all fake. like embarrassingly so. even if we did go what they televised was fake.
>>1331011I'll keep hunting but it was a genuine multiple-actor expose about the pedo shit going on in most if not all Spielberg films. crispin was one of the main whistleblowers and he hasn't had work since. this is the first I've seen of anyone discussing it since a few years ago when I read it but I'll have a dig around see if anything hasn't been nuked off clearweb. he seems to be one of the good ones or at the very worst a patsy.
No. 1331028
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Queen Elizabeth II about to die apparently, London bridge is falling down!
No. 1331039
>>1331017I genuinely don't remember most of it, it's repressed or I have some kind of disassociative disorder. I can only assume this is my mind protecting me. I've had weird occult stuff happen to me, found out a person I thought was my friend for years was my handler. I'm in therapy but don't discuss the tinfoil stuff, I focus on the incest and child sex trafficking. My guardian was batshit insane with multiple personalities.
Unpopular opinion but I think some of these internet DID cases have a basis in reality, but because they're leaning into it for internet points they go off the deep end and end up making themselves crazier. You're supposed to integrate these personalities, not roleplay with them. Making tulpas willynilly is playing with your sanity. Plus all these DID fakers make it impossible for people who actually have it to be taken seriously. It's like Qanon, a distraction to ruin the credibility of anyone who tries to discuss it.
No. 1331048
>>1331039nona my heart reaches out to you. a lot of specialists now a days believe bpd and did to be a spectrum. people misuse those terms so much, bpd isnt just slutty bitches who use people for attention, did isnt multiple personalities. the real disorders come from places of deep trauma, abuse, and neglect. someone like shayna or luna or pixielocks doesnt have bpd or did. they have no trauma rooted in childhood. bpd isnt some hoe disorder, you actually lose so much in your life and relationships. im diagnosed bpd and ive always heavily heavily related to what the "accurate" depictions of what did is. i dissociate and black out very often and i will forget whole events or fights that have happened with people. i feel like "multiple people" but not in the way tiktokers do with outfits and makeup and the kinnie shit. i genuinely have different thoughts and opinions at different times and will react to situations in totally different ways depending on what "mode" im in. sometimes im completely immoral and unempathetic, sometimes im filled with so much guilt and pain and sorrow for myself and everyone else i can't even handle it. doesn't really belong in the tinfoil thread but i had to respond to you nona. i will throw in a tinfoil here and say that bpd is so fucking stigmatized because people don't want to deal with hurt women, with traumatized women, with women who have anger and fear. sending good energies your way, i hope you are healing and
im sorry if i overshared too much im also having a manic episode and lolcow is my only outlet right now ♥
No. 1331068
>>1331048You have not over shared, and I get you nona, sometimes anonymous message boards are the only outlet. I didn't know that about DID/BPD, thank you for sharing. That's mostly how I've experienced whatever dissociative disorder I have as well. Only a couple times have I encountered separate 'alters' and they didn't show up as full-fledged individuals with names and shit, though I did name them after to make things easier. They're not really different though, it's still me, just with different memories or lived experience. I don't role my eyes into the back of my head and 'switch', sometimes I just find myself doing crazy nonsensical shit and I realize I'm missing some chunk of memory, and have to backtrack to figure out why I'm acting the way I am.
Thank you for being such a sweet bean and I hope your manic session calms down soon so you can relax. I'd send you lavender tea if I could.
RE: Queen, she might have been a lizard person who killed Diana and covered for her pedophile brother, but she seemed like as good of a Queen as she could be under the circumstances, regardless. She was definitely better than Chucklefuck Charles will be. Back to scrotes on the throne, ladies.
No. 1332332
>>1330830Alienfag here again, well there's no doubt there are undiscovered species under the earth and in the ocean, but my main interest is in life on other planets. Statistically, it's unlikely to think there wouldn't be.
Even if only 1% of planets in our galaxy alone had life, and only 1% of them were intelligent, we're still talking about thousands of sapient races. The issue is with the vastness between stars, but I truly feel that the technology exists to cross these distances when we start getting into shit like wormholes and non-euclidean theories of space. So why haven't these intelligent races really reached out to us yet?
Because they're waiting to see what we do next. Until then we are in the 'bubble' - no communication in or out.
No. 1332815
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I think circumcision is big in America (and Korea apparently) because the medical industry makes money off of the stem cells in the discarded scrotums. Picrel is the only article left I could find about this which is weird because there were more results when I searched it up months ago. The woman referred to is Sandra Bullock.
No. 1333194
>>1332945Men spent so many years trying to remove foreskin because in their retarded minds it's better to just cut it off than to clean it. Men are just disgusting and will mutilate children instead of fucking teaching them (and themselves) to just fucking shower and wash properly. The same men also spent years trying to cut off healthy parts of female genitals out of pure spite.
>>1332376Men don't really have a sexuality. Men will literally fuck anything and anyone, and I guess that does make them all straight, gay, pedos and zoophiles at the same time kek. The only thing stopping male degeneracy are taught female morals and legal concequences. Without those you get soldiers dismembering and raping little girls for fun and religions where marrying, fucking and killing children is fine and even better.
No. 1333203
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That shirt can't be a coincidence
No. 1333238
>>1333201A huge part of the reason most boys need circumcision in the first place is because people dont know how to clean baby boys. You don’t pull back the foreskin on a baby. You wipe like a finger. The amount of old women especially day care workers I’ve had to fight about this and I don’t even have a son and won’t ever have one.
Until the little boy can pop the damn thing out of his foreskin himself that thing is basically fused on. When you force your way underneath to clean you’re causing micro tears and ripping the two layers of skin apart before the baby boy is read. Which A is torture to the child and B leads to infections from micro tears.
No. 1333256
>>1333127She kind of fucked up by banging on about how much she wanted a cat that was HERS and then every time she referred to gracie she would put so much emphasis on it beng destinys cat and not her cat. It was weird before the cat even went missing. That alone stood out to me at the time. Seeing as they lived together and amber is usually the queen of moving fast and claiming you as hers.. why wouldn't gracie kinda be ambers cat too?? Thats how that usually works. Shared home, shared life.. you live with the cat so close enough.
She could've just kept some of that talk to herself and never set off peoples suspicions. She told us destiny said
>gracie has to die before we can get another catAnd just like that, poof, cat gone.
Its similar to that incident with twinkie where she was called out for neglect as soon as the dog had a medical incident that required attention. She went out to eat and left the dog shivering in pain at home. Insisted there were no vets open when the 24 hurs vet was right next to the place she had dinner that night. Again could've just said less and people would've never known that happened.
No. 1333373
>>1333130did this bitch say traction as "tracktion" and nobody cares
anon you are my new fave I dub you trackianon and I love you forever
No. 1333452
>>1332332I think I’m with you on this one. Honestly it’s just too fucking sad to think, that we’re completely alone. The universe is far too big, aliens are out there and we’ll hear from them, when we’re ready.
Also the whole ocean thing is a bit terrifying. I don’t think we’re even close to discovering half of what awaits us in the deepest, darkest parts of it. I can even believe that sentient life exists here, since dolphins and octopi are so damn smart. If octopi could live for longer than a few years, they would totally become our cute, slimy overlords. We’re lucky they’re so stupid with their reproductive choices.
No. 1333498
>>1333430Yeah it’s definitely the same male. Really fucking weird. Really anyone could be trawling google for articles and depictions of sexual abuse in Hollywood and find this thread, and set up shop here hoping we cite material they can browse through. There are posts here that are
too informative.
No. 1333533
>>1333452Thanks, Anon. I find that whenever I listen to so-called skeptics talk about the existence of alien life, a majority % of these talking heads are moids who dismiss the possibility simply because they can't understand why we haven't discovered them yet.
Typical scrote lack of imagination and pure narcissism. They actually think that in the entire Universe we are the only sapient species, and/or because they can't fathom how the galaxy could be crossed by advanced beings, they just dismiss it.
As for our kin on this planet, I hope that orcas and other whales inherit the earth after the women depart for an all-female colony on Mars (men have gone extinct by then I guess).
No. 1333639
>>1333533Well, it’s probably the same people who think that we’re a pinnacle of evolution. It’s the most stupid shit I’ve ever heard. Have you seen our spines?
And I’m all in for a lesbian paradise on Mars, let’s make it happen.
No. 1333883
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No. 1334131
>>1330986this is a mistake. He along with others are chosen to show parts of the truth. The truth in plain sight setup is desirable because they think it absolves them of karmic responsibility.
Stop idolising any of these people.
No. 1334372
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>>1334354>cringe music videookay pedo worshipper
No. 1334558
>>1333201They are not harvesting foreskin for women’s skincare you crazy faggot, I fucking wish they did so males would be useful for something at last.
>>1333238Why are you so enthusiastic about fingering babies foreskins? This is the problem with SMEGMA CRUSADERS. “Oh, you don’t need a simple clean operation when you can suck the dick-cheese straight out of the flap like a mini vacuum for 18 years until the boy learns how to do it on his own! I’m sure the same males who think it’s gay to wipe their asses after taking a shit will take the time to finger their dicks.” Lmao get a life
No. 1334869
>>1334558anon take a look at
>>1330923 they literally are kek why don't people skim threads before posting
No. 1334924
>>1334558you're right they do it so they deprive women of pleasure and ruin their own stimulation in the process, leaving their dicks alone is far better than a simple clean operation because it's a huge net-loss for communities if you're not gonna straight up kill them off
just look at any society that practices it as a medical or ritual necessity they are by far the shittiest countries in the world
No. 1335664
>>1334924>my third world country is shitty because we practice circumcisionI have never seen anons this retarded anywhere else. Average smegma crusader logic.
>>1334869Good. What do you expect me to say? “Nooo, not my heckin’ nigelerinoos!”
No. 1336802
>>1336634>mutilateWrong. Males are born mutilated and circumcision fixes them.
>>1336615Smegma crusader + L + reported for racebait
No. 1336982
>>1334558So you’d rather cause physical harm and destress to an infant with unnecessary medical procedure that kills a small handful of babies even in the US. That can cause life long complications and mutilates them. Circumcised men have an easier time raping women. They’re more dry and even in positive relationships they’re worse for the women. The entire American obsession with wet pussy is because they broke their dicks and had to blame women.
You’re the fucking pedo if you read wipe the child and don’t peel their penis like a banana and you think finger them for smegma. What the fuck is wrong with you?
No. 1337018
>>1336982my cut ex boyfriend is literally dry as a rock with no precum and literally gave me yeasties and utis constantly. they literally get lazy as fuck and think they dont need to clean cuz they're cut. men are disgusting, i figure if they have a foreskin they probably keep themselves much cleaner than a cut guy, and they tend to be more self concious and overcompensate
at least in my experience with an uncut man, plus his dick felt so much better in my hand and mouth and inside me also cut dicks look way worse, especially when they have a big nasty mushroom head.
No. 1337485
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>>1331151Celebrities have hormonal disorders and look like shit because their invert parents give them wrong-sex hormones. This is the "nepotism" you're always hearing about - you don't get anywhere unless you're born into it. The doping scandal was to make normies believe they could easily identify women on cross sex hormones. They have no clue it was just a feminized male because the regular olympians are
already inverted. How fucked is that kek It's all of them, unless they claim to be "trans" or are directly part of that agenda. The information probably isn't accessible because it wouldn't hold up to scrutiny today or is in the way of another red herring they've constructed since.
>1332314The kardashians / jenners are also freemason trannies. The "moids" they're contracted to be photographed or breed with are (freemason) ftms on hgh and t. Rob Kardashian is their ftm breeder baby factory. This is the simple reason you never see her and obviously the weight issue. If you can't see, it's because you don't want to or you're one of them.
No. 1337938
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>>1337659It's the least I can do, being the only real female in that disgusting family is a fate worse than death. Remember when they said "The Handmaid's Tale" was based on real events/religions and atrocities? They were referring to the handmaids too ffs (and that bullshit ceremony). Also check out Rob's tiny and close features vs. big brother Kim's lion smile. They ALL have the wrong skeletons. Kim's son North West was definitely carried by Rob but it's possible Scott, Kanye and Tristan might have popped out a few critter babies. Anyways enjoy, it's the big secret! The greatest show on earth kek
No. 1338010
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I've been hearing some of my friends who barely even watch VTubers talk a lot about this one V-Tuber called Shxtou that seems to be really coomerish and egocentric according to them, and after reading a bit more about him I'm now for some reason really sure that the popular male VTubers are all incels and sex pests behind the anime masks and that within the next few years at least one of them is going to be outed for grooming one or more members of their underage fanbase on Discord, which I really hope happens, to be honest.
To be honest, I've always been iffy with VTubers and have never actually gotten into them because I don't really know or trust whoever's behind their anime avatar masks, but male VTubers even less so, and their simultaneous fujo and yumepandering acts only make them distrust even more than the female ones, which are just massive pickmes with a tendency to catfight each other.
No. 1338044
>>1338025>wasnt vox accused of being a pedo/groomer?Really? I mean, if he's still popular to this day I wouldn't be surprised if it got covered more than a woman in Afghanistan, but hearing that for some reason makes me surprised, since I expected the outings to happen by the next year or two.
>the female vtubers are cool but the male ones are so fucking annoying, Mysta is such an attention whore. They are also all super fucking ugly behind the avatar, the girls are just normal, maybe fat but average, but the guys are fucking hideous.Not surprised about that. The only VTuber I ever tried to follow is a HoloEN girl and she actually look pretty average when I accidentally stumbled upon her supposed doxx, and while I've never delved into male VTubers because my sixth sense tells me they have rotting corpses in their closets I fully believe in the idea that they all look just like Dre- I mean, Clayton Ray Huff IRL.
Incels who try to get into female weeb culture in order to sex pest their way into fame.
No. 1338048
>>1338045Yeah, that's also true. So many of them have loli-like designs it's a downright cliche at this point.
And Nyanners must be doing Olympic-level mental gymnastics to be lolipandering as hard she does while simultaneously unpersoning her old 4chan era, Pomf Pomf and all of that included. I hate her for that reason
No. 1338056
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>>1338050>doesnt know nijiJP degeneracy>nijiEN literally has a woman hating tranny in the making and some guy who raped his gf>nijisanji has a literal lolicon guy>indies are either slutty lewdpandering vtubers either loli panderersLet that sink in. Picrelated also posts shotacon art for her patreons.
No. 1338096
>>1336974Men are born mutilated because maleness is a birth defect in and of itself. Nothin’ personal, buddy boy.
>>1336979You sound like dog owners that defend tongue kissing their pooches by saying they brush it’s teeth. I don’t care if you clicker trained Nigel to get in the bathtub and stand still while you power wash him with a hose. I still have to smell his dick cheese stank when he leaves the house. This is a matter of public health.
Vaccinate your pooch, circumcise your scrote.
No. 1338118
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None of this is remotely interesting. If you're going to derail from Orange 33 Phoenix Tranny Club, at least bring up something better than this? No one cares about a bunch of ftm weeabos pretending to be horny males. Have you not noticed the bread is dry and the circus is boring? They want people to find out, you're not helping. I'm trying to enlighten the masses, you know like your hero? You'd think you guys would like that but you're just hypocrites who love being in on a stupid secret and tricking people better than you.
No. 1338538
I believe there is something very, very off with QR codes starting to be introduced into every part of our daily lives. QR bus tickets, QR vaccination codes, QR restaurant menus, so on and on. I am more than sure that the ones who provide the QRs can read off date, time and location of the QR code read, but I can't pin-point what other information they could be storing/receiving and, well, worst of all is that I can not explain to my husband why QR codes are so off to me. I'm not well-informed on tech-slang and such, but, I swear to you all, I have a serious fucking hunch about this. Someone, responsible for the QR code push, is making a good load of money selling the data collected by the codes.
No. 1338628
>>1338265Might as well argue for the legalisation of public defecation because the streets will always be dirty.
Circumcision is free, don’t you have a pair of scissors at home? Or do you post from a hobo commune inside the NYC sewer system? Stop huffing boxers and go easy on the crack.
No. 1339373
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>>1338538Just let us implant it in your palm nonna! It's the wave of the future! So convenient and not at all shady! Social credit system!!
No. 1339599
I don't know how tinfoily this is but I believe human beings aren't meant to live in cities and the constant push towards urbanization is an attempt by humans in power to further weaken the average person's body and alienate us from each other. Most developed areas lack adequate access to nature which contribute to depression and other mental health issues, and there are fewer opportunities to use one's body in daily life compared to rural, village, or even suburban living.
A silly example. Where I live, city landscapers will run through the neighborhoods every week and use power tools to trim the bushes and mow the grass. This robs opportunities from residents to do or control how their yardwork is done, and some of our bodies become soft from losing what should be a routine form of exercise. Where before people would talk to their neighbors and exchange help with yardwork anynonny else had a neighbor pay them to shovel their driveway in the winter?, it's now outsourced to bands of scrote strangers. After some years of this you have a bunch of helpless adults who don't know how to take care of a yard and may not know anyone else who can either. How convenient. Guess we gotta keep paying the landscapers and build a whole unnecessary industry on outdoor urban grooming. All of this just to make some decorative plants in front of a sidewalk look good.
Some hobbies, especially DIY ones, are harder or impossible to do. Try woodworking when you live in an 80sqft apartment. Even if you found a way to muffle the hammering noise, where would you keep your tools? Your projects? Are you supposed to go to a friend's garage every time you want to run a table saw? Someone living in that apartment has limitations on what they can do in their spare time because they live so close to other people and have little space to themselves. Since they don't have the means or ability to woodwork in their apartment, they're SOL if furniture breaks. Oh well. Guess we need to buy new furniture and keep that industry afloat too. These are just two examples, and among my sillier ones at that. Anyway, sorry for reddit spacing but this was long and I didn't know how to make it more readable. Thanks for reading my tinfoil nonnies, keep on crunching
No. 1339661
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>>1339599Hard agree. Also moving people into cities means it's easier to exploit natural resources in a destructive way (mining, logging etc.) since a) city people are by default more dependent on imported resources and geared towards mindless consoomerism, and b) there's nobody there to actually know the place, as in use the natural resources in a sustainable way and recognize when they are being destroyed by exploitation. There's nobody who could protest. Ofc many rural people are consoomers as well nowadays esp in 1st world countries, but in the city it's ramped up to a whole new level.
No. 1339695
>>1338628No can do, no one will give you little boy foreskin to sniff and jack off to and you retarded males will have to learn how to fucking clean your infection riddled rape rods by yourselves just like girls can clean their private parts just fine. Maybe start talking less horse piss hormones because it's clouding your already unstable thoughts.
>Whoops I don't want to clean my hands all the time, let me just cut it off so everything's cleaner uwu. Don't feel like brushing your teeth? Just have them removed as soon as they grow in! Fuck it.Imagine being this much of a retard.
No. 1339704
>>1339661>>1339599Moving the underclass from land to the city is how the new capitalist upper class removed the old feudal upper class and took it's place.
This is not tinfoil, just history.
But you must know, you would not be more free out of the cities, you would just have different overlords.
No. 1339719
>>1339661God the amount of consooming I've had to do since my family moved to the city is prohibitive. I've learned some terrible habits growing into an adult and I just wish I could go back to doing most things myself. It's almost pointless when almost any new shirt I buy is cheaper than if I made the same shirt myself. Unnecessary overabundance is a great way to kill a DIY spirit I tell you.
>>1339704Different overlords, sure, but at least I'd be allowed to keep a prairie meadow in my front yard and not live in a tiny drywall box that amplifies outside noise and sits right next to another tiny drywall box with its own miserable struggling person.
No. 1339949
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they say that aliens dont like chocolate, cocoa powder, etc, and people who are under grey control display an aversion to chocolate. I wonder if that's mental conditioning from their brainwashing or if it's a purely physical reaction. I remembered this because my hemorrhoid has gotten worse since using suppositories with cocoa butter. any other thoughts
No. 1339970
>>1339949>any other thoughtskek
nonnie stop using cocoa butter suppositories if they make your hemorrhoids worse
No. 1339979
>>1339949I think we can only draw one logical conclusion from this
nonny, and that is that your hemorrhoid is actually a growth of alien origin. This is how it begins.
No. 1339984
>>1339661two options
>1) you move to bumfuck no where full of creepy old people and large families of 10 who feel culty, the nearest bulk stores and hospital is miles away, your crops die off and dry out as the winter approaches making you live off of scraps and worse of all you end up getting abducted by aliens, your neighbors are probably going to hate you or don’t even know who you are because everything is so sprawled out and you have no sense of communityor
>move to a city full of fattened rats running around, dirty and unkempt public transport, tourists and implants making places inaccessible and too expensive, male violence and sex crimes are rampant, people are incapable of maintaining clean public restrooms so they decide to piss and shit on the streets, sleazy landlords and old apartments and lofts renovated = they paint over everything even the mold, wow at least there’s um.. a park? and um, thrift stores? there is no escape, i rather live in a cemetery than choose either
No. 1340051
>>1340031I know someone with a horn too. They're kind of a dick. Concidence? I think not.
>>1339949I'm sorry hemroid alien
nonnie, that sounds awful. Hopefully regular lax will work fine.
Anyone ever hear of this alien that looks like a praying mantis, that feeds on love? I remember my tinfoil dad bringing it up but I can't remember if its an alien or a presence.
No. 1340123
>>1339949You might be onto something nonna. I used to enjoy chocolate but after the aliens invaded my home I started feeling nauseous at mere thought of eating anything chocolate. Then they simply left, I know for a fact these bastards left, it's been peaceful now and I'm feeling much better.
I'd load my gun with chocolate bars but in my country real chocolate is more expensive than fucking bullets. Don't suppose vegetable fat would kill them parasites eh?
>>1340051I heard that from my dad also, might be a dad presence cus that sounds like bullshit
No. 1340279
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Wow posting about Orange 33 Phoenix Tranny Club is like pulling a lever for boring content in this thread. I wouldn't be surprised if you're all just signal boosting to each other most places at this point since you've succeeded in dwindling your audience. B-but who'll Watch the Watchers??? kek not so funny now I guess. Especially when the signal is that there are too many of you - not us. I hope this image of Jason Priestley's scarred nippies, female shoulders and digit ratio (google the "wife" KEK) will yield even more fluffy content. Surely regular people looking for tinfoil want to discuss QR codes and anime. Is it true you all have arrested development and a juvenile sense of humor because of hormonal/mental issues and sodomy? jw
No. 1340598
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>>1340555Are you upset that your "Purple Reign" ended before it began? Or that your "goddess" used and mutilated you as means to end. Maybe you should try starting another troon crime youtube channel or do latex body suit porn. The world is your tranny oyster! What a time to be alive kek
No. 1341061
>>1341052I think it's to be expected. U.S. can't take a loss, so they try to win with every underhanded tactic there is. One look at the wars over oil started by America and you understand the greed humanity can possess. It just saddens me that everyday people are set to hate each other even though they suffered USSR together; there's still this hate towards all Russians, as if they're all Putin or whichever other Russian leader they want to compare to the devil. When I put my thoughts like this, I start to understand why BLM is such a prevailing topic in America. It's the same tactic of "Us VS them" so the people don't notice the bigger issue of the government itself being evil and corrupt, rather blaming each other.
By the way, have you (or anyone else reading this) heard about Russian males being called into military, sent into "training missions" only to end up being killed and never heard from again? A Russian moid told me about this and I've been wondering ever since, but I know I wouldn't be able to verify this anywhere.
No. 1343475
>>1342783The US is also pushing for war in China.
>> Biden last night we will attack China over Taiwan. >> White House Officials Our position hasn’t changed we’re not going to attack China Last month Pelosi did the same thing
No. 1344304

Why are academics totally blind to critical childhood studies?
recently read this 4w article about the pedophilic underbelly of critical childhood studies (ccs). A few users posted about it so I’ll link them here: short, many of the ccs scholars quoted have a central argument of dismantling the very existence of childhood and viewing children as “young adults.” They have also tied their work to both critical race studies and queer theory.
like I don't understand, why do we even need an academic field devoted to the dismantling of childhood? Besides pedophilia, what is the purpose of this? What benefit do these studies bring to the lives of children? I’ve tried to read the publications written by these scholars, and I’m not convinced that this area brings much to the playing field, let alone academic ideas.
Secondly, how are other academics not seeing through this nonsense? To argue that children have a sexuality and that black children are raised better(Mary Zaborskis a Professor of Gender Studies said that childhood innocence is a white european construct) which is so fucked up and dangerous. We know from scientific studies that young adults don’t finish puberty until their mid-20s. To argue that children have a sexuality and are capable of consent is something that Freud supported, and we know now that he was a quack. Why don’t other academics openly push back against this field? I understand why most scholars don’t want to be openly gender critical, since gender studies has a much larger following than ccs, but this seems like an area where they can openly disagree on the existence of this field.
and the weirded thing for me is that its mostly female academics who are pushing this rhetoric, so why is no one paying attention to this?
No. 1344358
>>1342806And you think Putin just woke up one day and decided to invade a country for shits and giggles? He's an ass but he's not crazy. He knew the US was doing everything in their power to influence Europe to join them against Russia. And while they play war from their pretty chairs, the
victims are all the civilians who don't know what the fuck is happening and doesn't give a shit about what their government does. This caused people to see all russians as "evil" while in reality most of them don't want war and don't like Putin and all Ukranians as "good" when their soldiers also rape children and women.
No. 1344437
>>1344358I don't know where you live but nobody was trying to influence us against anybody, we don't like russia because they were trouble for europe for a long fucking time so OBVIOUSLY europeans don't trust them and we have every right to do so according to how they behave now. It's not about the beef of america with russia, it's about the beef of europe and russia. America you can help, thanks, but it's not about you.
No. 1344490
>>1344384Because that's the reality. Historical tension is not enough to justify a war fought with advanced modern weapons and especially involving a country that has a nuclear arsenal which Russia does. The amount of people killed and the cost of rebuilding lost infrastructure is too damaging to either country, it's more beneficial for both countries to maintain the status quo even if it isn't ideal. What are Russia and Ukraine getting out of the war? Dead civilians, dead soldiers and destroyed infrastructure. What is America getting out of this? The biggest threat to it's global dominance and the most mineral rich country on earth is now fighting a protracted war that is likely to escalate. The American elites are using Ukraine as a tool to weaken Russia and they give zero fucks about Europeans.
>>1344437Europe is dependent on Russian energy to function. Germany can not fuel it's industry without Russian gas and oil. If the German economy collapses the rest of the EU goes with it. If Europeans don't trust Russia why did they put themselves in this position?
No. 1345909
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So what do you guys think about this episode? Isaac Hayes was a Scientologist, and his character Chef was in a group that goes around the world molesting children because they believe it will make them immortal.
> You see, the Super Adventure Club was founded by the greatest explorer of all time, William P. Phinehas! Phinehas climbed the highest peaks, tamed the mightiest rivers, but every time he got somewhere, he realized that other explorers had beat him to it. Phinehas was depressed, until he realized that if he couldn't be the first to discover places, he could be the first to have sex with the native children that inhabited those areas! Phinehas quickly went down in history books as the first man to have sex with the Aborigine children at Uluru, and the first explorer to bugger all the underage mountainfolk of Nepal. But now the most wonderful part: you see, after having sex with all those children, Phinehas realized that molesting all those kids had made him immortal.>at the bottom of the screen there is text that say “this is actually what super adventure club believesIt reminds me of another South Park episode wherein it disses on Scientology and has the Scientology creationist story and at the bottom there is text that says “This is actually what Scientologists believe” it was really on the nose… Hayes’ son said that he didn’t even quit the show, someone in the Scientology group quit on his behalf.
No. 1345992
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Anyone know about Tracy Twyman? She was a pedogate researcher who got suicided. I keep trying to find her obituary but they took it down. Like 70% of any articles I click on about her are 404’d and the first result I get when searching her name on google is a completely unrelated Christian mental health outreach resource like as if searching for her means you’re probably a schizo.
No. 1346012
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YouTube is seriously disgusting for this wtf.
No. 1346111
I just saw the Sandy Hooks video, where the father of one of the murdered children is laughing before he suddenly does a speech, where he pretends to cry (but no tear comes out) and always thought before I saw the video "how can someone say a parent laughed and smiled weird and that he is an actor, we all deal with pain differently?", but the video is so weird. The father even does the breathing technique actors do to get into their role and to calm down. Also, he does not even look alike to his daughter and the daughter looks weirdly like a child model (even in the picture she was very much styled and very pretty). Also, several Youtube comments complained that the link they shared with the laughing evidence gets almost always blocked by Youtube or the video gets deleted before it could get even 1 view. I don't know what to think of the whole thing.
This reminded me of like 2 years ago, when there was this famous pedophile documentary uploaded on Youtube and you could only find through the Youtube search bar videos critising the documentary and not even the documentary at all. One of the critisers even changed her position and said it was weird that she can't even share the link in the info box and in the comments and that it gets deleted off everywhere on Youtube. I tried to post the link and sometimes only the name of the documentary for several days on Youtube and my comments were "posted" but they never showed up anywhere, even when I clicked on newest comments. Others wrote about this too. If I remember it correctly the documentary also talked about politicans/celebrities being part of the pedophile rings. And from what I remember it was even hard googeling the documentary, even when it had (at least) over 2 mio. views.
The same thing happened when reddit edited and deleted comments mentioning the troon, who was supposed to be a mod, for over two weeks, who helped his father get a job in the green party, when his father raped and tortured his 10 year old sister (several reports hint that it wasn't just a random girl) for months and held her captive in the attic (? or basement) and alledgly neither he nor his mother ever heard her screams. Sub-reddits protested against it until reddit suddenly said "we never googeled her, we are sorry, we didn't know it", when they literally edited, deleted and banned people for even mentioning his troon name Aimee Challenor hate how pedophiles get away with everything, they get more and more support by those big companies and politicans
No. 1346270
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>>1346111thought you had to making that last part up til i clicked the wiki article. what the fuck. also this man sounds like a terrorist with violent tendencies, why was he ever in office in the first place? fucking sicko, hate that we have to refer to people like him by his "proper pronouns".
No. 1346408
>>1346005I mean I'm not swimming in money so I can't exactly replace my phone and transfer everything right now. the restarts are almost all soft restarts. the kind that doesn't halt your activities when it shuts off your screen for 15 seconds
i've been researching some people who tend to employ gangstalking tactics and have a lot of money and power. within six months or less, my phone has increasingly acted up. I've had a paranoid intuition for about that long as well that something is on me, I just haven't had much proof of it happening. feels like a warfare on my mind and I am in a much better headspace than I was three months ago. if I can convince someone to help buy me a new phone for me for christmas I'm ditching this sucker
No. 1346661
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>>1346408Go full schizo and only use the library internet
No. 1346804
>>1346796One theory I have is if rappers really are doing all these drugs and then talking about all the hoes and bitches is because they're compensating for the fact that they probably have ED or something. I posted this in the last thread but I think it's funny and plausible. I can't listen to rap even muh intellectual rappers like J Cole and Kotah the friend have to mention bitches at their disposal
Some lyrics from this 21 savage song called Immortal
>She tried to give me head it was boring, codeine got a nigga snoring No. 1346807
>>1346111Youtube deletes schizo community videos even if the footage is legit and completely normal when their algorithm picks up that it's used by undesirable communities. It happens to a bunch of holocaust related videos that are public domain and just historical recordings, because they're exclusively posted and shared by holocaust deniers.
Sandy Hooks parents got insane harassment and death threats IRL so youtube might delete those videos based on that.
The documentary might similarly be flagged as schizophrenic and facilitating harmful discourse.
The Reddit troon was a different thing because it was a group of pedophiles protecting on of their own through personal intervention and every part of it was in the open after a couple reddit jannies complain about it publicly.
No. 1346853
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>>1346796It's because they're male, so they are coomers, have no soul or sensibility. The rap part is just a cultural backdrop. All men everywhere are the same, whether they're rapping about bitches and hoes or they work for Goldman Sachs and make group spreadsheets ranking women by fuckability.
No. 1347198
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Why do they do this thing with their fingers? Like they mangle them up
No. 1347268
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intelligent life came from mars to earth after its destruction, whether these beings were human or not is unknown. they came to earth after the destruction of their planet, and were able to blend in with humanity, while also bringing their technology to it (ancient civilizations). but this technology, much like ours now, can be lost at any given moment. and even if we were able to access it, it would be impossible for us to comprehend it. therefore their race and history is lost forever–but continuously intertwined with ours. the clues are everywhere.
No. 1347366
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if AOC is cia plant
what her actions has achieved?
No. 1347863
>>1347268Do you have any links or sources for it? I’m interested to know more
>>1347586They probably are pushing it because they’re owned by people who see how white/asian non-women dominated it is and know what kind of shitty biased products come out of that. Women have historically been left out of the conversation and in order to fix it, we have to push ourselves in. It sucks because those workplace environments are terrible if you’re the only woman but enough time and it will be gender balanced and eventually all the good jobs will be female dominated because non-women are underacheiving so much that only extreme gender bias for them (like in Japan/Tokyo admissions) can save them kek
No. 1348537
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Globohomo is marketing living in pods and eating bugs to kids
No. 1350173
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I was just looking for a vintage Moschino skirt and blazer set and I came across this creepy print.
>Young girl's shoe made of pizza
>themes of men wearing womens clothes
>"In pizza we trust"
I checked other pieces with the gallery print and they include some other weird iconography, including an image of an adult necktie next to a childish pink bow with a heart between the two surrounded by a childish frame featuring things like cute clowns and icecream cones
No. 1350203
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>>1350175This is the best shot I could find of the weird childish frame and a closer look at the girls pizza shoe. I wouldn't have really noticed it was a child's shoe initially but if you look into the weird pedo art that people like Podesta keep in their homes, this style of girls shoe is used frequently.
No. 1350226
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>>1350216I love vintage Moschino in particular because of the whimsical elements, but this print in particular smells really off to me. It's the context of these images proximity to one another that makes it seem weird.
No. 1350246
>>1350216sorry i meant male equivalent of a bow**
>>1350226idk it really doesn't look that suspicious to me anon. could've been planned to be weird i guess but it doesn't set off alarm bells for me personally
No. 1350501
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how many steps away are we from the stage of capitalism where rich people will be ordering designer babies via amazon?
No. 1350524
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>>1350501The fact that she posed in a bed is disgusting. Wouldn't doubt she made her get up after the labor to take pics there. But it's just the principle of it. They won't even say the name of the surrogate aka the woman who's body they took advantage of. ("Surrogate" is like "human trafficking"- sanitizing words to hide the ugliness of a concept in the media.) Plus why propagate his genes, she is literally acting out baby mama drama as a multi millionaire for no good reason.
No. 1350547
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I swear the mods must be stalking me and other anons. Every time I show up in a thread and post they are always automatically there now and when I call it out they either delete their posts or deny their presence being there, they are corrupt asf. I must have upset the fujo mods but for being adamant against gay men kek
No. 1350667
>>1350530I was worried for a second that this was going to be one of those things written by an alcoholic who thinks drunk driving is NBD because they haven't crashed into a lake yet.
>>1350501This is what it took for me to finally flip to "fuck no" on the morality of all surrogacy. There can't even be an exemption for the health of the non-mother, because rich bitches would just lie about their mentals, fibro, lyme disease, WTF ever.
>>1348537Living in the pod is bleak, because you know these fucks are promoting extreme "minimalism" just to make poverty look stylish and aspirational to what was formerly the middle class. Because once a certain kind of retard (like Moviebob) sees these things as aspirational and celebrity-adjacent, even if they previously never wanted it themselves, it becomes morally righteous, and they will defend shoving people into 200 square foot apartments as hard as they do castrating children.
No. 1350870
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>>1350811This reminded of something, there was a rather well respected feminist Israeli politician Merav Michaeli, who is Israel’s transportation minister and is in her 50’s, used a surrogate. and this was a big deal and caused online debates for months, some feminists were even defending her, claiming she was fighting against the patriarchy on her own terms
>Michaeli herself had spoken passionately against the very idea of surrogacy. In fact, she was often condemned for doing so.>It was eight years ago when Michaeli — then just another member of the Knesset — told an interviewer: “I see it as being very problematic. It is a form of trading in women’s bodies and reveling in it in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable. … The fact that people who cannot conceive approach a woman who must then undergo hormone treatments, pregnancy and childbirth with all that this entails, only to give up that child, seems — how shall I say it — unreasonable. After all, the women who do it are desperate for the money. In other words, the element of choice seems to be rather questionable.” In that same interview, Michaeli suggested couples who cannot conceive should consider adoption instead.>These quotes from the past have been raised repeatedly on social media over the last few days. >Michaeli noted, “This was a journey with lots of attempts. I’m glad that I went through it. I now know what it means for me personally and what it involves. I know what it is like to undergo fertility treatments, but we’ll talk about that some other time. We had the incredible good luck to meet Kelsey, an amazing young American woman, who wanted to help people in our situation, while at the same time supporting her wonderful family. Thanks to her, Uri was born yesterday.”>All of this came as a complete surprise. Michaeli and her partner were determined to keep their efforts to have a child a secret and only reveal it when the time was convenient for the mother. That is why some people said this was in many ways a PR stunt. They even suggested that causing a commotion about the coronavirus (her traveling abroad) was just a ploy and it afforded her an opportunity to distract people from the main issue: Michaeli had just turned her back on everything she once believed in.>Michaeli was never one to follow the flow. She has a partner 12 years her junior, but they live in separate apartments in the same building. Ever since she entered politics, she has worn only black, claiming this way people listen to what she has to say instead of focusing on what she’s wearing. She also makes a point of using the feminine gender in speech, even when she is referring to men — a particular trait with which she has come to be identified. All of this is done to empower women.>The big breakthrough in her political career happened last year. She managed to get elected head of the Labor Party and rehabilitate it after so many years on the wane. Then she won a remarkable seven seats in the last election and was appointed minister of transportation. At the same time, she is also a member of the Security Cabinet. In fact, Michaeli is now the most senior woman in the new government’s Cabinet.>The commotion surrounding Michaeli is far from dying down. There is no doubt that once she returns to Israel, the media will pummel her with questions and she will have to give answers. Why did she change her mind about surrogacy? Doesn’t the fact that both she and her partner are people of means constitute a form of exploitation, as she used to argue? And why didn’t they try adoption? Michaeli certainly has the right to change her mind, but the fact that she is a public figure, a high-ranking Cabinet member and one of the country’s top feminist opinionmakers would seem to mean she owes some kind of explanation as to why she suddenly changed her mind. And as for her new position on surrogacy, she should probably be as outspoken about it as she was about her anti-surrogacy — and nonparenthood — campaigns in the past. No. 1350897
>>1348537>propoganda specifically aimed at children>bugs dont take up much room so we have more room for the growing population>advertising for kids that eating bugs can help them stay skinnyKids don't give a shit about that kek
>its fun to tell kids how good they tasteWhat
No. 1351197
>>1350683Ntayrt but I actually had something similar happen about 2 months ago but forgot to post about it
first example:
>thinking a celeb was going to be posted in a certain thread, imagined myself responding to what anons would say>then, well it happens (I ended up being prepared I guess lol)second
>had an old song from evanescence stuck in my head>few hours later an anon posts about evanescence third
>had fanart of an animated film saved recently >eventually see a modified version of it postedall of this happened within one day
No. 1351546
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>>1351512nta but it literally is ok to snack on bugs
No. 1351591
>>1351584NTA but you realize the US is huge right? If you live far away from cities (where most people work) you're going to have to make up for it with car maintenance, gas, and, most importantly time. The latter of which most people already have barely any of.
>>1350780Yes, hilarious, as mega conglomerates eat up every single resource recklessly, then have the gall to tell normies to "save power uwu turn off your air conditioner during 100+ degree weather at the hottest part of the day" "uwu save the planet (while making sustainable options 2x the price)," all the while, everything is plummeting in quality (namely food) and skyrocketing in price. They keep taking more and more and giving less and less. Planned obsolescence is a thing therefore you have to consoom more often because, again, everything is made like shit.
No. 1351774
>>13505811. pharmacies do not give the shots in every country, like in mine they are only given in clinics (and healthcare is free here so the government only loses money by giving them out)
2. they make new flu shots because the flu mutates? i don't get the logic
No. 1352076
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A thread or two ago, someone mentioned the weird GIA website that seem to have replaced girlsgogames in 2002. I was reading “born to buy” and came across this passage about it. So yeah, it was an actual legal corporation making money off using little children to advertise to their friends.
No. 1352437
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Never seen a metal band sell out to globohomo this hard, was sacrificing Cliff Burton worth it?
No. 1352763
>>1350506How the fuck is this not racebaiting? Retard.
>>1352360Hoping you find a chad antiporn Hollywood-hating elite-hating schizo bf soon. Maybe one you can even doomsday prep with
No. 1352776
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>Spanish Community Group Apologizes to Parents for Sexually-Charged Youth Summer Games
>A small community in Spain has issued a formal apology to parents for hosting a disturbing summer event in which children were exposed to highly sexual “games.”>The event, which took place on July 22 in Vilassar de Mar, a small municipality in Catalonia, included activities in which children were instructed to imitate sexual positions taken from the Kama-sutra with each other, form genitals from play-dough, and learn about hardcore drugs.>The city’s youth department had organized the event, known as a “gimcana” – a boisterous summer event involving a series of playful challenges. The Vilassar de Mar gimcana was called Juliol Jove, and targeted at youth as young as 12, but allowed adults up to 30 years of age to participate.>In another game, a balloon was placed between two children, who were then told to simulate sexual thrusting against each other until it popped.>In addition to sexual activities, the kids were also taught about hardcore drugs in a game called “injected or inhaled,” during which they had to match the illicit substance to their method of consumption. If they answered incorrectly, a sticky, white paste made of water and wheat starch was poured on them.>Disturbingly, multiple mothers reported that they had found photos of their children performing the inappropriate activities had been uploaded to social media without their consent.>Shortly after the news went viral, the City Council of Vilassar de Mar issued a statement defending the activities, justifying the children’s exposure to the highly sexual “games” by asserting that minors are often exposed to pornography at a young age.>“We have detected that teenagers aged 11, 12, 13 watch pornographic content and build an image of sexuality based on what they see in porn … We try to break this dynamic by being open to talking about these issues so that they can share them with adults and try to prevent them from building a sexual imaginary with sexist, violent and unhealthy attitudes,” the statement read.when did this shit become tolerate by wokeoids, what do they hope to achieve by exposing children to drugs, kink, drag queens and other degenerate shit
No. 1353144
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If this isn’t proof that orange man bad was cool with the elites, I dunno what is. can’t say I’m surprised tbh
No. 1353166
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Does anyone feel like we live in some sort of simulation where everything is already planned to happen and things like picrel are intentional Easter eggs sprinkled in by our “creator”?
picrel was the only example I can think of. I really don’t want to encourage 9/11 is a hoax sperging, I know people who died in the towers and the kids they left behind. I am beyond sickened when I see annoying conspiracy fuckers talking about it being fake on the videos of victims last words or victims memorials. I hate how desensitized humans are to others suffering; if only these retards would read the fucking room and think of the children and families who have to read that shit constantly.
No. 1353413
>>1353166yeah somewhat because i believe in i guess the concept of a demiurge figure being influential over the events of our shared reality here.
also, ive never seen anyone in the conspiratard world say 9/11 was outright fake and no one died. people just claim it was an intentional inside job that the US intelligence community probably had a hand in executing. no need to get
triggered over a conversation that isnt really happening.
No. 1353514
>>1353413It's still disrespectful to try and divert conversations to the so-called multiple explosions in the buildings or some other theories of what "really happened". Save it for tinfoil websites and not documentaries meant to commemorate and educate people on the
victims' lives and suffering.
No. 1353762
>>1353166what a dumb argument, "don't question 9/11 because it hurts people's feelings!"
>>1353413there are people that claim no one died, and that the people claimed to have died did not exist, see the VicSims Report for their arguments if you're interested. They tried to find evidence for every person on the list existing. They also argue that the pictures of the
victims are computer generated, don't remember much beyond that cause i read it years ago.
No. 1353860
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>people with wombs
leave tranny
No. 1353875
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what does this have to do with anything weirdo
No. 1353891
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anyone else (esp gen z like me) aware of all these beauty subliminals? even ones that claim to change" eyecolour?
It's a wild ass rabbit hole to jump down but when you look at the affirmations on them … they're so unrealistic & it's like no wonder teen girls are so miserable trying to meet impossible standards.
No. 1353904
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>>1353891Nona if you think those are weird you should see the mental illness ones.
No. 1353916
>>1353891>concave stomach lol
I don't disbelieve that you can hypnotize your mind into believing certain things to change you body or health, but nobodies brain will understand words like uni shaped lips, gonial angle etc
these videos have been on youtube for a long time though, like those eye color hypnosis videos, gain superpowers through hypnosis bla bla bla, I guess it comes and goes with every new generation of insecure weirdos
No. 1353932
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>>1353916the superpower one's are usually the one's watched by mostly young boys
No. 1353942
>>1348537what's wrong with eating bugs
locusts taste delectable
No. 1354011
>>1354009fuck ice in softdrinks. i never get a drink with ice, it's such a scam. shocks me the way people are happy to have half of a glass of the actual product. you don't even need anywhere near the amount of ice they put in, but people LOVE having egregious amounts of ice in their drinks. i rarely see people taking an issue with the 50% ice they're paying $5 for and it's unbelievable the way people just take it, and love it.
i disagree on the nuts though. even peanuts i would think are more expensive than the actual ice cream. ice cream in bulk is not that expensive.
No. 1354539
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I think that David Hogg kid is gonna troon out. He has the signs of a cluster B disorder as well as the dead unfocused mild autism eyes. And shitty registered democrat parents who are likely pro-trans.
the taking-it-too-far vibe from him is, i think, a result of the search for identity cluster b's have. picrel - he has bad feelings but is self-aware and has the desire to change and work on himself, but unfortunately the current climate means it's highly likely a therapist or teacher will tell him he's trans instead of sending him to CBT.
No. 1355170
>>1355059Idk it feels like Andrew would be more of a transbian-identifying TiM though if he ever came out, his eyes and body language is obvious that he's too much of a rapey hon for women to defer to men, also with an insane obsession of the female form and (what makes it pretty, maybe).
There was an interview segment where Andrew told about how a hairdresser cut his hair wrong, and his dad brought him back to the same salon and shaved his head off. He actually admitted he was traumatised at that time, but "got over it and now he doesnt give a fuck about how men have their haircut viewed anymore". Sounds like the same classic transwymon hon 'long-hair obsessed since young' story they always have to tell.
No. 1355216
>>1353144he is literally born and raised by elites why are you retards deluded into the idea he'd be at all subversive? tradwife brainrot?
>>1354009yeah but ice makes my drink cold living in this disgusting desertous excuse of a wasteland. i will take a little less drink so it can be cold, also this is the funniest tinfoil I've seen in ages
No. 1356139
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has anyone else noticed a severe increase in trannyops in the mtf thread the last few days? not really a conspiracy, just not sure where else this would go
No. 1358111
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I never believed the "official explanation" for deja-vus. Many people can predict a row of things that happen next as soon as they recognize the deja-vu and can even act accordingly. Saying it's just a teehee memory error seems like a very cheap explanation.
No. 1358261
>>1353166>>1353255>>1353413yes nonnitas, I get what you're saying, my tinfoil is that only women have the ability to perceive this "foreshadowing". we evolved to be more perceptive of small visual details, smells, most of all about other people. scrotes barely have empathy but more importantly they only remember details relevant to them (ever asked your nigel what his friends wore to the party? they may as well have been naked cos he has no clue). all these details stay in our minds and give our subconscious much more input than a man's, and that allows us all (some women more than others) to put these facts together subconsciously and know things and predict things that men can't.
I also believe that while all our ancient ancestors experienced the bicameral mind, women retained that ability whereas men didn't. a scrote has to obey what his boss says to succeed, he can't display independent thought from an "outside source" unless he's already an elite, so men de-evolved and their minds closed off the "other room". But for the same reason, women retained the ability because they often could only rely on their own minds for protection, and seeing which way the wind was blowing helped their self preservation (blindly obeying their male superiors would only hurt them).
Some evidence for this is how seemingly all patriarchal religion deny women the right to openly discuss prophecies. The Bible even says that women may make prophecies (because it was mostly women who did) but only men could discuss the prophecies and decide their meaning, "women must stay silent". This was men's way of controlling and suppressing the powers of women. Lean in to your deja vu or foreshadowing or whatever you call it, it's literally saved women's lives before nonnies
No. 1358329
>>1358127>Coincidence exists.Glowie pls, this is the tinfoil thread.
>I think narcs are especially fond of creating pathways and tunnels between themselves and their object of obsessionThis is not usually what happens in deja-vus.
No. 1359024
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I was thinking about the happenings in Iran and I thought about how a month ago, my youtube shorts feed was like 25% hijab and hijab information-related videos when it's usually all cooking and diy stuff. Since google knows if you're male or female for "marketing purposes", I think these videos were mostly seen by female users. Even in the tiktok/yt short hate thread, there's anons complaining about the same exact thing one month ago. The videos are always about the hijab instead of other islamic stuff. The top comments are usually all muslim moids followed by western handmaidens. I believe a lot of money was invested to push these videos to the top to influence the reaction of westerners, specifically western women, to the protests in Iran. It reminds me of when in 2016 and 2017, feminist protests all featured the poster in picrel
No. 1359347
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My tinfoil is that Mister Metokur is faking his cancer
>has an unholy amount of symptoms that he keeps adding to that often contradict eachother
>claims to have been to like a million places for a proper diagnosis but they can't get one somehow
>says he is massively immunocompromised to the point where small contact with people can kill him but is just fine opening his front door on stream to random people (delivery men, a swat team, etc)
I'm somewhat convinced this is a long running shit post based on the old internet joke about how looking at cringe gives you cancer
No. 1359377
>>1359347He says that the cancer gave him massive auto-immune issues, and he is on immunosuppressants to keep his immune system from destroying some organs of his. He says the treatment of the cancer is pretty straightforward and wouldn't be as big an issue, but the auto immune things are what cause him problems and are why he is in research medicine.
TBH what he said about coping with severe sickness resonated with me, so I believe him until proven otherwise.
It also explains why he streams so rarely (too fatigued to stream, you can tell even in the Josh stream that he gets extremely tired towards the end even though it was a very comfortable time for Jim), why he stopped streaming (too sick and distracted), and why he restarted (needs money for medical bills and coped with the psychological effects).
Chemo is often once a month and wipes out people for weeks after, so it could explain why he usually streams at the end of the month, but some autist can check his history to see whether that holds up.
No. 1359397
>>1359377He has a 1000+ page kiwifarms thread that discusses the legitimacy of his illness whenever he updates the situation, and autists have already gone to frankly astonishing levels of effort to debunk his illness claims. I do believe he is in some way sick due to his stream behaviour but it seems very likely that he doesn't have what he says he has. Close to the beginning he claimed respiratory issues and yet here we are years later when he ia supposedly in far worse condition but still chainsmokes on his streams with no issue
>>1359382>lazyHe keeps pushing back the acerthorn stream he's been promising for months now. His recent Year of the Chud streams have been so boring with the exception of the Keffals vs Kiwifarms coverage last month. He could do the acerthorn stream but he chooses the same boring Ethan Ralph bitch slapping and pissing on Nick Fuentes content every single month
No. 1359810
>>1353942It's weird to push that onto kids. If you grew up eating bugs, cool. But marketing materials designed to convince kids to eat bugs is messed up.
>>1354009>NO ONE ever fixing put nuts IN ice cream until the 80s/90s, sometimes you sprinkled some crushed nuts on top but putting a whole nut in the ice cream is lunacy.But I really like butter pecan ice cream and praline ice cream, though.
No. 1359983
>>1359810Nta but like if bugs are edible and then global meat industry is causing irreversible damage… ya gotta think perhaps now is the time. Not
push it necessarily but maybe gently introduce it as an option. Anyone who wants to eat meat can eat meat and if theres some people who decide to eat bugs then that's not a bad thing. Giving kids the opportunity to eat bug candy or something isn't a horrible thing as long as they're given the option to decline
No. 1360019
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>>1359466They just get plastic surgery. For some reason plastic surgery doesn’t look too good imo, it just make you look stiff. I was talking to someone who had a faceLift the other day and her eyelids disturbed me, the looked separate from the rest of her face and pointy.
My tinfoil is that plastic surgery is a scam, constantly needing “revisions” and those BBL baddies who get surgery like “8” times just to get their look. If plastic surgery wasn’t a sham you wouldn’t see people like this. Plastic surgeons don’t give af about how you look or your health they just want shekels and prey on your insecurities, remember when hip dips became a thing that people wanted to correct?
No. 1360035
>>1359983>global meat industry is causing irreversible damage…But it isn't. Anyone who parrots this is a fucking brain damaged retard. If meat was harmful to the environment it wouldn't have been able to sustain human life for the entirety of our existence. There are harmful farming methods but this isn't exclusive to livestock rearing. Growing plants requires massive amounts of artificial fertilizer and
toxic pesticides that does more damage to local ecosystems than a cow in field ever will.
People should be free to eat insects if they want to, pushing it as the default protein source is not going to work or create any benefit to the environment. People that do eat insects as part of their traditional diet live in warm climates with large edible insect species. People that avoid eating insects live in cold or temperate climates with smaller and mostly non-edible insect species. For insects to be eaten on a mass scale in Europe, insects would either need to be imported, which creates pollution through the burning of fossil fuel for planes and ships or the insects would need to be farmed in Europe. To do this edible insects would need to be kept in a controlled climate which would use massive amounts of energy to heat, that would potentially damage the environment through the increased use of fossil fuel power plants.
No. 1360098
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>>1360035>To do this edible insects would need to be kept in a controlled climate which would use massive amounts of energy to heatFarming insects is extremely economic, when you look at the ratio protein/space used, you can very easily stack them. I understand that some people could be against insects but that genuinely the most stupid argument that you could make against it.
>growing plants requires massive amounts of artificial fertilizer and toxic pesticides that does more damage to local ecosystems than a cow in field ever willGrass is obviously not enough and most animals necessitate food who had to be cultivated first as a big portion of their meals.
>If meat was harmful to the environment it wouldn't have been able to sustain human life for the entirety of our existenceThe whole point is that what was fine for the environment when we were 1 billion on te planet is not going to be enough for the future.
No. 1360145
>>1360098>when you look at the ratio protein/space usedHeating a warehouse in a cold country is not economical, especially when people could just eat their ancestral diet with minimal harm to environment.
>Grass is obviously not enoughGrass is what grazing animals eat and it's more than enough. It's possible to raise livestock on nothing but pasture.
>The whole point is that what was fine for the environment when we were 1 billion on te planet is not going to be enough for the future.Eating what is available locally is perfectly sustainable.
No. 1360246
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>>1360145>Eating what is available locally is perfectly sustainable.As much as I agree with you that eating locally is the best for the environment it is not realistic for most people. The area surrounding most cities is not big enough to sustain the population that live in them, you will be forced to import most of your food. Most of the world population live in cities now and it's only going to get worse in the future. This is my main issue with the "eating locally" argument (I do wish that it was possible though), only people who live in the countryside or maybe the ultra rich could do it.
>Heating a warehouse in a cold country is not economicalIt's not that bad. If you make the comparison with a pig farm for exemple, where the animals live at 20°c (insects can be farmed around 25 °C), their life span is much shorter, you can stock a large quatity of them, they have extremely hight ratio of protein per g, they don't need as much food and they make less waste. I mean the size of an insect farm is not worse that your average mall.
>It's possible to raise livestock on nothing but pastureYou know what, I can admit that you are right on this one, but it will reduce the output and you would still have to collect hay and straw, which necessite even more space but it's still possible for cows and sheeps I guess.
No. 1360684
>>1360644i think we have a new board cow blossoming on /ot/. Ainon, perhaps.
>>1360650is kirby anon making kirby-ized reaction pictures now? kek i hate this place so much
No. 1360688
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>>1360680this is was the rothschild globalists want to take from you. they take away your beans filled reeses peanut butter cup and they laugh at you
No. 1360704
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>>1360688Respect the bean
No. 1360724
>>1360246>only people who live in the countryside or maybe the ultra rich could do itI live in the countryside and I grow my own vegetables and keep my own livestock. I nearly always have more produce than my family can consume. It's not difficult for a rural farming community to produce enough food for themselves and food that could be sold within a regional city. Game is also a seasonal option as a source of food.
>If you make the comparison with a pig farm for exempleYou're using a factory farm as an example. Factory farms are not sustainable and do harm to the environment so an insect factory farm being slightly less polluting than a pig factory farm is not a benefit. Pasture raised animals can be left out in nearly all weathers by using an appropriate breed for the local climate. There are hundreds of different breeds adapted to different parts of the world.
>but it will reduce the output and you would still have to collect hay and strawYes, this is part of crop rotation which is a system of responsible land management that reduces the need for artificial fertilizer and allows local fauna to regenerate after the use of pesticides. Pasture raised animals can also have their diet supplemented by chaff from grain crops and rape seed oil production. Chaff is the parts of plants that are inedible to humans.
>>1360644It's more likely to be liberal arts majors that produce corporate memphis adverts shitting themselves that AI will replace them.
No. 1360725
>>1360684An /ai/ board on lolcow? Lol, lmao even
No one in this site likes Ai generated things, I would be the only user of that board.
No. 1360726
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>>1360708This your first time on the internet?
No. 1360899
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No. 1361191
If only more normie women and girls knew that -
Root causes of misogyny and male supremacy:
1. Males have this "rape-maxx reapmaxx" as many women as possible mindset, get a harem, only settle down when 50 - 60, with a young virgin from 4 decades his junior. "The main purpose of Man is to spread his seed" is code for "maxxrape maxxreap as many women as possible for beauty variety and pussy".
2. Believing men are better than women, that men are just made and born more superior in all shit they do, that men have more worth and value "potential" than women, biologically and naturally. Aka "might is right".
3. Not believing that women are people too, but just "eye-candy decorations and window dressing which are quiet, passive, docile, with little functions and abilities to ever be as built as that of a man". In order for men to treat their partners this way, they must first dehumanize her in his mind to feel ok treating her this way.
Yes even the "Good Men" have these same 3 base desires, "getting sex" explains most male actions towards girls and female friends. Also, they believe that other men's cum can taint women and make them dirty and gay bait, that is why they always scold high bodycount girls, because they are afraid of touching other men's cum.
True nature of men should be spread till men cannot control the narrative and always play the misunderstood card anymore
No. 1361236
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>in the tinfoil thread
>complains about autism
nta, but who is the real autist here?
No. 1361737
>>1361723Right? Back on the early 2010s, the only cure for pedophilia was a bullet to the head.
Nowadays everyone seems to say "they need to seek help", "we shouldn't harrass them, we have to get them help".
Fuck, the world has been on a downfall since the late 90s
No. 1361839
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>>1361723>>1361737we discussed this before, the logic is that beating pedophiles will literally lead to fascism and genocide
No. 1361852
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>>1359024>I believe a lot of money was invested to push these videos to the top to influence the reaction of westernersThis has been going on for a while now,even before the protests, I think many people should be aware that Islamist groups aren't all ISIS and Taliban, many are far more politically savvy and know how to put on a good face to appease liberals while furthering their own aims, many people are aware the Muslim Brotherhood but there are many other groups such as Jamaat-e-Islami the imrcusa and others whose main goal is spreading Islamist propaganda, they have more then enough money thanks do donations but most importantly they have the approval of western liberals which allows them to further their aims, thanks to the image and how they present themselves, The Afghan Islamist is a breaded illiterate mountain peasant but the Islamists from these groups are often educated and can be doctors or engineers and their daughters will be going to universities, for western liberals it might seem too good to be true and these people could help spread a more "tolerant" version of Muslim, but what they don't understand is that these people fundamentally despise them and want nothing more then to spread the religion of the Arab pedophile
No. 1361997
>>1361863Because you ARE being gaslit. Guess who the pedophiles are, nonna. There's a reason why outspoken MAP activists are
always without fail either a mtf troon trying to get away with his shit of a ftm fujoshit who got too caught up in her yaoi to realise that pedophiles are fucking disgusting
No. 1362567
>>1360035love the thought you've put into this
nonnie. but what about snails, we could farm them in europe
No. 1363195
>>1360644The creator of Stable Diffusion (open source) has repeatedly made comments that indicate he a) does not understand why people make art in the first place and b) is principally concerned with making a buck.
Stable Diffusion I guarantee you is being used predominately to make porn and CP, same as with the rest in due course. People have a problem with AI images because they are meaningless (as a result of being effortless - might as well get a medal for taking a shit), dangerous for workers, and just lines the pockets of our tech overlords.
Look up Taika Waititi, that hack fuckface, making fun of the horrible CGI in his own movie Thor 4. Not even acknowledging how hard those artists worked to deliver within an unrealistic deadline. This guy's attitude is on par with most pro-AI shills, and that's why no one likes them (or you), because you denigrate the worker and suck corporate dick.
No. 1363250
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>>1363199Absolutely based
No. 1363279
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>>1363264this disinfo is kek
No. 1365147
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Dae think some nonnas and at least one of the jannies are just negging the tranny at this point?
No. 1367458
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Just as we suspected, Britney is definitely not free.
No. 1367906
>>1367898Why do you think so
No. 1369281
>>1369241Yeah it's designed to make our legitimate struggles which could prompt an actual revolution look like a bunch of whiny clowns so the movements are set back further than where they began before all this "representation".
At the same time though, I think white males are the most
triggered by it to an unreasonable extent. My own dad REEEEs any time he sees a multi-racial cast with no white people on his TV. White male protagonists are hardly re-written, it's usually the female characters who get altered because it's like producers know that changing white males in media themselves may actually prompt a shooting. See how many males reacted in comparison to white females when a black woman (Halle Bailey) was casted to play Ariel. They're so fucking dramatic.
No. 1369363
>>1369241I believe it. I feel like our media created a whole new generation of racists with their own stereotypes and reasons for oppression different than their ancestors.
Blacks are so screwed in this new techno-dystopia.
No. 1369367
>>1369281Yeah, you’re right about scrotes being the most
triggered. Likely due to believing in their own propaganda so they believe they truly are the best and need to be on top of everything and can’t comprehend anyone other than them being prioritised. I’ve seen scrotes seethe most goodreads page authors/characters are female, but also ree when women point out most videogame shit is male focused and featuring. Moids think they should be the main demographic for everything, even when they’re 2% of the audience. Even when 90% of things pander to them they chimpout over the 10% that doesn’t because they believe their own bullshit superiority crap. Seeing a push for something more balanced with new stuff focusing on others after years of mainly male pandering stuff they lose their mind kek.
No. 1369374
>>1369367>>1369368Root causes of misogyny and male supremacy:
1. Males have this "rape-maxx reapmaxx" as many women as possible mindset, get a harem, only settle down when 50 - 60, with a young virgin from 4 decades his junior. "The main purpose of Man is to spread his seed" is code for "maxxrape maxxreap as many women as possible for beauty variety and pussy".
2. Believing men are better than women, that men are just made and born more superior in all shit they do, that men have more worth and value "potential" than women, biologically and naturally. Aka "might is right".
3. Not believing that women are people too, but just "eye-candy decorations and window dressing which are quiet, passive, docile, with little functions and abilities to ever be as built as that of a man". In order for men to treat their partners this way, they must first dehumanize her in his mind to feel ok treating her this way.
Yes even the "Good Men" have these same 3 base desires, "getting sex" explains most male actions towards girls and female friends. Also, they believe that other men's cum can taint women and make them dirty and gay bait, that is why they always scold high bodycount girls, because they are afraid of touching other men's cum.
True nature of men should be spread till men cannot control the narrative and always play the misunderstood card anymore
No. 1369397
>>1369281it's a shame that this is in the tinfoil thread because it's just the truth and anyone can see it.
>>1369367>>1369374same with these posts
>>1369368>especially when they say women should be just empathise with male charactersit's funny because we have all been forced to empathize more with male characters than female ones, there's no shortage of pickmes who shit on female characters and praise male ones just because of their sex, and we have a troon epidemic among teenage girls who think they are male because they relate more to male characters than poorly written stereotypes of women.
No. 1369417
>>1369383another way in which communism is being discredited is by associating it with troonery, furries and other kinds of degenerates. those people are just in it for the aesthetics. turning a radical ideology/movement, like communism or radical feminism, into an aesthetic or product is such a capitalist thing to do, look up "capitalist recuperation". right-wing politicians and propagandists also attribute random shit to communism and retards believe it and think we're living in a communist dystopia because joe biden (a capitalist) is the american president, liberal feminism (also capitalist) is popular, and there are black people in movies. meanwhile, centrist politicians aka liberals, take advantage of this because they appeal to those "leftists" who are in it just for the aesthetic and basic or fake progressive shit. while actual leftists or feminists are censored and silenced, for example when you aren't allowed to criticize policies that allow any man to be legally recognized as a woman, because then you're "transphobic" and you're equated to neo-nazis since "progress" to those people is allowing males to exploit oppressive traditional gender roles to live out a fetish.
No. 1369447
>>1369281>>1369367well I'm a
WOC(I hate that term btw) and I'm not fond of the casting of the little mermaid either, Its clearly pointless and pandering and made to cause controversy and create a culture war situation where if you consider yourself liberal you have to watch the film, its stupid
No. 1369567
>>1369241My theory is that when the white population has enough and starts to revolt against the elites, the elites will point at minorities and immigrants while claiming it was them and not the elites that made their lives worse. When I look at what is happening in Europe it's obvious that what is being done is to intentionally cause anger. Illegal immigrants get welfare, food, free accommodation and are provided things like mobile phones paid for with taxes while Europeans are seeing their public services collapse and living standards decline. It also doesn't help that immigrants are seemingly never punished for the crimes they commit against the native population.
>>1369447I feel that it's intentionally divisive and extremely lazy. There are so many stories from non-white culture that are worth sharing with the wider world. Non-American countries have their own film industries that could have been asked to work with Disney to create something that was truly unique and representative of their culture. Instead we get a story written by a white man, filmed by a white crew and any profits made go straight back to an American mega corp while the film gets sold as woke to white liberals.
No. 1369822
>>1369281My dad just gets upset whenever he sees anyone who isn't white on TV, especially interracial couples. He's convinced that they're using advertisements to brainwash blonde blue eyed women into sleeping with brown men, instead of it obviously just being a forced diversity thing with no such agenda.
>>1369567>It also doesn't help that immigrants are seemingly never punished for the crimes they commit against the native population.Keyword "seemingly". People legit act like immigrants have invented rape and that rape didn't exist in Europe prior. It was just never reported on until "outsiders" started predating on "their women". Same thing with them not being punished, as if European men are punished for raping European women. They just never reported on that and it only became suddenly special when "outsiders" came into play. Or they believe that European men didn't rape until brown people taught them how to, no joke, I hear this argument regularly.
>>1369627Look into the book "Occult Features of Anarchism: With Attention to the Conspiracy of Kings and the Conspiracy of the Peoples", this happens regularly. Also right wingers have always spouted semi-left talking points, Mussolini literally started at a socialist newspaper and Hitler coopted left wing talking points to make himself popular, it's also literally in the name NSDAP. The more modern version of this is this insistence that the right is the only ones who care about the white working class, while never doing anything for them either.
>It is sad we live in a world in which not even voting can grand us any sort of choice. It is an illusion of choice. We have nothing to say or reform in this system, nothing ever changes.That has always been the case? Emma Goldman warned everyone. It's not even just a problem in the US, it's always an illusion of choice. Most governments were created as a result of a bourgeois revolution. Due to the illusion of choice they can actually get away with more than the monarch would've! Also a great way to divide and conquer, people are too busy with campaigning and fighting over their fave politician, to realize they're probably buddies behind the scenes and are playing all of us.
People love praising the Netherlands for the insane amount of choices when voting as an example, but then forget that it's still a monarchy and that Thorbecke literally created the structure to protect the neck of the king and appease the nobles. Parliament also has an effect where everything is turned centrist, so in this case, neoliberal. You can't reform a system which is inherently resistant to reform. You have to let go of your ideals and compromise on your beliefs to even end up in parliament, even in a country where it's relatively easy. The most left wing party you can vote on is libfem and the other one is trying to pretend to be natsoc, because they lost voters to a natsoc party and they also kicked out all the actual left wing radicals from the party, just to get the literal fash voters back. So there's not even a PROPER left wing party in parliament, yet people constantly screech that D66 (very neolib) is commie af. 37 parties to choose from and it's still just fuckall.
No. 1369927
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posted in another thread but I suspect that commercial surrogacy is going to be marketed towards wealthy single women and going to become far common, public figures like Jamie Chung, Priyanka Chopra, Sarah Jessica Parker, Amber Heard and both Khloe and Kim Kardashian have all used Surrogates for their babies, instead of dealing with the any of the actual risk of pregnancy and childbirth, you can just get a poor woman to do it for them and when the baby's born, get another poor woman to raise them for you, instant gratification but with human life
No. 1370090
Almost certain I'm being stalked. For the past few months there's been multiple vans (transit vans and a few camper vans) with solar panels on the roof parked outside my house. I live in a small semi-rural town in bumfuck nowhere with no real tourist attractions. People here all know each other and suddenly there are multiple vans with people I've never seen before. At first I thought they were visiting my neighbours and couldn't find another parking space, but I watch them when they get out and they walk all the way down the road, seemingly visiting no one. I once pulled back the curtain to watch one driver go into a van (she was looking for something in there, came out with what looked like a notebook) as she'd had her van with blacked out windows and two large solar panels on the roof parked outside my house for over a week. She spotted me and had a really shocked look on her face, like she was worried about being caught doing something. She got into the van and drove off, I've not seen her since but another van showed up a couple days later to replace her. Even my mother who thinks I'm a complete nut has started noticing these vans and strange people and has become worried too. There's been a lot of weird happenings with our tech while this has been going on, my TV, laptop and my mothers smartphone and laptop are all acting bizarre and restarting or turning off out of nowhere when previously there were no faults with them. A radiator in my bedroom that has not been touched in a year or so suddenly had a loose nut on it and was leaking gas. I've also been experiencing a constant humming sound only I seem to hear (yeah yeah, schizo, I know) and sudden bursts of anger and mental discomfort with no actual root cause. Why this is happening to me, I don't know. Maybe because I've been outspoken about conspiracies and mistrusting authorities (particularly the NHS and the police) both online and off? I guess experimenting on provoking my mental health and pushing me to kill myself would be the perfect crime as my medical record shows I've already tried to commit suicide and have a history of mental health issues. I think also they are trying to see if I go so nuts I kill my nonce grandfather. I've had a huge uptick in thoughts about that since these fuckers showed up. Idk why I'm posting about this but fuck it, it's all out in the open now. They know I know and I know they know, so let's see what their end goal is with me.
No. 1370100
>>1369822all men commit rapes, christian men, sikh men, and indigenous men who worship the great crow god, but Muslim men are the only whose religion that is very open that its okay to "claim" kafir women, if you are a non-muslim woman then you are fair game Muslim man to take, cause the greatest human being who will ever exist(Muhammad) did that, that's the difference
Pakistani muslim men and Sikh men in the UK are racially and genetically the same, they are from the exact same ethnic groups but there has never been a sikh rape gang or a numerous Sikh terrorist attacks, you should be afraid of Islam more then other faiths, its common sense
No. 1370131
>>1370093>>1370117This town has had an influx of weekend hippy type yuppies so it's plausible. I did some googling and found spots listed in my town but they were mostly carparks, not residential streets. And the thing is, this neighbourhood isn't actually all that safe. Tire slashings and cars being broke into is pretty common. It's also quite a full road that seldom has spare places to park. So yeah, these vanlife people might be in my town, but to be constantly frequenting this road and parking outside my house still seems off. Also I've not seen many campers have blacked out windows.
>>1370104I'm a Britfag but thank you anyway. I'm gonna give this site a read as I believe most (if not all) allied countries share their technological capabilities. There's no way TPTB would confine this sort of stuff to the US alone.
No. 1370997
>>1361852Late but yeah
"Only 0.001% are bad" is bulshit
I have seen regular muslims that seem normal at first agree an awful lot with hardcore Islamists
This can also be seen on Twitter
No. 1372182
>>1371134I'm the paranoid anon you replied to with that article initially and it sent me down a very interesting rabbit hole. I'm grateful you posted it. Yeah the guy who wrote it sounds a bit nutty (find me one person in the tinfoil community that doesn't though) but due to how much suppression there is we have to take what we can get.
>>1372178Also this. I'm sick of right wing/left wing shitflinging.
Both sides are controlled by TPTB anyway, let's be honest here. No. 1372225
>>1370080>>1370100Not talking about that. I mean people who literally and explicitly say that they believe Muslims, or brown men in general, taught white European men to rape and that "THIS NEVER HAPPENED" before. I would show them radfem stats of rape in the 70's, try to explain that marital rape was still legal, but nope. That jus never happened, white Euro men are uwu innocent babies who naturally want to protect white women and it just never happened until outsiders taught them how to be evil. Like they legit believe that if brown people had never set foot in the country, men would've never taught of raping women. Meanwhile the reality is that rape did happen, it did already exist, but they just never persecuted it and discouraged women from reporting it or it wasn't even considered rape (in the case of marital rape). I'm not sure if you can even say that in my country immigrants are disproportionally never punished for the crimes they commit against the native population, when it's not like the native men in my country were ever punished for the crimes they commit against the native women in the first place either. Even without any immigrant men ever having set foot on this land, there still would be a problem, but I have legit come across a lot of people who completely deny this.
No. 1372248
>>1372225I used to live near Telford was Sikhs and white working class men that intervened to make sure that I didn't become another statistic so fuck off with this shit. It's people like you that stop anything from being done about it. All men commit rape but there is a religion that condones rape and encourages men to rape women a children and this is being allowed to happen all over the world right now.
No. 1372256
>>1372248What the fuck are you even upset about? What is "this shit"? I didn't say Islam is a religion of peace with no fucking problems or whatever the fuck you imagined I said.
>All men commit rape Yeah and I'm talking about people who unironically believe that is not the case and that white European men never raped, until immigrants set foot on this soil. I don't understand what the fuck I said which set you off.
No. 1372263
>>1372256Because it's inane whataboutism.
>muslim men are raping women and children in europe right now>b-but all men rape!All men commit rape and the risk of rape is never going to eliminated as long as men walk the earth. The point is that the immigration of muslim men into Europe means that more women are raped because everywhere they go muslim men rape women and children because it is recognised as a form of jihad and is considered a holy act.
>I'm talking about people who unironically believe that is not the case and that white European men never rapedHas anyone in this thread ever denied that?
No. 1372266
>>1372262Yeah and there are people who unironically believe that it would be zero rape and they don't make a distinction between Muslim, Sikh or Hindu. If you are brown you are brown and that even includes southern Europeans. They unironically believe that rape wasn't a thing, until brown people entered the country. Am I not allowed to be bewildered by that? Does this automatically mean I'm a huge obstacle and the reason women are being raped by Muslims? I'm just saying that even if you'd kick every brown person out of the country, rape would still be a thing and I actually have to deal with people who think white men were taught to rape by brown men.
>>1372263>Has anyone in this thread ever denied that?No because I'm not ranting about people in this fucking thread in the first place, but people irl.
No. 1372269
>>1372267Are you only allowed to talk about this thread in this thread? I'm confused. Elite rich misogynistic antifeminist scrotes have managed to convince women that their rapists are poor
victims themselves who were brainwashed by brown men into raping white women. It was in response to this
>>1369567 anon. What the fuck is your problem?
No. 1372301
>>1372275One of them is my criminal law professor and he was rejected to be a judge. Not because of his shitty opinions, but because of a lottery system.
>>1372293You're continuing to argue about something I never said. I never said that Muslim men rape less than white men or don't or whatever the fuck. I never defended Muslim men. What I am saying is that the elites are using Muslim men as an excuse to say white men didn't rape before brown men set foot on this soil. I'm not saying "all men rape" as whataboutism, I'm saying that NOT EVERYONE BELIEVES ALL MEN RAPE. How the fuck is that defending Muslim men?
>No one is denying that all men rape.THE ELITES ARE
No. 1372325
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>>1372318samefag, it's like you fucking retards forgot that the rest of the world still thinks Sikhs are Muslim.
No. 1372331
>>1372301But that isn't what you said at all. You never mentioned that the elites are intentionally minimizing the effects of white men raping women. You posted that some people think that rape didn't exist in Europe until muslim moids arrived.
>>1372318You're talking to two different anons.
>Yeah Islam is fucking terrible, that is not the pointThe original point was exactly that and if it was being used to anger the native population of Europe.
>>1372325So muslim child rapists shouldn't be prosecuted because someone might think they're Sikhs? I'm not sure what the point of this is.
No. 1372347
>>1372331>But that isn't what you said at all. You never mentioned that the elites are intentionally minimizing the effects of white men raping women. You posted that some people think that rape didn't exist in Europe until muslim moids arrived.Yeah and they think that because of the elites. I would think you can safely assume that in this thread, do I have to spell it out every time to prevent this kind of retarded freakout?
>The original point was exactly that and if it was being used to anger the native population of Europe.Yeah they are being used to anger the native population of Europe and DRAW ATTENTION AWAY FROM WHAT THE ELITES AND SCROTES ARE ALREADY DOING. You keep focusing on the Muzzies when they are just tools, I'm saying that the distraction is working so well, people actually are denying that rape was a thing before Muzzies were a thing. My country already had a problem with police telling women to not report rapes, WAY BEFORE MUZZIES SET FOOT HERE. The police and the elites get to use Muzzies as an excuse to absolve themselves.
>So muslim child rapists shouldn't be prosecuted because someone might think they're Sikhs? I'm not sure what the point of this is.Where the fuck did you get that from? You're imagining things. Where did I say that Muzzie child rapists shouldn't be prosecuted? I'm saying that white european men shouldn't be allowed to get away with rape, just because they can point to a vaguely brown person and say "oh if it weren't for him I would've never gotten the idea". This might be a new idea to you, but maybe all rapists should be prosecuted, not just the Muzzies.
No. 1372356
I'm just sick and fucking tired that people in my country keep pretending like if it weren't for any vaguely brown person being here, it would be a feminist paradise, because apparently scrotes from South America taught white men to rape and they are now retroactively considered Muzzies, because brown = Muzzie now to the average person. I don't get to suggest any improvements or changes to the system, like maybe the police should actually take women in general seriously? No, every discussion is shut down, just throw the Muzzies out, all the brown people out and then we don't have any problems. Start a shelter? No need, we wouldn't have any rapes if we'd just kick the Muzzies out. Foodbanks? No need if we didn't have Muzzies. Homelessness wouldn't exist, if it weren't for the fucking Muzzies apparently. They are being used as an excuse for every single fucking thing, when all these problems already existed, albeit to a lesser extent, prior to them ever being here. The elites can kick the Muzzies out and make everyone happy and never have to lift a finger to actually make meaningful changes and they'll be worshipped for it. Meanwhile it'll become a huge fucking shock when people find out that yes really, native men do actually rape native women. The elites can just import Muzzies in and out, whenever people complain about anything systemic, because if you point out that there are systemic issues that go beyond just the fucking Muzzies it's a whataboutism and everyone will pile on you. You're not allowed to fucking talk about anything else except MUZZIE MUZZIE MUZZIE MUZZIE.
No. 1372456
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>>1372356>>1372347WTF are you on about ?
No. 1372497
I went to a "Dollar Store' I won't say whitch and I was browsing the candy isle, while there, I swear to you, I saw a guy with a walmart bag, replacing some of the White choclate Kit Kats with what came out of the walmart bag. He was wearing an employee shirt. Interested, I went over and I got one of the "Walmart bag" Kitkat packs and then one of the ones I was sure wasn't touched. He only took out like three or four,and replaced them with the candy out of the bag.
I put one in one bag, and the other in another bag, So I could remember which was which.
When I went home, ONE tasted very fucking cheap, super sugarly, not really…crunchy just off. Just sweet. That was the one that was from the store and wasn't replaced.
Meanwhile, the "Walmart Bag" kit kat tasted delicious and more like it should.
The dollar Tree candy HAS to be "Lower Quality" Candy and this employee was probably realizing that some people have tastebuds that actually taste so he was told to get real kit kat bars and mix them.
No. 1372530
>>1372456I'll spell it out
>radfems complain about rape and lack of prosecution in the 70's, so yes it was a thing already>the only brown people arriving were Christians or Hindus from South America and Asia.>neolib policies enforced in 70's>forcing wages down>destroying the welfare state>create biggest wealth gap in the world>import Muzzies in 90's, they cause problems>right wing pedo killed by white guy>now forever you cannot criticize rapey pedo right wing misogynistic scrotes, because you are literally endangering them!!>don't complain about any problems we've been having even before the Muzzies showed up, that is whataboutism, "how dare you suggest that the system is designed in such a way that it was already shit before they arrived?!">"Oh I can't prosecute Muzzies because of the woke mob"YOU'RE NOT PROSECUTING ANY RAPISTS IN GENERAL AND YOU NEVER HAVE YOU FUCKING MISOGYNISTIC ASSHOLE LOOKING FOR AN EXCUSE
Nobody is interested in solutions to systemic problems, nope everything was apparently already perfect until the brown nation attacked. So called feminists nowadays kissing the ass of a rich asshole who wrote a book about how all women wish we were raped, but he's such a based defender of women's rights and totally actually cares about rapey troons and Muzzies. Not like he's using those two groups to distract everyone from his own rapey ass. Oh yeah and it's such whataboutism to acknowledge that it's fucking weird the situation has led to supposed feminists supporting a party which is against women voting. But pointing that out means you literally think Muzzie child rapists shouldn't be punished!
No. 1372824
Well, today I learned how dangerous cellular phone radiation actually is.
I was already concerned enough about my sister sleeping with her phone on next to her head (the dumbass won't put it on the dresser), because many years ago I saw a report on the news about a guy whose brain was cooked like ground beef after sleeping with his phone super close to his head every night.
This is like the ultimate reason to stop your phone addiction. And today I had a dream where I had to have a brain tumor removed. Spooky.
>Many biologists and electromagnetic field scientists believe the modulation of wireless devices makes the energy more biologically active, which interferes with our cellular mechanisms, opening up calcium channels, for example, and allowing calcium to flow into the cell and into the mitochondria within the cell, interfering with our natural cellular processes and leading to the creation of stress proteins and free radicals and, possibly, DNA damage. And, in other cases, it may lead to cell death.>In 2001, based upon the biologic and human epidemiologic research, low-frequency fields were classified as “possibly carcinogenic” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization. In 2011, the IARC classified radiofrequency radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based upon studies of cellphone radiation and brain tumor risk in humans. Currently, we have considerably more evidence that would warrant a stronger classification.>Most recently, on March 1, 2021, a report was released by the former director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which concluded that there is a “high probability” that radiofrequency radiation emitted by cellphones causes gliomas and acoustic neuromas, two types of brain tumors.
>First, minimize your use of cellphones or cordless phones — use a landline whenever possible. If you do use a cellphone, turn off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth if you’re not using them. However, when near a Wi-Fi router, you would be better off using your cellphone on Wi-Fi and turning off the cellular because this will likely result in less radiation exposure than using the cellular network.>Second, distance is your friend. Keeping your cellphone 10 inches away from your body, as compared to one-tenth of an inch, results in a 10,000-fold reduction in exposure. So, keep your phone away from your head and body. Store your phone in a purse or backpack. If you have to put it in your pocket, put it on airplane mode. Text, use wired headphones or speakerphone for calls. Don’t sleep with it next to your head — turn it off or put it in another room.>Third, use your phone only when the signal is strong. Cellphones are programmed to increase radiation when the signal is poor, that is when one or two bars are displayed on your phone. For example, don’t use your phone in an elevator or in a car, as metal structures interfere with the signal. No. 1372849
>>1372833the government literally protects them and covers up their crimes, more than 1,000 children were raped and sexually exploited over 30 years in Telford where police and council officials ignored abuse over fears of 'inflaming racial tensions one is saying that rape culture wouldn't exist in the if it weren't Muslim men, but you know for a fact that Muslims are far more organized, they have their entire communities take part in these rapes, in my there are between 5000-9000 cases of "conversion marriages" in my Muslim country, in a country that's already 96% Muslim, people still want to "purify" the land from infidel influence, so what many men stalk, kidnap and rape girls from non-muslim communities(hindu, christian, sikhs, but also girls from the Ahmadiyya Muslim group who are considered heretical sect) and then the girls are forced to marry their rapist and publicly convert to Islam(and in Pakistan and many others Muslims countries, once someone converts to Islam, you can't convert back legally cause leaving your faith is considered blasphemy and thus leads to the death penalty) and its not just groups of men doing this on their own, their mothers, their families and local molvis are active participants in these conversion marriages
that's Islam, no other religion has this fucked up behavior, nothing comes close to it
No. 1372852
>>1372830No these are the sounds of someone who's brain is fried after trying to get the police and prosecutors to actually prosecute any rapist scrote in general and it's like talking to a fucking wall with them (most depressing job I've ever had). It doesn't matter if the report is from a woman who was raped by a Muzzie scrote or from a woman who was raped by a native scrote, the police still do fuck all, but hide behind "muh scary woke mob". If it was just the woke mob's fault, they'd at least prosecute the native scrotes, but they don't do that either. Same thing with stalking, domestic violence etc. They also fire female police officers who complain about rapey superiors and fire police officers who whistleblow about how they have whatsapp groups where they share evidence photos of rape
victims. I've also tried the politics route, I've tried talking to the one "radfem" organization in my country, but then they stan a rapey scrote politician who writes rapey scrote books and talks about how women are slutty racemixers who shouldn't be allowed to vote, meanwhile he posts nudes of himself online. This is clown world. I don't have to be a Muslima to be baffled about this. It's not worth it to stan scrotes like that, who are literally the elite, just because they are "based Muzzie and troon haters".
No. 1372889
>>1372849The west also protects its rapists, CPS is infamous for ignoring abuse cases, the Dutroux affair is the tip of the iceberg re: Europe, western countries are rife with human trafficking, child marriage is still legal in the southern parts of the US, etc. Anon isn't wrong to say Muzzie scrotes
and white scrotes are shit, no matter what.
If you're the person who said American women deserve to lose their rights to abortion and laughed at them because the condition in your country is bad, then I know it's a lost cause with you.
No. 1373436
>>1373417I feel that too
nonnie, but I've had this impending sense of doom ever since I was really young and mine is probably from religious trauma. The world is certainly going through a dark period and it's certainly gonna be worse before it gets better. The sick part of the internet is how you just have this great awareness of all the suffering that will happen and it's just too much to handle. I wish I knew how to make it stop but the most I can do is focus on the things that I love and that help me feel like I'm in the moment. There's really not much we can do about the large scale dealings of the world.
No. 1373818
>>1373417I relate to all of this anon. I've been having this feeling since Covid started, but it really ramped up last year. Had a mental breakdown because I just felt like something horrible was coming. It's tough. Staying offline helps, but I'm bad at that personally.
Like that other anon said, all we can really do is spend time focusing on what we love and stay in the moment. It's easy to slip into the doomer mindstate, especially when realistically things are not looking great.
Ily nonita, men are shit and have ruined this world but us anons will always have each other ♥ wishing you the best
No. 1373857
>>1373417Same. The world is going to shit even more in the coming years. I'm not even sure I'll be there to witness it at this point, around me I only see people getting sick and dying, killing themselves or becoming violent. I feel like I'm the only one seeing this but I guess it makes sense that a lot of people want to ignore the incoming disaster.
I just miss those years where people (including myself) had hope for the future. Now I feel like the future is going to be hellish regardless and it's useless thinking about it.
No. 1373903
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>>1373417>I just feel like more and more, the world is headed to a bad place. I'm not a religious person at all, and I don't necessarily believe in a total apocalypse, but I can't help but feel like in the next 20 years or so, at least 30% of us will dieI hope so
nonnie No. 1374472
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Why are you guys so ominous with your posts lol, it's like 1 or 2 vague sentences then no follow up. A few threads ago I posted about that kids games website collecting data from the kids unknowingly and I posted like 15 screenshots, I was worried someone was going to tell me to knock it off lol. Give more info nonnies! Post screencaps, receipts, I wanna know why you think the homeless people are spies! And why certain shooters are MKultra victims! Bring it on shizos I want all the tinfoil!
No. 1374504
>>1374415I live in a small rural town and the young moids here are acting like inner city thugs and forming gangs. It's so odd, literally all over the UK this is happening a la USA. I'd say it's a conspiracy but it could just be the Y chromosome kek.
>>1374472Ok so I've volunteered with the homeless for a few years now. In my time I've noticed that homeless men seem to lure women into drug addiction so they can force them into prostitution - but the thing is, they don't actually make much money off it - I've seen guys I can confirm that are involved in organised crime from my days as a junkie speaking to these men. They always look pissed off if they're spotted and quickly leave, I think the homeless men are used as middle men as they'll do anything for quick cash or free drugs. I've known several women just drop off the face of the planet and the police do fuck all. My fear is that they've been sex trafficked. When I was homeless myself I got told to steer clear of any Polish men as the ones in my town are involved in prostitution and other illegal shit. I think it's possibly them sending these women abroad. One time I was putting up posters for a woman who went missing and I canvassed the whole town - in appropriate places, nowhere they shouldn't be - and within TWO DAYS they were all took down. It's so odd because other posters stayed up, only my missing person posters were removed. You cannot convince that wasn't a sinister act to cover up this crime. As for spying, I may be paranoid but I do seem to get observed a lot. When I arrive, when I leave. I've even had a homeless guy I've met via the shelter and kitchen show up at both my AA and NA meeting, despite the fact he's not a 12 stepper. Nothing happened, I was too scared to talk in those sessions and after three times at each meeting he left. Honestly it did scare the piss out of me and I now carry protection with me when volunteering. Long story short, if criminals can put desperate homeless people to work for them, then the government absolutely can, and most probably will.
No. 1374540
>>1374504Oh god that was a lot darker than I expected. But I believe it, that the government would take part in human trafficking. It's already been done before by the CIA back in the 50's and 60's when they would use homeless volunteers as test subjects for medications but then lie to them about the possible side effects. And the time the CIA used prostitutes to set up a brothel to lure in men to be drugged and god knows what else. I have no doubt that the government is still taking advantage of people they know they could easily victimize, they're probably just being more careful about not getting caught. It's scary to think about what they could be using them for, maybe that's why governments don't seem to help much with the homelessness problem, so they have a continuous supply of
victims. Fuck that's sad. Thanks for sharing Nona and I hope you stay as safe as you can in that line of volunteer work, you're a very caring person to put yourself at risk to help women who need it. Feel free to share more if you come across more evidence of something shady going on.
No. 1374558
>>1374529Oh don't get me wrong, not all homeless men are like that and the police are even worse because they'll at best arrest you for trying to live your fucking life or at worst take advantage in a horrible way. I had good male friends who helped me when I was homeless as I was young and had no idea what I was doing. But there's undeniably a lot of them that will take advantage of you or pimp you out for a single hit. I've known homeless women to coerce others too, especially the ones who've been prostitutes for a long time and have been groomed into believing their pimp cares about them, but by and large it's the men doing this shit.
>>1374540Thank you, nona, that's very nice of you to say. I just couldn't not volunteer after living that life myself.
>>1374552Well fuck me, inspector gadget. Remind me to use my powers of investigation to get documentation next time.
No. 1374562
>>1374558Have you seen the old Chinese case about the brothers. They would abduct prostitutes and force them to bring more
victims or kill them too?
No. 1374611
>>1374585>>1374585Jesus Christ, I wasn't prepared for them being cannibals as well. I don't think I could handle watching a documentary about these sick fucks anyway.
>They had plotted the murders after they lost money when their Lanzhou auto parts business failed.Speechless. Did they not consider, oh, I don't know, getting a fucking job?! Some people are just born evil, I stg.
No. 1374627
>>1374440>BLM was a Soros funded scamNope BLM is a NEO COINTELPRO op designed to decentralize and even suppress new black civil rights movements. Want proof of this? See what happened to Darren Seals.
The FBI has a file on him. No. 1374678
>>1374627I 100% believe this and I am not a tinfoiler. But tbh, black civil rights movements have always had sketchy and downright demonic elements to them, For example, one of the leaders of the black panthers was a sexual deviant who was obsessed with wanting to rape white women, but practiced his raping skills on black women first. Martin Luther King's main motivation for his activism was purely because he wanted to get with a white women and was bitter about being stuck with his wife, who was quite the catch at that. What i am leading to is that in a way black civil rights movements also inflicts damage on the civil rights on black women because it scares black women away from being feminists by calling them anti-black for addressing the high femicide rate and high rate of rape against black women primarily caused by black men. I'd imagine if this was addressed, it was was a domino effect of causing all women in general to have a harder stance on men in society and push for harsher laws for rape and sexual assault. I know it sounds like i am conflicting your point, but in a way, i think they can kind of both be true, idk.
>>1374415I think it has something to do with the fact that a lot of these boys tend to be stuck in echo chambers that teach them they are the
victim and society is the agitator. These echo chambers and varied and strong, whether they get sucked in by white supremacists, incels, islamic extremism, hotep/afrocentralism bullshit, it's all the same imo. They have an inherent sense entitlement and feel like they can do whatever they want. Access to the internet makes it easier for them to obtain information much easier on accessing guns to carry out these attacks and make them as lethal as possible. A lot of men online hold these men as martyrs to their cause. No matter how the attack goes, presuming the attack happened in the US, the media will be all over it and there names and faces will be everywhere. I just wish nobody was allowed to own anything more than 1 handgun and the fbi would spy on these moids in their echo chambers and start arresting them for even conspiring to do a shooting or hurt anybody. I don't care if they are technically innocent, they need to suffer for subjected us all to living in fear.
No. 1374687
>>1374678Yeah it totally has to be a conspiracy for black people to not want to be
victims to police brutality in America.
No. 1374702
>>1374678You're thinking of mass shooters, these shootings I'm talking about are spontaneous. Even the ones at the schools are due to coincidence, because the teenage target is there. It's gang stuff. Lots of these kids
do just own a handgun, they have it to shoot at each other if they see each other. I don't know about them conspiring.
No. 1374985
>>1374692I agree with you, one of the things that pisses me off about blm is they've collected millions of dollars to supposedly help the black community but none of it has gone into helping them. They could do so much with the money they collect but do nothing.
>>1374711>(which aren’t my business, or yours if you aren’t black too)That is the worst take I've ever seen, so because it's not directly affecting a person they don't get to share an opinion about it? I'm not personally affected by female genital mutilation going on in the middle east so I'm supposed to what? Just go "oh that's not my business." If everyone did that, no one would get help, domestic violence
victims, homeless people,
victims of police brutality. Bizarre stance to have. Also the issue of police brutality affects everyone not just black people, most male cops are violent narcissistic pricks. I've seen them shove fragile elderly white women with dementia into the concrete, I've seen them tackle a 40 year old Asian woman with epilepsy to the ground and then continue to handcuff her while she seizes. Police brutality is not just a black persons issue.
No. 1375762
>>1374504I sometimes think those criminals themselves work for the government or the elites
If anyone from working class steps out ,these are the people that take care of that
If government or elites want a distraction these people provide distraction and people and murder
No. 1376296
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DID was creating by pedophiles to control the children they abused and trafficked. It was most widely used and fleshed out in the 60s and 70s in the UK and Germany. In the past, the only people afflicted with DID were victims of child sex trafficking. It was adopted by grifters and then even later YouTubers and in current tiktokers. Seeing retards take something that was genuinely created and used by the most evil and predatory people in order to fragment children into separate personas so they can continue to hurt them without incident and make it some quirky fun persona is very sad. It was genuinely just a way to make kids adopt different personas for different occasions and clients while keeping them from becoming hysterical and giving them plausible deniability as they got older—if they had multiple personalities living inside them, they are wrote off as mentally ill and thus everything they say becomes questionable. There’s a pedophile handbook on it in the same vein that there’s that corny mkultra mind control book abusers like Epstein were obsessed with. This isn’t even a tinfoil it’s 100% the truth.
No. 1376323
>>1376312god cps is so fucking useless, they won't let you move in with female family members. Either you have to stay in the shitty situation or end up getting trafficked, which is what I was blatantly warned about. Later it actually came out that indeed the scrote running one of those centers molested all the kids there. It's not like those kids when they've grown up ever receive true compensation or compassion. As soon as you're an adult, everything is your responsibility and you just have to get over it. Normie retards don't fucking understand that no, there is no proper help, the system is shit and full of pedos and pickmes who help them. If you don't go to one of those centers you're still fucked at home, but people assume it must've not been so bad. Listen I'll take beating, choking, kicking, but rape and molestation is a step too far, which doesn't make the rest "not that bad".
No. 1376357
>>1375762I think you're right tbh. The gangs themselves might not even know they're taking orders from the government as they're jackals that'll do anything for money, no questions asked. Undercover agents also exist and we have no idea what the fuck they're doing as those files are behind miles of red tape. It's also a perfect distraction like you mentioned as the average person won't think any deeper on it being anything other than crooks being crooks.
>>1376296If you've not heard of her already, check out Kim Noble and her paintings. A certain James Alefantis happens to a fan of hers. What a crazy coincidence, huh?
No. 1376364
>>1374678>tbh, black civil rights movements have always had sketchy and downright demonic elements to themretards are gonna retard. black women had a very vital role in the black panthers but they were sadly pushed aside because of the obvious machismo elements that are hard to escape. according to many sources, they were not angery militant black monkeys walking around antagonizing the wrong people, actually most of their work was centered through helping their own communities. any male-dominated political movement or group, right-wing or left-wing, are bound to have rapists and degenerates in their ranks. women no matter how they politically lean always get the short-end of the stick, leftist men even lean into social conservative values because it benefits them at the end of day. this is so ridiculous, there are plenty of white-led groups that are similar to this but they never get cast a light because some dumbass immoral negro wrote about justifying rape and engaging in violent misogyny, so now the entire movement is broken? why do people operate through this insane pinhole logic? BLM still stands. The ideas that Black Panthers had, including the WOMEN who were black feminists/womanists btw, still stands. An organization that took these genuine revolutionary ideas and used them to grift for financial gain should be the main issue. It’s disturbing that saying “black lives matter” is something that people are secretly thinking in their heads “it can’t be true”. You people are dependent on black women being on lower social ranks than you, and it’s obvious.
No. 1376713
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I just went to visit youtube and this is what is on the front page. Since when do dolls have genitalia this realistic?
No. 1376951
>>1374472AYRT i don't know how to explain this with my piss poor english and without reveal from which country I speak but to make it short:
Every time there was an important political event, there it was a "homeless" person around either casually around or casually killed around. Every fucking time. There was a political assassination not so long ago here and a few days after a homeless person is killed in an very particular way that barely leff a body on that area. Mind you, it was a very exclusive for-rich-people only area completely surrounded by police, what a homeless person was doing there for starters?
Obviously not all homeless. It's mostly a facade for the actual feds, and there is some actually homeless people working with them, they pay for information. It's also related to the infiltration of the left-wing spaces, since they usually have soup kitchens and other public services. It's easy to pretend you're a homeless guy (or pay pennies for drugs to an actual homeless person) because people inherently let their guard down around homeless people. Other
nonnie mentioned news in Germany and frankly i'm not surprised, maybe if she is still around can post a link even if it's in german.
No. 1377354
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>>1372650Adding to this post, all five of Diva’s chevaliers including David and Julia are named after members of the Rothschild family. The ‘Red Shield’ organization which is set up to protect and die for Saya is based on the family’s coat of arms and German translation of their name.
They basically made this anime as an homage to the Rothschilds.
No. 1377397
>>1376938I've actually been meaning to post a similar tinfoil but have been too lazy to type it all fleshed out. Am from Burgerland tho. Basically I believe the Russian government has been conducting a psyop targeted at the U.S. to fan the flames of racism and division. The intent is to have us focus on race and forget about class altogether. They started with agents and bots seeding this division and slowly it has crept into the minds of U.S. citizens (also some Brits) so people are parroting the propoganda themselves. This is why there's so many "I hate yt people" and "yt women" shit on twitter. it doesn't matter if the person is actually mixed either. if they're perceived as white enough then "ew I hate white people" instead of like…hating on the individual regardless of race? this will cripple society here even further because instead of making allies and supporting class consciousness we're focused on fucking skin tones.
Idk how to explain this any better, but people have underestimated the extent of Russian operations on the internet. I already know they've have an agent stalking all social media accounts connected to my legal name (because reasons) and the fact they're determined enough to do that indicates something much larger.
No. 1377548
>>1377397>>1377412China and Russia simply do not have the required soft power to do what you're suggesting. Look at what is happening in Ukraine. It doesn't matter what the truth is, the "Russia bad" narrative is what is dominant in the west because the media is owned by a small number of individuals. The influence of Russian media on the west is extremely small and China's is slowly entering western media spaces through video games and social media sites like tiktok.
Both countries are probably more involved in military and industrial espionage.
No. 1378268
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>>1377713>>1377548both are true, Russia is a barely function slightly above average middle power and is not even 1/100th the threat the united states politicians makes it out to be, at the same time the Russian state is doing whatever it thinks it can to challenge the US and the west, it's been confirmed that they have been using social media to cause division in the united states and western nations and hope to cause a culture war
here's an example not related russia, I'm from a shitty third world muslim nation, but we are allied to america and we have issues Iranian state propaganda being posted in our social media spaces and groups,
No. 1378277
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>>1378268samefag the Iranian online propaganda is pretty interesting, mostly in how they try to present Iran to the American and Western European left and rightwing circles
For normie left wingers they try to present Iran as practicing moderate Islam and how pointing out how they allow Trannies to transition, as well as how many female doctors and graduates they have compared to regressive Arab counties that the US supports
For commie aligned left wingers they present Iran as revolutionary state that stands up to American global capitalism
The right winger shilling is the most interesting, they have very little appeal for trump supporters and Republicans, but they have support among the far Right, Alt-Right and Neo-Nazi parties and they capitalize on this support
They present themselves as "based Aryans" that dab on Arabs and Jews, and how the refugee crisis is the fault of Israel and they should petition their governments to stop sanctions against Iran which will the fix the whole thing, hell a couple years ago Iran invited tons of neo-Nazis as part of a global Holocaust denial summit
No. 1378816
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>>1378803i wish. it's not as blatant as that other one but still pretty weird considering the other controversies with these dolls
No. 1378818
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>>1378816samefag even their wiki page acknowledges it
No. 1380526
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absolute hell world
No. 1380561
>>1380551Fucking bleak. I hope that scrote gets cremated alive.
>>1380554I imagine the only thing that matters is where you bury them, you'd probably need permission from the land owner or to own the land yourself in order to do that.
No. 1380578
>>1380573I know how you feel. It's just dawned on me that I've never even discussed this stuff with my
wife. I gotta get some long term planning going on for the people I care about.
No. 1380589
>>1380541>I'm starting to consider not leaving my body for science/transplantsDon't do it. People think that donating your body to science means that they're going to treat you like an important resource to further research on things like cancer or incurable illnesses, but in reality they're going to use you for some useless experiment like
>>1380526 where even a child can predict the outcome without using real bodies. The truth is that many researchers and doctors are psycopaths and like to play with bodies to "find out" irrelevant shit.
Donating organs may not be as you think either, there are hospitals who will sell organs to rich moids (or even worse, trannies if they start testing uterus transplants) instead of giving them to people who actually need them to live a normal life. There are sick moids who buy organs just to eat them, Dr. Gloves (don't google it) played with dead fetuses and babies and posted them on 4chan. The world is fucked.
No. 1380618
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>>1380589>There are sick moids who buy organs just to eat them, Dr. Gloves (don't google it) played with dead fetuses and babies and posted them on 4chan.I googled it.
No. 1380724
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>>1378268>>1378277Iranian state propaganda shills are also very easy to spot, they suck so bad that even my retarded thirdworld countrymen can spot it
No. 1380993
>>1380963can you link the video? But yeah I did hear about it before, I was looking up whether there were similar cases to the Amsterdam sex crime case
(daycare CP production, 83 victims) and just found about MC martin and how it was supposedly all a lie. Which I don't buy, at all.
No. 1381012
>>1380993Here's part one. If you aren't used to this scrote, it may not be your tastes, he pauses and talks a lot. It's about some other cult that includes kids that was supposedly covered up, ##randomly in the FBI files, they talk about the tunnels and Mc martin, it has nothing to do with the "Case" of the "finders", just something that was added in offical FBI PDF's.
I've watched a good bit of it and I enjoy it, I can't give a time stamp
nonnie though
No. 1381099
>>1380845I think these tweets are supposed to be for non-Iranians, but they are awful at it, the account on the bottom "Nayab Malik" is specifically targeting Pakistani's, but the urdu she writes is straight google translate and plus every other post she makes or retweets is about how fucking awesome Ali Khamenei is and every account she retweets has the exact formula they really suck at this
No. 1381375
i don't know why nonnies act like this liberal globalist hell fueled by usa is about to collapse. We have at least+40 yrs of this nonsense, with usa in zombie mode (so if they get better it could be even more). We aren't seeing the end of this any time soon. There is no mass peaking, COVID wasnt a "turing point" people are more sheepish than ever. If anything it's just going to get worse and worse. It's exactly the plan thought.
>>1381170The same happens with alien stuff. They fake the abduction so the
victims can be discredited. It's not a coincidence that most of "alien abductions"
victims are young girls.
No. 1382126
>>1382090I can buy "we need to talk about Kevin", because scrotes do be like that. But this shit is indeed concerning. I enjoyed the movie the Orphan, but at the same time it kinda feels like it's in the same genre.
>>1382096I think there can be a place for "female serial killer" movies in the revenge genre, but they're usually not the ones to become popular, unless they're heavily sexualized, since I guess it hits too close to home.
No. 1382256
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>>1382227you got to be shitting me, absolutely horrifying
>>1382241idk if it really was a kid or not, but I don't think anyone actually got murdered in the irl situation, I just don't like that a child actor had to pretend to try to seduce an adult.
No. 1382314
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My very sensible tinfoil for today is:
Muscular physiques for women have never really become a trend like thicc, fat or skinny/ana have because muscular and strong women are at their healthiest, thus the patriarchy would be less likely to control them physically and mentally. I'm not talking bodybuilder 5% body fat muscle either btw, but simply healthy and strong with a healthy diet.
When you reduce a woman's value down to the width of her hips or waist or size of her ass you distract her from the very attainable goal of becoming strong and in good health with a lower risk of osteoporosis and other health issues thus being more in tune with her female body and being capable of great things. The Elite Scrotes don't want this, they want soft and weak or bony and weak subservient women who rely on them both emotionally and physically and who are stuck in a revolving door of body dysmorphia.
One of the best things a woman can do to seperate herself from the corruption of moids is get into some cardio and do strength training as well. Women in general really have no clue what their bodies are capable of…we can make an entire human being inside there and push it out, shed blood every month, but the thought of weight lifting and developing muscle scares us? Pick up that barbell and do a deadlift before you end up with brittle bones sis. Your body will thank you.
No. 1382637
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Is it possible that my doctors are lying about me having a lung disease? I've not seen anything on scans and they're saying this based on bloodtests. Now they're sending/spamming me urgent letters to get several vaccines. I have health problems, but my lungs feel fine?
No. 1382649

>>1382456NTA but you're only allowed to train the aesthetic muscles for a woman or else it's not socially acceptable. You will be looked at very differently if you don't just follow the bootybuilder 9000 workouts and actually focus more on your upperbody. Go have bigger traps, delts, triceps and forearms than scrotes and come back to me (biceps are overrated and don't account for most of the size of your arms). Actually try to become the Hulk. Bring a gallon water of jug to the gym (or everywhere really, hydration is important), use smelling salts, use a WWE intro to come into the powerrack, dance to assert dominance, wear a sweater around your waist so nobody can see the booty, become GLORIOUS. Be a formnazi to scrotes, tell them they look dyel, point out their bad shoe choices, become an expert in one lift so you can outlift all the scrotes in the gym on that one specific thing and ruin their confidence for the rest of the month, then go hit the bags, then go do sparring and kick all the scrotes who say lifting makes you slow in the head. AUAUAUAU
No. 1382889
>>1382323>>1382364>>1382395I wish all you nonnas the best of luck in your journey to becoming fit and healthy Stacy's. Every time you feel down about yourself just remember what your body is capable of, I'm still a lifting noob but this is the only thought that keeps me going when I feel like shit. We can do this!
>>1382456Men are only obsessed with it for the ass like you said but you can still distance yourself from what scrotes think and work on your stamina, endurance and overall strength instead of stuffing your ass into Shein booty scrunch leggings and only training legs. Like the other nonna said, upper body training is key and the bonus is when you get strong enough you won't have to rely on a scrote for picking up or lifting certain shit.
No. 1383324
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the epstein/ghislaine outcome has been so disheartening. no list of clients. jeff dead, maxwell trail speedy as fuck and then out of the news. there should have been been public executions over this, girls are used and abused by the rich and powerful and it's like Oh well moving on. how do the women involved live with themselves?
No. 1383440
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smiling is a psyop by Big Photo to sell you more photos
No. 1383825
>>1383807It's a southern England accent
nonnie, I can't really pinpoint which city it would be from as I am a northfag but it just sounds like a general southern accent outside of London.
No. 1384521
>>1383196WHY? This has no fucking benefit for society, the practice of fucking around and engineering the most lethal viruses should have been outlawed long ago. It will get out again. You’d think after Covid that the UN or WHO would have recognized how these manmade diseases are a public health disaster but now they’re trying to make something even worse than the original Covid? Fucking psychopaths. Trying not to a-log but it would probably be best for people to take out these psychos who are insistent on making bioterrorism tools. Their names are published in the papers no? What’s stopping some of these crazed alt-right moids from actually doing a good thing and saving humanity instead of shooting up a synagogue or abortion clinic?
I wonder if funding for this research is because Covid didn’t kill enough people (as many speculated its original intent was population control).
No. 1384627
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>>1384521>What’s stopping some of these crazed alt-right moids from actually doing a good thing and saving humanity instead of shooting up a synagogue or abortion clinic?Getting lost in the forest kek
No. 1384708
>>1384542Long COVID is real and is caused by material leftover in the blood stream limiting oxygen supply around the body as well as things like varying levels of organ damage. Even in illnesses like strep they can spread and permanently damage organs or kill you.
That doesn’t mean the vaccine was handled well and long COVID in theory is possible from the vaccine to since it’s caused by the spike protein. COVID does impact you neurological, since someone else mentioned it. It’s causing brain damage to your “scent cells”. We know that. There’s a glad towards the front of your brain for scent we don’t why it does. We just know it does for some people. Some people improve there some don’t.
FDA trials for the vaccine were a joke and ignored whistle blowers, pharmacists giving vaccines killed people since the blood clots that especially women were getting were caused by pharmacist giving the vaccine too deep not in the muscle but in the bloodstream and then the protein in the vaccine would cause the clot.
No. 1384709
>>1384708Samefag but the argument on the vaccine and the spike protein was this you’re going to be exposed wither way.
> “Do you want the 1-2 day “danger window” with the worst damage to happen with the vaccine or do you want the unpredictable 14 days with full COVID?” But of course we can’t be honest and say that and everything is a money making opportunity for these dicks and so more people had to die.
No. 1385037
>>1384744Citation is reality, but also a hundred of studies in various different countries on the effectiveness and dangers of the vaccines. There's a reason why the vaccine was pushed so hard despite being still in its experimental phase (it wasn't tested on pregnant women but was strongly recommended to them, Pfizer's letter about not being sure about the vaccine's effectiveness and recently admitting that they "didn't think" about testing it to avoid virus spread) and their "public" documents being almost entirely blanked out. The vaccine is almost more dangerous than the virus itself at this point, considering that it fused with a flu at some point becoming Omicron (while the vaccines are still based on the original covid's spike protein), having less dangerous symptoms in a longer time window, also allowing eventual medication (that's available eveywhere now) to work and ease any heavier symptom.
It is not normal to take 1-4 vaccine shots in the span of six months or less. Data shows that vaccines don't stop the spread or severe illness. A vaxxed person can catch covid even a week after the last dose with high fever. Introducing that many spike proteins into your body in such a short amount of time AND catching covid on top of that will fucking kill you. I'm not against people getting vaccines of course, but people should really be more cautious.
No. 1385559
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>>1350501>>1350768fun fact, kim kardashian paid her surrogate $45k. she literally has purses worth 10x more, this sum is less than the minimum wage
No. 1385567
>>1385037Yeah… I'm waiting a week to see what the lung specialist will say. I'm done with their alarmist bullshit. First it was cancer according to them, now suddenly an inflammatory lung disease they want me to take several vaccines for pronto. If I do have it, it's possible that it was even
triggered by previous vaccines or covid infections.
No. 1385746
>>1385566I agree. It should be something done out of love, not a cold and uncaring financial transaction. There's still problems with that model as gay scrotes typically lean hard on female friends and relatives when looking for a surrogate (I've seen it happen and it's infuriating) and I'm sure rich people would find a workaround, but shit, it'd be a start.
>>1385646I can't imagine being
that filthy rich and not paying at least a million dollars to the surrogate. These women are giving them the most precious gift they'll ever receive and they let them live on crumbs. It's fucked up.
No. 1385866
>>1350501>>1385559>>1385646This is actually very common in south asia with Bollywood celebrities of all levels, its so normalized that no takes an issue of it so it never becomes news, a bollywood actress could spend the entire year working on to 3-5 films, they need surrogacy out of convince rather then sacrifice their moments of fame, one famous actor Salman Khan is not even married but got a child through a romanian surrogate
the actors featured in vidrel aren't minor stars btw, these are the south asian equivalent of Scarlett Johansson, Stephen Colbert and Beyonce using surrogates
I truly do believe that this will likely become the norm for Hollywood celebrities as well
No. 1385885
>>1385866I don't get this because if you don't have time to cary your own pregnancy how the fuck are you gonna have time to take care of a new baby human? I guess if you're a movie star you might think there's something special about you that you want to pass down but caring about genetic lineage is stupid, these people should just adopt a teenager or something if all they're doing is sponsor a life from afar.
I know then people would say it's a sex slave or whatever because people are sickos but oh well! use your enormous PR team to make up a better story.
No. 1387895
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>>1386653>>1385885while Individual blame is important, I also think the state of the current system they are in the main cause, these people have more "incentive" to hire a surrogate then have a natural pregnancy, the vain rich famous man doesn't want his at home model wife to look "flawed" in any, and the rich women either wants to maintain her figure and or just not to deal with any of the risk of natural pregnancy, its just how it is
No. 1387936
>>1387922>everybody else is doing fineyou have to be completely delusion to actually think that, 1/3rd of my country is underwater and we have the largest internal refugee crisis in the 21st century
>>1387930global elites are such a moronic concept, like there are probably deep states with in most nations, but they have their own personal interests, not some planned greater collective
No. 1389083
It pleases my ego to support women, so I support women. Patriarchy, capitalism, communism, fascism, the nation-state, neoliberalism etc doesn't please my ego and can fuck off. Fascism and monarchism is too collectivist for my tastes, I'm not listening to anybody I don't want to and "the greater good" can suck itself. Ayn Rand is a pickme handmaiden, wanting to regulate the ego with "objectivism". Helping other women is altruistic and thus bad in her eyes, but simping for retarded scrote CEO's is great? I can't talk openly about my solution of what to do without prisons, without catching a ban for alogging for what would happen to scrotes, but I guarantee my method would be more effective than the current one, women go free btw. Everything I want to do is illegal without going through Kafkaesque bureaucracy and "haha you're just jealous", only makes you sound like a Bezos and Muskrat simp, but be my guest. No I don't want to be a corporote drone doing bullshit jobs, because useful fulfilling shit doesn't pay either. I'm not going to be a housewife either, because I'm a lesbian and personally would rather die than give birth (no hate to the cute couple currently trying, good luck!). I want to live in the forest or on a farm, be self sufficient and not let any scrotes on my land and no I don't want to beg the uwu patriarchy for it and "work hard", since they screwed everything up for everybody and made it near impossible thanks to kafkaesque bureaucracy. I'd be willing to share some food with the local Nonna commune if it pleases my ego, but I can't function in one and I'm not going to be forced to do jackshit. I just want to be as close as possible to returning to monke. How is that being a commie, unless your name is McCarthy and you call anyone not sucking Reagan off a commie. I'm not an ancap either, because property rights are just as much a fiction as the rest of them and only exist as much as you can defend them. Hurrdurr muh NAP, well scrotes violate it by being walking talking aggressors, how about that?
No. 1390675
>>1385866These assholes then have the audacity to virtue signal
Most virtue signalling in Hollywood have a huge closet full of skeletons
No. 1391002
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>>1390708Nta, but the anon who mentioned Goldman first. I already explained before, but my worldview is me, myself and I. If I can't be the dictator of a 1984 Orwellian Totalitarian state where I can oppress scrotes, then I don't want any state to exist and wish to do whatever the fuck I want. Half unironic Orwellian feminazi Darwinist who wants to get rid of the weak Y chromosome, half "back to monke" anarchist, my ideology is schizo like me. Everything else is too collectivist for my taste. The only reason I wish to be altruistic to other women, is because I LIKE women, I LOVE women and because it screws over scrotes. My worldview will be defeated when I die and that's fine by me. I'll continue cherry picking and being a hypocritical asshole until then. Capitalism doesn't please my ego, am I supposed to like it for you, for anyone else? That is too collectivist for me, no thanks.
No. 1393122
>>1391715I have some vids idk how to save from instagram where it looks like they're giving CPR to a bunch of what looks like actors or dummies. I know imageboard etc. but it's a private account and I don't know how. would dropping the handle help? it's weird, was the first I've heard of it today and nobody said it was a crushing/stampede situation.
does anyone have legit footage? this one is fucky
No. 1393230
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I always found it mysterious how online streamers and influencers, despite how clearly boring as fuck they are, have amassed a sycophantic crowd of supporters that give them money and bolster them to high visible success. Then I realized how a lot of peoples success mimic the way people used to treat gods in fiction, this is scarily similar to myths of greek/roman ancient gods that received bountiful gifts and offerings from common people to obtain blessings. In this case the blessings these people receive are the attention of these new “gods”, they are constantly hounding these retards with sob stories, advice questions, empty compliments, and most importantly money, gifts (PO boxes) and digital social currency. This is beyond just a case of parasocial relationships, people who declare they are secular/atheist non-believers manage to act in the most religious fanatic ways possible. It’s very interesting when you make these connections, humans need to stop playing God until it’s too late.
No. 1393562
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>>1393122Korea is the size of Indiana. Driving from one end of Korea and back would take the same amount of time it would take to drive from one side of Indiana and back. There is over 40 million people in SK, and there are almost 7 million in Indiana. It would take less than 5 hours to drive from top to bottom of SK. A stampede is honestly completely within the realm of possibility, no conspiracy necessary.
No. 1393706
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>>1393570Then why tf are you in this thread? Get out if it’s not for you. Go and harp about scrotey /pol/-tier shit, that’s all that you dumb bitches seem to do
No. 1394005
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Freaks me the fuck out how the actual video looks like an irl version of those paintings of hell.
No. 1394106
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>>1394005>>1393562I think it's a propaganda to brainwash people to accept smaller housing space and lack of mobility
No. 1394121
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>>1391137I have thought about it, but I think I wouldn't like being a dictator long term (too paranoid for that), so I would only do it long enough to remove the y chromosome and then I'm running into the woods without notice! Really I just want to live in peace and my secondary goal would be creating Hobbitons and Moomin valleys for all women.
No. 1394212
>>1394123Yes anon I have been a
victim for years and while I get the logistics of it I have no idea how to stop it or find out who it is.
No. 1394424
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>>1394366Nta but probably not, that woman in the bottom is dead. And when the video pans to the left it shows more deceased people. It was posted to 4chan but here it is in case you don't want to go searching through that cesspool for the video.
SPOILER WARNING extremely disturbing video, don't watch if you're going to bitch at me for posting it.
>>1394517it was Halloween in itaewon ,many people were out to celebrate it since the lockdown have stopped, there were also alot of tourists there too.
Unfortunately itaewon has extremely small narrow roads and alleys, which lead to people being crushed or injured in crowds in the narrow places. Also like another anon said some also rushed to see famous people.
No. 1394560
>>1394543>>1394539obviously I don't know for sure but I think it's more likely people were shoving and pushing which caused the domino effect. apparently pushing people out of the way is common in Seoul when people get irritated but that's also based off what I've heard from foreigners that have lived there.
I feel like the "celebrity spotting" is the government trying to push the blame onto the crowd itself rather then the fact they have poor planning/resources
No. 1394569
>>1394560there was also ALOT of drunk people outside too
Combine crowds + narrow roads/alleys + drunk people = its a recipe for disaster.
No. 1394696
>>1394560Anon I can confirm this, people have no issue with pushing past you in Korea and it’s considered abnormal to apologize or say excuse me when doing so. The roads are also narrow as fuck there, combine that with every young person wanting to party and bar hop and you have a disaster.
Please also consider that something like 80% of Korea lives in Seoul. It’s a fucking crowd crushing nightmare waiting to happen. I hope other countries with high population densities as a result of urbanization take note. I think Korea was particularly fucked compared to NYC for example because the roads and infrastructure are narrower/more compact.
No. 1394794
>>1394424Holy shit, I didn't realize people were getting crushed upright. So sad, what a terrible way to go. Does anyone have any theories beside celebrity spotting for the crush? Just seems odd considering it was SO many, I think someone may have yelled "fire" or something more likely, why the rush? 100,000 is a lot of people but there has been worse incidents.
I'm getting reminded of the recent crush in Indonesia where 174 also died.
No. 1394864
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>>1394832So this is the Park situation all over again? Didn’t Yoon prosecute the former president for the exact same reasons he’s being accused of? Man, I feel bad for the Korean Peninsula - one side has a no-fun-allowed authoritarian dictatorship while the other is corrupt ‘democratic’ government that gives zero fucks about their people. It’s like the whole area is cursed or something.
What’s that sound? It’s the Kim family laughing.
No. 1394923
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Found this on Spanish twitter, why were the U.S. military just standing there and not helping these people? No. 1395126
>>1394906You would want to kill me for saying this,but the edgier side of kboos have all the deets. If you can get past the kpop crap, the discussions can get pretty
interesting. The talk about the salvation Sect started in the anglosphere because jyp was a member of that cult, otherwise no1currs sadly.
>>1395000Just google around Salvation Sect/Guwonpa/Evangelical Baptist Church of Korea. Tl:dr: the owner of the ferry company was a high member of that cult. He knew that the boat was an useless old piece of junk with ilegal modifications yet sailed it anyways, for starters. Then, once you read that the salvation Sect takes themselves very seriously and it's an apocalyptic cult, the dots connect themselves. In general, Korea is full of cults if you care about that. This isn't a conspiracy it's a fact.
No. 1395163
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>it was an accident you tinfoiling retard!!!!
No. 1395164
>>1395159Can you read? I just said I'm not op and it's not my tinfoil. I'm not telling you to agree retard, I don't even agree.
>You’re retarded because the entire premise of lolcow is discussion you stupid bitchThen take your own advice and accept feedback for your comments, autistic sperg.
No. 1395171
>>1395163hmmm i wonder if it was one of those crazy christian cultists trying to kill or sacrifice those people, and they knew they could get away with it since it was already a huge crowd.
Korea is literally filled with so many Christian cults who behave the same way as heavens gate and that cyanide drink cult.
Christians are so crazy in Korea, and anyone who has been in Korea can also agree with me on this. Theres something sinister about them there, so many christian death cults or christian money laundering cults.
No. 1395189
>>1395178SK is one big facade, I don’t understand why people worship it or k pop. It isn’t an anti-Asian sentiment to point out the glaring issues within that country and how they treat women and
No. 1395233
>>1330198OP here. Now i'm thinking more clearly and reading the news i think i have a theory. My frist bet was a TPTB fuckery/a mass sacrifice but know i think the answer is a bit more simple tbh. The fact that it was mostly young girls (both locals and tourists) or normie males ("beta cucks" on incels minds) who were the
victims makes me think that it was an incel/conservative organized attack. Aside from
>>1395163 and the fact that the police stopped answering any call from itaewon a few hours after, there it was so many astroturfs trying paint the
victims as unsympathetic vapid americanized whores barely breaking 300-400 updoots yet they're everywhere, trying desperately to change the public opinion to prevent this from becoming Sewol 2.0 and cause an investigation. I'm not saying everyone here was plotting to kill as much young women as possible but the group who started pushing everyone and the local police 100% knew what they were doing. If there it was a place to start a new wave of male terrorism, it was SK, tbh.
Beware nonnas, possibly this will be replicated all over the world. Because unlike american mass shootings, you don't need a gun nor training, just to find a largue group of young women enjoying themselves to cause a stampede.
No. 1395237
>>1394794The roads are normally very packed in popular areas of Seoul anon, especially at night on weekends. I cringe thinking of how I've previously been close to situations that could have transpired into something as bad as the Itaewon disaster, just browsing in popular shopping districts at night in Myungdong in Seoul. The actual urban planning of Korea is extremely compact and does not account for the fact that the majority of people in the country are living in that tiny city. This whole event is probably very sobering for the city planners and you'll likely see them pushing Suwon like they have been trying to for years now. If the Korean government was smart, they'd offer subsidies or tax credits to companies and people who relocate out of Seoul.
Idk I really fail to understand how someone could have purposefully planned all these people to gather and smother themselves to death but that's just me. Like what would the evil person behind this even do to be in control of this situation exactly? And what about the various Muslim holidays where crowd crushing happened in the past few years? Are those intentional as well? It really seems like a matter of circumstance.
No. 1395246
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>>1395233Your first theory was correct because it wasn’t just in South Korea where a lot of young people died. The bridge in India collapsed which killed more than 130 and most of them were young workers and tourists and then there’s more crush-related deaths in Congo; all happened within the Halloween weekend. No. 1395249
>>1395171Anon you're right, the amount of crosses around Korea is fucking bizarre!!! It really blows my mind that the people are so devoutly Christian or Catholic and yet they never underwent extreme Christian conversions like LatAm was subjected to for instance.
Now couple the devout religion with the amount of corruption and you have a perfect scam. I almost wonder if people are so devoutly religious in Korea because it's "Hell Joseon" (aka everyone is fucking depressed, miserable) and it's a desperate cope–alongside from the rampant alcoholism there kek.
Sorry to shill but "Save Me" is a great drama if you're interested in scamming scary Korean cults btw. No. 1396440
>>1394690every single time someone questions one of these events there is someone showing up to say they totally know one of the people that died there. But the odds that someone on here knows someone that died there are pretty low. Same for the conspiracy threads on 4chan, same for reddit, funny how people that totally know one of the
victims and are so against people questioning these events always show up in the conspiracy threads.
Let people question things in the conspiracy thread, or leave if you can't handle it emotionally.
No. 1396450
>>1395449This is just fact.
>>1396397The issue is that while they can enter anyway, the women are immediately aware of his intention and can seek help or escape, with trannies they have to take the risk of him being a predator (which isn’t just physical attacks, but also things like men installing tpilet cams to film women, getting off to the sound of women peeing, etc) and there is also a social pressure for the women to ignore their flight or fight instinct lest be seen as a bigot, and not to mention can be traumatic for rape
victims, and make bathrooms and other single sex spaces unusable to women who’s religion does not permit them to be alone with men or uncovered with them.
One is allowing women to protect themselves, while the other is basically they have to wait to be attacked.
No. 1397768
>>1397677>>1397725If you’re telling the truth then I’m sorry for your loss but if this discussion/thread
triggers you, please kindly fuck off.
No. 1397787
>>1394690>>1397725>enter conspiracy thread>get mad seeing people discuss conspiracies Everytime. This is an anonymous imageboard, there is no need to virtue signal over being "respectful not to
trigger survivors uwu". There are about 100 Korean people who lost their lives, how likely is it for their relatives to lurk a niche western gossip board?
No. 1398738
>>1382924It’s so fucking insidious. Sugaring is fucking horrific. Of course they want to glamorize it because if they don’t they might actually have to think about the disgusting fat stinky rude old men they’ve fucked. Can’t let those memories pop into their minds, they have to focus on all the nice shit they get in return for cuddling up next to the worst kind of degenerate scumbag scrote.
Speaking from experience. I have trauma from that shit. One particularly awful ana fetishist old man wanted to use me to recruit teens for him, I guess be his Ghislaine?? and I noped out immediately and wished I could have reported him to some authority but he was a high ranking authority figure himself and technically not wanting anything illegal, he just had a “preference” for 18 year olds under 100 lbs. I have nightmares about that man years later. Most evil vibe I’ve ever encountered in my life.
I think the age of consent should be raised to 25 with some possible wiggle room like Romeo and Juliet laws. But I just don’t think 60 year old disgusting pedo-adjacent scumbag scrotes should be allowed to fuck teens/under 25 year olds. And I don’t think teens should be allowed to be in porn. The elites and moids in general really are scary pedophiles and they don’t hide it at all.
No. 1399047
>>1399008This. Young zoomers are too deluded to understand that the "
triggering" online discourse they often get involved into will not actually affect their lives but LAWS will
No. 1399479
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The transhumanist endeavor
When it comes to uplift, one group stands out in particular.
The transhumanists constitute a movement just entering the mainstream.
They advocate converging technologies such as:
Artificial intelligence
Genetic engineering
Life extension therapies
Virtual reality
Transhumanists say that by using these tools, you can actually do away with the human condition altogether in favor of a new and better form of life.
The quest for creating a “better” human
Before transhumanists can convince the public that they need fixing, they have to describe what is wrong in the first place.
The transhuman laundry list includes: complex and difficult human emotions.
Transhumanists say that many of our emotions could be purposely deleted, and that we would be better off if we deleted them.
Humans are well known to be less than perfect, but the transhumanists take this point to an extreme.
Transhumanists want to get rid of your (negative) emotions
R. C. W. Ettinger was a pioneer in cryonics, and an early proponent of transhuman ideas. Here’s what he had to say about human emotion in Man Into Superman (1974):
“Humanity itself is a disease, of which we must now proceed to cure ourselves” […] “Surely it will be an advantage to be able to ‘turn off’ or ‘tune out’ one’s emotions at will, choosing fully to savor only those that are enjoyable…”
Artificial general intelligence researcher Ben Goertzel is involved with both the Singularity Institute and Humanity Plus, or H+. He said in his Cosmist Manifesto (2009):
“All human emotions are complex multifaceted beasts…”
[Later this text goes on to talk about inundating the world with media and entertainment to such a degree that everyone will be happy, and feel no need for war.]
Nick Bostrom, co-founder of the World Transhumanist Association (WTA), which now goes by the name H+, had this to say about human emotion in his 2007 TED Talk:
“…life isn’t usually as wonderful as it could be. I think that is a big big problem… There are just those moments that you have experienced where life was fantastic… and you wonder: Why can’t it be like that all the time?”
You can view Bostrom’s clip in my film, The Age of Transitions.
As you can see from the above quotes, the “negative” aspects of human experience are a major problem for transhumanists.
Their many solutions to this apparent problem range from using helmets that stimulate the brain magnetically to actually bioengineering new humans to be less prone to mental suffering.
Theirs is an engineering approach; build better humans.
Transhumanists want to force happiness
The major transhumanist think tank, the Institute for Ethics & Emerging Technologies (IEET), is cooking up something called the Cyborg Buddha Project.
There’s an obvious tie to eastern religion and the promotion of meditation.
The transhumanist view is that mediation and other “ecstatic states of mind” should be studied fervently. Not unlike the current main stream in psychology research. No. 1399529
>>1399479I have a theory that the Bible talked about AI being the Antichrist and transhumanism being the
trigger for some type of Armageddon that will happen. This technology is literally the mark of the beast.
No. 1399621
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stop noticing things
No. 1399722
>>1397725i did not state my opinion on whether people there died or not, i haven't looked into it. It's fucking retarded to come to a conspiracy thread and whine that people question things. Idgaf about being respectful, this is an imageboard full of people constantly insulting and nitpicking others don't act like you're above being disrespectful.
>>1397677lol ok sure you do, as do all the other anons that have come up saying this in the previous threads.
No. 1399757
>>1398557Omg that was me, I found the initial tinfoil from 4chan but they thought the girls games website was actually part of the CIA lol, scrotes are so dumb. When I looked into it further I found exactly what you're talking about, it's a marketing company that used unpaid underaged girls to harvest data about what kind of products, movies, music and games were going to make the most money among that demographic. Super creepy of her to straight up admit she was seeking out "alpha girls" to give her "important strategic business decisions." Feels extremely manipulative especially because the girls were making decisions that benefitted the companies without any reimbursement whatsoever and probably didn't even understand the full scope of her marketing company, can't believe the parents were okay with that. And it's weird it's even legal for her company to do that, especially because her website initially advertised itself as a simple girls gaming website. And major companies like Mattel, Capital Records, P&G, Sony, Hasbro, Warner Bros, Nestle and even Disney bought info from her company and those girls' business decisions. It's really shady and strange that no major news networks seemed to question the morality behind it.
Holy shit that video is so weird! I can't believe a bunch of little girls decided the cover photo and tracklist for Skye Sweetnam's album. Wtf, I listened to that all the time as a kid. And so creepy of the interviewer to call 16 year old Skye Sweetnam "dangerous and sexy." It's so bizarre to me that none of this seemed to be met with any pushback, she's just hailed as a genius business woman, when in reality it's the young girls that made those marketing decisions.
No. 1400565
>>1399651Funny how “they” call everyone calling these blood suckers out or rebels in any way ”mentally ill”, but adult men mutilating their bodies and calling themselves girls are sane.
You gonna take “their” word for it anon?
No. 1400920
>>1400646When Russia invaded Ukraine in one of these threads I looked into potential former soviet sites that Russia could be interested in. There were a number of ionospheric heaters. One of these is in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, one is in southern Ukraine and one is near Kharkov.
You can view them on this map along with other locations around the world ones located in Ukraine are defunct but the sites in Russia are probably still operational.
You read more about them here No. 1401616
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>>1400646>>1400671you used to only see these "clouds" near a HAARPlike device. now you see them everywhere. how? because they have erected small HAARP towers all over your city during lockdown and called them "cell phone towers." IF they are cell towers at all, they are not ONLY cell towers.
No. 1401630
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what are the repercussions of surrounding us with radiation podlets like this esp when we are likely filled with heavy metals? look around your town. these are probably all over it now.
No. 1401697
>>1401616not sure
nonny these clouds look like normal clouds that i kept seeing all my life. Clouds move like water and this is a very normal pattern for water in the sky. Looks just like water currents in the sand.
No. 1402075
Various capshit and SCIFI movies that have been churned out over the years are designed to normalize the existence of alien life on earth to avoid mass rioting across the globe. The US government disclosing "Unexplained Aerial Phenomena" show we are a few years away from the big reveal of extraterrestrial life on earth. There are some technologies in use that are definitely derived from alien technology.
And then there's shit like this: No. 1402287
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I wonder if transablism is the seed for transhumanist beliefs going mainstream. Fist with transgenderism, then a lenient society where no one "kink shames" and you can't set up boundaries anymore. I fear there will be people chopping off healthy limbs to get shitty cybernetic implants for the ~*aesthetic*~
No. 1402567
>>1402451Tbh I agree with the other anon, because they're already trying to push transrace/transabled down our throats now that they see society won't say boo about troons for fear of being cancelled. They used to experiment on the poor/undesirables (orphans, gays,
POC) but I think society caught on too it so now those communities are the most suspicious, they need dummies who think they aren't cogs in the machine. Or maybe I'm just high
No. 1402749
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>>1402731basically picrel
No. 1402978
I think this will be true in less than two decades or so:
Basically, the rich will be the only ones with access to real foods such as seafoods, meats, veg, and fruits. Not to mention clean water and general foodstuffs not impacted by rampant plastic and hormone pollutants.
As the rich pillage our planet for their own financial gains and encourage the poor to reproduce to populate their companies, they will begin to gaslight even harder about how climate change and food scarcity is somehow an "everyone is at fault" problem even though their own greed is the driving force.
Because of this, they will say us serfs are bad peasants for wanting to eat things like meat so that they can have more of what less will be available for themselves. They will push soy imitation and cheap processed foods on us–for the same prices we paid for actual food, if not inflated more–while planting moral grandstanding puppets browbeating about how this will be the path forward. Cell culture meat made in labs might spare us but will likely come at a sticker price as aforementioned. Meanwhile the rich, at least beyond a superficial level, will make no compromises or changes to their own excessive lifestyles. Moralistic vegans/vegetarians are the biggest cucks for this reason, IMO.
This "Impossible" and "Beyond Meat" shit is a real good example. Less resources to produce and process, not all that healthier or nutritious, and yet costs equal or more than lifestock by the pound. Yet people virtue signal being ripped off like this because it isn't killing an animal for a less nutritious soy product.
Even the vegans and vegetarians will tell you meat substitutes aren't meant to be healthy, but are only here to reduce your meat consumption (not that it stops the demand of meat or improving any of the meat industry systems to cause less harm).
No. 1403000
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creepy, even more creepier with two of the presidents in power at the two incidents having weird ties with shamanism
No. 1403458
>>1402978While this may be what they want, I don't think it's going to happen unless they start using using force or eliminate choice. The majority see fake meat as a novelty and then go back to real meat. More people are becoming aware that meat is essential for human health and more people are realising that what plants need to breath isn't bad for the environment.
>>1403432The elites don't have to worry themselves about fighting against the working class if the working class too busy fighting among themselves.
No. 1403656
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Drake is a FTM anon I believe you
No. 1403674
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How can anyone truly be “fashion-forward” if they’ve been shaming me just as much as any other normie for wearing mismatched socks? I feel like this simple phenomena succinctly explains how groupthink affects even self-proclaimed radicals. You don’t wear mismatched socks, even if no one will see them, even if they’re so similar no one could possibly tell them apart. Because that’s Bad, because my father told me so. The same people who dress up like “goblincore” hobos will never comprehend the headstrong resistance present in simply freeing your mind from useless boundaries that make your day-to-day life harder.
Literally picrel.
No. 1403760
>>1403648northern ontario, trailer park zone
cold and white as fuck
No. 1403784
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>>1403755white person? just the one? what did he do?
No. 1403814
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>>1403784Hes smiling at
POC suffering!
No. 1403826
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>>1403814Reddit, is it racist to smile?
No. 1405781
>>I fear there will be people chopping off healthy limbs to get shitty cybernetic implants for the ~*aesthetic*~I can think of many tv programmes and films which foreshadowed this starting in the 1970s like 6 Million Dollar Man and the Bionic Woman.
Also, those curved metal prosthetics used by athletes have been highlighted in recent years having been used in fashion shows as well
No. 1406617
>>1406222Instagram literally never shills me wedding stuff. One time it started (presumably because of something I had searched or clicked on in the explore page) and I went on a rampage of reporting/hiding/clicking "not interested" etc., which seemed to fix it.
my explore page got so bad I stopped using instagram for 5 months and when I came back it was great and only had topics related to what I was following (I also unfollowed a lot of accounts before I quit)
the more I use instagram the worse it gets, it's like their algorithm hates you and wants you to suffer lmao
No. 1407127
>>1407109My take is that personality disorders are natural, basically adaptations meant to cope with human existence and even help with survival. We're meant to be
toxic just like some birds steal stuff from each other etc
No. 1407132
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transgenderism is being promoted by medical companies to make more money off of surgeries, meds, hrt.
the quality of living is improving and less people will die due to cancer and other illnesses which = no money for these companies so they come up with another solution.
hrt/surgery is basically an infinite piggy bank, troons pop pills everyday and the surgeries are very high maintenance as well
No. 1407169
nonnie watch at 2:08 this is vanderbilt aka one of the US's biggest academic/hospital centers
No. 1407241
>>1407109You're technically correct they don't exist because they are just diagnostic criteria. Some psych major could probably explain this better than me but yeah they just serve as a guess for why you can't be normal but there is no such thing as
having bpd or aspd or abdefg, you can only be
described as being bpd or whatever.
No. 1407322
>>1407315One could say that, but I'm more partial to the theory that
>>1407127 came up with. I don't think there's any use in pathologising them because it only serves as a 'death sentence' to those who get their diagnosis.
No. 1408299
>>1407127Personality disorders are maladaptive by definition so I am inclined to disagree.
Here's a common example. Edgy sociopathic scrotes often say something along the lines of, "in times of war and famine, everyone is a sociopath". But it's not true, because what makes it a disorder in them specifically, it that they're like this all the time. Perhaps it's been hammered into them by a traumatic upbringing or whatever, but it will never come out, no matter their surroundings. That's the difference between a disorder and a simple meme, you can hope to undo the second by changing your circumstances, but you can only manage or hide the former.
Adaptivity is on a spectrum and we who have disorders are simply further on the "wrong" end of it than most people. The common trait to all disorders is a form of permanence that hinders adaptation, at a level supposedly higher than the average person.
I think the question should be "where do we put the threshold ?"
No. 1408995
>>1408848This sounds less like tinfoil and more like you hating skinny women. Childish noodle legs? Oh please. Have you ever seen a child? They have short stumpy legs until they grow out of them. Yes, the modeling industry is
toxic and hold the women in it to an unrealistic standard, but that's not tinfoil. It's common knowledge.
No. 1409817
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>>1409808Nonnie, yes. Have you noticed the recent propaganda telling of a decline in population, as we've reached our peak? They've already warned us that we will reach our population decline in the coming decades, and that it will happen rapidly. Pic related
No. 1409830
>>1409817lately i had so many mandela effects! I thought we were at 8 billion already for some years now, what the hell?
I say let it decline, i think the planet deserves some breathing room.
No. 1411763
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>>1411623ive never been to a nightclub… they look so stinky. hellish place
No. 1411843
>>1411791yep yep it's very sad that people waste their life working but somebody's gotta do it.. men prefferably kek. I work a lot too but i chose to be a commission artist at home so i can go for a walk in the woods anytime i need to and not go crazy being a cashier or dealing with annoying people in a studio, freedom is worth being very poor.
>>1411798nta but so many people had problems with their period after vaccine nonna it's instane. Got a friend who was beeling almost every day for months, another friend who got massive cysts, others just having long periods like you said.
I had an insane period only one time and that was when i got the vaccine for like a womb thingy cancer when i was teengaer, sorry esl i don't know what that's called exactly but i'm sure you guys know what i mean. So that makes me think of some connection that's in the covid vaccine to female reproductive organs, like that vaccine must have some secret function on the organs because no other vaccine does these things except a vaccine targeted to those specific organs.
No. 1411908
>>1411791I talked about finances a lot because I grew up very poor, and I'm worried about raising another kid like that. I would want them to have a cushy life, not watch their mother skip meals so they can eat. I was saying this to
>>1409870 because if they want plebs to keep having kids, why make it so difficult? The quality of life for those at the bottom feels like it's tumbling and it doesn't make much sense anymore.
No. 1412004
>>1408848I had an
abusive father who controlled me and my mother’s weight for years.. my mom was very weight conscious although she was not anorexic and would always, always restrict her meals and then expect me to eat while father was belittling me for being a normal BMI. I was severely underweight for years as a result (plus the abuse didn’t help. Yep he had Pedo tendencies and sexually abused me once)
Now I’m back to normal BMI and regularly workout at a gym. I cannot emphasize how much is positively effects my mood and health
No. 1412820
>>1411784I think about this from time to time. If anyone in a position of power was trying to "thin the herd" of a certain type of person, you'd want to kill off those who are resistant to propaganda and tend to be unpredictable and/or disobedient. You certainly wouldn't want to reduce the population of people who never question you and do whatever they're told.
Honestly I think the vaccines are just extremely shitty. Not intentionally harmful, just badly made. That's my dumb take.
No. 1413641
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I hope Nonnies give me a chance, at least read some of this
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think that I can prove that scrotes who are obessed with Sonic don't just so happen to HAVE autism, but Sonic is the link that causes autism in young male brains. I'm going to focus on sonic first-
>Point 1- Headshape Color-Sonic
Sonic's head shape isn't because he's an hedge-hog. It's because it's a shape that is perfect for young boys/men to consume. Rounded but sharp edges. Non-sensical. Long. The color Blue which,
"Blue calls to mind feelings of calmness or serenity. It is often described as peaceful, tranquil, secure, and orderly. Blue is often seen as a sign of stability and reliability."
Fatherless boys/young men, will always feel comforted by this color. The hetic design of sonic but with the soothing blue of sonic gives them two different kinds of feelings.
>2 the lack of an hat-
A lot of autistic men either LOVE headwear or hate it, however, the lack of clothing/hats besides shoes (which autistic scrotes all love) shows something. Sonic does not need to have a fancy hat or eye-wear, his headshape and huge eyes are his "gear". He's "extreme". A lot of autistic men feel like they "stand out" but also they are "naked", they want to find their staple. Sonic starts this in young men. They want to be as cool as sonic without needing as "much" to be reconizable.But in a human way.
>3- Eyes/eye color/Eye shape
Again, non-seniscal but ALSO shaped like googles/glasses/sunglasses, which a lot of scrotes can relate with. A lot of scrotes who are autistic wear glasses, OR think that glasses/googles are super cool. Sonic eyes reminds them of that. Again, with the smooth but dramatic shaping. The small pupils and green coloring again is more inviting. Almost hypnotizing.
>4- Shoes
A lot of men in general either hate shoes or love them (aka sneakerheads) but regardless the relationship between scrotes and shoes exist, more so then they try to "meme" it with women.
Sonic's shoes are big cartoonish, a lot of scrotes who are skinny (like sonic) with thin legs and big feet, kinda hate that. Sonic has big feet and you know what? he doesn't care. His shoes sloppy huge and clownlike, but they make him "fast". It's positive attention to something that SOME autistic men don't like. As well as being again, a smoother/long design.
>5- Socks
Again, sloppy big shoes with sloppy slouchy socks. Look at any autistic scrote's feet whose a fan of sonic, i bet you he has big bunchy socks.
Final Thought-
Sonic is 15 in the sonic world lore, but in real life? The character is like 31. Sonic represents that cool slouchy kid, who protects autists from bullies, who has his "look", who never grows up but always remains a mixture of "cool" and childish.
I feel like Mario, who I'm going to speak on next if people want to listen, is an adult in a crazy world. Sonic has no job, gives no fucks, he's in a REAL world, with humans, he hates pickles, he loves certain food, he collects things, he shrugs off the "typical" romance of a "pink hedgehog" and instead the abnormal and WRONG love between a human and hedgehog. Which is in comparision to Sonic Induced Autists (aka SIA's) being horribly groomed, acting and smelling but wanting someone totally out of their league. To them Sonic having an interspecie's romance, is just like them, an outcast but whose so special they deserve (vainly) the 10/10 in looks super hot girl. Plus sonic talks and his voice is known to ANNOY women (it's been proven) but it appeals to boys/men. Mario is cold and programmed.
Sonic represents unhinged misogny and "Not like other Boys" in some scrotes. Mario represents the opposite.
No. 1413661
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>>1413641Part 2- Mario- The Light out-
I really hope at least one nonnie takes the time out of her day to read this>1- GlovesYes they BOTH wear gloves
but Sonic does it for no reason. Simply because he wants to seem "cool", (which can be portrayed by the autistic male mind as "sensory reasoning" rather then pratical reasons. Mario has a job that requires gloves. He's a plumber. It serves a purpose, that the normal non- SIA non-male brain well understand. He's working with pipes, water and grime. Also notice how much thicker and sturdier his gloves are. Mario's design isn't nonsensical, every single piece of him serves a purpose.
>2- Presence of an Hat-Plumbers wear hats, to keep the sweat/hair and if they are outside (which mario is) sun out of their eyes. The design again, is very sturdy, it's realistic, even stylish if you will. It's not sloppy or made to make him stand out. No he's an man with a job, he may BE in a world of crazy shit, but he's not Crazy. THEY ARE.
Sonic is the exact opposite, his universe is filled with crazy walking talking animals BUT he feels he's the glue, he's the normalicy. He's not he's the freak.Mario knows the key to staying stable in an unstable world. Finding your place.
>3- ShoesThis really got me. Work boots, brown. Simple and to the point. They aren't fucking huge and floppy, they aren't paired with slouchy socks that would hinder him. Even if they are round in design, they are also mature. Not flashy. Notice, the scrotes who really get things done Don't care about shoe wear.
They wear what they need to wear to get the job done.
>4- Body typeSomething I noticed is they both are out of shape, however, Sonic runs?? he has long but skinny legs no muscles yet he runs (like how male autists don't have the body they need for this or that, but think magically they'll be good at these tasks).
Mario's body is MADE for plumbing, jumping and pounding. Study, fat because he eats, but thick powerful legs.
Final ThoughtsMario is 24-25 in his universe (which makes sense, he lives a hard life, so of course he looks older) He's 41 though. He embraced adult hood. He knows he's just an normal man in a CRAZY WORLD. Hr knows his place. Sonic, like a lot of young/old autistic men does not.
Mario embraces what i going on, and how it all works. Sonic rejects it. Mario may simp for princes but works his ass off to even breath the same air as them. He also tries to build long standing relationships with them.He's their friend as well, not just their savior.
The one person who like sonic and is basically the female autist version of him, sonic rejects. Doesn't even try to get to know her. yuck, girls.
It's not because he's "younger" or a "hedge-hog" he's entitled. he thinks he deserves MORE despite not doing shit to get it, or working.
Mario puts in work.
I feel that sonic keeps youyng men in a weird place of adult childhood. Where mario is a working man who is given NOTHING for free.
His whole life is full of monsters and non-sense, but he doesn't run his mouth, he tries to fix it. In a MATURE way.
Male autists especially Sonic Induced Autistic males cannot understand that lifestyle. They can be the age of mario but have the mentality of sonic.
Also notice a lot of male autists are very patriotic. It's not an concidence hat Sonic and Mario are THE SAME COLOR AS THE FUCKING FLAG.
Yet one is an man who wants to fix the world and live while being proud of where he is and from. The other runs through it, ignoring his place but dons those colors anyway.
No. 1413760
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>>1413661What are your thoughts on Luigi?
No. 1413772
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>>1413760Luigi is the perfect in between of sonic and mario for some men to project on. The perfect example of an incel. While Tails is the perfect example of a soon to be troon or a gay male or a male who needs to grow the fuck up.
Notice it's the same thing-
>Imperfect, less cool, softer side kickfor both characters.
>Tails represents the beginning and "false" rejection of malehoodHe's childish but also very talented at what he does, autisticly so, however, he thinks he can "reject" growing up. And "become" like sonic. He wants to reject
toxic masculinity but at the same time being like sonic embraces that.
Tales serves a purpose, but depending on where a scrote decides to "take" his obsession of the character, it ends up with trooning out or being a talented gay scrote/and/or just a scrote who doesn't want to be like a Sonic Induced Autists.
>Luigi- The silent but scary/possibly violent incel full of rage but too scared to act on it.Again, notice how he's the side kick, people feel bad for him, he's more "Long" in shape, his features whole similar to mario are just slightly off. You can tell he could be a productive part of society but he rejects it.
I genuinely think theres some kind of brainwashing that goes into the creation of these characters and the males who become obsessed.
There's a different kind of emotion that scrotes feel when they become obsessed with male characters, not in a "sexual" way.
A lot of these characters represent the awakening in scrotes behavior.
The "Side kick" obession in some ways is more dangerous than the "hero" for scrotes to latch onto.
They are meant to be slightly off or different. Their talents are only shown when the hero is lacking.
There's not much brotherly love between Luigi and Mario, which perfectly shows the relationship that Incels have with "chads". Luigi has no personality besides being scared, which is how incels are. No personality, scared or rejection but also expect certain things.
With sonic and tales, sonic treats tails like a failed male, even though sonic just has the gift of gab and speed, Tales COULD be better then sonic and he is smarter and more capable.
Sonic is holding him back.
Just like how troons falsly think they could be better women or are better women because they "Work harder" at their "fakery". Instead of realizing their place, they decide to "go where they aren't wanted".
Not to mention tales also being a rejection of seeing yourself as an adult male, while having the intelligence of one but not the emotional intellegence. Basically a man baby.
Luigi is being a man but not beinhg special and not being able to take it.
Why would anyone choose Mario over Luigi? Oh yeah, because they are incels.
No. 1413777
>>1413772and before nonnies say, "they are childern games, Tales is a child" etc. etc. Thats the perfect time to "Plant" personality traits into vulnerable males. Sonic Induced Autistim is a real thing.When I first saw it I thought "what came first the chicken or the egg"
But no. Maybe Sonic is the seed thats planted in the garden but also attracts other natural autists.
It has to be a male thing because the character doesn't appeal to women at all. While mario does.
No. 1413795
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>>1413788yes, and also this
No. 1413802
>>1413796also keep in mind, I'm only into real men, not cartoon/2d ones. I respect the love (in women only and only when men like a character not COD/SIA etc.) I tend not to question nonnies who are into husbando's.
I just haven't unlocked the mental to it. Which i don't think I need too, it may be designed based. Like I said "longer" designs, not "pedastol designed" like Sonic (think a big circle on two sticks), seem to be more popular to my eyes.
But maybe not scrotes.
No. 1414341
>>1408262You can tell hes in scrambles trying to find out WTH is going on, anyone in his position would be a scared, nervous wreck. I respect him so much, and i hope he lives without being drugged up to make him more docile, confused and easy to control.
Respect to him.
No. 1414531
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Day by day I see men who look like picrel became far common, when will it end
No. 1416211
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>doxes people in their freetime
>posts political bait all
>posts nightclub just b4 it gets attacked by a shooter
im convinced that libs of tiktok is an agent, regardless of how bad the people they post are. all they do is post bait all they and the timing for this one is so suspicious.
No. 1416219
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>>1416211>tweet and shooting within hoursand the shooter was on the fbi's radar for a bomb threat
No. 1416226
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>>1416219samefagging again but the shooter is the son of a sitting representative. you cannot make this up.
No. 1416229
>>1416211Yeah… this is pretty indefensible. I don't see any mention of Club Q specifically, but Jesus Christ it's still a horrible look. GC people really need to disassociate themselves from LOTT if they haven't already. The sort of people who wholeheartedly agree with LOTT don't just hate trannies and drag queens– they hate
all gay people.
>>1416228Nice bait, scrote.
No. 1416433
>>1413641Kek I 100% believe your theory ,
nonnie. My Nigel is a high functioning autist (he was diagnosed at 32 months, so no SIP I guess) and he absolutely hates socks and likes Sonic. Sonic is honestly a very whatever character, I find his tone of blue color very upsetting for some reason, the opposite of calming.
But not autistic moids. For some reason, including Nigel, all of the autistic moids I met liked Sonic. I always thought it was because of the fast paced rhythm of games or I dunno the sounds of when he catches the rings but your theory makes lots of sense. I wonder how much of them have SIP and how much of them are natural autists kek
No. 1416468
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Example story: A woman working on disney channel said how a year before finding nemo was released, she was given the job to promote it. They were airing "fishy facts" in breaks to make fish seem cool/cute to kids and prepare their interest for the movie.
How do you think modern media tries to influence us with all the popularity algorirhms? Is it all just "consoom more"?
No. 1416484
>>1416468Fishy facts weren't some sulibminal messaging but straight up Finding Nemo teasers introducing the characters and explaining what species they are; so it's not a good example of guerilla marketing, since it was as straightforward as can be.
I'd say it's mostly consoom more with brands trying to cynically ride specific trends, like for example promoting low quality "vegan leather" products since people try to be more enviromentally aware nowadays; knowing said products will require being replaced more often than actual leather / higher quality substitute.
No. 1416517
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>>1416502Larger image of the bag with the document
No. 1416522
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>>1416517Seems like it's not Ashcroft vs FSC as suggested on
>>1416502 but US v. Williams, both cases are cp related though No. 1416694
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>>1413641>>1413661>>1413772Nonnie I love your analysis, already saved all of these, I hope there will be more in the future.
>>1413796>>1413802As for Luigi, I think it's not just the longer 'taller' design (although thin tall men are usually popular husbandos, more popular than 'chad' characters like Mario, for example
Loki being more popular among women than Thor. Just an example, I don't like Marvel lol I would argue (despite not being a Luigifag myself) that the fact that he is a loser is actually the appealing aspect of his character. Take a look at the whump phenomenom. Women in fandom spaces absolutely
love pathetic, fragile men and they're usually very self aware about it. I think it might be that
>a) 'weak' may often men seem less threatening/intimdating>b) husbando fags tend to be nerdy girls and women who might relate to not being the center of attention/being an underdog or even might resent 'chad' characters because they're too normie.I had a third point as well but lost it along the way, but yeah, it's an interesting topic. Once again,
loved reading your posts anon, thanks for the good work!
Picrel a Luigi fanart which encapsulates the whumpification of his character I think.
No. 1416870
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>>1416379>NTA. What did they think would happen when they openly started to sexualise children?>implying this isn't a false flag>night club shooting>repub related shooter>twitter acc seen as the causeno GC should disassociate from the scrote and scrote adjacent sides of the internet like libs of tiktok. rn people can complain about GC but there are no attacks linked to us unlike incels for example.
>>1416228>she's still basedshe gave me pick me vibes when she posted about this funeral
the woman posted is probably a pick me enby in herself but i'm over people who can't cope with not everyone liking their parents
No. 1417001
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I realized why the song at the end of "Sonic Adventure" Tails run always made me so uneasy and fucking depressed. It wasn't because my favorite part of the game was over. Or me being a sentimental idiot.
This song is literally about Tales struggles with suicidal thoughts, it's literally him writing a suicide letter nobody else will read because he never goes through with it. This is the "good" ending, where he rejects all of disillusions and realizes, I can't be what I am not.
Here are the lyrics-
>When all alone in my chair, I just go about wishin'
Tales literally thinking about suicide in his chair under the noose
>>I wanna be strong, I really wanna be trusted
>>When all alone in my bed, I just go about yearnin'
>>I wanna be cool, I also wanna be like him
this isn't just about sonic, but the "failed male" thing i spoke on eariler, day dreaming to be something else you CLEARLY ARE NOT. Wanting to be as disillusioned as Sonic . But you can't. You can yearn, you can dream, but only few can simply reject themselves from their "place" and you have to be painfully stupid and disillusioned with visions of Granduer (sonic). Tales wants so badly to be that but he can't.
>But that's not somethin' I can do so easily
This is not simply my way, my style
Gotta get a hold of my life
Literally him having a break-down trying to talk himself out of harming himself, telling himself he literally can not be the fucking waste of space that sonic is. It also ties in perfectly to what I was talking about a few days ago, when I discussed Tales and the "Side Kick Effect".
>>I wanna fly high
>>So I can reach the highest of all the heavens
>>Somebody will be
>>Waiting for me so I have gotta fly higher
Him wanting to give in
>>Gotta keep goin'
But backing out at the last mintue
>>Everything is a brand new challenge for me
>>I will believe in myself
>>This is the only start for me
>>When all alone in my sleep
>>I just go about dreamin'
>>I see myself there, having the same adventure
>>If I just follow you, I will not see the light
>>Now's the time to find my way through this life
>>I'm tryin' so hard to be strong
This literally makes me want to cry. I've felt this way before and knowing what Tales represents (The false rejection of manhood/Man childism/Knowing you are capable but being "forced" by life to play second fiddle), it really makes me feel like the whole character is just a mixture of someone's cry for help. Like a long panic attack made into a character.
I wanna fly high
>>So I can reach the highest of all the heavens
>>Somebody will be
>>Waiting for me so I have gotta fly higher
>>Gotta keep going
He thinks death will help him be appericated, he knows he's the most capable, better then sonic, smarter then sonic, but it's almost like the world is literally telling him that he needs to "become" him because it's not his place. Either be sonic, or be tales a "Failed male' or "failed sonic" if you well. Better in every way but still not born blue and misogynistic. In a way, it also perfectly shows how some TIMS are, they feel they are a "tales" but really have a false sense of reality. Their place is to be a male, rather it's a shitty existence or not, trying to be someone else, will end up just like how Tales is right now.
This song is deeper then the campaign.
The more I look into Sonic and SIA (Sonic Induced Autism in males) and these childish characters from games, I realized, it's not just a simple feel good story, it's not just simply, "Character building', theres more to this and I think Autism and depression cannot exist without sonic and sonic cannot exist without it. There's more to this then we'll ever know. There's a reason why autism is attracted to sonic and sonic breeds it.
No. 1417034
>>1416379That isn't all gay people though. Or even most gay people. Drag is niche to begin with, and most LGB (and even T) people disagree with drag kids. Saying that LGB people deserve to die for shitty things trannies/drag queens do is like saying all Americans deserve to die because of alt-right Trumpfags, or that everyone who follows LOTT should be punished for the shooting.
An entire group should not be punished for the actions of a handful of people who happen to be part of it. Gay people are not a fucking hivemind who all woke up and decided to get kids into drag one day.
No. 1417197
File: 1669081767827.jpg (61.23 KB, 634x384, 63881043-11452871-Pfizer_is_ch…)

>it's about saving lives
No. 1417757
>>1416870NTA but kys and fuck off, I'll be "scrote adjacent" all i want before associating with hypocrital wrenches like you. LoT literally did nothing wrong in that caption. Any bitch who does that in a parent funeral is probably a mentally ill liberal cunt who is in favor of woke misogyny and child abuse and you are retard if you don't see it. If she hated her dad so much it's weird she just came to announce he was a trump supporter lmao, obvious political agenda.
Y'all are constantly proving left-adjacent radfems are fucking cancer and as bad as the scrotes and troons you dumb fucks bitch about. I don't even care about being called a conservative, scrote-adjancent or whatever buzzword you dimwits come up with as long as I don't associate with your kind anymore, who have been complicit in shit like the vaccines crap that altered the cycles of millions of women and now we have the statistics on how many deaths and miscarriages they've caused. Y'all are evil, bitter pro-system wrenches who feel threatened by other women who don't think like you, just like tradthots. You just happen to vote democrat instead of republican.
No. 1418597
>>1417757did not read the rest of your post but
>NTA but kys and fuck off, I'll be "scrote adjacent" all i want before associating with hypocrital wrenches like you. based af