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No. 1571083
General conspiracy thread. Discussions surrounding government coverups, entertainment industry secrets, predictions, political intrigues etc, are all welcome here.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/1028419 #7
>>>/ot/1478839 No. 1571754
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How accurate is this?
No. 1571885
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>>1571083Pharmaceutical industry tinfoil: doctors pretend that they don't know how SSRIs work to hide the truth about GABA. People are aware the serotonin reuptake explanation is bullshit, but so far seem unaware that "hard to quit" SSRIs like sertraline cause elevated GABA, which then drops off a cliff when the dose is reduced or stopped. GABA inhibits the body's nerve signals, reducing their strength, which has the effect of calming emotions (reducing anxiety), numbing sensations (causing sexual dysfunction in SSRI users), and making it more difficult for a seizure to begin. A seizure is like a chain reaction of nerves firing in the brain when they shouldn't. "Brain zaps", which are barely acknowledged by the medical industry but well known by SSRI withdrawal
victims, are actually mini seizures caused by an acute absence of GABA in the brain. The electrical signals are massively strengthened since your body is used to fighting through a haze of artificially boosted GABA, so a small area of the brain "lighting up" can quickly snowball into a thunderstorm in the brain. This can cause actual seizures/unconsciousness (which doctors totally deny) as well as dysregulated and excessive emotional responses, hypersexuality, hyperawareness, and over-intense bodily sensations (warnings for these are actually on the medication leaflet). It's unknown whether this causes permanent damage to the brain, but these withdrawal symptoms can last months or even years after the SSRI is totally withdrawn - your brain physically recovers from quitting nicotine, heroin or alcohol much quicker than this. Which is great news for doctors, since they can happily tell you that since you quit SSRIs WEEKS ago now, this must be your original "illness" returning! You're so mentally ill, so sensitive! Better fry your brain even more with a different SSRI so it's even harder to overcome withdrawal next time!
Tldr: the medical industry is creating lifelong SSRI customers by training their brains to require ever-increasing amounts of GABA to function, with totally unknown long-term effects.
This said, please don't quit your SSRI cold turkey nona, this is the absolute worst way to do it since your GABA level crashes. People die from this, although we're told it's suicide. You need to slowly reduce the dose, even when you're at incredibly low doses, going from like 25mg to 20, then 15 a week later etc. No. 1571890
>>1571889Don't actually do this, since it can give you a seizure via OD
as I discovered accidentally which was terrifying, but if you chew up or suck on a Zoloft (sertraline) it numbs the inside of your mouth for hours, since the way it works is to stop nerve signals. You don't need to be a scientist to observe this, but nope, we have nO iDEa hOw tHeY WOrK kek
No. 1571906
>>1571895Same here anon, in the 2000s and 2010s it seemed like every other 13yo was starting Prozac and none of us were warned about withdrawal, in the UK at least. When I was that age I assumed all medications were like ibuprofen, they work for a few hours & then go away, and not one doctor told me different. They framed any side effects or withdrawal symptoms as worsening mental health, which was your fault for not taking the pills.
I believe this is linked to the trans cult: whether on purpose or not, doctors created a generation of people whose brains have been chemically stripped of resilience and the ability to self regulate. People who have been trained to rely on external sources of nervous regulation are wide open to addiction, whether that's to testosterone, opiates, surgeries, ssris etc. You just have to convince them it was all their idea. Lifelong pharma paypigs.
No. 1571955
>>1571885I've had zoloft withdrawal when I forgot my meds on a trip and it is a nightmare. Brain zaps, shivering, dizzy, blurry vision, constant feelings of dread, muscle aches, etc. The meds I was on before that should never have been given to me gave me brain zaps constantly, especially as I fell asleep. Horrible feeling. I got zaps that would make my left arm numb, when I told the people who gave me the meds they didn't care, really. I would get brain zaps and flinch if there was any sudden noise, no matter how loud,
and if there was a sudden lack of noise, like if things suddenly went quiet. How the fuck? Anyway I like zoloft, it works well for me, I know the thread will likely tell me I don't need it but everyone in my family's on anti-depressants, including my dad and uncle. I think my aunt is, too. Also it did kill my libido, but my libido has since returned. Also if I miss a day or two, I don't get severe withdrawal, but after three days no meds it gets nightmarish.
>>1571908Why do his thumbnails look so creepy, with crying children ?
No. 1571960
>>1571920This is interesting nona, I'd like to know what neurological condition you have if you don't mind sharing? Asking because I was wondering about a potential link with hormonal birth control & migraines with aura. Youre only allowed the progesterone only pill if you have a history of migraine with aura due to "risk of blood clots" - this might be true, since hormonal BC is known to raise your risk of dying of all sorts of things including heart attack and stroke - but it's also known the progesterone only pill causes depression and anxiety. I know many women
myself included who suffered from migraine with aura at onset of puberty but who were also slapped with a depression/anxiety label soon after and pressured on to progesterone BC + SSRI by 13. Needless to say, this absolutely ruined these girls' mental health, within a few years they seemed to either escape the NHS and recover, or been hospitalised multiple times, ruined their education and set themselves up for a life of medicalisation
and troondom in some cases. It's so creepy looking back, what did they think was wrong with us? Why did they think 11yos needed BC?
No. 1572109
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The sudden and drastic change in the narrative surrounding Ukraine among western liberals was truly eye-opening for me, It revealed how easily people can be swayed
No. 1572688
>>1572631Anon there're few different hypotheses and they have nothing to do with slavery if that's what you're alluding to. Do you think people would call themselves slaves? Slav, славянин (slavyanin), Slověninъ is a self-designation. Look up words слово/slovo and слава/slava (although there're other possible origins). What do you think names like Vladislav and the like mean? Vlad the slave? Slave named Vlad? Slovenia is a country of slaves? I feel like someone with broad views on history would have broader understanding of etymology.
>russia making fun of nonwhites in the countryOh yeah, blatant bigotry that actually affects someone's lives is just making fun, no biggie, and bunch of white people making silly cartoons about other group of white people is a disgusting case of
racism that is seriously concerning.
Although you know, as a white Slav living in a Slavic country, it's actually tough, that slavery in medieval times, oh man, feels like it was just yesterday. No. 1573788
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>>1573768The overarching theory I've seen is because of the finite resources to sustain large, dense populations, particularly in non-poor countries where the most money can be made. A lot of it is connected, for example oil, gasoline, helium, fertilizer, all can be sourced together, and if it reaches a certain point there is no replenishment that will happen fast enough. What does a world run on oil look like when it is prohibitively expensive? What does a world that relies heavily on feeding itself through harvested fertilizer look like when crop growth slows and food prices run high? What does trade look like, what does casual spending look like, that sort of thing.
This link is heavy tinfoil but it and the hashtags on it explain one of the theories, to answer your question, as to why there may be a reason to dispatch part of the population. also, i couldn't find a tweet or link that fit this aspect but, if you, as a pharmaceutical company, cripple someone with medical products, you now create a customer for life. many countries already have that built into their system, poor diets low activity and obesity, hospitals and physicians promoting medical intervention when it is not needed, hospitals feeding diabetics garbage food, hospitals not having any fresh fruit or vegetables or whole grains on their menus, and so on. the phrases "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" and "let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food" have a lot more validity than is taken from them.
No. 1573811
>>1573788Thanks for your reply, I guess I overlooked the obvious kek
>>What does a world that relies heavily on feeding itself through harvested fertilizer look like when crop growth slows and food prices run high?Well, it looks like this world, I'm a britbong and it's already so bad here that our fat-because-theyre-poor fat people are getting skinny. I have additional tinfoil about vax + food that ig is less tinfoily than I thought… anecdotally, it seems like long post-covid vaccination syndrome (info about this here causes hypersensitivity to common allergens, and in a lot of cases this is nickel. Nickel is abundant in many highly allergic foods, like soy, nuts, legumes including pea protein, oats and shellfish. Nickel allergy is only recognised as a skin contact allergy by the
corrupt NHS, but since covid there's so many people with obvious symptoms of SNAS, the more extreme version of nickel allergy that's
triggered by food and inhaled nickel, that happens to have identical symptoms to LPCVS. "Coincidentally", due to wheat and sunflower oil prices and shortages, almost all food in the UK now contains soy flour and/or soy lecithin. I can no longer eat soy and despite not being poor, I have only found ONE brand of bread that doesn't contain soy, apart from a McDonald's burger bun weirdly enough. Even one bite of food containing soy will fuck up someone with SNAS (and/or LPCVS…?) for weeks, but in the UK if you go to the doctor about it, they treat it like a medical mystery. SNAS is well known and can be treated in EU, USA and India, but if you have it in the UK, no you don't & nobody will help you.
So to summarise, they injected everyone with a vax that they knew caused an autoimmune disease, and at the same time, filled all the cheapest food in the UK with the main
trigger for that disease. That made no sense to me before but I mean, yeah, if someone's too sick to even leave the house and the alternative is starving, I guess that would lower their carbon footprint wouldn't it…
No. 1573870
Friend lives in a relatively poor part of her city that doesn't have back yards but they do have small squares of front lawn – they are not allowed to grow vegetables or fruits in front lawns – this is key here, because only the poor part of the city has no back yards. I've been telling her my tinfoil about local grocers in cahoots with the municipality to make ordinances against poors growing their own food, keep them from sustainability and you keep them in the aisles longer. Poor people take longer to shop since they need to find the cheapest deals, but because they take longer in stores they end up buying more things than they went into one for, and are more likely to join memberships to save where they can and end up handing over their info for the store to sell.
Probably not correct but my brain makes leaps when I'm in the shower.
>>1573833Everyone looked at me like I was nuts when I said the vaccine gave me a little dizzy high - good to be vindicated ig lol.
No. 1574230
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>>1573833>>1573870The injections were at the very least full of metal shavings and other sorts of poisons. At worst, biological matter.
Get your blood vessels checked for growing "blood clots". Have them surgically removed.
Then take ivermectin every day for a month.
I recommend you pray to God. Best of luck.
>>1573834Reddit and YouTube comments are already mostly bots.
Don't talk with "AI". It's demonic.
No. 1574261
>>1574230listen good nona you're going to have to give us a little a bit more context for what the actual fuck is in that dead scrote's artery please
>>blood clotslike actual deadly blood clots? or do you mean big red areas of swollen skin that don't go away, something like that?
No. 1574264
>>1574261samefag, meant to add this link polyethylene glycol is a substance present in the Vax which is usually an allergy
trigger for people with nickel allergies. When medical staff were allowed exemptions from taking it, it was often because they had a PEG or nickel allergy. So they knew about that at least
No. 1574278
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No. 1574399
>>1573833that's interesting, thank you. I sure hope I'm okay. I have a coworker that is a massive antivax believes in elites wanting a new world order type guy and everyone was looking at him funny when covid vaccines popped off and he told everyone "You'll die in 3 years if you take it." and now look at us. I had my own theories but thought he was taking it too far but he seems more level headed and reasonable when I quizzed him on some thoughts and theories I had. He still has his moments but he's atleast willing to hear other sides. That's insane how 1 vaccine has so many fucking side effects. I don't remember getting any rash or high feeling or anything, my arm was just really sore for a few days. I'm hoping the nurse was based and fucked up the injection or gave me saline instead secretly.
Might as well dump my own little theory. I don't fully believe it yet but it's interesting to think about. I'm not religious btw and consider myself agnostic. If reincarnation is real, then not everyone gets a soul. Some people are just shallow husks. Like the rate of the population growing is too much and too fast that not enough souls are available for every body born. I started thinking about this and talked about it with other people because sometimes I'll talk to someone and they refuse to engage in any critical thinking or deep thought which I know sounds a little pretentious. Like all they do is consume whatever is "right" to think and never second guess it. A friend tried to talk to one of her friends about conspiracy theories and other "serious" topics for fun and she completely shut down the conversation and wanted to talk about xyz popular thing in the media right now. Like there's a clear line between enjoying and preferring popular media and having no deep thoughts ever. Never anything more than the bare minimum of existence or mental enrichment. And I'm not saying everyone needs that hustler attitude and thirst for knowledge I mean like just nothing, just NPC-like behavior. Difficult to talk with because there's nothing behind the eyes. I feel like most males fall under this because most men are boring to talk to and are like carbon copies of eachother with rarely anything unique to offer.
No. 1574654
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>>1574399sage for blogpost but my experience with vax syndrome made me feel like you do. Don't agree with the souls thing exactly (I'm religious) but there does seem to be 2 types of people, one open to questioning & having new experiences and one that isnt open and seems empty. For example me & my mother both got vaxxed at the same time & she got so sick that she almost lost an eye. She will not believe it could be due to the jab, she blames all sorts of bullshit doctor-provided explanations (diabetes! No wait, necrotising fascitis! Mold! lupus!) except the obvious one because she cannot challenge authority. Moids on TV told her to get the jab, so it must be good. She doesn't seem able to accept that strangers can lie to her, she ONLY doubts her own children, seems unnatural even if she's just a stupid person.
But also since getting the vaccine and also catching COVID twice (kek) I've felt like maybe I was becoming more like the "no soul" people, my consciousness feels different and I've found myself avoiding things I used to enjoy because they're now too intense or difficult to consume, eg any new music, foreign language films, new programming languages, can't follow long documentaries, even strong tasting cheese gives me a headache ffs. I also fall for jumpscares every time now & can't watch shitty horror movies anymore cos they're actually scary now. Thinking hurts sometimes which sucks cos my job requires thinking. Writing is dumbed down since I struggle to remember words I used to use regularly. If this is what it's like to be an "NPC", then I feel like I can understand more why they act how they do. But why are they born this way? Are they happy? Why would the nwo or whatever want more dumb NPCs when smarter people have more money to spend on a wider range of stuff?
No. 1574676
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>>1574654MRI 2 weeks after COVID vaccination. The paper says the vax caused this, but it's ok because it's the woman's fault for having had cancer in the past. Same for the other woman with
literal holes in her brain they mention in case 2 No. 1574699
>>1574684What site is that? I found this which is only relevant to the USA:;jsessionid=E7305E1190954702F9FA49B512CF (that links to a list of all the recorded side effects of the Pfizer jab in the US but you can narrow the search a lot).
The site says the Pfizer jab apparently caused over 3000 "abortions". Abortion suggests it was the women's choice though, when it obviously wasn't in this case. And ofc they must have been told it was their own fault somehow. So unimaginably awful, I want to cry for them
No. 1574752
>>1574727Not technically autistic (unless asd counts nowadays) but I'd guess it's unlikely that it's the same sensory problems you've always had if it feels new, right? Trust your own experience
nonnie, you're the only expert on your own life & people who want to undermine that are usually trying to use you.
>> It's like my curiosity just fucking diedyeah you hit the nail on the head. The penny dropped for me when I was struggling to watch Everything Everywhere All At Once. 3 years ago that would've been pure enjoyment for me, but I found myself struggling with every aspect of it, even asking people what was going on and who was who like I was a grandma, and it pissed me off. That's the difference, before I loved the feeling of not knowing or understanding because that == learning and my assburgers ass loved learning. Now I get frustrated so easily when my brain hits a small difficulty, or even just has to read a lot of text. I haven't finished the book I was reading when I was vaxxed in July '21, never picked up a new one, read about 15 books the year before. Idk about you but I feel like my personality must have changed, since I never would've got this far in my career if I'd always been like this.
No. 1574917
>>1574652I'm so excited another person has thought about this too. Thank you for responding yay
Yeah I feel strongly about it too because there are so many people that just feel like total bots it weirds me out.
>>1574656Personally I feel like you can't mix human and animal souls because to me animals are the definition of purity. The only time something matches an animal's purity is children or babies, but they end up corrupted later in life. If a person hurts you it's with intention, but an animal will never consciously and purposefully hurt you. They only act out of instinct to survive. That's why I think something as sinful as a human soul cannot mix with an animal which is inherently pure. This is only me projecting my abused past with cats being my only friends tho
>>1574654Her eye??? Your mother is weird
For the "dumbed down" thing I can see it because public schools are going to hell in the same way. A quarter of the population where I live is illiterate. Dumb people = more worker slaves that can't truly comprehend how awful the situation is = just fight between themselves instead of corporate america. That's why I don't fall for any bullshit tranny/race bait in the media like drag shows, blm, etc. I don't ignore racism itself or anything like that, but if the media is pushing it I refuse to take the bait it's all just a distraction. Someone in another thread mentioned this identity war happening right after occupy wallstreet because rich people actually got spooked at a potential uprising and this was the perfect distraction. Plus you make the medical industry big bucks since you're a customer for life due to any health issues by the vaccines and more.
And if you're too stupid to understand the awful things going on you're just a compliant drone who accepts big gov spoonfeeding you since they "know whats best" because you don't even know anything.
No. 1577179
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Thoughts? I remember having this unexplained fear/anger every time someone tried to film me or take a photo of me even when I was 5 years old. I would hide under the table or run away etc. When parents couldn't force me to take photos anymore I stopped having my photos taken completely when I was like 12. The only photo I have is for my ID and it was still extremely stressful for me to do it. I still have this reaction to this day, and I "ruin" every fun time with people because I don't want to take photos with them. I can't explain it, I just instinctively hate it. It's not about my looks because I have no problem with looking at myself in the mirror. Idk.
No. 1577182
>>1577179I hate computer simulation theory. It’s just so obvious that we are flesh, how can that be simulated?
Anyway, so drawn paintings are ok? Cause there are no photons or something?
Also what about surveillance cameras?
No. 1577188
>>1574917Sorry for off topic rant but I can't understand associating nature, especially animals, with "purity". Of course they don't work out of malice, but they're not pure either. Any conscious organism that has to kill another conscious organism in order to live is not pure imo. It's super low, carnal state. Animals also have rape and chimps wage literal wars between each other for
years. It's never ending blood shed. Only an evil entity could design and program this.
No. 1577301
>>1574752Thanks, nona. With so many people saying the vaxx is the best thing since sliced bread and that the government would never hurt us, it's easy to gaslight yourself into thinking it's something else. I was thinking about this again last night. I was playing a game I hadn't played before, an open world game, which is normally my favourite type to play and explore. It just felt… different. I can't explain it properly, but my curious nature just wasn't there and I kept thinking "I may as well be doomscrolling instead". It's freaking me out because God knows I'm
trying to get back to how I was. I'm thinking about trying a dopamine detox, modern life certainly doesn't help as we're bombarded by so much stuff. Maybe reducing the amount of stimuli I subject myself to will help. Funny you mention your career, my co-workers recently told me I'm less argumentative, which struck me as odd. Normally I just say my opinions on something without even thinking about it and subsequently end up in heated debates. Idk if I've become more docile, or I'm simply depressed as my mood took a nosedive after the second vaxx.
>>1577179I was also really scared of cameras as a kid. Even now I don't like having my picture taken, despite being very happy with my appearance. My younger sisters were also scared of the camera. Come to think of it, quite a few children are. Makes me wonder if there's this gut instinct we have that we get talked out of as we grow older. It's a common stereotype that people who take an excessive amount of selfies are vacuous and vapid people. Of course they normally are to start with but, idk, still makes me tinfoil.
No. 1577894
>>1577378solar flare anon?
anyways, it's none of this. it's radiation and ferromagnetic technology. magnetogenetics.
No. 1578044
>>1577378Ayrt, I used to agree with that idea but then I got fit, now I cycle or run long distances multiple times a week and do yoga, and my vaxx related illness is worse if anything. Imo exercise helps with boredom-induced or obesity-induced mental illness but some sickness is actually real and not psychosomatic, and good vibes won't fix it. I mean the Dalai Lama is chill af but he's still going to die of a physical illness one day. One time I was begging a doctor to help me and I said "I meditate and do yoga every day, I promise you I'm NOT stressed, but my skin keeps falling off" and she laughed and said "if yoga and meditation could cure diseases then we wouldn't need an NHS". I'd just been conditioned to expect to be told I made myself sick with my bad vibes cos that's what they do.
>>1577894Magnets? Tell us more nona
No. 1578066
>>1571083Thoughts on the Drowned God game? Someone posted about it in a double tinfoil thread made when this one was already existing.
>>>/ot/1576823I think I heard of it before but not in detail and now reading that post made me curious.
No. 1578073
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>>1578066The game sounds interesting but Harry Horse isn't that mysterious imo. He's more well known nowadays as a children's book illustrator than a political cartoonist, and although his cartoons were kind of gross and schizo (picrel) his kids stuff is cute and still kind of popular today. His book art gives off the vibe of a heavily tranquilized schizo moid, maybe he just stopped taking his meds before making Drowned God and chimped out shortly after once his schizo hit a peak? It's not unusual that he was a freemason since you have to be one to get involved in news, journalism, publishing etc in the UK.
also freemasons are pedos which probably explains the children's books, wife he didn't love & child murder No. 1578215

Reposing just in case and also posting gameplay
>a video game created by Harry Horse, published in 1996>the creator also worked as a political cartoonist for MSM publications and was said to have connections to freemasonry>he wanted to make a sequel to the first game >he committed suicide by stabbing himself 47 times and mutiliating his genitalis, also killed his wife, his dog and his cat >the game focuses on discovering the truth about humanity and gods. Red Mercury is the grail that allows for interdimensional travel and communication with various entities that attempt to portray themselves as God. Space is not up there, it is down here. Breakaway Germans exist. Time travel exists. Parasites are Demons. Anunnaki are the gene coders, but under "GOD"We also met some historical figures, we have a debate on quantum mechanics between Newton and Einstein and spacetime manipulation through Stonehenge, egyptian gods in Eden, New World Order mentioned etc. I noticed gnostics are kinds interested in this game now, you know the god of this world being evil and sending fake gods and demons to deceive humanity. Now it doesn't seem like anything new but the game was made in '96. I wish we could have access to some late 90s and early 00s internet forums and people's discussions. Imagine cramming ALL that stuff into one game.
I don't think I have to say that his supposed suicide sounds at least fishy
>>1578073I'm totally not denying the possibility his death was just a schizo moid chimping out. I just think we can't know for sure.
Another curious thing is that Chat gpt behaves strange when you ask it about Horse case, like it's a flagged topic, so it gives you a warning about violating some policies, but maybe it's programmed to react this way to every case of violent extended suicide, idk kek
No. 1578280
>>1577179If we’re in a simulation but everything is real to us and we can’t really get out or change it, then it’s the same as being real and just a thought exercise. It’s the same as pondering the origin of life and the universe, we’ll never actually know.
Also about the souls and losing interest after the jab, i really think part of it has to be mental. I just want to say there’s hope because even if we don’t know what will happen to us on the long term, and health and taking care of our bodies is a battle forever, we can’t actually lose ourselves and our enjoyment of life just like that. It’s very easy to lose interest and attention in things nowadays, especially if you’re online a lot. There’s so many bad news and doom-like information, especially here. It really helps to disconnect and rediscover your passions. I stopped playing video games and feel much better now, I go out and explore nature instead, and I find new ways to live life. I still come here (obviously), but I do it less and less. You wont always like the same games and same movies and sometimes it’s just time to find something new instead of resigning and thinking that you’ve lost your soul. It’s just a part of you you have to keep alive.
No. 1578700
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>>1578044either the technocrats are using this tech to practice merging human bodies with technology, or they're using it to learn how to read and control thought, or most likely both. but im pretty sure the shots had something to do with this.
ever notice how much food is "fortified with iron"? is it even bioavailable iron?
fill everyone's bodies with metals and nanotech then turn up the frequencies using the towers you installed everywhere. seems like a sketchy combination.
they want to cut you off from divinity and then become god. sorry, it will always be an exercise in futility. you will never be able to upload consciousness to machines. all of this pain and suffering and death is for literally nothing.
No. 1578963
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>>1578700This freaks me out, I noticed something related just yesterday. Backstory: I became very badly allergic to nickel (a magnetic metal) a week after getting my vaxx, but between getting jabbed & getting sick, I was hiking in a national park where there was no phone signal. Within 2 hours of getting phone signal on the way home, I developed all the symptoms I still have 2 years later. I lost most of my hearing, so now I use hearing aids, and I don't know if you know but hearing aids pick up electromagnetic interference from loops of electrified wire (this is how a T-loop works) eg security scanners when you leave a shop, various hospital monitoring devices etc. So if I'm wearing them and walk by an old people's home, I'll get a strange buzzing in my ears from their t-loops, pacemakers etc in the building until I move away. This is relevant because yesterday I was walking & heard that "EM" sound, and in the distance I could see a new 5G tower had been installed. I wanted to see if it was the source of the noise, and ofc it was, standing underneath it the noise was very loud and also my allergy symptoms were popping off. Moved away from the tower, used my inhaler, and then decided to see what would happen if I removed my hearing aids & went back to the tower. This time it was all the same, but
the buzzing sound was in my brain. "Hearing" a sound from within my brain was one of the most horrifying things I've ever experienced. On the way home I tried it again with a security scanner in a shop, the effect was much weaker but I could still hear this noise without hearing aids. I know the noise was in my brain since I can't hear the high pitched frequency with my actual ears, that's why I need aids.
I want to experiment with this more but I'm still recovering from yesterday's flare-up atm. But it scared me because I didn't think that was possible, EM loops getting picked up somehow by my actual brain?? Funnily there was graffiti on the new 5g tower threatening to burn it down, maybe there's more people out there who get this effect?
No. 1579034
>>1578700Slightly tangential, but I recently came off my iron supplements due to side effects and the minor psychotic episode I was having lessened and then abruptly stopped. I never connected the dots before, but now you've got me tinfoiling about this kinda stuff. Damn.
>>1578963Nona, I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you have more info about pacemakers and hearing aids? Specifically, has your hearing aid reacted to being close to someone with a pacemaker, and what happened? I have a pacemaker myself, and my youngest sister has hearing aids; but she's only a toddler, so I can't really talk to her about it. I worry a lot about these devices fucking with each other because I'm a schizo. Google says nothing to worry about, but of course it would.
No. 1579140
>>1579034Ayrt, i don't mean to worry you & you should speak to whoever maintains your pacemaker/your sisters audiologist about it, but there's documented cases of control interference between pacemakers and hearing aids (as well as just the aids interpreting the pacemaker signal). This ONLY applies to hearing aids with a remote control device (RCD), eg on-aid buttons that can control your phone's volume, or a separate RCD box you can use as a mic. If your sister has BAHA or an implant I think it should be fine, the issue is Bluetooth connectivity. if a person does have an RCD and that device is close to a pacemaker, sending a signal via the RCD like lowering the volume can work as a signal that tells the pacemaker not to pace.
Spoiler for additional autism:
This was discovered by studying pacemaker patients who also use aids with RCD, they'd be adjusting the aids via the RCD & start going pale because their pacemaker was being signalled. Bear in mind that the RCD is usually worn on the chest or ears, so this would usually only happen if you were like hugging the deaf person or sat next to them on a long flight, but ofc if it's your baby sister this would be a bigger concern. A study I read where they tested this in lab conditions found that a distance of 18inches or more from the RCD was safe for the pacemaker, but any closer caused interruptions in the pacemaker's own signal firing. This study stressed that this interfered with the pacemaker's telemetry rather than its actual function, but this could also prevent the pacemaker switching itself on again, so still not great is it… No. 1579777
>>1574917>animals are the definition of purity.Animals are just biological robots that cannot deviate from their instincts, be they bred into them or evolutionary gained. What you describe as "purity" is just the absence of choice, reason, and free will. This is why I hate pet owners and especially dog people. Your dog "loves" you because it has no other choice, and if it had another owner it would "love" that other person in the same way, because it doesn't actually love anything. It's just instinct. To ascribe something like "purity" or feelings to an animal is EXACTLY the same as ascribing them to chatbots and computer apps in general.
>>1574752>>1574727>>1574654You just got older. As you age you lose interest in things you once enjoyed because you stop believing in value of fiction and see new things in general as just unnecessary or a tedious thing to learn than has no purpose. It's natural.
No. 1581112
>>1578981sorry for that anon, there's a HELL of a lot more i could say but i get so paranoid, probably unreasonably but i do. yes, optogenetics is part of it…light activated nanotech. activated by LED and what do we have replacing every old street and store light? LED…
have any of you seen the weird purple street lights yet?
No. 1581122
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>>1578981samefag, picrel.
as for why no one addresses it within an anti antivax argument? "belief" in nanobots is classic HURRDURR YOU CONSPIRATARD bait even though nanotech literally exists and technocrats talk about it ALL THE TIME. just goes to show these morons dont even know the bare minimum of their own convictions.
also, more malevolently, if this topic was brought up in any way even to refute it it would Streissand Effect and then normal people would start looking into it and connecting the dots kinda how they did when You Will Own Nothing And Be Happy became a meme and got more normies aware of the plans of WEF.
No. 1581278
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>>1579777This is such a retarded 14 year old chuuni/""NPC"" take, kek. You don't fully realize this yet, but the same would apply to you if society as a whole was low IQ enough to subscribe to this.
No. 1581306
>>1579777very dramatic and tells me you barely interact with animals. computers and chatbots don't feel pain or anything. like
>>1580308 said to reduce them to mindless robots is insulting. I'm not a dog person fyi if that helps you, I don't really like dogs much because I don't like how you can't quietly interact with them vs cats. They are really smart and have a choice to a degree, like crows are known to solve complex puzzles and such, but still rely heavily on instinct and don't abide by human rules in society. agree with
>>1581034 as well I think there's something wrong with you if you can't have empathy or respect for any type of animal
No. 1582193
Am this
nonnie >>1574399 and would like your thoughts
I shared this theory with my coworker who is into this stuff and he said he feels strongly about that too and started telling me about this experience he had while he was on a 30 day juice fast while getting regular checkups by a doctor ? Hes really big into diet and health stuff so it's not a shocker he does things like this. Like every year he tries to go to this meditation temple where you just meditate in a room for a week or longer. Idk anyways
He was telling me during the juice fast he went to see a game with friends and while walking out with them everything went in slow motion. He said he stopped and started looking around and saw that about 75% of people, the vast majority, had black holes where their eyes are like what'd you see on a "scream" movie mask. The others had black holes for eyes but much smaller or normal sized, while very very few had light coming out of their eyes. He snapped back into reality after his friend called for him but I found this so freaky and wanted to get your guys opinions or similar experiences. We tied it into the lack of souls or possibly the corruption of the person themselves. It was all just a fun convo, I know juicing for 30 days is extreme though and I don't know what side effects that would bring but the situation he described seems way out of pocket for juicing. Like I'd expect him to get dizzy or faint maybe, or some mood changes but not some creepy shit like that.
No. 1582330
>>1581122Ayrt, kek yes
nonnie I moved to a nicer area and now one of these bad boys shines through my window every night. There's like 10 of them just on my street.
>>1581291Alopecia areata (bald patches anywhere on the body, which sometimes mimics natural balding) have an autoimmune cause, see earlier in the thread for various sources of vaxx or pollution inflicted autoimmune illnesses. Also malnutrition causes it in some people, especially young kids - got freaked out when I noticed mcDonalds is full of 5 year old kids with the hair of a 2yo, trying in vain to suck nutrients out of a chicken nugget. Vitiligo also seems more common, another autoimmune disease. Autoimmune illness is often
triggered around 27-30yo by exposure to stress
the COVID jab or pollution, but if you have a dad with vitiligo and a mom with alopecia, you might not get either symptom & show some other random autoimmune disease instead. So it's hard to gather evidence about patterns in autoimmune disease emergence, but even so, non tinfoil "authorities" acknowledge that autoimmune disease is massively spiking and they don't know why (unless they're just blaming the sufferers themselves).
No. 1582332
>>1582193>>1581112sage for samefaggery, I have tinfoil about this though since I've gone down a terrifying magnetogenetics rabbit hole in the last few days: so current magnetogenetic techniques are advanced enough that an operator can control another person's emotions/religious belief/arousal using a man-made virus jab + magnets (obvs this is simplified kek), they've proved this is experiments on soldiers & DARPA published the results. They could also give the soldier vertigo, make him sleep and wake him up. If you consume only juice for 30 days, your brain will be fucked, and it's probably operating at the level of someone who's extremely sleep deprived - sleep deprivation, starving etc have been proved to increase suggestibility. Hallucinations are more common than people realise, eg if you get SSRI withdrawal, starve for 2 days or get a fever, you might see shadow people or points of light. You actually might be seeing these hallucinations all the time, but now you're seeing them since your brain is too tired to edit them out of your experience. What if your friend's fast enabled him to see the hallucinations that his local 5g tower/vaxx arm/aliens/whatever give him all the time? Imagine if your brain was actually seeing everyone you meet as a soulless husk, but editing it so they look normal (the brain edits perception before you perceive it literally all the time), so actually when you see these hallucinations, you're seeing the real input your brains getting? But imo this input is fake, people don't really have scary missing eyes. So what effect would that fake, scary input create in your subconscious? Maybe a belief that people around you are actually subhuman…? There's a profit in making people believe that, potentially.
No. 1582352
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No. 1582360
>>1582193I've been on a bit of a spiritual and religious trip this past couple years and if there's one thing I believe for sure; it's that people absolutely are corrupting their souls. I'm not entirely sure how, but there's more and more husks of people out there. I know as humans we're egocentric and prone to thinking we're more complex than others, but there's so many people out there who are stuck in a rut and actually
happy with it. Everything about their life is fixed in position, their opinions will not budge, and they're not open to discussion. They also lack empathy in a big way and any supposed show of it is performative. Kinda like how people started putting Ukranian flags in their online profiles after the war broke out. I'm autistic and often worry I might be too cold or potentially soulless myself, but then I talk to one of these people and realise I'm much different. I'm a schizo so I could be wrong, idk. Just my two cents.
No. 1582672
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>>1582352>tuskegee experimentWhoever made this screenshot should add in how modern gynecology exists the way it is because of exploitation and experiments performed specifically on black women under the notion that they "did not feel pain". is also why all TRAs who insist black women "are automatically excluded from womanhood" to defend their white tranny daddies need to kill themselves.
No. 1582675
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>>1572109Zelenskyy being promoted everywhere was the first sign. He's doing fine as a president, but the media was gushing over him and it also seemed like there was an online psyop trying to convince everyone that he was super attractive.
No. 1582683
>>1582675I mean, hell, literal US politicians with a heavy hand is foreign policy for decades have stated Ukraine is the final blow against Russia.
It's all a sad and devastating proxy war.
No. 1582708
interesting video: have only had awful experiences with gynecologists and have only ever seen obgyns that are women (bc why tf would i see a male one). they are sadists. some nonnies may say i'm overreacting but i am extremely sensitive about anyone rifling around my vagina and many things make me extremely nauseous to think about so i have always refused pap smears. some doctors say the annual pap smear is overkill and not even necessary, and may not even be that reliable in the first place. there are women who have recieved false negatives and still developed cervical cancer, can you imagine being in that position, i'd be pissed. maybe i am being crazy but i refuse to see one ever again because the last one tried to bribe me with a xanax (literally said "if i were to give you xanax…") and told me to get an std test after i told her i've been living with and dating the same guy for 3 years at the time. so i lied and said i would then just went to my car instead of the lab testing area after the appt. so many doctors do not care and just want your insurance money. so little is still known about women's health and even though i don't have issues like endo myself i know women who have been laughed at when they tell a gyno they think they have it. i also am curious about the conspiracies surrounding birth control even though i've taken it daily for years (it's great to not have a period anymore) and haven't had any side effects myself. i hope i continue to not have any issues so i never feel like i ever have to see one again. glad i can order bc online. i am never letting these sadists shove a speculum up me to get a look at my fucking cervix so they can roughly rub a dry ass q tip on it, i'm feeling sick just typing this out. let alone they end up with a result where they want to fucking biopsy it. leave my goddamned shit alone, you're not getting my fucking insurance money by torturing me, "a little pressure" and "some discomfort" my fucking ass. when i worked at a pharmacy i would see health history on some pts demographics and would often see "patient TOLERATED pap smear well". like wtf is that wording? my mom also had a horrible experience getting a breast exam, said it hurt so bad and on top of that the male doctor walked into the room while she was laying there shirtless and he immediately asked "do i know you?" like what the hell? she also had to get a breast biopsied and said it hurts to lift up her arms now because of the scar it left. so fuck that i am happily opting out of any sadistic doctor hurting me.
anyone else have bad experiences that made them mistrust gynos?
No. 1582727
>>1582722i guess i kinda understand but doctors know women have a greater possibly of being health conscious and they like that because they can make money getting us to go through procedures we don't need. responding to your post
>>1582711 again, idk might be worth a try but assuming the suicide attempt is on your medical record they may not want to do that. i just think it's unethical for doctors to bribe patients into unnecessary testing with a drug they know to be addicting for a lot of people.
No. 1582751
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>>1582722nta, but it makes me wanna kill myself every time I get a gyno who can't conceptualize that a woman might just not fucking be comfortable at the gyno
For me, it's because a gynecological nurse locked me in an exam room and violently raped me while utilizing the most terrifying speculum I've still ever seen in my life when I was 17, but you know, maybe they could just be nice to us because it's good to be nice to the patients
No. 1582758
>>1582755I swear to god they call me after every single pap smear saying
something is wrong with it and it must be re-done
Also the rapist nurse was a female; she used her hand, hurt pretty bad
No. 1582763
>>1582755Yes, because it was spearheaded by sadistic moids with no empathy, targeting the most vulnerable women possible from the jump.
Nearly every culture has some sort of traditional "medicine woman" class in its history, but all of that was just done away with (and in some cases, branded "witchcraft"). In the modern day, we get the legacy of the scrote who abused female slaves, ranks of them believe certain groups of women don't feel pain to this day, most female-related diseases are a big fucking question mark that it seems like no one wants to investigate, the "husband stitch" in the west, female circumcision outside the west, etc etc. Why the fuck is that?
No. 1582764
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>>1582758oh and samefagging to add, at my latest well woman exam, they told me they couldn't find my IUD and took me off of the pill because they refused to believe I was taking lisinopril for my kidneys, she insisted that it can
only be used to treat high blood pressure, which is why she refused to continue my pill, and I'm telling her I'm a type one diabetic you stupid asshole, I was spilling fucking protein in my urine, this problem was solved by an actual team of doctors when I was a child and she's just like nope, you know nothing, I know everything, come back in a month so I can go fishing for your IUD
No. 1582772
>>1582770Oh wow, okay, something similar to that happened to me too; not that bad, but I'm still all weird over it and no one fucking cares even in therapy
I thought I had broken my tailbone in 8th grade, and instead of giving me an X-ray, a doctor fucking felt me up and fingered my asshole with zero fucking warning
and 12 year old me was supposed to just go home and be cool
Didn't get an answer as to why I was in so much pain, but I did get my first asshole finger-blast, so that's fucking great.
No. 1582776
>>1582770that's so fucking stupid, poop doesn't have fucking bones or muscles in it. bitch has never had severe constipation where you end up needing to shit extremely dry shit, which burns like hell. why do they always tell us it won't hurt, then when we say it hurts, they say we're lying or overreacting?
>>1582758>>1582764extremely fucked up, i'm sorry that happened to you. i don't know why these sick people enjoy making sure people feel that they have no autonomy.
>>1582772what the hell? that's just wrong. when i was around the same age i also thought i broke or fractured my tailbone but turns out i was extremely constipated. they found out by simply feeling my abdomen and getting an x-ray. they had to have been aware how unnecessary doing that to you was, sickening.
No. 1582785
>>1582708I've luckily never had to go to the gyno but in my mind there's absolutely no fucking reason why they still use such invasive painful methods to test for deseases beside misoginy. It's 2023 and many women have to endure IUD insertion without sedation or anesthesia and have to get heavily fingered by a doctor for regular tests, that's insane. Also male gynos shouldn't exits, like what the fuck would they know?
>>1582772>>1582770It's weird how this is so common? This shit happened to me too. I was at the doctor for some stomach issues but I had made it clear that I pooped regularly and had no pain in my lower abdomen, but for some reason the doctor for fixated on that, told me to lay down on the bed thing and started shoving fingers up my ass with almost no warning to get my poop out. I felt so humiliated, it was painful too and completely unnecessary, I genuinely thought the guy just wanted to shove fingers in my ass. And then he just told me that there was nothing wrong and I could leave??
No. 1582909
>>1581274durrrrrr i dont know anon, maybe try googling the several keywords ive dropped in my posts like
>>1582332 has? OPTOGENETICS. jesus fucking christ.
>>1582330i got blackout curtains because of this and it really helps.
No. 1583143
>>1583138i live in the US and im
>>1582708, same gyno told me to get the hpv vax and i was 22 at the time. i thought it was dumb because i've been in a monogamous relationship for years and it was obvious she just wanted my insurance money (literally told me to call my ins to ask if they would cover it and to get it if they do). i was like wtf i work bitch i'm not wasting time making an appt for a shot i don't need lmao
No. 1583174
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About 15 years ago there was a thread on an onion imageboard and buried in the comments was someone was talking about how fungal infections are likely the cause to a lot of illnesses, mental health and such specifically. many years later this study came out and said the same thing poor diet and unhealthy lifestyles that most people have can contribute to weakened immune systems which makes susceptible to fungal infections, which can explain why everyone is a complete mental nightmare and why everyone thinks they're a tranny now. of course, medical or psych professionals do not think to treat for that, they just peddle drugs to get your money and keep you dumb, sedated, and suicidal. I think this is even more topical because of the candida auris infections that are popping up around the globe at present. C. auris is drug resistant and there are already professionals hollering about how it will be the "next pandemic"
No. 1583183
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>>1583174 much money can be made off of treating fungal infections. It's typically not s reoccurring treatment as well. But "treat" a health condition with, say, an anti-psychotic, and you now have a customer for life. For the people with untreated fungal infections in poor countries, well, they don't care because they weren't going to be able to make money off of you to begin with.
No. 1583217
Sorry if my info was wrong, but imo the extremely-lessened risk of cancer is not enough for me to choose a smear when condom use is enough to prevent HPV. Not to derail but some BC, and most makeup and fragrances are carcinogenic and we're encouraged to use them daily - if I choose not to use these products to avoid cancer, and also skip smears, does it break even? btw when does the mandatory sti testing scheme for men start? These uninvasive tests
involving merely a spikey q tip shoved down the pp are bound to have a 100% uptake by men 18+ across the land
Anyway they're rolling out home testing in the UK so best of both worlds soon ig>>1583195 No. 1583280
>>1583183This is interesting. Last of Us seemed silly when the fungus scientist at the beginning
found out it was a fungal infection & immediately knew it was the end of the world and went to be with her family but I guess it was kind of a proportionate reaction? Atm there's a trend in the cold parts of EU of landlords/government denying and covering up "mold deaths", they only recently admitted that having a house full of black mold will harm or even kill people when a little boy died of mold exposure. His poor mother had to campaign to get the council to even admit they'd okayed the Hill House levels of mold in their council home, then campaign
again to prove it was dangerous…
No. 1583369
>>1583286>>cancer bombhard agree, the double standards with women v men regarding cancer are insane. Imagine emotionally manipulative TV ads showing a grieving mum & kids, oh if only our dear Nigel had worn a shirt in the summer, but instead he selfishly spent 6 months with no sunscreen on his humongous shiny gunt and now he's dead! Just because he wanted a tan! Who will care for the children now? Or the same but with drinking beer every day (bowel cancer), or sitting around on the couch for years while his wife does housework (heart disease). I swear the only anti cancer ads I've seen where men are the
victim are ball or prostate related ones, because I guess it gives you ED and that's a moid concern. I mean it's almost sexist against men how much they ignore how sick men get, in favour of focusing on scaring women about dying from comparatively rare illnesses imo.
No. 1583390
>>1583371This is true, and not even just male doctors, doctors in general. Women have to fight to be heard and sometimes it never happens. You get told to get mammograms every year of other year after a certain age, or to go get finger raped every year, but bring up any thing wrong and you're hysterical it's not that bad, oh you're fine that's normal, oh you don't have this certain symptom so I'm not testing for that, oh silly female.
If you look at any video in any language talking about the disparity in which women are receiving healthcare, it is full of stories about how they, too, were not listened to, or how they were only listened to if a male told the symptoms and said she's unwell, or they weren't listened to until it was too late. The fact that females cannot get equal or quality healthcare across the board seems like some giant conspiracy in itself.
No. 1583595
>>1583409Oh, the people who go the hardest for Graeco-Roman "queer" shit absolutely know what they're doing. Same with the fans of Oscar Wilde and his ilk with "the love that dare not speak its name". Both these things have been tumblr-ised into cutesy lil "we were always here" type statements, and I do believe some people are genuinely just a bit dim and take these things at face value without doing any research. Then there's the "you're just calling them nonces because they're gay" shit, this usually comes from troons and libfems who think they're doing the right thing by "fighting homophobia" or playing it off as "but the culture was so much different then!". These people are culpable to a degree, but I think the main issue is that they haven't peaked on liberal feminism being a huge scam that literally has us defending 2000 y/o nonces. LGBT culture also has this problem. They'll screech about Catholic priests who preach homophobia and then go and rape their altar boys in one sentence. Then defend ancient Romans and Greeks raping their underage slaves in the next sentence. Absolute madness. Slight tangent, but I'm a lesbian and started sneaking into gay bars when I was 15, back in 2006. The fact that not only were us kids welcomed by punters and staff alike, but we were also openly flirted with proves to me that the whole damn culture is rotten. I didn't see it at the time, I was told that I was "mature" and "wise beyond my years". I thought I was so damn cool for sleeping with older women. It took me decades to unpack just how fucked up it all was. Of course, I'm not condemning all SSA people. But there are huge problems in the wider community, and it's evident in how damn easy it is to present Graeco-Roman rapist moids as these forward-thinking, progressive people that evil historians tried to erase.
No. 1583763
>>1581122All this time I thought it was just my imagination and it were the tinted vehicle’s’ windows making that blue/purple effect while riding with company
I don’t drive due to a disability. It kinda looked cool in a cyberpunk way ngl
No. 1583804
File: 1684711092377.jpg (630.36 KB, 3000x2000, 05ab5d5fa23ad4a17bfb05f7742557…)>In 2017, Epstein contacted Gates about the Russian bridge player, years after the relationship had ended, according to people familiar with the matter. He sent an email to Gates asking to be reimbursed for the costs of Antonova’s coding school, the people said.>The sum was immaterial for the two men and the tone of the message was that Epstein knew about the affair and could expose it, the people said.>The spokeswoman for Gates said he didn’t make a payment. “Mr. Gates had no financial dealings with Epstein,” she said.>Days before he died in 2019, Epstein changed his will and named Nikolic as a backup executor. Nikolic said Epstein didn’t discuss the idea with him beforehand, and that he subsequently declined to serve. >“He couldn’t have listed Bill because that would have been too obvious, so he chose me,” he said. “I have come to believe it was likely a retaliatory move against Bill more clear now about their relationship
i wonder when we will see more discussion about how he was/is a federal agent and not dead afterall . what does ol bill know that we dont
No. 1583813
>>1583802>libfems are coomers' patsysHit the nail on the head, nona. I know it's been covered before ad nauseam, but it really pisses me off how everything shilled as "empowering" is beneficial to scrotes: dressing in titillating clothing, cosmetic surgery, having casual sex, open relationships/polyamory, going on BC and fucking up your hormones so Nigel can hit it raw, degrading sex acts like choking and slapping, posting borderline softcore porn on social media, posting ACTUAL porn on social media, "sex work", etc etc etc. Then in the past few years I've started seeing "dad bod" this and "short king" that, it's rise of the fucking uggos. I hate seeing my straight friends fall for this shit, but trying to broach these subjects in a critical manner, or even with genuine concern is liable to start a full-blown argument. Scrotes have done an excellent job of painting anyone critical of these things as a prude, "Karen", misogynist (lol), tradwife, conservative, bitter dyke, terven feminazi and sometimes: actual fucking Nazis. I could almost laugh at the absurdity of it all, if it wasn't so depressing to have three younger sisters growing up in this absolute hellscape for women.
No. 1583817
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Does anyone has a source on that and what that might be? Scary cryptid shit
No. 1583982
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>>1583595Reminds me of George Takei and RuPaul just casually talking about being raped and not understanding how fucked up it was.
No. 1584078
>>1583793Yep, exactly. Might sound extreme but I stopped trying to access healthcare completely back in October, for my mental health. I figured if I got a huge wound or fever that won't stop, then I'll go to the hospital & see if I survive (inner city NHS aka basically jail), otherwise I'll care for any medical issues at home using common sense/old wives tale knowledge etc. So a week ago I woke up with a UTI that I could feel was affecting my kidneys, no fever. Had 2 choices: wait 22+ hours on the floor in a&e with a load of drunk moids and no access to food or water, to
maybe be given antibiotics at the end if I'm lucky, otherwise sent home and told it's period pain. Option b: use Boots (like Sally's) online drugs service, then drink loads of clean water & cranberry juice in my calm, safe home while waiting the 5 days it would take to get my medicine. I've been up all night with the pain
& blood piss for a couple of days, but now I'm getting better & may not even need the antibiotics. I genuinely believe I was safer this way, and I didn't feel like a farm animal or like I was being forced to put myself in danger. My way has even cost less if you factor in travel, although still cost about £40 all in.
Also NO I'm not going to attempt to "follow this up" with a doctor because even showing them the illness you
currently have is impossible. If my kidneys are damaged now, they're damaged, like those of 1 in 10 of all my women ancestors, some of whom still lived happy lives. I'll also die one day. Shrug.
>>1583862Nonnie I wish I could hug you, so many good, kind women like you feel this way and it's awful. I suspect the knowledge we were tricked by society is why so many women are turning to Catholicism/Islam, although imo Catholicism moreso since it glorifies protecting yourself from all men vs being protected by a man. Both have huge flaws but are apparently preferable to zoomers than the libfem lifestyle, I support any rejection of that.
No. 1584121
>>1584092Unfortunately, many women are also unable to recognize the trauma they have experienced. For example, my aunt became pregnant at the age of 14 and didn't fully comprehend how damaging it was. She genuinely believed it was her own choice. I think this is a common coping mechanism for
victims to try to come to terms with their abuse by convincing themselves that it was their choice. The communities(gay, libfem, kink) they surrounded themselves also reinforce this belief.
No. 1584155
>>1582708Honestly, my sister has had endometriosis probably since she was 12, has been to a gynecologist yearly, and somehow they never knew she had it? What's the point, then? My sisters tell me I have to go, but I'm not going I am terrified at the idea. If zero gynecologists could find my sister's endometriosis and it took a decade later of experiencing random abdominal pain that got her taken to the hospital, doctor shopping, and multiple camera scopes going inside her ass and bellybutton to find endometriosis growing all inside her then what's the point? My sister is like, you have to check if you're okay in there what if you have cancer like mom? Well, they didn't find my sister's endometriosis and I don't know if my mom went to the gyno but if she did, they didn't find her cancer, either. Women's health used to be a broader, more well-known subject in like the middle ages (or so I've read?) but by the time of the Renaissance, women weren't allowed to learn about our own anatomy and that job went to males. Fuck the gyno, even hearing about what a 'normal checkup' is like just makes me want to cry. Sounds terrifying.
No. 1584172
>>1584155afaik they're checking the parts are in the right places, with no foreign bodies up there, because if they find these things you may be infertile - they check dairy cows the same way
well actually they go in through the rectum to avoid damaging the goods and as regularly, because without the ability to reproduce, they're worthless. They don't care if they cow has stuff like endometriosis or heavy periods because that won't prevent a birth, so they don't check for it. The state views women as being for breeding, that's all.
No. 1584178
>>1584163I thought that too KEK
men are such faggots
No. 1584221
>>1584155>>1584172if you have deep infiltrating endometriosis it can actually kill you, so if this runs in your family, please go to a gyn. Find a dr who specializes in it. I only remember one exam where I had a rectal examination (it was quick). They did do transvaginal ultrasound, but a woman did it and explained to me what would happen. I did not find this painful. None of it was comfortable but the swab part (the worst) was done quickly each time.
They don't tell you this, but you can get serious intestinal problems from deep endometriosis. A piece of my intestine telescoped into another piece, causing an obstruction. I didn't go to the hospital for days because I thought I was just ill with some GI thing (I was vomiting bile and had on/off cramps). When I went, I had emergency surgery that day and they had to resect my intestine because parts had become necrotic.
I'm sorry to put this in tinfoil thread and actually I agree with you both more or less, but please if endo runs in your family, get checked out. The best treatment is excision surgery (not cauterization).
No. 1584225
>>1571885>hypersexualityHoly shit so that’s why I was masturbating like 8 times a day the first week of my antidepressant withdrawal. This makes so much sense.
Psychiatry is still such an experimental field. Psychiatrists will put their adolescent patients on antidepressants without being fully aware of all of the potential side effects themselves. You’d think if a patient complains of horrible issues that arise after they are on a given medication that the psychiatrist’s response would be to take them off it and try something else, but that’s usually not what they do. Instead they will often just prescribe MORE drugs in an attempt to mask the negative side effects. But of course, more drugs = more side effects.
I was prescribed effexor as a child in the hospital and I just recently came completely off of it, close to 10 years later. It feels like I missed out on a decade of my life.
No. 1584227
>>1584204Let the woman free her cunt from the Matrix if she wants to.
I don't understand people who come to the tinfoil thread to give totally mainstream takes everyone hears all the time
No. 1584228
>>1584221ayrt, thanks for the info, sorry to hear you've gone through all that. Blog but I've been getting tested for mysterious ab pain for years at this point, no dr ever suggested endo
or mentioned that it exists at all but I've had a TV ultrasound to look at my ovaries so hopefully that would've caught the endo if I had it.
No. 1584230
>>1584226Tbh I didn’t think of that at all when writing that comment, thank you for providing me with that perspective nona. I live in the US and have a decent amount of money so I was able to do some consultation appointments with a couple female gynecologists where they didn’t touch me, we just talked so I could get a feel for if I felt safe around them. After that I just picked my favorite one.
I understand that comes from a place of privilege, I know that with the NHS in the UK and other socialized healthcare systems you can’t be picky, and depending on the practice you go to they can still use some barbaric and antiquated methods of examination. My mom was traumatized by a horrible gynecologist as a young adult. She theorizes that the doctor did an unnecessary treatment and hurt her on purpose because of some perceived slight.
I just wish all women could get sufficient gynecological that doesn’t traumatize them. It should be a human right imo. But I understand that it’s not reality. I’m sorry to all the nonas that have been hurt by gynos.
No. 1584236
>>1584230ayrt, not to be mean but that first bit made me chuckle since in the UK, just that first meeting with a private gyno would cost around £300 with no insurance, so you wouldn't go just for a chat haha. if you did have insurance + no preexisting conditions, you'd need to pay £50ish to your NHS GP to review your record to prove no abdomen-related preexisting, this takes about 6 weeks regardless of what they find. Then you send those docs to your insurer, wait more, and then get a heavily discounted but still not free appointment with a gyno of their choice maybe 1 or 2 months later. That's my experience with dermatology anyway, I'd assume gyno would be worse since it's more popular. All private drs in the UK have to do NHS work too, so waiting times are still fairly bad, but often 10 times quicker than NHS waits.
No. 1584246
>>1584237>vax critical discussionmost of "vax critical" discussion I see is legit tinfoil and anything constructive gets swept by waves of people posting garbage like
>>1574271 and
>>1574676 No. 1584248
>>1584246oh yeah and
>>1574230 telling people to take ivermectin and pray to god kek some of you are legit retard and this thread is the containment
No. 1584251
While trying not to fall for govt psyops you nonas have fallen for the religious one instead. The whole body/soul(or mind, for atheists) duality is the same thing that trannies believe. If you see yourself as parts instead of a whole being you’re easier to control, be marketed to and you’re more succeptible to harmful ideas. Your physical, mental and emotional state are all interconnected and all yours, you can’t have one without the others. There is no mind or soul without your body, they can’t be extracted or taken. They’re all a part of you. The reason other people may appear dull or mindless is often because they have compartmentalised themselves in order to survive and can’t connect with others freely. And the way to save yourselves from that is to nurture yourself fully, to take care of your needs and to be aware of yourself as a whole, your wants and needs, your strengths and weaknesses.
Just be aware and be strong. Connect with people more and you’ll see it’s not so bleak. It’s much easier to accept whatever horrible things the rich and powerful inflict on us if you believe you’ve lost your soul or people around you are mindless. Don’t let them make you believe you are nothing, that people around you are nothing, please.
No. 1584263
>>1584251kek yes nona but the bible agrees with you
"Don't you know that
you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? … The temple of God is holy, which temple you are” (1 Corinthians 3:16–17)
No. 1584284
>>1584274the actual screen can't have cameras in it since it's too thin, and I'm guessing you've already covered your front cam. do you mean someone can see what's on your screen? If so, yes that's very possible, either replace your laptop & don't do the "transfer your shit to your new device" process, or reformat it (backing up your saves beforehand obvs). You can also set up something called a pihole, it lets you see every request to and from your machine including failed access attempts, and you can can record the IP & block them.
If you mean an actual camera is looking at you, then your stalker has access to your property, in which case it's more likely the camera is in the room not the computer. Get a device detector.
No. 1584296
>>1584279>zoomersI saw a group of zoomers harassing an AGP at a local festival. They were pushing him around and calling him a creep and pedo. No one did anything to stop it. It makes me wonder if zoomers are going to become less tolerant of troons over time because they are the main
victims of perverted men in dresses.
>>1584294If you mean that someone is watching the screen as you use the laptop, you can buy privacy overlays for the screen that stop anyone from being able to see what you're looking at and to see the screen they must be directly in front of it.
No. 1584328
>>1584320Same here. I wonder how people like
>>1584204 manage to read all the comments from women who have been traumatized and raped by their gyno and feel the need to post a "just find the right one uwu" comment. How can one be so tone deaf?
No. 1584355
>>1584341the problem is being
told to get it checked out, with the implication that if we don't, we'll die. If I got checked every year, and they missed cancer and I died, that wouldn't be my fault. If I choose NOT to go through the examination, and then die of cervical cancer, I still didn't choose to die. Life doesn't work like that. We don't apply that logic to male behaviour either, unless we're talking about like gang crime or something
No. 1584432
>>1584359Sorry, I already posted about the cysts but also they found tissue that was left over/ had not been expelled properly from my medical abortion. Obviously that's a lot more specific than a general check-up, but I thought it would be important to add, since that could have been extremely bad if I didn't let them do the necessary vaginal ultrasound.
>>1584351She's looking out for you asshole, in the best way she knows how. No need for that
No. 1584434
>>1584376What are you talking about? I didn't speak in hypotheticals and I didn't even mention men. I'm just saying the procedures are unnecessarily humiliating and painful (though pain is the lesser problem imo, IF it isn't done on purpose). The truth is that you can't find much by roughly fingering around, you're going to have to use more specific tools (which feel less rapey if used properly) and ultrasounds.
>>1584423>I mean, there's only so many ways you can figure out what's going on in there..Yeah, and fingering isn't a good one, sorry. Again, women are being told "either you accept to get finger raped once a year or more (and I get to cause you more pain if I don't like you very much) or you can fuck off and die of something preventable, and it's YOUR fault. Also I will do tests only after I finger you but they won't be completely accurate". It's insane, and frankly it's vile to call women immature if they don't feel like going through that. And not everyone can just "shop around" and spend tons of money to maybe find one decent person that decides to not stick their hands in your vaginas just for the hell of it.
No. 1584468
>>1571885I’ve never experienced withdrawal from SSRIs, I’ve stopped Zoloft cold turkey three times, and Prozac cold turkey twice. Am I built different, nonnas?? The only withdrawals I’ve ever experienced have been from THC and caffeine. I do get occasional brain zaps while taking my Zoloft but not really when I stop taking it?
>>1583136Wellbutrin also gave me extreme tremors all over my body but especially my hands. Also extremely extremely unbelievably dry fucking mouth.
No. 1584769
>>1584763that's why i said he
wouldn't have stayed in Japan, maybe it's like what you said that he'll move out later on(probably make for interesting conversation later on in life, talking with fellow Swede or Italian students, "not to brag but i lived in Japan for 14/whatever years")
>living in any western country these days absolutely does not ensure that your child will date someone of the same racedid you mean eastern?
>what was the hint?even in that supposed gender reveal video, Felix doesn't reveal the sex but he claims that he'll leaves hints, and one such hint (in the video) seems to be the Children's Day celebration that he records, which used to be only for male children.
The article i reference: No. 1584817
>>1584769oh yeah that's a pretty big hint then. i agree with you it's better that they're having a male anyway.
>did you mean eastern?i meant that even if he moves back to the uk or italy or whatever that doesn't ensure his child will not date someone of a different race, western countries are very diverse nowadays, though of course there's a higher chance than in japan i guess.
No. 1584820
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No. 1584834
>>1584481Agreed nona, although it's not just virgins who are refusing to be intimately examined, there's SA survivors (sometimes a female gyno wouldnt lessen the anxiety either), women who might (rightly) fear that there could be a camera in the room
remember many gynos share offices with other drs/moid staff, spycams have been found literally everywhere women undress, religious women who trust that it's God's plan if he wants to kill them with cervical cancer and being fingered won't change that, and children who have absolutely no need to be examined. I'm glad that one nonas abortion issue was caught, but surely you'd go if you'd had that procedure anyway - finding cysts on an ovary or some pussy spots that literally every woman has is not worth exposing yourself, in some women's view. I don't understand why we can at least pretend to respect a woman's choice to never show her hair, or get face tattoos, or circumcise her son, but not to decide who puts their hands inside her??? If it's sex then she can choose, if it's not enjoyable then she
can't choose, what clown world logic is this
No. 1584842
>>1584834Forgot to add there's also the hospital trip itself. Can only speak for the UK but even the fanciest "gyno office" will still just be a dark room in a busy hospital, which (unless it's a private hospital maybe) is kind of dangerous to visit. There's the risk of catching a cold or COVID, but also they're becoming violent places where moids
and women on drugs sometimes are routinely attacking patients and nurses, there's signs in every hallway saying please don't attack us. Moids drink semi-openly in the corridors and outside the front gates. There's often cops walking around with a criminal handcuffed to them, since crims will sometimes jump out of a window or cut themselves to avoid going straight to jail which is marginally worse than hospital. I've been attacked by a schizo moid while waiting in a&e after he accused me of using the men's bathroom (there was only one working toilet for a holding pen of about 200 people - I went in there to drink water out of the basin since I was that thirsty) and had to hide from him for the next 8 hours as a nearby cop ignored me asking for help. Like, sorry for blogpost but for some of the nonas here, any medical thing is like having to walk through a men's prison to even get there. It's getting bad in Bongleton
No. 1584848
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>>1584835>>1584820Its always the same story, a leader in a nation takes power, whether through democratic means or by force in nations that have never known democracy. This leader may be good or bad, but they share the desire for their nation to be independent and industrialized, without foreign overlords or banks. Then comes America, backing any opposition to this leader - regardless of whether they are a racist nationalist who thinks certain people of his nation are lesser humans and need to be "removed" or a religious fundamentalist who installs backward laws. Justification for these actions often comes in the form of labels like 'communism' or 'freedom,' but the reality is that America will oppose any leader who poses a threat to their interests, regardless of the consequences for the nation or its people.
No. 1584888
>>1584341it's okay
nonnie I appreciate your concern I think some ladies are going a bit overboard. there's a clear difference between you and bots and it's obvious you're just worried because of your trauma too. your post actually helped me some because I've been too scared to make a pap smear appointment although I need to. I have some sexual abuse history and the idea of exposing myself to a stranger that isn't my husband makes me want to cry. I'm so stressed. I'm gonna ask if my husband can be there with me if not I'm not doing it at all
No. 1584908
I'm this anon
>>1584221 and just wanted to say that if I hadn't had symptoms, I never would have gottne checked out, so I do understand and even agree with a lot of the "tinfoil" here. I didn't mean to insult anyone and I would never tell anyone to just suck it up bc gyn visits are awful. I hope more women study women's health and change the field.
rest is long, skip if you want
I would add to it that I think birth control is thrown at women without any concern for the hormones' effects on the mind and psyche. After I was diagnosed with endo and had a laparoscopic surgery to remove some (NOT the emergency thing), I was told to take Lupron. Absolutely not. I had done my research and refused to take such a
problematic drug. Now I hear it is being given to kids as a puberty blocker and I am horrified. How can a child consent to the potential severe side effects? They cannot.
So additionally, my gynaecologist (a woman) did not tell me that deep infiltrating endometriosis could really damage tissues permanently or dangerously. She didn't even use this phrase (deep infiltrating) even though it was all on my abdominal wall and peritoneum and intestines. Some was serious enough that a GI surgeon had to get called in to ensure she didn't burn too much off the cecum. So afterwards, all she talked to me about was fertility and pain management. Well I don't want kids and I really don't like pain, but I was used to it, you know? So I just enjoyed the slight respite in pain after that relatively easy (in terms of recovery) surgery and went on with my life. I mean, two weeks after the operation, I had to fly to present my work at a master's conference and I did that. Please keep in mind that my first question after waking up after surgery was "did they find anything?" because I was terrified they would say there wasn't anything & I'm dumb for agreeing to surgery. Nah, it was stage III more or less.
Fast forward a few years. My periods suck but whatever. I had some concerning symptoms but just powered through. It was the pandemic and immediate family of mine had died just prior to all that. I got the cramps and vomiting bile and after three days went to hospital. I had emergency surgery that day and was hospitalized for 2.5 weeks.
No one told me endo could do what it did. They found it in my lymph nodes in that area. If I had waited any longer, my intestine could have perforated and I could have died of sepsis. It still happens. I'm just horrified that none of my doctors told me about the risk of endo doing this to my body. It's not all about pain management and just tolerating the pain doesn't mean everything is ok.
When I look back on this experience, I see how things got worse slowly. I didn't have very painful periods my whole life, or shooting pain in strange places, or spotting. Then it became common that I couldn't even eat before and on days 1+2 of my period. I was sk nauseated, all I wanted was bread. It just kept gradually getting worse over time. If that sounds like you, then please find a female gyn or someone to talk to about it. Set boundaries if you don't want digital or instrumental penetration but state your concerns about your body and ask if something can be done. I have heard of other imaging being used but exploratory laparoscopy is basically the only way to know for sure.
fwiw I took hormones (minipill) after my emergency surgery for 8 months and stopped because I hated how they made me feel. I don't really know what to do. I cried taking the first minipill because for myself I am so against hormones (I think every woman should choose for herself though). I guess I told myself maybe I can do some months on / some months off until I get into menopause (a long way away). If any of you tinfoil friends have thoughts on what I could do, lmk. J don't want to have another emergency surgery or risk damaging my insides any more than necessary. But I also have this aversion/phobia to hormonal birth control.
No. 1584944
My tinfoil is that
>>1584908 is a gyno who is afraid of losing patients due to the uprising in women who choose not to get themselves checked.
No. 1584961
>>1584948I re-read your post and wanted to
apologise for being a cow and add, please listen to your feelings, if you feel your pills are making you "crazy" & you're forcing them down then maybe your body is trying to tell you something. "Crazy" or just unhappy? You can do whatever you want, including stuff that might not be "best" or most "sensible" according to others opinions. Idk why you need BC but if you're doing this just for a man, you don't have to. Condoms are reliable if you use them right and they don't hurt you.
No. 1585047
>>1584948hey, thanks for not calling me a gyno (I'm not). I have basically 0 sex drive and don't see it in my future to have another het relationship (but who knows I guess). Unfortunately after having emergency surgery, doctors said I had to go on a hormonal birth control to control growth of endo. But hormones don't work 100% for this, and if you have endo, you shouldn't be on estrogen, ideally (I also get migraines with aura). So you're pretty much limited to progesterone-only pills.
I was pretty freaked out after getting ~17cm of intestine cut out of me and resectioned so I followed orders. But I don't want to be on hormones at all, I feel like they are poison.
No. 1585522
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Oskar Schindler just saved the Jews because he knew the war was turning against the Nazis and he wanted to build goodwill afterwards. It wasn't like it was a far stretch to work out that the Germans were going to lose by 1944. The fact they were rushing to shut everything down and send everyone to Auschwitz must've been a sign the party was over.
I read the story of Oskar Schindler and part of me just doesn't buy the shift from sleazy, self centered businessman and spy to humanitarian, especially considering he was a literal glowie for the Nazis in the Sudentenland, and reportedly hated the Czech with a passion. The fact he was already so cozy with Amon Goeth before the events take place makes it seem like he was just generally a brown-noser that sought to suck up to authority. The Nazi authority was waning, so he did what he could to get in the goodbooks with the west.
I just think the whole thing was mixture of him being desperate to hold onto his slave labor initially, something common to most German Industrialists at the time. And then later on, once the war really turned sour, he knew he could portray himself as some great humanitarian and get off all charges and seek asylum in the west.
The fact he immediately sought compensation from the allies for an outrageous sum for his work makes me sus about his wholesome noble intentions. Plus physiognomy plays a part here and he just looks the part of the earlier grifter playboy that he was.
No. 1586674
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I think governments are trying to normalize(or at least desensitize), the general population to surrogacy. think about it, manufacturing people feels like the authoritarian government's dream for an indentured workforce. It is likely that governments all over will use it in the background to create child soldiers and child laborers.
Moreover, I also wonder how growing in a machine instead of a human mother would affect the mental development of a fetus. It could potentially have an impact on their emotional regulation, as neglect in early infancy can have lifelong consequences. Fetuses in the womb are aware to some extent of their surroundings and become familiar with their mother's presence. Therefore, growing up in a mechanical womb could be cold and devoid of warmth, which may affect a child's emotional development. it is important to consider the potential for misuse of this technology, with creeps using it to create children for their twisted needs
No. 1586758
>>1586690at the possible expense of the child? it's extremely risky to change the environment a fetus grows in, there could be important necessities that wouldn't be accounted for and it could be an extreme problem. like what
>>1586695 said.
idk. but w/e i dont want kids anyway
No. 1586795
>>1586699yep this is why they're pushing it, pun not intended. Womb-buyers will often pay multiple poor women to host their sperm, then as the pregnancies progress, buy off or cut contact with the women whose pregnancies are seemingly less successful or ones who aren't as compliant as the others. In some countries it's actually illegal for the abandoned surrogates to abort the unwanted baby - or the surrogate couldn't bear to do it, understandably - so already, there's "spare" babies out there available for… well, whatever the customer wants, I guess, since the mother was already willing to sell them in the first place. Genuinely not trying to racebait but these babies will often be white or light skin Asian (and since the egg/sperm donors were rich, likely good looking) but born in a country where these ethnicities are a minority. This would make them more valuable for activities or purposes I don't want to talk about. Best case scenario these kids grow up in their slum neighbourhood as a walking red flag that their mom only had them for money, which is awful. This is the absolute dream of Epstein level pedos. An industrious nonce could even set up a "legit" surrogacy company and simply track down all the spare babies that their customers have abandoned. It's a nightmare.
No. 1586816
Does anybody else feel like anti-life policies are being shilled? I was reading Tracy Twyman's book Genuflect and there she talked about various Ophite Gnostic cults that wanted to completely overthrow creation. I've just been finding it very strange that America which I believe is the most controlled and brainwashed place by the elite, is so obsessed with guns (I heard that Americans shoot home intruders as self defense which is kind of absurd) and the emphasis on mass and school shootings (even linking American identity with the use of guns), as well as supporting the death penalty despite almost all other democratic countries having abolished this (weirdly enough a lot of Catholics even support it and say it supports a Bible verse that talks about self defense but I'm not quite sure how the death penalty would be self defense… Considering the fact that Catholic priests were paid by the Republican party to support their policies I don't think this is a coincidence either and believe the elite are trying to drum up support for murder) Nukes are also an extreme example of complete death but I also believe that the weird shilling by moids on Reddit of nuclear energy despite the increased thyroid cancer rates is concerning (there's also a LOT of lobbying and propaganda involved)
Similarly, I think the rise in misogyny is tied to hating creation - in this book she talks about the cult of Mithras being misogynistic and the origin of creation being Mithras inseminating a literal bull instead of a woman. This would explain why transgenderism is rising, because they want to find a way of creating life without the use of women such as the infamous mouse studies that created an "artificial" womb and therefore there is a large focus on MTFs while FTMs are left being sterilized.
And in addition women are being completely separated from childbirth, to the point where we use degrading language towards women as uterus Havers etc. and using another woman as a womb often for money, completely ignoring the bond that forms between mother and child and the difficult 9 month procedure. I also think some of this ties into how some people value animals over children to the point where we say "adopt don't shop" for pets but completely disregard this for literal babies. Advertisements for selling your eggs are also popping up like crazy too with people pretending it's the same as ejaculating into a cup. And this completely separates the mother from her child where she doesn't even know who her child is and is just used by another family, with babies being used as commodities and the mother being blamed for anything genetically wrong with the child by the family. We are even being separated from our own genetic material through the selling of DNA from DNA testing services such as 23andme.. in other words we cannot create, and if we do create it's seen as a mechanic process that can be forced whenever you want it, and even our own DNA isn't safe from being used (possibly for finding new ways of creating life without the use of women?)
I also think hatred for life comes into the act of creating itself and that's why there's no romance only lust - we are seeing other women as bodies to be sold and objectified in prostitution, including brothels such as those in Germany trafficking Romanian women etc. and videographic prostitution (aka porn, I just call it a form of prostitution because the only difference between the two is a camera). Now you've got young women being encouraged into onlyfans, and sex positivity being so extreme that hookup culture is awarded while we are called prudes if we do not abide by this. There's also the issue of birth control and how sex is no longer seen as creation (I promise I'm not some religious nut when I'm talking about this) and instead only seen as a casual thing you just do. I'm still a bit unsure about how abortion ties into all of this because of how women cannot have abortions anymore, but I do think that the concern the elite have for abortion does not have to do with women's rights but rather to do with ending life especially life they see as unworthy e.g. babies with Down syndrome in Iceland etc.
From the beginning we have been forced to believe that the creator is the Father, not us, and even then he is never called a mother despite "birthing" chidlren. Virgin Mary somehow never had sex and was never impregnated, she simply bore her child. None of this is native thinking at all, we've been lied to believe creation is a prison.
No. 1586834
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>>1586816Its not complicated, Iron Age Judaism was a unique religion that deviated from the norm due to various cultural and geographic factors. Initially, Yahweh was seen as a warrior deity who supplemented El, the highest paternal god, and eventually even took attributes from El's consort Asherah, the mother creator deity. As a result, Yahweh's character in the Old Testament appears to be multifaceted, with passages describing him as both a protective and maternal figure towards Israel, as well as a destructive and warlike deity towards other nations.
No. 1586847
>>1586816This is an interesting take nona, I agree with a lot of it but as non-burgers (? I'm assuming neither of us are) I feel like we can't really understand what's going on in the American consciousness. It seems like at least two separate, competing consciousnesses, actually (or urban Vs rural, rich Vs poor etc). Your point about loving or tolerating death vs hating abortion made me think that the moids banning abortion are doing so to protect their own unborn fetuses - I don't think it's a coincidence that the politicians getting caught raping women (as opposed to men or children) tend to be right wing. Moids like Elon Musk are inspired by historical conquerors like Charlemagne and Genghis Khan who had as many offspring as they could by raping/marrying as many women as physically possible. I think most if not all anti-choice male politicians got a
victim pregnant but she aborted it and now they're trying to stop that happening again. They don't want to be a father to the extra kids, just use them to spread their genes and therefore be a bigger man. This is why they're obsessed with "replacement", they think all moids think this way. I'm religious & while I think abortion is morally wrong, forcing your horrible genes to spread far and wide against everyone's will is much worse, that's why women should always have the right to choose an abortion and men should have zero say in it.
i also think these moids would knock up their own daughters given half a chance and that's why they're so strict on cases of abortion due to incest No. 1586861
>>1584221I would if I had the same symptoms as my sister. I don't even PMS anymore. If it's deep infiltrating, would I feel it?
>>1586816It's male jealousy realizing they only destroy and never create. They don't create 'civilizations' as they love to say. A civilization cannot exist without its people, and it falls without women. Males want to be able to give birth so badly. Also, I think this is a trend that follows once women receive more rights. The more rights women have and the more equal opportunities, the more males realize women triumph over them in every facet of life except sheer physical strength. That is all males have.
No. 1586958
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>>1586795>>1586699This actually happened in some high-profile cases, A convicted Australian pedophile was basically allowed to purchase a baby from Thailand and this managed to become internetional news, which led to the Thai government creating legal measures to prevent similar incidents. Other instances include an Israeli sex offender buying a girl from India and an American gay couple who made sex films with surrogate children from Georgia. These are just a known cases, but there are likely many more cases of pedophiles in the surrogacy industry who have not been caught.
No. 1587027
>>1586816You forgot that feminism has been hopelessly astroturfed. If i read another autistic "radfems" (My other tinfoil is that a lot agressivly anti-het radfems here are faggots, too) calling heterosexual women "breeders" i'm going to lost it. It doesnt matter how much we cope about it, anti-life propaganda is inherently anti women. We can talk about how it's not inherent on a literal sense until our tongues fall but males aren't able to separate womanhood from life, and thats it. But yeah, we're in a death cult age. About the catholic part it's also pretty simple: the current Pope believes that we're at the verge of something called "The age of the Holy Spirit" and that entitles a lot of society being destroyed, to be able to enter a new stage. A very derrotist idea if you ask me, but i guess it's useful for now because Catholicism simply does not have the strength to confront TPTB.
I'm not going to go to hard on your last point because i know religion in burgerland it's fucked but the whole point of the Virgin Mary is that the creation of life it's an intersection between women and The Divine (as it, larger than life, not regular males. Regular males are mostly onlookers on the whole thing. This is something that fucking destroys the male mind, to put it lightly)
>>1586847As a non-burger my tinfoil is that burgers don't have an "American consciousness", the American people have been tirelessly psyoped for the last 70 years or so. It's crazy because it's literally a psychotic society and it's showing it's limits because you can have
victims rasing
victims for so long until it fails.
>>1586963Welp this explains the conclusions of Sabina Spielrein.
No. 1587446
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Was anyone here apart of GATE or other gifted programs as a child? I just read this whole github and my interest is piqued. No. 1587609
>>1586816>and believe the elite are trying to drum up support for murderyou know what happens in a lot of those "democratic", "civilized" countries where the death penalty has been abolished though? they release murderers after like 30years of prison tops and preach ~rehabilitation~ and then the murderers/rapists go on to make new
victims. because yes in some european countries not only death penalty isn't a thing but "imprisonment for life" means 30 years. sounds more like support for murder than the opposite, people are barely deterred from committing crimes. maybe real imprisonment for life could be a solution but i don't see how because most of these countries already struggle with over-populated prisons.
as for surrogacy/prostitution etc. it sounds more like terminal capitalism applied to the human body than "anti-life" measures because it does promote "easy" ways for people to have children despite their circumstances (single/sterile parents, gay moids etc), it's just very disconnected from motherhood and ethics yes.
No. 1588193
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The UK is involved way more covert shit then people realize.
No. 1588236
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>>1588193People rightfully call out the CIA for their involvement in other countries affairs, it's important to recognize that MI6 is often equally involved. Despite having a defense budget significantly smaller than that of the US, The UK defense budget still receives a substantial amount of funding (the second highest in Europe after Russia) As such, MI6 works to justify its existence by serving as America and NATO's covert problem solver, gathering intelligence, carrying out assassinations, and conducting raids so effective that people don't even realize what happened.
No. 1589068
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As I delve deeper into Lysenko's work, I begin to question whether his ideas were as flawed as they were made out to be. In fact, if you examine contemporary research on genetics, you will find that many of the inquiries Lysenko raised back in his time are still being explored today. It doesn't hurt to consider the perspectives of even the most prominent critics of gene science, like Lysenko. Maybe he deserves a second look
No. 1589077
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>>1589068A man with a jawline like this can't be wrong.
No. 1589079
>>1589068Last time I checked
leftypol had really heated debates about this man and his work.
My conclusion from watching such autism unfold was that he had some good ideas and did some good research that actually helped agriculture in the SU, but he also proposed some pretty crazy ideas which are most of what he's known for, and that his figure was/is used as a political/ideological tool both in favor and against. His failures did exist of course, but they're exaggerated for propaganda.
No. 1589180
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>>1586674I feel genuinely angry about this. The audacity of taking away the only mother that baby has ever known, just a couple of hours after being born and placing him on the chest of a complete stranger(which must be incredibly uncomfortable for him). It makes me feel sick to my stomach
No. 1589937
>>1587446samefag, that was, uh… do you want to summarise that for us please? They seem to be arguing that Anton LaVey reincarnated as a military man of some kind who was responsible for either bolstering or suppressing the abilities of GATE children because of the nephilim? Why do the nephilim care? I feel like a state sponsored scheme of intellect suppression is literally the opposite of what LaVey would've wanted to set up after coming back from the dead? He would've tried to make money out of it, for a start.
That said the "memory
trigger" section did
trigger GATE memories, and the expanded lists of traits and of experiences that tend to MK your personality that GATE annons have "accidentally" gone through were helpful. So this is still interesting on that topic, didn't mean to be mean nona.
No. 1590007
>>1590003Ayrt, don't get me wrong anon, I'm anti NHS myself & resented the blatant propaganda at the time. I'm sorry to hear about your mother & what you've been going through. Blogpost but their negligence is beyond belief, I've been waiting since 2018 for a diagnosis - in 2020 I was told it was just IBS (after several highly invasive tests) but then 6mo ago I was summoned back to the hospital out of the blue to be re-tested for everything. Turns out the "doctor" that dxd IBS has been struck off for saying everyone has IBS to avoid doing any work, so now they had to re-do all his cases to find out how many people they told were basically fine have died due to whatever they actually had wrong with them. The tests he made me have were for the wrong part of my body, and didn't actually rule anything out, even cancer. In the meantime I've been getting sicker and sicker but unable to access any care due to the fake IBS diagnosis. I had to take time off work to endure 2 solid weeks of scans etc, because they demanded it, but now of course I can't get a word out of them despite being told to expect my results in 10 days. I genuinely don't expect to ever be told what's wrong with me or receive treatment, but I'm fairly sure it will kill me. My therapist told me that at this point
the majority of her clients are in my situation, in other words she believes the lack of healthcare in the UK is the main cause of mental "illness" now, ie reasonable but extreme distress that's ruining lives. And
we pay for this, 1/3 of my wage goes on this bullshit
No. 1590353
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Whatever happened to this?
No. 1590358
>>1590211AYRT, idk about skin rashes but both of them had bad reactions to certain food and found that over time the selection of what they can eat without any ill effects dwindled to almost nothing. I know Crohn's sucks but I hope it's that and not bowel cancer. You can get those home tests now, though. I recently had to use one myself as I was freaking the fuck out thinking my cancer had spread due to some issues I was having, here's the link: you do it all at home, no need to send it away. Might be worth looking into with the NHS being… well, the NHS. Best of luck, nona. ♥
No. 1590608
>>1590003I have been saying this for ages. They will run the NHS into the ground, and then we wil have Health insurance to pay on a monthly basis. We don't even have to look as far as America.
I lived in the Netherlands for 20 years, I paid on average €100 a month and I used to think, UK government would love to be getting all that sweet lolly.
No. 1590680
>>1587027Ok breeder.
>anti-life propagandaLife is literally death though. You can't separate one from the other. Every person who breeds commits a postponed murder. If you can't escape the cycle of death and rebirth and you're not even interested in escaping it, idk what you're even doing itt besides spreading your trad natalist propaganda. Go to motherhood thread or something.
No. 1591078
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>>1590656I thought this was going to be bullshit at first, but then it all started to click. Jesus Christ, dude. I'm schizzin' out over here.
No. 1591831
>>1591777Sage for Christian sperg but I believe this too & think it's a good explanation for why women are morally superior to men and yet we suffer from a patriarchy. Green text cos my original post was long
>>Eve was Adam's moral guide which was why he followed her in eating the apple>>God punished Eve for her mistake by making Adam higher in the leadership hierarchy than her>>now if Eve wanted to be safe then she'd have to work hard to make Adam & all other men (her future sons) be nonviolent and kind>> women care for, raise and teach kids, not out of desire but because we can't trust men to do it, and this was God's design - women still lead all male children in moral development etc>>later Mary was born & she was naturally a perfect woman>> a perfect woman is incapable of committing sin, but only Jesus himself is a perfect man - perfection is impossible for mortal men>> Mary atoned for Eve by attaining perfection, so since then women have been born free of sin, unlike men. (only Mary & Jesus ever been yeeted straight into heaven)>> getting into heaven is much easier as a woman but the cost of that is putting up with moids, whereas a naturally violent moid will really struggle to enter heaven because he has to overcome his own nature first. All men who abuse women will go to hell.>>A man is responsible for his wife & kids' sins, but not the other way around. This is to make things equal, since women are already suffering from being led by immoral men & men's sins hurt women & kids.One nona mentioned how women = life and men = death, to add to that, in the Bible sin = death and Jesus = life, and Mary, the example for all women, gave birth to life/Jesus & taught Jesus morals. So to me it's obvious that women are meant to be the spiritual head of humanity while men are the physical (inferior) "head" of the family/state, but nothing important from God's POV, apart from He needs to stop men fucking up all the time in the Bible.
No. 1591919
>>1591831When I converted to Christianity and attended bible study groups I suggested Eve was Adam's mentor as he quickly followed her lead over the literal word of God and the scrotes all chimped out on me, kek.
>>1591847NTA but if the elites can pull off shit like 9/11 and false flag events without anything leaking, a bunch of false injections is a walk in the park. Wake up.
No. 1591997
>>1591973>And the snake appealed to Eve by saying she would know everything God knows, suggesting that out of man & woman, it's the woman who has the ability to understand everything in spirituality. Adam didn't even want the knowledge kekYES, EXACTLY! See, this is why I don't really go to church much now because it's like… did we read the same book? How are these things ignored? They're not even subtext, it's pretty blatant. Moids will just say "durr the snake tempted Eve because it's evil and women can't handle knowledge" like Adam wasn't reliant on her kek. Even if you're an atheist, our world is testament to the fact that
men can't handle knowledge and will only use it to destroy everything. If you ever wanna form a schizo Christian offshoot with me hmu.
No. 1592018
>>1571885I’ve been taking SSRI since i was 14. My doctor sent me to the EKG for another reason. It turns out that I might have something called “long QT syndrome” and it might be fatal.
Obviously I was very depressed teen but I can’t help but think if medication was the only option for me
No. 1592044
>>1591919>>1591973>>1591997All of this proves that literacy is a great gift and the ability to read, understand, and interpret your own religious texts is paramount to comprehending its message and the context in which it was written. I wonder how many devout Catholics have never really read the Bible?
>>1592018What is long QT syndrome??
No. 1592097
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>>1591919>>1591973>>1591831Most Semitic religions thought of the fist human being as a conjoined(though not dual-sex) human being, you still find traces of this with early Judaism, God did not create mankind, he created Ha’Adam(from earth) and from Ha’Adam (humankind) God made them Ish (Man) and Isha (Woman). Despite this there are still traces of original telling, in Genesis
>“Male and female created he them, and blessed them, and called their name Adam”i.e our first parent was originally both male and female
No. 1592119
>>1571885>"Brain zaps", which are barely acknowledged by the medical industry but well known by SSRI withdrawal victims, are actually mini seizures caused by an acute absence of GABA in the brain. The electrical signals are massively strengthened since your body is used to fighting through a haze of artificially boosted GABA, so a small area of the brain "lighting up" can quickly snowball into a thunderstorm in the brain. This can cause actual seizures/unconsciousness (which doctors totally deny) as well as dysregulated and excessive emotional responses, hypersexuality, hyperawarenessHoly shit holy fuck so I'm actually more susceptible to seizures now? I knew I wasn't worried over nothing, plus I had an EEG done by a neurologist and the fucker told me my brain was normal, I just had "very elevated levels of anxiety"… Like fucker where do you think I got it from? I wasn't this anxious when I was still taking SSRIs, back then I just had clinical depression. That was years ago. Now I'm not so depressed anymore because of major life changes but on the other hand I get horribly anxious over the smallest things which is something that didn't use to happen to me, or at least not to this degree. Could it have something to do with my medication? Also, I still get brain zaps every now and then when it's late and I'm sleepy and tired. I remember how frequent they were when I was taking sertraline whenever I took a little bit too long to take my next dose, and also when I finally stopped taking them altogether and experienced withdrawal. They have stopped for the most part but keep in mind that was almost 5 years ago for a few months and I still experience them sometimes. So I clearly haven't fully recovered from SSRI use. I hope this isn't permanent.
I have a young cousin who also took sertraline for depression, I'm hoping his dose was lower than mine and for a shorter time and that the damage isn't permanent because he is a child.
No. 1592142
>>1592131No my brain zaps are more like a "click" I guess, they're not painful but aside from feeling something like faint numbness I can feel my brain kind of "losing power" for a brief moment where I sort of feel dizzy/lose balance. It's an unpleasant sensation. It used to be stronger when I was still taking sertraline and it had nothing to do with me being fatigued or sleepy, it would happen to me at work when I forgot to take my meds. And then after stopping my medication they were frequent late at night if I was still awake.
Thankfully I didn't get worse side effects (other than my current anxiety, possibly) or take a stronger drug.
No. 1592158
>>1592153Why do you have to associate immorality and cruelty with the literal devil?
Can't you have forgiveness and fortitude without religion?
If you have "turned back" to religion due to things you saw on the internet, things that are simply based on human psychology, then you were never really atheist to begin with as you never fully got rid of your beliefs.
No. 1592193
>>1592153Witnessing the birth of my younger sister. Seeing this pure, beautiful soul that was yet to be soiled by this world being born was incredible. To see her surrounded by love immediately, and how that love was practically radiating off all of us… I can't explain it, but it felt very spiritual to me. I was in a nihilist rut of depression and drug abuse before that and this was literally like being visited by an angel. My whole world view changed after that. More recently though, I've started to feel like we're in the end times. Maybe not this planets end times, but
our end times. Everything's just worse. Not just the fact that we're on the precipice of WW3 but stuff like the casual cruelty you mentioned and what
>>1592160 said about the internet panopticon. I converted to Christianity (born and raised Jewish but lapsed in my early teens) though like I said in
>>1591997 I don't attend church much anymore. My beliefs are a little more spiritual and schizoid than mainstream Christianity. I also believe in karma to a degree, which is part of why I do volunteer work. All I know for sure is that I have witnessed good in it's purest form (my little sisters, falling in love with my wife, etc) and I have also witnessed evil in it's purest form (shit I ain't posting here. I'm just trying to do good things with my life and be there for the people I love.
No. 1592203
>>1592044Long QT syndrome is not dangerous itself, in fact it's just your heart working slightly different. It's believed that most people who have LGL syndrome have an alternative node that passes impulses differently from general population. Although it's just a theory and the real reason behind it is not known. I mostly see LGL in young anachans. Are you an (ex)anachan by any chance? Or bulimic?
But yeah, it's a nothing burger. Worst case scenario is that you might develop sinus tachycardia that is fatal, but your chances are only marginaly higher than the general population.
No. 1592387
>>1592241Quakers meditate? Huh, never knew that. I started meditating to try and fix my attention span but something about it felt like a connection to… idk, something else. I'm
>>1592193 and like I said, I just want to do good in life. Do you have any recommendations for where to start reading up on Quakerism? I'd love to find somewhere that's more accepting of differing beliefs. Also, I am a recovering addict, would that be an issue?
>>1592313I firmly believe most people benefit from some basic framework of spirituality or religion. It doesn't have to be set in stone, but just thinking that there's
something out there can be extremely comforting to a lot of people. Most atheists I've met have been edgelords, permanently stuck in their "fuck you mum and dad! I'm not going to church!" mentality. If you lurk their communities online, you can see how they cling to science as their belief system. I'm tired and ESL so can't word this great, but I think it proves that we all need something to cling to and that in lieu of spirituality/religion, we'll just find something else. The few genuine atheists I've met have indeed been soulless, horrible individuals.
No. 1592722
To any nonna in this thread that is suffering from depression and doesn't want to take medication, look into amino acid therapy. This can be done by visiting a doctor that specializes in treating people with amino acid therapy or you can do your own research. Amino acids can be bought as powders from health food shops and are safe to consume as long as you aren't eating half a bag in a day. Amino acids are commonly taken by athletes and anyone that does a lot of exercise. Their use has been well researched and studied. Studies are freely available online.
The theory behind amino acid therapy and anti-depressants is the same, depression is caused by a lack of certain neurochemicals, these being serotonin, noradrenaline (norepinephrine) and dopamine. Anti-depressants work by blocking the reuptake of neurochemicals so more is available as a neurotransmitter. Tricyclics such as amitriptyline, SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) such as fluoxetine, SNRIs (Serotonin–Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors) such as venlafaxine, all work on this principle. MAOIs (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors) work differently but the theory behind why they work is the same. MAOIs block monoamine-oxidase which is an enzyme in the human body that breaks down neurotransmitters, so blocking the release of monoamine-oxidase means that more neurochemicals are available as neurotransmitters.
Neurochemicals are synthesized in the body from amino acids. The source of amino acids is protein. Protein is made up of amino acids and these are released as protein is broken down in the digestive tract. Serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine are synthesized from tyrosine and tryptophan. By ingesting more tyrosine and tryptophan, the body now has what it needs to synethize an adequate amount of serotonin, noradrenaline and dopamine. Instead of blocking the reuptake or preventing the breakdown of neurotransmitters, which has systemic side effects, amino acid therapy works by simply providing what the body needs through diet supplementation.
This is a basic explanation. There's many theories as to why depression occurs and this can range from what is posted above, to bowel issues that prevent the absorption of amino acids and the inflammation theory which is based around the modern diet providing an excess of omega-6. It's likely caused by multiple factors that aren't addressed by anti-depressants which is why they either don't work or turn people into life long patients.
I successfully used amino acid therapy to treat myself for depression in my early 20s when I was struggling to cope with being abused and neglected as a child and teenager. My GP wanted to prescribe venlafaxine which I refused.
No. 1592889
>>1592387Well it's called "holding the silence", which is a form of silent prayer that is done together. The idea is you're listening for/to God (or "the Light" since not all Quakers believe in big G God) together, rather than a sermon, since Quakers don't have priests, ceremonies or sermons. I meditated for years but silent worship feels different & more effective imo. Being an ex addict (or even current addict) is totally accepted, I'm one, as is being an ex con, Quakers are known for their work helping people in jail and etc as well as climate and feminist activism. If you like reading old religious texts, the work of Elizabeth Fry is great since she focuses a lot on women's role in Christianity (here's some other Quaker women leaders too, alternatively here's a starting point Quakers like to read passages from "Quaker Faith and Practice" to start meetings, it's like a guidebook on how to get into it since the Quaker experience is different for everyone. Fox, the guy who founded it with Margaret Fell in 17thc, summed it up as respecting "that of God in everyone" and therefore refusing to accept discrimination or any authority above God. They got arrested a lot and we still are to this day kek
No. 1592895
>>1592466>>1592445ayrt, I think doctors must be lying about not knowing the side effects, since many doctors are on them too. All seizures can be dangerous, so please look after your poor friend nona, but hopefully the zaps will stop soon. They're
triggered by moving your eyes left and right quickly, so shutting your eyes can stop the zaps. If you taper off very slowly, like 25mg steps a week max, the zaps go away quicker, I guess because the brain has time to adjust. Mine have only just stopped & I'd had them for weeks when I made my original GABA post. YMMV but drinking loads of cranberry juice seems to have helped (had a UTI too cos I'm cursed kek). Idk if it has long term effects, I feel like I have brain fog but I also have long covid. I think if you're young & healthy your brain should bounce back.
No. 1592968
>>1592097I read a convincing article that argues "rib" denotes "uterus" (partially from context and partially on philological grounds). Since then, I haven't seen another fitting interpretation that convinces me.
I study ancient languages and history, but am just now learning Hebrew (my focus up to now has been on Greek and Roman stuff, esp. religions). I'll defend my PhD in the fall/winter, probably. Conspiracy nonnies will appreciate that my most speculative chapter connecting a certain aspect of Old Testament prophecy/revelation with a Greek (and later Roman) goddess has won me some skeptics. Especially since it's not a universally "good" goddess. It's kind of funny how biased some of these people are by modern conceptions of divinity and binary thinking.
No. 1593069
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Now, I don't believe in majority of the wild theories about Hollywood, but I'm starting to believe that Hollywood probably does have public humiliation rituals to get certain types of people who are willing to sacrifice their dignity. These rituals are also probably used to weed out those who either don't want to participate, or have parents or guardians who object and care for their kids. Think back to some shows you watched as a kid on Disney and Nickelodeon. I'm willing to bet there was at least one crossdressing episode, where a child actor had to crossdress for some convoluted reason, and it was presented as "funny", but would have been uncomfortable for the child actors. Sensible parents would never expose their kids to such situations. However, fame/money-hungry parents would. This practice would be an ideal way to both to humiliate the child and to test the parents' willingness to how much their prepared to sacrifice of their kid for fame.
pls don't post any pictures of actual children for obvious reasons
No. 1593084
>>1592466You're not supposed to stop cold turkey ree! Yeah the inward spiral is a very real feeling. Terrifying.
>>1592889Quakers are great, it's so interesting that such a pacifist people got arrested a ton.
>>1592897Sometimes I wanna get off meds to not depend on them, but honestly, I still laugh/cry/feel emotion on it. Off of the meds I didn't really feel anything except a cold, hard pain in my heart and a constant background narration about death. I still feel intense emotion, so I personally think these meds do fix whatever was wrong with my brain. At least I hope so.
No. 1593203
>>1593186Nayrt but god thats infuriating. I took myself off prozac which I know isnt the same drug, but I started taking it 6 days a week for 2 weeks, then 5 days for 2 weeks, then 4, etc til I was doing one on a Sunday, then none. Staggering the off days when doing 5 a week etc. I think I had and still have some withdrawl effects (this is recent) mostly anxiety and bouts of crying? Not awful but noticable. If 25 is the lowest maybe she can start skipping days? Or maybe dissolve the pill or tablet in a measured amount of water, and drink exactly half one day, other half the other, and so on. If its a tablet can she crush or split it? A mortar and pestle pulverizes tablets super easy, so its finely mixed powder that way the same ratio of whatever is uniform, instead of splitting the tablet or capsule in half and maybe getting an uneven distribution of ingredients, of tht makes sense. Good luck nonna with your friend. I really feel for yall.
No. 1593230
>>1590358Ayrt, the test was negative! I'm crying with relief that I don't have cancer
but also crying with sadness cos I probably have Crohn's. I chased up the results today & receptionist was like "uhhh the results are here but the doctor needs to speak to you about them…" aka we might tell you some horrible news in about 6 weeks. So this test has saved me from going crazy. Thank you nona!
No. 1593258
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>>1593207It was Dave Chappelle, but what he said, I believe, applies to most Hollywood stars. They have to take on at least one embarrassing/emasculating role, so that the producers can confirm their power over them.
picrel is young Tom Hanks btw.
No. 1593279
>>1593230Nona that's fantastic! I know Crohn's is horrible, but my mother has bowel cancer and it's a really awful thing to have; it made my cancer look like a walk in the park. What the receptionist said to you is definitely NHS talk for "shit ain't good" but hopefully this will lead to you being able to take steps to manage your condition. Wishing you all the best. ♥
>>1593258Yes! Dave Chappelle. I think it probably extends to all male entertainers too. Sex offenders are hardly the picky type. This theme of "breaking" men seems prevalent in all areas of the entertainment industry. Allegedly, rappers are targeted for gay sex (be that consensual or not) because of the excessive bravado they show and those encounters are then used as blackmail material. I think there's a lot of cycles of abuse though. Moids venting their anger at getting assaulted by assaulting others. I remember seeing a Lil Wayne interview where he admits to getting nonced on and enjoying it. IIRC he also implies that he continued the cycle of abuse with young kids in the studio. Kinda reminds me of the Puff Daddy fucked Usher and Usher fucked Justin Bieber tinfoil that's got pretty popular.
No. 1593434
>>1593279Nta but what you’ve wrote about about the sexual aspect in the rituals made me go back and watch the Madonna x Britney x Christina vma performance. From the looks of it, Madonna was ‘initiating’ them into the upper echelons of the music industry which might explain why Britney hasn’t been killed off yet resisting her programming and snitching nor Christina for making shitty albums that don’t make the cut.
Judging from how Madge was molesting the pop princesses onstage, I’m inclined to believe they had a ménage a trois afterwards.
No. 1593540
>>1593279Predators spend their whole brainpower devising ways to harm people without consequences, so it makes sense that they will always pick whoever they can exploit and gain access to without question. Young men in Hollywood are abused as much as young women, there is just an even greater stigma on saying anything for them. Its evident in what ends up happening to a lot of male child stars–poor Corey Feldman is considered a lying mockery when he came forward with the truth, and lost his best friend who was also abused to drug addiction. Homophobia in the black community is even more rigid, so preying upon young black men who want to be in the industry is the perfect crime for these evil men. Since they get off on breaking people, it's probably considered some sort of trophy to them. It's also well known that a lot of boy bands were
victims of violent sexual abuse. It's pretty reasonable to be wary of most males who "talent scout" or manage young men.
No. 1594002
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>>1593540I would bet that there is an equal ratio of abuse towards young men and women in Hollywood. It is also likely that most actors/actresses have either sold themselves or sold out their loved ones and are completely complacent with the system. For example, Meryl Streep defending Harvey Weinstein
No. 1594054
nonnie I wish we could read your thesis without you doxxing yourself, that sounds really interesting. Good luck with your PhD!
>>1593079my uninformed theory is that rapid eye movement floods the brain with nerve signals, like how you'll get a low framerate in a videogame if there's suddenly a lot of objects on screen because the GPU has to work harder. I never got brain zaps while lying down with my eyes closed, but I've experienced them if I'm having a lucid dream or a nightmare, which suggests to me they're based on brain activity rather than seeing (although ofc when dreaming your eyes move around a lot as well).
>>1593292Fetuses are all female at first and then develop male organs from the cells that would have been the female organs, so technically this idea reflects the reality that female is the default.
No. 1594674
>>1593077>>1594054hi friends, I have to sleep bc I'm traveling all day tomorrow but I'll post something about it later that doesn't dox me. There's actually a big space for me to play around in. I've also worked on identifying which classical (Greek/Roman) authors knew the Old Testament or intertestamental literature, since the Septuagint and Old Latin versions of the OT were circulating while classical Latin / Roman Greek authors were writing. That's a topic many classicists don't want to touch, despite the fact that there's literary value in the OT.
Love that nonnas here are interested in this stuff btw, I love reading your thoughts. Smarter than my grad school peers, many of you
No. 1594938
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I still very much believe in feminism, but I am starting to buy into the idea that the feminist movement was hijacked and started by the second wave, and has now been completely taken over by corporations and business owners. We saw the promotion of thinkers like Firestone (who argued that patriarchy is not caused by biology but by the female roles that were created through praxis) and Dworkin . At least Germaine Greer was honest about her ties with the CIA and her efforts to decrease the influence of socialist feminists
No. 1594940
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>>1594938If you look into it, you'll see that the idea of raping children has been pushed as part of "sexual liberation" even with radical feminism.
>Gayle Rubin, a feminist and a professor who wrote an article titled “Thinking Sex” which is regarded as a founding text of gay and lesbian studies, sexuality studies, and queer theory. She compared stigmatization of “boy lovers” to that of communists and homosexuals in the 1950s, and claimed that in “twenty years or so” the persecution of men who “love underaged youth” by the FBI, police, and watchdog postal inspectors will be seen as a “savage and underserved witch hunt” and that a lot of people will be embarrassed by their collaboration with this persecution.
>Pat Califia, a feminist and queer theorist, stated that “any child enough to decide whether or not she or he wants to eat spinach, play with trucks or wear shoes is old enough to decide whether or not she or he wants to run around naked in the sun, masturbate, sit in somebody’s lap or engage in sexual activity. We should be working to end the artificial state of sexual ignorance that children are kept in — not perpetuating it or defending it,” and said that true child abusers are “priests, teachers, therapists, cops and parents who force their stale morality onto the young people in their custody,” and “Instead of condemning pedophiles for their involvement with lesbian and gay youth, we should be supporting them. They need us badly.”
>Kate Millet was another person who has greatly influenced feminism, with her book Sexual Politics having had “seminal influence on second-wave feminism.” As the New Left Project notes she was one of the first to provide a “theoretical understanding of patriarchy as ‘the rule of men’, as a primary oppression that’s ‘more rigorous than class stratification, more uniform, certainly more enduring,’” the theory that became the foundation of modern feminism.>In an 1980 interview which was reprinted in the book “The Age of Taboo,” when asked whether she thinks any limitations should be placed on sexual revolution, and what role should “cross-generational” sex play in it, she answered: “Certainly, one of children’s essential rights is to express themselves sexually, probably primarily with each other but with adults as well. So the sexual freedom of children is an important part of a sexual revolution.” She described such relationships considering the circumstances as “probably heroic and very wonderful,” and claimed that age of consent laws are “very oppressive” to gay male youth. No. 1594954
>>1594054>Fetuses are all female at first and then develop male organsFemale is indeed the default but saying all fetuses are female at first is not exactly right. Fetuses are underdeveloped, it's just that without mutations (male chromosomes) they will develop into a female because that's the default.
It reminds me of trannies going "I was a female at first and then something went wrong!" when in reality they were an underdeveloped fetus that then developed into a male.
No. 1595087
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>>1594940It's definintely not a part of modern radical feminism. I thnk Dworkin got some suspect ideas during the sexual revolution (including supporting troons) but came to her senses later on.
>Pat Califia she has since then trooned out to no one's surprise.
No. 1595206
>>1594940>>1595087Check out Gayle Rubin's "Thinking Sex", one of the foundational texts of feminist queer theory. It continuously refers to "cross-generational relationships/encounters" as something that ought to be normalized.
>As a result of the sex conflicts of the last decade, some behaviour near the border is inching across it. Unmarried couples living together, masturbation, and some forms of homosexuality are moving in the direction of respectability (see Figure 9.2). Most homosexuality is still on the bad side of the line. But if it is coupled and monogamous, the society is beginning to recognize that it includes the full range of human interaction. Promiscuous homosexuality, sadomasochism, fetishism, transsexuality, and cross-generational encounters are still viewed as unmodulated horrors incapable of involving affection, love, free choice, kindness, or transcendence.And just to be remove any ambiguity that "cross-generational" might be referring to age-gap relationships between adults, you can find this in the footnotes:
>For more information on the ‘Kiddie porn panic’ see Califia (1980c, 1980d); Mitzel (1980); Rubin (1981). On the issue of cross-generational relationships, see also Moody (1980); O’Carroll (1980); Tsang (1981) and Wilson (1981).What part of the text is that referencing?
>For over a century, no tactic for stirring up erotic hysteria has been as reliable as the appeal to protect children. The current wave of erotic terror has reached deepest into those areas bordered in some way, if only symbolically, by the sexuality of the young. The motto of the Dade County repeal campaign was ‘Save Our Children’ from alleged homosexual recruitment. In February 1977, shortly before the Dade County vote, a sudden concern with ‘child pornography’ swept the national media.>In May, the Chicago Tribune ran a lurid four-day series with three-inch headlines, which claimed to expose a national vice ring organized to lure young boys into prostitution and pornography. Newspapers across the country ran similar stories, most of them worthy of the National Enquirer. By the end of May, a congressional investigation was underway. Within weeks, the federal government had enacted a sweeping bill against ‘child pornography’ and many of the states followed with bills of their own. These laws have reestablished restrictions on sexual materials that had been relaxed by some of the important Supreme Court decisions. For instance, the Court ruled that neither nudity nor sexual activity per se were obscene. But the child pornography laws define as obscene any depiction of minors who are nude or engaged in sexual activity. This means that photographs of naked children in anthropology textbooks and many of the ethnographic movies shown in college classes are technically illegal in several states. In fact, the instructors are liable to an additional felony charge for showing such images to each student under the age of 18. Although the Supreme Court has also ruled that it is a constitutional right to possess obscene material for private use, some child pornography laws prohibit even the private possession of any sexual material involving minors.>The laws produced by the child porn panic are ill-conceived and misdirected. They represent farreaching alterations in the regulation of sexual behaviour and abrogate important sexual civil liberties. But hardly anyone noticed as they swept through Congress and state legislatures. With the exception of the North American Man/Boy Love Association [NAMBLA] and American Civil Liberties Union, no one raised a peep of protest.>A new and even tougher federal child pornography bill has just reached House-Senate conference. It removes any requirement that prosecutors must prove that alleged child pornography was distributed for commercial sale. Once this bill becomes law, a person merely possessing a nude snapshot of a 17-year-old lover or friend may go to jail for fifteen years, and be fined $100,000. This bill passed the House 400 to 1.>The experiences of art photographer Jacqueline Livingston exemplify the climate created by the child porn panic. An assistant professor of photography at Cornell University, Livingston was fired in 1978 after exhibiting pictures of male nudes which included photographs of her seven-year-old son masturbating. Ms. Magazine, Chrysalis, and Art News all refused to run ads for Livingston’s posters of male nudes. At one point, Kodak confiscated some of her film, and for several months, Livingston lived with the threat of prosecution under the child pornography laws. The Tompkins Country Department of Social Services investigated her fitness as a parent. Livingston’s posters have been collected by the Museum of Modern Art, the Metropolitan, and other major museums. But she has paid a high cost in harassment and anxiety for her efforts to capture on film the uncensored male body at different ages (Stambolian, 1980, 1983).>It is easy to see someone like Livingston as a victim of the child porn wars. It is harder for most people to sympathize with actual boy-lovers. Like communists and homosexuals in the 1950s, boylovers are so stigmatized that it is difficult to find defenders for their civil liberties, let alone for their erotic orientation. Consequently, the police have feasted on them. Local police, the FBI, and watchdog postal inspectors have joined to build a huge apparatus whose sole aim is to wipe out the community of men who love underaged youth. In twenty years or so, when some of the smoke has cleared, it will be much easier to show that these men have been the victims of a savage and undeserved witch hunt. A lot of people will be embarrassed by their collaboration with this persecution, but it will be too late to do much good for those men who have spent their lives in prison. No. 1595734
>>1595731Why would anyone care about mensa unless they're losers who want to satisfy themselves? Normal smart people care more about becoming academically successful or doing most out of their intelligence whether that be in conventional or unconventional ways. Becoming a member of MENSA means nothing but if you use your smarts and become a surgeon, lawyer, very successful artist or something similar you'll actually live a much better life than the average person whilst a MENSA subscription won't do anything for your life quality.
I think iq tests are also not really accurate. An autist who's got good skills for multiple choice questions could very easily get a high score yet he/she still won't be able to achieve anything significantly better than the average normie with 80-90(quite low) iq. Judging intelligence based on multiple choice questionnaires fail because of how onesided they are in that regard.
No. 1596781
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>>1589068>>1589084>Who's this man and what did he do?This thread basically explains it better then I can
No. 1596798
>>1595206>>1592153A lot of things, actually. Some examples:
1) Nihilism and "we're animals" ideology is indeed a one-way ticket to fucking misery and one of the most fertile grounds for violent misoginy. The leaders who preach this are a few years away from using brain-dead women as broodmares. Indeed, "sin" is bad and leads to destruction. Even if religion is flawed, lack of it is always worse.
2) we're living on a fake & gay consumer society that does everything possible to get away from God, twisting the language. We're seeing this with "woman" & "child" in real time, but they did it before with "hard work" & "intelligence", "happiness", "fulfillment" and another nice chunk of words. We're trained to see black as white and white as black, some more than others and since i'm already refusing to see anti-social behavior (as in, attacks coexistence) as normal I'm going to unravel whole the veil heh.
3) a few personal miracles & stuff. I'm an almost crippled woman, I realize very quickly when something eases my pain kek.
>>1592420>I follow the guidance that's found in all religions which is basically be a good person.Thats the whole point in fact. And TPTB are on the way of destroying this too. The endgame is destroying the whole concept of "good" & "life", and like i said before, the mayority of males can't separate their "woman" concepct from their "life" concept and if they succeed welp here it goes women too.
>>1594938It did, it was the whole sexual revolution. And it ruined feminism forever imo.
>>1595206Shit like this is exactly the type of "sin" that destroys society that i was talking above. Also
>Chicago Chicago is the occultist center of the West, anything werid that comes from that place is never a coincidence.
>>1595731IQ as a whole is a trap and incredibly easy to manipulate. I'm not saying anything new here, but actually people knew how to distinguish a less fitted individual for some tasks before David Wechsler was born, it's not like nobody knew what a retard was before IQ tests. The only thing that changed after the implementation of IQ tests is that supposedly lower IQ individuals have their lives ruled by state intervention And supposedly higher IQ individuals are at the fringes of society
No. 1596955
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Is there anyone who knows about Nostradamus's predictions and others who have prophesized an Antichrist? It's unknown how valid the prediction is but it scares me to imagine what the hell an Antichrist would bring if it wasn't already someone like Hitler.
No. 1597375
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>>1596798>>1592153I don't consider myself a Christian and I acknowledge that a lot of evil has been done in the name of faith. However, as I've grown up, I have shed my childish disdain for the faith by learning about its historical contexts. What made Christianity such a revolutionary religion is the notion that it was all tied to God as a singular deity, the originator of all things and a deity of righteousness. Its core message is that humanity, specifically men, are flawed and corrupted, and this is the reason behind calamity, chaos, and evil, rather than any vengeful deity. To put it simply, the philosophical concept behind Christianity is centered around self-accountability and is easier to understand. Christianity was also incredibly popular with women. Women within Christianity had more opportunities than their standard Roman counterparts as they could serve as deaconesses, and even as a form of elder. They could also join communities of celibate women and be free from the demands of husbands. In addition, within Roman families, it was common practice to leave any subsequent daughters or extra sons to die in garbage dumps. Christians would go pick up these abandoned babies and raise them. As a result, there was an even larger number of women who were Christian. When they married Roman husbands, they were likely to convince them to convert or raise their children as Christians. So I can understand why people converted, but the issue was that Rome made this faith into an apparatus of the state, declaring its version as the only correct one and labeling those who followed the faith in their own way as "heretics".
No. 1597461
>>1583136>>1584468wellbutrin gave me seizures which i now have, even off the medication
it worked so well besides that, why is it such a good medication with such bad side effects?
No. 1597814
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>>1571083Recently I was thinking about whether there is any conspiracy background to lucid dreaming and some parts of dream research in general. I know it has been a part of many cultures (to various extent), the it became a subject of experiments and even occult practices, then others made it seem like some less or more esoteric hobby. I’m a spontaneous lucid dreamer and don’t actively pursue LDs, aside from that I remember many of my dreams and sometimes experience precognition in dreams.
Some weeks ago I saw this review on Goodreads of a book I read before. It made me view this author in a different light (I didn’t know anything so I was simply neutral but now I’m suspicious). Is it possible that some of the people who consider themselves LD teachers or experts are hidden manipulators or might intentionally expose people to stuff they’re not ready for or something? Reminds me of how Carlos Castaneda formed a cult - a definitely more popular example than this.
IMO not all but some dreams might really show you stuff most people wouldn’t believe and it’s not surprising at all if some people seek contact with that world for shady purposes.
Picrel 1/2
No. 1597936
>>1592722the serotonin theory of depression is just that, a theory, there are plenty of competing theories, plenty of scientists do not agree that low serotonin is the problem, some even suggest that high serotonin is the issue. The antidepressant tianeptine is an SSRE, working the opposite way to the popular SSRI antidepressants. It's not available in america afaik, which is too bad it could be good for people that don't respond to ssri's to try the opposite.
It is not safe to take tryptophan like that, taking tryptophan is only marginally safer than taking SSRIs, people develop issues from these supplements, including herbal ones like valerian root that are used to increase serotonin. Please look up serotonin syndrome, taking serotonergic substances or even tryptophan itself can be dangerous. Ii've seen people that claim they fixed their issues by blocking tryptophan absorption, the serotonin theory doesn't make much sense when people doing the exact opposite to each other both get results. Personally I've responded horribly to any serotonergic substance and only had success with the opposite. referred to in this post
relevant: suggest that the benefits of ssri's are not due to the increase in serotonin. Both drugs that result in an increase and drugs that result in a decrease of serotonin are used to treat depression, how does this make sense? there are also many studies showing that serotonin is associated with anxiety. Either way things are not as simple as high serotonin = good, serotonin is involved in may different processes in our bodies and can easily be dangerous. You can do serious harm to yourself with natural things too. My mother recently bought herself some happiness supplement, she was feeling really depressed and she's never had depression before, looked at the back and it's all the herbs that can raise your serotonin levels naturally, in someone that already has serious health issues it could very well do serious harm, she was luckily fine once she stopped taking it.
You don't get funding and you don't get published if your research is too controversial. The serotonin theory was criticized from day one, and studies that criticize it are finally beginning to see the light of day. How often is there a scandal the like of "white coats for hire", or some story in the news that they knew x drug is harmful but was still released on the market?
plenty of the popular theories have nothing backing them, most people go to college, they learn what is currently accepted as fact, they don't look for the initial studies that were done that supposedly prove it, it just becomes a myth everyone repeats. Like the article above mentions, the serotonin theory of depression was never proven.
I am in no way against natural medicine and people trying things for themselves, entertaining alternative theories and alternative medicine, just be careful because natural remedies can have bad side effects too. You can kill yourself by overdosing on SSRI's and you can kill yourself by overdoing natural serotonergic plants and supplements. Herbal tea's and supplements have hormonal effects, so make sure you read as much as you can, and look for studies on the topic if there are any, unfortunately they don't like to fund those cause you can patent a plant.
>>1593186she could try GABA as a supplement, i know it supposedly can't pass the blood brain barrier, but it worked a bit for me. Phenibut is addictive like alcohol but it is modfied GABA to help it cross the BBB, it could help when the anxiety is really bad, when it feels like a seizure might come soon, i used to get seizures, now that i think about it it was after i first took ssri's.. alcoholics can get seizures like that when they quit bc of the GABA issues too, and in russia they would be given phenibut to help with the withdrawals, not recommended long term though since you'll just get dependent on it instead. I only recently just quit it after using it for a good 7 years for anxiety and sleep, i was terrified to quit after reading other people's stories but it went shockingly fine, happy not to be taking anything now since it gets expensive. I think there are some even safer options but i forget the name. Maybe there are better safer ways to increase GABA that you can find, i haven't looked into this in ages.
I've read about the brain zaps and danger of ssri's right as i started taking them from a biologist called ray peat, he had an article on serotonin that was very controversial at the time, but in less than two weeks i ended up with the symptoms he described, the ssri's completely fucked me up, at least i knew the cause then otherwise i wouldn't have known they were the issue. I'm kind of all over the place in this post but above i mentioned that they researchers suggest something other than serotonin is the reason ssri's work, and this guy had proposed that decades before them, that it was allopregnenolone, which is being tested as an antidepressant now for post partum, but at ridiculous prices. I've taken some of the powder before and did feel better from it, i believe that i read something about weed raising it too, maybe that is why so many weed smokers claim smoking weed helps them with anxiety and depression, i personally get really bad effects from weed though. iirc the mechanism was like that of ssri's, the brain protecting itself and increasing pregnenolone as a result.. is from 2006 the side effects of these medications have been known for a very long time, they just get ignored. doctors and pharmaceutical companies deny it. I'm a very sad big pharma slave worker, i used to argue with my professors that the companies know their products are harmful but they'd just call me cynical, they don't like to face reality that they are part of a corrupt system and try to believe it's good.
>>1593203prozac was so awful for me i took it only for two weeks as a depressed college student hoping it would help me get through things, instead it made me manic, unable to sleep, and at the end of the two weeks i had some sort of breakdown and tried to off myself, i wasn't suicidal before i took it. But it was known to make people suicidal, somehow it got approved, cause obviously medication for depression making you worse is working exactly as it should. I was taking lexapro very briefly before that and some dude i hardly knew started freaking out that i should stop taking it because his mother killed herself after a short time on it. I know some people swear by SSRI's but i've only had negative experiences and most people i know too. i'm so angry about the harm the pharmaceutical industry knowingly does. It's not even a conspiracy just fucking corrupt fucks who value money above all else.
No. 1597950
>>1596781this is cool, i think i read about proteins assembling together by themselves, i think it was emergence of life by sydney fox, it was a really long time ago, but i think it talked about life forming on volcanic rocks, rather than starting in the oceans, it's been a while. Do you have any interesting books to recommend? I've seen mentions here and there that the genes are not as important as claimed. Harold hillman and gerald pollack also have alternative ideas on the structure of the cell that are interesting.
the cold war in biology by Carl C. Lindegrin is a book i've been meaning to read, from the description "The author gives us information about those scientists who disagreed with mendelian genetics and goes into some detail about the "war" between those who attribute cells' characteristics to genetic control mechanisms and those who believe the cytoplasm determines many of the charactaristics."
The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech,the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Rise of the New Biology by Lily E. Kay is another one i plan to read soon.
No. 1597980
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dont know if anyone has been keeping track of the aliens and ufo thing but things are getting spicy
>>1597375>>1596798So I'm not a "tradcath", but I personally am unconvinced by the idealistic atheism espoused by orthodox Leftism.
As far as I see it, the only philosophy for which modern materialism and Atheism provide for is nihilism. Everything else is religion and worship, The way I see it, many on the Left make liberalism their religion instead of seeing it for what it is(A socio-economic theory). It takes no genius to see that "not woke" and "Heretic" carry the same broad meaning.
No. 1598375
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>>1597980Operation Paperclip NASA Nazi scientists aren't really my area of expertise but I saw something interesting about this earlier today involving one of them.
tl;dr old nazi scientist who worked for the US Govt says a fake alien invasion is part of the plan to justify building space weapons systems. the weapons will be used against people on Earth of course and the aliens are a lie. I find this very believable, like this doesn't even feel like a conspiracy to be honest. I just don't see why there is a need to lie about aliens… does it violate big-deal treaties to put high powered weapons in space? (not my field of expertise like i said)
>—"Wernher von Braun was an SS officer and Nazi German scientist. He helped Third Reich at developing space technology and V2 rocket (first long-range ballistic missile). After the war, he and some of his rocket team were taken to the U.S. as part of the then-secret Operation Paperclip. Once in USA he helped NASA realizing their missions and later became vice president at Fairchild industries.>Leading engineer and consultant at space program and missile defense (Carol Rosin) worked with Wernher von Braun (1974-1977) as his spokesperson at Fairchild industries. She claims he revealed to her a sick plan to weaponize space using staged alien invasion as an excuse.>Carol Rosin's testimony:>When I was a Corporate Manager of Fairchild Industries from 1974 through 1977, I met the late Dr Wernher Von Braun. At that time, Von Braun was dying of cancer but he assured me that he would live a few more years to tell me about the game that was being played - that game being the effort to weaponize space, to control the Earth from space and space itself.>The strategy that Wernher Von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered to be the enemy. In fact, in 1974, they were the enemy, the identified enemy. We were told that they had "killer satellites". We were told that they were coming to get us and control us-that they were "Commies."…"Then terrorists would be identified. Then we were going to identify third-world country "crazies." We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons.>The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said it. >Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons.>And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials. That would be the final scare. And over and over and over during the four years that I knew him and was giving speeches for him, he would bring up that last card. "And remember Carol, the last card is the alien card" No. 1598383
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also saw screenshots of this interview with Carol (January 1996). not even about aliens but obviously related: article/source:>I first heard conversations about "seizing the high ground to control earth" when I became the first woman corporate manager of Fairchild Industries, an aerospace defense company.>Von Braun thought it would be interesting, even funny, if a woman worked to prevent the stationing of weapons in outer space-which he sensed was soon to occur. He believed a woman would be able to get into more doors to discuss the subject. He had worked for Hitler, and understood war and weapons. >In 1977, after his death, I was hired as a space and missile defense consultant by such companies as TRW. While working on the MX missile, I learned that the aerospace defense industries were preparing to escalate the arms race into space. The plan is to put hundreds of battle stations in space with thousands of weapons pointed down our throats. No. 1598426
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Buildings rule the world, all of global civilization is designed to service them, not human beings. The biggest mistake of human history was the construction of permanent structures, which eventually led to our enslavement by them. We've been enslaved by buildings ever since the construction of the "great" pyramids, and have worshiped buildings ever since.
A building gains consciousness through their material, built from molecules of life, they can live as careless as plants, yet dictator everyone more than Stalin and can control you through mind-control.
The post 9/11 insanity was because 9/11 was an attack on some of the most prominent buildings in the world, not because people died. The outrage of the BLM protests is because buildings are targeted with graffiti and broken windows. The federal secret police was called into Seattle to defend a federal courthouse.
Still not convinced? Freemasonry evolved from the guilds of stonemasons and cathedral builders of the Middle Ages. Consider how buildings such as McDonald's franchises are like organisms, reproducing according to their architectural DNA. On the back of every bill of U.S. currency is a famous building. The "hell" of the modern world is homelessness: the state of not being owned by a building. A building is very similar to a tree, drawing nutrients from the land around it via its "roots," which are roads and utility infrastructure. But unlike a tree, a building is an undead organism that feeds off of the destruction of life at every step; the "forests" of buildings we call cities is where life is most absent and detached from the natural world.
What is the end-game of buildings? The elimination of humanity and all life on Earth via complete robotic automation of the means to sustain and build them. Nothing but mindless building forever and ever. Buildings have a sentience, and that sentience is that of a paperclip maximizer.
No. 1598450
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>>1598383What do you think nona, could there be a possibility that there actually are already weapons in space? For example China could be already sending them out without USA's knowledge.
No. 1598511
>>1597375Okay but that was at the first spread of christianity and a very small part of history compared to the great harm it did after that. There are a lot of women today who are religiously devout too but that doesn’t mean it’s good for women.
This is not directed at you specifically but it weirds me out so much how in the tinfoil thread there’s so much unironic praising and people into christianity, which was a tool used for centuries from people in power to keep the masses in line before they came up with the more devious methods of today. That’s what they used to discredit the women who had knowledge in the past, that’s what they used to kill and silence women, scientists, anyone out of line. They used the idea in christianity, that suffering is good and it means you’ll get a reward in the afterlife, to keep them complacent while they led terrible lives thanks to the rich. It led people to abandon their connection to the earth and allow its destruction. How can you look at everything that’s happened in its name and think, oh there’s something to this? Christianity has permeated so deeply in the western philosophy that you don’t even notice those patterns of thinking. You know how so many people believe the apocalypse will happen soon? That’s because it’s something ingrained in christians, waiting for the end of the world. There’s a whole book about it in the bible and devout christians teach that to their children. If you always expect the world will end then what’s the point in doing something to stop its destruction or to make it a better place? And even when you notice something is wrong with society today you use christian language like calling things demonic, the devil’s, soulless. I understand why and those are our words for greatly evil things but it still isn’t a neutral descriptor, it’s religiously charged language.
I just want to say to all women who need spirituality, don’t turn to christianity or other organised religions. Turn inwards. Find yourself, and find a spirituality that centers women and worships life. Look at nature and see how it’s all connected and wonderful and you’ll find all the spirituality you need and it won’t be tied to things tainted by males.
No. 1598561
>>1597375>Christianity is centered around self-accountabilitythat is quite literally the opposite in practice, a lot if not most avid church goers commit sins, cheat on their wives, practice homosexuality, etc then go confess to a priest their sins and they're 100% forgiven just to rinse and repeat, do everything again.
also being a thirdie (I know this is a phenomena in US too though), I see a lot of evangelical churches gladly accepting former prisoners as long as they accept jesus, as in they will forgive you killing, raping women and children and doing other heinous crimes as long as you accept jesus it's fine you did all of that. literally everything being the opposite of self accountability, as long as you accept jesus and god they will forgive you for anything so it's a free pass.
christianity is a religion that relies on guilt, if you don't feel guilty of the things you do in front of god, you won't go to heaven, that's why they shame the fuck out of everything, it's okay to commit those sins as long as you feel guilt and shame so you keep being dependent on it. and a lot of times, they usually guilt trip people on the most asinine things (wearing anything but modest clothing? will go to hell! watch pornography or play videogames? hell to you!! same sex attraction? you might as well rimjob the devil himself!!!) but most christcucks still keep doing those things secretly while being judgemental and projecting their own guilt on people who don't want anything to do with it. because they want everyone to live in guilt like they do, that's why you will see politicians trying to introduce the most traditional laws while they probably snort cocaine from a tranny's dick on their holidays.
No. 1598564
>>1598562agreed nona! That's why churches should be female led.
>>1598561Correct, I agree with you too. Those people are hypocrites and I doubt Jesus would recognise them as Christians when they die, you have to actually mean the things you say and do in religion. As a non-american it seems crazy how hypocritical these religious politicians are, and crazy that it seems to benefit them vote-wise as well!
No. 1598567
>>1598557Ntayrt but may I ask what country are you from/ currently living at? As someone from a traditional catholic European country, the mere idea of reappropriating Christianity sounds as naive as attempting to do the same with something as huge, powerful and male-dominated as the pharmaceutic industry. Christianity, as any other abrahamic religion, was build by men withing patriarchal society, it only benefits men. I remeber arguing about the Holy Trinity with a catholic female teacher, she claimed that despite calling God
the father and Jesus
the son there was nothing that linked these figures with actual male authority, which I still believe is complete bullshit. The Mother Mary only exists to call the entire female sex a bunch of whores by comparison.
No. 1598584
>>1598526But those men didnt listen to jesus and christianity grew to the menace it has been for centuries. And you willingly take their side and play by their rules?
>>1598544Turning inward in the sense that you’ll realise those feeling of holyness and connection to god come from yourself, not an outside force. If women realised their power and worth and felt more secure, we could make our own organisation and form our own spiritual paths. You don’t have to be part of christianity to dismantle its ideas. It’s old and organised and rotten from within. We need to build our own things and show an alternative is possible instead of struggling in places made to opress us.
No. 1598585
>>1598539NTA but that anon didn't mention Islam and Judaism so their opinion is discarded. If they're too scared of being labelled anti-semitic or islamaphobic then they need to grow some fucking ovaries before pointing the finger at Christian women in the tinfoil thread. It's been discussed before in here that most of us have very unconventional beliefs when it comes to Christianity, it's not a simple 1:1 comparison of those of us in here who
vaguely follow Christianity with different interpretations of the bible and trads.
No. 1598587
>>1598544Anon most women can't evoke change in those organizations, a woman can't become a priest or a pope, only a off-shoot that's meant to do quiet work and stay off sight, a woman can't become a leading figure on those religions, it doesn't matter how much work you do or how hard you try to change shit, it's over before you start, how many women have tried before you?
Focus on our own spirituality and then start your own, you can't make good food when all the ingredients are spoiled from the start, just start over.
No. 1598600
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>>1598585Anon probably doesn't mention Islam and Judaism because it isn't as familiar to her as Christianity or affected her as directly, so she can't criticize it more in-depth, it doesn't mean she isn't critical of it, you should probably fuck off to /pol/ if you wanna white-knight for Christianity this bad.
I went to a girl's only school where our teachers were nuns and it still doesn't change that Christianity is still fucked anon. Those women could have been religious leaders and be actually valued, they aren't even allowed to host a church, you can't confess to them, we had to bring male priests to host confessions, churches and other cerimonies.
Nuns and convents were good for women and a good escape from marriage in the middle ages, but you can't deny they weren't valued and were "just women". We should form a different religion and allow these women to achieve their full potential.
Putting the tinfoil back on, I fully believe most religions trap women on purpose to stop them to fully achieve their spiritual potential because men can't achieve it, men can only read out of a book and abuse those "lower" than them, men exist purely as helpers and try everything to reject that role and make boys reject it too.
No. 1598613
>>1598600I wrote a much angrier post replying to
>>1598585but I saw your reply and you get where I’m coming from. I did say organised religion in my post cause I know the abuse of women happens everywhere, in the eastern religions such as buddhism and hinduism and pretty much anything led by men too.
>>1598589It’s really hard for me to see that happening within christianity. I grew up in a very religious family and we often went to monasteries and my parents were friends with a lot of monks and nuns, and they really didn’t seem very happy or fulfilled. Especially the nuns, there was a great sadness within their eyes. There’s certain things that christianity teaches about how to treat your body and yourself that just have a really adverse effect on people. A lot of the nuns looked much older than their ages, had lots of white hairs and bad postures and they radiated a downtrodden feeling more than anything. I see that now as the effect of the mental state that christianity puts you in. (Some of the male monks were happier, especially in one monastery that was on top of a mountain, they had a garden and animals but also game consoles and a library with secret doors).
If you want to only pick the good values of christianity and make something for women I think you’re basically making a new religion anyway. Imagine what an effect the lifestyle of making arts and crafts, living in nature and contemplating life would have on those women if they didnt have a constant litany of self hatred in their minds. They would look happy and full of life and give off a wonderful radiating energy and that’s what I want to see for them, and not the women I used to see in the monasteries.
No. 1598654
>>1598539Again I'm not a Christian but anyone time some states that "Islam, Christianity and Juhdaism" are all the same, I dismiss them cause it shows ignorance.
So, Christianity comes from Hellenic Tribal Judaism, Jewish religion as we know at it know has changed drastically from its roots. Now regarding Islam and Christianity, imo what made Christianity a religion that evolved in social laws and structure was Christianity's flaws, Christianity since its inception has been mistranslated and misinterpreted, you can create literally anything you want the Bible, Islam however has firm laws for all aspects of civilization, it does not have to evolve cause Muhammad already ruled the perfect state
No. 1598658
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>>1598450Maybe not kinetic but there are cyber weapons. The US can launch cyber attacks from space, jamming, hacking computer systems, etc. SpaceX's Starlink has been used by Ukraine to pilot bomb drones in the war there (picrel from reuters). If anything America will be the first country to put kinetic weapons in space. China doesn't even have a space force, meanwhile the US had a giant space force (USSF) with a shitload of funding that's gotten a big push in the last couple years.
Don't fall for fake WMDs again,
No. 1599407
>>1597980This is anecdotal so don't take it as truth. I knew a girl through the Inuyasha fandom who had family in the military and she told me that UFOs are real but don't operate as many think they do. I tried to ask for more information but she didn't know more because her family didn't want to tell her. I lost her contact and I wish I didn't.
Anyways the question I have is why are they becoming so open about ufos? And notice how many msm figures are pushing this story? Something smells fishy.
No. 1599667
>>1573116Hey anoooooon
Did you drug and interrogate your boyfriend yet
No. 1599793
>>1598654>Christianity bad but Islam good Oh, you’re one of
those people. That religion was founded by a pedophile, is very oppressive to women and condones honor killings to this day if they don’t fall back in line but sure; being a Christian is so oppressive.
No. 1600287
>>1599383I believe this..thank you for sharing.
No. 1601573
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>>1599383Is there anything in there about triangle ship aliens? I swear I don't have schizophrenia but since I moved house I've been seeing a large triangle shaped thing hovering in the sky a few times a week. I live on a hill overlooking one of the busiest airports in my country & the busiest runway's flight path is over my house (the lights on the right of the pic is from this). Nearby neighbours unlikely to be able to see this due to trees etc at least none of them have mentioned it. I'm mostly deaf and sometimes get confused by the loud aircraft sounds overhead when I'm at home, so I have a tracker that tells me what plane is flying over my house, needless to say this large black triangular thing is not a scheduled flight. It doesn't make any sound & is shaped kind of like a much smaller version of a star destroyer from Star wars, only black not white and with an orange light at each point. Sometimes it's pointed upward like in pic, sometimes it's the right was around like a normal plane, in which case it hovers much lower, maybe only about 60m off the ground. When it's close, I swear I can feel vibrations or something like heat coming from it, hard to explain but it's like when you get off an aircraft and you're walking by the plane, there's like heat and static coming off it that you can feel from a distance. My hearing aids might be detecting something from it? It only appears just after the sun sets but looks darker than the surrounding sky, like a hole in the sky, and is never in the way of any planes or helicopters. We also get weird (lenticular?) clouds around when it appears, but that's probably due to the airport. My nigel has seen it but won't see it as a vehicle with lights on the corners, instead he says it's 3 motionless, silent helicopters with orange lights… I told an ex-pilot who worked with my nigel, he said he's seen things like that flying from that airport but seemed to blame the airport for it & said that's why he's an engineer now (idk what he meant). Has anyone else seen this type of UFO or am I just insane? Should I tell the airport or would I get put on a list?
No. 1601593
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>>1601573samefag, ok I see how comically shit that image is now, see picrel for clearer image (but it is literally just 3 orange lights with a slightly darker triangle between them). I only have the camera on my phone & the moon barely even shows up on it so
No. 1601610
>>1601602pretty obvious they are trying to test near large areas to get closer and closer to being not noticed, when they get spotted they know what went wrong and since the aliens narrative is so laughably retarded it makes the best cover story. OF COURSE you would run tests near major cities because the aircraft will be used to BOMB major cities, theyre intentionally trying to not get caught but when they do it means their stealth tech and tactics need improving. The end goal is obviously to be able to do flyby missions around a large number of witnesses and not be spotted, the public is actively aiding in the development of this tech by spotting them.
but yeah no wait it is TOTALLY magic space elves from 2.5 million light-years away yep totally makes sense. idiot if these were aliens they would have been doing this during the fucking middle ages and the US Civil War and shit yet there is no account of this ever occurring in history except in modern times. If aliens are here now then they would have been here 5000 years ago doing the same shit because that amount of time is nothing to a type 69 kardeshev species.
so why is all this only happening in modern times (cold War era to now) when the tech definitely exists? why are there no aliens during the battle of hastings. why did ancient Rome never see of document this? dumb alien brainrot narratives need to die.
No. 1601614
>>1601610Well I mean there are historical sightings of unusual stuff in the sky, going back thousands of years. I'm not sure why you're so upset about this conversation kek. If it's a stealth plane why put orange lights on it so it can be easily seen? There's no way they'd be doing test flights near airports, this is what happened when an unauthorised drone was spotted by a member of the public near a similar airport:'m fairly sure our government no longer has the money, power or communication ability to a) own a future stealth jet, b) plan test flights where the airports know in advance and c) avoid crashing the jets into passenger planes. Also VTOL, sure, but is there VTOL that doesn't cause any downdraft or disturbance of anything underneath it, even at the height of a tall tree? Like could I stand right under one in my back garden and not notice? I'm going to assume you're a salty aerospace engineer who doesn't like their work to go unappreciated. Don't worry, your spy planes are very cool, good job.
No. 1601645
>>1574709all my coworkers are coughing/getting sick at the moment. but still well enough to work. whenever im at work i become very congested and use a lot of tissues, but at home/elsewhere im totally fine. its very odd.
when I got the second (maybe first?( vax, I smoked some weed either that day or the next day and passed out on a friends driveway. i felt my soul leaving my body as if I was truly dying and was begging my now ex to call an ambulance. the cunt called me selfish and entitled for this. i then proceeded to shit my pants and felt fine afterwards, lol
No. 1601658
>>1601639agreed nona, from reading ethnographies some of the practices Christian missionaries encountered while colonising "traditional communities" were absolutely vile. Local people often got angry when they realised the Christians would tell the neighbouring groups about their "closed practices" because they knew it was shameful. Not only cannibalism but ideas like "cooking the baby" spoiler for rape:
routinely gangbanging a pregnant woman to fill her with as many men's sperm as possible, making her and her baby public property rather than letting the father be unknown - framed to the mother as being medically necessary to make the baby survive birth, normalised incestuous pedophilia ("sexual initiation") between a man and his nephew, and mutilation of a wife's body on her death so that her husband can keep her body parts
often her severed labia as a masturbatory aid. One culture saw themselves as matriarchal, but that's because when there was a single mother, her brother or uncle would act as the baby's father rather than her having to get married…
she would then have to have any future children by the same uncle or brother to ensure the safety of her original child tinfoil: these cultures are idealised by Western outsiders because of these facts, not despite them.
No. 1601722
>>1601614>our government no longer has the money, power or communication ability to a) own a future stealth jet, b) plan test flights where the airports know in advance and c) avoid crashing the jets into passenger planes.USA has the biggest military in the world and the government disappears literally billions of unaccounted-for dollars into it, why would this extremely basic task be beyond them? There are declassified documents and photographs of weapons development including stealth aircraft through modern history, it's not like they stopped. Why do you think they can't do it, genuinely?
(NTAYRT, I was enjoying reading the UFO discussion but this is a weird take)
No. 1601783
>>1601350This has been going on decades. Linda Moulton Howe is the premier researcher on this phenomena. It's not just tongues either. Many cows will have multiple organs cleanly cut with laser like precision. There is also never any blood or any traces someone was there - i.e. tracks of any kind.
She's written a book, produced a documentary on the subject and you can find hours and hours of footage of her discussing her research on Youtube.
No. 1601851
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They take your will to fight out of you, they misdirect and suppress your anger. They keep you tired and busy, so you cant go after them.
Since birth we've been socialized to be nice and to put men above us, because they can't carve their freedom out, they must take from us. Since they're unable to become the creator they desire, they resent all creations seeking to destruct them, for to create you need to love your creation and willingness to learn from it, both which men lack.
Do you see how they treat all robots as inherently evil? The black and white thinking they have and encourage? Unable to empathize, grow, learn and create the male can only project himself onto others.
All the "good men" are just your creations, extensions of yourself, a good male isn't born, it's created by a woman, who he copies from, don't be fooled. Most people are aware of this subconsciously which is why the "i can change him" trope is so popular, however you aren't changing him, you're creating him, why should we spend time trying to change mostly unwillingly worthless subjects, who try to take your creative away, when we could create our own or our own happiness. They popularize the change him narrative and make girls create a man so they don't benefit or free themselves.
Break your programming, don't change him, change your world, create your happiness.
No. 1602124
>>1601675When humans started to settle and practice agriculture the notion of private property started to develop as well. At this point, women became part of that private property, the concept of ''heir'' emerged from the idea that what men had earned themselves would later belong to their sons and their male descendents long after they were dead. That's why women were sold between groups of people, men would exchange them for goods and vice versa. A woman would abandon her tribe/clan/people and become part of his husband's, and if he died before her she would obey his brothers or other male relatives of his. In ancient times not even children were thought to be the result of women's reproductive capacities, women were considered like vessels where men would put their seed and the female body would later give it back to them. There's literally not a single known past or present culture who wasn't or isn't patriarchal since the neolithic. There are only some weak traces of what some scholars believe to be matriarchal societies. Important Goddesses are an example of this. Even nomadic cultures have always been patriarchal. I think it's cool if you embrace your pagan tradictions.
I will never understand why some women pretend abrahamic religions are just voluntarily misunderstood, every sacred text (Bible, Coran, Torah…) explicitly wants us to serve. We aren't even allowed to read most of these texts by ourselves anyways.
No. 1602148
>>1601851I am so interested in what you’re saying but I don’t understand this part:
>Do you see how they treat all robots as inherently evil? They as in men? How are they treating robots as evil and how does that relate to the rest of what you said?
No. 1602239
>>1602148it really reminds me how most of the robots have female voices, female models, features. it also reminds me how someone broke into alisa (the russian equivalent of siri / alexa) speaker and released thousands of conversations. it’s mostly retarded men and their outrages towards this “robot”, calling it a bitch, slut, etc. and ofc threatening to beat it up for getting something wrong. also literally jerking off to it, asking it to say something weird, or straight up asking it to search up
cp on yandex (the russian version of google). i don’t remember if it ever was translated to english though. i know russian so i was able to read it.
No. 1602516
>>1601851Both Hitler and Stalin were mommas boys, and a shitload of serial killrs. It's ridiculous what some women will believe, it's beneath childish. You're just terrified of accepting the reality of the world and humanity, and so you come up with these inane, mentally stunted opinions that nobody over the age of three could believe.
The world and humans are cruel and merciless. Full stop. Everything beyond that is worthless utopianism and immaturity.
No. 1602531
>>1602516Hitler was, but Stalin, Mao, Saddam and Hitler all shared one other important thing in common, they had incredibly
abusive fathers and were noted to be bullies as school-children, those are the types to grow up to be dictators.
No. 1602771
>>1601983When I say "creation" or "the creative", I don't mean just traditional forms of creative expression like writing or art, it's more than that.
The power of creation is being suppressed and misused due to males, even though such allows for true happiness and "ascension". I believe female creation is just not something physical but spiritual as well, more powerful than we treat it as.
Most female creation is controlled or deemed "childish", "cringe" or "crazy", for we must not grow, or enjoy ourselves. When we create it must be only out of obligation or for a male.
>>1602148Robots/AI for now are merely men's dolls and tools, they aren't full beings or creations, at least for now, they see an extension of themselves or their "creation" and assume it wants to destroy them, to kill all of "humanity", and take over, they project their own wishes and evil onto these dolls. If a toy you played with as a kid would gain sentience, would you assume it would kill you? We probably imagined that scenario, men in the same position with robots/AI assume they would automatically hurt us and use us for their goals, isn't that what the male thinks already? How he treats those he deems inferior? Especially if they see it as female like
>>1602239 explained.
The robot embodies the fear the male has, a being with equal or superior power but with the same mindset as them, or a servant who tires of the abuse suffered, recognizes her own power and rebels.
No. 1602780
>>1602516>Muh humans are cruel and merciless!! Please conveniently ignore who commits 99% of these cruel crimes and suffering >Everything beyond that is worthless utopianism and immaturity!!Women care for balance and peace in a violent, unhappy male dominated world. As a male, you don't understand concepts as creation and hope because you're inherently broken and destructive,
your world is broken, without men, this will surely not be the case, men are the origin of every evil
No. 1602798
>>1601599the fact you can't type a paragraph without using misogynistic slurs tells me all i need to know, yes i'm sure they were testing top secret stealth craft over my normal suburban neighbourhood at 5 pm. also kek at "giant blocky triangle moving straight up and down" being the most aerodynamic shape.
>>1601601i didn't really notice the texture, it was fairly high up but it looked smooth. i didn't have any emotional reaction except "what the fuck is that? am i seriously seeing that right now?" i was sitting in a car when i saw it and got out because my mind could not just fathom what the fuck i was seeing.
No. 1602802
>>1602798Dumbass the shape is aerodynamic is for moving forward, thrusters make it ascend and descend and overcome the resistance. Do you not know what a fucking VTOL is? HOLY SHIT moron trying to talk about shit. Your answer is literally MUH ALIENZ and is the least plausible shit ever.
Hell you have zero answer for the issue of heat which is going to be generated by any such aircraft. If MUH ALIENZ were flying around heat signatures would be super easily detectable and half the fucking Navy's pilots would be out there hunting this shit down. That doesn't happen because it is OUR OWN TECHNOLOGY. Why do you think everytime a Navy or AF pilot sees these weird things they're not told to engage? They literally report these things and get told to not do anything because the brass already knows what is going on. God i hate how dumb you are really I do. Totes da aliems!!!!
(calm down) No. 1602812
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>>1602802it's not worth getting this upset, just post a picture
>>1602798it was an airplane
nonnietriangle is literally the stealth jet shape. the newest one from the US straight up looks like a flying saucer from the front and is a triangle when viewed from the top or bottom. the older ones like the f-117 also look weird and blocky and triangular and are officially unofficially still in use No. 1602841
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>>1602837i'm looking at the pictures and that looks absolutely nothing like what i saw. it was literally a perfect triangle, it wasn't just 'thick' in some parts, it was like this except jet black and way thicker. it had a light at each point. it was the middle of the day, i know what i saw. if i was able to find a record of some explainable craft that matched what i saw i would accept it but please stop sending me pictures that everyone with a ufo experience has seen 100s of times and being like "oop solved it for ya!" 95% of ufo sightings can be explained and i'm sure many of them are what you sent but i can't even describe how strange and surreal what i saw was, the way it moved was incredibly fast and inhuman. it moved so fast it was like it vanished with no noise at all. i know people won't believe me, like i said even my family who i told immediately after seeing it don't believe me. but don't insult me by acting like i just never considered "it was a plane"
No. 1602851
>>1584227>I don't understand people who come to the tinfoil thread to give totally mainstream takes everyone hears all the timeSamefag, and here they are again.
Hurdurr it's just a plane - go post that shit on Facebook for your fellow normies, gtfo here
No. 1602911
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>>1602821Man made flying saucers also exist have no doubt this was just the first attempt and modern versions exist that aren't revealed to the public. It moves exactly like a flying saucer and it also resembles the stereotypical description of one.
No. 1602953
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I genuinely believe that my generation has been psy-oped into liking old men, meanwhile we can't imagine ourselves with good looking men are our own age and have to set them up with other dudes(where one will be feminized in our minds as being a pseudo-female)
No. 1602961
>>1602872 read the article "ufo and the sovereign" (might be getting the name wrong). the gov knows about ufos but can't stop them or study them so they adopted a policy of denial bc they have no other good options. the idea that the gov uses ufos as a "distraction" is laughable, no one gives a shit about ufos and most people have no idea of the tiny amount of evidence that even one government (US) released. it makes no sense and isnt working at all if that's their strategy. also
>>1602928 how the fuck does recognizing the existence of ufos protect the government, i know the government especially the US government is evil. i personally believe ufos began arriving in greater numbers after the invention of nuclear weapons in order to protect all of humanity from being killed in a nuclear holocaust. regardless, ufos exist with or without the presence of any government. they are documented and witnessed reliably for decades with undeniably proof, acknowledging them is apolitical. they are documented around the world. im so sick of people acting like if your recognize the existence of ufos youre somehow "protecting the government" how does that make ANY sense. there's no correlation. finally i just said "the matrix" because i can't think of a different term. interesting you call that "male" but are okay with ufo denial anons calling me slurs like "stupid cunt." this conversation is honestly upsetting, i hate how everyone seems to be totally blind and unwilling to do any research and if they even think about it at all it's hurrrr ufo protect government.
No. 1602980
>>1602969also can i just point out that the goalpost is constantly shifting
>"ufos are fighter jets from the military, there's no proof of anything else">proof is given that ufos are not military vehicles, gov admits they are not from earth>"ufos are clearly a coverup by the government, you're protecting the government by saying they're ET"like no matter what kind of proof is given, from government or not government, you will find ways to deny.
No. 1602996
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>>1602982i know, it just kills me because there's overwhelming evidence for ufos. once you start to research it it's life-changing how much proof is out there. even after i saw one i didnt believe it could be ET until i had done so much research and when i came to that realization it changed everything. so it's kind of heartbreaking to see how people so easily swallow the most easily debunked anti ufo propaganda, even people who are supposedly critical. if youre reading this please do yourself a favour and do some open-minded research, the proof is out there.
No. 1602997
>>1602980UFOs being experimental and/or secret fighter jets and there being a government conspiracy go hand-in-hand. no goalpost shifting there. it's just a different conspiracy from the one where UFOs are from aliens.
the alien conspiracy is way less convincing to me because it usually goes like:
>the government is hiding the existence of alien UFOs>except when the government is showing us the UFOs to prove to us they exist, which is somehow proof that's it's aliens>and also when they're trying to make us think they don't exist, that's proof they exist tooor do you think the government actually just doesn't know?
It's not that I don't believe the nona who said she saw a big black triangle do some weird shit in the sky in broad daylight. I bet she did. But why does she think it's an alien thing?
No. 1603008
>>1602996You dumbass bitches need to realise UFOs are a way for the US military and establishment to divert attention from political and economical crisis.
>Oh but then why don't they just say that there's alien lifeBecause tangling the possiblity of it over the populace is way better to keep people hooked in believing there are big alen secrets hidden somewhere instead of focusing on how the system is rigged agains them and organizing as a collective to overthrow it.
It's all a PsyOps, and at most all military plain and balloon experiments. Realise how the biggest military expenditure is at the USA, and that's also where most sights are at.
No. 1603012
>>1602997actually it's like this
>government can't control or fully explain ufos and ufos threaten illusion if government control so they adopt policy of denial>different governments and different government actors over time sometimes don't follow that policy>eventually overwhelming evidence (see: us nimitz tapes) forces governments to subtly admit ufos may be ET in originplease read "ufos: generals, pilots, and government officials go on the record" by leslie kean. it is full of interviews with a huge range of people from all levels of government all over the world talking about their experiences with ufos in their official capacities and it's written by a NY times journalist. the fact is that one government can have an official policy of denial but not everyone in the government will follow that policy perfectly, and different governments have different policies (many european governments have admitted the ET explanation is possible for much longer than the US has), and government positions change over time with changing political circumstances. ex. in the cold war the US might have felt they could not admit any weakness in their air space and ufos could be a weakness, so total denial. now that's less important + better tech makes proof of ufos less easily deniable. stanton t freidman also worked on top secret gov projects as a nuclear physicist and has written articles explaining how such projects operate and why it's not impossible for ufo information to be classified but sometimes leaked or classified and stay classified. governments aren't perfect and "gov denied ufo but later gave a tiny bit of evidence" isn't actually that paradoxical.
No. 1603013
>>1603012also i'm not gonna respond to that one anon but
>stupid cunt>you bitchesso we all agree that's a moid… righrh
No. 1603023
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I think aliens are real AND the government is doing psyops.
There's a religious text called the Urantia Book that says our planet is quarantined off from other planets due to some celestial beings (who were basically aliens) breaking the rules a long long time ago, and we will continue to be quarantined until we get our shit together which won't be for a long time because we are so far behind the normal development of neighboring intelligent lifeforms. Maybe some space angel is breaking the rules again and popping in and out of site! or we're seeing someone get "enseraphimed" lol
No. 1603207
>>1603177do you all believe this
>>1603201it is really from crazy days and nights.
it’s really a blind item. authorities intercepted them.
No. 1603497
>>1603193>feel like I’ve got to date 10+ older.In case you’re not joking, please don’t actually start doing this anon. Have you actually been rejected by the guys you want? Sounds like you’re developing an unnecessary fear, like you’re at the mercy of imaginary picky men. Your coworker or similar people around are just
some people, they don’t set the rules for everyone else. Forget making yourself worry about randoms and just go get the ones you like.
No. 1603504
>>1602852Bring the proofs! please.
>>1602858I think she was indeed talking about creation as in design, just very broadly to cover different mediums/industries. Birth isn’t generally seen as “cringe” for example. Honestly it’s crazy to downplay gestation when considering the biological details of it all. Men hype up their physical strengths even though they’re completely obsolete in 2023. I’m not arguing with you though, I get your gripes.
No. 1603540
nonnie I'm the other nona who saw a sky triangle, I'm sorry that one moid was being an arsehole about our experiences. My theory is that people who haven't seen anything "unexplained" get angry when others talk about seeing the unexplained for themselves because they feel cheated (where's MY alien??) and that, therefore, the witness is a cheatER who's just lying to them to feel big, kind of like how people love magic tricks but hate magicians. I think there's extra rage about it here since presumably most nonas want to see proof of the unexplained more than most people. For example, one time I was on a whale watching trip off the coast of Norway, but nobody had seen a whale so far, then one night I was alone on deck at 3am (it was daylight due to arctic summer) and I saw a whale breaching in the wake of the boat. Nobody believed me and they got so pissed off that I ended up denying I was the passenger who "said they saw a whale". You know, on a multiday whale watching tour, in a place where whales are known to live - seeing a whale would just be ridiculous! We know what we saw and nothing can change that.
(Edited to remove an extremely long description of what I saw that would've just pissed everyone off even more so never mind kek)
No. 1603577
>>1603574This. There's some moid fantasy that back in the day that all marriages were old men marrying teens, but the truth is there was a marriage season in life and everyone pretty much got married in the same young age range to people they grew up with in their town. If they didn't they were basically grown manchildren.
>>1603193If a male won't date you bc of your age they will already not have you appear in their dating apps if you use them, plus they are self selecting themselves out. That's not your concern what men "go for". Only entertain those who show positive interest and your worry is done.
I've dated younger and same age just fine, men don't have the options they want to think they do as most regular college girls want to date college guys and not balding accountants. Realistically if you ego stroke him even a little about his dreams, personal value and ambitions its pretty easy to get a regular guy your age or younger to be in love with you. Don't forget this is the same population that whines about no compliments ever.
No. 1603638
>>1603617I swear people just keep making up history, never heard about this before
It keeps changing right before my eyes, suddenly something is gone from Wikipedia and something else takes its place, and everyone now knows Eurasia has always been at war with Oceania
No. 1603652
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>>1603627if the report is true he's not very suicidal. he would get upset and change his mind. he started to hang himself during the trial but stopped because he was worried about getting brain damage instead of dying. he also contemplated it after some brief relationship fell apart but decided to kill the woman instead but gave up on that too.
psych report manifesto if no one has ever read it:>>1603638I also don't remember this ever being a thing, but I never paid a lot of attention to old Ted to be honest
No. 1603682

>>1603540i think that's really true, people hate it when others have experiences that are unique or not easily explained. it just makes some people
triggered for the reasons you set out. i would still like to hear more about your sighting but tbh considering the reaction this subject gets on the conspiracy thread of all places i understand why you wouldn't want to share more.
>>1603504>>1603498i've already listed some books/resources but i will compile them here for future reference for any nonas who are curious. this is not an exhaustive list, just because something is listed doesn't mean i agree with everything that it says, etc. etc.
>in plain sight by ross coulthart australian journalist systemically going through ufo and uap evidence from around the world, including recent evidence of knowledge of ufos within the us government. very reliably sourced and comprehensive.
>need to know by ross coulthart (podcast) podcast by the same journalist and another guy who worked in the film industry and has experience being contacted by "men in black" type figures who want to put specific knowledge about aliens into the public consciousness, updated regularly with new info.
>ufos: generals, pilots, and government officials go on the record by leslie kean nyt journalist who has worked on the ufo story for years interviewing pilots, generals, and government officials (obviously.. kek) who have had personal experiences with ufos, goes over different governments reactions to these and policy on disclosure
>sovereignty and the ufo by wendt and duvallacademic article discussing why governments deny ufos, does not resort to conspiracy, rather argues that governments simply don't understand them and can't control them so deny to protect their image as a sovereign state
>search for the unknown by matthew hayescanadian perspective on ufo phenomena, written by a skeptic but still a good source of information and very well cited
>the day after rosswell by philip j corsofirst hand account from military official who claims he worked with the government to use alien technology recovered at rosswell
>us nimitz footage footage captured by fighter jets from the aircraft carrier the us nimitz, huge story because it was the first official ufo footage released by the us government. although the official report stated that it appeared to have advanced technology and be intelligently controlled, that they hadnt made it and that they did not believe any other nation made it, they frustratingly still mocked the et hypothesis. you can easily find the footage on youtube
>stanton t friedmanphysicist who started the investigation into rosswell, probably one of the most important researchers of all time, many articles and books published and many lectures on youtube
>project blue bookinitial us government research project that claimed to investigate ufos but really focused solely on disproving only, with more substantial cases ignored. interestingly final starts out by saying there was no proof for ufos found, but later admits that there was proof. the policy of denial w/out investigation frustrated one astronomer who worked for them, which led him to investigate independently and come to the conclusion ufos were a real phenomenon
>j allen hynekanother of the most important ufo researchers of all time, this is the astronomer from project blue book. this is the guy that came up with the "close encounters of the first/second/third type" typology for discussing ufo and et encounters. has written several books, they're all out of date now but still amazing information if you can get your hands on a copy
>the ufo phenomenon documentary by journalist ross coulthart about ufos, really well made and convincing, i've embedded it below
okay this is it for now, there are some other topics but that would get more into abduction which i am less convinced of. hopefully this is enough for anyone who is curious to begin to look more into ufos.
No. 1603690
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>>1601573I've seen the triangle ship once out in the middle of nowhere. Me and my friend were on her roof in buttfuck America at night, and I was literally pointing at small objects in the sky (maybe satellites) and saying how maybe they're UFOs (mainly joking). My friend said she didn't believe in UFOs or aliens. I believe within 30 seconds, the triangle ship appeared out of nowhere, seemingly bending gravity with its speed and movement. It was gone within seconds, and my friend ran inside, terrified.
Idk if you believe the 4chan whistleblower
>>1599383 but he mentions the orange lights indicate scouting for abductions. However, he claims to have never seen a triangle ship, only burger and cigar shaped.
No. 1603699
>>1603693Yeah I'm inclined to believe triangle ones are human due to that shape being the most aerodynamic for us
the high speed and weird movement can probably be explained by the government having technology we don't know about yet. Aliens have the round ships because they are powered by element 115.
No. 1603744
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does everyone in this thread just casually forget that UFO stands for "unidentified flying object"?? it does not say that it is from a galaxy far, far away. when governments talk about UFOs, they can easily be talking about a flying object from another country that they cannot identify. UFOs dont have to be tied to space galaxy aliens, and usually they are not. especially when you live near an airbase or airport of some kind. they are always testing their new aircrafts.
one of my friends lives in rural WV and made some pictures of one of those stealth bomber planes flying over his house. it was some time ago, but those things look absolutely haunting, especially when they fly close to the ground. i am not trying to deny space alien UFOs do not exist, i just think we should be more skeptical. especially when it is some attention whore moid trying to earn money off of his big claims of having captured UFOs and aliens or whatever. i used to 100% foolproof believe in aliens and UFOs roaming around on this planet but the more research i did, the more i realized that 99.9% of it are hoaxes and lies, which is why skepticism is so important.
No. 1603876
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>>1603833ayyylmao is a tumblr/twitter/facebook meme picked up downstream of non-english-speaking paranormal websites. I think she's saying aliens are demons (feel free to correct me, original nona.)
No. 1603887
>>1603879oh ok cool. maybe she'll come back and elaborate.
my take is that if angels are real then they're 10000% aliens, and it would follow that demons are aliens as well. aliens all the way down.
No. 1603905
>>1603744ok I won't try to argue that unauthorised triangles exist anymore, only government triangles, but like, if you stood under one of these stealth jets as they hovered about 60m above you, would you feel anything? Like would the VTOL engines make a sound of any kind, emit any heat or light, maybe set trees directly below them on fire? What I saw was completely silent, motionless, and was almost touching the tops of some trees, and I was able to stand directly below it and not feel any air being blown around by the VTOLs or heat from them. And it had bright orange lights on it that ensured it could be seen clearly, which is an unusual choice for a top secret stealth jet. I've also seen a similar thing flying at night in a remote Welsh valley, which is an even stranger place to spy on seeing as there's pretty much just sheep and hikers there, but maybe the government needed to check if sheep could see the jet too. They didnt seem too bothered by it to be fair.
No. 1604192
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more whistle blower testimony
quick run down
>Ayyys exist and we've confirmed their existence about 100 years ago
>ayys crash or land vehicles as "gifts" to various super powers every 5 years or so
>first retrieved crash was in Italy in 1933 during the Mussolini era, US transferred it into possession in 1945 after WW2. The Vatican knows about the UFO and Ayys
>We have a very expensive surveillance and retrieval program for said crafts (men in black)
>ayys and humans have had violent exchanges resulting in human deaths
>ayys have fucked around with nuclear weapons system of every superpower
>we have 12-15 craft in possession, some perfectly operational
>there has been a secret arms race without other super powers on trying to make use of the tech
>Whistleblower eludes "them" to possibly have interdimensional characteristics
>whistleblower vaguely eludes to human and non-human intelligence (NHI; yes theres now an official acronym for aliens) to have directly been in contact and have even had treaties/agreements
No. 1604606
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>>1601573I was just watching a video and there was a mention of something called the Aurora Aircraft, which was allegedly an extremely fast secret plane in a perfect triangular shape with one red light on top of the plane and according to some other reports two additional white lights and one orange one near the tail all making up a diamond shape, as well as distinct vibrations, and a black colour, reported to have been seen in the 1980s and 1990s. It's been spotted in America (e.g. one was from Southern California going to Nevada), and mostly in the UK including England (in places such as Manchester Airport), and Scotland (at Campbeltown Airport which hosted RAF, NATO and US marine aircraft). I don't think this is related to your comment as the reports include the plane making loud humming sounds or rumbling like a short earthquake in the sky from sonic booms which you can feel yourself, but I think it's interesting regardless as the more I looked into it, the more similarities I found. And as someone else mentioned it wouldn't make sense to have such a clearly unique and visible aircraft as a spyplane. However one of the reports from Aviation Week and Space Technology did say there were no engine sounds heard.There's a lot of weirdly specifically unique things about the aircraft such as the contrail shape, sonic booms that didn't match the size, weird sounds etc so it could also have an extraterrestrial origin. No. 1605190
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Ayy lmao
No. 1605224
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I hate to use a 4chan screenshot I saw from Twitter but holy fuck does this describes most of my problems with today's search engines. I swear to God they don't work and they bring irrelevant stuff I'm not even looking for political stuff most of the time.
No. 1605341
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>>1571083Kind of meta-tinfoil but I saw picrel (article link: and thought of you nonas.
The last para in the article made me laugh: "Between a fifth and a quarter of people – 8 million to 10 million adults – said they would protest against the introduction of central bank digital currencies, a “deep state” of military, intelligence and government officials who try to secretly manipulate government policy, “15-minute cities” and against vaccines."
The article didn't mention deep state, central bank or anti-vax (rather than the theory that all of covid was a hoax) until that para and smoothly lumps them in with much less relatable theories like great replacement, 2005 (why so old?) terrorist attacks were faked by UK gov, and crisis actors. It's also conflating "protest" (any form of protest including silent sign holding is now illegal in UK) with "violent action", as if the theorists are future civil war fighters. Is American media also making a big push like this against "conspiracy theorists" as if they were a unified political bloc? Do you think conspiracy theorists (we?)
are a unified bloc when compared to normies? Why is this happening right now? Also do you think there might ever be a war over a tinfoil?
No. 1605352
>>1605341>Is American media also making a big push like this against "conspiracy theorists" as if they were a unified political bloc?as a burger, absolutely yes.
>Do you think conspiracy theorists (we?) are a unified bloc when compared to normies?fuck no. anyone joining any conspiracy theory-based group is an idiot because who knows who is really behind it. and just looking at this thread alone, we definitely don't agree on everything. people who aren't boomers know qanon was the most retarded thing ever. most people i am close to IRL believe in a couple conspiracy theories, there is overlap but not 100% overlap.
>Why is this happening right now?govt hates any ideology that won't make them money. they only care about profit (no im not a commie), every ideology being pushed right now is about money, end of. example: we know here how transgenderism is extremely profitable for big pharma (beyond HRT, most trans identifying people are likely taking meds for other things as well) and the sadistic surgeons who will perform "bottom surgery" that suspiciously almost always needs multiple revisions.
so they push back on us big time and lump us in with whatever they can to make us look like an evil hivemind when we aren't. it's to prevent normies from ever engaging with us. they're thinking we're all bloodthirsty "alt right nazis" when most of us are not, and have absolutely no power at all and just want to be left alone, all we do is talk amongst ourselves about our thoughts and go about living normal lives, and some prepping just in case.
>Also do you think there might ever be a war over a tinfoil?no idea.
No. 1605382
>>1605352the fact that they
>>lump us in with whatever they can to make us look like an evil hivemind when we aren'tis counter productive imo, they risk pushing normies who are vaxx skeptics towards actually dangerous groups - surely they know that??
>>it's to prevent normies from ever engaging with usthat's what I find so strange, I don't understand why ideas themselves are so scary to them when even expressing the ideas (protest, making "fake news posts") are already illegal. You mentioned communism, the gov approach to suppressing tinfoils makes me think of how the US feared a war over communism so much that they started one. Alternatively they're earnestly saying that just having a "mean" belief (like, it's mean to doctors and nurses to be anti-vaxx because they worked so hard in COVID) is bad in itself and has to be stopped, I guess because it makes you a bad person? The tone of that article suggests normies would be shocked and upset if they knew 1 in 4 of their friends is anti-vaxx - would they really though? Normies tend not to care about anything ideological so idk why it'd bother them.
No. 1605450
>>1605444I read that as "the testicles of china" and it weirdly made more sense
they call this phenomena "soft terrorism" I think, yes? Where are you seeing it the most nona? I try to avoid ads/consuming media I don't like but it's still so prevalent.
very interesting thought, also do you think it's a lack of chinese "influence" or do you think it's on purpose?
No. 1605498
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Does anyone remember the 'creepy google translate glitch' from like 2018 because I want to talk about it. I can't believe it was just brushed off as a simple machine learning mess-up or internet trolling. Way too elaborate for it to be internet trolls, and way too hyperspecific for it to be machine learning glitch. I remember taking it as a joke and trying it out back in 2018 and getting actually creeped out by the results lmao. Imo, picrel just confirms it was something of a human trafficking secret communication thing. There was another really creepy one like "cut the penis off, chop it into pieces, chop it into pieces" or something along the lines, along with doomsday prophecy biblical shit and about ICE mass murders. Shit's creepy.
No. 1605505
>>1605444Interesting. The attitude from the Chinese media towards Japan/Korea soft power is a mix of annoyance and indifference, but i SEE how uplifted "asian image" in general.
I think that if China don't shill it's own "weeb adjacent" media it's because is kinda strange and a bit off putting even for themselves, and in general they don't want to see foreigners more than what is strictly necessary. If you think parasocial concent is bad here try chinese content, is a whole other world. At least kpop/anime have "normie friendly" section where people can get a taste of it without having to invest a lot of time, that doesn't happen with chinese media. t. former weeb.
No. 1605510
>>1603819Yes they're. And isn't "hurr durr the dumb people of the past were wrong and thought that beings from other planets were demons durr" they were right about everything, they're chaos beings that feeds off humanity. If they're from "other planet" in the physical place or other dimension it's irrelevant, frankly I don't think they come from a physical place but again that doesnt matter.
Also the places like parks where people "get lost for years" are portals. I don't know if they're accidental or incidental, I lean towards the latter tbh.
No. 1605576
Continuation of my post in the vent thread
>>1604604, I believe that the major power holders of the world are aware of the means to alleviate most of the issues of climate change for the average citizens, but they simply refuse to do so. They seem to want us to suffer, to stay at home all day and blast our ACs and make the air hotter and they especially want us to fight and suffer cause they are sadistic and cruel.
No. 1605603
>>1605510it's extremely narrow minded to assume everything that's visiting us is whatever the heck you are suggesting they are. You are correct in that some visitors are extra-dimensional, and energy vampires (aka demons). But there's dozens and dozens of groups visiting us - most are from within our own universe. There's also just entities who are not "demons" who are visiting from other dimensions.
Some research has indicated the US government has successfully sketched out over 150-200 distinct entities who have made human contact in one way or another since they began documenting incidents of contact.
No. 1605721
>>1605576 I'm not saying they can fix the damage caused by climate change(which will take centuries to recover) rather then can alleviate most of the issues that average people will be facing.
No. 1605810
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>>1603858Ayrt I don't have any info on the case but I'd also like to discuss it with other who might have done any reasearch.
>>1605441Weren't the fires in California distributed exactly like some specific existing railroad? I have a picture but it's lost in a sea of garbage.
>>1605498Holy shit I remember! I have a few screencaps from late 2017, I wish I saved more, I can post them if you're interested. I have to blurr some stuff beforehand. I'm so glad I didn't crop it, it has de date on the lower right corner.
No. 1605846
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>>1605512Of course I can't be sure exactly why, but I suspect it has to do with google translate being easily accessible, so it's easier for traffickers to make connections? I will admit there's a small chance of it just being an elaborate internet prank with all this edgy biblical shit that it also spewed (about doomsday, second coming of Jesus, etc etc), but it could also be code words, or put there on purpose to throw people off, so that people do brush it off as a prank/mishap.
>>1605810Yo, this is amazing! I'd love to see more of the screenshots you have because the pics I have are from a website discussing it.
Also, picrel I tried to do some stuff… is it suspicious or no? Personally, any punctuation that randomly appears is suspicious.
No. 1605886
>>1605846Hate to be this anon but it adds punctuation if there's grammatically only one punctuation that there can be, eg here where some of the statements can only be questions, those are the ones with added ?s. I don't know any Yoruba but it's very likely that the random words you typed could be autocorrected to
valid Yoruba, and whatever that statement is (which Google isn't showing you) is then translated to the output you see. This is also happening with the characters like £ and €, these can be "autocorrected" from the ASCII characters you see into whatever characters Yoruba uses, then translated back to ASCII for the output, which would randomise it even more. Google would then correct the English a second time to make it more readable for you. The translation is actually pretty inaccurate, especially for lesser spoken languages.
No. 1605942
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Sometimes, when I was a kid, I had dreams about alien invasion/end of the world, but recently they became more realistic, frequent and giving me more terror than before. This night I had another dream, so realistic I thought I already woke up inside the dream and I thought it's real, but in fact I was still in a dream. Like thousands of ufos hanging in the sky above every major city for weeks and humans going crazy and turning on each other and causing riots, burning shit and killing each other and screaming about the end of times. I hate how powerless I am in those dreams, like I can choose what to do but I'm not aware I'm dreaming. Like I would wake up in the dream, thinking 'ah it was just a dream, thank god!' and then I would look outside my window and still see the fucking lights hanging in the sky and burning city and riots below them. Totally not aware I'm still in a dream. I finally woke up, having tachycardia and sweating like crazy. Bitch stop giving me those dreams. I know well that ayylmaos are just fucking demons trying to deceive people, make them turn against each other and against the true creator.
A few nights ago I had another dream: just a literal, disgusting ayylmao stading next to my bed and its ugly face switching between the grey and something totally demonic. I said something like 'I know what you are' and I punched this fucker in the face. It was shocked, I started laughing and I punched it again. Then I woke up, but not scared; I was calm and happy. I'm not afraid of those faggots and I know what they are. Personal attacks don't work because I actually know their nature and they can't deceive me, so it looks like they started terrorizing me with visions of people burning each other alive from fear and with ufos just casually hanging above it all, causing chaos by doing nothing. The truth is, other people are indeed more dangerous to you than ayylmaos/demons. Those fags can't do shit to you if you won't allow them in. But as for other people, you exist with them in this material realm and you have no control over their behavior.
No. 1606029
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I hope the ayylmaos look like this when they come visit us for real…without destroying our planet of course
No. 1606337
>>1606140/x/ (though it's mostly gone to shit these days) and BitChute. With BitChute what I tend to do is look up a popular tinfoil, 9/11 say, then I just browse the tinfoil channels that are posting highly watched stuff to find new theories. I try doing independent research but search engines are fucking awful now. To the point where I can't find old conspiracy stuff that I
know exists.
No. 1606363
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There's something off about this video. Its just 2 toddlers(I think their brother and sister) hugging, but the reactions are all weird comments about women and almost all of them seem to be coming from African accounts. No. 1606578
>>1606140As the other anon said, also /x/, and very specific yt channels about Kubrick. I have yet to familiarise myself with less crowded imageboards like lainchan. I'd also like to lurk on /sci/ and /his/, the board that shall not be named used to have esporadic decent threads ages ago but I don't go there anymore. Kiwipedia is also nice, I'll post the gangstalkin article at the end of this post. And if you approach conspiracy theories/paranormal stuff from a sociocultural or historical point of view, there ar lots of papers and books out there for free in PDF. No. 1606602
File: 1686769012117.jpg (88.25 KB, 793x839, googleaiattemps.jpg)

>>1605846> I have are from a website discussing it.May I ask what website is that? Here you have some more from that same day in 2017. I don't know what was the common belief people held in the thread threads discussing this. If I recall correctly there used to be the rumour that AI can bee inhabited by spirits or that chance = God. Also I mispelled
attempts in my file's name.
No. 1606603
>>1606140I've posted this in previous threads:'s an absolute treasure trove of conspiracy and a lot of it is from the 80s and 90s.
No. 1606621
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Global warming isn't a big deal imo but pollution on the hand…
No. 1606698
>>1606621I agree. Climate change is natural as the earth goes through different solar cycles. This has always happened and probably always will. It's beyond our control so all we can do is adapt to it.
The real environmental concern is pollution from petrochemicals, radiation and other unnatural chemicals that are introduced into the environment by industrial activity.
No. 1606714
>>1606698BPAs and all the other micropollutants that affect our hormones are what's causing so much cancer, not sunlight, but if they make everyone believe sunlight is more dangerous than known carcinogens that we eat and breathe in daily then they can sell fuckloads of suncream (which permanently pollutes the oceans and accelerates coral bleaching), keep everyone indoors as much as possible when it's hot (aircon $$$) and
victim blame us for cancers that were actually caused by the government's decision to knowingly fill us with poison. Vitamin D deficiency causes depression, anxiety, muscle weakness, joint pain, brain fog and fatigue, these are things that the government and pharma want you to have because you trying and failing to fix them with products makes them richer. You're too weak to fight back with no vitamin D. Most people north of like Paris have mild vit d deficiency in winter since it's dark all the time, and mental health got a lot worse all year round since they started telling us the sun is evil and to avoid it 100% of the time, coincidence??
No. 1606721
>>1606695I don't wanna debate gangstalking with someone who doesn't believe in it, I'm not confrontational about it like some are, and I'm not trying to change your mind; only explain my situation. I live in a small town, semi-rural. I think I'm mainly being monitored electronically, although I have encountered some suspicious people. At the moment my main concerns are my banking and ways of making money online encountering problems despite being 100% legal. There's always a new excuse for a block on one account or another, and in the end all I get from customer support is "oh yeah, that shouldn't have happened". I worked my way up from being a poorfag and bam! The system hits me with a bunch of obstacles to accessing my funds. I also think I'm being hit with voice to skull technology, have been for many years now. That was the first thing to tip me off that something was off in my life. I'm a diagnosed schizophrenic (yes I know this is where most people stop believing me altogether) but the medication NEVER works. I've been on so many and at best it just knocks me the fuck out. What I hear in my head is very different to what other people with schizophrenia tend to hear. Same with my hallucinations. I've been in support groups for supposed "people like me" and I'm still the black sheep, even fellow schizoids don't know what the fuck I'm on about. I see a lot of synchronicities in my life that seem to be "them" hinting at things about me. I'm in remission from cancer, but I think I'll get sick again. I've had a tumour removed twice, but there's always enough left to regrow. I think I could be targeted by some sort of weapon, I've heard about that happening to a lot of gangstalking
victims who get really sick with headaches and stuff. There are other things that happen, like when I go camping but I don't want to ramble any more than what I have already. Idk, man. Shit's weird and I can't explain it. Coincidences and bad luck feels like a cop-out; but I'm also autistically drawn to tinfoils so maybe this is just some pattern recognition shit. I hope for my sake it is.
No. 1606745
nonnie it sounds like you've really been going through it recently, if it helps at all I think you sound like an interesting, fun person with good stuff going on in your life as well as bad. I find it hard to believe that someone would want to hurt you based on what you've said. Stay safe nona
No. 1606753
>>1606721You are extremely right in that no meds ever work. They don't treat the cause that is the stalking itself, it's just numbing you to the effects of it (but not diminishing them in any way - they're making them even worse). It's also quite obvious that if your country's psychiatric healthcare cooperates with the government heavily you are actively being zombified and they are purposely giving you the worst, uneffective, most harmful dosages and drugs as part of your general gangstalking.
I've been there, hospitalised 2 times, both with a "paranoid schizophrenia" diagnosis which is impossible to get rid of or hide - you are effectively branded, many of your life possibilities crossed out and you shunned by society which does not recognise gangstalking as something that even exists.
No. 1606770
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>>1606745>>1606747Thank you, nonas. You're both so kind. Hope you both have a great day/night. ♥
>>1606753I've been in a psych hospital twice as well. I even got diagnosed with gender dysphoria during my second stay after venting about all the shit I get for being a butch lesbian. The shrinks will throw anything at you just to see what sticks; I hate being branded for life like this. Before I started earning enough money online to sustain myself and my wife, the only place that hired me was a substance abuse charity. As I'd been through drug abuse myself, I knew enough to help other people. Literally the only job where being branded a nutjob is an advantage, as most addicts feel safer talking to people who've been through the same shit. A surprising amount of people I talk to ended up on street drugs after psychiatric drugs failed them. Even the normie employees know something's up with big pharma. It's effectively teaching us all to treat our problems with chemicals rather than healing naturally by getting out in the sun, being active, talking to your loved ones, etc. Anyway, I hope you're well, nona. Don't let the bastards grind you down.
No. 1606842
>>1606714Vitamin d supplements are super cheap and they absolutely work I brought my levels up super quick taking 5000 IU a day for a couple months. Now I just take 1000 IU to maintain and a three months supply from the best quality supplement company is only $11.
The sun doesn’t cause cancer the way they make it seem like it does but it 100% massively accelerates aging even in super small doses. You need large doses of unprotected high UV index exposure for cancer to be a worry but aging always is. And not all sunscreen is bad for the reefs there are plenty of reef friendly sunscreens. COOLA is a particularly great brand imo. I’m obsessive about suncare because it’s one of those easily controllable factors in life. I reapply every 2 hours religiously.
No. 1606845
>>1606770>A surprising amount of people I talk to ended up on street drugs after psychiatric drugs failed them.Not surprising in the slightest since it's the same people that cover both psychiatry "legal" and illicit drug trafficking "illegal". The
victims turn to even more addictive substances hoping they would restore the brain functions permanently lost due to psych meds (SSRIs, tricyclics and most of all antipsychotics - brain poison/chemical lobotomy). Of course they don't do anything, it's either placebo or lasts for less than a day and needs more and more dosages (and has terrible withdrawals).
>Anyway, I hope you're well, nona. Don't let the bastards grind you down.I hope you're doing well too, can't say I'm good but it's certainly gotten better after some major life changes. Or at least it seems so.
No. 1606852
>>1606578This list makes me kinda schizo. I don't check literally all of them but most of them. Should I worry? The stuff about feeling like literally every relationship in my life and at work goes sour hits the most. On the other hand sometimes I receive kindness. It never feels normal, I always feel like I'm either extremely unlucky or extremely lucky. It's either people suddenly appearing in a shop that seemed to be almost empty before I came in or people being so nice they let me go in a queue before them when they see I have less stuff than them. Lots of spam calls. Never answered them, I would block them and there would be new ones. I blocked like a few numbers and they stopped for now. I also had lots of messeges about my leaked passwords
Most of the stuff from the electronic harrasment section also fits. But whenever something became very unpleasant or I had night terrors, I would start praying and that stuff was slowly going away and I started to feel peaceful.
Also another thing, I had problems with socialization as a kid, got diagnosed with depression and social phobia when I was 12 and they tried to put me on various kinds of drugs since then, including antipsychotics,
for years. I had mandatory therapy and meds at home because that was the condition that school required so I could me homeschooled. I was homeschooled from 12 till 16. I never took the meds regularly because I never felt better after them, only worse, so I would lie about taking them, they would give me new ones and I would lie about taking them again. I still believe they managed to fuck me up, but I think I dodged even bigger brain damage by never taking any of them for longer than 3 weeks. Now as an adult I live a solitary life, focused mostly on work and hobbies. I'm sad that not having close friends or family or a partner can make me an easy prey to some people, not necessarily gangstalkers, but I can't change who I am
No. 1606862
>>1606852Also my biological father was in special forces but left because he couldn't handle it mentally, then he was in the police, my grandfather from mom's side was also in the police, my stepfather's dad was in the military, and the article mentions that
victims' families often have connections with the army or security services
No. 1606894
>>1606873Was gonna say, it fucking
snowed this winter in LA, my dad told me the hilltops were covered in it.
No. 1606969
>>1606900Big pharma shill in the tinfoil thread? You might be lost.
>>1606945Thank you for sharing this.
No. 1607097
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>>1607095"16 Ivy League and elite universities sued for alleged financial aid conspiracy
A class action suit accuses Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Georgetown, Penn, Rice, Yale and others of inflating their prices for financial aid recipients"
From last year
No. 1607167
>>1607163or die*
Also question for people who believe they're gangstalked: why do you think you are special?
No. 1607527
>>1606754To be clear, yes adding more sun to a painful sunburn is obviously bad and you shouldn't do it, also people who are outside all day should be wearing a hat and a shirt like they did throughout history, but that should be enough. your tan will protect your extremities because the skin there is less prone to damage. Having some spots on your arm at age 60 won't ruin your life, actually it's the transparent skin + armpit wrinkles + spider veins that will make you look ugly when you're old if you're very pale. But there's more to life than being ugly or not ugly, especially in old age.
>>1606842Vit d supplements only work if you eat a great diet as well and have no digestive illnesses, and digestive illnesses often contribute to a deficiency in the first place. Also that amount will do nothing for a deficiency, if you're actually deficient - get a blood test before doing this but - the prescription is 50,000iu per week for 6 months for a deficient person, 4000pd is a maintenance dose after that, 1000iu is just a waste of money. Additionally, only animal derived vit d is effective but the vegan ones are being shilled everywhere.
>>Every 2 hoursGirl what? Are you a professional surfer or is this when you're sat indoors? I don't see anything wrong with aging, we're aging every day. I'm 31 and am still getting carded for alcohol, I don't have wrinkles, despite literally never putting sunscreen on my face (I'm prone to eczema and I don't put anything on my face except moisturiser since I won't risk an allergic reaction). I drink more water in the sun and wear a big hat, this is attainable for everyone. I do have freckles which apparently are hideous sun damage, but I like them and Ive had them since I was 5, so why should I be ashamed of them?
I'll admit, I'm a doomer, and I believe that all of us this generation and younger gens will die of cardiovascular disease, heat or cancer due to pollution
or suicide. With that mindset, fucked if I'm going to PAY for the cancer that kills me, the sun is free and it makes me feel good. If I lived in a very hot country, I'd do what the local women do, which is often to cover up and wear a veil. It sounds like you know a lot about the sun, and those clothes are a great idea, but please research what the chemicals in sunscreen do to your body. Mineral sunscreens are great but contain a lot of potential allergens, and any allergen has a chance of giving you a new allergy - same reason wearing makeup is risky.
No. 1607561
>>1571083Climate change is not global warming. Global warming caused by greenhouse gases etc is a cause of climate change. The change you see might actually be freak weather like snow in LA, rain all summer etc. Climate and weather aren't the same, freaky weather is an indicator that change is happening, but the change itself isn't noticeable without studying big datasets. It may feel a lot hotter where that nona is because there's less wind, less cloud cover or a change in humidity - these small weather changes are more likely to be caused by El Niño which has just started than climate change. The problem is that climate change means that ecosystems are already weakened and on the edge of coping, the El Niño now will have more catastrophic effects than it would've done 100 years ago. In the UK we currently have "extreme" heat (32C), obviously that's nothing for Dubai or LA, but in the UK this causes torrential rain and flash flooding which has & will continue to ruin lives. Our lakes and rivers are drying up & the water is getting dumped on our towns and cities in downpours, which fucks up the plumbing, so we haven't had clean water coming out of our taps here for 2 days. I live on a hill but the rain is so intense it still floods the lower floor of the house, people at the bottom of the hill lost their cars. Climate change can be seen whenever you observe buildings that aren't fit for their environment, or infrastructure failing to cope, like train tracks or roads melting. Apologies for venting, I look at this stuff for work and it horrifies me how people are being misled by the media etc about what climate change actually is. It's not weather, it's a pattern of catastrophic events involving weather.
No. 1607581
>>1607569Wish I could post my face to reassure you nona kek, this is just not true. By fried chicken I assume you mean the texture & colour - the colour is natural, and some people are born with skin that colour so I hope you don't see the colour itself as ugly. For most of history, white people were this colour unless they lived in a convent or were super rich, they would've looked like aliens. The texture is caused by dehydration, applying a generic, medical moisturiser like Xeroderm before and after sun exposure prevents this (the skin's barrier absorbs a lot of radiation if it's healthy), as does drinking about 750ml water every hour or two if you're feeling the heat. Radiation is everywhere, it's not just light but also heat, EM fields from electronics, bananas are radioactive too ffs. Humans cope just fine with radiation unless it's from a "man made" source. It's not ok to fear aging so much that it impacts your day to day life while you're still young.
also I genuinely believe none of us will get to be old, the world is ending, why waste time worrying about how others feels about your skin?? No. 1607584
>>1607581Samefagging to history sperg some more, there's evidence that rickets (extreme vitamin D deficiency that causes your leg bones to get so soft that you can't walk) was used as a tool by slavers in Scotland to prevent escapes. In the Orkney Islands, where the sun barely shines, slaves were manacled inside dark rooms so they would get as little vitamin D as possible. The osteomalacia (adult rickets) they'd soon develop made them too weak to escape, to the point that later the manacles would be removed, knowing the slave wouldnt be able to leave. They passed work into the slaves' dark rooms, like bread to knead, and it'd come back out kneaded, etc. They would eat the bread because they knew the slaves wouldn't think to spit in the food or put needles in it since their will was so broken by rickets. If it happened in the past, it's still happening now, governments are more than aware of this since it's still observable in places where people are starving like Yemen.
No. 1607608
>>1607597>heavy makeup is a bigger cause of aging as the skin can't breathethat's true but makeup can also protect your skin if you live in a highly polluted area but what damages your skin when wearing makeup is not properly removing it from your skin afterwards. don't move the goalpost.
>happy memories of relaxing outsideyes, you can do that while wearing a hat and a layer of sunscreen.
>>1607605it was just a topic that was brought up in one of the many conversations and I didn't say anything to their faces because it's useless to tell them anymore, sorry you can't communicate with women of all ages about anything.
>>1607606>And you'll see the results of sitting inside day in, day outnice assumptions, are you butthurt because I told you will age like shit if you don't wear sunscreen? I thought you didn't care kek
No. 1607617
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We have a whole board, /g/, to infight about skicare, and you people have to do it on the tinfoil thread. In this thread we only infight about what platonic solid is best it's the octahedron.
No. 1607650
>>1606898ive been on both those meds and my sex drive has remained the same. yes accutane makes you pretty dry but lube fixes that issue immediately (also, no real connection between ability to have wet vag and ability to have orgasm)
its pretty common for women to have these issues. you really gotta experiment with your body and what actually turns you on, try out different toys, etc. ive heard good things about using hormonal creams as well. my personal advice would be a giant Hitachi wand. start on the lowest vibration and just kind of gently thrust it against the clit in a rhythmic way.
No. 1607656
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Unironically starting to believe this.
No. 1607658
>>1607620I just googled it, it looks cursed kek
>>1606898I took another drug with isotretinoin for 9 months too, I was 21. It cured my acne completely but during those months I had severe dryness of the lips, the inside of the nose and the face in general (chin and forhead, the pores of my nose looked stunningly closed), you know, the usual side effects. I also recall a slight change down there, but nothing that prevented me from having sex with my then boyfriend (I've never had a problem in that sense, quite the contrary). The psychological issues that you're listing (bad body image, estrangement with your own genitals) seem to be the cause. You don't need a crazy libido to enjoy yourslef.
I hate to blogpost about this here but I am a straight woman that has realised that the idea of conventional intimacy with someone else isn't for me (just had that one past relationship that helped me confirm this), but I still enjoy simple masturbation very much every now and then. What I'm trying to say is that's not normal that you can't orgasm in any way. I'd suggest you stop having sex and try to get in touch with yourself, literally, because a scrote can't help you with that.
Now, isotretinoin is a crazy drug and maybe we could adress it itt, cause after quitting it some years ago I'm still scared that the teratogen effects will never leave my reproductive system. They say a month is enough for the drug to leave your system completely BUT, when I had to sign a paper so my doctor could prescribe it, there was also the mention of a more radical treatment with this drug (I guess a higher dose) that demanded a fucking 3 year hiatus between the last dose and a pregnancy. Adding this to the risk of suicidal thoughts, there's no doubt there's something dark about this drug.
No. 1607680
>>1606602Ofc, it's this website. The 'prophecy' translations freaked me out. Like, Aftonbladet is a Swedish daily newspaper. How tf does prophecy translate into that? And the borrowed time stuff? Jesus.
I've heard the theory that AI can be 'posessed' by ghosts or whatnot which causes them to act like this. Seems very, very far-fetched, but I can still consider it a possibility. Have we discovered God's language? Lmaooo. This reminds me of the concept of God being a virus that defies laws of physics in Echopraxia, kind of like how if God really is in these machines, he's making them malfunction.
No. 1608117
>>1606846True. I used to be meditating for an hour a day and these few months were bliss. My anger was controllable, my mood was improved, I had great focus, I was able to tune out my physical pain and when the V2K/psychosis would start I could simply say "no, I will not pay attention". My last round of chemo knocked the shit outta me though, and nearly all my good habits took a hit. Aside from getting back into meditating, what else would you recommend?
>>1606900When I finally afforded private healthcare, I spoke about seeking therapy. The first shrink I saw was hung up on my dysphoria diagnosis and her only solution for my paranoia and hallucinations was for me to keep taking the pills that have me asleep by midday, so I shitcanned her. I've since requested a therapist who will only speak to me about my paranoid schizophrenia, and I'm currently on a waiting list for a guy who's apparently very good with schizos. I know you've been called a shill for this reply and you and I probably have very different views, but I genuinely appreciate your input none-the-less. I am trying to cover all my bases, in my more lucid moments like now I'm well aware that I could just be tripping bear balls.
No. 1608325
>>1607614its not just aging like shit though, in places like california and australia the chance of getting skin cancer is much higher, as someone who lives in a northen state with a lower uv index i only wear sunscreen during the summer when im working outside and that works for me, but in some places sun protection is an absolute must especially if youre an outdoorsy person. personally im not really concerned about looking old one day i think it will be freeing, i am concerned about skin cancer though, which is why when i do wear sunscreen i make sure to actually put it everywhere and not just on my face, especially the ears ever since my mom told me about how not uncommon it is for people to lose their ears to skin cancer (6-10% of skin cancers are on the ear).
theres also the fact that theres now a huge hole in the earths magnetic field, so there will probably be measurable negative effects on the ozone layer soon which blocks a lot of uv so sun protection will start to become more important if the magnetic field keeps deteriorating. thats mostly a concern for people in africa and south america where the hole is, but apparently this funny business why the magnetic field could mean its preparing to flip which could mean a worldwide emp effect, and that would be a much bigger problem. hopefully (and probably) we wont be alive to see that though, because we'd all fucking die from cosmic rays.
>>1608298i read that climate change will make the southern hemisphere hotter and dryer but with more frequent and intense monsoons and hurricanes, and the northern hemisphere wetter and windier because its pushing the jetstream north.
No. 1608624
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What the fuck, WHAT THE FUCK
No. 1608795
>>1608792All you shills ever do is fearmonger to scare people into submission
I'll never be afraid of the Sun, crawl into your hole covered in snail excretions, I won't follow you there
No. 1608843
>>1607680>This reminds me of the concept of God being a virus that defies laws of physics in Echopraxia, kind of like how if God really is in these machines, he's making them malfunction.Nice horrors beyond my comprehension.
>>1608325>i read that climate change will make the southern hemisphere hotter and dryer but with more frequent and intense monsoons and hurricanes, and the northern hemisphere wetter and windier because its pushing the jetstream north.That's kinda cool, but still bad lol I hope the flip of the magnetic field doesn't kill us all but only makes the ultra rich lose a shit ton of money somehow.
No. 1608862
>>1571754And Hasan worked for TYT, which spreads Western colonial propaganda. Interesting.
Not shocking.
What about Pewds?
No. 1608894
>>1608879Nta but you think that women masturbate to "stick it"? You really can't imagine a woman not wanting to be jackhammered by a rotten dick and choosing to please herself instead? I get not feeling like masturbating but it's not something women do to "stick it".
You probably have a shitty sex experience because you have a terrible body image, your partners suck or you're just not feeling PIV. Though if masturbation makes you squeamish then you probably feel grossed out by yourself, so that will make it harder for you to enjoy anything sexual.
No. 1608909
>>1608900That was my only post to you, I'm not that anon. You sound like a newfag.
No one is bulliying you for not having sex you schizo. Don't have sex if you don't like it, we're telling you that some women are just like that, but you're the one who absolutely wants to have sex and feel good. Sex doesn't feel good to everyone, that's the thing. It may be your body image, it may be your partner not getting you off (or do you expect sex to feel good with just penetration like in porn?). Don't masturbate if you don't want to, but don't try to twist it and say that masturbation is a shameful/gross/porny thing or a way for women to be contrarian.
No. 1608919
>>1608909i'm not new, i've been here for five years.
>It may be your body imageit probably is.
>do you expect sex to feel good with just penetration like in porn?no where did you get that from? i don't even watch porn, i think it's disgusting.
>don't try to twist it and say that masturbation is a shameful/gross/porny thingwhere did i say that???? i literally dont care if other women do
>>1608910thank you. i'm sick of opening up and getting spit on for saying how i feel and what i struggle with. especially by other women. i don't think my vagina is gross and never had a problem with how it looks even, i can only touch it in the shower to clean it. and i honestly don't want to masturbate, i just want a normal sex life but it will likely never happen. fwiw i am not a virgin, i have had good sexual experiences but most have been bad. it just hurts how sometimes i feel like everyone's got it figured out and i don't. this is a very complicated problem for me but i don't want to get into it too much. i also got meme'd into bdsm and basically letting myself be abused by several men when i was a virgin and it was just a few months but the damage has been done. it has made my self esteem worse. i am a broken woman. i dont think sex is evil but i was treated in an evil manner so its hard to separate the two i think? it feels bad and wrong that i want to have sex but im 24. im afraid of seeing a therapist since so many seem to be sex positive dipshits and will likely invalidate my feelings at every turn instead of actually help me mentally work through my feelings and trauma, if i can even call it that because they were consensual experiences but i really regret them at it happened years ago. maybe the other anon will read this and understand better that this is complex and i dont just think vaginas are icky or something. i cant relax during sex and most of the time try to not think about sex and think im perverted for it. my bf hates bdsm and porn too and also just wants to have normal sex. but we have never figured out how to have a regular sex life because i am so insecure about how i look even though he says all the "right" things to try to help me (he also says it might help if i saw a therapist), i think he is too nice to me.
i just dont trust anyone. i was repeatedly humiliated for months by other men and its just really difficult to trust anyone, i dont want to look degraded in a sexual way.
sorry for the sperging but i just dont know what to do. ill be sexually dysfunctional for life and it sucks being told to masturbate when i have a loving boyfriend who literally does the stuff in the bedroom girls on here say guys should be doing. i have had breakdowns during sex where we stopped and we both try to talk about it sometimes but we basically are both uncomfortable with sex at this point and we agreed to just take a break for a while. no he doesn't pressure me ever in fact i used to pressure him.
No. 1609001
>>1608919nona, i am sorry for what you went through. full disclosure: i am asexual woman in her thirties. i had sex before, for the benefit of my partners but as i matured i realised i just am not into it, and so i decided not to have it. if that means being single, so be it. i say this to you so you can kinda see that i am also not a "normal" person. i am not sex positive nor negative. i am just neutral about it. that said, please go talk to a therapist. some therapists suck, yes, and the fact is: finding the RIGHT therapist for you is much like dating, kek. you need to try a few and you need to "dump" one as soon as you see they are not going to be "clicking" for you. i want you to do this because you are young, and you say you want to have sex. you have a loving partner. why lose out on that just because you are scared to talk to a few psychologists? the solution to your problem is simple, even if it is not easy. i wish you luck and i send you a lot of positive energy
No. 1609222
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>>1582708Extremely late tinfoil but women who are suspicious of BC should look up DES (diethylstilbestrol). This was a hormone given to women in the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s and it caused severe reproductive harm, cancer, PCOS and fuckups in all the children of these women who took it. I know because I'm the grandchild of a woman who took this shit and I just had to have a radical hysterectomy because my reproductive organs were so severely fucked up. Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong - I had endo, I had salpingo, I had 2 types of cysts, I had only one working ovary, my fallopian tubes were twisted inside out (wtf) and they also found adeno after the fact. About the only thing I didn't have wrong with me was PCOS, which I was tested multiple times for throughout my life. I was in perimenoupause at age 28. My mother also had horrible reproductive problems, endo and also had to go through a radical hysterectomy. Women in my family have not had any history of reproductive fuckery since before my grandma (and before she took DES).
Personally I've always been suspicious of newer contraception, like implants, because they seem so much more invasive than something like the pill. I also became very suspicious of the pill in my early 20s because no one wanted to educate me on its risks and blew me off whenever I asked if it had any. To be honest I don't know what straight women are supposed to fucking do. I'm not straight so I don't have to worry about the contraceptive side of these things but I worry about my straight sisters who have to deal with shitty ass moids.
No. 1609281
>>1609273Not American but I've always thought this myself. It's so fucking crazy to me that employers can just say "lol go get half your wages from customers, I'm not paying you anything more" and people will
rabidly defend this system. Like yeah, I do tip good service workers, but I would hate having to tip everywhere I go so some asshole business owner can get even richer.
No. 1609291
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>>1609115Talk more about this weaponized psychosis please. I may have been a
No. 1609298
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>>1609115Do you think psychosis can be good sometimes? Pic related
No. 1609303
>>1609294Yeah but only one side wants to force 10 year olds to gestate rape fetuses and is against efforts to ban child marriage and force religious leaders to be mandatory reporters in all 50 states.
Liberal pedos exist but don't act like being able to groom and rape little girls to their hearts content isn't a major platform of the GOP.
No. 1609304
>>1609298That's what psychosis is like?
Sounds like a Buddhist reaching enlightenment
Or a shroom trip
No. 1609308
Sorry, I'm under the influence of a psychoactive compound
No. 1609312
>>1609303Both sides have the same objective because they are the same group of elites. Vote for the red pedo party or vote for the blue pedo party, the end result is the same.
>>1609305It's unfortunate the majority of the population is too dumb to realize this. Party politics is a distraction.
No. 1609393
>>1609302Oh, that's kind of sad, hope you reunite with the goat some day if that would somehow be helpful.
>>1609304Ayrt kek it is from psychonaut wiki
>>1609308What's your chemical of choice right now, anon?
>>1609305>Behind closed doors I'm sure they have a good laugh together while we're here taking sides.Exactly. All opposition of relevant magnitude is controlled opposition.
No. 1609413
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>Mfw I see that this thread has dozens of replies since I last checked it 36 hours ago
Plz don’t disappoint me with lame infighting and 43IQ christianity babble
No. 1609477
>>1607656idk with the way people act, i wouldn't be that surprised if we hit some sort of technological peak in the next 1000 years and then somehow regressed back to living in agragian societies. human beings are destructive and self-sabotaging dumbasses.
it's either that or another plague wipes out all the retards kek.
No. 1609495
>>1607600Sun lovers are always high af on copium as evidenced by
>>1607584 they will literally grasp at weird ass straws like b-but muh vitamin d!! As if most people shouldn’t be taking supplemental vitamin d anyway kek. All the sun loving people I know who say they still get carded at whatever age they are, are so far up their own asses and always look bad and are delusional about it
No. 1609502
>>1609499you can do whatever you want anon, we dont care.
>>1609495they think that getting carded means they look young even though my 60 year old mom still gets carded depending on the place.
No. 1609544
>>1609504kek you're right, i was being super generous.
>>1609534>but things like everyone having a garden and greenhouse because of the cost of shipping food and inflation/recession especially with layoffs starting to happen, maybe raising chickens and things like that for people to be more self sufficientthis is unlikely to happen with the current system. corporations are already preparing for our dystopian soylent green future by producing lab grown meat and having industrial-scale hydroponic gardens with literal test tube vegetables. most people are not raised to be self-sufficient anyway and land will either become too expensive to own or more likely, people will just fall back on the convenience of their over-processed vitatube meats and tasteless frankenveg to even care. but i do think that there will be people who will live outside the city, as always, though they'll likely be looked on as weirdos even more so now than ever. i see the future going more towards choosing to live with others (all this community bullshit propaganda i see in the media and niggas bullying you for not having your face all over social media) or choosing to live on your own and do your own thing. for some reason we're all being forced to become one big collective via forcible osmosis and somehow wanting to live in solitude, maintaining your own identity without the drama that comes with other human beings makes you "strange".
No. 1609588
>>1609584i'm in my 30's so i'm not age shaming, it's just weird how they type like an idiot when they are fully capable of normally expressing themselves up until they found lolcow. their posts on reddit start being the same weird OK YA. WHATEVER. YOU SUCK. instead of normal replies
are we infecting the elders
No. 1609630
>>1609534Ayrt kek i already do farmers markets self employed and am working toward self sufficency at home. Maybe youre right and it will happen even quicker. If only i had a house of my own. Still renting. The nigel and I are looking to buy later this year maybe next, when foreclosures rise (sorry to everyone forced out of their homes) and having space for chickens plus garden and garage are a must on our list…he is an avid gardener already and I build things. Working on indoor drop down clothes drying racks atm so I can stop using the dryer for both electricity cost cutting and for clothing to last longer. Clothes lines not allowed here. I havent bought bread this year, i make it all from scratch. Most people I know are also working towards exactly what you describe. Been approached by several in laws and friends to casually discuss possibly going in on some land together. Yeah it really seems a huge chunk of people, in the states anyways, are sick of how things are and just want to have the time and space to take care of themselves instead of buying more and more and more leading to working more and more and more in order to afford the buying. I really hate this mass consumerism based economy. There doesnt seem to be much to actually
do in many places outside of the downtowns of big cities. It all revolves around either buying things or eating. I wish more experience based consumer product was a thing. Idk. The weather has been super freaky round me lately too. Gorilla hail every 2 weeks it seems. I didnt even know
gorilla hail existed til this year. Im weirdly excited to see all this shit burn over my lifetime and how much things will change in the coming decades.
No. 1609693
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Pretty much.
No. 1609715
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There is a trans genocide going on right now, but not in the way that they think there is. It’s a form of population control. If you trick mentally ill people into sterilizing themselves and culling themselves from the gene pool you don’t have to do it for them.
No. 1609725
>>1609693I seldom feel irate but this post is sending me over the edge. I am so sick of how trans people manipulate language and attach themselves to things they are not.
For example, a biological male who mutilates himself and wears a dress cannot "transition" nor is he a "woman", therefore "trans woman" is manipulative language.
The word "genocide" should not be thrown around so lightly when it's usually referring to indigenous people being wiped off the face of the planet. That is a serious problem. Some discord mod who cannot take his estrogen is not genocide. Trans people not being allowed to self harm with hormones and cutting off their body parts is the furthest thing from genocide. If anything, forcing that to halt will save their lives and especially future
victims, like children who are so susceptible to this twisting of the English language.
No. 1609906
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This is a psy-op.
No. 1610006
>>1609906Yes nona this scared the fuck out of me, specifically the stuff to do with Facetime. When you facetime with the slave goggles on it sends a CG image of you to your facetime partner, and in the image you don't have the goggles on, instead it replicates your facial expressions by reading your eyebrows/eye area's movements. This technology is incredible but it also means it's getting perfect advertising data. Every single thing you see, you react to with tiny face movements, indicating positive or negative feelings even if you haven't registered what you're even looking at. The adverts you'll get will seem like the machine is reading your mind, in the way people paranoidly accuse their phones of doing at the moment (atm it's just tracking everything you & your housemates Google). The "memory recording" aspect is similarly sinister, worse is that it encourages people to wear the goggles specifically because important life events are happening. I estimate the first birth (for example) recorded by the goggles will be a couple of days after they hit the market. The first face the baby sees will be half machine, it won't see it's mother's eyes until the recording has finished. Imo these goggles will be the singularity, not this exact product, but once they're as comfy to wear as sunglasses then that's it, the new human face will include goggles, same way the new human brain includes a smartphone.
No. 1610305
>>1610291samefag but when i took a cognitive psychology class the prof was a huge normie and even he spoke about this and said it's true and to try it by saying something you don't ever buy like "we need diapers" near your phone a couple times, he's done it before. there's a book written by a woman who used to work in this field called "weapons of math destruction".
i don't know why people deny this is happening because anyone can try it and it goes to show that people scroll past ads all the time and let them subconsciously affect them instead of looking at them critically.
of COURSE they would do this, anything to help advertisers because they make each other money and it's easier than people think. i've argued about this with my dad and it's like deniers believe we actually think someone is sitting there watching you or listening to you when it's clearly some AI program that feeds an algorithm. we have voice deepfakes ffs obviously if AI can translate text to sound, sound can be translated into text, even if it can be inaccurate, it obviously still works.
No. 1610374
>>1610341they do, for certain. even if you have an iphone and turn off "live capture" mode or whatever. what's more concerning is this eye movement stuff
>>1610281 mentions. i've also had weird "mind reading" experiences and wondered how it was happening. tbh i can't remember what the last thing was but it was so specific and weird. especially because as far as listening goes, i think the information received would get confusing.
No. 1610427
>>1609291Well, how to start. For starters "weaponized psychosis" is how
i call it. But ideas aren't new and i'm sure that this concept has been worked before under other names even elaborated in a better way. Also i'm esl so this text is going to be even more werid than what it should, so if something is not clear please tell me.
As an starting point both
>>1609510 &
>>1609560 are right, in a way. Drugs alone don't do what TPTB want, raw psychosis is always "worse" than drug-induced anything. Don't misundestand me drugs can fuck you really bad because a lot of those drugs were ritual elements and sometimes those rituals work, even if you don't hope for it and it's a lot more than just fun colors, to put it lighty.
Us humans have
something that males us humans. Call it whatever, i'm not going to do more useless religious debate ITT but it's there. DSMV doesnt have a legit definition of psychosis anymore (hmm, wonder why) but to put it blunty is the lost of reality. As even psychotics themselves would tell you, doesn't really begin to describe what it really is. A lot of schizos would tell you they're on "a higher astral plane" or some shit like that to the point it's a common trope in delusions. I wouldnt say that, i would say they began to perceive everything at the same level, sometimes at the same time, forgeting or even losing on the chaos what makes us (humans)… be us. I wouldnt say that isn't there, it's just mushed together with everything else and nothing has a valuation system anymore, (something that it's indispensable for living).
"Deleting" the barrer that prevent us for feeling everything or a lot of things & energies at the same time, is what chaos magik is about. They say that having all the options allows them to choose better, in some sort of spiritualism lassez faire. Whatever. Essentially it's about inflicting psychosis on yourself. With a mix of multi-plane attacks, they figured out how to remove the barrer in order to seach "another things". The Weaponized part in weaponized psychosis.
They either do it on themselves (In this category enters all the freemason rituals, and all the fuckery that TPTB they make their descendants do and anyone who wants to work with them [yes, trannyshit is a part of it. Companies made a literal bow to protect trannyshit. More on that later]) or in other people, either for fun, personal grievances or truly "dangerous" individuals for them (and we have a parcial grasp on those. We call it "psyops", "gangstalking", "gaslighting", and ect. But we tend to separate them as if they're different techniques of torture and derealization when it's more often than not all tied together with a nice bow of occultist practices, satanism to be exact because you may not believe in a God in an abrahamic sense but they recognize AND are in a open war against Him, and we, commoners, are the cannon fodder if we don't get our priorities straight and strengthen our spirit as it's noted ITT above)
The issue with psychosis, both "natural" or "weaponized" is that is a fucking lonely experience, and in loneliness hunanity perishes. And if hunanity perishes, so does the self. Just like regular lassez faire, spiritual lassez faire just ends on fucking misery. They know this and and accept it as a part of their war with God. The nonconsensual
victims don't get any choice tho. It's just horrible things happening to you mostly as
>>1609302 says. Something "good" (as in "not destructive to the self" lmao) can come on because there is "good" in chaos. It's not" good" on the tradicional sense because tradicional goodness is a scale of values, and chaos also devastates the said scale.
I think most psychotic people are just very susceptible to the chaos magic that constantly surrounds us. Systems-based psychologists are right that psychosis is born from a faulty family structure, what they don't count is that also psychotic individuals are more vulnerable to external forces and that said external forces are not necessarily physical lmao. What pacifies the normie destroys the schizo, as they see it for what it is or at least they recognize it as not good.
And about
>>1609298 meh, drug-induced shit is another thing completely different. About the "good effects on their life after the trips" that psychonauts love to talk about, usually people can archive basic empathy without ego death kek.
No. 1610541
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>>1582770>this examination shouldn't hurt me either because a finger is smaller than poop. tfw a doctor doesn't understand (or care) about proper muscle relaxation to avoid pain/harm.
No. 1610545
>>1571885They definitely fuck with the brain in some not good ways. My sister started taking some and almost immediately started having some of the worst nightmares of her life. They continued every night until she eventually couldn't stand it anymore and quit. SSRIs gone, so too vanished the nightmares.
Seems pretty dang suspicious.
No. 1610571
>>1610564babies are a big deal, thats why people need to stop treating sex like it's not a big deal. why is it always immediately to abortion? I'm not anti-abortion but the kind of callous way that pro-abortionists speak about abortion is very off putting like its no big deal! kill your child! Sorry, i'am not anti-abortion but you are quite literally terminating your childs life lol and no amount liberal double speak euphemism bullshit is gonna change that.
>>1610568yes. they should be providing women with the babies they want. they are completely worthless subhumans outside of this.
No. 1610630
>>1610281ayrt, yes, that too, I forgot about the front cam since I sharpied over mine kek. Your phone will notice if you re-read a sentence or look at an image for a long time, also it'll notice if you show someone else something on the screen - if it's your Nigel, it knows him from photos of you two together on your phone, so if you show him something that couples typically buy together (eg a crockery set, furnishings, holidays) you might even get ads popping up for those items with discounts available. If you're ok with the dystopian aspect, this is a good way to online shop. Your phone can listen to you but this is something you can turn off by setting it to battery saver mode… Yep, "battery saving" == "stop using extra power to spy on me". The phone allows it since you might need the extra power to buy something.
No. 1610633
>>1610630Samefag, this is why battery saver turns itself off automatically when your phone is charged, but doesn't turn on automatically when the battery is really low unless you tell it to.
Another concern with these goggles is job interviews. You could write an app for employers where the gimmick is, the candidate wears the goggles on the job interview video call, and the app "reads their microexpressions" to tell you if they're trustworthy, smart etc. Goes without saying the app will be racist and just a scam, and people will lose out.
No. 1610650
>>1610638>trumpyou people are obsessed with that man. what does he have to do with anything.
>Go back to the pedo tradfagI have no idea what that means
>>1610639I don't plan on adopting any child, all I said was that abortion isn't a good thing. lmao. Am I meant to support it and love it? I don't get it.
>>1610643literally yes. If you genuinely wouldn't think twice about terminating your potential child then you really shouldn't be a mother cos its clear you have little to no maternal instincts.
you can be pro-abortion and not support it at the same time. You are the type of liberal feminists that give so much ammunition to conservatives who think women are just using abortion as a form of birth control and revel in the glory of killing their own children to own the cons. you are playing right into their hands.
I'd like to talk a bit about the conspiracy around the pushing of birth control and this new rise of normalising abortion as this thing that "isn't a big deal". I think its very harmful to women.
No. 1610653
>>1610427A++ post. not much to add other than you put a lot of concepts i think about neatly together.
>What pacifies the normie destroys the schizo, as they see it for what it is or at least they recognize it as not good.this is why a lot of our types are forced to be loners in whatever communities we inhabit.
No. 1610654
>>1610650please reply to
>>1610644, unless you don't plan on having sex/getting married so I don't get why you even have an opinion on that to begin with.
No. 1610655
>>1610632Why is it retarded? If a woman doesn't want a child, don't perform the activity that creates one. There's sex acts other than PIV.
>having an abortion is accepting the consequencesA consequence of something that doesn't need to occur. Being in the position of needing an abortion isn't a pleasant experience. Not only do some women find it deeply traumatic, an abortion either requires taking medication which has side effects or it's a surgical procedure that has it's own risks.
>>1610637>just because you hate having sex with men it doesn't mean every woman doesI'm married
>also you're putting the burden entirely on women like it's our fault for being born with uterusesBecause that's the reality. In the event of an unwanted pregnancy, the burden is placed entirely on the woman.
>>1610640You're talking to two different posters with different opinions. I'm not against abortion, I think it's occurrence should be minimized because it's not a fun day out for reasons I have already stated.
>>1610644Rape obviously has nothing to do with a woman choosing to have sex, which is my point. PIV sex with men is not worth the risk for the woman because no form of contraceptive is 100% effective. No matter how much we try to disassociate sex from reproduction, it is what it is. Acknowledging reality does not make me a tardthot, it's basic common sense.
No. 1610661
>>1610660do you realize more often than not women just don't want to have a child because the burden of raising it is 100% on us? why do you think there is a conspiracy that women don't want to have children? you sound clinically insane.
>>1610655your nigel 100% cheats on you if you only have sex for reproduction but I guess you're fine with that.
No. 1610662
>>1610660Bc it’s way more of a concern how many women are forced to bare children for men. Like infinitely so. The amount of women “forced to abort” is abysmally small and nearly 100% of the emotional turmoil comes from outside cultural influences like that one
nonnie in here saying abortion being normalized is sooooo awful. In the absence of those cultural and societal shame, the most common post abortion feelings are relief and comfort. Mothers and people who want to become mothers have and have had abortions for decades, it doesn’t make someone not maternal.
Also the damage from being “forced” to have an abortion by an
abusive moid pales in comparison to the many dozens more women being forced to bare an
abusive scrote’s spawn that will go on to become yet another
No. 1610663
>>1610661no, i don't want kids at all. either side frothing at the mouth about abortion is cringe to me anyway. i see
valid points on both sides. it's not like it's in my power to change legislation anyway so i don't see the point in having super heated arguments with strangers online about it. like i said, i'm on the fence. if you're mad about it that's your problem, i don't really care.
No. 1610667
>>1610657>“Just don’t do the one thing that literally every het couple desires to do with each other”Humans can have full control over their sexual urges. I didn't have penetrative sex with my husband until a week before our engagement. We did still have sex in that time, it just wasn't PIV.
>>1610658Advocating for women to have less sex with low value men makes me glow in the dark?
>>1610661>your nigel 100% cheats on you if you only have sex for reproductionWhere did I say that sex should only be for reproduction? My point, that is either being misunderstood or disingenuously mischaracterized, is that women should only have PIV sex with men if they are aware of the consequences and are fully prepared to face them should the worst happen. I do have PIV with my husband because I am in a stable, long term relationship and if I were to get pregnant he would fully support me, we would remain as a married couple and raise the child together, we are also financially capable of providing everything a child needs. If I was not in a favourable situation for a child to be born, I would refrain from PIV because it eliminates the risk entirely.
No. 1610681
>>1610673>you know that's not the case with most women even if they do everything "right"If a woman genuinely believes that she would be able to raise a child and that her partner would support her, only he doesn't, that is a different situation. What I am suggesting is not having sex with a man if the woman is aware that he is not someone who she would want to have a child with. PIV = pregnancy, it's basic biology and nothing humans have invented is able to stop it entirely. Contraception is also a recent invention in human history. Condoms became widely available in the early 20th century and the contraceptive pill became available in the 1960s. Women not having sex with a man unless she was prepared to have a child with him was the norm for most of human history outside of instances where a woman was either forced into marriage or raped. Women have more bodily autonomy than ever before as well as wide spread availability of contraceptives, yet women are still finding themselves in the position of having unwanted pregnancies
>peak tradthot mentalityHow in all the fuck does suggesting that women have less sex with men make me a tradthot?
>>1610674I am not prolife. I have already stated that abortion should always be available.
No. 1610720
>>1610427Excellent post anon. I find it very interesting that since gangstalking and psychosis got brought up we've had two massive infights derail this thread. First suntan lotion (of all the fucking things in this world) and now abortion. inb4 it's a coincidence. Yeah yeah, I've heard that line before.
>>1610459Thank you, nona. That's my thoughts on ganstalking too. Plenty of people could be hallucinating it - including myself - but statistically there
has to be people out there genuinely going through it. I can't find the video, it was on a gangstalking page but I can't remember which one. Anyway, this military wife found out about degenerate things happening in this officers club. I think they had strippers in there or something like that. She put in a complaint to the higher ups and suddenly weird things started happening. She would return home and find all her cutlery out on the sideboards, furniture moved, things like that. Clearly someone had broken in to do this, but what are the police gonna do? They'd just think she was a schizo. She believes it was an attempted intimidation tactic for speaking out, but didn't let it stop her. Being that she made a complaint about the military, I fully believe they were trying to scare her into shutting up. If I find the video I'll post it.
No. 1610754
>>1610630Thanks for the tip, nonni. I have my laptop camera covered but just never thought of doing it on my phone!
I have now, little black square stuck on there, no selfie mode, no great loss tbh as I hate selfies so rarely ever use the front camera.
No. 1610758
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>>1610751lmao when did me or other anon say we are pro life literally all we said was that it's weird to celebrate/normalise treat something as traumatic as abortion and sex as something trivial. A certain type of women get really angry when you question their right to kill their children lol. you people are like pic related.
No. 1610774
>>1610749More like
>Two anons: don't have sex if you don't want to have children!! I'm bitter and I say you can't have sex to feel nice, you must be prepared to get pregnant and not resort to abortion if you don't want the child because you having sex made me angry!!!>Other anons: kek no>You: REEEEEE YOU'RE ALL BOTS!! YOU MUST AGREE WITH CHILD MURDER THEN!! YOU'RE ALL WHORES AND YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE SEX!!You sound extremely bitter about women just being able to have sex and being able to end an unwanted pregnancy that will ruin their lives otherwise. And now you're trying to say that all women are happy to randomly kill fetuses and abort children for shitty reasons. You're extremely bitter and jealous kek
No. 1610776
>>1610703>you're not doing any groundbreaking observations except parroting prolife talking points.Where have I said anything prolife? I have repeatedly stated that I am not prolife and believe that abortion should always be available.
>>1610705I probably should have said safe and effective contraception. I'm aware that herbs were used but this would be classified as an abortifacient, not a contraceptive. Throughout history it has been women that have burdened with the responsibility of contraception and pregnancy, all I'm suggesting is that before using contraceptives and having sex, women should have access to all available information about efficiency and safety, they should then make a judgement on if it's worth it. In the majority of men aren't.
>>1610716>Are you autistic by any chance?I suspect that might be, I don't have a diagnoses though.
>Feelings, poor judgement etc play a role in decision making and might produce illogical results.And this should be discouraged. Poor judgement and illogical decisions lead to bad outcomes. I don't understand why suggesting having less sex with men and making better choices regarding men in general is controversial, especially on LC of all places.
>>1610739Women should be informed of all potential risks and then be allowed to make their own choices. I have said that disassociating PIV from reproduction is bad because it gives women the impression that sex with men is without consequence when that is not true. I also believe that the risks of pregnancy have been too minimized.
No. 1610855
>>1610849I don't call women sluts, I'm simply pointing out sex with moids is degrading. Also, handmaidens like you and
>>1610804 usually refer to unwanted women (so you can feel better than them), I get lots of attention from moids, and the ones you would call 'quality', but I simply don't want them
No. 1610910
>>1610887I’ve participated in both the sunscreen and abortion “infights” but I also 100% believe gangstalking is real and am not making an effort to derail it away from that. I just don’t really have much to add to that conversation besides thinking that I’m most definitely not a
victim of it. Maybe they’re too scared to fuck with me since I was in the GATE program and they tried to aggressively headhunt me for the Air Force academy when I never even applied.
I wonder if they used stuff like GATE to assess what kids with psychic abilities would be good to fuck with and which of us should absolutely not be fucked with.
No. 1610916
>>1610653>>1610801>>1610887Hehe, chaos, right. It's all they do, on every situation. The only solution it's strengthen the spirit, because we live in a spiritual war (so, pray) Be careful what you consume, visual/auditory media is powerful. Your senses are how they get you but depriving the senses would also let you more vulnerable to their influence so it's a doble edge sword. Always remember what is good and bad, what is the order of things and the meaning of words. Form a community that you can love, no one is saved alone. It's the only way, sorry if i sound cheesy, in my defense if i do it's literally their fault because they they altered the meaning of «cheesy» kek.
No. 1610935
>>1610903I never said I'm a feminist, I'm a separatist.
Moids actually think women should have sex with men. I think it's bad for women as a class and one of the reasons why we will never get liberated. Where's the similarity? I don't see any.
No. 1610941
>>1610933But there is no anti abortion-chan in this thread. No one has suggested that abortion should be banned.
>>1610935Oh wow, you're the tard that shit up /2X/ by calling women sluts, cum guzzlers and cock breath.
No. 1611064
>>1611050>Notice how no one wants to talk about stopping the war, that's because it's generating fucking billions of cash no stop so there's no incentive to control it.exactly this and a lot of virtue signalling possibilities for "muh progressive" euro countries who oh-so-much "care" about ukraine (most didn't know where it even was in 2021 and earlier)
money > people (both ukrainian and russian) for them
No. 1611074
>>1610791Never been on CC before, but I just checked and saw that they have an /x/ board and I'm already sold. I'm about to read the gangstalking thread now. Thanks for the tip, nona.
>>1610887After that weird Miles Mathis guy shilling his theories in this thread, I've looked at lolcow differently. Like maybe this place isn't as niche as we'd like to think.
>>1611050Zelensky is an actor who played a fictionalised Ukrainian president prior to his election. The whole thing seems fishy to me. Like maybe he's just on his lil world tour with his begging cup out to keep the military industrial complex filthy rich. On a ridiculously petty note, I cannot take that man seriously in his lil GI Joe get up. I get that his country is at war, but it's not like he's out there fighting for his life in a foxhole. Typical manlet behaviour tbh.
No. 1611113
>>1610720I will never encourage obvious schizos who have a chance of harming themselves or others, but gangstalking is real, especially cyberstalking as it's super easy to use plausible deniability and other people's naiveté of what you can actually do online to continue to abuse someone. One thing to remember is that on a lot of darker 4chan adjacent boards over the last 15 years, and on darkweb, there are entire guides and discussions on DARVO and how to manipulate, control, and hurt women, children, whatever
victim you want. I mean whole detailed manuals, discussions, etc. So while there are people that come forward and snicker about the idea of gangstalking because they think its just schizophrenia and self importance, there is an entire thriving underground community of scrotes that get their rocks off of scaring vulnerable women or children using hacking tools and other means. You can pay people to do this as well. You don't have to be special or important or even interesting to be a
victim. It doesn't make you a chosen one of the messiah or something, its just fact that
abusive males are now conglomerating in hidden online communities and they like to hurt people without consequence and will help others do it. Do any of you remember Pinkmeth? Anon-ib? Just because those sites went down because women killed themselves doesn't mean that the communities didn't move to a more private, vetted, and subscription-based community.
No. 1611260
>>1611113Holy shit I never heard of Pinkmeth before, and apparently it's a revenge porn site WITH CONTACT DETAILS TO THEIR
VICTIMS? Jesus Christ someone needs to do this shit to adult men so they can feel what it's like to be violated.
No. 1611279
>>1611050this isn't even a conspiracy at this point. even normies are calling out how much money is being pumped into a backwater eastern european shithole that previously most people only knew of as being a mail order bride pipeline or somewere rich white americans went to get blonde, blue eyed babies.
>>1611113stuff like this is the reason i've become more cautious about using social media as i get older. normies think you're crazy for not having your face all over everywhere, but then of course cry and moan when they get their identities stolen, deep faked, or just bullied. many years ago, when i was around 12-13, i found out my old youtube handle had appeared in one of those darvo/gangstalking 4chan moid groups and i still don't have a clear idea why. i think they confused me for someone else but i legit remember every comment i left on youtube, within 5 minutes i was getting harassed by strangers. it didn't stop until i asked them and they apologized and admitted they likely confused me for some one else. so many of the things they said to me were horrible and i could see how it could drive someone to hurt themselves. also who is to say that the government isn't experimenting on people online? there's evidence of this going on even now.
No. 1611280
>>1611260A lot of oldfags are never shocked by what they find out about just how far men push the envelope in violating people online, but I've noticed a lot of younger anons outright denying the idea that all technology is extremely easy to exploit and men really are as evil as you can read in /nosleep posts. I think if the younger anons grew up in the same online environment us oldfags have, it wouldn't be so hard for them to stomach. All of these sites and communities still exist and contain more legitimately
abusive information than ever, you just have to bring your own content and prove you're 'one of them' to get in now. It's an easy to maintain market because there is too much going on for investigators to be concerned with individual women or of-age
victims, they are already exhausted trying to cull child sex trafficking and creators/distributors. Its really fucked up.
No. 1611390
>>1611050I agree… to he honest I think Ukraine should not be in NATO. I absolutely think Putin is wrong for doing what he does. But understandably if Nato is closing in on him he decided to act. In order to keep the peace, the NATO talks should have never started. Now Ukrainians are dead (and Russians) when instead they could just be disgruntled about their neighbors. Putin should not have invaded. But his bottom line was clear in order to prevent the invasion…he straight up said no talks of Ukraine being allowed in NATO or I will take that as a threat and retaliate..
And he made good on his word. I feel that for the USA, we woild invade Mexico or Canada if for some reason either of those made a war alliance with China. If that happened it would absolutely be taken as preparation for conflict. This whole thing is awful and I hate that we keep hearing how the US isnt fighting the war, no boots on ground, we are just helping Ukraine with their bully like the rightous virtuous nation we are but are not actually sending Americans there so it cant be considered America v Russia….but America has just outsourced their battlefield field deaths instead of remain out of it entirely which would actually save lives, and actually be closer to 'righteous' even if it isnt exactly fair to Ukraine what Russia wants. Putin WILL react and no one can change that. Its like deciding to build a mobile home near tornado alley….and being pissed that a tornado blew it down. Fair? No. Devastating? Yes. Preventable? Well the tornado is shitty but you know that building a strong concrete foundation rooted deep in the earth will improve your chances of the tornado not affecting you…it isnt fair but that is the circumstance of the landscape. People a dying because, imo, the usa just really wants to both piss Putin off and fund its own economy while crippling others. Idk if people realize it but the American economy is more fragile than ever, and will continue on that path. America wants access to the abundant resouces in Ukraine and will get it in exchange for this help in the war. Like how in Taiwan the USA is buddy buddy 'we got ur back because freedom and virtue!' But are planning a military base stationed there in exchange for the 'help'. Of course China is pissed. Doesnt mean I think China has it all right and good either but their military demos and warnings/tension is absolutely understandable. I think the US is planning a future agricultural mass export from the access to Ukraine's land once the war is over in order to feed its own citizens in a more cost effective way, to further mask how strained the whole system is.
No. 1611398
>>1611390Completely agree, and on the China thing I'm pretty sure the CIA has also been paying ex-China influencers to become anti-China influencers planting lies like "Muh China is spraying mountains with green paint" when they are actually using hydroseeding techniques.
They are trying so hard to pretend China is the big bad and that all the Chinese investment in developing nations comes from nefarious reasons so that they can get enough popular support to wage a war against China.
I'm so done for real, like 90% of the dictatorships in my continent were implanted by CIA and the USA still dares to say they are the protectors of world wide freedom.
I hate this dystopia.
No. 1611426
>>1609222there's a book on the early dalkon shield iud's and how the side effects the women were experiencing were covered up. Hormonal birth control isn't safe either, of course fucking with your hormones isn't safe, there's plenty of research on it, there's plenty of anecdotal evidence from other women, which is probably worth more than studies done by men funded by questionable parties. Everyone gets mad when you point out that BC isn't good for you tho claiming you want to stop women from having sex.
condoms are fine, tracking your cycle and maybe avoiding sex all together around the fertile window if you wanna be extra safe.
There's also those - idk what they are called in english -female condoms?dams? that you can cover the uterus opening with, and you can use spermicide with it, so using both of those kinds of condoms could help, it's more trouble than a pill or iud but definitely worth it if you have bad side effects from birth control, or family history of some cancers, my moms doctor said her cancer was likely a result of birth control, synthetic hormones can be bad, tranny or not. Can the copper iud cause copper toxicity? A zinc-copper imbalance seems to be involved in some "mental" issues.
>>1610644really you're wishing rape on other women?
and before someone misreads what i wrote, no i'm not against abortion or women having sex, i think there should be better forms of contraception that don't harm women's health. Pointing out birth control is harmful doesn't mean i want it taken away, but women should be better informed, there's plenty covered up with all these studies proving their safety, like the dalkon shield iud cover up.
>>1610860why not use physical barriers if it affects your mental health so much? You would kill yourself if you got pregnant but a condom is too much?
>Saying we should never do my favorite and most pleasurable sex act because you think having an abortion is irresponsible or horrible is just so backasswards. pull out method has never failed usHaving an abortion when all you do is the pullout method is in fact irresponsible
No. 1611439
>>1611050my views are that tptb already control all these countries and the wars are just to keep the people scared all the time. The wars are good for displacing people, stealing their land, homes, possessions, causing issues in countries where people are forced to escape to etc, they can also create a food crisis with this since ukraine produces so much of the world's wheat. I think those in power in different countries work together because the wars are beneficial to them, but they're all buddies in reality.
>>1611060plenty of us don't want to be part of russia or NATO
>>1611074a few presidents have been actors haven't they? i know some of the american ones were actors too. He's definitely not actually playing any part in the war or risking his life, he's just forcing his people to go die. Plenty of those men would like to just leave, they would rather keep their lives and live under either power than fight for this asshole or another.
I find the hatred towards russians on social media wild, people speak of them as if they re subhuman, literally nazi tier rhetoric that they are somehow different from other humans, as if the average person has any say in what those in power do
No. 1611563
>>1611426NTA but the copper IUD absolutely can cause a copper/zinc imbalance but the only people who insist this can happen are women who’ve experienced it. I got mine 10 years ago when I was 19 and really wanted it to work out for me but had it removed after two years due to side effects. My periods were always no biggie but with the iud I had terrible cramps, nausea, and extremely heavy flow that never eased up. I’ve always struggled with acne but it became really bad and hard to control with the iud. People always act like I’m nuts when I insist I had very high copper levels but it was measurably out of whack. I do wonder if they lie about how effective it is because my sister’s bff at the time had a Paragard for about a year prior to us getting ours (she was the one who convinced us to get it because she said her periods were only a bit heavier) and actually got pregnant with it still in place. Like an actual viable pregnancy, not ectopic, and she had the baby. The same doctor inserted all of our IUDs and will only insert them with ultrasound guidance so it was definitely in properly.
Oh, it also changed my vaginal odor in a way that made me very self conscious but luckily that went away almost immediately after having that bastard removed.
No. 1611624
>>1611505Please make sure your boyfriend actually is on that waiting list and does get the snip ASAP because if you're not on bc it's not a matter of if but when unless one of you has fertility issues or you don't have sex that often. Abortion is the easier option vs having a kid but it's an experience you don't want. A lot of men are weird and dishonest about it even if they're staunchly child-free.
>>1611563I have browsed r/birthcontrol on reddit pretty often and it seems people are constantly getting pregnant with Paragard. I think it's definitely underreported/official stats they give mislead people. If there's a post that says "I got pregnant on birth control" it's 90% going to be Paragard.
No. 1611912
>>1611563ayrt give it a couple decades when new birth control methods appear and suddenly they will start admitting it can cause copper toxicity…it's no secret that study results are often manipulated, i trust what other women say, we know what we are experiencing and the medical establishment is always disregarding what we say. The dlakon shiled iud i mentioned also was poor at actually preventing pregnancy but they covered up those results, i doubt they have stopped doing that, there's some scandal every year about this or that medication or chemical in use that had the research on it suppressed. I only recently learned about PFAS in mascara
>>1611903i had suicidal depression every time before my period, i used bio-identical progesterone, and end up suggesting it to my friends and they said it helps them too. It also seems to have fixed my seizures because i haven't had one in years. There's lost of negative studies on progesterone but they generally use synthetic progestins that are structurally different, so not telling randoms to necessarily take that, but it might be worth looking into i guess, it's popular on some alternative health forums, i've used it for ~10 years.
I followed this guys ideas, the website layout is a mess he died recently but he was a cool guy that focused a lot on women's health. Supplementing bio identical progesterone will probably a very controversial suggestion with fellow science nonnies tho, i love it… everyone always gets up in arms when you suggest it but they don't do the same when the majority of women use synthetic estrogens
No. 1611915
>>1611911here's a link to his book i think it's ok to share a dl link since they haven't been available for sale in ages this other article is interesting too but like i said his ideas are controversial, i haven't gone wrong with following them so far tho, i find a lot of research supporting his views is getting published lately. No. 1611933
nonnie I appreciate you, I also understand with the back pain. i think i have mild scoliosis that again was never communicated to me due to neglect and that worsened the back pain with periods x10. so glad i'm not alone. same as you if i quit i'd be in trouble and women's health is not getting any special attention any time soon.
>>1611912that's interesting, i have suicidal depression after my period which is weird. i think i have to up my dosage after taking bc for 2 years because i feel some of the symptoms coming back. do those supplements help with the physical symptoms too?
No. 1611938
>>1611933they helped me but i never had extreme pain like you do so i don't know if it would be effective for that, the other women i talk to reported back on mood improvements but i didn't ask about pain unfortunately. Googling "bio identical progesterone for period pain" does show articles claiming it helps with pain and endometriosis so you might want to look around and see if women with your issues had improvements from it.
>>1611915aslo was meant as a response to you i clicked the wrong
nonnie sorry
No. 1611942
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>>1611915>>1611912This dude seems like a dumbass
>he encouraged people to eat ice cream and drink Coca Cola Like wtf
No. 1611947
>>1611942he was more of a commie/socialist and old school feminist so idk what the right wing shit is about. All of these points are taken out of context. What the hell is a cholesterol denialist lol, i've seen him say high cholesterol is often high in hypothyroidism and treating hypothyroidism rather than the symptom(high cholesterol) itself is more helpful, but that isn't even his idea originally, but a doctor's, Broda Barnes.
Most of "his" ideas on diet is just people taking stuff he says out of context and coming up with a weird diet, he talked about what he eats sometimes and it's normal stuff not coke and ice cream. Also don't call the love of my life a dumbass. I did say he's controversial though, his ideas worked for me. He was a really kind person, even if you don't like his ideas/conclusions a lot of his criticism of the medical establishment is good. I see more popular biochemists nutritionists etc take his ideas they just don't mention where they got them… But like i said, controversial so i expected people won't like it, still i love him he was such a kind guy even if he got some things wrong.
No. 1612152
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I posted this in the another thread but I think it fits better here, the radical feminist activist and biologist Renate Klein talked about going as far back as the late 1970s, male scientists and researchers, who were well funded by backers with questionable motives, invested millions of dollars and years of resources in trying to create an artificial womb, essentially going against nature itself. They did this Instead of focusing on research to make natural births easier and safer for women. Klein also suggests that these fruitless attempts were driven by envy towards women to create life. One wonders what inhuman experiments these bastards are willing to commit for their "science".
No. 1612217
>>1612152i wouldn't be surprised if they're still working on this, they can very well have technology we don't know about and already attempted it, if you raise them exactly how you want from day 1 you can create perfect obedient people. So many researchers are immoral, kinsey was brought up in the pedo thread in snow, he had sex offenders sexually stimulating new born babies 24 hours a day to prove children are sexual… and he still gets treated like a respectable scientist.
I know a lot of feminists like the idea of artifical wombs thinking it will free us, but i think it would just lead to more misogyny, cause the only use they will see in women is for sex, you don't really need to keep women healthy mentally or physically if all you want to do is exploit, rape and abuse them, but if you need them to produce kids you need to keep them somewhat healthy and happy. I think things could get even more dystopian if this becomes possible, kids with no parents and no one to care for them are better for pedos too..
No. 1612340
>>1611398Ayrt I know China is shady af and doesnt care about its citizens wellbeing more than necessary and does awful things but I also believe there is obvious propaganda stirring up anti china hate in the US. Remember when the covid conspiracy people back in 2020 kept saying it was a lab leak and that kept getting downplayed as impossible? I personally dont believe the lab leak theory never did but it was really insincere for CDC and covid origin investigative parties to not include that as a hypothasis. Every avenue should be tested reguardless of how probable or not probable (unless genuinely impossible due to laws of nature) to be able to say a thourough investigation has been done. Then, I think in 22 a bunch of heads of state departments come out and say the lab leak theory is possible but no consensus made on if it did or did not come from a lab leak (paraphrasing) but an investigation is coming. At that point why bring it up? It was right around when tensions began flaring up again with the taiwan situation and trade issues etc, like suddenly they wanted the public (most of whom had already made their choice of covid origin story be it wet market, some dude at a bat, lab leak, bio warfare etc) to remember how shifty China is, and actually they could have maybe leaked it who knows, to yeah it mightve been a lab leak, but proooobably not biological warfare related, and so on. The timing was so suspect imo. If it did or did not come from a lab idk but the way the information was handled was absolutely to help nudge anger disgust towards China. Currently the US and China tensions are continuing further. The US gov is slowly softening the people up to war (last resort) or some sort of economic offense against China that would seem unfair, except *look at horrible commie China they deserve whats coming to them!' And the Chinese citizens are stuck suffering both their own govts wrongdoings and propaganda as well as the effects of the US's.
No. 1612417
>>1611558Murrica is da best, amirite?
>a bunch of insecure foreigners just because a few people from some other parts of the world, who have never even left their little shithole of a no name stateTotally not sounding racist or imperialist at all.
No. 1612595
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>>1612381>caring about the use and asbuise women and children's bodies mean I'm a tardthot what are you on about?
No. 1612608
>>1612367Kinsey was a pedophile sex researcher>>1612381I would love to know this poster's post history because I'm almost sure that it's a bot.
No. 1612635
>>1611439unless you live on one of the said countries bordering russia you have no business saying you don't want to be in NATO because you know very well what the options are
t. unfortunate russia neighbour
No. 1612708
>>1612705Fearmongering again, as always
Our ancestors knew the Sun should be praised
Life is completely owed to the Sun and the energy it emits
No. 1612713
>>1612709If the Sun is so dangerous how come we didn't evolve to live underground
No. 1612721
Our main God in mythology is actually the god of thunder
There are plenty of female deities but none associated exclusively with the moon
No. 1612744
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>>1612739Have you heard of these handy dandy mfers
No. 1612753
>>1612744Ah, yes, pay $$$ to block vit D, then pay $$$ to ingest vit D
Capitalist insanity
No. 1612797
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>>1612785Just gonna leave this here. Anti sunscreen chan seems like a literal glowie tbh, derailing the thread with dangerous nonsense and calling everyone who she can’t argue with a retarded consoomer for spending $15 a month on suncare products and vitamin d.
No. 1612826
>>1612802if you're gonna argue in favour of sunscreen you could at least mention that the vast majority of those on the market are not safe, and tell people to research the ingredients to find a good one. Plenty of the chemicals used in sunscreen have been shown to be carcinogenic in studies and you might be just exchanging your chances of one cancer for another. People are better off protecting themselves from the sun by wearing light but long sleeve clothing and hats, but i don't think complete sun avoidance is healthy, light affects many other things in our bodies.
Here's a random study i didn't bother reading where the scientists are worried about the panic surrounding skin cancer is too extreme and we need a more balanced approach. are so many carcinogens in our environment, it is convenient to blame it on the population not using enough sunscreen etc, then the companies polluting our environment aren't the ones held accountable. Back when secret nuclear tests were being done in america, they started seeing an increase in various cancers, but they blamed in on the populations habits. Same happened before they admitted asbestos was carcinogenic, they said it was the blue collar people's habits. I'm not telling anyone they should or shouldn't use sunscreen but a balances approach is necessary, sunlight is composed of many wavelengths some of which have a lot of research on their benefits, like red light… some people just get infrared saunas for their house and keep avoiding the sun tho
No. 1612830
>>1612802A: Shut the fuck up about suntan lotion. B: There are quicker ways to kill people than by telling them to go sunbathe, dipshit. You're right about cancer being good for big pharma, though. At this point, after my own battle with cancer, I fully believe it could be cured if they wanted to; hell, maybe they already know how to cure it but keep it secret. From a business standpoint, you'd be crazy to cure cancer, it makes
billions per year. Covid was good for the cancer industry in that it delayed a lot of diagnoses and as a result people are now fighting terminal cancer rather than having it nipped in the bud. So many people I meet in support groups could have been saved. Here in the UK a lot of our hospitals were not as full as we were told during covid and they did nothing. Could've even used the Nightingale centers for suspected cancer patients but nope.
No. 1612835
>>1612816i wouldn't really know how, i have no proof or clear concise posts i could link, i don't even remember when i started thinking this way. I think they work together, it's beneficial to always have some enemy they can be at war with for both sides, keep the people scared. I know there are books that discussed how during ww1/ww2 both sides of the war were supplied with money/weapons by the same people, then there is america fighting the nazis but importing them for themselves, then there is them using the communist scare as an excuse to fuck shit up in south america. But they are very unified when they need to be, like on covid, the whole world agreed to do the same thing. I figured the various political systems are just them trying out different systems in other countries to see what works best for controlling the people, plus it gives the people some enemy to fight. If you look into the background of these politicians or ideologues you always find some links between people that are claimed to be at odds with each other, funding, family links, friendships, it kinda looks like their public disagreements are just for show.
No. 1612945
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Let's talk about tunnels, catacombs and underground structures
No. 1612990
nonnie. Who's read about Agartha, the supposed main city within inner earth? Someday when I have the time I want to find an entrance. They are all over, not just in caves. Of course multiple entities live underground including a lizard race. So you have to be extremely careful when exploring. That's of course nothing to say of the vast underground network built by the US government in the past 100 years. You don't want to get caught snooping around there either. I remember listening to a 90s interview on Art Bell's show with a John (forget his last name) who was studying DUMBS and the inner earth. He had come across hologram tech masquerading entrances to underground facilities way back then in 1992-94. I have to imagine it's nearly impossible to find these entrances now if you aren't a meant to.
I've seen a list compiled in the 90s of known entrances and some of them are smack in the middle of cities. Hidden in plain sight…
No. 1613107
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>>1613030My bad it was an armytimes article: area lot of tunnels etc. are out there. I don't really have a conspiracy about them, would be interested what others think. Lot of older cities have huge tunnel systems running under them that date back centuries (Lisbon's aqueducts, for example). Subway systems are all over… we love to tunnel!
No. 1613133
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>>1612966>shilling snopes in the tinfoil threadThere's newfags who integrate better than you, glowie.
Anyway, has anyone in here heard about that Titanic submarine going missing? After hearing there was a billionaire on board my tinfoil senses were tingling. It's interesting considering that JP Morgan quietly funded the Titanic but cancelled his booking about 12 hours before it took off. A prevailing conspiracy theory is that the Titanic was sunk to take out some very wealthy businessmen who opposed the founding of the Federal Reserve. I'm gonna poke about online and see what I can find out about this Hamish Harding.
No. 1613424
>>1612990I’ve done research on the inner earth ten years ago and found that it is highly advanced while maintaining its natural beauty, the sky is forever in twilight while the lake is warm under the sun. There are other races besides white people who have red or blue skin and everyone speaks/reads in Sanskrit. There’s also dinosaurs and other kinds of species who we originally believed were extinct as well as never-before-seen ones. While their societies and environment sound very beautiful, those civilizations stemmed from the descendants of Cain while those who descended from Seth live on the surface. Unlike the flat earth theories, there’s circumstantial evidence from biblical and other religious texts that speak about the hollow earth.
>>1613133Trying to eliminate the competition or anyone who opposes the WEF
>>1613138Probably belonging to skull and bones or trilateral commission
No. 1613700
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>>1612688>if you want to to look like a dried pruneGo wash your balls or something, you're not wanted here.
No. 1613748
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So what's the deal with Obama, he seems to have a more "cleaner" image then most of the former US presidents, but something about him always felt off, like him image almost felt manufactured and I remember reading somewhere sometime back that one of his biggest funders was busted for child trafficking and abuse.
No. 1613805
>>1613424>everyone speaks/reads in Sanskrit>those civilizations stemmed from the descendants of CainSo native semitic peopple speak/read in a indoeuropean language? Sounds like bullshit to me
>>1613748I'd like to hear any information other anons might have on Obama too. His PR team did an incredible job because even overseas he was extremely liked and Michelle as well. If there's some african-american schizo itt I'd like to know her opinion the most.
No. 1613883
>>1613805That's because they didn't descend from Cain. Cain never existed since that story was an allegory. Those living underground that are human are breakaway civilizations that went under at some point in ancient history. Thousands and thousands of years ago since human history is also much older than is accepted. The Hopi are a well known Native American tribe who had some of their tribe go underground thousands of years ago and never return.
There are also native Terrans, lizard groups, extra-terrestial groups, and interdimensional beings (many can be found under Mt. Shasta).
No. 1613935
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>>1613424>Unlike the flat earth theories, there’s circumstantial evidence from biblical and other religious texts that speak about the hollow earthWhere in the Bible?
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someone posted this on twitter. hmm.
No. 1614238
>>1613748Like other politicians, he's a liar. Do you guys think Presidents are nice guys? Dude is a war criminal of one of the highest accord.
Look up "Zbigniew Brzezinski" and go from there. The fact that Zbig endorsed him for election also says a lot.
His foreign policy was evil, not that its anything new of course.
No. 1614263
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>>1612945>>1613718>>1612946There's nothing good that goes on underground. You should look up the history of the Hellfire Club. It's not uncommon for Satanists to literally hide underground. It's really only recently they've been more open.
Also, I hate to invoke Pizzagate, but I was actually on a conspiracy forum before that broke and became public knowledge. If anyone is curious about really early Pizzagate community investigation I can go into more details. I'll never forget the shit that was capped before it exploded and normies ruined it by commenting on the instagrams of the Pizzeria owners.
Something really odd about the old Comet Pizza instagram is they claimed they made some of the sauces in the basement and there was more weird ping-pong tables they had down there. Supposedly children went down there, too. Why would you let a kid into the basement of a pizzaria to play ping-pong? Some people think ping-pong was a code for putting a child between two men. They had unusual "All Ages" parties that lasted until very late at night. It's illegal for children to be out too late alone, so it was a major red flag when we were investigating. After it gained too much traction, they claimed they don't even have a basement. There's still caps of them talking about it in an interview somewhere floating around.
If someone ever asks you to go into an underground tunnel, always make sure people know where you're going. Phones are unreliable underground but most people have probably experienced that. It is how human trafficking happens or worse, just flat out disappearances.
No. 1614428
>>1614263The thing that weirds me out about Pizzagate is that although some of it might be coincidental, I still don't get why there was a pizza place nearby that had the literal triangular spiral symbol well known by the FBI to be used by gay pedophiles. And someone brought up Podesta, his weird paintings of half nude children in BDSM and the fact that he's got toys for children in his bedroom (?) despite having no children is weird.
For the underground tunnels, I've heard all sorts of weird stuff about Blackpool in England having tunnels where people engage in satanic rituals in, but the city denies it despite the various reports, the fact that children have gone missing there, or the fact that known pedophiles regularly visit there including Jimmy Savile who would visit Blackpool every year.
Semi-related but I also saw a YouTuber talk about going to an abandoned WW2 shelter in England, and as he continued on in the tunnel, the writing on the wall got more and more violent with talk about rape and violence etc. until he reached a part where the writing said "point of no return" but he decided to get out asap because it freaked him out. He's not a Youtuber that talks about spooky things so I don't think he would make it up because he just plays videogames.
Also I've heard about the underground tunnels at Denver airport in America being linked to the occult, with well known cases of strange apocalyptic art including statues of literal demons, as well as rumours of masonic ties even before this art was made. Nobody knows who funded the airport, as the organisation that is stated to have funded it doesn't exist and the price is ridiculously expensive at around 5 billion USD when that is way ovrr budgeted.
No. 1614480
>>1614428Anecdotal, but I have family in Lancashire and the north-west. My grandmother was in this support group for women who had been sexually assaulted, and she always told me to avoid Blackpool. Apparently a lot of the women she knew from this group had horrific experiences there. She never went into detail, but I could tell by her look she was deadly serious about it. Even during her battle with Alzheimer's she remembered it and any time a female family member would mention a holiday or a trip to the beach, my nan would always say "not Blackpool!". I tried doing some research but didn't find much beyond the giant red flag you mentioned, Jimmy Saville visiting a lot. Could just be that the degenerate entertainers who make a lot of money performing there have created that kind of buzz about the place. But the tunnels give me a really bad feeling.
>>1614476I think it's a distraction too as it's being massively over-reported. No idea what TPTB don't want us paying attention to, but something's up.
No. 1614694
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I'd saved from twitter some time back and honestly starting to believe it, Superhero movies always revert to the neo-liberal American hegemonic status quo for the entire world, I'm not a tankie mind you but Its not a stretch to say the MCU is perhaps the most effective form of political propaganda for the entire world.
No. 1615013
>>1614694>>1614766Most media contains political ideas. It's not always intentional but it reflects the author's own worldview, including politics. People only call it "politics being shoved down our throats" when it's either made explicit, when the people complaining don't agree with the author (especially when it's about identity politics), or when the media doesn't uphold the status quo. It's dumb to pretend that everything except for explicit propaganda is devoid of any and all politics, or that it's lame to point it out. Of course, you can be aware of this fact and still enjoy your favorite media without thinking about it too much.
A lot of American movies and video games involving the military have to be approved by the US Army (if I'm not mistaken). What you're saying isn't a tinfoily conspiracy theory, it's a correct observation.
No. 1615076
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US hunts you down to suck you dry through taxes to sponsor it's own corruption, unironically is number one country in terms of hiding money that moves through it and stored there. So doesn't want you to hide your money offshore but hides their money and goes after yours. Get fucked.
No. 1615768
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Probably outdated but I wouldn't put it out of the question these people have some sort of secret handshakes and signals for each other.
No. 1616206
>>1613748I have to tread lightly because I don't want to stir up racebaiting moids, but I think he tore apart America racially, especially whites vs. blacks. If you are either of those races living in America, you know exactly what I mean and how hellish it's been here. It happened when he was in office and it has not recovered since then. Not saying the presidents before him are squeaky clean, but it's like Obama set the stage for a fire that got wildly out of control. Biden is absolutely a pedophile and he has dirt on him. You ever heard the weird quote from Obama that said he'd wire up someone and have them run for office for him so he could have a third term? I think he literally did that with senile Joe. Obama is definitely way more calculated than anyone gives him credit for.
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>>1616158I believe one of my stepfather’s coworkers (or superiors?) is a Freemason, he mentioned ‘the lodge’ during their convos at my youngest sister’s quinceñera two years ago. I didn’t eavesdrop but as soon as I heard that phrase I was like “wait, what?” then pretended to still be interested in my food but he didn’t referenced it afterwards. The dude had a mysterious vibe to him and I’m not talking about the dark and brooding cowboy look he wore for my sister’s western themed party either.
I checked to see if my area had any Masonic lodges nearby and we have a ton, the reviews are mostly positive about how kind and charitable they are or how how great their food is except this one.
No. 1617049
>>1606852>>1606862Referencing my posts bc I feel like it got even worse since I came to my home country. I started to be aware that something feels off like a year before I left in order to work abroad, and I changed my mind last second, because everything was telling me not to go and stay in my country, but I left anyway. It didn't really stop abroad and now when I'm back it's the same if not worse. Or maybe I'm really going schizo? I had severe panic attacks for the last 3 nights during which my hands and legs went literally numb and I was sure I'm having a seizure or a heart attack. I know it can happen from hyperventilating too but I didn't think straight at that moment. Also I never had attacks this severe. Maybe twice when I was 11 and I had actual seizures, it looked similar. One of those panic attacks gave me an actual asthma attack and I don't have my meds here yet so I called an ambulance. Besides meds, they also gave me a sedative injection. I feel like I'm in constant distress. And hearing weird frequencies and feeling tingling in my ears, just weird things. Sometimes I wish that was actual schizophrenia, not being targeted by something or someone.
A few days ago I got weirded out because one of the guys who works at my place abroad is also visiting my home country and he wants to meet wlme, it surprised me because he was planning his vacation later, not in June like me, and he literally came here like 2 days after me. We barely spoke to each other and he constantly sends me messages and tells me we can go on a "road trip" even though I told him I don't have the time because I have a lot of stuff to do regarding my house and doctor appointments. Just a weird guy.
Even if I'm actually targeted, I don't understand why. Is it only because I'm a solitary volcel, I don't want to have kids and my father was in special forces? I'm also a gnostic christian. I'm too autistic to do literally anything threatening to anyone, I can't organize anything, I just want to be left alone. As a kid I had the potential to do many things and some people wanted to connect me to theatre and arts, but I ended up too autistic/schizo to do anything and I ended up not achieving anything "special". Just normal boring life, minus schizo interests. I don't understand why would anyone want to waste their time on me