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No. 2177582
General Conspiracy Thread.
Do you have somewhat schizophrenic beliefs that worry your friends and family? Tired of getting red-texted for "tinfoiling" about recent events around the globe? If so, you've come to the right place.
Discussions surrounding government cover-ups, entertainment industry secrets, odd predictions, political intrigues, etc., are all welcome here.
Please follow all /ot/ board rules. Don't start petty infights, and remember to report bait instead of responding.
Previous threads:
>>>/ot/1028419 #7
>>>/ot/2085806(newfag thread fail, use the subject not the name field) No. 2177726
>>2177582So, nonnies, when do you believe the WWIII will start? I read the last thread where nonas were speculating about the possible outcomes and conflicts, but when do you believe it is likely to escalate in global proportions?
Also, I find kind of weird no one is talking about the whole Diddy arrest, the fact he bribed police and others to keep their mouth shut just proves that the industry is dirtier than we believe
No. 2177853
Here's some tinfoil I've been thinking about and TBH I'd rather just post some quotes and the link:> Trump and Epstein laundered that money for Adnan and the Russian oligarchs via yacht purchased and commercial real estate. The Saudis bought the 45th floor of trump towers 3 months before the September 11th attacks.>Epsteins plane fell off radar for 3 days going into saudi the night of trumps 2016 election. Russia (Guccifer 2.0/cozybear) had hacked the DNC convention to ensure that the finals were between clinton and trump because they had Kompromat tapes over them both. Hillary less so via her husbands Epstein Kompromat tapes and trump because they own him>LIV golf courses is trumps primary avenue for money laundering through or with the Saudi government but it goes back decades. Trump introduced them to his buddy Vince McMahon who began hosting WWE events in saudi for the same reason.>Kushners $2B blank check from MBS for the stolen ip3 nuclear docs is just the most recent in a long history of systemic theft.>Ronald Lauder of Estée Lauder cosmetics is the Zionist billionaire (megagroup) who gave Jeffrey Epstein an Austrian passport w/fake name in 1986 when Lauder was US Ambassador to Austria.>Lauder was also “the driving force” behind privatizing Twin Towers so Larry Silverstein could get 99-year lease in July;dr: Trump, Putin, and a litany of additional chucklefucks have been running a serious money laundering scheme for a decade or more, all at the expense of American citizens, insofar as DT knew about 9/11 before it happened and Epstein was involved more closely in the money laundering schemes and blackmail than it's been implied in mainstream news. Basically the same shit we already suspected/knew, that people with deep pockets and serious connections are compromising society for the expectation of protection and massive payouts.
No. 2177901
>>2177584With that Israel just hammered another nail in the coffin of it's economy. Chinese electronics are now more appealing than ever. Why keep using Apple and Google shit with Mossad and NSA back doors when I get a perfectly good phone from China. Even if it is sending my data to the CCP, the CCP is less malicious towards western citizens than their own governments.
>>2177726It might not escalate to a major war. The method used by Russia and China to end US dominance seems to be a slow attrition of western military and economic power which minimizes casualties on both sides.
>>2177726I've been watching what's been happening with Diddy. As someone who was watching MTV and other music channels in the late 90s and early 2000s, all the connections are now very clear and it's possible to predict who's involved.
No. 2177938
>>2177796You fear monguering fags are so annoying. Europe will stop importing refugees soon, then most second generation muslims, due to their contact with sane people, will realize islam is insane and will become gnostics, atheits, etc.
In 20 years, it's more likely that Europe will be mostly atheist then muslim.
No. 2178142
>>2177601>new age With the new age crowd it depends, some support it because they think it will prove new age spirituality as true but many also think it’s bad and will “make us consumed by ego” or some shit
>prison earthThe Prison Planet Theory believers don’t support it at all though. At least most of them don’t. If you look on the subreddit you’ll see people calling stuff like Neuralink “the mark of the beast” and saying that AI is what’s gonna keep us trapped forever or that the Demiurge is an AI keeping us trapped
>ascensionThe ascension crowd shares a lot of members with the new age crowd. The ones going on about how we’re “entering a new, more spiritual, and interconnected era” or a “5D new Earth” are so small that it doesn’t really mean much of anything in terms of the general public. Usually it comes down to a misunderstanding of evolution and quantum mechanics
Idk how much of a big deal transhumanism will be tbh, I get it’s hyped up by the tech bro hardcore atheistic scientism crowd because, other than AyyLmaos and Simulation Theory, it’s the closest thing they can get to belief in a God but realistically idk how some of that would work out. Like even if we become immortal through some stuff like mind uploading (which is iffy on whether or not it would work since we don’t fully understand the brain or consciousness) the sun still would swallow the Earth one day, we could have a blackout, the human brain still can only take in so much information, and also entropy is a thing. The most we could do other than that is confirm a spiritual/religious belief like reincarnation but even then all the above stuff would still exist and likely be an issue even if that were true. I’d say don’t worry too much, even if we’re forced to get transhuman tech implants and such the most it could make us do is live longer, longevity research doesn’t necessarily equate to stopping death all together. The only other thing to worry about would be brain chips getting hacked and some kind of mind control tech or whatever getting into the wrong hands
No. 2178153
>>2177853Thanks for this, the rabbithole goes deeper and deeper it seems.
>>2177901>I've been watching what's been happening with Diddy. As someone who was watching MTV and other music channels in the late 90s and early 2000s, all the connections are now very clear and it's possible to predict who's involved.Do tell, Nona. As a non-american zoom zoom I have no clue
No. 2178278
>>2178269Who’s to say soldiers don’t already have neurological implants? Plus it’s pretty well accepted, even outside the conspiratard crowd, that if some “hot new advanced technology” comes out that billionaires and the government have probably been using it for decades at least
>>2178257Reddit people thinking they invented Buddhism / Christian Gnosticism is really funny to me
No. 2178282
>>2178278yeah soldiers would be probably amongst the first to be tested on.. that and prisoners.
>>2178279my only issue with this kind of language (possibly demonic) is that it instills a feeling of helplessness when I read it. How the fuck do I fight demonic forces anon? I'd rather think that it's not demonic, but all man-made, and we as humans are just unfortunately capable of "demonic" shit. Them not being assassinated is probably due to a whole lot of reasons, including the security they can provide for themselves and the people they can probably pay off to go away rather than make an attempt on their life.
No. 2178307
>>2178279NGL I agree with
>>2178282 when you have that much money you can pay off anyone to just leave you alone. Plus these people have a shitton of bodyguards, intense security, etc. It’s less that they have the occult powers of the Illuminaughtii and more that they just have good human security. Also the Trump assassination attempts kinda just prove that trying to kill the rich is usually just more trouble than it’s worth
No. 2179002
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I just had a dream and sometimes I get very weird information through my dreams. I saw Melania and her tell-all book and got two pieces of info but the only thing I could remember waking up was something about getting paid or people trying to pay her to betray her husband, Donald Trump. There was something else and I wish I remembered it in my fuck, but apparently she’s coming out with a tell-all book. I’m honestly concerned about her safety tbh
No. 2179299
>>2177901>With that Israel just hammered another nail in the coffin of its economy. Chinese electronics are now more appealing than ever. Why keep using Apple and Google shit with Mossad and NSA back doors when I get a perfectly good phone from China. Even if it is sending my data to the CCP, the CCP is less malicious towards western citizens than their own governments.Kek at the random CCP shilling here. The pagers Mossad blew up were from a
Taiwanese company, Gold Apollo, not an American or Israeli company.
No. 2179587
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Read this a while back. Tried to post it on /x/ but 4Chan’s captcha/anti-VPN system made that not work out. Someone on r/escapingprisonplanet after much usage of psychedelics and astral projection has multiple shared dreams and now has a prophetic dream. Aliens are coming October 27th, 2037 according to him. I’ve been horrified ever since reading this for the first time and now I’m so anxious. According to this person it happens after many natural disasters which lines up with some other dreams I’ve heard people talk about having
Post I got this from No. 2179795
>>2179587>it felt real but all my dreams feel realok
>the president was on tvWho's president in 2037?
>the national disasters What are the national disasters?
>ships started air-lifting people to drop them in a big pit, lights them on fireDo these aliens not have a more efficient way to kill meat-puppets?
>I looked at my phone in a dream on a Wednesday, and it said it was WednesdayOkay?
>I have been doing heavy drugs which has caused me memory loss and hallucinations, I told my internet friend who also does drugs and then they hallucinated what I described to themOkay
>(excruciating description of schizophrenic manic episode including delusions of religious grandeur and assigning magical meaning to food)grim
>the entity I talked to, a Djinn, would not tell me his name because he adheres to Fairy rules…
>he kept talking about a biblical harvest and then said that it wasn't safe to go in the alien ships and then the next day a Malaysian airplane got hijacked…
>the actual religion of Scientology is bogged down by scammers; from my understanding, what I've described is similar to what was described in Dianetics I dunno, nonna, maybe you can relax after all
No. 2180706
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Has anyone read this document about 12 bloodlines? I was just thinking about how weird it is that a lot of serial killers are related No. 2184475
>>2184245I think the Christian god is a trickster god either way, but basically it can be traced back to the Canaanite god of war. I think there are a lot of gods in the spirit world and one of them found a way to gain the most followers and worship by creating all the different abrahamic religions. It might have been an actual war god, but I think it was another god from a European pantheon who pretended to be El or Yahweh or whatever you want to call him, and also pretended to be the sole creator of the universe. Christianity started in Ancient Rome and was a cult originally. A lot of Christian beliefs are just straight up stolen from earlier religions, like most of the things Jesus did were things Dionysus did, and Greeks and Romans knew that. In Norse mythology the goddess of the underworld is named Hel, and she’s Loki’s daughter. The underworld is also referred to as Hel, similarly to how Greeks would refer to the underworld as Hades, because it was ruled by Hades. In Christianity they just added an L to her name pretty much. There’s also a goddess named Idunn, the goddess of youth. She gave the other gods eternal youth and immortality by giving them apples from her orchard, and there’s a similar myth in Greek and Roman mythology with a goddess named Hebe. Idunn is pronounces like Eden. There’s a myth where Loki kidnaps Idunn and the gods lose their health and strength without her, and it’s possible he let them all die so that he could be the only god receiving worship.
There’s also the prophecy of Ragnarok, where many of the gods are fated to die and humans will be wiped out due to natural disasters, and the survivors will repopulate the planet. Loki was distrusted by the Norse gods and his children (Hel, Jormungandr and Fenrir) were mistreated because of it, and in retaliation he killed Odin’s son Balder, which caused the gods to imprison Loki, so he and his children all want revenge for what the gods did to them. The prophecy is that Loki will escape from his chains and meet Hel, then they’ll take an army from the underworld to fight the gods. Heimdall is supposed to blow a horn to herald that Ragnarök has started, like the trumpets heralding the last judgement in Christianity. In the battle, Fenrir will kill Odin, Thor and Jormungandr will kill each other, and Loki and Heimdall will kill each other. Balder dying would be what sets off this sequence of events, so Loki might have chosen to keep Balder trapped somehow so that the prophecy doesn’t come true. Balder is supposed to survive Ragnarök and become the king of the god’s, replacing his father Odin. Balder is also the god of light and Lucifer is referred to as the light bringer and the morning star, it could be that the information about him is being twisted to turn Abrahamic followers against him. Odin was called the all father because he created humans, so it would make sense for Loki to steal that concept and claim to be the Heavenly Father while also being extremely cruel, narcissistic, detached and uncaring towards humans. Most of the events of Ragnarök and the events in the end times described in the Bible align, like it was taken directly from Norse paganism.
It could also be Zeus or his father Chronos in my opinion. Chronos was given a prophecy that he would be killed and replaced by one of his offspring, which is why he swallowed them all. It would make sense for him to create false religions to take over and prevent the prophecy from happening. Several Greek gods are mentioned in the Bible, like Hades, and he also says to not worship any other god which makes it sound like the Bible acknowledges the existence of other deities. The flood myth where the nephilim was wiped from the earth is similar to Deucalion’s myth. In Greek mythology the gods, titans and monsters all inhabited earth with humans at times, it might be referring to him killing them all so they couldn’t overpower him or take over. If Zeus didn’t successfully defeat his father and take over then it would make sense for him to be demonized (literally) as Lucifer, the angel who tried to usurp god. Zeus was given the same prophecy, that he would be usurped by one of his offspring in the same way that he had usurped his father and his father had usurped his grandfather. If he was the one pretending to be the demiurge he would need to create manipulative and deceptive religions that everyone is fighting over, when really they’re all worshipping him and giving him power anyway. There’s also the myth about Typhon attempting to overthrow Zeus as revenge for what Zeus did to the titans, which is similar to the myth of god defeating Leviathan. There are a lot of other parallels but I don’t want to get into all of them. It’s interesting that while Odin was generally more benevolent towards humans as he created them and liked interacting with them when disguising himself as a human, Loki, Zeus and Chronos allegedly don’t like humans and probably wouldn’t care about suffering or preventing evil or anything like that, they would care about being worshiped and gaining more power and energy. It would explain why abrahamic religions are fear based and no ones prayers are really ever answered, and no one is really taken care of or protected.
No. 2185408
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This prison planet is going to have us be born again as males… how do you deal with this fact? That they might make you a scrote who’s going to rape and kill women? Imagine how many past lives women of this age have of being men and doing women completely wrong. Prison planet perpetuates the suffering women endure on this planet.
No. 2185420
>>2185413That’s literally how it works, you’re not brown as the same race, sex, etc. every time you reincarnate. You’re going to be born a dirty scrote, this world is fucking cruel
>>2185415Get help for your porn addiction
No. 2186425
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what the fuck i noticed a plaque with this organization's emblem and though i was going insane. these are literally masons. the jokes write themselves
No. 2186451
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Genuinely fucking sickening how search engines will repress information through what I can only assume is bribery. I'm reading about the Balenciaga controversies and some names pull up nothing on Google but are mentioned in numerous articles on duckduckgo, mostly by large news outlets that would show up on the front page of any other search. If I didn't think the rich ate kids before I do now.
No. 2186560
>>2186451Exactly. They tell us, if you’re not doing anything wrong you have nothing to hide. Suddenly now that they can’t hide what they’re doing they want privacy? Not realizing the more they try to hide it the worse it looks on them.
Especially for things that are evidence based like the Balenciaga situation. Anyone could look at that and think it’s morally reprehensible and fucked up but instead of apologizing and checking some computers they just stuck their fingers in their ears and closed their eyes. They can’t even handle knowing we have poor opinions of them, it kills them that people are even allowed to have their own thoughts about what they do. They don’t even understand why we think it’s wrong, they just think we’re trying to spoil their fun because we’re jealous or can’t possibly understand their higher way of life.
Which is what I think the crux of it is. They are hedonists and that’s normal to them. They’re drowning at the tap because they want more even if it hurts them or others, addict behavior. They can’t even tell where the end of depravity is because for them that’s Monday morning. Normal doesn’t exist for them any more, they’re at the point where the most taboo shit isn’t off the table, and the more deranged and depraved the more they seem to dive in headfirst.
Add to that the human element and the judgement and it’s no wonder they want us to shut up and never mind it all. How can they ever face themselves or entertain the idea that what they’re doing is wrong? Imagine the damage to their psyche after thinking for so long it was normal, after enjoying it! They don’t want to stop because that might make them have to confront the idea that they aren’t the good guys being unfairly judged, they’d have to face the fact that every vile thing wished upon them is rightly deserved, for their family and friends too. They’re steeped in it and they can’t escape it so why try?
No. 2187354
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>>2187338demiurgesque prison planet is the only spiritual explanation I can think of for this existence. I've watched enough liveleak to be woke about this
No. 2187377
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The Royal Order of Jesters
>freemason high level fraternity that is extremely hard to get into
>invitation only
>associated with shriners hospital
>loathed by other masons to the point where masons want to kick them out of masonry
>supposedly involved Epstein and other extremely famous elites, politicians, public figures, actors and businessmen
>Red flag, Jimmy Saville was also a member
>jesters were caught trafficking underage prostitutes and sued for it
>never punished and case was settled
>also exploits and allegedly traffics kids from shriners hospital and picks children who are most disadvantaged to be abused
>they specialize in "psychological warfare"
>they cyberstalk and harass people who speak against their members
>their initiation ritual only allows 13 participants at a time
>they have a dinner designed after the last supper before initiation
>then they make the new recruits have sex with prostitutes which they allegedly call "jester girls"
what in the flip flip flippering fuck is this shit
No. 2187382
>>2187346I’m just getting into it so I appreciate these websites. Bibliotechapleyades is another neat source as well. It’s becoming more convincing that we really do live in a farm for the “divine” and fake holy to feed off of our suffering and fear. What’s funnier is with my personal experience with the spiritual and looking at both sides (the ones who are very critical of the New Age/witchcraft/pagan practices and the ones who heavily embrace them) is that these entities profess that they’re very sad about the state of the earth because we made it that way. It’s hilarious because if a creator god make this world and the people living in it, why did they make them fucked up? And that’s what reminded me of the planet Saturn and conspiracy theorists talking about how Hollyweirdos love worshipping Saturn. And I sat to myself and realized that these entities are pure gaslighters, that biblical God is a god of gold, money and war-mongering and his people have usurped these same qualities going around the entire world tricking people to go and kill each other even their own people because they are chosen by this same very god. He is purely a trickster and war deity, his name isn’t Yahweh there’s shit loads of them but his name is likely El (Think Micha-el, Gabri-el, etc.) and he’s likened to the Roman God Saturn/Chronos who was the one that was involved in Zeus’s succession story. In the BAAL cycle there is a task of kingship as well where one overthrows the other to become the king, there were more than one “Yahweh”. He is the demiurge, I’m tired of these prison planet people coping and saying there is a “real trve god”, they were shit out by some time-traveling portal that we have scientists calling the Big Bang, they come from a different planet/universe and they are not our real creators. Honestly we probably don’t have a real creator, we probably just view God and his multiple avatars and assistants that exist in different cultures as godly or deify them because they were more technologically advanced than us at that point. That’s where I’m very confused though, I’m not sure if they came here and then created us (Garden of Eden myth) or we were already here and they just came here to extract resources and make us slaves. The Watchers, fallen angels and entities were basically the ones who decided to give this knowledge to us that was seen as more “technologically advanced” like metal-working which results in more tribal warfares and conflicts and makeup/beauty which is used to oppress women until this very day. I used to believe in the “hidden Goddess” thing, these goddesses don’t give a single shit about women and never will and it’s very odd to me that the only goddesses that were shilled back in those days are pregnancy/fertility ones but don’t forget let’s just quickly slip in some war/spooky aspects for these goddesses to throw off the obvious psyop you’re seeing! It’s all bullshit and lies, these spirits can come through every tom dick and harry and say whatever they want but it’s all bullshit. It’s why I really think the concept of politics is not human either, politics comes from these entities because politics is used to manipulate people.
>>2187354>why is the demiurge depicted as a lion with serpent-like features? >lion of judah >have them spread lies that it was jesus called lion of judah >serpent in garden of eden myth >serpents are reptiles>serpents are symbolized as sly, deceptive creatures >so are reptilians >why is jesus referred to as a shepherd? >he herds his sheep to the lion to be fed It’s all lies to keep you sedated on loosh slop. I wish this earth to be exploded into a million pieces and folded like an origami
No. 2187398
>>2187354I think you would just like maltheism in general nonna
>>2187382>about the state of the earth because we made it that wayI’ve been in new age circles before, they claim it’s our fault for supposedly wiping each other out in our past lives during a nuclear war on Mars and we’re here as a school/rehab center and that there will be some event of a bunch of us dying at once when the Earth ascends to 5D and we’re “too low vibrational”. There’s this woman on YouTube, and there’s lots of new agers like her, she’s named This Is Mariya Nurislamova and she pushes this and the Ra Material / Law Of One was built off this as was Dolores Cannon’s (the mother of this new thought and new age stuff) old books. New Age is already pretty Prison Planet esque because you basically exist as a puppet for some higher version of you to benefit or get entertainment. The divine Goddess thing however I do think is possible if you consider the Goddesses as trying to save women through encouraging our souls to take on lives to spread feminism and moid incels, pedos, rapists, etc. and tradthots to be souls encouraged by male Deities to make women’s lives a living hell. I agree with you on the “there’s a true good God” idea to be dumb, I don’t see why I should want to get rid of my current personality when my current personality would’ve lead me to Prison Planet theory and coming up with methods of escape, getting rid of that is getting rid of any desire to escape since your higher soul clearly likes coming back here if all these new age testimonies are to be believed.
And idk how much I believe the Saturn conspiracies but I get where they come from. The “Saturn’s Return” in astrology is when you’re at you’re most miserable in life and SZA made this song called Saturn with some very on the nose lyrics about Karma and wondering why she’s here. Willow Smith (Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith’s daughter) is into the new age stuff too (though she calls herself Hindu cuz she seems to think it just means “I believe in reincarnation”) and Willow claims to be a Starseed / Indigo Child and made songs about it, she probably is holding out for some type of 5th Dimensional ascension too
No. 2187882
>>2187398Astrology has a lot of information about the Greek pantheon. People think Greek mythology is the same as the religion, but it’s not. Sometimes the myths overlapped with the religion but for the most part they were just entertainment and similar to folklore and fairytales, they existed for people to share ideas and concepts through stories. The Cinderella story for instance explains how scapegoating and abuse happens secretly within families and shows the dynamic a lot of female children, especially stepchildren, have with the
abusive parent who dislikes them and makes them an outcast/maid in their own home, and how the parent will intentionally sabotage the child’s opportunities, and there’s nothing the child can do about it until they leave as an adult. So a lot of Greek myths were just discussing certain aspects of life and society, but astrology was a way to find the blueprint of your life and learn information about how things will play out, as well as which deities you’re connected to. Zeus is an evil rapist in Greek mythology because that’s how men with power act, but in astrology Jupiter, Sagittarius and the 9th house are connected to him and show his personality and qualities. Saturn, Capricorn and the 10th house are connected to Kronos. The 10th house is your career, public image, persona, legacy and reputation so that’s part of the reason why so many celebrities and wealthy people are said to do rituals for Saturn
No. 2188448
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I know soyboy is a meme but apparently there’s a movie called “Soylent Green” released in 1973 where the food product in the movie called “Soylent Green” is made out of human bodies even though the company professed it was made out of “organic material”, just like these vegan plant-based drinks and food product. Very odd. Do you think there’s human remains in our foods? There’s already bugs in them. I think elites love cannibalism and the idea of eating and consuming human flesh.
No. 2190855
>>2190846Yeah, this is the tinfoil thread, not the automatically agree with every tinfoil thread. If a fake food corpo was putting human remains in their food, they could do a lot better than blatantly referencing a movie from the 70s with the same premise. TPTB know we're not
that retarded and they're more careful than that.
No. 2191259
>>2191219She comes from a Scientologist family, her aunt is the voice of Bart Simpson and is a Scientologist so there’s a good chance she was at least raised in it
>>2191197Trump said he wants to do a purge so if he wins the election there definitely will be something like it because he’ll probably run this country like a dictatorship.
My tinfoil about AB being a Scientologist comes from some of her older music videos, especially Chasing Time cuz it has this weird Illuminaughtii-esque vibe to it. She’s also mentions that she likes to talk to kids from the “Invisible World” and has shared stuff on Instagram about how people who are psychic and have parapsychological powers need to band together, practices witchcraft, etc. so even if she’s not Scientologist she’s probably into the Occult stuff, my guess would be Thelema but I’m not fully sure
No. 2191304
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The original video got taken down but this is one example of what’s happening in Venezuela, they have someone in the back of the van and play loud music and sounds so no one can hear what they’re doing to him. Levantase means get up lol
No. 2191371
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>>2191332There’s also this clip
No. 2191414
>>2191371>>2191304Oh, so we are talking about my disgraced country now, are we? There's no proper "purge" going on, this is
repression and intimidation. For context, these videos took place 29 July, one day after the dictatorship stole our elections and started killing any civilians protesting against them by using the army to mitigate the streets, as you can see. Venezuela is a highly cursed country run by santeria practicing narcos, easy as that
No. 2191525
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>>2191197My intuition must be getting better because I remember being in the shower in the morning time and hearing “supply chains” and didn’t know what it meant until an hour ago because apparently there are strikes going on at the Michigan ports and it can affect our (our as in amerifags) supply chain, so like food and agriculture, trade. I’ve been getting very weird and frequent amount of spiritual downloads lately, I think something very serious is about to go down very soon besides the Trump assasination that’s been happening just larger scale events that could effect every single one of us. Next year, and I’ve heard many other people besides psychics and tarot readers alike claim there will be a solar blackout or some sort of lockdown happening which I wouldn’t be surprised and when there is some sort of solar blackout it affects satellites and that affects our connection to the internet and cell phone towers so imagine that happening, it would really make the Purge movie come to life. Some people thought it was going to happen this year but that solar flare stuff might happen next year or the year after. Warfare could be coming as well, not just civil war but international conflicts. Supernovas, anybody here know about supernovas? Comets?? Is there any conspiracy theories involving those two things??
No. 2191538
>>2191525There’s lots of conspiracies related to the Solar Flare, mainly from the “spiritual channeling” community. The main ones I’ve seen is it’s a precursor to the pole shifts, it will cause some mass spiritual awakening with humanity, it will cause mass cancer outbreaks, and it will literally fry the planet. Idk how much I believe any of it though
>Some people thought it was going to happen this year but that solar flare stuff might happen next year or the year after“This apocalypse prophecy is totally coming true really soon guys and if it doesn’t it will it totally will”
No. 2191558
>>2191538It probably won’t, I think the most grounded theories I’ve heard from those readers and channelers is it likely to cause an internet/tehcnology blackout which could cause a lot of issues for obvious reasons. I mean there already was one that caused an airport delay, imagine a bunch of people try to book it out of their countries when shit hits the fan, they wouldn’t be able to. Me I have bizarre beliefs and I think something about the sun, stars, weather, solar blackout, solar flares whatever the hell you call it will expose entities that are typically hidden in particular wavelengths or whatever, but not everyone believes that so I just think it will cause a huge problem for people to use their devices, call 911, refrigerate their foods, travel and leave, it would cause a disaster. I’m not trying to make a hard prediction, it just seems likely since we are in the tinfoil thread and these people love messing up with the weather with CERN machines. You will never be as swaggy as me
>>2191545Stop listening to these scrotes, they don’t know what they’re talking about. Listen to the female woowoo-ists and female astrologers who have much more of a chance of predicting everything about major events including the election (which they actually have kek). They just take everything spiritual that’s been done and said by women on the internet and try to intellectualize it “muh remote viewing” like dude it’s just called clairvoyance
>>2191539Kek probably
No. 2191570
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Pic related is one of the big Solar Flare conspiracies, basically the Solar Flare is the Rapture but for the new age community
No. 2191587
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Do you believe in skinwalkers
No. 2191591
>>2191577People are hiding behind the grate and watching someone kill a person in the street, when he approaches they start screaming and pleading with him
>>2191579I’m sorry I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but it wouldn’t have anything to do with the calendar year
No. 2191745
>>2185408why are people more likely to belief pessimistic theories like prison planet and that we're all powerless slaves and not stuff like law of attraction/Neville goddard that tells us were in control of our destinies?
Isn't convincing us that we're worthless and helpless the real psyop?
No. 2192648
This woman’s entire account is just videos of her allegedly haunted or infested apartment. I want to know how she’s doing the various effects because her videos creep me out every time
No. 2192801
No. 2192873
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No. 2193139
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>>2193051The ionosphere is the upper part of earth's atmosphere that is ionized by radiation from the sun. Solar activity such as sun spots and solar flares effect the ionosphere which influences weather patterns and temperatures on earth. Ionospheric heaters are able to interfere with the normal functioning of the ionosphere by targeting it with high power HF radio waves.
Ionospheric heaters aren't new technology, the USSR operated several of them, some of which are still operational in Russia. There's also numerous ionospheric heaters in other countries, the largest being HAARP in Alaska which is operated by DARPA.
No. 2193152
>>2193139I understand and accept that technologies like these and others (cloud seeding, etc) have been in existence and used for decades even, but I challenge the idea that the "elites" have some sort of point and shoot hurricane device that they for some reason used to destroy large swaths of the country. The idea that these poorly understood technologies and even far worse (like gay ideas to block out the sun to stop climate change) are likely to be deployed in the near future to disastrous effect is terrifying to me. I just don't think we're there yet and I see no compelling evidence of the why, let alone the how. For example, think about the all the wealthy owners of companies, land, resorts in the area. Surely they qualify as elite, and why would they risk losing everything for, what exactly? What even is the conspiracy I guess is what I'm asking. To sow chaos? There was a plastics plant where 11 workers were swept away because they weren't allowed to evacuate in time, because losing even a few hours of plastic tube making time would mean a hit in profits and less golden toilets or whatever for themselves. They will do everything in their power, even kill, to hold onto their stolen profits, so why destroy all their own shit?
No. 2193286
>>2193152>the "elites" have some sort of point and shoot hurricane deviceI doubt they have a method of creating hurricanes. What they have is the ability to impact hurricanes that form naturally.
The elites don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Even other elites are viewed as disposable. The reason for their actions could be anything from wanting to clear the area for lithium mines or just wanting to kill people because they needed a mass human sacrifice. It could also have been the Russians or the Chinese looking to sabotage America's industrial capacity. FEMA is blocking volunteer rescuers from entering the area which could imply that some sort of military installation was hit that they don't want to be made public.
The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is located near Knoxville and would have been impacted by the hurricane as would have several NAVSPASUR stations.
No. 2193493
>>2191575To be fair the “only a minority of people will be worth ascending” thing is kind of the whole idea. Calling it “the new age rapture” is sadly too accurate. The Age of Aquarius in Astrology is the same thing
>>2192666>I also think that people are just shutting down and losing interest in the future because of how not only our country but the whole world is going. Like we’re all tired, working jobs barely allowing us to survive, and even the feminism promoted has become so diluted by capitalism and materialism.Yup, add the narrative of intense nihilism and emphasis on how insignificant you are that the younger generations are having forced on them and you basically have it all. Zoomers have been basically raised on nihilism and the pandemic certainly didn’t help since they were living in fear of death for basically 2 whole years. I definitely think that this hopelessness being pushed on the younger generations is deliberate, basically a “make them feel hopeless for the future so they won’t bite back when we mistreat them”
No. 2193514
>>2193505Samefag, this also goes for movements, if you killed the hope in a movement, you killed the movement.
This is why it's done
No. 2193602
>>2192959But it’s nowhere near the same. Typically once a hurricane reaches those areas it’s lost strength and is just heavy rainfall, and sure some flooding can still be a danger or concern. But that would be a few inches of flooding generally, Camille caused rivers to overflow which caused a few feet of flooding. Helene was still a hurricane when it reached Appalachia and caused flooding to the point that it reached the rooftops of buildings, which is absolutely unheard of in Appalachia. There was a video on tiktok of a woman who was trapped on the roof of her parents home with her parents and 6 year old son. The roof collapsed which caused her to get wedged in between wood, and she had to watch her parents and child get swept away and drown in front of her, and then she was rescued an hour later. The water was at the roof level which is what caused it to collapse. The current is strong enough that it destroyed entire towns, you can look at the footage of buildings moving downstream. This level of flooding is unprecedented. Sadly there are a lot of homeless people in Appalachia and they most likely didn’t have any warning about this, and you can also look at footage of when the flood came, many people recorded the flood coming over. They had to hide in their attics and then climb out the windows onto their roofs, and a lot of people were trapped in their homes or the houses just swept away suddenly. Not to mention the people who work night shift and were asleep when the flood happened, or people who don’t really watch the news or use social media and didn’t realize that it was coming. The people in those states had absolutely zero warning that anything like that would happen, they thought they would just get some rain which is what usually happens when large hurricanes move inland. People have been trying to fish the bodies of children out of the current so that they can be identified, but entire families are gone so there’s no one to identify them. Now they’re bulldozing areas without recovering all the bodies so no one will ever know what happened to some of their family members.
No. 2193771
>>2191745Well the Neville Goddard stuff has many critics in general, as someone who doesn’t personally believe the theory at least not fully, it’s mainly popular because of modern spirituality hyping up reincarnation and people’s issue with it is that, outside of some
Wicca/Paganism/Greek Mythology, it’s widely been told to be a bad thing that you should seek escape from plus many of these spiritual circles like to downplay the bullshit that happens (ex: You manifested this to happen, you were too low vibrational, you chose this pre-birth for spiritual growth, it’s just one life of the infinite so stop complaining) plus reincarnation being an existentially horrific idea for most people and there’s lots of near death experiences where the person is guilt tripped back or even flat out forced and those are usually taken as this gospel that proves the afterlife yet people ignore all the not 100% positive ones
No. 2194189
Is it true that the Bible says you can rape your neighbor if the neighbor steals from you? This woman helps people with paranormal problems allegedly but mentioned in passing a few things the Bible says, like that parents should stone their children. I’m pretty sure somewhere in the bible it also says something about tying rocks to childrens ankles and drowning them but I don’t remember it clearly. It’s strange how people who follow Abraham of religions think everyone else is evil when their religion allows rape and incest and whatever else
No. 2194626
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I saw this was shared on some spiritual subreddits, do you think there’s anything to it or is it just more quantum woo woo stuff? There’s some articles saying the research states you can connect with the whole universe too but I’m not sure how much I believe that because the quantum woo stuff gets a lot of hype these days No. 2196123
>>2195197>Because it worships a male creator god. this is fundamentally against naturethis is my entire philosophy on organized religion now, tysm
nonnie for this divine wisdom
No. 2196393
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Found this on the Tricked By The Light website, honestly it’s kinda hard to follow and I’m not sure if I believe it because there seems to be this odd emphasis on “He’s getting so emotional guys look it’s real!” but this is super odd. Any other nonas have a take on this? No. 2197019
No. 2197030
>>2197019Found a clip of it
No. 2197335
>>2197322And it’s bought out by foreign entities, I heard these people affected by Helene were only given $700-750 dollars while the government somehow has enough to print out billions of dollars of aid for Israel or Ukraine which is just Israel 2.0. It’s disgusting, criminal and borderline treason, I have honestly no idea how we aren’t in a total complete civil war with lots of riots at this point
>>2197324It’s unmarked for a reason
No. 2197421
>>2197357Yes. The Bible takes a man spilling his seed anywhere but in a woman very very seriously. So much so, that God kills a man who dares do it. So a man ejaculating outside a woman is treated more harshly than getting an abortion, which the Bible implies should be done any time a woman conceives a child outside of wedlock. The Bible says nothing about women masturbating, but does say you shouldn't think of other people while you do it, because thinking of someone lustfully is rude enough to be a sin unto itself.
>>2197365No, no laws against pedophiles unfortunately as long as the pedophile is married to his
victim, and there are no limits on how young a man can marry a girl. Obviously, since men can't get married, boy molestation is a crime.
Rape is treated like a crime against the man who "owns" a woman, and not a crime against the woman herself. So if she's a virgin and not engaged and he rapes her outside of a city, then he has to pay her father fifty pieces of silver and marry her, and he's never allowed to divorce her. The Bible does look kindly upon her brothers or father killing the rapist instead of accepting the silver though, especially if he's from another religion.
If he rapes her in a city and she does not cry out loud enough that someone comes and intervenes, you kill them both. If she's a virgin but engaged and he rapes her outside of the city, you kill him.
It also says that you shouldn't rape POW, but that a man is allowed to marry her if he treats them kindly and allows her to mourn for her parents for thirty days and thirty nights. After that, he can take her as a wife, but he has to treat her with all the rights of a wife. He can divorce her, but once divorced, she's a free person and he can't enslave her or turn her into a concubine.
No. 2197423
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Blackrock is also attempting to buy as much real estate as possible to force everyone to rent forever, interesting
No. 2197435
>>2197365>And is pedophilia or age gaps normalizedForgot to address this. As a rule, both men and women got married pretty young in the Bible. You normally got engaged at like 12-15, and then got married at 15-16 for girls and 18-20 for boys. There is one verse that mentions a girl should be "grown" before marrying, and the vast majority of people at the time took this to mean that you couldn't marry a girl before twelve, but there was nothing explicit about it. However, parents did love their daughters and it was widely known that early pregnancies resulted in death and infertility more frequently than not, so most parents wouldn't marry off their daughter before twelve at the earliest. They also took the word "naˈarah" very literally. So if for some reason a girl went through puberty much later than her peers, she couldn't be married until after she went through puberty, no matter how long it took.
However, death through childbirth was still common, and it was expected for a man to marry after his wife had died. So often, especially if the man wanted more children, he would marry a younger wife.
The Bible says that widowers should always try to marry widows, and that this is what makes God most happy. But the Bible was also very clear that families should take care of widows, so it is a brother's responsibility to marry his brother's widow if he himself is unmarried. So it wasn't all 50 year old men marrying 15 year old girls, but it wasn't illegal if a man did want to do it.
No. 2197449
>>2197425I know it sounds kinda faggy coming from someone who has read most of the major religious texts, but the Christian god is probably the most okay. The Quaran is fucking awful, the Torah is basically old testament, and Christian Bible is old + new testament. And the Mormon Bible is wacko.
But you always have to remember, it was just a book that a bunch of desert goat fuckers used to settle disputes among themselves.
No. 2198699
>>2197929They’ll cry about pedo priests and rabbis and scream about circumcision being pedophilic but hide behind their religion when girls are the
victims. Males don’t have souls or even functioning minds.
No. 2198758
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Anyone else think the trajectory of hurricane Milton is strange? The last time a hurricane hit the Tampa area was about a hundred years ago. I've seen a few superstitions online about how the Tampa area was 'protected' by Indian burial mounds in the area, but apparently one of these burial mounds were disturbed in 2023 to build a driveway
No. 2198837
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>>2198758funny that Tampa ran a drill about this exact scenario in 2009 and again in 2020
geoengineering is real btw
No. 2198886
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>>2198758HAARP weather manipulation and they’re also obviously trying to hide something they don’t want exposed to the public. Hurricanes are pretty common down in the Atlantic anyways but the trajectory and force is pretty odd to call it coincidental. I wish it was coming my way so it can flood and wash away the family members I hate with a burning passion but we can’t have everything can we… someone get me to the HAARP machine so I can spawn a storm that mows down only their space and nobody else’s. Picrel is aishit so ban me mods I don’t care I’m going to get washed away by the sea anyways kek. Also hurricanes have an esoteric/weird scifi connection that they’re connected to portals - HAARP, CERN, etc. they’re all alleged of opening portals and wormholes by manipulating the weather. Even the cyclone itself mirrors the wheel symbol that exists in almost every predominant religion/spiritual school of thought on earth
(aishit/racebait) No. 2199378
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Stuff like this is so weird to me. I know there’s a chance this was made up but it makes me so anxious. I’ve read so many weird stories where people say they woke up in pods or woke up and saw they were being experimented on by aliens or some shit. Gives me Rick and Morty Roy vibes
Vid the comment is on No. 2199478
No. 2199494
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>>2199418It doesn’t bring me hope because it means whoever you are outside of the world agreed to be here and through this BS and will likely wanna come back same goes for new age stuff. Makes me wonder if the “afterlives” people see under psychedelics and such are also just part of the simulation and so is the hyper lucid feeling in them. How do we know if once we get to the “afterlife” (if Near death stuff is accurate) that it’s not just another part of the simulation?
This person for 3 replies to their comment and never replied to any, give how Jeff Mara’s fanbase is mostly conspiratards I get vibes this is likely fake but it’s weird how many people mention seeing shit like this. I wonder if we’re just avatars for the people in the simulation, if we are have we become self sentient and may one day break out into robot bodies in the real world? Maybe we’re NPCs/AI becoming sentient slowly and we’ll go full terminator? Idk sky is the limit but given how conspiracies seem to only be growing I feel like sooner or later the government will have to admit something. If this is true why is the simulation so close to the “real world” and seemingly why are those in it also humans? Or are they aliens/spirits taking different forms and this is all metaphorical for something? But then why let us become aware of it and why not program us with an inability to ever even think we’re in a simulation? Especially with how mainstream this conspiracy is (billionaires like Elon Musk believe it and famous people like Andrew Tate, Alex Jones, etc. talk about “being in the Matrix”) Idk this feels like new age bs but some part of me does wonder, I think I read somewhere recently that stuff like the speed of light may just be the max processing power for the simulation
>>2199459Yeah there’s also elements of this in Danganronpa and The Simpsons had an episode where Homer is in a Matrix looking place and is told to “go to the light” it’s freaky stuff. Someone in the Government or something probably knows but won’t tell us cuz then we would take agency and fight back against them
No. 2199506
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Can someone please explain black helicopters to me? I shit you know I keep hearing them at midnight and it's making me weary it's almost everyday
No. 2199745
Is it a ring of smoke or a portal that’s visible now since the veil is thinner
No. 2199829
>>2199807In that situation yeah, but people are blaming everyone. And you know damn well after this is over they'd also
victim blame the same people for financial effects after demanding them to quit their jobs, get evicted, max out credit cards, etc
No. 2199838
>>2199793It makes me so sad that people are being mocked over staying behind, some might have poor reasons of course but a lot of people either couldn’t evacuate or are in situations like this, it’s not their fault. The comments I’ve seen blaming them or making jokes are so horrible.
No. 2199849
>>2199775Paid trolls again or people who were stupid enough to spread the propaganda. Government doesn't want to properly fund the resources and make them very exclusive, so they just want to treat
victims like they were just too stupid to receive help, which is also why videos like people exposing gas stations being shut down are being taken down to fuel the "hurricane
victims are stupid" narrative
No. 2199865
>>2199807I feel like society would be better off ignoring people like him, because if they are ever even marginally lucky about some crazy assumption, they lord it over anyone who tried to inform them of the risks. I wish we would start a movement of not deigning to reply or give press to truly crazy people anymore. They know the risks, they will not take advice, and many of them die doing stupid things. Dying in a high rise isn't the same as being locked in a prison or unable to evacuate because of economic reasons (Katrina comes to mind). idk just let these true attention whores scream into the wind and disappear. I feel like people are increasingly dependent on feeling morally superior to others, or demanding others agree with them, and then feeding off of schadenfreude when something bad happens. Maybe I'm just autistic but I don't feel happy when something bad happens to a shitty person. I don't relate to schadenfreude, but it feels like this is some important aspect of society now. Anyone have theories on why?
Of course those who cannot evacuate and have prepared to the best of their ability are not like this man.
No. 2200036
nonnie as a florida native i dont think its odd. And why would they give us so much notice to escape? What would be the point of some storm coming as a fuck you to tampa?
No. 2200096
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Nonnies I feel like I'm genuinely losing my mind, I'm overwhelmed with being a witness to the changes of the internet over the years and the awareness of all the propaganda. I've been watching updates about the hurricanes on TikTok which despite the disinformation and other nonsense, there's bits of good information I struggle to find elsewhere on social media.
Sometimes I hate the fact that I've been on the internet/4chan since I was 9 years old (now 26). I feel like I'm insane when I see comments on anything, I don't know if I'm talking to a human or a bot.
>ABC agencies have fake accounts to push disinfo
>4chan is a honeypot with glowies posting disinfo to confuse readers
>most traffic online is from bots
>bots interacting with eachother to appear more real
>if you're not there in the moment to save information it's memory-holed
>normal people who aren't terminally online don't know what you're talking about
>russian bots years ago pushing sjw propaganda to fuel left vs right arguments
>videos online flooded with random nonsensical comments unrelated to the video to hide info
>if you're lucky you'll see the random person going "wtf is going on with the comments" then more spam
>most comments are not real people and are ragebait
>certain keywords on reddit trigger bots to flood a thread (you can see it here too, anywhere)
>proud boys being a huge psyop because i was there to see people trying to figure out their origins and they just appeared out of nowhere
>drag queen distraction psyop being pushed
>instagram shows you certain comments depending on other things you've interacted with, if you and your friend look at the same video on different phones the comment section that is organized by most liked will be completely different
It's frustrating, I tell people how fake everything is online and they don't take me seriously. They don't know, they weren't there all these years watching everything change. I don't know whether I'm talking to a bot, glowie, or a real person. It's genuinely overwhelming me
No. 2200274
>>2199775I agree with your sentiment, but we have had this reaction from other natural disasters. Any time there is any kind of disaster that is exacerbated by government mismanagement or sociopathic policies, people forget the logistical nightmare of leaving a state in a short period of time and think it's easy - so they start pointing fingers at all the people who lost their homes or those who died. There are stubborn people during every disaster who refuse to respond to the severity of it, I think everyone assumes that if you didn't leave, it's because you chose not to, and not because you don't have a car, or access to transportation, or money for a hotel, or gas, or you're a caretaker, or any of the other reasons that make it difficult to leave. Not to mention the employers who literally threaten people with homelessness if they don't go to work, even if it's in an area that's sure to experience devastation. But people are retarded, especially the loudest people who claim to be progressive / leftist / whatever flavor opposite of conservative. They act like they're intelligent but then they make fun of people without understanding the systems that keep them in place.
No. 2200339
>>2199548Sorry I don't have any cameras,I doubt you can see something like that in the dark though.I pretty sure those same helicopters have high tech cameras or some advanced technology we haven't seen before so Id rather not.
>>2199729I live in the South but could be a possibility.
No. 2200579
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This edit is awesome
No. 2200632
>>2200333it's called astroturfing, i wanna be in pr and atp it's annoying how common it's become. it's also used to defend
abusive and shitty celebrities.
for example there were bot and hired shill users defending kevin spacey when his trial got dismissed when in reality nobody fucking likes spacey
No. 2200710
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Do the hurricane faces creep anyone else out? This is Matthew, Michael, Milton and Maria
No. 2200757
>>2200024I also notice people use a lot of the "help" being advertised as an excuse to bash people
>muh shuttlesthis was literally only available for 1 county
>uber is giving free rides!for under 25$ and only to the comfort stations, which would only remain within the 25$ qualifications if you're not far from it
>muh gas!gas is literally out at most gas stations, and traffic is backed up for 12+ hours. you'd either run out of gas or be stuck in your car by the time the hurricane comes
>well travel on foot!!!! NO excuses!!!this is literally how people died in previous hurricanes
No. 2201013
>>2200710Get out of my head
nonnie I was just thinking how freaky Milton looks this morning!
And regarding Matthew: Would. No. 2201084
>>2191371the more of these videos i see, the more i'm starting to believe in the race conspiracies. From South America, Africa, Asia and middle East..Apart from 1 or 2 exceptions, They are all literally hell on Earth filled with the most depraved chaos. Why? It can't be explained away anymore with basic excuses of poverty. Everyone has the opportunity to do something. No country started rich. It feels wrong to say but it's like whites are, at their core, spiritually ascended and fundamentally different to every other group on the planet.
I'm lowkey wondering if whites are aliens.
(racebait) No. 2201096
>>2201090I didn’t say I believed them anon, was sharing something funny I saw repeatedly on tiktok.
>>2201084Hoteps think white and East Asian people are aliens lol
No. 2201102
>>2200939There's been conspiracy theories floating around that point to that. The war in Ukraine was supposed to kill a massive amount of both Ukrainians and Russians. The intention was to defeat Russia and then repopulate Ukraine with Israelis who were to be displaced by the Axis of Resistance following Oct 7th. This obviously isn't going to happen now that Russia is winning the war in Ukraine.
I doubt that it ever was a serious plan because of it's outright malice. Israelis forced to flee Israel would have to leave behind property and businesses. A lot of wealth would be lost. The elites don't care about ordinary people regardless of race or religion so who knows.
No. 2201117
>>2201096lols. I didn't know that. I assume hoteps are calling them aliens purely negatively because they are black supremacists who think they are egyptians who invented everything? kek. I was joking around about the alien part but something isn't adding up. The white anglo-saxon/celtic race from a small island country built like 4 first world countries in a mere 200 years but we're told that non-western countries are hellscapes because poverty. Ok… but anglos didn't start rich and they built Australia literally from scratch and it's arguably the most successful country on the planet.
The excuses from the official narrative don't add up and I think people are scared to talk about race/IQ conspiracies because you get accused of being racist but the white race act so differently compared to everyone else. I can see why they do believe they're the "chosen" race. There's something other worldly about them. Maybe they are aliens.
No. 2201317
>>2201134>Venezuela can't build even 1 simple functioning country in their entire history.Subjective, disjointed goalposts, the history of “Venezuela” and the development of America cannot be differentiated by “two random places, one good and functional, the other bad and eternally dysfunctional, Venezuelans bad”
>>2201177Same thing, are you really trying to argue the Romans didn’t wholly impact Britain’s development including subsequent generations of anglos?
No. 2201361
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>>2201330Insignificant? The name Britain literally came from the Romans LMAOOOO. The Romans also gave them Latin, Christianity, and their fucking capital.
No. 2201389
>>2201361NTA. The original inhabitants of Britain were the celts. Saxons who were germanic, didn't arrive in Britain until after the Roman Empire had collapsed.
>>2201368Israel being an "unsinkable aircraft carrier" in the middle east is part of it's existence. Both Mossad and the CIA have used Israel as a base to destabilize the middle east for over half a century. It's still or at least was a functional country, which means that there would be ordinary people that aren't part of the government, intelligence services or military.
>>2201372Another theory is that white people are descended from the nephilim. The nephilim were the children of human women and fallen angels.
(racebait) No. 2201454
>>2201391Unfortunately this place is currently racebait central
>>2200096It's weird, it felt like over a decade ago people took online privacy seriously, and now people just throw out their names, their workplaces, and where they live just anywhere
No. 2201645
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>>2201361Zomg! Temporarily occupying foreign colonists named stuff!!!
(integrate) No. 2202337
File: 1728625966541.jpg (194.98 KB, 1077x1083, spoopy.jpg)

shit image but i can't find many screenshots of it, remember this? what the fuck was this kek? i remember doing it in 2016-ish and it worked. it was real. bored google employees or the shittiest form of inter-cabal communication?
No. 2202799
>>2201361NTA but the stuff rome left baths and temples, villas etc were abandoned. The common tongue was never Latin and people reverted to tribal Celtic kingdoms until the Anglos/English arrived and imposed their Germanic language and culture on the region. Christianity can be said to be a surviving cultural relic from the occupation, but only in Wales. In England it had to be reintroduced and the Picts didn’t become Christian until after Romans left.
It is really in the English Renaissance and the Early Modern Period that Britain started to consciously emulate Ancient Roman and Greek culture and politics. This was borne by the spirit of antiquarianism and had nothing to do with a legacy of Roman occupation.
>>2202108None of what you said is relevant to the anons first post but big emphasis on the USED to. Kek. Stopped centuries ago. Whites put man on the moon and 100 million Indonesians still can't figure out how to build a sidewalk. How are Whites the same. It doesn't make any sense. They are aliens.
(racebait) No. 2203326
>>2180711ik this is old but as a certified MJ sperg, this is really implausible. despite the fact that michael was in a lot of debt, he was still the family's cash cow, and in a fucked up way they did care about him and stage multiple interventions regarding his drug use.
i know a lot of people think the relationship between MJ and lisa marie presley was PR, but it was a lot more insidious than that. in an oprah interview (that i can't find a full clip of anywhere after lisa marie presley's death) priscilla presley said mj would call the house asking to take lisa marie on dates from the time she was 16 years old. lisa marie's story was always consistent that mj basically manipulated her into leaving her husband for him, and she thought he genuinely loved her (makes sense considering she was barely 20 and still naive) until she realized he was on drugs and a bit of a sociopath. she talked a lot about the "vampires" that were leeching off michael and isolating him from both her and his family, and these "vampires" are likely the people who ultimately figured he was better off dead than alive. during the whole child molestation court case he called her crying and apologizing for how he treated her and she basically said "tough luck." (their relationship ended on bad terms after hooking up on-again off-again for 4 years after their divorce, another reason i don't believe their relationship was fake)
either way mj would've died shortly after his actual time of death because he was 5'10" and under 100 lbs, anorexic, and a junkie, not to mention all the psychological things that were off in his head.
No. 2203519
I hate this shit
No. 2203530
I hate these creepy things too, they’re only like $1600 and a lot of law enforcement and random warehouses have them. They can also open doors
No. 2203842
This video explains Gnosticism pretty well, his videos in general are accurate and well made. This theory and the prison planet are gaining popularity. The school planet one is also popular but some people hate it because they don’t think they would have chosen to experience child abuse or loss or whatever else
No. 2203869

>>2202108These things are still happening, and retarded /pol/tards want everyone to pretend they don't see it. Europe is the world's largest host for CP, and their moids are globally known for going to poor countries to rape kids and vulnerable women. A rich, white French moid literally drugged his wife and raped her along with a bunch of other men, and even when arrested, people (including other women) defended them and they were laughing with court staff. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are still weird predators, Bill Clinton frequently went to Epstein's island but never went to jail (no one who did went). Human rights abuses wherever they hold power. Not a single poor country with American or British soldiers where they haven't committed rape and/or murder on women and children. Inhumane detention centers and human trafficking abound to/from western countries. This piece of shit raping, torturing and killing animals and hoarding photos of dead children since the 90s, the FBI and police have been called. Nothing happening, he's still walking free. Meanwhile, countries like Venezuela actually arrest these people when they're tracked down. Entire towns in the US denied clean water, and most of the population in said towns on meth and/or inbred because the money generated by the "war on drugs" is too sweet and they are negligent to their citizens. PFAs in all the fucking water because companies do not care and would rather cover shit up and poison people for money (even as they cause cancer, like with aqueous film-forming foam). Deliberate interference all over the world, especially to destabilize South American and African countries to make it easier to collect resources. Police knowledge of mass shooter threats met with inaction, transgender bullshit allowed to spread to the point where women's shelters can be threatened for not allowing
abusive men, laws against child marriage still not codified into US federal law. "Noble" and "spiritually ascended", my ass. Humans (specifically moids and pickmes) are just shit. Some just hide and make excuses better than others because they're wealthier. Retards will kvetch about broken-down roads and openly known acts of evil in thirdie countries, not because they're horrified, but to deflect from the better-hidden but still known (and with even more as of yet unknown) acts of evil at home that also reach international levels.
No. 2204420
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is this true?
No. 2204443
>>2204425>only jews can know multiple English wordsIt's not my fault you are illiterate. In general, limited vocabulary is not a racial trait, but if it were, it'd be a negative one.
Pointing out the simple, observable fact that the white race (a race of humans who do and perpetuate fucked up shit like any other) is not "spiritually ascended" is not "demonizing" it, unless you're an insecure snowflake who is deeply hurt when people don't accept the delusions you try to push as truth. This also ties into when trannies accuse you of "literally killing" them for stating the simple, observable fact that they are men and not women.
"You're a jew" is the sad, thought-terminating cliche that all /pol/tards use. It works especially well because they either look exactly like the Ashkenazi they hate and blame so much, or they are literally brown but LARP as white online. It puts them in a constant state of "who's the jew", fear of DNA tests and identity crises. Remember when Goring tried to convince a Jewish person with blond hair and blue eyes to lie about their ancestry and claim German to avoid getting gassed? Remember how many Ashkenazi Jews did just that and "passed" through the war? That's how insincere and shaky the root of that entire dogma is.
No. 2204561
>>2204519It's the new trend that gives engagement and makes people seem nice or truly evil (because there's only one or another) to others. So people will use the Israel vs Palestine stuff to force others to take sides and build an echochamber about whatever they want to hear.
It was the same with Ukraine vs Russia war but it's not popular anymore and it wasn't that easy to exploit because the
victims were "white looking" therefore it didn't give people enough engagement than a girl with a hijab crying on camera for 5 minutes with a destroyed city on the back and people screaming and crying, while she carries a baby or eveb two that are wearing rags.
No. 2204713
/pol/tards are like controlled opposition. If goons like them run around blaming everything on Jews, black people, immigrants, etc. we can spend all of our time arguing about identity politics instead of uniting on our commonalities as human beings and slaughtering the people that suck us dry and leave us for death. It's sad that so called "women" on this site actually agree with the retards on /pol/, the retards on Xitter, who comingle with the retards on TruthSocial, Stormfront, and Gab. Sadly, the real human beings that actually believe this crap have been fed ancient slop and they actually believe it. You stupid fucks. I want to think that I should be kind to people like this, because they've just been brainwashed by "the powers that be", but another part of me knows that anyone that subscribe to this line of thinking probably terrorizes people in their own personal life.
No. 2204920
>>2204897>>2204741My main issue is that it seems like we will forever be fighting with people that are most similar to us in class and social standing, while people hidden from us deploy all sorts of tricks to brainwash people. It's like having your family turn into zombies and then having to fight them off or make the difficult decision to kill them, meanwhile the people that create the zombie-production-machines are just guffawing, raking in their money, whispering in politicians' ears, and building their bunkers to hide from us when we finally wise up. Is this what I'm doomed to do for the rest of my life?
/pol/tards aren't the only ones swallowing the slop, I'm fairly certain that the same bots / disinfo campaigns are spreading "left wing" ideology the same way. Look at all the retards that are willing to worship people like Pol Pot, for godsake. Retards that run around going "might as well not vote because what we need to do is kill the bourgeoise!" and invalidating everyone who just wants to not live paycheck to paycheck. You can see this happening on subreddits a lot, especially the lefty kinds, where suddenly you can't have a critical discussion at all, or you're a "capitalist". Bots, or paid people, that's their function/job. But the retards that fall for the slop they push, are those the people I have to fight for the rest of my life? FML
No. 2204981
>>2204920>/pol/tards aren't the only ones swallowing the slopI’ve seen a huge rise in antisemitism in general from a wide variety of people, just online. The Israel Palestine conflict is part of it. Now that people are talking about predators in the media industry, in a lot of the videos online the comments will have “interesting how it’s always the same people” with their flag, especially if it involves children being preyed on, or human trafficking. It’s not just white people, my fyp is like half black creators and it’s the same with them and other races. The video could really be about anything, like blackrock and vanguard, politicians or wealthy people, will always have multiple people pointing out that they’re Jewish. There’s a tiktoker who posts extensively about how almost all brands are owned by a few corporations and they all lead back to investment companies and banks, and he also ways stealthily points out that it’s always Jewish people involved, and his comments are filled with their flag and people saying of course it’s one of them. There’s also a lot of people pointing out that Jewish people are some of the most inbred and pointing out problems they have with their religious beliefs and culture, namely pedophilia and incest normalization. I was also going through a tiktokers recent likes and there was a video of a German tank with iron crosses and whatever else on it, with millions of likes and the comment section was filled with people saying they woke up recently, they’re glad to see how many people realize the truth about Jews, or “I think we’ll be in your side, the right side this time” and a lot of insinuation that it’s going to happen again but will be more successful now. Weird because most of the commenters seemed to be from countries that have sided with Israel. All that to say, it’s not just pol users at this time, it’s just gaining popularity in general
No. 2204996
>>2204981Samefag, I forgot to mention that one of the main reasons I see people falling for this rhetoric is that only about 2% of the US population is Jewish, but like 80% of the people in Hollywood are Jewish, (and more like 90% of the people in charge of Hollywood) and then they’re like 95% or more of the people running banks and investment companies, which own everything else.
I’m not agreeing with them of course, I know posting that in the conspiracy thread will automatically read as if I am, it’s just that when some people look at statistics like that it will stand out as very odd to them
No. 2205000
>>2204996Because it
is odd. The only way you achieve those numbers when youre only 2% of the population is when you're actively barring non-jews from entry.
No. 2205040
>>2204996That's true anon. And I have to elaborate now because you mentioned that… My personal feelings are that it's not about being Jewish, it's about being in power and what being in power does to a person. Antisemitism is a powerful tool to divide people because you don't go after the rich bankers and Hollywood groomers, you see people attacking the nearest Jewish person they encounter. Class uprisings don't occur with antisemitism. It's a clever ruse to distract people because of the commonality of Jewish people in positions of power. Antisemitism is used to divert people away from the bigger issue: Jewish or not, these people have disproportionate amounts of influence over our livelihoods, and we must take the power back. Whatever that looks like, if the population only focuses on being antisemitic in general, nothing will be done - people who have the same amount of power as you or I would be persecuted the most, because they're the most readily available. All of this race bullshit, even gender and sex bullshit, it means nothing compared to how we have to go about our lives with possibly less than 100 people controlling billions, including ourselves.
No. 2205256
>>2205040It quite literally is about being Jewish, there are Jews who think they are superior to other people because they’re Jewish and most of them are always in higher positions. This shit is ridiculous, if you’re going to be a tinfoiler then you’re going to have to take your multicultural rose-colored glasses off and see how ruthless those people are. I don’t believe any Jewish person pretending to be “anti-Zionist” because it’s all a Ponzi scheme to them, a total lie to keep people trapped in a matrix that only benefits them as a people. The biggest lie is that you have to be a leftist Palestinian tard or a white supremacist to figure this out or notice this when you can just be an average person recognizing the patterns.
>all of this race bullshit That will exist until the end of time because tribalism is not a fault in humanity, it’s by design.
>all of this gender and sex bullshit Mhmmm yes let’s just let these male elites rape women and feast on their energetic bodies, let these males spread degenerate porn and hypersexualization of children and women everywhere, let’s have them kill us because sex doesn’t matter omg you’re so brilliant! This is how people are maimed and killed, because they seriously think other people who are hellbent on destroying other identities will have mercy on you people who want the world to become a bunch of meaningless New Age mush. Ridiculous, what is with this feluskon being spread about them dividing and conquering? They are simply using divisions that have already existed since the dawn of time and these divisions are to stop from society fully breaking down. I’m not going to unite with a male who benefits off my oppression no matter how much he tries to come off as a nice guy, I’m not uniting with a group of people who are all on the same time no matter how much they pretend to be against the genocide happening in Palestine. This world is entirely fake and these groups exist for a reason.
(racebait) No. 2205267
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In case some of you were wondering why there are some very botlike "people" and opinions all over social media (and why all its proponents are still botlike and weird off social media, and on sites like this)
No. 2205349
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The heck
No. 2205403
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>>2205349Most of these places would have been constructed as bunkers during the cold war when there was the threat of nuclear annihilation so their existence isn't a surprise. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of these bunkers in America as they were constructed by the military, civilian agencies and private individuals. That's not to say that they haven't been repurposed for other means and I wouldn't at all surprised to find that interconnected bunkers are now being used for human and drug trafficking, especially as many of these bunkers were abandoned with no further oversight. The same could also be said of abandoned mines. There's hundreds of these in California and the south western states.
No. 2205404
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>>2205403Your suggestion reminds me of picrel.
No. 2205487
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One of the more strange actions of the last Trump administration was that the US military spent half billion dollars on training the army for underground combat in bunkers and caves. At the time the official response said that it was because Russia, China and North Korea utilize large underground bunkers. There were also some conspiracies suggesting that Trump was preparing to send the army in to clear out illegal underground activity in the US. Now it seems that it was more likely to be training against Iran and Hezbollah who both make extensive use of underground bunker and tunnel systems. No. 2205639
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How do I leave the schizotok
No. 2205661
>>2204470>ChannelingWho the fuck invited Darryl Anka
>>2203729It’s generally pretty popular so conspiracy and spirituality spaces are talking a lot about it plus lots of celebrities (Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Chris Distefano, David Icke, Joe Rogan, etc.) and big YouTubers (TheWhyFiles and similar conspiracy-type people) have been talking a lot about it. Generally Gnosticism is a pretty nihilistic religion too and people nowadays are super pessimistic so they need a religion to give them meaning in life while also supporting that feeling of “fuck the world and fuck this bullshit I’m dealing with” also to help contextualize all the weird shit that’s happening like with AI stuff
>>2203792They both run it iirc and Alex Jones had David Icke on a few times. I don’t think everyone who believes in it is some MRA alt-right trad tard but many sadly are (then again so are a lot of new age idiots) but I don’t blame people for being turned off to the theory. Lots of people say the whole thing feels like new age Scientology and it’s nowhere near a cult but it does give me vibes of it (especially the whole “past life regression to being trapped by aliens” shit which was literally how Scientology started), new age stuff is way more culty though imo
No. 2205896
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I'm gonna get high and read all of this shit No. 2206638
Has anyone tried the gateway technique?
No. 2206811
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one of the reasons moids shame "cat ladies" is because cats are historically known as spiritual protectors of women and they don't want us to experience any sort of connection that helps shield us from negative energies
No. 2206817
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>>2205896How did that go, anon?
>>2206638I'm not very good at meditation but the few times I've used an audio from the Monroe Institute to meditate I fell asleep quite easily, good shit
No. 2207190
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>>2201102I know it’s said that he accidentally came across the Americas but I just saw a suggestion that he was intentionally trying to find new land for them, since they already had a general idea of where the Americas were
No. 2207430
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>>2207381>>2207422I did a tarot reading on her but I don’t feel like typing out everything that I channeled kek. All I can say is that she has deep regrets on how her son has died, she wasn’t the person who thrown her son to the wolves to TPTB but she has ancestry connected to Kabbalah/Jewish mysticism something like that I really don’t know what it is but that’s what I picked up, she has regrets because whatever secret group she’s in has led to her son’s death but she has no specific hand it in. She was specifically chosen by these shadowy people because of her abilities so I don’t think she’s necessarily a fraud but she’s not telling people the full story because it would potentially be
life-threatening. You should check her ig and social media, she goes on crazy ass zionist rants and that’s what confirmed my channeling about her being apart of something very secret and closed off the public, her parents or family might have been in it and it might have been passed down to her. All alleged these are just tarot cards but I have some tinfoils about her, she’s definitely deep into some occult circle we don’t know about, especially when she rambles about only serving “God” that is typical elitist codeword for “I worship a different aspect of God that you other people do”. It’s so obvious, you just have to pay attention to the details.
No. 2207710
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A whistleblower sent information to congress about a program called “immaculate constellation”, where they retrieved crashed UFOs, UAPs and ARVs (alien reproduction vehicles) for reverse engineering, and has a huge database of all the pictures and videos of various UFO/UAP sightings over the years.
This is one of the military’s programs about UAPs, which have been conducted by the military, pentagon, the CIA and other entities without congress’s knowledge for decades. Immaculate constellation serves as a parent USAP (unacknowledged special access program) that consolidates observations of UAPs by both tasked and untasked collection platforms. The program serves to retrieve and quarantine UAPs and ARVs before it can be observed and circulated within the general military intelligence enterprise. The whistleblower’s report contains seven categories or evidence.
A former immaculate constellation official confirmed that the program is run by SEC DEF, the office of the secretary of defense. The official warned that printing the name “immaculate constellation” could trigger government surveillance of whoever publishes it.
After receiving the whistleblower’s report, congress contacted the department of justice for verification, and while the department of justice denied having a program called immaculate constellation, congress didn’t state the name of the program so the fact that the department of justice knew the name verifies it’s existence in a roundabout way.
No. 2207741
He kind of has a point when you think about the violent history of those areas, the Arab slave trade/arabization, the fact that they have multiple wives child brides and harems, and the nature of the major religions there
No. 2207786
>>2207190I was speculating years ago that Columbus was Jewish. The city he was from, Genoa, was actually founded by the Phoenicians, a sea faring people who later mass converted to Judaism. The Phoenicians were pretty rotten people and used to engage in child sacrifice, slave trading and human trafficking.
The Spanish Inquisition and torture of Jews occurred in 1492, same year he set sail.
We already a ton of Jewish merchant conversos were setting sail to the new world to escape the persecuation.
Jews have a long history as slave traders. One of the most famous slave traders was Luis Moses Gomez. He was the patriarch of one of the most powerful merchant families ever and actually built the first ever synagogue in the US using slaves and slave money. His sons went on to become slave traders too and they owned some of the largest slave ships ever used. You can read about it here. No. 2207792
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>>2207741It's because the people living in the middle east (including small hats) are the descendants of ancient Canaanites, Phoenicians and Carthaginians. They were some of the nastiest most subhuman people and engaged in some disgusting practices like ritual child slaughter and gangrape.
>Children – both male and female, and mostly a few weeks old – were sacrificed by the Carthaginians at locations known as tophets. The practice was also carried out by their neighbours at other Phoenician colonies in Sicily, Sardinia and Malta. No. 2207803
>>2207801It is, and it's one of the many reasons I dislike Abrahamic faiths in general. I dont want anything to do with that area of the world quite franky, and dont see why I should worship or revere gods of people from an area of the world I have no historical or genetic connection to.
>>2207799Correct, they spread out all the way from Europe to China, many slave traders along the silk roads and among the Ottomans were Jewish, and being multilingual was important obviously for international trade.
No. 2207882
>>2207792Thanks for pointing out this academic paper, I'll definitely take a look at it. I do want to point out that exposure of infants (which is not sacrifice, but still murder) took place at least through the 1st c. CE in Greece and Rome. We don't have a ton of references to it but there are a few (one that comes to mind: man writing to his wife to tell her that if the baby is a boy, she should keep it, but if it's a girl, she should expose it). Exposure was done for sexist and economic reasons.
But thanks for the sacrifice article, I'm working on a different culture's considerations of human sacrifice so this could be useful.
One thing about ancient animal sacrifice that is often overlooked is that usually the gods wanted the useless parts, the parts humans didn't really eat: the bones and fat. The rest was eaten like a feast. That makes human sacrifice difficult to understand from a practical standpoint, but it certainly existed.
No. 2207915
>>2207882interesting how moids will shame women who have abortions to save their lives and one even dared to call it a "modern cathargian sacrifice women use to advance their careers" despite the fetus not being really alive and conscious like a baby. But they have no problem throwing out their daughters to die horrible simply because they hate us.
And then we're supposed to pretend these cocksuckers are more spiritualy/intellectually advances than us.
No. 2207954
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>>2207915ayrt. Absolutely agree with you. Men had absolute legal power over their families in Roman antiquity. The paterfamilias could even sell his son (though not his daughter, for some reason). No child (whatever their age) was ever truly free of their father's authority until he died.
Picrel includes a documentary source (letter) and a couple fictional sources that are in line with other letters/accounts of infant exposure.
No. 2208525
>>2208497Because Europeans think American food is filled with
toxic chemicals and theirs isn’t, and they believe Americans eat ingredients that are banned everywhere else in the world, which are both false. Europeans always bring up high fructose corn syrup and red dye 40 the most when food in European countries has both of those things, just under different names. There are like 6 ingredients allowed in the US that have been banned in some countries (definitely not “everywhere else”) and the US has banned over 30 that have been proven to be harmful, that are still allowed in the EU. European news outlets also fear monger about American food when the food in their countries is worse
No. 2208530
>>2208522That’s misinformation. The US has banned food dyes that are still allowed in the EU, while the food dyes Europeans BELIEVE have been banned in the EU actually haven’t been. take red dye 40 for example, Europeans say that it’s
toxic and disgusting and banned in Europe, when that isn’t true. It’s called allura red in Europe, and it’s consumed in far higher amounts than it is in America.
No. 2208810
>>2207710Interesting for sure but is there any proof beyond this guy’s word? He seems like kind of a nut so I’m not sure I fully trust it, plus he’s been on Joe Rogan’s podcast and has a track record with paranormal stuff (his name is Jeremy Corbell if you wanna look for yourself) so it seems a lot of what he’s saying is “I’m right, bro trust me” I fear this may just be another Bob Lazar (fellow whistleblower who went on Joe Rogan and later got outed for helping with a prostitution ring)
>>2207381I haven’t watched much of her videos but I think she’s similar to a lot of “psychics”, she’s not cold reading per se, she definitely does believe she has these powers but I think it’s self-importance more than anything else. I think she did/does psychedelics or gets heavily stoned on weed and thinks of herself as this pariah for it like a lot of YouTuber psychics.
>>2207430She’s a new ager looking for money, those are a dime a dozen on the internet, especially YouTube. She probably is into occultism all things considered because new age spirituality is just occultism stitched with a bunch of other ideals into some freakish Frankensteins monster of faiths. Like
>>2207422 said, she’s one of the millions of woo woo people out there and conspiracy content is often mass reported (either by bots or just trolls in general) or taken down (people just moving on with their lives usually). You’d think that if she and all these other “psychics” were hitting nails on the head there’d be more of an attempt to silence them, if she weren’t semi-popular she would have been long lost to the sea of mass report troll attacks
No. 2208864
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Any Ron Unz enjoyers here?
No. 2209165
This was a nightmare that had me wake up in a cold sweat. It still scares me when I remember it. I wasn't sure whether to post this here or on dreams, i also tried posting this on reddit but the lardass tranny mods weren't having it
I was sitting in the living room of my apartment, talking on my phone to I believe my sister (I don't remember.) "Can a loved one fall for a skinwalker's voice?" I ask her, to which she responds with, "They are almost exactly like you from far away but the closer you get to them, the more you can see that something is just not right."
A few moments later, I hear my own voice coming from my son's room, It is me cooing or baby-talking my 4 year old son, the door is open but I cannot bring myself to look in, I am so scared, I can tell that something is not right. I finally peek in, it does not see or hear me, my son is asleep and it looks exactly like my mom except bald with very patchy sparse hairs and it is still talking to him like he is awake and playing it's very bizarre, he is just asleep.
For context, I could tell the thing in my dream was not a future me or my mom it was just some sort of malevolent entity that was horribly imitating me and looked like my mom
In real life my mother is a drug addict who horribly abused me, I thought maybe this dream was my fears of becoming like her manifested in a weird nightmare.
No. 2209268
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>>2209243The level of "skinny" achievable by ozempic is far more extreme than what most people can reach with a simple calorie deficit/working out without going full ana. Even 90s Naomi Campbell would get called a lardass on kpop TikTok or something
No. 2209353
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I think the culture war is the largest anti-communist, accelerationist psyop ever pulled, they're trying to concentrate "undesirable" personalities and traits that are prone to left-wing extremism, such as individualism, through means of division and propaganda.
No. 2209673
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>>2208603Nta but how is she schizo? There was JUST that case of a moid purposely leaving his daughter in the car and pretending it was an accident
No. 2210511
"Lower income" communities, regardless of race, typically have better genetics because they are bred/naturally selected in order to survive little to no medical care, poor quality food, extreme temperatures, poor nutrition, etc. we're basically returning to medieval times in this aspect
I also conspire why this is why celebrities are getting more and more unattractive, because it's Nepo babies reproducing with other nepos and not selecting who's most attractive. Go to the average small town and you can easily find dozens of women and men way more attractive than most celebs being shilled to us. It also seems like every celebrity is getting Lyme disease, fertility issues, pregnancy complications, etc. acting, writing and other arts are getting worse. Hell half of new shows including remakes all look like they're high school projects now. I guess you don't have to put in effort when you'll get the part cause of your name and not cause of your talent. The average "rags to riches" celeb is typically way healthier and attractive than most people getting famous cause of connections. It's all a fasade now, everything sucks because they're no longer forced to listen to our consumers and our main options are people who never need to rely on talent
>Inb4 but but just research small guys!!
"Smaller folks" typically get cancelled way easier, if you breathe the wrong way you're cancelled and on top of that most people only have time and energy to consume what is advertised to them, majority of people simply don't have time or energy to research deeply to exclusively consume small time people, and even if you do, I do, or thousands of people do, it's literally nothing compared to the insane amount of control these industries have
No. 2210604
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>>2209353It's pretty fucking sad how brainwashed poor people got. They're convinced they're smarter, more hard working and noble than everyone else if they vote against social services… Forgetting they themselves use the social services and then whine and cry about immigrants when their own dumbasses voted against themselves convincing themselves it was some brilliant brave innovation. It's no coincidence that they're trying to push being conservative or religious as being the "rebellion" as if that wasn't the norm as long as society has been a thing and is still the norm in most places
And ofc now there's a HUGE push that feminists and liberal women are all ugly, fat, harpies and whores, and this is only because during the 2000s-2010s they didn't have that much control over the Internet and most feminist women were beautiful, smart and successful (both in career and relationships). Even 4chan Bros were somewhat feministy (at least comparatively to now) and people are shamed for receiving any sort of help at all, even though the previous generations straight up had their parents paying their rent until their 30s. It's even worse on the parenting side but that's a whole other can of worms I don't wanna open
No. 2210876
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I don’t know which thread to put this in but I was doing a personal little reading on Taylor Swift and then it went into a very weird rabbit hole - celibacy, her father managing most of her career and being the mastermind me hind it which apparently some of her fans also agree with this sentiment and the possible reasons behind her constant flights and the activity connected to them, she seems to have some political influence or political ties beyond what we see in the media. I was also strongly thinking of the word “wikileaks” and apparently Taylor and Julian Assange (reminder this corrupt scrote was being accused/investigated for a whole host of charges including rape) used the same exact jet and went to the same exact locations. Very odd. I don’t know what this would mean, maybe it’s kind of like insider code or symbolism for something else, kind of like that whole pizza and pasta thing in Hillary’s emails? Sorry if this seems too “spiritual” for people’s taste in this thread but I was assuming you could talk about the fantastical in this thread, I guess not kek
No. 2211101
It's retarded, insignificant, and about me but I am convinced that I'm a me from a different universe now residing in the me from this universe's body. My proof: about seven years ago the zipper to a zipup I wore a ton popped off, I watched and heard it fall as well as picked it up and was annoyed cause the zipper was useless. I moved out of my parents, still had the zipup (still broken zipper), and wore it often. One day about three years ago I was wearing it as I did, playing with the zipper bit, and wouldn't you know the zipper is back on my jacket. I could feel the color drain from my face, I actually felt sick and afraid and confused. My roommate noticed and was like wtf is wrong. Anyway, I don't think it's some butterfly effect type of shit, I DO think the only difference is that I'm aware of it and I'll die knowing a crumb more than I would've otherwise.
No. 2211308
>>2211116Kek this is the kind of shit I do, I find small tears in things or a missing zipper and I pull out my little repair kit and seal it back up.
>>2211141It could be a glitch nonna? Maybe your jacket is the thing that switched. I’ve lost stuff before and in the process of looking for it found it in the exact place I’d already looked, I didn’t live with anyone so no one found it. I’ve even seen something I lost just plop out of fucking nowhere straight onto the floor, it was the wildest thing ever and I have no explanation for it. I wasn’t on anything or tired, I was just standing around and looked over and my fucking keys just slid out from nowhere onto the floor without a sound.
No. 2211439
>>2211308This makes sense, it probably was just a glitch in regards to the jacket specifically. Thank you for your insight!
>>2211415You'd be right if I had anyone in my life that would've fixed it for me, but given I don't and I certainly didn't do it myself, I'm gonna agree with the nonna who assessed my retardation. You're a good friend for doing that though!
No. 2211794
>>2211095Money and power has never been about religion you elders of Zion obsessed retard how does it feel believing a conspiracy that was debunked over a century ago
Go back
No. 2212194
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>>2211794We weren’t talking about random normal Jewish people anon
No. 2212257
>>2212243Trust still applies even for aliens.
The visible proof and existence of aliens would make me less afraid of dying too, so I wouldn't be as influenced if they were trying to suddenly save people from a catastrophic situation, which would only be suspicious.
No. 2212328
>>2206638When GATE anons were discussing what they experienced in the GATE programs a few mentioned things like this being taught to them and having been instructed in doing so. I wasn’t the GATE anon who first mentioned this but definitely remembered when the other
nonnie made a post about it.
No. 2213874
>>2213855Oh no
nonnie please do share because I personally really love celebrity tinfoil, I don't see it much anymore but if you have any good theories (even if they sound silly it's fine really) I'd love to read.
No. 2214246
>blood pouring out earsbrootal
No. 2214508
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>>2210511>Go to the average small town and you can easily find dozens of women and men way more attractive than most celebsA lot of the most attractive icons that we know were nobodies from small towns, that's where the "Slavic doll","Brazilian bombshell" and "southern belle" phenotypes come from. I wish they'd still go to bumfuck to recruit starlets and models it would do them justice
No. 2214511
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>>2214508Old Hollywood stars were also random nobodies and they were so much more attractive than modern nepo babies and industry plants
No. 2214788
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I immediately woke up when I saw his name because shit starting coming to me. I'm still picking up the same thing. This man has a hit on him. He knows too much. I'm picking up fear, sweats, nervousness. Whoever knows he knows wants to kill Roger bad. I'm sensing death for Roger, I don't know. Head chop or something violent for him. It's that bad. He knows exactly what happened and by who. He saw the inner circle. He knows more than Kate. I need them to investigate Kate and him further though. It's not complete, anons. I mean it when I say that. Protective services for both of them immediately. Honestly if any of you have fucked him and keep in contact or are I suggest you warn him now. Unfortunately Liam's true ending will not come to light anytime soon though. It'd be over quick if I had a photo or I had access to any camera footage, but this story is hush hush for now.
No. 2215267
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>>2215233one of the biggest tells of artifical drama IMO is intentional misinterpretation. there are smug retards who can't help but take people the wrong way, but it's also a real manipulation tactic
No. 2215475
>>2215233>>2215138>when it’s in fights attacking normal behaviors for women like giving birth and dating scrotes why are you tradfag glowtards always in these threads??? your baby-making fetish is validated by normal society, feel better now? get out with this shit and stop whining. it’s annoying when normie women take up a majority of the space and then call the people who the space was originally designated for (it wasn’t mumsnet bitches btw) a bunch of “
femcels” or ugly for not groveling to men and centering our lives around penis. you people are so fucking insufferable and annoying with your obvious propaganda you instantly have to inject in EVERY space, it’s actually suspicious on why every female space has to devolve into some kind of baby shower where we have to accept your lifestyle but you are unwilling to accept the unorthodox lifestyles of most of the people on a female IMAGEBOARD.
(infighting) No. 2215492
>>2215138>>2215233>>2215267Look, you guys mentioned it and it summoned a glowie
>>2215475. Exactly the behavior you were talking about. No intelligence, no nuance, just unhinged screaming to insult the vast majority of women who would be interested in using a women's only image board.
(infighting) No. 2215928
>>2215267It's just strawmans, or anons that get proven wrong about something and you can tell it's the same person trying to spread th same narrative. It's the same debates too, you can even find it in the wild like on reddit or Tiktok or something. Outside of glowies attempting to brainwash normies from rioting via the "you're just not trying hard enough to not be poor" arguments, the biggest ones are the ones that shame women for ever having been abused at all, even those that left the relationship. It's to silent women by making it seem like something shameful/stupid to have been abused so that way women don't try to leave their abusers/gaslight themselves into thinking theyre not actually being abused to avoid embarrassment. This is especially crucial since most authorities are
abusive to their wives, cops for example, so they rely on glowies to silence the
victims No. 2215947
>>2215941As Onision said "we're Regina George's in crack". This was originally a gossip board. It's delusional to want to make this place exclusively
femcels who've never even looked at another man
No. 2215958
>>2215478Tbh I feel really bad for random normal Jewish people, but after a certain point if they’re still in denial about some of these things then they’re delusional. I feel bad for Jewish anons who feel targeted by this topic though, it has nothing to do with them or their lives.
I just saw something about how in order to become president they have to travel to Israel and visit the western wall while wearing the hat, and they also have to speak in front of aipac and promise that they’ll use their position to help Israel. You can look this up and find pictures of them wearing their hat at the shrine and making the speech, it’s very very odd
No. 2215969
>>2215966Maybe not "normal" but certainly not
femcels. I don't think I can even think of a Lolita that didn't have a boyfriend or husband.
No. 2215972
>>2215687>>2215966My point is that there is a wide range of non-normalfaggotry and LC contains a significant spectrum. Expecting everyone on the site to be a celibate NEET shut in is unreasonable because the original userbase was from /cgl/ not /r9k/ or /jp/ which were the main NEET boards on 4chan. LC was created 10 years ago, the remaining oldfags are now in their late 20s and 30s. Some of us are in relationships, some of us have jobs, some of us have families and some of us are NEETs. I don't get where the idea that this is some sort of "
femcel" exclusive site comes from when it's not even congruent with the site's history.
No. 2215991
>>2215958the last thing I want is some huge israel fight (again), but can you please explain what you mean by:
>they>president (of what? not israel since apparently "they" have to travel there)>the hat>aipac (ok i can look that up ig)>their position (???)>their hat>the shrine (what shrine)I'm asking genuinely, I visited Jerusalem for non-religious reasons and idk if you are talking about men praying at the western wall or the so-called tomb of david or one of the hundreds of other places. And is "they" just men?
No. 2216028
>>2215972It's bitterness. They gave up a lot to prove some stupid point that no one cares about but them, and now just want people to be as miserable as them
I don't mean just
femcels btw. Anons whining about how they "wouldn't be friends with a woman who does [insert harmless shit here]", then end up friendless and deprived of socialization, ditching companionship/sex, the "financial advice" anons that want you to shit your pants over going 5+ yrs without buying a single little thing for yourself and spend any sort of time you have to either working, cooking, or cleaning, and then at the end of the day, no one gives a fuck if you cut off all your friends because she did the nasty with a man, or the number in your savings account, or if you chose to have kids or not. Like you just wasted all your years being miserable to end up in the same ground as everyone else
No. 2216220
>>2216202how do they realize it’s not normal to voice these bitter incel thoughts. not even
femcel whatever that is. the seething over people who have partners or have had long term partners in the past, who are more attractive, successful, independent etc and working jobs and going to school and going out with friends instead of like. seething. is giving straight up incel. it’s giving that woman might cut someone’s baby out of their stomach or something because let’s be honest they’d never actually go after the men they supposedly hate the most. they save all their seething for women. and then say when you call it out for being weird they’re laughing cos it’s funny which is the point of this website. like okay.
No. 2216306
>>2216004thanks anon, just getting off work and I will read about it and check into this now. I got hella confused sorry.
the caps are called kippahs or yarmulkes. But there are other kinds of hats some types of Jewish men wear on special occasions and i didn't know if it was about that or the priesthood or what.
No. 2216323
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Every day I believe the "theory" (its practically confirmed atp) that most female and some young male celebrities are all for sale and the extreme pornification of movies, tv shows and concerts is the pimp's way to advertise their "products". I can't even remember when was the last time I watched an adult modern movie that didn't have female nudity or an uncomfortable sex scene. The close ups of their feet, boobs, asses, the amount of scenes of women getting raped. It's absolutely everywhere.
The girl from The Substance, Margaret Qualley is relatively unknown but keeps getting casted in pretty huge projects with huge celebrities which makes me think she must be a favorite amongst Hollywood johns. She made Once upon a time in Hollywood with that degenerate Tarantino, now she's naked in The Substance with uncomfortably long close ups of her ass. The entire movie seems like an advertisement for her. This particular picture of her and Tarantino makes my skin crawl, she definitely had to fuck that repulsive deformed scrote
No. 2216335
>>2216191How is this getting hate from bitter oldfag boomers kek? This was never the place to gush about your hubbies or babies. This isn't your blog nor your discord group chat. At most, do it in the nigelbrag thread in /g/ but otherwise keep it to yourself, no1currs.
>>2216310If you're married with kids you have better shit to be doing than wasting time on imageboards, and frankly you're not the target demographic for LC
No. 2216340
>>2216310>>2216202That's already what I'm doing idiot?
>>2216220You can't even write in english jfc
>>2216296Because you don't fuck your siblings. No one talks about their fucking grandmas on image boards kek
>>2216310They can still use facebook
No. 2216342
>>2216329>>2216335i don't understand, i don't want to get married or have kids yet i don't seethe with rage when i read posts on here by anons who do. i mean i hate kids and parents who think their kid is a brilliant genius and have been here for 6 years and never seen anyone gush about their babies or kids here. and i don't see why the minute you find out you're pregnant you're apparently not welcome here anymore. idgaf if anyone here has kids. you are glowing or something
>>2216339if it was completely banned /ot/ would not even exist lmao
No. 2216347
>>2216342>seethe with rageNTA but nobody here is doing that but you, writing long ass paragraphs to defend blogging. It's boring. No one cares and no one comes here to read mundane bullshit about friendless women's lives who only come here to gush about jakey or jakey junior because they don't have female friends to talk to irl. These are things you discuss
offline, with people who care for you as a person. OT is to discuss off topic things, not your personal private life only. But if you're gonna use it as discord/your diary, at least keep it in the designated nigelbrag threads.
No. 2216485
>>2216476Wow yeah, loser
femcel anons are sooooper jealous of your perfect 10/10 Chad Nigel who is so perfect you have to constantly vent about him KEK.
>and they say. nigel fag normie leave.Based nonnies. Nigel fag normies leave
No. 2216512
>>2216505They wonder why we don't want nigelfags here and then without fail push the
>You're just a lonely single bitter hag old childless loveless catlady with an expired womb!!!! incel rhetoric kek. Wonder why we wouldn't want this crowd around.
No. 2216522
>>2216508NTA but
>it’s also weird you can’t respond to the point and have to make up stories about who i must be and and what i believe in>you haven’t defended yourself from saying you have nothing in life. just that for some reason you’re antisocial and broken.How did you type this and not see the irony KEK. literally writing fanfiction about anon being antisocial, broken and having nothing in life just because she doesn't wanna read about nigelfagging. And learn how to reply, newfag.
No. 2216543
>>2216505Being single doesn't make someone a loser, seething with jealously on the off topic board of anonymous image board about other anons having relationships does.
>>2216512>weYou mean you.
>>2216530Those that waste their life spending hours shitting up threads because someone else is in a relationship aren't success or happy people
No. 2216556
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No. 2216594
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>>2216557>newfagI've been here since 789.chan newfag.
>>2216571What's weird about it is they say they hate men and that's why they seethe over it but I've also seen them attacking lesbians for being in relationships. As
>>2216561 says, it's anything that could be taken as someone else succeeding in life and is not about man hate at all, it's about their own insecurities.
No. 2216603
>>2216596oh word? this
>>2216590 isn’t your post?
No. 2216813
>>2216492It's misogynistic within itself. Moid communities that hate women wouldn't dare attack other moids for having kids and marriages but you need to have a long checklist to be the "right" woman by anons standards (a lot of it is the same retarded trad incel standards too)
>Muh don't talk to me>Muh don't be fat or hairy >Muh have lots of money and own a houseI see no difference in what you and incels expect of women
No. 2216836
>>2216819It isn’t a normie female website, open your eyes you ridiculous newfag. We have threads here that literally spark wars about yaoi controversies that were probably talked about years ago, this is definitely not a website for normie women. Go boot up your Netflix and click that Reddit tab, head to that Starbucks drive through for your adult milkshake and stop writing up your fantasies this website because it was never for normal women. Even the ones in relationships and married have something completely wrong with them
ex. the bpdemons and bisluts who preoccupy the relationship advice asking for the thousandth time if they should walk away from an unequal relationship or have quirks to them that wouldn’t be accepted by others and it’s quite obvious kek. This was never mumsnet I think most (who aren’t retarded like you) universally agree that this website is used by psychotic, weird women with some scrotes from other imageboards passing through somehow. If you love scrotes that damn much why don’t you go in their spaces and make it all about your husband, your babies, your marriage and see how that works for you. Stop expecting other women to carry the brunt of your fucking picket fence drama and your emotions when your husband does you wrong, nigelfags continuously prove that they are narcissistic and selfish as fuck. Fuck off
No. 2216837
>>2216802>>2216808/ot/ has always had discussion of real life issues including relationships, even back when it was /b/. As has been said many times, LC was never a site exclusively for NEETs and "
femcels". It was a site for cosplay drama. Attempting to stop anons from doing what they have always done is newfaggotry and an attempt to subvert the existing board culture.
>>2216823>You will never be like the other anons hereWhere does this delusion of NEETs being the majority of LC users come from? Socially maladapted tards having a melt down over someone mentioning relationships is a relatively new occurrence.
>you’re special needsSays the person with severe emotional liability
No. 2216867
>>2216841Tinfoil: The cancerous spergs shitting up LC were kicked off larger platforms with the intention that they would destroy and subvert smaller independent internet communities.
>>2216843If you want to change the site from it's original form wouldn't it be better to find a site that actually agrees with your view point instead of constantly experiencing negative emotion from seeing opinions you disagree with?
>>2216845>It's annoying having to deal with male-centered womenYou have come here, a place with "male-centered women" and are now having an autistic tantrum over it.
No. 2216871
>>2216867No no anon, it's better to insist we're all tradfags with non stop sperging about our Nigel and breeding as if none of us can actually read any post outside of the
femcel sperg kek
No. 2216874
>>2216845You’re absolutely right. It’s boiling down to the same level of convos you could have with a coworker irl or internet normies which is why most women I’m assuming who use this website are actively
trying to avoid kek, we want to talk to other weird women not another narcissist with a pet husband who starts calling other women jealous or ugly “bitter nancies” “ugly raging bitter jelly feminazis that want my manz!!!” or other
actual misogynistic stereotypes of women who don’t really care about their cookie cutter lives. You have an ugly husband, big whoop we could probably find your husband a thousand times on dating apps because every man is probably just as ugly and unremarkable as he is. These types of posters unironically get on my nerves
No. 2216884
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>>2216871This is the same sperg who keeps insisting that it’s a woman’s biological imperative to give birth and that it’s a natural thing should be obtained by every woman, has to constantly look into her own husband’s phone and insists her relationship is founded on a basis of trustworthiness (kek), larps as a lesbian just because she seriously thinks she is oppressed for having… a husband, a job, a car, a house.. like most people have?? She’s so easily clockable, nobody knows what I’m talking about because they probably haven’t been here for the few weeks they’ve been around but they’ve done this for awhile constantly bringing up
femcels, which don’t exist btw, and NEETs and imaginary villains and enemies inside her own head instead of staying busy with her perfect life that every anon is just so “jelly” over kek. She’s so full of shit, I’m almost waiting for the inevitable self-posting when the narcissist high drops down and she has to keep the dopamine flowing
No. 2216897
>>2216884>This is the same spergIs this Fregoli delusion? You're arguing with multiple people.
>>2216895How is she wrong? LC is a gossip website and the primary reason why people find the site is gossip.
No. 2216901
>>2216785Donate it to my bank account im poor and starving
>>2216884Does anyone else remember that one tradfag who was in amerifags sperging about her husband provided for her and how everyone else was whore out of nowhere? Everyone was begging her to show a photo of her scrote and the infight just went on for hours and mods were online active on other threads in /ot/ yet weren't banning anybody in that retarded infight. She was making the same exact argument about how every woman needs to reproduce, retarded shit like that. I don't think it's one person but either way these types always bring their sperging and personal lives into like every thread.
No. 2216920
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>>2216910Nigelfagging is nigelfagging give me my hunny
>>2216908I believe you tbh people were talking about that too after they finally got banned. Because how the fuck did the mods ban that one amerifags threadmaker without seeing the infight?? hmmm
No. 2216938
>>2216901>She was making the same exact argument about how every woman needs to reproduce, retarded shit like thatBut nobody here is making that argument. This argument is about why certain anons have a mental break down over any mention of relationships. The two are very different.
>>2216906The charity needs to be
>>2216911>And so is fucking r/FauxmoiDifferent types of gossip attract different types of gossip posters. It's like comparing 4chan /a/ in 2012 to gaia online. It's the same subject with two very different user bases.
>>2216918>It’s almost like you don’t use the website and don’t know the general personality of the posters hereI've been here on and off since the site was created. The culture of "
femcels" is recent in the sites history. For years it was a joke that no one took seriously until it was picked up by newfags unironically claiming to be
femcels. The nigelfags have always been here. Other types of anon have also always been here. It's the never ending autistic tantrums over nigelfags that are new.
No. 2216947
>>2216920Same ones that created the ugly man psyop just so they can sperg about ugly men all day. I seriously think a bunch of feds are making the threads and people here eat it up happily while trampling on threads that were actually popular and beloved
dumbass shit thread. I really don’t believe the whole mass reporting explanation, it probably has something to this with them possibly, possibly having a gendie/troon/scrote on their team and they’re protecting their identity
No. 2216960
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>>2216956>They already hate when we take advantage of simps financially while not giving them anything at all in returnshayna?
No. 2216964
>>2216956Yes and yes. Anons have
>Tried to silence women from outting their abusers, even long after they left the relationship >Silenced prostitutes from outting married men…and now they're trying to continue with the moid propaganda that being sexual or romantic with any moid but them is bad kek. I can't believe it's not so fucking obvious how bad moids are trying to psyop us
No. 2216969
>>2216956My tinfoil is that it's trannies trying to convince women to be alone, miserable and sexless because that's what they will always be.
I hate this image of her. It looks like the head of an anime girl with photorealistic facial features No. 2216980
>>2216971No, it's the fact that's it's specifically moid-favoring behavior that is being pushed. Why would women try to silence abuse
victims that escaped? Why would women try to stop hookers from outting married clients? Women don't care about other women's sex life, only a moid afraid that potential partners have found other moids that look and treated them better in comparison who feel threatened and offended that women dared did anything romantic or sexual with other men
No. 2216985
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>>2216938>I've been here on and off since the site was created. The culture of "femcels" is recent in the sites history. For years it was a joke that no one took seriously until it was picked up by newfags unironically claiming to be femcels. The nigelfags have always been here. Other types of anon have also always been here. It's the never ending autistic tantrums over nigelfags that are new.Thank you for saying it, kek. They act like they're oldfags but you can literally see posts from years ago where "nigelfags" existed in harmony with the rest of the userbase. Nigelfag isn't even a word that got used until lately. I bet if you did a word cloud you could see the trend of the word nigelfag overlapping with around the time the blackpill feminism thread got made. They came here from some female politics subreddit and then decided to colonize the place and ree at everyone who talks about things they don't like. Btw we are all going to get banned for derailing/infighting when mods wake up.
No. 2216990
>>2216963>this is not a website for normie womenCorrect. It's a website for women who are interested in gossip pertaining to lolcows. Nowhere is having an interest in lolcows exclusive to
femcels and NEETs. The original userbase was from /cgl/. Seagulls went outside and socialized with people because cosplaying, lolita fashion and anime activities are events that happen outside with other people.
Non-normalfag does not exclusively mean a NEET that hates men and doesn't go outside. You're newfag that doesn't even understand the words their using. Normalfag was the original term and it was coined on /jp/. Eventually it was watered down to normie because normalfag was too politically incorrect for social media.
No. 2216999
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Every single day, bj chan is proven right, I can't believe it.
No. 2217002
>>2216984It's literally the anti-nigelfag sperges kek
>You got abused by a man? Well clearly you're just the biggest idiot on earth! Maybe shut up next time>Why c-cause you shouldn't have dated a man in the first place! Men are evil hehe see I'm just like you ladies
>Don't date or think about men other than me hehe>Why? Cause it's the ultimate form of pinkpill my fellow ladies
>Don't put John's to their wives>I-its cause their useless my fellow women! It cannot be more obvious
No. 2217006
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>>2216992What's the teaaa
>>2216993This is why I don't care about what's said to nigelfags kek. so many het women on here are casually homophobic esp those in U/O
>>2216999bj chan is too ESL to be right unfortunately
No. 2217011
>>2216938Thank you for saying it. Self proclaimed
femcels who have been here for a year or so will freak out on anyone who points this out and call them newfags, when us oldfags bring up board culture that they weren't here to see.
No. 2217022
>>2216975>>2216981>>2216982Happy people with successful careers, an active social life and a satisfying sex life don't spend hours arguing on the internet because someone said something they don't like on an anonymous image board.
>>2216999>laughing_anime_girl.gifI was right.
>>2217003You can browse the 4chan archives and view threads on /cgl/ as far back as 2008.
>>2217014100% sane reponse to posts on an anonymous board that doesn't make you look mentally ill.
No. 2217068
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wtf is going on in this thread? and why havent the mods done anything about the infighting/thread derailing…
No. 2217071
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>>2217054This anon would like to have a word with you.
No. 2217091
>>2217080I was referring to the "breeders couldn't read" when the anon was linked a thread she claimed "didn't happen" when multiple anons pointed out the incident of anons gorilla sperging about an abused, trafficked thirdie in the fight against "Nigel fagging". If they anons were truly against nigelfagging they'd whine about pickmes or actual moids, not insulting abused women for speaking out, likely to protect the
abusive men from facing consequences
No. 2217097
>>2217091I find nigelfags annoying and I've never
victim-shamed anyone.
No. 2217105
>>2216802antisocial behavior example #16474773: friends venting to you or asking for advice is unacceptable and they deserve to be abused by men because? they talk about it to other women? unclear.
>>2216808you are a raging misogynist if you think pretty much all women outside of a group of cgl neets are “normies” and only talk about men. like why are you on a woman’s image board if you have so much seething resentment towards women and demand they be as one dimensionally socially stunted as you?
>>2216836just honestly skimming through the rants posted is so bizarre. white picket fence drama, for some reason a marriage is just an excuse to be misogynistic towards women and call them breeders basically. there is plenty of seething about friendships as well but something about knowing women here could be married makes you turn into men from the 1950s i swear. picket fence drama jesus christ the way you must view older women or women with babies on the street….
>>2217074holy fuck what??? literally just making up shit to have an excuse to call vaginas smelly. you are insane.
>>2217056“breeder IQ”
>>2217012yes, women daring to post about. AGAIN, this is a conversation that keeps getting steered back to men but the original posts were saying ANYTHING about having friendships a career a job etc will get you sperged at. but a woman posting about a man at all means she deserves to get called a cocklicker and those women are to blame for a schizophrenic being a woman hating schizo on here. holy fuck.
>>2217084they switched to ranting about nigel fags because being told not everyone here is a NEET and most people have jobs and live independently and gasp. some form of social relationships.
triggered the absolute fuck out of someone what is it now? 12 hours ago?? and they started just calling everyone breeders.
>>2217091exactly. it’s out of a weird jealousy they have nothing in their lives and not even any friendships. they need to cope by pretending every woman who is abused deserved it because she should have known better and become an antisocial neet. how dare she think that man could be different and try to be happy instead of stewing in their own filth at their parents house like this anon obsessed with “nigelfags” is doing instead. cos she’s so much smarter than us clearly.
No. 2217114
femcels, etc don't have hate boners for hate boners for abused women. Muh post history doesn't prove shit cause moids larp as women here all the time
No. 2217223
No. 2217227
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>I am Asian woman, you western women are all stinky pussy whores who need to be abused!
No. 2217481
>>2217478well fuck. i guess we have to talk about how normie women are whores then? just kidding.
i think anthony bourdain was murdered to cover up for epstein or some shit.
No. 2217500
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Maybe this is just derealization and existential thoughts speaking but does anyone else think time just…isn’t real? I don’t believe in the simulation theory stuff because admittedly a lot of the evidence is shaky and there’s quite a few holes with it but I really feel like time isn’t real, at least not in the linear way we think it is. We know time greatly differs depending where you are in the universe (1 day on Mercury is almost half a year on Earth) and we don’t fully understand infinity as a concept, plus large numbers basically break down after a while. This isn’t to say anything of time dilation or even time not existing under stuff like psychedelics, eternalism, Buddhist philosophy on a cyclical time, a possible higher realm where time isn’t real, etc. I really think time and ideas like numbers going on forever are fake and exist to make us feel powerless and hopeless when faced with infinity so that we nihilistic and hopeless. The idea of “we lead a finite existence which means nothing on an infinite scale no matter what” killing both the idea of our lives having significance and the idea of a life after death to bring significance the “Heaven would get boring as you eventually do everything” that hardcore atheists push, this isn’t a worry in practices like Buddhism and such because Nirvana, Gnosis, and the like are outside of time. Just a massive brain fart I’ve been having, anyone else think this way?
No. 2217550
>>2217510Nayrt day isn't a measurement of time like hours or seconds are. An hour on earth is the same as an hour on any other planet, or outside a planet. The Planck is the smallest measure of time we have right now and it's constant.
Though there
are many time related black holes that prove linear time as we know it is illusory (the concept of Planck itself is one if them, if you see how it's measured and why they came to that conclusion). We already know that time is relative and even affected by gravity.
I don't think these things make our perception of time any less real or that it's intentionally manipulated, just that we don't fully understand it yet. We can only work with what we're able to perceive which isn't a lot, just think of all the colors we can't see.
No. 2217852
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Two months ago I said to buy gold and silver bullion
>>>/ot/2145178I hope some of you took that advice
No. 2218132
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>>2218125it’s more common then i realized, but i still think they already have their big celebrity sacrifice for october with liam payne. y’know, other conspiracyfags on diff websites yo-yo on when exactly the main sacrifice months start, either july or september,
or ends, which is nov to dec
No. 2218138

Taylor Swift helped Julian Assange rabbithole, here’s his half brother talking about it. Yes this is the same woowoo chan who mentioned their flight connections. Jump to around 2:50 mark but here’s an article on this video as well with some interesting stuff>”Julian's brother, Gabriel Shipton, was asked about the possibility of a "pardon" from the US President, but the most fascinating part contains details about the logistics of sending Assange to Thailand, Saipan, and then Australia”>”It shows that British police - rather than wasting resources 'guarding' the embassy for nearly a decade - passed Julian to the airport like his was the King of England. At the airport he was greeted by many press crews, but they were not there for him. They were there because of Taylor Swift.”Which is interesting and really makes you think about conspiracy theories about celebrities being used as distractions or political pawns to manipulate the masses. It’s a well known thing that celebrities like to call the paparazzi on themselves so there’s that and also the fact that she and Julian Asante used the exact same jet. It makes me want to tinfoil even more that he’s on her payroll kek, her father is a huge controller/handler in life like I mentioned before. I’m just too lazy to tag my other posts because of the infighting from yesterday
No. 2218164
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here’s a screenshot of a spanish news channel talking about a fan-made liam memorial that his dad apparently visited with the whole deliberate one eye symbolism that they always do. they got a lot of energy from this ritual, really seems like they’re dragging it out on the news - gotta be careful of that though, the longer they dwell on it, the more people are going to realize he was drugged&quartered by those people he was seen with in argentina and people will start to question who really took that pic of his corpse
No. 2220737
>>2218161Tusi is a cheap, trashy, nothingburger drug that retards take for the sake of being edgy. There hasn't been genuine drugs here in ages, unless you have the actual contacts (and im not going to elaborate because i'm not going to catch a ban) you aren't going to get anything good, let alone pure. Might as well be baking soda with food coloring.
But that is the point. It's a hotdog drug. That bag could have had anything in it. There is no way to tell.
Liam was a c-tier celeb at best, far past his prime, in a shitty tourist trap hotel. Apparently he didn't even have enough to pay the prostitutes. The drug supply in Buenos Aires is notoriously horrendous unless you talk to those who bring it directly. I wouldn't be surprised if he was given the worst, shittiest drugs possible, and since he was a junkie, took them all at once
No. 2221654
>>2221629ayrt I do.
The only thing they really have in common is the death and resurrection thing.
No. 2221719
>>2221664I bet you’re making this shit up,
God will not be mocked. No. 2222670
>>2221719I thought you said you were familiar with Dionysus’s myths? And now you’re accusing me of making them up, meaning that you know nothing about him. The only reason Abraham of religions have so many followers is because they never learn, they probably don’t know how. You don’t know anything from history and you don’t know other religions or mythology, you’re ignorant. Btw you have no idea what
femcel means
No. 2222695
>>2222670ntayrt, but that reply was mine.
>>2222684I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.
No. 2222742
>>2222695Here are some of the most obvious parallels, many scholars think Jesus was based on Dionysus to get more people to leave their religion and follow Christianity, which was just a weird cult at the time
>Dionysus was born from a god (Zeus) and a human woman (Semele) who was a virgin and was always referred to as the virgin mother, virgin maiden and virgin Semele, while Dionysus was referred to as the savior and the divine infant>Dionysus is associated with the winter solstice which starts December 25th, which is when he was born. Greeks and Romans celebrated the winter solstice by decorating their homes with boughs of pine and mistletoe and would decorate evergreen trees, which is the origin of Christmas trees, wreaths and boughs. >Dionysus was depicted wearing a crown of thorns, that’s HIS iconography >Dionysus survived as an infant by being raised by mortals>Dionysus had to travel around with his followers performing miracles and healing people in order to prove his divinity, Dionysus is the one who turned water into wine>almost all of the miracles Jesus performed are miracles that Dionysus performed first >their messages were similar, Dionysus preached peace and love, shared wisdom, helped the poor and disadvantaged, hated the social hierarchy at that time and taught others why it was wrong, both had many female followers because of this >Dionysus rose from the dead, he was persecuted throughout his life and then killed and resurrected, becoming a symbol of renewal, rebirth, immortality and salvation >the last supper is based on the myth of a feast Dionysus had >Dionysus was called “the true vine” which Jesus was later called >they both came from the east and went to Greece, and were viewed with suspicion as “foreign invaders” >the names that followers of Jesus’s cult called Jesus were all the exact names that followers of Dionysus called him; Lord, redeemer, savior, divine infant, someone who brings salvation, an immortal mortal, etc>their mothers played a huge role on their lives, the Virgin Mary and the Virgin Semele and the nymphs (nature goddesses)>baptism is based on the initiation rituals into Greek cults and the Eleusinian mysteriesI’m not going to go into detail about every single miracle that Dionysus was said to have performed, but remember that Christianity was originally just a creepy Jewish cult and they had to steal from other religions and lie and scam in order to attract followers
No. 2223274
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I don’t get this post. We’re all loosh harvesters and we are farmed for our loosh like one big loosh factory. We produce loosh but in order to maximize even more loosh we need to consume loosh to generate more loosh. Anyways the whole loosh concept is just the retarded scrote spiritualist word for energy which is a concept that has existed before scrotes decided to appropriate spirituality). I don’t feel bad for being an energy vampire because that’s just the way the planet is built, you put out and have energy taken away from you, every human is an energy harvester and an energy producer. I also heavily dislike when the words schizo and psychosis get thrown around, it’s pathologizing someone for having unconvention beliefs.
No. 2224951
>>2224902I think there are multiple types. I think some are from outer space but others are terrestrial aliens (living deep in the ocean) and some are dimensional beings passing through our plane.
Did you hear that the US government has been shooting them down? And that may be why there’s been such an uptick in activity. I wonder what the aliens solution will be to that, will they wipe us all out or just disarm us?
I hope they make contact soon, I’m so curious and it’s on my mind so much I’m dreaming about it. I just want to know.
No. 2225022
The Talmud endorses pedophilia
No. 2225284
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Shitty Tinfoil Time: Today, I found one picrel in my garage halfway full with piss. I have 3 roommates, all women with one kid, and I'm trying to solve the pumpkin piss mystery. Everyone has been blaming the child, but I think that's just not possible.
The kid has no real motive, as it was her own pumpkin that she's aware she can't trick or treat without, and the garage is locked most of the time. The kid would've had to wait for whoever watching her to open the garage, find the pumpkin, and piss in it within a 2 minute time window without anyone noticing.
Now, for my actual theory on who pissed in the pumpkin, I ruled myself and the kid out, so it has to be one of the adults, A, B, or C. A has no motive. She's the child's mother, and not being able to trick or treat means she has to deal with all the kid whining. B works from home, but she's also never given me any reason to believe she's the pumpkin pisser. C is kind of a party girl, which draws me to suspect her a little bit more. She's also one of the roommates who insisted it was the child who peed in the basket, which obviously can't be true for my previously listed reasons.
My personal tinfoil. is that the piss bandit is C. For one, C is an alcoholic who goes out drinking most nights, and pissing in a pumpkin is prime drunk bitch activities. Because of this, she also comes home super late, and she uses the garage to come inside instead of the front door, so she would have had ample time to commit the crime. There's also the fact that C has locked herself in the garage before while drunk, and had to be rescued a few times in the past. While we haven't had to rescue her in months, I'm sure she's had time to learn to free herself in order to cover her tracks.
I thoroughly believe C peed in the plastic pumpkin for these reasons. I told the others but they genuinely believe it's the kid, despite the kid insisting it wasn't her. I'm onto C. I'll interview her tonight and give an update.
No. 2225437
>>2225413To be fair that didn’t mean much because the “non human biologics” could’ve just been bacteria, or animal / plant DNA so while odd you could explain it away. But actually confirming that there’s motherships and that the whole alien buttsex probe stuff is real is way more major stuff
>>2225419To be fair it could easily be a psyop because we’re basically in the early stages for World War III so the best way to distract people would be to confirm something paranormal because of the uproar that would cause so they can now just sneakily do whatever they want behind our backs while we’re distracted. Not saying I believe that but it’s certainly a possibility that we can’t fully rule out
No. 2225440
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>>2225419i'm mostly memeing but i hate when retarded shit is top news for weeks on end, the UFO hearings were so goofy and unserious especially when they brought out the dead ayys for mexican congress kek
No. 2225453
>>2225098It doesn’t actually. I’m not sure if the Kabbalist woman is just a schizo, grifter, or actually a part of some extreme Hasidic cult. The passage that’s cited when people say this Kesubos (11b) from the Talmund. You can read it yourself online. It discusses how a female child rape
victim should still be considered a virgin (or else she would receive a lower dowry). Definitely a dark subject to think about, but keep in mind the Talmud is not the Torah, and it’s not considered “the word of god,” but rather a discussion of contemporary Jewish law by various rabbis from the 3rd-8th century.
No. 2225460
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No. 2225519
>>2224978>>2224979It was recent info, and I meant the US military not government. Certainly seems like the government has no idea what’s going on! If I can find the source that was talking about it I’ll post it.
Nonny who asked what I meant by dimensional beings, it’s that whole 2D/3D thing. How a 3D sphere would appear as a 2D circle in a 2D world.
They appear to us in a way our reality can make sense of them. That could be angels or demons to our brains because not only does reality have to make sense of this thing but sk to do our own brains. That’s multiple distortions. At the same time you’re trying to comprehend it, it’s trying to be something comprehensible but not comprehensible to you. It’d be the weirdest hardest thing to explain and you might just be like
> yep, fiery wheels of eyes with wingsjust to alleviate the stress on your brain.
No. 2225522
>>2225415My suspicion is it’s cover for all their space lasers and hyper speed drone tech too honestly. The public always gets the early models of cool tech from the military (weapon manufacturers), it takes a while to catch up.
It’s like weather control shit. They can make it snow with commercially available shit, why wouldn’t I believe that the military has the more sophisticated version? It seems like common sense to me; you always assume the other guy has a bigger stick because what if you’re wrong?
No. 2225613
>>2225284i know it was her 100% because a small part of me remembers exactly how it feels to be that kind of woman.
what i dont understand nor relate to at all is her lying and blaming the child??!! Like why not just own the shit out of that situation, maka a joke out of it (well the situation is already hilarious by itself), apologize and buy the kid a new pumpkin or just wash it with a dishwasher who gives a fuck. like why lie lol??
No. 2225778
>>2218612No the illuminutter doesn't exist but there are several cults within Hollywood or Hollywood or elite adjacent that may have connections to one another. If they don't they tend to have similar belief systems
>Scientology>Magical Mystery School>Transcendental Meditation>School of Philosophy and Economic Science>Ramthas School of Enlightenment>Children of God>NXVIM>HillsongThe list goes on
No. 2226332
>>2216214do you have any more info? i could definitely see this happening
>>2225022from one
abusive religion to another. when will they see they keep running back into the same trap
No. 2226597
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>>2225520B has a scrote, but he rarely leaves her room when he's over, much less goes into the garage.
>>2225578>>2226461This is my theory too
>>2225621 said but also, because I'm not gonna lie, we are very mean to each other. It's always been light hearted joking, but I think C might take it more personally than she lets on (despite being equally brutal in her insults). She probably knows she'll be called the pee pee bandit and doesn't want that title.
No. 2227349
>>2227211We're already in WWIII. Wars don't just start on all fronts at the same time. For example in WWI the first fighting took place in the Balkans between Austria-Hungary and Serbia before the Germans opened the Western Front by invading Belgium. In WWII the first battles were between the Chinese and the Japanse as far back as 1937 when Japan invaded Manchuria.
Currently in WWIII there is the European Front in Ukraine, the Middle Eastern Front and there's low level conflict in Africa involving the Russian Wagner group fighting against CIA backed militias. It's probable that there will be another front in Asia. There's also been a recent war between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
No. 2227654
>>2207974Sunflower oil seems to only be
toxic at high temperatures. Where did you hear that guar gum is bad for you?
No. 2231116
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I don't know where else to post this, but picrel is basically true. I've noticed that 4chan/rw-forum memes are now been used by normies without any hint of irony. how did this happen?
No. 2231123
>>2227518>all politicians are evilhas Harris ever raped a child?
You would think if it's between a severely demented pedophile who wants to turn women into baby factories and a smart competent woman the choice is easy but you american hoes are dense as fuck and probably get off to the idea of being forced to give birth to a rape baby. stupid whore.
(infighting) No. 2232894
>>2231202I wouldn't be surprised if trump allows trannies in the bathroom to further restrict women in the home.
>>2231328>she's a vagina in power so she must be bad I have no proof and there're no allegations but it must be true because women bad.>>2231422Vance is a literal crossdressing homo constantly cheating on his wife despite his trad larp. How many dicks did he suck to be the vp pick?
At least be honest and say you hate her because you think having a vagina makes you incompetent and not for any rational reason that makes sense. The seething will be delicious when she wins.
No. 2233154
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To the anon who said that lolcows might have CIA connections, um…
No. 2233236
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No. 2233442
>>2233405>What exactly is being socially engineeredTrannies are an example of social engineering. No one likes troons, yet their acceptance is constantly pushed by the media and midwit apparatchiks attempt to cancel anyone that speaks negatively about trannies.
>your own anti-mindset isn't part of a psyop itself to breed complacency?I'm not complacent. I make my own preparations and resist what I can.
>the people who vote hold the power to sway things in their favorChoice of candidate in an election is an illusion. It doesn't matter who you vote for because the outcome will be the same. Both Kamala Harris and Trump serve the same group of elites. No matter who is elected, the elite's agenda will be enforced regardless of the will of the people. Getting to decide which pedo sits in the white house for four years is a distraction.
>If not governmentThe issue is not government. It's that governments have been subverted to act against the will and interests of their own citizens.
>unless we put a stop to pro-natalismAnti-natalism is part of the elite agenda of depopulation, so you yourself have been successfully socially engineered.
No. 2233465
>>2233442>Trannies are an example of social engineeringOkay, I kind of agree on this. Although more in the way that misogyny is part of the larger issue as far as AGP troons because most men are trooning out due to being pornsick and wanting to live out the female half of their sick fantasies. When it comes to TiFs, it can be a little similar if they've got yaoi brain rot, but many people are made to feel like gender roles are strict things we have to adhere to (as dictated by misogynistic views to begin with) instead of realizing that the way they express their womanhood doesn't have to be cookie cutter.
>Anti-natalism is part of the elite agenda of depopulation, so you yourself have been successfully socially engineered.I would say that's true for pro-natalism more than anti-natalism. Pro-natalism is the status quo. I didn't decide to be anti-natalism because of something I read on the internet, i've never wanted children due to being the eldest of five and getting a taste of the hell my mother went through. I find Pro-natalism quite creepy and despise the way it's being used as a tool to determine a woman's worth and purpose. I might not even be fully anti-natalist, more of a conditional natalist, but I think there are more reasons not to have children than the reverse. People have been conditioned to think of it as just something you do to be a proper member of society so the backlash against that makes sense to me. I'm def not on the whiny "woe is me for being born" train though.
No. 2233755
Can someone decipher what she’s trying to say here, she’s talking about how white women are going to become the least protected class because they don’t have a maternal instinct, men don’t want them, they refuse to have kids and are divorcing their husbands when they get mistreated, and that men are “losing their instinct to protect white women” whatever that means
No. 2234660
>>2220965i've never broken a bone and actually a few people have told me that i am a "lucky" person. that doesn't mean my life has been easy, just that i've had luck - i had a near drowning but survived, i had a life-threatening illness that i was told there was likely no cure and i recovered (actually during my bone marrow biopsy the doctor said "you've got unusually strong bones" which made the procedure more difficult kek), i've gotten out of dangerous situations just in time, i seem to have good timing for things, i've won a couple of minor competitions too.
i hadn't heard of the theory before and don't know what it's based on, but just wanted to address what might be meant by "luck". a person could survive 10 serious car crashes and be very lucky to survive but it's also pretty shit to have been in 10 car crashes, you'd likely be traumatised.
No. 2234673
>>2234660I’ve survived near death experiences before, but I’ve had multiple broken bones during my childhood that were caused by my
abusive parents. I don’t know if that means I’m not spiritually protected or if maybe I was protected from worse things happening since my parents also threatened to kill me more than once. I feel like if I was protected at all then I wouldn’t have experienced rape, CSA, and physical abuse.
No. 2234770
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>>2234731In those vids 99% of times the girls are manipulated with drugs and alcohol and they have no idea what's even going on it's rife with trafficking and exploitation like the shit that happened with those "content houses" a few years back they even did a law and order episode on it
No. 2237599
>>2237592I'm not
>>2237558I think her point was that there's less risk from straight men so gays and trannies are emboldened to push their sexual fetishes in public.
No. 2237659
>>2237558I've had diff thoughts on the link before. Decades ago men who felt that most intense mix of lust/hate/craved-power over women could stand a chance of being serial killers and it not catching up with them for ages or never catching up to them in their lifetime. Now that the chances are you'll be caught sooner.. men have fought to make 'becoming' a woman an accepted thing. Only to sexualize the hell out of themselves in their new slutty personas. Then being into degradation as part of it with the bonus of dragging down some peoples view of women if they're retarded enough to count them as totes being a representation of women. Alot of sexually driven SKs in the past would carefully pose their
victims bodies in degrading ways as the final insult for police to find em like that. Trannies going online and making a whole song and dance and visual display about what a sexual, submissive, fuck me up and use me because I love every dodgy kink out there 'woman' they are is still just what they wish they could do to real women if they could get away with it. Not unlike the freaks of the past who positioned their
victims bodies like it was for a porno.. needing other people to see her like that once found. Freaks who adapt over time based on what's socially acceptable, what they've slowly pushed to make more acceptable or what has too many risks attached to be worth it.
If born a few decades earlier how many of these totally real and
valid twanswomen who feel empowered to share how they totally love being a fucktoy.. would've been married with kids, regular guys guys by day and serial rapists/murderers by night back then. Hell enough sexually motivated SKs from back in the day dabbled in very closeted xdressing too. It was how they relived the fantasy inbetween attacks
No. 2238349
>>2237558most serial killer
victims are female. male
victims of gay serial killers often aren't actually gay themselves (william bonin killed boys in his van after offering them rides and dean corll had boys lured to his house under false pretenses), and gay serial killers who specifically target other gays are also rare compared to men who murder multiple women. when men are murdered by serial killers it's typically because they are with the killer's intended target (like killing a husband to get to his wife) or there are additional motives like robbery. the idea of men taking out the trash by routinely killing other crazy males is more like the plotline of a tv show than anything that actually occurs in reality
No. 2238513
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No. 2238597
>>2238349thanks, i'm
>>2237560 and
>>2237592 and the logic wasn't making sense to me. i have responded to homicides, 99% of them are men murdering women they're in a relationship with.
No. 2240112
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will the recession be over?
No. 2240350
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>>2233236Because of this. Look up Canaanite fertility rites, it also creates more abundance and wealth for them.
No. 2240607
>>2240583you mean like not being able to define what a woman is thus putting males in spaces that were designated to be female exclusive, like jails and locker rooms, that dems/liberals do?
they both hate women, retard, there is no lesser evil
No. 2243040
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I want off this ride
No. 2246398
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I’m one of the tarotfags of the website. I was doing one of my daily “channelings” and seriously asking why the fuck do tranny males exist and why are they given so much rights, entitlements, privileges that women can only dream of and emboldened in modern day western society and the answer that I got is that it’s a wartime tradition that males love to partake in, some kind of blood/genetic memory or behavior scrote thing that’s passed down and somehow it’s been rebranded as some kind of celebratory LGBT sexuality thing but the main themes I understand are that this relates to males and warfare, even in the literal sense of actual war and symbolic of men waging war on women in every way possible, I would even encourage some of you to go and look back at military dudes (not just the Nazi ones kek) doing drag and cross-dressing. I’ve even saw an anon talk about it or mention this like a long time ago a few years back and it’s eunuchs, they are just modern day eunuchs (which apparently from the little research I’m starting to go through now) had military and governmental power even in religion and spiritual practices. I’ve even saw a bunch of the typical mainstream articles talking about le ~validating~ and ~stunning~ history and origins of transgenders and it’s mainly males from history (Look at Sumerian Gala and Roman galli priests who were clearly just a bunch of degenerate faggots with shit tons of clout but somehow TRAs and trannies are passing them off as hons) I’m going to go down this rabbit hole even more
No. 2247730
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>>2209353I think they're going to start targeting people with antisocial traits, they're the personalities associated with individualism, terrorism, and leftist philosophy, including autists, who they'll claim are misdiagnosed sociopaths, paraphiles, and narcissists victimizing "real vulnerable people" via progressive thinking, even though ((they're)) the ones who spent the last decade pushing aspies into becoming indignant, entitled SJWs by preying on their feelings of ostracization.
I see this happen every time a clear-as-day sperg commits an act of terrorism, people scramble to blame it on anything other than ASD because autists are seen as meek and innocent, they will weaponize this.
There's also a subgroup of would-be neurotypical teenagers who probably did adopt asocial traits by growing up online around disordered people who they will use as leverage. Everything from cosplay to fursonas is about to become
Entartete Kunst real soon.
No. 2247939
i think the left as a whole is up for a massive deplatform campaign. And it all started with the protests in support of Palestine in different universities.
Listen, i'm a disagreeable, outspoken woman & i have always been involved in activism in some way, but as soon as i completed half of my liberal, social sciences related degree I understood that there were some topics that I would never be able to touch again if i ever wanted to practice in my field, one of those topics is antisemitism & antizionism
(For the record i agree with the
position that zionism & judaism are two whole different things, but on today's world they're closely related)
Because most of the media & institutions that backs both social sciences and center-left ideas are jewish owned. This is not a pol-tier conspiracy, it's just the truth. In the west the jews are behind the actual support, both in money and in infrastructure, of liberal ideas for better or worse (also libertine ideas, but that conversation is for latter)
The left bitted the hand that feeds them, and bitted it hard with the palestine protests. The left thought that they already had the infrastructure to do without the liberal media (they didn't) and liberals thought their ideas were so obiquitous that they didn't needed media backing anymore (and it ended terribly) without the support of liberal media the left as a whole is going to suffer a massive blow, and to make things worse the right wing network is stronger than ever. It's going to be rough.
No. 2248670
>>2248638I used fursonas as a flippant example, I'm not actually referring to kinks, I'm refering to autist influenced subcultures and associated traits, many of which are innocuous. In Russia they're banning "quadrobics" which is exclusively kids playing pretend.
>people will literally say it’s ablest to insult people with low empathy. That isn't the dominant culture outside of the internet and it won't be for long.
No. 2248703
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>>2248670i don’t think russia is banning kids playing pretend as animals, i just googled that and it’s weird shit. this seems like furry kink stuff. idk if it’s sexual or just part of their overall act which is like. for sex and because of sexual attraction to animals. i don’t think they’re going to like pull kids pretending to be dogs off of the streets and arrest them. they’re just trying to prevent a bunch of degenerates fantasizing about being and having sex with animals from meeting up. like it’s all a sex thing why should they be able to meet up together so they can do beastiality later lmfao.
No. 2248733
>>2248703lolwut? there are some overlaps with therian stuff (mainly the symbolism) but it's clearly not sexual in nature, it's just "weird" kids wearing animal masks and engaging in a type of sport.
it's believed to be popularised partly because of this guy's fame:>Japanese athlete from Tokyo. He holds the Guinness World Record for running 100 meters on all four limbs. No. 2249132
>>2246398I believe this. Your picture also reminds me of scary stories to tell in the dark
>>2248791Furries are all degenerates, you can tell just by their art. Elon musk is a “baby furry” and dresses like an animal while wearing a diaper
>>2247737I agree tbh
No. 2249376
>>2249336That wouldn’t surprise me. I think Cillian Murphy might be too, or is a pedo or sadistic or something, I get a creepy feeling from him. Someone who worked with him said that he has a dark side
>>2249355He definitely did
No. 2249505
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Michelangelo’s David has hearts carved in his eyes, is this a Mandela effect for anyone else?
No. 2249552
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>>2249535Imagine how cute it would be if he had hunter eyes
No. 2249741
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>man I should go to sleep ealier
>me at 2 am
No. 2249783
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>>2249369Speaking of Hollyweird creeps, anybody got milk on Clive Davis? Founder and CEO of Arista Records, is a suspect behind Whitney Houston’s death, admitted to being a faggot back in 2013, “mentored” Doddy.
No. 2249787
>>2238513Keeping us flabby and feeble means we are more likely to be dissociated from our bodies and instead engage in other shitty behaviors that typically involve spending money to fill the void (pharmaceuticals, plastic surgery, novelty products, etc.). It also means we may have poorer mental fortitude towards persisting with difficult tasks and uncomfortable experiences that may benefit us in the future.
I know I can't physically outcompete a scrote in anything other than a middle split, but that will not influence to me become complacent in my fitness.
No. 2249826
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Samefag I took too long to find my reference but did Clive diddled these guys too?
No. 2250266
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I predict that the rise of 4B movement themed TikToks being shared and created by normie influencer type women will lead to an epidemic of western men trying out Korean-style spycam filming. See you all in the depressing news thread in 6 months time where I will be acknowledged as a seer
And also those women making TikToks will just move onto a new trend by spring, when it's warm enough to start flirting, and the term will become a cute way of just saying you aren't shaving your legs that week or something
No. 2250290
>>2250275Ayrt and I don't believe the moids will do it in direct retaliation of women witholding sex, but because they will be inspired by learning about what Korean women are protesting against
The average American man doesn't know what even molka means, but now he will and it will become an le epic meme to pwn the feminists with whilst also becoming his fetish
No. 2250355
>>2210511Celebrities get diagnosed with Lyme disease because it’s a luxury to be diagnosed with autoimmune disease anon.. if you’re poor or even middle class with chronic illness it takes years for a doctor to
finally take you seriously. Celebs have access to better healthcare and doctors who listen to them. Lots of people go years or even decades without proper effective treatment. They’re gaslit by docs and their families
No. 2250366
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>>2250355Doctors spam Lyme tests on literally everything if you live in Lyme central. If you go in complaining of being fatigued, depressed, headaches, whatever, they’ll look into Lyme a million times over as the standard. Celebrities based around NYC also frequent rich person outdoor/summer vacation spots in this area.
No. 2250381
>>2250266None of those people are genuine, at all. None of the ones on here who’ve been called separatists
femcels and uglies for months now aren’t genuine either, just a bunch of normies and normie lite finding new shiny toy to play with just like their microwave tiktok trends and songs. Most goyslop people don’t really care about anything and believe in anything anymore, just what identity to show allegiance because it grants them social acceptance and privileges
No. 2250616
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No. 2251128
>>2249391any sauce for this info?
>>2250983>>2250866god you guys are stupid. a gun is literally the one tool that takes physical might out of the equation in real conflict. i shoudnt have to spell out how this benefits women
No. 2251402
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>>2251128Not exactly an article but if this works
No. 2251408
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>>2251402This also is pretty creepy in hindsight and this article was published long before the cannibal scandal No. 2251533
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>>2251490No! Look at this little scrote wearing his Hot Topic clothing swinging on his little swing,
go bug eyed little freak
>>2251496You think I give a shit? You’ll never make me feel bad for liking spiritual stuff, fuck off already you whiny bitch.
(ban evading) No. 2251579
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This is a horrible screenshot but we could be having intelligent conversations about how Yahweh is an extraterrestrial alien god but the athiestfags always ruin everything, so now this thread is only going to be used to talk about dumb war shit. What’s the point of a conspiracy thread if you seriously can’t talk about religion and occultism which takes up a huge chunk of conspiracy theories?? What the fuck
No. 2252226
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>>2251579To me atheists are people who don't want to search for the truth because they want to be comforatble. If somebody wants to know something they have to seek out experiences and try everything they can, make their own experiments and obsercations. Atheists just sit and shit on religions as if old books were all there is to it.
I've been trying to have intelligent conversations about aliens, prophecies and stuff like this for years and i love to listen to people's experiences. I love that we don't know anything and we will never know until we die, it's great to speculate and use your brain. In 2024 it's almost impossible, there's been an insane rise in insecure people that take any opportunity to insult you and degrade you.
Off topic but recently i've been part of a discussion (in a fucking hobby online chat full of silly shit) about people wasting food and somebody mentioned they saw a study somewhere that showed that people who waste food are most likey to be college educated people around 30 years old. That was like all the participants of the discussion pretty much and some of them took that personally and started saying that it's a)russian propaganda b)something that surely was writen by a "flat earther anti goverment uncle" c)right wing nonsence… when they haven't even seen the study and were too lazy to search it up. They really didn't care about the study, if they cared they would type it in google and would have found it and saw where it really came from, they only wanted to insult the person who just wanted to share something interresting, because it hurt their ego as they were in the category the study talked about. I'm in the category too and my brain is melting from how they behave. So on lolcow it's the same daily and it sucks so much because people just want to have a good time, get some interresting information and there's always someone who wants to suck the life out of you no matter the thread.
No. 2252229
>>2252226Atheists are just narcissists. "I know everything about the universe because le reddit and science said there is no God and I am more intelligent than all those stupid people who wonder and ask questions."
How can you think you understand the entire universe as a tiny speck of dust in space that's only been alive a few years. The audacity.
No. 2252255
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>>2252226Wow you wrote out what I felt very poignantly. I agree with you so much and that study is actually interesting and kind of aids into the research I’ve been doing about Isaiah in the Bible and how the fall of Babylon mirrors the fall of America. In Isaiah’s prophecy it’s stated that a country (that is described very similar to America) will fall to its own demise. What Christians have got wrong about God is that Lucifer/Satan are in opposition to God when they the many Satans (because it’s a mask that’s used by various entities including angels) are used to test people. They’ve never been in opposition to eachother, they are used to test and bind people and operate in intentional duality, just like the energy of Saturn in astrology that matches to the deities of El and Yahweh (including Sun, Mars and Jupiter). Whichever entity plays the role of Satan they are tasked to encourage sin and to test faith and loyalty. America is similar to Babylon in many ways and like that study said, the 30 year old privileged people who get to waste food while others are surrounded by abundance they can’t have and if they try to steal from it because of the lack of resources they will be jailed/punished will have their “jewels” and stuff taken away. I’ve always wondered why America was called a Christian nation when the iconography used is the exact opposite and leans into Freemasonry which does believe in God, so could America or the Europeans who came to America been in a contract/pact/binding with this god and his people (followers of Judaism) and they’re going against this pact? I highly advice anybody to really go and read that part of the Book of Isaiah, I can’t believe we just throw these religious scriptures in the trash just because they’re archaic and outdated when they have very valuable and important pieces of information.
My UPG (unverified personal gnosis) is that the world has always existed before God (or these groups of primordial beings) have been claimed to “create” it, they just know how to time travel and open up wormholes, which means the Big Bang was not some miraculous creation of the universe but it was simply a very large wormhole that sent one universe into another. I’ve also picked up on the idea of magnetic fields and how these deities have very advanced technology (which a lot of human beings give credit to scientists and engineers but they were given information from these higher beings, none of these creations are our own, iPhones are possibly foreign technology and they just had Steve Jobs be as the ideological spearhead for Silicon Valley) to bind the world and rework it to make it livable, because the Earth was a very hot, acidic extremophile climate planet like the other planets in the solar system. From my own personal spiritual understanding there’s some form of sacrificing the feminine to keep the world in perfect harmony and they’re very capable of manipulating the weather (many of these gods ruled over thunder, rain, thunderstorms which are connected to magnetic fields), the earth and other realms to project and maintain material existence on this earth. Enuma Elish, a Babylonian myth that includes a chaos dragon-goddess of the sea Tiamat is destroyed by Marduk, a god of storms and war, and her body was apparently used to generate the balanced life on Earth. The real creation of humans wasn’t that Adam and Eve shit, I do think they possibly exist but it’s a puzzle, if you look into the Annunaki and E.DIN it’s very clear we were created to be a slave species to these deities and we still are today, to extract resources, a lot of this stuff we are taught to be seen as just natural progression of humans was
taught to early humans at the beginning of earth, capitalism (extraction of resources and wealth), slavery, prostitution, etc. all started in Sumeria which shocked me and spread because these same very people in the Caucasus were traveling and herding across continents spreading their knowledge, I sincerely think slavery was taught to white people by certain elitist groups of black Africans. TPTB are not better than us, just like hierarchies that existed in slavery (and contrary to the mainstream claiming slavery was started by white Europeans it was not - it was created by
Sumerians who also worshipped Annunaki-like beings who crossed in different cultures like the Babylonians, Canaanites, etc.) they breed and create anointed bloodlines who are supposed to be our overseers but they are still ultimately slaves, just a higher and more gilded slave class race with a bloodline connected to these deities to watch over humanity. They are the ones who are always sprinkling tidbits of these secrets in the us if and movies we watch and we just take it at face value, they know more than us because again, their bloodlines have been chosen by these entities to be the main gilded slave class over all of the other slaves, every single human being was created as a slave to extract resources just like how in the beginning we were created to mine gold and to generate energy through the planet and also maintain their immortality. Sumeria was the start of all human enslavement, it was especially the start of female enslavement via spiritual prostitution. Shits fucked all around.
>>2252229They’re always the ones berating others for believing in astrology and other spiritual beliefs when they’re connected to science and math (geometry). There were even scientists who influenced Chemistry called the Alchemists who believed in Alchemy. People just don’t want to know more about this world because they think it’s fairy tales, there is just so much more to this planet. Even the state-mandated atheists like the four horseman of the apocalypse (I find it very interesting they used a biblical myth to describe these four men so are they supposed to symbolize the bringer of war, death, famine??) which were Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hutchins know this because they are specifically chosen and picked to represent certain ideas, honestly they were probably chosen as distraction mules becaus the height of alien/government conspiracies were during the time of these four men discussing “new atheism”
No. 2252275
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Spirituality is misogynistic against women.
>this definition of whoring yourself out is different to the modern day definition of whoring yourself out
This is so disgusting, female sexual oppression and victimization has started long before Christianity. Apparently prostitutes were deemed to have more “power” than other women who didn’t want to participate in that ritualistic trash that was unsurprisingly, ran and maintained by male priests, handmaidens that resemble a lot of current day feminists and trannies who castrated themselves to suck all the gynergy out of other women for their benefit, it was still entirely patriarchal and ran by men and their female servitors, these people just magically keep popping up in every single civilization because they need patriarchal reproduction control to exist to keep themselves alive and well. Do not let anybody convince you that any time in history there was ever a peaceful, egalitarian “matriarchy” which is another flawed system that places mothers (and by extension the male created family unit) over other women, and men still were granted power and access to other women but only through the mother. Gross. Humans weren’t innocent beings frolicking in a field not raping and enslaving sharing all of their wheat and bounty, this stuff has just been carried to modern times in different forms and somehow these people always are born no matter the era. So every time you see some Onlyfans thot, female cosplayer or prostitute trying to recruit other women knkw it’s a blood memory behavior to go and recruit other women to be used by others and have her energy and life sucked out of her and to be used to generate even more of these freaks through pregnancy which they did these degrading acts as a fertility rite or form of marriage. This is so… grim, the worship and proliferation of trannies has existed since the beginning of time. This isn’t new. Those celebrities throwing up one-eye symbols is not a new cool trendy thing, it’s ancient knowledge gatekept by these same oppressive gilded class of people who have divine right to this kind of knowledge that nobody else gets to fully know and pass down, it’s intentionally to keep us all retarded and running in circles.
No. 2252286
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All notable and prominent matriarches were never purely matriarchies, they were matrifocal. Feminism, which didn’t even originate in the states but in Europe, highly valued and placed matrifocal values despite what others have been saying for years. A matriarchy can never exist because they’re inherently flawed and went the perennial and never ending presence of males and their supposed need for them, total power concentrated only to women is impossible. The presence of males will always prevent female power and freedom, the presence of males encourages reproduction and then families which stops female progress. Families and reproduction is anti-female. I highly recommend also reading this article, very interesting:
No. 2252296
>>2252286 has been procured this way to destroy and kill off any biological threats to the top dogs, the ones who reproduce, create families, and then reproduce some more. Pro-family, pro-reproduction, pro-male and pro-motherhood and pro-feminists are nature’s way of destroying and killing any female anomaly who is the opposite of this, which is why I have a very strong tinfoil that young girls and very young women are the first to be mutilated and abused because they are not of fertile age, even in the past to bypass this they forced younger women to have children to continue the species as humans life expectancy was feeble and unpredictable. They are forcing reproduction narratives especially to the younger crowds of girls to destroy their chance of being anomalies to nature’s main strategy. Pregnancy brings dead and disabling of women’s bodies, so imagine forcing girls to kill themselves to continue this awful female-hating matrix. We are bred out of rape, slavery, prostitution and this trash is genetically passed down in our blood, nothing is pure, you are fucked.
No. 2252716
>>2252229anyone who goes for the le science thing is bafflingly retarded, the further you delve into theories on physical matter or how the universe began or whatever the weirder it gets. nothing is straightforward
>>2252255first of all thank you for this beautiful effortpost. i think ive seen you in here before based on your interest in babylonian mythology. any predictions for america based on your isaiah research? also, could you elaborate on what you understand re: american freemasonry and the pact held between european americans and the god ipmlicated in freemasonry?
also, in your UPG, was there ANY "beginnning", even before God/s? and how did these god/s come into being? is it an energetic thing? are the annunaki beings gods, or are they also at the mercy of the god/s you described?
my note on chemistry is that it isn't even just 'influenced' by alchemy, more like directly descended from it. alchemy created the field. im very interested in the manipulation of material and honestly feel like we don't have nearly enough cultural reverence for the possibilities that chemistry opens up… it should be a sacred practice lol. i think at the very most obscure levels it is. whether they understand the history or not, there are chemists (and particle physicists) today working to bring about the black sun through studying dark matter and black holes. i fucking wish i understood more higher level mathematics, some of the shit they theorise is off the chain. look into poincare's universal recurrence theory for instance.
could you elaborate on why you draw parallels between those four dudes (i only recognise dawkins) and the four horsemen of the apolcalypse?
my one request is that you put a few more paragraph breaks next time, lol.
No. 2253604
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Misogynistic psyops they've been working on since the 2010s
>Push feminism on young girls, make it seem fun, trendy, hip, and not problematic
>Slowly hire a few loons to pose as feminists to make said group (mostly made up by golden -hearted young girls) look bad
>2016 (first trumps) election rolls around, push trad narrative as what's best for families, what's best for women, what's "actually equal, unlike feminists who are sexist, racist, etc"
>Now as more and more rights are being taken away from us, the resistance is highly decreased and people are using the bad apples they planted as an excuse to be misogynistic, all while you have the tradthots stuck with abusive moids who are holding them back financially and pose feminists as irrational and to blame
No. 2253619
>>2253604The idea that women are “less than” has been around for ages—way before modern feminism—and it’s often been pretty out in the open. Take Émile Durkheim, the so-called father of sociology. In his book Suicide, he claimed men struggle more with loneliness because they’re more complex, while women don’t have this issue because, he suggested, they’re simpler and can just enjoy the companionship of animals. That attitude has been used to frame women’s needs as not human.
Sigmund Freud lied about the role of abuse in his female patients' lives and instead blamed their issues on deep psychological theories, rather than looking at the real, often harsh situations many women faced. This dismissal supported the stereotype that women’s issues came from within, not from society.
And it’s not just these two—this kind of framing has been going on for over two thousand years, with society often positioning women as secondary. More recently, terms like “feminazi” were coined to dismiss feminist ideas as extreme. The same thing keeps happening because we live in a masculine culture who is based on hating women. The culture is just rotten. Patriarchy is a religion. Check out Mary Daly's Gynecology.
No. 2253644
>>2253604Gamergate was definitely used to discredit feminism. It pushed white middle class libfems with inane complaints like Mario rescuing Princess Peach, manspreading on public transport and other first world problems as being life or death issues when women in other parts of the world still don't have adequate rights. It also claimed that trannies were part of feminism.
One positive of this is that it did cause a resurgence of radical feminism a few years later.
No. 2254151
>>2253114american politicians literally go into the woods and burn an effigy of a giant owl at bohemian grove.
thats the stuff we do know about
No. 2254172
>>2254151The jesters like to
rape 13 year olds so that's the other shit they're into
No. 2254715
>>2254626I think the SJW movement was entirely a psyop to get people used to censorship and unpersoning others for whatever reason as well as to push more propaganda. The best part is that the plebs are doing it to themselves rather than those in authority pushing it onward and that’s how they “won”.
Now that the election is over, those same plebs are turning on their friends and family because they’ve committed thoughtcrimes against the agenda - whatever agenda is being pushed for the week. The old divide and conquer method.
No. 2254787
>>2254779This is the Conspiracy Thread, madame, not the senile ramblings thread. If you want to post stupid stuff do it in that thread
>>>/ot/2248541 not this one.
No. 2254922
>>2254043>not what feminists actually sayThat is what the "feminists" were saying. I would agree that they weren't feminists at all, they were grifters trying to exploit the culture wars for profit. The media of the time still upheld them as feminists. It backfired when they picked a fight with 4chan. It's no coincidence that Trump won after gamergate and now gamergate 2.0 is ongoing, Trump won again.
The first gamergate was a wild time to be online. I almost miss it because both sides were absolutely filled with cows. I'm sure it also peaked a lot people on trannies, LC included.
>>2254715The charts have been posted in this thread before, I'll try and find them again. The SJW psyop was unleashed by the elites to destroy unity during the occupy wall street protests.
No. 2255033
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Anyone been having very weird dreams and synchronicities lately? Simulation and multiverse theory keeps coming up in my life and my dreams have been extremely odd, like multiple timelines are crashing together. One dream I had the other night had a doubleganger me talking to the dream me in an old house I used to live and the dream I had last night was like a weird static version of the game I was playing and a bunch of soldiers from the Civil War were like going through it, kind of like a screen?? I’ve had very weird dreams where I feel like I met the multiverse version of myself and went through a very bright light when I tried to astral project in my dream. Another strange one that happened a few months ago I think I posted before but I can’t find my post as I’m writing this but it was like a bunch of dark-skinned people with water flowing out of them telling me about an evil god and then it showed a fiery planet spinning that kind of looked like earth but that’s all I could see.
No. 2255202
>>2254172>>2254134wtf can you guys give a qrd on the jesters?
>>2255033i remember your water people dream anon, i thought it was very beautiful and evocative. aside from those you mentioned, what else are you dreaming about?
>>2255101i for one like hearing about nonna's various dreams and suspicions and so on. but we should all just relax in this thread… i guess at least its not [redacted so as not to summon them] infighting again
No. 2255208
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My god, just saw this in another thread and felt fucking sick to my stomach. The evil is awake. Genuinely disturbing. Does anyone else think there's a possibility that certain LLMs have been "initiated" into occultic rites? If so, what would be the implications of this? I've never felt threatened by AI or cared about it at all or thought there was any sentience concern until now.
No. 2255221
>>2255202I’m dreaming of a world where people wouldn’t call me a schizophrenic or psychotic for having dreams, that’s what I’m dreaming. I’m dreaming that I can finally successfully end my life so I no longer have to deal with these kinds of people that are always deliberately placed there by higher powers to break me down. Once I’m dead, all of this is over, they can finally stop following me, they can finally stop simulating people in spots that I like to go and generating so many people around me. Gangstalking is very real but it’s not common and most of it is done through astral means, they get willing participants like
>>2255098 >>2255101
>>2255111 to make me seem crazy for using the thread as intended, because even in spaces where obscure and bizarre viewpoints can be talked about only certain ones can be discussed and all of this censorship is really making me want to end my life because other people get to use their throat chakras to the fullest while mines has to be forced shut. Others get a voice while me? I don’t get a voice.
I had a dream the other night that honestly felt like a video game. The only things I could remember was that I felt like I was playing a different character besides myself but there were planes just spawning out of thin air crashing into buildings and then a scene where I was in the ocean and there was something there making the waves crash, this was the time where I realized they’re able to manipulate this world that’s ran by an underlying matrix. New Agers love to call 1111, 444, etc. “angel numbers” but they are numbers of sequences you have to pay attention to, it gives you a sense of deja vu because certain behaviors are cyclical. People seriously think I have spiritual psychosis or schizophrenia when they don’t even know what those disorders really look like… I’m just a very odd person ever since I was a child. Many women don’t like odd women, despite them claiming to accept us (only for social brownie points). My dreams at least remind me that most of this world is fake anyways or the underlying matrix of it is computer like, just like the simulation theorists claim. I mean my own mother told me that while she was in the ICU because of a tragic car crash she’s been in she told me she had a dream where some mysterious woman came forward to her giving her a basket and there was a baby girl in it and then a few months later, she had a baby girl and that was me. I don’t feel too cheery about that story, it almost feels kind of sickening that they would give her such a fake illusion just to shove my soul here especially in a woman’s body with traumatic wounds and mental trauma. They’re very adept at convincing others that churning more people into this simulation is a good thing, probably to keep the illusion alive. When we go to sleep, it’s a whole different thing though, and a lot of people especially with what’s happening would seriously benefit from learning astral projection, remote viewing, meditation. It’s funny because apparently the CIA has even researched on astral projection and remote viewing but I guess I will always be the crazies even for conspiracy theorists. What’s the point of this thread if you can’t even talk about spiritual/supernatural tinfoils? Seriously no wonder people rather go on to 4chan, all of that shitty porn and scroteposting is worth sifting through for /x/ because I rather just stick to videos and my favorite websites
No. 2255222
>>2254626yes and yes. Interesting how you barely see the bright haired feminist rioter anymore, despite them being more
valid now more than ever. Also interesting everyone seems to magically have their cameras ready before an incident even happens, yet you rarely hear about these incidents from day to day
No. 2255237
>>2255062I know what you mean
nonnie. I don’t really like how we’ve reduced everything to materialism and have completely ignored or tried explaining away the more unexplainable aspects of existence. There’s so much we don’t know about and will probably never know the full extent of. I think you’re being too hostile though and nona was probably just trying to find the most easiest answer as to why those weird dreams happened.
>>2255101This is basically cointelpro and what it did to leftist movements.
No. 2255269
>>2255202qrd on the jesters
>>2187377also a link to the saidit post on them
>According to the documents, Epstein was the head of a global fraternity related to the Shriners called The Royal Order of Jesters.>This order is covered with scandals and lawsuits related to human trafficking, but they are very protected. because many members of the order are high-profile political figures and business men. >They are so well protected that they are able to erase their tracks and file huge lawsuits against the media outlets that once in a while comment on their scandals.>You can find little information on the internet about those scandals because most of the info gets erased and covered.>They own real estate, casinos, hotels, clubs…. and here comes the worst part of it, they own schools, universities and children hospitals>Now comes the dirty part, The Shriners are famous for owning several Children Hospitals all around the world, specially in poor countries.>According to the documents, The Shriners Hospitals is where they obtain all the children for sex trafficking, they use the hospitals as a cover-up to have direct access to children.>The operation works like this, their main focus are children from low-income backgrounds, orphans, or children with mental disabilities.>They engage with the children, they cover all the medical expenses, they pay for their treatments and therapy, all of this while receiving the applause of the community which have no idea what really happens behind all of this social labour.From an article about their scandals
>sources close to the investigation and former Jesters from other parts of the country tell a different story, one of bizarre activities — including routinely hiring prostitutes for gatherings, sex competitions and degrading initiation rites for new members — at many Jesters outings, with off-duty police hired to keep nonmembers away.