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No. 2177582

General Conspiracy Thread.

Do you have somewhat schizophrenic beliefs that worry your friends and family? Tired of getting red-texted for "tinfoiling" about recent events around the globe? If so, you've come to the right place.

Discussions surrounding government cover-ups, entertainment industry secrets, odd predictions, political intrigues, etc., are all welcome here.

Please follow all /ot/ board rules. Don't start petty infights, and remember to report bait instead of responding.

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#14 >>>/ot/1478839
#15 >>>/ot/1571083
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#19 >>>/ot/2023344
#20 >>>/ot/2085806(newfag thread fail, use the subject not the name field)

No. 2177584

I'll start, are we going to ignore that the mossad has the means and the technology to infiltrate a production chain with devices programmed to literal explode when a remote command is given?

No. 2177601

The whole talk about new age nonsense, prison earth, and ascension seems designed to make us more accepting of transhumanism.

No. 2177726

So, nonnies, when do you believe the WWIII will start? I read the last thread where nonas were speculating about the possible outcomes and conflicts, but when do you believe it is likely to escalate in global proportions?
Also, I find kind of weird no one is talking about the whole Diddy arrest, the fact he bribed police and others to keep their mouth shut just proves that the industry is dirtier than we believe

No. 2177765

It has already started. It's called the silent war.

No. 2177796

When will Islam become Europe's official religion? I'm giving it less than 20 years

No. 2177830

Certain scientific information is kept from the general public as it is believed the public would be unable to handle it

No. 2177853

Here's some tinfoil I've been thinking about and TBH I'd rather just post some quotes and the link:
> Trump and Epstein laundered that money for Adnan and the Russian oligarchs via yacht purchased and commercial real estate. The Saudis bought the 45th floor of trump towers 3 months before the September 11th attacks.
>Epsteins plane fell off radar for 3 days going into saudi the night of trumps 2016 election. Russia (Guccifer 2.0/cozybear) had hacked the DNC convention to ensure that the finals were between clinton and trump because they had Kompromat tapes over them both. Hillary less so via her husbands Epstein Kompromat tapes and trump because they own him
>LIV golf courses is trumps primary avenue for money laundering through or with the Saudi government but it goes back decades. Trump introduced them to his buddy Vince McMahon who began hosting WWE events in saudi for the same reason.
>Kushners $2B blank check from MBS for the stolen ip3 nuclear docs is just the most recent in a long history of systemic theft.
>Ronald Lauder of Estée Lauder cosmetics is the Zionist billionaire (megagroup) who gave Jeffrey Epstein an Austrian passport w/fake name in 1986 when Lauder was US Ambassador to Austria.
>Lauder was also “the driving force” behind privatizing Twin Towers so Larry Silverstein could get 99-year lease in July 2001.
tl;dr: Trump, Putin, and a litany of additional chucklefucks have been running a serious money laundering scheme for a decade or more, all at the expense of American citizens, insofar as DT knew about 9/11 before it happened and Epstein was involved more closely in the money laundering schemes and blackmail than it's been implied in mainstream news. Basically the same shit we already suspected/knew, that people with deep pockets and serious connections are compromising society for the expectation of protection and massive payouts.

No. 2177872

Can you explain more, please, nona?

No. 2177901

With that Israel just hammered another nail in the coffin of it's economy. Chinese electronics are now more appealing than ever. Why keep using Apple and Google shit with Mossad and NSA back doors when I get a perfectly good phone from China. Even if it is sending my data to the CCP, the CCP is less malicious towards western citizens than their own governments.

It might not escalate to a major war. The method used by Russia and China to end US dominance seems to be a slow attrition of western military and economic power which minimizes casualties on both sides.

I've been watching what's been happening with Diddy. As someone who was watching MTV and other music channels in the late 90s and early 2000s, all the connections are now very clear and it's possible to predict who's involved.

No. 2177938

You fear monguering fags are so annoying. Europe will stop importing refugees soon, then most second generation muslims, due to their contact with sane people, will realize islam is insane and will become gnostics, atheits, etc.
In 20 years, it's more likely that Europe will be mostly atheist then muslim.

No. 2178142

>new age
With the new age crowd it depends, some support it because they think it will prove new age spirituality as true but many also think it’s bad and will “make us consumed by ego” or some shit

>prison earth

The Prison Planet Theory believers don’t support it at all though. At least most of them don’t. If you look on the subreddit you’ll see people calling stuff like Neuralink “the mark of the beast” and saying that AI is what’s gonna keep us trapped forever or that the Demiurge is an AI keeping us trapped


The ascension crowd shares a lot of members with the new age crowd. The ones going on about how we’re “entering a new, more spiritual, and interconnected era” or a “5D new Earth” are so small that it doesn’t really mean much of anything in terms of the general public. Usually it comes down to a misunderstanding of evolution and quantum mechanics

Idk how much of a big deal transhumanism will be tbh, I get it’s hyped up by the tech bro hardcore atheistic scientism crowd because, other than AyyLmaos and Simulation Theory, it’s the closest thing they can get to belief in a God but realistically idk how some of that would work out. Like even if we become immortal through some stuff like mind uploading (which is iffy on whether or not it would work since we don’t fully understand the brain or consciousness) the sun still would swallow the Earth one day, we could have a blackout, the human brain still can only take in so much information, and also entropy is a thing. The most we could do other than that is confirm a spiritual/religious belief like reincarnation but even then all the above stuff would still exist and likely be an issue even if that were true. I’d say don’t worry too much, even if we’re forced to get transhuman tech implants and such the most it could make us do is live longer, longevity research doesn’t necessarily equate to stopping death all together. The only other thing to worry about would be brain chips getting hacked and some kind of mind control tech or whatever getting into the wrong hands

No. 2178153

Thanks for this, the rabbithole goes deeper and deeper it seems.
>I've been watching what's been happening with Diddy. As someone who was watching MTV and other music channels in the late 90s and early 2000s, all the connections are now very clear and it's possible to predict who's involved.
Do tell, Nona. As a non-american zoom zoom I have no clue

No. 2178174

>How advancements in neuroscience and neurotechnology will impact the future of war.

This video is a good start to learn more about it. I'll post more later.

No. 2178251

To be fair we already know the government did experiments with parapsychology years ago during the Cold War so they probably already have their hands on advanced neuroscience tech. If they were gonna start using parapsychological / transhumanist warfare chances are it would’ve started already

No. 2178257

Prison planet is real. Loosh is just tinfoiler speak for energy harvesting. This world is one huge energy harvesting farm where they pretend your suffering and pain is for a deeper cause or mission to rise up to higher realms and dimensions. It’s all a lie, they get off to your happiness, joys, pain and suffering, all of your emotions fuel the planet which is a physical representation of the wheel of samsara. The annunaki/biblical mythology had rebirth and immortality a common theme in their myths and scriptures, that’s because they’re interfering and have the keys to samsara.

No. 2178269

That's not what they are doing tho, you are derailing. Are u a fed or a bot

No. 2178278

Who’s to say soldiers don’t already have neurological implants? Plus it’s pretty well accepted, even outside the conspiratard crowd, that if some “hot new advanced technology” comes out that billionaires and the government have probably been using it for decades at least

Reddit people thinking they invented Buddhism / Christian Gnosticism is really funny to me

No. 2178279

The most prolific,world famous billionaires (or just most celebrities/politicians in general)are protected by very strong sinister unknown forces possibly demonic.thats why you see no one trying to murder/assassinate them because they are protected by these very same forces.

No. 2178280

Redditors never claimed to kek, they talk about Gnosticism and Buddhism all the time especially on the r/escapingprisonplanet. Duh anon

No. 2178282

yeah soldiers would be probably amongst the first to be tested on.. that and prisoners.
my only issue with this kind of language (possibly demonic) is that it instills a feeling of helplessness when I read it. How the fuck do I fight demonic forces anon? I'd rather think that it's not demonic, but all man-made, and we as humans are just unfortunately capable of "demonic" shit. Them not being assassinated is probably due to a whole lot of reasons, including the security they can provide for themselves and the people they can probably pay off to go away rather than make an attempt on their life.

No. 2178287

They are already testing it on civilians and you don't even need implants or microchips. The harm can and is being done completely remotely.

No. 2178307

NGL I agree with >>2178282 when you have that much money you can pay off anyone to just leave you alone. Plus these people have a shitton of bodyguards, intense security, etc. It’s less that they have the occult powers of the Illuminaughtii and more that they just have good human security. Also the Trump assassination attempts kinda just prove that trying to kill the rich is usually just more trouble than it’s worth

No. 2178894

p diddy had Trevor Moore murdered
RIP Trev

No. 2179002

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I just had a dream and sometimes I get very weird information through my dreams. I saw Melania and her tell-all book and got two pieces of info but the only thing I could remember waking up was something about getting paid or people trying to pay her to betray her husband, Donald Trump. There was something else and I wish I remembered it in my fuck, but apparently she’s coming out with a tell-all book. I’m honestly concerned about her safety tbh

No. 2179299

>With that Israel just hammered another nail in the coffin of its economy. Chinese electronics are now more appealing than ever. Why keep using Apple and Google shit with Mossad and NSA back doors when I get a perfectly good phone from China. Even if it is sending my data to the CCP, the CCP is less malicious towards western citizens than their own governments.
Kek at the random CCP shilling here. The pagers Mossad blew up were from a Taiwanese company, Gold Apollo, not an American or Israeli company.

No. 2179437

i know this is a major tinfoil conspiracy, but im too deep in the rabbithole to deny. the reason why alien sci-fi is so popular is because these Hollywood freaks are pushing this agenda onto the masses that there was life out and about this universe. i mean, who as a kid didn't think there were aliens? the purpose being they want to introduce cross-bred/modified human beings who are made to look like they're aliens to come terrorise the masses; and they would find a way to manipulate the cultivation of worldwide fear to form a globalist tyrannical society held by the elite men around this world.

No. 2179573

Fuck sake anon I was having such a good night before I read this

No. 2179587

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Read this a while back. Tried to post it on /x/ but 4Chan’s captcha/anti-VPN system made that not work out. Someone on r/escapingprisonplanet after much usage of psychedelics and astral projection has multiple shared dreams and now has a prophetic dream. Aliens are coming October 27th, 2037 according to him. I’ve been horrified ever since reading this for the first time and now I’m so anxious. According to this person it happens after many natural disasters which lines up with some other dreams I’ve heard people talk about having
Post I got this from https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapingPrisonPlanet/comments/1dhy0sy/comment/l91efsu/

No. 2179601

Taiwan is American allied, also they were tampered with in Europe. I'm throwing away all my European/American electronics and buying only from mainland China. At least the CCP isnt going to blow up people's phones when they make a mean tweet about Israel.

No. 2179603

Most Muslims in Europe arent even practicing Islam lol, they get westernized as fuck. All the female Muslimas and hijabis at my school were having premarital sex and all the Muslim moids in my town drink and eat pork. Islam is dying out even among Muslims.

No. 2179775

>this world end prophecy will actually happen this time

No. 2179795

>it felt real but all my dreams feel real
>the president was on tv
Who's president in 2037?
>the national disasters
What are the national disasters?
>ships started air-lifting people to drop them in a big pit, lights them on fire
Do these aliens not have a more efficient way to kill meat-puppets?
>I looked at my phone in a dream on a Wednesday, and it said it was Wednesday
>I have been doing heavy drugs which has caused me memory loss and hallucinations, I told my internet friend who also does drugs and then they hallucinated what I described to them
>(excruciating description of schizophrenic manic episode including delusions of religious grandeur and assigning magical meaning to food)
>the entity I talked to, a Djinn, would not tell me his name because he adheres to Fairy rules

>he kept talking about a biblical harvest and then said that it wasn't safe to go in the alien ships and then the next day a Malaysian airplane got hijacked

>the actual religion of Scientology is bogged down by scammers; from my understanding, what I've described is similar to what was described in Dianetics

I dunno, nonna, maybe you can relax after all

No. 2179799

Idk if some random kpoppie muslim girl will be doing much to spread islam around europe.

No. 2179805

You guys do everything but to completely glaze some fucking larping schizophrenic male on the internet. It’s so annoying, LOOK AT WHAT A SCROTE SAID IT MUST BE TRUE!!!!! give me a break

No. 2180706

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Has anyone read this document about 12 bloodlines? I was just thinking about how weird it is that a lot of serial killers are related


No. 2180711

Michael Jackson's family had him killed. Don't ask me why. I just have a feeling.

No. 2180716

it was the baby over the hotel railing incident that pushed them into doing it wasnt it..or because he was a pedophile

No. 2180720

I have a feeling his family 100% knows he's a pedo, and I think they probably had him killed because they were afraid of the truth finally coming to light after he narrowly avoided it a few times despite REALLY strange evidence contrary to his presumed "innocence", they probably decided a dead Michael is easier handling than a live Michael. Also the media painted him as a saint after he died even though he was on a longstanding Wacko Jacko stint.

No. 2180803

Is there any implication to this? You can find genetic links in anyone to anyone if you try hard enough. Plus CIA is kinda known to drop docs just to psyop people away from actual stuff going on.

No. 2182117


No. 2182133

i dont find it surprising, arent all humans related anyway? like we literally evolved from bacteria or some shit. im not surprised that psychopathic traits became more prevalent in certain 'strains' of humans.

No. 2182146

Pretty sure jews did it, MJ became a hardcore antisemite after they had a falling out over record earnings.

No. 2182343

I'm growing to be really suspicious of protein overconsumption. There's no lie that the American diet has been drastically change. (It could be other factor such as other changes in farming practices/ preservative and chemical use, ect) With how much protein is currently pushed, I can't help but feel that there some nefarious reasoning behind it. What do you all think?

No. 2182350

It's a way to trick people into overindulging calories because they think protein is good, I don't think it's nefarious but just a way to sell more products. I've seen protein put into the weirdest stuff. My mom is obese and addicted to those chocolate premier protein shakes, it's just like slimfast but instead of being marketed as a meal replacement people think they can just add it onto their normal diet and it's good because protein is good right?

No. 2184245

could you guys talk more about christianity? read that stuff on god originally being a god of war and it was pretty intriguing, i don’t know much about the subject myself so i can’t really speak on it

No. 2184311

baby’s first hollywood conspiracy theory

No. 2184475

I think the Christian god is a trickster god either way, but basically it can be traced back to the Canaanite god of war. I think there are a lot of gods in the spirit world and one of them found a way to gain the most followers and worship by creating all the different abrahamic religions. It might have been an actual war god, but I think it was another god from a European pantheon who pretended to be El or Yahweh or whatever you want to call him, and also pretended to be the sole creator of the universe. Christianity started in Ancient Rome and was a cult originally. A lot of Christian beliefs are just straight up stolen from earlier religions, like most of the things Jesus did were things Dionysus did, and Greeks and Romans knew that. In Norse mythology the goddess of the underworld is named Hel, and she’s Loki’s daughter. The underworld is also referred to as Hel, similarly to how Greeks would refer to the underworld as Hades, because it was ruled by Hades. In Christianity they just added an L to her name pretty much. There’s also a goddess named Idunn, the goddess of youth. She gave the other gods eternal youth and immortality by giving them apples from her orchard, and there’s a similar myth in Greek and Roman mythology with a goddess named Hebe. Idunn is pronounces like Eden. There’s a myth where Loki kidnaps Idunn and the gods lose their health and strength without her, and it’s possible he let them all die so that he could be the only god receiving worship.

There’s also the prophecy of Ragnarok, where many of the gods are fated to die and humans will be wiped out due to natural disasters, and the survivors will repopulate the planet. Loki was distrusted by the Norse gods and his children (Hel, Jormungandr and Fenrir) were mistreated because of it, and in retaliation he killed Odin’s son Balder, which caused the gods to imprison Loki, so he and his children all want revenge for what the gods did to them. The prophecy is that Loki will escape from his chains and meet Hel, then they’ll take an army from the underworld to fight the gods. Heimdall is supposed to blow a horn to herald that Ragnarök has started, like the trumpets heralding the last judgement in Christianity. In the battle, Fenrir will kill Odin, Thor and Jormungandr will kill each other, and Loki and Heimdall will kill each other. Balder dying would be what sets off this sequence of events, so Loki might have chosen to keep Balder trapped somehow so that the prophecy doesn’t come true. Balder is supposed to survive Ragnarök and become the king of the god’s, replacing his father Odin. Balder is also the god of light and Lucifer is referred to as the light bringer and the morning star, it could be that the information about him is being twisted to turn Abrahamic followers against him. Odin was called the all father because he created humans, so it would make sense for Loki to steal that concept and claim to be the Heavenly Father while also being extremely cruel, narcissistic, detached and uncaring towards humans. Most of the events of Ragnarök and the events in the end times described in the Bible align, like it was taken directly from Norse paganism.

It could also be Zeus or his father Chronos in my opinion. Chronos was given a prophecy that he would be killed and replaced by one of his offspring, which is why he swallowed them all. It would make sense for him to create false religions to take over and prevent the prophecy from happening. Several Greek gods are mentioned in the Bible, like Hades, and he also says to not worship any other god which makes it sound like the Bible acknowledges the existence of other deities. The flood myth where the nephilim was wiped from the earth is similar to Deucalion’s myth. In Greek mythology the gods, titans and monsters all inhabited earth with humans at times, it might be referring to him killing them all so they couldn’t overpower him or take over. If Zeus didn’t successfully defeat his father and take over then it would make sense for him to be demonized (literally) as Lucifer, the angel who tried to usurp god. Zeus was given the same prophecy, that he would be usurped by one of his offspring in the same way that he had usurped his father and his father had usurped his grandfather. If he was the one pretending to be the demiurge he would need to create manipulative and deceptive religions that everyone is fighting over, when really they’re all worshipping him and giving him power anyway. There’s also the myth about Typhon attempting to overthrow Zeus as revenge for what Zeus did to the titans, which is similar to the myth of god defeating Leviathan. There are a lot of other parallels but I don’t want to get into all of them. It’s interesting that while Odin was generally more benevolent towards humans as he created them and liked interacting with them when disguising himself as a human, Loki, Zeus and Chronos allegedly don’t like humans and probably wouldn’t care about suffering or preventing evil or anything like that, they would care about being worshiped and gaining more power and energy. It would explain why abrahamic religions are fear based and no ones prayers are really ever answered, and no one is really taken care of or protected.

No. 2185408

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This prison planet is going to have us be born again as males… how do you deal with this fact? That they might make you a scrote who’s going to rape and kill women? Imagine how many past lives women of this age have of being men and doing women completely wrong. Prison planet perpetuates the suffering women endure on this planet.

No. 2185409

>i think the christian god is a trickster god
THANK YOUUUUUUU I THOUGHT THE SAME, there is no difference between demons and angels they all operate the same oddly enough

No. 2185410

samefag ntayart but look at the baal cycle

No. 2185413

that's not how it works…

No. 2185415

Imma homosexual yaoi boy my way out of the problem.

No. 2185416

thats gnosticism. the physical creator = Demiurge who is imperfect and enjoys our suffering

No. 2185420

That’s literally how it works, you’re not brown as the same race, sex, etc. every time you reincarnate. You’re going to be born a dirty scrote, this world is fucking cruel
Get help for your porn addiction

No. 2185422

That is literally the opposite of how it works. A rapist scrote would accumulate so much bad karma they would reincarnate as cattle for slaughter. Why would a good woman who didn't do any harm reincarnate as a lower being who is not actualized and has low awareness? You really have no idea how this works.

No. 2185428

Why are you baiting retard? You are not born the same person every time you reincarnate, it doesn’t fucking matter how much “karma” you accumulate discount the seriousness of those fucking goat fucker ideologies, it’s common sense that you aren’t born as the same person as before. Some religions that incorporate reincarnation do believe you can be reborn as an animal that they deem as “lesser” but mainly humans reincarnate as humans. You’re terrible at trolling

No. 2185430

You literally have no idea what you're talking about, go read a book about cycles of reincarnation and stop spazzing lol

No. 2185433

Terrible bait. I can practically pick apart whenever someone is obviously just trying to get into a meaningless back-and-forth, “uhhh you don’t really know anything” it’s because you’re just a baiter. Fuck off

No. 2185437

No fun.

No. 2186425

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what the fuck i noticed a plaque with this organization's emblem and though i was going insane. these are literally masons. the jokes write themselves

No. 2186431

I’ve read some cases relating to kids with past life memories, assuming it’s real and not just their parents or failing doctors trying to get 15 minutes of fame (very likely in a lot of the cases tbh), it depends on who you ask if Karma is real. One girl said she remembered being a misogynistic lawyer in the past life and God made her go back as a woman others said “oh actually I decided I wanted to be a boy this time”. It could be that Karma is a choice some of us make but given how it’s often described as “happens whether you like it or not” I doubt that explanation. It ultimately depends on which belief you think has it right, Hinduism/Buddhism says Karma exists and is a requirement, it depends in new age spirituality / new thought movement communities, from what I know a lot of Pagan / Greek and Norse mythologies don’t have it usually, and I’m unsure about Gnosticism

No. 2186441

Ayrt, I don’t really believe in a demiurge though, I think a deity is pretending to be a demiurge

No. 2186451

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Genuinely fucking sickening how search engines will repress information through what I can only assume is bribery. I'm reading about the Balenciaga controversies and some names pull up nothing on Google but are mentioned in numerous articles on duckduckgo, mostly by large news outlets that would show up on the front page of any other search. If I didn't think the rich ate kids before I do now.

No. 2186560

Exactly. They tell us, if you’re not doing anything wrong you have nothing to hide. Suddenly now that they can’t hide what they’re doing they want privacy? Not realizing the more they try to hide it the worse it looks on them.
Especially for things that are evidence based like the Balenciaga situation. Anyone could look at that and think it’s morally reprehensible and fucked up but instead of apologizing and checking some computers they just stuck their fingers in their ears and closed their eyes. They can’t even handle knowing we have poor opinions of them, it kills them that people are even allowed to have their own thoughts about what they do. They don’t even understand why we think it’s wrong, they just think we’re trying to spoil their fun because we’re jealous or can’t possibly understand their higher way of life.
Which is what I think the crux of it is. They are hedonists and that’s normal to them. They’re drowning at the tap because they want more even if it hurts them or others, addict behavior. They can’t even tell where the end of depravity is because for them that’s Monday morning. Normal doesn’t exist for them any more, they’re at the point where the most taboo shit isn’t off the table, and the more deranged and depraved the more they seem to dive in headfirst.
Add to that the human element and the judgement and it’s no wonder they want us to shut up and never mind it all. How can they ever face themselves or entertain the idea that what they’re doing is wrong? Imagine the damage to their psyche after thinking for so long it was normal, after enjoying it! They don’t want to stop because that might make them have to confront the idea that they aren’t the good guys being unfairly judged, they’d have to face the fact that every vile thing wished upon them is rightly deserved, for their family and friends too. They’re steeped in it and they can’t escape it so why try?

No. 2187338

I found another hidden gem for the prison planet/demiurge nonnas:

No. 2187346

That’s Wayne Bush’s site. He’s one of the most well known Prison Planet people so I don’t think this is anything new for that crowd. I remember Why Files did a video on Prison Planet and showed his website at some points

No. 2187354

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demiurgesque prison planet is the only spiritual explanation I can think of for this existence. I've watched enough liveleak to be woke about this

No. 2187377

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The Royal Order of Jesters

>freemason high level fraternity that is extremely hard to get into

>invitation only
>associated with shriners hospital
>loathed by other masons to the point where masons want to kick them out of masonry
>supposedly involved Epstein and other extremely famous elites, politicians, public figures, actors and businessmen
>Red flag, Jimmy Saville was also a member
>jesters were caught trafficking underage prostitutes and sued for it
>never punished and case was settled
>also exploits and allegedly traffics kids from shriners hospital and picks children who are most disadvantaged to be abused
>they specialize in "psychological warfare"
>they cyberstalk and harass people who speak against their members
>their initiation ritual only allows 13 participants at a time
>they have a dinner designed after the last supper before initiation
>then they make the new recruits have sex with prostitutes which they allegedly call "jester girls"

what in the flip flip flippering fuck is this shit

No. 2187382

I’m just getting into it so I appreciate these websites. Bibliotechapleyades is another neat source as well. It’s becoming more convincing that we really do live in a farm for the “divine” and fake holy to feed off of our suffering and fear. What’s funnier is with my personal experience with the spiritual and looking at both sides (the ones who are very critical of the New Age/witchcraft/pagan practices and the ones who heavily embrace them) is that these entities profess that they’re very sad about the state of the earth because we made it that way. It’s hilarious because if a creator god make this world and the people living in it, why did they make them fucked up? And that’s what reminded me of the planet Saturn and conspiracy theorists talking about how Hollyweirdos love worshipping Saturn. And I sat to myself and realized that these entities are pure gaslighters, that biblical God is a god of gold, money and war-mongering and his people have usurped these same qualities going around the entire world tricking people to go and kill each other even their own people because they are chosen by this same very god. He is purely a trickster and war deity, his name isn’t Yahweh there’s shit loads of them but his name is likely El (Think Micha-el, Gabri-el, etc.) and he’s likened to the Roman God Saturn/Chronos who was the one that was involved in Zeus’s succession story. In the BAAL cycle there is a task of kingship as well where one overthrows the other to become the king, there were more than one “Yahweh”. He is the demiurge, I’m tired of these prison planet people coping and saying there is a “real trve god”, they were shit out by some time-traveling portal that we have scientists calling the Big Bang, they come from a different planet/universe and they are not our real creators. Honestly we probably don’t have a real creator, we probably just view God and his multiple avatars and assistants that exist in different cultures as godly or deify them because they were more technologically advanced than us at that point. That’s where I’m very confused though, I’m not sure if they came here and then created us (Garden of Eden myth) or we were already here and they just came here to extract resources and make us slaves. The Watchers, fallen angels and entities were basically the ones who decided to give this knowledge to us that was seen as more “technologically advanced” like metal-working which results in more tribal warfares and conflicts and makeup/beauty which is used to oppress women until this very day. I used to believe in the “hidden Goddess” thing, these goddesses don’t give a single shit about women and never will and it’s very odd to me that the only goddesses that were shilled back in those days are pregnancy/fertility ones but don’t forget let’s just quickly slip in some war/spooky aspects for these goddesses to throw off the obvious psyop you’re seeing! It’s all bullshit and lies, these spirits can come through every tom dick and harry and say whatever they want but it’s all bullshit. It’s why I really think the concept of politics is not human either, politics comes from these entities because politics is used to manipulate people.
>why is the demiurge depicted as a lion with serpent-like features?
>lion of judah
>have them spread lies that it was jesus called lion of judah
>serpent in garden of eden myth
>serpents are reptiles
>serpents are symbolized as sly, deceptive creatures
>so are reptilians
>why is jesus referred to as a shepherd?
>he herds his sheep to the lion to be fed
It’s all lies to keep you sedated on loosh slop. I wish this earth to be exploded into a million pieces and folded like an origami

No. 2187398

I think you would just like maltheism in general nonna

>about the state of the earth because we made it that way
I’ve been in new age circles before, they claim it’s our fault for supposedly wiping each other out in our past lives during a nuclear war on Mars and we’re here as a school/rehab center and that there will be some event of a bunch of us dying at once when the Earth ascends to 5D and we’re “too low vibrational”. There’s this woman on YouTube, and there’s lots of new agers like her, she’s named This Is Mariya Nurislamova and she pushes this and the Ra Material / Law Of One was built off this as was Dolores Cannon’s (the mother of this new thought and new age stuff) old books. New Age is already pretty Prison Planet esque because you basically exist as a puppet for some higher version of you to benefit or get entertainment. The divine Goddess thing however I do think is possible if you consider the Goddesses as trying to save women through encouraging our souls to take on lives to spread feminism and moid incels, pedos, rapists, etc. and tradthots to be souls encouraged by male Deities to make women’s lives a living hell. I agree with you on the “there’s a true good God” idea to be dumb, I don’t see why I should want to get rid of my current personality when my current personality would’ve lead me to Prison Planet theory and coming up with methods of escape, getting rid of that is getting rid of any desire to escape since your higher soul clearly likes coming back here if all these new age testimonies are to be believed.

And idk how much I believe the Saturn conspiracies but I get where they come from. The “Saturn’s Return” in astrology is when you’re at you’re most miserable in life and SZA made this song called Saturn with some very on the nose lyrics about Karma and wondering why she’s here. Willow Smith (Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith’s daughter) is into the new age stuff too (though she calls herself Hindu cuz she seems to think it just means “I believe in reincarnation”) and Willow claims to be a Starseed / Indigo Child and made songs about it, she probably is holding out for some type of 5th Dimensional ascension too

No. 2187849

Have any of you watched Kaos? The Greek gods drank ambrosia for immortality but in the show they have something called meander water, which is harvested from dead souls in the afterlife. In the show Zeus grew tired of having to kill so many humans to harvest their souls and stay immortal so they discovered an easier way to harvest energy. I don’t think there’s any such thing as a creator god, but there might be one or multiple who decided to create humans for energy harvesting, which they get through worship and devotion and then by taking their souls in the afterlife. In the Greek pantheon alone there are a few thousand deities (not including nature spirits, who are minor gods and goddesses) so I think they existed first on a different plane and decided to create humans trapped in the physical plane. In Norse mythology there are other realms with beings like elves and giants, and in Celtic mythology there’s the fae realm, I don’t think any of them exist to have their energy harvested though. There are a lot of myths about the fae kidnapping and enslaving humans, which is part of the changeling myth, they kidnap a human infant to enslave and leave their offspring in its place to feed off of the humans

No. 2187882

Astrology has a lot of information about the Greek pantheon. People think Greek mythology is the same as the religion, but it’s not. Sometimes the myths overlapped with the religion but for the most part they were just entertainment and similar to folklore and fairytales, they existed for people to share ideas and concepts through stories. The Cinderella story for instance explains how scapegoating and abuse happens secretly within families and shows the dynamic a lot of female children, especially stepchildren, have with the abusive parent who dislikes them and makes them an outcast/maid in their own home, and how the parent will intentionally sabotage the child’s opportunities, and there’s nothing the child can do about it until they leave as an adult. So a lot of Greek myths were just discussing certain aspects of life and society, but astrology was a way to find the blueprint of your life and learn information about how things will play out, as well as which deities you’re connected to. Zeus is an evil rapist in Greek mythology because that’s how men with power act, but in astrology Jupiter, Sagittarius and the 9th house are connected to him and show his personality and qualities. Saturn, Capricorn and the 10th house are connected to Kronos. The 10th house is your career, public image, persona, legacy and reputation so that’s part of the reason why so many celebrities and wealthy people are said to do rituals for Saturn

No. 2188448

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I know soyboy is a meme but apparently there’s a movie called “Soylent Green” released in 1973 where the food product in the movie called “Soylent Green” is made out of human bodies even though the company professed it was made out of “organic material”, just like these vegan plant-based drinks and food product. Very odd. Do you think there’s human remains in our foods? There’s already bugs in them. I think elites love cannibalism and the idea of eating and consuming human flesh.

No. 2189042

Your TDS is showing.

No. 2189061

You cannot ‘fight’ demonic forces because Satan already rules the world.

No. 2189515

>apparently there's a movie called "Soylent Green"
You have to be 18 to post here.

No. 2190829

What is your problem? It’s an actual movie you fucking retard and there’s a literal brand called Soylent. Did I hit a nerve or something, bug-chan? kek

No. 2190839

I'm pretty sure the brand name is intended to be a cheeky reference to the movie.

No. 2190840

Nta but everyone of adult age knows what the fuck Soylent Green the movie is.

No. 2190843

Ok aggro shithead, I was just trying to start an innocent conversation. Go be a cunt somewhere else

No. 2190846

Ffs do you people even LOOK at the thread titles before you go and post? ESL ass

No. 2190849

nta i always thought that name was so dumb

No. 2190855

Yeah, this is the tinfoil thread, not the automatically agree with every tinfoil thread. If a fake food corpo was putting human remains in their food, they could do a lot better than blatantly referencing a movie from the 70s with the same premise. TPTB know we're not that retarded and they're more careful than that.

No. 2190858

Did you know there is a movie called Titanic and it sunk just like your post did

No. 2190884

There was nothing to AGREE WITH it was a fucking start to a discussion. If you want this to be an autistic thunderdome where we go back and forth about shit nobody cares about then go to the unpopular opinions and then kill yourself you annoying faggot(a-logging)

No. 2190896

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>it was a fucking start to a discussion
>where we go back and forth about shit nobody cares about

No. 2190898

Lol sorry baby nona but it's too funny that you thought this was worth a post in the conspiracy thread, as if it wasn't an intentional, very direct reference. I do think it's weird that they chose to associate their brand with a fictional one that makes food out of people though.

No. 2191027

Nta but there are a ton of conspiracy videos on tiktok about cannibalism, they use scary background music and dramatically ask “isn’t it weird that fast food restaurants never run out of meat?!” As if it’s easier or more productive for McDonald’s to slaughter humans and grind them up. They also think that the majority of missing kids are used for meat, the homeless people who disappeared on the west coast were turned into vegan meat products and that the elite are all cannibals. They think the elite have a fetish for feeding unknowing people human meat, like how they think the Illuminati get off on putting references in all media. There’s currently a rumor going around that the port strike is due to workers hearing screaming children in shipping containers and wanting the authorities to do something to stope it, and they think the children are being sex trafficked or used for meat in the fast food and vegan food industries

No. 2191147

Thank you, I don’t know why they’re shocked I’m talking about cannibalism when elites are clearly obsessed with the idea of cannibalism, blood consumption, baby flesh, etc. all of these conspiracy theories have been talked about for years. A grimmer realization is what happens if one of their workers get caught into a grinder? They probably don’t even throw the whole batch away, they just continue to produce it, package it and ship it like nothing happened, that’s honestly how bugs and other foreign substances that are apparently allowed at a certain legal amount by the FDA ends up in our foods and drinks. I just think it was an interesting coincidence that a movie from the 60s-70s that talks about plant-based products being made out of human material is the name of a plant-based vegan drink. They must be retards if they don’t know that conspiracy theorists/tinfoilers constantly draw parallels and connect the dots between references in media and our current life, we wouldn’t have a bunch of occult imagery in music video theories kek. Those anons are so fucking lame

No. 2191149

Gen Z is obsessed with cannibalism, violence, gore, and death though. Why else is there literally a community on Twitter called GoreTWT filled with edgy teenagers, a million kids talking about how “cannibalism is a metaphor for romance” and even hashtags about legalizing cannibalism all over the place?

No. 2191184

Don't be obtuse. Of course we're down for a discussion about cannibalism but you can't start a post with "apparently there's a movie called Soylent Green" and not expect to be laughed at. It's like talking about simulation theory by opening with "apparently there's this old movie called The Matrix" and then sperging calling anons retards and telling them to kill themselves for giggling. It makes it very obvious you're a kid.

No. 2191190

Are there any people you think are secretly Scientologists but won’t admit it? I really feel like Sabrina Carpenter or Azealia Banks are

No. 2191193

I don't think this is exclusive to zoomers. I was once an edgy teenage retard looking at gore threads on /b/.

No. 2191195

Sounds like your typical tumblrtard, its nothing new (still disturbing tho yeah)

No. 2191197

what are your thoughts on the purge? I see it happening

No. 2191199

You can stop trying to argue with stranger because you have nobody to talk to in real life, it’s really not that serious

No. 2191205

Samefag I guess not knowing an obscure movie until you read about it makes you a child now, this is why I absolutely hate this website

No. 2191213

there's no way AB is a Scientologist. she goes scorched earth on everyone who incurs her wrath, deserved or not, and would end up saying something potentially hazardous about them

No. 2191219

Nonna, I am very curious as to why you think Sabrina is a Scientologist. Please share

No. 2191229

Didn’t trump say something about how we should have a purge? He made a weird comment about how having one really violent day would make people behave afterwards. I think he meant like a night of the long knives type of purge

No. 2191232

Venezuela is currently having a purge essentially and I could see it happening elsewhere too

No. 2191238

I think Sabrina’s aunt is a Scientologist so maybe. I highly doubt AB is one though. I think a lot of the newer celebrities who seem like industry plants might be scientologists, they’re rumored to be plants because they aren’t talented, interesting, charismatic or attractive, and their success seems manufactured. Like Sabrina and Chappel Roans music being pushed on spotify, or being a viral tiktok sound. It’s like Scientologists are putting their most attractive recruits into the industry but there are more attractive and talented normal people who would make more sense as celebrities, but they can’t get in.

No. 2191259

She comes from a Scientologist family, her aunt is the voice of Bart Simpson and is a Scientologist so there’s a good chance she was at least raised in it

Trump said he wants to do a purge so if he wins the election there definitely will be something like it because he’ll probably run this country like a dictatorship.

My tinfoil about AB being a Scientologist comes from some of her older music videos, especially Chasing Time cuz it has this weird Illuminaughtii-esque vibe to it. She’s also mentions that she likes to talk to kids from the “Invisible World” and has shared stuff on Instagram about how people who are psychic and have parapsychological powers need to band together, practices witchcraft, etc. so even if she’s not Scientologist she’s probably into the Occult stuff, my guess would be Thelema but I’m not fully sure

No. 2191289

Plenty of music videos used illuminati imagery. Shes more likely into occult stuff as there have been stories from years ago about about voodoo with chickens and how she dug up her cats bones to boil them. She was saying she was going to convert to Jewdasim because of some guy she was dating a few years ago but that seems to have worn off.

No. 2191304

File: 1727908673277.mp4 (2.1 MB, 576x1024, Purge.MP4)

The original video got taken down but this is one example of what’s happening in Venezuela, they have someone in the back of the van and play loud music and sounds so no one can hear what they’re doing to him. Levantase means get up lol

No. 2191332

I’m half convinced we’re just on the way to the apocalypse at this rate

No. 2191371

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There’s also this clip

No. 2191409

this is a tinfoil thread bitch stop shilling for donnie slops

No. 2191414

Oh, so we are talking about my disgraced country now, are we? There's no proper "purge" going on, this is repression and intimidation. For context, these videos took place 29 July, one day after the dictatorship stole our elections and started killing any civilians protesting against them by using the army to mitigate the streets, as you can see. Venezuela is a highly cursed country run by santeria practicing narcos, easy as that

No. 2191475

How terrifying, it’s so tragic that random citizens are the ones suffering. The Santeria thing is interesting because I’ve heard Jamaicans and Haitians say that voodoo and Santeria are the reason why there’s so much suffering and evil in their areas, one even said that it’s like it opens a portal and affects everyone and everything there

No. 2191487

maybe but not the world apocalypse, but I've always known that this era of "peace" and liberal world governments are temporarily, that it will collapse and there will be age of barbarism and war again

No. 2191525

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My intuition must be getting better because I remember being in the shower in the morning time and hearing “supply chains” and didn’t know what it meant until an hour ago because apparently there are strikes going on at the Michigan ports and it can affect our (our as in amerifags) supply chain, so like food and agriculture, trade. I’ve been getting very weird and frequent amount of spiritual downloads lately, I think something very serious is about to go down very soon besides the Trump assasination that’s been happening just larger scale events that could effect every single one of us. Next year, and I’ve heard many other people besides psychics and tarot readers alike claim there will be a solar blackout or some sort of lockdown happening which I wouldn’t be surprised and when there is some sort of solar blackout it affects satellites and that affects our connection to the internet and cell phone towers so imagine that happening, it would really make the Purge movie come to life. Some people thought it was going to happen this year but that solar flare stuff might happen next year or the year after. Warfare could be coming as well, not just civil war but international conflicts. Supernovas, anybody here know about supernovas? Comets?? Is there any conspiracy theories involving those two things??

No. 2191538

There’s lots of conspiracies related to the Solar Flare, mainly from the “spiritual channeling” community. The main ones I’ve seen is it’s a precursor to the pole shifts, it will cause some mass spiritual awakening with humanity, it will cause mass cancer outbreaks, and it will literally fry the planet. Idk how much I believe any of it though
>Some people thought it was going to happen this year but that solar flare stuff might happen next year or the year after
“This apocalypse prophecy is totally coming true really soon guys and if it doesn’t it will it totally will”

No. 2191539

project blue beam?

No. 2191545

For all of you apocalypse nonas that believe in parapsychology this project may interest you. A guy named Stephan A. Schwartz remote viewed the years 2050-2060, doesn’t seem like the world is ending anytime soon but he does say a major event comes around 2040? Imo that’s probably just an election but this is some interesting stuff for sure, apparently he tried this before about 40 years ago and it turned out decently accurate

No. 2191558

It probably won’t, I think the most grounded theories I’ve heard from those readers and channelers is it likely to cause an internet/tehcnology blackout which could cause a lot of issues for obvious reasons. I mean there already was one that caused an airport delay, imagine a bunch of people try to book it out of their countries when shit hits the fan, they wouldn’t be able to. Me I have bizarre beliefs and I think something about the sun, stars, weather, solar blackout, solar flares whatever the hell you call it will expose entities that are typically hidden in particular wavelengths or whatever, but not everyone believes that so I just think it will cause a huge problem for people to use their devices, call 911, refrigerate their foods, travel and leave, it would cause a disaster. I’m not trying to make a hard prediction, it just seems likely since we are in the tinfoil thread and these people love messing up with the weather with CERN machines. You will never be as swaggy as me >>2191545
Stop listening to these scrotes, they don’t know what they’re talking about. Listen to the female woowoo-ists and female astrologers who have much more of a chance of predicting everything about major events including the election (which they actually have kek). They just take everything spiritual that’s been done and said by women on the internet and try to intellectualize it “muh remote viewing” like dude it’s just called clairvoyance
Kek probably

No. 2191570

File: 1727924079884.webp (81.44 KB, 640x518, Flare .WEBP)

Pic related is one of the big Solar Flare conspiracies, basically the Solar Flare is the Rapture but for the new age community

No. 2191575

this would mean everyone on this hellsite would be wiped out immediately. and probably more than 50% of our population.

No. 2191577

what'a happening in this video?

No. 2191579

>every 25,000 years
Well we're only down to 2,024 years, so we've still got quite a ways to go kek

No. 2191587

File: 1727926265063.mp4 (5.22 MB, 576x878, Fleshpedestrian.MP4)

Do you believe in skinwalkers

No. 2191591

People are hiding behind the grate and watching someone kill a person in the street, when he approaches they start screaming and pleading with him
I’m sorry I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not but it wouldn’t have anything to do with the calendar year

No. 2191600

yes i am one. i’m right behind you, nice yaoi you’re reading

No. 2191745

why are people more likely to belief pessimistic theories like prison planet and that we're all powerless slaves and not stuff like law of attraction/Neville goddard that tells us were in control of our destinies?
Isn't convincing us that we're worthless and helpless the real psyop?

No. 2191863

I believe Beyonce asexual reproduce blue ivy

No. 2191889

This might be silly but lucky months or magic months as I like to call them, where during these certain months of the year you feel powerful or things start getting better, you feel like you're on top of the world.

No. 2191922

That sounds like a hon impersonating a mom. So basically a real-life skinwalker ig

No. 2192648

This woman’s entire account is just videos of her allegedly haunted or infested apartment. I want to know how she’s doing the various effects because her videos creep me out every time

No. 2192666

I also think that people are just shutting down and losing interest in the future because of how not only our country but the whole world is going. Like we’re all tired, working jobs barely allowing us to survive, and even the feminism promoted has become so diluted by capitalism and materialism. Like I watched this one popular kpop video that was a song about being and independent woman and doing whatever you want but they spend the whole time shaking their butts in front of record executives in branded clothing

No. 2192692

What are your thoughts on hurricane Helene?
Some people think it was caused by cloud seeding, like the flooding in Dubai. It’s unheard of for some of those states to be affected by a hurricane and they were told there wouldn’t be any need to evacuate, just to have their entire towns destroyed. There are thousands missing still, and piles of dead bodies everywhere. The authorities won’t allow people who found a way out to go back to their land, and they’re saying that they’re going to start bulldozing even though their are bodies scattered around and up in trees even. There are lithium mines in the area, and people think they wanted to make a land grab by destroying everything. They’ve also blocked efforts for help and rescue, and keep denying FEMA support to people even if they live in poverty. They released satellite images of a mass inside the hurricane that they’re saying is thousands of birds, which people don’t believe since birds typically die if they get caught in hurricanes. They also just sent like 9 billion dollars to Ukraine and then said that they can’t afford to send money to the affected states.

No. 2192801

No. 2192873

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No. 2192959

it's not unheard of for a cat 5 to affect Appalachia. read about Hurricane Camille, 1969

No. 2192960


>Like I watched this one popular kpop video that was a song about being and independent woman and doing whatever you want but they spend the whole time shaking their butts in front of record executives in branded clothing

It's like saying you ate a snickers bar and it was sweet

No. 2192964

The area was already experiencing flash flooding due to heavy rainfall before the storm even made its way there. Combined with it veering farther east than originally predicted resulted in what you see.

No. 2192982

100% percent intentional. The elites can alter weather by using ionospheric heaters like HAARP in Alaska.

No. 2193051

This is so fucking retarded. Were it even possible, to what end ? This will cost the government a huge amount for various reasons, also ever heard of a thing called flood insurance? They want to…get the lithium, so they destroyed the mines and all access to them and all electrical infrastructure?

No. 2193104

this is the tinfoil thread, not “skeptic debates with nonnies yelling at blue sky for the 100th time”

No. 2193120

Politicians and governments are pro-life not because of religious morality or whatever but so there can be more citizens born to tax. This probably is more of an unpopular opinion but I've had people stare at me like I have five heads so I don't know

No. 2193139

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The ionosphere is the upper part of earth's atmosphere that is ionized by radiation from the sun. Solar activity such as sun spots and solar flares effect the ionosphere which influences weather patterns and temperatures on earth. Ionospheric heaters are able to interfere with the normal functioning of the ionosphere by targeting it with high power HF radio waves.

Ionospheric heaters aren't new technology, the USSR operated several of them, some of which are still operational in Russia. There's also numerous ionospheric heaters in other countries, the largest being HAARP in Alaska which is operated by DARPA.

No. 2193152

I understand and accept that technologies like these and others (cloud seeding, etc) have been in existence and used for decades even, but I challenge the idea that the "elites" have some sort of point and shoot hurricane device that they for some reason used to destroy large swaths of the country. The idea that these poorly understood technologies and even far worse (like gay ideas to block out the sun to stop climate change) are likely to be deployed in the near future to disastrous effect is terrifying to me. I just don't think we're there yet and I see no compelling evidence of the why, let alone the how. For example, think about the all the wealthy owners of companies, land, resorts in the area. Surely they qualify as elite, and why would they risk losing everything for, what exactly? What even is the conspiracy I guess is what I'm asking. To sow chaos? There was a plastics plant where 11 workers were swept away because they weren't allowed to evacuate in time, because losing even a few hours of plastic tube making time would mean a hit in profits and less golden toilets or whatever for themselves. They will do everything in their power, even kill, to hold onto their stolen profits, so why destroy all their own shit?

No. 2193286

>the "elites" have some sort of point and shoot hurricane device
I doubt they have a method of creating hurricanes. What they have is the ability to impact hurricanes that form naturally.

The elites don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves. Even other elites are viewed as disposable. The reason for their actions could be anything from wanting to clear the area for lithium mines or just wanting to kill people because they needed a mass human sacrifice. It could also have been the Russians or the Chinese looking to sabotage America's industrial capacity. FEMA is blocking volunteer rescuers from entering the area which could imply that some sort of military installation was hit that they don't want to be made public.

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory is located near Knoxville and would have been impacted by the hurricane as would have several NAVSPASUR stations.

No. 2193426

I fully believe some of the “self driving cars” were purposely built to malfunction, for population control. I also believe the Feds are working with cartels and keeping drugs on the street. They need to keep a good amount of the population addicted. The war on drugs will never end, it will only get worse. The government is crooked as fuck, at least in the states. They don’t care about the opiate crisis. They don’t care about mental illness either, and neither do doctors. No psychiatrist genuinely wants to make your life better, they want you to keep coming back.

First time on this thread and these are just my initial thoughts

No. 2193493

To be fair the “only a minority of people will be worth ascending” thing is kind of the whole idea. Calling it “the new age rapture” is sadly too accurate. The Age of Aquarius in Astrology is the same thing
>I also think that people are just shutting down and losing interest in the future because of how not only our country but the whole world is going. Like we’re all tired, working jobs barely allowing us to survive, and even the feminism promoted has become so diluted by capitalism and materialism.
Yup, add the narrative of intense nihilism and emphasis on how insignificant you are that the younger generations are having forced on them and you basically have it all. Zoomers have been basically raised on nihilism and the pandemic certainly didn’t help since they were living in fear of death for basically 2 whole years. I definitely think that this hopelessness being pushed on the younger generations is deliberate, basically a “make them feel hopeless for the future so they won’t bite back when we mistreat them”

No. 2193505

Hopelessness is definitely a deliberate tactic. Hope dies last. If you killed the hope in a person, you killed the person.

No. 2193514

Samefag, this also goes for movements, if you killed the hope in a movement, you killed the movement.
This is why it's done

No. 2193517

It’s not a point and shoot technology, but they can change the direction of a hurricane using dry ice, which was discovered decades ago in like the 60s. Flooding wouldn’t have affected the lithium in the area, they’ll just have more land to create mines now and won’t have to worry about buying land from others. There also aren’t many elites in the area at all, it’s one of the poorest areas in the country. While they’ve been affected by hurricanes before it hasn’t been like this, people evacuated from the coast up into the mountains just for the mountains to get flooded to the point that the landscape has been altered forever. There have been a lot of deaths and multiple towns were completely destroyed, no one in the area would have flood insurance if they’re up in the mountains, it would be like someone in manhattan having tornado insurance. And lastly they couldn’t care less about deaths, they never have. If you’re using this thread I’m surprised you don’t already know that the government views citizens as expendable and has had citizens killed or experimented on many times.

No. 2193602

But it’s nowhere near the same. Typically once a hurricane reaches those areas it’s lost strength and is just heavy rainfall, and sure some flooding can still be a danger or concern. But that would be a few inches of flooding generally, Camille caused rivers to overflow which caused a few feet of flooding. Helene was still a hurricane when it reached Appalachia and caused flooding to the point that it reached the rooftops of buildings, which is absolutely unheard of in Appalachia. There was a video on tiktok of a woman who was trapped on the roof of her parents home with her parents and 6 year old son. The roof collapsed which caused her to get wedged in between wood, and she had to watch her parents and child get swept away and drown in front of her, and then she was rescued an hour later. The water was at the roof level which is what caused it to collapse. The current is strong enough that it destroyed entire towns, you can look at the footage of buildings moving downstream. This level of flooding is unprecedented. Sadly there are a lot of homeless people in Appalachia and they most likely didn’t have any warning about this, and you can also look at footage of when the flood came, many people recorded the flood coming over. They had to hide in their attics and then climb out the windows onto their roofs, and a lot of people were trapped in their homes or the houses just swept away suddenly. Not to mention the people who work night shift and were asleep when the flood happened, or people who don’t really watch the news or use social media and didn’t realize that it was coming. The people in those states had absolutely zero warning that anything like that would happen, they thought they would just get some rain which is what usually happens when large hurricanes move inland. People have been trying to fish the bodies of children out of the current so that they can be identified, but entire families are gone so there’s no one to identify them. Now they’re bulldozing areas without recovering all the bodies so no one will ever know what happened to some of their family members.

No. 2193712

Of course they view us as expendable and replaceable, but quite frankly the idea that they would be secretly using some sort of monolithic technology (at great cost and with the involvement of many people) to hurt us when all they have to do is keep consolidating power politically and taking tax money and doing nothing with it, consolidating corporations into monopolies that can charge whatever they want while providing almost nothing in return, etc is pretty preposterous. Again I ask to what end? Just to sow chaos? It might make sense that a foreign government would attempt to fuck shit up in that way, but why would the "elites", wherever they are located, want to send a hurricane into the middle of the country? There are so many "conspiracies" that turned out to be real, that's why I'm on this thread, and I'm genuinely curious if anyone can make the case for this one beyond "the elites have the power and they are using the Jewish space lasers to make it rain, haaard".

No. 2193771

Well the Neville Goddard stuff has many critics

But in general, as someone who doesn’t personally believe the theory at least not fully, it’s mainly popular because of modern spirituality hyping up reincarnation and people’s issue with it is that, outside of some
Wicca/Paganism/Greek Mythology, it’s widely been told to be a bad thing that you should seek escape from plus many of these spiritual circles like to downplay the bullshit that happens (ex: You manifested this to happen, you were too low vibrational, you chose this pre-birth for spiritual growth, it’s just one life of the infinite so stop complaining) plus reincarnation being an existentially horrific idea for most people and there’s lots of near death experiences where the person is guilt tripped back or even flat out forced and those are usually taken as this gospel that proves the afterlife yet people ignore all the not 100% positive ones

No. 2193813

No one mentioned Jews or Jewish space lasers, we were talking about the government and weather manipulation. You were already told why and to what end.

No. 2194189

Is it true that the Bible says you can rape your neighbor if the neighbor steals from you? This woman helps people with paranormal problems allegedly but mentioned in passing a few things the Bible says, like that parents should stone their children. I’m pretty sure somewhere in the bible it also says something about tying rocks to childrens ankles and drowning them but I don’t remember it clearly. It’s strange how people who follow Abraham of religions think everyone else is evil when their religion allows rape and incest and whatever else

No. 2194195

I was punished on a spiritual level it seems for speaking out about the sexual abuse I experienced from a family member as a child and the more I learn about abrahamic religions the more that makes sense

No. 2194626

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I saw this was shared on some spiritual subreddits, do you think there’s anything to it or is it just more quantum woo woo stuff? There’s some articles saying the research states you can connect with the whole universe too but I’m not sure how much I believe that because the quantum woo stuff gets a lot of hype these days


No. 2194631

Quantum as in quantum physics?

No. 2194638

No. 2194914

Who really knows, all I know is that these conspiracy theorists and christians who keep calling these elitists “Satan worshippers” are retarded because I have a major tinfoil that these elitists worship the same God as Christians they just work with different (or maybe the more accurate and truthful) aspects of the biblical God than Christians are willing to admit. Their war-mongering, wealth-hoarding, wealth obsession and energy parasitism they hide behind the idea of “karma” and “sin” is a big clue that they might be worshipping the same energy of who they call God in the Bible.

No. 2194918

>Wiest and his research team found that when they gave rats a drug that binds to microtubules, it took the rats significantly longer to fall unconscious under an anesthetic gas. The research team’s microtubule-binding drug interfered with the anesthetic action, thus supporting the idea that the anesthetic acts on microtubules to cause unconsciousness.
>“Since we don’t know of another (i.e,. classical) way that anesthetic binding to microtubules would generally reduce brain activity and cause unconsciousness,” Wiest says, “this finding supports the quantum model of consciousness.”
Sounds like a WILD leap to conclusions.

No. 2194979

>>2194914. Does anyone not like the self-defeating mindset to Christianity promotes? Christianity tells everybody from a young age that they’re sinful and evil people who need to change. I understand that people are not perfect but something about that just doesn’t seem right. I think most Christians in America are not actually worshiping Christ because American Christianity is so diluted and far from the original source.

No. 2194988

Also that if anyone does something horrible to you, then it's YOUR job to make it right and forgive them or else you're a terrible piece of shit.

No. 2195034

How is this new? I swear I've heard about this for at least 5 years.

No. 2195197

Because it worships a male creator god. this is fundamentally against nature and illogical and that diety could only be evil because holy creation is a female trait.

No. 2195225

In short, water fluoridation began before adding fluoride to toothpaste became standard so tap water was the only source of fluoride and thus the levels being consumed were safe. But now toothpastes are fluoridated so pregnant women are being exposed to more fluoride than they should be. Since then medical research has been able to develop fluoride alternatives (nano hydroxyapatite, recaldent etc) so concerned persons should switch to those and perhaps this should be made standard.

No. 2195301

Christianity tells you that Jesus already died for your sins, you are born pure. I hate to ask if you're American? They seem to have gotten confused about that most important aspect kek

No. 2195318

Apparently some people did DMT and mentioned seeing code of sorts behind lasers, apparently lots of people mention seeing stuff like code, lasers, and grids when they do psychedelics

No. 2195668

Yes I am American.

No. 2196107

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No. 2196123

>Because it worships a male creator god. this is fundamentally against nature
this is my entire philosophy on organized religion now, tysm nonnie for this divine wisdom

No. 2196286

Yeah that’s the horrifying thing about reincarnation, on a timescale of infinity they could make us do literally anything and everything and that’s horrifying. Imagining the worst possibilities and having to live through them or inflict them on others, the thought keeps me up at night

No. 2196296

kek aliens are not coming to save us, these scrotes need to take accountability for the damage they’ve done to people and earth and shut the fuck about aliens

No. 2196297

Weird video I stumbled across from r/interdimensionalNHI

No. 2196393

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Found this on the Tricked By The Light website, honestly it’s kinda hard to follow and I’m not sure if I believe it because there seems to be this odd emphasis on “He’s getting so emotional guys look it’s real!” but this is super odd. Any other nonas have a take on this?


No. 2196399

Idk about that but I have to pee so bad again

No. 2196424

Ayrt and lol same happened to me while I was reading this. Coincidence? Anyways the end is very odd, the guy he’s interviewing says something like that he was shown visions of the future and that the world seems to enter a time of peace over the course of a thousand years then explodes and whatever souls chose to stay on the Earth just go off and incarnate onto other alien planets, he compares it to StarSeeds. He also says the “light being” people talk about seeing isn’t a false God but that one does exist, it seems to resemble what people claim to be the Christian God. He says the end is when everyone is done learning their lessons on Earth school and that it’s ultimately the Demiurge losing. He says the concept of a “New World” that millennialism speaks of is true but it doesn’t happen on Earth

No. 2196684

Kek it’s just reinforcing the whole “lessons” thing which is just flat out abuse, but honestly it has some merits. NDEs aren’t really factual and can easily be made up but I truly believe this earth’s god is very deceptive

No. 2196778

The question is will the supposed “Demiurge” truly be defeated and is the “light being” truly good like he claims? Wayne has many articles saying to be skeptical of the light beings. Plus why would the Earth just explode and why a thousand years? He mentions something with DNA so is that like CRISPR? I’ve heard an alien abduction studier claimed that souls are attached to the body cuz of DNA. I agree it feels a lot like new age propaganda and I don’t think the NDEr was fully honest, he tries to claim we make contracts, that we all have a book of experiences in the Akashic Records (I’ve seen these mentioned in other NDEs so there may be something to it), that the end of this place is us having learned all our lessons, and he mentions StarSeeds. He at least isn’t saying the planet is made into a new world so he’s going against the new age 5D / Age Of Aquarius BS at least but this feels off. Did any anons find contradictions in here or know anything about this guest? The fact that he’s anonymous is also very suspicious

No. 2197019

No. 2197030

Found a clip of it

No. 2197294

What’s the thing on FEMA? Wasn’t there a conspiracy theory on FEMA concentration camps? kek

No. 2197318

That’s just incompetence, they don’t know what they’re doing so they make it up and fuck it up.

No. 2197319

Yeah I agree but like all govt institutions they are evil as fuck and don’t like people coming together and sustaining themselves, they need people to see them as a glorious hand swooping down to “provide and protect” citizens when it’s just a crock of shit kek. I wish a hurricane would mow down all of these rich assholes multiple houses

No. 2197322

Yeah, the government makes a lot more sense when you realize it’s a criminal enterprise running a protection racket on the whole country.

No. 2197324

It’s an unmarked helicopter

No. 2197335

And it’s bought out by foreign entities, I heard these people affected by Helene were only given $700-750 dollars while the government somehow has enough to print out billions of dollars of aid for Israel or Ukraine which is just Israel 2.0. It’s disgusting, criminal and borderline treason, I have honestly no idea how we aren’t in a total complete civil war with lots of riots at this point
It’s unmarked for a reason

No. 2197347

I've read the Bible a couple of times, and there's nothing in there about using rape as a punishment. Usually theft is dealt with by having to pay two to five times the amount you stole back to the person you stole it from. Though if you kidnap someone and enslave them or sell them to slavers, it recommend the death penalty for the buyer and seller.

No. 2197357

Is there anything about man spilling his seed outside a woman being worthy of punishment or something in there?

No. 2197365

Is there anything about punishing pedophiles and rapists? And is pedophilia or age gaps normalized

No. 2197421

Yes. The Bible takes a man spilling his seed anywhere but in a woman very very seriously. So much so, that God kills a man who dares do it. So a man ejaculating outside a woman is treated more harshly than getting an abortion, which the Bible implies should be done any time a woman conceives a child outside of wedlock. The Bible says nothing about women masturbating, but does say you shouldn't think of other people while you do it, because thinking of someone lustfully is rude enough to be a sin unto itself.
No, no laws against pedophiles unfortunately as long as the pedophile is married to his victim, and there are no limits on how young a man can marry a girl. Obviously, since men can't get married, boy molestation is a crime.
Rape is treated like a crime against the man who "owns" a woman, and not a crime against the woman herself. So if she's a virgin and not engaged and he rapes her outside of a city, then he has to pay her father fifty pieces of silver and marry her, and he's never allowed to divorce her. The Bible does look kindly upon her brothers or father killing the rapist instead of accepting the silver though, especially if he's from another religion.
If he rapes her in a city and she does not cry out loud enough that someone comes and intervenes, you kill them both. If she's a virgin but engaged and he rapes her outside of the city, you kill him.
It also says that you shouldn't rape POW, but that a man is allowed to marry her if he treats them kindly and allows her to mourn for her parents for thirty days and thirty nights. After that, he can take her as a wife, but he has to treat her with all the rights of a wife. He can divorce her, but once divorced, she's a free person and he can't enslave her or turn her into a concubine.

No. 2197423

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Blackrock is also attempting to buy as much real estate as possible to force everyone to rent forever, interesting

No. 2197425

The Christian god is so evil

No. 2197435

>And is pedophilia or age gaps normalized
Forgot to address this. As a rule, both men and women got married pretty young in the Bible. You normally got engaged at like 12-15, and then got married at 15-16 for girls and 18-20 for boys. There is one verse that mentions a girl should be "grown" before marrying, and the vast majority of people at the time took this to mean that you couldn't marry a girl before twelve, but there was nothing explicit about it. However, parents did love their daughters and it was widely known that early pregnancies resulted in death and infertility more frequently than not, so most parents wouldn't marry off their daughter before twelve at the earliest. They also took the word "naˈarah" very literally. So if for some reason a girl went through puberty much later than her peers, she couldn't be married until after she went through puberty, no matter how long it took.
However, death through childbirth was still common, and it was expected for a man to marry after his wife had died. So often, especially if the man wanted more children, he would marry a younger wife.
The Bible says that widowers should always try to marry widows, and that this is what makes God most happy. But the Bible was also very clear that families should take care of widows, so it is a brother's responsibility to marry his brother's widow if he himself is unmarried. So it wasn't all 50 year old men marrying 15 year old girls, but it wasn't illegal if a man did want to do it.

No. 2197449

I know it sounds kinda faggy coming from someone who has read most of the major religious texts, but the Christian god is probably the most okay. The Quaran is fucking awful, the Torah is basically old testament, and Christian Bible is old + new testament. And the Mormon Bible is wacko.
But you always have to remember, it was just a book that a bunch of desert goat fuckers used to settle disputes among themselves.

No. 2197450

Which groups is called the “chosen people” of god, do you know? I always see people arguing about whether it refers to Jewish people or black people. And I’m not trying to racebait but the conversation in the religion & spirituality thread about some people being favored or protected by deities while others are ignored or discarded made me wonder about this from the perspective of abrahamic religions, and it’s weird the Jewish people started and own the porn industry as well as the Hollywood and music industries which involve a lot of rape, trafficking, abuse and exploitation, and also things like blackrock and vanguard.

No. 2197453

He might be the best out of the abrahamic religions, I guess. I prefer Norse and Greek deities personally

No. 2197473

No real ideas. There are some hints about the descendants of Shem (one of Noah's sons) being the chosen people, but if that is taken literally, since the Bible says that only Shem and his two brother repopulated the whole world after the flood, aren't we all related to him? There's also the implication that because the original priest class that was only passed on through blood is dead, that there are no chosen peoples, that the only one died out.

No. 2197929

the thing that drives me crazy is that 40 or 50 year old dudes will use this interpretation as a way to a.) promote marrying girls under the age of 18 and b.) selectively panicking about "pedophilia" when it has to do with boys (under 18). Let's just be clear about things, men use the bible to justify their rape and subjugation of women, while alternatively virtue signalling anti-pedophilia beliefs when a boy is involved.

No. 2198699

They’ll cry about pedo priests and rabbis and scream about circumcision being pedophilic but hide behind their religion when girls are the victims. Males don’t have souls or even functioning minds.

No. 2198758

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Anyone else think the trajectory of hurricane Milton is strange? The last time a hurricane hit the Tampa area was about a hundred years ago. I've seen a few superstitions online about how the Tampa area was 'protected' by Indian burial mounds in the area, but apparently one of these burial mounds were disturbed in 2023 to build a driveway

No. 2198778

Sounds like the plot of pedofile child orgy-native American weab Stephen King.

No. 2198837

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funny that Tampa ran a drill about this exact scenario in 2009 and again in 2020

geoengineering is real btw

No. 2198886

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HAARP weather manipulation and they’re also obviously trying to hide something they don’t want exposed to the public. Hurricanes are pretty common down in the Atlantic anyways but the trajectory and force is pretty odd to call it coincidental. I wish it was coming my way so it can flood and wash away the family members I hate with a burning passion but we can’t have everything can we… someone get me to the HAARP machine so I can spawn a storm that mows down only their space and nobody else’s. Picrel is aishit so ban me mods I don’t care I’m going to get washed away by the sea anyways kek. Also hurricanes have an esoteric/weird scifi connection that they’re connected to portals - HAARP, CERN, etc. they’re all alleged of opening portals and wormholes by manipulating the weather. Even the cyclone itself mirrors the wheel symbol that exists in almost every predominant religion/spiritual school of thought on earth(aishit/racebait)

No. 2198892

Don’t ask anybody what really happens in the Bible, everybody who tries to say they read it numerous times probably didn’t understand it. Read it and interpret it for yourself, none of it will ever make sense if you just take somebody’s word on it. There’s genocides, rape, slavery, and warfare and tons of violence in that book I don’t give a damn what christfag comes in here saying “no there isn’t!!!” do your own research none of these people can be trusted, they’re too fucking retarded to read anyways

No. 2198902

I’m not sure if this has already been brought up, (if it has I don’t see it) but has anyone else heard everyone talking about the moon missing? People are saying they haven’t seen it in over a week now, and someone always responds that it’s the new moon but new moons don’t last that long. It’s not from cloud coverage either because people are saying this in different areas. It’s weird that there was supposed to be a second “moon” temporarily and now people haven’t seen either

No. 2198922

I'm in Europe and I saw it last night, idk anon, I feel like that would have been a bigger deal if true kek

No. 2199053

That’s what I thought, but I haven’t seen it for the past week either and I’ve seen a lot of people say the same thing, it’s like the trendy conspiracy right now

No. 2199378

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Stuff like this is so weird to me. I know there’s a chance this was made up but it makes me so anxious. I’ve read so many weird stories where people say they woke up in pods or woke up and saw they were being experimented on by aliens or some shit. Gives me Rick and Morty Roy vibes

Vid the comment is on https://youtu.be/JzeWUY0OoTg

No. 2199415

These experiences are illusions, so whatever bullshit these entities are pulling by pretending to be aliens or whatever and not the psychopathic unfeeling monsters they truly are is to manipulate people into being trapped forever.

No. 2199418

That gives me hope because I want out of whatever it is I’m trapped in

No. 2199459

That was the plot for half of season three in Yu-Gi-Oh

No. 2199478

No. 2199494

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It doesn’t bring me hope because it means whoever you are outside of the world agreed to be here and through this BS and will likely wanna come back same goes for new age stuff. Makes me wonder if the “afterlives” people see under psychedelics and such are also just part of the simulation and so is the hyper lucid feeling in them. How do we know if once we get to the “afterlife” (if Near death stuff is accurate) that it’s not just another part of the simulation?

This person for 3 replies to their comment and never replied to any, give how Jeff Mara’s fanbase is mostly conspiratards I get vibes this is likely fake but it’s weird how many people mention seeing shit like this. I wonder if we’re just avatars for the people in the simulation, if we are have we become self sentient and may one day break out into robot bodies in the real world? Maybe we’re NPCs/AI becoming sentient slowly and we’ll go full terminator? Idk sky is the limit but given how conspiracies seem to only be growing I feel like sooner or later the government will have to admit something. If this is true why is the simulation so close to the “real world” and seemingly why are those in it also humans? Or are they aliens/spirits taking different forms and this is all metaphorical for something? But then why let us become aware of it and why not program us with an inability to ever even think we’re in a simulation? Especially with how mainstream this conspiracy is (billionaires like Elon Musk believe it and famous people like Andrew Tate, Alex Jones, etc. talk about “being in the Matrix”) Idk this feels like new age bs but some part of me does wonder, I think I read somewhere recently that stuff like the speed of light may just be the max processing power for the simulation

Yeah there’s also elements of this in Danganronpa and The Simpsons had an episode where Homer is in a Matrix looking place and is told to “go to the light” it’s freaky stuff. Someone in the Government or something probably knows but won’t tell us cuz then we would take agency and fight back against them

No. 2199506

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Can someone please explain black helicopters to me? I shit you know I keep hearing them at midnight and it's making me weary it's almost everyday

No. 2199519

Like the one that destroyed those hurricane donation centers?

No. 2199532

I assume because the noises they make are very and I mean very loud as if I feels they're above my house really close.

No. 2199548

That’s really creepy. Do you have a ring camera or something so you could see it and get its number on the back part?

No. 2199729

Aliens (men in black) or government entities

No. 2199745

Is it a ring of smoke or a portal that’s visible now since the veil is thinner

No. 2199747

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Or aliens

No. 2199763

Don't worry nona I saw her tonight while I was going out to buy snacks at the shop. In fact I told everyone I was with to "Look at the moooon!" no particular reason I am just autistic and love the moon.

No. 2199775

Why is there a weird social media push to bash victims of the hurricane? I keep seeing comments of people playing mental gymnastics cheering on deaths from the hurricane. We've literally never had this reaction from other natural disasters?? Wtf

No. 2199793

i know right? like what the actual fuck. every one is so bloodthirsty and sadistic dying in a hurricane is "deserved" for some reason

No. 2199807

I saw a video of a guy who stayed behind in his high rise apartment in Tampa and he pointed on a map to where everyone evacuated and said “I hope it hits there with all the evacuees instead”. Everyone is warning him that it’ll blow out all the windows in his apartment and he’ll also be trapped up there for who knows how long, and he keeps guffawing about it and saying it will change direction and get the crowded areas. He doesn’t even have food stocked up, he’s just simple minded.

No. 2199829

In that situation yeah, but people are blaming everyone. And you know damn well after this is over they'd also victim blame the same people for financial effects after demanding them to quit their jobs, get evicted, max out credit cards, etc

No. 2199838

It makes me so sad that people are being mocked over staying behind, some might have poor reasons of course but a lot of people either couldn’t evacuate or are in situations like this, it’s not their fault. The comments I’ve seen blaming them or making jokes are so horrible.

No. 2199849

Paid trolls again or people who were stupid enough to spread the propaganda. Government doesn't want to properly fund the resources and make them very exclusive, so they just want to treat victims like they were just too stupid to receive help, which is also why videos like people exposing gas stations being shut down are being taken down to fuel the "hurricane victims are stupid" narrative

No. 2199865

I feel like society would be better off ignoring people like him, because if they are ever even marginally lucky about some crazy assumption, they lord it over anyone who tried to inform them of the risks. I wish we would start a movement of not deigning to reply or give press to truly crazy people anymore. They know the risks, they will not take advice, and many of them die doing stupid things. Dying in a high rise isn't the same as being locked in a prison or unable to evacuate because of economic reasons (Katrina comes to mind). idk just let these true attention whores scream into the wind and disappear. I feel like people are increasingly dependent on feeling morally superior to others, or demanding others agree with them, and then feeding off of schadenfreude when something bad happens. Maybe I'm just autistic but I don't feel happy when something bad happens to a shitty person. I don't relate to schadenfreude, but it feels like this is some important aspect of society now. Anyone have theories on why?

Of course those who cannot evacuate and have prepared to the best of their ability are not like this man.

No. 2199875

I felt bad for him but there were thousands upon thousands of comments in his recent videos trying to warn him, and he kept laughing about it and trying to make tiktok content about it. He’s most likely going to suffer a horrible and terrifying death soon, and he doesn’t seem to even care. It makes me feel sick to even think about. When the hurricane breaks all the floor to ceiling windows he’s going to be like 15 or more stories up with zero barriers preventing him from falling, and the wind speeds will be 180+ mph. He’s saying he’s going to hang on to a concrete pillar in his bedroom which is just cartoonish and he has no idea. He thinks he’s going to be posting live tiktok content or something and he’s throwing his life away for it.

No. 2199896

My tinfoil is that Poseidon is trying to kill Florida and everything in it. Why, I’m not sure.

No. 2199918

NFL and NBA are players are all gay and DL. I call it the gayBA. That’s why they’re some of the most misogynistic men ever, closeted gays and bi are evil to the women they use as beards

No. 2199935

If he just talked about how his dog was his best friend and he would never abandon him it would be sweet, but he's sounds like he's trying to fight the whole internet and talking about girlfriends switching up on him. He's inviting people to talk shit about him and he probably doesn't care but it's frustrating to watch because he doesn't need to be so self destructive, I feel bad for him still because that's not enough to deserve death by a house caving in.

No. 2200002

I feel bad for him because he sounds like he’s given up and cares more about his dog than he cares about surviving. The rambling about past friends and ex girlfriends just sounds like mental illness and venting out of nervousness. The authorities should have made an effort to evacuate everyone, no one should be stuck or left behind like this.

No. 2200024

If I had to guess, it’s over political stuff and coming from very sheltered people who haven’t ever been to Florida. They see backwards stuff happening in the government and think that’s what everyone who lives there wants.

No. 2200036

No nonnie as a florida native i dont think its odd. And why would they give us so much notice to escape? What would be the point of some storm coming as a fuck you to tampa?

No. 2200096

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Nonnies I feel like I'm genuinely losing my mind, I'm overwhelmed with being a witness to the changes of the internet over the years and the awareness of all the propaganda. I've been watching updates about the hurricanes on TikTok which despite the disinformation and other nonsense, there's bits of good information I struggle to find elsewhere on social media.
Sometimes I hate the fact that I've been on the internet/4chan since I was 9 years old (now 26). I feel like I'm insane when I see comments on anything, I don't know if I'm talking to a human or a bot.
>ABC agencies have fake accounts to push disinfo
>4chan is a honeypot with glowies posting disinfo to confuse readers
>most traffic online is from bots
>bots interacting with eachother to appear more real
>if you're not there in the moment to save information it's memory-holed
>normal people who aren't terminally online don't know what you're talking about
>russian bots years ago pushing sjw propaganda to fuel left vs right arguments
>videos online flooded with random nonsensical comments unrelated to the video to hide info
>if you're lucky you'll see the random person going "wtf is going on with the comments" then more spam
>most comments are not real people and are ragebait
>certain keywords on reddit trigger bots to flood a thread (you can see it here too, anywhere)
>proud boys being a huge psyop because i was there to see people trying to figure out their origins and they just appeared out of nowhere
>drag queen distraction psyop being pushed
>instagram shows you certain comments depending on other things you've interacted with, if you and your friend look at the same video on different phones the comment section that is organized by most liked will be completely different
It's frustrating, I tell people how fake everything is online and they don't take me seriously. They don't know, they weren't there all these years watching everything change. I don't know whether I'm talking to a bot, glowie, or a real person. It's genuinely overwhelming me

No. 2200112

Don't you think it's funny how 20 or 15 years ago all normies were like "the internet isn't real, the people you're talking to on forums are fake people tricking you into thinking they're real" and now that it's finally true these same normies don't even notice it? I hate it so much.

No. 2200116

I feel like a big issue is that while there is bots attempting to get into fights with people, there's also a lot of people literally taking the bait but siding with the bots

No. 2200162

interesting to note how many of the damaged and targetted cities in the past few hurricanes are slated to be smart cities

No. 2200192


I drive overnight every night and the last night I saw it was 29 sept. I’d been taking pictures of it nightly because of the report that we were going to have a temporary “second moon”, starting on the 26th. Never saw that and haven’t seen the moon since, from ground level at least. I did see someone post it from a skyrise but no confirmation that it was recent, and no explanation of why it hasn’t shown back up for me.

No. 2200227

I see this a lot

No. 2200274

I agree with your sentiment, but we have had this reaction from other natural disasters. Any time there is any kind of disaster that is exacerbated by government mismanagement or sociopathic policies, people forget the logistical nightmare of leaving a state in a short period of time and think it's easy - so they start pointing fingers at all the people who lost their homes or those who died. There are stubborn people during every disaster who refuse to respond to the severity of it, I think everyone assumes that if you didn't leave, it's because you chose not to, and not because you don't have a car, or access to transportation, or money for a hotel, or gas, or you're a caretaker, or any of the other reasons that make it difficult to leave. Not to mention the employers who literally threaten people with homelessness if they don't go to work, even if it's in an area that's sure to experience devastation. But people are retarded, especially the loudest people who claim to be progressive / leftist / whatever flavor opposite of conservative. They act like they're intelligent but then they make fun of people without understanding the systems that keep them in place.

No. 2200295

i've noticed the same thing and it makes me feel so hopeless. feels like only a minority are picking up on this while everyone else continues to zombify themselves being completely unaware of how they're being psyoped

No. 2200333

I started noticing this under music videos on YouTube. A lot of these celebrities are not as organically popular as they seem, I feel like the idea of celebrity has died after the era that produced Michael Jackson, Whitney, Prince, etc. and now it’s just a bunch of influencers mascaraded as celebrities who have PR teams who buy streaming and comment bots to make them seem popular.

No. 2200339

Sorry I don't have any cameras,I doubt you can see something like that in the dark though.I pretty sure those same helicopters have high tech cameras or some advanced technology we haven't seen before so Id rather not.
I live in the South but could be a possibility.

No. 2200579

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This edit is awesome

No. 2200629

I figured out that the elites worship the same God as evangelicals, Christians, etc. they should worship a different aspect/mask of him.

No. 2200632

it's called astroturfing, i wanna be in pr and atp it's annoying how common it's become. it's also used to defend abusive and shitty celebrities.

for example there were bot and hired shill users defending kevin spacey when his trial got dismissed when in reality nobody fucking likes spacey

No. 2200710

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Do the hurricane faces creep anyone else out? This is Matthew, Michael, Milton and Maria

No. 2200753

the way I've seen literal kids being screamed at by these idiots as if the children had a choice to leave or not when it's literally their parents

No. 2200757

I also notice people use a lot of the "help" being advertised as an excuse to bash people
>muh shuttles
this was literally only available for 1 county
>uber is giving free rides!
for under 25$ and only to the comfort stations, which would only remain within the 25$ qualifications if you're not far from it
>muh gas!
gas is literally out at most gas stations, and traffic is backed up for 12+ hours. you'd either run out of gas or be stuck in your car by the time the hurricane comes
>well travel on foot!!!! NO excuses!!!
this is literally how people died in previous hurricanes

No. 2200939

Now that Tel Aviv isnt safe anymore and it's obvious the Iron Dome is useless, plus 10% of Israelis had to be evacuated from dangerous border regions, you think they'll make Ukraine the new Zion? I heard Israelis are leaving the country en masse and scrambling to get passports to other nations before a full blown war breaks out.

No. 2200941

Also Ukraine is the historical land of Khazaria where Ashkenazi Jews once had an empire.

No. 2201013

Get out of my head nonnie I was just thinking how freaky Milton looks this morning!
And regarding Matthew: Would.

No. 2201039

Native Americans on tiktok are saying that the face of Milton is an angry ancestor who is killing Floridians after someone ruined a native burial ground by putting his driveway across it

No. 2201084

the more of these videos i see, the more i'm starting to believe in the race conspiracies. From South America, Africa, Asia and middle East..Apart from 1 or 2 exceptions, They are all literally hell on Earth filled with the most depraved chaos. Why? It can't be explained away anymore with basic excuses of poverty. Everyone has the opportunity to do something. No country started rich. It feels wrong to say but it's like whites are, at their core, spiritually ascended and fundamentally different to every other group on the planet.

I'm lowkey wondering if whites are aliens.(racebait)

No. 2201090

believing tiktok? let me guess, underage?

No. 2201096

I didn’t say I believed them anon, was sharing something funny I saw repeatedly on tiktok.
Hoteps think white and East Asian people are aliens lol

No. 2201102

There's been conspiracy theories floating around that point to that. The war in Ukraine was supposed to kill a massive amount of both Ukrainians and Russians. The intention was to defeat Russia and then repopulate Ukraine with Israelis who were to be displaced by the Axis of Resistance following Oct 7th. This obviously isn't going to happen now that Russia is winning the war in Ukraine.

I doubt that it ever was a serious plan because of it's outright malice. Israelis forced to flee Israel would have to leave behind property and businesses. A lot of wealth would be lost. The elites don't care about ordinary people regardless of race or religion so who knows.

No. 2201117

lols. I didn't know that. I assume hoteps are calling them aliens purely negatively because they are black supremacists who think they are egyptians who invented everything? kek. I was joking around about the alien part but something isn't adding up. The white anglo-saxon/celtic race from a small island country built like 4 first world countries in a mere 200 years but we're told that non-western countries are hellscapes because poverty. Ok… but anglos didn't start rich and they built Australia literally from scratch and it's arguably the most successful country on the planet.

The excuses from the official narrative don't add up and I think people are scared to talk about race/IQ conspiracies because you get accused of being racist but the white race act so differently compared to everyone else. I can see why they do believe they're the "chosen" race. There's something other worldly about them. Maybe they are aliens.

No. 2201131

They think anyone with pale skin who burns in the sun isn’t from this planet kek. It’s interesting how they pick and choose which parts of history and science to listen to, they believe they’re Egyptians with magical powers and that Egypt is actually America because the maps were changed so therefore they’re the real Native Americans and native Americans are actually white. They’re aware that Northern Europeans descended from East Asian people originally so that’s another reason why they group them together besides skin color. Hoteps are so amusing to me.

No. 2201134

no, nonna. You're not meant to question how and why the anglo race built 4 first world countries in 200 years and wonder why other races in places like venezuala can't build even 1 simple functioning country in their entire history. We are all the same and there's absolutely no fundamental, biological differences between us. We are all one race, the human race and any differences can be chalked up to external, socio-economic factors. There's no race conspiracy or truths that they are hiding from us.(global rule #7)

No. 2201144

>Northern Europeans descended from East Asian people originally
…no, they don’t kek see that’s the thing with some of you, you lurk on certain groups for a laugh and then unironically start believing some of their bullshit

No. 2201150

Yes they did anon

No. 2201152

why are you guys so obsessed with hoteps? those guys are so niche in their pseudo-cult ways and unless you’re black and live in new york or dc, you’re not gonna see/hear about them, like where did you all come from?

No. 2201155

History isn’t just rich = good countries and poor= bad countries. There is so many factors that led the Anglo people taking over. If an ethic group came from a shitty climate with limited resources it’s going to be way harder for them to develop civilization. The Anglos were primitive people before the Romans gave them civilization. The UK is an island with shitty resources and harsh winters they NEEDED outside forces to civilize them. The Japanese who are praised for their functional society used to be primitive tribal people before the Yayoi took over with their ability to cultivate rice. Read a history book before getting brainwashed by /pol/.

No. 2201170

I’m not obsessed with them, and everyone has heard of them because they make their presence very known online, I see them in random comment sections on various websites and they always say hilarious shit. Dr Umar also goes viral regularly

No. 2201177

No, Romans didn't "civilise" Anglos. Anglos weren't even in Britian when Romans Invaded. Anglos came 5 centuries later. I think you should read a history book or a simple google search. Kek.

No. 2201317

>Venezuela can't build even 1 simple functioning country in their entire history.
Subjective, disjointed goalposts, the history of “Venezuela” and the development of America cannot be differentiated by “two random places, one good and functional, the other bad and eternally dysfunctional, Venezuelans bad”
Same thing, are you really trying to argue the Romans didn’t wholly impact Britain’s development including subsequent generations of anglos?

No. 2201330

It's literally not the same thing. Lmfao. You said Romans civilised anglos when they weren't even there. Roman occupation of britian was short lived and considered insignificant and whatever they did do fell apart in the collapse of the Roman empire, and they left 0 genetic trace in the British population. They had nothing to do with Anglos and what Anglos achieved. Cope harder.

No. 2201361

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Insignificant? The name Britain literally came from the Romans LMAOOOO. The Romans also gave them Latin, Christianity, and their fucking capital.

No. 2201364

>romans gave us London
thanks for nothing pastaniggers(global rule #7)

No. 2201368

Arent Jewish people used to fleeing? My impression of Israel/Tel Aviv is its more of a US military base in the middle east and acts as a kind of 'vacation home' for Zionist Jews to sit out and await the Messiah's supposed second coming. Nobody wants to flee their home but the threat of being nuked and having rockets falling on your houses would definitely drive most sensible folk away.

No. 2201369

Ugh, we must retvrn.

No. 2201372

There's a theory that white people are from a lineage stemming from the being known as Lucifer. Basically Lucifer was like a demi-god in his own right because he was bestowed with knowledge. He's also described as a being of light/illuminator, some people interpret that as fair and white skinned, others view that as a bringer of technological revolutions.(racebait)

No. 2201389

NTA. The original inhabitants of Britain were the celts. Saxons who were germanic, didn't arrive in Britain until after the Roman Empire had collapsed.

Israel being an "unsinkable aircraft carrier" in the middle east is part of it's existence. Both Mossad and the CIA have used Israel as a base to destabilize the middle east for over half a century. It's still or at least was a functional country, which means that there would be ordinary people that aren't part of the government, intelligence services or military.

Another theory is that white people are descended from the nephilim. The nephilim were the children of human women and fallen angels.(racebait)

No. 2201391

what the fuck is happening in this thread right now?

No. 2201454

Unfortunately this place is currently racebait central

It's weird, it felt like over a decade ago people took online privacy seriously, and now people just throw out their names, their workplaces, and where they live just anywhere

No. 2201645

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Zomg! Temporarily occupying foreign colonists named stuff!!!(integrate)

No. 2201652

All I got was that apparently white people are magical Allen angels or something

No. 2201994

i know this is racebait or whatever but i think you're just genuinely ignorant. you do know that for majority of history that europe wasn't stable right? it really was only after the middle ages but more so after the industrial revolution that europe started to become more stable. and there were two world wars that took place there not even that long ago lol

No. 2202104

I think they were just trolling but it’s funny that other people think the same thing, a lot of black people (not just hoteps) think that white people aren’t human. They usually say that whites are aliens or related to satan/demons somehow but I’ve also heard someone sperg about how leprosy is a white disease and white people are all leprechauns, I don’t remember how she linked the two together though. Also back during the Arab slave trade white slaves were the most valued and Arabs thought white people had magical powers, especially white propel with light eyes. It’s why evil eye charms are usually blue.

No. 2202108

They’re also forgetting the things that white people in power do to random citizens, which isn’t very peaceful or spiritually ascended kek. People used to be thrown in dungeons or tortured or executed for literally nothing. The US government has a history of experimenting on its citizens as well. While other areas have higher crime there are still white pedophiles, rapists, killers and sadists like there are with every other group. Most of the worst aspects of humanity is just a male problem.

No. 2202159

I’m not sure if this should be posted in the celebcow thread or here but I remember watching the vma’s back in 2005 and there was a Beavis and Butthead segment prior to commercial break (or was it after?) where they were talking about having rapper names and Butthead replied something along the lines of “mine would be Butt Diddy heheh”. I remember thinking that was funny as a 13/14-year old and didn’t think much of it other than a reference to P. Diddy but now that it’s all out in the open, I wonder if that answer was intentional for those in the know? Is it safe to assume that Mike Judge runs in the same circles as Seth McFarlane and The Simpson’s creators? Probably a stupid question to ask at this point.

No. 2202188

I’m sure most of the people in the entertainment industry have participated at some point, it’s just how they are. Or he might have known about it and didn’t care, so he just joked about it

No. 2202337

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shit image but i can't find many screenshots of it, remember this? what the fuck was this kek? i remember doing it in 2016-ish and it worked. it was real. bored google employees or the shittiest form of inter-cabal communication?

No. 2202799

NTA but the stuff rome left baths and temples, villas etc were abandoned. The common tongue was never Latin and people reverted to tribal Celtic kingdoms until the Anglos/English arrived and imposed their Germanic language and culture on the region. Christianity can be said to be a surviving cultural relic from the occupation, but only in Wales. In England it had to be reintroduced and the Picts didn’t become Christian until after Romans left.

It is really in the English Renaissance and the Early Modern Period that Britain started to consciously emulate Ancient Roman and Greek culture and politics. This was borne by the spirit of antiquarianism and had nothing to do with a legacy of Roman occupation.

None of what you said is relevant to the anons first post but big emphasis on the USED to. Kek. Stopped centuries ago. Whites put man on the moon and 100 million Indonesians still can't figure out how to build a sidewalk. How are Whites the same. It doesn't make any sense. They are aliens.(racebait)

No. 2202944

So, if whites are aliens… Anyone know how I can get back to my home planet? Pls

No. 2203007

Just as the moon influences people's behaviour, like not being able to sleep at a full moon, the same way sun influences it. Whenever there's a plasma explosion on the sun the few days later people engage in significantly more drama a fighting on a big and small scale.

No. 2203292

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No. 2203326

ik this is old but as a certified MJ sperg, this is really implausible. despite the fact that michael was in a lot of debt, he was still the family's cash cow, and in a fucked up way they did care about him and stage multiple interventions regarding his drug use.
i know a lot of people think the relationship between MJ and lisa marie presley was PR, but it was a lot more insidious than that. in an oprah interview (that i can't find a full clip of anywhere after lisa marie presley's death) priscilla presley said mj would call the house asking to take lisa marie on dates from the time she was 16 years old. lisa marie's story was always consistent that mj basically manipulated her into leaving her husband for him, and she thought he genuinely loved her (makes sense considering she was barely 20 and still naive) until she realized he was on drugs and a bit of a sociopath. she talked a lot about the "vampires" that were leeching off michael and isolating him from both her and his family, and these "vampires" are likely the people who ultimately figured he was better off dead than alive. during the whole child molestation court case he called her crying and apologizing for how he treated her and she basically said "tough luck." (their relationship ended on bad terms after hooking up on-again off-again for 4 years after their divorce, another reason i don't believe their relationship was fake)
either way mj would've died shortly after his actual time of death because he was 5'10" and under 100 lbs, anorexic, and a junkie, not to mention all the psychological things that were off in his head.

No. 2203519

I hate this shit

No. 2203530

I hate these creepy things too, they’re only like $1600 and a lot of law enforcement and random warehouses have them. They can also open doors

No. 2203727

If you watch The Boys it seriously explains the prison planet theory so well, especially in its last season finale that gives a bleak glimpse of the bigger picture. This seems like reddit shit but I started noticing how many current tv shows and how they’re written could be great metaphors to our imprisonment on this planet and the powers that create these suffocating conditions. I’m really not going to sperg out and write a tldr about a gorey tv show and the parallels to prison planet/simulation theories also cloning/drugs all of that stuff, it’s just something I’ve noticed

No. 2203729

why the uptick in prison planet anons recently?

No. 2203757

These are going to be surveillance devices that watch you on a deeper, more intimate level than any other piece of modern technology - how else will they train the AI? I hate, hate, hate, the panopticon. Fuck you.

No. 2203765

Nta I've been sperging about the demiurge on here intermittently for years. Prison planet is a term getting popular elsewhere too and the concepts are merging and getting brought up in the consciousness more, especially as futures are more and more bleak.

No. 2203792

Doesn’t Alex Jones believe in this shit? He, or PJW literally had a website called ‘prison planet’ based off the concept.

No. 2203799

They are only $30k too, pretty affordable. It’s going to become so common for people to have them. With teslas and cyber trucks having so many safety problems I’m sure these are going to end up being dangerous. Also I saw women talking about how they’ll make these their charming AI robot husbands

No. 2203800

It’s becoming very popular in general

No. 2203801

>Also I saw women talking about how they’ll make these their charming AI robot husbands
I hope men get really self-conscious about it and start vandalizing them out of fear of robot cuckholdry

No. 2203823

I will jailbreak my robot husbando so I won't have this problem. you however can continue to stay with your ugly fat husband who can't give you orgasms and is obsessed with femboy porn.

No. 2203830

I’m going to design one robot husband to look like Aaron Taylor Johnson and the other will look like Logan Lerman, and I’ll also take males out to the woods and have my robots chase and kill them

No. 2203832

>you however can continue to stay with your ugly fat husband who can't give you orgasms and is obsessed with femboy porn.

No. 2203842

This video explains Gnosticism pretty well, his videos in general are accurate and well made. This theory and the prison planet are gaining popularity. The school planet one is also popular but some people hate it because they don’t think they would have chosen to experience child abuse or loss or whatever else

No. 2203861

Does anything come up on Flightradar or ADS-B identifying what they are? Have a look next time they're out.

No. 2203869

These things are still happening, and retarded /pol/tards want everyone to pretend they don't see it. Europe is the world's largest host for CP, and their moids are globally known for going to poor countries to rape kids and vulnerable women. A rich, white French moid literally drugged his wife and raped her along with a bunch of other men, and even when arrested, people (including other women) defended them and they were laughing with court staff. Joe Biden and Donald Trump are still weird predators, Bill Clinton frequently went to Epstein's island but never went to jail (no one who did went). Human rights abuses wherever they hold power. Not a single poor country with American or British soldiers where they haven't committed rape and/or murder on women and children. Inhumane detention centers and human trafficking abound to/from western countries. This piece of shit raping, torturing and killing animals and hoarding photos of dead children since the 90s, the FBI and police have been called. Nothing happening, he's still walking free. Meanwhile, countries like Venezuela actually arrest these people when they're tracked down. Entire towns in the US denied clean water, and most of the population in said towns on meth and/or inbred because the money generated by the "war on drugs" is too sweet and they are negligent to their citizens. PFAs in all the fucking water because companies do not care and would rather cover shit up and poison people for money (even as they cause cancer, like with aqueous film-forming foam). Deliberate interference all over the world, especially to destabilize South American and African countries to make it easier to collect resources. Police knowledge of mass shooter threats met with inaction, transgender bullshit allowed to spread to the point where women's shelters can be threatened for not allowing abusive men, laws against child marriage still not codified into US federal law. "Noble" and "spiritually ascended", my ass. Humans (specifically moids and pickmes) are just shit. Some just hide and make excuses better than others because they're wealthier. Retards will kvetch about broken-down roads and openly known acts of evil in thirdie countries, not because they're horrified, but to deflect from the better-hidden but still known (and with even more as of yet unknown) acts of evil at home that also reach international levels.

No. 2204237

This doesn't really make sense though. So you're saying that because civilization A has criminals, even thought it has criminals and crime at a lower rate than civilization B, they're both exactly as bad as each other?

No. 2204244

I can't remember what language it was but I typed "KO" into it loads of times and eventually it turned into a weirdly spooky message about walking down railway tracks, and then at one point it came up with numbers?? It was very VERY odd kek

No. 2204319

OK and? Gnosticism is thousands of years old. If we didn't talk about anything Alex Jones was tangentially retarded about, we wouldn't talk about anything here

No. 2204420

File: 1728754826651.png (1.03 MB, 1290x1560, Qaw8OFX.png)

is this true?

No. 2204425

>uses the word kvetch
>while demonizing white people
I wonder who could be behind this post.(back to /pol/)

No. 2204426

"Billionaire dad" sounds like a stretch but this would explain why she's been so wildly astroturfed.

No. 2204443

>only jews can know multiple English words
It's not my fault you are illiterate. In general, limited vocabulary is not a racial trait, but if it were, it'd be a negative one.
Pointing out the simple, observable fact that the white race (a race of humans who do and perpetuate fucked up shit like any other) is not "spiritually ascended" is not "demonizing" it, unless you're an insecure snowflake who is deeply hurt when people don't accept the delusions you try to push as truth. This also ties into when trannies accuse you of "literally killing" them for stating the simple, observable fact that they are men and not women.
"You're a jew" is the sad, thought-terminating cliche that all /pol/tards use. It works especially well because they either look exactly like the Ashkenazi they hate and blame so much, or they are literally brown but LARP as white online. It puts them in a constant state of "who's the jew", fear of DNA tests and identity crises. Remember when Goring tried to convince a Jewish person with blond hair and blue eyes to lie about their ancestry and claim German to avoid getting gassed? Remember how many Ashkenazi Jews did just that and "passed" through the war? That's how insincere and shaky the root of that entire dogma is.

No. 2204470

Because it explains my whole entire life. I am around spirits, angels, and gods constantly and my idea on the prison planet still won’t change. Interacting with them (this is not schizophrenia I’m one of the crunchy woowoo /g/ tards) has given me much more clarity on their worldviews and ideas especially the ones who created the nephilim, the watchers because one of them might be my mother’s guardian (not 100% sure it’s just a hunch/certain instances/funny dream) and the stuff I was channeling was pretty insane. One of them for some reason loves to complain about the biblical “God” but that’s how I’m filtering their personality, they don’t really have personalities and can practically shapeshift which is scary to me and that’s why I don’t trust them all that much anymore. I’m just thankful I know about these things now before I’m on my death bed

No. 2204519

why are twitter retards so obsessed with the Israel/Palestine conflict?

No. 2204561

It's the new trend that gives engagement and makes people seem nice or truly evil (because there's only one or another) to others. So people will use the Israel vs Palestine stuff to force others to take sides and build an echochamber about whatever they want to hear.
It was the same with Ukraine vs Russia war but it's not popular anymore and it wasn't that easy to exploit because the victims were "white looking" therefore it didn't give people enough engagement than a girl with a hijab crying on camera for 5 minutes with a destroyed city on the back and people screaming and crying, while she carries a baby or eveb two that are wearing rags.

No. 2204567

A hit dog will holler.

No. 2204605

And you did.

No. 2204622

wtf is with all the /pol/tards lately lmao

No. 2204623

based based based

No. 2204690

This is so creepy, I love it, wasn't there a glitch in Haitian too?

No. 2204713

/pol/tards are like controlled opposition. If goons like them run around blaming everything on Jews, black people, immigrants, etc. we can spend all of our time arguing about identity politics instead of uniting on our commonalities as human beings and slaughtering the people that suck us dry and leave us for death. It's sad that so called "women" on this site actually agree with the retards on /pol/, the retards on Xitter, who comingle with the retards on TruthSocial, Stormfront, and Gab. Sadly, the real human beings that actually believe this crap have been fed ancient slop and they actually believe it. You stupid fucks. I want to think that I should be kind to people like this, because they've just been brainwashed by "the powers that be", but another part of me knows that anyone that subscribe to this line of thinking probably terrorizes people in their own personal life.

No. 2204741

This is the problem with having sympathy for people that are "brainwashed," whether they be TiFs or racist women. It doesn't matter that they're gullible enough to fall for it, it still causes them to act out harmfully towards others by spreading their social virus. When Red Army soldiers were mass-raping German women in 1944-1945, female soldiers encouraged this behavior. A notable quote from one of them: "'Our soldiers' behaviour towards Germans, particularly German women, is absolutely correct!'" Idiots don't deserve sympathy.

No. 2204748

Yet it's always the women that have to bear the consequences and never moids. It's not like the army moids raped these women because of some moral decision. They raped them because they are rapists.

No. 2204883

this ruined my fucking day

No. 2204887

I’m not uniting with dirty filthy scrotes

No. 2204897

I honestly think where I'm from Northern Ireland is a small enough place in the UK that we can be uses for case studies. Our history is rife with identity politics and its embarrassing and cringe how we vote without fail for dipshit politicians because we're constantly in an us vs them state. Our government was shut down for years ffs and no one cared lol. It's well known our paramilitaries give political counsel and its absolutely mental. Its so fucking retarded basing all your political will and vote on identity issues. Fucking grow up and sort out the economy I assure everyone will be less focused on bullshit if they can have more spending power

No. 2204920

My main issue is that it seems like we will forever be fighting with people that are most similar to us in class and social standing, while people hidden from us deploy all sorts of tricks to brainwash people. It's like having your family turn into zombies and then having to fight them off or make the difficult decision to kill them, meanwhile the people that create the zombie-production-machines are just guffawing, raking in their money, whispering in politicians' ears, and building their bunkers to hide from us when we finally wise up. Is this what I'm doomed to do for the rest of my life?
/pol/tards aren't the only ones swallowing the slop, I'm fairly certain that the same bots / disinfo campaigns are spreading "left wing" ideology the same way. Look at all the retards that are willing to worship people like Pol Pot, for godsake. Retards that run around going "might as well not vote because what we need to do is kill the bourgeoise!" and invalidating everyone who just wants to not live paycheck to paycheck. You can see this happening on subreddits a lot, especially the lefty kinds, where suddenly you can't have a critical discussion at all, or you're a "capitalist". Bots, or paid people, that's their function/job. But the retards that fall for the slop they push, are those the people I have to fight for the rest of my life? FML

No. 2204981

>/pol/tards aren't the only ones swallowing the slop
I’ve seen a huge rise in antisemitism in general from a wide variety of people, just online. The Israel Palestine conflict is part of it. Now that people are talking about predators in the media industry, in a lot of the videos online the comments will have “interesting how it’s always the same people” with their flag, especially if it involves children being preyed on, or human trafficking. It’s not just white people, my fyp is like half black creators and it’s the same with them and other races. The video could really be about anything, like blackrock and vanguard, politicians or wealthy people, will always have multiple people pointing out that they’re Jewish. There’s a tiktoker who posts extensively about how almost all brands are owned by a few corporations and they all lead back to investment companies and banks, and he also ways stealthily points out that it’s always Jewish people involved, and his comments are filled with their flag and people saying of course it’s one of them. There’s also a lot of people pointing out that Jewish people are some of the most inbred and pointing out problems they have with their religious beliefs and culture, namely pedophilia and incest normalization. I was also going through a tiktokers recent likes and there was a video of a German tank with iron crosses and whatever else on it, with millions of likes and the comment section was filled with people saying they woke up recently, they’re glad to see how many people realize the truth about Jews, or “I think we’ll be in your side, the right side this time” and a lot of insinuation that it’s going to happen again but will be more successful now. Weird because most of the commenters seemed to be from countries that have sided with Israel. All that to say, it’s not just pol users at this time, it’s just gaining popularity in general

No. 2204983

Can I ask how you communicate with them?

No. 2204988

They make us fight each other because we're all so tribalistic and retarded as long as no side wins we seem to be content being the biggest losers. If there wasn't power in the population there wouldn't be so much money in advertisements and propaganda. The people in power are technically only people it's baffling why we don't remove them from their roles they are suppose to serve us.

No. 2204991

We can’t really remove them when they have militaries and advanced technology, this isn’t the 1700s where overthrowing someone just needed a few people with swords. People love to talk about how they want the people in power to be removed without any actual ideas as to how to make significant changes.

No. 2204993

They managed it in the 60s

No. 2204995

They had nowhere near the amount of surveillance that we do now. We are all being tracked 24/7 unless we live innawoods cut off from everything and everyone.

No. 2204996

Samefag, I forgot to mention that one of the main reasons I see people falling for this rhetoric is that only about 2% of the US population is Jewish, but like 80% of the people in Hollywood are Jewish, (and more like 90% of the people in charge of Hollywood) and then they’re like 95% or more of the people running banks and investment companies, which own everything else.

I’m not agreeing with them of course, I know posting that in the conspiracy thread will automatically read as if I am, it’s just that when some people look at statistics like that it will stand out as very odd to them

No. 2205000

Because it is odd. The only way you achieve those numbers when youre only 2% of the population is when you're actively barring non-jews from entry.

No. 2205001

But the technology that the government had back in the 60s was probably similar to the technology the public has now, their current technology is far beyond what we personally have. The largest airforce the world belongs to the US, and the second largest airforce in the world belongs to the US navy. Random citizens wouldn’t stand a chance of forcibly removing anyone from power lol, and trying to vote the right people into or out of power isn’t going to accomplish much either. The types of people who talk about overthrowing the government are just so funny to me.

No. 2205005

You don't have to be violent or committing crimes to be resistant. You need to get people motivated to actually take to the streets and make a genuine lawful outcry. If fucking trade unionists can fight private companies and win rights why the fuck can't the general population because we're all so brow beaten by how shit this amazing technological world is and how we all seem to be time and money poor but whoopdee woo we've all got a little phone in our pocket that fills the void

No. 2205009

Jewish people often became bankers if they lived in predominantly Catholic areas because the Catholics weren’t allowed to for a long time. But they still needed a banks, so even though one of the popes came out and said it’s ok somewhere down the line, Jewish families already had a lot of footing in the banking industry.

No. 2205018

I know why it became so common for them to be bankers, but to some people the reasoning doesn’t change the fact that 2% of the population control almost all banks, it leads to them becoming more suspicious of them as a group and then they’re introduced to information about human trafficking and exploitation (Jewish men also created and own the modern porn industry and the content of modern porn is disturbing and makes people suspicious after finding that out). One of the beliefs in abrahamic religions is that fallen angels had sex with attractive human women (and girls I’m assuming) and that also creeps women out because it’s predatory and weird. I’ve tried pointing out that it’s just how men with power always act, like the kpop industry has child exploitation and the men in charge are all abusing the idols, especially when they’re kids. They also pretty much traffick the idols to wealthy men as a prostitution front, it’s not just Jewish men that’s just a male problem. Once people grab onto these theories though they become convinced that Jewish men are behind everything wrong with society and basically live to exploit and abuse women, children and young men

No. 2205040

That's true anon. And I have to elaborate now because you mentioned that… My personal feelings are that it's not about being Jewish, it's about being in power and what being in power does to a person. Antisemitism is a powerful tool to divide people because you don't go after the rich bankers and Hollywood groomers, you see people attacking the nearest Jewish person they encounter. Class uprisings don't occur with antisemitism. It's a clever ruse to distract people because of the commonality of Jewish people in positions of power. Antisemitism is used to divert people away from the bigger issue: Jewish or not, these people have disproportionate amounts of influence over our livelihoods, and we must take the power back. Whatever that looks like, if the population only focuses on being antisemitic in general, nothing will be done - people who have the same amount of power as you or I would be persecuted the most, because they're the most readily available. All of this race bullshit, even gender and sex bullshit, it means nothing compared to how we have to go about our lives with possibly less than 100 people controlling billions, including ourselves.

No. 2205256

It quite literally is about being Jewish, there are Jews who think they are superior to other people because they’re Jewish and most of them are always in higher positions. This shit is ridiculous, if you’re going to be a tinfoiler then you’re going to have to take your multicultural rose-colored glasses off and see how ruthless those people are. I don’t believe any Jewish person pretending to be “anti-Zionist” because it’s all a Ponzi scheme to them, a total lie to keep people trapped in a matrix that only benefits them as a people. The biggest lie is that you have to be a leftist Palestinian tard or a white supremacist to figure this out or notice this when you can just be an average person recognizing the patterns.
>all of this race bullshit
That will exist until the end of time because tribalism is not a fault in humanity, it’s by design.
>all of this gender and sex bullshit
Mhmmm yes let’s just let these male elites rape women and feast on their energetic bodies, let these males spread degenerate porn and hypersexualization of children and women everywhere, let’s have them kill us because sex doesn’t matter omg you’re so brilliant! This is how people are maimed and killed, because they seriously think other people who are hellbent on destroying other identities will have mercy on you people who want the world to become a bunch of meaningless New Age mush. Ridiculous, what is with this feluskon being spread about them dividing and conquering? They are simply using divisions that have already existed since the dawn of time and these divisions are to stop from society fully breaking down. I’m not going to unite with a male who benefits off my oppression no matter how much he tries to come off as a nice guy, I’m not uniting with a group of people who are all on the same time no matter how much they pretend to be against the genocide happening in Palestine. This world is entirely fake and these groups exist for a reason.(racebait)

No. 2205267

File: 1728818835021.jpg (64.9 KB, 540x680, GYGWIg5WoAESnkN.jpg)

In case some of you were wondering why there are some very botlike "people" and opinions all over social media (and why all its proponents are still botlike and weird off social media, and on sites like this)

No. 2205272

I agree, all men act like that when they have money and power. It’s always random Jewish people who experience hate crimes and harassment, not the actual men involved in these industries

No. 2205288

I'm not surprised by that screenshot, it's always Indians doing this shit from the replies I've seen no matter the language of the tweet. Bonus if the icon of these accounts are badly done AI portraits of Indian men or women. And they all copy each other and aren't subtle about it. I never interact with blue checkmarks account or I report them for spamming reply sections, it's frustrating that nobody replies to them but their tweets still get likes, because you can't check anymore if the likes are from actual people or from fellow bots or people pretending to be someone else like the anon from the screenshot.

No. 2205293

One of the dumber things to me is how all the right-wing people who complain about "the Jews" try to convince people to vote for Trump, while ignoring the fact that Trump fully supports and allies himself with that same 1% of wealthy Jewish men causing problems. Their logic is so ass-backwards. Attack random innocent people, but ball-gargle those actually in power at all costs.

No. 2205297

you hit the nail on the head nonna

No. 2205349

File: 1728825598473.mp4 (5.15 MB, 576x1024, Undergroundelevator .MP4)

The heck

No. 2205366

The place looks pretty real but that guy's voice inflection rubs me the wrong way. Many things run through your head when you're traspassing somewhere that massive. How could he not be thinking "OMFG this place must belong to the military, we could get in serious trouble, let's be quiet and record in silence" but instead he's shouting and recording like he know's he and his friends are alone in there. When you're discovering an abandoned or secret place you don't go around like a retard talking that loud. Maybe I'm sperging too much because I miss doing that shit.

No. 2205403

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Most of these places would have been constructed as bunkers during the cold war when there was the threat of nuclear annihilation so their existence isn't a surprise. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of these bunkers in America as they were constructed by the military, civilian agencies and private individuals. That's not to say that they haven't been repurposed for other means and I wouldn't at all surprised to find that interconnected bunkers are now being used for human and drug trafficking, especially as many of these bunkers were abandoned with no further oversight. The same could also be said of abandoned mines. There's hundreds of these in California and the south western states.

No. 2205404

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Your suggestion reminds me of picrel.

No. 2205423

There was a loud crash landing in Washington DC at around midnight, if you look it up there are a ton of videos of people there showing it. People tried to track the flights in the area but there weren’t any, and DC was allegedly a no flight zone because of the weather. It was suggested that it might have been a comet or something. There were hundreds of police officers gathered around in one area, which someone recorded. People in other areas say that the same thing happened in their areas last night as well, but I’ve yet to see videos from them

No. 2205487

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One of the more strange actions of the last Trump administration was that the US military spent half billion dollars on training the army for underground combat in bunkers and caves. At the time the official response said that it was because Russia, China and North Korea utilize large underground bunkers. There were also some conspiracies suggesting that Trump was preparing to send the army in to clear out illegal underground activity in the US. Now it seems that it was more likely to be training against Iran and Hezbollah who both make extensive use of underground bunker and tunnel systems.


No. 2205639

File: 1728844482362.webp (313.08 KB, 1177x1177, 1000006854.png)

How do I leave the schizotok

No. 2205645

by getting off tiktok as a whole? wtf kek

No. 2205661

Who the fuck invited Darryl Anka
It’s generally pretty popular so conspiracy and spirituality spaces are talking a lot about it plus lots of celebrities (Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Chris Distefano, David Icke, Joe Rogan, etc.) and big YouTubers (TheWhyFiles and similar conspiracy-type people) have been talking a lot about it. Generally Gnosticism is a pretty nihilistic religion too and people nowadays are super pessimistic so they need a religion to give them meaning in life while also supporting that feeling of “fuck the world and fuck this bullshit I’m dealing with” also to help contextualize all the weird shit that’s happening like with AI stuff
They both run it iirc and Alex Jones had David Icke on a few times. I don’t think everyone who believes in it is some MRA alt-right trad tard but many sadly are (then again so are a lot of new age idiots) but I don’t blame people for being turned off to the theory. Lots of people say the whole thing feels like new age Scientology and it’s nowhere near a cult but it does give me vibes of it (especially the whole “past life regression to being trapped by aliens” shit which was literally how Scientology started), new age stuff is way more culty though imo

No. 2205829

shit like this fascinates me but I won't fry my brain any more than it already is by using tiktok

No. 2205880

I fucking hate white men,they are repugnant subhumans raping children and animals.white men are the spawn of the devil.

No. 2205896

File: 1728852477345.jpg (64.26 KB, 400x398, 1000006885.jpg)

I'm gonna get high and read all of this shit

No. 2205943

Asking for a non-crazy side of TikTok is like asking for a non-depraved side of /g/

No. 2206083

Some of our cows are Feds through family and military connections. Sure, they’re not ‘active’ but they’re Feds nonetheless.

No. 2206132

no, this is a really good point.

No. 2206176

Yeah but don’t you people have a woo-woo witchcraft thread for this shit? I’d rather talk about gay frogs than having this thread derailed with superstitious hocus pocus nonsense tbh.

No. 2206179

I bet your rh- blood gives superpowers, huh?

No. 2206638

Has anyone tried the gateway technique?

No. 2206811

File: 1728909716453.jpg (134.28 KB, 736x1104, f8843ac164c75b75ec0b87758aab6c…)

one of the reasons moids shame "cat ladies" is because cats are historically known as spiritual protectors of women and they don't want us to experience any sort of connection that helps shield us from negative energies

No. 2206817

File: 1728910256306.jpg (22.13 KB, 499x300, 1544727546691.jpg)

How did that go, anon?
I'm not very good at meditation but the few times I've used an audio from the Monroe Institute to meditate I fell asleep quite easily, good shit

No. 2207013

Not fully but I did watch quite a few videos on it and read different posts about it. From what I’ve seen results vary from person to person. It does seem good for mindfulness and relaxation but in terms of actually astral projecting you to some metaphysical realm I’m not sure I’m fully convinced. I listened to a few seconds of them once and it felt like I was looking up and I do think it causes or worsens disassociation / derealization because the first time I did them I already felt that way and it sort of exacerbated that. I listened to them one time for a few minutes but didn’t bother to finish, it was late anyways and it made me feel sleepier. Maybe someone else has experience that differed from me, I’ve seen people say they see aliens or go out of body, others say it’s good for mindfulness but that’s about it. There’s rumors that the tapes you can currently find aren’t the original ones and that the originals are what caused you to go out of body in minutes but I’m unsure how true that is. The Gateway Docs in general have a lot of rumors, misinfo, and such around them, lots of atheists just say it’s a Psyop and you’re dumb for even trying it

No. 2207018

Genuine question, would you consider discussion of the idea of being in a matrix woowoo talk that belongs in the witchcraft thread? Conspiracy talk sort of inherently tends to go metaphysical, and they're expressing the same idea using a different language framework.

No. 2207184


No. 2207190

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I know it’s said that he accidentally came across the Americas but I just saw a suggestion that he was intentionally trying to find new land for them, since they already had a general idea of where the Americas were

No. 2207381

Does anyone watch Sloan Bella? Supposedly, she talks to dead celebrities about Illuminati tea and describes her experiences on YouTube and allegedly, the elites killed her son because she talks too much about the going-ons. Is this chick legit or just another woowoo con? I bet she has rh- blood too.

No. 2207414

yes, his ex-wife is also connected to the military via family. Every time he’s near in trouble, nothing happens and gets a slap on the wrist. Chris Chan comes to mind too, his dad was in the military and a contract engineer for state and national conglomerates.

CIA in located in Langley Falls, Virginia l; make of that what you will.

No. 2207422

she’s just a glowie pretending to be a psychic, that’s how she’s “allowed” to not be shadow banned on youtube or even have her channel deleted like youtube does to the actual conspiracy theorists

No. 2207430

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I did a tarot reading on her but I don’t feel like typing out everything that I channeled kek. All I can say is that she has deep regrets on how her son has died, she wasn’t the person who thrown her son to the wolves to TPTB but she has ancestry connected to Kabbalah/Jewish mysticism something like that I really don’t know what it is but that’s what I picked up, she has regrets because whatever secret group she’s in has led to her son’s death but she has no specific hand it in. She was specifically chosen by these shadowy people because of her abilities so I don’t think she’s necessarily a fraud but she’s not telling people the full story because it would potentially be life-threatening. You should check her ig and social media, she goes on crazy ass zionist rants and that’s what confirmed my channeling about her being apart of something very secret and closed off the public, her parents or family might have been in it and it might have been passed down to her. All alleged these are just tarot cards but I have some tinfoils about her, she’s definitely deep into some occult circle we don’t know about, especially when she rambles about only serving “God” that is typical elitist codeword for “I worship a different aspect of God that you other people do”. It’s so obvious, you just have to pay attention to the details.

No. 2207432

>can’t you put your woo-woo talk in another thread
>is in a thread where people think celebrities are engaging in satanic rituals and reptilians running the world and turning the freaking frogs gay
I wish you mechanical atheistfags would stop shitting this thread about gay ass war shit, this is basically a containment thread to talk about the supernatural which is connected to “conspiracy theories” like /x/, gtfo

No. 2207442

I read one of these articles and was like hmm maybe he's onto something, let me read another. so I read the "1849 California gold rush was a hoax" article and his argument is that San Francisco existed in the 1500's because it appears on the Urbano Monte map, but he apparently fails to realize both that there have been multiple cities named San Fransisco, and that the one on the map is clearly on the coast of Mexico, not California. it's probably San Pancho. I'm not inclined to believe anything he posits if he makes such an obvious and clear mistake while presenting his "facts" with such conviction.

No. 2207447

i feel like this isn’t really discounting me saying she’s apart of a 3 letter agency, you’d most likely have to be of certain bloodlines to be apart of a few

No. 2207450

I know I was just adding to the convo because I agree with you guys kek, she smells funny

No. 2207505

>this is basically a containment thread to talk about the supernatural which is connected to “conspiracy theories” like /x/, gtfo

It actually isn't. The first thread was created as a containment for government conspiracies and pizzagate discussion. It's in the OP and has been since the first thread.

>Sekrit plans for world domination, sekrit klubz, government coverups and experiments, etc., etc..

>Pizzagate talk is welcome!

No. 2207555

“etc. etc.” for brevity retard. I’m going to talk about the reptilians and remote viewing until the cows come home and there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s. common sense that conspiracy theories overlap with spirituality, I hope you get gangstalked for being annoying

No. 2207574

You're the retard that is trying to pretend that this thread is something it's not. No one is telling you can't post about spirituality and supernatural based conspiracies. It's you telling people what they can't post government conspiracies which is what the thread was made for. If you aren't interested in a post someone else has made, scroll past it and ignore it. This isn't difficult.

No. 2207611

Yeah but we don’t need these threads to be clogged with ~muh magickal woman energy~ or “God is evil because he’s a man!”; there are other threads for that.

No. 2207616

I think you’re onto something - remote viewing, theta program and mk-often/mk-ultra are all glowie projects. Perhaps she also participated in such directly or indirectly and was allowed to Fedpost on the tubes.

No. 2207710

File: 1728975234509.mp4 (11.19 MB, 576x1024, ImmaculateConstellation .MP4)

A whistleblower sent information to congress about a program called “immaculate constellation”, where they retrieved crashed UFOs, UAPs and ARVs (alien reproduction vehicles) for reverse engineering, and has a huge database of all the pictures and videos of various UFO/UAP sightings over the years.

This is one of the military’s programs about UAPs, which have been conducted by the military, pentagon, the CIA and other entities without congress’s knowledge for decades. Immaculate constellation serves as a parent USAP (unacknowledged special access program) that consolidates observations of UAPs by both tasked and untasked collection platforms. The program serves to retrieve and quarantine UAPs and ARVs before it can be observed and circulated within the general military intelligence enterprise. The whistleblower’s report contains seven categories or evidence.

A former immaculate constellation official confirmed that the program is run by SEC DEF, the office of the secretary of defense. The official warned that printing the name “immaculate constellation” could trigger government surveillance of whoever publishes it.

After receiving the whistleblower’s report, congress contacted the department of justice for verification, and while the department of justice denied having a program called immaculate constellation, congress didn’t state the name of the program so the fact that the department of justice knew the name verifies it’s existence in a roundabout way.

No. 2207741

He kind of has a point when you think about the violent history of those areas, the Arab slave trade/arabization, the fact that they have multiple wives child brides and harems, and the nature of the major religions there

No. 2207786

I was speculating years ago that Columbus was Jewish. The city he was from, Genoa, was actually founded by the Phoenicians, a sea faring people who later mass converted to Judaism. The Phoenicians were pretty rotten people and used to engage in child sacrifice, slave trading and human trafficking.

The Spanish Inquisition and torture of Jews occurred in 1492, same year he set sail.
We already a ton of Jewish merchant conversos were setting sail to the new world to escape the persecuation.

Jews have a long history as slave traders. One of the most famous slave traders was Luis Moses Gomez. He was the patriarch of one of the most powerful merchant families ever and actually built the first ever synagogue in the US using slaves and slave money. His sons went on to become slave traders too and they owned some of the largest slave ships ever used. You can read about it here.


No. 2207792

File: 1728981003738.png (292.14 KB, 407x667, Screenshot 2024-10-15 at 09.26…)

It's because the people living in the middle east (including small hats) are the descendants of ancient Canaanites, Phoenicians and Carthaginians. They were some of the nastiest most subhuman people and engaged in some disgusting practices like ritual child slaughter and gangrape.

>Children – both male and female, and mostly a few weeks old – were sacrificed by the Carthaginians at locations known as tophets. The practice was also carried out by their neighbours at other Phoenician colonies in Sicily, Sardinia and Malta.


No. 2207799

An interesting thing about theJewish slave traders is that they did so because they lived in so many areas, the Middle East, Asia, north afrauca and the Mediterranean, so the Jews from those areas could speak the language there as well as Hebrew which they could use to communicate with each other. It was so much harder for people to learn foreign languages back then which put a huge barrier between different groups interacting with each other, traveling and doing business. Jewish people could easily traffick humans to different areas by selling them to other Jewish slave traders, which is why so many of them participated

No. 2207801

That mask is terrifying given the context. Interesting how the most popular religions came from such a horrible region

No. 2207803

It is, and it's one of the many reasons I dislike Abrahamic faiths in general. I dont want anything to do with that area of the world quite franky, and dont see why I should worship or revere gods of people from an area of the world I have no historical or genetic connection to.

Correct, they spread out all the way from Europe to China, many slave traders along the silk roads and among the Ottomans were Jewish, and being multilingual was important obviously for international trade.

No. 2207804

I assume since Jews were under constant persecution in any empire that they lived that it helped them by being constantly nomadic too. Interestingly the Khazars were also a nomadic people who traded all over Eurasia, and their empire became extremely wealthy from merchantry and slave trading too.

No. 2207882

Thanks for pointing out this academic paper, I'll definitely take a look at it. I do want to point out that exposure of infants (which is not sacrifice, but still murder) took place at least through the 1st c. CE in Greece and Rome. We don't have a ton of references to it but there are a few (one that comes to mind: man writing to his wife to tell her that if the baby is a boy, she should keep it, but if it's a girl, she should expose it). Exposure was done for sexist and economic reasons.

But thanks for the sacrifice article, I'm working on a different culture's considerations of human sacrifice so this could be useful.

One thing about ancient animal sacrifice that is often overlooked is that usually the gods wanted the useless parts, the parts humans didn't really eat: the bones and fat. The rest was eaten like a feast. That makes human sacrifice difficult to understand from a practical standpoint, but it certainly existed.

No. 2207915

interesting how moids will shame women who have abortions to save their lives and one even dared to call it a "modern cathargian sacrifice women use to advance their careers" despite the fetus not being really alive and conscious like a baby. But they have no problem throwing out their daughters to die horrible simply because they hate us.
And then we're supposed to pretend these cocksuckers are more spiritualy/intellectually advances than us.

No. 2207954

File: 1728995403911.png (461.98 KB, 862x722, 1000035497.png)

ayrt. Absolutely agree with you. Men had absolute legal power over their families in Roman antiquity. The paterfamilias could even sell his son (though not his daughter, for some reason). No child (whatever their age) was ever truly free of their father's authority until he died.

Picrel includes a documentary source (letter) and a couple fictional sources that are in line with other letters/accounts of infant exposure.

No. 2207966


Nutrition and health information is already kept from Americans. All for profit too.

No. 2207972

What nutrition and health information? I know Europeans have been fed a ton of propaganda about their food being better when it’s provably worse

No. 2207974

At least there isn’t sunflower oil and guar gum in everything in Europe

No. 2207983

There is though

No. 2207989

No one in the EU is eating chlorinated chicken.

No. 2207994

No one in the US is eating it either, that’s the misinformation and propaganda I’m talking about

No. 2208497

How do you know the Europeans are being misinformed, and not the Americans?

No. 2208522

It is better, though I'm not sure if it means that it's good. Companies need to abide to higher standards which is why many american companies stuggle to sell their products there. A simple proof is that many countries have dishes containing raw meat which can be consumed safely, while it's much riskier to do in the US. Some non-US countries have also banned certain ingredients (like certain food colorings) while the US hasn't.

No. 2208525

Because Europeans think American food is filled with toxic chemicals and theirs isn’t, and they believe Americans eat ingredients that are banned everywhere else in the world, which are both false. Europeans always bring up high fructose corn syrup and red dye 40 the most when food in European countries has both of those things, just under different names. There are like 6 ingredients allowed in the US that have been banned in some countries (definitely not “everywhere else”) and the US has banned over 30 that have been proven to be harmful, that are still allowed in the EU. European news outlets also fear monger about American food when the food in their countries is worse https://techround.co.uk/business/american-food-standards/

No. 2208530

That’s misinformation. The US has banned food dyes that are still allowed in the EU, while the food dyes Europeans BELIEVE have been banned in the EU actually haven’t been. take red dye 40 for example, Europeans say that it’s toxic and disgusting and banned in Europe, when that isn’t true. It’s called allura red in Europe, and it’s consumed in far higher amounts than it is in America.

No. 2208583

in modern times males love to leave their daughters in a car so they die from the heat then claim it was an "accident".

No. 2208600

It's part of their prophecy that they will have spread their influence out over all nations in the world before their messiah returns/

No. 2208603

okay schizo

No. 2208648

Some religious beliefs are so creepy

No. 2208810

Interesting for sure but is there any proof beyond this guy’s word? He seems like kind of a nut so I’m not sure I fully trust it, plus he’s been on Joe Rogan’s podcast and has a track record with paranormal stuff (his name is Jeremy Corbell if you wanna look for yourself) so it seems a lot of what he’s saying is “I’m right, bro trust me” I fear this may just be another Bob Lazar (fellow whistleblower who went on Joe Rogan and later got outed for helping with a prostitution ring)

I haven’t watched much of her videos but I think she’s similar to a lot of “psychics”, she’s not cold reading per se, she definitely does believe she has these powers but I think it’s self-importance more than anything else. I think she did/does psychedelics or gets heavily stoned on weed and thinks of herself as this pariah for it like a lot of YouTuber psychics.
She’s a new ager looking for money, those are a dime a dozen on the internet, especially YouTube. She probably is into occultism all things considered because new age spirituality is just occultism stitched with a bunch of other ideals into some freakish Frankensteins monster of faiths. Like >>2207422 said, she’s one of the millions of woo woo people out there and conspiracy content is often mass reported (either by bots or just trolls in general) or taken down (people just moving on with their lives usually). You’d think that if she and all these other “psychics” were hitting nails on the head there’d be more of an attempt to silence them, if she weren’t semi-popular she would have been long lost to the sea of mass report troll attacks

No. 2208864

File: 1729034604406.jpg (132.08 KB, 708x1200, GZ43SzWXsAAtCg3.jpg)

Any Ron Unz enjoyers here?

No. 2208870

why tf would anyone read that Zionist controlled website?? kek they love hosting actual white supremacists to write on their website it’s hilarious, it’s clear they’re trying to play chess with those pathetic white people and the general public

No. 2208884

>Zionist controlled
Care to elaborate?

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